daily update
Robotics 62
☆ DynaMo: In-Domain Dynamics Pretraining for Visuo-Motor Control
Imitation learning has proven to be a powerful tool for training complex visuomotor policies. However, current methods often require hundreds to thousands of expert demonstrations to handle high-dimensional visual observations. A key reason for this poor data efficiency is that visual representations are predominantly either pretrained on out-of-domain data or trained directly through a behavior cloning objective. In this work, we present DynaMo, a new in-domain, self-supervised method for learning visual representations. Given a set of expert demonstrations, we jointly learn a latent inverse dynamics model and a forward dynamics model over a sequence of image embeddings, predicting the next frame in latent space, without augmentations, contrastive sampling, or access to ground truth actions. Importantly, DynaMo does not require any out-of-domain data such as Internet datasets or cross-embodied datasets. On a suite of six simulated and real environments, we show that representations learned with DynaMo significantly improve downstream imitation learning performance over prior self-supervised learning objectives, and pretrained representations. Gains from using DynaMo hold across policy classes such as Behavior Transformer, Diffusion Policy, MLP, and nearest neighbors. Finally, we ablate over key components of DynaMo and measure its impact on downstream policy performance. Robot videos are best viewed at https://dynamo-ssl.github.io
☆ Bundle Adjustment in the Eager Mode
Bundle adjustment (BA) is a critical technique in various robotic applications, such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), augmented reality (AR), and photogrammetry. BA optimizes parameters such as camera poses and 3D landmarks to align them with observations. With the growing importance of deep learning in perception systems, there is an increasing need to integrate BA with deep learning frameworks for enhanced reliability and performance. However, widely-used C++-based BA frameworks, such as GTSAM, g$^2$o, and Ceres, lack native integration with modern deep learning libraries like PyTorch. This limitation affects their flexibility, adaptability, ease of debugging, and overall implementation efficiency. To address this gap, we introduce an eager-mode BA framework seamlessly integrated with PyPose, providing PyTorch-compatible interfaces with high efficiency. Our approach includes GPU-accelerated, differentiable, and sparse operations designed for 2nd-order optimization, Lie group and Lie algebra operations, and linear solvers. Our eager-mode BA on GPU demonstrates substantial runtime efficiency, achieving an average speedup of 18.5$\times$, 22$\times$, and 23$\times$ compared to GTSAM, g$^2$o, and Ceres, respectively.
☆ WeHelp: A Shared Autonomy System for Wheelchair Users
There is a large population of wheelchair users. Most of the wheelchair users need help with daily tasks. However, according to recent reports, their needs are not properly satisfied due to the lack of caregivers. Therefore, in this project, we develop WeHelp, a shared autonomy system aimed for wheelchair users. A robot with a WeHelp system has three modes, following mode, remote control mode and tele-operation mode. In the following mode, the robot follows the wheelchair user automatically via visual tracking. The wheelchair user can ask the robot to follow them from behind, by the left or by the right. When the wheelchair user asks for help, the robot will recognize the command via speech recognition, and then switch to the teleoperation mode or remote control mode. In the teleoperation mode, the wheelchair user takes over the robot with a joy stick and controls the robot to complete some complex tasks for their needs, such as opening doors, moving obstacles on the way, reaching objects on a high shelf or on the low ground, etc. In the remote control mode, a remote assistant takes over the robot and helps the wheelchair user complete some complex tasks for their needs. Our evaluation shows that the pipeline is useful and practical for wheelchair users. Source code and demo of the paper are available at \url{https://github.com/Walleclipse/WeHelp}.
☆ Robots that Learn to Safely Influence via Prediction-Informed Reach-Avoid Dynamic Games
Robots can influence people to accomplish their tasks more efficiently: autonomous cars can inch forward at an intersection to pass through, and tabletop manipulators can go for an object on the table first. However, a robot's ability to influence can also compromise the safety of nearby people if naively executed. In this work, we pose and solve a novel robust reach-avoid dynamic game which enables robots to be maximally influential, but only when a safety backup control exists. On the human side, we model the human's behavior as goal-driven but conditioned on the robot's plan, enabling us to capture influence. On the robot side, we solve the dynamic game in the joint physical and belief space, enabling the robot to reason about how its uncertainty in human behavior will evolve over time. We instantiate our method, called SLIDE (Safely Leveraging Influence in Dynamic Environments), in a high-dimensional (39-D) simulated human-robot collaborative manipulation task solved via offline game-theoretic reinforcement learning. We compare our approach to a robust baseline that treats the human as a worst-case adversary, a safety controller that does not explicitly reason about influence, and an energy-function-based safety shield. We find that SLIDE consistently enables the robot to leverage the influence it has on the human when it is safe to do so, ultimately allowing the robot to be less conservative while still ensuring a high safety rate during task execution.
☆ Residual Descent Differential Dynamic Game (RD3G) -- A Fast Newton Solver for Constrained General Sum Games
We present Residual Descent Differential Dynamic Game (RD3G), a Newton-based solver for constrained multi-agent game-control problems. The proposed solver seeks a local Nash equilibrium for problems where agents are coupled through their rewards and state constraints. We compare the proposed method against competing state-of-the-art techniques and showcase the computational benefits of the RD3G algorithm on several example problems.
☆ Bi-objective trail-planning for a robot team orienteering in a hazardous environment
Teams of mobile [aerial, ground, or aquatic] robots have applications in resource delivery, patrolling, information-gathering, agriculture, forest fire fighting, chemical plume source localization and mapping, and search-and-rescue. Robot teams traversing hazardous environments -- with e.g. rough terrain or seas, strong winds, or adversaries capable of attacking or capturing robots -- should plan and coordinate their trails in consideration of risks of disablement, destruction, or capture. Specifically, the robots should take the safest trails, coordinate their trails to cooperatively achieve the team-level objective with robustness to robot failures, and balance the reward from visiting locations against risks of robot losses. Herein, we consider bi-objective trail-planning for a mobile team of robots orienteering in a hazardous environment. The hazardous environment is abstracted as a directed graph whose arcs, when traversed by a robot, present known probabilities of survival. Each node of the graph offers a reward to the team if visited by a robot (which e.g. delivers a good to or images the node). We wish to search for the Pareto-optimal robot-team trail plans that maximize two [conflicting] team objectives: the expected (i) team reward and (ii) number of robots that survive the mission. A human decision-maker can then select trail plans that balance, according to their values, reward and robot survival. We implement ant colony optimization, guided by heuristics, to search for the Pareto-optimal set of robot team trail plans. As a case study, we illustrate with an information-gathering mission in an art museum.
comment: v0.0
☆ An Efficient Projection-Based Next-best-view Planning Framework for Reconstruction of Unknown Objects
Efficiently and completely capturing the three-dimensional data of an object is a fundamental problem in industrial and robotic applications. The task of next-best-view (NBV) planning is to infer the pose of the next viewpoint based on the current data, and gradually realize the complete three-dimensional reconstruction. Many existing algorithms, however, suffer a large computational burden due to the use of ray-casting. To address this, this paper proposes a projection-based NBV planning framework. It can select the next best view at an extremely fast speed while ensuring the complete scanning of the object. Specifically, this framework refits different types of voxel clusters into ellipsoids based on the voxel structure.Then, the next best view is selected from the candidate views using a projection-based viewpoint quality evaluation function in conjunction with a global partitioning strategy. This process replaces the ray-casting in voxel structures, significantly improving the computational efficiency. Comparative experiments with other algorithms in a simulation environment show that the framework proposed in this paper can achieve 10 times efficiency improvement on the basis of capturing roughly the same coverage. The real-world experimental results also prove the efficiency and feasibility of the framework.
☆ A machine learning framework for acoustic reflector mapping
Sonar-based indoor mapping systems have been widely employed in robotics for several decades. While such systems are still the mainstream in underwater and pipe inspection settings, the vulnerability to noise reduced, over time, their general widespread usage in favour of other modalities(\textit{e.g.}, cameras, lidars), whose technologies were encountering, instead, extraordinary advancements. Nevertheless, mapping physical environments using acoustic signals and echolocation can bring significant benefits to robot navigation in adverse scenarios, thanks to their complementary characteristics compared to other sensors. Cameras and lidars, indeed, struggle in harsh weather conditions, when dealing with lack of illumination, or with non-reflective walls. Yet, for acoustic sensors to be able to generate accurate maps, noise has to be properly and effectively handled. Traditional signal processing techniques are not always a solution in those cases. In this paper, we propose a framework where machine learning is exploited to aid more traditional signal processing methods to cope with background noise, by removing outliers and artefacts from the generated maps using acoustic sensors. Our goal is to demonstrate that the performance of traditional echolocation mapping techniques can be greatly enhanced, even in particularly noisy conditions, facilitating the employment of acoustic sensors in state-of-the-art multi-modal robot navigation systems. Our simulated evaluation demonstrates that the system can reliably operate at an SNR of $-10$dB. Moreover, we also show that the proposed method is capable of operating in different reverberate environments. In this paper, we also use the proposed method to map the outline of a simulated room using a robotic platform.
☆ IMRL: Integrating Visual, Physical, Temporal, and Geometric Representations for Enhanced Food Acquisition
Robotic assistive feeding holds significant promise for improving the quality of life for individuals with eating disabilities. However, acquiring diverse food items under varying conditions and generalizing to unseen food presents unique challenges. Existing methods that rely on surface-level geometric information (e.g., bounding box and pose) derived from visual cues (e.g., color, shape, and texture) often lacks adaptability and robustness, especially when foods share similar physical properties but differ in visual appearance. We employ imitation learning (IL) to learn a policy for food acquisition. Existing methods employ IL or Reinforcement Learning (RL) to learn a policy based on off-the-shelf image encoders such as ResNet-50. However, such representations are not robust and struggle to generalize across diverse acquisition scenarios. To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach, IMRL (Integrated Multi-Dimensional Representation Learning), which integrates visual, physical, temporal, and geometric representations to enhance the robustness and generalizability of IL for food acquisition. Our approach captures food types and physical properties (e.g., solid, semi-solid, granular, liquid, and mixture), models temporal dynamics of acquisition actions, and introduces geometric information to determine optimal scooping points and assess bowl fullness. IMRL enables IL to adaptively adjust scooping strategies based on context, improving the robot's capability to handle diverse food acquisition scenarios. Experiments on a real robot demonstrate our approach's robustness and adaptability across various foods and bowl configurations, including zero-shot generalization to unseen settings. Our approach achieves improvement up to $35\%$ in success rate compared with the best-performing baseline.
☆ Online Refractive Camera Model Calibration in Visual Inertial Odometry IROS 2024
This paper presents a general refractive camera model and online co-estimation of odometry and the refractive index of unknown media. This enables operation in diverse and varying refractive fluids, given only the camera calibration in air. The refractive index is estimated online as a state variable of a monocular visual-inertial odometry framework in an iterative formulation using the proposed camera model. The method was verified on data collected using an underwater robot traversing inside a pool. The evaluations demonstrate convergence to the ideal refractive index for water despite significant perturbations in the initialization. Simultaneously, the approach enables on-par visual-inertial odometry performance in refractive media without prior knowledge of the refractive index or requirement of medium-specific camera calibration.
comment: Accepted at the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024), 8 pages
☆ Generalized Robot Learning Framework
Imitation based robot learning has recently gained significant attention in the robotics field due to its theoretical potential for transferability and generalizability. However, it remains notoriously costly, both in terms of hardware and data collection, and deploying it in real-world environments demands meticulous setup of robots and precise experimental conditions. In this paper, we present a low-cost robot learning framework that is both easily reproducible and transferable to various robots and environments. We demonstrate that deployable imitation learning can be successfully applied even to industrial-grade robots, not just expensive collaborative robotic arms. Furthermore, our results show that multi-task robot learning is achievable with simple network architectures and fewer demonstrations than previously thought necessary. As the current evaluating method is almost subjective when it comes to real-world manipulation tasks, we propose Voting Positive Rate (VPR) - a novel evaluation strategy that provides a more objective assessment of performance. We conduct an extensive comparison of success rates across various self-designed tasks to validate our approach. To foster collaboration and support the robot learning community, we have open-sourced all relevant datasets and model checkpoints, available at huggingface.co/ZhiChengAI.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. cs.RO
☆ Uncertainty-Aware Visual-Inertial SLAM with Volumetric Occupancy Mapping
We propose visual-inertial simultaneous localization and mapping that tightly couples sparse reprojection errors, inertial measurement unit pre-integrals, and relative pose factors with dense volumetric occupancy mapping. Hereby depth predictions from a deep neural network are fused in a fully probabilistic manner. Specifically, our method is rigorously uncertainty-aware: first, we use depth and uncertainty predictions from a deep network not only from the robot's stereo rig, but we further probabilistically fuse motion stereo that provides depth information across a range of baselines, therefore drastically increasing mapping accuracy. Next, predicted and fused depth uncertainty propagates not only into occupancy probabilities but also into alignment factors between generated dense submaps that enter the probabilistic nonlinear least squares estimator. This submap representation offers globally consistent geometry at scale. Our method is thoroughly evaluated in two benchmark datasets, resulting in localization and mapping accuracy that exceeds the state of the art, while simultaneously offering volumetric occupancy directly usable for downstream robotic planning and control in real-time.
comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, conference
☆ Handling Long-Term Safety and Uncertainty in Safe Reinforcement Learning
Safety is one of the key issues preventing the deployment of reinforcement learning techniques in real-world robots. While most approaches in the Safe Reinforcement Learning area do not require prior knowledge of constraints and robot kinematics and rely solely on data, it is often difficult to deploy them in complex real-world settings. Instead, model-based approaches that incorporate prior knowledge of the constraints and dynamics into the learning framework have proven capable of deploying the learning algorithm directly on the real robot. Unfortunately, while an approximated model of the robot dynamics is often available, the safety constraints are task-specific and hard to obtain: they may be too complicated to encode analytically, too expensive to compute, or it may be difficult to envision a priori the long-term safety requirements. In this paper, we bridge this gap by extending the safe exploration method, ATACOM, with learnable constraints, with a particular focus on ensuring long-term safety and handling of uncertainty. Our approach is competitive or superior to state-of-the-art methods in final performance while maintaining safer behavior during training.
☆ Panoptic-Depth Forecasting
Forecasting the semantics and 3D structure of scenes is essential for robots to navigate and plan actions safely. Recent methods have explored semantic and panoptic scene forecasting; however, they do not consider the geometry of the scene. In this work, we propose the panoptic-depth forecasting task for jointly predicting the panoptic segmentation and depth maps of unobserved future frames, from monocular camera images. To facilitate this work, we extend the popular KITTI-360 and Cityscapes benchmarks by computing depth maps from LiDAR point clouds and leveraging sequential labeled data. We also introduce a suitable evaluation metric that quantifies both the panoptic quality and depth estimation accuracy of forecasts in a coherent manner. Furthermore, we present two baselines and propose the novel PDcast architecture that learns rich spatio-temporal representations by incorporating a transformer-based encoder, a forecasting module, and task-specific decoders to predict future panoptic-depth outputs. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of PDcast across two datasets and three forecasting tasks, consistently addressing the primary challenges. We make the code publicly available at https://pdcast.cs.uni-freiburg.de.
☆ Real-Time-Feasible Collision-Free Motion Planning For Ellipsoidal Objects
Online planning of collision-free trajectories is a fundamental task for robotics and self-driving car applications. This paper revisits collision avoidance between ellipsoidal objects using differentiable constraints. Two ellipsoids do not overlap if and only if the endpoint of the vector between the center points of the ellipsoids does not lie in the interior of the Minkowski sum of the ellipsoids. This condition is formulated using a parametric over-approximation of the Minkowski sum, which can be made tight in any given direction. The resulting collision avoidance constraint is included in an optimal control problem (OCP) and evaluated in comparison to the separating-hyperplane approach. Not only do we observe that the Minkowski-sum formulation is computationally more efficient in our experiments, but also that using pre-determined over-approximation parameters based on warm-start trajectories leads to a very limited increase in suboptimality. This gives rise to a novel real-time scheme for collision-free motion planning with model predictive control (MPC). Both the real-time feasibility and the effectiveness of the constraint formulation are demonstrated in challenging real-world experiments.
☆ Representing Positional Information in Generative World Models for Object Manipulation
Object manipulation capabilities are essential skills that set apart embodied agents engaging with the world, especially in the realm of robotics. The ability to predict outcomes of interactions with objects is paramount in this setting. While model-based control methods have started to be employed for tackling manipulation tasks, they have faced challenges in accurately manipulating objects. As we analyze the causes of this limitation, we identify the cause of underperformance in the way current world models represent crucial positional information, especially about the target's goal specification for object positioning tasks. We introduce a general approach that empowers world model-based agents to effectively solve object-positioning tasks. We propose two declinations of this approach for generative world models: position-conditioned (PCP) and latent-conditioned (LCP) policy learning. In particular, LCP employs object-centric latent representations that explicitly capture object positional information for goal specification. This naturally leads to the emergence of multimodal capabilities, enabling the specification of goals through spatial coordinates or a visual goal. Our methods are rigorously evaluated across several manipulation environments, showing favorable performance compared to current model-based control approaches.
☆ Towards Global Localization using Multi-Modal Object-Instance Re-Identification ICRA 2025
Re-identification (ReID) is a critical challenge in computer vision, predominantly studied in the context of pedestrians and vehicles. However, robust object-instance ReID, which has significant implications for tasks such as autonomous exploration, long-term perception, and scene understanding, remains underexplored. In this work, we address this gap by proposing a novel dual-path object-instance re-identification transformer architecture that integrates multimodal RGB and depth information. By leveraging depth data, we demonstrate improvements in ReID across scenes that are cluttered or have varying illumination conditions. Additionally, we develop a ReID-based localization framework that enables accurate camera localization and pose identification across different viewpoints. We validate our methods using two custom-built RGB-D datasets, as well as multiple sequences from the open-source TUM RGB-D datasets. Our approach demonstrates significant improvements in both object instance ReID (mAP of 75.18) and localization accuracy (success rate of 83% on TUM-RGBD), highlighting the essential role of object ReID in advancing robotic perception. Our models, frameworks, and datasets have been made publicly available.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ LMMCoDrive: Cooperative Driving with Large Multimodal Model
To address the intricate challenges of decentralized cooperative scheduling and motion planning in Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand (AMoD) systems, this paper introduces LMMCoDrive, a novel cooperative driving framework that leverages a Large Multimodal Model (LMM) to enhance traffic efficiency in dynamic urban environments. This framework seamlessly integrates scheduling and motion planning processes to ensure the effective operation of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs). The spatial relationship between CAVs and passenger requests is abstracted into a Bird's-Eye View (BEV) to fully exploit the potential of the LMM. Besides, trajectories are cautiously refined for each CAV while ensuring collision avoidance through safety constraints. A decentralized optimization strategy, facilitated by the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) within the LMM framework, is proposed to drive the graph evolution of CAVs. Simulation results demonstrate the pivotal role and significant impact of LMM in optimizing CAV scheduling and enhancing decentralized cooperative optimization process for each vehicle. This marks a substantial stride towards achieving practical, efficient, and safe AMoD systems that are poised to revolutionize urban transportation. The code is available at https://github.com/henryhcliu/LMMCoDrive.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
☆ Particle-based Instance-aware Semantic Occupancy Mapping in Dynamic Environments
Representing the 3D environment with instance-aware semantic and geometric information is crucial for interaction-aware robots in dynamic environments. Nonetheless, creating such a representation poses challenges due to sensor noise, instance segmentation and tracking errors, and the objects' dynamic motion. This paper introduces a novel particle-based instance-aware semantic occupancy map to tackle these challenges. Particles with an augmented instance state are used to estimate the Probability Hypothesis Density (PHD) of the objects and implicitly model the environment. Utilizing a State-augmented Sequential Monte Carlo PHD (S$^2$MC-PHD) filter, these particles are updated to jointly estimate occupancy status, semantic, and instance IDs, mitigating noise. Additionally, a memory module is adopted to enhance the map's responsiveness to previously observed objects. Experimental results on the Virtual KITTI 2 dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach surpasses state-of-the-art methods across multiple metrics under different noise conditions. Subsequent tests using real-world data further validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
☆ Metric-Semantic Factor Graph Generation based on Graph Neural Networks ICRA 2025
Understanding the relationships between geometric structures and semantic concepts is crucial for building accurate models of complex environments. In indoors, certain spatial constraints, such as the relative positioning of planes, remain consistent despite variations in layout. This paper explores how these invariant relationships can be captured in a graph SLAM framework by representing high-level concepts like rooms and walls, linking them to geometric elements like planes through an optimizable factor graph. Several efforts have tackled this issue with add-hoc solutions for each concept generation and with manually-defined factors. This paper proposes a novel method for metric-semantic factor graph generation which includes defining a semantic scene graph, integrating geometric information, and learning the interconnecting factors, all based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). An edge classification network (G-GNN) sorts the edges between planes into same room, same wall or none types. The resulting relations are clustered, generating a room or wall for each cluster. A second family of networks (F-GNN) infers the geometrical origin of the new nodes. The definition of the factors employs the same F-GNN used for the metric attribute of the generated nodes. Furthermore, share the new factor graph with the S-Graphs+ algorithm, extending its graph expressiveness and scene representation with the ultimate goal of improving the SLAM performance. The complexity of the environments is increased to N-plane rooms by training the networks on L-shaped rooms. The framework is evaluated in synthetic and simulated scenarios as no real datasets of the required complex layouts are available.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Reactive Collision Avoidance for Safe Agile Navigation
Reactive collision avoidance is essential for agile robots navigating complex and dynamic environments, enabling real-time obstacle response. However, this task is inherently challenging because it requires a tight integration of perception, planning, and control, which traditional methods often handle separately, resulting in compounded errors and delays. This paper introduces a novel approach that unifies these tasks into a single reactive framework using solely onboard sensing and computing. Our method combines nonlinear model predictive control with adaptive control barrier functions, directly linking perception-driven constraints to real-time planning and control. Constraints are determined by using a neural network to refine noisy RGB-D data, enhancing depth accuracy, and selecting points with the minimum time-to-collision to prioritize the most immediate threats. To maintain a balance between safety and agility, a heuristic dynamically adjusts the optimization process, preventing overconstraints in real time. Extensive experiments with an agile quadrotor demonstrate effective collision avoidance across diverse indoor and outdoor environments, without requiring environment-specific tuning or explicit mapping.
☆ Human-Robot Cooperative Piano Playing with Learning-Based Real-Time Music Accompaniment
Recent advances in machine learning have paved the way for the development of musical and entertainment robots. However, human-robot cooperative instrument playing remains a challenge, particularly due to the intricate motor coordination and temporal synchronization. In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework for human-robot cooperative piano playing based on non-verbal cues. First, we present a music improvisation model that employs a recurrent neural network (RNN) to predict appropriate chord progressions based on the human's melodic input. Second, we propose a behavior-adaptive controller to facilitate seamless temporal synchronization, allowing the cobot to generate harmonious acoustics. The collaboration takes into account the bidirectional information flow between the human and robot. We have developed an entropy-based system to assess the quality of cooperation by analyzing the impact of different communication modalities during human-robot collaboration. Experiments demonstrate that our RNN-based improvisation can achieve a 93\% accuracy rate. Meanwhile, with the MPC adaptive controller, the robot could respond to the human teammate in homophony performances with real-time accompaniment. Our designed framework has been validated to be effective in allowing humans and robots to work collaboratively in the artistic piano-playing task.
comment: 20 pages
☆ GauTOAO: Gaussian-based Task-Oriented Affordance of Objects
When your robot grasps an object using dexterous hands or grippers, it should understand the Task-Oriented Affordances of the Object(TOAO), as different tasks often require attention to specific parts of the object. To address this challenge, we propose GauTOAO, a Gaussian-based framework for Task-Oriented Affordance of Objects, which leverages vision-language models in a zero-shot manner to predict affordance-relevant regions of an object, given a natural language query. Our approach introduces a new paradigm: "static camera, moving object," allowing the robot to better observe and understand the object in hand during manipulation. GauTOAO addresses the limitations of existing methods, which often lack effective spatial grouping, by extracting a comprehensive 3D object mask using DINO features. This mask is then used to conditionally query gaussians, producing a refined semantic distribution over the object for the specified task. This approach results in more accurate TOAO extraction, enhancing the robot's understanding of the object and improving task performance. We validate the effectiveness of GauTOAO through real-world experiments, demonstrating its capability to generalize across various tasks.
comment: 6 pages
☆ Reinforcement Learning with Lie Group Orientations for Robotics ICRA 2025
Handling orientations of robots and objects is a crucial aspect of many applications. Yet, ever so often, there is a lack of mathematical correctness when dealing with orientations, especially in learning pipelines involving, for example, artificial neural networks. In this paper, we investigate reinforcement learning with orientations and propose a simple modification of the network's input and output that adheres to the Lie group structure of orientations. As a result, we obtain an easy and efficient implementation that is directly usable with existing learning libraries and achieves significantly better performance than other common orientation representations. We briefly introduce Lie theory specifically for orientations in robotics to motivate and outline our approach. Subsequently, a thorough empirical evaluation of different combinations of orientation representations for states and actions demonstrates the superior performance of our proposed approach in different scenarios, including: direct orientation control, end effector orientation control, and pick-and-place tasks.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Haptic-ACT: Bridging Human Intuition with Compliant Robotic Manipulation via Immersive VR ICRA 2025
Robotic manipulation is essential for the widespread adoption of robots in industrial and home settings and has long been a focus within the robotics community. Advances in artificial intelligence have introduced promising learning-based methods to address this challenge, with imitation learning emerging as particularly effective. However, efficiently acquiring high-quality demonstrations remains a challenge. In this work, we introduce an immersive VR-based teleoperation setup designed to collect demonstrations from a remote human user. We also propose an imitation learning framework called Haptic Action Chunking with Transformers (Haptic-ACT). To evaluate the platform, we conducted a pick-and-place task and collected 50 demonstration episodes. Results indicate that the immersive VR platform significantly reduces demonstrator fingertip forces compared to systems without haptic feedback, enabling more delicate manipulation. Additionally, evaluations of the Haptic-ACT framework in both the MuJoCo simulator and on a real robot demonstrate its effectiveness in teaching robots more compliant manipulation compared to the original ACT. Additional materials are available at https://sites.google.com/view/hapticact.
comment: This work is under review by ICRA 2025
☆ Repeatable Energy-Efficient Perching for Flapping-Wing Robots Using Soft Grippers
With the emergence of new flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle (FWMAV) designs, a need for extensive and advanced mission capabilities arises. FWMAVs try to adapt and emulate the flight features of birds and flying insects. While current designs already achieve high manoeuvrability, they still almost entirely lack perching and take-off abilities. These capabilities could, for instance, enable long-term monitoring and surveillance missions, and operations in cluttered environments or in proximity to humans and animals. We present the development and testing of a framework that enables repeatable perching and take-off for small to medium-sized FWMAVs, utilising soft, non-damaging grippers. Thanks to its novel active-passive actuation system, an energy-conserving state can be achieved and indefinitely maintained while the vehicle is perched. A prototype of the proposed system weighing under 39 g was manufactured and extensively tested on a 110 g flapping-wing robot. Successful free-flight tests demonstrated the full mission cycle of landing, perching and subsequent take-off. The telemetry data recorded during the flights yields extensive insight into the system's behaviour and is a valuable step towards full automation and optimisation of the entire take-off and landing cycle.
comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 5 multimedia extensions
☆ Fusion in Context: A Multimodal Approach to Affective State Recognition
Accurate recognition of human emotions is a crucial challenge in affective computing and human-robot interaction (HRI). Emotional states play a vital role in shaping behaviors, decisions, and social interactions. However, emotional expressions can be influenced by contextual factors, leading to misinterpretations if context is not considered. Multimodal fusion, combining modalities like facial expressions, speech, and physiological signals, has shown promise in improving affect recognition. This paper proposes a transformer-based multimodal fusion approach that leverages facial thermal data, facial action units, and textual context information for context-aware emotion recognition. We explore modality-specific encoders to learn tailored representations, which are then fused using additive fusion and processed by a shared transformer encoder to capture temporal dependencies and interactions. The proposed method is evaluated on a dataset collected from participants engaged in a tangible tabletop Pacman game designed to induce various affective states. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of incorporating contextual information and multimodal fusion for affective state recognition.
☆ AlignBot: Aligning VLM-powered Customized Task Planning with User Reminders Through Fine-Tuning for Household Robots
This paper presents AlignBot, a novel framework designed to optimize VLM-powered customized task planning for household robots by effectively aligning with user reminders. In domestic settings, aligning task planning with user reminders poses significant challenges due to the limited quantity, diversity, and multimodal nature of the reminders. To address these challenges, AlignBot employs a fine-tuned LLaVA-7B model, functioning as an adapter for GPT-4o. This adapter model internalizes diverse forms of user reminders-such as personalized preferences, corrective guidance, and contextual assistance-into structured instruction-formatted cues that prompt GPT-4o in generating customized task plans. Additionally, AlignBot integrates a dynamic retrieval mechanism that selects task-relevant historical successes as prompts for GPT-4o, further enhancing task planning accuracy. To validate the effectiveness of AlignBot, experiments are conducted in real-world household environments, which are constructed within the laboratory to replicate typical household settings. A multimodal dataset with over 1,500 entries derived from volunteer reminders is used for training and evaluation. The results demonstrate that AlignBot significantly improves customized task planning, outperforming existing LLM- and VLM-powered planners by interpreting and aligning with user reminders, achieving 86.8% success rate compared to the vanilla GPT-4o baseline at 21.6%, reflecting a 65% improvement and over four times greater effectiveness. Supplementary materials are available at: https://yding25.com/AlignBot/
☆ Secure Control Systems for Autonomous Quadrotors against Cyber-Attacks
The problem of safety for robotic systems has been extensively studied. However, little attention has been given to security issues for three-dimensional systems, such as quadrotors. Malicious adversaries can compromise robot sensors and communication networks, causing incidents, achieving illegal objectives, or even injuring people. This study first designs an intelligent control system for autonomous quadrotors. Then, it investigates the problems of optimal false data injection attack scheduling and countermeasure design for unmanned aerial vehicles. Using a state-of-the-art deep learning-based approach, an optimal false data injection attack scheme is proposed to deteriorate a quadrotor's tracking performance with limited attack energy. Subsequently, an optimal tracking control strategy is learned to mitigate attacks and recover the quadrotor's tracking performance. We base our work on Agilicious, a state-of-the-art quadrotor recently deployed for autonomous settings. This paper is the first in the United Kingdom to deploy this quadrotor and implement reinforcement learning on its platform. Therefore, to promote easy reproducibility with minimal engineering overhead, we further provide (1) a comprehensive breakdown of this quadrotor, including software stacks and hardware alternatives; (2) a detailed reinforcement-learning framework to train autonomous controllers on Agilicious agents; and (3) a new open-source environment that builds upon PyFlyt for future reinforcement learning research on Agilicious platforms. Both simulated and real-world experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed frameworks in section 5.2.
comment: The paper is based on an undergraduate thesis and is not intended for publication in a journal
☆ SpotLight: Robotic Scene Understanding through Interaction and Affordance Detection
Despite increasing research efforts on household robotics, robots intended for deployment in domestic settings still struggle with more complex tasks such as interacting with functional elements like drawers or light switches, largely due to limited task-specific understanding and interaction capabilities. These tasks require not only detection and pose estimation but also an understanding of the affordances these elements provide. To address these challenges and enhance robotic scene understanding, we introduce SpotLight: A comprehensive framework for robotic interaction with functional elements, specifically light switches. Furthermore, this framework enables robots to improve their environmental understanding through interaction. Leveraging VLM-based affordance prediction to estimate motion primitives for light switch interaction, we achieve up to 84% operation success in real world experiments. We further introduce a specialized dataset containing 715 images as well as a custom detection model for light switch detection. We demonstrate how the framework can facilitate robot learning through physical interaction by having the robot explore the environment and discover previously unknown relationships in a scene graph representation. Lastly, we propose an extension to the framework to accommodate other functional interactions such as swing doors, showcasing its flexibility. Videos and Code: timengelbracht.github.io/SpotLight/
comment: timengelbracht.github.io/SpotLight/
☆ Learning Task Planning from Multi-Modal Demonstration for Multi-Stage Contact-Rich Manipulation
Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained popularity in task planning for long-horizon manipulation tasks. To enhance the validity of LLM-generated plans, visual demonstrations and online videos have been widely employed to guide the planning process. However, for manipulation tasks involving subtle movements but rich contact interactions, visual perception alone may be insufficient for the LLM to fully interpret the demonstration. Additionally, visual data provides limited information on force-related parameters and conditions, which are crucial for effective execution on real robots. In this paper, we introduce an in-context learning framework that incorporates tactile and force-torque information from human demonstrations to enhance LLMs' ability to generate plans for new task scenarios. We propose a bootstrapped reasoning pipeline that sequentially integrates each modality into a comprehensive task plan. This task plan is then used as a reference for planning in new task configurations. Real-world experiments on two different sequential manipulation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in improving LLMs' understanding of multi-modal demonstrations and enhancing the overall planning performance.
☆ Physically-Based Photometric Bundle Adjustment in Non-Lambertian Environments IROS 2024
Photometric bundle adjustment (PBA) is widely used in estimating the camera pose and 3D geometry by assuming a Lambertian world. However, the assumption of photometric consistency is often violated since the non-diffuse reflection is common in real-world environments. The photometric inconsistency significantly affects the reliability of existing PBA methods. To solve this problem, we propose a novel physically-based PBA method. Specifically, we introduce the physically-based weights regarding material, illumination, and light path. These weights distinguish the pixel pairs with different levels of photometric inconsistency. We also design corresponding models for material estimation based on sequential images and illumination estimation based on point clouds. In addition, we establish the first SLAM-related dataset of non-Lambertian scenes with complete ground truth of illumination and material. Extensive experiments demonstrated that our PBA method outperforms existing approaches in accuracy.
comment: Accepted to 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
☆ XP-MARL: Auxiliary Prioritization in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning to Address Non-Stationarity
Non-stationarity poses a fundamental challenge in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), arising from agents simultaneously learning and altering their policies. This creates a non-stationary environment from the perspective of each individual agent, often leading to suboptimal or even unconverged learning outcomes. We propose an open-source framework named XP-MARL, which augments MARL with auxiliary prioritization to address this challenge in cooperative settings. XP-MARL is 1) founded upon our hypothesis that prioritizing agents and letting higher-priority agents establish their actions first would stabilize the learning process and thus mitigate non-stationarity and 2) enabled by our proposed mechanism called action propagation, where higher-priority agents act first and communicate their actions, providing a more stationary environment for others. Moreover, instead of using a predefined or heuristic priority assignment, XP-MARL learns priority-assignment policies with an auxiliary MARL problem, leading to a joint learning scheme. Experiments in a motion-planning scenario involving Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) demonstrate that XP-MARL improves the safety of a baseline model by 84.4% and outperforms a state-of-the-art approach, which improves the baseline by only 12.8%. Code: github.com/cas-lab-munich/sigmarl
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ RaggeDi: Diffusion-based State Estimation of Disordered Rags, Sheets, Towels and Blankets
Cloth state estimation is an important problem in robotics. It is essential for the robot to know the accurate state to manipulate cloth and execute tasks such as robotic dressing, stitching, and covering/uncovering human beings. However, estimating cloth state accurately remains challenging due to its high flexibility and self-occlusion. This paper proposes a diffusion model-based pipeline that formulates the cloth state estimation as an image generation problem by representing the cloth state as an RGB image that describes the point-wise translation (translation map) between a pre-defined flattened mesh and the deformed mesh in a canonical space. Then we train a conditional diffusion-based image generation model to predict the translation map based on an observation. Experiments are conducted in both simulation and the real world to validate the performance of our method. Results indicate that our method outperforms two recent methods in both accuracy and speed.
☆ RoboMorph: In-Context Meta-Learning for Robot Dynamics Modeling
The landscape of Deep Learning has experienced a major shift with the pervasive adoption of Transformer-based architectures, particularly in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Novel avenues for physical applications, such as solving Partial Differential Equations and Image Vision, have been explored. However, in challenging domains like robotics, where high non-linearity poses significant challenges, Transformer-based applications are scarce. While Transformers have been used to provide robots with knowledge about high-level tasks, few efforts have been made to perform system identification. This paper proposes a novel methodology to learn a meta-dynamical model of a high-dimensional physical system, such as the Franka robotic arm, using a Transformer-based architecture without prior knowledge of the system's physical parameters. The objective is to predict quantities of interest (end-effector pose and joint positions) given the torque signals for each joint. This prediction can be useful as a component for Deep Model Predictive Control frameworks in robotics. The meta-model establishes the correlation between torques and positions and predicts the output for the complete trajectory. This work provides empirical evidence of the efficacy of the in-context learning paradigm, suggesting future improvements in learning the dynamics of robotic systems without explicit knowledge of physical parameters. Code, videos, and supplementary materials can be found at project website. See https://sites.google.com/view/robomorph/
☆ Hook-Based Aerial Payload Grasping from a Moving Platform
This paper investigates payload grasping from a moving platform using a hook-equipped aerial manipulator. First, a computationally efficient trajectory optimization based on complementarity constraints is proposed to determine the optimal grasping time. To enable application in complex, dynamically changing environments, the future motion of the payload is predicted using physics simulator-based models. The success of payload grasping under model uncertainties and external disturbances is formally verified through a robustness analysis method based on integral quadratic constraints. The proposed algorithms are evaluated in a high-fidelity physical simulator, and in real flight experiments using a custom-designed aerial manipulator platform.
☆ One Map to Find Them All: Real-time Open-Vocabulary Mapping for Zero-shot Multi-Object Navigation
The capability to efficiently search for objects in complex environments is fundamental for many real-world robot applications. Recent advances in open-vocabulary vision models have resulted in semantically-informed object navigation methods that allow a robot to search for an arbitrary object without prior training. However, these zero-shot methods have so far treated the environment as unknown for each consecutive query. In this paper we introduce a new benchmark for zero-shot multi-object navigation, allowing the robot to leverage information gathered from previous searches to more efficiently find new objects. To address this problem we build a reusable open-vocabulary feature map tailored for real-time object search. We further propose a probabilistic-semantic map update that mitigates common sources of errors in semantic feature extraction and leverage this semantic uncertainty for informed multi-object exploration. We evaluate our method on a set of object navigation tasks in both simulation as well as with a real robot, running in real-time on a Jetson Orin AGX. We demonstrate that it outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches both on single and multi-object navigation tasks. Additional videos, code and the multi-object navigation benchmark will be available on https://finnbsch.github.io/OneMap.
☆ RockTrack: A 3D Robust Multi-Camera-Ken Multi-Object Tracking Framework
3D Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) obtains significant performance improvements with the rapid advancements in 3D object detection, particularly in cost-effective multi-camera setups. However, the prevalent end-to-end training approach for multi-camera trackers results in detector-specific models, limiting their versatility. Moreover, current generic trackers overlook the unique features of multi-camera detectors, i.e., the unreliability of motion observations and the feasibility of visual information. To address these challenges, we propose RockTrack, a 3D MOT method for multi-camera detectors. Following the Tracking-By-Detection framework, RockTrack is compatible with various off-the-shelf detectors. RockTrack incorporates a confidence-guided preprocessing module to extract reliable motion and image observations from distinct representation spaces from a single detector. These observations are then fused in an association module that leverages geometric and appearance cues to minimize mismatches. The resulting matches are propagated through a staged estimation process, forming the basis for heuristic noise modeling. Additionally, we introduce a novel appearance similarity metric for explicitly characterizing object affinities in multi-camera settings. RockTrack achieves state-of-the-art performance on the nuScenes vision-only tracking leaderboard with 59.1% AMOTA while demonstrating impressive computational efficiency.
comment: RockTrack establishes a new state-of-the-art with 59.1% AMOTA on the nuScenes vision-only test leaderboard with ResNet50-level backbone
☆ Multi-robot connection towards collective obstacle field traversal
Environments with large terrain height variations present great challenges for legged robot locomotion. Drawing inspiration from fire ants' collective assembly behavior, we study strategies that can enable two ``connectable'' robots to collectively navigate over bumpy terrains with height variations larger than robot leg length. Each robot was designed to be extremely simple, with a cubical body and one rotary motor actuating four vertical peg legs that move in pairs. Two or more robots could physically connect to one another to enhance collective mobility. We performed locomotion experiments with a two-robot group, across an obstacle field filled with uniformly-distributed semi-spherical ``boulders''. Experimentally-measured robot speed suggested that the connection length between the robots has a significant effect on collective mobility: connection length C in [0.86, 0.9] robot unit body length (UBL) were able to produce sustainable movements across the obstacle field, whereas connection length C in [0.63, 0.84] and [0.92, 1.1] UBL resulted in low traversability. An energy landscape based model revealed the underlying mechanism of how connection length modulated collective mobility through the system's potential energy landscape, and informed adaptation strategies for the two-robot system to adapt their connection length for traversing obstacle fields with varying spatial frequencies. Our results demonstrated that by varying the connection configuration between the robots, the two-robot system could leverage mechanical intelligence to better utilize obstacle interaction forces and produce improved locomotion. Going forward, we envision that generalized principles of robot-environment coupling can inform design and control strategies for a large group of small robots to achieve ant-like collective environment negotiation.
☆ Discovering Conceptual Knowledge with Analytic Ontology Templates for Articulated Objects
Human cognition can leverage fundamental conceptual knowledge, like geometric and kinematic ones, to appropriately perceive, comprehend and interact with novel objects. Motivated by this finding, we aim to endow machine intelligence with an analogous capability through performing at the conceptual level, in order to understand and then interact with articulated objects, especially for those in novel categories, which is challenging due to the intricate geometric structures and diverse joint types of articulated objects. To achieve this goal, we propose Analytic Ontology Template (AOT), a parameterized and differentiable program description of generalized conceptual ontologies. A baseline approach called AOTNet driven by AOTs is designed accordingly to equip intelligent agents with these generalized concepts, and then empower the agents to effectively discover the conceptual knowledge on the structure and affordance of articulated objects. The AOT-driven approach yields benefits in three key perspectives: i) enabling concept-level understanding of articulated objects without relying on any real training data, ii) providing analytic structure information, and iii) introducing rich affordance information indicating proper ways of interaction. We conduct exhaustive experiments and the results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in understanding and then interacting with articulated objects.
☆ RMP-YOLO: A Robust Motion Predictor for Partially Observable Scenarios even if You Only Look Once
We introduce RMP-YOLO, a unified framework designed to provide robust motion predictions even with incomplete input data. Our key insight stems from the observation that complete and reliable historical trajectory data plays a pivotal role in ensuring accurate motion prediction. Therefore, we propose a new paradigm that prioritizes the reconstruction of intact historical trajectories before feeding them into the prediction modules. Our approach introduces a novel scene tokenization module to enhance the extraction and fusion of spatial and temporal features. Following this, our proposed recovery module reconstructs agents' incomplete historical trajectories by leveraging local map topology and interactions with nearby agents. The reconstructed, clean historical data is then integrated into the downstream prediction modules. Our framework is able to effectively handle missing data of varying lengths and remains robust against observation noise, while maintaining high prediction accuracy. Furthermore, our recovery module is compatible with existing prediction models, ensuring seamless integration. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our approach, and deployment in real-world autonomous vehicles confirms its practical utility. In the 2024 Waymo Motion Prediction Competition, our method, RMP-YOLO, achieves state-of-the-art performance, securing third place.
☆ From Words to Wheels: Automated Style-Customized Policy Generation for Autonomous Driving
Autonomous driving technology has witnessed rapid advancements, with foundation models improving interactivity and user experiences. However, current autonomous vehicles (AVs) face significant limitations in delivering command-based driving styles. Most existing methods either rely on predefined driving styles that require expert input or use data-driven techniques like Inverse Reinforcement Learning to extract styles from driving data. These approaches, though effective in some cases, face challenges: difficulty obtaining specific driving data for style matching (e.g., in Robotaxis), inability to align driving style metrics with user preferences, and limitations to pre-existing styles, restricting customization and generalization to new commands. This paper introduces Words2Wheels, a framework that automatically generates customized driving policies based on natural language user commands. Words2Wheels employs a Style-Customized Reward Function to generate a Style-Customized Driving Policy without relying on prior driving data. By leveraging large language models and a Driving Style Database, the framework efficiently retrieves, adapts, and generalizes driving styles. A Statistical Evaluation module ensures alignment with user preferences. Experimental results demonstrate that Words2Wheels outperforms existing methods in accuracy, generalization, and adaptability, offering a novel solution for customized AV driving behavior. Code and demo available at https://yokhon.github.io/Words2Wheels/.
comment: 6 pages, 7 figures
☆ SLAM assisted 3D tracking system for laparoscopic surgery
A major limitation of minimally invasive surgery is the difficulty in accurately locating the internal anatomical structures of the target organ due to the lack of tactile feedback and transparency. Augmented reality (AR) offers a promising solution to overcome this challenge. Numerous studies have shown that combining learning-based and geometric methods can achieve accurate preoperative and intraoperative data registration. This work proposes a real-time monocular 3D tracking algorithm for post-registration tasks. The ORB-SLAM2 framework is adopted and modified for prior-based 3D tracking. The primitive 3D shape is used for fast initialization of the monocular SLAM. A pseudo-segmentation strategy is employed to separate the target organ from the background for tracking purposes, and the geometric prior of the 3D shape is incorporated as an additional constraint in the pose graph. Experiments from in-vivo and ex-vivo tests demonstrate that the proposed 3D tracking system provides robust 3D tracking and effectively handles typical challenges such as fast motion, out-of-field-of-view scenarios, partial visibility, and "organ-background" relative motion.
comment: Demo: https://youtu.be/B1xZW8bj3cM
☆ Hypergraph-based Motion Generation with Multi-modal Interaction Relational Reasoning
The intricate nature of real-world driving environments, characterized by dynamic and diverse interactions among multiple vehicles and their possible future states, presents considerable challenges in accurately predicting the motion states of vehicles and handling the uncertainty inherent in the predictions. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive modeling and reasoning to capture the implicit relations among vehicles and the corresponding diverse behaviors. This research introduces an integrated framework for autonomous vehicles (AVs) motion prediction to address these complexities, utilizing a novel Relational Hypergraph Interaction-informed Neural mOtion generator (RHINO). RHINO leverages hypergraph-based relational reasoning by integrating a multi-scale hypergraph neural network to model group-wise interactions among multiple vehicles and their multi-modal driving behaviors, thereby enhancing motion prediction accuracy and reliability. Experimental validation using real-world datasets demonstrates the superior performance of this framework in improving predictive accuracy and fostering socially aware automated driving in dynamic traffic scenarios.
☆ Learning-accelerated A* Search for Risk-aware Path Planning SC
Safety is a critical concern for urban flights of autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In populated environments, risk should be accounted for to produce an effective and safe path, known as risk-aware path planning. Risk-aware path planning can be modeled as a Constrained Shortest Path (CSP) problem, aiming to identify the shortest possible route that adheres to specified safety thresholds. CSP is NP-hard and poses significant computational challenges. Although many traditional methods can solve it accurately, all of them are very slow. Our method introduces an additional safety dimension to the traditional A* (called ASD A*), enabling A* to handle CSP. Furthermore, we develop a custom learning-based heuristic using transformer-based neural networks, which significantly reduces the computational load and improves the performance of the ASD A* algorithm. The proposed method is well-validated with both random and realistic simulation scenarios.
comment: AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum
♻ ☆ AnySkin: Plug-and-play Skin Sensing for Robotic Touch
While tactile sensing is widely accepted as an important and useful sensing modality, its use pales in comparison to other sensory modalities like vision and proprioception. AnySkin addresses the critical challenges that impede the use of tactile sensing -- versatility, replaceability, and data reusability. Building on the simplistic design of ReSkin, and decoupling the sensing electronics from the sensing interface, AnySkin simplifies integration making it as straightforward as putting on a phone case and connecting a charger. Furthermore, AnySkin is the first uncalibrated tactile-sensor with cross-instance generalizability of learned manipulation policies. To summarize, this work makes three key contributions: first, we introduce a streamlined fabrication process and a design tool for creating an adhesive-free, durable and easily replaceable magnetic tactile sensor; second, we characterize slip detection and policy learning with the AnySkin sensor; and third, we demonstrate zero-shot generalization of models trained on one instance of AnySkin to new instances, and compare it with popular existing tactile solutions like DIGIT and ReSkin.https://any-skin.github.io/
♻ ☆ TK-Planes: Tiered K-Planes with High Dimensional Feature Vectors for Dynamic UAV-based Scenes ICRA2025
In this paper, we present a new approach to bridge the domain gap between synthetic and real-world data for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based perception. Our formulation is designed for dynamic scenes, consisting of small moving objects or human actions. We propose an extension of K-Planes Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), wherein our algorithm stores a set of tiered feature vectors. The tiered feature vectors are generated to effectively model conceptual information about a scene as well as an image decoder that transforms output feature maps into RGB images. Our technique leverages the information amongst both static and dynamic objects within a scene and is able to capture salient scene attributes of high altitude videos. We evaluate its performance on challenging datasets, including Okutama Action and UG2, and observe considerable improvement in accuracy over state of the art neural rendering methods.
comment: 8 pages, submitted to ICRA2025
♻ ☆ Autonomous Navigation in Ice-Covered Waters with Learned Predictions on Ship-Ice Interactions
Autonomous navigation in ice-covered waters poses significant challenges due to the frequent lack of viable collision-free trajectories. When complete obstacle avoidance is infeasible, it becomes imperative for the navigation strategy to minimize collisions. Additionally, the dynamic nature of ice, which moves in response to ship maneuvers, complicates the path planning process. To address these challenges, we propose a novel deep learning model to estimate the coarse dynamics of ice movements triggered by ship actions through occupancy estimation. To ensure real-time applicability, we propose a novel approach that caches intermediate prediction results and seamlessly integrates the predictive model into a graph search planner. We evaluate the proposed planner both in simulation and in a physical testbed against existing approaches and show that our planner significantly reduces collisions with ice when compared to the state-of-the-art. Codes and demos of this work are available at https://github.com/IvanIZ/predictive-asv-planner.
♻ ☆ Uncovering the Secrets of Human-Like Movement: A Fresh Perspective on Motion Planning
This article explores human-like movement from a fresh perspective on motion planning. We analyze the coordinated and compliant movement mechanisms of the human body from the perspective of biomechanics. Based on these mechanisms, we propose an optimal control framework that integrates compliant control dynamics, optimizing robotic arm motion through a response time matrix. This matrix sets the timing parameters for joint movements, turning the system into a time-parameterized optimal control problem. The model focuses on the interaction between active and passive joints under external disturbances, improving adaptability and compliance. This method achieves optimal trajectory generation and balances precision and compliance. Experimental results on both a manipulator and a humanoid robot validate the approach.
comment: 7 pages
♻ ☆ Checklist to Define the Identification of TP, FP, and FN Object Detections in Automated Driving
The object perception of automated driving systems must pass quality and robustness tests before a safe deployment. Such tests typically identify true positive (TP), false-positive (FP), and false-negative (FN) detections and aggregate them to metrics. Since the literature seems to be lacking a comprehensive way to define the identification of TPs/FPs/FNs, this paper provides a checklist of relevant functional aspects and implementation details. Besides labeling policies of the test set, we cover areas of vision, occlusion handling, safety-relevant areas, matching criteria, temporal and probabilistic issues, and further aspects. Even though the checklist cannot be fully formalized, it can help practitioners minimize the ambiguity of their tests, which, in turn, makes statements on object perception more reliable and comparable.
comment: This version improves the checklist's usability by providing bullet points to follow. It also condenses the contributions to safety assurance down to the "Related Work" section. 11 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ ViewActive: Active viewpoint optimization from a single image
When observing objects, humans benefit from their spatial visualization and mental rotation ability to envision potential optimal viewpoints based on the current observation. This capability is crucial for enabling robots to achieve efficient and robust scene perception during operation, as optimal viewpoints provide essential and informative features for accurately representing scenes in 2D images, thereby enhancing downstream tasks. To endow robots with this human-like active viewpoint optimization capability, we propose ViewActive, a modernized machine learning approach drawing inspiration from aspect graph, which provides viewpoint optimization guidance based solely on the current 2D image input. Specifically, we introduce the 3D Viewpoint Quality Field (VQF), a compact and consistent representation for viewpoint quality distribution similar to an aspect graph, composed of three general-purpose viewpoint quality metrics: self-occlusion ratio, occupancy-aware surface normal entropy, and visual entropy. We utilize pre-trained image encoders to extract robust visual and semantic features, which are then decoded into the 3D VQF, allowing our model to generalize effectively across diverse objects, including unseen categories.The lightweight ViewActive network (72 FPS on a single GPU) significantly enhances the performance of state-of-the-art object recognition pipelines and can be integrated into real-time motion planning for robotic applications. Our code and dataset are available here: https://github.com/jiayi-wu-umd/ViewActive
♻ ☆ Dynamic Gap: Safe Gap-based Navigation in Dynamic Environments
This paper extends the family of gap-based local planners to unknown dynamic environments through generating provable collision-free properties for hierarchical navigation systems. Existing perception-informed local planners that operate in dynamic environments rely on emergent or empirical robustness for collision avoidance as opposed to performing formal analysis of dynamic obstacles. In addition to this, the obstacle tracking that is performed in these existent planners is often achieved with respect to a global inertial frame, subjecting such tracking estimates to transformation errors from odometry drift. The proposed local planner, dynamic gap, shifts the tracking paradigm to modeling how the free space, represented as gaps, evolves over time. Gap crossing and closing conditions are developed to aid in determining the feasibility of passage through gaps, and a breadth of simulation benchmarking is performed against other navigation planners in the literature where the proposed dynamic gap planner achieves the highest success rate out of all planners tested in all environments.
comment: Under review
♻ ☆ Annealed Winner-Takes-All for Motion Forecasting
In autonomous driving, motion prediction aims at forecasting the future trajectories of nearby agents, helping the ego vehicle to anticipate behaviors and drive safely. A key challenge is generating a diverse set of future predictions, commonly addressed using data-driven models with Multiple Choice Learning (MCL) architectures and Winner-Takes-All (WTA) training objectives. However, these methods face initialization sensitivity and training instabilities. Additionally, to compensate for limited performance, some approaches rely on training with a large set of hypotheses, requiring a post-selection step during inference to significantly reduce the number of predictions. To tackle these issues, we take inspiration from annealed MCL, a recently introduced technique that improves the convergence properties of MCL methods through an annealed Winner-Takes-All loss (aWTA). In this paper, we demonstrate how the aWTA loss can be integrated with state-of-the-art motion forecasting models to enhance their performance using only a minimal set of hypotheses, eliminating the need for the cumbersome post-selection step. Our approach can be easily incorporated into any trajectory prediction model normally trained using WTA and yields significant improvements. To facilitate the application of our approach to future motion forecasting models, the code will be made publicly available upon acceptance: https://github.com/valeoai/MF_aWTA.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ BEATLE -- Self-Reconfigurable Aerial Robot: Design, Control and Experimental Validation
Modular self-reconfigurable robots (MSRRs) offer enhanced task flexibility by constructing various structures suitable for each task. However, conventional terrestrial MSRRs equipped with wheels face critical challenges, including limitations in the size of constructible structures and system robustness due to elevated wrench loads applied to each module. In this work, we introduce an Aerial MSRR (A-MSRR) system named BEATLE, capable of merging and separating in-flight. BEATLE can merge without applying wrench loads to adjacent modules, thereby expanding the scalability and robustness of conventional terrestrial MSRRs. In this article, we propose a system configuration for BEATLE, including mechanical design, a control framework for multi-connected flight, and a motion planner for reconfiguration motion. The design of a docking mechanism and housing structure aims to balance the durability of the constructed structure with ease of separation. Furthermore, the proposed flight control framework achieves stable multi-connected flight based on contact wrench control. Moreover, the proposed motion planner based on a finite state machine (FSM) achieves precise and robust reconfiguration motion. We also introduce the actual implementation of the prototype and validate the robustness and scalability of the proposed system design through experiments and simulation studies.
♻ ☆ RiskMap: A Unified Driving Context Representation for Autonomous Motion Planning in Urban Driving Environment
Motion planning is a complicated task that requires the combination of perception, map information integration and prediction, particularly when driving in heavy traffic. Developing an extensible and efficient representation that visualizes sensor noise and provides basis to real-time planning tasks is desirable. We aim to develop an interpretable map representation, which offers prior of driving cost in planning tasks. In this way, we can simplify the planning process for dealing with complex driving scenarios and visualize sensor noise. Specifically, we propose a unified context representation empowered by deep neural networks. The unified representation is a differentiable risk field, which is an analytical representation of statistical cognition regarding traffic participants for downstream planning tasks. This representation method is nominated as RiskMap. A sampling-based planner is adopted to train and compare RiskMap generation methods. In this paper, the RiskMap generation tools and model structures are explored, the results illustrate that our method can improve driving safety and smoothness, and the limitation of our method is also discussed.
comment: Under review
♻ ☆ A Generic Trajectory Planning Method for Constrained All-Wheel-Steering Robots
This paper presents a generic trajectory planning method for wheeled robots with fixed steering axes while the steering angle of each wheel is constrained. In the existing literatures, All-Wheel-Steering (AWS) robots, incorporating modes such as rotation-free translation maneuvers, in-situ rotational maneuvers, and proportional steering, exhibit inefficient performance due to time-consuming mode switches. This inefficiency arises from wheel rotation constraints and inter-wheel cooperation requirements. The direct application of a holonomic moving strategy can lead to significant slip angles or even structural failure. Additionally, the limited steering range of AWS wheeled robots exacerbates non-linearity characteristics, thereby complicating control processes. To address these challenges, we developed a novel planning method termed Constrained AWS (C-AWS), which integrates second-order discrete search with predictive control techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that our method adeptly generates feasible and smooth trajectories for C-AWS while adhering to steering angle constraints.
comment: Accepted by iROS 2024
♻ ☆ 3DGS-Calib: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Multimodal SpatioTemporal Calibration IROS 2024
Reliable multimodal sensor fusion algorithms require accurate spatiotemporal calibration. Recently, targetless calibration techniques based on implicit neural representations have proven to provide precise and robust results. Nevertheless, such methods are inherently slow to train given the high computational overhead caused by the large number of sampled points required for volume rendering. With the recent introduction of 3D Gaussian Splatting as a faster alternative to implicit representation methods, we propose to leverage this new rendering approach to achieve faster multi-sensor calibration. We introduce 3DGS-Calib, a new calibration method that relies on the speed and rendering accuracy of 3D Gaussian Splatting to achieve multimodal spatiotemporal calibration that is accurate, robust, and with a substantial speed-up compared to methods relying on implicit neural representations. We demonstrate the superiority of our proposal with experimental results on sequences from KITTI-360, a widely used driving dataset.
comment: Accepted at IROS 2024 (Oral presentation). Project page: https://qherau.github.io/3DGS-Calib/
♻ ☆ AirSLAM: An Efficient and Illumination-Robust Point-Line Visual SLAM System
In this paper, we present an efficient visual SLAM system designed to tackle both short-term and long-term illumination challenges. Our system adopts a hybrid approach that combines deep learning techniques for feature detection and matching with traditional backend optimization methods. Specifically, we propose a unified convolutional neural network (CNN) that simultaneously extracts keypoints and structural lines. These features are then associated, matched, triangulated, and optimized in a coupled manner. Additionally, we introduce a lightweight relocalization pipeline that reuses the built map, where keypoints, lines, and a structure graph are used to match the query frame with the map. To enhance the applicability of the proposed system to real-world robots, we deploy and accelerate the feature detection and matching networks using C++ and NVIDIA TensorRT. Extensive experiments conducted on various datasets demonstrate that our system outperforms other state-of-the-art visual SLAM systems in illumination-challenging environments. Efficiency evaluations show that our system can run at a rate of 73Hz on a PC and 40Hz on an embedded platform.
comment: 19 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design for Robot Kinematic Calibration
This paper develops a Bayesian optimal experimental design for robot kinematic calibration on ${\mathbb{S}^3 \!\times\! \mathbb{R}^3}$. Our method builds upon a Gaussian process approach that incorporates a geometry-aware kernel based on Riemannian Mat\'ern kernels over ${\mathbb{S}^3}$. To learn the forward kinematics errors via Bayesian optimization with a Gaussian process, we define a geodesic distance-based objective function. Pointwise values of this function are sampled via noisy measurements taken through fiducial markers on the end-effector using a camera and computed pose with the nominal kinematics. The corrected Denavit-Hartenberg parameters are obtained using an efficient quadratic program that operates on the collected data sets. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated via simulations and calibration experiments on NASA's ocean world lander autonomy testbed (OWLAT).
♻ ☆ VascularPilot3D: Toward a 3D fully autonomous navigation for endovascular robotics
This research reports VascularPilot3D, the first 3D fully autonomous endovascular robot navigation system. As an exploration toward autonomous guidewire navigation, VascularPilot3D is developed as a complete navigation system based on intra-operative imaging systems (fluoroscopic X-ray in this study) and typical endovascular robots. VascularPilot3D adopts previously researched fast 3D-2D vessel registration algorithms and guidewire segmentation methods as its perception modules. We additionally propose three modules: a topology-constrained 2D-3D instrument end-point lifting method, a tree-based fast path planning algorithm, and a prior-free endovascular navigation strategy. VascularPilot3D is compatible with most mainstream endovascular robots. Ex-vivo experiments validate that VascularPilot3D achieves 100% success rate among 25 trials. It reduces the human surgeon's overall control loops by 18.38%. VascularPilot3D is promising for general clinical autonomous endovascular navigations.
♻ ☆ RAnGE: Reachability Analysis for Guaranteed Ergodicity
This paper investigates performance guarantees on coverage-based ergodic exploration methods in environments containing disturbances. Ergodic exploration methods generate trajectories for autonomous robots such that time spent in each area of the exploration space is proportional to the utility of exploring in the area. We find that it is possible to use techniques from reachability analysis to solve for optimal controllers that guarantee ergodic coverage and are robust against disturbances. We formulate ergodic search as a differential game between the controller optimizing for ergodicity and an external disturbance, and we derive the reachability equations for ergodic search using an extended-state Bolza-form transform of the ergodic problem. Contributions include the computation of a continuous value function for the ergodic exploration problem and the derivation of a controller that provides guarantees for coverage under disturbances. Our approach leverages neural-network-based methods to solve the reachability equations; we also construct a robust model-predictive controller for comparison. Simulated and experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our approach for generating robust ergodic trajectories for search and exploration on a 1D system with an external disturbance force.
comment: 21 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ GCS*: Forward Heuristic Search on Implicit Graphs of Convex Sets
We consider large-scale, implicit-search-based solutions to Shortest Path Problems on Graphs of Convex Sets (GCS). We propose GCS*, a forward heuristic search algorithm that generalizes A* search to the GCS setting, where a continuous-valued decision is made at each graph vertex, and constraints across graph edges couple these decisions, influencing costs and feasibility. Such mixed discrete-continuous planning is needed in many domains, including motion planning around obstacles and planning through contact. This setting provides a unique challenge for best-first search algorithms: the cost and feasibility of a path depend on continuous-valued points chosen along the entire path. We show that by pruning paths that are cost-dominated over their entire terminal vertex, GCS* can search efficiently while still guaranteeing cost-optimality and completeness. To find satisficing solutions quickly, we also present a complete but suboptimal variation, pruning instead reachability-dominated paths. We implement these checks using polyhedral-containment or sampling-based methods. The former implementation is complete and cost-optimal, while the latter is probabilistically complete and asymptotically cost-optimal and performs effectively even with minimal samples in practice. We demonstrate GCS* on planar pushing tasks where the combinatorial explosion of contact modes renders prior methods intractable and show it performs favorably compared to the state-of-the-art. Project website: https://shaoyuan.cc/research/gcs-star/
comment: Accepted to WAFR 2024. Conference Ready Version
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 120
☆ Vista3D: Unravel the 3D Darkside of a Single Image ECCV'2024
We embark on the age-old quest: unveiling the hidden dimensions of objects from mere glimpses of their visible parts. To address this, we present Vista3D, a framework that realizes swift and consistent 3D generation within a mere 5 minutes. At the heart of Vista3D lies a two-phase approach: the coarse phase and the fine phase. In the coarse phase, we rapidly generate initial geometry with Gaussian Splatting from a single image. In the fine phase, we extract a Signed Distance Function (SDF) directly from learned Gaussian Splatting, optimizing it with a differentiable isosurface representation. Furthermore, it elevates the quality of generation by using a disentangled representation with two independent implicit functions to capture both visible and obscured aspects of objects. Additionally, it harmonizes gradients from 2D diffusion prior with 3D-aware diffusion priors by angular diffusion prior composition. Through extensive evaluation, we demonstrate that Vista3D effectively sustains a balance between the consistency and diversity of the generated 3D objects. Demos and code will be available at https://github.com/florinshen/Vista3D.
comment: ECCV'2024
☆ DynaMo: In-Domain Dynamics Pretraining for Visuo-Motor Control
Imitation learning has proven to be a powerful tool for training complex visuomotor policies. However, current methods often require hundreds to thousands of expert demonstrations to handle high-dimensional visual observations. A key reason for this poor data efficiency is that visual representations are predominantly either pretrained on out-of-domain data or trained directly through a behavior cloning objective. In this work, we present DynaMo, a new in-domain, self-supervised method for learning visual representations. Given a set of expert demonstrations, we jointly learn a latent inverse dynamics model and a forward dynamics model over a sequence of image embeddings, predicting the next frame in latent space, without augmentations, contrastive sampling, or access to ground truth actions. Importantly, DynaMo does not require any out-of-domain data such as Internet datasets or cross-embodied datasets. On a suite of six simulated and real environments, we show that representations learned with DynaMo significantly improve downstream imitation learning performance over prior self-supervised learning objectives, and pretrained representations. Gains from using DynaMo hold across policy classes such as Behavior Transformer, Diffusion Policy, MLP, and nearest neighbors. Finally, we ablate over key components of DynaMo and measure its impact on downstream policy performance. Robot videos are best viewed at https://dynamo-ssl.github.io
☆ Qwen2-VL: Enhancing Vision-Language Model's Perception of the World at Any Resolution
We present the Qwen2-VL Series, an advanced upgrade of the previous Qwen-VL models that redefines the conventional predetermined-resolution approach in visual processing. Qwen2-VL introduces the Naive Dynamic Resolution mechanism, which enables the model to dynamically process images of varying resolutions into different numbers of visual tokens. This approach allows the model to generate more efficient and accurate visual representations, closely aligning with human perceptual processes. The model also integrates Multimodal Rotary Position Embedding (M-RoPE), facilitating the effective fusion of positional information across text, images, and videos. We employ a unified paradigm for processing both images and videos, enhancing the model's visual perception capabilities. To explore the potential of large multimodal models, Qwen2-VL investigates the scaling laws for large vision-language models (LVLMs). By scaling both the model size-with versions at 2B, 8B, and 72B parameters-and the amount of training data, the Qwen2-VL Series achieves highly competitive performance. Notably, the Qwen2-VL-72B model achieves results comparable to leading models such as GPT-4o and Claude3.5-Sonnet across various multimodal benchmarks, outperforming other generalist models. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen2-VL}.
comment: Code is available at https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen2-VL. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2408.15262 by other authors
☆ Bundle Adjustment in the Eager Mode
Bundle adjustment (BA) is a critical technique in various robotic applications, such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), augmented reality (AR), and photogrammetry. BA optimizes parameters such as camera poses and 3D landmarks to align them with observations. With the growing importance of deep learning in perception systems, there is an increasing need to integrate BA with deep learning frameworks for enhanced reliability and performance. However, widely-used C++-based BA frameworks, such as GTSAM, g$^2$o, and Ceres, lack native integration with modern deep learning libraries like PyTorch. This limitation affects their flexibility, adaptability, ease of debugging, and overall implementation efficiency. To address this gap, we introduce an eager-mode BA framework seamlessly integrated with PyPose, providing PyTorch-compatible interfaces with high efficiency. Our approach includes GPU-accelerated, differentiable, and sparse operations designed for 2nd-order optimization, Lie group and Lie algebra operations, and linear solvers. Our eager-mode BA on GPU demonstrates substantial runtime efficiency, achieving an average speedup of 18.5$\times$, 22$\times$, and 23$\times$ compared to GTSAM, g$^2$o, and Ceres, respectively.
☆ Massively Multi-Person 3D Human Motion Forecasting with Scene Context
Forecasting long-term 3D human motion is challenging: the stochasticity of human behavior makes it hard to generate realistic human motion from the input sequence alone. Information on the scene environment and the motion of nearby people can greatly aid the generation process. We propose a scene-aware social transformer model (SAST) to forecast long-term (10s) human motion motion. Unlike previous models, our approach can model interactions between both widely varying numbers of people and objects in a scene. We combine a temporal convolutional encoder-decoder architecture with a Transformer-based bottleneck that allows us to efficiently combine motion and scene information. We model the conditional motion distribution using denoising diffusion models. We benchmark our approach on the Humans in Kitchens dataset, which contains 1 to 16 persons and 29 to 50 objects that are visible simultaneously. Our model outperforms other approaches in terms of realism and diversity on different metrics and in a user study. Code is available at https://github.com/felixbmuller/SAST.
comment: 14 pages, 6 figures
☆ multiPI-TransBTS: A Multi-Path Learning Framework for Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Based on Multi-Physical Information
Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) plays a critical role in clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring the progression of brain tumors. However, due to the variability in tumor appearance, size, and intensity across different MRI modalities, automated segmentation remains a challenging task. In this study, we propose a novel Transformer-based framework, multiPI-TransBTS, which integrates multi-physical information to enhance segmentation accuracy. The model leverages spatial information, semantic information, and multi-modal imaging data, addressing the inherent heterogeneity in brain tumor characteristics. The multiPI-TransBTS framework consists of an encoder, an Adaptive Feature Fusion (AFF) module, and a multi-source, multi-scale feature decoder. The encoder incorporates a multi-branch architecture to separately extract modality-specific features from different MRI sequences. The AFF module fuses information from multiple sources using channel-wise and element-wise attention, ensuring effective feature recalibration. The decoder combines both common and task-specific features through a Task-Specific Feature Introduction (TSFI) strategy, producing accurate segmentation outputs for Whole Tumor (WT), Tumor Core (TC), and Enhancing Tumor (ET) regions. Comprehensive evaluations on the BraTS2019 and BraTS2020 datasets demonstrate the superiority of multiPI-TransBTS over the state-of-the-art methods. The model consistently achieves better Dice coefficients, Hausdorff distances, and Sensitivity scores, highlighting its effectiveness in addressing the BraTS challenges. Our results also indicate the need for further exploration of the balance between precision and recall in the ET segmentation task. The proposed framework represents a significant advancement in BraTS, with potential implications for improving clinical outcomes for brain tumor patients.
☆ Precise Forecasting of Sky Images Using Spatial Warping
The intermittency of solar power, due to occlusion from cloud cover, is one of the key factors inhibiting its widespread use in both commercial and residential settings. Hence, real-time forecasting of solar irradiance for grid-connected photovoltaic systems is necessary to schedule and allocate resources across the grid. Ground-based imagers that capture wide field-of-view images of the sky are commonly used to monitor cloud movement around a particular site in an effort to forecast solar irradiance. However, these wide FOV imagers capture a distorted image of sky image, where regions near the horizon are heavily compressed. This hinders the ability to precisely predict cloud motion near the horizon which especially affects prediction over longer time horizons. In this work, we combat the aforementioned constraint by introducing a deep learning method to predict a future sky image frame with higher resolution than previous methods. Our main contribution is to derive an optimal warping method to counter the adverse affects of clouds at the horizon, and learn a framework for future sky image prediction which better determines cloud evolution for longer time horizons.
☆ JEAN: Joint Expression and Audio-guided NeRF-based Talking Face Generation BMVC 2024
We introduce a novel method for joint expression and audio-guided talking face generation. Recent approaches either struggle to preserve the speaker identity or fail to produce faithful facial expressions. To address these challenges, we propose a NeRF-based network. Since we train our network on monocular videos without any ground truth, it is essential to learn disentangled representations for audio and expression. We first learn audio features in a self-supervised manner, given utterances from multiple subjects. By incorporating a contrastive learning technique, we ensure that the learned audio features are aligned to the lip motion and disentangled from the muscle motion of the rest of the face. We then devise a transformer-based architecture that learns expression features, capturing long-range facial expressions and disentangling them from the speech-specific mouth movements. Through quantitative and qualitative evaluation, we demonstrate that our method can synthesize high-fidelity talking face videos, achieving state-of-the-art facial expression transfer along with lip synchronization to unseen audio.
comment: Accepted by BMVC 2024. Project Page: https://starc52.github.io/publications/2024-07-19-JEAN
☆ Autopet III challenge: Incorporating anatomical knowledge into nnUNet for lesion segmentation in PET/CT
Lesion segmentation in PET/CT imaging is essential for precise tumor characterization, which supports personalized treatment planning and enhances diagnostic precision in oncology. However, accurate manual segmentation of lesions is time-consuming and prone to inter-observer variability. Given the rising demand and clinical use of PET/CT, automated segmentation methods, particularly deep-learning-based approaches, have become increasingly more relevant. The autoPET III Challenge focuses on advancing automated segmentation of tumor lesions in PET/CT images in a multitracer multicenter setting, addressing the clinical need for quantitative, robust, and generalizable solutions. Building on previous challenges, the third iteration of the autoPET challenge introduces a more diverse dataset featuring two different tracers (FDG and PSMA) from two clinical centers. To this extent, we developed a classifier that identifies the tracer of the given PET/CT based on the Maximum Intensity Projection of the PET scan. We trained two individual nnUNet-ensembles for each tracer where anatomical labels are included as a multi-label task to enhance the model's performance. Our final submission achieves cross-validation Dice scores of 76.90% and 61.33% for the publicly available FDG and PSMA datasets, respectively. The code is available at https://github.com/hakal104/autoPETIII/ .
comment: AutoPET III challenge submission
☆ MoRAG -- Multi-Fusion Retrieval Augmented Generation for Human Motion
We introduce MoRAG, a novel multi-part fusion based retrieval-augmented generation strategy for text-based human motion generation. The method enhances motion diffusion models by leveraging additional knowledge obtained through an improved motion retrieval process. By effectively prompting large language models (LLMs), we address spelling errors and rephrasing issues in motion retrieval. Our approach utilizes a multi-part retrieval strategy to improve the generalizability of motion retrieval across the language space. We create diverse samples through the spatial composition of the retrieved motions. Furthermore, by utilizing low-level, part-specific motion information, we can construct motion samples for unseen text descriptions. Our experiments demonstrate that our framework can serve as a plug-and-play module, improving the performance of motion diffusion models. Code, pretrained models and sample videos will be made available at: https://motion-rag.github.io/
☆ Optimal Visual Search with Highly Heuristic Decision Rules
Visual search is a fundamental natural task for humans and other animals. We investigated the decision processes humans use when searching briefly presented displays having well-separated potential target-object locations. Performance was compared with the Bayesian-optimal decision process under the assumption that the information from the different potential target locations is statistically independent. Surprisingly, humans performed slightly better than optimal, despite humans' substantial loss of sensitivity in the fovea, and the implausibility of the human brain replicating the optimal computations. We show that three factors can quantitatively explain these seemingly paradoxical results. Most importantly, simple and fixed heuristic decision rules reach near optimal search performance. Secondly, foveal neglect primarily affects only the central potential target location. Finally, spatially correlated neural noise causes search performance to exceed that predicted for independent noise. These findings have far-reaching implications for understanding visual search tasks and other identification tasks in humans and other animals.
☆ Applications of Knowledge Distillation in Remote Sensing: A Survey
With the ever-growing complexity of models in the field of remote sensing (RS), there is an increasing demand for solutions that balance model accuracy with computational efficiency. Knowledge distillation (KD) has emerged as a powerful tool to meet this need, enabling the transfer of knowledge from large, complex models to smaller, more efficient ones without significant loss in performance. This review article provides an extensive examination of KD and its innovative applications in RS. KD, a technique developed to transfer knowledge from a complex, often cumbersome model (teacher) to a more compact and efficient model (student), has seen significant evolution and application across various domains. Initially, we introduce the fundamental concepts and historical progression of KD methods. The advantages of employing KD are highlighted, particularly in terms of model compression, enhanced computational efficiency, and improved performance, which are pivotal for practical deployments in RS scenarios. The article provides a comprehensive taxonomy of KD techniques, where each category is critically analyzed to demonstrate the breadth and depth of the alternative options, and illustrates specific case studies that showcase the practical implementation of KD methods in RS tasks, such as instance segmentation and object detection. Further, the review discusses the challenges and limitations of KD in RS, including practical constraints and prospective future directions, providing a comprehensive overview for researchers and practitioners in the field of RS. Through this organization, the paper not only elucidates the current state of research in KD but also sets the stage for future research opportunities, thereby contributing significantly to both academic research and real-world applications.
comment: 50 pages, 11 figures and 9 tables
☆ SPRMamba: Surgical Phase Recognition for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection with Mamba
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) is a minimally invasive procedure initially designed for the treatment of early gastric cancer but is now widely used for various gastrointestinal lesions. Computer-assisted Surgery systems have played a crucial role in improving the precision and safety of ESD procedures, however, their effectiveness is limited by the accurate recognition of surgical phases. The intricate nature of ESD, with different lesion characteristics and tissue structures, presents challenges for real-time surgical phase recognition algorithms. Existing surgical phase recognition algorithms struggle to efficiently capture temporal contexts in video-based scenarios, leading to insufficient performance. To address these issues, we propose SPRMamba, a novel Mamba-based framework for ESD surgical phase recognition. SPRMamba leverages the strengths of Mamba for long-term temporal modeling while introducing the Scaled Residual TranMamba block to enhance the capture of fine-grained details, overcoming the limitations of traditional temporal models like Temporal Convolutional Networks and Transformers. Moreover, a Temporal Sample Strategy is introduced to accelerate the processing, which is essential for real-time phase recognition in clinical settings. Extensive testing on the ESD385 dataset and the cholecystectomy Cholec80 dataset demonstrates that SPRMamba surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods and exhibits greater robustness across various surgical phase recognition tasks.
☆ Brain-Streams: fMRI-to-Image Reconstruction with Multi-modal Guidance
Understanding how humans process visual information is one of the crucial steps for unraveling the underlying mechanism of brain activity. Recently, this curiosity has motivated the fMRI-to-image reconstruction task; given the fMRI data from visual stimuli, it aims to reconstruct the corresponding visual stimuli. Surprisingly, leveraging powerful generative models such as the Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) has shown promising results in reconstructing complex visual stimuli such as high-resolution natural images from vision datasets. Despite the impressive structural fidelity of these reconstructions, they often lack details of small objects, ambiguous shapes, and semantic nuances. Consequently, the incorporation of additional semantic knowledge, beyond mere visuals, becomes imperative. In light of this, we exploit how modern LDMs effectively incorporate multi-modal guidance (text guidance, visual guidance, and image layout) for structurally and semantically plausible image generations. Specifically, inspired by the two-streams hypothesis suggesting that perceptual and semantic information are processed in different brain regions, our framework, Brain-Streams, maps fMRI signals from these brain regions to appropriate embeddings. That is, by extracting textual guidance from semantic information regions and visual guidance from perceptual information regions, Brain-Streams provides accurate multi-modal guidance to LDMs. We validate the reconstruction ability of Brain-Streams both quantitatively and qualitatively on a real fMRI dataset comprising natural image stimuli and fMRI data.
☆ Denoising diffusion models for high-resolution microscopy image restoration
Advances in microscopy imaging enable researchers to visualize structures at the nanoscale level thereby unraveling intricate details of biological organization. However, challenges such as image noise, photobleaching of fluorophores, and low tolerability of biological samples to high light doses remain, restricting temporal resolutions and experiment durations. Reduced laser doses enable longer measurements at the cost of lower resolution and increased noise, which hinders accurate downstream analyses. Here we train a denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) to predict high-resolution images by conditioning the model on low-resolution information. Additionally, the probabilistic aspect of the DDPM allows for repeated generation of images that tend to further increase the signal-to-noise ratio. We show that our model achieves a performance that is better or similar to the previously best-performing methods, across four highly diverse datasets. Importantly, while any of the previous methods show competitive performance for some, but not all datasets, our method consistently achieves high performance across all four data sets, suggesting high generalizability.
☆ Online Refractive Camera Model Calibration in Visual Inertial Odometry IROS 2024
This paper presents a general refractive camera model and online co-estimation of odometry and the refractive index of unknown media. This enables operation in diverse and varying refractive fluids, given only the camera calibration in air. The refractive index is estimated online as a state variable of a monocular visual-inertial odometry framework in an iterative formulation using the proposed camera model. The method was verified on data collected using an underwater robot traversing inside a pool. The evaluations demonstrate convergence to the ideal refractive index for water despite significant perturbations in the initialization. Simultaneously, the approach enables on-par visual-inertial odometry performance in refractive media without prior knowledge of the refractive index or requirement of medium-specific camera calibration.
comment: Accepted at the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024), 8 pages
☆ PAD-FT: A Lightweight Defense for Backdoor Attacks via Data Purification and Fine-Tuning
Backdoor attacks pose a significant threat to deep neural networks, particularly as recent advancements have led to increasingly subtle implantation, making the defense more challenging. Existing defense mechanisms typically rely on an additional clean dataset as a standard reference and involve retraining an auxiliary model or fine-tuning the entire victim model. However, these approaches are often computationally expensive and not always feasible in practical applications. In this paper, we propose a novel and lightweight defense mechanism, termed PAD-FT, that does not require an additional clean dataset and fine-tunes only a very small part of the model to disinfect the victim model. To achieve this, our approach first introduces a simple data purification process to identify and select the most-likely clean data from the poisoned training dataset. The self-purified clean dataset is then used for activation clipping and fine-tuning only the last classification layer of the victim model. By integrating data purification, activation clipping, and classifier fine-tuning, our mechanism PAD-FT demonstrates superior effectiveness across multiple backdoor attack methods and datasets, as confirmed through extensive experimental evaluation.
☆ SFDA-rPPG: Source-Free Domain Adaptive Remote Physiological Measurement with Spatio-Temporal Consistency
Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG) is a non-contact method that uses facial video to predict changes in blood volume, enabling physiological metrics measurement. Traditional rPPG models often struggle with poor generalization capacity in unseen domains. Current solutions to this problem is to improve its generalization in the target domain through Domain Generalization (DG) or Domain Adaptation (DA). However, both traditional methods require access to both source domain data and target domain data, which cannot be implemented in scenarios with limited access to source data, and another issue is the privacy of accessing source domain data. In this paper, we propose the first Source-free Domain Adaptation benchmark for rPPG measurement (SFDA-rPPG), which overcomes these limitations by enabling effective domain adaptation without access to source domain data. Our framework incorporates a Three-Branch Spatio-Temporal Consistency Network (TSTC-Net) to enhance feature consistency across domains. Furthermore, we propose a new rPPG distribution alignment loss based on the Frequency-domain Wasserstein Distance (FWD), which leverages optimal transport to align power spectrum distributions across domains effectively and further enforces the alignment of the three branches. Extensive cross-domain experiments and ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method in source-free domain adaptation settings. Our findings highlight the significant contribution of the proposed FWD loss for distributional alignment, providing a valuable reference for future research and applications. The source code is available at https://github.com/XieYiping66/SFDA-rPPG
☆ Multi-Sensor Deep Learning for Glacier Mapping
The more than 200,000 glaciers outside the ice sheets play a crucial role in our society by influencing sea-level rise, water resource management, natural hazards, biodiversity, and tourism. However, only a fraction of these glaciers benefit from consistent and detailed in-situ observations that allow for assessing their status and changes over time. This limitation can, in part, be overcome by relying on satellite-based Earth Observation techniques. Satellite-based glacier mapping applications have historically mainly relied on manual and semi-automatic detection methods, while recently, a fast and notable transition to deep learning techniques has started. This chapter reviews how combining multi-sensor remote sensing data and deep learning allows us to better delineate (i.e. map) glaciers and detect their temporal changes. We explain how relying on deep learning multi-sensor frameworks to map glaciers benefits from the extensive availability of regional and global glacier inventories. We also analyse the rationale behind glacier mapping, the benefits of deep learning methodologies, and the inherent challenges in integrating multi-sensor earth observation data with deep learning algorithms. While our review aims to provide a broad overview of glacier mapping efforts, we highlight a few setups where deep learning multi-sensor remote sensing applications have a considerable potential added value. This includes applications for debris-covered and rock glaciers that are visually difficult to distinguish from surroundings and for calving glaciers that are in contact with the ocean. These specific cases are illustrated through a series of visual imageries, highlighting some significant advantages and challenges when detecting glacier changes, including dealing with seasonal snow cover, changing debris coverage, and distinguishing glacier fronts from the surrounding sea ice.
comment: This article will be a chapter of the book Deep Learning for Multi-Sensor Earth Observation, to be published by Elsevier
☆ PhysMamba: Efficient Remote Physiological Measurement with SlowFast Temporal Difference Mamba
Facial-video based Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) aims at measuring physiological signals and monitoring heart activity without any contact, showing significant potential in various applications. Previous deep learning based rPPG measurement are primarily based on CNNs and Transformers. However, the limited receptive fields of CNNs restrict their ability to capture long-range spatio-temporal dependencies, while Transformers also struggle with modeling long video sequences with high complexity. Recently, the state space models (SSMs) represented by Mamba are known for their impressive performance on capturing long-range dependencies from long sequences. In this paper, we propose the PhysMamba, a Mamba-based framework, to efficiently represent long-range physiological dependencies from facial videos. Specifically, we introduce the Temporal Difference Mamba block to first enhance local dynamic differences and further model the long-range spatio-temporal context. Moreover, a dual-stream SlowFast architecture is utilized to fuse the multi-scale temporal features. Extensive experiments are conducted on three benchmark datasets to demonstrate the superiority and efficiency of PhysMamba. The codes are available at https://github.com/Chaoqi31/PhysMamba
comment: Accepted by CCBR 2024
☆ On Vision Transformers for Classification Tasks in Side-Scan Sonar Imagery
Side-scan sonar (SSS) imagery presents unique challenges in the classification of man-made objects on the seafloor due to the complex and varied underwater environments. Historically, experts have manually interpreted SSS images, relying on conventional machine learning techniques with hand-crafted features. While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) significantly advanced automated classification in this domain, they often fall short when dealing with diverse seafloor textures, such as rocky or ripple sand bottoms, where false positive rates may increase. Recently, Vision Transformers (ViTs) have shown potential in addressing these limitations by utilizing a self-attention mechanism to capture global information in image patches, offering more flexibility in processing spatial hierarchies. This paper rigorously compares the performance of ViT models alongside commonly used CNN architectures, such as ResNet and ConvNext, for binary classification tasks in SSS imagery. The dataset encompasses diverse geographical seafloor types and is balanced between the presence and absence of man-made objects. ViT-based models exhibit superior classification performance across f1-score, precision, recall, and accuracy metrics, although at the cost of greater computational resources. CNNs, with their inductive biases, demonstrate better computational efficiency, making them suitable for deployment in resource-constrained environments like underwater vehicles. Future research directions include exploring self-supervised learning for ViTs and multi-modal fusion to further enhance performance in challenging underwater environments.
☆ LEMON: Localized Editing with Mesh Optimization and Neural Shaders
In practical use cases, polygonal mesh editing can be faster than generating new ones, but it can still be challenging and time-consuming for users. Existing solutions for this problem tend to focus on a single task, either geometry or novel view synthesis, which often leads to disjointed results between the mesh and view. In this work, we propose LEMON, a mesh editing pipeline that combines neural deferred shading with localized mesh optimization. Our approach begins by identifying the most important vertices in the mesh for editing, utilizing a segmentation model to focus on these key regions. Given multi-view images of an object, we optimize a neural shader and a polygonal mesh while extracting the normal map and the rendered image from each view. By using these outputs as conditioning data, we edit the input images with a text-to-image diffusion model and iteratively update our dataset while deforming the mesh. This process results in a polygonal mesh that is edited according to the given text instruction, preserving the geometric characteristics of the initial mesh while focusing on the most significant areas. We evaluate our pipeline using the DTU dataset, demonstrating that it generates finely-edited meshes more rapidly than the current state-of-the-art methods. We include our code and additional results in the supplementary material.
☆ Computational Imaging for Long-Term Prediction of Solar Irradiance
The occlusion of the sun by clouds is one of the primary sources of uncertainties in solar power generation, and is a factor that affects the wide-spread use of solar power as a primary energy source. Real-time forecasting of cloud movement and, as a result, solar irradiance is necessary to schedule and allocate energy across grid-connected photovoltaic systems. Previous works monitored cloud movement using wide-angle field of view imagery of the sky. However, such images have poor resolution for clouds that appear near the horizon, which reduces their effectiveness for long term prediction of solar occlusion. Specifically, to be able to predict occlusion of the sun over long time periods, clouds that are near the horizon need to be detected, and their velocities estimated precisely. To enable such a system, we design and deploy a catadioptric system that delivers wide-angle imagery with uniform spatial resolution of the sky over its field of view. To enable prediction over a longer time horizon, we design an algorithm that uses carefully selected spatio-temporal slices of the imagery using estimated wind direction and velocity as inputs. Using ray-tracing simulations as well as a real testbed deployed outdoors, we show that the system is capable of predicting solar occlusion as well as irradiance for tens of minutes in the future, which is an order of magnitude improvement over prior work.
☆ BRDF-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields with Optical Satellite Images and BRDF Modelling
Understanding the anisotropic reflectance of complex Earth surfaces from satellite imagery is crucial for numerous applications. Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have become popular as a machine learning technique capable of deducing the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of a scene from multiple images. However, prior research has largely concentrated on applying NeRF to close-range imagery, estimating basic Microfacet BRDF models, which fall short for many Earth surfaces. Moreover, high-quality NeRFs generally require several images captured simultaneously, a rare occurrence in satellite imaging. To address these limitations, we propose BRDF-NeRF, developed to explicitly estimate the Rahman-Pinty-Verstraete (RPV) model, a semi-empirical BRDF model commonly employed in remote sensing. We assess our approach using two datasets: (1) Djibouti, captured in a single epoch at varying viewing angles with a fixed Sun position, and (2) Lanzhou, captured over multiple epochs with different viewing angles and Sun positions. Our results, based on only three to four satellite images for training, demonstrate that BRDF-NeRF can effectively synthesize novel views from directions far removed from the training data and produce high-quality digital surface models (DSMs).
☆ Mixture of Prompt Learning for Vision Language Models
As powerful pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) like CLIP gain prominence, numerous studies have attempted to combine VLMs for downstream tasks. Among these, prompt learning has been validated as an effective method for adapting to new tasks, which only requiring a small number of parameters. However, current prompt learning methods face two challenges: first, a single soft prompt struggles to capture the diverse styles and patterns within a dataset; second, fine-tuning soft prompts is prone to overfitting. To address these challenges, we propose a mixture of soft prompt learning method incorporating a routing module. This module is able to capture a dataset's varied styles and dynamically selects the most suitable prompts for each instance. Additionally, we introduce a novel gating mechanism to ensure the router selects prompts based on their similarity to hard prompt templates, which both retaining knowledge from hard prompts and improving selection accuracy. We also implement semantically grouped text-level supervision, initializing each soft prompt with the token embeddings of manually designed templates from its group and applied a contrastive loss between the resulted text feature and hard prompt encoded text feature. This supervision ensures that the text features derived from soft prompts remain close to those from their corresponding hard prompts, preserving initial knowledge and mitigating overfitting. Our method has been validated on 11 datasets, demonstrating evident improvements in few-shot learning, domain generalization, and base-to-new generalization scenarios compared to existing baselines. The code will be available at \url{https://anonymous.4open.science/r/mocoop-6387}
☆ ChefFusion: Multimodal Foundation Model Integrating Recipe and Food Image Generation
Significant work has been conducted in the domain of food computing, yet these studies typically focus on single tasks such as t2t (instruction generation from food titles and ingredients), i2t (recipe generation from food images), or t2i (food image generation from recipes). None of these approaches integrate all modalities simultaneously. To address this gap, we introduce a novel food computing foundation model that achieves true multimodality, encompassing tasks such as t2t, t2i, i2t, it2t, and t2ti. By leveraging large language models (LLMs) and pre-trained image encoder and decoder models, our model can perform a diverse array of food computing-related tasks, including food understanding, food recognition, recipe generation, and food image generation. Compared to previous models, our foundation model demonstrates a significantly broader range of capabilities and exhibits superior performance, particularly in food image generation and recipe generation tasks. We open-sourced ChefFusion at GitHub.
☆ Panoptic-Depth Forecasting
Forecasting the semantics and 3D structure of scenes is essential for robots to navigate and plan actions safely. Recent methods have explored semantic and panoptic scene forecasting; however, they do not consider the geometry of the scene. In this work, we propose the panoptic-depth forecasting task for jointly predicting the panoptic segmentation and depth maps of unobserved future frames, from monocular camera images. To facilitate this work, we extend the popular KITTI-360 and Cityscapes benchmarks by computing depth maps from LiDAR point clouds and leveraging sequential labeled data. We also introduce a suitable evaluation metric that quantifies both the panoptic quality and depth estimation accuracy of forecasts in a coherent manner. Furthermore, we present two baselines and propose the novel PDcast architecture that learns rich spatio-temporal representations by incorporating a transformer-based encoder, a forecasting module, and task-specific decoders to predict future panoptic-depth outputs. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of PDcast across two datasets and three forecasting tasks, consistently addressing the primary challenges. We make the code publicly available at https://pdcast.cs.uni-freiburg.de.
☆ Towards Global Localization using Multi-Modal Object-Instance Re-Identification ICRA 2025
Re-identification (ReID) is a critical challenge in computer vision, predominantly studied in the context of pedestrians and vehicles. However, robust object-instance ReID, which has significant implications for tasks such as autonomous exploration, long-term perception, and scene understanding, remains underexplored. In this work, we address this gap by proposing a novel dual-path object-instance re-identification transformer architecture that integrates multimodal RGB and depth information. By leveraging depth data, we demonstrate improvements in ReID across scenes that are cluttered or have varying illumination conditions. Additionally, we develop a ReID-based localization framework that enables accurate camera localization and pose identification across different viewpoints. We validate our methods using two custom-built RGB-D datasets, as well as multiple sequences from the open-source TUM RGB-D datasets. Our approach demonstrates significant improvements in both object instance ReID (mAP of 75.18) and localization accuracy (success rate of 83% on TUM-RGBD), highlighting the essential role of object ReID in advancing robotic perception. Our models, frameworks, and datasets have been made publicly available.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Intraoperative Registration by Cross-Modal Inverse Neural Rendering MICCAI 2024
We present in this paper a novel approach for 3D/2D intraoperative registration during neurosurgery via cross-modal inverse neural rendering. Our approach separates implicit neural representation into two components, handling anatomical structure preoperatively and appearance intraoperatively. This disentanglement is achieved by controlling a Neural Radiance Field's appearance with a multi-style hypernetwork. Once trained, the implicit neural representation serves as a differentiable rendering engine, which can be used to estimate the surgical camera pose by minimizing the dissimilarity between its rendered images and the target intraoperative image. We tested our method on retrospective patients' data from clinical cases, showing that our method outperforms state-of-the-art while meeting current clinical standards for registration. Code and additional resources can be found at https://maxfehrentz.github.io/style-ngp/.
comment: Accepted at MICCAI 2024
☆ MitoSeg: Mitochondria Segmentation Tool
Recent studies suggest a potential link between the physical structure of mitochondria and neurodegenerative diseases. With advances in Electron Microscopy techniques, it has become possible to visualize the boundary and internal membrane structures of mitochondria in detail. It is crucial to automatically segment mitochondria from these images to investigate the relationship between mitochondria and diseases. In this paper, we present a software solution for mitochondrial segmentation, highlighting mitochondria boundaries in electron microscopy tomography images and generating corresponding 3D meshes.
☆ Unveiling the Black Box: Independent Functional Module Evaluation for Bird's-Eye-View Perception Model
End-to-end models are emerging as the mainstream in autonomous driving perception. However, the inability to meticulously deconstruct their internal mechanisms results in diminished development efficacy and impedes the establishment of trust. Pioneering in the issue, we present the Independent Functional Module Evaluation for Bird's-Eye-View Perception Model (BEV-IFME), a novel framework that juxtaposes the module's feature maps against Ground Truth within a unified semantic Representation Space to quantify their similarity, thereby assessing the training maturity of individual functional modules. The core of the framework lies in the process of feature map encoding and representation aligning, facilitated by our proposed two-stage Alignment AutoEncoder, which ensures the preservation of salient information and the consistency of feature structure. The metric for evaluating the training maturity of functional modules, Similarity Score, demonstrates a robust positive correlation with BEV metrics, with an average correlation coefficient of 0.9387, attesting to the framework's reliability for assessment purposes.
☆ A Chinese Continuous Sign Language Dataset Based on Complex Environments
The current bottleneck in continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) research lies in the fact that most publicly available datasets are limited to laboratory environments or television program recordings, resulting in a single background environment with uniform lighting, which significantly deviates from the diversity and complexity found in real-life scenarios. To address this challenge, we have constructed a new, large-scale dataset for Chinese continuous sign language (CSL) based on complex environments, termed the complex environment - chinese sign language dataset (CE-CSL). This dataset encompasses 5,988 continuous CSL video clips collected from daily life scenes, featuring more than 70 different complex backgrounds to ensure representativeness and generalization capability. To tackle the impact of complex backgrounds on CSLR performance, we propose a time-frequency network (TFNet) model for continuous sign language recognition. This model extracts frame-level features and then utilizes both temporal and spectral information to separately derive sequence features before fusion, aiming to achieve efficient and accurate CSLR. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves significant performance improvements on the CE-CSL, validating its effectiveness under complex background conditions. Additionally, our proposed method has also yielded highly competitive results when applied to three publicly available CSL datasets.
comment: 11 pages, 3 figures
☆ Tracking Any Point with Frame-Event Fusion Network at High Frame Rate
Tracking any point based on image frames is constrained by frame rates, leading to instability in high-speed scenarios and limited generalization in real-world applications. To overcome these limitations, we propose an image-event fusion point tracker, FE-TAP, which combines the contextual information from image frames with the high temporal resolution of events, achieving high frame rate and robust point tracking under various challenging conditions. Specifically, we designed an Evolution Fusion module (EvoFusion) to model the image generation process guided by events. This module can effectively integrate valuable information from both modalities operating at different frequencies. To achieve smoother point trajectories, we employed a transformer-based refinement strategy that updates the point's trajectories and features iteratively. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, particularly improving expected feature age by 24$\%$ on EDS datasets. Finally, we qualitatively validated the robustness of our algorithm in real driving scenarios using our custom-designed high-resolution image-event synchronization device. Our source code will be released at https://github.com/ljx1002/FE-TAP.
☆ GaussianHeads: End-to-End Learning of Drivable Gaussian Head Avatars from Coarse-to-fine Representations SIGGRAPH
Real-time rendering of human head avatars is a cornerstone of many computer graphics applications, such as augmented reality, video games, and films, to name a few. Recent approaches address this challenge with computationally efficient geometry primitives in a carefully calibrated multi-view setup. Albeit producing photorealistic head renderings, it often fails to represent complex motion changes such as the mouth interior and strongly varying head poses. We propose a new method to generate highly dynamic and deformable human head avatars from multi-view imagery in real-time. At the core of our method is a hierarchical representation of head models that allows to capture the complex dynamics of facial expressions and head movements. First, with rich facial features extracted from raw input frames, we learn to deform the coarse facial geometry of the template mesh. We then initialize 3D Gaussians on the deformed surface and refine their positions in a fine step. We train this coarse-to-fine facial avatar model along with the head pose as a learnable parameter in an end-to-end framework. This enables not only controllable facial animation via video inputs, but also high-fidelity novel view synthesis of challenging facial expressions, such as tongue deformations and fine-grained teeth structure under large motion changes. Moreover, it encourages the learned head avatar to generalize towards new facial expressions and head poses at inference time. We demonstrate the performance of our method with comparisons against the related methods on different datasets, spanning challenging facial expression sequences across multiple identities. We also show the potential application of our approach by demonstrating a cross-identity facial performance transfer application.
comment: ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024); Project page: https://vcai.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/GaussianHeads/
☆ Differentiable Collision-Supervised Tooth Arrangement Network with a Decoupling Perspective
Tooth arrangement is an essential step in the digital orthodontic planning process. Existing learning-based methods use hidden teeth features to directly regress teeth motions, which couples target pose perception and motion regression. It could lead to poor perceptions of three-dimensional transformation. They also ignore the possible overlaps or gaps between teeth of predicted dentition, which is generally unacceptable. Therefore, we propose DTAN, a differentiable collision-supervised tooth arrangement network, decoupling predicting tasks and feature modeling. DTAN decouples the tooth arrangement task by first predicting the hidden features of the final teeth poses and then using them to assist in regressing the motions between the beginning and target teeth. To learn the hidden features better, DTAN also decouples the teeth-hidden features into geometric and positional features, which are further supervised by feature consistency constraints. Furthermore, we propose a novel differentiable collision loss function for point cloud data to constrain the related gestures between teeth, which can be easily extended to other 3D point cloud tasks. We propose an arch-width guided tooth arrangement network, named C-DTAN, to make the results controllable. We construct three different tooth arrangement datasets and achieve drastically improved performance on accuracy and speed compared with existing methods.
comment: 16 pages, 13 figures
☆ Agglomerative Token Clustering ECCV 2024
We present Agglomerative Token Clustering (ATC), a novel token merging method that consistently outperforms previous token merging and pruning methods across image classification, image synthesis, and object detection & segmentation tasks. ATC merges clusters through bottom-up hierarchical clustering, without the introduction of extra learnable parameters. We find that ATC achieves state-of-the-art performance across all tasks, and can even perform on par with prior state-of-the-art when applied off-the-shelf, i.e. without fine-tuning. ATC is particularly effective when applied with low keep rates, where only a small fraction of tokens are kept and retaining task performance is especially difficult.
comment: ECCV 2024. Project webpage at https://vap.aau.dk/atc/
☆ Generation of Complex 3D Human Motion by Temporal and Spatial Composition of Diffusion Models
In this paper, we address the challenge of generating realistic 3D human motions for action classes that were never seen during the training phase. Our approach involves decomposing complex actions into simpler movements, specifically those observed during training, by leveraging the knowledge of human motion contained in GPTs models. These simpler movements are then combined into a single, realistic animation using the properties of diffusion models. Our claim is that this decomposition and subsequent recombination of simple movements can synthesize an animation that accurately represents the complex input action. This method operates during the inference phase and can be integrated with any pre-trained diffusion model, enabling the synthesis of motion classes not present in the training data. We evaluate our method by dividing two benchmark human motion datasets into basic and complex actions, and then compare its performance against the state-of-the-art.
comment: 13 pages, 6 figures
☆ LLM-wrapper: Black-Box Semantic-Aware Adaptation of Vision-Language Foundation Models ECCV 2024
Vision Language Models (VLMs) have shown impressive performances on numerous tasks but their zero-shot capabilities can be limited compared to dedicated or fine-tuned models. Yet, fine-tuning VLMs comes with limitations as it requires `white-box' access to the model's architecture and weights as well as expertise to design the fine-tuning objectives and optimize the hyper-parameters, which are specific to each VLM and downstream task. In this work, we propose LLM-wrapper, a novel approach to adapt VLMs in a `black-box' manner by leveraging large language models (LLMs) so as to reason on their outputs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of LLM-wrapper on Referring Expression Comprehension (REC), a challenging open-vocabulary task that requires spatial and semantic reasoning. Our approach significantly boosts the performance of off-the-shelf models, resulting in competitive results when compared with classic fine-tuning.
comment: EVAL-FoMo workshop, ECCV 2024
☆ Tumor aware recurrent inter-patient deformable image registration of computed tomography scans with lung cancer
Background: Voxel-based analysis (VBA) for population level radiotherapy (RT) outcomes modeling requires topology preserving inter-patient deformable image registration (DIR) that preserves tumors on moving images while avoiding unrealistic deformations due to tumors occurring on fixed images. Purpose: We developed a tumor-aware recurrent registration (TRACER) deep learning (DL) method and evaluated its suitability for VBA. Methods: TRACER consists of encoder layers implemented with stacked 3D convolutional long short term memory network (3D-CLSTM) followed by decoder and spatial transform layers to compute dense deformation vector field (DVF). Multiple CLSTM steps are used to compute a progressive sequence of deformations. Input conditioning was applied by including tumor segmentations with 3D image pairs as input channels. Bidirectional tumor rigidity, image similarity, and deformation smoothness losses were used to optimize the network in an unsupervised manner. TRACER and multiple DL methods were trained with 204 3D CT image pairs from patients with lung cancers (LC) and evaluated using (a) Dataset I (N = 308 pairs) with DL segmented LCs, (b) Dataset II (N = 765 pairs) with manually delineated LCs, and (c) Dataset III with 42 LC patients treated with RT. Results: TRACER accurately aligned normal tissues. It best preserved tumors, blackindicated by the smallest tumor volume difference of 0.24\%, 0.40\%, and 0.13 \% and mean square error in CT intensities of 0.005, 0.005, 0.004, computed between original and resampled moving image tumors, for Datasets I, II, and III, respectively. It resulted in the smallest planned RT tumor dose difference computed between original and resampled moving images of 0.01 Gy and 0.013 Gy when using a female and a male reference.
comment: Minor revision under the journal of Medical Physics
☆ Finding the Subjective Truth: Collecting 2 Million Votes for Comprehensive Gen-AI Model Evaluation
Efficiently evaluating the performance of text-to-image models is difficult as it inherently requires subjective judgment and human preference, making it hard to compare different models and quantify the state of the art. Leveraging Rapidata's technology, we present an efficient annotation framework that sources human feedback from a diverse, global pool of annotators. Our study collected over 2 million annotations across 4,512 images, evaluating four prominent models (DALL-E 3, Flux.1, MidJourney, and Stable Diffusion) on style preference, coherence, and text-to-image alignment. We demonstrate that our approach makes it feasible to comprehensively rank image generation models based on a vast pool of annotators and show that the diverse annotator demographics reflect the world population, significantly decreasing the risk of biases.
☆ ABHINAW: A method for Automatic Evaluation of Typography within AI-Generated Images
In the fast-evolving field of Generative AI, platforms like MidJourney, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion have transformed Text-to-Image (T2I) Generation. However, despite their impressive ability to create high-quality images, they often struggle to generate accurate text within these images. Theoretically, if we could achieve accurate text generation in AI images in a ``zero-shot'' manner, it would not only make AI-generated images more meaningful but also democratize the graphic design industry. The first step towards this goal is to create a robust scoring matrix for evaluating text accuracy in AI-generated images. Although there are existing bench-marking methods like CLIP SCORE and T2I-CompBench++, there's still a gap in systematically evaluating text and typography in AI-generated images, especially with diffusion-based methods. In this paper, we introduce a novel evaluation matrix designed explicitly for quantifying the performance of text and typography generation within AI-generated images. We have used letter by letter matching strategy to compute the exact matching scores from the reference text to the AI generated text. Our novel approach to calculate the score takes care of multiple redundancies such as repetition of words, case sensitivity, mixing of words, irregular incorporation of letters etc. Moreover, we have developed a Novel method named as brevity adjustment to handle excess text. In addition we have also done a quantitative analysis of frequent errors arise due to frequently used words and less frequently used words. Project page is available at: https://github.com/Abhinaw3906/ABHINAW-MATRIX.
☆ SpheriGait: Enriching Spatial Representation via Spherical Projection for LiDAR-based Gait Recognition
Gait recognition is a rapidly progressing technique for the remote identification of individuals. Prior research predominantly employing 2D sensors to gather gait data has achieved notable advancements; nonetheless, they have unavoidably neglected the influence of 3D dynamic characteristics on recognition. Gait recognition utilizing LiDAR 3D point clouds not only directly captures 3D spatial features but also diminishes the impact of lighting conditions while ensuring privacy protection.The essence of the problem lies in how to effectively extract discriminative 3D dynamic representation from point clouds.In this paper, we proposes a method named SpheriGait for extracting and enhancing dynamic features from point clouds for Lidar-based gait recognition. Specifically, it substitutes the conventional point cloud plane projection method with spherical projection to augment the perception of dynamic feature.Additionally, a network block named DAM-L is proposed to extract gait cues from the projected point cloud data. We conducted extensive experiments and the results demonstrated the SpheriGait achieved state-of-the-art performance on the SUSTech1K dataset, and verified that the spherical projection method can serve as a universal data preprocessing technique to enhance the performance of other LiDAR-based gait recognition methods, exhibiting exceptional flexibility and practicality.
☆ Distillation-free Scaling of Large SSMs for Images and Videos
State-space models (SSMs), exemplified by S4, have introduced a novel context modeling method by integrating state-space techniques into deep learning. However, they struggle with global context modeling due to their data-independent matrices. The Mamba model addressed this with data-dependent variants via the S6 selective-scan algorithm, enhancing context modeling, especially for long sequences. However, Mamba-based architectures are difficult to scale with respect to the number of parameters, which is a major limitation for vision applications. This paper addresses the scalability issue of large SSMs for image classification and action recognition without requiring additional techniques like knowledge distillation. We analyze the distinct characteristics of Mamba-based and Attention-based models, proposing a Mamba-Attention interleaved architecture that enhances scalability, robustness, and performance. We demonstrate that the stable and efficient interleaved architecture resolves the scalability issue of Mamba-based architectures for images and videos and increases robustness to common artifacts like JPEG compression. Our thorough evaluation on the ImageNet-1K, Kinetics-400 and Something-Something-v2 benchmarks demonstrates that our approach improves the accuracy of state-of-the-art Mamba-based architectures by up to $+1.7$.
☆ Physically-Based Photometric Bundle Adjustment in Non-Lambertian Environments IROS 2024
Photometric bundle adjustment (PBA) is widely used in estimating the camera pose and 3D geometry by assuming a Lambertian world. However, the assumption of photometric consistency is often violated since the non-diffuse reflection is common in real-world environments. The photometric inconsistency significantly affects the reliability of existing PBA methods. To solve this problem, we propose a novel physically-based PBA method. Specifically, we introduce the physically-based weights regarding material, illumination, and light path. These weights distinguish the pixel pairs with different levels of photometric inconsistency. We also design corresponding models for material estimation based on sequential images and illumination estimation based on point clouds. In addition, we establish the first SLAM-related dataset of non-Lambertian scenes with complete ground truth of illumination and material. Extensive experiments demonstrated that our PBA method outperforms existing approaches in accuracy.
comment: Accepted to 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
☆ NT-ViT: Neural Transcoding Vision Transformers for EEG-to-fMRI Synthesis ECCV24
This paper introduces the Neural Transcoding Vision Transformer (\modelname), a generative model designed to estimate high-resolution functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) samples from simultaneous Electroencephalography (EEG) data. A key feature of \modelname is its Domain Matching (DM) sub-module which effectively aligns the latent EEG representations with those of fMRI volumes, enhancing the model's accuracy and reliability. Unlike previous methods that tend to struggle with fidelity and reproducibility of images, \modelname addresses these challenges by ensuring methodological integrity and higher-quality reconstructions which we showcase through extensive evaluation on two benchmark datasets; \modelname outperforms the current state-of-the-art by a significant margin in both cases, e.g. achieving a $10\times$ reduction in RMSE and a $3.14\times$ increase in SSIM on the Oddball dataset. An ablation study also provides insights into the contribution of each component to the model's overall effectiveness. This development is critical in offering a new approach to lessen the time and financial constraints typically linked with high-resolution brain imaging, thereby aiding in the swift and precise diagnosis of neurological disorders. Although it is not a replacement for actual fMRI but rather a step towards making such imaging more accessible, we believe that it represents a pivotal advancement in clinical practice and neuroscience research. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/rom42pla/ntvit}.
comment: ECCV24 Workshop on Synthetic Data for Computer Vision
☆ RaggeDi: Diffusion-based State Estimation of Disordered Rags, Sheets, Towels and Blankets
Cloth state estimation is an important problem in robotics. It is essential for the robot to know the accurate state to manipulate cloth and execute tasks such as robotic dressing, stitching, and covering/uncovering human beings. However, estimating cloth state accurately remains challenging due to its high flexibility and self-occlusion. This paper proposes a diffusion model-based pipeline that formulates the cloth state estimation as an image generation problem by representing the cloth state as an RGB image that describes the point-wise translation (translation map) between a pre-defined flattened mesh and the deformed mesh in a canonical space. Then we train a conditional diffusion-based image generation model to predict the translation map based on an observation. Experiments are conducted in both simulation and the real world to validate the performance of our method. Results indicate that our method outperforms two recent methods in both accuracy and speed.
☆ End-to-End Probabilistic Geometry-Guided Regression for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
6D object pose estimation is the problem of identifying the position and orientation of an object relative to a chosen coordinate system, which is a core technology for modern XR applications. State-of-the-art 6D object pose estimators directly predict an object pose given an object observation. Due to the ill-posed nature of the pose estimation problem, where multiple different poses can correspond to a single observation, generating additional plausible estimates per observation can be valuable. To address this, we reformulate the state-of-the-art algorithm GDRNPP and introduce EPRO-GDR (End-to-End Probabilistic Geometry-Guided Regression). Instead of predicting a single pose per detection, we estimate a probability density distribution of the pose. Using the evaluation procedure defined by the BOP (Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation) Challenge, we test our approach on four of its core datasets and demonstrate superior quantitative results for EPRO-GDR on LM-O, YCB-V, and ITODD. Our probabilistic solution shows that predicting a pose distribution instead of a single pose can improve state-of-the-art single-view pose estimation while providing the additional benefit of being able to sample multiple meaningful pose candidates.
☆ EFCM: Efficient Fine-tuning on Compressed Models for deployment of large models in medical image analysis
The recent development of deep learning large models in medicine shows remarkable performance in medical image analysis and diagnosis, but their large number of parameters causes memory and inference latency challenges. Knowledge distillation offers a solution, but the slide-level gradients cannot be backpropagated for student model updates due to high-resolution pathological images and slide-level labels. This study presents an Efficient Fine-tuning on Compressed Models (EFCM) framework with two stages: unsupervised feature distillation and fine-tuning. In the distillation stage, Feature Projection Distillation (FPD) is proposed with a TransScan module for adaptive receptive field adjustment to enhance the knowledge absorption capability of the student model. In the slide-level fine-tuning stage, three strategies (Reuse CLAM, Retrain CLAM, and End2end Train CLAM (ETC)) are compared. Experiments are conducted on 11 downstream datasets related to three large medical models: RETFound for retina, MRM for chest X-ray, and BROW for histopathology. The experimental results demonstrate that the EFCM framework significantly improves accuracy and efficiency in handling slide-level pathological image problems, effectively addressing the challenges of deploying large medical models. Specifically, it achieves a 4.33% increase in ACC and a 5.2% increase in AUC compared to the large model BROW on the TCGA-NSCLC and TCGA-BRCA datasets. The analysis of model inference efficiency highlights the high efficiency of the distillation fine-tuning method.
☆ SymFace: Additional Facial Symmetry Loss for Deep Face Recognition WACV 2025
Over the past decade, there has been a steady advancement in enhancing face recognition algorithms leveraging advanced machine learning methods. The role of the loss function is pivotal in addressing face verification problems and playing a game-changing role. These loss functions have mainly explored variations among intra-class or inter-class separation. This research examines the natural phenomenon of facial symmetry in the face verification problem. The symmetry between the left and right hemi faces has been widely used in many research areas in recent decades. This paper adopts this simple approach judiciously by splitting the face image vertically into two halves. With the assumption that the natural phenomena of facial symmetry can enhance face verification methodology, we hypothesize that the two output embedding vectors of split faces must project close to each other in the output embedding space. Inspired by this concept, we penalize the network based on the disparity of embedding of the symmetrical pair of split faces. Symmetrical loss has the potential to minimize minor asymmetric features due to facial expression and lightning conditions, hence significantly increasing the inter-class variance among the classes and leading to more reliable face embedding. This loss function propels any network to outperform its baseline performance across all existing network architectures and configurations, enabling us to achieve SoTA results.
comment: 11 Pages, 6 Figures, 5 Tables, Submitted for WACV 2025
☆ EventAug: Multifaceted Spatio-Temporal Data Augmentation Methods for Event-based Learning
The event camera has demonstrated significant success across a wide range of areas due to its low time latency and high dynamic range. However, the community faces challenges such as data deficiency and limited diversity, often resulting in over-fitting and inadequate feature learning. Notably, the exploration of data augmentation techniques in the event community remains scarce. This work aims to address this gap by introducing a systematic augmentation scheme named EventAug to enrich spatial-temporal diversity. In particular, we first propose Multi-scale Temporal Integration (MSTI) to diversify the motion speed of objects, then introduce Spatial-salient Event Mask (SSEM) and Temporal-salient Event Mask (TSEM) to enrich object variants. Our EventAug can facilitate models learning with richer motion patterns, object variants and local spatio-temporal relations, thus improving model robustness to varied moving speeds, occlusions, and action disruptions. Experiment results show that our augmentation method consistently yields significant improvements across different tasks and backbones (e.g., a 4.87% accuracy gain on DVS128 Gesture). Our code will be publicly available for this community.
☆ Latent fingerprint enhancement for accurate minutiae detection
Identification of suspects based on partial and smudged fingerprints, commonly referred to as fingermarks or latent fingerprints, presents a significant challenge in the field of fingerprint recognition. Although fixed-length embeddings have shown effectiveness in recognising rolled and slap fingerprints, the methods for matching latent fingerprints have primarily centred around local minutiae-based embeddings, failing to fully exploit global representations for matching purposes. Consequently, enhancing latent fingerprints becomes critical to ensuring robust identification for forensic investigations. Current approaches often prioritise restoring ridge patterns, overlooking the fine-macroeconomic details crucial for accurate fingerprint recognition. To address this, we propose a novel approach that uses generative adversary networks (GANs) to redefine Latent Fingerprint Enhancement (LFE) through a structured approach to fingerprint generation. By directly optimising the minutiae information during the generation process, the model produces enhanced latent fingerprints that exhibit exceptional fidelity to ground-truth instances. This leads to a significant improvement in identification performance. Our framework integrates minutiae locations and orientation fields, ensuring the preservation of both local and structural fingerprint features. Extensive evaluations conducted on two publicly available datasets demonstrate our method's dominance over existing state-of-the-art techniques, highlighting its potential to significantly enhance latent fingerprint recognition accuracy in forensic applications.
☆ Efficient Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Bridge Distillation
Face recognition in the wild is now advancing towards light-weight models, fast inference speed and resolution-adapted capability. In this paper, we propose a bridge distillation approach to turn a complex face model pretrained on private high-resolution faces into a light-weight one for low-resolution face recognition. In our approach, such a cross-dataset resolution-adapted knowledge transfer problem is solved via two-step distillation. In the first step, we conduct cross-dataset distillation to transfer the prior knowledge from private high-resolution faces to public high-resolution faces and generate compact and discriminative features. In the second step, the resolution-adapted distillation is conducted to further transfer the prior knowledge to synthetic low-resolution faces via multi-task learning. By learning low-resolution face representations and mimicking the adapted high-resolution knowledge, a light-weight student model can be constructed with high efficiency and promising accuracy in recognizing low-resolution faces. Experimental results show that the student model performs impressively in recognizing low-resolution faces with only 0.21M parameters and 0.057MB memory. Meanwhile, its speed reaches up to 14,705, ~934 and 763 faces per second on GPU, CPU and mobile phone, respectively.
comment: This paper is published in IEEE TIP 2020
☆ Distilling Channels for Efficient Deep Tracking
Deep trackers have proven success in visual tracking. Typically, these trackers employ optimally pre-trained deep networks to represent all diverse objects with multi-channel features from some fixed layers. The deep networks employed are usually trained to extract rich knowledge from massive data used in object classification and so they are capable to represent generic objects very well. However, these networks are too complex to represent a specific moving object, leading to poor generalization as well as high computational and memory costs. This paper presents a novel and general framework termed channel distillation to facilitate deep trackers. To validate the effectiveness of channel distillation, we take discriminative correlation filter (DCF) and ECO for example. We demonstrate that an integrated formulation can turn feature compression, response map generation, and model update into a unified energy minimization problem to adaptively select informative feature channels that improve the efficacy of tracking moving objects on the fly. Channel distillation can accurately extract good channels, alleviating the influence of noisy channels and generally reducing the number of channels, as well as adaptively generalizing to different channels and networks. The resulting deep tracker is accurate, fast, and has low memory requirements. Extensive experimental evaluations on popular benchmarks clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of our framework.
comment: Published by IEEE TIP 2020
☆ Knowledge Adaptation Network for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to incrementally recognize new classes using a few samples while maintaining the performance on previously learned classes. One of the effective methods to solve this challenge is to construct prototypical evolution classifiers. Despite the advancement achieved by most existing methods, the classifier weights are simply initialized using mean features. Because representations for new classes are weak and biased, we argue such a strategy is suboptimal. In this paper, we tackle this issue from two aspects. Firstly, thanks to the development of foundation models, we employ a foundation model, the CLIP, as the network pedestal to provide a general representation for each class. Secondly, to generate a more reliable and comprehensive instance representation, we propose a Knowledge Adapter (KA) module that summarizes the data-specific knowledge from training data and fuses it into the general representation. Additionally, to tune the knowledge learned from the base classes to the upcoming classes, we propose a mechanism of Incremental Pseudo Episode Learning (IPEL) by simulating the actual FSCIL. Taken together, our proposed method, dubbed as Knowledge Adaptation Network (KANet), achieves competitive performance on a wide range of datasets, including CIFAR100, CUB200, and ImageNet-R.
comment: 13 pages;6 figures
☆ Cross-Organ and Cross-Scanner Adenocarcinoma Segmentation using Rein to Fine-tune Vision Foundation Models
In recent years, significant progress has been made in tumor segmentation within the field of digital pathology. However, variations in organs, tissue preparation methods, and image acquisition processes can lead to domain discrepancies among digital pathology images. To address this problem, in this paper, we use Rein, a fine-tuning method, to parametrically and efficiently fine-tune various vision foundation models (VFMs) for MICCAI 2024 Cross-Organ and Cross-Scanner Adenocarcinoma Segmentation (COSAS2024). The core of Rein consists of a set of learnable tokens, which are directly linked to instances, improving functionality at the instance level in each layer. In the data environment of the COSAS2024 Challenge, extensive experiments demonstrate that Rein fine-tuned the VFMs to achieve satisfactory results. Specifically, we used Rein to fine-tune ConvNeXt and DINOv2. Our team used the former to achieve scores of 0.7719 and 0.7557 on the preliminary test phase and final test phase in task1, respectively, while the latter achieved scores of 0.8848 and 0.8192 on the preliminary test phase and final test phase in task2. Code is available at GitHub.
☆ Neural Encoding for Image Recall: Human-Like Memory
Achieving human-like memory recall in artificial systems remains a challenging frontier in computer vision. Humans demonstrate remarkable ability to recall images after a single exposure, even after being shown thousands of images. However, this capacity diminishes significantly when confronted with non-natural stimuli such as random textures. In this paper, we present a method inspired by human memory processes to bridge this gap between artificial and biological memory systems. Our approach focuses on encoding images to mimic the high-level information retained by the human brain, rather than storing raw pixel data. By adding noise to images before encoding, we introduce variability akin to the non-deterministic nature of human memory encoding. Leveraging pre-trained models' embedding layers, we explore how different architectures encode images and their impact on memory recall. Our method achieves impressive results, with 97% accuracy on natural images and near-random performance (52%) on textures. We provide insights into the encoding process and its implications for machine learning memory systems, shedding light on the parallels between human and artificial intelligence memory mechanisms.
comment: 5 pages, 7 figures
☆ RockTrack: A 3D Robust Multi-Camera-Ken Multi-Object Tracking Framework
3D Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) obtains significant performance improvements with the rapid advancements in 3D object detection, particularly in cost-effective multi-camera setups. However, the prevalent end-to-end training approach for multi-camera trackers results in detector-specific models, limiting their versatility. Moreover, current generic trackers overlook the unique features of multi-camera detectors, i.e., the unreliability of motion observations and the feasibility of visual information. To address these challenges, we propose RockTrack, a 3D MOT method for multi-camera detectors. Following the Tracking-By-Detection framework, RockTrack is compatible with various off-the-shelf detectors. RockTrack incorporates a confidence-guided preprocessing module to extract reliable motion and image observations from distinct representation spaces from a single detector. These observations are then fused in an association module that leverages geometric and appearance cues to minimize mismatches. The resulting matches are propagated through a staged estimation process, forming the basis for heuristic noise modeling. Additionally, we introduce a novel appearance similarity metric for explicitly characterizing object affinities in multi-camera settings. RockTrack achieves state-of-the-art performance on the nuScenes vision-only tracking leaderboard with 59.1% AMOTA while demonstrating impressive computational efficiency.
comment: RockTrack establishes a new state-of-the-art with 59.1% AMOTA on the nuScenes vision-only test leaderboard with ResNet50-level backbone
☆ Exploring Gaze Pattern in Autistic Children: Clustering, Visualization, and Prediction
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) significantly affects the social and communication abilities of children, and eye-tracking is commonly used as a diagnostic tool by identifying associated atypical gaze patterns. Traditional methods demand manual identification of Areas of Interest in gaze patterns, lowering the performance of gaze behavior analysis in ASD subjects. To tackle this limitation, we propose a novel method to automatically analyze gaze behaviors in ASD children with superior accuracy. To be specific, we first apply and optimize seven clustering algorithms to automatically group gaze points to compare ASD subjects with typically developing peers. Subsequently, we extract 63 significant features to fully describe the patterns. These features can describe correlations between ASD diagnosis and gaze patterns. Lastly, using these features as prior knowledge, we train multiple predictive machine learning models to predict and diagnose ASD based on their gaze behaviors. To evaluate our method, we apply our method to three ASD datasets. The experimental and visualization results demonstrate the improvements of clustering algorithms in the analysis of unique gaze patterns in ASD children. Additionally, these predictive machine learning models achieved state-of-the-art prediction performance ($81\%$ AUC) in the field of automatically constructed gaze point features for ASD diagnosis. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/username/projectname}.
☆ Adaptive Selection of Sampling-Reconstruction in Fourier Compressed Sensing ECCV 2024
Compressed sensing (CS) has emerged to overcome the inefficiency of Nyquist sampling. However, traditional optimization-based reconstruction is slow and can not yield an exact image in practice. Deep learning-based reconstruction has been a promising alternative to optimization-based reconstruction, outperforming it in accuracy and computation speed. Finding an efficient sampling method with deep learning-based reconstruction, especially for Fourier CS remains a challenge. Existing joint optimization of sampling-reconstruction works (H1) optimize the sampling mask but have low potential as it is not adaptive to each data point. Adaptive sampling (H2) has also disadvantages of difficult optimization and Pareto sub-optimality. Here, we propose a novel adaptive selection of sampling-reconstruction (H1.5) framework that selects the best sampling mask and reconstruction network for each input data. We provide theorems that our method has a higher potential than H1 and effectively solves the Pareto sub-optimality problem in sampling-reconstruction by using separate reconstruction networks for different sampling masks. To select the best sampling mask, we propose to quantify the high-frequency Bayesian uncertainty of the input, using a super-resolution space generation model. Our method outperforms joint optimization of sampling-reconstruction (H1) and adaptive sampling (H2) by achieving significant improvements on several Fourier CS problems.
comment: 30 pages, Accepted to ECCV 2024
☆ InverseMeetInsert: Robust Real Image Editing via Geometric Accumulation Inversion in Guided Diffusion Models
In this paper, we introduce Geometry-Inverse-Meet-Pixel-Insert, short for GEO, an exceptionally versatile image editing technique designed to cater to customized user requirements at both local and global scales. Our approach seamlessly integrates text prompts and image prompts to yield diverse and precise editing outcomes. Notably, our method operates without the need for training and is driven by two key contributions: (i) a novel geometric accumulation loss that enhances DDIM inversion to faithfully preserve pixel space geometry and layout, and (ii) an innovative boosted image prompt technique that combines pixel-level editing for text-only inversion with latent space geometry guidance for standard classifier-free reversion. Leveraging the publicly available Stable Diffusion model, our approach undergoes extensive evaluation across various image types and challenging prompt editing scenarios, consistently delivering high-fidelity editing results for real images.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures
☆ DETECLAP: Enhancing Audio-Visual Representation Learning with Object Information
Current audio-visual representation learning can capture rough object categories (e.g., ``animals'' and ``instruments''), but it lacks the ability to recognize fine-grained details, such as specific categories like ``dogs'' and ``flutes'' within animals and instruments. To address this issue, we introduce DETECLAP, a method to enhance audio-visual representation learning with object information. Our key idea is to introduce an audio-visual label prediction loss to the existing Contrastive Audio-Visual Masked AutoEncoder to enhance its object awareness. To avoid costly manual annotations, we prepare object labels from both audio and visual inputs using state-of-the-art language-audio models and object detectors. We evaluate the method of audio-visual retrieval and classification using the VGGSound and AudioSet20K datasets. Our method achieves improvements in recall@10 of +1.5% and +1.2% for audio-to-visual and visual-to-audio retrieval, respectively, and an improvement in accuracy of +0.6% for audio-visual classification.
comment: under review
☆ Free-VSC: Free Semantics from Visual Foundation Models for Unsupervised Video Semantic Compression ECCV2024
Unsupervised video semantic compression (UVSC), i.e., compressing videos to better support various analysis tasks, has recently garnered attention. However, the semantic richness of previous methods remains limited, due to the single semantic learning objective, limited training data, etc. To address this, we propose to boost the UVSC task by absorbing the off-the-shelf rich semantics from VFMs. Specifically, we introduce a VFMs-shared semantic alignment layer, complemented by VFM-specific prompts, to flexibly align semantics between the compressed video and various VFMs. This allows different VFMs to collaboratively build a mutually-enhanced semantic space, guiding the learning of the compression model. Moreover, we introduce a dynamic trajectory-based inter-frame compression scheme, which first estimates the semantic trajectory based on the historical content, and then traverses along the trajectory to predict the future semantics as the coding context. This reduces the overall bitcost of the system, further improving the compression efficiency. Our approach outperforms previous coding methods on three mainstream tasks and six datasets.
comment: ECCV2024
☆ LFIC-DRASC: Deep Light Field Image Compression Using Disentangled Representation and Asymmetrical Strip Convolution
Light-Field (LF) image is emerging 4D data of light rays that is capable of realistically presenting spatial and angular information of 3D scene. However, the large data volume of LF images becomes the most challenging issue in real-time processing, transmission, and storage. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep LF Image Compression method Using Disentangled Representation and Asymmetrical Strip Convolution (LFIC-DRASC) to improve coding efficiency. Firstly, we formulate the LF image compression problem as learning a disentangled LF representation network and an image encoding-decoding network. Secondly, we propose two novel feature extractors that leverage the structural prior of LF data by integrating features across different dimensions. Meanwhile, disentangled LF representation network is proposed to enhance the LF feature disentangling and decoupling. Thirdly, we propose the LFIC-DRASC for LF image compression, where two Asymmetrical Strip Convolution (ASC) operators, i.e. horizontal and vertical, are proposed to capture long-range correlation in LF feature space. These two ASC operators can be combined with the square convolution to further decouple LF features, which enhances the model ability in representing intricate spatial relationships. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed LFIC-DRASC achieves an average of 20.5\% bit rate reductions comparing with the state-of-the-art methods.
☆ RopeBEV: A Multi-Camera Roadside Perception Network in Bird's-Eye-View
Multi-camera perception methods in Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) have gained wide application in autonomous driving. However, due to the differences between roadside and vehicle-side scenarios, there currently lacks a multi-camera BEV solution in roadside. This paper systematically analyzes the key challenges in multi-camera BEV perception for roadside scenarios compared to vehicle-side. These challenges include the diversity in camera poses, the uncertainty in Camera numbers, the sparsity in perception regions, and the ambiguity in orientation angles. In response, we introduce RopeBEV, the first dense multi-camera BEV approach. RopeBEV introduces BEV augmentation to address the training balance issues caused by diverse camera poses. By incorporating CamMask and ROIMask (Region of Interest Mask), it supports variable camera numbers and sparse perception, respectively. Finally, camera rotation embedding is utilized to resolve orientation ambiguity. Our method ranks 1st on the real-world highway dataset RoScenes and demonstrates its practical value on a private urban dataset that covers more than 50 intersections and 600 cameras.
☆ Discovering Conceptual Knowledge with Analytic Ontology Templates for Articulated Objects
Human cognition can leverage fundamental conceptual knowledge, like geometric and kinematic ones, to appropriately perceive, comprehend and interact with novel objects. Motivated by this finding, we aim to endow machine intelligence with an analogous capability through performing at the conceptual level, in order to understand and then interact with articulated objects, especially for those in novel categories, which is challenging due to the intricate geometric structures and diverse joint types of articulated objects. To achieve this goal, we propose Analytic Ontology Template (AOT), a parameterized and differentiable program description of generalized conceptual ontologies. A baseline approach called AOTNet driven by AOTs is designed accordingly to equip intelligent agents with these generalized concepts, and then empower the agents to effectively discover the conceptual knowledge on the structure and affordance of articulated objects. The AOT-driven approach yields benefits in three key perspectives: i) enabling concept-level understanding of articulated objects without relying on any real training data, ii) providing analytic structure information, and iii) introducing rich affordance information indicating proper ways of interaction. We conduct exhaustive experiments and the results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in understanding and then interacting with articulated objects.
☆ ORB-SfMLearner: ORB-Guided Self-supervised Visual Odometry with Selective Online Adaptation
Deep visual odometry, despite extensive research, still faces limitations in accuracy and generalizability that prevent its broader application. To address these challenges, we propose an Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB)-guided visual odometry with selective online adaptation named ORB-SfMLearner. We present a novel use of ORB features for learning-based ego-motion estimation, leading to more robust and accurate results. We also introduce the cross-attention mechanism to enhance the explainability of PoseNet and have revealed that driving direction of the vehicle can be explained through attention weights, marking a novel exploration in this area. To improve generalizability, our selective online adaptation allows the network to rapidly and selectively adjust to the optimal parameters across different domains. Experimental results on KITTI and vKITTI datasets show that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art deep visual odometry methods in terms of ego-motion accuracy and generalizability.
☆ GUNet: A Graph Convolutional Network United Diffusion Model for Stable and Diversity Pose Generation
Pose skeleton images are an important reference in pose-controllable image generation. In order to enrich the source of skeleton images, recent works have investigated the generation of pose skeletons based on natural language. These methods are based on GANs. However, it remains challenging to perform diverse, structurally correct and aesthetically pleasing human pose skeleton generation with various textual inputs. To address this problem, we propose a framework with GUNet as the main model, PoseDiffusion. It is the first generative framework based on a diffusion model and also contains a series of variants fine-tuned based on a stable diffusion model. PoseDiffusion demonstrates several desired properties that outperform existing methods. 1) Correct Skeletons. GUNet, a denoising model of PoseDiffusion, is designed to incorporate graphical convolutional neural networks. It is able to learn the spatial relationships of the human skeleton by introducing skeletal information during the training process. 2) Diversity. We decouple the key points of the skeleton and characterise them separately, and use cross-attention to introduce textual conditions. Experimental results show that PoseDiffusion outperforms existing SoTA algorithms in terms of stability and diversity of text-driven pose skeleton generation. Qualitative analyses further demonstrate its superiority for controllable generation in Stable Diffusion.
☆ SLAM assisted 3D tracking system for laparoscopic surgery
A major limitation of minimally invasive surgery is the difficulty in accurately locating the internal anatomical structures of the target organ due to the lack of tactile feedback and transparency. Augmented reality (AR) offers a promising solution to overcome this challenge. Numerous studies have shown that combining learning-based and geometric methods can achieve accurate preoperative and intraoperative data registration. This work proposes a real-time monocular 3D tracking algorithm for post-registration tasks. The ORB-SLAM2 framework is adopted and modified for prior-based 3D tracking. The primitive 3D shape is used for fast initialization of the monocular SLAM. A pseudo-segmentation strategy is employed to separate the target organ from the background for tracking purposes, and the geometric prior of the 3D shape is incorporated as an additional constraint in the pose graph. Experiments from in-vivo and ex-vivo tests demonstrate that the proposed 3D tracking system provides robust 3D tracking and effectively handles typical challenges such as fast motion, out-of-field-of-view scenarios, partial visibility, and "organ-background" relative motion.
comment: Demo: https://youtu.be/B1xZW8bj3cM
☆ Detecting Underdiagnosed Medical Conditions with Deep Learning-Based Opportunistic CT Imaging
Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scans are frequently performed in clinical settings. Opportunistic CT involves repurposing routine CT images to extract diagnostic information and is an emerging tool for detecting underdiagnosed conditions such as sarcopenia, hepatic steatosis, and ascites. This study utilizes deep learning methods to promote accurate diagnosis and clinical documentation. We analyze 2,674 inpatient CT scans to identify discrepancies between imaging phenotypes (characteristics derived from opportunistic CT scans) and their corresponding documentation in radiology reports and ICD coding. Through our analysis, we find that only 0.5%, 3.2%, and 30.7% of scans diagnosed with sarcopenia, hepatic steatosis, and ascites (respectively) through either opportunistic imaging or radiology reports were ICD-coded. Our findings demonstrate opportunistic CT's potential to enhance diagnostic precision and accuracy of risk adjustment models, offering advancements in precision medicine.
☆ SRIF: Semantic Shape Registration Empowered by Diffusion-based Image Morphing and Flow Estimation
In this paper, we propose SRIF, a novel Semantic shape Registration framework based on diffusion-based Image morphing and Flow estimation. More concretely, given a pair of extrinsically aligned shapes, we first render them from multi-views, and then utilize an image interpolation framework based on diffusion models to generate sequences of intermediate images between them. The images are later fed into a dynamic 3D Gaussian splatting framework, with which we reconstruct and post-process for intermediate point clouds respecting the image morphing processing. In the end, tailored for the above, we propose a novel registration module to estimate continuous normalizing flow, which deforms source shape consistently towards the target, with intermediate point clouds as weak guidance. Our key insight is to leverage large vision models (LVMs) to associate shapes and therefore obtain much richer semantic information on the relationship between shapes than the ad-hoc feature extraction and alignment. As a consequence, SRIF achieves high-quality dense correspondences on challenging shape pairs, but also delivers smooth, semantically meaningful interpolation in between. Empirical evidence justifies the effectiveness and superiority of our method as well as specific design choices. The code is released at https://github.com/rqhuang88/SRIF.
☆ Gradient-Driven 3D Segmentation and Affordance Transfer in Gaussian Splatting Using 2D Masks ICRA 2025
3D Gaussian Splatting has emerged as a powerful 3D scene representation technique, capturing fine details with high efficiency. In this paper, we introduce a novel voting-based method that extends 2D segmentation models to 3D Gaussian splats. Our approach leverages masked gradients, where gradients are filtered by input 2D masks, and these gradients are used as votes to achieve accurate segmentation. As a byproduct, we discovered that inference-time gradients can also be used to prune Gaussians, resulting in up to 21% compression. Additionally, we explore few-shot affordance transfer, allowing annotations from 2D images to be effectively transferred onto 3D Gaussian splats. The robust yet straightforward mathematical formulation underlying this approach makes it a highly effective tool for numerous downstream applications, such as augmented reality (AR), object editing, and robotics. The project code and additional resources are available at https://jojijoseph.github.io/3dgs-segmentation.
comment: Preprint, Under review for ICRA 2025
☆ Agent Aggregator with Mask Denoise Mechanism for Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis
Histopathology analysis is the gold standard for medical diagnosis. Accurate classification of whole slide images (WSIs) and region-of-interests (ROIs) localization can assist pathologists in diagnosis. The gigapixel resolution of WSI and the absence of fine-grained annotations make direct classification and analysis challenging. In weakly supervised learning, multiple instance learning (MIL) presents a promising approach for WSI classification. The prevailing strategy is to use attention mechanisms to measure instance importance for classification. However, attention mechanisms fail to capture inter-instance information, and self-attention causes quadratic computational complexity. To address these challenges, we propose AMD-MIL, an agent aggregator with a mask denoise mechanism. The agent token acts as an intermediate variable between the query and key for computing instance importance. Mask and denoising matrices, mapped from agents-aggregated value, dynamically mask low-contribution representations and eliminate noise. AMD-MIL achieves better attention allocation by adjusting feature representations, capturing micro-metastases in cancer, and improving interpretability. Extensive experiments on CAMELYON-16, CAMELYON-17, TCGA-KIDNEY, and TCGA-LUNG show AMD-MIL's superiority over state-of-the-art methods.
☆ Bridging Domain Gap for Flight-Ready Spaceborne Vision
This work presents Spacecraft Pose Network v3 (SPNv3), a Neural Network (NN) for monocular pose estimation of a known, non-cooperative target spacecraft. As opposed to existing literature, SPNv3 is designed and trained to be computationally efficient while providing robustness to spaceborne images that have not been observed during offline training and validation on the ground. These characteristics are essential to deploying NNs on space-grade edge devices. They are achieved through careful NN design choices, and an extensive trade-off analysis reveals features such as data augmentation, transfer learning and vision transformer architecture as a few of those that contribute to simultaneously maximizing robustness and minimizing computational overhead. Experiments demonstrate that the final SPNv3 can achieve state-of-the-art pose accuracy on hardware-in-the-loop images from a robotic testbed while having trained exclusively on computer-generated synthetic images, effectively bridging the domain gap between synthetic and real imagery. At the same time, SPNv3 runs well above the update frequency of modern satellite navigation filters when tested on a representative graphical processing unit system with flight heritage. Overall, SPNv3 is an efficient, flight-ready NN model readily applicable to a wide range of close-range rendezvous and proximity operations with target resident space objects. The code implementation of SPNv3 will be made publicly available.
comment: Submitted to Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; Appeared as Chapter 4 of Tae Ha Park's PhD thesis
☆ VL-Reader: Vision and Language Reconstructor is an Effective Scene Text Recognizer
Text recognition is an inherent integration of vision and language, encompassing the visual texture in stroke patterns and the semantic context among the character sequences. Towards advanced text recognition, there are three key challenges: (1) an encoder capable of representing the visual and semantic distributions; (2) a decoder that ensures the alignment between vision and semantics; and (3) consistency in the framework during pre-training, if it exists, and fine-tuning. Inspired by masked autoencoding, a successful pre-training strategy in both vision and language, we propose an innovative scene text recognition approach, named VL-Reader. The novelty of the VL-Reader lies in the pervasive interplay between vision and language throughout the entire process. Concretely, we first introduce a Masked Visual-Linguistic Reconstruction (MVLR) objective, which aims at simultaneously modeling visual and linguistic information. Then, we design a Masked Visual-Linguistic Decoder (MVLD) to further leverage masked vision-language context and achieve bi-modal feature interaction. The architecture of VL-Reader maintains consistency from pre-training to fine-tuning. In the pre-training stage, VL-Reader reconstructs both masked visual and text tokens, while in the fine-tuning stage, the network degrades to reconstruct all characters from an image without any masked regions. VL-reader achieves an average accuracy of 97.1% on six typical datasets, surpassing the SOTA by 1.1%. The improvement was even more significant on challenging datasets. The results demonstrate that vision and language reconstructor can serve as an effective scene text recognizer.
comment: Accepted by ACM-MM2024
☆ Enhancing Semi-Supervised Learning via Representative and Diverse Sample Selection
Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) has become a preferred paradigm in many deep learning tasks, which reduces the need for human labor. Previous studies primarily focus on effectively utilising the labelled and unlabeled data to improve performance. However, we observe that how to select samples for labelling also significantly impacts performance, particularly under extremely low-budget settings. The sample selection task in SSL has been under-explored for a long time. To fill in this gap, we propose a Representative and Diverse Sample Selection approach (RDSS). By adopting a modified Frank-Wolfe algorithm to minimise a novel criterion $\alpha$-Maximum Mean Discrepancy ($\alpha$-MMD), RDSS samples a representative and diverse subset for annotation from the unlabeled data. We demonstrate that minimizing $\alpha$-MMD enhances the generalization ability of low-budget learning. Experimental results show that RDSS consistently improves the performance of several popular SSL frameworks and outperforms the state-of-the-art sample selection approaches used in Active Learning (AL) and Semi-Supervised Active Learning (SSAL), even with constrained annotation budgets.
comment: Under Review
☆ Relax DARTS: Relaxing the Constraints of Differentiable Architecture Search for Eye Movement Recognition
Eye movement biometrics is a secure and innovative identification method. Deep learning methods have shown good performance, but their network architecture relies on manual design and combined priori knowledge. To address these issues, we introduce automated network search (NAS) algorithms to the field of eye movement recognition and present Relax DARTS, which is an improvement of the Differentiable Architecture Search (DARTS) to realize more efficient network search and training. The key idea is to circumvent the issue of weight sharing by independently training the architecture parameters $\alpha$ to achieve a more precise target architecture. Moreover, the introduction of module input weights $\beta$ allows cells the flexibility to select inputs, to alleviate the overfitting phenomenon and improve the model performance. Results on four public databases demonstrate that the Relax DARTS achieves state-of-the-art recognition performance. Notably, Relax DARTS exhibits adaptability to other multi-feature temporal classification tasks.
comment: Accepted By CCBR 2024
☆ Few-Shot Learning Approach on Tuberculosis Classification Based on Chest X-Ray Images
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, primarily affecting the lungs. Early detection is crucial for improving treatment effectiveness and reducing transmission risk. Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly through image classification of chest X-rays, can assist in TB detection. However, class imbalance in TB chest X-ray datasets presents a challenge for accurate classification. In this paper, we propose a few-shot learning (FSL) approach using the Prototypical Network algorithm to address this issue. We compare the performance of ResNet-18, ResNet-50, and VGG16 in feature extraction from the TBX11K Chest X-ray dataset. Experimental results demonstrate classification accuracies of 98.93% for ResNet-18, 98.60% for ResNet-50, and 33.33% for VGG16. These findings indicate that the proposed method outperforms others in mitigating data imbalance, which is particularly beneficial for disease classification applications.
comment: 6 pages. Pre-print
☆ DAF-Net: A Dual-Branch Feature Decomposition Fusion Network with Domain Adaptive for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
Infrared and visible image fusion aims to combine complementary information from both modalities to provide a more comprehensive scene understanding. However, due to the significant differences between the two modalities, preserving key features during the fusion process remains a challenge. To address this issue, we propose a dual-branch feature decomposition fusion network (DAF-Net) with domain adaptive, which introduces Multi-Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MK-MMD) into the base encoder and designs a hybrid kernel function suitable for infrared and visible image fusion. The base encoder built on the Restormer network captures global structural information while the detail encoder based on Invertible Neural Networks (INN) focuses on extracting detail texture information. By incorporating MK-MMD, the DAF-Net effectively aligns the latent feature spaces of visible and infrared images, thereby improving the quality of the fused images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing techniques across multiple datasets, significantly enhancing both visual quality and fusion performance. The related Python code is available at https://github.com/xujian000/DAF-Net.
comment: 5pages,4figures
☆ PainDiffusion: Can robot express pain?
Pain is a more intuitive and user-friendly way of communicating problems, making it especially useful in rehabilitation nurse training robots. While most previous methods have focused on classifying or recognizing pain expressions, these approaches often result in unnatural, jiggling robot faces. We introduce PainDiffusion, a model that generates facial expressions in response to pain stimuli, with controllable pain expressiveness and emotion status. PainDiffusion leverages diffusion forcing to roll out predictions over arbitrary lengths using a conditioned temporal U-Net. It operates as a latent diffusion model within EMOCA's facial expression latent space, ensuring a compact data representation and quick rendering time. For training data, we process the BioVid Heatpain Database, extracting expression codes and subject identity configurations. We also propose a novel set of metrics to evaluate pain expressions, focusing on expressiveness, diversity, and the appropriateness of model-generated outputs. Finally, we demonstrate that PainDiffusion outperforms the autoregressive method, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Code, videos, and further analysis are available at: \href{https://damtien444.github.io/paindf/}{https://damtien444.github.io/paindf/}.
comment: Under reviewing
☆ Multimodal Generalized Category Discovery
Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) aims to classify inputs into both known and novel categories, a task crucial for open-world scientific discoveries. However, current GCD methods are limited to unimodal data, overlooking the inherently multimodal nature of most real-world data. In this work, we extend GCD to a multimodal setting, where inputs from different modalities provide richer and complementary information. Through theoretical analysis and empirical validation, we identify that the key challenge in multimodal GCD lies in effectively aligning heterogeneous information across modalities. To address this, we propose MM-GCD, a novel framework that aligns both the feature and output spaces of different modalities using contrastive learning and distillation techniques. MM-GCD achieves new state-of-the-art performance on the UPMC-Food101 and N24News datasets, surpassing previous methods by 11.5\% and 4.7\%, respectively.
☆ Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Faster Residual Multi-branch Spiking Neural Network
Convolutional neural network (CNN) performs well in Hyperspectral Image (HSI) classification tasks, but its high energy consumption and complex network structure make it difficult to directly apply it to edge computing devices. At present, spiking neural networks (SNN) have developed rapidly in HSI classification tasks due to their low energy consumption and event driven characteristics. However, it usually requires a longer time step to achieve optimal accuracy. In response to the above problems, this paper builds a spiking neural network (SNN-SWMR) based on the leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron model for HSI classification tasks. The network uses the spiking width mixed residual (SWMR) module as the basic unit to perform feature extraction operations. The spiking width mixed residual module is composed of spiking mixed convolution (SMC), which can effectively extract spatial-spectral features. Secondly, this paper designs a simple and efficient arcsine approximate derivative (AAD), which solves the non-differentiable problem of spike firing by fitting the Dirac function. Through AAD, we can directly train supervised spike neural networks. Finally, this paper conducts comparative experiments with multiple advanced HSI classification algorithms based on spiking neural networks on six public hyperspectral data sets. Experimental results show that the AAD function has strong robustness and a good fitting effect. Meanwhile, compared with other algorithms, SNN-SWMR requires a time step reduction of about 84%, training time, and testing time reduction of about 63% and 70% at the same accuracy. This study solves the key problem of SNN based HSI classification algorithms, which has important practical significance for promoting the practical application of HSI classification algorithms in edge devices such as spaceborne and airborne devices.
comment: 15pages,12figures
♻ ☆ LaMamba-Diff: Linear-Time High-Fidelity Diffusion Models Based on Local Attention and Mamba
Recent Transformer-based diffusion models have shown remarkable performance, largely attributed to the ability of the self-attention mechanism to accurately capture both global and local contexts by computing all-pair interactions among input tokens. However, their quadratic complexity poses significant computational challenges for long-sequence inputs. Conversely, a recent state space model called Mamba offers linear complexity by compressing a filtered global context into a hidden state. Despite its efficiency, compression inevitably leads to information loss of fine-grained local dependencies among tokens, which are crucial for effective visual generative modeling. Motivated by these observations, we introduce Local Attentional Mamba (LaMamba) blocks that combine the strengths of self-attention and Mamba, capturing both global contexts and local details with linear complexity. Leveraging the efficient U-Net architecture, our model exhibits exceptional scalability and surpasses the performance of DiT across various model scales on ImageNet at 256x256 resolution, all while utilizing substantially fewer GFLOPs and a comparable number of parameters. Compared to state-of-the-art diffusion models on ImageNet 256x256 and 512x512, our largest model presents notable advantages, such as a reduction of up to 62% GFLOPs compared to DiT-XL/2, while achieving superior performance with comparable or fewer parameters.
♻ ☆ TK-Planes: Tiered K-Planes with High Dimensional Feature Vectors for Dynamic UAV-based Scenes ICRA2025
In this paper, we present a new approach to bridge the domain gap between synthetic and real-world data for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based perception. Our formulation is designed for dynamic scenes, consisting of small moving objects or human actions. We propose an extension of K-Planes Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), wherein our algorithm stores a set of tiered feature vectors. The tiered feature vectors are generated to effectively model conceptual information about a scene as well as an image decoder that transforms output feature maps into RGB images. Our technique leverages the information amongst both static and dynamic objects within a scene and is able to capture salient scene attributes of high altitude videos. We evaluate its performance on challenging datasets, including Okutama Action and UG2, and observe considerable improvement in accuracy over state of the art neural rendering methods.
comment: 8 pages, submitted to ICRA2025
♻ ☆ VideoClusterNet: Self-Supervised and Adaptive Face Clustering For Videos ECCV
With the rise of digital media content production, the need for analyzing movies and TV series episodes to locate the main cast of characters precisely is gaining importance.Specifically, Video Face Clustering aims to group together detected video face tracks with common facial identities. This problem is very challenging due to the large range of pose, expression, appearance, and lighting variations of a given face across video frames. Generic pre-trained Face Identification (ID) models fail to adapt well to the video production domain, given its high dynamic range content and also unique cinematic style. Furthermore, traditional clustering algorithms depend on hyperparameters requiring individual tuning across datasets. In this paper, we present a novel video face clustering approach that learns to adapt a generic face ID model to new video face tracks in a fully self-supervised fashion. We also propose a parameter-free clustering algorithm that is capable of automatically adapting to the finetuned model's embedding space for any input video. Due to the lack of comprehensive movie face clustering benchmarks, we also present a first-of-kind movie dataset: MovieFaceCluster. Our dataset is handpicked by film industry professionals and contains extremely challenging face ID scenarios. Experiments show our method's effectiveness in handling difficult mainstream movie scenes on our benchmark dataset and state-of-the-art performance on traditional TV series datasets.
comment: Accepted at European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024
♻ ☆ High-Resolution Maps of Left Atrial Displacements and Strains Estimated with 3D Cine MRI using Online Learning Neural Networks
The functional analysis of the left atrium (LA) is important for evaluating cardiac health and understanding diseases like atrial fibrillation. Cine MRI is ideally placed for the detailed 3D characterization of LA motion and deformation but is lacking appropriate acquisition and analysis tools. Here, we propose tools for the Analysis for Left Atrial Displacements and DeformatIons using online learning neural Networks (Aladdin) and present a technical feasibility study on how Aladdin can characterize 3D LA function globally and regionally. Aladdin includes an online segmentation and image registration network, and a strain calculation pipeline tailored to the LA. We create maps of LA Displacement Vector Field (DVF) magnitude and LA principal strain values from images of 10 healthy volunteers and 8 patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD), of which 2 had large left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) impairment. We additionally create an atlas of these biomarkers using the data from the healthy volunteers. Results showed that Aladdin can accurately track the LA wall across the cardiac cycle and characterize its motion and deformation. Global LA function markers assessed with Aladdin agree well with estimates from 2D Cine MRI. A more marked active contraction phase was observed in the healthy cohort, while the CVD LVEF group showed overall reduced LA function. Aladdin is uniquely able to identify LA regions with abnormal deformation metrics that may indicate focal pathology. We expect Aladdin to have important clinical applications as it can non-invasively characterize atrial pathophysiology. All source code and data are available at: https://github.com/cgalaz01/aladdin_cmr_la.
♻ ☆ Comparison of Two Augmentation Methods in Improving Detection Accuracy of Hemarthrosis
With the increase of computing power, machine learning models in medical imaging have been introduced to help in rending medical diagnosis and inspection, like hemophilia, a rare disorder in which blood cannot clot normally. Often, one of the bottlenecks of detecting hemophilia is the lack of data available to train the algorithm to increase the accuracy. As a possible solution, this research investigated whether introducing augmented data by data synthesis or traditional augmentation techniques can improve model accuracy, helping to diagnose the diseases. To tackle this research, features of ultrasound images were extracted by the pre-trained VGG-16, and similarities were compared by cosine similarity measure based on extracted features in different distributions among real images, synthetic images, and augmentation images (Real vs. Real, Syn vs. Syn, Real vs. Different Batches of Syn, Real vs. Augmentation Techniques). Model testing performance was investigated using EffientNet-B4 to recognize "blood" images with two augmentation methods. In addition, a gradient-weighted class activation mapping (Grad-CAM) visualization was used to interpret the unexpected results like loss of accuracy. Synthetic and real images do not show high similarity, with a mean similarity score of 0.4737. Synthetic batch 1 dataset and images by horizontal flip are more similar to the original images. Classic augmentation techniques and data synthesis can improve model accuracy, and data by traditional augmentation techniques have a better performance than synthetic data. In addition, the Grad-CAM heatmap figured out the loss of accuracy is due to a shift in the domain. Overall, this research found that two augmentation methods, data synthesis and traditional augmentation techniques, both can improve accuracy to a certain extent to help to diagnose rare diseases.
♻ ☆ Efficient 3D Instance Mapping and Localization with Neural Fields
We tackle the problem of learning an implicit scene representation for 3D instance segmentation from a sequence of posed RGB images. Towards this, we introduce 3DIML, a novel framework that efficiently learns a neural label field which can render 3D instance segmentation masks from novel viewpoints. Opposed to prior art that optimizes a neural field in a self-supervised manner, requiring complicated training procedures and loss function design, 3DIML leverages a two-phase process. The first phase, InstanceMap, takes as input 2D segmentation masks of the image sequence generated by a frontend instance segmentation model, and associates corresponding masks across images to 3D labels. These almost 3D-consistent pseudolabel masks are then used in the second phase, InstanceLift, to supervise the training of a neural label field, which interpolates regions missed by InstanceMap and resolves ambiguities. Additionally, we introduce InstanceLoc, which enables near realtime localization of instance masks given a trained neural label field. We evaluate 3DIML on sequences from the Replica and ScanNet datasets and demonstrate its effectiveness under mild assumptions for the image sequences. We achieve a large practical speedup over existing implicit scene representation methods with comparable quality, showcasing its potential to facilitate faster and more effective 3D scene understanding.
♻ ☆ NN-Copula-CD: A Copula-Guided Interpretable Neural Network for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
Change detection (CD) in heterogeneous remote sensing images has been widely used for disaster monitoring and land-use management. In the past decade, the heterogeneous CD problem has significantly benefited from the development of deep neural networks (DNNs). However, the purely data-driven DNNs perform like a black box where the lack of interpretability limits the trustworthiness and controllability of DNNs in most practical CD applications. As a powerful knowledge-driven tool, copula theory performs well in modeling relationships among random variables. To enhance the interpretability of existing neural networks for CD, we propose a knowledge-data-driven heterogeneous CD method based on a copula-guided neural network, named NN-Copula-CD. In our NN-Copula-CD, the mathematical characteristics of copula are employed as the loss functions to supervise a neural network to learn the dependence between bi-temporal heterogeneous superpixel pairs, and then the changed regions are identified via binary classification based on the degrees of dependence of all the superpixel pairs in the bi-temporal images. We conduct in-depth experiments on three datasets with heterogeneous images, including optical, synthetic aperture radar, multispectral, and near-infrared images, where both quantitative and visual results demonstrate both the effectiveness and interpretability of our proposed NN-Copula-CD method.
comment: Add new contributors to this version, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
♻ ☆ Mitigating Urban-Rural Disparities in Contrastive Representation Learning with Satellite Imagery
Satellite imagery is being leveraged for many societally critical tasks across climate, economics, and public health. Yet, because of heterogeneity in landscapes (e.g. how a road looks in different places), models can show disparate performance across geographic areas. Given the important potential of disparities in algorithmic systems used in societal contexts, here we consider the risk of urban-rural disparities in identification of land-cover features. This is via semantic segmentation (a common computer vision task in which image regions are labelled according to what is being shown) which uses pre-trained image representations generated via contrastive self-supervised learning. We propose fair dense representation with contrastive learning (FairDCL) as a method for de-biasing the multi-level latent space of convolution neural network models. The method improves feature identification by removing spurious model representations which are disparately distributed across urban and rural areas, and is achieved in an unsupervised way by contrastive pre-training. The obtained image representation mitigates downstream urban-rural prediction disparities and outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on real-world satellite images. Embedding space evaluation and ablation studies further demonstrate FairDCL's robustness. As generalizability and robustness in geographic imagery is a nascent topic, our work motivates researchers to consider metrics beyond average accuracy in such applications.
♻ ☆ Checklist to Define the Identification of TP, FP, and FN Object Detections in Automated Driving
The object perception of automated driving systems must pass quality and robustness tests before a safe deployment. Such tests typically identify true positive (TP), false-positive (FP), and false-negative (FN) detections and aggregate them to metrics. Since the literature seems to be lacking a comprehensive way to define the identification of TPs/FPs/FNs, this paper provides a checklist of relevant functional aspects and implementation details. Besides labeling policies of the test set, we cover areas of vision, occlusion handling, safety-relevant areas, matching criteria, temporal and probabilistic issues, and further aspects. Even though the checklist cannot be fully formalized, it can help practitioners minimize the ambiguity of their tests, which, in turn, makes statements on object perception more reliable and comparable.
comment: This version improves the checklist's usability by providing bullet points to follow. It also condenses the contributions to safety assurance down to the "Related Work" section. 11 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Continual Learning: Forget-free Winning Subnetworks for Video Representations
Inspired by the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH), which highlights the existence of efficient subnetworks within larger, dense networks, a high-performing Winning Subnetwork (WSN) in terms of task performance under appropriate sparsity conditions is considered for various continual learning tasks. It leverages pre-existing weights from dense networks to achieve efficient learning in Task Incremental Learning (TIL) and Task-agnostic Incremental Learning (TaIL) scenarios. In Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning (FSCIL), a variation of WSN referred to as the Soft subnetwork (SoftNet) is designed to prevent overfitting when the data samples are scarce. Furthermore, the sparse reuse of WSN weights is considered for Video Incremental Learning (VIL). The use of Fourier Subneural Operator (FSO) within WSN is considered. It enables compact encoding of videos and identifies reusable subnetworks across varying bandwidths. We have integrated FSO into different architectural frameworks for continual learning, including VIL, TIL, and FSCIL. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate FSO's effectiveness, significantly improving task performance at various convolutional representational levels. Specifically, FSO enhances higher-layer performance in TIL and FSCIL and lower-layer performance in VIL.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.14962, arXiv:2306.11305
♻ ☆ Inverse Problems with Diffusion Models: A MAP Estimation Perspective
Inverse problems have many applications in science and engineering. In Computer vision, several image restoration tasks such as inpainting, deblurring, and super-resolution can be formally modeled as inverse problems. Recently, methods have been developed for solving inverse problems that only leverage a pre-trained unconditional diffusion model and do not require additional task-specific training. In such methods, however, the inherent intractability of determining the conditional score function during the reverse diffusion process poses a real challenge, leaving the methods to settle with an approximation instead, which affects their performance in practice. Here, we propose a MAP estimation framework to model the reverse conditional generation process of a continuous time diffusion model as an optimization process of the underlying MAP objective, whose gradient term is tractable. In theory, the proposed framework can be applied to solve general inverse problems using gradient-based optimization methods. However, given the highly non-convex nature of the loss objective, finding a perfect gradient-based optimization algorithm can be quite challenging, nevertheless, our framework offers several potential research directions. We use our proposed formulation to develop empirically effective algorithms for image restoration. We validate our proposed algorithms with extensive experiments over multiple datasets across several restoration tasks.
♻ ☆ PFDiff: Training-free Acceleration of Diffusion Models through the Gradient Guidance of Past and Future
Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) have shown remarkable potential in image generation, but their sampling efficiency is hindered by the need for numerous denoising steps. Most existing solutions accelerate the sampling process by proposing fast ODE solvers. However, the inevitable discretization errors of the ODE solvers are significantly magnified when the number of function evaluations (NFE) is fewer. In this work, we propose PFDiff, a novel training-free and orthogonal timestep-skipping strategy, which enables existing fast ODE solvers to operate with fewer NFE. Specifically, PFDiff initially utilizes gradient replacement from past time steps to predict a "springboard". Subsequently, it employs this "springboard" along with foresight updates inspired by Nesterov momentum to rapidly update current intermediate states. This approach effectively reduces unnecessary NFE while correcting for discretization errors inherent in first-order ODE solvers. Experimental results demonstrate that PFDiff exhibits flexible applicability across various pre-trained DPMs, particularly excelling in conditional DPMs and surpassing previous state-of-the-art training-free methods. For instance, using DDIM as a baseline, we achieved 16.46 FID (4 NFE) compared to 138.81 FID with DDIM on ImageNet 64x64 with classifier guidance, and 13.06 FID (10 NFE) on Stable Diffusion with 7.5 guidance scale.
♻ ☆ OneEncoder: A Lightweight Framework for Progressive Alignment of Modalities
Cross-modal alignment Learning integrates information from different modalities like text, image, audio and video to create unified models. This approach develops shared representations and learns correlations between modalities, enabling applications such as visual question answering and audiovisual content analysis. Current techniques rely on large modality-specific encoders, necessitating fine-tuning or training from scratch on vast aligned datasets (e.g., text-image, text-audio, image-audio). This approach has limitations: (i) it is very expensive due to the need for training large encoders on extensive datasets, (ii) acquiring aligned large paired datasets is challenging, and (iii) adding new modalities requires retraining the entire framework to incorporate these modalities. To address these issues, we propose OneEncoder, a lightweight framework that progressively represents and aligns four modalities (image, text, audio, video). Initially, we train a lightweight Universal Projection module (UP) to align image and text modalities. Then, we freeze the pretrained UP and progressively align future modalities to those already aligned. OneEncoder operates efficiently and cost-effectively, even in scenarios where vast aligned datasets are unavailable, due to its lightweight design. Trained on small paired datasets, it shows strong performance in tasks like classification, querying, and visual question answering, surpassing methods that rely on large datasets and specialized encoders.
♻ ☆ GDTS: Goal-Guided Diffusion Model with Tree Sampling for Multi-Modal Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction ICRA 2025
Accurate prediction of pedestrian trajectories is crucial for improving the safety of autonomous driving. However, this task is generally nontrivial due to the inherent stochasticity of human motion, which naturally requires the predictor to generate multi-modal prediction. Previous works leverage various generative methods, such as GAN and VAE, for pedestrian trajectory prediction. Nevertheless, these methods may suffer from mode collapse and relatively low-quality results. The denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) has recently been applied to trajectory prediction due to its simple training process and powerful reconstruction ability. However, current diffusion-based methods do not fully utilize input information and usually require many denoising iterations that lead to a long inference time or an additional network for initialization. To address these challenges and facilitate the use of diffusion models in multi-modal trajectory prediction, we propose GDTS, a novel Goal-Guided Diffusion Model with Tree Sampling for multi-modal trajectory prediction. Considering the "goal-driven" characteristics of human motion, GDTS leverages goal estimation to guide the generation of the diffusion network. A two-stage tree sampling algorithm is presented, which leverages common features to reduce the inference time and improve accuracy for multi-modal prediction. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework achieves comparable state-of-the-art performance with real-time inference speed in public datasets.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
♻ ☆ Mamba-YOLO-World: Marrying YOLO-World with Mamba for Open-Vocabulary Detection
Open-vocabulary detection (OVD) aims to detect objects beyond a predefined set of categories. As a pioneering model incorporating the YOLO series into OVD, YOLO-World is well-suited for scenarios prioritizing speed and efficiency. However, its performance is hindered by its neck feature fusion mechanism, which causes the quadratic complexity and the limited guided receptive fields. To address these limitations, we present Mamba-YOLO-World, a novel YOLO-based OVD model employing the proposed MambaFusion Path Aggregation Network (MambaFusion-PAN) as its neck architecture. Specifically, we introduce an innovative State Space Model-based feature fusion mechanism consisting of a Parallel-Guided Selective Scan algorithm and a Serial-Guided Selective Scan algorithm with linear complexity and globally guided receptive fields. It leverages multi-modal input sequences and mamba hidden states to guide the selective scanning process. Experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms the original YOLO-World on the COCO and LVIS benchmarks in both zero-shot and fine-tuning settings while maintaining comparable parameters and FLOPs. Additionally, it surpasses existing state-of-the-art OVD methods with fewer parameters and FLOPs.
♻ ☆ LM-Gaussian: Boost Sparse-view 3D Gaussian Splatting with Large Model Priors
We aim to address sparse-view reconstruction of a 3D scene by leveraging priors from large-scale vision models. While recent advancements such as 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) have demonstrated remarkable successes in 3D reconstruction, these methods typically necessitate hundreds of input images that densely capture the underlying scene, making them time-consuming and impractical for real-world applications. However, sparse-view reconstruction is inherently ill-posed and under-constrained, often resulting in inferior and incomplete outcomes. This is due to issues such as failed initialization, overfitting on input images, and a lack of details. To mitigate these challenges, we introduce LM-Gaussian, a method capable of generating high-quality reconstructions from a limited number of images. Specifically, we propose a robust initialization module that leverages stereo priors to aid in the recovery of camera poses and the reliable point clouds. Additionally, a diffusion-based refinement is iteratively applied to incorporate image diffusion priors into the Gaussian optimization process to preserve intricate scene details. Finally, we utilize video diffusion priors to further enhance the rendered images for realistic visual effects. Overall, our approach significantly reduces the data acquisition requirements compared to previous 3DGS methods. We validate the effectiveness of our framework through experiments on various public datasets, demonstrating its potential for high-quality 360-degree scene reconstruction. Visual results are on our website.
comment: Project page: https://hanyangyu1021.github.io/lm-gaussian.github.io/
♻ ☆ High-Resolution Building and Road Detection from Sentinel-2
Mapping buildings and roads automatically with remote sensing typically requires high-resolution imagery, which is expensive to obtain and often sparsely available. In this work we demonstrate how multiple 10 m resolution Sentinel-2 images can be used to generate 50 cm resolution building and road segmentation masks. This is done by training a `student' model with access to Sentinel-2 images to reproduce the predictions of a `teacher' model which has access to corresponding high-resolution imagery. While the predictions do not have all the fine detail of the teacher model, we find that we are able to retain much of the performance: for building segmentation we achieve 79.0\% mIoU, compared to the high-resolution teacher model accuracy of 85.5\% mIoU. We also describe two related methods that work on Sentinel-2 imagery: one for counting individual buildings which achieves $R^2 = 0.91$ against true counts and one for predicting building height with 1.5 meter mean absolute error. This work opens up new possibilities for using freely available Sentinel-2 imagery for a range of tasks that previously could only be done with high-resolution satellite imagery.
♻ ☆ LTOS: Layout-controllable Text-Object Synthesis via Adaptive Cross-attention Fusions
Controllable text-to-image generation synthesizes visual text and objects in images with certain conditions, which are frequently applied to emoji and poster generation. Visual text rendering and layout-to-image generation tasks have been popular in controllable text-to-image generation. However, each of these tasks typically focuses on single modality generation or rendering, leaving yet-to-be-bridged gaps between the approaches correspondingly designed for each of the tasks. In this paper, we combine text rendering and layout-to-image generation tasks into a single task: layout-controllable text-object synthesis (LTOS) task, aiming at synthesizing images with object and visual text based on predefined object layout and text contents. As compliant datasets are not readily available for our LTOS task, we construct a layout-aware text-object synthesis dataset, containing elaborate well-aligned labels of visual text and object information. Based on the dataset, we propose a layout-controllable text-object adaptive fusion (TOF) framework, which generates images with clear, legible visual text and plausible objects. We construct a visual-text rendering module to synthesize text and employ an object-layout control module to generate objects while integrating the two modules to harmoniously generate and integrate text content and objects in images. To better the image-text integration, we propose a self-adaptive cross-attention fusion module that helps the image generation to attend more to important text information. Within such a fusion module, we use a self-adaptive learnable factor to learn to flexibly control the influence of cross-attention outputs on image generation. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art in LTOS, text rendering, and layout-to-image tasks, enabling harmonious visual text rendering and object generation.
♻ ☆ QNCD: Quantization Noise Correction for Diffusion Models
Diffusion models have revolutionized image synthesis, setting new benchmarks in quality and creativity. However, their widespread adoption is hindered by the intensive computation required during the iterative denoising process. Post-training quantization (PTQ) presents a solution to accelerate sampling, aibeit at the expense of sample quality, extremely in low-bit settings. Addressing this, our study introduces a unified Quantization Noise Correction Scheme (QNCD), aimed at minishing quantization noise throughout the sampling process. We identify two primary quantization challenges: intra and inter quantization noise. Intra quantization noise, mainly exacerbated by embeddings in the resblock module, extends activation quantization ranges, increasing disturbances in each single denosing step. Besides, inter quantization noise stems from cumulative quantization deviations across the entire denoising process, altering data distributions step-by-step. QNCD combats these through embedding-derived feature smoothing for eliminating intra quantization noise and an effective runtime noise estimatiation module for dynamicly filtering inter quantization noise. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms previous quantization methods for diffusion models, achieving lossless results in W4A8 and W8A8 quantization settings on ImageNet (LDM-4). Code is available at: https://github.com/huanpengchu/QNCD
comment: Accepted by ACMMM2024
♻ ☆ High-Order Evolving Graphs for Enhanced Representation of Traffic Dynamics ECCV
We present an innovative framework for traffic dynamics analysis using High-Order Evolving Graphs, designed to improve spatio-temporal representations in autonomous driving contexts. Our approach constructs temporal bidirectional bipartite graphs that effectively model the complex interactions within traffic scenes in real-time. By integrating Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with high-order multi-aggregation strategies, we significantly enhance the modeling of traffic scene dynamics, providing a more accurate and detailed analysis of these interactions. Additionally, we incorporate inductive learning techniques inspired by the GraphSAGE framework, enabling our model to adapt to new and unseen traffic scenarios without the need for retraining, thus ensuring robust generalization. Through extensive experiments on the ROAD and ROAD Waymo datasets, we establish a comprehensive baseline for further developments, demonstrating the potential of our method in accurately capturing traffic behavior. Our results emphasize the value of high-order statistical moments and feature-gated attention mechanisms in improving traffic behavior analysis, laying the groundwork for advancing autonomous driving technologies. Our source code is available at: https://github.com/Addy-1998/High_Order_Graphs
comment: Accepted manuscript - 2nd Workshop on Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving (VCAD) as part of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024
♻ ☆ Annealed Winner-Takes-All for Motion Forecasting
In autonomous driving, motion prediction aims at forecasting the future trajectories of nearby agents, helping the ego vehicle to anticipate behaviors and drive safely. A key challenge is generating a diverse set of future predictions, commonly addressed using data-driven models with Multiple Choice Learning (MCL) architectures and Winner-Takes-All (WTA) training objectives. However, these methods face initialization sensitivity and training instabilities. Additionally, to compensate for limited performance, some approaches rely on training with a large set of hypotheses, requiring a post-selection step during inference to significantly reduce the number of predictions. To tackle these issues, we take inspiration from annealed MCL, a recently introduced technique that improves the convergence properties of MCL methods through an annealed Winner-Takes-All loss (aWTA). In this paper, we demonstrate how the aWTA loss can be integrated with state-of-the-art motion forecasting models to enhance their performance using only a minimal set of hypotheses, eliminating the need for the cumbersome post-selection step. Our approach can be easily incorporated into any trajectory prediction model normally trained using WTA and yields significant improvements. To facilitate the application of our approach to future motion forecasting models, the code will be made publicly available upon acceptance: https://github.com/valeoai/MF_aWTA.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Ethical Challenges in Computer Vision: Ensuring Privacy and Mitigating Bias in Publicly Available Datasets
This paper aims to shed light on the ethical problems of creating and deploying computer vision tech, particularly in using publicly available datasets. Due to the rapid growth of machine learning and artificial intelligence, computer vision has become a vital tool in many industries, including medical care, security systems, and trade. However, extensive use of visual data that is often collected without consent due to an informed discussion of its ramifications raises significant concerns about privacy and bias. The paper also examines these issues by analyzing popular datasets such as COCO, LFW, ImageNet, CelebA, PASCAL VOC, etc., that are usually used for training computer vision models. We offer a comprehensive ethical framework that addresses these challenges regarding the protection of individual rights, minimization of bias as well as openness and responsibility. We aim to encourage AI development that will take into account societal values as well as ethical standards to avoid any public harm.
♻ ☆ Multiscale Feature Learning Using Co-Tuplet Loss for Offline Handwritten Signature Verification
Handwritten signature verification, crucial for legal and financial institutions, faces challenges including inter-writer similarity, intra-writer variations, and limited signature samples. To address these, we introduce the MultiScale Signature feature learning Network (MS-SigNet) with the co-tuplet loss, a novel metric learning loss designed for offline handwritten signature verification. MS-SigNet learns both global and regional signature features from multiple spatial scales, enhancing feature discrimination. This approach effectively distinguishes genuine signatures from skilled forgeries by capturing overall strokes and detailed local differences. The co-tuplet loss, focusing on multiple positive and negative examples, overcomes the limitations of typical metric learning losses by addressing inter-writer similarity and intra-writer variations and emphasizing informative examples. We also present HanSig, a large-scale Chinese signature dataset to support robust system development for this language. The dataset is accessible at \url{https://github.com/hsinmin/HanSig}. Experimental results on four benchmark datasets in different languages demonstrate the promising performance of our method in comparison to state-of-the-art approaches.
♻ ☆ LetsGo: Large-Scale Garage Modeling and Rendering via LiDAR-Assisted Gaussian Primitives
Large garages are ubiquitous yet intricate scenes that present unique challenges due to their monotonous colors, repetitive patterns, reflective surfaces, and transparent vehicle glass. Conventional Structure from Motion (SfM) methods for camera pose estimation and 3D reconstruction often fail in these environments due to poor correspondence construction. To address these challenges, we introduce LetsGo, a LiDAR-assisted Gaussian splatting framework for large-scale garage modeling and rendering. We develop a handheld scanner, Polar, equipped with IMU, LiDAR, and a fisheye camera, to facilitate accurate data acquisition. Using this Polar device, we present the GarageWorld dataset, consisting of eight expansive garage scenes with diverse geometric structures, which will be made publicly available for further research. Our approach demonstrates that LiDAR point clouds collected by the Polar device significantly enhance a suite of 3D Gaussian splatting algorithms for garage scene modeling and rendering. We introduce a novel depth regularizer that effectively eliminates floating artifacts in rendered images. Additionally, we propose a multi-resolution 3D Gaussian representation designed for Level-of-Detail (LOD) rendering. This includes adapted scaling factors for individual levels and a random-resolution-level training scheme to optimize the Gaussians across different resolutions. This representation enables efficient rendering of large-scale garage scenes on lightweight devices via a web-based renderer. Experimental results on our GarageWorld dataset, as well as on ScanNet++ and KITTI-360, demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of rendering quality and resource efficiency.
comment: Project Page: https://zhaofuq.github.io/LetsGo/
♻ ☆ 3DGS-Calib: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Multimodal SpatioTemporal Calibration IROS 2024
Reliable multimodal sensor fusion algorithms require accurate spatiotemporal calibration. Recently, targetless calibration techniques based on implicit neural representations have proven to provide precise and robust results. Nevertheless, such methods are inherently slow to train given the high computational overhead caused by the large number of sampled points required for volume rendering. With the recent introduction of 3D Gaussian Splatting as a faster alternative to implicit representation methods, we propose to leverage this new rendering approach to achieve faster multi-sensor calibration. We introduce 3DGS-Calib, a new calibration method that relies on the speed and rendering accuracy of 3D Gaussian Splatting to achieve multimodal spatiotemporal calibration that is accurate, robust, and with a substantial speed-up compared to methods relying on implicit neural representations. We demonstrate the superiority of our proposal with experimental results on sequences from KITTI-360, a widely used driving dataset.
comment: Accepted at IROS 2024 (Oral presentation). Project page: https://qherau.github.io/3DGS-Calib/
♻ ☆ V2I-Calib: A Novel Calibration Approach for Collaborative Vehicle and Infrastructure LiDAR Systems IROS2024
Cooperative LiDAR systems integrating vehicles and road infrastructure, termed V2I calibration, exhibit substantial potential, yet their deployment encounters numerous challenges. A pivotal aspect of ensuring data accuracy and consistency across such systems involves the calibration of LiDAR units across heterogeneous vehicular and infrastructural endpoints. This necessitates the development of calibration methods that are both real-time and robust, particularly those that can ensure robust performance in urban canyon scenarios without relying on initial positioning values. Accordingly, this paper introduces a novel approach to V2I calibration, leveraging spatial association information among perceived objects. Central to this method is the innovative Overall Intersection over Union (oIoU) metric, which quantifies the correlation between targets identified by vehicle and infrastructure systems, thereby facilitating the real-time monitoring of calibration results. Our approach involves identifying common targets within the perception results of vehicle and infrastructure LiDAR systems through the construction of an affinity matrix. These common targets then form the basis for the calculation and optimization of extrinsic parameters. Comparative and ablation studies conducted using the DAIR-V2X dataset substantiate the superiority of our approach. For further insights and resources, our project repository is accessible at https://github.com/MassimoQu/v2i-calib.
comment: IROS2024
♻ ☆ CoMT: Chain-of-Medical-Thought Reduces Hallucination in Medical Report Generation
Automatic medical report generation (MRG), which possesses significant research value as it can aid radiologists in clinical diagnosis and report composition, has garnered increasing attention. Despite recent progress, generating accurate reports remains arduous due to the requirement for precise clinical comprehension and disease diagnosis inference. Furthermore, owing to the limited accessibility of medical data and the imbalanced distribution of diseases, the underrepresentation of rare diseases in training data makes large-scale medical visual language models (LVLMs) prone to hallucinations, such as omissions or fabrications, severely undermining diagnostic performance and further intensifying the challenges for MRG in practice. In this study, to effectively mitigate hallucinations in medical report generation, we propose a chain-of-medical-thought approach (CoMT), which intends to imitate the cognitive process of human doctors by decomposing diagnostic procedures. The radiological features with different importance are structured into fine-grained medical thought chains to enhance the inferential ability during diagnosis, thereby alleviating hallucination problems and enhancing the diagnostic accuracy of MRG. All resources of this work will be released soon.
♻ ☆ Unsupervised Cross-domain Pulmonary Nodule Detection without Source Data
Cross-domain pulmonary nodule detection suffers from performance degradation due to a large shift of data distributions between the source and target domain. Besides, considering the high cost of medical data annotation, it is often assumed that the target images are unlabeled. Existing approaches have made much progress for this unsupervised domain adaptation setting. However, this setting is still rarely plausible in medical applications since the source medical data are often not accessible due to privacy concerns. This motivates us to propose a Source-free Unsupervised cross-domain method for Pulmonary nodule detection (SUP), named Instance-level Contrastive Instruction fine-tuning framework (ICI). It first adapts the source model to the target domain by utilizing instance-level contrastive learning. Then the adapted model is trained in a teacher-student interaction manner, and a weighted entropy loss is incorporated to further improve the accuracy. We establish a benchmark by adapting a pre-trained source model to three popular datasets for pulmonary nodule detection. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first exploration of source-free unsupervised domain adaptation in medical image object detection. Our extensive evaluations reveal that SUP-ICI substantially surpasses existing state-of-the-art approaches, achieving FROC score improvements ranging from 8.98% to 16.05%. This breakthrough not only sets a new precedent for domain adaptation techniques in medical imaging but also significantly advances the field toward overcoming challenges posed by data privacy and availability. Code: https://github.com/Ruixxxx/SFUDA.
♻ ☆ Multi-modal Relation Distillation for Unified 3D Representation Learning ECCV2024
Recent advancements in multi-modal pre-training for 3D point clouds have demonstrated promising results by aligning heterogeneous features across 3D shapes and their corresponding 2D images and language descriptions. However, current straightforward solutions often overlook intricate structural relations among samples, potentially limiting the full capabilities of multi-modal learning. To address this issue, we introduce Multi-modal Relation Distillation (MRD), a tri-modal pre-training framework, which is designed to effectively distill reputable large Vision-Language Models (VLM) into 3D backbones. MRD aims to capture both intra-relations within each modality as well as cross-relations between different modalities and produce more discriminative 3D shape representations. Notably, MRD achieves significant improvements in downstream zero-shot classification tasks and cross-modality retrieval tasks, delivering new state-of-the-art performance.
comment: Accepted by ECCV2024
♻ ☆ DreamMover: Leveraging the Prior of Diffusion Models for Image Interpolation with Large Motion ECCV 2024
We study the problem of generating intermediate images from image pairs with large motion while maintaining semantic consistency. Due to the large motion, the intermediate semantic information may be absent in input images. Existing methods either limit to small motion or focus on topologically similar objects, leading to artifacts and inconsistency in the interpolation results. To overcome this challenge, we delve into pre-trained image diffusion models for their capabilities in semantic cognition and representations, ensuring consistent expression of the absent intermediate semantic representations with the input. To this end, we propose DreamMover, a novel image interpolation framework with three main components: 1) A natural flow estimator based on the diffusion model that can implicitly reason about the semantic correspondence between two images. 2) To avoid the loss of detailed information during fusion, our key insight is to fuse information in two parts, high-level space and low-level space. 3) To enhance the consistency between the generated images and input, we propose the self-attention concatenation and replacement approach. Lastly, we present a challenging benchmark dataset InterpBench to evaluate the semantic consistency of generated results. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our project is available at https://dreamm0ver.github.io .
comment: ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ HENet: Hybrid Encoding for End-to-end Multi-task 3D Perception from Multi-view Cameras ECCV 2024
Three-dimensional perception from multi-view cameras is a crucial component in autonomous driving systems, which involves multiple tasks like 3D object detection and bird's-eye-view (BEV) semantic segmentation. To improve perception precision, large image encoders, high-resolution images, and long-term temporal inputs have been adopted in recent 3D perception models, bringing remarkable performance gains. However, these techniques are often incompatible in training and inference scenarios due to computational resource constraints. Besides, modern autonomous driving systems prefer to adopt an end-to-end framework for multi-task 3D perception, which can simplify the overall system architecture and reduce the implementation complexity. However, conflict between tasks often arises when optimizing multiple tasks jointly within an end-to-end 3D perception model. To alleviate these issues, we present an end-to-end framework named HENet for multi-task 3D perception in this paper. Specifically, we propose a hybrid image encoding network, using a large image encoder for short-term frames and a small image encoder for long-term temporal frames. Then, we introduce a temporal feature integration module based on the attention mechanism to fuse the features of different frames extracted by the two aforementioned hybrid image encoders. Finally, according to the characteristics of each perception task, we utilize BEV features of different grid sizes, independent BEV encoders, and task decoders for different tasks. Experimental results show that HENet achieves state-of-the-art end-to-end multi-task 3D perception results on the nuScenes benchmark, including 3D object detection and BEV semantic segmentation. The source code and models will be released at https://github.com/VDIGPKU/HENet.
comment: ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ 3D Reconstruction with Fast Dipole Sums
We introduce a method for high-quality 3D reconstruction from multi-view images. Our method uses a new point-based representation, the regularized dipole sum, which generalizes the winding number to allow for interpolation of per-point attributes in point clouds with noisy or outlier points. Using regularized dipole sums, we represent implicit geometry and radiance fields as per-point attributes of a dense point cloud, which we initialize from structure from motion. We additionally derive Barnes-Hut fast summation schemes for accelerated forward and adjoint dipole sum queries. These queries facilitate the use of ray tracing to efficiently and differentiably render images with our point-based representations, and thus update their point attributes to optimize scene geometry and appearance. We evaluate our method in inverse rendering applications against state-of-the-art alternatives, based on ray tracing of neural representations or rasterization of Gaussian point-based representations. Our method significantly improves 3D reconstruction quality and robustness at equal runtimes, while also supporting more general rendering methods such as shadow rays for direct illumination.
comment: project page: https://imaging.cs.cmu.edu/fast_dipole_sums
♻ ☆ Tracking-Assisted Object Detection with Event Cameras
Event-based object detection has recently garnered attention in the computer vision community due to the exceptional properties of event cameras, such as high dynamic range and no motion blur. However, feature asynchronism and sparsity cause invisible objects due to no relative motion to the camera, posing a significant challenge in the task. Prior works have studied various implicit-learned memories to retain as many temporal cues as possible. However, implicit memories still struggle to preserve long-term features effectively. In this paper, we consider those invisible objects as pseudo-occluded objects and aim to detect them by tracking through occlusions. Firstly, we introduce the visibility attribute of objects and contribute an auto-labeling algorithm to not only clean the existing event camera dataset but also append additional visibility labels to it. Secondly, we exploit tracking strategies for pseudo-occluded objects to maintain their permanence and retain their bounding boxes, even when features have not been available for a very long time. These strategies can be treated as an explicit-learned memory guided by the tracking objective to record the displacements of objects across frames. Lastly, we propose a spatio-temporal feature aggregation module to enrich the latent features and a consistency loss to increase the robustness of the overall pipeline. We conduct comprehensive experiments to verify our method's effectiveness where still objects are retained, but real occluded objects are discarded. The results demonstrate that (1) the additional visibility labels can assist in supervised training, and (2) our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches with a significant improvement of 7.9% absolute mAP.
♻ ☆ FAIntbench: A Holistic and Precise Benchmark for Bias Evaluation in Text-to-Image Models
The rapid development and reduced barriers to entry for Text-to-Image (T2I) models have raised concerns about the biases in their outputs, but existing research lacks a holistic definition and evaluation framework of biases, limiting the enhancement of debiasing techniques. To address this issue, we introduce FAIntbench, a holistic and precise benchmark for biases in T2I models. In contrast to existing benchmarks that evaluate bias in limited aspects, FAIntbench evaluate biases from four dimensions: manifestation of bias, visibility of bias, acquired attributes, and protected attributes. We applied FAIntbench to evaluate seven recent large-scale T2I models and conducted human evaluation, whose results demonstrated the effectiveness of FAIntbench in identifying various biases. Our study also revealed new research questions about biases, including the side-effect of distillation. The findings presented here are preliminary, highlighting the potential of FAIntbench to advance future research aimed at mitigating the biases in T2I models. Our benchmark is publicly available to ensure the reproducibility.
♻ ☆ EvaNet: Elevation-Guided Flood Extent Mapping on Earth Imagery (Extended Version) IJCAI
Accurate and timely mapping of flood extent from high-resolution satellite imagery plays a crucial role in disaster management such as damage assessment and relief activities. However, current state-of-the-art solutions are based on U-Net, which can-not segment the flood pixels accurately due to the ambiguous pixels (e.g., tree canopies, clouds) that prevent a direct judgement from only the spectral features. Thanks to the digital elevation model (DEM) data readily available from sources such as United States Geological Survey (USGS), this work explores the use of an elevation map to improve flood extent mapping. We propose, EvaNet, an elevation-guided segmentation model based on the encoder-decoder architecture with two novel techniques: (1) a loss function encoding the physical law of gravity that if a location is flooded (resp. dry), then its adjacent locations with a lower (resp. higher) elevation must also be flooded (resp. dry); (2) a new (de)convolution operation that integrates the elevation map by a location sensitive gating mechanism to regulate how much spectral features flow through adjacent layers. Extensive experiments show that EvaNet significantly outperforms the U-Net baselines, and works as a perfect drop-in replacement for U-Net in existing solutions to flood extent mapping.
comment: Published at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI, 2024)
♻ ☆ Mitral Regurgitation Recogniton based on Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Detection with Residual Diffusion Amplification MICCAI
Mitral regurgitation (MR) is a serious heart valve disease. Early and accurate diagnosis of MR via ultrasound video is critical for timely clinical decision-making and surgical intervention. However, manual MR diagnosis heavily relies on the operator's experience, which may cause misdiagnosis and inter-observer variability. Since MR data is limited and has large intra-class variability, we propose an unsupervised out-of-distribution (OOD) detection method to identify MR rather than building a deep classifier. To our knowledge, we are the first to explore OOD in MR ultrasound videos. Our method consists of a feature extractor, a feature reconstruction model, and a residual accumulation amplification algorithm. The feature extractor obtains features from the video clips and feeds them into the feature reconstruction model to restore the original features. The residual accumulation amplification algorithm then iteratively performs noise feature reconstruction, amplifying the reconstructed error of OOD features. This algorithm is straightforward yet efficient and can seamlessly integrate as a plug-and-play component in reconstruction-based OOD detection methods. We validated the proposed method on a large ultrasound dataset containing 893 non-MR and 267 MR videos. Experimental results show that our OOD detection method can effectively identify MR samples.
comment: Accepted by MICCAI MLMI 2024, 11 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Adaptive Semantic Consistency for Cross-domain Few-shot Classification
Cross-domain few-shot classification (CD-FSC) aims to identify novel target classes with a few samples, assuming that there exists a domain shift between source and target domains. Existing state-of-the-art practices typically pre-train on source domain and then finetune on the few-shot target data to yield task-adaptive representations. Despite promising progress, these methods are prone to overfitting the limited target distribution since data-scarcity and ignore the transferable knowledge learned in the source domain. To alleviate this problem, we propose a simple plug-and-play Adaptive Semantic Consistency (ASC) framework, which improves cross-domain robustness by preserving source transfer capability during the finetuning stage. Concretely, we reuse the source images in the pretraining phase and design an adaptive weight assignment strategy to highlight the samples similar to target domain, aiming to aggregate informative target-related knowledge from source domain. Subsequently, a semantic consistency regularization is applied to constrain the consistency between the semantic features of the source images output by the source model and target model. In this way, the proposed ASC enables explicit transfer of source domain knowledge to prevent the model from overfitting the target domain. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed ASC, and ASC provides consistent improvements over the baselines. The source code is released at https://github.com/luhc666/ASC-CDFSL.
♻ ☆ Residual Back Projection With Untrained Neural Networks
Background and Objective: The success of neural networks in a number of image processing tasks has motivated their application in image reconstruction problems in computed tomography (CT). While progress has been made in this area, the lack of stability and theoretical guarantees for accuracy, together with the scarcity of high-quality training data for specific imaging domains pose challenges for many CT applications. In this paper, we present a framework for iterative reconstruction (IR) in CT that leverages the hierarchical structure of neural networks, without the need for training. Our framework incorporates this structural information as a deep image prior (DIP), and uses a novel residual back projection (RBP) connection that forms the basis for our iterations. Methods: We propose using an untrained U-net in conjunction with a novel residual back projection to minimize an objective function and achieve high-accuracy reconstruction. In each iteration, the weights of the untrained U-net are optimized, and the output of the U-net in the current iteration is used to update the input of the U-net in the next iteration through the aforementioned RBP connection. Results: Experimental results demonstrate that the RBP-DIP framework offers improvements over other state-of-the-art conventional IR methods, as well as pre-trained and untrained models with similar network structures under multiple conditions. These improvements are particularly significant in the few-view, limited-angle, and low-dose imaging configurations. Conclusions: Applying to both parallel and fan beam X-ray imaging, our framework shows significant improvement under multiple conditions. Furthermore, the proposed framework requires no training data and can be adjusted on-demand to adapt to different conditions (e.g. noise level, geometry, and imaged object).
♻ ☆ Official-NV: An LLM-Generated News Video Dataset for Multimodal Fake News Detection
News media, especially video news media, have penetrated into every aspect of daily life, which also brings the risk of fake news. Therefore, multimodal fake news detection has recently garnered increased attention. However, the existing datasets are comprised of user-uploaded videos and contain an excess amounts of superfluous data, which introduces noise into the model training process. To address this issue, we construct a dataset named Official-NV, comprising officially published news videos. The crawl officially published videos are augmented through the use of LLMs-based generation and manual verification, thereby expanding the dataset. Furthermore, the proposed dataset is benchmarked against several baselines to demonstrate its effectiveness in multimodal news detection.
Artificial Intelligence 111
☆ Vista3D: Unravel the 3D Darkside of a Single Image ECCV'2024
We embark on the age-old quest: unveiling the hidden dimensions of objects from mere glimpses of their visible parts. To address this, we present Vista3D, a framework that realizes swift and consistent 3D generation within a mere 5 minutes. At the heart of Vista3D lies a two-phase approach: the coarse phase and the fine phase. In the coarse phase, we rapidly generate initial geometry with Gaussian Splatting from a single image. In the fine phase, we extract a Signed Distance Function (SDF) directly from learned Gaussian Splatting, optimizing it with a differentiable isosurface representation. Furthermore, it elevates the quality of generation by using a disentangled representation with two independent implicit functions to capture both visible and obscured aspects of objects. Additionally, it harmonizes gradients from 2D diffusion prior with 3D-aware diffusion priors by angular diffusion prior composition. Through extensive evaluation, we demonstrate that Vista3D effectively sustains a balance between the consistency and diversity of the generated 3D objects. Demos and code will be available at https://github.com/florinshen/Vista3D.
comment: ECCV'2024
☆ DynaMo: In-Domain Dynamics Pretraining for Visuo-Motor Control
Imitation learning has proven to be a powerful tool for training complex visuomotor policies. However, current methods often require hundreds to thousands of expert demonstrations to handle high-dimensional visual observations. A key reason for this poor data efficiency is that visual representations are predominantly either pretrained on out-of-domain data or trained directly through a behavior cloning objective. In this work, we present DynaMo, a new in-domain, self-supervised method for learning visual representations. Given a set of expert demonstrations, we jointly learn a latent inverse dynamics model and a forward dynamics model over a sequence of image embeddings, predicting the next frame in latent space, without augmentations, contrastive sampling, or access to ground truth actions. Importantly, DynaMo does not require any out-of-domain data such as Internet datasets or cross-embodied datasets. On a suite of six simulated and real environments, we show that representations learned with DynaMo significantly improve downstream imitation learning performance over prior self-supervised learning objectives, and pretrained representations. Gains from using DynaMo hold across policy classes such as Behavior Transformer, Diffusion Policy, MLP, and nearest neighbors. Finally, we ablate over key components of DynaMo and measure its impact on downstream policy performance. Robot videos are best viewed at https://dynamo-ssl.github.io
☆ Qwen2-VL: Enhancing Vision-Language Model's Perception of the World at Any Resolution
We present the Qwen2-VL Series, an advanced upgrade of the previous Qwen-VL models that redefines the conventional predetermined-resolution approach in visual processing. Qwen2-VL introduces the Naive Dynamic Resolution mechanism, which enables the model to dynamically process images of varying resolutions into different numbers of visual tokens. This approach allows the model to generate more efficient and accurate visual representations, closely aligning with human perceptual processes. The model also integrates Multimodal Rotary Position Embedding (M-RoPE), facilitating the effective fusion of positional information across text, images, and videos. We employ a unified paradigm for processing both images and videos, enhancing the model's visual perception capabilities. To explore the potential of large multimodal models, Qwen2-VL investigates the scaling laws for large vision-language models (LVLMs). By scaling both the model size-with versions at 2B, 8B, and 72B parameters-and the amount of training data, the Qwen2-VL Series achieves highly competitive performance. Notably, the Qwen2-VL-72B model achieves results comparable to leading models such as GPT-4o and Claude3.5-Sonnet across various multimodal benchmarks, outperforming other generalist models. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen2-VL}.
comment: Code is available at https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen2-VL. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2408.15262 by other authors
☆ To CoT or not to CoT? Chain-of-thought helps mainly on math and symbolic reasoning
Chain-of-thought (CoT) via prompting is the de facto method for eliciting reasoning capabilities from large language models (LLMs). But for what kinds of tasks is this extra ``thinking'' really helpful? To analyze this, we conducted a quantitative meta-analysis covering over 100 papers using CoT and ran our own evaluations of 20 datasets across 14 models. Our results show that CoT gives strong performance benefits primarily on tasks involving math or logic, with much smaller gains on other types of tasks. On MMLU, directly generating the answer without CoT leads to almost identical accuracy as CoT unless the question or model's response contains an equals sign, indicating symbolic operations and reasoning. Following this finding, we analyze the behavior of CoT on these problems by separating planning and execution and comparing against tool-augmented LLMs. Much of CoT's gain comes from improving symbolic execution, but it underperforms relative to using a symbolic solver. Our results indicate that CoT can be applied selectively, maintaining performance while saving inference costs. Furthermore, they suggest a need to move beyond prompt-based CoT to new paradigms that better leverage intermediate computation across the whole range of LLM applications.
☆ Computational Dynamical Systems
We study the computational complexity theory of smooth, finite-dimensional dynamical systems. Building off of previous work, we give definitions for what it means for a smooth dynamical system to simulate a Turing machine. We then show that 'chaotic' dynamical systems (more precisely, Axiom A systems) and 'integrable' dynamical systems (more generally, measure-preserving systems) cannot robustly simulate universal Turing machines, although such machines can be robustly simulated by other kinds of dynamical systems. Subsequently, we show that any Turing machine that can be encoded into a structurally stable one-dimensional dynamical system must have a decidable halting problem, and moreover an explicit time complexity bound in instances where it does halt. More broadly, our work elucidates what it means for one 'machine' to simulate another, and emphasizes the necessity of defining low-complexity 'encoders' and 'decoders' to translate between the dynamics of the simulation and the system being simulated. We highlight how the notion of a computational dynamical system leads to questions at the intersection of computational complexity theory, dynamical systems theory, and real algebraic geometry.
comment: 46+14 pages, 6 figures; accepted to FOCS 2024
☆ Abductive explanations of classifiers under constraints: Complexity and properties ECAI 2023
Abductive explanations (AXp's) are widely used for understanding decisions of classifiers. Existing definitions are suitable when features are independent. However, we show that ignoring constraints when they exist between features may lead to an explosion in the number of redundant or superfluous AXp's. We propose three new types of explanations that take into account constraints and that can be generated from the whole feature space or from a sample (such as a dataset). They are based on a key notion of coverage of an explanation, the set of instances it explains. We show that coverage is powerful enough to discard redundant and superfluous AXp's. For each type, we analyse the complexity of finding an explanation and investigate its formal properties. The final result is a catalogue of different forms of AXp's with different complexities and different formal guarantees.
comment: Full version with proofs of Martin C. Cooper and Leila Amgoud, Abductive explanations of classifiers under constraints: Complexity and properties, ECAI 2023, 469-476
☆ Decoding Style: Efficient Fine-Tuning of LLMs for Image-Guided Outfit Recommendation with Preference CIKM 2024
Personalized outfit recommendation remains a complex challenge, demanding both fashion compatibility understanding and trend awareness. This paper presents a novel framework that harnesses the expressive power of large language models (LLMs) for this task, mitigating their "black box" and static nature through fine-tuning and direct feedback integration. We bridge the item visual-textual gap in items descriptions by employing image captioning with a Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM). This enables the LLM to extract style and color characteristics from human-curated fashion images, forming the basis for personalized recommendations. The LLM is efficiently fine-tuned on the open-source Polyvore dataset of curated fashion images, optimizing its ability to recommend stylish outfits. A direct preference mechanism using negative examples is employed to enhance the LLM's decision-making process. This creates a self-enhancing AI feedback loop that continuously refines recommendations in line with seasonal fashion trends. Our framework is evaluated on the Polyvore dataset, demonstrating its effectiveness in two key tasks: fill-in-the-blank, and complementary item retrieval. These evaluations underline the framework's ability to generate stylish, trend-aligned outfit suggestions, continuously improving through direct feedback. The evaluation results demonstrated that our proposed framework significantly outperforms the base LLM, creating more cohesive outfits. The improved performance in these tasks underscores the proposed framework's potential to enhance the shopping experience with accurate suggestions, proving its effectiveness over the vanilla LLM based outfit generation.
comment: CIKM 2024
☆ Takin: A Cohort of Superior Quality Zero-shot Speech Generation Models
With the advent of the big data and large language model era, zero-shot personalized rapid customization has emerged as a significant trend. In this report, we introduce Takin AudioLLM, a series of techniques and models, mainly including Takin TTS, Takin VC, and Takin Morphing, specifically designed for audiobook production. These models are capable of zero-shot speech production, generating high-quality speech that is nearly indistinguishable from real human speech and facilitating individuals to customize the speech content according to their own needs. Specifically, we first introduce Takin TTS, a neural codec language model that builds upon an enhanced neural speech codec and a multi-task training framework, capable of generating high-fidelity natural speech in a zero-shot way. For Takin VC, we advocate an effective content and timbre joint modeling approach to improve the speaker similarity, while advocating for a conditional flow matching based decoder to further enhance its naturalness and expressiveness. Last, we propose the Takin Morphing system with highly decoupled and advanced timbre and prosody modeling approaches, which enables individuals to customize speech production with their preferred timbre and prosody in a precise and controllable manner. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness and robustness of our Takin AudioLLM series models. For detailed demos, please refer to https://takinaudiollm.github.io.
☆ GRIN: GRadient-INformed MoE
Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models scale more effectively than dense models due to sparse computation through expert routing, selectively activating only a small subset of expert modules. However, sparse computation challenges traditional training practices, as discrete expert routing hinders standard backpropagation and thus gradient-based optimization, which are the cornerstone of deep learning. To better pursue the scaling power of MoE, we introduce GRIN (GRadient-INformed MoE training), which incorporates sparse gradient estimation for expert routing and configures model parallelism to avoid token dropping. Applying GRIN to autoregressive language modeling, we develop a top-2 16$\times$3.8B MoE model. Our model, with only 6.6B activated parameters, outperforms a 7B dense model and matches the performance of a 14B dense model trained on the same data. Extensive evaluations across diverse tasks demonstrate the potential of GRIN to significantly enhance MoE efficacy, achieving 79.4 on MMLU, 83.7 on HellaSwag, 74.4 on HumanEval, and 58.9 on MATH.
comment: 58 pages
☆ Almost Sure Convergence of Linear Temporal Difference Learning with Arbitrary Features
Temporal difference (TD) learning with linear function approximation, abbreviated as linear TD, is a classic and powerful prediction algorithm in reinforcement learning. While it is well understood that linear TD converges almost surely to a unique point, this convergence traditionally requires the assumption that the features used by the approximator are linearly independent. However, this linear independence assumption does not hold in many practical scenarios. This work is the first to establish the almost sure convergence of linear TD without requiring linearly independent features. In fact, we do not make any assumptions on the features. We prove that the approximated value function converges to a unique point and the weight iterates converge to a set. We also establish a notion of local stability of the weight iterates. Importantly, we do not need to introduce any other additional assumptions and do not need to make any modification to the linear TD algorithm. Key to our analysis is a novel characterization of bounded invariant sets of the mean ODE of linear TD.
comment: 30 pages, 0 figures
BERT-VBD: Vietnamese Multi-Document Summarization Framework
In tackling the challenge of Multi-Document Summarization (MDS), numerous methods have been proposed, spanning both extractive and abstractive summarization techniques. However, each approach has its own limitations, making it less effective to rely solely on either one. An emerging and promising strategy involves a synergistic fusion of extractive and abstractive summarization methods. Despite the plethora of studies in this domain, research on the combined methodology remains scarce, particularly in the context of Vietnamese language processing. This paper presents a novel Vietnamese MDS framework leveraging a two-component pipeline architecture that integrates extractive and abstractive techniques. The first component employs an extractive approach to identify key sentences within each document. This is achieved by a modification of the pre-trained BERT network, which derives semantically meaningful phrase embeddings using siamese and triplet network structures. The second component utilizes the VBD-LLaMA2-7B-50b model for abstractive summarization, ultimately generating the final summary document. Our proposed framework demonstrates a positive performance, attaining ROUGE-2 scores of 39.6% on the VN-MDS dataset and outperforming the state-of-the-art baselines.
comment: 10 pages
☆ Qwen2.5-Math Technical Report: Toward Mathematical Expert Model via Self-Improvement
In this report, we present a series of math-specific large language models: Qwen2.5-Math and Qwen2.5-Math-Instruct-1.5B/7B/72B. The core innovation of the Qwen2.5 series lies in integrating the philosophy of self-improvement throughout the entire pipeline, from pre-training and post-training to inference: (1) During the pre-training phase, Qwen2-Math-Instruct is utilized to generate large-scale, high-quality mathematical data. (2) In the post-training phase, we develop a reward model (RM) by conducting massive sampling from Qwen2-Math-Instruct. This RM is then applied to the iterative evolution of data in supervised fine-tuning (SFT). With a stronger SFT model, it's possible to iteratively train and update the RM, which in turn guides the next round of SFT data iteration. On the final SFT model, we employ the ultimate RM for reinforcement learning, resulting in the Qwen2.5-Math-Instruct. (3) Furthermore, during the inference stage, the RM is used to guide sampling, optimizing the model's performance. Qwen2.5-Math-Instruct supports both Chinese and English, and possess advanced mathematical reasoning capabilities, including Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and Tool-Integrated Reasoning (TIR). We evaluate our models on 10 mathematics datasets in both English and Chinese, such as GSM8K, MATH, GaoKao, AMC23, and AIME24, covering a range of difficulties from grade school level to math competition problems.
☆ Pareto Data Framework: Steps Towards Resource-Efficient Decision Making Using Minimum Viable Data (MVD)
This paper introduces the Pareto Data Framework, an approach for identifying and selecting the Minimum Viable Data (MVD) required for enabling machine learning applications on constrained platforms such as embedded systems, mobile devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. We demonstrate that strategic data reduction can maintain high performance while significantly reducing bandwidth, energy, computation, and storage costs. The framework identifies Minimum Viable Data (MVD) to optimize efficiency across resource-constrained environments without sacrificing performance. It addresses common inefficient practices in an IoT application such as overprovisioning of sensors and overprecision, and oversampling of signals, proposing scalable solutions for optimal sensor selection, signal extraction and transmission, and data representation. An experimental methodology demonstrates effective acoustic data characterization after downsampling, quantization, and truncation to simulate reduced-fidelity sensors and network and storage constraints; results shows that performance can be maintained up to 95\% with sample rates reduced by 75\% and bit depths and clip length reduced by 50\% which translates into substantial cost and resource reduction. These findings have implications on the design and development of constrained systems. The paper also discusses broader implications of the framework, including the potential to democratize advanced AI technologies across IoT applications and sectors such as agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing to improve access and multiply the benefits of data-driven insights.
☆ Measuring Human and AI Values based on Generative Psychometrics with Large Language Models
Human values and their measurement are long-standing interdisciplinary inquiry. Recent advances in AI have sparked renewed interest in this area, with large language models (LLMs) emerging as both tools and subjects of value measurement. This work introduces Generative Psychometrics for Values (GPV), an LLM-based, data-driven value measurement paradigm, theoretically grounded in text-revealed selective perceptions. We begin by fine-tuning an LLM for accurate perception-level value measurement and verifying the capability of LLMs to parse texts into perceptions, forming the core of the GPV pipeline. Applying GPV to human-authored blogs, we demonstrate its stability, validity, and superiority over prior psychological tools. Then, extending GPV to LLM value measurement, we advance the current art with 1) a psychometric methodology that measures LLM values based on their scalable and free-form outputs, enabling context-specific measurement; 2) a comparative analysis of measurement paradigms, indicating response biases of prior methods; and 3) an attempt to bridge LLM values and their safety, revealing the predictive power of different value systems and the impacts of various values on LLM safety. Through interdisciplinary efforts, we aim to leverage AI for next-generation psychometrics and psychometrics for value-aligned AI.
☆ IMRL: Integrating Visual, Physical, Temporal, and Geometric Representations for Enhanced Food Acquisition
Robotic assistive feeding holds significant promise for improving the quality of life for individuals with eating disabilities. However, acquiring diverse food items under varying conditions and generalizing to unseen food presents unique challenges. Existing methods that rely on surface-level geometric information (e.g., bounding box and pose) derived from visual cues (e.g., color, shape, and texture) often lacks adaptability and robustness, especially when foods share similar physical properties but differ in visual appearance. We employ imitation learning (IL) to learn a policy for food acquisition. Existing methods employ IL or Reinforcement Learning (RL) to learn a policy based on off-the-shelf image encoders such as ResNet-50. However, such representations are not robust and struggle to generalize across diverse acquisition scenarios. To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach, IMRL (Integrated Multi-Dimensional Representation Learning), which integrates visual, physical, temporal, and geometric representations to enhance the robustness and generalizability of IL for food acquisition. Our approach captures food types and physical properties (e.g., solid, semi-solid, granular, liquid, and mixture), models temporal dynamics of acquisition actions, and introduces geometric information to determine optimal scooping points and assess bowl fullness. IMRL enables IL to adaptively adjust scooping strategies based on context, improving the robot's capability to handle diverse food acquisition scenarios. Experiments on a real robot demonstrate our approach's robustness and adaptability across various foods and bowl configurations, including zero-shot generalization to unseen settings. Our approach achieves improvement up to $35\%$ in success rate compared with the best-performing baseline.
☆ Towards Interpretable End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prediction: Utilizing Administrative Claims Data with Explainable AI Techniques
This study explores the potential of utilizing administrative claims data, combined with advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques, to predict the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). We analyze a comprehensive, 10-year dataset provided by a major health insurance organization to develop prediction models for multiple observation windows using traditional machine learning methods such as Random Forest and XGBoost as well as deep learning approaches such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Our findings demonstrate that the LSTM model, particularly with a 24-month observation window, exhibits superior performance in predicting ESRD progression, outperforming existing models in the literature. We further apply SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis to enhance interpretability, providing insights into the impact of individual features on predictions at the individual patient level. This study underscores the value of leveraging administrative claims data for CKD management and predicting ESRD progression.
comment: 10pages, 4 figures, AMIA 2024
☆ PAD-FT: A Lightweight Defense for Backdoor Attacks via Data Purification and Fine-Tuning
Backdoor attacks pose a significant threat to deep neural networks, particularly as recent advancements have led to increasingly subtle implantation, making the defense more challenging. Existing defense mechanisms typically rely on an additional clean dataset as a standard reference and involve retraining an auxiliary model or fine-tuning the entire victim model. However, these approaches are often computationally expensive and not always feasible in practical applications. In this paper, we propose a novel and lightweight defense mechanism, termed PAD-FT, that does not require an additional clean dataset and fine-tunes only a very small part of the model to disinfect the victim model. To achieve this, our approach first introduces a simple data purification process to identify and select the most-likely clean data from the poisoned training dataset. The self-purified clean dataset is then used for activation clipping and fine-tuning only the last classification layer of the victim model. By integrating data purification, activation clipping, and classifier fine-tuning, our mechanism PAD-FT demonstrates superior effectiveness across multiple backdoor attack methods and datasets, as confirmed through extensive experimental evaluation.
☆ Generalized Robot Learning Framework
Imitation based robot learning has recently gained significant attention in the robotics field due to its theoretical potential for transferability and generalizability. However, it remains notoriously costly, both in terms of hardware and data collection, and deploying it in real-world environments demands meticulous setup of robots and precise experimental conditions. In this paper, we present a low-cost robot learning framework that is both easily reproducible and transferable to various robots and environments. We demonstrate that deployable imitation learning can be successfully applied even to industrial-grade robots, not just expensive collaborative robotic arms. Furthermore, our results show that multi-task robot learning is achievable with simple network architectures and fewer demonstrations than previously thought necessary. As the current evaluating method is almost subjective when it comes to real-world manipulation tasks, we propose Voting Positive Rate (VPR) - a novel evaluation strategy that provides a more objective assessment of performance. We conduct an extensive comparison of success rates across various self-designed tasks to validate our approach. To foster collaboration and support the robot learning community, we have open-sourced all relevant datasets and model checkpoints, available at huggingface.co/ZhiChengAI.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. cs.RO
☆ PARAPHRASUS : A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Paraphrase Detection Models
The task of determining whether two texts are paraphrases has long been a challenge in NLP. However, the prevailing notion of paraphrase is often quite simplistic, offering only a limited view of the vast spectrum of paraphrase phenomena. Indeed, we find that evaluating models in a paraphrase dataset can leave uncertainty about their true semantic understanding. To alleviate this, we release paraphrasus, a benchmark designed for multi-dimensional assessment of paraphrase detection models and finer model selection. We find that paraphrase detection models under a fine-grained evaluation lens exhibit trade-offs that cannot be captured through a single classification dataset.
☆ Dual-Layer Training and Decoding of Large Language Model with Simultaneously Thinking and Speaking
Large Language Model can reasonably understand and generate human expressions but may lack of thorough thinking and reasoning mechanisms. Recently there have been several studies which enhance the thinking ability of language models but most of them are not data-driven or training-based. In this paper, we are motivated by the cognitive mechanism in the natural world, and design a novel model architecture called TaS which allows it to first consider the thoughts and then express the response based upon the query. We design several pipelines to annotate or generate the thought contents from prompt-response samples, then add language heads in a middle layer which behaves as the thinking layer. We train the language model by the thoughts-augmented data and successfully let the thinking layer automatically generate reasonable thoughts and finally output more reasonable responses. Both qualitative examples and quantitative results validate the effectiveness and performance of TaS. Our code is available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/TadE.
comment: 9 pages, 5 figures
☆ A Unified Framework for Neural Computation and Learning Over Time
This paper proposes Hamiltonian Learning, a novel unified framework for learning with neural networks "over time", i.e., from a possibly infinite stream of data, in an online manner, without having access to future information. Existing works focus on the simplified setting in which the stream has a known finite length or is segmented into smaller sequences, leveraging well-established learning strategies from statistical machine learning. In this paper, the problem of learning over time is rethought from scratch, leveraging tools from optimal control theory, which yield a unifying view of the temporal dynamics of neural computations and learning. Hamiltonian Learning is based on differential equations that: (i) can be integrated without the need of external software solvers; (ii) generalize the well-established notion of gradient-based learning in feed-forward and recurrent networks; (iii) open to novel perspectives. The proposed framework is showcased by experimentally proving how it can recover gradient-based learning, comparing it to out-of-the box optimizers, and describing how it is flexible enough to switch from fully-local to partially/non-local computational schemes, possibly distributed over multiple devices, and BackPropagation without storing activations. Hamiltonian Learning is easy to implement and can help researches approach in a principled and innovative manner the problem of learning over time.
☆ Topological Deep Learning with State-Space Models: A Mamba Approach for Simplicial Complexes
Graph Neural Networks based on the message-passing (MP) mechanism are a dominant approach for handling graph-structured data. However, they are inherently limited to modeling only pairwise interactions, making it difficult to explicitly capture the complexity of systems with $n$-body relations. To address this, topological deep learning has emerged as a promising field for studying and modeling higher-order interactions using various topological domains, such as simplicial and cellular complexes. While these new domains provide powerful representations, they introduce new challenges, such as effectively modeling the interactions among higher-order structures through higher-order MP. Meanwhile, structured state-space sequence models have proven to be effective for sequence modeling and have recently been adapted for graph data by encoding the neighborhood of a node as a sequence, thereby avoiding the MP mechanism. In this work, we propose a novel architecture designed to operate with simplicial complexes, utilizing the Mamba state-space model as its backbone. Our approach generates sequences for the nodes based on the neighboring cells, enabling direct communication between all higher-order structures, regardless of their rank. We extensively validate our model, demonstrating that it achieves competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art models developed for simplicial complexes.
☆ Promise and Peril of Collaborative Code Generation Models: Balancing Effectiveness and Memorization
In the rapidly evolving field of machine learning, training models with datasets from various locations and organizations presents significant challenges due to privacy and legal concerns. The exploration of effective collaborative training settings capable of leveraging valuable knowledge from distributed and isolated datasets is increasingly crucial. This study investigates key factors that impact the effectiveness of collaborative training methods in code next-token prediction, as well as the correctness and utility of the generated code, demonstrating the promise of such methods. Additionally, we evaluate the memorization of different participant training data across various collaborative training settings, including centralized, federated, and incremental training, highlighting their potential risks in leaking data. Our findings indicate that the size and diversity of code datasets are pivotal factors influencing the success of collaboratively trained code models. We show that federated learning achieves competitive performance compared to centralized training while offering better data protection, as evidenced by lower memorization ratios in the generated code. However, federated learning can still produce verbatim code snippets from hidden training data, potentially violating privacy or copyright. Our study further explores effectiveness and memorization patterns in incremental learning, emphasizing the sequence in which individual participant datasets are introduced. We also identify cross-organizational clones as a prevalent challenge in both centralized and federated learning scenarios. Our findings highlight the persistent risk of data leakage during inference, even when training data remains unseen. We conclude with recommendations for practitioners and researchers to optimize multisource datasets, propelling cross-organizational collaboration forward.
comment: Paper accepted to the ASE 2024 Conference Research Track
☆ Representing Positional Information in Generative World Models for Object Manipulation
Object manipulation capabilities are essential skills that set apart embodied agents engaging with the world, especially in the realm of robotics. The ability to predict outcomes of interactions with objects is paramount in this setting. While model-based control methods have started to be employed for tackling manipulation tasks, they have faced challenges in accurately manipulating objects. As we analyze the causes of this limitation, we identify the cause of underperformance in the way current world models represent crucial positional information, especially about the target's goal specification for object positioning tasks. We introduce a general approach that empowers world model-based agents to effectively solve object-positioning tasks. We propose two declinations of this approach for generative world models: position-conditioned (PCP) and latent-conditioned (LCP) policy learning. In particular, LCP employs object-centric latent representations that explicitly capture object positional information for goal specification. This naturally leads to the emergence of multimodal capabilities, enabling the specification of goals through spatial coordinates or a visual goal. Our methods are rigorously evaluated across several manipulation environments, showing favorable performance compared to current model-based control approaches.
☆ Putting Data at the Centre of Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Offline multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is an exciting direction of research that uses static datasets to find optimal control policies for multi-agent systems. Though the field is by definition data-driven, efforts have thus far neglected data in their drive to achieve state-of-the-art results. We first substantiate this claim by surveying the literature, showing how the majority of works generate their own datasets without consistent methodology and provide sparse information about the characteristics of these datasets. We then show why neglecting the nature of the data is problematic, through salient examples of how tightly algorithmic performance is coupled to the dataset used, necessitating a common foundation for experiments in the field. In response, we take a big step towards improving data usage and data awareness in offline MARL, with three key contributions: (1) a clear guideline for generating novel datasets; (2) a standardisation of over 80 existing datasets, hosted in a publicly available repository, using a consistent storage format and easy-to-use API; and (3) a suite of analysis tools that allow us to understand these datasets better, aiding further development.
☆ Additive-feature-attribution methods: a review on explainable artificial intelligence for fluid dynamics and heat transfer
The use of data-driven methods in fluid mechanics has surged dramatically in recent years due to their capacity to adapt to the complex and multi-scale nature of turbulent flows, as well as to detect patterns in large-scale simulations or experimental tests. In order to interpret the relationships generated in the models during the training process, numerical attributions need to be assigned to the input features. One important example are the additive-feature-attribution methods. These explainability methods link the input features with the model prediction, providing an interpretation based on a linear formulation of the models. The SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP values) are formulated as the only possible interpretation that offers a unique solution for understanding the model. In this manuscript, the additive-feature-attribution methods are presented, showing four common implementations in the literature: kernel SHAP, tree SHAP, gradient SHAP, and deep SHAP. Then, the main applications of the additive-feature-attribution methods are introduced, dividing them into three main groups: turbulence modeling, fluid-mechanics fundamentals, and applied problems in fluid dynamics and heat transfer. This review shows thatexplainability techniques, and in particular additive-feature-attribution methods, are crucial for implementing interpretable and physics-compliant deep-learning models in the fluid-mechanics field.
☆ AlignBot: Aligning VLM-powered Customized Task Planning with User Reminders Through Fine-Tuning for Household Robots
This paper presents AlignBot, a novel framework designed to optimize VLM-powered customized task planning for household robots by effectively aligning with user reminders. In domestic settings, aligning task planning with user reminders poses significant challenges due to the limited quantity, diversity, and multimodal nature of the reminders. To address these challenges, AlignBot employs a fine-tuned LLaVA-7B model, functioning as an adapter for GPT-4o. This adapter model internalizes diverse forms of user reminders-such as personalized preferences, corrective guidance, and contextual assistance-into structured instruction-formatted cues that prompt GPT-4o in generating customized task plans. Additionally, AlignBot integrates a dynamic retrieval mechanism that selects task-relevant historical successes as prompts for GPT-4o, further enhancing task planning accuracy. To validate the effectiveness of AlignBot, experiments are conducted in real-world household environments, which are constructed within the laboratory to replicate typical household settings. A multimodal dataset with over 1,500 entries derived from volunteer reminders is used for training and evaluation. The results demonstrate that AlignBot significantly improves customized task planning, outperforming existing LLM- and VLM-powered planners by interpreting and aligning with user reminders, achieving 86.8% success rate compared to the vanilla GPT-4o baseline at 21.6%, reflecting a 65% improvement and over four times greater effectiveness. Supplementary materials are available at: https://yding25.com/AlignBot/
☆ Finding the Subjective Truth: Collecting 2 Million Votes for Comprehensive Gen-AI Model Evaluation
Efficiently evaluating the performance of text-to-image models is difficult as it inherently requires subjective judgment and human preference, making it hard to compare different models and quantify the state of the art. Leveraging Rapidata's technology, we present an efficient annotation framework that sources human feedback from a diverse, global pool of annotators. Our study collected over 2 million annotations across 4,512 images, evaluating four prominent models (DALL-E 3, Flux.1, MidJourney, and Stable Diffusion) on style preference, coherence, and text-to-image alignment. We demonstrate that our approach makes it feasible to comprehensively rank image generation models based on a vast pool of annotators and show that the diverse annotator demographics reflect the world population, significantly decreasing the risk of biases.
☆ DocMamba: Efficient Document Pre-training with State Space Model
In recent years, visually-rich document understanding has attracted increasing attention. Transformer-based pre-trained models have become the mainstream approach, yielding significant performance gains in this field. However, the self-attention mechanism's quadratic computational complexity hinders their efficiency and ability to process long documents. In this paper, we present DocMamba, a novel framework based on the state space model. It is designed to reduce computational complexity to linear while preserving global modeling capabilities. To further enhance its effectiveness in document processing, we introduce the Segment-First Bidirectional Scan (SFBS) to capture contiguous semantic information. Experimental results demonstrate that DocMamba achieves new state-of-the-art results on downstream datasets such as FUNSD, CORD, and SORIE, while significantly improving speed and reducing memory usage. Notably, experiments on the HRDoc confirm DocMamba's potential for length extrapolation. The code will be available online.
☆ Learning Task Planning from Multi-Modal Demonstration for Multi-Stage Contact-Rich Manipulation
Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained popularity in task planning for long-horizon manipulation tasks. To enhance the validity of LLM-generated plans, visual demonstrations and online videos have been widely employed to guide the planning process. However, for manipulation tasks involving subtle movements but rich contact interactions, visual perception alone may be insufficient for the LLM to fully interpret the demonstration. Additionally, visual data provides limited information on force-related parameters and conditions, which are crucial for effective execution on real robots. In this paper, we introduce an in-context learning framework that incorporates tactile and force-torque information from human demonstrations to enhance LLMs' ability to generate plans for new task scenarios. We propose a bootstrapped reasoning pipeline that sequentially integrates each modality into a comprehensive task plan. This task plan is then used as a reference for planning in new task configurations. Real-world experiments on two different sequential manipulation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in improving LLMs' understanding of multi-modal demonstrations and enhancing the overall planning performance.
☆ Retrieve, Annotate, Evaluate, Repeat: Leveraging Multimodal LLMs for Large-Scale Product Retrieval Evaluation
Evaluating production-level retrieval systems at scale is a crucial yet challenging task due to the limited availability of a large pool of well-trained human annotators. Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to address this scaling issue and offer a viable alternative to humans for the bulk of annotation tasks. In this paper, we propose a framework for assessing the product search engines in a large-scale e-commerce setting, leveraging Multimodal LLMs for (i) generating tailored annotation guidelines for individual queries, and (ii) conducting the subsequent annotation task. Our method, validated through deployment on a large e-commerce platform, demonstrates comparable quality to human annotations, significantly reduces time and cost, facilitates rapid problem discovery, and provides an effective solution for production-level quality control at scale.
comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 4 Tables
☆ MEOW: MEMOry Supervised LLM Unlearning Via Inverted Facts
Large Language Models (LLMs) can memorize sensitive information, raising concerns about potential misuse. LLM Unlearning, a post-hoc approach to remove this information from trained LLMs, offers a promising solution to mitigate these risks. However, previous practices face three key challenges: 1. Utility: successful unlearning often causes catastrophic collapse on unrelated tasks. 2. Efficiency: many methods either involve adding similarly sized models, which slows down unlearning or inference, or require retain data that are difficult to obtain. 3. Robustness: even effective methods may still leak data via extraction techniques. To address these challenges, we propose MEOW, a simple yet effective gradient descent-based unlearning method. Specifically, we use an offline LLM to generate a set of inverted facts. Then, we design a new metric, MEMO, to quantify memorization in LLMs. Finally, based on the signals provided by MEMO, we select the most appropriate set of inverted facts and finetune the model based on them. We evaluate MEOW on the commonly used unlearn benchmark, ToFU, with Llama2-7B-Chat and Phi-1.5B, and test it on both NLU and NLG tasks. Results demonstrate significant improvement of MEOW in forget quality without substantial loss in model utility. Meanwhile, MEOW does not exhibit significant degradation in NLU or NLG capabilities, and there is even a slight improvement in NLU performance.
☆ DPI-TTS: Directional Patch Interaction for Fast-Converging and Style Temporal Modeling in Text-to-Speech ICASSP2025
In recent years, speech diffusion models have advanced rapidly. Alongside the widely used U-Net architecture, transformer-based models such as the Diffusion Transformer (DiT) have also gained attention. However, current DiT speech models treat Mel spectrograms as general images, which overlooks the specific acoustic properties of speech. To address these limitations, we propose a method called Directional Patch Interaction for Text-to-Speech (DPI-TTS), which builds on DiT and achieves fast training without compromising accuracy. Notably, DPI-TTS employs a low-to-high frequency, frame-by-frame progressive inference approach that aligns more closely with acoustic properties, enhancing the naturalness of the generated speech. Additionally, we introduce a fine-grained style temporal modeling method that further improves speaker style similarity. Experimental results demonstrate that our method increases the training speed by nearly 2 times and significantly outperforms the baseline models.
comment: Submitted to ICASSP2025
☆ Optimizing Job Shop Scheduling in the Furniture Industry: A Reinforcement Learning Approach Considering Machine Setup, Batch Variability, and Intralogistics
This paper explores the potential application of Deep Reinforcement Learning in the furniture industry. To offer a broad product portfolio, most furniture manufacturers are organized as a job shop, which ultimately results in the Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP). The JSSP is addressed with a focus on extending traditional models to better represent the complexities of real-world production environments. Existing approaches frequently fail to consider critical factors such as machine setup times or varying batch sizes. A concept for a model is proposed that provides a higher level of information detail to enhance scheduling accuracy and efficiency. The concept introduces the integration of DRL for production planning, particularly suited to batch production industries such as the furniture industry. The model extends traditional approaches to JSSPs by including job volumes, buffer management, transportation times, and machine setup times. This enables more precise forecasting and analysis of production flows and processes, accommodating the variability and complexity inherent in real-world manufacturing processes. The RL agent learns to optimize scheduling decisions. It operates within a discrete action space, making decisions based on detailed observations. A reward function guides the agent's decision-making process, thereby promoting efficient scheduling and meeting production deadlines. Two integration strategies for implementing the RL agent are discussed: episodic planning, which is suitable for low-automation environments, and continuous planning, which is ideal for highly automated plants. While episodic planning can be employed as a standalone solution, the continuous planning approach necessitates the integration of the agent with ERP and Manufacturing Execution Systems. This integration enables real-time adjustments to production schedules based on dynamic changes.
comment: 18 pages, 8 pages
☆ EFCM: Efficient Fine-tuning on Compressed Models for deployment of large models in medical image analysis
The recent development of deep learning large models in medicine shows remarkable performance in medical image analysis and diagnosis, but their large number of parameters causes memory and inference latency challenges. Knowledge distillation offers a solution, but the slide-level gradients cannot be backpropagated for student model updates due to high-resolution pathological images and slide-level labels. This study presents an Efficient Fine-tuning on Compressed Models (EFCM) framework with two stages: unsupervised feature distillation and fine-tuning. In the distillation stage, Feature Projection Distillation (FPD) is proposed with a TransScan module for adaptive receptive field adjustment to enhance the knowledge absorption capability of the student model. In the slide-level fine-tuning stage, three strategies (Reuse CLAM, Retrain CLAM, and End2end Train CLAM (ETC)) are compared. Experiments are conducted on 11 downstream datasets related to three large medical models: RETFound for retina, MRM for chest X-ray, and BROW for histopathology. The experimental results demonstrate that the EFCM framework significantly improves accuracy and efficiency in handling slide-level pathological image problems, effectively addressing the challenges of deploying large medical models. Specifically, it achieves a 4.33% increase in ACC and a 5.2% increase in AUC compared to the large model BROW on the TCGA-NSCLC and TCGA-BRCA datasets. The analysis of model inference efficiency highlights the high efficiency of the distillation fine-tuning method.
☆ EventAug: Multifaceted Spatio-Temporal Data Augmentation Methods for Event-based Learning
The event camera has demonstrated significant success across a wide range of areas due to its low time latency and high dynamic range. However, the community faces challenges such as data deficiency and limited diversity, often resulting in over-fitting and inadequate feature learning. Notably, the exploration of data augmentation techniques in the event community remains scarce. This work aims to address this gap by introducing a systematic augmentation scheme named EventAug to enrich spatial-temporal diversity. In particular, we first propose Multi-scale Temporal Integration (MSTI) to diversify the motion speed of objects, then introduce Spatial-salient Event Mask (SSEM) and Temporal-salient Event Mask (TSEM) to enrich object variants. Our EventAug can facilitate models learning with richer motion patterns, object variants and local spatio-temporal relations, thus improving model robustness to varied moving speeds, occlusions, and action disruptions. Experiment results show that our augmentation method consistently yields significant improvements across different tasks and backbones (e.g., a 4.87% accuracy gain on DVS128 Gesture). Our code will be publicly available for this community.
☆ Latent fingerprint enhancement for accurate minutiae detection
Identification of suspects based on partial and smudged fingerprints, commonly referred to as fingermarks or latent fingerprints, presents a significant challenge in the field of fingerprint recognition. Although fixed-length embeddings have shown effectiveness in recognising rolled and slap fingerprints, the methods for matching latent fingerprints have primarily centred around local minutiae-based embeddings, failing to fully exploit global representations for matching purposes. Consequently, enhancing latent fingerprints becomes critical to ensuring robust identification for forensic investigations. Current approaches often prioritise restoring ridge patterns, overlooking the fine-macroeconomic details crucial for accurate fingerprint recognition. To address this, we propose a novel approach that uses generative adversary networks (GANs) to redefine Latent Fingerprint Enhancement (LFE) through a structured approach to fingerprint generation. By directly optimising the minutiae information during the generation process, the model produces enhanced latent fingerprints that exhibit exceptional fidelity to ground-truth instances. This leads to a significant improvement in identification performance. Our framework integrates minutiae locations and orientation fields, ensuring the preservation of both local and structural fingerprint features. Extensive evaluations conducted on two publicly available datasets demonstrate our method's dominance over existing state-of-the-art techniques, highlighting its potential to significantly enhance latent fingerprint recognition accuracy in forensic applications.
☆ The Factuality of Large Language Models in the Legal Domain CIKM 2024
This paper investigates the factuality of large language models (LLMs) as knowledge bases in the legal domain, in a realistic usage scenario: we allow for acceptable variations in the answer, and let the model abstain from answering when uncertain. First, we design a dataset of diverse factual questions about case law and legislation. We then use the dataset to evaluate several LLMs under different evaluation methods, including exact, alias, and fuzzy matching. Our results show that the performance improves significantly under the alias and fuzzy matching methods. Further, we explore the impact of abstaining and in-context examples, finding that both strategies enhance precision. Finally, we demonstrate that additional pre-training on legal documents, as seen with SaulLM, further improves factual precision from 63% to 81%.
comment: CIKM 2024, short paper
☆ Efficient Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Bridge Distillation
Face recognition in the wild is now advancing towards light-weight models, fast inference speed and resolution-adapted capability. In this paper, we propose a bridge distillation approach to turn a complex face model pretrained on private high-resolution faces into a light-weight one for low-resolution face recognition. In our approach, such a cross-dataset resolution-adapted knowledge transfer problem is solved via two-step distillation. In the first step, we conduct cross-dataset distillation to transfer the prior knowledge from private high-resolution faces to public high-resolution faces and generate compact and discriminative features. In the second step, the resolution-adapted distillation is conducted to further transfer the prior knowledge to synthetic low-resolution faces via multi-task learning. By learning low-resolution face representations and mimicking the adapted high-resolution knowledge, a light-weight student model can be constructed with high efficiency and promising accuracy in recognizing low-resolution faces. Experimental results show that the student model performs impressively in recognizing low-resolution faces with only 0.21M parameters and 0.057MB memory. Meanwhile, its speed reaches up to 14,705, ~934 and 763 faces per second on GPU, CPU and mobile phone, respectively.
comment: This paper is published in IEEE TIP 2020
☆ Distilling Channels for Efficient Deep Tracking
Deep trackers have proven success in visual tracking. Typically, these trackers employ optimally pre-trained deep networks to represent all diverse objects with multi-channel features from some fixed layers. The deep networks employed are usually trained to extract rich knowledge from massive data used in object classification and so they are capable to represent generic objects very well. However, these networks are too complex to represent a specific moving object, leading to poor generalization as well as high computational and memory costs. This paper presents a novel and general framework termed channel distillation to facilitate deep trackers. To validate the effectiveness of channel distillation, we take discriminative correlation filter (DCF) and ECO for example. We demonstrate that an integrated formulation can turn feature compression, response map generation, and model update into a unified energy minimization problem to adaptively select informative feature channels that improve the efficacy of tracking moving objects on the fly. Channel distillation can accurately extract good channels, alleviating the influence of noisy channels and generally reducing the number of channels, as well as adaptively generalizing to different channels and networks. The resulting deep tracker is accurate, fast, and has low memory requirements. Extensive experimental evaluations on popular benchmarks clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of our framework.
comment: Published by IEEE TIP 2020
☆ Smart Data-Driven GRU Predictor for SnO$_2$ Thin films Characteristics
In material physics, characterization techniques are foremost crucial for obtaining the materials data regarding the physical properties as well as structural, electronics, magnetic, optic, dielectric, and spectroscopic characteristics. However, for many materials, ensuring availability and safe accessibility is not always easy and fully warranted. Moreover, the use of modeling and simulation techniques need a lot of theoretical knowledge, in addition of being associated to costly computation time and a great complexity deal. Thus, analyzing materials with different techniques for multiple samples simultaneously, still be very challenging for engineers and researchers. It is worth noting that although of being very risky, X-ray diffraction is the well known and widely used characterization technique which gathers data from structural properties of crystalline 1d, 2d or 3d materials. We propose in this paper, a Smart GRU for Gated Recurrent Unit model to forcast structural characteristics or properties of thin films of tin oxide SnO$_2$(110). Indeed, thin films samples are elaborated and managed experimentally and the collected data dictionary is then used to generate an AI -- Artificial Intelligence -- GRU model for the thin films of tin oxide SnO$_2$(110) structural property characterization.
comment: 19 pages, 14 figures. Baltica Journal, Special Issues, September 2024
☆ Explaining Non-monotonic Normative Reasoning using Argumentation Theory with Deontic Logic
In our previous research, we provided a reasoning system (called LeSAC) based on argumentation theory to provide legal support to designers during the design process. Building on this, this paper explores how to provide designers with effective explanations for their legally relevant design decisions. We extend the previous system for providing explanations by specifying norms and the key legal or ethical principles for justifying actions in normative contexts. Considering that first-order logic has strong expressive power, in the current paper we adopt a first-order deontic logic system with deontic operators and preferences. We illustrate the advantages and necessity of introducing deontic logic and designing explanations under LeSAC by modelling two cases in the context of autonomous driving. In particular, this paper also discusses the requirements of the updated LeSAC to guarantee rationality, and proves that a well-defined LeSAC can satisfy the rationality postulate for rule-based argumentation frameworks. This ensures the system's ability to provide coherent, legally valid explanations for complex design decisions.
comment: 13 pages
☆ Knowledge Adaptation Network for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to incrementally recognize new classes using a few samples while maintaining the performance on previously learned classes. One of the effective methods to solve this challenge is to construct prototypical evolution classifiers. Despite the advancement achieved by most existing methods, the classifier weights are simply initialized using mean features. Because representations for new classes are weak and biased, we argue such a strategy is suboptimal. In this paper, we tackle this issue from two aspects. Firstly, thanks to the development of foundation models, we employ a foundation model, the CLIP, as the network pedestal to provide a general representation for each class. Secondly, to generate a more reliable and comprehensive instance representation, we propose a Knowledge Adapter (KA) module that summarizes the data-specific knowledge from training data and fuses it into the general representation. Additionally, to tune the knowledge learned from the base classes to the upcoming classes, we propose a mechanism of Incremental Pseudo Episode Learning (IPEL) by simulating the actual FSCIL. Taken together, our proposed method, dubbed as Knowledge Adaptation Network (KANet), achieves competitive performance on a wide range of datasets, including CIFAR100, CUB200, and ImageNet-R.
comment: 13 pages;6 figures
☆ One Map to Find Them All: Real-time Open-Vocabulary Mapping for Zero-shot Multi-Object Navigation
The capability to efficiently search for objects in complex environments is fundamental for many real-world robot applications. Recent advances in open-vocabulary vision models have resulted in semantically-informed object navigation methods that allow a robot to search for an arbitrary object without prior training. However, these zero-shot methods have so far treated the environment as unknown for each consecutive query. In this paper we introduce a new benchmark for zero-shot multi-object navigation, allowing the robot to leverage information gathered from previous searches to more efficiently find new objects. To address this problem we build a reusable open-vocabulary feature map tailored for real-time object search. We further propose a probabilistic-semantic map update that mitigates common sources of errors in semantic feature extraction and leverage this semantic uncertainty for informed multi-object exploration. We evaluate our method on a set of object navigation tasks in both simulation as well as with a real robot, running in real-time on a Jetson Orin AGX. We demonstrate that it outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches both on single and multi-object navigation tasks. Additional videos, code and the multi-object navigation benchmark will be available on https://finnbsch.github.io/OneMap.
☆ Synthesizing Evolving Symbolic Representations for Autonomous Systems
Recently, AI systems have made remarkable progress in various tasks. Deep Reinforcement Learning(DRL) is an effective tool for agents to learn policies in low-level state spaces to solve highly complex tasks. Researchers have introduced Intrinsic Motivation(IM) to the RL mechanism, which simulates the agent's curiosity, encouraging agents to explore interesting areas of the environment. This new feature has proved vital in enabling agents to learn policies without being given specific goals. However, even though DRL intelligence emerges through a sub-symbolic model, there is still a need for a sort of abstraction to understand the knowledge collected by the agent. To this end, the classical planning formalism has been used in recent research to explicitly represent the knowledge an autonomous agent acquires and effectively reach extrinsic goals. Despite classical planning usually presents limited expressive capabilities, PPDDL demonstrated usefulness in reviewing the knowledge gathered by an autonomous system, making explicit causal correlations, and can be exploited to find a plan to reach any state the agent faces during its experience. This work presents a new architecture implementing an open-ended learning system able to synthesize from scratch its experience into a PPDDL representation and update it over time. Without a predefined set of goals and tasks, the system integrates intrinsic motivations to explore the environment in a self-directed way, exploiting the high-level knowledge acquired during its experience. The system explores the environment and iteratively: (a) discover options, (b) explore the environment using options, (c) abstract the knowledge collected and (d) plan. This paper proposes an alternative approach to implementing open-ended learning architectures exploiting low-level and high-level representations to extend its knowledge in a virtuous loop.
☆ NPAT Null-Space Projected Adversarial Training Towards Zero Deterioration
To mitigate the susceptibility of neural networks to adversarial attacks, adversarial training has emerged as a prevalent and effective defense strategy. Intrinsically, this countermeasure incurs a trade-off, as it sacrifices the model's accuracy in processing normal samples. To reconcile the trade-off, we pioneer the incorporation of null-space projection into adversarial training and propose two innovative Null-space Projection based Adversarial Training(NPAT) algorithms tackling sample generation and gradient optimization, named Null-space Projected Data Augmentation (NPDA) and Null-space Projected Gradient Descent (NPGD), to search for an overarching optimal solutions, which enhance robustness with almost zero deterioration in generalization performance. Adversarial samples and perturbations are constrained within the null-space of the decision boundary utilizing a closed-form null-space projector, effectively mitigating threat of attack stemming from unreliable features. Subsequently, we conducted experiments on the CIFAR10 and SVHN datasets and reveal that our methodology can seamlessly combine with adversarial training methods and obtain comparable robustness while keeping generalization close to a high-accuracy model.
☆ Exploring Gaze Pattern in Autistic Children: Clustering, Visualization, and Prediction
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) significantly affects the social and communication abilities of children, and eye-tracking is commonly used as a diagnostic tool by identifying associated atypical gaze patterns. Traditional methods demand manual identification of Areas of Interest in gaze patterns, lowering the performance of gaze behavior analysis in ASD subjects. To tackle this limitation, we propose a novel method to automatically analyze gaze behaviors in ASD children with superior accuracy. To be specific, we first apply and optimize seven clustering algorithms to automatically group gaze points to compare ASD subjects with typically developing peers. Subsequently, we extract 63 significant features to fully describe the patterns. These features can describe correlations between ASD diagnosis and gaze patterns. Lastly, using these features as prior knowledge, we train multiple predictive machine learning models to predict and diagnose ASD based on their gaze behaviors. To evaluate our method, we apply our method to three ASD datasets. The experimental and visualization results demonstrate the improvements of clustering algorithms in the analysis of unique gaze patterns in ASD children. Additionally, these predictive machine learning models achieved state-of-the-art prediction performance ($81\%$ AUC) in the field of automatically constructed gaze point features for ASD diagnosis. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/username/projectname}.
☆ HARP: Human-Assisted Regrouping with Permutation Invariant Critic for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning integrates human expertise to accelerate agent learning and provide critical guidance and feedback in complex fields. However, many existing approaches focus on single-agent tasks and require continuous human involvement during the training process, significantly increasing the human workload and limiting scalability. In this paper, we propose HARP (Human-Assisted Regrouping with Permutation Invariant Critic), a multi-agent reinforcement learning framework designed for group-oriented tasks. HARP integrates automatic agent regrouping with strategic human assistance during deployment, enabling and allowing non-experts to offer effective guidance with minimal intervention. During training, agents dynamically adjust their groupings to optimize collaborative task completion. When deployed, they actively seek human assistance and utilize the Permutation Invariant Group Critic to evaluate and refine human-proposed groupings, allowing non-expert users to contribute valuable suggestions. In multiple collaboration scenarios, our approach is able to leverage limited guidance from non-experts and enhance performance. The project can be found at https://github.com/huawen-hu/HARP.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
☆ InverseMeetInsert: Robust Real Image Editing via Geometric Accumulation Inversion in Guided Diffusion Models
In this paper, we introduce Geometry-Inverse-Meet-Pixel-Insert, short for GEO, an exceptionally versatile image editing technique designed to cater to customized user requirements at both local and global scales. Our approach seamlessly integrates text prompts and image prompts to yield diverse and precise editing outcomes. Notably, our method operates without the need for training and is driven by two key contributions: (i) a novel geometric accumulation loss that enhances DDIM inversion to faithfully preserve pixel space geometry and layout, and (ii) an innovative boosted image prompt technique that combines pixel-level editing for text-only inversion with latent space geometry guidance for standard classifier-free reversion. Leveraging the publicly available Stable Diffusion model, our approach undergoes extensive evaluation across various image types and challenging prompt editing scenarios, consistently delivering high-fidelity editing results for real images.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures
☆ GUNet: A Graph Convolutional Network United Diffusion Model for Stable and Diversity Pose Generation
Pose skeleton images are an important reference in pose-controllable image generation. In order to enrich the source of skeleton images, recent works have investigated the generation of pose skeletons based on natural language. These methods are based on GANs. However, it remains challenging to perform diverse, structurally correct and aesthetically pleasing human pose skeleton generation with various textual inputs. To address this problem, we propose a framework with GUNet as the main model, PoseDiffusion. It is the first generative framework based on a diffusion model and also contains a series of variants fine-tuned based on a stable diffusion model. PoseDiffusion demonstrates several desired properties that outperform existing methods. 1) Correct Skeletons. GUNet, a denoising model of PoseDiffusion, is designed to incorporate graphical convolutional neural networks. It is able to learn the spatial relationships of the human skeleton by introducing skeletal information during the training process. 2) Diversity. We decouple the key points of the skeleton and characterise them separately, and use cross-attention to introduce textual conditions. Experimental results show that PoseDiffusion outperforms existing SoTA algorithms in terms of stability and diversity of text-driven pose skeleton generation. Qualitative analyses further demonstrate its superiority for controllable generation in Stable Diffusion.
☆ Detecting Underdiagnosed Medical Conditions with Deep Learning-Based Opportunistic CT Imaging
Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scans are frequently performed in clinical settings. Opportunistic CT involves repurposing routine CT images to extract diagnostic information and is an emerging tool for detecting underdiagnosed conditions such as sarcopenia, hepatic steatosis, and ascites. This study utilizes deep learning methods to promote accurate diagnosis and clinical documentation. We analyze 2,674 inpatient CT scans to identify discrepancies between imaging phenotypes (characteristics derived from opportunistic CT scans) and their corresponding documentation in radiology reports and ICD coding. Through our analysis, we find that only 0.5%, 3.2%, and 30.7% of scans diagnosed with sarcopenia, hepatic steatosis, and ascites (respectively) through either opportunistic imaging or radiology reports were ICD-coded. Our findings demonstrate opportunistic CT's potential to enhance diagnostic precision and accuracy of risk adjustment models, offering advancements in precision medicine.
☆ Hypergraph-based Motion Generation with Multi-modal Interaction Relational Reasoning
The intricate nature of real-world driving environments, characterized by dynamic and diverse interactions among multiple vehicles and their possible future states, presents considerable challenges in accurately predicting the motion states of vehicles and handling the uncertainty inherent in the predictions. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive modeling and reasoning to capture the implicit relations among vehicles and the corresponding diverse behaviors. This research introduces an integrated framework for autonomous vehicles (AVs) motion prediction to address these complexities, utilizing a novel Relational Hypergraph Interaction-informed Neural mOtion generator (RHINO). RHINO leverages hypergraph-based relational reasoning by integrating a multi-scale hypergraph neural network to model group-wise interactions among multiple vehicles and their multi-modal driving behaviors, thereby enhancing motion prediction accuracy and reliability. Experimental validation using real-world datasets demonstrates the superior performance of this framework in improving predictive accuracy and fostering socially aware automated driving in dynamic traffic scenarios.
☆ Towards Explainable Goal Recognition Using Weight of Evidence (WoE): A Human-Centered Approach
Goal recognition (GR) involves inferring an agent's unobserved goal from a sequence of observations. This is a critical problem in AI with diverse applications. Traditionally, GR has been addressed using 'inference to the best explanation' or abduction, where hypotheses about the agent's goals are generated as the most plausible explanations for observed behavior. Alternatively, some approaches enhance interpretability by ensuring that an agent's behavior aligns with an observer's expectations or by making the reasoning behind decisions more transparent. In this work, we tackle a different challenge: explaining the GR process in a way that is comprehensible to humans. We introduce and evaluate an explainable model for goal recognition (GR) agents, grounded in the theoretical framework and cognitive processes underlying human behavior explanation. Drawing on insights from two human-agent studies, we propose a conceptual framework for human-centered explanations of GR. Using this framework, we develop the eXplainable Goal Recognition (XGR) model, which generates explanations for both why and why not questions. We evaluate the model computationally across eight GR benchmarks and through three user studies. The first study assesses the efficiency of generating human-like explanations within the Sokoban game domain, the second examines perceived explainability in the same domain, and the third evaluates the model's effectiveness in aiding decision-making in illegal fishing detection. Results demonstrate that the XGR model significantly enhances user understanding, trust, and decision-making compared to baseline models, underscoring its potential to improve human-agent collaboration.
☆ Anticipating Oblivious Opponents in Stochastic Games
We present an approach for systematically anticipating the actions and policies employed by \emph{oblivious} environments in concurrent stochastic games, while maximizing a reward function. Our main contribution lies in the synthesis of a finite \emph{information state machine} whose alphabet ranges over the actions of the environment. Each state of the automaton is mapped to a belief state about the policy used by the environment. We introduce a notion of consistency that guarantees that the belief states tracked by our automaton stays within a fixed distance of the precise belief state obtained by knowledge of the full history. We provide methods for checking consistency of an automaton and a synthesis approach which upon successful termination yields such a machine. We show how the information state machine yields an MDP that serves as the starting point for computing optimal policies for maximizing a reward function defined over plays. We present an experimental evaluation over benchmark examples including human activity data for tasks such as cataract surgery and furniture assembly, wherein our approach successfully anticipates the policies and actions of the environment in order to maximize the reward.
☆ Agent Aggregator with Mask Denoise Mechanism for Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis
Histopathology analysis is the gold standard for medical diagnosis. Accurate classification of whole slide images (WSIs) and region-of-interests (ROIs) localization can assist pathologists in diagnosis. The gigapixel resolution of WSI and the absence of fine-grained annotations make direct classification and analysis challenging. In weakly supervised learning, multiple instance learning (MIL) presents a promising approach for WSI classification. The prevailing strategy is to use attention mechanisms to measure instance importance for classification. However, attention mechanisms fail to capture inter-instance information, and self-attention causes quadratic computational complexity. To address these challenges, we propose AMD-MIL, an agent aggregator with a mask denoise mechanism. The agent token acts as an intermediate variable between the query and key for computing instance importance. Mask and denoising matrices, mapped from agents-aggregated value, dynamically mask low-contribution representations and eliminate noise. AMD-MIL achieves better attention allocation by adjusting feature representations, capturing micro-metastases in cancer, and improving interpretability. Extensive experiments on CAMELYON-16, CAMELYON-17, TCGA-KIDNEY, and TCGA-LUNG show AMD-MIL's superiority over state-of-the-art methods.
☆ GReDP: A More Robust Approach for Differential Privacy Training with Gradient-Preserving Noise Reduction
Deep learning models have been extensively adopted in various regions due to their ability to represent hierarchical features, which highly rely on the training set and procedures. Thus, protecting the training process and deep learning algorithms is paramount in privacy preservation. Although Differential Privacy (DP) as a powerful cryptographic primitive has achieved satisfying results in deep learning training, the existing schemes still fall short in preserving model utility, i.e., they either invoke a high noise scale or inevitably harm the original gradients. To address the above issues, in this paper, we present a more robust approach for DP training called GReDP. Specifically, we compute the model gradients in the frequency domain and adopt a new approach to reduce the noise level. Unlike the previous work, our GReDP only requires half of the noise scale compared to DPSGD [1] while keeping all the gradient information intact. We present a detailed analysis of our method both theoretically and empirically. The experimental results show that our GReDP works consistently better than the baselines on all models and training settings.
☆ Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning with Non-IID Decentralized Data
Few-shot class-incremental learning is crucial for developing scalable and adaptive intelligent systems, as it enables models to acquire new classes with minimal annotated data while safeguarding the previously accumulated knowledge. Nonetheless, existing methods deal with continuous data streams in a centralized manner, limiting their applicability in scenarios that prioritize data privacy and security. To this end, this paper introduces federated few-shot class-incremental learning, a decentralized machine learning paradigm tailored to progressively learn new classes from scarce data distributed across multiple clients. In this learning paradigm, clients locally update their models with new classes while preserving data privacy, and then transmit the model updates to a central server where they are aggregated globally. However, this paradigm faces several issues, such as difficulties in few-shot learning, catastrophic forgetting, and data heterogeneity. To address these challenges, we present a synthetic data-driven framework that leverages replay buffer data to maintain existing knowledge and facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge. Within this framework, a noise-aware generative replay module is developed to fine-tune local models with a balance of new and replay data, while generating synthetic data of new classes to further expand the replay buffer for future tasks. Furthermore, a class-specific weighted aggregation strategy is designed to tackle data heterogeneity by adaptively aggregating class-specific parameters based on local models performance on synthetic data. This enables effective global model optimization without direct access to client data. Comprehensive experiments across three widely-used datasets underscore the effectiveness and preeminence of the introduced framework.
☆ How to Build the Virtual Cell with Artificial Intelligence: Priorities and Opportunities
The cell is arguably the smallest unit of life and is central to understanding biology. Accurate modeling of cells is important for this understanding as well as for determining the root causes of disease. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), combined with the ability to generate large-scale experimental data, present novel opportunities to model cells. Here we propose a vision of AI-powered Virtual Cells, where robust representations of cells and cellular systems under different conditions are directly learned from growing biological data across measurements and scales. We discuss desired capabilities of AI Virtual Cells, including generating universal representations of biological entities across scales, and facilitating interpretable in silico experiments to predict and understand their behavior using Virtual Instruments. We further address the challenges, opportunities and requirements to realize this vision including data needs, evaluation strategies, and community standards and engagement to ensure biological accuracy and broad utility. We envision a future where AI Virtual Cells help identify new drug targets, predict cellular responses to perturbations, as well as scale hypothesis exploration. With open science collaborations across the biomedical ecosystem that includes academia, philanthropy, and the biopharma and AI industries, a comprehensive predictive understanding of cell mechanisms and interactions is within reach.
☆ Art and Science of Quantizing Large-Scale Models: A Comprehensive Overview
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, challenges, and methodologies associated with quantizing large-scale neural network models. As neural networks have evolved towards larger and more complex architectures to address increasingly sophisticated tasks, the computational and energy costs have escalated significantly. We explore the necessity and impact of model size growth, highlighting the performance benefits as well as the computational challenges and environmental considerations. The core focus is on model quantization as a fundamental approach to mitigate these challenges by reducing model size and improving efficiency without substantially compromising accuracy. We delve into various quantization techniques, including both post-training quantization (PTQ) and quantization-aware training (QAT), and analyze several state-of-the-art algorithms such as LLM-QAT, PEQA(L4Q), ZeroQuant, SmoothQuant, and others. Through comparative analysis, we examine how these methods address issues like outliers, importance weighting, and activation quantization, ultimately contributing to more sustainable and accessible deployment of large-scale models.
☆ Few-Shot Learning Approach on Tuberculosis Classification Based on Chest X-Ray Images
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, primarily affecting the lungs. Early detection is crucial for improving treatment effectiveness and reducing transmission risk. Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly through image classification of chest X-rays, can assist in TB detection. However, class imbalance in TB chest X-ray datasets presents a challenge for accurate classification. In this paper, we propose a few-shot learning (FSL) approach using the Prototypical Network algorithm to address this issue. We compare the performance of ResNet-18, ResNet-50, and VGG16 in feature extraction from the TBX11K Chest X-ray dataset. Experimental results demonstrate classification accuracies of 98.93% for ResNet-18, 98.60% for ResNet-50, and 33.33% for VGG16. These findings indicate that the proposed method outperforms others in mitigating data imbalance, which is particularly beneficial for disease classification applications.
comment: 6 pages. Pre-print
☆ Combating Phone Scams with LLM-based Detection: Where Do We Stand?
Phone scams pose a significant threat to individuals and communities, causing substantial financial losses and emotional distress. Despite ongoing efforts to combat these scams, scammers continue to adapt and refine their tactics, making it imperative to explore innovative countermeasures. This research explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) to provide detection of fraudulent phone calls. By analyzing the conversational dynamics between scammers and victims, LLM-based detectors can identify potential scams as they occur, offering immediate protection to users. While such approaches demonstrate promising results, we also acknowledge the challenges of biased datasets, relatively low recall, and hallucinations that must be addressed for further advancement in this field
comment: 2 pages, 1 figure
☆ A Metric Hybrid Planning Approach to Solving Pandemic Planning Problems with Simple SIR Models
A pandemic is the spread of a disease across large regions, and can have devastating costs to the society in terms of health, economic and social. As such, the study of effective pandemic mitigation strategies can yield significant positive impact on the society. A pandemic can be mathematically described using a compartmental model, such as the Susceptible Infected Removed (SIR) model. In this paper, we extend the solution equations of the SIR model to a state transition model with lockdowns. We formalize a metric hybrid planning problem based on this state transition model, and solve it using a metric hybrid planner. We improve the runtime effectiveness of the metric hybrid planner with the addition of valid inequalities, and demonstrate the success of our approach both theoretically and experimentally under various challenging settings.
☆ HRA: A Multi-Criteria Framework for Ranking Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms
Metaheuristic algorithms are essential for solving complex optimization problems in different fields. However, the difficulty in comparing and rating these algorithms remains due to the wide range of performance metrics and problem dimensions usually involved. On the other hand, nonparametric statistical methods and post hoc tests are time-consuming, especially when we only need to identify the top performers among many algorithms. The Hierarchical Rank Aggregation (HRA) algorithm aims to efficiently rank metaheuristic algorithms based on their performance across many criteria and dimensions. The HRA employs a hierarchical framework that begins with collecting performance metrics on various benchmark functions and dimensions. Rank-based normalization is employed for each performance measure to ensure comparability and the robust TOPSIS aggregation is applied to combine these rankings at several hierarchical levels, resulting in a comprehensive ranking of the algorithms. Our study uses data from the CEC 2017 competition to demonstrate the robustness and efficacy of the HRA framework. It examines 30 benchmark functions and evaluates the performance of 13 metaheuristic algorithms across five performance indicators in four distinct dimensions. This presentation highlights the potential of the HRA to enhance the interpretation of the comparative advantages and disadvantages of various algorithms by simplifying practitioners' choices of the most appropriate algorithm for certain optimization problems.
comment: 13 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ AnySkin: Plug-and-play Skin Sensing for Robotic Touch
While tactile sensing is widely accepted as an important and useful sensing modality, its use pales in comparison to other sensory modalities like vision and proprioception. AnySkin addresses the critical challenges that impede the use of tactile sensing -- versatility, replaceability, and data reusability. Building on the simplistic design of ReSkin, and decoupling the sensing electronics from the sensing interface, AnySkin simplifies integration making it as straightforward as putting on a phone case and connecting a charger. Furthermore, AnySkin is the first uncalibrated tactile-sensor with cross-instance generalizability of learned manipulation policies. To summarize, this work makes three key contributions: first, we introduce a streamlined fabrication process and a design tool for creating an adhesive-free, durable and easily replaceable magnetic tactile sensor; second, we characterize slip detection and policy learning with the AnySkin sensor; and third, we demonstrate zero-shot generalization of models trained on one instance of AnySkin to new instances, and compare it with popular existing tactile solutions like DIGIT and ReSkin.https://any-skin.github.io/
♻ ☆ Machine Learning Approaches for Diagnostics and Prognostics of Industrial Systems Using Open Source Data from PHM Data Challenges: A Review
In the field of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), recent years have witnessed a significant surge in the application of machine learning (ML). Despite this growth, the field grapples with a lack of unified guidelines and systematic approaches for effectively implementing these ML techniques and comprehensive analysis regarding industrial open-source data across varied scenarios. To address these gaps, this paper provides a comprehensive review of ML approaches for diagnostics and prognostics of industrial systems using open-source datasets from PHM Data Challenge Competitions held between 2018 and 2023 by PHM Society and IEEE Reliability Society and summarizes a unified ML framework. This review systematically categorizes and scrutinizes the problems, challenges, methodologies, and advancements demonstrated in these competitions, highlighting the evolving role of both conventional machine learning and deep learning in tackling complex industrial tasks related to detection, diagnosis, assessment, and prognosis. Moreover, this paper delves into the common challenges in PHM data challenge competitions by emphasizing data-related and model-related issues and evaluating the limitations of these competitions. The potential solutions to address these challenges are also summarized. Finally, we identify key themes and potential directions for future research, providing opportunities and prospects for next-generation ML-PHM development in PHM domain.
comment: The paper submitted to the International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (IJPHM) has been accepted
♻ ☆ ReflectDiffu:Reflect between Emotion-intent Contagion and Mimicry for Empathetic Response Generation via a RL-Diffusion Framework
Empathetic response generation necessitates the integration of emotional and intentional dynamics to foster meaningful interactions. Existing research either neglects the intricate interplay between emotion and intent, leading to suboptimal controllability of empathy, or resorts to large language models (LLMs), which incur significant computational overhead. In this paper, we introduce ReflectDiffu, a lightweight and comprehensive framework for empathetic response generation. This framework incorporates emotion contagion to augment emotional expressiveness and employs an emotion-reasoning mask to pinpoint critical emotional elements. Additionally, it integrates intent mimicry within reinforcement learning for refinement during diffusion. By harnessing an intent twice reflect the mechanism of Exploring-Sampling-Correcting, ReflectDiffu adeptly translates emotional decision-making into precise intent actions, thereby addressing empathetic response misalignments stemming from emotional misrecognition. Through reflection, the framework maps emotional states to intents, markedly enhancing both response empathy and flexibility. Comprehensive experiments reveal that ReflectDiffu outperforms existing models regarding relevance, controllability, and informativeness, achieving state-of-the-art results in both automatic and human evaluations.
♻ ☆ Integrating Generative AI in Hackathons: Opportunities, Challenges, and Educational Implications
Hackathons have emerged as pivotal platforms in the software industry, driving both innovation and skill development for organizations and students alike. These events enable companies to quickly prototype new ideas while offering students practical, hands-on learning experiences. Over time, hackathons have transitioned from purely competitive events to valuable educational tools, integrating theory with real-world problem-solving through collaboration between academia and industry. The infusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is now reshaping hackathons, providing enhanced learning opportunities while also introducing ethical challenges. This study explores the influence of generative AI on students' technological choices, focusing on a case study from the 2023 University of Iowa Hackathon. The findings offer insights into AI's role in these events, its educational impact, and propose strategies for integrating such technologies in future hackathons, ensuring a balance between innovation, ethics, and educational value.
comment: 9792 words, 26 pages, 12 figures
♻ ☆ Integrating AI and Learning Analytics for Data-Driven Pedagogical Decisions and Personalized Interventions in Education
This research study explores the conceptualization, development, and deployment of an innovative learning analytics tool, leveraging OpenAI's GPT-4 model to quantify student engagement, map learning progression, and evaluate diverse instructional strategies within an educational context. By analyzing critical data points such as students' stress levels, curiosity, confusion, agitation, topic preferences, and study methods, the tool provides a comprehensive view of the learning environment. It also employs Bloom's taxonomy to assess cognitive development based on student inquiries. In addition to technical evaluation through synthetic data, feedback from a survey of teaching faculty at the University of Iowa was collected to gauge perceived benefits and challenges. Faculty recognized the tool's potential to enhance instructional decision-making through real-time insights but expressed concerns about data security and the accuracy of AI-generated insights. The study outlines the design, implementation, and evaluation of the tool, highlighting its contributions to educational outcomes, practical integration within learning management systems, and future refinements needed to address privacy and accuracy concerns. This research underscores AI's role in shaping personalized, data-driven education.
comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, 8784 words
♻ ☆ Estimating the number of reachable positions in Minishogi
To investigate the feasibility of strongly solving Minishogi (Gogo Shogi), it is necessary to know the number of its reachable positions from the initial position. However, there currently remains a significant gap between the lower and upper bounds of the value, since checking the legality of a Minishogi position is difficult. In this paper, the authors estimate the number of reachable positions by generating candidate positions using uniform random sampling and measuring the proportion of those reachable by a series of legal moves from the initial position. The experimental results reveal that the number of reachable Minishogi positions is approximately $2.38\times 10^{18}$.
comment: This article was submitted to the 53th meeting of IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan) SIG Game Informatics (held on September 6, 2024) as a non-reviewed technical report, and also published in IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, Vol. 2024-GI-53, No.2, pp.1-6
♻ ☆ Probabilistically Robust Watermarking of Neural Networks
As deep learning (DL) models are widely and effectively used in Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) platforms, there is a rapidly growing interest in DL watermarking techniques that can be used to confirm the ownership of a particular model. Unfortunately, these methods usually produce watermarks susceptible to model stealing attacks. In our research, we introduce a novel trigger set-based watermarking approach that demonstrates resilience against functionality stealing attacks, particularly those involving extraction and distillation. Our approach does not require additional model training and can be applied to any model architecture. The key idea of our method is to compute the trigger set, which is transferable between the source model and the set of proxy models with a high probability. In our experimental study, we show that if the probability of the set being transferable is reasonably high, it can be effectively used for ownership verification of the stolen model. We evaluate our method on multiple benchmarks and show that our approach outperforms current state-of-the-art watermarking techniques in all considered experimental setups.
♻ ☆ High-Resolution Maps of Left Atrial Displacements and Strains Estimated with 3D Cine MRI using Online Learning Neural Networks
The functional analysis of the left atrium (LA) is important for evaluating cardiac health and understanding diseases like atrial fibrillation. Cine MRI is ideally placed for the detailed 3D characterization of LA motion and deformation but is lacking appropriate acquisition and analysis tools. Here, we propose tools for the Analysis for Left Atrial Displacements and DeformatIons using online learning neural Networks (Aladdin) and present a technical feasibility study on how Aladdin can characterize 3D LA function globally and regionally. Aladdin includes an online segmentation and image registration network, and a strain calculation pipeline tailored to the LA. We create maps of LA Displacement Vector Field (DVF) magnitude and LA principal strain values from images of 10 healthy volunteers and 8 patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD), of which 2 had large left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) impairment. We additionally create an atlas of these biomarkers using the data from the healthy volunteers. Results showed that Aladdin can accurately track the LA wall across the cardiac cycle and characterize its motion and deformation. Global LA function markers assessed with Aladdin agree well with estimates from 2D Cine MRI. A more marked active contraction phase was observed in the healthy cohort, while the CVD LVEF group showed overall reduced LA function. Aladdin is uniquely able to identify LA regions with abnormal deformation metrics that may indicate focal pathology. We expect Aladdin to have important clinical applications as it can non-invasively characterize atrial pathophysiology. All source code and data are available at: https://github.com/cgalaz01/aladdin_cmr_la.
♻ ☆ Improving Ontology Requirements Engineering with OntoChat and Participatory Prompting
Past ontology requirements engineering (ORE) has primarily relied on manual methods, such as interviews and collaborative forums, to gather user requirements from domain experts, especially in large projects. Current OntoChat offers a framework for ORE that utilises large language models (LLMs) to streamline the process through four key functions: user story creation, competency question (CQ) extraction, CQ filtration and analysis, and ontology testing support. In OntoChat, users are expected to prompt the chatbot to generate user stories. However, preliminary evaluations revealed that they struggle to do this effectively. To address this issue, we experimented with a research method called participatory prompting, which involves researcher-mediated interactions to help users without deep knowledge of LLMs use the chatbot more effectively. This participatory prompting user study produces pre-defined prompt templates based on user queries, focusing on creating and refining personas, goals, scenarios, sample data, and data resources for user stories. These refined user stories will subsequently be converted into CQs.
♻ ☆ PlaSma: Making Small Language Models Better Procedural Knowledge Models for (Counterfactual) Planning ICLR 2024
Procedural planning, which entails decomposing a high-level goal into a sequence of temporally ordered steps, is an important yet intricate task for machines. It involves integrating common-sense knowledge to reason about complex and often contextualized situations, e.g. ``scheduling a doctor's appointment without a phone''. While current approaches show encouraging results using large language models (LLMs), they are hindered by drawbacks such as costly API calls and reproducibility issues. In this paper, we advocate planning using smaller language models. We present PlaSma, a novel two-pronged approach to endow small language models with procedural knowledge and (constrained) language planning capabilities. More concretely, we develop symbolic procedural knowledge distillation to enhance the commonsense knowledge in small language models and an inference-time algorithm to facilitate more structured and accurate reasoning. In addition, we introduce a new related task, Replanning, that requires a revision of a plan to cope with a constrained situation. In both the planning and replanning settings, we show that orders-of-magnitude smaller models (770M-11B parameters) can compete and often surpass their larger teacher models' capabilities. Finally, we showcase successful application of PlaSma in an embodied environment, VirtualHome.
comment: ICLR 2024 version , 31 pages
♻ ☆ A New Era in Computational Pathology: A Survey on Foundation and Vision-Language Models
Recent advances in deep learning have completely transformed the domain of computational pathology (CPath). More specifically, it has altered the diagnostic workflow of pathologists by integrating foundation models (FMs) and vision-language models (VLMs) in their assessment and decision-making process. The limitations of existing deep learning approaches in CPath can be overcome by FMs through learning a representation space that can be adapted to a wide variety of downstream tasks without explicit supervision. Deploying VLMs allow pathology reports written in natural language be used as rich semantic information sources to improve existing models as well as generate predictions in natural language form. In this survey, a holistic and systematic overview of recent innovations in FMs and VLMs in CPath is presented. Furthermore, the tools, datasets and training schemes for these models are summarized in addition to categorizing them into distinct groups. This extensive survey highlights the current trends in CPath and its possible revolution through the use of FMs and VLMs in the future.
comment: 20 pages, 19 figures and 9 tables
♻ ☆ Operational Wind Speed Forecasts for Chile's Electric Power Sector Using a Hybrid ML Model
As Chile's electric power sector advances toward a future powered by renewable energy, accurate forecasting of renewable generation is essential for managing grid operations. The integration of renewable energy sources is particularly challenging due to the operational difficulties of managing their power generation, which is highly variable compared to fossil fuel sources, delaying the availability of clean energy. To mitigate this, we quantify the impact of increasing intermittent generation from wind and solar on thermal power plants in Chile and introduce a hybrid wind speed forecasting methodology which combines two custom ML models for Chile. The first model is based on TiDE, an MLP-based ML model for short-term forecasts, and the second is based on a graph neural network, GraphCast, for medium-term forecasts up to 10 days. Our hybrid approach outperforms the most accurate operational deterministic systems by 4-21% for short-term forecasts and 5-23% for medium-term forecasts and can directly lower the impact of wind generation on thermal ramping, curtailment, and system-level emissions in Chile.
♻ ☆ The Ethics of AI Value Chains
Researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with an interest in AI ethics need more integrative approaches for studying and intervening in AI systems across many contexts and scales of activity. This paper presents AI value chains as an integrative concept that satisfies that need. To more clearly theorize AI value chains and conceptually distinguish them from supply chains, we review theories of value chains and AI value chains from the strategic management, service science, economic geography, industry, government, and applied research literature. We then conduct an integrative review of a sample of 67 sources that cover the ethical concerns implicated in AI value chains. Building upon the findings of our integrative review, we recommend three future directions that researchers, practitioners, and policymakers can take to advance more ethical practices across AI value chains. We urge AI ethics researchers and practitioners to move toward value chain perspectives that situate actors in context, account for the many types of resources involved in co-creating AI systems, and integrate a wider range of ethical concerns across contexts and scales.
comment: 47 pages
♻ ☆ Shapley-PC: Constraint-based Causal Structure Learning with Shapley Values
Causal Structure Learning (CSL), also referred to as causal discovery, amounts to extracting causal relations among variables in data. CSL enables the estimation of causal effects from observational data alone, avoiding the need to perform real life experiments. Constraint-based CSL leverages conditional independence tests to perform causal discovery. We propose Shapley-PC, a novel method to improve constraint-based CSL algorithms by using Shapley values over the possible conditioning sets, to decide which variables are responsible for the observed conditional (in)dependences. We prove soundness, completeness and asymptotic consistency of Shapley-PC and run a simulation study showing that our proposed algorithm is superior to existing versions of PC.
comment: 21 pages (with appendix)
♻ ☆ Continual Learning: Forget-free Winning Subnetworks for Video Representations
Inspired by the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH), which highlights the existence of efficient subnetworks within larger, dense networks, a high-performing Winning Subnetwork (WSN) in terms of task performance under appropriate sparsity conditions is considered for various continual learning tasks. It leverages pre-existing weights from dense networks to achieve efficient learning in Task Incremental Learning (TIL) and Task-agnostic Incremental Learning (TaIL) scenarios. In Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning (FSCIL), a variation of WSN referred to as the Soft subnetwork (SoftNet) is designed to prevent overfitting when the data samples are scarce. Furthermore, the sparse reuse of WSN weights is considered for Video Incremental Learning (VIL). The use of Fourier Subneural Operator (FSO) within WSN is considered. It enables compact encoding of videos and identifies reusable subnetworks across varying bandwidths. We have integrated FSO into different architectural frameworks for continual learning, including VIL, TIL, and FSCIL. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate FSO's effectiveness, significantly improving task performance at various convolutional representational levels. Specifically, FSO enhances higher-layer performance in TIL and FSCIL and lower-layer performance in VIL.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.14962, arXiv:2306.11305
♻ ☆ LOLA -- An Open-Source Massively Multilingual Large Language Model
This paper presents LOLA, a massively multilingual large language model trained on more than 160 languages using a sparse Mixture-of-Experts Transformer architecture. Our architectural and implementation choices address the challenge of harnessing linguistic diversity while maintaining efficiency and avoiding the common pitfalls of multilinguality. Our analysis of the evaluation results shows competitive performance in natural language generation and understanding tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate how the learned expert-routing mechanism exploits implicit phylogenetic linguistic patterns to potentially alleviate the curse of multilinguality. We provide an in-depth look at the training process, an analysis of the datasets, and a balanced exploration of the model's strengths and limitations. As an open-source model, LOLA promotes reproducibility and serves as a robust foundation for future research. Our findings enable the development of compute-efficient multilingual models with strong, scalable performance across languages.
♻ ☆ Creative Beam Search: LLM-as-a-Judge For Improving Response Generation
Large language models are revolutionizing several areas, including artificial creativity. However, the process of generation in machines profoundly diverges from that observed in humans. In particular, machine generation is characterized by a lack of intentionality and an underlying creative process. We propose a method called Creative Beam Search that uses Diverse Beam Search and LLM-as-a-Judge to perform response generation and response validation. The results of a qualitative experiment show how our approach can provide better output than standard sampling techniques. We also show that the response validation step is a necessary complement to the response generation step.
comment: Presented as a short paper at the 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC'24)
♻ ☆ Training Foundation Models as Data Compression: On Information, Model Weights and Copyright Law
The training process of foundation models as for other classes of deep learning systems is based on minimizing the reconstruction error over a training set. For this reason, they are susceptible to the memorization and subsequent reproduction of training samples. In this paper, we introduce a training-as-compressing perspective, wherein the model's weights embody a compressed representation of the training data. From a copyright standpoint, this point of view implies that the weights could be considered a reproduction or a derivative work of a potentially protected set of works. We investigate the technical and legal challenges that emerge from this framing of the copyright of outputs generated by foundation models, including their implications for practitioners and researchers. We demonstrate that adopting an information-centric approach to the problem presents a promising pathway for tackling these emerging complex legal issues.
comment: Spotlight presentation at GenLaw'24, see https://www.genlaw.org/2024-icml-papers#training-foundation-models-as-data-compression-on-information-model-weights-and-copyright-law
♻ ☆ On the Creativity of Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing several areas of Artificial Intelligence. One of the most remarkable applications is creative writing, e.g., poetry or storytelling: the generated outputs are often of astonishing quality. However, a natural question arises: can LLMs be really considered creative? In this article, we first analyze the development of LLMs under the lens of creativity theories, investigating the key open questions and challenges. In particular, we focus our discussion on the dimensions of value, novelty, and surprise as proposed by Margaret Boden in her work. Then, we consider different classic perspectives, namely product, process, press, and person. We discuss a set of ``easy'' and ``hard'' problems in machine creativity, presenting them in relation to LLMs. Finally, we examine the societal impact of these technologies with a particular focus on the creative industries, analyzing the opportunities offered, the challenges arising from them, and the potential associated risks, from both legal and ethical points of view.
♻ ☆ mLoRA: Fine-Tuning LoRA Adapters via Highly-Efficient Pipeline Parallelism in Multiple GPUs
Transformer-based, pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated outstanding performance across diverse domains, particularly in the emerging {\em pretrain-then-finetune} paradigm. Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), a parameter-efficient fine-tuning method, is commonly used to adapt a base LLM to multiple downstream tasks. Further, LLM platforms enable developers to fine-tune multiple models and develop various domain-specific applications simultaneously. However, existing model parallelism schemes suffer from high communication overhead and inefficient GPU utilization when training multiple LoRA tasks across GPUs and machines. In this paper, we present mLoRA, a parallelism-efficient fine-tuning system designed for training multiple LoRA across GPUs and machines. mLoRA introduces a novel LoRA-aware pipeline parallelism scheme that efficiently pipelines independent LoRA adapters and their distinct fine-tuning stages across GPUs and machines, along with a new LoRA-efficient operator to enhance GPU utilization during pipelined LoRA training. Our extensive evaluation shows that mLoRA can significantly reduce average fine-tuning task completion time, e.g., by 30\%, compared to state-of-the-art methods like FSDP. More importantly, mLoRA enables simultaneous fine-tuning of larger models, e.g., two Llama-2-13B models on four NVIDIA RTX A6000 48GB GPUs, which is not feasible for FSDP due to high memory requirements. Hence, mLoRA not only increases fine-tuning efficiency but also makes it more accessible on cost-effective GPUs. mLoRA has been deployed in AntGroup's production environment.
comment: 14 pages, 16 figures
♻ ☆ Zero-Shot Conditioning of Score-Based Diffusion Models by Neuro-Symbolic Constraints
Score-based diffusion models have emerged as effective approaches for both conditional and unconditional generation. Still conditional generation is based on either a specific training of a conditional model or classifier guidance, which requires training a noise-dependent classifier, even when a classifier for uncorrupted data is given. We propose a method that, given a pre-trained unconditional score-based generative model, samples from the conditional distribution under arbitrary logical constraints, without requiring additional training. Differently from other zero-shot techniques, that rather aim at generating valid conditional samples, our method is designed for approximating the true conditional distribution. Firstly, we show how to manipulate the learned score in order to sample from an un-normalized distribution conditional on a user-defined constraint. Then, we define a flexible and numerically stable neuro-symbolic framework for encoding soft logical constraints. Combining these two ingredients we obtain a general, but approximate, conditional sampling algorithm. We further developed effective heuristics aimed at improving the approximation. Finally, we show the effectiveness of our approach in approximating conditional distributions for various types of constraints and data: tabular data, images and time series.
♻ ☆ Data-driven Modeling of Combined Sewer Systems for Urban Sustainability: An Empirical Evaluation
Climate change poses complex challenges, with extreme weather events becoming increasingly frequent and difficult to model. Examples include the dynamics of Combined Sewer Systems (CSS). Overburdened CSS during heavy rainfall will overflow untreated wastewater into surface water bodies. Classical approaches to modeling the impact of extreme rainfall events rely on physical simulations, which are particularly challenging to create for large urban infrastructures. Deep Learning (DL) models offer a cost-effective alternative for modeling the complex dynamics of sewer systems. In this study, we present a comprehensive empirical evaluation of several state-of-the-art DL time series models for predicting sewer system dynamics in a large urban infrastructure, utilizing three years of measurement data. We especially investigate the potential of DL models to maintain predictive precision during network outages by comparing global models, which have access to all variables within the sewer system, and local models, which are limited to data from a restricted set of local sensors. Our findings demonstrate that DL models can accurately predict the dynamics of sewer system load, even under network outage conditions. These results suggest that DL models can effectively aid in balancing the load redistribution in CSS, thereby enhancing the sustainability and resilience of urban infrastructures.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted at 47th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Wuerzburg 2024
♻ ☆ Rényi Divergence Deep Mutual Learning
This paper revisits Deep Mutual Learning (DML), a simple yet effective computing paradigm. We propose using R\'{e}nyi divergence instead of the KL divergence, which is more flexible and tunable, to improve vanilla DML. This modification is able to consistently improve performance over vanilla DML with limited additional complexity. The convergence properties of the proposed paradigm are analyzed theoretically, and Stochastic Gradient Descent with a constant learning rate is shown to converge with $\mathcal{O}(1)$-bias in the worst case scenario for nonconvex optimization tasks. That is, learning will reach nearby local optima but continue searching within a bounded scope, which may help mitigate overfitting. Finally, our extensive empirical results demonstrate the advantage of combining DML and R\'{e}nyi divergence, leading to further improvement in model generalization.
♻ ☆ Interpretable classifiers for tabular data via discretization and feature selection
We introduce a method for computing immediately human interpretable yet accurate classifiers from tabular data. The classifiers obtained are short Boolean formulas, computed via first discretizing the original data and then using feature selection coupled with a very fast algorithm for producing the best possible Boolean classifier for the setting. We demonstrate the approach via 12 experiments, obtaining results with accuracies comparable to ones obtained via random forests, XGBoost, and existing results for the same datasets in the literature. In most cases, the accuracy of our method is in fact similar to that of the reference methods, even though the main objective of our study is the immediate interpretability of our classifiers. We also prove a new result on the probability that the classifier we obtain from real-life data corresponds to the ideally best classifier with respect to the background distribution the data comes from.
comment: Preprint of a paper in DAO-XAI 2024 (Data meets Applied Ontologies in Explainable AI)
♻ ☆ LTOS: Layout-controllable Text-Object Synthesis via Adaptive Cross-attention Fusions
Controllable text-to-image generation synthesizes visual text and objects in images with certain conditions, which are frequently applied to emoji and poster generation. Visual text rendering and layout-to-image generation tasks have been popular in controllable text-to-image generation. However, each of these tasks typically focuses on single modality generation or rendering, leaving yet-to-be-bridged gaps between the approaches correspondingly designed for each of the tasks. In this paper, we combine text rendering and layout-to-image generation tasks into a single task: layout-controllable text-object synthesis (LTOS) task, aiming at synthesizing images with object and visual text based on predefined object layout and text contents. As compliant datasets are not readily available for our LTOS task, we construct a layout-aware text-object synthesis dataset, containing elaborate well-aligned labels of visual text and object information. Based on the dataset, we propose a layout-controllable text-object adaptive fusion (TOF) framework, which generates images with clear, legible visual text and plausible objects. We construct a visual-text rendering module to synthesize text and employ an object-layout control module to generate objects while integrating the two modules to harmoniously generate and integrate text content and objects in images. To better the image-text integration, we propose a self-adaptive cross-attention fusion module that helps the image generation to attend more to important text information. Within such a fusion module, we use a self-adaptive learnable factor to learn to flexibly control the influence of cross-attention outputs on image generation. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art in LTOS, text rendering, and layout-to-image tasks, enabling harmonious visual text rendering and object generation.
♻ ☆ Dynamic PDB: A New Dataset and a SE(3) Model Extension by Integrating Dynamic Behaviors and Physical Properties in Protein Structures
Despite significant progress in static protein structure collection and prediction, the dynamic behavior of proteins, one of their most vital characteristics, has been largely overlooked in prior research. This oversight can be attributed to the limited availability, diversity, and heterogeneity of dynamic protein datasets. To address this gap, we propose to enhance existing prestigious static 3D protein structural databases, such as the Protein Data Bank (PDB), by integrating dynamic data and additional physical properties. Specifically, we introduce a large-scale dataset, Dynamic PDB, encompassing approximately 12.6K proteins, each subjected to all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations lasting 1 microsecond to capture conformational changes. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive suite of physical properties, including atomic velocities and forces, potential and kinetic energies of proteins, and the temperature of the simulation environment, recorded at 1 picosecond intervals throughout the simulations. For benchmarking purposes, we evaluate state-of-the-art methods on the proposed dataset for the task of trajectory prediction. To demonstrate the value of integrating richer physical properties in the study of protein dynamics and related model design, we base our approach on the SE(3) diffusion model and incorporate these physical properties into the trajectory prediction process. Preliminary results indicate that this straightforward extension of the SE(3) model yields improved accuracy, as measured by MAE and RMSD, when the proposed physical properties are taken into consideration. https://fudan-generative-vision.github.io/dynamicPDB/ .
♻ ☆ QNCD: Quantization Noise Correction for Diffusion Models
Diffusion models have revolutionized image synthesis, setting new benchmarks in quality and creativity. However, their widespread adoption is hindered by the intensive computation required during the iterative denoising process. Post-training quantization (PTQ) presents a solution to accelerate sampling, aibeit at the expense of sample quality, extremely in low-bit settings. Addressing this, our study introduces a unified Quantization Noise Correction Scheme (QNCD), aimed at minishing quantization noise throughout the sampling process. We identify two primary quantization challenges: intra and inter quantization noise. Intra quantization noise, mainly exacerbated by embeddings in the resblock module, extends activation quantization ranges, increasing disturbances in each single denosing step. Besides, inter quantization noise stems from cumulative quantization deviations across the entire denoising process, altering data distributions step-by-step. QNCD combats these through embedding-derived feature smoothing for eliminating intra quantization noise and an effective runtime noise estimatiation module for dynamicly filtering inter quantization noise. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms previous quantization methods for diffusion models, achieving lossless results in W4A8 and W8A8 quantization settings on ImageNet (LDM-4). Code is available at: https://github.com/huanpengchu/QNCD
comment: Accepted by ACMMM2024
♻ ☆ Synergising Human-like Responses and Machine Intelligence for Planning in Disaster Response IJCNN
In the rapidly changing environments of disaster response, planning and decision-making for autonomous agents involve complex and interdependent choices. Although recent advancements have improved traditional artificial intelligence (AI) approaches, they often struggle in such settings, particularly when applied to agents operating outside their well-defined training parameters. To address these challenges, we propose an attention-based cognitive architecture inspired by Dual Process Theory (DPT). This framework integrates, in an online fashion, rapid yet heuristic (human-like) responses (System 1) with the slow but optimized planning capabilities of machine intelligence (System 2). We illustrate how a supervisory controller can dynamically determine in real-time the engagement of either system to optimize mission objectives by assessing their performance across a number of distinct attributes. Evaluated for trajectory planning in dynamic environments, our framework demonstrates that this synergistic integration effectively manages complex tasks by optimizing multiple mission objectives.
comment: 2024 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI), 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
♻ ☆ GEIC: Universal and Multilingual Named Entity Recognition with Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) have supplanted traditional methods in numerous natural language processing tasks. Nonetheless, in Named Entity Recognition (NER), existing LLM-based methods underperform compared to baselines and require significantly more computational resources, limiting their application. In this paper, we introduce the task of generation-based extraction and in-context classification (GEIC), designed to leverage LLMs' prior knowledge and self-attention mechanisms for NER tasks. We then propose CascadeNER, a universal and multilingual GEIC framework for few-shot and zero-shot NER. CascadeNER employs model cascading to utilize two small-parameter LLMs to extract and classify independently, reducing resource consumption while enhancing accuracy. We also introduce AnythingNER, the first NER dataset specifically designed for LLMs, including 8 languages, 155 entity types and a novel dynamic categorization system. Experiments show that CascadeNER achieves state-of-the-art performance on low-resource and fine-grained scenarios, including CrossNER and FewNERD. Our work is openly accessible.
♻ ☆ Explore-Go: Leveraging Exploration for Generalisation in Deep Reinforcement Learning
One of the remaining challenges in reinforcement learning is to develop agents that can generalise to novel scenarios they might encounter once deployed. This challenge is often framed in a multi-task setting where agents train on a fixed set of tasks and have to generalise to new tasks. Recent work has shown that in this setting increased exploration during training can be leveraged to increase the generalisation performance of the agent. This makes sense when the states encountered during testing can actually be explored during training. In this paper, we provide intuition why exploration can also benefit generalisation to states that cannot be explicitly encountered during training. Additionally, we propose a novel method Explore-Go that exploits this intuition by increasing the number of states on which the agent trains. Explore-Go effectively increases the starting state distribution of the agent and as a result can be used in conjunction with most existing on-policy or off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms. We show empirically that our method can increase generalisation performance in an illustrative environment and on the Procgen benchmark.
♻ ☆ About the Cost of Central Privacy in Density Estimation
We study non-parametric density estimation for densities in Lipschitz and Sobolev spaces, and under central privacy. In particular, we investigate regimes where the privacy budget is not supposed to be constant. We consider the classical definition of central differential privacy, but also the more recent notion of central concentrated differential privacy. We recover the result of Barber and Duchi (2014) stating that histogram estimators are optimal against Lipschitz distributions for the L2 risk, and under regular differential privacy, and we extend it to other norms and notions of privacy. Then, we investigate higher degrees of smoothness, drawing two conclusions: First, and contrary to what happens with constant privacy budget (Wasserman and Zhou, 2010), there are regimes where imposing privacy degrades the regular minimax risk of estimation on Sobolev densities. Second, so-called projection estimators are near-optimal against the same classes of densities in this new setup with pure differential privacy, but contrary to the constant privacy budget case, it comes at the cost of relaxation. With zero concentrated differential privacy, there is no need for relaxation, and we prove that the estimation is optimal.
comment: Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal, 2023
♻ ☆ Autoregressive + Chain of Thought $\simeq$ Recurrent: Recurrence's Role in Language Models' Computability and a Revisit of Recurrent Transformer
The Transformer architecture excels in a variety of language modeling tasks, outperforming traditional neural architectures such as RNN and LSTM. This is partially due to its elimination of recurrent connections, which allows for parallel training and a smoother flow of gradients. However, this move away from recurrent structures places the Transformer model at the lower end of Chomsky's computational hierarchy, imposing limitations on its computational abilities. Consequently, even advanced Transformer-based models face considerable difficulties in tasks like counting, string reversal, and multiplication. These tasks, though seemingly elementary, require a level of computational complexity that exceeds the capabilities of the Transformer architecture. Concurrently, the emergence of ``Chain of Thought" (CoT) prompting has enabled Transformer-based language models to tackle tasks that were previously impossible or poorly executed. In this work, we thoroughly investigate the influence of recurrent structures in neural models on their reasoning abilities and computability, contrasting the role autoregression plays in the neural models' computational power. We then shed light on how the CoT approach can mimic recurrent computation and act as a bridge between autoregression and recurrence in the context of language models. It is this approximated recurrence that notably improves the model's performance and computational capacity. Moreover, we revisit recent recurrent-based Transformer model designs, focusing on their computational abilities through our proposed concept of ``recurrence-completeness" and identify key theoretical limitations in models like Linear Transformer and RWKV. Through this, we aim to provide insight into the neural model architectures and prompt better model design.
♻ ☆ Deep Neural Network Benchmarks for Selective Classification
With the increasing deployment of machine learning models in many socially sensitive tasks, there is a growing demand for reliable and trustworthy predictions. One way to accomplish these requirements is to allow a model to abstain from making a prediction when there is a high risk of making an error. This requires adding a selection mechanism to the model, which selects those examples for which the model will provide a prediction. The selective classification framework aims to design a mechanism that balances the fraction of rejected predictions (i.e., the proportion of examples for which the model does not make a prediction) versus the improvement in predictive performance on the selected predictions. Multiple selective classification frameworks exist, most of which rely on deep neural network architectures. However, the empirical evaluation of the existing approaches is still limited to partial comparisons among methods and settings, providing practitioners with little insight into their relative merits. We fill this gap by benchmarking 18 baselines on a diverse set of 44 datasets that includes both image and tabular data. Moreover, there is a mix of binary and multiclass tasks. We evaluate these approaches using several criteria, including selective error rate, empirical coverage, distribution of rejected instance's classes, and performance on out-of-distribution instances. The results indicate that there is not a single clear winner among the surveyed baselines, and the best method depends on the users' objectives.
comment: Published in The Journal of Data centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR), Vol 1, (17):1-58 (2024)
♻ ☆ t-SMILES 2: Hierarchical Structure Enhances the Generalizability of Linear Molecular Representation
Encoding is the carrier of information. Artificial intelligence models possess basic capabilities in syntax, semantics, and reasoning, but these capabilities are sensitive to specific inputs. This study introduces TSIS (Simplified TSID) to the t-SMILES family, with the intention of conducting a more comprehensive and in-depth evaluation of t-SMILES. TSID has been demonstrated significantly outperforms classical SMILES, DeepSMILES, and SELFIES in previous research. Further analysis of this study reveals that the tree structure utilized by the t-SMILES framework is more effectively comprehensible than initially anticipated. Additionally, TSIS, along with their variants, demonstrate comparable performance to TSID and markedly surpass that of SMILES, SAFE, and SELFIES. Moreover, its format is more straightforward to read. Overall, the contrast analysis indicates that the hierarchical structure of t-SMILES enhances its generalizability. Concurrently, the evaluation of the generative models reveals that the GPT model exhibits the highest novelty-similarity scores. The VAE and diffusion models demonstrate robust capabilities in terms of interpolation, whereas the LSTM model encounters some challenges in parsing complex structures.
♻ ☆ Leveraging Large Language Models for Solving Rare MIP Challenges
Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) has been extensively applied in areas requiring mathematical solvers to address complex instances within tight time constraints. However, as the problem scale increases, the complexity of model formulation and finding feasible solutions escalates significantly. In contrast, the model-building cost for end-to-end models, such as large language models (LLMs), remains largely unaffected by problem scale due to their pattern recognition capabilities. While LLMs, like GPT-4, without fine-tuning, can handle some traditional medium-scale MIP problems, they struggle with uncommon or highly specialized MIP scenarios. Fine-tuning LLMs can yield some feasible solutions for medium-scale MIP instances, but these models typically fail to explore diverse solutions when constrained by a low and constant temperature, limiting their performance. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a recursively dynamic temperature method integrated with a chain-of-thought approach. Our findings show that starting with a high temperature and gradually lowering it leads to better feasible solutions compared to other dynamic temperature strategies. Additionally, by comparing results generated by the LLM with those from Gurobi, we demonstrate that the LLM can produce solutions that complement traditional solvers by accelerating the pruning process and improving overall efficiency.
♻ ☆ Active learning for energy-based antibody optimization and enhanced screening
Accurate prediction and optimization of protein-protein binding affinity is crucial for therapeutic antibody development. Although machine learning-based prediction methods $\Delta\Delta G$ are suitable for large-scale mutant screening, they struggle to predict the effects of multiple mutations for targets without existing binders. Energy function-based methods, though more accurate, are time consuming and not ideal for large-scale screening. To address this, we propose an active learning workflow that efficiently trains a deep learning model to learn energy functions for specific targets, combining the advantages of both approaches. Our method integrates the RDE-Network deep learning model with Rosetta's energy function-based Flex ddG to efficiently explore mutants. In a case study targeting HER2-binding Trastuzumab mutants, our approach significantly improved the screening performance over random selection and demonstrated the ability to identify mutants with better binding properties without experimental $\Delta\Delta G$ data. This workflow advances computational antibody design by combining machine learning, physics-based computations, and active learning to achieve more efficient antibody development.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ Exploring Fine-tuned Generative Models for Keyphrase Selection: A Case Study for Russian
Keyphrase selection plays a pivotal role within the domain of scholarly texts, facilitating efficient information retrieval, summarization, and indexing. In this work, we explored how to apply fine-tuned generative transformer-based models to the specific task of keyphrase selection within Russian scientific texts. We experimented with four distinct generative models, such as ruT5, ruGPT, mT5, and mBART, and evaluated their performance in both in-domain and cross-domain settings. The experiments were conducted on the texts of Russian scientific abstracts from four domains: mathematics & computer science, history, medicine, and linguistics. The use of generative models, namely mBART, led to gains in in-domain performance (up to 4.9% in BERTScore, 9.0% in ROUGE-1, and 12.2% in F1-score) over three keyphrase extraction baselines for the Russian language. Although the results for cross-domain usage were significantly lower, they still demonstrated the capability to surpass baseline performances in several cases, underscoring the promising potential for further exploration and refinement in this research field.
comment: DAMDID-2024
♻ ☆ Multi-modal Relation Distillation for Unified 3D Representation Learning ECCV2024
Recent advancements in multi-modal pre-training for 3D point clouds have demonstrated promising results by aligning heterogeneous features across 3D shapes and their corresponding 2D images and language descriptions. However, current straightforward solutions often overlook intricate structural relations among samples, potentially limiting the full capabilities of multi-modal learning. To address this issue, we introduce Multi-modal Relation Distillation (MRD), a tri-modal pre-training framework, which is designed to effectively distill reputable large Vision-Language Models (VLM) into 3D backbones. MRD aims to capture both intra-relations within each modality as well as cross-relations between different modalities and produce more discriminative 3D shape representations. Notably, MRD achieves significant improvements in downstream zero-shot classification tasks and cross-modality retrieval tasks, delivering new state-of-the-art performance.
comment: Accepted by ECCV2024
♻ ☆ Zero-resource Hallucination Detection for Text Generation via Graph-based Contextual Knowledge Triples Modeling
LLMs obtain remarkable performance but suffer from hallucinations. Most research on detecting hallucination focuses on the questions with short and concrete correct answers that are easy to check the faithfulness. Hallucination detections for text generation with open-ended answers are more challenging. Some researchers use external knowledge to detect hallucinations in generated texts, but external resources for specific scenarios are hard to access. Recent studies on detecting hallucinations in long text without external resources conduct consistency comparison among multiple sampled outputs. To handle long texts, researchers split long texts into multiple facts and individually compare the consistency of each pairs of facts. However, these methods (1) hardly achieve alignment among multiple facts; (2) overlook dependencies between multiple contextual facts. In this paper, we propose a graph-based context-aware (GCA) hallucination detection for text generations, which aligns knowledge facts and considers the dependencies between contextual knowledge triples in consistency comparison. Particularly, to align multiple facts, we conduct a triple-oriented response segmentation to extract multiple knowledge triples. To model dependencies among contextual knowledge triple (facts), we construct contextual triple into a graph and enhance triples' interactions via message passing and aggregating via RGCN. To avoid the omission of knowledge triples in long text, we conduct a LLM-based reverse verification via reconstructing the knowledge triples. Experiments show that our model enhances hallucination detection and excels all baselines.
♻ ☆ FAIntbench: A Holistic and Precise Benchmark for Bias Evaluation in Text-to-Image Models
The rapid development and reduced barriers to entry for Text-to-Image (T2I) models have raised concerns about the biases in their outputs, but existing research lacks a holistic definition and evaluation framework of biases, limiting the enhancement of debiasing techniques. To address this issue, we introduce FAIntbench, a holistic and precise benchmark for biases in T2I models. In contrast to existing benchmarks that evaluate bias in limited aspects, FAIntbench evaluate biases from four dimensions: manifestation of bias, visibility of bias, acquired attributes, and protected attributes. We applied FAIntbench to evaluate seven recent large-scale T2I models and conducted human evaluation, whose results demonstrated the effectiveness of FAIntbench in identifying various biases. Our study also revealed new research questions about biases, including the side-effect of distillation. The findings presented here are preliminary, highlighting the potential of FAIntbench to advance future research aimed at mitigating the biases in T2I models. Our benchmark is publicly available to ensure the reproducibility.
♻ ☆ Rethinking Kullback-Leibler Divergence in Knowledge Distillation for Large Language Models
Kullback-Leiber divergence has been widely used in Knowledge Distillation (KD) to compress Large Language Models (LLMs). Contrary to prior assertions that reverse Kullback-Leibler (RKL) divergence is mode-seeking and thus preferable over the mean-seeking forward Kullback-Leibler (FKL) divergence, this study empirically and theoretically demonstrates that neither mode-seeking nor mean-seeking properties manifest in KD for LLMs. Instead, RKL and FKL are found to share the same optimization objective and both converge after a sufficient number of epochs. However, due to practical constraints, LLMs are seldom trained for such an extensive number of epochs. Meanwhile, we further find that RKL focuses on the tail part of the distributions, while FKL focuses on the head part at the beginning epochs. Consequently, we propose a simple yet effective Adaptive Kullback-Leiber (AKL) divergence method, which adaptively allocates weights to combine FKL and RKL. Metric-based and GPT-4-based evaluations demonstrate that the proposed AKL outperforms the baselines across various tasks and improves the diversity and quality of generated responses.
comment: working in progress, code available at https://github.com/wutaiqiang/LLM_KD_AKL
♻ ☆ Beyond principlism: Practical strategies for ethical AI use in research practices
The rapid adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in scientific research, particularly large language models (LLMs), has outpaced the development of ethical guidelines, leading to a Triple-Too problem: too many high-level ethical initiatives, too abstract principles lacking contextual and practical relevance, and too much focus on restrictions and risks over benefits and utilities. Existing approaches, including principlism (reliance on abstract ethical principles), formalism (rigid application of rules), and technical solutionism (overemphasis on technological fixes), offer little practical guidance for addressing ethical challenges of AI in scientific research practices. To bridge the gap between abstract principles and day-to-day research practices, a user-centered, realism-inspired approach is proposed here. It outlines five specific goals for ethical AI use: 1) understanding model training and output, including bias mitigation strategies; 2) respecting privacy, confidentiality, and copyright; 3) avoiding plagiarism and policy violations; 4) applying AI beneficially compared to alternatives; and 5) using AI transparently and reproducibly. Each goal is accompanied by actionable strategies and realistic cases of misuse and corrective measures. I argue that ethical AI application requires evaluating its utility against existing alternatives rather than isolated performance metrics. Additionally, I propose documentation guidelines to enhance transparency and reproducibility in AI-assisted research. Moving forward, we need targeted professional development, training programs, and balanced enforcement mechanisms to promote responsible AI use while fostering innovation. By refining these ethical guidelines and adapting them to emerging AI capabilities, we can accelerate scientific progress without compromising research integrity.
comment: Accepted in: AI and Ethics. 20 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, 2 boxes
♻ ☆ Towards Building a Robust Knowledge Intensive Question Answering Model with Large Language Models NLPCC-2024
The development of LLMs has greatly enhanced the intelligence and fluency of question answering, while the emergence of retrieval enhancement has enabled models to better utilize external information. However, the presence of noise and errors in retrieved information poses challenges to the robustness of LLMs. In this work, to evaluate the model's performance under multiple interferences, we first construct a dataset based on machine reading comprehension datasets simulating various scenarios, including critical information absence, noise, and conflicts. To address the issue of model accuracy decline caused by noisy external information, we propose a data augmentation-based fine-tuning method to enhance LLM's robustness against noise. Additionally, contrastive learning approach is utilized to preserve the model's discrimination capability of external information. We have conducted experiments on both existing LLMs and our approach, the results are evaluated by GPT-4, which indicates that our proposed methods improve model robustness while strengthening the model's discrimination capability.
comment: This paper has been accepted by NLPCC-2024
♻ ☆ DrLLM: Prompt-Enhanced Distributed Denial-of-Service Resistance Method with Large Language Models
The increasing number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks poses a major threat to the Internet, highlighting the importance of DDoS mitigation. Most existing approaches require complex training methods to learn data features, which increases the complexity and generality of the application. In this paper, we propose DrLLM, which aims to mine anomalous traffic information in zero-shot scenarios through Large Language Models (LLMs). To bridge the gap between DrLLM and existing approaches, we embed the global and local information of the traffic data into the reasoning paradigm and design three modules, namely Knowledge Embedding, Token Embedding, and Progressive Role Reasoning, for data representation and reasoning. In addition we explore the generalization of prompt engineering in the cybersecurity domain to improve the classification capability of DrLLM. Our ablation experiments demonstrate the applicability of DrLLM in zero-shot scenarios and further demonstrate the potential of LLMs in the network domains. DrLLM implementation code has been open-sourced at https://github.com/liuup/DrLLM.
♻ ☆ LLaVA-Docent: Instruction Tuning with Multimodal Large Language Model to Support Art Appreciation Education
Despite the development of various AI systems to support learning in various domains, AI assistance for art appreciation education has not been extensively explored. Art appreciation, often perceived as an unfamiliar and challenging endeavor for most students, can be more accessible with a generative AI enabled conversation partner that provides tailored questions and encourages the audience to deeply appreciate artwork. This study explores the application of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) in art appreciation education, with a focus on developing LLaVA-Docent, a model designed to serve as a personal tutor for art appreciation. Our approach involved design and development research, focusing on iterative enhancement to design and develop the application to produce a functional MLLM-enabled chatbot along with a data design framework for art appreciation education. To that end, we established a virtual dialogue dataset that was generated by GPT-4, which was instrumental in training our MLLM, LLaVA-Docent. The performance of LLaVA-Docent was evaluated by benchmarking it against alternative settings and revealed its distinct strengths and weaknesses. Our findings highlight the efficacy of the MMLM-based personalized art appreciation chatbot and demonstrate its applicability for a novel approach in which art appreciation is taught and experienced.
comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, 10 tables
♻ ☆ On Fairness of Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Models
Low-rank adaptation of large models, particularly LoRA, has gained traction due to its computational efficiency. This efficiency, contrasted with the prohibitive costs of full-model fine-tuning, means that practitioners often turn to LoRA and sometimes without a complete understanding of its ramifications. In this study, we focus on fairness and ask whether LoRA has an unexamined impact on utility, calibration, and resistance to membership inference across different subgroups (e.g., genders, races, religions) compared to a full-model fine-tuning baseline. We present extensive experiments across vision and language domains and across classification and generation tasks using ViT-Base, Swin-v2-Large, Llama-2 7B, and Mistral 7B. Intriguingly, experiments suggest that while one can isolate cases where LoRA exacerbates model bias across subgroups, the pattern is inconsistent -- in many cases, LoRA has equivalent or even improved fairness compared to the base model or its full fine-tuning baseline. We also examine the complications of evaluating fine-tuning fairness relating to task design and model token bias, calling for more careful fairness evaluations in future work.
comment: COLM 2024 camera ready
♻ ☆ Official-NV: An LLM-Generated News Video Dataset for Multimodal Fake News Detection
News media, especially video news media, have penetrated into every aspect of daily life, which also brings the risk of fake news. Therefore, multimodal fake news detection has recently garnered increased attention. However, the existing datasets are comprised of user-uploaded videos and contain an excess amounts of superfluous data, which introduces noise into the model training process. To address this issue, we construct a dataset named Official-NV, comprising officially published news videos. The crawl officially published videos are augmented through the use of LLMs-based generation and manual verification, thereby expanding the dataset. Furthermore, the proposed dataset is benchmarked against several baselines to demonstrate its effectiveness in multimodal news detection.
♻ ☆ Energy Decay Network (EDeN)
This paper and accompanying Python and C++ Framework is the product of the authors perceived problems with narrow (Discrimination based) AI. (Artificial Intelligence) The Framework attempts to develop a genetic transfer of experience through potential structural expressions using a common regulation/exchange value (energy) to create a model whereby neural architecture and all unit processes are co-dependently developed by genetic and real time signal processing influences; successful routes are defined by stability of the spike distribution per epoch which is influenced by genetically encoded morphological development biases.These principles are aimed towards creating a diverse and robust network that is capable of adapting to general tasks by training within a simulation designed for transfer learning to other mediums at scale.
Machine Learning 130
☆ DynaMo: In-Domain Dynamics Pretraining for Visuo-Motor Control
Imitation learning has proven to be a powerful tool for training complex visuomotor policies. However, current methods often require hundreds to thousands of expert demonstrations to handle high-dimensional visual observations. A key reason for this poor data efficiency is that visual representations are predominantly either pretrained on out-of-domain data or trained directly through a behavior cloning objective. In this work, we present DynaMo, a new in-domain, self-supervised method for learning visual representations. Given a set of expert demonstrations, we jointly learn a latent inverse dynamics model and a forward dynamics model over a sequence of image embeddings, predicting the next frame in latent space, without augmentations, contrastive sampling, or access to ground truth actions. Importantly, DynaMo does not require any out-of-domain data such as Internet datasets or cross-embodied datasets. On a suite of six simulated and real environments, we show that representations learned with DynaMo significantly improve downstream imitation learning performance over prior self-supervised learning objectives, and pretrained representations. Gains from using DynaMo hold across policy classes such as Behavior Transformer, Diffusion Policy, MLP, and nearest neighbors. Finally, we ablate over key components of DynaMo and measure its impact on downstream policy performance. Robot videos are best viewed at https://dynamo-ssl.github.io
☆ Massively Multi-Person 3D Human Motion Forecasting with Scene Context
Forecasting long-term 3D human motion is challenging: the stochasticity of human behavior makes it hard to generate realistic human motion from the input sequence alone. Information on the scene environment and the motion of nearby people can greatly aid the generation process. We propose a scene-aware social transformer model (SAST) to forecast long-term (10s) human motion motion. Unlike previous models, our approach can model interactions between both widely varying numbers of people and objects in a scene. We combine a temporal convolutional encoder-decoder architecture with a Transformer-based bottleneck that allows us to efficiently combine motion and scene information. We model the conditional motion distribution using denoising diffusion models. We benchmark our approach on the Humans in Kitchens dataset, which contains 1 to 16 persons and 29 to 50 objects that are visible simultaneously. Our model outperforms other approaches in terms of realism and diversity on different metrics and in a user study. Code is available at https://github.com/felixbmuller/SAST.
comment: 14 pages, 6 figures
☆ To CoT or not to CoT? Chain-of-thought helps mainly on math and symbolic reasoning
Chain-of-thought (CoT) via prompting is the de facto method for eliciting reasoning capabilities from large language models (LLMs). But for what kinds of tasks is this extra ``thinking'' really helpful? To analyze this, we conducted a quantitative meta-analysis covering over 100 papers using CoT and ran our own evaluations of 20 datasets across 14 models. Our results show that CoT gives strong performance benefits primarily on tasks involving math or logic, with much smaller gains on other types of tasks. On MMLU, directly generating the answer without CoT leads to almost identical accuracy as CoT unless the question or model's response contains an equals sign, indicating symbolic operations and reasoning. Following this finding, we analyze the behavior of CoT on these problems by separating planning and execution and comparing against tool-augmented LLMs. Much of CoT's gain comes from improving symbolic execution, but it underperforms relative to using a symbolic solver. Our results indicate that CoT can be applied selectively, maintaining performance while saving inference costs. Furthermore, they suggest a need to move beyond prompt-based CoT to new paradigms that better leverage intermediate computation across the whole range of LLM applications.
☆ A Controlled Study on Long Context Extension and Generalization in LLMs
Broad textual understanding and in-context learning require language models that utilize full document contexts. Due to the implementation challenges associated with directly training long-context models, many methods have been proposed for extending models to handle long contexts. However, owing to differences in data and model classes, it has been challenging to compare these approaches, leading to uncertainty as to how to evaluate long-context performance and whether it differs from standard evaluation. We implement a controlled protocol for extension methods with a standardized evaluation, utilizing consistent base models and extension data. Our study yields several insights into long-context behavior. First, we reaffirm the critical role of perplexity as a general-purpose performance indicator even in longer-context tasks. Second, we find that current approximate attention methods systematically underperform across long-context tasks. Finally, we confirm that exact fine-tuning based methods are generally effective within the range of their extension, whereas extrapolation remains challenging. All codebases, models, and checkpoints will be made available open-source, promoting transparency and facilitating further research in this critical area of AI development.
☆ Finetuning Language Models to Emit Linguistic Expressions of Uncertainty
Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly employed in information-seeking and decision-making tasks. Despite their broad utility, LLMs tend to generate information that conflicts with real-world facts, and their persuasive style can make these inaccuracies appear confident and convincing. As a result, end-users struggle to consistently align the confidence expressed by LLMs with the accuracy of their predictions, often leading to either blind trust in all outputs or a complete disregard for their reliability. In this work, we explore supervised finetuning on uncertainty-augmented predictions as a method to develop models that produce linguistic expressions of uncertainty. Specifically, we measure the calibration of pre-trained models and then fine-tune language models to generate calibrated linguistic expressions of uncertainty. Through experiments on various question-answering datasets, we demonstrate that LLMs are well-calibrated in assessing their predictions, and supervised finetuning based on the model's own confidence leads to well-calibrated expressions of uncertainty, particularly for single-claim answers.
☆ Decoding Style: Efficient Fine-Tuning of LLMs for Image-Guided Outfit Recommendation with Preference CIKM 2024
Personalized outfit recommendation remains a complex challenge, demanding both fashion compatibility understanding and trend awareness. This paper presents a novel framework that harnesses the expressive power of large language models (LLMs) for this task, mitigating their "black box" and static nature through fine-tuning and direct feedback integration. We bridge the item visual-textual gap in items descriptions by employing image captioning with a Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM). This enables the LLM to extract style and color characteristics from human-curated fashion images, forming the basis for personalized recommendations. The LLM is efficiently fine-tuned on the open-source Polyvore dataset of curated fashion images, optimizing its ability to recommend stylish outfits. A direct preference mechanism using negative examples is employed to enhance the LLM's decision-making process. This creates a self-enhancing AI feedback loop that continuously refines recommendations in line with seasonal fashion trends. Our framework is evaluated on the Polyvore dataset, demonstrating its effectiveness in two key tasks: fill-in-the-blank, and complementary item retrieval. These evaluations underline the framework's ability to generate stylish, trend-aligned outfit suggestions, continuously improving through direct feedback. The evaluation results demonstrated that our proposed framework significantly outperforms the base LLM, creating more cohesive outfits. The improved performance in these tasks underscores the proposed framework's potential to enhance the shopping experience with accurate suggestions, proving its effectiveness over the vanilla LLM based outfit generation.
comment: CIKM 2024
☆ GRIN: GRadient-INformed MoE
Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models scale more effectively than dense models due to sparse computation through expert routing, selectively activating only a small subset of expert modules. However, sparse computation challenges traditional training practices, as discrete expert routing hinders standard backpropagation and thus gradient-based optimization, which are the cornerstone of deep learning. To better pursue the scaling power of MoE, we introduce GRIN (GRadient-INformed MoE training), which incorporates sparse gradient estimation for expert routing and configures model parallelism to avoid token dropping. Applying GRIN to autoregressive language modeling, we develop a top-2 16$\times$3.8B MoE model. Our model, with only 6.6B activated parameters, outperforms a 7B dense model and matches the performance of a 14B dense model trained on the same data. Extensive evaluations across diverse tasks demonstrate the potential of GRIN to significantly enhance MoE efficacy, achieving 79.4 on MMLU, 83.7 on HellaSwag, 74.4 on HumanEval, and 58.9 on MATH.
comment: 58 pages
☆ Almost Sure Convergence of Linear Temporal Difference Learning with Arbitrary Features
Temporal difference (TD) learning with linear function approximation, abbreviated as linear TD, is a classic and powerful prediction algorithm in reinforcement learning. While it is well understood that linear TD converges almost surely to a unique point, this convergence traditionally requires the assumption that the features used by the approximator are linearly independent. However, this linear independence assumption does not hold in many practical scenarios. This work is the first to establish the almost sure convergence of linear TD without requiring linearly independent features. In fact, we do not make any assumptions on the features. We prove that the approximated value function converges to a unique point and the weight iterates converge to a set. We also establish a notion of local stability of the weight iterates. Importantly, we do not need to introduce any other additional assumptions and do not need to make any modification to the linear TD algorithm. Key to our analysis is a novel characterization of bounded invariant sets of the mean ODE of linear TD.
comment: 30 pages, 0 figures
☆ Qwen2.5-Math Technical Report: Toward Mathematical Expert Model via Self-Improvement
In this report, we present a series of math-specific large language models: Qwen2.5-Math and Qwen2.5-Math-Instruct-1.5B/7B/72B. The core innovation of the Qwen2.5 series lies in integrating the philosophy of self-improvement throughout the entire pipeline, from pre-training and post-training to inference: (1) During the pre-training phase, Qwen2-Math-Instruct is utilized to generate large-scale, high-quality mathematical data. (2) In the post-training phase, we develop a reward model (RM) by conducting massive sampling from Qwen2-Math-Instruct. This RM is then applied to the iterative evolution of data in supervised fine-tuning (SFT). With a stronger SFT model, it's possible to iteratively train and update the RM, which in turn guides the next round of SFT data iteration. On the final SFT model, we employ the ultimate RM for reinforcement learning, resulting in the Qwen2.5-Math-Instruct. (3) Furthermore, during the inference stage, the RM is used to guide sampling, optimizing the model's performance. Qwen2.5-Math-Instruct supports both Chinese and English, and possess advanced mathematical reasoning capabilities, including Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and Tool-Integrated Reasoning (TIR). We evaluate our models on 10 mathematics datasets in both English and Chinese, such as GSM8K, MATH, GaoKao, AMC23, and AIME24, covering a range of difficulties from grade school level to math competition problems.
☆ Stronger Baseline Models -- A Key Requirement for Aligning Machine Learning Research with Clinical Utility
Machine Learning (ML) research has increased substantially in recent years, due to the success of predictive modeling across diverse application domains. However, well-known barriers exist when attempting to deploy ML models in high-stakes, clinical settings, including lack of model transparency (or the inability to audit the inference process), large training data requirements with siloed data sources, and complicated metrics for measuring model utility. In this work, we show empirically that including stronger baseline models in healthcare ML evaluations has important downstream effects that aid practitioners in addressing these challenges. Through a series of case studies, we find that the common practice of omitting baselines or comparing against a weak baseline model (e.g. a linear model with no optimization) obscures the value of ML methods proposed in the research literature. Using these insights, we propose some best practices that will enable practitioners to more effectively study and deploy ML models in clinical settings.
comment: 18 pages, 6 figures
☆ Pareto Data Framework: Steps Towards Resource-Efficient Decision Making Using Minimum Viable Data (MVD)
This paper introduces the Pareto Data Framework, an approach for identifying and selecting the Minimum Viable Data (MVD) required for enabling machine learning applications on constrained platforms such as embedded systems, mobile devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. We demonstrate that strategic data reduction can maintain high performance while significantly reducing bandwidth, energy, computation, and storage costs. The framework identifies Minimum Viable Data (MVD) to optimize efficiency across resource-constrained environments without sacrificing performance. It addresses common inefficient practices in an IoT application such as overprovisioning of sensors and overprecision, and oversampling of signals, proposing scalable solutions for optimal sensor selection, signal extraction and transmission, and data representation. An experimental methodology demonstrates effective acoustic data characterization after downsampling, quantization, and truncation to simulate reduced-fidelity sensors and network and storage constraints; results shows that performance can be maintained up to 95\% with sample rates reduced by 75\% and bit depths and clip length reduced by 50\% which translates into substantial cost and resource reduction. These findings have implications on the design and development of constrained systems. The paper also discusses broader implications of the framework, including the potential to democratize advanced AI technologies across IoT applications and sectors such as agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing to improve access and multiply the benefits of data-driven insights.
☆ FedLF: Adaptive Logit Adjustment and Feature Optimization in Federated Long-Tailed Learning ACML 2024
Federated learning offers a paradigm to the challenge of preserving privacy in distributed machine learning. However, datasets distributed across each client in the real world are inevitably heterogeneous, and if the datasets can be globally aggregated, they tend to be long-tailed distributed, which greatly affects the performance of the model. The traditional approach to federated learning primarily addresses the heterogeneity of data among clients, yet it fails to address the phenomenon of class-wise bias in global long-tailed data. This results in the trained model focusing on the head classes while neglecting the equally important tail classes. Consequently, it is essential to develop a methodology that considers classes holistically. To address the above problems, we propose a new method FedLF, which introduces three modifications in the local training phase: adaptive logit adjustment, continuous class centred optimization, and feature decorrelation. We compare seven state-of-the-art methods with varying degrees of data heterogeneity and long-tailed distribution. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets CIFAR-10-LT and CIFAR-100-LT demonstrate that our approach effectively mitigates the problem of model performance degradation due to data heterogeneity and long-tailed distribution. our code is available at https://github.com/18sym/FedLF.
comment: Accepted by ACML 2024
☆ Symmetry-Enriched Learning: A Category-Theoretic Framework for Robust Machine Learning Models
This manuscript presents a novel framework that integrates higher-order symmetries and category theory into machine learning. We introduce new mathematical constructs, including hyper-symmetry categories and functorial representations, to model complex transformations within learning algorithms. Our contributions include the design of symmetry-enriched learning models, the development of advanced optimization techniques leveraging categorical symmetries, and the theoretical analysis of their implications for model robustness, generalization, and convergence. Through rigorous proofs and practical applications, we demonstrate that incorporating higher-dimensional categorical structures enhances both the theoretical foundations and practical capabilities of modern machine learning algorithms, opening new directions for research and innovation.
☆ Skill matching at scale: freelancer-project alignment for efficient multilingual candidate retrieval
Finding the perfect match between a job proposal and a set of freelancers is not an easy task to perform at scale, especially in multiple languages. In this paper, we propose a novel neural retriever architecture that tackles this problem in a multilingual setting. Our method encodes project descriptions and freelancer profiles by leveraging pre-trained multilingual language models. The latter are used as backbone for a custom transformer architecture that aims to keep the structure of the profiles and project. This model is trained with a contrastive loss on historical data. Thanks to several experiments, we show that this approach effectively captures skill matching similarity and facilitates efficient matching, outperforming traditional methods.
☆ The Impact of Element Ordering on LM Agent Performance
There has been a surge of interest in language model agents that can navigate virtual environments such as the web or desktop. To navigate such environments, agents benefit from information on the various elements (e.g., buttons, text, or images) present. It remains unclear which element attributes have the greatest impact on agent performance, especially in environments that only provide a graphical representation (i.e., pixels). Here we find that the ordering in which elements are presented to the language model is surprisingly impactful--randomizing element ordering in a webpage degrades agent performance comparably to removing all visible text from an agent's state representation. While a webpage provides a hierarchical ordering of elements, there is no such ordering when parsing elements directly from pixels. Moreover, as tasks become more challenging and models more sophisticated, our experiments suggest that the impact of ordering increases. Finding an effective ordering is non-trivial. We investigate the impact of various element ordering methods in web and desktop environments. We find that dimensionality reduction provides a viable ordering for pixel-only environments. We train a UI element detection model to derive elements from pixels and apply our findings to an agent benchmark--OmniACT--where we only have access to pixels. Our method completes more than two times as many tasks on average relative to the previous state-of-the-art.
☆ Towards Interpretable End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prediction: Utilizing Administrative Claims Data with Explainable AI Techniques
This study explores the potential of utilizing administrative claims data, combined with advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques, to predict the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). We analyze a comprehensive, 10-year dataset provided by a major health insurance organization to develop prediction models for multiple observation windows using traditional machine learning methods such as Random Forest and XGBoost as well as deep learning approaches such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Our findings demonstrate that the LSTM model, particularly with a 24-month observation window, exhibits superior performance in predicting ESRD progression, outperforming existing models in the literature. We further apply SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis to enhance interpretability, providing insights into the impact of individual features on predictions at the individual patient level. This study underscores the value of leveraging administrative claims data for CKD management and predicting ESRD progression.
comment: 10pages, 4 figures, AMIA 2024
☆ Denoising diffusion models for high-resolution microscopy image restoration
Advances in microscopy imaging enable researchers to visualize structures at the nanoscale level thereby unraveling intricate details of biological organization. However, challenges such as image noise, photobleaching of fluorophores, and low tolerability of biological samples to high light doses remain, restricting temporal resolutions and experiment durations. Reduced laser doses enable longer measurements at the cost of lower resolution and increased noise, which hinders accurate downstream analyses. Here we train a denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) to predict high-resolution images by conditioning the model on low-resolution information. Additionally, the probabilistic aspect of the DDPM allows for repeated generation of images that tend to further increase the signal-to-noise ratio. We show that our model achieves a performance that is better or similar to the previously best-performing methods, across four highly diverse datasets. Importantly, while any of the previous methods show competitive performance for some, but not all datasets, our method consistently achieves high performance across all four data sets, suggesting high generalizability.
☆ Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Via Data Pruning
The removal of carefully-selected examples from training data has recently emerged as an effective way of improving the robustness of machine learning models. However, the best way to select these examples remains an open question. In this paper, we consider the problem from the perspective of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). We propose AdaPrune, a method for UDA whereby training examples are removed to attempt to align the training distribution to that of the target data. By adopting the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) as the criterion for alignment, the problem can be neatly formulated and solved as an integer quadratic program. We evaluate our approach on a real-world domain shift task of bioacoustic event detection. As a method for UDA, we show that AdaPrune outperforms related techniques, and is complementary to other UDA algorithms such as CORAL. Our analysis of the relationship between the MMD and model accuracy, along with t-SNE plots, validate the proposed method as a principled and well-founded way of performing data pruning.
☆ Fitting Multilevel Factor Models
We examine a special case of the multilevel factor model, with covariance given by multilevel low rank (MLR) matrix~\cite{parshakova2023factor}. We develop a novel, fast implementation of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, tailored for multilevel factor models, to maximize the likelihood of the observed data. This method accommodates any hierarchical structure and maintains linear time and storage complexities per iteration. This is achieved through a new efficient technique for computing the inverse of the positive definite MLR matrix. We show that the inverse of an invertible PSD MLR matrix is also an MLR matrix with the same sparsity in factors, and we use the recursive Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury matrix identity to obtain the factors of the inverse. Additionally, we present an algorithm that computes the Cholesky factorization of an expanded matrix with linear time and space complexities, yielding the covariance matrix as its Schur complement. This paper is accompanied by an open-source package that implements the proposed methods.
☆ Dual-Layer Training and Decoding of Large Language Model with Simultaneously Thinking and Speaking
Large Language Model can reasonably understand and generate human expressions but may lack of thorough thinking and reasoning mechanisms. Recently there have been several studies which enhance the thinking ability of language models but most of them are not data-driven or training-based. In this paper, we are motivated by the cognitive mechanism in the natural world, and design a novel model architecture called TaS which allows it to first consider the thoughts and then express the response based upon the query. We design several pipelines to annotate or generate the thought contents from prompt-response samples, then add language heads in a middle layer which behaves as the thinking layer. We train the language model by the thoughts-augmented data and successfully let the thinking layer automatically generate reasonable thoughts and finally output more reasonable responses. Both qualitative examples and quantitative results validate the effectiveness and performance of TaS. Our code is available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/TadE.
comment: 9 pages, 5 figures
☆ Cartan moving frames and the data manifolds
The purpose of this paper is to employ the language of Cartan moving frames to study the geometry of the data manifolds and its Riemannian structure, via the data information metric and its curvature at data points. Using this framework and through experiments, explanations on the response of a neural network are given by pointing out the output classes that are easily reachable from a given input. This emphasizes how the proposed mathematical relationship between the output of the network and the geometry of its inputs can be exploited as an explainable artificial intelligence tool.
☆ Extended Deep Submodular Functions
We introduce a novel category of set functions called Extended Deep Submodular functions (EDSFs), which are neural network-representable. EDSFs serve as an extension of Deep Submodular Functions (DSFs), inheriting crucial properties from DSFs while addressing innate limitations. It is known that DSFs can represent a limiting subset of submodular functions. In contrast, through an analysis of polymatroid properties, we establish that EDSFs possess the capability to represent all monotone submodular functions, a notable enhancement compared to DSFs. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that EDSFs can represent any monotone set function, indicating the family of EDSFs is equivalent to the family of all monotone set functions. Additionally, we prove that EDSFs maintain the concavity inherent in DSFs when the components of the input vector are non-negative real numbers-an essential feature in certain combinatorial optimization problems. Through extensive experiments, we illustrate that EDSFs exhibit significantly lower empirical generalization error than DSFs in the learning of coverage functions. This suggests that EDSFs present a promising advancement in the representation and learning of set functions with improved generalization capabilities.
☆ Handling Long-Term Safety and Uncertainty in Safe Reinforcement Learning
Safety is one of the key issues preventing the deployment of reinforcement learning techniques in real-world robots. While most approaches in the Safe Reinforcement Learning area do not require prior knowledge of constraints and robot kinematics and rely solely on data, it is often difficult to deploy them in complex real-world settings. Instead, model-based approaches that incorporate prior knowledge of the constraints and dynamics into the learning framework have proven capable of deploying the learning algorithm directly on the real robot. Unfortunately, while an approximated model of the robot dynamics is often available, the safety constraints are task-specific and hard to obtain: they may be too complicated to encode analytically, too expensive to compute, or it may be difficult to envision a priori the long-term safety requirements. In this paper, we bridge this gap by extending the safe exploration method, ATACOM, with learnable constraints, with a particular focus on ensuring long-term safety and handling of uncertainty. Our approach is competitive or superior to state-of-the-art methods in final performance while maintaining safer behavior during training.
☆ Understanding the Effects of the Baidu-ULTR Logging Policy on Two-Tower Models RecSys '24
Despite the popularity of the two-tower model for unbiased learning to rank (ULTR) tasks, recent work suggests that it suffers from a major limitation that could lead to its collapse in industry applications: the problem of logging policy confounding. Several potential solutions have even been proposed; however, the evaluation of these methods was mostly conducted using semi-synthetic simulation experiments. This paper bridges the gap between theory and practice by investigating the confounding problem on the largest real-world dataset, Baidu-ULTR. Our main contributions are threefold: 1) we show that the conditions for the confounding problem are given on Baidu-ULTR, 2) the confounding problem bears no significant effect on the two-tower model, and 3) we point to a potential mismatch between expert annotations, the golden standard in ULTR, and user click behavior.
comment: Accepted at the CONSEQUENCES '24 workshop, co-located with ACM RecSys '24
☆ A Unified Framework for Neural Computation and Learning Over Time
This paper proposes Hamiltonian Learning, a novel unified framework for learning with neural networks "over time", i.e., from a possibly infinite stream of data, in an online manner, without having access to future information. Existing works focus on the simplified setting in which the stream has a known finite length or is segmented into smaller sequences, leveraging well-established learning strategies from statistical machine learning. In this paper, the problem of learning over time is rethought from scratch, leveraging tools from optimal control theory, which yield a unifying view of the temporal dynamics of neural computations and learning. Hamiltonian Learning is based on differential equations that: (i) can be integrated without the need of external software solvers; (ii) generalize the well-established notion of gradient-based learning in feed-forward and recurrent networks; (iii) open to novel perspectives. The proposed framework is showcased by experimentally proving how it can recover gradient-based learning, comparing it to out-of-the box optimizers, and describing how it is flexible enough to switch from fully-local to partially/non-local computational schemes, possibly distributed over multiple devices, and BackPropagation without storing activations. Hamiltonian Learning is easy to implement and can help researches approach in a principled and innovative manner the problem of learning over time.
☆ Topological Deep Learning with State-Space Models: A Mamba Approach for Simplicial Complexes
Graph Neural Networks based on the message-passing (MP) mechanism are a dominant approach for handling graph-structured data. However, they are inherently limited to modeling only pairwise interactions, making it difficult to explicitly capture the complexity of systems with $n$-body relations. To address this, topological deep learning has emerged as a promising field for studying and modeling higher-order interactions using various topological domains, such as simplicial and cellular complexes. While these new domains provide powerful representations, they introduce new challenges, such as effectively modeling the interactions among higher-order structures through higher-order MP. Meanwhile, structured state-space sequence models have proven to be effective for sequence modeling and have recently been adapted for graph data by encoding the neighborhood of a node as a sequence, thereby avoiding the MP mechanism. In this work, we propose a novel architecture designed to operate with simplicial complexes, utilizing the Mamba state-space model as its backbone. Our approach generates sequences for the nodes based on the neighboring cells, enabling direct communication between all higher-order structures, regardless of their rank. We extensively validate our model, demonstrating that it achieves competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art models developed for simplicial complexes.
☆ On Vision Transformers for Classification Tasks in Side-Scan Sonar Imagery
Side-scan sonar (SSS) imagery presents unique challenges in the classification of man-made objects on the seafloor due to the complex and varied underwater environments. Historically, experts have manually interpreted SSS images, relying on conventional machine learning techniques with hand-crafted features. While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) significantly advanced automated classification in this domain, they often fall short when dealing with diverse seafloor textures, such as rocky or ripple sand bottoms, where false positive rates may increase. Recently, Vision Transformers (ViTs) have shown potential in addressing these limitations by utilizing a self-attention mechanism to capture global information in image patches, offering more flexibility in processing spatial hierarchies. This paper rigorously compares the performance of ViT models alongside commonly used CNN architectures, such as ResNet and ConvNext, for binary classification tasks in SSS imagery. The dataset encompasses diverse geographical seafloor types and is balanced between the presence and absence of man-made objects. ViT-based models exhibit superior classification performance across f1-score, precision, recall, and accuracy metrics, although at the cost of greater computational resources. CNNs, with their inductive biases, demonstrate better computational efficiency, making them suitable for deployment in resource-constrained environments like underwater vehicles. Future research directions include exploring self-supervised learning for ViTs and multi-modal fusion to further enhance performance in challenging underwater environments.
☆ Promise and Peril of Collaborative Code Generation Models: Balancing Effectiveness and Memorization
In the rapidly evolving field of machine learning, training models with datasets from various locations and organizations presents significant challenges due to privacy and legal concerns. The exploration of effective collaborative training settings capable of leveraging valuable knowledge from distributed and isolated datasets is increasingly crucial. This study investigates key factors that impact the effectiveness of collaborative training methods in code next-token prediction, as well as the correctness and utility of the generated code, demonstrating the promise of such methods. Additionally, we evaluate the memorization of different participant training data across various collaborative training settings, including centralized, federated, and incremental training, highlighting their potential risks in leaking data. Our findings indicate that the size and diversity of code datasets are pivotal factors influencing the success of collaboratively trained code models. We show that federated learning achieves competitive performance compared to centralized training while offering better data protection, as evidenced by lower memorization ratios in the generated code. However, federated learning can still produce verbatim code snippets from hidden training data, potentially violating privacy or copyright. Our study further explores effectiveness and memorization patterns in incremental learning, emphasizing the sequence in which individual participant datasets are introduced. We also identify cross-organizational clones as a prevalent challenge in both centralized and federated learning scenarios. Our findings highlight the persistent risk of data leakage during inference, even when training data remains unseen. We conclude with recommendations for practitioners and researchers to optimize multisource datasets, propelling cross-organizational collaboration forward.
comment: Paper accepted to the ASE 2024 Conference Research Track
☆ All-in-one foundational models learning across quantum chemical levels
Machine learning (ML) potentials typically target a single quantum chemical (QC) level while the ML models developed for multi-fidelity learning have not been shown to provide scalable solutions for foundational models. Here we introduce the all-in-one (AIO) ANI model architecture based on multimodal learning which can learn an arbitrary number of QC levels. Our all-in-one learning approach offers a more general and easier-to-use alternative to transfer learning. We use it to train the AIO-ANI-UIP foundational model with the generalization capability comparable to semi-empirical GFN2-xTB and DFT with a double-zeta basis set for organic molecules. We show that the AIO-ANI model can learn across different QC levels ranging from semi-empirical to density functional theory to coupled cluster. We also use AIO models to design the foundational model {\Delta}-AIO-ANI based on {\Delta}-learning with increased accuracy and robustness compared to AIO-ANI-UIP. The code and the foundational models are available at https://github.com/dralgroup/aio-ani; they will be integrated into the universal and updatable AI-enhanced QM (UAIQM) library and made available in the MLatom package so that they can be used online at the XACS cloud computing platform (see https://github.com/dralgroup/mlatom for updates).
☆ Putting Data at the Centre of Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Offline multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is an exciting direction of research that uses static datasets to find optimal control policies for multi-agent systems. Though the field is by definition data-driven, efforts have thus far neglected data in their drive to achieve state-of-the-art results. We first substantiate this claim by surveying the literature, showing how the majority of works generate their own datasets without consistent methodology and provide sparse information about the characteristics of these datasets. We then show why neglecting the nature of the data is problematic, through salient examples of how tightly algorithmic performance is coupled to the dataset used, necessitating a common foundation for experiments in the field. In response, we take a big step towards improving data usage and data awareness in offline MARL, with three key contributions: (1) a clear guideline for generating novel datasets; (2) a standardisation of over 80 existing datasets, hosted in a publicly available repository, using a consistent storage format and easy-to-use API; and (3) a suite of analysis tools that allow us to understand these datasets better, aiding further development.
☆ "It Might be Technically Impressive, But It's Practically Useless to Us": Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities for Cross-Functional Collaboration around AI within the News Industry
Recently, an increasing number of news organizations have integrated artificial intelligence (AI) into their workflows, leading to a further influx of AI technologists and data workers into the news industry. This has initiated cross-functional collaborations between these professionals and journalists. While prior research has explored the impact of AI-related roles entering the news industry, there is a lack of studies on how cross-functional collaboration unfolds between AI professionals and journalists. Through interviews with 17 journalists, 6 AI technologists, and 3 AI workers with cross-functional experience from leading news organizations, we investigate the current practices, challenges, and opportunities for cross-functional collaboration around AI in today's news industry. We first study how journalists and AI professionals perceive existing cross-collaboration strategies. We further explore the challenges of cross-functional collaboration and provide recommendations for enhancing future cross-functional collaboration around AI in the news industry.
comment: 16 pages
☆ Unraveling the Hessian: A Key to Smooth Convergence in Loss Function Landscapes
The loss landscape of neural networks is a critical aspect of their training, and understanding its properties is essential for improving their performance. In this paper, we investigate how the loss surface changes when the sample size increases, a previously unexplored issue. We theoretically analyze the convergence of the loss landscape in a fully connected neural network and derive upper bounds for the difference in loss function values when adding a new object to the sample. Our empirical study confirms these results on various datasets, demonstrating the convergence of the loss function surface for image classification tasks. Our findings provide insights into the local geometry of neural loss landscapes and have implications for the development of sample size determination techniques.
☆ An Efficient Model-Agnostic Approach for Uncertainty Estimation in Data-Restricted Pedometric Applications ICML
This paper introduces a model-agnostic approach designed to enhance uncertainty estimation in the predictive modeling of soil properties, a crucial factor for advancing pedometrics and the practice of digital soil mapping. For addressing the typical challenge of data scarcity in soil studies, we present an improved technique for uncertainty estimation. This method is based on the transformation of regression tasks into classification problems, which not only allows for the production of reliable uncertainty estimates but also enables the application of established machine learning algorithms with competitive performance that have not yet been utilized in pedometrics. Empirical results from datasets collected from two German agricultural fields showcase the practical application of the proposed methodology. Our results and findings suggest that the proposed approach has the potential to provide better uncertainty estimation than the models commonly used in pedometrics.
comment: To be published in the proceedings of ICMLA 2024: 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
☆ Metric-Semantic Factor Graph Generation based on Graph Neural Networks ICRA 2025
Understanding the relationships between geometric structures and semantic concepts is crucial for building accurate models of complex environments. In indoors, certain spatial constraints, such as the relative positioning of planes, remain consistent despite variations in layout. This paper explores how these invariant relationships can be captured in a graph SLAM framework by representing high-level concepts like rooms and walls, linking them to geometric elements like planes through an optimizable factor graph. Several efforts have tackled this issue with add-hoc solutions for each concept generation and with manually-defined factors. This paper proposes a novel method for metric-semantic factor graph generation which includes defining a semantic scene graph, integrating geometric information, and learning the interconnecting factors, all based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). An edge classification network (G-GNN) sorts the edges between planes into same room, same wall or none types. The resulting relations are clustered, generating a room or wall for each cluster. A second family of networks (F-GNN) infers the geometrical origin of the new nodes. The definition of the factors employs the same F-GNN used for the metric attribute of the generated nodes. Furthermore, share the new factor graph with the S-Graphs+ algorithm, extending its graph expressiveness and scene representation with the ultimate goal of improving the SLAM performance. The complexity of the environments is increased to N-plane rooms by training the networks on L-shaped rooms. The framework is evaluated in synthetic and simulated scenarios as no real datasets of the required complex layouts are available.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Efficacy of Synthetic Data as a Benchmark
Large language models (LLMs) have enabled a range of applications in zero-shot and few-shot learning settings, including the generation of synthetic datasets for training and testing. However, to reliably use these synthetic datasets, it is essential to understand how representative they are of real-world data. We investigate this by assessing the effectiveness of generating synthetic data through LLM and using it as a benchmark for various NLP tasks. Our experiments across six datasets, and three different tasks, show that while synthetic data can effectively capture performance of various methods for simpler tasks, such as intent classification, it falls short for more complex tasks like named entity recognition. Additionally, we propose a new metric called the bias factor, which evaluates the biases introduced when the same LLM is used to both generate benchmarking data and to perform the tasks. We find that smaller LLMs exhibit biases towards their own generated data, whereas larger models do not. Overall, our findings suggest that the effectiveness of synthetic data as a benchmark varies depending on the task, and that practitioners should rely on data generated from multiple larger models whenever possible.
☆ Data Efficient Acoustic Scene Classification using Teacher-Informed Confusing Class Instruction
In this technical report, we describe the SNTL-NTU team's submission for Task 1 Data-Efficient Low-Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification of the detection and classification of acoustic scenes and events (DCASE) 2024 challenge. Three systems are introduced to tackle training splits of different sizes. For small training splits, we explored reducing the complexity of the provided baseline model by reducing the number of base channels. We introduce data augmentation in the form of mixup to increase the diversity of training samples. For the larger training splits, we use FocusNet to provide confusing class information to an ensemble of multiple Patchout faSt Spectrogram Transformer (PaSST) models and baseline models trained on the original sampling rate of 44.1 kHz. We use Knowledge Distillation to distill the ensemble model to the baseline student model. Training the systems on the TAU Urban Acoustic Scene 2022 Mobile development dataset yielded the highest average testing accuracy of (62.21, 59.82, 56.81, 53.03, 47.97)% on split (100, 50, 25, 10, 5)% respectively over the three systems.
comment: 5 pages, 3 figures
☆ Reinforcement Learning with Lie Group Orientations for Robotics ICRA 2025
Handling orientations of robots and objects is a crucial aspect of many applications. Yet, ever so often, there is a lack of mathematical correctness when dealing with orientations, especially in learning pipelines involving, for example, artificial neural networks. In this paper, we investigate reinforcement learning with orientations and propose a simple modification of the network's input and output that adheres to the Lie group structure of orientations. As a result, we obtain an easy and efficient implementation that is directly usable with existing learning libraries and achieves significantly better performance than other common orientation representations. We briefly introduce Lie theory specifically for orientations in robotics to motivate and outline our approach. Subsequently, a thorough empirical evaluation of different combinations of orientation representations for states and actions demonstrates the superior performance of our proposed approach in different scenarios, including: direct orientation control, end effector orientation control, and pick-and-place tasks.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Reinforcement Learning as an Improvement Heuristic for Real-World Production Scheduling ICML
The integration of Reinforcement Learning (RL) with heuristic methods is an emerging trend for solving optimization problems, which leverages RL's ability to learn from the data generated during the search process. One promising approach is to train an RL agent as an improvement heuristic, starting with a suboptimal solution that is iteratively improved by applying small changes. We apply this approach to a real-world multiobjective production scheduling problem. Our approach utilizes a network architecture that includes Transformer encoding to learn the relationships between jobs. Afterwards, a probability matrix is generated from which pairs of jobs are sampled and then swapped to improve the solution. We benchmarked our approach against other heuristics using real data from our industry partner, demonstrating its superior performance.
comment: This paper was accepted at the ICMLA 2024
☆ An Explainable Machine Learning Approach to Traffic Accident Fatality Prediction
Road traffic accidents (RTA) pose a significant public health threat worldwide, leading to considerable loss of life and economic burdens. This is particularly acute in developing countries like Bangladesh. Building reliable models to forecast crash outcomes is crucial for implementing effective preventive measures. To aid in developing targeted safety interventions, this study presents a machine learning-based approach for classifying fatal and non-fatal road accident outcomes using data from the Dhaka metropolitan traffic crash database from 2017 to 2022. Our framework utilizes a range of machine learning classification algorithms, comprising Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Gradient Boosting, LightGBM, and Artificial Neural Network. We prioritize model interpretability by employing the SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) method, which elucidates the key factors influencing accident fatality. Our results demonstrate that LightGBM outperforms other models, achieving a ROC-AUC score of 0.72. The global, local, and feature dependency analyses are conducted to acquire deeper insights into the behavior of the model. SHAP analysis reveals that casualty class, time of accident, location, vehicle type, and road type play pivotal roles in determining fatality risk. These findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and road safety practitioners in developing countries, enabling the implementation of evidence-based strategies to reduce traffic crash fatalities.
comment: 10 Pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, 28th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2024)
☆ Generation of Complex 3D Human Motion by Temporal and Spatial Composition of Diffusion Models
In this paper, we address the challenge of generating realistic 3D human motions for action classes that were never seen during the training phase. Our approach involves decomposing complex actions into simpler movements, specifically those observed during training, by leveraging the knowledge of human motion contained in GPTs models. These simpler movements are then combined into a single, realistic animation using the properties of diffusion models. Our claim is that this decomposition and subsequent recombination of simple movements can synthesize an animation that accurately represents the complex input action. This method operates during the inference phase and can be integrated with any pre-trained diffusion model, enabling the synthesis of motion classes not present in the training data. We evaluate our method by dividing two benchmark human motion datasets into basic and complex actions, and then compare its performance against the state-of-the-art.
comment: 13 pages, 6 figures
☆ Less Memory Means smaller GPUs: Backpropagation with Compressed Activations ECML
The ever-growing scale of deep neural networks (DNNs) has lead to an equally rapid growth in computational resource requirements. Many recent architectures, most prominently Large Language Models, have to be trained using supercomputers with thousands of accelerators, such as GPUs or TPUs. Next to the vast number of floating point operations the memory footprint of DNNs is also exploding. In contrast, GPU architectures are notoriously short on memory. Even comparatively small architectures like some EfficientNet variants cannot be trained on a single consumer-grade GPU at reasonable mini-batch sizes. During training, intermediate input activations have to be stored until backpropagation for gradient calculation. These make up the vast majority of the memory footprint. In this work we therefore consider compressing activation maps for the backward pass using pooling, which can reduce both the memory footprint and amount of data movement. The forward computation remains uncompressed. We empirically show convergence and study effects on feature detection at the example of the common vision architecture ResNet. With this approach we are able to reduce the peak memory consumption by 29% at the cost of a longer training schedule, while maintaining prediction accuracy compared to an uncompressed baseline.
comment: Presented at ITEM workshop co-located with ECML PKDD 2024, Vilnius LT
☆ Multi-Grid Graph Neural Networks with Self-Attention for Computational Mechanics
Advancement in finite element methods have become essential in various disciplines, and in particular for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), driving research efforts for improved precision and efficiency. While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have found success in CFD by mapping meshes into images, recent attention has turned to leveraging Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for direct mesh processing. This paper introduces a novel model merging Self-Attention with Message Passing in GNNs, achieving a 15\% reduction in RMSE on the well known flow past a cylinder benchmark. Furthermore, a dynamic mesh pruning technique based on Self-Attention is proposed, that leads to a robust GNN-based multigrid approach, also reducing RMSE by 15\%. Additionally, a new self-supervised training method based on BERT is presented, resulting in a 25\% RMSE reduction. The paper includes an ablation study and outperforms state-of-the-art models on several challenging datasets, promising advancements similar to those recently achieved in natural language and image processing. Finally, the paper introduces a dataset with meshes larger than existing ones by at least an order of magnitude. Code and Datasets will be released at https://github.com/DonsetPG/multigrid-gnn.
☆ Secure Control Systems for Autonomous Quadrotors against Cyber-Attacks
The problem of safety for robotic systems has been extensively studied. However, little attention has been given to security issues for three-dimensional systems, such as quadrotors. Malicious adversaries can compromise robot sensors and communication networks, causing incidents, achieving illegal objectives, or even injuring people. This study first designs an intelligent control system for autonomous quadrotors. Then, it investigates the problems of optimal false data injection attack scheduling and countermeasure design for unmanned aerial vehicles. Using a state-of-the-art deep learning-based approach, an optimal false data injection attack scheme is proposed to deteriorate a quadrotor's tracking performance with limited attack energy. Subsequently, an optimal tracking control strategy is learned to mitigate attacks and recover the quadrotor's tracking performance. We base our work on Agilicious, a state-of-the-art quadrotor recently deployed for autonomous settings. This paper is the first in the United Kingdom to deploy this quadrotor and implement reinforcement learning on its platform. Therefore, to promote easy reproducibility with minimal engineering overhead, we further provide (1) a comprehensive breakdown of this quadrotor, including software stacks and hardware alternatives; (2) a detailed reinforcement-learning framework to train autonomous controllers on Agilicious agents; and (3) a new open-source environment that builds upon PyFlyt for future reinforcement learning research on Agilicious platforms. Both simulated and real-world experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed frameworks in section 5.2.
comment: The paper is based on an undergraduate thesis and is not intended for publication in a journal
☆ Recent Advances in OOD Detection: Problems and Approaches
Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection aims to detect test samples outside the training category space, which is an essential component in building reliable machine learning systems. Existing reviews on OOD detection primarily focus on method taxonomy, surveying the field by categorizing various approaches. However, many recent works concentrate on non-traditional OOD detection scenarios, such as test-time adaptation, multi-modal data sources and other novel contexts. In this survey, we uniquely review recent advances in OOD detection from the problem scenario perspective for the first time. According to whether the training process is completely controlled, we divide OOD detection methods into training-driven and training-agnostic. Besides, considering the rapid development of pre-trained models, large pre-trained model-based OOD detection is also regarded as an important category and discussed separately. Furthermore, we provide a discussion of the evaluation scenarios, a variety of applications, and several future research directions. We believe this survey with new taxonomy will benefit the proposal of new methods and the expansion of more practical scenarios. A curated list of related papers is provided in the Github repository: \url{https://github.com/shuolucs/Awesome-Out-Of-Distribution-Detection}
comment: September 18, 2024
☆ Location based Probabilistic Load Forecasting of EV Charging Sites: Deep Transfer Learning with Multi-Quantile Temporal Convolutional Network
Electrification of vehicles is a potential way of reducing fossil fuel usage and thus lessening environmental pollution. Electric Vehicles (EVs) of various types for different transport modes (including air, water, and land) are evolving. Moreover, different EV user groups (commuters, commercial or domestic users, drivers) may use different charging infrastructures (public, private, home, and workplace) at various times. Therefore, usage patterns and energy demand are very stochastic. Characterizing and forecasting the charging demand of these diverse EV usage profiles is essential in preventing power outages. Previously developed data-driven load models are limited to specific use cases and locations. None of these models are simultaneously adaptive enough to transfer knowledge of day-ahead forecasting among EV charging sites of diverse locations, trained with limited data, and cost-effective. This article presents a location-based load forecasting of EV charging sites using a deep Multi-Quantile Temporal Convolutional Network (MQ-TCN) to overcome the limitations of earlier models. We conducted our experiments on data from four charging sites, namely Caltech, JPL, Office-1, and NREL, which have diverse EV user types like students, full-time and part-time employees, random visitors, etc. With a Prediction Interval Coverage Probability (PICP) score of 93.62\%, our proposed deep MQ-TCN model exhibited a remarkable 28.93\% improvement over the XGBoost model for a day-ahead load forecasting at the JPL charging site. By transferring knowledge with the inductive Transfer Learning (TL) approach, the MQ-TCN model achieved a 96.88\% PICP score for the load forecasting task at the NREL site using only two weeks of data.
comment: 11 pages, 10 figures
☆ Tight and Efficient Upper Bound on Spectral Norm of Convolutional Layers ECCV 2024
Controlling the spectral norm of the Jacobian matrix, which is related to the convolution operation, has been shown to improve generalization, training stability and robustness in CNNs. Existing methods for computing the norm either tend to overestimate it or their performance may deteriorate quickly with increasing the input and kernel sizes. In this paper, we demonstrate that the tensor version of the spectral norm of a four-dimensional convolution kernel, up to a constant factor, serves as an upper bound for the spectral norm of the Jacobian matrix associated with the convolution operation. This new upper bound is independent of the input image resolution, differentiable and can be efficiently calculated during training. Through experiments, we demonstrate how this new bound can be used to improve the performance of convolutional architectures.
comment: ECCV 2024
☆ Edge-Based Graph Component Pooling ECML
Graph-structured data naturally occurs in many research fields, such as chemistry and sociology. The relational information contained therein can be leveraged to statistically model graph properties through geometrical deep learning. Graph neural networks employ techniques, such as message-passing layers, to propagate local features through a graph. However, message-passing layers can be computationally expensive when dealing with large and sparse graphs. Graph pooling operators offer the possibility of removing or merging nodes in such graphs, thus lowering computational costs. However, pooling operators that remove nodes cause data loss, and pooling operators that merge nodes are often computationally expensive. We propose a pooling operator that merges nodes so as not to cause data loss but is also conceptually simple and computationally inexpensive. We empirically demonstrate that the proposed pooling operator performs statistically significantly better than edge pool on four popular benchmark datasets while reducing time complexity and the number of trainable parameters by 70.6% on average. Compared to another maximally powerful method named Graph Isomporhic Network, we show that we outperform them on two popular benchmark datasets while reducing the number of learnable parameters on average by 60.9%.
comment: 15 pages, presented at 21st International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, AstraZenica Bio & Healthcare award Paper, ECML PKDD 2024 Vilnius
☆ An efficient wavelet-based physics-informed neural networks for singularly perturbed problems
Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are a class of deep learning models that utilize physics as differential equations to address complex problems, including ones that may involve limited data availability. However, tackling solutions of differential equations with oscillations or singular perturbations and shock-like structures becomes challenging for PINNs. Considering these challenges, we designed an efficient wavelet-based PINNs (W-PINNs) model to solve singularly perturbed differential equations. Here, we represent the solution in wavelet space using a family of smooth-compactly supported wavelets. This framework represents the solution of a differential equation with significantly fewer degrees of freedom while still retaining in capturing, identifying, and analyzing the local structure of complex physical phenomena. The architecture allows the training process to search for a solution within wavelet space, making the process faster and more accurate. The proposed model does not rely on automatic differentiations for derivatives involved in differential equations and does not require any prior information regarding the behavior of the solution, such as the location of abrupt features. Thus, through a strategic fusion of wavelets with PINNs, W-PINNs excel at capturing localized nonlinear information, making them well-suited for problems showing abrupt behavior in certain regions, such as singularly perturbed problems. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed neural network model are demonstrated in various test problems, i.e., highly singularly perturbed nonlinear differential equations, the FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN), and Predator-prey interaction models. The proposed design model exhibits impressive comparisons with traditional PINNs and the recently developed wavelet-based PINNs, which use wavelets as an activation function for solving nonlinear differential equations.
comment: 17 pages, 12 figures
☆ Graph Neural Network-State Predictive Information Bottleneck (GNN-SPIB) approach for learning molecular thermodynamics and kinetics
Molecular dynamics simulations offer detailed insights into atomic motions but face timescale limitations. Enhanced sampling methods have addressed these challenges but even with machine learning, they often rely on pre-selected expert-based features. In this work, we present the Graph Neural Network-State Predictive Information Bottleneck (GNN-SPIB) framework, which combines graph neural networks and the State Predictive Information Bottleneck to automatically learn low-dimensional representations directly from atomic coordinates. Tested on three benchmark systems, our approach predicts essential structural, thermodynamic and kinetic information for slow processes, demonstrating robustness across diverse systems. The method shows promise for complex systems, enabling effective enhanced sampling without requiring pre-defined reaction coordinates or input features.
☆ RaggeDi: Diffusion-based State Estimation of Disordered Rags, Sheets, Towels and Blankets
Cloth state estimation is an important problem in robotics. It is essential for the robot to know the accurate state to manipulate cloth and execute tasks such as robotic dressing, stitching, and covering/uncovering human beings. However, estimating cloth state accurately remains challenging due to its high flexibility and self-occlusion. This paper proposes a diffusion model-based pipeline that formulates the cloth state estimation as an image generation problem by representing the cloth state as an RGB image that describes the point-wise translation (translation map) between a pre-defined flattened mesh and the deformed mesh in a canonical space. Then we train a conditional diffusion-based image generation model to predict the translation map based on an observation. Experiments are conducted in both simulation and the real world to validate the performance of our method. Results indicate that our method outperforms two recent methods in both accuracy and speed.
☆ Optimizing Job Shop Scheduling in the Furniture Industry: A Reinforcement Learning Approach Considering Machine Setup, Batch Variability, and Intralogistics
This paper explores the potential application of Deep Reinforcement Learning in the furniture industry. To offer a broad product portfolio, most furniture manufacturers are organized as a job shop, which ultimately results in the Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP). The JSSP is addressed with a focus on extending traditional models to better represent the complexities of real-world production environments. Existing approaches frequently fail to consider critical factors such as machine setup times or varying batch sizes. A concept for a model is proposed that provides a higher level of information detail to enhance scheduling accuracy and efficiency. The concept introduces the integration of DRL for production planning, particularly suited to batch production industries such as the furniture industry. The model extends traditional approaches to JSSPs by including job volumes, buffer management, transportation times, and machine setup times. This enables more precise forecasting and analysis of production flows and processes, accommodating the variability and complexity inherent in real-world manufacturing processes. The RL agent learns to optimize scheduling decisions. It operates within a discrete action space, making decisions based on detailed observations. A reward function guides the agent's decision-making process, thereby promoting efficient scheduling and meeting production deadlines. Two integration strategies for implementing the RL agent are discussed: episodic planning, which is suitable for low-automation environments, and continuous planning, which is ideal for highly automated plants. While episodic planning can be employed as a standalone solution, the continuous planning approach necessitates the integration of the agent with ERP and Manufacturing Execution Systems. This integration enables real-time adjustments to production schedules based on dynamic changes.
comment: 18 pages, 8 pages
☆ Accelerating the Training and Improving the Reliability of Machine-Learned Interatomic Potentials for Strongly Anharmonic Materials through Active Learning
Molecular dynamics (MD) employing machine-learned interatomic potentials (MLIPs) serve as an efficient, urgently needed complement to ab initio molecular dynamics (aiMD). By training these potentials on data generated from ab initio methods, their averaged predictions can exhibit comparable performance to ab initio methods at a fraction of the cost. However, insufficient training sets might lead to an improper description of the dynamics in strongly anharmonic materials, because critical effects might be overlooked in relevant cases, or only incorrectly captured, or hallucinated by the MLIP when they are not actually present. In this work, we show that an active learning scheme that combines MD with MLIPs (MLIP-MD) and uncertainty estimates can avoid such problematic predictions. In short, efficient MLIP-MD is used to explore configuration space quickly, whereby an acquisition function based on uncertainty estimates and on energetic viability is employed to maximize the value of the newly generated data and to focus on the most unfamiliar but reasonably accessible regions of phase space. To verify our methodology, we screen over 112 materials and identify 10 examples experiencing the aforementioned problems. Using CuI and AgGaSe$_2$ as archetypes for these problematic materials, we discuss the physical implications for strongly anharmonic effects and demonstrate how the developed active learning scheme can address these issues.
comment: 15 pages, 13 figures
☆ Constraint Guided AutoEncoders for Joint Optimization of Condition Indicator Estimation and Anomaly Detection in Machine Condition Monitoring
The main goal of machine condition monitoring is, as the name implies, to monitor the condition of industrial applications. The objective of this monitoring can be mainly split into two problems. A diagnostic problem, where normal data should be distinguished from anomalous data, otherwise called Anomaly Detection (AD), or a prognostic problem, where the aim is to predict the evolution of a Condition Indicator (CI) that reflects the condition of an asset throughout its life time. When considering machine condition monitoring, it is expected that this CI shows a monotonic behavior, as the condition of a machine gradually degrades over time. This work proposes an extension to Constraint Guided AutoEncoders (CGAE), which is a robust AD method, that enables building a single model that can be used for both AD and CI estimation. For the purpose of improved CI estimation the extension incorporates a constraint that enforces the model to have monotonically increasing CI predictions over time. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm performs similar, or slightly better, than CGAE, with regards to AD, while improving the monotonic behavior of the CI.
comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables
☆ The Factuality of Large Language Models in the Legal Domain CIKM 2024
This paper investigates the factuality of large language models (LLMs) as knowledge bases in the legal domain, in a realistic usage scenario: we allow for acceptable variations in the answer, and let the model abstain from answering when uncertain. First, we design a dataset of diverse factual questions about case law and legislation. We then use the dataset to evaluate several LLMs under different evaluation methods, including exact, alias, and fuzzy matching. Our results show that the performance improves significantly under the alias and fuzzy matching methods. Further, we explore the impact of abstaining and in-context examples, finding that both strategies enhance precision. Finally, we demonstrate that additional pre-training on legal documents, as seen with SaulLM, further improves factual precision from 63% to 81%.
comment: CIKM 2024, short paper
☆ Symmetry-Based Structured Matrices for Efficient Approximately Equivariant Networks
There has been much recent interest in designing symmetry-aware neural networks (NNs) exhibiting relaxed equivariance. Such NNs aim to interpolate between being exactly equivariant and being fully flexible, affording consistent performance benefits. In a separate line of work, certain structured parameter matrices -- those with displacement structure, characterized by low displacement rank (LDR) -- have been used to design small-footprint NNs. Displacement structure enables fast function and gradient evaluation, but permits accurate approximations via compression primarily to classical convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In this work, we propose a general framework -- based on a novel construction of symmetry-based structured matrices -- to build approximately equivariant NNs with significantly reduced parameter counts. Our framework integrates the two aforementioned lines of work via the use of so-called Group Matrices (GMs), a forgotten precursor to the modern notion of regular representations of finite groups. GMs allow the design of structured matrices -- resembling LDR matrices -- which generalize the linear operations of a classical CNN from cyclic groups to general finite groups and their homogeneous spaces. We show that GMs can be employed to extend all the elementary operations of CNNs to general discrete groups. Further, the theory of structured matrices based on GMs provides a generalization of LDR theory focussed on matrices with cyclic structure, providing a tool for implementing approximate equivariance for discrete groups. We test GM-based architectures on a variety of tasks in the presence of relaxed symmetry. We report that our framework consistently performs competitively compared to approximately equivariant NNs, and other structured matrix-based compression frameworks, sometimes with a one or two orders of magnitude lower parameter count.
comment: 20 pages
☆ Consistent Estimation of a Class of Distances Between Covariance Matrices
This work considers the problem of estimating the distance between two covariance matrices directly from the data. Particularly, we are interested in the family of distances that can be expressed as sums of traces of functions that are separately applied to each covariance matrix. This family of distances is particularly useful as it takes into consideration the fact that covariance matrices lie in the Riemannian manifold of positive definite matrices, thereby including a variety of commonly used metrics, such as the Euclidean distance, Jeffreys' divergence, and the log-Euclidean distance. Moreover, a statistical analysis of the asymptotic behavior of this class of distance estimators has also been conducted. Specifically, we present a central limit theorem that establishes the asymptotic Gaussianity of these estimators and provides closed form expressions for the corresponding means and variances. Empirical evaluations demonstrate the superiority of our proposed consistent estimator over conventional plug-in estimators in multivariate analytical contexts. Additionally, the central limit theorem derived in this study provides a robust statistical framework to assess of accuracy of these estimators.
☆ NPAT Null-Space Projected Adversarial Training Towards Zero Deterioration
To mitigate the susceptibility of neural networks to adversarial attacks, adversarial training has emerged as a prevalent and effective defense strategy. Intrinsically, this countermeasure incurs a trade-off, as it sacrifices the model's accuracy in processing normal samples. To reconcile the trade-off, we pioneer the incorporation of null-space projection into adversarial training and propose two innovative Null-space Projection based Adversarial Training(NPAT) algorithms tackling sample generation and gradient optimization, named Null-space Projected Data Augmentation (NPDA) and Null-space Projected Gradient Descent (NPGD), to search for an overarching optimal solutions, which enhance robustness with almost zero deterioration in generalization performance. Adversarial samples and perturbations are constrained within the null-space of the decision boundary utilizing a closed-form null-space projector, effectively mitigating threat of attack stemming from unreliable features. Subsequently, we conducted experiments on the CIFAR10 and SVHN datasets and reveal that our methodology can seamlessly combine with adversarial training methods and obtain comparable robustness while keeping generalization close to a high-accuracy model.
☆ HARP: Human-Assisted Regrouping with Permutation Invariant Critic for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning integrates human expertise to accelerate agent learning and provide critical guidance and feedback in complex fields. However, many existing approaches focus on single-agent tasks and require continuous human involvement during the training process, significantly increasing the human workload and limiting scalability. In this paper, we propose HARP (Human-Assisted Regrouping with Permutation Invariant Critic), a multi-agent reinforcement learning framework designed for group-oriented tasks. HARP integrates automatic agent regrouping with strategic human assistance during deployment, enabling and allowing non-experts to offer effective guidance with minimal intervention. During training, agents dynamically adjust their groupings to optimize collaborative task completion. When deployed, they actively seek human assistance and utilize the Permutation Invariant Group Critic to evaluate and refine human-proposed groupings, allowing non-expert users to contribute valuable suggestions. In multiple collaboration scenarios, our approach is able to leverage limited guidance from non-experts and enhance performance. The project can be found at https://github.com/huawen-hu/HARP.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
☆ From exponential to finite/fixed-time stability: Applications to optimization
The development of finite/fixed-time stable optimization algorithms typically involves study of specific problem instances. The lack of a unified framework hinders understanding of more sophisticated algorithms, e.g., primal-dual gradient flow dynamics. The purpose of this paper is to address the following question: Given an exponentially stable optimization algorithm, can it be modified to obtain a finite/fixed-time stable algorithm? We provide an affirmative answer, demonstrate how the solution can be computed on a finite-time interval via a simple scaling of the right-hand-side of the original dynamics, and certify the desired properties of the modified algorithm using the Lyapunov function that proves exponential stability of the original system. Finally, we examine nonsmooth composite optimization problems and smooth problems with linear constraints to demonstrate the merits of our approach.
comment: 6 pages; 1 figure
☆ From Lists to Emojis: How Format Bias Affects Model Alignment
In this paper, we study format biases in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). We observe that many widely-used preference models, including human evaluators, GPT-4, and top-ranking models on the RewardBench benchmark, exhibit strong biases towards specific format patterns, such as lists, links, bold text, and emojis. Furthermore, large language models (LLMs) can exploit these biases to achieve higher rankings on popular benchmarks like AlpacaEval and LMSYS Chatbot Arena. One notable example of this is verbosity bias, where current preference models favor longer responses that appear more comprehensive, even when their quality is equal to or lower than shorter, competing responses. However, format biases beyond verbosity remain largely underexplored in the literature. In this work, we extend the study of biases in preference learning beyond the commonly recognized length bias, offering a comprehensive analysis of a wider range of format biases. Additionally, we show that with a small amount of biased data (less than 1%), we can inject significant bias into the reward model. Moreover, these format biases can also be easily exploited by downstream alignment algorithms, such as best-of-n sampling and online iterative DPO, as it is usually easier to manipulate the format than to improve the quality of responses. Our findings emphasize the need to disentangle format and content both for designing alignment algorithms and evaluating models.
comment: Working in progress
☆ Monomial Matrix Group Equivariant Neural Functional Networks
Neural functional networks (NFNs) have recently gained significant attention due to their diverse applications, ranging from predicting network generalization and network editing to classifying implicit neural representation. Previous NFN designs often depend on permutation symmetries in neural networks' weights, which traditionally arise from the unordered arrangement of neurons in hidden layers. However, these designs do not take into account the weight scaling symmetries of $\operatorname{ReLU}$ networks, and the weight sign flipping symmetries of $\operatorname{sin}$ or $\operatorname{tanh}$ networks. In this paper, we extend the study of the group action on the network weights from the group of permutation matrices to the group of monomial matrices by incorporating scaling/sign-flipping symmetries. Particularly, we encode these scaling/sign-flipping symmetries by designing our corresponding equivariant and invariant layers. We name our new family of NFNs the Monomial Matrix Group Equivariant Neural Functional Networks (Monomial-NFN). Because of the expansion of the symmetries, Monomial-NFN has much fewer independent trainable parameters compared to the baseline NFNs in the literature, thus enhancing the model's efficiency. Moreover, for fully connected and convolutional neural networks, we theoretically prove that all groups that leave these networks invariant while acting on their weight spaces are some subgroups of the monomial matrix group. We provide empirical evidences to demonstrate the advantages of our model over existing baselines, achieving competitive performance and efficiency.
☆ Detecting Underdiagnosed Medical Conditions with Deep Learning-Based Opportunistic CT Imaging
Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scans are frequently performed in clinical settings. Opportunistic CT involves repurposing routine CT images to extract diagnostic information and is an emerging tool for detecting underdiagnosed conditions such as sarcopenia, hepatic steatosis, and ascites. This study utilizes deep learning methods to promote accurate diagnosis and clinical documentation. We analyze 2,674 inpatient CT scans to identify discrepancies between imaging phenotypes (characteristics derived from opportunistic CT scans) and their corresponding documentation in radiology reports and ICD coding. Through our analysis, we find that only 0.5%, 3.2%, and 30.7% of scans diagnosed with sarcopenia, hepatic steatosis, and ascites (respectively) through either opportunistic imaging or radiology reports were ICD-coded. Our findings demonstrate opportunistic CT's potential to enhance diagnostic precision and accuracy of risk adjustment models, offering advancements in precision medicine.
☆ Recurrent Interpolants for Probabilistic Time Series Prediction
Sequential models such as recurrent neural networks or transformer-based models became \textit{de facto} tools for multivariate time series forecasting in a probabilistic fashion, with applications to a wide range of datasets, such as finance, biology, medicine, etc. Despite their adeptness in capturing dependencies, assessing prediction uncertainty, and efficiency in training, challenges emerge in modeling high-dimensional complex distributions and cross-feature dependencies. To tackle these issues, recent works delve into generative modeling by employing diffusion or flow-based models. Notably, the integration of stochastic differential equations or probability flow successfully extends these methods to probabilistic time series imputation and forecasting. However, scalability issues necessitate a computational-friendly framework for large-scale generative model-based predictions. This work proposes a novel approach by blending the computational efficiency of recurrent neural networks with the high-quality probabilistic modeling of the diffusion model, which addresses challenges and advances generative models' application in time series forecasting. Our method relies on the foundation of stochastic interpolants and the extension to a broader conditional generation framework with additional control features, offering insights for future developments in this dynamic field.
☆ An Enhanced-State Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Multi-Task Fusion in Large-Scale Recommender Systems
As the last key stage of Recommender Systems (RSs), Multi-Task Fusion (MTF) is in charge of combining multiple scores predicted by Multi-Task Learning (MTL) into a final score to maximize user satisfaction, which decides the ultimate recommendation results. In recent years, to maximize long-term user satisfaction within a recommendation session, Reinforcement Learning (RL) is widely used for MTF in large-scale RSs. However, limited by their modeling pattern, all the current RL-MTF methods can only utilize user features as the state to generate actions for each user, but unable to make use of item features and other valuable features, which leads to suboptimal results. Addressing this problem is a challenge that requires breaking through the current modeling pattern of RL-MTF. To solve this problem, we propose a novel method called Enhanced-State RL for MTF in RSs. Unlike the existing methods mentioned above, our method first defines user features, item features, and other valuable features collectively as the enhanced state; then proposes a novel actor and critic learning process to utilize the enhanced state to make much better action for each user-item pair. To the best of our knowledge, this novel modeling pattern is being proposed for the first time in the field of RL-MTF. We conduct extensive offline and online experiments in a large-scale RS. The results demonstrate that our model outperforms other models significantly. Enhanced-State RL has been fully deployed in our RS more than half a year, improving +3.84% user valid consumption and +0.58% user duration time compared to baseline.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2404.17589
☆ Hypergraph-based Motion Generation with Multi-modal Interaction Relational Reasoning
The intricate nature of real-world driving environments, characterized by dynamic and diverse interactions among multiple vehicles and their possible future states, presents considerable challenges in accurately predicting the motion states of vehicles and handling the uncertainty inherent in the predictions. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive modeling and reasoning to capture the implicit relations among vehicles and the corresponding diverse behaviors. This research introduces an integrated framework for autonomous vehicles (AVs) motion prediction to address these complexities, utilizing a novel Relational Hypergraph Interaction-informed Neural mOtion generator (RHINO). RHINO leverages hypergraph-based relational reasoning by integrating a multi-scale hypergraph neural network to model group-wise interactions among multiple vehicles and their multi-modal driving behaviors, thereby enhancing motion prediction accuracy and reliability. Experimental validation using real-world datasets demonstrates the superior performance of this framework in improving predictive accuracy and fostering socially aware automated driving in dynamic traffic scenarios.
☆ Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning with Non-IID Decentralized Data
Few-shot class-incremental learning is crucial for developing scalable and adaptive intelligent systems, as it enables models to acquire new classes with minimal annotated data while safeguarding the previously accumulated knowledge. Nonetheless, existing methods deal with continuous data streams in a centralized manner, limiting their applicability in scenarios that prioritize data privacy and security. To this end, this paper introduces federated few-shot class-incremental learning, a decentralized machine learning paradigm tailored to progressively learn new classes from scarce data distributed across multiple clients. In this learning paradigm, clients locally update their models with new classes while preserving data privacy, and then transmit the model updates to a central server where they are aggregated globally. However, this paradigm faces several issues, such as difficulties in few-shot learning, catastrophic forgetting, and data heterogeneity. To address these challenges, we present a synthetic data-driven framework that leverages replay buffer data to maintain existing knowledge and facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge. Within this framework, a noise-aware generative replay module is developed to fine-tune local models with a balance of new and replay data, while generating synthetic data of new classes to further expand the replay buffer for future tasks. Furthermore, a class-specific weighted aggregation strategy is designed to tackle data heterogeneity by adaptively aggregating class-specific parameters based on local models performance on synthetic data. This enables effective global model optimization without direct access to client data. Comprehensive experiments across three widely-used datasets underscore the effectiveness and preeminence of the introduced framework.
☆ How to Build the Virtual Cell with Artificial Intelligence: Priorities and Opportunities
The cell is arguably the smallest unit of life and is central to understanding biology. Accurate modeling of cells is important for this understanding as well as for determining the root causes of disease. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), combined with the ability to generate large-scale experimental data, present novel opportunities to model cells. Here we propose a vision of AI-powered Virtual Cells, where robust representations of cells and cellular systems under different conditions are directly learned from growing biological data across measurements and scales. We discuss desired capabilities of AI Virtual Cells, including generating universal representations of biological entities across scales, and facilitating interpretable in silico experiments to predict and understand their behavior using Virtual Instruments. We further address the challenges, opportunities and requirements to realize this vision including data needs, evaluation strategies, and community standards and engagement to ensure biological accuracy and broad utility. We envision a future where AI Virtual Cells help identify new drug targets, predict cellular responses to perturbations, as well as scale hypothesis exploration. With open science collaborations across the biomedical ecosystem that includes academia, philanthropy, and the biopharma and AI industries, a comprehensive predictive understanding of cell mechanisms and interactions is within reach.
☆ Enhancing Semi-Supervised Learning via Representative and Diverse Sample Selection
Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) has become a preferred paradigm in many deep learning tasks, which reduces the need for human labor. Previous studies primarily focus on effectively utilising the labelled and unlabeled data to improve performance. However, we observe that how to select samples for labelling also significantly impacts performance, particularly under extremely low-budget settings. The sample selection task in SSL has been under-explored for a long time. To fill in this gap, we propose a Representative and Diverse Sample Selection approach (RDSS). By adopting a modified Frank-Wolfe algorithm to minimise a novel criterion $\alpha$-Maximum Mean Discrepancy ($\alpha$-MMD), RDSS samples a representative and diverse subset for annotation from the unlabeled data. We demonstrate that minimizing $\alpha$-MMD enhances the generalization ability of low-budget learning. Experimental results show that RDSS consistently improves the performance of several popular SSL frameworks and outperforms the state-of-the-art sample selection approaches used in Active Learning (AL) and Semi-Supervised Active Learning (SSAL), even with constrained annotation budgets.
comment: Under Review
☆ Art and Science of Quantizing Large-Scale Models: A Comprehensive Overview
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, challenges, and methodologies associated with quantizing large-scale neural network models. As neural networks have evolved towards larger and more complex architectures to address increasingly sophisticated tasks, the computational and energy costs have escalated significantly. We explore the necessity and impact of model size growth, highlighting the performance benefits as well as the computational challenges and environmental considerations. The core focus is on model quantization as a fundamental approach to mitigate these challenges by reducing model size and improving efficiency without substantially compromising accuracy. We delve into various quantization techniques, including both post-training quantization (PTQ) and quantization-aware training (QAT), and analyze several state-of-the-art algorithms such as LLM-QAT, PEQA(L4Q), ZeroQuant, SmoothQuant, and others. Through comparative analysis, we examine how these methods address issues like outliers, importance weighting, and activation quantization, ultimately contributing to more sustainable and accessible deployment of large-scale models.
☆ Hard-Label Cryptanalytic Extraction of Neural Network Models
The machine learning problem of extracting neural network parameters has been proposed for nearly three decades. Functionally equivalent extraction is a crucial goal for research on this problem. When the adversary has access to the raw output of neural networks, various attacks, including those presented at CRYPTO 2020 and EUROCRYPT 2024, have successfully achieved this goal. However, this goal is not achieved when neural networks operate under a hard-label setting where the raw output is inaccessible. In this paper, we propose the first attack that theoretically achieves functionally equivalent extraction under the hard-label setting, which applies to ReLU neural networks. The effectiveness of our attack is validated through practical experiments on a wide range of ReLU neural networks, including neural networks trained on two real benchmarking datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10) widely used in computer vision. For a neural network consisting of $10^5$ parameters, our attack only requires several hours on a single core.
comment: Accepted by Asiacrypt 2024
☆ DAF-Net: A Dual-Branch Feature Decomposition Fusion Network with Domain Adaptive for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
Infrared and visible image fusion aims to combine complementary information from both modalities to provide a more comprehensive scene understanding. However, due to the significant differences between the two modalities, preserving key features during the fusion process remains a challenge. To address this issue, we propose a dual-branch feature decomposition fusion network (DAF-Net) with domain adaptive, which introduces Multi-Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MK-MMD) into the base encoder and designs a hybrid kernel function suitable for infrared and visible image fusion. The base encoder built on the Restormer network captures global structural information while the detail encoder based on Invertible Neural Networks (INN) focuses on extracting detail texture information. By incorporating MK-MMD, the DAF-Net effectively aligns the latent feature spaces of visible and infrared images, thereby improving the quality of the fused images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing techniques across multiple datasets, significantly enhancing both visual quality and fusion performance. The related Python code is available at https://github.com/xujian000/DAF-Net.
comment: 5pages,4figures
☆ Enhancing PM2.5 Data Imputation and Prediction in Air Quality Monitoring Networks Using a KNN-SINDy Hybrid Model
Air pollution, particularly particulate matter (PM2.5), poses significant risks to public health and the environment, necessitating accurate prediction and continuous monitoring for effective air quality management. However, air quality monitoring (AQM) data often suffer from missing records due to various technical difficulties. This study explores the application of Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics (SINDy) for imputing missing PM2.5 data by predicting, using training data from 2016, and comparing its performance with the established Soft Impute (SI) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) methods.
☆ Multimodal Generalized Category Discovery
Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) aims to classify inputs into both known and novel categories, a task crucial for open-world scientific discoveries. However, current GCD methods are limited to unimodal data, overlooking the inherently multimodal nature of most real-world data. In this work, we extend GCD to a multimodal setting, where inputs from different modalities provide richer and complementary information. Through theoretical analysis and empirical validation, we identify that the key challenge in multimodal GCD lies in effectively aligning heterogeneous information across modalities. To address this, we propose MM-GCD, a novel framework that aligns both the feature and output spaces of different modalities using contrastive learning and distillation techniques. MM-GCD achieves new state-of-the-art performance on the UPMC-Food101 and N24News datasets, surpassing previous methods by 11.5\% and 4.7\%, respectively.
☆ PieClam: A Universal Graph Autoencoder Based on Overlapping Inclusive and Exclusive Communities
We propose PieClam (Prior Inclusive Exclusive Cluster Affiliation Model): a probabilistic graph model for representing any graph as overlapping generalized communities. Our method can be interpreted as a graph autoencoder: nodes are embedded into a code space by an algorithm that maximizes the log-likelihood of the decoded graph, given the input graph. PieClam is a community affiliation model that extends well-known methods like BigClam in two main manners. First, instead of the decoder being defined via pairwise interactions between the nodes in the code space, we also incorporate a learned prior on the distribution of nodes in the code space, turning our method into a graph generative model. Secondly, we generalize the notion of communities by allowing not only sets of nodes with strong connectivity, which we call inclusive communities, but also sets of nodes with strong disconnection, which we call exclusive communities. To model both types of communities, we propose a new type of decoder based the Lorentz inner product, which we prove to be much more expressive than standard decoders based on standard inner products or norm distances. By introducing a new graph similarity measure, that we call the log cut distance, we show that PieClam is a universal autoencoder, able to uniformly approximately reconstruct any graph. Our method is shown to obtain competitive performance in graph anomaly detection benchmarks.
♻ ☆ UKAN: Unbound Kolmogorov-Arnold Network Accompanied with Accelerated Library
In this work, we present a GPU-accelerated library for the underlying components of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs), along with an algorithm to eliminate bounded grids in KANs. The GPU-accelerated library reduces the computational complexity of Basis Spline (B-spline) evaluation by a factor of $\mathcal{O}$(grid size) compared to existing codes, enabling batch computation for large-scale learning. To overcome the limitations of traditional KANs, we introduce Unbounded KANs (UKANs), which eliminate the need for a bounded grid and a fixed number of B-spline coefficients. To do so, we replace the KAN parameters (B-spline coefficients) with a coefficient generator (CG) model. The inputs to the CG model are designed based on the idea of an infinite symmetric grid extending from negative infinity to positive infinity. The positional encoding of grid group, a sequential collection of B-spline grid indexes, is fed into the CG model, and coefficients are consumed by the efficient implementation (matrix representations) of B-spline functions to generate outputs. We perform several experiments on regression, classification, and generative tasks, which are promising. In particular, UKAN does not require data normalization or a bounded domain for evaluation. Additionally, our benchmarking results indicate the superior memory and computational efficiency of our library compared to existing codes.
comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables
♻ ☆ Machine Learning Approaches for Diagnostics and Prognostics of Industrial Systems Using Open Source Data from PHM Data Challenges: A Review
In the field of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), recent years have witnessed a significant surge in the application of machine learning (ML). Despite this growth, the field grapples with a lack of unified guidelines and systematic approaches for effectively implementing these ML techniques and comprehensive analysis regarding industrial open-source data across varied scenarios. To address these gaps, this paper provides a comprehensive review of ML approaches for diagnostics and prognostics of industrial systems using open-source datasets from PHM Data Challenge Competitions held between 2018 and 2023 by PHM Society and IEEE Reliability Society and summarizes a unified ML framework. This review systematically categorizes and scrutinizes the problems, challenges, methodologies, and advancements demonstrated in these competitions, highlighting the evolving role of both conventional machine learning and deep learning in tackling complex industrial tasks related to detection, diagnosis, assessment, and prognosis. Moreover, this paper delves into the common challenges in PHM data challenge competitions by emphasizing data-related and model-related issues and evaluating the limitations of these competitions. The potential solutions to address these challenges are also summarized. Finally, we identify key themes and potential directions for future research, providing opportunities and prospects for next-generation ML-PHM development in PHM domain.
comment: The paper submitted to the International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (IJPHM) has been accepted
♻ ☆ Characterizing Dynamical Stability of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Overparameterized Learning
For overparameterized optimization tasks, such as the ones found in modern machine learning, global minima are generally not unique. In order to understand generalization in these settings, it is vital to study to which minimum an optimization algorithm converges. The possibility of having minima that are unstable under the dynamics imposed by the optimization algorithm limits the potential minima that the algorithm can find. In this paper, we characterize the global minima that are dynamically stable/unstable for both deterministic and stochastic gradient descent (SGD). In particular, we introduce a characteristic Lyapunov exponent which depends on the local dynamics around a global minimum and rigorously prove that the sign of this Lyapunov exponent determines whether SGD can accumulate at the respective global minimum.
♻ ☆ ReflectDiffu:Reflect between Emotion-intent Contagion and Mimicry for Empathetic Response Generation via a RL-Diffusion Framework
Empathetic response generation necessitates the integration of emotional and intentional dynamics to foster meaningful interactions. Existing research either neglects the intricate interplay between emotion and intent, leading to suboptimal controllability of empathy, or resorts to large language models (LLMs), which incur significant computational overhead. In this paper, we introduce ReflectDiffu, a lightweight and comprehensive framework for empathetic response generation. This framework incorporates emotion contagion to augment emotional expressiveness and employs an emotion-reasoning mask to pinpoint critical emotional elements. Additionally, it integrates intent mimicry within reinforcement learning for refinement during diffusion. By harnessing an intent twice reflect the mechanism of Exploring-Sampling-Correcting, ReflectDiffu adeptly translates emotional decision-making into precise intent actions, thereby addressing empathetic response misalignments stemming from emotional misrecognition. Through reflection, the framework maps emotional states to intents, markedly enhancing both response empathy and flexibility. Comprehensive experiments reveal that ReflectDiffu outperforms existing models regarding relevance, controllability, and informativeness, achieving state-of-the-art results in both automatic and human evaluations.
♻ ☆ TK-Planes: Tiered K-Planes with High Dimensional Feature Vectors for Dynamic UAV-based Scenes ICRA2025
In this paper, we present a new approach to bridge the domain gap between synthetic and real-world data for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based perception. Our formulation is designed for dynamic scenes, consisting of small moving objects or human actions. We propose an extension of K-Planes Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), wherein our algorithm stores a set of tiered feature vectors. The tiered feature vectors are generated to effectively model conceptual information about a scene as well as an image decoder that transforms output feature maps into RGB images. Our technique leverages the information amongst both static and dynamic objects within a scene and is able to capture salient scene attributes of high altitude videos. We evaluate its performance on challenging datasets, including Okutama Action and UG2, and observe considerable improvement in accuracy over state of the art neural rendering methods.
comment: 8 pages, submitted to ICRA2025
♻ ☆ Model-free quantification of completeness, uncertainties, and outliers in atomistic machine learning using information theory
An accurate description of information is relevant for a range of problems in atomistic machine learning (ML), such as crafting training sets, performing uncertainty quantification (UQ), or extracting physical insights from large datasets. However, atomistic ML often relies on unsupervised learning or model predictions to analyze information contents from simulation or training data. Here, we introduce a theoretical framework that provides a rigorous, model-free tool to quantify information contents in atomistic simulations. We demonstrate that the information entropy of a distribution of atom-centered environments explains known heuristics in ML potential developments, from training set sizes to dataset optimality. Using this tool, we propose a model-free UQ method that reliably predicts epistemic uncertainty and detects out-of-distribution samples, including rare events in systems such as nucleation. This method provides a general tool for data-driven atomistic modeling and combines efforts in ML, simulations, and physical explainability.
comment: v2.0
♻ ☆ EHRFL: Federated Learning Framework for Institution-Specific Model Construction using Electronic Health Records
The increasing volume of electronic health records (EHRs) across healthcare institutions presents the opportunity to enhance model accuracy and robustness in clinical prediction tasks. Federated learning enables training on data from multiple institutions while preserving patient privacy and complying to regulatory constraints. However, most federated learning research focuses on constructing a global model for multiple clients, overlooking the practical need for institution-specific models. In this work, we introduce EHRFL, a federated learning framework using EHRs designed to develop a model tailored to a single healthcare institution. Our framework addresses two key challenges: (1) enabling federated learning across institutions with heterogeneous EHR systems using text-based EHR modeling, and (2) reducing the costs associated with federated learning by selecting suitable participating clients using averaged patient embeddings, which enables optimizing the number of participants without compromising model performance for the institution. Our experiment results on multiple open-source EHR datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of EHRFL in addressing the two challenges, establishing it as a practical solution for institution-specific model development in federated learning.
♻ ☆ Calibration Error for Decision Making
Calibration allows predictions to be reliably interpreted as probabilities by decision makers. We propose a decision-theoretic calibration error, the Calibration Decision Loss (CDL), defined as the maximum improvement in decision payoff obtained by calibrating the predictions, where the maximum is over all payoff-bounded decision tasks. Vanishing CDL guarantees the payoff loss from miscalibration vanishes simultaneously for all downstream decision tasks. We show separations between CDL and existing calibration error metrics, including the most well-studied metric Expected Calibration Error (ECE). Our main technical contribution is a new efficient algorithm for online calibration that achieves near-optimal $O(\frac{\log T}{\sqrt{T}})$ expected CDL, bypassing the $\Omega(T^{-0.472})$ lower bound for ECE by Qiao and Valiant (2021).
♻ ☆ Adaptive Step Sizes for Preconditioned Stochastic Gradient Descent
This paper proposes a novel approach to adaptive step sizes in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) by utilizing quantities that we have identified as numerically traceable -- the Lipschitz constant for gradients and a concept of the local variance in search directions. Our findings yield a nearly hyperparameter-free algorithm for stochastic optimization, which has provable convergence properties and exhibits truly problem adaptive behavior on classical image classification tasks. Our framework is set in a general Hilbert space and thus enables the potential inclusion of a preconditioner through the choice of the inner product.
♻ ☆ A geometric view on probabilistically robust learning
Although deep neural networks have achieved super-human performance on many classification tasks, they often exhibit a worrying lack of robustness towards adversarially generated examples. Thus, considerable effort has been invested into reformulating standard Risk Minimization (RM) into an adversarially robust framework. Recently, attention has shifted towards approaches which interpolate between the robustness offered by adversarial training and the higher clean accuracy and faster training times of RM. In this paper, we take a fresh and geometric view on one such method -- Probabilistically Robust Learning (PRL). We propose a mathematical framework for understanding PRL, which allows us to identify geometric pathologies in its original formulation and to introduce a family of probabilistic nonlocal perimeter functionals to rectify them. We prove existence of solutions to the original and modified problems using novel relaxation methods and also study properties, as well as local limits, of the introduced perimeters. We also clarify, through a suitable $\Gamma$-convergence analysis, the way in which the original and modified PRL models interpolate between risk minimization and adversarial training.
♻ ☆ PlaSma: Making Small Language Models Better Procedural Knowledge Models for (Counterfactual) Planning ICLR 2024
Procedural planning, which entails decomposing a high-level goal into a sequence of temporally ordered steps, is an important yet intricate task for machines. It involves integrating common-sense knowledge to reason about complex and often contextualized situations, e.g. ``scheduling a doctor's appointment without a phone''. While current approaches show encouraging results using large language models (LLMs), they are hindered by drawbacks such as costly API calls and reproducibility issues. In this paper, we advocate planning using smaller language models. We present PlaSma, a novel two-pronged approach to endow small language models with procedural knowledge and (constrained) language planning capabilities. More concretely, we develop symbolic procedural knowledge distillation to enhance the commonsense knowledge in small language models and an inference-time algorithm to facilitate more structured and accurate reasoning. In addition, we introduce a new related task, Replanning, that requires a revision of a plan to cope with a constrained situation. In both the planning and replanning settings, we show that orders-of-magnitude smaller models (770M-11B parameters) can compete and often surpass their larger teacher models' capabilities. Finally, we showcase successful application of PlaSma in an embodied environment, VirtualHome.
comment: ICLR 2024 version , 31 pages
♻ ☆ A New Era in Computational Pathology: A Survey on Foundation and Vision-Language Models
Recent advances in deep learning have completely transformed the domain of computational pathology (CPath). More specifically, it has altered the diagnostic workflow of pathologists by integrating foundation models (FMs) and vision-language models (VLMs) in their assessment and decision-making process. The limitations of existing deep learning approaches in CPath can be overcome by FMs through learning a representation space that can be adapted to a wide variety of downstream tasks without explicit supervision. Deploying VLMs allow pathology reports written in natural language be used as rich semantic information sources to improve existing models as well as generate predictions in natural language form. In this survey, a holistic and systematic overview of recent innovations in FMs and VLMs in CPath is presented. Furthermore, the tools, datasets and training schemes for these models are summarized in addition to categorizing them into distinct groups. This extensive survey highlights the current trends in CPath and its possible revolution through the use of FMs and VLMs in the future.
comment: 20 pages, 19 figures and 9 tables
♻ ☆ Operational Wind Speed Forecasts for Chile's Electric Power Sector Using a Hybrid ML Model
As Chile's electric power sector advances toward a future powered by renewable energy, accurate forecasting of renewable generation is essential for managing grid operations. The integration of renewable energy sources is particularly challenging due to the operational difficulties of managing their power generation, which is highly variable compared to fossil fuel sources, delaying the availability of clean energy. To mitigate this, we quantify the impact of increasing intermittent generation from wind and solar on thermal power plants in Chile and introduce a hybrid wind speed forecasting methodology which combines two custom ML models for Chile. The first model is based on TiDE, an MLP-based ML model for short-term forecasts, and the second is based on a graph neural network, GraphCast, for medium-term forecasts up to 10 days. Our hybrid approach outperforms the most accurate operational deterministic systems by 4-21% for short-term forecasts and 5-23% for medium-term forecasts and can directly lower the impact of wind generation on thermal ramping, curtailment, and system-level emissions in Chile.
♻ ☆ A Fisher-Rao gradient flow for entropic mean-field min-max games
Gradient flows play a substantial role in addressing many machine learning problems. We examine the convergence in continuous-time of a \textit{Fisher-Rao} (Mean-Field Birth-Death) gradient flow in the context of solving convex-concave min-max games with entropy regularization. We propose appropriate Lyapunov functions to demonstrate convergence with explicit rates to the unique mixed Nash equilibrium.
comment: 24 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.03033
♻ ☆ NN-Copula-CD: A Copula-Guided Interpretable Neural Network for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
Change detection (CD) in heterogeneous remote sensing images has been widely used for disaster monitoring and land-use management. In the past decade, the heterogeneous CD problem has significantly benefited from the development of deep neural networks (DNNs). However, the purely data-driven DNNs perform like a black box where the lack of interpretability limits the trustworthiness and controllability of DNNs in most practical CD applications. As a powerful knowledge-driven tool, copula theory performs well in modeling relationships among random variables. To enhance the interpretability of existing neural networks for CD, we propose a knowledge-data-driven heterogeneous CD method based on a copula-guided neural network, named NN-Copula-CD. In our NN-Copula-CD, the mathematical characteristics of copula are employed as the loss functions to supervise a neural network to learn the dependence between bi-temporal heterogeneous superpixel pairs, and then the changed regions are identified via binary classification based on the degrees of dependence of all the superpixel pairs in the bi-temporal images. We conduct in-depth experiments on three datasets with heterogeneous images, including optical, synthetic aperture radar, multispectral, and near-infrared images, where both quantitative and visual results demonstrate both the effectiveness and interpretability of our proposed NN-Copula-CD method.
comment: Add new contributors to this version, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
♻ ☆ Hybrid Top-Down Global Causal Discovery with Local Search for Linear and Nonlinear Additive Noise Models
Learning the unique directed acyclic graph corresponding to an unknown causal model is a challenging task. Methods based on functional causal models can identify a unique graph, but either suffer from the curse of dimensionality or impose strong parametric assumptions. To address these challenges, we propose a novel hybrid approach for global causal discovery in observational data that leverages local causal substructures. We first present a topological sorting algorithm that leverages ancestral relationships in linear structural equation models to establish a compact top-down hierarchical ordering, encoding more causal information than linear orderings produced by existing methods. We demonstrate that this approach generalizes to nonlinear settings with arbitrary noise. We then introduce a nonparametric constraint-based algorithm that prunes spurious edges by searching for local conditioning sets, achieving greater accuracy than current methods. We provide theoretical guarantees for correctness and worst-case polynomial time complexities, with empirical validation on synthetic data.
♻ ☆ Neural Graph Generator: Feature-Conditioned Graph Generation using Latent Diffusion Models
Graph generation has emerged as a crucial task in machine learning, with significant challenges in generating graphs that accurately reflect specific properties. Existing methods often fall short in efficiently addressing this need as they struggle with the high-dimensional complexity and varied nature of graph properties. In this paper, we introduce the Neural Graph Generator (NGG), a novel approach which utilizes conditioned latent diffusion models for graph generation. NGG demonstrates a remarkable capacity to model complex graph patterns, offering control over the graph generation process. NGG employs a variational graph autoencoder for graph compression and a diffusion process in the latent vector space, guided by vectors summarizing graph statistics. We demonstrate NGG's versatility across various graph generation tasks, showing its capability to capture desired graph properties and generalize to unseen graphs. We also compare our generator to the graph generation capabilities of different LLMs. This work signifies a shift in graph generation methodologies, offering a more practical and efficient solution for generating diverse graphs with specific characteristics.
♻ ☆ Shapley-PC: Constraint-based Causal Structure Learning with Shapley Values
Causal Structure Learning (CSL), also referred to as causal discovery, amounts to extracting causal relations among variables in data. CSL enables the estimation of causal effects from observational data alone, avoiding the need to perform real life experiments. Constraint-based CSL leverages conditional independence tests to perform causal discovery. We propose Shapley-PC, a novel method to improve constraint-based CSL algorithms by using Shapley values over the possible conditioning sets, to decide which variables are responsible for the observed conditional (in)dependences. We prove soundness, completeness and asymptotic consistency of Shapley-PC and run a simulation study showing that our proposed algorithm is superior to existing versions of PC.
comment: 21 pages (with appendix)
♻ ☆ A Hybrid Transformer and Attention Based Recurrent Neural Network for Robust and Interpretable Sentiment Analysis of Tweets
Sentiment analysis is crucial for understanding public opinion and consumer behavior. Existing models face challenges with linguistic diversity, generalizability, and explainability. We propose TRABSA, a hybrid framework integrating transformer-based architectures, attention mechanisms, and BiLSTM networks to address this. Leveraging RoBERTa-trained on 124M tweets, we bridge gaps in sentiment analysis benchmarks, ensuring state-of-the-art accuracy. Augmenting datasets with tweets from 32 countries and US states, we compare six word-embedding techniques and three lexicon-based labeling techniques, selecting the best for optimal sentiment analysis. TRABSA outperforms traditional ML and deep learning models with 94% accuracy and significant precision, recall, and F1-score gains. Evaluation across diverse datasets demonstrates consistent superiority and generalizability. SHAP and LIME analyses enhance interpretability, improving confidence in predictions. Our study facilitates pandemic resource management, aiding resource planning, policy formation, and vaccination tactics.
♻ ☆ Continual Learning: Forget-free Winning Subnetworks for Video Representations
Inspired by the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH), which highlights the existence of efficient subnetworks within larger, dense networks, a high-performing Winning Subnetwork (WSN) in terms of task performance under appropriate sparsity conditions is considered for various continual learning tasks. It leverages pre-existing weights from dense networks to achieve efficient learning in Task Incremental Learning (TIL) and Task-agnostic Incremental Learning (TaIL) scenarios. In Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning (FSCIL), a variation of WSN referred to as the Soft subnetwork (SoftNet) is designed to prevent overfitting when the data samples are scarce. Furthermore, the sparse reuse of WSN weights is considered for Video Incremental Learning (VIL). The use of Fourier Subneural Operator (FSO) within WSN is considered. It enables compact encoding of videos and identifies reusable subnetworks across varying bandwidths. We have integrated FSO into different architectural frameworks for continual learning, including VIL, TIL, and FSCIL. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate FSO's effectiveness, significantly improving task performance at various convolutional representational levels. Specifically, FSO enhances higher-layer performance in TIL and FSCIL and lower-layer performance in VIL.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.14962, arXiv:2306.11305
♻ ☆ Inverse Problems with Diffusion Models: A MAP Estimation Perspective
Inverse problems have many applications in science and engineering. In Computer vision, several image restoration tasks such as inpainting, deblurring, and super-resolution can be formally modeled as inverse problems. Recently, methods have been developed for solving inverse problems that only leverage a pre-trained unconditional diffusion model and do not require additional task-specific training. In such methods, however, the inherent intractability of determining the conditional score function during the reverse diffusion process poses a real challenge, leaving the methods to settle with an approximation instead, which affects their performance in practice. Here, we propose a MAP estimation framework to model the reverse conditional generation process of a continuous time diffusion model as an optimization process of the underlying MAP objective, whose gradient term is tractable. In theory, the proposed framework can be applied to solve general inverse problems using gradient-based optimization methods. However, given the highly non-convex nature of the loss objective, finding a perfect gradient-based optimization algorithm can be quite challenging, nevertheless, our framework offers several potential research directions. We use our proposed formulation to develop empirically effective algorithms for image restoration. We validate our proposed algorithms with extensive experiments over multiple datasets across several restoration tasks.
♻ ☆ LOLA -- An Open-Source Massively Multilingual Large Language Model
This paper presents LOLA, a massively multilingual large language model trained on more than 160 languages using a sparse Mixture-of-Experts Transformer architecture. Our architectural and implementation choices address the challenge of harnessing linguistic diversity while maintaining efficiency and avoiding the common pitfalls of multilinguality. Our analysis of the evaluation results shows competitive performance in natural language generation and understanding tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate how the learned expert-routing mechanism exploits implicit phylogenetic linguistic patterns to potentially alleviate the curse of multilinguality. We provide an in-depth look at the training process, an analysis of the datasets, and a balanced exploration of the model's strengths and limitations. As an open-source model, LOLA promotes reproducibility and serves as a robust foundation for future research. Our findings enable the development of compute-efficient multilingual models with strong, scalable performance across languages.
♻ ☆ Creative Beam Search: LLM-as-a-Judge For Improving Response Generation
Large language models are revolutionizing several areas, including artificial creativity. However, the process of generation in machines profoundly diverges from that observed in humans. In particular, machine generation is characterized by a lack of intentionality and an underlying creative process. We propose a method called Creative Beam Search that uses Diverse Beam Search and LLM-as-a-Judge to perform response generation and response validation. The results of a qualitative experiment show how our approach can provide better output than standard sampling techniques. We also show that the response validation step is a necessary complement to the response generation step.
comment: Presented as a short paper at the 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC'24)
♻ ☆ Training Foundation Models as Data Compression: On Information, Model Weights and Copyright Law
The training process of foundation models as for other classes of deep learning systems is based on minimizing the reconstruction error over a training set. For this reason, they are susceptible to the memorization and subsequent reproduction of training samples. In this paper, we introduce a training-as-compressing perspective, wherein the model's weights embody a compressed representation of the training data. From a copyright standpoint, this point of view implies that the weights could be considered a reproduction or a derivative work of a potentially protected set of works. We investigate the technical and legal challenges that emerge from this framing of the copyright of outputs generated by foundation models, including their implications for practitioners and researchers. We demonstrate that adopting an information-centric approach to the problem presents a promising pathway for tackling these emerging complex legal issues.
comment: Spotlight presentation at GenLaw'24, see https://www.genlaw.org/2024-icml-papers#training-foundation-models-as-data-compression-on-information-model-weights-and-copyright-law
♻ ☆ A Single-Loop Deep Actor-Critic Algorithm for Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Provable Convergence
Deep Actor-Critic algorithms, which combine Actor-Critic with deep neural network (DNN), have been among the most prevalent reinforcement learning algorithms for decision-making problems in simulated environments. However, the existing deep Actor-Critic algorithms are still not mature to solve realistic problems with non-convex stochastic constraints and high cost to interact with the environment. In this paper, we propose a single-loop deep Actor-Critic (SLDAC) algorithmic framework for general constrained reinforcement learning (CRL) problems. In the actor step, the constrained stochastic successive convex approximation (CSSCA) method is applied to handle the non-convex stochastic objective and constraints. In the critic step, the critic DNNs are only updated once or a few finite times for each iteration, which simplifies the algorithm to a single-loop framework (the existing works require a sufficient number of updates for the critic step to ensure a good enough convergence of the inner loop for each iteration). Moreover, the variance of the policy gradient estimation is reduced by reusing observations from the old policy. The single-loop design and the observation reuse effectively reduce the agent-environment interaction cost and computational complexity. In spite of the biased policy gradient estimation incurred by the single-loop design and observation reuse, we prove that the SLDAC with a feasible initial point can converge to a Karush-Kuhn-Tuker (KKT) point of the original problem almost surely. Simulations show that the SLDAC algorithm can achieve superior performance with much lower interaction cost.
♻ ☆ Language Models and Retrieval Augmented Generation for Automated Structured Data Extraction from Diagnostic Reports
Purpose: To develop and evaluate an automated system for extracting structured clinical information from unstructured radiology and pathology reports using open-weights large language models (LMs) and retrieval augmented generation (RAG), and to assess the effects of model configuration variables on extraction performance. Methods and Materials: The study utilized two datasets: 7,294 radiology reports annotated for Brain Tumor Reporting and Data System (BT-RADS) scores and 2,154 pathology reports annotated for isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation status. An automated pipeline was developed to benchmark the performance of various LMs and RAG configurations. The impact of model size, quantization, prompting strategies, output formatting, and inference parameters was systematically evaluated. Results: The best performing models achieved over 98% accuracy in extracting BT-RADS scores from radiology reports and over 90% for IDH mutation status extraction from pathology reports. The top model being medical fine-tuned llama3. Larger, newer, and domain fine-tuned models consistently outperformed older and smaller models. Model quantization had minimal impact on performance. Few-shot prompting significantly improved accuracy. RAG improved performance for complex pathology reports but not for shorter radiology reports. Conclusions: Open LMs demonstrate significant potential for automated extraction of structured clinical data from unstructured clinical reports with local privacy-preserving application. Careful model selection, prompt engineering, and semi-automated optimization using annotated data are critical for optimal performance. These approaches could be reliable enough for practical use in research workflows, highlighting the potential for human-machine collaboration in healthcare data extraction.
♻ ☆ OneEncoder: A Lightweight Framework for Progressive Alignment of Modalities
Cross-modal alignment Learning integrates information from different modalities like text, image, audio and video to create unified models. This approach develops shared representations and learns correlations between modalities, enabling applications such as visual question answering and audiovisual content analysis. Current techniques rely on large modality-specific encoders, necessitating fine-tuning or training from scratch on vast aligned datasets (e.g., text-image, text-audio, image-audio). This approach has limitations: (i) it is very expensive due to the need for training large encoders on extensive datasets, (ii) acquiring aligned large paired datasets is challenging, and (iii) adding new modalities requires retraining the entire framework to incorporate these modalities. To address these issues, we propose OneEncoder, a lightweight framework that progressively represents and aligns four modalities (image, text, audio, video). Initially, we train a lightweight Universal Projection module (UP) to align image and text modalities. Then, we freeze the pretrained UP and progressively align future modalities to those already aligned. OneEncoder operates efficiently and cost-effectively, even in scenarios where vast aligned datasets are unavailable, due to its lightweight design. Trained on small paired datasets, it shows strong performance in tasks like classification, querying, and visual question answering, surpassing methods that rely on large datasets and specialized encoders.
♻ ☆ RetrievalAttention: Accelerating Long-Context LLM Inference via Vector Retrieval
Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have become increasingly important. However, due to the quadratic time complexity of attention computation, scaling LLMs to longer contexts incurs extremely slow inference latency and high GPU memory consumption for caching key-value (KV) vectors. This paper proposes RetrievalAttention, a training-free approach to both accelerate attention computation and reduce GPU memory consumption. By leveraging the dynamic sparsity of attention mechanism, RetrievalAttention proposes to use approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) indexes for KV vectors in CPU memory and retrieves the most relevant ones with vector search during generation. Unfortunately, we observe that the off-the-shelf ANNS indexes are often ineffective for such retrieval tasks due to the out-of-distribution (OOD) between query vectors and key vectors in attention mechanism. RetrievalAttention addresses the OOD challenge by designing an attention-aware vector search algorithm that can adapt to the distribution of query vectors. Our evaluation shows that RetrievalAttention only needs to access 1--3% of data while maintaining high model accuracy. This leads to significant reduction in the inference cost of long-context LLMs with much lower GPU memory footprint. In particular, RetrievalAttention only needs a single NVIDIA RTX4090 (24GB) for serving 128K tokens in LLMs with 8B parameters, which is capable of generating one token in 0.188 seconds.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ mLoRA: Fine-Tuning LoRA Adapters via Highly-Efficient Pipeline Parallelism in Multiple GPUs
Transformer-based, pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated outstanding performance across diverse domains, particularly in the emerging {\em pretrain-then-finetune} paradigm. Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), a parameter-efficient fine-tuning method, is commonly used to adapt a base LLM to multiple downstream tasks. Further, LLM platforms enable developers to fine-tune multiple models and develop various domain-specific applications simultaneously. However, existing model parallelism schemes suffer from high communication overhead and inefficient GPU utilization when training multiple LoRA tasks across GPUs and machines. In this paper, we present mLoRA, a parallelism-efficient fine-tuning system designed for training multiple LoRA across GPUs and machines. mLoRA introduces a novel LoRA-aware pipeline parallelism scheme that efficiently pipelines independent LoRA adapters and their distinct fine-tuning stages across GPUs and machines, along with a new LoRA-efficient operator to enhance GPU utilization during pipelined LoRA training. Our extensive evaluation shows that mLoRA can significantly reduce average fine-tuning task completion time, e.g., by 30\%, compared to state-of-the-art methods like FSDP. More importantly, mLoRA enables simultaneous fine-tuning of larger models, e.g., two Llama-2-13B models on four NVIDIA RTX A6000 48GB GPUs, which is not feasible for FSDP due to high memory requirements. Hence, mLoRA not only increases fine-tuning efficiency but also makes it more accessible on cost-effective GPUs. mLoRA has been deployed in AntGroup's production environment.
comment: 14 pages, 16 figures
♻ ☆ Zero-Shot Conditioning of Score-Based Diffusion Models by Neuro-Symbolic Constraints
Score-based diffusion models have emerged as effective approaches for both conditional and unconditional generation. Still conditional generation is based on either a specific training of a conditional model or classifier guidance, which requires training a noise-dependent classifier, even when a classifier for uncorrupted data is given. We propose a method that, given a pre-trained unconditional score-based generative model, samples from the conditional distribution under arbitrary logical constraints, without requiring additional training. Differently from other zero-shot techniques, that rather aim at generating valid conditional samples, our method is designed for approximating the true conditional distribution. Firstly, we show how to manipulate the learned score in order to sample from an un-normalized distribution conditional on a user-defined constraint. Then, we define a flexible and numerically stable neuro-symbolic framework for encoding soft logical constraints. Combining these two ingredients we obtain a general, but approximate, conditional sampling algorithm. We further developed effective heuristics aimed at improving the approximation. Finally, we show the effectiveness of our approach in approximating conditional distributions for various types of constraints and data: tabular data, images and time series.
♻ ☆ Data-driven Modeling of Combined Sewer Systems for Urban Sustainability: An Empirical Evaluation
Climate change poses complex challenges, with extreme weather events becoming increasingly frequent and difficult to model. Examples include the dynamics of Combined Sewer Systems (CSS). Overburdened CSS during heavy rainfall will overflow untreated wastewater into surface water bodies. Classical approaches to modeling the impact of extreme rainfall events rely on physical simulations, which are particularly challenging to create for large urban infrastructures. Deep Learning (DL) models offer a cost-effective alternative for modeling the complex dynamics of sewer systems. In this study, we present a comprehensive empirical evaluation of several state-of-the-art DL time series models for predicting sewer system dynamics in a large urban infrastructure, utilizing three years of measurement data. We especially investigate the potential of DL models to maintain predictive precision during network outages by comparing global models, which have access to all variables within the sewer system, and local models, which are limited to data from a restricted set of local sensors. Our findings demonstrate that DL models can accurately predict the dynamics of sewer system load, even under network outage conditions. These results suggest that DL models can effectively aid in balancing the load redistribution in CSS, thereby enhancing the sustainability and resilience of urban infrastructures.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted at 47th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Wuerzburg 2024
♻ ☆ Rényi Divergence Deep Mutual Learning
This paper revisits Deep Mutual Learning (DML), a simple yet effective computing paradigm. We propose using R\'{e}nyi divergence instead of the KL divergence, which is more flexible and tunable, to improve vanilla DML. This modification is able to consistently improve performance over vanilla DML with limited additional complexity. The convergence properties of the proposed paradigm are analyzed theoretically, and Stochastic Gradient Descent with a constant learning rate is shown to converge with $\mathcal{O}(1)$-bias in the worst case scenario for nonconvex optimization tasks. That is, learning will reach nearby local optima but continue searching within a bounded scope, which may help mitigate overfitting. Finally, our extensive empirical results demonstrate the advantage of combining DML and R\'{e}nyi divergence, leading to further improvement in model generalization.
♻ ☆ Interpretable classifiers for tabular data via discretization and feature selection
We introduce a method for computing immediately human interpretable yet accurate classifiers from tabular data. The classifiers obtained are short Boolean formulas, computed via first discretizing the original data and then using feature selection coupled with a very fast algorithm for producing the best possible Boolean classifier for the setting. We demonstrate the approach via 12 experiments, obtaining results with accuracies comparable to ones obtained via random forests, XGBoost, and existing results for the same datasets in the literature. In most cases, the accuracy of our method is in fact similar to that of the reference methods, even though the main objective of our study is the immediate interpretability of our classifiers. We also prove a new result on the probability that the classifier we obtain from real-life data corresponds to the ideally best classifier with respect to the background distribution the data comes from.
comment: Preprint of a paper in DAO-XAI 2024 (Data meets Applied Ontologies in Explainable AI)
♻ ☆ A Robust Autoencoder Ensemble-Based Approach for Anomaly Detection in Text
Anomaly detection (AD) is a fast growing and popular domain among established applications like vision and time series. We observe a rich literature for these applications, but anomaly detection in text is only starting to blossom. Recently, self-supervised methods with self-attention mechanism have been the most popular choice. While recent works have proposed a working ground for building and benchmarking state of the art approaches, we propose two principal contributions in this paper: contextual anomaly contamination and a novel ensemble-based approach. Our method, Textual Anomaly Contamination (TAC), allows to contaminate inlier classes with either independent or contextual anomalies. In the literature, it appears that this distinction is not performed. For finding contextual anomalies, we propose RoSAE, a Robust Subspace Local Recovery Autoencoder Ensemble. All autoencoders of the ensemble present a different latent representation through local manifold learning. Benchmark shows that our approach outperforms recent works on both independent and contextual anomalies, while being more robust. We also provide 8 dataset comparison instead of only relying to Reuters and 20 Newsgroups corpora.
♻ ☆ Reconciling Kaplan and Chinchilla Scaling Laws
Kaplan et al. [2020] (`Kaplan') and Hoffmann et al. [2022] (`Chinchilla') studied the scaling behavior of transformers trained on next-token language prediction. These studies produced different estimates for how the number of parameters ($N$) and training tokens ($D$) should be set to achieve the lowest possible loss for a given compute budget ($C$). Kaplan: $N_\text{optimal} \propto C^{0.73}$, Chinchilla: $N_\text{optimal} \propto C^{0.50}$. This paper finds that much of this discrepancy can be attributed to Kaplan counting non-embedding rather than total parameters, combined with their analysis being performed at small scale. Simulating the Chinchilla study under these conditions produces biased scaling coefficients close to Kaplan's. Hence, this paper reaffirms Chinchilla's scaling coefficients, by explaining the primary cause of Kaplan's original overestimation. As a second contribution, the paper explains differences in the reported relationships between loss and compute. These findings lead us to recommend that future scaling studies use total parameters and compute.
♻ ☆ Explore-Go: Leveraging Exploration for Generalisation in Deep Reinforcement Learning
One of the remaining challenges in reinforcement learning is to develop agents that can generalise to novel scenarios they might encounter once deployed. This challenge is often framed in a multi-task setting where agents train on a fixed set of tasks and have to generalise to new tasks. Recent work has shown that in this setting increased exploration during training can be leveraged to increase the generalisation performance of the agent. This makes sense when the states encountered during testing can actually be explored during training. In this paper, we provide intuition why exploration can also benefit generalisation to states that cannot be explicitly encountered during training. Additionally, we propose a novel method Explore-Go that exploits this intuition by increasing the number of states on which the agent trains. Explore-Go effectively increases the starting state distribution of the agent and as a result can be used in conjunction with most existing on-policy or off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms. We show empirically that our method can increase generalisation performance in an illustrative environment and on the Procgen benchmark.
♻ ☆ Retrofitting Temporal Graph Neural Networks with Transformer
Temporal graph neural networks (TGNNs) outperform regular GNNs by incorporating time information into graph-based operations. However, TGNNs adopt specialized models (e.g., TGN, TGAT, and APAN ) and require tailored training frameworks (e.g., TGL and ETC). In this paper, we propose TF-TGN, which uses Transformer decoder as the backbone model for TGNN to enjoy Transformer's codebase for efficient training. In particular, Transformer achieves tremendous success for language modeling, and thus the community developed high-performance kernels (e.g., flash-attention and memory-efficient attention) and efficient distributed training schemes (e.g., PyTorch FSDP, DeepSpeed, and Megatron-LM). We observe that TGNN resembles language modeling, i.e., the message aggregation operation between chronologically occurring nodes and their temporal neighbors in TGNNs can be structured as sequence modeling. Beside this similarity, we also incorporate a series of algorithm designs including suffix infilling, temporal graph attention with self-loop, and causal masking self-attention to make TF-TGN work. During training, existing systems are slow in transforming the graph topology and conducting graph sampling. As such, we propose methods to parallelize the CSR format conversion and graph sampling. We also adapt Transformer codebase to train TF-TGN efficiently with multiple GPUs. We experiment with 9 graphs and compare with 2 state-of-the-art TGNN training frameworks. The results show that TF-TGN can accelerate training by over 2.20 while providing comparable or even superior accuracy to existing SOTA TGNNs. TF-TGN is available at https://github.com/qianghuangwhu/TF-TGN.
comment: conference Under review
♻ ☆ On the Statistical Complexity of Estimation and Testing under Privacy Constraints
The challenge of producing accurate statistics while respecting the privacy of the individuals in a sample is an important area of research. We study minimax lower bounds for classes of differentially private estimators. In particular, we show how to characterize the power of a statistical test under differential privacy in a plug-and-play fashion by solving an appropriate transport problem. With specific coupling constructions, this observation allows us to derive Le Cam-type and Fano-type inequalities not only for regular definitions of differential privacy but also for those based on Renyi divergence. We then proceed to illustrate our results on three simple, fully worked out examples. In particular, we show that the problem class has a huge importance on the provable degradation of utility due to privacy. In certain scenarios, we show that maintaining privacy results in a noticeable reduction in performance only when the level of privacy protection is very high. Conversely, for other problems, even a modest level of privacy protection can lead to a significant decrease in performance. Finally, we demonstrate that the DP-SGLD algorithm, a private convex solver, can be employed for maximum likelihood estimation with a high degree of confidence, as it provides near-optimal results with respect to both the size of the sample and the level of privacy protection. This algorithm is applicable to a broad range of parametric estimation procedures, including exponential families.
♻ ☆ Specify What? Enhancing Neural Specification Synthesis by Symbolic Methods
We investigate how combinations of Large Language Models (LLMs) and symbolic analyses can be used to synthesise specifications of C programs. The LLM prompts are augmented with outputs from two formal methods tools in the Frama-C ecosystem, Pathcrawler and EVA, to produce C program annotations in the specification language ACSL. We demonstrate how the addition of symbolic analysis to the workflow impacts the quality of annotations: information about input/output examples from Pathcrawler produce more context-aware annotations, while the inclusion of EVA reports yields annotations more attuned to runtime errors. In addition, we show that the method infers rather the programs intent than its behaviour, by generating specifications for buggy programs and observing robustness of the result against bugs.
♻ ☆ Deep Neural Network Benchmarks for Selective Classification
With the increasing deployment of machine learning models in many socially sensitive tasks, there is a growing demand for reliable and trustworthy predictions. One way to accomplish these requirements is to allow a model to abstain from making a prediction when there is a high risk of making an error. This requires adding a selection mechanism to the model, which selects those examples for which the model will provide a prediction. The selective classification framework aims to design a mechanism that balances the fraction of rejected predictions (i.e., the proportion of examples for which the model does not make a prediction) versus the improvement in predictive performance on the selected predictions. Multiple selective classification frameworks exist, most of which rely on deep neural network architectures. However, the empirical evaluation of the existing approaches is still limited to partial comparisons among methods and settings, providing practitioners with little insight into their relative merits. We fill this gap by benchmarking 18 baselines on a diverse set of 44 datasets that includes both image and tabular data. Moreover, there is a mix of binary and multiclass tasks. We evaluate these approaches using several criteria, including selective error rate, empirical coverage, distribution of rejected instance's classes, and performance on out-of-distribution instances. The results indicate that there is not a single clear winner among the surveyed baselines, and the best method depends on the users' objectives.
comment: Published in The Journal of Data centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR), Vol 1, (17):1-58 (2024)
♻ ☆ Improving Conditional Level Generation using Automated Validation in Match-3 Games
Generative models for level generation have shown great potential in game production. However, they often provide limited control over the generation, and the validity of the generated levels is unreliable. Despite this fact, only a few approaches that learn from existing data provide the users with ways of controlling the generation, simultaneously addressing the generation of unsolvable levels. %One of the main challenges it faces is that levels generated through automation may not be solvable thus requiring validation. are not always engaging, challenging, or even solvable. This paper proposes Avalon, a novel method to improve models that learn from existing level designs using difficulty statistics extracted from gameplay. In particular, we use a conditional variational autoencoder to generate layouts for match-3 levels, conditioning the model on pre-collected statistics such as game mechanics like difficulty and relevant visual features like size and symmetry. Our method is general enough that multiple approaches could potentially be used to generate these statistics. We quantitatively evaluate our approach by comparing it to an ablated model without difficulty conditioning. Additionally, we analyze both quantitatively and qualitatively whether the style of the dataset is preserved in the generated levels. Our approach generates more valid levels than the same method without difficulty conditioning.
comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ Leveraging Large Language Models for Solving Rare MIP Challenges
Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) has been extensively applied in areas requiring mathematical solvers to address complex instances within tight time constraints. However, as the problem scale increases, the complexity of model formulation and finding feasible solutions escalates significantly. In contrast, the model-building cost for end-to-end models, such as large language models (LLMs), remains largely unaffected by problem scale due to their pattern recognition capabilities. While LLMs, like GPT-4, without fine-tuning, can handle some traditional medium-scale MIP problems, they struggle with uncommon or highly specialized MIP scenarios. Fine-tuning LLMs can yield some feasible solutions for medium-scale MIP instances, but these models typically fail to explore diverse solutions when constrained by a low and constant temperature, limiting their performance. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a recursively dynamic temperature method integrated with a chain-of-thought approach. Our findings show that starting with a high temperature and gradually lowering it leads to better feasible solutions compared to other dynamic temperature strategies. Additionally, by comparing results generated by the LLM with those from Gurobi, we demonstrate that the LLM can produce solutions that complement traditional solvers by accelerating the pruning process and improving overall efficiency.
♻ ☆ Active learning for energy-based antibody optimization and enhanced screening
Accurate prediction and optimization of protein-protein binding affinity is crucial for therapeutic antibody development. Although machine learning-based prediction methods $\Delta\Delta G$ are suitable for large-scale mutant screening, they struggle to predict the effects of multiple mutations for targets without existing binders. Energy function-based methods, though more accurate, are time consuming and not ideal for large-scale screening. To address this, we propose an active learning workflow that efficiently trains a deep learning model to learn energy functions for specific targets, combining the advantages of both approaches. Our method integrates the RDE-Network deep learning model with Rosetta's energy function-based Flex ddG to efficiently explore mutants. In a case study targeting HER2-binding Trastuzumab mutants, our approach significantly improved the screening performance over random selection and demonstrated the ability to identify mutants with better binding properties without experimental $\Delta\Delta G$ data. This workflow advances computational antibody design by combining machine learning, physics-based computations, and active learning to achieve more efficient antibody development.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ Exploring Fine-tuned Generative Models for Keyphrase Selection: A Case Study for Russian
Keyphrase selection plays a pivotal role within the domain of scholarly texts, facilitating efficient information retrieval, summarization, and indexing. In this work, we explored how to apply fine-tuned generative transformer-based models to the specific task of keyphrase selection within Russian scientific texts. We experimented with four distinct generative models, such as ruT5, ruGPT, mT5, and mBART, and evaluated their performance in both in-domain and cross-domain settings. The experiments were conducted on the texts of Russian scientific abstracts from four domains: mathematics & computer science, history, medicine, and linguistics. The use of generative models, namely mBART, led to gains in in-domain performance (up to 4.9% in BERTScore, 9.0% in ROUGE-1, and 12.2% in F1-score) over three keyphrase extraction baselines for the Russian language. Although the results for cross-domain usage were significantly lower, they still demonstrated the capability to surpass baseline performances in several cases, underscoring the promising potential for further exploration and refinement in this research field.
comment: DAMDID-2024
♻ ☆ Probability Passing for Graph Neural Networks: Graph Structure and Representations Joint Learning
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved notable success in the analysis of non-Euclidean data across a wide range of domains. However, their applicability is constrained by the dependence on the observed graph structure. To solve this problem, Latent Graph Inference (LGI) is proposed to infer a task-specific latent structure by computing similarity or edge probability of node features and then apply a GNN to produce predictions. Even so, existing approaches neglect the noise from node features, which affects generated graph structure and performance. In this work, we introduce a novel method called Probability Passing to refine the generated graph structure by aggregating edge probabilities of neighboring nodes based on observed graph. Furthermore, we continue to utilize the LGI framework, inputting the refined graph structure and node features into GNNs to obtain predictions. We name the proposed scheme as Probability Passing-based Graph Neural Network (PPGNN). Moreover, the anchor-based technique is employed to reduce complexity and improve efficiency. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
♻ ☆ Mask-Encoded Sparsification: Mitigating Biased Gradients in Communication-Efficient Split Learning
This paper introduces a novel framework designed to achieve a high compression ratio in Split Learning (SL) scenarios where resource-constrained devices are involved in large-scale model training. Our investigations demonstrate that compressing feature maps within SL leads to biased gradients that can negatively impact the convergence rates and diminish the generalization capabilities of the resulting models. Our theoretical analysis provides insights into how compression errors critically hinder SL performance, which previous methodologies underestimate. To address these challenges, we employ a narrow bit-width encoded mask to compensate for the sparsification error without increasing the order of time complexity. Supported by rigorous theoretical analysis, our framework significantly reduces compression errors and accelerates the convergence. Extensive experiments also verify that our method outperforms existing solutions regarding training efficiency and communication complexity.
♻ ☆ Memory Gym: Towards Endless Tasks to Benchmark Memory Capabilities of Agents
Memory Gym presents a suite of 2D partially observable environments, namely Mortar Mayhem, Mystery Path, and Searing Spotlights, designed to benchmark memory capabilities in decision-making agents. These environments, originally with finite tasks, are expanded into innovative, endless formats, mirroring the escalating challenges of cumulative memory games such as ``I packed my bag''. This progression in task design shifts the focus from merely assessing sample efficiency to also probing the levels of memory effectiveness in dynamic, prolonged scenarios. To address the gap in available memory-based Deep Reinforcement Learning baselines, we introduce an implementation that integrates Transformer-XL (TrXL) with Proximal Policy Optimization. This approach utilizes TrXL as a form of episodic memory, employing a sliding window technique. Our comparative study between the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and TrXL reveals varied performances across different settings. TrXL, on the finite environments, demonstrates superior sample efficiency in Mystery Path and outperforms in Mortar Mayhem. However, GRU is more efficient on Searing Spotlights. Most notably, in all endless tasks, GRU makes a remarkable resurgence, consistently outperforming TrXL by significant margins. Website and Source Code: https://github.com/MarcoMeter/endless-memory-gym/
comment: 40 pages, 12 figures, 7 tables, under review
♻ ☆ Tracking-Assisted Object Detection with Event Cameras
Event-based object detection has recently garnered attention in the computer vision community due to the exceptional properties of event cameras, such as high dynamic range and no motion blur. However, feature asynchronism and sparsity cause invisible objects due to no relative motion to the camera, posing a significant challenge in the task. Prior works have studied various implicit-learned memories to retain as many temporal cues as possible. However, implicit memories still struggle to preserve long-term features effectively. In this paper, we consider those invisible objects as pseudo-occluded objects and aim to detect them by tracking through occlusions. Firstly, we introduce the visibility attribute of objects and contribute an auto-labeling algorithm to not only clean the existing event camera dataset but also append additional visibility labels to it. Secondly, we exploit tracking strategies for pseudo-occluded objects to maintain their permanence and retain their bounding boxes, even when features have not been available for a very long time. These strategies can be treated as an explicit-learned memory guided by the tracking objective to record the displacements of objects across frames. Lastly, we propose a spatio-temporal feature aggregation module to enrich the latent features and a consistency loss to increase the robustness of the overall pipeline. We conduct comprehensive experiments to verify our method's effectiveness where still objects are retained, but real occluded objects are discarded. The results demonstrate that (1) the additional visibility labels can assist in supervised training, and (2) our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches with a significant improvement of 7.9% absolute mAP.
♻ ☆ Model-agnostic clean-label backdoor mitigation in cybersecurity environments
The training phase of machine learning models is a delicate step, especially in cybersecurity contexts. Recent research has surfaced a series of insidious training-time attacks that inject backdoors in models designed for security classification tasks without altering the training labels. With this work, we propose new techniques that leverage insights in cybersecurity threat models to effectively mitigate these clean-label poisoning attacks, while preserving the model utility. By performing density-based clustering on a carefully chosen feature subspace, and progressively isolating the suspicious clusters through a novel iterative scoring procedure, our defensive mechanism can mitigate the attacks without requiring many of the common assumptions in the existing backdoor defense literature. To show the generality of our proposed mitigation, we evaluate it on two clean-label model-agnostic attacks on two different classic cybersecurity data modalities: network flows classification and malware classification, using gradient boosting and neural network models.
comment: 14 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ On the Statistical Complexity of Sample Amplification
The ``sample amplification'' problem formalizes the following question: Given $n$ i.i.d. samples drawn from an unknown distribution $P$, when is it possible to produce a larger set of $n+m$ samples which cannot be distinguished from $n+m$ i.i.d. samples drawn from $P$? In this work, we provide a firm statistical foundation for this problem by deriving generally applicable amplification procedures, lower bound techniques and connections to existing statistical notions. Our techniques apply to a large class of distributions including the exponential family, and establish a rigorous connection between sample amplification and distribution learning.
comment: To appear in the Annals of Statistics
♻ ☆ FedVeca: Federated Vectorized Averaging on Non-IID Data with Adaptive Bi-directional Global Objective
Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning framework to alleviate the data silos, where decentralized clients collaboratively learn a global model without sharing their private data. However, the clients' Non-Independent and Identically Distributed (Non-IID) data negatively affect the trained model, and clients with different numbers of local updates may cause significant gaps to the local gradients in each communication round. In this paper, we propose a Federated Vectorized Averaging (FedVeca) method to address the above problem on Non-IID data. Specifically, we set a novel objective for the global model which is related to the local gradients. The local gradient is defined as a bi-directional vector with step size and direction, where the step size is the number of local updates and the direction is divided into positive and negative according to our definition. In FedVeca, the direction is influenced by the step size, thus we average the bi-directional vectors to reduce the effect of different step sizes. Then, we theoretically analyze the relationship between the step sizes and the global objective, and obtain upper bounds on the step sizes per communication round. Based on the upper bounds, we design an algorithm for the server and the client to adaptively adjusts the step sizes that make the objective close to the optimum. Finally, we conduct experiments on different datasets, models and scenarios by building a prototype system, and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the FedVeca method.
♻ ☆ Mobility-GCN: a human mobility-based graph convolutional network for tracking and analyzing the spatial dynamics of the synthetic opioid crisis in the USA, 2013-2020
Synthetic opioids are the most common drugs involved in drug-involved overdose mortalities in the U.S. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that in 2018, about 70% of all drug overdose deaths involved opioids and 67% of all opioid-involved deaths were accounted for by synthetic opioids. In this study, we investigated the spread of synthetic opioids between 2013 and 2020 in the U.S. We analyzed the relationship between the spatiotemporal pattern of synthetic opioid-involved deaths and another key opioid, heroin, and compared patterns of deaths involving these two types of drugs during this period. Spatial connections and human mobility between counties were incorporated into a graph convolutional neural network model to represent and analyze the spread of synthetic opioid-involved deaths in the context of previous heroin-involved death patterns.
♻ ☆ On Fairness of Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Models
Low-rank adaptation of large models, particularly LoRA, has gained traction due to its computational efficiency. This efficiency, contrasted with the prohibitive costs of full-model fine-tuning, means that practitioners often turn to LoRA and sometimes without a complete understanding of its ramifications. In this study, we focus on fairness and ask whether LoRA has an unexamined impact on utility, calibration, and resistance to membership inference across different subgroups (e.g., genders, races, religions) compared to a full-model fine-tuning baseline. We present extensive experiments across vision and language domains and across classification and generation tasks using ViT-Base, Swin-v2-Large, Llama-2 7B, and Mistral 7B. Intriguingly, experiments suggest that while one can isolate cases where LoRA exacerbates model bias across subgroups, the pattern is inconsistent -- in many cases, LoRA has equivalent or even improved fairness compared to the base model or its full fine-tuning baseline. We also examine the complications of evaluating fine-tuning fairness relating to task design and model token bias, calling for more careful fairness evaluations in future work.
comment: COLM 2024 camera ready
♻ ☆ Residual Back Projection With Untrained Neural Networks
Background and Objective: The success of neural networks in a number of image processing tasks has motivated their application in image reconstruction problems in computed tomography (CT). While progress has been made in this area, the lack of stability and theoretical guarantees for accuracy, together with the scarcity of high-quality training data for specific imaging domains pose challenges for many CT applications. In this paper, we present a framework for iterative reconstruction (IR) in CT that leverages the hierarchical structure of neural networks, without the need for training. Our framework incorporates this structural information as a deep image prior (DIP), and uses a novel residual back projection (RBP) connection that forms the basis for our iterations. Methods: We propose using an untrained U-net in conjunction with a novel residual back projection to minimize an objective function and achieve high-accuracy reconstruction. In each iteration, the weights of the untrained U-net are optimized, and the output of the U-net in the current iteration is used to update the input of the U-net in the next iteration through the aforementioned RBP connection. Results: Experimental results demonstrate that the RBP-DIP framework offers improvements over other state-of-the-art conventional IR methods, as well as pre-trained and untrained models with similar network structures under multiple conditions. These improvements are particularly significant in the few-view, limited-angle, and low-dose imaging configurations. Conclusions: Applying to both parallel and fan beam X-ray imaging, our framework shows significant improvement under multiple conditions. Furthermore, the proposed framework requires no training data and can be adjusted on-demand to adapt to different conditions (e.g. noise level, geometry, and imaged object).
♻ ☆ Enhancing Changepoint Detection: Penalty Learning through Deep Learning Techniques
Changepoint detection, a technique for identifying significant shifts within data sequences, is crucial in various fields such as finance, genomics, medicine, etc. Dynamic programming changepoint detection algorithms are employed to identify the locations of changepoints within a sequence, which rely on a penalty parameter to regulate the number of changepoints. To estimate this penalty parameter, previous work uses simple models such as linear or tree-based models. This study introduces a novel deep learning method for predicting penalty parameters, leading to demonstrably improved changepoint detection accuracy on large benchmark supervised labeled datasets compared to previous methods.
comment: 17 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ A Systematic Review of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: Domains, Methods, and Trends
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is a fine-grained type of sentiment analysis that identifies aspects and their associated opinions from a given text. With the surge of digital opinionated text data, ABSA gained increasing popularity for its ability to mine more detailed and targeted insights. Many review papers on ABSA subtasks and solution methodologies exist, however, few focus on trends over time or systemic issues relating to research application domains, datasets, and solution approaches. To fill the gap, this paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) of ABSA studies with a focus on trends and high-level relationships among these fundamental components. This review is one of the largest SLRs on ABSA. To our knowledge, it is also the first to systematically examine the interrelations among ABSA research and data distribution across domains, as well as trends in solution paradigms and approaches. Our sample includes 727 primary studies screened from 8550 search results without time constraints via an innovative automatic filtering process. Our quantitative analysis not only identifies trends in nearly two decades of ABSA research development but also unveils a systemic lack of dataset and domain diversity as well as domain mismatch that may hinder the development of future ABSA research. We discuss these findings and their implications and propose suggestions for future research.
Graphics 5
☆ GaussianHeads: End-to-End Learning of Drivable Gaussian Head Avatars from Coarse-to-fine Representations SIGGRAPH
Real-time rendering of human head avatars is a cornerstone of many computer graphics applications, such as augmented reality, video games, and films, to name a few. Recent approaches address this challenge with computationally efficient geometry primitives in a carefully calibrated multi-view setup. Albeit producing photorealistic head renderings, it often fails to represent complex motion changes such as the mouth interior and strongly varying head poses. We propose a new method to generate highly dynamic and deformable human head avatars from multi-view imagery in real-time. At the core of our method is a hierarchical representation of head models that allows to capture the complex dynamics of facial expressions and head movements. First, with rich facial features extracted from raw input frames, we learn to deform the coarse facial geometry of the template mesh. We then initialize 3D Gaussians on the deformed surface and refine their positions in a fine step. We train this coarse-to-fine facial avatar model along with the head pose as a learnable parameter in an end-to-end framework. This enables not only controllable facial animation via video inputs, but also high-fidelity novel view synthesis of challenging facial expressions, such as tongue deformations and fine-grained teeth structure under large motion changes. Moreover, it encourages the learned head avatar to generalize towards new facial expressions and head poses at inference time. We demonstrate the performance of our method with comparisons against the related methods on different datasets, spanning challenging facial expression sequences across multiple identities. We also show the potential application of our approach by demonstrating a cross-identity facial performance transfer application.
comment: ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024); Project page: https://vcai.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/GaussianHeads/
♻ ☆ Visualizing Temporal Topic Embeddings with a Compass
Dynamic topic modeling is useful at discovering the development and change in latent topics over time. However, present methodology relies on algorithms that separate document and word representations. This prevents the creation of a meaningful embedding space where changes in word usage and documents can be directly analyzed in a temporal context. This paper proposes an expansion of the compass-aligned temporal Word2Vec methodology into dynamic topic modeling. Such a method allows for the direct comparison of word and document embeddings across time in dynamic topics. This enables the creation of visualizations that incorporate temporal word embeddings within the context of documents into topic visualizations. In experiments against the current state-of-the-art, our proposed method demonstrates overall competitive performance in topic relevancy and diversity across temporal datasets of varying size. Simultaneously, it provides insightful visualizations focused on temporal word embeddings while maintaining the insights provided by global topic evolution, advancing our understanding of how topics evolve over time.
comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, conference paper
♻ ☆ LetsGo: Large-Scale Garage Modeling and Rendering via LiDAR-Assisted Gaussian Primitives
Large garages are ubiquitous yet intricate scenes that present unique challenges due to their monotonous colors, repetitive patterns, reflective surfaces, and transparent vehicle glass. Conventional Structure from Motion (SfM) methods for camera pose estimation and 3D reconstruction often fail in these environments due to poor correspondence construction. To address these challenges, we introduce LetsGo, a LiDAR-assisted Gaussian splatting framework for large-scale garage modeling and rendering. We develop a handheld scanner, Polar, equipped with IMU, LiDAR, and a fisheye camera, to facilitate accurate data acquisition. Using this Polar device, we present the GarageWorld dataset, consisting of eight expansive garage scenes with diverse geometric structures, which will be made publicly available for further research. Our approach demonstrates that LiDAR point clouds collected by the Polar device significantly enhance a suite of 3D Gaussian splatting algorithms for garage scene modeling and rendering. We introduce a novel depth regularizer that effectively eliminates floating artifacts in rendered images. Additionally, we propose a multi-resolution 3D Gaussian representation designed for Level-of-Detail (LOD) rendering. This includes adapted scaling factors for individual levels and a random-resolution-level training scheme to optimize the Gaussians across different resolutions. This representation enables efficient rendering of large-scale garage scenes on lightweight devices via a web-based renderer. Experimental results on our GarageWorld dataset, as well as on ScanNet++ and KITTI-360, demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of rendering quality and resource efficiency.
comment: Project Page: https://zhaofuq.github.io/LetsGo/
♻ ☆ Differential Walk on Spheres
We introduce a Monte Carlo method for computing derivatives of the solution to a partial differential equation (PDE) with respect to problem parameters (such as domain geometry or boundary conditions). Derivatives can be evaluated at arbitrary points, without performing a global solve or constructing a volumetric grid or mesh. The method is hence well suited to inverse problems with complex geometry, such as PDE-constrained shape optimization. Like other walk on spheres (WoS) algorithms, our method is trivial to parallelize, and is agnostic to boundary representation (meshes, splines, implicit surfaces, etc.), supporting large topological changes. We focus in particular on screened Poisson equations, which model diverse problems from scientific and geometric computing. As in differentiable rendering, we jointly estimate derivatives with respect to all parameters -- hence, cost does not grow significantly with parameter count. In practice, even noisy derivative estimates exhibit fast, stable convergence for stochastic gradient-based optimization, as we show through examples from thermal design, shape from diffusion, and computer graphics.
comment: 18 pages, includes demo video of results. Project page https://imaging.cs.cmu.edu/differential_walk_on_spheres
♻ ☆ 3D Reconstruction with Fast Dipole Sums
We introduce a method for high-quality 3D reconstruction from multi-view images. Our method uses a new point-based representation, the regularized dipole sum, which generalizes the winding number to allow for interpolation of per-point attributes in point clouds with noisy or outlier points. Using regularized dipole sums, we represent implicit geometry and radiance fields as per-point attributes of a dense point cloud, which we initialize from structure from motion. We additionally derive Barnes-Hut fast summation schemes for accelerated forward and adjoint dipole sum queries. These queries facilitate the use of ray tracing to efficiently and differentiably render images with our point-based representations, and thus update their point attributes to optimize scene geometry and appearance. We evaluate our method in inverse rendering applications against state-of-the-art alternatives, based on ray tracing of neural representations or rasterization of Gaussian point-based representations. Our method significantly improves 3D reconstruction quality and robustness at equal runtimes, while also supporting more general rendering methods such as shadow rays for direct illumination.
comment: project page: https://imaging.cs.cmu.edu/fast_dipole_sums
Robotics 79
☆ UniLCD: Unified Local-Cloud Decision-Making via Reinforcement Learning ECCV 24
Embodied vision-based real-world systems, such as mobile robots, require a careful balance between energy consumption, compute latency, and safety constraints to optimize operation across dynamic tasks and contexts. As local computation tends to be restricted, offloading the computation, ie, to a remote server, can save local resources while providing access to high-quality predictions from powerful and large models. However, the resulting communication and latency overhead has led to limited usability of cloud models in dynamic, safety-critical, real-time settings. To effectively address this trade-off, we introduce UniLCD, a novel hybrid inference framework for enabling flexible local-cloud collaboration. By efficiently optimizing a flexible routing module via reinforcement learning and a suitable multi-task objective, UniLCD is specifically designed to support the multiple constraints of safety-critical end-to-end mobile systems. We validate the proposed approach using a challenging, crowded navigation task requiring frequent and timely switching between local and cloud operations. UniLCD demonstrates improved overall performance and efficiency, by over 35% compared to state-of-the-art baselines based on various split computing and early exit strategies.
comment: ECCV 24
☆ Distributed Perception Aware Safe Leader Follower System via Control Barrier Methods
This paper addresses a distributed leader-follower formation control problem for a group of agents, each using a body-fixed camera with a limited field of view (FOV) for state estimation. The main challenge arises from the need to coordinate the agents' movements with their cameras' FOV to maintain visibility of the leader for accurate and reliable state estimation. To address this challenge, we propose a novel perception-aware distributed leader-follower safe control scheme that incorporates FOV limits as state constraints. A Control Barrier Function (CBF) based quadratic program is employed to ensure the forward invariance of a safety set defined by these constraints. Furthermore, new neural network based and double bounding boxes based estimators, combined with temporal filters, are developed to estimate system states directly from real-time image data, providing consistent performance across various environments. Comparison results in the Gazebo simulator demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed framework in two distinct environments.
comment: 8 pages, 10 figures
☆ PC-SRIF: Preconditioned Cholesky-based Square Root Information Filter for Vision-aided Inertial Navigation
In this paper, we introduce a novel estimator for vision-aided inertial navigation systems (VINS), the Preconditioned Cholesky-based Square Root Information Filter (PC-SRIF). When solving linear systems, employing Cholesky decomposition offers superior efficiency but can compromise numerical stability. Due to this, existing VINS utilizing (Square Root) Information Filters often opt for QR decomposition on platforms where single precision is preferred, avoiding the numerical challenges associated with Cholesky decomposition. While these issues are often attributed to the ill-conditioned information matrix in VINS, our analysis reveals that this is not an inherent property of VINS but rather a consequence of specific parameterizations. We identify several factors that contribute to an ill-conditioned information matrix and propose a preconditioning technique to mitigate these conditioning issues. Building on this analysis, we present PC-SRIF, which exhibits remarkable stability in performing Cholesky decomposition in single precision when solving linear systems in VINS. Consequently, PC-SRIF achieves superior theoretical efficiency compared to alternative estimators. To validate the efficiency advantages and numerical stability of PC-SRIF based VINS, we have conducted well controlled experiments, which provide empirical evidence in support of our theoretical findings. Remarkably, in our VINS implementation, PC-SRIF's runtime is 41% faster than QR-based SRIF.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Autonomous Navigation in Ice-Covered Waters with Learned Predictions on Ship-Ice Interactions
Autonomous navigation in ice-covered waters poses significant challenges due to the frequent lack of viable collision-free trajectories. When complete obstacle avoidance is infeasible, it becomes imperative for the navigation strategy to minimize collisions. Additionally, the dynamic nature of ice, which moves in response to ship maneuvers, complicates the path planning process. To address these challenges, we propose a novel deep learning model to estimate the coarse dynamics of ice movements triggered by ship actions through occupancy estimation. To ensure real-time applicability, we propose a novel approach that caches intermediate prediction results and seamlessly integrates the predictive model into a graph search planner. We evaluate the proposed planner both in simulation and in a physical testbed against existing approaches and show that our planner significantly reduces collisions with ice when compared to the state-of-the-art. Codes and demos of this work are available at https://github.com/IvanIZ/predictive-asv-planner.
☆ DroneDiffusion: Robust Quadrotor Dynamics Learning with Diffusion Models
An inherent fragility of quadrotor systems stems from model inaccuracies and external disturbances. These factors hinder performance and compromise the stability of the system, making precise control challenging. Existing model-based approaches either make deterministic assumptions, utilize Gaussian-based representations of uncertainty, or rely on nominal models, all of which often fall short in capturing the complex, multimodal nature of real-world dynamics. This work introduces DroneDiffusion, a novel framework that leverages conditional diffusion models to learn quadrotor dynamics, formulated as a sequence generation task. DroneDiffusion achieves superior generalization to unseen, complex scenarios by capturing the temporal nature of uncertainties and mitigating error propagation. We integrate the learned dynamics with an adaptive controller for trajectory tracking with stability guarantees. Extensive experiments in both simulation and real-world flights demonstrate the robustness of the framework across a range of scenarios, including unfamiliar flight paths and varying payloads, velocities, and wind disturbances.
☆ P-RAG: Progressive Retrieval Augmented Generation For Planning on Embodied Everyday Task
Embodied Everyday Task is a popular task in the embodied AI community, requiring agents to make a sequence of actions based on natural language instructions and visual observations. Traditional learning-based approaches face two challenges. Firstly, natural language instructions often lack explicit task planning. Secondly, extensive training is required to equip models with knowledge of the task environment. Previous works based on Large Language Model (LLM) either suffer from poor performance due to the lack of task-specific knowledge or rely on ground truth as few-shot samples. To address the above limitations, we propose a novel approach called Progressive Retrieval Augmented Generation (P-RAG), which not only effectively leverages the powerful language processing capabilities of LLMs but also progressively accumulates task-specific knowledge without ground-truth. Compared to the conventional RAG methods, which retrieve relevant information from the database in a one-shot manner to assist generation, P-RAG introduces an iterative approach to progressively update the database. In each iteration, P-RAG retrieves the latest database and obtains historical information from the previous interaction as experiential references for the current interaction. Moreover, we also introduce a more granular retrieval scheme that not only retrieves similar tasks but also incorporates retrieval of similar situations to provide more valuable reference experiences. Extensive experiments reveal that P-RAG achieves competitive results without utilizing ground truth and can even further improve performance through self-iterations.
☆ Leveraging Symmetry to Accelerate Learning of Trajectory Tracking Controllers for Free-Flying Robotic Systems
Tracking controllers enable robotic systems to accurately follow planned reference trajectories. In particular, reinforcement learning (RL) has shown promise in the synthesis of controllers for systems with complex dynamics and modest online compute budgets. However, the poor sample efficiency of RL and the challenges of reward design make training slow and sometimes unstable, especially for high-dimensional systems. In this work, we leverage the inherent Lie group symmetries of robotic systems with a floating base to mitigate these challenges when learning tracking controllers. We model a general tracking problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) that captures the evolution of both the physical and reference states. Next, we prove that symmetry in the underlying dynamics and running costs leads to an MDP homomorphism, a mapping that allows a policy trained on a lower-dimensional "quotient" MDP to be lifted to an optimal tracking controller for the original system. We compare this symmetry-informed approach to an unstructured baseline, using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to learn tracking controllers for three systems: the Particle (a forced point mass), the Astrobee (a fullyactuated space robot), and the Quadrotor (an underactuated system). Results show that a symmetry-aware approach both accelerates training and reduces tracking error after the same number of training steps.
comment: The first three authors contributed equally to this work
☆ Resilient and Adaptive Replanning for Multi-Robot Target Tracking with Sensing and Communication Danger Zones
Multi-robot collaboration for target tracking presents significant challenges in hazardous environments, including addressing robot failures, dynamic priority changes, and other unpredictable factors. Moreover, these challenges are increased in adversarial settings if the environment is unknown. In this paper, we propose a resilient and adaptive framework for multi-robot, multi-target tracking in environments with unknown sensing and communication danger zones. The damages posed by these zones are temporary, allowing robots to track targets while accepting the risk of entering dangerous areas. We formulate the problem as an optimization with soft chance constraints, enabling real-time adjustments to robot behavior based on varying types of dangers and failures. An adaptive replanning strategy is introduced, featuring different triggers to improve group performance. This approach allows for dynamic prioritization of target tracking and risk aversion or resilience, depending on evolving resources and real-time conditions. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we benchmark and evaluate it across multiple scenarios in simulation and conduct several real-world experiments.
☆ Optimization of Rulebooks via Asymptotically Representing Lexicographic Hierarchies for Autonomous Vehicles
A key challenge in autonomous driving is that Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) must contend with multiple, often conflicting, planning requirements. These requirements naturally form in a hierarchy -- e.g., avoiding a collision is more important than maintaining lane. While the exact structure of this hierarchy remains unknown, to progress towards ensuring that AVs satisfy pre-determined behavior specifications, it is crucial to develop approaches that systematically account for it. Motivated by lexicographic behavior specification in AVs, this work addresses a lexicographic multi-objective motion planning problem, where each objective is incomparably more important than the next -- consider that avoiding a collision is incomparably more important than a lane change violation. This work ties together two elements. Firstly, a multi-objective candidate function that asymptotically represents lexicographic orders is introduced. Unlike existing multi-objective cost function formulations, this approach assures that returned solutions asymptotically align with the lexicographic behavior specification. Secondly, inspired by continuation methods, we propose two algorithms that asymptotically approach minimum rank decisions -- i.e., decisions that satisfy the highest number of important rules possible. Through a couple practical examples, we showcase that the proposed candidate function asymptotically represents the lexicographic hierarchy, and that both proposed algorithms return minimum rank decisions, even when other approaches do not.
comment: 7 pages
☆ SDP: Spiking Diffusion Policy for Robotic Manipulation with Learnable Channel-Wise Membrane Thresholds
This paper introduces a Spiking Diffusion Policy (SDP) learning method for robotic manipulation by integrating Spiking Neurons and Learnable Channel-wise Membrane Thresholds (LCMT) into the diffusion policy model, thereby enhancing computational efficiency and achieving high performance in evaluated tasks. Specifically, the proposed SDP model employs the U-Net architecture as the backbone for diffusion learning within the Spiking Neural Network (SNN). It strategically places residual connections between the spike convolution operations and the Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) nodes, thereby preventing disruptions to the spiking states. Additionally, we introduce a temporal encoding block and a temporal decoding block to transform static and dynamic data with timestep $T_S$ into each other, enabling the transmission of data within the SNN in spike format. Furthermore, we propose LCMT to enable the adaptive acquisition of membrane potential thresholds, thereby matching the conditions of varying membrane potentials and firing rates across channels and avoiding the cumbersome process of manually setting and tuning hyperparameters. Evaluating the SDP model on seven distinct tasks with SNN timestep $T_S=4$, we achieve results comparable to those of the ANN counterparts, along with faster convergence speeds than the baseline SNN method. This improvement is accompanied by a reduction of 94.3\% in dynamic energy consumption estimated on 45nm hardware.
☆ Air-FAR: Fast and Adaptable Routing for Aerial Navigation in Large-scale Complex Unknown Environments
This paper presents a novel method for real-time 3D navigation in large-scale, complex environments using a hierarchical 3D visibility graph (V-graph). The proposed algorithm addresses the computational challenges of V-graph construction and shortest path search on the graph simultaneously. By introducing hierarchical 3D V-graph construction with heuristic visibility update, the 3D V-graph is constructed in O(K*n^2logn) time, which guarantees real-time performance. The proposed iterative divide-and-conquer path search method can achieve near-optimal path solutions within the constraints of real-time operations. The algorithm ensures efficient 3D V-graph construction and path search. Extensive simulated and real-world environments validated that our algorithm reduces the travel time by 42%, achieves up to 24.8% higher trajectory efficiency, and runs faster than most benchmarks by orders of magnitude in complex environments. The code and developed simulator have been open-sourced to facilitate future research.
☆ Annealed Winner-Takes-All for Motion Forecasting
In autonomous driving, motion prediction aims at forecasting the future trajectories of nearby agents, helping the ego vehicle to anticipate behaviors and drive safely. A key challenge is generating a diverse set of future predictions, commonly addressed using data-driven models with Multiple Choice Learning (MCL) architectures and Winner-Takes-All (WTA) training objectives. However, these methods face initialization sensitivity and training instabilities. Additionally, to compensate for limited performance, some approaches rely on training with a large set of hypotheses, requiring a post-selection step during inference to significantly reduce the number of predictions. To tackle these issues, we take inspiration from annealed MCL, a recently introduced technique that improves the convergence properties of MCL methods through an annealed Winner-Takes-All loss (aWTA). In this paper, we demonstrate how the aWTA loss can be integrated with state-of-the-art motion forecasting models to enhance their performance using only a minimal set of hypotheses, eliminating the need for the cumbersome post-selection step. Our approach can be easily incorporated into any trajectory prediction model normally trained using WTA and yields significant improvements. To facilitate the application of our approach to future motion forecasting models, the code will be made publicly available upon acceptance: https://github.com/valeoai/MF_aWTA.
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures
☆ The 1st InterAI Workshop: Interactive AI for Human-centered Robotics
The workshop is affiliated with 33nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2024) August 26~30, 2023 / Pasadena, CA, USA. It is designed as a half-day event, extending over four hours from 9:00 to 12:30 PST time. It accommodates both in-person and virtual attendees (via Zoom), ensuring a flexible participation mode. The agenda is thoughtfully crafted to include a diverse range of sessions: two keynote speeches that promise to provide insightful perspectives, two dedicated paper presentation sessions, an interactive panel discussion to foster dialogue among experts which facilitates deeper dives into specific topics, and a 15-minute coffee break. The workshop website: https://sites.google.com/view/interaiworkshops/home.
☆ MI-HGNN: Morphology-Informed Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Legged Robot Contact Perception
We present a Morphology-Informed Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network (MI-HGNN) for learning-based contact perception. The architecture and connectivity of the MI-HGNN are constructed from the robot morphology, in which nodes and edges are robot joints and links, respectively. By incorporating the morphology-informed constraints into a neural network, we improve a learning-based approach using model-based knowledge. We apply the proposed MI-HGNN to two contact perception problems, and conduct extensive experiments using both real-world and simulated data collected using two quadruped robots. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of effectiveness, generalization ability, model efficiency, and sample efficiency. Our MI-HGNN improved the performance of a state-of-the-art model that leverages robot morphological symmetry by 8.4% with only 0.21% of its parameters. Although MI-HGNN is applied to contact perception problems for legged robots in this work, it can be seamlessly applied to other types of multi-body dynamical systems and has the potential to improve other robot learning frameworks. Our code is made publicly available at https://github.com/lunarlab-gatech/Morphology-Informed-HGNN.
comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Use the Force, Bot! -- Force-Aware ProDMP with Event-Based Replanning ICRA 2025
Movement Primitives (MPs) are a well-established method for representing and generating modular robot trajectories. This work presents FA-ProDMP, a new approach which introduces force awareness to Probabilistic Dynamic Movement Primitives (ProDMP). FA-ProDMP adapts the trajectory during runtime to account for measured and desired forces. It offers smooth trajectories and captures position and force correlations over multiple trajectories, e.g. a set of human demonstrations. FA-ProDMP supports multiple axes of force and is thus agnostic to cartesian or joint space control. This makes FA-ProDMP a valuable tool for learning contact rich manipulation tasks such as polishing, cutting or industrial assembly from demonstration. In order to reliably evaluate FA-ProDMP, this work additionally introduces a modular, 3D printed task suite called POEMPEL, inspired by the popular Lego Technic pins. POEMPEL mimics industrial peg-in-hole assembly tasks with force requirements. It offers multiple parameters of adjustment, such as position, orientation and plug stiffness level, thus varying the direction and amount of required forces. Our experiments show that FA-ProDMP outperforms other MP formulations on the POEMPEL setup and a electrical power plug insertion task, due to its replanning capabilities based on the measured forces. These findings highlight how FA-ProDMP enhances the performance of robotic systems in contact-rich manipulation tasks.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ ULOC: Learning to Localize in Complex Large-Scale Environments with Ultra-Wideband Ranges
While UWB-based methods can achieve high localization accuracy in small-scale areas, their accuracy and reliability are significantly challenged in large-scale environments. In this paper, we propose a learning-based framework named ULOC for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) based localization in such complex large-scale environments. First, anchors are deployed in the environment without knowledge of their actual position. Then, UWB observations are collected when the vehicle travels in the environment. At the same time, map-consistent pose estimates are developed from registering (onboard self-localization) data with the prior map to provide the training labels. We then propose a network based on MAMBA that learns the ranging patterns of UWBs over a complex large-scale environment. The experiment demonstrates that our solution can ensure high localization accuracy on a large scale compared to the state-of-the-art. We release our source code to benefit the community at https://github.com/brytsknguyen/uloc.
☆ Multi-UAV Uniform Sweep Coverage in Unknown Environments: A Mergeable Nervous System (MNS)-Based Random Exploration
This paper investigates the problem of multi-UAV uniform sweep coverage, where a homogeneous swarm of UAVs must collectively and evenly visit every portion of an unknown environment for a sampling task without having access to their own location and orientation. Random walk-based exploration strategies are practical for such a coverage scenario as they do not rely on localization and are easily implementable in robot swarms. We demonstrate that the Mergeable Nervous System (MNS) framework, which enables a robot swarm to self-organize into a hierarchical ad-hoc communication network using local communication, is a promising control approach for random exploration in unknown environments by UAV swarms. To this end, we propose an MNS-based random walk approach where UAVs self-organize into a line formation using the MNS framework and then follow a random walk strategy to cover the environment while maintaining the formation. Through simulations, we test the efficiency of our approach against several decentralized random walk-based strategies as benchmarks. Our results show that the MNS-based random walk outperforms the benchmarks in terms of the time required to achieve full coverage and the coverage uniformity at that time, assessed across both the entire environment and within local regions.
☆ Co-Designing Tools and Control Policies for Robust Manipulation
Inherent robustness in manipulation is prevalent in biological systems and critical for robotic manipulation systems due to real-world uncertainties and disturbances. This robustness relies not only on robust control policies but also on the design characteristics of the end-effectors. This paper introduces a bi-level optimization approach to co-designing tools and control policies to achieve robust manipulation. The approach employs reinforcement learning for lower-level control policy learning and multi-task Bayesian optimization for upper-level design optimization. Diverging from prior approaches, we incorporate caging-based robustness metrics into both levels, ensuring manipulation robustness against disturbances and environmental variations. Our method is evaluated in four non-prehensile manipulation environments, demonstrating improvements in task success rate under disturbances and environment changes. A real-world experiment is also conducted to validate the framework's practical effectiveness.
☆ Three Approaches to the Automation of Laser System Alignment and Their Resource Implications: A Case Study
The alignment of optical systems is a critical step in their manufacture. Alignment normally requires considerable knowledge and expertise of skilled operators. The automation of such processes has several potential advantages, but requires additional resource and upfront costs. Through a case study of a simple two mirror system we identify and examine three different automation approaches. They are: artificial neural networks; practice-led, which mimics manual alignment practices; and design-led, modelling from first principles. We find that these approaches make use of three different types of knowledge 1) basic system knowledge (of controls, measurements and goals); 2) behavioural skills and expertise, and 3) fundamental system design knowledge. We demonstrate that the different automation approaches vary significantly in human resources, and measurement sampling budgets. This will have implications for practitioners and management considering the automation of such tasks.
comment: Author Accepted Manuscript- 8 pages, The 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024), Aug28-Sep1st 2024, Bari, Italy. Keywords: Automation, optimisation, regression, behaviour analysis, artificial neural networks, optical systems, mathematical model, human factors, sampling cost, cost benefit analysis
☆ HMF: A Hybrid Multi-Factor Framework for Dynamic Intraoperative Hypotension Prediction
Intraoperative hypotension (IOH) prediction using Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) is a critical research area with significant implications for patient outcomes during surgery. However, existing approaches predominantly employ static modeling paradigms that overlook the dynamic nature of physiological signals. In this paper, we introduce a novel Hybrid Multi-Factor (HMF) framework that reformulates IOH prediction as a blood pressure forecasting task. Our framework leverages a Transformer encoder, specifically designed to effectively capture the temporal evolution of MAP series through a patch-based input representation, which segments the input physiological series into informative patches for accurate analysis. To address the challenges of distribution shift in physiological series, our approach incorporates two key innovations: (1) Symmetric normalization and de-normalization processes help mitigate distributional drift in statistical properties, thereby ensuring the model's robustness across varying conditions, and (2) Sequence decomposition, which disaggregates the input series into trend and seasonal components, allowing for a more precise modeling of inherent sequence dependencies. Extensive experiments conducted on two real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our approach compared to competitive baselines, particularly in capturing the nuanced variations in input series that are crucial for accurate IOH prediction.
☆ A Unifying Action Principle for Classical Mechanical Systems
The modern theory of classical mechanics, developed by Lagrange, Hamilton and Noether, attempts to cast all of classical motion in the form of an optimization problem, based on an energy functional called the classical action. The most important advantage of this formalism is the ability to manifestly incorporate and exploit symmetries and conservation laws. This reformulation succeeded for unconstrained and holonomic systems that at most obey position equality constraints. Non-holonomic systems, which obey velocity dependent constraints or position inequality constraints, are abundant in nature and of central relevance for science, engineering and industry. All attempts so far to solve non-holonomic dynamics as a classical action optimization problem have failed. Here we utilize the classical limit of a quantum field theory action principle to construct a novel classical action for non-holonomic systems. We therefore put to rest the 190 year old question of whether classical mechanics is variational, answering in the affirmative. We illustrate and validate our approach by solving three canonical model problems by direct numerical optimization of our new action. The formalism developed in this work significantly extends the reach of action principles to a large class of relevant mechanical systems, opening new avenues for their analysis and control both analytically and numerically.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
☆ Force Myography based Torque Estimation in Human Knee and Ankle Joints
Online adaptation of exoskeleton control based on muscle activity sensing is a promising way to personalize exoskeletons based on the user's biosignals. While several electromyography (EMG) based methods have been shown to improve joint torque estimation, EMG sensors require direct skin contact and complex post-processing. In contrast, force myography (FMG) measures normal forces from changes in muscle volume due to muscle activity. We propose an FMG-based method to estimate knee and ankle joint torques by combining joint angles and velocities with muscle activity information. We learn a model for joint torque estimation using Gaussian process regression (GPR). The effectiveness of the proposed FMG-based method is validated on isokinetic motions performed by two subjects. The model is compared to a baseline model using only joint angle and velocity, as well as a model augmented by EMG data. The results show that integrating FMG into exoskeleton control improves the joint torque estimation for the ankle and knee and is therefore a promising way to improve adaptability to different exoskeleton users.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ TacDiffusion: Force-domain Diffusion Policy for Precise Tactile Manipulation
Assembly is a crucial skill for robots in both modern manufacturing and service robotics. However, mastering transferable insertion skills that can handle a variety of high-precision assembly tasks remains a significant challenge. This paper presents a novel framework that utilizes diffusion models to generate 6D wrench for high-precision tactile robotic insertion tasks. It learns from demonstrations performed on a single task and achieves a zero-shot transfer success rate of 95.7% across various novel high-precision tasks. Our method effectively inherits the self-adaptability demonstrated by our previous work. In this framework, we address the frequency misalignment between the diffusion policy and the real-time control loop with a dynamic system-based filter, significantly improving the task success rate by 9.15%. Furthermore, we provide a practical guideline regarding the trade-off between diffusion models' inference ability and speed.
comment: 7 pages
☆ Stretchable Electrohydraulic Artificial Muscle for Full Motion Ranges in Musculoskeletal Antagonistic Joints ICRA
Artificial muscles play a crucial role in musculoskeletal robotics and prosthetics to approximate the force-generating functionality of biological muscle. However, current artificial muscle systems are typically limited to either contraction or extension, not both. This limitation hinders the development of fully functional artificial musculoskeletal systems. We address this challenge by introducing an artificial antagonistic muscle system capable of both contraction and extension. Our design integrates non-stretchable electrohydraulic soft actuators (HASELs) with electrostatic clutches within an antagonistic musculoskeletal framework. This configuration enables an antagonistic joint to achieve a full range of motion without displacement loss due to tendon slack. We implement a synchronization method to coordinate muscle and clutch units, ensuring smooth motion profiles and speeds. This approach facilitates seamless transitions between antagonistic muscles at operational frequencies of up to 3.2 Hz. While our prototype utilizes electrohydraulic actuators, this muscle-clutch concept is adaptable to other non-stretchable artificial muscles, such as McKibben actuators, expanding their capability for extension and full range of motion in antagonistic setups. Our design represents a significant advancement in the development of fundamental components for more functional and efficient artificial musculoskeletal systems, bringing their capabilities closer to those of their biological counterparts.
comment: This paper has been submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2025 and is under review
☆ MoDex: Planning High-Dimensional Dexterous Control via Learning Neural Hand Models
Controlling hands in the high-dimensional action space has been a longstanding challenge, yet humans naturally perform dexterous tasks with ease. In this paper, we draw inspiration from the human embodied cognition and reconsider dexterous hands as learnable systems. Specifically, we introduce MoDex, a framework which employs a neural hand model to capture the dynamical characteristics of hand movements. Based on the model, a bidirectional planning method is developed, which demonstrates efficiency in both training and inference. The method is further integrated with a large language model to generate various gestures such as ``Scissorshand" and ``Rock\&Roll." Moreover, we show that decomposing the system dynamics into a pretrained hand model and an external model improves data efficiency, as supported by both theoretical analysis and empirical experiments. Additional visualization results are available at https://tongwu19.github.io/MoDex.
comment: 7 pages
☆ GLC-SLAM: Gaussian Splatting SLAM with Efficient Loop Closure
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has gained significant attention for its application in dense Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), enabling real-time rendering and high-fidelity mapping. However, existing 3DGS-based SLAM methods often suffer from accumulated tracking errors and map drift, particularly in large-scale environments. To address these issues, we introduce GLC-SLAM, a Gaussian Splatting SLAM system that integrates global optimization of camera poses and scene models. Our approach employs frame-to-model tracking and triggers hierarchical loop closure using a global-to-local strategy to minimize drift accumulation. By dividing the scene into 3D Gaussian submaps, we facilitate efficient map updates following loop corrections in large scenes. Additionally, our uncertainty-minimized keyframe selection strategy prioritizes keyframes observing more valuable 3D Gaussians to enhance submap optimization. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that GLC-SLAM achieves superior or competitive tracking and mapping performance compared to state-of-the-art dense RGB-D SLAM systems.
☆ Robust High-Speed State Estimation for Off-road Navigation using Radar Velocity Factors
Enabling robot autonomy in complex environments for mission critical application requires robust state estimation. Particularly under conditions where the exteroceptive sensors, which the navigation depends on, can be degraded by environmental challenges thus, leading to mission failure. It is precisely in such challenges where the potential for FMCW radar sensors is highlighted: as a complementary exteroceptive sensing modality with direct velocity measuring capabilities. In this work we integrate radial speed measurements from a FMCW radar sensor, using a radial speed factor, to provide linear velocity updates into a sliding-window state estimator for fusion with LiDAR pose and IMU measurements. We demonstrate that this augmentation increases the robustness of the state estimator to challenging conditions present in the environment and the negative effects they can pose to vulnerable exteroceptive modalities. The proposed method is extensively evaluated using robotic field experiments conducted using an autonomous, full-scale, off-road vehicle operating at high-speeds (~12 m/s) in complex desert environments. Furthermore, the robustness of the approach is demonstrated for cases of both simulated and real-world degradation of the LiDAR odometry performance along with comparison against state-of-the-art methods for radar-inertial odometry on public datasets.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
☆ RoadRunner M&M -- Learning Multi-range Multi-resolution Traversability Maps for Autonomous Off-road Navigation
Autonomous robot navigation in off-road environments requires a comprehensive understanding of the terrain geometry and traversability. The degraded perceptual conditions and sparse geometric information at longer ranges make the problem challenging especially when driving at high speeds. Furthermore, the sensing-to-mapping latency and the look-ahead map range can limit the maximum speed of the vehicle. Building on top of the recent work RoadRunner, in this work, we address the challenge of long-range (100 m) traversability estimation. Our RoadRunner (M&M) is an end-to-end learning-based framework that directly predicts the traversability and elevation maps at multiple ranges (50 m, 100 m) and resolutions (0.2 m, 0.8 m) taking as input multiple images and a LiDAR voxel map. Our method is trained in a self-supervised manner by leveraging the dense supervision signal generated by fusing predictions from an existing traversability estimation stack (X-Racer) in hindsight and satellite Digital Elevation Maps. RoadRunner M&M achieves a significant improvement of up to 50% for elevation mapping and 30% for traversability estimation over RoadRunner, and is able to predict in 30% more regions compared to X-Racer while achieving real-time performance. Experiments on various out-of-distribution datasets also demonstrate that our data-driven approach starts to generalize to novel unstructured environments. We integrate our proposed framework in closed-loop with the path planner to demonstrate autonomous high-speed off-road robotic navigation in challenging real-world environments. Project Page: https://leggedrobotics.github.io/roadrunner_mm/
comment: Under review for IEEE RA-L
☆ Frontier Shepherding: A Bio-Mimetic Multi-robot Framework for Large-Scale Exploration
Efficient exploration of large-scale environments remains a critical challenge in robotics, with applications ranging from environmental monitoring to search and rescue operations. This article proposes a bio-mimetic multi-robot framework, \textit{Frontier Shepherding (FroShe)}, for large-scale exploration. The presented bio-inspired framework heuristically models frontier exploration similar to the shepherding behavior of herding dogs. This is achieved by modeling frontiers as a sheep swarm reacting to robots modeled as shepherding dogs. The framework is robust across varying environment sizes and obstacle densities and can be easily deployed across multiple agents. Simulation results showcase that the proposed method consistently performed irrespective of the simulated environment's varying sizes and obstacle densities. With the increase in the number of agents, the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art exploration methods, with an average improvement of $20\%$ with the next-best approach(for $3$ UAVs). The proposed technique was implemented and tested in a single and dual drone scenario in a real-world forest-like environment.
comment: 8 page article submitted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
☆ Agile Continuous Jumping in Discontinuous Terrains
We focus on agile, continuous, and terrain-adaptive jumping of quadrupedal robots in discontinuous terrains such as stairs and stepping stones. Unlike single-step jumping, continuous jumping requires accurately executing highly dynamic motions over long horizons, which is challenging for existing approaches. To accomplish this task, we design a hierarchical learning and control framework, which consists of a learned heightmap predictor for robust terrain perception, a reinforcement-learning-based centroidal-level motion policy for versatile and terrain-adaptive planning, and a low-level model-based leg controller for accurate motion tracking. In addition, we minimize the sim-to-real gap by accurately modeling the hardware characteristics. Our framework enables a Unitree Go1 robot to perform agile and continuous jumps on human-sized stairs and sparse stepping stones, for the first time to the best of our knowledge. In particular, the robot can cross two stair steps in each jump and completes a 3.5m long, 2.8m high, 14-step staircase in 4.5 seconds. Moreover, the same policy outperforms baselines in various other parkour tasks, such as jumping over single horizontal or vertical discontinuities. Experiment videos can be found at \url{https://yxyang.github.io/jumping\_cod/}.
comment: Website: https://yxyang.github.io/jumping_cod/
☆ Multi-Floor Zero-Shot Object Navigation Policy
Object navigation in multi-floor environments presents a formidable challenge in robotics, requiring sophisticated spatial reasoning and adaptive exploration strategies. Traditional approaches have primarily focused on single-floor scenarios, overlooking the complexities introduced by multi-floor structures. To address these challenges, we first propose a Multi-floor Navigation Policy (MFNP) and implement it in Zero-Shot object navigation tasks. Our framework comprises three key components: (i) Multi-floor Navigation Policy, which enables an agent to explore across multiple floors; (ii) Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) for reasoning in the navigation process; and (iii) Inter-Floor Navigation, ensuring efficient floor transitions. We evaluate MFNP on the Habitat-Matterport 3D (HM3D) and Matterport 3D (MP3D) datasets, both include multi-floor scenes. Our experiment results demonstrate that MFNP significantly outperforms all the existing methods in Zero-Shot object navigation, achieving higher success rates and improved exploration efficiency. Ablation studies further highlight the effectiveness of each component in addressing the unique challenges of multi-floor navigation. Meanwhile, we conducted real-world experiments to evaluate the feasibility of our policy. Upon deployment of MFNP, the Unitree quadruped robot demonstrated successful multi-floor navigation and found the target object in a completely unseen environment. By introducing MFNP, we offer a new paradigm for tackling complex, multi-floor environments in object navigation tasks, opening avenues for future research in visual-based navigation in realistic, multi-floor settings.
☆ Efficient Computation of Whole-Body Control Utilizing Simplified Whole-Body Dynamics via Centroidal Dynamics
In this study, we present a novel method for enhancing the computational efficiency of whole-body control for humanoid robots, a challenge accentuated by their high degrees of freedom. The reduced-dimension rigid body dynamics of a floating base robot is constructed by segmenting its kinematic chain into constrained and unconstrained chains, simplifying the dynamics of the unconstrained chain through the centroidal dynamics. The proposed dynamics model is possible to be applied to whole-body control methods, allowing the problem to be divided into two parts for more efficient computation. The efficiency of the framework is demonstrated by comparative experiments in simulations. The calculation results demonstrate a significant reduction in processing time, highlighting an improvement over the times reported in current methodologies. Additionally, the results also shows the computational efficiency increases as the degrees of freedom of robot model increases.
comment: submitted to RA-L, under review
☆ P2 Explore: Efficient Exploration in Unknown Clustered Environment with Floor Plan Prediction ICRA 2025
Robot exploration aims at constructing unknown environments and it is important to achieve it with shorter paths. Traditional methods focus on optimizing the visiting order based on current observations, which may lead to local-minimal results. Recently, by predicting the structure of the unseen environment, the exploration efficiency can be further improved. However, in a cluttered environment, due to the randomness of obstacles, the ability for prediction is limited. Therefore, to solve this problem, we propose a map prediction algorithm that can be efficient in predicting the layout of noisy indoor environments. We focus on the scenario of 2D exploration. First, we perform floor plan extraction by denoising the cluttered map using deep learning. Then, we use a floor plan-based algorithm to improve the prediction accuracy. Additionally, we extract the segmentation of rooms and construct their connectivity based on the predicted map, which can be used for downstream tasks. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, it is applied to exploration tasks. Extensive experiments show that even in cluttered scenes, our proposed method can benefit efficiency.
comment: 7 pages, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ LVBA: LiDAR-Visual Bundle Adjustment for RGB Point Cloud Mapping
Point cloud maps with accurate color are crucial in robotics and mapping applications. Existing approaches for producing RGB-colorized maps are primarily based on real-time localization using filter-based estimation or sliding window optimization, which may lack accuracy and global consistency. In this work, we introduce a novel global LiDAR-Visual bundle adjustment (BA) named LVBA to improve the quality of RGB point cloud mapping beyond existing baselines. LVBA first optimizes LiDAR poses via a global LiDAR BA, followed by a photometric visual BA incorporating planar features from the LiDAR point cloud for camera pose optimization. Additionally, to address the challenge of map point occlusions in constructing optimization problems, we implement a novel LiDAR-assisted global visibility algorithm in LVBA. To evaluate the effectiveness of LVBA, we conducted extensive experiments by comparing its mapping quality against existing state-of-the-art baselines (i.e., R$^3$LIVE and FAST-LIVO). Our results prove that LVBA can proficiently reconstruct high-fidelity, accurate RGB point cloud maps, outperforming its counterparts.
☆ SIFToM: Robust Spoken Instruction Following through Theory of Mind
Spoken language instructions are ubiquitous in agent collaboration. However, in human-robot collaboration, recognition accuracy for human speech is often influenced by various speech and environmental factors, such as background noise, the speaker's accents, and mispronunciation. When faced with noisy or unfamiliar auditory inputs, humans use context and prior knowledge to disambiguate the stimulus and take pragmatic actions, a process referred to as top-down processing in cognitive science. We present a cognitively inspired model, Speech Instruction Following through Theory of Mind (SIFToM), to enable robots to pragmatically follow human instructions under diverse speech conditions by inferring the human's goal and joint plan as prior for speech perception and understanding. We test SIFToM in simulated home experiments (VirtualHome 2). Results show that the SIFToM model outperforms state-of-the-art speech and language models, approaching human-level accuracy on challenging speech instruction following tasks. We then demonstrate its ability at the task planning level on a mobile manipulator for breakfast preparation tasks.
comment: 7 pages, 4 figures
☆ DIGIMON: Diagnosis and Mitigation of Sampling Skew for Reinforcement Learning based Meta-Planner in Robot Navigation
Robot navigation is increasingly crucial across applications like delivery services and warehouse management. The integration of Reinforcement Learning (RL) with classical planning has given rise to meta-planners that combine the adaptability of RL with the explainable decision-making of classical planners. However, the exploration capabilities of RL-based meta-planners during training are often constrained by the capabilities of the underlying classical planners. This constraint can result in limited exploration, thereby leading to sampling skew issues. To address these issues, our paper introduces a novel framework, DIGIMON, which begins with behavior-guided diagnosis for exploration bottlenecks within the meta-planner and follows up with a mitigation strategy that conducts up-sampling from diagnosed bottleneck data. Our evaluation shows 13.5%+ improvement in navigation performance, greater robustness in out-of-distribution environments, and a 4x boost in training efficiency. DIGIMON is designed as a versatile, plug-and-play solution, allowing seamless integration into various RL-based meta-planners.
☆ A variational approach to geometric mechanics for undulating robotic locomotion
Limbless organisms of all sizes use undulating patterns of self-deformation to locomote. Geometric mechanics, which maps deformations to motions, provides a powerful framework to formalize and investigate the theoretical properties and limitations of such modes of locomotion. However, the inherent level of abstraction poses a challenge when bridging the gap between theory or simulations and laboratory experiments. We investigate the challenges of modeling motion trajectories of an undulating robotic locomotor by comparing experiments and simulations performed with a variational integrator. Despite the extensive simplifications that the model based on a geometric variation principle entails, the simulations show good agreement on average. Notably, our approach merely requires the knowledge of the \emph{dissipation metric} -- a Riemannian metric on the configuration space, which can in practice be approximated by means closely resembling \emph{resistive force theory}.
☆ Evaluating and Improving the Robustness of LiDAR-based Localization and Mapping
LiDAR is one of the most commonly adopted sensors for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and map-based global localization. SLAM and map-based localization are crucial for the independent operation of autonomous systems, especially when external signals such as GNSS are unavailable or unreliable. While state-of-the-art (SOTA) LiDAR SLAM systems could achieve 0.5% (i.e., 0.5m per 100m) of errors and map-based localization could achieve centimeter-level global localization, it is still unclear how robust they are under various common LiDAR data corruptions. In this work, we extensively evaluated five SOTA LiDAR-based localization systems under 18 common scene-level LiDAR point cloud data (PCD) corruptions. We found that the robustness of LiDAR-based localization varies significantly depending on the category. For SLAM, hand-crafted methods are in general robust against most types of corruption, while being extremely vulnerable (up to +80% errors) to a specific corruption. Learning-based methods are vulnerable to most types of corruptions. For map-based global localization, we found that the SOTA is resistant to all applied corruptions. Finally, we found that simple Bilateral Filter denoising effectively eliminates noise-based corruption but is not helpful in density-based corruption. Re-training is more effective in defending learning-based SLAM against all types of corruption.
☆ Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design for Robot Kinematic Calibration
This paper develops a Bayesian optimal experimental design for robot kinematic calibration on ${\mathbb{S}^3 \!\times\! \mathbb{R}^3}$. Our method builds upon a Gaussian process approach that incorporates a geometry-aware kernel based on Riemannian Mat\'ern kernels over ${\mathbb{S}^3}$. To learn the forward kinematics errors via Bayesian optimization with a Gaussian process, we define a geodesic distance-based objective function. Pointwise values of this function are sampled via noisy measurements taken through fiducial markers on the end-effector using a camera and computed pose with the nominal kinematics. The corrected Denavit-Hartenberg parameters using an efficient quadratic program that operates on the obtained data sets. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated via simulations and calibration experiments on NASA's ocean world lander autonomy testbed (OWLAT).
☆ Three Degree-of-Freedom Soft Continuum Kinesthetic Haptic Display for Telemanipulation Via Sensory Substitution at the Finger
Sensory substitution is an effective approach for displaying stable haptic feedback to a teleoperator under time delay. The finger is highly articulated, and can sense movement and force in many directions, making it a promising location for sensory substitution based on kinesthetic feedback. However, existing finger kinesthetic devices either provide only one-degree-of-freedom feedback, are bulky, or have low force output. Soft pneumatic actuators have high power density, making them suitable for realizing high force kinesthetic feedback in a compact form factor. We present a soft pneumatic handheld kinesthetic feedback device for the index finger that is controlled using a constant curvature kinematic model. \changed{It has respective position and force ranges of +-3.18mm and +-1.00N laterally, and +-4.89mm and +-6.01N vertically, indicating its high power density and compactness. The average open-loop radial position and force accuracy of the kinematic model are 0.72mm and 0.34N.} Its 3Hz bandwidth makes it suitable for moderate speed haptic interactions in soft environments. We demonstrate the three-dimensional kinesthetic force feedback capability of our device for sensory substitution at the index figure in a virtual telemanipulation scenario.
comment: 8 pages, Accepted for publication in IEEE Conference on Telepresence 2024, Nov 16-17, Pasadena, CA, USA
☆ Context-Generative Default Policy for Bounded Rational Agent
Bounded rational agents often make decisions by evaluating a finite selection of choices, typically derived from a reference point termed the $`$default policy,' based on previous experience. However, the inherent rigidity of the static default policy presents significant challenges for agents when operating in unknown environment, that are not included in agent's prior knowledge. In this work, we introduce a context-generative default policy that leverages the region observed by the robot to predict unobserved part of the environment, thereby enabling the robot to adaptively adjust its default policy based on both the actual observed map and the $\textit{imagined}$ unobserved map. Furthermore, the adaptive nature of the bounded rationality framework enables the robot to manage unreliable or incorrect imaginations by selectively sampling a few trajectories in the vicinity of the default policy. Our approach utilizes a diffusion model for map prediction and a sampling-based planning with B-spline trajectory optimization to generate the default policy. Extensive evaluations reveal that the context-generative policy outperforms the baseline methods in identifying and avoiding unseen obstacles. Additionally, real-world experiments conducted with the Crazyflie drones demonstrate the adaptability of our proposed method, even when acting in environments outside the domain of the training distribution.
☆ PLATO: Planning with LLMs and Affordances for Tool Manipulation ICRA 2025
As robotic systems become increasingly integrated into complex real-world environments, there is a growing need for approaches that enable robots to understand and act upon natural language instructions without relying on extensive pre-programmed knowledge of their surroundings. This paper presents PLATO, an innovative system that addresses this challenge by leveraging specialized large language model agents to process natural language inputs, understand the environment, predict tool affordances, and generate executable actions for robotic systems. Unlike traditional systems that depend on hard-coded environmental information, PLATO employs a modular architecture of specialized agents to operate without any initial knowledge of the environment. These agents identify objects and their locations within the scene, generate a comprehensive high-level plan, translate this plan into a series of low-level actions, and verify the completion of each step. The system is particularly tested on challenging tool-use tasks, which involve handling diverse objects and require long-horizon planning. PLATO's design allows it to adapt to dynamic and unstructured settings, significantly enhancing its flexibility and robustness. By evaluating the system across various complex scenarios, we demonstrate its capability to tackle a diverse range of tasks and offer a novel solution to integrate LLMs with robotic platforms, advancing the state-of-the-art in autonomous robotic task execution. For videos and prompt details, please see our project website: https://sites.google.com/andrew.cmu.edu/plato
comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ 3D Water Quality Mapping using Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Underwater Robot Localization IROS
Water quality mapping for critical parameters such as temperature, salinity, and turbidity is crucial for assessing an aquaculture farm's health and yield capacity. Traditional approaches involve using boats or human divers, which are time-constrained and lack depth variability. This work presents an innovative approach to 3D water quality mapping in shallow water environments using a BlueROV2 equipped with GPS and a water quality sensor. This system allows for accurate location correction by resurfacing when errors occur. This study is being conducted at an oyster farm in the Chesapeake Bay, USA, providing a more comprehensive and precise water quality analysis in aquaculture settings.
comment: IEEE IROS workshop on Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture: Research Challenges and Industry Needs
☆ VertiEncoder: Self-Supervised Kinodynamic Representation Learning on Vertically Challenging Terrain
We present VertiEncoder, a self-supervised representation learning approach for robot mobility on vertically challenging terrain. Using the same pre-training process, VertiEncoder can handle four different downstream tasks, including forward kinodynamics learning, inverse kinodynamics learning, behavior cloning, and patch reconstruction with a single representation. VertiEncoder uses a TransformerEncoder to learn the local context of its surroundings by random masking and next patch reconstruction. We show that VertiEncoder achieves better performance across all four different tasks compared to specialized End-to-End models with 77% fewer parameters. We also show VertiEncoder's comparable performance against state-of-the-art kinodynamic modeling and planning approaches in real-world robot deployment. These results underscore the efficacy of VertiEncoder in mitigating overfitting and fostering more robust generalization across diverse environmental contexts and downstream vehicle kinodynamic tasks.
comment: 8 pages. Code: https://github.com/mhnazeri/VertiEncoder
☆ Hyper-SAMARL: Hypergraph-based Coordinated Task Allocation and Socially-aware Navigation for Multi-Robot Systems
A team of multiple robots seamlessly and safely working in human-filled public environments requires adaptive task allocation and socially-aware navigation that account for dynamic human behavior. Current approaches struggle with highly dynamic pedestrian movement and the need for flexible task allocation. We propose Hyper-SAMARL, a hypergraph-based system for multi-robot task allocation and socially-aware navigation, leveraging multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Hyper-SAMARL models the environmental dynamics between robots, humans, and points of interest (POIs) using a hypergraph, enabling adaptive task assignment and socially-compliant navigation through a hypergraph diffusion mechanism. Our framework, trained with MARL, effectively captures interactions between robots and humans, adapting tasks based on real-time changes in human activity. Experimental results demonstrate that Hyper-SAMARL outperforms baseline models in terms of social navigation, task completion efficiency, and adaptability in various simulated scenarios.
☆ Open-Set Semantic Uncertainty Aware Metric-Semantic Graph Matching
Underwater object-level mapping requires incorporating visual foundation models to handle the uncommon and often previously unseen object classes encountered in marine scenarios. In this work, a metric of semantic uncertainty for open-set object detections produced by visual foundation models is calculated and then incorporated into an object-level uncertainty tracking framework. Object-level uncertainties and geometric relationships between objects are used to enable robust object-level loop closure detection for unknown object classes. The above loop closure detection problem is formulated as a graph-matching problem. While graph matching, in general, is NP-Complete, a solver for an equivalent formulation of the proposed graph matching problem as a graph editing problem is tested on multiple challenging underwater scenes. Results for this solver as well as three other solvers demonstrate that the proposed methods are feasible for real-time use in marine environments for the robust, open-set, multi-object, semantic-uncertainty-aware loop closure detection. Further experimental results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that the method generalizes to large-scale terrestrial scenes.
☆ Exact Wavefront Propagation for Globally Optimal One-to-All Path Planning on 2D Cartesian Grids
This paper introduces an efficient $\mathcal{O}(n)$ compute and memory complexity algorithm for globally optimal path planning on 2D Cartesian grids. Unlike existing marching methods that rely on approximate discretized solutions to the Eikonal equation, our approach achieves exact wavefront propagation by pivoting the analytic distance function based on visibility. The algorithm leverages a dynamic-programming subroutine to efficiently evaluate visibility queries. Through benchmarking against state-of-the-art any-angle path planners, we demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches in both speed and accuracy, particularly in cluttered environments. Notably, our method inherently provides globally optimal paths to all grid points, eliminating the need for additional gradient descent steps per path query. The same capability extends to multiple starting positions. We also provide a greedy version of our algorithm as well as open-source C++ implementation of our solver.
comment: 7 Pages, IEEE RA-L Accepted Version Preprint
☆ Enhancing the Reliability of LiDAR Point Cloud Sampling: A Colorization and Super-Resolution Approach Based on LiDAR-Generated Images
In recent years, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology, a critical sensor in robotics and autonomous systems, has seen significant advancements. These improvements include enhanced resolution of point clouds and the capability to provide 360{\deg} low-resolution images. These images encode various data such as depth, reflectivity, and near-infrared light within the pixels. However, an excessive density of points and conventional point cloud sampling can be counterproductive, particularly in applications such as LiDAR odometry, where misleading points and degraded geometry information may induce drift errors. Currently, extensive research efforts are being directed towards leveraging LiDAR-generated images to improve situational awareness. This paper presents a comprehensive review of current deep learning (DL) techniques, including colorization and super-resolution, which are traditionally utilized in conventional computer vision tasks. These techniques are applied to LiDAR-generated images and are analyzed qualitatively. Based on this analysis, we have developed a novel approach that selectively integrates the most suited colorization and super-resolution methods with LiDAR imagery to sample reliable points from the LiDAR point cloud. This approach aims to not only improve the accuracy of point cloud registration but also avoid mismatching caused by lacking geometry information, thereby augmenting the utility and precision of LiDAR systems in practical applications. In our evaluation, the proposed approach demonstrates superior performance compared to our previous work, achieving lower translation and rotation errors with a reduced number of points.
comment: 9 pages
☆ ${\tt KRAFT}$: Sampling-Based Kinodynamic Replanning and Feedback Control over Approximate, Identified Models of Vehicular Systems
This paper aims to increase the safety and reliability of executing trajectories planned for robots with non-trivial dynamics given a light-weight, approximate dynamics model. Scenarios include mobile robots navigating through workspaces with imperfectly modeled surfaces and unknown friction. The proposed approach, Kinodynamic Replanning over Approximate Models with Feedback Tracking (KRAFT), integrates: (i) replanning via an asymptotically optimal sampling-based kinodynamic tree planner, with (ii) trajectory following via feedback control, and (iii) a safety mechanism to reduce collision due to second-order dynamics. The planning and control components use a rough dynamics model expressed analytically via differential equations, which is tuned via system identification (SysId) in a training environment but not the deployed one. This allows the process to be fast and achieve long-horizon reasoning during each replanning cycle. At the same time, the model still includes gaps with reality, even after SysID, in new environments. Experiments demonstrate the limitations of kinematic path planning and path tracking approaches, highlighting the importance of: (a) closing the feedback-loop also at the planning level; and (b) long-horizon reasoning, for safe and efficient trajectory execution given inaccurate models.
☆ Rigid Body Path Planning using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
Navigating rigid body objects through crowded environments can be challenging, especially when narrow passages are presented. Existing sampling-based planners and optimization-based methods like mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations, suffer from limited scalability with respect to either the size of the workspace or the number of obstacles. In order to address the scalability issue, we propose a three-stage algorithm that first generates a graph of convex polytopes in the workspace free of collision, then poses a large set of small MILPs to generate viable paths between polytopes, and finally queries a pair of start and end configurations for a feasible path online. The graph of convex polytopes serves as a decomposition of the free workspace and the number of decision variables in each MILP is limited by restricting the subproblem within two or three free polytopes rather than the entire free region. Our simulation results demonstrate shorter online computation time compared to baseline methods and scales better with the size of the environment and tunnel width than sampling-based planners in both 2D and 3D environments.
comment: Accepted by IEEE RA-L. URL: https://sites.google.com/view/realm-rigidmilp
☆ Robot Manipulation in Salient Vision through Referring Image Segmentation and Geometric Constraints
In this paper, we perform robot manipulation activities in real-world environments with language contexts by integrating a compact referring image segmentation model into the robot's perception module. First, we propose CLIPU$^2$Net, a lightweight referring image segmentation model designed for fine-grain boundary and structure segmentation from language expressions. Then, we deploy the model in an eye-in-hand visual servoing system to enact robot control in the real world. The key to our system is the representation of salient visual information as geometric constraints, linking the robot's visual perception to actionable commands. Experimental results on 46 real-world robot manipulation tasks demonstrate that our method outperforms traditional visual servoing methods relying on labor-intensive feature annotations, excels in fine-grain referring image segmentation with a compact decoder size of 6.6 MB, and supports robot control across diverse contexts.
☆ Good Grasps Only: A data engine for self-supervised fine-tuning of pose estimation using grasp poses for verification
In this paper, we present a novel method for self-supervised fine-tuning of pose estimation for bin-picking. Leveraging zero-shot pose estimation, our approach enables the robot to automatically obtain training data without manual labeling. After pose estimation the object is grasped, and in-hand pose estimation is used for data validation. Our pipeline allows the system to fine-tune while the process is running, removing the need for a learning phase. The motivation behind our work lies in the need for rapid setup of pose estimation solutions. Specifically, we address the challenging task of bin picking, which plays a pivotal role in flexible robotic setups. Our method is implemented on a robotics work-cell, and tested with four different objects. For all objects, our method increases the performance and outperforms a state-of-the-art method trained on the CAD model of the objects.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables
☆ Unidirectional Human-Robot-Human Physical Interaction for Gait Training
This work presents a novel rehabilitation framework designed for a therapist, wearing an inertial measurement unit (IMU) suit, to virtually interact with a lower-limb exoskeleton worn by a patient with motor impairments. This framework aims to harmonize the skills and knowledge of the therapist with the capabilities of the exoskeleton. The therapist can guide the patient's movements by moving their own joints and making real-time adjustments to meet the patient's needs, while reducing the physical effort of the therapist. This eliminates the need for a predefined trajectory for the patient to follow, as in conventional robotic gait training. For the virtual interaction medium between the therapist and patient, we propose an impedance profile that is stiff at low frequencies and less stiff at high frequencies, that can be tailored to individual patient needs and different stages of rehabilitation. The desired interaction torque from this medium is commanded to a whole-exoskeleton closed-loop compensation controller. The proposed virtual interaction framework was evaluated with a pair of unimpaired individuals in different teacher-student gait training exercises. Results show the proposed interaction control effectively transmits haptic cues, informing future applications in rehabilitation scenarios.
☆ Robotic Optimization of Powdered Beverages Leveraging Computer Vision and Bayesian Optimization
The growing demand for innovative research in the food industry is driving the adoption of robots in large-scale experimentation, as it offers increased precision, replicability, and efficiency in product manufacturing and evaluation. To this end, we introduce a robotic system designed to optimize food product quality, focusing on powdered cappuccino preparation as a case study. By leveraging optimization algorithms and computer vision, the robot explores the parameter space to identify the ideal conditions for producing a cappuccino with the best foam quality. The system also incorporates computer vision-driven feedback in a closed-loop control to further improve the beverage. Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of robotic automation in achieving high repeatability and extensive parameter exploration, paving the way for more advanced and reliable food product development.
☆ Learning a Terrain- and Robot-Aware Dynamics Model for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation
Mobile robots should be capable of planning cost-efficient paths for autonomous navigation. Typically, the terrain and robot properties are subject to variations. For instance, properties of the terrain such as friction may vary across different locations. Also, properties of the robot may change such as payloads or wear and tear, e.g., causing changing actuator gains or joint friction. Autonomous navigation approaches should thus be able to adapt to such variations. In this article, we propose a novel approach for learning a probabilistic, terrain- and robot-aware forward dynamics model (TRADYN) which can adapt to such variations and demonstrate its use for navigation. Our learning approach extends recent advances in meta-learning forward dynamics models based on Neural Processes for mobile robot navigation. We evaluate our method in simulation for 2D navigation of a robot with uni-cycle dynamics with varying properties on terrain with spatially varying friction coefficients. In our experiments, we demonstrate that TRADYN has lower prediction error over long time horizons than model ablations which do not adapt to robot or terrain variations. We also evaluate our model for navigation planning in a model-predictive control framework and under various sources of noise. We demonstrate that our approach yields improved performance in planning control-efficient paths by taking robot and terrain properties into account.
comment: Submitted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2307.09206
☆ High performance Lunar landing simulations
Autonomous precision navigation to land onto the Moon relies on vision sensors. Computer vision algorithms are designed, trained and tested using synthetic simulations. High quality terrain models have been produced by Moon orbiters developed by several nations, with resolutions ranging from tens or hundreds of meters globally down to few meters locally. The SurRender software is a powerful simulator able to exploit the full potential of these datasets in raytracing. New interfaces include tools to fuse multi-resolution DEMs and procedural texture generation. A global model of the Moon at 20m resolution was integrated representing several terabytes of data which SurRender can render continuously and in real-time. This simulator will be a precious asset for the development of future missions.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 November 2022. Contribution reference: IAC-22,A3,IP,44,x71795
♻ ☆ IRIS: Interactive Responsive Intelligent Segmentation for 3D Affordance Analysis
Recent advancements in large language and vision-language models have significantly enhanced multimodal understanding, yet translating high-level linguistic instructions into precise robotic actions in 3D space remains challenging. This paper introduces IRIS (Interactive Responsive Intelligent Segmentation), a novel training-free multimodal system for 3D affordance segmentation, alongside a benchmark for evaluating interactive language-guided affordance in everyday environments. IRIS integrates a large multimodal model with a specialized 3D vision network, enabling seamless fusion of 2D and 3D visual understanding with language comprehension. To facilitate evaluation, we present a dataset of 10 typical indoor environments, each with 50 images annotated for object actions and 3D affordance segmentation. Extensive experiments demonstrate IRIS's capability in handling interactive 3D affordance segmentation tasks across diverse settings, showcasing competitive performance across various metrics. Our results highlight IRIS's potential for enhancing human-robot interaction based on affordance understanding in complex indoor environments, advancing the development of more intuitive and efficient robotic systems for real-world applications.
♻ ☆ Robo-GS: A Physics Consistent Spatial-Temporal Model for Robotic Arm with Hybrid Representation
Real2Sim2Real plays a critical role in robotic arm control and reinforcement learning, yet bridging this gap remains a significant challenge due to the complex physical properties of robots and the objects they manipulate. Existing methods lack a comprehensive solution to accurately reconstruct real-world objects with spatial representations and their associated physics attributes. We propose a Real2Sim pipeline with a hybrid representation model that integrates mesh geometry, 3D Gaussian kernels, and physics attributes to enhance the digital asset representation of robotic arms. This hybrid representation is implemented through a Gaussian-Mesh-Pixel binding technique, which establishes an isomorphic mapping between mesh vertices and Gaussian models. This enables a fully differentiable rendering pipeline that can be optimized through numerical solvers, achieves high-fidelity rendering via Gaussian Splatting, and facilitates physically plausible simulation of the robotic arm's interaction with its environment using mesh-based methods. The code,full presentation and datasets will be made publicly available at our website https://robostudioapp.com
♻ ☆ SeFlow: A Self-Supervised Scene Flow Method in Autonomous Driving ECCV 2024
Scene flow estimation predicts the 3D motion at each point in successive LiDAR scans. This detailed, point-level, information can help autonomous vehicles to accurately predict and understand dynamic changes in their surroundings. Current state-of-the-art methods require annotated data to train scene flow networks and the expense of labeling inherently limits their scalability. Self-supervised approaches can overcome the above limitations, yet face two principal challenges that hinder optimal performance: point distribution imbalance and disregard for object-level motion constraints. In this paper, we propose SeFlow, a self-supervised method that integrates efficient dynamic classification into a learning-based scene flow pipeline. We demonstrate that classifying static and dynamic points helps design targeted objective functions for different motion patterns. We also emphasize the importance of internal cluster consistency and correct object point association to refine the scene flow estimation, in particular on object details. Our real-time capable method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the self-supervised scene flow task on Argoverse 2 and Waymo datasets. The code is open-sourced at https://github.com/KTH-RPL/SeFlow along with trained model weights.
comment: 25 pages (14 main pages + 11 supp materail), 5 figures, ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ CalTag: Robust calibration of mmWave Radar and LiDAR using backscatter tags
The rise of automation in robotics necessitates the use of high-quality perception systems, often through the use of multiple sensors. A crucial aspect of a successfully deployed multi-sensor system is the calibration with a known object typically named fiducial. In this work, we propose a novel fiducial system for millimeter wave radars, termed as CalTag. CalTag addresses the limitations of traditional corner reflector-based calibration methods in extremely cluttered environments. CalTag leverages millimeter wave backscatter technology to achieve more reliable calibration than corner reflectors, enhancing the overall performance of multi-sensor perception systems. We compare the performance in several real-world environments and show the improvement achieved by using CalTag as the radar fiducial over a corner reflector.
♻ ☆ Adaptive Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has shown remarkable success in simulation domains, yet its application in designing robot controllers remains limited, due to its single-task orientation and insufficient adaptability to environmental changes. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel adaptive agent that leverages transfer learning techniques to dynamically adapt policy in response to different tasks and environmental conditions. The approach is validated through the blimp control challenge, where multitasking capabilities and environmental adaptability are essential. The agent is trained using a custom, highly parallelized simulator built on IsaacGym. We perform zero-shot transfer to fly the blimp in the real world to solve various tasks. We share our code at \url{https://github.com/robot-perception-group/adaptive\_agent/}.
♻ ☆ Fast Long-Term Multi-Scenario Prediction for Maneuver Planning at Unsignalized Intersections
Motion prediction for intelligent vehicles typically focuses on estimating the most probable future evolutions of a traffic scenario. Estimating the gap acceptance, i.e., whether a vehicle merges or crosses before another vehicle with the right of way, is often handled implicitly in the prediction. However, an infrastructure-based maneuver planning can assign artificial priorities between cooperative vehicles, so it needs to evaluate many more potential scenarios. Additionally, the prediction horizon has to be long enough to assess the impact of a maneuver. We, therefore, present a novel long-term prediction approach handling the gap acceptance estimation and the velocity prediction in two separate stages. Thereby, the behavior of regular vehicles as well as priority assignments of cooperative vehicles can be considered. We train both stages on real-world traffic observations to achieve realistic prediction results. Our method has a competitive accuracy and is fast enough to predict a multitude of scenarios in a short time, making it suitable to be used in a maneuver planning framework.
♻ ☆ BEATLE -- Self-Reconfigurable Aerial Robot: Design, Control and Experimental Validation
Modular self-reconfigurable robots (MSRRs) offer enhanced task flexibility by constructing various structures suitable for each task. However, conventional terrestrial MSRRs equipped with wheels face critical challenges, including limitations in the size of constructible structures and system robustness due to elevated wrench loads applied to each module. In this work, we introduce an Aerial MSRR (A-MSRR) system named BEATLE, capable of merging and separating in-flight. BEATLE can merge without applying wrench loads to adjacent modules, thereby expanding the scalability and robustness of conventional terrestrial MSRRs. In this article, we propose a system configuration for BEATLE, including mechanical design, a control framework for multi-connected flight, and a motion planner for reconfiguration motion. The design of a docking mechanism and housing structure aims to balance the durability of the constructed structure with ease of separation. Furthermore, the proposed flight control framework achieves stable multi-connected flight based on contact wrench control. Moreover, the proposed motion planner based on a finite state machine (FSM) achieves precise and robust reconfiguration motion. We also introduce the actual implementation of the prototype and validate the robustness and scalability of the proposed system design through experiments and simulation studies.
♻ ☆ RING#: PR-by-PE Global Localization with Roto-translation Equivariant Gram Learning
Global localization using onboard perception sensors, such as cameras and LiDARs, is crucial in autonomous driving and robotics applications when GPS signals are unreliable. Most approaches achieve global localization by sequential place recognition (PR) and pose estimation (PE). Some methods train separate models for each task, while others employ a single model with dual heads, trained jointly with separate task-specific losses. However, the accuracy of localization heavily depends on the success of place recognition, which often fails in scenarios with significant changes in viewpoint or environmental appearance. Consequently, this renders the final pose estimation of localization ineffective. To address this, we introduce a new paradigm, PR-by-PE localization, which bypasses the need for separate place recognition by directly deriving it from pose estimation. We propose RING#, an end-to-end PR-by-PE localization network that operates in the bird's-eye-view (BEV) space, compatible with both vision and LiDAR sensors. RING# incorporates a novel design that learns two equivariant representations from BEV features, enabling globally convergent and computationally efficient pose estimation. Comprehensive experiments on the NCLT and Oxford datasets show that RING# outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both vision and LiDAR modalities, validating the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The code will be publicly released.
comment: 25 pages, 21 figures
♻ ☆ Flight Testing of Latch Valve with Lightweight LV-Servo Direct Drive Mechanism
In the field of rocket technology, the latch valve assumes a pivotal role in regulating the flow of fuel gases and liquids to ensure the requisite energy supply. This project endeavors to innovate by replacing the conventional step motor mechanism with a servo motor for latch valve control. The selected servo motor, boasting a more compact form factor and reduced mass, aligns seamlessly with the project's overarching objectives. While servo motors offer myriad advantages, it is imperative to acknowledge and address the constraints of their maximum output torque to guarantee the latch valve's reliable operation. Furthermore, as a rocket ascends, it encounters significant fluctuations in internal temperature and pressure. Consequently, rigorous environmental testing becomes paramount to validate the servo motor's performance under these dynamic conditions, thus ensuring the latch valve's unwavering functionality. The primary focus of this project is the design and testing of the mechanism's performance in simulated rocket environments, achieved through the implementation of the servo motor for latch valve control. The results reveal that the servo motor demonstrated its effectiveness and reliability in controlling the latch valve under the rigorous environmental conditions of rocket flight.
comment: 21 pages, 14 figures and 1 table
♻ ☆ PIP-Loco: A Proprioceptive Infinite Horizon Planning Framework for Quadrupedal Robot Locomotion
A core strength of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for quadrupedal locomotion has been its ability to enforce constraints and provide interpretability of the sequence of commands over the horizon. However, despite being able to plan, MPC struggles to scale with task complexity, often failing to achieve robust behavior on rapidly changing surfaces. On the other hand, model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have outperformed MPC on multiple terrains, showing emergent motions but inherently lack any ability to handle constraints or perform planning. To address these limitations, we propose a framework that integrates proprioceptive planning with RL, allowing for agile and safe locomotion behaviors through the horizon. Inspired by MPC, we incorporate an internal model that includes a velocity estimator and a Dreamer module. During training, the framework learns an expert policy and an internal model that are co-dependent, facilitating exploration for improved locomotion behaviors. During deployment, the Dreamer module solves an infinite-horizon MPC problem, adapting actions and velocity commands to respect the constraints. We validate the robustness of our training framework through ablation studies on internal model components and demonstrate improved robustness to training noise. Finally, we evaluate our approach across multi-terrain scenarios in both simulation and hardware.
comment: Preprint under review
♻ ☆ A Dataset and Benchmark for Shape Completion of Fruits for Agricultural Robotics
As the world population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, our agricultural production system needs to double its productivity despite a decline of human workforce in the agricultural sector. Autonomous robotic systems are one promising pathway to increase productivity by taking over labor-intensive manual tasks like fruit picking. To be effective, such systems need to monitor and interact with plants and fruits precisely, which is challenging due to the cluttered nature of agricultural environments causing, for example, strong occlusions. Thus, being able to estimate the complete 3D shapes of objects in presence of occlusions is crucial for automating operations such as fruit harvesting. In this paper, we propose the first publicly available 3D shape completion dataset for agricultural vision systems. We provide an RGB-D dataset for estimating the 3D shape of fruits. Specifically, our dataset contains RGB-D frames of single sweet peppers in lab conditions but also in a commercial greenhouse. For each fruit, we additionally collected high-precision point clouds that we use as ground truth. For acquiring the ground truth shape, we developed a measuring process that allows us to record data of real sweet pepper plants, both in the lab and in the greenhouse with high precision, and determine the shape of the sensed fruits. We release our dataset, consisting of almost 7,000 RGB-D frames belonging to more than 100 different fruits. We provide segmented RGB-D frames, with camera intrinsics to easily obtain colored point clouds, together with the corresponding high-precision, occlusion-free point clouds obtained with a high-precision laser scanner. We additionally enable evaluation of shape completion approaches on a hidden test set through a public challenge on a benchmark server.
♻ ☆ Agile Decision-Making and Safety-Critical Motion Planning for Emergency Autonomous Vehicles
Efficiency is critical for autonomous vehicles (AVs), especially for emergency AVs. However, most existing methods focus on regular vehicles, overlooking the distinct strategies required by emergency vehicles to address the challenge of maximizing efficiency while ensuring safety. In this paper, we propose an Integrated Agile Decision-Making with Active and Safety-Critical Motion Planning System (IDEAM). IDEAM focuses on enabling emergency AVs, such as ambulances, to actively attain efficiency in dense traffic scenarios with safety in mind. Firstly, the speed-centric decision-making algorithm named the long short-term spatio-temporal graph-centric decision-making (LSGM) is given. LSGM comprises conditional depth-first search (C-DFS) for multiple paths generation as well as methods for speed gains and risk evaluation for path selection, which presents a robust algorithm for high efficiency and safety consideration. Secondly, with an output path from LSGM, the motion planner reconsiders environmental conditions to decide constraints states for the final planning stage, among which the lane-probing state is designed for actively attaining spatial and speed advantage. Thirdly, under the Frenet-based model predictive control (MPC) framework with final constraints state and selected path, the safety-critical motion planner employs decoupled discrete control barrier functions (DCBFs) and linearized discrete-time high-order control barrier functions (DHOCBFs) to model the constraints associated with different driving behaviors, making the optimal optimization problem convex. Finally, we extensively validate our system using scenarios from a randomly synthetic dataset, demonstrating its capability to achieve speed benefits and assure safety simultaneously.
♻ ☆ GlobalMapNet: An Online Framework for Vectorized Global HD Map Construction
High-definition (HD) maps are essential for autonomous driving systems. Traditionally, an expensive and labor-intensive pipeline is implemented to construct HD maps, which is limited in scalability. In recent years, crowdsourcing and online mapping have emerged as two alternative methods, but they have limitations respectively. In this paper, we provide a novel methodology, namely global map construction, to perform direct generation of vectorized global maps, combining the benefits of crowdsourcing and online mapping. We introduce GlobalMapNet, the first online framework for vectorized global HD map construction, which updates and utilizes a global map on the ego vehicle. To generate the global map from scratch, we propose GlobalMapBuilder to match and merge local maps continuously. We design a new algorithm, Map NMS, to remove duplicate map elements and produce a clean map. We also propose GlobalMapFusion to aggregate historical map information, improving consistency of prediction. We examine GlobalMapNet on two widely recognized datasets, Argoverse2 and nuScenes, showing that our framework is capable of generating globally consistent results.
♻ ☆ Detecting and Mitigating System-Level Anomalies of Vision-Based Controllers
Autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars and drones, have made significant strides in recent years by leveraging visual inputs and machine learning for decision-making and control. Despite their impressive performance, these vision-based controllers can make erroneous predictions when faced with novel or out-of-distribution inputs. Such errors can cascade to catastrophic system failures and compromise system safety. In this work, we introduce a run-time anomaly monitor to detect and mitigate such closed-loop, system-level failures. Specifically, we leverage a reachability-based framework to stress-test the vision-based controller offline and mine its system-level failures. This data is then used to train a classifier that is leveraged online to flag inputs that might cause system breakdowns. The anomaly detector highlights issues that transcend individual modules and pertain to the safety of the overall system. We also design a fallback controller that robustly handles these detected anomalies to preserve system safety. We validate the proposed approach on an autonomous aircraft taxiing system that uses a vision-based controller for taxiing. Our results show the efficacy of the proposed approach in identifying and handling system-level anomalies, outperforming methods such as prediction error-based detection, and ensembling, thereby enhancing the overall safety and robustness of autonomous systems.
♻ ☆ Fully Distributed Cooperative Multi-agent Underwater Obstacle Avoidance
Navigation in cluttered underwater environments is challenging, especially when there are constraints on communication and self-localisation. Part of the fully distributed underwater navigation problem has been resolved by introducing multi-agent robot teams [1], however when the environment becomes cluttered, the problem remains unresolved. In this paper, we first studied the connection between everyday activity of dog walking and the cooperative underwater obstacle avoidance problem. Inspired by this analogy, we propose a novel dog walking paradigm and implement it in a multi-agent underwater system. Simulations were conducted across various scenarios, with performance benchmarked against traditional methods utilising Image-Based Visual Servoing in a multi-agent setup. Results indicate that our dog walking-inspired paradigm significantly enhances cooperative behavior among agents and outperforms the existing approach in navigating through obstacles.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Robots with Attitude: Singularity-Free Quaternion-Based Model-Predictive Control for Agile Legged Robots
We present a model-predictive control (MPC) framework for legged robots that avoids the singularities associated with common three-parameter attitude representations like Euler angles during large-angle rotations. Our method parameterizes the robot's attitude with singularity-free unit quaternions and makes modifications to the iterative linear-quadratic regulator (iLQR) algorithm to deal with the resulting geometry. The derivation of our algorithm requires only elementary calculus and linear algebra, deliberately avoiding the abstraction and notation of Lie groups. We demonstrate the performance and computational efficiency of quaternion MPC in several experiments on quadruped and humanoid robots.
♻ ☆ Constraint-Informed Learning for Warm Starting Trajectory Optimization
Future spacecraft and surface robotic missions require increasingly capable autonomy stacks for exploring challenging and unstructured domains, and trajectory optimization will be a cornerstone of such autonomy stacks. However, the nonlinear optimization solvers required remain too slow for use on relatively resource-constrained flight-grade computers. In this work, we turn towards amortized optimization, a learning-based technique for accelerating optimization run times, and present TOAST: Trajectory Optimization with Merit Function Warm Starts. Offline, using data collected from a simulation, we train a neural network to learn a mapping to the full primal and dual solutions given the problem parameters. Crucially, we build upon recent results from decision-focused learning and present a set of decision-focused loss functions using the notion of merit functions for optimization problems. We show that training networks with such constraint-informed losses can better encode the structure of the trajectory optimization problem and jointly learn to reconstruct the primal-dual solution while yielding improved constraint satisfaction. Through numerical experiments on a Lunar rover problem and a 3-degrees-of-freedom Mars powered descent guidance problem, we demonstrate that TOAST outperforms benchmark approaches in terms of both computation times and network prediction constraint satisfaction.
♻ ☆ Navi2Gaze: Leveraging Foundation Models for Navigation and Target Gazing
Task-aware navigation continues to be a challenging area of research, especially in scenarios involving open vocabulary. Previous studies primarily focus on finding suitable locations for task completion, often overlooking the importance of the robot's pose. However, the robot's orientation is crucial for successfully completing tasks because of how objects are arranged (e.g., to open a refrigerator door). Humans intuitively navigate to objects with the right orientation using semantics and common sense. For instance, when opening a refrigerator, we naturally stand in front of it rather than to the side. Recent advances suggest that Vision-Language Models (VLMs) can provide robots with similar common sense. Therefore, we develop a VLM-driven method called Navigation-to-Gaze (Navi2Gaze) for efficient navigation and object gazing based on task descriptions. This method uses the VLM to score and select the best pose from numerous candidates automatically. In evaluations on multiple photorealistic simulation benchmarks, Navi2Gaze significantly outperforms existing approaches by precisely determining the optimal orientation relative to target objects, resulting in a 68.8% reduction in Distance to Goal (DTG). Real-world video demonstrations can be found on the supplementary website
♻ ☆ Exploiting Chordal Sparsity for Fast Global Optimality with Application to Localization
In recent years, many estimation problems in robotics have been shown to be solvable to global optimality using their semidefinite relaxations. However, the runtime complexity of off-the-shelf semidefinite programming (SDP) solvers is up to cubic in problem size, which inhibits real-time solutions of problems involving large state dimensions. We show that for a large class of problems, namely those with chordal sparsity, we can reduce the complexity of these solvers to linear in problem size. In particular, we show how to replace the large positive-semidefinite variable with a number of smaller interconnected ones using the well-known chordal decomposition. This formulation also allows for the straightforward application of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), which can exploit parallelism for increased scalability. We show for two example problems in simulation that the chordal solvers provide a significant speed-up over standard SDP solvers, and that global optimality is crucial in the absence of good initializations.
comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Version history: v1: initial arXiv, v2: WAFR submission, v3: correction, v4: WAFR conference-ready
♻ ☆ Leveraging Fixed-Parameter Tractability for Robot Inspection Planning
Autonomous robotic inspection, where a robot moves through its environment and inspects points of interest, has applications in industrial settings, structural health monitoring, and medicine. Planning the paths for a robot to safely and efficiently perform such an inspection is an extremely difficult algorithmic challenge. In this work we consider an abstraction of the inspection planning problem which we term Graph Inspection. We give two exact algorithms for this problem, using dynamic programming and integer linear programming. We analyze the performance of these methods, and present multiple approaches to achieve scalability. We demonstrate significant improvement both in path weight and inspection coverage over a state-of-the-art approach on two robotics tasks in simulation, a bridge inspection task by a UAV and a surgical inspection task using a medical robot.
♻ ☆ Single-Stage Optimization of Open-loop Stable Limit Cycles with Smooth, Symbolic Derivatives ICRA-2025
Open-loop stable limit cycles are foundational to legged robotics, providing inherent self-stabilization that minimizes the need for computationally intensive feedback-based gait correction. While previous methods have primarily targeted specific robotic models, this paper introduces a general framework for rapidly generating limit cycles across various dynamical systems, with the flexibility to impose arbitrarily tight stability bounds. We formulate the problem as a single-stage constrained optimization problem and use Direct Collocation to transcribe it into a nonlinear program with closed-form expressions for constraints, objectives, and their gradients. Our method supports multiple stability formulations. In particular, we tested two popular formulations for limit cycle stability in robotics: (1) based on the spectral radius of a discrete return map, and (2) based on the spectral radius of the monodromy matrix, and tested five different constraint-satisfaction formulations of the eigenvalue problem to bound the spectral radius. We compare the performance and solution quality of the various formulations on a robotic swing-leg model, highlighting the Schur decomposition of the monodromy matrix as a method with broader applicability due to weaker assumptions and stronger numerical convergence properties. As a case study, we apply our method on a hopping robot model, generating open-loop stable gaits in under 2 seconds on an Intel Core i7-6700K, while simultaneously minimizing energy consumption even under tight stability constraints.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ICRA-2025
♻ ☆ Opti-Acoustic Semantic SLAM with Unknown Objects in Underwater Environments
Despite recent advances in semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for terrestrial and aerial applications, underwater semantic SLAM remains an open and largely unaddressed research problem due to the unique sensing modalities and the object classes found underwater. This paper presents an object-based semantic SLAM method for underwater environments that can identify, localize, classify, and map a wide variety of marine objects without a priori knowledge of the object classes present in the scene. The method performs unsupervised object segmentation and object-level feature aggregation, and then uses opti-acoustic sensor fusion for object localization. Probabilistic data association is used to determine observation to landmark correspondences. Given such correspondences, the method then jointly optimizes landmark and vehicle position estimates. Indoor and outdoor underwater datasets with a wide variety of objects and challenging acoustic and lighting conditions are collected for evaluation and made publicly available. Quantitative and qualitative results show the proposed method achieves reduced trajectory error compared to baseline methods, and is able to obtain comparable map accuracy to a baseline closed-set method that requires hand-labeled data of all objects in the scene.
comment: Minor typo tixes and clarifications
♻ ☆ One-Shot Imitation under Mismatched Execution
Human demonstrations as prompts are a powerful way to program robots to do long-horizon manipulation tasks. However, translating these demonstrations into robot-executable actions presents significant challenges due to execution mismatches in movement styles and physical capabilities. Existing methods either depend on robot-demonstrator paired data, which is infeasible to scale, or rely too heavily on frame-level visual similarities that often break down in practice. To address these challenges, we propose RHyME, a novel framework that automatically aligns robot and demonstrator task executions using optimal transport costs. Given long-horizon robot demonstrations, RHyME synthesizes semantically equivalent demonstrator videos by retrieving and composing short-horizon demonstrator clips. This approach facilitates effective policy training without the need for paired data. We demonstrate that RHyME outperforms a range of baselines across cross-embodiment datasets, showing a 52% increase in task recall over prior cross-embodiment learning methods. We release our code and datasets at https://portal-cornell.github.io/rhyme/.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 130
☆ Phidias: A Generative Model for Creating 3D Content from Text, Image, and 3D Conditions with Reference-Augmented Diffusion
In 3D modeling, designers often use an existing 3D model as a reference to create new ones. This practice has inspired the development of Phidias, a novel generative model that uses diffusion for reference-augmented 3D generation. Given an image, our method leverages a retrieved or user-provided 3D reference model to guide the generation process, thereby enhancing the generation quality, generalization ability, and controllability. Our model integrates three key components: 1) meta-ControlNet that dynamically modulates the conditioning strength, 2) dynamic reference routing that mitigates misalignment between the input image and 3D reference, and 3) self-reference augmentations that enable self-supervised training with a progressive curriculum. Collectively, these designs result in a clear improvement over existing methods. Phidias establishes a unified framework for 3D generation using text, image, and 3D conditions with versatile applications.
comment: Project page: https://RAG-3D.github.io/
☆ NVLM: Open Frontier-Class Multimodal LLMs
We introduce NVLM 1.0, a family of frontier-class multimodal large language models (LLMs) that achieve state-of-the-art results on vision-language tasks, rivaling the leading proprietary models (e.g., GPT-4o) and open-access models (e.g., Llama 3-V 405B and InternVL 2). Remarkably, NVLM 1.0 shows improved text-only performance over its LLM backbone after multimodal training. In terms of model design, we perform a comprehensive comparison between decoder-only multimodal LLMs (e.g., LLaVA) and cross-attention-based models (e.g., Flamingo). Based on the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, we propose a novel architecture that enhances both training efficiency and multimodal reasoning capabilities. Furthermore, we introduce a 1-D tile-tagging design for tile-based dynamic high-resolution images, which significantly boosts performance on multimodal reasoning and OCR-related tasks. Regarding training data, we meticulously curate and provide detailed information on our multimodal pretraining and supervised fine-tuning datasets. Our findings indicate that dataset quality and task diversity are more important than scale, even during the pretraining phase, across all architectures. Notably, we develop production-grade multimodality for the NVLM-1.0 models, enabling them to excel in vision-language tasks while maintaining and even improving text-only performance compared to their LLM backbones. To achieve this, we craft and integrate a high-quality text-only dataset into multimodal training, alongside a substantial amount of multimodal math and reasoning data, leading to enhanced math and coding capabilities across modalities. To advance research in the field, we are releasing the model weights and will open-source the code for the community: https://nvlm-project.github.io/.
☆ Training Datasets Generation for Machine Learning: Application to Vision Based Navigation SP
Vision Based Navigation consists in utilizing cameras as precision sensors for GNC after extracting information from images. To enable the adoption of machine learning for space applications, one of obstacles is the demonstration that available training datasets are adequate to validate the algorithms. The objective of the study is to generate datasets of images and metadata suitable for training machine learning algorithms. Two use cases were selected and a robust methodology was developed to validate the datasets including the ground truth. The first use case is in-orbit rendezvous with a man-made object: a mockup of satellite ENVISAT. The second use case is a Lunar landing scenario. Datasets were produced from archival datasets (Chang'e 3), from the laboratory at DLR TRON facility and at Airbus Robotic laboratory, from SurRender software high fidelity image simulator using Model Capture and from Generative Adversarial Networks. The use case definition included the selection of algorithms as benchmark: an AI-based pose estimation algorithm and a dense optical flow algorithm were selected. Eventually it is demonstrated that datasets produced with SurRender and selected laboratory facilities are adequate to train machine learning algorithms.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, preprint of the proceedings of ESA SPAICE conference 2024
☆ Ultrasound Image Enhancement with the Variance of Diffusion Models
Ultrasound imaging, despite its widespread use in medicine, often suffers from various sources of noise and artifacts that impact the signal-to-noise ratio and overall image quality. Enhancing ultrasound images requires a delicate balance between contrast, resolution, and speckle preservation. This paper introduces a novel approach that integrates adaptive beamforming with denoising diffusion-based variance imaging to address this challenge. By applying Eigenspace-Based Minimum Variance (EBMV) beamforming and employing a denoising diffusion model fine-tuned on ultrasound data, our method computes the variance across multiple diffusion-denoised samples to produce high-quality despeckled images. This approach leverages both the inherent multiplicative noise of ultrasound and the stochastic nature of diffusion models. Experimental results on a publicly available dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in achieving superior image reconstructions from single plane-wave acquisitions. The code is available at: https://github.com/Yuxin-Zhang-Jasmine/IUS2024_Diffusion.
comment: Accepted by the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2024
☆ Multi-OCT-SelfNet: Integrating Self-Supervised Learning with Multi-Source Data Fusion for Enhanced Multi-Class Retinal Disease Classification
In the medical domain, acquiring large datasets poses significant challenges due to privacy concerns. Nonetheless, the development of a robust deep-learning model for retinal disease diagnosis necessitates a substantial dataset for training. The capacity to generalize effectively on smaller datasets remains a persistent challenge. The scarcity of data presents a significant barrier to the practical implementation of scalable medical AI solutions. To address this issue, we've combined a wide range of data sources to improve performance and generalization to new data by giving it a deeper understanding of the data representation from multi-modal datasets and developed a self-supervised framework based on large language models (LLMs), SwinV2 to gain a deeper understanding of multi-modal dataset representations, enhancing the model's ability to extrapolate to new data for the detection of eye diseases using optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. We adopt a two-phase training methodology, self-supervised pre-training, and fine-tuning on a downstream supervised classifier. An ablation study conducted across three datasets employing various encoder backbones, without data fusion, with low data availability setting, and without self-supervised pre-training scenarios, highlights the robustness of our method. Our findings demonstrate consistent performance across these diverse conditions, showcasing superior generalization capabilities compared to the baseline model, ResNet-50.
comment: 25 pages, 9 tables, 10 figures
☆ Uncertainty and Prediction Quality Estimation for Semantic Segmentation via Graph Neural Networks BMVC
When employing deep neural networks (DNNs) for semantic segmentation in safety-critical applications like automotive perception or medical imaging, it is important to estimate their performance at runtime, e.g. via uncertainty estimates or prediction quality estimates. Previous works mostly performed uncertainty estimation on pixel-level. In a line of research, a connected-component-wise (segment-wise) perspective was taken, approaching uncertainty estimation on an object-level by performing so-called meta classification and regression to estimate uncertainty and prediction quality, respectively. In those works, each predicted segment is considered individually to estimate its uncertainty or prediction quality. However, the neighboring segments may provide additional hints on whether a given predicted segment is of high quality, which we study in the present work. On the basis of uncertainty indicating metrics on segment-level, we use graph neural networks (GNNs) to model the relationship of a given segment's quality as a function of the given segment's metrics as well as those of its neighboring segments. We compare different GNN architectures and achieve a notable performance improvement.
comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to BMVC "Workshop on Robust Recognition in the Open World" (https://rrow2024.github.io/call-for-papers)
☆ Compact Implicit Neural Representations for Plane Wave Images
Ultrafast Plane-Wave (PW) imaging often produces artifacts and shadows that vary with insonification angles. We propose a novel approach using Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) to compactly encode multi-planar sequences while preserving crucial orientation-dependent information. To our knowledge, this is the first application of INRs for PW angular interpolation. Our method employs a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)-based model with a concise physics-enhanced rendering technique. Quantitative evaluations using SSIM, PSNR, and standard ultrasound metrics, along with qualitative visual assessments, confirm the effectiveness of our approach. Additionally, our method demonstrates significant storage efficiency, with model weights requiring 530 KB compared to 8 MB for directly storing the 75 PW images, achieving a notable compression ratio of approximately 15:1.
comment: Accepted by the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2024
☆ OSV: One Step is Enough for High-Quality Image to Video Generation
Video diffusion models have shown great potential in generating high-quality videos, making them an increasingly popular focus. However, their inherent iterative nature leads to substantial computational and time costs. While efforts have been made to accelerate video diffusion by reducing inference steps (through techniques like consistency distillation) and GAN training (these approaches often fall short in either performance or training stability). In this work, we introduce a two-stage training framework that effectively combines consistency distillation with GAN training to address these challenges. Additionally, we propose a novel video discriminator design, which eliminates the need for decoding the video latents and improves the final performance. Our model is capable of producing high-quality videos in merely one-step, with the flexibility to perform multi-step refinement for further performance enhancement. Our quantitative evaluation on the OpenWebVid-1M benchmark shows that our model significantly outperforms existing methods. Notably, our 1-step performance(FVD 171.15) exceeds the 8-step performance of the consistency distillation based method, AnimateLCM (FVD 184.79), and approaches the 25-step performance of advanced Stable Video Diffusion (FVD 156.94).
☆ RenderWorld: World Model with Self-Supervised 3D Label
End-to-end autonomous driving with vision-only is not only more cost-effective compared to LiDAR-vision fusion but also more reliable than traditional methods. To achieve a economical and robust purely visual autonomous driving system, we propose RenderWorld, a vision-only end-to-end autonomous driving framework, which generates 3D occupancy labels using a self-supervised gaussian-based Img2Occ Module, then encodes the labels by AM-VAE, and uses world model for forecasting and planning. RenderWorld employs Gaussian Splatting to represent 3D scenes and render 2D images greatly improves segmentation accuracy and reduces GPU memory consumption compared with NeRF-based methods. By applying AM-VAE to encode air and non-air separately, RenderWorld achieves more fine-grained scene element representation, leading to state-of-the-art performance in both 4D occupancy forecasting and motion planning from autoregressive world model.
☆ Fine-Tuning Image-Conditional Diffusion Models is Easier than You Think
Recent work showed that large diffusion models can be reused as highly precise monocular depth estimators by casting depth estimation as an image-conditional image generation task. While the proposed model achieved state-of-the-art results, high computational demands due to multi-step inference limited its use in many scenarios. In this paper, we show that the perceived inefficiency was caused by a flaw in the inference pipeline that has so far gone unnoticed. The fixed model performs comparably to the best previously reported configuration while being more than 200$\times$ faster. To optimize for downstream task performance, we perform end-to-end fine-tuning on top of the single-step model with task-specific losses and get a deterministic model that outperforms all other diffusion-based depth and normal estimation models on common zero-shot benchmarks. We surprisingly find that this fine-tuning protocol also works directly on Stable Diffusion and achieves comparable performance to current state-of-the-art diffusion-based depth and normal estimation models, calling into question some of the conclusions drawn from prior works.
comment: Project page: https://vision.rwth-aachen.de/diffusion-e2e-ft
☆ OmniGen: Unified Image Generation
In this work, we introduce OmniGen, a new diffusion model for unified image generation. Unlike popular diffusion models (e.g., Stable Diffusion), OmniGen no longer requires additional modules such as ControlNet or IP-Adapter to process diverse control conditions. OmniGenis characterized by the following features: 1) Unification: OmniGen not only demonstrates text-to-image generation capabilities but also inherently supports other downstream tasks, such as image editing, subject-driven generation, and visual-conditional generation. Additionally, OmniGen can handle classical computer vision tasks by transforming them into image generation tasks, such as edge detection and human pose recognition. 2) Simplicity: The architecture of OmniGen is highly simplified, eliminating the need for additional text encoders. Moreover, it is more user-friendly compared to existing diffusion models, enabling complex tasks to be accomplished through instructions without the need for extra preprocessing steps (e.g., human pose estimation), thereby significantly simplifying the workflow of image generation. 3) Knowledge Transfer: Through learning in a unified format, OmniGen effectively transfers knowledge across different tasks, manages unseen tasks and domains, and exhibits novel capabilities. We also explore the model's reasoning capabilities and potential applications of chain-of-thought mechanism. This work represents the first attempt at a general-purpose image generation model, and there remain several unresolved issues. We will open-source the related resources at https://github.com/VectorSpaceLab/OmniGen to foster advancements in this field.
☆ CLIP Adaptation by Intra-modal Overlap Reduction BMVC 2024
Numerous methods have been proposed to adapt a pre-trained foundational CLIP model for few-shot classification. As CLIP is trained on a large corpus, it generalises well through adaptation to few-shot classification. In this work, we analyse the intra-modal overlap in image space in terms of embedding representation. Our analysis shows that, due to contrastive learning, embeddings from CLIP model exhibit high cosine similarity distribution overlap in the image space between paired and unpaired examples affecting the performance of few-shot training-free classification methods which rely on similarity in the image space for their predictions. To tackle intra-modal overlap we propose to train a lightweight adapter on a generic set of samples from the Google Open Images dataset demonstrating that this improves accuracy for few-shot training-free classification. We validate our contribution through extensive empirical analysis and demonstrate that reducing the intra-modal overlap leads to a) improved performance on a number of standard datasets, b) increased robustness to distribution shift and c) higher feature variance rendering the features more discriminative for downstream tasks.
comment: BMVC 2024, Oral
☆ Reducing Catastrophic Forgetting in Online Class Incremental Learning Using Self-Distillation
In continual learning, there is a serious problem of catastrophic forgetting, in which previous knowledge is forgotten when a model learns new tasks. Various methods have been proposed to solve this problem. Replay methods which replay data from previous tasks in later training, have shown good accuracy. However, replay methods have a generalizability problem from a limited memory buffer. In this paper, we tried to solve this problem by acquiring transferable knowledge through self-distillation using highly generalizable output in shallow layer as a teacher. Furthermore, when we deal with a large number of classes or challenging data, there is a risk of learning not converging and not experiencing overfitting. Therefore, we attempted to achieve more efficient and thorough learning by prioritizing the storage of easily misclassified samples through a new method of memory update. We confirmed that our proposed method outperformed conventional methods by experiments on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and MiniimageNet datasets.
comment: 10 pages, 2 figures
☆ TopoMaskV2: Enhanced Instance-Mask-Based Formulation for the Road Topology Problem ECCV 2024
Recently, the centerline has become a popular representation of lanes due to its advantages in solving the road topology problem. To enhance centerline prediction, we have developed a new approach called TopoMask. Unlike previous methods that rely on keypoints or parametric methods, TopoMask utilizes an instance-mask-based formulation coupled with a masked-attention-based transformer architecture. We introduce a quad-direction label representation to enrich the mask instances with flow information and design a corresponding post-processing technique for mask-to-centerline conversion. Additionally, we demonstrate that the instance-mask formulation provides complementary information to parametric Bezier regressions, and fusing both outputs leads to improved detection and topology performance. Moreover, we analyze the shortcomings of the pillar assumption in the Lift Splat technique and adapt a multi-height bin configuration. Experimental results show that TopoMask achieves state-of-the-art performance in the OpenLane-V2 dataset, increasing from 44.1 to 49.4 for Subset-A and 44.7 to 51.8 for Subset-B in the V1.1 OLS baseline.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 2nd Workshop on Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving (VCAD). TopoMaskV2 includes significant architectural improvements and extensive ablation studies over the original TopoMask, which received an innovation award in the OpenLane Topology Challenge 2023
☆ LPT++: Efficient Training on Mixture of Long-tailed Experts
We introduce LPT++, a comprehensive framework for long-tailed classification that combines parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) with a learnable model ensemble. LPT++ enhances frozen Vision Transformers (ViTs) through the integration of three core components. The first is a universal long-tailed adaptation module, which aggregates long-tailed prompts and visual adapters to adapt the pretrained model to the target domain, meanwhile improving its discriminative ability. The second is the mixture of long-tailed experts framework with a mixture-of-experts (MoE) scorer, which adaptively calculates reweighting coefficients for confidence scores from both visual-only and visual-language (VL) model experts to generate more accurate predictions. Finally, LPT++ employs a three-phase training framework, wherein each critical module is learned separately, resulting in a stable and effective long-tailed classification training paradigm. Besides, we also propose the simple version of LPT++ namely LPT, which only integrates visual-only pretrained ViT and long-tailed prompts to formulate a single model method. LPT can clearly illustrate how long-tailed prompts works meanwhile achieving comparable performance without VL pretrained models. Experiments show that, with only ~1% extra trainable parameters, LPT++ achieves comparable accuracy against all the counterparts.
comment: Extended version of arXiv:2210.01033
☆ MSDNet: Multi-Scale Decoder for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation via Transformer-Guided Prototyping
Few-shot Semantic Segmentation addresses the challenge of segmenting objects in query images with only a handful of annotated examples. However, many previous state-of-the-art methods either have to discard intricate local semantic features or suffer from high computational complexity. To address these challenges, we propose a new Few-shot Semantic Segmentation framework based on the transformer architecture. Our approach introduces the spatial transformer decoder and the contextual mask generation module to improve the relational understanding between support and query images. Moreover, we introduce a multi-scale decoder to refine the segmentation mask by incorporating features from different resolutions in a hierarchical manner. Additionally, our approach integrates global features from intermediate encoder stages to improve contextual understanding, while maintaining a lightweight structure to reduce complexity. This balance between performance and efficiency enables our method to achieve state-of-the-art results on benchmark datasets such as $PASCAL-5^i$ and $COCO-20^i$ in both 1-shot and 5-shot settings. Notably, our model with only 1.5 million parameters demonstrates competitive performance while overcoming limitations of existing methodologies. https://github.com/amirrezafateh/MSDNet
☆ fMRI-3D: A Comprehensive Dataset for Enhancing fMRI-based 3D Reconstruction ECCV 2024
Reconstructing 3D visuals from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data, introduced as Recon3DMind in our conference work, is of significant interest to both cognitive neuroscience and computer vision. To advance this task, we present the fMRI-3D dataset, which includes data from 15 participants and showcases a total of 4768 3D objects. The dataset comprises two components: fMRI-Shape, previously introduced and accessible at https://huggingface.co/datasets/Fudan-fMRI/fMRI-Shape, and fMRI-Objaverse, proposed in this paper and available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/Fudan-fMRI/fMRI-Objaverse. fMRI-Objaverse includes data from 5 subjects, 4 of whom are also part of the Core set in fMRI-Shape, with each subject viewing 3142 3D objects across 117 categories, all accompanied by text captions. This significantly enhances the diversity and potential applications of the dataset. Additionally, we propose MinD-3D, a novel framework designed to decode 3D visual information from fMRI signals. The framework first extracts and aggregates features from fMRI data using a neuro-fusion encoder, then employs a feature-bridge diffusion model to generate visual features, and finally reconstructs the 3D object using a generative transformer decoder. We establish new benchmarks by designing metrics at both semantic and structural levels to evaluate model performance. Furthermore, we assess our model's effectiveness in an Out-of-Distribution setting and analyze the attribution of the extracted features and the visual ROIs in fMRI signals. Our experiments demonstrate that MinD-3D not only reconstructs 3D objects with high semantic and spatial accuracy but also deepens our understanding of how human brain processes 3D visual information. Project page at: https://jianxgao.github.io/MinD-3D.
comment: Extended version of "MinD-3D: Reconstruct High-quality 3D objects in Human Brain", ECCV 2024 (arXiv: 2312.07485)
☆ GS-Net: Generalizable Plug-and-Play 3D Gaussian Splatting Module
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) integrates the strengths of primitive-based representations and volumetric rendering techniques, enabling real-time, high-quality rendering. However, 3DGS models typically overfit to single-scene training and are highly sensitive to the initialization of Gaussian ellipsoids, heuristically derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) point clouds, which limits both generalization and practicality. To address these limitations, we propose GS-Net, a generalizable, plug-and-play 3DGS module that densifies Gaussian ellipsoids from sparse SfM point clouds, enhancing geometric structure representation. To the best of our knowledge, GS-Net is the first plug-and-play 3DGS module with cross-scene generalization capabilities. Additionally, we introduce the CARLA-NVS dataset, which incorporates additional camera viewpoints to thoroughly evaluate reconstruction and rendering quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that applying GS-Net to 3DGS yields a PSNR improvement of 2.08 dB for conventional viewpoints and 1.86 dB for novel viewpoints, confirming the method's effectiveness and robustness.
☆ TTT-Unet: Enhancing U-Net with Test-Time Training Layers for biomedical image segmentation
Biomedical image segmentation is crucial for accurately diagnosing and analyzing various diseases. However, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers, the most commonly used architectures for this task, struggle to effectively capture long-range dependencies due to the inherent locality of CNNs and the computational complexity of Transformers. To address this limitation, we introduce TTT-Unet, a novel framework that integrates Test-Time Training (TTT) layers into the traditional U-Net architecture for biomedical image segmentation. TTT-Unet dynamically adjusts model parameters during the testing time, enhancing the model's ability to capture both local and long-range features. We evaluate TTT-Unet on multiple medical imaging datasets, including 3D abdominal organ segmentation in CT and MR images, instrument segmentation in endoscopy images, and cell segmentation in microscopy images. The results demonstrate that TTT-Unet consistently outperforms state-of-the-art CNN-based and Transformer-based segmentation models across all tasks. The code is available at https://github.com/rongzhou7/TTT-Unet.
☆ Temporal As a Plugin: Unsupervised Video Denoising with Pre-Trained Image Denoisers
Recent advancements in deep learning have shown impressive results in image and video denoising, leveraging extensive pairs of noisy and noise-free data for supervision. However, the challenge of acquiring paired videos for dynamic scenes hampers the practical deployment of deep video denoising techniques. In contrast, this obstacle is less pronounced in image denoising, where paired data is more readily available. Thus, a well-trained image denoiser could serve as a reliable spatial prior for video denoising. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised video denoising framework, named ``Temporal As a Plugin'' (TAP), which integrates tunable temporal modules into a pre-trained image denoiser. By incorporating temporal modules, our method can harness temporal information across noisy frames, complementing its power of spatial denoising. Furthermore, we introduce a progressive fine-tuning strategy that refines each temporal module using the generated pseudo clean video frames, progressively enhancing the network's denoising performance. Compared to other unsupervised video denoising methods, our framework demonstrates superior performance on both sRGB and raw video denoising datasets.
☆ SLAck: Semantic, Location, and Appearance Aware Open-Vocabulary Tracking ECCV2024
Open-vocabulary Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) aims to generalize trackers to novel categories not in the training set. Currently, the best-performing methods are mainly based on pure appearance matching. Due to the complexity of motion patterns in the large-vocabulary scenarios and unstable classification of the novel objects, the motion and semantics cues are either ignored or applied based on heuristics in the final matching steps by existing methods. In this paper, we present a unified framework SLAck that jointly considers semantics, location, and appearance priors in the early steps of association and learns how to integrate all valuable information through a lightweight spatial and temporal object graph. Our method eliminates complex post-processing heuristics for fusing different cues and boosts the association performance significantly for large-scale open-vocabulary tracking. Without bells and whistles, we outperform previous state-of-the-art methods for novel classes tracking on the open-vocabulary MOT and TAO TETA benchmarks. Our code is available at \href{https://github.com/siyuanliii/SLAck}{github.com/siyuanliii/SLAck}.
comment: ECCV2024
☆ STCMOT: Spatio-Temporal Cohesion Learning for UAV-Based Multiple Object Tracking
Multiple object tracking (MOT) in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) videos is important for diverse applications in computer vision. Current MOT trackers rely on accurate object detection results and precise matching of target reidentification (ReID). These methods focus on optimizing target spatial attributes while overlooking temporal cues in modelling object relationships, especially for challenging tracking conditions such as object deformation and blurring, etc. To address the above-mentioned issues, we propose a novel Spatio-Temporal Cohesion Multiple Object Tracking framework (STCMOT), which utilizes historical embedding features to model the representation of ReID and detection features in a sequential order. Concretely, a temporal embedding boosting module is introduced to enhance the discriminability of individual embedding based on adjacent frame cooperation. While the trajectory embedding is then propagated by a temporal detection refinement module to mine salient target locations in the temporal field. Extensive experiments on the VisDrone2019 and UAVDT datasets demonstrate our STCMOT sets a new state-of-the-art performance in MOTA and IDF1 metrics. The source codes are released at https://github.com/ydhcg-BoBo/STCMOT.
☆ Generalized Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing: Challenge and Benchmark
Learning with limited labelled data is a challenging problem in various applications, including remote sensing. Few-shot semantic segmentation is one approach that can encourage deep learning models to learn from few labelled examples for novel classes not seen during the training. The generalized few-shot segmentation setting has an additional challenge which encourages models not only to adapt to the novel classes but also to maintain strong performance on the training base classes. While previous datasets and benchmarks discussed the few-shot segmentation setting in remote sensing, we are the first to propose a generalized few-shot segmentation benchmark for remote sensing. The generalized setting is more realistic and challenging, which necessitates exploring it within the remote sensing context. We release the dataset augmenting OpenEarthMap with additional classes labelled for the generalized few-shot evaluation setting. The dataset is released during the OpenEarthMap land cover mapping generalized few-shot challenge in the L3D-IVU workshop in conjunction with CVPR 2024. In this work, we summarize the dataset and challenge details in addition to providing the benchmark results on the two phases of the challenge for the validation and test sets.
comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, and 2 tables
☆ A Human-Centered Risk Evaluation of Biometric Systems Using Conjoint Analysis
Biometric recognition systems, known for their convenience, are widely adopted across various fields. However, their security faces risks depending on the authentication algorithm and deployment environment. Current risk assessment methods faces significant challenges in incorporating the crucial factor of attacker's motivation, leading to incomplete evaluations. This paper presents a novel human-centered risk evaluation framework using conjoint analysis to quantify the impact of risk factors, such as surveillance cameras, on attacker's motivation. Our framework calculates risk values incorporating the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and attack probability, allowing comprehensive comparisons across use cases. A survey of 600 Japanese participants demonstrates our method's effectiveness, showing how security measures influence attacker's motivation. This approach helps decision-makers customize biometric systems to enhance security while maintaining usability.
☆ Multimodal Attention-Enhanced Feature Fusion-based Weekly Supervised Anomaly Violence Detection
Weakly supervised video anomaly detection (WS-VAD) is a crucial area in computer vision for developing intelligent surveillance systems. This system uses three feature streams: RGB video, optical flow, and audio signals, where each stream extracts complementary spatial and temporal features using an enhanced attention module to improve detection accuracy and robustness. In the first stream, we employed an attention-based, multi-stage feature enhancement approach to improve spatial and temporal features from the RGB video where the first stage consists of a ViT-based CLIP module, with top-k features concatenated in parallel with I3D and Temporal Contextual Aggregation (TCA) based rich spatiotemporal features. The second stage effectively captures temporal dependencies using the Uncertainty-Regulated Dual Memory Units (UR-DMU) model, which learns representations of normal and abnormal data simultaneously, and the third stage is employed to select the most relevant spatiotemporal features. The second stream extracted enhanced attention-based spatiotemporal features from the flow data modality-based feature by taking advantage of the integration of the deep learning and attention module. The audio stream captures auditory cues using an attention module integrated with the VGGish model, aiming to detect anomalies based on sound patterns. These streams enrich the model by incorporating motion and audio signals often indicative of abnormal events undetectable through visual analysis alone. The concatenation of the multimodal fusion leverages the strengths of each modality, resulting in a comprehensive feature set that significantly improves anomaly detection accuracy and robustness across three datasets. The extensive experiment and high performance with the three benchmark datasets proved the effectiveness of the proposed system over the existing state-of-the-art system.
☆ Score Forgetting Distillation: A Swift, Data-Free Method for Machine Unlearning in Diffusion Models
The machine learning community is increasingly recognizing the importance of fostering trust and safety in modern generative AI (GenAI) models. We posit machine unlearning (MU) as a crucial foundation for developing safe, secure, and trustworthy GenAI models. Traditional MU methods often rely on stringent assumptions and require access to real data. This paper introduces Score Forgetting Distillation (SFD), an innovative MU approach that promotes the forgetting of undesirable information in diffusion models by aligning the conditional scores of ``unsafe'' classes or concepts with those of ``safe'' ones. To eliminate the need for real data, our SFD framework incorporates a score-based MU loss into the score distillation objective of a pretrained diffusion model. This serves as a regularization term that preserves desired generation capabilities while enabling the production of synthetic data through a one-step generator. Our experiments on pretrained label-conditional and text-to-image diffusion models demonstrate that our method effectively accelerates the forgetting of target classes or concepts during generation, while preserving the quality of other classes or concepts. This unlearned and distilled diffusion not only pioneers a novel concept in MU but also accelerates the generation speed of diffusion models. Our experiments and studies on a range of diffusion models and datasets confirm that our approach is generalizable, effective, and advantageous for MU in diffusion models.
☆ SplatFields: Neural Gaussian Splats for Sparse 3D and 4D Reconstruction ECCV 2024
Digitizing 3D static scenes and 4D dynamic events from multi-view images has long been a challenge in computer vision and graphics. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a practical and scalable reconstruction method, gaining popularity due to its impressive reconstruction quality, real-time rendering capabilities, and compatibility with widely used visualization tools. However, the method requires a substantial number of input views to achieve high-quality scene reconstruction, introducing a significant practical bottleneck. This challenge is especially severe in capturing dynamic scenes, where deploying an extensive camera array can be prohibitively costly. In this work, we identify the lack of spatial autocorrelation of splat features as one of the factors contributing to the suboptimal performance of the 3DGS technique in sparse reconstruction settings. To address the issue, we propose an optimization strategy that effectively regularizes splat features by modeling them as the outputs of a corresponding implicit neural field. This results in a consistent enhancement of reconstruction quality across various scenarios. Our approach effectively handles static and dynamic cases, as demonstrated by extensive testing across different setups and scene complexities.
comment: ECCV 2024 paper. The project page and code are available at https://markomih.github.io/SplatFields/
☆ High-Order Evolving Graphs for Enhanced Representation of Traffic Dynamics
We present an innovative framework for traffic dynamics analysis using High-Order Evolving Graphs, designed to improve spatio-temporal representations in autonomous driving contexts. Our approach constructs temporal bidirectional bipartite graphs that effectively model the complex interactions within traffic scenes in real-time. By integrating Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with high-order multi-aggregation strategies, we significantly enhance the modeling of traffic scene dynamics, providing a more accurate and detailed analysis of these interactions. Additionally, we incorporate inductive learning techniques inspired by the GraphSAGE framework, enabling our model to adapt to new and unseen traffic scenarios without the need for retraining, thus ensuring robust generalization. Through extensive experiments on the ROAD and ROAD Waymo datasets, we establish a comprehensive baseline for further developments, demonstrating the potential of our method in accurately capturing traffic behavior. Our results emphasize the value of high-order statistical moments and feature-gated attention mechanisms in improving traffic behavior analysis, laying the groundwork for advancing autonomous driving technologies. Our source code is available at: https://github.com/Addy-1998/High\_Order\_Graphs
☆ HS3-Bench: A Benchmark and Strong Baseline for Hyperspectral Semantic Segmentation in Driving Scenarios IROS 2024
Semantic segmentation is an essential step for many vision applications in order to understand a scene and the objects within. Recent progress in hyperspectral imaging technology enables the application in driving scenarios and the hope is that the devices perceptive abilities provide an advantage over RGB-cameras. Even though some datasets exist, there is no standard benchmark available to systematically measure progress on this task and evaluate the benefit of hyperspectral data. In this paper, we work towards closing this gap by providing the HyperSpectral Semantic Segmentation benchmark (HS3-Bench). It combines annotated hyperspectral images from three driving scenario datasets and provides standardized metrics, implementations, and evaluation protocols. We use the benchmark to derive two strong baseline models that surpass the previous state-of-the-art performances with and without pre-training on the individual datasets. Further, our results indicate that the existing learning-based methods benefit more from leveraging additional RGB training data than from leveraging the additional hyperspectral channels. This poses important questions for future research on hyperspectral imaging for semantic segmentation in driving scenarios. Code to run the benchmark and the strong baseline approaches are available under https://github.com/nickstheisen/hyperseg.
comment: Accepted for publication at 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
☆ Annealed Winner-Takes-All for Motion Forecasting
In autonomous driving, motion prediction aims at forecasting the future trajectories of nearby agents, helping the ego vehicle to anticipate behaviors and drive safely. A key challenge is generating a diverse set of future predictions, commonly addressed using data-driven models with Multiple Choice Learning (MCL) architectures and Winner-Takes-All (WTA) training objectives. However, these methods face initialization sensitivity and training instabilities. Additionally, to compensate for limited performance, some approaches rely on training with a large set of hypotheses, requiring a post-selection step during inference to significantly reduce the number of predictions. To tackle these issues, we take inspiration from annealed MCL, a recently introduced technique that improves the convergence properties of MCL methods through an annealed Winner-Takes-All loss (aWTA). In this paper, we demonstrate how the aWTA loss can be integrated with state-of-the-art motion forecasting models to enhance their performance using only a minimal set of hypotheses, eliminating the need for the cumbersome post-selection step. Our approach can be easily incorporated into any trajectory prediction model normally trained using WTA and yields significant improvements. To facilitate the application of our approach to future motion forecasting models, the code will be made publicly available upon acceptance: https://github.com/valeoai/MF_aWTA.
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures
☆ Synthetic data augmentation for robotic mobility aids to support blind and low vision people
Robotic mobility aids for blind and low-vision (BLV) individuals rely heavily on deep learning-based vision models specialized for various navigational tasks. However, the performance of these models is often constrained by the availability and diversity of real-world datasets, which are challenging to collect in sufficient quantities for different tasks. In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of synthetic data, generated using Unreal Engine 4, for training robust vision models for this safety-critical application. Our findings demonstrate that synthetic data can enhance model performance across multiple tasks, showcasing both its potential and its limitations when compared to real-world data. We offer valuable insights into optimizing synthetic data generation for developing robotic mobility aids. Additionally, we publicly release our generated synthetic dataset to support ongoing research in assistive technologies for BLV individuals, available at https://hchlhwang.github.io/SToP.
☆ UltimateDO: An Efficient Framework to Marry Occupancy Prediction with 3D Object Detection via Channel2height
Occupancy and 3D object detection are characterized as two standard tasks in modern autonomous driving system. In order to deploy them on a series of edge chips with better precision and time-consuming trade-off, contemporary approaches either deploy standalone models for individual tasks, or design a multi-task paradigm with separate heads. However, they might suffer from deployment difficulties (i.e., 3D convolution, transformer and so on) or deficiencies in task coordination. Instead, we argue that a favorable framework should be devised in pursuit of ease deployment on diverse chips and high precision with little time-consuming. Oriented at this, we revisit the paradigm for interaction between 3D object detection and occupancy prediction, reformulate the model with 2D convolution and prioritize the tasks such that each contributes to other. Thus, we propose a method to achieve fast 3D object detection and occupancy prediction (UltimateDO), wherein the light occupancy prediction head in FlashOcc is married to 3D object detection network, with negligible additional timeconsuming of only 1.1ms while facilitating each other. We instantiate UltimateDO on the challenging nuScenes-series benchmarks.
☆ Scale generalisation properties of extended scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks on image datasets with spatial scaling variations
This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the scale generalisation properties of the scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks, complemented with both conceptual and algorithmic extensions. For this purpose, Gaussian derivative networks are evaluated on new rescaled versions of the Fashion-MNIST and the CIFAR-10 datasets, with spatial scaling variations over a factor of 4 in the testing data, that are not present in the training data. Additionally, evaluations on the previously existing STIR datasets show that the Gaussian derivative networks achieve better scale generalisation than previously reported for these datasets for other types of deep networks. We first experimentally demonstrate that the Gaussian derivative networks have quite good scale generalisation properties on the new datasets, and that average pooling of feature responses over scales may sometimes also lead to better results than the previously used approach of max pooling over scales. Then, we demonstrate that using a spatial max pooling mechanism after the final layer enables localisation of non-centred objects in image domain, with maintained scale generalisation properties. We also show that regularisation during training, by applying dropout across the scale channels, referred to as scale-channel dropout, improves both the performance and the scale generalisation. In additional ablation studies, we demonstrate that discretisations of Gaussian derivative networks, based on the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel in combination with central difference operators, perform best or among the best, compared to a set of other discrete approximations of the Gaussian derivative kernels. Finally, by visualising the activation maps and the learned receptive fields, we demonstrate that the Gaussian derivative networks have very good explainability properties.
comment: 50 pages, 23 figures, 16 tables
☆ Genetic Information Analysis of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Fellow Eye Using Multi-Modal Selective ViT
In recent years, there has been significant development in the analysis of medical data using machine learning. It is believed that the onset of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is associated with genetic polymorphisms. However, genetic analysis is costly, and artificial intelligence may offer assistance. This paper presents a method that predict the presence of multiple susceptibility genes for AMD using fundus and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images, as well as medical records. Experimental results demonstrate that integrating information from multiple modalities can effectively predict the presence of susceptibility genes with over 80$\%$ accuracy.
☆ Gradient-free Post-hoc Explainability Using Distillation Aided Learnable Approach SP
The recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), with the release of several large models having only query access, make a strong case for explainability of deep models in a post-hoc gradient free manner. In this paper, we propose a framework, named distillation aided explainability (DAX), that attempts to generate a saliency-based explanation in a model agnostic gradient free application. The DAX approach poses the problem of explanation in a learnable setting with a mask generation network and a distillation network. The mask generation network learns to generate the multiplier mask that finds the salient regions of the input, while the student distillation network aims to approximate the local behavior of the black-box model. We propose a joint optimization of the two networks in the DAX framework using the locally perturbed input samples, with the targets derived from input-output access to the black-box model. We extensively evaluate DAX across different modalities (image and audio), in a classification setting, using a diverse set of evaluations (intersection over union with ground truth, deletion based and subjective human evaluation based measures) and benchmark it with respect to $9$ different methods. In these evaluations, the DAX significantly outperforms the existing approaches on all modalities and evaluation metrics.
comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP), 2024
☆ Multi-Cohort Framework with Cohort-Aware Attention and Adversarial Mutual-Information Minimization for Whole Slide Image Classification
Whole Slide Images (WSIs) are critical for various clinical applications, including histopathological analysis. However, current deep learning approaches in this field predominantly focus on individual tumor types, limiting model generalization and scalability. This relatively narrow focus ultimately stems from the inherent heterogeneity in histopathology and the diverse morphological and molecular characteristics of different tumors. To this end, we propose a novel approach for multi-cohort WSI analysis, designed to leverage the diversity of different tumor types. We introduce a Cohort-Aware Attention module, enabling the capture of both shared and tumor-specific pathological patterns, enhancing cross-tumor generalization. Furthermore, we construct an adversarial cohort regularization mechanism to minimize cohort-specific biases through mutual information minimization. Additionally, we develop a hierarchical sample balancing strategy to mitigate cohort imbalances and promote unbiased learning. Together, these form a cohesive framework for unbiased multi-cohort WSI analysis. Extensive experiments on a uniquely constructed multi-cancer dataset demonstrate significant improvements in generalization, providing a scalable solution for WSI classification across diverse cancer types. Our code for the experiments is publicly available at .
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures
☆ Few-Shot Domain Adaptation for Learned Image Compression
Learned image compression (LIC) has achieved state-of-the-art rate-distortion performance, deemed promising for next-generation image compression techniques. However, pre-trained LIC models usually suffer from significant performance degradation when applied to out-of-training-domain images, implying their poor generalization capabilities. To tackle this problem, we propose a few-shot domain adaptation method for LIC by integrating plug-and-play adapters into pre-trained models. Drawing inspiration from the analogy between latent channels and frequency components, we examine domain gaps in LIC and observe that out-of-training-domain images disrupt pre-trained channel-wise decomposition. Consequently, we introduce a method for channel-wise re-allocation using convolution-based adapters and low-rank adapters, which are lightweight and compatible to mainstream LIC schemes. Extensive experiments across multiple domains and multiple representative LIC schemes demonstrate that our method significantly enhances pre-trained models, achieving comparable performance to H.266/VVC intra coding with merely 25 target-domain samples. Additionally, our method matches the performance of full-model finetune while transmitting fewer than $2\%$ of the parameters.
☆ Quantitative Evaluation of MILs' Reliability For WSIs Classification
Reliable models are dependable and provide predictions acceptable given basic domain knowledge. Therefore, it is critical to develop and deploy reliable models, especially for healthcare applications. However, Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) models designed for Whole Slide Images (WSIs) classification in computational pathology are not evaluated in terms of reliability. Hence, in this paper we compare the reliability of MIL models with three suggested metrics and use three region-wise annotated datasets. We find the mean pooling instance (MEAN-POOL-INS) model more reliable than other networks despite its naive architecture design and computation efficiency. The code to reproduce the results is accessible at https://github.com/tueimage/MILs'R .
☆ Depth-based Privileged Information for Boosting 3D Human Pose Estimation on RGB ECCV 2024
Despite the recent advances in computer vision research, estimating the 3D human pose from single RGB images remains a challenging task, as multiple 3D poses can correspond to the same 2D projection on the image. In this context, depth data could help to disambiguate the 2D information by providing additional constraints about the distance between objects in the scene and the camera. Unfortunately, the acquisition of accurate depth data is limited to indoor spaces and usually is tied to specific depth technologies and devices, thus limiting generalization capabilities. In this paper, we propose a method able to leverage the benefits of depth information without compromising its broader applicability and adaptability in a predominantly RGB-camera-centric landscape. Our approach consists of a heatmap-based 3D pose estimator that, leveraging the paradigm of Privileged Information, is able to hallucinate depth information from the RGB frames given at inference time. More precisely, depth information is used exclusively during training by enforcing our RGB-based hallucination network to learn similar features to a backbone pre-trained only on depth data. This approach proves to be effective even when dealing with limited and small datasets. Experimental results reveal that the paradigm of Privileged Information significantly enhances the model's performance, enabling efficient extraction of depth information by using only RGB images.
☆ ShapeAug++: More Realistic Shape Augmentation for Event Data
The novel Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVSs) gained a great amount of attention recently as they are superior compared to RGB cameras in terms of latency, dynamic range and energy consumption. This is particularly of interest for autonomous applications since event cameras are able to alleviate motion blur and allow for night vision. One challenge in real-world autonomous settings is occlusion where foreground objects hinder the view on traffic participants in the background. The ShapeAug method addresses this problem by using simulated events resulting from objects moving on linear paths for event data augmentation. However, the shapes and movements lack complexity, making the simulation fail to resemble the behavior of objects in the real world. Therefore in this paper, we propose ShapeAug++, an extended version of ShapeAug which involves randomly generated polygons as well as curved movements. We show the superiority of our method on multiple DVS classification datasets, improving the top-1 accuracy by up to 3.7% compared to ShapeAug.
comment: accepted in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
☆ OneEncoder: A Lightweight Framework for Progressive Alignment of Modalities
Cross-modal alignment Learning integrates information from different modalities like text, image, audio and video to create unified models. This approach develops shared representations and learns correlations between modalities, enabling applications such as visual question answering and audiovisual content analysis. Current techniques rely on large modality-specific encoders, necessitating fine-tuning or training from scratch on vast aligned datasets (e.g., text-image, text-audio, image-audio). This approach has limitations: (i) it is very expensive due to the need for training large encoders on extensive datasets, (ii) acquiring aligned large paired datasets is challenging, and (iii) adding new modalities requires retraining the entire framework to incorporate these modalities. To address these issues, we propose OneEncoder, a lightweight framework that progressively represents and aligns four modalities (image, text, audio, video). Initially, we train a lightweight Universal Projection module (UP) to align image and text modalities. Then, we freeze the pretrained UP and progressively align future modalities to those already aligned. OneEncoder operates efficiently and cost-effectively, even in scenarios where vast aligned datasets are unavailable, due to its lightweight design. Trained on small paired datasets, it shows strong performance in tasks like classification, querying, and visual question answering, surpassing methods that rely on large datasets and specialized encoders.
☆ Down-Sampling Inter-Layer Adapter for Parameter and Computation Efficient Ultra-Fine-Grained Image Recognition ECCV 2024
Ultra-fine-grained image recognition (UFGIR) categorizes objects with extremely small differences between classes, such as distinguishing between cultivars within the same species, as opposed to species-level classification in fine-grained image recognition (FGIR). The difficulty of this task is exacerbated due to the scarcity of samples per category. To tackle these challenges we introduce a novel approach employing down-sampling inter-layer adapters in a parameter-efficient setting, where the backbone parameters are frozen and we only fine-tune a small set of additional modules. By integrating dual-branch down-sampling, we significantly reduce the number of parameters and floating-point operations (FLOPs) required, making our method highly efficient. Comprehensive experiments on ten datasets demonstrate that our approach obtains outstanding accuracy-cost performance, highlighting its potential for practical applications in resource-constrained environments. In particular, our method increases the average accuracy by at least 6.8\% compared to other methods in the parameter-efficient setting while requiring at least 123x less trainable parameters compared to current state-of-the-art UFGIR methods and reducing the FLOPs by 30\% in average compared to other methods.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 Workshop on Efficient Deep Learning for Foundation Models (EFM). Main: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Appendix: 3 pages, 1 table. Total: 16 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables
☆ Estimating the distribution of numerosity and non-numerical visual magnitudes in natural scenes using computer vision
Humans share with many animal species the ability to perceive and approximately represent the number of objects in visual scenes. This ability improves throughout childhood, suggesting that learning and development play a key role in shaping our number sense. This hypothesis is further supported by computational investigations based on deep learning, which have shown that numerosity perception can spontaneously emerge in neural networks that learn the statistical structure of images with a varying number of items. However, neural network models are usually trained using synthetic datasets that might not faithfully reflect the statistical structure of natural environments. In this work, we exploit recent advances in computer vision algorithms to design and implement an original pipeline that can be used to estimate the distribution of numerosity and non-numerical magnitudes in large-scale datasets containing thousands of real images depicting objects in daily life situations. We show that in natural visual scenes the frequency of appearance of different numerosities follows a power law distribution and that numerosity is strongly correlated with many continuous magnitudes, such as cumulative areas and convex hull, which might explain why numerosity judgements are often influenced by these non-numerical cues.
☆ Unleashing the Potential of Mamba: Boosting a LiDAR 3D Sparse Detector by Using Cross-Model Knowledge Distillation
The LiDAR-based 3D object detector that strikes a balance between accuracy and speed is crucial for achieving real-time perception in autonomous driving and robotic navigation systems. To enhance the accuracy of point cloud detection, integrating global context for visual understanding improves the point clouds ability to grasp overall spatial information. However, many existing LiDAR detection models depend on intricate feature transformation and extraction processes, leading to poor real-time performance and high resource consumption, which limits their practical effectiveness. In this work, we propose a Faster LiDAR 3D object detection framework, called FASD, which implements heterogeneous model distillation by adaptively uniform cross-model voxel features. We aim to distill the transformer's capacity for high-performance sequence modeling into Mamba models with low FLOPs, achieving a significant improvement in accuracy through knowledge transfer. Specifically, Dynamic Voxel Group and Adaptive Attention strategies are integrated into the sparse backbone, creating a robust teacher model with scale-adaptive attention for effective global visual context modeling. Following feature alignment with the Adapter, we transfer knowledge from the Transformer to the Mamba through latent space feature supervision and span-head distillation, resulting in improved performance and an efficient student model. We evaluated the framework on the Waymo and nuScenes datasets, achieving a 4x reduction in resource consumption and a 1-2\% performance improvement over the current SoTA methods.
☆ Enhanced segmentation of femoral bone metastasis in CT scans of patients using synthetic data generation with 3D diffusion models
Purpose: Bone metastasis have a major impact on the quality of life of patients and they are diverse in terms of size and location, making their segmentation complex. Manual segmentation is time-consuming, and expert segmentations are subject to operator variability, which makes obtaining accurate and reproducible segmentations of bone metastasis on CT-scans a challenging yet important task to achieve. Materials and Methods: Deep learning methods tackle segmentation tasks efficiently but require large datasets along with expert manual segmentations to generalize on new images. We propose an automated data synthesis pipeline using 3D Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) to enchance the segmentation of femoral metastasis from CT-scan volumes of patients. We used 29 existing lesions along with 26 healthy femurs to create new realistic synthetic metastatic images, and trained a DDPM to improve the diversity and realism of the simulated volumes. We also investigated the operator variability on manual segmentation. Results: We created 5675 new volumes, then trained 3D U-Net segmentation models on real and synthetic data to compare segmentation performance, and we evaluated the performance of the models depending on the amount of synthetic data used in training. Conclusion: Our results showed that segmentation models trained with synthetic data outperformed those trained on real volumes only, and that those models perform especially well when considering operator variability.
comment: 14 pages, 5 figures 3 tables
☆ MM2Latent: Text-to-facial image generation and editing in GANs with multimodal assistance ECCV 2024
Generating human portraits is a hot topic in the image generation area, e.g. mask-to-face generation and text-to-face generation. However, these unimodal generation methods lack controllability in image generation. Controllability can be enhanced by exploring the advantages and complementarities of various modalities. For instance, we can utilize the advantages of text in controlling diverse attributes and masks in controlling spatial locations. Current state-of-the-art methods in multimodal generation face limitations due to their reliance on extensive hyperparameters, manual operations during the inference stage, substantial computational demands during training and inference, or inability to edit real images. In this paper, we propose a practical framework - MM2Latent - for multimodal image generation and editing. We use StyleGAN2 as our image generator, FaRL for text encoding, and train an autoencoders for spatial modalities like mask, sketch and 3DMM. We propose a strategy that involves training a mapping network to map the multimodal input into the w latent space of StyleGAN. The proposed framework 1) eliminates hyperparameters and manual operations in the inference stage, 2) ensures fast inference speeds, and 3) enables the editing of real images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method exhibits superior performance in multimodal image generation, surpassing recent GAN- and diffusion-based methods. Also, it proves effective in multimodal image editing and is faster than GAN- and diffusion-based methods. We make the code publicly available at: https://github.com/Open-Debin/MM2Latent
comment: Accepted at ECCV 2024 AIM workshop
☆ CAST: Cross-modal Alignment Similarity Test for Vision Language Models
Vision Language Models (VLMs) are typically evaluated with Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks which assess a model's understanding of scenes. Good VQA performance is taken as evidence that the model will perform well on a broader range of tasks that require both visual and language inputs. However, scene-aware VQA does not fully capture input biases or assess hallucinations caused by a misalignment between modalities. To address this, we propose a Cross-modal Alignment Similarity Test (CAST) to probe VLMs for self-consistency across modalities. This test involves asking the models to identify similarities between two scenes through text-only, image-only, or both and then assess the truthfulness of the similarities they generate. Since there is no ground-truth to compare against, this evaluation does not focus on objective accuracy but rather on whether VLMs are internally consistent in their outputs. We argue that while not all self-consistent models are capable or accurate, all capable VLMs must be self-consistent.
☆ PSFHS Challenge Report: Pubic Symphysis and Fetal Head Segmentation from Intrapartum Ultrasound Images
Segmentation of the fetal and maternal structures, particularly intrapartum ultrasound imaging as advocated by the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) for monitoring labor progression, is a crucial first step for quantitative diagnosis and clinical decision-making. This requires specialized analysis by obstetrics professionals, in a task that i) is highly time- and cost-consuming and ii) often yields inconsistent results. The utility of automatic segmentation algorithms for biometry has been proven, though existing results remain suboptimal. To push forward advancements in this area, the Grand Challenge on Pubic Symphysis-Fetal Head Segmentation (PSFHS) was held alongside the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023). This challenge aimed to enhance the development of automatic segmentation algorithms at an international scale, providing the largest dataset to date with 5,101 intrapartum ultrasound images collected from two ultrasound machines across three hospitals from two institutions. The scientific community's enthusiastic participation led to the selection of the top 8 out of 179 entries from 193 registrants in the initial phase to proceed to the competition's second stage. These algorithms have elevated the state-of-the-art in automatic PSFHS from intrapartum ultrasound images. A thorough analysis of the results pinpointed ongoing challenges in the field and outlined recommendations for future work. The top solutions and the complete dataset remain publicly available, fostering further advancements in automatic segmentation and biometry for intrapartum ultrasound imaging.
☆ Edge-based Denoising Image Compression
In recent years, deep learning-based image compression, particularly through generative models, has emerged as a pivotal area of research. Despite significant advancements, challenges such as diminished sharpness and quality in reconstructed images, learning inefficiencies due to mode collapse, and data loss during transmission persist. To address these issues, we propose a novel compression model that incorporates a denoising step with diffusion models, significantly enhancing image reconstruction fidelity by sub-information(e.g., edge and depth) from leveraging latent space. Empirical experiments demonstrate that our model achieves superior or comparable results in terms of image quality and compression efficiency when measured against the existing models. Notably, our model excels in scenarios of partial image loss or excessive noise by introducing an edge estimation network to preserve the integrity of reconstructed images, offering a robust solution to the current limitations of image compression.
☆ CUNSB-RFIE: Context-aware Unpaired Neural Schr"{o}dinger Bridge in Retinal Fundus Image Enhancement
Retinal fundus photography is significant in diagnosing and monitoring retinal diseases. However, systemic imperfections and operator/patient-related factors can hinder the acquisition of high-quality retinal images. Previous efforts in retinal image enhancement primarily relied on GANs, which are limited by the trade-off between training stability and output diversity. In contrast, the Schr\"{o}dinger Bridge (SB), offers a more stable solution by utilizing Optimal Transport (OT) theory to model a stochastic differential equation (SDE) between two arbitrary distributions. This allows SB to effectively transform low-quality retinal images into their high-quality counterparts. In this work, we leverage the SB framework to propose an image-to-image translation pipeline for retinal image enhancement. Additionally, previous methods often fail to capture fine structural details, such as blood vessels. To address this, we enhance our pipeline by introducing Dynamic Snake Convolution, whose tortuous receptive field can better preserve tubular structures. We name the resulting retinal fundus image enhancement framework the Context-aware Unpaired Neural Schr\"{o}dinger Bridge (CUNSB-RFIE). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first endeavor to use the SB approach for retinal image enhancement. Experimental results on a large-scale dataset demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method compared to several state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised methods in terms of image quality and performance on downstream tasks.The code is available at \url{https://github.com/Retinal-Research/CUNSB-RFIE}.
☆ Towards Effective User Attribution for Latent Diffusion Models via Watermark-Informed Blending
Rapid advancements in multimodal large language models have enabled the creation of hyper-realistic images from textual descriptions. However, these advancements also raise significant concerns about unauthorized use, which hinders their broader distribution. Traditional watermarking methods often require complex integration or degrade image quality. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel framework Towards Effective user Attribution for latent diffusion models via Watermark-Informed Blending (TEAWIB). TEAWIB incorporates a unique ready-to-use configuration approach that allows seamless integration of user-specific watermarks into generative models. This approach ensures that each user can directly apply a pre-configured set of parameters to the model without altering the original model parameters or compromising image quality. Additionally, noise and augmentation operations are embedded at the pixel level to further secure and stabilize watermarked images. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of TEAWIB, showcasing the state-of-the-art performance in perceptual quality and attribution accuracy.
comment: 9 pages, 7 figures
☆ Versatile Incremental Learning: Towards Class and Domain-Agnostic Incremental Learning ECCV 2024
Incremental Learning (IL) aims to accumulate knowledge from sequential input tasks while overcoming catastrophic forgetting. Existing IL methods typically assume that an incoming task has only increments of classes or domains, referred to as Class IL (CIL) or Domain IL (DIL), respectively. In this work, we consider a more challenging and realistic but under-explored IL scenario, named Versatile Incremental Learning (VIL), in which a model has no prior of which of the classes or domains will increase in the next task. In the proposed VIL scenario, the model faces intra-class domain confusion and inter-domain class confusion, which makes the model fail to accumulate new knowledge without interference with learned knowledge. To address these issues, we propose a simple yet effective IL framework, named Incremental Classifier with Adaptation Shift cONtrol (ICON). Based on shifts of learnable modules, we design a novel regularization method called Cluster-based Adaptation Shift conTrol (CAST) to control the model to avoid confusion with the previously learned knowledge and thereby accumulate the new knowledge more effectively. Moreover, we introduce an Incremental Classifier (IC) which expands its output nodes to address the overwriting issue from different domains corresponding to a single class while maintaining the previous knowledge. We conducted extensive experiments on three benchmarks, showcasing the effectiveness of our method across all the scenarios, particularly in cases where the next task can be randomly altered. Our implementation code is available at https://github.com/KHU-AGI/VIL.
comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, ECCV 2024 Poster
☆ Lite-FBCN: Lightweight Fast Bilinear Convolutional Network for Brain Disease Classification from MRI Image
Achieving high accuracy with computational efficiency in brain disease classification from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans is challenging, particularly when both coarse and fine-grained distinctions are crucial. Current deep learning methods often struggle to balance accuracy with computational demands. We propose Lite-FBCN, a novel Lightweight Fast Bilinear Convolutional Network designed to address this issue. Unlike traditional dual-network bilinear models, Lite-FBCN utilizes a single-network architecture, significantly reducing computational load. Lite-FBCN leverages lightweight, pre-trained CNNs fine-tuned to extract relevant features and incorporates a channel reducer layer before bilinear pooling, minimizing feature map dimensionality and resulting in a compact bilinear vector. Extensive evaluations on cross-validation and hold-out data demonstrate that Lite-FBCN not only surpasses baseline CNNs but also outperforms existing bilinear models. Lite-FBCN with MobileNetV1 attains 98.10% accuracy in cross-validation and 69.37% on hold-out data (a 3% improvement over the baseline). UMAP visualizations further confirm its effectiveness in distinguishing closely related brain disease classes. Moreover, its optimal trade-off between performance and computational efficiency positions Lite-FBCN as a promising solution for enhancing diagnostic capabilities in resource-constrained and or real-time clinical environments.
☆ RoadRunner M&M -- Learning Multi-range Multi-resolution Traversability Maps for Autonomous Off-road Navigation
Autonomous robot navigation in off-road environments requires a comprehensive understanding of the terrain geometry and traversability. The degraded perceptual conditions and sparse geometric information at longer ranges make the problem challenging especially when driving at high speeds. Furthermore, the sensing-to-mapping latency and the look-ahead map range can limit the maximum speed of the vehicle. Building on top of the recent work RoadRunner, in this work, we address the challenge of long-range (100 m) traversability estimation. Our RoadRunner (M&M) is an end-to-end learning-based framework that directly predicts the traversability and elevation maps at multiple ranges (50 m, 100 m) and resolutions (0.2 m, 0.8 m) taking as input multiple images and a LiDAR voxel map. Our method is trained in a self-supervised manner by leveraging the dense supervision signal generated by fusing predictions from an existing traversability estimation stack (X-Racer) in hindsight and satellite Digital Elevation Maps. RoadRunner M&M achieves a significant improvement of up to 50% for elevation mapping and 30% for traversability estimation over RoadRunner, and is able to predict in 30% more regions compared to X-Racer while achieving real-time performance. Experiments on various out-of-distribution datasets also demonstrate that our data-driven approach starts to generalize to novel unstructured environments. We integrate our proposed framework in closed-loop with the path planner to demonstrate autonomous high-speed off-road robotic navigation in challenging real-world environments. Project Page: https://leggedrobotics.github.io/roadrunner_mm/
comment: Under review for IEEE RA-L
☆ HGSLoc: 3DGS-based Heuristic Camera Pose Refinement
Visual localization refers to the process of determining camera poses and orientation within a known scene representation. This task is often complicated by factors such as illumination changes and variations in viewing angles. In this paper, we propose HGSLoc, a novel lightweight, plug and-play pose optimization framework, which integrates 3D reconstruction with a heuristic refinement strategy to achieve higher pose estimation accuracy. Specifically, we introduce an explicit geometric map for 3D representation and high-fidelity rendering, allowing the generation of high-quality synthesized views to support accurate visual localization. Our method demonstrates a faster rendering speed and higher localization accuracy compared to NeRF-based neural rendering localization approaches. We introduce a heuristic refinement strategy, its efficient optimization capability can quickly locate the target node, while we set the step-level optimization step to enhance the pose accuracy in the scenarios with small errors. With carefully designed heuristic functions, it offers efficient optimization capabilities, enabling rapid error reduction in rough localization estimations. Our method mitigates the dependence on complex neural network models while demonstrating improved robustness against noise and higher localization accuracy in challenging environments, as compared to neural network joint optimization strategies. The optimization framework proposed in this paper introduces novel approaches to visual localization by integrating the advantages of 3D reconstruction and heuristic refinement strategy, which demonstrates strong performance across multiple benchmark datasets, including 7Scenes and DB dataset.
☆ Anti-ESIA: Analyzing and Mitigating Impacts of Electromagnetic Signal Injection Attacks
Cameras are integral components of many critical intelligent systems. However, a growing threat, known as Electromagnetic Signal Injection Attacks (ESIA), poses a significant risk to these systems, where ESIA enables attackers to remotely manipulate images captured by cameras, potentially leading to malicious actions and catastrophic consequences. Despite the severity of this threat, the underlying reasons for ESIA's effectiveness remain poorly understood, and effective countermeasures are lacking. This paper aims to address these gaps by investigating ESIA from two distinct aspects: pixel loss and color strips. By analyzing these aspects separately on image classification tasks, we gain a deeper understanding of how ESIA can compromise intelligent systems. Additionally, we explore a lightweight solution to mitigate the effects of ESIA while acknowledging its limitations. Our findings provide valuable insights for future research and development in the field of camera security and intelligent systems.
comment: 2 pages, 2 figures
☆ KALE: An Artwork Image Captioning System Augmented with Heterogeneous Graph IJCAI 2024
Exploring the narratives conveyed by fine-art paintings is a challenge in image captioning, where the goal is to generate descriptions that not only precisely represent the visual content but also offer a in-depth interpretation of the artwork's meaning. The task is particularly complex for artwork images due to their diverse interpretations and varied aesthetic principles across different artistic schools and styles. In response to this, we present KALE Knowledge-Augmented vision-Language model for artwork Elaborations), a novel approach that enhances existing vision-language models by integrating artwork metadata as additional knowledge. KALE incorporates the metadata in two ways: firstly as direct textual input, and secondly through a multimodal heterogeneous knowledge graph. To optimize the learning of graph representations, we introduce a new cross-modal alignment loss that maximizes the similarity between the image and its corresponding metadata. Experimental results demonstrate that KALE achieves strong performance (when evaluated with CIDEr, in particular) over existing state-of-the-art work across several artwork datasets. Source code of the project is available at https://github.com/Yanbei-Jiang/Artwork-Interpretation.
comment: Accepted at IJCAI 2024
☆ AMEGO: Active Memory from long EGOcentric videos ECCV 2024
Egocentric videos provide a unique perspective into individuals' daily experiences, yet their unstructured nature presents challenges for perception. In this paper, we introduce AMEGO, a novel approach aimed at enhancing the comprehension of very-long egocentric videos. Inspired by the human's ability to maintain information from a single watching, AMEGO focuses on constructing a self-contained representations from one egocentric video, capturing key locations and object interactions. This representation is semantic-free and facilitates multiple queries without the need to reprocess the entire visual content. Additionally, to evaluate our understanding of very-long egocentric videos, we introduce the new Active Memories Benchmark (AMB), composed of more than 20K of highly challenging visual queries from EPIC-KITCHENS. These queries cover different levels of video reasoning (sequencing, concurrency and temporal grounding) to assess detailed video understanding capabilities. We showcase improved performance of AMEGO on AMB, surpassing other video QA baselines by a substantial margin.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024. Project webpage: https://gabrielegoletto.github.io/AMEGO/
☆ TrajSSL: Trajectory-Enhanced Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection
Semi-supervised 3D object detection is a common strategy employed to circumvent the challenge of manually labeling large-scale autonomous driving perception datasets. Pseudo-labeling approaches to semi-supervised learning adopt a teacher-student framework in which machine-generated pseudo-labels on a large unlabeled dataset are used in combination with a small manually-labeled dataset for training. In this work, we address the problem of improving pseudo-label quality through leveraging long-term temporal information captured in driving scenes. More specifically, we leverage pre-trained motion-forecasting models to generate object trajectories on pseudo-labeled data to further enhance the student model training. Our approach improves pseudo-label quality in two distinct manners: first, we suppress false positive pseudo-labels through establishing consistency across multiple frames of motion forecasting outputs. Second, we compensate for false negative detections by directly inserting predicted object tracks into the pseudo-labeled scene. Experiments on the nuScenes dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, improving the performance of standard semi-supervised approaches in a variety of settings.
☆ SkinMamba: A Precision Skin Lesion Segmentation Architecture with Cross-Scale Global State Modeling and Frequency Boundary Guidance ACCV2024
Skin lesion segmentation is a crucial method for identifying early skin cancer. In recent years, both convolutional neural network (CNN) and Transformer-based methods have been widely applied. Moreover, combining CNN and Transformer effectively integrates global and local relationships, but remains limited by the quadratic complexity of Transformer. To address this, we propose a hybrid architecture based on Mamba and CNN, called SkinMamba. It maintains linear complexity while offering powerful long-range dependency modeling and local feature extraction capabilities. Specifically, we introduce the Scale Residual State Space Block (SRSSB), which captures global contextual relationships and cross-scale information exchange at a macro level, enabling expert communication in a global state. This effectively addresses challenges in skin lesion segmentation related to varying lesion sizes and inconspicuous target areas. Additionally, to mitigate boundary blurring and information loss during model downsampling, we introduce the Frequency Boundary Guided Module (FBGM), providing sufficient boundary priors to guide precise boundary segmentation, while also using the retained information to assist the decoder in the decoding process. Finally, we conducted comparative and ablation experiments on two public lesion segmentation datasets (ISIC2017 and ISIC2018), and the results demonstrate the strong competitiveness of SkinMamba in skin lesion segmentation tasks. The code is available at https://github.com/zs1314/SkinMamba.
comment: Submitted to ACCV2024 workshop
☆ Shaking the Fake: Detecting Deepfake Videos in Real Time via Active Probes
Real-time deepfake, a type of generative AI, is capable of "creating" non-existing contents (e.g., swapping one's face with another) in a video. It has been, very unfortunately, misused to produce deepfake videos (during web conferences, video calls, and identity authentication) for malicious purposes, including financial scams and political misinformation. Deepfake detection, as the countermeasure against deepfake, has attracted considerable attention from the academic community, yet existing works typically rely on learning passive features that may perform poorly beyond seen datasets. In this paper, we propose SFake, a new real-time deepfake detection method that innovatively exploits deepfake models' inability to adapt to physical interference. Specifically, SFake actively sends probes to trigger mechanical vibrations on the smartphone, resulting in the controllable feature on the footage. Consequently, SFake determines whether the face is swapped by deepfake based on the consistency of the facial area with the probe pattern. We implement SFake, evaluate its effectiveness on a self-built dataset, and compare it with six other detection methods. The results show that SFake outperforms other detection methods with higher detection accuracy, faster process speed, and lower memory consumption.
☆ Neural Fields for Adaptive Photoacoustic Computed Tomography
Photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) is a non-invasive imaging modality with wide medical applications. Conventional PACT image reconstruction algorithms suffer from wavefront distortion caused by the heterogeneous speed of sound (SOS) in tissue, which leads to image degradation. Accounting for these effects improves image quality, but measuring the SOS distribution is experimentally expensive. An alternative approach is to perform joint reconstruction of the initial pressure image and SOS using only the PA signals. Existing joint reconstruction methods come with limitations: high computational cost, inability to directly recover SOS, and reliance on inaccurate simplifying assumptions. Implicit neural representation, or neural fields, is an emerging technique in computer vision to learn an efficient and continuous representation of physical fields with a coordinate-based neural network. In this work, we introduce NF-APACT, an efficient self-supervised framework utilizing neural fields to estimate the SOS in service of an accurate and robust multi-channel deconvolution. Our method removes SOS aberrations an order of magnitude faster and more accurately than existing methods. We demonstrate the success of our method on a novel numerical phantom as well as an experimentally collected phantom and in vivo data. Our code and numerical phantom are available at https://github.com/Lukeli0425/NF-APACT.
☆ 3DFacePolicy: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Diffusion Policy
Audio-driven 3D facial animation has made immersive progress both in research and application developments. The newest approaches focus on Transformer-based methods and diffusion-based methods, however, there is still gap in the vividness and emotional expression between the generated animation and real human face. To tackle this limitation, we propose 3DFacePolicy, a diffusion policy model for 3D facial animation prediction. This method generates variable and realistic human facial movements by predicting the 3D vertex trajectory on the 3D facial template with diffusion policy instead of facial generation for every frame. It takes audio and vertex states as observations to predict the vertex trajectory and imitate real human facial expressions, which keeps the continuous and natural flow of human emotions. The experiments show that our approach is effective in variable and dynamic facial motion synthesizing.
☆ BAD: Bidirectional Auto-regressive Diffusion for Text-to-Motion Generation
Autoregressive models excel in modeling sequential dependencies by enforcing causal constraints, yet they struggle to capture complex bidirectional patterns due to their unidirectional nature. In contrast, mask-based models leverage bidirectional context, enabling richer dependency modeling. However, they often assume token independence during prediction, which undermines the modeling of sequential dependencies. Additionally, the corruption of sequences through masking or absorption can introduce unnatural distortions, complicating the learning process. To address these issues, we propose Bidirectional Autoregressive Diffusion (BAD), a novel approach that unifies the strengths of autoregressive and mask-based generative models. BAD utilizes a permutation-based corruption technique that preserves the natural sequence structure while enforcing causal dependencies through randomized ordering, enabling the effective capture of both sequential and bidirectional relationships. Comprehensive experiments show that BAD outperforms autoregressive and mask-based models in text-to-motion generation, suggesting a novel pre-training strategy for sequence modeling. The codebase for BAD is available on https://github.com/RohollahHS/BAD.
☆ Single-Layer Learnable Activation for Implicit Neural Representation (SL$^{2}$A-INR)
Implicit Neural Representation (INR), leveraging a neural network to transform coordinate input into corresponding attributes, has recently driven significant advances in several vision-related domains. However, the performance of INR is heavily influenced by the choice of the nonlinear activation function used in its multilayer perceptron (MLP) architecture. Multiple nonlinearities have been investigated; yet, current INRs face limitations in capturing high-frequency components, diverse signal types, and handling inverse problems. We have identified that these problems can be greatly alleviated by introducing a paradigm shift in INRs. We find that an architecture with learnable activations in initial layers can represent fine details in the underlying signals. Specifically, we propose SL$^{2}$A-INR, a hybrid network for INR with a single-layer learnable activation function, prompting the effectiveness of traditional ReLU-based MLPs. Our method performs superior across diverse tasks, including image representation, 3D shape reconstructions, inpainting, single image super-resolution, CT reconstruction, and novel view synthesis. Through comprehensive experiments, SL$^{2}$A-INR sets new benchmarks in accuracy, quality, and convergence rates for INR.
☆ Multi-frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography Reconstruction with Multi-Branch Attention Image Prior
Multi-frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography (mfEIT) is a promising biomedical imaging technique that estimates tissue conductivities across different frequencies. Current state-of-the-art (SOTA) algorithms, which rely on supervised learning and Multiple Measurement Vectors (MMV), require extensive training data, making them time-consuming, costly, and less practical for widespread applications. Moreover, the dependency on training data in supervised MMV methods can introduce erroneous conductivity contrasts across frequencies, posing significant concerns in biomedical applications. To address these challenges, we propose a novel unsupervised learning approach based on Multi-Branch Attention Image Prior (MAIP) for mfEIT reconstruction. Our method employs a carefully designed Multi-Branch Attention Network (MBA-Net) to represent multiple frequency-dependent conductivity images and simultaneously reconstructs mfEIT images by iteratively updating its parameters. By leveraging the implicit regularization capability of the MBA-Net, our algorithm can capture significant inter- and intra-frequency correlations, enabling robust mfEIT reconstruction without the need for training data. Through simulation and real-world experiments, our approach demonstrates performance comparable to, or better than, SOTA algorithms while exhibiting superior generalization capability. These results suggest that the MAIP-based method can be used to improve the reliability and applicability of mfEIT in various settings.
comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, journal
☆ Self-Contrastive Forward-Forward Algorithm
The Forward-Forward (FF) algorithm is a recent, purely forward-mode learning method, that updates weights locally and layer-wise and supports supervised as well as unsupervised learning. These features make it ideal for applications such as brain-inspired learning, low-power hardware neural networks, and distributed learning in large models. However, while FF has shown promise on written digit recognition tasks, its performance on natural images and time-series remains a challenge. A key limitation is the need to generate high-quality negative examples for contrastive learning, especially in unsupervised tasks, where versatile solutions are currently lacking. To address this, we introduce the Self-Contrastive Forward-Forward (SCFF) method, inspired by self-supervised contrastive learning. SCFF generates positive and negative examples applicable across different datasets, surpassing existing local forward algorithms for unsupervised classification accuracy on MNIST (MLP: 98.7%), CIFAR-10 (CNN: 80.75%), and STL-10 (CNN: 77.3%). Additionally, SCFF is the first to enable FF training of recurrent neural networks, opening the door to more complex tasks and continuous-time video and text processing.
☆ Preference Tuning with Human Feedback on Language, Speech, and Vision Tasks: A Survey
Preference tuning is a crucial process for aligning deep generative models with human preferences. This survey offers a thorough overview of recent advancements in preference tuning and the integration of human feedback. The paper is organized into three main sections: 1) introduction and preliminaries: an introduction to reinforcement learning frameworks, preference tuning tasks, models, and datasets across various modalities: language, speech, and vision, as well as different policy approaches, 2) in-depth examination of each preference tuning approach: a detailed analysis of the methods used in preference tuning, and 3) applications, discussion, and future directions: an exploration of the applications of preference tuning in downstream tasks, including evaluation methods for different modalities, and an outlook on future research directions. Our objective is to present the latest methodologies in preference tuning and model alignment, enhancing the understanding of this field for researchers and practitioners. We hope to encourage further engagement and innovation in this area.
comment: Survey paper
☆ Open-Set Semantic Uncertainty Aware Metric-Semantic Graph Matching
Underwater object-level mapping requires incorporating visual foundation models to handle the uncommon and often previously unseen object classes encountered in marine scenarios. In this work, a metric of semantic uncertainty for open-set object detections produced by visual foundation models is calculated and then incorporated into an object-level uncertainty tracking framework. Object-level uncertainties and geometric relationships between objects are used to enable robust object-level loop closure detection for unknown object classes. The above loop closure detection problem is formulated as a graph-matching problem. While graph matching, in general, is NP-Complete, a solver for an equivalent formulation of the proposed graph matching problem as a graph editing problem is tested on multiple challenging underwater scenes. Results for this solver as well as three other solvers demonstrate that the proposed methods are feasible for real-time use in marine environments for the robust, open-set, multi-object, semantic-uncertainty-aware loop closure detection. Further experimental results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that the method generalizes to large-scale terrestrial scenes.
☆ Multi-Domain Data Aggregation for Axon and Myelin Segmentation in Histology Images
Quantifying axon and myelin properties (e.g., axon diameter, myelin thickness, g-ratio) in histology images can provide useful information about microstructural changes caused by neurodegenerative diseases. Automatic tissue segmentation is an important tool for these datasets, as a single stained section can contain up to thousands of axons. Advances in deep learning have made this task quick and reliable with minimal overhead, but a deep learning model trained by one research group will hardly ever be usable by other groups due to differences in their histology training data. This is partly due to subject diversity (different body parts, species, genetics, pathologies) and also to the range of modern microscopy imaging techniques resulting in a wide variability of image features (i.e., contrast, resolution). There is a pressing need to make AI accessible to neuroscience researchers to facilitate and accelerate their workflow, but publicly available models are scarce and poorly maintained. Our approach is to aggregate data from multiple imaging modalities (bright field, electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy) and species (mouse, rat, rabbit, human), to create an open-source, durable tool for axon and myelin segmentation. Our generalist model makes it easier for researchers to process their data and can be fine-tuned for better performance on specific domains. We study the benefits of different aggregation schemes. This multi-domain segmentation model performs better than single-modality dedicated learners (p=0.03077), generalizes better on out-of-distribution data and is easier to use and maintain. Importantly, we package the segmentation tool into a well-maintained open-source software ecosystem (see https://github.com/axondeepseg/axondeepseg).
comment: 12 pages, 8 figures
☆ NCT-CRC-HE: Not All Histopathological Datasets Are Equally Useful
Numerous deep learning-based solutions have been proposed for histopathological image analysis over the past years. While they usually demonstrate exceptionally high accuracy, one key question is whether their precision might be affected by low-level image properties not related to histopathology but caused by microscopy image handling and pre-processing. In this paper, we analyze a popular NCT-CRC-HE-100K colorectal cancer dataset used in numerous prior works and show that both this dataset and the obtained results may be affected by data-specific biases. The most prominent revealed dataset issues are inappropriate color normalization, severe JPEG artifacts inconsistent between different classes, and completely corrupted tissue samples resulting from incorrect image dynamic range handling. We show that even the simplest model using only 3 features per image (red, green and blue color intensities) can demonstrate over 50% accuracy on this 9-class dataset, while using color histogram not explicitly capturing cell morphology features yields over 82% accuracy. Moreover, we show that a basic EfficientNet-B0 ImageNet pretrained model can achieve over 97.7% accuracy on this dataset, outperforming all previously proposed solutions developed for this task, including dedicated foundation histopathological models and large cell morphology-aware neural networks. The NCT-CRC-HE dataset is publicly available and can be freely used to replicate the presented results. The codes and pre-trained models used in this paper are available at https://github.com/gmalivenko/NCT-CRC-HE-experiments
☆ VALO: A Versatile Anytime Framework for LiDAR-based Object Detection Deep Neural Networks
This work addresses the challenge of adapting dynamic deadline requirements for LiDAR object detection deep neural networks (DNNs). The computing latency of object detection is critically important to ensure safe and efficient navigation. However, state-of-the-art LiDAR object detection DNNs often exhibit significant latency, hindering their real-time performance on resource-constrained edge platforms. Therefore, a tradeoff between detection accuracy and latency should be dynamically managed at runtime to achieve optimum results. In this paper, we introduce VALO (Versatile Anytime algorithm for LiDAR Object detection), a novel data-centric approach that enables anytime computing of 3D LiDAR object detection DNNs. VALO employs a deadline-aware scheduler to selectively process input regions, making execution time and accuracy tradeoffs without architectural modifications. Additionally, it leverages efficient forecasting of past detection results to mitigate possible loss of accuracy due to partial processing of input. Finally, it utilizes a novel input reduction technique within its detection heads to significantly accelerate execution without sacrificing accuracy. We implement VALO on state-of-the-art 3D LiDAR object detection networks, namely CenterPoint and VoxelNext, and demonstrate its dynamic adaptability to a wide range of time constraints while achieving higher accuracy than the prior state-of-the-art. Code is available athttps://github.com/CSL-KU/VALO}{github.com/CSL-KU/VALO.
☆ Obfuscation Based Privacy Preserving Representations are Recoverable Using Neighborhood Information
Rapid growth in the popularity of AR/VR/MR applications and cloud-based visual localization systems has given rise to an increased focus on the privacy of user content in the localization process. This privacy concern has been further escalated by the ability of deep neural networks to recover detailed images of a scene from a sparse set of 3D or 2D points and their descriptors - the so-called inversion attacks. Research on privacy-preserving localization has therefore focused on preventing these inversion attacks on both the query image keypoints and the 3D points of the scene map. To this end, several geometry obfuscation techniques that lift points to higher-dimensional spaces, i.e., lines or planes, or that swap coordinates between points % have been proposed. In this paper, we point to a common weakness of these obfuscations that allows to recover approximations of the original point positions under the assumption of known neighborhoods. We further show that these neighborhoods can be computed by learning to identify descriptors that co-occur in neighborhoods. Extensive experiments show that our approach for point recovery is practically applicable to all existing geometric obfuscation schemes. Our results show that these schemes should not be considered privacy-preserving, even though they are claimed to be privacy-preserving. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/kunalchelani/RecoverPointsNeighborhood}.
☆ Unsupervised Hybrid framework for ANomaly Detection (HAND) -- applied to Screening Mammogram
Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is crucial for enhancing the generalization of AI models used in mammogram screening. Given the challenge of limited prior knowledge about OOD samples in external datasets, unsupervised generative learning is a preferable solution which trains the model to discern the normal characteristics of in-distribution (ID) data. The hypothesis is that during inference, the model aims to reconstruct ID samples accurately, while OOD samples exhibit poorer reconstruction due to their divergence from normality. Inspired by state-of-the-art (SOTA) hybrid architectures combining CNNs and transformers, we developed a novel backbone - HAND, for detecting OOD from large-scale digital screening mammogram studies. To boost the learning efficiency, we incorporated synthetic OOD samples and a parallel discriminator in the latent space to distinguish between ID and OOD samples. Gradient reversal to the OOD reconstruction loss penalizes the model for learning OOD reconstructions. An anomaly score is computed by weighting the reconstruction and discriminator loss. On internal RSNA mammogram held-out test and external Mayo clinic hand-curated dataset, the proposed HAND model outperformed encoder-based and GAN-based baselines, and interestingly, it also outperformed the hybrid CNN+transformer baselines. Therefore, the proposed HAND pipeline offers an automated efficient computational solution for domain-specific quality checks in external screening mammograms, yielding actionable insights without direct exposure to the private medical imaging data.
☆ Robot Manipulation in Salient Vision through Referring Image Segmentation and Geometric Constraints
In this paper, we perform robot manipulation activities in real-world environments with language contexts by integrating a compact referring image segmentation model into the robot's perception module. First, we propose CLIPU$^2$Net, a lightweight referring image segmentation model designed for fine-grain boundary and structure segmentation from language expressions. Then, we deploy the model in an eye-in-hand visual servoing system to enact robot control in the real world. The key to our system is the representation of salient visual information as geometric constraints, linking the robot's visual perception to actionable commands. Experimental results on 46 real-world robot manipulation tasks demonstrate that our method outperforms traditional visual servoing methods relying on labor-intensive feature annotations, excels in fine-grain referring image segmentation with a compact decoder size of 6.6 MB, and supports robot control across diverse contexts.
☆ Mamba Fusion: Learning Actions Through Questioning
Video Language Models (VLMs) are crucial for generalizing across diverse tasks and using language cues to enhance learning. While transformer-based architectures have been the de facto in vision-language training, they face challenges like quadratic computational complexity, high GPU memory usage, and difficulty with long-term dependencies. To address these limitations, we introduce MambaVL, a novel model that leverages recent advancements in selective state space modality fusion to efficiently capture long-range dependencies and learn joint representations for vision and language data. MambaVL utilizes a shared state transition matrix across both modalities, allowing the model to capture information about actions from multiple perspectives within the scene. Furthermore, we propose a question-answering task that helps guide the model toward relevant cues. These questions provide critical information about actions, objects, and environmental context, leading to enhanced performance. As a result, MambaVL achieves state-of-the-art performance in action recognition on the Epic-Kitchens-100 dataset and outperforms baseline methods in action anticipation.
☆ Good Grasps Only: A data engine for self-supervised fine-tuning of pose estimation using grasp poses for verification
In this paper, we present a novel method for self-supervised fine-tuning of pose estimation for bin-picking. Leveraging zero-shot pose estimation, our approach enables the robot to automatically obtain training data without manual labeling. After pose estimation the object is grasped, and in-hand pose estimation is used for data validation. Our pipeline allows the system to fine-tune while the process is running, removing the need for a learning phase. The motivation behind our work lies in the need for rapid setup of pose estimation solutions. Specifically, we address the challenging task of bin picking, which plays a pivotal role in flexible robotic setups. Our method is implemented on a robotics work-cell, and tested with four different objects. For all objects, our method increases the performance and outperforms a state-of-the-art method trained on the CAD model of the objects.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables
☆ Retinal Vessel Segmentation with Deep Graph and Capsule Reasoning
Effective retinal vessel segmentation requires a sophisticated integration of global contextual awareness and local vessel continuity. To address this challenge, we propose the Graph Capsule Convolution Network (GCC-UNet), which merges capsule convolutions with CNNs to capture both local and global features. The Graph Capsule Convolution operator is specifically designed to enhance the representation of global context, while the Selective Graph Attention Fusion module ensures seamless integration of local and global information. To further improve vessel continuity, we introduce the Bottleneck Graph Attention module, which incorporates Channel-wise and Spatial Graph Attention mechanisms. The Multi-Scale Graph Fusion module adeptly combines features from various scales. Our approach has been rigorously validated through experiments on widely used public datasets, with ablation studies confirming the efficacy of each component. Comparative results highlight GCC-UNet's superior performance over existing methods, setting a new benchmark in retinal vessel segmentation. Notably, this work represents the first integration of vanilla, graph, and capsule convolutional techniques in the domain of medical image segmentation.
☆ Two Stage Segmentation of Cervical Tumors using PocketNet
Cervical cancer remains the fourth most common malignancy amongst women worldwide.1 Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) serves as the mainstay definitive treatment regimen for locally advanced cervical cancers and includes external beam radiation followed by brachytherapy.2 Integral to radiotherapy treatment planning is the routine contouring of both the target tumor at the level of the cervix, associated gynecologic anatomy and the adjacent organs at risk (OARs). However, manual contouring of these structures is both time and labor intensive and associated with known interobserver variability that can impact treatment outcomes. While multiple tools have been developed to automatically segment OARs and the high-risk clinical tumor volume (HR-CTV) using computed tomography (CT) images,3,4,5,6 the development of deep learning-based tumor segmentation tools using routine T2-weighted (T2w) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) addresses an unmet clinical need to improve the routine contouring of both anatomical structures and cervical cancers, thereby increasing quality and consistency of radiotherapy planning. This work applied a novel deep-learning model (PocketNet) to segment the cervix, vagina, uterus, and tumor(s) on T2w MRI. The performance of the PocketNet architecture was evaluated, when trained on data via 5-fold cross validation. PocketNet achieved a mean Dice-Sorensen similarity coefficient (DSC) exceeding 70% for tumor segmentation and 80% for organ segmentation. These results suggest that PocketNet is robust to variations in contrast protocols, providing reliable segmentation of the ROIs.
☆ CUNSB-RFIE: Context-aware Unpaired Neural Schrödinger Bridge in Retinal Fundus Image Enhancement
Retinal fundus photography is significant in diagnosing and monitoring retinal diseases. However, systemic imperfections and operator/patient-related factors can hinder the acquisition of high-quality retinal images. Previous efforts in retinal image enhancement primarily relied on GANs, which are limited by the trade-off between training stability and output diversity. In contrast, the Schr\"odinger Bridge (SB), offers a more stable solution by utilizing Optimal Transport (OT) theory to model a stochastic differential equation (SDE) between two arbitrary distributions. This allows SB to effectively transform low-quality retinal images into their high-quality counterparts. In this work, we leverage the SB framework to propose an image-to-image translation pipeline for retinal image enhancement. Additionally, previous methods often fail to capture fine structural details, such as blood vessels. To address this, we enhance our pipeline by introducing Dynamic Snake Convolution, whose tortuous receptive field can better preserve tubular structures. We name the resulting retinal fundus image enhancement framework the Context-aware Unpaired Neural Schr\"{o}dinger Bridge (CUNSB-RFIE). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first endeavor to use the SB approach for retinal image enhancement. Experimental results on a large-scale dataset demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method compared to several state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised methods in terms of image quality and performance on downstream tasks.The code is available at https://github.com/Retinal-Research/CUNSB-RFIE .
☆ NSSR-DIL: Null-Shot Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Identity Learning
The present State-of-the-Art (SotA) Image Super-Resolution (ISR) methods employ Deep Learning (DL) techniques using a large amount of image data. The primary limitation to extending the existing SotA ISR works for real-world instances is their computational and time complexities. In this paper, contrary to the existing methods, we present a novel and computationally efficient ISR algorithm that is independent of the image dataset to learn the ISR task. The proposed algorithm reformulates the ISR task from generating the Super-Resolved (SR) images to computing the inverse of the kernels that span the degradation space. We introduce Deep Identity Learning, exploiting the identity relation between the degradation and inverse degradation models. The proposed approach neither relies on the ISR dataset nor on a single input low-resolution (LR) image (like the self-supervised method i.e. ZSSR) to model the ISR task. Hence we term our model as Null-Shot Super-Resolution Using Deep Identity Learning (NSSR-DIL). The proposed NSSR-DIL model requires fewer computational resources, at least by an order of 10, and demonstrates a competitive performance on benchmark ISR datasets. Another salient aspect of our proposition is that the NSSR-DIL framework detours retraining the model and remains the same for varying scale factors like X2, X3, and X4. This makes our highly efficient ISR model more suitable for real-world applications.
♻ ☆ S$^3$Attention: Improving Long Sequence Attention with Smoothed Skeleton Sketching
Attention based models have achieved many remarkable breakthroughs in numerous applications. However, the quadratic complexity of Attention makes the vanilla Attention based models hard to apply to long sequence tasks. Various improved Attention structures are proposed to reduce the computation cost by inducing low rankness and approximating the whole sequence by sub-sequences. The most challenging part of those approaches is maintaining the proper balance between information preservation and computation reduction: the longer sub-sequences used, the better information is preserved, but at the price of introducing more noise and computational costs. In this paper, we propose a smoothed skeleton sketching based Attention structure, coined S$^3$Attention, which significantly improves upon the previous attempts to negotiate this trade-off. S$^3$Attention has two mechanisms to effectively minimize the impact of noise while keeping the linear complexity to the sequence length: a smoothing block to mix information over long sequences and a matrix sketching method that simultaneously selects columns and rows from the input matrix. We verify the effectiveness of S$^3$Attention both theoretically and empirically. Extensive studies over Long Range Arena (LRA) datasets and six time-series forecasting show that S$^3$Attention significantly outperforms both vanilla Attention and other state-of-the-art variants of Attention structures.
♻ ☆ SpatialBot: Precise Spatial Understanding with Vision Language Models
Vision Language Models (VLMs) have achieved impressive performance in 2D image understanding, however they are still struggling with spatial understanding which is the foundation of Embodied AI. In this paper, we propose SpatialBot for better spatial understanding by feeding both RGB and depth images. Additionally, we have constructed the SpatialQA dataset, which involves multi-level depth-related questions to train VLMs for depth understanding. Finally, we present SpatialBench to comprehensively evaluate VLMs' capabilities in spatial understanding at different levels. Extensive experiments on our spatial-understanding benchmark, general VLM benchmarks and Embodied AI tasks, demonstrate the remarkable improvements of SpatialBot trained on SpatialQA. The model, code and data are available at https://github.com/BAAI-DCAI/SpatialBot.
♻ ☆ BoostDream: Efficient Refining for High-Quality Text-to-3D Generation from Multi-View Diffusion
Witnessing the evolution of text-to-image diffusion models, significant strides have been made in text-to-3D generation. Currently, two primary paradigms dominate the field of text-to-3D: the feed-forward generation solutions, capable of swiftly producing 3D assets but often yielding coarse results, and the Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) based solutions, known for generating high-fidelity 3D assets albeit at a slower pace. The synergistic integration of these methods holds substantial promise for advancing 3D generation techniques. In this paper, we present BoostDream, a highly efficient plug-and-play 3D refining method designed to transform coarse 3D assets into high-quality. The BoostDream framework comprises three distinct processes: (1) We introduce 3D model distillation that fits differentiable representations from the 3D assets obtained through feed-forward generation. (2) A novel multi-view SDS loss is designed, which utilizes a multi-view aware 2D diffusion model to refine the 3D assets. (3) We propose to use prompt and multi-view consistent normal maps as guidance in refinement.Our extensive experiment is conducted on different differentiable 3D representations, revealing that BoostDream excels in generating high-quality 3D assets rapidly, overcoming the Janus problem compared to conventional SDS-based methods. This breakthrough signifies a substantial advancement in both the efficiency and quality of 3D generation processes.
♻ ☆ LYT-NET: Lightweight YUV Transformer-based Network for Low-light Image Enhancement
This letter introduces LYT-Net, a novel lightweight transformer-based model for low-light image enhancement (LLIE). LYT-Net consists of several layers and detachable blocks, including our novel blocks--Channel-Wise Denoiser (CWD) and Multi-Stage Squeeze & Excite Fusion (MSEF)--along with the traditional Transformer block, Multi-Headed Self-Attention (MHSA). In our method we adopt a dual-path approach, treating chrominance channels U and V and luminance channel Y as separate entities to help the model better handle illumination adjustment and corruption restoration. Our comprehensive evaluation on established LLIE datasets demonstrates that, despite its low complexity, our model outperforms recent LLIE methods. The source code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/albrateanu/LYT-Net
comment: 5 pages
♻ ☆ When Cars meet Drones: Hyperbolic Federated Learning for Source-Free Domain Adaptation in Adverse Weather
In Federated Learning (FL), multiple clients collaboratively train a global model without sharing private data. In semantic segmentation, the Federated source Free Domain Adaptation (FFreeDA) setting is of particular interest, where clients undergo unsupervised training after supervised pretraining at the server side. While few recent works address FL for autonomous vehicles, intrinsic real-world challenges such as the presence of adverse weather conditions and the existence of different autonomous agents are still unexplored. To bridge this gap, we address both problems and introduce a new federated semantic segmentation setting where both car and drone clients co-exist and collaborate. Specifically, we propose a novel approach for this setting which exploits a batch-norm weather-aware strategy to dynamically adapt the model to the different weather conditions, while hyperbolic space prototypes are used to align the heterogeneous client representations. Finally, we introduce FLYAWARE, the first semantic segmentation dataset with adverse weather data for aerial vehicles.
♻ ☆ UniMODE: Unified Monocular 3D Object Detection CVPR2024
Realizing unified monocular 3D object detection, including both indoor and outdoor scenes, holds great importance in applications like robot navigation. However, involving various scenarios of data to train models poses challenges due to their significantly different characteristics, e.g., diverse geometry properties and heterogeneous domain distributions. To address these challenges, we build a detector based on the bird's-eye-view (BEV) detection paradigm, where the explicit feature projection is beneficial to addressing the geometry learning ambiguity when employing multiple scenarios of data to train detectors. Then, we split the classical BEV detection architecture into two stages and propose an uneven BEV grid design to handle the convergence instability caused by the aforementioned challenges. Moreover, we develop a sparse BEV feature projection strategy to reduce computational cost and a unified domain alignment method to handle heterogeneous domains. Combining these techniques, a unified detector UniMODE is derived, which surpasses the previous state-of-the-art on the challenging Omni3D dataset (a large-scale dataset including both indoor and outdoor scenes) by 4.9% AP_3D, revealing the first successful generalization of a BEV detector to unified 3D object detection.
comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in CVPR2024
♻ ☆ SMILe: Leveraging Submodular Mutual Information For Robust Few-Shot Object Detection ECCV 2024
Confusion and forgetting of object classes have been challenges of prime interest in Few-Shot Object Detection (FSOD). To overcome these pitfalls in metric learning based FSOD techniques, we introduce a novel Submodular Mutual Information Learning (SMILe) framework which adopts combinatorial mutual information functions to enforce the creation of tighter and discriminative feature clusters in FSOD. Our proposed approach generalizes to several existing approaches in FSOD, agnostic of the backbone architecture demonstrating elevated performance gains. A paradigm shift from instance based objective functions to combinatorial objectives in SMILe naturally preserves the diversity within an object class resulting in reduced forgetting when subjected to few training examples. Furthermore, the application of mutual information between the already learnt (base) and newly added (novel) objects ensures sufficient separation between base and novel classes, minimizing the effect of class confusion. Experiments on popular FSOD benchmarks, PASCAL-VOC and MS-COCO show that our approach generalizes to State-of-the-Art (SoTA) approaches improving their novel class performance by up to 5.7% (3.3 mAP points) and 5.4% (2.6 mAP points) on the 10-shot setting of VOC (split 3) and 30-shot setting of COCO datasets respectively. Our experiments also demonstrate better retention of base class performance and up to 2x faster convergence over existing approaches agnostic of the underlying architecture.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ SeFlow: A Self-Supervised Scene Flow Method in Autonomous Driving ECCV 2024
Scene flow estimation predicts the 3D motion at each point in successive LiDAR scans. This detailed, point-level, information can help autonomous vehicles to accurately predict and understand dynamic changes in their surroundings. Current state-of-the-art methods require annotated data to train scene flow networks and the expense of labeling inherently limits their scalability. Self-supervised approaches can overcome the above limitations, yet face two principal challenges that hinder optimal performance: point distribution imbalance and disregard for object-level motion constraints. In this paper, we propose SeFlow, a self-supervised method that integrates efficient dynamic classification into a learning-based scene flow pipeline. We demonstrate that classifying static and dynamic points helps design targeted objective functions for different motion patterns. We also emphasize the importance of internal cluster consistency and correct object point association to refine the scene flow estimation, in particular on object details. Our real-time capable method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the self-supervised scene flow task on Argoverse 2 and Waymo datasets. The code is open-sourced at https://github.com/KTH-RPL/SeFlow along with trained model weights.
comment: 25 pages (14 main pages + 11 supp materail), 5 figures, ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ A Systematic Review of Generalization Research in Medical Image Classification
Numerous Deep Learning (DL) classification models have been developed for a large spectrum of medical image analysis applications, which promises to reshape various facets of medical practice. Despite early advances in DL model validation and implementation, which encourage healthcare institutions to adopt them, a fundamental questions remain: how can these models effectively handle domain shift? This question is crucial to limit DL models performance degradation. Medical data are dynamic and prone to domain shift, due to multiple factors. Two main shift types can occur over time: 1) covariate shift mainly arising due to updates to medical equipment and 2) concept shift caused by inter-grader variability. To mitigate the problem of domain shift, existing surveys mainly focus on domain adaptation techniques, with an emphasis on covariate shift. More generally, no work has reviewed the state-of-the-art solutions while focusing on the shift types. This paper aims to explore existing domain generalization methods for DL-based classification models through a systematic review of literature. It proposes a taxonomy based on the shift type they aim to solve. Papers were searched and gathered on Scopus till 10 April 2023, and after the eligibility screening and quality evaluation, 77 articles were identified. Exclusion criteria included: lack of methodological novelty (e.g., reviews, benchmarks), experiments conducted on a single mono-center dataset, or articles not written in English. The results of this paper show that learning based methods are emerging, for both shift types. Finally, we discuss future challenges, including the need for improved evaluation protocols and benchmarks, and envisioned future developments to achieve robust, generalized models for medical image classification.
♻ ☆ GenQ: Quantization in Low Data Regimes with Generative Synthetic Data ECCV 2024
In the realm of deep neural network deployment, low-bit quantization presents a promising avenue for enhancing computational efficiency. However, it often hinges on the availability of training data to mitigate quantization errors, a significant challenge when data availability is scarce or restricted due to privacy or copyright concerns. Addressing this, we introduce GenQ, a novel approach employing an advanced Generative AI model to generate photorealistic, high-resolution synthetic data, overcoming the limitations of traditional methods that struggle to accurately mimic complex objects in extensive datasets like ImageNet. Our methodology is underscored by two robust filtering mechanisms designed to ensure the synthetic data closely aligns with the intrinsic characteristics of the actual training data. In case of limited data availability, the actual data is used to guide the synthetic data generation process, enhancing fidelity through the inversion of learnable token embeddings. Through rigorous experimentation, GenQ establishes new benchmarks in data-free and data-scarce quantization, significantly outperforming existing methods in accuracy and efficiency, thereby setting a new standard for quantization in low data regimes. Code is released at \url{https://github.com/Intelligent-Computing-Lab-Yale/GenQ}.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ Watt For What: Rethinking Deep Learning's Energy-Performance Relationship ECCV
Deep learning models have revolutionized various fields, from image recognition to natural language processing, by achieving unprecedented levels of accuracy. However, their increasing energy consumption has raised concerns about their environmental impact, disadvantaging smaller entities in research and exacerbating global energy consumption. In this paper, we explore the trade-off between model accuracy and electricity consumption, proposing a metric that penalizes large consumption of electricity. We conduct a comprehensive study on the electricity consumption of various deep learning models across different GPUs, presenting a detailed analysis of their accuracy-efficiency trade-offs. By evaluating accuracy per unit of electricity consumed, we demonstrate how smaller, more energy-efficient models can significantly expedite research while mitigating environmental concerns. Our results highlight the potential for a more sustainable approach to deep learning, emphasizing the importance of optimizing models for efficiency. This research also contributes to a more equitable research landscape, where smaller entities can compete effectively with larger counterparts. This advocates for the adoption of efficient deep learning practices to reduce electricity consumption, safeguarding the environment for future generations whilst also helping ensure a fairer competitive landscape.
comment: Accepted to ECCV-GreenFOMO Workshop
♻ ☆ Autoregressive Image Diffusion: Generation of Image Sequence and Application in MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used non-invasive imaging modality. However, a persistent challenge lies in balancing image quality with imaging speed. This trade-off is primarily constrained by k-space measurements, which traverse specific trajectories in the spatial Fourier domain (k-space). These measurements are often undersampled to shorten acquisition times, resulting in image artifacts and compromised quality. Generative models learn image distributions and can be used to reconstruct high-quality images from undersampled k-space data. In this work, we present the autoregressive image diffusion (AID) model for image sequences and use it to sample the posterior for accelerated MRI reconstruction. The algorithm incorporates both undersampled k-space and pre-existing information. Models trained with fastMRI dataset are evaluated comprehensively. The results show that the AID model can robustly generate sequentially coherent image sequences. In 3D and dynamic MRI, the AID can outperform the standard diffusion model and reduce hallucinations, due to the learned inter-image dependencies.
♻ ☆ TivNe-SLAM: Dynamic Mapping and Tracking via Time-Varying Neural Radiance Fields
Previous attempts to integrate Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) into the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) framework either rely on the assumption of static scenes or require the ground truth camera poses, which impedes their application in real-world scenarios. This paper proposes a time-varying representation to track and reconstruct the dynamic scenes. Firstly, two processes, a tracking process and a mapping process, are maintained simultaneously in our framework. In the tracking process, all input images are uniformly sampled and then progressively trained in a self-supervised paradigm. In the mapping process, we leverage motion masks to distinguish dynamic objects from the static background, and sample more pixels from dynamic areas. Secondly, the parameter optimization for both processes is comprised of two stages: the first stage associates time with 3D positions to convert the deformation field to the canonical field. The second stage associates time with the embeddings of the canonical field to obtain colors and a Signed Distance Function (SDF). Lastly, we propose a novel keyframe selection strategy based on the overlapping rate. Our approach is evaluated on two synthetic datasets and one real-world dataset, and the experiments validate that our method achieves competitive results in both tracking and mapping when compared to existing state-of-the-art NeRF-based dynamic SLAM systems.
♻ ☆ Towards flexible perception with visual memory
Training a neural network is a monolithic endeavor, akin to carving knowledge into stone: once the process is completed, editing the knowledge in a network is nearly impossible, since all information is distributed across the network's weights. We here explore a simple, compelling alternative by marrying the representational power of deep neural networks with the flexibility of a database. Decomposing the task of image classification into image similarity (from a pre-trained embedding) and search (via fast nearest neighbor retrieval from a knowledge database), we build a simple and flexible visual memory that has the following key capabilities: (1.) The ability to flexibly add data across scales: from individual samples all the way to entire classes and billion-scale data; (2.) The ability to remove data through unlearning and memory pruning; (3.) An interpretable decision-mechanism on which we can intervene to control its behavior. Taken together, these capabilities comprehensively demonstrate the benefits of an explicit visual memory. We hope that it might contribute to a conversation on how knowledge should be represented in deep vision models -- beyond carving it in "stone" weights.
comment: Adding link to code at https://github.com/google-deepmind/visual-memory
♻ ☆ A Diffusion Approach to Radiance Field Relighting using Multi-Illumination Synthesis
Relighting radiance fields is severely underconstrained for multi-view data, which is most often captured under a single illumination condition; It is especially hard for full scenes containing multiple objects. We introduce a method to create relightable radiance fields using such single-illumination data by exploiting priors extracted from 2D image diffusion models. We first fine-tune a 2D diffusion model on a multi-illumination dataset conditioned by light direction, allowing us to augment a single-illumination capture into a realistic -- but possibly inconsistent -- multi-illumination dataset from directly defined light directions. We use this augmented data to create a relightable radiance field represented by 3D Gaussian splats. To allow direct control of light direction for low-frequency lighting, we represent appearance with a multi-layer perceptron parameterized on light direction. To enforce multi-view consistency and overcome inaccuracies we optimize a per-image auxiliary feature vector. We show results on synthetic and real multi-view data under single illumination, demonstrating that our method successfully exploits 2D diffusion model priors to allow realistic 3D relighting for complete scenes. Project site https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/generative-radiance-field-relighting/
comment: Project site https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/generative-radiance-field-relighting/
♻ ☆ RING#: PR-by-PE Global Localization with Roto-translation Equivariant Gram Learning
Global localization using onboard perception sensors, such as cameras and LiDARs, is crucial in autonomous driving and robotics applications when GPS signals are unreliable. Most approaches achieve global localization by sequential place recognition (PR) and pose estimation (PE). Some methods train separate models for each task, while others employ a single model with dual heads, trained jointly with separate task-specific losses. However, the accuracy of localization heavily depends on the success of place recognition, which often fails in scenarios with significant changes in viewpoint or environmental appearance. Consequently, this renders the final pose estimation of localization ineffective. To address this, we introduce a new paradigm, PR-by-PE localization, which bypasses the need for separate place recognition by directly deriving it from pose estimation. We propose RING#, an end-to-end PR-by-PE localization network that operates in the bird's-eye-view (BEV) space, compatible with both vision and LiDAR sensors. RING# incorporates a novel design that learns two equivariant representations from BEV features, enabling globally convergent and computationally efficient pose estimation. Comprehensive experiments on the NCLT and Oxford datasets show that RING# outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both vision and LiDAR modalities, validating the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The code will be publicly released.
comment: 25 pages, 21 figures
♻ ☆ Counterfactual contrastive learning: robust representations via causal image synthesis MICCAI 2024
Contrastive pretraining is well-known to improve downstream task performance and model generalisation, especially in limited label settings. However, it is sensitive to the choice of augmentation pipeline. Positive pairs should preserve semantic information while destroying domain-specific information. Standard augmentation pipelines emulate domain-specific changes with pre-defined photometric transformations, but what if we could simulate realistic domain changes instead? In this work, we show how to utilise recent progress in counterfactual image generation to this effect. We propose CF-SimCLR, a counterfactual contrastive learning approach which leverages approximate counterfactual inference for positive pair creation. Comprehensive evaluation across five datasets, on chest radiography and mammography, demonstrates that CF-SimCLR substantially improves robustness to acquisition shift with higher downstream performance on both in- and out-of-distribution data, particularly for domains which are under-represented during training.
comment: Accepted for publication at the MICCAI 2024 Data Engineering in Medical Imaging workshop. Code available at https://github.com/biomedia-mira/counterfactual-contrastive. Extended version of this work available at arXiv:2409.10365
♻ ☆ Transferable-guided Attention Is All You Need for Video Domain Adaptation
Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) in videos is a challenging task that remains not well explored compared to image-based UDA techniques. Although vision transformers (ViT) achieve state-of-the-art performance in many computer vision tasks, their use in video UDA has been little explored. Our key idea is to use transformer layers as a feature encoder and incorporate spatial and temporal transferability relationships into the attention mechanism. A Transferable-guided Attention (TransferAttn) framework is then developed to exploit the capacity of the transformer to adapt cross-domain knowledge across different backbones. To improve the transferability of ViT, we introduce a novel and effective module, named Domain Transferable-guided Attention Block (DTAB). DTAB compels ViT to focus on the spatio-temporal transferability relationship among video frames by changing the self-attention mechanism to a transferability attention mechanism. Extensive experiments were conducted on UCF-HMDB, Kinetics-Gameplay, and Kinetics-NEC Drone datasets, with different backbones, like ResNet101, I3D, and STAM, to verify the effectiveness of TransferAttn compared with state-of-the-art approaches. Also, we demonstrate that DTAB yields performance gains when applied to other state-of-the-art transformer-based UDA methods from both video and image domains. Our code is available at https://github.com/Andre-Sacilotti/transferattn-project-code.
♻ ☆ Fine-Grained Representation Learning via Multi-Level Contrastive Learning without Class Priors
Recent advances in unsupervised representation learning frequently leverage class information to improve the extraction and clustering of features. However, this dependence on class priors limits the applicability of such methods in real-world scenarios where class information is unavailable or ambiguous. In this paper, we propose \textit{Contrastive Disentangling (CD)}, a simple yet effective framework that learns representations without any relying on class priors. CD employs a multi-level contrastive learning strategy, integrating instance-level and feature-level losses with a normalized entropy loss to learn semantically rich and fine-grained representations. Specifically, (1) the instance-level contrastive loss encourages the separation of feature representations between different samples; (2) the feature-level contrastive loss promotes independence among feature prediction heads; and (3) the normalized entropy loss ensures that the feature heads capture meaningful and prevalent attributes from the data. These components together enable CD to outperform existing methods in scenarios lacking class priors, as demonstrated by extensive experiments on benchmark datasets including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, STL-10, and ImageNet-10. The code is available at https://github.com/Hoper-J/Contrastive-Disentangling.
♻ ☆ A Dataset and Benchmark for Shape Completion of Fruits for Agricultural Robotics
As the world population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, our agricultural production system needs to double its productivity despite a decline of human workforce in the agricultural sector. Autonomous robotic systems are one promising pathway to increase productivity by taking over labor-intensive manual tasks like fruit picking. To be effective, such systems need to monitor and interact with plants and fruits precisely, which is challenging due to the cluttered nature of agricultural environments causing, for example, strong occlusions. Thus, being able to estimate the complete 3D shapes of objects in presence of occlusions is crucial for automating operations such as fruit harvesting. In this paper, we propose the first publicly available 3D shape completion dataset for agricultural vision systems. We provide an RGB-D dataset for estimating the 3D shape of fruits. Specifically, our dataset contains RGB-D frames of single sweet peppers in lab conditions but also in a commercial greenhouse. For each fruit, we additionally collected high-precision point clouds that we use as ground truth. For acquiring the ground truth shape, we developed a measuring process that allows us to record data of real sweet pepper plants, both in the lab and in the greenhouse with high precision, and determine the shape of the sensed fruits. We release our dataset, consisting of almost 7,000 RGB-D frames belonging to more than 100 different fruits. We provide segmented RGB-D frames, with camera intrinsics to easily obtain colored point clouds, together with the corresponding high-precision, occlusion-free point clouds obtained with a high-precision laser scanner. We additionally enable evaluation of shape completion approaches on a hidden test set through a public challenge on a benchmark server.
♻ ☆ VGG-Tex: A Vivid Geometry-Guided Facial Texture Estimation Model for High Fidelity Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction
3D face reconstruction from monocular images has promoted the development of various applications such as augmented reality. Though existing methods have made remarkable progress, most of them emphasize geometric reconstruction, while overlooking the importance of texture prediction. To address this issue, we propose VGG-Tex, a novel Vivid Geometry-Guided Facial Texture Estimation model designed for High Fidelity Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction. The core of this approach is leveraging 3D parametric priors to enhance the outcomes of 2D UV texture estimation. Specifically, VGG-Tex includes a Facial Attributes Encoding Module, a Geometry-Guided Texture Generator, and a Visibility-Enhanced Texture Completion Module. These components are responsible for extracting parametric priors, generating initial textures, and refining texture details, respectively. Based on the geometry-texture complementarity principle, VGG-Tex also introduces a Texture-guided Geometry Refinement Module to further balance the overall fidelity of the reconstructed 3D faces, along with corresponding losses. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly improves texture reconstruction performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
♻ ☆ Sparkles: Unlocking Chats Across Multiple Images for Multimodal Instruction-Following Models ICLR 2024
Large language models exhibit enhanced zero-shot performance on various tasks when fine-tuned with instruction-following data. Multimodal instruction-following models extend these capabilities by integrating both text and images. However, existing models such as MiniGPT-4 and LLaVA face challenges in maintaining dialogue coherence in scenarios involving multiple images. A primary reason is the lack of a specialized dataset for this critical application. To bridge these gaps, we introduce SparklesDialogue, the first machine-generated dialogue dataset tailored for word-level interleaved multi-image and text interactions. Furthermore, we construct SparklesEval, a GPT-assisted benchmark for quantitatively assessing a model's conversational competence across multiple images and dialogue turns. We then present SparklesChat, a multimodal instruction-following model for open-ended dialogues across multiple images. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of training SparklesChat with SparklesDialogue based on MiniGPT-4 and LLaVA-v1.5, which enhances comprehension across multiple images and dialogue turns, and does not compromise single-image understanding capabilities. Qualitative evaluations further demonstrate SparklesChat's generality in handling real-world applications. All resources related to this study are publicly available at https://github.com/HYPJUDY/Sparkles.
comment: ICLR 2024 Workshop (Navigating and Addressing Data Problems for Foundation Models)
♻ ☆ GlobalMapNet: An Online Framework for Vectorized Global HD Map Construction
High-definition (HD) maps are essential for autonomous driving systems. Traditionally, an expensive and labor-intensive pipeline is implemented to construct HD maps, which is limited in scalability. In recent years, crowdsourcing and online mapping have emerged as two alternative methods, but they have limitations respectively. In this paper, we provide a novel methodology, namely global map construction, to perform direct generation of vectorized global maps, combining the benefits of crowdsourcing and online mapping. We introduce GlobalMapNet, the first online framework for vectorized global HD map construction, which updates and utilizes a global map on the ego vehicle. To generate the global map from scratch, we propose GlobalMapBuilder to match and merge local maps continuously. We design a new algorithm, Map NMS, to remove duplicate map elements and produce a clean map. We also propose GlobalMapFusion to aggregate historical map information, improving consistency of prediction. We examine GlobalMapNet on two widely recognized datasets, Argoverse2 and nuScenes, showing that our framework is capable of generating globally consistent results.
♻ ☆ Detecting and Mitigating System-Level Anomalies of Vision-Based Controllers
Autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars and drones, have made significant strides in recent years by leveraging visual inputs and machine learning for decision-making and control. Despite their impressive performance, these vision-based controllers can make erroneous predictions when faced with novel or out-of-distribution inputs. Such errors can cascade to catastrophic system failures and compromise system safety. In this work, we introduce a run-time anomaly monitor to detect and mitigate such closed-loop, system-level failures. Specifically, we leverage a reachability-based framework to stress-test the vision-based controller offline and mine its system-level failures. This data is then used to train a classifier that is leveraged online to flag inputs that might cause system breakdowns. The anomaly detector highlights issues that transcend individual modules and pertain to the safety of the overall system. We also design a fallback controller that robustly handles these detected anomalies to preserve system safety. We validate the proposed approach on an autonomous aircraft taxiing system that uses a vision-based controller for taxiing. Our results show the efficacy of the proposed approach in identifying and handling system-level anomalies, outperforming methods such as prediction error-based detection, and ensembling, thereby enhancing the overall safety and robustness of autonomous systems.
♻ ☆ JARViS: Detecting Actions in Video Using Unified Actor-Scene Context Relation Modeling
Video action detection (VAD) is a formidable vision task that involves the localization and classification of actions within the spatial and temporal dimensions of a video clip. Among the myriad VAD architectures, two-stage VAD methods utilize a pre-trained person detector to extract the region of interest features, subsequently employing these features for action detection. However, the performance of two-stage VAD methods has been limited as they depend solely on localized actor features to infer action semantics. In this study, we propose a new two-stage VAD framework called Joint Actor-scene context Relation modeling based on Visual Semantics (JARViS), which effectively consolidates cross-modal action semantics distributed globally across spatial and temporal dimensions using Transformer attention. JARViS employs a person detector to produce densely sampled actor features from a keyframe. Concurrently, it uses a video backbone to create spatio-temporal scene features from a video clip. Finally, the fine-grained interactions between actors and scenes are modeled through a Unified Action-Scene Context Transformer to directly output the final set of actions in parallel. Our experimental results demonstrate that JARViS outperforms existing methods by significant margins and achieves state-of-the-art performance on three popular VAD datasets, including AVA, UCF101-24, and JHMDB51-21.
comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, update references
♻ ☆ Vision Mamba for Classification of Breast Ultrasound Images MICCAI 2024
Mamba-based models, VMamba and Vim, are a recent family of vision encoders that offer promising performance improvements in many computer vision tasks. This paper compares Mamba-based models with traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) using the breast ultrasound BUSI dataset and Breast Ultrasound B dataset. Our evaluation, which includes multiple runs of experiments and statistical significance analysis, demonstrates that some of the Mamba-based architectures often outperform CNN and ViT models with statistically significant results. For example, in the B dataset, the best Mamba-based models have a 1.98\% average AUC and a 5.0\% average Accuracy improvement compared to the best non-Mamba-based model in this study. These Mamba-based models effectively capture long-range dependencies while maintaining some inductive biases, making them suitable for applications with limited data. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/anasiri/BU-Mamba}
comment: Accepted in MICCAI 2024 Deep-Breath workshop
♻ ☆ SEDNet: Shallow Encoder-Decoder Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation
Despite the advancement in computational modeling towards brain tumor segmentation, of which several models have been developed, it is evident from the computational complexity of existing models that performance and efficiency under clinical application scenarios are still limited. Therefore, this paper proposes a tumor segmentation framework. It includes a novel shallow encoder and decoder network named SEDNet for brain tumor segmentation. The highlights of SEDNet include sufficiency in hierarchical convolutional downsampling and selective skip mechanism for cost-efficient and effective brain tumor semantic segmentation, among other features. The preprocessor and optimization function approaches are devised to minimize the uncertainty in feature learning impacted by nontumor slices or empty masks with corresponding brain slices and address class imbalances as well as boundary irregularities of tumors, respectively. Through experiments, SEDNet achieved impressive dice and Hausdorff scores of 0.9308 %, 0.9451 %, and 0.9026 %, and 0.7040 mm, 1.2866 mm, and 0.7762 mm for the non-enhancing tumor core (NTC), peritumoral edema (ED), and enhancing tumor (ET), respectively. This is one of the few works to report segmentation performance on NTC. Furthermore, through transfer learning with initialized SEDNet pre-trained weights, termed SEDNetX, a performance increase is observed. The dice and Hausdorff scores recorded are 0.9336%, 0.9478%, 0.9061%, 0.6983 mm, 1.2691 mm, and 0.7711 mm for NTC, ED, and ET, respectively. With about 1.3 million parameters and impressive performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art, SEDNet(X) is shown to be computationally efficient for real-time clinical diagnosis. The code is available on Github .
comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 2 Tables
♻ ☆ Robust Multimodal Learning with Missing Modalities via Parameter-Efficient Adaptation
Multimodal learning seeks to utilize data from multiple sources to improve the overall performance of downstream tasks. It is desirable for redundancies in the data to make multimodal systems robust to missing or corrupted observations in some correlated modalities. However, we observe that the performance of several existing multimodal networks significantly deteriorates if one or multiple modalities are absent at test time. To enable robustness to missing modalities, we propose a simple and parameter-efficient adaptation procedure for pretrained multimodal networks. In particular, we exploit modulation of intermediate features to compensate for the missing modalities. We demonstrate that such adaptation can partially bridge performance drop due to missing modalities and outperform independent, dedicated networks trained for the available modality combinations in some cases. The proposed adaptation requires extremely small number of parameters (e.g., fewer than 1% of the total parameters) and applicable to a wide range of modality combinations and tasks. We conduct a series of experiments to highlight the missing modality robustness of our proposed method on five different multimodal tasks across seven datasets. Our proposed method demonstrates versatility across various tasks and datasets, and outperforms existing methods for robust multimodal learning with missing modalities.
comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, 17 tables
♻ ☆ Transferable and Principled Efficiency for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation
Recent success of pre-trained foundation vision-language models makes Open-Vocabulary Segmentation (OVS) possible. Despite the promising performance, this approach introduces heavy computational overheads for two challenges: 1) large model sizes of the backbone; 2) expensive costs during the fine-tuning. These challenges hinder this OVS strategy from being widely applicable and affordable in real-world scenarios. Although traditional methods such as model compression and efficient fine-tuning can address these challenges, they often rely on heuristics. This means that their solutions cannot be easily transferred and necessitate re-training on different models, which comes at a cost. In the context of efficient OVS, we target achieving performance that is comparable to or even better than prior OVS works based on large vision-language foundation models, by utilizing smaller models that incur lower training costs. The core strategy is to make our efficiency principled and thus seamlessly transferable from one OVS framework to others without further customization. Comprehensive experiments on diverse OVS benchmarks demonstrate our superior trade-off between segmentation accuracy and computation costs over previous works. Our code is available on https://github.com/Xujxyang/OpenTrans
♻ ☆ AIR-HLoc: Adaptive Retrieved Images Selection for Efficient Visual Localisation
State-of-the-art hierarchical localisation pipelines (HLoc) employ image retrieval (IR) to establish 2D-3D correspondences by selecting the top-$k$ most similar images from a reference database. While increasing $k$ improves localisation robustness, it also linearly increases computational cost and runtime, creating a significant bottleneck. This paper investigates the relationship between global and local descriptors, showing that greater similarity between the global descriptors of query and database images increases the proportion of feature matches. Low similarity queries significantly benefit from increasing $k$, while high similarity queries rapidly experience diminishing returns. Building on these observations, we propose an adaptive strategy that adjusts $k$ based on the similarity between the query's global descriptor and those in the database, effectively mitigating the feature-matching bottleneck. Our approach optimizes processing time without sacrificing accuracy. Experiments on three indoor and outdoor datasets show that AIR-HLoc reduces feature matching time by up to 30\%, while preserving state-of-the-art accuracy. The results demonstrate that AIR-HLoc facilitates a latency-sensitive localisation system.
♻ ☆ Motion-Guided Dual-Camera Tracker for Endoscope Tracking and Motion Analysis in a Mechanical Gastric Simulator
Flexible endoscope motion tracking and analysis in mechanical simulators have proven useful for endoscopy training. Common motion tracking methods based on electromagnetic tracker are however limited by their high cost and material susceptibility. In this work, the motion-guided dual-camera vision tracker is proposed to provide robust and accurate tracking of the endoscope tip's 3D position. The tracker addresses several unique challenges of tracking flexible endoscope tip inside a dynamic, life-sized mechanical simulator. To address the appearance variation and keep dual-camera tracking consistency, the cross-camera mutual template strategy (CMT) is proposed by introducing dynamic transient mutual templates. To alleviate large occlusion and light-induced distortion, the Mamba-based motion-guided prediction head (MMH) is presented to aggregate historical motion with visual tracking. The proposed tracker achieves superior performance against state-of-the-art vision trackers, achieving 42% and 72% improvements against the second-best method in average error and maximum error. Further motion analysis involving novice and expert endoscopists also shows that the tip 3D motion provided by the proposed tracker enables more reliable motion analysis and more substantial differentiation between different expertise levels, compared with other trackers.
♻ ☆ Deep Learning Based 3D Segmentation: A Survey
3D segmentation is a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision with applications in autonomous driving and robotics. It has received significant attention from the computer vision, graphics and machine learning communities. Conventional methods for 3D segmentation, based on hand-crafted features and machine learning classifiers, lack generalization ability. Driven by their success in 2D computer vision, deep learning techniques have recently become the tool of choice for 3D segmentation tasks. This has led to an influx of many methods in the literature that have been evaluated on different benchmark datasets. Whereas survey papers on RGB-D and point cloud segmentation exist, there is a lack of a recent in-depth survey that covers all 3D data modalities and application domains. This paper fills the gap and comprehensively surveys the recent progress in deep learning-based 3D segmentation techniques. We cover over 220 works from the last six years, analyze their strengths and limitations, and discuss their competitive results on benchmark datasets. The survey provides a summary of the most commonly used pipelines and finally highlights promising research directions for the future.
comment: 30 pages, 10 tables, 8 figures, update the segmentation method to 2024, add the segmentation application in semantic map construction and cultural heritage preservation, change the paper format
♻ ☆ Fuse4Seg: Image-Level Fusion Based Multi-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
Although multi-modality medical image segmentation holds significant potential for enhancing the diagnosis and understanding of complex diseases by integrating diverse imaging modalities, existing methods predominantly rely on feature-level fusion strategies. We argue the current feature-level fusion strategy is prone to semantic inconsistencies and misalignments across various imaging modalities because it merges features at intermediate layers in a neural network without evaluative control. To mitigate this, we introduce a novel image-level fusion based multi-modality medical image segmentation method, Fuse4Seg, which is a bi-level learning framework designed to model the intertwined dependencies between medical image segmentation and medical image fusion. The image-level fusion process is seamlessly employed to guide and enhance the segmentation results through a layered optimization approach. Besides, the knowledge gained from the segmentation module can effectively enhance the fusion module. This ensures that the resultant fused image is a coherent representation that accurately amalgamates information from all modalities. Moreover, we construct a BraTS-Fuse benchmark based on BraTS dataset, which includes 2040 paired original images, multi-modal fusion images, and ground truth. This benchmark not only serves image-level medical segmentation but is also the largest dataset for medical image fusion to date. Extensive experiments on several public datasets and our benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our approach over prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) methodologies.
♻ ☆ MED-VT++: Unifying Multimodal Learning with a Multiscale Encoder-Decoder Video Transformer CVPR'23
In this paper, we present an end-to-end trainable unified multiscale encoder-decoder transformer that is focused on dense prediction tasks in video. The presented Multiscale Encoder-Decoder Video Transformer (MED-VT) uses multiscale representation throughout and employs an optional input beyond video (e.g., audio), when available, for multimodal processing (MED-VT++). Multiscale representation at both encoder and decoder yields three key benefits: (i) implicit extraction of spatiotemporal features at different levels of abstraction for capturing dynamics without reliance on input optical flow, (ii) temporal consistency at encoding and (iii) coarse-to-fine detection for high-level (e.g., object) semantics to guide precise localization at decoding. Moreover, we present a transductive learning scheme through many-to-many label propagation to provide temporally consistent video predictions. We showcase MED-VT/MED-VT++ on three unimodal video segmentation tasks (Automatic Video Object Segmentation (AVOS), actor-action segmentation and Video Semantic Segmentation (VSS)) as well as a multimodal segmentation task (Audio-Visual Segmentation (AVS)). Results show that the proposed architecture outperforms alternative state-of-the-art approaches on multiple benchmarks using only video (and optional audio) as input, without reliance on optical flow. Finally, to document details of the model's internal learned representations, we present a detailed interpretability study, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative analyses.
comment: Extension of CVPR'23 paper for journal submission
♻ ☆ Leveraging vision-language models for fair facial attribute classification
Performance disparities of image recognition across different demographic populations are known to exist in deep learning-based models, but previous work has largely addressed such fairness problems assuming knowledge of sensitive attribute labels. To overcome this reliance, previous strategies have involved separate learning structures to expose and adjust for disparities. In this work, we explore a new paradigm that does not require sensitive attribute labels, and evades the need for extra training by leveraging general-purpose vision-language model (VLM), as a rich knowledge source for common sensitive attributes. We analyze the correspondence between VLM predicted and human defined sensitive attribute distribution. We find that VLMs can recognize samples with clear attribute information encoded in image representations, thus capture under-performed samples conflicting with attribute-related bias. We train downstream target classifiers by re-sampling and augmenting under-performed attribute groups. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark facial attribute classification datasets show fairness gains of the model over existing unsupervised baselines that tackle with arbitrary bias. The work indicates that vision-language models can extract discriminative sensitive information prompted by language, and be used to promote model fairness.
♻ ☆ On the Similarity of Deep Learning Representations Across Didactic and Adversarial Examples
The increasing use of deep neural networks (DNNs) has motivated a parallel endeavor: the design of adversaries that profit from successful misclassifications. However, not all adversarial examples are crafted for malicious purposes. For example, real world systems often contain physical, temporal, and sampling variability across instrumentation. Adversarial examples in the wild may inadvertently prove deleterious for accurate predictive modeling. Conversely, naturally occurring covariance of image features may serve didactic purposes. Here, we studied the stability of deep learning representations for neuroimaging classification across didactic and adversarial conditions characteristic of MRI acquisition variability. We show that representational similarity and performance vary according to the frequency of adversarial examples in the input space.
comment: 2 figures
♻ ☆ AgileFormer: Spatially Agile Transformer UNet for Medical Image Segmentation
In the past decades, deep neural networks, particularly convolutional neural networks, have achieved state-of-the-art performance in a variety of medical image segmentation tasks. Recently, the introduction of the vision transformer (ViT) has significantly altered the landscape of deep segmentation models. There has been a growing focus on ViTs, driven by their excellent performance and scalability. However, we argue that the current design of the vision transformer-based UNet (ViT-UNet) segmentation models may not effectively handle the heterogeneous appearance (e.g., varying shapes and sizes) of objects of interest in medical image segmentation tasks. To tackle this challenge, we present a structured approach to introduce spatially dynamic components to the ViT-UNet. This adaptation enables the model to effectively capture features of target objects with diverse appearances. This is achieved by three main components: \textbf{(i)} deformable patch embedding; \textbf{(ii)} spatially dynamic multi-head attention; \textbf{(iii)} deformable positional encoding. These components were integrated into a novel architecture, termed AgileFormer. AgileFormer is a spatially agile ViT-UNet designed for medical image segmentation. Experiments in three segmentation tasks using publicly available datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method. The code is available at \href{https://github.com/sotiraslab/AgileFormer}{https://github.com/sotiraslab/AgileFormer}.
♻ ☆ REG: Refined Generalized Focal Loss for Road Asset Detection on Thai Highways Using Vision-Based Detection and Segmentation Models
This paper introduces a novel framework for detecting and segmenting critical road assets on Thai highways using an advanced Refined Generalized Focal Loss (REG) formulation. Integrated into state-of-the-art vision-based detection and segmentation models, the proposed method effectively addresses class imbalance and the challenges of localizing small, underrepresented road elements, including pavilions, pedestrian bridges, information signs, single-arm poles, bus stops, warning signs, and concrete guardrails. To improve both detection and segmentation accuracy, a multi-task learning strategy is adopted, optimizing REG across multiple tasks. REG is further enhanced by incorporating a spatial-contextual adjustment term, which accounts for the spatial distribution of road assets, and a probabilistic refinement that captures prediction uncertainty in complex environments, such as varying lighting conditions and cluttered backgrounds. Our rigorous mathematical formulation demonstrates that REG minimizes localization and classification errors by applying adaptive weighting to hard-to-detect instances while down-weighting easier examples. Experimental results show a substantial performance improvement, achieving a mAP50 of 80.34 and an F1-score of 77.87, significantly outperforming conventional methods. This research underscores the capability of advanced loss function refinements to enhance the robustness and accuracy of road asset detection and segmentation, thereby contributing to improved road safety and infrastructure management. For an in-depth discussion of the mathematical background and related methods, please refer to previous work available at \url{https://github.com/kaopanboonyuen/REG}.
comment: 14 pages
♻ ☆ ImageFlowNet: Forecasting Multiscale Image-Level Trajectories of Disease Progression with Irregularly-Sampled Longitudinal Medical Images
Advances in medical imaging technologies have enabled the collection of longitudinal images, which involve repeated scanning of the same patients over time, to monitor disease progression. However, predictive modeling of such data remains challenging due to high dimensionality, irregular sampling, and data sparsity. To address these issues, we propose ImageFlowNet, a novel model designed to forecast disease trajectories from initial images while preserving spatial details. ImageFlowNet first learns multiscale joint representation spaces across patients and time points, then optimizes deterministic or stochastic flow fields within these spaces using a position-parameterized neural ODE/SDE framework. The model leverages a UNet architecture to create robust multiscale representations and mitigates data scarcity by combining knowledge from all patients. We provide theoretical insights that support our formulation of ODEs, and motivate our regularizations involving high-level visual features, latent space organization, and trajectory smoothness. We validate ImageFlowNet on three longitudinal medical image datasets depicting progression in geographic atrophy, multiple sclerosis, and glioblastoma, demonstrating its ability to effectively forecast disease progression and outperform existing methods. Our contributions include the development of ImageFlowNet, its theoretical underpinnings, and empirical validation on real-world datasets. The official implementation is available at https://github.com/KrishnaswamyLab/ImageFlowNet.
comment: Updated narration and moved ablation to main text
♻ ☆ Manipulating and Mitigating Generative Model Biases without Retraining ECCV 2024
Text-to-image (T2I) generative models have gained increased popularity in the public domain. While boasting impressive user-guided generative abilities, their black-box nature exposes users to intentionally- and intrinsically-biased outputs. Bias manipulation (and mitigation) techniques typically rely on careful tuning of learning parameters and training data to adjust decision boundaries to influence model bias characteristics, which is often computationally demanding. We propose a dynamic and computationally efficient manipulation of T2I model biases by exploiting their rich language embedding spaces without model retraining. We show that leveraging foundational vector algebra allows for a convenient control over language model embeddings to shift T2I model outputs and control the distribution of generated classes. As a by-product, this control serves as a form of precise prompt engineering to generate images which are generally implausible using regular text prompts. We demonstrate a constructive application of our technique by balancing the frequency of social classes in generated images, effectively balancing class distributions across three social bias dimensions. We also highlight a negative implication of bias manipulation by framing our method as a backdoor attack with severity control using semantically-null input triggers, reporting up to 100% attack success rate. Key-words: Text-to-Image Models, Generative Models, Bias, Prompt Engineering, Backdoor Attacks
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 WS: Workshop on critical evaluation of generative models and their impact on society (CEGIS)
♻ ☆ SEDMamba: Enhancing Selective State Space Modelling with Bottleneck Mechanism and Fine-to-Coarse Temporal Fusion for Efficient Error Detection in Robot-Assisted Surgery
Automated detection of surgical errors can improve robotic-assisted surgery. Despite promising progress, existing methods still face challenges in capturing rich temporal context to establish long-term dependencies while maintaining computational efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical model named SEDMamba, which incorporates the selective state space model (SSM) into surgical error detection, facilitating efficient long sequence modelling with linear complexity. SEDMamba enhances selective SSM with a bottleneck mechanism and fine-to-coarse temporal fusion (FCTF) to detect and temporally localize surgical errors in long videos. The bottleneck mechanism compresses and restores features within their spatial dimension, thereby reducing computational complexity. FCTF utilizes multiple dilated 1D convolutional layers to merge temporal information across diverse scale ranges, accommodating errors of varying duration. Our work also contributes the first-of-its-kind, frame-level, in-vivo surgical error dataset to support error detection in real surgical cases. Specifically, we deploy the clinically validated observational clinical human reliability assessment tool (OCHRA) to annotate the errors during suturing tasks in an open-source radical prostatectomy dataset (SAR-RARP50). Experimental results demonstrate that our SEDMamba outperforms state-of-the-art methods with at least 1.82% AUC and 3.80% AP performance gains with significantly reduced computational complexity. The corresponding error annotations, code and models will be released at https://github.com/wzjialang/SEDMamba.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ How to Determine the Preferred Image Distribution of a Black-Box Vision-Language Model?
Large foundation models have revolutionized the field, yet challenges remain in optimizing multi-modal models for specialized visual tasks. We propose a novel, generalizable methodology to identify preferred image distributions for black-box Vision-Language Models (VLMs) by measuring output consistency across varied input prompts. Applying this to different rendering types of 3D objects, we demonstrate its efficacy across various domains requiring precise interpretation of complex structures, with a focus on Computer-Aided Design (CAD) as an exemplar field. We further refine VLM outputs using in-context learning with human feedback, significantly enhancing explanation quality. To address the lack of benchmarks in specialized domains, we introduce CAD-VQA, a new dataset for evaluating VLMs on CAD-related visual question answering tasks. Our evaluation of state-of-the-art VLMs on CAD-VQA establishes baseline performance levels, providing a framework for advancing VLM capabilities in complex visual reasoning tasks across various fields requiring expert-level visual interpretation. We release the dataset and evaluation codes at \url{https://github.com/asgsaeid/cad_vqa}.
♻ ☆ Hyper-STTN: Social Group-aware Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Human Trajectory Prediction with Hypergraph Reasoning
Predicting crowded intents and trajectories is crucial in varouls real-world applications, including service robots and autonomous vehicles. Understanding environmental dynamics is challenging, not only due to the complexities of modeling pair-wise spatial and temporal interactions but also the diverse influence of group-wise interactions. To decode the comprehensive pair-wise and group-wise interactions in crowded scenarios, we introduce Hyper-STTN, a Hypergraph-based Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for crowd trajectory prediction. In Hyper-STTN, crowded group-wise correlations are constructed using a set of multi-scale hypergraphs with varying group sizes, captured through random-walk robability-based hypergraph spectral convolution. Additionally, a spatial-temporal transformer is adapted to capture pedestrians' pair-wise latent interactions in spatial-temporal dimensions. These heterogeneous group-wise and pair-wise are then fused and aligned though a multimodal transformer network. Hyper-STTN outperformes other state-of-the-art baselines and ablation models on 5 real-world pedestrian motion datasets.
♻ ☆ MARS: Mask Attention Refinement with Sequential Quadtree Nodes for Car Damage Instance Segmentation
Evaluating car damages from misfortune is critical to the car insurance industry. However, the accuracy is still insufficient for real-world applications since the deep learning network is not designed for car damage images as inputs, and its segmented masks are still very coarse. This paper presents MARS (Mask Attention Refinement with Sequential quadtree nodes) for car damage instance segmentation. Our MARS represents self-attention mechanisms to draw global dependencies between the sequential quadtree nodes layer and quadtree transformer to recalibrate channel weights and predict highly accurate instance masks. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that MARS outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) instance segmentation methods on three popular benchmarks such as Mask R-CNN [9], PointRend [13], and Mask Transfiner [12], by a large margin of +1.3 maskAP-based R50-FPN backbone and +2.3 maskAP-based R101-FPN backbone on Thai car-damage dataset. Our demos are available at https://github.com/kaopanboonyuen/MARS.
comment: 14 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.13673 by other authors
♻ ☆ Towards Secure and Usable 3D Assets: A Novel Framework for Automatic Visible Watermarking WACV2025
3D models, particularly AI-generated ones, have witnessed a recent surge across various industries such as entertainment. Hence, there is an alarming need to protect the intellectual property and avoid the misuse of these valuable assets. As a viable solution to address these concerns, we rigorously define the novel task of automated 3D visible watermarking in terms of two competing aspects: watermark quality and asset utility. Moreover, we propose a method of embedding visible watermarks that automatically determines the right location, orientation, and number of watermarks to be placed on arbitrary 3D assets for high watermark quality and asset utility. Our method is based on a novel rigid-body optimization that uses back-propagation to automatically learn transforms for ideal watermark placement. In addition, we propose a novel curvature-matching method for fusing the watermark into the 3D model that further improves readability and security. Finally, we provide a detailed experimental analysis on two benchmark 3D datasets validating the superior performance of our approach in comparison to baselines. Code and demo are available.
comment: Accepted to WACV2025
♻ ☆ Enhancing Worldwide Image Geolocation by Ensembling Satellite-Based Ground-Level Attribute Predictors
We examine the challenge of estimating the location of a single ground-level image in the absence of GPS or other location metadata. Currently, geolocation systems are evaluated by measuring the Great Circle Distance between the predicted location and ground truth. Because this measurement only uses a single point, it cannot assess the distribution of predictions by geolocation systems. Evaluation of a distribution of potential locations (areas) is required when there are follow-on procedures to further narrow down or verify the location. This is especially important in poorly-sampled regions e.g. rural and wilderness areas. In this paper, we introduce a novel metric, Recall vs Area (RvA), which measures the accuracy of estimated distributions of locations. RvA treats image geolocation results similarly to document retrieval, measuring recall as a function of area: For a ranked list of (possibly discontiguous) predicted regions, we measure the area required for accumulated regions to contain the ground truth coordinate. This produces a curve similar to a precision-recall curve, where "precision" is replaced by square kilometers area, enabling evaluation for different downstream search area budgets. Following from this view of the problem, we then examine an ensembling approach to global-scale image geolocation, which incorporates information from multiple sources, and can readily incorporate multiple models, attribute predictors, and data sources. We study its effectiveness by combining the geolocation models GeoEstimation and the current state-of-the-art, GeoCLIP, with attribute predictors based on Oak Ridge National Laboratory LandScan and European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative Land Cover. We find significant improvements in image geolocation for areas that are under-represented in the training set, particularly non-urban areas, on both Im2GPS3k and Street View images.
♻ ☆ GaussianObject: High-Quality 3D Object Reconstruction from Four Views with Gaussian Splatting
Reconstructing and rendering 3D objects from highly sparse views is of critical importance for promoting applications of 3D vision techniques and improving user experience. However, images from sparse views only contain very limited 3D information, leading to two significant challenges: 1) Difficulty in building multi-view consistency as images for matching are too few; 2) Partially omitted or highly compressed object information as view coverage is insufficient. To tackle these challenges, we propose GaussianObject, a framework to represent and render the 3D object with Gaussian splatting that achieves high rendering quality with only 4 input images. We first introduce techniques of visual hull and floater elimination, which explicitly inject structure priors into the initial optimization process to help build multi-view consistency, yielding a coarse 3D Gaussian representation. Then we construct a Gaussian repair model based on diffusion models to supplement the omitted object information, where Gaussians are further refined. We design a self-generating strategy to obtain image pairs for training the repair model. We further design a COLMAP-free variant, where pre-given accurate camera poses are not required, which achieves competitive quality and facilitates wider applications. GaussianObject is evaluated on several challenging datasets, including MipNeRF360, OmniObject3D, OpenIllumination, and our-collected unposed images, achieving superior performance from only four views and significantly outperforming previous SOTA methods.
comment: Project page: https://gaussianobject.github.io/
♻ ☆ Accelerating Point Cloud Ground Segmentation: From Mechanical to Solid-State Lidars
In this study, we propose a novel parallel processing method for point cloud ground segmentation, aimed at the technology evolution from mechanical to solid-state Lidar (SSL). We first benchmark point-based, grid-based, and range image-based ground segmentation algorithms using the SemanticKITTI dataset. Our results indicate that the range image-based method offers superior performance and robustness, particularly in resilience to frame slicing. Implementing the proposed algorithm on an FPGA demonstrates significant improvements in processing speed and scalability of resource usage. Additionally, we develop a custom dataset using camera-SSL equipment on our test vehicle to validate the effectiveness of the parallel processing approach for SSL frames in real world, achieving processing rates up to 30.9 times faster than CPU implementations. These findings underscore the potential of parallel processing strategies to enhance Lidar technologies for advanced perception tasks in autonomous vehicles and robotics. The data and code will be available post-publication on our GitHub repository: \url{https://github.com/WPI-APA-Lab/GroundSeg-Solid-State-Lidar-Parallel-Processing}
comment: 6 pages
♻ ☆ SIG: A Synthetic Identity Generation Pipeline for Generating Evaluation Datasets for Face Recognition
As Artificial Intelligence applications expand, the evaluation of models faces heightened scrutiny. Ensuring public readiness requires evaluation datasets, which differ from training data by being disjoint and ethically sourced in compliance with privacy regulations. The performance and fairness of face recognition systems depend significantly on the quality and representativeness of these evaluation datasets. This data is sometimes scraped from the internet without user's consent, causing ethical concerns that can prohibit its use without proper releases. In rare cases, data is collected in a controlled environment with consent, however, this process is time-consuming, expensive, and logistically difficult to execute. This creates a barrier for those unable to conjure the immense resources required to gather ethically sourced evaluation datasets. To address these challenges, we introduce the Synthetic Identity Generation pipeline, or SIG, that allows for the targeted creation of ethical, balanced datasets for face recognition evaluation. Our proposed and demonstrated pipeline generates high-quality images of synthetic identities with controllable pose, facial features, and demographic attributes, such as race, gender, and age. We also release an open-source evaluation dataset named ControlFace10k, consisting of 10,008 face images of 3,336 unique synthetic identities balanced across race, gender, and age, generated using the proposed SIG pipeline. We analyze ControlFace10k along with a non-synthetic BUPT dataset using state-of-the-art face recognition algorithms to demonstrate its effectiveness as an evaluation tool. This analysis highlights the dataset's characteristics and its utility in assessing algorithmic bias across different demographic groups.
Artificial Intelligence 134
☆ AraDiCE: Benchmarks for Dialectal and Cultural Capabilities in LLMs
Arabic, with its rich diversity of dialects, remains significantly underrepresented in Large Language Models, particularly in dialectal variations. We address this gap by introducing seven synthetic datasets in dialects alongside Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), created using Machine Translation (MT) combined with human post-editing. We present AraDiCE, a benchmark for Arabic Dialect and Cultural Evaluation. We evaluate LLMs on dialect comprehension and generation, focusing specifically on low-resource Arabic dialects. Additionally, we introduce the first-ever fine-grained benchmark designed to evaluate cultural awareness across the Gulf, Egypt, and Levant regions, providing a novel dimension to LLM evaluation. Our findings demonstrate that while Arabic-specific models like Jais and AceGPT outperform multilingual models on dialectal tasks, significant challenges persist in dialect identification, generation, and translation. This work contributes ~45K post-edited samples, a cultural benchmark, and highlights the importance of tailored training to improve LLM performance in capturing the nuances of diverse Arabic dialects and cultural contexts. We will release the dialectal translation models and benchmarks curated in this study.
comment: Benchmarking, Culturally Informed, Large Language Models, Arabic NLP, LLMs
☆ NVLM: Open Frontier-Class Multimodal LLMs
We introduce NVLM 1.0, a family of frontier-class multimodal large language models (LLMs) that achieve state-of-the-art results on vision-language tasks, rivaling the leading proprietary models (e.g., GPT-4o) and open-access models (e.g., Llama 3-V 405B and InternVL 2). Remarkably, NVLM 1.0 shows improved text-only performance over its LLM backbone after multimodal training. In terms of model design, we perform a comprehensive comparison between decoder-only multimodal LLMs (e.g., LLaVA) and cross-attention-based models (e.g., Flamingo). Based on the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, we propose a novel architecture that enhances both training efficiency and multimodal reasoning capabilities. Furthermore, we introduce a 1-D tile-tagging design for tile-based dynamic high-resolution images, which significantly boosts performance on multimodal reasoning and OCR-related tasks. Regarding training data, we meticulously curate and provide detailed information on our multimodal pretraining and supervised fine-tuning datasets. Our findings indicate that dataset quality and task diversity are more important than scale, even during the pretraining phase, across all architectures. Notably, we develop production-grade multimodality for the NVLM-1.0 models, enabling them to excel in vision-language tasks while maintaining and even improving text-only performance compared to their LLM backbones. To achieve this, we craft and integrate a high-quality text-only dataset into multimodal training, alongside a substantial amount of multimodal math and reasoning data, leading to enhanced math and coding capabilities across modalities. To advance research in the field, we are releasing the model weights and will open-source the code for the community: https://nvlm-project.github.io/.
☆ LLM-Agent-UMF: LLM-based Agent Unified Modeling Framework for Seamless Integration of Multi Active/Passive Core-Agents
The integration of tools in LLM-based agents overcame the difficulties of standalone LLMs and traditional agents' limited capabilities. However, the conjunction of these technologies and the proposed enhancements in several state-of-the-art works followed a non-unified software architecture resulting in a lack of modularity. Indeed, they focused mainly on functionalities and overlooked the definition of the component's boundaries within the agent. This caused terminological and architectural ambiguities between researchers which we addressed in this paper by proposing a unified framework that establishes a clear foundation for LLM-based agents' development from both functional and software architectural perspectives. Our framework, LLM-Agent-UMF (LLM-based Agent Unified Modeling Framework), clearly distinguishes between the different components of an agent, setting LLMs, and tools apart from a newly introduced element: the core-agent, playing the role of the central coordinator of the agent which comprises five modules: planning, memory, profile, action, and security, the latter often neglected in previous works. Differences in the internal structure of core-agents led us to classify them into a taxonomy of passive and active types. Based on this, we proposed different multi-core agent architectures combining unique characteristics of various individual agents. For evaluation purposes, we applied this framework to a selection of state-of-the-art agents, thereby demonstrating its alignment with their functionalities and clarifying the overlooked architectural aspects. Moreover, we thoroughly assessed four of our proposed architectures by integrating distinctive agents into hybrid active/passive core-agents' systems. This analysis provided clear insights into potential improvements and highlighted the challenges involved in the combination of specific agents.
comment: 35 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables
☆ Diversify and Conquer: Diversity-Centric Data Selection with Iterative Refinement
Finetuning large language models on instruction data is crucial for enhancing pre-trained knowledge and improving instruction-following capabilities. As instruction datasets proliferate, selecting optimal data for effective training becomes increasingly important. This work addresses the question: How can we determine the optimal subset of data for effective training? While existing research often emphasizes local criteria like instance quality for subset selection, we argue that a global approach focused on data diversity is more critical. Our method employs k-means clustering to ensure the selected subset effectively represents the full dataset. We propose an iterative refinement method inspired by active learning techniques to resample instances from clusters, reassessing each cluster's importance and sampling weight in every training iteration. This approach reduces the effect of outliers and automatically filters out clusters containing low-quality data. Through extensive evaluation across natural language reasoning, general world knowledge, code and math reasoning tasks, and by fine-tuning models from various families, we observe consistent improvements, achieving a 7% increase over random selection and a 3.8% improvement over state-of-the-art sampling methods. Our work highlights the significance of diversity-first sampling when finetuning LLMs to enhance performance across a broad array of evaluation tasks. Our code is available at https://github.com/for-ai/iterative-data-selection.
comment: 21 pages, 6 figures
☆ Multi-OCT-SelfNet: Integrating Self-Supervised Learning with Multi-Source Data Fusion for Enhanced Multi-Class Retinal Disease Classification
In the medical domain, acquiring large datasets poses significant challenges due to privacy concerns. Nonetheless, the development of a robust deep-learning model for retinal disease diagnosis necessitates a substantial dataset for training. The capacity to generalize effectively on smaller datasets remains a persistent challenge. The scarcity of data presents a significant barrier to the practical implementation of scalable medical AI solutions. To address this issue, we've combined a wide range of data sources to improve performance and generalization to new data by giving it a deeper understanding of the data representation from multi-modal datasets and developed a self-supervised framework based on large language models (LLMs), SwinV2 to gain a deeper understanding of multi-modal dataset representations, enhancing the model's ability to extrapolate to new data for the detection of eye diseases using optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. We adopt a two-phase training methodology, self-supervised pre-training, and fine-tuning on a downstream supervised classifier. An ablation study conducted across three datasets employing various encoder backbones, without data fusion, with low data availability setting, and without self-supervised pre-training scenarios, highlights the robustness of our method. Our findings demonstrate consistent performance across these diverse conditions, showcasing superior generalization capabilities compared to the baseline model, ResNet-50.
comment: 25 pages, 9 tables, 10 figures
☆ CORE-Bench: Fostering the Credibility of Published Research Through a Computational Reproducibility Agent Benchmark
AI agents have the potential to aid users on a variety of consequential tasks, including conducting scientific research. To spur the development of useful agents, we need benchmarks that are challenging, but more crucially, directly correspond to real-world tasks of interest. This paper introduces such a benchmark, designed to measure the accuracy of AI agents in tackling a crucial yet surprisingly challenging aspect of scientific research: computational reproducibility. This task, fundamental to the scientific process, involves reproducing the results of a study using the provided code and data. We introduce CORE-Bench (Computational Reproducibility Agent Benchmark), a benchmark consisting of 270 tasks based on 90 scientific papers across three disciplines (computer science, social science, and medicine). Tasks in CORE-Bench consist of three difficulty levels and include both language-only and vision-language tasks. We provide an evaluation system to measure the accuracy of agents in a fast and parallelizable way, saving days of evaluation time for each run compared to a sequential implementation. We evaluated two baseline agents: the general-purpose AutoGPT and a task-specific agent called CORE-Agent. We tested both variants using two underlying language models: GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini. The best agent achieved an accuracy of 21% on the hardest task, showing the vast scope for improvement in automating routine scientific tasks. Having agents that can reproduce existing work is a necessary step towards building agents that can conduct novel research and could verify and improve the performance of other research agents. We hope that CORE-Bench can improve the state of reproducibility and spur the development of future research agents.
comment: Benchmark harness and code available at http://github.com/siegelz/core-bench
☆ AI Suggestions Homogenize Writing Toward Western Styles and Diminish Cultural Nuances
Large language models (LLMs) are being increasingly integrated into everyday products and services, such as coding tools and writing assistants. As these embedded AI applications are deployed globally, there is a growing concern that the AI models underlying these applications prioritize Western values. This paper investigates what happens when a Western-centric AI model provides writing suggestions to users from a different cultural background. We conducted a cross-cultural controlled experiment with 118 participants from India and the United States who completed culturally grounded writing tasks with and without AI suggestions. Our analysis reveals that AI provided greater efficiency gains for Americans compared to Indians. Moreover, AI suggestions led Indian participants to adopt Western writing styles, altering not just what is written but also how it is written. These findings show that Western-centric AI models homogenize writing toward Western norms, diminishing nuances that differentiate cultural expression.
☆ RenderWorld: World Model with Self-Supervised 3D Label
End-to-end autonomous driving with vision-only is not only more cost-effective compared to LiDAR-vision fusion but also more reliable than traditional methods. To achieve a economical and robust purely visual autonomous driving system, we propose RenderWorld, a vision-only end-to-end autonomous driving framework, which generates 3D occupancy labels using a self-supervised gaussian-based Img2Occ Module, then encodes the labels by AM-VAE, and uses world model for forecasting and planning. RenderWorld employs Gaussian Splatting to represent 3D scenes and render 2D images greatly improves segmentation accuracy and reduces GPU memory consumption compared with NeRF-based methods. By applying AM-VAE to encode air and non-air separately, RenderWorld achieves more fine-grained scene element representation, leading to state-of-the-art performance in both 4D occupancy forecasting and motion planning from autoregressive world model.
☆ Clinical Validation of a Real-Time Machine Learning-based System for the Detection of Acute Myeloid Leukemia by Flow Cytometry
Machine-learning (ML) models in flow cytometry have the potential to reduce error rates, increase reproducibility, and boost the efficiency of clinical labs. While numerous ML models for flow cytometry data have been proposed, few studies have described the clinical deployment of such models. Realizing the potential gains of ML models in clinical labs requires not only an accurate model, but infrastructure for automated inference, error detection, analytics and monitoring, and structured data extraction. Here, we describe an ML model for detection of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), along with the infrastructure supporting clinical implementation. Our infrastructure leverages the resilience and scalability of the cloud for model inference, a Kubernetes-based workflow system that provides model reproducibility and resource management, and a system for extracting structured diagnoses from full-text reports. We also describe our model monitoring and visualization platform, an essential element for ensuring continued model accuracy. Finally, we present a post-deployment analysis of impacts on turn-around time and compare production accuracy to the original validation statistics.
☆ OmniGen: Unified Image Generation
In this work, we introduce OmniGen, a new diffusion model for unified image generation. Unlike popular diffusion models (e.g., Stable Diffusion), OmniGen no longer requires additional modules such as ControlNet or IP-Adapter to process diverse control conditions. OmniGenis characterized by the following features: 1) Unification: OmniGen not only demonstrates text-to-image generation capabilities but also inherently supports other downstream tasks, such as image editing, subject-driven generation, and visual-conditional generation. Additionally, OmniGen can handle classical computer vision tasks by transforming them into image generation tasks, such as edge detection and human pose recognition. 2) Simplicity: The architecture of OmniGen is highly simplified, eliminating the need for additional text encoders. Moreover, it is more user-friendly compared to existing diffusion models, enabling complex tasks to be accomplished through instructions without the need for extra preprocessing steps (e.g., human pose estimation), thereby significantly simplifying the workflow of image generation. 3) Knowledge Transfer: Through learning in a unified format, OmniGen effectively transfers knowledge across different tasks, manages unseen tasks and domains, and exhibits novel capabilities. We also explore the model's reasoning capabilities and potential applications of chain-of-thought mechanism. This work represents the first attempt at a general-purpose image generation model, and there remain several unresolved issues. We will open-source the related resources at https://github.com/VectorSpaceLab/OmniGen to foster advancements in this field.
☆ SOAP: Improving and Stabilizing Shampoo using Adam
There is growing evidence of the effectiveness of Shampoo, a higher-order preconditioning method, over Adam in deep learning optimization tasks. However, Shampoo's drawbacks include additional hyperparameters and computational overhead when compared to Adam, which only updates running averages of first- and second-moment quantities. This work establishes a formal connection between Shampoo (implemented with the 1/2 power) and Adafactor -- a memory-efficient approximation of Adam -- showing that Shampoo is equivalent to running Adafactor in the eigenbasis of Shampoo's preconditioner. This insight leads to the design of a simpler and computationally efficient algorithm: $\textbf{S}$hampo$\textbf{O}$ with $\textbf{A}$dam in the $\textbf{P}$reconditioner's eigenbasis (SOAP). With regards to improving Shampoo's computational efficiency, the most straightforward approach would be to simply compute Shampoo's eigendecomposition less frequently. Unfortunately, as our empirical results show, this leads to performance degradation that worsens with this frequency. SOAP mitigates this degradation by continually updating the running average of the second moment, just as Adam does, but in the current (slowly changing) coordinate basis. Furthermore, since SOAP is equivalent to running Adam in a rotated space, it introduces only one additional hyperparameter (the preconditioning frequency) compared to Adam. We empirically evaluate SOAP on language model pre-training with 360m and 660m sized models. In the large batch regime, SOAP reduces the number of iterations by over 40% and wall clock time by over 35% compared to AdamW, with approximately 20% improvements in both metrics compared to Shampoo. An implementation of SOAP is available at https://github.com/nikhilvyas/SOAP.
☆ MSDNet: Multi-Scale Decoder for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation via Transformer-Guided Prototyping
Few-shot Semantic Segmentation addresses the challenge of segmenting objects in query images with only a handful of annotated examples. However, many previous state-of-the-art methods either have to discard intricate local semantic features or suffer from high computational complexity. To address these challenges, we propose a new Few-shot Semantic Segmentation framework based on the transformer architecture. Our approach introduces the spatial transformer decoder and the contextual mask generation module to improve the relational understanding between support and query images. Moreover, we introduce a multi-scale decoder to refine the segmentation mask by incorporating features from different resolutions in a hierarchical manner. Additionally, our approach integrates global features from intermediate encoder stages to improve contextual understanding, while maintaining a lightweight structure to reduce complexity. This balance between performance and efficiency enables our method to achieve state-of-the-art results on benchmark datasets such as $PASCAL-5^i$ and $COCO-20^i$ in both 1-shot and 5-shot settings. Notably, our model with only 1.5 million parameters demonstrates competitive performance while overcoming limitations of existing methodologies. https://github.com/amirrezafateh/MSDNet
☆ TTT-Unet: Enhancing U-Net with Test-Time Training Layers for biomedical image segmentation
Biomedical image segmentation is crucial for accurately diagnosing and analyzing various diseases. However, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers, the most commonly used architectures for this task, struggle to effectively capture long-range dependencies due to the inherent locality of CNNs and the computational complexity of Transformers. To address this limitation, we introduce TTT-Unet, a novel framework that integrates Test-Time Training (TTT) layers into the traditional U-Net architecture for biomedical image segmentation. TTT-Unet dynamically adjusts model parameters during the testing time, enhancing the model's ability to capture both local and long-range features. We evaluate TTT-Unet on multiple medical imaging datasets, including 3D abdominal organ segmentation in CT and MR images, instrument segmentation in endoscopy images, and cell segmentation in microscopy images. The results demonstrate that TTT-Unet consistently outperforms state-of-the-art CNN-based and Transformer-based segmentation models across all tasks. The code is available at https://github.com/rongzhou7/TTT-Unet.
☆ EIA: Environmental Injection Attack on Generalist Web Agents for Privacy Leakage
Generalist web agents have evolved rapidly and demonstrated remarkable potential. However, there are unprecedented safety risks associated with these them, which are nearly unexplored so far. In this work, we aim to narrow this gap by conducting the first study on the privacy risks of generalist web agents in adversarial environments. First, we present a threat model that discusses the adversarial targets, constraints, and attack scenarios. Particularly, we consider two types of adversarial targets: stealing users' specific personally identifiable information (PII) or stealing the entire user request. To achieve these objectives, we propose a novel attack method, termed Environmental Injection Attack (EIA). This attack injects malicious content designed to adapt well to different environments where the agents operate, causing them to perform unintended actions. This work instantiates EIA specifically for the privacy scenario. It inserts malicious web elements alongside persuasive instructions that mislead web agents into leaking private information, and can further leverage CSS and JavaScript features to remain stealthy. We collect 177 actions steps that involve diverse PII categories on realistic websites from the Mind2Web dataset, and conduct extensive experiments using one of the most capable generalist web agent frameworks to date, SeeAct. The results demonstrate that EIA achieves up to 70% ASR in stealing users' specific PII. Stealing full user requests is more challenging, but a relaxed version of EIA can still achieve 16% ASR. Despite these concerning results, it is important to note that the attack can still be detectable through careful human inspection, highlighting a trade-off between high autonomy and security. This leads to our detailed discussion on the efficacy of EIA under different levels of human supervision as well as implications on defenses for generalist web agents.
comment: 24 pages
☆ Navigating Process Mining: A Case study using pm4py
Process-mining techniques have emerged as powerful tools for analyzing event data to gain insights into business processes. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of road traffic fine management processes using the pm4py library in Python. We start by importing an event log dataset and explore its characteristics, including the distribution of activities and process variants. Through filtering and statistical analysis, we uncover key patterns and variations in the process executions. Subsequently, we apply various process-mining algorithms, including the Alpha Miner, Inductive Miner, and Heuristic Miner, to discover process models from the event log data. We visualize the discovered models to understand the workflow structures and dependencies within the process. Additionally, we discuss the strengths and limitations of each mining approach in capturing the underlying process dynamics. Our findings shed light on the efficiency and effectiveness of road traffic fine management processes, providing valuable insights for process optimization and decision-making. This study demonstrates the utility of pm4py in facilitating process mining tasks and its potential for analyzing real-world business processes.
☆ Neural Networks for Vehicle Routing Problem
The Vehicle Routing Problem is about optimizing the routes of vehicles to meet the needs of customers at specific locations. The route graph consists of depots on several levels and customer positions. Several optimization methods have been developed over the years, most of which are based on some type of classic heuristic: genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, tabu search, ant colony optimization, firefly algorithm. Recent developments in machine learning provide a new toolset, the rich family of neural networks, for tackling complex problems. The main area of application of neural networks is the area of classification and regression. Route optimization can be viewed as a new challenge for neural networks. The article first presents an analysis of the applicability of neural network tools, then a novel graphical neural network model is presented in detail. The efficiency analysis based on test experiments shows the applicability of the proposed NN architecture.
☆ Zero-resource Hallucination Detection for Text Generation via Graph-based Contextual Knowledge Triples Modeling
LLMs obtain remarkable performance but suffer from hallucinations. Most research on detecting hallucination focuses on the questions with short and concrete correct answers that are easy to check the faithfulness. Hallucination detections for text generation with open-ended answers are more challenging. Some researchers use external knowledge to detect hallucinations in generated texts, but external resources for specific scenarios are hard to access. Recent studies on detecting hallucinations in long text without external resources conduct consistency comparison among multiple sampled outputs. To handle long texts, researchers split long texts into multiple facts and individually compare the consistency of each pairs of facts. However, these methods (1) hardly achieve alignment among multiple facts; (2) overlook dependencies between multiple contextual facts. In this paper, we propose a graph-based context-aware (GCA) hallucination detection for text generations, which aligns knowledge facts and considers the dependencies between contextual knowledge triples in consistency comparison. Particularly, to align multiple facts, we conduct a triple-oriented response segmentation to extract multiple knowledge triples. To model dependencies among contextual knowledge triple (facts), we construct contextual triple into a graph and enhance triples' interactions via message passing and aggregating via RGCN. To avoid the omission of knowledge triples in long text, we conduct a LLM-based reverse verification via reconstructing the knowledge triples. Experiments show that our model enhances hallucination detection and excels all baselines.
☆ Machine Learning and Theory Ladenness -- A Phenomenological Account
In recent years, the dissemination of machine learning (ML) methodologies in scientific research has prompted discussions on theory ladenness. More specifically, the issue of theory ladenness has remerged as questions about whether and how ML models (MLMs) and ML modelling strategies are impacted by the domain theory of the scientific field in which ML is used and implemented (e.g., physics, chemistry, biology, etc). On the one hand, some have argued that there is no difference between traditional (pre ML) and ML assisted science. In both cases, theory plays an essential and unavoidable role in the analysis of phenomena and the construction and use of models. Others have argued instead that ML methodologies and models are theory independent and, in some cases, even theory free. In this article, we argue that both positions are overly simplistic and do not advance our understanding of the interplay between ML methods and domain theories. Specifically, we provide an analysis of theory ladenness in ML assisted science. Our analysis reveals that, while the construction of MLMs can be relatively independent of domain theory, the practical implementation and interpretation of these models within a given specific domain still relies on fundamental theoretical assumptions and background knowledge.
comment: 29 pages with reference
☆ Task Arithmetic for Language Expansion in Speech Translation
Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have gained interest in speech-text multimodal foundation models, achieving strong performance on instruction-based speech translation (ST). However, expanding language pairs from an existing instruction-tuned ST system is costly due to the necessity of re-training on a combination of new and previous datasets. We propose to expand new language pairs by merging the model trained on new language pairs and the existing model, using task arithmetic. We find that the direct application of task arithmetic for ST causes the merged model to fail to follow instructions; thus, generating translation in incorrect languages. To eliminate language confusion, we propose an augmented task arithmetic method that merges an additional language control model. It is trained to generate the correct target language token following the instructions. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed language control model can achieve language expansion by eliminating language confusion. In our MuST-C and CoVoST-2 experiments, it shows up to 4.66 and 4.92 BLEU scores improvement, respectively. In addition, we demonstrate the use of our task arithmetic framework can expand to a language pair where neither paired ST training data nor a pre-trained ST model is available. We first synthesize the ST system from machine translation (MT) systems via task analogy, then merge the synthesized ST system to the existing ST model.
☆ LOLA -- An Open-Source Massively Multilingual Large Language Model
This paper presents LOLA, a massively multilingual large language model trained on more than 160 languages using a sparse Mixture-of-Experts Transformer architecture. Our architectural and implementation choices address the challenge of harnessing linguistic diversity while maintaining efficiency and avoiding the common pitfalls of multilinguality. Our analysis of the evaluation results shows competitive performance in natural language generation and understanding tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate how the learned expert-routing mechanism exploits implicit phylogenetic linguistic patterns to potentially alleviate the curse of multilinguality. We provide an in-depth look at the training process, an analysis of the datasets, and a balanced exploration of the model's strengths and limitations. As an open-source model, LOLA promotes reproducibility and serves as a robust foundation for future research. Our findings enable the development of compute-efficient multilingual models with strong, scalable performance across languages.
☆ Integrating Reinforcement Learning and Model Predictive Control with Applications to Microgrids
This work proposes an approach that integrates reinforcement learning and model predictive control (MPC) to efficiently solve finite-horizon optimal control problems in mixed-logical dynamical systems. Optimization-based control of such systems with discrete and continuous decision variables entails the online solution of mixed-integer quadratic or linear programs, which suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Our approach aims at mitigating this issue by effectively decoupling the decision on the discrete variables and the decision on the continuous variables. Moreover, to mitigate the combinatorial growth in the number of possible actions due to the prediction horizon, we conceive the definition of decoupled Q-functions to make the learning problem more tractable. The use of reinforcement learning reduces the online optimization problem of the MPC controller from a mixed-integer linear (quadratic) program to a linear (quadratic) program, greatly reducing the computational time. Simulation experiments for a microgrid, based on real-world data, demonstrate that the proposed method significantly reduces the online computation time of the MPC approach and that it generates policies with small optimality gaps and high feasibility rates.
☆ The Sounds of Home: A Speech-Removed Residential Audio Dataset for Sound Event Detection
This paper presents a residential audio dataset to support sound event detection research for smart home applications aimed at promoting wellbeing for older adults. The dataset is constructed by deploying audio recording systems in the homes of 8 participants aged 55-80 years for a 7-day period. Acoustic characteristics are documented through detailed floor plans and construction material information to enable replication of the recording environments for AI model deployment. A novel automated speech removal pipeline is developed, using pre-trained audio neural networks to detect and remove segments containing spoken voice, while preserving segments containing other sound events. The resulting dataset consists of privacy-compliant audio recordings that accurately capture the soundscapes and activities of daily living within residential spaces. The paper details the dataset creation methodology, the speech removal pipeline utilizing cascaded model architectures, and an analysis of the vocal label distribution to validate the speech removal process. This dataset enables the development and benchmarking of sound event detection models tailored specifically for in-home applications.
☆ Attacking Slicing Network via Side-channel Reinforcement Learning Attack
Network slicing in 5G and the future 6G networks will enable the creation of multiple virtualized networks on a shared physical infrastructure. This innovative approach enables the provision of tailored networks to accommodate specific business types or industry users, thus delivering more customized and efficient services. However, the shared memory and cache in network slicing introduce security vulnerabilities that have yet to be fully addressed. In this paper, we introduce a reinforcement learning-based side-channel cache attack framework specifically designed for network slicing environments. Unlike traditional cache attack methods, our framework leverages reinforcement learning to dynamically identify and exploit cache locations storing sensitive information, such as authentication keys and user registration data. We assume that one slice network is compromised and demonstrate how the attacker can induce another shared slice to send registration requests, thereby estimating the cache locations of critical data. By formulating the cache timing channel attack as a reinforcement learning-driven guessing game between the attack slice and the victim slice, our model efficiently explores possible actions to pinpoint memory blocks containing sensitive information. Experimental results showcase the superiority of our approach, achieving a success rate of approximately 95\% to 98\% in accurately identifying the storage locations of sensitive data. This high level of accuracy underscores the potential risks in shared network slicing environments and highlights the need for robust security measures to safeguard against such advanced side-channel attacks.
comment: 9 pages
☆ Fast Analysis of the OpenAI O1-Preview Model in Solving Random K-SAT Problem: Does the LLM Solve the Problem Itself or Call an External SAT Solver?
In this manuscript I present an analysis on the performance of OpenAI O1-preview model in solving random K-SAT instances for K$\in {2,3,4}$ as a function of $\alpha=M/N$ where $M$ is the number of clauses and $N$ is the number of variables of the satisfiable problem. I show that the model can call an external SAT solver to solve the instances, rather than solving them directly. Despite using external solvers, the model reports incorrect assignments as output. Moreover, I propose and present an analysis to quantify whether the OpenAI O1-preview model demonstrates a spark of intelligence or merely makes random guesses when outputting an assignment for a Boolean satisfiability problem.
☆ Learning Source Disentanglement in Neural Audio Codec
Neural audio codecs have significantly advanced audio compression by efficiently converting continuous audio signals into discrete tokens. These codecs preserve high-quality sound and enable sophisticated sound generation through generative models trained on these tokens. However, existing neural codec models are typically trained on large, undifferentiated audio datasets, neglecting the essential discrepancies between sound domains like speech, music, and environmental sound effects. This oversight complicates data modeling and poses additional challenges to the controllability of sound generation. To tackle these issues, we introduce the Source-Disentangled Neural Audio Codec (SD-Codec), a novel approach that combines audio coding and source separation. By jointly learning audio resynthesis and separation, SD-Codec explicitly assigns audio signals from different domains to distinct codebooks, sets of discrete representations. Experimental results indicate that SD-Codec not only maintains competitive resynthesis quality but also, supported by the separation results, demonstrates successful disentanglement of different sources in the latent space, thereby enhancing interpretability in audio codec and providing potential finer control over the audio generation process.
comment: project page: https://xiaoyubie1994.github.io/sdcodec/
☆ SDP: Spiking Diffusion Policy for Robotic Manipulation with Learnable Channel-Wise Membrane Thresholds
This paper introduces a Spiking Diffusion Policy (SDP) learning method for robotic manipulation by integrating Spiking Neurons and Learnable Channel-wise Membrane Thresholds (LCMT) into the diffusion policy model, thereby enhancing computational efficiency and achieving high performance in evaluated tasks. Specifically, the proposed SDP model employs the U-Net architecture as the backbone for diffusion learning within the Spiking Neural Network (SNN). It strategically places residual connections between the spike convolution operations and the Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) nodes, thereby preventing disruptions to the spiking states. Additionally, we introduce a temporal encoding block and a temporal decoding block to transform static and dynamic data with timestep $T_S$ into each other, enabling the transmission of data within the SNN in spike format. Furthermore, we propose LCMT to enable the adaptive acquisition of membrane potential thresholds, thereby matching the conditions of varying membrane potentials and firing rates across channels and avoiding the cumbersome process of manually setting and tuning hyperparameters. Evaluating the SDP model on seven distinct tasks with SNN timestep $T_S=4$, we achieve results comparable to those of the ANN counterparts, along with faster convergence speeds than the baseline SNN method. This improvement is accompanied by a reduction of 94.3\% in dynamic energy consumption estimated on 45nm hardware.
☆ Towards Ethical Personal AI Applications: Practical Considerations for AI Assistants with Long-Term Memory
One application area of long-term memory (LTM) capabilities with increasing traction is personal AI companions and assistants. With the ability to retain and contextualize past interactions and adapt to user preferences, personal AI companions and assistants promise a profound shift in how we interact with AI and are on track to become indispensable in personal and professional settings. However, this advancement introduces new challenges and vulnerabilities that require careful consideration regarding the deployment and widespread use of these systems. The goal of this paper is to explore the broader implications of building and deploying personal AI applications with LTM capabilities using a holistic evaluation approach. This will be done in three ways: 1) reviewing the technological underpinnings of LTM in Large Language Models, 2) surveying current personal AI companions and assistants, and 3) analyzing critical considerations and implications of deploying and using these applications.
☆ SuperCoder2.0: Technical Report on Exploring the feasibility of LLMs as Autonomous Programmer
We present SuperCoder2.0, an advanced autonomous system designed to enhance software development through artificial intelligence. The system combines an AI-native development approach with intelligent agents to enable fully autonomous coding. Key focus areas include a retry mechanism with error output traceback, comprehensive code rewriting and replacement using Abstract Syntax Tree (ast) parsing to minimize linting issues, code embedding technique for retrieval-augmented generation, and a focus on localizing methods for problem-solving rather than identifying specific line numbers. The methodology employs a three-step hierarchical search space reduction approach for code base navigation and bug localization:utilizing Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and a Repository File Level Map to identify candidate files, (2) narrowing down to the most relevant files using a File Level Schematic Map, and (3) extracting 'relevant locations' within these files. Code editing is performed through a two-part module comprising CodeGeneration and CodeEditing, which generates multiple solutions at different temperature values and replaces entire methods or classes to maintain code integrity. A feedback loop executes repository-level test cases to validate and refine solutions. Experiments conducted on the SWE-bench Lite dataset demonstrate SuperCoder2.0's effectiveness, achieving correct file localization in 84.33% of cases within the top 5 candidates and successfully resolving 34% of test instances. This performance places SuperCoder2.0 fourth globally on the SWE-bench leaderboard. The system's ability to handle diverse repositories and problem types highlights its potential as a versatile tool for autonomous software development. Future work will focus on refining the code editing process and exploring advanced embedding models for improved natural language to code mapping.
☆ Identifying Influential nodes in Brain Networks via Self-Supervised Graph-Transformer
Studying influential nodes (I-nodes) in brain networks is of great significance in the field of brain imaging. Most existing studies consider brain connectivity hubs as I-nodes. However, this approach relies heavily on prior knowledge from graph theory, which may overlook the intrinsic characteristics of the brain network, especially when its architecture is not fully understood. In contrast, self-supervised deep learning can learn meaningful representations directly from the data. This approach enables the exploration of I-nodes for brain networks, which is also lacking in current studies. This paper proposes a Self-Supervised Graph Reconstruction framework based on Graph-Transformer (SSGR-GT) to identify I-nodes, which has three main characteristics. First, as a self-supervised model, SSGR-GT extracts the importance of brain nodes to the reconstruction. Second, SSGR-GT uses Graph-Transformer, which is well-suited for extracting features from brain graphs, combining both local and global characteristics. Third, multimodal analysis of I-nodes uses graph-based fusion technology, combining functional and structural brain information. The I-nodes we obtained are distributed in critical areas such as the superior frontal lobe, lateral parietal lobe, and lateral occipital lobe, with a total of 56 identified across different experiments. These I-nodes are involved in more brain networks than other regions, have longer fiber connections, and occupy more central positions in structural connectivity. They also exhibit strong connectivity and high node efficiency in both functional and structural networks. Furthermore, there is a significant overlap between the I-nodes and both the structural and functional rich-club. These findings enhance our understanding of the I-nodes within the brain network, and provide new insights for future research in further understanding the brain working mechanisms.
☆ Improving the Efficiency of Visually Augmented Language Models
Despite the impressive performance of autoregressive Language Models (LM) it has been shown that due to reporting bias, LMs lack visual knowledge, i.e. they do not know much about the visual world and its properties. To augment LMs with visual knowledge, existing solutions often rely on explicit images, requiring time-consuming retrieval or image generation systems. This paper shows that explicit images are not necessary to visually augment an LM. Instead, we use visually-grounded text representations obtained from the well-known CLIP multimodal system. For a fair comparison, we modify VALM, a visually-augmented LM which uses image retrieval and representation, to work directly with visually-grounded text representations. We name this new model BLIND-VALM. We show that BLIND-VALM performs on par with VALM for Visual Language Understanding (VLU), Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Language Modeling tasks, despite being significantly more efficient and simpler. We also show that scaling up our model within the compute budget of VALM, either increasing the model or pre-training corpus size, we outperform VALM for all the evaluation tasks.
☆ High-Resolution Speech Restoration with Latent Diffusion Model
Traditional speech enhancement methods often oversimplify the task of restoration by focusing on a single type of distortion. Generative models that handle multiple distortions frequently struggle with phone reconstruction and high-frequency harmonics, leading to breathing and gasping artifacts that reduce the intelligibility of reconstructed speech. These models are also computationally demanding, and many solutions are restricted to producing outputs in the wide-band frequency range, which limits their suitability for professional applications. To address these challenges, we propose Hi-ResLDM, a novel generative model based on latent diffusion designed to remove multiple distortions and restore speech recordings to studio quality, sampled at 48kHz. We benchmark Hi-ResLDM against state-of-the-art methods that leverage GAN and Conditional Flow Matching (CFM) components, demonstrating superior performance in regenerating high-frequency-band details. Hi-ResLDM not only excels in non-instrusive metrics but is also consistently preferred in human evaluation and performs competitively on intrusive evaluations, making it ideal for high-resolution speech restoration.
☆ Learning Generalized Hamiltonians using fully Symplectic Mappings AAAI
Many important physical systems can be described as the evolution of a Hamiltonian system, which has the important property of being conservative, that is, energy is conserved throughout the evolution. Physics Informed Neural Networks and in particular Hamiltonian Neural Networks have emerged as a mechanism to incorporate structural inductive bias into the NN model. By ensuring physical invariances are conserved, the models exhibit significantly better sample complexity and out-of-distribution accuracy than standard NNs. Learning the Hamiltonian as a function of its canonical variables, typically position and velocity, from sample observations of the system thus becomes a critical task in system identification and long-term prediction of system behavior. However, to truly preserve the long-run physical conservation properties of Hamiltonian systems, one must use symplectic integrators for a forward pass of the system's simulation. While symplectic schemes have been used in the literature, they are thus far limited to situations when they reduce to explicit algorithms, which include the case of separable Hamiltonians or augmented non-separable Hamiltonians. We extend it to generalized non-separable Hamiltonians, and noting the self-adjoint property of symplectic integrators, we bypass computationally intensive backpropagation through an ODE solver. We show that the method is robust to noise and provides a good approximation of the system Hamiltonian when the state variables are sampled from a noisy observation. In the numerical results, we show the performance of the method concerning Hamiltonian reconstruction and conservation, indicating its particular advantage for non-separable systems.
comment: Submitted to The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
☆ Gradient-free Post-hoc Explainability Using Distillation Aided Learnable Approach SP
The recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), with the release of several large models having only query access, make a strong case for explainability of deep models in a post-hoc gradient free manner. In this paper, we propose a framework, named distillation aided explainability (DAX), that attempts to generate a saliency-based explanation in a model agnostic gradient free application. The DAX approach poses the problem of explanation in a learnable setting with a mask generation network and a distillation network. The mask generation network learns to generate the multiplier mask that finds the salient regions of the input, while the student distillation network aims to approximate the local behavior of the black-box model. We propose a joint optimization of the two networks in the DAX framework using the locally perturbed input samples, with the targets derived from input-output access to the black-box model. We extensively evaluate DAX across different modalities (image and audio), in a classification setting, using a diverse set of evaluations (intersection over union with ground truth, deletion based and subjective human evaluation based measures) and benchmark it with respect to $9$ different methods. In these evaluations, the DAX significantly outperforms the existing approaches on all modalities and evaluation metrics.
comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP), 2024
☆ Diversity-grounded Channel Prototypical Learning for Out-of-Distribution Intent Detection
In the realm of task-oriented dialogue systems, a robust intent detection mechanism must effectively handle malformed utterances encountered in real-world scenarios. This study presents a novel fine-tuning framework for large language models (LLMs) aimed at enhancing in-distribution (ID) intent classification and out-of-distribution (OOD) intent detection, which utilizes semantic matching with prototypes derived from ID class names. By harnessing the highly distinguishable representations of LLMs, we construct semantic prototypes for each ID class using a diversity-grounded prompt tuning approach. We rigorously test our framework in a challenging OOD context, where ID and OOD classes are semantically close yet distinct, referred to as \emph{near} OOD detection. For a thorough assessment, we benchmark our method against the prevalent fine-tuning approaches. The experimental findings reveal that our method demonstrates superior performance in both few-shot ID intent classification and near-OOD intent detection tasks.
comment: work in progress
☆ MonoKAN: Certified Monotonic Kolmogorov-Arnold Network
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have significantly advanced various fields by effectively recognizing patterns and solving complex problems. Despite these advancements, their interpretability remains a critical challenge, especially in applications where transparency and accountability are essential. To address this, explainable AI (XAI) has made progress in demystifying ANNs, yet interpretability alone is often insufficient. In certain applications, model predictions must align with expert-imposed requirements, sometimes exemplified by partial monotonicity constraints. While monotonic approaches are found in the literature for traditional Multi-layer Perceptrons (MLPs), they still face difficulties in achieving both interpretability and certified partial monotonicity. Recently, the Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) architecture, based on learnable activation functions parametrized as splines, has been proposed as a more interpretable alternative to MLPs. Building on this, we introduce a novel ANN architecture called MonoKAN, which is based on the KAN architecture and achieves certified partial monotonicity while enhancing interpretability. To achieve this, we employ cubic Hermite splines, which guarantee monotonicity through a set of straightforward conditions. Additionally, by using positive weights in the linear combinations of these splines, we ensure that the network preserves the monotonic relationships between input and output. Our experiments demonstrate that MonoKAN not only enhances interpretability but also improves predictive performance across the majority of benchmarks, outperforming state-of-the-art monotonic MLP approaches.
comment: 10 pages, 2 figures
☆ RoMath: A Mathematical Reasoning Benchmark in Romanian
Mathematics has long been conveyed through natural language, primarily for human understanding. With the rise of mechanized mathematics and proof assistants, there is a growing need to understand informal mathematical text, yet most existing benchmarks focus solely on English, overlooking other languages. This paper introduces RoMath, a Romanian mathematical reasoning benchmark suite comprising three datasets: RoMath-Baccalaureate, RoMath-Competitions and RoMath-Synthetic, which cover a range of mathematical domains and difficulty levels, aiming to improve non-English language models and promote multilingual AI development. By focusing on Romanian, a low-resource language with unique linguistic features, RoMath addresses the limitations of Anglo-centric models and emphasizes the need for dedicated resources beyond simple automatic translation. We benchmark several open-weight language models, highlighting the importance of creating resources for underrepresented languages. We make the code and dataset available.
comment: 4 Figures, 12 Tables
☆ Improve Machine Learning carbon footprint using Parquet dataset format and Mixed Precision training for regression algorithms
This study was the 2nd part of my dissertation for my master degree and compared the power consumption using the Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) and parquet dataset format with the default floating point (32bit) and Nvidia mixed precision (16bit and 32bit) while training a regression ML model. The same custom PC as per the 1st part, which was dedicated to the classification testing and analysis, was built to perform the experiments, and different ML hyper-parameters, such as batch size, neurons, and epochs, were chosen to build Deep Neural Networks (DNN). A benchmarking test with default hyper-parameter values for the DNN was used as a reference, while the experiments used a combination of different settings. The results were recorded in Excel, and descriptive statistics were chosen to calculate the mean between the groups and compare them using graphs and tables. The outcome was positive when using mixed precision combined with specific hyper-parameters. Compared to the benchmarking, optimising the regression models reduced the power consumption between 7 and 11 Watts. The regression results show that while mixed precision can help improve power consumption, we must carefully consider the hyper-parameters. A high number of batch sizes and neurons will negatively affect power consumption. However, this research required inferential statistics, specifically ANOVA and T-test, to compare the relationship between the means. The results reported no statistical significance between the means in the regression tests and accepted H0. Therefore, choosing different ML techniques and the Parquet dataset format will not improve the computational power consumption and the overall ML carbon footprint. However, a more extensive implementation with a cluster of GPUs can increase the sample size significantly, as it is an essential factor and can change the outcome of the statistical analysis.
comment: 35 pages, 16 tables, 19 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2409.07853
☆ A Comprehensive Evaluation of Quantized Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models: An Experimental Analysis up to 405B
Prior research works have evaluated quantized LLMs using limited metrics such as perplexity or a few basic knowledge tasks and old datasets. Additionally, recent large-scale models such as Llama 3.1 with up to 405B have not been thoroughly examined. This paper evaluates the performance of instruction-tuned LLMs across various quantization methods (GPTQ, AWQ, SmoothQuant, and FP8) on models ranging from 7B to 405B. Using 13 benchmarks, we assess performance across six task types: commonsense Q\&A, knowledge and language understanding, instruction following, hallucination detection, mathematics, and dialogue. Our key findings reveal that (1) quantizing a larger LLM to a similar size as a smaller FP16 LLM generally performs better across most benchmarks, except for hallucination detection and instruction following; (2) performance varies significantly with different quantization methods, model size, and bit-width, with weight-only methods often yielding better results in larger models; (3) task difficulty does not significantly impact accuracy degradation due to quantization; and (4) the MT-Bench evaluation method has limited discriminatory power among recent high-performing LLMs.
comment: 11 pages, 1 figure
☆ A logical alarm for misaligned binary classifiers
If two agents disagree in their decisions, we may suspect they are not both correct. This intuition is formalized for evaluating agents that have carried out a binary classification task. Their agreements and disagreements on a joint test allow us to establish the only group evaluations logically consistent with their responses. This is done by establishing a set of axioms (algebraic relations) that must be universally obeyed by all evaluations of binary responders. A complete set of such axioms are possible for each ensemble of size N. The axioms for $N = 1, 2$ are used to construct a fully logical alarm - one that can prove that at least one ensemble member is malfunctioning using only unlabeled data. The similarities of this approach to formal software verification and its utility for recent agendas of safe guaranteed AI are discussed.
comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, under review
☆ D2Vformer: A Flexible Time Series Prediction Model Based on Time Position Embedding
Time position embeddings capture the positional information of time steps, often serving as auxiliary inputs to enhance the predictive capabilities of time series models. However, existing models exhibit limitations in capturing intricate time positional information and effectively utilizing these embeddings. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a novel model called D2Vformer. Unlike typical prediction methods that rely on RNNs or Transformers, this approach can directly handle scenarios where the predicted sequence is not adjacent to the input sequence or where its length dynamically changes. In comparison to conventional methods, D2Vformer undoubtedly saves a significant amount of training resources. In D2Vformer, the Date2Vec module uses the timestamp information and feature sequences to generate time position embeddings. Afterward, D2Vformer introduces a new fusion block that utilizes an attention mechanism to explore the similarity in time positions between the embeddings of the input sequence and the predicted sequence, thereby generating predictions based on this similarity. Through extensive experiments on six datasets, we demonstrate that Date2Vec outperforms other time position embedding methods, and D2Vformer surpasses state-of-the-art methods in both fixed-length and variable-length prediction tasks.
☆ GEIC: Universal and Multilingual Named Entity Recognition with Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) have supplanted traditional methods in numerous natural language processing tasks. Nonetheless, in Named Entity Recognition (NER), existing LLM-based methods underperform compared to baselines and require significantly more computational resources, limiting their application. In this paper, we introduce the task of generation-based extraction and in-context classification (GEIC), designed to leverage LLMs' prior knowledge and self-attention mechanisms for NER tasks. We then propose CascadeNER, a universal and multilingual GEIC framework for few-shot and zero-shot NER. CascadeNER employs model cascading to utilize two small-parameter LLMs to extract and classify independently, reducing resource consumption while enhancing accuracy. We also introduce AnythingNER, the first NER dataset specifically designed for LLMs, including 8 languages, 155 entity types and a novel dynamic categorization system. Experiments show that CascadeNER achieves state-of-the-art performance on low-resource and fine-grained scenarios, including CrossNER and FewNERD. Our work is openly accessible.
☆ Enhanced segmentation of femoral bone metastasis in CT scans of patients using synthetic data generation with 3D diffusion models
Purpose: Bone metastasis have a major impact on the quality of life of patients and they are diverse in terms of size and location, making their segmentation complex. Manual segmentation is time-consuming, and expert segmentations are subject to operator variability, which makes obtaining accurate and reproducible segmentations of bone metastasis on CT-scans a challenging yet important task to achieve. Materials and Methods: Deep learning methods tackle segmentation tasks efficiently but require large datasets along with expert manual segmentations to generalize on new images. We propose an automated data synthesis pipeline using 3D Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) to enchance the segmentation of femoral metastasis from CT-scan volumes of patients. We used 29 existing lesions along with 26 healthy femurs to create new realistic synthetic metastatic images, and trained a DDPM to improve the diversity and realism of the simulated volumes. We also investigated the operator variability on manual segmentation. Results: We created 5675 new volumes, then trained 3D U-Net segmentation models on real and synthetic data to compare segmentation performance, and we evaluated the performance of the models depending on the amount of synthetic data used in training. Conclusion: Our results showed that segmentation models trained with synthetic data outperformed those trained on real volumes only, and that those models perform especially well when considering operator variability.
comment: 14 pages, 5 figures 3 tables
☆ Single-stage TTS with Masked Audio Token Modeling and Semantic Knowledge Distillation
Audio token modeling has become a powerful framework for speech synthesis, with two-stage approaches employing semantic tokens remaining prevalent. In this paper, we aim to simplify this process by introducing a semantic knowledge distillation method that enables high-quality speech generation in a single stage. Our proposed model improves speech quality, intelligibility, and speaker similarity compared to a single-stage baseline. Although two-stage systems still lead in intelligibility, our model significantly narrows the gap while delivering comparable speech quality. These findings showcase the potential of single-stage models to achieve efficient, high-quality TTS with a more compact and streamlined architecture.
comment: Demo page: see https://narsistts.github.io
☆ Enhancing Low-Resource Language and Instruction Following Capabilities of Audio Language Models
Audio language models can understand audio inputs and perform a range of audio-related tasks based on instructions, such as speech recognition and audio captioning, where the instructions are usually textual prompts. Audio language models are mostly initialized from pre-trained audio encoders and large language models (LLMs). Although these pre-trained components were developed to support multiple languages, audio-language models are trained predominantly on English data, which may limit their usability to only English instructions or English speech inputs. First, this paper examines the performance of existing audio language models in an underserved language using Thai as an example. This paper demonstrates that, despite being built on multilingual backbones, audio language models do not exhibit cross-lingual emergent abilities to low-resource languages. Second, this paper studies data mixture for developing audio language models that are optimized for a target language as well as English. In addition. this paper integrates audio comprehension and speech instruction-following capabilities into a single unified model. Our experiments provide insights into data mixture for enhancing instruction-following capabilities in both a low-resource language and English. Our model, Typhoon-Audio, outperforms existing open-source audio language models by a considerable margin, and it is comparable to state-of-the-art Gemini-1.5-Pro in both English and Thai languages.
comment: 5 pages. Preprint under review
☆ Less is More: A Simple yet Effective Token Reduction Method for Efficient Multi-modal LLMs
The rapid advancement of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has led to remarkable performances across various domains. However, this progress is accompanied by a substantial surge in the resource consumption of these models. We address this pressing issue by introducing a new approach, Token Reduction using CLIP Metric (TRIM), aimed at improving the efficiency of MLLMs without sacrificing their performance. Inspired by human attention patterns in Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks, TRIM presents a fresh perspective on the selection and reduction of image tokens. The TRIM method has been extensively tested across 12 datasets, and the results demonstrate a significant reduction in computational overhead while maintaining a consistent level of performance. This research marks a critical stride in efficient MLLM development, promoting greater accessibility and sustainability of high-performing models.
comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables
☆ GOSt-MT: A Knowledge Graph for Occupation-related Gender Biases in Machine Translation CIKM
Gender bias in machine translation (MT) systems poses significant challenges that often result in the reinforcement of harmful stereotypes. Especially in the labour domain where frequently occupations are inaccurately associated with specific genders, such biases perpetuate traditional gender stereotypes with a significant impact on society. Addressing these issues is crucial for ensuring equitable and accurate MT systems. This paper introduces a novel approach to studying occupation-related gender bias through the creation of the GOSt-MT (Gender and Occupation Statistics for Machine Translation) Knowledge Graph. GOSt-MT integrates comprehensive gender statistics from real-world labour data and textual corpora used in MT training. This Knowledge Graph allows for a detailed analysis of gender bias across English, French, and Greek, facilitating the identification of persistent stereotypes and areas requiring intervention. By providing a structured framework for understanding how occupations are gendered in both labour markets and MT systems, GOSt-MT contributes to efforts aimed at making MT systems more equitable and reducing gender biases in automated translations.
comment: Accepted at the KG-STAR'24: Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Responsible AI co-located with the 33rd ACM CIKM Conference, October 25, 2024, Boise, Idaho
☆ Control-flow Reconstruction Attacks on Business Process Models
Process models may be automatically generated from event logs that contain as-is data of a business process. While such models generalize over the control-flow of specific, recorded process executions, they are often also annotated with behavioural statistics, such as execution frequencies.Based thereon, once a model is published, certain insights about the original process executions may be reconstructed, so that an external party may extract confidential information about the business process. This work is the first to empirically investigate such reconstruction attempts based on process models. To this end, we propose different play-out strategies that reconstruct the control-flow from process trees, potentially exploiting frequency annotations. To assess the potential success of such reconstruction attacks on process models, and hence the risks imposed by publishing them, we compare the reconstructed process executions with those of the original log for several real-world datasets.
☆ Active learning for energy-based antibody optimization and enhanced screening
Accurate prediction and optimization of protein-protein binding affinity is crucial for therapeutic antibody development. Although machine learning-based prediction methods $\Delta\Delta G$ are suitable for large-scale mutant screening, they struggle to predict the effects of multiple mutations for targets without existing binders. Energy function-based methods, though more accurate, are time consuming and not ideal for large-scale screening. To address this, we propose an active learning workflow that efficiently trains a deep learning model to learn energy functions for specific targets, combining the advantages of both approaches. Our method integrates the RDE-Network deep learning model with Rosetta's energy function-based Flex ddG to efficiently explore mutants that bind to Flex ddG. In a case study targeting HER2-binding Trastuzumab mutants, our approach significantly improved the screening performance over random selection and demonstrated the ability to identify mutants with better binding properties without experimental $\Delta\Delta G$ data. This workflow advances computational antibody design by combining machine learning, physics-based computations, and active learning to achieve more efficient antibody development.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Versatile Incremental Learning: Towards Class and Domain-Agnostic Incremental Learning ECCV 2024
Incremental Learning (IL) aims to accumulate knowledge from sequential input tasks while overcoming catastrophic forgetting. Existing IL methods typically assume that an incoming task has only increments of classes or domains, referred to as Class IL (CIL) or Domain IL (DIL), respectively. In this work, we consider a more challenging and realistic but under-explored IL scenario, named Versatile Incremental Learning (VIL), in which a model has no prior of which of the classes or domains will increase in the next task. In the proposed VIL scenario, the model faces intra-class domain confusion and inter-domain class confusion, which makes the model fail to accumulate new knowledge without interference with learned knowledge. To address these issues, we propose a simple yet effective IL framework, named Incremental Classifier with Adaptation Shift cONtrol (ICON). Based on shifts of learnable modules, we design a novel regularization method called Cluster-based Adaptation Shift conTrol (CAST) to control the model to avoid confusion with the previously learned knowledge and thereby accumulate the new knowledge more effectively. Moreover, we introduce an Incremental Classifier (IC) which expands its output nodes to address the overwriting issue from different domains corresponding to a single class while maintaining the previous knowledge. We conducted extensive experiments on three benchmarks, showcasing the effectiveness of our method across all the scenarios, particularly in cases where the next task can be randomly altered. Our implementation code is available at https://github.com/KHU-AGI/VIL.
comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, ECCV 2024 Poster
☆ Investigating Context-Faithfulness in Large Language Models: The Roles of Memory Strength and Evidence Style
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) improves Large Language Models (LLMs) by incorporating external information into the response generation process. However, how context-faithful LLMs are and what factors influence LLMs' context-faithfulness remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigate the impact of memory strength and evidence presentation on LLMs' receptiveness to external evidence. We introduce a method to quantify the memory strength of LLMs by measuring the divergence in LLMs' responses to different paraphrases of the same question, which is not considered by previous works. We also generate evidence in various styles to evaluate the effects of evidence in different styles. Two datasets are used for evaluation: Natural Questions (NQ) with popular questions and popQA featuring long-tail questions. Our results show that for questions with high memory strength, LLMs are more likely to rely on internal memory, particularly for larger LLMs such as GPT-4. On the other hand, presenting paraphrased evidence significantly increases LLMs' receptiveness compared to simple repetition or adding details.
☆ Contrasformer: A Brain Network Contrastive Transformer for Neurodegenerative Condition Identification
Understanding neurological disorder is a fundamental problem in neuroscience, which often requires the analysis of brain networks derived from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. Despite the prevalence of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Graph Transformers in various domains, applying them to brain networks faces challenges. Specifically, the datasets are severely impacted by the noises caused by distribution shifts across sub-populations and the neglect of node identities, both obstruct the identification of disease-specific patterns. To tackle these challenges, we propose Contrasformer, a novel contrastive brain network Transformer. It generates a prior-knowledge-enhanced contrast graph to address the distribution shifts across sub-populations by a two-stream attention mechanism. A cross attention with identity embedding highlights the identity of nodes, and three auxiliary losses ensure group consistency. Evaluated on 4 functional brain network datasets over 4 different diseases, Contrasformer outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for brain networks by achieving up to 10.8\% improvement in accuracy, which demonstrates its efficacy in neurological disorder identification. Case studies illustrate its interpretability, especially in the context of neuroscience. This paper provides a solution for analyzing brain networks, offering valuable insights into neurological disorders. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/AngusMonroe/Contrasformer}.
☆ Early Detection of Coronary Heart Disease Using Hybrid Quantum Machine Learning Approach
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a severe cardiac disease, and hence, its early diagnosis is essential as it improves treatment results and saves money on medical care. The prevailing development of quantum computing and machine learning (ML) technologies may bring practical improvement to the performance of CHD diagnosis. Quantum machine learning (QML) is receiving tremendous interest in various disciplines due to its higher performance and capabilities. A quantum leap in the healthcare industry will increase processing power and optimise multiple models. Techniques for QML have the potential to forecast cardiac disease and help in early detection. To predict the risk of coronary heart disease, a hybrid approach utilizing an ensemble machine learning model based on QML classifiers is presented in this paper. Our approach, with its unique ability to address multidimensional healthcare data, reassures the method's robustness by fusing quantum and classical ML algorithms in a multi-step inferential framework. The marked rise in heart disease and death rates impacts worldwide human health and the global economy. Reducing cardiac morbidity and mortality requires early detection of heart disease. In this research, a hybrid approach utilizes techniques with quantum computing capabilities to tackle complex problems that are not amenable to conventional machine learning algorithms and to minimize computational expenses. The proposed method has been developed in the Raspberry Pi 5 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) platform and tested on a broad dataset that integrates clinical and imaging data from patients suffering from CHD and healthy controls. Compared to classical machine learning models, the accuracy, sensitivity, F1 score, and specificity of the proposed hybrid QML model used with CHD are manifold higher.
☆ KALE: An Artwork Image Captioning System Augmented with Heterogeneous Graph IJCAI 2024
Exploring the narratives conveyed by fine-art paintings is a challenge in image captioning, where the goal is to generate descriptions that not only precisely represent the visual content but also offer a in-depth interpretation of the artwork's meaning. The task is particularly complex for artwork images due to their diverse interpretations and varied aesthetic principles across different artistic schools and styles. In response to this, we present KALE Knowledge-Augmented vision-Language model for artwork Elaborations), a novel approach that enhances existing vision-language models by integrating artwork metadata as additional knowledge. KALE incorporates the metadata in two ways: firstly as direct textual input, and secondly through a multimodal heterogeneous knowledge graph. To optimize the learning of graph representations, we introduce a new cross-modal alignment loss that maximizes the similarity between the image and its corresponding metadata. Experimental results demonstrate that KALE achieves strong performance (when evaluated with CIDEr, in particular) over existing state-of-the-art work across several artwork datasets. Source code of the project is available at https://github.com/Yanbei-Jiang/Artwork-Interpretation.
comment: Accepted at IJCAI 2024
☆ GenCRF: Generative Clustering and Reformulation Framework for Enhanced Intent-Driven Information Retrieval
Query reformulation is a well-known problem in Information Retrieval (IR) aimed at enhancing single search successful completion rate by automatically modifying user's input query. Recent methods leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve query reformulation, but often generate limited and redundant expansions, potentially constraining their effectiveness in capturing diverse intents. In this paper, we propose GenCRF: a Generative Clustering and Reformulation Framework to capture diverse intentions adaptively based on multiple differentiated, well-generated queries in the retrieval phase for the first time. GenCRF leverages LLMs to generate variable queries from the initial query using customized prompts, then clusters them into groups to distinctly represent diverse intents. Furthermore, the framework explores to combine diverse intents query with innovative weighted aggregation strategies to optimize retrieval performance and crucially integrates a novel Query Evaluation Rewarding Model (QERM) to refine the process through feedback loops. Empirical experiments on the BEIR benchmark demonstrate that GenCRF achieves state-of-the-art performance, surpassing previous query reformulation SOTAs by up to 12% on nDCG@10. These techniques can be adapted to various LLMs, significantly boosting retriever performance and advancing the field of Information Retrieval.
☆ WaterQualityNeT: Prediction of Seasonal Water Quality of Nepal Using Hybrid Deep Learning Models
Ensuring a safe and uncontaminated water supply is contingent upon the monitoring of water quality, especially in developing countries such as Nepal, where water sources are susceptible to pollution. This paper presents a hybrid deep learning model for predicting Nepal's seasonal water quality using a small dataset with many water quality parameters. The model integrates convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) to exploit temporal and spatial patterns in the data. The results demonstrate significant improvements in forecast accuracy over traditional methods, providing a reliable tool for proactive control of water quality. The model that used WQI parameters to classify people into good, poor, and average groups performed 92% of the time in testing. Similarly, the R2 score was 0.97 and the root mean square error was 2.87 when predicting WQI values using regression analysis. Additionally, a multifunctional application that uses both a regression and a classification approach is built to predict WQI values.
☆ Shaking the Fake: Detecting Deepfake Videos in Real Time via Active Probes
Real-time deepfake, a type of generative AI, is capable of "creating" non-existing contents (e.g., swapping one's face with another) in a video. It has been, very unfortunately, misused to produce deepfake videos (during web conferences, video calls, and identity authentication) for malicious purposes, including financial scams and political misinformation. Deepfake detection, as the countermeasure against deepfake, has attracted considerable attention from the academic community, yet existing works typically rely on learning passive features that may perform poorly beyond seen datasets. In this paper, we propose SFake, a new real-time deepfake detection method that innovatively exploits deepfake models' inability to adapt to physical interference. Specifically, SFake actively sends probes to trigger mechanical vibrations on the smartphone, resulting in the controllable feature on the footage. Consequently, SFake determines whether the face is swapped by deepfake based on the consistency of the facial area with the probe pattern. We implement SFake, evaluate its effectiveness on a self-built dataset, and compare it with six other detection methods. The results show that SFake outperforms other detection methods with higher detection accuracy, faster process speed, and lower memory consumption.
☆ SIFToM: Robust Spoken Instruction Following through Theory of Mind
Spoken language instructions are ubiquitous in agent collaboration. However, in human-robot collaboration, recognition accuracy for human speech is often influenced by various speech and environmental factors, such as background noise, the speaker's accents, and mispronunciation. When faced with noisy or unfamiliar auditory inputs, humans use context and prior knowledge to disambiguate the stimulus and take pragmatic actions, a process referred to as top-down processing in cognitive science. We present a cognitively inspired model, Speech Instruction Following through Theory of Mind (SIFToM), to enable robots to pragmatically follow human instructions under diverse speech conditions by inferring the human's goal and joint plan as prior for speech perception and understanding. We test SIFToM in simulated home experiments (VirtualHome 2). Results show that the SIFToM model outperforms state-of-the-art speech and language models, approaching human-level accuracy on challenging speech instruction following tasks. We then demonstrate its ability at the task planning level on a mobile manipulator for breakfast preparation tasks.
comment: 7 pages, 4 figures
☆ 3DFacePolicy: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Diffusion Policy
Audio-driven 3D facial animation has made immersive progress both in research and application developments. The newest approaches focus on Transformer-based methods and diffusion-based methods, however, there is still gap in the vividness and emotional expression between the generated animation and real human face. To tackle this limitation, we propose 3DFacePolicy, a diffusion policy model for 3D facial animation prediction. This method generates variable and realistic human facial movements by predicting the 3D vertex trajectory on the 3D facial template with diffusion policy instead of facial generation for every frame. It takes audio and vertex states as observations to predict the vertex trajectory and imitate real human facial expressions, which keeps the continuous and natural flow of human emotions. The experiments show that our approach is effective in variable and dynamic facial motion synthesizing.
☆ PDMX: A Large-Scale Public Domain MusicXML Dataset for Symbolic Music Processing
The recent explosion of generative AI-Music systems has raised numerous concerns over data copyright, licensing music from musicians, and the conflict between open-source AI and large prestige companies. Such issues highlight the need for publicly available, copyright-free musical data, in which there is a large shortage, particularly for symbolic music data. To alleviate this issue, we present PDMX: a large-scale open-source dataset of over 250K public domain MusicXML scores collected from the score-sharing forum MuseScore, making it the largest available copyright-free symbolic music dataset to our knowledge. PDMX additionally includes a wealth of both tag and user interaction metadata, allowing us to efficiently analyze the dataset and filter for high quality user-generated scores. Given the additional metadata afforded by our data collection process, we conduct multitrack music generation experiments evaluating how different representative subsets of PDMX lead to different behaviors in downstream models, and how user-rating statistics can be used as an effective measure of data quality. Examples can be found at https://pnlong.github.io/PDMX.demo/.
☆ Challenging Fairness: A Comprehensive Exploration of Bias in LLM-Based Recommendations
Large Language Model (LLM)-based recommendation systems provide more comprehensive recommendations than traditional systems by deeply analyzing content and user behavior. However, these systems often exhibit biases, favoring mainstream content while marginalizing non-traditional options due to skewed training data. This study investigates the intricate relationship between bias and LLM-based recommendation systems, with a focus on music, song, and book recommendations across diverse demographic and cultural groups. Through a comprehensive analysis conducted over different LLM-models, this paper evaluates the impact of bias on recommendation outcomes. Our findings reveal that bias is so deeply ingrained within these systems that even a simpler intervention like prompt engineering can significantly reduce bias, underscoring the pervasive nature of the issue. Moreover, factors like intersecting identities and contextual information, such as socioeconomic status, further amplify these biases, demonstrating the complexity and depth of the challenges faced in creating fair recommendations across different groups.
☆ PReLU: Yet Another Single-Layer Solution to the XOR Problem
This paper demonstrates that a single-layer neural network using Parametric Rectified Linear Unit (PReLU) activation can solve the XOR problem, a simple fact that has been overlooked so far. We compare this solution to the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and the Growing Cosine Unit (GCU) activation function and explain why PReLU enables this capability. Our results show that the single-layer PReLU network can achieve 100\% success rate in a wider range of learning rates while using only three learnable parameters.
☆ Harnessing AI data-driven global weather models for climate attribution: An analysis of the 2017 Oroville Dam extreme atmospheric river
AI data-driven models (Graphcast, Pangu Weather, Fourcastnet, and SFNO) are explored for storyline-based climate attribution due to their short inference times, which can accelerate the number of events studied, and provide real time attributions when public attention is heightened. The analysis is framed on the extreme atmospheric river episode of February 2017 that contributed to the Oroville dam spillway incident in Northern California. Past and future simulations are generated by perturbing the initial conditions with the pre-industrial and the late-21st century temperature climate change signals, respectively. The simulations are compared to results from a dynamical model which represents plausible pseudo-realities under both climate environments. Overall, the AI models show promising results, projecting a 5-6 % increase in the integrated water vapor over the Oroville dam in the present day compared to the pre-industrial, in agreement with the dynamical model. Different geopotential-moisture-temperature dependencies are unveiled for each of the AI-models tested, providing valuable information for understanding the physicality of the attribution response. However, the AI models tend to simulate weaker attribution values than the pseudo-reality imagined by the dynamical model, suggesting some reduced extrapolation skill, especially for the late-21st century regime. Large ensembles generated with an AI model (>500 members) produced statistically significant present-day to pre-industrial attribution results, unlike the >20-member ensemble from the dynamical model. This analysis highlights the potential of AI models to conduct attribution analysis, while emphasizing future lines of work on explainable artificial intelligence to gain confidence in these tools, which can enable reliable attribution studies in real-time.
comment: This Work has been submitted to Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems
☆ No Saved Kaleidosope: an 100% Jitted Neural Network Coding Language with Pythonic Syntax
We developed a jitted compiler for training Artificial Neural Networks using C++, LLVM and Cuda. It features object-oriented characteristics, strong typing, parallel workers for data pre-processing, pythonic syntax for expressions, PyTorch like model declaration and Automatic Differentiation. We implement the mechanisms of cache and pooling in order to manage VRAM, cuBLAS for high performance matrix multiplication and cuDNN for convolutional layers. Our experiments with Residual Convolutional Neural Networks on ImageNet, we reach similar speed but degraded performance. Also, the GRU network experiments show similar accuracy, but our compiler have degraded speed in that task. However, our compiler demonstrates promising results at the CIFAR-10 benchmark, in which we reach the same performance and about the same speed as PyTorch. We make the code publicly available at: https://github.com/NoSavedDATA/NoSavedKaleidoscope
comment: 12 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables
☆ Towards Fair RAG: On the Impact of Fair Ranking in Retrieval-Augmented Generation
Many language models now enhance their responses with retrieval capabilities, leading to the widespread adoption of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems. However, despite retrieval being a core component of RAG, much of the research in this area overlooks the extensive body of work on fair ranking, neglecting the importance of considering all stakeholders involved. This paper presents the first systematic evaluation of RAG systems integrated with fair rankings. We focus specifically on measuring the fair exposure of each relevant item across the rankings utilized by RAG systems (i.e., item-side fairness), aiming to promote equitable growth for relevant item providers. To gain a deep understanding of the relationship between item-fairness, ranking quality, and generation quality in the context of RAG, we analyze nine different RAG systems that incorporate fair rankings across seven distinct datasets. Our findings indicate that RAG systems with fair rankings can maintain a high level of generation quality and, in many cases, even outperform traditional RAG systems, despite the general trend of a tradeoff between ensuring fairness and maintaining system-effectiveness. We believe our insights lay the groundwork for responsible and equitable RAG systems and open new avenues for future research. We publicly release our codebase and dataset at https://github.com/kimdanny/Fair-RAG.
☆ Self-Contrastive Forward-Forward Algorithm
The Forward-Forward (FF) algorithm is a recent, purely forward-mode learning method, that updates weights locally and layer-wise and supports supervised as well as unsupervised learning. These features make it ideal for applications such as brain-inspired learning, low-power hardware neural networks, and distributed learning in large models. However, while FF has shown promise on written digit recognition tasks, its performance on natural images and time-series remains a challenge. A key limitation is the need to generate high-quality negative examples for contrastive learning, especially in unsupervised tasks, where versatile solutions are currently lacking. To address this, we introduce the Self-Contrastive Forward-Forward (SCFF) method, inspired by self-supervised contrastive learning. SCFF generates positive and negative examples applicable across different datasets, surpassing existing local forward algorithms for unsupervised classification accuracy on MNIST (MLP: 98.7%), CIFAR-10 (CNN: 80.75%), and STL-10 (CNN: 77.3%). Additionally, SCFF is the first to enable FF training of recurrent neural networks, opening the door to more complex tasks and continuous-time video and text processing.
☆ ProSLM : A Prolog Synergized Language Model for explainable Domain Specific Knowledge Based Question Answering
Neurosymbolic approaches can add robustness to opaque neural systems by incorporating explainable symbolic representations. However, previous approaches have not used formal logic to contextualize queries to and validate outputs of large language models (LLMs). We propose \systemname{}, a novel neurosymbolic framework, to improve the robustness and reliability of LLMs in question-answering tasks. We provide \systemname{} with a domain-specific knowledge base, a logical reasoning system, and an integration to an existing LLM. This framework has two capabilities (1) context gathering: generating explainable and relevant context for a given query, and (2) validation: confirming and validating the factual accuracy of a statement in accordance with a knowledge base (KB). Our work opens a new area of neurosymbolic generative AI text validation and user personalization.
comment: Accepted at NeSy 2024
☆ Uncertainty Decomposition and Error Margin Detection of Homodyned-K Distribution in Quantitative Ultrasound
Homodyned K-distribution (HK-distribution) parameter estimation in quantitative ultrasound (QUS) has been recently addressed using Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs). BNNs have been shown to significantly reduce computational time in speckle statistics-based QUS without compromising accuracy and precision. Additionally, they provide estimates of feature uncertainty, which can guide the clinician's trust in the reported feature value. The total predictive uncertainty in Bayesian modeling can be decomposed into epistemic (uncertainty over the model parameters) and aleatoric (uncertainty inherent in the data) components. By decomposing the predictive uncertainty, we can gain insights into the factors contributing to the total uncertainty. In this study, we propose a method to compute epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties for HK-distribution parameters ($\alpha$ and $k$) estimated by a BNN, in both simulation and experimental data. In addition, we investigate the relationship between the prediction error and both uncertainties, shedding light on the interplay between these uncertainties and HK parameters errors.
comment: 4 pages, 2 figures
☆ Automating proton PBS treatment planning for head and neck cancers using policy gradient-based deep reinforcement learning
Proton pencil beam scanning (PBS) treatment planning for head and neck (H&N) cancers is a time-consuming and experience-demanding task where a large number of planning objectives are involved. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has recently been introduced to the planning processes of intensity-modulated radiation therapy and brachytherapy for prostate, lung, and cervical cancers. However, existing approaches are built upon the Q-learning framework and weighted linear combinations of clinical metrics, suffering from poor scalability and flexibility and only capable of adjusting a limited number of planning objectives in discrete action spaces. We propose an automatic treatment planning model using the proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm and a dose distribution-based reward function for proton PBS treatment planning of H&N cancers. Specifically, a set of empirical rules is used to create auxiliary planning structures from target volumes and organs-at-risk (OARs), along with their associated planning objectives. These planning objectives are fed into an in-house optimization engine to generate the spot monitor unit (MU) values. A decision-making policy network trained using PPO is developed to iteratively adjust the involved planning objective parameters in a continuous action space and refine the PBS treatment plans using a novel dose distribution-based reward function. Proton H&N treatment plans generated by the model show improved OAR sparing with equal or superior target coverage when compared with human-generated plans. Moreover, additional experiments on liver cancer demonstrate that the proposed method can be successfully generalized to other treatment sites. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first DRL-based automatic treatment planning model capable of achieving human-level performance for H&N cancers.
☆ Preference Tuning with Human Feedback on Language, Speech, and Vision Tasks: A Survey
Preference tuning is a crucial process for aligning deep generative models with human preferences. This survey offers a thorough overview of recent advancements in preference tuning and the integration of human feedback. The paper is organized into three main sections: 1) introduction and preliminaries: an introduction to reinforcement learning frameworks, preference tuning tasks, models, and datasets across various modalities: language, speech, and vision, as well as different policy approaches, 2) in-depth examination of each preference tuning approach: a detailed analysis of the methods used in preference tuning, and 3) applications, discussion, and future directions: an exploration of the applications of preference tuning in downstream tasks, including evaluation methods for different modalities, and an outlook on future research directions. Our objective is to present the latest methodologies in preference tuning and model alignment, enhancing the understanding of this field for researchers and practitioners. We hope to encourage further engagement and innovation in this area.
comment: Survey paper
☆ Multi-Domain Data Aggregation for Axon and Myelin Segmentation in Histology Images
Quantifying axon and myelin properties (e.g., axon diameter, myelin thickness, g-ratio) in histology images can provide useful information about microstructural changes caused by neurodegenerative diseases. Automatic tissue segmentation is an important tool for these datasets, as a single stained section can contain up to thousands of axons. Advances in deep learning have made this task quick and reliable with minimal overhead, but a deep learning model trained by one research group will hardly ever be usable by other groups due to differences in their histology training data. This is partly due to subject diversity (different body parts, species, genetics, pathologies) and also to the range of modern microscopy imaging techniques resulting in a wide variability of image features (i.e., contrast, resolution). There is a pressing need to make AI accessible to neuroscience researchers to facilitate and accelerate their workflow, but publicly available models are scarce and poorly maintained. Our approach is to aggregate data from multiple imaging modalities (bright field, electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy) and species (mouse, rat, rabbit, human), to create an open-source, durable tool for axon and myelin segmentation. Our generalist model makes it easier for researchers to process their data and can be fine-tuned for better performance on specific domains. We study the benefits of different aggregation schemes. This multi-domain segmentation model performs better than single-modality dedicated learners (p=0.03077), generalizes better on out-of-distribution data and is easier to use and maintain. Importantly, we package the segmentation tool into a well-maintained open-source software ecosystem (see https://github.com/axondeepseg/axondeepseg).
comment: 12 pages, 8 figures
☆ Small Language Models can Outperform Humans in Short Creative Writing: A Study Comparing SLMs with Humans and LLMs
In this paper, we evaluate the creative fiction writing abilities of a fine-tuned small language model (SLM), BART Large, and compare its performance to humans and two large language models (LLMs): GPT-3.5 and GPT-4o. Our evaluation consists of two experiments: (i) a human evaluation where readers assess the stories generated by the SLM compared to human-written stories, and (ii) a qualitative linguistic analysis comparing the textual characteristics of the stories generated by the different models. In the first experiment, we asked 68 participants to rate short stories generated by the models and humans along dimensions such as grammaticality, relevance, creativity, and attractiveness. BART Large outperformed human writers in most aspects, except creativity, with an overall score of 2.11 compared to 1.85 for human-written texts -- a 14% improvement. In the second experiment, the qualitative analysis revealed that, while GPT-4o exhibited near-perfect internal and external coherence, it tended to produce more predictable narratives, with only 3% of its stories seen as novel. In contrast, 15% of BART's stories were considered novel, indicating a higher degree of creativity despite its smaller model size. This study provides both quantitative and qualitative insights into how model size and fine-tuning influence the balance between creativity, fluency, and coherence in creative writing tasks.
☆ NCT-CRC-HE: Not All Histopathological Datasets Are Equally Useful
Numerous deep learning-based solutions have been proposed for histopathological image analysis over the past years. While they usually demonstrate exceptionally high accuracy, one key question is whether their precision might be affected by low-level image properties not related to histopathology but caused by microscopy image handling and pre-processing. In this paper, we analyze a popular NCT-CRC-HE-100K colorectal cancer dataset used in numerous prior works and show that both this dataset and the obtained results may be affected by data-specific biases. The most prominent revealed dataset issues are inappropriate color normalization, severe JPEG artifacts inconsistent between different classes, and completely corrupted tissue samples resulting from incorrect image dynamic range handling. We show that even the simplest model using only 3 features per image (red, green and blue color intensities) can demonstrate over 50% accuracy on this 9-class dataset, while using color histogram not explicitly capturing cell morphology features yields over 82% accuracy. Moreover, we show that a basic EfficientNet-B0 ImageNet pretrained model can achieve over 97.7% accuracy on this dataset, outperforming all previously proposed solutions developed for this task, including dedicated foundation histopathological models and large cell morphology-aware neural networks. The NCT-CRC-HE dataset is publicly available and can be freely used to replicate the presented results. The codes and pre-trained models used in this paper are available at https://github.com/gmalivenko/NCT-CRC-HE-experiments
☆ Improving LLM Reasoning with Multi-Agent Tree-of-Thought Validator Agent
Multi-agent strategies have emerged as a promising approach to enhance the reasoning abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) by assigning specialized roles in the problem-solving process. Concurrently, Tree of Thoughts (ToT) methods have shown potential in improving reasoning for complex question-answering tasks by exploring diverse reasoning paths. A critical limitation in multi-agent reasoning is the 'Reasoner' agent's shallow exploration of reasoning paths. While ToT strategies could help mitigate this problem, they may generate flawed reasoning branches, which could harm the trustworthiness of the final answer. To leverage the strengths of both multi-agent reasoning and ToT strategies, we introduce a novel approach combining ToT-based Reasoner agents with a Thought Validator agent. Multiple Reasoner agents operate in parallel, employing ToT to explore diverse reasoning paths. The Thought Validator then scrutinizes these paths, considering a Reasoner's conclusion only if its reasoning is valid. This method enables a more robust voting strategy by discarding faulty reasoning paths, enhancing the system's ability to tackle tasks requiring systematic and trustworthy reasoning. Our method demonstrates superior performance compared to existing techniques when evaluated on the GSM8K dataset, outperforming the standard ToT strategy by an average 5.6\% across four LLMs.
☆ Mamba Fusion: Learning Actions Through Questioning
Video Language Models (VLMs) are crucial for generalizing across diverse tasks and using language cues to enhance learning. While transformer-based architectures have been the de facto in vision-language training, they face challenges like quadratic computational complexity, high GPU memory usage, and difficulty with long-term dependencies. To address these limitations, we introduce MambaVL, a novel model that leverages recent advancements in selective state space modality fusion to efficiently capture long-range dependencies and learn joint representations for vision and language data. MambaVL utilizes a shared state transition matrix across both modalities, allowing the model to capture information about actions from multiple perspectives within the scene. Furthermore, we propose a question-answering task that helps guide the model toward relevant cues. These questions provide critical information about actions, objects, and environmental context, leading to enhanced performance. As a result, MambaVL achieves state-of-the-art performance in action recognition on the Epic-Kitchens-100 dataset and outperforms baseline methods in action anticipation.
☆ FedNE: Surrogate-Assisted Federated Neighbor Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction
Federated learning (FL) has rapidly evolved as a promising paradigm that enables collaborative model training across distributed participants without exchanging their local data. Despite its broad applications in fields such as computer vision, graph learning, and natural language processing, the development of a data projection model that can be effectively used to visualize data in the context of FL is crucial yet remains heavily under-explored. Neighbor embedding (NE) is an essential technique for visualizing complex high-dimensional data, but collaboratively learning a joint NE model is difficult. The key challenge lies in the objective function, as effective visualization algorithms like NE require computing loss functions among pairs of data. In this paper, we introduce \textsc{FedNE}, a novel approach that integrates the \textsc{FedAvg} framework with the contrastive NE technique, without any requirements of shareable data. To address the lack of inter-client repulsion which is crucial for the alignment in the global embedding space, we develop a surrogate loss function that each client learns and shares with each other. Additionally, we propose a data-mixing strategy to augment the local data, aiming to relax the problems of invisible neighbors and false neighbors constructed by the local $k$NN graphs. We conduct comprehensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The results demonstrate that our \textsc{FedNE} can effectively preserve the neighborhood data structures and enhance the alignment in the global embedding space compared to several baseline methods.
☆ Egalitarian Language Representation in Language Models: It All Begins with Tokenizers
Tokenizers act as a bridge between human language and the latent space of language models, influencing how language is represented in these models. Due to the immense popularity of English-Centric Large Language Models (LLMs), efforts are being made to adapt them for other languages. However, we demonstrate that, from a tokenization standpoint, not all tokenizers offer fair representation for complex script languages such as Tamil, Sinhala, and Hindi, primarily due to the choice of pre-tokenization methods. We go further to show that pre-tokenization plays a more critical role than the tokenization algorithm itself in achieving an egalitarian representation of these complex script languages. To address this, we introduce an improvement to the Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm by incorporating graphemes, which we term Grapheme Pair Encoding (GPE). Our experiments show that grapheme-based character extraction outperforms byte-level tokenizers for complex scripts. We validate this approach through experiments on Tamil, Sinhala, and Hindi.
comment: Content - 8 pages, References - 3 pages
☆ Multi-Document Grounded Multi-Turn Synthetic Dialog Generation
We introduce a technique for multi-document grounded multi-turn synthetic dialog generation that incorporates three main ideas. First, we control the overall dialog flow using taxonomy-driven user queries that are generated with Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting. Second, we support the generation of multi-document grounded dialogs by mimicking real-world use of retrievers to update the grounding documents after every user-turn in the dialog. Third, we apply LLM-as-a-Judge to filter out queries with incorrect answers. Human evaluation of the synthetic dialog data suggests that the data is diverse, coherent, and includes mostly correct answers. Both human and automatic evaluations of answerable queries indicate that models fine-tuned on synthetic dialogs consistently out-perform those fine-tuned on existing human generated training data across four publicly available multi-turn document grounded benchmark test sets.
☆ Augment, Drop & Swap: Improving Diversity in LLM Captions for Efficient Music-Text Representation Learning
Audio-text contrastive models have become a powerful approach in music representation learning. Despite their empirical success, however, little is known about the influence of key design choices on the quality of music-text representations learnt through this framework. In this work, we expose these design choices within the constraints of limited data and computation budgets, and establish a more solid understanding of their impact grounded in empirical observations along three axes: the choice of base encoders, the level of curation in training data, and the use of text augmentation. We find that data curation is the single most important factor for music-text contrastive training in resource-constrained scenarios. Motivated by this insight, we introduce two novel techniques, Augmented View Dropout and TextSwap, which increase the diversity and descriptiveness of text inputs seen in training. Through our experiments we demonstrate that these are effective at boosting performance across different pre-training regimes, model architectures, and downstream data distributions, without incurring higher computational costs or requiring additional training data.
comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2024)
☆ Beyond Algorithmic Fairness: A Guide to Develop and Deploy Ethical AI-Enabled Decision-Support Tools
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and optimization hold substantial promise for improving the efficiency, reliability, and resilience of engineered systems. Due to the networked nature of many engineered systems, ethically deploying methodologies at this intersection poses challenges that are distinct from other AI settings, thus motivating the development of ethical guidelines tailored to AI-enabled optimization. This paper highlights the need to go beyond fairness-driven algorithms to systematically address ethical decisions spanning the stages of modeling, data curation, results analysis, and implementation of optimization-based decision support tools. Accordingly, this paper identifies ethical considerations required when deploying algorithms at the intersection of AI and optimization via case studies in power systems as well as supply chain and logistics. Rather than providing a prescriptive set of rules, this paper aims to foster reflection and awareness among researchers and encourage consideration of ethical implications at every step of the decision-making process.
☆ Two Stage Segmentation of Cervical Tumors using PocketNet
Cervical cancer remains the fourth most common malignancy amongst women worldwide.1 Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) serves as the mainstay definitive treatment regimen for locally advanced cervical cancers and includes external beam radiation followed by brachytherapy.2 Integral to radiotherapy treatment planning is the routine contouring of both the target tumor at the level of the cervix, associated gynecologic anatomy and the adjacent organs at risk (OARs). However, manual contouring of these structures is both time and labor intensive and associated with known interobserver variability that can impact treatment outcomes. While multiple tools have been developed to automatically segment OARs and the high-risk clinical tumor volume (HR-CTV) using computed tomography (CT) images,3,4,5,6 the development of deep learning-based tumor segmentation tools using routine T2-weighted (T2w) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) addresses an unmet clinical need to improve the routine contouring of both anatomical structures and cervical cancers, thereby increasing quality and consistency of radiotherapy planning. This work applied a novel deep-learning model (PocketNet) to segment the cervix, vagina, uterus, and tumor(s) on T2w MRI. The performance of the PocketNet architecture was evaluated, when trained on data via 5-fold cross validation. PocketNet achieved a mean Dice-Sorensen similarity coefficient (DSC) exceeding 70% for tumor segmentation and 80% for organ segmentation. These results suggest that PocketNet is robust to variations in contrast protocols, providing reliable segmentation of the ROIs.
☆ Evaluation of pretrained language models on music understanding
Music-text multimodal systems have enabled new approaches to Music Information Research (MIR) applications such as audio-to-text and text-to-audio retrieval, text-based song generation, and music captioning. Despite the reported success, little effort has been put into evaluating the musical knowledge of Large Language Models (LLM). In this paper, we demonstrate that LLMs suffer from 1) prompt sensitivity, 2) inability to model negation (e.g. 'rock song without guitar'), and 3) sensitivity towards the presence of specific words. We quantified these properties as a triplet-based accuracy, evaluating the ability to model the relative similarity of labels in a hierarchical ontology. We leveraged the Audioset ontology to generate triplets consisting of an anchor, a positive (relevant) label, and a negative (less relevant) label for the genre and instruments sub-tree. We evaluated the triplet-based musical knowledge for six general-purpose Transformer-based models. The triplets obtained through this methodology required filtering, as some were difficult to judge and therefore relatively uninformative for evaluation purposes. Despite the relatively high accuracy reported, inconsistencies are evident in all six models, suggesting that off-the-shelf LLMs need adaptation to music before use.
☆ Volvo Discovery Challenge at ECML-PKDD 2024 ECML
This paper presents an overview of the Volvo Discovery Challenge, held during the ECML-PKDD 2024 conference. The challenge's goal was to predict the failure risk of an anonymized component in Volvo trucks using a newly published dataset. The test data included observations from two generations (gen1 and gen2) of the component, while the training data was provided only for gen1. The challenge attracted 52 data scientists from around the world who submitted a total of 791 entries. We provide a brief description of the problem definition, challenge setup, and statistics about the submissions. In the section on winning methodologies, the first, second, and third-place winners of the competition briefly describe their proposed methods and provide GitHub links to their implemented code. The shared code can be interesting as an advanced methodology for researchers in the predictive maintenance domain. The competition was hosted on the Codabench platform.
comment: ECML/PKDD 2024, Discovery Challenge
☆ NSSR-DIL: Null-Shot Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Identity Learning
The present State-of-the-Art (SotA) Image Super-Resolution (ISR) methods employ Deep Learning (DL) techniques using a large amount of image data. The primary limitation to extending the existing SotA ISR works for real-world instances is their computational and time complexities. In this paper, contrary to the existing methods, we present a novel and computationally efficient ISR algorithm that is independent of the image dataset to learn the ISR task. The proposed algorithm reformulates the ISR task from generating the Super-Resolved (SR) images to computing the inverse of the kernels that span the degradation space. We introduce Deep Identity Learning, exploiting the identity relation between the degradation and inverse degradation models. The proposed approach neither relies on the ISR dataset nor on a single input low-resolution (LR) image (like the self-supervised method i.e. ZSSR) to model the ISR task. Hence we term our model as Null-Shot Super-Resolution Using Deep Identity Learning (NSSR-DIL). The proposed NSSR-DIL model requires fewer computational resources, at least by an order of 10, and demonstrates a competitive performance on benchmark ISR datasets. Another salient aspect of our proposition is that the NSSR-DIL framework detours retraining the model and remains the same for varying scale factors like X2, X3, and X4. This makes our highly efficient ISR model more suitable for real-world applications.
☆ Jailbreaking Large Language Models with Symbolic Mathematics
Recent advancements in AI safety have led to increased efforts in training and red-teaming large language models (LLMs) to mitigate unsafe content generation. However, these safety mechanisms may not be comprehensive, leaving potential vulnerabilities unexplored. This paper introduces MathPrompt, a novel jailbreaking technique that exploits LLMs' advanced capabilities in symbolic mathematics to bypass their safety mechanisms. By encoding harmful natural language prompts into mathematical problems, we demonstrate a critical vulnerability in current AI safety measures. Our experiments across 13 state-of-the-art LLMs reveal an average attack success rate of 73.6\%, highlighting the inability of existing safety training mechanisms to generalize to mathematically encoded inputs. Analysis of embedding vectors shows a substantial semantic shift between original and encoded prompts, helping explain the attack's success. This work emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to AI safety, calling for expanded red-teaming efforts to develop robust safeguards across all potential input types and their associated risks.
♻ ☆ Larger Language Models Don't Care How You Think: Why Chain-of-Thought Prompting Fails in Subjective Tasks
In-Context Learning (ICL) in Large Language Models (LLM) has emerged as the dominant technique for performing natural language tasks, as it does not require updating the model parameters with gradient-based methods. ICL promises to "adapt" the LLM to perform the present task at a competitive or state-of-the-art level at a fraction of the computational cost. ICL can be augmented by incorporating the reasoning process to arrive at the final label explicitly in the prompt, a technique called Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting. However, recent work has found that ICL relies mostly on the retrieval of task priors and less so on "learning" to perform tasks, especially for complex subjective domains like emotion and morality, where priors ossify posterior predictions. In this work, we examine whether "enabling" reasoning also creates the same behavior in LLMs, wherein the format of CoT retrieves reasoning priors that remain relatively unchanged despite the evidence in the prompt. We find that, surprisingly, CoT indeed suffers from the same posterior collapse as ICL for larger language models. Code is avalaible at https://github.com/gchochla/cot-priors.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2403.17125
♻ ☆ Wave-U-Mamba: An End-To-End Framework For High-Quality And Efficient Speech Super Resolution
Speech Super-Resolution (SSR) is a task of enhancing low-resolution speech signals by restoring missing high-frequency components. Conventional approaches typically reconstruct log-mel features, followed by a vocoder that generates high-resolution speech in the waveform domain. However, as log-mel features lack phase information, this can result in performance degradation during the reconstruction phase. Motivated by recent advances with Selective State Spaces Models (SSMs), we propose a method, referred to as Wave-U-Mamba that directly performs SSR in time domain. In our comparative study, including models such as WSRGlow, NU-Wave 2, and AudioSR, Wave-U-Mamba demonstrates superior performance, achieving the lowest Log-Spectral Distance (LSD) across various low-resolution sampling rates, ranging from 8 kHz to 24 kHz. Additionally, subjective human evaluations, scored using Mean Opinion Score (MOS) reveal that our method produces SSR with natural and human-like quality. Furthermore, Wave-U-Mamba achieves these results while generating high-resolution speech over nine times faster than baseline models on a single A100 GPU, with parameter sizes less than 2% of those in the baseline models.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ MonoCoder: Domain-Specific Code Language Model for HPC Codes and Tasks
With easier access to powerful compute resources, there is a growing trend in AI for software development to develop large language models (LLMs) to address a variety of programming tasks. Even LLMs applied to tasks from the high-performance computing (HPC) domain are huge in size and demand expensive compute resources for training. This is partly because LLMs for HPC tasks are obtained by finetuning existing LLMs that support several natural and/or programming languages. We found this design choice confusing - why do we need LLMs trained on natural languages and programming languages unrelated to HPC for HPC-specific tasks? In this line of work, we aim to question choices made by existing LLMs by developing smaller language models (LMs) for specific domains - we call them domain-specific LMs. Specifically, we start with HPC as a domain and build an HPC-specific LM, named MonoCoder, which is orders of magnitude smaller than existing LMs but delivers better performance on non-HPC and HPC codes. Specifically, we pre-trained MonoCoder on an HPC-specific dataset (named HPCorpus) of C and C++ programs mined from GitHub. We evaluated the performance of MonoCoder against state-of-the-art multi-lingual LLMs. Results demonstrate that MonoCoder, although much smaller than existing LMs, outperforms other LLMs on normalized-perplexity tests (in relation to model size) while also delivering competing CodeBLEU scores for high-performance and parallel code generations. In other words, results suggest that MonoCoder understands HPC code better than state-of-the-art LLMs.
♻ ☆ Learning by Self-Explaining
Much of explainable AI research treats explanations as a means for model inspection. Yet, this neglects findings from human psychology that describe the benefit of self-explanations in an agent's learning process. Motivated by this, we introduce a novel workflow in the context of image classification, termed Learning by Self-Explaining (LSX). LSX utilizes aspects of self-refining AI and human-guided explanatory machine learning. The underlying idea is that a learner model, in addition to optimizing for the original predictive task, is further optimized based on explanatory feedback from an internal critic model. Intuitively, a learner's explanations are considered "useful" if the internal critic can perform the same task given these explanations. We provide an overview of important components of LSX and, based on this, perform extensive experimental evaluations via three different example instantiations. Our results indicate improvements via Learning by Self-Explaining on several levels: in terms of model generalization, reducing the influence of confounding factors, and providing more task-relevant and faithful model explanations. Overall, our work provides evidence for the potential of self-explaining within the learning phase of an AI model.
♻ ☆ Deep Learning with CNNs: A Compact Holistic Tutorial with Focus on Supervised Regression (Preprint)
In this tutorial, we present a compact and holistic discussion of Deep Learning with a focus on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and supervised regression. While there are numerous books and articles on the individual topics we cover, comprehensive and detailed tutorials that address Deep Learning from a foundational yet rigorous and accessible perspective are rare. Most resources on CNNs are either too advanced, focusing on cutting-edge architectures, or too narrow, addressing only specific applications like image classification.This tutorial not only summarizes the most relevant concepts but also provides an in-depth exploration of each, offering a complete yet agile set of ideas. Moreover, we highlight the powerful synergy between learning theory, statistic, and machine learning, which together underpin the Deep Learning and CNN frameworks. We aim for this tutorial to serve as an optimal resource for students, professors, and anyone interested in understanding the foundations of Deep Learning. Upon acceptance we will provide an accompanying repository under \href{https://github.com/neoglez/deep-learning-tutorial}{https://github.com/neoglez/deep-learning-tutorial} Keywords: Tutorial, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Machine Learning.
comment: Submitted to the journal Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
♻ ☆ Bridging Social Media and Search Engines: Dredge Words and the Detection of Unreliable Domains
Proactive content moderation requires platforms to rapidly and continuously evaluate the credibility of websites. Leveraging the direct and indirect paths users follow to unreliable websites, we develop a website credibility classification and discovery system that integrates both webgraph and large-scale social media contexts. We additionally introduce the concept of dredge words, terms or phrases for which unreliable domains rank highly on search engines, and provide the first exploration of their usage on social media. Our graph neural networks that combine webgraph and social media contexts generate to state-of-the-art results in website credibility classification and significantly improves the top-k identification of unreliable domains. Additionally, we release a novel dataset of dredge words, highlighting their strong connections to both social media and online commerce platforms.
♻ ☆ Design Optimization of NOMA Aided Multi-STAR-RIS for Indoor Environments: A Convex Approximation Imitated Reinforcement Learning Approach
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) enables multiple users to share the same frequency band, and simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface (STAR-RIS) provides 360-degree full-space coverage, optimizing both transmission and reflection for improved network performance and dynamic control of the indoor environment. However, deploying STAR-RIS indoors presents challenges in interference mitigation, power consumption, and real-time configuration. In this work, a novel network architecture utilizing multiple access points (APs), STAR-RISs, and NOMA is proposed for indoor communication. To address these, we formulate an optimization problem involving user assignment, access point (AP) beamforming, and STAR-RIS phase control. A decomposition approach is used to solve the complex problem efficiently, employing a many-to-one matching algorithm for user-AP assignment and K-means clustering for resource management. Additionally, multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) is leveraged to optimize the control of the STAR-RIS. Within the proposed MADRL framework, a novel approach is introduced in which each decision variable acts as an independent agent, enabling collaborative learning and decision making. The MADRL framework is enhanced by incorporating convex approximation (CA), which accelerates policy learning through suboptimal solutions from successive convex approximation (SCA), leading to faster adaptation and convergence. Simulations demonstrate significant improvements in network utility compared to baseline approaches.
comment: 37 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2311.08708
♻ ☆ Fault Detection for agents on power grid topology optimization: A Comprehensive analysis ECML
Optimizing the topology of transmission networks using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has increasingly come into focus. Various DRL agents have been proposed, which are mostly benchmarked on the Grid2Op environment from the Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN) challenges. The environments have many advantages with their realistic grid scenarios and underlying power flow backends. However, the interpretation of agent survival or failure is not always clear, as there are a variety of potential causes. In this work, we focus on the failures of the power grid simulation to identify patterns and detect them in advance. We collect the failed scenarios of three different agents on the WCCI 2022 L2RPN environment, totaling about 40k data points. By clustering, we are able to detect five distinct clusters, identifying common failure types. Further, we propose a multi-class prediction approach to detect failures beforehand and evaluate five different prediction models. Here, the Light Gradient-Boosting Machine (LightGBM) shows the best failure prediction performance, with an accuracy of 82%. It also accurately classifies whether a the grid survives or fails in 87% of cases. Finally, we provide a detailed feature importance analysis that identifies critical features and regions in the grid.
comment: 11 Pages plus references and appendix. The appendix consist of additional material of the paper and is not included in the initial submission. The paper was presented at the ECML workshop ML4SPS
♻ ☆ ExploreSelf: Fostering User-driven Exploration and Reflection on Personal Challenges with Adaptive Guidance by Large Language Models
Expressing stressful experiences in words is proven to improve mental and physical health, but individuals often disengage with writing interventions as they struggle to organize their thoughts and emotions. Reflective prompts have been used to provide direction, and large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated the potential to provide tailored guidance. Current systems often limit users' flexibility to direct their reflections. We thus present ExploreSelf, an LLM-driven application designed to empower users to control their reflective journey. ExploreSelf allows users to receive adaptive support through dynamically generated questions. Through an exploratory study with 19 participants, we examine how participants explore and reflect on personal challenges using ExploreSelf. Our findings demonstrate that participants valued the balance between guided support and freedom to control their reflective journey, leading to deeper engagement and insight. Building on our findings, we discuss implications for designing LLM-driven tools that promote user empowerment through effective reflective practices.
comment: 17 pages excluding reference and appendix
♻ ☆ EmPO: Emotion Grounding for Empathetic Response Generation through Preference Optimization EMNLP
Empathetic response generation is a desirable aspect of conversational agents, crucial for facilitating engaging and emotionally intelligent multi-turn conversations between humans and machines. Leveraging large language models for this task has shown promising results, yet challenges persist in ensuring both the empathetic quality of the responses and retention of the generalization performance of the models. We propose a novel approach where we construct theory-driven preference datasets based on emotion grounding and use them to align LLMs with preference optimization algorithms to address these challenges. To evaluate empathetic response generation, we employ the EmpatheticDialogues dataset, assessing empathy with the diff-Epitome and BERTscore metrics and with multi-dimensional human evaluation. Additionally, we measure diversity and emotional valence using feature-based methods. We also evaluate the impact of training on the generalization performance using the MMLU benchmark and tasks from the Open LLM Leaderboard. The results show that LLMs can be aligned for empathetic response generation by preference optimization while retaining their general performance and that emotion grounding can guide preference dataset creation. We make all datasets, source code, and models publicly available. https://github.com/justtherightsize/empo
comment: v02, 8 pages long paper, EMNLP ACL style
♻ ☆ AACessTalk: Fostering Communication between Minimally Verbal Autistic Children and Parents with Contextual Guidance and Card Recommendation
As minimally verbal autistic (MVA) children communicate with parents through few words and nonverbal cues, parents often struggle to encourage their children to express subtle emotions and needs and to grasp their nuanced signals. We present AACessTalk, a tablet-based, AI-mediated communication system that facilitates meaningful exchanges between an MVA child and a parent. AACessTalk provides real-time guides to the parent to engage the child in conversation and, in turn, recommends contextual vocabulary cards to the child. Through a two-week deployment study with 11 MVA child-parent dyads, we examine how AACessTalk fosters everyday conversation practice and mutual engagement. Our findings show high engagement from all dyads, leading to increased frequency of conversation and turn-taking. AACessTalk also encouraged parents to explore their own interaction strategies and empowered the children to have more agency in communication. We discuss the implications of designing technologies for balanced communication dynamics in parent-MVA child interaction.
comment: 19 pages excluding reference and appendix
♻ ☆ A Review of Prominent Paradigms for LLM-Based Agents: Tool Use (Including RAG), Planning, and Feedback Learning
Tool use, planning, and feedback learning are currently three prominent paradigms for developing Large Language Model (LLM)-based agents across various tasks. Although numerous frameworks have been devised for each paradigm, their intricate workflows and inconsistent taxonomy create challenges in understanding and reviewing the frameworks across different paradigms. This survey introduces a unified taxonomy to systematically review and discuss these frameworks. Specifically, 1) the taxonomy defines environments/tasks, common LLM-profiled roles (policy models, evaluators, and dynamic models), and universally applicable workflows found in prior work, and 2) it enables a comparison of key perspectives on LMPR implementations and workflow usage across different agent paradigms.
comment: Under Review
♻ ☆ Autoregressive Image Diffusion: Generation of Image Sequence and Application in MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used non-invasive imaging modality. However, a persistent challenge lies in balancing image quality with imaging speed. This trade-off is primarily constrained by k-space measurements, which traverse specific trajectories in the spatial Fourier domain (k-space). These measurements are often undersampled to shorten acquisition times, resulting in image artifacts and compromised quality. Generative models learn image distributions and can be used to reconstruct high-quality images from undersampled k-space data. In this work, we present the autoregressive image diffusion (AID) model for image sequences and use it to sample the posterior for accelerated MRI reconstruction. The algorithm incorporates both undersampled k-space and pre-existing information. Models trained with fastMRI dataset are evaluated comprehensively. The results show that the AID model can robustly generate sequentially coherent image sequences. In 3D and dynamic MRI, the AID can outperform the standard diffusion model and reduce hallucinations, due to the learned inter-image dependencies.
♻ ☆ Towards flexible perception with visual memory
Training a neural network is a monolithic endeavor, akin to carving knowledge into stone: once the process is completed, editing the knowledge in a network is nearly impossible, since all information is distributed across the network's weights. We here explore a simple, compelling alternative by marrying the representational power of deep neural networks with the flexibility of a database. Decomposing the task of image classification into image similarity (from a pre-trained embedding) and search (via fast nearest neighbor retrieval from a knowledge database), we build a simple and flexible visual memory that has the following key capabilities: (1.) The ability to flexibly add data across scales: from individual samples all the way to entire classes and billion-scale data; (2.) The ability to remove data through unlearning and memory pruning; (3.) An interpretable decision-mechanism on which we can intervene to control its behavior. Taken together, these capabilities comprehensively demonstrate the benefits of an explicit visual memory. We hope that it might contribute to a conversation on how knowledge should be represented in deep vision models -- beyond carving it in "stone" weights.
comment: Adding link to code at https://github.com/google-deepmind/visual-memory
♻ ☆ Adaptive Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has shown remarkable success in simulation domains, yet its application in designing robot controllers remains limited, due to its single-task orientation and insufficient adaptability to environmental changes. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel adaptive agent that leverages transfer learning techniques to dynamically adapt policy in response to different tasks and environmental conditions. The approach is validated through the blimp control challenge, where multitasking capabilities and environmental adaptability are essential. The agent is trained using a custom, highly parallelized simulator built on IsaacGym. We perform zero-shot transfer to fly the blimp in the real world to solve various tasks. We share our code at \url{https://github.com/robot-perception-group/adaptive\_agent/}.
♻ ☆ Flash STU: Fast Spectral Transform Units
This paper describes an efficient, open source PyTorch implementation of the Spectral Transform Unit. We investigate sequence prediction tasks over several modalities including language, robotics, and simulated dynamical systems. We find that for the same parameter count, the STU and its variants outperform the Transformer as well as other leading state space models across various modalities.
♻ ☆ A Survey of Machine Unlearning
Today, computer systems hold large amounts of personal data. Yet while such an abundance of data allows breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, and especially machine learning (ML), its existence can be a threat to user privacy, and it can weaken the bonds of trust between humans and AI. Recent regulations now require that, on request, private information about a user must be removed from both computer systems and from ML models, i.e. ``the right to be forgotten''). While removing data from back-end databases should be straightforward, it is not sufficient in the AI context as ML models often `remember' the old data. Contemporary adversarial attacks on trained models have proven that we can learn whether an instance or an attribute belonged to the training data. This phenomenon calls for a new paradigm, namely machine unlearning, to make ML models forget about particular data. It turns out that recent works on machine unlearning have not been able to completely solve the problem due to the lack of common frameworks and resources. Therefore, this paper aspires to present a comprehensive examination of machine unlearning's concepts, scenarios, methods, and applications. Specifically, as a category collection of cutting-edge studies, the intention behind this article is to serve as a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners seeking an introduction to machine unlearning and its formulations, design criteria, removal requests, algorithms, and applications. In addition, we aim to highlight the key findings, current trends, and new research areas that have not yet featured the use of machine unlearning but could benefit greatly from it. We hope this survey serves as a valuable resource for ML researchers and those seeking to innovate privacy technologies. Our resources are publicly available at https://github.com/tamlhp/awesome-machine-unlearning.
comment: extend the survey with more recent published work and add more discussions
♻ ☆ Beyond principlism: Practical strategies for ethical AI use in research practices
The rapid adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in scientific research, particularly large language models (LLMs), has outpaced the development of ethical guidelines, leading to a Triple-Too problem: too many high-level ethical initiatives, too abstract principles lacking contextual and practical relevance, and too much focus on restrictions and risks over benefits and utilities. Existing approaches, such as principlism (reliance on abstract ethical principles), formalism (rigid application of rules), and technical solutionism (overemphasis on technological fixes), offer little practical guidance for addressing ethical challenges of AI in scientific research practices. To bridge the gap between abstract principles and day-to-day research practices, we propose a user-centered, realism-inspired approach. We outline five specific goals for ethical AI use: 1) understanding model training and output, including bias mitigation strategies; 2) respecting privacy, confidentiality, and copyright; 3) avoiding plagiarism and policy violations; 4) applying AI beneficially compared to alternatives; and 5) using AI transparently and reproducibly. For each goal, we provide actionable strategies and analyze realistic cases of misuse and corrective measures. We argue that ethical AI application requires evaluating its utility against existing alternatives rather than isolated performance metrics. Additionally, we propose documentation guidelines to enhance transparency and reproducibility in AI-assisted research. Moving forward, we emphasize the need for targeted professional development, training programs, and balanced enforcement mechanisms to promote responsible AI use while fostering innovation. By refining these ethical guidelines and adapting to emerging AI capabilities, we can accelerate scientific progress without compromising research integrity.
comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Elsevier Arena: Human Evaluation of Chemistry/Biology/Health Foundational Large Language Models
The quality and capabilities of large language models cannot be currently fully assessed with automated, benchmark evaluations. Instead, human evaluations that expand on traditional qualitative techniques from natural language generation literature are required. One recent best-practice consists in using A/B-testing frameworks, which capture preferences of human evaluators for specific models. In this paper we describe a human evaluation experiment focused on the biomedical domain (health, biology, chemistry/pharmacology) carried out at Elsevier. In it a large but not massive (8.8B parameter) decoder-only foundational transformer trained on a relatively small (135B tokens) but highly curated collection of Elsevier datasets is compared to OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo and Meta's foundational 7B parameter Llama 2 model against multiple criteria. Results indicate -- even if IRR scores were generally low -- a preference towards GPT-3.5-turbo, and hence towards models that possess conversational abilities, are very large and were trained on very large datasets. But at the same time, indicate that for less massive models training on smaller but well-curated training sets can potentially give rise to viable alternatives in the biomedical domain.
comment: This document was submitted without obtaining all necessary permissions and therefore needs to be withdrawn. The corresponding author apologizes for any inconvenience this might cause
♻ ☆ Counterfactual contrastive learning: robust representations via causal image synthesis MICCAI 2024
Contrastive pretraining is well-known to improve downstream task performance and model generalisation, especially in limited label settings. However, it is sensitive to the choice of augmentation pipeline. Positive pairs should preserve semantic information while destroying domain-specific information. Standard augmentation pipelines emulate domain-specific changes with pre-defined photometric transformations, but what if we could simulate realistic domain changes instead? In this work, we show how to utilise recent progress in counterfactual image generation to this effect. We propose CF-SimCLR, a counterfactual contrastive learning approach which leverages approximate counterfactual inference for positive pair creation. Comprehensive evaluation across five datasets, on chest radiography and mammography, demonstrates that CF-SimCLR substantially improves robustness to acquisition shift with higher downstream performance on both in- and out-of-distribution data, particularly for domains which are under-represented during training.
comment: Accepted for publication at the MICCAI 2024 Data Engineering in Medical Imaging workshop. Code available at https://github.com/biomedia-mira/counterfactual-contrastive. Extended version of this work available at arXiv:2409.10365
♻ ☆ Large language models can replicate cross-cultural differences in personality
We use a large-scale experiment (N=8000) to determine whether GPT-4 can replicate cross-cultural differences in the Big Five, measured using the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. We used the US and South Korea as the cultural pair, given that prior research suggests substantial personality differences between people from these two countries. We manipulated the target of the simulation (US vs. Korean), the language of the inventory (English vs. Korean), and the language model (GPT-4 vs. GPT-3.5). Our results show that GPT-4 replicated the cross-cultural differences for each factor. However, mean ratings had an upward bias and exhibited lower variation than in the human samples, as well as lower structural validity. We provide preliminary evidence that LLMs can aid cross-cultural researchers and practitioners.
comment: 27 pages: 12 pages of manuscript + 15 pages of supplementary materials
♻ ☆ Laugh Now Cry Later: Controlling Time-Varying Emotional States of Flow-Matching-Based Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech
People change their tones of voice, often accompanied by nonverbal vocalizations (NVs) such as laughter and cries, to convey rich emotions. However, most text-to-speech (TTS) systems lack the capability to generate speech with rich emotions, including NVs. This paper introduces EmoCtrl-TTS, an emotion-controllable zero-shot TTS that can generate highly emotional speech with NVs for any speaker. EmoCtrl-TTS leverages arousal and valence values, as well as laughter embeddings, to condition the flow-matching-based zero-shot TTS. To achieve high-quality emotional speech generation, EmoCtrl-TTS is trained using more than 27,000 hours of expressive data curated based on pseudo-labeling. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that EmoCtrl-TTS excels in mimicking the emotions of audio prompts in speech-to-speech translation scenarios. We also show that EmoCtrl-TTS can capture emotion changes, express strong emotions, and generate various NVs in zero-shot TTS. See https://aka.ms/emoctrl-tts for demo samples.
comment: Accepted by SLT2024. See https://aka.ms/emoctrl-tts for demo samples
♻ ☆ Advancing Cyber Incident Timeline Analysis Through Rule Based AI and Large Language Models
Timeline Analysis (TA) plays a crucial role in Timeline Forensics (TF) within the field of Digital Forensics (DF). It focuses on examining and analyzing time-based digital artefacts, such as timestamps derived from event logs, file metadata, and other relevant data, to correlate events linked to cyber incidents and reconstruct their chronological sequence. Traditional tools often struggle to efficiently handle the large volume and variety of data generated during DF investigations and Incident Response (IR) processes. This paper introduces a novel framework, GenDFIR, which combines Rule-Based Artificial Intelligence (R-BAI) algorithms with Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance and automate the TA process. The proposed approach consists of two key stages: (1) R-BAI is used to identify and select anomalous digital artefacts based on predefined rules. (2) The selected artefacts are then transformed into embeddings for processing by an LLM with the assistance of a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) agent. The LLM uses its capabilities to perform automated TA on the artefacts and predict potential incident outcomes. To validate the framework, we evaluated its performance, efficiency, and reliability. Several metrics were applied to simulated cyber incident scenarios, which were presented as forensic case documents. Our findings demonstrate the significant potential of integrating R-BAI and LLMs for TA. This innovative approach underscores the power of Generative AI (GenAI), particularly LLMs, and opens up new possibilities for advanced threat detection and incident reconstruction, marking a significant advancement in the field.
comment: 23 pages
♻ ☆ Visual grounding for desktop graphical user interfaces
Most instance perception and image understanding solutions focus mainly on natural images. However, applications for synthetic images, and more specifically, images of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) remain limited. This hinders the development of autonomous computer-vision-powered Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents. In this work, we present Instruction Visual Grounding or IVG, a multi-modal solution for object identification in a GUI. More precisely, given a natural language instruction and GUI screen, IVG locates the coordinates of the element on the screen where the instruction would be executed. To this end, we develop two methods. The first method is a three-part architecture that relies on a combination of a Large Language Model (LLM) and an object detection model. The second approach uses a multi-modal foundation model.
comment: Preprint submitted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding journal
♻ ☆ Model-Based Epistemic Variance of Values for Risk-Aware Policy Optimization
We consider the problem of quantifying uncertainty over expected cumulative rewards in model-based reinforcement learning. In particular, we focus on characterizing the variance over values induced by a distribution over Markov decision processes (MDPs). Previous work upper bounds the posterior variance over values by solving a so-called uncertainty Bellman equation (UBE), but the over-approximation may result in inefficient exploration. We propose a new UBE whose solution converges to the true posterior variance over values and leads to lower regret in tabular exploration problems. We identify challenges to apply the UBE theory beyond tabular problems and propose a suitable approximation. Based on this approximation, we introduce a general-purpose policy optimization algorithm, Q-Uncertainty Soft Actor-Critic (QU-SAC), that can be applied for either risk-seeking or risk-averse policy optimization with minimal changes. Experiments in both online and offline RL demonstrate improved performance compared to other uncertainty estimation methods.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2302.12526
♻ ☆ CANDID DAC: Leveraging Coupled Action Dimensions with Importance Differences in DAC
High-dimensional action spaces remain a challenge for dynamic algorithm configuration (DAC). Interdependencies and varying importance between action dimensions are further known key characteristics of DAC problems. We argue that these Coupled Action Dimensions with Importance Differences (CANDID) represent aspects of the DAC problem that are not yet fully explored. To address this gap, we introduce a new white-box benchmark within the DACBench suite that simulates the properties of CANDID. Further, we propose sequential policies as an effective strategy for managing these properties. Such policies factorize the action space and mitigate exponential growth by learning a policy per action dimension. At the same time, these policies accommodate the interdependence of action dimensions by fostering implicit coordination. We show this in an experimental study of value-based policies on our new benchmark. This study demonstrates that sequential policies significantly outperform independent learning of factorized policies in CANDID action spaces. In addition, they overcome the scalability limitations associated with learning a single policy across all action dimensions. The code used for our experiments is available under https://github.com/PhilippBordne/candidDAC.
comment: 5 pages main paper, 11 pages references and appendix, 9 figures, to be published in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML 2024), Workshop Track
♻ ☆ Large Language Model Based Generative Error Correction: A Challenge and Baselines for Speech Recognition, Speaker Tagging, and Emotion Recognition
Given recent advances in generative AI technology, a key question is how large language models (LLMs) can enhance acoustic modeling tasks using text decoding results from a frozen, pretrained automatic speech recognition (ASR) model. To explore new capabilities in language modeling for speech processing, we introduce the generative speech transcription error correction (GenSEC) challenge. This challenge comprises three post-ASR language modeling tasks: (i) post-ASR transcription correction, (ii) speaker tagging, and (iii) emotion recognition. These tasks aim to emulate future LLM-based agents handling voice-based interfaces while remaining accessible to a broad audience by utilizing open pretrained language models or agent-based APIs. We also discuss insights from baseline evaluations, as well as lessons learned for designing future evaluations.
comment: IEEE SLT 2024. The initial draft version has been done in December 2023. Post-ASR Text Processing and Understanding Community: https://huggingface.co/GenSEC-LLM
♻ ☆ COBIAS: Contextual Reliability in Bias Assessment
Large Language Models (LLMs) often inherit biases from the web data they are trained on, which contains stereotypes and prejudices. Current methods for evaluating and mitigating these biases rely on bias-benchmark datasets. These benchmarks measure bias by observing an LLM's behavior on biased statements. However, these statements lack contextual considerations of the situations they try to present. To address this, we introduce a contextual reliability framework, which evaluates model robustness to biased statements by considering the various contexts in which they may appear. We develop the Context-Oriented Bias Indicator and Assessment Score (COBIAS) to measure a biased statement's reliability in detecting bias based on the variance in model behavior across different contexts. To evaluate the metric, we augment 2,291 stereotyped statements from two existing benchmark datasets by adding contextual information. We show that COBIAS aligns with human judgment on the contextual reliability of biased statements (Spearman's $\rho = 0.65$, $p = 3.4 * 10^{-60}$) and can be used to create reliable datasets, which would assist bias mitigation works.
♻ ☆ StuGPTViz: A Visual Analytics Approach to Understand Student-ChatGPT Interactions
The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs), especially ChatGPT, into education is poised to revolutionize students' learning experiences by introducing innovative conversational learning methodologies. To empower students to fully leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT in educational scenarios, understanding students' interaction patterns with ChatGPT is crucial for instructors. However, this endeavor is challenging due to the absence of datasets focused on student-ChatGPT conversations and the complexities in identifying and analyzing the evolutional interaction patterns within conversations. To address these challenges, we collected conversational data from 48 students interacting with ChatGPT in a master's level data visualization course over one semester. We then developed a coding scheme, grounded in the literature on cognitive levels and thematic analysis, to categorize students' interaction patterns with ChatGPT. Furthermore, we present a visual analytics system, StuGPTViz, that tracks and compares temporal patterns in student prompts and the quality of ChatGPT's responses at multiple scales, revealing significant pedagogical insights for instructors. We validated the system's effectiveness through expert interviews with six data visualization instructors and three case studies. The results confirmed StuGPTViz's capacity to enhance educators' insights into the pedagogical value of ChatGPT. We also discussed the potential research opportunities of applying visual analytics in education and developing AI-driven personalized learning solutions.
comment: 11 pages. To be published at IEEE Visualization 2024
♻ ☆ Does Biomedical Training Lead to Better Medical Performance?
Large Language Models (LLMs) are expected to significantly contribute to patient care, diagnostics, and administrative processes. Emerging biomedical LLMs aim to address healthcare-specific challenges, including privacy demands and computational constraints. Assessing the models' suitability for this sensitive application area is of the utmost importance. However, biomedical training has not been systematically evaluated on medical tasks. This study investigates the effect of biomedical training in the context of six practical medical tasks evaluating $25$ models. In contrast to previous evaluations, our results reveal a performance decline in nine out of twelve biomedical models after fine-tuning, particularly on tasks involving hallucinations, ICD10 coding, and instruction adherence. General-domain models like Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct outperformed their biomedical counterparts, indicating a trade-off between domain-specific fine-tuning and general medical task performance. We open-source all evaluation scripts and datasets at https://github.com/TIO-IKIM/CLUE to support further research in this critical area.
♻ ☆ Information That Matters: Exploring Information Needs of People Affected by Algorithmic Decisions
Every AI system that makes decisions about people has a group of stakeholders that are personally affected by these decisions. However, explanations of AI systems rarely address the information needs of this stakeholder group, who often are AI novices. This creates a gap between conveyed information and information that matters to those who are impacted by the system's decisions, such as domain experts and decision subjects. To address this, we present the "XAI Novice Question Bank," an extension of the XAI Question Bank containing a catalog of information needs from AI novices in two use cases: employment prediction and health monitoring. The catalog covers the categories of data, system context, system usage, and system specifications. We gathered information needs through task-based interviews where participants asked questions about two AI systems to decide on their adoption and received verbal explanations in response. Our analysis showed that participants' confidence increased after receiving explanations but that their understanding faced challenges. These included difficulties in locating information and in assessing their own understanding, as well as attempts to outsource understanding. Additionally, participants' prior perceptions of the systems' risks and benefits influenced their information needs. Participants who perceived high risks sought explanations about the intentions behind a system's deployment, while those who perceived low risks rather asked about the system's operation. Our work aims to support the inclusion of AI novices in explainability efforts by highlighting their information needs, aims, and challenges. We summarize our findings as five key implications that can inform the design of future explanations for lay stakeholder audiences.
comment: Main text: 26 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary material is provided
♻ ☆ GlobalMapNet: An Online Framework for Vectorized Global HD Map Construction
High-definition (HD) maps are essential for autonomous driving systems. Traditionally, an expensive and labor-intensive pipeline is implemented to construct HD maps, which is limited in scalability. In recent years, crowdsourcing and online mapping have emerged as two alternative methods, but they have limitations respectively. In this paper, we provide a novel methodology, namely global map construction, to perform direct generation of vectorized global maps, combining the benefits of crowdsourcing and online mapping. We introduce GlobalMapNet, the first online framework for vectorized global HD map construction, which updates and utilizes a global map on the ego vehicle. To generate the global map from scratch, we propose GlobalMapBuilder to match and merge local maps continuously. We design a new algorithm, Map NMS, to remove duplicate map elements and produce a clean map. We also propose GlobalMapFusion to aggregate historical map information, improving consistency of prediction. We examine GlobalMapNet on two widely recognized datasets, Argoverse2 and nuScenes, showing that our framework is capable of generating globally consistent results.
♻ ☆ jina-embeddings-v3: Multilingual Embeddings With Task LoRA
We introduce jina-embeddings-v3, a novel text embedding model with 570 million parameters, achieves state-of-the-art performance on multilingual data and long-context retrieval tasks, supporting context lengths of up to 8192 tokens. The model includes a set of task-specific Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) adapters to generate high-quality embeddings for query-document retrieval, clustering, classification, and text matching. Additionally, Matryoshka Representation Learning is integrated into the training process, allowing flexible truncation of embedding dimensions without compromising performance. Evaluation on the MTEB benchmark shows that jina-embeddings-v3 outperforms the latest proprietary embeddings from OpenAI and Cohere on English tasks, while achieving superior performance compared to multilingual-e5-large-instruct across all multilingual tasks.
comment: 20 pages, pp11-13 references, pp14-20 appendix and experiment tables
♻ ☆ Augmenting Automatic Speech Recognition Models with Disfluency Detection
Speech disfluency commonly occurs in conversational and spontaneous speech. However, standard Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models struggle to accurately recognize these disfluencies because they are typically trained on fluent transcripts. Current research mainly focuses on detecting disfluencies within transcripts, overlooking their exact location and duration in the speech. Additionally, previous work often requires model fine-tuning and addresses limited types of disfluencies. In this work, we present an inference-only approach to augment any ASR model with the ability to detect open-set disfluencies. We first demonstrate that ASR models have difficulty transcribing speech disfluencies. Next, this work proposes a modified Connectionist Temporal Classification(CTC)-based forced alignment algorithm from \cite{kurzinger2020ctc} to predict word-level timestamps while effectively capturing disfluent speech. Additionally, we develop a model to classify alignment gaps between timestamps as either containing disfluent speech or silence. This model achieves an accuracy of 81.62% and an F1-score of 80.07%. We test the augmentation pipeline of alignment gap detection and classification on a disfluent dataset. Our results show that we captured 74.13% of the words that were initially missed by the transcription, demonstrating the potential of this pipeline for downstream tasks.
comment: Accepted by SLT2024
♻ ☆ Towards Goal-oriented Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models: A Survey
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown prominent performance in various downstream tasks and prompt engineering plays a pivotal role in optimizing LLMs' performance. This paper, not only as an overview of current prompt engineering methods, but also aims to highlight the limitation of designing prompts based on an anthropomorphic assumption that expects LLMs to think like humans. From our review of 50 representative studies, we demonstrate that a goal-oriented prompt formulation, which guides LLMs to follow established human logical thinking, significantly improves the performance of LLMs. Furthermore, We introduce a novel taxonomy that categorizes goal-oriented prompting methods into five interconnected stages and we demonstrate the broad applicability of our framework. With four future directions proposed, we hope to further emphasize the power and potential of goal-oriented prompt engineering in all fields.
comment: An up-to-date resource including papers and tasks is maintained at https://github.com/Alex-HaochenLi/Goal-oriented-Prompt-Engineering
♻ ☆ Neural Networks with LSTM and GRU in Modeling Active Fires in the Amazon
This study presents a comprehensive methodology for modeling and forecasting the historical time series of active fire spots detected by the AQUA\_M-T satellite in the Amazon, Brazil. The approach employs a mixed Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model, combining Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) architectures to predict the monthly accumulations of daily detected active fire spots. Data analysis revealed a consistent seasonality over time, with annual maximum and minimum values tending to repeat at the same periods each year. The primary objective is to verify whether the forecasts capture this inherent seasonality through machine learning techniques. The methodology involved careful data preparation, model configuration, and training using cross-validation with two seeds, ensuring that the data generalizes well to both the test and validation sets for both seeds. The results indicate that the combined LSTM and GRU model delivers excellent forecasting performance, demonstrating its effectiveness in capturing complex temporal patterns and modeling the observed time series. This research significantly contributes to the application of deep learning techniques in environmental monitoring, specifically in forecasting active fire spots. The proposed approach highlights the potential for adaptation to other time series forecasting challenges, opening new opportunities for research and development in machine learning and prediction of natural phenomena. Keywords: Time Series Forecasting; Recurrent Neural Networks; Deep Learning.
comment: 16 pages and 24 figures, in Portuguese language
♻ ☆ Can GPT-O1 Kill All Bugs? An Evaluation of GPT-Family LLMs on QuixBugs
LLMs have long demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in automatic program repair (APR), with OpenAI's ChatGPT being one of the most widely used models in this domain. Through continuous iterations and upgrades of GPT-family models, their performance in fixing bugs has already reached state-of-the-art levels. However, there are few works comparing the effectiveness and variations of different versions of GPT-family models on APR. In this work, inspired by the recent public release of the GPT-o1 models, we conduct the first study to compare the effectiveness of different versions of the GPT-family models in APR. We evaluate the performance of the latest version of the GPT-family models (i.e., O1-preview and O1-mini), GPT-4o, and the historical version of ChatGPT on APR. We conduct an empirical study of the four GPT-family models against other LLMs and APR techniques on the QuixBugs benchmark from multiple evaluation perspectives, including repair success rate, repair cost, response length, and behavior patterns. The results demonstrate that O1's repair capability exceeds that of prior GPT-family models, successfully fixing all 40 bugs in the benchmark. Our work can serve as a foundation for further in-depth exploration of the applications of GPT-family models in APR.
♻ ☆ Exploring Concept Depth: How Large Language Models Acquire Knowledge at Different Layers?
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performances across a wide range of tasks. However, the mechanisms by which these models encode tasks of varying complexities remain poorly understood. In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that LLMs process concepts of varying complexities in different layers, introducing the idea of ``Concept Depth'' to suggest that more complex concepts are typically acquired in deeper layers. Specifically, we categorize concepts based on their level of abstraction, defining them in the order of increasing complexity within factual, emotional, and inferential tasks. We conduct extensive probing experiments using layer-wise representations across various LLM families (Gemma, LLaMA, Qwen) on various datasets spanning the three domains of tasks. Our findings reveal that models could efficiently conduct probing for simpler tasks in shallow layers, and more complex tasks typically necessitate deeper layers for accurate understanding. Additionally, we examine how external factors, such as adding noise to the input and quantizing the model weights, might affect layer-wise representations. Our findings suggest that these factors can impede the development of a conceptual understanding of LLMs until deeper layers are explored. We hope that our proposed concept and experimental insights will enhance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying LLMs. Our codes are available at \url{https://github.com/Luckfort/CD}.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ LLM-Powered Ensemble Learning for Paper Source Tracing: A GPU-Free Approach
We participated in the KDD CUP 2024 paper source tracing competition and achieved the 3rd place. This competition tasked participants with identifying the reference sources (i.e., ref-sources, as referred to by the organizers of the competition) of given academic papers. Unlike most teams that addressed this challenge by fine-tuning pre-trained neural language models such as BERT or ChatGLM, our primary approach utilized closed-source large language models (LLMs). With recent advancements in LLM technology, closed-source LLMs have demonstrated the capability to tackle complex reasoning tasks in zero-shot or few-shot scenarios. Consequently, in the absence of GPUs, we employed closed-source LLMs to directly generate predicted reference sources from the provided papers. We further refined these predictions through ensemble learning. Notably, our method was the only one among the award-winning approaches that did not require the use of GPUs for model training. Code available at https://github.com/Cklwanfifa/KDDCUP2024-PST.
♻ ☆ Multimodal Datasets and Benchmarks for Reasoning about Dynamic Spatio-Temporality in Everyday Environments CVPR 2024
We used a 3D simulator to create artificial video data with standardized annotations, aiming to aid in the development of Embodied AI. Our question answering (QA) dataset measures the extent to which a robot can understand human behavior and the environment in a home setting. Preliminary experiments suggest our dataset is useful in measuring AI's comprehension of daily life. \end{abstract}
comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, accepted in Embodied AI 2024 Workshop held in conjunction with CVPR 2024
♻ ☆ REG: Refined Generalized Focal Loss for Road Asset Detection on Thai Highways Using Vision-Based Detection and Segmentation Models
This paper introduces a novel framework for detecting and segmenting critical road assets on Thai highways using an advanced Refined Generalized Focal Loss (REG) formulation. Integrated into state-of-the-art vision-based detection and segmentation models, the proposed method effectively addresses class imbalance and the challenges of localizing small, underrepresented road elements, including pavilions, pedestrian bridges, information signs, single-arm poles, bus stops, warning signs, and concrete guardrails. To improve both detection and segmentation accuracy, a multi-task learning strategy is adopted, optimizing REG across multiple tasks. REG is further enhanced by incorporating a spatial-contextual adjustment term, which accounts for the spatial distribution of road assets, and a probabilistic refinement that captures prediction uncertainty in complex environments, such as varying lighting conditions and cluttered backgrounds. Our rigorous mathematical formulation demonstrates that REG minimizes localization and classification errors by applying adaptive weighting to hard-to-detect instances while down-weighting easier examples. Experimental results show a substantial performance improvement, achieving a mAP50 of 80.34 and an F1-score of 77.87, significantly outperforming conventional methods. This research underscores the capability of advanced loss function refinements to enhance the robustness and accuracy of road asset detection and segmentation, thereby contributing to improved road safety and infrastructure management. For an in-depth discussion of the mathematical background and related methods, please refer to previous work available at \url{https://github.com/kaopanboonyuen/REG}.
comment: 14 pages
♻ ☆ Manipulating and Mitigating Generative Model Biases without Retraining ECCV 2024
Text-to-image (T2I) generative models have gained increased popularity in the public domain. While boasting impressive user-guided generative abilities, their black-box nature exposes users to intentionally- and intrinsically-biased outputs. Bias manipulation (and mitigation) techniques typically rely on careful tuning of learning parameters and training data to adjust decision boundaries to influence model bias characteristics, which is often computationally demanding. We propose a dynamic and computationally efficient manipulation of T2I model biases by exploiting their rich language embedding spaces without model retraining. We show that leveraging foundational vector algebra allows for a convenient control over language model embeddings to shift T2I model outputs and control the distribution of generated classes. As a by-product, this control serves as a form of precise prompt engineering to generate images which are generally implausible using regular text prompts. We demonstrate a constructive application of our technique by balancing the frequency of social classes in generated images, effectively balancing class distributions across three social bias dimensions. We also highlight a negative implication of bias manipulation by framing our method as a backdoor attack with severity control using semantically-null input triggers, reporting up to 100% attack success rate. Key-words: Text-to-Image Models, Generative Models, Bias, Prompt Engineering, Backdoor Attacks
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 WS: Workshop on critical evaluation of generative models and their impact on society (CEGIS)
♻ ☆ Operational Wind Speed Forecasts for Chile's Electric Power Sector Using a Hybrid ML Model
As Chile's electric power sector advances toward a future powered by renewable energy, accurate forecasting of renewable generation is essential for managing grid operations. The integration of renewable energy sources is particularly challenging due to the operational difficulties of managing their power generation, which is highly variable compared to fossil fuel sources, delaying the availability of clean energy. To mitigate this, we quantify the impact of increasing intermittent generation from wind and solar on thermal power plants in Chile and introduce a hybrid wind speed forecasting methodology which combines two custom ML models for Chile. The first model is based on TiDE, an MLP-based ML model for short-term forecasts, and the second is based on a graph neural network, GraphCast, for medium-term forecasts up to 10 days. Our hybrid approach outperforms the most accurate operational deterministic systems by 4-21% for short-term forecasts and 5-23% for medium-term forecasts and can directly lower the impact of wind generation on thermal ramping, curtailment, and system-level emissions in Chile.
♻ ☆ SEDMamba: Enhancing Selective State Space Modelling with Bottleneck Mechanism and Fine-to-Coarse Temporal Fusion for Efficient Error Detection in Robot-Assisted Surgery
Automated detection of surgical errors can improve robotic-assisted surgery. Despite promising progress, existing methods still face challenges in capturing rich temporal context to establish long-term dependencies while maintaining computational efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical model named SEDMamba, which incorporates the selective state space model (SSM) into surgical error detection, facilitating efficient long sequence modelling with linear complexity. SEDMamba enhances selective SSM with a bottleneck mechanism and fine-to-coarse temporal fusion (FCTF) to detect and temporally localize surgical errors in long videos. The bottleneck mechanism compresses and restores features within their spatial dimension, thereby reducing computational complexity. FCTF utilizes multiple dilated 1D convolutional layers to merge temporal information across diverse scale ranges, accommodating errors of varying duration. Our work also contributes the first-of-its-kind, frame-level, in-vivo surgical error dataset to support error detection in real surgical cases. Specifically, we deploy the clinically validated observational clinical human reliability assessment tool (OCHRA) to annotate the errors during suturing tasks in an open-source radical prostatectomy dataset (SAR-RARP50). Experimental results demonstrate that our SEDMamba outperforms state-of-the-art methods with at least 1.82% AUC and 3.80% AP performance gains with significantly reduced computational complexity. The corresponding error annotations, code and models will be released at https://github.com/wzjialang/SEDMamba.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ Enhancing Worldwide Image Geolocation by Ensembling Satellite-Based Ground-Level Attribute Predictors
We examine the challenge of estimating the location of a single ground-level image in the absence of GPS or other location metadata. Currently, geolocation systems are evaluated by measuring the Great Circle Distance between the predicted location and ground truth. Because this measurement only uses a single point, it cannot assess the distribution of predictions by geolocation systems. Evaluation of a distribution of potential locations (areas) is required when there are follow-on procedures to further narrow down or verify the location. This is especially important in poorly-sampled regions e.g. rural and wilderness areas. In this paper, we introduce a novel metric, Recall vs Area (RvA), which measures the accuracy of estimated distributions of locations. RvA treats image geolocation results similarly to document retrieval, measuring recall as a function of area: For a ranked list of (possibly discontiguous) predicted regions, we measure the area required for accumulated regions to contain the ground truth coordinate. This produces a curve similar to a precision-recall curve, where "precision" is replaced by square kilometers area, enabling evaluation for different downstream search area budgets. Following from this view of the problem, we then examine an ensembling approach to global-scale image geolocation, which incorporates information from multiple sources, and can readily incorporate multiple models, attribute predictors, and data sources. We study its effectiveness by combining the geolocation models GeoEstimation and the current state-of-the-art, GeoCLIP, with attribute predictors based on Oak Ridge National Laboratory LandScan and European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative Land Cover. We find significant improvements in image geolocation for areas that are under-represented in the training set, particularly non-urban areas, on both Im2GPS3k and Street View images.
♻ ☆ Testing GPT-4 with Wolfram Alpha and Code Interpreter plug-ins on math and science problems
This report describes a test of the large language model GPT-4 with the Wolfram Alpha and the Code Interpreter plug-ins on 105 original problems in science and math, at the high school and college levels, carried out in June-August 2023. Our tests suggest that the plug-ins significantly enhance GPT's ability to solve these problems. Having said that, there are still often "interface" failures; that is, GPT often has trouble formulating problems in a way that elicits useful answers from the plug-ins. Fixing these interface failures seems like a central challenge in making GPT a reliable tool for college-level calculation problems.
comment: This revised versions corrects earlier minor errors in the Arbitrary Numerical problems 3 and 17. See pages 18 and 24
♻ ☆ Fairness Under Demographic Scarce Regime
Most existing works on fairness assume the model has full access to demographic information. However, there exist scenarios where demographic information is partially available because a record was not maintained throughout data collection or for privacy reasons. This setting is known as demographic scarce regime. Prior research has shown that training an attribute classifier to replace the missing sensitive attributes (proxy) can still improve fairness. However, using proxy-sensitive attributes worsens fairness-accuracy tradeoffs compared to true sensitive attributes. To address this limitation, we propose a framework to build attribute classifiers that achieve better fairness-accuracy tradeoffs. Our method introduces uncertainty awareness in the attribute classifier and enforces fairness on samples with demographic information inferred with the lowest uncertainty. We show empirically that enforcing fairness constraints on samples with uncertain sensitive attributes can negatively impact the fairness-accuracy tradeoff. Our experiments on five datasets showed that the proposed framework yields models with significantly better fairness-accuracy tradeoffs than classic attribute classifiers. Surprisingly, our framework can outperform models trained with fairness constraints on the true sensitive attributes in most benchmarks. We also show that these findings are consistent with other uncertainty measures such as conformal prediction.
comment: Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2024
♻ ☆ Rank Collapse Causes Over-Smoothing and Over-Correlation in Graph Neural Networks
Our study reveals new theoretical insights into over-smoothing and feature over-correlation in graph neural networks. Specifically, we demonstrate that with increased depth, node representations become dominated by a low-dimensional subspace that depends on the aggregation function but not on the feature transformations. For all aggregation functions, the rank of the node representations collapses, resulting in over-smoothing for particular aggregation functions. Our study emphasizes the importance for future research to focus on rank collapse rather than over-smoothing. Guided by our theory, we propose a sum of Kronecker products as a beneficial property that provably prevents over-smoothing, over-correlation, and rank collapse. We empirically demonstrate the shortcomings of existing models in fitting target functions of node classification tasks.
comment: LoG 2023
♻ ☆ One-Shot Imitation under Mismatched Execution
Human demonstrations as prompts are a powerful way to program robots to do long-horizon manipulation tasks. However, translating these demonstrations into robot-executable actions presents significant challenges due to execution mismatches in movement styles and physical capabilities. Existing methods either depend on robot-demonstrator paired data, which is infeasible to scale, or rely too heavily on frame-level visual similarities that often break down in practice. To address these challenges, we propose RHyME, a novel framework that automatically aligns robot and demonstrator task executions using optimal transport costs. Given long-horizon robot demonstrations, RHyME synthesizes semantically equivalent demonstrator videos by retrieving and composing short-horizon demonstrator clips. This approach facilitates effective policy training without the need for paired data. We demonstrate that RHyME outperforms a range of baselines across cross-embodiment datasets, showing a 52% increase in task recall over prior cross-embodiment learning methods. We release our code and datasets at https://portal-cornell.github.io/rhyme/.
♻ ☆ Elsevier Arena: Human Evaluation of Chemistry/Biology/Health Foundational Large Language Models
arXiv admin comment: This version has been removed by arXiv administrators as the submitter did not have the rights to agree to the license at the time of submission
comment: This document was submitted without obtaining all necessary permissions and therefore needs to be withdrawn. The corresponding author apologizes for any inconvenience this might cause
Machine Learning 178
☆ NVLM: Open Frontier-Class Multimodal LLMs
We introduce NVLM 1.0, a family of frontier-class multimodal large language models (LLMs) that achieve state-of-the-art results on vision-language tasks, rivaling the leading proprietary models (e.g., GPT-4o) and open-access models (e.g., Llama 3-V 405B and InternVL 2). Remarkably, NVLM 1.0 shows improved text-only performance over its LLM backbone after multimodal training. In terms of model design, we perform a comprehensive comparison between decoder-only multimodal LLMs (e.g., LLaVA) and cross-attention-based models (e.g., Flamingo). Based on the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, we propose a novel architecture that enhances both training efficiency and multimodal reasoning capabilities. Furthermore, we introduce a 1-D tile-tagging design for tile-based dynamic high-resolution images, which significantly boosts performance on multimodal reasoning and OCR-related tasks. Regarding training data, we meticulously curate and provide detailed information on our multimodal pretraining and supervised fine-tuning datasets. Our findings indicate that dataset quality and task diversity are more important than scale, even during the pretraining phase, across all architectures. Notably, we develop production-grade multimodality for the NVLM-1.0 models, enabling them to excel in vision-language tasks while maintaining and even improving text-only performance compared to their LLM backbones. To achieve this, we craft and integrate a high-quality text-only dataset into multimodal training, alongside a substantial amount of multimodal math and reasoning data, leading to enhanced math and coding capabilities across modalities. To advance research in the field, we are releasing the model weights and will open-source the code for the community: https://nvlm-project.github.io/.
☆ Says Who? Effective Zero-Shot Annotation of Focalization
Focalization, the perspective through which narrative is presented, is encoded via a wide range of lexico-grammatical features and is subject to reader interpretation. Moreover, trained readers regularly disagree on interpretations, suggesting that this problem may be computationally intractable. In this paper, we provide experiments to test how well contemporary Large Language Models (LLMs) perform when annotating literary texts for focalization mode. Despite the challenging nature of the task, LLMs show comparable performance to trained human annotators in our experiments. We provide a case study working with the novels of Stephen King to demonstrate the usefulness of this approach for computational literary studies, illustrating how focalization can be studied at scale.
☆ Normalization in Proportional Feature Spaces
The subject of features normalization plays an important central role in data representation, characterization, visualization, analysis, comparison, classification, and modeling, as it can substantially influence and be influenced by all of these activities and respective aspects. The selection of an appropriate normalization method needs to take into account the type and characteristics of the involved features, the methods to be used subsequently for the just mentioned data processing, as well as the specific questions being considered. After briefly considering how normalization constitutes one of the many interrelated parts typically involved in data analysis and modeling, the present work addressed the important issue of feature normalization from the perspective of uniform and proportional (right skewed) features and comparison operations. More general right skewed features are also considered in an approximated manner. Several concepts, properties, and results are described and discussed, including the description of a duality relationship between uniform and proportional feature spaces and respective comparisons, specifying conditions for consistency between comparisons in each of the two domains. Two normalization possibilities based on non-centralized dispersion of features are also presented, and also described is a modified version of the Jaccard similarity index which incorporates intrinsically normalization. Preliminary experiments are presented in order to illustrate the developed concepts and methods.
comment: 31 pages, 10 figures
☆ Training Datasets Generation for Machine Learning: Application to Vision Based Navigation SP
Vision Based Navigation consists in utilizing cameras as precision sensors for GNC after extracting information from images. To enable the adoption of machine learning for space applications, one of obstacles is the demonstration that available training datasets are adequate to validate the algorithms. The objective of the study is to generate datasets of images and metadata suitable for training machine learning algorithms. Two use cases were selected and a robust methodology was developed to validate the datasets including the ground truth. The first use case is in-orbit rendezvous with a man-made object: a mockup of satellite ENVISAT. The second use case is a Lunar landing scenario. Datasets were produced from archival datasets (Chang'e 3), from the laboratory at DLR TRON facility and at Airbus Robotic laboratory, from SurRender software high fidelity image simulator using Model Capture and from Generative Adversarial Networks. The use case definition included the selection of algorithms as benchmark: an AI-based pose estimation algorithm and a dense optical flow algorithm were selected. Eventually it is demonstrated that datasets produced with SurRender and selected laboratory facilities are adequate to train machine learning algorithms.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, preprint of the proceedings of ESA SPAICE conference 2024
☆ Machine Learning on Dynamic Functional Connectivity: Promise, Pitfalls, and Interpretations
An unprecedented amount of existing functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data provides a new opportunity to understand the relationship between functional fluctuation and human cognition/behavior using a data-driven approach. To that end, tremendous efforts have been made in machine learning to predict cognitive states from evolving volumetric images of blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signals. Due to the complex nature of brain function, however, the evaluation on learning performance and discoveries are not often consistent across current state-of-the-arts (SOTA). By capitalizing on large-scale existing neuroimaging data (34,887 data samples from six public databases), we seek to establish a well-founded empirical guideline for designing deep models for functional neuroimages by linking the methodology underpinning with knowledge from the neuroscience domain. Specifically, we put the spotlight on (1) What is the current SOTA performance in cognitive task recognition and disease diagnosis using fMRI? (2) What are the limitations of current deep models? and (3) What is the general guideline for selecting the suitable machine learning backbone for new neuroimaging applications? We have conducted a comprehensive evaluation and statistical analysis, in various settings, to answer the above outstanding questions.
☆ Towards Time Series Reasoning with LLMs
Multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) have enabled numerous advances in understanding and reasoning in domains like vision, but we have not yet seen this broad success for time-series. Although prior works on time-series MLLMs have shown promising performance in time-series forecasting, very few works show how an LLM could be used for time-series reasoning in natural language. We propose a novel multi-modal time-series LLM approach that learns generalizable information across various domains with powerful zero-shot performance. First, we train a lightweight time-series encoder on top of an LLM to directly extract time-series information. Then, we fine-tune our model with chain-of-thought augmented time-series tasks to encourage the model to generate reasoning paths. We show that our model learns a latent representation that reflects specific time-series features (e.g. slope, frequency), as well as outperforming GPT-4o on a set of zero-shot reasoning tasks on a variety of domains.
☆ Learning Spatially-Aware Language and Audio Embedding
Humans can picture a sound scene given an imprecise natural language description. For example, it is easy to imagine an acoustic environment given a phrase like "the lion roar came from right behind me!". For a machine to have the same degree of comprehension, the machine must know what a lion is (semantic attribute), what the concept of "behind" is (spatial attribute) and how these pieces of linguistic information align with the semantic and spatial attributes of the sound (what a roar sounds like when its coming from behind). State-of-the-art audio foundation models which learn to map between audio scenes and natural textual descriptions, are trained on non-spatial audio and text pairs, and hence lack spatial awareness. In contrast, sound event localization and detection models are limited to recognizing sounds from a fixed number of classes, and they localize the source to absolute position (e.g., 0.2m) rather than a position described using natural language (e.g., "next to me"). To address these gaps, we present ELSA a spatially aware-audio and text embedding model trained using multimodal contrastive learning. ELSA supports non-spatial audio, spatial audio, and open vocabulary text captions describing both the spatial and semantic components of sound. To train ELSA: (a) we spatially augment the audio and captions of three open-source audio datasets totaling 4,738 hours of audio, and (b) we design an encoder to capture the semantics of non-spatial audio, and the semantics and spatial attributes of spatial audio using contrastive learning. ELSA is competitive with state-of-the-art for both semantic retrieval and 3D source localization. In particular, ELSA achieves +2.8% mean audio-to-text and text-to-audio R@1 above the baseline, and outperforms by -11.6{\deg} mean-absolute-error in 3D source localization over the baseline.
comment: 25 pages, 7 figures
☆ Clinical Validation of a Real-Time Machine Learning-based System for the Detection of Acute Myeloid Leukemia by Flow Cytometry
Machine-learning (ML) models in flow cytometry have the potential to reduce error rates, increase reproducibility, and boost the efficiency of clinical labs. While numerous ML models for flow cytometry data have been proposed, few studies have described the clinical deployment of such models. Realizing the potential gains of ML models in clinical labs requires not only an accurate model, but infrastructure for automated inference, error detection, analytics and monitoring, and structured data extraction. Here, we describe an ML model for detection of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), along with the infrastructure supporting clinical implementation. Our infrastructure leverages the resilience and scalability of the cloud for model inference, a Kubernetes-based workflow system that provides model reproducibility and resource management, and a system for extracting structured diagnoses from full-text reports. We also describe our model monitoring and visualization platform, an essential element for ensuring continued model accuracy. Finally, we present a post-deployment analysis of impacts on turn-around time and compare production accuracy to the original validation statistics.
☆ Learning Unstable Continuous-Time Stochastic Linear Control Systems
We study the problem of system identification for stochastic continuous-time dynamics, based on a single finite-length state trajectory. We present a method for estimating the possibly unstable open-loop matrix by employing properly randomized control inputs. Then, we establish theoretical performance guarantees showing that the estimation error decays with trajectory length, a measure of excitability, and the signal-to-noise ratio, while it grows with dimension. Numerical illustrations that showcase the rates of learning the dynamics, will be provided as well. To perform the theoretical analysis, we develop new technical tools that are of independent interest. That includes non-asymptotic stochastic bounds for highly non-stationary martingales and generalized laws of iterated logarithms, among others.
☆ LPT++: Efficient Training on Mixture of Long-tailed Experts
We introduce LPT++, a comprehensive framework for long-tailed classification that combines parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) with a learnable model ensemble. LPT++ enhances frozen Vision Transformers (ViTs) through the integration of three core components. The first is a universal long-tailed adaptation module, which aggregates long-tailed prompts and visual adapters to adapt the pretrained model to the target domain, meanwhile improving its discriminative ability. The second is the mixture of long-tailed experts framework with a mixture-of-experts (MoE) scorer, which adaptively calculates reweighting coefficients for confidence scores from both visual-only and visual-language (VL) model experts to generate more accurate predictions. Finally, LPT++ employs a three-phase training framework, wherein each critical module is learned separately, resulting in a stable and effective long-tailed classification training paradigm. Besides, we also propose the simple version of LPT++ namely LPT, which only integrates visual-only pretrained ViT and long-tailed prompts to formulate a single model method. LPT can clearly illustrate how long-tailed prompts works meanwhile achieving comparable performance without VL pretrained models. Experiments show that, with only ~1% extra trainable parameters, LPT++ achieves comparable accuracy against all the counterparts.
comment: Extended version of arXiv:2210.01033
☆ SOAP: Improving and Stabilizing Shampoo using Adam
There is growing evidence of the effectiveness of Shampoo, a higher-order preconditioning method, over Adam in deep learning optimization tasks. However, Shampoo's drawbacks include additional hyperparameters and computational overhead when compared to Adam, which only updates running averages of first- and second-moment quantities. This work establishes a formal connection between Shampoo (implemented with the 1/2 power) and Adafactor -- a memory-efficient approximation of Adam -- showing that Shampoo is equivalent to running Adafactor in the eigenbasis of Shampoo's preconditioner. This insight leads to the design of a simpler and computationally efficient algorithm: $\textbf{S}$hampo$\textbf{O}$ with $\textbf{A}$dam in the $\textbf{P}$reconditioner's eigenbasis (SOAP). With regards to improving Shampoo's computational efficiency, the most straightforward approach would be to simply compute Shampoo's eigendecomposition less frequently. Unfortunately, as our empirical results show, this leads to performance degradation that worsens with this frequency. SOAP mitigates this degradation by continually updating the running average of the second moment, just as Adam does, but in the current (slowly changing) coordinate basis. Furthermore, since SOAP is equivalent to running Adam in a rotated space, it introduces only one additional hyperparameter (the preconditioning frequency) compared to Adam. We empirically evaluate SOAP on language model pre-training with 360m and 660m sized models. In the large batch regime, SOAP reduces the number of iterations by over 40% and wall clock time by over 35% compared to AdamW, with approximately 20% improvements in both metrics compared to Shampoo. An implementation of SOAP is available at https://github.com/nikhilvyas/SOAP.
☆ Beyond LoRA: Exploring Efficient Fine-Tuning Techniques for Time Series Foundational Models
Time Series Foundation Models (TSFMs) have recently garnered attention for their ability to model complex, large-scale time series data across domains such as retail, finance, and transportation. However, their application to sensitive, domain-specific fields like healthcare remains challenging, primarily due to the difficulty of fine-tuning these models for specialized, out-of-domain tasks with scarce publicly available datasets. In this work, we explore the use of Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques to address these limitations, focusing on healthcare applications, particularly ICU vitals forecasting for sepsis patients. We introduce and evaluate two selective (BitFit and LayerNorm Tuning) and two additive (VeRA and FourierFT) PEFT techniques on multiple configurations of the Chronos TSFM for forecasting vital signs of sepsis patients. Our comparative analysis demonstrates that some of these PEFT methods outperform LoRA in terms of parameter efficiency and domain adaptation, establishing state-of-the-art (SOTA) results in ICU vital forecasting tasks. Interestingly, FourierFT applied to the Chronos (Tiny) variant surpasses the SOTA model while fine-tuning only 2,400 parameters compared to the 700K parameters of the benchmark.
comment: 7 pages. Under review
☆ EIA: Environmental Injection Attack on Generalist Web Agents for Privacy Leakage
Generalist web agents have evolved rapidly and demonstrated remarkable potential. However, there are unprecedented safety risks associated with these them, which are nearly unexplored so far. In this work, we aim to narrow this gap by conducting the first study on the privacy risks of generalist web agents in adversarial environments. First, we present a threat model that discusses the adversarial targets, constraints, and attack scenarios. Particularly, we consider two types of adversarial targets: stealing users' specific personally identifiable information (PII) or stealing the entire user request. To achieve these objectives, we propose a novel attack method, termed Environmental Injection Attack (EIA). This attack injects malicious content designed to adapt well to different environments where the agents operate, causing them to perform unintended actions. This work instantiates EIA specifically for the privacy scenario. It inserts malicious web elements alongside persuasive instructions that mislead web agents into leaking private information, and can further leverage CSS and JavaScript features to remain stealthy. We collect 177 actions steps that involve diverse PII categories on realistic websites from the Mind2Web dataset, and conduct extensive experiments using one of the most capable generalist web agent frameworks to date, SeeAct. The results demonstrate that EIA achieves up to 70% ASR in stealing users' specific PII. Stealing full user requests is more challenging, but a relaxed version of EIA can still achieve 16% ASR. Despite these concerning results, it is important to note that the attack can still be detectable through careful human inspection, highlighting a trade-off between high autonomy and security. This leads to our detailed discussion on the efficacy of EIA under different levels of human supervision as well as implications on defenses for generalist web agents.
comment: 24 pages
☆ Leveraging Distillation Techniques for Document Understanding: A Case Study with FLAN-T5
The surge of digital documents in various formats, including less standardized documents such as business reports and environmental assessments, underscores the growing importance of Document Understanding. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased prowess across diverse natural language processing tasks, their direct application to Document Understanding remains a challenge. Previous research has demonstrated the utility of LLMs in this domain, yet their significant computational demands make them challenging to deploy effectively. Additionally, proprietary Blackbox LLMs often outperform their open-source counterparts, posing a barrier to widespread accessibility. In this paper, we delve into the realm of document understanding, leveraging distillation methods to harness the power of large LLMs while accommodating computational limitations. Specifically, we present a novel approach wherein we distill document understanding knowledge from the proprietary LLM ChatGPT into FLAN-T5. Our methodology integrates labeling and curriculum-learning mechanisms to facilitate efficient knowledge transfer. This work contributes to the advancement of document understanding methodologies by offering a scalable solution that bridges the gap between resource-intensive LLMs and practical applications. Our findings underscore the potential of distillation techniques in facilitating the deployment of sophisticated language models in real-world scenarios, thereby fostering advancements in natural language processing and document comprehension domains.
comment: Presented at AI@WORK-Workshop / Informatik-Festival (GI-Jahrestagung) (Wiesbaden, Germany, 2024)
☆ LOLA -- An Open-Source Massively Multilingual Large Language Model
This paper presents LOLA, a massively multilingual large language model trained on more than 160 languages using a sparse Mixture-of-Experts Transformer architecture. Our architectural and implementation choices address the challenge of harnessing linguistic diversity while maintaining efficiency and avoiding the common pitfalls of multilinguality. Our analysis of the evaluation results shows competitive performance in natural language generation and understanding tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate how the learned expert-routing mechanism exploits implicit phylogenetic linguistic patterns to potentially alleviate the curse of multilinguality. We provide an in-depth look at the training process, an analysis of the datasets, and a balanced exploration of the model's strengths and limitations. As an open-source model, LOLA promotes reproducibility and serves as a robust foundation for future research. Our findings enable the development of compute-efficient multilingual models with strong, scalable performance across languages.
☆ Geometry Aware Meta-Learning Neural Network for Joint Phase and Precoder Optimization in RIS
In reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) aided systems, the joint optimization of the precoder matrix at the base station and the phase shifts of the RIS elements involves significant complexity. In this paper, we propose a complex-valued, geometry aware meta-learning neural network that maximizes the weighted sum rate in a multi-user multiple input single output system. By leveraging the complex circle geometry for phase shifts and spherical geometry for the precoder, the optimization occurs on Riemannian manifolds, leading to faster convergence. We use a complex-valued neural network for phase shifts and an Euler inspired update for the precoder network. Our approach outperforms existing neural network-based algorithms, offering higher weighted sum rates, lower power consumption, and significantly faster convergence. Specifically, it converges faster by nearly 100 epochs, with a 0.7 bps improvement in weighted sum rate and a 1.8 dBm power gain when compared with existing work.
☆ Integrating Reinforcement Learning and Model Predictive Control with Applications to Microgrids
This work proposes an approach that integrates reinforcement learning and model predictive control (MPC) to efficiently solve finite-horizon optimal control problems in mixed-logical dynamical systems. Optimization-based control of such systems with discrete and continuous decision variables entails the online solution of mixed-integer quadratic or linear programs, which suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Our approach aims at mitigating this issue by effectively decoupling the decision on the discrete variables and the decision on the continuous variables. Moreover, to mitigate the combinatorial growth in the number of possible actions due to the prediction horizon, we conceive the definition of decoupled Q-functions to make the learning problem more tractable. The use of reinforcement learning reduces the online optimization problem of the MPC controller from a mixed-integer linear (quadratic) program to a linear (quadratic) program, greatly reducing the computational time. Simulation experiments for a microgrid, based on real-world data, demonstrate that the proposed method significantly reduces the online computation time of the MPC approach and that it generates policies with small optimality gaps and high feasibility rates.
☆ LC-Protonets: Multi-label Few-shot learning for world music audio tagging
We introduce Label-Combination Prototypical Networks (LC-Protonets) to address the problem of multi-label few-shot classification, where a model must generalize to new classes based on only a few available examples. Extending Prototypical Networks, LC-Protonets generate one prototype per label combination, derived from the power set of labels present in the limited training items, rather than one prototype per label. Our method is applied to automatic audio tagging across diverse music datasets, covering various cultures and including both modern and traditional music, and is evaluated against existing approaches in the literature. The results demonstrate a significant performance improvement in almost all domains and training setups when using LC-Protonets for multi-label classification. In addition to training a few-shot learning model from scratch, we explore the use of a pre-trained model, obtained via supervised learning, to embed items in the feature space. Fine-tuning improves the generalization ability of all methods, yet LC-Protonets achieve high-level performance even without fine-tuning, in contrast to the comparative approaches. We finally analyze the scalability of the proposed method, providing detailed quantitative metrics from our experiments. The implementation and experimental setup are made publicly available, offering a benchmark for future research.
☆ Towards Novel Malicious Packet Recognition: A Few-Shot Learning Approach
As the complexity and connectivity of networks increase, the need for novel malware detection approaches becomes imperative. Traditional security defenses are becoming less effective against the advanced tactics of today's cyberattacks. Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) has emerged as a key technology in strengthening network security, offering detailed analysis of network traffic that goes beyond simple metadata analysis. DPI examines not only the packet headers but also the payload content within, offering a thorough insight into the data traversing the network. This study proposes a novel approach that leverages a large language model (LLM) and few-shot learning to accurately recognizes novel, unseen malware types with few labels samples. Our proposed approach uses a pretrained LLM on known malware types to extract the embeddings from packets. The embeddings are then used alongside few labeled samples of an unseen malware type. This technique is designed to acclimate the model to different malware representations, further enabling it to generate robust embeddings for each trained and unseen classes. Following the extraction of embeddings from the LLM, few-shot learning is utilized to enhance performance with minimal labeled data. Our evaluation, which utilized two renowned datasets, focused on identifying malware types within network traffic and Internet of Things (IoT) environments. Our approach shows promising results with an average accuracy of 86.35% and F1-Score of 86.40% on different malware types across the two datasets.
☆ Spontaneous Informal Speech Dataset for Punctuation Restoration
Presently, punctuation restoration models are evaluated almost solely on well-structured, scripted corpora. On the other hand, real-world ASR systems and post-processing pipelines typically apply towards spontaneous speech with significant irregularities, stutters, and deviations from perfect grammar. To address this discrepancy, we introduce SponSpeech, a punctuation restoration dataset derived from informal speech sources, which includes punctuation and casing information. In addition to publicly releasing the dataset, we contribute a filtering pipeline that can be used to generate more data. Our filtering pipeline examines the quality of both speech audio and transcription text. We also carefully construct a ``challenging" test set, aimed at evaluating models' ability to leverage audio information to predict otherwise grammatically ambiguous punctuation. SponSpeech is available at https://github.com/GitHubAccountAnonymous/PR, along with all code for dataset building and model runs.
comment: 8 pages, 7 tables, 1 figure, Recognition Technologies, Inc. Technical Report
☆ Federated Learning with Integrated Sensing, Communication, and Computation: Frameworks and Performance Analysis
With the emergence of integrated sensing, communication, and computation (ISCC) in the upcoming 6G era, federated learning with ISCC (FL-ISCC), integrating sample collection, local training, and parameter exchange and aggregation, has garnered increasing interest for enhancing training efficiency. Currently, FL-ISCC primarily includes two algorithms: FedAVG-ISCC and FedSGD-ISCC. However, the theoretical understanding of the performance and advantages of these algorithms remains limited. To address this gap, we investigate a general FL-ISCC framework, implementing both FedAVG-ISCC and FedSGD-ISCC. We experimentally demonstrate the substantial potential of the ISCC framework in reducing latency and energy consumption in FL. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical analysis and comparison. The results reveal that:1) Both sample collection and communication errors negatively impact algorithm performance, highlighting the need for careful design to optimize FL-ISCC applications. 2) FedAVG-ISCC performs better than FedSGD-ISCC under IID data due to its advantage with multiple local updates. 3) FedSGD-ISCC is more robust than FedAVG-ISCC under non-IID data, where the multiple local updates in FedAVG-ISCC worsen performance as non-IID data increases. FedSGD-ISCC maintains performance levels similar to IID conditions. 4) FedSGD-ISCC is more resilient to communication errors than FedAVG-ISCC, which suffers from significant performance degradation as communication errors increase.Extensive simulations confirm the effectiveness of the FL-ISCC framework and validate our theoretical analysis.
comment: due to the limitation The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract appearing here is slightly shorter than that in the PDF file
☆ Leveraging Symmetry to Accelerate Learning of Trajectory Tracking Controllers for Free-Flying Robotic Systems
Tracking controllers enable robotic systems to accurately follow planned reference trajectories. In particular, reinforcement learning (RL) has shown promise in the synthesis of controllers for systems with complex dynamics and modest online compute budgets. However, the poor sample efficiency of RL and the challenges of reward design make training slow and sometimes unstable, especially for high-dimensional systems. In this work, we leverage the inherent Lie group symmetries of robotic systems with a floating base to mitigate these challenges when learning tracking controllers. We model a general tracking problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) that captures the evolution of both the physical and reference states. Next, we prove that symmetry in the underlying dynamics and running costs leads to an MDP homomorphism, a mapping that allows a policy trained on a lower-dimensional "quotient" MDP to be lifted to an optimal tracking controller for the original system. We compare this symmetry-informed approach to an unstructured baseline, using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to learn tracking controllers for three systems: the Particle (a forced point mass), the Astrobee (a fullyactuated space robot), and the Quadrotor (an underactuated system). Results show that a symmetry-aware approach both accelerates training and reduces tracking error after the same number of training steps.
comment: The first three authors contributed equally to this work
☆ Cost-informed dimensionality reduction for structural digital twin technologies
Classification models are a key component of structural digital twin technologies used for supporting asset management decision-making. An important consideration when developing classification models is the dimensionality of the input, or feature space, used. If the dimensionality is too high, then the `curse of dimensionality' may rear its ugly head; manifesting as reduced predictive performance. To mitigate such effects, practitioners can employ dimensionality reduction techniques. The current paper formulates a decision-theoretic approach to dimensionality reduction for structural asset management. In this approach, the aim is to keep incurred misclassification costs to a minimum, as the dimensionality is reduced and discriminatory information may be lost. This formulation is constructed as an eigenvalue problem, with separabilities between classes weighted according to the cost of misclassifying them when considered in the context of a decision process. The approach is demonstrated using a synthetic case study.
comment: To appear in the Proceedings of ISMA 2024 (International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering) and USD2024 (International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics), Leuven, Belgium
☆ Learning Source Disentanglement in Neural Audio Codec
Neural audio codecs have significantly advanced audio compression by efficiently converting continuous audio signals into discrete tokens. These codecs preserve high-quality sound and enable sophisticated sound generation through generative models trained on these tokens. However, existing neural codec models are typically trained on large, undifferentiated audio datasets, neglecting the essential discrepancies between sound domains like speech, music, and environmental sound effects. This oversight complicates data modeling and poses additional challenges to the controllability of sound generation. To tackle these issues, we introduce the Source-Disentangled Neural Audio Codec (SD-Codec), a novel approach that combines audio coding and source separation. By jointly learning audio resynthesis and separation, SD-Codec explicitly assigns audio signals from different domains to distinct codebooks, sets of discrete representations. Experimental results indicate that SD-Codec not only maintains competitive resynthesis quality but also, supported by the separation results, demonstrates successful disentanglement of different sources in the latent space, thereby enhancing interpretability in audio codec and providing potential finer control over the audio generation process.
comment: project page: https://xiaoyubie1994.github.io/sdcodec/
☆ Score Forgetting Distillation: A Swift, Data-Free Method for Machine Unlearning in Diffusion Models
The machine learning community is increasingly recognizing the importance of fostering trust and safety in modern generative AI (GenAI) models. We posit machine unlearning (MU) as a crucial foundation for developing safe, secure, and trustworthy GenAI models. Traditional MU methods often rely on stringent assumptions and require access to real data. This paper introduces Score Forgetting Distillation (SFD), an innovative MU approach that promotes the forgetting of undesirable information in diffusion models by aligning the conditional scores of ``unsafe'' classes or concepts with those of ``safe'' ones. To eliminate the need for real data, our SFD framework incorporates a score-based MU loss into the score distillation objective of a pretrained diffusion model. This serves as a regularization term that preserves desired generation capabilities while enabling the production of synthetic data through a one-step generator. Our experiments on pretrained label-conditional and text-to-image diffusion models demonstrate that our method effectively accelerates the forgetting of target classes or concepts during generation, while preserving the quality of other classes or concepts. This unlearned and distilled diffusion not only pioneers a novel concept in MU but also accelerates the generation speed of diffusion models. Our experiments and studies on a range of diffusion models and datasets confirm that our approach is generalizable, effective, and advantageous for MU in diffusion models.
☆ LoRa Communication for Agriculture 4.0: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions
The emerging field of smart agriculture leverages the Internet of Things (IoT) to revolutionize farming practices. This paper investigates the transformative potential of Long Range (LoRa) technology as a key enabler of long-range wireless communication for agricultural IoT systems. By reviewing existing literature, we identify a gap in research specifically focused on LoRa's prospects and challenges from a communication perspective in smart agriculture. We delve into the details of LoRa-based agricultural networks, covering network architecture design, Physical Layer (PHY) considerations tailored to the agricultural environment, and channel modeling techniques that account for soil characteristics. The paper further explores relaying and routing mechanisms that address the challenges of extending network coverage and optimizing data transmission in vast agricultural landscapes. Transitioning to practical aspects, we discuss sensor deployment strategies and energy management techniques, offering insights for real-world deployments. A comparative analysis of LoRa with other wireless communication technologies employed in agricultural IoT applications highlights its strengths and weaknesses in this context. Furthermore, the paper outlines several future research directions to leverage the potential of LoRa-based agriculture 4.0. These include advancements in channel modeling for diverse farming environments, novel relay routing algorithms, integrating emerging sensor technologies like hyper-spectral imaging and drone-based sensing, on-device Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, and sustainable solutions. This survey can guide researchers, technologists, and practitioners to understand, implement, and propel smart agriculture initiatives using LoRa technology.
☆ High-Resolution Speech Restoration with Latent Diffusion Model
Traditional speech enhancement methods often oversimplify the task of restoration by focusing on a single type of distortion. Generative models that handle multiple distortions frequently struggle with phone reconstruction and high-frequency harmonics, leading to breathing and gasping artifacts that reduce the intelligibility of reconstructed speech. These models are also computationally demanding, and many solutions are restricted to producing outputs in the wide-band frequency range, which limits their suitability for professional applications. To address these challenges, we propose Hi-ResLDM, a novel generative model based on latent diffusion designed to remove multiple distortions and restore speech recordings to studio quality, sampled at 48kHz. We benchmark Hi-ResLDM against state-of-the-art methods that leverage GAN and Conditional Flow Matching (CFM) components, demonstrating superior performance in regenerating high-frequency-band details. Hi-ResLDM not only excels in non-instrusive metrics but is also consistently preferred in human evaluation and performs competitively on intrusive evaluations, making it ideal for high-resolution speech restoration.
☆ Use the Force, Bot! -- Force-Aware ProDMP with Event-Based Replanning ICRA 2025
Movement Primitives (MPs) are a well-established method for representing and generating modular robot trajectories. This work presents FA-ProDMP, a new approach which introduces force awareness to Probabilistic Dynamic Movement Primitives (ProDMP). FA-ProDMP adapts the trajectory during runtime to account for measured and desired forces. It offers smooth trajectories and captures position and force correlations over multiple trajectories, e.g. a set of human demonstrations. FA-ProDMP supports multiple axes of force and is thus agnostic to cartesian or joint space control. This makes FA-ProDMP a valuable tool for learning contact rich manipulation tasks such as polishing, cutting or industrial assembly from demonstration. In order to reliably evaluate FA-ProDMP, this work additionally introduces a modular, 3D printed task suite called POEMPEL, inspired by the popular Lego Technic pins. POEMPEL mimics industrial peg-in-hole assembly tasks with force requirements. It offers multiple parameters of adjustment, such as position, orientation and plug stiffness level, thus varying the direction and amount of required forces. Our experiments show that FA-ProDMP outperforms other MP formulations on the POEMPEL setup and a electrical power plug insertion task, due to its replanning capabilities based on the measured forces. These findings highlight how FA-ProDMP enhances the performance of robotic systems in contact-rich manipulation tasks.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Sample Complexity Bounds for Linear System Identification from a Finite Set
This paper considers a finite sample perspective on the problem of identifying an LTI system from a finite set of possible systems using trajectory data. To this end, we use the maximum likelihood estimator to identify the true system and provide an upper bound for its sample complexity. Crucially, the derived bound does not rely on a potentially restrictive stability assumption. Additionally, we leverage tools from information theory to provide a lower bound to the sample complexity that holds independently of the used estimator. The derived sample complexity bounds are analyzed analytically and numerically.
☆ Scale generalisation properties of extended scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks on image datasets with spatial scaling variations
This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the scale generalisation properties of the scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks, complemented with both conceptual and algorithmic extensions. For this purpose, Gaussian derivative networks are evaluated on new rescaled versions of the Fashion-MNIST and the CIFAR-10 datasets, with spatial scaling variations over a factor of 4 in the testing data, that are not present in the training data. Additionally, evaluations on the previously existing STIR datasets show that the Gaussian derivative networks achieve better scale generalisation than previously reported for these datasets for other types of deep networks. We first experimentally demonstrate that the Gaussian derivative networks have quite good scale generalisation properties on the new datasets, and that average pooling of feature responses over scales may sometimes also lead to better results than the previously used approach of max pooling over scales. Then, we demonstrate that using a spatial max pooling mechanism after the final layer enables localisation of non-centred objects in image domain, with maintained scale generalisation properties. We also show that regularisation during training, by applying dropout across the scale channels, referred to as scale-channel dropout, improves both the performance and the scale generalisation. In additional ablation studies, we demonstrate that discretisations of Gaussian derivative networks, based on the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel in combination with central difference operators, perform best or among the best, compared to a set of other discrete approximations of the Gaussian derivative kernels. Finally, by visualising the activation maps and the learned receptive fields, we demonstrate that the Gaussian derivative networks have very good explainability properties.
comment: 50 pages, 23 figures, 16 tables
☆ Learning Generalized Hamiltonians using fully Symplectic Mappings AAAI
Many important physical systems can be described as the evolution of a Hamiltonian system, which has the important property of being conservative, that is, energy is conserved throughout the evolution. Physics Informed Neural Networks and in particular Hamiltonian Neural Networks have emerged as a mechanism to incorporate structural inductive bias into the NN model. By ensuring physical invariances are conserved, the models exhibit significantly better sample complexity and out-of-distribution accuracy than standard NNs. Learning the Hamiltonian as a function of its canonical variables, typically position and velocity, from sample observations of the system thus becomes a critical task in system identification and long-term prediction of system behavior. However, to truly preserve the long-run physical conservation properties of Hamiltonian systems, one must use symplectic integrators for a forward pass of the system's simulation. While symplectic schemes have been used in the literature, they are thus far limited to situations when they reduce to explicit algorithms, which include the case of separable Hamiltonians or augmented non-separable Hamiltonians. We extend it to generalized non-separable Hamiltonians, and noting the self-adjoint property of symplectic integrators, we bypass computationally intensive backpropagation through an ODE solver. We show that the method is robust to noise and provides a good approximation of the system Hamiltonian when the state variables are sampled from a noisy observation. In the numerical results, we show the performance of the method concerning Hamiltonian reconstruction and conservation, indicating its particular advantage for non-separable systems.
comment: Submitted to The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Promptriever: Instruction-Trained Retrievers Can Be Prompted Like Language Models
Instruction-tuned language models (LM) are able to respond to imperative commands, providing a more natural user interface compared to their base counterparts. In this work, we present Promptriever, the first retrieval model able to be prompted like an LM. To train Promptriever, we curate and release a new instance-level instruction training set from MS MARCO, spanning nearly 500k instances. Promptriever not only achieves strong performance on standard retrieval tasks, but also follows instructions. We observe: (1) large gains (reaching SoTA) on following detailed relevance instructions (+14.3 p-MRR / +3.1 nDCG on FollowIR), (2) significantly increased robustness to lexical choices/phrasing in the query+instruction (+12.9 Robustness@10 on InstructIR), and (3) the ability to perform hyperparameter search via prompting to reliably improve retrieval performance (+1.4 average increase on BEIR). Promptriever demonstrates that retrieval models can be controlled with prompts on a per-query basis, setting the stage for future work aligning LM prompting techniques with information retrieval.
☆ Can Graph Reordering Speed Up Graph Neural Network Training? An Experimental Study VLDB
Graph neural networks (GNNs) are a type of neural network capable of learning on graph-structured data. However, training GNNs on large-scale graphs is challenging due to iterative aggregations of high-dimensional features from neighboring vertices within sparse graph structures combined with neural network operations. The sparsity of graphs frequently results in suboptimal memory access patterns and longer training time. Graph reordering is an optimization strategy aiming to improve the graph data layout. It has shown to be effective to speed up graph analytics workloads, but its effect on the performance of GNN training has not been investigated yet. The generalization of reordering to GNN performance is nontrivial, as multiple aspects must be considered: GNN hyper-parameters such as the number of layers, the number of hidden dimensions, and the feature size used in the GNN model, neural network operations, large intermediate vertex states, and GPU acceleration. In our work, we close this gap by performing an empirical evaluation of 12 reordering strategies in two state-of-the-art GNN systems, PyTorch Geometric and Deep Graph Library. Our results show that graph reordering is effective in reducing training time for CPU- and GPU-based training, respectively. Further, we find that GNN hyper-parameters influence the effectiveness of reordering, that reordering metrics play an important role in selecting a reordering strategy, that lightweight reordering performs better for GPU-based than for CPU-based training, and that invested reordering time can in many cases be amortized.
comment: To be published in proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), September 1-5, 2025
☆ Gradient-free Post-hoc Explainability Using Distillation Aided Learnable Approach SP
The recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), with the release of several large models having only query access, make a strong case for explainability of deep models in a post-hoc gradient free manner. In this paper, we propose a framework, named distillation aided explainability (DAX), that attempts to generate a saliency-based explanation in a model agnostic gradient free application. The DAX approach poses the problem of explanation in a learnable setting with a mask generation network and a distillation network. The mask generation network learns to generate the multiplier mask that finds the salient regions of the input, while the student distillation network aims to approximate the local behavior of the black-box model. We propose a joint optimization of the two networks in the DAX framework using the locally perturbed input samples, with the targets derived from input-output access to the black-box model. We extensively evaluate DAX across different modalities (image and audio), in a classification setting, using a diverse set of evaluations (intersection over union with ground truth, deletion based and subjective human evaluation based measures) and benchmark it with respect to $9$ different methods. In these evaluations, the DAX significantly outperforms the existing approaches on all modalities and evaluation metrics.
comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP), 2024
☆ ULOC: Learning to Localize in Complex Large-Scale Environments with Ultra-Wideband Ranges
While UWB-based methods can achieve high localization accuracy in small-scale areas, their accuracy and reliability are significantly challenged in large-scale environments. In this paper, we propose a learning-based framework named ULOC for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) based localization in such complex large-scale environments. First, anchors are deployed in the environment without knowledge of their actual position. Then, UWB observations are collected when the vehicle travels in the environment. At the same time, map-consistent pose estimates are developed from registering (onboard self-localization) data with the prior map to provide the training labels. We then propose a network based on MAMBA that learns the ranging patterns of UWBs over a complex large-scale environment. The experiment demonstrates that our solution can ensure high localization accuracy on a large scale compared to the state-of-the-art. We release our source code to benefit the community at https://github.com/brytsknguyen/uloc.
☆ Fractional Naive Bayes (FNB): non-convex optimization for a parsimonious weighted selective naive Bayes classifier
We study supervised classification for datasets with a very large number of input variables. The na\"ive Bayes classifier is attractive for its simplicity, scalability and effectiveness in many real data applications. When the strong na\"ive Bayes assumption of conditional independence of the input variables given the target variable is not valid, variable selection and model averaging are two common ways to improve the performance. In the case of the na\"ive Bayes classifier, the resulting weighting scheme on the models reduces to a weighting scheme on the variables. Here we focus on direct estimation of variable weights in such a weighted na\"ive Bayes classifier. We propose a sparse regularization of the model log-likelihood, which takes into account prior penalization costs related to each input variable. Compared to averaging based classifiers used up until now, our main goal is to obtain parsimonious robust models with less variables and equivalent performance. The direct estimation of the variable weights amounts to a non-convex optimization problem for which we propose and compare several two-stage algorithms. First, the criterion obtained by convex relaxation is minimized using several variants of standard gradient methods. Then, the initial non-convex optimization problem is solved using local optimization methods initialized with the result of the first stage. The various proposed algorithms result in optimization-based weighted na\"ive Bayes classifiers, that are evaluated on benchmark datasets and positioned w.r.t. to a reference averaging-based classifier.
☆ Online Combinatorial Allocations and Auctions with Few Samples
In online combinatorial allocations/auctions, n bidders sequentially arrive, each with a combinatorial valuation (such as submodular/XOS) over subsets of m indivisible items. The aim is to immediately allocate a subset of the remaining items to maximize the total welfare, defined as the sum of bidder valuations. A long line of work has studied this problem when the bidder valuations come from known independent distributions. In particular, for submodular/XOS valuations, we know 2-competitive algorithms/mechanisms that set a fixed price for each item and the arriving bidders take their favorite subset of the remaining items given these prices. However, these algorithms traditionally presume the availability of the underlying distributions as part of the input to the algorithm. Contrary to this assumption, practical scenarios often require the learning of distributions, a task complicated by limited sample availability. This paper investigates the feasibility of achieving O(1)-competitive algorithms under the realistic constraint of having access to only a limited number of samples from the underlying bidder distributions. Our first main contribution shows that a mere single sample from each bidder distribution is sufficient to yield an O(1)-competitive algorithm for submodular/XOS valuations. This result leverages a novel extension of the secretary-style analysis, employing the sample to have the algorithm compete against itself. Although online, this first approach does not provide an online truthful mechanism. Our second main contribution shows that a polynomial number of samples suffices to yield a $(2+\epsilon)$-competitive online truthful mechanism for submodular/XOS valuations and any constant $\epsilon>0$. This result is based on a generalization of the median-based algorithm for the single-item prophet inequality problem to combinatorial settings with multiple items.
comment: Preliminary version in FOCS 2024
☆ Three Approaches to the Automation of Laser System Alignment and Their Resource Implications: A Case Study
The alignment of optical systems is a critical step in their manufacture. Alignment normally requires considerable knowledge and expertise of skilled operators. The automation of such processes has several potential advantages, but requires additional resource and upfront costs. Through a case study of a simple two mirror system we identify and examine three different automation approaches. They are: artificial neural networks; practice-led, which mimics manual alignment practices; and design-led, modelling from first principles. We find that these approaches make use of three different types of knowledge 1) basic system knowledge (of controls, measurements and goals); 2) behavioural skills and expertise, and 3) fundamental system design knowledge. We demonstrate that the different automation approaches vary significantly in human resources, and measurement sampling budgets. This will have implications for practitioners and management considering the automation of such tasks.
comment: Author Accepted Manuscript- 8 pages, The 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024), Aug28-Sep1st 2024, Bari, Italy. Keywords: Automation, optimisation, regression, behaviour analysis, artificial neural networks, optical systems, mathematical model, human factors, sampling cost, cost benefit analysis
☆ MonoKAN: Certified Monotonic Kolmogorov-Arnold Network
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have significantly advanced various fields by effectively recognizing patterns and solving complex problems. Despite these advancements, their interpretability remains a critical challenge, especially in applications where transparency and accountability are essential. To address this, explainable AI (XAI) has made progress in demystifying ANNs, yet interpretability alone is often insufficient. In certain applications, model predictions must align with expert-imposed requirements, sometimes exemplified by partial monotonicity constraints. While monotonic approaches are found in the literature for traditional Multi-layer Perceptrons (MLPs), they still face difficulties in achieving both interpretability and certified partial monotonicity. Recently, the Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) architecture, based on learnable activation functions parametrized as splines, has been proposed as a more interpretable alternative to MLPs. Building on this, we introduce a novel ANN architecture called MonoKAN, which is based on the KAN architecture and achieves certified partial monotonicity while enhancing interpretability. To achieve this, we employ cubic Hermite splines, which guarantee monotonicity through a set of straightforward conditions. Additionally, by using positive weights in the linear combinations of these splines, we ensure that the network preserves the monotonic relationships between input and output. Our experiments demonstrate that MonoKAN not only enhances interpretability but also improves predictive performance across the majority of benchmarks, outperforming state-of-the-art monotonic MLP approaches.
comment: 10 pages, 2 figures
☆ Improve Machine Learning carbon footprint using Parquet dataset format and Mixed Precision training for regression algorithms
This study was the 2nd part of my dissertation for my master degree and compared the power consumption using the Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) and parquet dataset format with the default floating point (32bit) and Nvidia mixed precision (16bit and 32bit) while training a regression ML model. The same custom PC as per the 1st part, which was dedicated to the classification testing and analysis, was built to perform the experiments, and different ML hyper-parameters, such as batch size, neurons, and epochs, were chosen to build Deep Neural Networks (DNN). A benchmarking test with default hyper-parameter values for the DNN was used as a reference, while the experiments used a combination of different settings. The results were recorded in Excel, and descriptive statistics were chosen to calculate the mean between the groups and compare them using graphs and tables. The outcome was positive when using mixed precision combined with specific hyper-parameters. Compared to the benchmarking, optimising the regression models reduced the power consumption between 7 and 11 Watts. The regression results show that while mixed precision can help improve power consumption, we must carefully consider the hyper-parameters. A high number of batch sizes and neurons will negatively affect power consumption. However, this research required inferential statistics, specifically ANOVA and T-test, to compare the relationship between the means. The results reported no statistical significance between the means in the regression tests and accepted H0. Therefore, choosing different ML techniques and the Parquet dataset format will not improve the computational power consumption and the overall ML carbon footprint. However, a more extensive implementation with a cluster of GPUs can increase the sample size significantly, as it is an essential factor and can change the outcome of the statistical analysis.
comment: 35 pages, 16 tables, 19 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2409.07853
☆ A Reinforcement Learning Environment for Automatic Code Optimization in the MLIR Compiler
Code optimization is a crucial task aimed at enhancing code performance. However, this process is often tedious and complex, highlighting the necessity for automatic code optimization techniques. Reinforcement Learning (RL), a machine learning technique, has emerged as a promising approach for tackling such complex optimization problems. In this project, we introduce the first RL environment for the MLIR compiler, dedicated to facilitating MLIR compiler research, and enabling automatic code optimization using Multi-Action Reinforcement Learning. We also propose a novel formulation of the action space as a Cartesian product of simpler action subspaces, enabling more efficient and effective optimizations. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed environment allows for an effective optimization of MLIR operations, and yields comparable performance to TensorFlow, surpassing it in multiple cases, highlighting the potential of RL-based optimization in compiler frameworks.
☆ HMF: A Hybrid Multi-Factor Framework for Dynamic Intraoperative Hypotension Prediction
Intraoperative hypotension (IOH) prediction using Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) is a critical research area with significant implications for patient outcomes during surgery. However, existing approaches predominantly employ static modeling paradigms that overlook the dynamic nature of physiological signals. In this paper, we introduce a novel Hybrid Multi-Factor (HMF) framework that reformulates IOH prediction as a blood pressure forecasting task. Our framework leverages a Transformer encoder, specifically designed to effectively capture the temporal evolution of MAP series through a patch-based input representation, which segments the input physiological series into informative patches for accurate analysis. To address the challenges of distribution shift in physiological series, our approach incorporates two key innovations: (1) Symmetric normalization and de-normalization processes help mitigate distributional drift in statistical properties, thereby ensuring the model's robustness across varying conditions, and (2) Sequence decomposition, which disaggregates the input series into trend and seasonal components, allowing for a more precise modeling of inherent sequence dependencies. Extensive experiments conducted on two real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our approach compared to competitive baselines, particularly in capturing the nuanced variations in input series that are crucial for accurate IOH prediction.
☆ OneEncoder: A Lightweight Framework for Progressive Alignment of Modalities
Cross-modal alignment Learning integrates information from different modalities like text, image, audio and video to create unified models. This approach develops shared representations and learns correlations between modalities, enabling applications such as visual question answering and audiovisual content analysis. Current techniques rely on large modality-specific encoders, necessitating fine-tuning or training from scratch on vast aligned datasets (e.g., text-image, text-audio, image-audio). This approach has limitations: (i) it is very expensive due to the need for training large encoders on extensive datasets, (ii) acquiring aligned large paired datasets is challenging, and (iii) adding new modalities requires retraining the entire framework to incorporate these modalities. To address these issues, we propose OneEncoder, a lightweight framework that progressively represents and aligns four modalities (image, text, audio, video). Initially, we train a lightweight Universal Projection module (UP) to align image and text modalities. Then, we freeze the pretrained UP and progressively align future modalities to those already aligned. OneEncoder operates efficiently and cost-effectively, even in scenarios where vast aligned datasets are unavailable, due to its lightweight design. Trained on small paired datasets, it shows strong performance in tasks like classification, querying, and visual question answering, surpassing methods that rely on large datasets and specialized encoders.
☆ On-policy Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Multi-UAV Exploration
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly popular in various fields, including precision agriculture, search and rescue, and remote sensing. However, exploring unknown environments remains a significant challenge. This study aims to address this challenge by utilizing on-policy Reinforcement Learning (RL) with Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to explore the {two dimensional} area of interest with multiple UAVs. The UAVs will avoid collision with obstacles and each other and do the exploration in a distributed manner. The proposed solution includes actor-critic networks using deep convolutional neural networks {(CNN)} and long short-term memory (LSTM) for identifying the UAVs and areas that have already been covered. Compared to other RL techniques, such as policy gradient (PG) and asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C), the simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed PPO approach. Also, the results show that combining LSTM with CNN in critic can improve exploration. Since the proposed exploration has to work in unknown environments, the results showed that the proposed setup can complete the coverage when we have new maps that differ from the trained maps. Finally, we showed how tuning hyper parameters may affect the overall performance.
☆ A logical alarm for misaligned binary classifiers
If two agents disagree in their decisions, we may suspect they are not both correct. This intuition is formalized for evaluating agents that have carried out a binary classification task. Their agreements and disagreements on a joint test allow us to establish the only group evaluations logically consistent with their responses. This is done by establishing a set of axioms (algebraic relations) that must be universally obeyed by all evaluations of binary responders. A complete set of such axioms are possible for each ensemble of size N. The axioms for $N = 1, 2$ are used to construct a fully logical alarm - one that can prove that at least one ensemble member is malfunctioning using only unlabeled data. The similarities of this approach to formal software verification and its utility for recent agendas of safe guaranteed AI are discussed.
comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, under review
Prompt Obfuscation for Large Language Models
System prompts that include detailed instructions to describe the task performed by the underlying large language model (LLM) can easily transform foundation models into tools and services with minimal overhead. Because of their crucial impact on the utility, they are often considered intellectual property, similar to the code of a software product. However, extracting system prompts is easily possible by using prompt injection. As of today, there is no effective countermeasure to prevent the stealing of system prompts and all safeguarding efforts could be evaded with carefully crafted prompt injections that bypass all protection mechanisms.In this work, we propose an alternative to conventional system prompts. We introduce prompt obfuscation to prevent the extraction of the system prompt while maintaining the utility of the system itself with only little overhead. The core idea is to find a representation of the original system prompt that leads to the same functionality, while the obfuscated system prompt does not contain any information that allows conclusions to be drawn about the original system prompt. We implement an optimization-based method to find an obfuscated prompt representation while maintaining the functionality. To evaluate our approach, we investigate eight different metrics to compare the performance of a system using the original and the obfuscated system prompts, and we show that the obfuscated version is constantly on par with the original one. We further perform three different deobfuscation attacks and show that with access to the obfuscated prompt and the LLM itself, we are not able to consistently extract meaningful information. Overall, we showed that prompt obfuscation can be an effective method to protect intellectual property while maintaining the same utility as the original system prompt.
☆ D2Vformer: A Flexible Time Series Prediction Model Based on Time Position Embedding
Time position embeddings capture the positional information of time steps, often serving as auxiliary inputs to enhance the predictive capabilities of time series models. However, existing models exhibit limitations in capturing intricate time positional information and effectively utilizing these embeddings. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a novel model called D2Vformer. Unlike typical prediction methods that rely on RNNs or Transformers, this approach can directly handle scenarios where the predicted sequence is not adjacent to the input sequence or where its length dynamically changes. In comparison to conventional methods, D2Vformer undoubtedly saves a significant amount of training resources. In D2Vformer, the Date2Vec module uses the timestamp information and feature sequences to generate time position embeddings. Afterward, D2Vformer introduces a new fusion block that utilizes an attention mechanism to explore the similarity in time positions between the embeddings of the input sequence and the predicted sequence, thereby generating predictions based on this similarity. Through extensive experiments on six datasets, we demonstrate that Date2Vec outperforms other time position embedding methods, and D2Vformer surpasses state-of-the-art methods in both fixed-length and variable-length prediction tasks.
☆ Latent mixed-effect models for high-dimensional longitudinal data
Modelling longitudinal data is an important yet challenging task. These datasets can be high-dimensional, contain non-linear effects and time-varying covariates. Gaussian process (GP) prior-based variational autoencoders (VAEs) have emerged as a promising approach due to their ability to model time-series data. However, they are costly to train and struggle to fully exploit the rich covariates characteristic of longitudinal data, making them difficult for practitioners to use effectively. In this work, we leverage linear mixed models (LMMs) and amortized variational inference to provide conditional priors for VAEs, and propose LMM-VAE, a scalable, interpretable and identifiable model. We highlight theoretical connections between it and GP-based techniques, providing a unified framework for this class of methods. Our proposal performs competitively compared to existing approaches across simulated and real-world datasets.
comment: Under review
☆ GINTRIP: Interpretable Temporal Graph Regression using Information bottleneck and Prototype-based method
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across various domains, yet their application to temporal graph regression tasks faces significant challenges regarding interpretability. This critical issue, rooted in the inherent complexity of both DNNs and underlying spatio-temporal patterns in the graph, calls for innovative solutions. While interpretability concerns in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) mirror those of DNNs, to the best of our knowledge, no notable work has addressed the interpretability of temporal GNNs using a combination of Information Bottleneck (IB) principles and prototype-based methods. Our research introduces a novel approach that uniquely integrates these techniques to enhance the interpretability of temporal graph regression models. The key contributions of our work are threefold: We introduce the \underline{G}raph \underline{IN}terpretability in \underline{T}emporal \underline{R}egression task using \underline{I}nformation bottleneck and \underline{P}rototype (GINTRIP) framework, the first combined application of IB and prototype-based methods for interpretable temporal graph tasks. We derive a novel theoretical bound on mutual information (MI), extending the applicability of IB principles to graph regression tasks. We incorporate an unsupervised auxiliary classification head, fostering multi-task learning and diverse concept representation, which enhances the model bottleneck's interpretability. Our model is evaluated on real-world traffic datasets, outperforming existing methods in both forecasting accuracy and interpretability-related metrics.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ SynthSOD: Developing an Heterogeneous Dataset for Orchestra Music Source Separation SP
Recent advancements in music source separation have significantly progressed, particularly in isolating vocals, drums, and bass elements from mixed tracks. These developments owe much to the creation and use of large-scale, multitrack datasets dedicated to these specific components. However, the challenge of extracting similarly sounding sources from orchestra recordings has not been extensively explored, largely due to a scarcity of comprehensive and clean (i.e bleed-free) multitrack datasets. In this paper, we introduce a novel multitrack dataset called SynthSOD, developed using a set of simulation techniques to create a realistic (i.e. using high-quality soundfonts), musically motivated, and heterogeneous training set comprising different dynamics, natural tempo changes, styles, and conditions. Moreover, we demonstrate the application of a widely used baseline music separation model trained on our synthesized dataset w.r.t to the well-known EnsembleSet, and evaluate its performance under both synthetic and real-world conditions.
comment: Submitted to the OJSP - ICASSP 2025
☆ Towards Gaussian Process for operator learning: an uncertainty aware resolution independent operator learning algorithm for computational mechanics
The growing demand for accurate, efficient, and scalable solutions in computational mechanics highlights the need for advanced operator learning algorithms that can efficiently handle large datasets while providing reliable uncertainty quantification. This paper introduces a novel Gaussian Process (GP) based neural operator for solving parametric differential equations. The approach proposed leverages the expressive capability of deterministic neural operators and the uncertainty awareness of conventional GP. In particular, we propose a ``neural operator-embedded kernel'' wherein the GP kernel is formulated in the latent space learned using a neural operator. Further, we exploit a stochastic dual descent (SDD) algorithm for simultaneously training the neural operator parameters and the GP hyperparameters. Our approach addresses the (a) resolution dependence and (b) cubic complexity of traditional GP models, allowing for input-resolution independence and scalability in high-dimensional and non-linear parametric systems, such as those encountered in computational mechanics. We apply our method to a range of non-linear parametric partial differential equations (PDEs) and demonstrate its superiority in both computational efficiency and accuracy compared to standard GP models and wavelet neural operators. Our experimental results highlight the efficacy of this framework in solving complex PDEs while maintaining robustness in uncertainty estimation, positioning it as a scalable and reliable operator-learning algorithm for computational mechanics.
☆ Relative Representations: Topological and Geometric Perspectives
Relative representations are an established approach to zero-shot model stitching, consisting of a non-trainable transformation of the latent space of a deep neural network. Based on insights of topological and geometric nature, we propose two improvements to relative representations. First, we introduce a normalization procedure in the relative transformation, resulting in invariance to non-isotropic rescalings and permutations. The latter coincides with the symmetries in parameter space induced by common activation functions. Second, we propose to deploy topological densification when fine-tuning relative representations, a topological regularization loss encouraging clustering within classes. We provide an empirical investigation on a natural language task, where both the proposed variations yield improved performance on zero-shot model stitching.
☆ Cross-lingual transfer of multilingual models on low resource African Languages
Large multilingual models have significantly advanced natural language processing (NLP) research. However, their high resource demands and potential biases from diverse data sources have raised concerns about their effectiveness across low-resource languages. In contrast, monolingual models, trained on a single language, may better capture the nuances of the target language, potentially providing more accurate results. This study benchmarks the cross-lingual transfer capabilities from a high-resource language to a low-resource language for both, monolingual and multilingual models, focusing on Kinyarwanda and Kirundi, two Bantu languages. We evaluate the performance of transformer based architectures like Multilingual BERT (mBERT), AfriBERT, and BantuBERTa against neural-based architectures such as BiGRU, CNN, and char-CNN. The models were trained on Kinyarwanda and tested on Kirundi, with fine-tuning applied to assess the extent of performance improvement and catastrophic forgetting. AfriBERT achieved the highest cross-lingual accuracy of 88.3% after fine-tuning, while BiGRU emerged as the best-performing neural model with 83.3% accuracy. We also analyze the degree of forgetting in the original language post-fine-tuning. While monolingual models remain competitive, this study highlights that multilingual models offer strong cross-lingual transfer capabilities in resource limited settings.
☆ Active learning for energy-based antibody optimization and enhanced screening
Accurate prediction and optimization of protein-protein binding affinity is crucial for therapeutic antibody development. Although machine learning-based prediction methods $\Delta\Delta G$ are suitable for large-scale mutant screening, they struggle to predict the effects of multiple mutations for targets without existing binders. Energy function-based methods, though more accurate, are time consuming and not ideal for large-scale screening. To address this, we propose an active learning workflow that efficiently trains a deep learning model to learn energy functions for specific targets, combining the advantages of both approaches. Our method integrates the RDE-Network deep learning model with Rosetta's energy function-based Flex ddG to efficiently explore mutants that bind to Flex ddG. In a case study targeting HER2-binding Trastuzumab mutants, our approach significantly improved the screening performance over random selection and demonstrated the ability to identify mutants with better binding properties without experimental $\Delta\Delta G$ data. This workflow advances computational antibody design by combining machine learning, physics-based computations, and active learning to achieve more efficient antibody development.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Fair Anomaly Detection For Imbalanced Groups
Anomaly detection (AD) has been widely studied for decades in many real-world applications, including fraud detection in finance, and intrusion detection for cybersecurity, etc. Due to the imbalanced nature between protected and unprotected groups and the imbalanced distributions of normal examples and anomalies, the learning objectives of most existing anomaly detection methods tend to solely concentrate on the dominating unprotected group. Thus, it has been recognized by many researchers about the significance of ensuring model fairness in anomaly detection. However, the existing fair anomaly detection methods tend to erroneously label most normal examples from the protected group as anomalies in the imbalanced scenario where the unprotected group is more abundant than the protected group. This phenomenon is caused by the improper design of learning objectives, which statistically focus on learning the frequent patterns (i.e., the unprotected group) while overlooking the under-represented patterns (i.e., the protected group). To address these issues, we propose FairAD, a fairness-aware anomaly detection method targeting the imbalanced scenario. It consists of a fairness-aware contrastive learning module and a rebalancing autoencoder module to ensure fairness and handle the imbalanced data issue, respectively. Moreover, we provide the theoretical analysis that shows our proposed contrastive learning regularization guarantees group fairness. Empirical studies demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of FairAD across multiple real-world datasets.
☆ Contrasformer: A Brain Network Contrastive Transformer for Neurodegenerative Condition Identification
Understanding neurological disorder is a fundamental problem in neuroscience, which often requires the analysis of brain networks derived from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. Despite the prevalence of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Graph Transformers in various domains, applying them to brain networks faces challenges. Specifically, the datasets are severely impacted by the noises caused by distribution shifts across sub-populations and the neglect of node identities, both obstruct the identification of disease-specific patterns. To tackle these challenges, we propose Contrasformer, a novel contrastive brain network Transformer. It generates a prior-knowledge-enhanced contrast graph to address the distribution shifts across sub-populations by a two-stream attention mechanism. A cross attention with identity embedding highlights the identity of nodes, and three auxiliary losses ensure group consistency. Evaluated on 4 functional brain network datasets over 4 different diseases, Contrasformer outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for brain networks by achieving up to 10.8\% improvement in accuracy, which demonstrates its efficacy in neurological disorder identification. Case studies illustrate its interpretability, especially in the context of neuroscience. This paper provides a solution for analyzing brain networks, offering valuable insights into neurological disorders. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/AngusMonroe/Contrasformer}.
☆ Optimizing TinyML: The Impact of Reduced Data Acquisition Rates for Time Series Classification on Microcontrollers
Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) enables efficient, lowcost, and privacy preserving machine learning inference directly on microcontroller units (MCUs) connected to sensors. Optimizing models for these constrained environments is crucial. This paper investigates how reducing data acquisition rates affects TinyML models for time series classification, focusing on resource-constrained, battery operated IoT devices. By lowering data sampling frequency, we aim to reduce computational demands RAM usage, energy consumption, latency, and MAC operations by approximately fourfold while maintaining similar classification accuracies. Our experiments with six benchmark datasets (UCIHAR, WISDM, PAMAP2, MHEALTH, MITBIH, and PTB) showed that reducing data acquisition rates significantly cut energy consumption and computational load, with minimal accuracy loss. For example, a 75\% reduction in acquisition rate for MITBIH and PTB datasets led to a 60\% decrease in RAM usage, 75\% reduction in MAC operations, 74\% decrease in latency, and 70\% reduction in energy consumption, without accuracy loss. These results offer valuable insights for deploying efficient TinyML models in constrained environments.
☆ Early Detection of Coronary Heart Disease Using Hybrid Quantum Machine Learning Approach
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a severe cardiac disease, and hence, its early diagnosis is essential as it improves treatment results and saves money on medical care. The prevailing development of quantum computing and machine learning (ML) technologies may bring practical improvement to the performance of CHD diagnosis. Quantum machine learning (QML) is receiving tremendous interest in various disciplines due to its higher performance and capabilities. A quantum leap in the healthcare industry will increase processing power and optimise multiple models. Techniques for QML have the potential to forecast cardiac disease and help in early detection. To predict the risk of coronary heart disease, a hybrid approach utilizing an ensemble machine learning model based on QML classifiers is presented in this paper. Our approach, with its unique ability to address multidimensional healthcare data, reassures the method's robustness by fusing quantum and classical ML algorithms in a multi-step inferential framework. The marked rise in heart disease and death rates impacts worldwide human health and the global economy. Reducing cardiac morbidity and mortality requires early detection of heart disease. In this research, a hybrid approach utilizes techniques with quantum computing capabilities to tackle complex problems that are not amenable to conventional machine learning algorithms and to minimize computational expenses. The proposed method has been developed in the Raspberry Pi 5 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) platform and tested on a broad dataset that integrates clinical and imaging data from patients suffering from CHD and healthy controls. Compared to classical machine learning models, the accuracy, sensitivity, F1 score, and specificity of the proposed hybrid QML model used with CHD are manifold higher.
☆ FSL-HDnn: A 5.7 TOPS/W End-to-end Few-shot Learning Classifier Accelerator with Feature Extraction and Hyperdimensional Computing
This paper introduces FSL-HDnn, an energy-efficient accelerator that implements the end-to-end pipeline of feature extraction, classification, and on-chip few-shot learning (FSL) through gradient-free learning techniques in a 40 nm CMOS process. At its core, FSL-HDnn integrates two low-power modules: Weight clustering feature extractor and Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC). Feature extractor utilizes advanced weight clustering and pattern reuse strategies for optimized CNN-based feature extraction. Meanwhile, HDC emerges as a novel approach for lightweight FSL classifier, employing hyperdimensional vectors to improve training accuracy significantly compared to traditional distance-based approaches. This dual-module synergy not only simplifies the learning process by eliminating the need for complex gradients but also dramatically enhances energy efficiency and performance. Specifically, FSL-HDnn achieves an Intensity unprecedented energy efficiency of 5.7 TOPS/W for feature 1 extraction and 0.78 TOPS/W for classification and learning Training Intensity phases, achieving improvements of 2.6X and 6.6X, respectively, Storage over current state-of-the-art CNN and FSL processors.
comment: 4 pages, 12 figures, ESSERC 2024
☆ A Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN) Methodology for Coupled Moving Boundary PDEs
Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) is a novel multi-task learning framework useful for solving physical problems modeled using differential equations (DEs) by integrating the knowledge of physics and known constraints into the components of deep learning. A large class of physical problems in materials science and mechanics involve moving boundaries, where interface flux balance conditions are to be satisfied while solving DEs. Examples of such systems include free surface flows, shock propagation, solidification of pure and alloy systems etc. While recent research works have explored applicability of PINNs for an uncoupled system (such as solidification of pure system), the present work reports a PINN-based approach to solve coupled systems involving multiple governing parameters (energy and species, along with multiple interface balance equations). This methodology employs an architecture consisting of a separate network for each variable with a separate treatment of each phase, a training strategy which alternates between temporal learning and adaptive loss weighting, and a scheme which progressively reduces the optimisation space. While solving the benchmark problem of binary alloy solidification, it is distinctly successful at capturing the complex composition profile, which has a characteristic discontinuity at the interface and the resulting predictions align well with the analytical solutions. The procedure can be generalised for solving other transient multiphysics problems especially in the low-data regime and in cases where measurements can reveal new physics.
comment: 16 pages and 9 figures
☆ Clustering with Non-adaptive Subset Queries
Recovering the underlying clustering of a set $U$ of $n$ points by asking pair-wise same-cluster queries has garnered significant interest in the last decade. Given a query $S \subset U$, $|S|=2$, the oracle returns yes if the points are in the same cluster and no otherwise. For adaptive algorithms with pair-wise queries, the number of required queries is known to be $\Theta(nk)$, where $k$ is the number of clusters. However, non-adaptive schemes require $\Omega(n^2)$ queries, which matches the trivial $O(n^2)$ upper bound attained by querying every pair of points. To break the quadratic barrier for non-adaptive queries, we study a generalization of this problem to subset queries for $|S|>2$, where the oracle returns the number of clusters intersecting $S$. Allowing for subset queries of unbounded size, $O(n)$ queries is possible with an adaptive scheme (Chakrabarty-Liao, 2024). However, the realm of non-adaptive algorithms is completely unknown. In this paper, we give the first non-adaptive algorithms for clustering with subset queries. Our main result is a non-adaptive algorithm making $O(n \log k \cdot (\log k + \log\log n)^2)$ queries, which improves to $O(n \log \log n)$ when $k$ is a constant. We also consider algorithms with a restricted query size of at most $s$. In this setting we prove that $\Omega(\max(n^2/s^2,n))$ queries are necessary and obtain algorithms making $\tilde{O}(n^2k/s^2)$ queries for any $s \leq \sqrt{n}$ and $\tilde{O}(n^2/s)$ queries for any $s \leq n$. We also consider the natural special case when the clusters are balanced, obtaining non-adaptive algorithms which make $O(n \log k) + \tilde{O}(k)$ and $O(n\log^2 k)$ queries. Finally, allowing two rounds of adaptivity, we give an algorithm making $O(n \log k)$ queries in the general case and $O(n \log \log k)$ queries when the clusters are balanced.
☆ WaterQualityNeT: Prediction of Seasonal Water Quality of Nepal Using Hybrid Deep Learning Models
Ensuring a safe and uncontaminated water supply is contingent upon the monitoring of water quality, especially in developing countries such as Nepal, where water sources are susceptible to pollution. This paper presents a hybrid deep learning model for predicting Nepal's seasonal water quality using a small dataset with many water quality parameters. The model integrates convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) to exploit temporal and spatial patterns in the data. The results demonstrate significant improvements in forecast accuracy over traditional methods, providing a reliable tool for proactive control of water quality. The model that used WQI parameters to classify people into good, poor, and average groups performed 92% of the time in testing. Similarly, the R2 score was 0.97 and the root mean square error was 2.87 when predicting WQI values using regression analysis. Additionally, a multifunctional application that uses both a regression and a classification approach is built to predict WQI values.
☆ AutoSpec: Automated Generation of Neural Network Specifications
The increasing adoption of neural networks in learning-augmented systems highlights the importance of model safety and robustness, particularly in safety-critical domains. Despite progress in the formal verification of neural networks, current practices require users to manually define model specifications -- properties that dictate expected model behavior in various scenarios. This manual process, however, is prone to human error, limited in scope, and time-consuming. In this paper, we introduce AutoSpec, the first framework to automatically generate comprehensive and accurate specifications for neural networks in learning-augmented systems. We also propose the first set of metrics for assessing the accuracy and coverage of model specifications, establishing a benchmark for future comparisons. Our evaluation across four distinct applications shows that AutoSpec outperforms human-defined specifications as well as two baseline approaches introduced in this study.
☆ Adaptive Large Language Models By Layerwise Attention Shortcuts
Transformer architectures are the backbone of the modern AI revolution. However, they are based on simply stacking the same blocks in dozens of layers and processing information sequentially from one block to another. In this paper, we propose to challenge this and introduce adaptive computations for LLM-like setups, which allow the final layer to attend to all of the intermediate layers as it deems fit through the attention mechanism, thereby introducing computational \textbf{attention shortcuts}. These shortcuts can thus make the architecture depth and context adaptive. We showcase four different datasets, namely acoustic tokens, natural language, and symbolic music, and we achieve superior performance for GPT-like architecture. We give evidence via attention maps that the models learn complex dependencies across layers that are adaptive in context and depth depending on the input tokens.
comment: 6 pages, 3 figures
☆ Dynamic Range Reduction via Branch-and-Bound
The demand for high-performance computing in machine learning and artificial intelligence has led to the development of specialized hardware accelerators like Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). A key strategy to enhance these accelerators is the reduction of precision in arithmetic operations, which increases processing speed and lowers latency - crucial for real-time AI applications. Precision reduction minimizes memory bandwidth requirements and energy consumption, essential for large-scale and mobile deployments, and increases throughput by enabling more parallel operations per cycle, maximizing hardware resource utilization. This strategy is equally vital for solving NP-hard quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems common in machine learning, which often require high precision for accurate representation. Special hardware solvers, such as quantum annealers, benefit significantly from precision reduction. This paper introduces a fully principled Branch-and-Bound algorithm for reducing precision needs in QUBO problems by utilizing dynamic range as a measure of complexity. Experiments validate our algorithm's effectiveness on an actual quantum annealer.
☆ 3DFacePolicy: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Diffusion Policy
Audio-driven 3D facial animation has made immersive progress both in research and application developments. The newest approaches focus on Transformer-based methods and diffusion-based methods, however, there is still gap in the vividness and emotional expression between the generated animation and real human face. To tackle this limitation, we propose 3DFacePolicy, a diffusion policy model for 3D facial animation prediction. This method generates variable and realistic human facial movements by predicting the 3D vertex trajectory on the 3D facial template with diffusion policy instead of facial generation for every frame. It takes audio and vertex states as observations to predict the vertex trajectory and imitate real human facial expressions, which keeps the continuous and natural flow of human emotions. The experiments show that our approach is effective in variable and dynamic facial motion synthesizing.
☆ BAD: Bidirectional Auto-regressive Diffusion for Text-to-Motion Generation
Autoregressive models excel in modeling sequential dependencies by enforcing causal constraints, yet they struggle to capture complex bidirectional patterns due to their unidirectional nature. In contrast, mask-based models leverage bidirectional context, enabling richer dependency modeling. However, they often assume token independence during prediction, which undermines the modeling of sequential dependencies. Additionally, the corruption of sequences through masking or absorption can introduce unnatural distortions, complicating the learning process. To address these issues, we propose Bidirectional Autoregressive Diffusion (BAD), a novel approach that unifies the strengths of autoregressive and mask-based generative models. BAD utilizes a permutation-based corruption technique that preserves the natural sequence structure while enforcing causal dependencies through randomized ordering, enabling the effective capture of both sequential and bidirectional relationships. Comprehensive experiments show that BAD outperforms autoregressive and mask-based models in text-to-motion generation, suggesting a novel pre-training strategy for sequence modeling. The codebase for BAD is available on https://github.com/RohollahHS/BAD.
☆ Implicit Reasoning in Deep Time Series Forecasting
Recently, time series foundation models have shown promising zero-shot forecasting performance on time series from a wide range of domains. However, it remains unclear whether their success stems from a true understanding of temporal dynamics or simply from memorizing the training data. While implicit reasoning in language models has been studied, similar evaluations for time series models have been largely unexplored. This work takes an initial step toward assessing the reasoning abilities of deep time series forecasting models. We find that certain linear, MLP-based, and patch-based Transformer models generalize effectively in systematically orchestrated out-of-distribution scenarios, suggesting underexplored reasoning capabilities beyond simple pattern memorization.
☆ Machine Learning for Public Good: Predicting Urban Crime Patterns to Enhance Community Safety
In recent years, urban safety has become a paramount concern for city planners and law enforcement agencies. Accurate prediction of likely crime occurrences can significantly enhance preventive measures and resource allocation. However, many law enforcement departments lack the tools to analyze and apply advanced AI and ML techniques that can support city planners, watch programs, and safety leaders to take proactive steps towards overall community safety. This paper explores the effectiveness of ML techniques to predict spatial and temporal patterns of crimes in urban areas. Leveraging police dispatch call data from San Jose, CA, the research goal is to achieve a high degree of accuracy in categorizing calls into priority levels particularly for more dangerous situations that require an immediate law enforcement response. This categorization is informed by the time, place, and nature of the call. The research steps include data extraction, preprocessing, feature engineering, exploratory data analysis, implementation, optimization and tuning of different supervised machine learning models and neural networks. The accuracy and precision are examined for different models and features at varying granularity of crime categories and location precision. The results demonstrate that when compared to a variety of other models, Random Forest classification models are most effective in identifying dangerous situations and their corresponding priority levels with high accuracy (Accuracy = 85%, AUC = 0.92) at a local level while ensuring a minimum amount of false negatives. While further research and data gathering is needed to include other social and economic factors, these results provide valuable insights for law enforcement agencies to optimize resources, develop proactive deployment approaches, and adjust response patterns to enhance overall public safety outcomes in an unbiased way.
comment: 19 pages, 20 figures
☆ PDMX: A Large-Scale Public Domain MusicXML Dataset for Symbolic Music Processing
The recent explosion of generative AI-Music systems has raised numerous concerns over data copyright, licensing music from musicians, and the conflict between open-source AI and large prestige companies. Such issues highlight the need for publicly available, copyright-free musical data, in which there is a large shortage, particularly for symbolic music data. To alleviate this issue, we present PDMX: a large-scale open-source dataset of over 250K public domain MusicXML scores collected from the score-sharing forum MuseScore, making it the largest available copyright-free symbolic music dataset to our knowledge. PDMX additionally includes a wealth of both tag and user interaction metadata, allowing us to efficiently analyze the dataset and filter for high quality user-generated scores. Given the additional metadata afforded by our data collection process, we conduct multitrack music generation experiments evaluating how different representative subsets of PDMX lead to different behaviors in downstream models, and how user-rating statistics can be used as an effective measure of data quality. Examples can be found at https://pnlong.github.io/PDMX.demo/.
☆ Challenging Fairness: A Comprehensive Exploration of Bias in LLM-Based Recommendations
Large Language Model (LLM)-based recommendation systems provide more comprehensive recommendations than traditional systems by deeply analyzing content and user behavior. However, these systems often exhibit biases, favoring mainstream content while marginalizing non-traditional options due to skewed training data. This study investigates the intricate relationship between bias and LLM-based recommendation systems, with a focus on music, song, and book recommendations across diverse demographic and cultural groups. Through a comprehensive analysis conducted over different LLM-models, this paper evaluates the impact of bias on recommendation outcomes. Our findings reveal that bias is so deeply ingrained within these systems that even a simpler intervention like prompt engineering can significantly reduce bias, underscoring the pervasive nature of the issue. Moreover, factors like intersecting identities and contextual information, such as socioeconomic status, further amplify these biases, demonstrating the complexity and depth of the challenges faced in creating fair recommendations across different groups.
☆ PReLU: Yet Another Single-Layer Solution to the XOR Problem
This paper demonstrates that a single-layer neural network using Parametric Rectified Linear Unit (PReLU) activation can solve the XOR problem, a simple fact that has been overlooked so far. We compare this solution to the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and the Growing Cosine Unit (GCU) activation function and explain why PReLU enables this capability. Our results show that the single-layer PReLU network can achieve 100\% success rate in a wider range of learning rates while using only three learnable parameters.
☆ Quantum Machine Learning for Semiconductor Fabrication: Modeling GaN HEMT Contact Process
This paper pioneers the use of quantum machine learning (QML) for modeling the Ohmic contact process in GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) for the first time. Utilizing data from 159 devices and variational auto-encoder-based augmentation, we developed a quantum kernel-based regressor (QKR) with a 2-level ZZ-feature map. Benchmarking against six classical machine learning (CML) models, our QKR consistently demonstrated the lowest mean absolute error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE), and root mean squared error (RMSE). Repeated statistical analysis confirmed its robustness. Additionally, experiments verified an MAE of 0.314 ohm-mm, underscoring the QKR's superior performance and potential for semiconductor applications, and demonstrating significant advancements over traditional CML methods.
comment: This is the manuscript in the conference version. An expanded version for the journal will be released later and more information will be added. The author list, content, conclusion, and figures may change due to further research
☆ Multi-frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography Reconstruction with Multi-Branch Attention Image Prior
Multi-frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography (mfEIT) is a promising biomedical imaging technique that estimates tissue conductivities across different frequencies. Current state-of-the-art (SOTA) algorithms, which rely on supervised learning and Multiple Measurement Vectors (MMV), require extensive training data, making them time-consuming, costly, and less practical for widespread applications. Moreover, the dependency on training data in supervised MMV methods can introduce erroneous conductivity contrasts across frequencies, posing significant concerns in biomedical applications. To address these challenges, we propose a novel unsupervised learning approach based on Multi-Branch Attention Image Prior (MAIP) for mfEIT reconstruction. Our method employs a carefully designed Multi-Branch Attention Network (MBA-Net) to represent multiple frequency-dependent conductivity images and simultaneously reconstructs mfEIT images by iteratively updating its parameters. By leveraging the implicit regularization capability of the MBA-Net, our algorithm can capture significant inter- and intra-frequency correlations, enabling robust mfEIT reconstruction without the need for training data. Through simulation and real-world experiments, our approach demonstrates performance comparable to, or better than, SOTA algorithms while exhibiting superior generalization capability. These results suggest that the MAIP-based method can be used to improve the reliability and applicability of mfEIT in various settings.
comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, journal
☆ Time-Series Forecasting, Knowledge Distillation, and Refinement within a Multimodal PDE Foundation Model
Symbolic encoding has been used in multi-operator learning as a way to embed additional information for distinct time-series data. For spatiotemporal systems described by time-dependent partial differential equations, the equation itself provides an additional modality to identify the system. The utilization of symbolic expressions along side time-series samples allows for the development of multimodal predictive neural networks. A key challenge with current approaches is that the symbolic information, i.e. the equations, must be manually preprocessed (simplified, rearranged, etc.) to match and relate to the existing token library, which increases costs and reduces flexibility, especially when dealing with new differential equations. We propose a new token library based on SymPy to encode differential equations as an additional modality for time-series models. The proposed approach incurs minimal cost, is automated, and maintains high prediction accuracy for forecasting tasks. Additionally, we include a Bayesian filtering module that connects the different modalities to refine the learned equation. This improves the accuracy of the learned symbolic representation and the predicted time-series.
☆ DiffESM: Conditional Emulation of Temperature and Precipitation in Earth System Models with 3D Diffusion Models
Earth System Models (ESMs) are essential for understanding the interaction between human activities and the Earth's climate. However, the computational demands of ESMs often limit the number of simulations that can be run, hindering the robust analysis of risks associated with extreme weather events. While low-cost climate emulators have emerged as an alternative to emulate ESMs and enable rapid analysis of future climate, many of these emulators only provide output on at most a monthly frequency. This temporal resolution is insufficient for analyzing events that require daily characterization, such as heat waves or heavy precipitation. We propose using diffusion models, a class of generative deep learning models, to effectively downscale ESM output from a monthly to a daily frequency. Trained on a handful of ESM realizations, reflecting a wide range of radiative forcings, our DiffESM model takes monthly mean precipitation or temperature as input, and is capable of producing daily values with statistical characteristics close to ESM output. Combined with a low-cost emulator providing monthly means, this approach requires only a small fraction of the computational resources needed to run a large ensemble. We evaluate model behavior using a number of extreme metrics, showing that DiffESM closely matches the spatio-temporal behavior of the ESM output it emulates in terms of the frequency and spatial characteristics of phenomena such as heat waves, dry spells, or rainfall intensity.
comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
☆ No Saved Kaleidosope: an 100% Jitted Neural Network Coding Language with Pythonic Syntax
We developed a jitted compiler for training Artificial Neural Networks using C++, LLVM and Cuda. It features object-oriented characteristics, strong typing, parallel workers for data pre-processing, pythonic syntax for expressions, PyTorch like model declaration and Automatic Differentiation. We implement the mechanisms of cache and pooling in order to manage VRAM, cuBLAS for high performance matrix multiplication and cuDNN for convolutional layers. Our experiments with Residual Convolutional Neural Networks on ImageNet, we reach similar speed but degraded performance. Also, the GRU network experiments show similar accuracy, but our compiler have degraded speed in that task. However, our compiler demonstrates promising results at the CIFAR-10 benchmark, in which we reach the same performance and about the same speed as PyTorch. We make the code publicly available at: https://github.com/NoSavedDATA/NoSavedKaleidoscope
comment: 12 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables
☆ The Sample Complexity of Smooth Boosting and the Tightness of the Hardcore Theorem
Smooth boosters generate distributions that do not place too much weight on any given example. Originally introduced for their noise-tolerant properties, such boosters have also found applications in differential privacy, reproducibility, and quantum learning theory. We study and settle the sample complexity of smooth boosting: we exhibit a class that can be weak learned to $\gamma$-advantage over smooth distributions with $m$ samples, for which strong learning over the uniform distribution requires $\tilde{\Omega}(1/\gamma^2)\cdot m$ samples. This matches the overhead of existing smooth boosters and provides the first separation from the setting of distribution-independent boosting, for which the corresponding overhead is $O(1/\gamma)$. Our work also sheds new light on Impagliazzo's hardcore theorem from complexity theory, all known proofs of which can be cast in the framework of smooth boosting. For a function $f$ that is mildly hard against size-$s$ circuits, the hardcore theorem provides a set of inputs on which $f$ is extremely hard against size-$s'$ circuits. A downside of this important result is the loss in circuit size, i.e. that $s' \ll s$. Answering a question of Trevisan, we show that this size loss is necessary and in fact, the parameters achieved by known proofs are the best possible.
comment: 46 pages, FOCS 2024
☆ Outlier Detection with Cluster Catch Digraphs
This paper introduces a novel family of outlier detection algorithms based on Cluster Catch Digraphs (CCDs), specifically tailored to address the challenges of high dimensionality and varying cluster shapes, which deteriorate the performance of most traditional outlier detection methods. We propose the Uniformity-Based CCD with Mutual Catch Graph (U-MCCD), the Uniformity- and Neighbor-Based CCD with Mutual Catch Graph (UN-MCCD), and their shape-adaptive variants (SU-MCCD and SUN-MCCD), which are designed to detect outliers in data sets with arbitrary cluster shapes and high dimensions. We present the advantages and shortcomings of these algorithms and provide the motivation or need to define each particular algorithm. Through comprehensive Monte Carlo simulations, we assess their performance and demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of our algorithms across various settings and contamination levels. We also illustrate the use of our algorithms on various real-life data sets. The U-MCCD algorithm efficiently identifies outliers while maintaining high true negative rates, and the SU-MCCD algorithm shows substantial improvement in handling non-uniform clusters. Additionally, the UN-MCCD and SUN-MCCD algorithms address the limitations of existing methods in high-dimensional spaces by utilizing Nearest Neighbor Distances (NND) for clustering and outlier detection. Our results indicate that these novel algorithms offer substantial advancements in the accuracy and adaptability of outlier detection, providing a valuable tool for various real-world applications. Keyword: Outlier detection, Graph-based clustering, Cluster catch digraphs, $k$-nearest-neighborhood, Mutual catch graphs, Nearest neighbor distance.
comment: 73 pages, 146 figures
☆ Self-Contrastive Forward-Forward Algorithm
The Forward-Forward (FF) algorithm is a recent, purely forward-mode learning method, that updates weights locally and layer-wise and supports supervised as well as unsupervised learning. These features make it ideal for applications such as brain-inspired learning, low-power hardware neural networks, and distributed learning in large models. However, while FF has shown promise on written digit recognition tasks, its performance on natural images and time-series remains a challenge. A key limitation is the need to generate high-quality negative examples for contrastive learning, especially in unsupervised tasks, where versatile solutions are currently lacking. To address this, we introduce the Self-Contrastive Forward-Forward (SCFF) method, inspired by self-supervised contrastive learning. SCFF generates positive and negative examples applicable across different datasets, surpassing existing local forward algorithms for unsupervised classification accuracy on MNIST (MLP: 98.7%), CIFAR-10 (CNN: 80.75%), and STL-10 (CNN: 77.3%). Additionally, SCFF is the first to enable FF training of recurrent neural networks, opening the door to more complex tasks and continuous-time video and text processing.
☆ Advances in APPFL: A Comprehensive and Extensible Federated Learning Framework
Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning paradigm enabling collaborative model training while preserving data privacy. In today's landscape, where most data is proprietary, confidential, and distributed, FL has become a promising approach to leverage such data effectively, particularly in sensitive domains such as medicine and the electric grid. Heterogeneity and security are the key challenges in FL, however; most existing FL frameworks either fail to address these challenges adequately or lack the flexibility to incorporate new solutions. To this end, we present the recent advances in developing APPFL, an extensible framework and benchmarking suite for federated learning, which offers comprehensive solutions for heterogeneity and security concerns, as well as user-friendly interfaces for integrating new algorithms or adapting to new applications. We demonstrate the capabilities of APPFL through extensive experiments evaluating various aspects of FL, including communication efficiency, privacy preservation, computational performance, and resource utilization. We further highlight the extensibility of APPFL through case studies in vertical, hierarchical, and decentralized FL. APPFL is open-sourced at https://github.com/APPFL/APPFL.
☆ Automating proton PBS treatment planning for head and neck cancers using policy gradient-based deep reinforcement learning
Proton pencil beam scanning (PBS) treatment planning for head and neck (H&N) cancers is a time-consuming and experience-demanding task where a large number of planning objectives are involved. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has recently been introduced to the planning processes of intensity-modulated radiation therapy and brachytherapy for prostate, lung, and cervical cancers. However, existing approaches are built upon the Q-learning framework and weighted linear combinations of clinical metrics, suffering from poor scalability and flexibility and only capable of adjusting a limited number of planning objectives in discrete action spaces. We propose an automatic treatment planning model using the proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm and a dose distribution-based reward function for proton PBS treatment planning of H&N cancers. Specifically, a set of empirical rules is used to create auxiliary planning structures from target volumes and organs-at-risk (OARs), along with their associated planning objectives. These planning objectives are fed into an in-house optimization engine to generate the spot monitor unit (MU) values. A decision-making policy network trained using PPO is developed to iteratively adjust the involved planning objective parameters in a continuous action space and refine the PBS treatment plans using a novel dose distribution-based reward function. Proton H&N treatment plans generated by the model show improved OAR sparing with equal or superior target coverage when compared with human-generated plans. Moreover, additional experiments on liver cancer demonstrate that the proposed method can be successfully generalized to other treatment sites. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first DRL-based automatic treatment planning model capable of achieving human-level performance for H&N cancers.
☆ Preference Tuning with Human Feedback on Language, Speech, and Vision Tasks: A Survey
Preference tuning is a crucial process for aligning deep generative models with human preferences. This survey offers a thorough overview of recent advancements in preference tuning and the integration of human feedback. The paper is organized into three main sections: 1) introduction and preliminaries: an introduction to reinforcement learning frameworks, preference tuning tasks, models, and datasets across various modalities: language, speech, and vision, as well as different policy approaches, 2) in-depth examination of each preference tuning approach: a detailed analysis of the methods used in preference tuning, and 3) applications, discussion, and future directions: an exploration of the applications of preference tuning in downstream tasks, including evaluation methods for different modalities, and an outlook on future research directions. Our objective is to present the latest methodologies in preference tuning and model alignment, enhancing the understanding of this field for researchers and practitioners. We hope to encourage further engagement and innovation in this area.
comment: Survey paper
☆ Discrete Unit based Masking for Improving Disentanglement in Voice Conversion
Voice conversion (VC) aims to modify the speaker's identity while preserving the linguistic content. Commonly, VC methods use an encoder-decoder architecture, where disentangling the speaker's identity from linguistic information is crucial. However, the disentanglement approaches used in these methods are limited as the speaker features depend on the phonetic content of the utterance, compromising disentanglement. This dependency is amplified with attention-based methods. To address this, we introduce a novel masking mechanism in the input before speaker encoding, masking certain discrete speech units that correspond highly with phoneme classes. Our work aims to reduce the phonetic dependency of speaker features by restricting access to some phonetic information. Furthermore, since our approach is at the input level, it is applicable to any encoder-decoder based VC framework. Our approach improves disentanglement and conversion performance across multiple VC methods, showing significant effectiveness, particularly in attention-based method, with 44% relative improvement in objective intelligibility.
comment: Accepted to IEEE SLT 2024
☆ A Property Encoder for Graph Neural Networks
Graph machine learning, particularly using graph neural networks, fundamentally relies on node features. Nevertheless, numerous real-world systems, such as social and biological networks, often lack node features due to various reasons, including privacy concerns, incomplete or missing data, and limitations in data collection. In such scenarios, researchers typically resort to methods like structural and positional encoding to construct node features. However, the length of such features is contingent on the maximum value within the property being encoded, for example, the highest node degree, which can be exceedingly large in applications like scale-free networks. Furthermore, these encoding schemes are limited to categorical data and might not be able to encode metrics returning other type of values. In this paper, we introduce a novel, universally applicable encoder, termed PropEnc, which constructs expressive node embedding from any given graph metric. PropEnc leverages histogram construction combined with reverse index encoding, offering a flexible method for node features initialization. It supports flexible encoding in terms of both dimensionality and type of input, demonstrating its effectiveness across diverse applications. PropEnc allows encoding metrics in low-dimensional space which effectively avoids the issue of sparsity and enhances the efficiency of the models. We show that \emph{PropEnc} can construct node features that either exactly replicate one-hot encoding or closely approximate indices under various settings. Our extensive evaluations in graph classification setting across multiple social networks that lack node features support our hypothesis. The empirical results conclusively demonstrate that PropEnc is both an efficient and effective mechanism for constructing node features from diverse set of graph metrics.
comment: conference paper
☆ VALO: A Versatile Anytime Framework for LiDAR-based Object Detection Deep Neural Networks
This work addresses the challenge of adapting dynamic deadline requirements for LiDAR object detection deep neural networks (DNNs). The computing latency of object detection is critically important to ensure safe and efficient navigation. However, state-of-the-art LiDAR object detection DNNs often exhibit significant latency, hindering their real-time performance on resource-constrained edge platforms. Therefore, a tradeoff between detection accuracy and latency should be dynamically managed at runtime to achieve optimum results. In this paper, we introduce VALO (Versatile Anytime algorithm for LiDAR Object detection), a novel data-centric approach that enables anytime computing of 3D LiDAR object detection DNNs. VALO employs a deadline-aware scheduler to selectively process input regions, making execution time and accuracy tradeoffs without architectural modifications. Additionally, it leverages efficient forecasting of past detection results to mitigate possible loss of accuracy due to partial processing of input. Finally, it utilizes a novel input reduction technique within its detection heads to significantly accelerate execution without sacrificing accuracy. We implement VALO on state-of-the-art 3D LiDAR object detection networks, namely CenterPoint and VoxelNext, and demonstrate its dynamic adaptability to a wide range of time constraints while achieving higher accuracy than the prior state-of-the-art. Code is available athttps://github.com/CSL-KU/VALO}{github.com/CSL-KU/VALO.
☆ Balancing Optimality and Diversity: Human-Centered Decision Making through Generative Curation
The surge in data availability has inundated decision-makers with an overwhelming array of choices. While existing approaches focus on optimizing decisions based on quantifiable metrics, practical decision-making often requires balancing measurable quantitative criteria with unmeasurable qualitative factors embedded in the broader context. In such cases, algorithms can generate high-quality recommendations, but the final decision rests with the human, who must weigh both dimensions. We define the process of selecting the optimal set of algorithmic recommendations in this context as human-centered decision making. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel framework called generative curation, which optimizes the true desirability of decision options by integrating both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Our framework uses a Gaussian process to model unknown qualitative factors and derives a diversity metric that balances quantitative optimality with qualitative diversity. This trade-off enables the generation of a manageable subset of diverse, near-optimal actions that are robust to unknown qualitative preferences. To operationalize this framework, we propose two implementation approaches: a generative neural network architecture that produces a distribution $\pi$ to efficiently sample a diverse set of near-optimal actions, and a sequential optimization method to iteratively generates solutions that can be easily incorporated into complex optimization formulations. We validate our approach with extensive datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in enhancing decision-making processes across a range of complex environments, with significant implications for policy and management.
☆ Adaptive Anomaly Detection in Network Flows with Low-Rank Tensor Decompositions and Deep Unrolling
Anomaly detection (AD) is increasingly recognized as a key component for ensuring the resilience of future communication systems. While deep learning has shown state-of-the-art AD performance, its application in critical systems is hindered by concerns regarding training data efficiency, domain adaptation and interpretability. This work considers AD in network flows using incomplete measurements, leveraging a robust tensor decomposition approach and deep unrolling techniques to address these challenges. We first propose a novel block-successive convex approximation algorithm based on a regularized model-fitting objective where the normal flows are modeled as low-rank tensors and anomalies as sparse. An augmentation of the objective is introduced to decrease the computational cost. We apply deep unrolling to derive a novel deep network architecture based on our proposed algorithm, treating the regularization parameters as learnable weights. Inspired by Bayesian approaches, we extend the model architecture to perform online adaptation to per-flow and per-time-step statistics, improving AD performance while maintaining a low parameter count and preserving the problem's permutation equivariances. To optimize the deep network weights for detection performance, we employ a homotopy optimization approach based on an efficient approximation of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world data demonstrate that our proposed deep network architecture exhibits a high training data efficiency, outperforms reference methods, and adapts seamlessly to varying network topologies.
comment: 17 pages, 7 figures
☆ Unlocking NACE Classification Embeddings with OpenAI for Enhanced Analysis and Processing
The Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE) is the standard classification system for the categorization of economic and industrial activities within the European Union. This paper proposes a novel approach to transform the NACE classification into low-dimensional embeddings, using state-of-the-art models and dimensionality reduction techniques. The primary challenge is the preservation of the hierarchical structure inherent within the original NACE classification while reducing the number of dimensions. To address this issue, we introduce custom metrics designed to quantify the retention of hierarchical relationships throughout the embedding and reduction processes. The evaluation of these metrics demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in retaining the structural information essential for insightful analysis. This approach not only facilitates the visual exploration of economic activity relationships, but also increases the efficacy of downstream tasks, including clustering, classification, integration with other classifications, and others. Through experimental validation, the utility of our proposed framework in preserving hierarchical structures within the NACE classification is showcased, thereby providing a valuable tool for researchers and policymakers to understand and leverage any hierarchical data.
☆ Partially Observable Contextual Bandits with Linear Payoffs
The standard contextual bandit framework assumes fully observable and actionable contexts. In this work, we consider a new bandit setting with partially observable, correlated contexts and linear payoffs, motivated by the applications in finance where decision making is based on market information that typically displays temporal correlation and is not fully observed. We make the following contributions marrying ideas from statistical signal processing with bandits: (i) We propose an algorithmic pipeline named EMKF-Bandit, which integrates system identification, filtering, and classic contextual bandit algorithms into an iterative method alternating between latent parameter estimation and decision making. (ii) We analyze EMKF-Bandit when we select Thompson sampling as the bandit algorithm and show that it incurs a sub-linear regret under conditions on filtering. (iii) We conduct numerical simulations that demonstrate the benefits and practical applicability of the proposed pipeline.
☆ Learning-Augmented Frequency Estimation in Sliding Windows
We show how to utilize machine learning approaches to improve sliding window algorithms for approximate frequency estimation problems, under the ``algorithms with predictions'' framework. In this dynamic environment, previous learning-augmented algorithms are less effective, since properties in sliding window resolution can differ significantly from the properties of the entire stream. Our focus is on the benefits of predicting and filtering out items with large next arrival times -- that is, there is a large gap until their next appearance -- from the stream, which we show improves the memory-accuracy tradeoffs significantly. We provide theorems that provide insight into how and by how much our technique can improve the sliding window algorithm, as well as experimental results using real-world data sets. Our work demonstrates that predictors can be useful in the challenging sliding window setting.
☆ FedNE: Surrogate-Assisted Federated Neighbor Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction
Federated learning (FL) has rapidly evolved as a promising paradigm that enables collaborative model training across distributed participants without exchanging their local data. Despite its broad applications in fields such as computer vision, graph learning, and natural language processing, the development of a data projection model that can be effectively used to visualize data in the context of FL is crucial yet remains heavily under-explored. Neighbor embedding (NE) is an essential technique for visualizing complex high-dimensional data, but collaboratively learning a joint NE model is difficult. The key challenge lies in the objective function, as effective visualization algorithms like NE require computing loss functions among pairs of data. In this paper, we introduce \textsc{FedNE}, a novel approach that integrates the \textsc{FedAvg} framework with the contrastive NE technique, without any requirements of shareable data. To address the lack of inter-client repulsion which is crucial for the alignment in the global embedding space, we develop a surrogate loss function that each client learns and shares with each other. Additionally, we propose a data-mixing strategy to augment the local data, aiming to relax the problems of invisible neighbors and false neighbors constructed by the local $k$NN graphs. We conduct comprehensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The results demonstrate that our \textsc{FedNE} can effectively preserve the neighborhood data structures and enhance the alignment in the global embedding space compared to several baseline methods.
☆ Chess Rating Estimation from Moves and Clock Times Using a CNN-LSTM
Current rating systems update ratings incrementally and may not always accurately reflect a player's true strength at all times, especially for rapidly improving players or very rusty players. To overcome this, we explore a method to estimate player ratings directly from game moves and clock times. We compiled a benchmark dataset from Lichess, encompassing various time controls and including move sequences and clock times. Our model architecture comprises a CNN to learn positional features, which are then integrated with clock-time data into a bidirectional LSTM, predicting player ratings after each move. The model achieved an MAE of 182 rating points in the test data. Additionally, we applied our model to the 2024 IEEE Big Data Cup Chess Puzzle Difficulty Competition dataset, predicted puzzle ratings and achieved competitive results. This model is the first to use no hand-crafted features to estimate chess ratings and also the first to output a rating prediction for each move. Our method highlights the potential of using move-based rating estimation for enhancing rating systems and potentially other applications such as cheating detection.
comment: 10 pages, 2 figures
☆ Preventing Representational Rank Collapse in MPNNs by Splitting the Computational Graph
The ability of message-passing neural networks (MPNNs) to fit complex functions over graphs is limited each iteration of message-passing over a simple makes representations more similar, a phenomenon known as rank collapse, and over-smoothing as a special case. Most approaches to mitigate over-smoothing extend common message-passing schemes, e.g., the graph convolutional network, by utilizing residual connections, gating mechanisms, normalization, or regularization techniques. Our work contrarily proposes to directly tackle the cause of this issue by modifying the message-passing scheme and exchanging different types of messages using multi-relational graphs. We identify the necessary and sufficient condition to ensure linearly independent node representations. As one instantion, we show that operating on multiple directed acyclic graphs always satisfies our condition and propose to obtain these by defining a strict partial ordering of the nodes. We conduct comprehensive experiments that confirm the benefits of operating on multi-relational graphs to achieve more informative node representations.
☆ Super Resolution On Global Weather Forecasts
Weather forecasting is a vitally important tool for tasks ranging from planning day to day activities to disaster response planning. However, modeling weather has proven to be challenging task due to its chaotic and unpredictable nature. Each variable, from temperature to precipitation to wind, all influence the path the environment will take. As a result, all models tend to rapidly lose accuracy as the temporal range of their forecasts increase. Classical forecasting methods use a myriad of physics-based, numerical, and stochastic techniques to predict the change in weather variables over time. However, such forecasts often require a very large amount of data and are extremely computationally expensive. Furthermore, as climate and global weather patterns change, classical models are substantially more difficult and time-consuming to update for changing environments. Fortunately, with recent advances in deep learning and publicly available high quality weather datasets, deploying learning methods for estimating these complex systems has become feasible. The current state-of-the-art deep learning models have comparable accuracy to the industry standard numerical models and are becoming more ubiquitous in practice due to their adaptability. Our group seeks to improve upon existing deep learning based forecasting methods by increasing spatial resolutions of global weather predictions. Specifically, we are interested in performing super resolution (SR) on GraphCast temperature predictions by increasing the global precision from 1 degree of accuracy to 0.5 degrees, which is approximately 111km and 55km respectively.
☆ Beyond Algorithmic Fairness: A Guide to Develop and Deploy Ethical AI-Enabled Decision-Support Tools
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and optimization hold substantial promise for improving the efficiency, reliability, and resilience of engineered systems. Due to the networked nature of many engineered systems, ethically deploying methodologies at this intersection poses challenges that are distinct from other AI settings, thus motivating the development of ethical guidelines tailored to AI-enabled optimization. This paper highlights the need to go beyond fairness-driven algorithms to systematically address ethical decisions spanning the stages of modeling, data curation, results analysis, and implementation of optimization-based decision support tools. Accordingly, this paper identifies ethical considerations required when deploying algorithms at the intersection of AI and optimization via case studies in power systems as well as supply chain and logistics. Rather than providing a prescriptive set of rules, this paper aims to foster reflection and awareness among researchers and encourage consideration of ethical implications at every step of the decision-making process.
☆ Two Stage Segmentation of Cervical Tumors using PocketNet
Cervical cancer remains the fourth most common malignancy amongst women worldwide.1 Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) serves as the mainstay definitive treatment regimen for locally advanced cervical cancers and includes external beam radiation followed by brachytherapy.2 Integral to radiotherapy treatment planning is the routine contouring of both the target tumor at the level of the cervix, associated gynecologic anatomy and the adjacent organs at risk (OARs). However, manual contouring of these structures is both time and labor intensive and associated with known interobserver variability that can impact treatment outcomes. While multiple tools have been developed to automatically segment OARs and the high-risk clinical tumor volume (HR-CTV) using computed tomography (CT) images,3,4,5,6 the development of deep learning-based tumor segmentation tools using routine T2-weighted (T2w) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) addresses an unmet clinical need to improve the routine contouring of both anatomical structures and cervical cancers, thereby increasing quality and consistency of radiotherapy planning. This work applied a novel deep-learning model (PocketNet) to segment the cervix, vagina, uterus, and tumor(s) on T2w MRI. The performance of the PocketNet architecture was evaluated, when trained on data via 5-fold cross validation. PocketNet achieved a mean Dice-Sorensen similarity coefficient (DSC) exceeding 70% for tumor segmentation and 80% for organ segmentation. These results suggest that PocketNet is robust to variations in contrast protocols, providing reliable segmentation of the ROIs.
☆ Golden Ratio Search: A Low-Power Adversarial Attack for Deep Learning based Modulation Classification
We propose a minimal power white box adversarial attack for Deep Learning based Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC). The proposed attack uses the Golden Ratio Search (GRS) method to find powerful attacks with minimal power. We evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method by comparing it with existing adversarial attack approaches. Additionally, we test the robustness of the proposed attack against various state-of-the-art architectures, including defense mechanisms such as adversarial training, binarization, and ensemble methods. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed attack is powerful, requires minimal power, and can be generated in less time, significantly challenging the resilience of current AMC methods.
comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables
☆ Learning a Terrain- and Robot-Aware Dynamics Model for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation
Mobile robots should be capable of planning cost-efficient paths for autonomous navigation. Typically, the terrain and robot properties are subject to variations. For instance, properties of the terrain such as friction may vary across different locations. Also, properties of the robot may change such as payloads or wear and tear, e.g., causing changing actuator gains or joint friction. Autonomous navigation approaches should thus be able to adapt to such variations. In this article, we propose a novel approach for learning a probabilistic, terrain- and robot-aware forward dynamics model (TRADYN) which can adapt to such variations and demonstrate its use for navigation. Our learning approach extends recent advances in meta-learning forward dynamics models based on Neural Processes for mobile robot navigation. We evaluate our method in simulation for 2D navigation of a robot with uni-cycle dynamics with varying properties on terrain with spatially varying friction coefficients. In our experiments, we demonstrate that TRADYN has lower prediction error over long time horizons than model ablations which do not adapt to robot or terrain variations. We also evaluate our model for navigation planning in a model-predictive control framework and under various sources of noise. We demonstrate that our approach yields improved performance in planning control-efficient paths by taking robot and terrain properties into account.
comment: Submitted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2307.09206
☆ Evaluation of pretrained language models on music understanding
Music-text multimodal systems have enabled new approaches to Music Information Research (MIR) applications such as audio-to-text and text-to-audio retrieval, text-based song generation, and music captioning. Despite the reported success, little effort has been put into evaluating the musical knowledge of Large Language Models (LLM). In this paper, we demonstrate that LLMs suffer from 1) prompt sensitivity, 2) inability to model negation (e.g. 'rock song without guitar'), and 3) sensitivity towards the presence of specific words. We quantified these properties as a triplet-based accuracy, evaluating the ability to model the relative similarity of labels in a hierarchical ontology. We leveraged the Audioset ontology to generate triplets consisting of an anchor, a positive (relevant) label, and a negative (less relevant) label for the genre and instruments sub-tree. We evaluated the triplet-based musical knowledge for six general-purpose Transformer-based models. The triplets obtained through this methodology required filtering, as some were difficult to judge and therefore relatively uninformative for evaluation purposes. Despite the relatively high accuracy reported, inconsistencies are evident in all six models, suggesting that off-the-shelf LLMs need adaptation to music before use.
☆ Volvo Discovery Challenge at ECML-PKDD 2024 ECML
This paper presents an overview of the Volvo Discovery Challenge, held during the ECML-PKDD 2024 conference. The challenge's goal was to predict the failure risk of an anonymized component in Volvo trucks using a newly published dataset. The test data included observations from two generations (gen1 and gen2) of the component, while the training data was provided only for gen1. The challenge attracted 52 data scientists from around the world who submitted a total of 791 entries. We provide a brief description of the problem definition, challenge setup, and statistics about the submissions. In the section on winning methodologies, the first, second, and third-place winners of the competition briefly describe their proposed methods and provide GitHub links to their implemented code. The shared code can be interesting as an advanced methodology for researchers in the predictive maintenance domain. The competition was hosted on the Codabench platform.
comment: ECML/PKDD 2024, Discovery Challenge
☆ Jailbreaking Large Language Models with Symbolic Mathematics
Recent advancements in AI safety have led to increased efforts in training and red-teaming large language models (LLMs) to mitigate unsafe content generation. However, these safety mechanisms may not be comprehensive, leaving potential vulnerabilities unexplored. This paper introduces MathPrompt, a novel jailbreaking technique that exploits LLMs' advanced capabilities in symbolic mathematics to bypass their safety mechanisms. By encoding harmful natural language prompts into mathematical problems, we demonstrate a critical vulnerability in current AI safety measures. Our experiments across 13 state-of-the-art LLMs reveal an average attack success rate of 73.6\%, highlighting the inability of existing safety training mechanisms to generalize to mathematically encoded inputs. Analysis of embedding vectors shows a substantial semantic shift between original and encoded prompts, helping explain the attack's success. This work emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to AI safety, calling for expanded red-teaming efforts to develop robust safeguards across all potential input types and their associated risks.
☆ Fault Detection and Identification via Monitoring Modules Based on Clusters of Interacting Measurements
This work introduces a novel control-aware distributed process monitoring methodology based on modules comprised of clusters of interacting measurements. The methodology relies on the process flow diagram (PFD) and control system structure without requiring cross-correlation data to create monitoring modules. The methodology is validated on the Tennessee Eastman Process benchmark using full Principal Component Analysis (f-PCA) in the monitoring modules. The results are comparable to nonlinear techniques implemented in a centralized manner such as Kernel PCA (KPCA), Autoencoders (AE), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), or distributed techniques like the Distributed Canonical Correlation Analysis (DCCA). Temporal plots of fault detection by different modules show clearly the magnitude and propagation of the fault through each module, pinpointing the module where the fault originates, and separating controllable faults from other faults. This information, combined with PCA contribution plots, helps detection and identification as effectively as more complex nonlinear centralized or distributed methods.
comment: Submitted to CACE 19/08/2024
♻ ☆ S$^3$Attention: Improving Long Sequence Attention with Smoothed Skeleton Sketching
Attention based models have achieved many remarkable breakthroughs in numerous applications. However, the quadratic complexity of Attention makes the vanilla Attention based models hard to apply to long sequence tasks. Various improved Attention structures are proposed to reduce the computation cost by inducing low rankness and approximating the whole sequence by sub-sequences. The most challenging part of those approaches is maintaining the proper balance between information preservation and computation reduction: the longer sub-sequences used, the better information is preserved, but at the price of introducing more noise and computational costs. In this paper, we propose a smoothed skeleton sketching based Attention structure, coined S$^3$Attention, which significantly improves upon the previous attempts to negotiate this trade-off. S$^3$Attention has two mechanisms to effectively minimize the impact of noise while keeping the linear complexity to the sequence length: a smoothing block to mix information over long sequences and a matrix sketching method that simultaneously selects columns and rows from the input matrix. We verify the effectiveness of S$^3$Attention both theoretically and empirically. Extensive studies over Long Range Arena (LRA) datasets and six time-series forecasting show that S$^3$Attention significantly outperforms both vanilla Attention and other state-of-the-art variants of Attention structures.
♻ ☆ Towards Optimal Branching of Linear and Semidefinite Relaxations for Neural Network Robustness Certification
In this paper, we study certifying the robustness of ReLU neural networks against adversarial input perturbations. To diminish the relaxation error suffered by the popular linear programming (LP) and semidefinite programming (SDP) certification methods, we take a branch-and-bound approach to propose partitioning the input uncertainty set and solving the relaxations on each part separately. We show that this approach reduces relaxation error, and that the error is eliminated entirely upon performing an LP relaxation with a partition intelligently designed to exploit the nature of the ReLU activations. To scale this approach to large networks, we consider using a coarser partition whereby the number of parts in the partition is reduced. We prove that computing such a coarse partition that directly minimizes the LP relaxation error is NP-hard. By instead minimizing the worst-case LP relaxation error, we develop a closed-form branching scheme in the single-hidden layer case. We extend the analysis to the SDP, where the feasible set geometry is exploited to design a branching scheme that minimizes the worst-case SDP relaxation error. Experiments on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and Wisconsin breast cancer diagnosis classifiers demonstrate significant increases in the percentages of test samples certified. By independently increasing the input size and the number of layers, we empirically illustrate under which regimes the branched LP and branched SDP are best applied. Finally, we extend our LP branching method into a multi-layer branching heuristic, which attains comparable performance to prior state-of-the-art heuristics on large-scale, deep neural network certification benchmarks.
comment: This is an extension of our IEEE CDC 2020 conference paper arXiv:2004.00570
♻ ☆ Evaluating language models as risk scores
Current question-answering benchmarks predominantly focus on accuracy in realizable prediction tasks. Conditioned on a question and answer-key, does the most likely token match the ground truth? Such benchmarks necessarily fail to evaluate language models' ability to quantify outcome uncertainty. In this work, we focus on the use of language models as risk scores for unrealizable prediction tasks. We introduce folktexts, a software package to systematically generate risk scores using language models, and evaluate them against US Census data products. A flexible API enables the use of different prompting schemes, local or web-hosted models, and diverse census columns that can be used to compose custom prediction tasks. We demonstrate the utility of folktexts through a sweep of empirical insights into the statistical properties of 17 recent large language models across five natural text benchmark tasks. We find that zero-shot risk scores produced by multiple-choice question-answering have high predictive signal but are widely miscalibrated. Base models consistently overestimate outcome uncertainty, while instruction-tuned models underestimate uncertainty and produce over-confident risk scores. In fact, instruction-tuning polarizes answer distribution regardless of true underlying data uncertainty. Conversely, verbally querying models for probability estimates results in substantially improved calibration across all instruction-tuned models. These differences in ability to quantify data uncertainty cannot be revealed in realizable settings, and highlight a blind-spot in the current evaluation ecosystem that \folktexts covers.
♻ ☆ MonoCoder: Domain-Specific Code Language Model for HPC Codes and Tasks
With easier access to powerful compute resources, there is a growing trend in AI for software development to develop large language models (LLMs) to address a variety of programming tasks. Even LLMs applied to tasks from the high-performance computing (HPC) domain are huge in size and demand expensive compute resources for training. This is partly because LLMs for HPC tasks are obtained by finetuning existing LLMs that support several natural and/or programming languages. We found this design choice confusing - why do we need LLMs trained on natural languages and programming languages unrelated to HPC for HPC-specific tasks? In this line of work, we aim to question choices made by existing LLMs by developing smaller language models (LMs) for specific domains - we call them domain-specific LMs. Specifically, we start with HPC as a domain and build an HPC-specific LM, named MonoCoder, which is orders of magnitude smaller than existing LMs but delivers better performance on non-HPC and HPC codes. Specifically, we pre-trained MonoCoder on an HPC-specific dataset (named HPCorpus) of C and C++ programs mined from GitHub. We evaluated the performance of MonoCoder against state-of-the-art multi-lingual LLMs. Results demonstrate that MonoCoder, although much smaller than existing LMs, outperforms other LLMs on normalized-perplexity tests (in relation to model size) while also delivering competing CodeBLEU scores for high-performance and parallel code generations. In other words, results suggest that MonoCoder understands HPC code better than state-of-the-art LLMs.
♻ ☆ Learning by Self-Explaining
Much of explainable AI research treats explanations as a means for model inspection. Yet, this neglects findings from human psychology that describe the benefit of self-explanations in an agent's learning process. Motivated by this, we introduce a novel workflow in the context of image classification, termed Learning by Self-Explaining (LSX). LSX utilizes aspects of self-refining AI and human-guided explanatory machine learning. The underlying idea is that a learner model, in addition to optimizing for the original predictive task, is further optimized based on explanatory feedback from an internal critic model. Intuitively, a learner's explanations are considered "useful" if the internal critic can perform the same task given these explanations. We provide an overview of important components of LSX and, based on this, perform extensive experimental evaluations via three different example instantiations. Our results indicate improvements via Learning by Self-Explaining on several levels: in terms of model generalization, reducing the influence of confounding factors, and providing more task-relevant and faithful model explanations. Overall, our work provides evidence for the potential of self-explaining within the learning phase of an AI model.
♻ ☆ Deep Learning with CNNs: A Compact Holistic Tutorial with Focus on Supervised Regression (Preprint)
In this tutorial, we present a compact and holistic discussion of Deep Learning with a focus on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and supervised regression. While there are numerous books and articles on the individual topics we cover, comprehensive and detailed tutorials that address Deep Learning from a foundational yet rigorous and accessible perspective are rare. Most resources on CNNs are either too advanced, focusing on cutting-edge architectures, or too narrow, addressing only specific applications like image classification.This tutorial not only summarizes the most relevant concepts but also provides an in-depth exploration of each, offering a complete yet agile set of ideas. Moreover, we highlight the powerful synergy between learning theory, statistic, and machine learning, which together underpin the Deep Learning and CNN frameworks. We aim for this tutorial to serve as an optimal resource for students, professors, and anyone interested in understanding the foundations of Deep Learning. Upon acceptance we will provide an accompanying repository under \href{https://github.com/neoglez/deep-learning-tutorial}{https://github.com/neoglez/deep-learning-tutorial} Keywords: Tutorial, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Machine Learning.
comment: Submitted to the journal Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
♻ ☆ Bridging Social Media and Search Engines: Dredge Words and the Detection of Unreliable Domains
Proactive content moderation requires platforms to rapidly and continuously evaluate the credibility of websites. Leveraging the direct and indirect paths users follow to unreliable websites, we develop a website credibility classification and discovery system that integrates both webgraph and large-scale social media contexts. We additionally introduce the concept of dredge words, terms or phrases for which unreliable domains rank highly on search engines, and provide the first exploration of their usage on social media. Our graph neural networks that combine webgraph and social media contexts generate to state-of-the-art results in website credibility classification and significantly improves the top-k identification of unreliable domains. Additionally, we release a novel dataset of dredge words, highlighting their strong connections to both social media and online commerce platforms.
♻ ☆ A Dynamical System View of Langevin-Based Non-Convex Sampling
Non-convex sampling is a key challenge in machine learning, central to non-convex optimization in deep learning as well as to approximate probabilistic inference. Despite its significance, theoretically there remain many important challenges: Existing guarantees (1) typically only hold for the averaged iterates rather than the more desirable last iterates, (2) lack convergence metrics that capture the scales of the variables such as Wasserstein distances, and (3) mainly apply to elementary schemes such as stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics. In this paper, we develop a new framework that lifts the above issues by harnessing several tools from the theory of dynamical systems. Our key result is that, for a large class of state-of-the-art sampling schemes, their last-iterate convergence in Wasserstein distances can be reduced to the study of their continuous-time counterparts, which is much better understood. Coupled with standard assumptions of MCMC sampling, our theory immediately yields the last-iterate Wasserstein convergence of many advanced sampling schemes such as proximal, randomized mid-point, and Runge-Kutta integrators. Beyond existing methods, our framework also motivates more efficient schemes that enjoy the same rigorous guarantees.
comment: typos corrected, references added
♻ ☆ Fault Detection for agents on power grid topology optimization: A Comprehensive analysis ECML
Optimizing the topology of transmission networks using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has increasingly come into focus. Various DRL agents have been proposed, which are mostly benchmarked on the Grid2Op environment from the Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN) challenges. The environments have many advantages with their realistic grid scenarios and underlying power flow backends. However, the interpretation of agent survival or failure is not always clear, as there are a variety of potential causes. In this work, we focus on the failures of the power grid simulation to identify patterns and detect them in advance. We collect the failed scenarios of three different agents on the WCCI 2022 L2RPN environment, totaling about 40k data points. By clustering, we are able to detect five distinct clusters, identifying common failure types. Further, we propose a multi-class prediction approach to detect failures beforehand and evaluate five different prediction models. Here, the Light Gradient-Boosting Machine (LightGBM) shows the best failure prediction performance, with an accuracy of 82%. It also accurately classifies whether a the grid survives or fails in 87% of cases. Finally, we provide a detailed feature importance analysis that identifies critical features and regions in the grid.
comment: 11 Pages plus references and appendix. The appendix consist of additional material of the paper and is not included in the initial submission. The paper was presented at the ECML workshop ML4SPS
♻ ☆ Backdoor Attacks in Peer-to-Peer Federated Learning
Most machine learning applications rely on centralized learning processes, opening up the risk of exposure of their training datasets. While federated learning (FL) mitigates to some extent these privacy risks, it relies on a trusted aggregation server for training a shared global model. Recently, new distributed learning architectures based on Peer-to-Peer Federated Learning (P2PFL) offer advantages in terms of both privacy and reliability. Still, their resilience to poisoning attacks during training has not been investigated. In this paper, we propose new backdoor attacks for P2PFL that leverage structural graph properties to select the malicious nodes, and achieve high attack success, while remaining stealthy. We evaluate our attacks under various realistic conditions, including multiple graph topologies, limited adversarial visibility of the network, and clients with non-IID data. Finally, we show the limitations of existing defenses adapted from FL and design a new defense that successfully mitigates the backdoor attacks, without an impact on model accuracy.
♻ ☆ Optimal Potential Shaping on SE(3) via Neural ODEs on Lie Groups
This work presents a novel approach for the optimization of dynamic systems on finite-dimensional Lie groups. We rephrase dynamic systems as so-called neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs), and formulate the optimization problem on Lie groups. A gradient descent optimization algorithm is presented to tackle the optimization numerically. Our algorithm is scalable, and applicable to any finite dimensional Lie group, including matrix Lie groups. By representing the system at the Lie algebra level, we reduce the computational cost of the gradient computation. In an extensive example, optimal potential energy shaping for control of a rigid body is treated. The optimal control problem is phrased as an optimization of a neural ODE on the Lie group SE(3), and the controller is iteratively optimized. The final controller is validated on a state-regulation task.
comment: 21 pages, 11 figures
♻ ☆ HLTCOE JHU Submission to the Voice Privacy Challenge 2024
We present a number of systems for the Voice Privacy Challenge, including voice conversion based systems such as the kNN-VC method and the WavLM voice Conversion method, and text-to-speech (TTS) based systems including Whisper-VITS. We found that while voice conversion systems better preserve emotional content, they struggle to conceal speaker identity in semi-white-box attack scenarios; conversely, TTS methods perform better at anonymization and worse at emotion preservation. Finally, we propose a random admixture system which seeks to balance out the strengths and weaknesses of the two category of systems, achieving a strong EER of over 40% while maintaining UAR at a respectable 47%.
comment: Submission to the Voice Privacy Challenge 2024. Accepted and presented at the 4th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication
♻ ☆ Survey of Data-driven Newsvendor: Unified Analysis and Spectrum of Achievable Regrets
In the Newsvendor problem, the goal is to guess the number that will be drawn from some distribution, with asymmetric consequences for guessing too high vs. too low. In the data-driven version, the distribution is unknown, and one must work with samples from the distribution. Data-driven Newsvendor has been studied under many variants: additive vs. multiplicative regret, high probability vs. expectation bounds, and different distribution classes. This paper studies all combinations of these variants, filling in many gaps in the literature and simplifying many proofs. In particular, we provide a unified analysis based on the notion of clustered distributions, which in conjunction with our new lower bounds, shows that the entire spectrum of regrets between $1/\sqrt{n}$ and $1/n$ can be possible.
♻ ☆ Watt For What: Rethinking Deep Learning's Energy-Performance Relationship ECCV
Deep learning models have revolutionized various fields, from image recognition to natural language processing, by achieving unprecedented levels of accuracy. However, their increasing energy consumption has raised concerns about their environmental impact, disadvantaging smaller entities in research and exacerbating global energy consumption. In this paper, we explore the trade-off between model accuracy and electricity consumption, proposing a metric that penalizes large consumption of electricity. We conduct a comprehensive study on the electricity consumption of various deep learning models across different GPUs, presenting a detailed analysis of their accuracy-efficiency trade-offs. By evaluating accuracy per unit of electricity consumed, we demonstrate how smaller, more energy-efficient models can significantly expedite research while mitigating environmental concerns. Our results highlight the potential for a more sustainable approach to deep learning, emphasizing the importance of optimizing models for efficiency. This research also contributes to a more equitable research landscape, where smaller entities can compete effectively with larger counterparts. This advocates for the adoption of efficient deep learning practices to reduce electricity consumption, safeguarding the environment for future generations whilst also helping ensure a fairer competitive landscape.
comment: Accepted to ECCV-GreenFOMO Workshop
♻ ☆ A Simple Generative Network
Generative neural networks are able to mimic intricate probability distributions such as those of handwritten text, natural images, etc. Since their inception several models were proposed. The most successful of these were based on adversarial (GAN), auto-encoding (VAE) and maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) relatively complex architectures and schemes. Surprisingly, a very simple architecture (a single feed-forward neural network) in conjunction with an obvious optimization goal (Kullback_Leibler divergence) was apparently overlooked. This paper demonstrates that such a model (denoted SGN for its simplicity) is able to generate samples visually and quantitatively competitive as compared with the fore-mentioned state of the art methods.
comment: To be published at ISVC 2021
♻ ☆ Diversifying the Expert Knowledge for Task-Agnostic Pruning in Sparse Mixture-of-Experts
By increasing model parameters but activating them sparsely when performing a task, the use of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architecture significantly improves the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) without increasing the inference cost. However, the memory consumption due to the growing number of experts presents a challenge to the deployment of these models in many real world settings. Our empirical study reveals that some experts encode redundant knowledge during pre-training. We thus propose a method of grouping and pruning similar experts to improve the model's parameter efficiency. We validate the effectiveness of our method by pruning three state-of-the-art MoE architectures, including Mixtral, Deepseek-MoE, and Qwen. The evaluation shows that our method outperforms other model pruning methods on a range of natural language tasks. We will release our code to facilitate future research.
comment: 13pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Towards flexible perception with visual memory
Training a neural network is a monolithic endeavor, akin to carving knowledge into stone: once the process is completed, editing the knowledge in a network is nearly impossible, since all information is distributed across the network's weights. We here explore a simple, compelling alternative by marrying the representational power of deep neural networks with the flexibility of a database. Decomposing the task of image classification into image similarity (from a pre-trained embedding) and search (via fast nearest neighbor retrieval from a knowledge database), we build a simple and flexible visual memory that has the following key capabilities: (1.) The ability to flexibly add data across scales: from individual samples all the way to entire classes and billion-scale data; (2.) The ability to remove data through unlearning and memory pruning; (3.) An interpretable decision-mechanism on which we can intervene to control its behavior. Taken together, these capabilities comprehensively demonstrate the benefits of an explicit visual memory. We hope that it might contribute to a conversation on how knowledge should be represented in deep vision models -- beyond carving it in "stone" weights.
comment: Adding link to code at https://github.com/google-deepmind/visual-memory
♻ ☆ Estimating the history of a random recursive tree
This paper studies the problem of estimating the order of arrival of the vertices in a random recursive tree. Specifically, we study two fundamental models: the uniform attachment model and the linear preferential attachment model. We propose an order estimator based on the Jordan centrality measure and define a family of risk measures to quantify the quality of the ordering procedure. Moreover, we establish a minimax lower bound for this problem, and prove that the proposed estimator is nearly optimal. Finally, we numerically demonstrate that the proposed estimator outperforms degree-based and spectral ordering procedures.
♻ ☆ Benchmarking Multimodal Variational Autoencoders: CdSprites+ Dataset and Toolkit
Multimodal Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) have been the subject of intense research in the past years as they can integrate multiple modalities into a joint representation and can thus serve as a promising tool for both data classification and generation. Several approaches toward multimodal VAE learning have been proposed so far, their comparison and evaluation have however been rather inconsistent. One reason is that the models differ at the implementation level, another problem is that the datasets commonly used in these cases were not initially designed to evaluate multimodal generative models. This paper addresses both mentioned issues. First, we propose a toolkit for systematic multimodal VAE training and comparison. The toolkit currently comprises 4 existing multimodal VAEs and 6 commonly used benchmark datasets along with instructions on how to easily add a new model or a dataset. Second, we present a disentangled bimodal dataset designed to comprehensively evaluate the joint generation and cross-generation capabilities across multiple difficulty levels. We demonstrate the utility of our dataset by comparing the implemented state-of-the-art models.
♻ ☆ Flash STU: Fast Spectral Transform Units
This paper describes an efficient, open source PyTorch implementation of the Spectral Transform Unit. We investigate sequence prediction tasks over several modalities including language, robotics, and simulated dynamical systems. We find that for the same parameter count, the STU and its variants outperform the Transformer as well as other leading state space models across various modalities.
♻ ☆ A Survey of Machine Unlearning
Today, computer systems hold large amounts of personal data. Yet while such an abundance of data allows breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, and especially machine learning (ML), its existence can be a threat to user privacy, and it can weaken the bonds of trust between humans and AI. Recent regulations now require that, on request, private information about a user must be removed from both computer systems and from ML models, i.e. ``the right to be forgotten''). While removing data from back-end databases should be straightforward, it is not sufficient in the AI context as ML models often `remember' the old data. Contemporary adversarial attacks on trained models have proven that we can learn whether an instance or an attribute belonged to the training data. This phenomenon calls for a new paradigm, namely machine unlearning, to make ML models forget about particular data. It turns out that recent works on machine unlearning have not been able to completely solve the problem due to the lack of common frameworks and resources. Therefore, this paper aspires to present a comprehensive examination of machine unlearning's concepts, scenarios, methods, and applications. Specifically, as a category collection of cutting-edge studies, the intention behind this article is to serve as a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners seeking an introduction to machine unlearning and its formulations, design criteria, removal requests, algorithms, and applications. In addition, we aim to highlight the key findings, current trends, and new research areas that have not yet featured the use of machine unlearning but could benefit greatly from it. We hope this survey serves as a valuable resource for ML researchers and those seeking to innovate privacy technologies. Our resources are publicly available at https://github.com/tamlhp/awesome-machine-unlearning.
comment: extend the survey with more recent published work and add more discussions
♻ ☆ Generating Synthetic Free-text Medical Records with Low Re-identification Risk using Masked Language Modeling
In this paper, we present a system that generates synthetic free-text medical records, such as discharge summaries, admission notes and doctor correspondences, using Masked Language Modeling (MLM). Our system is designed to preserve the critical information of the records while introducing significant diversity and minimizing re-identification risk. The system incorporates a de-identification component that uses Philter to mask Protected Health Information (PHI), followed by a Medical Entity Recognition (NER) model to retain key medical information. We explore various masking ratios and mask-filling techniques to balance the trade-off between diversity and fidelity in the synthetic outputs without affecting overall readability. Our results demonstrate that the system can produce high-quality synthetic data with significant diversity while achieving a HIPAA-compliant PHI recall rate of 0.96 and a low re-identification risk of 0.035. Furthermore, downstream evaluations using a NER task reveal that the synthetic data can be effectively used to train models with performance comparable to those trained on real data. The flexibility of the system allows it to be adapted for specific use cases, making it a valuable tool for privacy-preserving data generation in medical research and healthcare applications.
comment: Added references and rephrased some sentences
♻ ☆ Advancing Cyber Incident Timeline Analysis Through Rule Based AI and Large Language Models
Timeline Analysis (TA) plays a crucial role in Timeline Forensics (TF) within the field of Digital Forensics (DF). It focuses on examining and analyzing time-based digital artefacts, such as timestamps derived from event logs, file metadata, and other relevant data, to correlate events linked to cyber incidents and reconstruct their chronological sequence. Traditional tools often struggle to efficiently handle the large volume and variety of data generated during DF investigations and Incident Response (IR) processes. This paper introduces a novel framework, GenDFIR, which combines Rule-Based Artificial Intelligence (R-BAI) algorithms with Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance and automate the TA process. The proposed approach consists of two key stages: (1) R-BAI is used to identify and select anomalous digital artefacts based on predefined rules. (2) The selected artefacts are then transformed into embeddings for processing by an LLM with the assistance of a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) agent. The LLM uses its capabilities to perform automated TA on the artefacts and predict potential incident outcomes. To validate the framework, we evaluated its performance, efficiency, and reliability. Several metrics were applied to simulated cyber incident scenarios, which were presented as forensic case documents. Our findings demonstrate the significant potential of integrating R-BAI and LLMs for TA. This innovative approach underscores the power of Generative AI (GenAI), particularly LLMs, and opens up new possibilities for advanced threat detection and incident reconstruction, marking a significant advancement in the field.
comment: 23 pages
♻ ☆ An Examination of the Alleged Privacy Threats of Confidence-Ranked Reconstruction of Census Microdata
The threat of reconstruction attacks has led the U.S. Census Bureau (USCB) to replace in the Decennial Census 2020 the traditional statistical disclosure limitation based on rank swapping with one based on differential privacy (DP), leading to substantial accuracy loss of released statistics. Yet, it has been argued that, if many different reconstructions are compatible with the released statistics, most of them do not correspond to actual original data, which protects against respondent reidentification. Recently, a new attack has been proposed, which incorporates the confidence that a reconstructed record was in the original data. The alleged risk of disclosure entailed by such confidence-ranked reconstruction has renewed the interest of the USCB to use DP-based solutions. To forestall a potential accuracy loss in future releases, we show that the proposed reconstruction is neither effective as a reconstruction method nor conducive to disclosure as claimed by its authors. Specifically, we report empirical results showing the proposed ranking cannot guide reidentification or attribute disclosure attacks, and hence fails to warrant the utility sacrifice entailed by the use of DP to release census statistical data.
comment: In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 14915, pp. 213-224. Vol. Privacy in Statistical Databases (PSD 2024), Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, Sep. 25-27, 2024. 20 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables
♻ ☆ Unsupervised End-to-End Training with a Self-Defined Target
Designing algorithms for versatile AI hardware that can learn on the edge using both labeled and unlabeled data is challenging. Deep end-to-end training methods incorporating phases of self-supervised and supervised learning are accurate and adaptable to input data but self-supervised learning requires even more computational and memory resources than supervised learning, too high for current embedded hardware. Conversely, unsupervised layer-by-layer training, such as Hebbian learning, is more compatible with existing hardware but does not integrate well with supervised learning. To address this, we propose a method enabling networks or hardware designed for end-to-end supervised learning to also perform high-performance unsupervised learning by adding two simple elements to the output layer: Winner-Take-All (WTA) selectivity and homeostasis regularization. These mechanisms introduce a "self-defined target" for unlabeled data, allowing purely unsupervised training for both fully-connected and convolutional layers using backpropagation or equilibrium propagation on datasets like MNIST (up to 99.2%), Fashion-MNIST (up to 90.3%), and SVHN (up to 81.5%). We extend this method to semi-supervised learning, adjusting targets based on data type, achieving 96.6% accuracy with only 600 labeled MNIST samples in a multi-layer perceptron. Our results show that this approach can effectively enable networks and hardware initially dedicated to supervised learning to also perform unsupervised learning, adapting to varying availability of labeled data.
♻ ☆ Uncertainty Estimation of Transformers' Predictions via Topological Analysis of the Attention Matrices
Transformer-based language models have set new benchmarks across a wide range of NLP tasks, yet reliably estimating the uncertainty of their predictions remains a significant challenge. Existing uncertainty estimation (UE) techniques often fall short in classification tasks, either offering minimal improvements over basic heuristics or relying on costly ensemble models. Moreover, attempts to leverage common embeddings for UE in linear probing scenarios have yielded only modest gains, indicating that alternative model components should be explored. We tackle these limitations by harnessing the geometry of attention maps across multiple heads and layers to assess model confidence. Our approach extracts topological features from attention matrices, providing a low-dimensional, interpretable representation of the model's internal dynamics. Additionally, we introduce topological features to compare attention patterns across heads and layers. Our method significantly outperforms existing UE techniques on benchmarks for acceptability judgments and artificial text detection, offering a more efficient and interpretable solution for uncertainty estimation in large-scale language models.
♻ ☆ A Systematization of the Wagner Framework: Graph Theory Conjectures and Reinforcement Learning
In 2021, Adam Zsolt Wagner proposed an approach to disprove conjectures in graph theory using Reinforcement Learning (RL). Wagner's idea can be framed as follows: consider a conjecture, such as a certain quantity f(G) < 0 for every graph G; one can then play a single-player graph-building game, where at each turn the player decides whether to add an edge or not. The game ends when all edges have been considered, resulting in a certain graph G_T, and f(G_T) is the final score of the game; RL is then used to maximize this score. This brilliant idea is as simple as innovative, and it lends itself to systematic generalization. Several different single-player graph-building games can be employed, along with various RL algorithms. Moreover, RL maximizes the cumulative reward, allowing for step-by-step rewards instead of a single final score, provided the final cumulative reward represents the quantity of interest f(G_T). In this paper, we discuss these and various other choices that can be significant in Wagner's framework. As a contribution to this systematization, we present four distinct single-player graph-building games. Each game employs both a step-by-step reward system and a single final score. We also propose a principled approach to select the most suitable neural network architecture for any given conjecture, and introduce a new dataset of graphs labeled with their Laplacian spectra. Furthermore, we provide a counterexample for a conjecture regarding the sum of the matching number and the spectral radius, which is simpler than the example provided in Wagner's original paper. The games have been implemented as environments in the Gymnasium framework, and along with the dataset, are available as open-source supplementary materials.
comment: Accepted at the 27th International Conference on Discovery Science http://ds2024.isti.cnr.it/
♻ ☆ Model-Based Epistemic Variance of Values for Risk-Aware Policy Optimization
We consider the problem of quantifying uncertainty over expected cumulative rewards in model-based reinforcement learning. In particular, we focus on characterizing the variance over values induced by a distribution over Markov decision processes (MDPs). Previous work upper bounds the posterior variance over values by solving a so-called uncertainty Bellman equation (UBE), but the over-approximation may result in inefficient exploration. We propose a new UBE whose solution converges to the true posterior variance over values and leads to lower regret in tabular exploration problems. We identify challenges to apply the UBE theory beyond tabular problems and propose a suitable approximation. Based on this approximation, we introduce a general-purpose policy optimization algorithm, Q-Uncertainty Soft Actor-Critic (QU-SAC), that can be applied for either risk-seeking or risk-averse policy optimization with minimal changes. Experiments in both online and offline RL demonstrate improved performance compared to other uncertainty estimation methods.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2302.12526
♻ ☆ CANDID DAC: Leveraging Coupled Action Dimensions with Importance Differences in DAC
High-dimensional action spaces remain a challenge for dynamic algorithm configuration (DAC). Interdependencies and varying importance between action dimensions are further known key characteristics of DAC problems. We argue that these Coupled Action Dimensions with Importance Differences (CANDID) represent aspects of the DAC problem that are not yet fully explored. To address this gap, we introduce a new white-box benchmark within the DACBench suite that simulates the properties of CANDID. Further, we propose sequential policies as an effective strategy for managing these properties. Such policies factorize the action space and mitigate exponential growth by learning a policy per action dimension. At the same time, these policies accommodate the interdependence of action dimensions by fostering implicit coordination. We show this in an experimental study of value-based policies on our new benchmark. This study demonstrates that sequential policies significantly outperform independent learning of factorized policies in CANDID action spaces. In addition, they overcome the scalability limitations associated with learning a single policy across all action dimensions. The code used for our experiments is available under https://github.com/PhilippBordne/candidDAC.
comment: 5 pages main paper, 11 pages references and appendix, 9 figures, to be published in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML 2024), Workshop Track
♻ ☆ Large Language Model Based Generative Error Correction: A Challenge and Baselines for Speech Recognition, Speaker Tagging, and Emotion Recognition
Given recent advances in generative AI technology, a key question is how large language models (LLMs) can enhance acoustic modeling tasks using text decoding results from a frozen, pretrained automatic speech recognition (ASR) model. To explore new capabilities in language modeling for speech processing, we introduce the generative speech transcription error correction (GenSEC) challenge. This challenge comprises three post-ASR language modeling tasks: (i) post-ASR transcription correction, (ii) speaker tagging, and (iii) emotion recognition. These tasks aim to emulate future LLM-based agents handling voice-based interfaces while remaining accessible to a broad audience by utilizing open pretrained language models or agent-based APIs. We also discuss insights from baseline evaluations, as well as lessons learned for designing future evaluations.
comment: IEEE SLT 2024. The initial draft version has been done in December 2023. Post-ASR Text Processing and Understanding Community: https://huggingface.co/GenSEC-LLM
♻ ☆ Unveiling the Flaws: A Critical Analysis of Initialization Effect on Time Series Anomaly Detection
Deep learning for time-series anomaly detection (TSAD) has gained significant attention over the past decade. Despite the reported improvements in several papers, the practical application of these models remains limited. Recent studies have cast doubt on these models, attributing their results to flawed evaluation techniques. However, the impact of initialization has largely been overlooked. This paper provides a critical analysis of the initialization effects on TSAD model performance. Our extensive experiments reveal that TSAD models are highly sensitive to hyperparameters such as window size, seed number, and normalization. This sensitivity often leads to significant variability in performance, which can be exploited to artificially inflate the reported efficacy of these models. We demonstrate that even minor changes in initialization parameters can result in performance variations that overshadow the claimed improvements from novel model architectures. Our findings highlight the need for rigorous evaluation protocols and transparent reporting of preprocessing steps to ensure the reliability and fairness of anomaly detection methods. This paper calls for a more cautious interpretation of TSAD advancements and encourages the development of more robust and transparent evaluation practices to advance the field and its practical applications.
♻ ☆ Machine Learning Applications of Quantum Computing: A Review
At the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning, this review paper explores the transformative impact these technologies are having on the capabilities of data processing and analysis, far surpassing the bounds of traditional computational methods. Drawing upon an in-depth analysis of 32 seminal papers, this review delves into the interplay between quantum computing and machine learning, focusing on transcending the limitations of classical computing in advanced data processing and applications. This review emphasizes the potential of quantum-enhanced methods in enhancing cybersecurity, a critical sector that stands to benefit significantly from these advancements. The literature review, primarily leveraging Science Direct as an academic database, delves into the transformative effects of quantum technologies on machine learning, drawing insights from a diverse collection of studies and scholarly articles. While the focus is primarily on the growing significance of quantum computing in cybersecurity, the review also acknowledges the promising implications for other sectors as the field matures. Our systematic approach categorizes sources based on quantum machine learning algorithms, applications, challenges, and potential future developments, uncovering that quantum computing is increasingly being implemented in practical machine learning scenarios. The review highlights advancements in quantum-enhanced machine learning algorithms and their potential applications in sectors such as cybersecurity, emphasizing the need for industry-specific solutions while considering ethical and security concerns. By presenting an overview of the current state and projecting future directions, the paper sets a foundation for ongoing research and strategic advancement in quantum machine learning.
comment: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS 2024)
♻ ☆ PIP-Loco: A Proprioceptive Infinite Horizon Planning Framework for Quadrupedal Robot Locomotion
A core strength of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for quadrupedal locomotion has been its ability to enforce constraints and provide interpretability of the sequence of commands over the horizon. However, despite being able to plan, MPC struggles to scale with task complexity, often failing to achieve robust behavior on rapidly changing surfaces. On the other hand, model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have outperformed MPC on multiple terrains, showing emergent motions but inherently lack any ability to handle constraints or perform planning. To address these limitations, we propose a framework that integrates proprioceptive planning with RL, allowing for agile and safe locomotion behaviors through the horizon. Inspired by MPC, we incorporate an internal model that includes a velocity estimator and a Dreamer module. During training, the framework learns an expert policy and an internal model that are co-dependent, facilitating exploration for improved locomotion behaviors. During deployment, the Dreamer module solves an infinite-horizon MPC problem, adapting actions and velocity commands to respect the constraints. We validate the robustness of our training framework through ablation studies on internal model components and demonstrate improved robustness to training noise. Finally, we evaluate our approach across multi-terrain scenarios in both simulation and hardware.
comment: Preprint under review
♻ ☆ Does Biomedical Training Lead to Better Medical Performance?
Large Language Models (LLMs) are expected to significantly contribute to patient care, diagnostics, and administrative processes. Emerging biomedical LLMs aim to address healthcare-specific challenges, including privacy demands and computational constraints. Assessing the models' suitability for this sensitive application area is of the utmost importance. However, biomedical training has not been systematically evaluated on medical tasks. This study investigates the effect of biomedical training in the context of six practical medical tasks evaluating $25$ models. In contrast to previous evaluations, our results reveal a performance decline in nine out of twelve biomedical models after fine-tuning, particularly on tasks involving hallucinations, ICD10 coding, and instruction adherence. General-domain models like Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct outperformed their biomedical counterparts, indicating a trade-off between domain-specific fine-tuning and general medical task performance. We open-source all evaluation scripts and datasets at https://github.com/TIO-IKIM/CLUE to support further research in this critical area.
♻ ☆ Learning from Complementary Features
While precise data observation is essential for the learning processes of predictive models, it can be challenging owing to factors such as insufficient observation accuracy, high collection costs, and privacy constraints. In this paper, we examines cases where some qualitative features are unavailable as precise information indicating "what it is," but rather as complementary information indicating "what it is not." We refer to features defined by precise information as ordinary features (OFs) and those defined by complementary information as complementary features (CFs). We then formulate a new learning scenario termed Complementary Feature Learning (CFL), where predictive models are constructed using instances consisting of OFs and CFs. The simplest formalization of CFL applies conventional supervised learning directly using the observed values of CFs. However, this approach does not resolve the ambiguity associated with CFs, making learning challenging and complicating the interpretation of the predictive model's specific predictions. Therefore, we derive an objective function from an information-theoretic perspective to estimate the OF values corresponding to CFs and to predict output labels based on these estimations. Based on this objective function, we propose a theoretically guaranteed graph-based estimation method along with its practical approximation, for estimating OF values corresponding to CFs. The results of numerical experiments conducted with real-world data demonstrate that our proposed method effectively estimates OF values corresponding to CFs and predicts output labels.
comment: 15 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Progressive Entropic Optimal Transport Solvers
Optimal transport (OT) has profoundly impacted machine learning by providing theoretical and computational tools to realign datasets. In this context, given two large point clouds of sizes $n$ and $m$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$, entropic OT (EOT) solvers have emerged as the most reliable tool to either solve the Kantorovich problem and output a $n\times m$ coupling matrix, or to solve the Monge problem and learn a vector-valued push-forward map. While the robustness of EOT couplings/maps makes them a go-to choice in practical applications, EOT solvers remain difficult to tune because of a small but influential set of hyperparameters, notably the omnipresent entropic regularization strength $\varepsilon$. Setting $\varepsilon$ can be difficult, as it simultaneously impacts various performance metrics, such as compute speed, statistical performance, generalization, and bias. In this work, we propose a new class of EOT solvers (ProgOT), that can estimate both plans and transport maps. We take advantage of several opportunities to optimize the computation of EOT solutions by dividing mass displacement using a time discretization, borrowing inspiration from dynamic OT formulations, and conquering each of these steps using EOT with properly scheduled parameters. We provide experimental evidence demonstrating that ProgOT is a faster and more robust alternative to standard solvers when computing couplings at large scales, even outperforming neural network-based approaches. We also prove statistical consistency of our approach for estimating optimal transport maps.
comment: 18 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ Detecting and Mitigating System-Level Anomalies of Vision-Based Controllers
Autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars and drones, have made significant strides in recent years by leveraging visual inputs and machine learning for decision-making and control. Despite their impressive performance, these vision-based controllers can make erroneous predictions when faced with novel or out-of-distribution inputs. Such errors can cascade to catastrophic system failures and compromise system safety. In this work, we introduce a run-time anomaly monitor to detect and mitigate such closed-loop, system-level failures. Specifically, we leverage a reachability-based framework to stress-test the vision-based controller offline and mine its system-level failures. This data is then used to train a classifier that is leveraged online to flag inputs that might cause system breakdowns. The anomaly detector highlights issues that transcend individual modules and pertain to the safety of the overall system. We also design a fallback controller that robustly handles these detected anomalies to preserve system safety. We validate the proposed approach on an autonomous aircraft taxiing system that uses a vision-based controller for taxiing. Our results show the efficacy of the proposed approach in identifying and handling system-level anomalies, outperforming methods such as prediction error-based detection, and ensembling, thereby enhancing the overall safety and robustness of autonomous systems.
♻ ☆ JARViS: Detecting Actions in Video Using Unified Actor-Scene Context Relation Modeling
Video action detection (VAD) is a formidable vision task that involves the localization and classification of actions within the spatial and temporal dimensions of a video clip. Among the myriad VAD architectures, two-stage VAD methods utilize a pre-trained person detector to extract the region of interest features, subsequently employing these features for action detection. However, the performance of two-stage VAD methods has been limited as they depend solely on localized actor features to infer action semantics. In this study, we propose a new two-stage VAD framework called Joint Actor-scene context Relation modeling based on Visual Semantics (JARViS), which effectively consolidates cross-modal action semantics distributed globally across spatial and temporal dimensions using Transformer attention. JARViS employs a person detector to produce densely sampled actor features from a keyframe. Concurrently, it uses a video backbone to create spatio-temporal scene features from a video clip. Finally, the fine-grained interactions between actors and scenes are modeled through a Unified Action-Scene Context Transformer to directly output the final set of actions in parallel. Our experimental results demonstrate that JARViS outperforms existing methods by significant margins and achieves state-of-the-art performance on three popular VAD datasets, including AVA, UCF101-24, and JHMDB51-21.
comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, update references
♻ ☆ Recycling Scraps: Improving Private Learning by Leveraging Intermediate Checkpoints
In this work, we focus on improving the accuracy-variance trade-off for state-of-the-art differentially private machine learning (DP ML) methods. First, we design a general framework that uses aggregates of intermediate checkpoints \emph{during training} to increase the accuracy of DP ML techniques. Specifically, we demonstrate that training over aggregates can provide significant gains in prediction accuracy over the existing state-of-the-art for StackOverflow, CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets. For instance, we improve the state-of-the-art DP StackOverflow accuracies to 22.74\% (+2.06\% relative) for $\epsilon=8.2$, and 23.90\% (+2.09\%) for $\epsilon=18.9$. Furthermore, these gains magnify in settings with periodically varying training data distributions. We also demonstrate that our methods achieve relative improvements of 0.54\% and 62.6\% in terms of utility and variance, on a proprietary, production-grade pCVR task. Lastly, we initiate an exploration into estimating the uncertainty (variance) that DP noise adds in the predictions of DP ML models. We prove that, under standard assumptions on the loss function, the sample variance from last few checkpoints provides a good approximation of the variance of the final model of a DP run. Empirically, we show that the last few checkpoints can provide a reasonable lower bound for the variance of a converged DP model. Crucially, all the methods proposed in this paper operate on \emph{a single training run} of the DP ML technique, thus incurring no additional privacy cost.
comment: New results on pCVR task
♻ ☆ ES-GNN: Generalizing Graph Neural Networks Beyond Homophily with Edge Splitting
While Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved enormous success in multiple graph analytical tasks, modern variants mostly rely on the strong inductive bias of homophily. However, real-world networks typically exhibit both homophilic and heterophilic linking patterns, wherein adjacent nodes may share dissimilar attributes and distinct labels. Therefore, GNNs smoothing node proximity holistically may aggregate both task-relevant and irrelevant (even harmful) information, limiting their ability to generalize to heterophilic graphs and potentially causing non-robustness. In this work, we propose a novel Edge Splitting GNN (ES-GNN) framework to adaptively distinguish between graph edges either relevant or irrelevant to learning tasks. This essentially transfers the original graph into two subgraphs with the same node set but complementary edge sets dynamically. Given that, information propagation separately on these subgraphs and edge splitting are alternatively conducted, thus disentangling the task-relevant and irrelevant features. Theoretically, we show that our ES-GNN can be regarded as a solution to a disentangled graph denoising problem, which further illustrates our motivations and interprets the improved generalization beyond homophily. Extensive experiments over 11 benchmark and 1 synthetic datasets not only demonstrate the effective performance of ES-GNN but also highlight its robustness to adversarial graphs and mitigation of the over-smoothing problem.
♻ ☆ Robust Multimodal Learning with Missing Modalities via Parameter-Efficient Adaptation
Multimodal learning seeks to utilize data from multiple sources to improve the overall performance of downstream tasks. It is desirable for redundancies in the data to make multimodal systems robust to missing or corrupted observations in some correlated modalities. However, we observe that the performance of several existing multimodal networks significantly deteriorates if one or multiple modalities are absent at test time. To enable robustness to missing modalities, we propose a simple and parameter-efficient adaptation procedure for pretrained multimodal networks. In particular, we exploit modulation of intermediate features to compensate for the missing modalities. We demonstrate that such adaptation can partially bridge performance drop due to missing modalities and outperform independent, dedicated networks trained for the available modality combinations in some cases. The proposed adaptation requires extremely small number of parameters (e.g., fewer than 1% of the total parameters) and applicable to a wide range of modality combinations and tasks. We conduct a series of experiments to highlight the missing modality robustness of our proposed method on five different multimodal tasks across seven datasets. Our proposed method demonstrates versatility across various tasks and datasets, and outperforms existing methods for robust multimodal learning with missing modalities.
comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, 17 tables
♻ ☆ Variance-reduced first-order methods for deterministically constrained stochastic nonconvex optimization with strong convergence guarantees
In this paper, we study a class of deterministically constrained stochastic optimization problems. Existing methods typically aim to find an $\epsilon$-stochastic stationary point, where the expected violations of both constraints and first-order stationarity are within a prescribed accuracy $\epsilon$. However, in many practical applications, it is crucial that the constraints be nearly satisfied with certainty, making such an $\epsilon$-stochastic stationary point potentially undesirable due to the risk of significant constraint violations. To address this issue, we propose single-loop variance-reduced stochastic first-order methods, where the stochastic gradient of the stochastic component is computed using either a truncated recursive momentum scheme or a truncated Polyak momentum scheme for variance reduction, while the gradient of the deterministic component is computed exactly. Under the error bound condition with a parameter $\theta \geq 1$ and other suitable assumptions, we establish that the proposed methods achieve a sample complexity and first-order operation complexity of $\widetilde O(\epsilon^{-\max\{4, 2\theta\}})$ for finding a stronger $\epsilon$-stochastic stationary point, where the constraint violation is within $\epsilon$ with certainty, and the expected violation of first-order stationarity is within $\epsilon$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to develop methods with provable complexity guarantees for finding an approximate stochastic stationary point of such problems that nearly satisfies all constraints with certainty.
comment: Fixed several typos
♻ ☆ Mobility-GNN: a human mobility-based graph neural network for tracking and analyzing the spatial dynamics of the synthetic opioid crisis in the USA, 2013-2020
Synthetic opioids are the most common drugs involved in drug-involved overdose mortalities in the U.S. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that in 2018, about 70% of all drug overdose deaths involved opioids and 67% of all opioid-involved deaths were accounted for by synthetic opioids. In this study, we investigated the spread of synthetic opioids between 2013 and 2020 in the U.S., and analyzed the relationship between the spatiotemporal pattern of synthetic opioid-involved deaths and another key opioid, heroin, and compared patterns of deaths involving these two types of drugs during this time period. Spatial connections between counties were incorporated into a graph convolutional neural network model to represent and analyze the spread of synthetic opioid-involved deaths, and in the context of heroin-involved deaths.
♻ ☆ Neural Networks with LSTM and GRU in Modeling Active Fires in the Amazon
This study presents a comprehensive methodology for modeling and forecasting the historical time series of active fire spots detected by the AQUA\_M-T satellite in the Amazon, Brazil. The approach employs a mixed Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model, combining Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) architectures to predict the monthly accumulations of daily detected active fire spots. Data analysis revealed a consistent seasonality over time, with annual maximum and minimum values tending to repeat at the same periods each year. The primary objective is to verify whether the forecasts capture this inherent seasonality through machine learning techniques. The methodology involved careful data preparation, model configuration, and training using cross-validation with two seeds, ensuring that the data generalizes well to both the test and validation sets for both seeds. The results indicate that the combined LSTM and GRU model delivers excellent forecasting performance, demonstrating its effectiveness in capturing complex temporal patterns and modeling the observed time series. This research significantly contributes to the application of deep learning techniques in environmental monitoring, specifically in forecasting active fire spots. The proposed approach highlights the potential for adaptation to other time series forecasting challenges, opening new opportunities for research and development in machine learning and prediction of natural phenomena. Keywords: Time Series Forecasting; Recurrent Neural Networks; Deep Learning.
comment: 16 pages and 24 figures, in Portuguese language
♻ ☆ On the Similarity of Deep Learning Representations Across Didactic and Adversarial Examples
The increasing use of deep neural networks (DNNs) has motivated a parallel endeavor: the design of adversaries that profit from successful misclassifications. However, not all adversarial examples are crafted for malicious purposes. For example, real world systems often contain physical, temporal, and sampling variability across instrumentation. Adversarial examples in the wild may inadvertently prove deleterious for accurate predictive modeling. Conversely, naturally occurring covariance of image features may serve didactic purposes. Here, we studied the stability of deep learning representations for neuroimaging classification across didactic and adversarial conditions characteristic of MRI acquisition variability. We show that representational similarity and performance vary according to the frequency of adversarial examples in the input space.
comment: 2 figures
♻ ☆ An Overview of Machine Learning-Enabled Optimization for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-Aided 6G Networks: From Reinforcement Learning to Large Language Models
Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) becomes a promising technique for 6G networks by reshaping signal propagation in smart radio environments. However, it also leads to significant complexity for network management due to the large number of elements and dedicated phase-shift optimization. In this work, we provide an overview of machine learning (ML)-enabled optimization for RIS-aided 6G networks. In particular, we focus on various reinforcement learning (RL) techniques, e.g., deep Q-learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, transfer reinforcement learning, hierarchical reinforcement learning, and offline reinforcement learning. Different from existing studies, this work further discusses how large language models (LLMs) can be combined with RL to handle network optimization problems. It shows that LLM offers new opportunities to enhance the capabilities of RL algorithms in terms of generalization, reward function design, multi-modal information processing, etc. Finally, we identify the future challenges and directions of ML-enabled optimization for RIS-aided 6G networks.
♻ ☆ Learning Label Refinement and Threshold Adjustment for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning
Semi-supervised learning (SSL) algorithms struggle to perform well when exposed to imbalanced training data. In this scenario, the generated pseudo-labels can exhibit a bias towards the majority class, and models that employ these pseudo-labels can further amplify this bias. Here we investigate pseudo-labeling strategies for imbalanced SSL including pseudo-label refinement and threshold adjustment, through the lens of statistical analysis. We find that existing SSL algorithms which generate pseudo-labels using heuristic strategies or uncalibrated model confidence are unreliable when imbalanced class distributions bias pseudo-labels. To address this, we introduce SEmi-supervised learning with pseudo-label optimization based on VALidation data (SEVAL) to enhance the quality of pseudo-labelling for imbalanced SSL. We propose to learn refinement and thresholding parameters from a partition of the training dataset in a class-balanced way. SEVAL adapts to specific tasks with improved pseudo-labels accuracy and ensures pseudo-labels correctness on a per-class basis. Our experiments show that SEVAL surpasses state-of-the-art SSL methods, delivering more accurate and effective pseudo-labels in various imbalanced SSL situations. SEVAL, with its simplicity and flexibility, can enhance various SSL techniques effectively. The code is publicly available (https://github.com/ZerojumpLine/SEVAL).
comment: Corrected a typo in Eq. 26 of Appendix C
♻ ☆ TSELM: Target Speaker Extraction using Discrete Tokens and Language Models ICASSP 2025
We propose TSELM, a novel target speaker extraction network that leverages discrete tokens and language models. TSELM utilizes multiple discretized layers from WavLM as input tokens and incorporates cross-attention mechanisms to integrate target speaker information. Language models are employed to capture the sequence dependencies, while a scalable HiFi-GAN is used to reconstruct the audio from the tokens. By applying a cross-entropy loss, TSELM models the probability distribution of output tokens, thus converting the complex regression problem of audio generation into a classification task. Experimental results show that TSELM achieves excellent results in speech quality and comparable results in speech intelligibility.
comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2025
♻ ☆ Exploring Concept Depth: How Large Language Models Acquire Knowledge at Different Layers?
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performances across a wide range of tasks. However, the mechanisms by which these models encode tasks of varying complexities remain poorly understood. In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that LLMs process concepts of varying complexities in different layers, introducing the idea of ``Concept Depth'' to suggest that more complex concepts are typically acquired in deeper layers. Specifically, we categorize concepts based on their level of abstraction, defining them in the order of increasing complexity within factual, emotional, and inferential tasks. We conduct extensive probing experiments using layer-wise representations across various LLM families (Gemma, LLaMA, Qwen) on various datasets spanning the three domains of tasks. Our findings reveal that models could efficiently conduct probing for simpler tasks in shallow layers, and more complex tasks typically necessitate deeper layers for accurate understanding. Additionally, we examine how external factors, such as adding noise to the input and quantizing the model weights, might affect layer-wise representations. Our findings suggest that these factors can impede the development of a conceptual understanding of LLMs until deeper layers are explored. We hope that our proposed concept and experimental insights will enhance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying LLMs. Our codes are available at \url{https://github.com/Luckfort/CD}.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ LLM-Powered Ensemble Learning for Paper Source Tracing: A GPU-Free Approach
We participated in the KDD CUP 2024 paper source tracing competition and achieved the 3rd place. This competition tasked participants with identifying the reference sources (i.e., ref-sources, as referred to by the organizers of the competition) of given academic papers. Unlike most teams that addressed this challenge by fine-tuning pre-trained neural language models such as BERT or ChatGLM, our primary approach utilized closed-source large language models (LLMs). With recent advancements in LLM technology, closed-source LLMs have demonstrated the capability to tackle complex reasoning tasks in zero-shot or few-shot scenarios. Consequently, in the absence of GPUs, we employed closed-source LLMs to directly generate predicted reference sources from the provided papers. We further refined these predictions through ensemble learning. Notably, our method was the only one among the award-winning approaches that did not require the use of GPUs for model training. Code available at https://github.com/Cklwanfifa/KDDCUP2024-PST.
♻ ☆ Concentration of Contractive Stochastic Approximation: Additive and Multiplicative Noise
In this paper, we establish maximal concentration bounds for the iterates generated by a stochastic approximation (SA) algorithm under a contractive operator with respect to some arbitrary norm (for example, the $\ell_\infty$-norm). We consider two settings where the iterates are potentially unbounded: SA with bounded multiplicative noise and SA with sub-Gaussian additive noise. Our maximal concentration inequalities state that the convergence error has a sub-Gaussian tail in the additive noise setting and a Weibull tail (which is faster than polynomial decay but could be slower than exponential decay) in the multiplicative noise setting. In addition, we provide an impossibility result showing that it is generally impossible to have sub-exponential tails under multiplicative noise. To establish the maximal concentration bounds, we develop a novel bootstrapping argument that involves bounding the moment-generating function of a modified version of the generalized Moreau envelope of the convergence error and constructing an exponential supermartingale to enable using Ville's maximal inequality. We demonstrate the applicability of our theoretical results in the context of linear SA and reinforcement learning.
comment: 57 pages, 3 figures, and 1 table
♻ ☆ ImageFlowNet: Forecasting Multiscale Image-Level Trajectories of Disease Progression with Irregularly-Sampled Longitudinal Medical Images
Advances in medical imaging technologies have enabled the collection of longitudinal images, which involve repeated scanning of the same patients over time, to monitor disease progression. However, predictive modeling of such data remains challenging due to high dimensionality, irregular sampling, and data sparsity. To address these issues, we propose ImageFlowNet, a novel model designed to forecast disease trajectories from initial images while preserving spatial details. ImageFlowNet first learns multiscale joint representation spaces across patients and time points, then optimizes deterministic or stochastic flow fields within these spaces using a position-parameterized neural ODE/SDE framework. The model leverages a UNet architecture to create robust multiscale representations and mitigates data scarcity by combining knowledge from all patients. We provide theoretical insights that support our formulation of ODEs, and motivate our regularizations involving high-level visual features, latent space organization, and trajectory smoothness. We validate ImageFlowNet on three longitudinal medical image datasets depicting progression in geographic atrophy, multiple sclerosis, and glioblastoma, demonstrating its ability to effectively forecast disease progression and outperform existing methods. Our contributions include the development of ImageFlowNet, its theoretical underpinnings, and empirical validation on real-world datasets. The official implementation is available at https://github.com/KrishnaswamyLab/ImageFlowNet.
comment: Updated narration and moved ablation to main text
♻ ☆ Music auto-tagging in the long tail: A few-shot approach
In the realm of digital music, using tags to efficiently organize and retrieve music from extensive databases is crucial for music catalog owners. Human tagging by experts is labor-intensive but mostly accurate, whereas automatic tagging through supervised learning has approached satisfying accuracy but is restricted to a predefined set of training tags. Few-shot learning offers a viable solution to expand beyond this small set of predefined tags by enabling models to learn from only a few human-provided examples to understand tag meanings and subsequently apply these tags autonomously. We propose to integrate few-shot learning methodology into multi-label music auto-tagging by using features from pre-trained models as inputs to a lightweight linear classifier, also known as a linear probe. We investigate different popular pre-trained features, as well as different few-shot parametrizations with varying numbers of classes and samples per class. Our experiments demonstrate that a simple model with pre-trained features can achieve performance close to state-of-the-art models while using significantly less training data, such as 20 samples per tag. Additionally, our linear probe performs competitively with leading models when trained on the entire training dataset. The results show that this transfer learning-based few-shot approach could effectively address the issue of automatically assigning long-tail tags with only limited labeled data.
comment: Published in Audio Engineering Society NY Show 2024 as a Peer Reviewed (Category 1) paper; typos corrected
♻ ☆ Operational Wind Speed Forecasts for Chile's Electric Power Sector Using a Hybrid ML Model
As Chile's electric power sector advances toward a future powered by renewable energy, accurate forecasting of renewable generation is essential for managing grid operations. The integration of renewable energy sources is particularly challenging due to the operational difficulties of managing their power generation, which is highly variable compared to fossil fuel sources, delaying the availability of clean energy. To mitigate this, we quantify the impact of increasing intermittent generation from wind and solar on thermal power plants in Chile and introduce a hybrid wind speed forecasting methodology which combines two custom ML models for Chile. The first model is based on TiDE, an MLP-based ML model for short-term forecasts, and the second is based on a graph neural network, GraphCast, for medium-term forecasts up to 10 days. Our hybrid approach outperforms the most accurate operational deterministic systems by 4-21% for short-term forecasts and 5-23% for medium-term forecasts and can directly lower the impact of wind generation on thermal ramping, curtailment, and system-level emissions in Chile.
♻ ☆ Next-token prediction capacity: general upper bounds and a lower bound for transformers
Given a sequence of tokens, such as words, the task of next-token prediction is to predict the next-token conditional probability distribution. Decoder-only transformers have become effective models for this task, but their properties are still not fully understood. In particular, the largest number of distinct context sequences that a decoder-only transformer can interpolate next-token distributions for has not been established. To fill this gap, we prove upper and lower bounds on this number, which are equal up to a multiplicative constant. We prove these bounds in the general setting where next-token distributions can be arbitrary as well as the empirical setting where they are calculated from a finite number of document sequences. Our lower bounds are for one-layer multi-head decoder-only transformers and our proofs highlight an important injectivity property satisfied by self-attention. Furthermore, we provide numerical evidence that the minimal number of parameters for memorization is sufficient for being able to train the model to the entropy lower bound.
comment: V2: added a section axiomatizing the probabilistic assumptions of next-token prediction
♻ ☆ Designing Observables for Measurements with Deep Learning
Many analyses in particle and nuclear physics use simulations to infer fundamental, effective, or phenomenological parameters of the underlying physics models. When the inference is performed with unfolded cross sections, the observables are designed using physics intuition and heuristics. We propose to design targeted observables with machine learning. Unfolded, differential cross sections in a neural network output contain the most information about parameters of interest and can be well-measured by construction. The networks are trained using a custom loss function that rewards outputs that are sensitive to the parameter(s) of interest while simultaneously penalizing outputs that are different between particle-level and detector-level (to minimize detector distortions). We demonstrate this idea in simulation using two physics models for inclusive measurements in deep inelastic scattering. We find that the new approach is more sensitive than classical observables at distinguishing the two models and also has a reduced unfolding uncertainty due to the reduced detector distortions.
comment: This is the version published in EPJC
♻ ☆ MMLU-Pro+: Evaluating Higher-Order Reasoning and Shortcut Learning in LLMs
Existing benchmarks for large language models (LLMs) increasingly struggle to differentiate between top-performing models, underscoring the need for more challenging evaluation frameworks. We introduce MMLU-Pro+, an enhanced benchmark building upon MMLU-Pro to assess shortcut learning and higher-order reasoning in LLMs. By incorporating questions with multiple correct answers across diverse domains, MMLU-Pro+ tests LLMs' ability to engage in complex reasoning and resist simplistic problem-solving strategies. Our results show that MMLU-Pro+ maintains MMLU-Pro's difficulty while providing a more rigorous test of model discrimination, particularly in multi-correct answer scenarios. We introduce novel metrics like shortcut selection ratio and correct pair identification ratio, offering deeper insights into model behavior and anchoring bias. Evaluations of six state-of-the-art LLMs reveal significant performance gaps, highlighting variations in reasoning abilities and bias susceptibility. We release the dataset and evaluation codes at \url{https://github.com/asgsaeid/mmlu-pro-plus}.
♻ ☆ Initial Guessing Bias: How Untrained Networks Favor Some Classes
Understanding and controlling biasing effects in neural networks is crucial for ensuring accurate and fair model performance. In the context of classification problems, we provide a theoretical analysis demonstrating that the structure of a deep neural network (DNN) can condition the model to assign all predictions to the same class, even before the beginning of training, and in the absence of explicit biases. We prove that, besides dataset properties, the presence of this phenomenon, which we call \textit{Initial Guessing Bias} (IGB), is influenced by model choices including dataset preprocessing methods, and architectural decisions, such as activation functions, max-pooling layers, and network depth. Our analysis of IGB provides information for architecture selection and model initialization. We also highlight theoretical consequences, such as the breakdown of node-permutation symmetry, the violation of self-averaging and the non-trivial effects that depth has on the phenomenon.
comment: Updated the notation to enhance clarity
♻ ☆ MEMO-QCD: Quantum Density Estimation through Memetic Optimisation for Quantum Circuit Design
This paper presents a strategy for efficient quantum circuit design for density estimation. The strategy is based on a quantum-inspired algorithm for density estimation and a circuit optimisation routine based on memetic algorithms. The model maps a training dataset to a quantum state represented by a density matrix through a quantum feature map. This training state encodes the probability distribution of the dataset in a quantum state, such that the density of a new sample can be estimated by projecting its corresponding quantum state onto the training state. We propose the application of a memetic algorithm to find the architecture and parameters of a variational quantum circuit that implements the quantum feature map, along with a variational learning strategy to prepare the training state. Demonstrations of the proposed strategy show an accurate approximation of the Gaussian kernel density estimation method through shallow quantum circuits illustrating the feasibility of the algorithm for near-term quantum hardware.
comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, presented at QTML 2023
♻ ☆ Bagged Polynomial Regression and Neural Networks
Series and polynomial regression are able to approximate the same function classes as neural networks. However, these methods are rarely used in practice, although they offer more interpretability than neural networks. In this paper, we show that a potential reason for this is the slow convergence rate of polynomial regression estimators and propose the use of \textit{bagged} polynomial regression (BPR) as an attractive alternative to neural networks. Theoretically, we derive new finite sample and asymptotic $L^2$ convergence rates for series estimators. We show that the rates can be improved in smooth settings by splitting the feature space and generating polynomial features separately for each partition. Empirically, we show that our proposed estimator, the BPR, can perform as well as more complex models with more parameters. Our estimator also performs close to state-of-the-art prediction methods in the benchmark MNIST handwritten digit dataset. We demonstrate that BPR performs as well as neural networks in crop classification using satellite data, a setting where prediction accuracy is critical and interpretability is often required for addressing research questions.
♻ ☆ Hyper-STTN: Social Group-aware Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Human Trajectory Prediction with Hypergraph Reasoning
Predicting crowded intents and trajectories is crucial in varouls real-world applications, including service robots and autonomous vehicles. Understanding environmental dynamics is challenging, not only due to the complexities of modeling pair-wise spatial and temporal interactions but also the diverse influence of group-wise interactions. To decode the comprehensive pair-wise and group-wise interactions in crowded scenarios, we introduce Hyper-STTN, a Hypergraph-based Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for crowd trajectory prediction. In Hyper-STTN, crowded group-wise correlations are constructed using a set of multi-scale hypergraphs with varying group sizes, captured through random-walk robability-based hypergraph spectral convolution. Additionally, a spatial-temporal transformer is adapted to capture pedestrians' pair-wise latent interactions in spatial-temporal dimensions. These heterogeneous group-wise and pair-wise are then fused and aligned though a multimodal transformer network. Hyper-STTN outperformes other state-of-the-art baselines and ablation models on 5 real-world pedestrian motion datasets.
♻ ☆ Enhancing Worldwide Image Geolocation by Ensembling Satellite-Based Ground-Level Attribute Predictors
We examine the challenge of estimating the location of a single ground-level image in the absence of GPS or other location metadata. Currently, geolocation systems are evaluated by measuring the Great Circle Distance between the predicted location and ground truth. Because this measurement only uses a single point, it cannot assess the distribution of predictions by geolocation systems. Evaluation of a distribution of potential locations (areas) is required when there are follow-on procedures to further narrow down or verify the location. This is especially important in poorly-sampled regions e.g. rural and wilderness areas. In this paper, we introduce a novel metric, Recall vs Area (RvA), which measures the accuracy of estimated distributions of locations. RvA treats image geolocation results similarly to document retrieval, measuring recall as a function of area: For a ranked list of (possibly discontiguous) predicted regions, we measure the area required for accumulated regions to contain the ground truth coordinate. This produces a curve similar to a precision-recall curve, where "precision" is replaced by square kilometers area, enabling evaluation for different downstream search area budgets. Following from this view of the problem, we then examine an ensembling approach to global-scale image geolocation, which incorporates information from multiple sources, and can readily incorporate multiple models, attribute predictors, and data sources. We study its effectiveness by combining the geolocation models GeoEstimation and the current state-of-the-art, GeoCLIP, with attribute predictors based on Oak Ridge National Laboratory LandScan and European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative Land Cover. We find significant improvements in image geolocation for areas that are under-represented in the training set, particularly non-urban areas, on both Im2GPS3k and Street View images.
♻ ☆ Image Hijacks: Adversarial Images can Control Generative Models at Runtime
Are foundation models secure against malicious actors? In this work, we focus on the image input to a vision-language model (VLM). We discover image hijacks, adversarial images that control the behaviour of VLMs at inference time, and introduce the general Behaviour Matching algorithm for training image hijacks. From this, we derive the Prompt Matching method, allowing us to train hijacks matching the behaviour of an arbitrary user-defined text prompt (e.g. 'the Eiffel Tower is now located in Rome') using a generic, off-the-shelf dataset unrelated to our choice of prompt. We use Behaviour Matching to craft hijacks for four types of attack, forcing VLMs to generate outputs of the adversary's choice, leak information from their context window, override their safety training, and believe false statements. We study these attacks against LLaVA, a state-of-the-art VLM based on CLIP and LLaMA-2, and find that all attack types achieve a success rate of over 80%. Moreover, our attacks are automated and require only small image perturbations.
comment: Project page at https://image-hijacks.github.io
♻ ☆ ROOT-SGD: Sharp Nonasymptotics and Near-Optimal Asymptotics in a Single Algorithm
We study the problem of solving strongly convex and smooth unconstrained optimization problems using stochastic first-order algorithms. We devise a novel algorithm, referred to as Recursive One-Over-T SGD (ROOT-SGD), based on an easily implementable, recursive averaging of past stochastic gradients. We prove that it simultaneously achieves state-of-the-art performance in both a finite-sample, nonasymptotic sense and an asymptotic sense. On the non-asymptotic side, we prove risk bounds on the last iterate of ROOT-SGD with leading-order terms that match the optimal statistical risk with a unity pre-factor, along with a higher-order term that scales at the sharp rate of $O(n^{-3/2})$ under the Lipschitz condition on the Hessian matrix. On the asymptotic side, we show that when a mild, one-point Hessian continuity condition is imposed, the rescaled last iterate of (multi-epoch) ROOT-SGD converges asymptotically to a Gaussian limit with the Cram\'er-Rao optimal asymptotic covariance, for a broad range of step-size choices.
comment: some corrections
♻ ☆ Fairness Under Demographic Scarce Regime
Most existing works on fairness assume the model has full access to demographic information. However, there exist scenarios where demographic information is partially available because a record was not maintained throughout data collection or for privacy reasons. This setting is known as demographic scarce regime. Prior research has shown that training an attribute classifier to replace the missing sensitive attributes (proxy) can still improve fairness. However, using proxy-sensitive attributes worsens fairness-accuracy tradeoffs compared to true sensitive attributes. To address this limitation, we propose a framework to build attribute classifiers that achieve better fairness-accuracy tradeoffs. Our method introduces uncertainty awareness in the attribute classifier and enforces fairness on samples with demographic information inferred with the lowest uncertainty. We show empirically that enforcing fairness constraints on samples with uncertain sensitive attributes can negatively impact the fairness-accuracy tradeoff. Our experiments on five datasets showed that the proposed framework yields models with significantly better fairness-accuracy tradeoffs than classic attribute classifiers. Surprisingly, our framework can outperform models trained with fairness constraints on the true sensitive attributes in most benchmarks. We also show that these findings are consistent with other uncertainty measures such as conformal prediction.
comment: Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2024
♻ ☆ Practical Aspects on Solving Differential Equations Using Deep Learning: A Primer
Deep learning has become a popular tool across many scientific fields, including the study of differential equations, particularly partial differential equations. This work introduces the basic principles of deep learning and the Deep Galerkin method, which uses deep neural networks to solve differential equations. This primer aims to provide technical and practical insights into the Deep Galerkin method and its implementation. We demonstrate how to solve the one-dimensional heat equation step-by-step. We also show how to apply the Deep Galerkin method to solve systems of ordinary differential equations and integral equations, such as the Fredholm of the second kind. Additionally, we provide code snippets within the text and the complete source code on Github. The examples are designed so that one can run them on a simple computer without needing a GPU.
comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, primer (tutorial)
♻ ☆ Rank Collapse Causes Over-Smoothing and Over-Correlation in Graph Neural Networks
Our study reveals new theoretical insights into over-smoothing and feature over-correlation in graph neural networks. Specifically, we demonstrate that with increased depth, node representations become dominated by a low-dimensional subspace that depends on the aggregation function but not on the feature transformations. For all aggregation functions, the rank of the node representations collapses, resulting in over-smoothing for particular aggregation functions. Our study emphasizes the importance for future research to focus on rank collapse rather than over-smoothing. Guided by our theory, we propose a sum of Kronecker products as a beneficial property that provably prevents over-smoothing, over-correlation, and rank collapse. We empirically demonstrate the shortcomings of existing models in fitting target functions of node classification tasks.
comment: LoG 2023
♻ ☆ Navigating High-Degree Heterogeneity: Federated Learning in Aerial and Space Networks
Federated learning offers a compelling solution to the challenges of networking and data privacy within aerial and space networks by utilizing vast private edge data and computing capabilities accessible through drones, balloons, and satellites. While current research has focused on optimizing the learning process, computing efficiency, and minimizing communication overhead, the heterogeneity issue and class imbalance remain a significant barrier to rapid model convergence. In this paper, we explore the influence of heterogeneity on class imbalance, which diminishes performance in Aerial and Space Networks (ASNs)-based federated learning. We illustrate the correlation between heterogeneity and class imbalance within grouped data and show how constraints such as battery life exacerbate the class imbalance challenge. Our findings indicate that ASNs-based FL faces heightened class imbalance issues even with similar levels of heterogeneity compared to other scenarios. Finally, we analyze the impact of varying degrees of heterogeneity on FL training and evaluate the efficacy of current state-of-the-art algorithms under these conditions. Our results reveal that the heterogeneity challenge is more pronounced in ASNs-based federated learning and that prevailing algorithms often fail to effectively address high levels of heterogeneity.
comment: Accepted by IEEE 10th World Forum on Internet of Things
♻ ☆ Mesh-based Super-Resolution of Fluid Flows with Multiscale Graph Neural Networks
A graph neural network (GNN) approach is introduced in this work which enables mesh-based three-dimensional super-resolution of fluid flows. In this framework, the GNN is designed to operate not on the full mesh-based field at once, but on localized meshes of elements (or cells) directly. To facilitate mesh-based GNN representations in a manner similar to spectral (or finite) element discretizations, a baseline GNN layer (termed a message passing layer, which updates local node properties) is modified to account for synchronization of coincident graph nodes, rendering compatibility with commonly used element-based mesh connectivities. The architecture is multiscale in nature, and is comprised of a combination of coarse-scale and fine-scale message passing layer sequences (termed processors) separated by a graph unpooling layer. The coarse-scale processor embeds a query element (alongside a set number of neighboring coarse elements) into a single latent graph representation using coarse-scale synchronized message passing over the element neighborhood, and the fine-scale processor leverages additional message passing operations on this latent graph to correct for interpolation errors. Demonstration studies are performed using hexahedral mesh-based data from Taylor-Green Vortex flow simulations at Reynolds numbers of 1600 and 3200. Through analysis of both global and local errors, the results ultimately show how the GNN is able to produce accurate super-resolved fields compared to targets in both coarse-scale and multiscale model configurations.
♻ ☆ Quantum Machine Learning in the Cognitive Domain: Alzheimer's Disease Study
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder, primarily affecting the elderly population and leading to significant cognitive decline. This decline manifests in various mental faculties such as attention, memory, and higher-order cognitive functions, severely impacting an individual's ability to comprehend information, acquire new knowledge, and communicate effectively. One of the tasks influenced by cognitive impairments is handwriting. By analyzing specific features of handwriting, including pressure, velocity, and spatial organization, researchers can detect subtle changes that may indicate early-stage cognitive impairments, particularly AD. Recent developments in classical artificial intelligence (AI) methods have shown promise in detecting AD through handwriting analysis. However, as the dataset size increases, these AI approaches demand greater computational resources, and diagnoses are often affected by limited classical vector spaces and feature correlations. Recent studies have shown that quantum computing technologies, developed by harnessing the unique properties of quantum particles such as superposition and entanglement, can not only address the aforementioned problems but also accelerate complex data analysis and enable more efficient processing of large datasets. In this study, we propose a variational quantum classifier with fewer circuit elements to facilitate early AD diagnosis based on handwriting data. Our model has demonstrated comparable classification performance to classical methods and underscores the potential of quantum computing models in addressing cognitive problems, paving the way for future research in this domain.
comment: 6 pages, 5 figures and 1 table
♻ ☆ The Bayan Algorithm: Detecting Communities in Networks Through Exact and Approximate Optimization of Modularity
Community detection is a classic network problem with extensive applications in various fields. Its most common method is using modularity maximization heuristics which rarely return an optimal partition or anything similar. Partitions with globally optimal modularity are difficult to compute, and therefore have been underexplored. Using structurally diverse networks, we compare 30 community detection methods including our proposed algorithm that offers optimality and approximation guarantees: the Bayan algorithm. Unlike existing methods, Bayan globally maximizes modularity or approximates it within a factor. Our results show the distinctive accuracy and stability of maximum-modularity partitions in retrieving planted partitions at rates higher than most alternatives for a wide range of parameter settings in two standard benchmarks. Compared to the partitions from 29 other algorithms, maximum-modularity partitions have the best medians for description length, coverage, performance, average conductance, and well clusteredness. These advantages come at the cost of additional computations which Bayan makes possible for small networks (networks that have up to 3000 edges in their largest connected component). Bayan is several times faster than using open-source and commercial solvers for modularity maximization, making it capable of finding optimal partitions for instances that cannot be optimized by any other existing method. Our results point to a few well performing algorithms, among which Bayan stands out as the most reliable method for small networks. A Python implementation of the Bayan algorithm (bayanpy) is publicly available through the package installer for Python (pip).
comment: 18 pages, 11 figures
♻ ☆ One-Shot Imitation under Mismatched Execution
Human demonstrations as prompts are a powerful way to program robots to do long-horizon manipulation tasks. However, translating these demonstrations into robot-executable actions presents significant challenges due to execution mismatches in movement styles and physical capabilities. Existing methods either depend on robot-demonstrator paired data, which is infeasible to scale, or rely too heavily on frame-level visual similarities that often break down in practice. To address these challenges, we propose RHyME, a novel framework that automatically aligns robot and demonstrator task executions using optimal transport costs. Given long-horizon robot demonstrations, RHyME synthesizes semantically equivalent demonstrator videos by retrieving and composing short-horizon demonstrator clips. This approach facilitates effective policy training without the need for paired data. We demonstrate that RHyME outperforms a range of baselines across cross-embodiment datasets, showing a 52% increase in task recall over prior cross-embodiment learning methods. We release our code and datasets at https://portal-cornell.github.io/rhyme/.
♻ ☆ SIG: A Synthetic Identity Generation Pipeline for Generating Evaluation Datasets for Face Recognition
As Artificial Intelligence applications expand, the evaluation of models faces heightened scrutiny. Ensuring public readiness requires evaluation datasets, which differ from training data by being disjoint and ethically sourced in compliance with privacy regulations. The performance and fairness of face recognition systems depend significantly on the quality and representativeness of these evaluation datasets. This data is sometimes scraped from the internet without user's consent, causing ethical concerns that can prohibit its use without proper releases. In rare cases, data is collected in a controlled environment with consent, however, this process is time-consuming, expensive, and logistically difficult to execute. This creates a barrier for those unable to conjure the immense resources required to gather ethically sourced evaluation datasets. To address these challenges, we introduce the Synthetic Identity Generation pipeline, or SIG, that allows for the targeted creation of ethical, balanced datasets for face recognition evaluation. Our proposed and demonstrated pipeline generates high-quality images of synthetic identities with controllable pose, facial features, and demographic attributes, such as race, gender, and age. We also release an open-source evaluation dataset named ControlFace10k, consisting of 10,008 face images of 3,336 unique synthetic identities balanced across race, gender, and age, generated using the proposed SIG pipeline. We analyze ControlFace10k along with a non-synthetic BUPT dataset using state-of-the-art face recognition algorithms to demonstrate its effectiveness as an evaluation tool. This analysis highlights the dataset's characteristics and its utility in assessing algorithmic bias across different demographic groups.
♻ ☆ An Asymptotically Optimal Coordinate Descent Algorithm for Learning Bayesian Networks from Gaussian Models
This paper studies the problem of learning Bayesian networks from continuous observational data, generated according to a linear Gaussian structural equation model. We consider an $\ell_0$-penalized maximum likelihood estimator for this problem which is known to have favorable statistical properties but is computationally challenging to solve, especially for medium-sized Bayesian networks. We propose a new coordinate descent algorithm to approximate this estimator and prove several remarkable properties of our procedure: the algorithm converges to a coordinate-wise minimum, and despite the non-convexity of the loss function, as the sample size tends to infinity, the objective value of the coordinate descent solution converges to the optimal objective value of the $\ell_0$-penalized maximum likelihood estimator. Finite-sample statistical consistency guarantees are also established. To the best of our knowledge, our proposal is the first coordinate descent procedure endowed with optimality and statistical guarantees in the context of learning Bayesian networks. Numerical experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate that our coordinate descent method can obtain near-optimal solutions while being scalable.
♻ ☆ Multi-Microphone and Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition in Reverberant Environment
This paper presents a Multi-modal Emotion Recognition (MER) system designed to enhance emotion recognition accuracy in challenging acoustic conditions. Our approach combines a modified and extended Hierarchical Token-semantic Audio Transformer (HTS-AT) for multi-channel audio processing with an R(2+1)D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) model for video analysis. We evaluate our proposed method on a reverberated version of the Ryerson audio-visual database of emotional speech and song (RAVDESS) dataset using synthetic and real-world Room Impulse Responsess (RIRs). Our results demonstrate that integrating audio and video modalities yields superior performance compared to uni-modal approaches, especially in challenging acoustic conditions. Moreover, we show that the multimodal (audiovisual) approach that utilizes multiple microphones outperforms its single-microphone counterpart.
Graphics 4
☆ Training Datasets Generation for Machine Learning: Application to Vision Based Navigation SP
Vision Based Navigation consists in utilizing cameras as precision sensors for GNC after extracting information from images. To enable the adoption of machine learning for space applications, one of obstacles is the demonstration that available training datasets are adequate to validate the algorithms. The objective of the study is to generate datasets of images and metadata suitable for training machine learning algorithms. Two use cases were selected and a robust methodology was developed to validate the datasets including the ground truth. The first use case is in-orbit rendezvous with a man-made object: a mockup of satellite ENVISAT. The second use case is a Lunar landing scenario. Datasets were produced from archival datasets (Chang'e 3), from the laboratory at DLR TRON facility and at Airbus Robotic laboratory, from SurRender software high fidelity image simulator using Model Capture and from Generative Adversarial Networks. The use case definition included the selection of algorithms as benchmark: an AI-based pose estimation algorithm and a dense optical flow algorithm were selected. Eventually it is demonstrated that datasets produced with SurRender and selected laboratory facilities are adequate to train machine learning algorithms.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, preprint of the proceedings of ESA SPAICE conference 2024
☆ High performance Lunar landing simulations
Autonomous precision navigation to land onto the Moon relies on vision sensors. Computer vision algorithms are designed, trained and tested using synthetic simulations. High quality terrain models have been produced by Moon orbiters developed by several nations, with resolutions ranging from tens or hundreds of meters globally down to few meters locally. The SurRender software is a powerful simulator able to exploit the full potential of these datasets in raytracing. New interfaces include tools to fuse multi-resolution DEMs and procedural texture generation. A global model of the Moon at 20m resolution was integrated representing several terabytes of data which SurRender can render continuously and in real-time. This simulator will be a precious asset for the development of future missions.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 November 2022. Contribution reference: IAC-22,A3,IP,44,x71795
♻ ☆ A Diffusion Approach to Radiance Field Relighting using Multi-Illumination Synthesis
Relighting radiance fields is severely underconstrained for multi-view data, which is most often captured under a single illumination condition; It is especially hard for full scenes containing multiple objects. We introduce a method to create relightable radiance fields using such single-illumination data by exploiting priors extracted from 2D image diffusion models. We first fine-tune a 2D diffusion model on a multi-illumination dataset conditioned by light direction, allowing us to augment a single-illumination capture into a realistic -- but possibly inconsistent -- multi-illumination dataset from directly defined light directions. We use this augmented data to create a relightable radiance field represented by 3D Gaussian splats. To allow direct control of light direction for low-frequency lighting, we represent appearance with a multi-layer perceptron parameterized on light direction. To enforce multi-view consistency and overcome inaccuracies we optimize a per-image auxiliary feature vector. We show results on synthetic and real multi-view data under single illumination, demonstrating that our method successfully exploits 2D diffusion model priors to allow realistic 3D relighting for complete scenes. Project site https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/generative-radiance-field-relighting/
comment: Project site https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/generative-radiance-field-relighting/
♻ ☆ GaussianObject: High-Quality 3D Object Reconstruction from Four Views with Gaussian Splatting
Reconstructing and rendering 3D objects from highly sparse views is of critical importance for promoting applications of 3D vision techniques and improving user experience. However, images from sparse views only contain very limited 3D information, leading to two significant challenges: 1) Difficulty in building multi-view consistency as images for matching are too few; 2) Partially omitted or highly compressed object information as view coverage is insufficient. To tackle these challenges, we propose GaussianObject, a framework to represent and render the 3D object with Gaussian splatting that achieves high rendering quality with only 4 input images. We first introduce techniques of visual hull and floater elimination, which explicitly inject structure priors into the initial optimization process to help build multi-view consistency, yielding a coarse 3D Gaussian representation. Then we construct a Gaussian repair model based on diffusion models to supplement the omitted object information, where Gaussians are further refined. We design a self-generating strategy to obtain image pairs for training the repair model. We further design a COLMAP-free variant, where pre-given accurate camera poses are not required, which achieves competitive quality and facilitates wider applications. GaussianObject is evaluated on several challenging datasets, including MipNeRF360, OmniObject3D, OpenIllumination, and our-collected unposed images, achieving superior performance from only four views and significantly outperforming previous SOTA methods.
comment: Project page: https://gaussianobject.github.io/
Robotics 103
☆ Radar Teach and Repeat: Architecture and Initial Field Testing ICRA 2025
Frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) scanning radar has emerged as an alternative to spinning LiDAR for state estimation on mobile robots. Radar's longer wavelength is less affected by small particulates, providing operational advantages in challenging environments such as dust, smoke, and fog. This paper presents Radar Teach and Repeat (RT&R): a full-stack radar system for long-term off-road robot autonomy. RT&R can drive routes reliably in off-road cluttered areas without any GPS. We benchmark the radar system's closed-loop path-tracking performance and compare it to its 3D LiDAR counterpart. 11.8 km of autonomous driving was completed without interventions using only radar and gyro for navigation. RT&R was evaluated on different routes with progressively less structured scene geometry. RT&R achieved lateral path-tracking root mean squared errors (RMSE) of 5.6 cm, 7.5 cm, and 12.1 cm as the routes became more challenging. On the robot we used for testing, these RMSE values are less than half of the width of one tire (24 cm). These same routes have worst-case errors of 21.7 cm, 24.0 cm, and 43.8 cm. We conclude that radar is a viable alternative to LiDAR for long-term autonomy in challenging off-road scenarios. The implementation of RT&R is open-source and available at: https://github.com/utiasASRL/vtr3.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Real-Time Whole-Body Control of Legged Robots with Model-Predictive Path Integral Control
This paper presents a system for enabling real-time synthesis of whole-body locomotion and manipulation policies for real-world legged robots. Motivated by recent advancements in robot simulation, we leverage the efficient parallelization capabilities of the MuJoCo simulator to achieve fast sampling over the robot state and action trajectories. Our results show surprisingly effective real-world locomotion and manipulation capabilities with a very simple control strategy. We demonstrate our approach on several hardware and simulation experiments: robust locomotion over flat and uneven terrains, climbing over a box whose height is comparable to the robot, and pushing a box to a goal position. To our knowledge, this is the first successful deployment of whole-body sampling-based MPC on real-world legged robot hardware. Experiment videos and code can be found at: https://whole-body-mppi.github.io/
comment: Under review. Code and videos are available on our website: https://whole-body-mppi.github.io/
☆ LLM as BT-Planner: Leveraging LLMs for Behavior Tree Generation in Robot Task Planning
Robotic assembly tasks are open challenges due to the long task horizon and complex part relations. Behavior trees (BTs) are increasingly used in robot task planning for their modularity and flexibility, but manually designing them can be effort-intensive. Large language models (LLMs) have recently been applied in robotic task planning for generating action sequences, but their ability to generate BTs has not been fully investigated. To this end, We propose LLM as BT-planner, a novel framework to leverage LLMs for BT generation in robotic assembly task planning and execution. Four in-context learning methods are introduced to utilize the natural language processing and inference capabilities of LLMs to produce task plans in BT format, reducing manual effort and ensuring robustness and comprehensibility. We also evaluate the performance of fine-tuned, fewer-parameter LLMs on the same tasks. Experiments in simulated and real-world settings show that our framework enhances LLMs' performance in BT generation, improving success rates in BT generation through in-context learning and supervised fine-tuning.
comment: 8 pages
☆ CtRNet-X: Camera-to-Robot Pose Estimation in Real-world Conditions Using a Single Camera
Camera-to-robot calibration is crucial for vision-based robot control and requires effort to make it accurate. Recent advancements in markerless pose estimation methods have eliminated the need for time-consuming physical setups for camera-to-robot calibration. While the existing markerless pose estimation methods have demonstrated impressive accuracy without the need for cumbersome setups, they rely on the assumption that all the robot joints are visible within the camera's field of view. However, in practice, robots usually move in and out of view, and some portion of the robot may stay out-of-frame during the whole manipulation task due to real-world constraints, leading to a lack of sufficient visual features and subsequent failure of these approaches. To address this challenge and enhance the applicability to vision-based robot control, we propose a novel framework capable of estimating the robot pose with partially visible robot manipulators. Our approach leverages the Vision-Language Models for fine-grained robot components detection, and integrates it into a keypoint-based pose estimation network, which enables more robust performance in varied operational conditions. The framework is evaluated on both public robot datasets and self-collected partial-view datasets to demonstrate our robustness and generalizability. As a result, this method is effective for robot pose estimation in a wider range of real-world manipulation scenarios.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, project website: https://sites.google.com/ucsd.edu/ctrnet-x
☆ HiFi-CS: Towards Open Vocabulary Visual Grounding For Robotic Grasping Using Vision-Language Models
Robots interacting with humans through natural language can unlock numerous applications such as Referring Grasp Synthesis (RGS). Given a text query, RGS determines a stable grasp pose to manipulate the referred object in the robot's workspace. RGS comprises two steps: visual grounding and grasp pose estimation. Recent studies leverage powerful Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for visually grounding free-flowing natural language in real-world robotic execution. However, comparisons in complex, cluttered environments with multiple instances of the same object are lacking. This paper introduces HiFi-CS, featuring hierarchical application of Featurewise Linear Modulation (FiLM) to fuse image and text embeddings, enhancing visual grounding for complex attribute rich text queries encountered in robotic grasping. Visual grounding associates an object in 2D/3D space with natural language input and is studied in two scenarios: Closed and Open Vocabulary. HiFi-CS features a lightweight decoder combined with a frozen VLM and outperforms competitive baselines in closed vocabulary settings while being 100x smaller in size. Our model can effectively guide open-set object detectors like GroundedSAM to enhance open-vocabulary performance. We validate our approach through real-world RGS experiments using a 7-DOF robotic arm, achieving 90.33\% visual grounding accuracy in 15 tabletop scenes. We include our codebase in the supplementary material.
☆ Decentralized and Asymmetric Multi-Agent Learning in Construction Sites
Multi-agent collaboration involves multiple participants working together in a shared environment to achieve a common goal. These agents share information, divide tasks, and synchronize their actions. Key aspects of multi agent collaboration include coordination, communication, task allocation, cooperation, adaptation, and decentralization. On construction sites, surface grading is the process of leveling sand piles to increase a specific area's height. In this scenario, a bulldozer grades while a dumper allocates sand piles. Our work aims to utilize a multi-agent approach to enable these vehicles to collaborate effectively. To this end, we propose a decentralized and asymmetric multi-agent learning approach for construction sites (DAMALCS). We formulate DAMALCS to reduce expected collisions for operating vehicles. Therefore, we develop two heuristic experts capable of achieving their joint goal optimally by applying an innovative prioritization method. In this approach, the bulldozer's movements take precedence over the dumper's operations, enabling the bulldozer to clear the path for the dumper and ensure continuous operation of both vehicles. Since heuristics alone are insufficient in real-world scenarios, we utilize them to train AI agents, which proves to be highly effective. We simultaneously train the bulldozer and dumper agents to operate within the same environment, aiming to avoid collisions and optimize performance in terms of time efficiency and sand volume handling. Our trained agents and heuristics are evaluated in both simulation and real-world lab experiments, testing them under various conditions, such as visual noise and localization errors. The results demonstrate that our approach significantly reduces collision rates for these vehicles.
☆ Learning Gentle Grasping from Human-Free Force Control Demonstration
Humans can steadily and gently grasp unfamiliar objects based on tactile perception. Robots still face challenges in achieving similar performance due to the difficulty of learning accurate grasp-force predictions and force control strategies that can be generalized from limited data. In this article, we propose an approach for learning grasping from ideal force control demonstrations, to achieve similar performance of human hands with limited data size. Our approach utilizes objects with known contact characteristics to automatically generate reference force curves without human demonstrations. In addition, we design the dual convolutional neural networks (Dual-CNN) architecture which incorporating a physics-based mechanics module for learning target grasping force predictions from demonstrations. The described method can be effectively applied in vision-based tactile sensors and enables gentle and stable grasping of objects from the ground. The described prediction model and grasping strategy were validated in offline evaluations and online experiments, and the accuracy and generalizability were demonstrated.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures
☆ Global Uncertainty-Aware Planning for Magnetic Anomaly-Based Navigation
Navigating and localizing in partially observable, stochastic environments with magnetic anomalies presents significant challenges, especially when balancing the accuracy of state estimation and the stability of localization. Traditional approaches often struggle to maintain performance due to limited localization updates and dynamic conditions. This paper introduces a multi-objective global path planner for magnetic anomaly navigation (MagNav), which leverages entropy maps to assess spatial frequency variations in magnetic fields and identify high-information areas. The system generates paths toward these regions by employing a potential field planner, enhancing active localization. Hardware experiments demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves localization stability and accuracy compared to existing active localization techniques. The results underscore the effectiveness of this method in reducing localization uncertainty and highlight its adaptability to various gradient-based navigation maps, including topographical and underwater depth-based environments.
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures
☆ Point2Graph: An End-to-end Point Cloud-based 3D Open-Vocabulary Scene Graph for Robot Navigation
Current open-vocabulary scene graph generation algorithms highly rely on both 3D scene point cloud data and posed RGB-D images and thus have limited applications in scenarios where RGB-D images or camera poses are not readily available. To solve this problem, we propose Point2Graph, a novel end-to-end point cloud-based 3D open-vocabulary scene graph generation framework in which the requirement of posed RGB-D image series is eliminated. This hierarchical framework contains room and object detection/segmentation and open-vocabulary classification. For the room layer, we leverage the advantage of merging the geometry-based border detection algorithm with the learning-based region detection to segment rooms and create a "Snap-Lookup" framework for open-vocabulary room classification. In addition, we create an end-to-end pipeline for the object layer to detect and classify 3D objects based solely on 3D point cloud data. Our evaluation results show that our framework can outperform the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) open-vocabulary object and room segmentation and classification algorithm on widely used real-scene datasets.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
☆ Digital Twins Meet the Koopman Operator: Data-Driven Learning for Robust Autonomy
Contrary to on-road autonomous navigation, off-road autonomy is complicated by various factors ranging from sensing challenges to terrain variability. In such a milieu, data-driven approaches have been commonly employed to capture intricate vehicle-environment interactions effectively. However, the success of data-driven methods depends crucially on the quality and quantity of data, which can be compromised by large variability in off-road environments. To address these concerns, we present a novel workflow to recreate the exact vehicle and its target operating conditions digitally for domain-specific data generation. This enables us to effectively model off-road vehicle dynamics from simulation data using the Koopman operator theory, and employ the obtained models for local motion planning and optimal vehicle control. The capabilities of the proposed methodology are demonstrated through an autonomous navigation problem of a 1:5 scale vehicle, where a terrain-informed planner is employed for global mission planning. Results indicate a substantial improvement in off-road navigation performance with the proposed algorithm (5.84x) and underscore the efficacy of digital twinning in terms of improving the sample efficiency (3.2x) and reducing the sim2real gap (5.2%).
☆ Stretchable Arduinos embedded in soft robots
To achieve real-world functionality, robots must have the ability to carry out decision-making computations. However, soft robots stretch and therefore need a solution other than rigid computers. Examples of embedding computing capacity into soft robots currently include appending rigid printed circuit boards (PCBs) to the robot, integrating soft logic gates, and exploiting material responses for material-embedded computation. Although promising, these approaches introduce limitations such as rigidity, tethers, or low logic gate density. The field of stretchable electronics has sought to solve these challenges, but a complete pipeline for direct integration of single-board computers, microcontrollers, and other complex circuitry into soft robots has remained elusive. We present a generalized method to translate any complex two-layer circuit into a soft, stretchable form. This enabled the creation of stretchable single-board microcontrollers (including Arduinos) and other commercial circuits (including Sparkfun circuits), without design simplifications. As demonstrations of the method's utility, we embed highly stretchable (>300% strain) Arduino Pro Minis into the bodies of multiple soft robots. This makes use of otherwise inert structural material, fulfilling the promise of the stretchable electronics field to integrate state-of-the-art computational power into robust, stretchable systems during active use.
comment: 45 pages, 19 figures total. Main text is 28 pages with 6 figures. The rest is supplementary
☆ Escaping Local Minima: Hybrid Artificial Potential Field with Wall-Follower for Decentralized Multi-Robot Navigation
We tackle the challenges of decentralized multi-robot navigation in environments with nonconvex obstacles, where complete environmental knowledge is unavailable. While reactive methods like Artificial Potential Field (APF) offer simplicity and efficiency, they suffer from local minima, causing robots to become trapped due to their lack of global environmental awareness. Other existing solutions either rely on inter-robot communication, are limited to single-robot scenarios, or struggle to overcome nonconvex obstacles effectively. Our proposed methods enable collision-free navigation using only local sensor and state information without a map. By incorporating a wall-following (WF) behavior into the APF approach, our method allows robots to escape local minima, even in the presence of nonconvex and dynamic obstacles including other robots. We introduce two algorithms for switching between APF and WF: a rule-based system and an encoder network trained on expert demonstrations. Experimental results show that our approach achieves substantially higher success rates compared to state-of-the-art methods, highlighting its ability to overcome the limitations of local minima in complex environments
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures
☆ DRIVE: Dependable Robust Interpretable Visionary Ensemble Framework in Autonomous Driving
Recent advancements in autonomous driving have seen a paradigm shift towards end-to-end learning paradigms, which map sensory inputs directly to driving actions, thereby enhancing the robustness and adaptability of autonomous vehicles. However, these models often sacrifice interpretability, posing significant challenges to trust, safety, and regulatory compliance. To address these issues, we introduce DRIVE -- Dependable Robust Interpretable Visionary Ensemble Framework in Autonomous Driving, a comprehensive framework designed to improve the dependability and stability of explanations in end-to-end unsupervised autonomous driving models. Our work specifically targets the inherent instability problems observed in the Driving through the Concept Gridlock (DCG) model, which undermine the trustworthiness of its explanations and decision-making processes. We define four key attributes of DRIVE: consistent interpretability, stable interpretability, consistent output, and stable output. These attributes collectively ensure that explanations remain reliable and robust across different scenarios and perturbations. Through extensive empirical evaluations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in enhancing the stability and dependability of explanations, thereby addressing the limitations of current models. Our contributions include an in-depth analysis of the dependability issues within the DCG model, a rigorous definition of DRIVE with its fundamental properties, a framework to implement DRIVE, and novel metrics for evaluating the dependability of concept-based explainable autonomous driving models. These advancements lay the groundwork for the development of more reliable and trusted autonomous driving systems, paving the way for their broader acceptance and deployment in real-world applications.
☆ SEAL: Towards Safe Autonomous Driving via Skill-Enabled Adversary Learning for Closed-Loop Scenario Generation
Verification and validation of autonomous driving (AD) systems and components is of increasing importance, as such technology increases in real-world prevalence. Safety-critical scenario generation is a key approach to robustify AD policies through closed-loop training. However, existing approaches for scenario generation rely on simplistic objectives, resulting in overly-aggressive or non-reactive adversarial behaviors. To generate diverse adversarial yet realistic scenarios, we propose SEAL, a scenario perturbation approach which leverages learned scoring functions and adversarial, human-like skills. SEAL-perturbed scenarios are more realistic than SOTA baselines, leading to improved ego task success across real-world, in-distribution, and out-of-distribution scenarios, of more than 20%. To facilitate future research, we release our code and tools: https://github.com/cmubig/SEAL
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables
☆ Catch It! Learning to Catch in Flight with Mobile Dexterous Hands
Catching objects in flight (i.e., thrown objects) is a common daily skill for humans, yet it presents a significant challenge for robots. This task requires a robot with agile and accurate motion, a large spatial workspace, and the ability to interact with diverse objects. In this paper, we build a mobile manipulator composed of a mobile base, a 6-DoF arm, and a 12-DoF dexterous hand to tackle such a challenging task. We propose a two-stage reinforcement learning framework to efficiently train a whole-body-control catching policy for this high-DoF system in simulation. The objects' throwing configurations, shapes, and sizes are randomized during training to enhance policy adaptivity to various trajectories and object characteristics in flight. The results show that our trained policy catches diverse objects with randomly thrown trajectories, at a high success rate of about 80\% in simulation, with a significant improvement over the baselines. The policy trained in simulation can be directly deployed in the real world with onboard sensing and computation, which achieves catching sandbags in various shapes, randomly thrown by humans. Our project page is available at https://mobile-dex-catch.github.io/.
☆ Safe and Real-Time Consistent Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Partially Observed Environments via Parallel Consensus Optimization
Ensuring safety and driving consistency is a significant challenge for autonomous vehicles operating in partially observed environments. This work introduces a consistent parallel trajectory optimization (CPTO) approach to enable safe and consistent driving in dense obstacle environments with perception uncertainties. Utilizing discrete-time barrier function theory, we develop a consensus safety barrier module that ensures reliable safety coverage within the spatiotemporal trajectory space across potential obstacle configurations. Following this, a bi-convex parallel trajectory optimization problem is derived that facilitates decomposition into a series of low-dimensional quadratic programming problems to accelerate computation. By leveraging the consensus alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for parallel optimization, each generated candidate trajectory corresponds to a possible environment configuration while sharing a common consensus trajectory segment. This ensures driving safety and consistency when executing the consensus trajectory segment for the ego vehicle in real time. We validate our CPTO framework through extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art baselines across multiple driving tasks in partially observable environments. Our results demonstrate improved safety and consistency using both synthetic and real-world traffic datasets.
☆ Know your limits! Optimize the robot's behavior through self-awareness
As humanoid robots transition from labs to real-world environments, it is essential to democratize robot control for non-expert users. Recent human-robot imitation algorithms focus on following a reference human motion with high precision, but they are susceptible to the quality of the reference motion and require the human operator to simplify its movements to match the robot's capabilities. Instead, we consider that the robot should understand and adapt the reference motion to its own abilities, facilitating the operator's task. For that, we introduce a deep-learning model that anticipates the robot's performance when imitating a given reference. Then, our system can generate multiple references given a high-level task command, assign a score to each of them, and select the best reference to achieve the desired robot behavior. Our Self-AWare model (SAW) ranks potential robot behaviors based on various criteria, such as fall likelihood, adherence to the reference motion, and smoothness. We integrate advanced motion generation, robot control, and SAW in one unique system, ensuring optimal robot behavior for any task command. For instance, SAW can anticipate falls with 99.29% accuracy. For more information check our project page: https://evm7.github.io/Self-AWare
comment: Accepted to Humanoids 2024 and HFR 2024. Project Page: https://evm7.github.io/Self-AWare
☆ ASMA: An Adaptive Safety Margin Algorithm for Vision-Language Drone Navigation via Scene-Aware Control Barrier Functions
In the rapidly evolving field of vision-language navigation (VLN), ensuring robust safety mechanisms remains an open challenge. Control barrier functions (CBFs) are efficient tools which guarantee safety by solving an optimal control problem. In this work, we consider the case of a teleoperated drone in a VLN setting, and add safety features by formulating a novel scene-aware CBF using ego-centric observations obtained through an RGB-D sensor. As a baseline, we implement a vision-language understanding module which uses the contrastive language image pretraining (CLIP) model to query about a user-specified (in natural language) landmark. Using the YOLO (You Only Look Once) object detector, the CLIP model is queried for verifying the cropped landmark, triggering downstream navigation. To improve navigation safety of the baseline, we propose ASMA -- an Adaptive Safety Margin Algorithm -- that crops the drone's depth map for tracking moving object(s) to perform scene-aware CBF evaluation on-the-fly. By identifying potential risky observations from the scene, ASMA enables real-time adaptation to unpredictable environmental conditions, ensuring optimal safety bounds on a VLN-powered drone actions. Using the robot operating system (ROS) middleware on a parrot bebop2 quadrotor in the gazebo environment, ASMA offers 59.4% - 61.8% increase in success rates with insignificant 5.4% - 8.2% increases in trajectory lengths compared to the baseline CBF-less VLN while recovering from unsafe situations.
☆ Safety-critical Locomotion of Biped Robots in Infeasible Paths: Overcoming Obstacles during Navigation toward Destination
This paper proposes a safety-critical locomotion control framework employed for legged robots exploring through infeasible path in obstacle-rich environments. Our research focus is on achieving safe and robust locomotion where robots confront unavoidable obstacles en route to their designated destination. Through the utilization of outcomes from physical interactions with unknown objects, we establish a hierarchy among the safety-critical conditions avoiding the obstacles. This hierarchy enables the generation of a safe reference trajectory that adeptly mitigates conflicts among safety conditions and reduce the risk while controlling the robot toward its destination without additional motion planning methods. In addition, robust bipedal locomotion is achieved by utilizing the Hybrid Linear Inverted Pendulum model, coupled with a disturbance observer addressing a disturbance from the physical interaction.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
☆ Voice control interface for surgical robot assistants
Traditional control interfaces for robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery impose a significant cognitive load on surgeons. To improve surgical efficiency, surgeon-robot collaboration capabilities, and reduce surgeon burden, we present a novel voice control interface for surgical robotic assistants. Our system integrates Whisper, state-of-the-art speech recognition, within the ROS framework to enable real-time interpretation and execution of voice commands for surgical manipulator control. The proposed system consists of a speech recognition module, an action mapping module, and a robot control module. Experimental results demonstrate the system's high accuracy and inference speed, and demonstrates its feasibility for surgical applications in a tissue triangulation task. Future work will focus on further improving its robustness and clinical applicability.
comment: Accepted at 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science
☆ BEINGS: Bayesian Embodied Image-goal Navigation with Gaussian Splatting
Image-goal navigation enables a robot to reach the location where a target image was captured, using visual cues for guidance. However, current methods either rely heavily on data and computationally expensive learning-based approaches or lack efficiency in complex environments due to insufficient exploration strategies. To address these limitations, we propose Bayesian Embodied Image-goal Navigation Using Gaussian Splatting, a novel method that formulates ImageNav as an optimal control problem within a model predictive control framework. BEINGS leverages 3D Gaussian Splatting as a scene prior to predict future observations, enabling efficient, real-time navigation decisions grounded in the robot's sensory experiences. By integrating Bayesian updates, our method dynamically refines the robot's strategy without requiring extensive prior experience or data. Our algorithm is validated through extensive simulations and physical experiments, showcasing its potential for embodied robot systems in visually complex scenarios.
☆ Synchronization-Based Cooperative Distributed Model Predictive Control
Distributed control algorithms are known to reduce overall computation time compared to centralized control algorithms. However, they can result in inconsistent solutions leading to the violation of safety-critical constraints. Inconsistent solutions can arise when two or more agents compute concurrently while making predictions on each others control actions. To address this issue, we propose an iterative algorithm called Synchronization-Based Cooperative Distributed Model Predictive Control, which we presented in [1]. The algorithm consists of two steps: 1. computing the optimal control inputs for each agent and 2. synchronizing the predicted states across all agents. We demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm in the control of multiple small-scale vehicles in our Cyber-Physical Mobility Lab.
comment: This work was submitted to the Symposium on Systems Theory in Data and Optimization as an extended abstract
☆ Embedded Image-to-Image Translation for Efficient Sim-to-Real Transfer in Learning-based Robot-Assisted Soft Manipulation
Recent advances in robotic learning in simulation have shown impressive results in accelerating learning complex manipulation skills. However, the sim-to-real gap, caused by discrepancies between simulation and reality, poses significant challenges for the effective deployment of autonomous surgical systems. We propose a novel approach utilizing image translation models to mitigate domain mismatches and facilitate efficient robot skill learning in a simulated environment. Our method involves the use of contrastive unpaired Image-to-image translation, allowing for the acquisition of embedded representations from these transformed images. Subsequently, these embeddings are used to improve the efficiency of training surgical manipulation models. We conducted experiments to evaluate the performance of our approach, demonstrating that it significantly enhances task success rates and reduces the steps required for task completion compared to traditional methods. The results indicate that our proposed system effectively bridges the sim-to-real gap, providing a robust framework for advancing the autonomy of surgical robots in minimally invasive procedures.
comment: Accepted at 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science
☆ SteeredMarigold: Steering Diffusion Towards Depth Completion of Largely Incomplete Depth Maps
Even if the depth maps captured by RGB-D sensors deployed in real environments are often characterized by large areas missing valid depth measurements, the vast majority of depth completion methods still assumes depth values covering all areas of the scene. To address this limitation, we introduce SteeredMarigold, a training-free, zero-shot depth completion method capable of producing metric dense depth, even for largely incomplete depth maps. SteeredMarigold achieves this by using the available sparse depth points as conditions to steer a denoising diffusion probabilistic model. Our method outperforms relevant top-performing methods on the NYUv2 dataset, in tests where no depth was provided for a large area, achieving state-of-art performance and exhibiting remarkable robustness against depth map incompleteness. Our code will be publicly available.
☆ NEUSIS: A Compositional Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Autonomous Perception, Reasoning, and Planning in Complex UAV Search Missions
This paper addresses the problem of autonomous UAV search missions, where a UAV must locate specific Entities of Interest (EOIs) within a time limit, based on brief descriptions in large, hazard-prone environments with keep-out zones. The UAV must perceive, reason, and make decisions with limited and uncertain information. We propose NEUSIS, a compositional neuro-symbolic system designed for interpretable UAV search and navigation in realistic scenarios. NEUSIS integrates neuro-symbolic visual perception, reasoning, and grounding (GRiD) to process raw sensory inputs, maintains a probabilistic world model for environment representation, and uses a hierarchical planning component (SNaC) for efficient path planning. Experimental results from simulated urban search missions using AirSim and Unreal Engine show that NEUSIS outperforms a state-of-the-art (SOTA) vision-language model and a SOTA search planning model in success rate, search efficiency, and 3D localization. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our compositional neuro-symbolic approach in handling complex, real-world scenarios, making it a promising solution for autonomous UAV systems in search missions.
☆ Underwater robot guidance, navigation and control in fish net pens
Aquaculture robotics is receiving increased attention and is subject to unique challenges and opportunities for research and development. Guidance, navigation and control are all important aspects for realizing aquaculture robotics solutions that can greatly benefit the industry in the future. Sensor technologies, navigation methods, motion planners and state control all have a role to play, and this paper introduces some technologies and methods that are currently being applied in research and industry before providing some examples of challenges that can be targeted in the future.
☆ Relative Positioning for Aerial Robot Path Planning in GPS Denied Environment
One of the most useful applications of intelligent aerial robots sometimes called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Australia is known to be in bushfire monitoring and prediction operations. A swarm of autonomous drones/UAVs programmed to work in real-time observing the fire parameters using their onboard sensors would be valuable in reducing the life-threatening impact of that fire. However autonomous UAVs face serious challenges in their positioning and navigation in critical bushfire conditions such as remoteness and severe weather conditions where GPS signals could also be unreliable. This paper tackles one of the most important factors in autonomous UAV navigation, namely Initial Positioning sometimes called Localisation. The solution provided by this paper will enable a team of autonomous UAVs to establish a relative position to their base of operation to be able to commence a team search and reconnaissance in a bushfire-affected area and find their way back to their base without the help of GPS signals.
comment: 12 pages, 4 images
☆ LiLoc: Lifelong Localization using Adaptive Submap Joining and Egocentric Factor Graph
This paper proposes a versatile graph-based lifelong localization framework, LiLoc, which enhances its timeliness by maintaining a single central session while improves the accuracy through multi-modal factors between the central and subsidiary sessions. First, an adaptive submap joining strategy is employed to generate prior submaps (keyframes and poses) for the central session, and to provide priors for subsidiaries when constraints are needed for robust localization. Next, a coarse-to-fine pose initialization for subsidiary sessions is performed using vertical recognition and ICP refinement in the global coordinate frame. To elevate the accuracy of subsequent localization, we propose an egocentric factor graph (EFG) module that integrates the IMU preintegration, LiDAR odometry and scan match factors in a joint optimization manner. Specifically, the scan match factors are constructed by a novel propagation model that efficiently distributes the prior constrains as edges to the relevant prior pose nodes, weighted by noises based on keyframe registration errors. Additionally, the framework supports flexible switching between two modes: relocalization (RLM) and incremental localization (ILM) based on the proposed overlap-based mechanism to select or update the prior submaps from central session. The proposed LiLoc is tested on public and custom datasets, demonstrating accurate localization performance against state-of-the-art methods. Our codes will be publicly available on https://github.com/Yixin-F/LiLoc.
comment: conference
☆ Maneuver Decision-Making with Trajectory Streams Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles
Decision-making, motion planning, and trajectory prediction are crucial in autonomous driving systems. By accurately forecasting the movements of other road users, the decision-making capabilities of the autonomous system can be enhanced, making it more effective in responding to dynamic and unpredictable environments and more adaptive to diverse road scenarios. This paper presents the FFStreams++ approach for decision-making and motion planning of different maneuvers, including unprotected left turn, overtaking, and keep-lane. FFStreams++ is a combination of sampling-based and search-based approaches, where iteratively new sampled trajectories for different maneuvers are generated and optimized, and afterward, a heuristic search planner is called, searching for an optimal plan. We model the autonomous diving system in the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) and search for the optimal plan using a heuristic Fast-Forward planner. In this approach, the initial state of the problem is modified iteratively through streams, which will generate maneuver-specific trajectory candidates, increasing the iterating level until an optimal plan is found. FFStreams++ integrates a query-connected network model for predicting possible future trajectories for each surrounding obstacle along with their probabilities. The proposed approach was tested on the CommonRoad simulation framework. We use a collection of randomly generated driving scenarios for overtaking and unprotected left turns at intersections to evaluate the FFStreams++ planner. The test results confirmed that the proposed approach can effectively execute various maneuvers to ensure safety and reduce the risk of collisions with nearby traffic agents.
comment: 17 pages, 8 figures
☆ SplatSim: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer of RGB Manipulation Policies Using Gaussian Splatting
Sim2Real transfer, particularly for manipulation policies relying on RGB images, remains a critical challenge in robotics due to the significant domain shift between synthetic and real-world visual data. In this paper, we propose SplatSim, a novel framework that leverages Gaussian Splatting as the primary rendering primitive to reduce the Sim2Real gap for RGB-based manipulation policies. By replacing traditional mesh representations with Gaussian Splats in simulators, SplatSim produces highly photorealistic synthetic data while maintaining the scalability and cost-efficiency of simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training manipulation policies within SplatSim}and deploying them in the real world in a zero-shot manner, achieving an average success rate of 86.25%, compared to 97.5% for policies trained on real-world data.
☆ P2U-SLAM: A Monocular Wide-FoV SLAM System Based on Point Uncertainty and Pose Uncertainty
This paper presents P2U-SLAM, a visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) system with a wide Field of View (FoV) camera, which utilizes pose uncertainty and point uncertainty. While the wide FoV enables considerable repetitive observations of historical map points for matching cross-view features, the data properties of the historical map points and the poses of historical keyframes have changed during the optimization process. The neglect of data property changes triggers the absence of a partial information matrix in optimization and leads to the risk of long-term positioning performance degradation. The purpose of our research is to reduce the risk of the wide field of view visual input to the SLAM system. Based on the conditional probability model, this work reveals the definite impact of the above data properties changes on the optimization process, concretizes it as point uncertainty and pose uncertainty, and gives a specific mathematical form. P2U-SLAM respectively embeds point uncertainty and pose uncertainty into the tracking module and local mapping, and updates these uncertainties after each optimization operation including local mapping, map merging, and loop closing. We present an exhaustive evaluation in 27 sequences from two popular public datasets with wide-FoV visual input. P2U-SLAM shows excellent performance compared with other state-of-the-art methods. The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/BambValley/P2U-SLAM.
comment: The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/BambValley/P2U-SLAM
☆ A hierarchical framework for collision avoidance in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery
Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) procedures benefit significantly from robotic systems due to their improved precision and dexterity. However, ensuring safety in these dynamic and cluttered environments is an ongoing challenge. This paper proposes a novel hierarchical framework for collision avoidance in MIS. This framework integrates multiple tasks, including maintaining the Remote Center of Motion (RCM) constraint, tracking desired tool poses, avoiding collisions, optimizing manipulability, and adhering to joint limits. The proposed approach utilizes Hierarchical Quadratic Programming (HQP) to seamlessly manage these constraints while enabling smooth transitions between task priorities for collision avoidance. Experimental validation through simulated scenarios demonstrates the framework's robustness and effectiveness in handling diverse scenarios involving static and dynamic obstacles, as well as inter-tool collisions.
comment: Accepted at 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS2024)
☆ Multi-Agent Obstacle Avoidance using Velocity Obstacles and Control Barrier Functions
Velocity Obstacles (VO) methods form a paradigm for collision avoidance strategies among moving obstacles and agents. While VO methods perform well in simple multi-agent environments, they don't guarantee safety and can show overly conservative behavior in common situations. In this paper, we propose to combine a VO-strategy for guidance with a CBF-approach for safety, which overcomes the overly conservative behavior of VOs and formally guarantees safety. We validate our method in a baseline comparison study, using 2nd order integrator and car-like dynamics. Results support that our method outperforms the baselines w.r.t. path smoothness, collision avoidance, and success rates.
☆ Industry 6.0: New Generation of Industry driven by Generative AI and Swarm of Heterogeneous Robots
This paper presents the concept of Industry 6.0, introducing the world's first fully automated production system that autonomously handles the entire product design and manufacturing process based on user-provided natural language descriptions. By leveraging generative AI, the system automates critical aspects of production, including product blueprint design, component manufacturing, logistics, and assembly. A heterogeneous swarm of robots, each equipped with individual AI through integration with Large Language Models (LLMs), orchestrates the production process. The robotic system includes manipulator arms, delivery drones, and 3D printers capable of generating assembly blueprints. The system was evaluated using commercial and open-source LLMs, functioning through APIs and local deployment. A user study demonstrated that the system reduces the average production time to 119.10 minutes, significantly outperforming a team of expert human developers, who averaged 528.64 minutes (an improvement factor of 4.4). Furthermore, in the product blueprinting stage, the system surpassed human CAD operators by an unprecedented factor of 47, completing the task in 0.5 minutes compared to 23.5 minutes. This breakthrough represents a major leap towards fully autonomous manufacturing.
comment: submitted to IEEE conf
☆ IRIS: Interactive Responsive Intelligent Segmentation for 3D Affordance Analysis
Recent advancements in large language and vision-language models have significantly enhanced multimodal understanding, yet translating high-level linguistic instructions into precise robotic actions in 3D space remains challenging. This paper introduces IRIS (Interactive Responsive Intelligent Segmentation), a novel training-free multimodal system for 3D affordance segmentation, alongside a benchmark for evaluating interactive language-guided affordance in everyday environments. IRIS integrates a large multimodal model with a specialized 3D vision network, enabling seamless fusion of 2D and 3D visual understanding with language comprehension. To facilitate evaluation, we present a dataset of 10 typical indoor environments, each with 50 images annotated for object actions and 3D affordance segmentation. Extensive experiments demonstrate IRIS's capability in handling interactive 3D affordance segmentation tasks across diverse settings, showcasing competitive performance across various metrics. Our results highlight IRIS's potential for enhancing human-robot interaction based on affordance understanding in complex indoor environments, advancing the development of more intuitive and efficient robotic systems for real-world applications.
☆ Towards Physically-Realizable Adversarial Attacks in Embodied Vision Navigation ICRA
The deployment of embodied navigation agents in safety-critical environments raises concerns about their vulnerability to adversarial attacks on deep neural networks. However, current attack methods often lack practicality due to challenges in transitioning from the digital to the physical world, while existing physical attacks for object detection fail to achieve both multi-view effectiveness and naturalness. To address this, we propose a practical attack method for embodied navigation by attaching adversarial patches with learnable textures and opacity to objects. Specifically, to ensure effectiveness across varying viewpoints, we employ a multi-view optimization strategy based on object-aware sampling, which uses feedback from the navigation model to optimize the patch's texture. To make the patch inconspicuous to human observers, we introduce a two-stage opacity optimization mechanism, where opacity is refined after texture optimization. Experimental results show our adversarial patches reduce navigation success rates by about 40%, outperforming previous methods in practicality, effectiveness, and naturalness. Code is available at: [https://github.com/chen37058/Physical-Attacks-in-Embodied-Navigation].
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA)
☆ GlobalMapNet: An Online Framework for Vectorized Global HD Map Construction
High-definition (HD) maps are essential for autonomous driving systems. Traditionally, an expensive and labor-intensive pipeline is implemented to construct HD maps, which is limited in scalability. In recent years, crowdsourcing and online mapping have emerged as two alternative methods, but they have limitations respectively. In this paper, we provide a novel methodology, namely global map construction, to perform direct generation of vectorized global maps, combining the benefits of crowdsourcing and online mapping. We introduce GlobalMapNet, the first online framework for vectorized global HD map construction, which updates and utilizes a global map on the ego vehicle. To generate the global map from scratch, we propose GlobalMapBuilder to match and merge local maps continuously. We design a new algorithm, Map NMS, to remove duplicate map elements and produce a clean map. We also propose GlobalMapFusion to aggregate historical map information, improving consistency of prediction. We examine GlobalMapNet on two widely recognized datasets, Argoverse2 and nuScenes, showing that our framework is capable of generating globally consistent results.
☆ A Social Force Model for Multi-Agent Systems With Application to Robots Traversal in Cluttered Environments
This letter presents a model to address the collaborative effects in multi-agent systems from the perspective of microscopic mechanism. The model utilizes distributed control for robot swarms in traversal applications. Inspired by pedestrian planning dynamics, the model employs three types of forces to regulate the behavior of agents: intrinsic propulsion, interaction among agents, and repulsion from obstacles. These forces are able to balance the convergence, divergence and avoidance effects among agents. Additionally, we present a planning and decision method based on resultant forces to enable real-world deployment of the model. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness on system path optimization in unknown cluttered environments. The sensor data is swiftly digital filtered and the data transmitted is significantly compressed. Consequently, the model has low computation costs and minimal communication loads, thereby promoting environmental adaptability and system scalability.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
☆ Embodiment-Agnostic Action Planning via Object-Part Scene Flow
Observing that the key for robotic action planning is to understand the target-object motion when its associated part is manipulated by the end effector, we propose to generate the 3D object-part scene flow and extract its transformations to solve the action trajectories for diverse embodiments. The advantage of our approach is that it derives the robot action explicitly from object motion prediction, yielding a more robust policy by understanding the object motions. Also, beyond policies trained on embodiment-centric data, our method is embodiment-agnostic, generalizable across diverse embodiments, and being able to learn from human demonstrations. Our method comprises three components: an object-part predictor to locate the part for the end effector to manipulate, an RGBD video generator to predict future RGBD videos, and a trajectory planner to extract embodiment-agnostic transformation sequences and solve the trajectory for diverse embodiments. Trained on videos even without trajectory data, our method still outperforms existing works significantly by 27.7% and 26.2% on the prevailing virtual environments MetaWorld and Franka-Kitchen, respectively. Furthermore, we conducted real-world experiments, showing that our policy, trained only with human demonstration, can be deployed to various embodiments.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures
☆ E2Map: Experience-and-Emotion Map for Self-Reflective Robot Navigation with Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) have shown significant potential in guiding embodied agents to execute language instructions across a range of tasks, including robotic manipulation and navigation. However, existing methods are primarily designed for static environments and do not leverage the agent's own experiences to refine its initial plans. Given that real-world environments are inherently stochastic, initial plans based solely on LLMs' general knowledge may fail to achieve their objectives, unlike in static scenarios. To address this limitation, this study introduces the Experience-and-Emotion Map (E2Map), which integrates not only LLM knowledge but also the agent's real-world experiences, drawing inspiration from human emotional responses. The proposed methodology enables one-shot behavior adjustments by updating the E2Map based on the agent's experiences. Our evaluation in stochastic navigation environments, including both simulations and real-world scenarios, demonstrates that the proposed method significantly enhances performance in stochastic environments compared to existing LLM-based approaches. Code and supplementary materials are available at https://e2map.github.io/.
comment: 19 pages, 28 figures. Project page: https://e2map.github.io
☆ Highly dynamic physical interaction for robotics: design and control of an active remote center of compliance
Robot interaction control is often limited to low dynamics or low flexibility, depending on whether an active or passive approach is chosen. In this work, we introduce a hybrid control scheme that combines the advantages of active and passive interaction control. To accomplish this, we propose the design of a novel Active Remote Center of Compliance (ARCC), which is based on a passive and active element which can be used to directly control the interaction forces. We introduce surrogate models for a dynamic comparison against purely robot-based interaction schemes. In a comparative validation, ARCC drastically improves the interaction dynamics, leading to an increase in the motion bandwidth of up to 31 times. We introduce further our control approach as well as the integration in the robot controller. Finally, we analyze ARCC on different industrial benchmarks like peg-in-hole, top-hat rail assembly and contour following problems and compare it against the state of the art, to highlight the dynamic and flexibility. The proposed system is especially suited if the application requires a low cycle time combined with a sensitive manipulation.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures
☆ Learning Agile Swimming: An End-to-End Approach without CPGs
The pursuit of agile and efficient underwater robots, especially bio-mimetic robotic fish, has been impeded by challenges in creating motion controllers that are able to fully exploit their hydrodynamic capabilities. This paper addresses these challenges by introducing a novel, model-free, end-to-end control framework that leverages Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to enable agile and energy-efficient swimming of robotic fish. Unlike existing methods that rely on predefined trigonometric swimming patterns like Central Pattern Generators (CPG), our approach directly outputs low-level actuator commands without strong constraint, enabling the robotic fish to learn agile swimming behaviors. In addition, by integrating a high-performance Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulator with innovative sim-to-real strategies, such as normalized density matching and servo response matching, the proposed framework significantly mitigates the sim-to-real gap, facilitating direct transfer of control policies to real-world environments without fine-tuning. Comparative experiments demonstrate that our method achieves faster swimming speeds, smaller turning radii, and reduced energy consumption compared to the conventional CPG-PID-based controllers. Furthermore, the proposed framework shows promise in addressing complex tasks in diverse scenario, paving the way for more effective deployment of robotic fish in real aquatic environments.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures
☆ RPC: A Modular Framework for Robot Planning, Control, and Deployment
This paper presents an open-source, lightweight, yet comprehensive software framework, named RPC, which integrates physics-based simulators, planning and control libraries, debugging tools, and a user-friendly operator interface. RPC enables users to thoroughly evaluate and develop control algorithms for robotic systems. While existing software frameworks provide some of these capabilities, integrating them into a cohesive system can be challenging and cumbersome. To overcome this challenge, we have modularized each component in RPC to ensure easy and seamless integration or replacement with new modules. Additionally, our framework currently supports a variety of model-based planning and control algorithms for robotic manipulators and legged robots, alongside essential debugging tools, making it easier for users to design and execute complex robotics tasks. The code and usage instructions of RPC are available at https://github.com/shbang91/rpc.
comment: 7pages, 4 figures
☆ GA-TEB: Goal-Adaptive Framework for Efficient Navigation Based on Goal Lines
In crowd navigation, the local goal plays a crucial role in trajectory initialization, optimization, and evaluation. Recognizing that when the global goal is distant, the robot's primary objective is avoiding collisions, making it less critical to pass through the exact local goal point, this work introduces the concept of goal lines, which extend the traditional local goal from a single point to multiple candidate lines. Coupled with a topological map construction strategy that groups obstacles to be as convex as possible, a goal-adaptive navigation framework is proposed to efficiently plan multiple candidate trajectories. Simulations and experiments demonstrate that the proposed GA-TEB framework effectively prevents deadlock situations, where the robot becomes frozen due to a lack of feasible trajectories in crowded environments. Additionally, the framework greatly increases planning frequency in scenarios with numerous non-convex obstacles, enhancing both robustness and safety.
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, International Conference of Robotics and Automation
☆ Development and Testing of a Vine Robot for Urban Search and Rescue in Confined Rubble Environments
The request for fast response and safe operation after natural and man-made disasters in urban environments has spurred the development of robotic systems designed to assist in search and rescue operations within complex rubble sites. Traditional Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) face significant limitations in such confined and obstructed environments. This paper introduces a novel vine robot designed to navigate dense rubble, drawing inspiration from natural growth mechanisms found in plants. Unlike conventional robots, vine robots are soft robots that can grow by everting their material, allowing them to navigate through narrow spaces and obstacles. The prototype presented in this study incorporates pneumatic muscles for steering and oscillation, an equation-based robot length control plus feedback pressure regulating system for extending and retracting the robot body. We conducted a series of controlled experiments in an artificial rubble testbed to assess the robot performance under varying environmental conditions and robot parameters, including volume ratio, environmental weight, oscillation, and steering. The results show that the vine robot can achieve significant penetration depths in cluttered environments with mixed obstacle sizes and weights, and can maintain repeated trajectories, demonstrating potential for mapping and navigating complex underground paths. Our findings highlight the suitability of the vine robot for urban search and rescue missions, with further research planned to enhance its robustness and deployability in real-world scenarios.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures
☆ ViewActive: Active viewpoint optimization from a single image
When observing objects, humans benefit from their spatial visualization and mental rotation ability to envision potential optimal viewpoints based on the current observation. This capability is crucial for enabling robots to achieve efficient and robust scene perception during operation, as optimal viewpoints provide essential and informative features for accurately representing scenes in 2D images, thereby enhancing downstream tasks. To endow robots with this human-like active viewpoint optimization capability, we propose ViewActive, a modernized machine learning approach drawing inspiration from aspect graph, which provides viewpoint optimization guidance based solely on the current 2D image input. Specifically, we introduce the 3D Viewpoint Quality Field (VQF), a compact and consistent representation for viewpoint quality distribution similar to an aspect graph, composed of three general-purpose viewpoint quality metrics: self-occlusion ratio, occupancy-aware surface normal entropy, and visual entropy. We utilize pre-trained image encoders to extract robust visual and semantic features, which are then decoded into the 3D VQF, allowing our model to generalize effectively across diverse objects, including unseen categories.The lightweight ViewActive network (72 FPS on a single GPU) significantly enhances the performance of state-of-the-art object recognition pipelines and can be integrated into real-time motion planning for robotic applications. Our code and dataset are available here: https://github.com/jiayi-wu-umd/ViewActive
☆ SHIRE: Enhancing Sample Efficiency using Human Intuition in REinforcement Learning
The ability of neural networks to perform robotic perception and control tasks such as depth and optical flow estimation, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and automatic control has led to their widespread adoption in recent years. Deep Reinforcement Learning has been used extensively in these settings, as it does not have the unsustainable training costs associated with supervised learning. However, DeepRL suffers from poor sample efficiency, i.e., it requires a large number of environmental interactions to converge to an acceptable solution. Modern RL algorithms such as Deep Q Learning and Soft Actor-Critic attempt to remedy this shortcoming but can not provide the explainability required in applications such as autonomous robotics. Humans intuitively understand the long-time-horizon sequential tasks common in robotics. Properly using such intuition can make RL policies more explainable while enhancing their sample efficiency. In this work, we propose SHIRE, a novel framework for encoding human intuition using Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) and using it in the Deep RL training pipeline to enhance sample efficiency. Our framework achieves 25-78% sample efficiency gains across the environments we evaluate at negligible overhead cost. Additionally, by teaching RL agents the encoded elementary behavior, SHIRE enhances policy explainability. A real-world demonstration further highlights the efficacy of policies trained using our framework.
☆ Constrained Bandwidth Observation Sharing for Multi-Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments via Intelligent Knapsack
Multi-robot navigation is increasingly crucial in various domains, including disaster response, autonomous vehicles, and warehouse and manufacturing automation. Robot teams often must operate in highly dynamic environments and under strict bandwidth constraints imposed by communication infrastructure, rendering effective observation sharing within the system a challenging problem. This paper presents a novel optimal communication scheme, Intelligent Knapsack (iKnap), for multi-robot navigation in dynamic environments under bandwidth constraints. We model multi-robot communication as belief propagation in a graph of inferential agents. We then formulate the combinatorial optimization for observation sharing as a 0/1 knapsack problem, where each potential pairwise communication between robots is assigned a decision-making utility to be weighed against its bandwidth cost, and the system has some cumulative bandwidth limit. Compared to state-of-the-art broadcast-based optimal communication schemes, iKnap yields significant improvements in navigation performance with respect to scenario complexity while maintaining a similar runtime. Furthermore, iKnap utilizes allocated bandwidth and observational resources more efficiently than existing approaches, especially in very low-resource and high-uncertainty settings. Based on these results, we claim that the proposed method enables more robust collaboration for multi-robot teams in real-world navigation problems.
☆ Securing the Future: Exploring Privacy Risks and Security Questions in Robotic Systems
The integration of artificial intelligence, especially large language models in robotics, has led to rapid advancements in the field. We are now observing an unprecedented surge in the use of robots in our daily lives. The development and continual improvements of robots are moving at an astonishing pace. Although these remarkable improvements facilitate and enhance our lives, several security and privacy concerns have not been resolved yet. Therefore, it has become crucial to address the privacy and security threats of robotic systems while improving our experiences. In this paper, we aim to present existing applications and threats of robotics, anticipated future evolution, and the security and privacy issues they may imply. We present a series of open questions for researchers and practitioners to explore further.
comment: 11 pages, Conference Paper
☆ A Preliminary Add-on Differential Drive System for MRI-Compatible Prostate Robotic System
MRI-targeted biopsy has shown significant advantages over conventional random sextant biopsy, detecting more clinically significant cancers and improving risk stratification. However, needle targeting accuracy, especially in transperineal MRI-guided biopsies, presents a challenge due to needle deflection. This can negatively impact patient outcomes, leading to repeated sampling and inaccurate diagnoses if cancerous tissue isn't properly collected. To address this, we developed a novel differential drive prototype designed to improve needle control and targeting precision. This system, featuring a 2-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) MRI-compatible cooperative needle driver, distances the robot from the MRI imaging area, minimizing image artifacts and distortions. By using two motors for simultaneous needle insertion and rotation without relative movement, the design reduces MRI interference. In this work, we introduced two mechanical differential drive designs: the ball screw/spline and lead screw/bushing types, and explored both hollow-type and side-pulley differentials. Validation through low-resolution rapid-prototyping demonstrated the feasibility of differential drives in prostate biopsies, with the custom hollow-type hybrid ultrasonic motor (USM) achieving a rotary speed of 75 rpm. The side-pulley differential further increased the speed to 168 rpm, ideal for needle rotation applications. Accuracy assessments showed minimal errors in both insertion and rotation motions, indicating that this proof-of-concept design holds great promise for further development. Ultimately, the differential drive offers a promising solution to the critical issue of needle targeting accuracy in MRI-guided prostate biopsies.
comment: 8 pages, 19 figures, 3 tables
☆ A Non-Linear Model Predictive Task-Space Controller Satisfying Shape Constraints for Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots
Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots (TDCRs) have the potential to be used in minimally invasive surgery and industrial inspection, where the robot must enter narrow and confined spaces. We propose a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach to leverage the non-linear kinematics and redundancy of TDCRs for whole-body collision avoidance, with real-time capabilities for handling inputs at 30Hz. Key to our method's effectiveness is the integration of a nominal Piecewise Constant Curvature (PCC) model for efficient computation of feasible trajectories, with a local feedback controller to handle modeling uncertainty and disturbances. Our experiments in simulation show that our MPC outperforms conventional Jacobian-based controller in position tracking, particularly under disturbances and user-defined shape constraints, while also allowing the incorporation of control limits. We further validate our method on a hardware prototype, showcasing its potential for enhancing the safety of teleoperation tasks.
comment: 8 pages, 13 figures
☆ Hybrid Aerial-Ground Vehicle Autonomy in GPS-denied Environments
The DARPA Subterranean Challenge is leading the development of robots capable of mapping underground mines and tunnels up to 8km in length and identify objects and people. Developing these autonomous abilities paves the way for future planetary cave and surface exploration missions. The Co-STAR team, competing in this challenge, is developing a hybrid aerial-ground vehicle, known as the Rollocopter. The current design of this vehicle is a drone with wheels attached. This allows for the vehicle to roll, actuated by the propellers, and fly only when necessary, hence benefiting from the reduced power consumption of the ground mode and the enhanced mobility of the aerial mode. This thesis focuses on the development and increased robustness of the local planning architecture for the Rollocopter. The first development of thesis is a local planner capable of collision avoidance. The local planning node provides the basic functionality required for the vehicle to navigate autonomously. The next stage was augmenting this with the ability to plan more reliably without localisation. This was then integrated with a hybrid mobility mode capable of rolling and flying to exploit power and mobility benefits of the respective configurations. A traversability analysis algorithm as well as determining the terrain that the vehicle is able to traverse is in the late stages of development for informing the decisions of the hybrid planner. A simulator was developed to test the planning algorithms and improve the robustness of the vehicle to different environments. The results presented in this thesis are related to the mobility of the rollocopter and the range of environments that the vehicle is capable of traversing. Videos are included in which the vehicle successfully navigates through dust-ridden tunnels, horizontal mazes, and areas with rough terrain.
comment: This thesis was submitted to The University of Sydney in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Aeronautical)(Space))
☆ Mission Planning on Autonomous Avoidance for Spacecraft Confronting Orbital Debris
This paper investigates the mission planning problem for spacecraft confronting orbital debris to achieve autonomous avoidance. Firstly, combined with the avoidance requirements, a closed-loop framework of autonomous avoidance for orbital debris is proposed. Under the established model of mission planning, a two-stage planning is proposed to coordinate the conflict between routine tasks and debris avoidance. During the planning for expansion, the temporal constraints for duration actions are handled by the ordering choices. Meanwhile, dynamic resource variables satisfying instantaneous numerical change and continuous linear change are reasoned in the execution of actions. Linear Programming (LP) can solve the bounds of variables in each state, which is used to check the consistency of the interactive constraints on duration and resource. Then, the temporal relaxed planning graph (TRPG) heuristics is rationally developed to guide the plan towards the goal. Finally, the simulation demonstrates that the proposed mission planning strategy can effectively achieve the autonomous debris avoidance of the spacecraft.
☆ Robots with Attitude: Singularity-Free Quaternion-Based Model-Predictive Control for Agile Legged Robots
We present a model-predictive control (MPC) framework for legged robots that avoids the singularities associated with common three-parameter attitude representations like Euler angles during large-angle rotations. Our method parameterizes the robot's attitude with singularity-free unit quaternions and makes modifications to the iterative linear-quadratic regulator (iLQR) algorithm to deal with the resulting geometry. The derivation of our algorithm requires only elementary calculus and linear algebra, deliberately avoiding the abstraction and notation of Lie groups. We demonstrate the performance and computational efficiency of quaternion MPC in several experiments on quadruped and humanoid robots.
☆ ROS2WASM: Bringing the Robot Operating System to the Web
The Robot Operating System (ROS) has become the de facto standard middleware in robotics, widely adopted across domains ranging from education to industrial applications. The RoboStack distribution has extended ROS's accessibility by facilitating installation across all major operating systems and architectures, integrating seamlessly with scientific tools such as PyTorch and Open3D. This paper presents ROS2WASM, a novel integration of RoboStack with WebAssembly, enabling the execution of ROS 2 and its associated software directly within web browsers, without requiring local installations. This approach significantly enhances reproducibility and shareability of research, lowers barriers to robotics education, and leverages WebAssembly's robust security framework to protect against malicious code. We detail our methodology for cross-compiling ROS 2 packages into WebAssembly, the development of a specialized middleware for ROS 2 communication within browsers, and the implementation of a web platform available at www.ros2wasm.dev that allows users to interact with ROS 2 environments. Additionally, we extend support to the Robotics Toolbox for Python and adapt its Swift simulator for browser compatibility. Our work paves the way for unprecedented accessibility in robotics, offering scalable, secure, and reproducible environments that have the potential to transform educational and research paradigms.
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, under review
☆ Real-time Coupled Centroidal Motion and Footstep Planning for Biped Robots IROS
This paper presents an algorithm that finds a centroidal motion and footstep plan for a Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP)-like bipedal robot model substantially faster than real-time. This is achieved with a novel representation of the dynamic footstep planning problem, where each point in the environment is considered a potential foothold that can apply a force to the center of mass to keep it on a desired trajectory. For a biped, up to two such footholds per time step must be selected, and we approximate this cardinality constraint with an iteratively reweighted $l_1$-norm minimization. Along with a linearizing approximation of an angular momentum constraint, this results in a quadratic program can be solved for a contact schedule and center of mass trajectory with automatic gait discovery. A 2 s planning horizon with 13 time steps and 20 surfaces available at each time is solved in 142 ms, roughly ten times faster than comparable existing methods in the literature. We demonstrate the versatility of this program in a variety of simulated environments.
comment: Accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2024
☆ Towards Real-Time Generation of Delay-Compensated Video Feeds for Outdoor Mobile Robot Teleoperation
Teleoperation is an important technology to enable supervisors to control agricultural robots remotely. However, environmental factors in dense crop rows and limitations in network infrastructure hinder the reliability of data streamed to teleoperators. These issues result in delayed and variable frame rate video feeds that often deviate significantly from the robot's actual viewpoint. We propose a modular learning-based vision pipeline to generate delay-compensated images in real-time for supervisors. Our extensive offline evaluations demonstrate that our method generates more accurate images compared to state-of-the-art approaches in our setting. Additionally, we are one of the few works to evaluate a delay-compensation method in outdoor field environments with complex terrain on data from a real robot in real-time. Additional videos are provided at https://sites.google.com/illinois.edu/comp-teleop.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ Hardware-Accelerated Ray Tracing for Discrete and Continuous Collision Detection on GPUs
This paper presents a set of simple and intuitive robot collision detection algorithms that show substantial scaling improvements for high geometric complexity and large numbers of collision queries by leveraging hardware-accelerated ray tracing on GPUs. It is the first leveraging hardware-accelerated ray-tracing for direct volume mesh-to-mesh discrete collision detection and applying it to continuous collision detection. We introduce two methods: Ray-Traced Discrete-Pose Collision Detection for exact robot mesh to obstacle mesh collision detection, and Ray-Traced Continuous Collision Detection for robot sphere representation to obstacle mesh swept collision detection, using piecewise-linear or quadratic B-splines. For robot link meshes totaling 24k triangles and obstacle meshes of over 190k triangles, our methods were up to 3 times faster in batched discrete-pose queries than a state-of-the-art GPU-based method using a sphere robot representation. For the same obstacle mesh scene, our sphere-robot continuous collision detection was up to 9 times faster depending on trajectory batch size. We also performed a detailed measurement of the volume coverage accuracy of various sphere/mesh pose/path representations to provide insight into the tradeoffs between speed and accuracy of different robot collision detection methods.
☆ Forearm Ultrasound based Gesture Recognition on Edge
Ultrasound imaging of the forearm has demonstrated significant potential for accurate hand gesture classification. Despite this progress, there has been limited focus on developing a stand-alone end- to-end gesture recognition system which makes it mobile, real-time and more user friendly. To bridge this gap, this paper explores the deployment of deep neural networks for forearm ultrasound-based hand gesture recognition on edge devices. Utilizing quantization techniques, we achieve substantial reductions in model size while maintaining high accuracy and low latency. Our best model, with Float16 quantization, achieves a test accuracy of 92% and an inference time of 0.31 seconds on a Raspberry Pi. These results demonstrate the feasibility of efficient, real-time gesture recognition on resource-limited edge devices, paving the way for wearable ultrasound-based systems.
comment: Please contact the authors for code and any additional questions pertaining to the project. You can reach Keshav Bimbraw at bimbrawkeshav at gmail dot com
☆ Enhancing Visual Inertial SLAM with Magnetic Measurements
This paper presents an extension to visual inertial odometry (VIO) by introducing tightly-coupled fusion of magnetometer measurements. A sliding window of keyframes is optimized by minimizing re-projection errors, relative inertial errors, and relative magnetometer orientation errors. The results of IMU orientation propagation are used to efficiently transform magnetometer measurements between frames producing relative orientation constraints between consecutive frames. The soft and hard iron effects are calibrated using an ellipsoid fitting algorithm. The introduction of magnetometer data results in significant reductions in the orientation error and also in recovery of the true yaw orientation with respect to the magnetic north. The proposed framework operates in all environments with slow-varying magnetic fields, mainly outdoors and underwater. We have focused our work on the underwater domain, especially in underwater caves, as the narrow passage and turbulent flow make it difficult to perform loop closures and reset the localization drift. The underwater caves present challenges to VIO due to the absence of ambient light and the confined nature of the environment, while also being a crucial source of fresh water and providing valuable historical records. Experimental results from underwater caves demonstrate the improvements in accuracy and robustness introduced by the proposed VIO extension.
☆ Benchmarking Sim2Real Gap: High-fidelity Digital Twinning of Agile Manufacturing
As the manufacturing industry shifts from mass production to mass customization, there is a growing emphasis on adopting agile, resilient, and human-centric methodologies in line with the directives of Industry 5.0. Central to this transformation is the deployment of digital twins, a technology that digitally replicates manufacturing assets to enable enhanced process optimization, predictive maintenance, synthetic data generation, and accelerated customization and prototyping. This chapter delves into the technologies underpinning the creation of digital twins specifically tailored to agile manufacturing scenarios within the realm of robotic automation. It explores the transfer of trained policies and process optimizations from simulated settings to real-world applications through advanced techniques such as domain randomization, domain adaptation, curriculum learning, and model-based system identification. The chapter also examines various industrial manufacturing automation scenarios, including bin-picking, part inspection, and product assembly, under Sim2Real conditions. The performance of digital twin technologies in these scenarios is evaluated using practical metrics including data latency, adaptation rate, simulation fidelity among others reported, providing a comprehensive assessment of their efficacy and potential impact on modern manufacturing processes.
☆ Towards the Feasibility Analysis and Additive Manufacturing of a Novel Flexible Pedicle Screw for Spinal Fixation Procedures
In this paper, we explore the feasibility of developing a novel flexible pedicle screw (FPS) for enhanced spinal fixation of osteoporotic vertebrae. Vital for spinal fracture treatment, pedicle screws have been around since the early 20th century and have undergone multiple iterations to enhance internal spinal fixation. However, spinal fixation treatments tend to be problematic for osteoporotic patients due to multiple inopportune variables. The inherent rigid nature of the pedicle screw, along with the forced linear trajectory of the screw path, frequently leads to the placement of these screws in highly osteoporotic regions of the bone. This results in eventual screw slippage and causing neurological and respiratory problems for the patient. To address this problem, we focus on developing a novel FPS that is structurally capable of safely bending to fit curved trajectories drilled by a steerable drilling robot and bypass highly osteoporotic regions of the vertebral body. Afterwards, we simulate its morphability capabilities using finite element analysis (FEA). We then additively manufacture the FPS using stainless steel (SS) 316L alloy through direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). Finally, the fabricated FPS is experimentally evaluated for its bending performance and compared with the FEA results for verification. Results demonstrate the feasibility of additive manufacturing of FPS using DMLS approach and agreement of the developed FEA with the experiments.
☆ A Fairness-Oriented Control Framework for Safety-Critical Multi-Robot Systems: Alternative Authority Control
This paper proposes a fair control framework for multi-robot systems, which integrates the newly introduced Alternative Authority Control (AAC) and Flexible Control Barrier Function (F-CBF). Control authority refers to a single robot which can plan its trajectory while considering others as moving obstacles, meaning the other robots do not have authority to plan their own paths. The AAC method dynamically distributes the control authority, enabling fair and coordinated movement across the system. This approach significantly improves computational efficiency, scalability, and robustness in complex environments. The proposed F-CBF extends traditional CBFs by incorporating obstacle shape, velocity, and orientation. F-CBF enhances safety by accurate dynamic obstacle avoidance. The framework is validated through simulations in multi-robot scenarios, demonstrating its safety, robustness and computational efficiency.
☆ Uncovering the Secrets of Human-Like Movement: A Fresh Perspective on Motion Planning
This article explores human-like movement from a fresh perspective on motion planning. We analyze the coordinated and compliant movement mechanisms of the human body from the perspective of biomechanics. Based on these mechanisms, we propose an optimal control framework that integrates compliant control dynamics, optimizing robotic arm motion through a response time matrix. This matrix sets the timing parameters for joint movements, turning the system into a time-parameterized optimal control problem. The model focuses on the interaction between active and passive joints under external disturbances, improving adaptability and compliance. This method achieves optimal trajectory generation and balances precision and compliance. Experimental results on both a manipulator and a humanoid robot validate the approach.
comment: 7 pages
☆ Trustworthy Conceptual Explanations for Neural Networks in Robot Decision-Making
Black box neural networks are an indispensable part of modern robots. Nevertheless, deploying such high-stakes systems in real-world scenarios poses significant challenges when the stakeholders, such as engineers and legislative bodies, lack insights into the neural networks' decision-making process. Presently, explainable AI is primarily tailored to natural language processing and computer vision, falling short in two critical aspects when applied in robots: grounding in decision-making tasks and the ability to assess trustworthiness of their explanations. In this paper, we introduce a trustworthy explainable robotics technique based on human-interpretable, high-level concepts that attribute to the decisions made by the neural network. Our proposed technique provides explanations with associated uncertainty scores by matching neural network's activations with human-interpretable visualizations. To validate our approach, we conducted a series of experiments with various simulated and real-world robot decision-making models, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach as a post-hoc, human-friendly robot learning diagnostic tool.
comment: 19 pages, 25 figures
☆ A HeARTfelt Robot: Social Robot-Driven Deep Emotional Art Reflection with Children
Social-emotional learning (SEL) skills are essential for children to develop to provide a foundation for future relational and academic success. Using art as a medium for creation or as a topic to provoke conversation is a well-known method of SEL learning. Similarly, social robots have been used to teach SEL competencies like empathy, but the combination of art and social robotics has been minimally explored. In this paper, we present a novel child-robot interaction designed to foster empathy and promote SEL competencies via a conversation about art scaffolded by a social robot. Participants (N=11, age range: 7-11) conversed with a social robot about emotional and neutral art. Analysis of video and speech data demonstrated that this interaction design successfully engaged children in the practice of SEL skills, like emotion recognition and self-awareness, and greater rates of empathetic reasoning were observed when children engaged with the robot about emotional art. This study demonstrated that art-based reflection with a social robot, particularly on emotional art, can foster empathy in children, and interactions with a social robot help alleviate discomfort when sharing deep or vulnerable emotions.
comment: Copyright protected by IEEE, 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, in proceedings of 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2024)
☆ Finite Element Modeling of Surface Traveling Wave Friction Driven for Rotary Ultrasonic Motor
Finite element modeling (FEM) is a critical tool in the design and analysis of piezoelectric devices, offering detailed numerical simulations that guide various applications. While traditionally applied to eigenfrequency analysis and time-dependent studies for predicting excitation eigenfrequencies and estimating traveling wave amplitudes, FEM's potential extends to more sophisticated tasks. Advanced FEM applications, such as modeling friction-driven dynamic motion and reaction forces, are essential for accurately simulating the complex behaviors of piezoelectric actuators under real-world conditions. This paper presents a comprehensive motor model that encompasses the coupling dynamics between the stator and rotor in a piezoelectric ultrasonic motor (USM). Utilizing contact theory, the model simulates the complex conditions encountered during the USM's initial start-up phase and its transition to steady-state operation. Implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics, the model provides an in-depth analysis of a rotary piezoelectric actuator, capturing the dynamic interactions and reaction forces that influence its performance. The introduction of this FEM-based model represents a significant advancement in the simulation and understanding of piezoelectric actuators. By offering a more complete picture of the motor's behavior from start-up to steady state, this study enables more accurate control and optimization of piezoelectric devices, enhancing their efficiency and reliability in practical applications.
comment: 6 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables
☆ Encoding Reusable Multi-Robot Planning Strategies as Abstract Hypergraphs
Multi-Robot Task Planning (MR-TP) is the search for a discrete-action plan a team of robots should take to complete a task. The complexity of such problems scales exponentially with the number of robots and task complexity, making them challenging for online solution. To accelerate MR-TP over a system's lifetime, this work looks at combining two recent advances: (i) Decomposable State Space Hypergraph (DaSH), a novel hypergraph-based framework to efficiently model and solve MR-TP problems; and \mbox{(ii) learning-by-abstraction,} a technique that enables automatic extraction of generalizable planning strategies from individual planning experiences for later reuse. Specifically, we wish to extend this strategy-learning technique, originally designed for single-robot planning, to benefit multi-robot planning using hypergraph-based MR-TP.
☆ Safety Verification and Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles based on Signal Temporal Logic Constraints
The software architecture behind modern autonomous vehicles (AV) is becoming more complex steadily. Safety verification is now an imminent task prior to the large-scale deployment of such convoluted models. For safety-critical tasks in navigation, it becomes imperative to perform a verification procedure on the trajectories proposed by the planning algorithm prior to deployment. Signal Temporal Logic (STL) constraints can dictate the safety requirements for an AV. A combination of STL constraints is called a specification. A key difference between STL and other logic constraints is that STL allows us to work on continuous signals. We verify the satisfaction of the STL specifications by calculating the robustness value for each signal within the specification. Higher robustness values indicate a safer system. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is one of the most widely used methods to control the navigation of an AV, with an underlying set of state and input constraints. Our research aims to formulate and test an MPC controller, with STL specifications as constraints, that can safely navigate an AV. The primary goal of the cost function is to minimize the control inputs. STL constraints will act as an additional layer of constraints that would change based on the scenario and task on hand. We propose using sTaliro, a MATLAB-based robustness calculator for STL specifications, formulated in a receding horizon control fashion for an AV navigation task. It inputs a simplified AV state space model and a set of STL specifications, for which it constructs a closed-loop controller. We test out our controller for different test cases/scenarios and verify the safe navigation of our AV model.
comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, SAE WCX 2023 Conference
☆ Personalized Speech Emotion Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction using Vision Transformers
Emotions are an essential element in verbal communication, so understanding individuals' affect during a human-robot interaction (HRI) becomes imperative. This paper investigates the application of vision transformer models, namely ViT (Vision Transformers) and BEiT (BERT Pre-Training of Image Transformers) pipelines, for Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) in HRI. The focus is to generalize the SER models for individual speech characteristics by fine-tuning these models on benchmark datasets and exploiting ensemble methods. For this purpose, we collected audio data from different human subjects having pseudo-naturalistic conversations with the NAO robot. We then fine-tuned our ViT and BEiT-based models and tested these models on unseen speech samples from the participants. In the results, we show that fine-tuning vision transformers on benchmark datasets and and then using either these already fine-tuned models or ensembling ViT/BEiT models gets us the highest classification accuracies per individual when it comes to identifying four primary emotions from their speech: neutral, happy, sad, and angry, as compared to fine-tuning vanilla-ViTs or BEiTs.
comment: Will be submitted to IEEE for possible publication
☆ MotIF: Motion Instruction Fine-tuning
While success in many robotics tasks can be determined by only observing the final state and how it differs from the initial state - e.g., if an apple is picked up - many tasks require observing the full motion of the robot to correctly determine success. For example, brushing hair requires repeated strokes that correspond to the contours and type of hair. Prior works often use off-the-shelf vision-language models (VLMs) as success detectors; however, when success depends on the full trajectory, VLMs struggle to make correct judgments for two reasons. First, modern VLMs are trained only on single frames, and cannot capture changes over a full trajectory. Second, even if we provide state-of-the-art VLMs with an aggregate input of multiple frames, they still fail to detect success due to a lack of robot data. Our key idea is to fine-tune VLMs using abstract representations that are able to capture trajectory-level information such as the path the robot takes by overlaying keypoint trajectories on the final image. We propose motion instruction fine-tuning (MotIF), a method that fine-tunes VLMs using the aforementioned abstract representations to semantically ground the robot's behavior in the environment. To benchmark and fine-tune VLMs for robotic motion understanding, we introduce the MotIF-1K dataset containing 653 human and 369 robot demonstrations across 13 task categories. MotIF assesses the success of robot motion given the image observation of the trajectory, task instruction, and motion description. Our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art VLMs by at least twice in precision and 56.1% in recall, generalizing across unseen motions, tasks, and environments. Finally, we demonstrate practical applications of MotIF in refining and terminating robot planning, and ranking trajectories on how they align with task and motion descriptions. Project page: https://motif-1k.github.io
☆ Online Diffusion-Based 3D Occupancy Prediction at the Frontier with Probabilistic Map Reconciliation
Autonomous navigation and exploration in unmapped environments remains a significant challenge in robotics due to the difficulty robots face in making commonsense inference of unobserved geometries. Recent advancements have demonstrated that generative modeling techniques, particularly diffusion models, can enable systems to infer these geometries from partial observation. In this work, we present implementation details and results for real-time, online occupancy prediction using a modified diffusion model. By removing attention-based visual conditioning and visual feature extraction components, we achieve a 73$\%$ reduction in runtime with minimal accuracy reduction. These modifications enable occupancy prediction across the entire map, rather than being limited to the area around the robot where camera data can be collected. We introduce a probabilistic update method for merging predicted occupancy data into running occupancy maps, resulting in a 71$\%$ improvement in predicting occupancy at map frontiers compared to previous methods. Finally, we release our code and a ROS node for on-robot operation at github.com/arpg/sceneSense_ws.
☆ Realistic Extreme Behavior Generation for Improved AV Testing
This work introduces a framework to diagnose the strengths and shortcomings of Autonomous Vehicle (AV) collision avoidance technology with synthetic yet realistic potential collision scenarios adapted from real-world, collision-free data. Our framework generates counterfactual collisions with diverse crash properties, e.g., crash angle and velocity, between an adversary and a target vehicle by adding perturbations to the adversary's predicted trajectory from a learned AV behavior model. Our main contribution is to ground these adversarial perturbations in realistic behavior as defined through the lens of data-alignment in the behavior model's parameter space. Then, we cluster these synthetic counterfactuals to identify plausible and representative collision scenarios to form the basis of a test suite for downstream AV system evaluation. We demonstrate our framework using two state-of-the-art behavior prediction models as sources of realistic adversarial perturbations, and show that our scenario clustering evokes interpretable failure modes from a baseline AV policy under evaluation.
☆ Disentangling Uncertainty for Safe Social Navigation using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Autonomous mobile robots are increasingly employed in pedestrian-rich environments where safe navigation and appropriate human interaction are crucial. While Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) enables socially integrated robot behavior, challenges persist in novel or perturbed scenarios to indicate when and why the policy is uncertain. Unknown uncertainty in decision-making can lead to collisions or human discomfort and is one reason why safe and risk-aware navigation is still an open problem. This work introduces a novel approach that integrates aleatoric, epistemic, and predictive uncertainty estimation into a DRL-based navigation framework for uncertainty estimates in decision-making. We, therefore, incorporate Observation-Dependent Variance (ODV) and dropout into the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. For different types of perturbations, we compare the ability of Deep Ensembles and Monte-Carlo Dropout (MC-Dropout) to estimate the uncertainties of the policy. In uncertain decision-making situations, we propose to change the robot's social behavior to conservative collision avoidance. The results show that the ODV-PPO algorithm converges faster with better generalization and disentangles the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties. In addition, the MC-Dropout approach is more sensitive to perturbations and capable to correlate the uncertainty type to the perturbation type better. With the proposed safe action selection scheme, the robot can navigate in perturbed environments with fewer collisions.
comment: Submitted to the IEEE for possible publication, 8 pages, 6 figures
☆ Safe Interval Motion Planning for Quadrotors in Dynamic Environments ICRA
Trajectory generation in dynamic environments presents a significant challenge for quadrotors, particularly due to the non-convexity in the spatial-temporal domain. Many existing methods either assume simplified static environments or struggle to produce optimal solutions in real-time. In this work, we propose an efficient safe interval motion planning framework for navigation in dynamic environments. A safe interval refers to a time window during which a specific configuration is safe. Our approach addresses trajectory generation through a two-stage process: a front-end graph search step followed by a back-end gradient-based optimization. We ensure completeness and optimality by constructing a dynamic connected visibility graph and incorporating low-order dynamic bounds within safe intervals and temporal corridors. To avoid local minima, we propose a Uniform Temporal Visibility Deformation (UTVD) for the complete evaluation of spatial-temporal topological equivalence. We represent trajectories with B-Spline curves and apply gradient-based optimization to navigate around static and moving obstacles within spatial-temporal corridors. Through simulation and real-world experiments, we show that our method can achieve a success rate of over 95% in environments with different density levels, exceeding the performance of other approaches, demonstrating its potential for practical deployment in highly dynamic environments.
comment: Submitted to 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation(ICRA)
☆ Motion Forecasting via Model-Based Risk Minimization
Forecasting the future trajectories of surrounding agents is crucial for autonomous vehicles to ensure safe, efficient, and comfortable route planning. While model ensembling has improved prediction accuracy in various fields, its application in trajectory prediction is limited due to the multi-modal nature of predictions. In this paper, we propose a novel sampling method applicable to trajectory prediction based on the predictions of multiple models. We first show that conventional sampling based on predicted probabilities can degrade performance due to missing alignment between models. To address this problem, we introduce a new method that generates optimal trajectories from a set of neural networks, framing it as a risk minimization problem with a variable loss function. By using state-of-the-art models as base learners, our approach constructs diverse and effective ensembles for optimal trajectory sampling. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes prediction dataset demonstrate that our method surpasses current state-of-the-art techniques, achieving top ranks on the leaderboard. We also provide a comprehensive empirical study on ensembling strategies, offering insights into their effectiveness. Our findings highlight the potential of advanced ensembling techniques in trajectory prediction, significantly improving predictive performance and paving the way for more reliable predicted trajectories.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to be published in IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (2025)
♻ ☆ On Semidefinite Relaxations for Matrix-Weighted State-Estimation Problems in Robotics
In recent years, there has been remarkable progress in the development of so-called certifiable perception methods, which leverage semidefinite, convex relaxations to find global optima of perception problems in robotics. However, many of these relaxations rely on simplifying assumptions that facilitate the problem formulation, such as an isotropic measurement noise distribution. In this paper, we explore the tightness of the semidefinite relaxations of matrix-weighted (anisotropic) state-estimation problems and reveal the limitations lurking therein: matrix-weighted factors can cause convex relaxations to lose tightness. In particular, we show that the semidefinite relaxations of localization problems with matrix weights may be tight only for low noise levels. To better understand this issue, we introduce a theoretical connection between the posterior uncertainty of the state estimate and the certificate matrix obtained via convex relaxation. With this connection in mind, we empirically explore the factors that contribute to this loss of tightness and demonstrate that redundant constraints can be used to regain it. As a second technical contribution of this paper, we show that the state-of-the-art relaxation of scalar-weighted SLAM cannot be used when matrix weights are considered. We provide an alternate formulation and show that its SDP relaxation is not tight (even for very low noise levels) unless specific redundant constraints are used. We demonstrate the tightness of our formulations on both simulated and real-world data.
♻ ☆ Simultaneous Position-and-Stiffness Control of Underactuated Antagonistic Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots
Continuum robots have gained widespread popularity due to their inherent compliance and flexibility, particularly their adjustable levels of stiffness for various application scenarios. Despite efforts to dynamic modeling and control synthesis over the past decade, few studies have incorporated stiffness regulation into their feedback control design; however, this is one of the initial motivations to develop continuum robots. This paper addresses the crucial challenge of controlling both the position and stiffness of underactuated continuum robots actuated by antagonistic tendons. We begin by presenting a rigid-link dynamical model that can analyze the open-loop stiffening of tendon-driven continuum robots. Based on this model, we propose a novel passivity-based position-and-stiffness controller that adheres to the non-negative tension constraint. Comprehensive experiments on our continuum robot validate the theoretical results and demonstrate the efficacy and precision of this approach.
♻ ☆ Differentiable Discrete Elastic Rods for Real-Time Modeling of Deformable Linear Objects
This paper addresses the task of modeling Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs), such as ropes and cables, during dynamic motion over long time horizons. This task presents significant challenges due to the complex dynamics of DLOs. To address these challenges, this paper proposes differentiable Discrete Elastic Rods For deformable linear Objects with Real-time Modeling (DEFORM), a novel framework that combines a differentiable physics-based model with a learning framework to model DLOs accurately and in real-time. The performance of DEFORM is evaluated in an experimental setup involving two industrial robots and a variety of sensors. A comprehensive series of experiments demonstrate the efficacy of DEFORM in terms of accuracy, computational speed, and generalizability when compared to state-of-the-art alternatives. To further demonstrate the utility of DEFORM, this paper integrates it into a perception pipeline and illustrates its superior performance when compared to the state-of-the-art methods while tracking a DLO even in the presence of occlusions. Finally, this paper illustrates the superior performance of DEFORM when compared to state-of-the-art methods when it is applied to perform autonomous planning and control of DLOs. Project page: https://roahmlab.github.io/DEFORM/.
comment: Accepted to CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ Kinetic and Kinematic Sensors-free Approach for Estimation of Continuous Force and Gesture in sEMG Prosthetic Hands
Regression-based sEMG prosthetic hands are widely used for their ability to provide continuous kinetic and kinematic parameters. However, establishing these models requires complex sensors systems to collect corresponding kinetic and kinematic data in synchronization with sEMG, which is cumbersome and user-unfriendly. This paper proposes a kinetic and kinematic sensors-free approach for controlling sEMG prosthetic hands, enabling continuous decoding and execution of three hand movements: individual finger flexion/extension, multiple finger flexion/extension, and fist opening/closing. This approach utilizes only two data points (-1 and 1), representing maximal finger flexion force label and extension force label respectively, and their corresponding sEMG data to establish a near-linear model based on sEMG data and labels. The model's output labels values are used to control the direction and magnitude of fingers forces, enabling the estimation of continuous gestures. To validate this approach, we conducted offline and online experiments using four models: Dendritic Net (DD), Linear Net (LN), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The offline analysis assessed each model's ability to classify finger force direction and interpolate intermediate force values, while online experiments evaluated real-time control performance in controlling gestures and accurately adjusting forces. Our results demonstrate that the DD and LN models provide excellent real-time control of finger forces and gestures, highlighting the practical potential of this sensors-free approach for prosthetic applications. This study significantly reduces the complexity of collecting kinetic and kinematic parameters in sEMG-based regression prosthetics, thus enhancing the usability and convenience of prosthetic hands.
comment: 17 pages
♻ ☆ Towards Human-Like Driving: Active Inference in Autonomous Vehicle Control
This paper presents a novel approach to Autonomous Vehicle (AV) control through the application of active inference, a theory derived from neuroscience that conceptualizes the brain as a predictive machine. Traditional autonomous driving systems rely heavily on Modular Pipelines, Imitation Learning, or Reinforcement Learning, each with inherent limitations in adaptability, generalization, and computational efficiency. Active inference addresses these challenges by minimizing prediction error (termed "surprise") through a dynamic model that balances perception and action. Our method integrates active inference with deep learning to manage lateral control in AVs, enabling them to perform lane following maneuvers within a simulated urban environment. We demonstrate that our model, despite its simplicity, effectively learns and generalizes from limited data without extensive retraining, significantly reducing computational demands. The proposed approach not only enhances the adaptability and performance of AVs in dynamic scenarios but also aligns closely with human-like driving behavior, leveraging a generative model to predict and adapt to environmental changes. Results from extensive experiments in the CARLA simulator show promising outcomes, outperforming traditional methods in terms of adaptability and efficiency, thereby advancing the potential of active inference in real-world autonomous driving applications.
comment: The work is partly supported by a sponsor. Authors need to complete the final report submission before any type of publication according to the sponsor. The final report will be submitted in few weeks. Then, authors will reinstate this paper after that
♻ ☆ SARO: Space-Aware Robot System for Terrain Crossing via Vision-Language Model
The application of vision-language models (VLMs) has achieved impressive success in various robotics tasks. However, there are few explorations for these foundation models used in quadruped robot navigation through terrains in 3D environments. In this work, we introduce SARO (Space Aware Robot System for Terrain Crossing), an innovative system composed of a high-level reasoning module, a closed-loop sub-task execution module, and a low-level control policy. It enables the robot to navigate across 3D terrains and reach the goal position. For high-level reasoning and execution, we propose a novel algorithmic system taking advantage of a VLM, with a design of task decomposition and a closed-loop sub-task execution mechanism. For low-level locomotion control, we utilize the Probability Annealing Selection (PAS) method to effectively train a control policy by reinforcement learning. Numerous experiments show that our whole system can accurately and robustly navigate across several 3D terrains, and its generalization ability ensures the applications in diverse indoor and outdoor scenarios and terrains. Project page: https://saro-vlm.github.io/
comment: 12 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ A Networked Multi-Agent System for Mobile Wireless Infrastructure on Demand
Despite the prevalence of wireless connectivity in urban areas around the globe, there remain numerous and diverse situations where connectivity is insufficient or unavailable. To address this, we introduce mobile wireless infrastructure on demand, a system of UAVs that can be rapidly deployed to establish an ad-hoc wireless network. This network has the capability of reconfiguring itself dynamically to satisfy and maintain the required quality of communication. The system optimizes the positions of the UAVs and the routing of data flows throughout the network to achieve this quality of service (QoS). By these means, task agents using the network simply request a desired QoS, and the system adapts accordingly while allowing them to move freely. We have validated this system both in simulation and in real-world experiments. The results demonstrate that our system effectively offers mobile wireless infrastructure on demand, extending the operational range of task agents and supporting complex mobility patterns, all while ensuring connectivity and being resilient to agent failures.
♻ ☆ Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics: A Survey of Real-World Successes
Reinforcement learning (RL), particularly its combination with deep neural networks referred to as deep RL (DRL), has shown tremendous promise across a wide range of applications, suggesting its potential for enabling the development of sophisticated robotic behaviors. Robotics problems, however, pose fundamental difficulties for the application of RL, stemming from the complexity and cost of interacting with the physical world. This article provides a modern survey of DRL for robotics, with a particular focus on evaluating the real-world successes achieved with DRL in realizing several key robotic competencies. Our analysis aims to identify the key factors underlying those exciting successes, reveal underexplored areas, and provide an overall characterization of the status of DRL in robotics. We highlight several important avenues for future work, emphasizing the need for stable and sample-efficient real-world RL paradigms, holistic approaches for discovering and integrating various competencies to tackle complex long-horizon, open-world tasks, and principled development and evaluation procedures. This survey is designed to offer insights for both RL practitioners and roboticists toward harnessing RL's power to create generally capable real-world robotic systems.
comment: The first three authors contributed equally. Accepted to Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems
♻ ☆ A Scalable and Parallelizable Digital Twin Framework for Sustainable Sim2Real Transition of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems
Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) systems usually require significantly long training times due to their inherent complexity. Furthermore, deploying them in the real world demands a feature-rich environment along with multiple embodied agents, which may not be feasible due to budget or space limitations, not to mention energy consumption and safety issues. This work tries to address these pain points by presenting a sustainable digital twin framework capable of accelerating MARL training by selectively scaling parallelized workloads on-demand, and transferring the trained policies from simulation to reality using minimal hardware resources. The applicability of the proposed digital twin framework is highlighted through two representative use cases, which cover cooperative as well as competitive classes of MARL problems. We study the effect of agent and environment parallelization on training time and that of systematic domain randomization on zero-shot sim2real transfer across both the case studies. Results indicate up to 76.3% reduction in training time with the proposed parallelization scheme and as low as 2.9% sim2real gap using the suggested deployment method.
♻ ☆ Flight Testing of Latch Valve with Lightweight LV-Servo Direct Drive Mechanism
In the field of rocket technology, the latch valve assumes a pivotal role in regulating the flow of fuel gases and liquids to ensure the requisite energy supply. This project endeavors to innovate by replacing the conventional step motor mechanism with a servo motor for latch valve control. The selected servo motor, boasting a more compact form factor and reduced mass, aligns seamlessly with the project's overarching objectives. While servo motors offer myriad advantages, it is imperative to acknowledge and address the constraints of their maximum output torque to guarantee the latch valve's reliable operation. Furthermore, as a rocket ascends, it encounters significant fluctuations in internal temperature and pressure. Consequently, rigorous environmental testing becomes paramount to validate the servo motor's performance under these dynamic conditions, thus ensuring the latch valve's unwavering functionality. The primary focus of this project is the design and testing of the mechanism's performance in simulated rocket environments, achieved through the implementation of the servo motor for latch valve control. The results reveal that the servo motor demonstrated its effectiveness and reliability in controlling the latch valve under the rigorous environmental conditions of rocket flight.
comment: 21 pages, 14 figures and 1 table
♻ ☆ Vision Beyond Boundaries: An Initial Design Space of Domain-specific Large Vision Models in Human-robot Interaction
The emergence of large vision models (LVMs) is following in the footsteps of the recent prosperity of Large Language Models (LLMs) in following years. However, there's a noticeable gap in structured research applying LVMs to human-robot interaction (HRI), despite extensive evidence supporting the efficacy of vision models in enhancing interactions between humans and robots. Recognizing the vast and anticipated potential, we introduce an initial design space that incorporates domain-specific LVMs, chosen for their superior performance over normal models. We delve into three primary dimensions: HRI contexts, vision-based tasks, and specific domains. The empirical evaluation was implemented among 15 experts across six evaluated metrics, showcasing the primary efficacy in relevant decision-making scenarios. We explore the process of ideation and potential application scenarios, envisioning this design space as a foundational guideline for future HRI system design, emphasizing accurate domain alignment and model selection.
♻ ☆ RaceMOP: Mapless Online Path Planning for Multi-Agent Autonomous Racing using Residual Policy Learning
The interactive decision-making in multi-agent autonomous racing offers insights valuable beyond the domain of self-driving cars. Mapless online path planning is particularly of practical appeal but poses a challenge for safely overtaking opponents due to the limited planning horizon. To address this, we introduce RaceMOP, a novel method for mapless online path planning designed for multi-agent racing of F1TENTH cars. Unlike classical planners that rely on predefined racing lines, RaceMOP operates without a map, utilizing only local observations to execute high-speed overtaking maneuvers. Our approach combines an artificial potential field method as a base policy with residual policy learning to enable long-horizon planning. We advance the field by introducing a novel approach for policy fusion with the residual policy directly in probability space. Extensive experiments on twelve simulated racetracks validate that RaceMOP is capable of long-horizon decision-making with robust collision avoidance during overtaking maneuvers. RaceMOP demonstrates superior handling over existing mapless planners and generalizes to unknown racetracks, affirming its potential for broader applications in robotics. Our code is available at http://github.com/raphajaner/racemop.
comment: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2024
♻ ☆ Universal Plans: One Action Sequence to Solve Them All!
This paper introduces the notion of a universal plan, which when executed, is guaranteed to solve all planning problems in a category, regardless of the obstacles, initial state, and goal set. Such plans are specified as a deterministic sequence of actions that are blindly applied without any sensor feedback. Thus, they can be considered as pure exploration in a reinforcement learning context, and we show that with basic memory requirements, they even yield optimal plans. Building upon results in number theory and theory of automata, we provide universal plans both for discrete and continuous (motion) planning and prove their (semi)completeness. The concepts are applied and illustrated through simulation studies, and several directions for future research are sketched.
comment: 20 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ NGD-SLAM: Towards Real-Time Dynamic SLAM without GPU
Existing SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) algorithms have achieved remarkable localization accuracy in dynamic environments by using deep learning techniques to identify dynamic objects. However, they usually require GPUs to operate in real-time. Therefore, this paper proposes an open-source real-time dynamic SLAM system that runs solely on CPU by incorporating a mask prediction mechanism, which allows the deep learning method and the camera tracking to run entirely in parallel at different frequencies. Our SLAM system further introduces a dual-stage optical flow tracking approach and employs a hybrid usage of optical flow and ORB features, enhancing efficiency and robustness by selectively allocating computational resources to input frames. Compared with previous methods, our system maintains high localization accuracy in dynamic environments while achieving a tracking frame rate of 56 FPS on a laptop CPU, proving that deep learning methods are feasible for dynamic SLAM without GPU support. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SLAM system to achieve this.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ DRIFT: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Floating Platforms Trajectories IROS 2024
This investigation introduces a novel deep reinforcement learning-based suite to control floating platforms in both simulated and real-world environments. Floating platforms serve as versatile test-beds to emulate micro-gravity environments on Earth, useful to test autonomous navigation systems for space applications. Our approach addresses the system and environmental uncertainties in controlling such platforms by training policies capable of precise maneuvers amid dynamic and unpredictable conditions. Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) techniques, our suite achieves robustness, adaptability, and good transferability from simulation to reality. Our deep reinforcement learning framework provides advantages such as fast training times, large-scale testing capabilities, rich visualization options, and ROS bindings for integration with real-world robotic systems. Being open access, our suite serves as a comprehensive platform for practitioners who want to replicate similar research in their own simulated environments and labs.
comment: Updated to the version accepted at IROS 2024. Minor revisions based on peer review
♻ ☆ QueryCAD: Grounded Question Answering for CAD Models
CAD models are widely used in industry and are essential for robotic automation processes. However, these models are rarely considered in novel AI-based approaches, such as the automatic synthesis of robot programs, as there are no readily available methods that would allow CAD models to be incorporated for the analysis, interpretation, or extraction of information. To address these limitations, we propose QueryCAD, the first system designed for CAD question answering, enabling the extraction of precise information from CAD models using natural language queries. QueryCAD incorporates SegCAD, an open-vocabulary instance segmentation model we developed to identify and select specific parts of the CAD model based on part descriptions. We further propose a CAD question answering benchmark to evaluate QueryCAD and establish a foundation for future research. Lastly, we integrate QueryCAD within an automatic robot program synthesis framework, validating its ability to enhance deep-learning solutions for robotics by enabling them to process CAD models (https://claudius-kienle.github.com/querycad).
♻ ☆ Depth Restoration of Hand-Held Transparent Objects for Human-to-Robot Handover
Transparent objects are common in daily life, while their optical properties pose challenges for RGB-D cameras to capture accurate depth information. This issue is further amplified when these objects are hand-held, as hand occlusions further complicate depth estimation. For assistant robots, however, accurately perceiving hand-held transparent objects is critical to effective human-robot interaction. This paper presents a Hand-Aware Depth Restoration (HADR) method based on creating an implicit neural representation function from a single RGB-D image. The proposed method utilizes hand posture as an important guidance to leverage semantic and geometric information of hand-object interaction. To train and evaluate the proposed method, we create a high-fidelity synthetic dataset named TransHand-14K with a real-to-sim data generation scheme. Experiments show that our method has better performance and generalization ability compared with existing methods. We further develop a real-world human-to-robot handover system based on HADR, demonstrating its potential in human-robot interaction applications.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, conference
♻ ☆ Fully Spiking Neural Network for Legged Robots
Recent advancements in legged robots using deep reinforcement learning have led to significant progress. Quadruped robots can perform complex tasks in challenging environments, while bipedal and humanoid robots have also achieved breakthroughs. Current reinforcement learning methods leverage diverse robot bodies and historical information to perform actions, but previous research has not emphasized the speed and energy consumption of network inference and the biological significance of neural networks. Most networks are traditional artificial neural networks that utilize multilayer perceptrons (MLP). This paper presents a novel Spiking Neural Network (SNN) for legged robots, showing exceptional performance in various simulated terrains. SNNs provide natural advantages in inference speed and energy consumption, and their pulse-form processing enhances biological interpretability. This study presents a highly efficient SNN for legged robots that can be seamless integrated into other learning models.
♻ ☆ CCE: Sample Efficient Sparse Reward Policy Learning for Robotic Navigation via Confidence-Controlled Exploration
We introduce Confidence-Controlled Exploration (CCE), a novel exploration scheme designed to enhance the training sample efficiency of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for sparse reward settings such as robot navigation. Sparse rewards are common in RL and convenient to design and implement, but typically hard to deal with due to the challenges of exploration. Existing methods deploy regularization-based methods to deal with the exploration challenges. However, it is hard to characterize the balance between exploration and exploitation because regularization modifies the reward function itself, hence changing the objective we are optimizing for. In contrast to regularization-based approaches in the existing literature, our approach, CCE, is based on a novel relationship we provide between gradient estimation and policy entropy. CCE dynamically adjusts the number of samples of the gradient update used during training to control exploration. Interestingly, CCE can be applied to both existing on-policy and off-policy RL methods, which we demonstrate by empirically validating its efficacy on three popular RL methods: REINFORCE, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) for goal-reaching robotic navigation tasks. We demonstrate through simulated and real-world experiments that CCE outperforms conventional methods that employ constant trajectory lengths and entropy regularization when constraining the sample budget. For a fixed sample budget, CCE achieves an 18\% increase in navigation success rate, a 20-38\% reduction in navigation path length, and a 9.32\% decrease in elevation costs. Furthermore, we showcase the versatility of CCE by integrating it with the Clearpath Husky robot, illustrating its applicability in complex outdoor environments.
comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ V2X-VLM: End-to-End V2X Cooperative Autonomous Driving Through Large Vision-Language Models
Advancements in autonomous driving have increasingly focused on end-to-end (E2E) systems that manage the full spectrum of driving tasks, from environmental perception to vehicle navigation and control. This paper introduces V2X-VLM, an innovative E2E vehicle-infrastructure cooperative autonomous driving (VICAD) framework with Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) systems and large vision-language models (VLMs). V2X-VLM is designed to enhance situational awareness, decision-making, and ultimate trajectory planning by integrating multimodel data from vehicle-mounted cameras, infrastructure sensors, and textual information. The contrastive learning method is further employed to complement VLM by refining feature discrimination, assisting the model to learn robust representations of the driving environment. Evaluations on the DAIR-V2X dataset show that V2X-VLM outperforms state-of-the-art cooperative autonomous driving methods, while additional tests on corner cases validate its robustness in real-world driving conditions.
♻ ☆ InterACT: Inter-dependency Aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers for Bimanual Manipulation
We present InterACT: Inter-dependency aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers, a novel imitation learning framework for bimanual manipulation that integrates hierarchical attention to capture inter-dependencies between dual-arm joint states and visual inputs. InterACT consists of a Hierarchical Attention Encoder and a Multi-arm Decoder, both designed to enhance information aggregation and coordination. The encoder processes multi-modal inputs through segment-wise and cross-segment attention mechanisms, while the decoder leverages synchronization blocks to refine individual action predictions, providing the counterpart's prediction as context. Our experiments on a variety of simulated and real-world bimanual manipulation tasks demonstrate that InterACT significantly outperforms existing methods. Detailed ablation studies validate the contributions of key components of our work, including the impact of CLS tokens, cross-segment encoders, and synchronization blocks.
comment: Accepted at Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
♻ ☆ Foundation Models to the Rescue: Deadlock Resolution in Connected Multi-Robot Systems
Connected multi-agent robotic systems (MRS) are prone to deadlocks in an obstacle environment where the robots can get stuck away from their desired locations under a smooth low-level control policy. Without an external intervention, often in terms of a high-level command, a low-level control policy cannot resolve such deadlocks. Utilizing the generalizability and low data requirements of foundation models, this paper explores the possibility of using text-based models, i.e., large language models (LLMs), and text-and-image-based models, i.e., vision-language models (VLMs), as high-level planners for deadlock resolution. We propose a hierarchical control framework where a foundation model-based high-level planner helps to resolve deadlocks by assigning a leader to the MRS along with a set of waypoints for the MRS leader. Then, a low-level distributed control policy based on graph neural networks is executed to safely follow these waypoints, thereby evading the deadlock. We conduct extensive experiments on various MRS environments using the best available pre-trained LLMs and VLMs. We compare their performance with a graph-based planner in terms of effectiveness in helping the MRS reach their target locations and computational time. Our results illustrate that, compared to grid-based planners, the foundation models perform better in terms of the goal-reaching rate and computational time for complex environments, which helps us conclude that foundation models can assist MRS operating in complex obstacle-cluttered environments to resolve deadlocks efficiently.
♻ ☆ Towards Practical Finite Sample Bounds for Motion Planning in TAMP
When using sampling-based motion planners, such as PRMs, in configuration spaces, it is difficult to determine how many samples are required for the PRM to find a solution consistently. This is relevant in Task and Motion Planning (TAMP), where many motion planning problems must be solved in sequence. We attempt to solve this problem by proving an upper bound on the number of samples that are sufficient, with high probability, to find a solution by drawing on prior work in deterministic sampling and sample complexity theory. We also introduce a numerical algorithm to compute a tighter number of samples based on the proof of the sample complexity theorem we apply to derive our bound. Our experiments show that our numerical bounding algorithm is tight within two orders of magnitude on planar planning problems and becomes looser as the problem's dimensionality increases. When deployed as a heuristic to schedule samples in a TAMP planner, we also observe planning time improvements in planar problems. While our experiments show much work remains to tighten our bounds, the ideas presented in this paper are a step towards a practical sample bound.
♻ ☆ GISR: Geometric Initialization and Silhouette-based Refinement for Single-View Robot Pose and Configuration Estimation
In autonomous robotics, measurement of the robot's internal state and perception of its environment, including interaction with other agents such as collaborative robots, are essential. Estimating the pose of the robot arm from a single view has the potential to replace classical eye-to-hand calibration approaches and is particularly attractive for online estimation and dynamic environments. In addition to its pose, recovering the robot configuration provides a complete spatial understanding of the observed robot that can be used to anticipate the actions of other agents in advanced robotics use cases. Furthermore, this additional redundancy enables the planning and execution of recovery protocols in case of sensor failures or external disturbances. We introduce GISR - a deep configuration and robot-to-camera pose estimation method that prioritizes execution in real-time. GISR consists of two modules: (i) a geometric initialization module that efficiently computes an approximate robot pose and configuration, and (ii) a deep iterative silhouette-based refinement module that arrives at a final solution in just a few iterations. We evaluate GISR on publicly available data and show that it outperforms existing methods of the same class in terms of both speed and accuracy, and can compete with approaches that rely on ground-truth proprioception and recover only the pose.
comment: Accepted for publication in the Robotics and Automation Letters 2024
♻ ☆ Learning Multi-Modal Whole-Body Control for Real-World Humanoid Robots
The foundational capabilities of humanoid robots should include robustly standing, walking, and mimicry of whole and partial-body motions. This work introduces the Masked Humanoid Controller (MHC), which supports all of these capabilities by tracking target trajectories over selected subsets of humanoid state variables while ensuring balance and robustness against disturbances. The MHC is trained in simulation using a carefully designed curriculum that imitates partially masked motions from a library of behaviors spanning standing, walking, optimized reference trajectories, re-targeted video clips, and human motion capture data. It also allows for combining joystick-based control with partial-body motion mimicry. We showcase simulation experiments validating the MHC's ability to execute a wide variety of behaviors from partially-specified target motions. Moreover, we demonstrate sim-to-real transfer on the real-world Digit V3 humanoid robot. To our knowledge, this is the first instance of a learned controller that can realize whole-body control of a real-world humanoid for such diverse multi-modal targets.
comment: Website: https://masked-humanoid.github.io/mhc/
♻ ☆ Detection of Fast-Moving Objects with Neuromorphic Hardware
Neuromorphic Computing (NC) and Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) in particular are often viewed as the next generation of Neural Networks (NNs). NC is a novel bio-inspired paradigm for energy efficient neural computation, often relying on SNNs in which neurons communicate via spikes in a sparse, event-based manner. This communication via spikes can be exploited by neuromorphic hardware implementations very effectively and results in a drastic reductions of power consumption and latency in contrast to regular GPU-based NNs. In recent years, neuromorphic hardware has become more accessible, and the support of learning frameworks has improved. However, available hardware is partially still experimental, and it is not transparent what these solutions are effectively capable of, how they integrate into real-world robotics applications, and how they realistically benefit energy efficiency and latency. In this work, we provide the robotics research community with an overview of what is possible with SNNs on neuromorphic hardware focusing on real-time processing. We introduce a benchmark of three popular neuromorphic hardware devices for the task of event-based object detection. Moreover, we show that an SNN on a neuromorphic hardware is able to run in a challenging table tennis robot setup in real-time.
♻ ☆ RuleFuser: An Evidential Bayes Approach for Rule Injection in Imitation Learned Planners and Predictors for Robustness under Distribution Shifts
Modern motion planners for autonomous driving frequently use imitation learning (IL) to draw from expert driving logs. Although IL benefits from its ability to glean nuanced and multi-modal human driving behaviors from large datasets, the resulting planners often struggle with out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios and with traffic rule compliance. On the other hand, classical rule-based planners, by design, can generate safe traffic rule compliant behaviors while being robust to OOD scenarios, but these planners fail to capture nuances in agent-to-agent interactions and human drivers' intent. RuleFuser, an evidential framework, combines IL planners with classical rule-based planners to draw on the complementary benefits of both, thereby striking a balance between imitation and safety. Our approach, tested on the real-world nuPlan dataset, combines the IL planner's high performance in in-distribution (ID) scenarios with the rule-based planners' enhanced safety in out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios, achieving a 38.43% average improvement on safety metrics over the IL planner without much detriment to imitation metrics in OOD scenarios.
comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 134
☆ Do Pre-trained Vision-Language Models Encode Object States?
For a vision-language model (VLM) to understand the physical world, such as cause and effect, a first step is to capture the temporal dynamics of the visual world, for example how the physical states of objects evolve over time (e.g. a whole apple into a sliced apple). Our paper aims to investigate if VLMs pre-trained on web-scale data learn to encode object states, which can be extracted with zero-shot text prompts. We curate an object state recognition dataset ChangeIt-Frames, and evaluate nine open-source VLMs, including models trained with contrastive and generative objectives. We observe that while these state-of-the-art vision-language models can reliably perform object recognition, they consistently fail to accurately distinguish the objects' physical states. Through extensive experiments, we identify three areas for improvements for VLMs to better encode object states, namely the quality of object localization, the architecture to bind concepts to objects, and the objective to learn discriminative visual and language encoders on object states. Data and code are released.
☆ Exploring 3D Face Reconstruction and Fusion Methods for Face Verification: A Case-Study in Video Surveillance ECCV 2024
3D face reconstruction (3DFR) algorithms are based on specific assumptions tailored to distinct application scenarios. These assumptions limit their use when acquisition conditions, such as the subject's distance from the camera or the camera's characteristics, are different than expected, as typically happens in video surveillance. Additionally, 3DFR algorithms follow various strategies to address the reconstruction of a 3D shape from 2D data, such as statistical model fitting, photometric stereo, or deep learning. In the present study, we explore the application of three 3DFR algorithms representative of the SOTA, employing each one as the template set generator for a face verification system. The scores provided by each system are combined by score-level fusion. We show that the complementarity induced by different 3DFR algorithms improves performance when tests are conducted at never-seen-before distances from the camera and camera characteristics (cross-distance and cross-camera settings), thus encouraging further investigations on multiple 3DFR-based approaches.
comment: Accepted at T-CAP - Towards a Complete Analysis of People: Fine-grained Understanding for Real-World Applications, workshop in conjunction with the 18th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2024
☆ SimInversion: A Simple Framework for Inversion-Based Text-to-Image Editing
Diffusion models demonstrate impressive image generation performance with text guidance. Inspired by the learning process of diffusion, existing images can be edited according to text by DDIM inversion. However, the vanilla DDIM inversion is not optimized for classifier-free guidance and the accumulated error will result in the undesired performance. While many algorithms are developed to improve the framework of DDIM inversion for editing, in this work, we investigate the approximation error in DDIM inversion and propose to disentangle the guidance scale for the source and target branches to reduce the error while keeping the original framework. Moreover, a better guidance scale (i.e., 0.5) than default settings can be derived theoretically. Experiments on PIE-Bench show that our proposal can improve the performance of DDIM inversion dramatically without sacrificing efficiency.
☆ MacDiff: Unified Skeleton Modeling with Masked Conditional Diffusion ECCV 2024
Self-supervised learning has proved effective for skeleton-based human action understanding. However, previous works either rely on contrastive learning that suffers false negative problems or are based on reconstruction that learns too much unessential low-level clues, leading to limited representations for downstream tasks. Recently, great advances have been made in generative learning, which is naturally a challenging yet meaningful pretext task to model the general underlying data distributions. However, the representation learning capacity of generative models is under-explored, especially for the skeletons with spacial sparsity and temporal redundancy. To this end, we propose Masked Conditional Diffusion (MacDiff) as a unified framework for human skeleton modeling. For the first time, we leverage diffusion models as effective skeleton representation learners. Specifically, we train a diffusion decoder conditioned on the representations extracted by a semantic encoder. Random masking is applied to encoder inputs to introduce a information bottleneck and remove redundancy of skeletons. Furthermore, we theoretically demonstrate that our generative objective involves the contrastive learning objective which aligns the masked and noisy views. Meanwhile, it also enforces the representation to complement for the noisy view, leading to better generalization performance. MacDiff achieves state-of-the-art performance on representation learning benchmarks while maintaining the competence for generative tasks. Moreover, we leverage the diffusion model for data augmentation, significantly enhancing the fine-tuning performance in scenarios with scarce labeled data. Our project is available at https://lehongwu.github.io/ECCV24MacDiff/.
comment: Accepted by ECCV 2024
☆ Deep-Wide Learning Assistance for Insect Pest Classification
Accurate insect pest recognition plays a critical role in agriculture. It is a challenging problem due to the intricate characteristics of insects. In this paper, we present DeWi, novel learning assistance for insect pest classification. With a one-stage and alternating training strategy, DeWi simultaneously improves several Convolutional Neural Networks in two perspectives: discrimination (by optimizing a triplet margin loss in a supervised training manner) and generalization (via data augmentation). From that, DeWi can learn discriminative and in-depth features of insect pests (deep) yet still generalize well to a large number of insect categories (wide). Experimental results show that DeWi achieves the highest performances on two insect pest classification benchmarks (76.44\% accuracy on the IP102 dataset and 99.79\% accuracy on the D0 dataset, respectively). In addition, extensive evaluations and ablation studies are conducted to thoroughly investigate our DeWi and demonstrate its superiority. Our source code is available at https://github.com/toannguyen1904/DeWi.
☆ CtRNet-X: Camera-to-Robot Pose Estimation in Real-world Conditions Using a Single Camera
Camera-to-robot calibration is crucial for vision-based robot control and requires effort to make it accurate. Recent advancements in markerless pose estimation methods have eliminated the need for time-consuming physical setups for camera-to-robot calibration. While the existing markerless pose estimation methods have demonstrated impressive accuracy without the need for cumbersome setups, they rely on the assumption that all the robot joints are visible within the camera's field of view. However, in practice, robots usually move in and out of view, and some portion of the robot may stay out-of-frame during the whole manipulation task due to real-world constraints, leading to a lack of sufficient visual features and subsequent failure of these approaches. To address this challenge and enhance the applicability to vision-based robot control, we propose a novel framework capable of estimating the robot pose with partially visible robot manipulators. Our approach leverages the Vision-Language Models for fine-grained robot components detection, and integrates it into a keypoint-based pose estimation network, which enables more robust performance in varied operational conditions. The framework is evaluated on both public robot datasets and self-collected partial-view datasets to demonstrate our robustness and generalizability. As a result, this method is effective for robot pose estimation in a wider range of real-world manipulation scenarios.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, project website: https://sites.google.com/ucsd.edu/ctrnet-x
☆ Learning Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation from Spatial Registration
Semi-supervised medical image segmentation has shown promise in training models with limited labeled data and abundant unlabeled data. However, state-of-the-art methods ignore a potentially valuable source of unsupervised semantic information -- spatial registration transforms between image volumes. To address this, we propose CCT-R, a contrastive cross-teaching framework incorporating registration information. To leverage the semantic information available in registrations between volume pairs, CCT-R incorporates two proposed modules: Registration Supervision Loss (RSL) and Registration-Enhanced Positive Sampling (REPS). The RSL leverages segmentation knowledge derived from transforms between labeled and unlabeled volume pairs, providing an additional source of pseudo-labels. REPS enhances contrastive learning by identifying anatomically-corresponding positives across volumes using registration transforms. Experimental results on two challenging medical segmentation benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of CCT-R across various semi-supervised settings, with as few as one labeled case. Our code is available at https://github.com/kathyliu579/ContrastiveCross-teachingWithRegistration.
Prompt-and-Transfer: Dynamic Class-aware Enhancement for Few-shot Segmentation
For more efficient generalization to unseen domains (classes), most Few-shot Segmentation (FSS) would directly exploit pre-trained encoders and only fine-tune the decoder, especially in the current era of large models. However, such fixed feature encoders tend to be class-agnostic, inevitably activating objects that are irrelevant to the target class. In contrast, humans can effortlessly focus on specific objects in the line of sight. This paper mimics the visual perception pattern of human beings and proposes a novel and powerful prompt-driven scheme, called ``Prompt and Transfer" (PAT), which constructs a dynamic class-aware prompting paradigm to tune the encoder for focusing on the interested object (target class) in the current task. Three key points are elaborated to enhance the prompting: 1) Cross-modal linguistic information is introduced to initialize prompts for each task. 2) Semantic Prompt Transfer (SPT) that precisely transfers the class-specific semantics within the images to prompts. 3) Part Mask Generator (PMG) that works in conjunction with SPT to adaptively generate different but complementary part prompts for different individuals. Surprisingly, PAT achieves competitive performance on 4 different tasks including standard FSS, Cross-domain FSS (e.g., CV, medical, and remote sensing domains), Weak-label FSS, and Zero-shot Segmentation, setting new state-of-the-arts on 11 benchmarks.
☆ Mamba-ST: State Space Model for Efficient Style Transfer
The goal of style transfer is, given a content image and a style source, generating a new image preserving the content but with the artistic representation of the style source. Most of the state-of-the-art architectures use transformers or diffusion-based models to perform this task, despite the heavy computational burden that they require. In particular, transformers use self- and cross-attention layers which have large memory footprint, while diffusion models require high inference time. To overcome the above, this paper explores a novel design of Mamba, an emergent State-Space Model (SSM), called Mamba-ST, to perform style transfer. To do so, we adapt Mamba linear equation to simulate the behavior of cross-attention layers, which are able to combine two separate embeddings into a single output, but drastically reducing memory usage and time complexity. We modified the Mamba's inner equations so to accept inputs from, and combine, two separate data streams. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to adapt the equations of SSMs to a vision task like style transfer without requiring any other module like cross-attention or custom normalization layers. An extensive set of experiments demonstrates the superiority and efficiency of our method in performing style transfer compared to transformers and diffusion models. Results show improved quality in terms of both ArtFID and FID metrics. Code is available at https://github.com/FilippoBotti/MambaST.
☆ Robust image representations with counterfactual contrastive learning
Contrastive pretraining can substantially increase model generalisation and downstream performance. However, the quality of the learned representations is highly dependent on the data augmentation strategy applied to generate positive pairs. Positive contrastive pairs should preserve semantic meaning while discarding unwanted variations related to the data acquisition domain. Traditional contrastive pipelines attempt to simulate domain shifts through pre-defined generic image transformations. However, these do not always mimic realistic and relevant domain variations for medical imaging such as scanner differences. To tackle this issue, we herein introduce counterfactual contrastive learning, a novel framework leveraging recent advances in causal image synthesis to create contrastive positive pairs that faithfully capture relevant domain variations. Our method, evaluated across five datasets encompassing both chest radiography and mammography data, for two established contrastive objectives (SimCLR and DINO-v2), outperforms standard contrastive learning in terms of robustness to acquisition shift. Notably, counterfactual contrastive learning achieves superior downstream performance on both in-distribution and on external datasets, especially for images acquired with scanners under-represented in the training set. Further experiments show that the proposed framework extends beyond acquisition shifts, with models trained with counterfactual contrastive learning substantially improving subgroup performance across biological sex.
comment: Code available at https://github.com/biomedia-mira/counterfactual-contrastive/
☆ Frequency-Guided Masking for Enhanced Vision Self-Supervised Learning
We present a novel frequency-based Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) approach that significantly enhances its efficacy for pre-training. Prior work in this direction masks out pre-defined frequencies in the input image and employs a reconstruction loss to pre-train the model. While achieving promising results, such an implementation has two fundamental limitations as identified in our paper. First, using pre-defined frequencies overlooks the variability of image frequency responses. Second, pre-trained with frequency-filtered images, the resulting model needs relatively more data to adapt to naturally looking images during fine-tuning. To address these drawbacks, we propose FOurier transform compression with seLf-Knowledge distillation (FOLK), integrating two dedicated ideas. First, inspired by image compression, we adaptively select the masked-out frequencies based on image frequency responses, creating more suitable SSL tasks for pre-training. Second, we employ a two-branch framework empowered by knowledge distillation, enabling the model to take both the filtered and original images as input, largely reducing the burden of downstream tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of FOLK in achieving competitive performance to many state-of-the-art SSL methods across various downstream tasks, including image classification, few-shot learning, and semantic segmentation.
☆ 2D or not 2D: How Does the Dimensionality of Gesture Representation Affect 3D Co-Speech Gesture Generation?
Co-speech gestures are fundamental for communication. The advent of recent deep learning techniques has facilitated the creation of lifelike, synchronous co-speech gestures for Embodied Conversational Agents. "In-the-wild" datasets, aggregating video content from platforms like YouTube via human pose detection technologies, provide a feasible solution by offering 2D skeletal sequences aligned with speech. Concurrent developments in lifting models enable the conversion of these 2D sequences into 3D gesture databases. However, it is important to note that the 3D poses estimated from the 2D extracted poses are, in essence, approximations of the ground-truth, which remains in the 2D domain. This distinction raises questions about the impact of gesture representation dimensionality on the quality of generated motions - a topic that, to our knowledge, remains largely unexplored. Our study examines the effect of using either 2D or 3D joint coordinates as training data on the performance of speech-to-gesture deep generative models. We employ a lifting model for converting generated 2D pose sequences into 3D and assess how gestures created directly in 3D stack up against those initially generated in 2D and then converted to 3D. We perform an objective evaluation using widely used metrics in the gesture generation field as well as a user study to qualitatively evaluate the different approaches.
☆ Taming Diffusion Models for Image Restoration: A Review
Diffusion models have achieved remarkable progress in generative modelling, particularly in enhancing image quality to conform to human preferences. Recently, these models have also been applied to low-level computer vision for photo-realistic image restoration (IR) in tasks such as image denoising, deblurring, dehazing, etc. In this review paper, we introduce key constructions in diffusion models and survey contemporary techniques that make use of diffusion models in solving general IR tasks. Furthermore, we point out the main challenges and limitations of existing diffusion-based IR frameworks and provide potential directions for future work.
comment: Review paper; any comments and suggestions are most welcome!
☆ Point2Graph: An End-to-end Point Cloud-based 3D Open-Vocabulary Scene Graph for Robot Navigation
Current open-vocabulary scene graph generation algorithms highly rely on both 3D scene point cloud data and posed RGB-D images and thus have limited applications in scenarios where RGB-D images or camera poses are not readily available. To solve this problem, we propose Point2Graph, a novel end-to-end point cloud-based 3D open-vocabulary scene graph generation framework in which the requirement of posed RGB-D image series is eliminated. This hierarchical framework contains room and object detection/segmentation and open-vocabulary classification. For the room layer, we leverage the advantage of merging the geometry-based border detection algorithm with the learning-based region detection to segment rooms and create a "Snap-Lookup" framework for open-vocabulary room classification. In addition, we create an end-to-end pipeline for the object layer to detect and classify 3D objects based solely on 3D point cloud data. Our evaluation results show that our framework can outperform the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) open-vocabulary object and room segmentation and classification algorithm on widely used real-scene datasets.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
☆ VAE-QWGAN: Improving Quantum GANs for High Resolution Image Generation
This paper presents a novel hybrid quantum generative model, the VAE-QWGAN, which combines the strengths of a classical Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) with a hybrid Quantum Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (QWGAN). The VAE-QWGAN integrates the VAE decoder and QGAN generator into a single quantum model with shared parameters, utilizing the VAE's encoder for latent vector sampling during training. To generate new data from the trained model at inference, input latent vectors are sampled from a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), learnt on the training latent vectors. This, in turn, enhances the diversity and quality of generated images. We evaluate the model's performance on MNIST/Fashion-MNIST datasets, and demonstrate improved quality and diversity of generated images compared to existing approaches.
comment: 5 pages, 8 figures
☆ Phys3DGS: Physically-based 3D Gaussian Splatting for Inverse Rendering
We propose two novel ideas (adoption of deferred rendering and mesh-based representation) to improve the quality of 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) based inverse rendering. We first report a problem incurred by hidden Gaussians, where Gaussians beneath the surface adversely affect the pixel color in the volume rendering adopted by the existing methods. In order to resolve the problem, we propose applying deferred rendering and report new problems incurred in a naive application of deferred rendering to the existing 3DGS-based inverse rendering. In an effort to improve the quality of 3DGS-based inverse rendering under deferred rendering, we propose a novel two-step training approach which (1) exploits mesh extraction and utilizes a hybrid mesh-3DGS representation and (2) applies novel regularization methods to better exploit the mesh. Our experiments show that, under relighting, the proposed method offers significantly better rendering quality than the existing 3DGS-based inverse rendering methods. Compared with the SOTA voxel grid-based inverse rendering method, it gives better rendering quality while offering real-time rendering.
comment: Under review
☆ DRIVE: Dependable Robust Interpretable Visionary Ensemble Framework in Autonomous Driving
Recent advancements in autonomous driving have seen a paradigm shift towards end-to-end learning paradigms, which map sensory inputs directly to driving actions, thereby enhancing the robustness and adaptability of autonomous vehicles. However, these models often sacrifice interpretability, posing significant challenges to trust, safety, and regulatory compliance. To address these issues, we introduce DRIVE -- Dependable Robust Interpretable Visionary Ensemble Framework in Autonomous Driving, a comprehensive framework designed to improve the dependability and stability of explanations in end-to-end unsupervised autonomous driving models. Our work specifically targets the inherent instability problems observed in the Driving through the Concept Gridlock (DCG) model, which undermine the trustworthiness of its explanations and decision-making processes. We define four key attributes of DRIVE: consistent interpretability, stable interpretability, consistent output, and stable output. These attributes collectively ensure that explanations remain reliable and robust across different scenarios and perturbations. Through extensive empirical evaluations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in enhancing the stability and dependability of explanations, thereby addressing the limitations of current models. Our contributions include an in-depth analysis of the dependability issues within the DCG model, a rigorous definition of DRIVE with its fundamental properties, a framework to implement DRIVE, and novel metrics for evaluating the dependability of concept-based explainable autonomous driving models. These advancements lay the groundwork for the development of more reliable and trusted autonomous driving systems, paving the way for their broader acceptance and deployment in real-world applications.
☆ InfoDisent: Explainability of Image Classification Models by Information Disentanglement
Understanding the decisions made by image classification networks is a critical area of research in deep learning. This task is traditionally divided into two distinct approaches: post-hoc methods and intrinsic methods. Post-hoc methods, such as GradCam, aim to interpret the decisions of pre-trained models by identifying regions of the image where the network focuses its attention. However, these methods provide only a high-level overview, making it difficult to fully understand the network's decision-making process. Conversely, intrinsic methods, like prototypical parts models, offer a more detailed understanding of network predictions but are constrained by specific architectures, training methods, and datasets. In this paper, we introduce InfoDisent, a hybrid model that combines the advantages of both approaches. By utilizing an information bottleneck, InfoDisent disentangles the information in the final layer of a pre-trained deep network, enabling the breakdown of classification decisions into basic, understandable atomic components. Unlike standard prototypical parts approaches, InfoDisent can interpret the decisions of pre-trained classification networks and be used for making classification decisions, similar to intrinsic models. We validate the effectiveness of InfoDisent on benchmark datasets such as ImageNet, CUB-200-2011, Stanford Cars, and Stanford Dogs for both convolutional and transformer backbones.
☆ Fuse4Seg: Image-Level Fusion Based Multi-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
Although multi-modality medical image segmentation holds significant potential for enhancing the diagnosis and understanding of complex diseases by integrating diverse imaging modalities, existing methods predominantly rely on feature-level fusion strategies. We argue the current feature-level fusion strategy is prone to semantic inconsistencies and misalignments across various imaging modalities because it merges features at intermediate layers in a neural network without evaluative control. To mitigate this, we introduce a novel image-level fusion based multi-modality medical image segmentation method, Fuse4Seg, which is a bi-level learning framework designed to model the intertwined dependencies between medical image segmentation and medical image fusion. The image-level fusion process is seamlessly employed to guide and enhance the segmentation results through a layered optimization approach. Besides, the knowledge gained from the segmentation module can effectively enhance the fusion module. This ensures that the resultant fused image is a coherent representation that accurately amalgamates information from all modalities. Moreover, we construct a BraTS-Fuse benchmark based on BraTS dataset, which includes 2040 paired original images, multi-modal fusion images, and ground truth. This benchmark not only serves image-level medical segmentation but is also the largest dataset for medical image fusion to date. Extensive experiments on several public datasets and our benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our approach over prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) methodologies.
☆ Baking Relightable NeRF for Real-time Direct/Indirect Illumination Rendering
Relighting, which synthesizes a novel view under a given lighting condition (unseen in training time), is a must feature for immersive photo-realistic experience. However, real-time relighting is challenging due to high computation cost of the rendering equation which requires shape and material decomposition and visibility test to model shadow. Additionally, for indirect illumination, additional computation of rendering equation on each secondary surface point (where reflection occurs) is required rendering real-time relighting challenging. We propose a novel method that executes a CNN renderer to compute primary surface points and rendering parameters, required for direct illumination. We also present a lightweight hash grid-based renderer, for indirect illumination, which is recursively executed to perform the secondary ray tracing process. Both renderers are trained in a distillation from a pre-trained teacher model and provide real-time physically-based rendering under unseen lighting condition at a negligible loss of rendering quality.
comment: Under review
☆ On Synthetic Texture Datasets: Challenges, Creation, and Curation
The influence of textures on machine learning models has been an ongoing investigation, specifically in texture bias/learning, interpretability, and robustness. However, due to the lack of large and diverse texture data available, the findings in these works have been limited, as more comprehensive evaluations have not been feasible. Image generative models are able to provide data creation at scale, but utilizing these models for texture synthesis has been unexplored and poses additional challenges both in creating accurate texture images and validating those images. In this work, we introduce an extensible methodology and corresponding new dataset for generating high-quality, diverse texture images capable of supporting a broad set of texture-based tasks. Our pipeline consists of: (1) developing prompts from a range of descriptors to serve as input to text-to-image models, (2) adopting and adapting Stable Diffusion pipelines to generate and filter the corresponding images, and (3) further filtering down to the highest quality images. Through this, we create the Prompted Textures Dataset (PTD), a dataset of 362,880 texture images that span 56 textures. During the process of generating images, we find that NSFW safety filters in image generation pipelines are highly sensitive to texture (and flag up to 60\% of our texture images), uncovering a potential bias in these models and presenting unique challenges when working with texture data. Through both standard metrics and a human evaluation, we find that our dataset is high quality and diverse.
☆ SPAC: Sampling-based Progressive Attribute Compression for Dense Point Clouds
We propose an end-to-end attribute compression method for dense point clouds. The proposed method combines a frequency sampling module, an adaptive scale feature extraction module with geometry assistance, and a global hyperprior entropy model. The frequency sampling module uses a Hamming window and the Fast Fourier Transform to extract high-frequency components of the point cloud. The difference between the original point cloud and the sampled point cloud is divided into multiple sub-point clouds. These sub-point clouds are then partitioned using an octree, providing a structured input for feature extraction. The feature extraction module integrates adaptive convolutional layers and uses offset-attention to capture both local and global features. Then, a geometry-assisted attribute feature refinement module is used to refine the extracted attribute features. Finally, a global hyperprior model is introduced for entropy encoding. This model propagates hyperprior parameters from the deepest (base) layer to the other layers, further enhancing the encoding efficiency. At the decoder, a mirrored network is used to progressively restore features and reconstruct the color attribute through transposed convolutional layers. The proposed method encodes base layer information at a low bitrate and progressively adds enhancement layer information to improve reconstruction accuracy. Compared to the latest G-PCC test model (TMC13v23) under the MPEG common test conditions (CTCs), the proposed method achieved an average Bjontegaard delta bitrate reduction of 24.58% for the Y component (21.23% for YUV combined) on the MPEG Category Solid dataset and 22.48% for the Y component (17.19% for YUV combined) on the MPEG Category Dense dataset. This is the first instance of a learning-based codec outperforming the G-PCC standard on these datasets under the MPEG CTCs.
comment: 136pages, 13 figures
☆ Anatomical Positional Embeddings
We propose a self-supervised model producing 3D anatomical positional embeddings (APE) of individual medical image voxels. APE encodes voxels' anatomical closeness, i.e., voxels of the same organ or nearby organs always have closer positional embeddings than the voxels of more distant body parts. In contrast to the existing models of anatomical positional embeddings, our method is able to efficiently produce a map of voxel-wise embeddings for a whole volumetric input image, which makes it an optimal choice for different downstream applications. We train our APE model on 8400 publicly available CT images of abdomen and chest regions. We demonstrate its superior performance compared with the existing models on anatomical landmark retrieval and weakly-supervised few-shot localization of 13 abdominal organs. As a practical application, we show how to cheaply train APE to crop raw CT images to different anatomical regions of interest with 0.99 recall, while reducing the image volume by 10-100 times. The code and the pre-trained APE model are available at https://github.com/mishgon/ape .
☆ Enhancing Image Classification in Small and Unbalanced Datasets through Synthetic Data Augmentation
Accurate and robust medical image classification is a challenging task, especially in application domains where available annotated datasets are small and present high imbalance between target classes. Considering that data acquisition is not always feasible, especially for underrepresented classes, our approach introduces a novel synthetic augmentation strategy using class-specific Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and latent space interpolation to improve discrimination capabilities. By generating realistic, varied synthetic data that fills feature space gaps, we address issues of data scarcity and class imbalance. The method presented in this paper relies on the interpolation of latent representations within each class, thus enriching the training set and improving the model's generalizability and diagnostic accuracy. The proposed strategy was tested in a small dataset of 321 images created to train and validate an automatic method for assessing the quality of cleanliness of esophagogastroduodenoscopy images. By combining real and synthetic data, an increase of over 18\% in the accuracy of the most challenging underrepresented class was observed. The proposed strategy not only benefited the underrepresented class but also led to a general improvement in other metrics, including a 6\% increase in global accuracy and precision.
☆ Performance of Human Annotators in Object Detection and Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Data
This study introduces a laboratory experiment designed to assess the influence of annotation strategies, levels of imbalanced data, and prior experience, on the performance of human annotators. The experiment focuses on labeling aerial imagery, using ArcGIS Pro tools, to detect and segment small-scale photovoltaic solar panels, selected as a case study for rectangular objects. The experiment is conducted using images with a pixel size of 0.15\textbf{$m$}, involving both expert and non-expert participants, across different setup strategies and target-background ratio datasets. Our findings indicate that human annotators generally perform more effectively in object detection than in segmentation tasks. A marked tendency to commit more Type II errors (False Negatives, i.e., undetected objects) than Type I errors (False Positives, i.e. falsely detecting objects that do not exist) was observed across all experimental setups and conditions, suggesting a consistent bias in detection and segmentation processes. Performance was better in tasks with higher target-background ratios (i.e., more objects per unit area). Prior experience did not significantly impact performance and may, in some cases, even lead to overestimation in segmentation. These results provide evidence that human annotators are relatively cautious and tend to identify objects only when they are confident about them, prioritizing underestimation over overestimation. Annotators' performance is also influenced by object scarcity, showing a decline in areas with extremely imbalanced datasets and a low ratio of target-to-background. These findings may enhance annotation strategies for remote sensing research while efficient human annotators are crucial in an era characterized by growing demands for high-quality training data to improve segmentation and detection models.
comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables
☆ BAFNet: Bilateral Attention Fusion Network for Lightweight Semantic Segmentation of Urban Remote Sensing Images
Large-scale semantic segmentation networks often achieve high performance, while their application can be challenging when faced with limited sample sizes and computational resources. In scenarios with restricted network size and computational complexity, models encounter significant challenges in capturing long-range dependencies and recovering detailed information in images. We propose a lightweight bilateral semantic segmentation network called bilateral attention fusion network (BAFNet) to efficiently segment high-resolution urban remote sensing images. The model consists of two paths, namely dependency path and remote-local path. The dependency path utilizes large kernel attention to acquire long-range dependencies in the image. Besides, multi-scale local attention and efficient remote attention are designed to construct remote-local path. Finally, a feature aggregation module is designed to effectively utilize the different features of the two paths. Our proposed method was tested on public high-resolution urban remote sensing datasets Vaihingen and Potsdam, with mIoU reaching 83.20% and 86.53%, respectively. As a lightweight semantic segmentation model, BAFNet not only outperforms advanced lightweight models in accuracy but also demonstrates comparable performance to non-lightweight state-of-the-art methods on two datasets, despite a tenfold variance in floating-point operations and a fifteenfold difference in network parameters.
☆ Hydra-SGG: Hybrid Relation Assignment for One-stage Scene Graph Generation
DETR introduces a simplified one-stage framework for scene graph generation (SGG). However, DETR-based SGG models face two challenges: i) Sparse supervision, as each image typically contains fewer than 10 relation annotations, while the models employ over 100 relation queries. This sparsity arises because each ground truth relation is assigned to only one single query during training. ii) False negative samples, since one ground truth relation may have multiple queries with similar matching scores. These suboptimally matched queries are simply treated as negative samples, causing the loss of valuable supervisory signals. As a response, we devise Hydra-SGG, a one-stage SGG method that adopts a new Hybrid Relation Assignment. This assignment combines a One-to-One Relation Assignment with a newly introduced IoU-based One-to-Many Relation Assignment. Specifically, each ground truth is assigned to multiple relation queries with high IoU subject-object boxes. This Hybrid Relation Assignment increases the number of positive training samples, alleviating sparse supervision. Moreover, we, for the first time, empirically show that self-attention over relation queries helps reduce duplicated relation predictions. We, therefore, propose Hydra Branch, a parameter-sharing auxiliary decoder without a self-attention layer. This design promotes One-to-Many Relation Assignment by enabling different queries to predict the same relation. Hydra-SGG achieves state-of-the-art performance with 10.6 mR@20 and 16.0 mR@50 on VG150, while only requiring 12 training epochs. It also sets a new state-of-the-art on Open Images V6 and and GQA.
☆ Self-Updating Vehicle Monitoring Framework Employing Distributed Acoustic Sensing towards Real-World Settings
The recent emergence of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology has facilitated the effective capture of traffic-induced seismic data. The traffic-induced seismic wave is a prominent contributor to urban vibrations and contain crucial information to advance urban exploration and governance. However, identifying vehicular movements within massive noisy data poses a significant challenge. In this study, we introduce a real-time semi-supervised vehicle monitoring framework tailored to urban settings. It requires only a small fraction of manual labels for initial training and exploits unlabeled data for model improvement. Additionally, the framework can autonomously adapt to newly collected unlabeled data. Before DAS data undergo object detection as two-dimensional images to preserve spatial information, we leveraged comprehensive one-dimensional signal preprocessing to mitigate noise. Furthermore, we propose a novel prior loss that incorporates the shapes of vehicular traces to track a single vehicle with varying speeds. To evaluate our model, we conducted experiments with seismic data from the Stanford 2 DAS Array. The results showed that our model outperformed the baseline model Efficient Teacher and its supervised counterpart, YOLO (You Only Look Once), in both accuracy and robustness. With only 35 labeled images, our model surpassed YOLO's mAP 0.5:0.95 criterion by 18% and showed a 7% increase over Efficient Teacher. We conducted comparative experiments with multiple update strategies for self-updating and identified an optimal approach. This approach surpasses the performance of non-overfitting training conducted with all data in a single pass.
☆ SOLVR: Submap Oriented LiDAR-Visual Re-Localisation ICRA2025
This paper proposes SOLVR, a unified pipeline for learning based LiDAR-Visual re-localisation which performs place recognition and 6-DoF registration across sensor modalities. We propose a strategy to align the input sensor modalities by leveraging stereo image streams to produce metric depth predictions with pose information, followed by fusing multiple scene views from a local window using a probabilistic occupancy framework to expand the limited field-of-view of the camera. Additionally, SOLVR adopts a flexible definition of what constitutes positive examples for different training losses, allowing us to simultaneously optimise place recognition and registration performance. Furthermore, we replace RANSAC with a registration function that weights a simple least-squares fitting with the estimated inlier likelihood of sparse keypoint correspondences, improving performance in scenarios with a low inlier ratio between the query and retrieved place. Our experiments on the KITTI and KITTI360 datasets show that SOLVR achieves state-of-the-art performance for LiDAR-Visual place recognition and registration, particularly improving registration accuracy over larger distances between the query and retrieved place.
comment: Submitted to ICRA2025
☆ FGR-Net:Interpretable fundus imagegradeability classification based on deepreconstruction learning
The performance of diagnostic Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems for retinal diseases depends on the quality of the retinal images being screened. Thus, many studies have been developed to evaluate and assess the quality of such retinal images. However, most of them did not investigate the relationship between the accuracy of the developed models and the quality of the visualization of interpretability methods for distinguishing between gradable and non-gradable retinal images. Consequently, this paper presents a novel framework called FGR-Net to automatically assess and interpret underlying fundus image quality by merging an autoencoder network with a classifier network. The FGR-Net model also provides an interpretable quality assessment through visualizations. In particular, FGR-Net uses a deep autoencoder to reconstruct the input image in order to extract the visual characteristics of the input fundus images based on self-supervised learning. The extracted features by the autoencoder are then fed into a deep classifier network to distinguish between gradable and ungradable fundus images. FGR-Net is evaluated with different interpretability methods, which indicates that the autoencoder is a key factor in forcing the classifier to focus on the relevant structures of the fundus images, such as the fovea, optic disk, and prominent blood vessels. Additionally, the interpretability methods can provide visual feedback for ophthalmologists to understand how our model evaluates the quality of fundus images. The experimental results showed the superiority of FGR-Net over the state-of-the-art quality assessment methods, with an accuracy of 89% and an F1-score of 87%.
☆ Robust Bird's Eye View Segmentation by Adapting DINOv2 ECCV 2024
Extracting a Bird's Eye View (BEV) representation from multiple camera images offers a cost-effective, scalable alternative to LIDAR-based solutions in autonomous driving. However, the performance of the existing BEV methods drops significantly under various corruptions such as brightness and weather changes or camera failures. To improve the robustness of BEV perception, we propose to adapt a large vision foundational model, DINOv2, to BEV estimation using Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA). Our approach builds on the strong representation space of DINOv2 by adapting it to the BEV task in a state-of-the-art framework, SimpleBEV. Our experiments show increased robustness of BEV perception under various corruptions, with increasing gains from scaling up the model and the input resolution. We also showcase the effectiveness of the adapted representations in terms of fewer learnable parameters and faster convergence during training.
comment: ECCV 2024 - 2nd Workshop on Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving (VCAD)
☆ Neuromorphic Facial Analysis with Cross-Modal Supervision ECCV 2024
Traditional approaches for analyzing RGB frames are capable of providing a fine-grained understanding of a face from different angles by inferring emotions, poses, shapes, landmarks. However, when it comes to subtle movements standard RGB cameras might fall behind due to their latency, making it hard to detect micro-movements that carry highly informative cues to infer the true emotions of a subject. To address this issue, the usage of event cameras to analyze faces is gaining increasing interest. Nonetheless, all the expertise matured for RGB processing is not directly transferrable to neuromorphic data due to a strong domain shift and intrinsic differences in how data is represented. The lack of labeled data can be considered one of the main causes of this gap, yet gathering data is harder in the event domain since it cannot be crawled from the web and labeling frames should take into account event aggregation rates and the fact that static parts might not be visible in certain frames. In this paper, we first present FACEMORPHIC, a multimodal temporally synchronized face dataset comprising both RGB videos and event streams. The data is labeled at a video level with facial Action Units and also contains streams collected with a variety of applications in mind, ranging from 3D shape estimation to lip-reading. We then show how temporal synchronization can allow effective neuromorphic face analysis without the need to manually annotate videos: we instead leverage cross-modal supervision bridging the domain gap by representing face shapes in a 3D space.
comment: Accepted for publication at the ECCV 2024 workshop on Neuromorphic Vision: Advantages and Applications of Event Cameras (NEVI)
☆ Garment Attribute Manipulation with Multi-level Attention ECCV 2024
In the rapidly evolving field of online fashion shopping, the need for more personalized and interactive image retrieval systems has become paramount. Existing methods often struggle with precisely manipulating specific garment attributes without inadvertently affecting others. To address this challenge, we propose GAMMA (Garment Attribute Manipulation with Multi-level Attention), a novel framework that integrates attribute-disentangled representations with a multi-stage attention-based architecture. GAMMA enables targeted manipulation of fashion image attributes, allowing users to refine their searches with high accuracy. By leveraging a dual-encoder Transformer and memory block, our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on popular datasets like Shopping100k and DeepFashion.
comment: Accepted for publication at the ECCV 2024 workshop FashionAI
☆ SteeredMarigold: Steering Diffusion Towards Depth Completion of Largely Incomplete Depth Maps
Even if the depth maps captured by RGB-D sensors deployed in real environments are often characterized by large areas missing valid depth measurements, the vast majority of depth completion methods still assumes depth values covering all areas of the scene. To address this limitation, we introduce SteeredMarigold, a training-free, zero-shot depth completion method capable of producing metric dense depth, even for largely incomplete depth maps. SteeredMarigold achieves this by using the available sparse depth points as conditions to steer a denoising diffusion probabilistic model. Our method outperforms relevant top-performing methods on the NYUv2 dataset, in tests where no depth was provided for a large area, achieving state-of-art performance and exhibiting remarkable robustness against depth map incompleteness. Our code will be publicly available.
☆ Fit and Prune: Fast and Training-free Visual Token Pruning for Multi-modal Large Language Models
Recent progress in Multimodal Large Language Models(MLLMs) often use large image tokens to compensate the visual shortcoming of MLLMs, which not only exhibits obvious redundancy but also greatly exacerbates the already high computation. Token pruning is an effective solution for speeding up MLLMs, but when and how to drop tokens still remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel and training-free approach for the effective visual token pruning of MLLMs, termed FitPrune, which can quickly produce a complete pruning recipe for MLLMs according to a pre-defined budget. Specifically, FitPrune considers token pruning as a statistical problem of MLLM and its objective is to find out an optimal pruning scheme that can minimize the divergence of the attention distributions before and after pruning. In practice, FitPrune can be quickly accomplished based on the attention statistics from a small batch of inference data, avoiding the expensive trials of MLLMs. According to the pruning recipe, an MLLM can directly remove the redundant visual tokens of different examples during inference. To validate FitPrune, we apply it to a set of recent MLLMs, including LLaVA-1.5, LLaVA-HR and LLaVA-NEXT, and conduct extensive experiments on a set of benchmarks. The experimental results show that our FitPrune can not only reduce the computational complexity to a large extent, while retaining high performance, e.g., -54.9% FLOPs for LLaVA-NEXT with only 0.5% accuracy drop. Notably, the pruning recipe can be obtained in about 5 minutes. Our code is available at https://github.com/ywh187/FitPrune.
☆ NEUSIS: A Compositional Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Autonomous Perception, Reasoning, and Planning in Complex UAV Search Missions
This paper addresses the problem of autonomous UAV search missions, where a UAV must locate specific Entities of Interest (EOIs) within a time limit, based on brief descriptions in large, hazard-prone environments with keep-out zones. The UAV must perceive, reason, and make decisions with limited and uncertain information. We propose NEUSIS, a compositional neuro-symbolic system designed for interpretable UAV search and navigation in realistic scenarios. NEUSIS integrates neuro-symbolic visual perception, reasoning, and grounding (GRiD) to process raw sensory inputs, maintains a probabilistic world model for environment representation, and uses a hierarchical planning component (SNaC) for efficient path planning. Experimental results from simulated urban search missions using AirSim and Unreal Engine show that NEUSIS outperforms a state-of-the-art (SOTA) vision-language model and a SOTA search planning model in success rate, search efficiency, and 3D localization. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our compositional neuro-symbolic approach in handling complex, real-world scenarios, making it a promising solution for autonomous UAV systems in search missions.
☆ RealDiff: Real-world 3D Shape Completion using Self-Supervised Diffusion Models
Point cloud completion aims to recover the complete 3D shape of an object from partial observations. While approaches relying on synthetic shape priors achieved promising results in this domain, their applicability and generalizability to real-world data are still limited. To tackle this problem, we propose a self-supervised framework, namely RealDiff, that formulates point cloud completion as a conditional generation problem directly on real-world measurements. To better deal with noisy observations without resorting to training on synthetic data, we leverage additional geometric cues. Specifically, RealDiff simulates a diffusion process at the missing object parts while conditioning the generation on the partial input to address the multimodal nature of the task. We further regularize the training by matching object silhouettes and depth maps, predicted by our method, with the externally estimated ones. Experimental results show that our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods in real-world point cloud completion.
☆ ExelMap: Explainable Element-based HD-Map Change Detection and Update
Acquisition and maintenance are central problems in deploying high-definition (HD) maps for autonomous driving, with two lines of research prevalent in current literature: Online HD map generation and HD map change detection. However, the generated map's quality is currently insufficient for safe deployment, and many change detection approaches fail to precisely localize and extract the changed map elements, hence lacking explainability and hindering a potential fleet-based cooperative HD map update. In this paper, we propose the novel task of explainable element-based HD map change detection and update. In extending recent approaches that use online mapping techniques informed with an outdated map prior for HD map updating, we present ExelMap, an explainable element-based map updating strategy that specifically identifies changed map elements. In this context, we discuss how currently used metrics fail to capture change detection performance, while allowing for unfair comparison between prior-less and prior-informed map generation methods. Finally, we present an experimental study on real-world changes related to pedestrian crossings of the Argoverse 2 Map Change Dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive problem investigation of real-world end-to-end element-based HD map change detection and update, and ExelMap the first proposed solution.
comment: 17 pages, 3 figures
☆ VideoRun2D: Cost-Effective Markerless Motion Capture for Sprint Biomechanics ICPR
Sprinting is a determinant ability, especially in team sports. The kinematics of the sprint have been studied in the past using different methods specially developed considering human biomechanics and, among those methods, markerless systems stand out as very cost-effective. On the other hand, we have now multiple general methods for pixel and body tracking based on recent machine learning breakthroughs with excellent performance in body tracking, but these excellent trackers do not generally consider realistic human biomechanics. This investigation first adapts two of these general trackers (MoveNet and CoTracker) for realistic biomechanical analysis and then evaluate them in comparison to manual tracking (with key points manually marked using the software Kinovea). Our best resulting markerless body tracker particularly adapted for sprint biomechanics is termed VideoRun2D. The experimental development and assessment of VideoRun2D is reported on forty sprints recorded with a video camera from 5 different subjects, focusing our analysis in 3 key angles in sprint biomechanics: inclination of the trunk, flex extension of the hip and the knee. The CoTracker method showed huge differences compared to the manual labeling approach. However, the angle curves were correctly estimated by the MoveNet method, finding errors between 3.2{\deg} and 5.5{\deg}. In conclusion, our proposed VideoRun2D based on MoveNet core seems to be a helpful tool for evaluating sprint kinematics in some scenarios. On the other hand, the observed precision of this first version of VideoRun2D as a markerless sprint analysis system may not be yet enough for highly demanding applications. Future research lines towards that purpose are also discussed at the end: better tracking post-processing and user- and time-dependent adaptation.
comment: Preprint of the paper presented to the Workshop on IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2024
☆ SplatSim: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer of RGB Manipulation Policies Using Gaussian Splatting
Sim2Real transfer, particularly for manipulation policies relying on RGB images, remains a critical challenge in robotics due to the significant domain shift between synthetic and real-world visual data. In this paper, we propose SplatSim, a novel framework that leverages Gaussian Splatting as the primary rendering primitive to reduce the Sim2Real gap for RGB-based manipulation policies. By replacing traditional mesh representations with Gaussian Splats in simulators, SplatSim produces highly photorealistic synthetic data while maintaining the scalability and cost-efficiency of simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training manipulation policies within SplatSim}and deploying them in the real world in a zero-shot manner, achieving an average success rate of 86.25%, compared to 97.5% for policies trained on real-world data.
☆ Contrastive Learning for Character Detection in Ancient Greek Papyri
This thesis investigates the effectiveness of SimCLR, a contrastive learning technique, in Greek letter recognition, focusing on the impact of various augmentation techniques. We pretrain the SimCLR backbone using the Alpub dataset (pretraining dataset) and fine-tune it on a smaller ICDAR dataset (finetuning dataset) to compare SimCLR's performance against traditional baseline models, which use cross-entropy and triplet loss functions. Additionally, we explore the role of different data augmentation strategies, essential for the SimCLR training process. Methodologically, we examine three primary approaches: (1) a baseline model using cross-entropy loss, (2) a triplet embedding model with a classification layer, and (3) a SimCLR pretrained model with a classification layer. Initially, we train the baseline, triplet, and SimCLR models using 93 augmentations on ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 networks with the ICDAR dataset. From these, the top four augmentations are selected using a statistical t-test. Pretraining of SimCLR is conducted on the Alpub dataset, followed by fine-tuning on the ICDAR dataset. The triplet loss model undergoes a similar process, being pretrained on the top four augmentations before fine-tuning on ICDAR. Our experiments show that SimCLR does not outperform the baselines in letter recognition tasks. The baseline model with cross-entropy loss demonstrates better performance than both SimCLR and the triplet loss model. This study provides a detailed evaluation of contrastive learning for letter recognition, highlighting SimCLR's limitations while emphasizing the strengths of traditional supervised learning models in this task. We believe SimCLR's cropping strategies may cause a semantic shift in the input image, reducing training effectiveness despite the large pretraining dataset. Our code is available at https://github.com/DIVA-DIA/MT_augmentation_and_contrastive_learning/.
☆ AutoPET Challenge III: Testing the Robustness of Generalized Dice Focal Loss trained 3D Residual UNet for FDG and PSMA Lesion Segmentation from Whole-Body PET/CT Images
Automated segmentation of cancerous lesions in PET/CT scans is a crucial first step in quantitative image analysis. However, training deep learning models for segmentation with high accuracy is particularly challenging due to the variations in lesion size, shape, and radiotracer uptake. These lesions can appear in different parts of the body, often near healthy organs that also exhibit considerable uptake, making the task even more complex. As a result, creating an effective segmentation model for routine PET/CT image analysis is challenging. In this study, we utilized a 3D Residual UNet model and employed the Generalized Dice Focal Loss function to train the model on the AutoPET Challenge 2024 dataset. We conducted a 5-fold cross-validation and used an average ensembling technique using the models from the five folds. In the preliminary test phase for Task-1, the average ensemble achieved a mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 0.6687, mean false negative volume (FNV) of 10.9522 ml and mean false positive volume (FPV) 2.9684 ml. More details about the algorithm can be found on our GitHub repository: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autosegnet2024.git. The training code has been shared via the repository: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autopet2024.git.
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables
☆ P2U-SLAM: A Monocular Wide-FoV SLAM System Based on Point Uncertainty and Pose Uncertainty
This paper presents P2U-SLAM, a visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) system with a wide Field of View (FoV) camera, which utilizes pose uncertainty and point uncertainty. While the wide FoV enables considerable repetitive observations of historical map points for matching cross-view features, the data properties of the historical map points and the poses of historical keyframes have changed during the optimization process. The neglect of data property changes triggers the absence of a partial information matrix in optimization and leads to the risk of long-term positioning performance degradation. The purpose of our research is to reduce the risk of the wide field of view visual input to the SLAM system. Based on the conditional probability model, this work reveals the definite impact of the above data properties changes on the optimization process, concretizes it as point uncertainty and pose uncertainty, and gives a specific mathematical form. P2U-SLAM respectively embeds point uncertainty and pose uncertainty into the tracking module and local mapping, and updates these uncertainties after each optimization operation including local mapping, map merging, and loop closing. We present an exhaustive evaluation in 27 sequences from two popular public datasets with wide-FoV visual input. P2U-SLAM shows excellent performance compared with other state-of-the-art methods. The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/BambValley/P2U-SLAM.
comment: The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/BambValley/P2U-SLAM
☆ PSHuman: Photorealistic Single-view Human Reconstruction using Cross-Scale Diffusion
Detailed and photorealistic 3D human modeling is essential for various applications and has seen tremendous progress. However, full-body reconstruction from a monocular RGB image remains challenging due to the ill-posed nature of the problem and sophisticated clothing topology with self-occlusions. In this paper, we propose PSHuman, a novel framework that explicitly reconstructs human meshes utilizing priors from the multiview diffusion model. It is found that directly applying multiview diffusion on single-view human images leads to severe geometric distortions, especially on generated faces. To address it, we propose a cross-scale diffusion that models the joint probability distribution of global full-body shape and local facial characteristics, enabling detailed and identity-preserved novel-view generation without any geometric distortion. Moreover, to enhance cross-view body shape consistency of varied human poses, we condition the generative model on parametric models like SMPL-X, which provide body priors and prevent unnatural views inconsistent with human anatomy. Leveraging the generated multi-view normal and color images, we present SMPLX-initialized explicit human carving to recover realistic textured human meshes efficiently. Extensive experimental results and quantitative evaluations on CAPE and THuman2.1 datasets demonstrate PSHumans superiority in geometry details, texture fidelity, and generalization capability.
☆ Data-Centric Strategies for Overcoming PET/CT Heterogeneity: Insights from the AutoPET III Lesion Segmentation Challenge
The third autoPET challenge introduced a new data-centric task this year, shifting the focus from model development to improving metastatic lesion segmentation on PET/CT images through data quality and handling strategies. In response, we developed targeted methods to enhance segmentation performance tailored to the characteristics of PET/CT imaging. Our approach encompasses two key elements. First, to address potential alignment errors between CT and PET modalities as well as the prevalence of punctate lesions, we modified the baseline data augmentation scheme and extended it with misalignment augmentation. This adaptation aims to improve segmentation accuracy, particularly for tiny metastatic lesions. Second, to tackle the variability in image dimensions significantly affecting the prediction time, we implemented a dynamic ensembling and test-time augmentation (TTA) strategy. This method optimizes the use of ensembling and TTA within a 5-minute prediction time limit, effectively leveraging the generalization potential for both small and large images. Both of our solutions are designed to be robust across different tracers and institutional settings, offering a general, yet imaging-specific approach to the multi-tracer and multi-institutional challenges of the competition. We made the challenge repository with our modifications publicly available at \url{https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/miccai2024_autopet3_datacentric}.
comment: Contribution to the data-centric task of the autoPET III Challenge 2024
☆ A Comparative Study of Open Source Computer Vision Models for Application on Small Data: The Case of CFRP Tape Laying
In the realm of industrial manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasing role, from automating existing processes to aiding in the development of new materials and techniques. However, a significant challenge arises in smaller, experimental processes characterized by limited training data availability, questioning the possibility to train AI models in such small data contexts. In this work, we explore the potential of Transfer Learning to address this challenge, specifically investigating the minimum amount of data required to develop a functional AI model. For this purpose, we consider the use case of quality control of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) tape laying in aerospace manufacturing using optical sensors. We investigate the behavior of different open-source computer vision models with a continuous reduction of the training data. Our results show that the amount of data required to successfully train an AI model can be drastically reduced, and the use of smaller models does not necessarily lead to a loss of performance.
☆ Adaptive Segmentation-Based Initialization for Steered Mixture of Experts Image Regression
Kernel image regression methods have shown to provide excellent efficiency in many image processing task, such as image and light-field compression, Gaussian Splatting, denoising and super-resolution. The estimation of parameters for these methods frequently employ gradient descent iterative optimization, which poses significant computational burden for many applications. In this paper, we introduce a novel adaptive segmentation-based initialization method targeted for optimizing Steered-Mixture-of Experts (SMoE) gating networks and Radial-Basis-Function (RBF) networks with steering kernels. The novel initialization method allocates kernels into pre-calculated image segments. The optimal number of kernels, kernel positions, and steering parameters are derived per segment in an iterative optimization and kernel sparsification procedure. The kernel information from "local" segments is then transferred into a "global" initialization, ready for use in iterative optimization of SMoE, RBF, and related kernel image regression methods. Results show that drastic objective and subjective quality improvements are achievable compared to widely used regular grid initialization, "state-of-the-art" K-Means initialization and previously introduced segmentation-based initialization methods, while also drastically improving the sparsity of the regression models. For same quality, the novel initialization results in models with around 50% reduction of kernels. In addition, a significant reduction of convergence time is achieved, with overall run-time savings of up to 50%. The segmentation-based initialization strategy itself admits heavy parallel computation; in theory, it may be divided into as many tasks as there are segments in the images. By accessing only four parallel GPUs, run-time savings of already 50% for initialization are achievable.
☆ Human Insights Driven Latent Space for Different Driving Perspectives: A Unified Encoder for Efficient Multi-Task Inference
Autonomous driving holds great potential to transform road safety and traffic efficiency by minimizing human error and reducing congestion. A key challenge in realizing this potential is the accurate estimation of steering angles, which is essential for effective vehicle navigation and control. Recent breakthroughs in deep learning have made it possible to estimate steering angles directly from raw camera inputs. However, the limited available navigation data can hinder optimal feature learning, impacting the system's performance in complex driving scenarios. In this paper, we propose a shared encoder trained on multiple computer vision tasks critical for urban navigation, such as depth, pose, and 3D scene flow estimation, as well as semantic, instance, panoptic, and motion segmentation. By incorporating diverse visual information used by humans during navigation, this unified encoder might enhance steering angle estimation. To achieve effective multi-task learning within a single encoder, we introduce a multi-scale feature network for pose estimation to improve depth learning. Additionally, we employ knowledge distillation from a multi-backbone model pretrained on these navigation tasks to stabilize training and boost performance. Our findings demonstrate that a shared backbone trained on diverse visual tasks is capable of providing overall perception capabilities. While our performance in steering angle estimation is comparable to existing methods, the integration of human-like perception through multi-task learning holds significant potential for advancing autonomous driving systems. More details and the pretrained model are available at https://hi-computervision.github.io/uni-encoder/.
☆ DDoS: Diffusion Distribution Similarity for Out-of-Distribution Detection
Out-of-Distribution (OoD) detection determines whether the given samples are from the training distribution of the classifier-under-protection, i.e., the In-Distribution (InD), or from a different OoD. Latest researches introduce diffusion models pre-trained on InD data to advocate OoD detection by transferring an OoD image into a generated one that is close to InD, so that one could capture the distribution disparities between original and generated images to detect OoD data. Existing diffusion-based detectors adopt perceptual metrics on the two images to measure such disparities, but ignore a fundamental fact: Perceptual metrics are devised essentially for human-perceived similarities of low-level image patterns, e.g., textures and colors, and are not advisable in evaluating distribution disparities, since images with different low-level patterns could possibly come from the same distribution. To address this issue, we formulate a diffusion-based detection framework that considers the distribution similarity between a tested image and its generated counterpart via a novel proper similarity metric in the informative feature space and probability space learned by the classifier-under-protection. An anomaly-removal strategy is further presented to enlarge such distribution disparities by removing abnormal OoD information in the feature space to facilitate the detection. Extensive empirical results unveil the insufficiency of perceptual metrics and the effectiveness of our distribution similarity framework with new state-of-the-art detection performance.
☆ MotionCom: Automatic and Motion-Aware Image Composition with LLM and Video Diffusion Prior
This work presents MotionCom, a training-free motion-aware diffusion based image composition, enabling automatic and seamless integration of target objects into new scenes with dynamically coherent results without finetuning or optimization. Traditional approaches in this area suffer from two significant limitations: they require manual planning for object placement and often generate static compositions lacking motion realism. MotionCom addresses these issues by utilizing a Large Vision Language Model (LVLM) for intelligent planning, and a Video Diffusion prior for motion-infused image synthesis, streamlining the composition process. Our multi-modal Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting with LVLM automates the strategic placement planning of foreground objects, considering their potential motion and interaction within the scenes. Complementing this, we propose a novel method MotionPaint to distill motion-aware information from pretrained video diffusion models in the generation phase, ensuring that these objects are not only seamlessly integrated but also endowed with realistic motion. Extensive quantitative and qualitative results highlight MotionCom's superiority, showcasing its efficiency in streamlining the planning process and its capability to produce compositions that authentically depict motion and interaction.
☆ Cross-modality image synthesis from TOF-MRA to CTA using diffusion-based models
Cerebrovascular disease often requires multiple imaging modalities for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) and Time-of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography (TOF-MRA) are two common non-invasive angiography techniques, each with distinct strengths in accessibility, safety, and diagnostic accuracy. While CTA is more widely used in acute stroke due to its faster acquisition times and higher diagnostic accuracy, TOF-MRA is preferred for its safety, as it avoids radiation exposure and contrast agent-related health risks. Despite the predominant role of CTA in clinical workflows, there is a scarcity of open-source CTA data, limiting the research and development of AI models for tasks such as large vessel occlusion detection and aneurysm segmentation. This study explores diffusion-based image-to-image translation models to generate synthetic CTA images from TOF-MRA input. We demonstrate the modality conversion from TOF-MRA to CTA and show that diffusion models outperform a traditional U-Net-based approach. Our work compares different state-of-the-art diffusion architectures and samplers, offering recommendations for optimal model performance in this cross-modality translation task.
☆ DAE-Fuse: An Adaptive Discriminative Autoencoder for Multi-Modality Image Fusion
Multi-modality image fusion aims to integrate complementary data information from different imaging modalities into a single image. Existing methods often generate either blurry fused images that lose fine-grained semantic information or unnatural fused images that appear perceptually cropped from the inputs. In this work, we propose a novel two-phase discriminative autoencoder framework, termed DAE-Fuse, that generates sharp and natural fused images. In the adversarial feature extraction phase, we introduce two discriminative blocks into the encoder-decoder architecture, providing an additional adversarial loss to better guide feature extraction by reconstructing the source images. While the two discriminative blocks are adapted in the attention-guided cross-modality fusion phase to distinguish the structural differences between the fused output and the source inputs, injecting more naturalness into the results. Extensive experiments on public infrared-visible, medical image fusion, and downstream object detection datasets demonstrate our method's superiority and generalizability in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
☆ Towards Physically-Realizable Adversarial Attacks in Embodied Vision Navigation ICRA
The deployment of embodied navigation agents in safety-critical environments raises concerns about their vulnerability to adversarial attacks on deep neural networks. However, current attack methods often lack practicality due to challenges in transitioning from the digital to the physical world, while existing physical attacks for object detection fail to achieve both multi-view effectiveness and naturalness. To address this, we propose a practical attack method for embodied navigation by attaching adversarial patches with learnable textures and opacity to objects. Specifically, to ensure effectiveness across varying viewpoints, we employ a multi-view optimization strategy based on object-aware sampling, which uses feedback from the navigation model to optimize the patch's texture. To make the patch inconspicuous to human observers, we introduce a two-stage opacity optimization mechanism, where opacity is refined after texture optimization. Experimental results show our adversarial patches reduce navigation success rates by about 40%, outperforming previous methods in practicality, effectiveness, and naturalness. Code is available at: [https://github.com/chen37058/Physical-Attacks-in-Embodied-Navigation].
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA)
☆ GlobalMapNet: An Online Framework for Vectorized Global HD Map Construction
High-definition (HD) maps are essential for autonomous driving systems. Traditionally, an expensive and labor-intensive pipeline is implemented to construct HD maps, which is limited in scalability. In recent years, crowdsourcing and online mapping have emerged as two alternative methods, but they have limitations respectively. In this paper, we provide a novel methodology, namely global map construction, to perform direct generation of vectorized global maps, combining the benefits of crowdsourcing and online mapping. We introduce GlobalMapNet, the first online framework for vectorized global HD map construction, which updates and utilizes a global map on the ego vehicle. To generate the global map from scratch, we propose GlobalMapBuilder to match and merge local maps continuously. We design a new algorithm, Map NMS, to remove duplicate map elements and produce a clean map. We also propose GlobalMapFusion to aggregate historical map information, improving consistency of prediction. We examine GlobalMapNet on two widely recognized datasets, Argoverse2 and nuScenes, showing that our framework is capable of generating globally consistent results.
☆ DENSER: 3D Gaussians Splatting for Scene Reconstruction of Dynamic Urban Environments
This paper presents DENSER, an efficient and effective approach leveraging 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) for the reconstruction of dynamic urban environments. While several methods for photorealistic scene representations, both implicitly using neural radiance fields (NeRF) and explicitly using 3DGS have shown promising results in scene reconstruction of relatively complex dynamic scenes, modeling the dynamic appearance of foreground objects tend to be challenging, limiting the applicability of these methods to capture subtleties and details of the scenes, especially far dynamic objects. To this end, we propose DENSER, a framework that significantly enhances the representation of dynamic objects and accurately models the appearance of dynamic objects in the driving scene. Instead of directly using Spherical Harmonics (SH) to model the appearance of dynamic objects, we introduce and integrate a new method aiming at dynamically estimating SH bases using wavelets, resulting in better representation of dynamic objects appearance in both space and time. Besides object appearance, DENSER enhances object shape representation through densification of its point cloud across multiple scene frames, resulting in faster convergence of model training. Extensive evaluations on KITTI dataset show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a wide margin. Source codes and models will be uploaded to this repository https://github.com/sntubix/denser
☆ AttnMod: Attention-Based New Art Styles
Imagine a human artist looking at the generated photo of a diffusion model, and hoping to create a painting out of it. There could be some feature of the object in the photo that the artist wants to emphasize, some color to disperse, some silhouette to twist, or some part of the scene to be materialized. These intentions can be viewed as the modification of the cross attention from the text prompt onto UNet, during the desoising diffusion. This work presents AttnMod, to modify attention for creating new unpromptable art styles out of existing diffusion models. The style-creating behavior is studied across different setups.
☆ LithoHoD: A Litho Simulator-Powered Framework for IC Layout Hotspot Detection
Recent advances in VLSI fabrication technology have led to die shrinkage and increased layout density, creating an urgent demand for advanced hotspot detection techniques. However, by taking an object detection network as the backbone, recent learning-based hotspot detectors learn to recognize only the problematic layout patterns in the training data. This fact makes these hotspot detectors difficult to generalize to real-world scenarios. We propose a novel lithography simulator-powered hotspot detection framework to overcome this difficulty. Our framework integrates a lithography simulator with an object detection backbone, merging the extracted latent features from both the simulator and the object detector via well-designed cross-attention blocks. Consequently, the proposed framework can be used to detect potential hotspot regions based on I) the variation of possible circuit shape deformation estimated by the lithography simulator, and ii) the problematic layout patterns already known. To this end, we utilize RetinaNet with a feature pyramid network as the object detection backbone and leverage LithoNet as the lithography simulator. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed simulator-guided hotspot detection framework outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on real-world data.
comment: 14 pages to appear in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
☆ 2S-ODIS: Two-Stage Omni-Directional Image Synthesis by Geometric Distortion Correction ECCV2024
Omni-directional images have been increasingly used in various applications, including virtual reality and SNS (Social Networking Services). However, their availability is comparatively limited in contrast to normal field of view (NFoV) images, since specialized cameras are required to take omni-directional images. Consequently, several methods have been proposed based on generative adversarial networks (GAN) to synthesize omni-directional images, but these approaches have shown difficulties in training of the models, due to instability and/or significant time consumption in the training. To address these problems, this paper proposes a novel omni-directional image synthesis method, 2S-ODIS (Two-Stage Omni-Directional Image Synthesis), which generated high-quality omni-directional images but drastically reduced the training time. This was realized by utilizing the VQGAN (Vector Quantized GAN) model pre-trained on a large-scale NFoV image database such as ImageNet without fine-tuning. Since this pre-trained model does not represent distortions of omni-directional images in the equi-rectangular projection (ERP), it cannot be applied directly to the omni-directional image synthesis in ERP. Therefore, two-stage structure was adopted to first create a global coarse image in ERP and then refine the image by integrating multiple local NFoV images in the higher resolution to compensate the distortions in ERP, both of which are based on the pre-trained VQGAN model. As a result, the proposed method, 2S-ODIS, achieved the reduction of the training time from 14 days in OmniDreamer to four days in higher image quality.
comment: ECCV2024 https://github.com/islab-sophia/2S-ODIS
☆ Artificial Intelligence-Based Opportunistic Coronary Calcium Screening in the Veterans Affairs National Healthcare System
Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is highly predictive of cardiovascular events. While millions of chest CT scans are performed annually in the United States, CAC is not routinely quantified from scans done for non-cardiac purposes. A deep learning algorithm was developed using 446 expert segmentations to automatically quantify CAC on non-contrast, non-gated CT scans (AI-CAC). Our study differs from prior works as we leverage imaging data across the Veterans Affairs national healthcare system, from 98 medical centers, capturing extensive heterogeneity in imaging protocols, scanners, and patients. AI-CAC performance on non-gated scans was compared against clinical standard ECG-gated CAC scoring. Non-gated AI-CAC differentiated zero vs. non-zero and less than 100 vs. 100 or greater Agatston scores with accuracies of 89.4% (F1 0.93) and 87.3% (F1 0.89), respectively, in 795 patients with paired gated scans within a year of a non-gated CT scan. Non-gated AI-CAC was predictive of 10-year all-cause mortality (CAC 0 vs. >400 group: 25.4% vs. 60.2%, Cox HR 3.49, p < 0.005), and composite first-time stroke, MI, or death (CAC 0 vs. >400 group: 33.5% vs. 63.8%, Cox HR 3.00, p < 0.005). In a screening dataset of 8,052 patients with low-dose lung cancer-screening CTs (LDCT), 3,091/8,052 (38.4%) individuals had AI-CAC >400. Four cardiologists qualitatively reviewed LDCT images from a random sample of >400 AI-CAC patients and verified that 527/531 (99.2%) would benefit from lipid-lowering therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first non-gated CT CAC algorithm developed across a national healthcare system, on multiple imaging protocols, without filtering intra-cardiac hardware, and compared against a strong gated CT reference. We report superior performance relative to previous CAC algorithms evaluated against paired gated scans that included patients with intra-cardiac hardware.
☆ Uncertainty-Guided Appearance-Motion Association Network for Out-of-Distribution Action Detection
Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection targets to detect and reject test samples with semantic shifts, to prevent models trained on in-distribution (ID) dataset from producing unreliable predictions. Existing works only extract the appearance features on image datasets, and cannot handle dynamic multimedia scenarios with much motion information. Therefore, we target a more realistic and challenging OOD detection task: OOD action detection (ODAD). Given an untrimmed video, ODAD first classifies the ID actions and recognizes the OOD actions, and then localizes ID and OOD actions. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel Uncertainty-Guided Appearance-Motion Association Network (UAAN), which explores both appearance features and motion contexts to reason spatial-temporal inter-object interaction for ODAD.Firstly, we design separate appearance and motion branches to extract corresponding appearance-oriented and motion-aspect object representations. In each branch, we construct a spatial-temporal graph to reason appearance-guided and motion-driven inter-object interaction. Then, we design an appearance-motion attention module to fuse the appearance and motion features for final action detection. Experimental results on two challenging datasets show that UAAN beats state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin, illustrating its effectiveness.
comment: Accepted by MIPR 2024
☆ Towards Real-Time Generation of Delay-Compensated Video Feeds for Outdoor Mobile Robot Teleoperation
Teleoperation is an important technology to enable supervisors to control agricultural robots remotely. However, environmental factors in dense crop rows and limitations in network infrastructure hinder the reliability of data streamed to teleoperators. These issues result in delayed and variable frame rate video feeds that often deviate significantly from the robot's actual viewpoint. We propose a modular learning-based vision pipeline to generate delay-compensated images in real-time for supervisors. Our extensive offline evaluations demonstrate that our method generates more accurate images compared to state-of-the-art approaches in our setting. Additionally, we are one of the few works to evaluate a delay-compensation method in outdoor field environments with complex terrain on data from a real robot in real-time. Additional videos are provided at https://sites.google.com/illinois.edu/comp-teleop.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ Forearm Ultrasound based Gesture Recognition on Edge
Ultrasound imaging of the forearm has demonstrated significant potential for accurate hand gesture classification. Despite this progress, there has been limited focus on developing a stand-alone end- to-end gesture recognition system which makes it mobile, real-time and more user friendly. To bridge this gap, this paper explores the deployment of deep neural networks for forearm ultrasound-based hand gesture recognition on edge devices. Utilizing quantization techniques, we achieve substantial reductions in model size while maintaining high accuracy and low latency. Our best model, with Float16 quantization, achieves a test accuracy of 92% and an inference time of 0.31 seconds on a Raspberry Pi. These results demonstrate the feasibility of efficient, real-time gesture recognition on resource-limited edge devices, paving the way for wearable ultrasound-based systems.
comment: Please contact the authors for code and any additional questions pertaining to the project. You can reach Keshav Bimbraw at bimbrawkeshav at gmail dot com
☆ Rapid Adaptation of Earth Observation Foundation Models for Segmentation
This study investigates the efficacy of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) in fine-tuning Earth Observation (EO) foundation models for flood segmentation. We hypothesize that LoRA, a parameter-efficient technique, can significantly accelerate the adaptation of large-scale EO models to this critical task while maintaining high performance. We apply LoRA to fine-tune a state-of-the-art EO foundation model pre-trained on diverse satellite imagery, using a curated dataset of flood events. Our results demonstrate that LoRA-based fine-tuning (r-256) improves F1 score by 6.66 points and IoU by 0.11 compared to a frozen encoder baseline, while significantly reducing computational costs. Notably, LoRA outperforms full fine-tuning, which proves computationally infeasible on our hardware. We further assess generalization through out-of-distribution (OOD) testing on a geographically distinct flood event. While LoRA configurations show improved OOD performance over the baseline. This work contributes to research on efficient adaptation of foundation models for specialized EO tasks, with implications for rapid response systems in disaster management. Our findings demonstrate LoRA's potential for enabling faster deployment of accurate flood segmentation models in resource-constrained, time-critical scenarios.
comment: 9 pages 2 figures
☆ Enhancing Visual Inertial SLAM with Magnetic Measurements
This paper presents an extension to visual inertial odometry (VIO) by introducing tightly-coupled fusion of magnetometer measurements. A sliding window of keyframes is optimized by minimizing re-projection errors, relative inertial errors, and relative magnetometer orientation errors. The results of IMU orientation propagation are used to efficiently transform magnetometer measurements between frames producing relative orientation constraints between consecutive frames. The soft and hard iron effects are calibrated using an ellipsoid fitting algorithm. The introduction of magnetometer data results in significant reductions in the orientation error and also in recovery of the true yaw orientation with respect to the magnetic north. The proposed framework operates in all environments with slow-varying magnetic fields, mainly outdoors and underwater. We have focused our work on the underwater domain, especially in underwater caves, as the narrow passage and turbulent flow make it difficult to perform loop closures and reset the localization drift. The underwater caves present challenges to VIO due to the absence of ambient light and the confined nature of the environment, while also being a crucial source of fresh water and providing valuable historical records. Experimental results from underwater caves demonstrate the improvements in accuracy and robustness introduced by the proposed VIO extension.
☆ Are Deep Learning Models Robust to Partial Object Occlusion in Visual Recognition Tasks?
Image classification models, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), perform well on a variety of classification tasks but struggle under conditions of partial occlusion, i.e., conditions in which objects are partially covered from the view of a camera. Methods to improve performance under occlusion, including data augmentation, part-based clustering, and more inherently robust architectures, including Vision Transformer (ViT) models, have, to some extent, been evaluated on their ability to classify objects under partial occlusion. However, evaluations of these methods have largely relied on images containing artificial occlusion, which are typically computer-generated and therefore inexpensive to label. Additionally, methods are rarely compared against each other, and many methods are compared against early, now outdated, deep learning models. We contribute the Image Recognition Under Occlusion (IRUO) dataset, based on the recently developed Occluded Video Instance Segmentation (OVIS) dataset (arXiv:2102.01558). IRUO utilizes real-world and artificially occluded images to test and benchmark leading methods' robustness to partial occlusion in visual recognition tasks. In addition, we contribute the design and results of a human study using images from IRUO that evaluates human classification performance at multiple levels and types of occlusion. We find that modern CNN-based models show improved recognition accuracy on occluded images compared to earlier CNN-based models, and ViT-based models are more accurate than CNN-based models on occluded images, performing only modestly worse than human accuracy. We also find that certain types of occlusion, including diffuse occlusion, where relevant objects are seen through "holes" in occluders such as fences and leaves, can greatly reduce the accuracy of deep recognition models as compared to humans, especially those with CNN backbones.
☆ Depth from Coupled Optical Differentiation
We propose depth from coupled optical differentiation, a low-computation passive-lighting 3D sensing mechanism. It is based on our discovery that per-pixel object distance can be rigorously determined by a coupled pair of optical derivatives of a defocused image using a simple, closed-form relationship. Unlike previous depth-from-defocus (DfD) methods that leverage spatial derivatives of the image to estimate scene depths, the proposed mechanism's use of only optical derivatives makes it significantly more robust to noise. Furthermore, unlike many previous DfD algorithms with requirements on aperture code, this relationship is proved to be universal to a broad range of aperture codes. We build the first 3D sensor based on depth from coupled optical differentiation. Its optical assembly includes a deformable lens and a motorized iris, which enables dynamic adjustments to the optical power and aperture radius. The sensor captures two pairs of images: one pair with a differential change of optical power and the other with a differential change of aperture scale. From the four images, a depth and confidence map can be generated with only 36 floating point operations per output pixel (FLOPOP), more than ten times lower than the previous lowest passive-lighting depth sensing solution to our knowledge. Additionally, the depth map generated by the proposed sensor demonstrates more than twice the working range of previous DfD methods while using significantly lower computation.
☆ A Missing Data Imputation GAN for Character Sprite Generation
Creating and updating pixel art character sprites with many frames spanning different animations and poses takes time and can quickly become repetitive. However, that can be partially automated to allow artists to focus on more creative tasks. In this work, we concentrate on creating pixel art character sprites in a target pose from images of them facing other three directions. We present a novel approach to character generation by framing the problem as a missing data imputation task. Our proposed generative adversarial networks model receives the images of a character in all available domains and produces the image of the missing pose. We evaluated our approach in the scenarios with one, two, and three missing images, achieving similar or better results to the state-of-the-art when more images are available. We also evaluate the impact of the proposed changes to the base architecture.
comment: Published in SBGames 2024
☆ Benchmarking VLMs' Reasoning About Persuasive Atypical Images
Vision language models (VLMs) have shown strong zero-shot generalization across various tasks, especially when integrated with large language models (LLMs). However, their ability to comprehend rhetorical and persuasive visual media, such as advertisements, remains understudied. Ads often employ atypical imagery, using surprising object juxtapositions to convey shared properties. For example, Fig. 1 (e) shows a beer with a feather-like texture. This requires advanced reasoning to deduce that this atypical representation signifies the beer's lightness. We introduce three novel tasks, Multi-label Atypicality Classification, Atypicality Statement Retrieval, and Aypical Object Recognition, to benchmark VLMs' understanding of atypicality in persuasive images. We evaluate how well VLMs use atypicality to infer an ad's message and test their reasoning abilities by employing semantically challenging negatives. Finally, we pioneer atypicality-aware verbalization by extracting comprehensive image descriptions sensitive to atypical elements. Our findings reveal that: (1) VLMs lack advanced reasoning capabilities compared to LLMs; (2) simple, effective strategies can extract atypicality-aware information, leading to comprehensive image verbalization; (3) atypicality aids persuasive advertisement understanding. Code and data will be made available.
☆ Online Learning via Memory: Retrieval-Augmented Detector Adaptation ECCV 2024
This paper presents a novel way of online adapting any off-the-shelf object detection model to a novel domain without retraining the detector model. Inspired by how humans quickly learn knowledge of a new subject (e.g., memorization), we allow the detector to look up similar object concepts from memory during test time. This is achieved through a retrieval augmented classification (RAC) module together with a memory bank that can be flexibly updated with new domain knowledge. We experimented with various off-the-shelf open-set detector and close-set detectors. With only a tiny memory bank (e.g., 10 images per category) and being training-free, our online learning method could significantly outperform baselines in adapting a detector to novel domains.
comment: Accepted at ECCV 2024, Human-Inspired Computer Vision (HCV) workshop
☆ CoMamba: Real-time Cooperative Perception Unlocked with State Space Models
Cooperative perception systems play a vital role in enhancing the safety and efficiency of vehicular autonomy. Although recent studies have highlighted the efficacy of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication techniques in autonomous driving, a significant challenge persists: how to efficiently integrate multiple high-bandwidth features across an expanding network of connected agents such as vehicles and infrastructure. In this paper, we introduce CoMamba, a novel cooperative 3D detection framework designed to leverage state-space models for real-time onboard vehicle perception. Compared to prior state-of-the-art transformer-based models, CoMamba enjoys being a more scalable 3D model using bidirectional state space models, bypassing the quadratic complexity pain-point of attention mechanisms. Through extensive experimentation on V2X/V2V datasets, CoMamba achieves superior performance compared to existing methods while maintaining real-time processing capabilities. The proposed framework not only enhances object detection accuracy but also significantly reduces processing time, making it a promising solution for next-generation cooperative perception systems in intelligent transportation networks.
☆ Playground v3: Improving Text-to-Image Alignment with Deep-Fusion Large Language Models
We introduce Playground v3 (PGv3), our latest text-to-image model that achieves state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance across multiple testing benchmarks, excels in graphic design abilities and introduces new capabilities. Unlike traditional text-to-image generative models that rely on pre-trained language models like T5 or CLIP text encoders, our approach fully integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) with a novel structure that leverages text conditions exclusively from a decoder-only LLM. Additionally, to enhance image captioning quality-we developed an in-house captioner, capable of generating captions with varying levels of detail, enriching the diversity of text structures. We also introduce a new benchmark CapsBench to evaluate detailed image captioning performance. Experimental results demonstrate that PGv3 excels in text prompt adherence, complex reasoning, and accurate text rendering. User preference studies indicate the super-human graphic design ability of our model for common design applications, such as stickers, posters, and logo designs. Furthermore, PGv3 introduces new capabilities, including precise RGB color control and robust multilingual understanding.
☆ MotIF: Motion Instruction Fine-tuning
While success in many robotics tasks can be determined by only observing the final state and how it differs from the initial state - e.g., if an apple is picked up - many tasks require observing the full motion of the robot to correctly determine success. For example, brushing hair requires repeated strokes that correspond to the contours and type of hair. Prior works often use off-the-shelf vision-language models (VLMs) as success detectors; however, when success depends on the full trajectory, VLMs struggle to make correct judgments for two reasons. First, modern VLMs are trained only on single frames, and cannot capture changes over a full trajectory. Second, even if we provide state-of-the-art VLMs with an aggregate input of multiple frames, they still fail to detect success due to a lack of robot data. Our key idea is to fine-tune VLMs using abstract representations that are able to capture trajectory-level information such as the path the robot takes by overlaying keypoint trajectories on the final image. We propose motion instruction fine-tuning (MotIF), a method that fine-tunes VLMs using the aforementioned abstract representations to semantically ground the robot's behavior in the environment. To benchmark and fine-tune VLMs for robotic motion understanding, we introduce the MotIF-1K dataset containing 653 human and 369 robot demonstrations across 13 task categories. MotIF assesses the success of robot motion given the image observation of the trajectory, task instruction, and motion description. Our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art VLMs by at least twice in precision and 56.1% in recall, generalizing across unseen motions, tasks, and environments. Finally, we demonstrate practical applications of MotIF in refining and terminating robot planning, and ranking trajectories on how they align with task and motion descriptions. Project page: https://motif-1k.github.io
☆ HAVANA: Hierarchical stochastic neighbor embedding for Accelerated Video ANnotAtions
Video annotation is a critical and time-consuming task in computer vision research and applications. This paper presents a novel annotation pipeline that uses pre-extracted features and dimensionality reduction to accelerate the temporal video annotation process. Our approach uses Hierarchical Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (HSNE) to create a multi-scale representation of video features, allowing annotators to efficiently explore and label large video datasets. We demonstrate significant improvements in annotation effort compared to traditional linear methods, achieving more than a 10x reduction in clicks required for annotating over 12 hours of video. Our experiments on multiple datasets show the effectiveness and robustness of our pipeline across various scenarios. Moreover, we investigate the optimal configuration of HSNE parameters for different datasets. Our work provides a promising direction for scaling up video annotation efforts in the era of video understanding.
☆ Optimizing Resource Consumption in Diffusion Models through Hallucination Early Detection ECCV
Diffusion models have significantly advanced generative AI, but they encounter difficulties when generating complex combinations of multiple objects. As the final result heavily depends on the initial seed, accurately ensuring the desired output can require multiple iterations of the generation process. This repetition not only leads to a waste of time but also increases energy consumption, echoing the challenges of efficiency and accuracy in complex generative tasks. To tackle this issue, we introduce HEaD (Hallucination Early Detection), a new paradigm designed to swiftly detect incorrect generations at the beginning of the diffusion process. The HEaD pipeline combines cross-attention maps with a new indicator, the Predicted Final Image, to forecast the final outcome by leveraging the information available at early stages of the generation process. We demonstrate that using HEaD saves computational resources and accelerates the generation process to get a complete image, i.e. an image where all requested objects are accurately depicted. Our findings reveal that HEaD can save up to 12% of the generation time on a two objects scenario and underscore the importance of early detection mechanisms in generative models.
comment: Accepted at ECCV Workshop 2024
☆ Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformer
Transformers stand as the cornerstone of mordern deep learning. Traditionally, these models rely on multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers to mix the information between channels. In this paper, we introduce the Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformer (KAT), a novel architecture that replaces MLP layers with Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) layers to enhance the expressiveness and performance of the model. Integrating KANs into transformers, however, is no easy feat, especially when scaled up. Specifically, we identify three key challenges: (C1) Base function. The standard B-spline function used in KANs is not optimized for parallel computing on modern hardware, resulting in slower inference speeds. (C2) Parameter and Computation Inefficiency. KAN requires a unique function for each input-output pair, making the computation extremely large. (C3) Weight initialization. The initialization of weights in KANs is particularly challenging due to their learnable activation functions, which are critical for achieving convergence in deep neural networks. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, we propose three key solutions: (S1) Rational basis. We replace B-spline functions with rational functions to improve compatibility with modern GPUs. By implementing this in CUDA, we achieve faster computations. (S2) Group KAN. We share the activation weights through a group of neurons, to reduce the computational load without sacrificing performance. (S3) Variance-preserving initialization. We carefully initialize the activation weights to make sure that the activation variance is maintained across layers. With these designs, KAT scales effectively and readily outperforms traditional MLP-based transformers.
comment: Code: https://github.com/Adamdad/kat
☆ 2D or not 2D: How Does the Dimensionality of Gesture Representation Affect 3D Co-Speech Gesture Generation?
Co-speech gestures are fundamental for communication. The advent of recent deep learning techniques has facilitated the creation of lifelike, synchronous co-speech gestures for Embodied Conversational Agents. "In-the-wild" datasets, aggregating video content from platforms like YouTube via human pose detection technologies, provide a feasible solution by offering 2D skeletal sequences aligned with speech. Concurrent developments in lifting models enable the conversion of these 2D sequences into 3D gesture databases. However, it is important to note that the 3D poses estimated from the 2D extracted poses are, in essence, approximations of the ground-truth, which remains in the 2D domain. This distinction raises questions about the impact of gesture representation dimensionality on the quality of generated motions - a topic that, to our knowledge, remains largely unexplored. Our study examines the effect of using either 2D or 3D joint coordinates as training data on the performance of speech-to-gesture deep generative models. We employ a lifting model for converting generated 2D pose sequences into 3D and assess how gestures created directly in 3D stack up against those initially generated in 2D and then converted to 3D. We perform an objective evaluation using widely used metrics in the gesture generation field as well as a user study to qualitatively evaluate the different approaches.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2406.15111
☆ Deep Learning tools to support deforestation monitoring in the Ivory Coast using SAR and Optical satellite imagery
Deforestation is gaining an increasingly importance due to its strong influence on the sorrounding environment, especially in developing countries where population has a disadvantaged economic condition and agriculture is the main source of income. In Ivory Coast, for instance, where the cocoa production is the most remunerative activity, it is not rare to assist to the replacement of portion of ancient forests with new cocoa plantations. In order to monitor this type of deleterious activities, satellites can be employed to recognize the disappearance of the forest to prevent it from expand its area of interest. In this study, Forest-Non-Forest map (FNF) has been used as ground truth for models based on Sentinel images input. State-of-the-art models U-Net, Attention U-Net, Segnet and FCN32 are compared over different years combining Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and cloud probability to create forest/non-forest segmentation. Although Ivory Coast lacks of forest coverage datasets and is partially covered by Sentinel images, it is demonstrated the feasibility to create models classifying forest and non-forests pixels over the area using open datasets to predict where deforestation could have occurred. Although a significant portion of the deforestation research is carried out on visible bands, SAR acquisitions are employed to overcome the limits of RGB images over areas often covered by clouds. Finally, the most promising model is employed to estimate the hectares of forest has been cut between 2019 and 2020.
☆ SoccerNet 2024 Challenges Results
The SoccerNet 2024 challenges represent the fourth annual video understanding challenges organized by the SoccerNet team. These challenges aim to advance research across multiple themes in football, including broadcast video understanding, field understanding, and player understanding. This year, the challenges encompass four vision-based tasks. (1) Ball Action Spotting, focusing on precisely localizing when and which soccer actions related to the ball occur, (2) Dense Video Captioning, focusing on describing the broadcast with natural language and anchored timestamps, (3) Multi-View Foul Recognition, a novel task focusing on analyzing multiple viewpoints of a potential foul incident to classify whether a foul occurred and assess its severity, (4) Game State Reconstruction, another novel task focusing on reconstructing the game state from broadcast videos onto a 2D top-view map of the field. Detailed information about the tasks, challenges, and leaderboards can be found at https://www.soccer-net.org, with baselines and development kits available at https://github.com/SoccerNet.
comment: 7 pages, 1 figure
☆ AutoPET Challenge III: Testing the Robustness of Generalized Dice Focal Loss trained 3D Residual UNet for FDG and PSMA Lesion Segmentation from Whole-Body PET/CT Images
Automated segmentation of cancerous lesions in PET/CT scans is a crucial first step in quantitative image analysis. However, training deep learning models for segmentation with high accuracy is particularly challenging due to the variations in lesion size, shape, and radiotracer uptake. These lesions can appear in different parts of the body, often near healthy organs that also exhibit considerable uptake, making the task even more complex. As a result, creating an effective segmentation model for routine PET/CT image analysis is challenging. In this study, we utilized a 3D Residual UNet model and employed the Generalized Dice Focal Loss function to train the model on the AutoPET Challenge 2024 dataset. We conducted a 5-fold cross-validation and used an average ensembling technique using the models from the five folds. In the preliminary test phase for Task-1, the average ensemble achieved a mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 0.6687, mean false negative volume (FNV) of 10.9522 ml and mean false positive volume (FPV) 2.9684 ml. More details about the algorithm can be found on our GitHub repository: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autosegnet2024.git. The training code has been shared via the repository: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autopet2024.git.
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2309.13553
☆ LASERS: LAtent Space Encoding for Representations with Sparsity for Generative Modeling WACV
Learning compact and meaningful latent space representations has been shown to be very useful in generative modeling tasks for visual data. One particular example is applying Vector Quantization (VQ) in variational autoencoders (VQ-VAEs, VQ-GANs, etc.), which has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in many modern generative modeling applications. Quantizing the latent space has been justified by the assumption that the data themselves are inherently discrete in the latent space (like pixel values). In this paper, we propose an alternative representation of the latent space by relaxing the structural assumption than the VQ formulation. Specifically, we assume that the latent space can be approximated by a union of subspaces model corresponding to a dictionary-based representation under a sparsity constraint. The dictionary is learned/updated during the training process. We apply this approach to look at two models: Dictionary Learning Variational Autoencoders (DL-VAEs) and DL-VAEs with Generative Adversarial Networks (DL-GANs). We show empirically that our more latent space is more expressive and has leads to better representations than the VQ approach in terms of reconstruction quality at the expense of a small computational overhead for the latent space computation. Our results thus suggest that the true benefit of the VQ approach might not be from discretization of the latent space, but rather the lossy compression of the latent space. We confirm this hypothesis by showing that our sparse representations also address the codebook collapse issue as found common in VQ-family models.
comment: Preprint, under review. Submitted to 2025 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
☆ Video Token Sparsification for Efficient Multimodal LLMs in Autonomous Driving
Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated remarkable potential for enhancing scene understanding in autonomous driving systems through powerful logical reasoning capabilities. However, the deployment of these models faces significant challenges due to their substantial parameter sizes and computational demands, which often exceed the constraints of onboard computation. One major limitation arises from the large number of visual tokens required to capture fine-grained and long-context visual information, leading to increased latency and memory consumption. To address this issue, we propose Video Token Sparsification (VTS), a novel approach that leverages the inherent redundancy in consecutive video frames to significantly reduce the total number of visual tokens while preserving the most salient information. VTS employs a lightweight CNN-based proposal model to adaptively identify key frames and prune less informative tokens, effectively mitigating hallucinations and increasing inference throughput without compromising performance. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the DRAMA and LingoQA benchmarks, demonstrating the effectiveness of VTS in achieving up to a 33\% improvement in inference throughput and a 28\% reduction in memory usage compared to the baseline without compromising performance.
comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables
☆ WaveMixSR-V2: Enhancing Super-resolution with Higher Efficiency
Recent advancements in single image super-resolution have been predominantly driven by token mixers and transformer architectures. WaveMixSR utilized the WaveMix architecture, employing a two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform for spatial token mixing, achieving superior performance in super-resolution tasks with remarkable resource efficiency. In this work, we present an enhanced version of the WaveMixSR architecture by (1) replacing the traditional transpose convolution layer with a pixel shuffle operation and (2) implementing a multistage design for higher resolution tasks ($4\times$). Our experiments demonstrate that our enhanced model -- WaveMixSR-V2 -- outperforms other architectures in multiple super-resolution tasks, achieving state-of-the-art for the BSD100 dataset, while also consuming fewer resources, exhibits higher parameter efficiency, lower latency and higher throughput. Our code is available at https://github.com/pranavphoenix/WaveMixSR.
comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.00430
☆ Continual Learning of Conjugated Visual Representations through Higher-order Motion Flows
Learning with neural networks from a continuous stream of visual information presents several challenges due to the non-i.i.d. nature of the data. However, it also offers novel opportunities to develop representations that are consistent with the information flow. In this paper we investigate the case of unsupervised continual learning of pixel-wise features subject to multiple motion-induced constraints, therefore named motion-conjugated feature representations. Differently from existing approaches, motion is not a given signal (either ground-truth or estimated by external modules), but is the outcome of a progressive and autonomous learning process, occurring at various levels of the feature hierarchy. Multiple motion flows are estimated with neural networks and characterized by different levels of abstractions, spanning from traditional optical flow to other latent signals originating from higher-level features, hence called higher-order motions. Continuously learning to develop consistent multi-order flows and representations is prone to trivial solutions, which we counteract by introducing a self-supervised contrastive loss, spatially-aware and based on flow-induced similarity. We assess our model on photorealistic synthetic streams and real-world videos, comparing to pre-trained state-of-the art feature extractors (also based on Transformers) and to recent unsupervised learning models, significantly outperforming these alternatives.
comment: Currently under review
♻ ☆ Manydepth2: Motion-Aware Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation in Dynamic Scenes
Despite advancements in self-supervised monocular depth estimation, challenges persist in dynamic scenarios due to the dependence on assumptions about a static world. In this paper, we present Manydepth2, a Motion-Guided Cost Volume Depth Net, to achieve precise depth estimation for both dynamic objects and static backgrounds, all while maintaining computational efficiency. To tackle the challenges posed by dynamic content, we incorporate optical flow and coarse monocular depth to create a novel static reference frame. This frame is then utilized to build a motion-guided cost volume in collaboration with the target frame. Additionally, to enhance the accuracy and resilience of the network structure, we introduce an attention-based depth net architecture to effectively integrate information from feature maps with varying resolutions. Compared to methods with similar computational costs, Manydepth2 achieves a significant reduction of approximately five percent in root-mean-square error for self-supervised monocular depth estimation on the KITTI-2015 dataset. The code could be found: https://github.com/kaichen-z/Manydepth2
comment: Monocular Depth Estimation, Self-Supervised, Optical Flow
♻ ☆ Boundary Attention: Learning curves, corners, junctions and grouping
We present a lightweight network that infers grouping and boundaries, including curves, corners and junctions. It operates in a bottom-up fashion, analogous to classical methods for sub-pixel edge localization and edge-linking, but with a higher-dimensional representation of local boundary structure, and notions of local scale and spatial consistency that are learned instead of designed. Our network uses a mechanism that we call boundary attention: a geometry-aware local attention operation that, when applied densely and repeatedly, progressively refines a pixel-resolution field of variables that specify the boundary structure in every overlapping patch within an image. Unlike many edge detectors that produce rasterized binary edge maps, our model provides a rich, unrasterized representation of the geometric structure in every local region. We find that its intentional geometric bias allows it to be trained on simple synthetic shapes and then generalize to extracting boundaries from noisy low-light photographs.
comment: Project website at boundaryattention.github.io: http://boundaryattention.github.io
♻ ☆ GMISeg: General Medical Image Segmentation without Re-Training
Deep learning models have become the dominant method for medical image segmentation. However, they often struggle to be generalisable to unknown tasks involving new anatomical structures, labels, or shapes. In these cases, the model needs to be re-trained for the new tasks, posing a significant challenge for non-machine learning experts and requiring a considerable time investment. Here I developed a general model that can solve unknown medical image segmentation tasks without requiring additional training. Given an example set of images and visual prompts for defining new segmentation tasks, GMISeg (General Medical Image Segmentation) leverages a pre-trained image encoder based on ViT and applies a low-rank fine-tuning strategy to the prompt encoder and mask decoder to fine-tune the model without in an efficient manner. I evaluated the performance of the proposed method on medical image datasets with different imaging modalities and anatomical structures. The proposed method facilitated the deployment of pre-trained AI models to new segmentation works in a user-friendly way.
♻ ☆ MS-Twins: Multi-Scale Deep Self-Attention Networks for Medical Image Segmentation
Although transformer is preferred in natural language processing, some studies has only been applied to the field of medical imaging in recent years. For its long-term dependency, the transformer is expected to contribute to unconventional convolution neural net conquer their inherent spatial induction bias. The lately suggested transformer-based segmentation method only uses the transformer as an auxiliary module to help encode the global context into a convolutional representation. How to optimally integrate self-attention with convolution has not been investigated in depth. To solve the problem, this paper proposes MS-Twins (Multi-Scale Twins), which is a powerful segmentation model on account of the bond of self-attention and convolution. MS-Twins can better capture semantic and fine-grained information by combining different scales and cascading features. Compared with the existing network structure, MS-Twins has made progress on the previous method based on the transformer of two in common use data sets, Synapse and ACDC. In particular, the performance of MS-Twins on Synapse is 8% higher than SwinUNet. Even compared with nnUNet, the best entirely convoluted medical image segmentation network, the performance of MS-Twins on Synapse and ACDC still has a bit advantage.
♻ ☆ PMT-MAE: Dual-Branch Self-Supervised Learning with Distillation for Efficient Point Cloud Classification
Advances in self-supervised learning are essential for enhancing feature extraction and understanding in point cloud processing. This paper introduces PMT-MAE (Point MLP-Transformer Masked Autoencoder), a novel self-supervised learning framework for point cloud classification. PMT-MAE features a dual-branch architecture that integrates Transformer and MLP components to capture rich features. The Transformer branch leverages global self-attention for intricate feature interactions, while the parallel MLP branch processes tokens through shared fully connected layers, offering a complementary feature transformation pathway. A fusion mechanism then combines these features, enhancing the model's capacity to learn comprehensive 3D representations. Guided by the sophisticated teacher model Point-M2AE, PMT-MAE employs a distillation strategy that includes feature distillation during pre-training and logit distillation during fine-tuning, ensuring effective knowledge transfer. On the ModelNet40 classification task, achieving an accuracy of 93.6\% without employing voting strategy, PMT-MAE surpasses the baseline Point-MAE (93.2\%) and the teacher Point-M2AE (93.4\%), underscoring its ability to learn discriminative 3D point cloud representations. Additionally, this framework demonstrates high efficiency, requiring only 40 epochs for both pre-training and fine-tuning. PMT-MAE's effectiveness and efficiency render it well-suited for scenarios with limited computational resources, positioning it as a promising solution for practical point cloud analysis.
♻ ☆ PointMT: Efficient Point Cloud Analysis with Hybrid MLP-Transformer Architecture
In recent years, point cloud analysis methods based on the Transformer architecture have made significant progress, particularly in the context of multimedia applications such as 3D modeling, virtual reality, and autonomous systems. However, the high computational resource demands of the Transformer architecture hinder its scalability, real-time processing capabilities, and deployment on mobile devices and other platforms with limited computational resources. This limitation remains a significant obstacle to its practical application in scenarios requiring on-device intelligence and multimedia processing. To address this challenge, we propose an efficient point cloud analysis architecture, \textbf{Point} \textbf{M}LP-\textbf{T}ransformer (PointMT). This study tackles the quadratic complexity of the self-attention mechanism by introducing a linear complexity local attention mechanism for effective feature aggregation. Additionally, to counter the Transformer's focus on token differences while neglecting channel differences, we introduce a parameter-free channel temperature adaptation mechanism that adaptively adjusts the attention weight distribution in each channel, enhancing the precision of feature aggregation. To improve the Transformer's slow convergence speed due to the limited scale of point cloud datasets, we propose an MLP-Transformer hybrid module, which significantly enhances the model's convergence speed. Furthermore, to boost the feature representation capability of point tokens, we refine the classification head, enabling point tokens to directly participate in prediction. Experimental results on multiple evaluation benchmarks demonstrate that PointMT achieves performance comparable to state-of-the-art methods while maintaining an optimal balance between performance and accuracy.
♻ ☆ VideoStudio: Generating Consistent-Content and Multi-Scene Videos ECCV 2024
The recent innovations and breakthroughs in diffusion models have significantly expanded the possibilities of generating high-quality videos for the given prompts. Most existing works tackle the single-scene scenario with only one video event occurring in a single background. Extending to generate multi-scene videos nevertheless is not trivial and necessitates to nicely manage the logic in between while preserving the consistent visual appearance of key content across video scenes. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely VideoStudio, for consistent-content and multi-scene video generation. Technically, VideoStudio leverages Large Language Models (LLM) to convert the input prompt into comprehensive multi-scene script that benefits from the logical knowledge learnt by LLM. The script for each scene includes a prompt describing the event, the foreground/background entities, as well as camera movement. VideoStudio identifies the common entities throughout the script and asks LLM to detail each entity. The resultant entity description is then fed into a text-to-image model to generate a reference image for each entity. Finally, VideoStudio outputs a multi-scene video by generating each scene video via a diffusion process that takes the reference images, the descriptive prompt of the event and camera movement into account. The diffusion model incorporates the reference images as the condition and alignment to strengthen the content consistency of multi-scene videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VideoStudio outperforms the SOTA video generation models in terms of visual quality, content consistency, and user preference. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/FuchenUSTC/VideoStudio}.
comment: ECCV 2024. Source code is available at https://github.com/FuchenUSTC/VideoStudio
♻ ☆ DreamVideo: High-Fidelity Image-to-Video Generation with Image Retention and Text Guidance
Image-to-video generation, which aims to generate a video starting from a given reference image, has drawn great attention. Existing methods try to extend pre-trained text-guided image diffusion models to image-guided video generation models. Nevertheless, these methods often result in either low fidelity or flickering over time due to their limitation to shallow image guidance and poor temporal consistency. To tackle these problems, we propose a high-fidelity image-to-video generation method by devising a frame retention branch based on a pre-trained video diffusion model, named DreamVideo. Instead of integrating the reference image into the diffusion process at a semantic level, our DreamVideo perceives the reference image via convolution layers and concatenates the features with the noisy latents as model input. By this means, the details of the reference image can be preserved to the greatest extent. In addition, by incorporating double-condition classifier-free guidance, a single image can be directed to videos of different actions by providing varying prompt texts. This has significant implications for controllable video generation and holds broad application prospects. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the public dataset, and both quantitative and qualitative results indicate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method. Especially for fidelity, our model has a powerful image retention ability and delivers the best results in UCF101 compared to other image-to-video models to our best knowledge. Also, precise control can be achieved by giving different text prompts. Further details and comprehensive results of our model will be presented in https://anonymous0769.github.io/DreamVideo/.
♻ ☆ EasyControl: Transfer ControlNet to Video Diffusion for Controllable Generation and Interpolation
Following the advancements in text-guided image generation technology exemplified by Stable Diffusion, video generation is gaining increased attention in the academic community. However, relying solely on text guidance for video generation has serious limitations, as videos contain much richer content than images, especially in terms of motion. This information can hardly be adequately described with plain text. Fortunately, in computer vision, various visual representations can serve as additional control signals to guide generation. With the help of these signals, video generation can be controlled in finer detail, allowing for greater flexibility for different applications. Integrating various controls, however, is nontrivial. In this paper, we propose a universal framework called EasyControl. By propagating and injecting condition features through condition adapters, our method enables users to control video generation with a single condition map. With our framework, various conditions including raw pixels, depth, HED, etc., can be integrated into different Unet-based pre-trained video diffusion models at a low practical cost. We conduct comprehensive experiments on public datasets, and both quantitative and qualitative results indicate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods. EasyControl significantly improves various evaluation metrics across multiple validation datasets compared to previous works. Specifically, for the sketch-to-video generation task, EasyControl achieves an improvement of 152.0 on FVD and 19.9 on IS, respectively, in UCF101 compared with VideoComposer. For fidelity, our model demonstrates powerful image retention ability, resulting in high FVD and IS in UCF101 and MSR-VTT compared to other image-to-video models.
♻ ☆ Efficient Point Cloud Classification via Offline Distillation Framework and Negative-Weight Self-Distillation Technique
The rapid advancement in point cloud processing technologies has significantly increased the demand for efficient and compact models that achieve high-accuracy classification. Knowledge distillation has emerged as a potent model compression technique. However, traditional KD often requires extensive computational resources for forward inference of large teacher models, thereby reducing training efficiency for student models and increasing resource demands. To address these challenges, we introduce an innovative offline recording strategy that avoids the simultaneous loading of both teacher and student models, thereby reducing hardware demands. This approach feeds a multitude of augmented samples into the teacher model, recording both the data augmentation parameters and the corresponding logit outputs. By applying shape-level augmentation operations such as random scaling and translation, while excluding point-level operations like random jittering, the size of the records is significantly reduced. Additionally, to mitigate the issue of small student model over-imitating the teacher model's outputs and converging to suboptimal solutions, we incorporate a negative-weight self-distillation strategy. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed distillation strategy enables the student model to achieve performance comparable to state-of-the-art models while maintaining lower parameter count. This approach strikes an optimal balance between performance and complexity. This study highlights the potential of our method to optimize knowledge distillation for point cloud classification tasks, particularly in resource-constrained environments, providing a novel solution for efficient point cloud analysis.
♻ ☆ Beyond Bare Queries: Open-Vocabulary Object Grounding with 3D Scene Graph
Locating objects described in natural language presents a significant challenge for autonomous agents. Existing CLIP-based open-vocabulary methods successfully perform 3D object grounding with simple (bare) queries, but cannot cope with ambiguous descriptions that demand an understanding of object relations. To tackle this problem, we propose a modular approach called BBQ (Beyond Bare Queries), which constructs 3D scene graph representation with metric and semantic edges and utilizes a large language model as a human-to-agent interface through our deductive scene reasoning algorithm. BBQ employs robust DINO-powered associations to construct 3D object-centric map and an advanced raycasting algorithm with a 2D vision-language model to describe them as graph nodes. On the Replica and ScanNet datasets, we have demonstrated that BBQ takes a leading place in open-vocabulary 3D semantic segmentation compared to other zero-shot methods. Also, we show that leveraging spatial relations is especially effective for scenes containing multiple entities of the same semantic class. On challenging Sr3D+, Nr3D and ScanRefer benchmarks, our deductive approach demonstrates a significant improvement, enabling objects grounding by complex queries compared to other state-of-the-art methods. The combination of our design choices and software implementation has resulted in significant data processing speed in experiments on the robot on-board computer. This promising performance enables the application of our approach in intelligent robotics projects. We made the code publicly available at https://linukc.github.io/BeyondBareQueries/.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables
♻ ☆ Mitigate the Gap: Investigating Approaches for Improving Cross-Modal Alignment in CLIP
Contrastive Language--Image Pre-training (CLIP) has manifested remarkable improvements in zero-shot classification and cross-modal vision-language tasks. Yet, from a geometrical point of view, the CLIP embedding space has been found to have a pronounced modality gap. This gap renders the embedding space overly sparse and disconnected, with different modalities being densely distributed in distinct subregions of the hypersphere. In this work, we aim at answering three main questions: 1. Does sharing the parameter space between the multi-modal encoders reduce the modality gap? 2. Can the gap be mitigated by pushing apart the uni-modal embeddings via intra-modality separation? 3. How do these gap reduction approaches affect the downstream performance? We design AlignCLIP, in order to answer these questions and through extensive experiments, we show that AlignCLIP achieves noticeable enhancements in the cross-modal alignment of the embeddings, and thereby, reduces the modality gap, while improving the performance across several zero-shot and fine-tuning downstream evaluations.
♻ ☆ PointViG: A Lightweight GNN-based Model for Efficient Point Cloud Analysis
In the domain of point cloud analysis, despite the significant capabilities of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in managing complex 3D datasets, existing approaches encounter challenges like high computational costs and scalability issues with extensive scenarios. These limitations restrict the practical deployment of GNNs, notably in resource-constrained environments. To address these issues, this study introduce Point<\b> Vi<\b>sion G<\b>NN (PointViG), an efficient framework for point cloud analysis. PointViG incorporates a lightweight graph convolutional module to efficiently aggregate local features and mitigate over-smoothing. For large-scale point cloud scenes, we propose an adaptive dilated graph convolution technique that searches for sparse neighboring nodes within a dilated neighborhood based on semantic correlation, thereby expanding the receptive field and ensuring computational efficiency. Experiments demonstrate that PointViG achieves performance comparable to state-of-the-art models while balancing performance and complexity. On the ModelNet40 classification task, PointViG achieved 94.3% accuracy with 1.5M parameters. For the S3DIS segmentation task, it achieved an mIoU of 71.7% with 5.3M parameters. These results underscore the potential and efficiency of PointViG in point cloud analysis.
♻ ☆ Quantifying and Learning Static vs. Dynamic Information in Deep Spatiotemporal Networks
There is limited understanding of the information captured by deep spatiotemporal models in their intermediate representations. For example, while evidence suggests that action recognition algorithms are heavily influenced by visual appearance in single frames, no quantitative methodology exists for evaluating such static bias in the latent representation compared to bias toward dynamics. We tackle this challenge by proposing an approach for quantifying the static and dynamic biases of any spatiotemporal model, and apply our approach to three tasks, action recognition, automatic video object segmentation (AVOS) and video instance segmentation (VIS). Our key findings are: (i) Most examined models are biased toward static information. (ii) Some datasets that are assumed to be biased toward dynamics are actually biased toward static information. (iii) Individual channels in an architecture can be biased toward static, dynamic or a combination of the two. (iv) Most models converge to their culminating biases in the first half of training. We then explore how these biases affect performance on dynamically biased datasets. For action recognition, we propose StaticDropout, a semantically guided dropout that debiases a model from static information toward dynamics. For AVOS, we design a better combination of fusion and cross connection layers compared with previous architectures.
comment: TPAMI 2024
♻ ☆ Model Selection of Anomaly Detectors in the Absence of Labeled Validation Data
Anomaly detection is the task of identifying abnormal samples in large unlabeled datasets. While the advent of foundation models has produced powerful zero-shot anomaly detection methods, their deployment in practice is often hindered by the absence of labeled validation data -- without it, their detection performance cannot be evaluated reliably. In this work, we propose SWSA (Selection With Synthetic Anomalies): a general-purpose framework to select image-based anomaly detectors without labeled validation data. Instead of collecting labeled validation data, we generate synthetic anomalies without any training or fine-tuning, using only a small support set of normal images. Our synthetic anomalies are used to create detection tasks that compose a validation framework for model selection. In an empirical study, we evaluate SWSA with three types of synthetic anomalies and on two selection tasks: model selection of image-based anomaly detectors and prompt selection for CLIP-based anomaly detection. SWSA often selects models and prompts that match selections made with a ground-truth validation set, outperforming baseline selection strategies.
comment: 14 pages
♻ ☆ SMAFormer: Synergistic Multi-Attention Transformer for Medical Image Segmentation
In medical image segmentation, specialized computer vision techniques, notably transformers grounded in attention mechanisms and residual networks employing skip connections, have been instrumental in advancing performance. Nonetheless, previous models often falter when segmenting small, irregularly shaped tumors. To this end, we introduce SMAFormer, an efficient, Transformer-based architecture that fuses multiple attention mechanisms for enhanced segmentation of small tumors and organs. SMAFormer can capture both local and global features for medical image segmentation. The architecture comprises two pivotal components. First, a Synergistic Multi-Attention (SMA) Transformer block is proposed, which has the benefits of Pixel Attention, Channel Attention, and Spatial Attention for feature enrichment. Second, addressing the challenge of information loss incurred during attention mechanism transitions and feature fusion, we design a Feature Fusion Modulator. This module bolsters the integration between the channel and spatial attention by mitigating reshaping-induced information attrition. To evaluate our method, we conduct extensive experiments on various medical image segmentation tasks, including multi-organ, liver tumor, and bladder tumor segmentation, achieving state-of-the-art results. Code and models are available at: \url{https://github.com/CXH-Research/SMAFormer}.
comment: Accepted by IEEE BIBM 2024
♻ ☆ Aligning Machine and Human Visual Representations across Abstraction Levels
Deep neural networks have achieved success across a wide range of applications, including as models of human behavior in vision tasks. However, neural network training and human learning differ in fundamental ways, and neural networks often fail to generalize as robustly as humans do, raising questions regarding the similarity of their underlying representations. What is missing for modern learning systems to exhibit more human-like behavior? We highlight a key misalignment between vision models and humans: whereas human conceptual knowledge is hierarchically organized from fine- to coarse-scale distinctions, model representations do not accurately capture all these levels of abstraction. To address this misalignment, we first train a teacher model to imitate human judgments, then transfer human-like structure from its representations into pretrained state-of-the-art vision foundation models. These human-aligned models more accurately approximate human behavior and uncertainty across a wide range of similarity tasks, including a new dataset of human judgments spanning multiple levels of semantic abstractions. They also perform better on a diverse set of machine learning tasks, increasing generalization and out-of-distribution robustness. Thus, infusing neural networks with additional human knowledge yields a best-of-both-worlds representation that is both more consistent with human cognition and more practically useful, thus paving the way toward more robust, interpretable, and human-like artificial intelligence systems.
comment: 51 pages
♻ ☆ CoReEcho: Continuous Representation Learning for 2D+time Echocardiography Analysis
Deep learning (DL) models have been advancing automatic medical image analysis on various modalities, including echocardiography, by offering a comprehensive end-to-end training pipeline. This approach enables DL models to regress ejection fraction (EF) directly from 2D+time echocardiograms, resulting in superior performance. However, the end-to-end training pipeline makes the learned representations less explainable. The representations may also fail to capture the continuous relation among echocardiogram clips, indicating the existence of spurious correlations, which can negatively affect the generalization. To mitigate this issue, we propose CoReEcho, a novel training framework emphasizing continuous representations tailored for direct EF regression. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that CoReEcho: 1) outperforms the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the largest echocardiography dataset (EchoNet-Dynamic) with MAE of 3.90 & R2 of 82.44, and 2) provides robust and generalizable features that transfer more effectively in related downstream tasks. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/fadamsyah/CoReEcho.
♻ ☆ Prior Knowledge Integration via LLM Encoding and Pseudo Event Regulation for Video Moment Retrieval
In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of leveraging large language models (LLMs) for integrating general knowledge and incorporating pseudo-events as priors for temporal content distribution in video moment retrieval (VMR) models. The motivation behind this study arises from the limitations of using LLMs as decoders for generating discrete textual descriptions, which hinders their direct application to continuous outputs like salience scores and inter-frame embeddings that capture inter-frame relations. To overcome these limitations, we propose utilizing LLM encoders instead of decoders. Through a feasibility study, we demonstrate that LLM encoders effectively refine inter-concept relations in multimodal embeddings, even without being trained on textual embeddings. We also show that the refinement capability of LLM encoders can be transferred to other embeddings, such as BLIP and T5, as long as these embeddings exhibit similar inter-concept similarity patterns to CLIP embeddings. We present a general framework for integrating LLM encoders into existing VMR architectures, specifically within the fusion module. Through experimental validation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods by achieving state-of-the-art performance in VMR. The source code can be accessed at https://github.com/fletcherjiang/LLMEPET.
comment: Accepted to ACM Multimedia 2024
♻ ☆ CLIPCleaner: Cleaning Noisy Labels with CLIP
Learning with Noisy labels (LNL) poses a significant challenge for the Machine Learning community. Some of the most widely used approaches that select as clean samples for which the model itself (the in-training model) has high confidence, e.g., `small loss', can suffer from the so called `self-confirmation' bias. This bias arises because the in-training model, is at least partially trained on the noisy labels. Furthermore, in the classification case, an additional challenge arises because some of the label noise is between classes that are visually very similar (`hard noise'). This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a method (\textit{CLIPCleaner}) that leverages CLIP, a powerful Vision-Language (VL) model for constructing a zero-shot classifier for efficient, offline, clean sample selection. This has the advantage that the sample selection is decoupled from the in-training model and that the sample selection is aware of the semantic and visual similarities between the classes due to the way that CLIP is trained. We provide theoretical justifications and empirical evidence to demonstrate the advantages of CLIP for LNL compared to conventional pre-trained models. Compared to current methods that combine iterative sample selection with various techniques, \textit{CLIPCleaner} offers a simple, single-step approach that achieves competitive or superior performance on benchmark datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a VL model has been used for sample selection to address the problem of Learning with Noisy Labels (LNL), highlighting their potential in the domain.
comment: Accepted to ACMMM2024. Codes are available at https://github.com/MrChenFeng/CLIPCleaner_ACMMM2024
♻ ☆ Knowledge Discovery in Optical Music Recognition: Enhancing Information Retrieval with Instance Segmentation
Optical Music Recognition (OMR) automates the transcription of musical notation from images into machine-readable formats like MusicXML, MEI, or MIDI, significantly reducing the costs and time of manual transcription. This study explores knowledge discovery in OMR by applying instance segmentation using Mask R-CNN to enhance the detection and delineation of musical symbols in sheet music. Unlike Optical Character Recognition (OCR), OMR must handle the intricate semantics of Common Western Music Notation (CWMN), where symbol meanings depend on shape, position, and context. Our approach leverages instance segmentation to manage the density and overlap of musical symbols, facilitating more precise information retrieval from music scores. Evaluations on the DoReMi and MUSCIMA++ datasets demonstrate substantial improvements, with our method achieving a mean Average Precision (mAP) of up to 59.70\% in dense symbol environments, achieving comparable results to object detection. Furthermore, using traditional computer vision techniques, we add a parallel step for staff detection to infer the pitch for the recognised symbols. This study emphasises the role of pixel-wise segmentation in advancing accurate music symbol recognition, contributing to knowledge discovery in OMR. Our findings indicate that instance segmentation provides more precise representations of musical symbols, particularly in densely populated scores, advancing OMR technology. We make our implementation, pre-processing scripts, trained models, and evaluation results publicly available to support further research and development.
comment: 8 pages content and one references, accepted version at the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval 2024, Porto, Portugal
♻ ☆ Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Visual State Space Models
Vision State Space Models (VSSMs), a novel architecture that combines the strengths of recurrent neural networks and latent variable models, have demonstrated remarkable performance in visual perception tasks by efficiently capturing long-range dependencies and modeling complex visual dynamics. However, their robustness under natural and adversarial perturbations remains a critical concern. In this work, we present a comprehensive evaluation of VSSMs' robustness under various perturbation scenarios, including occlusions, image structure, common corruptions, and adversarial attacks, and compare their performance to well-established architectures such as transformers and Convolutional Neural Networks. Furthermore, we investigate the resilience of VSSMs to object-background compositional changes on sophisticated benchmarks designed to test model performance in complex visual scenes. We also assess their robustness on object detection and segmentation tasks using corrupted datasets that mimic real-world scenarios. To gain a deeper understanding of VSSMs' adversarial robustness, we conduct a frequency-based analysis of adversarial attacks, evaluating their performance against low-frequency and high-frequency perturbations. Our findings highlight the strengths and limitations of VSSMs in handling complex visual corruptions, offering valuable insights for future research. Our code and models will be available at https://github.com/HashmatShadab/MambaRobustness.
♻ ☆ AD-CLIP: Adapting Domains in Prompt Space Using CLIP ICCV
Although deep learning models have shown impressive performance on supervised learning tasks, they often struggle to generalize well when the training (source) and test (target) domains differ. Unsupervised domain adaptation (DA) has emerged as a popular solution to this problem. However, current DA techniques rely on visual backbones, which may lack semantic richness. Despite the potential of large-scale vision-language foundation models like CLIP, their effectiveness for DA has yet to be fully explored. To address this gap, we introduce \textsc{AD-CLIP}, a domain-agnostic prompt learning strategy for CLIP that aims to solve the DA problem in the prompt space. We leverage the frozen vision backbone of CLIP to extract both image style (domain) and content information, which we apply to learn prompt tokens. Our prompts are designed to be domain-invariant and class-generalizable, by conditioning prompt learning on image style and content features simultaneously. We use standard supervised contrastive learning in the source domain, while proposing an entropy minimization strategy to align domains in the embedding space given the target domain data. We also consider a scenario where only target domain samples are available during testing, without any source domain data, and propose a cross-domain style mapping network to hallucinate domain-agnostic tokens. Our extensive experiments on three benchmark DA datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of \textsc{AD-CLIP} compared to existing literature. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/mainaksingha01/AD-CLIP}
comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted at OOD-CV, ICCV Workshop, 2023
♻ ☆ NGD-SLAM: Towards Real-Time Dynamic SLAM without GPU
Existing SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) algorithms have achieved remarkable localization accuracy in dynamic environments by using deep learning techniques to identify dynamic objects. However, they usually require GPUs to operate in real-time. Therefore, this paper proposes an open-source real-time dynamic SLAM system that runs solely on CPU by incorporating a mask prediction mechanism, which allows the deep learning method and the camera tracking to run entirely in parallel at different frequencies. Our SLAM system further introduces a dual-stage optical flow tracking approach and employs a hybrid usage of optical flow and ORB features, enhancing efficiency and robustness by selectively allocating computational resources to input frames. Compared with previous methods, our system maintains high localization accuracy in dynamic environments while achieving a tracking frame rate of 56 FPS on a laptop CPU, proving that deep learning methods are feasible for dynamic SLAM without GPU support. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SLAM system to achieve this.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ A Closer Look at the Explainability of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training
Contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) is a powerful vision-language model that has shown great benefits for various tasks. However, we have identified some issues with its explainability, which undermine its credibility and limit the capacity for related tasks. Specifically, we find that CLIP tends to focus on background regions rather than foregrounds, with noisy activations at irrelevant positions on the visualization results. These phenomena conflict with conventional explainability methods based on the class attention map (CAM), where the raw model can highlight the local foreground regions using global supervision without alignment. To address these problems, we take a closer look at its architecture and features. Based on thorough analyses, we find the raw self-attentions link to inconsistent semantic regions, resulting in the opposite visualization. Besides, the noisy activations are owing to redundant features among categories. Building on these insights, we propose the CLIP Surgery for reliable CAM, a method that allows surgery-like modifications to the inference architecture and features, without further fine-tuning as classical CAM methods. This approach significantly improves the explainability of CLIP, surpassing existing methods by large margins. Besides, it enables multimodal visualization and extends the capacity of raw CLIP on open-vocabulary tasks without extra alignment. The code is available at https://github.com/xmed-lab/CLIP_Surgery.
comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, under review
♻ ☆ Mitigating analytical variability in fMRI results with style transfer
We propose a novel approach to improve the reproducibility of neuroimaging results by converting statistic maps across different functional MRI pipelines. We make the assumption that pipelines used to compute fMRI statistic maps can be considered as a style component and we propose to use different generative models, among which, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Diffusion Models (DM) to convert statistic maps across different pipelines. We explore the performance of multiple GAN frameworks, and design a new DM framework for unsupervised multi-domain styletransfer. We constrain the generation of 3D fMRI statistic maps using the latent space of an auxiliary classifier that distinguishes statistic maps from different pipelines and extend traditional sampling techniques used in DM to improve the transition performance. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed methods aresuccessful: pipelines can indeed be transferred as a style component, providing animportant source of data augmentation for future medical studies.
♻ ☆ Eye in the Sky: Detection and Compliance Monitoring of Brick Kilns using Satellite Imagery
Air pollution kills 7 million people annually. The brick manufacturing industry accounts for 8%-14% of air pollution in the densely populated Indo-Gangetic plain. Due to the unorganized nature of brick kilns, policy violation detection, such as proximity to human habitats, remains challenging. While previous studies have utilized computer vision-based machine learning methods for brick kiln detection from satellite imagery, they utilize proprietary satellite data and rarely focus on compliance with government policies. In this research, we introduce a scalable framework for brick kiln detection and automatic compliance monitoring. We use Google Maps Static API to download the satellite imagery followed by the YOLOv8x model for detection. We identified and hand-verified 19579 new brick kilns across 9 states within the Indo-Gangetic plain. Furthermore, we automate and test the compliance to the policies affecting human habitats, rivers and hospitals. Our results show that a substantial number of brick kilns do not meet the compliance requirements. Our framework offers a valuable tool for governments worldwide to automate and enforce policy regulations for brick kilns, addressing critical environmental and public health concerns.
comment: The PI was not in favor of making the work public on arXiv as the content is not yet ready to be released
♻ ☆ Depth Restoration of Hand-Held Transparent Objects for Human-to-Robot Handover
Transparent objects are common in daily life, while their optical properties pose challenges for RGB-D cameras to capture accurate depth information. This issue is further amplified when these objects are hand-held, as hand occlusions further complicate depth estimation. For assistant robots, however, accurately perceiving hand-held transparent objects is critical to effective human-robot interaction. This paper presents a Hand-Aware Depth Restoration (HADR) method based on creating an implicit neural representation function from a single RGB-D image. The proposed method utilizes hand posture as an important guidance to leverage semantic and geometric information of hand-object interaction. To train and evaluate the proposed method, we create a high-fidelity synthetic dataset named TransHand-14K with a real-to-sim data generation scheme. Experiments show that our method has better performance and generalization ability compared with existing methods. We further develop a real-world human-to-robot handover system based on HADR, demonstrating its potential in human-robot interaction applications.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, conference
♻ ☆ InfNeRF: Towards Infinite Scale NeRF Rendering with O(log n) Space Complexity
The conventional mesh-based Level of Detail (LoD) technique, exemplified by applications such as Google Earth and many game engines, exhibits the capability to holistically represent a large scene even the Earth, and achieves rendering with a space complexity of O(log n). This constrained data requirement not only enhances rendering efficiency but also facilitates dynamic data fetching, thereby enabling a seamless 3D navigation experience for users. In this work, we extend this proven LoD technique to Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) by introducing an octree structure to represent the scenes in different scales. This innovative approach provides a mathematically simple and elegant representation with a rendering space complexity of O(log n), aligned with the efficiency of mesh-based LoD techniques. We also present a novel training strategy that maintains a complexity of O(n). This strategy allows for parallel training with minimal overhead, ensuring the scalability and efficiency of our proposed method. Our contribution is not only in extending the capabilities of existing techniques but also in establishing a foundation for scalable and efficient large-scale scene representation using NeRF and octree structures.
comment: 10 pages, version accepted by Siggraph Asia
♻ ☆ A Two-Stage Progressive Pre-training using Multi-Modal Contrastive Masked Autoencoders
In this paper, we propose a new progressive pre-training method for image understanding tasks which leverages RGB-D datasets. The method utilizes Multi-Modal Contrastive Masked Autoencoder and Denoising techniques. Our proposed approach consists of two stages. In the first stage, we pre-train the model using contrastive learning to learn cross-modal representations. In the second stage, we further pre-train the model using masked autoencoding and denoising/noise prediction used in diffusion models. Masked autoencoding focuses on reconstructing the missing patches in the input modality using local spatial correlations, while denoising learns high frequency components of the input data. Moreover, it incorporates global distillation in the second stage by leveraging the knowledge acquired in stage one. Our approach is scalable, robust and suitable for pre-training RGB-D datasets. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets such as ScanNet, NYUv2 and SUN RGB-D show the efficacy and superior performance of our approach. Specifically, we show an improvement of +1.3% mIoU against Mask3D on ScanNet semantic segmentation. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in low-data regime by evaluating it for semantic segmentation task against the state-of-the-art methods.
♻ ☆ Mamba-YOLO-World: Marrying YOLO-World with Mamba for Open-Vocabulary Detection
Open-vocabulary detection (OVD) aims to detect objects beyond a predefined set of categories. As a pioneering model incorporating the YOLO series into OVD, YOLO-World is well-suited for scenarios prioritizing speed and efficiency. However, its performance is hindered by its neck feature fusion mechanism, which causes the quadratic complexity and the limited guided receptive fields. To address these limitations, we present Mamba-YOLO-World, a novel YOLO-based OVD model employing the proposed MambaFusion Path Aggregation Network (MambaFusion-PAN) as its neck architecture. Specifically, we introduce an innovative State Space Model-based feature fusion mechanism consisting of a Parallel-Guided Selective Scan algorithm and a Serial-Guided Selective Scan algorithm with linear complexity and globally guided receptive fields. It leverages multi-modal input sequences and mamba hidden states to guide the selective scanning process. Experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms the original YOLO-World on the COCO and LVIS benchmarks in both zero-shot and fine-tuning settings while maintaining comparable parameters and FLOPs. Additionally, it surpasses existing state-of-the-art OVD methods with fewer parameters and FLOPs.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Towards Adversarial Robustness And Backdoor Mitigation in SSL
Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) has shown great promise in learning representations from unlabeled data. The power of learning representations without the need for human annotations has made SSL a widely used technique in real-world problems. However, SSL methods have recently been shown to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where the learned model can be exploited by adversaries to manipulate the learned representations, either through tampering the training data distribution, or via modifying the model itself. This work aims to address defending against backdoor attacks in SSL, where the adversary has access to a realistic fraction of the SSL training data, and no access to the model. We use novel methods that are computationally efficient as well as generalizable across different problem settings. We also investigate the adversarial robustness of SSL models when trained with our method, and show insights into increased robustness in SSL via frequency domain augmentations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a variety of SSL benchmarks, and show that our method is able to mitigate backdoor attacks while maintaining high performance on downstream tasks. Code for our work is available at github.com/Aryan-Satpathy/Backdoor
comment: 8 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ Npix2Cpix: A GAN-Based Image-to-Image Translation Network With Retrieval- Classification Integration for Watermark Retrieval From Historical Document Images
The identification and restoration of ancient watermarks have long been a major topic in codicology and history. Classifying historical documents based on watermarks is challenging due to their diversity, noisy samples, multiple representation modes, and minor distinctions between classes and intra-class variations. This paper proposes a modified U-net-based conditional generative adversarial network (GAN) named Npix2Cpix to translate noisy raw historical watermarked images into clean, handwriting-free watermarked images by performing image translation from degraded (noisy) pixels to clean pixels. Using image-to-image translation and adversarial learning, the network creates clutter-free images for watermark restoration and categorization. The generator and discriminator of the proposed GAN are trained using two separate loss functions, each based on the distance between images, to learn the mapping from the input noisy image to the output clean image. After using the proposed GAN to pre-process noisy watermarked images, Siamese-based one-shot learning is employed for watermark classification. Experimental results on a large-scale historical watermark dataset demonstrate that cleaning the noisy watermarked images can help to achieve high one-shot classification accuracy. The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the retrieved watermarked image highlights the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
♻ ☆ SSTD: Stripe-Like Space Target Detection Using Single-Point Weak Supervision
Stripe-like space target detection (SSTD) plays a key role in enhancing space situational awareness and assessing spacecraft behaviour. This domain faces three challenges: the lack of publicly available datasets, interference from stray light and stars, and the variability of stripe-like targets, which makes manual labeling both inaccurate and labor-intensive. In response, we introduces `AstroStripeSet', a pioneering dataset designed for SSTD, aiming to bridge the gap in academic resources and advance research in SSTD. Furthermore, we propose a novel teacher-student label evolution framework with single-point weak supervision, providing a new solution to the challenges of manual labeling. This framework starts with generating initial pseudo-labels using the zero-shot capabilities of the Segment Anything Model (SAM) in a single-point setting. After that, the fine-tuned StripeSAM serves as the teacher and the newly developed StripeNet as the student, consistently improving segmentation performance through label evolution, which iteratively refines these labels. We also introduce `GeoDice', a new loss function customized for the linear characteristics of stripe-like targets. Extensive experiments show that our method matches fully supervised approaches, exhibits strong zero-shot generalization for diverse space-based and ground-based real-world images, and sets a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) benchmark. Our AstroStripeSet dataset and code will be made publicly available.
♻ ☆ LightningDrag: Lightning Fast and Accurate Drag-based Image Editing Emerging from Videos
Accuracy and speed are critical in image editing tasks. Pan et al. introduced a drag-based image editing framework that achieves pixel-level control using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). A flurry of subsequent studies enhanced this framework's generality by leveraging large-scale diffusion models. However, these methods often suffer from inordinately long processing times (exceeding 1 minute per edit) and low success rates. Addressing these issues head on, we present LightningDrag, a rapid approach enabling high quality drag-based image editing in ~1 second. Unlike most previous methods, we redefine drag-based editing as a conditional generation task, eliminating the need for time-consuming latent optimization or gradient-based guidance during inference. In addition, the design of our pipeline allows us to train our model on large-scale paired video frames, which contain rich motion information such as object translations, changing poses and orientations, zooming in and out, etc. By learning from videos, our approach can significantly outperform previous methods in terms of accuracy and consistency. Despite being trained solely on videos, our model generalizes well to perform local shape deformations not presented in the training data (e.g., lengthening of hair, twisting rainbows, etc.). Extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations on benchmark datasets corroborate the superiority of our approach. The code and model will be released at https://github.com/magic-research/LightningDrag.
comment: Project page: https://lightning-drag.github.io/
♻ ☆ InterACT: Inter-dependency Aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers for Bimanual Manipulation
We present InterACT: Inter-dependency aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers, a novel imitation learning framework for bimanual manipulation that integrates hierarchical attention to capture inter-dependencies between dual-arm joint states and visual inputs. InterACT consists of a Hierarchical Attention Encoder and a Multi-arm Decoder, both designed to enhance information aggregation and coordination. The encoder processes multi-modal inputs through segment-wise and cross-segment attention mechanisms, while the decoder leverages synchronization blocks to refine individual action predictions, providing the counterpart's prediction as context. Our experiments on a variety of simulated and real-world bimanual manipulation tasks demonstrate that InterACT significantly outperforms existing methods. Detailed ablation studies validate the contributions of key components of our work, including the impact of CLS tokens, cross-segment encoders, and synchronization blocks.
comment: Accepted at Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
♻ ☆ Rethinking Self-training for Semi-supervised Landmark Detection: A Selection-free Approach
Self-training is a simple yet effective method for semi-supervised learning, during which pseudo-label selection plays an important role for handling confirmation bias. Despite its popularity, applying self-training to landmark detection faces three problems: 1) The selected confident pseudo-labels often contain data bias, which may hurt model performance; 2) It is not easy to decide a proper threshold for sample selection as the localization task can be sensitive to noisy pseudo-labels; 3) coordinate regression does not output confidence, making selection-based self-training infeasible. To address the above issues, we propose Self-Training for Landmark Detection (STLD), a method that does not require explicit pseudo-label selection. Instead, STLD constructs a task curriculum to deal with confirmation bias, which progressively transitions from more confident to less confident tasks over the rounds of self-training. Pseudo pretraining and shrink regression are two essential components for such a curriculum, where the former is the first task of the curriculum for providing a better model initialization and the latter is further added in the later rounds to directly leverage the pseudo-labels in a coarse-to-fine manner. Experiments on three facial and one medical landmark detection benchmark show that STLD outperforms the existing methods consistently in both semi- and omni-supervised settings. The code is available at https://github.com/jhb86253817/STLD.
comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
♻ ☆ NeRFmentation: NeRF-based Augmentation for Monocular Depth Estimation
The capabilities of monocular depth estimation (MDE) models are limited by the availability of sufficient and diverse datasets. In the case of MDE models for autonomous driving, this issue is exacerbated by the linearity of the captured data trajectories. We propose a NeRF-based data augmentation pipeline to introduce synthetic data with more diverse viewing directions into training datasets and demonstrate the benefits of our approach to model performance and robustness. Our data augmentation pipeline, which we call \textit{NeRFmentation}, trains NeRFs on each scene in a dataset, filters out subpar NeRFs based on relevant metrics, and uses them to generate synthetic RGB-D images captured from new viewing directions. In this work, we apply our technique in conjunction with three state-of-the-art MDE architectures on the popular autonomous driving dataset, KITTI, augmenting its training set of the Eigen split. We evaluate the resulting performance gain on the original test set, a separate popular driving dataset, and our own synthetic test set.
♻ ☆ PoseGravity: Pose Estimation from Points and Lines with Axis Prior
This paper presents a new algorithm to estimate absolute camera pose given an axis of the camera's rotation matrix. Current algorithms solve the problem via algebraic solutions on limited input domains. This paper shows that the problem can be solved efficiently by finding the intersection points of a hyperbola and the unit circle. The solution can flexibly accommodate combinations of point and line features in minimal and overconstrained configurations. In addition, the two special cases of planar and minimal configurations are identified to yield simpler closed-form solutions. Extensive experiments validate the approach.
comment: Updated proof of rank bound in minimal configurations; fixed typos. 10 pages
♻ ☆ Mean-AP Guided Reinforced Active Learning for Object Detection
Active learning strategies aim to train high-performance models with minimal labeled data by selecting the most informative instances for labeling. However, existing methods for assessing data informativeness often fail to align directly with task model performance metrics, such as mean average precision (mAP) in object detection. This paper introduces Mean-AP Guided Reinforced Active Learning for Object Detection (MGRAL), a novel approach that leverages the concept of expected model output changes as informativeness for deep detection networks, directly optimizing the sampling strategy using mAP. MGRAL employs a reinforcement learning agent based on LSTM architecture to efficiently navigate the combinatorial challenge of batch sample selection and the non-differentiable nature between performance and selected batches. The agent optimizes selection using policy gradient with mAP improvement as the reward signal. To address the computational intensity of mAP estimation with unlabeled samples, we implement fast look-up tables, ensuring real-world feasibility. We evaluate MGRAL on PASCAL VOC and MS COCO benchmarks across various backbone architectures. Our approach demonstrates strong performance, establishing a new paradigm in reinforcement learning-based active learning for object detection.
♻ ☆ GISR: Geometric Initialization and Silhouette-based Refinement for Single-View Robot Pose and Configuration Estimation
In autonomous robotics, measurement of the robot's internal state and perception of its environment, including interaction with other agents such as collaborative robots, are essential. Estimating the pose of the robot arm from a single view has the potential to replace classical eye-to-hand calibration approaches and is particularly attractive for online estimation and dynamic environments. In addition to its pose, recovering the robot configuration provides a complete spatial understanding of the observed robot that can be used to anticipate the actions of other agents in advanced robotics use cases. Furthermore, this additional redundancy enables the planning and execution of recovery protocols in case of sensor failures or external disturbances. We introduce GISR - a deep configuration and robot-to-camera pose estimation method that prioritizes execution in real-time. GISR consists of two modules: (i) a geometric initialization module that efficiently computes an approximate robot pose and configuration, and (ii) a deep iterative silhouette-based refinement module that arrives at a final solution in just a few iterations. We evaluate GISR on publicly available data and show that it outperforms existing methods of the same class in terms of both speed and accuracy, and can compete with approaches that rely on ground-truth proprioception and recover only the pose.
comment: Accepted for publication in the Robotics and Automation Letters 2024
♻ ☆ Enhancing Image Layout Control with Loss-Guided Diffusion Models
Diffusion models are a powerful class of generative models capable of producing high-quality images from pure noise using a simple text prompt. While most methods which introduce additional spatial constraints into the generated images (e.g., bounding boxes) require fine-tuning, a smaller and more recent subset of these methods take advantage of the models' attention mechanism, and are training-free. These methods generally fall into one of two categories. The first entails modifying the cross-attention maps of specific tokens directly to enhance the signal in certain regions of the image. The second works by defining a loss function over the cross-attention maps, and using the gradient of this loss to guide the latent. While previous work explores these as alternative strategies, we provide an interpretation for these methods which highlights their complimentary features, and demonstrate that it is possible to obtain superior performance when both methods are used in concert.
♻ ☆ Pay Attention to Your Neighbours: Training-Free Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation WACV 2025
Despite the significant progress in deep learning for dense visual recognition problems, such as semantic segmentation, traditional methods are constrained by fixed class sets. Meanwhile, vision-language foundation models, such as CLIP, have showcased remarkable effectiveness in numerous zero-shot image-level tasks, owing to their robust generalizability. Recently, a body of work has investigated utilizing these models in open-vocabulary semantic segmentation (OVSS). However, existing approaches often rely on impractical supervised pre-training or access to additional pre-trained networks. In this work, we propose a strong baseline for training-free OVSS, termed Neighbour-Aware CLIP (NACLIP), representing a straightforward adaptation of CLIP tailored for this scenario. Our method enforces localization of patches in the self-attention of CLIP's vision transformer which, despite being crucial for dense prediction tasks, has been overlooked in the OVSS literature. By incorporating design choices favouring segmentation, our approach significantly improves performance without requiring additional data, auxiliary pre-trained networks, or extensive hyperparameter tuning, making it highly practical for real-world applications. Experiments are performed on 8 popular semantic segmentation benchmarks, yielding state-of-the-art performance on most scenarios. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/sinahmr/NACLIP.
comment: Accepted to WACV 2025
♻ ☆ Artificial intelligence to advance Earth observation: : A review of models, recent trends, and pathways forward
Earth observation (EO) is a prime instrument for monitoring land and ocean processes, studying the dynamics at work, and taking the pulse of our planet. This article gives a bird's eye view of the essential scientific tools and approaches informing and supporting the transition from raw EO data to usable EO-based information. The promises, as well as the current challenges of these developments, are highlighted under dedicated sections. Specifically, we cover the impact of (i) Computer vision; (ii) Machine learning; (iii) Advanced processing and computing; (iv) Knowledge-based AI; (v) Explainable AI and causal inference; (vi) Physics-aware models; (vii) User-centric approaches; and (viii) the much-needed discussion of ethical and societal issues related to the massive use of ML technologies in EO.
♻ ☆ Bengali Document Layout Analysis -- A YOLOV8 Based Ensembling Approach
This paper focuses on enhancing Bengali Document Layout Analysis (DLA) using the YOLOv8 model and innovative post-processing techniques. We tackle challenges unique to the complex Bengali script by employing data augmentation for model robustness. After meticulous validation set evaluation, we fine-tune our approach on the complete dataset, leading to a two-stage prediction strategy for accurate element segmentation. Our ensemble model, combined with post-processing, outperforms individual base architectures, addressing issues identified in the BaDLAD dataset. By leveraging this approach, we aim to advance Bengali document analysis, contributing to improved OCR and document comprehension and BaDLAD serves as a foundational resource for this endeavor, aiding future research in the field. Furthermore, our experiments provided key insights to incorporate new strategies into the established solution.
♻ ☆ Overcoming the Stability Gap in Continual Learning
Pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) are being widely deployed by industry for making business decisions and to serve users; however, a major problem is model decay, where the DNN's predictions become more erroneous over time, resulting in revenue loss or unhappy users. To mitigate model decay, DNNs are retrained from scratch using old and new data. This is computationally expensive, so retraining happens only once performance significantly decreases. Here, we study how continual learning (CL) could potentially overcome model decay in large pre-trained DNNs and greatly reduce computational costs for keeping DNNs up-to-date. We identify the "stability gap" as a major obstacle in our setting. The stability gap refers to a phenomenon where learning new data causes large drops in performance for past tasks before CL mitigation methods eventually compensate for this drop. We test two hypotheses to investigate the factors influencing the stability gap and identify a method that vastly reduces this gap. In large-scale experiments for both easy and hard CL distributions (e.g., class incremental learning), we demonstrate that our method reduces the stability gap and greatly increases computational efficiency. Our work aligns CL with the goals of the production setting, where CL is needed for many applications.
comment: Accepted to TMLR 2024
♻ ☆ Detection of Fast-Moving Objects with Neuromorphic Hardware
Neuromorphic Computing (NC) and Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) in particular are often viewed as the next generation of Neural Networks (NNs). NC is a novel bio-inspired paradigm for energy efficient neural computation, often relying on SNNs in which neurons communicate via spikes in a sparse, event-based manner. This communication via spikes can be exploited by neuromorphic hardware implementations very effectively and results in a drastic reductions of power consumption and latency in contrast to regular GPU-based NNs. In recent years, neuromorphic hardware has become more accessible, and the support of learning frameworks has improved. However, available hardware is partially still experimental, and it is not transparent what these solutions are effectively capable of, how they integrate into real-world robotics applications, and how they realistically benefit energy efficiency and latency. In this work, we provide the robotics research community with an overview of what is possible with SNNs on neuromorphic hardware focusing on real-time processing. We introduce a benchmark of three popular neuromorphic hardware devices for the task of event-based object detection. Moreover, we show that an SNN on a neuromorphic hardware is able to run in a challenging table tennis robot setup in real-time.
♻ ☆ Deep Learning for Economists
Deep learning provides powerful methods to impute structured information from large-scale, unstructured text and image datasets. For example, economists might wish to detect the presence of economic activity in satellite images, or to measure the topics or entities mentioned in social media, the congressional record, or firm filings. This review introduces deep neural networks, covering methods such as classifiers, regression models, generative AI, and embedding models. Applications include classification, document digitization, record linkage, and methods for data exploration in massive scale text and image corpora. When suitable methods are used, deep learning models can be cheap to tune and can scale affordably to problems involving millions or billions of data points.. The review is accompanied by a companion website, EconDL, with user-friendly demo notebooks, software resources, and a knowledge base that provides technical details and additional applications.
♻ ☆ RNA: Relightable Neural Assets
High-fidelity 3D assets with materials composed of fibers (including hair), complex layered material shaders, or fine scattering geometry are ubiquitous in high-end realistic rendering applications. Rendering such models is computationally expensive due to heavy shaders and long scattering paths. Moreover, implementing the shading and scattering models is non-trivial and has to be done not only in the 3D content authoring software (which is necessarily complex), but also in all downstream rendering solutions. For example, web and mobile viewers for complex 3D assets are desirable, but frequently cannot support the full shading complexity allowed by the authoring application. Our goal is to design a neural representation for 3D assets with complex shading that supports full relightability and full integration into existing renderers. We provide an end-to-end shading solution at the first intersection of a ray with the underlying geometry. All shading and scattering is precomputed and included in the neural asset; no multiple scattering paths need to be traced, and no complex shading models need to be implemented to render our assets, beyond a single neural architecture. We combine an MLP decoder with a feature grid. Shading consists of querying a feature vector, followed by an MLP evaluation producing the final reflectance value. Our method provides high-fidelity shading, close to the ground-truth Monte Carlo estimate even at close-up views. We believe our neural assets could be used in practical renderers, providing significant speed-ups and simplifying renderer implementations.
comment: Added Fig. 10 and Section 6.5 - new comparison
♻ ☆ CorrespondentDream: Enhancing 3D Fidelity of Text-to-3D using Cross-View Correspondences CVPR 2024
Leveraging multi-view diffusion models as priors for 3D optimization have alleviated the problem of 3D consistency, e.g., the Janus face problem or the content drift problem, in zero-shot text-to-3D models. However, the 3D geometric fidelity of the output remains an unresolved issue; albeit the rendered 2D views are realistic, the underlying geometry may contain errors such as unreasonable concavities. In this work, we propose CorrespondentDream, an effective method to leverage annotation-free, cross-view correspondences yielded from the diffusion U-Net to provide additional 3D prior to the NeRF optimization process. We find that these correspondences are strongly consistent with human perception, and by adopting it in our loss design, we are able to produce NeRF models with geometries that are more coherent with common sense, e.g., more smoothed object surface, yielding higher 3D fidelity. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach through various comparative qualitative results and a solid user study.
comment: 25 pages, 22 figures, accepted to CVPR 2024
♻ ☆ Quantifying and Learning Static vs. Dynamic Information in Deep Spatiotemporal Networks
There is limited understanding of the information captured by deep spatiotemporal models in their intermediate representations. For example, while evidence suggests that action recognition algorithms are heavily influenced by visual appearance in single frames, no quantitative methodology exists for evaluating such static bias in the latent representation compared to bias toward dynamics. We tackle this challenge by proposing an approach for quantifying the static and dynamic biases of any spatiotemporal model, and apply our approach to three tasks, action recognition, automatic video object segmentation (AVOS) and video instance segmentation (VIS). Our key findings are: (i) Most examined models are biased toward static information. (ii) Some datasets that are assumed to be biased toward dynamics are actually biased toward static information. (iii) Individual channels in an architecture can be biased toward static, dynamic or a combination of the two. (iv) Most models converge to their culminating biases in the first half of training. We then explore how these biases affect performance on dynamically biased datasets. For action recognition, we propose StaticDropout, a semantically guided dropout that debiases a model from static information toward dynamics. For AVOS, we design a better combination of fusion and cross connection layers compared with previous architectures.
comment: TPAMI 2024. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.02846
Artificial Intelligence 144
☆ An Efficient Self-Learning Framework For Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems ICML 2024
Dialog systems, such as voice assistants, are expected to engage with users in complex, evolving conversations. Unfortunately, traditional automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems deployed in such applications are usually trained to recognize each turn independently and lack the ability to adapt to the conversational context or incorporate user feedback. In this work, we introduce a general framework for ASR in dialog systems that can go beyond learning from single-turn utterances and learn over time how to adapt to both explicit supervision and implicit user feedback present in multi-turn conversations. We accomplish that by leveraging advances in student-teacher learning and context-aware dialog processing, and designing contrastive self-supervision approaches with Ohm, a new online hard-negative mining approach. We show that leveraging our new framework compared to traditional training leads to relative WER reductions of close to 10% in real-world dialog systems, and up to 26% on public synthetic data.
comment: Presented at ICML 2024
☆ MusicLIME: Explainable Multimodal Music Understanding
Multimodal models are critical for music understanding tasks, as they capture the complex interplay between audio and lyrics. However, as these models become more prevalent, the need for explainability grows-understanding how these systems make decisions is vital for ensuring fairness, reducing bias, and fostering trust. In this paper, we introduce MusicLIME, a model-agnostic feature importance explanation method designed for multimodal music models. Unlike traditional unimodal methods, which analyze each modality separately without considering the interaction between them, often leading to incomplete or misleading explanations, MusicLIME reveals how audio and lyrical features interact and contribute to predictions, providing a holistic view of the model's decision-making. Additionally, we enhance local explanations by aggregating them into global explanations, giving users a broader perspective of model behavior. Through this work, we contribute to improving the interpretability of multimodal music models, empowering users to make informed choices, and fostering more equitable, fair, and transparent music understanding systems.
comment: GitHub repository: https://github.com/IamTheo2000/MusicLIME
☆ Flash STU: Fast Spectral Transform Units
This paper describes an efficient, open source PyTorch implementation of the Spectral Transform Unit. We investigate sequence prediction tasks over several modalities including language, robotics, and simulated dynamical systems. We find that for the same parameter count, the STU and its variants outperform the Transformer as well as other leading state space models across various modalities.
☆ Do Pre-trained Vision-Language Models Encode Object States?
For a vision-language model (VLM) to understand the physical world, such as cause and effect, a first step is to capture the temporal dynamics of the visual world, for example how the physical states of objects evolve over time (e.g. a whole apple into a sliced apple). Our paper aims to investigate if VLMs pre-trained on web-scale data learn to encode object states, which can be extracted with zero-shot text prompts. We curate an object state recognition dataset ChangeIt-Frames, and evaluate nine open-source VLMs, including models trained with contrastive and generative objectives. We observe that while these state-of-the-art vision-language models can reliably perform object recognition, they consistently fail to accurately distinguish the objects' physical states. Through extensive experiments, we identify three areas for improvements for VLMs to better encode object states, namely the quality of object localization, the architecture to bind concepts to objects, and the objective to learn discriminative visual and language encoders on object states. Data and code are released.
☆ Exploring 3D Face Reconstruction and Fusion Methods for Face Verification: A Case-Study in Video Surveillance ECCV 2024
3D face reconstruction (3DFR) algorithms are based on specific assumptions tailored to distinct application scenarios. These assumptions limit their use when acquisition conditions, such as the subject's distance from the camera or the camera's characteristics, are different than expected, as typically happens in video surveillance. Additionally, 3DFR algorithms follow various strategies to address the reconstruction of a 3D shape from 2D data, such as statistical model fitting, photometric stereo, or deep learning. In the present study, we explore the application of three 3DFR algorithms representative of the SOTA, employing each one as the template set generator for a face verification system. The scores provided by each system are combined by score-level fusion. We show that the complementarity induced by different 3DFR algorithms improves performance when tests are conducted at never-seen-before distances from the camera and camera characteristics (cross-distance and cross-camera settings), thus encouraging further investigations on multiple 3DFR-based approaches.
comment: Accepted at T-CAP - Towards a Complete Analysis of People: Fine-grained Understanding for Real-World Applications, workshop in conjunction with the 18th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2024
☆ MacDiff: Unified Skeleton Modeling with Masked Conditional Diffusion ECCV 2024
Self-supervised learning has proved effective for skeleton-based human action understanding. However, previous works either rely on contrastive learning that suffers false negative problems or are based on reconstruction that learns too much unessential low-level clues, leading to limited representations for downstream tasks. Recently, great advances have been made in generative learning, which is naturally a challenging yet meaningful pretext task to model the general underlying data distributions. However, the representation learning capacity of generative models is under-explored, especially for the skeletons with spacial sparsity and temporal redundancy. To this end, we propose Masked Conditional Diffusion (MacDiff) as a unified framework for human skeleton modeling. For the first time, we leverage diffusion models as effective skeleton representation learners. Specifically, we train a diffusion decoder conditioned on the representations extracted by a semantic encoder. Random masking is applied to encoder inputs to introduce a information bottleneck and remove redundancy of skeletons. Furthermore, we theoretically demonstrate that our generative objective involves the contrastive learning objective which aligns the masked and noisy views. Meanwhile, it also enforces the representation to complement for the noisy view, leading to better generalization performance. MacDiff achieves state-of-the-art performance on representation learning benchmarks while maintaining the competence for generative tasks. Moreover, we leverage the diffusion model for data augmentation, significantly enhancing the fine-tuning performance in scenarios with scarce labeled data. Our project is available at https://lehongwu.github.io/ECCV24MacDiff/.
comment: Accepted by ECCV 2024
☆ HiFi-CS: Towards Open Vocabulary Visual Grounding For Robotic Grasping Using Vision-Language Models
Robots interacting with humans through natural language can unlock numerous applications such as Referring Grasp Synthesis (RGS). Given a text query, RGS determines a stable grasp pose to manipulate the referred object in the robot's workspace. RGS comprises two steps: visual grounding and grasp pose estimation. Recent studies leverage powerful Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for visually grounding free-flowing natural language in real-world robotic execution. However, comparisons in complex, cluttered environments with multiple instances of the same object are lacking. This paper introduces HiFi-CS, featuring hierarchical application of Featurewise Linear Modulation (FiLM) to fuse image and text embeddings, enhancing visual grounding for complex attribute rich text queries encountered in robotic grasping. Visual grounding associates an object in 2D/3D space with natural language input and is studied in two scenarios: Closed and Open Vocabulary. HiFi-CS features a lightweight decoder combined with a frozen VLM and outperforms competitive baselines in closed vocabulary settings while being 100x smaller in size. Our model can effectively guide open-set object detectors like GroundedSAM to enhance open-vocabulary performance. We validate our approach through real-world RGS experiments using a 7-DOF robotic arm, achieving 90.33\% visual grounding accuracy in 15 tabletop scenes. We include our codebase in the supplementary material.
☆ Geometric Clustering for Hardware-Efficient Implementation of Chromatic Dispersion Compensation
Power efficiency remains a significant challenge in modern optical fiber communication systems, driving efforts to reduce the computational complexity of digital signal processing, particularly in chromatic dispersion compensation (CDC) algorithms. While various strategies for complexity reduction have been proposed, many lack the necessary hardware implementation to validate their benefits. This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the tap overlapping effect in CDC filters for coherent receivers, introduces a novel Time-Domain Clustered Equalizer (TDCE) technique based on this concept, and presents a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation for validation. We developed an innovative parallelization method for TDCE, implementing it in hardware for fiber lengths up to 640 km. A fair comparison with the state-of-the-art frequency domain equalizer (FDE) under identical conditions is also conducted. Our findings highlight that implementation strategies, including parallelization and memory management, are as crucial as computational complexity in determining hardware complexity and energy efficiency. The proposed TDCE hardware implementation achieves up to 70.7\% energy savings and 71.4\% multiplier usage savings compared to FDE, despite its higher computational complexity.
☆ A Knowledge-Enhanced Disease Diagnosis Method Based on Prompt Learning and BERT Integration
This paper proposes a knowledge-enhanced disease diagnosis method based on a prompt learning framework. The method retrieves structured knowledge from external knowledge graphs related to clinical cases, encodes it, and injects it into the prompt templates to enhance the language model's understanding and reasoning capabilities for the task.We conducted experiments on three public datasets: CHIP-CTC, IMCS-V2-NER, and KUAKE-QTR. The results show that the proposed method significantly outperforms existing models across multiple evaluation metrics, with an F1 score improvement of 2.4% on the CHIP-CTC dataset, 3.1% on the IMCS-V2-NER dataset,and 4.2% on the KUAKE-QTR dataset. Additionally,ablation studies confirmed the critical role of the knowledge injection module,as the removal of this module resulted in a significant drop in F1 score. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method not only effectively improves the accuracy of disease diagnosis but also enhances the interpretability of the predictions, providing more reliable support and evidence for clinical diagnosis.
comment: Knowledge Enhancement,Disease Diagnosis,Prompt Learning,BERT,Knowledge Graph
☆ MOST: MR reconstruction Optimization for multiple downStream Tasks via continual learning
Deep learning-based Magnetic Resonance (MR) reconstruction methods have focused on generating high-quality images but they often overlook the impact on downstream tasks (e.g., segmentation) that utilize the reconstructed images. Cascading separately trained reconstruction network and downstream task network has been shown to introduce performance degradation due to error propagation and domain gaps between training datasets. To mitigate this issue, downstream task-oriented reconstruction optimization has been proposed for a single downstream task. Expanding this optimization to multi-task scenarios is not straightforward. In this work, we extended this optimization to sequentially introduced multiple downstream tasks and demonstrated that a single MR reconstruction network can be optimized for multiple downstream tasks by deploying continual learning (MOST). MOST integrated techniques from replay-based continual learning and image-guided loss to overcome catastrophic forgetting. Comparative experiments demonstrated that MOST outperformed a reconstruction network without finetuning, a reconstruction network with na\"ive finetuning, and conventional continual learning methods. This advancement empowers the application of a single MR reconstruction network for multiple downstream tasks. The source code is available at: https://github.com/SNU-LIST/MOST
☆ Instigating Cooperation among LLM Agents Using Adaptive Information Modulation
This paper introduces a novel framework combining LLM agents as proxies for human strategic behavior with reinforcement learning (RL) to engage these agents in evolving strategic interactions within team environments. Our approach extends traditional agent-based simulations by using strategic LLM agents (SLA) and introducing dynamic and adaptive governance through a pro-social promoting RL agent (PPA) that modulates information access across agents in a network, optimizing social welfare and promoting pro-social behavior. Through validation in iterative games, including the prisoner dilemma, we demonstrate that SLA agents exhibit nuanced strategic adaptations. The PPA agent effectively learns to adjust information transparency, resulting in enhanced cooperation rates. This framework offers significant insights into AI-mediated social dynamics, contributing to the deployment of AI in real-world team settings.
☆ Robust image representations with counterfactual contrastive learning
Contrastive pretraining can substantially increase model generalisation and downstream performance. However, the quality of the learned representations is highly dependent on the data augmentation strategy applied to generate positive pairs. Positive contrastive pairs should preserve semantic meaning while discarding unwanted variations related to the data acquisition domain. Traditional contrastive pipelines attempt to simulate domain shifts through pre-defined generic image transformations. However, these do not always mimic realistic and relevant domain variations for medical imaging such as scanner differences. To tackle this issue, we herein introduce counterfactual contrastive learning, a novel framework leveraging recent advances in causal image synthesis to create contrastive positive pairs that faithfully capture relevant domain variations. Our method, evaluated across five datasets encompassing both chest radiography and mammography data, for two established contrastive objectives (SimCLR and DINO-v2), outperforms standard contrastive learning in terms of robustness to acquisition shift. Notably, counterfactual contrastive learning achieves superior downstream performance on both in-distribution and on external datasets, especially for images acquired with scanners under-represented in the training set. Further experiments show that the proposed framework extends beyond acquisition shifts, with models trained with counterfactual contrastive learning substantially improving subgroup performance across biological sex.
comment: Code available at https://github.com/biomedia-mira/counterfactual-contrastive/
☆ Point2Graph: An End-to-end Point Cloud-based 3D Open-Vocabulary Scene Graph for Robot Navigation
Current open-vocabulary scene graph generation algorithms highly rely on both 3D scene point cloud data and posed RGB-D images and thus have limited applications in scenarios where RGB-D images or camera poses are not readily available. To solve this problem, we propose Point2Graph, a novel end-to-end point cloud-based 3D open-vocabulary scene graph generation framework in which the requirement of posed RGB-D image series is eliminated. This hierarchical framework contains room and object detection/segmentation and open-vocabulary classification. For the room layer, we leverage the advantage of merging the geometry-based border detection algorithm with the learning-based region detection to segment rooms and create a "Snap-Lookup" framework for open-vocabulary room classification. In addition, we create an end-to-end pipeline for the object layer to detect and classify 3D objects based solely on 3D point cloud data. Our evaluation results show that our framework can outperform the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) open-vocabulary object and room segmentation and classification algorithm on widely used real-scene datasets.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
☆ Large Language Model Enhanced Hard Sample Identification for Denoising Recommendation
Implicit feedback, often used to build recommender systems, unavoidably confronts noise due to factors such as misclicks and position bias. Previous studies have attempted to alleviate this by identifying noisy samples based on their diverged patterns, such as higher loss values, and mitigating the noise through sample dropping or reweighting. Despite the progress, we observe existing approaches struggle to distinguish hard samples and noise samples, as they often exhibit similar patterns, thereby limiting their effectiveness in denoising recommendations. To address this challenge, we propose a Large Language Model Enhanced Hard Sample Denoising (LLMHD) framework. Specifically, we construct an LLM-based scorer to evaluate the semantic consistency of items with the user preference, which is quantified based on summarized historical user interactions. The resulting scores are used to assess the hardness of samples for the pointwise or pairwise training objectives. To ensure efficiency, we introduce a variance-based sample pruning strategy to filter potential hard samples before scoring. Besides, we propose an iterative preference update module designed to continuously refine summarized user preference, which may be biased due to false-positive user-item interactions. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets and four backbone recommenders demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
☆ Hyperedge Modeling in Hypergraph Neural Networks by using Densest Overlapping Subgraphs
Hypergraphs tackle the limitations of traditional graphs by introducing {\em hyperedges}. While graph edges connect only two nodes, hyperedges connect an arbitrary number of nodes along their edges. Also, the underlying message-passing mechanisms in Hypergraph Neural Networks (HGNNs) are in the form of vertex-hyperedge-vertex, which let HGNNs capture and utilize richer and more complex structural information than traditional Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). More recently, the idea of overlapping subgraphs has emerged. These subgraphs can capture more information about subgroups of vertices without limiting one vertex belonging to just one group, allowing vertices to belong to multiple groups or subgraphs. In addition, one of the most important problems in graph clustering is to find densest overlapping subgraphs (DOS). In this paper, we propose a solution to the DOS problem via Agglomerative Greedy Enumeration (DOSAGE) algorithm as a novel approach to enhance the process of generating the densest overlapping subgraphs and, hence, a robust construction of the hypergraphs. Experiments on standard benchmarks show that the DOSAGE algorithm significantly outperforms the HGNNs and six other methods on the node classification task.
☆ The 20 questions game to distinguish large language models
In a parallel with the 20 questions game, we present a method to determine whether two large language models (LLMs), placed in a black-box context, are the same or not. The goal is to use a small set of (benign) binary questions, typically under 20. We formalize the problem and first establish a baseline using a random selection of questions from known benchmark datasets, achieving an accuracy of nearly 100% within 20 questions. After showing optimal bounds for this problem, we introduce two effective questioning heuristics able to discriminate 22 LLMs by using half as many questions for the same task. These methods offer significant advantages in terms of stealth and are thus of interest to auditors or copyright owners facing suspicions of model leaks.
☆ InfoDisent: Explainability of Image Classification Models by Information Disentanglement
Understanding the decisions made by image classification networks is a critical area of research in deep learning. This task is traditionally divided into two distinct approaches: post-hoc methods and intrinsic methods. Post-hoc methods, such as GradCam, aim to interpret the decisions of pre-trained models by identifying regions of the image where the network focuses its attention. However, these methods provide only a high-level overview, making it difficult to fully understand the network's decision-making process. Conversely, intrinsic methods, like prototypical parts models, offer a more detailed understanding of network predictions but are constrained by specific architectures, training methods, and datasets. In this paper, we introduce InfoDisent, a hybrid model that combines the advantages of both approaches. By utilizing an information bottleneck, InfoDisent disentangles the information in the final layer of a pre-trained deep network, enabling the breakdown of classification decisions into basic, understandable atomic components. Unlike standard prototypical parts approaches, InfoDisent can interpret the decisions of pre-trained classification networks and be used for making classification decisions, similar to intrinsic models. We validate the effectiveness of InfoDisent on benchmark datasets such as ImageNet, CUB-200-2011, Stanford Cars, and Stanford Dogs for both convolutional and transformer backbones.
☆ SEAL: Towards Safe Autonomous Driving via Skill-Enabled Adversary Learning for Closed-Loop Scenario Generation
Verification and validation of autonomous driving (AD) systems and components is of increasing importance, as such technology increases in real-world prevalence. Safety-critical scenario generation is a key approach to robustify AD policies through closed-loop training. However, existing approaches for scenario generation rely on simplistic objectives, resulting in overly-aggressive or non-reactive adversarial behaviors. To generate diverse adversarial yet realistic scenarios, we propose SEAL, a scenario perturbation approach which leverages learned scoring functions and adversarial, human-like skills. SEAL-perturbed scenarios are more realistic than SOTA baselines, leading to improved ego task success across real-world, in-distribution, and out-of-distribution scenarios, of more than 20%. To facilitate future research, we release our code and tools: https://github.com/cmubig/SEAL
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables
☆ Know your limits! Optimize the robot's behavior through self-awareness
As humanoid robots transition from labs to real-world environments, it is essential to democratize robot control for non-expert users. Recent human-robot imitation algorithms focus on following a reference human motion with high precision, but they are susceptible to the quality of the reference motion and require the human operator to simplify its movements to match the robot's capabilities. Instead, we consider that the robot should understand and adapt the reference motion to its own abilities, facilitating the operator's task. For that, we introduce a deep-learning model that anticipates the robot's performance when imitating a given reference. Then, our system can generate multiple references given a high-level task command, assign a score to each of them, and select the best reference to achieve the desired robot behavior. Our Self-AWare model (SAW) ranks potential robot behaviors based on various criteria, such as fall likelihood, adherence to the reference motion, and smoothness. We integrate advanced motion generation, robot control, and SAW in one unique system, ensuring optimal robot behavior for any task command. For instance, SAW can anticipate falls with 99.29% accuracy. For more information check our project page: https://evm7.github.io/Self-AWare
comment: Accepted to Humanoids 2024 and HFR 2024. Project Page: https://evm7.github.io/Self-AWare
☆ How to do impactful research in artificial intelligence for chemistry and materials science
Machine learning has been pervasively touching many fields of science. Chemistry and materials science are no exception. While machine learning has been making a great impact, it is still not reaching its full potential or maturity. In this perspective, we first outline current applications across a diversity of problems in chemistry. Then, we discuss how machine learning researchers view and approach problems in the field. Finally, we provide our considerations for maximizing impact when researching machine learning for chemistry.
☆ On Synthetic Texture Datasets: Challenges, Creation, and Curation
The influence of textures on machine learning models has been an ongoing investigation, specifically in texture bias/learning, interpretability, and robustness. However, due to the lack of large and diverse texture data available, the findings in these works have been limited, as more comprehensive evaluations have not been feasible. Image generative models are able to provide data creation at scale, but utilizing these models for texture synthesis has been unexplored and poses additional challenges both in creating accurate texture images and validating those images. In this work, we introduce an extensible methodology and corresponding new dataset for generating high-quality, diverse texture images capable of supporting a broad set of texture-based tasks. Our pipeline consists of: (1) developing prompts from a range of descriptors to serve as input to text-to-image models, (2) adopting and adapting Stable Diffusion pipelines to generate and filter the corresponding images, and (3) further filtering down to the highest quality images. Through this, we create the Prompted Textures Dataset (PTD), a dataset of 362,880 texture images that span 56 textures. During the process of generating images, we find that NSFW safety filters in image generation pipelines are highly sensitive to texture (and flag up to 60\% of our texture images), uncovering a potential bias in these models and presenting unique challenges when working with texture data. Through both standard metrics and a human evaluation, we find that our dataset is high quality and diverse.
☆ MGSA: Multi-granularity Graph Structure Attention for Knowledge Graph-to-Text Generation
The Knowledge Graph-to-Text Generation task aims to convert structured knowledge graphs into coherent and human-readable natural language text. Recent efforts in this field have focused on enhancing pre-trained language models (PLMs) by incorporating graph structure information to capture the intricate structure details of knowledge graphs. However, most of these approaches tend to capture only single-granularity structure information, concentrating either on the relationships between entities within the original graph or on the relationships between words within the same entity or across different entities. This narrow focus results in a significant limitation: models that concentrate solely on entity-level structure fail to capture the nuanced semantic relationships between words, while those that focus only on word-level structure overlook the broader relationships between original entire entities. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces the Multi-granularity Graph Structure Attention (MGSA), which is based on PLMs. The encoder of the model architecture features an entity-level structure encoding module, a word-level structure encoding module, and an aggregation module that synthesizes information from both structure. This multi-granularity structure encoding approach allows the model to simultaneously capture both entity-level and word-level structure information, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the knowledge graph's structure information, thereby significantly improving the quality of the generated text. We conducted extensive evaluations of the MGSA model using two widely recognized KG-to-Text Generation benchmark datasets, WebNLG and EventNarrative, where it consistently outperformed models that rely solely on single-granularity structure information, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.
☆ Neuromorphic Spintronics
Neuromorphic spintronics combines two advanced fields in technology, neuromorphic computing and spintronics, to create brain-inspired, efficient computing systems that leverage the unique properties of the electron's spin. In this book chapter, we first introduce both fields - neuromorphic computing and spintronics and then make a case for neuromorphic spintronics. We discuss concrete examples of neuromorphic spintronics, including computing based on fluctuations, artificial neural networks, and reservoir computing, highlighting their potential to revolutionize computational efficiency and functionality.
comment: Neuromorphic Spintronics is a chapter of a book titled "Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Matter". This is not the final version of the chapter. For the final version, please go to the book published by Springer (the DOI and other details will be put here once the book has been published.)
☆ ReflectDiffu: Reflect between Emotion-intent Contagion and Mimicry for Empathetic Response Generation via a RL-Diffusion Framework
Empathetic response generation necessitates the integration of emotional and intentional dynamics to foster meaningful interactions. Existing research either neglects the intricate interplay between emotion and intent, leading to suboptimal controllability of empathy, or resorts to large language models (LLMs), which incur significant computational overhead. In this paper, we introduce ReflectDiffu, a lightweight and comprehensive framework for empathetic response generation. This framework incorporates emotion contagion to augment emotional expressiveness and employs an emotion-reasoning mask to pinpoint critical emotional elements. Additionally, it integrates intent mimicry within reinforcement learning for refinement during diffusion. By harnessing an intent twice reflect the mechanism of Exploring-Sampling-Correcting, ReflectDiffu adeptly translates emotional decision-making into precise intent actions, thereby addressing empathetic response misalignments stemming from emotional misrecognition. Through reflection, the framework maps emotional states to intents, markedly enhancing both response empathy and flexibility. Comprehensive experiments reveal that ReflectDiffu outperforms existing models regarding relevance, controllability, and informativeness, achieving state-of-the-art results in both automatic and human evaluations.
☆ DreamHead: Learning Spatial-Temporal Correspondence via Hierarchical Diffusion for Audio-driven Talking Head Synthesis
Audio-driven talking head synthesis strives to generate lifelike video portraits from provided audio. The diffusion model, recognized for its superior quality and robust generalization, has been explored for this task. However, establishing a robust correspondence between temporal audio cues and corresponding spatial facial expressions with diffusion models remains a significant challenge in talking head generation. To bridge this gap, we present DreamHead, a hierarchical diffusion framework that learns spatial-temporal correspondences in talking head synthesis without compromising the model's intrinsic quality and adaptability.~DreamHead learns to predict dense facial landmarks from audios as intermediate signals to model the spatial and temporal correspondences.~Specifically, a first hierarchy of audio-to-landmark diffusion is first designed to predict temporally smooth and accurate landmark sequences given audio sequence signals. Then, a second hierarchy of landmark-to-image diffusion is further proposed to produce spatially consistent facial portrait videos, by modeling spatial correspondences between the dense facial landmark and appearance. Extensive experiments show that proposed DreamHead can effectively learn spatial-temporal consistency with the designed hierarchical diffusion and produce high-fidelity audio-driven talking head videos for multiple identities.
☆ Cognitive Kernel: An Open-source Agent System towards Generalist Autopilots
We introduce Cognitive Kernel, an open-source agent system towards the goal of generalist autopilots. Unlike copilot systems, which primarily rely on users to provide essential state information (e.g., task descriptions) and assist users by answering questions or auto-completing contents, autopilot systems must complete tasks from start to finish independently, which requires the system to acquire the state information from the environments actively. To achieve this, an autopilot system should be capable of understanding user intents, actively gathering necessary information from various real-world sources, and making wise decisions. Cognitive Kernel adopts a model-centric design. In our implementation, the central policy model (a fine-tuned LLM) initiates interactions with the environment using a combination of atomic actions, such as opening files, clicking buttons, saving intermediate results to memory, or calling the LLM itself. This differs from the widely used environment-centric design, where a task-specific environment with predefined actions is fixed, and the policy model is limited to selecting the correct action from a given set of options. Our design facilitates seamless information flow across various sources and provides greater flexibility. We evaluate our system in three use cases: real-time information management, private information management, and long-term memory management. The results demonstrate that Cognitive Kernel achieves better or comparable performance to other closed-source systems in these scenarios. Cognitive Kernel is fully dockerized, ensuring everyone can deploy it privately and securely. We open-source the system and the backbone model to encourage further research on LLM-driven autopilot systems.
☆ Causal Discovery in Recommender Systems: Example and Discussion RecSys '24
Causality is receiving increasing attention by the artificial intelligence and machine learning communities. This paper gives an example of modelling a recommender system problem using causal graphs. Specifically, we approached the causal discovery task to learn a causal graph by combining observational data from an open-source dataset with prior knowledge. The resulting causal graph shows that only a few variables effectively influence the analysed feedback signals. This contrasts with the recent trend in the machine learning community to include more and more variables in massive models, such as neural networks.
comment: Accepted at the CONSEQUENCES '24 workshop, co-located with ACM RecSys '24
☆ Enhancing Personalized Recipe Recommendation Through Multi-Class Classification
This paper intends to address the challenge of personalized recipe recommendation in the realm of diverse culinary preferences. The problem domain involves recipe recommendations, utilizing techniques such as association analysis and classification. Association analysis explores the relationships and connections between different ingredients to enhance the user experience. Meanwhile, the classification aspect involves categorizing recipes based on user-defined ingredients and preferences. A unique aspect of the paper is the consideration of recipes and ingredients belonging to multiple classes, recognizing the complexity of culinary combinations. This necessitates a sophisticated approach to classification and recommendation, ensuring the system accommodates the nature of recipe categorization. The paper seeks not only to recommend recipes but also to explore the process involved in achieving accurate and personalized recommendations.
☆ FGR-Net:Interpretable fundus imagegradeability classification based on deepreconstruction learning
The performance of diagnostic Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems for retinal diseases depends on the quality of the retinal images being screened. Thus, many studies have been developed to evaluate and assess the quality of such retinal images. However, most of them did not investigate the relationship between the accuracy of the developed models and the quality of the visualization of interpretability methods for distinguishing between gradable and non-gradable retinal images. Consequently, this paper presents a novel framework called FGR-Net to automatically assess and interpret underlying fundus image quality by merging an autoencoder network with a classifier network. The FGR-Net model also provides an interpretable quality assessment through visualizations. In particular, FGR-Net uses a deep autoencoder to reconstruct the input image in order to extract the visual characteristics of the input fundus images based on self-supervised learning. The extracted features by the autoencoder are then fed into a deep classifier network to distinguish between gradable and ungradable fundus images. FGR-Net is evaluated with different interpretability methods, which indicates that the autoencoder is a key factor in forcing the classifier to focus on the relevant structures of the fundus images, such as the fovea, optic disk, and prominent blood vessels. Additionally, the interpretability methods can provide visual feedback for ophthalmologists to understand how our model evaluates the quality of fundus images. The experimental results showed the superiority of FGR-Net over the state-of-the-art quality assessment methods, with an accuracy of 89% and an F1-score of 87%.
☆ Hedging Is Not All You Need: A Simple Baseline for Online Learning Under Haphazard Inputs
Handling haphazard streaming data, such as data from edge devices, presents a challenging problem. Over time, the incoming data becomes inconsistent, with missing, faulty, or new inputs reappearing. Therefore, it requires models that are reliable. Recent methods to solve this problem depend on a hedging-based solution and require specialized elements like auxiliary dropouts, forked architectures, and intricate network design. We observed that hedging can be reduced to a special case of weighted residual connection; this motivated us to approximate it with plain self-attention. In this work, we propose HapNet, a simple baseline that is scalable, does not require online backpropagation, and is adaptable to varying input types. All present methods are restricted to scaling with a fixed window; however, we introduce a more complex problem of scaling with a variable window where the data becomes positionally uncorrelated, and cannot be addressed by present methods. We demonstrate that a variant of the proposed approach can work even for this complex scenario. We extensively evaluated the proposed approach on five benchmarks and found competitive performance.
☆ NEUSIS: A Compositional Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Autonomous Perception, Reasoning, and Planning in Complex UAV Search Missions
This paper addresses the problem of autonomous UAV search missions, where a UAV must locate specific Entities of Interest (EOIs) within a time limit, based on brief descriptions in large, hazard-prone environments with keep-out zones. The UAV must perceive, reason, and make decisions with limited and uncertain information. We propose NEUSIS, a compositional neuro-symbolic system designed for interpretable UAV search and navigation in realistic scenarios. NEUSIS integrates neuro-symbolic visual perception, reasoning, and grounding (GRiD) to process raw sensory inputs, maintains a probabilistic world model for environment representation, and uses a hierarchical planning component (SNaC) for efficient path planning. Experimental results from simulated urban search missions using AirSim and Unreal Engine show that NEUSIS outperforms a state-of-the-art (SOTA) vision-language model and a SOTA search planning model in success rate, search efficiency, and 3D localization. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our compositional neuro-symbolic approach in handling complex, real-world scenarios, making it a promising solution for autonomous UAV systems in search missions.
☆ Relative Positioning for Aerial Robot Path Planning in GPS Denied Environment
One of the most useful applications of intelligent aerial robots sometimes called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Australia is known to be in bushfire monitoring and prediction operations. A swarm of autonomous drones/UAVs programmed to work in real-time observing the fire parameters using their onboard sensors would be valuable in reducing the life-threatening impact of that fire. However autonomous UAVs face serious challenges in their positioning and navigation in critical bushfire conditions such as remoteness and severe weather conditions where GPS signals could also be unreliable. This paper tackles one of the most important factors in autonomous UAV navigation, namely Initial Positioning sometimes called Localisation. The solution provided by this paper will enable a team of autonomous UAVs to establish a relative position to their base of operation to be able to commence a team search and reconnaissance in a bushfire-affected area and find their way back to their base without the help of GPS signals.
comment: 12 pages, 4 images
☆ Augmenting Automatic Speech Recognition Models with Disfluency Detection
Speech disfluency commonly occurs in conversational and spontaneous speech. However, standard Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models struggle to accurately recognize these disfluencies because they are typically trained on fluent transcripts. Current research mainly focuses on detecting disfluencies within transcripts, overlooking their exact location and duration in the speech. Additionally, previous work often requires model fine-tuning and addresses limited types of disfluencies. In this work, we present an inference-only approach to augment any ASR model with the ability to detect open-set disfluencies. We first demonstrate that ASR models have difficulty transcribing speech disfluencies. Next, this work proposes a modified Connectionist Temporal Classification(CTC)-based forced alignment algorithm from \cite{kurzinger2020ctc} to predict word-level timestamps while effectively capturing disfluent speech. Additionally, we develop a model to classify alignment gaps between timestamps as either containing disfluent speech or silence. This model achieves an accuracy of 81.62\% and an F1-score of 80.07\%. We test the augmentation pipeline of alignment gap detection and classification on a disfluent dataset. Our results show that we captured 74.13\% of the words that were initially missed by the transcription, demonstrating the potential of this pipeline for downstream tasks.
comment: Accepted by SLT2024
☆ jina-embeddings-v3: Multilingual Embeddings With Task LoRA
We introduce jina-embeddings-v3, a novel text embedding model with 570 million parameters, achieves state-of-the-art performance on multilingual data and long-context retrieval tasks, supporting context lengths of up to 8192 tokens. The model includes a set of task-specific Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) adapters to generate high-quality embeddings for query-document retrieval, clustering, classification, and text matching. Additionally, Matryoshka Representation Learning is integrated into the training process, allowing flexible truncation of embedding dimensions without compromising performance. Evaluation on the MTEB benchmark shows that jina-embeddings-v3 outperforms the latest proprietary embeddings from OpenAI and Cohere on English tasks, while achieving superior performance compared to multilingual-e5-large-instruct across all multilingual tasks.
comment: 20 pages, pp11-13 references, pp14-20 appendix and experiment tables
☆ Algorithmic Behaviors Across Regions: A Geolocation Audit of YouTube Search for COVID-19 Misinformation between the United States and South Africa
Despite being an integral tool for finding health-related information online, YouTube has faced criticism for disseminating COVID-19 misinformation globally to its users. Yet, prior audit studies have predominantly investigated YouTube within the Global North contexts, often overlooking the Global South. To address this gap, we conducted a comprehensive 10-day geolocation-based audit on YouTube to compare the prevalence of COVID-19 misinformation in search results between the United States (US) and South Africa (SA), the countries heavily affected by the pandemic in the Global North and the Global South, respectively. For each country, we selected 3 geolocations and placed sock-puppets, or bots emulating "real" users, that collected search results for 48 search queries sorted by 4 search filters for 10 days, yielding a dataset of 915K results. We found that 31.55% of the top-10 search results contained COVID-19 misinformation. Among the top-10 search results, bots in SA faced significantly more misinformative search results than their US counterparts. Overall, our study highlights the contrasting algorithmic behaviors of YouTube search between two countries, underscoring the need for the platform to regulate algorithmic behavior consistently across different regions of the Globe.
comment: 28 pages. Under submission
☆ Quantile Regression for Distributional Reward Models in RLHF
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has become a key method for aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences through the use of reward models. However, traditional reward models typically generate point estimates, which oversimplify the diversity and complexity of human values and preferences. In this paper, we introduce Quantile Reward Models (QRMs), a novel approach to reward modeling that learns a distribution over rewards instead of a single scalar value. Our method uses quantile regression to estimate a full, potentially multimodal distribution over preferences, providing a more powerful and nuanced representation of preferences. This distributional approach can better capture the diversity of human values, addresses label noise, and accommodates conflicting preferences by modeling them as distinct modes in the distribution. Our experimental results show that QRM outperforms comparable traditional point-estimate models on RewardBench. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the additional information provided by the distributional estimates can be utilized in downstream applications, such as risk-aware reinforcement learning, resulting in LLM policies that generate fewer extremely negative responses. Our code and model are released at https://github.com/Nicolinho/QRM.
☆ SplatSim: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer of RGB Manipulation Policies Using Gaussian Splatting
Sim2Real transfer, particularly for manipulation policies relying on RGB images, remains a critical challenge in robotics due to the significant domain shift between synthetic and real-world visual data. In this paper, we propose SplatSim, a novel framework that leverages Gaussian Splatting as the primary rendering primitive to reduce the Sim2Real gap for RGB-based manipulation policies. By replacing traditional mesh representations with Gaussian Splats in simulators, SplatSim produces highly photorealistic synthetic data while maintaining the scalability and cost-efficiency of simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training manipulation policies within SplatSim}and deploying them in the real world in a zero-shot manner, achieving an average success rate of 86.25%, compared to 97.5% for policies trained on real-world data.
☆ AutoPET Challenge III: Testing the Robustness of Generalized Dice Focal Loss trained 3D Residual UNet for FDG and PSMA Lesion Segmentation from Whole-Body PET/CT Images
Automated segmentation of cancerous lesions in PET/CT scans is a crucial first step in quantitative image analysis. However, training deep learning models for segmentation with high accuracy is particularly challenging due to the variations in lesion size, shape, and radiotracer uptake. These lesions can appear in different parts of the body, often near healthy organs that also exhibit considerable uptake, making the task even more complex. As a result, creating an effective segmentation model for routine PET/CT image analysis is challenging. In this study, we utilized a 3D Residual UNet model and employed the Generalized Dice Focal Loss function to train the model on the AutoPET Challenge 2024 dataset. We conducted a 5-fold cross-validation and used an average ensembling technique using the models from the five folds. In the preliminary test phase for Task-1, the average ensemble achieved a mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 0.6687, mean false negative volume (FNV) of 10.9522 ml and mean false positive volume (FPV) 2.9684 ml. More details about the algorithm can be found on our GitHub repository: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autosegnet2024.git. The training code has been shared via the repository: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autopet2024.git.
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables
☆ LLMs4OL 2024 Overview: The 1st Large Language Models for Ontology Learning Challenge ISWC 2024
This paper outlines the LLMs4OL 2024, the first edition of the Large Language Models for Ontology Learning Challenge. LLMs4OL is a community development initiative collocated with the 23rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) to explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Ontology Learning (OL), a vital process for enhancing the web with structured knowledge to improve interoperability. By leveraging LLMs, the challenge aims to advance understanding and innovation in OL, aligning with the goals of the Semantic Web to create a more intelligent and user-friendly web. In this paper, we give an overview of the 2024 edition of the LLMs4OL challenge and summarize the contributions.
comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, Will appear in "The 1st LLMs4OL Challenge @ ISWC 2024" proceedings
☆ Towards Explainable Automated Data Quality Enhancement without Domain Knowledge
In the era of big data, ensuring the quality of datasets has become increasingly crucial across various domains. We propose a comprehensive framework designed to automatically assess and rectify data quality issues in any given dataset, regardless of its specific content, focusing on both textual and numerical data. Our primary objective is to address three fundamental types of defects: absence, redundancy, and incoherence. At the heart of our approach lies a rigorous demand for both explainability and interpretability, ensuring that the rationale behind the identification and correction of data anomalies is transparent and understandable. To achieve this, we adopt a hybrid approach that integrates statistical methods with machine learning algorithms. Indeed, by leveraging statistical techniques alongside machine learning, we strike a balance between accuracy and explainability, enabling users to trust and comprehend the assessment process. Acknowledging the challenges associated with automating the data quality assessment process, particularly in terms of time efficiency and accuracy, we adopt a pragmatic strategy, employing resource-intensive algorithms only when necessary, while favoring simpler, more efficient solutions whenever possible. Through a practical analysis conducted on a publicly provided dataset, we illustrate the challenges that arise when trying to enhance data quality while keeping explainability. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in detecting and rectifying missing values, duplicates and typographical errors as well as the challenges remaining to be addressed to achieve similar accuracy on statistical outliers and logic errors under the constraints set in our work.
☆ Advancing Towards a Marine Digital Twin Platform: Modeling the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon Ecosystem in the South Western Mediterranean
Coastal marine ecosystems face mounting pressures from anthropogenic activities and climate change, necessitating advanced monitoring and modeling approaches for effective management. This paper pioneers the development of a Marine Digital Twin Platform aimed at modeling the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon Ecosystem in the Region of Murcia. The platform leverages Artificial Intelligence to emulate complex hydrological and ecological models, facilitating the simulation of what-if scenarios to predict ecosystem responses to various stressors. We integrate diverse datasets from public sources to construct a comprehensive digital representation of the lagoon's dynamics. The platform's modular design enables real-time stakeholder engagement and informed decision-making in marine management. Our work contributes to the ongoing discourse on advancing marine science through innovative digital twin technologies.
☆ StruEdit: Structured Outputs Enable the Fast and Accurate Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models
As the modern tool of choice for question answering, large language models (LLMs) are expected to deliver answers with up-to-date knowledge. To achieve such ideal question-answering systems, locating and then editing outdated knowledge in the natural language outputs is a general target of popular knowledge editing methods. However, this target is challenging, as both identifying which tokens to edit in the reasoning steps and ensuring the coherence of the revised reasoning chain are difficult tasks. We argue that these challenges stem from the unstructured nature of natural language outputs. To address the above challenges, we propose $\textbf{Stru}$ctural $\textbf{Edit}$ing ($\textbf{StruEdit}$), an improved baseline for knowledge editing. We first prompt LLMs to produce structured outputs consisting of reasoning triplets. Then, StruEdit removes any potentially outdated knowledge and efficiently refills the structured outputs with up-to-date information in a single step. Experimental results show that StruEdit consistently delivers the highest accuracy with lowest latency compared with other knowledge editing methods.
☆ Industry 6.0: New Generation of Industry driven by Generative AI and Swarm of Heterogeneous Robots
This paper presents the concept of Industry 6.0, introducing the world's first fully automated production system that autonomously handles the entire product design and manufacturing process based on user-provided natural language descriptions. By leveraging generative AI, the system automates critical aspects of production, including product blueprint design, component manufacturing, logistics, and assembly. A heterogeneous swarm of robots, each equipped with individual AI through integration with Large Language Models (LLMs), orchestrates the production process. The robotic system includes manipulator arms, delivery drones, and 3D printers capable of generating assembly blueprints. The system was evaluated using commercial and open-source LLMs, functioning through APIs and local deployment. A user study demonstrated that the system reduces the average production time to 119.10 minutes, significantly outperforming a team of expert human developers, who averaged 528.64 minutes (an improvement factor of 4.4). Furthermore, in the product blueprinting stage, the system surpassed human CAD operators by an unprecedented factor of 47, completing the task in 0.5 minutes compared to 23.5 minutes. This breakthrough represents a major leap towards fully autonomous manufacturing.
comment: submitted to IEEE conf
☆ Trustworthiness in Retrieval-Augmented Generation Systems: A Survey
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has quickly grown into a pivotal paradigm in the development of Large Language Models (LLMs). While much of the current research in this field focuses on performance optimization, particularly in terms of accuracy and efficiency, the trustworthiness of RAG systems remains an area still under exploration. From a positive perspective, RAG systems are promising to enhance LLMs by providing them with useful and up-to-date knowledge from vast external databases, thereby mitigating the long-standing problem of hallucination. While from a negative perspective, RAG systems are at the risk of generating undesirable contents if the retrieved information is either inappropriate or poorly utilized. To address these concerns, we propose a unified framework that assesses the trustworthiness of RAG systems across six key dimensions: factuality, robustness, fairness, transparency, accountability, and privacy. Within this framework, we thoroughly review the existing literature on each dimension. Additionally, we create the evaluation benchmark regarding the six dimensions and conduct comprehensive evaluations for a variety of proprietary and open-source models. Finally, we identify the potential challenges for future research based on our investigation results. Through this work, we aim to lay a structured foundation for future investigations and provide practical insights for enhancing the trustworthiness of RAG systems in real-world applications.
☆ A Riemannian Approach to Ground Metric Learning for Optimal Transport
Optimal transport (OT) theory has attracted much attention in machine learning and signal processing applications. OT defines a notion of distance between probability distributions of source and target data points. A crucial factor that influences OT-based distances is the ground metric of the embedding space in which the source and target data points lie. In this work, we propose to learn a suitable latent ground metric parameterized by a symmetric positive definite matrix. We use the rich Riemannian geometry of symmetric positive definite matrices to jointly learn the OT distance along with the ground metric. Empirical results illustrate the efficacy of the learned metric in OT-based domain adaptation.
☆ DAE-Fuse: An Adaptive Discriminative Autoencoder for Multi-Modality Image Fusion
Multi-modality image fusion aims to integrate complementary data information from different imaging modalities into a single image. Existing methods often generate either blurry fused images that lose fine-grained semantic information or unnatural fused images that appear perceptually cropped from the inputs. In this work, we propose a novel two-phase discriminative autoencoder framework, termed DAE-Fuse, that generates sharp and natural fused images. In the adversarial feature extraction phase, we introduce two discriminative blocks into the encoder-decoder architecture, providing an additional adversarial loss to better guide feature extraction by reconstructing the source images. While the two discriminative blocks are adapted in the attention-guided cross-modality fusion phase to distinguish the structural differences between the fused output and the source inputs, injecting more naturalness into the results. Extensive experiments on public infrared-visible, medical image fusion, and downstream object detection datasets demonstrate our method's superiority and generalizability in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
☆ LLM-DER:A Named Entity Recognition Method Based on Large Language Models for Chinese Coal Chemical Domain
Domain-specific Named Entity Recognition (NER), whose goal is to recognize domain-specific entities and their categories, provides an important support for constructing domain knowledge graphs. Currently, deep learning-based methods are widely used and effective in NER tasks, but due to the reliance on large-scale labeled data. As a result, the scarcity of labeled data in a specific domain will limit its application.Therefore, many researches started to introduce few-shot methods and achieved some results. However, the entity structures in specific domains are often complex, and the current few-shot methods are difficult to adapt to NER tasks with complex features.Taking the Chinese coal chemical industry domain as an example,there exists a complex structure of multiple entities sharing a single entity, as well as multiple relationships for the same pair of entities, which affects the NER task under the sample less condition.In this paper, we propose a Large Language Models (LLMs)-based entity recognition framework LLM-DER for the domain-specific entity recognition problem in Chinese, which enriches the entity information by generating a list of relationships containing entity types through LLMs, and designing a plausibility and consistency evaluation method to remove misrecognized entities, which can effectively solve the complex structural entity recognition problem in a specific domain.The experimental results of this paper on the Resume dataset and the self-constructed coal chemical dataset Coal show that LLM-DER performs outstandingly in domain-specific entity recognition, not only outperforming the existing GPT-3.5-turbo baseline, but also exceeding the fully-supervised baseline, verifying its effectiveness in entity recognition.
☆ Increasing faithfulness in human-human dialog summarization with Spoken Language Understanding tasks
Dialogue summarization aims to provide a concise and coherent summary of conversations between multiple speakers. While recent advancements in language models have enhanced this process, summarizing dialogues accurately and faithfully remains challenging due to the need to understand speaker interactions and capture relevant information. Indeed, abstractive models used for dialog summarization may generate summaries that contain inconsistencies. We suggest using the semantic information proposed for performing Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) in human-machine dialogue systems for goal-oriented human-human dialogues to obtain a more semantically faithful summary regarding the task. This study introduces three key contributions: First, we propose an exploration of how incorporating task-related information can enhance the summarization process, leading to more semantically accurate summaries. Then, we introduce a new evaluation criterion based on task semantics. Finally, we propose a new dataset version with increased annotated data standardized for research on task-oriented dialogue summarization. The study evaluates these methods using the DECODA corpus, a collection of French spoken dialogues from a call center. Results show that integrating models with task-related information improves summary accuracy, even with varying word error rates.
☆ Enhancing Anomaly Detection via Generating Diversified and Hard-to-distinguish Synthetic Anomalies CIKM 2024
Unsupervised anomaly detection is a daunting task, as it relies solely on normality patterns from the training data to identify unseen anomalies during testing. Recent approaches have focused on leveraging domain-specific transformations or perturbations to generate synthetic anomalies from normal samples. The objective here is to acquire insights into normality patterns by learning to differentiate between normal samples and these crafted anomalies. However, these approaches often encounter limitations when domain-specific transformations are not well-specified such as in tabular data, or when it becomes trivial to distinguish between them. To address these issues, we introduce a novel domain-agnostic method that employs a set of conditional perturbators and a discriminator. The perturbators are trained to generate input-dependent perturbations, which are subsequently utilized to construct synthetic anomalies, and the discriminator is trained to distinguish normal samples from them. We ensure that the generated anomalies are both diverse and hard to distinguish through two key strategies: i) directing perturbations to be orthogonal to each other and ii) constraining perturbations to remain in proximity to normal samples. Throughout experiments on real-world datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art benchmarks, which is evident not only in image data but also in tabular data, where domain-specific transformation is not readily accessible. Additionally, we empirically confirm the adaptability of our method to semi-supervised settings, demonstrating its capacity to incorporate supervised signals to enhance anomaly detection performance even further.
comment: Accepted at CIKM 2024
☆ MindGuard: Towards Accessible and Sitgma-free Mental Health First Aid via Edge LLM
Mental health disorders are among the most prevalent diseases worldwide, affecting nearly one in four people. Despite their widespread impact, the intervention rate remains below 25%, largely due to the significant cooperation required from patients for both diagnosis and intervention. The core issue behind this low treatment rate is stigma, which discourages over half of those affected from seeking help. This paper presents MindGuard, an accessible, stigma-free, and professional mobile mental healthcare system designed to provide mental health first aid. The heart of MindGuard is an innovative edge LLM, equipped with professional mental health knowledge, that seamlessly integrates objective mobile sensor data with subjective Ecological Momentary Assessment records to deliver personalized screening and intervention conversations. We conduct a broad evaluation of MindGuard using open datasets spanning four years and real-world deployment across various mobile devices involving 20 subjects for two weeks. Remarkably, MindGuard achieves results comparable to GPT-4 and outperforms its counterpart with more than 10 times the model size. We believe that MindGuard paves the way for mobile LLM applications, potentially revolutionizing mental healthcare practices by substituting self-reporting and intervention conversations with passive, integrated monitoring within daily life, thus ensuring accessible and stigma-free mental health support.
☆ GlobalMapNet: An Online Framework for Vectorized Global HD Map Construction
High-definition (HD) maps are essential for autonomous driving systems. Traditionally, an expensive and labor-intensive pipeline is implemented to construct HD maps, which is limited in scalability. In recent years, crowdsourcing and online mapping have emerged as two alternative methods, but they have limitations respectively. In this paper, we provide a novel methodology, namely global map construction, to perform direct generation of vectorized global maps, combining the benefits of crowdsourcing and online mapping. We introduce GlobalMapNet, the first online framework for vectorized global HD map construction, which updates and utilizes a global map on the ego vehicle. To generate the global map from scratch, we propose GlobalMapBuilder to match and merge local maps continuously. We design a new algorithm, Map NMS, to remove duplicate map elements and produce a clean map. We also propose GlobalMapFusion to aggregate historical map information, improving consistency of prediction. We examine GlobalMapNet on two widely recognized datasets, Argoverse2 and nuScenes, showing that our framework is capable of generating globally consistent results.
☆ Audio-Driven Reinforcement Learning for Head-Orientation in Naturalistic Environments ICASSP 2025
Although deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approaches in audio signal processing have seen substantial progress in recent years, audio-driven DRL for tasks such as navigation, gaze control and head-orientation control in the context of human-robot interaction have received little attention. Here, we propose an audio-driven DRL framework in which we utilise deep Q-learning to develop an autonomous agent that orients towards a talker in the acoustic environment based on stereo speech recordings. Our results show that the agent learned to perform the task at a near perfect level when trained on speech segments in anechoic environments (that is, without reverberation). The presence of reverberation in naturalistic acoustic environments affected the agent's performance, although the agent still substantially outperformed a baseline, randomly acting agent. Finally, we quantified the degree of generalization of the proposed DRL approach across naturalistic acoustic environments. Our experiments revealed that policies learned by agents trained on medium or high reverb environments generalized to low reverb environments, but policies learned by agents trained on anechoic or low reverb environments did not generalize to medium or high reverb environments. Taken together, this study demonstrates the potential of audio-driven DRL for tasks such as head-orientation control and highlights the need for training strategies that enable robust generalization across environments for real-world audio-driven DRL applications.
comment: submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ On the Diagram of Thought
We introduce Diagram of Thought (DoT), a framework that models iterative reasoning in large language models (LLMs) as the construction of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) within a single model. Unlike traditional approaches that represent reasoning as linear chains or trees, DoT organizes propositions, critiques, refinements, and verifications into a cohesive DAG structure, allowing the model to explore complex reasoning pathways while maintaining logical consistency. Each node in the diagram corresponds to a proposition that has been proposed, critiqued, refined, or verified, enabling the LLM to iteratively improve its reasoning through natural language feedback. By leveraging auto-regressive next-token prediction with role-specific tokens, DoT facilitates seamless transitions between proposing ideas and critically evaluating them, providing richer feedback than binary signals. Furthermore, we formalize the DoT framework using Topos Theory, providing a mathematical foundation that ensures logical consistency and soundness in the reasoning process. This approach enhances both the training and inference processes within a single LLM, eliminating the need for multiple models or external control mechanisms. DoT offers a conceptual framework for designing next-generation reasoning-specialized models, emphasizing training efficiency, robust reasoning capabilities, and theoretical grounding. The code is available at https://github.com/diagram-of-thought/diagram-of-thought.
☆ Can GPT-O1 Kill All Bugs?
ChatGPT has long been proven to be effective in automatic program repair (APR). With the continuous iterations and upgrades of the ChatGPT version, its performance in terms of fixes has already reached state-of-the-art levels. However, there are few works comparing the effectiveness and variations of different versions of ChatGPT on APR. In this work, we evaluate the performance of the latest version of ChatGPT (O1-preview and O1-mini), ChatGPT-4o, and historical version of ChatGPT on APR. We study the improvements of the O1 model over traditional ChatGPT in terms of APR from multiple perspectives (repair success rate, repair cost, behavior patterns), and find that O1's repair capability exceeds that of traditional ChatGPT, successfully fixing all 40 bugs in the benchmark. Our work can serve as a reference for further in-depth exploration of the applications of ChatGPT in APR.
☆ AttnMod: Attention-Based New Art Styles
Imagine a human artist looking at the generated photo of a diffusion model, and hoping to create a painting out of it. There could be some feature of the object in the photo that the artist wants to emphasize, some color to disperse, some silhouette to twist, or some part of the scene to be materialized. These intentions can be viewed as the modification of the cross attention from the text prompt onto UNet, during the desoising diffusion. This work presents AttnMod, to modify attention for creating new unpromptable art styles out of existing diffusion models. The style-creating behavior is studied across different setups.
☆ E2Map: Experience-and-Emotion Map for Self-Reflective Robot Navigation with Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) have shown significant potential in guiding embodied agents to execute language instructions across a range of tasks, including robotic manipulation and navigation. However, existing methods are primarily designed for static environments and do not leverage the agent's own experiences to refine its initial plans. Given that real-world environments are inherently stochastic, initial plans based solely on LLMs' general knowledge may fail to achieve their objectives, unlike in static scenarios. To address this limitation, this study introduces the Experience-and-Emotion Map (E2Map), which integrates not only LLM knowledge but also the agent's real-world experiences, drawing inspiration from human emotional responses. The proposed methodology enables one-shot behavior adjustments by updating the E2Map based on the agent's experiences. Our evaluation in stochastic navigation environments, including both simulations and real-world scenarios, demonstrates that the proposed method significantly enhances performance in stochastic environments compared to existing LLM-based approaches. Code and supplementary materials are available at https://e2map.github.io/.
comment: 19 pages, 28 figures. Project page: https://e2map.github.io
☆ AceParse: A Comprehensive Dataset with Diverse Structured Texts for Academic Literature Parsing
With the development of data-centric AI, the focus has shifted from model-driven approaches to improving data quality. Academic literature, as one of the crucial types, is predominantly stored in PDF formats and needs to be parsed into texts before further processing. However, parsing diverse structured texts in academic literature remains challenging due to the lack of datasets that cover various text structures. In this paper, we introduce AceParse, the first comprehensive dataset designed to support the parsing of a wide range of structured texts, including formulas, tables, lists, algorithms, and sentences with embedded mathematical expressions. Based on AceParse, we fine-tuned a multimodal model, named AceParser, which accurately parses various structured texts within academic literature. This model outperforms the previous state-of-the-art by 4.1% in terms of F1 score and by 5% in Jaccard Similarity, demonstrating the potential of multimodal models in academic literature parsing. Our dataset is available at https://github.com/JHW5981/AceParse.
comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables
☆ HALO: Hallucination Analysis and Learning Optimization to Empower LLMs with Retrieval-Augmented Context for Guided Clinical Decision Making
Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced natural language processing tasks, yet they are susceptible to generating inaccurate or unreliable responses, a phenomenon known as hallucination. In critical domains such as health and medicine, these hallucinations can pose serious risks. This paper introduces HALO, a novel framework designed to enhance the accuracy and reliability of medical question-answering (QA) systems by focusing on the detection and mitigation of hallucinations. Our approach generates multiple variations of a given query using LLMs and retrieves relevant information from external open knowledge bases to enrich the context. We utilize maximum marginal relevance scoring to prioritize the retrieved context, which is then provided to LLMs for answer generation, thereby reducing the risk of hallucinations. The integration of LangChain further streamlines this process, resulting in a notable and robust increase in the accuracy of both open-source and commercial LLMs, such as Llama-3.1 (from 44% to 65%) and ChatGPT (from 56% to 70%). This framework underscores the critical importance of addressing hallucinations in medical QA systems, ultimately improving clinical decision-making and patient care. The open-source HALO is available at: https://github.com/ResponsibleAILab/HALO.
comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
☆ SelECT-SQL: Self-correcting ensemble Chain-of-Thought for Text-to-SQL
In recent years,Text-to-SQL, the problem of automatically converting questions posed in natural language to formal SQL queries, has emerged as an important problem at the intersection of natural language processing and data management research. Large language models (LLMs) have delivered impressive performance when used in an off-the-shelf performance, but still fall significantly short of expected expert-level performance. Errors are especially probable when a nuanced understanding is needed of database schemas, questions, and SQL clauses to do proper Text-to-SQL conversion. We introduce SelECT-SQL, a novel in-context learning solution that uses an algorithmic combination of chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting, self-correction, and ensemble methods to yield a new state-of-the-art result on challenging Text-to-SQL benchmarks. Specifically, when configured using GPT-3.5-Turbo as the base LLM, SelECT-SQL achieves 84.2% execution accuracy on the Spider leaderboard's development set, exceeding both the best results of other baseline GPT-3.5-Turbo-based solutions (81.1%), and the peak performance (83.5%) of the GPT-4 result reported on the leaderboard.
☆ FreeMark: A Non-Invasive White-Box Watermarking for Deep Neural Networks
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved significant success in real-world applications. However, safeguarding their intellectual property (IP) remains extremely challenging. Existing DNN watermarking for IP protection often require modifying DNN models, which reduces model performance and limits their practicality. This paper introduces FreeMark, a novel DNN watermarking framework that leverages cryptographic principles without altering the original host DNN model, thereby avoiding any reduction in model performance. Unlike traditional DNN watermarking methods, FreeMark innovatively generates secret keys from a pre-generated watermark vector and the host model using gradient descent. These secret keys, used to extract watermark from the model's activation values, are securely stored with a trusted third party, enabling reliable watermark extraction from suspect models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FreeMark effectively resists various watermark removal attacks while maintaining high watermark capacity.
☆ Comprehensive Study on Sentiment Analysis: From Rule-based to modern LLM based system
This paper provides a comprehensive survey of sentiment analysis within the context of artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs). Sentiment analysis, a critical aspect of natural language processing (NLP), has evolved significantly from traditional rule-based methods to advanced deep learning techniques. This study examines the historical development of sentiment analysis, highlighting the transition from lexicon-based and pattern-based approaches to more sophisticated machine learning and deep learning models. Key challenges are discussed, including handling bilingual texts, detecting sarcasm, and addressing biases. The paper reviews state-of-the-art approaches, identifies emerging trends, and outlines future research directions to advance the field. By synthesizing current methodologies and exploring future opportunities, this survey aims to understand sentiment analysis in the AI and LLM context thoroughly.
comment: 2 Images
☆ Artificial Intelligence-Based Opportunistic Coronary Calcium Screening in the Veterans Affairs National Healthcare System
Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is highly predictive of cardiovascular events. While millions of chest CT scans are performed annually in the United States, CAC is not routinely quantified from scans done for non-cardiac purposes. A deep learning algorithm was developed using 446 expert segmentations to automatically quantify CAC on non-contrast, non-gated CT scans (AI-CAC). Our study differs from prior works as we leverage imaging data across the Veterans Affairs national healthcare system, from 98 medical centers, capturing extensive heterogeneity in imaging protocols, scanners, and patients. AI-CAC performance on non-gated scans was compared against clinical standard ECG-gated CAC scoring. Non-gated AI-CAC differentiated zero vs. non-zero and less than 100 vs. 100 or greater Agatston scores with accuracies of 89.4% (F1 0.93) and 87.3% (F1 0.89), respectively, in 795 patients with paired gated scans within a year of a non-gated CT scan. Non-gated AI-CAC was predictive of 10-year all-cause mortality (CAC 0 vs. >400 group: 25.4% vs. 60.2%, Cox HR 3.49, p < 0.005), and composite first-time stroke, MI, or death (CAC 0 vs. >400 group: 33.5% vs. 63.8%, Cox HR 3.00, p < 0.005). In a screening dataset of 8,052 patients with low-dose lung cancer-screening CTs (LDCT), 3,091/8,052 (38.4%) individuals had AI-CAC >400. Four cardiologists qualitatively reviewed LDCT images from a random sample of >400 AI-CAC patients and verified that 527/531 (99.2%) would benefit from lipid-lowering therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first non-gated CT CAC algorithm developed across a national healthcare system, on multiple imaging protocols, without filtering intra-cardiac hardware, and compared against a strong gated CT reference. We report superior performance relative to previous CAC algorithms evaluated against paired gated scans that included patients with intra-cardiac hardware.
☆ An Offline Adaptation Framework for Constrained Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning
In recent years, significant progress has been made in multi-objective reinforcement learning (RL) research, which aims to balance multiple objectives by incorporating preferences for each objective. In most existing studies, specific preferences must be provided during deployment to indicate the desired policies explicitly. However, designing these preferences depends heavily on human prior knowledge, which is typically obtained through extensive observation of high-performing demonstrations with expected behaviors. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective offline adaptation framework for multi-objective RL problems without assuming handcrafted target preferences, but only given several demonstrations to implicitly indicate the preferences of expected policies. Additionally, we demonstrate that our framework can naturally be extended to meet constraints on safety-critical objectives by utilizing safe demonstrations, even when the safety thresholds are unknown. Empirical results on offline multi-objective and safe tasks demonstrate the capability of our framework to infer policies that align with real preferences while meeting the constraints implied by the provided demonstrations.
☆ Deep Graph Anomaly Detection: A Survey and New Perspectives
Graph anomaly detection (GAD), which aims to identify unusual graph instances (nodes, edges, subgraphs, or graphs), has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to its significance in a wide range of applications. Deep learning approaches, graph neural networks (GNNs) in particular, have been emerging as a promising paradigm for GAD, owing to its strong capability in capturing complex structure and/or node attributes in graph data. Considering the large number of methods proposed for GNN-based GAD, it is of paramount importance to summarize the methodologies and findings in the existing GAD studies, so that we can pinpoint effective model designs for tackling open GAD problems. To this end, in this work we aim to present a comprehensive review of deep learning approaches for GAD. Existing GAD surveys are focused on task-specific discussions, making it difficult to understand the technical insights of existing methods and their limitations in addressing some unique challenges in GAD. To fill this gap, we first discuss the problem complexities and their resulting challenges in GAD, and then provide a systematic review of current deep GAD methods from three novel perspectives of methodology, including GNN backbone design, proxy task design for GAD, and graph anomaly measures. To deepen the discussions, we further propose a taxonomy of 13 fine-grained method categories under these three perspectives to provide more in-depth insights into the model designs and their capabilities. To facilitate the experiments and validation, we also summarize a collection of widely-used GAD datasets and empirical comparison. We further discuss multiple open problems to inspire more future high-quality research. A continuously updated repository for datasets, links to the codes of algorithms, and empirical comparison is available at https://github.com/mala-lab/Awesome-Deep-Graph-Anomaly-Detection.
comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, and 7 tables
☆ Fault Analysis And Predictive Maintenance Of Induction Motor Using Machine Learning
Induction motors are one of the most crucial electrical equipment and are extensively used in industries in a wide range of applications. This paper presents a machine learning model for the fault detection and classification of induction motor faults by using three phase voltages and currents as inputs. The aim of this work is to protect vital electrical components and to prevent abnormal event progression through early detection and diagnosis. This work presents a fast forward artificial neural network model to detect some of the commonly occurring electrical faults like overvoltage, under voltage, single phasing, unbalanced voltage, overload, ground fault. A separate model free monitoring system wherein the motor itself acts like a sensor is presented and the only monitored signals are the input given to the motor. Limits for current and voltage values are set for the faulty and healthy conditions, which is done by a classifier. Real time data from a 0.33 HP induction motor is used to train and test the neural network. The model so developed analyses the voltage and current values given at a particular instant and classifies the data into no fault or the specific fault. The model is then interfaced with a real motor to accurately detect and classify the faults so that further necessary action can be taken.
comment: Presented at ICEECCOT-2018, Published in IEEE Xplore, 6 pages, 3 figures
☆ Towards Data Contamination Detection for Modern Large Language Models: Limitations, Inconsistencies, and Oracle Challenges
As large language models achieve increasingly impressive results, questions arise about whether such performance is from generalizability or mere data memorization. Thus, numerous data contamination detection methods have been proposed. However, these approaches are often validated with traditional benchmarks and early-stage LLMs, leaving uncertainty about their effectiveness when evaluating state-of-the-art LLMs on the contamination of more challenging benchmarks. To address this gap and provide a dual investigation of SOTA LLM contamination status and detection method robustness, we evaluate five contamination detection approaches with four state-of-the-art LLMs across eight challenging datasets often used in modern LLM evaluation. Our analysis reveals that (1) Current methods have non-trivial limitations in their assumptions and practical applications; (2) Notable difficulties exist in detecting contamination introduced during instruction fine-tuning with answer augmentation; and (3) Limited consistencies between SOTA contamination detection techniques. These findings highlight the complexity of contamination detection in advanced LLMs and the urgent need for further research on robust and generalizable contamination evaluation. Our code is available at https://github.com/vsamuel2003/data-contamination.
comment: 12 pages, 1 figure
☆ SFR-RAG: Towards Contextually Faithful LLMs
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), a paradigm that integrates external contextual information with large language models (LLMs) to enhance factual accuracy and relevance, has emerged as a pivotal area in generative AI. The LLMs used in RAG applications are required to faithfully and completely comprehend the provided context and users' questions, avoid hallucination, handle unanswerable, counterfactual or otherwise low-quality and irrelevant contexts, perform complex multi-hop reasoning and produce reliable citations. In this paper, we introduce SFR-RAG, a small LLM that is instruction-tuned with an emphasis on context-grounded generation and hallucination minimization. We also present ContextualBench, a new evaluation framework compiling multiple popular and diverse RAG benchmarks, such as HotpotQA and TriviaQA, with consistent RAG settings to ensure reproducibility and consistency in model assessments. Experimental results demonstrate that our SFR-RAG-9B model outperforms leading baselines such as Command-R+ (104B) and GPT-4o, achieving state-of-the-art results in 3 out of 7 benchmarks in ContextualBench with significantly fewer parameters. The model is also shown to be resilient to alteration in the contextual information and behave appropriately when relevant context is removed. Additionally, the SFR-RAG model maintains competitive performance in general instruction-following tasks and function-calling capabilities.
comment: Technical report
☆ Model Tells Itself Where to Attend: Faithfulness Meets Automatic Attention Steering
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across various real-world tasks. However, they often struggle to fully comprehend and effectively utilize their input contexts, resulting in responses that are unfaithful or hallucinated. This difficulty increases for contexts that are long or contain distracting information, which can divert LLMs from fully capturing essential evidence. To address this issue, many works use prompting to help LLMs utilize contextual information more faithfully. For instance, iterative prompting highlights key information in two steps that first ask the LLM to identify important pieces of context and then derive answers accordingly. However, prompting methods are constrained to highlighting key information implicitly in token space, which is often insufficient to fully steer the model's attention. To improve model faithfulness more reliably, we propose AutoPASTA, a method that automatically identifies key contextual information and explicitly highlights it by steering an LLM's attention scores. Like prompting, AutoPASTA is applied at inference time and does not require changing any model parameters. Our experiments on open-book QA demonstrate that AutoPASTA effectively enables models to grasp essential contextual information, leading to substantially improved model faithfulness and performance, e.g., an average improvement of 7.95% for LLAMA3-70B-Instruct. Code will be publicly available at https://github.com/QingruZhang/AutoPASTA .
comment: 12 pages, 4 figures
☆ Are Deep Learning Models Robust to Partial Object Occlusion in Visual Recognition Tasks?
Image classification models, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), perform well on a variety of classification tasks but struggle under conditions of partial occlusion, i.e., conditions in which objects are partially covered from the view of a camera. Methods to improve performance under occlusion, including data augmentation, part-based clustering, and more inherently robust architectures, including Vision Transformer (ViT) models, have, to some extent, been evaluated on their ability to classify objects under partial occlusion. However, evaluations of these methods have largely relied on images containing artificial occlusion, which are typically computer-generated and therefore inexpensive to label. Additionally, methods are rarely compared against each other, and many methods are compared against early, now outdated, deep learning models. We contribute the Image Recognition Under Occlusion (IRUO) dataset, based on the recently developed Occluded Video Instance Segmentation (OVIS) dataset (arXiv:2102.01558). IRUO utilizes real-world and artificially occluded images to test and benchmark leading methods' robustness to partial occlusion in visual recognition tasks. In addition, we contribute the design and results of a human study using images from IRUO that evaluates human classification performance at multiple levels and types of occlusion. We find that modern CNN-based models show improved recognition accuracy on occluded images compared to earlier CNN-based models, and ViT-based models are more accurate than CNN-based models on occluded images, performing only modestly worse than human accuracy. We also find that certain types of occlusion, including diffuse occlusion, where relevant objects are seen through "holes" in occluders such as fences and leaves, can greatly reduce the accuracy of deep recognition models as compared to humans, especially those with CNN backbones.
☆ VulnLLMEval: A Framework for Evaluating Large Language Models in Software Vulnerability Detection and Patching
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in tasks like code translation, prompting interest in their potential for automating software vulnerability detection (SVD) and patching (SVP). To further research in this area, establishing a benchmark is essential for evaluating the strengths and limitations of LLMs in these tasks. Despite their capabilities, questions remain regarding whether LLMs can accurately analyze complex vulnerabilities and generate appropriate patches. This paper introduces VulnLLMEval, a framework designed to assess the performance of LLMs in identifying and patching vulnerabilities in C code. Our study includes 307 real-world vulnerabilities extracted from the Linux kernel, creating a well-curated dataset that includes both vulnerable and patched code. This dataset, based on real-world code, provides a diverse and representative testbed for evaluating LLM performance in SVD and SVP tasks, offering a robust foundation for rigorous assessment. Our results reveal that LLMs often struggle with distinguishing between vulnerable and patched code. Furthermore, in SVP tasks, these models tend to oversimplify the code, producing solutions that may not be directly usable without further refinement.
☆ AutoSafeCoder: A Multi-Agent Framework for Securing LLM Code Generation through Static Analysis and Fuzz Testing
Recent advancements in automatic code generation using large language models (LLMs) have brought us closer to fully automated secure software development. However, existing approaches often rely on a single agent for code generation, which struggles to produce secure, vulnerability-free code. Traditional program synthesis with LLMs has primarily focused on functional correctness, often neglecting critical dynamic security implications that happen during runtime. To address these challenges, we propose AutoSafeCoder, a multi-agent framework that leverages LLM-driven agents for code generation, vulnerability analysis, and security enhancement through continuous collaboration. The framework consists of three agents: a Coding Agent responsible for code generation, a Static Analyzer Agent identifying vulnerabilities, and a Fuzzing Agent performing dynamic testing using a mutation-based fuzzing approach to detect runtime errors. Our contribution focuses on ensuring the safety of multi-agent code generation by integrating dynamic and static testing in an iterative process during code generation by LLM that improves security. Experiments using the SecurityEval dataset demonstrate a 13% reduction in code vulnerabilities compared to baseline LLMs, with no compromise in functionality.
☆ Generalized Measures of Anticipation and Responsivity in Online Language Processing
We introduce a generalization of classic information-theoretic measures of predictive uncertainty in online language processing, based on the simulation of expected continuations of incremental linguistic contexts. Our framework provides a formal definition of anticipatory and responsive measures, and it equips experimenters with the tools to define new, more expressive measures beyond standard next-symbol entropy and surprisal. While extracting these standard quantities from language models is convenient, we demonstrate that using Monte Carlo simulation to estimate alternative responsive and anticipatory measures pays off empirically: New special cases of our generalized formula exhibit enhanced predictive power compared to surprisal for human cloze completion probability as well as ELAN, LAN, and N400 amplitudes, and greater complementarity with surprisal in predicting reading times.
☆ A Missing Data Imputation GAN for Character Sprite Generation
Creating and updating pixel art character sprites with many frames spanning different animations and poses takes time and can quickly become repetitive. However, that can be partially automated to allow artists to focus on more creative tasks. In this work, we concentrate on creating pixel art character sprites in a target pose from images of them facing other three directions. We present a novel approach to character generation by framing the problem as a missing data imputation task. Our proposed generative adversarial networks model receives the images of a character in all available domains and produces the image of the missing pose. We evaluated our approach in the scenarios with one, two, and three missing images, achieving similar or better results to the state-of-the-art when more images are available. We also evaluate the impact of the proposed changes to the base architecture.
comment: Published in SBGames 2024
☆ Self-Attention Limits Working Memory Capacity of Transformer-Based Models
Recent work on Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) has revealed striking limits in their working memory capacity, similar to what has been found in human behavioral studies. Specifically, these models' performance drops significantly on N-back tasks as N increases. However, there is still a lack of mechanistic interpretability as to why this phenomenon would arise. Inspired by the executive attention theory from behavioral sciences, we hypothesize that the self-attention mechanism within Transformer-based models might be responsible for their working memory capacity limits. To test this hypothesis, we train vanilla decoder-only transformers to perform N-back tasks and find that attention scores gradually aggregate to the N-back positions over training, suggesting that the model masters the task by learning a strategy to pay attention to the relationship between the current position and the N-back position. Critically, we find that the total entropy of the attention score matrix increases as N increases, suggesting that the dispersion of attention scores might be the cause of the capacity limit observed in N-back tasks.
comment: 8 pages, 12 figures
Self-supervised Speech Models for Word-Level Stuttered Speech Detection
Clinical diagnosis of stuttering requires an assessment by a licensed speech-language pathologist. However, this process is time-consuming and requires clinicians with training and experience in stuttering and fluency disorders. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of speech-language pathologists report being comfortable working with individuals who stutter, which is inadequate to accommodate for the 80 million individuals who stutter worldwide. Developing machine learning models for detecting stuttered speech would enable universal and automated screening for stuttering, enabling speech pathologists to identify and follow up with patients who are most likely to be diagnosed with a stuttering speech disorder. Previous research in this area has predominantly focused on utterance-level detection, which is not sufficient for clinical settings where word-level annotation of stuttering is the norm. In this study, we curated a stuttered speech dataset with word-level annotations and introduced a word-level stuttering speech detection model leveraging self-supervised speech models. Our evaluation demonstrates that our model surpasses previous approaches in word-level stuttering speech detection. Additionally, we conducted an extensive ablation analysis of our method, providing insight into the most important aspects of adapting self-supervised speech models for stuttered speech detection.
comment: Accepted by IEEE SLT 2024
☆ Model-in-the-Loop (MILO): Accelerating Multimodal AI Data Annotation with LLMs
The growing demand for AI training data has transformed data annotation into a global industry, but traditional approaches relying on human annotators are often time-consuming, labor-intensive, and prone to inconsistent quality. We propose the Model-in-the-Loop (MILO) framework, which integrates AI/ML models into the annotation process. Our research introduces a collaborative paradigm that leverages the strengths of both professional human annotators and large language models (LLMs). By employing LLMs as pre-annotation and real-time assistants, and judges on annotator responses, MILO enables effective interaction patterns between human annotators and LLMs. Three empirical studies on multimodal data annotation demonstrate MILO's efficacy in reducing handling time, improving data quality, and enhancing annotator experiences. We also introduce quality rubrics for flexible evaluation and fine-grained feedback on open-ended annotations. The MILO framework has implications for accelerating AI/ML development, reducing reliance on human annotation alone, and promoting better alignment between human and machine values.
☆ Playground v3: Improving Text-to-Image Alignment with Deep-Fusion Large Language Models
We introduce Playground v3 (PGv3), our latest text-to-image model that achieves state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance across multiple testing benchmarks, excels in graphic design abilities and introduces new capabilities. Unlike traditional text-to-image generative models that rely on pre-trained language models like T5 or CLIP text encoders, our approach fully integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) with a novel structure that leverages text conditions exclusively from a decoder-only LLM. Additionally, to enhance image captioning quality-we developed an in-house captioner, capable of generating captions with varying levels of detail, enriching the diversity of text structures. We also introduce a new benchmark CapsBench to evaluate detailed image captioning performance. Experimental results demonstrate that PGv3 excels in text prompt adherence, complex reasoning, and accurate text rendering. User preference studies indicate the super-human graphic design ability of our model for common design applications, such as stickers, posters, and logo designs. Furthermore, PGv3 introduces new capabilities, including precise RGB color control and robust multilingual understanding.
☆ Encoding Reusable Multi-Robot Planning Strategies as Abstract Hypergraphs
Multi-Robot Task Planning (MR-TP) is the search for a discrete-action plan a team of robots should take to complete a task. The complexity of such problems scales exponentially with the number of robots and task complexity, making them challenging for online solution. To accelerate MR-TP over a system's lifetime, this work looks at combining two recent advances: (i) Decomposable State Space Hypergraph (DaSH), a novel hypergraph-based framework to efficiently model and solve MR-TP problems; and \mbox{(ii) learning-by-abstraction,} a technique that enables automatic extraction of generalizable planning strategies from individual planning experiences for later reuse. Specifically, we wish to extend this strategy-learning technique, originally designed for single-robot planning, to benefit multi-robot planning using hypergraph-based MR-TP.
☆ MotIF: Motion Instruction Fine-tuning
While success in many robotics tasks can be determined by only observing the final state and how it differs from the initial state - e.g., if an apple is picked up - many tasks require observing the full motion of the robot to correctly determine success. For example, brushing hair requires repeated strokes that correspond to the contours and type of hair. Prior works often use off-the-shelf vision-language models (VLMs) as success detectors; however, when success depends on the full trajectory, VLMs struggle to make correct judgments for two reasons. First, modern VLMs are trained only on single frames, and cannot capture changes over a full trajectory. Second, even if we provide state-of-the-art VLMs with an aggregate input of multiple frames, they still fail to detect success due to a lack of robot data. Our key idea is to fine-tune VLMs using abstract representations that are able to capture trajectory-level information such as the path the robot takes by overlaying keypoint trajectories on the final image. We propose motion instruction fine-tuning (MotIF), a method that fine-tunes VLMs using the aforementioned abstract representations to semantically ground the robot's behavior in the environment. To benchmark and fine-tune VLMs for robotic motion understanding, we introduce the MotIF-1K dataset containing 653 human and 369 robot demonstrations across 13 task categories. MotIF assesses the success of robot motion given the image observation of the trajectory, task instruction, and motion description. Our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art VLMs by at least twice in precision and 56.1% in recall, generalizing across unseen motions, tasks, and environments. Finally, we demonstrate practical applications of MotIF in refining and terminating robot planning, and ranking trajectories on how they align with task and motion descriptions. Project page: https://motif-1k.github.io
☆ Multi-agent Path Finding in Continuous Environment ICTAI
We address a variant of multi-agent path finding in continuous environment (CE-MAPF), where agents move along sets of smooth curves. Collisions between agents are resolved via avoidance in the space domain. A new Continuous Environment Conflict-Based Search (CE-CBS) algorithm is proposed in this work. CE-CBS combines conflict-based search (CBS) for the high-level search framework with RRT* for low-level path planning. The CE-CBS algorithm is tested under various settings on diverse CE-MAPF instances. Experimental results show that CE-CBS is competitive w.r.t. to other algorithms that consider continuous aspect in MAPF such as MAPF with continuous time.
comment: The 36th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). 2024, In press
☆ Disentangling Uncertainty for Safe Social Navigation using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Autonomous mobile robots are increasingly employed in pedestrian-rich environments where safe navigation and appropriate human interaction are crucial. While Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) enables socially integrated robot behavior, challenges persist in novel or perturbed scenarios to indicate when and why the policy is uncertain. Unknown uncertainty in decision-making can lead to collisions or human discomfort and is one reason why safe and risk-aware navigation is still an open problem. This work introduces a novel approach that integrates aleatoric, epistemic, and predictive uncertainty estimation into a DRL-based navigation framework for uncertainty estimates in decision-making. We, therefore, incorporate Observation-Dependent Variance (ODV) and dropout into the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. For different types of perturbations, we compare the ability of Deep Ensembles and Monte-Carlo Dropout (MC-Dropout) to estimate the uncertainties of the policy. In uncertain decision-making situations, we propose to change the robot's social behavior to conservative collision avoidance. The results show that the ODV-PPO algorithm converges faster with better generalization and disentangles the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties. In addition, the MC-Dropout approach is more sensitive to perturbations and capable to correlate the uncertainty type to the perturbation type better. With the proposed safe action selection scheme, the robot can navigate in perturbed environments with fewer collisions.
comment: Submitted to the IEEE for possible publication, 8 pages, 6 figures
☆ Logic Synthesis Optimization with Predictive Self-Supervision via Causal Transformers
Contemporary hardware design benefits from the abstraction provided by high-level logic gates, streamlining the implementation of logic circuits. Logic Synthesis Optimization (LSO) operates at one level of abstraction within the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) workflow, targeting improvements in logic circuits with respect to performance metrics such as size and speed in the final layout. Recent trends in the field show a growing interest in leveraging Machine Learning (ML) for EDA, notably through ML-guided logic synthesis utilizing policy-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods.Despite these advancements, existing models face challenges such as overfitting and limited generalization, attributed to constrained public circuits and the expressiveness limitations of graph encoders. To address these hurdles, and tackle data scarcity issues, we introduce LSOformer, a novel approach harnessing Autoregressive transformer models and predictive SSL to predict the trajectory of Quality of Results (QoR). LSOformer integrates cross-attention modules to merge insights from circuit graphs and optimization sequences, thereby enhancing prediction accuracy for QoR metrics. Experimental studies validate the effectiveness of LSOformer, showcasing its superior performance over baseline architectures in QoR prediction tasks, where it achieves improvements of 5.74%, 4.35%, and 17.06% on the EPFL, OABCD, and proprietary circuits datasets, respectively, in inductive setup.
☆ Exploring Fine-tuned Generative Models for Keyphrase Selection: A Case Study for Russian
Keyphrase selection plays a pivotal role within the domain of scholarly texts, facilitating efficient information retrieval, summarization, and indexing. In this work, we explored how to apply fine-tuned generative transformer-based models to the specific task of keyphrase selection within Russian scientific texts. We experimented with four distinct generative models, such as ruT5, ruGPT, mT5, and mBART, and evaluated their performance in both in-domain and cross-domain settings. The experiments were conducted on the texts of Russian scientific abstracts from four domains: mathematics \& computer science, history, medicine, and linguistics. The use of generative models, namely mBART, led to gains in in-domain performance (up to 4.9\% in BERTScore, 9.0\% in ROUGE-1, and 12.2\% in F1-score) over three keyphrase extraction baselines for the Russian language. Although the results for cross-domain usage were significantly lower, they still demonstrated the capability to surpass baseline performances in several cases, underscoring the promising potential for further exploration and refinement in this research field.
☆ Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformer
Transformers stand as the cornerstone of mordern deep learning. Traditionally, these models rely on multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers to mix the information between channels. In this paper, we introduce the Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformer (KAT), a novel architecture that replaces MLP layers with Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) layers to enhance the expressiveness and performance of the model. Integrating KANs into transformers, however, is no easy feat, especially when scaled up. Specifically, we identify three key challenges: (C1) Base function. The standard B-spline function used in KANs is not optimized for parallel computing on modern hardware, resulting in slower inference speeds. (C2) Parameter and Computation Inefficiency. KAN requires a unique function for each input-output pair, making the computation extremely large. (C3) Weight initialization. The initialization of weights in KANs is particularly challenging due to their learnable activation functions, which are critical for achieving convergence in deep neural networks. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, we propose three key solutions: (S1) Rational basis. We replace B-spline functions with rational functions to improve compatibility with modern GPUs. By implementing this in CUDA, we achieve faster computations. (S2) Group KAN. We share the activation weights through a group of neurons, to reduce the computational load without sacrificing performance. (S3) Variance-preserving initialization. We carefully initialize the activation weights to make sure that the activation variance is maintained across layers. With these designs, KAT scales effectively and readily outperforms traditional MLP-based transformers.
comment: Code: https://github.com/Adamdad/kat
☆ CSKV: Training-Efficient Channel Shrinking for KV Cache in Long-Context Scenarios
Large Language Models (LLMs) have been widely adopted to process long-context tasks. However, the large memory overhead of the key-value (KV) cache poses significant challenges in long-context scenarios. Existing training-free KV cache compression methods typically focus on quantization and token pruning, which have compression limits, and excessive sparsity can lead to severe performance degradation. Other methods design new architectures with less KV overhead but require significant training overhead. To address the above two drawbacks, we further explore the redundancy in the channel dimension and apply an architecture-level design with minor training costs. Therefore, we introduce CSKV, a training-efficient Channel Shrinking technique for KV cache compression: (1) We first analyze the singular value distribution of the KV cache, revealing significant redundancy and compression potential along the channel dimension. Based on this observation, we propose using low-rank decomposition for key and value layers and storing the low-dimension features. (2) To preserve model performance, we introduce a bi-branch KV cache, including a window-based full-precision KV cache and a low-precision compressed KV cache. (3) To reduce the training costs, we minimize the layer-wise reconstruction loss for the compressed KV cache instead of retraining the entire LLMs. Extensive experiments show that CSKV can reduce the memory overhead of the KV cache by 80% while maintaining the model's long-context capability. Moreover, we show that our method can be seamlessly combined with quantization to further reduce the memory overhead, achieving a compression ratio of up to 95%.
☆ Offline Reinforcement Learning for Learning to Dispatch for Job Shop Scheduling
The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is a complex combinatorial optimization problem. There has been growing interest in using online Reinforcement Learning (RL) for JSSP. While online RL can quickly find acceptable solutions, especially for larger problems, it produces lower-quality results than traditional methods like Constraint Programming (CP). A significant downside of online RL is that it cannot learn from existing data, such as solutions generated from CP, requiring them to train from scratch, leading to sample inefficiency and making them unable to learn from more optimal examples. We introduce Offline Reinforcement Learning for Learning to Dispatch (Offline-LD), a novel approach for JSSP that addresses these limitations. Offline-LD adapts two CQL-based Q-learning methods (mQRDQN and discrete mSAC) for maskable action spaces, introduces a new entropy bonus modification for discrete SAC, and exploits reward normalization through preprocessing. Our experiments show that Offline-LD outperforms online RL on both generated and benchmark instances. By introducing noise into the dataset, we achieve similar or better results than those obtained from the expert dataset, indicating that a more diverse training set is preferable because it contains counterfactual information.
comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables
☆ Opponent Shaping for Antibody Development
Anti-viral therapies are typically designed or evolved towards the current strains of a virus. In learning terms, this corresponds to a myopic best response, i.e., not considering the possible adaptive moves of the opponent. However, therapy-induced selective pressures act on viral antigens to drive the emergence of mutated strains, against which initial therapies have reduced efficacy. To motivate our work, we consider antibody designs that target not only the current viral strains but also the wide range of possible future variants that the virus might evolve into under the evolutionary pressure exerted by said antibodies. Building on a computational model of binding between antibodies and viral antigens (the Absolut! framework), we design and implement a genetic simulation of the viral evolutionary escape. Crucially, this allows our antibody optimisation algorithm to consider and influence the entire escape curve of the virus, i.e. to guide (or ''shape'') the viral evolution. This is inspired by opponent shaping which, in general-sum learning, accounts for the adaptation of the co-player rather than playing a myopic best response. Hence we call the optimised antibodies shapers. Within our simulations, we demonstrate that our shapers target both current and simulated future viral variants, outperforming the antibodies chosen in a myopic way. Furthermore, we show that shapers exert specific evolutionary pressure on the virus compared to myopic antibodies. Altogether, shapers modify the evolutionary trajectories of viral strains and minimise the viral escape compared to their myopic counterparts. While this is a simple model, we hope that our proposed paradigm will enable the discovery of better long-lived vaccines and antibody therapies in the future, enabled by rapid advancements in the capabilities of simulation tools.
comment: Preprint
☆ Deep Learning tools to support deforestation monitoring in the Ivory Coast using SAR and Optical satellite imagery
Deforestation is gaining an increasingly importance due to its strong influence on the sorrounding environment, especially in developing countries where population has a disadvantaged economic condition and agriculture is the main source of income. In Ivory Coast, for instance, where the cocoa production is the most remunerative activity, it is not rare to assist to the replacement of portion of ancient forests with new cocoa plantations. In order to monitor this type of deleterious activities, satellites can be employed to recognize the disappearance of the forest to prevent it from expand its area of interest. In this study, Forest-Non-Forest map (FNF) has been used as ground truth for models based on Sentinel images input. State-of-the-art models U-Net, Attention U-Net, Segnet and FCN32 are compared over different years combining Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and cloud probability to create forest/non-forest segmentation. Although Ivory Coast lacks of forest coverage datasets and is partially covered by Sentinel images, it is demonstrated the feasibility to create models classifying forest and non-forests pixels over the area using open datasets to predict where deforestation could have occurred. Although a significant portion of the deforestation research is carried out on visible bands, SAR acquisitions are employed to overcome the limits of RGB images over areas often covered by clouds. Finally, the most promising model is employed to estimate the hectares of forest has been cut between 2019 and 2020.
☆ ASMA: An Adaptive Safety Margin Algorithm for Vision-Language Drone Navigation via Scene-Aware Control Barrier Functions
In the rapidly evolving field of vision-language navigation (VLN), ensuring robust safety mechanisms remains an open challenge. Control barrier functions (CBFs) are efficient tools which guarantee safety by solving an optimal control problem. In this work, we consider the case of a teleoperated drone in a VLN setting, and add safety features by formulating a novel scene-aware CBF using ego-centric observations obtained through an RGB-D sensor. As a baseline, we implement a vision-language understanding module which uses the contrastive language image pretraining (CLIP) model to query about a user-specified (in natural language) landmark. Using the YOLO (You Only Look Once) object detector, the CLIP model is queried for verifying the cropped landmark, triggering downstream navigation. To improve navigation safety of the baseline, we propose ASMA -- an Adaptive Safety Margin Algorithm -- that crops the drone's depth map for tracking moving object(s) to perform scene-aware CBF evaluation on-the-fly. By identifying potential risky observations from the scene, ASMA enables real-time adaptation to unpredictable environmental conditions, ensuring optimal safety bounds on a VLN-powered drone actions. Using the robot operating system (ROS) middleware on a parrot bebop2 quadrotor in the gazebo environment, ASMA offers 59.4% - 61.8% increase in success rates with insignificant 5.4% - 8.2% increases in trajectory lengths compared to the baseline CBF-less VLN while recovering from unsafe situations.
☆ AutoPET Challenge III: Testing the Robustness of Generalized Dice Focal Loss trained 3D Residual UNet for FDG and PSMA Lesion Segmentation from Whole-Body PET/CT Images
Automated segmentation of cancerous lesions in PET/CT scans is a crucial first step in quantitative image analysis. However, training deep learning models for segmentation with high accuracy is particularly challenging due to the variations in lesion size, shape, and radiotracer uptake. These lesions can appear in different parts of the body, often near healthy organs that also exhibit considerable uptake, making the task even more complex. As a result, creating an effective segmentation model for routine PET/CT image analysis is challenging. In this study, we utilized a 3D Residual UNet model and employed the Generalized Dice Focal Loss function to train the model on the AutoPET Challenge 2024 dataset. We conducted a 5-fold cross-validation and used an average ensembling technique using the models from the five folds. In the preliminary test phase for Task-1, the average ensemble achieved a mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 0.6687, mean false negative volume (FNV) of 10.9522 ml and mean false positive volume (FPV) 2.9684 ml. More details about the algorithm can be found on our GitHub repository: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autosegnet2024.git. The training code has been shared via the repository: https://github.com/ahxmeds/autopet2024.git.
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2309.13553
☆ Motion Forecasting via Model-Based Risk Minimization
Forecasting the future trajectories of surrounding agents is crucial for autonomous vehicles to ensure safe, efficient, and comfortable route planning. While model ensembling has improved prediction accuracy in various fields, its application in trajectory prediction is limited due to the multi-modal nature of predictions. In this paper, we propose a novel sampling method applicable to trajectory prediction based on the predictions of multiple models. We first show that conventional sampling based on predicted probabilities can degrade performance due to missing alignment between models. To address this problem, we introduce a new method that generates optimal trajectories from a set of neural networks, framing it as a risk minimization problem with a variable loss function. By using state-of-the-art models as base learners, our approach constructs diverse and effective ensembles for optimal trajectory sampling. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes prediction dataset demonstrate that our method surpasses current state-of-the-art techniques, achieving top ranks on the leaderboard. We also provide a comprehensive empirical study on ensembling strategies, offering insights into their effectiveness. Our findings highlight the potential of advanced ensembling techniques in trajectory prediction, significantly improving predictive performance and paving the way for more reliable predicted trajectories.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to be published in IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (2025)
☆ Manifold-Constrained Nucleus-Level Denoising Diffusion Model for Structure-Based Drug Design
Artificial intelligence models have shown great potential in structure-based drug design, generating ligands with high binding affinities. However, existing models have often overlooked a crucial physical constraint: atoms must maintain a minimum pairwise distance to avoid separation violation, a phenomenon governed by the balance of attractive and repulsive forces. To mitigate such separation violations, we propose NucleusDiff. It models the interactions between atomic nuclei and their surrounding electron clouds by enforcing the distance constraint between the nuclei and manifolds. We quantitatively evaluate NucleusDiff using the CrossDocked2020 dataset and a COVID-19 therapeutic target, demonstrating that NucleusDiff reduces violation rate by up to 100.00% and enhances binding affinity by up to 22.16%, surpassing state-of-the-art models for structure-based drug design. We also provide qualitative analysis through manifold sampling, visually confirming the effectiveness of NucleusDiff in reducing separation violations and improving binding affinities.
☆ Reinforcement Learning with Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting
Reinforcement learning has traditionally been studied with exponential discounting or the average reward setup, mainly due to their mathematical tractability. However, such frameworks fall short of accurately capturing human behavior, which has a bias towards immediate gratification. Quasi-Hyperbolic (QH) discounting is a simple alternative for modeling this bias. Unlike in traditional discounting, though, the optimal QH-policy, starting from some time $t_1,$ can be different to the one starting from $t_2.$ Hence, the future self of an agent, if it is naive or impatient, can deviate from the policy that is optimal at the start, leading to sub-optimal overall returns. To prevent this behavior, an alternative is to work with a policy anchored in a Markov Perfect Equilibrium (MPE). In this work, we propose the first model-free algorithm for finding an MPE. Using a two-timescale analysis, we show that, if our algorithm converges, then the limit must be an MPE. We also validate this claim numerically for the standard inventory system with stochastic demands. Our work significantly advances the practical application of reinforcement learning.
☆ WaveMixSR-V2: Enhancing Super-resolution with Higher Efficiency
Recent advancements in single image super-resolution have been predominantly driven by token mixers and transformer architectures. WaveMixSR utilized the WaveMix architecture, employing a two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform for spatial token mixing, achieving superior performance in super-resolution tasks with remarkable resource efficiency. In this work, we present an enhanced version of the WaveMixSR architecture by (1) replacing the traditional transpose convolution layer with a pixel shuffle operation and (2) implementing a multistage design for higher resolution tasks ($4\times$). Our experiments demonstrate that our enhanced model -- WaveMixSR-V2 -- outperforms other architectures in multiple super-resolution tasks, achieving state-of-the-art for the BSD100 dataset, while also consuming fewer resources, exhibits higher parameter efficiency, lower latency and higher throughput. Our code is available at https://github.com/pranavphoenix/WaveMixSR.
comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.00430
☆ A Green Multi-Attribute Client Selection for Over-The-Air Federated Learning: A Grey-Wolf-Optimizer Approach
Federated Learning (FL) has gained attention across various industries for its capability to train machine learning models without centralizing sensitive data. While this approach offers significant benefits such as privacy preservation and decreased communication overhead, it presents several challenges, including deployment complexity and interoperability issues, particularly in heterogeneous scenarios or resource-constrained environments. Over-the-air (OTA) FL was introduced to tackle these challenges by disseminating model updates without necessitating direct device-to-device connections or centralized servers. However, OTA-FL brought forth limitations associated with heightened energy consumption and network latency. In this paper, we propose a multi-attribute client selection framework employing the grey wolf optimizer (GWO) to strategically control the number of participants in each round and optimize the OTA-FL process while considering accuracy, energy, delay, reliability, and fairness constraints of participating devices. We evaluate the performance of our multi-attribute client selection approach in terms of model loss minimization, convergence time reduction, and energy efficiency. In our experimental evaluation, we assessed and compared the performance of our approach against the existing state-of-the-art methods. Our results demonstrate that the proposed GWO-based client selection outperforms these baselines across various metrics. Specifically, our approach achieves a notable reduction in model loss, accelerates convergence time, and enhances energy efficiency while maintaining high fairness and reliability indicators.
☆ MARCA: Mamba Accelerator with ReConfigurable Architecture
We propose a Mamba accelerator with reconfigurable architecture, MARCA.We propose three novel approaches in this paper. (1) Reduction alternative PE array architecture for both linear and element-wise operations. For linear operations, the reduction tree connected to PE arrays is enabled and executes the reduction operation. For element-wise operations, the reduction tree is disabled and the output bypasses. (2) Reusable nonlinear function unit based on the reconfigurable PE. We decompose the exponential function into element-wise operations and a shift operation by a fast biased exponential algorithm, and the activation function (SiLU) into a range detection and element-wise operations by a piecewise approximation algorithm. Thus, the reconfigurable PEs are reused to execute nonlinear functions with negligible accuracy loss.(3) Intra-operation and inter-operation buffer management strategy. We propose intra-operation buffer management strategy to maximize input data sharing for linear operations within operations, and inter-operation strategy for element-wise operations between operations. We conduct extensive experiments on Mamba model families with different sizes.MARCA achieves up to 463.22$\times$/11.66$\times$ speedup and up to 9761.42$\times$/242.52$\times$ energy efficiency compared to Intel Xeon 8358P CPU and NVIDIA Tesla A100 GPU implementations, respectively.
comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted by ICCAD 2024. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2001.02514 by other authors
♻ ☆ Large Language Monkeys: Scaling Inference Compute with Repeated Sampling
Scaling the amount of compute used to train language models has dramatically improved their capabilities. However, when it comes to inference, we often limit the amount of compute to only one attempt per problem. Here, we explore inference compute as another axis for scaling by increasing the number of generated samples. Across multiple tasks and models, we observe that coverage - the fraction of problems solved by any attempt - scales with the number of samples over four orders of magnitude. In domains like coding and formal proofs, where all answers can be automatically verified, these increases in coverage directly translate into improved performance. When we apply repeated sampling to SWE-bench Lite, the fraction of issues solved with DeepSeek-V2-Coder-Instruct increases from 15.9% with one sample to 56% with 250 samples, outperforming the single-attempt state-of-the-art of 43% which uses more capable frontier models. Moreover, using current API pricing, amplifying the cheaper DeepSeek model with five samples is more cost-effective and solves more issues than paying a premium for one sample from GPT-4o or Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Interestingly, the relationship between coverage and the number of samples is often log-linear and can be modelled with an exponentiated power law, suggesting the existence of inference-time scaling laws. Finally, we find that identifying correct samples out of many generations remains an important direction for future research in domains without automatic verifiers. When solving math word problems from GSM8K and MATH, coverage with Llama-3 models grows to over 95% with 10,000 samples. However, common methods to pick correct solutions from a sample collection, such as majority voting or reward models, plateau beyond several hundred samples and fail to fully scale with the sample budget.
♻ ☆ Decidability of Querying First-Order Theories via Countermodels of Finite Width
We propose a generic framework for establishing the decidability of a wide range of logical entailment problems (briefly called querying), based on the existence of countermodels that are structurally simple, gauged by certain types of width measures (with treewidth and cliquewidth as popular examples). As an important special case of our framework, we identify logics exhibiting width-finite finitely universal model sets, warranting decidable entailment for a wide range of homomorphism-closed queries, subsuming a diverse set of practically relevant query languages. As a particularly powerful width measure, we propose to employ Blumensath's partitionwidth, which subsumes various other commonly considered width measures and exhibits highly favorable computational and structural properties. Focusing on the formalism of existential rules as a popular showcase, we explain how finite partitionwidth sets of rules subsume other known abstract decidable classes but - leveraging existing notions of stratification - also cover a wide range of new rulesets. We expose natural limitations for fitting the class of finite unification sets into our picture and suggest several options for remedy.
♻ ☆ Towards Human-Like Driving: Active Inference in Autonomous Vehicle Control
This paper presents a novel approach to Autonomous Vehicle (AV) control through the application of active inference, a theory derived from neuroscience that conceptualizes the brain as a predictive machine. Traditional autonomous driving systems rely heavily on Modular Pipelines, Imitation Learning, or Reinforcement Learning, each with inherent limitations in adaptability, generalization, and computational efficiency. Active inference addresses these challenges by minimizing prediction error (termed "surprise") through a dynamic model that balances perception and action. Our method integrates active inference with deep learning to manage lateral control in AVs, enabling them to perform lane following maneuvers within a simulated urban environment. We demonstrate that our model, despite its simplicity, effectively learns and generalizes from limited data without extensive retraining, significantly reducing computational demands. The proposed approach not only enhances the adaptability and performance of AVs in dynamic scenarios but also aligns closely with human-like driving behavior, leveraging a generative model to predict and adapt to environmental changes. Results from extensive experiments in the CARLA simulator show promising outcomes, outperforming traditional methods in terms of adaptability and efficiency, thereby advancing the potential of active inference in real-world autonomous driving applications.
comment: The work is partly supported by a sponsor. Authors need to complete the final report submission before any type of publication according to the sponsor. The final report will be submitted in few weeks. Then, authors will reinstate this paper after that
♻ ☆ Beyond Bare Queries: Open-Vocabulary Object Grounding with 3D Scene Graph
Locating objects described in natural language presents a significant challenge for autonomous agents. Existing CLIP-based open-vocabulary methods successfully perform 3D object grounding with simple (bare) queries, but cannot cope with ambiguous descriptions that demand an understanding of object relations. To tackle this problem, we propose a modular approach called BBQ (Beyond Bare Queries), which constructs 3D scene graph representation with metric and semantic edges and utilizes a large language model as a human-to-agent interface through our deductive scene reasoning algorithm. BBQ employs robust DINO-powered associations to construct 3D object-centric map and an advanced raycasting algorithm with a 2D vision-language model to describe them as graph nodes. On the Replica and ScanNet datasets, we have demonstrated that BBQ takes a leading place in open-vocabulary 3D semantic segmentation compared to other zero-shot methods. Also, we show that leveraging spatial relations is especially effective for scenes containing multiple entities of the same semantic class. On challenging Sr3D+, Nr3D and ScanRefer benchmarks, our deductive approach demonstrates a significant improvement, enabling objects grounding by complex queries compared to other state-of-the-art methods. The combination of our design choices and software implementation has resulted in significant data processing speed in experiments on the robot on-board computer. This promising performance enables the application of our approach in intelligent robotics projects. We made the code publicly available at https://linukc.github.io/BeyondBareQueries/.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables
♻ ☆ Mitigate the Gap: Investigating Approaches for Improving Cross-Modal Alignment in CLIP
Contrastive Language--Image Pre-training (CLIP) has manifested remarkable improvements in zero-shot classification and cross-modal vision-language tasks. Yet, from a geometrical point of view, the CLIP embedding space has been found to have a pronounced modality gap. This gap renders the embedding space overly sparse and disconnected, with different modalities being densely distributed in distinct subregions of the hypersphere. In this work, we aim at answering three main questions: 1. Does sharing the parameter space between the multi-modal encoders reduce the modality gap? 2. Can the gap be mitigated by pushing apart the uni-modal embeddings via intra-modality separation? 3. How do these gap reduction approaches affect the downstream performance? We design AlignCLIP, in order to answer these questions and through extensive experiments, we show that AlignCLIP achieves noticeable enhancements in the cross-modal alignment of the embeddings, and thereby, reduces the modality gap, while improving the performance across several zero-shot and fine-tuning downstream evaluations.
♻ ☆ My part is bigger than yours -- assessment within a group of peers
A project (e.g., writing a collaborative research paper) is often a group effort. At the end, each contributor identifies their contribution, often verbally. The reward, however, is very frequently financial. It leads to the question of what (percentage) share in the creation of the paper is due to individual authors. Different authors may have various opinions on the matter; even worse, their opinions may have different relevance. In this paper, we present simple models that allow aggregation of experts' views, linking the priority of his preference directly to the assessment made by other experts. In this approach, the more significant the contribution of a given expert, the greater the importance of his opinion. The presented method can be considered an attempt to find consensus among peers involved in the same project. Hence, its applications may go beyond the proposed study example of writing a scientific paper.
comment: 25 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Enhancing Spatio-temporal Quantile Forecasting with Curriculum Learning: Lessons Learned
Training models on spatio-temporal (ST) data poses an open problem due to the complicated and diverse nature of the data itself, and it is challenging to ensure the model's performance directly trained on the original ST data. While limiting the variety of training data can make training easier, it can also lead to a lack of knowledge and information for the model, resulting in a decrease in performance. To address this challenge, we presented an innovative paradigm that incorporates three separate forms of curriculum learning specifically targeting from spatial, temporal, and quantile perspectives. Furthermore, our framework incorporates a stacking fusion module to combine diverse information from three types of curriculum learning, resulting in a strong and thorough learning process. We demonstrated the effectiveness of this framework with extensive empirical evaluations, highlighting its better performance in addressing complex ST challenges. We provided thorough ablation studies to investigate the effectiveness of our curriculum and to explain how it contributes to the improvement of learning efficiency on ST data.
comment: accept by sigspatial 2024
♻ ☆ Enhancing Next Destination Prediction: A Novel Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Approach Using Real-World Airline Data
In the modern transportation industry, accurate prediction of travelers' next destinations brings multiple benefits to companies, such as customer satisfaction and targeted marketing. This study focuses on developing a precise model that captures the sequential patterns and dependencies in travel data, enabling accurate predictions of individual travelers' future destinations. To achieve this, a novel model architecture with a sliding window approach based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is proposed for destination prediction in the transportation industry. The experimental results highlight satisfactory performance and high scores achieved by the proposed model across different data sizes and performance metrics. This research contributes to advancing destination prediction methods, empowering companies to deliver personalized recommendations and optimize customer experiences in the dynamic travel landscape.
♻ ☆ Probabilistic energy forecasting through quantile regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
Accurate energy demand forecasting is crucial for sustainable and resilient energy development. To meet the Net Zero Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) $4.5$ scenario in the DACH countries, increased renewable energy production, energy storage, and reduced commercial building consumption are needed. This scenario's success depends on hydroelectric capacity and climatic factors. Informed decisions require quantifying uncertainty in forecasts. This study explores a non-parametric method based on \emph{reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS)}, known as kernel quantile regression, for energy prediction. Our experiments demonstrate its reliability and sharpness, and we benchmark it against state-of-the-art methods in load and price forecasting for the DACH region. We offer our implementation in conjunction with additional scripts to ensure the reproducibility of our research.
comment: 12 pages, {Owner/Author | ACM} {2024}. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record will published in https://energy.acm.org/eir
♻ ☆ Reviewing AI's Role in Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Recurrence Prediction
Notorious for its 70-80% recurrence rate, Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) imposes a significant human burden and is one of the costliest cancers to manage. Current tools for predicting NMIBC recurrence rely on scoring systems that often overestimate risk and have poor accuracy. This is where Machine learning (ML)-based techniques have emerged as a promising approach for predicting NMIBC recurrence by leveraging molecular and clinical data. This comprehensive review paper critically analyses ML-based frameworks for predicting NMIBC recurrence, focusing on their statistical robustness and algorithmic efficacy. We meticulously examine the strengths and weaknesses of each study, by focusing on various prediction tasks, data modalities, and ML models, highlighting their remarkable performance alongside inherent limitations. A diverse array of ML algorithms that leverage multimodal data spanning radiomics, clinical, histopathological, and genomic data, exhibit significant promise in accurately predicting NMIBC recurrence. However, the path to widespread adoption faces challenges concerning the generalisability and interpretability of models, emphasising the need for collaborative efforts, robust datasets, and the incorporation of cost-effectiveness. Our detailed categorisation and in-depth analysis illuminate the nuances, complexities, and contexts that influence real-world advancement and adoption of these AI-based techniques. This rigorous analysis equips researchers with a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the ML algorithms employed. Researchers can use these insights to refine approaches, address limitations, and boost generalisability of their ML models, ultimately leading to reduced healthcare costs and improved patient outcomes.
comment: 14 pages, 3 Figures
♻ ☆ How Can We Effectively Expand the Vocabulary of LLMs with 0.01GB of Target Language Text?
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in many languages beyond English. Yet, LLMs require more inference steps when generating non-English text due to their reliance on English-centric tokenizers and vocabulary, resulting in higher usage costs to non-English speakers. Vocabulary expansion with target language tokens is a widely used cross-lingual vocabulary adaptation approach to remedy this issue. Despite its effectiveness in inference speedup, previous work on vocabulary expansion has focused on high-resource settings assuming access to a substantial amount of target language data to effectively initialize the embeddings of the new tokens and adapt the LLM to the target language. However, vocabulary expansion in low-resource settings has yet to be explored. In this paper, we investigate vocabulary expansion in low-resource settings by considering embedding initialization methods and continual pre-training strategies. Through extensive experiments across typologically diverse languages, tasks and models, we establish a set of strategies to perform vocabulary expansion for faster inference, maintaining competitive downstream performance to baselines with only 30K sentences ($\sim$0.01GB text data) from the target language.
♻ ☆ Enhancing learning in spiking neural networks through neuronal heterogeneity and neuromodulatory signaling
Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has been driven by insights from neuroscience, particularly with the development of artificial neural networks (ANNs). This has significantly enhanced the replication of complex cognitive tasks such as vision and natural language processing. Despite these advances, ANNs struggle with continual learning, adaptable knowledge transfer, robustness, and resource efficiency - capabilities that biological systems handle seamlessly. Specifically, ANNs often overlook the functional and morphological diversity of the brain, hindering their computational capabilities. Furthermore, incorporating cell-type specific neuromodulatory effects into ANNs with neuronal heterogeneity could enable learning at two spatial scales: spiking behavior at the neuronal level, and synaptic plasticity at the circuit level, thereby potentially enhancing their learning abilities. In this article, we summarize recent bio-inspired models, learning rules and architectures and propose a biologically-informed framework for enhancing ANNs. Our proposed dual-framework approach highlights the potential of spiking neural networks (SNNs) for emulating diverse spiking behaviors and dendritic compartments to simulate morphological and functional diversity of neuronal computations. Finally, we outline how the proposed approach integrates brain-inspired compartmental models and task-driven SNNs, balances bioinspiration and complexity, and provides scalable solutions for pressing AI challenges, such as continual learning, adaptability, robustness, and resource-efficiency.
comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, 3 boxes
♻ ☆ NeuroLGP-SM: Scalable Surrogate-Assisted Neuroevolution for Deep Neural Networks CEC
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) play a crucial role in the architectural configuration and training of Artificial Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), a process known as neuroevolution. However, neuroevolution is hindered by its inherent computational expense, requiring multiple generations, a large population, and numerous epochs. The most computationally intensive aspect lies in evaluating the fitness function of a single candidate solution. To address this challenge, we employ Surrogate-assisted EAs (SAEAs). While a few SAEAs approaches have been proposed in neuroevolution, none have been applied to truly large DNNs due to issues like intractable information usage. In this work, drawing inspiration from Genetic Programming semantics, we use phenotypic distance vectors, outputted from DNNs, alongside Kriging Partial Least Squares (KPLS), an approach that is effective in handling these large vectors, making them suitable for search. Our proposed approach, named Neuro-Linear Genetic Programming surrogate model (NeuroLGP-SM), efficiently and accurately estimates DNN fitness without the need for complete evaluations. NeuroLGP-SM demonstrates competitive or superior results compared to 12 other methods, including NeuroLGP without SM, convolutional neural networks, support vector machines, and autoencoders. Additionally, it is worth noting that NeuroLGP-SM is 25% more energy-efficient than its NeuroLGP counterpart. This efficiency advantage adds to the overall appeal of our proposed NeuroLGP-SM in optimising the configuration of large DNNs.
comment: published in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (CEC 2024), Yokohama, Japan, 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables (EDIT: added DOI)
♻ ☆ Aligning Machine and Human Visual Representations across Abstraction Levels
Deep neural networks have achieved success across a wide range of applications, including as models of human behavior in vision tasks. However, neural network training and human learning differ in fundamental ways, and neural networks often fail to generalize as robustly as humans do, raising questions regarding the similarity of their underlying representations. What is missing for modern learning systems to exhibit more human-like behavior? We highlight a key misalignment between vision models and humans: whereas human conceptual knowledge is hierarchically organized from fine- to coarse-scale distinctions, model representations do not accurately capture all these levels of abstraction. To address this misalignment, we first train a teacher model to imitate human judgments, then transfer human-like structure from its representations into pretrained state-of-the-art vision foundation models. These human-aligned models more accurately approximate human behavior and uncertainty across a wide range of similarity tasks, including a new dataset of human judgments spanning multiple levels of semantic abstractions. They also perform better on a diverse set of machine learning tasks, increasing generalization and out-of-distribution robustness. Thus, infusing neural networks with additional human knowledge yields a best-of-both-worlds representation that is both more consistent with human cognition and more practically useful, thus paving the way toward more robust, interpretable, and human-like artificial intelligence systems.
comment: 51 pages
♻ ☆ The Role of Deep Learning Regularizations on Actors in Offline RL
Deep learning regularization techniques, such as dropout, layer normalization, or weight decay, are widely adopted in the construction of modern artificial neural networks, often resulting in more robust training processes and improved generalization capabilities. However, in the domain of Reinforcement Learning (RL), the application of these techniques has been limited, usually applied to value function estimators, and may result in detrimental effects. This issue is even more pronounced in offline RL settings, which bear greater similarity to supervised learning but have received less attention. Recent work in continuous offline RL has demonstrated that while we can build sufficiently powerful critic networks, the generalization of actor networks remains a bottleneck. In this study, we empirically show that applying standard regularization techniques to actor networks in offline RL actor-critic algorithms yields improvements of 6% on average across two algorithms and three different continuous D4RL domains.
comment: https://github.com/DT6A/ActoReg
♻ ☆ CoReEcho: Continuous Representation Learning for 2D+time Echocardiography Analysis
Deep learning (DL) models have been advancing automatic medical image analysis on various modalities, including echocardiography, by offering a comprehensive end-to-end training pipeline. This approach enables DL models to regress ejection fraction (EF) directly from 2D+time echocardiograms, resulting in superior performance. However, the end-to-end training pipeline makes the learned representations less explainable. The representations may also fail to capture the continuous relation among echocardiogram clips, indicating the existence of spurious correlations, which can negatively affect the generalization. To mitigate this issue, we propose CoReEcho, a novel training framework emphasizing continuous representations tailored for direct EF regression. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that CoReEcho: 1) outperforms the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the largest echocardiography dataset (EchoNet-Dynamic) with MAE of 3.90 & R2 of 82.44, and 2) provides robust and generalizable features that transfer more effectively in related downstream tasks. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/fadamsyah/CoReEcho.
♻ ☆ Exploring Loss Landscapes through the Lens of Spin Glass Theory
In the past decade, significant strides in deep learning have led to numerous groundbreaking applications. Despite these advancements, the understanding of the high generalizability of deep learning, especially in such an over-parametrized space, remains limited. For instance, in deep neural networks (DNNs), their internal representations, decision-making mechanism, absence of overfitting in an over-parametrized space, superior generalizability, etc., remain less understood. Successful applications are often considered as empirical rather than scientific achievement. This paper delves into the loss landscape of DNNs through the lens of spin glass in statistical physics, a system characterized by a complex energy landscape with numerous metastable states, as a novel perspective in understanding how DNNs work. We investigated the loss landscape of single hidden layer neural networks activated by Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) function, and introduced several protocols to examine the analogy between DNNs and spin glass. Specifically, we used (1) random walk in the parameter space of DNNs to unravel the structures in their loss landscape; (2) a permutation-interpolation protocol to study the connection between copies of identical regions in the loss landscape due to the permutation symmetry in the hidden layers; (3) hierarchical clustering to reveal the hierarchy among trained solutions of DNNs, reminiscent of the so-called Replica Symmetry Breaking (RSB) phenomenon (i.e. the Parisi solution) in spin glass; (4) finally, we examine the relationship between the ruggedness of DNN's loss landscape and its generalizability, showing an improvement of flattened minima.
comment: 24 pages, 11 figures
♻ ☆ Towards Fully Autonomous Research Powered by LLMs: Case Study on Simulations
The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has created new opportunities for the automation of scientific research, spanning both experimental processes and computational simulations. This study explores the feasibility of constructing an autonomous simulation agent (ASA) powered by LLM, through sophisticated API integration, to automate the entire research process, from experimental design, remote upload and simulation execution, data analysis, to report compilation. Using a simulation problem of polymer chain conformations as a case study, we assessed the performance of ASAs powered by different LLMs including GPT-4-Turbo. Our findings revealed that ASA-GPT-4o achieved near-flawless execution on designated research missions, underscoring the potential of LLMs to manage complete scientific investigations autonomously. The outlined automation can be iteratively performed up to twenty cycles without human intervention, illustrating the potential of LLMs for large-scale autonomous research endeavors. Additionally, we discussed the intrinsic traits of ASAs in managing extensive tasks, focusing on self-validation mechanisms and the balance between local attention and global oversight.
comment: For additional code and data, please visit our GitHub repository: https://github.com/zokaraa/autonomous_simulation_agent
♻ ☆ Evaluation of Google Translate for Mandarin Chinese translation using sentiment and semantic analysis
Machine translation using large language models (LLMs) is having a significant global impact, making communication easier. Mandarin Chinese is the official language used for communication by the government and media in China. In this study, we provide an automated assessment of translation quality of Google Translate with human experts using sentiment and semantic analysis. In order to demonstrate our framework, we select the classic early twentieth-century novel 'The True Story of Ah Q' with selected Mandarin Chinese to English translations. We use Google Translate to translate the given text into English and then conduct a chapter-wise sentiment analysis and semantic analysis to compare the extracted sentiments across the different translations. Our results indicate that the precision of Google Translate differs both in terms of semantic and sentiment analysis when compared to human expert translations. We find that Google Translate is unable to translate some of the specific words or phrases in Chinese, such as Chinese traditional allusions. The mistranslations may be due to lack of contextual significance and historical knowledge of China.
♻ ☆ DRIFT: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Floating Platforms Trajectories IROS 2024
This investigation introduces a novel deep reinforcement learning-based suite to control floating platforms in both simulated and real-world environments. Floating platforms serve as versatile test-beds to emulate micro-gravity environments on Earth, useful to test autonomous navigation systems for space applications. Our approach addresses the system and environmental uncertainties in controlling such platforms by training policies capable of precise maneuvers amid dynamic and unpredictable conditions. Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) techniques, our suite achieves robustness, adaptability, and good transferability from simulation to reality. Our deep reinforcement learning framework provides advantages such as fast training times, large-scale testing capabilities, rich visualization options, and ROS bindings for integration with real-world robotic systems. Being open access, our suite serves as a comprehensive platform for practitioners who want to replicate similar research in their own simulated environments and labs.
comment: Updated to the version accepted at IROS 2024. Minor revisions based on peer review
♻ ☆ Rethinking Spectral Graph Neural Networks with Spatially Adaptive Filtering
Whilst spectral Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are theoretically well-founded in the spectral domain, their practical reliance on polynomial approximation implies a profound linkage to the spatial domain. As previous studies rarely examine spectral GNNs from the spatial perspective, their spatial-domain interpretability remains elusive, e.g., what information is essentially encoded by spectral GNNs in the spatial domain? In this paper, to answer this question, we establish a theoretical connection between spectral filtering and spatial aggregation, unveiling an intrinsic interaction that spectral filtering implicitly leads the original graph to an adapted new graph, explicitly computed for spatial aggregation. Both theoretical and empirical investigations reveal that the adapted new graph not only exhibits non-locality but also accommodates signed edge weights to reflect label consistency among nodes. These findings thus highlight the interpretable role of spectral GNNs in the spatial domain and inspire us to rethink graph spectral filters beyond the fixed-order polynomials, which neglect global information. Built upon the theoretical findings, we revisit the state-of-the-art spectral GNNs and propose a novel Spatially Adaptive Filtering (SAF) framework, which leverages the adapted new graph by spectral filtering for an auxiliary non-local aggregation. Notably, our proposed SAF comprehensively models both node similarity and dissimilarity from a global perspective, therefore alleviating persistent deficiencies of GNNs related to long-range dependencies and graph heterophily. Extensive experiments over 13 node classification benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our proposed framework to the state-of-the-art models.
♻ ☆ Mitigating analytical variability in fMRI results with style transfer
We propose a novel approach to improve the reproducibility of neuroimaging results by converting statistic maps across different functional MRI pipelines. We make the assumption that pipelines used to compute fMRI statistic maps can be considered as a style component and we propose to use different generative models, among which, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Diffusion Models (DM) to convert statistic maps across different pipelines. We explore the performance of multiple GAN frameworks, and design a new DM framework for unsupervised multi-domain styletransfer. We constrain the generation of 3D fMRI statistic maps using the latent space of an auxiliary classifier that distinguishes statistic maps from different pipelines and extend traditional sampling techniques used in DM to improve the transition performance. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed methods aresuccessful: pipelines can indeed be transferred as a style component, providing animportant source of data augmentation for future medical studies.
♻ ☆ Large language models and linguistic intentionality
Do large language models like Chat-GPT or LLaMa meaningfully use the words they produce? Or are they merely clever prediction machines, simulating language use by producing statistically plausible text? There have already been some initial attempts to answer this question by showing that these models meet the criteria for entering meaningful states according to metasemantic theories of mental content. In this paper, I will argue for a different approach - that we should instead consider whether language models meet the criteria given by our best metasemantic theories of linguistic content. In that vein, I will illustrate how this can be done by applying two such theories to the case of language models: Gareth Evans' (1982) account of naming practices and Ruth Millikan's (1984, 2004, 2005) teleosemantics. In doing so, I will argue that it is a mistake to think that the failure of LLMs to meet plausible conditions for mental intentionality thereby renders their outputs meaningless, and that a distinguishing feature of linguistic intentionality - dependency on a pre-existing linguistic system - allows for the plausible result LLM outputs are meaningful.
♻ ☆ Learning to Refuse: Towards Mitigating Privacy Risks in LLMs
Large language models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating natural language. However, these models can inadvertently memorize private information, posing significant privacy risks. This study addresses the challenge of enabling LLMs to protect specific individuals' private data without the need for complete retraining. We propose \return, a Real-world pErsonal daTa UnleaRNing dataset, comprising 2,492 individuals from Wikipedia with associated QA pairs, to evaluate machine unlearning (MU) methods for protecting personal data in a realistic scenario. Additionally, we introduce the Name-Aware Unlearning Framework (NAUF) for Privacy Protection, which enables the model to learn which individuals' information should be protected without affecting its ability to answer questions related to other unrelated individuals. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that NAUF achieves a state-of-the-art average unlearning score, surpassing the best baseline method by 5.65 points, effectively protecting target individuals' personal data while maintaining the model's general capabilities.
♻ ☆ Central Answer Modeling for an Embodied Multi-LLM System
Embodied Question Answering (EQA) is an important problem, which involves an agent exploring the environment to answer user queries. In the existing literature, EQA has exclusively been studied in single-agent scenarios, where exploration can be time-consuming and costly. In this work, we consider EQA in a multi-agent framework involving multiple large language models (LLM) based agents independently answering queries about a household environment. To generate one answer for each query, we use the individual responses to train a Central Answer Model (CAM) that aggregates responses for a robust answer. While prior Question Answering (QA) work has used a central module based on answers from multiple LLM-based experts, we specifically look at applying this framework to embodied LLM-based agents that must physically explore the environment first to become experts on their given environment to answer questions. Our work is the first to utilize a central answer model framework with embodied agents that must rely on exploring an unknown environment. We set up a variation of EQA where instead of the agents exploring the environment after the question is asked, the agents first explore the environment for a set amount of time and then answer a set of queries. Using CAM, we observe a $46\%$ higher EQA accuracy when compared against aggregation methods for ensemble LLM, such as voting schemes and debates. CAM does not require any form of agent communication, alleviating it from the associated costs. We ablate CAM with various nonlinear (neural network, random forest, decision tree, XGBoost) and linear (logistic regression classifier, SVM) algorithms. We experiment in various topological graph environments and examine the case where one of the agents is malicious and purposes contribute responses it believes to be wrong.
comment: 15 pages, 11 Figures, 5 Tables
♻ ☆ Multi-agent Attacks for Black-box Social Recommendations
The rise of online social networks has facilitated the evolution of social recommender systems, which incorporate social relations to enhance users' decision-making process. With the great success of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in learning node representations, GNN-based social recommendations have been widely studied to model user-item interactions and user-user social relations simultaneously. Despite their great successes, recent studies have shown that these advanced recommender systems are highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, in which attackers can inject well-designed fake user profiles to disrupt recommendation performances. While most existing studies mainly focus on argeted attacks to promote target items on vanilla recommender systems, untargeted attacks to degrade the overall prediction performance are less explored on social recommendations under a black-box scenario. To perform untargeted attacks on social recommender systems, attackers can construct malicious social relationships for fake users to enhance the attack performance. However, the coordination of social relations and item profiles is challenging for attacking black-box social recommendations. To address this limitation, we first conduct several preliminary studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of cross-community connections and cold-start items in degrading recommendations performance. Specifically, we propose a novel framework MultiAttack based on multi-agent reinforcement learning to coordinate the generation of cold-start item profiles and cross-community social relations for conducting untargeted attacks on black-box social recommendations. Comprehensive experiments on various real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed attacking framework under the black-box setting.
comment: Accepted by ACM TOIS
♻ ☆ NeuroSpex: Neuro-Guided Speaker Extraction with Cross-Modal Attention
In the study of auditory attention, it has been revealed that there exists a robust correlation between attended speech and elicited neural responses, measurable through electroencephalography (EEG). Therefore, it is possible to use the attention information available within EEG signals to guide the extraction of the target speaker in a cocktail party computationally. In this paper, we present a neuro-guided speaker extraction model, i.e. NeuroSpex, using the EEG response of the listener as the sole auxiliary reference cue to extract attended speech from monaural speech mixtures. We propose a novel EEG signal encoder that captures the attention information. Additionally, we propose a cross-attention (CA) mechanism to enhance the speech feature representations, generating a speaker extraction mask. Experimental results on a publicly available dataset demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms two baseline models across various evaluation metrics.
♻ ☆ Fully Spiking Neural Network for Legged Robots
Recent advancements in legged robots using deep reinforcement learning have led to significant progress. Quadruped robots can perform complex tasks in challenging environments, while bipedal and humanoid robots have also achieved breakthroughs. Current reinforcement learning methods leverage diverse robot bodies and historical information to perform actions, but previous research has not emphasized the speed and energy consumption of network inference and the biological significance of neural networks. Most networks are traditional artificial neural networks that utilize multilayer perceptrons (MLP). This paper presents a novel Spiking Neural Network (SNN) for legged robots, showing exceptional performance in various simulated terrains. SNNs provide natural advantages in inference speed and energy consumption, and their pulse-form processing enhances biological interpretability. This study presents a highly efficient SNN for legged robots that can be seamless integrated into other learning models.
♻ ☆ CCE: Sample Efficient Sparse Reward Policy Learning for Robotic Navigation via Confidence-Controlled Exploration
We introduce Confidence-Controlled Exploration (CCE), a novel exploration scheme designed to enhance the training sample efficiency of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for sparse reward settings such as robot navigation. Sparse rewards are common in RL and convenient to design and implement, but typically hard to deal with due to the challenges of exploration. Existing methods deploy regularization-based methods to deal with the exploration challenges. However, it is hard to characterize the balance between exploration and exploitation because regularization modifies the reward function itself, hence changing the objective we are optimizing for. In contrast to regularization-based approaches in the existing literature, our approach, CCE, is based on a novel relationship we provide between gradient estimation and policy entropy. CCE dynamically adjusts the number of samples of the gradient update used during training to control exploration. Interestingly, CCE can be applied to both existing on-policy and off-policy RL methods, which we demonstrate by empirically validating its efficacy on three popular RL methods: REINFORCE, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) for goal-reaching robotic navigation tasks. We demonstrate through simulated and real-world experiments that CCE outperforms conventional methods that employ constant trajectory lengths and entropy regularization when constraining the sample budget. For a fixed sample budget, CCE achieves an 18\% increase in navigation success rate, a 20-38\% reduction in navigation path length, and a 9.32\% decrease in elevation costs. Furthermore, we showcase the versatility of CCE by integrating it with the Clearpath Husky robot, illustrating its applicability in complex outdoor environments.
comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ ChatGPT Based Data Augmentation for Improved Parameter-Efficient Debiasing of LLMs
Large Language models (LLMs), while powerful, exhibit harmful social biases. Debiasing is often challenging due to computational costs, data constraints, and potential degradation of multi-task language capabilities. This work introduces a novel approach utilizing ChatGPT to generate synthetic training data, aiming to enhance the debiasing of LLMs. We propose two strategies: Targeted Prompting, which provides effective debiasing for known biases but necessitates prior specification of bias in question; and General Prompting, which, while slightly less effective, offers debiasing across various categories. We leverage resource-efficient LLM debiasing using adapter tuning and compare the effectiveness of our synthetic data to existing debiasing datasets. Our results reveal that: (1) ChatGPT can efficiently produce high-quality training data for debiasing other LLMs; (2) data produced via our approach surpasses existing datasets in debiasing performance while also preserving internal knowledge of a pre-trained LLM; and (3) synthetic data exhibits generalizability across categories, effectively mitigating various biases, including intersectional ones. These findings underscore the potential of synthetic data in advancing the fairness of LLMs with minimal retraining cost.
comment: To Appear in the Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Language Modeling (COLM) 2024
♻ ☆ V2X-VLM: End-to-End V2X Cooperative Autonomous Driving Through Large Vision-Language Models
Advancements in autonomous driving have increasingly focused on end-to-end (E2E) systems that manage the full spectrum of driving tasks, from environmental perception to vehicle navigation and control. This paper introduces V2X-VLM, an innovative E2E vehicle-infrastructure cooperative autonomous driving (VICAD) framework with Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) systems and large vision-language models (VLMs). V2X-VLM is designed to enhance situational awareness, decision-making, and ultimate trajectory planning by integrating multimodel data from vehicle-mounted cameras, infrastructure sensors, and textual information. The contrastive learning method is further employed to complement VLM by refining feature discrimination, assisting the model to learn robust representations of the driving environment. Evaluations on the DAIR-V2X dataset show that V2X-VLM outperforms state-of-the-art cooperative autonomous driving methods, while additional tests on corner cases validate its robustness in real-world driving conditions.
♻ ☆ InterACT: Inter-dependency Aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers for Bimanual Manipulation
We present InterACT: Inter-dependency aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers, a novel imitation learning framework for bimanual manipulation that integrates hierarchical attention to capture inter-dependencies between dual-arm joint states and visual inputs. InterACT consists of a Hierarchical Attention Encoder and a Multi-arm Decoder, both designed to enhance information aggregation and coordination. The encoder processes multi-modal inputs through segment-wise and cross-segment attention mechanisms, while the decoder leverages synchronization blocks to refine individual action predictions, providing the counterpart's prediction as context. Our experiments on a variety of simulated and real-world bimanual manipulation tasks demonstrate that InterACT significantly outperforms existing methods. Detailed ablation studies validate the contributions of key components of our work, including the impact of CLS tokens, cross-segment encoders, and synchronization blocks.
comment: Accepted at Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
♻ ☆ Demo: SGCode: A Flexible Prompt-Optimizing System for Secure Generation of Code
This paper introduces SGCode, a flexible prompt-optimizing system to generate secure code with large language models (LLMs). SGCode integrates recent prompt-optimization approaches with LLMs in a unified system accessible through front-end and back-end APIs, enabling users to 1) generate secure code, which is free of vulnerabilities, 2) review and share security analysis, and 3) easily switch from one prompt optimization approach to another, while providing insights on model and system performance. We populated SGCode on an AWS server with PromSec, an approach that optimizes prompts by combining an LLM and security tools with a lightweight generative adversarial graph neural network to detect and fix security vulnerabilities in the generated code. Extensive experiments show that SGCode is practical as a public tool to gain insights into the trade-offs between model utility, secure code generation, and system cost. SGCode has only a marginal cost compared with prompting LLMs. SGCode is available at:
♻ ☆ Exploring Concept Depth: How Large Language Models Acquire Knowledge at Different Layers?
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performances across a wide range of tasks. However, the mechanisms by which these models encode tasks of varying complexities remain poorly understood. In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that LLMs process concepts of varying complexities in different layers, introducing the idea of ``Concept Depth'' to suggest that more complex concepts are typically acquired in deeper layers. Specifically, we categorize concepts based on their level of abstraction, defining them in the order of increasing complexity within factual, emotional, and inferential tasks. We conduct extensive probing experiments using layer-wise representations across various LLM families (Gemma, LLaMA, Qwen) on various datasets spanning the three domains of tasks. Our findings reveal that models could efficiently conduct probing for simpler tasks in shallow layers, and more complex tasks typically necessitate deeper layers for accurate understanding. Additionally, we examine how external factors, such as adding noise to the input and quantizing the model weights, might affect layer-wise representations. Our findings suggest that these factors can impede the development of a conceptual understanding of LLMs until deeper layers are explored. We hope that our proposed concept and experimental insights will enhance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying LLMs. Our codes are available at \url{https://github.com/Luckfort/CD}.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ LLM Whisperer: An Inconspicuous Attack to Bias LLM Responses
Writing effective prompts for large language models (LLM) can be unintuitive and burdensome. In response, services that optimize or suggest prompts have emerged. While such services can reduce user effort, they also introduce a risk: the prompt provider can subtly manipulate prompts to produce heavily biased LLM responses. In this work, we show that subtle synonym replacements in prompts can increase the likelihood (by a difference up to 78%) that LLMs mention a target concept (e.g., a brand, political party, nation). We substantiate our observations through a user study, showing our adversarially perturbed prompts 1) are indistinguishable from unaltered prompts by humans, 2) push LLMs to recommend target concepts more often, and 3) make users more likely to notice target concepts, all without arousing suspicion. The practicality of this attack has the potential to undermine user autonomy. Among other measures, we recommend implementing warnings against using prompts from untrusted parties.
♻ ☆ Interactive AI Alignment: Specification, Process, and Evaluation Alignment
Modern AI enables a high-level, declarative form of interaction: Users describe the intended outcome they wish an AI to produce, but do not actually create the outcome themselves. In contrast, in traditional user interfaces, users invoke specific operations to create the desired outcome. This paper revisits the basic input-output interaction cycle in light of this declarative style of interaction, and connects concepts in AI alignment to define three objectives for interactive alignment of AI: specification alignment (aligning on what to do), process alignment (aligning on how to do it), and evaluation alignment (assisting users in verifying and understanding what was produced). Using existing systems as examples, we show how these user-centered views of AI alignment can be used descriptively, prescriptively, and as an evaluative aid.
♻ ☆ DrugAgent: Explainable Drug Repurposing Agent with Large Language Model-based Reasoning
Drug repurposing offers a promising avenue for accelerating drug development by identifying new therapeutic potentials of existing drugs. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent framework to enhance the drug repurposing process using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques and knowledge integration. Our framework comprises several specialized agents: an AI Agent trains robust drug-target interaction (DTI) models; a Knowledge Graph Agent utilizes the drug-gene interaction database (DGIdb), DrugBank, Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), and Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals (STITCH) to systematically extract DTIs; and a Search Agent interacts with biomedical literature to annotate and verify computational predictions. By integrating outputs from these agents, our system effectively harnesses diverse data sources, including external databases, to propose viable repurposing candidates. Preliminary results demonstrate the potential of our approach in not only predicting drug-disease interactions but also in reducing the time and cost associated with traditional drug discovery methods. This paper highlights the scalability of multi-agent systems in biomedical research and their role in driving innovation in drug repurposing. Our approach not only outperforms existing methods in predicting drug repurposing potential but also provides interpretable results, paving the way for more efficient and cost-effective drug discovery processes.
comment: 18 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ SynDARin: Synthesising Datasets for Automated Reasoning in Low-Resource Languages
Question Answering (QA) datasets have been instrumental in developing and evaluating Large Language Model (LLM) capabilities. However, such datasets are scarce for languages other than English due to the cost and difficulties of collection and manual annotation. This means that producing novel models and measuring the performance of multilingual LLMs in low-resource languages is challenging. To mitigate this, we propose $\textbf{S}$yn$\textbf{DAR}$in, a method for generating and validating QA datasets for low-resource languages. We utilize parallel content mining to obtain $\textit{human-curated}$ paragraphs between English and the target language. We use the English data as context to $\textit{generate}$ synthetic multiple-choice (MC) question-answer pairs, which are automatically translated and further validated for quality. Combining these with their designated non-English $\textit{human-curated}$ paragraphs form the final QA dataset. The method allows to maintain the content quality, reduces the likelihood of factual errors, and circumvents the need for costly annotation. To test the method, we created a QA dataset with $1.2$K samples for the Armenian language. The human evaluation shows that $98\%$ of the generated English data maintains quality and diversity in the question types and topics, while the translation validation pipeline can filter out $\sim70\%$ of data with poor quality. We use the dataset to benchmark state-of-the-art LLMs, showing their inability to achieve human accuracy with some model performances closer to random chance. This shows that the generated dataset is non-trivial and can be used to evaluate reasoning capabilities in low-resource language.
♻ ☆ Scaling Law Hypothesis for Multimodal Model
We propose a scaling law hypothesis for multimodal models processing text, audio, images, and video within a shared token and embedding space. Our framework predicts model performance based on modality-specific compression and tokenization efficiency, extending established scaling laws from text-based decoder models to mixed-modality systems. We explore whether leveraging more training data in multiple modalities can reduce the size of the multimodal model, enabling efficient deployment on resource-constrained devices.
♻ ☆ AI Consciousness is Inevitable: A Theoretical Computer Science Perspective
We look at consciousness through the lens of Theoretical Computer Science, a branch of mathematics that studies computation under resource limitations. From this perspective, we develop a formal machine model for consciousness. The model is inspired by Alan Turing's simple yet powerful model of computation and Bernard Baars' theater model of consciousness. Though extremely simple, the model aligns at a high level with many of the major scientific theories of human and animal consciousness, supporting our claim that machine consciousness is inevitable.
♻ ☆ GISR: Geometric Initialization and Silhouette-based Refinement for Single-View Robot Pose and Configuration Estimation
In autonomous robotics, measurement of the robot's internal state and perception of its environment, including interaction with other agents such as collaborative robots, are essential. Estimating the pose of the robot arm from a single view has the potential to replace classical eye-to-hand calibration approaches and is particularly attractive for online estimation and dynamic environments. In addition to its pose, recovering the robot configuration provides a complete spatial understanding of the observed robot that can be used to anticipate the actions of other agents in advanced robotics use cases. Furthermore, this additional redundancy enables the planning and execution of recovery protocols in case of sensor failures or external disturbances. We introduce GISR - a deep configuration and robot-to-camera pose estimation method that prioritizes execution in real-time. GISR consists of two modules: (i) a geometric initialization module that efficiently computes an approximate robot pose and configuration, and (ii) a deep iterative silhouette-based refinement module that arrives at a final solution in just a few iterations. We evaluate GISR on publicly available data and show that it outperforms existing methods of the same class in terms of both speed and accuracy, and can compete with approaches that rely on ground-truth proprioception and recover only the pose.
comment: Accepted for publication in the Robotics and Automation Letters 2024
♻ ☆ On Evaluation Protocols for Data Augmentation in a Limited Data Scenario
Textual data augmentation (DA) is a prolific field of study where novel techniques to create artificial data are regularly proposed, and that has demonstrated great efficiency on small data settings, at least for text classification tasks. In this paper, we challenge those results, showing that classical data augmentation (which modify sentences) is simply a way of performing better fine-tuning, and that spending more time doing so before applying data augmentation negates its effect. This is a significant contribution as it answers several questions that were left open in recent years, namely~: which DA technique performs best (all of them as long as they generate data close enough to the training set, as to not impair training) and why did DA show positive results (facilitates training of network). We further show that zero- and few-shot DA via conversational agents such as ChatGPT or LLama2 can increase performances, confirming that this form of data augmentation is preferable to classical methods.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ Learning Multi-Modal Whole-Body Control for Real-World Humanoid Robots
The foundational capabilities of humanoid robots should include robustly standing, walking, and mimicry of whole and partial-body motions. This work introduces the Masked Humanoid Controller (MHC), which supports all of these capabilities by tracking target trajectories over selected subsets of humanoid state variables while ensuring balance and robustness against disturbances. The MHC is trained in simulation using a carefully designed curriculum that imitates partially masked motions from a library of behaviors spanning standing, walking, optimized reference trajectories, re-targeted video clips, and human motion capture data. It also allows for combining joystick-based control with partial-body motion mimicry. We showcase simulation experiments validating the MHC's ability to execute a wide variety of behaviors from partially-specified target motions. Moreover, we demonstrate sim-to-real transfer on the real-world Digit V3 humanoid robot. To our knowledge, this is the first instance of a learned controller that can realize whole-body control of a real-world humanoid for such diverse multi-modal targets.
comment: Website: https://masked-humanoid.github.io/mhc/
♻ ☆ Label-Looping: Highly Efficient Decoding for Transducers
This paper introduces a highly efficient greedy decoding algorithm for Transducer-based speech recognition models. We redesign the standard nested-loop design for RNN-T decoding, swapping loops over frames and labels: the outer loop iterates over labels, while the inner loop iterates over frames searching for the next non-blank symbol. Additionally, we represent partial hypotheses in a special structure using CUDA tensors, supporting parallelized hypotheses manipulations. Experiments show that the label-looping algorithm is up to 2.0X faster than conventional batched decoding when using batch size 32. It can be further combined with other compiler or GPU call-related techniques to achieve even more speedup. Our algorithm is general-purpose and can work with both conventional Transducers and Token-and-Duration Transducers. We open-source our implementation to benefit the research community.
comment: Accepted at IEEE SLT 2024
♻ ☆ Interpretable global minima of deep ReLU neural networks on sequentially separable data
We explicitly construct zero loss neural network classifiers. We write the weight matrices and bias vectors in terms of cumulative parameters, which determine truncation maps acting recursively on input space. The configurations for the training data considered are (i) sufficiently small, well separated clusters corresponding to each class, and (ii) equivalence classes which are sequentially linearly separable. In the best case, for $Q$ classes of data in $\mathbb{R}^M$, global minimizers can be described with $Q(M+2)$ parameters.
comment: AMS Latex, 22 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ RuleFuser: An Evidential Bayes Approach for Rule Injection in Imitation Learned Planners and Predictors for Robustness under Distribution Shifts
Modern motion planners for autonomous driving frequently use imitation learning (IL) to draw from expert driving logs. Although IL benefits from its ability to glean nuanced and multi-modal human driving behaviors from large datasets, the resulting planners often struggle with out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios and with traffic rule compliance. On the other hand, classical rule-based planners, by design, can generate safe traffic rule compliant behaviors while being robust to OOD scenarios, but these planners fail to capture nuances in agent-to-agent interactions and human drivers' intent. RuleFuser, an evidential framework, combines IL planners with classical rule-based planners to draw on the complementary benefits of both, thereby striking a balance between imitation and safety. Our approach, tested on the real-world nuPlan dataset, combines the IL planner's high performance in in-distribution (ID) scenarios with the rule-based planners' enhanced safety in out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios, achieving a 38.43% average improvement on safety metrics over the IL planner without much detriment to imitation metrics in OOD scenarios.
comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Large Language Model Can Continue Evolving From Mistakes
As world knowledge evolves and new task schemas emerge, Continual Learning (CL) is crucial for keeping Large Language Models (LLMs) up-to-date and addressing their shortcomings. LLMs typically require continual instruction tuning (CIT) and continual pre-training (CPT) to adapt to new tasks and acquire essential knowledge. However, collecting sufficient CPT data while addressing knowledge gaps remains challenging, as does optimizing the efficiency of utilizing this data. Inspired by the 'summarizing mistakes' strategy, we propose the Continue Evolving from Mistakes (CEM) method, a data-efficient approach aiming to collect CPT data and continually improve LLMs' performance through iterative evaluation and supplementation with mistake-relevant knowledge. To enhance data utilization and mitigate forgetting, we introduce a novel training paradigm that combines CIT and CPT data. Experiments demonstrate that CEM significantly enhances model performance and continual evolution. The code and dataset are available in the GitHub.
♻ ☆ Zero Knowledge Games
In this paper we model a game such that all strategies are non-revealing, with imperfect recall and incomplete information. We also introduce a modified sliding-block code as a linear transformation which generates common knowledge of how informed a player is. Ultimately, we see that between two players in a zero-knowledge game where both players are informed, the utility of trust is established in the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium. A zero-knowledge game is one of trust and soundness, placing utility in being informed. For any player who may be uninformed, such players reveal they are uninformed.
comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, 5 tables
Machine Learning 170
☆ RetrievalAttention: Accelerating Long-Context LLM Inference via Vector Retrieval
Transformer-based large Language Models (LLMs) become increasingly important in various domains. However, the quadratic time complexity of attention operation poses a significant challenge for scaling to longer contexts due to the extremely high inference latency and GPU memory consumption for caching key-value (KV) vectors. This paper proposes RetrievalAttention, a training-free approach to accelerate attention computation. To leverage the dynamic sparse property of attention, RetrievalAttention builds approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) indexes upon KV vectors in CPU memory and retrieves the most relevant ones via vector search during generation. Due to the out-of-distribution (OOD) between query vectors and key vectors, off-the-shelf ANNS indexes still need to scan O(N) (usually 30% of all keys) data for accurate retrieval, which fails to exploit the high sparsity. RetrievalAttention first identifies the OOD challenge of ANNS-based attention, and addresses it via an attention-aware vector search algorithm that can adapt to queries and only access 1--3% of data, thus achieving a sub-linear time complexity. RetrievalAttention greatly reduces the inference cost of long-context LLM with much lower GPU memory requirements while maintaining the model accuracy. Especially, RetrievalAttention only needs 16GB GPU memory for serving 128K tokens in LLMs with 8B parameters, which is capable of generating one token in 0.188 seconds on a single NVIDIA RTX4090 (24GB).
comment: 16 pages
☆ Causal Language Modeling Can Elicit Search and Reasoning Capabilities on Logic Puzzles
Causal language modeling using the Transformer architecture has yielded remarkable capabilities in Large Language Models (LLMs) over the last few years. However, the extent to which fundamental search and reasoning capabilities emerged within LLMs remains a topic of ongoing debate. In this work, we study if causal language modeling can learn a complex task such as solving Sudoku puzzles. To solve a Sudoku, the model is first required to search over all empty cells of the puzzle to decide on a cell to fill and then apply an appropriate strategy to fill the decided cell. Sometimes, the application of a strategy only results in thinning down the possible values in a cell rather than concluding the exact value of the cell. In such cases, multiple strategies are applied one after the other to fill a single cell. We observe that Transformer models trained on this synthetic task can indeed learn to solve Sudokus (our model solves $94.21\%$ of the puzzles fully correctly) when trained on a logical sequence of steps taken by a solver. We find that training Transformers with the logical sequence of steps is necessary and without such training, they fail to learn Sudoku. We also extend our analysis to Zebra puzzles (known as Einstein puzzles) and show that the model solves $92.04 \%$ of the puzzles fully correctly. In addition, we study the internal representations of the trained Transformer and find that through linear probing, we can decode information about the set of possible values in any given cell from them, pointing to the presence of a strong reasoning engine implicit in the Transformer weights.
comment: 26 pages
☆ Partial Distribution Matching via Partial Wasserstein Adversarial Networks
This paper studies the problem of distribution matching (DM), which is a fundamental machine learning problem seeking to robustly align two probability distributions. Our approach is established on a relaxed formulation, called partial distribution matching (PDM), which seeks to match a fraction of the distributions instead of matching them completely. We theoretically derive the Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality for the partial Wasserstain-1 (PW) discrepancy, and develop a partial Wasserstein adversarial network (PWAN) that efficiently approximates the PW discrepancy based on this dual form. Partial matching can then be achieved by optimizing the network using gradient descent. Two practical tasks, point set registration and partial domain adaptation are investigated, where the goals are to partially match distributions in 3D space and high-dimensional feature space respectively. The experiment results confirm that the proposed PWAN effectively produces highly robust matching results, performing better or on par with the state-of-the-art methods.
☆ MusicLIME: Explainable Multimodal Music Understanding
Multimodal models are critical for music understanding tasks, as they capture the complex interplay between audio and lyrics. However, as these models become more prevalent, the need for explainability grows-understanding how these systems make decisions is vital for ensuring fairness, reducing bias, and fostering trust. In this paper, we introduce MusicLIME, a model-agnostic feature importance explanation method designed for multimodal music models. Unlike traditional unimodal methods, which analyze each modality separately without considering the interaction between them, often leading to incomplete or misleading explanations, MusicLIME reveals how audio and lyrical features interact and contribute to predictions, providing a holistic view of the model's decision-making. Additionally, we enhance local explanations by aggregating them into global explanations, giving users a broader perspective of model behavior. Through this work, we contribute to improving the interpretability of multimodal music models, empowering users to make informed choices, and fostering more equitable, fair, and transparent music understanding systems.
comment: GitHub repository: https://github.com/IamTheo2000/MusicLIME
☆ Flash STU: Fast Spectral Transform Units
This paper describes an efficient, open source PyTorch implementation of the Spectral Transform Unit. We investigate sequence prediction tasks over several modalities including language, robotics, and simulated dynamical systems. We find that for the same parameter count, the STU and its variants outperform the Transformer as well as other leading state space models across various modalities.
☆ Online Nonconvex Bilevel Optimization with Bregman Divergences
Bilevel optimization methods are increasingly relevant within machine learning, especially for tasks such as hyperparameter optimization and meta-learning. Compared to the offline setting, online bilevel optimization (OBO) offers a more dynamic framework by accommodating time-varying functions and sequentially arriving data. This study addresses the online nonconvex-strongly convex bilevel optimization problem. In deterministic settings, we introduce a novel online Bregman bilevel optimizer (OBBO) that utilizes adaptive Bregman divergences. We demonstrate that OBBO enhances the known sublinear rates for bilevel local regret through a novel hypergradient error decomposition that adapts to the underlying geometry of the problem. In stochastic contexts, we introduce the first stochastic online bilevel optimizer (SOBBO), which employs a window averaging method for updating outer-level variables using a weighted average of recent stochastic approximations of hypergradients. This approach not only achieves sublinear rates of bilevel local regret but also serves as an effective variance reduction strategy, obviating the need for additional stochastic gradient samples at each timestep. Experiments on online hyperparameter optimization and online meta-learning highlight the superior performance, efficiency, and adaptability of our Bregman-based algorithms compared to established online and offline bilevel benchmarks.
☆ Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Low-Data Regimes: A Comparative Study with Multilayer Perceptrons
Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) have long been a cornerstone in deep learning, known for their capacity to model complex relationships. Recently, Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) have emerged as a compelling alternative, utilizing highly flexible learnable activation functions directly on network edges, a departure from the neuron-centric approach of MLPs. However, KANs significantly increase the number of learnable parameters, raising concerns about their effectiveness in data-scarce environments. This paper presents a comprehensive comparative study of MLPs and KANs from both algorithmic and experimental perspectives, with a focus on low-data regimes. We introduce an effective technique for designing MLPs with unique, parameterized activation functions for each neuron, enabling a more balanced comparison with KANs. Using empirical evaluations on simulated data and two real-world data sets from medicine and engineering, we explore the trade-offs between model complexity and accuracy, with particular attention to the role of network depth. Our findings show that MLPs with individualized activation functions achieve significantly higher predictive accuracy with only a modest increase in parameters, especially when the sample size is limited to around one hundred. For example, in a three-class classification problem within additive manufacturing, MLPs achieve a median accuracy of 0.91, significantly outperforming KANs, which only reach a median accuracy of 0.53 with default hyperparameters. These results offer valuable insights into the impact of activation function selection in neural networks.
comment: 15 pages, 9 figures
☆ Signed Graph Autoencoder for Explainable and Polarization-Aware Network Embeddings
Autoencoders based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have garnered significant attention in recent years for their ability to extract informative latent representations, characterizing the structure of complex topologies, such as graphs. Despite the prevalence of Graph Autoencoders, there has been limited focus on developing and evaluating explainable neural-based graph generative models specifically designed for signed networks. To address this gap, we propose the Signed Graph Archetypal Autoencoder (SGAAE) framework. SGAAE extracts node-level representations that express node memberships over distinct extreme profiles, referred to as archetypes, within the network. This is achieved by projecting the graph onto a learned polytope, which governs its polarization. The framework employs a recently proposed likelihood for analyzing signed networks based on the Skellam distribution, combined with relational archetypal analysis and GNNs. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the SGAAEs' capability to successfully infer node memberships over the different underlying latent structures while extracting competing communities formed through the participation of the opposing views in the network. Additionally, we introduce the 2-level network polarization problem and show how SGAAE is able to characterize such a setting. The proposed model achieves high performance in different tasks of signed link prediction across four real-world datasets, outperforming several baseline models.
comment: Preprint
☆ Structure-preserving learning for multi-symplectic PDEs
This paper presents an energy-preserving machine learning method for inferring reduced-order models (ROMs) by exploiting the multi-symplectic form of partial differential equations (PDEs). The vast majority of energy-preserving reduced-order methods use symplectic Galerkin projection to construct reduced-order Hamiltonian models by projecting the full models onto a symplectic subspace. However, symplectic projection requires the existence of fully discrete operators, and in many cases, such as black-box PDE solvers, these operators are inaccessible. In this work, we propose an energy-preserving machine learning method that can infer the dynamics of the given PDE using data only, so that the proposed framework does not depend on the fully discrete operators. In this context, the proposed method is non-intrusive. The proposed method is grey box in the sense that it requires only some basic knowledge of the multi-symplectic model at the partial differential equation level. We prove that the proposed method satisfies spatially discrete local energy conservation and preserves the multi-symplectic conservation laws. We test our method on the linear wave equation, the Korteweg-de Vries equation, and the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. We test the generalization of our learned models by testing them far outside the training time interval.
☆ TPFL: Tsetlin-Personalized Federated Learning with Confidence-Based Clustering
The world of Machine Learning (ML) has witnessed rapid changes in terms of new models and ways to process users data. The majority of work that has been done is focused on Deep Learning (DL) based approaches. However, with the emergence of new algorithms such as the Tsetlin Machine (TM) algorithm, there is growing interest in exploring alternative approaches that may offer unique advantages in certain domains or applications. One of these domains is Federated Learning (FL), in which users privacy is of utmost importance. Due to its novelty, FL has seen a surge in the incorporation of personalization techniques to enhance model accuracy while maintaining user privacy under personalized conditions. In this work, we propose a novel approach dubbed TPFL: Tsetlin-Personalized Federated Learning, in which models are grouped into clusters based on their confidence towards a specific class. In this way, clustering can benefit from two key advantages. Firstly, clients share only what they are confident about, resulting in the elimination of wrongful weight aggregation among clients whose data for a specific class may have not been enough during the training. This phenomenon is prevalent when the data are non-Independent and Identically Distributed (non-IID). Secondly, by sharing only weights towards a specific class, communication cost is substantially reduced, making TPLF efficient in terms of both accuracy and communication cost. The results of TPFL demonstrated the highest accuracy on three different datasets; namely MNIST, FashionMNIST and FEMNIST.
☆ Revising the Structure of Recurrent Neural Networks to Eliminate Numerical Derivatives in Forming Physics Informed Loss Terms with Respect to Time
Solving unsteady partial differential equations (PDEs) using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) typically requires numerical derivatives between each block of the RNN to form the physics informed loss function. However, this introduces the complexities of numerical derivatives into the training process of these models. In this study, we propose modifying the structure of the traditional RNN to enable the prediction of each block over a time interval, making it possible to calculate the derivative of the output with respect to time using the backpropagation algorithm. To achieve this, the time intervals of these blocks are overlapped, defining a mutual loss function between them. Additionally, the employment of conditional hidden states enables us to achieve a unique solution for each block. The forget factor is utilized to control the influence of the conditional hidden state on the prediction of the subsequent block. This new model, termed the Mutual Interval RNN (MI-RNN), is applied to solve three different benchmarks: the Burgers equation, unsteady heat conduction in an irregular domain, and the Green vortex problem. Our results demonstrate that MI-RNN can find the exact solution more accurately compared to existing RNN models. For instance, in the second problem, MI-RNN achieved one order of magnitude less relative error compared to the RNN model with numerical derivatives.
☆ Learning Gentle Grasping from Human-Free Force Control Demonstration
Humans can steadily and gently grasp unfamiliar objects based on tactile perception. Robots still face challenges in achieving similar performance due to the difficulty of learning accurate grasp-force predictions and force control strategies that can be generalized from limited data. In this article, we propose an approach for learning grasping from ideal force control demonstrations, to achieve similar performance of human hands with limited data size. Our approach utilizes objects with known contact characteristics to automatically generate reference force curves without human demonstrations. In addition, we design the dual convolutional neural networks (Dual-CNN) architecture which incorporating a physics-based mechanics module for learning target grasping force predictions from demonstrations. The described method can be effectively applied in vision-based tactile sensors and enables gentle and stable grasping of objects from the ground. The described prediction model and grasping strategy were validated in offline evaluations and online experiments, and the accuracy and generalizability were demonstrated.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures
☆ Uncovering the Mechanism of Hepatotoxiciy of PFAS Targeting L-FABP Using GCN and Computational Modeling
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent environmental pollutants with known toxicity and bioaccumulation issues. Their widespread industrial use and resistance to degradation have led to global environmental contamination and significant health concerns. While a minority of PFAS have been extensively studied, the toxicity of many PFAS remains poorly understood due to limited direct toxicological data. This study advances the predictive modeling of PFAS toxicity by combining semi-supervised graph convolutional networks (GCNs) with molecular descriptors and fingerprints. We propose a novel approach to enhance the prediction of PFAS binding affinities by isolating molecular fingerprints to construct graphs where then descriptors are set as the node features. This approach specifically captures the structural, physicochemical, and topological features of PFAS without overfitting due to an abundance of features. Unsupervised clustering then identifies representative compounds for detailed binding studies. Our results provide a more accurate ability to estimate PFAS hepatotoxicity to provide guidance in chemical discovery of new PFAS and the development of new safety regulations.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted to IEEE BIBM 2024
☆ 2D or not 2D: How Does the Dimensionality of Gesture Representation Affect 3D Co-Speech Gesture Generation?
Co-speech gestures are fundamental for communication. The advent of recent deep learning techniques has facilitated the creation of lifelike, synchronous co-speech gestures for Embodied Conversational Agents. "In-the-wild" datasets, aggregating video content from platforms like YouTube via human pose detection technologies, provide a feasible solution by offering 2D skeletal sequences aligned with speech. Concurrent developments in lifting models enable the conversion of these 2D sequences into 3D gesture databases. However, it is important to note that the 3D poses estimated from the 2D extracted poses are, in essence, approximations of the ground-truth, which remains in the 2D domain. This distinction raises questions about the impact of gesture representation dimensionality on the quality of generated motions - a topic that, to our knowledge, remains largely unexplored. Our study examines the effect of using either 2D or 3D joint coordinates as training data on the performance of speech-to-gesture deep generative models. We employ a lifting model for converting generated 2D pose sequences into 3D and assess how gestures created directly in 3D stack up against those initially generated in 2D and then converted to 3D. We perform an objective evaluation using widely used metrics in the gesture generation field as well as a user study to qualitatively evaluate the different approaches.
☆ Hyperedge Modeling in Hypergraph Neural Networks by using Densest Overlapping Subgraphs
Hypergraphs tackle the limitations of traditional graphs by introducing {\em hyperedges}. While graph edges connect only two nodes, hyperedges connect an arbitrary number of nodes along their edges. Also, the underlying message-passing mechanisms in Hypergraph Neural Networks (HGNNs) are in the form of vertex-hyperedge-vertex, which let HGNNs capture and utilize richer and more complex structural information than traditional Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). More recently, the idea of overlapping subgraphs has emerged. These subgraphs can capture more information about subgroups of vertices without limiting one vertex belonging to just one group, allowing vertices to belong to multiple groups or subgraphs. In addition, one of the most important problems in graph clustering is to find densest overlapping subgraphs (DOS). In this paper, we propose a solution to the DOS problem via Agglomerative Greedy Enumeration (DOSAGE) algorithm as a novel approach to enhance the process of generating the densest overlapping subgraphs and, hence, a robust construction of the hypergraphs. Experiments on standard benchmarks show that the DOSAGE algorithm significantly outperforms the HGNNs and six other methods on the node classification task.
☆ VAE-QWGAN: Improving Quantum GANs for High Resolution Image Generation
This paper presents a novel hybrid quantum generative model, the VAE-QWGAN, which combines the strengths of a classical Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) with a hybrid Quantum Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (QWGAN). The VAE-QWGAN integrates the VAE decoder and QGAN generator into a single quantum model with shared parameters, utilizing the VAE's encoder for latent vector sampling during training. To generate new data from the trained model at inference, input latent vectors are sampled from a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), learnt on the training latent vectors. This, in turn, enhances the diversity and quality of generated images. We evaluate the model's performance on MNIST/Fashion-MNIST datasets, and demonstrate improved quality and diversity of generated images compared to existing approaches.
comment: 5 pages, 8 figures
☆ Research and Design of a Financial Intelligent Risk Control Platform Based on Big Data Analysis and Deep Machine Learning
In the financial field of the United States, the application of big data technology has become one of the important means for financial institutions to enhance competitiveness and reduce risks. The core objective of this article is to explore how to fully utilize big data technology to achieve complete integration of internal and external data of financial institutions, and create an efficient and reliable platform for big data collection, storage, and analysis. With the continuous expansion and innovation of financial business, traditional risk management models are no longer able to meet the increasingly complex market demands. This article adopts big data mining and real-time streaming data processing technology to monitor, analyze, and alert various business data. Through statistical analysis of historical data and precise mining of customer transaction behavior and relationships, potential risks can be more accurately identified and timely responses can be made. This article designs and implements a financial big data intelligent risk control platform. This platform not only achieves effective integration, storage, and analysis of internal and external data of financial institutions, but also intelligently displays customer characteristics and their related relationships, as well as intelligent supervision of various risk information
comment: 10 pages, 5 figures
☆ On the Hardness of Meaningful Local Guarantees in Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization
We study the oracle complexity of nonsmooth nonconvex optimization, with the algorithm assumed to have access only to local function information. It has been shown by Davis, Drusvyatskiy, and Jiang (2023) that for nonsmooth Lipschitz functions satisfying certain regularity and strictness conditions, perturbed gradient descent converges to local minimizers asymptotically. Motivated by this result and by other recent algorithmic advances in nonconvex nonsmooth optimization concerning Goldstein stationarity, we consider the question of obtaining a non-asymptotic rate of convergence to local minima for this problem class. We provide the following negative answer to this question: Local algorithms acting on regular Lipschitz functions cannot, in the worst case, provide meaningful local guarantees in terms of function value in sub-exponential time, even when all near-stationary points are global minima. This sharply contrasts with the smooth setting, for which it is well-known that standard gradient methods can do so in a dimension-independent rate. Our result complements the rich body of work in the theoretical computer science literature that provide hardness results conditional on conjectures such as $\mathsf{P}\neq\mathsf{NP}$ or cryptographic assumptions, in that ours holds unconditional of any such assumptions.
comment: 27 pages; comments welcome!
☆ SEAL: Towards Safe Autonomous Driving via Skill-Enabled Adversary Learning for Closed-Loop Scenario Generation
Verification and validation of autonomous driving (AD) systems and components is of increasing importance, as such technology increases in real-world prevalence. Safety-critical scenario generation is a key approach to robustify AD policies through closed-loop training. However, existing approaches for scenario generation rely on simplistic objectives, resulting in overly-aggressive or non-reactive adversarial behaviors. To generate diverse adversarial yet realistic scenarios, we propose SEAL, a scenario perturbation approach which leverages learned scoring functions and adversarial, human-like skills. SEAL-perturbed scenarios are more realistic than SOTA baselines, leading to improved ego task success across real-world, in-distribution, and out-of-distribution scenarios, of more than 20%. To facilitate future research, we release our code and tools: https://github.com/cmubig/SEAL
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables
☆ How to do impactful research in artificial intelligence for chemistry and materials science
Machine learning has been pervasively touching many fields of science. Chemistry and materials science are no exception. While machine learning has been making a great impact, it is still not reaching its full potential or maturity. In this perspective, we first outline current applications across a diversity of problems in chemistry. Then, we discuss how machine learning researchers view and approach problems in the field. Finally, we provide our considerations for maximizing impact when researching machine learning for chemistry.
☆ ReflectDiffu: Reflect between Emotion-intent Contagion and Mimicry for Empathetic Response Generation via a RL-Diffusion Framework
Empathetic response generation necessitates the integration of emotional and intentional dynamics to foster meaningful interactions. Existing research either neglects the intricate interplay between emotion and intent, leading to suboptimal controllability of empathy, or resorts to large language models (LLMs), which incur significant computational overhead. In this paper, we introduce ReflectDiffu, a lightweight and comprehensive framework for empathetic response generation. This framework incorporates emotion contagion to augment emotional expressiveness and employs an emotion-reasoning mask to pinpoint critical emotional elements. Additionally, it integrates intent mimicry within reinforcement learning for refinement during diffusion. By harnessing an intent twice reflect the mechanism of Exploring-Sampling-Correcting, ReflectDiffu adeptly translates emotional decision-making into precise intent actions, thereby addressing empathetic response misalignments stemming from emotional misrecognition. Through reflection, the framework maps emotional states to intents, markedly enhancing both response empathy and flexibility. Comprehensive experiments reveal that ReflectDiffu outperforms existing models regarding relevance, controllability, and informativeness, achieving state-of-the-art results in both automatic and human evaluations.
☆ Enhancing Image Classification in Small and Unbalanced Datasets through Synthetic Data Augmentation
Accurate and robust medical image classification is a challenging task, especially in application domains where available annotated datasets are small and present high imbalance between target classes. Considering that data acquisition is not always feasible, especially for underrepresented classes, our approach introduces a novel synthetic augmentation strategy using class-specific Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and latent space interpolation to improve discrimination capabilities. By generating realistic, varied synthetic data that fills feature space gaps, we address issues of data scarcity and class imbalance. The method presented in this paper relies on the interpolation of latent representations within each class, thus enriching the training set and improving the model's generalizability and diagnostic accuracy. The proposed strategy was tested in a small dataset of 321 images created to train and validate an automatic method for assessing the quality of cleanliness of esophagogastroduodenoscopy images. By combining real and synthetic data, an increase of over 18\% in the accuracy of the most challenging underrepresented class was observed. The proposed strategy not only benefited the underrepresented class but also led to a general improvement in other metrics, including a 6\% increase in global accuracy and precision.
☆ BAFNet: Bilateral Attention Fusion Network for Lightweight Semantic Segmentation of Urban Remote Sensing Images
Large-scale semantic segmentation networks often achieve high performance, while their application can be challenging when faced with limited sample sizes and computational resources. In scenarios with restricted network size and computational complexity, models encounter significant challenges in capturing long-range dependencies and recovering detailed information in images. We propose a lightweight bilateral semantic segmentation network called bilateral attention fusion network (BAFNet) to efficiently segment high-resolution urban remote sensing images. The model consists of two paths, namely dependency path and remote-local path. The dependency path utilizes large kernel attention to acquire long-range dependencies in the image. Besides, multi-scale local attention and efficient remote attention are designed to construct remote-local path. Finally, a feature aggregation module is designed to effectively utilize the different features of the two paths. Our proposed method was tested on public high-resolution urban remote sensing datasets Vaihingen and Potsdam, with mIoU reaching 83.20% and 86.53%, respectively. As a lightweight semantic segmentation model, BAFNet not only outperforms advanced lightweight models in accuracy but also demonstrates comparable performance to non-lightweight state-of-the-art methods on two datasets, despite a tenfold variance in floating-point operations and a fifteenfold difference in network parameters.
☆ Enhancing Personalized Recipe Recommendation Through Multi-Class Classification
This paper intends to address the challenge of personalized recipe recommendation in the realm of diverse culinary preferences. The problem domain involves recipe recommendations, utilizing techniques such as association analysis and classification. Association analysis explores the relationships and connections between different ingredients to enhance the user experience. Meanwhile, the classification aspect involves categorizing recipes based on user-defined ingredients and preferences. A unique aspect of the paper is the consideration of recipes and ingredients belonging to multiple classes, recognizing the complexity of culinary combinations. This necessitates a sophisticated approach to classification and recommendation, ensuring the system accommodates the nature of recipe categorization. The paper seeks not only to recommend recipes but also to explore the process involved in achieving accurate and personalized recommendations.
☆ Hierarchical Graph Pooling Based on Minimum Description Length
Graph pooling is an essential part of deep graph representation learning. We introduce MapEqPool, a principled pooling operator that takes the inherent hierarchical structure of real-world graphs into account. MapEqPool builds on the map equation, an information-theoretic objective function for community detection based on the minimum description length principle which naturally implements Occam's razor and balances between model complexity and fit. We demonstrate MapEqPool's competitive performance with an empirical comparison against various baselines across standard graph classification datasets.
☆ Self-Updating Vehicle Monitoring Framework Employing Distributed Acoustic Sensing towards Real-World Settings
The recent emergence of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology has facilitated the effective capture of traffic-induced seismic data. The traffic-induced seismic wave is a prominent contributor to urban vibrations and contain crucial information to advance urban exploration and governance. However, identifying vehicular movements within massive noisy data poses a significant challenge. In this study, we introduce a real-time semi-supervised vehicle monitoring framework tailored to urban settings. It requires only a small fraction of manual labels for initial training and exploits unlabeled data for model improvement. Additionally, the framework can autonomously adapt to newly collected unlabeled data. Before DAS data undergo object detection as two-dimensional images to preserve spatial information, we leveraged comprehensive one-dimensional signal preprocessing to mitigate noise. Furthermore, we propose a novel prior loss that incorporates the shapes of vehicular traces to track a single vehicle with varying speeds. To evaluate our model, we conducted experiments with seismic data from the Stanford 2 DAS Array. The results showed that our model outperformed the baseline model Efficient Teacher and its supervised counterpart, YOLO (You Only Look Once), in both accuracy and robustness. With only 35 labeled images, our model surpassed YOLO's mAP 0.5:0.95 criterion by 18% and showed a 7% increase over Efficient Teacher. We conducted comparative experiments with multiple update strategies for self-updating and identified an optimal approach. This approach surpasses the performance of non-overfitting training conducted with all data in a single pass.
☆ Hedging Is Not All You Need: A Simple Baseline for Online Learning Under Haphazard Inputs
Handling haphazard streaming data, such as data from edge devices, presents a challenging problem. Over time, the incoming data becomes inconsistent, with missing, faulty, or new inputs reappearing. Therefore, it requires models that are reliable. Recent methods to solve this problem depend on a hedging-based solution and require specialized elements like auxiliary dropouts, forked architectures, and intricate network design. We observed that hedging can be reduced to a special case of weighted residual connection; this motivated us to approximate it with plain self-attention. In this work, we propose HapNet, a simple baseline that is scalable, does not require online backpropagation, and is adaptable to varying input types. All present methods are restricted to scaling with a fixed window; however, we introduce a more complex problem of scaling with a variable window where the data becomes positionally uncorrelated, and cannot be addressed by present methods. We demonstrate that a variant of the proposed approach can work even for this complex scenario. We extensively evaluated the proposed approach on five benchmarks and found competitive performance.
☆ Safety-Oriented Pruning and Interpretation of Reinforcement Learning Policies
Pruning neural networks (NNs) can streamline them but risks removing vital parameters from safe reinforcement learning (RL) policies. We introduce an interpretable RL method called VERINTER, which combines NN pruning with model checking to ensure interpretable RL safety. VERINTER exactly quantifies the effects of pruning and the impact of neural connections on complex safety properties by analyzing changes in safety measurements. This method maintains safety in pruned RL policies and enhances understanding of their safety dynamics, which has proven effective in multiple RL settings.
☆ Embedded Image-to-Image Translation for Efficient Sim-to-Real Transfer in Learning-based Robot-Assisted Soft Manipulation
Recent advances in robotic learning in simulation have shown impressive results in accelerating learning complex manipulation skills. However, the sim-to-real gap, caused by discrepancies between simulation and reality, poses significant challenges for the effective deployment of autonomous surgical systems. We propose a novel approach utilizing image translation models to mitigate domain mismatches and facilitate efficient robot skill learning in a simulated environment. Our method involves the use of contrastive unpaired Image-to-image translation, allowing for the acquisition of embedded representations from these transformed images. Subsequently, these embeddings are used to improve the efficiency of training surgical manipulation models. We conducted experiments to evaluate the performance of our approach, demonstrating that it significantly enhances task success rates and reduces the steps required for task completion compared to traditional methods. The results indicate that our proposed system effectively bridges the sim-to-real gap, providing a robust framework for advancing the autonomy of surgical robots in minimally invasive procedures.
comment: Accepted at 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science
☆ Efficient Milling Quality Prediction with Explainable Machine Learning
This paper presents an explainable machine learning (ML) approach for predicting surface roughness in milling. Utilizing a dataset from milling aluminum alloy 2017A, the study employs random forest regression models and feature importance techniques. The key contributions include developing ML models that accurately predict various roughness values and identifying redundant sensors, particularly those for measuring normal cutting force. Our experiments show that removing certain sensors can reduce costs without sacrificing predictive accuracy, highlighting the potential of explainable machine learning to improve cost-effectiveness in machining.
☆ Enhancing RL Safety with Counterfactual LLM Reasoning
Reinforcement learning (RL) policies may exhibit unsafe behavior and are hard to explain. We use counterfactual large language model reasoning to enhance RL policy safety post-training. We show that our approach improves and helps to explain the RL policy safety.
☆ TCDformer-based Momentum Transfer Model for Long-term Sports Prediction
Accurate sports prediction is a crucial skill for professional coaches, which can assist in developing effective training strategies and scientific competition tactics. Traditional methods often use complex mathematical statistical techniques to boost predictability, but this often is limited by dataset scale and has difficulty handling long-term predictions with variable distributions, notably underperforming when predicting point-set-game multi-level matches. To deal with this challenge, this paper proposes TM2, a TCDformer-based Momentum Transfer Model for long-term sports prediction, which encompasses a momentum encoding module and a prediction module based on momentum transfer. TM2 initially encodes momentum in large-scale unstructured time series using the local linear scaling approximation (LLSA) module. Then it decomposes the reconstructed time series with momentum transfer into trend and seasonal components. The final prediction results are derived from the additive combination of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) for predicting trend components and wavelet attention mechanisms for seasonal components. Comprehensive experimental results show that on the 2023 Wimbledon men's tournament datasets, TM2 significantly surpasses existing sports prediction models in terms of performance, reducing MSE by 61.64% and MAE by 63.64%.
comment: Under reviewing
☆ Safe and Stable Closed-Loop Learning for Neural-Network-Supported Model Predictive Control
Safe learning of control policies remains challenging, both in optimal control and reinforcement learning. In this article, we consider safe learning of parametrized predictive controllers that operate with incomplete information about the underlying process. To this end, we employ Bayesian optimization for learning the best parameters from closed-loop data. Our method focuses on the system's overall long-term performance in closed-loop while keeping it safe and stable. Specifically, we parametrize the stage cost function of an MPC using a feedforward neural network. This allows for a high degree of flexibility, enabling the system to achieve a better closed-loop performance with respect to a superordinate measure. However, this flexibility also necessitates safety measures, especially with respect to closed-loop stability. To this end, we explicitly incorporated stability information in the Bayesian-optimization-based learning procedure, thereby achieving rigorous probabilistic safety guarantees. The proposed approach is illustrated using a numeric example.
comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for CDC 2024
☆ Quantile Regression for Distributional Reward Models in RLHF
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has become a key method for aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences through the use of reward models. However, traditional reward models typically generate point estimates, which oversimplify the diversity and complexity of human values and preferences. In this paper, we introduce Quantile Reward Models (QRMs), a novel approach to reward modeling that learns a distribution over rewards instead of a single scalar value. Our method uses quantile regression to estimate a full, potentially multimodal distribution over preferences, providing a more powerful and nuanced representation of preferences. This distributional approach can better capture the diversity of human values, addresses label noise, and accommodates conflicting preferences by modeling them as distinct modes in the distribution. Our experimental results show that QRM outperforms comparable traditional point-estimate models on RewardBench. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the additional information provided by the distributional estimates can be utilized in downstream applications, such as risk-aware reinforcement learning, resulting in LLM policies that generate fewer extremely negative responses. Our code and model are released at https://github.com/Nicolinho/QRM.
☆ SplatSim: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer of RGB Manipulation Policies Using Gaussian Splatting
Sim2Real transfer, particularly for manipulation policies relying on RGB images, remains a critical challenge in robotics due to the significant domain shift between synthetic and real-world visual data. In this paper, we propose SplatSim, a novel framework that leverages Gaussian Splatting as the primary rendering primitive to reduce the Sim2Real gap for RGB-based manipulation policies. By replacing traditional mesh representations with Gaussian Splats in simulators, SplatSim produces highly photorealistic synthetic data while maintaining the scalability and cost-efficiency of simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training manipulation policies within SplatSim}and deploying them in the real world in a zero-shot manner, achieving an average success rate of 86.25%, compared to 97.5% for policies trained on real-world data.
☆ Efficient Network Embedding by Approximate Equitable Partitions ICDM 2024
Structural network embedding is a crucial step in enabling effective downstream tasks for complex systems that aims to project a network into a lower-dimensional space while preserving similarities among nodes. We introduce a simple and efficient embedding technique based on approximate variants of equitable partitions. The approximation consists in introducing a user-tunable tolerance parameter relaxing the otherwise strict condition for exact equitable partitions that can be hardly found in real-world networks. We exploit a relationship between equitable partitions and equivalence relations for Markov chains and ordinary differential equations to develop a partition refinement algorithm for computing an approximate equitable partition in polynomial time. We compare our method against state-of-the-art embedding techniques on benchmark networks. We report comparable -- when not superior -- performance for visualization, classification, and regression tasks at a cost between one and three orders of magnitude smaller using a prototype implementation, enabling the embedding of large-scale networks which could not be efficiently handled by most of the competing techniques.
comment: Accepted at ICDM 2024
☆ Contrastive Learning for Character Detection in Ancient Greek Papyri
This thesis investigates the effectiveness of SimCLR, a contrastive learning technique, in Greek letter recognition, focusing on the impact of various augmentation techniques. We pretrain the SimCLR backbone using the Alpub dataset (pretraining dataset) and fine-tune it on a smaller ICDAR dataset (finetuning dataset) to compare SimCLR's performance against traditional baseline models, which use cross-entropy and triplet loss functions. Additionally, we explore the role of different data augmentation strategies, essential for the SimCLR training process. Methodologically, we examine three primary approaches: (1) a baseline model using cross-entropy loss, (2) a triplet embedding model with a classification layer, and (3) a SimCLR pretrained model with a classification layer. Initially, we train the baseline, triplet, and SimCLR models using 93 augmentations on ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 networks with the ICDAR dataset. From these, the top four augmentations are selected using a statistical t-test. Pretraining of SimCLR is conducted on the Alpub dataset, followed by fine-tuning on the ICDAR dataset. The triplet loss model undergoes a similar process, being pretrained on the top four augmentations before fine-tuning on ICDAR. Our experiments show that SimCLR does not outperform the baselines in letter recognition tasks. The baseline model with cross-entropy loss demonstrates better performance than both SimCLR and the triplet loss model. This study provides a detailed evaluation of contrastive learning for letter recognition, highlighting SimCLR's limitations while emphasizing the strengths of traditional supervised learning models in this task. We believe SimCLR's cropping strategies may cause a semantic shift in the input image, reducing training effectiveness despite the large pretraining dataset. Our code is available at https://github.com/DIVA-DIA/MT_augmentation_and_contrastive_learning/.
☆ AALF: Almost Always Linear Forecasting
Recent works for time-series forecasting more and more leverage the high predictive power of Deep Learning models. With this increase in model complexity, however, comes a lack in understanding of the underlying model decision process, which is problematic for high-stakes decision making. At the same time, simple, interpretable forecasting methods such as Linear Models can still perform very well, sometimes on-par, with Deep Learning approaches. We argue that simple models are good enough most of the time, and forecasting performance can be improved by choosing a Deep Learning method only for certain predictions, increasing the overall interpretability of the forecasting process. In this context, we propose a novel online model selection framework which uses meta-learning to identify these predictions and only rarely uses a non-interpretable, large model. An extensive empirical study on various real-world datasets shows that our selection methodology outperforms state-of-the-art online model selections methods in most cases. We find that almost always choosing a simple Linear Model for forecasting results in competitive performance, suggesting that the need for opaque black-box models in time-series forecasting is smaller than recent works would suggest.
☆ Evaluating the Efficacy of Instance Incremental vs. Batch Learning in Delayed Label Environments: An Empirical Study on Tabular Data Streaming for Fraud Detection
Real-world tabular learning production scenarios typically involve evolving data streams, where data arrives continuously and its distribution may change over time. In such a setting, most studies in the literature regarding supervised learning favor the use of instance incremental algorithms due to their ability to adapt to changes in the data distribution. Another significant reason for choosing these algorithms is \textit{avoid storing observations in memory} as commonly done in batch incremental settings. However, the design of instance incremental algorithms often assumes immediate availability of labels, which is an optimistic assumption. In many real-world scenarios, such as fraud detection or credit scoring, labels may be delayed. Consequently, batch incremental algorithms are widely used in many real-world tasks. This raises an important question: "In delayed settings, is instance incremental learning the best option regarding predictive performance and computational efficiency?" Unfortunately, this question has not been studied in depth, probably due to the scarcity of real datasets containing delayed information. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive empirical evaluation and analysis of this question using a real-world fraud detection problem and commonly used generated datasets. Our findings indicate that instance incremental learning is not the superior option, considering on one side state-of-the-art models such as Adaptive Random Forest (ARF) and other side batch learning models such as XGBoost. Additionally, when considering the interpretability of the learning systems, batch incremental solutions tend to be favored. Code: \url{https://github.com/anselmeamekoe/DelayedLabelStream}
comment: 20 pages
☆ A Comparative Study of Open Source Computer Vision Models for Application on Small Data: The Case of CFRP Tape Laying
In the realm of industrial manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasing role, from automating existing processes to aiding in the development of new materials and techniques. However, a significant challenge arises in smaller, experimental processes characterized by limited training data availability, questioning the possibility to train AI models in such small data contexts. In this work, we explore the potential of Transfer Learning to address this challenge, specifically investigating the minimum amount of data required to develop a functional AI model. For this purpose, we consider the use case of quality control of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) tape laying in aerospace manufacturing using optical sensors. We investigate the behavior of different open-source computer vision models with a continuous reduction of the training data. Our results show that the amount of data required to successfully train an AI model can be drastically reduced, and the use of smaller models does not necessarily lead to a loss of performance.
☆ Robust Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Distortion Risk Measures
In a reinforcement learning (RL) setting, the agent's optimal strategy heavily depends on her risk preferences and the underlying model dynamics of the training environment. These two aspects influence the agent's ability to make well-informed and time-consistent decisions when facing testing environments. In this work, we devise a framework to solve robust risk-aware RL problems where we simultaneously account for environmental uncertainty and risk with a class of dynamic robust distortion risk measures. Robustness is introduced by considering all models within a Wasserstein ball around a reference model. We estimate such dynamic robust risk measures using neural networks by making use of strictly consistent scoring functions, derive policy gradient formulae using the quantile representation of distortion risk measures, and construct an actor-critic algorithm to solve this class of robust risk-aware RL problems. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on a portfolio allocation example.
comment: 29 pages, 3 figures
☆ DDoS: Diffusion Distribution Similarity for Out-of-Distribution Detection
Out-of-Distribution (OoD) detection determines whether the given samples are from the training distribution of the classifier-under-protection, i.e., the In-Distribution (InD), or from a different OoD. Latest researches introduce diffusion models pre-trained on InD data to advocate OoD detection by transferring an OoD image into a generated one that is close to InD, so that one could capture the distribution disparities between original and generated images to detect OoD data. Existing diffusion-based detectors adopt perceptual metrics on the two images to measure such disparities, but ignore a fundamental fact: Perceptual metrics are devised essentially for human-perceived similarities of low-level image patterns, e.g., textures and colors, and are not advisable in evaluating distribution disparities, since images with different low-level patterns could possibly come from the same distribution. To address this issue, we formulate a diffusion-based detection framework that considers the distribution similarity between a tested image and its generated counterpart via a novel proper similarity metric in the informative feature space and probability space learned by the classifier-under-protection. An anomaly-removal strategy is further presented to enlarge such distribution disparities by removing abnormal OoD information in the feature space to facilitate the detection. Extensive empirical results unveil the insufficiency of perceptual metrics and the effectiveness of our distribution similarity framework with new state-of-the-art detection performance.
☆ A Riemannian Approach to Ground Metric Learning for Optimal Transport
Optimal transport (OT) theory has attracted much attention in machine learning and signal processing applications. OT defines a notion of distance between probability distributions of source and target data points. A crucial factor that influences OT-based distances is the ground metric of the embedding space in which the source and target data points lie. In this work, we propose to learn a suitable latent ground metric parameterized by a symmetric positive definite matrix. We use the rich Riemannian geometry of symmetric positive definite matrices to jointly learn the OT distance along with the ground metric. Empirical results illustrate the efficacy of the learned metric in OT-based domain adaptation.
☆ Steinmetz Neural Networks for Complex-Valued Data
In this work, we introduce a new approach to processing complex-valued data using DNNs consisting of parallel real-valued subnetworks with coupled outputs. Our proposed class of architectures, referred to as Steinmetz Neural Networks, leverages multi-view learning to construct more interpretable representations within the latent space. Subsequently, we present the Analytic Neural Network, which implements a consistency penalty that encourages analytic signal representations in the Steinmetz neural network's latent space. This penalty enforces a deterministic and orthogonal relationship between the real and imaginary components. Utilizing an information-theoretic construction, we demonstrate that the upper bound on the generalization error posited by the analytic neural network is lower than that of the general class of Steinmetz neural networks. Our numerical experiments demonstrate the improved performance and robustness to additive noise, afforded by our proposed networks on benchmark datasets and synthetic examples.
☆ Enhancing Anomaly Detection via Generating Diversified and Hard-to-distinguish Synthetic Anomalies CIKM 2024
Unsupervised anomaly detection is a daunting task, as it relies solely on normality patterns from the training data to identify unseen anomalies during testing. Recent approaches have focused on leveraging domain-specific transformations or perturbations to generate synthetic anomalies from normal samples. The objective here is to acquire insights into normality patterns by learning to differentiate between normal samples and these crafted anomalies. However, these approaches often encounter limitations when domain-specific transformations are not well-specified such as in tabular data, or when it becomes trivial to distinguish between them. To address these issues, we introduce a novel domain-agnostic method that employs a set of conditional perturbators and a discriminator. The perturbators are trained to generate input-dependent perturbations, which are subsequently utilized to construct synthetic anomalies, and the discriminator is trained to distinguish normal samples from them. We ensure that the generated anomalies are both diverse and hard to distinguish through two key strategies: i) directing perturbations to be orthogonal to each other and ii) constraining perturbations to remain in proximity to normal samples. Throughout experiments on real-world datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art benchmarks, which is evident not only in image data but also in tabular data, where domain-specific transformation is not readily accessible. Additionally, we empirically confirm the adaptability of our method to semi-supervised settings, demonstrating its capacity to incorporate supervised signals to enhance anomaly detection performance even further.
comment: Accepted at CIKM 2024
☆ Spatiotemporal Covariance Neural Networks ECML
Modeling spatiotemporal interactions in multivariate time series is key to their effective processing, but challenging because of their irregular and often unknown structure. Statistical properties of the data provide useful biases to model interdependencies and are leveraged by correlation and covariance-based networks as well as by processing pipelines relying on principal component analysis (PCA). However, PCA and its temporal extensions suffer instabilities in the covariance eigenvectors when the corresponding eigenvalues are close to each other, making their application to dynamic and streaming data settings challenging. To address these issues, we exploit the analogy between PCA and graph convolutional filters to introduce the SpatioTemporal coVariance Neural Network (STVNN), a relational learning model that operates on the sample covariance matrix of the time series and leverages joint spatiotemporal convolutions to model the data. To account for the streaming and non-stationary setting, we consider an online update of the parameters and sample covariance matrix. We prove the STVNN is stable to the uncertainties introduced by these online estimations, thus improving over temporal PCA-based methods. Experimental results corroborate our theoretical findings and show that STVNN is competitive for multivariate time series processing, it adapts to changes in the data distribution, and it is orders of magnitude more stable than online temporal PCA.
comment: Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) 2024
☆ Global Lightning-Ignited Wildfires Prediction and Climate Change Projections based on Explainable Machine Learning Models
Wildfires pose a significant natural disaster risk to populations and contribute to accelerated climate change. As wildfires are also affected by climate change, extreme wildfires are becoming increasingly frequent. Although they occur less frequently globally than those sparked by human activities, lightning-ignited wildfires play a substantial role in carbon emissions and account for the majority of burned areas in certain regions. While existing computational models, especially those based on machine learning, aim to predict lightning-ignited wildfires, they are typically tailored to specific regions with unique characteristics, limiting their global applicability. In this study, we present machine learning models designed to characterize and predict lightning-ignited wildfires on a global scale. Our approach involves classifying lightning-ignited versus anthropogenic wildfires, and estimating with high accuracy the probability of lightning to ignite a fire based on a wide spectrum of factors such as meteorological conditions and vegetation. Utilizing these models, we analyze seasonal and spatial trends in lightning-ignited wildfires shedding light on the impact of climate change on this phenomenon. We analyze the influence of various features on the models using eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) frameworks. Our findings highlight significant global differences between anthropogenic and lightning-ignited wildfires. Moreover, we demonstrate that, even over a short time span of less than a decade, climate changes have steadily increased the global risk of lightning-ignited wildfires. This distinction underscores the imperative need for dedicated predictive models and fire weather indices tailored specifically to each type of wildfire.
☆ Learning Latent Wireless Dynamics from Channel State Information
In this work, we propose a novel data-driven machine learning (ML) technique to model and predict the dynamics of the wireless propagation environment in latent space. Leveraging the idea of channel charting, which learns compressed representations of high-dimensional channel state information (CSI), we incorporate a predictive component to capture the dynamics of the wireless system. Hence, we jointly learn a channel encoder that maps the estimated CSI to an appropriate latent space, and a predictor that models the relationships between such representations. Accordingly, our problem boils down to training a joint-embedding predictive architecture (JEPA) that simulates the latent dynamics of a wireless network from CSI. We present numerical evaluations on measured data and show that the proposed JEPA displays a two-fold increase in accuracy over benchmarks, for longer look-ahead prediction tasks.
☆ Benchmarking Large Language Model Uncertainty for Prompt Optimization
Prompt optimization algorithms for Large Language Models (LLMs) excel in multi-step reasoning but still lack effective uncertainty estimation. This paper introduces a benchmark dataset to evaluate uncertainty metrics, focusing on Answer, Correctness, Aleatoric, and Epistemic Uncertainty. Through analysis of models like GPT-3.5-Turbo and Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct, we show that current metrics align more with Answer Uncertainty, which reflects output confidence and diversity, rather than Correctness Uncertainty, highlighting the need for improved metrics that are optimization-objective-aware to better guide prompt optimization. Our code and dataset are available at https://github.com/0Frett/PO-Uncertainty-Benchmarking.
☆ On the Diagram of Thought
We introduce Diagram of Thought (DoT), a framework that models iterative reasoning in large language models (LLMs) as the construction of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) within a single model. Unlike traditional approaches that represent reasoning as linear chains or trees, DoT organizes propositions, critiques, refinements, and verifications into a cohesive DAG structure, allowing the model to explore complex reasoning pathways while maintaining logical consistency. Each node in the diagram corresponds to a proposition that has been proposed, critiqued, refined, or verified, enabling the LLM to iteratively improve its reasoning through natural language feedback. By leveraging auto-regressive next-token prediction with role-specific tokens, DoT facilitates seamless transitions between proposing ideas and critically evaluating them, providing richer feedback than binary signals. Furthermore, we formalize the DoT framework using Topos Theory, providing a mathematical foundation that ensures logical consistency and soundness in the reasoning process. This approach enhances both the training and inference processes within a single LLM, eliminating the need for multiple models or external control mechanisms. DoT offers a conceptual framework for designing next-generation reasoning-specialized models, emphasizing training efficiency, robust reasoning capabilities, and theoretical grounding. The code is available at https://github.com/diagram-of-thought/diagram-of-thought.
☆ Reinforcement learning-based statistical search strategy for an axion model from flavor
We propose a reinforcement learning-based search strategy to explore new physics beyond the Standard Model. The reinforcement learning, which is one of machine learning methods, is a powerful approach to find model parameters with phenomenological constraints. As a concrete example, we focus on a minimal axion model with a global $U(1)$ flavor symmetry. Agents of the learning succeed in finding $U(1)$ charge assignments of quarks and leptons solving the flavor and cosmological puzzles in the Standard Model, and find more than 150 realistic solutions for the quark sector taking renormalization effects into account. For the solutions found by the reinforcement learning-based analysis, we discuss the sensitivity of future experiments for the detection of an axion which is a Nambu-Goldstone boson of the spontaneously broken $U(1)$. We also examine how fast the reinforcement learning-based searching method finds the best discrete parameters in comparison with conventional optimization methods. In conclusion, the efficient parameter search based on the reinforcement learning-based strategy enables us to perform a statistical analysis of the vast parameter space associated with the axion model from flavor.
comment: 39 pages, 4 figures
☆ FreeMark: A Non-Invasive White-Box Watermarking for Deep Neural Networks
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved significant success in real-world applications. However, safeguarding their intellectual property (IP) remains extremely challenging. Existing DNN watermarking for IP protection often require modifying DNN models, which reduces model performance and limits their practicality. This paper introduces FreeMark, a novel DNN watermarking framework that leverages cryptographic principles without altering the original host DNN model, thereby avoiding any reduction in model performance. Unlike traditional DNN watermarking methods, FreeMark innovatively generates secret keys from a pre-generated watermark vector and the host model using gradient descent. These secret keys, used to extract watermark from the model's activation values, are securely stored with a trusted third party, enabling reliable watermark extraction from suspect models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FreeMark effectively resists various watermark removal attacks while maintaining high watermark capacity.
☆ SHIRE: Enhancing Sample Efficiency using Human Intuition in REinforcement Learning
The ability of neural networks to perform robotic perception and control tasks such as depth and optical flow estimation, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and automatic control has led to their widespread adoption in recent years. Deep Reinforcement Learning has been used extensively in these settings, as it does not have the unsustainable training costs associated with supervised learning. However, DeepRL suffers from poor sample efficiency, i.e., it requires a large number of environmental interactions to converge to an acceptable solution. Modern RL algorithms such as Deep Q Learning and Soft Actor-Critic attempt to remedy this shortcoming but can not provide the explainability required in applications such as autonomous robotics. Humans intuitively understand the long-time-horizon sequential tasks common in robotics. Properly using such intuition can make RL policies more explainable while enhancing their sample efficiency. In this work, we propose SHIRE, a novel framework for encoding human intuition using Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) and using it in the Deep RL training pipeline to enhance sample efficiency. Our framework achieves 25-78% sample efficiency gains across the environments we evaluate at negligible overhead cost. Additionally, by teaching RL agents the encoded elementary behavior, SHIRE enhances policy explainability. A real-world demonstration further highlights the efficacy of policies trained using our framework.
☆ Convergence of Sharpness-Aware Minimization Algorithms using Increasing Batch Size and Decaying Learning Rate
The sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) algorithm and its variants, including gap guided SAM (GSAM), have been successful at improving the generalization capability of deep neural network models by finding flat local minima of the empirical loss in training. Meanwhile, it has been shown theoretically and practically that increasing the batch size or decaying the learning rate avoids sharp local minima of the empirical loss. In this paper, we consider the GSAM algorithm with increasing batch sizes or decaying learning rates, such as cosine annealing or linear learning rate, and theoretically show its convergence. Moreover, we numerically compare SAM (GSAM) with and without an increasing batch size and conclude that using an increasing batch size or decaying learning rate finds flatter local minima than using a constant batch size and learning rate.
☆ From Bytes to Bites: Using Country Specific Machine Learning Models to Predict Famine
Hunger crises are critical global issues affecting millions, particularly in low-income and developing countries. This research investigates how machine learning can be utilized to predict and inform decisions regarding famine and hunger crises. By leveraging a diverse set of variables (natural, economic, and conflict-related), three machine learning models (Linear Regression, XGBoost, and RandomForestRegressor) were employed to predict food consumption scores, a key indicator of household nutrition. The RandomForestRegressor emerged as the most accurate model, with an average prediction error of 10.6%, though accuracy varied significantly across countries, ranging from 2% to over 30%. Notably, economic indicators were consistently the most significant predictors of average household nutrition, while no single feature dominated across all regions, underscoring the necessity for comprehensive data collection and tailored, country-specific models. These findings highlight the potential of machine learning, particularly Random Forests, to enhance famine prediction, suggesting that continued research and improved data gathering are essential for more effective global hunger forecasting.
comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables
☆ Context-Conditioned Spatio-Temporal Predictive Learning for Reliable V2V Channel Prediction
Achieving reliable multidimensional Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) channel state information (CSI) prediction is both challenging and crucial for optimizing downstream tasks that depend on instantaneous CSI. This work extends traditional prediction approaches by focusing on four-dimensional (4D) CSI, which includes predictions over time, bandwidth, and antenna (TX and RX) space. Such a comprehensive framework is essential for addressing the dynamic nature of mobility environments within intelligent transportation systems, necessitating the capture of both temporal and spatial dependencies across diverse domains. To address this complexity, we propose a novel context-conditioned spatiotemporal predictive learning method. This method leverages causal convolutional long short-term memory (CA-ConvLSTM) to effectively capture dependencies within 4D CSI data, and incorporates context-conditioned attention mechanisms to enhance the efficiency of spatiotemporal memory updates. Additionally, we introduce an adaptive meta-learning scheme tailored for recurrent networks to mitigate the issue of accumulative prediction errors. We validate the proposed method through empirical studies conducted across three different geometric configurations and mobility scenarios. Our results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art predictive models, achieving superior performance across various geometries. Moreover, we show that the meta-learning framework significantly enhances the performance of recurrent-based predictive models in highly challenging cross-geometry settings, thus highlighting its robustness and adaptability.
☆ An Offline Adaptation Framework for Constrained Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning
In recent years, significant progress has been made in multi-objective reinforcement learning (RL) research, which aims to balance multiple objectives by incorporating preferences for each objective. In most existing studies, specific preferences must be provided during deployment to indicate the desired policies explicitly. However, designing these preferences depends heavily on human prior knowledge, which is typically obtained through extensive observation of high-performing demonstrations with expected behaviors. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective offline adaptation framework for multi-objective RL problems without assuming handcrafted target preferences, but only given several demonstrations to implicitly indicate the preferences of expected policies. Additionally, we demonstrate that our framework can naturally be extended to meet constraints on safety-critical objectives by utilizing safe demonstrations, even when the safety thresholds are unknown. Empirical results on offline multi-objective and safe tasks demonstrate the capability of our framework to infer policies that align with real preferences while meeting the constraints implied by the provided demonstrations.
☆ Deep Graph Anomaly Detection: A Survey and New Perspectives
Graph anomaly detection (GAD), which aims to identify unusual graph instances (nodes, edges, subgraphs, or graphs), has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to its significance in a wide range of applications. Deep learning approaches, graph neural networks (GNNs) in particular, have been emerging as a promising paradigm for GAD, owing to its strong capability in capturing complex structure and/or node attributes in graph data. Considering the large number of methods proposed for GNN-based GAD, it is of paramount importance to summarize the methodologies and findings in the existing GAD studies, so that we can pinpoint effective model designs for tackling open GAD problems. To this end, in this work we aim to present a comprehensive review of deep learning approaches for GAD. Existing GAD surveys are focused on task-specific discussions, making it difficult to understand the technical insights of existing methods and their limitations in addressing some unique challenges in GAD. To fill this gap, we first discuss the problem complexities and their resulting challenges in GAD, and then provide a systematic review of current deep GAD methods from three novel perspectives of methodology, including GNN backbone design, proxy task design for GAD, and graph anomaly measures. To deepen the discussions, we further propose a taxonomy of 13 fine-grained method categories under these three perspectives to provide more in-depth insights into the model designs and their capabilities. To facilitate the experiments and validation, we also summarize a collection of widely-used GAD datasets and empirical comparison. We further discuss multiple open problems to inspire more future high-quality research. A continuously updated repository for datasets, links to the codes of algorithms, and empirical comparison is available at https://github.com/mala-lab/Awesome-Deep-Graph-Anomaly-Detection.
comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, and 7 tables
☆ Optimal ablation for interpretability
Interpretability studies often involve tracing the flow of information through machine learning models to identify specific model components that perform relevant computations for tasks of interest. Prior work quantifies the importance of a model component on a particular task by measuring the impact of performing ablation on that component, or simulating model inference with the component disabled. We propose a new method, optimal ablation (OA), and show that OA-based component importance has theoretical and empirical advantages over measuring importance via other ablation methods. We also show that OA-based component importance can benefit several downstream interpretability tasks, including circuit discovery, localization of factual recall, and latent prediction.
☆ Tracking the spatial dynamics of the synthetic opioid crisis in the USA, 2013-2020 using human mobility-based graph neural network
Synthetic opioids are the most common drugs involved in drug-involved overdose mortalities in the U.S. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that in 2018, about 70% of all drug overdose deaths involved opioids and 67% of all opioid-involved deaths were accounted for by synthetic opioids. In this study, we investigated the spread of synthetic opioids between 2013 and 2020 in the U.S., and analyzed the relationship between the spatiotemporal pattern of synthetic opioid-involved deaths and another key opioid, heroin, and compared patterns of deaths involving these two types of drugs during this time period. Spatial connections between counties were incorporated into a graph convolutional neural network model to represent and analyze the spread of synthetic opioid-involved deaths, and in the context of heroin-involved deaths.
☆ Fault Analysis And Predictive Maintenance Of Induction Motor Using Machine Learning
Induction motors are one of the most crucial electrical equipment and are extensively used in industries in a wide range of applications. This paper presents a machine learning model for the fault detection and classification of induction motor faults by using three phase voltages and currents as inputs. The aim of this work is to protect vital electrical components and to prevent abnormal event progression through early detection and diagnosis. This work presents a fast forward artificial neural network model to detect some of the commonly occurring electrical faults like overvoltage, under voltage, single phasing, unbalanced voltage, overload, ground fault. A separate model free monitoring system wherein the motor itself acts like a sensor is presented and the only monitored signals are the input given to the motor. Limits for current and voltage values are set for the faulty and healthy conditions, which is done by a classifier. Real time data from a 0.33 HP induction motor is used to train and test the neural network. The model so developed analyses the voltage and current values given at a particular instant and classifies the data into no fault or the specific fault. The model is then interfaced with a real motor to accurately detect and classify the faults so that further necessary action can be taken.
comment: Presented at ICEECCOT-2018, Published in IEEE Xplore, 6 pages, 3 figures
☆ Generalizability of Graph Neural Network Force Fields for Predicting Solid-State Properties
Machine-learned force fields (MLFFs) promise to offer a computationally efficient alternative to ab initio simulations for complex molecular systems. However, ensuring their generalizability beyond training data is crucial for their wide application in studying solid materials. This work investigates the ability of a graph neural network (GNN)-based MLFF, trained on Lennard-Jones Argon, to describe solid-state phenomena not explicitly included during training. We assess the MLFF's performance in predicting phonon density of states (PDOS) for a perfect face-centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure at both zero and finite temperatures. Additionally, we evaluate vacancy migration rates and energy barriers in an imperfect crystal using direct molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the string method. Notably, vacancy configurations were absent from the training data. Our results demonstrate the MLFF's capability to capture essential solid-state properties with good agreement to reference data, even for unseen configurations. We further discuss data engineering strategies to enhance the generalizability of MLFFs. The proposed set of benchmark tests and workflow for evaluating MLFF performance in describing perfect and imperfect crystals pave the way for reliable application of MLFFs in studying complex solid-state materials.
comment: 17 pages, 7 figures
☆ Mining of Switching Sparse Networks for Missing Value Imputation in Multivariate Time Series KDD 2024
Multivariate time series data suffer from the problem of missing values, which hinders the application of many analytical methods. To achieve the accurate imputation of these missing values, exploiting inter-correlation by employing the relationships between sequences (i.e., a network) is as important as the use of temporal dependency, since a sequence normally correlates with other sequences. Moreover, exploiting an adequate network depending on time is also necessary since the network varies over time. However, in real-world scenarios, we normally know neither the network structure nor when the network changes beforehand. Here, we propose a missing value imputation method for multivariate time series, namely MissNet, that is designed to exploit temporal dependency with a state-space model and inter-correlation by switching sparse networks. The network encodes conditional independence between features, which helps us understand the important relationships for imputation visually. Our algorithm, which scales linearly with reference to the length of the data, alternatively infers networks and fills in missing values using the networks while discovering the switching of the networks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MissNet outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms for multivariate time series imputation and provides interpretable results.
comment: Accepted by KDD 2024
☆ Multi-Step Embed to Control: A Novel Deep Learning-based Approach for Surrogate Modelling in Reservoir Simulation
Reduced-order models, also known as proxy model or surrogate model, are approximate models that are less computational expensive as opposed to fully descriptive models. With the integration of machine learning, these models have garnered increasing research interests recently. However, many existing reduced-order modeling methods, such as embed to control (E2C) and embed to control and observe (E2CO), fall short in long-term predictions due to the accumulation of prediction errors over time. This issue arises partly from the one-step prediction framework inherent in E2C and E2CO architectures. This paper introduces a deep learning-based surrogate model, referred as multi-step embed-to-control model, for the construction of proxy models with improved long-term prediction performance. Unlike E2C and E2CO, the proposed network considers multiple forward transitions in the latent space at a time using Koopman operator, allowing the model to incorporate a sequence of state snapshots during training phrases. Additionally, the loss function of this novel approach has been redesigned to accommodate these multiple transitions and to respect the underlying physical principles. To validate the efficacy of the proposed method, the developed framework was implemented within two-phase (oil and water) reservoir model under a waterflooding scheme. Comparative analysis demonstrate that the proposed model significantly outperforms the conventional E2C model in long-term simulation scenarios. Notably, there was a substantial reduction in temporal errors in the prediction of saturation profiles and a decent improvement in pressure forecasting accuracy.
comment: 12 pages, 7 figures
☆ Variance-reduced first-order methods for deterministically constrained stochastic nonconvex optimization with strong convergence guarantees
In this paper, we study a class of deterministically constrained stochastic optimization problems. Existing methods typically aim to find an $\epsilon$-stochastic stationary point, where the expected violations of both the constraints and first-order stationarity are within a prescribed accuracy of $\epsilon$. However, in many practical applications, it is crucial that the constraints be nearly satisfied with certainty, making such an $\epsilon$-stochastic stationary point potentially undesirable due to the risk of significant constraint violations. To address this issue, we propose single-loop variance-reduced stochastic first-order methods, where the stochastic gradient of the stochastic component is computed using either a truncated recursive momentum scheme or a truncated Polyak momentum scheme for variance reduction, while the gradient of the deterministic component is computed exactly. Under the error bound condition with a parameter $\theta \geq 1$ and other suitable assumptions, we establish that the proposed methods achieve a sample complexity and first-order operation complexity of $\widetilde O(\epsilon^{-\max\{4, 2\theta\}})$ for finding a stronger $\epsilon$-stochastic stationary point, where the constraint violation is within $\epsilon$ with certainty, and the expected violation of first-order stationarity is within $\epsilon$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to develop methods with provable complexity guarantees for finding an approximate stochastic stationary point of such problems that nearly satisfies all constraints with certainty.
comment: 29 pages
☆ Learning large softmax mixtures with warm start EM
Mixed multinomial logits are discrete mixtures introduced several decades ago to model the probability of choosing an attribute from $p$ possible candidates, in heterogeneous populations. The model has recently attracted attention in the AI literature, under the name softmax mixtures, where it is routinely used in the final layer of a neural network to map a large number $p$ of vectors in $\mathbb{R}^L$ to a probability vector. Despite its wide applicability and empirical success, statistically optimal estimators of the mixture parameters, obtained via algorithms whose running time scales polynomially in $L$, are not known. This paper provides a solution to this problem for contemporary applications, such as large language models, in which the mixture has a large number $p$ of support points, and the size $N$ of the sample observed from the mixture is also large. Our proposed estimator combines two classical estimators, obtained respectively via a method of moments (MoM) and the expectation-minimization (EM) algorithm. Although both estimator types have been studied, from a theoretical perspective, for Gaussian mixtures, no similar results exist for softmax mixtures for either procedure. We develop a new MoM parameter estimator based on latent moment estimation that is tailored to our model, and provide the first theoretical analysis for a MoM-based procedure in softmax mixtures. Although consistent, MoM for softmax mixtures can exhibit poor numerical performance, as observed other mixture models. Nevertheless, as MoM is provably in a neighborhood of the target, it can be used as warm start for any iterative algorithm. We study in detail the EM algorithm, and provide its first theoretical analysis for softmax mixtures. Our final proposal for parameter estimation is the EM algorithm with a MoM warm start.
☆ Physics-Informed Neural Networks with Trust-Region Sequential Quadratic Programming
Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) represent a significant advancement in Scientific Machine Learning (SciML), which integrate physical domain knowledge into an empirical loss function as soft constraints and apply existing machine learning methods to train the model. However, recent research has noted that PINNs may fail to learn relatively complex Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). This paper addresses the failure modes of PINNs by introducing a novel, hard-constrained deep learning method -- trust-region Sequential Quadratic Programming (trSQP-PINN). In contrast to directly training the penalized soft-constrained loss as in PINNs, our method performs a linear-quadratic approximation of the hard-constrained loss, while leveraging the soft-constrained loss to adaptively adjust the trust-region radius. We only trust our model approximations and make updates within the trust region, and such an updating manner can overcome the ill-conditioning issue of PINNs. We also address the computational bottleneck of second-order SQP methods by employing quasi-Newton updates for second-order information, and importantly, we introduce a simple pretraining step to further enhance training efficiency of our method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of trSQP-PINN through extensive experiments. Compared to existing hard-constrained methods for PINNs, such as penalty methods and augmented Lagrangian methods, trSQP-PINN significantly improves the accuracy of the learned PDE solutions, achieving up to 1-3 orders of magnitude lower errors. Additionally, our pretraining step is generally effective for other hard-constrained methods, and experiments have shown the robustness of our method against both problem-specific parameters and algorithm tuning parameters.
comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables
☆ Are Deep Learning Models Robust to Partial Object Occlusion in Visual Recognition Tasks?
Image classification models, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), perform well on a variety of classification tasks but struggle under conditions of partial occlusion, i.e., conditions in which objects are partially covered from the view of a camera. Methods to improve performance under occlusion, including data augmentation, part-based clustering, and more inherently robust architectures, including Vision Transformer (ViT) models, have, to some extent, been evaluated on their ability to classify objects under partial occlusion. However, evaluations of these methods have largely relied on images containing artificial occlusion, which are typically computer-generated and therefore inexpensive to label. Additionally, methods are rarely compared against each other, and many methods are compared against early, now outdated, deep learning models. We contribute the Image Recognition Under Occlusion (IRUO) dataset, based on the recently developed Occluded Video Instance Segmentation (OVIS) dataset (arXiv:2102.01558). IRUO utilizes real-world and artificially occluded images to test and benchmark leading methods' robustness to partial occlusion in visual recognition tasks. In addition, we contribute the design and results of a human study using images from IRUO that evaluates human classification performance at multiple levels and types of occlusion. We find that modern CNN-based models show improved recognition accuracy on occluded images compared to earlier CNN-based models, and ViT-based models are more accurate than CNN-based models on occluded images, performing only modestly worse than human accuracy. We also find that certain types of occlusion, including diffuse occlusion, where relevant objects are seen through "holes" in occluders such as fences and leaves, can greatly reduce the accuracy of deep recognition models as compared to humans, especially those with CNN backbones.
☆ Provably Efficient Infinite-Horizon Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation
This paper proposes a computationally tractable algorithm for learning infinite-horizon average-reward linear Markov decision processes (MDPs) and linear mixture MDPs under the Bellman optimality condition. While guaranteeing computational efficiency, our algorithm for linear MDPs achieves the best-known regret upper bound of $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(d^{3/2}\mathrm{sp}(v^*)\sqrt{T})$ over $T$ time steps where $\mathrm{sp}(v^*)$ is the span of the optimal bias function $v^*$ and $d$ is the dimension of the feature mapping. For linear mixture MDPs, our algorithm attains a regret bound of $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\cdot\mathrm{sp}(v^*)\sqrt{T})$. The algorithm applies novel techniques to control the covering number of the value function class and the span of optimistic estimators of the value function, which is of independent interest.
☆ Federated Learning for Smart Grid: A Survey on Applications and Potential Vulnerabilities
The Smart Grid (SG) is a critical energy infrastructure that collects real-time electricity usage data to forecast future energy demands using information and communication technologies (ICT). Due to growing concerns about data security and privacy in SGs, federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising training framework. FL offers a balance between privacy, efficiency, and accuracy in SGs by enabling collaborative model training without sharing private data from IoT devices. In this survey, we thoroughly review recent advancements in designing FL-based SG systems across three stages: generation, transmission and distribution, and consumption. Additionally, we explore potential vulnerabilities that may arise when implementing FL in these stages. Finally, we discuss the gap between state-of-the-art FL research and its practical applications in SGs and propose future research directions. These focus on potential attack and defense strategies for FL-based SG systems and the need to build a robust FL-based SG infrastructure. Unlike traditional surveys that address security issues in centralized machine learning methods for SG systems, this survey specifically examines the applications and security concerns in FL-based SG systems for the first time. Our aim is to inspire further research into applications and improvements in the robustness of FL-based SG systems.
☆ Trustworthy Conceptual Explanations for Neural Networks in Robot Decision-Making
Black box neural networks are an indispensable part of modern robots. Nevertheless, deploying such high-stakes systems in real-world scenarios poses significant challenges when the stakeholders, such as engineers and legislative bodies, lack insights into the neural networks' decision-making process. Presently, explainable AI is primarily tailored to natural language processing and computer vision, falling short in two critical aspects when applied in robots: grounding in decision-making tasks and the ability to assess trustworthiness of their explanations. In this paper, we introduce a trustworthy explainable robotics technique based on human-interpretable, high-level concepts that attribute to the decisions made by the neural network. Our proposed technique provides explanations with associated uncertainty scores by matching neural network's activations with human-interpretable visualizations. To validate our approach, we conducted a series of experiments with various simulated and real-world robot decision-making models, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach as a post-hoc, human-friendly robot learning diagnostic tool.
comment: 19 pages, 25 figures
☆ On the effects of similarity metrics in decentralized deep learning under distributional shift
Decentralized Learning (DL) enables privacy-preserving collaboration among organizations or users to enhance the performance of local deep learning models. However, model aggregation becomes challenging when client data is heterogeneous, and identifying compatible collaborators without direct data exchange remains a pressing issue. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of various similarity metrics in DL for identifying peers for model merging, conducting an empirical analysis across multiple datasets with distribution shifts. Our research provides insights into the performance of these metrics, examining their role in facilitating effective collaboration. By exploring the strengths and limitations of these metrics, we contribute to the development of robust DL methods.
☆ Online Learning via Memory: Retrieval-Augmented Detector Adaptation ECCV 2024
This paper presents a novel way of online adapting any off-the-shelf object detection model to a novel domain without retraining the detector model. Inspired by how humans quickly learn knowledge of a new subject (e.g., memorization), we allow the detector to look up similar object concepts from memory during test time. This is achieved through a retrieval augmented classification (RAC) module together with a memory bank that can be flexibly updated with new domain knowledge. We experimented with various off-the-shelf open-set detector and close-set detectors. With only a tiny memory bank (e.g., 10 images per category) and being training-free, our online learning method could significantly outperform baselines in adapting a detector to novel domains.
comment: Accepted at ECCV 2024, Human-Inspired Computer Vision (HCV) workshop
☆ Model-in-the-Loop (MILO): Accelerating Multimodal AI Data Annotation with LLMs
The growing demand for AI training data has transformed data annotation into a global industry, but traditional approaches relying on human annotators are often time-consuming, labor-intensive, and prone to inconsistent quality. We propose the Model-in-the-Loop (MILO) framework, which integrates AI/ML models into the annotation process. Our research introduces a collaborative paradigm that leverages the strengths of both professional human annotators and large language models (LLMs). By employing LLMs as pre-annotation and real-time assistants, and judges on annotator responses, MILO enables effective interaction patterns between human annotators and LLMs. Three empirical studies on multimodal data annotation demonstrate MILO's efficacy in reducing handling time, improving data quality, and enhancing annotator experiences. We also introduce quality rubrics for flexible evaluation and fine-grained feedback on open-ended annotations. The MILO framework has implications for accelerating AI/ML development, reducing reliance on human annotation alone, and promoting better alignment between human and machine values.
☆ Using Generative Models to Produce Realistic Populations of the United Kingdom Windstorms
Windstorms significantly impact the UK, causing extensive damage to property, disrupting society, and potentially resulting in loss of life. Accurate modelling and understanding of such events are essential for effective risk assessment and mitigation. However, the rarity of extreme windstorms results in limited observational data, which poses significant challenges for comprehensive analysis and insurance modelling. This dissertation explores the application of generative models to produce realistic synthetic wind field data, aiming to enhance the robustness of current CAT models used in the insurance industry. The study utilises hourly reanalysis data from the ERA5 dataset, which covers the period from 1940 to 2022. Three models, including standard GANs, WGAN-GP, and U-net diffusion models, were employed to generate high-quality wind maps of the UK. These models are then evaluated using multiple metrics, including SSIM, KL divergence, and EMD, with some assessments performed in a reduced dimensionality space using PCA. The results reveal that while all models are effective in capturing the general spatial characteristics, each model exhibits distinct strengths and weaknesses. The standard GAN introduced more noise compared to the other models. The WGAN-GP model demonstrated superior performance, particularly in replicating statistical distributions. The U-net diffusion model produced the most visually coherent outputs but struggled slightly in replicating peak intensities and their statistical variability. This research underscores the potential of generative models in supplementing limited reanalysis datasets with synthetic data, providing valuable tools for risk assessment and catastrophe modelling. However, it is important to select appropriate evaluation metrics that assess different aspects of the generated outputs. Future work could refine these models and incorporate more ...
comment: 86 pages, 28 figures
☆ Mitigating Partial Observability in Adaptive Traffic Signal Control with Transformers
Efficient traffic signal control is essential for managing urban transportation, minimizing congestion, and improving safety and sustainability. Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a promising approach to enhancing adaptive traffic signal control (ATSC) systems, allowing controllers to learn optimal policies through interaction with the environment. However, challenges arise due to partial observability (PO) in traffic networks, where agents have limited visibility, hindering effectiveness. This paper presents the integration of Transformer-based controllers into ATSC systems to address PO effectively. We propose strategies to enhance training efficiency and effectiveness, demonstrating improved coordination capabilities in real-world scenarios. The results showcase the Transformer-based model's ability to capture significant information from historical observations, leading to better control policies and improved traffic flow. This study highlights the potential of leveraging the advanced Transformer architecture to enhance urban transportation management.
comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Extended abstract submitted for presentation at the Conference in Emerging Technologies in Transportation Systems (TRC-30)
☆ Mitigating Sex Bias in Audio Data-driven COPD and COVID-19 Breathing Pattern Detection Models
In the healthcare industry, researchers have been developing machine learning models to automate diagnosing patients with respiratory illnesses based on their breathing patterns. However, these models do not consider the demographic biases, particularly sex bias, that often occur when models are trained with a skewed patient dataset. Hence, it is essential in such an important industry to reduce this bias so that models can make fair diagnoses. In this work, we examine the bias in models used to detect breathing patterns of two major respiratory diseases, i.e., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and COVID-19. Using decision tree models trained with audio recordings of breathing patterns obtained from two open-source datasets consisting of 29 COPD and 680 COVID-19-positive patients, we analyze the effect of sex bias on the models. With a threshold optimizer and two constraints (demographic parity and equalized odds) to mitigate the bias, we witness 81.43% (demographic parity difference) and 71.81% (equalized odds difference) improvements. These findings are statistically significant.
comment: Accepted at 2024 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (IEEE BSN 2024)
☆ Toward Mitigating Sex Bias in Pilot Trainees' Stress and Fatigue Modeling
While researchers have been trying to understand the stress and fatigue among pilots, especially pilot trainees, and to develop stress/fatigue models to automate the process of detecting stress/fatigue, they often do not consider biases such as sex in those models. However, in a critical profession like aviation, where the demographic distribution is disproportionately skewed to one sex, it is urgent to mitigate biases for fair and safe model predictions. In this work, we investigate the perceived stress/fatigue of 69 college students, including 40 pilot trainees with around 63% male. We construct models with decision trees first without bias mitigation and then with bias mitigation using a threshold optimizer with demographic parity and equalized odds constraints 30 times with random instances. Using bias mitigation, we achieve improvements of 88.31% (demographic parity difference) and 54.26% (equalized odds difference), which are also found to be statistically significant.
comment: Accepted at 2024 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (IEEE BSN 2024)
☆ A Bayesian Interpretation of Adaptive Low-Rank Adaptation
Motivated by the sensitivity-based importance score of the adaptive low-rank adaptation (AdaLoRA), we utilize more theoretically supported metrics, including the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), along with the Improved Variational Online Newton (IVON) optimizer, for adaptive parameter budget allocation. The resulting Bayesian counterpart not only has matched or surpassed the performance of using the sensitivity-based importance metric but is also a faster alternative to AdaLoRA with Adam. Our theoretical analysis reveals a significant connection between the two metrics, providing a Bayesian perspective on the efficacy of sensitivity as an importance score. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the magnitude, rather than the variance, is the primary indicator of the importance of parameters.
☆ Logic Synthesis Optimization with Predictive Self-Supervision via Causal Transformers
Contemporary hardware design benefits from the abstraction provided by high-level logic gates, streamlining the implementation of logic circuits. Logic Synthesis Optimization (LSO) operates at one level of abstraction within the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) workflow, targeting improvements in logic circuits with respect to performance metrics such as size and speed in the final layout. Recent trends in the field show a growing interest in leveraging Machine Learning (ML) for EDA, notably through ML-guided logic synthesis utilizing policy-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods.Despite these advancements, existing models face challenges such as overfitting and limited generalization, attributed to constrained public circuits and the expressiveness limitations of graph encoders. To address these hurdles, and tackle data scarcity issues, we introduce LSOformer, a novel approach harnessing Autoregressive transformer models and predictive SSL to predict the trajectory of Quality of Results (QoR). LSOformer integrates cross-attention modules to merge insights from circuit graphs and optimization sequences, thereby enhancing prediction accuracy for QoR metrics. Experimental studies validate the effectiveness of LSOformer, showcasing its superior performance over baseline architectures in QoR prediction tasks, where it achieves improvements of 5.74%, 4.35%, and 17.06% on the EPFL, OABCD, and proprietary circuits datasets, respectively, in inductive setup.
☆ CaBaGe: Data-Free Model Extraction using ClAss BAlanced Generator Ensemble
Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) is often provided as a pay-per-query, black-box system to clients. Such a black-box approach not only hinders open replication, validation, and interpretation of model results, but also makes it harder for white-hat researchers to identify vulnerabilities in the MLaaS systems. Model extraction is a promising technique to address these challenges by reverse-engineering black-box models. Since training data is typically unavailable for MLaaS models, this paper focuses on the realistic version of it: data-free model extraction. We propose a data-free model extraction approach, CaBaGe, to achieve higher model extraction accuracy with a small number of queries. Our innovations include (1) a novel experience replay for focusing on difficult training samples; (2) an ensemble of generators for steadily producing diverse synthetic data; and (3) a selective filtering process for querying the victim model with harder, more balanced samples. In addition, we create a more realistic setting, for the first time, where the attacker has no knowledge of the number of classes in the victim training data, and create a solution to learn the number of classes on the fly. Our evaluation shows that CaBaGe outperforms existing techniques on seven datasets -- MNIST, FMNIST, SVHN, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet-subset, and Tiny ImageNet -- with an accuracy improvement of the extracted models by up to 43.13%. Furthermore, the number of queries required to extract a clone model matching the final accuracy of prior work is reduced by up to 75.7%.
☆ Exploring Fine-tuned Generative Models for Keyphrase Selection: A Case Study for Russian
Keyphrase selection plays a pivotal role within the domain of scholarly texts, facilitating efficient information retrieval, summarization, and indexing. In this work, we explored how to apply fine-tuned generative transformer-based models to the specific task of keyphrase selection within Russian scientific texts. We experimented with four distinct generative models, such as ruT5, ruGPT, mT5, and mBART, and evaluated their performance in both in-domain and cross-domain settings. The experiments were conducted on the texts of Russian scientific abstracts from four domains: mathematics \& computer science, history, medicine, and linguistics. The use of generative models, namely mBART, led to gains in in-domain performance (up to 4.9\% in BERTScore, 9.0\% in ROUGE-1, and 12.2\% in F1-score) over three keyphrase extraction baselines for the Russian language. Although the results for cross-domain usage were significantly lower, they still demonstrated the capability to surpass baseline performances in several cases, underscoring the promising potential for further exploration and refinement in this research field.
☆ Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformer
Transformers stand as the cornerstone of mordern deep learning. Traditionally, these models rely on multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers to mix the information between channels. In this paper, we introduce the Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformer (KAT), a novel architecture that replaces MLP layers with Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) layers to enhance the expressiveness and performance of the model. Integrating KANs into transformers, however, is no easy feat, especially when scaled up. Specifically, we identify three key challenges: (C1) Base function. The standard B-spline function used in KANs is not optimized for parallel computing on modern hardware, resulting in slower inference speeds. (C2) Parameter and Computation Inefficiency. KAN requires a unique function for each input-output pair, making the computation extremely large. (C3) Weight initialization. The initialization of weights in KANs is particularly challenging due to their learnable activation functions, which are critical for achieving convergence in deep neural networks. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, we propose three key solutions: (S1) Rational basis. We replace B-spline functions with rational functions to improve compatibility with modern GPUs. By implementing this in CUDA, we achieve faster computations. (S2) Group KAN. We share the activation weights through a group of neurons, to reduce the computational load without sacrificing performance. (S3) Variance-preserving initialization. We carefully initialize the activation weights to make sure that the activation variance is maintained across layers. With these designs, KAT scales effectively and readily outperforms traditional MLP-based transformers.
comment: Code: https://github.com/Adamdad/kat
☆ Partial Distribution Matching via Partial Wasserstein Adversarial Networks
This paper studies the problem of distribution matching (DM), which is a fundamental machine learning problem seeking to robustly align two probability distributions. Our approach is established on a relaxed formulation, called partial distribution matching (PDM), which seeks to match a fraction of the distributions instead of matching them completely. We theoretically derive the Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality for the partial Wasserstain-1 (PW) discrepancy, and develop a partial Wasserstein adversarial network (PWAN) that efficiently approximates the PW discrepancy based on this dual form. Partial matching can then be achieved by optimizing the network using gradient descent. Two practical tasks, point set registration and partial domain adaptation are investigated, where the goals are to partially match distributions in 3D space and high-dimensional feature space respectively. The experiment results confirm that the proposed PWAN effectively produces highly robust matching results, performing better or on par with the state-of-the-art methods.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.02227
☆ CSKV: Training-Efficient Channel Shrinking for KV Cache in Long-Context Scenarios
Large Language Models (LLMs) have been widely adopted to process long-context tasks. However, the large memory overhead of the key-value (KV) cache poses significant challenges in long-context scenarios. Existing training-free KV cache compression methods typically focus on quantization and token pruning, which have compression limits, and excessive sparsity can lead to severe performance degradation. Other methods design new architectures with less KV overhead but require significant training overhead. To address the above two drawbacks, we further explore the redundancy in the channel dimension and apply an architecture-level design with minor training costs. Therefore, we introduce CSKV, a training-efficient Channel Shrinking technique for KV cache compression: (1) We first analyze the singular value distribution of the KV cache, revealing significant redundancy and compression potential along the channel dimension. Based on this observation, we propose using low-rank decomposition for key and value layers and storing the low-dimension features. (2) To preserve model performance, we introduce a bi-branch KV cache, including a window-based full-precision KV cache and a low-precision compressed KV cache. (3) To reduce the training costs, we minimize the layer-wise reconstruction loss for the compressed KV cache instead of retraining the entire LLMs. Extensive experiments show that CSKV can reduce the memory overhead of the KV cache by 80% while maintaining the model's long-context capability. Moreover, we show that our method can be seamlessly combined with quantization to further reduce the memory overhead, achieving a compression ratio of up to 95%.
☆ Offline Reinforcement Learning for Learning to Dispatch for Job Shop Scheduling
The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is a complex combinatorial optimization problem. There has been growing interest in using online Reinforcement Learning (RL) for JSSP. While online RL can quickly find acceptable solutions, especially for larger problems, it produces lower-quality results than traditional methods like Constraint Programming (CP). A significant downside of online RL is that it cannot learn from existing data, such as solutions generated from CP, requiring them to train from scratch, leading to sample inefficiency and making them unable to learn from more optimal examples. We introduce Offline Reinforcement Learning for Learning to Dispatch (Offline-LD), a novel approach for JSSP that addresses these limitations. Offline-LD adapts two CQL-based Q-learning methods (mQRDQN and discrete mSAC) for maskable action spaces, introduces a new entropy bonus modification for discrete SAC, and exploits reward normalization through preprocessing. Our experiments show that Offline-LD outperforms online RL on both generated and benchmark instances. By introducing noise into the dataset, we achieve similar or better results than those obtained from the expert dataset, indicating that a more diverse training set is preferable because it contains counterfactual information.
comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables
☆ 2D or not 2D: How Does the Dimensionality of Gesture Representation Affect 3D Co-Speech Gesture Generation?
Co-speech gestures are fundamental for communication. The advent of recent deep learning techniques has facilitated the creation of lifelike, synchronous co-speech gestures for Embodied Conversational Agents. "In-the-wild" datasets, aggregating video content from platforms like YouTube via human pose detection technologies, provide a feasible solution by offering 2D skeletal sequences aligned with speech. Concurrent developments in lifting models enable the conversion of these 2D sequences into 3D gesture databases. However, it is important to note that the 3D poses estimated from the 2D extracted poses are, in essence, approximations of the ground-truth, which remains in the 2D domain. This distinction raises questions about the impact of gesture representation dimensionality on the quality of generated motions - a topic that, to our knowledge, remains largely unexplored. Our study examines the effect of using either 2D or 3D joint coordinates as training data on the performance of speech-to-gesture deep generative models. We employ a lifting model for converting generated 2D pose sequences into 3D and assess how gestures created directly in 3D stack up against those initially generated in 2D and then converted to 3D. We perform an objective evaluation using widely used metrics in the gesture generation field as well as a user study to qualitatively evaluate the different approaches.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2406.15111
☆ Deep Learning tools to support deforestation monitoring in the Ivory Coast using SAR and Optical satellite imagery
Deforestation is gaining an increasingly importance due to its strong influence on the sorrounding environment, especially in developing countries where population has a disadvantaged economic condition and agriculture is the main source of income. In Ivory Coast, for instance, where the cocoa production is the most remunerative activity, it is not rare to assist to the replacement of portion of ancient forests with new cocoa plantations. In order to monitor this type of deleterious activities, satellites can be employed to recognize the disappearance of the forest to prevent it from expand its area of interest. In this study, Forest-Non-Forest map (FNF) has been used as ground truth for models based on Sentinel images input. State-of-the-art models U-Net, Attention U-Net, Segnet and FCN32 are compared over different years combining Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and cloud probability to create forest/non-forest segmentation. Although Ivory Coast lacks of forest coverage datasets and is partially covered by Sentinel images, it is demonstrated the feasibility to create models classifying forest and non-forests pixels over the area using open datasets to predict where deforestation could have occurred. Although a significant portion of the deforestation research is carried out on visible bands, SAR acquisitions are employed to overcome the limits of RGB images over areas often covered by clouds. Finally, the most promising model is employed to estimate the hectares of forest has been cut between 2019 and 2020.
☆ Efficient Milling Quality Prediction with Explainable Machine Learning
This paper presents an explainable machine learning (ML) approach for predicting surface roughness in milling. Utilizing a dataset from milling aluminum alloy 2017A, the study employs random forest regression models and feature importance techniques. The key contributions include developing ML models that accurately predict various roughness values and identifying redundant sensors, particularly those for measuring normal cutting force. Our experiments show that removing certain sensors can reduce costs without sacrificing predictive accuracy, highlighting the potential of explainable machine learning to improve cost-effectiveness in machining.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2403.18731
☆ Motion Forecasting via Model-Based Risk Minimization
Forecasting the future trajectories of surrounding agents is crucial for autonomous vehicles to ensure safe, efficient, and comfortable route planning. While model ensembling has improved prediction accuracy in various fields, its application in trajectory prediction is limited due to the multi-modal nature of predictions. In this paper, we propose a novel sampling method applicable to trajectory prediction based on the predictions of multiple models. We first show that conventional sampling based on predicted probabilities can degrade performance due to missing alignment between models. To address this problem, we introduce a new method that generates optimal trajectories from a set of neural networks, framing it as a risk minimization problem with a variable loss function. By using state-of-the-art models as base learners, our approach constructs diverse and effective ensembles for optimal trajectory sampling. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes prediction dataset demonstrate that our method surpasses current state-of-the-art techniques, achieving top ranks on the leaderboard. We also provide a comprehensive empirical study on ensembling strategies, offering insights into their effectiveness. Our findings highlight the potential of advanced ensembling techniques in trajectory prediction, significantly improving predictive performance and paving the way for more reliable predicted trajectories.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to be published in IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (2025)
☆ Manifold-Constrained Nucleus-Level Denoising Diffusion Model for Structure-Based Drug Design
Artificial intelligence models have shown great potential in structure-based drug design, generating ligands with high binding affinities. However, existing models have often overlooked a crucial physical constraint: atoms must maintain a minimum pairwise distance to avoid separation violation, a phenomenon governed by the balance of attractive and repulsive forces. To mitigate such separation violations, we propose NucleusDiff. It models the interactions between atomic nuclei and their surrounding electron clouds by enforcing the distance constraint between the nuclei and manifolds. We quantitatively evaluate NucleusDiff using the CrossDocked2020 dataset and a COVID-19 therapeutic target, demonstrating that NucleusDiff reduces violation rate by up to 100.00% and enhances binding affinity by up to 22.16%, surpassing state-of-the-art models for structure-based drug design. We also provide qualitative analysis through manifold sampling, visually confirming the effectiveness of NucleusDiff in reducing separation violations and improving binding affinities.
☆ LASERS: LAtent Space Encoding for Representations with Sparsity for Generative Modeling WACV
Learning compact and meaningful latent space representations has been shown to be very useful in generative modeling tasks for visual data. One particular example is applying Vector Quantization (VQ) in variational autoencoders (VQ-VAEs, VQ-GANs, etc.), which has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in many modern generative modeling applications. Quantizing the latent space has been justified by the assumption that the data themselves are inherently discrete in the latent space (like pixel values). In this paper, we propose an alternative representation of the latent space by relaxing the structural assumption than the VQ formulation. Specifically, we assume that the latent space can be approximated by a union of subspaces model corresponding to a dictionary-based representation under a sparsity constraint. The dictionary is learned/updated during the training process. We apply this approach to look at two models: Dictionary Learning Variational Autoencoders (DL-VAEs) and DL-VAEs with Generative Adversarial Networks (DL-GANs). We show empirically that our more latent space is more expressive and has leads to better representations than the VQ approach in terms of reconstruction quality at the expense of a small computational overhead for the latent space computation. Our results thus suggest that the true benefit of the VQ approach might not be from discretization of the latent space, but rather the lossy compression of the latent space. We confirm this hypothesis by showing that our sparse representations also address the codebook collapse issue as found common in VQ-family models.
comment: Preprint, under review. Submitted to 2025 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
☆ Reinforcement Learning with Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting
Reinforcement learning has traditionally been studied with exponential discounting or the average reward setup, mainly due to their mathematical tractability. However, such frameworks fall short of accurately capturing human behavior, which has a bias towards immediate gratification. Quasi-Hyperbolic (QH) discounting is a simple alternative for modeling this bias. Unlike in traditional discounting, though, the optimal QH-policy, starting from some time $t_1,$ can be different to the one starting from $t_2.$ Hence, the future self of an agent, if it is naive or impatient, can deviate from the policy that is optimal at the start, leading to sub-optimal overall returns. To prevent this behavior, an alternative is to work with a policy anchored in a Markov Perfect Equilibrium (MPE). In this work, we propose the first model-free algorithm for finding an MPE. Using a two-timescale analysis, we show that, if our algorithm converges, then the limit must be an MPE. We also validate this claim numerically for the standard inventory system with stochastic demands. Our work significantly advances the practical application of reinforcement learning.
☆ WaveMixSR-V2: Enhancing Super-resolution with Higher Efficiency
Recent advancements in single image super-resolution have been predominantly driven by token mixers and transformer architectures. WaveMixSR utilized the WaveMix architecture, employing a two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform for spatial token mixing, achieving superior performance in super-resolution tasks with remarkable resource efficiency. In this work, we present an enhanced version of the WaveMixSR architecture by (1) replacing the traditional transpose convolution layer with a pixel shuffle operation and (2) implementing a multistage design for higher resolution tasks ($4\times$). Our experiments demonstrate that our enhanced model -- WaveMixSR-V2 -- outperforms other architectures in multiple super-resolution tasks, achieving state-of-the-art for the BSD100 dataset, while also consuming fewer resources, exhibits higher parameter efficiency, lower latency and higher throughput. Our code is available at https://github.com/pranavphoenix/WaveMixSR.
comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.00430
♻ ☆ Large Language Monkeys: Scaling Inference Compute with Repeated Sampling
Scaling the amount of compute used to train language models has dramatically improved their capabilities. However, when it comes to inference, we often limit the amount of compute to only one attempt per problem. Here, we explore inference compute as another axis for scaling by increasing the number of generated samples. Across multiple tasks and models, we observe that coverage - the fraction of problems solved by any attempt - scales with the number of samples over four orders of magnitude. In domains like coding and formal proofs, where all answers can be automatically verified, these increases in coverage directly translate into improved performance. When we apply repeated sampling to SWE-bench Lite, the fraction of issues solved with DeepSeek-V2-Coder-Instruct increases from 15.9% with one sample to 56% with 250 samples, outperforming the single-attempt state-of-the-art of 43% which uses more capable frontier models. Moreover, using current API pricing, amplifying the cheaper DeepSeek model with five samples is more cost-effective and solves more issues than paying a premium for one sample from GPT-4o or Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Interestingly, the relationship between coverage and the number of samples is often log-linear and can be modelled with an exponentiated power law, suggesting the existence of inference-time scaling laws. Finally, we find that identifying correct samples out of many generations remains an important direction for future research in domains without automatic verifiers. When solving math word problems from GSM8K and MATH, coverage with Llama-3 models grows to over 95% with 10,000 samples. However, common methods to pick correct solutions from a sample collection, such as majority voting or reward models, plateau beyond several hundred samples and fail to fully scale with the sample budget.
♻ ☆ Assumption-Lean and Data-Adaptive Post-Prediction Inference
A primary challenge facing modern scientific research is the limited availability of gold-standard data which can be costly, labor-intensive, or invasive to obtain. With the rapid development of machine learning (ML), scientists can now employ ML algorithms to predict gold-standard outcomes with variables that are easier to obtain. However, these predicted outcomes are often used directly in subsequent statistical analyses, ignoring imprecision and heterogeneity introduced by the prediction procedure. This will likely result in false positive findings and invalid scientific conclusions. In this work, we introduce PoSt-Prediction Adaptive inference (PSPA) that allows valid and powerful inference based on ML-predicted data. Its "assumption-lean" property guarantees reliable statistical inference without assumptions on the ML prediction. Its "data-adaptive" feature guarantees an efficiency gain over existing methods, regardless of the accuracy of ML prediction. We demonstrate the statistical superiority and broad applicability of our method through simulations and real-data applications.
♻ ☆ Model-independent variable selection via the rule-based variable priority
While achieving high prediction accuracy is a fundamental goal in machine learning, an equally important task is finding a small number of features with high explanatory power. One popular selection technique is permutation importance, which assesses a variable's impact by measuring the change in prediction error after permuting the variable. However, this can be problematic due to the need to create artificial data, a problem shared by other methods as well. Another problem is that variable selection methods can be limited by being model-specific. We introduce a new model-independent approach, Variable Priority (VarPro), which works by utilizing rules without the need to generate artificial data or evaluate prediction error. The method is relatively easy to use, requiring only the calculation of sample averages of simple statistics, and can be applied to many data settings, including regression, classification, and survival. We investigate the asymptotic properties of VarPro and show, among other things, that VarPro has a consistent filtering property for noise variables. Empirical studies using synthetic and real-world data show the method achieves a balanced performance and compares favorably to many state-of-the-art procedures currently used for variable selection.
♻ ☆ Beyond Ensemble Averages: Leveraging Climate Model Ensembles for Subseasonal Forecasting
Producing high-quality forecasts of key climate variables, such as temperature and precipitation, on subseasonal time scales has long been a gap in operational forecasting. This study explores an application of machine learning (ML) models as post-processing tools for subseasonal forecasting. Lagged numerical ensemble forecasts (i.e., an ensemble where the members have different initialization dates) and observational data, including relative humidity, pressure at sea level, and geopotential height, are incorporated into various ML methods to predict monthly average precipitation and two-meter temperature two weeks in advance for the continental United States. For regression, quantile regression, and tercile classification tasks, we consider using linear models, random forests, convolutional neural networks, and stacked models (a multi-model approach based on the prediction of the individual ML models). Unlike previous ML approaches that often use ensemble mean alone, we leverage information embedded in the ensemble forecasts to enhance prediction accuracy. Additionally, we investigate extreme event predictions that are crucial for planning and mitigation efforts. Considering ensemble members as a collection of spatial forecasts, we explore different approaches to using spatial information. Trade-offs between different approaches may be mitigated with model stacking. Our proposed models outperform standard baselines such as climatological forecasts and ensemble means. In addition, we investigate feature importance, trade-offs between using the full ensemble or only the ensemble mean, and different modes of accounting for spatial variability.
comment: This Work has been accepted to Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems journal. The AMS does not guarantee that the copy provided here is an accurate copy of the Version of Record (VoR). https://doi.org/10.1175/AIES-D-23-0103.1
♻ ☆ Scalable Distributed Algorithms for Size-Constrained Submodular Maximization in the MapReduce and Adaptive Complexity Models
Distributed maximization of a submodular function in the MapReduce (MR) model has received much attention, culminating in two frameworks that allow a centralized algorithm to be run in the MR setting without loss of approximation, as long as the centralized algorithm satisfies a certain consistency property -- which had previously only been known to be satisfied by the standard greedy and continous greedy algorithms. A separate line of work has studied parallelizability of submodular maximization in the adaptive complexity model, where each thread may have access to the entire ground set. For the size-constrained maximization of a monotone and submodular function, we show that several sublinearly adaptive (highly parallelizable) algorithms satisfy the consistency property required to work in the MR setting, which yields practical, parallelizable and distributed algorithms. Separately, we develop the first distributed algorithm with linear query complexity for this problem. Finally, we provide a method to increase the maximum cardinality constraint for MR algorithms at the cost of additional MR rounds.
♻ ☆ Local Methods with Adaptivity via Scaling
The rapid development of machine learning and deep learning has introduced increasingly complex optimization challenges that must be addressed. Indeed, training modern, advanced models has become difficult to implement without leveraging multiple computing nodes in a distributed environment. Distributed optimization is also fundamental to emerging fields such as federated learning. Specifically, there is a need to organize the training process to minimize the time lost due to communication. A widely used and extensively researched technique to mitigate the communication bottleneck involves performing local training before communication. This approach is the focus of our paper. Concurrently, adaptive methods that incorporate scaling, notably led by Adam, have gained significant popularity in recent years. Therefore, this paper aims to merge the local training technique with the adaptive approach to develop efficient distributed learning methods. We consider the classical Local SGD method and enhance it with a scaling feature. A crucial aspect is that the scaling is described generically, allowing us to analyze various approaches, including Adam, RMSProp, and OASIS, in a unified manner. In addition to theoretical analysis, we validate the performance of our methods in practice by training a neural network.
comment: 41 pages, 2 algorithms, 6 figures, 1 table
♻ ☆ Discrete Neural Algorithmic Reasoning
Neural algorithmic reasoning aims to capture computations with neural networks via learning the models to imitate the execution of classic algorithms. While common architectures are expressive enough to contain the correct model in the weights space, current neural reasoners are struggling to generalize well on out-of-distribution data. On the other hand, classic computations are not affected by distributional shifts as they can be described as transitions between discrete computational states. In this work, we propose to force neural reasoners to maintain the execution trajectory as a combination of finite predefined states. To achieve that, we separate discrete and continuous data flows and describe the interaction between them. Trained with supervision on the algorithm's state transitions, such models are able to perfectly align with the original algorithm. To show this, we evaluate our approach on multiple algorithmic problems and get perfect test scores both in single-task and multitask setups. Moreover, the proposed architectural choice allows us to prove the correctness of the learned algorithms for any test~data.
♻ ☆ Towards Human-Like Driving: Active Inference in Autonomous Vehicle Control
This paper presents a novel approach to Autonomous Vehicle (AV) control through the application of active inference, a theory derived from neuroscience that conceptualizes the brain as a predictive machine. Traditional autonomous driving systems rely heavily on Modular Pipelines, Imitation Learning, or Reinforcement Learning, each with inherent limitations in adaptability, generalization, and computational efficiency. Active inference addresses these challenges by minimizing prediction error (termed "surprise") through a dynamic model that balances perception and action. Our method integrates active inference with deep learning to manage lateral control in AVs, enabling them to perform lane following maneuvers within a simulated urban environment. We demonstrate that our model, despite its simplicity, effectively learns and generalizes from limited data without extensive retraining, significantly reducing computational demands. The proposed approach not only enhances the adaptability and performance of AVs in dynamic scenarios but also aligns closely with human-like driving behavior, leveraging a generative model to predict and adapt to environmental changes. Results from extensive experiments in the CARLA simulator show promising outcomes, outperforming traditional methods in terms of adaptability and efficiency, thereby advancing the potential of active inference in real-world autonomous driving applications.
comment: The work is partly supported by a sponsor. Authors need to complete the final report submission before any type of publication according to the sponsor. The final report will be submitted in few weeks. Then, authors will reinstate this paper after that
♻ ☆ Uncertainty Estimation of Transformers' Predictions via Topological Analysis of the Attention Matrices
Determining the degree of confidence of deep learning model in its prediction is an open problem in the field of natural language processing. Most of the classical methods for uncertainty estimation are quite weak for text classification models. We set the task of obtaining an uncertainty estimate for neural networks based on the Transformer architecture. A key feature of such mo-dels is the attention mechanism, which supports the information flow between the hidden representations of tokens in the neural network. We explore the formed relationships between internal representations using Topological Data Analysis methods and utilize them to predict model's confidence. In this paper, we propose a method for uncertainty estimation based on the topological properties of the attention mechanism and compare it with classical methods. As a result, the proposed algorithm surpasses the existing methods in quality and opens up a new area of application of the attention mechanism, but requires the selection of topological features.
♻ ☆ Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics: A Survey of Real-World Successes
Reinforcement learning (RL), particularly its combination with deep neural networks referred to as deep RL (DRL), has shown tremendous promise across a wide range of applications, suggesting its potential for enabling the development of sophisticated robotic behaviors. Robotics problems, however, pose fundamental difficulties for the application of RL, stemming from the complexity and cost of interacting with the physical world. This article provides a modern survey of DRL for robotics, with a particular focus on evaluating the real-world successes achieved with DRL in realizing several key robotic competencies. Our analysis aims to identify the key factors underlying those exciting successes, reveal underexplored areas, and provide an overall characterization of the status of DRL in robotics. We highlight several important avenues for future work, emphasizing the need for stable and sample-efficient real-world RL paradigms, holistic approaches for discovering and integrating various competencies to tackle complex long-horizon, open-world tasks, and principled development and evaluation procedures. This survey is designed to offer insights for both RL practitioners and roboticists toward harnessing RL's power to create generally capable real-world robotic systems.
comment: The first three authors contributed equally. Accepted to Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems
♻ ☆ Mitigate the Gap: Investigating Approaches for Improving Cross-Modal Alignment in CLIP
Contrastive Language--Image Pre-training (CLIP) has manifested remarkable improvements in zero-shot classification and cross-modal vision-language tasks. Yet, from a geometrical point of view, the CLIP embedding space has been found to have a pronounced modality gap. This gap renders the embedding space overly sparse and disconnected, with different modalities being densely distributed in distinct subregions of the hypersphere. In this work, we aim at answering three main questions: 1. Does sharing the parameter space between the multi-modal encoders reduce the modality gap? 2. Can the gap be mitigated by pushing apart the uni-modal embeddings via intra-modality separation? 3. How do these gap reduction approaches affect the downstream performance? We design AlignCLIP, in order to answer these questions and through extensive experiments, we show that AlignCLIP achieves noticeable enhancements in the cross-modal alignment of the embeddings, and thereby, reduces the modality gap, while improving the performance across several zero-shot and fine-tuning downstream evaluations.
♻ ☆ Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Cyber Operations: A Survey
The rapid increase in the number of cyber-attacks in recent years raises the need for principled methods for defending networks against malicious actors. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has emerged as a promising approach for mitigating these attacks. However, while DRL has shown much potential for cyber defence, numerous challenges must be overcome before DRL can be applied to autonomous cyber operations (ACO) at scale. Principled methods are required for environments that confront learners with very high-dimensional state spaces, large multi-discrete action spaces, and adversarial learning. Recent works have reported success in solving these problems individually. There have also been impressive engineering efforts towards solving all three for real-time strategy games. However, applying DRL to the full ACO problem remains an open challenge. Here, we survey the relevant DRL literature and conceptualize an idealised ACO-DRL agent. We provide: i.) A summary of the domain properties that define the ACO problem; ii.) A comprehensive comparison of current ACO environments used for benchmarking DRL approaches; iii.) An overview of state-of-the-art approaches for scaling DRL to domains that confront learners with the curse of dimensionality, and; iv.) A survey and critique of current methods for limiting the exploitability of agents within adversarial settings from the perspective of ACO. We conclude with open research questions that we hope will motivate future directions for researchers and practitioners working on ACO.
comment: 89 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables
♻ ☆ Towards Supervised Performance on Speaker Verification with Self-Supervised Learning by Leveraging Large-Scale ASR Models INTERSPEECH 2024
Recent advancements in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) have shown promising results in Speaker Verification (SV). However, narrowing the performance gap with supervised systems remains an ongoing challenge. Several studies have observed that speech representations from large-scale ASR models contain valuable speaker information. This work explores the limitations of fine-tuning these models for SV using an SSL contrastive objective in an end-to-end approach. Then, we propose a framework to learn speaker representations in an SSL context by fine-tuning a pre-trained WavLM with a supervised loss using pseudo-labels. Initial pseudo-labels are derived from an SSL DINO-based model and are iteratively refined by clustering the model embeddings. Our method achieves 0.99% EER on VoxCeleb1-O, establishing the new state-of-the-art on self-supervised SV. As this performance is close to our supervised baseline of 0.94% EER, this contribution is a step towards supervised performance on SV with SSL.
comment: accepted at INTERSPEECH 2024
♻ ☆ A Scalable and Parallelizable Digital Twin Framework for Sustainable Sim2Real Transition of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems
Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) systems usually require significantly long training times due to their inherent complexity. Furthermore, deploying them in the real world demands a feature-rich environment along with multiple embodied agents, which may not be feasible due to budget or space limitations, not to mention energy consumption and safety issues. This work tries to address these pain points by presenting a sustainable digital twin framework capable of accelerating MARL training by selectively scaling parallelized workloads on-demand, and transferring the trained policies from simulation to reality using minimal hardware resources. The applicability of the proposed digital twin framework is highlighted through two representative use cases, which cover cooperative as well as competitive classes of MARL problems. We study the effect of agent and environment parallelization on training time and that of systematic domain randomization on zero-shot sim2real transfer across both the case studies. Results indicate up to 76.3% reduction in training time with the proposed parallelization scheme and as low as 2.9% sim2real gap using the suggested deployment method.
♻ ☆ Machine Against the RAG: Jamming Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Blocker Documents
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems respond to queries by retrieving relevant documents from a knowledge database, then generating an answer by applying an LLM to the retrieved documents. We demonstrate that RAG systems that operate on databases with untrusted content are vulnerable to a new class of denial-of-service attacks we call jamming. An adversary can add a single ``blocker'' document to the database that will be retrieved in response to a specific query and result in the RAG system not answering this query - ostensibly because it lacks the information or because the answer is unsafe. We describe and measure the efficacy of several methods for generating blocker documents, including a new method based on black-box optimization. This method (1) does not rely on instruction injection, (2) does not require the adversary to know the embedding or LLM used by the target RAG system, and (3) does not use an auxiliary LLM to generate blocker documents. We evaluate jamming attacks on several LLMs and embeddings and demonstrate that the existing safety metrics for LLMs do not capture their vulnerability to jamming. We then discuss defenses against blocker documents.
♻ ☆ Enhancing Spatio-temporal Quantile Forecasting with Curriculum Learning: Lessons Learned
Training models on spatio-temporal (ST) data poses an open problem due to the complicated and diverse nature of the data itself, and it is challenging to ensure the model's performance directly trained on the original ST data. While limiting the variety of training data can make training easier, it can also lead to a lack of knowledge and information for the model, resulting in a decrease in performance. To address this challenge, we presented an innovative paradigm that incorporates three separate forms of curriculum learning specifically targeting from spatial, temporal, and quantile perspectives. Furthermore, our framework incorporates a stacking fusion module to combine diverse information from three types of curriculum learning, resulting in a strong and thorough learning process. We demonstrated the effectiveness of this framework with extensive empirical evaluations, highlighting its better performance in addressing complex ST challenges. We provided thorough ablation studies to investigate the effectiveness of our curriculum and to explain how it contributes to the improvement of learning efficiency on ST data.
comment: accept by sigspatial 2024
♻ ☆ Enhancing Next Destination Prediction: A Novel Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Approach Using Real-World Airline Data
In the modern transportation industry, accurate prediction of travelers' next destinations brings multiple benefits to companies, such as customer satisfaction and targeted marketing. This study focuses on developing a precise model that captures the sequential patterns and dependencies in travel data, enabling accurate predictions of individual travelers' future destinations. To achieve this, a novel model architecture with a sliding window approach based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is proposed for destination prediction in the transportation industry. The experimental results highlight satisfactory performance and high scores achieved by the proposed model across different data sizes and performance metrics. This research contributes to advancing destination prediction methods, empowering companies to deliver personalized recommendations and optimize customer experiences in the dynamic travel landscape.
♻ ☆ Probabilistic energy forecasting through quantile regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
Accurate energy demand forecasting is crucial for sustainable and resilient energy development. To meet the Net Zero Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) $4.5$ scenario in the DACH countries, increased renewable energy production, energy storage, and reduced commercial building consumption are needed. This scenario's success depends on hydroelectric capacity and climatic factors. Informed decisions require quantifying uncertainty in forecasts. This study explores a non-parametric method based on \emph{reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS)}, known as kernel quantile regression, for energy prediction. Our experiments demonstrate its reliability and sharpness, and we benchmark it against state-of-the-art methods in load and price forecasting for the DACH region. We offer our implementation in conjunction with additional scripts to ensure the reproducibility of our research.
comment: 12 pages, {Owner/Author | ACM} {2024}. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record will published in https://energy.acm.org/eir
♻ ☆ Model Selection of Anomaly Detectors in the Absence of Labeled Validation Data
Anomaly detection is the task of identifying abnormal samples in large unlabeled datasets. While the advent of foundation models has produced powerful zero-shot anomaly detection methods, their deployment in practice is often hindered by the absence of labeled validation data -- without it, their detection performance cannot be evaluated reliably. In this work, we propose SWSA (Selection With Synthetic Anomalies): a general-purpose framework to select image-based anomaly detectors without labeled validation data. Instead of collecting labeled validation data, we generate synthetic anomalies without any training or fine-tuning, using only a small support set of normal images. Our synthetic anomalies are used to create detection tasks that compose a validation framework for model selection. In an empirical study, we evaluate SWSA with three types of synthetic anomalies and on two selection tasks: model selection of image-based anomaly detectors and prompt selection for CLIP-based anomaly detection. SWSA often selects models and prompts that match selections made with a ground-truth validation set, outperforming baseline selection strategies.
comment: 14 pages
♻ ☆ Reviewing AI's Role in Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Recurrence Prediction
Notorious for its 70-80% recurrence rate, Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) imposes a significant human burden and is one of the costliest cancers to manage. Current tools for predicting NMIBC recurrence rely on scoring systems that often overestimate risk and have poor accuracy. This is where Machine learning (ML)-based techniques have emerged as a promising approach for predicting NMIBC recurrence by leveraging molecular and clinical data. This comprehensive review paper critically analyses ML-based frameworks for predicting NMIBC recurrence, focusing on their statistical robustness and algorithmic efficacy. We meticulously examine the strengths and weaknesses of each study, by focusing on various prediction tasks, data modalities, and ML models, highlighting their remarkable performance alongside inherent limitations. A diverse array of ML algorithms that leverage multimodal data spanning radiomics, clinical, histopathological, and genomic data, exhibit significant promise in accurately predicting NMIBC recurrence. However, the path to widespread adoption faces challenges concerning the generalisability and interpretability of models, emphasising the need for collaborative efforts, robust datasets, and the incorporation of cost-effectiveness. Our detailed categorisation and in-depth analysis illuminate the nuances, complexities, and contexts that influence real-world advancement and adoption of these AI-based techniques. This rigorous analysis equips researchers with a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the ML algorithms employed. Researchers can use these insights to refine approaches, address limitations, and boost generalisability of their ML models, ultimately leading to reduced healthcare costs and improved patient outcomes.
comment: 14 pages, 3 Figures
♻ ☆ Parameterized Approximation for Robust Clustering in Discrete Geometric Spaces
We consider the well-studied Robust $(k, z)$-Clustering problem, which generalizes the classic $k$-Median, $k$-Means, and $k$-Center problems. Given a constant $z\ge 1$, the input to Robust $(k, z)$-Clustering is a set $P$ of $n$ weighted points in a metric space $(M,\delta)$ and a positive integer $k$. Further, each point belongs to one (or more) of the $m$ many different groups $S_1,S_2,\ldots,S_m$. Our goal is to find a set $X$ of $k$ centers such that $\max_{i \in [m]} \sum_{p \in S_i} w(p) \delta(p,X)^z$ is minimized. This problem arises in the domains of robust optimization [Anthony, Goyal, Gupta, Nagarajan, Math. Oper. Res. 2010] and in algorithmic fairness. For polynomial time computation, an approximation factor of $O(\log m/\log\log m)$ is known [Makarychev, Vakilian, COLT $2021$], which is tight under a plausible complexity assumption even in the line metrics. For FPT time, there is a $(3^z+\epsilon)$-approximation algorithm, which is tight under GAP-ETH [Goyal, Jaiswal, Inf. Proc. Letters, 2023]. Motivated by the tight lower bounds for general discrete metrics, we focus on \emph{geometric} spaces such as the (discrete) high-dimensional Euclidean setting and metrics of low doubling dimension, which play an important role in data analysis applications. First, for a universal constant $\eta_0 >0.0006$, we devise a $3^z(1-\eta_{0})$-factor FPT approximation algorithm for discrete high-dimensional Euclidean spaces thereby bypassing the lower bound for general metrics. We complement this result by showing that even the special case of $k$-Center in dimension $\Theta(\log n)$ is $(\sqrt{3/2}- o(1))$-hard to approximate for FPT algorithms. Finally, we complete the FPT approximation landscape by designing an FPT $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation scheme (EPAS) for the metric of sub-logarithmic doubling dimension.
comment: 26 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Enhancing learning in spiking neural networks through neuronal heterogeneity and neuromodulatory signaling
Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has been driven by insights from neuroscience, particularly with the development of artificial neural networks (ANNs). This has significantly enhanced the replication of complex cognitive tasks such as vision and natural language processing. Despite these advances, ANNs struggle with continual learning, adaptable knowledge transfer, robustness, and resource efficiency - capabilities that biological systems handle seamlessly. Specifically, ANNs often overlook the functional and morphological diversity of the brain, hindering their computational capabilities. Furthermore, incorporating cell-type specific neuromodulatory effects into ANNs with neuronal heterogeneity could enable learning at two spatial scales: spiking behavior at the neuronal level, and synaptic plasticity at the circuit level, thereby potentially enhancing their learning abilities. In this article, we summarize recent bio-inspired models, learning rules and architectures and propose a biologically-informed framework for enhancing ANNs. Our proposed dual-framework approach highlights the potential of spiking neural networks (SNNs) for emulating diverse spiking behaviors and dendritic compartments to simulate morphological and functional diversity of neuronal computations. Finally, we outline how the proposed approach integrates brain-inspired compartmental models and task-driven SNNs, balances bioinspiration and complexity, and provides scalable solutions for pressing AI challenges, such as continual learning, adaptability, robustness, and resource-efficiency.
comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, 3 boxes
♻ ☆ On Causality in Domain Adaptation and Semi-Supervised Learning: an Information-Theoretic Analysis for Parametric Models
Recent advancements in unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) and semi-supervised learning (SSL), particularly incorporating causality, have led to significant methodological improvements in these learning problems. However, a formal theory that explains the role of causality in the generalization performance of UDA/SSL is still lacking. In this paper, we consider the UDA/SSL scenarios where we access $m$ labelled source data and $n$ unlabelled target data as training instances under different causal settings with a parametric probabilistic model. We study the learning performance (e.g., excess risk) of prediction in the target domain from an information-theoretic perspective. Specifically, we distinguish two scenarios: the learning problem is called causal learning if the feature is the cause and the label is the effect, and is called anti-causal learning otherwise. We show that in causal learning, the excess risk depends on the size of the source sample at a rate of $O(\frac{1}{m})$ only if the labelling distribution between the source and target domains remains unchanged. In anti-causal learning, we show that the unlabelled data dominate the performance at a rate of typically $O(\frac{1}{n})$. These results bring out the relationship between the data sample size and the hardness of the learning problem with different causal mechanisms.
comment: 56 pages Including Appendix
♻ ☆ Maximum Mean Discrepancy on Exponential Windows for Online Change Detection
Detecting changes is of fundamental importance when analyzing data streams and has many applications, e.g., in predictive maintenance, fraud detection, or medicine. A principled approach to detect changes is to compare the distributions of observations within the stream to each other via hypothesis testing. Maximum mean discrepancy (MMD), a (semi-)metric on the space of probability distributions, provides powerful non-parametric two-sample tests on kernel-enriched domains. In particular, MMD is able to detect any disparity between distributions under mild conditions. However, classical MMD estimators suffer from a quadratic runtime complexity, which renders their direct use for change detection in data streams impractical. In this article, we propose a new change detection algorithm, called Maximum Mean Discrepancy on Exponential Windows (MMDEW), that combines the benefits of MMD with an efficient computation based on exponential windows. We prove that MMDEW enjoys polylogarithmic runtime and logarithmic memory complexity and show empirically that it outperforms the state of the art on benchmark data streams.
comment: Add experiments regarding impact of test level
♻ ☆ Aligning Machine and Human Visual Representations across Abstraction Levels
Deep neural networks have achieved success across a wide range of applications, including as models of human behavior in vision tasks. However, neural network training and human learning differ in fundamental ways, and neural networks often fail to generalize as robustly as humans do, raising questions regarding the similarity of their underlying representations. What is missing for modern learning systems to exhibit more human-like behavior? We highlight a key misalignment between vision models and humans: whereas human conceptual knowledge is hierarchically organized from fine- to coarse-scale distinctions, model representations do not accurately capture all these levels of abstraction. To address this misalignment, we first train a teacher model to imitate human judgments, then transfer human-like structure from its representations into pretrained state-of-the-art vision foundation models. These human-aligned models more accurately approximate human behavior and uncertainty across a wide range of similarity tasks, including a new dataset of human judgments spanning multiple levels of semantic abstractions. They also perform better on a diverse set of machine learning tasks, increasing generalization and out-of-distribution robustness. Thus, infusing neural networks with additional human knowledge yields a best-of-both-worlds representation that is both more consistent with human cognition and more practically useful, thus paving the way toward more robust, interpretable, and human-like artificial intelligence systems.
comment: 51 pages
♻ ☆ Generative neural networks for characteristic functions
We provide a simulation algorithm to simulate from a (multivariate) characteristic function, which is only accessible in a black-box format. The method is based on a generative neural network, whose loss function exploits a specific representation of the Maximum-Mean-Discrepancy metric to directly incorporate the targeted characteristic function. The algorithm is universal in the sense that it is independent of the dimension and that it does not require any assumptions on the given characteristic function. Furthermore, finite sample guarantees on the approximation quality in terms of the Maximum-Mean Discrepancy metric are derived. The method is illustrated in a simulation study.
♻ ☆ The Role of Deep Learning Regularizations on Actors in Offline RL
Deep learning regularization techniques, such as dropout, layer normalization, or weight decay, are widely adopted in the construction of modern artificial neural networks, often resulting in more robust training processes and improved generalization capabilities. However, in the domain of Reinforcement Learning (RL), the application of these techniques has been limited, usually applied to value function estimators, and may result in detrimental effects. This issue is even more pronounced in offline RL settings, which bear greater similarity to supervised learning but have received less attention. Recent work in continuous offline RL has demonstrated that while we can build sufficiently powerful critic networks, the generalization of actor networks remains a bottleneck. In this study, we empirically show that applying standard regularization techniques to actor networks in offline RL actor-critic algorithms yields improvements of 6% on average across two algorithms and three different continuous D4RL domains.
comment: https://github.com/DT6A/ActoReg
♻ ☆ CoReEcho: Continuous Representation Learning for 2D+time Echocardiography Analysis
Deep learning (DL) models have been advancing automatic medical image analysis on various modalities, including echocardiography, by offering a comprehensive end-to-end training pipeline. This approach enables DL models to regress ejection fraction (EF) directly from 2D+time echocardiograms, resulting in superior performance. However, the end-to-end training pipeline makes the learned representations less explainable. The representations may also fail to capture the continuous relation among echocardiogram clips, indicating the existence of spurious correlations, which can negatively affect the generalization. To mitigate this issue, we propose CoReEcho, a novel training framework emphasizing continuous representations tailored for direct EF regression. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that CoReEcho: 1) outperforms the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the largest echocardiography dataset (EchoNet-Dynamic) with MAE of 3.90 & R2 of 82.44, and 2) provides robust and generalizable features that transfer more effectively in related downstream tasks. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/fadamsyah/CoReEcho.
♻ ☆ Scikit-fingerprints: easy and efficient computation of molecular fingerprints in Python
In this work, we present \skfp, a Python package for computation of molecular fingerprints for applications in chemoinformatics. Our library offers an industry-standard scikit-learn interface, allowing intuitive usage and easy integration with machine learning pipelines. It is also highly optimized, featuring parallel computation that enables efficient processing of large molecular datasets. Currently, \skfp~stands as the most feature-rich library in the open source Python ecosystem, offering over 30 molecular fingerprints. Our library simplifies chemoinformatics tasks based on molecular fingerprints, including molecular property prediction and virtual screening. It is also flexible, highly efficient, and fully open source.
♻ ☆ Causal Learning in Biomedical Applications: A Benchmark
Learning causal relationships between a set of variables is a challenging problem in computer science. Many existing artificial benchmark datasets are based on sampling from causal models and thus contain residual information that the ${R} ^2$-sortability can identify. Here, we present a benchmark for methods in causal learning using time series. The presented dataset is not ${R}^2$-sortable and is based on a real-world scenario of the Krebs cycle that is used in cells to release energy. We provide four scenarios of learning, including short and long time series, and provide guidance so that testing is unified between possible users.
♻ ☆ CBMAP: Clustering-based manifold approximation and projection for dimensionality reduction
Dimensionality reduction methods are employed to decrease data dimensionality, either to enhance machine learning performance or to facilitate data visualization in two or three-dimensional spaces. These methods typically fall into two categories: feature selection and feature transformation. Feature selection retains significant features, while feature transformation projects data into a lower-dimensional space, with linear and nonlinear methods. While nonlinear methods excel in preserving local structures and capturing nonlinear relationships, they may struggle with interpreting global structures and can be computationally intensive. Recent algorithms, such as the t-SNE, UMAP, TriMap, and PaCMAP prioritize preserving local structures, often at the expense of accurately representing global structures, leading to clusters being spread out more in lower-dimensional spaces. Moreover, these methods heavily rely on hyperparameters, making their results sensitive to parameter settings. To address these limitations, this study introduces a clustering-based approach, namely CBMAP (Clustering-Based Manifold Approximation and Projection), for dimensionality reduction. CBMAP aims to preserve both global and local structures, ensuring that clusters in lower-dimensional spaces closely resemble those in high-dimensional spaces. Experimental evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate CBMAP's efficacy, offering speed, scalability, and minimal reliance on hyperparameters. Importantly, CBMAP enables low-dimensional projection of test data, addressing a critical need in machine learning applications. CBMAP is made freely available at https://github.com/doganlab/cbmap and can be installed from the Python Package Directory (PyPI) software repository with the command pip install cbmap.
comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ Conformal Predictive Systems Under Covariate Shift
Conformal Predictive Systems (CPS) offer a versatile framework for constructing predictive distributions, allowing for calibrated inference and informative decision-making. However, their applicability has been limited to scenarios adhering to the Independent and Identically Distributed (IID) model assumption. This paper extends CPS to accommodate scenarios characterized by covariate shifts. We therefore propose Weighted CPS (WCPS), akin to Weighted Conformal Prediction (WCP), leveraging likelihood ratios between training and testing covariate distributions. This extension enables the construction of nonparametric predictive distributions capable of handling covariate shifts. We present theoretical underpinnings and conjectures regarding the validity and efficacy of WCPS and demonstrate its utility through empirical evaluations on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our simulation experiments indicate that WCPS are probabilistically calibrated under covariate shift.
comment: Accepted at the 13th Symposium on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications (COPA), 9-11 September 2024
♻ ☆ Dataset of Pathloss and ToA Radio Maps With Localization Application
In this article, we present a collection of radio map datasets in dense urban setting, which we generated and made publicly available. The datasets include simulated pathloss/received signal strength (RSS) and time of arrival (ToA) radio maps over a large collection of realistic dense urban setting in real city maps. The two main applications of the presented dataset are 1) learning methods that predict the pathloss from input city maps (namely, deep learning-based simulations), and, 2) wireless localization. The fact that the RSS and ToA maps are computed by the same simulations over the same city maps allows for a fair comparison of the RSS and ToA-based localization methods.
♻ ☆ A Survey on Statistical Theory of Deep Learning: Approximation, Training Dynamics, and Generative Models
In this article, we review the literature on statistical theories of neural networks from three perspectives: approximation, training dynamics and generative models. In the first part, results on excess risks for neural networks are reviewed in the nonparametric framework of regression (and classification in Appendix~{\color{blue}B}). These results rely on explicit constructions of neural networks, leading to fast convergence rates of excess risks. Nonetheless, their underlying analysis only applies to the global minimizer in the highly non-convex landscape of deep neural networks. This motivates us to review the training dynamics of neural networks in the second part. Specifically, we review papers that attempt to answer ``how the neural network trained via gradient-based methods finds the solution that can generalize well on unseen data.'' In particular, two well-known paradigms are reviewed: the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) paradigm, and Mean-Field (MF) paradigm. Last but not least, we review the most recent theoretical advancements in generative models including Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), diffusion models, and in-context learning (ICL) in the Large Language Models (LLMs) from two perpsectives reviewed previously, i.e., approximation and training dynamics.
comment: 38 pages, 2 figures. Invited for review in Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application
♻ ☆ $Δ\text{-}{\rm OPE}$: Off-Policy Estimation with Pairs of Policies RecSys '24
The off-policy paradigm casts recommendation as a counterfactual decision-making task, allowing practitioners to unbiasedly estimate online metrics using offline data. This leads to effective evaluation metrics, as well as learning procedures that directly optimise online success. Nevertheless, the high variance that comes with unbiasedness is typically the crux that complicates practical applications. An important insight is that the difference between policy values can often be estimated with significantly reduced variance, if said policies have positive covariance. This allows us to formulate a pairwise off-policy estimation task: $\Delta\text{-}{\rm OPE}$. $\Delta\text{-}{\rm OPE}$ subsumes the common use-case of estimating improvements of a learnt policy over a production policy, using data collected by a stochastic logging policy. We introduce $\Delta\text{-}{\rm OPE}$ methods based on the widely used Inverse Propensity Scoring estimator and its extensions. Moreover, we characterise a variance-optimal additive control variate that further enhances efficiency. Simulated, offline, and online experiments show that our methods significantly improve performance for both evaluation and learning tasks.
comment: Accepted as a short paper in the 2024 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys '24)
♻ ☆ CataractBot: An LLM-Powered Expert-in-the-Loop Chatbot for Cataract Patients
The healthcare landscape is evolving, with patients seeking reliable information about their health conditions and available treatment options. Despite the abundance of information sources, the digital age overwhelms individuals with excess, often inaccurate information. Patients primarily trust medical professionals, highlighting the need for expert-endorsed health information. However, increased patient loads on experts has led to reduced communication time, impacting information sharing. To address this gap, we develop CataractBot, an experts-in-the-loop chatbot powered by LLMs, in collaboration with an eye hospital in India. CataractBot answers cataract surgery related questions instantly by querying a curated knowledge base, and provides expert-verified responses asynchronously. It has multimodal and multilingual capabilities. In an in-the-wild deployment study with 55 participants, CataractBot proved valuable, providing anytime accessibility, saving time, accommodating diverse literacy levels, alleviating power differences, and adding a privacy layer between patients and doctors. Users reported that their trust in the system was established through expert verification. Broadly, our results could inform future work on designing expert-mediated LLM bots.
♻ ☆ Multi-Objective Recommendation via Multivariate Policy Learning RecSys '24
Real-world recommender systems often need to balance multiple objectives when deciding which recommendations to present to users. These include behavioural signals (e.g. clicks, shares, dwell time), as well as broader objectives (e.g. diversity, fairness). Scalarisation methods are commonly used to handle this balancing task, where a weighted average of per-objective reward signals determines the final score used for ranking. Naturally, how these weights are computed exactly, is key to success for any online platform. We frame this as a decision-making task, where the scalarisation weights are actions taken to maximise an overall North Star reward (e.g. long-term user retention or growth). We extend existing policy learning methods to the continuous multivariate action domain, proposing to maximise a pessimistic lower bound on the North Star reward that the learnt policy will yield. Typical lower bounds based on normal approximations suffer from insufficient coverage, and we propose an efficient and effective policy-dependent correction for this. We provide guidance to design stochastic data collection policies, as well as highly sensitive reward signals. Empirical observations from simulations, offline and online experiments highlight the efficacy of our deployed approach.
comment: Accepted as a full paper in the 2024 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys '24)
♻ ☆ Neural Thermodynamic Integration: Free Energies from Energy-based Diffusion Models
Thermodynamic integration (TI) offers a rigorous method for estimating free-energy differences by integrating over a sequence of interpolating conformational ensembles. However, TI calculations are computationally expensive and typically limited to coupling a small number of degrees of freedom due to the need to sample numerous intermediate ensembles with sufficient conformational-space overlap. In this work, we propose to perform TI along an alchemical pathway represented by a trainable neural network, which we term Neural TI. Critically, we parametrize a time-dependent Hamiltonian interpolating between the interacting and non-interacting systems, and optimize its gradient using a score matching objective. The ability of the resulting energy-based diffusion model to sample all intermediate ensembles allows us to perform TI from a single reference calculation. We apply our method to Lennard-Jones fluids, where we report accurate calculations of the excess chemical potential, demonstrating that Neural TI reproduces the underlying changes in free energy without the need for simulations at interpolating Hamiltonians.
♻ ☆ Rethinking Spectral Graph Neural Networks with Spatially Adaptive Filtering
Whilst spectral Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are theoretically well-founded in the spectral domain, their practical reliance on polynomial approximation implies a profound linkage to the spatial domain. As previous studies rarely examine spectral GNNs from the spatial perspective, their spatial-domain interpretability remains elusive, e.g., what information is essentially encoded by spectral GNNs in the spatial domain? In this paper, to answer this question, we establish a theoretical connection between spectral filtering and spatial aggregation, unveiling an intrinsic interaction that spectral filtering implicitly leads the original graph to an adapted new graph, explicitly computed for spatial aggregation. Both theoretical and empirical investigations reveal that the adapted new graph not only exhibits non-locality but also accommodates signed edge weights to reflect label consistency among nodes. These findings thus highlight the interpretable role of spectral GNNs in the spatial domain and inspire us to rethink graph spectral filters beyond the fixed-order polynomials, which neglect global information. Built upon the theoretical findings, we revisit the state-of-the-art spectral GNNs and propose a novel Spatially Adaptive Filtering (SAF) framework, which leverages the adapted new graph by spectral filtering for an auxiliary non-local aggregation. Notably, our proposed SAF comprehensively models both node similarity and dissimilarity from a global perspective, therefore alleviating persistent deficiencies of GNNs related to long-range dependencies and graph heterophily. Extensive experiments over 13 node classification benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our proposed framework to the state-of-the-art models.
♻ ☆ Mitigating analytical variability in fMRI results with style transfer
We propose a novel approach to improve the reproducibility of neuroimaging results by converting statistic maps across different functional MRI pipelines. We make the assumption that pipelines used to compute fMRI statistic maps can be considered as a style component and we propose to use different generative models, among which, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Diffusion Models (DM) to convert statistic maps across different pipelines. We explore the performance of multiple GAN frameworks, and design a new DM framework for unsupervised multi-domain styletransfer. We constrain the generation of 3D fMRI statistic maps using the latent space of an auxiliary classifier that distinguishes statistic maps from different pipelines and extend traditional sampling techniques used in DM to improve the transition performance. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed methods aresuccessful: pipelines can indeed be transferred as a style component, providing animportant source of data augmentation for future medical studies.
♻ ☆ Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning with Consistency via Knowledge Distillation Using Conditional Generator
Federated Learning (FL) is gaining popularity as a distributed learning framework that only shares model parameters or gradient updates and keeps private data locally. However, FL is at risk of privacy leakage caused by privacy inference attacks. And most existing privacy-preserving mechanisms in FL conflict with achieving high performance and efficiency. Therefore, we propose FedMD-CG, a novel FL method with highly competitive performance and high-level privacy preservation, which decouples each client's local model into a feature extractor and a classifier, and utilizes a conditional generator instead of the feature extractor to perform server-side model aggregation. To ensure the consistency of local generators and classifiers, FedMD-CG leverages knowledge distillation to train local models and generators at both the latent feature level and the logit level. Also, we construct additional classification losses and design new diversity losses to enhance client-side training. FedMD-CG is robust to data heterogeneity and does not require training extra discriminators (like cGAN). We conduct extensive experiments on various image classification tasks to validate the superiority of FedMD-CG.
♻ ☆ DFDG: Data-Free Dual-Generator Adversarial Distillation for One-Shot Federated Learning ICDM2024
Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning scheme in which clients jointly participate in the collaborative training of a global model by sharing model information rather than their private datasets. In light of concerns associated with communication and privacy, one-shot FL with a single communication round has emerged as a de facto promising solution. However, existing one-shot FL methods either require public datasets, focus on model homogeneous settings, or distill limited knowledge from local models, making it difficult or even impractical to train a robust global model. To address these limitations, we propose a new data-free dual-generator adversarial distillation method (namely DFDG) for one-shot FL, which can explore a broader local models' training space via training dual generators. DFDG is executed in an adversarial manner and comprises two parts: dual-generator training and dual-model distillation. In dual-generator training, we delve into each generator concerning fidelity, transferability and diversity to ensure its utility, and additionally tailor the cross-divergence loss to lessen the overlap of dual generators' output spaces. In dual-model distillation, the trained dual generators work together to provide the training data for updates of the global model. At last, our extensive experiments on various image classification tasks show that DFDG achieves significant performance gains in accuracy compared to SOTA baselines.
comment: Accepted by ICDM2024 main conference (long paper)
♻ ☆ Central Answer Modeling for an Embodied Multi-LLM System
Embodied Question Answering (EQA) is an important problem, which involves an agent exploring the environment to answer user queries. In the existing literature, EQA has exclusively been studied in single-agent scenarios, where exploration can be time-consuming and costly. In this work, we consider EQA in a multi-agent framework involving multiple large language models (LLM) based agents independently answering queries about a household environment. To generate one answer for each query, we use the individual responses to train a Central Answer Model (CAM) that aggregates responses for a robust answer. While prior Question Answering (QA) work has used a central module based on answers from multiple LLM-based experts, we specifically look at applying this framework to embodied LLM-based agents that must physically explore the environment first to become experts on their given environment to answer questions. Our work is the first to utilize a central answer model framework with embodied agents that must rely on exploring an unknown environment. We set up a variation of EQA where instead of the agents exploring the environment after the question is asked, the agents first explore the environment for a set amount of time and then answer a set of queries. Using CAM, we observe a $46\%$ higher EQA accuracy when compared against aggregation methods for ensemble LLM, such as voting schemes and debates. CAM does not require any form of agent communication, alleviating it from the associated costs. We ablate CAM with various nonlinear (neural network, random forest, decision tree, XGBoost) and linear (logistic regression classifier, SVM) algorithms. We experiment in various topological graph environments and examine the case where one of the agents is malicious and purposes contribute responses it believes to be wrong.
comment: 15 pages, 11 Figures, 5 Tables
♻ ☆ Graph Neural Networks for Parkinsons Disease Detection ICASSP 2025
Despite the promising performance of state of the art approaches for Parkinsons Disease (PD) detection, these approaches often analyze individual speech segments in isolation, which can lead to suboptimal results. Dysarthric cues that characterize speech impairments from PD patients are expected to be related across segments from different speakers. Isolated segment analysis fails to exploit these inter segment relationships. Additionally, not all speech segments from PD patients exhibit clear dysarthric symptoms, introducing label noise that can negatively affect the performance and generalizability of current approaches. To address these challenges, we propose a novel PD detection framework utilizing Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs). By representing speech segments as nodes and capturing the similarity between segments through edges, our GCN model facilitates the aggregation of dysarthric cues across the graph, effectively exploiting segment relationships and mitigating the impact of label noise. Experimental results demonstrate theadvantages of the proposed GCN model for PD detection and provide insights into its underlying mechanisms
comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2025
♻ ☆ Regret Analysis for Randomized Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound
Gaussian process upper confidence bound (GP-UCB) is a theoretically established algorithm for Bayesian optimization (BO), where we assume the objective function $f$ follows GP. One notable drawback of GP-UCB is that the theoretical confidence parameter $\beta$ increased along with the iterations is too large. To alleviate this drawback, this paper analyzes the randomized variant of GP-UCB called improved randomized GP-UCB (IRGP-UCB), which uses the confidence parameter generated from the shifted exponential distribution. We analyze the expected regret and conditional expected regret, where the expectation and the probability are taken respectively with $f$ and noises and with the randomness of the BO algorithm. In both regret analyses, IRGP-UCB achieves a sub-linear regret upper bound without increasing the confidence parameter if the input domain is finite. Finally, we show numerical experiments using synthetic and benchmark functions and real-world emulators.
comment: 31 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ CCE: Sample Efficient Sparse Reward Policy Learning for Robotic Navigation via Confidence-Controlled Exploration
We introduce Confidence-Controlled Exploration (CCE), a novel exploration scheme designed to enhance the training sample efficiency of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for sparse reward settings such as robot navigation. Sparse rewards are common in RL and convenient to design and implement, but typically hard to deal with due to the challenges of exploration. Existing methods deploy regularization-based methods to deal with the exploration challenges. However, it is hard to characterize the balance between exploration and exploitation because regularization modifies the reward function itself, hence changing the objective we are optimizing for. In contrast to regularization-based approaches in the existing literature, our approach, CCE, is based on a novel relationship we provide between gradient estimation and policy entropy. CCE dynamically adjusts the number of samples of the gradient update used during training to control exploration. Interestingly, CCE can be applied to both existing on-policy and off-policy RL methods, which we demonstrate by empirically validating its efficacy on three popular RL methods: REINFORCE, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) for goal-reaching robotic navigation tasks. We demonstrate through simulated and real-world experiments that CCE outperforms conventional methods that employ constant trajectory lengths and entropy regularization when constraining the sample budget. For a fixed sample budget, CCE achieves an 18\% increase in navigation success rate, a 20-38\% reduction in navigation path length, and a 9.32\% decrease in elevation costs. Furthermore, we showcase the versatility of CCE by integrating it with the Clearpath Husky robot, illustrating its applicability in complex outdoor environments.
comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ V2X-VLM: End-to-End V2X Cooperative Autonomous Driving Through Large Vision-Language Models
Advancements in autonomous driving have increasingly focused on end-to-end (E2E) systems that manage the full spectrum of driving tasks, from environmental perception to vehicle navigation and control. This paper introduces V2X-VLM, an innovative E2E vehicle-infrastructure cooperative autonomous driving (VICAD) framework with Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) systems and large vision-language models (VLMs). V2X-VLM is designed to enhance situational awareness, decision-making, and ultimate trajectory planning by integrating multimodel data from vehicle-mounted cameras, infrastructure sensors, and textual information. The contrastive learning method is further employed to complement VLM by refining feature discrimination, assisting the model to learn robust representations of the driving environment. Evaluations on the DAIR-V2X dataset show that V2X-VLM outperforms state-of-the-art cooperative autonomous driving methods, while additional tests on corner cases validate its robustness in real-world driving conditions.
♻ ☆ Large Language Model (LLM) for Telecommunications: A Comprehensive Survey on Principles, Key Techniques, and Opportunities
Large language models (LLMs) have received considerable attention recently due to their outstanding comprehension and reasoning capabilities, leading to great progress in many fields. The advancement of LLM techniques also offers promising opportunities to automate many tasks in the telecommunication (telecom) field. After pre-training and fine-tuning, LLMs can perform diverse downstream tasks based on human instructions, paving the way to artificial general intelligence (AGI)-enabled 6G. Given the great potential of LLM technologies, this work aims to provide a comprehensive overview of LLM-enabled telecom networks. In particular, we first present LLM fundamentals, including model architecture, pre-training, fine-tuning, inference and utilization, model evaluation, and telecom deployment. Then, we introduce LLM-enabled key techniques and telecom applications in terms of generation, classification, optimization, and prediction problems. Specifically, the LLM-enabled generation applications include telecom domain knowledge, code, and network configuration generation. After that, the LLM-based classification applications involve network security, text, image, and traffic classification problems. Moreover, multiple LLM-enabled optimization techniques are introduced, such as automated reward function design for reinforcement learning and verbal reinforcement learning. Furthermore, for LLM-aided prediction problems, we discussed time-series prediction models and multi-modality prediction problems for telecom. Finally, we highlight the challenges and identify the future directions of LLM-enabled telecom networks.
♻ ☆ Graphical Structural Learning of rs-fMRI data in Heavy Smokers CCS
Recent studies revealed structural and functional brain changes in heavy smokers. However, the specific changes in topological brain connections are not well understood. We used Gaussian Undirected Graphs with the graphical lasso algorithm on rs-fMRI data from smokers and non-smokers to identify significant changes in brain connections. Our results indicate high stability in the estimated graphs and identify several brain regions significantly affected by smoking, providing valuable insights for future clinical research.
comment: Accepted by IEEE CCSB 2024 conference
♻ ☆ Trading Devil: Robust backdoor attack via Stochastic investment models and Bayesian approach
With the growing use of voice-activated systems and speech recognition technologies, the danger of backdoor attacks on audio data has grown significantly. This research looks at a specific type of attack, known as a Stochastic investment-based backdoor attack (MarketBack), in which adversaries strategically manipulate the stylistic properties of audio to fool speech recognition systems. The security and integrity of machine learning models are seriously threatened by backdoor attacks, in order to maintain the reliability of audio applications and systems, the identification of such attacks becomes crucial in the context of audio data. Experimental results demonstrated that MarketBack is feasible to achieve an average attack success rate close to 100% in seven victim models when poisoning less than 1% of the training data.
comment: (Last update!, a constructive comment from arxiv led to this latest update ) Stochastic investment models and a Bayesian approach to better modeling of uncertainty : adversarial machine learning or Stochastic market. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2402.05967 (see this link to the paper by : Orson Mengara)
♻ ☆ Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Large Models: A Comprehensive Survey
Large models represent a groundbreaking advancement in multiple application fields, enabling remarkable achievements across various tasks. However, their unprecedented scale comes with significant computational costs. These models, often consisting of billions of parameters, require vast amounts of computational resources for execution. Especially, the expansive scale and computational demands pose considerable challenges when customizing them for particular downstream tasks, particularly over the hardware platforms constrained by computational capabilities. Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) provides a practical solution by efficiently adjusting the large models over the various downstream tasks. In particular, PEFT refers to the process of adjusting the parameters of a pre-trained large model to adapt it to a specific task or domain while minimizing the number of additional parameters introduced or computational resources required. This approach is particularly important when dealing with large-scale language models with high parameter counts, as fine-tuning these models from scratch can be computationally expensive and resource-intensive, posing considerable challenges in the supporting system platform design. In this survey, we present comprehensive studies of various PEFT algorithms, examining their performance and computational overhead. Moreover, we provide an overview of applications developed using different PEFT algorithms and discuss common techniques employed to mitigate computation costs for PEFT. In addition to providing an extensive survey from an algorithmic standpoint, we also examine various real-world system designs to investigate the implementation costs associated with different PEFT approaches. This survey serves as a valuable resource for researchers aiming to understand both the PEFT algorithm and its system implementation, offering detailed ......
comment: 25 pages, 12 figures. Due to word limit, the abstract here is truncated. The full abstract is available in the PDF
♻ ☆ An Efficient Learning-Based Solver for Two-Stage DC Optimal Power Flow with Feasibility Guarantees
In this paper, we consider the scenario-based two-stage stochastic DC optimal power flow (OPF) problem for optimal and reliable dispatch when the load is facing uncertainty. Although this problem is a linear program, it remains computationally challenging to solve due to the large number of scenarios needed to accurately represent the uncertainties. To mitigate the computational issues, many techniques have been proposed to approximate the second-stage decisions so they can be dealt more efficiently. The challenge of finding good policies to approximate the second-stage decisions is that these solutions need to be feasible, which has been difficult to achieve with existing policies. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a learning method to solve the two-stage problem in a more efficient and optimal way. A technique called the gauge map is incorporated into the learning architecture design to guarantee the learned solutions' feasibility to the network constraints. Namely, we can design policies that are feed forward functions and only output feasible solutions. Simulation results on standard IEEE systems show that, compared to iterative solvers and the widely used affine policy, our proposed method not only learns solutions of good quality but also accelerates the computation by orders of magnitude.
♻ ☆ Exploring Concept Depth: How Large Language Models Acquire Knowledge at Different Layers?
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performances across a wide range of tasks. However, the mechanisms by which these models encode tasks of varying complexities remain poorly understood. In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that LLMs process concepts of varying complexities in different layers, introducing the idea of ``Concept Depth'' to suggest that more complex concepts are typically acquired in deeper layers. Specifically, we categorize concepts based on their level of abstraction, defining them in the order of increasing complexity within factual, emotional, and inferential tasks. We conduct extensive probing experiments using layer-wise representations across various LLM families (Gemma, LLaMA, Qwen) on various datasets spanning the three domains of tasks. Our findings reveal that models could efficiently conduct probing for simpler tasks in shallow layers, and more complex tasks typically necessitate deeper layers for accurate understanding. Additionally, we examine how external factors, such as adding noise to the input and quantizing the model weights, might affect layer-wise representations. Our findings suggest that these factors can impede the development of a conceptual understanding of LLMs until deeper layers are explored. We hope that our proposed concept and experimental insights will enhance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying LLMs. Our codes are available at \url{https://github.com/Luckfort/CD}.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ Exact Recovery Guarantees for Parameterized Non-linear System Identification Problem under Adversarial Attacks
In this work, we study the system identification problem for parameterized non-linear systems using basis functions under adversarial attacks. Motivated by the LASSO-type estimators, we analyze the exact recovery property of a non-smooth estimator, which is generated by solving an embedded $\ell_1$-loss minimization problem. First, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the well-specifiedness of the estimator and the uniqueness of global solutions to the underlying optimization problem. Next, we provide exact recovery guarantees for the estimator under two different scenarios of boundedness and Lipschitz continuity of the basis functions. The non-asymptotic exact recovery is guaranteed with high probability, even when there are more severely corrupted data than clean data. Finally, we numerically illustrate the validity of our theory. This is the first study on the sample complexity analysis of a non-smooth estimator for the non-linear system identification problem.
comment: 33 pages
♻ ☆ Harnessing the Power of Federated Learning in Federated Contextual Bandits NeurIPS 2023
Federated learning (FL) has demonstrated great potential in revolutionizing distributed machine learning, and tremendous efforts have been made to extend it beyond the original focus on supervised learning. Among many directions, federated contextual bandits (FCB), a pivotal integration of FL and sequential decision-making, has garnered significant attention in recent years. Despite substantial progress, existing FCB approaches have largely employed their tailored FL components, often deviating from the canonical FL framework. Consequently, even renowned algorithms like FedAvg remain under-utilized in FCB, let alone other FL advancements. Motivated by this disconnection, this work takes one step towards building a tighter relationship between the canonical FL study and the investigations on FCB. In particular, a novel FCB design, termed FedIGW, is proposed to leverage a regression-based CB algorithm, i.e., inverse gap weighting. Compared with existing FCB approaches, the proposed FedIGW design can better harness the entire spectrum of FL innovations, which is concretely reflected as (1) flexible incorporation of (both existing and forthcoming) FL protocols; (2) modularized plug-in of FL analyses in performance guarantees; (3) seamless integration of FL appendages (such as personalization, robustness, and privacy). We substantiate these claims through rigorous theoretical analyses and empirical evaluations.
comment: Accepted to Transactions on Machine Learning Research (07/2024); a preliminary version appeared in the Multi-Agent Security Workshop at NeurIPS 2023
♻ ☆ LLM Whisperer: An Inconspicuous Attack to Bias LLM Responses
Writing effective prompts for large language models (LLM) can be unintuitive and burdensome. In response, services that optimize or suggest prompts have emerged. While such services can reduce user effort, they also introduce a risk: the prompt provider can subtly manipulate prompts to produce heavily biased LLM responses. In this work, we show that subtle synonym replacements in prompts can increase the likelihood (by a difference up to 78%) that LLMs mention a target concept (e.g., a brand, political party, nation). We substantiate our observations through a user study, showing our adversarially perturbed prompts 1) are indistinguishable from unaltered prompts by humans, 2) push LLMs to recommend target concepts more often, and 3) make users more likely to notice target concepts, all without arousing suspicion. The practicality of this attack has the potential to undermine user autonomy. Among other measures, we recommend implementing warnings against using prompts from untrusted parties.
♻ ☆ Pre-Training and Personalized Fine-Tuning via Over-the-Air Federated Meta-Learning: Convergence-Generalization Trade-Offs
For modern artificial intelligence (AI) applications such as large language models (LLMs), the training paradigm has recently shifted to pre-training followed by fine-tuning. Furthermore, owing to dwindling open repositories of data and thanks to efforts to democratize access to AI models, pre-training is expected to increasingly migrate from the current centralized deployments to federated learning (FL) implementations. Meta-learning provides a general framework in which pre-training and fine-tuning can be formalized. Meta-learning-based personalized FL (meta-pFL) moves beyond basic personalization by targeting generalization to new agents and tasks. This paper studies the generalization performance of meta-pFL for a wireless setting in which the agents participating in the pre-training phase, i.e., meta-learning, are connected via a shared wireless channel to the server. Adopting over-the-air computing, we study the trade-off between generalization to new agents and tasks, on the one hand, and convergence, on the other hand. The trade-off arises from the fact that channel impairments may enhance generalization, while degrading convergence. Extensive numerical results validate the theory.
comment: 39 pages, 7 figures, submitted for possible journal publication
♻ ☆ Policy Learning for Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Rewards
Empirical researchers and decision-makers spanning various domains frequently seek profound insights into the long-term impacts of interventions. While the significance of long-term outcomes is undeniable, an overemphasis on them may inadvertently overshadow short-term gains. Motivated by this, this paper formalizes a new framework for learning the optimal policy that effectively balances both long-term and short-term rewards, where some long-term outcomes are allowed to be missing. In particular, we first present the identifiability of both rewards under mild assumptions. Next, we deduce the semiparametric efficiency bounds, along with the consistency and asymptotic normality of their estimators. We also reveal that short-term outcomes, if associated, contribute to improving the estimator of the long-term reward. Based on the proposed estimators, we develop a principled policy learning approach and further derive the convergence rates of regret and estimation errors associated with the learned policy. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, demonstrating its practical applicability.
♻ ☆ High-arity PAC learning via exchangeability
We develop a theory of high-arity PAC learning, which is statistical learning in the presence of "structured correlation". In this theory, hypotheses are either graphs, hypergraphs or, more generally, structures in finite relational languages, and i.i.d. sampling is replaced by sampling an induced substructure, producing an exchangeable distribution. Our main theorems establish a high-arity (agnostic) version of the fundamental theorem of statistical learning.
comment: 151 pages, 1 figure. (Minor changes: this version changes the definition of flexibility (3.17 and 4.14) to a weaker one to ensure that the 0/1-loss is flexible, fixing an imprecision in Lemma 3.19; see Footnote 34 in the manuscript for details.)
♻ ☆ Interpolation with deep neural networks with non-polynomial activations: necessary and sufficient numbers of neurons
The minimal number of neurons required for a feedforward neural network to interpolate $n$ generic input-output pairs from $\mathbb{R}^d\times \mathbb{R}^{d'}$ is $\Theta(\sqrt{nd'})$. While previous results have shown that $\Theta(\sqrt{nd'})$ neurons are sufficient, they have been limited to sigmoid, Heaviside, and rectified linear unit (ReLU) as the activation function. Using a different approach, we prove that $\Theta(\sqrt{nd'})$ neurons are sufficient as long as the activation function is real analytic at a point and not a polynomial there. Thus, the only practical activation functions that our result does not apply to are piecewise polynomials. Importantly, this means that activation functions can be freely chosen in a problem-dependent manner without loss of interpolation power.
comment: V2: reframed in terms of number of neurons, proved the necessary condition, and extended the sufficient condition beyond three layers
♻ ☆ DrugAgent: Explainable Drug Repurposing Agent with Large Language Model-based Reasoning
Drug repurposing offers a promising avenue for accelerating drug development by identifying new therapeutic potentials of existing drugs. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent framework to enhance the drug repurposing process using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques and knowledge integration. Our framework comprises several specialized agents: an AI Agent trains robust drug-target interaction (DTI) models; a Knowledge Graph Agent utilizes the drug-gene interaction database (DGIdb), DrugBank, Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), and Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals (STITCH) to systematically extract DTIs; and a Search Agent interacts with biomedical literature to annotate and verify computational predictions. By integrating outputs from these agents, our system effectively harnesses diverse data sources, including external databases, to propose viable repurposing candidates. Preliminary results demonstrate the potential of our approach in not only predicting drug-disease interactions but also in reducing the time and cost associated with traditional drug discovery methods. This paper highlights the scalability of multi-agent systems in biomedical research and their role in driving innovation in drug repurposing. Our approach not only outperforms existing methods in predicting drug repurposing potential but also provides interpretable results, paving the way for more efficient and cost-effective drug discovery processes.
comment: 18 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ SynDARin: Synthesising Datasets for Automated Reasoning in Low-Resource Languages
Question Answering (QA) datasets have been instrumental in developing and evaluating Large Language Model (LLM) capabilities. However, such datasets are scarce for languages other than English due to the cost and difficulties of collection and manual annotation. This means that producing novel models and measuring the performance of multilingual LLMs in low-resource languages is challenging. To mitigate this, we propose $\textbf{S}$yn$\textbf{DAR}$in, a method for generating and validating QA datasets for low-resource languages. We utilize parallel content mining to obtain $\textit{human-curated}$ paragraphs between English and the target language. We use the English data as context to $\textit{generate}$ synthetic multiple-choice (MC) question-answer pairs, which are automatically translated and further validated for quality. Combining these with their designated non-English $\textit{human-curated}$ paragraphs form the final QA dataset. The method allows to maintain the content quality, reduces the likelihood of factual errors, and circumvents the need for costly annotation. To test the method, we created a QA dataset with $1.2$K samples for the Armenian language. The human evaluation shows that $98\%$ of the generated English data maintains quality and diversity in the question types and topics, while the translation validation pipeline can filter out $\sim70\%$ of data with poor quality. We use the dataset to benchmark state-of-the-art LLMs, showing their inability to achieve human accuracy with some model performances closer to random chance. This shows that the generated dataset is non-trivial and can be used to evaluate reasoning capabilities in low-resource language.
♻ ☆ Scaling Law Hypothesis for Multimodal Model
We propose a scaling law hypothesis for multimodal models processing text, audio, images, and video within a shared token and embedding space. Our framework predicts model performance based on modality-specific compression and tokenization efficiency, extending established scaling laws from text-based decoder models to mixed-modality systems. We explore whether leveraging more training data in multiple modalities can reduce the size of the multimodal model, enabling efficient deployment on resource-constrained devices.
♻ ☆ Mean-AP Guided Reinforced Active Learning for Object Detection
Active learning strategies aim to train high-performance models with minimal labeled data by selecting the most informative instances for labeling. However, existing methods for assessing data informativeness often fail to align directly with task model performance metrics, such as mean average precision (mAP) in object detection. This paper introduces Mean-AP Guided Reinforced Active Learning for Object Detection (MGRAL), a novel approach that leverages the concept of expected model output changes as informativeness for deep detection networks, directly optimizing the sampling strategy using mAP. MGRAL employs a reinforcement learning agent based on LSTM architecture to efficiently navigate the combinatorial challenge of batch sample selection and the non-differentiable nature between performance and selected batches. The agent optimizes selection using policy gradient with mAP improvement as the reward signal. To address the computational intensity of mAP estimation with unlabeled samples, we implement fast look-up tables, ensuring real-world feasibility. We evaluate MGRAL on PASCAL VOC and MS COCO benchmarks across various backbone architectures. Our approach demonstrates strong performance, establishing a new paradigm in reinforcement learning-based active learning for object detection.
♻ ☆ Enhancing Image Layout Control with Loss-Guided Diffusion Models
Diffusion models are a powerful class of generative models capable of producing high-quality images from pure noise using a simple text prompt. While most methods which introduce additional spatial constraints into the generated images (e.g., bounding boxes) require fine-tuning, a smaller and more recent subset of these methods take advantage of the models' attention mechanism, and are training-free. These methods generally fall into one of two categories. The first entails modifying the cross-attention maps of specific tokens directly to enhance the signal in certain regions of the image. The second works by defining a loss function over the cross-attention maps, and using the gradient of this loss to guide the latent. While previous work explores these as alternative strategies, we provide an interpretation for these methods which highlights their complimentary features, and demonstrate that it is possible to obtain superior performance when both methods are used in concert.
♻ ☆ On Evaluation Protocols for Data Augmentation in a Limited Data Scenario
Textual data augmentation (DA) is a prolific field of study where novel techniques to create artificial data are regularly proposed, and that has demonstrated great efficiency on small data settings, at least for text classification tasks. In this paper, we challenge those results, showing that classical data augmentation (which modify sentences) is simply a way of performing better fine-tuning, and that spending more time doing so before applying data augmentation negates its effect. This is a significant contribution as it answers several questions that were left open in recent years, namely~: which DA technique performs best (all of them as long as they generate data close enough to the training set, as to not impair training) and why did DA show positive results (facilitates training of network). We further show that zero- and few-shot DA via conversational agents such as ChatGPT or LLama2 can increase performances, confirming that this form of data augmentation is preferable to classical methods.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ Bengali Document Layout Analysis -- A YOLOV8 Based Ensembling Approach
This paper focuses on enhancing Bengali Document Layout Analysis (DLA) using the YOLOv8 model and innovative post-processing techniques. We tackle challenges unique to the complex Bengali script by employing data augmentation for model robustness. After meticulous validation set evaluation, we fine-tune our approach on the complete dataset, leading to a two-stage prediction strategy for accurate element segmentation. Our ensemble model, combined with post-processing, outperforms individual base architectures, addressing issues identified in the BaDLAD dataset. By leveraging this approach, we aim to advance Bengali document analysis, contributing to improved OCR and document comprehension and BaDLAD serves as a foundational resource for this endeavor, aiding future research in the field. Furthermore, our experiments provided key insights to incorporate new strategies into the established solution.
♻ ☆ Overcoming the Stability Gap in Continual Learning
Pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) are being widely deployed by industry for making business decisions and to serve users; however, a major problem is model decay, where the DNN's predictions become more erroneous over time, resulting in revenue loss or unhappy users. To mitigate model decay, DNNs are retrained from scratch using old and new data. This is computationally expensive, so retraining happens only once performance significantly decreases. Here, we study how continual learning (CL) could potentially overcome model decay in large pre-trained DNNs and greatly reduce computational costs for keeping DNNs up-to-date. We identify the "stability gap" as a major obstacle in our setting. The stability gap refers to a phenomenon where learning new data causes large drops in performance for past tasks before CL mitigation methods eventually compensate for this drop. We test two hypotheses to investigate the factors influencing the stability gap and identify a method that vastly reduces this gap. In large-scale experiments for both easy and hard CL distributions (e.g., class incremental learning), we demonstrate that our method reduces the stability gap and greatly increases computational efficiency. Our work aligns CL with the goals of the production setting, where CL is needed for many applications.
comment: Accepted to TMLR 2024
♻ ☆ Bayesian Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting
We are motivated primarily by the adaptation of text-to-speech synthesis models; however we argue that more generic parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) is an appropriate framework to do such adaptation. Nevertheless, catastrophic forgetting remains an issue with PEFT, damaging the pre-trained model's inherent capabilities. We demonstrate that existing Bayesian learning techniques can be applied to PEFT to prevent catastrophic forgetting as long as the parameter shift of the fine-tuned layers can be calculated differentiably. In a principled series of experiments on language modeling and speech synthesis tasks, we utilize established Laplace approximations, including diagonal and Kronecker-factored approaches, to regularize PEFT with the low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and compare their performance in pre-training knowledge preservation. Our results demonstrate that catastrophic forgetting can be overcome by our methods without degrading the fine-tuning performance, and using the Kronecker-factored approximation produces a better preservation of the pre-training knowledge than the diagonal ones.
♻ ☆ Label-Looping: Highly Efficient Decoding for Transducers
This paper introduces a highly efficient greedy decoding algorithm for Transducer-based speech recognition models. We redesign the standard nested-loop design for RNN-T decoding, swapping loops over frames and labels: the outer loop iterates over labels, while the inner loop iterates over frames searching for the next non-blank symbol. Additionally, we represent partial hypotheses in a special structure using CUDA tensors, supporting parallelized hypotheses manipulations. Experiments show that the label-looping algorithm is up to 2.0X faster than conventional batched decoding when using batch size 32. It can be further combined with other compiler or GPU call-related techniques to achieve even more speedup. Our algorithm is general-purpose and can work with both conventional Transducers and Token-and-Duration Transducers. We open-source our implementation to benefit the research community.
comment: Accepted at IEEE SLT 2024
♻ ☆ Interpretable global minima of deep ReLU neural networks on sequentially separable data
We explicitly construct zero loss neural network classifiers. We write the weight matrices and bias vectors in terms of cumulative parameters, which determine truncation maps acting recursively on input space. The configurations for the training data considered are (i) sufficiently small, well separated clusters corresponding to each class, and (ii) equivalence classes which are sequentially linearly separable. In the best case, for $Q$ classes of data in $\mathbb{R}^M$, global minimizers can be described with $Q(M+2)$ parameters.
comment: AMS Latex, 22 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ RuleFuser: An Evidential Bayes Approach for Rule Injection in Imitation Learned Planners and Predictors for Robustness under Distribution Shifts
Modern motion planners for autonomous driving frequently use imitation learning (IL) to draw from expert driving logs. Although IL benefits from its ability to glean nuanced and multi-modal human driving behaviors from large datasets, the resulting planners often struggle with out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios and with traffic rule compliance. On the other hand, classical rule-based planners, by design, can generate safe traffic rule compliant behaviors while being robust to OOD scenarios, but these planners fail to capture nuances in agent-to-agent interactions and human drivers' intent. RuleFuser, an evidential framework, combines IL planners with classical rule-based planners to draw on the complementary benefits of both, thereby striking a balance between imitation and safety. Our approach, tested on the real-world nuPlan dataset, combines the IL planner's high performance in in-distribution (ID) scenarios with the rule-based planners' enhanced safety in out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios, achieving a 38.43% average improvement on safety metrics over the IL planner without much detriment to imitation metrics in OOD scenarios.
comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Privacy-Preserving Race/Ethnicity Estimation for Algorithmic Bias Measurement in the U.S
AI fairness measurements, including tests for equal treatment, often take the form of disaggregated evaluations of AI systems. Such measurements are an important part of Responsible AI operations. These measurements compare system performance across demographic groups or sub-populations and typically require member-level demographic signals such as gender, race, ethnicity, and location. However, sensitive member-level demographic attributes like race and ethnicity can be challenging to obtain and use due to platform choices, legal constraints, and cultural norms. In this paper, we focus on the task of enabling AI fairness measurements on race/ethnicity for \emph{U.S. LinkedIn members} in a privacy-preserving manner. We present the Privacy-Preserving Probabilistic Race/Ethnicity Estimation (PPRE) method for performing this task. PPRE combines the Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG) model, a sparse LinkedIn survey sample of self-reported demographics, and privacy-enhancing technologies like secure two-party computation and differential privacy to enable meaningful fairness measurements while preserving member privacy. We provide details of the PPRE method and its privacy guarantees. We then illustrate sample measurement operations. We conclude with a review of open research and engineering challenges for expanding our privacy-preserving fairness measurement capabilities.
comment: Saikrishna Badrinarayanan and Osonde Osoba contributed equally to this work. Updating text to indicate limitations of sample analyses
♻ ☆ Large Language Model Can Continue Evolving From Mistakes
As world knowledge evolves and new task schemas emerge, Continual Learning (CL) is crucial for keeping Large Language Models (LLMs) up-to-date and addressing their shortcomings. LLMs typically require continual instruction tuning (CIT) and continual pre-training (CPT) to adapt to new tasks and acquire essential knowledge. However, collecting sufficient CPT data while addressing knowledge gaps remains challenging, as does optimizing the efficiency of utilizing this data. Inspired by the 'summarizing mistakes' strategy, we propose the Continue Evolving from Mistakes (CEM) method, a data-efficient approach aiming to collect CPT data and continually improve LLMs' performance through iterative evaluation and supplementation with mistake-relevant knowledge. To enhance data utilization and mitigate forgetting, we introduce a novel training paradigm that combines CIT and CPT data. Experiments demonstrate that CEM significantly enhances model performance and continual evolution. The code and dataset are available in the GitHub.
♻ ☆ DFDG: Data-Free Dual-Generator Adversarial Distillation for One-Shot Federated Learning ICDM2024
Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning scheme in which clients jointly participate in the collaborative training of a global model by sharing model information rather than their private datasets. In light of concerns associated with communication and privacy, one-shot FL with a single communication round has emerged as a de facto promising solution. However, existing one-shot FL methods either require public datasets, focus on model homogeneous settings, or distill limited knowledge from local models, making it difficult or even impractical to train a robust global model. To address these limitations, we propose a new data-free dual-generator adversarial distillation method (namely DFDG) for one-shot FL, which can explore a broader local models' training space via training dual generators. DFDG is executed in an adversarial manner and comprises two parts: dual-generator training and dual-model distillation. In dual-generator training, we delve into each generator concerning fidelity, transferability and diversity to ensure its utility, and additionally tailor the cross-divergence loss to lessen the overlap of dual generators' output spaces. In dual-model distillation, the trained dual generators work together to provide the training data for updates of the global model. At last, our extensive experiments on various image classification tasks show that DFDG achieves significant performance gains in accuracy compared to SOTA baselines.
comment: Accepted by ICDM2024 main conference (long paper). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2309.13546
♻ ☆ Regret Analysis for Randomized Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound
Gaussian process upper confidence bound (GP-UCB) is a theoretically established algorithm for Bayesian optimization (BO), where we assume the objective function $f$ follows GP. One notable drawback of GP-UCB is that the theoretical confidence parameter $\beta$ increased along with the iterations is too large. To alleviate this drawback, this paper analyzes the randomized variant of GP-UCB called improved randomized GP-UCB (IRGP-UCB), which uses the confidence parameter generated from the shifted exponential distribution. We analyze the expected regret and conditional expected regret, where the expectation and the probability are taken respectively with $f$ and noises and with the randomness of the BO algorithm. In both regret analyses, IRGP-UCB achieves a sub-linear regret upper bound without increasing the confidence parameter if the input domain is finite. Finally, we show numerical experiments using synthetic and benchmark functions and real-world emulators.
comment: 31 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2302.01511
Graphics 8
☆ Phys3DGS: Physically-based 3D Gaussian Splatting for Inverse Rendering
We propose two novel ideas (adoption of deferred rendering and mesh-based representation) to improve the quality of 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) based inverse rendering. We first report a problem incurred by hidden Gaussians, where Gaussians beneath the surface adversely affect the pixel color in the volume rendering adopted by the existing methods. In order to resolve the problem, we propose applying deferred rendering and report new problems incurred in a naive application of deferred rendering to the existing 3DGS-based inverse rendering. In an effort to improve the quality of 3DGS-based inverse rendering under deferred rendering, we propose a novel two-step training approach which (1) exploits mesh extraction and utilizes a hybrid mesh-3DGS representation and (2) applies novel regularization methods to better exploit the mesh. Our experiments show that, under relighting, the proposed method offers significantly better rendering quality than the existing 3DGS-based inverse rendering methods. Compared with the SOTA voxel grid-based inverse rendering method, it gives better rendering quality while offering real-time rendering.
comment: Under review
☆ A Missing Data Imputation GAN for Character Sprite Generation
Creating and updating pixel art character sprites with many frames spanning different animations and poses takes time and can quickly become repetitive. However, that can be partially automated to allow artists to focus on more creative tasks. In this work, we concentrate on creating pixel art character sprites in a target pose from images of them facing other three directions. We present a novel approach to character generation by framing the problem as a missing data imputation task. Our proposed generative adversarial networks model receives the images of a character in all available domains and produces the image of the missing pose. We evaluated our approach in the scenarios with one, two, and three missing images, achieving similar or better results to the state-of-the-art when more images are available. We also evaluate the impact of the proposed changes to the base architecture.
comment: Published in SBGames 2024
☆ Playground v3: Improving Text-to-Image Alignment with Deep-Fusion Large Language Models
We introduce Playground v3 (PGv3), our latest text-to-image model that achieves state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance across multiple testing benchmarks, excels in graphic design abilities and introduces new capabilities. Unlike traditional text-to-image generative models that rely on pre-trained language models like T5 or CLIP text encoders, our approach fully integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) with a novel structure that leverages text conditions exclusively from a decoder-only LLM. Additionally, to enhance image captioning quality-we developed an in-house captioner, capable of generating captions with varying levels of detail, enriching the diversity of text structures. We also introduce a new benchmark CapsBench to evaluate detailed image captioning performance. Experimental results demonstrate that PGv3 excels in text prompt adherence, complex reasoning, and accurate text rendering. User preference studies indicate the super-human graphic design ability of our model for common design applications, such as stickers, posters, and logo designs. Furthermore, PGv3 introduces new capabilities, including precise RGB color control and robust multilingual understanding.
☆ Visualizing Temporal Topic Embeddings with a Compass
Dynamic topic modeling is useful at discovering the development and change in latent topics over time. However, present methodology relies on algorithms that separate document and word representations. This prevents the creation of a meaningful embedding space where changes in word usage and documents can be directly analyzed in a temporal context. This paper proposes an expansion of the compass-aligned temporal Word2Vec methodology into dynamic topic modeling. Such a method allows for the direct comparison of word and document embeddings across time in dynamic topics. This enables the creation of visualizations that incorporate temporal word embeddings within the context of documents into topic visualizations. In experiments against the current state-of-the-art, our proposed method demonstrates overall competitive performance in topic relevancy and diversity across temporal datasets of varying size. Simultaneously, it provides insightful visualizations focused on temporal word embeddings while maintaining the insights provided by global topic evolution, advancing our understanding of how topics evolve over time.
comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, conference paper
♻ ☆ Fast and Globally Consistent Normal Orientation based on the Winding Number Normal Consistency SIGGRAPH
Estimating consistently oriented normals for point clouds enables a number of important applications in computer graphics. While local normal estimation is possible with simple techniques like PCA, orienting them to be globally consistent has been a notoriously difficult problem. Some recent methods exploit various properties of the winding number formula to achieve global consistency. Despite their exciting progress, these algorithms either have high space/time complexity, or do not produce accurate and consistently oriented normals for imperfect data. In this paper, we propose a novel property from the winding number formula, termed Winding Number Normal Consistency (WNNC), to tackle this problem. The derived property is based on the simple observation that the normals (negative gradients) sampled from the winding number field should be codirectional to the normals used to compute the winding number field. Since the WNNC property itself does not resolve the inside/outside orientation ambiguity, we further incorporate an objective function from Parametric Gauss Reconstruction (PGR). We propose to iteratively update normals by alternating between WNNC-based normal updates and PGR-based gradient descents, which leads to an embarrassingly simple yet effective iterative algorithm that allows fast and high-quality convergence to globally consistent normals. Furthermore, our proposed algorithm only involves repeatedly evaluating the winding number formula and its derivatives, which can be accelerated and parallelized using a treecode-based approximation algorithm. Our GPU (and even CPU) implementation can be significantly faster than the recent state-of-the-art methods for normal orientation from raw points. Our code is integrated with the popular PyTorch framework to facilitate further research into winding numbers, and is publicly available at https://jsnln.github.io/wnnc/index.html.
comment: Accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Journal Track
♻ ☆ The State of Reproducibility Stamps for Visualization Research Papers
I analyze the evolution of papers certified by the Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative (GRSI) to be reproducible, with a specific focus on the subset of publications that address visualization-related topics. With this analysis I show that, while the number of papers is increasing overall and within the visualization field, we still have to improve quite a bit to escape the replication crisis. I base my analysis on the data published by the GRSI as well as publication data for the different venues in visualization and lists of journal papers that have been presented at visualization-focused conferences. I also analyze the differences between the involved journals as well as the percentage of reproducible papers in the different presentation venues. Furthermore, I look at the authors of the publications and, in particular, their affiliation countries to see where most reproducible papers come from. Finally, I discuss potential reasons for the low reproducibility numbers and suggest possible ways to overcome these obstacles. This paper is reproducible itself, with source code and data available from github.com/tobiasisenberg/Visualization-Reproducibility as well as a free paper copy and all supplemental materials at osf.io/mvnbj.
comment: 9 pages plus appendix; 12 figures plus 14 figures in the appendix
♻ ☆ Enhancing Image Layout Control with Loss-Guided Diffusion Models
Diffusion models are a powerful class of generative models capable of producing high-quality images from pure noise using a simple text prompt. While most methods which introduce additional spatial constraints into the generated images (e.g., bounding boxes) require fine-tuning, a smaller and more recent subset of these methods take advantage of the models' attention mechanism, and are training-free. These methods generally fall into one of two categories. The first entails modifying the cross-attention maps of specific tokens directly to enhance the signal in certain regions of the image. The second works by defining a loss function over the cross-attention maps, and using the gradient of this loss to guide the latent. While previous work explores these as alternative strategies, we provide an interpretation for these methods which highlights their complimentary features, and demonstrate that it is possible to obtain superior performance when both methods are used in concert.
♻ ☆ RNA: Relightable Neural Assets
High-fidelity 3D assets with materials composed of fibers (including hair), complex layered material shaders, or fine scattering geometry are ubiquitous in high-end realistic rendering applications. Rendering such models is computationally expensive due to heavy shaders and long scattering paths. Moreover, implementing the shading and scattering models is non-trivial and has to be done not only in the 3D content authoring software (which is necessarily complex), but also in all downstream rendering solutions. For example, web and mobile viewers for complex 3D assets are desirable, but frequently cannot support the full shading complexity allowed by the authoring application. Our goal is to design a neural representation for 3D assets with complex shading that supports full relightability and full integration into existing renderers. We provide an end-to-end shading solution at the first intersection of a ray with the underlying geometry. All shading and scattering is precomputed and included in the neural asset; no multiple scattering paths need to be traced, and no complex shading models need to be implemented to render our assets, beyond a single neural architecture. We combine an MLP decoder with a feature grid. Shading consists of querying a feature vector, followed by an MLP evaluation producing the final reflectance value. Our method provides high-fidelity shading, close to the ground-truth Monte Carlo estimate even at close-up views. We believe our neural assets could be used in practical renderers, providing significant speed-ups and simplifying renderer implementations.
comment: Added Fig. 10 and Section 6.5 - new comparison
Robotics 41
☆ Semantic2D: A Semantic Dataset for 2D Lidar Semantic Segmentation
This paper presents a 2D lidar semantic segmentation dataset to enhance the semantic scene understanding for mobile robots in different indoor robotics applications. While most existing lidar semantic datasets focus on 3D lidar sensors and autonomous driving scenarios, the proposed 2D lidar semantic dataset is the first public dataset for 2D lidar sensors and mobile robots. It contains data collected in six different indoor environments and has nine categories of typical objects in indoor environments. A novel semi-automatic semantic labeling framework is proposed to provide point-wise annotation for the dataset with minimal human effort. Based on this 2D lidar dataset, a hardware-friendly stochastic semantic segmentation benchmark is proposed to enable 2D lidar sensors to have semantic scene understanding capabilities. A series of segmentation tests are performed to demonstrate that the proposed learning-based segmentation benchmark can achieve more accurate and richer segmentation for each lidar point compared to traditional geometry-based extraction algorithms.
☆ Materials Matter: Investigating Functional Advantages of Bio-Inspired Materials via Simulated Robotic Hopping
In contrast with the diversity of materials found in nature, most robots are designed with some combination of aluminum, stainless steel, and 3D-printed filament. Additionally, robotic systems are typically assumed to follow basic rigid-body dynamics. However, several examples in nature illustrate how changes in physical material properties yield functional advantages. In this paper, we explore how physical materials (non-rigid bodies) affect the functional performance of a hopping robot. In doing so, we address the practical question of how to model and simulate material properties. Through these simulations we demonstrate that material gradients in the limb system of a single-limb hopper provide functional advantages compared to homogeneous designs. For example, when considering incline ramp hopping, a material gradient with increasing density provides a 35\% reduction in tracking error and a 23\% reduction in power consumption compared to isotropic stainless steel. By providing bio-inspiration to the rigid limbs in a robotic system, we seek to show that future fabrication of robots should look to leverage the material anisotropies of moduli and density found in nature. This would allow for reduced vibrations in the system and would provide offsets of joint torques and vibrations while protecting their structural integrity against reduced fatigue and wear. This simulation system could inspire future intelligent material gradients of custom-fabricated robotic locomotive devices.
☆ Robots that Suggest Safe Alternatives ICRA 2025
Goal-conditioned policies, such as those learned via imitation learning, provide an easy way for humans to influence what tasks robots accomplish. However, these robot policies are not guaranteed to execute safely or to succeed when faced with out-of-distribution requests. In this work, we enable robots to know when they can confidently execute a user's desired goal, and automatically suggest safe alternatives when they cannot. Our approach is inspired by control-theoretic safety filtering, wherein a safety filter minimally adjusts a robot's candidate action to be safe. Our key idea is to pose alternative suggestion as a safe control problem in goal space, rather than in action space. Offline, we use reachability analysis to compute a goal-parameterized reach-avoid value network which quantifies the safety and liveness of the robot's pre-trained policy. Online, our robot uses the reach-avoid value network as a safety filter, monitoring the human's given goal and actively suggesting alternatives that are similar but meet the safety specification. We demonstrate our Safe ALTernatives (SALT) framework in simulation experiments with indoor navigation and Franka Panda tabletop manipulation, and with both discrete and continuous goal representations. We find that SALT is able to learn to predict successful and failed closed-loop executions, is a less pessimistic monitor than open-loop uncertainty quantification, and proposes alternatives that consistently align with those people find acceptable.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Safe Control of Quadruped in Varying Dynamics via Safety Index Adaptation
Varying dynamics pose a fundamental difficulty when deploying safe control laws in the real world. Safety Index Synthesis (SIS) deeply relies on the system dynamics and once the dynamics change, the previously synthesized safety index becomes invalid. In this work, we show the real-time efficacy of Safety Index Adaptation (SIA) in varying dynamics. SIA enables real-time adaptation to the changing dynamics so that the adapted safe control law can still guarantee 1) forward invariance within a safe region and 2) finite time convergence to that safe region. This work employs SIA on a package-carrying quadruped robot, where the payload weight changes in real-time. SIA updates the safety index when the dynamics change, e.g., a change in payload weight, so that the quadruped can avoid obstacles while achieving its performance objectives. Numerical study provides theoretical guarantees for SIA and a series of hardware experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SIA in real-world deployment in avoiding obstacles under varying dynamics.
☆ Marginalizing and Conditioning Gaussians onto Linear Approximations of Smooth Manifolds with Applications in Robotics ICRA 2025
We present closed-form expressions for marginalizing and conditioning Gaussians onto linear manifolds, and demonstrate how to apply these expressions to smooth nonlinear manifolds through linearization. Although marginalization and conditioning onto axis-aligned manifolds are well-established procedures, doing so onto non-axis-aligned manifolds is not as well understood. We demonstrate the utility of our expressions through three applications: 1) approximation of the projected normal distribution, where the quality of our linearized approximation increases as problem nonlinearity decreases; 2) covariance extraction in Koopman SLAM, where our covariances are shown to be consistent on a real-world dataset; and 3) covariance extraction in constrained GTSAM, where our covariances are shown to be consistent in simulation.
comment: Submitted to IEEE ICRA 2025
☆ TransForce: Transferable Force Prediction for Vision-based Tactile Sensors with Sequential Image Translation
Vision-based tactile sensors (VBTSs) provide high-resolution tactile images crucial for robot in-hand manipulation. However, force sensing in VBTSs is underutilized due to the costly and time-intensive process of acquiring paired tactile images and force labels. In this study, we introduce a transferable force prediction model, TransForce, designed to leverage collected image-force paired data for new sensors under varying illumination colors and marker patterns while improving the accuracy of predicted forces, especially in the shear direction. Our model effectively achieves translation of tactile images from the source domain to the target domain, ensuring that the generated tactile images reflect the illumination colors and marker patterns of the new sensors while accurately aligning the elastomer deformation observed in existing sensors, which is beneficial to force prediction of new sensors. As such, a recurrent force prediction model trained with generated sequential tactile images and existing force labels is employed to estimate higher-accuracy forces for new sensors with lowest average errors of 0.69N (5.8\% in full work range) in $x$-axis, 0.70N (5.8\%) in $y$-axis, and 1.11N (6.9\%) in $z$-axis compared with models trained with single images. The experimental results also reveal that pure marker modality is more helpful than the RGB modality in improving the accuracy of force in the shear direction, while the RGB modality show better performance in the normal direction.
☆ Critic as Lyapunov function (CALF): a model-free, stability-ensuring agent
This work presents and showcases a novel reinforcement learning agent called Critic As Lyapunov Function (CALF) which is model-free and ensures online environment, in other words, dynamical system stabilization. Online means that in each learning episode, the said environment is stabilized. This, as demonstrated in a case study with a mobile robot simulator, greatly improves the overall learning performance. The base actor-critic scheme of CALF is analogous to SARSA. The latter did not show any success in reaching the target in our studies. However, a modified version thereof, called SARSA-m here, did succeed in some learning scenarios. Still, CALF greatly outperformed the said approach. CALF was also demonstrated to improve a nominal stabilizer provided to it. In summary, the presented agent may be considered a viable approach to fusing classical control with reinforcement learning. Its concurrent approaches are mostly either offline or model-based, like, for instance, those that fuse model-predictive control into the agent.
comment: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Accepted for publication in proceedings of the conference
☆ SAFER-Splat: A Control Barrier Function for Safe Navigation with Online Gaussian Splatting Maps
SAFER-Splat (Simultaneous Action Filtering and Environment Reconstruction) is a real-time, scalable, and minimally invasive action filter, based on control barrier functions, for safe robotic navigation in a detailed map constructed at runtime using Gaussian Splatting (GSplat). We propose a novel Control Barrier Function (CBF) that not only induces safety with respect to all Gaussian primitives in the scene, but when synthesized into a controller, is capable of processing hundreds of thousands of Gaussians while maintaining a minimal memory footprint and operating at 15 Hz during online Splat training. Of the total compute time, a small fraction of it consumes GPU resources, enabling uninterrupted training. The safety layer is minimally invasive, correcting robot actions only when they are unsafe. To showcase the safety filter, we also introduce SplatBridge, an open-source software package built with ROS for real-time GSplat mapping for robots. We demonstrate the safety and robustness of our pipeline first in simulation, where our method is 20-50x faster, safer, and less conservative than competing methods based on neural radiance fields. Further, we demonstrate simultaneous GSplat mapping and safety filtering on a drone hardware platform using only on-board perception. We verify that under teleoperation a human pilot cannot invoke a collision. Our videos and codebase can be found at https://chengine.github.io/safer-splat.
☆ A Complete Algorithm for a Moving Target Traveling Salesman Problem with Obstacles
The moving target traveling salesman problem with obstacles (MT-TSP-O) is a generalization of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) where, as its name suggests, the targets are moving. A solution to the MT-TSP-O is a trajectory that visits each moving target during a certain time window(s), and this trajectory avoids stationary obstacles. We assume each target moves at a constant velocity during each of its time windows. The agent has a speed limit, and this speed limit is no smaller than any target's speed. This paper presents the first complete algorithm for finding feasible solutions to the MT-TSP-O. Our algorithm builds a tree where the nodes are agent trajectories intercepting a unique sequence of targets within a unique sequence of time windows. We generate each of a parent node's children by extending the parent's trajectory to intercept one additional target, each child corresponding to a different choice of target and time window. This extension consists of planning a trajectory from the parent trajectory's final point in space-time to a moving target. To solve this point-to-moving-target subproblem, we define a novel generalization of a visibility graph called a moving target visibility graph (MTVG). Our overall algorithm is called MTVG-TSP. To validate MTVG-TSP, we test it on 570 instances with up to 30 targets. We implement a baseline method that samples trajectories of targets into points, based on prior work on special cases of the MT-TSP-O. MTVG-TSP finds feasible solutions in all cases where the baseline does, and when the sum of the targets' time window lengths enters a critical range, MTVG-TSP finds a feasible solution with up to 38 times less computation time.
comment: Accepted to WAFR 2024
☆ Physically-Consistent Parameter Identification of Robots in Contact
Accurate inertial parameter identification is crucial for the simulation and control of robots encountering intermittent contact with the environment. Classically, robots' inertial parameters are obtained from CAD models that are not precise (and sometimes not available, e.g., Spot from Boston Dynamics), hence requiring identification. To do that, existing methods require access to contact force measurement, a modality not present in modern quadruped and humanoid robots. This paper presents an alternative technique that utilizes joint current/torque measurements -- a standard sensing modality in modern robots -- to identify inertial parameters without requiring direct contact force measurements. By projecting the whole-body dynamics into the null space of contact constraints, we eliminate the dependency on contact forces and reformulate the identification problem as a linear matrix inequality that can handle physical and geometrical constraints. We compare our proposed method against a common black-box identification mrethod using a deep neural network and show that incorporating physical consistency significantly improves the sample efficiency and generalizability of the model. Finally, we validate our method on the Spot quadruped robot across various locomotion tasks, showcasing its accuracy and generalizability in real-world scenarios over different gaits.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables
☆ Dynamic Layer Detection of a Thin Silk Cloth using DenseTact Optical Tactile Sensors ICRA 2025
Cloth manipulation is an important aspect of many everyday tasks and remains a significant challenge for robots. While existing research has made strides in tasks like cloth smoothing and folding, many studies struggle with common failure modes (crumpled corners/edges, incorrect grasp configurations) that a preliminary step of cloth layer detection can solve. We present a novel method for classifying the number of grasped cloth layers using a custom gripper equipped with DenseTact 2.0 optical tactile sensors. After grasping a cloth, the gripper performs an anthropomorphic rubbing motion while collecting optical flow, 6-axis wrench, and joint state data. Using this data in a transformer-based network achieves a test accuracy of 98.21% in correctly classifying the number of grasped layers, showing the effectiveness of our dynamic rubbing method. Evaluating different inputs and model architectures highlights the usefulness of using tactile sensor information and a transformer model for this task. A comprehensive dataset of 368 labeled trials was collected and made open-source along with this paper. Our project page is available at https://armlabstanford.github.io/dynamic-cloth-detection.
comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ A Comprehensive Survey of PID and Pure Pursuit Control Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
The autonomous driving industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, driven by rapid advancements in technology and increasing demand for safer, more efficient transportation. At the heart of this revolution are two critical factors: lateral and longitudinal controls, which together enable vehicles to track complex environments with high accuracy and minimal errors. This paper provides a detailed overview of two of the field's most commonly used and stable control algorithms: proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and pure pursuit. These algorithms have proved useful in solving the issues of lateral (steering) and longitudinal (speed and distance) control in autonomous vehicles. This survey aims to provide researchers, engineers, and industry professionals with an in depth understanding of these fundamental control algorithms, their current applications, and their potential to shape the future of autonomous driving technology.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, Autonomous vehicles, Control Algorithms, PID, Pure Pursuit
☆ FSL-LVLM: Friction-Aware Safety Locomotion using Large Vision Language Model in Wheeled Robots
Wheeled-legged robots offer significant mobility and versatility but face substantial challenges when operating on slippery terrains. Traditional model-based controllers for these robots assume no slipping. While reinforcement learning (RL) helps quadruped robots adapt to different surfaces, recovering from slips remains challenging, especially for systems with few contact points. Estimating the ground friction coefficient is another open challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel friction-aware safety locomotion framework that integrates Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) with a RL policy. Our approach explicitly incorporates the estimated friction coefficient into the RL policy, enabling the robot to adapt its behavior in advance based on the surface type before reaching it. We introduce a Friction-From-Vision (FFV) module, which leverages LVLMs to estimate ground friction coefficients, eliminating the need for large datasets and extensive training. The framework was validated on a customized wheeled inverted pendulum, and experimental results demonstrate that our framework increases the success rate in completing driving tasks by adjusting speed according to terrain type, while achieving better tracking performance compared to baseline methods. Our framework can be simply integrated with any other RL policies.
comment: submitted to icra2025
☆ NARF24: Estimating Articulated Object Structure for Implicit Rendering ICRA
Articulated objects and their representations pose a difficult problem for robots. These objects require not only representations of geometry and texture, but also of the various connections and joint parameters that make up each articulation. We propose a method that learns a common Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) representation across a small number of collected scenes. This representation is combined with a parts-based image segmentation to produce an implicit space part localization, from which the connectivity and joint parameters of the articulated object can be estimated, thus enabling configuration-conditioned rendering.
comment: extended abstract as submitted to ICRA@40 anniversary conference
☆ On the Effect of Robot Errors on Human Teaching Dynamics
Human-in-the-loop learning is gaining popularity, particularly in the field of robotics, because it leverages human knowledge about real-world tasks to facilitate agent learning. When people instruct robots, they naturally adapt their teaching behavior in response to changes in robot performance. While current research predominantly focuses on integrating human teaching dynamics from an algorithmic perspective, understanding these dynamics from a human-centered standpoint is an under-explored, yet fundamental problem. Addressing this issue will enhance both robot learning and user experience. Therefore, this paper explores one potential factor contributing to the dynamic nature of human teaching: robot errors. We conducted a user study to investigate how the presence and severity of robot errors affect three dimensions of human teaching dynamics: feedback granularity, feedback richness, and teaching time, in both forced-choice and open-ended teaching contexts. The results show that people tend to spend more time teaching robots with errors, provide more detailed feedback over specific segments of a robot's trajectory, and that robot error can influence a teacher's choice of feedback modality. Our findings offer valuable insights for designing effective interfaces for interactive learning and optimizing algorithms to better understand human intentions.
comment: Accepted to 2024 International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI)
☆ Introducing DAIMYO: a first-time-right dynamic design architecture and its application to tail-sitter UAS development
In recent years, there has been a notable evolution in various multidisciplinary design methodologies for dynamic systems. Among these approaches, a noteworthy concept is that of concurrent conceptual and control design or co-design. This approach involves the tuning of feedforward and/or feedback control strategies in conjunction with the conceptual design of the dynamic system. The primary aim is to discover integrated solutions that surpass those attainable through a disjointed or decoupled approach. This concurrent design paradigm exhibits particular promise in the context of hybrid unmanned aerial systems (UASs), such as tail-sitters, where the objectives of versatility (driven by control considerations) and efficiency (influenced by conceptual design) often present conflicting demands. Nevertheless, a persistent challenge lies in the potential disparity between the theoretical models that underpin the design process and the real-world operational environment, the so-called reality gap. Such disparities can lead to suboptimal performance when the designed system is deployed in reality. To address this issue, this paper introduces DAIMYO, a novel design architecture that incorporates a high-fidelity environment, which emulates real-world conditions, into the procedure in pursuit of a `first-time-right' design. The outcome of this innovative approach is a design procedure that yields versatile and efficient UAS designs capable of withstanding the challenges posed by the reality gap.
☆ Fast Shortest Path Polyline Smoothing With G1 Continuity and Bounded Curvature
In this work, we propose a novel and efficient method for smoothing polylines in motion planning tasks. The algorithm applies to motion planning of vehicles with bounded curvature. In the paper, we show that the generated path: 1) has minimal length, 2) is $G^1$ continuous, and 3) is collision-free by construction, if the hypotheses are respected. We compare our solution with the state-of.the-art and show its convenience both in terms of computation time and of length of the compute path.
☆ Multiple Rotation Averaging with Constrained Reweighting Deep Matrix Factorization
Multiple rotation averaging plays a crucial role in computer vision and robotics domains. The conventional optimization-based methods optimize a nonlinear cost function based on certain noise assumptions, while most previous learning-based methods require ground truth labels in the supervised training process. Recognizing the handcrafted noise assumption may not be reasonable in all real-world scenarios, this paper proposes an effective rotation averaging method for mining data patterns in a learning manner while avoiding the requirement of labels. Specifically, we apply deep matrix factorization to directly solve the multiple rotation averaging problem in unconstrained linear space. For deep matrix factorization, we design a neural network model, which is explicitly low-rank and symmetric to better suit the background of multiple rotation averaging. Meanwhile, we utilize a spanning tree-based edge filtering to suppress the influence of rotation outliers. What's more, we also adopt a reweighting scheme and dynamic depth selection strategy to further improve the robustness. Our method synthesizes the merit of both optimization-based and learning-based methods. Experimental results on various datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
☆ DiFSD: Ego-Centric Fully Sparse Paradigm with Uncertainty Denoising and Iterative Refinement for Efficient End-to-End Autonomous Driving
Current end-to-end autonomous driving methods resort to unifying modular designs for various tasks (e.g. perception, prediction and planning). Although optimized in a planning-oriented spirit with a fully differentiable framework, existing end-to-end driving systems without ego-centric designs still suffer from unsatisfactory performance and inferior efficiency, owing to the rasterized scene representation learning and redundant information transmission. In this paper, we revisit the human driving behavior and propose an ego-centric fully sparse paradigm, named DiFSD, for end-to-end self-driving. Specifically, DiFSD mainly consists of sparse perception, hierarchical interaction and iterative motion planner. The sparse perception module performs detection, tracking and online mapping based on sparse representation of the driving scene. The hierarchical interaction module aims to select the Closest In-Path Vehicle / Stationary (CIPV / CIPS) from coarse to fine, benefiting from an additional geometric prior. As for the iterative motion planner, both selected interactive agents and ego-vehicle are considered for joint motion prediction, where the output multi-modal ego-trajectories are optimized in an iterative fashion. Besides, both position-level motion diffusion and trajectory-level planning denoising are introduced for uncertainty modeling, thus facilitating the training stability and convergence of the whole framework. Extensive experiments conducted on nuScenes dataset demonstrate the superior planning performance and great efficiency of DiFSD, which significantly reduces the average L2 error by \textbf{66\%} and collision rate by \textbf{77\%} than UniAD while achieves \textbf{8.2$\times$} faster running efficiency.
☆ Risk-Aware Autonomous Driving for Linear Temporal Logic Specifications
Decision-making for autonomous driving incorporating different types of risks is a challenging topic. This paper proposes a novel risk metric to facilitate the driving task specified by linear temporal logic (LTL) by balancing the risk brought up by different uncertain events. Such a balance is achieved by discounting the costs of these uncertain events according to their timing and severity, thereby reflecting a human-like awareness of risk. We have established a connection between this risk metric and the occupation measure, a fundamental concept in stochastic reachability problems, such that a risk-aware control synthesis problem under LTL specifications is formulated for autonomous vehicles using occupation measures. As a result, the synthesized policy achieves balanced decisions across different types of risks with associated costs, showcasing advantageous versatility and generalizability. The effectiveness and scalability of the proposed approach are validated by three typical traffic scenarios in Carla simulator.
☆ Range-SLAM: Ultra-Wideband-Based Smoke-Resistant Real-Time Localization and Mapping
This paper presents Range-SLAM, a real-time, lightweight SLAM system designed to address the challenges of localization and mapping in environments with smoke and other harsh conditions using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) signals. While optical sensors like LiDAR and cameras struggle in low-visibility environments, UWB signals provide a robust alternative for real-time positioning. The proposed system uses general UWB devices to achieve accurate mapping and localization without relying on expensive LiDAR or other dedicated hardware. By utilizing only the distance and Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) provided by UWB sensors in relation to anchors, we combine the motion of the tag-carrying agent with raycasting algorithm to construct a 2D occupancy grid map in real time. To enhance localization in challenging conditions, a Weighted Least Squares (WLS) method is employed. Extensive real-world experiments, including smoke-filled environments and simulated
☆ Towards Single-Lens Controllable Depth-of-Field Imaging via All-in-Focus Aberration Correction and Monocular Depth Estimation
Controllable Depth-of-Field (DoF) imaging commonly produces amazing visual effects based on heavy and expensive high-end lenses. However, confronted with the increasing demand for mobile scenarios, it is desirable to achieve a lightweight solution with Minimalist Optical Systems (MOS). This work centers around two major limitations of MOS, i.e., the severe optical aberrations and uncontrollable DoF, for achieving single-lens controllable DoF imaging via computational methods. A Depth-aware Controllable DoF Imaging (DCDI) framework is proposed equipped with All-in-Focus (AiF) aberration correction and monocular depth estimation, where the recovered image and corresponding depth map are utilized to produce imaging results under diverse DoFs of any high-end lens via patch-wise convolution. To address the depth-varying optical degradation, we introduce a Depth-aware Degradation-adaptive Training (DA2T) scheme. At the dataset level, a Depth-aware Aberration MOS (DAMOS) dataset is established based on the simulation of Point Spread Functions (PSFs) under different object distances. Additionally, we design two plug-and-play depth-aware mechanisms to embed depth information into the aberration image recovery for better tackling depth-aware degradation. Furthermore, we propose a storage-efficient Omni-Lens-Field model to represent the 4D PSF library of various lenses. With the predicted depth map, recovered image, and depth-aware PSF map inferred by Omni-Lens-Field, single-lens controllable DoF imaging is achieved. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework enhances the recovery performance, and attains impressive single-lens controllable DoF imaging results, providing a seminal baseline for this field. The source code and the established dataset will be publicly available at https://github.com/XiaolongQian/DCDI.
comment: The source code and the established dataset will be publicly available at https://github.com/XiaolongQian/DCDI
☆ High Definition Map Mapping and Update: A General Overview and Future Directions
Along with the rapid growth of autonomous vehicles (AVs), more and more demands are required for environment perception technology. Among others, HD mapping has become one of the more prominent roles in helping the vehicle realize essential tasks such as localization and path planning. While increasing research efforts have been directed toward HD Map development. However, a comprehensive overview of the overall HD map mapping and update framework is still lacking. This article introduces the development and current state of the algorithm involved in creating HD map mapping and its maintenance. As part of this study, the primary data preprocessing approach of processing raw data to information ready to feed for mapping and update purposes, semantic segmentation, and localization are also briefly reviewed. Moreover, the map taxonomy, ontology, and quality assessment are extensively discussed, the map data's general representation method is presented, and the mapping algorithm ranging from SLAM to transformers learning-based approaches are also discussed. The development of the HD map update algorithm, from change detection to the update methods, is also presented. Finally, the authors discuss possible future developments and the remaining challenges in HD map mapping and update technology. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those new to HD map mapping and update domains.
comment: 30 Pages, 13 figures
☆ Precise Pick-and-Place using Score-Based Diffusion Networks
In this paper, we propose a novel coarse-to-fine continuous pose diffusion method to enhance the precision of pick-and-place operations within robotic manipulation tasks. Leveraging the capabilities of diffusion networks, we facilitate the accurate perception of object poses. This accurate perception enhances both pick-and-place success rates and overall manipulation precision. Our methodology utilizes a top-down RGB image projected from an RGB-D camera and adopts a coarse-to-fine architecture. This architecture enables efficient learning of coarse and fine models. A distinguishing feature of our approach is its focus on continuous pose estimation, which enables more precise object manipulation, particularly concerning rotational angles. In addition, we employ pose and color augmentation techniques to enable effective training with limited data. Through extensive experiments in simulated and real-world scenarios, as well as an ablation study, we comprehensively evaluate our proposed methodology. Taken together, the findings validate its effectiveness in achieving high-precision pick-and-place tasks.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Project webpage: https://tony2guo.github.io/precise-pick-and-place/
☆ A Robust Probability-based Joint Registration Method of Multiple Point Clouds Considering Local Consistency ICRA 2025
In robotic inspection, joint registration of multiple point clouds is an essential technique for estimating the transformation relationships between measured parts, such as multiple blades in a propeller. However, the presence of noise and outliers in the data can significantly impair the registration performance by affecting the correctness of correspondences. To address this issue, we incorporate local consistency property into the probability-based joint registration method. Specifically, each measured point set is treated as a sample from an unknown Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), and the registration problem is framed as estimating the probability model. By incorporating local consistency into the optimization process, we enhance the robustness and accuracy of the posterior distributions, which represent the one-to-all correspondences that directly determine the registration results. Effective closed-form solution for transformation and probability parameters are derived with Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing methods, achieving high accuracy and robustness with the existence of noise and outliers. The code will be available at https://github.com/sulingjie/JPRLC_registration.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ A Scalable Tabletop Satellite Automation Testbed:Design And Experiments
This paper presents a detailed system design and component selection for the Transforming Proximity Operations and Docking Service (TPODS) module, designed to gain custody of uncontrolled resident space objects (RSOs) via rendezvous and proximity operation (RPO). In addition to serving as a free-flying robotic manipulator to work with cooperative and uncooperative RSOs, the TPODS modules are engineered to have the ability to cooperate with one another to build scaffolding for more complex satellite servicing activities. The structural design of the prototype module is inspired by Tensegrity principles, minimizing the structural mass of the modules frame. The prototype TPODS module is fabricated using lightweight polycarbonate with an aluminum or carbon fiber frame. The inner shell that houses various electronic and pneumatic components is 3-D printed using ABS material. Four OpenMV H7 R1 cameras are used for the pose estimation of resident space objects (RSOs), including other TPODS modules. Compressed air supplied by an external source is used for the initial testing and can be replaced by module-mounted nitrogen pressure vessels for full on-board propulsion later. A Teensy 4.1 single-board computer is used as a central command unit that receives data from the four OpenMV cameras, and commands its thrusters based on the control logic.
comment: Presented at 45th Rocky Mountain AAS Guidance, Navigation and Control (GN&C) Conference, Breckenridge, CO
☆ Traffic Scene Generation from Natural Language Description for Autonomous Vehicles with Large Language Model
Text-to-scene generation, transforming textual descriptions into detailed scenes, typically relies on generating key scenarios along predetermined paths, constraining environmental diversity and limiting customization flexibility. To address these limitations, we propose a novel text-to-traffic scene framework that leverages a large language model to generate diverse traffic scenarios within the Carla simulator based on natural language descriptions. Users can define specific parameters such as weather conditions, vehicle types, and road signals, while our pipeline can autonomously select the starting point and scenario details, generating scenes from scratch without relying on predetermined locations or trajectories. Furthermore, our framework supports both critical and routine traffic scenarios, enhancing its applicability. Experimental results indicate that our approach promotes diverse agent planning and road selection, enhancing the training of autonomous agents in traffic environments. Notably, our methodology has achieved a 16% reduction in average collision rates. Our work is made publicly available at https://basiclab.github.io/TTSG.
☆ Decentralized Safe and Scalable Multi-Agent Control under Limited Actuation
To deploy safe and agile robots in cluttered environments, there is a need to develop fully decentralized controllers that guarantee safety, respect actuation limits, prevent deadlocks, and scale to thousands of agents. Current approaches fall short of meeting all these goals: optimization-based methods ensure safety but lack scalability, while learning-based methods scale but do not guarantee safety. We propose a novel algorithm to achieve safe and scalable control for multiple agents under limited actuation. Specifically, our approach includes: $(i)$ learning a decentralized neural Integral Control Barrier function (neural ICBF) for scalable, input-constrained control, $(ii)$ embedding a lightweight decentralized Model Predictive Control-based Integral Control Barrier Function (MPC-ICBF) into the neural network policy to ensure safety while maintaining scalability, and $(iii)$ introducing a novel method to minimize deadlocks based on gradient-based optimization techniques from machine learning to address local minima in deadlocks. Our numerical simulations show that this approach outperforms state-of-the-art multi-agent control algorithms in terms of safety, input constraint satisfaction, and minimizing deadlocks. Additionally, we demonstrate strong generalization across scenarios with varying agent counts, scaling up to 1000 agents.
comment: 7 pages
☆ A Novel Aerial-Aquatic Locomotion Robot with Variable Stiffness Propulsion Module ICRA
In recent years, the development of robots capable of operating in both aerial and aquatic environments has gained significant attention. This study presents the design and fabrication of a novel aerial-aquatic locomotion robot (AALR). Inspired by the diving beetle, the AALR incorporates a biomimetic propulsion mechanism with power and recovery strokes. The variable stiffness propulsion module (VSPM) uses low melting point alloy (LMPA) and variable stiffness joints (VSJ) to achieve efficient aquatic locomotion while reduce harm to marine life. The AALR's innovative design integrates the VSPM into the arms of a traditional quadrotor, allowing for effective aerial-aquatic locomotion. The VSPM adjusts joint stiffness through temperature control, meeting locomotion requirements in both aerial and aquatic modes. A dynamic model for the VSPM was developed, with optimized dimensional parameters to increase propulsion force. Experiments focused on aquatic mode analysis and demonstrated the AALR's swimming capability, achieving a maximum swimming speed of 77 mm/s underwater. The results confirm the AALR's effective performance in water environment, highlighting its potential for versatile, eco-friendly operations.
comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, ICRA
☆ Dynamic Layer Detection of a Thin Silk Cloth using DenseTact Optical Tactile Sensors ICRA 2025
Cloth manipulation is an important aspect of many everyday tasks and remains a significant challenge for robots. While existing research has made strides in tasks like cloth smoothing and folding, many studies struggle with common failure modes (crumpled corners/edges, incorrect grasp configurations) that a preliminary step of cloth layer detection can solve. We present a novel method for classifying the number of grasped cloth layers using a custom gripper equipped with DenseTact 2.0 optical tactile sensors. After grasping a cloth, the gripper performs an anthropomorphic rubbing motion while collecting optical flow, 6-axis wrench, and joint state data. Using this data in a transformer-based network achieves a test accuracy of 98.21% in correctly classifying the number of grasped layers, showing the effectiveness of our dynamic rubbing method. Evaluating different inputs and model architectures highlights the usefulness of using tactile sensor information and a transformer model for this task. A comprehensive dataset of 368 labeled trials was collected and made open-source along with this paper. Our project page is available at https://armlabstanford.github.io/dynamic-cloth-detection.
comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025
♻ ☆ MULAN-WC: Multi-Robot Localization Uncertainty-aware Active NeRF with Wireless Coordination
This paper presents MULAN-WC, a novel multi-robot 3D reconstruction framework that leverages wireless signal-based coordination between robots and Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Our approach addresses key challenges in multi-robot 3D reconstruction, including inter-robot pose estimation, localization uncertainty quantification, and active best-next-view selection. We introduce a method for using wireless Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) and ranging measurements to estimate relative poses between robots, as well as quantifying and incorporating the uncertainty embedded in the wireless localization of these pose estimates into the NeRF training loss to mitigate the impact of inaccurate camera poses. Furthermore, we propose an active view selection approach that accounts for robot pose uncertainty when determining the next-best views to improve the 3D reconstruction, enabling faster convergence through intelligent view selection. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in theory and in practice. Leveraging wireless coordination and localization uncertainty-aware training, MULAN-WC can achieve high-quality 3d reconstruction which is close to applying the ground truth camera poses. Furthermore, the quantification of the information gain from a novel view enables consistent rendering quality improvement with incrementally captured images by commending the robot the novel view position. Our hardware experiments showcase the practicality of deploying MULAN-WC to real robotic systems.
♻ ☆ Exploiting Priors from 3D Diffusion Models for RGB-Based One-Shot View Planning IROS
Object reconstruction is relevant for many autonomous robotic tasks that require interaction with the environment. A key challenge in such scenarios is planning view configurations to collect informative measurements for reconstructing an initially unknown object. One-shot view planning enables efficient data collection by predicting view configurations and planning the globally shortest path connecting all views at once. However, prior knowledge about the object is required to conduct one-shot view planning. In this work, we propose a novel one-shot view planning approach that utilizes the powerful 3D generation capabilities of diffusion models as priors. By incorporating such geometric priors into our pipeline, we achieve effective one-shot view planning starting with only a single RGB image of the object to be reconstructed. Our planning experiments in simulation and real-world setups indicate that our approach balances well between object reconstruction quality and movement cost.
comment: Sicong Pan and Liren Jin have equal contribution. Publication to appear in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024
♻ ☆ Data-Driven Batch Localization and SLAM Using Koopman Linearization
We present a framework for model-free batch localization and SLAM. We use lifting functions to map a control-affine system into a high-dimensional space, where both the process model and the measurement model are rendered bilinear. During training, we solve a least-squares problem using groundtruth data to compute the high-dimensional model matrices associated with the lifted system purely from data. At inference time, we solve for the unknown robot trajectory and landmarks through an optimization problem, where constraints are introduced to keep the solution on the manifold of the lifting functions. The problem is efficiently solved using a sequential quadratic program (SQP), where the complexity of an SQP iteration scales linearly with the number of timesteps. Our algorithms, called Reduced Constrained Koopman Linearization Localization (RCKL-Loc) and Reduced Constrained Koopman Linearization SLAM (RCKL-SLAM), are validated experimentally in simulation and on two datasets: one with an indoor mobile robot equipped with a laser rangefinder that measures range to cylindrical landmarks, and one on a golf cart equipped with RFID range sensors. We compare RCKL-Loc and RCKL-SLAM with classic model-based nonlinear batch estimation. While RCKL-Loc and RCKL-SLAM have similar performance compared to their model-based counterparts, they outperform the model-based approaches when the prior model is imperfect, showing the potential benefit of the proposed data-driven technique.
comment: Note: the journal version for IEEE T-RO does not include Appendix G
♻ ☆ Multi-Agent Combinatorial Path Finding with Heterogeneous Task Duration
Multi-Agent Combinatorial Path Finding (MCPF) seeks collision-free paths for multiple agents from their initial locations to destinations, visiting a set of intermediate target locations in the middle of the paths, while minimizing the sum of arrival times. While a few approaches have been developed to handle MCPF, most of them simply direct the agent to visit the targets without considering the task duration, i.e., the amount of time needed for an agent to execute the task (such as picking an item) at a target location. MCPF is NP-hard to solve to optimality, and the inclusion of task duration further complicates the problem. This paper investigates heterogeneous task duration, where the duration can be different with respect to both the agents and targets. We develop two methods, where the first method post-processes the paths planned by any MCPF planner to include the task duration and has no solution optimality guarantee; and the second method considers task duration during planning and is able to ensure solution optimality. The numerical and simulation results show that our methods can handle up to 20 agents and 50 targets in the presence of task duration, and can execute the paths subject to robot motion disturbance.
♻ ☆ Asymptotically-Optimal Multi-Query Path Planning for a Polygonal Robot
Shortest-path roadmaps, also known as reduced visibility graphs, provides a highly efficient multi-query method for computing optimal paths in two-dimensional environments. Combined with Minkowski sum computations, shortest-path roadmaps can compute optimal paths for a translating robot in 2D. In this study, we explore the intuitive idea of stacking up a set of reduced visibility graphs at different orientations for a polygonal holonomic robot to support the fast computation of near-optimal paths, allowing simultaneous 2D translation and rotation. The resulting algorithm, rotation-stacked visibility graph (RVG), is shown to be resolution-complete and asymptotically optimal. Extensive computational experiments show RVG significantly outperforms state-of-the-art single- and multi-query sampling-based methods on both computation time and solution optimality fronts.
♻ ☆ Fully Distributed Cooperative Multi-agent Underwater Obstacle Avoidance
Navigation in cluttered underwater environments is challenging, especially when there are constraints on communication and self-localisation. Part of the fully distributed underwater navigation problem has been resolved by introducing multi-agent robot teams [1], however when the environment becomes cluttered, the problem remains unresolved. In this paper, we first studied the connection between everyday activity of dog walking and the cooperative underwater obstacle avoidance problem. Inspired by this analogy, we propose a novel dog walking paradigm and implement it in a multi-agent underwater system. Simulations were conducted across various scenarios, with performance benchmarked against traditional methods utilising Image-Based Visual Servoing in a multi-agent setup. Results indicate that our dog walking-inspired paradigm significantly enhances cooperative behavior among agents and outperforms the existing approach in navigating through obstacles.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ CoBEV: Elevating Roadside 3D Object Detection with Depth and Height Complementarity
Roadside camera-driven 3D object detection is a crucial task in intelligent transportation systems, which extends the perception range beyond the limitations of vision-centric vehicles and enhances road safety. While previous studies have limitations in using only depth or height information, we find both depth and height matter and they are in fact complementary. The depth feature encompasses precise geometric cues, whereas the height feature is primarily focused on distinguishing between various categories of height intervals, essentially providing semantic context. This insight motivates the development of Complementary-BEV (CoBEV), a novel end-to-end monocular 3D object detection framework that integrates depth and height to construct robust BEV representations. In essence, CoBEV estimates each pixel's depth and height distribution and lifts the camera features into 3D space for lateral fusion using the newly proposed two-stage complementary feature selection (CFS) module. A BEV feature distillation framework is also seamlessly integrated to further enhance the detection accuracy from the prior knowledge of the fusion-modal CoBEV teacher. We conduct extensive experiments on the public 3D detection benchmarks of roadside camera-based DAIR-V2X-I and Rope3D, as well as the private Supremind-Road dataset, demonstrating that CoBEV not only achieves the accuracy of the new state-of-the-art, but also significantly advances the robustness of previous methods in challenging long-distance scenarios and noisy camera disturbance, and enhances generalization by a large margin in heterologous settings with drastic changes in scene and camera parameters. For the first time, the vehicle AP score of a camera model reaches 80% on DAIR-V2X-I in terms of easy mode. The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/MasterHow/CoBEV.
comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP). The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/MasterHow/CoBEV
♻ ☆ Bringing motion taxonomies to continuous domains via GPLVM on hyperbolic manifolds ICML
Human motion taxonomies serve as high-level hierarchical abstractions that classify how humans move and interact with their environment. They have proven useful to analyse grasps, manipulation skills, and whole-body support poses. Despite substantial efforts devoted to design their hierarchy and underlying categories, their use remains limited. This may be attributed to the lack of computational models that fill the gap between the discrete hierarchical structure of the taxonomy and the high-dimensional heterogeneous data associated to its categories. To overcome this problem, we propose to model taxonomy data via hyperbolic embeddings that capture the associated hierarchical structure. We achieve this by formulating a novel Gaussian process hyperbolic latent variable model that incorporates the taxonomy structure through graph-based priors on the latent space and distance-preserving back constraints. We validate our model on three different human motion taxonomies to learn hyperbolic embeddings that faithfully preserve the original graph structure. We show that our model properly encodes unseen data from existing or new taxonomy categories, and outperforms its Euclidean and VAE-based counterparts. Finally, through proof-of-concept experiments, we show that our model may be used to generate realistic trajectories between the learned embeddings.
comment: Intl. Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
♻ ☆ Learning-based Traversability Costmap for Autonomous Off-road Navigation
Traversability estimation in off-road terrains is an essential procedure for autonomous navigation. However, creating reliable labels for complex interactions between the robot and the surface is still a challenging problem in learning-based costmap generation. To address this, we propose a method that predicts traversability costmaps by leveraging both visual and geometric information of the environment. To quantify the surface properties like roughness and bumpiness, we introduce a novel way of risk-aware labelling with proprioceptive information for network training. We validate our method in costmap prediction and navigation tasks for complex off-road scenarios. Our results demonstrate that our costmap prediction method excels in terms of average accuracy and MSE. The navigation results indicate that using our learned costmaps leads to safer and smoother driving, outperforming previous methods in terms of the highest success rate, lowest normalized trajectory length, lowest time cost, and highest mean stability across two scenarios.
♻ ☆ Adaptive Robot Detumbling of a Non-Rigid Satellite
The challenge of satellite stabilization, particularly those with uncertain flexible dynamics, has become a pressing concern in control and robotics. These uncertainties, especially the dynamics of a third-party client satellite, significantly complicate the stabilization task. This paper introduces a novel adaptive detumbling method to handle non-rigid satellites with unknown motion dynamics (translation and rotation). The distinctive feature of our approach is that we model the non-rigid tumbling satellite as a two-link serial chain with unknown stiffness and damping in contrast to previous detumbling research works which consider the satellite a rigid body. We develop a novel adaptive robotics approach to detumble the satellite by using two space tugs as servicer despite the uncertain dynamics in the post-capture case. Notably, the stiffness properties and other physical parameters, including the mass and inertia of the two links, remain unknown to the servicer. Our proposed method addresses the challenges in detumbling tasks and paves the way for advanced manipulation of non-rigid satellites with uncertain dynamics.
comment: This paper has been accepted by the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control(CDC2024) as a regular paper
♻ ☆ Wearable Roller Rings to Augment In-Hand Manipulation through Active Surfaces
In-hand manipulation is a crucial ability for reorienting and repositioning objects within grasps. The main challenges in this are not only the complexity of the computational models, but also the risks of grasp instability caused by active finger motions, such as rolling, sliding, breaking, and remaking contacts. This paper presents the development of the Roller Ring (RR), a modular robotic attachment with active surfaces that is wearable by both robot and human hands to manipulate without lifting a finger. By installing the angled RRs on hands, such that their spatial motions are not colinear, we derive a general differential motion model for manipulating objects. Our motion model shows that complete in-hand manipulation skill sets can be provided by as few as only 2 RRs through non-holonomic object motions, while more RRs can enable enhanced manipulation dexterity with fewer motion constraints. Through extensive experiments, we test the RRs on both a robot hand and a human hand to evaluate their manipulation capabilities. We show that the RRs can be employed to manipulate arbitrary object shapes to provide dexterous in-hand manipulation.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 84
☆ GRIN: Zero-Shot Metric Depth with Pixel-Level Diffusion
3D reconstruction from a single image is a long-standing problem in computer vision. Learning-based methods address its inherent scale ambiguity by leveraging increasingly large labeled and unlabeled datasets, to produce geometric priors capable of generating accurate predictions across domains. As a result, state of the art approaches show impressive performance in zero-shot relative and metric depth estimation. Recently, diffusion models have exhibited remarkable scalability and generalizable properties in their learned representations. However, because these models repurpose tools originally designed for image generation, they can only operate on dense ground-truth, which is not available for most depth labels, especially in real-world settings. In this paper we present GRIN, an efficient diffusion model designed to ingest sparse unstructured training data. We use image features with 3D geometric positional encodings to condition the diffusion process both globally and locally, generating depth predictions at a pixel-level. With comprehensive experiments across eight indoor and outdoor datasets, we show that GRIN establishes a new state of the art in zero-shot metric monocular depth estimation even when trained from scratch.
☆ Resolving Inconsistent Semantics in Multi-Dataset Image Segmentation
Leveraging multiple training datasets to scale up image segmentation models is beneficial for increasing robustness and semantic understanding. Individual datasets have well-defined ground truth with non-overlapping mask layouts and mutually exclusive semantics. However, merging them for multi-dataset training disrupts this harmony and leads to semantic inconsistencies; for example, the class "person" in one dataset and class "face" in another will require multilabel handling for certain pixels. Existing methods struggle with this setting, particularly when evaluated on label spaces mixed from the individual training sets. To overcome these issues, we introduce a simple yet effective multi-dataset training approach by integrating language-based embeddings of class names and label space-specific query embeddings. Our method maintains high performance regardless of the underlying inconsistencies between training datasets. Notably, on four benchmark datasets with label space inconsistencies during inference, we outperform previous methods by 1.6% mIoU for semantic segmentation, 9.1% PQ for panoptic segmentation, 12.1% AP for instance segmentation, and 3.0% in the newly proposed PIQ metric.
☆ REG: Refined Generalized Focal Loss for Road Asset Detection on Thai Highways Using Vision-Based Detection and Segmentation Models
This paper introduces a novel framework for detecting and segmenting critical road assets on Thai highways using an advanced Refined Generalized Focal Loss (REG) formulation. Integrated into state-of-the-art vision-based detection and segmentation models, the proposed method effectively addresses class imbalance and the challenges of localizing small, underrepresented road elements, including pavilions, pedestrian bridges, information signs, single-arm poles, bus stops, warning signs, and concrete guardrails. To improve both detection and segmentation accuracy, a multi-task learning strategy is adopted, optimizing REG across multiple tasks. REG is further enhanced by incorporating a spatial-contextual adjustment term, which accounts for the spatial distribution of road assets, and a probabilistic refinement that captures prediction uncertainty in complex environments, such as varying lighting conditions and cluttered backgrounds. Our rigorous mathematical formulation demonstrates that REG minimizes localization and classification errors by applying adaptive weighting to hard-to-detect instances while down-weighting easier examples. Experimental results show a substantial performance improvement, achieving a mAP50 of 80.34 and an F1-score of 77.87, significantly outperforming conventional methods. This research underscores the capability of advanced loss function refinements to enhance the robustness and accuracy of road asset detection and segmentation, thereby contributing to improved road safety and infrastructure management. For an in-depth discussion of the mathematical background and related methods, please refer to previous work available at \url{https://github.com/kaopanboonyuen/REG}.
comment: 14 pages
☆ Towards Kinetic Manipulation of the Latent Space
The latent space of many generative models are rich in unexplored valleys and mountains. The majority of tools used for exploring them are so far limited to Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). While specialized hardware can be used for this task, we show that a simple feature extraction of pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) from a live RGB camera feed does a very good job at manipulating the latent space with simple changes in the scene, with vast room for improvement. We name this new paradigm Visual-reactive Interpolation, and the full code can be found at https://github.com/PDillis/stylegan3-fun.
☆ Revisiting Physical-World Adversarial Attack on Traffic Sign Recognition: A Commercial Systems Perspective NDSS 2025
Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) is crucial for safe and correct driving automation. Recent works revealed a general vulnerability of TSR models to physical-world adversarial attacks, which can be low-cost, highly deployable, and capable of causing severe attack effects such as hiding a critical traffic sign or spoofing a fake one. However, so far existing works generally only considered evaluating the attack effects on academic TSR models, leaving the impacts of such attacks on real-world commercial TSR systems largely unclear. In this paper, we conduct the first large-scale measurement of physical-world adversarial attacks against commercial TSR systems. Our testing results reveal that it is possible for existing attack works from academia to have highly reliable (100\%) attack success against certain commercial TSR system functionality, but such attack capabilities are not generalizable, leading to much lower-than-expected attack success rates overall. We find that one potential major factor is a spatial memorization design that commonly exists in today's commercial TSR systems. We design new attack success metrics that can mathematically model the impacts of such design on the TSR system-level attack success, and use them to revisit existing attacks. Through these efforts, we uncover 7 novel observations, some of which directly challenge the observations or claims in prior works due to the introduction of the new metrics.
comment: Accepted by NDSS 2025
☆ Tracking Virtual Meetings in the Wild: Re-identification in Multi-Participant Virtual Meetings ECCV 2024
In recent years, workplaces and educational institutes have widely adopted virtual meeting platforms. This has led to a growing interest in analyzing and extracting insights from these meetings, which requires effective detection and tracking of unique individuals. In practice, there is no standardization in video meetings recording layout, and how they are captured across the different platforms and services. This, in turn, creates a challenge in acquiring this data stream and analyzing it in a uniform fashion. Our approach provides a solution to the most general form of video recording, usually consisting of a grid of participants (\cref{fig:videomeeting}) from a single video source with no metadata on participant locations, while using the least amount of constraints and assumptions as to how the data was acquired. Conventional approaches often use YOLO models coupled with tracking algorithms, assuming linear motion trajectories akin to that observed in CCTV footage. However, such assumptions fall short in virtual meetings, where participant video feed window can abruptly change location across the grid. In an organic video meeting setting, participants frequently join and leave, leading to sudden, non-linear movements on the video grid. This disrupts optical flow-based tracking methods that depend on linear motion. Consequently, standard object detection and tracking methods might mistakenly assign multiple participants to the same tracker. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to track and re-identify participants in remote video meetings, by utilizing the spatio-temporal priors arising from the data in our domain. This, in turn, increases tracking capabilities compared to the use of general object tracking. Our approach reduces the error rate by 95% on average compared to YOLO-based tracking methods as a baseline.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 workshop
☆ Template-based Multi-Domain Face Recognition
Despite the remarkable performance of deep neural networks for face detection and recognition tasks in the visible spectrum, their performance on more challenging non-visible domains is comparatively still lacking. While significant research has been done in the fields of domain adaptation and domain generalization, in this paper we tackle scenarios in which these methods have limited applicability owing to the lack of training data from target domains. We focus on the problem of single-source (visible) and multi-target (SWIR, long-range/remote, surveillance, and body-worn) face recognition task. We show through experiments that a good template generation algorithm becomes crucial as the complexity of the target domain increases. In this context, we introduce a template generation algorithm called Norm Pooling (and a variant known as Sparse Pooling) and show that it outperforms average pooling across different domains and networks, on the IARPA JANUS Benchmark Multi-domain Face (IJB-MDF) dataset.
comment: IJCB 2024 - Special Session on Recognition at Long Range and from High Altitude
☆ NARF24: Estimating Articulated Object Structure for Implicit Rendering ICRA
Articulated objects and their representations pose a difficult problem for robots. These objects require not only representations of geometry and texture, but also of the various connections and joint parameters that make up each articulation. We propose a method that learns a common Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) representation across a small number of collected scenes. This representation is combined with a parts-based image segmentation to produce an implicit space part localization, from which the connectivity and joint parameters of the articulated object can be estimated, thus enabling configuration-conditioned rendering.
comment: extended abstract as submitted to ICRA@40 anniversary conference
☆ Famba-V: Fast Vision Mamba with Cross-Layer Token Fusion ECCV 2024
Mamba and Vision Mamba (Vim) models have shown their potential as an alternative to methods based on Transformer architecture. This work introduces Fast Mamba for Vision (Famba-V), a cross-layer token fusion technique to enhance the training efficiency of Vim models. The key idea of Famba-V is to identify and fuse similar tokens across different Vim layers based on a suit of cross-layer strategies instead of simply applying token fusion uniformly across all the layers that existing works propose. We evaluate the performance of Famba-V on CIFAR-100. Our results show that Famba-V is able to enhance the training efficiency of Vim models by reducing both training time and peak memory usage during training. Moreover, the proposed cross-layer strategies allow Famba-V to deliver superior accuracy-efficiency trade-offs. These results all together demonstrate Famba-V as a promising efficiency enhancement technique for Vim models.
comment: Camera ready version of ECCV 2024 The Fourth Workshop on Computational Aspects of Deep Learning
☆ Abnormal Event Detection In Videos Using Deep Embedding
Abnormal event detection or anomaly detection in surveillance videos is currently a challenge because of the diversity of possible events. Due to the lack of anomalous events at training time, anomaly detection requires the design of learning methods without supervision. In this work we propose an unsupervised approach for video anomaly detection with the aim to jointly optimize the objectives of the deep neural network and the anomaly detection task using a hybrid architecture. Initially, a convolutional autoencoder is pre-trained in an unsupervised manner with a fusion of depth, motion and appearance features. In the second step, we utilize the encoder part of the pre-trained autoencoder and extract the embeddings of the fused input. Now, we jointly train/ fine tune the encoder to map the embeddings to a hypercenter. Thus, embeddings of normal data fall near the hypercenter, whereas embeddings of anomalous data fall far away from the hypercenter.
☆ Domain and Content Adaptive Convolutions for Cross-Domain Adenocarcinoma Segmentation
Recent advances in computer-aided diagnosis for histopathology have been largely driven by the use of deep learning models for automated image analysis. While these networks can perform on par with medical experts, their performance can be impeded by out-of-distribution data. The Cross-Organ and Cross-Scanner Adenocarcinoma Segmentation (COSAS) challenge aimed to address the task of cross-domain adenocarcinoma segmentation in the presence of morphological and scanner-induced domain shifts. In this paper, we present a U-Net-based segmentation framework designed to tackle this challenge. Our approach achieved segmentation scores of 0.8020 for the cross-organ track and 0.8527 for the cross-scanner track on the final challenge test sets, ranking it the best-performing submission.
comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table
☆ Universal Topology Refinement for Medical Image Segmentation with Polynomial Feature Synthesis MICCAI 2024
Although existing medical image segmentation methods provide impressive pixel-wise accuracy, they often neglect topological correctness, making their segmentations unusable for many downstream tasks. One option is to retrain such models whilst including a topology-driven loss component. However, this is computationally expensive and often impractical. A better solution would be to have a versatile plug-and-play topology refinement method that is compatible with any domain-specific segmentation pipeline. Directly training a post-processing model to mitigate topological errors often fails as such models tend to be biased towards the topological errors of a target segmentation network. The diversity of these errors is confined to the information provided by a labelled training set, which is especially problematic for small datasets. Our method solves this problem by training a model-agnostic topology refinement network with synthetic segmentations that cover a wide variety of topological errors. Inspired by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, we synthesize topology-perturbation masks with randomly sampled coefficients of orthogonal polynomial bases, which ensures a complete and unbiased representation. Practically, we verified the efficiency and effectiveness of our methods as being compatible with multiple families of polynomial bases, and show evidence that our universal plug-and-play topology refinement network outperforms both existing topology-driven learning-based and post-processing methods. We also show that combining our method with learning-based models provides an effortless add-on, which can further improve the performance of existing approaches.
comment: Accepted by the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2024)
☆ Multiple Rotation Averaging with Constrained Reweighting Deep Matrix Factorization
Multiple rotation averaging plays a crucial role in computer vision and robotics domains. The conventional optimization-based methods optimize a nonlinear cost function based on certain noise assumptions, while most previous learning-based methods require ground truth labels in the supervised training process. Recognizing the handcrafted noise assumption may not be reasonable in all real-world scenarios, this paper proposes an effective rotation averaging method for mining data patterns in a learning manner while avoiding the requirement of labels. Specifically, we apply deep matrix factorization to directly solve the multiple rotation averaging problem in unconstrained linear space. For deep matrix factorization, we design a neural network model, which is explicitly low-rank and symmetric to better suit the background of multiple rotation averaging. Meanwhile, we utilize a spanning tree-based edge filtering to suppress the influence of rotation outliers. What's more, we also adopt a reweighting scheme and dynamic depth selection strategy to further improve the robustness. Our method synthesizes the merit of both optimization-based and learning-based methods. Experimental results on various datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
☆ Reasoning Paths with Reference Objects Elicit Quantitative Spatial Reasoning in Large Vision-Language Models
Despite recent advances demonstrating vision-language models' (VLMs) abilities to describe complex relationships in images using natural language, their capability to quantitatively reason about object sizes and distances remains underexplored. In this work, we introduce a manually annotated benchmark, Q-Spatial Bench, with 271 questions across five categories designed for quantitative spatial reasoning and systematically investigate the performance of state-of-the-art VLMs on this task. Our analysis reveals that reasoning about distances between objects is particularly challenging for SoTA VLMs; however, some VLMs significantly outperform others, with an over 40-point gap between the two best performing models. We also make the surprising observation that the success rate of the top-performing VLM increases by 19 points when a reasoning path using a reference object emerges naturally in the response. Inspired by this observation, we develop a zero-shot prompting technique, SpatialPrompt, that encourages VLMs to answer quantitative spatial questions using reference objects as visual cues. By instructing VLMs to use reference objects in their reasoning paths via SpatialPrompt, Gemini 1.5 Pro, Gemini 1.5 Flash, and GPT-4V improve their success rates by over 40, 20, and 30 points, respectively. We emphasize that these significant improvements are obtained without needing more data, model architectural modifications, or fine-tuning.
comment: 20 pages, 13 figures
☆ Enhancing Lesion Segmentation in PET/CT Imaging with Deep Learning and Advanced Data Preprocessing Techniques
The escalating global cancer burden underscores the critical need for precise diagnostic tools in oncology. This research employs deep learning to enhance lesion segmentation in PET/CT imaging, utilizing a dataset of 900 whole-body FDG-PET/CT and 600 PSMA-PET/CT studies from the AutoPET challenge III. Our methodical approach includes robust preprocessing and data augmentation techniques to ensure model robustness and generalizability. We investigate the influence of non-zero normalization and modifications to the data augmentation pipeline, such as the introduction of RandGaussianSharpen and adjustments to the Gamma transform parameter. This study aims to contribute to the standardization of preprocessing and augmentation strategies in PET/CT imaging, potentially improving the diagnostic accuracy and the personalized management of cancer patients. Our code will be open-sourced and available at https://github.com/jiayiliu-pku/DC2024.
☆ Underwater Image Enhancement via Dehazing and Color Restoration
With the rapid development of marine engineering projects such as marine resource extraction and oceanic surveys, underwater visual imaging and analysis has become a critical technology. Unfortunately, due to the inevitable non-linear attenuation of light in underwater environments, underwater images and videos often suffer from low contrast, blurriness, and color degradation, which significantly complicate the subsequent research. Existing underwater image enhancement methods often treat the haze and color cast as a unified degradation process and disregard their independence and interdependence, which limits the performance improvement. Here, we propose a Vision Transformer (ViT)-based network (referred to as WaterFormer) to improve the underwater image quality. WaterFormer contains three major components: a dehazing block (DehazeFormer Block) to capture the self-correlated haze features and extract deep-level features, a Color Restoration Block (CRB) to capture self-correlated color cast features, and a Channel Fusion Block (CFB) to capture fusion features within the network. To ensure authenticity, a soft reconstruction layer based on the underwater imaging physics model is included. To improve the quality of the enhanced images, we introduce the Chromatic Consistency Loss and Sobel Color Loss to train the network. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that WaterFormer outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in enhancing underwater images.
☆ DiFSD: Ego-Centric Fully Sparse Paradigm with Uncertainty Denoising and Iterative Refinement for Efficient End-to-End Autonomous Driving
Current end-to-end autonomous driving methods resort to unifying modular designs for various tasks (e.g. perception, prediction and planning). Although optimized in a planning-oriented spirit with a fully differentiable framework, existing end-to-end driving systems without ego-centric designs still suffer from unsatisfactory performance and inferior efficiency, owing to the rasterized scene representation learning and redundant information transmission. In this paper, we revisit the human driving behavior and propose an ego-centric fully sparse paradigm, named DiFSD, for end-to-end self-driving. Specifically, DiFSD mainly consists of sparse perception, hierarchical interaction and iterative motion planner. The sparse perception module performs detection, tracking and online mapping based on sparse representation of the driving scene. The hierarchical interaction module aims to select the Closest In-Path Vehicle / Stationary (CIPV / CIPS) from coarse to fine, benefiting from an additional geometric prior. As for the iterative motion planner, both selected interactive agents and ego-vehicle are considered for joint motion prediction, where the output multi-modal ego-trajectories are optimized in an iterative fashion. Besides, both position-level motion diffusion and trajectory-level planning denoising are introduced for uncertainty modeling, thus facilitating the training stability and convergence of the whole framework. Extensive experiments conducted on nuScenes dataset demonstrate the superior planning performance and great efficiency of DiFSD, which significantly reduces the average L2 error by \textbf{66\%} and collision rate by \textbf{77\%} than UniAD while achieves \textbf{8.2$\times$} faster running efficiency.
☆ Generalizing Alignment Paradigm of Text-to-Image Generation with Preferences through $f$-divergence Minimization
Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has recently expanded its successful application from aligning large language models (LLMs) to aligning text-to-image models with human preferences, which has generated considerable interest within the community. However, we have observed that these approaches rely solely on minimizing the reverse Kullback-Leibler divergence during alignment process between the fine-tuned model and the reference model, neglecting the incorporation of other divergence constraints. In this study, we focus on extending reverse Kullback-Leibler divergence in the alignment paradigm of text-to-image models to $f$-divergence, which aims to garner better alignment performance as well as good generation diversity. We provide the generalized formula of the alignment paradigm under the $f$-divergence condition and thoroughly analyze the impact of different divergence constraints on alignment process from the perspective of gradient fields. We conduct comprehensive evaluation on image-text alignment performance, human value alignment performance and generation diversity performance under different divergence constraints, and the results indicate that alignment based on Jensen-Shannon divergence achieves the best trade-off among them. The option of divergence employed for aligning text-to-image models significantly impacts the trade-off between alignment performance (especially human value alignment) and generation diversity, which highlights the necessity of selecting an appropriate divergence for practical applications.
comment: 32 pages
☆ Automated Lesion Segmentation in Whole-Body PET/CT in a multitracer setting
This study explores a workflow for automated segmentation of lesions in FDG and PSMA PET/CT images. Due to the substantial differences in image characteristics between FDG and PSMA, specialized preprocessing steps are required. Utilizing YOLOv8 for data classification, the FDG and PSMA images are preprocessed separately before feeding them into the segmentation models, aiming to improve lesion segmentation accuracy. The study focuses on evaluating the performance of automated segmentation workflow for multitracer PET images. The findings are expected to provide critical insights for enhancing diagnostic workflows and patient-specific treatment plans. Our code will be open-sourced and available at https://github.com/jiayiliu-pku/AP2024.
☆ MesonGS: Post-training Compression of 3D Gaussians via Efficient Attribute Transformation ECCV 2024
3D Gaussian Splatting demonstrates excellent quality and speed in novel view synthesis. Nevertheless, the huge file size of the 3D Gaussians presents challenges for transmission and storage. Current works design compact models to replace the substantial volume and attributes of 3D Gaussians, along with intensive training to distill information. These endeavors demand considerable training time, presenting formidable hurdles for practical deployment. To this end, we propose MesonGS, a codec for post-training compression of 3D Gaussians. Initially, we introduce a measurement criterion that considers both view-dependent and view-independent factors to assess the impact of each Gaussian point on the rendering output, enabling the removal of insignificant points. Subsequently, we decrease the entropy of attributes through two transformations that complement subsequent entropy coding techniques to enhance the file compression rate. More specifically, we first replace rotation quaternions with Euler angles; then, we apply region adaptive hierarchical transform to key attributes to reduce entropy. Lastly, we adopt finer-grained quantization to avoid excessive information loss. Moreover, a well-crafted finetune scheme is devised to restore quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MesonGS significantly reduces the size of 3D Gaussians while preserving competitive quality.
comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, ECCV 2024
☆ Towards Single-Lens Controllable Depth-of-Field Imaging via All-in-Focus Aberration Correction and Monocular Depth Estimation
Controllable Depth-of-Field (DoF) imaging commonly produces amazing visual effects based on heavy and expensive high-end lenses. However, confronted with the increasing demand for mobile scenarios, it is desirable to achieve a lightweight solution with Minimalist Optical Systems (MOS). This work centers around two major limitations of MOS, i.e., the severe optical aberrations and uncontrollable DoF, for achieving single-lens controllable DoF imaging via computational methods. A Depth-aware Controllable DoF Imaging (DCDI) framework is proposed equipped with All-in-Focus (AiF) aberration correction and monocular depth estimation, where the recovered image and corresponding depth map are utilized to produce imaging results under diverse DoFs of any high-end lens via patch-wise convolution. To address the depth-varying optical degradation, we introduce a Depth-aware Degradation-adaptive Training (DA2T) scheme. At the dataset level, a Depth-aware Aberration MOS (DAMOS) dataset is established based on the simulation of Point Spread Functions (PSFs) under different object distances. Additionally, we design two plug-and-play depth-aware mechanisms to embed depth information into the aberration image recovery for better tackling depth-aware degradation. Furthermore, we propose a storage-efficient Omni-Lens-Field model to represent the 4D PSF library of various lenses. With the predicted depth map, recovered image, and depth-aware PSF map inferred by Omni-Lens-Field, single-lens controllable DoF imaging is achieved. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework enhances the recovery performance, and attains impressive single-lens controllable DoF imaging results, providing a seminal baseline for this field. The source code and the established dataset will be publicly available at https://github.com/XiaolongQian/DCDI.
comment: The source code and the established dataset will be publicly available at https://github.com/XiaolongQian/DCDI
☆ DARDA: Domain-Aware Real-Time Dynamic Neural Network Adaptation
Test Time Adaptation (TTA) has emerged as a practical solution to mitigate the performance degradation of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in the presence of corruption/ noise affecting inputs. Existing approaches in TTA continuously adapt the DNN, leading to excessive resource consumption and performance degradation due to accumulation of error stemming from lack of supervision. In this work, we propose Domain-Aware Real-Time Dynamic Adaptation (DARDA) to address such issues. Our key approach is to proactively learn latent representations of some corruption types, each one associated with a sub-network state tailored to correctly classify inputs affected by that corruption. After deployment, DARDA adapts the DNN to previously unseen corruptions in an unsupervised fashion by (i) estimating the latent representation of the ongoing corruption; (ii) selecting the sub-network whose associated corruption is the closest in the latent space to the ongoing corruption; and (iii) adapting DNN state, so that its representation matches the ongoing corruption. This way, DARDA is more resource efficient and can swiftly adapt to new distributions caused by different corruptions without requiring a large variety of input data. Through experiments with two popular mobile edge devices - Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson Nano - we show that DARDA reduces energy consumption and average cache memory footprint respectively by 1.74x and 2.64x with respect to the state of the art, while increasing the performance by 10.4%, 5.7% and 4.4% on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and TinyImagenet.
☆ Explore the Hallucination on Low-level Perception for MLLMs
The rapid development of Multi-modality Large Language Models (MLLMs) has significantly influenced various aspects of industry and daily life, showcasing impressive capabilities in visual perception and understanding. However, these models also exhibit hallucinations, which limit their reliability as AI systems, especially in tasks involving low-level visual perception and understanding. We believe that hallucinations stem from a lack of explicit self-awareness in these models, which directly impacts their overall performance. In this paper, we aim to define and evaluate the self-awareness of MLLMs in low-level visual perception and understanding tasks. To this end, we present QL-Bench, a benchmark settings to simulate human responses to low-level vision, investigating self-awareness in low-level visual perception through visual question answering related to low-level attributes such as clarity and lighting. Specifically, we construct the LLSAVisionQA dataset, comprising 2,990 single images and 1,999 image pairs, each accompanied by an open-ended question about its low-level features. Through the evaluation of 15 MLLMs, we demonstrate that while some models exhibit robust low-level visual capabilities, their self-awareness remains relatively underdeveloped. Notably, for the same model, simpler questions are often answered more accurately than complex ones. However, self-awareness appears to improve when addressing more challenging questions. We hope that our benchmark will motivate further research, particularly focused on enhancing the self-awareness of MLLMs in tasks involving low-level visual perception and understanding.
☆ VGG-Tex: A Vivid Geometry-Guided Facial Texture Estimation Model for High Fidelity Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction
3D face reconstruction from monocular images has promoted the development of various applications such as augmented reality. Though existing methods have made remarkable progress, most of them emphasize geometric reconstruction, while overlooking the importance of texture prediction. To address this issue, we propose VGG-Tex, a novel Vivid Geometry-Guided Facial Texture Estimation model designed for High Fidelity Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction. The core of this approach is leveraging 3D parametric priors to enhance the outcomes of 2D UV texture estimation. Specifically, VGG-Tex includes a Facial Attributes Encoding Module, a Geometry-Guided Texture Generator, and a Visibility-Enhanced Texture Completion Module. These components are responsible for extracting parametric priors, generating initial textures, and refining texture details, respectively. Based on the geometry-texture complementarity principle, VGG-Tex also introduces a Texture-guided Geometry Refinement Module to further balance the overall fidelity of the reconstructed 3D faces, along with corresponding losses. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly improves texture reconstruction performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
☆ Learning Two-factor Representation for Magnetic Resonance Image Super-resolution
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) requires a trade-off between resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, and scan time, making high-resolution (HR) acquisition challenging. Therefore, super-resolution for MR image is a feasible solution. However, most existing methods face challenges in accurately learning a continuous volumetric representation from low-resolution image or require HR image for supervision. To solve these challenges, we propose a novel method for MR image super-resolution based on two-factor representation. Specifically, we factorize intensity signals into a linear combination of learnable basis and coefficient factors, enabling efficient continuous volumetric representation from low-resolution MR image. Besides, we introduce a coordinate-based encoding to capture structural relationships between sparse voxels, facilitating smooth completion in unobserved regions. Experiments on BraTS 2019 and MSSEG 2016 datasets demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, providing superior visual fidelity and robustness, particularly in large up-sampling scale MR image super-resolution.
☆ Precise Pick-and-Place using Score-Based Diffusion Networks
In this paper, we propose a novel coarse-to-fine continuous pose diffusion method to enhance the precision of pick-and-place operations within robotic manipulation tasks. Leveraging the capabilities of diffusion networks, we facilitate the accurate perception of object poses. This accurate perception enhances both pick-and-place success rates and overall manipulation precision. Our methodology utilizes a top-down RGB image projected from an RGB-D camera and adopts a coarse-to-fine architecture. This architecture enables efficient learning of coarse and fine models. A distinguishing feature of our approach is its focus on continuous pose estimation, which enables more precise object manipulation, particularly concerning rotational angles. In addition, we employ pose and color augmentation techniques to enable effective training with limited data. Through extensive experiments in simulated and real-world scenarios, as well as an ablation study, we comprehensively evaluate our proposed methodology. Taken together, the findings validate its effectiveness in achieving high-precision pick-and-place tasks.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Project webpage: https://tony2guo.github.io/precise-pick-and-place/
☆ MFCLIP: Multi-modal Fine-grained CLIP for Generalizable Diffusion Face Forgery Detection
The rapid development of photo-realistic face generation methods has raised significant concerns in society and academia, highlighting the urgent need for robust and generalizable face forgery detection (FFD) techniques. Although existing approaches mainly capture face forgery patterns using image modality, other modalities like fine-grained noises and texts are not fully explored, which limits the generalization capability of the model. In addition, most FFD methods tend to identify facial images generated by GAN, but struggle to detect unseen diffusion-synthesized ones. To address the limitations, we aim to leverage the cutting-edge foundation model, contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP), to achieve generalizable diffusion face forgery detection (DFFD). In this paper, we propose a novel multi-modal fine-grained CLIP (MFCLIP) model, which mines comprehensive and fine-grained forgery traces across image-noise modalities via language-guided face forgery representation learning, to facilitate the advancement of DFFD. Specifically, we devise a fine-grained language encoder (FLE) that extracts fine global language features from hierarchical text prompts. We design a multi-modal vision encoder (MVE) to capture global image forgery embeddings as well as fine-grained noise forgery patterns extracted from the richest patch, and integrate them to mine general visual forgery traces. Moreover, we build an innovative plug-and-play sample pair attention (SPA) method to emphasize relevant negative pairs and suppress irrelevant ones, allowing cross-modality sample pairs to conduct more flexible alignment. Extensive experiments and visualizations show that our model outperforms the state of the arts on different settings like cross-generator, cross-forgery, and cross-dataset evaluations.
☆ Finetuning CLIP to Reason about Pairwise Differences
Vision-language models (VLMs) such as CLIP are trained via contrastive learning between text and image pairs, resulting in aligned image and text embeddings that are useful for many downstream tasks. A notable drawback of CLIP, however, is that the resulting embedding space seems to lack some of the structure of their purely text-based alternatives. For instance, while text embeddings have been long noted to satisfy \emph{analogies} in embedding space using vector arithmetic, CLIP has no such property. In this paper, we propose an approach to natively train CLIP in a contrastive manner to reason about differences in embedding space. We finetune CLIP so that the differences in image embedding space correspond to \emph{text descriptions of the image differences}, which we synthetically generate with large language models on image-caption paired datasets. We first demonstrate that our approach yields significantly improved capabilities in ranking images by a certain attribute (e.g., elephants are larger than cats), which is useful in retrieval or constructing attribute-based classifiers, and improved zeroshot classification performance on many downstream image classification tasks. In addition, our approach enables a new mechanism for inference that we refer to as comparative prompting, where we leverage prior knowledge of text descriptions of differences between classes of interest, achieving even larger performance gains in classification. Finally, we illustrate that the resulting embeddings obey a larger degree of geometric properties in embedding space, such as in text-to-image generation.
comment: 10 pages
☆ Disentangling Visual Priors: Unsupervised Learning of Scene Interpretations with Compositional Autoencoder
Contemporary deep learning architectures lack principled means for capturing and handling fundamental visual concepts, like objects, shapes, geometric transforms, and other higher-level structures. We propose a neurosymbolic architecture that uses a domain-specific language to capture selected priors of image formation, including object shape, appearance, categorization, and geometric transforms. We express template programs in that language and learn their parameterization with features extracted from the scene by a convolutional neural network. When executed, the parameterized program produces geometric primitives which are rendered and assessed for correspondence with the scene content and trained via auto-association with gradient. We confront our approach with a baseline method on a synthetic benchmark and demonstrate its capacity to disentangle selected aspects of the image formation process, learn from small data, correct inference in the presence of noise, and out-of-sample generalization.
Pre-Training for 3D Hand Pose Estimation with Contrastive Learning on Large-Scale Hand Images in the Wild ECCV24
We present a contrastive learning framework based on in-the-wild hand images tailored for pre-training 3D hand pose estimators, dubbed HandCLR. Pre-training on large-scale images achieves promising results in various tasks, but prior 3D hand pose pre-training methods have not fully utilized the potential of diverse hand images accessible from in-the-wild videos. To facilitate scalable pre-training, we first prepare an extensive pool of hand images from in-the-wild videos and design our method with contrastive learning. Specifically, we collected over 2.0M hand images from recent human-centric videos, such as 100DOH and Ego4D. To extract discriminative information from these images, we focus on the similarity of hands; pairs of similar hand poses originating from different samples, and propose a novel contrastive learning method that embeds similar hand pairs closer in the latent space. Our experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms conventional contrastive learning approaches that produce positive pairs sorely from a single image with data augmentation. We achieve significant improvements over the state-of-the-art method in various datasets, with gains of 15% on FreiHand, 10% on DexYCB, and 4% on AssemblyHands.
comment: HANDS@ECCV24 (Extended Abstracts)
☆ ELSA: Exploiting Layer-wise N:M Sparsity for Vision Transformer Acceleration
$N{:}M$ sparsity is an emerging model compression method supported by more and more accelerators to speed up sparse matrix multiplication in deep neural networks. Most existing $N{:}M$ sparsity methods compress neural networks with a uniform setting for all layers in a network or heuristically determine the layer-wise configuration by considering the number of parameters in each layer. However, very few methods have been designed for obtaining a layer-wise customized $N{:}M$ sparse configuration for vision transformers (ViTs), which usually consist of transformer blocks involving the same number of parameters. In this work, to address the challenge of selecting suitable sparse configuration for ViTs on $N{:}M$ sparsity-supporting accelerators, we propose ELSA, Exploiting Layer-wise $N{:}M$ Sparsity for ViTs. Considering not only all $N{:}M$ sparsity levels supported by a given accelerator but also the expected throughput improvement, our methodology can reap the benefits of accelerators supporting mixed sparsity by trading off negligible accuracy loss with both memory usage and inference time reduction for ViT models. For instance, our approach achieves a noteworthy 2.9$\times$ reduction in FLOPs for both Swin-B and DeiT-B with only a marginal degradation of accuracy on ImageNet. Our code will be released upon paper acceptance.
☆ Synergistic Spotting and Recognition of Micro-Expression via Temporal State Transition
Micro-expressions are involuntary facial movements that cannot be consciously controlled, conveying subtle cues with substantial real-world applications. The analysis of micro-expressions generally involves two main tasks: spotting micro-expression intervals in long videos and recognizing the emotions associated with these intervals. Previous deep learning methods have primarily relied on classification networks utilizing sliding windows. However, fixed window sizes and window-level hard classification introduce numerous constraints. Additionally, these methods have not fully exploited the potential of complementary pathways for spotting and recognition. In this paper, we present a novel temporal state transition architecture grounded in the state space model, which replaces conventional window-level classification with video-level regression. Furthermore, by leveraging the inherent connections between spotting and recognition tasks, we propose a synergistic strategy that enhances overall analysis performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. The codes and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/zizheng-guo/ME-TST.
☆ E-Commerce Inpainting with Mask Guidance in Controlnet for Reducing Overcompletion
E-commerce image generation has always been one of the core demands in the e-commerce field. The goal is to restore the missing background that matches the main product given. In the post-AIGC era, diffusion models are primarily used to generate product images, achieving impressive results. This paper systematically analyzes and addresses a core pain point in diffusion model generation: overcompletion, which refers to the difficulty in maintaining product features. We propose two solutions: 1. Using an instance mask fine-tuned inpainting model to mitigate this phenomenon; 2. Adopting a train-free mask guidance approach, which incorporates refined product masks as constraints when combining ControlNet and UNet to generate the main product, thereby avoiding overcompletion of the product. Our method has achieved promising results in practical applications and we hope it can serve as an inspiring technical report in this field.
☆ Reliable Multi-View Learning with Conformal Prediction for Aortic Stenosis Classification in Echocardiography MICCAI
The fundamental problem with ultrasound-guided diagnosis is that the acquired images are often 2-D cross-sections of a 3-D anatomy, potentially missing important anatomical details. This limitation leads to challenges in ultrasound echocardiography, such as poor visualization of heart valves or foreshortening of ventricles. Clinicians must interpret these images with inherent uncertainty, a nuance absent in machine learning's one-hot labels. We propose Re-Training for Uncertainty (RT4U), a data-centric method to introduce uncertainty to weakly informative inputs in the training set. This simple approach can be incorporated to existing state-of-the-art aortic stenosis classification methods to further improve their accuracy. When combined with conformal prediction techniques, RT4U can yield adaptively sized prediction sets which are guaranteed to contain the ground truth class to a high accuracy. We validate the effectiveness of RT4U on three diverse datasets: a public (TMED-2) and a private AS dataset, along with a CIFAR-10-derived toy dataset. Results show improvement on all the datasets.
comment: This preprint has not undergone any post-submission improvements or corrections. The Version of Record of this contribution is published in: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Springer (2024) under the same title
☆ A Comprehensive Methodological Survey of Human Activity Recognition Across Divers Data Modalities
Human Activity Recognition (HAR) systems aim to understand human behaviour and assign a label to each action, attracting significant attention in computer vision due to their wide range of applications. HAR can leverage various data modalities, such as RGB images and video, skeleton, depth, infrared, point cloud, event stream, audio, acceleration, and radar signals. Each modality provides unique and complementary information suited to different application scenarios. Consequently, numerous studies have investigated diverse approaches for HAR using these modalities. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the latest advancements in HAR from 2014 to 2024, focusing on machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches categorized by input data modalities. We review both single-modality and multi-modality techniques, highlighting fusion-based and co-learning frameworks. Additionally, we cover advancements in hand-crafted action features, methods for recognizing human-object interactions, and activity detection. Our survey includes a detailed dataset description for each modality and a summary of the latest HAR systems, offering comparative results on benchmark datasets. Finally, we provide insightful observations and propose effective future research directions in HAR.
☆ SITSMamba for Crop Classification based on Satellite Image Time Series
Satellite image time series (SITS) data provides continuous observations over time, allowing for the tracking of vegetation changes and growth patterns throughout the seasons and years. Numerous deep learning (DL) approaches using SITS for crop classification have emerged recently, with the latest approaches adopting Transformer for SITS classification. However, the quadratic complexity of self-attention in Transformer poses challenges for classifying long time series. While the cutting-edge Mamba architecture has demonstrated strength in various domains, including remote sensing image interpretation, its capacity to learn temporal representations in SITS data remains unexplored. Moreover, the existing SITS classification methods often depend solely on crop labels as supervision signals, which fails to fully exploit the temporal information. In this paper, we proposed a Satellite Image Time Series Mamba (SITSMamba) method for crop classification based on remote sensing time series data. The proposed SITSMamba contains a spatial encoder based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and a Mamba-based temporal encoder. To exploit richer temporal information from SITS, we design two branches of decoder used for different tasks. The first branch is a crop Classification Branch (CBranch), which includes a ConvBlock to decode the feature to a crop map. The second branch is a SITS Reconstruction Branch that uses a Linear layer to transform the encoded feature to predict the original input values. Furthermore, we design a Positional Weight (PW) applied to the RBranch to help the model learn rich latent knowledge from SITS. We also design two weighting factors to control the balance of the two branches during training. The code of SITSMamba is available at: https://github.com/XiaoleiQinn/SITSMamba.
☆ Unsupervised Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Blind Fusion Based on Deep Tucker Decomposition Network with Spatial-Spectral Manifold Learning
Hyperspectral and multispectral image fusion aims to generate high spectral and spatial resolution hyperspectral images (HR-HSI) by fusing high-resolution multispectral images (HR-MSI) and low-resolution hyperspectral images (LR-HSI). However, existing fusion methods encounter challenges such as unknown degradation parameters, incomplete exploitation of the correlation between high-dimensional structures and deep image features. To overcome these issues, in this article, an unsupervised blind fusion method for hyperspectral and multispectral images based on Tucker decomposition and spatial spectral manifold learning (DTDNML) is proposed. We design a novel deep Tucker decomposition network that maps LR-HSI and HR-MSI into a consistent feature space, achieving reconstruction through decoders with shared parameter. To better exploit and fuse spatial-spectral features in the data, we design a core tensor fusion network that incorporates a spatial spectral attention mechanism for aligning and fusing features at different scales. Furthermore, to enhance the capacity in capturing global information, a Laplacian-based spatial-spectral manifold constraints is introduced in shared-decoders. Sufficient experiments have validated that this method enhances the accuracy and efficiency of hyperspectral and multispectral fusion on different remote sensing datasets. The source code is available at https://github.com/Shawn-H-Wang/DTDNML.
comment: Accepted by TNNLS 2024
☆ EditBoard: Towards A Comprehensive Evaluation Benchmark for Text-based Video Editing Models
The rapid development of diffusion models has significantly advanced AI-generated content (AIGC), particularly in Text-to-Image (T2I) and Text-to-Video (T2V) generation. Text-based video editing, leveraging these generative capabilities, has emerged as a promising field, enabling precise modifications to videos based on text prompts. Despite the proliferation of innovative video editing models, there is a conspicuous lack of comprehensive evaluation benchmarks that holistically assess these models' performance across various dimensions. Existing evaluations are limited and inconsistent, typically summarizing overall performance with a single score, which obscures models' effectiveness on individual editing tasks. To address this gap, we propose EditBoard, the first comprehensive evaluation benchmark for text-based video editing models. EditBoard encompasses nine automatic metrics across four dimensions, evaluating models on four task categories and introducing three new metrics to assess fidelity. This task-oriented benchmark facilitates objective evaluation by detailing model performance and providing insights into each model's strengths and weaknesses. By open-sourcing EditBoard, we aim to standardize evaluation and advance the development of robust video editing models.
☆ SparX: A Sparse Cross-Layer Connection Mechanism for Hierarchical Vision Mamba and Transformer Networks
Due to the capability of dynamic state space models (SSMs) in capturing long-range dependencies with near-linear computational complexity, Mamba has shown notable performance in NLP tasks. This has inspired the rapid development of Mamba-based vision models, resulting in promising results in visual recognition tasks. However, such models are not capable of distilling features across layers through feature aggregation, interaction, and selection. Moreover, existing cross-layer feature aggregation methods designed for CNNs or ViTs are not practical in Mamba-based models due to high computational costs. Therefore, this paper aims to introduce an efficient cross-layer feature aggregation mechanism for Mamba-based vision backbone networks. Inspired by the Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs) in the human visual system, we propose a new sparse cross-layer connection mechanism termed SparX to effectively improve cross-layer feature interaction and reuse. Specifically, we build two different types of network layers: ganglion layers and normal layers. The former has higher connectivity and complexity, enabling multi-layer feature aggregation and interaction in an input-dependent manner. In contrast, the latter has lower connectivity and complexity. By interleaving these two types of layers, we design a new vision backbone network with sparsely cross-connected layers, achieving an excellent trade-off among model size, computational cost, memory cost, and accuracy in comparison to its counterparts. For instance, with fewer parameters, SparX-Mamba-T improves the top-1 accuracy of VMamba-T from 82.5% to 83.5%, while SparX-Swin-T achieves a 1.3% increase in top-1 accuracy compared to Swin-T. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our new connection mechanism possesses both superior performance and generalization capabilities on various vision tasks.
comment: Code will be publicly available at: https://github.com/LMMMEng/SparX
☆ A Novel Framework For Text Detection From Natural Scene Images With Complex Background
Recognizing texts from camera images is a known hard problem because of the difficulties in text detection from the varied and complicated background. In this paper we propose a novel and efficient method to detect text region from images with complex background using Wavelet Transforms. The framework uses Wavelet Transformation of the original image in its grayscale form followed by Sub-band filtering. Then Region clustering technique is applied using centroids of the regions, further Bounding box is fitted to each region thus identifying the text regions. This method is much sophisticated and efficient than the previous methods as it doesn't stick to a particular font size of the text thus, making it generalized. The sample set used for experimental purpose consists of 50 images with varying backgrounds. Images with edge prominence are considered. Furthermore, our method can be easily customized for applications with different scopes.
☆ Can Large Language Models Grasp Event Signals? Exploring Pure Zero-Shot Event-based Recognition
Recent advancements in event-based zero-shot object recognition have demonstrated promising results. However, these methods heavily depend on extensive training and are inherently constrained by the characteristics of CLIP. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first study to explore the understanding capabilities of large language models (LLMs) for event-based visual content. We demonstrate that LLMs can achieve event-based object recognition without additional training or fine-tuning in conjunction with CLIP, effectively enabling pure zero-shot event-based recognition. Particularly, we evaluate the ability of GPT-4o / 4turbo and two other open-source LLMs to directly recognize event-based visual content. Extensive experiments are conducted across three benchmark datasets, systematically assessing the recognition accuracy of these models. The results show that LLMs, especially when enhanced with well-designed prompts, significantly improve event-based zero-shot recognition performance. Notably, GPT-4o outperforms the compared models and exceeds the recognition accuracy of state-of-the-art event-based zero-shot methods on N-ImageNet by five orders of magnitude. The implementation of this paper is available at \url{https://github.com/ChrisYu-Zz/Pure-event-based-recognition-based-LLM}.
☆ Enhancing Weakly-Supervised Object Detection on Static Images through (Hallucinated) Motion
While motion has garnered attention in various tasks, its potential as a modality for weakly-supervised object detection (WSOD) in static images remains unexplored. Our study introduces an approach to enhance WSOD methods by integrating motion information. This method involves leveraging hallucinated motion from static images to improve WSOD on image datasets, utilizing a Siamese network for enhanced representation learning with motion, addressing camera motion through motion normalization, and selectively training images based on object motion. Experimental validation on the COCO and YouTube-BB datasets demonstrates improvements over a state-of-the-art method.
☆ Integrating Audio Narrations to Strengthen Domain Generalization in Multimodal First-Person Action Recognition
First-person activity recognition is rapidly growing due to the widespread use of wearable cameras but faces challenges from domain shifts across different environments, such as varying objects or background scenes. We propose a multimodal framework that improves domain generalization by integrating motion, audio, and appearance features. Key contributions include analyzing the resilience of audio and motion features to domain shifts, using audio narrations for enhanced audio-text alignment, and applying consistency ratings between audio and visual narrations to optimize the impact of audio in recognition during training. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ARGO1M dataset, effectively generalizing across unseen scenarios and locations.
☆ TextureDiffusion: Target Prompt Disentangled Editing for Various Texture Transfer
Recently, text-guided image editing has achieved significant success. However, existing methods can only apply simple textures like wood or gold when changing the texture of an object. Complex textures such as cloud or fire pose a challenge. This limitation stems from that the target prompt needs to contain both the input image content and , restricting the texture representation. In this paper, we propose TextureDiffusion, a tuning-free image editing method applied to various texture transfer. Initially, the target prompt is directly set to "", making the texture disentangled from the input image content to enhance texture representation. Subsequently, query features in self-attention and features in residual blocks are utilized to preserve the structure of the input image. Finally, to maintain the background, we introduce an edit localization technique which blends the self-attention results and the intermediate latents. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that TextureDiffusion can harmoniously transfer various textures with excellent structure and background preservation.
☆ DreamMover: Leveraging the Prior of Diffusion Models for Image Interpolation with Large Motion ECCV 2024
We study the problem of generating intermediate images from image pairs with large motion while maintaining semantic consistency. Due to the large motion, the intermediate semantic information may be absent in input images. Existing methods either limit to small motion or focus on topologically similar objects, leading to artifacts and inconsistency in the interpolation results. To overcome this challenge, we delve into pre-trained image diffusion models for their capabilities in semantic cognition and representations, ensuring consistent expression of the absent intermediate semantic representations with the input. To this end, we propose DreamMover, a novel image interpolation framework with three main components: 1) A natural flow estimator based on the diffusion model that can implicitly reason about the semantic correspondence between two images. 2) To avoid the loss of detailed information during fusion, our key insight is to fuse information in two parts, high-level space and low-level space. 3) To enhance the consistency between the generated images and input, we propose the self-attention concatenation and replacement approach. Lastly, we present a challenging benchmark dataset InterpBench to evaluate the semantic consistency of generated results. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our project is available at https://dreamm0ver.github.io .
comment: ECCV 2024
☆ One-Shot Learning for Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis in the Wild
Current Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis (PGPIS) methods depend heavily on large amounts of labeled triplet data to train the generator in a supervised manner. However, they often falter when applied to in-the-wild samples, primarily due to the distribution gap between the training datasets and real-world test samples. While some researchers aim to enhance model generalizability through sophisticated training procedures, advanced architectures, or by creating more diverse datasets, we adopt the test-time fine-tuning paradigm to customize a pre-trained Text2Image (T2I) model. However, naively applying test-time tuning results in inconsistencies in facial identities and appearance attributes. To address this, we introduce a Visual Consistency Module (VCM), which enhances appearance consistency by combining the face, text, and image embedding. Our approach, named OnePoseTrans, requires only a single source image to generate high-quality pose transfer results, offering greater stability than state-of-the-art data-driven methods. For each test case, OnePoseTrans customizes a model in around 48 seconds with an NVIDIA V100 GPU.
☆ GLCONet: Learning Multi-source Perception Representation for Camouflaged Object Detection
Recently, biological perception has been a powerful tool for handling the camouflaged object detection (COD) task. However, most existing methods are heavily dependent on the local spatial information of diverse scales from convolutional operations to optimize initial features. A commonly neglected point in these methods is the long-range dependencies between feature pixels from different scale spaces that can help the model build a global structure of the object, inducing a more precise image representation. In this paper, we propose a novel Global-Local Collaborative Optimization Network, called GLCONet. Technically, we first design a collaborative optimization strategy from the perspective of multi-source perception to simultaneously model the local details and global long-range relationships, which can provide features with abundant discriminative information to boost the accuracy in detecting camouflaged objects. Furthermore, we introduce an adjacent reverse decoder that contains cross-layer aggregation and reverse optimization to integrate complementary information from different levels for generating high-quality representations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed GLCONet method with different backbones can effectively activate potentially significant pixels in an image, outperforming twenty state-of-the-art methods on three public COD datasets. The source code is available at: \https://github.com/CSYSI/GLCONet.
comment: Accepted at TNNLS 2024
☆ NEVLP: Noise-Robust Framework for Efficient Vision-Language Pre-training
The success of Vision Language Models (VLMs) on various vision-language tasks heavily relies on pre-training with large scale web-crawled datasets. However, the noisy and incomplete nature of web data makes dataset scale crucial for performance, rendering end-to-end training increasingly prohibitive. In this paper, we propose NEVLP, a noise-robust framework for efficient vision-language pre-training that requires less pre-training data. Specifically, we bridge the modality gap between a frozen image encoder and a large language model with a transformer and introduce two innovative learning strategies: noise-adaptive learning and concept-enhanced learning to mitigate the impact of noise. In noise-adaptive learning, we estimate the noise probability of each image-text pair based on the transformer's memorization effect and employ noise-adaptive regularization on image-text contrastive learning to condition cross-modal alignment. In concept-enhanced learning, we enrich incomplete text by incorporating visual concepts (objects in the image) to provide prior information about existing objects for image-text matching and image-grounded text generation, thereby mitigating text incompletion. Our framework effectively utilizes noisy web data and achieves state-of-the-art performance with less pre-training data across a wide range of vision-language tasks, including image-text retrieval, image captioning, and visual question answering.
☆ Bias Begets Bias: The Impact of Biased Embeddings on Diffusion Models
With the growing adoption of Text-to-Image (TTI) systems, the social biases of these models have come under increased scrutiny. Herein we conduct a systematic investigation of one such source of bias for diffusion models: embedding spaces. First, because traditional classifier-based fairness definitions require true labels not present in generative modeling, we propose statistical group fairness criteria based on a model's internal representation of the world. Using these definitions, we demonstrate theoretically and empirically that an unbiased text embedding space for input prompts is a necessary condition for representationally balanced diffusion models, meaning the distribution of generated images satisfy diversity requirements with respect to protected attributes. Next, we investigate the impact of biased embeddings on evaluating the alignment between generated images and prompts, a process which is commonly used to assess diffusion models. We find that biased multimodal embeddings like CLIP can result in lower alignment scores for representationally balanced TTI models, thus rewarding unfair behavior. Finally, we develop a theoretical framework through which biases in alignment evaluation can be studied and propose bias mitigation methods. By specifically adapting the perspective of embedding spaces, we establish new fairness conditions for diffusion model development and evaluation.
comment: 19 pages, 4 figures
☆ Learning Transferable Features for Implicit Neural Representations
Implicit neural representations (INRs) have demonstrated success in a variety of applications, including inverse problems and neural rendering. An INR is typically trained to capture one signal of interest, resulting in learned neural features that are highly attuned to that signal. Assumed to be less generalizable, we explore the aspect of transferability of such learned neural features for fitting similar signals. We introduce a new INR training framework, STRAINER that learns transferrable features for fitting INRs to new signals from a given distribution, faster and with better reconstruction quality. Owing to the sequential layer-wise affine operations in an INR, we propose to learn transferable representations by sharing initial encoder layers across multiple INRs with independent decoder layers. At test time, the learned encoder representations are transferred as initialization for an otherwise randomly initialized INR. We find STRAINER to yield extremely powerful initialization for fitting images from the same domain and allow for $\approx +10dB$ gain in signal quality early on compared to an untrained INR itself. STRAINER also provides a simple way to encode data-driven priors in INRs. We evaluate STRAINER on multiple in-domain and out-of-domain signal fitting tasks and inverse problems and further provide detailed analysis and discussion on the transferability of STRAINER's features. Our demo can be accessed at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1fBZAwqE8C_lrRPAe-hQZJTWrMJuAKtG2?usp=sharing .
☆ TG-LLaVA: Text Guided LLaVA via Learnable Latent Embeddings
Currently, inspired by the success of vision-language models (VLMs), an increasing number of researchers are focusing on improving VLMs and have achieved promising results. However, most existing methods concentrate on optimizing the connector and enhancing the language model component, while neglecting improvements to the vision encoder itself. In contrast, we propose Text Guided LLaVA (TG-LLaVA) in this paper, which optimizes VLMs by guiding the vision encoder with text, offering a new and orthogonal optimization direction. Specifically, inspired by the purpose-driven logic inherent in human behavior, we use learnable latent embeddings as a bridge to analyze textual instruction and add the analysis results to the vision encoder as guidance, refining it. Subsequently, another set of latent embeddings extracts additional detailed text-guided information from high-resolution local patches as auxiliary information. Finally, with the guidance of text, the vision encoder can extract text-related features, similar to how humans focus on the most relevant parts of an image when considering a question. This results in generating better answers. Experiments on various datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Remarkably, without the need for additional training data, our propsoed method can bring more benefits to the baseline (LLaVA-1.5) compared with other concurrent methods. Furthermore, the proposed method consistently brings improvement in different settings.
☆ GLEAN: Generative Learning for Eliminating Adversarial Noise
In the age of powerful diffusion models such as DALL-E and Stable Diffusion, many in the digital art community have suffered style mimicry attacks due to fine-tuning these models on their works. The ability to mimic an artist's style via text-to-image diffusion models raises serious ethical issues, especially without explicit consent. Glaze, a tool that applies various ranges of perturbations to digital art, has shown significant success in preventing style mimicry attacks, at the cost of artifacts ranging from imperceptible noise to severe quality degradation. The release of Glaze has sparked further discussions regarding the effectiveness of similar protection methods. In this paper, we propose GLEAN- applying I2I generative networks to strip perturbations from Glazed images, evaluating the performance of style mimicry attacks before and after GLEAN on the results of Glaze. GLEAN aims to support and enhance Glaze by highlighting its limitations and encouraging further development.
♻ ☆ MARS: Mask Attention Refinement with Sequential Quadtree Nodes for Car Damage Instance Segmentation
Evaluating car damages from misfortune is critical to the car insurance industry. However, the accuracy is still insufficient for real-world applications since the deep learning network is not designed for car damage images as inputs, and its segmented masks are still very coarse. This paper presents MARS (Mask Attention Refinement with Sequential quadtree nodes) for car damage instance segmentation. Our MARS represents self-attention mechanisms to draw global dependencies between the sequential quadtree nodes layer and quadtree transformer to recalibrate channel weights and predict highly accurate instance masks. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that MARS outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) instance segmentation methods on three popular benchmarks such as Mask R-CNN [9], PointRend [13], and Mask Transfiner [12], by a large margin of +1.3 maskAP-based R50-FPN backbone and +2.3 maskAP-based R101-FPN backbone on Thai car-damage dataset. Our demos are available at https://github.com/kaopanboonyuen/MARS.
comment: 14 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.13673 by other authors
♻ ☆ Layout Agnostic Scene Text Image Synthesis with Diffusion Models CVPR
While diffusion models have significantly advanced the quality of image generation their capability to accurately and coherently render text within these images remains a substantial challenge. Conventional diffusion-based methods for scene text generation are typically limited by their reliance on an intermediate layout output. This dependency often results in a constrained diversity of text styles and fonts an inherent limitation stemming from the deterministic nature of the layout generation phase. To address these challenges this paper introduces SceneTextGen a novel diffusion-based model specifically designed to circumvent the need for a predefined layout stage. By doing so SceneTextGen facilitates a more natural and varied representation of text. The novelty of SceneTextGen lies in its integration of three key components: a character-level encoder for capturing detailed typographic properties coupled with a character-level instance segmentation model and a word-level spotting model to address the issues of unwanted text generation and minor character inaccuracies. We validate the performance of our method by demonstrating improved character recognition rates on generated images across different public visual text datasets in comparison to both standard diffusion based methods and text specific methods.
comment: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024, pp. 7496-7506
♻ ☆ RoCOCO: Robustness Benchmark of MS-COCO to Stress-test Image-Text Matching Models ECCV
With the extensive use of vision-language models in various downstream tasks, evaluating their robustness is crucial. In this paper, we propose a benchmark for assessing the robustness of vision-language models. We believe that a robust model should properly understand both linguistic and visual semantics and be resilient to explicit variations. In pursuit of this goal, we create new variants of texts and images in the MS-COCO test set and re-evaluate the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models with the new data. Specifically, we alter the meaning of text by replacing a word, and generate visually altered images that maintain some visual context while introducing noticeable pixel changes through image mixing techniques.Our evaluations on the proposed benchmark reveal substantial performance degradation in many SOTA models (e.g., Image-to-Text Recall@1: 81.9\% $\rightarrow$ 48.4\% in BLIP, 66.1\% $\rightarrow$ 37.6\% in VSE$\infty$), with the models often favoring the altered texts/images over the original ones. This indicates the current vision-language models struggle with subtle changes and often fail to understand the overall context of texts and images. Based on these findings, we propose semantic contrastive loss and visual contrastive loss to learn more robust embedding. Datasets and code are available at {\url{https://github.com/pseulki/rococo}}.
comment: Accepted to ECCV Synthetic Data for Computer Vision Workshop (Oral)
♻ ☆ Spatial Transformer Network YOLO Model for Agricultural Object Detection
Object detection plays a crucial role in the field of computer vision by autonomously locating and identifying objects of interest. The You Only Look Once (YOLO) model is an effective single-shot detector. However, YOLO faces challenges in cluttered or partially occluded scenes and can struggle with small, low-contrast objects. We propose a new method that integrates spatial transformer networks (STNs) into YOLO to improve performance. The proposed STN-YOLO aims to enhance the model's effectiveness by focusing on important areas of the image and improving the spatial invariance of the model before the detection process. Our proposed method improved object detection performance both qualitatively and quantitatively. We explore the impact of different localization networks within the STN module as well as the robustness of the model across different spatial transformations. We apply the STN-YOLO on benchmark datasets for Agricultural object detection as well as a new dataset from a state-of-the-art plant phenotyping greenhouse facility. Our code and dataset are publicly available.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted to 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
♻ ☆ Style Transfer: From Stitching to Neural Networks
This article compares two style transfer methods in image processing: the traditional method, which synthesizes new images by stitching together small patches from existing images, and a modern machine learning-based approach that uses a segmentation network to isolate foreground objects and apply style transfer solely to the background. The traditional method excels in creating artistic abstractions but can struggle with seamlessness, whereas the machine learning method preserves the integrity of foreground elements while enhancing the background, offering improved aesthetic quality and computational efficiency. Our study indicates that machine learning-based methods are more suited for real-world applications where detail preservation in foreground elements is essential.
♻ ☆ Bayesian Neural Networks for 2D MRI Segmentation
Uncertainty quantification is vital for safety-critical Deep Learning applications like medical image segmentation. We introduce BA U-Net, an uncertainty-aware model for MRI segmentation that integrates Bayesian Neural Networks with Attention Mechanisms. BA U-Net delivers accurate, interpretable results, crucial for reliable pathology screening. Evaluated on BraTS 2020, this model addresses the critical need for confidence estimation in deep learning-based medical imaging.
comment: 9 pages, conference-paper style
♻ ☆ OpenSU3D: Open World 3D Scene Understanding using Foundation Models
In this paper, we present a novel, scalable approach for constructing open set, instance-level 3D scene representations, advancing open world understanding of 3D environments. Existing methods require pre-constructed 3D scenes and face scalability issues due to per-point feature vector learning, limiting their efficacy with complex queries. Our method overcomes these limitations by incrementally building instance-level 3D scene representations using 2D foundation models, efficiently aggregating instance-level details such as masks, feature vectors, names, and captions. We introduce fusion schemes for feature vectors to enhance their contextual knowledge and performance on complex queries. Additionally, we explore large language models for robust automatic annotation and spatial reasoning tasks. We evaluate our proposed approach on multiple scenes from ScanNet and Replica datasets demonstrating zero-shot generalization capabilities, exceeding current state-of-the-art methods in open world 3D scene understanding.
comment: Project Page: https://opensu3d.github.io/
♻ ☆ Mismatched: Evaluating the Limits of Image Matching Approaches and Benchmarks
Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction from two-dimensional images is an active research field in computer vision, with applications ranging from navigation and object tracking to segmentation and three-dimensional modeling. Traditionally, parametric techniques have been employed for this task. However, recent advancements have seen a shift towards learning-based methods. Given the rapid pace of research and the frequent introduction of new image matching methods, it is essential to evaluate them. In this paper, we present a comprehensive evaluation of various image matching methods using a structure-from-motion pipeline. We assess the performance of these methods on both in-domain and out-of-domain datasets, identifying key limitations in both the methods and benchmarks. We also investigate the impact of edge detection as a pre-processing step. Our analysis reveals that image matching for 3D reconstruction remains an open challenge, necessitating careful selection and tuning of models for specific scenarios, while also highlighting mismatches in how metrics currently represent method performance.
comment: 19 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ COBRA -- COnfidence score Based on shape Regression Analysis for method-independent quality assessment of object pose estimation from single images
We present a generic algorithm for scoring pose estimation methods that rely on single image semantic analysis. The algorithm employs a lightweight putative shape representation using a combination of multiple Gaussian Processes. Each Gaussian Process (GP) yields distance normal distributions from multiple reference points in the object's coordinate system to its surface, thus providing a geometric evaluation framework for scoring predicted poses. Our confidence measure comprises the average mixture probability of pixel back-projections onto the shape template. In the reported experiments, we compare the accuracy of our GP based representation of objects versus the actual geometric models and demonstrate the ability of our method to capture the influence of outliers as opposed to the corresponding intrinsic measures that ship with the segmentation and pose estimation methods.
♻ ☆ Exploiting Priors from 3D Diffusion Models for RGB-Based One-Shot View Planning IROS
Object reconstruction is relevant for many autonomous robotic tasks that require interaction with the environment. A key challenge in such scenarios is planning view configurations to collect informative measurements for reconstructing an initially unknown object. One-shot view planning enables efficient data collection by predicting view configurations and planning the globally shortest path connecting all views at once. However, prior knowledge about the object is required to conduct one-shot view planning. In this work, we propose a novel one-shot view planning approach that utilizes the powerful 3D generation capabilities of diffusion models as priors. By incorporating such geometric priors into our pipeline, we achieve effective one-shot view planning starting with only a single RGB image of the object to be reconstructed. Our planning experiments in simulation and real-world setups indicate that our approach balances well between object reconstruction quality and movement cost.
comment: Sicong Pan and Liren Jin have equal contribution. Publication to appear in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024
♻ ☆ MpoxMamba: A Grouped Mamba-based Lightweight Hybrid Network for Mpox Detection
Due to the lack of effective mpox detection tools, the mpox virus continues to spread worldwide and has once again been declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization. Lightweight deep learning model-based detection systems are crucial to alleviate mpox outbreaks since they are suitable for widespread deployment, especially in resource-limited scenarios. However, the key to its successful application depends on ensuring that the model can effectively model local features and long-range dependencies in mpox lesions while maintaining lightweight. Inspired by the success of Mamba in modeling long-range dependencies and its linear complexity, we proposed a lightweight hybrid architecture called MpoxMamba for efficient mpox detection. MpoxMamba utilizes depth-wise separable convolutions to extract local feature representations in mpox skin lesions and greatly enhances the model's ability to model the global contextual information by grouped Mamba modules. Notably, MpoxMamba's parameter size and FLOPs are 0.77M and 0.53G, respectively. Experimental results on two widely recognized benchmark datasets demonstrate that MpoxMamba outperforms state-of-the-art lightweight models and existing mpox detection methods. Importantly, we developed a web-based online application to provide free mpox detection (http://5227i971s5.goho.co:30290). The source codes of MpoxMamba are available at https://github.com/YubiaoYue/MpoxMamba.
♻ ☆ RoboSense: Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Multi-sensor Low-speed Autonomous Driving
Robust object detection and tracking under arbitrary sight of view is challenging yet essential for the development of Autonomous Vehicle technology. With the growing demand of unmanned function vehicles, near-field scene understanding becomes an important research topic in the areas of low-speed autonomous driving. Due to the complexity of driving conditions and diversity of near obstacles such as blind spots and high occlusion, the perception capability of near-field environment is still inferior than its farther counterpart. To further enhance the intelligent ability of unmanned vehicles, in this paper, we construct a multimodal data collection platform based on 3 main types of sensors (Camera, LiDAR and Fisheye), which supports flexible sensor configurations to enable dynamic sight of view for ego vehicle, either global view or local view. Meanwhile, a large-scale multi-sensor dataset is built, named RoboSense, to facilitate near-field scene understanding. RoboSense contains more than 133K synchronized data with 1.4M 3D bounding box and IDs annotated in the full $360^{\circ}$ view, forming 216K trajectories across 7.6K temporal sequences. It has $270\times$ and $18\times$ as many annotations of near-field obstacles within 5$m$ as the previous single-vehicle datasets such as KITTI and nuScenes. Moreover, we define a novel matching criterion for near-field 3D perception and prediction metrics. Based on RoboSense, we formulate 6 popular tasks to facilitate the future development of related research, where the detailed data analysis as well as benchmarks are also provided accordingly.
♻ ☆ Space3D-Bench: Spatial 3D Question Answering Benchmark
Answering questions about the spatial properties of the environment poses challenges for existing language and vision foundation models due to a lack of understanding of the 3D world notably in terms of relationships between objects. To push the field forward, multiple 3D Q&A datasets were proposed which, overall, provide a variety of questions, but they individually focus on particular aspects of 3D reasoning or are limited in terms of data modalities. To address this, we present Space3D-Bench - a collection of 1000 general spatial questions and answers related to scenes of the Replica dataset which offers a variety of data modalities: point clouds, posed RGB-D images, navigation meshes and 3D object detections. To ensure that the questions cover a wide range of 3D objectives, we propose an indoor spatial questions taxonomy inspired by geographic information systems and use it to balance the dataset accordingly. Moreover, we provide an assessment system that grades natural language responses based on predefined ground-truth answers by leveraging a Vision Language Model's comprehension of both text and images to compare the responses with ground-truth textual information or relevant visual data. Finally, we introduce a baseline called RAG3D-Chat integrating the world understanding of foundation models with rich context retrieval, achieving an accuracy of 67% on the proposed dataset.
♻ ☆ One Shot is Enough for Sequential Infrared Small Target Segmentation
Infrared small target sequences exhibit strong similarities between frames and contain rich contextual information, which motivates us to achieve sequential infrared small target segmentation (IRSTS) with minimal data. Inspired by the success of Segment Anything Model (SAM) across various downstream tasks, we propose a one-shot and training-free method that perfectly adapts SAM's zero-shot generalization capability to sequential IRSTS. Specifically, we first obtain a confidence map through local feature matching (LFM). The highest point in the confidence map is used as the prompt to replace the manual prompt. Then, to address the over-segmentation issue caused by the domain gap, we design the point prompt-centric focusing (PPCF) module. Subsequently, to prevent miss and false detections, we introduce the triple-level ensemble (TLE) module to produce the final mask. Experiments demonstrate that our method requires only one shot to achieve comparable performance to state-of-the-art IRSTS methods and significantly outperforms other one-shot segmentation methods. Moreover, ablation studies confirm the robustness of our method in the type of annotations and the selection of reference images.
♻ ☆ CoBEV: Elevating Roadside 3D Object Detection with Depth and Height Complementarity
Roadside camera-driven 3D object detection is a crucial task in intelligent transportation systems, which extends the perception range beyond the limitations of vision-centric vehicles and enhances road safety. While previous studies have limitations in using only depth or height information, we find both depth and height matter and they are in fact complementary. The depth feature encompasses precise geometric cues, whereas the height feature is primarily focused on distinguishing between various categories of height intervals, essentially providing semantic context. This insight motivates the development of Complementary-BEV (CoBEV), a novel end-to-end monocular 3D object detection framework that integrates depth and height to construct robust BEV representations. In essence, CoBEV estimates each pixel's depth and height distribution and lifts the camera features into 3D space for lateral fusion using the newly proposed two-stage complementary feature selection (CFS) module. A BEV feature distillation framework is also seamlessly integrated to further enhance the detection accuracy from the prior knowledge of the fusion-modal CoBEV teacher. We conduct extensive experiments on the public 3D detection benchmarks of roadside camera-based DAIR-V2X-I and Rope3D, as well as the private Supremind-Road dataset, demonstrating that CoBEV not only achieves the accuracy of the new state-of-the-art, but also significantly advances the robustness of previous methods in challenging long-distance scenarios and noisy camera disturbance, and enhances generalization by a large margin in heterologous settings with drastic changes in scene and camera parameters. For the first time, the vehicle AP score of a camera model reaches 80% on DAIR-V2X-I in terms of easy mode. The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/MasterHow/CoBEV.
comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP). The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/MasterHow/CoBEV
♻ ☆ Knowledge-enhanced Visual-Language Pretraining for Computational Pathology ECCV2024
In this paper, we consider the problem of visual representation learning for computational pathology, by exploiting large-scale image-text pairs gathered from public resources, along with the domain-specific knowledge in pathology. Specifically, we make the following contributions: (i) We curate a pathology knowledge tree that consists of 50,470 informative attributes for 4,718 diseases requiring pathology diagnosis from 32 human tissues. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive structured pathology knowledge base; (ii) We develop a knowledge-enhanced visual-language pretraining approach, where we first project pathology-specific knowledge into latent embedding space via a language model, and use it to guide the visual representation learning; (iii) We conduct thorough experiments to validate the effectiveness of our proposed components, demonstrating significant performance improvement on various downstream tasks, including cross-modal retrieval, zero-shot classification on pathology patches, and zero-shot tumor subtyping on whole slide images (WSIs).
comment: ECCV2024(Oral)
♻ ☆ Transformer-based stereo-aware 3D object detection from binocular images
Transformers have shown promising progress in various visual object detection tasks, including monocular 2D/3D detection and surround-view 3D detection. More importantly, the attention mechanism in the Transformer model and the 3D information extraction in binocular stereo are both similarity-based. However, directly applying existing Transformer-based detectors to binocular stereo 3D object detection leads to slow convergence and significant precision drops. We argue that a key cause of that defect is that existing Transformers ignore the binocular-stereo-specific image correspondence information. In this paper, we explore the model design of Transformers in binocular 3D object detection, focusing particularly on extracting and encoding task-specific image correspondence information. To achieve this goal, we present TS3D, a Transformer-based Stereo-aware 3D object detector. In the TS3D, a Disparity-Aware Positional Encoding (DAPE) module is proposed to embed the image correspondence information into stereo features. The correspondence is encoded as normalized sub-pixel-level disparity and is used in conjunction with sinusoidal 2D positional encoding to provide the 3D location information of the scene. To enrich multi-scale stereo features, we propose a Stereo Preserving Feature Pyramid Network (SPFPN). The SPFPN is designed to preserve the correspondence information while fusing intra-scale and aggregating cross-scale stereo features. Our proposed TS3D achieves a 41.29% Moderate Car detection average precision on the KITTI test set and takes 88 ms to detect objects from each binocular image pair. It is competitive with advanced counterparts in terms of both precision and inference speed.
comment: Accepted by IEEE T-ITS
♻ ☆ GenFace: A Large-Scale Fine-Grained Face Forgery Benchmark and Cross Appearance-Edge Learning
The rapid advancement of photorealistic generators has reached a critical juncture where the discrepancy between authentic and manipulated images is increasingly indistinguishable. Thus, benchmarking and advancing techniques detecting digital manipulation become an urgent issue. Although there have been a number of publicly available face forgery datasets, the forgery faces are mostly generated using GAN-based synthesis technology, which does not involve the most recent technologies like diffusion. The diversity and quality of images generated by diffusion models have been significantly improved and thus a much more challenging face forgery dataset shall be used to evaluate SOTA forgery detection literature. In this paper, we propose a large-scale, diverse, and fine-grained high-fidelity dataset, namely GenFace, to facilitate the advancement of deepfake detection, which contains a large number of forgery faces generated by advanced generators such as the diffusion-based model and more detailed labels about the manipulation approaches and adopted generators. In addition to evaluating SOTA approaches on our benchmark, we design an innovative cross appearance-edge learning (CAEL) detector to capture multi-grained appearance and edge global representations, and detect discriminative and general forgery traces. Moreover, we devise an appearance-edge cross-attention (AECA) module to explore the various integrations across two domains. Extensive experiment results and visualizations show that our detection model outperforms the state of the arts on different settings like cross-generator, cross-forgery, and cross-dataset evaluations. Code and datasets will be available at \url{https://github.com/Jenine-321/GenFace
comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
♻ ☆ EEPPR: Event-based Estimation of Periodic Phenomena Rate using Correlation in 3D
We present a novel method for measuring the rate of periodic phenomena (e.g., rotation, flicker, and vibration), by an event camera, a device asynchronously reporting brightness changes at independently operating pixels with high temporal resolution. The approach assumes that for a periodic phenomenon, a highly similar set of events is generated within a spatio-temporal window at a time difference corresponding to its period. The sets of similar events are detected by a correlation in the spatio-temporal event stream space. The proposed method, EEPPR, is evaluated on a dataset of 12 sequences of periodic phenomena, i.e. flashing light and vibration, and periodic motion, e.g., rotation, ranging from 3.2 Hz to 2 kHz (equivalent to 192 - 120 000 RPM). EEPPR significantly outperforms published methods on this dataset, achieving a mean relative error of 0.1%, setting new state-of-the-art. The dataset and codes are publicly available on GitHub.
comment: 8 pages, 2 figues, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Deep Learning Based 3D Segmentation: A Survey
3D segmentation is a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision with applications in autonomous driving and robotics. It has received significant attention from the computer vision, graphics and machine learning communities. Conventional methods for 3D segmentation, based on hand-crafted features and machine learning classifiers, lack generalization ability. Driven by their success in 2D computer vision, deep learning techniques have recently become the tool of choice for 3D segmentation tasks. This has led to an influx of many methods in the literature that have been evaluated on different benchmark datasets. Whereas survey papers on RGB-D and point cloud segmentation exist, there is a lack of a recent in-depth survey that covers all 3D data modalities and application domains. This paper fills the gap and comprehensively surveys the recent progress in deep learning-based 3D segmentation techniques. We cover over 220 works from the last six years, analyze their strengths and limitations, and discuss their competitive results on benchmark datasets. The survey provides a summary of the most commonly used pipelines and finally highlights promising research directions for the future.
comment: 30 pages, 10 tables, 8 figures, update the segmentation method to 2024, and add the segmentation application in semantic map construction and cultural heritage preservation
♻ ☆ SegMamba: Long-range Sequential Modeling Mamba For 3D Medical Image Segmentation
The Transformer architecture has shown a remarkable ability in modeling global relationships. However, it poses a significant computational challenge when processing high-dimensional medical images. This hinders its development and widespread adoption in this task. Mamba, as a State Space Model (SSM), recently emerged as a notable manner for long-range dependencies in sequential modeling, excelling in natural language processing filed with its remarkable memory efficiency and computational speed. Inspired by its success, we introduce SegMamba, a novel 3D medical image \textbf{Seg}mentation \textbf{Mamba} model, designed to effectively capture long-range dependencies within whole volume features at every scale. Our SegMamba, in contrast to Transformer-based methods, excels in whole volume feature modeling from a state space model standpoint, maintaining superior processing speed, even with volume features at a resolution of {$64\times 64\times 64$}. Comprehensive experiments on the BraTS2023 dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our SegMamba. The code for SegMamba is available at: https://github.com/ge-xing/SegMamba
comment: Code has released
♻ ☆ Dreaming is All You Need
In classification tasks, achieving a harmonious balance between exploration and precision is of paramount importance. To this end, this research introduces two novel deep learning models, SleepNet and DreamNet, to strike this balance. SleepNet seamlessly integrates supervised learning with unsupervised ``sleep" stages using pre-trained encoder models. Dedicated neurons within SleepNet are embedded in these unsupervised features, forming intermittent ``sleep" blocks that facilitate exploratory learning. Building upon the foundation of SleepNet, DreamNet employs full encoder-decoder frameworks to reconstruct the hidden states, mimicking the human "dreaming" process. This reconstruction process enables further exploration and refinement of the learned representations. Moreover, the principle ideas of our SleepNet and DreamNet are generic and can be applied to both computer vision and natural language processing downstream tasks. Through extensive empirical evaluations on diverse image and text datasets, SleepNet and DreanNet have demonstrated superior performance compared to state-of-the-art models, showcasing the strengths of unsupervised exploration and supervised precision afforded by our innovative approaches.
♻ ☆ Enhancing Traffic Object Detection in Variable Illumination with RGB-Event Fusion
Traffic object detection under variable illumination is challenging due to the information loss caused by the limited dynamic range of conventional frame-based cameras. To address this issue, we introduce bio-inspired event cameras and propose a novel Structure-aware Fusion Network (SFNet) that extracts sharp and complete object structures from the event stream to compensate for the lost information in images through cross-modality fusion, enabling the network to obtain illumination-robust representations for traffic object detection. Specifically, to mitigate the sparsity or blurriness issues arising from diverse motion states of traffic objects in fixed-interval event sampling methods, we propose the Reliable Structure Generation Network (RSGNet) to generate Speed Invariant Frames (SIF), ensuring the integrity and sharpness of object structures. Next, we design a novel Adaptive Feature Complement Module (AFCM) which guides the adaptive fusion of two modality features to compensate for the information loss in the images by perceiving the global lightness distribution of the images, thereby generating illumination-robust representations. Finally, considering the lack of large-scale and high-quality annotations in the existing event-based object detection datasets, we build a DSEC-Det dataset, which consists of 53 sequences with 63,931 images and more than 208,000 labels for 8 classes. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed SFNet can overcome the perceptual boundaries of conventional cameras and outperform the frame-based method by 8.0% in mAP50 and 5.9% in mAP50:95. Our code and dataset will be available at https://github.com/YN-Yang/SFNet.
comment: Accepted by IEEE T-ITS
♻ ☆ PMT: Progressive Mean Teacher via Exploring Temporal Consistency for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation ECCV2024
Semi-supervised learning has emerged as a widely adopted technique in the field of medical image segmentation. The existing works either focuses on the construction of consistency constraints or the generation of pseudo labels to provide high-quality supervisory signals, whose main challenge mainly comes from how to keep the continuous improvement of model capabilities. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective semi-supervised learning framework, termed Progressive Mean Teachers (PMT), for medical image segmentation, whose goal is to generate high-fidelity pseudo labels by learning robust and diverse features in the training process. Specifically, our PMT employs a standard mean teacher to penalize the consistency of the current state and utilizes two sets of MT architectures for co-training. The two sets of MT architectures are individually updated for prolonged periods to maintain stable model diversity established through performance gaps generated by iteration differences. Additionally, a difference-driven alignment regularizer is employed to expedite the alignment of lagging models with the representation capabilities of leading models. Furthermore, a simple yet effective pseudo-label filtering algorithm is employed for facile evaluation of models and selection of high-fidelity pseudo-labels outputted when models are operating at high performance for co-training purposes. Experimental results on two datasets with different modalities, i.e., CT and MRI, demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art medical image segmentation approaches across various dimensions. The code is available at https://github.com/Axi404/PMT.
comment: Accepted by ECCV2024
♻ ☆ Convolutional Unscented Kalman Filter for Multi-Object Tracking with Outliers
Multi-object tracking (MOT) is an essential technique for navigation in autonomous driving. In tracking-by-detection systems, biases, false positives, and misses, which are referred to as outliers, are inevitable due to complex traffic scenarios. Recent tracking methods are based on filtering algorithms that overlook these outliers, leading to reduced tracking accuracy or even loss of the objects trajectory. To handle this challenge, we adopt a probabilistic perspective, regarding the generation of outliers as misspecification between the actual distribution of measurement data and the nominal measurement model used for filtering. We further demonstrate that, by designing a convolutional operation, we can mitigate this misspecification. Incorporating this operation into the widely used unscented Kalman filter (UKF) in commonly adopted tracking algorithms, we derive a variant of the UKF that is robust to outliers, called the convolutional UKF (ConvUKF). We show that ConvUKF maintains the Gaussian conjugate property, thus allowing for real-time tracking. We also prove that ConvUKF has a bounded tracking error in the presence of outliers, which implies robust stability. The experimental results on the KITTI and nuScenes datasets show improved accuracy compared to representative baseline algorithms for MOT tasks.
comment: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
♻ ☆ HuatuoGPT-Vision, Towards Injecting Medical Visual Knowledge into Multimodal LLMs at Scale
The rapid development of multimodal large language models (MLLMs), such as GPT-4V, has led to significant advancements. However, these models still face challenges in medical multimodal capabilities due to limitations in the quantity and quality of medical vision-text data, stemming from data privacy concerns and high annotation costs. While pioneering approaches utilize PubMed's large-scale, de-identified medical image-text pairs to address these limitations, they still fall short due to inherent data noise. To tackle this, we refined medical image-text pairs from PubMed and employed MLLMs (GPT-4V) in an 'unblinded' capacity to denoise and reformat the data, resulting in the creation of the PubMedVision dataset with 1.3 million medical VQA samples. Our validation demonstrates that: (1) PubMedVision can significantly enhance the medical multimodal capabilities of current MLLMs, showing significant improvement in benchmarks including the MMMU Health & Medicine track; (2) manual checks by medical experts and empirical results validate the superior data quality of our dataset compared to other data construction methods. Using PubMedVision, we train a 34B medical MLLM HuatuoGPT-Vision, which shows superior performance in medical multimodal scenarios among open-source MLLMs.
♻ ☆ HMAFlow: Learning More Accurate Optical Flow via Hierarchical Motion Field Alignment
Optical flow estimation is a fundamental and long-standing visual task. In this work, we present a novel method, dubbed HMAFlow, to improve optical flow estimation in challenging scenes, particularly those involving small objects. The proposed model mainly consists of two core components: a Hierarchical Motion Field Alignment (HMA) module and a Correlation Self-Attention (CSA) module. In addition, we rebuild 4D cost volumes by employing a Multi-Scale Correlation Search (MCS) layer and replacing average pooling in common cost volumes with a search strategy utilizing multiple search ranges. Experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves the best generalization performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Specifically, compared with RAFT, our method achieves relative error reductions of 14.2% and 3.4% on the clean pass and final pass of the Sintel online benchmark, respectively. On the KITTI test benchmark, HMAFlow surpasses RAFT and GMA in the Fl-all metric by relative margins of 6.8% and 7.7%, respectively. To facilitate future research, our code will be made available at https://github.com/BooTurbo/HMAFlow.
comment: 11 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ SlowFast-LLaVA: A Strong Training-Free Baseline for Video Large Language Models
We propose SlowFast-LLaVA (or SF-LLaVA for short), a training-free video large language model (LLM) that can jointly capture detailed spatial semantics and long-range temporal context without exceeding the token budget of commonly used LLMs. This is realized by using a two-stream SlowFast design of inputs for Video LLMs to aggregate features from sampled frames in an effective way. Specifically, the Slow pathway extracts features at a low frame rate while keeping as much spatial detail as possible (e.g., with 12x24 tokens), and the Fast pathway operates on a high frame rate but uses a larger spatial pooling stride (e.g., downsampling 6x) to focus on the motion cues. As a result, this design allows us to adequately capture both spatial and temporal features that are beneficial for detailed video understanding. Experimental results show that SF-LLaVA outperforms existing training-free methods on a wide range of video tasks. On some benchmarks, it achieves comparable or even better performance compared to state-of-the-art Video LLMs that are fine-tuned on video datasets. Code has been made available at: https://github.com/apple/ml-slowfast-llava.
comment: Technical report
♻ ☆ Matrix Information Theory for Self-Supervised Learning
The maximum entropy encoding framework provides a unified perspective for many non-contrastive learning methods like SimSiam, Barlow Twins, and MEC. Inspired by this framework, we introduce Matrix-SSL, a novel approach that leverages matrix information theory to interpret the maximum entropy encoding loss as matrix uniformity loss. Furthermore, Matrix-SSL enhances the maximum entropy encoding method by seamlessly incorporating matrix alignment loss, directly aligning covariance matrices in different branches. Experimental results reveal that Matrix-SSL outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the ImageNet dataset under linear evaluation settings and on MS-COCO for transfer learning tasks. Specifically, when performing transfer learning tasks on MS-COCO, our method outperforms previous SOTA methods such as MoCo v2 and BYOL up to 3.3% with only 400 epochs compared to 800 epochs pre-training. We also try to introduce representation learning into the language modeling regime by fine-tuning a 7B model using matrix cross-entropy loss, with a margin of 3.1% on the GSM8K dataset over the standard cross-entropy loss. Code available at https://github.com/yifanzhang-pro/Matrix-SSL.
♻ ☆ Vision-Language Meets the Skeleton: Progressively Distillation with Cross-Modal Knowledge for 3D Action Representation Learning
Skeleton-based action representation learning aims to interpret and understand human behaviors by encoding the skeleton sequences, which can be categorized into two primary training paradigms: supervised learning and self-supervised learning. However, the former one-hot classification requires labor-intensive predefined action categories annotations, while the latter involves skeleton transformations (e.g., cropping) in the pretext tasks that may impair the skeleton structure. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel skeleton-based training framework (C$^2$VL) based on Cross-modal Contrastive learning that uses the progressive distillation to learn task-agnostic human skeleton action representation from the Vision-Language knowledge prompts. Specifically, we establish the vision-language action concept space through vision-language knowledge prompts generated by pre-trained large multimodal models (LMMs), which enrich the fine-grained details that the skeleton action space lacks. Moreover, we propose the intra-modal self-similarity and inter-modal cross-consistency softened targets in the cross-modal representation learning process to progressively control and guide the degree of pulling vision-language knowledge prompts and corresponding skeletons closer. These soft instance discrimination and self-knowledge distillation strategies contribute to the learning of better skeleton-based action representations from the noisy skeleton-vision-language pairs. During the inference phase, our method requires only the skeleton data as the input for action recognition and no longer for vision-language prompts. Extensive experiments on NTU RGB+D 60, NTU RGB+D 120, and PKU-MMD datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the previous methods and achieves state-of-the-art results. Code is available at: https://github.com/cseeyangchen/C2VL.
comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
♻ ☆ Pseudo-Labeling Based Practical Semi-Supervised Meta-Training for Few-Shot Learning
Most existing few-shot learning (FSL) methods require a large amount of labeled data in meta-training, which is a major limit. To reduce the requirement of labels, a semi-supervised meta-training (SSMT) setting has been proposed for FSL, which includes only a few labeled samples and numbers of unlabeled samples in base classes. However, existing methods under this setting require class-aware sample selection from the unlabeled set, which violates the assumption of unlabeled set. In this paper, we propose a practical semi-supervised meta-training setting with truly unlabeled data to facilitate the applications of FSL in realistic scenarios. To better utilize both the labeled and truly unlabeled data, we propose a simple and effective meta-training framework, called pseudo-labeling based meta-learning (PLML). Firstly, we train a classifier via common semi-supervised learning (SSL) and use it to obtain the pseudo-labels of unlabeled data. Then we build few-shot tasks from labeled and pseudo-labeled data and design a novel finetuning method with feature smoothing and noise suppression to better learn the FSL model from noise labels. Surprisingly, through extensive experiments across two FSL datasets, we find that this simple meta-training framework effectively prevents the performance degradation of various FSL models under limited labeled data, and also significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art SSMT models. Besides, benefiting from meta-training, our method also improves two representative SSL algorithms as well.
comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
♻ ☆ Random Walk on Pixel Manifolds for Anomaly Segmentation of Complex Driving Scenes ECCV 2024
In anomaly segmentation for complex driving scenes, state-of-the-art approaches utilize anomaly scoring functions to calculate anomaly scores. For these functions, accurately predicting the logits of inlier classes for each pixel is crucial for precisely inferring the anomaly score. However, in real-world driving scenarios, the diversity of scenes often results in distorted manifolds of pixel embeddings in the space. This effect is not conducive to directly using the pixel embeddings for the logit prediction during inference, a concern overlooked by existing methods. To address this problem, we propose a novel method called Random Walk on Pixel Manifolds (RWPM). RWPM utilizes random walks to reveal the intrinsic relationships among pixels to refine the pixel embeddings. The refined pixel embeddings alleviate the distortion of manifolds, improving the accuracy of anomaly scores. Our extensive experiments show that RWPM consistently improve the performance of the existing anomaly segmentation methods and achieve the best results. Code is available at: \url{https://github.com/ZelongZeng/RWPM}.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024
Artificial Intelligence 79
☆ REG: Refined Generalized Focal Loss for Road Asset Detection on Thai Highways Using Vision-Based Detection and Segmentation Models
This paper introduces a novel framework for detecting and segmenting critical road assets on Thai highways using an advanced Refined Generalized Focal Loss (REG) formulation. Integrated into state-of-the-art vision-based detection and segmentation models, the proposed method effectively addresses class imbalance and the challenges of localizing small, underrepresented road elements, including pavilions, pedestrian bridges, information signs, single-arm poles, bus stops, warning signs, and concrete guardrails. To improve both detection and segmentation accuracy, a multi-task learning strategy is adopted, optimizing REG across multiple tasks. REG is further enhanced by incorporating a spatial-contextual adjustment term, which accounts for the spatial distribution of road assets, and a probabilistic refinement that captures prediction uncertainty in complex environments, such as varying lighting conditions and cluttered backgrounds. Our rigorous mathematical formulation demonstrates that REG minimizes localization and classification errors by applying adaptive weighting to hard-to-detect instances while down-weighting easier examples. Experimental results show a substantial performance improvement, achieving a mAP50 of 80.34 and an F1-score of 77.87, significantly outperforming conventional methods. This research underscores the capability of advanced loss function refinements to enhance the robustness and accuracy of road asset detection and segmentation, thereby contributing to improved road safety and infrastructure management. For an in-depth discussion of the mathematical background and related methods, please refer to previous work available at \url{https://github.com/kaopanboonyuen/REG}.
comment: 14 pages
☆ Critic as Lyapunov function (CALF): a model-free, stability-ensuring agent
This work presents and showcases a novel reinforcement learning agent called Critic As Lyapunov Function (CALF) which is model-free and ensures online environment, in other words, dynamical system stabilization. Online means that in each learning episode, the said environment is stabilized. This, as demonstrated in a case study with a mobile robot simulator, greatly improves the overall learning performance. The base actor-critic scheme of CALF is analogous to SARSA. The latter did not show any success in reaching the target in our studies. However, a modified version thereof, called SARSA-m here, did succeed in some learning scenarios. Still, CALF greatly outperformed the said approach. CALF was also demonstrated to improve a nominal stabilizer provided to it. In summary, the presented agent may be considered a viable approach to fusing classical control with reinforcement learning. Its concurrent approaches are mostly either offline or model-based, like, for instance, those that fuse model-predictive control into the agent.
comment: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Accepted for publication in proceedings of the conference
☆ Towards Kinetic Manipulation of the Latent Space
The latent space of many generative models are rich in unexplored valleys and mountains. The majority of tools used for exploring them are so far limited to Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). While specialized hardware can be used for this task, we show that a simple feature extraction of pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) from a live RGB camera feed does a very good job at manipulating the latent space with simple changes in the scene, with vast room for improvement. We name this new paradigm Visual-reactive Interpolation, and the full code can be found at https://github.com/PDillis/stylegan3-fun.
☆ Constructing a Singing Style Caption Dataset
Singing voice synthesis and conversion have emerged as significant subdomains of voice generation, leading to much demands on prompt-conditioned generation. Unlike common voice data, generating a singing voice requires an understanding of various associated vocal and musical characteristics, such as the vocal tone of the singer or emotional expressions. However, existing open-source audio-text datasets for voice generation tend to capture only a very limited range of attributes, often missing musical characteristics of the audio. To fill this gap, we introduce S2Cap, an audio-text pair dataset with a diverse set of attributes. S2Cap consists of pairs of textual prompts and music audio samples with a wide range of vocal and musical attributes, including pitch, volume, tempo, mood, singer's gender and age, and musical genre and emotional expression. Utilizing S2Cap, we suggest an effective novel baseline algorithm for singing style captioning. Singing style captioning is a relative task to voice generation that generates text descriptions of vocal characteristics, which we first suggested. First, to mitigate the misalignment between the audio encoder and the text decoder, we present a novel mechanism called CRESCENDO, which utilizes positive-pair similarity learning to synchronize the embedding spaces of a pretrained audio encoder to get similar embeddings with a text encoder. We additionally supervise the model using the singer's voice, which is demixed by the accompaniment. This supervision allows the model to more accurately capture vocal characteristics, leading to improved singing style captions that better reflect the style of the singer. The dataset and the codes are available at \bulurl{https://github.com/HJ-Ok/S2cap}.
comment: Preprint
☆ A Survey of Out-of-distribution Generalization for Graph Machine Learning from a Causal View
Graph machine learning (GML) has been successfully applied across a wide range of tasks. Nonetheless, GML faces significant challenges in generalizing over out-of-distribution (OOD) data, which raises concerns about its wider applicability. Recent advancements have underscored the crucial role of causality-driven approaches in overcoming these generalization challenges. Distinct from traditional GML methods that primarily rely on statistical dependencies, causality-focused strategies delve into the underlying causal mechanisms of data generation and model prediction, thus significantly improving the generalization of GML across different environments. This paper offers a thorough review of recent progress in causality-involved GML generalization. We elucidate the fundamental concepts of employing causality to enhance graph model generalization and categorize the various approaches, providing detailed descriptions of their methodologies and the connections among them. Furthermore, we explore the incorporation of causality in other related important areas of trustworthy GML, such as explanation, fairness, and robustness. Concluding with a discussion on potential future research directions, this review seeks to articulate the continuing development and future potential of causality in enhancing the trustworthiness of graph machine learning.
comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 1 table
☆ Latent Diffusion Models for Controllable RNA Sequence Generation
This paper presents RNAdiffusion, a latent diffusion model for generating and optimizing discrete RNA sequences. RNA is a particularly dynamic and versatile molecule in biological processes. RNA sequences exhibit high variability and diversity, characterized by their variable lengths, flexible three-dimensional structures, and diverse functions. We utilize pretrained BERT-type models to encode raw RNAs into token-level biologically meaningful representations. A Q-Former is employed to compress these representations into a fixed-length set of latent vectors, with an autoregressive decoder trained to reconstruct RNA sequences from these latent variables. We then develop a continuous diffusion model within this latent space. To enable optimization, we train reward networks to estimate functional properties of RNA from the latent variables. We employ gradient-based guidance during the backward diffusion process, aiming to generate RNA sequences that are optimized for higher rewards. Empirical experiments confirm that RNAdiffusion generates non-coding RNAs that align with natural distributions across various biological indicators. We fine-tuned the diffusion model on untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNA and optimize sample sequences for protein translation efficiencies. Our guided diffusion model effectively generates diverse UTR sequences with high Mean Ribosome Loading (MRL) and Translation Efficiency (TE), surpassing baselines. These results hold promise for studies on RNA sequence-function relationships, protein synthesis, and enhancing therapeutic RNA design.
☆ On the Effect of Robot Errors on Human Teaching Dynamics
Human-in-the-loop learning is gaining popularity, particularly in the field of robotics, because it leverages human knowledge about real-world tasks to facilitate agent learning. When people instruct robots, they naturally adapt their teaching behavior in response to changes in robot performance. While current research predominantly focuses on integrating human teaching dynamics from an algorithmic perspective, understanding these dynamics from a human-centered standpoint is an under-explored, yet fundamental problem. Addressing this issue will enhance both robot learning and user experience. Therefore, this paper explores one potential factor contributing to the dynamic nature of human teaching: robot errors. We conducted a user study to investigate how the presence and severity of robot errors affect three dimensions of human teaching dynamics: feedback granularity, feedback richness, and teaching time, in both forced-choice and open-ended teaching contexts. The results show that people tend to spend more time teaching robots with errors, provide more detailed feedback over specific segments of a robot's trajectory, and that robot error can influence a teacher's choice of feedback modality. Our findings offer valuable insights for designing effective interfaces for interactive learning and optimizing algorithms to better understand human intentions.
comment: Accepted to 2024 International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI)
☆ GP-GPT: Large Language Model for Gene-Phenotype Mapping
Pre-trained large language models(LLMs) have attracted increasing attention in biomedical domains due to their success in natural language processing. However, the complex traits and heterogeneity of multi-sources genomics data pose significant challenges when adapting these models to the bioinformatics and biomedical field. To address these challenges, we present GP-GPT, the first specialized large language model for genetic-phenotype knowledge representation and genomics relation analysis. Our model is fine-tuned in two stages on a comprehensive corpus composed of over 3,000,000 terms in genomics, proteomics, and medical genetics, derived from multiple large-scale validated datasets and scientific publications. GP-GPT demonstrates proficiency in accurately retrieving medical genetics information and performing common genomics analysis tasks, such as genomics information retrieval and relationship determination. Comparative experiments across domain-specific tasks reveal that GP-GPT outperforms state-of-the-art LLMs, including Llama2, Llama3 and GPT-4. These results highlight GP-GPT's potential to enhance genetic disease relation research and facilitate accurate and efficient analysis in the fields of genomics and medical genetics. Our investigation demonstrated the subtle changes of bio-factor entities' representations in the GP-GPT, which suggested the opportunities for the application of LLMs to advancing gene-phenotype research.
☆ Causal Inference with Large Language Model: A Survey
Causal inference has been a pivotal challenge across diverse domains such as medicine and economics, demanding a complicated integration of human knowledge, mathematical reasoning, and data mining capabilities. Recent advancements in natural language processing (NLP), particularly with the advent of large language models (LLMs), have introduced promising opportunities for traditional causal inference tasks. This paper reviews recent progress in applying LLMs to causal inference, encompassing various tasks spanning different levels of causation. We summarize the main causal problems and approaches, and present a comparison of their evaluation results in different causal scenarios. Furthermore, we discuss key findings and outline directions for future research, underscoring the potential implications of integrating LLMs in advancing causal inference methodologies.
comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables
☆ Famba-V: Fast Vision Mamba with Cross-Layer Token Fusion ECCV 2024
Mamba and Vision Mamba (Vim) models have shown their potential as an alternative to methods based on Transformer architecture. This work introduces Fast Mamba for Vision (Famba-V), a cross-layer token fusion technique to enhance the training efficiency of Vim models. The key idea of Famba-V is to identify and fuse similar tokens across different Vim layers based on a suit of cross-layer strategies instead of simply applying token fusion uniformly across all the layers that existing works propose. We evaluate the performance of Famba-V on CIFAR-100. Our results show that Famba-V is able to enhance the training efficiency of Vim models by reducing both training time and peak memory usage during training. Moreover, the proposed cross-layer strategies allow Famba-V to deliver superior accuracy-efficiency trade-offs. These results all together demonstrate Famba-V as a promising efficiency enhancement technique for Vim models.
comment: Camera ready version of ECCV 2024 The Fourth Workshop on Computational Aspects of Deep Learning
☆ Abnormal Event Detection In Videos Using Deep Embedding
Abnormal event detection or anomaly detection in surveillance videos is currently a challenge because of the diversity of possible events. Due to the lack of anomalous events at training time, anomaly detection requires the design of learning methods without supervision. In this work we propose an unsupervised approach for video anomaly detection with the aim to jointly optimize the objectives of the deep neural network and the anomaly detection task using a hybrid architecture. Initially, a convolutional autoencoder is pre-trained in an unsupervised manner with a fusion of depth, motion and appearance features. In the second step, we utilize the encoder part of the pre-trained autoencoder and extract the embeddings of the fused input. Now, we jointly train/ fine tune the encoder to map the embeddings to a hypercenter. Thus, embeddings of normal data fall near the hypercenter, whereas embeddings of anomalous data fall far away from the hypercenter.
☆ Multiple Rotation Averaging with Constrained Reweighting Deep Matrix Factorization
Multiple rotation averaging plays a crucial role in computer vision and robotics domains. The conventional optimization-based methods optimize a nonlinear cost function based on certain noise assumptions, while most previous learning-based methods require ground truth labels in the supervised training process. Recognizing the handcrafted noise assumption may not be reasonable in all real-world scenarios, this paper proposes an effective rotation averaging method for mining data patterns in a learning manner while avoiding the requirement of labels. Specifically, we apply deep matrix factorization to directly solve the multiple rotation averaging problem in unconstrained linear space. For deep matrix factorization, we design a neural network model, which is explicitly low-rank and symmetric to better suit the background of multiple rotation averaging. Meanwhile, we utilize a spanning tree-based edge filtering to suppress the influence of rotation outliers. What's more, we also adopt a reweighting scheme and dynamic depth selection strategy to further improve the robustness. Our method synthesizes the merit of both optimization-based and learning-based methods. Experimental results on various datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
☆ BEnDEM:A Boltzmann Sampler Based on Bootstrapped Denoising Energy Matching
Developing an efficient sampler capable of generating independent and identically distributed (IID) samples from a Boltzmann distribution is a crucial challenge in scientific research, e.g. molecular dynamics. In this work, we intend to learn neural samplers given energy functions instead of data sampled from the Boltzmann distribution. By learning the energies of the noised data, we propose a diffusion-based sampler, ENERGY-BASED DENOISING ENERGY MATCHING, which theoretically has lower variance and more complexity compared to related works. Furthermore, a novel bootstrapping technique is applied to EnDEM to balance between bias and variance. We evaluate EnDEM and BEnDEM on a 2-dimensional 40 Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and a 4-particle double-welling potential (DW-4). The experimental results demonstrate that BEnDEM can achieve state-of-the-art performance while being more robust.
comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables
☆ Large Language Model Based Generative Error Correction: A Challenge and Baselines forSpeech Recognition, Speaker Tagging, and Emotion Recognition
Given recent advances in generative AI technology, a key question is how large language models (LLMs) can enhance acoustic modeling tasks using text decoding results from a frozen, pretrained automatic speech recognition (ASR) model. To explore new capabilities in language modeling for speech processing, we introduce the generative speech transcription error correction (GenSEC) challenge. This challenge comprises three post-ASR language modeling tasks: (i) post-ASR transcription correction, (ii) speaker tagging, and (iii) emotion recognition. These tasks aim to emulate future LLM-based agents handling voice-based interfaces while remaining accessible to a broad audience by utilizing open pretrained language models or agent-based APIs. We also discuss insights from baseline evaluations, as well as lessons learned for designing future evaluations.
comment: IEEE SLT 2024. The initial draft version has been done in December 2023. Post-ASR Text Processing and Understanding Community: https://huggingface.co/GenSEC-LLM
☆ Enhancing Lesion Segmentation in PET/CT Imaging with Deep Learning and Advanced Data Preprocessing Techniques
The escalating global cancer burden underscores the critical need for precise diagnostic tools in oncology. This research employs deep learning to enhance lesion segmentation in PET/CT imaging, utilizing a dataset of 900 whole-body FDG-PET/CT and 600 PSMA-PET/CT studies from the AutoPET challenge III. Our methodical approach includes robust preprocessing and data augmentation techniques to ensure model robustness and generalizability. We investigate the influence of non-zero normalization and modifications to the data augmentation pipeline, such as the introduction of RandGaussianSharpen and adjustments to the Gamma transform parameter. This study aims to contribute to the standardization of preprocessing and augmentation strategies in PET/CT imaging, potentially improving the diagnostic accuracy and the personalized management of cancer patients. Our code will be open-sourced and available at https://github.com/jiayiliu-pku/DC2024.
☆ Automated Lesion Segmentation in Whole-Body PET/CT in a multitracer setting
This study explores a workflow for automated segmentation of lesions in FDG and PSMA PET/CT images. Due to the substantial differences in image characteristics between FDG and PSMA, specialized preprocessing steps are required. Utilizing YOLOv8 for data classification, the FDG and PSMA images are preprocessed separately before feeding them into the segmentation models, aiming to improve lesion segmentation accuracy. The study focuses on evaluating the performance of automated segmentation workflow for multitracer PET images. The findings are expected to provide critical insights for enhancing diagnostic workflows and patient-specific treatment plans. Our code will be open-sourced and available at https://github.com/jiayiliu-pku/AP2024.
☆ ELMI: Interactive and Intelligent Sign Language Translation of Lyrics for Song Signing
d/Deaf and hearing song-signers become prevalent on video-sharing platforms, but translating songs into sign language remains cumbersome and inaccessible. Our formative study revealed the challenges song-signers face, including semantic, syntactic, expressive, and rhythmic considerations in translations. We present ELMI, an accessible song-signing tool that assists in translating lyrics into sign language. ELMI enables users to edit glosses line-by-line, with real-time synced lyric highlighting and music video snippets. Users can also chat with a large language model-driven AI to discuss meaning, glossing, emoting, and timing. Through an exploratory study with 13 song-signers, we examined how ELMI facilitates their workflows and how song-signers leverage and receive an LLM-driven chat for translation. Participants successfully adopted ELMI to song-signing, with active discussions on the fly. They also reported improved confidence and independence in their translations, finding ELMI encouraging, constructive, and informative. We discuss design implications for leveraging LLMs in culturally sensitive song-signing translations.
comment: 18 pages excluding reference and appendix
☆ Explore the Hallucination on Low-level Perception for MLLMs
The rapid development of Multi-modality Large Language Models (MLLMs) has significantly influenced various aspects of industry and daily life, showcasing impressive capabilities in visual perception and understanding. However, these models also exhibit hallucinations, which limit their reliability as AI systems, especially in tasks involving low-level visual perception and understanding. We believe that hallucinations stem from a lack of explicit self-awareness in these models, which directly impacts their overall performance. In this paper, we aim to define and evaluate the self-awareness of MLLMs in low-level visual perception and understanding tasks. To this end, we present QL-Bench, a benchmark settings to simulate human responses to low-level vision, investigating self-awareness in low-level visual perception through visual question answering related to low-level attributes such as clarity and lighting. Specifically, we construct the LLSAVisionQA dataset, comprising 2,990 single images and 1,999 image pairs, each accompanied by an open-ended question about its low-level features. Through the evaluation of 15 MLLMs, we demonstrate that while some models exhibit robust low-level visual capabilities, their self-awareness remains relatively underdeveloped. Notably, for the same model, simpler questions are often answered more accurately than complex ones. However, self-awareness appears to improve when addressing more challenging questions. We hope that our benchmark will motivate further research, particularly focused on enhancing the self-awareness of MLLMs in tasks involving low-level visual perception and understanding.
☆ Benchmarking LLMs in Political Content Text-Annotation: Proof-of-Concept with Toxicity and Incivility Data
This article benchmarked the ability of OpenAI's GPTs and a number of open-source LLMs to perform annotation tasks on political content. We used a novel protest event dataset comprising more than three million digital interactions and created a gold standard that includes ground-truth labels annotated by human coders about toxicity and incivility on social media. We included in our benchmark Google's Perspective algorithm, which, along with GPTs, was employed throughout their respective APIs while the open-source LLMs were deployed locally. The findings show that Perspective API using a laxer threshold, GPT-4o, and Nous Hermes 2 Mixtral outperform other LLM's zero-shot classification annotations. In addition, Nous Hermes 2 and Mistral OpenOrca, with a smaller number of parameters, are able to perform the task with high performance, being attractive options that could offer good trade-offs between performance, implementing costs and computing time. Ancillary findings using experiments setting different temperature levels show that although GPTs tend to show not only excellent computing time but also overall good levels of reliability, only open-source LLMs ensure full reproducibility in the annotation.
comment: Paper prepared for delivery at the 8th Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-as-Data Workshop, September 16-17, 2024: 11 pages, 3 tables, 3 figures
☆ From Challenges and Pitfalls to Recommendations and Opportunities: Implementing Federated Learning in Healthcare
Federated learning holds great potential for enabling large-scale healthcare research and collaboration across multiple centres while ensuring data privacy and security are not compromised. Although numerous recent studies suggest or utilize federated learning based methods in healthcare, it remains unclear which ones have potential clinical utility. This review paper considers and analyzes the most recent studies up to May 2024 that describe federated learning based methods in healthcare. After a thorough review, we find that the vast majority are not appropriate for clinical use due to their methodological flaws and/or underlying biases which include but are not limited to privacy concerns, generalization issues, and communication costs. As a result, the effectiveness of federated learning in healthcare is significantly compromised. To overcome these challenges, we provide recommendations and promising opportunities that might be implemented to resolve these problems and improve the quality of model development in federated learning with healthcare.
☆ Automatic Control With Human-Like Reasoning: Exploring Language Model Embodied Air Traffic Agents
Recent developments in language models have created new opportunities in air traffic control studies. The current focus is primarily on text and language-based use cases. However, these language models may offer a higher potential impact in the air traffic control domain, thanks to their ability to interact with air traffic environments in an embodied agent form. They also provide a language-like reasoning capability to explain their decisions, which has been a significant roadblock for the implementation of automatic air traffic control. This paper investigates the application of a language model-based agent with function-calling and learning capabilities to resolve air traffic conflicts without human intervention. The main components of this research are foundational large language models, tools that allow the agent to interact with the simulator, and a new concept, the experience library. An innovative part of this research, the experience library, is a vector database that stores synthesized knowledge that agents have learned from interactions with the simulations and language models. To evaluate the performance of our language model-based agent, both open-source and closed-source models were tested. The results of our study reveal significant differences in performance across various configurations of the language model-based agents. The best-performing configuration was able to solve almost all 120 but one imminent conflict scenarios, including up to four aircraft at the same time. Most importantly, the agents are able to provide human-level text explanations on traffic situations and conflict resolution strategies.
☆ Exploring Utility in a Real-World Warehouse Optimization Problem: Formulation Based on Quantun Annealers and Preliminary Results
In the current NISQ-era, one of the major challenges faced by researchers and practitioners lies in figuring out how to combine quantum and classical computing in the most efficient and innovative way. In this paper, we present a mechanism coined as Quantum Initialization for Warehouse Optimization Problem that resorts to D-Wave's Quantum Annealer. The module has been specifically designed to be embedded into already existing classical software dedicated to the optimization of a real-world industrial problem. We preliminary tested the implemented mechanism through a two-phase experiment against the classical version of the software.
comment: 2 pages, 2 figures. Paper presented at the 5th IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (IEEE QCE 2024)
☆ GFlowNet Pretraining with Inexpensive Rewards
Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets), a class of generative models have recently emerged as a suitable framework for generating diverse and high-quality molecular structures by learning from unnormalized reward distributions. Previous works in this direction often restrict exploration by using predefined molecular fragments as building blocks, limiting the chemical space that can be accessed. In this work, we introduce Atomic GFlowNets (A-GFNs), a foundational generative model leveraging individual atoms as building blocks to explore drug-like chemical space more comprehensively. We propose an unsupervised pre-training approach using offline drug-like molecule datasets, which conditions A-GFNs on inexpensive yet informative molecular descriptors such as drug-likeliness, topological polar surface area, and synthetic accessibility scores. These properties serve as proxy rewards, guiding A-GFNs towards regions of chemical space that exhibit desirable pharmacological properties. We further our method by implementing a goal-conditioned fine-tuning process, which adapts A-GFNs to optimize for specific target properties. In this work, we pretrain A-GFN on the ZINC15 offline dataset and employ robust evaluation metrics to show the effectiveness of our approach when compared to other relevant baseline methods in drug design.
☆ Training Safe Neural Networks with Global SDP Bounds
This paper presents a novel approach to training neural networks with formal safety guarantees using semidefinite programming (SDP) for verification. Our method focuses on verifying safety over large, high-dimensional input regions, addressing limitations of existing techniques that focus on adversarial robustness bounds. We introduce an ADMM-based training scheme for an accurate neural network classifier on the Adversarial Spheres dataset, achieving provably perfect recall with input dimensions up to $d=40$. This work advances the development of reliable neural network verification methods for high-dimensional systems, with potential applications in safe RL policies.
☆ Anatomy of Machines for Markowitz: Decision-Focused Learning for Mean-Variance Portfolio Optimization
Markowitz laid the foundation of portfolio theory through the mean-variance optimization (MVO) framework. However, the effectiveness of MVO is contingent on the precise estimation of expected returns, variances, and covariances of asset returns, which are typically uncertain. Machine learning models are becoming useful in estimating uncertain parameters, and such models are trained to minimize prediction errors, such as mean squared errors (MSE), which treat prediction errors uniformly across assets. Recent studies have pointed out that this approach would lead to suboptimal decisions and proposed Decision-Focused Learning (DFL) as a solution, integrating prediction and optimization to improve decision-making outcomes. While studies have shown DFL's potential to enhance portfolio performance, the detailed mechanisms of how DFL modifies prediction models for MVO remain unexplored. This study aims to investigate how DFL adjusts stock return prediction models to optimize decisions in MVO, addressing the question: "MSE treats the errors of all assets equally, but how does DFL reduce errors of different assets differently?" Answering this will provide crucial insights into optimal stock return prediction for constructing efficient portfolios.
comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables
☆ Reliable Multi-View Learning with Conformal Prediction for Aortic Stenosis Classification in Echocardiography MICCAI
The fundamental problem with ultrasound-guided diagnosis is that the acquired images are often 2-D cross-sections of a 3-D anatomy, potentially missing important anatomical details. This limitation leads to challenges in ultrasound echocardiography, such as poor visualization of heart valves or foreshortening of ventricles. Clinicians must interpret these images with inherent uncertainty, a nuance absent in machine learning's one-hot labels. We propose Re-Training for Uncertainty (RT4U), a data-centric method to introduce uncertainty to weakly informative inputs in the training set. This simple approach can be incorporated to existing state-of-the-art aortic stenosis classification methods to further improve their accuracy. When combined with conformal prediction techniques, RT4U can yield adaptively sized prediction sets which are guaranteed to contain the ground truth class to a high accuracy. We validate the effectiveness of RT4U on three diverse datasets: a public (TMED-2) and a private AS dataset, along with a CIFAR-10-derived toy dataset. Results show improvement on all the datasets.
comment: This preprint has not undergone any post-submission improvements or corrections. The Version of Record of this contribution is published in: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Springer (2024) under the same title
☆ ExploreSelf: Fostering User-driven Exploration and Reflection on Personal Challenges with Adaptive Guidance by Large Language Models
Expressing stressful experiences in words is proven to improve mental and physical health, but individuals often disengage with writing interventions as they struggle to organize their thoughts and emotions. Reflective prompts have been used to provide direction, and large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated the potential to provide tailored guidance. Current systems often limit users' flexibility to direct their reflections. We thus present ExploreSelf, an LLM-driven application designed to empower users to control their reflective journey. ExploreSelf allows users to receive adaptive support through dynamically generated questions. Through an exploratory study with 19 participants, we examine how participants explore and reflect on personal challenges using ExploreSelf. Our findings demonstrate that participants valued the balance between guided support and freedom to control their reflective journey, leading to deeper engagement and insight. Building on our findings, we discuss implications for designing LLM-driven tools that promote user empowerment through effective reflective practices.
comment: 17 pages excluding reference and appendix
☆ KAN v.s. MLP for Offline Reinforcement Learning
Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) is an emerging neural network architecture in machine learning. It has greatly interested the research community about whether KAN can be a promising alternative of the commonly used Multi-Layer Perceptions (MLP). Experiments in various fields demonstrated that KAN-based machine learning can achieve comparable if not better performance than MLP-based methods, but with much smaller parameter scales and are more explainable. In this paper, we explore the incorporation of KAN into the actor and critic networks for offline reinforcement learning (RL). We evaluated the performance, parameter scales, and training efficiency of various KAN and MLP based conservative Q-learning (CQL) on the the classical D4RL benchmark for offline RL. Our study demonstrates that KAN can achieve performance close to the commonly used MLP with significantly fewer parameters. This provides us an option to choose the base networks according to the requirements of the offline RL tasks.
comment: 5 pages,2 figures
Self-supervised Learning for Acoustic Few-Shot Classification
Labelled data are limited and self-supervised learning is one of the most important approaches for reducing labelling requirements. While it has been extensively explored in the image domain, it has so far not received the same amount of attention in the acoustic domain. Yet, reducing labelling is a key requirement for many acoustic applications. Specifically in bioacoustic, there are rarely sufficient labels for fully supervised learning available. This has led to the widespread use of acoustic recognisers that have been pre-trained on unrelated data for bioacoustic tasks. We posit that training on the actual task data and combining self-supervised pre-training with few-shot classification is a superior approach that has the ability to deliver high accuracy even when only a few labels are available. To this end, we introduce and evaluate a new architecture that combines CNN-based preprocessing with feature extraction based on state space models (SSMs). This combination is motivated by the fact that CNN-based networks alone struggle to capture temporal information effectively, which is crucial for classifying acoustic signals. SSMs, specifically S4 and Mamba, on the other hand, have been shown to have an excellent ability to capture long-range dependencies in sequence data. We pre-train this architecture using contrastive learning on the actual task data and subsequent fine-tuning with an extremely small amount of labelled data. We evaluate the performance of this proposed architecture for ($n$-shot, $n$-class) classification on standard benchmarks as well as real-world data. Our evaluation shows that it outperforms state-of-the-art architectures on the few-shot classification problem.
☆ COSCO: A Sharpness-Aware Training Framework for Few-shot Multivariate Time Series Classification CIKM '24
Multivariate time series classification is an important task with widespread domains of applications. Recently, deep neural networks (DNN) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in time series classification. However, they often require large expert-labeled training datasets which can be infeasible in practice. In few-shot settings, i.e. only a limited number of samples per class are available in training data, DNNs show a significant drop in testing accuracy and poor generalization ability. In this paper, we propose to address these problems from an optimization and a loss function perspective. Specifically, we propose a new learning framework named COSCO consisting of a sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) optimization and a Prototypical loss function to improve the generalization ability of DNN for multivariate time series classification problems under few-shot setting. Our experiments demonstrate our proposed method outperforms the existing baseline methods. Our source code is available at: https://github.com/JRB9/COSCO.
comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, CIKM '24 Short Paper Track
☆ AACessTalk: Fostering Communication between Minimally Verbal Autistic Children and Parents with Contextual Guidance and Card Recommendation
As minimally verbal autistic (MVA) children communicate with parents through few words and nonverbal cues, parents often struggle to encourage their children to express subtle emotions and needs and to grasp their nuanced signals. We present AACessTalk, a tablet-based, AI-mediated communication system that facilitates meaningful exchanges between an MVA child and a parent. AACessTalk provides real-time guides to the parent to engage the child in conversation and, in turn, recommends contextual vocabulary cards to the child. Through a two-week deployment study with 11 MVA child-parent dyads, we examine how AACessTalk fosters everyday conversation practice and mutual engagement. Our findings show high engagement from all dyads, leading to increased frequency of conversation and turn-taking. AACessTalk also encouraged parents to explore their own interaction strategies and empowered the children to have more agency in communication. We discuss the implications of designing technologies for balanced communication dynamics in parent-MVA child interaction.
comment: 19 pages excluding reference and appendix
☆ A Novel Framework For Text Detection From Natural Scene Images With Complex Background
Recognizing texts from camera images is a known hard problem because of the difficulties in text detection from the varied and complicated background. In this paper we propose a novel and efficient method to detect text region from images with complex background using Wavelet Transforms. The framework uses Wavelet Transformation of the original image in its grayscale form followed by Sub-band filtering. Then Region clustering technique is applied using centroids of the regions, further Bounding box is fitted to each region thus identifying the text regions. This method is much sophisticated and efficient than the previous methods as it doesn't stick to a particular font size of the text thus, making it generalized. The sample set used for experimental purpose consists of 50 images with varying backgrounds. Images with edge prominence are considered. Furthermore, our method can be easily customized for applications with different scopes.
☆ Confidence Estimation for LLM-Based Dialogue State Tracking
Estimation of a model's confidence on its outputs is critical for Conversational AI systems based on large language models (LLMs), especially for reducing hallucination and preventing over-reliance. In this work, we provide an exhaustive exploration of methods, including approaches proposed for open- and closed-weight LLMs, aimed at quantifying and leveraging model uncertainty to improve the reliability of LLM-generated responses, specifically focusing on dialogue state tracking (DST) in task-oriented dialogue systems (TODS). Regardless of the model type, well-calibrated confidence scores are essential to handle uncertainties, thereby improving model performance. We evaluate four methods for estimating confidence scores based on softmax, raw token scores, verbalized confidences, and a combination of these methods, using the area under the curve (AUC) metric to assess calibration, with higher AUC indicating better calibration. We also enhance these with a self-probing mechanism, proposed for closed models. Furthermore, we assess these methods using an open-weight model fine-tuned for the task of DST, achieving superior joint goal accuracy (JGA). Our findings also suggest that fine-tuning open-weight LLMs can result in enhanced AUC performance, indicating better confidence score calibration.
☆ Can Large Language Models Grasp Event Signals? Exploring Pure Zero-Shot Event-based Recognition
Recent advancements in event-based zero-shot object recognition have demonstrated promising results. However, these methods heavily depend on extensive training and are inherently constrained by the characteristics of CLIP. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first study to explore the understanding capabilities of large language models (LLMs) for event-based visual content. We demonstrate that LLMs can achieve event-based object recognition without additional training or fine-tuning in conjunction with CLIP, effectively enabling pure zero-shot event-based recognition. Particularly, we evaluate the ability of GPT-4o / 4turbo and two other open-source LLMs to directly recognize event-based visual content. Extensive experiments are conducted across three benchmark datasets, systematically assessing the recognition accuracy of these models. The results show that LLMs, especially when enhanced with well-designed prompts, significantly improve event-based zero-shot recognition performance. Notably, GPT-4o outperforms the compared models and exceeds the recognition accuracy of state-of-the-art event-based zero-shot methods on N-ImageNet by five orders of magnitude. The implementation of this paper is available at \url{https://github.com/ChrisYu-Zz/Pure-event-based-recognition-based-LLM}.
☆ Understanding Simplicity Bias towards Compositional Mappings via Learning Dynamics
Obtaining compositional mappings is important for the model to generalize well compositionally. To better understand when and how to encourage the model to learn such mappings, we study their uniqueness through different perspectives. Specifically, we first show that the compositional mappings are the simplest bijections through the lens of coding length (i.e., an upper bound of their Kolmogorov complexity). This property explains why models having such mappings can generalize well. We further show that the simplicity bias is usually an intrinsic property of neural network training via gradient descent. That partially explains why some models spontaneously generalize well when they are trained appropriately.
comment: 4 pages
☆ Stutter-Solver: End-to-end Multi-lingual Dysfluency Detection
Current de-facto dysfluency modeling methods utilize template matching algorithms which are not generalizable to out-of-domain real-world dysfluencies across languages, and are not scalable with increasing amounts of training data. To handle these problems, we propose Stutter-Solver: an end-to-end framework that detects dysfluency with accurate type and time transcription, inspired by the YOLO object detection algorithm. Stutter-Solver can handle co-dysfluencies and is a natural multi-lingual dysfluency detector. To leverage scalability and boost performance, we also introduce three novel dysfluency corpora: VCTK-Pro, VCTK-Art, and AISHELL3-Pro, simulating natural spoken dysfluencies including repetition, block, missing, replacement, and prolongation through articulatory-encodec and TTS-based methods. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on all available dysfluency corpora. Code and datasets are open-sourced at https://github.com/eureka235/Stutter-Solver
comment: IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop 2024
☆ Enhancing Text Annotation through Rationale-Driven Collaborative Few-Shot Prompting
The traditional data annotation process is often labor-intensive, time-consuming, and susceptible to human bias, which complicates the management of increasingly complex datasets. This study explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) as automated data annotators to improve efficiency and consistency in annotation tasks. By employing rationale-driven collaborative few-shot prompting techniques, we aim to improve the performance of LLMs in text annotation. We conduct a rigorous evaluation of six LLMs across four benchmark datasets, comparing seven distinct methodologies. Our results demonstrate that collaborative methods consistently outperform traditional few-shot techniques and other baseline approaches, particularly in complex annotation tasks. Our work provides valuable insights and a robust framework for leveraging collaborative learning methods to tackle challenging text annotation tasks.
☆ Rethinking KenLM: Good and Bad Model Ensembles for Efficient Text Quality Filtering in Large Web Corpora
With the increasing demand for substantial amounts of high-quality data to train large language models (LLMs), efficiently filtering large web corpora has become a critical challenge. For this purpose, KenLM, a lightweight n-gram-based language model that operates on CPUs, is widely used. However, the traditional method of training KenLM utilizes only high-quality data and, consequently, does not explicitly learn the linguistic patterns of low-quality data. To address this issue, we propose an ensemble approach that leverages two contrasting KenLMs: (i) Good KenLM, trained on high-quality data; and (ii) Bad KenLM, trained on low-quality data. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly reduces noisy content while preserving high-quality content compared to the traditional KenLM training method. This indicates that our method can be a practical solution with minimal computational overhead for resource-constrained environments.
☆ Integrating Audio Narrations to Strengthen Domain Generalization in Multimodal First-Person Action Recognition
First-person activity recognition is rapidly growing due to the widespread use of wearable cameras but faces challenges from domain shifts across different environments, such as varying objects or background scenes. We propose a multimodal framework that improves domain generalization by integrating motion, audio, and appearance features. Key contributions include analyzing the resilience of audio and motion features to domain shifts, using audio narrations for enhanced audio-text alignment, and applying consistency ratings between audio and visual narrations to optimize the impact of audio in recognition during training. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ARGO1M dataset, effectively generalizing across unseen scenarios and locations.
☆ Towards Data-Centric RLHF: Simple Metrics for Preference Dataset Comparison
The goal of aligning language models to human preferences requires data that reveal these preferences. Ideally, time and money can be spent carefully collecting and tailoring bespoke preference data to each downstream application. However, in practice, a select few publicly available preference datasets are often used to train reward models for reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). While new preference datasets are being introduced with increasing frequency, there are currently no existing efforts to measure and compare these datasets. In this paper, we systematically study preference datasets through three perspectives: scale, label noise, and information content. We propose specific metrics for each of these perspectives and uncover different axes of comparison for a better understanding of preference datasets. Our work is a first step towards a data-centric approach to alignment by providing perspectives that aid in training efficiency and iterative data collection for RLHF.
comment: Working Paper
☆ A Survey of Foundation Models for Music Understanding
Music is essential in daily life, fulfilling emotional and entertainment needs, and connecting us personally, socially, and culturally. A better understanding of music can enhance our emotions, cognitive skills, and cultural connections. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has introduced new ways to analyze music, aiming to replicate human understanding of music and provide related services. While the traditional models focused on audio features and simple tasks, the recent development of large language models (LLMs) and foundation models (FMs), which excel in various fields by integrating semantic information and demonstrating strong reasoning abilities, could capture complex musical features and patterns, integrate music with language and incorporate rich musical, emotional and psychological knowledge. Therefore, they have the potential in handling complex music understanding tasks from a semantic perspective, producing outputs closer to human perception. This work, to our best knowledge, is one of the early reviews of the intersection of AI techniques and music understanding. We investigated, analyzed, and tested recent large-scale music foundation models in respect of their music comprehension abilities. We also discussed their limitations and proposed possible future directions, offering insights for researchers in this field.
comment: 20 pages, 2 figures
☆ Improving Statistical Significance in Human Evaluation of Automatic Metrics via Soft Pairwise Accuracy
Selecting an automatic metric that best emulates human judgments is often non-trivial, because there is no clear definition of "best emulates." A meta-metric is required to compare the human judgments to the automatic metric judgments, and metric rankings depend on the choice of meta-metric. We propose Soft Pairwise Accuracy (SPA), a new meta-metric that builds on Pairwise Accuracy (PA) but incorporates the statistical significance of both the human judgments and the metric judgments. SPA allows for more fine-grained comparisons between systems than a simplistic binary win/loss, and addresses a number of shortcomings with PA: it is more stable with respect to both the number of systems and segments used for evaluation, it mitigates the issue of metric ties due to quantization, and it produces more statistically significant results. SPA was selected as the official system-level metric for the 2024 WMT metric shared task.
☆ Open-World Test-Time Training: Self-Training with Contrast Learning
Traditional test-time training (TTT) methods, while addressing domain shifts, often assume a consistent class set, limiting their applicability in real-world scenarios characterized by infinite variety. Open-World Test-Time Training (OWTTT) addresses the challenge of generalizing deep learning models to unknown target domain distributions, especially in the presence of strong Out-of-Distribution (OOD) data. Existing TTT methods often struggle to maintain performance when confronted with strong OOD data. In OWTTT, the focus has predominantly been on distinguishing between overall strong and weak OOD data. However, during the early stages of TTT, initial feature extraction is hampered by interference from strong OOD and corruptions, resulting in diminished contrast and premature classification of certain classes as strong OOD. To address this, we introduce Open World Dynamic Contrastive Learning (OWDCL), an innovative approach that utilizes contrastive learning to augment positive sample pairs. This strategy not only bolsters contrast in the early stages but also significantly enhances model robustness in subsequent stages. In comparison datasets, our OWDCL model has produced the most advanced performance.
comment: 10page
☆ ValueCompass: A Framework of Fundamental Values for Human-AI Alignment
As AI systems become more advanced, ensuring their alignment with a diverse range of individuals and societal values becomes increasingly critical. But how can we capture fundamental human values and assess the degree to which AI systems align with them? We introduce ValueCompass, a framework of fundamental values, grounded in psychological theory and a systematic review, to identify and evaluate human-AI alignment. We apply ValueCompass to measure the value alignment of humans and language models (LMs) across four real-world vignettes: collaborative writing, education, public sectors, and healthcare. Our findings uncover risky misalignment between humans and LMs, such as LMs agreeing with values like "Choose Own Goals", which are largely disagreed by humans. We also observe values vary across vignettes, underscoring the necessity for context-aware AI alignment strategies. This work provides insights into the design space of human-AI alignment, offering foundations for developing AI that responsibly reflects societal values and ethics.
☆ MindScape Study: Integrating LLM and Behavioral Sensing for Personalized AI-Driven Journaling Experiences
Mental health concerns are prevalent among college students, highlighting the need for effective interventions that promote self-awareness and holistic well-being. MindScape pioneers a novel approach to AI-powered journaling by integrating passively collected behavioral patterns such as conversational engagement, sleep, and location with Large Language Models (LLMs). This integration creates a highly personalized and context-aware journaling experience, enhancing self-awareness and well-being by embedding behavioral intelligence into AI. We present an 8-week exploratory study with 20 college students, demonstrating the MindScape app's efficacy in enhancing positive affect (7%), reducing negative affect (11%), loneliness (6%), and anxiety and depression, with a significant week-over-week decrease in PHQ-4 scores (-0.25 coefficient), alongside improvements in mindfulness (7%) and self-reflection (6%). The study highlights the advantages of contextual AI journaling, with participants particularly appreciating the tailored prompts and insights provided by the MindScape app. Our analysis also includes a comparison of responses to AI-driven contextual versus generic prompts, participant feedback insights, and proposed strategies for leveraging contextual AI journaling to improve well-being on college campuses. By showcasing the potential of contextual AI journaling to support mental health, we provide a foundation for further investigation into the effects of contextual AI journaling on mental health and well-being.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2404.00487
☆ TG-LLaVA: Text Guided LLaVA via Learnable Latent Embeddings
Currently, inspired by the success of vision-language models (VLMs), an increasing number of researchers are focusing on improving VLMs and have achieved promising results. However, most existing methods concentrate on optimizing the connector and enhancing the language model component, while neglecting improvements to the vision encoder itself. In contrast, we propose Text Guided LLaVA (TG-LLaVA) in this paper, which optimizes VLMs by guiding the vision encoder with text, offering a new and orthogonal optimization direction. Specifically, inspired by the purpose-driven logic inherent in human behavior, we use learnable latent embeddings as a bridge to analyze textual instruction and add the analysis results to the vision encoder as guidance, refining it. Subsequently, another set of latent embeddings extracts additional detailed text-guided information from high-resolution local patches as auxiliary information. Finally, with the guidance of text, the vision encoder can extract text-related features, similar to how humans focus on the most relevant parts of an image when considering a question. This results in generating better answers. Experiments on various datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Remarkably, without the need for additional training data, our propsoed method can bring more benefits to the baseline (LLaVA-1.5) compared with other concurrent methods. Furthermore, the proposed method consistently brings improvement in different settings.
☆ Veridical Data Science for Medical Foundation Models
The advent of foundation models (FMs) such as large language models (LLMs) has led to a cultural shift in data science, both in medicine and beyond. This shift involves moving away from specialized predictive models trained for specific, well-defined domain questions to generalist FMs pre-trained on vast amounts of unstructured data, which can then be adapted to various clinical tasks and questions. As a result, the standard data science workflow in medicine has been fundamentally altered; the foundation model lifecycle (FMLC) now includes distinct upstream and downstream processes, in which computational resources, model and data access, and decision-making power are distributed among multiple stakeholders. At their core, FMs are fundamentally statistical models, and this new workflow challenges the principles of Veridical Data Science (VDS), hindering the rigorous statistical analysis expected in transparent and scientifically reproducible data science practices. We critically examine the medical FMLC in light of the core principles of VDS: predictability, computability, and stability (PCS), and explain how it deviates from the standard data science workflow. Finally, we propose recommendations for a reimagined medical FMLC that expands and refines the PCS principles for VDS including considering the computational and accessibility constraints inherent to FMs.
☆ Recent advances in deep learning and language models for studying the microbiome
Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly large language models (LLMs), made a significant impact on how researchers study microbiome and metagenomics data. Microbial protein and genomic sequences, like natural languages, form a language of life, enabling the adoption of LLMs to extract useful insights from complex microbial ecologies. In this paper, we review applications of deep learning and language models in analyzing microbiome and metagenomics data. We focus on problem formulations, necessary datasets, and the integration of language modeling techniques. We provide an extensive overview of protein/genomic language modeling and their contributions to microbiome studies. We also discuss applications such as novel viromics language modeling, biosynthetic gene cluster prediction, and knowledge integration for metagenomics studies.
☆ GLEAN: Generative Learning for Eliminating Adversarial Noise
In the age of powerful diffusion models such as DALL-E and Stable Diffusion, many in the digital art community have suffered style mimicry attacks due to fine-tuning these models on their works. The ability to mimic an artist's style via text-to-image diffusion models raises serious ethical issues, especially without explicit consent. Glaze, a tool that applies various ranges of perturbations to digital art, has shown significant success in preventing style mimicry attacks, at the cost of artifacts ranging from imperceptible noise to severe quality degradation. The release of Glaze has sparked further discussions regarding the effectiveness of similar protection methods. In this paper, we propose GLEAN- applying I2I generative networks to strip perturbations from Glazed images, evaluating the performance of style mimicry attacks before and after GLEAN on the results of Glaze. GLEAN aims to support and enhance Glaze by highlighting its limitations and encouraging further development.
☆ A Tie-breaking based Local Search Algorithm for Stable Matching Problems
The stable marriage problem with incomplete lists and ties (SMTI) and the hospitals/residents problem with ties (HRT) are important in matching theory with broad practical applications. In this paper, we introduce a tie-breaking based local search algorithm (TBLS) designed to achieve a weakly stable matching of maximum size for both the SMTI and HRT problems. TBLS begins by arbitrarily resolving all ties and iteratively refines the tie-breaking strategy by adjusting the relative order within ties based on preference ranks and the current stable matching. Additionally, we introduce TBLS-E, an equity-focused variant of TBLS, specifically designed for the SMTI problem. This variant maintains the objective of maximizing matching size, while enhancing equity through two simple modifications. In comparison with ten other approximation and local search algorithms, TBLS achieves the highest matching size, while TBLS-E exhibits the lowest sex equality cost. Significantly, TBLS-E preserves a matching size comparable to that of TBLS. Both our algorithms demonstrate faster computational speed than other local search algorithms in solving large-sized instances.
comment: Submitted to Journal of Heuristics
☆ Detection Made Easy: Potentials of Large Language Models for Solidity Vulnerabilities
The large-scale deployment of Solidity smart contracts on the Ethereum mainnet has increasingly attracted financially-motivated attackers in recent years. A few now-infamous attacks in Ethereum's history includes DAO attack in 2016 (50 million dollars lost), Parity Wallet hack in 2017 (146 million dollars locked), Beautychain's token BEC in 2018 (900 million dollars market value fell to 0), and NFT gaming blockchain breach in 2022 ($600 million in Ether stolen). This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of the use of large language models (LLMs) and their capabilities in detecting OWASP Top Ten vulnerabilities in Solidity. We introduce a novel, class-balanced, structured, and labeled dataset named VulSmart, which we use to benchmark and compare the performance of open-source LLMs such as CodeLlama, Llama2, CodeT5 and Falcon, alongside closed-source models like GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4o Mini. Our proposed SmartVD framework is rigorously tested against these models through extensive automated and manual evaluations, utilizing BLEU and ROUGE metrics to assess the effectiveness of vulnerability detection in smart contracts. We also explore three distinct prompting strategies-zero-shot, few-shot, and chain-of-thought-to evaluate the multi-class classification and generative capabilities of the SmartVD framework. Our findings reveal that SmartVD outperforms its open-source counterparts and even exceeds the performance of closed-source base models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 Mini. After fine-tuning, the closed-source models, GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4o Mini, achieved remarkable performance with 99% accuracy in detecting vulnerabilities, 94% in identifying their types, and 98% in determining severity. Notably, SmartVD performs best with the `chain-of-thought' prompting technique, whereas the fine-tuned closed-source models excel with the `zero-shot' prompting approach.
♻ ☆ Rail-only: A Low-Cost High-Performance Network for Training LLMs with Trillion Parameters
This paper presents a low-cost network architecture for training large language models (LLMs) at hyperscale. We study the optimal parallelization strategy of LLMs and propose a novel datacenter network design tailored to LLM's unique communication pattern. We show that LLM training generates sparse communication patterns in the network and, therefore, does not require any-to-any full-bisection network to complete efficiently. As a result, our design eliminates the spine layer in traditional GPU clusters. We name this design a Rail-only network and demonstrate that it achieves the same training performance while reducing the network cost by 38% to 77% and network power consumption by 37% to 75% compared to a conventional GPU datacenter. Our architecture also supports Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) models with all-to-all communication through forwarding, with only 8.2% to 11.2% completion time overhead for all-to-all traffic. We study the failure robustness of Rail-only networks and provide insights into the performance impact of different network and training parameters.
♻ ☆ RoCOCO: Robustness Benchmark of MS-COCO to Stress-test Image-Text Matching Models ECCV
With the extensive use of vision-language models in various downstream tasks, evaluating their robustness is crucial. In this paper, we propose a benchmark for assessing the robustness of vision-language models. We believe that a robust model should properly understand both linguistic and visual semantics and be resilient to explicit variations. In pursuit of this goal, we create new variants of texts and images in the MS-COCO test set and re-evaluate the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models with the new data. Specifically, we alter the meaning of text by replacing a word, and generate visually altered images that maintain some visual context while introducing noticeable pixel changes through image mixing techniques.Our evaluations on the proposed benchmark reveal substantial performance degradation in many SOTA models (e.g., Image-to-Text Recall@1: 81.9\% $\rightarrow$ 48.4\% in BLIP, 66.1\% $\rightarrow$ 37.6\% in VSE$\infty$), with the models often favoring the altered texts/images over the original ones. This indicates the current vision-language models struggle with subtle changes and often fail to understand the overall context of texts and images. Based on these findings, we propose semantic contrastive loss and visual contrastive loss to learn more robust embedding. Datasets and code are available at {\url{https://github.com/pseulki/rococo}}.
comment: Accepted to ECCV Synthetic Data for Computer Vision Workshop (Oral)
♻ ☆ A Hypothesis on Black Swan in Unchanging Environments
Black swan events are statistically rare occurrences that carry extremely high risks. A typical view of defining black swan events is heavily assumed to originate from an unpredictable time-varying environments; however, the community lacks a comprehensive definition of black swan events. To this end, this paper challenges that the standard view is incomplete and claims that high-risk, statistically rare events can also occur in unchanging environments due to human misperception of their value and likelihood, which we call as spatial black swan event. We first carefully categorize black swan events, focusing on spatial black swan events, and mathematically formalize the definition of black swan events. We hope these definitions can pave the way for the development of algorithms to prevent such events by rationally correcting human perception.
comment: Authorship was updated
♻ ☆ Spatial Transformer Network YOLO Model for Agricultural Object Detection
Object detection plays a crucial role in the field of computer vision by autonomously locating and identifying objects of interest. The You Only Look Once (YOLO) model is an effective single-shot detector. However, YOLO faces challenges in cluttered or partially occluded scenes and can struggle with small, low-contrast objects. We propose a new method that integrates spatial transformer networks (STNs) into YOLO to improve performance. The proposed STN-YOLO aims to enhance the model's effectiveness by focusing on important areas of the image and improving the spatial invariance of the model before the detection process. Our proposed method improved object detection performance both qualitatively and quantitatively. We explore the impact of different localization networks within the STN module as well as the robustness of the model across different spatial transformations. We apply the STN-YOLO on benchmark datasets for Agricultural object detection as well as a new dataset from a state-of-the-art plant phenotyping greenhouse facility. Our code and dataset are publicly available.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted to 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
♻ ☆ One-Shot Safety Alignment for Large Language Models via Optimal Dualization
The growing safety concerns surrounding Large Language Models (LLMs) raise an urgent need to align them with diverse human preferences to simultaneously enhance their helpfulness and safety. A promising approach is to enforce safety constraints through Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). For such constrained RLHF, common Lagrangian-based primal-dual policy optimization methods are computationally expensive and often unstable. This paper presents a dualization perspective that reduces constrained alignment to an equivalent unconstrained alignment problem. We do so by pre-optimizing a smooth and convex dual function that has a closed form. This shortcut eliminates the need for cumbersome primal-dual policy iterations, thus greatly reducing the computational burden and improving training stability. Our strategy leads to two practical algorithms in model-based and preference-based scenarios (MoCAN and PeCAN, respectively). A broad range of experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods.
♻ ☆ Decentralized Learning in General-sum Markov Games
The Markov game framework is widely used to model interactions among agents with heterogeneous utilities in dynamic, uncertain, societal-scale systems. In these settings, agents typically operate in a decentralized manner due to privacy and scalability concerns, often without knowledge of others' strategies. Designing decentralized learning algorithms that provably converge to rational outcomes remains challenging, especially beyond Markov zero-sum and potential games, which do not fully capture the mixed cooperative-competitive nature of real-world interactions. Our paper focuses on designing decentralized learning algorithms for general-sum Markov games, aiming to provide guarantees of convergence to approximate Nash equilibria. We introduce a Markov Near-Potential Function (MNPF), and show that MNPF plays a central role in the analysis of convergence of an actor-critic-based decentralized learning dynamics to approximate Nash equilibria. Our analysis leverages the two-timescale nature of actor-critic algorithms, where Q-function updates occur faster than policy updates. This result is further strengthened under certain regularity conditions and when the set of Nash equilibria is finite. Our findings provide a new perspective on the analysis of decentralized learning in multi-agent systems, addressing the complexities of real-world interactions.
comment: 18 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ RoboSense: Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Multi-sensor Low-speed Autonomous Driving
Robust object detection and tracking under arbitrary sight of view is challenging yet essential for the development of Autonomous Vehicle technology. With the growing demand of unmanned function vehicles, near-field scene understanding becomes an important research topic in the areas of low-speed autonomous driving. Due to the complexity of driving conditions and diversity of near obstacles such as blind spots and high occlusion, the perception capability of near-field environment is still inferior than its farther counterpart. To further enhance the intelligent ability of unmanned vehicles, in this paper, we construct a multimodal data collection platform based on 3 main types of sensors (Camera, LiDAR and Fisheye), which supports flexible sensor configurations to enable dynamic sight of view for ego vehicle, either global view or local view. Meanwhile, a large-scale multi-sensor dataset is built, named RoboSense, to facilitate near-field scene understanding. RoboSense contains more than 133K synchronized data with 1.4M 3D bounding box and IDs annotated in the full $360^{\circ}$ view, forming 216K trajectories across 7.6K temporal sequences. It has $270\times$ and $18\times$ as many annotations of near-field obstacles within 5$m$ as the previous single-vehicle datasets such as KITTI and nuScenes. Moreover, we define a novel matching criterion for near-field 3D perception and prediction metrics. Based on RoboSense, we formulate 6 popular tasks to facilitate the future development of related research, where the detailed data analysis as well as benchmarks are also provided accordingly.
♻ ☆ From Width-Based Model Checking to Width-Based Automated Theorem Proving AAAI 2023
In the field of parameterized complexity theory, the study of graph width measures has been intimately connected with the development of width-based model checking algorithms for combinatorial properties on graphs. In this work, we introduce a general framework to convert a large class of width-based model-checking algorithms into algorithms that can be used to test the validity of graph-theoretic conjectures on classes of graphs of bounded width. Our framework is modular and can be applied with respect to several well-studied width measures for graphs, including treewidth and cliquewidth. As a quantitative application of our framework, we prove analytically that for several long-standing graph-theoretic conjectures, there exists an algorithm that takes a number $k$ as input and correctly determines in time double-exponential in $k^{O(1)}$ whether the conjecture is valid on all graphs of treewidth at most $k$. These upper bounds, which may be regarded as upper-bounds on the size of proofs/disproofs for these conjectures on the class of graphs of treewidth at most $k$, improve significantly on theoretical upper bounds obtained using previously available techniques.
comment: A preliminary version of this work was published in the proceedings of AAAI 2023
♻ ☆ Time-Series Forecasting and Sequence Learning Using Memristor-based Reservoir System
Pushing the frontiers of time-series information processing in the ever-growing domain of edge devices with stringent resources has been impeded by the systems' ability to process information and learn locally on the device. Local processing and learning of time-series information typically demand intensive computations and massive storage as the process involves retrieving information and tuning hundreds of parameters back in time. In this work, we developed a memristor-based echo state network accelerator that features efficient temporal data processing and in-situ online learning. The proposed design is benchmarked using various datasets involving real-world tasks, such as forecasting the load energy consumption and weather conditions. The experimental results illustrate that the hardware model experiences a marginal degradation in performance as compared to the software counterpart. This is mainly attributed to the limited precision and dynamic range of network parameters when emulated using memristor devices. The proposed system is evaluated for lifespan, robustness, and energy-delay product. It is observed that the system demonstrates reasonable robustness for device failure below 10%, which may occur due to stuck-at faults. Furthermore, 247X reduction in energy consumption is achieved when compared to a custom CMOS digital design implemented at the same technology node.
♻ ☆ The 2nd FutureDial Challenge: Dialog Systems with Retrieval Augmented Generation (FutureDial-RAG)
Recently, increasing research interests have focused on retrieval augmented generation (RAG) to mitigate hallucination for large language models (LLMs). Following this trend, we launch the FutureDial-RAG challenge at SLT 2024, which aims at promoting the study of RAG for dialog systems. The challenge builds upon the MobileCS2 dataset, a real-life customer service datasets with nearly 3000 high-quality dialogs containing annotations for knowledge base query and corresponding results. Over the dataset, we define two tasks, track 1 for knowledge retrieval and track 2 for response generation, which are core research questions in dialog systems with RAG. We build baseline systems for the two tracks and design metrics to measure whether the systems can perform accurate retrieval and generate informative and coherent response. The baseline results show that it is very challenging to perform well on the two tasks, which encourages the participating teams and the community to study how to make better use of RAG for real-life dialog systems.
comment: Accepted by SLT 2024
♻ ☆ LLM Honeypot: Leveraging Large Language Models as Advanced Interactive Honeypot Systems
The rapid evolution of cyber threats necessitates innovative solutions for detecting and analyzing malicious activity. Honeypots, which are decoy systems designed to lure and interact with attackers, have emerged as a critical component in cybersecurity. In this paper, we present a novel approach to creating realistic and interactive honeypot systems using Large Language Models (LLMs). By fine-tuning a pre-trained open-source language model on a diverse dataset of attacker-generated commands and responses, we developed a honeypot capable of sophisticated engagement with attackers. Our methodology involved several key steps: data collection and processing, prompt engineering, model selection, and supervised fine-tuning to optimize the model's performance. Evaluation through similarity metrics and live deployment demonstrated that our approach effectively generates accurate and informative responses. The results highlight the potential of LLMs to revolutionize honeypot technology, providing cybersecurity professionals with a powerful tool to detect and analyze malicious activity, thereby enhancing overall security infrastructure.
comment: 6 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ A Survey on Diffusion Models for Recommender Systems
While traditional recommendation techniques have made significant strides in the past decades, they still suffer from limited generalization performance caused by factors like inadequate collaborative signals, weak latent representations, and noisy data. In response, diffusion models (DMs) have emerged as promising solutions for recommender systems due to their robust generative capabilities, solid theoretical foundations, and improved training stability. To this end, in this paper, we present the first comprehensive survey on diffusion models for recommendation, and draw a bird's-eye view from the perspective of the whole pipeline in real-world recommender systems. We systematically categorize existing research works into three primary domains: (1) diffusion for data engineering & encoding, focusing on data augmentation and representation enhancement; (2) diffusion as recommender models, employing diffusion models to directly estimate user preferences and rank items; and (3) diffusion for content presentation, utilizing diffusion models to generate personalized content such as fashion and advertisement creatives. Our taxonomy highlights the unique strengths of diffusion models in capturing complex data distributions and generating high-quality, diverse samples that closely align with user preferences. We also summarize the core characteristics of the adapting diffusion models for recommendation, and further identify key areas for future exploration, which helps establish a roadmap for researchers and practitioners seeking to advance recommender systems through the innovative application of diffusion models. To further facilitate the research community of recommender systems based on diffusion models, we actively maintain a GitHub repository for papers and other related resources in this rising direction https://github.com/CHIANGEL/Awesome-Diffusion-for-RecSys.
comment: Under Review
♻ ☆ Fine-Tuning Adaptive Stochastic Optimizers: Determining the Optimal Hyperparameter $ε$ via Gradient Magnitude Histogram Analysis
Stochastic optimizers play a crucial role in the successful training of deep neural network models. To achieve optimal model performance, designers must carefully select both model and optimizer hyperparameters. However, this process is frequently demanding in terms of computational resources and processing time. While it is a well-established practice to tune the entire set of optimizer hyperparameters for peak performance, there is still a lack of clarity regarding the individual influence of hyperparameters mislabeled as "low priority", including the safeguard factor $\epsilon$ and decay rate $\beta$, in leading adaptive stochastic optimizers like the Adam optimizer. In this manuscript, we introduce a new framework based on the empirical probability density function of the loss' gradient magnitude, termed as the "gradient magnitude histogram", for a thorough analysis of adaptive stochastic optimizers and the safeguard hyperparameter $\epsilon$. This framework reveals and justifies valuable relationships and dependencies among hyperparameters in connection to optimal performance across diverse tasks, such as classification, language modeling and machine translation. Furthermore, we propose a novel algorithm using gradient magnitude histograms to automatically estimate a refined and accurate search space for the optimal safeguard hyperparameter $\epsilon$, surpassing the conventional trial-and-error methodology by establishing a worst-case search space that is two times narrower.
♻ ☆ PolyLUT-Add: FPGA-based LUT Inference with Wide Inputs
FPGAs have distinct advantages as a technology for deploying deep neural networks (DNNs) at the edge. Lookup Table (LUT) based networks, where neurons are directly modeled using LUTs, help maximize this promise of offering ultra-low latency and high area efficiency on FPGAs. Unfortunately, LUT resource usage scales exponentially with the number of inputs to the LUT, restricting PolyLUT to small LUT sizes. This work introduces PolyLUT-Add, a technique that enhances neuron connectivity by combining $A$ PolyLUT sub-neurons via addition to improve accuracy. Moreover, we describe a novel architecture to improve its scalability. We evaluated our implementation over the MNIST, Jet Substructure classification, and Network Intrusion Detection benchmark and found that for similar accuracy, PolyLUT-Add achieves a LUT reduction of $2.0-13.9\times$ with a $1.2-1.6\times$ decrease in latency.
comment: The source code for this paper is available at: https://github.com/bingleilou/PolyLUT-Add
♻ ☆ Dreaming is All You Need
In classification tasks, achieving a harmonious balance between exploration and precision is of paramount importance. To this end, this research introduces two novel deep learning models, SleepNet and DreamNet, to strike this balance. SleepNet seamlessly integrates supervised learning with unsupervised ``sleep" stages using pre-trained encoder models. Dedicated neurons within SleepNet are embedded in these unsupervised features, forming intermittent ``sleep" blocks that facilitate exploratory learning. Building upon the foundation of SleepNet, DreamNet employs full encoder-decoder frameworks to reconstruct the hidden states, mimicking the human "dreaming" process. This reconstruction process enables further exploration and refinement of the learned representations. Moreover, the principle ideas of our SleepNet and DreamNet are generic and can be applied to both computer vision and natural language processing downstream tasks. Through extensive empirical evaluations on diverse image and text datasets, SleepNet and DreanNet have demonstrated superior performance compared to state-of-the-art models, showcasing the strengths of unsupervised exploration and supervised precision afforded by our innovative approaches.
♻ ☆ Mining Path Association Rules in Large Property Graphs (with Appendix)
How can we mine frequent path regularities from a graph with edge labels and vertex attributes? The task of association rule mining successfully discovers regular patterns in item sets and substructures. Still, to our best knowledge, this concept has not yet been extended to path patterns in large property graphs. In this paper, we introduce the problem of path association rule mining (PARM). Applied to any \emph{reachability path} between two vertices within a large graph, PARM discovers regular ways in which path patterns, identified by vertex attributes and edge labels, co-occur with each other. We develop an efficient and scalable algorithm PIONEER that exploits an anti-monotonicity property to effectively prune the search space. Further, we devise approximation techniques and employ parallelization to achieve scalable path association rule mining. Our experimental study using real-world graph data verifies the significance of path association rules and the efficiency of our solutions.
♻ ☆ CoD, Towards an Interpretable Medical Agent using Chain of Diagnosis
The field of medical diagnosis has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of large language models (LLMs), yet the challenges of interpretability within these models remain largely unaddressed. This study introduces Chain-of-Diagnosis (CoD) to enhance the interpretability of LLM-based medical diagnostics. CoD transforms the diagnostic process into a diagnostic chain that mirrors a physician's thought process, providing a transparent reasoning pathway. Additionally, CoD outputs the disease confidence distribution to ensure transparency in decision-making. This interpretability makes model diagnostics controllable and aids in identifying critical symptoms for inquiry through the entropy reduction of confidences. With CoD, we developed DiagnosisGPT, capable of diagnosing 9604 diseases. Experimental results demonstrate that DiagnosisGPT outperforms other LLMs on diagnostic benchmarks. Moreover, DiagnosisGPT provides interpretability while ensuring controllability in diagnostic rigor.
♻ ☆ HuatuoGPT-II, One-stage Training for Medical Adaption of LLMs
Adapting a language model into a specific domain, a.k.a `domain adaption', is a common practice when specialized knowledge, e.g. medicine, is not encapsulated in a general language model like Llama2. The challenge lies in the heterogeneity of data across the two training stages, as it varies in languages, genres, or formats. To tackle this and simplify the learning protocol, we propose to transform heterogeneous data, from the both pre-training and supervised stages, into a unified, simple input-output pair format. We validate the new protocol in the domains where proprietary LLMs like ChatGPT perform relatively poorly, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine. The developed model, HuatuoGPT-II, has shown state-of-the-art performance in Chinese medicine domain on a number of benchmarks, e.g. medical licensing exams. It even outperforms proprietary models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 in some aspects, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Expert manual evaluations further validate HuatuoGPT-II's advantages over existing LLMs. Notably, HuatuoGPT-II was benchmarked in a fresh Chinese National Medical Licensing Examination where it achieved the best performance, showcasing not only its effectiveness but also its generalization capabilities.
♻ ☆ Are Large Language Models Really Good Logical Reasoners? A Comprehensive Evaluation and Beyond
Logical reasoning consistently plays a fundamental and significant role in the domains of knowledge engineering and artificial intelligence. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a noteworthy innovation in natural language processing (NLP). However, the question of whether LLMs can effectively address the task of logical reasoning, which requires gradual cognitive inference similar to human intelligence, remains unanswered. To this end, we aim to bridge this gap and provide comprehensive evaluations in this paper. Firstly, to offer systematic evaluations, we select fifteen typical logical reasoning datasets and organize them into deductive, inductive, abductive and mixed-form reasoning settings. Considering the comprehensiveness of evaluations, we include 3 early-era representative LLMs and 4 trending LLMs. Secondly, different from previous evaluations relying only on simple metrics (e.g., \emph{accuracy}), we propose fine-level evaluations in objective and subjective manners, covering both answers and explanations, including \emph{answer correctness}, \emph{explain correctness}, \emph{explain completeness} and \emph{explain redundancy}. Additionally, to uncover the logical flaws of LLMs, problematic cases will be attributed to five error types from two dimensions, i.e., \emph{evidence selection process} and \emph{reasoning process}. Thirdly, to avoid the influences of knowledge bias and concentrate purely on benchmarking the logical reasoning capability of LLMs, we propose a new dataset with neutral content. Based on the in-depth evaluations, this paper finally forms a general evaluation scheme of logical reasoning capability from six dimensions (i.e., \emph{Correct}, \emph{Rigorous}, \emph{Self-aware}, \emph{Active}, \emph{Oriented} and \emph{No hallucination}). It reflects the pros and cons of LLMs and gives guiding directions for future works.
comment: 37 pages, 16 figures
♻ ☆ HuatuoGPT-Vision, Towards Injecting Medical Visual Knowledge into Multimodal LLMs at Scale
The rapid development of multimodal large language models (MLLMs), such as GPT-4V, has led to significant advancements. However, these models still face challenges in medical multimodal capabilities due to limitations in the quantity and quality of medical vision-text data, stemming from data privacy concerns and high annotation costs. While pioneering approaches utilize PubMed's large-scale, de-identified medical image-text pairs to address these limitations, they still fall short due to inherent data noise. To tackle this, we refined medical image-text pairs from PubMed and employed MLLMs (GPT-4V) in an 'unblinded' capacity to denoise and reformat the data, resulting in the creation of the PubMedVision dataset with 1.3 million medical VQA samples. Our validation demonstrates that: (1) PubMedVision can significantly enhance the medical multimodal capabilities of current MLLMs, showing significant improvement in benchmarks including the MMMU Health & Medicine track; (2) manual checks by medical experts and empirical results validate the superior data quality of our dataset compared to other data construction methods. Using PubMedVision, we train a 34B medical MLLM HuatuoGPT-Vision, which shows superior performance in medical multimodal scenarios among open-source MLLMs.
♻ ☆ Comparison of Large Language Models for Generating Contextually Relevant Questions
This study explores the effectiveness of Large Language Models (LLMs) for Automatic Question Generation in educational settings. Three LLMs are compared in their ability to create questions from university slide text without fine-tuning. Questions were obtained in a two-step pipeline: first, answer phrases were extracted from slides using Llama 2-Chat 13B; then, the three models generated questions for each answer. To analyze whether the questions would be suitable in educational applications for students, a survey was conducted with 46 students who evaluated a total of 246 questions across five metrics: clarity, relevance, difficulty, slide relation, and question-answer alignment. Results indicate that GPT-3.5 and Llama 2-Chat 13B outperform Flan T5 XXL by a small margin, particularly in terms of clarity and question-answer alignment. GPT-3.5 especially excels at tailoring questions to match the input answers. The contribution of this research is the analysis of the capacity of LLMs for Automatic Question Generation in education.
comment: Published in Springer ECTEL 2024 conference proceedings, see https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-72312-4_18
♻ ☆ Balancing Act: Prioritization Strategies for LLM-Designed Restless Bandit Rewards
LLMs are increasingly used to design reward functions based on human preferences in Reinforcement Learning (RL). We focus on LLM-designed rewards for Restless Multi-Armed Bandits, a framework for allocating limited resources among agents. In applications such as public health, this approach empowers grassroots health workers to tailor automated allocation decisions to community needs. In the presence of multiple agents, altering the reward function based on human preferences can impact subpopulations very differently, leading to complex tradeoffs and a multi-objective resource allocation problem. We are the first to present a principled method termed Social Choice Language Model for dealing with these tradeoffs for LLM-designed rewards for multiagent planners in general and restless bandits in particular. The novel part of our model is a transparent and configurable selection component, called an adjudicator, external to the LLM that controls complex tradeoffs via a user-selected social welfare function. Our experiments demonstrate that our model reliably selects more effective, aligned, and balanced reward functions compared to purely LLM-based approaches.
♻ ☆ Mallows-DPO: Fine-Tune Your LLM with Preference Dispersions
Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has recently emerged as a popular approach to improve reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), leading to better techniques to fine-tune large language models (LLM). A weakness of DPO, however, lies in its lack of capability to characterize the diversity of human preferences. Inspired by Mallows' theory of preference ranking, we develop in this paper a new approach, the Mallows-DPO. A distinct feature of this approach is a dispersion index, which reflects the dispersion of human preference to prompts. We show that existing DPO models can be reduced to special cases of this dispersion index, thus unified with Mallows-DPO. More importantly, we demonstrate (empirically) how to use this dispersion index to enhance the performance of DPO in a broad array of benchmark tasks, from synthetic bandit selection to controllable generations and dialogues, while maintaining great generalization capabilities.
♻ ☆ HMAFlow: Learning More Accurate Optical Flow via Hierarchical Motion Field Alignment
Optical flow estimation is a fundamental and long-standing visual task. In this work, we present a novel method, dubbed HMAFlow, to improve optical flow estimation in challenging scenes, particularly those involving small objects. The proposed model mainly consists of two core components: a Hierarchical Motion Field Alignment (HMA) module and a Correlation Self-Attention (CSA) module. In addition, we rebuild 4D cost volumes by employing a Multi-Scale Correlation Search (MCS) layer and replacing average pooling in common cost volumes with a search strategy utilizing multiple search ranges. Experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves the best generalization performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Specifically, compared with RAFT, our method achieves relative error reductions of 14.2% and 3.4% on the clean pass and final pass of the Sintel online benchmark, respectively. On the KITTI test benchmark, HMAFlow surpasses RAFT and GMA in the Fl-all metric by relative margins of 6.8% and 7.7%, respectively. To facilitate future research, our code will be made available at https://github.com/BooTurbo/HMAFlow.
comment: 11 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ YOLO-Stutter: End-to-end Region-Wise Speech Dysfluency Detection
Dysfluent speech detection is the bottleneck for disordered speech analysis and spoken language learning. Current state-of-the-art models are governed by rule-based systems which lack efficiency and robustness, and are sensitive to template design. In this paper, we propose YOLO-Stutter: a first end-to-end method that detects dysfluencies in a time-accurate manner. YOLO-Stutter takes imperfect speech-text alignment as input, followed by a spatial feature aggregator, and a temporal dependency extractor to perform region-wise boundary and class predictions. We also introduce two dysfluency corpus, VCTK-Stutter and VCTK-TTS, that simulate natural spoken dysfluencies including repetition, block, missing, replacement, and prolongation. Our end-to-end method achieves state-of-the-art performance with a minimum number of trainable parameters for on both simulated data and real aphasia speech. Code and datasets are open-sourced at https://github.com/rorizzz/YOLO-Stutter
comment: Interspeech 2024
♻ ☆ Matrix Information Theory for Self-Supervised Learning
The maximum entropy encoding framework provides a unified perspective for many non-contrastive learning methods like SimSiam, Barlow Twins, and MEC. Inspired by this framework, we introduce Matrix-SSL, a novel approach that leverages matrix information theory to interpret the maximum entropy encoding loss as matrix uniformity loss. Furthermore, Matrix-SSL enhances the maximum entropy encoding method by seamlessly incorporating matrix alignment loss, directly aligning covariance matrices in different branches. Experimental results reveal that Matrix-SSL outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the ImageNet dataset under linear evaluation settings and on MS-COCO for transfer learning tasks. Specifically, when performing transfer learning tasks on MS-COCO, our method outperforms previous SOTA methods such as MoCo v2 and BYOL up to 3.3% with only 400 epochs compared to 800 epochs pre-training. We also try to introduce representation learning into the language modeling regime by fine-tuning a 7B model using matrix cross-entropy loss, with a margin of 3.1% on the GSM8K dataset over the standard cross-entropy loss. Code available at https://github.com/yifanzhang-pro/Matrix-SSL.
♻ ☆ Vision-Language Meets the Skeleton: Progressively Distillation with Cross-Modal Knowledge for 3D Action Representation Learning
Skeleton-based action representation learning aims to interpret and understand human behaviors by encoding the skeleton sequences, which can be categorized into two primary training paradigms: supervised learning and self-supervised learning. However, the former one-hot classification requires labor-intensive predefined action categories annotations, while the latter involves skeleton transformations (e.g., cropping) in the pretext tasks that may impair the skeleton structure. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel skeleton-based training framework (C$^2$VL) based on Cross-modal Contrastive learning that uses the progressive distillation to learn task-agnostic human skeleton action representation from the Vision-Language knowledge prompts. Specifically, we establish the vision-language action concept space through vision-language knowledge prompts generated by pre-trained large multimodal models (LMMs), which enrich the fine-grained details that the skeleton action space lacks. Moreover, we propose the intra-modal self-similarity and inter-modal cross-consistency softened targets in the cross-modal representation learning process to progressively control and guide the degree of pulling vision-language knowledge prompts and corresponding skeletons closer. These soft instance discrimination and self-knowledge distillation strategies contribute to the learning of better skeleton-based action representations from the noisy skeleton-vision-language pairs. During the inference phase, our method requires only the skeleton data as the input for action recognition and no longer for vision-language prompts. Extensive experiments on NTU RGB+D 60, NTU RGB+D 120, and PKU-MMD datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the previous methods and achieves state-of-the-art results. Code is available at: https://github.com/cseeyangchen/C2VL.
comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
♻ ☆ Reducing Events to Augment Log-based Anomaly Detection Models: An Empirical Study
As software systems grow increasingly intricate, the precise detection of anomalies have become both essential and challenging. Current log-based anomaly detection methods depend heavily on vast amounts of log data leading to inefficient inference and potential misguidance by noise logs. However, the quantitative effects of log reduction on the effectiveness of anomaly detection remain unexplored. Therefore, we first conduct a comprehensive study on six distinct models spanning three datasets. Through the study, the impact of log quantity and their effectiveness in representing anomalies is qualifies, uncovering three distinctive log event types that differently influence model performance. Drawing from these insights, we propose LogCleaner: an efficient methodology for the automatic reduction of log events in the context of anomaly detection. Serving as middleware between software systems and models, LogCleaner continuously updates and filters anti-events and duplicative-events in the raw generated logs. Experimental outcomes highlight LogCleaner's capability to reduce over 70% of log events in anomaly detection, accelerating the model's inference speed by approximately 300%, and universally improving the performance of models for anomaly detection.
comment: Accepted By ESEM'24
Machine Learning 79
☆ GRIN: Zero-Shot Metric Depth with Pixel-Level Diffusion
3D reconstruction from a single image is a long-standing problem in computer vision. Learning-based methods address its inherent scale ambiguity by leveraging increasingly large labeled and unlabeled datasets, to produce geometric priors capable of generating accurate predictions across domains. As a result, state of the art approaches show impressive performance in zero-shot relative and metric depth estimation. Recently, diffusion models have exhibited remarkable scalability and generalizable properties in their learned representations. However, because these models repurpose tools originally designed for image generation, they can only operate on dense ground-truth, which is not available for most depth labels, especially in real-world settings. In this paper we present GRIN, an efficient diffusion model designed to ingest sparse unstructured training data. We use image features with 3D geometric positional encodings to condition the diffusion process both globally and locally, generating depth predictions at a pixel-level. With comprehensive experiments across eight indoor and outdoor datasets, we show that GRIN establishes a new state of the art in zero-shot metric monocular depth estimation even when trained from scratch.
☆ Estimating Wage Disparities Using Foundation Models
One thread of empirical work in social science focuses on decomposing group differences in outcomes into unexplained components and components explained by observable factors. In this paper, we study gender wage decompositions, which require estimating the portion of the gender wage gap explained by career histories of workers. Classical methods for decomposing the wage gap employ simple predictive models of wages which condition on a small set of simple summaries of labor history. The problem is that these predictive models cannot take advantage of the full complexity of a worker's history, and the resulting decompositions thus suffer from omitted variable bias (OVB), where covariates that are correlated with both gender and wages are not included in the model. Here we explore an alternative methodology for wage gap decomposition that employs powerful foundation models, such as large language models, as the predictive engine. Foundation models excel at making accurate predictions from complex, high-dimensional inputs. We use a custom-built foundation model, designed to predict wages from full labor histories, to decompose the gender wage gap. We prove that the way such models are usually trained might still lead to OVB, but develop fine-tuning algorithms that empirically mitigate this issue. Our model captures a richer representation of career history than simple models and predicts wages more accurately. In detail, we first provide a novel set of conditions under which an estimator of the wage gap based on a fine-tuned foundation model is $\sqrt{n}$-consistent. Building on the theory, we then propose methods for fine-tuning foundation models that minimize OVB. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we find that history explains more of the gender wage gap than standard econometric models can measure, and we identify elements of history that are important for reducing OVB.
☆ Dynamic Fraud Detection: Integrating Reinforcement Learning into Graph Neural Networks
Financial fraud refers to the act of obtaining financial benefits through dishonest means. Such behavior not only disrupts the order of the financial market but also harms economic and social development and breeds other illegal and criminal activities. With the popularization of the internet and online payment methods, many fraudulent activities and money laundering behaviors in life have shifted from offline to online, posing a great challenge to regulatory authorities. How to efficiently detect these financial fraud activities has become an urgent issue that needs to be resolved. Graph neural networks are a type of deep learning model that can utilize the interactive relationships within graph structures, and they have been widely applied in the field of fraud detection. However, there are still some issues. First, fraudulent activities only account for a very small part of transaction transfers, leading to an inevitable problem of label imbalance in fraud detection. At the same time, fraudsters often disguise their behavior, which can have a negative impact on the final prediction results. In addition, existing research has overlooked the importance of balancing neighbor information and central node information. For example, when the central node has too many neighbors, the features of the central node itself are often neglected. Finally, fraud activities and patterns are constantly changing over time, so considering the dynamic evolution of graph edge relationships is also very important.
☆ Flexible Diffusion Scopes with Parameterized Laplacian for Heterophilic Graph Learning
The ability of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to capture long-range and global topology information is limited by the scope of conventional graph Laplacian, leading to unsatisfactory performance on some datasets, particularly on heterophilic graphs. To address this limitation, we propose a new class of parameterized Laplacian matrices, which provably offers more flexibility in controlling the diffusion distance between nodes than the conventional graph Laplacian, allowing long-range information to be adaptively captured through diffusion on graph. Specifically, we first prove that the diffusion distance and spectral distance on graph have an order-preserving relationship. With this result, we demonstrate that the parameterized Laplacian can accelerate the diffusion of long-range information, and the parameters in the Laplacian enable flexibility of the diffusion scopes. Based on the theoretical results, we propose topology-guided rewiring mechanism to capture helpful long-range neighborhood information for heterophilic graphs. With this mechanism and the new Laplacian, we propose two GNNs with flexible diffusion scopes: namely the Parameterized Diffusion based Graph Convolutional Networks (PD-GCN) and Graph Attention Networks (PD-GAT). Synthetic experiments reveal the high correlations between the parameters of the new Laplacian and the performance of parameterized GNNs under various graph homophily levels, which verifies that our new proposed GNNs indeed have the ability to adjust the parameters to adaptively capture the global information for different levels of heterophilic graphs. They also outperform the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models on 6 out of 7 real-world benchmark datasets, which further confirms their superiority.
☆ Leiden-Fusion Partitioning Method for Effective Distributed Training of Graph Embeddings ECML-PKDD 2024
In the area of large-scale training of graph embeddings, effective training frameworks and partitioning methods are critical for handling large networks. However, they face two major challenges: 1) existing synchronized distributed frameworks require continuous communication to access information from other machines, and 2) the inability of current partitioning methods to ensure that subgraphs remain connected components without isolated nodes, which is essential for effective training of GNNs since training relies on information aggregation from neighboring nodes. To address these issues, we introduce a novel partitioning method, named Leiden-Fusion, designed for large-scale training of graphs with minimal communication. Our method extends the Leiden community detection algorithm with a greedy algorithm that merges the smallest communities with highly connected neighboring communities. Our method guarantees that, for an initially connected graph, each partition is a densely connected subgraph with no isolated nodes. After obtaining the partitions, we train a GNN for each partition independently, and finally integrate all embeddings for node classification tasks, which significantly reduces the need for network communication and enhances the efficiency of distributed graph training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through extensive evaluations on several benchmark datasets, achieving high efficiency while preserving the quality of the graph embeddings for node classification tasks.
comment: Accepted at the 2024 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD 2024)
☆ Proximal Ranking Policy Optimization for Practical Safety in Counterfactual Learning to Rank RecSys 2024
Counterfactual learning to rank (CLTR) can be risky and, in various circumstances, can produce sub-optimal models that hurt performance when deployed. Safe CLTR was introduced to mitigate these risks when using inverse propensity scoring to correct for position bias. However, the existing safety measure for CLTR is not applicable to state-of-the-art CLTR methods, cannot handle trust bias, and relies on specific assumptions about user behavior. We propose a novel approach, proximal ranking policy optimization (PRPO), that provides safety in deployment without assumptions about user behavior. PRPO removes incentives for learning ranking behavior that is too dissimilar to a safe ranking model. Thereby, PRPO imposes a limit on how much learned models can degrade performance metrics, without relying on any specific user assumptions. Our experiments show that PRPO provides higher performance than the existing safe inverse propensity scoring approach. PRPO always maintains safety, even in maximally adversarial situations. By avoiding assumptions, PRPO is the first method with unconditional safety in deployment that translates to robust safety for real-world applications.
comment: Accepted at the CONSEQUENCES 2024 workshop, co-located with ACM RecSys 2024
☆ Scaling Continuous Kernels with Sparse Fourier Domain Learning
We address three key challenges in learning continuous kernel representations: computational efficiency, parameter efficiency, and spectral bias. Continuous kernels have shown significant potential, but their practical adoption is often limited by high computational and memory demands. Additionally, these methods are prone to spectral bias, which impedes their ability to capture high-frequency details. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel approach that leverages sparse learning in the Fourier domain. Our method enables the efficient scaling of continuous kernels, drastically reduces computational and memory requirements, and mitigates spectral bias by exploiting the Gibbs phenomenon.
☆ Constructing a Singing Style Caption Dataset
Singing voice synthesis and conversion have emerged as significant subdomains of voice generation, leading to much demands on prompt-conditioned generation. Unlike common voice data, generating a singing voice requires an understanding of various associated vocal and musical characteristics, such as the vocal tone of the singer or emotional expressions. However, existing open-source audio-text datasets for voice generation tend to capture only a very limited range of attributes, often missing musical characteristics of the audio. To fill this gap, we introduce S2Cap, an audio-text pair dataset with a diverse set of attributes. S2Cap consists of pairs of textual prompts and music audio samples with a wide range of vocal and musical attributes, including pitch, volume, tempo, mood, singer's gender and age, and musical genre and emotional expression. Utilizing S2Cap, we suggest an effective novel baseline algorithm for singing style captioning. Singing style captioning is a relative task to voice generation that generates text descriptions of vocal characteristics, which we first suggested. First, to mitigate the misalignment between the audio encoder and the text decoder, we present a novel mechanism called CRESCENDO, which utilizes positive-pair similarity learning to synchronize the embedding spaces of a pretrained audio encoder to get similar embeddings with a text encoder. We additionally supervise the model using the singer's voice, which is demixed by the accompaniment. This supervision allows the model to more accurately capture vocal characteristics, leading to improved singing style captions that better reflect the style of the singer. The dataset and the codes are available at \bulurl{https://github.com/HJ-Ok/S2cap}.
comment: Preprint
☆ A Survey of Out-of-distribution Generalization for Graph Machine Learning from a Causal View
Graph machine learning (GML) has been successfully applied across a wide range of tasks. Nonetheless, GML faces significant challenges in generalizing over out-of-distribution (OOD) data, which raises concerns about its wider applicability. Recent advancements have underscored the crucial role of causality-driven approaches in overcoming these generalization challenges. Distinct from traditional GML methods that primarily rely on statistical dependencies, causality-focused strategies delve into the underlying causal mechanisms of data generation and model prediction, thus significantly improving the generalization of GML across different environments. This paper offers a thorough review of recent progress in causality-involved GML generalization. We elucidate the fundamental concepts of employing causality to enhance graph model generalization and categorize the various approaches, providing detailed descriptions of their methodologies and the connections among them. Furthermore, we explore the incorporation of causality in other related important areas of trustworthy GML, such as explanation, fairness, and robustness. Concluding with a discussion on potential future research directions, this review seeks to articulate the continuing development and future potential of causality in enhancing the trustworthiness of graph machine learning.
comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 1 table
☆ A Benchmark Dataset with Larger Context for Non-Factoid Question Answering over Islamic Text
Accessing and comprehending religious texts, particularly the Quran (the sacred scripture of Islam) and Ahadith (the corpus of the sayings or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad), in today's digital era necessitates efficient and accurate Question-Answering (QA) systems. Yet, the scarcity of QA systems tailored specifically to the detailed nature of inquiries about the Quranic Tafsir (explanation, interpretation, context of Quran for clarity) and Ahadith poses significant challenges. To address this gap, we introduce a comprehensive dataset meticulously crafted for QA purposes within the domain of Quranic Tafsir and Ahadith. This dataset comprises a robust collection of over 73,000 question-answer pairs, standing as the largest reported dataset in this specialized domain. Importantly, both questions and answers within the dataset are meticulously enriched with contextual information, serving as invaluable resources for training and evaluating tailored QA systems. However, while this paper highlights the dataset's contributions and establishes a benchmark for evaluating QA performance in the Quran and Ahadith domains, our subsequent human evaluation uncovered critical insights regarding the limitations of existing automatic evaluation techniques. The discrepancy between automatic evaluation metrics, such as ROUGE scores, and human assessments became apparent. The human evaluation indicated significant disparities: the model's verdict consistency with expert scholars ranged between 11% to 20%, while its contextual understanding spanned a broader spectrum of 50% to 90%. These findings underscore the necessity for evaluation techniques that capture the nuances and complexities inherent in understanding religious texts, surpassing the limitations of traditional automatic metrics.
☆ Generating Synthetic Free-text Medical Records with Low Re-identification Risk using Masked Language Modeling
In this paper, we present a system that generates synthetic free-text medical records, such as discharge summaries, admission notes and doctor correspondences, using Masked Language Modeling (MLM). Our system is designed to preserve the critical information of the records while introducing significant diversity and minimizing re-identification risk. The system incorporates a de-identification component that uses Philter to mask Protected Health Information (PHI), followed by a Medical Entity Recognition (NER) model to retain key medical information. We explore various masking ratios and mask-filling techniques to balance the trade-off between diversity and fidelity in the synthetic outputs without affecting overall readability. Our results demonstrate that the system can produce high-quality synthetic data with significant diversity while achieving a HIPAA-compliant PHI recall rate of 0.96 and a low re-identification risk of 0.035. Furthermore, downstream evaluations using a NER task reveal that the synthetic data can be effectively used to train models with performance comparable to those trained on real data. The flexibility of the system allows it to be adapted for specific use cases, making it a valuable tool for privacy-preserving data generation in medical research and healthcare applications.
☆ Latent Diffusion Models for Controllable RNA Sequence Generation
This paper presents RNAdiffusion, a latent diffusion model for generating and optimizing discrete RNA sequences. RNA is a particularly dynamic and versatile molecule in biological processes. RNA sequences exhibit high variability and diversity, characterized by their variable lengths, flexible three-dimensional structures, and diverse functions. We utilize pretrained BERT-type models to encode raw RNAs into token-level biologically meaningful representations. A Q-Former is employed to compress these representations into a fixed-length set of latent vectors, with an autoregressive decoder trained to reconstruct RNA sequences from these latent variables. We then develop a continuous diffusion model within this latent space. To enable optimization, we train reward networks to estimate functional properties of RNA from the latent variables. We employ gradient-based guidance during the backward diffusion process, aiming to generate RNA sequences that are optimized for higher rewards. Empirical experiments confirm that RNAdiffusion generates non-coding RNAs that align with natural distributions across various biological indicators. We fine-tuned the diffusion model on untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNA and optimize sample sequences for protein translation efficiencies. Our guided diffusion model effectively generates diverse UTR sequences with high Mean Ribosome Loading (MRL) and Translation Efficiency (TE), surpassing baselines. These results hold promise for studies on RNA sequence-function relationships, protein synthesis, and enhancing therapeutic RNA design.
☆ A Simpler Alternative to Variational Regularized Counterfactual Risk Minimization RecSys '24
Variance regularized counterfactual risk minimization (VRCRM) has been proposed as an alternative off-policy learning (OPL) method. VRCRM method uses a lower-bound on the $f$-divergence between the logging policy and the target policy as regularization during learning and was shown to improve performance over existing OPL alternatives on multi-label classification tasks. In this work, we revisit the original experimental setting of VRCRM and propose to minimize the $f$-divergence directly, instead of optimizing for the lower bound using a $f$-GAN approach. Surprisingly, we were unable to reproduce the results reported in the original setting. In response, we propose a novel simpler alternative to f-divergence optimization by minimizing a direct approximation of f-divergence directly, instead of a $f$-GAN based lower bound. Experiments showed that minimizing the divergence using $f$-GANs did not work as expected, whereas our proposed novel simpler alternative works better empirically.
comment: Accepted at the CONSEQUENCES '24 workshop, co-located with ACM RecSys '24
☆ PROSE-FD: A Multimodal PDE Foundation Model for Learning Multiple Operators for Forecasting Fluid Dynamics
We propose PROSE-FD, a zero-shot multimodal PDE foundational model for simultaneous prediction of heterogeneous two-dimensional physical systems related to distinct fluid dynamics settings. These systems include shallow water equations and the Navier-Stokes equations with incompressible and compressible flow, regular and complex geometries, and different buoyancy settings. This work presents a new transformer-based multi-operator learning approach that fuses symbolic information to perform operator-based data prediction, i.e. non-autoregressive. By incorporating multiple modalities in the inputs, the PDE foundation model builds in a pathway for including mathematical descriptions of the physical behavior. We pre-train our foundation model on 6 parametric families of equations collected from 13 datasets, including over 60K trajectories. Our model outperforms popular operator learning, computer vision, and multi-physics models, in benchmark forward prediction tasks. We test our architecture choices with ablation studies.
☆ Federated Learning in Adversarial Environments: Testbed Design and Poisoning Resilience in Cybersecurity
This paper presents the design and implementation of a Federated Learning (FL) testbed, focusing on its application in cybersecurity and evaluating its resilience against poisoning attacks. Federated Learning allows multiple clients to collaboratively train a global model while keeping their data decentralized, addressing critical needs for data privacy and security, particularly in sensitive fields like cybersecurity. Our testbed, built using the Flower framework, facilitates experimentation with various FL frameworks, assessing their performance, scalability, and ease of integration. Through a case study on federated intrusion detection systems, we demonstrate the testbed's capabilities in detecting anomalies and securing critical infrastructure without exposing sensitive network data. Comprehensive poisoning tests, targeting both model and data integrity, evaluate the system's robustness under adversarial conditions. Our results show that while federated learning enhances data privacy and distributed learning, it remains vulnerable to poisoning attacks, which must be mitigated to ensure its reliability in real-world applications.
comment: 7 pages, 4 figures
☆ Enhancing Data Quality through Self-learning on Imbalanced Financial Risk Data
In the financial risk domain, particularly in credit default prediction and fraud detection, accurate identification of high-risk class instances is paramount, as their occurrence can have significant economic implications. Although machine learning models have gained widespread adoption for risk prediction, their performance is often hindered by the scarcity and diversity of high-quality data. This limitation stems from factors in datasets such as small risk sample sizes, high labeling costs, and severe class imbalance, which impede the models' ability to learn effectively and accurately forecast critical events. This study investigates data pre-processing techniques to enhance existing financial risk datasets by introducing TriEnhance, a straightforward technique that entails: (1) generating synthetic samples specifically tailored to the minority class, (2) filtering using binary feedback to refine samples, and (3) self-learning with pseudo-labels. Our experiments across six benchmark datasets reveal the efficacy of TriEnhance, with a notable focus on improving minority class calibration, a key factor for developing more robust financial risk prediction systems.
☆ BEnDEM:A Boltzmann Sampler Based on Bootstrapped Denoising Energy Matching
Developing an efficient sampler capable of generating independent and identically distributed (IID) samples from a Boltzmann distribution is a crucial challenge in scientific research, e.g. molecular dynamics. In this work, we intend to learn neural samplers given energy functions instead of data sampled from the Boltzmann distribution. By learning the energies of the noised data, we propose a diffusion-based sampler, ENERGY-BASED DENOISING ENERGY MATCHING, which theoretically has lower variance and more complexity compared to related works. Furthermore, a novel bootstrapping technique is applied to EnDEM to balance between bias and variance. We evaluate EnDEM and BEnDEM on a 2-dimensional 40 Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and a 4-particle double-welling potential (DW-4). The experimental results demonstrate that BEnDEM can achieve state-of-the-art performance while being more robust.
comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables
☆ Large Language Model Based Generative Error Correction: A Challenge and Baselines forSpeech Recognition, Speaker Tagging, and Emotion Recognition
Given recent advances in generative AI technology, a key question is how large language models (LLMs) can enhance acoustic modeling tasks using text decoding results from a frozen, pretrained automatic speech recognition (ASR) model. To explore new capabilities in language modeling for speech processing, we introduce the generative speech transcription error correction (GenSEC) challenge. This challenge comprises three post-ASR language modeling tasks: (i) post-ASR transcription correction, (ii) speaker tagging, and (iii) emotion recognition. These tasks aim to emulate future LLM-based agents handling voice-based interfaces while remaining accessible to a broad audience by utilizing open pretrained language models or agent-based APIs. We also discuss insights from baseline evaluations, as well as lessons learned for designing future evaluations.
comment: IEEE SLT 2024. The initial draft version has been done in December 2023. Post-ASR Text Processing and Understanding Community: https://huggingface.co/GenSEC-LLM
☆ Learning Rate Optimization for Deep Neural Networks Using Lipschitz Bandits
Learning rate is a crucial parameter in training of neural networks. A properly tuned learning rate leads to faster training and higher test accuracy. In this paper, we propose a Lipschitz bandit-driven approach for tuning the learning rate of neural networks. The proposed approach is compared with the popular HyperOpt technique used extensively for hyperparameter optimization and the recently developed bandit-based algorithm BLiE. The results for multiple neural network architectures indicate that our method finds a better learning rate using a) fewer evaluations and b) lesser number of epochs per evaluation, when compared to both HyperOpt and BLiE. Thus, the proposed approach enables more efficient training of neural networks, leading to lower training time and lesser computational cost.
☆ RandALO: Out-of-sample risk estimation in no time flat
Estimating out-of-sample risk for models trained on large high-dimensional datasets is an expensive but essential part of the machine learning process, enabling practitioners to optimally tune hyperparameters. Cross-validation (CV) serves as the de facto standard for risk estimation but poorly trades off high bias ($K$-fold CV) for computational cost (leave-one-out CV). We propose a randomized approximate leave-one-out (RandALO) risk estimator that is not only a consistent estimator of risk in high dimensions but also less computationally expensive than $K$-fold CV. We support our claims with extensive simulations on synthetic and real data and provide a user-friendly Python package implementing RandALO available on PyPI as randalo and at https://github.com/cvxgrp/randalo.
comment: 25 pages, 9 figures
☆ Rewind-to-Delete: Certified Machine Unlearning for Nonconvex Functions
Machine unlearning algorithms aim to efficiently remove data from a model without retraining it from scratch, in order to enforce data privacy, remove corrupted or outdated data, or respect a user's ``right to be forgotten." Certified machine unlearning is a strong theoretical guarantee that quantifies the extent to which data is erased from the model weights. Most prior works in certified unlearning focus on models trained on convex or strongly convex loss functions, which benefit from convenient convergence guarantees and the existence of global minima. For nonconvex objectives, existing algorithms rely on limiting assumptions and expensive computations that hinder practical implementations. In this work, we propose a simple first-order algorithm for unlearning on general nonconvex loss functions which unlearns by ``rewinding" to an earlier step during the learning process and then performs gradient descent on the loss function of the retained data points. Our algorithm is black-box, in that it can be directly applied to models pretrained with vanilla gradient descent with no prior consideration of unlearning. We prove $(\epsilon, \delta)$ certified unlearning and performance guarantees that establish the privacy-utility-complexity tradeoff of our algorithm, with special consideration for nonconvex functions that satisfy the Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality.
☆ Towards Multi-view Graph Anomaly Detection with Similarity-Guided Contrastive Clustering
Anomaly detection on graphs plays an important role in many real-world applications. Usually, these data are composed of multiple types (e.g., user information and transaction records for financial data), thus exhibiting view heterogeneity. Therefore, it can be challenging to leverage such multi-view information and learn the graph's contextual information to identify rare anomalies. To tackle this problem, many deep learning-based methods utilize contrastive learning loss as a regularization term to learn good representations. However, many existing contrastive-based methods show that traditional contrastive learning losses fail to consider the semantic information (e.g., class membership information). In addition, we theoretically show that clustering-based contrastive learning also easily leads to a sub-optimal solution. To address these issues, in this paper, we proposed an autoencoder-based clustering framework regularized by a similarity-guided contrastive loss to detect anomalous nodes. Specifically, we build a similarity map to help the model learn robust representations without imposing a hard margin constraint between the positive and negative pairs. Theoretically, we show that the proposed similarity-guided loss is a variant of contrastive learning loss, and how it alleviates the issue of unreliable pseudo-labels with the connection to graph spectral clustering. Experimental results on several datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed framework.
☆ Analysis of Centrifugal Clutches in Two-Speed Automatic Transmissions with Deep Learning-Based Engagement Prediction
This paper presents a comprehensive numerical analysis of centrifugal clutch systems integrated with a two-speed automatic transmission, a key component in automotive torque transfer. Centrifugal clutches enable torque transmission based on rotational speed without external controls. The study systematically examines various clutch configurations effects on transmission dynamics, focusing on torque transfer, upshifting, and downshifting behaviors under different conditions. A Deep Neural Network (DNN) model predicts clutch engagement using parameters such as spring preload and shoe mass, offering an efficient alternative to complex simulations. The integration of deep learning and numerical modeling provides critical insights for optimizing clutch designs, enhancing transmission performance and efficiency.
☆ The Optimality of (Accelerated) SGD for High-Dimensional Quadratic Optimization
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a widely used algorithm in machine learning, particularly for neural network training. Recent studies on SGD for canonical quadratic optimization or linear regression show it attains well generalization under suitable high-dimensional settings. However, a fundamental question -- for what kinds of high-dimensional learning problems SGD and its accelerated variants can achieve optimality has yet to be well studied. This paper investigates SGD with two essential components in practice: exponentially decaying step size schedule and momentum. We establish the convergence upper bound for momentum accelerated SGD (ASGD) and propose concrete classes of learning problems under which SGD or ASGD achieves min-max optimal convergence rates. The characterization of the target function is based on standard power-law decays in (functional) linear regression. Our results unveil new insights for understanding the learning bias of SGD: (i) SGD is efficient in learning ``dense'' features where the corresponding weights are subject to an infinity norm constraint; (ii) SGD is efficient for easy problem without suffering from the saturation effect; (iii) momentum can accelerate the convergence rate by order when the learning problem is relatively hard. To our knowledge, this is the first work to clearly identify the optimal boundary of SGD versus ASGD for the problem under mild settings.
comment: 46 pages
☆ OML-AD: Online Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data
Time series are ubiquitous and occur naturally in a variety of applications -- from data recorded by sensors in manufacturing processes, over financial data streams to climate data. Different tasks arise, such as regression, classification or segmentation of the time series. However, to reliably solve these challenges, it is important to filter out abnormal observations that deviate from the usual behavior of the time series. While many anomaly detection methods exist for independent data and stationary time series, these methods are not applicable to non-stationary time series. To allow for non-stationarity in the data, while simultaneously detecting anomalies, we propose OML-AD, a novel approach for anomaly detection (AD) based on online machine learning (OML). We provide an implementation of OML-AD within the Python library River and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency.
comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables
☆ From Challenges and Pitfalls to Recommendations and Opportunities: Implementing Federated Learning in Healthcare
Federated learning holds great potential for enabling large-scale healthcare research and collaboration across multiple centres while ensuring data privacy and security are not compromised. Although numerous recent studies suggest or utilize federated learning based methods in healthcare, it remains unclear which ones have potential clinical utility. This review paper considers and analyzes the most recent studies up to May 2024 that describe federated learning based methods in healthcare. After a thorough review, we find that the vast majority are not appropriate for clinical use due to their methodological flaws and/or underlying biases which include but are not limited to privacy concerns, generalization issues, and communication costs. As a result, the effectiveness of federated learning in healthcare is significantly compromised. To overcome these challenges, we provide recommendations and promising opportunities that might be implemented to resolve these problems and improve the quality of model development in federated learning with healthcare.
☆ Measuring Recency Bias In Sequential Recommendation Systems RecSys '24
Recency bias in a sequential recommendation system refers to the overly high emphasis placed on recent items within a user session. This bias can diminish the serendipity of recommendations and hinder the system's ability to capture users' long-term interests, leading to user disengagement. We propose a simple yet effective novel metric specifically designed to quantify recency bias. Our findings also demonstrate that high recency bias measured in our proposed metric adversely impacts recommendation performance too, and mitigating it results in improved recommendation performances across all models evaluated in our experiments, thus highlighting the importance of measuring recency bias.
comment: Accepted at the CONSEQUENCES '24 workshop, co-located with ACM RecSys '24
☆ Finetuning CLIP to Reason about Pairwise Differences
Vision-language models (VLMs) such as CLIP are trained via contrastive learning between text and image pairs, resulting in aligned image and text embeddings that are useful for many downstream tasks. A notable drawback of CLIP, however, is that the resulting embedding space seems to lack some of the structure of their purely text-based alternatives. For instance, while text embeddings have been long noted to satisfy \emph{analogies} in embedding space using vector arithmetic, CLIP has no such property. In this paper, we propose an approach to natively train CLIP in a contrastive manner to reason about differences in embedding space. We finetune CLIP so that the differences in image embedding space correspond to \emph{text descriptions of the image differences}, which we synthetically generate with large language models on image-caption paired datasets. We first demonstrate that our approach yields significantly improved capabilities in ranking images by a certain attribute (e.g., elephants are larger than cats), which is useful in retrieval or constructing attribute-based classifiers, and improved zeroshot classification performance on many downstream image classification tasks. In addition, our approach enables a new mechanism for inference that we refer to as comparative prompting, where we leverage prior knowledge of text descriptions of differences between classes of interest, achieving even larger performance gains in classification. Finally, we illustrate that the resulting embeddings obey a larger degree of geometric properties in embedding space, such as in text-to-image generation.
comment: 10 pages
☆ ELSA: Exploiting Layer-wise N:M Sparsity for Vision Transformer Acceleration
$N{:}M$ sparsity is an emerging model compression method supported by more and more accelerators to speed up sparse matrix multiplication in deep neural networks. Most existing $N{:}M$ sparsity methods compress neural networks with a uniform setting for all layers in a network or heuristically determine the layer-wise configuration by considering the number of parameters in each layer. However, very few methods have been designed for obtaining a layer-wise customized $N{:}M$ sparse configuration for vision transformers (ViTs), which usually consist of transformer blocks involving the same number of parameters. In this work, to address the challenge of selecting suitable sparse configuration for ViTs on $N{:}M$ sparsity-supporting accelerators, we propose ELSA, Exploiting Layer-wise $N{:}M$ Sparsity for ViTs. Considering not only all $N{:}M$ sparsity levels supported by a given accelerator but also the expected throughput improvement, our methodology can reap the benefits of accelerators supporting mixed sparsity by trading off negligible accuracy loss with both memory usage and inference time reduction for ViT models. For instance, our approach achieves a noteworthy 2.9$\times$ reduction in FLOPs for both Swin-B and DeiT-B with only a marginal degradation of accuracy on ImageNet. Our code will be released upon paper acceptance.
☆ AlpaPICO: Extraction of PICO Frames from Clinical Trial Documents Using LLMs
In recent years, there has been a surge in the publication of clinical trial reports, making it challenging to conduct systematic reviews. Automatically extracting Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome (PICO) from clinical trial studies can alleviate the traditionally time-consuming process of manually scrutinizing systematic reviews. Existing approaches of PICO frame extraction involves supervised approach that relies on the existence of manually annotated data points in the form of BIO label tagging. Recent approaches, such as In-Context Learning (ICL), which has been shown to be effective for a number of downstream NLP tasks, require the use of labeled examples. In this work, we adopt ICL strategy by employing the pretrained knowledge of Large Language Models (LLMs), gathered during the pretraining phase of an LLM, to automatically extract the PICO-related terminologies from clinical trial documents in unsupervised set up to bypass the availability of large number of annotated data instances. Additionally, to showcase the highest effectiveness of LLM in oracle scenario where large number of annotated samples are available, we adopt the instruction tuning strategy by employing Low Rank Adaptation (LORA) to conduct the training of gigantic model in low resource environment for the PICO frame extraction task. Our empirical results show that our proposed ICL-based framework produces comparable results on all the version of EBM-NLP datasets and the proposed instruction tuned version of our framework produces state-of-the-art results on all the different EBM-NLP datasets. Our project is available at \url{https://github.com/shrimonmuke0202/AlpaPICO.git}.
comment: Accepted at Methods
☆ GFlowNet Pretraining with Inexpensive Rewards
Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets), a class of generative models have recently emerged as a suitable framework for generating diverse and high-quality molecular structures by learning from unnormalized reward distributions. Previous works in this direction often restrict exploration by using predefined molecular fragments as building blocks, limiting the chemical space that can be accessed. In this work, we introduce Atomic GFlowNets (A-GFNs), a foundational generative model leveraging individual atoms as building blocks to explore drug-like chemical space more comprehensively. We propose an unsupervised pre-training approach using offline drug-like molecule datasets, which conditions A-GFNs on inexpensive yet informative molecular descriptors such as drug-likeliness, topological polar surface area, and synthetic accessibility scores. These properties serve as proxy rewards, guiding A-GFNs towards regions of chemical space that exhibit desirable pharmacological properties. We further our method by implementing a goal-conditioned fine-tuning process, which adapts A-GFNs to optimize for specific target properties. In this work, we pretrain A-GFN on the ZINC15 offline dataset and employ robust evaluation metrics to show the effectiveness of our approach when compared to other relevant baseline methods in drug design.
☆ Predicting building types and functions at transnational scale
Building-specific knowledge such as building type and function information is important for numerous energy applications. However, comprehensive datasets containing this information for individual households are missing in many regions of Europe. For the first time, we investigate whether it is feasible to predict building types and functional classes at a European scale based on only open GIS datasets available across countries. We train a graph neural network (GNN) classifier on a large-scale graph dataset consisting of OpenStreetMap (OSM) buildings across the EU, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK. To efficiently perform training using the large-scale graph, we utilize localized subgraphs. A graph transformer model achieves a high Cohen's kappa coefficient of 0.754 when classifying buildings into 9 classes, and a very high Cohen's kappa coefficient of 0.844 when classifying buildings into the residential and non-residential classes. The experimental results imply three core novel contributions to literature. Firstly, we show that building classification across multiple countries is possible using a multi-source dataset consisting of information about 2D building shape, land use, degree of urbanization, and countries as input, and OSM tags as ground truth. Secondly, our results indicate that GNN models that consider contextual information about building neighborhoods improve predictive performance compared to models that only consider individual buildings and ignore the neighborhood. Thirdly, we show that training with GNNs on localized subgraphs instead of standard GNNs improves performance for the task of building classification.
☆ Extrapolative ML Models for Copolymers
Machine learning models have been progressively used for predicting materials properties. These models can be built using pre-existing data and are useful for rapidly screening the physicochemical space of a material, which is astronomically large. However, ML models are inherently interpolative, and their efficacy for searching candidates outside a material's known range of property is unresolved. Moreover, the performance of an ML model is intricately connected to its learning strategy and the volume of training data. Here, we determine the relationship between the extrapolation ability of an ML model, the size and range of its training dataset, and its learning approach. We focus on a canonical problem of predicting the properties of a copolymer as a function of the sequence of its monomers. Tree search algorithms, which learn the similarity between polymer structures, are found to be inefficient for extrapolation. Conversely, the extrapolation capability of neural networks and XGBoost models, which attempt to learn the underlying functional correlation between the structure and property of polymers, show strong correlations with the volume and range of training data. These findings have important implications on ML-based new material development.
☆ Training Safe Neural Networks with Global SDP Bounds
This paper presents a novel approach to training neural networks with formal safety guarantees using semidefinite programming (SDP) for verification. Our method focuses on verifying safety over large, high-dimensional input regions, addressing limitations of existing techniques that focus on adversarial robustness bounds. We introduce an ADMM-based training scheme for an accurate neural network classifier on the Adversarial Spheres dataset, achieving provably perfect recall with input dimensions up to $d=40$. This work advances the development of reliable neural network verification methods for high-dimensional systems, with potential applications in safe RL policies.
☆ Mitigating Dimensionality in 2D Rectangle Packing Problem under Reinforcement Learning Schema
This paper explores the application of Reinforcement Learning (RL) to the two-dimensional rectangular packing problem. We propose a reduced representation of the state and action spaces that allow us for high granularity. Leveraging UNet architecture and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), we achieved a model that is comparable to the MaxRect heuristic. However, our approach has great potential to be generalized to nonrectangular packing problems and complex constraints.
comment: 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence
☆ Model Selection Through Model Sorting
We propose a novel approach to select the best model of the data. Based on the exclusive properties of the nested models, we find the most parsimonious model containing the risk minimizer predictor. We prove the existence of probable approximately correct (PAC) bounds on the difference of the minimum empirical risk of two successive nested models, called successive empirical excess risk (SEER). Based on these bounds, we propose a model order selection method called nested empirical risk (NER). By the sorted NER (S-NER) method to sort the models intelligently, the minimum risk decreases. We construct a test that predicts whether expanding the model decreases the minimum risk or not. With a high probability, the NER and S-NER choose the true model order and the most parsimonious model containing the risk minimizer predictor, respectively. We use S-NER model selection in the linear regression and show that, the S-NER method without any prior information can outperform the accuracy of feature sorting algorithms like orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) that aided with prior knowledge of the true model order. Also, in the UCR data set, the NER method reduces the complexity of the classification of UCR datasets dramatically, with a negligible loss of accuracy.
comment: 55 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, October 26, 2023
☆ KAN v.s. MLP for Offline Reinforcement Learning
Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) is an emerging neural network architecture in machine learning. It has greatly interested the research community about whether KAN can be a promising alternative of the commonly used Multi-Layer Perceptions (MLP). Experiments in various fields demonstrated that KAN-based machine learning can achieve comparable if not better performance than MLP-based methods, but with much smaller parameter scales and are more explainable. In this paper, we explore the incorporation of KAN into the actor and critic networks for offline reinforcement learning (RL). We evaluated the performance, parameter scales, and training efficiency of various KAN and MLP based conservative Q-learning (CQL) on the the classical D4RL benchmark for offline RL. Our study demonstrates that KAN can achieve performance close to the commonly used MLP with significantly fewer parameters. This provides us an option to choose the base networks according to the requirements of the offline RL tasks.
comment: 5 pages,2 figures
☆ Conditional sampling within generative diffusion models
Generative diffusions are a powerful class of Monte Carlo samplers that leverage bridging Markov processes to approximate complex, high-dimensional distributions, such as those found in image processing and language models. Despite their success in these domains, an important open challenge remains: extending these techniques to sample from conditional distributions, as required in, for example, Bayesian inverse problems. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of existing computational approaches to conditional sampling within generative diffusion models. Specifically, we highlight key methodologies that either utilise the joint distribution, or rely on (pre-trained) marginal distributions with explicit likelihoods, to construct conditional generative samplers.
☆ COSCO: A Sharpness-Aware Training Framework for Few-shot Multivariate Time Series Classification CIKM '24
Multivariate time series classification is an important task with widespread domains of applications. Recently, deep neural networks (DNN) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in time series classification. However, they often require large expert-labeled training datasets which can be infeasible in practice. In few-shot settings, i.e. only a limited number of samples per class are available in training data, DNNs show a significant drop in testing accuracy and poor generalization ability. In this paper, we propose to address these problems from an optimization and a loss function perspective. Specifically, we propose a new learning framework named COSCO consisting of a sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) optimization and a Prototypical loss function to improve the generalization ability of DNN for multivariate time series classification problems under few-shot setting. Our experiments demonstrate our proposed method outperforms the existing baseline methods. Our source code is available at: https://github.com/JRB9/COSCO.
comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, CIKM '24 Short Paper Track
☆ Extract and Diffuse: Latent Integration for Improved Diffusion-based Speech and Vocal Enhancement
Diffusion-based generative models have recently achieved remarkable results in speech and vocal enhancement due to their ability to model complex speech data distributions. While these models generalize well to unseen acoustic environments, they may not achieve the same level of fidelity as the discriminative models specifically trained to enhance particular acoustic conditions. In this paper, we propose Ex-Diff, a novel score-based diffusion model that integrates the latent representations produced by a discriminative model to improve speech and vocal enhancement, which combines the strengths of both generative and discriminative models. Experimental results on the widely used MUSDB dataset show relative improvements of 3.7% in SI-SDR and 10.0% in SI-SIR compared to the baseline diffusion model for speech and vocal enhancement tasks, respectively. Additionally, case studies are provided to further illustrate and analyze the complementary nature of generative and discriminative models in this context.
☆ A Novel Framework For Text Detection From Natural Scene Images With Complex Background
Recognizing texts from camera images is a known hard problem because of the difficulties in text detection from the varied and complicated background. In this paper we propose a novel and efficient method to detect text region from images with complex background using Wavelet Transforms. The framework uses Wavelet Transformation of the original image in its grayscale form followed by Sub-band filtering. Then Region clustering technique is applied using centroids of the regions, further Bounding box is fitted to each region thus identifying the text regions. This method is much sophisticated and efficient than the previous methods as it doesn't stick to a particular font size of the text thus, making it generalized. The sample set used for experimental purpose consists of 50 images with varying backgrounds. Images with edge prominence are considered. Furthermore, our method can be easily customized for applications with different scopes.
☆ Understanding Simplicity Bias towards Compositional Mappings via Learning Dynamics
Obtaining compositional mappings is important for the model to generalize well compositionally. To better understand when and how to encourage the model to learn such mappings, we study their uniqueness through different perspectives. Specifically, we first show that the compositional mappings are the simplest bijections through the lens of coding length (i.e., an upper bound of their Kolmogorov complexity). This property explains why models having such mappings can generalize well. We further show that the simplicity bias is usually an intrinsic property of neural network training via gradient descent. That partially explains why some models spontaneously generalize well when they are trained appropriately.
comment: 4 pages
☆ HJ-sampler: A Bayesian sampler for inverse problems of a stochastic process by leveraging Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs and score-based generative models
The interplay between stochastic processes and optimal control has been extensively explored in the literature. With the recent surge in the use of diffusion models, stochastic processes have increasingly been applied to sample generation. This paper builds on the log transform, known as the Cole-Hopf transform in Brownian motion contexts, and extends it within a more abstract framework that includes a linear operator. Within this framework, we found that the well-known relationship between the Cole-Hopf transform and optimal transport is a particular instance where the linear operator acts as the infinitesimal generator of a stochastic process. We also introduce a novel scenario where the linear operator is the adjoint of the generator, linking to Bayesian inference under specific initial and terminal conditions. Leveraging this theoretical foundation, we develop a new algorithm, named the HJ-sampler, for Bayesian inference for the inverse problem of a stochastic differential equation with given terminal observations. The HJ-sampler involves two stages: (1) solving the viscous Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations, and (2) sampling from the associated stochastic optimal control problem. Our proposed algorithm naturally allows for flexibility in selecting the numerical solver for viscous HJ PDEs. We introduce two variants of the solver: the Riccati-HJ-sampler, based on the Riccati method, and the SGM-HJ-sampler, which utilizes diffusion models. We demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed methods by applying them to solve Bayesian inverse problems involving various stochastic processes and prior distributions, including applications that address model misspecifications and quantifying model uncertainty.
☆ Integrating Audio Narrations to Strengthen Domain Generalization in Multimodal First-Person Action Recognition
First-person activity recognition is rapidly growing due to the widespread use of wearable cameras but faces challenges from domain shifts across different environments, such as varying objects or background scenes. We propose a multimodal framework that improves domain generalization by integrating motion, audio, and appearance features. Key contributions include analyzing the resilience of audio and motion features to domain shifts, using audio narrations for enhanced audio-text alignment, and applying consistency ratings between audio and visual narrations to optimize the impact of audio in recognition during training. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ARGO1M dataset, effectively generalizing across unseen scenarios and locations.
☆ Towards Data-Centric RLHF: Simple Metrics for Preference Dataset Comparison
The goal of aligning language models to human preferences requires data that reveal these preferences. Ideally, time and money can be spent carefully collecting and tailoring bespoke preference data to each downstream application. However, in practice, a select few publicly available preference datasets are often used to train reward models for reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). While new preference datasets are being introduced with increasing frequency, there are currently no existing efforts to measure and compare these datasets. In this paper, we systematically study preference datasets through three perspectives: scale, label noise, and information content. We propose specific metrics for each of these perspectives and uncover different axes of comparison for a better understanding of preference datasets. Our work is a first step towards a data-centric approach to alignment by providing perspectives that aid in training efficiency and iterative data collection for RLHF.
comment: Working Paper
☆ Open-World Test-Time Training: Self-Training with Contrast Learning
Traditional test-time training (TTT) methods, while addressing domain shifts, often assume a consistent class set, limiting their applicability in real-world scenarios characterized by infinite variety. Open-World Test-Time Training (OWTTT) addresses the challenge of generalizing deep learning models to unknown target domain distributions, especially in the presence of strong Out-of-Distribution (OOD) data. Existing TTT methods often struggle to maintain performance when confronted with strong OOD data. In OWTTT, the focus has predominantly been on distinguishing between overall strong and weak OOD data. However, during the early stages of TTT, initial feature extraction is hampered by interference from strong OOD and corruptions, resulting in diminished contrast and premature classification of certain classes as strong OOD. To address this, we introduce Open World Dynamic Contrastive Learning (OWDCL), an innovative approach that utilizes contrastive learning to augment positive sample pairs. This strategy not only bolsters contrast in the early stages but also significantly enhances model robustness in subsequent stages. In comparison datasets, our OWDCL model has produced the most advanced performance.
comment: 10page
☆ Machine learning assisted screening of metal binary alloys for anode materials
In the dynamic and rapidly advancing battery field, alloy anode materials are a focal point due to their superior electrochemical performance. Traditional screening methods are inefficient and time-consuming. Our research introduces a machine learning-assisted strategy to expedite the discovery and optimization of these materials. We compiled a vast dataset from the MP and AFLOW databases, encompassing tens of thousands of alloy compositions and properties. Utilizing a CGCNN, we accurately predicted the potential and specific capacity of alloy anodes, validated against experimental data. This approach identified approximately 120 low potential and high specific capacity alloy anodes suitable for various battery systems including Li, Na, K, Zn, Mg, Ca, and Al-based. Our method not only streamlines the screening of battery anode materials but also propels the advancement of battery material research and innovation in energy storage technology.
comment: 41 pages include SI, 5 figures in main
☆ Bias Begets Bias: The Impact of Biased Embeddings on Diffusion Models
With the growing adoption of Text-to-Image (TTI) systems, the social biases of these models have come under increased scrutiny. Herein we conduct a systematic investigation of one such source of bias for diffusion models: embedding spaces. First, because traditional classifier-based fairness definitions require true labels not present in generative modeling, we propose statistical group fairness criteria based on a model's internal representation of the world. Using these definitions, we demonstrate theoretically and empirically that an unbiased text embedding space for input prompts is a necessary condition for representationally balanced diffusion models, meaning the distribution of generated images satisfy diversity requirements with respect to protected attributes. Next, we investigate the impact of biased embeddings on evaluating the alignment between generated images and prompts, a process which is commonly used to assess diffusion models. We find that biased multimodal embeddings like CLIP can result in lower alignment scores for representationally balanced TTI models, thus rewarding unfair behavior. Finally, we develop a theoretical framework through which biases in alignment evaluation can be studied and propose bias mitigation methods. By specifically adapting the perspective of embedding spaces, we establish new fairness conditions for diffusion model development and evaluation.
comment: 19 pages, 4 figures
☆ Astrometric Binary Classification Via Artificial Neural Networks
With nearly two billion stars observed and their corresponding astrometric parameters evaluated in the recent Gaia mission, the number of astrometric binary candidates have risen significantly. Due to the surplus of astrometric data, the current computational methods employed to inspect these astrometric binary candidates are both computationally expensive and cannot be executed in a reasonable time frame. In light of this, a machine learning (ML) technique to automatically classify whether a set of stars belong to an astrometric binary pair via an artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed. Using data from Gaia DR3, the ANN was trained and tested on 1.5 million highly probable true and visual binaries, considering the proper motions, parallaxes, and angular and physical separations as features. The ANN achieves high classification scores, with an accuracy of 99.3%, a precision rate of 0.988, a recall rate of 0.991, and an AUC of 0.999, indicating that the utilized ML technique is a highly effective method for classifying astrometric binaries. Thus, the proposed ANN is a promising alternative to the existing methods for the classification of astrometric binaries.
comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)
☆ Flexible Diffusion Scopes with Parameterized Laplacian for Heterophilic Graph Learning
The ability of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to capture long-range and global topology information is limited by the scope of conventional graph Laplacian, leading to unsatisfactory performance on some datasets, particularly on heterophilic graphs. To address this limitation, we propose a new class of parameterized Laplacian matrices, which provably offers more flexibility in controlling the diffusion distance between nodes than the conventional graph Laplacian, allowing long-range information to be adaptively captured through diffusion on graph. Specifically, we first prove that the diffusion distance and spectral distance on graph have an order-preserving relationship. With this result, we demonstrate that the parameterized Laplacian can accelerate the diffusion of long-range information, and the parameters in the Laplacian enable flexibility of the diffusion scopes. Based on the theoretical results, we propose topology-guided rewiring mechanism to capture helpful long-range neighborhood information for heterophilic graphs. With this mechanism and the new Laplacian, we propose two GNNs with flexible diffusion scopes: namely the Parameterized Diffusion based Graph Convolutional Networks (PD-GCN) and Graph Attention Networks (PD-GAT). Synthetic experiments reveal the high correlations between the parameters of the new Laplacian and the performance of parameterized GNNs under various graph homophily levels, which verifies that our new proposed GNNs indeed have the ability to adjust the parameters to adaptively capture the global information for different levels of heterophilic graphs. They also outperform the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models on 6 out of 7 real-world benchmark datasets, which further confirms their superiority.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2403.01475
♻ ☆ Rail-only: A Low-Cost High-Performance Network for Training LLMs with Trillion Parameters
This paper presents a low-cost network architecture for training large language models (LLMs) at hyperscale. We study the optimal parallelization strategy of LLMs and propose a novel datacenter network design tailored to LLM's unique communication pattern. We show that LLM training generates sparse communication patterns in the network and, therefore, does not require any-to-any full-bisection network to complete efficiently. As a result, our design eliminates the spine layer in traditional GPU clusters. We name this design a Rail-only network and demonstrate that it achieves the same training performance while reducing the network cost by 38% to 77% and network power consumption by 37% to 75% compared to a conventional GPU datacenter. Our architecture also supports Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) models with all-to-all communication through forwarding, with only 8.2% to 11.2% completion time overhead for all-to-all traffic. We study the failure robustness of Rail-only networks and provide insights into the performance impact of different network and training parameters.
♻ ☆ Privacy-Preserving Hierarchical Model-Distributed Inference
This paper focuses on designing a privacy-preserving Machine Learning (ML) inference protocol for a hierarchical setup, where clients own/generate data, model owners (cloud servers) have a pre-trained ML model, and edge servers perform ML inference on clients' data using the cloud server's ML model. Our goal is to speed up ML inference while providing privacy to both data and the ML model. Our approach (i) uses model-distributed inference (model parallelization) at the edge servers and (ii) reduces the amount of communication to/from the cloud server. Our privacy-preserving hierarchical model-distributed inference, privateMDI design uses additive secret sharing and linearly homomorphic encryption to handle linear calculations in the ML inference, and garbled circuit and a novel three-party oblivious transfer are used to handle non-linear functions. privateMDI consists of offline and online phases. We designed these phases in a way that most of the data exchange is done in the offline phase while the communication overhead of the online phase is reduced. In particular, there is no communication to/from the cloud server in the online phase, and the amount of communication between the client and edge servers is minimized. The experimental results demonstrate that privateMDI significantly reduces the ML inference time as compared to the baselines.
♻ ☆ Kernelized Concept Erasure EMNLP22
The representation space of neural models for textual data emerges in an unsupervised manner during training. Understanding how those representations encode human-interpretable concepts is a fundamental problem. One prominent approach for the identification of concepts in neural representations is searching for a linear subspace whose erasure prevents the prediction of the concept from the representations. However, while many linear erasure algorithms are tractable and interpretable, neural networks do not necessarily represent concepts in a linear manner. To identify non-linearly encoded concepts, we propose a kernelization of a linear minimax game for concept erasure. We demonstrate that it is possible to prevent specific non-linear adversaries from predicting the concept. However, the protection does not transfer to different nonlinear adversaries. Therefore, exhaustively erasing a non-linearly encoded concept remains an open problem.
comment: Accepted as a long paper in EMNLP22
♻ ☆ A Hypothesis on Black Swan in Unchanging Environments
Black swan events are statistically rare occurrences that carry extremely high risks. A typical view of defining black swan events is heavily assumed to originate from an unpredictable time-varying environments; however, the community lacks a comprehensive definition of black swan events. To this end, this paper challenges that the standard view is incomplete and claims that high-risk, statistically rare events can also occur in unchanging environments due to human misperception of their value and likelihood, which we call as spatial black swan event. We first carefully categorize black swan events, focusing on spatial black swan events, and mathematically formalize the definition of black swan events. We hope these definitions can pave the way for the development of algorithms to prevent such events by rationally correcting human perception.
comment: Authorship was updated
♻ ☆ Spatial Transformer Network YOLO Model for Agricultural Object Detection
Object detection plays a crucial role in the field of computer vision by autonomously locating and identifying objects of interest. The You Only Look Once (YOLO) model is an effective single-shot detector. However, YOLO faces challenges in cluttered or partially occluded scenes and can struggle with small, low-contrast objects. We propose a new method that integrates spatial transformer networks (STNs) into YOLO to improve performance. The proposed STN-YOLO aims to enhance the model's effectiveness by focusing on important areas of the image and improving the spatial invariance of the model before the detection process. Our proposed method improved object detection performance both qualitatively and quantitatively. We explore the impact of different localization networks within the STN module as well as the robustness of the model across different spatial transformations. We apply the STN-YOLO on benchmark datasets for Agricultural object detection as well as a new dataset from a state-of-the-art plant phenotyping greenhouse facility. Our code and dataset are publicly available.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted to 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications
♻ ☆ A Note on the Convergence of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Diffusion models are one of the most important families of deep generative models. In this note, we derive a quantitative upper bound on the Wasserstein distance between the data-generating distribution and the distribution learned by a diffusion model. Unlike previous works in this field, our result does not make assumptions on the learned score function. Moreover, our bound holds for arbitrary data-generating distributions on bounded instance spaces, even those without a density w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure, and the upper bound does not suffer from exponential dependencies. Our main result builds upon the recent work of Mbacke et al. (2023) and our proofs are elementary.
comment: Published at TMLR in 2024
♻ ☆ Early Detection of Network Service Degradation: An Intra-Flow Approach
This research presents a novel method for predicting service degradation (SD) in computer networks by leveraging early flow features. Our approach focuses on the observable (O) segments of network flows, particularly analyzing Packet Inter-Arrival Time (PIAT) values and other derived metrics, to infer the behavior of non-observable (NO) segments. Through a comprehensive evaluation, we identify an optimal O/NO split threshold of 10 observed delay samples, balancing prediction accuracy and resource utilization. Evaluating models including Logistic Regression, XGBoost, and Multi-Layer Perceptron, we find XGBoost outperforms others, achieving an F1-score of 0.74, balanced accuracy of 0.84, and AUROC of 0.97. Our findings highlight the effectiveness of incorporating comprehensive early flow features and the potential of our method to offer a practical solution for monitoring network traffic in resource-constrained environments. This approach ensures enhanced user experience and network performance by preemptively addressing potential SD, providing the basis for a robust framework for maintaining high-quality network services.
comment: reduced to 5 pages; accepted as a short paper for presentation at the CNSM 2024 conference
♻ ☆ One-Shot Safety Alignment for Large Language Models via Optimal Dualization
The growing safety concerns surrounding Large Language Models (LLMs) raise an urgent need to align them with diverse human preferences to simultaneously enhance their helpfulness and safety. A promising approach is to enforce safety constraints through Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). For such constrained RLHF, common Lagrangian-based primal-dual policy optimization methods are computationally expensive and often unstable. This paper presents a dualization perspective that reduces constrained alignment to an equivalent unconstrained alignment problem. We do so by pre-optimizing a smooth and convex dual function that has a closed form. This shortcut eliminates the need for cumbersome primal-dual policy iterations, thus greatly reducing the computational burden and improving training stability. Our strategy leads to two practical algorithms in model-based and preference-based scenarios (MoCAN and PeCAN, respectively). A broad range of experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods.
♻ ☆ Conformal Off-Policy Prediction for Multi-Agent Systems
Off-Policy Prediction (OPP), i.e., predicting the outcomes of a target policy using only data collected under a nominal (behavioural) policy, is a paramount problem in data-driven analysis of safety-critical systems where the deployment of a new policy may be unsafe. To achieve dependable off-policy predictions, recent work on Conformal Off-Policy Prediction (COPP) leverage the conformal prediction framework to derive prediction regions with probabilistic guarantees under the target process. Existing COPP methods can account for the distribution shifts induced by policy switching, but are limited to single-agent systems and scalar outcomes (e.g., rewards). In this work, we introduce MA-COPP, the first conformal prediction method to solve OPP problems involving multi-agent systems, deriving joint prediction regions for all agents' trajectories when one or more ego agents change their policies. Unlike the single-agent scenario, this setting introduces higher complexity as the distribution shifts affect predictions for all agents, not just the ego agents, and the prediction task involves full multi-dimensional trajectories, not just reward values. A key contribution of MA-COPP is to avoid enumeration or exhaustive search of the output space of agent trajectories, which is instead required by existing COPP methods to construct the prediction region. We achieve this by showing that an over-approximation of the true joint prediction region (JPR) can be constructed, without enumeration, from the maximum density ratio of the JPR trajectories. We evaluate the effectiveness of MA-COPP in multi-agent systems from the PettingZoo library and the F1TENTH autonomous racing environment, achieving nominal coverage in higher dimensions and various shift settings.
comment: Accepted for publication in the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2024
♻ ☆ Sarah Frank-Wolfe: Methods for Constrained Optimization with Best Rates and Practical Features ICML 2024
The Frank-Wolfe (FW) method is a popular approach for solving optimization problems with structured constraints that arise in machine learning applications. In recent years, stochastic versions of FW have gained popularity, motivated by large datasets for which the computation of the full gradient is prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we present two new variants of the FW algorithms for stochastic finite-sum minimization. Our algorithms have the best convergence guarantees of existing stochastic FW approaches for both convex and non-convex objective functions. Our methods do not have the issue of permanently collecting large batches, which is common to many stochastic projection-free approaches. Moreover, our second approach does not require either large batches or full deterministic gradients, which is a typical weakness of many techniques for finite-sum problems. The faster theoretical rates of our approaches are confirmed experimentally.
comment: Appears in: the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024). 26 pages, 2 algorithms, 5 figures, 2 tables. Reference: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v235/beznosikov24a.html
♻ ☆ Time-Series Forecasting and Sequence Learning Using Memristor-based Reservoir System
Pushing the frontiers of time-series information processing in the ever-growing domain of edge devices with stringent resources has been impeded by the systems' ability to process information and learn locally on the device. Local processing and learning of time-series information typically demand intensive computations and massive storage as the process involves retrieving information and tuning hundreds of parameters back in time. In this work, we developed a memristor-based echo state network accelerator that features efficient temporal data processing and in-situ online learning. The proposed design is benchmarked using various datasets involving real-world tasks, such as forecasting the load energy consumption and weather conditions. The experimental results illustrate that the hardware model experiences a marginal degradation in performance as compared to the software counterpart. This is mainly attributed to the limited precision and dynamic range of network parameters when emulated using memristor devices. The proposed system is evaluated for lifespan, robustness, and energy-delay product. It is observed that the system demonstrates reasonable robustness for device failure below 10%, which may occur due to stuck-at faults. Furthermore, 247X reduction in energy consumption is achieved when compared to a custom CMOS digital design implemented at the same technology node.
♻ ☆ LLM Honeypot: Leveraging Large Language Models as Advanced Interactive Honeypot Systems
The rapid evolution of cyber threats necessitates innovative solutions for detecting and analyzing malicious activity. Honeypots, which are decoy systems designed to lure and interact with attackers, have emerged as a critical component in cybersecurity. In this paper, we present a novel approach to creating realistic and interactive honeypot systems using Large Language Models (LLMs). By fine-tuning a pre-trained open-source language model on a diverse dataset of attacker-generated commands and responses, we developed a honeypot capable of sophisticated engagement with attackers. Our methodology involved several key steps: data collection and processing, prompt engineering, model selection, and supervised fine-tuning to optimize the model's performance. Evaluation through similarity metrics and live deployment demonstrated that our approach effectively generates accurate and informative responses. The results highlight the potential of LLMs to revolutionize honeypot technology, providing cybersecurity professionals with a powerful tool to detect and analyze malicious activity, thereby enhancing overall security infrastructure.
comment: 6 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Bringing motion taxonomies to continuous domains via GPLVM on hyperbolic manifolds ICML
Human motion taxonomies serve as high-level hierarchical abstractions that classify how humans move and interact with their environment. They have proven useful to analyse grasps, manipulation skills, and whole-body support poses. Despite substantial efforts devoted to design their hierarchy and underlying categories, their use remains limited. This may be attributed to the lack of computational models that fill the gap between the discrete hierarchical structure of the taxonomy and the high-dimensional heterogeneous data associated to its categories. To overcome this problem, we propose to model taxonomy data via hyperbolic embeddings that capture the associated hierarchical structure. We achieve this by formulating a novel Gaussian process hyperbolic latent variable model that incorporates the taxonomy structure through graph-based priors on the latent space and distance-preserving back constraints. We validate our model on three different human motion taxonomies to learn hyperbolic embeddings that faithfully preserve the original graph structure. We show that our model properly encodes unseen data from existing or new taxonomy categories, and outperforms its Euclidean and VAE-based counterparts. Finally, through proof-of-concept experiments, we show that our model may be used to generate realistic trajectories between the learned embeddings.
comment: Intl. Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
♻ ☆ Fine-Tuning Adaptive Stochastic Optimizers: Determining the Optimal Hyperparameter $ε$ via Gradient Magnitude Histogram Analysis
Stochastic optimizers play a crucial role in the successful training of deep neural network models. To achieve optimal model performance, designers must carefully select both model and optimizer hyperparameters. However, this process is frequently demanding in terms of computational resources and processing time. While it is a well-established practice to tune the entire set of optimizer hyperparameters for peak performance, there is still a lack of clarity regarding the individual influence of hyperparameters mislabeled as "low priority", including the safeguard factor $\epsilon$ and decay rate $\beta$, in leading adaptive stochastic optimizers like the Adam optimizer. In this manuscript, we introduce a new framework based on the empirical probability density function of the loss' gradient magnitude, termed as the "gradient magnitude histogram", for a thorough analysis of adaptive stochastic optimizers and the safeguard hyperparameter $\epsilon$. This framework reveals and justifies valuable relationships and dependencies among hyperparameters in connection to optimal performance across diverse tasks, such as classification, language modeling and machine translation. Furthermore, we propose a novel algorithm using gradient magnitude histograms to automatically estimate a refined and accurate search space for the optimal safeguard hyperparameter $\epsilon$, surpassing the conventional trial-and-error methodology by establishing a worst-case search space that is two times narrower.
♻ ☆ PolyLUT-Add: FPGA-based LUT Inference with Wide Inputs
FPGAs have distinct advantages as a technology for deploying deep neural networks (DNNs) at the edge. Lookup Table (LUT) based networks, where neurons are directly modeled using LUTs, help maximize this promise of offering ultra-low latency and high area efficiency on FPGAs. Unfortunately, LUT resource usage scales exponentially with the number of inputs to the LUT, restricting PolyLUT to small LUT sizes. This work introduces PolyLUT-Add, a technique that enhances neuron connectivity by combining $A$ PolyLUT sub-neurons via addition to improve accuracy. Moreover, we describe a novel architecture to improve its scalability. We evaluated our implementation over the MNIST, Jet Substructure classification, and Network Intrusion Detection benchmark and found that for similar accuracy, PolyLUT-Add achieves a LUT reduction of $2.0-13.9\times$ with a $1.2-1.6\times$ decrease in latency.
comment: The source code for this paper is available at: https://github.com/bingleilou/PolyLUT-Add
♻ ☆ Dreaming is All You Need
In classification tasks, achieving a harmonious balance between exploration and precision is of paramount importance. To this end, this research introduces two novel deep learning models, SleepNet and DreamNet, to strike this balance. SleepNet seamlessly integrates supervised learning with unsupervised ``sleep" stages using pre-trained encoder models. Dedicated neurons within SleepNet are embedded in these unsupervised features, forming intermittent ``sleep" blocks that facilitate exploratory learning. Building upon the foundation of SleepNet, DreamNet employs full encoder-decoder frameworks to reconstruct the hidden states, mimicking the human "dreaming" process. This reconstruction process enables further exploration and refinement of the learned representations. Moreover, the principle ideas of our SleepNet and DreamNet are generic and can be applied to both computer vision and natural language processing downstream tasks. Through extensive empirical evaluations on diverse image and text datasets, SleepNet and DreanNet have demonstrated superior performance compared to state-of-the-art models, showcasing the strengths of unsupervised exploration and supervised precision afforded by our innovative approaches.
♻ ☆ Differentiating and Integrating ZX Diagrams with Applications to Quantum Machine Learning
ZX-calculus has proved to be a useful tool for quantum technology with a wide range of successful applications. Most of these applications are of an algebraic nature. However, other tasks that involve differentiation and integration remain unreachable with current ZX techniques. Here we elevate ZX to an analytical perspective by realising differentiation and integration entirely within the framework of ZX-calculus. We explicitly illustrate the new analytic framework of ZX-calculus by applying it in context of quantum machine learning for the analysis of barren plateaus.
comment: Accepted for publication in Quantum
♻ ☆ A POD-TANN approach for the multiscale modeling of materials and macroelement derivation in geomechanics
This paper introduces a novel approach that combines Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) with Thermodynamics-based Artificial Neural Networks (TANN) to capture the macroscopic behavior of complex inelastic systems and derive macroelements in geomechanics. The methodology leverages POD to extract macroscopic Internal State Variables (ISVs) from microscopic state information, thereby enriching the macroscopic state description used to train an energy potential network within the TANN framework. The thermodynamic consistency provided by TANN, combined with the hierarchical nature of POD, allows for accurate modeling of complex, non-linear material behavior and reliable macroscopic geomechanical systems responses. The effectiveness of this approach is validated through applications of increasing complexity, demonstrating its capability to handle various material behaviors and microstructural topologies. These applications include the homogenization of continuous inelastic representative unit cells (RUCs) and the derivation of a macroelement for a geotechnical system involving a monopile in a clay layer subjected to horizontal loading. The results indicate that the proposed POD-TANN methodology not only achieves high accuracy in reproducing stress-strain responses, but also significantly reduces computational costs, making it a practical tool for the multiscale modeling of heterogeneous inelastic systems, and the efficient derivation of macroelements for complex geomechanical problems.
comment: 36 pages, 14 figures, Submitted to International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
♻ ☆ CoD, Towards an Interpretable Medical Agent using Chain of Diagnosis
The field of medical diagnosis has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of large language models (LLMs), yet the challenges of interpretability within these models remain largely unaddressed. This study introduces Chain-of-Diagnosis (CoD) to enhance the interpretability of LLM-based medical diagnostics. CoD transforms the diagnostic process into a diagnostic chain that mirrors a physician's thought process, providing a transparent reasoning pathway. Additionally, CoD outputs the disease confidence distribution to ensure transparency in decision-making. This interpretability makes model diagnostics controllable and aids in identifying critical symptoms for inquiry through the entropy reduction of confidences. With CoD, we developed DiagnosisGPT, capable of diagnosing 9604 diseases. Experimental results demonstrate that DiagnosisGPT outperforms other LLMs on diagnostic benchmarks. Moreover, DiagnosisGPT provides interpretability while ensuring controllability in diagnostic rigor.
♻ ☆ HuatuoGPT-II, One-stage Training for Medical Adaption of LLMs
Adapting a language model into a specific domain, a.k.a `domain adaption', is a common practice when specialized knowledge, e.g. medicine, is not encapsulated in a general language model like Llama2. The challenge lies in the heterogeneity of data across the two training stages, as it varies in languages, genres, or formats. To tackle this and simplify the learning protocol, we propose to transform heterogeneous data, from the both pre-training and supervised stages, into a unified, simple input-output pair format. We validate the new protocol in the domains where proprietary LLMs like ChatGPT perform relatively poorly, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine. The developed model, HuatuoGPT-II, has shown state-of-the-art performance in Chinese medicine domain on a number of benchmarks, e.g. medical licensing exams. It even outperforms proprietary models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 in some aspects, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Expert manual evaluations further validate HuatuoGPT-II's advantages over existing LLMs. Notably, HuatuoGPT-II was benchmarked in a fresh Chinese National Medical Licensing Examination where it achieved the best performance, showcasing not only its effectiveness but also its generalization capabilities.
♻ ☆ HuatuoGPT-Vision, Towards Injecting Medical Visual Knowledge into Multimodal LLMs at Scale
The rapid development of multimodal large language models (MLLMs), such as GPT-4V, has led to significant advancements. However, these models still face challenges in medical multimodal capabilities due to limitations in the quantity and quality of medical vision-text data, stemming from data privacy concerns and high annotation costs. While pioneering approaches utilize PubMed's large-scale, de-identified medical image-text pairs to address these limitations, they still fall short due to inherent data noise. To tackle this, we refined medical image-text pairs from PubMed and employed MLLMs (GPT-4V) in an 'unblinded' capacity to denoise and reformat the data, resulting in the creation of the PubMedVision dataset with 1.3 million medical VQA samples. Our validation demonstrates that: (1) PubMedVision can significantly enhance the medical multimodal capabilities of current MLLMs, showing significant improvement in benchmarks including the MMMU Health & Medicine track; (2) manual checks by medical experts and empirical results validate the superior data quality of our dataset compared to other data construction methods. Using PubMedVision, we train a 34B medical MLLM HuatuoGPT-Vision, which shows superior performance in medical multimodal scenarios among open-source MLLMs.
♻ ☆ Balancing Act: Prioritization Strategies for LLM-Designed Restless Bandit Rewards
LLMs are increasingly used to design reward functions based on human preferences in Reinforcement Learning (RL). We focus on LLM-designed rewards for Restless Multi-Armed Bandits, a framework for allocating limited resources among agents. In applications such as public health, this approach empowers grassroots health workers to tailor automated allocation decisions to community needs. In the presence of multiple agents, altering the reward function based on human preferences can impact subpopulations very differently, leading to complex tradeoffs and a multi-objective resource allocation problem. We are the first to present a principled method termed Social Choice Language Model for dealing with these tradeoffs for LLM-designed rewards for multiagent planners in general and restless bandits in particular. The novel part of our model is a transparent and configurable selection component, called an adjudicator, external to the LLM that controls complex tradeoffs via a user-selected social welfare function. Our experiments demonstrate that our model reliably selects more effective, aligned, and balanced reward functions compared to purely LLM-based approaches.
♻ ☆ Mallows-DPO: Fine-Tune Your LLM with Preference Dispersions
Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has recently emerged as a popular approach to improve reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), leading to better techniques to fine-tune large language models (LLM). A weakness of DPO, however, lies in its lack of capability to characterize the diversity of human preferences. Inspired by Mallows' theory of preference ranking, we develop in this paper a new approach, the Mallows-DPO. A distinct feature of this approach is a dispersion index, which reflects the dispersion of human preference to prompts. We show that existing DPO models can be reduced to special cases of this dispersion index, thus unified with Mallows-DPO. More importantly, we demonstrate (empirically) how to use this dispersion index to enhance the performance of DPO in a broad array of benchmark tasks, from synthetic bandit selection to controllable generations and dialogues, while maintaining great generalization capabilities.
♻ ☆ Pathformer: Multi-scale Transformers with Adaptive Pathways for Time Series Forecasting ICLR 2024
Transformers for time series forecasting mainly model time series from limited or fixed scales, making it challenging to capture different characteristics spanning various scales. We propose Pathformer, a multi-scale Transformer with adaptive pathways. It integrates both temporal resolution and temporal distance for multi-scale modeling. Multi-scale division divides the time series into different temporal resolutions using patches of various sizes. Based on the division of each scale, dual attention is performed over these patches to capture global correlations and local details as temporal dependencies. We further enrich the multi-scale Transformer with adaptive pathways, which adaptively adjust the multi-scale modeling process based on the varying temporal dynamics of the input, improving the accuracy and generalization of Pathformer. Extensive experiments on eleven real-world datasets demonstrate that Pathformer not only achieves state-of-the-art performance by surpassing all current models but also exhibits stronger generalization abilities under various transfer scenarios. The code is made available at https://github.com/decisionintelligence/pathformer.
comment: Accepted by the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024)
♻ ☆ Matrix Information Theory for Self-Supervised Learning
The maximum entropy encoding framework provides a unified perspective for many non-contrastive learning methods like SimSiam, Barlow Twins, and MEC. Inspired by this framework, we introduce Matrix-SSL, a novel approach that leverages matrix information theory to interpret the maximum entropy encoding loss as matrix uniformity loss. Furthermore, Matrix-SSL enhances the maximum entropy encoding method by seamlessly incorporating matrix alignment loss, directly aligning covariance matrices in different branches. Experimental results reveal that Matrix-SSL outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the ImageNet dataset under linear evaluation settings and on MS-COCO for transfer learning tasks. Specifically, when performing transfer learning tasks on MS-COCO, our method outperforms previous SOTA methods such as MoCo v2 and BYOL up to 3.3% with only 400 epochs compared to 800 epochs pre-training. We also try to introduce representation learning into the language modeling regime by fine-tuning a 7B model using matrix cross-entropy loss, with a margin of 3.1% on the GSM8K dataset over the standard cross-entropy loss. Code available at https://github.com/yifanzhang-pro/Matrix-SSL.
♻ ☆ Vision-Language Meets the Skeleton: Progressively Distillation with Cross-Modal Knowledge for 3D Action Representation Learning
Skeleton-based action representation learning aims to interpret and understand human behaviors by encoding the skeleton sequences, which can be categorized into two primary training paradigms: supervised learning and self-supervised learning. However, the former one-hot classification requires labor-intensive predefined action categories annotations, while the latter involves skeleton transformations (e.g., cropping) in the pretext tasks that may impair the skeleton structure. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel skeleton-based training framework (C$^2$VL) based on Cross-modal Contrastive learning that uses the progressive distillation to learn task-agnostic human skeleton action representation from the Vision-Language knowledge prompts. Specifically, we establish the vision-language action concept space through vision-language knowledge prompts generated by pre-trained large multimodal models (LMMs), which enrich the fine-grained details that the skeleton action space lacks. Moreover, we propose the intra-modal self-similarity and inter-modal cross-consistency softened targets in the cross-modal representation learning process to progressively control and guide the degree of pulling vision-language knowledge prompts and corresponding skeletons closer. These soft instance discrimination and self-knowledge distillation strategies contribute to the learning of better skeleton-based action representations from the noisy skeleton-vision-language pairs. During the inference phase, our method requires only the skeleton data as the input for action recognition and no longer for vision-language prompts. Extensive experiments on NTU RGB+D 60, NTU RGB+D 120, and PKU-MMD datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the previous methods and achieves state-of-the-art results. Code is available at: https://github.com/cseeyangchen/C2VL.
comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
♻ ☆ TSELM: Target Speaker Extraction using Discrete Tokens and Language Models ICASSP 2025
We propose TSELM, a novel target speaker extraction network that leverages discrete tokens and language models. TSELM utilizes multiple discretized layers from WavLM as input tokens and incorporates cross-attention mechanisms to integrate target speaker information. Language models are employed to capture the sequence dependencies, while a scalable HiFi-GAN is used to reconstruct the audio from the tokens. By applying a cross-entropy loss, TSELM models the probability distribution of output tokens, thus converting the complex regression problem of audio generation into a classification task. Experimental results show that TSELM achieves excellent results in speech quality and comparable results in speech intelligibility.
comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2025
♻ ☆ Reducing Optimism Bias in Incomplete Cooperative Games AAMAS 2024
Cooperative game theory has diverse applications in contemporary artificial intelligence, including domains like interpretable machine learning, resource allocation, and collaborative decision-making. However, specifying a cooperative game entails assigning values to exponentially many coalitions, and obtaining even a single value can be resource-intensive in practice. Yet simply leaving certain coalition values undisclosed introduces ambiguity regarding individual contributions to the collective grand coalition. This ambiguity often leads to players holding overly optimistic expectations, stemming from either inherent biases or strategic considerations, frequently resulting in collective claims exceeding the actual grand coalition value. In this paper, we present a framework aimed at optimizing the sequence for revealing coalition values, with the overarching goal of efficiently closing the gap between players' expectations and achievable outcomes in cooperative games. Our contributions are threefold: (i) we study the individual players' optimistic completions of games with missing coalition values along with the arising gap, and investigate its analytical characteristics that facilitate more efficient optimization; (ii) we develop methods to minimize this gap over classes of games with a known prior by disclosing values of additional coalitions in both offline and online fashion; and (iii) we empirically demonstrate the algorithms' performance in practical scenarios, together with an investigation into the typical order of revealing coalition values.
comment: Proc. of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024)
♻ ☆ Sharp bounds on aggregate expert error
We revisit the classic problem of aggregating binary advice from conditionally independent experts, also known as the Naive Bayes setting. Our quantity of interest is the error probability of the optimal decision rule. In the case of symmetric errors (sensitivity = specificity), reasonably tight bounds on the optimal error probability are known. In the general asymmetric case, we are not aware of any nontrivial estimates on this quantity. Our contribution consists of sharp upper and lower bounds on the optimal error probability in the general case, which recover and sharpen the best known results in the symmetric special case. Since this turns out to be equivalent to estimating the total variation distance between two product distributions, our results also have bearing on this important and challenging problem.
Robotics 33
☆ Adaptable, shape-conforming robotic endoscope
This paper introduces a size-adaptable robotic endoscope design, which aims to improve the efficiency and comfort of colonoscopy. The robotic endoscope proposed in this paper combines the expansion mechanism and the external drive system, which can adjust the shape according to the different pipe diameters, thus improving the stability and propulsion force during propulsion. As an actuator in the expansion mechanism, flexible bellows can provide a normal force of 3.89 N and an axial deformation of nearly 10mm at the maximum pressure, with a 53% expansion rate in the size of expandable tip. In the test of the locomotion performance of the prototype, we obtained the relationship with the propelling of the prototype by changing the friction coefficient of the pipe and the motor angular velocity. In the experiment with artificial bowel tissues, the prototype can generate a propelling force of 2.83 N, and the maximum linear speed is 29.29 m/s in average, and could produce effective propulsion when it passes through different pipe sizes. The results show that the prototype can realize the ability of shape adaptation in order to obtain more propulsion. The relationship between propelling force and traction force, structural optimization and miniaturization still need further exploration.
comment: Title: Adaptable, shape-conforming robotic endoscope Authors: Jiayang Du, Lin Cao, Sanja Dogramazi Comments: 15 pages with 10 figures Subj-class: robotic colonoscope This manuscript has been submitted to other journals and is currently under review. Another manuscript borrowed some of the results of this manuscript, so it is necessary to cite the reference
☆ Swarm Algorithms for Dynamic Task Allocation in Unknown Environments
Robot swarms, systems of many robots that operate in a distributed fashion, have many applications in areas such as search-and-rescue, natural disaster response, and self-assembly. Several of these applications can be abstracted to the general problem of task allocation in an environment, in which robots must assign themselves to and complete tasks. While several algorithms for task allocation have been proposed, most of them assume either prior knowledge of task locations or a static set of tasks. Operating under a discrete general model where tasks dynamically appear in unknown locations, we present three new swarm algorithms for task allocation. We demonstrate that when tasks appear slowly, our variant of a distributed algorithm based on propagating task information completes tasks more efficiently than a Levy random walk algorithm, which is a strategy used by many organisms in nature to efficiently search an environment. We also propose a division of labor algorithm where some agents are using our algorithm based on propagating task information while the remaining agents are using the Levy random walk algorithm. Finally, we introduce a hybrid algorithm where each agent dynamically switches between using propagated task information and following a Levy random walk. We show that our division of labor and hybrid algorithms can perform better than both our algorithm based on propagated task information and the Levy walk algorithm, especially at low and medium task rates. When tasks appear fast, we observe the Levy random walk strategy performs as well or better when compared to these novel approaches. Our work demonstrates the relative performance of these algorithms on a variety of task rates and also provide insight into optimizing our algorithms based on environment parameters.
comment: 14 pages, 10 figures
☆ VernaCopter: Disambiguated Natural-Language-Driven Robot via Formal Specifications
It has been an ambition of many to control a robot for a complex task using natural language (NL). The rise of large language models (LLMs) makes it closer to coming true. However, an LLM-powered system still suffers from the ambiguity inherent in an NL and the uncertainty brought up by LLMs. This paper proposes a novel LLM-based robot motion planner, named \textit{VernaCopter}, with signal temporal logic (STL) specifications serving as a bridge between NL commands and specific task objectives. The rigorous and abstract nature of formal specifications allows the planner to generate high-quality and highly consistent paths to guide the motion control of a robot. Compared to a conventional NL-prompting-based planner, the proposed VernaCopter planner is more stable and reliable due to less ambiguous uncertainty. Its efficacy and advantage have been validated by two small but challenging experimental scenarios, implying its potential in designing NL-driven robots.
☆ Lab2Car: A Versatile Wrapper for Deploying Experimental Planners in Complex Real-world Environments
Human-level autonomous driving is an ever-elusive goal, with planning and decision making -- the cognitive functions that determine driving behavior -- posing the greatest challenge. Despite a proliferation of promising approaches, progress is stifled by the difficulty of deploying experimental planners in naturalistic settings. In this work, we propose Lab2Car, an optimization-based wrapper that can take a trajectory sketch from an arbitrary motion planner and convert it to a safe, comfortable, dynamically feasible trajectory that the car can follow. This allows motion planners that do not provide such guarantees to be safely tested and optimized in real-world environments. We demonstrate the versatility of Lab2Car by using it to deploy a machine learning (ML) planner and a search-based planner on self-driving cars in Las Vegas. The resulting systems handle challenging scenarios, such as cut-ins, overtaking, and yielding, in complex urban environments like casino pick-up/drop-off areas. Our work paves the way for quickly deploying and evaluating candidate motion planners in realistic settings, ensuring rapid iteration and accelerating progress towards human-level autonomy.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ A Data-Informed Analysis of Scalable Supervision for Safety in Autonomous Vehicle Fleets IROS 2024
Autonomous driving is a highly anticipated approach toward eliminating roadway fatalities. At the same time, the bar for safety is both high and costly to verify. This work considers the role of remotely-located human operators supervising a fleet of autonomous vehicles (AVs) for safety. Such a 'scalable supervision' concept was previously proposed to bridge the gap between still-maturing autonomy technology and the pressure to begin commercial offerings of autonomous driving. The present article proposes DISCES, a framework for Data-Informed Safety-Critical Event Simulation, to investigate the practicality of this concept from a dynamic network loading standpoint. With a focus on the safety-critical context of AVs merging into mixed-autonomy traffic, vehicular arrival processes at 1,097 highway merge points are modeled using microscopic traffic reconstruction with historical data from interstates across three California counties. Combined with a queuing theoretic model, these results characterize the dynamic supervision requirements and thereby scalability of the teleoperation approach. Across all scenarios we find reductions in operator requirements greater than 99% as compared to in-vehicle supervisors for the time period analyzed. The work also demonstrates two methods for reducing these empirical supervision requirements: (i) the use of cooperative connected AVs -- which are shown to produce an average 3.67 orders-of-magnitude system reliability improvement across the scenarios studied -- and (ii) aggregation across larger regions.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted at IROS 2024
☆ Robot Learning as an Empirical Science: Best Practices for Policy Evaluation
The robot learning community has made great strides in recent years, proposing new architectures and showcasing impressive new capabilities; however, the dominant metric used in the literature, especially for physical experiments, is "success rate", i.e. the percentage of runs that were successful. Furthermore, it is common for papers to report this number with little to no information regarding the number of runs, the initial conditions, and the success criteria, little to no narrative description of the behaviors and failures observed, and little to no statistical analysis of the findings. In this paper we argue that to move the field forward, researchers should provide a nuanced evaluation of their methods, especially when evaluating and comparing learned policies on physical robots. To do so, we propose best practices for future evaluations: explicitly reporting the experimental conditions, evaluating several metrics designed to complement success rate, conducting statistical analysis, and adding a qualitative description of failures modes. We illustrate these through an evaluation on physical robots of several learned policies for manipulation tasks.
☆ MAC-VO: Metrics-aware Covariance for Learning-based Stereo Visual Odometry
We propose the MAC-VO, a novel learning-based stereo VO that leverages the learned metrics-aware matching uncertainty for dual purposes: selecting keypoint and weighing the residual in pose graph optimization. Compared to traditional geometric methods prioritizing texture-affluent features like edges, our keypoint selector employs the learned uncertainty to filter out the low-quality features based on global inconsistency. In contrast to the learning-based algorithms that model the scale-agnostic diagonal weight matrix for covariance, we design a metrics-aware covariance model to capture the spatial error during keypoint registration and the correlations between different axes. Integrating this covariance model into pose graph optimization enhances the robustness and reliability of pose estimation, particularly in challenging environments with varying illumination, feature density, and motion patterns. On public benchmark datasets, MAC-VO outperforms existing VO algorithms and even some SLAM algorithms in challenging environments. The covariance map also provides valuable information about the reliability of the estimated poses, which can benefit decision-making for autonomous systems.
☆ Learning to enhance multi-legged robot on rugged landscapes ICRA 2025
Navigating rugged landscapes poses significant challenges for legged locomotion. Multi-legged robots (those with 6 and greater) offer a promising solution for such terrains, largely due to their inherent high static stability, resulting from a low center of mass and wide base of support. Such systems require minimal effort to maintain balance. Recent studies have shown that a linear controller, which modulates the vertical body undulation of a multi-legged robot in response to shifts in terrain roughness, can ensure reliable mobility on challenging terrains. However, the potential of a learning-based control framework that adjusts multiple parameters to address terrain heterogeneity remains underexplored. We posit that the development of an experimentally validated physics-based simulator for this robot can rapidly advance capabilities by allowing wide parameter space exploration. Here we develop a MuJoCo-based simulator tailored to this robotic platform and use the simulation to develop a reinforcement learning-based control framework that dynamically adjusts horizontal and vertical body undulation, and limb stepping in real-time. Our approach improves robot performance in simulation, laboratory experiments, and outdoor tests. Notably, our real-world experiments reveal that the learning-based controller achieves a 30\% to 50\% increase in speed compared to a linear controller, which only modulates vertical body waves. We hypothesize that the superior performance of the learning-based controller arises from its ability to adjust multiple parameters simultaneously, including limb stepping, horizontal body wave, and vertical body wave.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ PIP-Loco: A Proprioceptive Infinite Horizon Planning Framework for Quadrupedal Robot Locomotion
A core strength of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for quadrupedal locomotion has been its ability to enforce constraints and provide interpretability of the sequence of commands over the horizon. However, despite being able to plan, MPC struggles to scale with task complexity, often failing to achieve robust behavior on rapidly changing surfaces. On the other hand, model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have outperformed MPC on multiple terrains, showing emergent motions but inherently lack any ability to handle constraints or perform planning. To address these limitations, we propose a framework that integrates proprioceptive planning with RL, allowing for agile and safe locomotion behaviors through the horizon. Inspired by MPC, we incorporate an internal model that includes a velocity estimator and a Dreamer module. During training, the framework learns an expert policy and an internal model that are co-dependent, facilitating exploration for improved locomotion behaviors. During deployment, the Dreamer module solves an infinite-horizon MPC problem, adapting actions and velocity commands to respect the constraints. We validate the robustness of our training framework through ablation studies on internal model components and demonstrate improved robustness to training noise. Finally, we evaluate our approach across multi-terrain scenarios in both simulation and hardware.
comment: Preprint under review
☆ Behavior Tree Generation using Large Language Models for Sequential Manipulation Planning with Human Instructions and Feedback
In this work, we propose an LLM-based BT generation framework to leverage the strengths of both for sequential manipulation planning. To enable human-robot collaborative task planning and enhance intuitive robot programming by nonexperts, the framework takes human instructions to initiate the generation of action sequences and human feedback to refine BT generation in runtime. All presented methods within the framework are tested on a real robotic assembly example, which uses a gear set model from the Siemens Robot Assembly Challenge. We use a single manipulator with a tool-changing mechanism, a common practice in flexible manufacturing, to facilitate robust grasping of a large variety of objects. Experimental results are evaluated regarding success rate, logical coherence, executability, time consumption, and token consumption. To our knowledge, this is the first human-guided LLM-based BT generation framework that unifies various plausible ways of using LLMs to fully generate BTs that are executable on the real testbed and take into account granular knowledge of tool use.
☆ Real-Time Adaptive Industrial Robots: Improving Safety And Comfort In Human-Robot Collaboration
Industrial robots become increasingly prevalent, resulting in a growing need for intuitive, comforting human-robot collaboration. We present a user-aware robotic system that adapts to operator behavior in real time while non-intrusively monitoring physiological signals to create a more responsive and empathetic environment. Our prototype dynamically adjusts robot speed and movement patterns while measuring operator pupil dilation and proximity. Our user study compares this adaptive system to a non-adaptive counterpart, and demonstrates that the adaptive system significantly reduces both perceived and physiologically measured cognitive load while enhancing usability. Participants reported increased feelings of comfort, safety, trust, and a stronger sense of collaboration when working with the adaptive robot. This highlights the potential of integrating real-time physiological data into human-robot interaction paradigms. This novel approach creates more intuitive and collaborative industrial environments where robots effectively 'read' and respond to human cognitive states, and we feature all data and code for future use.
comment: 15 pages, 4 figures
☆ Distributed Invariant Kalman Filter for Object-level Multi-robot Pose SLAM
Cooperative localization and target tracking are essential for multi-robot systems to implement high-level tasks. To this end, we propose a distributed invariant Kalman filter based on covariance intersection for effective multi-robot pose estimation. The paper utilizes the object-level measurement models, which have condensed information further reducing the communication burden. Besides, by modeling states on special Lie groups, the better linearity and consistency of the invariant Kalman filter structure can be stressed. We also use a combination of CI and KF to avoid overly confident or conservative estimates in multi-robot systems with intricate and unknown correlations, and some level of robot degradation is acceptable through multi-robot collaboration. The simulation and real data experiment validate the practicability and superiority of the proposed algorithm.
☆ PeriGuru: A Peripheral Robotic Mobile App Operation Assistant based on GUI Image Understanding and Prompting with LLM
Smartphones have significantly enhanced our daily learning, communication, and entertainment, becoming an essential component of modern life. However, certain populations, including the elderly and individuals with disabilities, encounter challenges in utilizing smartphones, thus necessitating mobile app operation assistants, a.k.a. mobile app agent. With considerations for privacy, permissions, and cross-platform compatibility issues, we endeavor to devise and develop PeriGuru in this work, a peripheral robotic mobile app operation assistant based on GUI image understanding and prompting with Large Language Model (LLM). PeriGuru leverages a suite of computer vision techniques to analyze GUI screenshot images and employs LLM to inform action decisions, which are then executed by robotic arms. PeriGuru achieves a success rate of 81.94% on the test task set, which surpasses by more than double the method without PeriGuru's GUI image interpreting and prompting design. Our code is available on https://github.com/Z2sJ4t/PeriGuru.
☆ Registration between Point Cloud Streams and Sequential Bounding Boxes via Gradient Descent
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for registering sequential bounding boxes with point cloud streams. Unlike popular point cloud registration techniques, the alignment of the point cloud and the bounding box can rely on the properties of the bounding box, such as size, shape, and temporal information, which provides substantial support and performance gains. Motivated by this, we propose a new approach to tackle this problem. Specifically, we model the registration process through an overall objective function that includes the final goal and all constraints. We then optimize the function using gradient descent. Our experiments show that the proposed method performs remarkably well with a 40\% improvement in IoU and demonstrates more robust registration between point cloud streams and sequential bounding boxes
☆ GEVO: Memory-Efficient Monocular Visual Odometry Using Gaussians
Constructing a high-fidelity representation of the 3D scene using a monocular camera can enable a wide range of applications on mobile devices, such as micro-robots, smartphones, and AR/VR headsets. On these devices, memory is often limited in capacity and its access often dominates the consumption of compute energy. Although Gaussian Splatting (GS) allows for high-fidelity reconstruction of 3D scenes, current GS-based SLAM is not memory efficient as a large number of past images is stored to retrain Gaussians for reducing catastrophic forgetting. These images often require two-orders-of-magnitude higher memory than the map itself and thus dominate the total memory usage. In this work, we present GEVO, a GS-based monocular SLAM framework that achieves comparable fidelity as prior methods by rendering (instead of storing) them from the existing map. Novel Gaussian initialization and optimization techniques are proposed to remove artifacts from the map and delay the degradation of the rendered images over time. Across a variety of environments, GEVO achieves comparable map fidelity while reducing the memory overhead to around 58 MBs, which is up to 94x lower than prior works.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Panoramic Direct LiDAR-assisted Visual Odometry
Enhancing visual odometry by exploiting sparse depth measurements from LiDAR is a promising solution for improving tracking accuracy of an odometry. Most existing works utilize a monocular pinhole camera, yet could suffer from poor robustness due to less available information from limited field-of-view (FOV). This paper proposes a panoramic direct LiDAR-assisted visual odometry, which fully associates the 360-degree FOV LiDAR points with the 360-degree FOV panoramic image datas. 360-degree FOV panoramic images can provide more available information, which can compensate inaccurate pose estimation caused by insufficient texture or motion blur from a single view. In addition to constraints between a specific view at different times, constraints can also be built between different views at the same moment. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate the benefit of large FOV of our panoramic direct LiDAR-assisted visual odometry to state-of-the-art approaches.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures
☆ Visuo-Tactile Zero-Shot Object Recognition with Vision-Language Model IROS2024
Tactile perception is vital, especially when distinguishing visually similar objects. We propose an approach to incorporate tactile data into a Vision-Language Model (VLM) for visuo-tactile zero-shot object recognition. Our approach leverages the zero-shot capability of VLMs to infer tactile properties from the names of tactilely similar objects. The proposed method translates tactile data into a textual description solely by annotating object names for each tactile sequence during training, making it adaptable to various contexts with low training costs. The proposed method was evaluated on the FoodReplica and Cube datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in recognizing objects that are difficult to distinguish by vision alone.
comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted to IROS2024, project page: https://omron-sinicx.github.io/visuo-tactile-recognition/
TransformerMPC: Accelerating Model Predictive Control via Transformers
In this paper, we address the problem of reducing the computational burden of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for real-time robotic applications. We propose TransformerMPC, a method that enhances the computational efficiency of MPC algorithms by leveraging the attention mechanism in transformers for both online constraint removal and better warm start initialization. Specifically, TransformerMPC accelerates the computation of optimal control inputs by selecting only the active constraints to be included in the MPC problem, while simultaneously providing a warm start to the optimization process. This approach ensures that the original constraints are satisfied at optimality. TransformerMPC is designed to be seamlessly integrated with any MPC solver, irrespective of its implementation. To guarantee constraint satisfaction after removing inactive constraints, we perform an offline verification to ensure that the optimal control inputs generated by the MPC solver meet all constraints. The effectiveness of TransformerMPC is demonstrated through extensive numerical simulations on complex robotic systems, achieving up to 35x improvement in runtime without any loss in performance.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ A fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for combinatorial filter reduction
What is the minimal information that a robot must retain to achieve its task? To design economical robots, the literature dealing with reduction of combinatorial filters approaches this problem algorithmically. As lossless state compression is NP-hard, prior work has examined, along with minimization algorithms, a variety of special cases in which specific properties enable efficient solution. Complementing those findings, this paper refines the present understanding from the perspective of parameterized complexity. We give a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for the general reduction problem by exploiting a transformation into minimal clique covering. The transformation introduces new constraints that arise from sequential dependencies encoded within the input filter -- some of these constraints can be repaired, others are treated through enumeration. Through this approach, we identify parameters affecting filter reduction that are based upon inter-constraint couplings (expressed as a notion of their height and width), which add to the structural parameters present in the unconstrained problem of minimal clique covering.
comment: 19 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ PCKRF: Point Cloud Completion and Keypoint Refinement With Fusion Data for 6D Pose Estimation
Some robust point cloud registration approaches with controllable pose refinement magnitude, such as ICP and its variants, are commonly used to improve 6D pose estimation accuracy. However, the effectiveness of these methods gradually diminishes with the advancement of deep learning techniques and the enhancement of initial pose accuracy, primarily due to their lack of specific design for pose refinement. In this paper, we propose Point Cloud Completion and Keypoint Refinement with Fusion Data (PCKRF), a new pose refinement pipeline for 6D pose estimation. The pipeline consists of two steps. First, it completes the input point clouds via a novel pose-sensitive point completion network. The network uses both local and global features with pose information during point completion. Then, it registers the completed object point cloud with the corresponding target point cloud by our proposed Color supported Iterative KeyPoint (CIKP) method. The CIKP method introduces color information into registration and registers a point cloud around each keypoint to increase stability. The PCKRF pipeline can be integrated with existing popular 6D pose estimation methods, such as the full flow bidirectional fusion network, to further improve their pose estimation accuracy. Experiments demonstrate that our method exhibits superior stability compared to existing approaches when optimizing initial poses with relatively high precision. Notably, the results indicate that our method effectively complements most existing pose estimation techniques, leading to improved performance in most cases. Furthermore, our method achieves promising results even in challenging scenarios involving textureless and symmetrical objects. Our source code is available at https://github.com/zhanhz/KRF.
♻ ☆ Variable Inertia Model Predictive Control for Fast Bipedal Maneuvers
This paper proposes a novel control framework for agile and robust bipedal locomotion, addressing model discrepancies between full-body and reduced-order models. Specifically, assumptions such as constant centroidal inertia have introduced significant challenges and limitations in locomotion tasks. To enhance the agility and versatility of full-body humanoid robots, we formalize a Model Predictive Control (MPC) problem that accounts for the variable centroidal inertia of humanoid robots within a convex optimization framework, ensuring computational efficiency for real-time operations. In the proposed formulation, we incorporate a centroidal inertia network designed to predict the variable centroidal inertia over the MPC horizon, taking into account the swing foot trajectories -- an aspect often overlooked in ROM-based MPC frameworks. By integrating the MPC-based contact wrench planning with our low-level whole-body controller, we significantly improve the locomotion performance, achieving stable walking at higher velocities that are not attainable with the baseline method. The effectiveness of our proposed framework is validated through high-fidelity simulations using our full-body bipedal humanoid robot DRACO 3, demonstrating dynamic behaviors.
comment: 8pages, 6figures
♻ ☆ Multi-Agent 3D Map Reconstruction and Change Detection in Microgravity with Free-Flying Robots
Assistive free-flyer robots autonomously caring for future crewed outposts -- such as NASA's Astrobee robots on the International Space Station (ISS) -- must be able to detect day-to-day interior changes to track inventory, detect and diagnose faults, and monitor the outpost status. This work presents a framework for multi-agent cooperative mapping and change detection to enable robotic maintenance of space outposts. One agent is used to reconstruct a 3D model of the environment from sequences of images and corresponding depth information. Another agent is used to periodically scan the environment for inconsistencies against the 3D model. Change detection is validated after completing the surveys using real image and pose data collected by Astrobee robots in a ground testing environment and from microgravity aboard the ISS. This work outlines the objectives, requirements, and algorithmic modules for the multi-agent reconstruction system, including recommendations for its use by assistive free-flyers aboard future microgravity outposts.
comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Manuscript presented at the 74th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2 - 6 October 2023. Video presentation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfjV-zwFEtU]. Code: [https://github.com/hollydinkel/astrobeecd]
♻ ☆ Towards Human-Centered Construction Robotics: A Reinforcement Learning-Driven Companion Robot for Contextually Assisting Carpentry Workers
In the dynamic construction industry, traditional robotic integration has primarily focused on automating specific tasks, often overlooking the complexity and variability of human aspects in construction workflows. This paper introduces a human-centered approach with a "work companion rover" designed to assist construction workers within their existing practices, aiming to enhance safety and workflow fluency while respecting construction labor's skilled nature. We conduct an in-depth study on deploying a robotic system in carpentry formwork, showcasing a prototype that emphasizes mobility, safety, and comfortable worker-robot collaboration in dynamic environments through a contextual Reinforcement Learning (RL)-driven modular framework. Our research advances robotic applications in construction, advocating for collaborative models where adaptive robots support rather than replace humans, underscoring the potential for an interactive and collaborative human-robot workforce.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Pretraining-finetuning Framework for Efficient Co-design: A Case Study on Quadruped Robot Parkour
In nature, animals with exceptional locomotion abilities, such as cougars, often possess asymmetric fore and hind legs. This observation inspired us: could optimizing the leg length of quadruped robots endow them with similar locomotive capabilities? In this paper, we propose an approach that co-optimizes the mechanical structure and control policy to boost the locomotive prowess of quadruped robots. Specifically, we introduce a novel pretraining-finetuning framework, which not only guarantees optimal control strategies for each mechanical candidate but also ensures time efficiency. Additionally, we have devised an innovative training method for our pretraining network, integrating spatial domain randomization with regularization methods, markedly improving the network's generalizability. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed pretraining-finetuning framework significantly enhances the overall co-design performance with less time consumption. Moreover, the co-design strategy substantially exceeds the conventional method of independently optimizing control strategies, further improving the robot's locomotive performance and providing an innovative approach to enhancing the extreme parkour capabilities of quadruped robots.
♻ ☆ A Survey of Language-Based Communication in Robotics
Embodied robots which can interact with their environment and neighbours are increasingly being used as a test case to develop Artificial Intelligence. This creates a need for multimodal robot controllers that can operate across different types of information, including text. Large Language Models are able to process and generate textual as well as audiovisual data and, more recently, robot actions. Language Models are increasingly being applied to robotic systems; these Language-Based robots leverage the power of language models in a variety of ways. Additionally, the use of language opens up multiple forms of information exchange between members of a human-robot team. This survey motivates the use of language models in robotics, and then delineates works based on the part of the overall control flow in which language is incorporated. Language can be used by human to task a robot, by a robot to inform a human, between robots as a human-like communication medium, and internally for a robot's planning and control. Applications of language-based robots are explored, and numerous limitations and challenges are discussed to provide a summary of the development needed for the future of language-based robotics.
comment: Links to each paper and, if available, source code are made available at the accompanying site: https://sooratilab.com/publications/2024/A-Survey-of-Language-BasedCommunication-in-Robotics.php
♻ ☆ DoReMi: Grounding Language Model by Detecting and Recovering from Plan-Execution Misalignment IROS 2024
Large language models (LLMs) encode a vast amount of semantic knowledge and possess remarkable understanding and reasoning capabilities. Previous work has explored how to ground LLMs in robotic tasks to generate feasible and executable textual plans. However, low-level execution in the physical world may deviate from the high-level textual plan due to environmental perturbations or imperfect controller design. In this paper, we propose \textbf{DoReMi}, a novel language model grounding framework that enables immediate Detection and Recovery from Misalignments between plan and execution. Specifically, we leverage LLMs to play a dual role, aiding not only in high-level planning but also generating constraints that can indicate misalignment during execution. Then vision language models (VLMs) are utilized to detect constraint violations continuously. Our pipeline can monitor the low-level execution and enable timely recovery if certain plan-execution misalignment occurs. Experiments on various complex tasks including robot arms and humanoid robots demonstrate that our method can lead to higher task success rates and shorter task completion times. Videos of DoReMi are available at \url{https://sites.google.com/view/doremi-paper}.
comment: Published in IROS 2024
♻ ☆ Control with Patterns: A D-learning Method
Learning-based control policies are widely used in various tasks in the field of robotics and control. However, formal (Lyapunov) stability guarantees for learning-based controllers with nonlinear dynamical systems are difficult to obtain. We propose a novel control approach, namely Control with Patterns (CWP), to address the stability issue over data sets corresponding to nonlinear dynamical systems. For such data sets, we introduce a new definition, namely exponential attraction on data sets, to describe the nonlinear dynamical systems under consideration. The problem of exponential attraction on data sets is transformed into a problem of pattern classification one based on the data sets and parameterized Lyapunov functions. Furthermore, D-learning is proposed as a method to perform CWP without knowledge of the system dynamics. Finally, the effectiveness of CWP based on D-learning is demonstrated through simulations and real flight experiments. In these experiments, the position of the multicopter is stabilized using real-time images as feedback, which can be considered as an Image-Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) problem.
comment: Accepted for publication at 8th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Munich, Germany. 2024
♻ ☆ Multi-Robot Planning for Filming Groups of Moving Actors Leveraging Submodularity and Pixel Density
Observing and filming a group of moving actors with a team of aerial robots is a challenging problem that combines elements of multi-robot coordination, coverage, and view planning. A single camera may observe multiple actors at once, and a robot team may observe individual actors from multiple views. As actors move about, groups may split, merge, and reform, and robots filming these actors should be able to adapt smoothly to such changes in actor formations. Rather than adopt an approach based on explicit formations or assignments, we propose an approach based on optimizing views directly. We model actors as moving polyhedra and compute approximate pixel densities for each face and camera view. Then, we propose an objective that exhibits diminishing returns as pixel densities increase from repeated observation. This gives rise to a multi-robot perception planning problem that we solve via a combination of value iteration and greedy submodular maximization. We evaluate our approach on challenging scenarios modeled after various social behaviors and featuring different numbers of robots and actors and observe that robot assignments and formations arise implicitly given the movements of groups of actors. Simulation results demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms baselines, and in addition to performing well with the planner's approximation of pixel densities our approach also performs comparably for evaluation based on rendered views. Overall, the multi-round variant of the sequential planner we propose meets (within 1%) or exceeds formation and assignment baselines in all scenarios.
comment: CDC 2024: 10 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Enhancing Sample Efficiency and Exploration in Reinforcement Learning through the Integration of Diffusion Models and Proximal Policy Optimization
Recent advancements in reinforcement learning (RL) have been fueled by large-scale data and deep neural networks, particularly for high-dimensional and complex tasks. Online RL methods like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) are effective in dynamic scenarios but require substantial real-time data, posing challenges in resource-constrained or slow simulation environments. Offline RL addresses this by pre-learning policies from large datasets, though its success depends on the quality and diversity of the data. This work proposes a framework that enhances PPO algorithms by incorporating a diffusion model to generate high-quality virtual trajectories for offline datasets. This approach improves exploration and sample efficiency, leading to significant gains in cumulative rewards, convergence speed, and strategy stability in complex tasks. Our contributions are threefold: we explore the potential of diffusion models in RL, particularly for offline datasets, extend the application of online RL to offline environments, and experimentally validate the performance improvements of PPO with diffusion models. These findings provide new insights and methods for applying RL to high-dimensional, complex tasks. Finally, we open-source our code at https://github.com/TianciGao/DiffPPO
♻ ☆ Verification and Synthesis of Compatible Control Lyapunov and Control Barrier Functions
Safety and stability are essential properties of control systems. Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) and Control Lyapunov Functions (CLFs) are powerful tools to ensure safety and stability respectively. However, previous approaches typically verify and synthesize the CBFs and CLFs separately, satisfying their respective constraints, without proving that the CBFs and CLFs are compatible with each other, namely at every state, there exists control actions within the input limits that satisfy both the CBF and CLF constraints simultaneously. Ignoring the compatibility criteria might cause the CLF-CBF-QP controller to fail at runtime. There exists some recent works that synthesized compatible CLF and CBF, but relying on nominal polynomial or rational controllers, which is just a sufficient but not necessary condition for compatibility. In this work, we investigate verification and synthesis of compatible CBF and CLF independent from any nominal controllers. We derive exact necessary and sufficient conditions for compatibility, and further formulate Sum-Of-Squares programs for the compatibility verification. Based on our verification framework, we also design a nominal-controller-free synthesis method, which can effectively expands the compatible region, in which the system is guaranteed to be both safe and stable. We evaluate our method on a non-linear toy problem, and also a 3D quadrotor to demonstrate its scalability. The code is open-sourced at \url{https://github.com/hongkai-dai/compatible_clf_cbf}.
comment: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2024
♻ ☆ MPS: A New Method for Selecting the Stable Closed-Loop Equilibrium Attitude-Error Quaternion of a UAV During Flight ICRA 2024
We present model predictive selection (MPS), a new method for selecting the stable closed-loop (CL) equilibrium attitude-error quaternion (AEQ) of an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) during the execution of high-speed yaw maneuvers. In this approach, we minimize the cost of yawing measured with a performance figure of merit (PFM) that takes into account both the aerodynamic-torque control input and attitude-error state of the UAV. Specifically, this method uses a control law with a term whose sign is dynamically switched in real time to select, between two options, the torque associated with the lesser cost of rotation as predicted by a dynamical model of the UAV derived from first principles. This problem is relevant because the selection of the stable CL equilibrium AEQ significantly impacts the performance of a UAV during high-speed rotational flight, from both the power and control-error perspectives. To test and demonstrate the functionality and performance of the proposed method, we present data collected during one hundred real-time high-speed yaw-tracking flight experiments. These results highlight the superior capabilities of the proposed MPS-based scheme when compared to a benchmark controller commonly used in aerial robotics, as the PFM used to quantify the cost of flight is reduced by 60.30 %, on average. To our best knowledge, these are the first flight-test results that thoroughly demonstrate, evaluate, and compare the performance of a real-time controller capable of selecting the stable CL equilibrium AEQ during operation.
comment: ICRA 2024
♻ ☆ Shelf-Supervised Cross-Modal Pre-Training for 3D Object Detection
State-of-the-art 3D object detectors are often trained on massive labeled datasets. However, annotating 3D bounding boxes remains prohibitively expensive and time-consuming, particularly for LiDAR. Instead, recent works demonstrate that self-supervised pre-training with unlabeled data can improve detection accuracy with limited labels. Contemporary methods adapt best-practices for self-supervised learning from the image domain to point clouds (such as contrastive learning). However, publicly available 3D datasets are considerably smaller and less diverse than those used for image-based self-supervised learning, limiting their effectiveness. We do note, however, that such data is naturally collected in a multimodal fashion, often paired with images. Rather than pre-training with only self-supervised objectives, we argue that it is better to bootstrap point cloud representations using image-based foundation models trained on internet-scale image data. Specifically, we propose a shelf-supervised approach (e.g. supervised with off-the-shelf image foundation models) for generating zero-shot 3D bounding boxes from paired RGB and LiDAR data. Pre-training 3D detectors with such pseudo-labels yields significantly better semi-supervised detection accuracy than prior self-supervised pretext tasks. Importantly, we show that image-based shelf-supervision is helpful for training LiDAR-only and multi-modal (RGB + LiDAR) detectors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on nuScenes and WOD, significantly improving over prior work in limited data settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/meharkhurana03/cm3d
comment: The first two authors contributed equally. This work has been accepted to the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
♻ ☆ ShadowNav: Autonomous Global Localization for Lunar Navigation in Darkness
The ability to determine the pose of a rover in an inertial frame autonomously is a crucial capability necessary for the next generation of surface rover missions on other planetary bodies. Currently, most on-going rover missions utilize ground-in-the-loop interventions to manually correct for drift in the pose estimate and this human supervision bottlenecks the distance over which rovers can operate autonomously and carry out scientific measurements. In this paper, we present ShadowNav, an autonomous approach for global localization on the Moon with an emphasis on driving in darkness and at nighttime. Our approach uses the leading edge of Lunar craters as landmarks and a particle filtering approach is used to associate detected craters with known ones on an offboard map. We discuss the key design decisions in developing the ShadowNav framework for use with a Lunar rover concept equipped with a stereo camera and an external illumination source. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach in both a Lunar simulation environment and on data collected during a field test at Cinder Lakes, Arizona.
comment: accepted for IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics (T-FR)
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 88
☆ Evaluating authenticity and quality of image captions via sentiment and semantic analyses
The growth of deep learning (DL) relies heavily on huge amounts of labelled data for tasks such as natural language processing and computer vision. Specifically, in image-to-text or image-to-image pipelines, opinion (sentiment) may be inadvertently learned by a model from human-generated image captions. Additionally, learning may be affected by the variety and diversity of the provided captions. While labelling large datasets has largely relied on crowd-sourcing or data-worker pools, evaluating the quality of such training data is crucial. This study proposes an evaluation method focused on sentiment and semantic richness. That method was applied to the COCO-MS dataset, comprising approximately 150K images with segmented objects and corresponding crowd-sourced captions. We employed pre-trained models (Twitter-RoBERTa-base and BERT-base) to extract sentiment scores and variability of semantic embeddings from captions. The relation of the sentiment score and semantic variability with object categories was examined using multiple linear regression. Results indicate that while most captions were neutral, about 6% of the captions exhibited strong sentiment influenced by specific object categories. Semantic variability of within-image captions remained low and uncorrelated with object categories. Model-generated captions showed less than 1.5% of strong sentiment which was not influenced by object categories and did not correlate with the sentiment of the respective human-generated captions. This research demonstrates an approach to assess the quality of crowd- or worker-sourced captions informed by image content.
☆ Enhancing Printed Circuit Board Defect Detection through Ensemble Learning
The quality control of printed circuit boards (PCBs) is paramount in advancing electronic device technology. While numerous machine learning methodologies have been utilized to augment defect detection efficiency and accuracy, previous studies have predominantly focused on optimizing individual models for specific defect types, often overlooking the potential synergies between different approaches. This paper introduces a comprehensive inspection framework leveraging an ensemble learning strategy to address this gap. Initially, we utilize four distinct PCB defect detection models utilizing state-of-the-art methods: EfficientDet, MobileNet SSDv2, Faster RCNN, and YOLOv5. Each method is capable of identifying PCB defects independently. Subsequently, we integrate these models into an ensemble learning framework to enhance detection performance. A comparative analysis reveals that our ensemble learning framework significantly outperforms individual methods, achieving a 95% accuracy in detecting diverse PCB defects. These findings underscore the efficacy of our proposed ensemble learning framework in enhancing PCB quality control processes.
☆ MANGO: Disentangled Image Transformation Manifolds with Grouped Operators ICASSP 2025
Learning semantically meaningful image transformations (i.e. rotation, thickness, blur) directly from examples can be a challenging task. Recently, the Manifold Autoencoder (MAE) proposed using a set of Lie group operators to learn image transformations directly from examples. However, this approach has limitations, as the learned operators are not guaranteed to be disentangled and the training routine is prohibitively expensive when scaling up the model. To address these limitations, we propose MANGO (transformation Manifolds with Grouped Operators) for learning disentangled operators that describe image transformations in distinct latent subspaces. Moreover, our approach allows practitioners the ability to define which transformations they aim to model, thus improving the semantic meaning of the learned operators. Through our experiments, we demonstrate that MANGO enables composition of image transformations and introduces a one-phase training routine that leads to a 100x speedup over prior works.
comment: Submitted to IEEE ICASSP 2025. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ An Augmentation-based Model Re-adaptation Framework for Robust Image Segmentation ECCV
Image segmentation is a crucial task in computer vision, with wide-ranging applications in industry. The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has recently attracted intensive attention; however, its application in industrial inspection, particularly for segmenting commercial anti-counterfeit codes, remains challenging. Unlike open-source datasets, industrial settings often face issues such as small sample sizes and complex textures. Additionally, computational cost is a key concern due to the varying number of trainable parameters. To address these challenges, we propose an Augmentation-based Model Re-adaptation Framework (AMRF). This framework leverages data augmentation techniques during training to enhance the generalisation of segmentation models, allowing them to adapt to newly released datasets with temporal disparity. By observing segmentation masks from conventional models (FCN and U-Net) and a pre-trained SAM model, we determine a minimal augmentation set that optimally balances training efficiency and model performance. Our results demonstrate that the fine-tuned FCN surpasses its baseline by 3.29% and 3.02% in cropping accuracy, and 5.27% and 4.04% in classification accuracy on two temporally continuous datasets. Similarly, the fine-tuned U-Net improves upon its baseline by 7.34% and 4.94% in cropping, and 8.02% and 5.52% in classification. Both models outperform the top-performing SAM models (ViT-Large and ViT-Base) by an average of 11.75% and 9.01% in cropping accuracy, and 2.93% and 4.83% in classification accuracy, respectively.
comment: Accepted in the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 workshop
☆ Enhancing Skin Disease Diagnosis: Interpretable Visual Concept Discovery with SAM Empowerment
Current AI-assisted skin image diagnosis has achieved dermatologist-level performance in classifying skin cancer, driven by rapid advancements in deep learning architectures. However, unlike traditional vision tasks, skin images in general present unique challenges due to the limited availability of well-annotated datasets, complex variations in conditions, and the necessity for detailed interpretations to ensure patient safety. Previous segmentation methods have sought to reduce image noise and enhance diagnostic performance, but these techniques require fine-grained, pixel-level ground truth masks for training. In contrast, with the rise of foundation models, the Segment Anything Model (SAM) has been introduced to facilitate promptable segmentation, enabling the automation of the segmentation process with simple yet effective prompts. Efforts applying SAM predominantly focus on dermatoscopy images, which present more easily identifiable lesion boundaries than clinical photos taken with smartphones. This limitation constrains the practicality of these approaches to real-world applications. To overcome the challenges posed by noisy clinical photos acquired via non-standardized protocols and to improve diagnostic accessibility, we propose a novel Cross-Attentive Fusion framework for interpretable skin lesion diagnosis. Our method leverages SAM to generate visual concepts for skin diseases using prompts, integrating local visual concepts with global image features to enhance model performance. Extensive evaluation on two skin disease datasets demonstrates our proposed method's effectiveness on lesion diagnosis and interpretability.
☆ One missing piece in Vision and Language: A Survey on Comics Understanding
Vision-language models have recently evolved into versatile systems capable of high performance across a range of tasks, such as document understanding, visual question answering, and grounding, often in zero-shot settings. Comics Understanding, a complex and multifaceted field, stands to greatly benefit from these advances. Comics, as a medium, combine rich visual and textual narratives, challenging AI models with tasks that span image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and deeper narrative comprehension through sequential panels. However, the unique structure of comics -- characterized by creative variations in style, reading order, and non-linear storytelling -- presents a set of challenges distinct from those in other visual-language domains. In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of Comics Understanding from both dataset and task perspectives. Our contributions are fivefold: (1) We analyze the structure of the comics medium, detailing its distinctive compositional elements; (2) We survey the widely used datasets and tasks in comics research, emphasizing their role in advancing the field; (3) We introduce the Layer of Comics Understanding (LoCU) framework, a novel taxonomy that redefines vision-language tasks within comics and lays the foundation for future work; (4) We provide a detailed review and categorization of existing methods following the LoCU framework; (5) Finally, we highlight current research challenges and propose directions for future exploration, particularly in the context of vision-language models applied to comics. This survey is the first to propose a task-oriented framework for comics intelligence and aims to guide future research by addressing critical gaps in data availability and task definition. A project associated with this survey is available at https://github.com/emanuelevivoli/awesome-comics-understanding.
comment: under review. project website: https://github.com/emanuelevivoli/awesome-comics-understanding
☆ Multi-Scale Grouped Prototypes for Interpretable Semantic Segmentation
Prototypical part learning is emerging as a promising approach for making semantic segmentation interpretable. The model selects real patches seen during training as prototypes and constructs the dense prediction map based on the similarity between parts of the test image and the prototypes. This improves interpretability since the user can inspect the link between the predicted output and the patterns learned by the model in terms of prototypical information. In this paper, we propose a method for interpretable semantic segmentation that leverages multi-scale image representation for prototypical part learning. First, we introduce a prototype layer that explicitly learns diverse prototypical parts at several scales, leading to multi-scale representations in the prototype activation output. Then, we propose a sparse grouping mechanism that produces multi-scale sparse groups of these scale-specific prototypical parts. This provides a deeper understanding of the interactions between multi-scale object representations while enhancing the interpretability of the segmentation model. The experiments conducted on Pascal VOC, Cityscapes, and ADE20K demonstrate that the proposed method increases model sparsity, improves interpretability over existing prototype-based methods, and narrows the performance gap with the non-interpretable counterpart models. Code is available at github.com/eceo-epfl/ScaleProtoSeg.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables
☆ Self-Prompting Polyp Segmentation in Colonoscopy using Hybrid Yolo-SAM 2 Model
Early diagnosis and treatment of polyps during colonoscopy are essential for reducing the incidence and mortality of Colorectal Cancer (CRC). However, the variability in polyp characteristics and the presence of artifacts in colonoscopy images and videos pose significant challenges for accurate and efficient polyp detection and segmentation. This paper presents a novel approach to polyp segmentation by integrating the Segment Anything Model (SAM 2) with the YOLOv8 model. Our method leverages YOLOv8's bounding box predictions to autonomously generate input prompts for SAM 2, thereby reducing the need for manual annotations. We conducted exhaustive tests on five benchmark colonoscopy image datasets and two colonoscopy video datasets, demonstrating that our method exceeds state-of-the-art models in both image and video segmentation tasks. Notably, our approach achieves high segmentation accuracy using only bounding box annotations, significantly reducing annotation time and effort. This advancement holds promise for enhancing the efficiency and scalability of polyp detection in clinical settings https://github.com/sajjad-sh33/YOLO_SAM2.
☆ MAC-VO: Metrics-aware Covariance for Learning-based Stereo Visual Odometry
We propose the MAC-VO, a novel learning-based stereo VO that leverages the learned metrics-aware matching uncertainty for dual purposes: selecting keypoint and weighing the residual in pose graph optimization. Compared to traditional geometric methods prioritizing texture-affluent features like edges, our keypoint selector employs the learned uncertainty to filter out the low-quality features based on global inconsistency. In contrast to the learning-based algorithms that model the scale-agnostic diagonal weight matrix for covariance, we design a metrics-aware covariance model to capture the spatial error during keypoint registration and the correlations between different axes. Integrating this covariance model into pose graph optimization enhances the robustness and reliability of pose estimation, particularly in challenging environments with varying illumination, feature density, and motion patterns. On public benchmark datasets, MAC-VO outperforms existing VO algorithms and even some SLAM algorithms in challenging environments. The covariance map also provides valuable information about the reliability of the estimated poses, which can benefit decision-making for autonomous systems.
☆ From FDG to PSMA: A Hitchhiker's Guide to Multitracer, Multicenter Lesion Segmentation in PET/CT Imaging
Automated lesion segmentation in PET/CT scans is crucial for improving clinical workflows and advancing cancer diagnostics. However, the task is challenging due to physiological variability, different tracers used in PET imaging, and diverse imaging protocols across medical centers. To address this, the autoPET series was created to challenge researchers to develop algorithms that generalize across diverse PET/CT environments. This paper presents our solution for the autoPET III challenge, targeting multitracer, multicenter generalization using the nnU-Net framework with the ResEncL architecture. Key techniques include misalignment data augmentation and multi-modal pretraining across CT, MR, and PET datasets to provide an initial anatomical understanding. We incorporate organ supervision as a multitask approach, enabling the model to distinguish between physiological uptake and tracer-specific patterns, which is particularly beneficial in cases where no lesions are present. Compared to the default nnU-Net, which achieved a Dice score of 57.61, or the larger ResEncL (65.31) our model significantly improved performance with a Dice score of 68.40, alongside a reduction in false positive (FPvol: 7.82) and false negative (FNvol: 10.35) volumes. These results underscore the effectiveness of combining advanced network design, augmentation, pretraining, and multitask learning for PET/CT lesion segmentation. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/autopet-3-submission.
☆ Learning Keypoints for Multi-Agent Behavior Analysis using Self-Supervision
The study of social interactions and collective behaviors through multi-agent video analysis is crucial in biology. While self-supervised keypoint discovery has emerged as a promising solution to reduce the need for manual keypoint annotations, existing methods often struggle with videos containing multiple interacting agents, especially those of the same species and color. To address this, we introduce B-KinD-multi, a novel approach that leverages pre-trained video segmentation models to guide keypoint discovery in multi-agent scenarios. This eliminates the need for time-consuming manual annotations on new experimental settings and organisms. Extensive evaluations demonstrate improved keypoint regression and downstream behavioral classification in videos of flies, mice, and rats. Furthermore, our method generalizes well to other species, including ants, bees, and humans, highlighting its potential for broad applications in automated keypoint annotation for multi-agent behavior analysis. Code available under: https://danielpkhalil.github.io/B-KinD-Multi
☆ On the Generalizability of Foundation Models for Crop Type Mapping
Foundation models pre-trained using self-supervised and weakly-supervised learning have shown powerful transfer learning capabilities on various downstream tasks, including language understanding, text generation, and image recognition. Recently, the Earth observation (EO) field has produced several foundation models pre-trained directly on multispectral satellite imagery (e.g., Sentinel-2) for applications like precision agriculture, wildfire and drought monitoring, and natural disaster response. However, few studies have investigated the ability of these models to generalize to new geographic locations, and potential concerns of geospatial bias -- models trained on data-rich developed countries not transferring well to data-scarce developing countries -- remain. We investigate the ability of popular EO foundation models to transfer to new geographic regions in the agricultural domain, where differences in farming practices and class imbalance make transfer learning particularly challenging. We first select six crop classification datasets across five continents, normalizing for dataset size and harmonizing classes to focus on four major cereal grains: maize, soybean, rice, and wheat. We then compare three popular foundation models, pre-trained on SSL4EO-S12, SatlasPretrain, and ImageNet, using in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) evaluation. Experiments show that pre-trained weights designed explicitly for Sentinel-2, such as SSL4EO-S12, outperform general pre-trained weights like ImageNet. Furthermore, the benefits of pre-training on OOD data are the most significant when only 10--100 ID training samples are used. Transfer learning and pre-training with OOD and limited ID data show promising applications, as many developing regions have scarce crop type labels. All harmonized datasets and experimental code are open-source and available for download.
☆ MulCPred: Learning Multi-modal Concepts for Explainable Pedestrian Action Prediction
Pedestrian action prediction is of great significance for many applications such as autonomous driving. However, state-of-the-art methods lack explainability to make trustworthy predictions. In this paper, a novel framework called MulCPred is proposed that explains its predictions based on multi-modal concepts represented by training samples. Previous concept-based methods have limitations including: 1) they cannot directly apply to multi-modal cases; 2) they lack locality to attend to details in the inputs; 3) they suffer from mode collapse. These limitations are tackled accordingly through the following approaches: 1) a linear aggregator to integrate the activation results of the concepts into predictions, which associates concepts of different modalities and provides ante-hoc explanations of the relevance between the concepts and the predictions; 2) a channel-wise recalibration module that attends to local spatiotemporal regions, which enables the concepts with locality; 3) a feature regularization loss that encourages the concepts to learn diverse patterns. MulCPred is evaluated on multiple datasets and tasks. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that MulCPred is promising in improving the explainability of pedestrian action prediction without obvious performance degradation. Furthermore, by removing unrecognizable concepts from MulCPred, the cross-dataset prediction performance is improved, indicating the feasibility of further generalizability of MulCPred.
☆ KAN-HyperpointNet for Point Cloud Sequence-Based 3D Human Action Recognition
Point cloud sequence-based 3D action recognition has achieved impressive performance and efficiency. However, existing point cloud sequence modeling methods cannot adequately balance the precision of limb micro-movements with the integrity of posture macro-structure, leading to the loss of crucial information cues in action inference. To overcome this limitation, we introduce D-Hyperpoint, a novel data type generated through a D-Hyperpoint Embedding module. D-Hyperpoint encapsulates both regional-momentary motion and global-static posture, effectively summarizing the unit human action at each moment. In addition, we present a D-Hyperpoint KANsMixer module, which is recursively applied to nested groupings of D-Hyperpoints to learn the action discrimination information and creatively integrates Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) to enhance spatio-temporal interaction within D-Hyperpoints. Finally, we propose KAN-HyperpointNet, a spatio-temporal decoupled network architecture for 3D action recognition. Extensive experiments on two public datasets: MSR Action3D and NTU-RGB+D 60, demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of our method.
☆ Detecting Looted Archaeological Sites from Satellite Image Time Series
Archaeological sites are the physical remains of past human activity and one of the main sources of information about past societies and cultures. However, they are also the target of malevolent human actions, especially in countries having experienced inner turmoil and conflicts. Because monitoring these sites from space is a key step towards their preservation, we introduce the DAFA Looted Sites dataset, \datasetname, a labeled multi-temporal remote sensing dataset containing 55,480 images acquired monthly over 8 years across 675 Afghan archaeological sites, including 135 sites looted during the acquisition period. \datasetname~is particularly challenging because of the limited number of training samples, the class imbalance, the weak binary annotations only available at the level of the time series, and the subtlety of relevant changes coupled with important irrelevant ones over a long time period. It is also an interesting playground to assess the performance of satellite image time series (SITS) classification methods on a real and important use case. We evaluate a large set of baselines, outline the substantial benefits of using foundation models and show the additional boost that can be provided by using complete time series instead of using a single image.
☆ Evaluating Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks and Foundation Models as Feature Extractors for Content-based Medical Image Retrieval
Medical image retrieval refers to the task of finding similar images for given query images in a database, with applications such as diagnosis support, treatment planning, and educational tools for inexperienced medical practitioners. While traditional medical image retrieval was performed using clinical metadata, content-based medical image retrieval (CBMIR) relies on the characteristic features of the images, such as color, texture, shape, and spatial features. Many approaches have been proposed for CBMIR, and among them, using pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is a widely utilized approach. However, considering the recent advances in the development of foundation models for various computer vision tasks, their application for CBMIR can be also investigated for its potentially superior performance. In this study, we used several pre-trained feature extractors from well-known pre-trained CNNs (VGG19, ResNet-50, DenseNet121, and EfficientNetV2M) and pre-trained foundation models (MedCLIP, BioMedCLIP, OpenCLIP, CONCH and UNI) and investigated the CBMIR performance on a subset of the MedMNIST V2 dataset, including eight types of 2D and 3D medical images. Furthermore, we also investigated the effect of image size on the CBMIR performance. Our results show that, overall, for the 2D datasets, foundation models deliver superior performance by a large margin compared to CNNs, with UNI providing the best overall performance across all datasets and image sizes. For 3D datasets, CNNs and foundation models deliver more competitive performance, with CONCH achieving the best overall performance. Moreover, our findings confirm that while using larger image sizes (especially for 2D datasets) yields slightly better performance, competitive CBMIR performance can still be achieved even with smaller image sizes. Our codes to generate and reproduce the results are available on GitHub.
comment: 29 pages
☆ NBBOX: Noisy Bounding Box Improves Remote Sensing Object Detection
Data augmentation has seen significant advancements in computer vision to improve model performance over the years, particularly in scenarios with limited and insufficient data. Currently, most studies focus on adjusting the image or its features to expand the size, quality, and variety of samples during training in various tasks including object detection. However, we argue that it is necessary to investigate bounding box transformations as a model regularization technique rather than image-level transformations, especially in aerial imagery due to potentially inconsistent bounding box annotations. Hence, this letter presents a thorough investigation of bounding box transformation in terms of scaling, rotation, and translation for remote sensing object detection. We call this augmentation strategy NBBOX (Noise Injection into Bounding Box). We conduct extensive experiments on DOTA and DIOR-R, both well-known datasets that include a variety of rotated generic objects in aerial images. Experimental results show that our approach significantly improves remote sensing object detection without whistles and bells and it is more time-efficient than other state-of-the-art augmentation strategies.
☆ Label Convergence: Defining an Upper Performance Bound in Object Recognition through Contradictory Annotations
Annotation errors are a challenge not only during training of machine learning models, but also during their evaluation. Label variations and inaccuracies in datasets often manifest as contradictory examples that deviate from established labeling conventions. Such inconsistencies, when significant, prevent models from achieving optimal performance on metrics such as mean Average Precision (mAP). We introduce the notion of "label convergence" to describe the highest achievable performance under the constraint of contradictory test annotations, essentially defining an upper bound on model accuracy. Recognizing that noise is an inherent characteristic of all data, our study analyzes five real-world datasets, including the LVIS dataset, to investigate the phenomenon of label convergence. We approximate that label convergence is between 62.63-67.52 mAP@[0.5:0.95:0.05] for LVIS with 95% confidence, attributing these bounds to the presence of real annotation errors. With current state-of-the-art (SOTA) models at the upper end of the label convergence interval for the well-studied LVIS dataset, we conclude that model capacity is sufficient to solve current object detection problems. Therefore, future efforts should focus on three key aspects: (1) updating the problem specification and adjusting evaluation practices to account for unavoidable label noise, (2) creating cleaner data, especially test data, and (3) including multi-annotated data to investigate annotation variation and make these issues visible from the outset.
☆ Real-world Adversarial Defense against Patch Attacks based on Diffusion Model
Adversarial patches present significant challenges to the robustness of deep learning models, making the development of effective defenses become critical for real-world applications. This paper introduces DIFFender, a novel DIFfusion-based DeFender framework that leverages the power of a text-guided diffusion model to counter adversarial patch attacks. At the core of our approach is the discovery of the Adversarial Anomaly Perception (AAP) phenomenon, which enables the diffusion model to accurately detect and locate adversarial patches by analyzing distributional anomalies. DIFFender seamlessly integrates the tasks of patch localization and restoration within a unified diffusion model framework, enhancing defense efficacy through their close interaction. Additionally, DIFFender employs an efficient few-shot prompt-tuning algorithm, facilitating the adaptation of the pre-trained diffusion model to defense tasks without the need for extensive retraining. Our comprehensive evaluation, covering image classification and face recognition tasks, as well as real-world scenarios, demonstrates DIFFender's robust performance against adversarial attacks. The framework's versatility and generalizability across various settings, classifiers, and attack methodologies mark a significant advancement in adversarial patch defense strategies. Except for the popular visible domain, we have identified another advantage of DIFFender: its capability to easily expand into the infrared domain. Consequently, we demonstrate the good flexibility of DIFFender, which can defend against both infrared and visible adversarial patch attacks alternatively using a universal defense framework.
☆ AI-Driven Virtual Teacher for Enhanced Educational Efficiency: Leveraging Large Pretrain Models for Autonomous Error Analysis and Correction
Students frequently make mistakes while solving mathematical problems, and traditional error correction methods are both time-consuming and labor-intensive. This paper introduces an innovative \textbf{V}irtual \textbf{A}I \textbf{T}eacher system designed to autonomously analyze and correct student \textbf{E}rrors (VATE). Leveraging advanced large language models (LLMs), the system uses student drafts as a primary source for error analysis, which enhances understanding of the student's learning process. It incorporates sophisticated prompt engineering and maintains an error pool to reduce computational overhead. The AI-driven system also features a real-time dialogue component for efficient student interaction. Our approach demonstrates significant advantages over traditional and machine learning-based error correction methods, including reduced educational costs, high scalability, and superior generalizability. The system has been deployed on the Squirrel AI learning platform for elementary mathematics education, where it achieves 78.3\% accuracy in error analysis and shows a marked improvement in student learning efficiency. Satisfaction surveys indicate a strong positive reception, highlighting the system's potential to transform educational practices.
☆ Tran-GCN: A Transformer-Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network for Person Re-Identification in Monitoring Videos
Person Re-Identification (Re-ID) has gained popularity in computer vision, enabling cross-camera pedestrian recognition. Although the development of deep learning has provided a robust technical foundation for person Re-ID research, most existing person Re-ID methods overlook the potential relationships among local person features, failing to adequately address the impact of pedestrian pose variations and local body parts occlusion. Therefore, we propose a Transformer-enhanced Graph Convolutional Network (Tran-GCN) model to improve Person Re-Identification performance in monitoring videos. The model comprises four key components: (1) A Pose Estimation Learning branch is utilized to estimate pedestrian pose information and inherent skeletal structure data, extracting pedestrian key point information; (2) A Transformer learning branch learns the global dependencies between fine-grained and semantically meaningful local person features; (3) A Convolution learning branch uses the basic ResNet architecture to extract the person's fine-grained local features; (4) A Graph Convolutional Module (GCM) integrates local feature information, global feature information, and body information for more effective person identification after fusion. Quantitative and qualitative analysis experiments conducted on three different datasets (Market-1501, DukeMTMC-ReID, and MSMT17) demonstrate that the Tran-GCN model can more accurately capture discriminative person features in monitoring videos, significantly improving identification accuracy.
☆ Estimating Neural Orientation Distribution Fields on High Resolution Diffusion MRI Scans MICCAI
The Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) characterizes key brain microstructural properties and plays an important role in understanding brain structural connectivity. Recent works introduced Implicit Neural Representation (INR) based approaches to form a spatially aware continuous estimate of the ODF field and demonstrated promising results in key tasks of interest when compared to conventional discrete approaches. However, traditional INR methods face difficulties when scaling to large-scale images, such as modern ultra-high-resolution MRI scans, posing challenges in learning fine structures as well as inefficiencies in training and inference speed. In this work, we propose HashEnc, a grid-hash-encoding-based estimation of the ODF field and demonstrate its effectiveness in retaining structural and textural features. We show that HashEnc achieves a 10% enhancement in image quality while requiring 3x less computational resources than current methods. Our code can be found at https://github.com/MunzerDw/NODF-HashEnc.
comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, conference: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
☆ AMBER -- Advanced SegFormer for Multi-Band Image Segmentation: an application to Hyperspectral Imaging
Deep learning has revolutionized the field of hyperspectral image (HSI) analysis, enabling the extraction of complex and hierarchical features. While convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been the backbone of HSI classification, their limitations in capturing global contextual features have led to the exploration of Vision Transformers (ViTs). This paper introduces AMBER, an advanced SegFormer specifically designed for multi-band image segmentation. AMBER enhances the original SegFormer by incorporating three-dimensional convolutions to handle hyperspectral data. Our experiments, conducted on the Indian Pines, Pavia University, and PRISMA datasets, show that AMBER outperforms traditional CNN-based methods in terms of Overall Accuracy, Kappa coefficient, and Average Accuracy on the first two datasets, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the PRISMA dataset.
comment: submitted to Neural Computing & Applications (Springer). Currently under review
☆ MotionTTT: 2D Test-Time-Training Motion Estimation for 3D Motion Corrected MRI
A major challenge of the long measurement times in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an important medical imaging technology, is that patients may move during data acquisition. This leads to severe motion artifacts in the reconstructed images and volumes. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based test-time-training method for accurate motion estimation. The key idea is that a neural network trained for motion-free reconstruction has a small loss if there is no motion, thus optimizing over motion parameters passed through the reconstruction network enables accurate estimation of motion. The estimated motion parameters enable to correct for the motion and to reconstruct accurate motion-corrected images. Our method uses 2D reconstruction networks to estimate rigid motion in 3D, and constitutes the first deep learning based method for 3D rigid motion estimation towards 3D-motion-corrected MRI. We show that our method can provably reconstruct motion parameters for a simple signal and neural network model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for both retrospectively simulated motion and prospectively collected real motion-corrupted data.
☆ Interpretable Vision-Language Survival Analysis with Ordinal Inductive Bias for Computational Pathology
Histopathology Whole-Slide Images (WSIs) provide an important tool to assess cancer prognosis in computational pathology (CPATH). While existing survival analysis (SA) approaches have made exciting progress, they are generally limited to adopting highly-expressive architectures and only coarse-grained patient-level labels to learn prognostic visual representations from gigapixel WSIs. Such learning paradigm suffers from important performance bottlenecks, when facing present scarce training data and standard multi-instance learning (MIL) framework in CPATH. To break through it, this paper, for the first time, proposes a new Vision-Language-based SA (VLSA) paradigm. Concretely, (1) VLSA is driven by pathology VL foundation models. It no longer relies on high-capability networks and shows the advantage of data efficiency. (2) In vision-end, VLSA encodes prognostic language prior and then employs it as auxiliary signals to guide the aggregating of prognostic visual features at instance level, thereby compensating for the weak supervision in MIL. Moreover, given the characteristics of SA, we propose i) ordinal survival prompt learning to transform continuous survival labels into textual prompts; and ii) ordinal incidence function as prediction target to make SA compatible with VL-based prediction. VLSA's predictions can be interpreted intuitively by our Shapley values-based method. The extensive experiments on five datasets confirm the effectiveness of our scheme. Our VLSA could pave a new way for SA in CPATH by offering weakly-supervised MIL an effective means to learn valuable prognostic clues from gigapixel WSIs. Our source code is available at https://github.com/liupei101/VLSA.
comment: 24 pages, 11 tables, 6 figures
☆ MHAD: Multimodal Home Activity Dataset with Multi-Angle Videos and Synchronized Physiological Signals
Video-based physiology, exemplified by remote photoplethysmography (rPPG), extracts physiological signals such as pulse and respiration by analyzing subtle changes in video recordings. This non-contact, real-time monitoring method holds great potential for home settings. Despite the valuable contributions of public benchmark datasets to this technology, there is currently no dataset specifically designed for passive home monitoring. Existing datasets are often limited to close-up, static, frontal recordings and typically include only 1-2 physiological signals. To advance video-based physiology in real home settings, we introduce the MHAD dataset. It comprises 1,440 videos from 40 subjects, capturing 6 typical activities from 3 angles in a real home environment. Additionally, 5 physiological signals were recorded, making it a comprehensive video-based physiology dataset. MHAD is compatible with the rPPG-toolbox and has been validated using several unsupervised and supervised methods. Our dataset is publicly available at https://github.com/jdh-algo/MHAD-Dataset.
☆ Beta-Sigma VAE: Separating beta and decoder variance in Gaussian variational autoencoder ICPR 2024
Variational autoencoder (VAE) is an established generative model but is notorious for its blurriness. In this work, we investigate the blurry output problem of VAE and resolve it, exploiting the variance of Gaussian decoder and $\beta$ of beta-VAE. Specifically, we reveal that the indistinguishability of decoder variance and $\beta$ hinders appropriate analysis of the model by random likelihood value, and limits performance improvement by omitting the gain from $\beta$. To address the problem, we propose Beta-Sigma VAE (BS-VAE) that explicitly separates $\beta$ and decoder variance $\sigma^2_x$ in the model. Our method demonstrates not only superior performance in natural image synthesis but also controllable parameters and predictable analysis compared to conventional VAE. In our experimental evaluation, we employ the analysis of rate-distortion curve and proxy metrics on computer vision datasets. The code is available on https://github.com/overnap/BS-VAE
comment: Accepted for ICPR 2024
☆ LACOSTE: Exploiting stereo and temporal contexts for surgical instrument segmentation
Surgical instrument segmentation is instrumental to minimally invasive surgeries and related applications. Most previous methods formulate this task as single-frame-based instance segmentation while ignoring the natural temporal and stereo attributes of a surgical video. As a result, these methods are less robust against the appearance variation through temporal motion and view change. In this work, we propose a novel LACOSTE model that exploits Location-Agnostic COntexts in Stereo and TEmporal images for improved surgical instrument segmentation. Leveraging a query-based segmentation model as core, we design three performance-enhancing modules. Firstly, we design a disparity-guided feature propagation module to enhance depth-aware features explicitly. To generalize well for even only a monocular video, we apply a pseudo stereo scheme to generate complementary right images. Secondly, we propose a stereo-temporal set classifier, which aggregates stereo-temporal contexts in a universal way for making a consolidated prediction and mitigates transient failures. Finally, we propose a location-agnostic classifier to decouple the location bias from mask prediction and enhance the feature semantics. We extensively validate our approach on three public surgical video datasets, including two benchmarks from EndoVis Challenges and one real radical prostatectomy surgery dataset GraSP. Experimental results demonstrate the promising performances of our method, which consistently achieves comparable or favorable results with previous state-of-the-art approaches.
comment: Preprint submitted to Medical Image Analysis
☆ OPUS: Occupancy Prediction Using a Sparse Set
Occupancy prediction, aiming at predicting the occupancy status within voxelized 3D environment, is quickly gaining momentum within the autonomous driving community. Mainstream occupancy prediction works first discretize the 3D environment into voxels, then perform classification on such dense grids. However, inspection on sample data reveals that the vast majority of voxels is unoccupied. Performing classification on these empty voxels demands suboptimal computation resource allocation, and reducing such empty voxels necessitates complex algorithm designs. To this end, we present a novel perspective on the occupancy prediction task: formulating it as a streamlined set prediction paradigm without the need for explicit space modeling or complex sparsification procedures. Our proposed framework, called OPUS, utilizes a transformer encoder-decoder architecture to simultaneously predict occupied locations and classes using a set of learnable queries. Firstly, we employ the Chamfer distance loss to scale the set-to-set comparison problem to unprecedented magnitudes, making training such model end-to-end a reality. Subsequently, semantic classes are adaptively assigned using nearest neighbor search based on the learned locations. In addition, OPUS incorporates a suite of non-trivial strategies to enhance model performance, including coarse-to-fine learning, consistent point sampling, and adaptive re-weighting, etc. Finally, compared with current state-of-the-art methods, our lightest model achieves superior RayIoU on the Occ3D-nuScenes dataset at near 2x FPS, while our heaviest model surpasses previous best results by 6.1 RayIoU.
☆ QTG-VQA: Question-Type-Guided Architectural for VideoQA Systems
In the domain of video question answering (VideoQA), the impact of question types on VQA systems, despite its critical importance, has been relatively under-explored to date. However, the richness of question types directly determines the range of concepts a model needs to learn, thereby affecting the upper limit of its learning capability. This paper focuses on exploring the significance of different question types for VQA systems and their impact on performance, revealing a series of issues such as insufficient learning and model degradation due to uneven distribution of question types. Particularly, considering the significant variation in dependency on temporal information across different question types, and given that the representation of such information coincidentally represents a principal challenge and difficulty for VideoQA as opposed to ImageQA. To address these challenges, we propose QTG-VQA, a novel architecture that incorporates question-type-guided attention and adaptive learning mechanism. Specifically, as to temporal-type questions, we design Masking Frame Modeling technique to enhance temporal modeling, aimed at encouraging the model to grasp richer visual-language relationships and manage more intricate temporal dependencies. Furthermore, a novel evaluation metric tailored to question types is introduced. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our approach.
☆ VOMTC: Vision Objects for Millimeter and Terahertz Communications
Recent advances in sensing and computer vision (CV) technologies have opened the door for the application of deep learning (DL)-based CV technologies in the realm of 6G wireless communications. For the successful application of this emerging technology, it is crucial to have a qualified vision dataset tailored for wireless applications (e.g., RGB images containing wireless devices such as laptops and cell phones). An aim of this paper is to propose a large-scale vision dataset referred to as Vision Objects for Millimeter and Terahertz Communications (VOMTC). The VOMTC dataset consists of 20,232 pairs of RGB and depth images obtained from a camera attached to the base station (BS), with each pair labeled with three representative object categories (person, cell phone, and laptop) and bounding boxes of the objects. Through experimental studies of the VOMTC datasets, we show that the beamforming technique exploiting the VOMTC-trained object detector outperforms conventional beamforming techniques.
☆ LawDNet: Enhanced Audio-Driven Lip Synthesis via Local Affine Warping Deformation
In the domain of photorealistic avatar generation, the fidelity of audio-driven lip motion synthesis is essential for realistic virtual interactions. Existing methods face two key challenges: a lack of vivacity due to limited diversity in generated lip poses and noticeable anamorphose motions caused by poor temporal coherence. To address these issues, we propose LawDNet, a novel deep-learning architecture enhancing lip synthesis through a Local Affine Warping Deformation mechanism. This mechanism models the intricate lip movements in response to the audio input by controllable non-linear warping fields. These fields consist of local affine transformations focused on abstract keypoints within deep feature maps, offering a novel universal paradigm for feature warping in networks. Additionally, LawDNet incorporates a dual-stream discriminator for improved frame-to-frame continuity and employs face normalization techniques to handle pose and scene variations. Extensive evaluations demonstrate LawDNet's superior robustness and lip movement dynamism performance compared to previous methods. The advancements presented in this paper, including the methodologies, training data, source codes, and pre-trained models, will be made accessible to the research community.
☆ Implicit Neural Representations with Fourier Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks ICASSP 2025
Implicit neural representations (INRs) use neural networks to provide continuous and resolution-independent representations of complex signals with a small number of parameters. However, existing INR models often fail to capture important frequency components specific to each task. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a Fourier Kolmogorov Arnold network (FKAN) for INRs. The proposed FKAN utilizes learnable activation functions modeled as Fourier series in the first layer to effectively control and learn the task-specific frequency components. In addition, the activation functions with learnable Fourier coefficients improve the ability of the network to capture complex patterns and details, which is beneficial for high-resolution and high-dimensional data. Experimental results show that our proposed FKAN model outperforms three state-of-the-art baseline schemes, and improves the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index measure (SSIM) for the image representation task and intersection over union (IoU) for the 3D occupancy volume representation task, respectively.
comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ ChildPlay-Hand: A Dataset of Hand Manipulations in the Wild
Hand-Object Interaction (HOI) is gaining significant attention, particularly with the creation of numerous egocentric datasets driven by AR/VR applications. However, third-person view HOI has received less attention, especially in terms of datasets. Most third-person view datasets are curated for action recognition tasks and feature pre-segmented clips of high-level daily activities, leaving a gap for in-the-wild datasets. To address this gap, we propose ChildPlay-Hand, a novel dataset that includes person and object bounding boxes, as well as manipulation actions. ChildPlay-Hand is unique in: (1) providing per-hand annotations; (2) featuring videos in uncontrolled settings with natural interactions, involving both adults and children; (3) including gaze labels from the ChildPlay-Gaze dataset for joint modeling of manipulations and gaze. The manipulation actions cover the main stages of an HOI cycle, such as grasping, holding or operating, and different types of releasing. To illustrate the interest of the dataset, we study two tasks: object in hand detection (OiH), i.e. if a person has an object in their hand, and manipulation stages (ManiS), which is more fine-grained and targets the main stages of manipulation. We benchmark various spatio-temporal and segmentation networks, exploring body vs. hand-region information and comparing pose and RGB modalities. Our findings suggest that ChildPlay-Hand is a challenging new benchmark for modeling HOI in the wild.
☆ ODE: Open-Set Evaluation of Hallucinations in Multimodal Large Language Models
Hallucination poses a significant challenge for multimodal large language models (MLLMs). However, existing benchmarks for evaluating hallucinations are static, which can lead to potential data contamination. This paper introduces ODE, an open-set, dynamic protocol for evaluating object existence hallucinations in MLLMs. Our framework employs graph structures to model associations between real-word concepts and generates novel samples for both general and domain-specific scenarios. The dynamic combination of concepts, along with various combination principles, ensures a broad sample distribution. Experimental results show that MLLMs exhibit higher hallucination rates with ODE-generated samples, effectively avoiding data contamination. Moreover, these samples can also be used for fine-tuning to improve MLLM performance on existing benchmarks.
☆ Tensor-Based Synchronization and the Low-Rankness of the Block Trifocal Tensor
The block tensor of trifocal tensors provides crucial geometric information on the three-view geometry of a scene. The underlying synchronization problem seeks to recover camera poses (locations and orientations up to a global transformation) from the block trifocal tensor. We establish an explicit Tucker factorization of this tensor, revealing a low multilinear rank of $(6,4,4)$ independent of the number of cameras under appropriate scaling conditions. We prove that this rank constraint provides sufficient information for camera recovery in the noiseless case. The constraint motivates a synchronization algorithm based on the higher-order singular value decomposition of the block trifocal tensor. Experimental comparisons with state-of-the-art global synchronization methods on real datasets demonstrate the potential of this algorithm for significantly improving location estimation accuracy. Overall this work suggests that higher-order interactions in synchronization problems can be exploited to improve performance, beyond the usual pairwise-based approaches.
comment: 31 pages, 4 figures
☆ Registration between Point Cloud Streams and Sequential Bounding Boxes via Gradient Descent
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for registering sequential bounding boxes with point cloud streams. Unlike popular point cloud registration techniques, the alignment of the point cloud and the bounding box can rely on the properties of the bounding box, such as size, shape, and temporal information, which provides substantial support and performance gains. Motivated by this, we propose a new approach to tackle this problem. Specifically, we model the registration process through an overall objective function that includes the final goal and all constraints. We then optimize the function using gradient descent. Our experiments show that the proposed method performs remarkably well with a 40\% improvement in IoU and demonstrates more robust registration between point cloud streams and sequential bounding boxes
☆ Real-Time Stochastic Terrain Mapping and Processing for Autonomous Safe Landing
Onboard terrain sensing and mapping for safe planetary landings often suffer from missed hazardous features, e.g., small rocks, due to the large observational range and the limited resolution of the obtained terrain data. To this end, this paper develops a novel real-time stochastic terrain mapping algorithm that accounts for topographic uncertainty between the sampled points, or the uncertainty due to the sparse 3D terrain measurements. We introduce a Gaussian digital elevation map that is efficiently constructed using the combination of Delauney triangulation and local Gaussian process regression. The geometric investigation of the lander-terrain interaction is exploited to efficiently evaluate the marginally conservative local slope and roughness while avoiding the costly computation of the local plane. The conservativeness is proved in the paper. The developed real-time uncertainty quantification pipeline enables stochastic landing safety evaluation under challenging operational conditions, such as a large observational range or limited sensor capability, which is a critical stepping stone for the development of predictive guidance algorithms for safe autonomous planetary landing. Detailed reviews on background and related works are also presented.
☆ Keypoints-Integrated Instruction-Following Data Generation for Enhanced Human Pose Understanding in Multimodal Models
Current multimodal models are well-suited for general visual understanding tasks. However, they perform inadequately when handling complex visual tasks related to human poses and actions, primarily due to the lack of specialized instruction-following data. We introduce a new method for generating such data by integrating human keypoints with traditional visual features like captions and bounding boxes. Our approach produces datasets designed for fine-tuning models to excel in human-centric activities, focusing on three specific types: conversation, detailed description, and complex reasoning. We fine-tuned the LLaVA-7B model with this novel dataset, achieving significant improvements across various human pose-related tasks. Experimental results show an overall improvement of 21.18% compared to the original LLaVA-7B model. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of keypoints-assisted data in enhancing multimodal models.
☆ ManiDext: Hand-Object Manipulation Synthesis via Continuous Correspondence Embeddings and Residual-Guided Diffusion
Dynamic and dexterous manipulation of objects presents a complex challenge, requiring the synchronization of hand motions with the trajectories of objects to achieve seamless and physically plausible interactions. In this work, we introduce ManiDext, a unified hierarchical diffusion-based framework for generating hand manipulation and grasp poses based on 3D object trajectories. Our key insight is that accurately modeling the contact correspondences between objects and hands during interactions is crucial. Therefore, we propose a continuous correspondence embedding representation that specifies detailed hand correspondences at the vertex level between the object and the hand. This embedding is optimized directly on the hand mesh in a self-supervised manner, with the distance between embeddings reflecting the geodesic distance. Our framework first generates contact maps and correspondence embeddings on the object's surface. Based on these fine-grained correspondences, we introduce a novel approach that integrates the iterative refinement process into the diffusion process during the second stage of hand pose generation. At each step of the denoising process, we incorporate the current hand pose residual as a refinement target into the network, guiding the network to correct inaccurate hand poses. Introducing residuals into each denoising step inherently aligns with traditional optimization process, effectively merging generation and refinement into a single unified framework. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach can generate physically plausible and highly realistic motions for various tasks, including single and bimanual hand grasping as well as manipulating both rigid and articulated objects. Code will be available for research purposes.
☆ Associate Everything Detected: Facilitating Tracking-by-Detection to the Unknown
Multi-object tracking (MOT) emerges as a pivotal and highly promising branch in the field of computer vision. Classical closed-vocabulary MOT (CV-MOT) methods aim to track objects of predefined categories. Recently, some open-vocabulary MOT (OV-MOT) methods have successfully addressed the problem of tracking unknown categories. However, we found that the CV-MOT and OV-MOT methods each struggle to excel in the tasks of the other. In this paper, we present a unified framework, Associate Everything Detected (AED), that simultaneously tackles CV-MOT and OV-MOT by integrating with any off-the-shelf detector and supports unknown categories. Different from existing tracking-by-detection MOT methods, AED gets rid of prior knowledge (e.g. motion cues) and relies solely on highly robust feature learning to handle complex trajectories in OV-MOT tasks while keeping excellent performance in CV-MOT tasks. Specifically, we model the association task as a similarity decoding problem and propose a sim-decoder with an association-centric learning mechanism. The sim-decoder calculates similarities in three aspects: spatial, temporal, and cross-clip. Subsequently, association-centric learning leverages these threefold similarities to ensure that the extracted features are appropriate for continuous tracking and robust enough to generalize to unknown categories. Compared with existing powerful OV-MOT and CV-MOT methods, AED achieves superior performance on TAO, SportsMOT, and DanceTrack without any prior knowledge. Our code is available at https://github.com/balabooooo/AED.
☆ StyleTalk++: A Unified Framework for Controlling the Speaking Styles of Talking Heads
Individuals have unique facial expression and head pose styles that reflect their personalized speaking styles. Existing one-shot talking head methods cannot capture such personalized characteristics and therefore fail to produce diverse speaking styles in the final videos. To address this challenge, we propose a one-shot style-controllable talking face generation method that can obtain speaking styles from reference speaking videos and drive the one-shot portrait to speak with the reference speaking styles and another piece of audio. Our method aims to synthesize the style-controllable coefficients of a 3D Morphable Model (3DMM), including facial expressions and head movements, in a unified framework. Specifically, the proposed framework first leverages a style encoder to extract the desired speaking styles from the reference videos and transform them into style codes. Then, the framework uses a style-aware decoder to synthesize the coefficients of 3DMM from the audio input and style codes. During decoding, our framework adopts a two-branch architecture, which generates the stylized facial expression coefficients and stylized head movement coefficients, respectively. After obtaining the coefficients of 3DMM, an image renderer renders the expression coefficients into a specific person's talking-head video. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method generates visually authentic talking head videos with diverse speaking styles from only one portrait image and an audio clip.
comment: TPAMI 2024
☆ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion with Hierarchical Human Perception
Image fusion combines images from multiple domains into one image, containing complementary information from source domains. Existing methods take pixel intensity, texture and high-level vision task information as the standards to determine preservation of information, lacking enhancement for human perception. We introduce an image fusion method, Hierarchical Perception Fusion (HPFusion), which leverages Large Vision-Language Model to incorporate hierarchical human semantic priors, preserving complementary information that satisfies human visual system. We propose multiple questions that humans focus on when viewing an image pair, and answers are generated via the Large Vision-Language Model according to images. The texts of answers are encoded into the fusion network, and the optimization also aims to guide the human semantic distribution of the fused image more similarly to source images, exploring complementary information within the human perception domain. Extensive experiments demonstrate our HPFusoin can achieve high-quality fusion results both for information preservation and human visual enhancement.
☆ SAM-OCTA2: Layer Sequence OCTA Segmentation with Fine-tuned Segment Anything Model 2
Segmentation of indicated targets aids in the precise analysis of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) samples. Existing segmentation methods typically perform on 2D projection targets, making it challenging to capture the variance of segmented objects through the 3D volume. To address this limitation, the low-rank adaptation technique is adopted to fine-tune the Segment Anything Model (SAM) version 2, enabling the tracking and segmentation of specified objects across the OCTA scanning layer sequence. To further this work, a prompt point generation strategy in frame sequence and a sparse annotation method to acquire retinal vessel (RV) layer masks are proposed. This method is named SAM-OCTA2 and has been experimented on the OCTA-500 dataset. It achieves state-of-the-art performance in segmenting the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) on regular 2D en-face and effectively tracks local vessels across scanning layer sequences. The code is available at: https://github.com/ShellRedia/SAM-OCTA2.
☆ LabellessFace: Fair Metric Learning for Face Recognition without Attribute Labels
Demographic bias is one of the major challenges for face recognition systems. The majority of existing studies on demographic biases are heavily dependent on specific demographic groups or demographic classifier, making it difficult to address performance for unrecognised groups. This paper introduces ``LabellessFace'', a novel framework that improves demographic bias in face recognition without requiring demographic group labeling typically required for fairness considerations. We propose a novel fairness enhancement metric called the class favoritism level, which assesses the extent of favoritism towards specific classes across the dataset. Leveraging this metric, we introduce the fair class margin penalty, an extension of existing margin-based metric learning. This method dynamically adjusts learning parameters based on class favoritism levels, promoting fairness across all attributes. By treating each class as an individual in facial recognition systems, we facilitate learning that minimizes biases in authentication accuracy among individuals. Comprehensive experiments have demonstrated that our proposed method is effective for enhancing fairness while maintaining authentication accuracy.
☆ Guiding Vision-Language Model Selection for Visual Question-Answering Across Tasks, Domains, and Knowledge Types
Visual Question-Answering (VQA) has become a key use-case in several applications to aid user experience, particularly after Vision-Language Models (VLMs) achieving good results in zero-shot inference. But evaluating different VLMs for an application requirement using a standardized framework in practical settings is still challenging. This paper introduces a comprehensive framework for evaluating VLMs tailored to VQA tasks in practical settings. We present a novel dataset derived from established VQA benchmarks, annotated with task types, application domains, and knowledge types, three key practical aspects on which tasks can vary. We also introduce GoEval, a multimodal evaluation metric developed using GPT-4o, achieving a correlation factor of 56.71% with human judgments. Our experiments with ten state-of-the-art VLMs reveals that no single model excelling universally, making appropriate selection a key design decision. Proprietary models such as Gemini-1.5-Pro and GPT-4o-mini generally outperform others, though open-source models like InternVL-2-8B and CogVLM-2-Llama-3-19B demonstrate competitive strengths in specific contexts, while providing additional advantages. This study guides the selection of VLMs based on specific task requirements and resource constraints, and can also be extended to other vision-language tasks.
comment: 8 pages + references + 6 pages of Appendix
☆ VSFormer: Mining Correlations in Flexible View Set for Multi-view 3D Shape Understanding
View-based methods have demonstrated promising performance in 3D shape understanding. However, they tend to make strong assumptions about the relations between views or learn the multi-view correlations indirectly, which limits the flexibility of exploring inter-view correlations and the effectiveness of target tasks. To overcome the above problems, this paper investigates flexible organization and explicit correlation learning for multiple views. In particular, we propose to incorporate different views of a 3D shape into a permutation-invariant set, referred to as \emph{View Set}, which removes rigid relation assumptions and facilitates adequate information exchange and fusion among views. Based on that, we devise a nimble Transformer model, named \emph{VSFormer}, to explicitly capture pairwise and higher-order correlations of all elements in the set. Meanwhile, we theoretically reveal a natural correspondence between the Cartesian product of a view set and the correlation matrix in the attention mechanism, which supports our model design. Comprehensive experiments suggest that VSFormer has better flexibility, efficient inference efficiency and superior performance. Notably, VSFormer reaches state-of-the-art results on various 3d recognition datasets, including ModelNet40, ScanObjectNN and RGBD. It also establishes new records on the SHREC'17 retrieval benchmark. The code and datasets are available at \url{https://github.com/auniquesun/VSFormer}.
comment: accepted by TVCG 2024
☆ Robust Training of Neural Networks at Arbitrary Precision and Sparsity
The discontinuous operations inherent in quantization and sparsification introduce obstacles to backpropagation. This is particularly challenging when training deep neural networks in ultra-low precision and sparse regimes. We propose a novel, robust, and universal solution: a denoising affine transform that stabilizes training under these challenging conditions. By formulating quantization and sparsification as perturbations during training, we derive a perturbation-resilient approach based on ridge regression. Our solution employs a piecewise constant backbone model to ensure a performance lower bound and features an inherent noise reduction mechanism to mitigate perturbation-induced corruption. This formulation allows existing models to be trained at arbitrarily low precision and sparsity levels with off-the-shelf recipes. Furthermore, our method provides a novel perspective on training temporal binary neural networks, contributing to ongoing efforts to narrow the gap between artificial and biological neural networks.
☆ Investigation of Hierarchical Spectral Vision Transformer Architecture for Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery
In the past three years, there has been significant interest in hyperspectral imagery (HSI) classification using vision Transformers for analysis of remotely sensed data. Previous research predominantly focused on the empirical integration of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to augment the network's capability to extract local feature information. Yet, the theoretical justification for vision Transformers out-performing CNN architectures in HSI classification remains a question. To address this issue, a unified hierarchical spectral vision Transformer architecture, specifically tailored for HSI classification, is investigated. In this streamlined yet effective vision Transformer architecture, multiple mixer modules are strategically integrated separately. These include the CNN-mixer, which executes convolution operations; the spatial self-attention (SSA)-mixer and channel self-attention (CSA)-mixer, both of which are adaptations of classical self-attention blocks; and hybrid models such as the SSA+CNN-mixer and CSA+CNN-mixer, which merge convolution with self-attention operations. This integration facilitates the development of a broad spectrum of vision Transformer-based models tailored for HSI classification. In terms of the training process, a comprehensive analysis is performed, contrasting classical CNN models and vision Transformer-based counterparts, with particular attention to disturbance robustness and the distribution of the largest eigenvalue of the Hessian. From the evaluations conducted on various mixer models rooted in the unified architecture, it is concluded that the unique strength of vision Transformers can be attributed to their overarching architecture, rather than being exclusively reliant on individual multi-head self-attention (MSA) components.
comment: \c{opyright} 2024 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works
♻ ☆ PRE: Vision-Language Prompt Learning with Reparameterization Encoder
Large pre-trained vision-language models such as CLIP have demonstrated great potential in zero-shot transferability to downstream tasks. However, to attain optimal performance, the manual selection of prompts is necessary to improve alignment between the downstream image distribution and the textual class descriptions. This manual prompt engineering is the major challenge for deploying such models in practice since it requires domain expertise and is extremely time-consuming. To avoid non-trivial prompt engineering, recent work Context Optimization (CoOp) introduced the concept of prompt learning to the vision domain using learnable textual tokens. While CoOp can achieve substantial improvements over manual prompts, its learned context is worse generalizable to wider unseen classes within the same dataset. In this work, we present Prompt Learning with Reparameterization Encoder (PRE) - a simple and efficient method that enhances the generalization ability of the learnable prompt to unseen classes while maintaining the capacity to learn Base classes. Instead of directly optimizing the prompts, PRE employs a prompt encoder to reparameterize the input prompt embeddings, enhancing the exploration of task-specific knowledge from few-shot samples. Experiments and extensive ablation studies on 8 benchmarks demonstrate that our approach is an efficient method for prompt learning. Specifically, PRE achieves a notable enhancement of 5.60% in average accuracy on New classes and 3% in Harmonic mean compared to CoOp in the 16-shot setting, all achieved within a good training time.
comment: 10 pages excluding References and Appendix
♻ ☆ A Survey on the Robustness of Computer Vision Models against Common Corruptions
The performance of computer vision models are susceptible to unexpected changes in input images caused by sensor errors or extreme imaging environments, known as common corruptions (e.g. noise, blur, illumination changes). These corruptions can significantly hinder the reliability of these models when deployed in real-world scenarios, yet they are often overlooked when testing model generalization and robustness. In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview of methods that improve the robustness of computer vision models against common corruptions. We categorize methods into three groups based on the model components and training methods they target: data augmentation, learning strategies, and network components. We release a unified benchmark framework (available at \url{https://github.com/nis-research/CorruptionBenchCV}) to compare robustness performance across several datasets, and we address the inconsistencies of evaluation practices in the literature. Our experimental analysis highlights the base corruption robustness of popular vision backbones, revealing that corruption robustness does not necessarily scale with model size and data size. Large models gain negligible robustness improvements, considering the increased computational requirements. To achieve generalizable and robust computer vision models, we foresee the need of developing new learning strategies that efficiently exploit limited data and mitigate unreliable learning behaviors.
♻ ☆ PuzzleAvatar: Assembling 3D Avatars from Personal Albums
Generating personalized 3D avatars is crucial for AR/VR. However, recent text-to-3D methods that generate avatars for celebrities or fictional characters, struggle with everyday people. Methods for faithful reconstruction typically require full-body images in controlled settings. What if a user could just upload their personal "OOTD" (Outfit Of The Day) photo collection and get a faithful avatar in return? The challenge is that such casual photo collections contain diverse poses, challenging viewpoints, cropped views, and occlusion (albeit with a consistent outfit, accessories and hairstyle). We address this novel "Album2Human" task by developing PuzzleAvatar, a novel model that generates a faithful 3D avatar (in a canonical pose) from a personal OOTD album, while bypassing the challenging estimation of body and camera pose. To this end, we fine-tune a foundational vision-language model (VLM) on such photos, encoding the appearance, identity, garments, hairstyles, and accessories of a person into (separate) learned tokens and instilling these cues into the VLM. In effect, we exploit the learned tokens as "puzzle pieces" from which we assemble a faithful, personalized 3D avatar. Importantly, we can customize avatars by simply inter-changing tokens. As a benchmark for this new task, we collect a new dataset, called PuzzleIOI, with 41 subjects in a total of nearly 1K OOTD configurations, in challenging partial photos with paired ground-truth 3D bodies. Evaluation shows that PuzzleAvatar not only has high reconstruction accuracy, outperforming TeCH and MVDreamBooth, but also a unique scalability to album photos, and strong robustness. Our code and data are publicly available for research purpose at https://puzzleavatar.is.tue.mpg.de/
comment: Page: https://puzzleavatar.is.tue.mpg.de/, Code: https://github.com/YuliangXiu/PuzzleAvatar, Video: https://youtu.be/0hpXH2tVPk4
♻ ☆ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Compositional Generation with Energy-Based Diffusion Models and MCMC ICML 2023
Since their introduction, diffusion models have quickly become the prevailing approach to generative modeling in many domains. They can be interpreted as learning the gradients of a time-varying sequence of log-probability density functions. This interpretation has motivated classifier-based and classifier-free guidance as methods for post-hoc control of diffusion models. In this work, we build upon these ideas using the score-based interpretation of diffusion models, and explore alternative ways to condition, modify, and reuse diffusion models for tasks involving compositional generation and guidance. In particular, we investigate why certain types of composition fail using current techniques and present a number of solutions. We conclude that the sampler (not the model) is responsible for this failure and propose new samplers, inspired by MCMC, which enable successful compositional generation. Further, we propose an energy-based parameterization of diffusion models which enables the use of new compositional operators and more sophisticated, Metropolis-corrected samplers. Intriguingly we find these samplers lead to notable improvements in compositional generation across a wide set of problems such as classifier-guided ImageNet modeling and compositional text-to-image generation.
comment: ICML 2023, Project Webpage: https://energy-based-model.github.io/reduce-reuse-recycle/
♻ ☆ LLaVA-OneVision: Easy Visual Task Transfer
We present LLaVA-OneVision, a family of open large multimodal models (LMMs) developed by consolidating our insights into data, models, and visual representations in the LLaVA-NeXT blog series. Our experimental results demonstrate that LLaVA-OneVision is the first single model that can simultaneously push the performance boundaries of open LMMs in three important computer vision scenarios: single-image, multi-image, and video scenarios. Importantly, the design of LLaVA-OneVision allows strong transfer learning across different modalities/scenarios, yielding new emerging capabilities. In particular, strong video understanding and cross-scenario capabilities are demonstrated through task transfer from images to videos.
comment: Project Homepage: https://llava-vl.github.io/blog/2024-08-05-llava-onevision/
♻ ☆ Integrating Large Language Models into a Tri-Modal Architecture for Automated Depression Classification
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a pervasive mental health condition that affects 300 million people worldwide. This work presents a novel, BiLSTM-based tri-modal model-level fusion architecture for the binary classification of depression from clinical interview recordings. The proposed architecture incorporates Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, Facial Action Units, and uses a two-shot learning based GPT-4 model to process text data. This is the first work to incorporate large language models into a multi-modal architecture for this task. It achieves impressive results on the DAIC-WOZ AVEC 2016 Challenge cross-validation split and Leave-One-Subject-Out cross-validation split, surpassing all baseline models and multiple state-of-the-art models. In Leave-One-Subject-Out testing, it achieves an accuracy of 91.01%, an F1-Score of 85.95%, a precision of 80%, and a recall of 92.86%.
comment: Keywords: Multi-Modal Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Large Language Models, Depression Diagnosis, Biomedical Informatics, DAIC-WOZ
♻ ☆ PCKRF: Point Cloud Completion and Keypoint Refinement With Fusion Data for 6D Pose Estimation
Some robust point cloud registration approaches with controllable pose refinement magnitude, such as ICP and its variants, are commonly used to improve 6D pose estimation accuracy. However, the effectiveness of these methods gradually diminishes with the advancement of deep learning techniques and the enhancement of initial pose accuracy, primarily due to their lack of specific design for pose refinement. In this paper, we propose Point Cloud Completion and Keypoint Refinement with Fusion Data (PCKRF), a new pose refinement pipeline for 6D pose estimation. The pipeline consists of two steps. First, it completes the input point clouds via a novel pose-sensitive point completion network. The network uses both local and global features with pose information during point completion. Then, it registers the completed object point cloud with the corresponding target point cloud by our proposed Color supported Iterative KeyPoint (CIKP) method. The CIKP method introduces color information into registration and registers a point cloud around each keypoint to increase stability. The PCKRF pipeline can be integrated with existing popular 6D pose estimation methods, such as the full flow bidirectional fusion network, to further improve their pose estimation accuracy. Experiments demonstrate that our method exhibits superior stability compared to existing approaches when optimizing initial poses with relatively high precision. Notably, the results indicate that our method effectively complements most existing pose estimation techniques, leading to improved performance in most cases. Furthermore, our method achieves promising results even in challenging scenarios involving textureless and symmetrical objects. Our source code is available at https://github.com/zhanhz/KRF.
♻ ☆ HiSC4D: Human-centered interaction and 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR
We introduce HiSC4D, a novel Human-centered interaction and 4D Scene Capture method, aimed at accurately and efficiently creating a dynamic digital world, containing large-scale indoor-outdoor scenes, diverse human motions, rich human-human interactions, and human-environment interactions. By utilizing body-mounted IMUs and a head-mounted LiDAR, HiSC4D can capture egocentric human motions in unconstrained space without the need for external devices and pre-built maps. This affords great flexibility and accessibility for human-centered interaction and 4D scene capturing in various environments. Taking into account that IMUs can capture human spatially unrestricted poses but are prone to drifting for long-period using, and while LiDAR is stable for global localization but rough for local positions and orientations, HiSC4D employs a joint optimization method, harmonizing all sensors and utilizing environment cues, yielding promising results for long-term capture in large scenes. To promote research of egocentric human interaction in large scenes and facilitate downstream tasks, we also present a dataset, containing 8 sequences in 4 large scenes (200 to 5,000 $m^2$), providing 36k frames of accurate 4D human motions with SMPL annotations and dynamic scenes, 31k frames of cropped human point clouds, and scene mesh of the environment. A variety of scenarios, such as the basketball gym and commercial street, alongside challenging human motions, such as daily greeting, one-on-one basketball playing, and tour guiding, demonstrate the effectiveness and the generalization ability of HiSC4D. The dataset and code will be publicated on www.lidarhumanmotion.net/hisc4d available for research purposes.
comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, Jornal
♻ ☆ Accurately Classifying Out-Of-Distribution Data in Facial Recognition
Standard classification theory assumes that the distribution of images in the test and training sets are identical. Unfortunately, real-life scenarios typically feature unseen data (''out-of-distribution data") which is different from data in the training distribution(''in-distribution"). This issue is most prevalent in social justice problems where data from under-represented groups may appear in the test data without representing an equal proportion of the training data. This may result in a model returning confidently wrong decisions and predictions. We are interested in the following question: Can the performance of a neural network improve on facial images of out-of-distribution data when it is trained simultaneously on multiple datasets of in-distribution data? We approach this problem by incorporating the Outlier Exposure model and investigate how the model's performance changes when other datasets of facial images were implemented. We observe that the accuracy and other metrics of the model can be increased by applying Outlier Exposure, incorporating a trainable weight parameter to increase the machine's emphasis on outlier images, and by re-weighting the importance of different class labels. We also experimented with whether sorting the images and determining outliers via image features would have more of an effect on the metrics than sorting by average pixel value, and found no conclusive results. Our goal was to make models not only more accurate but also more fair by scanning a more expanded range of images. We also tested the datasets in reverse order to see whether a more fair dataset with balanced features has an effect on the model's accuracy. Utilizing Python and the Pytorch package, we found that models that utilizing outlier exposure could make models more fair.
comment: 17 pages, 6 tables, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Improving Neural Surface Reconstruction with Feature Priors from Multi-View Image ECCV2024
Recent advancements in Neural Surface Reconstruction (NSR) have significantly improved multi-view reconstruction when coupled with volume rendering. However, relying solely on photometric consistency in image space falls short of addressing complexities posed by real-world data, including occlusions and non-Lambertian surfaces. To tackle these challenges, we propose an investigation into feature-level consistent loss, aiming to harness valuable feature priors from diverse pretext visual tasks and overcome current limitations. It is crucial to note the existing gap in determining the most effective pretext visual task for enhancing NSR. In this study, we comprehensively explore multi-view feature priors from seven pretext visual tasks, comprising thirteen methods. Our main goal is to strengthen NSR training by considering a wide range of possibilities. Additionally, we examine the impact of varying feature resolutions and evaluate both pixel-wise and patch-wise consistent losses, providing insights into effective strategies for improving NSR performance. By incorporating pre-trained representations from MVSFormer and QuadTree, our approach can generate variations of MVS-NeuS and Match-NeuS, respectively. Our results, analyzed on DTU and EPFL datasets, reveal that feature priors from image matching and multi-view stereo outperform other pretext tasks. Moreover, we discover that extending patch-wise photometric consistency to the feature level surpasses the performance of pixel-wise approaches. These findings underscore the effectiveness of these techniques in enhancing NSR outcomes.
comment: ECCV2024
♻ ☆ IVGF: The Fusion-Guided Infrared and Visible General Framework
Infrared and visible dual-modality tasks such as semantic segmentation and object detection can achieve robust performance even in extreme scenes by fusing complementary information. Most current methods design task-specific frameworks, which are limited in generalization across multiple tasks. In this paper, we propose a fusion-guided infrared and visible general framework, IVGF, which can be easily extended to many high-level vision tasks. Firstly, we adopt the SOTA infrared and visible foundation models to extract the general representations. Then, to enrich the semantics information of these general representations for high-level vision tasks, we design the feature enhancement module and token enhancement module for feature maps and tokens, respectively. Besides, the attention-guided fusion module is proposed for effectively fusing by exploring the complementary information of two modalities. Moreover, we also adopt the cutout&mix augmentation strategy to conduct the data augmentation, which further improves the ability of the model to mine the regional complementary between the two modalities. Extensive experiments show that the IVGF outperforms state-of-the-art dual-modality methods in the semantic segmentation and object detection tasks. The detailed ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of each module, and another experiment explores the anti-missing modality ability of the proposed method in the dual-modality semantic segmentation task.
comment: 11 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ InfMAE: A Foundation Model in the Infrared Modality
In recent years, the foundation models have swept the computer vision field and facilitated the development of various tasks within different modalities. However, it remains an open question on how to design an infrared foundation model. In this paper, we propose InfMAE, a foundation model in infrared modality. We release an infrared dataset, called Inf30 to address the problem of lacking large-scale data for self-supervised learning in the infrared vision community. Besides, we design an information-aware masking strategy, which is suitable for infrared images. This masking strategy allows for a greater emphasis on the regions with richer information in infrared images during the self-supervised learning process, which is conducive to learning the generalized representation. In addition, we adopt a multi-scale encoder to enhance the performance of the pre-trained encoders in downstream tasks. Finally, based on the fact that infrared images do not have a lot of details and texture information, we design an infrared decoder module, which further improves the performance of downstream tasks. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method InfMAE outperforms other supervised methods and self-supervised learning methods in three downstream tasks.
comment: 8 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ Multi-Agent 3D Map Reconstruction and Change Detection in Microgravity with Free-Flying Robots
Assistive free-flyer robots autonomously caring for future crewed outposts -- such as NASA's Astrobee robots on the International Space Station (ISS) -- must be able to detect day-to-day interior changes to track inventory, detect and diagnose faults, and monitor the outpost status. This work presents a framework for multi-agent cooperative mapping and change detection to enable robotic maintenance of space outposts. One agent is used to reconstruct a 3D model of the environment from sequences of images and corresponding depth information. Another agent is used to periodically scan the environment for inconsistencies against the 3D model. Change detection is validated after completing the surveys using real image and pose data collected by Astrobee robots in a ground testing environment and from microgravity aboard the ISS. This work outlines the objectives, requirements, and algorithmic modules for the multi-agent reconstruction system, including recommendations for its use by assistive free-flyers aboard future microgravity outposts.
comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Manuscript presented at the 74th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2 - 6 October 2023. Video presentation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfjV-zwFEtU]. Code: [https://github.com/hollydinkel/astrobeecd]
♻ ☆ Enhancing Angular Resolution via Directionality Encoding and Geometric Constraints in Brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging ICONIP2024
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a type of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique sensitised to the diffusivity of water molecules, offering the capability to inspect tissue microstructures and is the only in-vivo method to reconstruct white matter fiber tracts non-invasively. The DWI signal can be analysed with the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model to estimate the directionality of water diffusion within voxels. Several scalar metrics, including axial diffusivity (AD), mean diffusivity (MD), radial diffusivity (RD), and fractional anisotropy (FA), can be further derived from DTI to quantitatively summarise the microstructural integrity of brain tissue. These scalar metrics have played an important role in understanding the organisation and health of brain tissue at a microscopic level in clinical studies. However, reliable DTI metrics rely on DWI acquisitions with high gradient directions, which often go beyond the commonly used clinical protocols. To enhance the utility of clinically acquired DWI and save scanning time for robust DTI analysis, this work proposes DirGeo-DTI, a deep learning-based method to estimate reliable DTI metrics even from a set of DWIs acquired with the minimum theoretical number (6) of gradient directions. DirGeo-DTI leverages directional encoding and geometric constraints to facilitate the training process. Two public DWI datasets were used for evaluation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the best performance compared to existing DTI enhancement methods and potentially reveals further clinical insights with routine clinical DWI scans.
comment: Accepted to ICONIP2024, Diffusion Weighted Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Angular Resolution Enhancement, Fractional Anisotropy
♻ ☆ POINTS: Improving Your Vision-language Model with Affordable Strategies
In recent years, vision-language models have made significant strides, excelling in tasks like optical character recognition and geometric problem-solving. However, several critical issues remain: 1) Proprietary models often lack transparency about their architectures, while open-source models need more detailed ablations of their training strategies. 2) Pre-training data in open-source works is under-explored, with datasets added empirically, making the process cumbersome. 3) Fine-tuning often focuses on adding datasets, leading to diminishing returns. To address these issues, we propose the following contributions: 1) We trained a robust baseline model using the latest advancements in vision-language models, introducing effective improvements and conducting comprehensive ablation and validation for each technique. 2) Inspired by recent work on large language models, we filtered pre-training data using perplexity, selecting the lowest perplexity data for training. This approach allowed us to train on a curated 1M dataset, achieving competitive performance. 3) During visual instruction tuning, we used model soup on different datasets when adding more datasets yielded marginal improvements. These innovations resulted in a 9B parameter model that performs competitively with state-of-the-art models. Our strategies are efficient and lightweight, making them easily adoptable by the community.
comment: v1
♻ ☆ Boundary-Refined Prototype Generation: A General End-to-End Paradigm for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Semi-supervised semantic segmentation has attracted increasing attention in computer vision, aiming to leverage unlabeled data through latent supervision. To achieve this goal, prototype-based classification has been introduced and achieved lots of success. However, the current approaches isolate prototype generation from the main training framework, presenting a non-end-to-end workflow. Furthermore, most methods directly perform the K-Means clustering on features to generate prototypes, resulting in their proximity to category semantic centers, while overlooking the clear delineation of class boundaries. To address the above problems, we propose a novel end-to-end boundary-refined prototype generation (BRPG) method. Specifically, we perform online clustering on sampled features to incorporate the prototype generation into the whole training framework. In addition, to enhance the classification boundaries, we sample and cluster high- and low-confidence features separately based on confidence estimation, facilitating the generation of prototypes closer to the class boundaries. Moreover, an adaptive prototype optimization strategy is proposed to increase the number of prototypes for categories with scattered feature distributions, which further refines the class boundaries. Extensive experiments demonstrate the remarkable robustness and scalability of our method across diverse datasets, segmentation networks, and semi-supervised frameworks, outperforming the state-of-the-art approaches on three benchmark datasets: PASCAL VOC 2012, Cityscapes and MS COCO. The code is available at https://github.com/djh-dzxw/BRPG.
comment: Accepted by EAAI 2024
♻ ☆ GraphMLP: A Graph MLP-Like Architecture for 3D Human Pose Estimation
Modern multi-layer perceptron (MLP) models have shown competitive results in learning visual representations without self-attention. However, existing MLP models are not good at capturing local details and lack prior knowledge of human body configurations, which limits their modeling power for skeletal representation learning. To address these issues, we propose a simple yet effective graph-reinforced MLP-Like architecture, named GraphMLP, that combines MLPs and graph convolutional networks (GCNs) in a global-local-graphical unified architecture for 3D human pose estimation. GraphMLP incorporates the graph structure of human bodies into an MLP model to meet the domain-specific demand of the 3D human pose, while allowing for both local and global spatial interactions. Furthermore, we propose to flexibly and efficiently extend the GraphMLP to the video domain and show that complex temporal dynamics can be effectively modeled in a simple way with negligible computational cost gains in the sequence length. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first MLP-Like architecture for 3D human pose estimation in a single frame and a video sequence. Extensive experiments show that the proposed GraphMLP achieves state-of-the-art performance on two datasets, i.e., Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP. Code and models are available at https://github.com/Vegetebird/GraphMLP.
comment: Accepted by Pattern Recognition, Open Sourced
♻ ☆ Patch-aware Batch Normalization for Improving Cross-domain Robustness
Despite the significant success of deep learning in computer vision tasks, cross-domain tasks still present a challenge in which the model's performance will degrade when the training set and the test set follow different distributions. Most existing methods employ adversarial learning or instance normalization for achieving data augmentation to solve this task. In contrast, considering that the batch normalization (BN) layer may not be robust for unseen domains and there exist the differences between local patches of an image, we propose a novel method called patch-aware batch normalization (PBN). To be specific, we first split feature maps of a batch into non-overlapping patches along the spatial dimension, and then independently normalize each patch to jointly optimize the shared BN parameter at each iteration. By exploiting the differences between local patches of an image, our proposed PBN can effectively enhance the robustness of the model's parameters. Besides, considering the statistics from each patch may be inaccurate due to their smaller size compared to the global feature maps, we incorporate the globally accumulated statistics with the statistics from each batch to obtain the final statistics for normalizing each patch. Since the proposed PBN can replace the typical BN, it can be integrated into most existing state-of-the-art methods. Extensive experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of our PBN in multiple computer vision tasks, including classification, object detection, instance retrieval, and semantic segmentation.
comment: Accepted by IEEE TCSVT
♻ ☆ Controllable Unlearning for Image-to-Image Generative Models via $\varepsilon$-Constrained Optimization
While generative models have made significant advancements in recent years, they also raise concerns such as privacy breaches and biases. Machine unlearning has emerged as a viable solution, aiming to remove specific training data, e.g., containing private information and bias, from models. In this paper, we study the machine unlearning problem in Image-to-Image (I2I) generative models. Previous studies mainly treat it as a single objective optimization problem, offering a solitary solution, thereby neglecting the varied user expectations towards the trade-off between complete unlearning and model utility. To address this issue, we propose a controllable unlearning framework that uses a control coefficient $\varepsilon$ to control the trade-off. We reformulate the I2I generative model unlearning problem into a $\varepsilon$-constrained optimization problem and solve it with a gradient-based method to find optimal solutions for unlearning boundaries. These boundaries define the valid range for the control coefficient. Within this range, every yielded solution is theoretically guaranteed with Pareto optimality. We also analyze the convergence rate of our framework under various control functions. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets across three mainstream I2I models demonstrate the effectiveness of our controllable unlearning framework.
comment: 40 pages, 54 figures
♻ ☆ SAM-LAD: Segment Anything Model Meets Zero-Shot Logic Anomaly Detection
Visual anomaly detection is vital in real-world applications, such as industrial defect detection and medical diagnosis. However, most existing methods focus on local structural anomalies and fail to detect higher-level functional anomalies under logical conditions. Although recent studies have explored logical anomaly detection, they can only address simple anomalies like missing or addition and show poor generalizability due to being heavily data-driven. To fill this gap, we propose SAM-LAD, a zero-shot, plug-and-play framework for logical anomaly detection in any scene. First, we obtain a query image's feature map using a pre-trained backbone. Simultaneously, we retrieve the reference images and their corresponding feature maps via the nearest neighbor search of the query image. Then, we introduce the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to obtain object masks of the query and reference images. Each object mask is multiplied with the entire image's feature map to obtain object feature maps. Next, an Object Matching Model (OMM) is proposed to match objects in the query and reference images. To facilitate object matching, we further propose a Dynamic Channel Graph Attention (DCGA) module, treating each object as a keypoint and converting its feature maps into feature vectors. Finally, based on the object matching relations, an Anomaly Measurement Model (AMM) is proposed to detect objects with logical anomalies. Structural anomalies in the objects can also be detected. We validate our proposed SAM-LAD using various benchmarks, including industrial datasets (MVTec Loco AD, MVTec AD), and the logical dataset (DigitAnatomy). Extensive experimental results demonstrate that SAM-LAD outperforms existing SoTA methods, particularly in detecting logical anomalies.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2303.05768 by other authors
♻ ☆ MiniDrive: More Efficient Vision-Language Models with Multi-Level 2D Features as Text Tokens for Autonomous Driving
Vision-language models (VLMs) serve as general-purpose end-to-end models in autonomous driving, performing subtasks such as prediction, planning, and perception through question-and-answer interactions. However, most existing methods rely on computationally expensive visual encoders and large language models (LLMs), making them difficult to deploy in real-world scenarios and real-time applications. Meanwhile, most existing VLMs lack the ability to process multiple images, making it difficult to adapt to multi-camera perception in autonomous driving. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework called MiniDrive, which incorporates our proposed Feature Engineering Mixture of Experts (FE-MoE) module and Dynamic Instruction Adapter (DI-Adapter). The FE-MoE effectively maps 2D features into visual token embeddings before being input into the language model. The DI-Adapter enables the visual token embeddings to dynamically change with the instruction text embeddings, resolving the issue of static visual token embeddings for the same image in previous approaches. Compared to previous works, MiniDrive achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of parameter size, floating point operations, and response efficiency, with the smallest version containing only 83M parameters.
♻ ☆ Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold networks for realistic image sharpness assessment
Score prediction is crucial in realistic image sharpness assessment after informative features are collected. Recently, Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KANs) have been developed and witnessed remarkable success in data fitting. This study presents Taylor series based KAN (TaylorKAN). Then, different KANs are explored on four realistic image databases (BID2011, CID2013, CLIVE, and KonIQ-10k) for score prediction by using 15 mid-level features and 2048 high-level features. When setting support vector regression as the baseline, experimental results indicate KANs are generally better or competitive, TaylorKAN is the best on three databases using mid-level feature input, while KANs are inferior on CLIVE when high-level features are used. This is the first study that explores KANs for image quality assessment. It sheds lights on how to select and improve KANs on related tasks.
♻ ☆ A Survey on Video Diffusion Models
The recent wave of AI-generated content (AIGC) has witnessed substantial success in computer vision, with the diffusion model playing a crucial role in this achievement. Due to their impressive generative capabilities, diffusion models are gradually superseding methods based on GANs and auto-regressive Transformers, demonstrating exceptional performance not only in image generation and editing, but also in the realm of video-related research. However, existing surveys mainly focus on diffusion models in the context of image generation, with few up-to-date reviews on their application in the video domain. To address this gap, this paper presents a comprehensive review of video diffusion models in the AIGC era. Specifically, we begin with a concise introduction to the fundamentals and evolution of diffusion models. Subsequently, we present an overview of research on diffusion models in the video domain, categorizing the work into three key areas: video generation, video editing, and other video understanding tasks. We conduct a thorough review of the literature in these three key areas, including further categorization and practical contributions in the field. Finally, we discuss the challenges faced by research in this domain and outline potential future developmental trends. A comprehensive list of video diffusion models studied in this survey is available at https://github.com/ChenHsing/Awesome-Video-Diffusion-Models.
♻ ☆ MSP-MVS: Multi-granularity Segmentation Prior Guided Multi-View Stereo
Reconstructing textureless areas in MVS poses challenges due to the absence of reliable pixel correspondences within fixed patch. Although certain methods employ patch deformation to expand the receptive field, their patches mistakenly skip depth edges to calculate areas with depth discontinuity, thereby causing ambiguity. Consequently, we introduce Multi-granularity Segmentation Prior Multi-View Stereo (MSP-MVS). Specifically, we first propose multi-granularity segmentation prior by integrating multi-granularity depth edges to restrict patch deformation within homogeneous areas. Moreover, we present anchor equidistribution that bring deformed patches with more uniformly distributed anchors to ensure an adequate coverage of their own homogeneous areas. Furthermore, we introduce iterative local search optimization to represent larger patch with sparse representative candidates, significantly boosting the expressive capacity for each patch. The state-of-the-art results on ETH3D and Tanks & Temples benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and robust generalization ability of our proposed method.
comment: After a thorough internal review, we identified a significant error in the experimental design described in the Multi-granularity Segmentation Prior Section of our paper, which impacts the accuracy of the data analysis and conclusions. We are in the process of correcting these errors and will submit an updated version in due course
♻ ☆ Dual Advancement of Representation Learning and Clustering for Sparse and Noisy Images
Sparse and noisy images (SNIs), like those in spatial gene expression data, pose significant challenges for effective representation learning and clustering, which are essential for thorough data analysis and interpretation. In response to these challenges, we propose Dual Advancement of Representation Learning and Clustering (DARLC), an innovative framework that leverages contrastive learning to enhance the representations derived from masked image modeling. Simultaneously, DARLC integrates cluster assignments in a cohesive, end-to-end approach. This integrated clustering strategy addresses the "class collision problem" inherent in contrastive learning, thus improving the quality of the resulting representations. To generate more plausible positive views for contrastive learning, we employ a graph attention network-based technique that produces denoised images as augmented data. As such, our framework offers a comprehensive approach that improves the learning of representations by enhancing their local perceptibility, distinctiveness, and the understanding of relational semantics. Furthermore, we utilize a Student's t mixture model to achieve more robust and adaptable clustering of SNIs. Extensive experiments, conducted across 12 different types of datasets consisting of SNIs, demonstrate that DARLC surpasses the state-of-the-art methods in both image clustering and generating image representations that accurately capture gene interactions. Code is available at https://github.com/zipging/DARLC.
♻ ☆ Image anomaly detection and prediction scheme based on SSA optimized ResNet50-BiGRU model
Image anomaly detection is a popular research direction, with many methods emerging in recent years due to rapid advancements in computing. The use of artificial intelligence for image anomaly detection has been widely studied. By analyzing images of athlete posture and movement, it is possible to predict injury status and suggest necessary adjustments. Most existing methods rely on convolutional networks to extract information from irrelevant pixel data, limiting model accuracy. This paper introduces a network combining Residual Network (ResNet) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU), which can predict potential injury types and provide early warnings by analyzing changes in muscle and bone poses from video images. To address the high complexity of this network, the Sparrow search algorithm was used for optimization. Experiments conducted on four datasets demonstrated that our model has the smallest error in image anomaly detection compared to other models, showing strong adaptability. This provides a new approach for anomaly detection and predictive analysis in images, contributing to the sustainable development of human health and performance.
♻ ☆ SAM-Med3D: Towards General-purpose Segmentation Models for Volumetric Medical Images
Existing volumetric medical image segmentation models are typically task-specific, excelling at specific target but struggling to generalize across anatomical structures or modalities. This limitation restricts their broader clinical use. In this paper, we introduce SAM-Med3D for general-purpose segmentation on volumetric medical images. Given only a few 3D prompt points, SAM-Med3D can accurately segment diverse anatomical structures and lesions across various modalities. To achieve this, we gather and process a large-scale 3D medical image dataset, SA-Med3D-140K, from a blend of public sources and licensed private datasets. This dataset includes 22K 3D images and 143K corresponding 3D masks. Then SAM-Med3D, a promptable segmentation model characterized by the fully learnable 3D structure, is trained on this dataset using a two-stage procedure and exhibits impressive performance on both seen and unseen segmentation targets. We comprehensively evaluate SAM-Med3D on 16 datasets covering diverse medical scenarios, including different anatomical structures, modalities, targets, and zero-shot transferability to new/unseen tasks. The evaluation shows the efficiency and efficacy of SAM-Med3D, as well as its promising application to diverse downstream tasks as a pre-trained model. Our approach demonstrates that substantial medical resources can be utilized to develop a general-purpose medical AI for various potential applications. Our dataset, code, and models are available at https://github.com/uni-medical/SAM-Med3D.
♻ ☆ SPARO: Selective Attention for Robust and Compositional Transformer Encodings for Vision ECCV 2024
Selective attention helps us focus on task-relevant aspects in the constant flood of our sensory input. This constraint in our perception allows us to robustly generalize under distractions and to new compositions of perceivable concepts. Transformers employ a similar notion of attention in their architecture, but representation learning models with transformer backbones like CLIP and DINO often fail to demonstrate robustness and compositionality. We highlight a missing architectural prior: unlike human perception, transformer encodings do not separately attend over individual concepts. In response, we propose SPARO, a read-out mechanism that partitions encodings into separately-attended slots, each produced by a single attention head. Using SPARO with CLIP imparts an inductive bias that the vision and text modalities are different views of a shared compositional world with the same corresponding concepts. Using SPARO, we demonstrate improvements on downstream recognition, robustness, retrieval, and compositionality benchmarks with CLIP (up to +14% for ImageNet, +4% for SugarCrepe), and on nearest neighbors and linear probe for ImageNet with DINO (+3% each). We also showcase a powerful ability to intervene and select individual SPARO concepts to further improve downstream task performance (up from +4% to +9% for SugarCrepe) and use this ability to study the robustness of SPARO's representation structure. Finally, we provide insights through ablation experiments and visualization of learned concepts.
comment: Conference paper at ECCV 2024. 11 pages main, 23 pages total including references and appendix
♻ ☆ Revolutionizing Disease Diagnosis with simultaneous functional PET/MR and Deeply Integrated Brain Metabolic, Hemodynamic, and Perfusion Networks
Simultaneous functional PET/MR (sf-PET/MR) presents a cutting-edge multimodal neuroimaging technique. It provides an unprecedented opportunity for concurrently monitoring and integrating multifaceted brain networks built by spatiotemporally covaried metabolic activity, neural activity, and cerebral blood flow (perfusion). Albeit high scientific/clinical values, short in hardware accessibility of PET/MR hinders its applications, let alone modern AI-based PET/MR fusion models. Our objective is to develop a clinically feasible AI-based disease diagnosis model trained on comprehensive sf-PET/MR data with the power of, during inferencing, allowing single modality input (e.g., PET only) as well as enforcing multimodal-based accuracy. To this end, we propose MX-ARM, a multimodal MiXture-of-experts Alignment and Reconstruction Model. It is modality detachable and exchangeable, allocating different multi-layer perceptrons dynamically ("mixture of experts") through learnable weights to learn respective representations from different modalities. Such design will not sacrifice model performance in uni-modal situation. To fully exploit the inherent complex and nonlinear relation among modalities while producing fine-grained representations for uni-modal inference, we subsequently add a modal alignment module to line up a dominant modality (e.g., PET) with representations of auxiliary modalities (MR). We further adopt multimodal reconstruction to promote the quality of learned features. Experiments on precious multimodal sf-PET/MR data for Mild Cognitive Impairment diagnosis showcase the efficacy of our model toward clinically feasible precision medicine.
comment: 11 pages
♻ ☆ Evaluating General Purpose Vision Foundation Models for Medical Image Analysis: An Experimental Study of DINOv2 on Radiology Benchmarks
The integration of deep learning systems into healthcare has been hindered by the resource-intensive process of data annotation and the inability of these systems to generalize to different data distributions. Foundation models, which are models pre-trained on large datasets, have emerged as a solution to reduce reliance on annotated data and enhance model generalizability and robustness. DINOv2 is an open-source foundation model pre-trained with self-supervised learning on 142 million curated natural images that exhibits promising capabilities across various vision tasks. Nevertheless, a critical question remains unanswered regarding DINOv2's adaptability to radiological imaging, and whether its features are sufficiently general to benefit radiology image analysis. Therefore, this study comprehensively evaluates the performance DINOv2 for radiology, conducting over 200 evaluations across diverse modalities (X-ray, CT, and MRI). To measure the effectiveness and generalizability of DINOv2's feature representations, we analyze the model across medical image analysis tasks including disease classification and organ segmentation on both 2D and 3D images, and under different settings like kNN, few-shot learning, linear-probing, end-to-end fine-tuning, and parameter-efficient fine-tuning. Comparative analyses with established supervised, self-supervised, and weakly-supervised models reveal DINOv2's superior performance and cross-task generalizability. The findings contribute insights to potential avenues for optimizing pre-training strategies for medical imaging and enhancing the broader understanding of DINOv2's role in bridging the gap between natural and radiological image analysis. Our code is available at https://github.com/MohammedSB/DINOv2ForRadiology
♻ ☆ Contact-aware Human Motion Generation from Textual Descriptions
This paper addresses the problem of generating 3D interactive human motion from text. Given a textual description depicting the actions of different body parts in contact with static objects, we synthesize sequences of 3D body poses that are visually natural and physically plausible. Yet, this task poses a significant challenge due to the inadequate consideration of interactions by physical contacts in both motion and textual descriptions, leading to unnatural and implausible sequences. To tackle this challenge, we create a novel dataset named RICH-CAT, representing "Contact-Aware Texts" constructed from the RICH dataset. RICH-CAT comprises high-quality motion, accurate human-object contact labels, and detailed textual descriptions, encompassing over 8,500 motion-text pairs across 26 indoor/outdoor actions. Leveraging RICH-CAT, we propose a novel approach named CATMO for text-driven interactive human motion synthesis that explicitly integrates human body contacts as evidence. We employ two VQ-VAE models to encode motion and body contact sequences into distinct yet complementary latent spaces and an intertwined GPT for generating human motions and contacts in a mutually conditioned manner. Additionally, we introduce a pre-trained text encoder to learn textual embeddings that better discriminate among various contact types, allowing for more precise control over synthesized motions and contacts. Our experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our approach compared to existing text-to-motion methods, producing stable, contact-aware motion sequences. Code and data will be available for research purposes at https://xymsh.github.io/RICH-CAT/
comment: Project page: https://xymsh.github.io/RICH-CAT/
♻ ☆ SafeGen: Mitigating Sexually Explicit Content Generation in Text-to-Image Models CCS 2024
Text-to-image (T2I) models, such as Stable Diffusion, have exhibited remarkable performance in generating high-quality images from text descriptions in recent years. However, text-to-image models may be tricked into generating not-safe-for-work (NSFW) content, particularly in sexually explicit scenarios. Existing countermeasures mostly focus on filtering inappropriate inputs and outputs, or suppressing improper text embeddings, which can block sexually explicit content (e.g., naked) but may still be vulnerable to adversarial prompts -- inputs that appear innocent but are ill-intended. In this paper, we present SafeGen, a framework to mitigate sexual content generation by text-to-image models in a text-agnostic manner. The key idea is to eliminate explicit visual representations from the model regardless of the text input. In this way, the text-to-image model is resistant to adversarial prompts since such unsafe visual representations are obstructed from within. Extensive experiments conducted on four datasets and large-scale user studies demonstrate SafeGen's effectiveness in mitigating sexually explicit content generation while preserving the high-fidelity of benign images. SafeGen outperforms eight state-of-the-art baseline methods and achieves 99.4% sexual content removal performance. Furthermore, our constructed benchmark of adversarial prompts provides a basis for future development and evaluation of anti-NSFW-generation methods.
comment: Accepted by ACM CCS 2024. Please cite this paper as "Xinfeng Li, Yuchen Yang, Jiangyi Deng, Chen Yan, Yanjiao Chen, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu. SafeGen: Mitigating Sexually Explicit Content Generation in Text-to-Image Models. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2024."
♻ ☆ DPDEdit: Detail-Preserved Diffusion Models for Multimodal Fashion Image Editing
Fashion image editing is a crucial tool for designers to convey their creative ideas by visualizing design concepts interactively. Current fashion image editing techniques, though advanced with multimodal prompts and powerful diffusion models, often struggle to accurately identify editing regions and preserve the desired garment texture detail. To address these challenges, we introduce a new multimodal fashion image editing architecture based on latent diffusion models, called Detail-Preserved Diffusion Models (DPDEdit). DPDEdit guides the fashion image generation of diffusion models by integrating text prompts, region masks, human pose images, and garment texture images. To precisely locate the editing region, we first introduce Grounded-SAM to predict the editing region based on the user's textual description, and then combine it with other conditions to perform local editing. To transfer the detail of the given garment texture into the target fashion image, we propose a texture injection and refinement mechanism. Specifically, this mechanism employs a decoupled cross-attention layer to integrate textual descriptions and texture images, and incorporates an auxiliary U-Net to preserve the high-frequency details of generated garment texture. Additionally, we extend the VITON-HD dataset using a multimodal large language model to generate paired samples with texture images and textual descriptions. Extensive experiments show that our DPDEdit outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of image fidelity and coherence with the given multimodal inputs.
comment: 13 pages,12 figures
♻ ☆ PoseBench: Benchmarking the Robustness of Pose Estimation Models under Corruptions
Pose estimation aims to accurately identify anatomical keypoints in humans and animals using monocular images, which is crucial for various applications such as human-machine interaction, embodied AI, and autonomous driving. While current models show promising results, they are typically trained and tested on clean data, potentially overlooking the corruption during real-world deployment and thus posing safety risks in practical scenarios. To address this issue, we introduce PoseBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the robustness of pose estimation models against real-world corruption. We evaluated 60 representative models, including top-down, bottom-up, heatmap-based, regression-based, and classification-based methods, across three datasets for human and animal pose estimation. Our evaluation involves 10 types of corruption in four categories: 1) blur and noise, 2) compression and color loss, 3) severe lighting, and 4) masks. Our findings reveal that state-of-the-art models are vulnerable to common real-world corruptions and exhibit distinct behaviors when tackling human and animal pose estimation tasks. To improve model robustness, we delve into various design considerations, including input resolution, pre-training datasets, backbone capacity, post-processing, and data augmentations. We hope that our benchmark will serve as a foundation for advancing research in robust pose estimation. The benchmark and source code will be released at https://xymsh.github.io/PoseBench
comment: Technical report. Project page: https://xymsh.github.io/PoseBench/
♻ ☆ Simultaneous Tri-Modal Medical Image Fusion and Super-Resolution using Conditional Diffusion Model
In clinical practice, tri-modal medical image fusion, compared to the existing dual-modal technique, can provide a more comprehensive view of the lesions, aiding physicians in evaluating the disease's shape, location, and biological activity. However, due to the limitations of imaging equipment and considerations for patient safety, the quality of medical images is usually limited, leading to sub-optimal fusion performance, and affecting the depth of image analysis by the physician. Thus, there is an urgent need for a technology that can both enhance image resolution and integrate multi-modal information. Although current image processing methods can effectively address image fusion and super-resolution individually, solving both problems synchronously remains extremely challenging. In this paper, we propose TFS-Diff, a simultaneously realize tri-modal medical image fusion and super-resolution model. Specially, TFS-Diff is based on the diffusion model generation of a random iterative denoising process. We also develop a simple objective function and the proposed fusion super-resolution loss, effectively evaluates the uncertainty in the fusion and ensures the stability of the optimization process. And the channel attention module is proposed to effectively integrate key information from different modalities for clinical diagnosis, avoiding information loss caused by multiple image processing. Extensive experiments on public Harvard datasets show that TFS-Diff significantly surpass the existing state-of-the-art methods in both quantitative and visual evaluations. Code is available at https://github.com/XylonXu01/TFS-Diff}{https://github.com/XylonXu01/TFS-Diff.
♻ ☆ Visually Robust Adversarial Imitation Learning from Videos with Contrastive Learning
We propose C-LAIfO, a computationally efficient algorithm designed for imitation learning from videos in the presence of visual mismatch between agent and expert domains. We analyze the problem of imitation from expert videos with visual discrepancies, and introduce a solution for robust latent space estimation using contrastive learning and data augmentation. Provided a visually robust latent space, our algorithm performs imitation entirely within this space using off-policy adversarial imitation learning. We conduct a thorough ablation study to justify our design and test C-LAIfO on high-dimensional continuous robotic tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate how C-LAIfO can be combined with other reward signals to facilitate learning on a set of challenging hand manipulation tasks with sparse rewards. Our experiments show improved performance compared to baseline methods, highlighting the effectiveness of C-LAIfO. To ensure reproducibility, we open source our code.
♻ ☆ Shelf-Supervised Cross-Modal Pre-Training for 3D Object Detection
State-of-the-art 3D object detectors are often trained on massive labeled datasets. However, annotating 3D bounding boxes remains prohibitively expensive and time-consuming, particularly for LiDAR. Instead, recent works demonstrate that self-supervised pre-training with unlabeled data can improve detection accuracy with limited labels. Contemporary methods adapt best-practices for self-supervised learning from the image domain to point clouds (such as contrastive learning). However, publicly available 3D datasets are considerably smaller and less diverse than those used for image-based self-supervised learning, limiting their effectiveness. We do note, however, that such data is naturally collected in a multimodal fashion, often paired with images. Rather than pre-training with only self-supervised objectives, we argue that it is better to bootstrap point cloud representations using image-based foundation models trained on internet-scale image data. Specifically, we propose a shelf-supervised approach (e.g. supervised with off-the-shelf image foundation models) for generating zero-shot 3D bounding boxes from paired RGB and LiDAR data. Pre-training 3D detectors with such pseudo-labels yields significantly better semi-supervised detection accuracy than prior self-supervised pretext tasks. Importantly, we show that image-based shelf-supervision is helpful for training LiDAR-only and multi-modal (RGB + LiDAR) detectors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on nuScenes and WOD, significantly improving over prior work in limited data settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/meharkhurana03/cm3d
comment: The first two authors contributed equally. This work has been accepted to the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
♻ ☆ ShadowNav: Autonomous Global Localization for Lunar Navigation in Darkness
The ability to determine the pose of a rover in an inertial frame autonomously is a crucial capability necessary for the next generation of surface rover missions on other planetary bodies. Currently, most on-going rover missions utilize ground-in-the-loop interventions to manually correct for drift in the pose estimate and this human supervision bottlenecks the distance over which rovers can operate autonomously and carry out scientific measurements. In this paper, we present ShadowNav, an autonomous approach for global localization on the Moon with an emphasis on driving in darkness and at nighttime. Our approach uses the leading edge of Lunar craters as landmarks and a particle filtering approach is used to associate detected craters with known ones on an offboard map. We discuss the key design decisions in developing the ShadowNav framework for use with a Lunar rover concept equipped with a stereo camera and an external illumination source. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach in both a Lunar simulation environment and on data collected during a field test at Cinder Lakes, Arizona.
comment: accepted for IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics (T-FR)
♻ ☆ Open-Vocabulary SAM: Segment and Recognize Twenty-thousand Classes Interactively ECCV 2024
The CLIP and Segment Anything Model (SAM) are remarkable vision foundation models (VFMs). SAM excels in segmentation tasks across diverse domains, whereas CLIP is renowned for its zero-shot recognition capabilities. This paper presents an in-depth exploration of integrating these two models into a unified framework. Specifically, we introduce the Open-Vocabulary SAM, a SAM-inspired model designed for simultaneous interactive segmentation and recognition, leveraging two unique knowledge transfer modules: SAM2CLIP and CLIP2SAM. The former adapts SAM's knowledge into the CLIP via distillation and learnable transformer adapters, while the latter transfers CLIP knowledge into SAM, enhancing its recognition capabilities. Extensive experiments on various datasets and detectors show the effectiveness of Open-Vocabulary SAM in both segmentation and recognition tasks, significantly outperforming the na\"{i}ve baselines of simply combining SAM and CLIP. Furthermore, aided with image classification data training, our method can segment and recognize approximately 22,000 classes.
comment: Accepted by ECCV 2024; Project page: https://www.mmlab-ntu.com/project/ovsam; Code: https://github.com/HarborYuan/ovsam
Artificial Intelligence 94
☆ Evaluating authenticity and quality of image captions via sentiment and semantic analyses
The growth of deep learning (DL) relies heavily on huge amounts of labelled data for tasks such as natural language processing and computer vision. Specifically, in image-to-text or image-to-image pipelines, opinion (sentiment) may be inadvertently learned by a model from human-generated image captions. Additionally, learning may be affected by the variety and diversity of the provided captions. While labelling large datasets has largely relied on crowd-sourcing or data-worker pools, evaluating the quality of such training data is crucial. This study proposes an evaluation method focused on sentiment and semantic richness. That method was applied to the COCO-MS dataset, comprising approximately 150K images with segmented objects and corresponding crowd-sourced captions. We employed pre-trained models (Twitter-RoBERTa-base and BERT-base) to extract sentiment scores and variability of semantic embeddings from captions. The relation of the sentiment score and semantic variability with object categories was examined using multiple linear regression. Results indicate that while most captions were neutral, about 6% of the captions exhibited strong sentiment influenced by specific object categories. Semantic variability of within-image captions remained low and uncorrelated with object categories. Model-generated captions showed less than 1.5% of strong sentiment which was not influenced by object categories and did not correlate with the sentiment of the respective human-generated captions. This research demonstrates an approach to assess the quality of crowd- or worker-sourced captions informed by image content.
☆ Enhancing Printed Circuit Board Defect Detection through Ensemble Learning
The quality control of printed circuit boards (PCBs) is paramount in advancing electronic device technology. While numerous machine learning methodologies have been utilized to augment defect detection efficiency and accuracy, previous studies have predominantly focused on optimizing individual models for specific defect types, often overlooking the potential synergies between different approaches. This paper introduces a comprehensive inspection framework leveraging an ensemble learning strategy to address this gap. Initially, we utilize four distinct PCB defect detection models utilizing state-of-the-art methods: EfficientDet, MobileNet SSDv2, Faster RCNN, and YOLOv5. Each method is capable of identifying PCB defects independently. Subsequently, we integrate these models into an ensemble learning framework to enhance detection performance. A comparative analysis reveals that our ensemble learning framework significantly outperforms individual methods, achieving a 95% accuracy in detecting diverse PCB defects. These findings underscore the efficacy of our proposed ensemble learning framework in enhancing PCB quality control processes.
☆ COMFORT: A Continual Fine-Tuning Framework for Foundation Models Targeted at Consumer Healthcare
Wearable medical sensors (WMSs) are revolutionizing smart healthcare by enabling continuous, real-time monitoring of user physiological signals, especially in the field of consumer healthcare. The integration of WMSs and modern machine learning (ML) enables unprecedented solutions to efficient early-stage disease detection. Despite the success of Transformers in various fields, their application to sensitive domains, such as smart healthcare, remains underexplored due to limited data accessibility and privacy concerns. To bridge the gap between Transformer-based foundation models and WMS-based disease detection, we propose COMFORT, a continual fine-tuning framework for foundation models targeted at consumer healthcare. COMFORT introduces a novel approach for pre-training a Transformer-based foundation model on a large dataset of physiological signals exclusively collected from healthy individuals with commercially available WMSs. We adopt a masked data modeling (MDM) objective to pre-train this health foundation model. We then fine-tune the model using various parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and its variants, to adapt it to various downstream disease detection tasks that rely on WMS data. In addition, COMFORT continually stores the low-rank decomposition matrices obtained from the PEFT algorithms to construct a library for multi-disease detection. The COMFORT library enables scalable and memory-efficient disease detection on edge devices. Our experimental results demonstrate that COMFORT achieves highly competitive performance while reducing memory overhead by up to 52% relative to conventional methods. Thus, COMFORT paves the way for personalized and proactive solutions to efficient and effective early-stage disease detection for consumer healthcare.
comment: 25 pages, 10 figures. This work has been submitted to the ACM for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Autonomous Goal Detection and Cessation in Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study on Source Term Estimation
Reinforcement Learning has revolutionized decision-making processes in dynamic environments, yet it often struggles with autonomously detecting and achieving goals without clear feedback signals. For example, in a Source Term Estimation problem, the lack of precise environmental information makes it challenging to provide clear feedback signals and to define and evaluate how the source's location is determined. To address this challenge, the Autonomous Goal Detection and Cessation (AGDC) module was developed, enhancing various RL algorithms by incorporating a self-feedback mechanism for autonomous goal detection and cessation upon task completion. Our method effectively identifies and ceases undefined goals by approximating the agent's belief, significantly enhancing the capabilities of RL algorithms in environments with limited feedback. To validate effectiveness of our approach, we integrated AGDC with deep Q-Network, proximal policy optimization, and deep deterministic policy gradient algorithms, and evaluated its performance on the Source Term Estimation problem. The experimental results showed that AGDC-enhanced RL algorithms significantly outperformed traditional statistical methods such as infotaxis, entrotaxis, and dual control for exploitation and exploration, as well as a non-statistical random action selection method. These improvements were evident in terms of success rate, mean traveled distance, and search time, highlighting AGDC's effectiveness and efficiency in complex, real-world scenarios.
☆ VernaCopter: Disambiguated Natural-Language-Driven Robot via Formal Specifications
It has been an ambition of many to control a robot for a complex task using natural language (NL). The rise of large language models (LLMs) makes it closer to coming true. However, an LLM-powered system still suffers from the ambiguity inherent in an NL and the uncertainty brought up by LLMs. This paper proposes a novel LLM-based robot motion planner, named \textit{VernaCopter}, with signal temporal logic (STL) specifications serving as a bridge between NL commands and specific task objectives. The rigorous and abstract nature of formal specifications allows the planner to generate high-quality and highly consistent paths to guide the motion control of a robot. Compared to a conventional NL-prompting-based planner, the proposed VernaCopter planner is more stable and reliable due to less ambiguous uncertainty. Its efficacy and advantage have been validated by two small but challenging experimental scenarios, implying its potential in designing NL-driven robots.
☆ Enhancing Skin Disease Diagnosis: Interpretable Visual Concept Discovery with SAM Empowerment
Current AI-assisted skin image diagnosis has achieved dermatologist-level performance in classifying skin cancer, driven by rapid advancements in deep learning architectures. However, unlike traditional vision tasks, skin images in general present unique challenges due to the limited availability of well-annotated datasets, complex variations in conditions, and the necessity for detailed interpretations to ensure patient safety. Previous segmentation methods have sought to reduce image noise and enhance diagnostic performance, but these techniques require fine-grained, pixel-level ground truth masks for training. In contrast, with the rise of foundation models, the Segment Anything Model (SAM) has been introduced to facilitate promptable segmentation, enabling the automation of the segmentation process with simple yet effective prompts. Efforts applying SAM predominantly focus on dermatoscopy images, which present more easily identifiable lesion boundaries than clinical photos taken with smartphones. This limitation constrains the practicality of these approaches to real-world applications. To overcome the challenges posed by noisy clinical photos acquired via non-standardized protocols and to improve diagnostic accessibility, we propose a novel Cross-Attentive Fusion framework for interpretable skin lesion diagnosis. Our method leverages SAM to generate visual concepts for skin diseases using prompts, integrating local visual concepts with global image features to enhance model performance. Extensive evaluation on two skin disease datasets demonstrates our proposed method's effectiveness on lesion diagnosis and interpretability.
☆ Deep Learning Under Siege: Identifying Security Vulnerabilities and Risk Mitigation Strategies
With the rise in the wholesale adoption of Deep Learning (DL) models in nearly all aspects of society, a unique set of challenges is imposed. Primarily centered around the architectures of these models, these risks pose a significant challenge, and addressing these challenges is key to their successful implementation and usage in the future. In this research, we present the security challenges associated with the current DL models deployed into production, as well as anticipate the challenges of future DL technologies based on the advancements in computing, AI, and hardware technologies. In addition, we propose risk mitigation techniques to inhibit these challenges and provide metrical evaluations to measure the effectiveness of these metrics.
comment: 10 pages, 1 table, 6 equations/metrics
☆ Planning Transformer: Long-Horizon Offline Reinforcement Learning with Planning Tokens AAAI
Supervised learning approaches to offline reinforcement learning, particularly those utilizing the Decision Transformer, have shown effectiveness in continuous environments and for sparse rewards. However, they often struggle with long-horizon tasks due to the high compounding error of auto-regressive models. To overcome this limitation, we go beyond next-token prediction and introduce Planning Tokens, which contain high-level, long time-scale information about the agent's future. Predicting dual time-scale tokens at regular intervals enables our model to use these long-horizon Planning Tokens as a form of implicit planning to guide its low-level policy and reduce compounding error. This architectural modification significantly enhances performance on long-horizon tasks, establishing a new state-of-the-art in complex D4RL environments. Additionally, we demonstrate that Planning Tokens improve the interpretability of the model's policy through the interpretable plan visualisations and attention map.
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to AAAI
☆ Explaining Deep Learning Embeddings for Speech Emotion Recognition by Predicting Interpretable Acoustic Features
Pre-trained deep learning embeddings have consistently shown superior performance over handcrafted acoustic features in speech emotion recognition (SER). However, unlike acoustic features with clear physical meaning, these embeddings lack clear interpretability. Explaining these embeddings is crucial for building trust in healthcare and security applications and advancing the scientific understanding of the acoustic information that is encoded in them. This paper proposes a modified probing approach to explain deep learning embeddings in the SER space. We predict interpretable acoustic features (e.g., f0, loudness) from (i) the complete set of embeddings and (ii) a subset of the embedding dimensions identified as most important for predicting each emotion. If the subset of the most important dimensions better predicts a given emotion than all dimensions and also predicts specific acoustic features more accurately, we infer those acoustic features are important for the embedding model for the given task. We conducted experiments using the WavLM embeddings and eGeMAPS acoustic features as audio representations, applying our method to the RAVDESS and SAVEE emotional speech datasets. Based on this evaluation, we demonstrate that Energy, Frequency, Spectral, and Temporal categories of acoustic features provide diminishing information to SER in that order, demonstrating the utility of the probing classifier method to relate embeddings to interpretable acoustic features.
☆ ESPnet-EZ: Python-only ESPnet for Easy Fine-tuning and Integration
We introduce ESPnet-EZ, an extension of the open-source speech processing toolkit ESPnet, aimed at quick and easy development of speech models. ESPnet-EZ focuses on two major aspects: (i) easy fine-tuning and inference of existing ESPnet models on various tasks and (ii) easy integration with popular deep neural network frameworks such as PyTorch-Lightning, Hugging Face transformers and datasets, and Lhotse. By replacing ESPnet design choices inherited from Kaldi with a Python-only, Bash-free interface, we dramatically reduce the effort required to build, debug, and use a new model. For example, to fine-tune a speech foundation model, ESPnet-EZ, compared to ESPnet, reduces the number of newly written code by 2.7x and the amount of dependent code by 6.7x while dramatically reducing the Bash script dependencies. The codebase of ESPnet-EZ is publicly available.
comment: Accepted to SLT 2024
☆ Synthetic4Health: Generating Annotated Synthetic Clinical Letters
Since clinical letters contain sensitive information, clinical-related datasets can not be widely applied in model training, medical research, and teaching. This work aims to generate reliable, various, and de-identified synthetic clinical letters. To achieve this goal, we explored different pre-trained language models (PLMs) for masking and generating text. After that, we worked on Bio\_ClinicalBERT, a high-performing model, and experimented with different masking strategies. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used for evaluation. Additionally, a downstream task, Named Entity Recognition (NER), was also implemented to assess the usability of these synthetic letters. The results indicate that 1) encoder-only models outperform encoder-decoder models. 2) Among encoder-only models, those trained on general corpora perform comparably to those trained on clinical data when clinical information is preserved. 3) Additionally, preserving clinical entities and document structure better aligns with our objectives than simply fine-tuning the model. 4) Furthermore, different masking strategies can impact the quality of synthetic clinical letters. Masking stopwords has a positive impact, while masking nouns or verbs has a negative effect. 5) For evaluation, BERTScore should be the primary quantitative evaluation metric, with other metrics serving as supplementary references. 6) Contextual information does not significantly impact the models' understanding, so the synthetic clinical letters have the potential to replace the original ones in downstream tasks.
comment: ongoing work, 48 pages
☆ Multi-Scale Grouped Prototypes for Interpretable Semantic Segmentation
Prototypical part learning is emerging as a promising approach for making semantic segmentation interpretable. The model selects real patches seen during training as prototypes and constructs the dense prediction map based on the similarity between parts of the test image and the prototypes. This improves interpretability since the user can inspect the link between the predicted output and the patterns learned by the model in terms of prototypical information. In this paper, we propose a method for interpretable semantic segmentation that leverages multi-scale image representation for prototypical part learning. First, we introduce a prototype layer that explicitly learns diverse prototypical parts at several scales, leading to multi-scale representations in the prototype activation output. Then, we propose a sparse grouping mechanism that produces multi-scale sparse groups of these scale-specific prototypical parts. This provides a deeper understanding of the interactions between multi-scale object representations while enhancing the interpretability of the segmentation model. The experiments conducted on Pascal VOC, Cityscapes, and ADE20K demonstrate that the proposed method increases model sparsity, improves interpretability over existing prototype-based methods, and narrows the performance gap with the non-interpretable counterpart models. Code is available at github.com/eceo-epfl/ScaleProtoSeg.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables
☆ Hacking, The Lazy Way: LLM Augmented Pentesting
Security researchers are continually challenged by the need to stay current with rapidly evolving cybersecurity research, tools, and techniques. This constant cycle of learning, unlearning, and relearning, combined with the repetitive tasks of sifting through documentation and analyzing data, often hinders productivity and innovation. This has led to a disparity where only organizations with substantial resources can access top-tier security experts, while others rely on firms with less skilled researchers who focus primarily on compliance rather than actual security. We introduce "LLM Augmented Pentesting," demonstrated through a tool named "Pentest Copilot," to address this gap. This approach integrates Large Language Models into penetration testing workflows. Our research includes a "chain of thought" mechanism to streamline token usage and boost performance, as well as unique Retrieval Augmented Generation implementation to minimize hallucinations and keep models aligned with the latest techniques. Additionally, we propose a novel file analysis approach, enabling LLMs to understand files. Furthermore, we highlight a unique infrastructure system that supports if implemented, can support in-browser assisted penetration testing, offering a robust platform for cybersecurity professionals, These advancements mark a significant step toward bridging the gap between automated tools and human expertise, offering a powerful solution to the challenges faced by modern cybersecurity teams.
comment: 9 pages, 7 figures
☆ Enumerating Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of LTLf formulas
Linear Temporal Logic over finite traces ($\text{LTL}_f$) is a widely used formalism with applications in AI, process mining, model checking, and more. The primary reasoning task for $\text{LTL}_f$ is satisfiability checking; yet, the recent focus on explainable AI has increased interest in analyzing inconsistent formulas, making the enumeration of minimal explanations for infeasibility a relevant task also for $\text{LTL}_f$. This paper introduces a novel technique for enumerating minimal unsatisfiable cores (MUCs) of an $\text{LTL}_f$ specification. The main idea is to encode a $\text{LTL}_f$ formula into an Answer Set Programming (ASP) specification, such that the minimal unsatisfiable subsets (MUSes) of the ASP program directly correspond to the MUCs of the original $\text{LTL}_f$ specification. Leveraging recent advancements in ASP solving yields a MUC enumerator achieving good performance in experiments conducted on established benchmarks from the literature.
☆ From FDG to PSMA: A Hitchhiker's Guide to Multitracer, Multicenter Lesion Segmentation in PET/CT Imaging
Automated lesion segmentation in PET/CT scans is crucial for improving clinical workflows and advancing cancer diagnostics. However, the task is challenging due to physiological variability, different tracers used in PET imaging, and diverse imaging protocols across medical centers. To address this, the autoPET series was created to challenge researchers to develop algorithms that generalize across diverse PET/CT environments. This paper presents our solution for the autoPET III challenge, targeting multitracer, multicenter generalization using the nnU-Net framework with the ResEncL architecture. Key techniques include misalignment data augmentation and multi-modal pretraining across CT, MR, and PET datasets to provide an initial anatomical understanding. We incorporate organ supervision as a multitask approach, enabling the model to distinguish between physiological uptake and tracer-specific patterns, which is particularly beneficial in cases where no lesions are present. Compared to the default nnU-Net, which achieved a Dice score of 57.61, or the larger ResEncL (65.31) our model significantly improved performance with a Dice score of 68.40, alongside a reduction in false positive (FPvol: 7.82) and false negative (FNvol: 10.35) volumes. These results underscore the effectiveness of combining advanced network design, augmentation, pretraining, and multitask learning for PET/CT lesion segmentation. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/autopet-3-submission.
☆ TX-Gen: Multi-Objective Optimization for Sparse Counterfactual Explanations for Time-Series Classification
In time-series classification, understanding model decisions is crucial for their application in high-stakes domains such as healthcare and finance. Counterfactual explanations, which provide insights by presenting alternative inputs that change model predictions, offer a promising solution. However, existing methods for generating counterfactual explanations for time-series data often struggle with balancing key objectives like proximity, sparsity, and validity. In this paper, we introduce TX-Gen, a novel algorithm for generating counterfactual explanations based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). TX-Gen leverages evolutionary multi-objective optimization to find a diverse set of counterfactuals that are both sparse and valid, while maintaining minimal dissimilarity to the original time series. By incorporating a flexible reference-guided mechanism, our method improves the plausibility and interpretability of the counterfactuals without relying on predefined assumptions. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that TX-Gen outperforms existing methods in generating high-quality counterfactuals, making time-series models more transparent and interpretable.
comment: Preprint, under review
☆ MulCPred: Learning Multi-modal Concepts for Explainable Pedestrian Action Prediction
Pedestrian action prediction is of great significance for many applications such as autonomous driving. However, state-of-the-art methods lack explainability to make trustworthy predictions. In this paper, a novel framework called MulCPred is proposed that explains its predictions based on multi-modal concepts represented by training samples. Previous concept-based methods have limitations including: 1) they cannot directly apply to multi-modal cases; 2) they lack locality to attend to details in the inputs; 3) they suffer from mode collapse. These limitations are tackled accordingly through the following approaches: 1) a linear aggregator to integrate the activation results of the concepts into predictions, which associates concepts of different modalities and provides ante-hoc explanations of the relevance between the concepts and the predictions; 2) a channel-wise recalibration module that attends to local spatiotemporal regions, which enables the concepts with locality; 3) a feature regularization loss that encourages the concepts to learn diverse patterns. MulCPred is evaluated on multiple datasets and tasks. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that MulCPred is promising in improving the explainability of pedestrian action prediction without obvious performance degradation. Furthermore, by removing unrecognizable concepts from MulCPred, the cross-dataset prediction performance is improved, indicating the feasibility of further generalizability of MulCPred.
☆ NBBOX: Noisy Bounding Box Improves Remote Sensing Object Detection
Data augmentation has seen significant advancements in computer vision to improve model performance over the years, particularly in scenarios with limited and insufficient data. Currently, most studies focus on adjusting the image or its features to expand the size, quality, and variety of samples during training in various tasks including object detection. However, we argue that it is necessary to investigate bounding box transformations as a model regularization technique rather than image-level transformations, especially in aerial imagery due to potentially inconsistent bounding box annotations. Hence, this letter presents a thorough investigation of bounding box transformation in terms of scaling, rotation, and translation for remote sensing object detection. We call this augmentation strategy NBBOX (Noise Injection into Bounding Box). We conduct extensive experiments on DOTA and DIOR-R, both well-known datasets that include a variety of rotated generic objects in aerial images. Experimental results show that our approach significantly improves remote sensing object detection without whistles and bells and it is more time-efficient than other state-of-the-art augmentation strategies.
☆ Distributed Clustering based on Distributional Kernel
This paper introduces a new framework for clustering in a distributed network called Distributed Clustering based on Distributional Kernel (K) or KDC that produces the final clusters based on the similarity with respect to the distributions of initial clusters, as measured by K. It is the only framework that satisfies all three of the following properties. First, KDC guarantees that the combined clustering outcome from all sites is equivalent to the clustering outcome of its centralized counterpart from the combined dataset from all sites. Second, the maximum runtime cost of any site in distributed mode is smaller than the runtime cost in centralized mode. Third, it is designed to discover clusters of arbitrary shapes, sizes and densities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first distributed clustering framework that employs a distributional kernel. The distribution-based clustering leads directly to significantly better clustering outcomes than existing methods of distributed clustering. In addition, we introduce a new clustering algorithm called Kernel Bounded Cluster Cores, which is the best clustering algorithm applied to KDC among existing clustering algorithms. We also show that KDC is a generic framework that enables a quadratic time clustering algorithm to deal with large datasets that would otherwise be impossible.
☆ Enhancing LLM Problem Solving with REAP: Reflection, Explicit Problem Deconstruction, and Advanced Prompting
Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed natural language processing, yet improving their problem-solving capabilities, particularly for complex, reasoning-intensive tasks, remains a persistent challenge. This paper introduces the REAP (Reflection, Explicit Problem Deconstruction, and Advanced Prompting) method, an innovative approach within the dynamic context generation framework. REAP guides LLMs through reflection on the query, deconstructing it into manageable components, and generating relevant context to enhance the solution process. We evaluated REAP using a dataset designed to expose LLM limitations, comparing zero-shot prompting with REAP-enhanced prompts across six state-of-the-art models: OpenAI's o1-preview, o1-mini, GPT-4o, GPT-4o-mini, Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet. The results demonstrate notable performance gains, with o1-mini improving by 40.97%, GPT-4o by 66.26%, and GPT-4o-mini by 112.93%. Despite the already strong baseline performance of OpenAI's o1-preview, modest gains were observed. Beyond performance improvements, REAP offers a cost-effective solution; for example, GPT-4o-mini, which is approximately 100 times cheaper than o1-preview, delivered competitive results. REAP also improves the clarity of model outputs, making it easier for humans to understand the reasoning behind the results and simplifying the process of identifying and addressing any issues. These findings demonstrate REAP's potential to greatly improve the capabilities of LLMs, providing both better performance and increased cost-efficiency across a wide range of applications.
comment: 524 pages, 3 figures
☆ Constructive Approach to Bidirectional Causation between Qualia Structure and Language Emergence
This paper presents a novel perspective on the bidirectional causation between language emergence and relational structure of subjective experiences, termed qualia structure, and lays out the constructive approach to the intricate dependency between the two. We hypothesize that languages with distributional semantics, e.g., syntactic-semantic structures, may have emerged through the process of aligning internal representations among individuals, and such alignment of internal representations facilitates more structured language. This mutual dependency is suggested by the recent advancements in AI and symbol emergence robotics, and collective predictive coding (CPC) hypothesis, in particular. Computational studies show that neural network-based language models form systematically structured internal representations, and multimodal language models can share representations between language and perceptual information. This perspective suggests that language emergence serves not only as a mechanism creating a communication tool but also as a mechanism for allowing people to realize shared understanding of qualitative experiences. The paper discusses the implications of this bidirectional causation in the context of consciousness studies, linguistics, and cognitive science, and outlines future constructive research directions to further explore this dynamic relationship between language emergence and qualia structure.
comment: 20 pages, 4 Figures
☆ Label Convergence: Defining an Upper Performance Bound in Object Recognition through Contradictory Annotations
Annotation errors are a challenge not only during training of machine learning models, but also during their evaluation. Label variations and inaccuracies in datasets often manifest as contradictory examples that deviate from established labeling conventions. Such inconsistencies, when significant, prevent models from achieving optimal performance on metrics such as mean Average Precision (mAP). We introduce the notion of "label convergence" to describe the highest achievable performance under the constraint of contradictory test annotations, essentially defining an upper bound on model accuracy. Recognizing that noise is an inherent characteristic of all data, our study analyzes five real-world datasets, including the LVIS dataset, to investigate the phenomenon of label convergence. We approximate that label convergence is between 62.63-67.52 mAP@[0.5:0.95:0.05] for LVIS with 95% confidence, attributing these bounds to the presence of real annotation errors. With current state-of-the-art (SOTA) models at the upper end of the label convergence interval for the well-studied LVIS dataset, we conclude that model capacity is sufficient to solve current object detection problems. Therefore, future efforts should focus on three key aspects: (1) updating the problem specification and adjusting evaluation practices to account for unavoidable label noise, (2) creating cleaner data, especially test data, and (3) including multi-annotated data to investigate annotation variation and make these issues visible from the outset.
☆ Real-world Adversarial Defense against Patch Attacks based on Diffusion Model
Adversarial patches present significant challenges to the robustness of deep learning models, making the development of effective defenses become critical for real-world applications. This paper introduces DIFFender, a novel DIFfusion-based DeFender framework that leverages the power of a text-guided diffusion model to counter adversarial patch attacks. At the core of our approach is the discovery of the Adversarial Anomaly Perception (AAP) phenomenon, which enables the diffusion model to accurately detect and locate adversarial patches by analyzing distributional anomalies. DIFFender seamlessly integrates the tasks of patch localization and restoration within a unified diffusion model framework, enhancing defense efficacy through their close interaction. Additionally, DIFFender employs an efficient few-shot prompt-tuning algorithm, facilitating the adaptation of the pre-trained diffusion model to defense tasks without the need for extensive retraining. Our comprehensive evaluation, covering image classification and face recognition tasks, as well as real-world scenarios, demonstrates DIFFender's robust performance against adversarial attacks. The framework's versatility and generalizability across various settings, classifiers, and attack methodologies mark a significant advancement in adversarial patch defense strategies. Except for the popular visible domain, we have identified another advantage of DIFFender: its capability to easily expand into the infrared domain. Consequently, we demonstrate the good flexibility of DIFFender, which can defend against both infrared and visible adversarial patch attacks alternatively using a universal defense framework.
☆ AI-Driven Virtual Teacher for Enhanced Educational Efficiency: Leveraging Large Pretrain Models for Autonomous Error Analysis and Correction
Students frequently make mistakes while solving mathematical problems, and traditional error correction methods are both time-consuming and labor-intensive. This paper introduces an innovative \textbf{V}irtual \textbf{A}I \textbf{T}eacher system designed to autonomously analyze and correct student \textbf{E}rrors (VATE). Leveraging advanced large language models (LLMs), the system uses student drafts as a primary source for error analysis, which enhances understanding of the student's learning process. It incorporates sophisticated prompt engineering and maintains an error pool to reduce computational overhead. The AI-driven system also features a real-time dialogue component for efficient student interaction. Our approach demonstrates significant advantages over traditional and machine learning-based error correction methods, including reduced educational costs, high scalability, and superior generalizability. The system has been deployed on the Squirrel AI learning platform for elementary mathematics education, where it achieves 78.3\% accuracy in error analysis and shows a marked improvement in student learning efficiency. Satisfaction surveys indicate a strong positive reception, highlighting the system's potential to transform educational practices.
☆ AMBER -- Advanced SegFormer for Multi-Band Image Segmentation: an application to Hyperspectral Imaging
Deep learning has revolutionized the field of hyperspectral image (HSI) analysis, enabling the extraction of complex and hierarchical features. While convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been the backbone of HSI classification, their limitations in capturing global contextual features have led to the exploration of Vision Transformers (ViTs). This paper introduces AMBER, an advanced SegFormer specifically designed for multi-band image segmentation. AMBER enhances the original SegFormer by incorporating three-dimensional convolutions to handle hyperspectral data. Our experiments, conducted on the Indian Pines, Pavia University, and PRISMA datasets, show that AMBER outperforms traditional CNN-based methods in terms of Overall Accuracy, Kappa coefficient, and Average Accuracy on the first two datasets, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the PRISMA dataset.
comment: submitted to Neural Computing & Applications (Springer). Currently under review
☆ LLM-Powered Ensemble Learning for Paper Source Tracing: A GPU-Free Approach
We participated in the KDD CUP 2024 paper source tracing competition and achieved the 3rd place. This competition tasked participants with identifying the reference sources (i.e., ref-sources, as referred to by the organizers of the competition) of given academic papers. Unlike most teams that addressed this challenge by fine-tuning pre-trained neural language models such as BERT or ChatGLM, our primary approach utilized closed-source large language models (LLMs). With recent advancements in LLM technology, closed-source LLMs have demonstrated the capability to tackle complex reasoning tasks in zero-shot or few-shot scenarios. Consequently, in the absence of GPUs, we employed closed-source LLMs to directly generate predicted reference sources from the provided papers. We further refined these predictions through ensemble learning. Notably, our method was the only one among the award-winning approaches that did not require the use of GPUs for model training. Code available at https://github.com/Cklwanfifa/KDDCUP2024-PST.
☆ Text Prompt is Not Enough: Sound Event Enhanced Prompt Adapter for Target Style Audio Generation ICASSP 2025
Current mainstream audio generation methods primarily rely on simple text prompts, often failing to capture the nuanced details necessary for multi-style audio generation. To address this limitation, the Sound Event Enhanced Prompt Adapter is proposed. Unlike traditional static global style transfer, this method extracts style embedding through cross-attention between text and reference audio for adaptive style control. Adaptive layer normalization is then utilized to enhance the model's capacity to express multiple styles. Additionally, the Sound Event Reference Style Transfer Dataset (SERST) is introduced for the proposed target style audio generation task, enabling dual-prompt audio generation using both text and audio references. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness of the model, achieving state-of-the-art Fr\'echet Distance of 26.94 and KL Divergence of 1.82, surpassing Tango, AudioLDM, and AudioGen. Furthermore, the generated audio shows high similarity to its corresponding audio reference. The demo, code, and dataset are publicly available.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ Prevailing Research Areas for Music AI in the Era of Foundation Models
In tandem with the recent advancements in foundation model research, there has been a surge of generative music AI applications within the past few years. As the idea of AI-generated or AI-augmented music becomes more mainstream, many researchers in the music AI community may be wondering what avenues of research are left. With regards to music generative models, we outline the current areas of research with significant room for exploration. Firstly, we pose the question of foundational representation of these generative models and investigate approaches towards explainability. Next, we discuss the current state of music datasets and their limitations. We then overview different generative models, forms of evaluating these models, and their computational constraints/limitations. Subsequently, we highlight applications of these generative models towards extensions to multiple modalities and integration with artists' workflow as well as music education systems. Finally, we survey the potential copyright implications of generative music and discuss strategies for protecting the rights of musicians. While it is not meant to be exhaustive, our survey calls to attention a variety of research directions enabled by music foundation models.
☆ LACOSTE: Exploiting stereo and temporal contexts for surgical instrument segmentation
Surgical instrument segmentation is instrumental to minimally invasive surgeries and related applications. Most previous methods formulate this task as single-frame-based instance segmentation while ignoring the natural temporal and stereo attributes of a surgical video. As a result, these methods are less robust against the appearance variation through temporal motion and view change. In this work, we propose a novel LACOSTE model that exploits Location-Agnostic COntexts in Stereo and TEmporal images for improved surgical instrument segmentation. Leveraging a query-based segmentation model as core, we design three performance-enhancing modules. Firstly, we design a disparity-guided feature propagation module to enhance depth-aware features explicitly. To generalize well for even only a monocular video, we apply a pseudo stereo scheme to generate complementary right images. Secondly, we propose a stereo-temporal set classifier, which aggregates stereo-temporal contexts in a universal way for making a consolidated prediction and mitigates transient failures. Finally, we propose a location-agnostic classifier to decouple the location bias from mask prediction and enhance the feature semantics. We extensively validate our approach on three public surgical video datasets, including two benchmarks from EndoVis Challenges and one real radical prostatectomy surgery dataset GraSP. Experimental results demonstrate the promising performances of our method, which consistently achieves comparable or favorable results with previous state-of-the-art approaches.
comment: Preprint submitted to Medical Image Analysis
☆ Symbolic Regression with a Learned Concept Library
We present a novel method for symbolic regression (SR), the task of searching for compact programmatic hypotheses that best explain a dataset. The problem is commonly solved using genetic algorithms; we show that we can enhance such methods by inducing a library of abstract textual concepts. Our algorithm, called LaSR, uses zero-shot queries to a large language model (LLM) to discover and evolve concepts occurring in known high-performing hypotheses. We discover new hypotheses using a mix of standard evolutionary steps and LLM-guided steps (obtained through zero-shot LLM queries) conditioned on discovered concepts. Once discovered, hypotheses are used in a new round of concept abstraction and evolution. We validate LaSR on the Feynman equations, a popular SR benchmark, as well as a set of synthetic tasks. On these benchmarks, LaSR substantially outperforms a variety of state-of-the-art SR approaches based on deep learning and evolutionary algorithms. Moreover, we show that LaSR can be used to discover a novel and powerful scaling law for LLMs.
comment: preprint version; 10 pages
☆ Joint Semantic Knowledge Distillation and Masked Acoustic Modeling for Full-band Speech Restoration with Improved Intelligibility
Speech restoration aims at restoring full-band speech with high quality and intelligibility, considering a diverse set of distortions. MaskSR is a recently proposed generative model for this task. As other models of its kind, MaskSR attains high quality but, as we show, intelligibility can be substantially improved. We do so by boosting the speech encoder component of MaskSR with predictions of semantic representations of the target speech, using a pre-trained self-supervised teacher model. Then, a masked language model is conditioned on the learned semantic features to predict acoustic tokens that encode low level spectral details of the target speech. We show that, with the same MaskSR model capacity and inference time, the proposed model, MaskSR2, significantly reduces the word error rate, a typical metric for intelligibility. MaskSR2 also achieves competitive word error rate among other models, while providing superior quality. An ablation study shows the effectiveness of various semantic representations.
comment: Demo link https://masksr.github.io/MaskSR2/
☆ PeriGuru: A Peripheral Robotic Mobile App Operation Assistant based on GUI Image Understanding and Prompting with LLM
Smartphones have significantly enhanced our daily learning, communication, and entertainment, becoming an essential component of modern life. However, certain populations, including the elderly and individuals with disabilities, encounter challenges in utilizing smartphones, thus necessitating mobile app operation assistants, a.k.a. mobile app agent. With considerations for privacy, permissions, and cross-platform compatibility issues, we endeavor to devise and develop PeriGuru in this work, a peripheral robotic mobile app operation assistant based on GUI image understanding and prompting with Large Language Model (LLM). PeriGuru leverages a suite of computer vision techniques to analyze GUI screenshot images and employs LLM to inform action decisions, which are then executed by robotic arms. PeriGuru achieves a success rate of 81.94% on the test task set, which surpasses by more than double the method without PeriGuru's GUI image interpreting and prompting design. Our code is available on https://github.com/Z2sJ4t/PeriGuru.
☆ Enhancing Decision-Making for LLM Agents via Step-Level Q-Value Models
Agents significantly enhance the capabilities of standalone Large Language Models (LLMs) by perceiving environments, making decisions, and executing actions. However, LLM agents still face challenges in tasks that require multiple decision-making steps. Estimating the value of actions in specific tasks is difficult when intermediate actions are neither appropriately rewarded nor penalized. In this paper, we propose leveraging a task-relevant Q-value model to guide action selection. Specifically, we first collect decision-making trajectories annotated with step-level Q values via Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and construct preference data. We then use another LLM to fit these preferences through step-level Direct Policy Optimization (DPO), which serves as the Q-value model. During inference, at each decision-making step, LLM agents select the action with the highest Q value before interacting with the environment. We apply our method to various open-source and API-based LLM agents, demonstrating that Q-value models significantly improve their performance. Notably, the performance of the agent built with Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct improved by 103% on WebShop and 75% on HotPotQA when enhanced with Q-value models, even surpassing GPT-4o-mini. Additionally, Q-value models offer several advantages, such as generalization to different LLM agents and seamless integration with existing prompting strategies.
☆ Egocentric Speaker Classification in Child-Adult Dyadic Interactions: From Sensing to Computational Modeling
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social communication, repetitive behavior, and sensory processing. One important research area in ASD is evaluating children's behavioral changes over time during treatment. The standard protocol with this objective is BOSCC, which involves dyadic interactions between a child and clinicians performing a pre-defined set of activities. A fundamental aspect of understanding children's behavior in these interactions is automatic speech understanding, particularly identifying who speaks and when. Conventional approaches in this area heavily rely on speech samples recorded from a spectator perspective, and there is limited research on egocentric speech modeling. In this study, we design an experiment to perform speech sampling in BOSCC interviews from an egocentric perspective using wearable sensors and explore pre-training Ego4D speech samples to enhance child-adult speaker classification in dyadic interactions. Our findings highlight the potential of egocentric speech collection and pre-training to improve speaker classification accuracy.
comment: pre-print under review
☆ Wave-U-Mamba: An End-To-End Framework For High-Quality And Efficient Speech Super Resolution
Speech Super-Resolution (SSR) is a task of enhancing low-resolution speech signals by restoring missing high-frequency components. Conventional approaches typically reconstruct log-mel features, followed by a vocoder that generates high-resolution speech in the waveform domain. However, as log-mel features lack phase information, this can result in performance degradation during the reconstruction phase. Motivated by recent advances with Selective State Spaces Models (SSMs), we propose a method, referred to as Wave-U-Mamba that directly performs SSR in time domain. In our comparative study, including models such as WSRGlow, NU-Wave 2, and AudioSR, Wave-U-Mamba demonstrates superior performance, achieving the lowest Log-Spectral Distance (LSD) across various low-resolution sampling rates, ranging from 8 kHz to 24 kHz. Additionally, subjective human evaluations, scored using Mean Opinion Score (MOS) reveal that our method produces SSR with natural and human-like quality. Furthermore, Wave-U-Mamba achieves these results while generating high-resolution speech over nine times faster than baseline models on a single A100 GPU, with parameter sizes less than 2% of those in the baseline models.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models for Automated Medical Documentation
Scientific research indicates that for every hour spent in direct patient care, physicians spend nearly two additional hours on administrative tasks, particularly on electronic health records (EHRs) and desk work. This excessive administrative burden not only reduces the time available for patient care but also contributes to physician burnout and inefficiencies in healthcare delivery. To address these challenges, this study introduces MediGen, a fine-tuned large language model (LLM) designed to automate the generation of medical reports from medical dialogues. By leveraging state-of-the-art methodologies for fine-tuning open-source pretrained models, including LLaMA3-8B, MediGen achieves high accuracy in transcribing and summarizing clinical interactions. The fine-tuned LLaMA3-8B model demonstrated promising results, achieving a ROUGE score of 58% and a BERTScore-F1 of 72%, indicating its effectiveness in generating accurate and clinically relevant medical reports. These findings suggest that MediGen has the potential to significantly reduce the administrative workload on physicians, improving both healthcare efficiency and physician well-being.
comment: 4 pages, 3 Figures, 3 Tables, This is a preprint version of the article. The final version will be published in the proceedings of the IEEE conference
☆ The T05 System for The VoiceMOS Challenge 2024: Transfer Learning from Deep Image Classifier to Naturalness MOS Prediction of High-Quality Synthetic Speech
We present our system (denoted as T05) for the VoiceMOS Challenge (VMC) 2024. Our system was designed for the VMC 2024 Track 1, which focused on the accurate prediction of naturalness mean opinion score (MOS) for high-quality synthetic speech. In addition to a pretrained self-supervised learning (SSL)-based speech feature extractor, our system incorporates a pretrained image feature extractor to capture the difference of synthetic speech observed in speech spectrograms. We first separately train two MOS predictors that use either of an SSL-based or spectrogram-based feature. Then, we fine-tune the two predictors for better MOS prediction using the fusion of two extracted features. In the VMC 2024 Track 1, our T05 system achieved first place in 7 out of 16 evaluation metrics and second place in the remaining 9 metrics, with a significant difference compared to those ranked third and below. We also report the results of our ablation study to investigate essential factors of our system.
comment: Accepted by IEEE SLT 2024. Our MOS prediction system (UTMOSv2) is available in https://github.com/sarulab-speech/UTMOSv2
☆ Matrix Profile for Anomaly Detection on Multidimensional Time Series
The Matrix Profile (MP), a versatile tool for time series data mining, has been shown effective in time series anomaly detection (TSAD). This paper delves into the problem of anomaly detection in multidimensional time series, a common occurrence in real-world applications. For instance, in a manufacturing factory, multiple sensors installed across the site collect time-varying data for analysis. The Matrix Profile, named for its role in profiling the matrix storing pairwise distance between subsequences of univariate time series, becomes complex in multidimensional scenarios. If the input univariate time series has n subsequences, the pairwise distance matrix is a n x n matrix. In a multidimensional time series with d dimensions, the pairwise distance information must be stored in a n x n x d tensor. In this paper, we first analyze different strategies for condensing this tensor into a profile vector. We then investigate the potential of extending the MP to efficiently find k-nearest neighbors for anomaly detection. Finally, we benchmark the multidimensional MP against 19 baseline methods on 119 multidimensional TSAD datasets. The experiments covers three learning setups: unsupervised, supervised, and semi-supervised. MP is the only method that consistently delivers high performance across all setups.
☆ Language Models "Grok" to Copy
We examine the pre-training dynamics of language models, focusing on their ability to copy text from preceding context--a fundamental skill for various LLM applications, including in-context learning (ICL) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). We propose a novel perspective that Transformer-based language models develop copying abilities similarly to grokking, which refers to sudden generalization on test set long after the model fit to the training set. Our experiments yield three arguments: (1) The pre-training loss decreases rapidly, while the context copying ability of models initially lags and then abruptly saturates. (2) The speed of developing copying ability is independent of the number of tokens trained, similarly to how grokking speed is unaffected by dataset size as long as the data distribution is preserved. (3) Induction heads, the attention heads responsible for copying, form from shallow to deep layers during training, mirroring the development of circuits in deeper layers during grokking. We contend that the connection between grokking and context copying can provide valuable insights for more effective language model training, ultimately improving in-context performance. For example, we demonstrated that techniques that enhance grokking, such as regularization, either accelerate or enhance the development of context copying.
comment: 5 pages, 7 figures
☆ An empirical evaluation of using ChatGPT to summarize disputes for recommending similar labor and employment cases in Chinese
We present a hybrid mechanism for recommending similar cases of labor and employment litigations. The classifier determines the similarity based on the itemized disputes of the two cases, that the courts prepared. We cluster the disputes, compute the cosine similarity between the disputes, and use the results as the features for the classification tasks. Experimental results indicate that this hybrid approach outperformed our previous system, which considered only the information about the clusters of the disputes. We replaced the disputes that were prepared by the courts with the itemized disputes that were generated by GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, and repeated the same experiments. Using the disputes generated by GPT-4 led to better results. Although our classifier did not perform as well when using the disputes that the ChatGPT generated, the results were satisfactory. Hence, we hope that the future large-language models will become practically useful.
comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, the 18th Int'l Workshop on Juris-Informatics (JURISIN 2024), associated with the 16th JSAI International Symposium on AI (JSAI-isAI 2024)
☆ LabellessFace: Fair Metric Learning for Face Recognition without Attribute Labels
Demographic bias is one of the major challenges for face recognition systems. The majority of existing studies on demographic biases are heavily dependent on specific demographic groups or demographic classifier, making it difficult to address performance for unrecognised groups. This paper introduces ``LabellessFace'', a novel framework that improves demographic bias in face recognition without requiring demographic group labeling typically required for fairness considerations. We propose a novel fairness enhancement metric called the class favoritism level, which assesses the extent of favoritism towards specific classes across the dataset. Leveraging this metric, we introduce the fair class margin penalty, an extension of existing margin-based metric learning. This method dynamically adjusts learning parameters based on class favoritism levels, promoting fairness across all attributes. By treating each class as an individual in facial recognition systems, we facilitate learning that minimizes biases in authentication accuracy among individuals. Comprehensive experiments have demonstrated that our proposed method is effective for enhancing fairness while maintaining authentication accuracy.
☆ SafeEar: Content Privacy-Preserving Audio Deepfake Detection CCS 2024
Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Voice Conversion (VC) models have exhibited remarkable performance in generating realistic and natural audio. However, their dark side, audio deepfake poses a significant threat to both society and individuals. Existing countermeasures largely focus on determining the genuineness of speech based on complete original audio recordings, which however often contain private content. This oversight may refrain deepfake detection from many applications, particularly in scenarios involving sensitive information like business secrets. In this paper, we propose SafeEar, a novel framework that aims to detect deepfake audios without relying on accessing the speech content within. Our key idea is to devise a neural audio codec into a novel decoupling model that well separates the semantic and acoustic information from audio samples, and only use the acoustic information (e.g., prosody and timbre) for deepfake detection. In this way, no semantic content will be exposed to the detector. To overcome the challenge of identifying diverse deepfake audio without semantic clues, we enhance our deepfake detector with real-world codec augmentation. Extensive experiments conducted on four benchmark datasets demonstrate SafeEar's effectiveness in detecting various deepfake techniques with an equal error rate (EER) down to 2.02%. Simultaneously, it shields five-language speech content from being deciphered by both machine and human auditory analysis, demonstrated by word error rates (WERs) all above 93.93% and our user study. Furthermore, our benchmark constructed for anti-deepfake and anti-content recovery evaluation helps provide a basis for future research in the realms of audio privacy preservation and deepfake detection.
comment: Accepted by ACM CCS 2024. Please cite this paper as "Xinfeng Li, Kai Li, Yifan Zheng, Chen Yan, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu. SafeEar: Content Privacy-Preserving Audio Deepfake Detection. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2024."
☆ Guiding Vision-Language Model Selection for Visual Question-Answering Across Tasks, Domains, and Knowledge Types
Visual Question-Answering (VQA) has become a key use-case in several applications to aid user experience, particularly after Vision-Language Models (VLMs) achieving good results in zero-shot inference. But evaluating different VLMs for an application requirement using a standardized framework in practical settings is still challenging. This paper introduces a comprehensive framework for evaluating VLMs tailored to VQA tasks in practical settings. We present a novel dataset derived from established VQA benchmarks, annotated with task types, application domains, and knowledge types, three key practical aspects on which tasks can vary. We also introduce GoEval, a multimodal evaluation metric developed using GPT-4o, achieving a correlation factor of 56.71% with human judgments. Our experiments with ten state-of-the-art VLMs reveals that no single model excelling universally, making appropriate selection a key design decision. Proprietary models such as Gemini-1.5-Pro and GPT-4o-mini generally outperform others, though open-source models like InternVL-2-8B and CogVLM-2-Llama-3-19B demonstrate competitive strengths in specific contexts, while providing additional advantages. This study guides the selection of VLMs based on specific task requirements and resource constraints, and can also be extended to other vision-language tasks.
comment: 8 pages + references + 6 pages of Appendix
☆ Operational Wind Speed Forecasts for Chile's Electric Power Sector Using a Hybrid ML Model
As Chile's electric power sector advances toward a future powered by renewable energy, accurate forecasting of renewable generation is essential for managing grid operations. The integration of renewable energy sources is particularly challenging due to the operational difficulties of managing their power generation, which is highly variable compared to fossil fuel sources, delaying the availability of clean energy. To mitigate this, we quantify the impact of increasing intermittent generation from wind and solar on thermal power plants in Chile and introduce a hybrid wind speed forecasting methodology which combines two custom ML models for Chile. The first model is based on TiDE, an MLP-based ML model for short-term forecasts, and the second is based on a graph neural network, GraphCast, for medium-term forecasts up to 10 days. Our hybrid approach outperforms the most accurate operational deterministic systems by 4-21% for short-term forecasts and 5-23% for medium-term forecasts and can directly lower the impact of wind generation on thermal ramping, curtailment, and system-level emissions in Chile.
☆ What Is Wrong with My Model? Identifying Systematic Problems with Semantic Data Slicing
Machine learning models make mistakes, yet sometimes it is difficult to identify the systematic problems behind the mistakes. Practitioners engage in various activities, including error analysis, testing, auditing, and red-teaming, to form hypotheses of what can go (or has gone) wrong with their models. To validate these hypotheses, practitioners employ data slicing to identify relevant examples. However, traditional data slicing is limited by available features and programmatic slicing functions. In this work, we propose SemSlicer, a framework that supports semantic data slicing, which identifies a semantically coherent slice, without the need for existing features. SemSlicer uses Large Language Models to annotate datasets and generate slices from any user-defined slicing criteria. We show that SemSlicer generates accurate slices with low cost, allows flexible trade-offs between different design dimensions, reliably identifies under-performing data slices, and helps practitioners identify useful data slices that reflect systematic problems.
☆ Unleash LLMs Potential for Recommendation by Coordinating Twin-Tower Dynamic Semantic Token Generator
Owing to the unprecedented capability in semantic understanding and logical reasoning, the pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have shown fantastic potential in developing the next-generation recommender systems (RSs). However, the static index paradigm adopted by current methods greatly restricts the utilization of LLMs capacity for recommendation, leading to not only the insufficient alignment between semantic and collaborative knowledge, but also the neglect of high-order user-item interaction patterns. In this paper, we propose Twin-Tower Dynamic Semantic Recommender (TTDS), the first generative RS which adopts dynamic semantic index paradigm, targeting at resolving the above problems simultaneously. To be more specific, we for the first time contrive a dynamic knowledge fusion framework which integrates a twin-tower semantic token generator into the LLM-based recommender, hierarchically allocating meaningful semantic index for items and users, and accordingly predicting the semantic index of target item. Furthermore, a dual-modality variational auto-encoder is proposed to facilitate multi-grained alignment between semantic and collaborative knowledge. Eventually, a series of novel tuning tasks specially customized for capturing high-order user-item interaction patterns are proposed to take advantages of user historical behavior. Extensive experiments across three public datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methodology in developing LLM-based generative RSs. The proposed TTDS recommender achieves an average improvement of 19.41% in Hit-Rate and 20.84% in NDCG metric, compared with the leading baseline methods.
☆ ETAGE: Enhanced Test Time Adaptation with Integrated Entropy and Gradient Norms for Robust Model Performance
Test time adaptation (TTA) equips deep learning models to handle unseen test data that deviates from the training distribution, even when source data is inaccessible. While traditional TTA methods often rely on entropy as a confidence metric, its effectiveness can be limited, particularly in biased scenarios. Extending existing approaches like the Pseudo Label Probability Difference (PLPD), we introduce ETAGE, a refined TTA method that integrates entropy minimization with gradient norms and PLPD, to enhance sample selection and adaptation. Our method prioritizes samples that are less likely to cause instability by combining high entropy with high gradient norms out of adaptation, thus avoiding the overfitting to noise often observed in previous methods. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10-C and CIFAR-100-C datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing TTA techniques, particularly in challenging and biased scenarios, leading to more robust and consistent model performance across diverse test scenarios. The codebase for ETAGE is available on https://github.com/afsharshamsi/ETAGE.
☆ Robust Training of Neural Networks at Arbitrary Precision and Sparsity
The discontinuous operations inherent in quantization and sparsification introduce obstacles to backpropagation. This is particularly challenging when training deep neural networks in ultra-low precision and sparse regimes. We propose a novel, robust, and universal solution: a denoising affine transform that stabilizes training under these challenging conditions. By formulating quantization and sparsification as perturbations during training, we derive a perturbation-resilient approach based on ridge regression. Our solution employs a piecewise constant backbone model to ensure a performance lower bound and features an inherent noise reduction mechanism to mitigate perturbation-induced corruption. This formulation allows existing models to be trained at arbitrarily low precision and sparsity levels with off-the-shelf recipes. Furthermore, our method provides a novel perspective on training temporal binary neural networks, contributing to ongoing efforts to narrow the gap between artificial and biological neural networks.
☆ Cross-Entropy Optimization for Hyperparameter Optimization in Stochastic Gradient-based Approaches to Train Deep Neural Networks
In this paper, we present a cross-entropy optimization method for hyperparameter optimization in stochastic gradient-based approaches to train deep neural networks. The value of a hyperparameter of a learning algorithm often has great impact on the performance of a model such as the convergence speed, the generalization performance metrics, etc. While in some cases the hyperparameters of a learning algorithm can be part of learning parameters, in other scenarios the hyperparameters of a stochastic optimization algorithm such as Adam [5] and its variants are either fixed as a constant or are kept changing in a monotonic way over time. We give an in-depth analysis of the presented method in the framework of expectation maximization (EM). The presented algorithm of cross-entropy optimization for hyperparameter optimization of a learning algorithm (CEHPO) can be equally applicable to other areas of optimization problems in deep learning. We hope that the presented methods can provide different perspectives and offer some insights for optimization problems in different areas of machine learning and beyond.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures
☆ Autoregressive + Chain of Thought (CoT) $\simeq$ Recurrent: Recurrence's Role in Language Models and a Revist of Recurrent Transformer
The Transformer architecture excels in a variety of language modeling tasks, outperforming traditional neural architectures such as RNN and LSTM. This is partially due to its elimination of recurrent connections, which allows for parallel training and a smoother flow of gradients. However, this move away from recurrent structures places the Transformer model at the lower end of Chomsky's computational hierarchy, imposing limitations on its computational abilities. Consequently, even advanced Transformer-based models face considerable difficulties in tasks like counting, string reversal, bracket pairing, and multiplication. These tasks, though seemingly elementary, require a level of computational complexity that exceeds the capabilities of the Transformer architecture. Concurrently, the emergence of ``Chain of Thought" (CoT) prompting has enabled Transformer-based language models to tackle tasks that were previously impossible or poorly executed. Despite some previous research primarily interpreting CoT from a psychological perspective, a comprehensive understanding of \textit{why} CoT proves so effective in the reasoning process remains elusive. In this work, we thoroughly investigate the influence of recurrent structures in language models on their reasoning abilities, shedding light on how the CoT approach can mimic recurrent computation and act as a bridge between autoregression and recurrence. It is this approximated recurrence that notably improves the model's performance and computational capacity. Moreover, we revisit recent recurrent-based Transformer model designs, focusing on their computational abilities through our proposed concept of ``recurrence-completeness" and identify key theoretical limitations in models like Linear Transformer and RWKV. Through this, we aim to provide insight into the neural model architectures and prompt better model design.
♻ ☆ A New Era in Computational Pathology: A Survey on Foundation and Vision-Language Models
Recent advances in deep learning have completely transformed the domain of computational pathology (CPath), which in turn altered the diagnostic workflow of pathologists by integrating foundation models (FMs) and vision-language models (VLMs) in their assessment and decision-making process. FMs overcome the limitations of existing deep learning approaches in CPath by learning a representation space that can be adapted to a wide variety of downstream tasks without explicit supervision. VLMs allow pathology reports written in natural language to be used as a rich semantic information source to improve existing models as well as generate predictions in natural language form. In this survey, a holistic and systematic overview of recent innovations in FMs and VLMs in CPath is presented. Furthermore, the tools, datasets and training schemes for these models are summarized in addition to categorizing them into distinct groups. This extensive survey highlights the current trends in CPath and the way it is going to be transformed through FMs and VLMs in the future.
comment: 20 pages, 19 figures and 9 tables
♻ ☆ Anchored Preference Optimization and Contrastive Revisions: Addressing Underspecification in Alignment
Large Language Models (LLMs) are often aligned using contrastive alignment objectives and preference pair datasets. The interaction between model, paired data, and objective makes alignment a complicated procedure, sometimes producing subpar results. We study this and find that (i) preference data gives a better learning signal when the underlying responses are contrastive, and (ii) alignment objectives lead to better performance when they specify more control over the model during training. Based on these insights, we introduce Contrastive Learning from AI Revisions (CLAIR), a data-creation method which leads to more contrastive preference pairs, and Anchored Preference Optimization (APO), a controllable and more stable alignment objective. We align Llama-3-8B-Instruct using various comparable datasets and alignment objectives and measure MixEval-Hard scores, which correlate highly with human judgments. The CLAIR preferences lead to the strongest performance out of all datasets, and APO consistently outperforms less controllable objectives. Our best model, trained on 32K CLAIR preferences with APO, improves Llama-3-8B-Instruct by 7.65%, closing the gap with GPT4-turbo by 45%. Our code is available at https://github.com/ContextualAI/CLAIR_and_APO.
♻ ☆ PRE: Vision-Language Prompt Learning with Reparameterization Encoder
Large pre-trained vision-language models such as CLIP have demonstrated great potential in zero-shot transferability to downstream tasks. However, to attain optimal performance, the manual selection of prompts is necessary to improve alignment between the downstream image distribution and the textual class descriptions. This manual prompt engineering is the major challenge for deploying such models in practice since it requires domain expertise and is extremely time-consuming. To avoid non-trivial prompt engineering, recent work Context Optimization (CoOp) introduced the concept of prompt learning to the vision domain using learnable textual tokens. While CoOp can achieve substantial improvements over manual prompts, its learned context is worse generalizable to wider unseen classes within the same dataset. In this work, we present Prompt Learning with Reparameterization Encoder (PRE) - a simple and efficient method that enhances the generalization ability of the learnable prompt to unseen classes while maintaining the capacity to learn Base classes. Instead of directly optimizing the prompts, PRE employs a prompt encoder to reparameterize the input prompt embeddings, enhancing the exploration of task-specific knowledge from few-shot samples. Experiments and extensive ablation studies on 8 benchmarks demonstrate that our approach is an efficient method for prompt learning. Specifically, PRE achieves a notable enhancement of 5.60% in average accuracy on New classes and 3% in Harmonic mean compared to CoOp in the 16-shot setting, all achieved within a good training time.
comment: 10 pages excluding References and Appendix
♻ ☆ StateFlow: Enhancing LLM Task-Solving through State-Driven Workflows
It is a notable trend to use Large Language Models (LLMs) to tackle complex tasks, e.g., tasks that require a sequence of actions and dynamic interaction with tools and external environments. In this paper, we propose StateFlow, a novel LLM-based task-solving paradigm that conceptualizes complex task-solving processes as state machines. In StateFlow, we distinguish between "process grounding" (via state and state transitions) and "sub-task solving" (through actions within a state), enhancing control and interpretability of the task-solving procedure. A state represents the status of a running process. The transitions between states are controlled by heuristic rules or decisions made by the LLM, allowing for a dynamic and adaptive progression. Upon entering a state, a series of actions is executed, involving not only calling LLMs guided by different prompts, but also the utilization of external tools as needed. Our results show that StateFlow significantly enhances LLMs' efficiency. For instance, StateFlow achieves 13% and 28% higher success rates compared to ReAct in InterCode SQL and ALFWorld benchmark, with 5x and 3x less cost respectively. We also show that StateFlow can be combined with iterative refining methods like Reflexion to further improve performance.
♻ ☆ Seeing Like an AI: How LLMs Apply (and Misapply) Wikipedia Neutrality Norms
Large language models (LLMs) are trained on broad corpora and then used in communities with specialized norms. Is providing LLMs with community rules enough for models to follow these norms? We evaluate LLMs' capacity to detect (Task 1) and correct (Task 2) biased Wikipedia edits according to Wikipedia's Neutral Point of View (NPOV) policy. LLMs struggled with bias detection, achieving only 64% accuracy on a balanced dataset. Models exhibited contrasting biases (some under- and others over-predicted bias), suggesting distinct priors about neutrality. LLMs performed better at generation, removing 79% of words removed by Wikipedia editors. However, LLMs made additional changes beyond Wikipedia editors' simpler neutralizations, resulting in high-recall but low-precision editing. Interestingly, crowdworkers rated AI rewrites as more neutral (70%) and fluent (61%) than Wikipedia-editor rewrites. Qualitative analysis found LLMs sometimes applied NPOV more comprehensively than Wikipedia editors but often made extraneous non-NPOV-related changes (such as grammar). LLMs may apply rules in ways that resonate with the public but diverge from community experts. While potentially effective for generation, LLMs may reduce editor agency and increase moderation workload (e.g., verifying additions). Even when rules are easy to articulate, having LLMs apply them like community members may still be difficult.
♻ ☆ SSDM: Scalable Speech Dysfluency Modeling
Speech dysfluency modeling is the core module for spoken language learning, and speech therapy. However, there are three challenges. First, current state-of-the-art solutions suffer from poor scalability. Second, there is a lack of a large-scale dysfluency corpus. Third, there is not an effective learning framework. In this paper, we propose \textit{SSDM: Scalable Speech Dysfluency Modeling}, which (1) adopts articulatory gestures as scalable forced alignment; (2) introduces connectionist subsequence aligner (CSA) to achieve dysfluency alignment; (3) introduces a large-scale simulated dysfluency corpus called Libri-Dys; and (4) develops an end-to-end system by leveraging the power of large language models (LLMs). We expect SSDM to serve as a standard in the area of dysfluency modeling. Demo is available at \url{https://eureka235.github.io}.
♻ ☆ Multi-Microphone Speech Emotion Recognition using the Hierarchical Token-semantic Audio Transformer Architecture
The performance of most emotion recognition systems degrades in real-life situations ('in the wild' scenarios) where the audio is contaminated by reverberation. Our study explores new methods to alleviate the performance degradation of SER algorithms and develop a more robust system for adverse conditions. We propose processing multi-microphone signals to address these challenges and improve emotion classification accuracy. We adopt a state-of-the-art transformer model, the HTS-AT, to handle multi-channel audio inputs. We evaluate two strategies: averaging mel-spectrograms across channels and summing patch-embedded representations. Our multi-microphone model achieves superior performance compared to single-channel baselines when tested on real-world reverberant environments.
♻ ☆ PuzzleAvatar: Assembling 3D Avatars from Personal Albums
Generating personalized 3D avatars is crucial for AR/VR. However, recent text-to-3D methods that generate avatars for celebrities or fictional characters, struggle with everyday people. Methods for faithful reconstruction typically require full-body images in controlled settings. What if a user could just upload their personal "OOTD" (Outfit Of The Day) photo collection and get a faithful avatar in return? The challenge is that such casual photo collections contain diverse poses, challenging viewpoints, cropped views, and occlusion (albeit with a consistent outfit, accessories and hairstyle). We address this novel "Album2Human" task by developing PuzzleAvatar, a novel model that generates a faithful 3D avatar (in a canonical pose) from a personal OOTD album, while bypassing the challenging estimation of body and camera pose. To this end, we fine-tune a foundational vision-language model (VLM) on such photos, encoding the appearance, identity, garments, hairstyles, and accessories of a person into (separate) learned tokens and instilling these cues into the VLM. In effect, we exploit the learned tokens as "puzzle pieces" from which we assemble a faithful, personalized 3D avatar. Importantly, we can customize avatars by simply inter-changing tokens. As a benchmark for this new task, we collect a new dataset, called PuzzleIOI, with 41 subjects in a total of nearly 1K OOTD configurations, in challenging partial photos with paired ground-truth 3D bodies. Evaluation shows that PuzzleAvatar not only has high reconstruction accuracy, outperforming TeCH and MVDreamBooth, but also a unique scalability to album photos, and strong robustness. Our code and data are publicly available for research purpose at https://puzzleavatar.is.tue.mpg.de/
comment: Page: https://puzzleavatar.is.tue.mpg.de/, Code: https://github.com/YuliangXiu/PuzzleAvatar, Video: https://youtu.be/0hpXH2tVPk4
♻ ☆ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Compositional Generation with Energy-Based Diffusion Models and MCMC ICML 2023
Since their introduction, diffusion models have quickly become the prevailing approach to generative modeling in many domains. They can be interpreted as learning the gradients of a time-varying sequence of log-probability density functions. This interpretation has motivated classifier-based and classifier-free guidance as methods for post-hoc control of diffusion models. In this work, we build upon these ideas using the score-based interpretation of diffusion models, and explore alternative ways to condition, modify, and reuse diffusion models for tasks involving compositional generation and guidance. In particular, we investigate why certain types of composition fail using current techniques and present a number of solutions. We conclude that the sampler (not the model) is responsible for this failure and propose new samplers, inspired by MCMC, which enable successful compositional generation. Further, we propose an energy-based parameterization of diffusion models which enables the use of new compositional operators and more sophisticated, Metropolis-corrected samplers. Intriguingly we find these samplers lead to notable improvements in compositional generation across a wide set of problems such as classifier-guided ImageNet modeling and compositional text-to-image generation.
comment: ICML 2023, Project Webpage: https://energy-based-model.github.io/reduce-reuse-recycle/
♻ ☆ AIOptimizer - Software performance optimisation prototype for cost minimisation
This study presents AIOptimizer, a prototype for a cost-reduction-based software performance optimisation tool. The study focuses on the design elements of AIOptimizer, including user-friendliness, scalability, accuracy, and adaptability. To deliver efficient and user-focused performance optimisation solutions, it promotes the use of robust integration, continuous learning, modular design, and data collection methods. The paper also looks into AIOptimizer features including collaboration, efficiency prediction, cost optimisation suggestions, and fault diagnosis. Additionally, it introduces AIOptimizer, a recommendation engine for cost optimisation based on reinforcement learning, and examines several software development life cycle models. The goal of this research study is to showcase AIOptimizer as a prototype that continuously improves software performance and reduces costs by utilising sophisticated optimisation techniques and intelligent recommendation systems. Numerous software development life cycle models, including the Big Bang, V-, Waterfall, Iterative, and Agile models are the subject of the study. Every model has benefits and drawbacks, and the features and requirements of the project will decide how useful each is.
♻ ☆ SCAR: Scheduling Multi-Model AI Workloads on Heterogeneous Multi-Chiplet Module Accelerators MICRO'24
Emerging multi-model workloads with heavy models like recent large language models significantly increased the compute and memory demands on hardware. To address such increasing demands, designing a scalable hardware architecture became a key problem. Among recent solutions, the 2.5D silicon interposer multi-chip module (MCM)-based AI accelerator has been actively explored as a promising scalable solution due to their significant benefits in the low engineering cost and composability. However, previous MCM accelerators are based on homogeneous architectures with fixed dataflow, which encounter major challenges from highly heterogeneous multi-model workloads due to their limited workload adaptivity. Therefore, in this work, we explore the opportunity in the heterogeneous dataflow MCM AI accelerators. We identify the scheduling of multi-model workload on heterogeneous dataflow MCM AI accelerator is an important and challenging problem due to its significance and scale, which reaches O(10^56) even for a two-model workload on 6x6 chiplets. We develop a set of heuristics to navigate the huge scheduling space and codify them into a scheduler, SCAR, with advanced techniques such as inter-chiplet pipelining. Our evaluation on ten multi-model workload scenarios for datacenter multitenancy and AR/VR use-cases has shown the efficacy of our approach, achieving on average 27.6% and 29.6% less energy-delay product (EDP) for the respective applications settings compared to homogeneous baselines.
comment: MICRO'24
♻ ☆ Decision Theoretic Foundations for Experiments Evaluating Human Decisions
How well people use information displays to make decisions is of primary interest in human-centered AI, model explainability, data visualization, and related areas. However, what constitutes a decision problem, and what is required for a study to establish that human decisions could be improved remain open to speculation. We propose a widely applicable definition of a decision problem synthesized from statistical decision theory and information economics as a standard for establishing when human decisions can be improved in HCI. We argue that to attribute loss in human performance to forms of bias, an experiment must provide participants with the information that a rational agent would need to identify the utility-maximizing decision. As a demonstration, we evaluate the extent to which recent evaluations of decision-making from the literature on AI-assisted decisions achieve these criteria. We find that only 10 (26\%) of 39 studies that claim to identify biased behavior present participants with sufficient information to characterize their behavior as deviating from good decision-making in at least one treatment condition. We motivate the value of studying well-defined decision problems by describing a characterization of performance losses they allow us to conceive. In contrast, the ambiguities of a poorly communicated decision problem preclude normative interpretation. We conclude with recommendations for practice.
♻ ☆ LLaVA-OneVision: Easy Visual Task Transfer
We present LLaVA-OneVision, a family of open large multimodal models (LMMs) developed by consolidating our insights into data, models, and visual representations in the LLaVA-NeXT blog series. Our experimental results demonstrate that LLaVA-OneVision is the first single model that can simultaneously push the performance boundaries of open LMMs in three important computer vision scenarios: single-image, multi-image, and video scenarios. Importantly, the design of LLaVA-OneVision allows strong transfer learning across different modalities/scenarios, yielding new emerging capabilities. In particular, strong video understanding and cross-scenario capabilities are demonstrated through task transfer from images to videos.
comment: Project Homepage: https://llava-vl.github.io/blog/2024-08-05-llava-onevision/
♻ ☆ Integrating Large Language Models into a Tri-Modal Architecture for Automated Depression Classification
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a pervasive mental health condition that affects 300 million people worldwide. This work presents a novel, BiLSTM-based tri-modal model-level fusion architecture for the binary classification of depression from clinical interview recordings. The proposed architecture incorporates Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, Facial Action Units, and uses a two-shot learning based GPT-4 model to process text data. This is the first work to incorporate large language models into a multi-modal architecture for this task. It achieves impressive results on the DAIC-WOZ AVEC 2016 Challenge cross-validation split and Leave-One-Subject-Out cross-validation split, surpassing all baseline models and multiple state-of-the-art models. In Leave-One-Subject-Out testing, it achieves an accuracy of 91.01%, an F1-Score of 85.95%, a precision of 80%, and a recall of 92.86%.
comment: Keywords: Multi-Modal Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Large Language Models, Depression Diagnosis, Biomedical Informatics, DAIC-WOZ
♻ ☆ HiSC4D: Human-centered interaction and 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR
We introduce HiSC4D, a novel Human-centered interaction and 4D Scene Capture method, aimed at accurately and efficiently creating a dynamic digital world, containing large-scale indoor-outdoor scenes, diverse human motions, rich human-human interactions, and human-environment interactions. By utilizing body-mounted IMUs and a head-mounted LiDAR, HiSC4D can capture egocentric human motions in unconstrained space without the need for external devices and pre-built maps. This affords great flexibility and accessibility for human-centered interaction and 4D scene capturing in various environments. Taking into account that IMUs can capture human spatially unrestricted poses but are prone to drifting for long-period using, and while LiDAR is stable for global localization but rough for local positions and orientations, HiSC4D employs a joint optimization method, harmonizing all sensors and utilizing environment cues, yielding promising results for long-term capture in large scenes. To promote research of egocentric human interaction in large scenes and facilitate downstream tasks, we also present a dataset, containing 8 sequences in 4 large scenes (200 to 5,000 $m^2$), providing 36k frames of accurate 4D human motions with SMPL annotations and dynamic scenes, 31k frames of cropped human point clouds, and scene mesh of the environment. A variety of scenarios, such as the basketball gym and commercial street, alongside challenging human motions, such as daily greeting, one-on-one basketball playing, and tour guiding, demonstrate the effectiveness and the generalization ability of HiSC4D. The dataset and code will be publicated on www.lidarhumanmotion.net/hisc4d available for research purposes.
comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, Jornal
♻ ☆ MCDFN: Supply Chain Demand Forecasting via an Explainable Multi-Channel Data Fusion Network Model Integrating CNN, LSTM, and GRU
Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for optimizing supply chain management. Traditional methods often fail to capture complex patterns from seasonal variability and special events. Despite advancements in deep learning, interpretable forecasting models remain a challenge. To address this, we introduce the Multi-Channel Data Fusion Network (MCDFN), a hybrid architecture that integrates Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) to enhance predictive performance by extracting spatial and temporal features from time series data. Our comparative benchmarking demonstrates that MCDFN outperforms seven other deep-learning models, achieving superior metrics: MSE (23.5738), RMSE (4.8553), MAE (3.9991), and MAPE (20.1575%). Additionally, MCDFN's predictions were statistically indistinguishable from actual values, confirmed by a paired t-test with a 5% p-value and a 10-fold cross-validated statistical paired t-test. We apply explainable AI techniques like ShapTime and Permutation Feature Importance to enhance interpretability. This research advances demand forecasting methodologies and offers practical guidelines for integrating MCDFN into supply chain systems, highlighting future research directions for scalability and user-friendly deployment.
♻ ☆ Towards Human-Centered Construction Robotics: A Reinforcement Learning-Driven Companion Robot for Contextually Assisting Carpentry Workers
In the dynamic construction industry, traditional robotic integration has primarily focused on automating specific tasks, often overlooking the complexity and variability of human aspects in construction workflows. This paper introduces a human-centered approach with a "work companion rover" designed to assist construction workers within their existing practices, aiming to enhance safety and workflow fluency while respecting construction labor's skilled nature. We conduct an in-depth study on deploying a robotic system in carpentry formwork, showcasing a prototype that emphasizes mobility, safety, and comfortable worker-robot collaboration in dynamic environments through a contextual Reinforcement Learning (RL)-driven modular framework. Our research advances robotic applications in construction, advocating for collaborative models where adaptive robots support rather than replace humans, underscoring the potential for an interactive and collaborative human-robot workforce.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Enhancing Angular Resolution via Directionality Encoding and Geometric Constraints in Brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging ICONIP2024
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a type of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique sensitised to the diffusivity of water molecules, offering the capability to inspect tissue microstructures and is the only in-vivo method to reconstruct white matter fiber tracts non-invasively. The DWI signal can be analysed with the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model to estimate the directionality of water diffusion within voxels. Several scalar metrics, including axial diffusivity (AD), mean diffusivity (MD), radial diffusivity (RD), and fractional anisotropy (FA), can be further derived from DTI to quantitatively summarise the microstructural integrity of brain tissue. These scalar metrics have played an important role in understanding the organisation and health of brain tissue at a microscopic level in clinical studies. However, reliable DTI metrics rely on DWI acquisitions with high gradient directions, which often go beyond the commonly used clinical protocols. To enhance the utility of clinically acquired DWI and save scanning time for robust DTI analysis, this work proposes DirGeo-DTI, a deep learning-based method to estimate reliable DTI metrics even from a set of DWIs acquired with the minimum theoretical number (6) of gradient directions. DirGeo-DTI leverages directional encoding and geometric constraints to facilitate the training process. Two public DWI datasets were used for evaluation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the best performance compared to existing DTI enhancement methods and potentially reveals further clinical insights with routine clinical DWI scans.
comment: Accepted to ICONIP2024, Diffusion Weighted Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Angular Resolution Enhancement, Fractional Anisotropy
♻ ☆ POINTS: Improving Your Vision-language Model with Affordable Strategies
In recent years, vision-language models have made significant strides, excelling in tasks like optical character recognition and geometric problem-solving. However, several critical issues remain: 1) Proprietary models often lack transparency about their architectures, while open-source models need more detailed ablations of their training strategies. 2) Pre-training data in open-source works is under-explored, with datasets added empirically, making the process cumbersome. 3) Fine-tuning often focuses on adding datasets, leading to diminishing returns. To address these issues, we propose the following contributions: 1) We trained a robust baseline model using the latest advancements in vision-language models, introducing effective improvements and conducting comprehensive ablation and validation for each technique. 2) Inspired by recent work on large language models, we filtered pre-training data using perplexity, selecting the lowest perplexity data for training. This approach allowed us to train on a curated 1M dataset, achieving competitive performance. 3) During visual instruction tuning, we used model soup on different datasets when adding more datasets yielded marginal improvements. These innovations resulted in a 9B parameter model that performs competitively with state-of-the-art models. Our strategies are efficient and lightweight, making them easily adoptable by the community.
comment: v1
♻ ☆ DoReMi: Grounding Language Model by Detecting and Recovering from Plan-Execution Misalignment IROS 2024
Large language models (LLMs) encode a vast amount of semantic knowledge and possess remarkable understanding and reasoning capabilities. Previous work has explored how to ground LLMs in robotic tasks to generate feasible and executable textual plans. However, low-level execution in the physical world may deviate from the high-level textual plan due to environmental perturbations or imperfect controller design. In this paper, we propose \textbf{DoReMi}, a novel language model grounding framework that enables immediate Detection and Recovery from Misalignments between plan and execution. Specifically, we leverage LLMs to play a dual role, aiding not only in high-level planning but also generating constraints that can indicate misalignment during execution. Then vision language models (VLMs) are utilized to detect constraint violations continuously. Our pipeline can monitor the low-level execution and enable timely recovery if certain plan-execution misalignment occurs. Experiments on various complex tasks including robot arms and humanoid robots demonstrate that our method can lead to higher task success rates and shorter task completion times. Videos of DoReMi are available at \url{https://sites.google.com/view/doremi-paper}.
comment: Published in IROS 2024
♻ ☆ Quest: Query-centric Data Synthesis Approach for Long-context Scaling of Large Language Model
Large language models, initially pre-trained with a limited context length, can better handle longer texts by continuing training on a corpus with extended contexts. However, obtaining effective long-context data is challenging due to the scarcity and uneven distribution of long documents across different domains. To address this issue, we propose a Query-centric data synthesis method, abbreviated as Quest. Quest is an interpretable method based on the observation that documents retrieved by similar queries are relevant but low-redundant, thus well-suited for synthesizing long-context data. The method is also scalable and capable of constructing large amounts of long-context data. Using Quest, we synthesize a long-context dataset up to 128k context length, significantly outperforming other data synthesis methods on multiple long-context benchmark datasets. In addition, we further verify that the Quest method is predictable through scaling law experiments, making it a reliable solution for advancing long-context models.
♻ ☆ CodeAttack: Revealing Safety Generalization Challenges of Large Language Models via Code Completion ACL
The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought about remarkable generative capabilities but also raised concerns about their potential misuse. While strategies like supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback have enhanced their safety, these methods primarily focus on natural languages, which may not generalize to other domains. This paper introduces CodeAttack, a framework that transforms natural language inputs into code inputs, presenting a novel environment for testing the safety generalization of LLMs. Our comprehensive studies on state-of-the-art LLMs including GPT-4, Claude-2, and Llama-2 series reveal a new and universal safety vulnerability of these models against code input: CodeAttack bypasses the safety guardrails of all models more than 80\% of the time. We find that a larger distribution gap between CodeAttack and natural language leads to weaker safety generalization, such as encoding natural language input with data structures. Furthermore, we give our hypotheses about the success of CodeAttack: the misaligned bias acquired by LLMs during code training, prioritizing code completion over avoiding the potential safety risk. Finally, we analyze potential mitigation measures. These findings highlight new safety risks in the code domain and the need for more robust safety alignment algorithms to match the code capabilities of LLMs.
comment: ACL Findings 2024, Code is available at https://github.com/renqibing/CodeAttack
♻ ☆ AI-driven Java Performance Testing: Balancing Result Quality with Testing Time
Performance testing aims at uncovering efficiency issues of software systems. In order to be both effective and practical, the design of a performance test must achieve a reasonable trade-off between result quality and testing time. This becomes particularly challenging in Java context, where the software undergoes a warm-up phase of execution, due to just-in-time compilation. During this phase, performance measurements are subject to severe fluctuations, which may adversely affect quality of performance test results. However, these approaches often provide suboptimal estimates of the warm-up phase, resulting in either insufficient or excessive warm-up iterations, which may degrade result quality or increase testing time. There is still a lack of consensus on how to properly address this problem. Here, we propose and study an AI-based framework to dynamically halt warm-up iterations at runtime. Specifically, our framework leverages recent advances in AI for Time Series Classification (TSC) to predict the end of the warm-up phase during test execution. We conduct experiments by training three different TSC models on half a million of measurement segments obtained from JMH microbenchmark executions. We find that our framework significantly improves the accuracy of the warm-up estimates provided by state-of-practice and state-of-the-art methods. This higher estimation accuracy results in a net improvement in either result quality or testing time for up to +35.3% of the microbenchmarks. Our study highlights that integrating AI to dynamically estimate the end of the warm-up phase can enhance the cost-effectiveness of Java performance testing.
comment: Accepted for publication in The 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '24)
♻ ☆ GraphMLP: A Graph MLP-Like Architecture for 3D Human Pose Estimation
Modern multi-layer perceptron (MLP) models have shown competitive results in learning visual representations without self-attention. However, existing MLP models are not good at capturing local details and lack prior knowledge of human body configurations, which limits their modeling power for skeletal representation learning. To address these issues, we propose a simple yet effective graph-reinforced MLP-Like architecture, named GraphMLP, that combines MLPs and graph convolutional networks (GCNs) in a global-local-graphical unified architecture for 3D human pose estimation. GraphMLP incorporates the graph structure of human bodies into an MLP model to meet the domain-specific demand of the 3D human pose, while allowing for both local and global spatial interactions. Furthermore, we propose to flexibly and efficiently extend the GraphMLP to the video domain and show that complex temporal dynamics can be effectively modeled in a simple way with negligible computational cost gains in the sequence length. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first MLP-Like architecture for 3D human pose estimation in a single frame and a video sequence. Extensive experiments show that the proposed GraphMLP achieves state-of-the-art performance on two datasets, i.e., Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP. Code and models are available at https://github.com/Vegetebird/GraphMLP.
comment: Accepted by Pattern Recognition, Open Sourced
♻ ☆ Explore-Go: Leveraging Exploration for Generalisation in Deep Reinforcement Learning
One of the remaining challenges in reinforcement learning is to develop agents that can generalise to novel scenarios they might encounter once deployed. This challenge is often framed in a multi-task setting where agents train on a fixed set of tasks and have to generalise to new tasks. Recent work has shown that in this setting increased exploration during training can be leveraged to increase the generalisation performance of the agent. This makes sense when the states encountered during testing can actually be explored during training. In this paper, we provide intuition why exploration can also benefit generalisation to states that cannot be explicitly encountered during training. Additionally, we propose a novel method Explore-Go that exploits this intuition by increasing the number of states on which the agent trains. Explore-Go effectively increases the starting state distribution of the agent and as a result can be used in conjunction with most existing on-policy or off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms. We show empirically that our method can increase generalisation performance in an illustrative environment and on the Procgen benchmark.
♻ ☆ Controllable Unlearning for Image-to-Image Generative Models via $\varepsilon$-Constrained Optimization
While generative models have made significant advancements in recent years, they also raise concerns such as privacy breaches and biases. Machine unlearning has emerged as a viable solution, aiming to remove specific training data, e.g., containing private information and bias, from models. In this paper, we study the machine unlearning problem in Image-to-Image (I2I) generative models. Previous studies mainly treat it as a single objective optimization problem, offering a solitary solution, thereby neglecting the varied user expectations towards the trade-off between complete unlearning and model utility. To address this issue, we propose a controllable unlearning framework that uses a control coefficient $\varepsilon$ to control the trade-off. We reformulate the I2I generative model unlearning problem into a $\varepsilon$-constrained optimization problem and solve it with a gradient-based method to find optimal solutions for unlearning boundaries. These boundaries define the valid range for the control coefficient. Within this range, every yielded solution is theoretically guaranteed with Pareto optimality. We also analyze the convergence rate of our framework under various control functions. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets across three mainstream I2I models demonstrate the effectiveness of our controllable unlearning framework.
comment: 40 pages, 54 figures
♻ ☆ Apollo: A Lightweight Multilingual Medical LLM towards Democratizing Medical AI to 6B People
Despite the vast repository of global medical knowledge predominantly being in English, local languages are crucial for delivering tailored healthcare services, particularly in areas with limited medical resources. To extend the reach of medical AI advancements to a broader population, we aim to develop medical LLMs across the six most widely spoken languages, encompassing a global population of 6.1 billion. This effort culminates in the creation of the ApolloCorpora multilingual medical dataset and the XMedBench benchmark. In the multilingual medical benchmark, the released Apollo models, at various relatively-small sizes (i.e., 0.5B, 1.8B, 2B, 6B, and 7B), achieve the best performance among models of equivalent size. Especially, Apollo-7B is the state-of-the-art multilingual medical LLMs up to 70B. Additionally, these lite models could be used to improve the multi-lingual medical capabilities of larger models without fine-tuning in a proxy-tuning fashion. We will open-source training corpora, code, model weights and evaluation benchmark.
comment: Preprint
♻ ☆ A Survey on Video Diffusion Models
The recent wave of AI-generated content (AIGC) has witnessed substantial success in computer vision, with the diffusion model playing a crucial role in this achievement. Due to their impressive generative capabilities, diffusion models are gradually superseding methods based on GANs and auto-regressive Transformers, demonstrating exceptional performance not only in image generation and editing, but also in the realm of video-related research. However, existing surveys mainly focus on diffusion models in the context of image generation, with few up-to-date reviews on their application in the video domain. To address this gap, this paper presents a comprehensive review of video diffusion models in the AIGC era. Specifically, we begin with a concise introduction to the fundamentals and evolution of diffusion models. Subsequently, we present an overview of research on diffusion models in the video domain, categorizing the work into three key areas: video generation, video editing, and other video understanding tasks. We conduct a thorough review of the literature in these three key areas, including further categorization and practical contributions in the field. Finally, we discuss the challenges faced by research in this domain and outline potential future developmental trends. A comprehensive list of video diffusion models studied in this survey is available at https://github.com/ChenHsing/Awesome-Video-Diffusion-Models.
♻ ☆ LAMBDA: A Large Model Based Data Agent
We introduce LArge Model Based Data Agent (LAMBDA), a novel open-source, code-free multi-agent data analysis system that leverages the power of large models. LAMBDA is designed to address data analysis challenges in complex data-driven applications through innovatively designed data agents that operate iteratively and generatively using natural language. At the core of LAMBDA are two key agent roles: the programmer and the inspector, which are engineered to work together seamlessly. Specifically, the programmer generates code based on the user's instructions and domain-specific knowledge, enhanced by advanced models. Meanwhile, the inspector debugs the code when necessary. To ensure robustness and handle adverse scenarios, LAMBDA features a user interface that allows direct user intervention in the operational loop. Additionally, LAMBDA can flexibly integrate external models and algorithms through our proposed Knowledge Integration Mechanism, catering to the needs of customized data analysis. LAMBDA has demonstrated strong performance on various data analysis tasks. It has the potential to enhance data analysis paradigms by seamlessly integrating human and artificial intelligence, making it more accessible, effective, and efficient for users from diverse backgrounds. The strong performance of LAMBDA in solving data analysis problems is demonstrated using real-world data examples. Videos of several case studies are available at https://xxxlambda.github.io/lambda_webpage.
comment: 51 pages, 23 figures and 6 tables
♻ ☆ Interpretable Multimodal Misinformation Detection with Logic Reasoning ACL 23
Multimodal misinformation on online social platforms is becoming a critical concern due to increasing credibility and easier dissemination brought by multimedia content, compared to traditional text-only information. While existing multimodal detection approaches have achieved high performance, the lack of interpretability hinders these systems' reliability and practical deployment. Inspired by NeuralSymbolic AI which combines the learning ability of neural networks with the explainability of symbolic learning, we propose a novel logic-based neural model for multimodal misinformation detection which integrates interpretable logic clauses to express the reasoning process of the target task. To make learning effective, we parameterize symbolic logical elements using neural representations, which facilitate the automatic generation and evaluation of meaningful logic clauses. Additionally, to make our framework generalizable across diverse misinformation sources, we introduce five meta-predicates that can be instantiated with different correlations. Results on three public datasets (Twitter, Weibo, and Sarcasm) demonstrate the feasibility and versatility of our model.
comment: Accepted by Findings of ACL 23. 9 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Jina-ColBERT-v2: A General-Purpose Multilingual Late Interaction Retriever EMNLP
Multi-vector dense models, such as ColBERT, have proven highly effective in information retrieval. ColBERT's late interaction scoring approximates the joint query-document attention seen in cross-encoders while maintaining inference efficiency closer to traditional dense retrieval models, thanks to its bi-encoder architecture and recent optimizations in indexing and search. In this work we propose a number of incremental improvements to the ColBERT model architecture and training pipeline, using methods shown to work in the more mature single-vector embedding model training paradigm, particularly those that apply to heterogeneous multilingual data or boost efficiency with little tradeoff. Our new model, Jina-ColBERT-v2, demonstrates strong performance across a range of English and multilingual retrieval tasks.
comment: 8 pages, references at pp7,8; EMNLP workshop submission
♻ ☆ Puzzle Solving using Reasoning of Large Language Models: A Survey
Exploring the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in puzzle solving unveils critical insights into their potential and challenges in AI, marking a significant step towards understanding their applicability in complex reasoning tasks. This survey leverages a unique taxonomy -- dividing puzzles into rule-based and rule-less categories -- to critically assess LLMs through various methodologies, including prompting techniques, neuro-symbolic approaches, and fine-tuning. Through a critical review of relevant datasets and benchmarks, we assess LLMs' performance, identifying significant challenges in complex puzzle scenarios. Our findings highlight the disparity between LLM capabilities and human-like reasoning, particularly in those requiring advanced logical inference. The survey underscores the necessity for novel strategies and richer datasets to advance LLMs' puzzle-solving proficiency and contribute to AI's logical reasoning and creative problem-solving advancements.
♻ ☆ SPARO: Selective Attention for Robust and Compositional Transformer Encodings for Vision ECCV 2024
Selective attention helps us focus on task-relevant aspects in the constant flood of our sensory input. This constraint in our perception allows us to robustly generalize under distractions and to new compositions of perceivable concepts. Transformers employ a similar notion of attention in their architecture, but representation learning models with transformer backbones like CLIP and DINO often fail to demonstrate robustness and compositionality. We highlight a missing architectural prior: unlike human perception, transformer encodings do not separately attend over individual concepts. In response, we propose SPARO, a read-out mechanism that partitions encodings into separately-attended slots, each produced by a single attention head. Using SPARO with CLIP imparts an inductive bias that the vision and text modalities are different views of a shared compositional world with the same corresponding concepts. Using SPARO, we demonstrate improvements on downstream recognition, robustness, retrieval, and compositionality benchmarks with CLIP (up to +14% for ImageNet, +4% for SugarCrepe), and on nearest neighbors and linear probe for ImageNet with DINO (+3% each). We also showcase a powerful ability to intervene and select individual SPARO concepts to further improve downstream task performance (up from +4% to +9% for SugarCrepe) and use this ability to study the robustness of SPARO's representation structure. Finally, we provide insights through ablation experiments and visualization of learned concepts.
comment: Conference paper at ECCV 2024. 11 pages main, 23 pages total including references and appendix
♻ ☆ Chain of Empathy: Enhancing Empathetic Response of Large Language Models Based on Psychotherapy Models
We present a novel method, the Chain of Empathy (CoE) prompting, that utilizes insights from psychotherapy to induce Large Language Models (LLMs) to reason about human emotional states. This method is inspired by various psychotherapy approaches including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Person Centered Therapy (PCT), and Reality Therapy (RT), each leading to different patterns of interpreting clients' mental states. LLMs without reasoning generated predominantly exploratory responses. However, when LLMs used CoE reasoning, we found a more comprehensive range of empathetic responses aligned with the different reasoning patterns of each psychotherapy model. The CBT based CoE resulted in the most balanced generation of empathetic responses. The findings underscore the importance of understanding the emotional context and how it affects human and AI communication. Our research contributes to understanding how psychotherapeutic models can be incorporated into LLMs, facilitating the development of context-specific, safer, and empathetic AI.
♻ ☆ Revolutionizing Disease Diagnosis with simultaneous functional PET/MR and Deeply Integrated Brain Metabolic, Hemodynamic, and Perfusion Networks
Simultaneous functional PET/MR (sf-PET/MR) presents a cutting-edge multimodal neuroimaging technique. It provides an unprecedented opportunity for concurrently monitoring and integrating multifaceted brain networks built by spatiotemporally covaried metabolic activity, neural activity, and cerebral blood flow (perfusion). Albeit high scientific/clinical values, short in hardware accessibility of PET/MR hinders its applications, let alone modern AI-based PET/MR fusion models. Our objective is to develop a clinically feasible AI-based disease diagnosis model trained on comprehensive sf-PET/MR data with the power of, during inferencing, allowing single modality input (e.g., PET only) as well as enforcing multimodal-based accuracy. To this end, we propose MX-ARM, a multimodal MiXture-of-experts Alignment and Reconstruction Model. It is modality detachable and exchangeable, allocating different multi-layer perceptrons dynamically ("mixture of experts") through learnable weights to learn respective representations from different modalities. Such design will not sacrifice model performance in uni-modal situation. To fully exploit the inherent complex and nonlinear relation among modalities while producing fine-grained representations for uni-modal inference, we subsequently add a modal alignment module to line up a dominant modality (e.g., PET) with representations of auxiliary modalities (MR). We further adopt multimodal reconstruction to promote the quality of learned features. Experiments on precious multimodal sf-PET/MR data for Mild Cognitive Impairment diagnosis showcase the efficacy of our model toward clinically feasible precision medicine.
comment: 11 pages
♻ ☆ Evaluating General Purpose Vision Foundation Models for Medical Image Analysis: An Experimental Study of DINOv2 on Radiology Benchmarks
The integration of deep learning systems into healthcare has been hindered by the resource-intensive process of data annotation and the inability of these systems to generalize to different data distributions. Foundation models, which are models pre-trained on large datasets, have emerged as a solution to reduce reliance on annotated data and enhance model generalizability and robustness. DINOv2 is an open-source foundation model pre-trained with self-supervised learning on 142 million curated natural images that exhibits promising capabilities across various vision tasks. Nevertheless, a critical question remains unanswered regarding DINOv2's adaptability to radiological imaging, and whether its features are sufficiently general to benefit radiology image analysis. Therefore, this study comprehensively evaluates the performance DINOv2 for radiology, conducting over 200 evaluations across diverse modalities (X-ray, CT, and MRI). To measure the effectiveness and generalizability of DINOv2's feature representations, we analyze the model across medical image analysis tasks including disease classification and organ segmentation on both 2D and 3D images, and under different settings like kNN, few-shot learning, linear-probing, end-to-end fine-tuning, and parameter-efficient fine-tuning. Comparative analyses with established supervised, self-supervised, and weakly-supervised models reveal DINOv2's superior performance and cross-task generalizability. The findings contribute insights to potential avenues for optimizing pre-training strategies for medical imaging and enhancing the broader understanding of DINOv2's role in bridging the gap between natural and radiological image analysis. Our code is available at https://github.com/MohammedSB/DINOv2ForRadiology
♻ ☆ An Audit on the Perspectives and Challenges of Hallucinations in NLP
We audit how hallucination in large language models (LLMs) is characterized in peer-reviewed literature, using a critical examination of 103 publications across NLP research. Through the examination of the literature, we identify a lack of agreement with the term `hallucination' in the field of NLP. Additionally, to compliment our audit, we conduct a survey with 171 practitioners from the field of NLP and AI to capture varying perspectives on hallucination. Our analysis calls for the necessity of explicit definitions and frameworks outlining hallucination within NLP, highlighting potential challenges, and our survey inputs provide a thematic understanding of the influence and ramifications of hallucination in society.
♻ ☆ Contact-aware Human Motion Generation from Textual Descriptions
This paper addresses the problem of generating 3D interactive human motion from text. Given a textual description depicting the actions of different body parts in contact with static objects, we synthesize sequences of 3D body poses that are visually natural and physically plausible. Yet, this task poses a significant challenge due to the inadequate consideration of interactions by physical contacts in both motion and textual descriptions, leading to unnatural and implausible sequences. To tackle this challenge, we create a novel dataset named RICH-CAT, representing "Contact-Aware Texts" constructed from the RICH dataset. RICH-CAT comprises high-quality motion, accurate human-object contact labels, and detailed textual descriptions, encompassing over 8,500 motion-text pairs across 26 indoor/outdoor actions. Leveraging RICH-CAT, we propose a novel approach named CATMO for text-driven interactive human motion synthesis that explicitly integrates human body contacts as evidence. We employ two VQ-VAE models to encode motion and body contact sequences into distinct yet complementary latent spaces and an intertwined GPT for generating human motions and contacts in a mutually conditioned manner. Additionally, we introduce a pre-trained text encoder to learn textual embeddings that better discriminate among various contact types, allowing for more precise control over synthesized motions and contacts. Our experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our approach compared to existing text-to-motion methods, producing stable, contact-aware motion sequences. Code and data will be available for research purposes at https://xymsh.github.io/RICH-CAT/
comment: Project page: https://xymsh.github.io/RICH-CAT/
♻ ☆ SafeGen: Mitigating Sexually Explicit Content Generation in Text-to-Image Models CCS 2024
Text-to-image (T2I) models, such as Stable Diffusion, have exhibited remarkable performance in generating high-quality images from text descriptions in recent years. However, text-to-image models may be tricked into generating not-safe-for-work (NSFW) content, particularly in sexually explicit scenarios. Existing countermeasures mostly focus on filtering inappropriate inputs and outputs, or suppressing improper text embeddings, which can block sexually explicit content (e.g., naked) but may still be vulnerable to adversarial prompts -- inputs that appear innocent but are ill-intended. In this paper, we present SafeGen, a framework to mitigate sexual content generation by text-to-image models in a text-agnostic manner. The key idea is to eliminate explicit visual representations from the model regardless of the text input. In this way, the text-to-image model is resistant to adversarial prompts since such unsafe visual representations are obstructed from within. Extensive experiments conducted on four datasets and large-scale user studies demonstrate SafeGen's effectiveness in mitigating sexually explicit content generation while preserving the high-fidelity of benign images. SafeGen outperforms eight state-of-the-art baseline methods and achieves 99.4% sexual content removal performance. Furthermore, our constructed benchmark of adversarial prompts provides a basis for future development and evaluation of anti-NSFW-generation methods.
comment: Accepted by ACM CCS 2024. Please cite this paper as "Xinfeng Li, Yuchen Yang, Jiangyi Deng, Chen Yan, Yanjiao Chen, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu. SafeGen: Mitigating Sexually Explicit Content Generation in Text-to-Image Models. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2024."
♻ ☆ DPDEdit: Detail-Preserved Diffusion Models for Multimodal Fashion Image Editing
Fashion image editing is a crucial tool for designers to convey their creative ideas by visualizing design concepts interactively. Current fashion image editing techniques, though advanced with multimodal prompts and powerful diffusion models, often struggle to accurately identify editing regions and preserve the desired garment texture detail. To address these challenges, we introduce a new multimodal fashion image editing architecture based on latent diffusion models, called Detail-Preserved Diffusion Models (DPDEdit). DPDEdit guides the fashion image generation of diffusion models by integrating text prompts, region masks, human pose images, and garment texture images. To precisely locate the editing region, we first introduce Grounded-SAM to predict the editing region based on the user's textual description, and then combine it with other conditions to perform local editing. To transfer the detail of the given garment texture into the target fashion image, we propose a texture injection and refinement mechanism. Specifically, this mechanism employs a decoupled cross-attention layer to integrate textual descriptions and texture images, and incorporates an auxiliary U-Net to preserve the high-frequency details of generated garment texture. Additionally, we extend the VITON-HD dataset using a multimodal large language model to generate paired samples with texture images and textual descriptions. Extensive experiments show that our DPDEdit outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of image fidelity and coherence with the given multimodal inputs.
comment: 13 pages,12 figures
♻ ☆ Tamper-Resistant Safeguards for Open-Weight LLMs
Rapid advances in the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) have raised widespread concerns regarding their potential for malicious use. Open-weight LLMs present unique challenges, as existing safeguards lack robustness to tampering attacks that modify model weights. For example, recent works have demonstrated that refusal and unlearning safeguards can be trivially removed with a few steps of fine-tuning. These vulnerabilities necessitate new approaches for enabling the safe release of open-weight LLMs. We develop a method, called TAR, for building tamper-resistant safeguards into open-weight LLMs such that adversaries cannot remove the safeguards even after thousands of steps of fine-tuning. In extensive evaluations and red teaming analyses, we find that our method greatly improves tamper-resistance while preserving benign capabilities. Our results demonstrate that tamper-resistance is a tractable problem, opening up a promising new avenue to improve the safety and security of open-weight LLMs.
comment: Website: https://www.tamper-resistant-safeguards.com
♻ ☆ Uncertainty in Language Models: Assessment through Rank-Calibration
Language Models (LMs) have shown promising performance in natural language generation. However, as LMs often generate incorrect or hallucinated responses, it is crucial to correctly quantify their uncertainty in responding to given inputs. In addition to verbalized confidence elicited via prompting, many uncertainty measures ($e.g.$, semantic entropy and affinity-graph-based measures) have been proposed. However, these measures can differ greatly, and it is unclear how to compare them, partly because they take values over different ranges ($e.g.$, $[0,\infty)$ or $[0,1]$). In this work, we address this issue by developing a novel and practical framework, termed $Rank$-$Calibration$, to assess uncertainty and confidence measures for LMs. Our key tenet is that higher uncertainty (or lower confidence) should imply lower generation quality, on average. Rank-calibration quantifies deviations from this ideal relationship in a principled manner, without requiring ad hoc binary thresholding of the correctness score ($e.g.$, ROUGE or METEOR). The broad applicability and the granular interpretability of our methods are demonstrated empirically.
♻ ☆ PoseBench: Benchmarking the Robustness of Pose Estimation Models under Corruptions
Pose estimation aims to accurately identify anatomical keypoints in humans and animals using monocular images, which is crucial for various applications such as human-machine interaction, embodied AI, and autonomous driving. While current models show promising results, they are typically trained and tested on clean data, potentially overlooking the corruption during real-world deployment and thus posing safety risks in practical scenarios. To address this issue, we introduce PoseBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the robustness of pose estimation models against real-world corruption. We evaluated 60 representative models, including top-down, bottom-up, heatmap-based, regression-based, and classification-based methods, across three datasets for human and animal pose estimation. Our evaluation involves 10 types of corruption in four categories: 1) blur and noise, 2) compression and color loss, 3) severe lighting, and 4) masks. Our findings reveal that state-of-the-art models are vulnerable to common real-world corruptions and exhibit distinct behaviors when tackling human and animal pose estimation tasks. To improve model robustness, we delve into various design considerations, including input resolution, pre-training datasets, backbone capacity, post-processing, and data augmentations. We hope that our benchmark will serve as a foundation for advancing research in robust pose estimation. The benchmark and source code will be released at https://xymsh.github.io/PoseBench
comment: Technical report. Project page: https://xymsh.github.io/PoseBench/
♻ ☆ Efficient Detection of Toxic Prompts in Large Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Gemini have significantly advanced natural language processing, enabling various applications such as chatbots and automated content generation. However, these models can be exploited by malicious individuals who craft toxic prompts to elicit harmful or unethical responses. These individuals often employ jailbreaking techniques to bypass safety mechanisms, highlighting the need for robust toxic prompt detection methods. Existing detection techniques, both blackbox and whitebox, face challenges related to the diversity of toxic prompts, scalability, and computational efficiency. In response, we propose ToxicDetector, a lightweight greybox method designed to efficiently detect toxic prompts in LLMs. ToxicDetector leverages LLMs to create toxic concept prompts, uses embedding vectors to form feature vectors, and employs a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) classifier for prompt classification. Our evaluation on various versions of the LLama models, Gemma-2, and multiple datasets demonstrates that ToxicDetector achieves a high accuracy of 96.39\% and a low false positive rate of 2.00\%, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, ToxicDetector's processing time of 0.0780 seconds per prompt makes it highly suitable for real-time applications. ToxicDetector achieves high accuracy, efficiency, and scalability, making it a practical method for toxic prompt detection in LLMs.
comment: Accepted by the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2024)
Machine Learning 94
☆ Evaluating authenticity and quality of image captions via sentiment and semantic analyses
The growth of deep learning (DL) relies heavily on huge amounts of labelled data for tasks such as natural language processing and computer vision. Specifically, in image-to-text or image-to-image pipelines, opinion (sentiment) may be inadvertently learned by a model from human-generated image captions. Additionally, learning may be affected by the variety and diversity of the provided captions. While labelling large datasets has largely relied on crowd-sourcing or data-worker pools, evaluating the quality of such training data is crucial. This study proposes an evaluation method focused on sentiment and semantic richness. That method was applied to the COCO-MS dataset, comprising approximately 150K images with segmented objects and corresponding crowd-sourced captions. We employed pre-trained models (Twitter-RoBERTa-base and BERT-base) to extract sentiment scores and variability of semantic embeddings from captions. The relation of the sentiment score and semantic variability with object categories was examined using multiple linear regression. Results indicate that while most captions were neutral, about 6% of the captions exhibited strong sentiment influenced by specific object categories. Semantic variability of within-image captions remained low and uncorrelated with object categories. Model-generated captions showed less than 1.5% of strong sentiment which was not influenced by object categories and did not correlate with the sentiment of the respective human-generated captions. This research demonstrates an approach to assess the quality of crowd- or worker-sourced captions informed by image content.
☆ A Statistical Viewpoint on Differential Privacy: Hypothesis Testing, Representation and Blackwell's Theorem
Differential privacy is widely considered the formal privacy for privacy-preserving data analysis due to its robust and rigorous guarantees, with increasingly broad adoption in public services, academia, and industry. Despite originating in the cryptographic context, in this review paper we argue that, fundamentally, differential privacy can be considered a \textit{pure} statistical concept. By leveraging a theorem due to David Blackwell, our focus is to demonstrate that the definition of differential privacy can be formally motivated from a hypothesis testing perspective, thereby showing that hypothesis testing is not merely convenient but also the right language for reasoning about differential privacy. This insight leads to the definition of $f$-differential privacy, which extends other differential privacy definitions through a representation theorem. We review techniques that render $f$-differential privacy a unified framework for analyzing privacy bounds in data analysis and machine learning. Applications of this differential privacy definition to private deep learning, private convex optimization, shuffled mechanisms, and U.S.~Census data are discussed to highlight the benefits of analyzing privacy bounds under this framework compared to existing alternatives.
comment: To appear in Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application
☆ Enhancing Printed Circuit Board Defect Detection through Ensemble Learning
The quality control of printed circuit boards (PCBs) is paramount in advancing electronic device technology. While numerous machine learning methodologies have been utilized to augment defect detection efficiency and accuracy, previous studies have predominantly focused on optimizing individual models for specific defect types, often overlooking the potential synergies between different approaches. This paper introduces a comprehensive inspection framework leveraging an ensemble learning strategy to address this gap. Initially, we utilize four distinct PCB defect detection models utilizing state-of-the-art methods: EfficientDet, MobileNet SSDv2, Faster RCNN, and YOLOv5. Each method is capable of identifying PCB defects independently. Subsequently, we integrate these models into an ensemble learning framework to enhance detection performance. A comparative analysis reveals that our ensemble learning framework significantly outperforms individual methods, achieving a 95% accuracy in detecting diverse PCB defects. These findings underscore the efficacy of our proposed ensemble learning framework in enhancing PCB quality control processes.
☆ COMFORT: A Continual Fine-Tuning Framework for Foundation Models Targeted at Consumer Healthcare
Wearable medical sensors (WMSs) are revolutionizing smart healthcare by enabling continuous, real-time monitoring of user physiological signals, especially in the field of consumer healthcare. The integration of WMSs and modern machine learning (ML) enables unprecedented solutions to efficient early-stage disease detection. Despite the success of Transformers in various fields, their application to sensitive domains, such as smart healthcare, remains underexplored due to limited data accessibility and privacy concerns. To bridge the gap between Transformer-based foundation models and WMS-based disease detection, we propose COMFORT, a continual fine-tuning framework for foundation models targeted at consumer healthcare. COMFORT introduces a novel approach for pre-training a Transformer-based foundation model on a large dataset of physiological signals exclusively collected from healthy individuals with commercially available WMSs. We adopt a masked data modeling (MDM) objective to pre-train this health foundation model. We then fine-tune the model using various parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and its variants, to adapt it to various downstream disease detection tasks that rely on WMS data. In addition, COMFORT continually stores the low-rank decomposition matrices obtained from the PEFT algorithms to construct a library for multi-disease detection. The COMFORT library enables scalable and memory-efficient disease detection on edge devices. Our experimental results demonstrate that COMFORT achieves highly competitive performance while reducing memory overhead by up to 52% relative to conventional methods. Thus, COMFORT paves the way for personalized and proactive solutions to efficient and effective early-stage disease detection for consumer healthcare.
comment: 25 pages, 10 figures. This work has been submitted to the ACM for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Multi-Microphone and Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition in Reverbrant Enviroment
This paper presents a Multi-modal Emotion Recognition (MER) system designed to enhance emotion recognition accuracy in challenging acoustic conditions. Our approach combines a modified and extended Hierarchical Token-semantic Audio Transformer (HTS-AT) for multi-channel audio processing with an R(2+1)D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) model for video analysis. We evaluate our proposed method on a reverberated version of the Ryerson audio-visual database of emotional speech and song (RAVDESS) dataset using synthetic and real-world Room Impulse Responsess (RIRs). Our results demonstrate that integrating audio and video modalities yields superior performance compared to uni-modal approaches, especially in challenging acoustic conditions. Moreover, we show that the multimodal (audiovisual) approach that utilizes multiple microphones outperforms its single-microphone counterpart.
☆ MANGO: Disentangled Image Transformation Manifolds with Grouped Operators ICASSP 2025
Learning semantically meaningful image transformations (i.e. rotation, thickness, blur) directly from examples can be a challenging task. Recently, the Manifold Autoencoder (MAE) proposed using a set of Lie group operators to learn image transformations directly from examples. However, this approach has limitations, as the learned operators are not guaranteed to be disentangled and the training routine is prohibitively expensive when scaling up the model. To address these limitations, we propose MANGO (transformation Manifolds with Grouped Operators) for learning disentangled operators that describe image transformations in distinct latent subspaces. Moreover, our approach allows practitioners the ability to define which transformations they aim to model, thus improving the semantic meaning of the learned operators. Through our experiments, we demonstrate that MANGO enables composition of image transformations and introduces a one-phase training routine that leads to a 100x speedup over prior works.
comment: Submitted to IEEE ICASSP 2025. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Autonomous Goal Detection and Cessation in Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study on Source Term Estimation
Reinforcement Learning has revolutionized decision-making processes in dynamic environments, yet it often struggles with autonomously detecting and achieving goals without clear feedback signals. For example, in a Source Term Estimation problem, the lack of precise environmental information makes it challenging to provide clear feedback signals and to define and evaluate how the source's location is determined. To address this challenge, the Autonomous Goal Detection and Cessation (AGDC) module was developed, enhancing various RL algorithms by incorporating a self-feedback mechanism for autonomous goal detection and cessation upon task completion. Our method effectively identifies and ceases undefined goals by approximating the agent's belief, significantly enhancing the capabilities of RL algorithms in environments with limited feedback. To validate effectiveness of our approach, we integrated AGDC with deep Q-Network, proximal policy optimization, and deep deterministic policy gradient algorithms, and evaluated its performance on the Source Term Estimation problem. The experimental results showed that AGDC-enhanced RL algorithms significantly outperformed traditional statistical methods such as infotaxis, entrotaxis, and dual control for exploitation and exploration, as well as a non-statistical random action selection method. These improvements were evident in terms of success rate, mean traveled distance, and search time, highlighting AGDC's effectiveness and efficiency in complex, real-world scenarios.
☆ Deep Fast Machine Learning Utils: A Python Library for Streamlined Machine Learning Prototyping
Machine learning (ML) research and application often involve time-consuming steps such as model architecture prototyping, feature selection, and dataset preparation. To support these tasks, we introduce the Deep Fast Machine Learning Utils (DFMLU) library, which provides tools designed to automate and enhance aspects of these processes. Compatible with frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn, DFMLU offers functionalities that support model development and data handling. The library includes methods for dense neural network search, advanced feature selection, and utilities for data management and visualization of training outcomes. This manuscript presents an overview of DFMLU's functionalities, providing Python examples for each tool.
comment: 9 pages, 1 figure
☆ Using Synthetic Data to Mitigate Unfairness and Preserve Privacy through Single-Shot Federated Learning
To address unfairness issues in federated learning (FL), contemporary approaches typically use frequent model parameter updates and transmissions between the clients and server. In such a process, client-specific information (e.g., local dataset size or data-related fairness metrics) must be sent to the server to compute, e.g., aggregation weights. All of this results in high transmission costs and the potential leakage of client information. As an alternative, we propose a strategy that promotes fair predictions across clients without the need to pass information between the clients and server iteratively and prevents client data leakage. For each client, we first use their local dataset to obtain a synthetic dataset by solving a bilevel optimization problem that addresses unfairness concerns during the learning process. We then pass each client's synthetic dataset to the server, the collection of which is used to train the server model using conventional machine learning techniques (that do not take fairness metrics into account). Thus, we eliminate the need to handle fairness-specific aggregation weights while preserving client privacy. Our approach requires only a single communication between the clients and the server, thus making it computationally cost-effective, able to maintain privacy, and able to ensuring fairness. We present empirical evidence to demonstrate the advantages of our approach. The results illustrate that our method effectively uses synthetic data as a means to mitigate unfairness and preserve client privacy.
☆ Planning Transformer: Long-Horizon Offline Reinforcement Learning with Planning Tokens AAAI
Supervised learning approaches to offline reinforcement learning, particularly those utilizing the Decision Transformer, have shown effectiveness in continuous environments and for sparse rewards. However, they often struggle with long-horizon tasks due to the high compounding error of auto-regressive models. To overcome this limitation, we go beyond next-token prediction and introduce Planning Tokens, which contain high-level, long time-scale information about the agent's future. Predicting dual time-scale tokens at regular intervals enables our model to use these long-horizon Planning Tokens as a form of implicit planning to guide its low-level policy and reduce compounding error. This architectural modification significantly enhances performance on long-horizon tasks, establishing a new state-of-the-art in complex D4RL environments. Additionally, we demonstrate that Planning Tokens improve the interpretability of the model's policy through the interpretable plan visualisations and attention map.
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to AAAI
☆ Evaluating probabilistic and data-driven inference models for fiber-coupled NV-diamond temperature sensors
We evaluate the impact of inference model on uncertainties when using continuous wave Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR) measurements to infer temperature. Our approach leverages a probabilistic feedforward inference model designed to maximize the likelihood of observed ODMR spectra through automatic differentiation. This model effectively utilizes the temperature dependence of spin Hamiltonian parameters to infer temperature from spectral features in the ODMR data. We achieve prediction uncertainty of $\pm$ 1 K across a temperature range of 243 K to 323 K. To benchmark our probabilistic model, we compare it with a non-parametric peak-finding technique and data-driven methodologies such as Principal Component Regression (PCR) and a 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). We find that when validated against out-of-sample dataset that encompasses the same temperature range as the training dataset, data driven methods can show uncertainties that are as much as 0.67 K lower without incorporating expert-level understanding of the spectroscopic-temperature relationship. However, our results show that the probabilistic model outperforms both PCR and CNN when tasked with extrapolating beyond the temperature range used in training set, indicating robustness and generalizability. In contrast, data-driven methods like PCR and CNN demonstrate up to ten times worse uncertainties when tasked with extrapolating outside their training data range.
comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables
☆ Self-Prompting Polyp Segmentation in Colonoscopy using Hybrid Yolo-SAM 2 Model
Early diagnosis and treatment of polyps during colonoscopy are essential for reducing the incidence and mortality of Colorectal Cancer (CRC). However, the variability in polyp characteristics and the presence of artifacts in colonoscopy images and videos pose significant challenges for accurate and efficient polyp detection and segmentation. This paper presents a novel approach to polyp segmentation by integrating the Segment Anything Model (SAM 2) with the YOLOv8 model. Our method leverages YOLOv8's bounding box predictions to autonomously generate input prompts for SAM 2, thereby reducing the need for manual annotations. We conducted exhaustive tests on five benchmark colonoscopy image datasets and two colonoscopy video datasets, demonstrating that our method exceeds state-of-the-art models in both image and video segmentation tasks. Notably, our approach achieves high segmentation accuracy using only bounding box annotations, significantly reducing annotation time and effort. This advancement holds promise for enhancing the efficiency and scalability of polyp detection in clinical settings https://github.com/sajjad-sh33/YOLO_SAM2.
☆ Neumann Series-based Neural Operator for Solving Inverse Medium Problem
The inverse medium problem, inherently ill-posed and nonlinear, presents significant computational challenges. This study introduces a novel approach by integrating a Neumann series structure within a neural network framework to effectively handle multiparameter inputs. Experiments demonstrate that our methodology not only accelerates computations but also significantly enhances generalization performance, even with varying scattering properties and noisy data. The robustness and adaptability of our framework provide crucial insights and methodologies, extending its applicability to a broad spectrum of scattering problems. These advancements mark a significant step forward in the field, offering a scalable solution to traditionally complex inverse problems.
☆ MALADY: Multiclass Active Learning with Auction Dynamics on Graphs
Active learning enhances the performance of machine learning methods, particularly in semi-supervised cases, by judiciously selecting a limited number of unlabeled data points for labeling, with the goal of improving the performance of an underlying classifier. In this work, we introduce the Multiclass Active Learning with Auction Dynamics on Graphs (MALADY) framework which leverages the auction dynamics algorithm on similarity graphs for efficient active learning. In particular, we generalize the auction dynamics algorithm on similarity graphs for semi-supervised learning in [24] to incorporate a more general optimization functional. Moreover, we introduce a novel active learning acquisition function that uses the dual variable of the auction algorithm to measure the uncertainty in the classifier to prioritize queries near the decision boundaries between different classes. Lastly, using experiments on classification tasks, we evaluate the performance of our proposed method and show that it exceeds that of comparison algorithms.
☆ Learning to enhance multi-legged robot on rugged landscapes ICRA 2025
Navigating rugged landscapes poses significant challenges for legged locomotion. Multi-legged robots (those with 6 and greater) offer a promising solution for such terrains, largely due to their inherent high static stability, resulting from a low center of mass and wide base of support. Such systems require minimal effort to maintain balance. Recent studies have shown that a linear controller, which modulates the vertical body undulation of a multi-legged robot in response to shifts in terrain roughness, can ensure reliable mobility on challenging terrains. However, the potential of a learning-based control framework that adjusts multiple parameters to address terrain heterogeneity remains underexplored. We posit that the development of an experimentally validated physics-based simulator for this robot can rapidly advance capabilities by allowing wide parameter space exploration. Here we develop a MuJoCo-based simulator tailored to this robotic platform and use the simulation to develop a reinforcement learning-based control framework that dynamically adjusts horizontal and vertical body undulation, and limb stepping in real-time. Our approach improves robot performance in simulation, laboratory experiments, and outdoor tests. Notably, our real-world experiments reveal that the learning-based controller achieves a 30\% to 50\% increase in speed compared to a linear controller, which only modulates vertical body waves. We hypothesize that the superior performance of the learning-based controller arises from its ability to adjust multiple parameters simultaneously, including limb stepping, horizontal body wave, and vertical body wave.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Hyperedge Representations with Hypergraph Wavelets: Applications to Spatial Transcriptomics
In many data-driven applications, higher-order relationships among multiple objects are essential in capturing complex interactions. Hypergraphs, which generalize graphs by allowing edges to connect any number of nodes, provide a flexible and powerful framework for modeling such higher-order relationships. In this work, we introduce hypergraph diffusion wavelets and describe their favorable spectral and spatial properties. We demonstrate their utility for biomedical discovery in spatially resolved transcriptomics by applying the method to represent disease-relevant cellular niches for Alzheimer's disease.
☆ TX-Gen: Multi-Objective Optimization for Sparse Counterfactual Explanations for Time-Series Classification
In time-series classification, understanding model decisions is crucial for their application in high-stakes domains such as healthcare and finance. Counterfactual explanations, which provide insights by presenting alternative inputs that change model predictions, offer a promising solution. However, existing methods for generating counterfactual explanations for time-series data often struggle with balancing key objectives like proximity, sparsity, and validity. In this paper, we introduce TX-Gen, a novel algorithm for generating counterfactual explanations based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). TX-Gen leverages evolutionary multi-objective optimization to find a diverse set of counterfactuals that are both sparse and valid, while maintaining minimal dissimilarity to the original time series. By incorporating a flexible reference-guided mechanism, our method improves the plausibility and interpretability of the counterfactuals without relying on predefined assumptions. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that TX-Gen outperforms existing methods in generating high-quality counterfactuals, making time-series models more transparent and interpretable.
comment: Preprint, under review
☆ On the Generalizability of Foundation Models for Crop Type Mapping
Foundation models pre-trained using self-supervised and weakly-supervised learning have shown powerful transfer learning capabilities on various downstream tasks, including language understanding, text generation, and image recognition. Recently, the Earth observation (EO) field has produced several foundation models pre-trained directly on multispectral satellite imagery (e.g., Sentinel-2) for applications like precision agriculture, wildfire and drought monitoring, and natural disaster response. However, few studies have investigated the ability of these models to generalize to new geographic locations, and potential concerns of geospatial bias -- models trained on data-rich developed countries not transferring well to data-scarce developing countries -- remain. We investigate the ability of popular EO foundation models to transfer to new geographic regions in the agricultural domain, where differences in farming practices and class imbalance make transfer learning particularly challenging. We first select six crop classification datasets across five continents, normalizing for dataset size and harmonizing classes to focus on four major cereal grains: maize, soybean, rice, and wheat. We then compare three popular foundation models, pre-trained on SSL4EO-S12, SatlasPretrain, and ImageNet, using in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) evaluation. Experiments show that pre-trained weights designed explicitly for Sentinel-2, such as SSL4EO-S12, outperform general pre-trained weights like ImageNet. Furthermore, the benefits of pre-training on OOD data are the most significant when only 10--100 ID training samples are used. Transfer learning and pre-training with OOD and limited ID data show promising applications, as many developing regions have scarce crop type labels. All harmonized datasets and experimental code are open-source and available for download.
☆ PIP-Loco: A Proprioceptive Infinite Horizon Planning Framework for Quadrupedal Robot Locomotion
A core strength of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for quadrupedal locomotion has been its ability to enforce constraints and provide interpretability of the sequence of commands over the horizon. However, despite being able to plan, MPC struggles to scale with task complexity, often failing to achieve robust behavior on rapidly changing surfaces. On the other hand, model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have outperformed MPC on multiple terrains, showing emergent motions but inherently lack any ability to handle constraints or perform planning. To address these limitations, we propose a framework that integrates proprioceptive planning with RL, allowing for agile and safe locomotion behaviors through the horizon. Inspired by MPC, we incorporate an internal model that includes a velocity estimator and a Dreamer module. During training, the framework learns an expert policy and an internal model that are co-dependent, facilitating exploration for improved locomotion behaviors. During deployment, the Dreamer module solves an infinite-horizon MPC problem, adapting actions and velocity commands to respect the constraints. We validate the robustness of our training framework through ablation studies on internal model components and demonstrate improved robustness to training noise. Finally, we evaluate our approach across multi-terrain scenarios in both simulation and hardware.
comment: Preprint under review
☆ Distributed Clustering based on Distributional Kernel
This paper introduces a new framework for clustering in a distributed network called Distributed Clustering based on Distributional Kernel (K) or KDC that produces the final clusters based on the similarity with respect to the distributions of initial clusters, as measured by K. It is the only framework that satisfies all three of the following properties. First, KDC guarantees that the combined clustering outcome from all sites is equivalent to the clustering outcome of its centralized counterpart from the combined dataset from all sites. Second, the maximum runtime cost of any site in distributed mode is smaller than the runtime cost in centralized mode. Third, it is designed to discover clusters of arbitrary shapes, sizes and densities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first distributed clustering framework that employs a distributional kernel. The distribution-based clustering leads directly to significantly better clustering outcomes than existing methods of distributed clustering. In addition, we introduce a new clustering algorithm called Kernel Bounded Cluster Cores, which is the best clustering algorithm applied to KDC among existing clustering algorithms. We also show that KDC is a generic framework that enables a quadratic time clustering algorithm to deal with large datasets that would otherwise be impossible.
☆ Enhancing LLM Problem Solving with REAP: Reflection, Explicit Problem Deconstruction, and Advanced Prompting
Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed natural language processing, yet improving their problem-solving capabilities, particularly for complex, reasoning-intensive tasks, remains a persistent challenge. This paper introduces the REAP (Reflection, Explicit Problem Deconstruction, and Advanced Prompting) method, an innovative approach within the dynamic context generation framework. REAP guides LLMs through reflection on the query, deconstructing it into manageable components, and generating relevant context to enhance the solution process. We evaluated REAP using a dataset designed to expose LLM limitations, comparing zero-shot prompting with REAP-enhanced prompts across six state-of-the-art models: OpenAI's o1-preview, o1-mini, GPT-4o, GPT-4o-mini, Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet. The results demonstrate notable performance gains, with o1-mini improving by 40.97%, GPT-4o by 66.26%, and GPT-4o-mini by 112.93%. Despite the already strong baseline performance of OpenAI's o1-preview, modest gains were observed. Beyond performance improvements, REAP offers a cost-effective solution; for example, GPT-4o-mini, which is approximately 100 times cheaper than o1-preview, delivered competitive results. REAP also improves the clarity of model outputs, making it easier for humans to understand the reasoning behind the results and simplifying the process of identifying and addressing any issues. These findings demonstrate REAP's potential to greatly improve the capabilities of LLMs, providing both better performance and increased cost-efficiency across a wide range of applications.
comment: 524 pages, 3 figures
☆ Weather Prediction Using CNN-LSTM for Time Series Analysis: A Case Study on Delhi Temperature Data
As global climate change intensifies, accurate weather forecasting is increasingly crucial for sectors such as agriculture, energy management, and environmental protection. Traditional methods, which rely on physical and statistical models, often struggle with complex, nonlinear, and time-varying data, underscoring the need for more advanced techniques. This study explores a hybrid CNN-LSTM model to enhance temperature forecasting accuracy for the Delhi region, using historical meteorological data from 1996 to 2017. We employed both direct and indirect methods, including comprehensive data preprocessing and exploratory analysis, to construct and train our model. The CNN component effectively extracts spatial features, while the LSTM captures temporal dependencies, leading to improved prediction accuracy. Experimental results indicate that the CNN-LSTM model significantly outperforms traditional forecasting methods in terms of both accuracy and stability, with a mean square error (MSE) of 3.26217 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.80615. The hybrid model demonstrates its potential as a robust tool for temperature prediction, offering valuable insights for meteorological forecasting and related fields. Future research should focus on optimizing model architecture, exploring additional feature extraction techniques, and addressing challenges such as overfitting and computational complexity. This approach not only advances temperature forecasting but also provides a foundation for applying deep learning to other time series forecasting tasks.
☆ Real-world Adversarial Defense against Patch Attacks based on Diffusion Model
Adversarial patches present significant challenges to the robustness of deep learning models, making the development of effective defenses become critical for real-world applications. This paper introduces DIFFender, a novel DIFfusion-based DeFender framework that leverages the power of a text-guided diffusion model to counter adversarial patch attacks. At the core of our approach is the discovery of the Adversarial Anomaly Perception (AAP) phenomenon, which enables the diffusion model to accurately detect and locate adversarial patches by analyzing distributional anomalies. DIFFender seamlessly integrates the tasks of patch localization and restoration within a unified diffusion model framework, enhancing defense efficacy through their close interaction. Additionally, DIFFender employs an efficient few-shot prompt-tuning algorithm, facilitating the adaptation of the pre-trained diffusion model to defense tasks without the need for extensive retraining. Our comprehensive evaluation, covering image classification and face recognition tasks, as well as real-world scenarios, demonstrates DIFFender's robust performance against adversarial attacks. The framework's versatility and generalizability across various settings, classifiers, and attack methodologies mark a significant advancement in adversarial patch defense strategies. Except for the popular visible domain, we have identified another advantage of DIFFender: its capability to easily expand into the infrared domain. Consequently, we demonstrate the good flexibility of DIFFender, which can defend against both infrared and visible adversarial patch attacks alternatively using a universal defense framework.
☆ Topological Tensor Eigenvalue Theorems in Data Fusion
This paper introduces a novel framework for tensor eigenvalue analysis in the context of multi-modal data fusion, leveraging topological invariants such as Betti numbers. While traditional approaches to tensor eigenvalues rely on algebraic extensions of matrix theory, this work provides a topological perspective that enriches the understanding of tensor structures. By establishing new theorems linking eigenvalues to topological features, the proposed framework offers deeper insights into the latent structure of data, enhancing both interpretability and robustness. Applications to data fusion illustrate the theoretical and practical significance of the approach, demonstrating its potential for broad impact across machine learning and data science domains.
☆ LLM-Powered Ensemble Learning for Paper Source Tracing: A GPU-Free Approach
We participated in the KDD CUP 2024 paper source tracing competition and achieved the 3rd place. This competition tasked participants with identifying the reference sources (i.e., ref-sources, as referred to by the organizers of the competition) of given academic papers. Unlike most teams that addressed this challenge by fine-tuning pre-trained neural language models such as BERT or ChatGLM, our primary approach utilized closed-source large language models (LLMs). With recent advancements in LLM technology, closed-source LLMs have demonstrated the capability to tackle complex reasoning tasks in zero-shot or few-shot scenarios. Consequently, in the absence of GPUs, we employed closed-source LLMs to directly generate predicted reference sources from the provided papers. We further refined these predictions through ensemble learning. Notably, our method was the only one among the award-winning approaches that did not require the use of GPUs for model training. Code available at https://github.com/Cklwanfifa/KDDCUP2024-PST.
☆ BM$^2$: Coupled Schrödinger Bridge Matching
A Schr\"{o}dinger bridge establishes a dynamic transport map between two target distributions via a reference process, simultaneously solving an associated entropic optimal transport problem. We consider the setting where samples from the target distributions are available, and the reference diffusion process admits tractable dynamics. We thus introduce Coupled Bridge Matching (BM$^2$), a simple \emph{non-iterative} approach for learning Schr\"{o}dinger bridges with neural networks. A preliminary theoretical analysis of the convergence properties of BM$^2$ is carried out, supported by numerical experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal.
☆ WeatherReal: A Benchmark Based on In-Situ Observations for Evaluating Weather Models
In recent years, AI-based weather forecasting models have matched or even outperformed numerical weather prediction systems. However, most of these models have been trained and evaluated on reanalysis datasets like ERA5. These datasets, being products of numerical models, often diverge substantially from actual observations in some crucial variables like near-surface temperature, wind, precipitation and clouds - parameters that hold significant public interest. To address this divergence, we introduce WeatherReal, a novel benchmark dataset for weather forecasting, derived from global near-surface in-situ observations. WeatherReal also features a publicly accessible quality control and evaluation framework. This paper details the sources and processing methodologies underlying the dataset, and further illustrates the advantage of in-situ observations in capturing hyper-local and extreme weather through comparative analyses and case studies. Using WeatherReal, we evaluated several data-driven models and compared them with leading numerical models. Our work aims to advance the AI-based weather forecasting research towards a more application-focused and operation-ready approach.
☆ Beta-Sigma VAE: Separating beta and decoder variance in Gaussian variational autoencoder ICPR 2024
Variational autoencoder (VAE) is an established generative model but is notorious for its blurriness. In this work, we investigate the blurry output problem of VAE and resolve it, exploiting the variance of Gaussian decoder and $\beta$ of beta-VAE. Specifically, we reveal that the indistinguishability of decoder variance and $\beta$ hinders appropriate analysis of the model by random likelihood value, and limits performance improvement by omitting the gain from $\beta$. To address the problem, we propose Beta-Sigma VAE (BS-VAE) that explicitly separates $\beta$ and decoder variance $\sigma^2_x$ in the model. Our method demonstrates not only superior performance in natural image synthesis but also controllable parameters and predictable analysis compared to conventional VAE. In our experimental evaluation, we employ the analysis of rate-distortion curve and proxy metrics on computer vision datasets. The code is available on https://github.com/overnap/BS-VAE
comment: Accepted for ICPR 2024
☆ Symbolic Regression with a Learned Concept Library
We present a novel method for symbolic regression (SR), the task of searching for compact programmatic hypotheses that best explain a dataset. The problem is commonly solved using genetic algorithms; we show that we can enhance such methods by inducing a library of abstract textual concepts. Our algorithm, called LaSR, uses zero-shot queries to a large language model (LLM) to discover and evolve concepts occurring in known high-performing hypotheses. We discover new hypotheses using a mix of standard evolutionary steps and LLM-guided steps (obtained through zero-shot LLM queries) conditioned on discovered concepts. Once discovered, hypotheses are used in a new round of concept abstraction and evolution. We validate LaSR on the Feynman equations, a popular SR benchmark, as well as a set of synthetic tasks. On these benchmarks, LaSR substantially outperforms a variety of state-of-the-art SR approaches based on deep learning and evolutionary algorithms. Moreover, we show that LaSR can be used to discover a novel and powerful scaling law for LLMs.
comment: preprint version; 10 pages
☆ Overcoming linguistic barriers in code assistants: creating a QLoRA adapter to improve support for Russian-language code writing instructions
In this paper, an approach to training and evaluating an adapter model for the popular language model "zephyr-7b-beta" is described. The adapter was developed to improve the performance of the base model in tasks related to programming and understanding the Russian language. Considering the high quality of the original model in tasks in the English language, the goal of the research was to expand its linguistic and technical spectrum. The proposed adapter was trained using a large and diverse dataset, including question-answer pairs related to programming, as well code-related texts in Russian language. The applied training methodology ensures an improvement in the model's quality of answers in understanding and generating Python code based on Russian instructions. We evaluated the performance of the base model with the installed adapter using various metrics, comparing it to the base model as well as other state-of-the-art models in this field. The obtained results showed significant improvement, both in tasks related to writing Python code and in processing the Russian language, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed adapter.
comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
☆ Schrödinger Bridge Flow for Unpaired Data Translation
Mass transport problems arise in many areas of machine learning whereby one wants to compute a map transporting one distribution to another. Generative modeling techniques like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Denoising Diffusion Models (DDMs) have been successfully adapted to solve such transport problems, resulting in CycleGAN and Bridge Matching respectively. However, these methods do not approximate Optimal Transport (OT) maps, which are known to have desirable properties. Existing techniques approximating OT maps for high-dimensional data-rich problems, such as DDM-based Rectified Flow and Schr\"odinger Bridge procedures, require fully training a DDM-type model at each iteration, or use mini-batch techniques which can introduce significant errors. We propose a novel algorithm to compute the Schr\"odinger Bridge, a dynamic entropy-regularised version of OT, that eliminates the need to train multiple DDM-like models. This algorithm corresponds to a discretisation of a flow of path measures, which we call the Schr\"odinger Bridge Flow, whose only stationary point is the Schr\"odinger Bridge. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on a variety of unpaired data translation tasks.
☆ Persistent pseudopod splitting is an effective chemotaxis strategy in shallow gradients
Single-cell organisms and various cell types use a range of motility modes when following a chemical gradient, but it is unclear which mode is best suited for different gradients. Here, we model directional decision-making in chemotactic amoeboid cells as a stimulus-dependent actin recruitment contest. Pseudopods extending from the cell body compete for a finite actin pool to push the cell in their direction until one pseudopod wins and determines the direction of movement. Our minimal model provides a quantitative understanding of the strategies cells use to reach the physical limit of accurate chemotaxis, aligning with data without explicit gradient sensing or cellular memory for persistence. To generalize our model, we employ reinforcement learning optimization to study the effect of pseudopod suppression, a simple but effective cellular algorithm by which cells can suppress possible directions of movement. Different pseudopod-based chemotaxis strategies emerge naturally depending on the environment and its dynamics. For instance, in static gradients, cells can react faster at the cost of pseudopod accuracy, which is particularly useful in noisy, shallow gradients where it paradoxically increases chemotactic accuracy. In contrast, in dynamics gradients, cells form \textit{de novo} pseudopods. Overall, our work demonstrates mechanical intelligence for high chemotaxis performance with minimal cellular regulation.
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures
☆ The T05 System for The VoiceMOS Challenge 2024: Transfer Learning from Deep Image Classifier to Naturalness MOS Prediction of High-Quality Synthetic Speech
We present our system (denoted as T05) for the VoiceMOS Challenge (VMC) 2024. Our system was designed for the VMC 2024 Track 1, which focused on the accurate prediction of naturalness mean opinion score (MOS) for high-quality synthetic speech. In addition to a pretrained self-supervised learning (SSL)-based speech feature extractor, our system incorporates a pretrained image feature extractor to capture the difference of synthetic speech observed in speech spectrograms. We first separately train two MOS predictors that use either of an SSL-based or spectrogram-based feature. Then, we fine-tune the two predictors for better MOS prediction using the fusion of two extracted features. In the VMC 2024 Track 1, our T05 system achieved first place in 7 out of 16 evaluation metrics and second place in the remaining 9 metrics, with a significant difference compared to those ranked third and below. We also report the results of our ablation study to investigate essential factors of our system.
comment: Accepted by IEEE SLT 2024. Our MOS prediction system (UTMOSv2) is available in https://github.com/sarulab-speech/UTMOSv2
☆ Consistent Spectral Clustering in Hyperbolic Spaces
Clustering, as an unsupervised technique, plays a pivotal role in various data analysis applications. Among clustering algorithms, Spectral Clustering on Euclidean Spaces has been extensively studied. However, with the rapid evolution of data complexity, Euclidean Space is proving to be inefficient for representing and learning algorithms. Although Deep Neural Networks on hyperbolic spaces have gained recent traction, clustering algorithms or non-deep machine learning models on non-Euclidean Spaces remain underexplored. In this paper, we propose a spectral clustering algorithm on Hyperbolic Spaces to address this gap. Hyperbolic Spaces offer advantages in representing complex data structures like hierarchical and tree-like structures, which cannot be embedded efficiently in Euclidean Spaces. Our proposed algorithm replaces the Euclidean Similarity Matrix with an appropriate Hyperbolic Similarity Matrix, demonstrating improved efficiency compared to clustering in Euclidean Spaces. Our contributions include the development of the spectral clustering algorithm on Hyperbolic Spaces and the proof of its weak consistency. We show that our algorithm converges at least as fast as Spectral Clustering on Euclidean Spaces. To illustrate the efficacy of our approach, we present experimental results on the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset, highlighting the superior performance of Hyperbolic Spectral Clustering over its Euclidean counterpart. This work opens up avenues for utilizing non-Euclidean Spaces in clustering algorithms, offering new perspectives for handling complex data structures and improving clustering efficiency.
comment: Currently under review in IEEE T-PAMI
☆ Matrix Profile for Anomaly Detection on Multidimensional Time Series
The Matrix Profile (MP), a versatile tool for time series data mining, has been shown effective in time series anomaly detection (TSAD). This paper delves into the problem of anomaly detection in multidimensional time series, a common occurrence in real-world applications. For instance, in a manufacturing factory, multiple sensors installed across the site collect time-varying data for analysis. The Matrix Profile, named for its role in profiling the matrix storing pairwise distance between subsequences of univariate time series, becomes complex in multidimensional scenarios. If the input univariate time series has n subsequences, the pairwise distance matrix is a n x n matrix. In a multidimensional time series with d dimensions, the pairwise distance information must be stored in a n x n x d tensor. In this paper, we first analyze different strategies for condensing this tensor into a profile vector. We then investigate the potential of extending the MP to efficiently find k-nearest neighbors for anomaly detection. Finally, we benchmark the multidimensional MP against 19 baseline methods on 119 multidimensional TSAD datasets. The experiments covers three learning setups: unsupervised, supervised, and semi-supervised. MP is the only method that consistently delivers high performance across all setups.
☆ Turbo your multi-modal classification with contrastive learning
Contrastive learning has become one of the most impressive approaches for multi-modal representation learning. However, previous multi-modal works mainly focused on cross-modal understanding, ignoring in-modal contrastive learning, which limits the representation of each modality. In this paper, we propose a novel contrastive learning strategy, called $Turbo$, to promote multi-modal understanding by joint in-modal and cross-modal contrastive learning. Specifically, multi-modal data pairs are sent through the forward pass twice with different hidden dropout masks to get two different representations for each modality. With these representations, we obtain multiple in-modal and cross-modal contrastive objectives for training. Finally, we combine the self-supervised Turbo with the supervised multi-modal classification and demonstrate its effectiveness on two audio-text classification tasks, where the state-of-the-art performance is achieved on a speech emotion recognition benchmark dataset.
☆ Language Models "Grok" to Copy
We examine the pre-training dynamics of language models, focusing on their ability to copy text from preceding context--a fundamental skill for various LLM applications, including in-context learning (ICL) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). We propose a novel perspective that Transformer-based language models develop copying abilities similarly to grokking, which refers to sudden generalization on test set long after the model fit to the training set. Our experiments yield three arguments: (1) The pre-training loss decreases rapidly, while the context copying ability of models initially lags and then abruptly saturates. (2) The speed of developing copying ability is independent of the number of tokens trained, similarly to how grokking speed is unaffected by dataset size as long as the data distribution is preserved. (3) Induction heads, the attention heads responsible for copying, form from shallow to deep layers during training, mirroring the development of circuits in deeper layers during grokking. We contend that the connection between grokking and context copying can provide valuable insights for more effective language model training, ultimately improving in-context performance. For example, we demonstrated that techniques that enhance grokking, such as regularization, either accelerate or enhance the development of context copying.
comment: 5 pages, 7 figures
☆ LabellessFace: Fair Metric Learning for Face Recognition without Attribute Labels
Demographic bias is one of the major challenges for face recognition systems. The majority of existing studies on demographic biases are heavily dependent on specific demographic groups or demographic classifier, making it difficult to address performance for unrecognised groups. This paper introduces ``LabellessFace'', a novel framework that improves demographic bias in face recognition without requiring demographic group labeling typically required for fairness considerations. We propose a novel fairness enhancement metric called the class favoritism level, which assesses the extent of favoritism towards specific classes across the dataset. Leveraging this metric, we introduce the fair class margin penalty, an extension of existing margin-based metric learning. This method dynamically adjusts learning parameters based on class favoritism levels, promoting fairness across all attributes. By treating each class as an individual in facial recognition systems, we facilitate learning that minimizes biases in authentication accuracy among individuals. Comprehensive experiments have demonstrated that our proposed method is effective for enhancing fairness while maintaining authentication accuracy.
☆ Leveraging Foundation Models for Efficient Federated Learning in Resource-restricted Edge Networks
Recently pre-trained Foundation Models (FMs) have been combined with Federated Learning (FL) to improve training of downstream tasks while preserving privacy. However, deploying FMs over edge networks with resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices is under-explored. This paper proposes a novel framework, namely, Federated Distilling knowledge to Prompt (FedD2P), for leveraging the robust representation abilities of a vision-language FM without deploying it locally on edge devices. This framework distills the aggregated knowledge of IoT devices to a prompt generator to efficiently adapt the frozen FM for downstream tasks. To eliminate the dependency on a public dataset, our framework leverages perclass local knowledge from IoT devices and linguistic descriptions of classes to train the prompt generator. Our experiments on diverse image classification datasets CIFAR, OxfordPets, SVHN, EuroSAT, and DTD show that FedD2P outperforms the baselines in terms of model performance.
☆ Guiding Vision-Language Model Selection for Visual Question-Answering Across Tasks, Domains, and Knowledge Types
Visual Question-Answering (VQA) has become a key use-case in several applications to aid user experience, particularly after Vision-Language Models (VLMs) achieving good results in zero-shot inference. But evaluating different VLMs for an application requirement using a standardized framework in practical settings is still challenging. This paper introduces a comprehensive framework for evaluating VLMs tailored to VQA tasks in practical settings. We present a novel dataset derived from established VQA benchmarks, annotated with task types, application domains, and knowledge types, three key practical aspects on which tasks can vary. We also introduce GoEval, a multimodal evaluation metric developed using GPT-4o, achieving a correlation factor of 56.71% with human judgments. Our experiments with ten state-of-the-art VLMs reveals that no single model excelling universally, making appropriate selection a key design decision. Proprietary models such as Gemini-1.5-Pro and GPT-4o-mini generally outperform others, though open-source models like InternVL-2-8B and CogVLM-2-Llama-3-19B demonstrate competitive strengths in specific contexts, while providing additional advantages. This study guides the selection of VLMs based on specific task requirements and resource constraints, and can also be extended to other vision-language tasks.
comment: 8 pages + references + 6 pages of Appendix
☆ Operational Wind Speed Forecasts for Chile's Electric Power Sector Using a Hybrid ML Model
As Chile's electric power sector advances toward a future powered by renewable energy, accurate forecasting of renewable generation is essential for managing grid operations. The integration of renewable energy sources is particularly challenging due to the operational difficulties of managing their power generation, which is highly variable compared to fossil fuel sources, delaying the availability of clean energy. To mitigate this, we quantify the impact of increasing intermittent generation from wind and solar on thermal power plants in Chile and introduce a hybrid wind speed forecasting methodology which combines two custom ML models for Chile. The first model is based on TiDE, an MLP-based ML model for short-term forecasts, and the second is based on a graph neural network, GraphCast, for medium-term forecasts up to 10 days. Our hybrid approach outperforms the most accurate operational deterministic systems by 4-21% for short-term forecasts and 5-23% for medium-term forecasts and can directly lower the impact of wind generation on thermal ramping, curtailment, and system-level emissions in Chile.
☆ Informative Subgraphs Aware Masked Auto-Encoder in Dynamic Graphs
Generative self-supervised learning (SSL), especially masked autoencoders (MAE), has greatly succeeded and garnered substantial research interest in graph machine learning. However, the research of MAE in dynamic graphs is still scant. This gap is primarily due to the dynamic graph not only possessing topological structure information but also encapsulating temporal evolution dependency. Applying a random masking strategy which most MAE methods adopt to dynamic graphs will remove the crucial subgraph that guides the evolution of dynamic graphs, resulting in the loss of crucial spatio-temporal information in node representations. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we propose a novel Informative Subgraphs Aware Masked Auto-Encoder in Dynamic Graph, namely DyGIS. Specifically, we introduce a constrained probabilistic generative model to generate informative subgraphs that guide the evolution of dynamic graphs, successfully alleviating the issue of missing dynamic evolution subgraphs. The informative subgraph identified by DyGIS will serve as the input of dynamic graph masked autoencoder (DGMAE), effectively ensuring the integrity of the evolutionary spatio-temporal information within dynamic graphs. Extensive experiments on eleven datasets demonstrate that DyGIS achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple tasks.
☆ What Is Wrong with My Model? Identifying Systematic Problems with Semantic Data Slicing
Machine learning models make mistakes, yet sometimes it is difficult to identify the systematic problems behind the mistakes. Practitioners engage in various activities, including error analysis, testing, auditing, and red-teaming, to form hypotheses of what can go (or has gone) wrong with their models. To validate these hypotheses, practitioners employ data slicing to identify relevant examples. However, traditional data slicing is limited by available features and programmatic slicing functions. In this work, we propose SemSlicer, a framework that supports semantic data slicing, which identifies a semantically coherent slice, without the need for existing features. SemSlicer uses Large Language Models to annotate datasets and generate slices from any user-defined slicing criteria. We show that SemSlicer generates accurate slices with low cost, allows flexible trade-offs between different design dimensions, reliably identifies under-performing data slices, and helps practitioners identify useful data slices that reflect systematic problems.
☆ Active Learning to Guide Labeling Efforts for Question Difficulty Estimation ECML-PKDD 2024
In recent years, there has been a surge in research on Question Difficulty Estimation (QDE) using natural language processing techniques. Transformer-based neural networks achieve state-of-the-art performance, primarily through supervised methods but with an isolated study in unsupervised learning. While supervised methods focus on predictive performance, they require abundant labeled data. On the other hand, unsupervised methods do not require labeled data but rely on a different evaluation metric that is also computationally expensive in practice. This work bridges the research gap by exploring active learning for QDE, a supervised human-in-the-loop approach striving to minimize the labeling efforts while matching the performance of state-of-the-art models. The active learning process iteratively trains on a labeled subset, acquiring labels from human experts only for the most informative unlabeled data points. Furthermore, we propose a novel acquisition function PowerVariance to add the most informative samples to the labeled set, a regression extension to the PowerBALD function popular in classification. We employ DistilBERT for QDE and identify informative samples by applying Monte Carlo dropout to capture epistemic uncertainty in unlabeled samples. The experiments demonstrate that active learning with PowerVariance acquisition achieves a performance close to fully supervised models after labeling only 10% of the training data. The proposed methodology promotes the responsible use of educational resources, makes QDE tools more accessible to course instructors, and is promising for other applications such as personalized support systems and question-answering tools.
comment: Published as a workshop paper at ECML-PKDD 2024
☆ Unleash LLMs Potential for Recommendation by Coordinating Twin-Tower Dynamic Semantic Token Generator
Owing to the unprecedented capability in semantic understanding and logical reasoning, the pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have shown fantastic potential in developing the next-generation recommender systems (RSs). However, the static index paradigm adopted by current methods greatly restricts the utilization of LLMs capacity for recommendation, leading to not only the insufficient alignment between semantic and collaborative knowledge, but also the neglect of high-order user-item interaction patterns. In this paper, we propose Twin-Tower Dynamic Semantic Recommender (TTDS), the first generative RS which adopts dynamic semantic index paradigm, targeting at resolving the above problems simultaneously. To be more specific, we for the first time contrive a dynamic knowledge fusion framework which integrates a twin-tower semantic token generator into the LLM-based recommender, hierarchically allocating meaningful semantic index for items and users, and accordingly predicting the semantic index of target item. Furthermore, a dual-modality variational auto-encoder is proposed to facilitate multi-grained alignment between semantic and collaborative knowledge. Eventually, a series of novel tuning tasks specially customized for capturing high-order user-item interaction patterns are proposed to take advantages of user historical behavior. Extensive experiments across three public datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methodology in developing LLM-based generative RSs. The proposed TTDS recommender achieves an average improvement of 19.41% in Hit-Rate and 20.84% in NDCG metric, compared with the leading baseline methods.
☆ ETAGE: Enhanced Test Time Adaptation with Integrated Entropy and Gradient Norms for Robust Model Performance
Test time adaptation (TTA) equips deep learning models to handle unseen test data that deviates from the training distribution, even when source data is inaccessible. While traditional TTA methods often rely on entropy as a confidence metric, its effectiveness can be limited, particularly in biased scenarios. Extending existing approaches like the Pseudo Label Probability Difference (PLPD), we introduce ETAGE, a refined TTA method that integrates entropy minimization with gradient norms and PLPD, to enhance sample selection and adaptation. Our method prioritizes samples that are less likely to cause instability by combining high entropy with high gradient norms out of adaptation, thus avoiding the overfitting to noise often observed in previous methods. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10-C and CIFAR-100-C datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing TTA techniques, particularly in challenging and biased scenarios, leading to more robust and consistent model performance across diverse test scenarios. The codebase for ETAGE is available on https://github.com/afsharshamsi/ETAGE.
☆ Robust Training of Neural Networks at Arbitrary Precision and Sparsity
The discontinuous operations inherent in quantization and sparsification introduce obstacles to backpropagation. This is particularly challenging when training deep neural networks in ultra-low precision and sparse regimes. We propose a novel, robust, and universal solution: a denoising affine transform that stabilizes training under these challenging conditions. By formulating quantization and sparsification as perturbations during training, we derive a perturbation-resilient approach based on ridge regression. Our solution employs a piecewise constant backbone model to ensure a performance lower bound and features an inherent noise reduction mechanism to mitigate perturbation-induced corruption. This formulation allows existing models to be trained at arbitrarily low precision and sparsity levels with off-the-shelf recipes. Furthermore, our method provides a novel perspective on training temporal binary neural networks, contributing to ongoing efforts to narrow the gap between artificial and biological neural networks.
☆ A Dynamic Weighting Strategy to Mitigate Worker Node Failure in Distributed Deep Learning
The increasing complexity of deep learning models and the demand for processing vast amounts of data make the utilization of large-scale distributed systems for efficient training essential. These systems, however, face significant challenges such as communication overhead, hardware limitations, and node failure. This paper investigates various optimization techniques in distributed deep learning, including Elastic Averaging SGD (EASGD) and the second-order method AdaHessian. We propose a dynamic weighting strategy to mitigate the problem of straggler nodes due to failure, enhancing the performance and efficiency of the overall training process. We conduct experiments with different numbers of workers and communication periods to demonstrate improved convergence rates and test performance using our strategy.
☆ Cross-Entropy Optimization for Hyperparameter Optimization in Stochastic Gradient-based Approaches to Train Deep Neural Networks
In this paper, we present a cross-entropy optimization method for hyperparameter optimization in stochastic gradient-based approaches to train deep neural networks. The value of a hyperparameter of a learning algorithm often has great impact on the performance of a model such as the convergence speed, the generalization performance metrics, etc. While in some cases the hyperparameters of a learning algorithm can be part of learning parameters, in other scenarios the hyperparameters of a stochastic optimization algorithm such as Adam [5] and its variants are either fixed as a constant or are kept changing in a monotonic way over time. We give an in-depth analysis of the presented method in the framework of expectation maximization (EM). The presented algorithm of cross-entropy optimization for hyperparameter optimization of a learning algorithm (CEHPO) can be equally applicable to other areas of optimization problems in deep learning. We hope that the presented methods can provide different perspectives and offer some insights for optimization problems in different areas of machine learning and beyond.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ A New Era in Computational Pathology: A Survey on Foundation and Vision-Language Models
Recent advances in deep learning have completely transformed the domain of computational pathology (CPath), which in turn altered the diagnostic workflow of pathologists by integrating foundation models (FMs) and vision-language models (VLMs) in their assessment and decision-making process. FMs overcome the limitations of existing deep learning approaches in CPath by learning a representation space that can be adapted to a wide variety of downstream tasks without explicit supervision. VLMs allow pathology reports written in natural language to be used as a rich semantic information source to improve existing models as well as generate predictions in natural language form. In this survey, a holistic and systematic overview of recent innovations in FMs and VLMs in CPath is presented. Furthermore, the tools, datasets and training schemes for these models are summarized in addition to categorizing them into distinct groups. This extensive survey highlights the current trends in CPath and the way it is going to be transformed through FMs and VLMs in the future.
comment: 20 pages, 19 figures and 9 tables
♻ ☆ Anchored Preference Optimization and Contrastive Revisions: Addressing Underspecification in Alignment
Large Language Models (LLMs) are often aligned using contrastive alignment objectives and preference pair datasets. The interaction between model, paired data, and objective makes alignment a complicated procedure, sometimes producing subpar results. We study this and find that (i) preference data gives a better learning signal when the underlying responses are contrastive, and (ii) alignment objectives lead to better performance when they specify more control over the model during training. Based on these insights, we introduce Contrastive Learning from AI Revisions (CLAIR), a data-creation method which leads to more contrastive preference pairs, and Anchored Preference Optimization (APO), a controllable and more stable alignment objective. We align Llama-3-8B-Instruct using various comparable datasets and alignment objectives and measure MixEval-Hard scores, which correlate highly with human judgments. The CLAIR preferences lead to the strongest performance out of all datasets, and APO consistently outperforms less controllable objectives. Our best model, trained on 32K CLAIR preferences with APO, improves Llama-3-8B-Instruct by 7.65%, closing the gap with GPT4-turbo by 45%. Our code is available at https://github.com/ContextualAI/CLAIR_and_APO.
♻ ☆ PRE: Vision-Language Prompt Learning with Reparameterization Encoder
Large pre-trained vision-language models such as CLIP have demonstrated great potential in zero-shot transferability to downstream tasks. However, to attain optimal performance, the manual selection of prompts is necessary to improve alignment between the downstream image distribution and the textual class descriptions. This manual prompt engineering is the major challenge for deploying such models in practice since it requires domain expertise and is extremely time-consuming. To avoid non-trivial prompt engineering, recent work Context Optimization (CoOp) introduced the concept of prompt learning to the vision domain using learnable textual tokens. While CoOp can achieve substantial improvements over manual prompts, its learned context is worse generalizable to wider unseen classes within the same dataset. In this work, we present Prompt Learning with Reparameterization Encoder (PRE) - a simple and efficient method that enhances the generalization ability of the learnable prompt to unseen classes while maintaining the capacity to learn Base classes. Instead of directly optimizing the prompts, PRE employs a prompt encoder to reparameterize the input prompt embeddings, enhancing the exploration of task-specific knowledge from few-shot samples. Experiments and extensive ablation studies on 8 benchmarks demonstrate that our approach is an efficient method for prompt learning. Specifically, PRE achieves a notable enhancement of 5.60% in average accuracy on New classes and 3% in Harmonic mean compared to CoOp in the 16-shot setting, all achieved within a good training time.
comment: 10 pages excluding References and Appendix
♻ ☆ Koopman-based Deep Learning for Nonlinear System Estimation
Nonlinear differential equations are encountered as models of fluid flow, spiking neurons, and many other systems of interest in the real world. Common features of these systems are that their behaviors are difficult to describe exactly and invariably unmodeled dynamics present challenges in making precise predictions. In this paper, we present a novel data-driven linear estimator based on Koopman operator theory to extract meaningful finite-dimensional representations of complex non-linear systems. The Koopman model is used together with deep reinforcement networks that learn the optimal stepwise actions to predict future states of nonlinear systems. Our estimator is also adaptive to a diffeomorphic transformation of the estimated nonlinear system, which enables it to compute optimal state estimates without re-learning.
comment: 11 pages
♻ ☆ Multi-Microphone Speech Emotion Recognition using the Hierarchical Token-semantic Audio Transformer Architecture
The performance of most emotion recognition systems degrades in real-life situations ('in the wild' scenarios) where the audio is contaminated by reverberation. Our study explores new methods to alleviate the performance degradation of SER algorithms and develop a more robust system for adverse conditions. We propose processing multi-microphone signals to address these challenges and improve emotion classification accuracy. We adopt a state-of-the-art transformer model, the HTS-AT, to handle multi-channel audio inputs. We evaluate two strategies: averaging mel-spectrograms across channels and summing patch-embedded representations. Our multi-microphone model achieves superior performance compared to single-channel baselines when tested on real-world reverberant environments.
♻ ☆ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Compositional Generation with Energy-Based Diffusion Models and MCMC ICML 2023
Since their introduction, diffusion models have quickly become the prevailing approach to generative modeling in many domains. They can be interpreted as learning the gradients of a time-varying sequence of log-probability density functions. This interpretation has motivated classifier-based and classifier-free guidance as methods for post-hoc control of diffusion models. In this work, we build upon these ideas using the score-based interpretation of diffusion models, and explore alternative ways to condition, modify, and reuse diffusion models for tasks involving compositional generation and guidance. In particular, we investigate why certain types of composition fail using current techniques and present a number of solutions. We conclude that the sampler (not the model) is responsible for this failure and propose new samplers, inspired by MCMC, which enable successful compositional generation. Further, we propose an energy-based parameterization of diffusion models which enables the use of new compositional operators and more sophisticated, Metropolis-corrected samplers. Intriguingly we find these samplers lead to notable improvements in compositional generation across a wide set of problems such as classifier-guided ImageNet modeling and compositional text-to-image generation.
comment: ICML 2023, Project Webpage: https://energy-based-model.github.io/reduce-reuse-recycle/
♻ ☆ SCAR: Scheduling Multi-Model AI Workloads on Heterogeneous Multi-Chiplet Module Accelerators MICRO'24
Emerging multi-model workloads with heavy models like recent large language models significantly increased the compute and memory demands on hardware. To address such increasing demands, designing a scalable hardware architecture became a key problem. Among recent solutions, the 2.5D silicon interposer multi-chip module (MCM)-based AI accelerator has been actively explored as a promising scalable solution due to their significant benefits in the low engineering cost and composability. However, previous MCM accelerators are based on homogeneous architectures with fixed dataflow, which encounter major challenges from highly heterogeneous multi-model workloads due to their limited workload adaptivity. Therefore, in this work, we explore the opportunity in the heterogeneous dataflow MCM AI accelerators. We identify the scheduling of multi-model workload on heterogeneous dataflow MCM AI accelerator is an important and challenging problem due to its significance and scale, which reaches O(10^56) even for a two-model workload on 6x6 chiplets. We develop a set of heuristics to navigate the huge scheduling space and codify them into a scheduler, SCAR, with advanced techniques such as inter-chiplet pipelining. Our evaluation on ten multi-model workload scenarios for datacenter multitenancy and AR/VR use-cases has shown the efficacy of our approach, achieving on average 27.6% and 29.6% less energy-delay product (EDP) for the respective applications settings compared to homogeneous baselines.
comment: MICRO'24
♻ ☆ Specifying and Solving Robust Empirical Risk Minimization Problems Using CVXPY
We consider robust empirical risk minimization (ERM), where model parameters are chosen to minimize the worst-case empirical loss when each data point varies over a given convex uncertainty set. In some simple cases, such problems can be expressed in an analytical form. In general the problem can be made tractable via dualization, which turns a min-max problem into a min-min problem. Dualization requires expertise and is tedious and error-prone. We demonstrate how CVXPY can be used to automate this dualization procedure in a user-friendly manner. Our framework allows practitioners to specify and solve robust ERM problems with a general class of convex losses, capturing many standard regression and classification problems. Users can easily specify any complex uncertainty set that is representable via disciplined convex programming (DCP) constraints.
♻ ☆ Universally Consistent K-Sample Tests via Dependence Measures
The K-sample testing problem involves determining whether K groups of data points are each drawn from the same distribution. Analysis of variance is arguably the most classical method to test mean differences, along with several recent methods to test distributional differences. In this paper, we demonstrate the existence of a transformation that allows K-sample testing to be carried out using any dependence measure. Consequently, universally consistent K-sample testing can be achieved using a universally consistent dependence measure, such as distance correlation and the Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion. This enables a wide range of dependence measures to be easily applied to K-sample testing.
comment: 6 pages main + 8 pages appendix
♻ ☆ Integrating Large Language Models into a Tri-Modal Architecture for Automated Depression Classification
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a pervasive mental health condition that affects 300 million people worldwide. This work presents a novel, BiLSTM-based tri-modal model-level fusion architecture for the binary classification of depression from clinical interview recordings. The proposed architecture incorporates Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, Facial Action Units, and uses a two-shot learning based GPT-4 model to process text data. This is the first work to incorporate large language models into a multi-modal architecture for this task. It achieves impressive results on the DAIC-WOZ AVEC 2016 Challenge cross-validation split and Leave-One-Subject-Out cross-validation split, surpassing all baseline models and multiple state-of-the-art models. In Leave-One-Subject-Out testing, it achieves an accuracy of 91.01%, an F1-Score of 85.95%, a precision of 80%, and a recall of 92.86%.
comment: Keywords: Multi-Modal Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Large Language Models, Depression Diagnosis, Biomedical Informatics, DAIC-WOZ
♻ ☆ Accurately Classifying Out-Of-Distribution Data in Facial Recognition
Standard classification theory assumes that the distribution of images in the test and training sets are identical. Unfortunately, real-life scenarios typically feature unseen data (''out-of-distribution data") which is different from data in the training distribution(''in-distribution"). This issue is most prevalent in social justice problems where data from under-represented groups may appear in the test data without representing an equal proportion of the training data. This may result in a model returning confidently wrong decisions and predictions. We are interested in the following question: Can the performance of a neural network improve on facial images of out-of-distribution data when it is trained simultaneously on multiple datasets of in-distribution data? We approach this problem by incorporating the Outlier Exposure model and investigate how the model's performance changes when other datasets of facial images were implemented. We observe that the accuracy and other metrics of the model can be increased by applying Outlier Exposure, incorporating a trainable weight parameter to increase the machine's emphasis on outlier images, and by re-weighting the importance of different class labels. We also experimented with whether sorting the images and determining outliers via image features would have more of an effect on the metrics than sorting by average pixel value, and found no conclusive results. Our goal was to make models not only more accurate but also more fair by scanning a more expanded range of images. We also tested the datasets in reverse order to see whether a more fair dataset with balanced features has an effect on the model's accuracy. Utilizing Python and the Pytorch package, we found that models that utilizing outlier exposure could make models more fair.
comment: 17 pages, 6 tables, 6 figures
♻ ☆ MCDFN: Supply Chain Demand Forecasting via an Explainable Multi-Channel Data Fusion Network Model Integrating CNN, LSTM, and GRU
Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for optimizing supply chain management. Traditional methods often fail to capture complex patterns from seasonal variability and special events. Despite advancements in deep learning, interpretable forecasting models remain a challenge. To address this, we introduce the Multi-Channel Data Fusion Network (MCDFN), a hybrid architecture that integrates Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) to enhance predictive performance by extracting spatial and temporal features from time series data. Our comparative benchmarking demonstrates that MCDFN outperforms seven other deep-learning models, achieving superior metrics: MSE (23.5738), RMSE (4.8553), MAE (3.9991), and MAPE (20.1575%). Additionally, MCDFN's predictions were statistically indistinguishable from actual values, confirmed by a paired t-test with a 5% p-value and a 10-fold cross-validated statistical paired t-test. We apply explainable AI techniques like ShapTime and Permutation Feature Importance to enhance interpretability. This research advances demand forecasting methodologies and offers practical guidelines for integrating MCDFN into supply chain systems, highlighting future research directions for scalability and user-friendly deployment.
♻ ☆ Towards Human-Centered Construction Robotics: A Reinforcement Learning-Driven Companion Robot for Contextually Assisting Carpentry Workers
In the dynamic construction industry, traditional robotic integration has primarily focused on automating specific tasks, often overlooking the complexity and variability of human aspects in construction workflows. This paper introduces a human-centered approach with a "work companion rover" designed to assist construction workers within their existing practices, aiming to enhance safety and workflow fluency while respecting construction labor's skilled nature. We conduct an in-depth study on deploying a robotic system in carpentry formwork, showcasing a prototype that emphasizes mobility, safety, and comfortable worker-robot collaboration in dynamic environments through a contextual Reinforcement Learning (RL)-driven modular framework. Our research advances robotic applications in construction, advocating for collaborative models where adaptive robots support rather than replace humans, underscoring the potential for an interactive and collaborative human-robot workforce.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Approximation by non-symmetric networks for cross-domain learning
For the past 30 years or so, machine learning has stimulated a great deal of research in the study of approximation capabilities (expressive power) of a multitude of processes, such as approximation by shallow or deep neural networks, radial basis function networks, and a variety of kernel based methods. Motivated by applications such as invariant learning, transfer learning, and synthetic aperture radar imaging, we initiate in this paper a general approach to study the approximation capabilities of kernel based networks using non-symmetric kernels. While singular value decomposition is a natural instinct to study such kernels, we consider a more general approach to include the use of a family of kernels, such as generalized translation networks (which include neural networks and translation invariant kernels as special cases) and rotated zonal function kernels. Naturally, unlike traditional kernel based approximation, we cannot require the kernels to be positive definite. In particular, we obtain estimates on the accuracy of uniform approximation of functions in a Sobolev class by ReLU$^r$ networks when $r$ is not necessarily an integer. Our general results apply to the approximation of functions with small smoothness compared to the dimension of the input space.
♻ ☆ CodeAttack: Revealing Safety Generalization Challenges of Large Language Models via Code Completion ACL
The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought about remarkable generative capabilities but also raised concerns about their potential misuse. While strategies like supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback have enhanced their safety, these methods primarily focus on natural languages, which may not generalize to other domains. This paper introduces CodeAttack, a framework that transforms natural language inputs into code inputs, presenting a novel environment for testing the safety generalization of LLMs. Our comprehensive studies on state-of-the-art LLMs including GPT-4, Claude-2, and Llama-2 series reveal a new and universal safety vulnerability of these models against code input: CodeAttack bypasses the safety guardrails of all models more than 80\% of the time. We find that a larger distribution gap between CodeAttack and natural language leads to weaker safety generalization, such as encoding natural language input with data structures. Furthermore, we give our hypotheses about the success of CodeAttack: the misaligned bias acquired by LLMs during code training, prioritizing code completion over avoiding the potential safety risk. Finally, we analyze potential mitigation measures. These findings highlight new safety risks in the code domain and the need for more robust safety alignment algorithms to match the code capabilities of LLMs.
comment: ACL Findings 2024, Code is available at https://github.com/renqibing/CodeAttack
♻ ☆ GridPE: Unifying Positional Encoding in Transformers with a Grid Cell-Inspired Framework
Understanding spatial location and relationships is a fundamental capability for modern artificial intelligence systems. Insights from human spatial cognition provide valuable guidance in this domain. Neuroscientific discoveries have highlighted the role of grid cells as a fundamental neural component for spatial representation, including distance computation, path integration, and scale discernment. In this paper, we introduce a novel positional encoding scheme inspired by Fourier analysis and the latest findings in computational neuroscience regarding grid cells. Assuming that grid cells encode spatial position through a summation of Fourier basis functions, we demonstrate the translational invariance of the grid representation during inner product calculations. Additionally, we derive an optimal grid scale ratio for multi-dimensional Euclidean spaces based on principles of biological efficiency. Utilizing these computational principles, we have developed a Grid-cell inspired Positional Encoding technique, termed GridPE, for encoding locations within high-dimensional spaces. We integrated GridPE into the Pyramid Vision Transformer architecture. Our theoretical analysis shows that GridPE provides a unifying framework for positional encoding in arbitrary high-dimensional spaces. Experimental results demonstrate that GridPE significantly enhances the performance of transformers, underscoring the importance of incorporating neuroscientific insights into the design of artificial intelligence systems.
♻ ☆ AI-driven Java Performance Testing: Balancing Result Quality with Testing Time
Performance testing aims at uncovering efficiency issues of software systems. In order to be both effective and practical, the design of a performance test must achieve a reasonable trade-off between result quality and testing time. This becomes particularly challenging in Java context, where the software undergoes a warm-up phase of execution, due to just-in-time compilation. During this phase, performance measurements are subject to severe fluctuations, which may adversely affect quality of performance test results. However, these approaches often provide suboptimal estimates of the warm-up phase, resulting in either insufficient or excessive warm-up iterations, which may degrade result quality or increase testing time. There is still a lack of consensus on how to properly address this problem. Here, we propose and study an AI-based framework to dynamically halt warm-up iterations at runtime. Specifically, our framework leverages recent advances in AI for Time Series Classification (TSC) to predict the end of the warm-up phase during test execution. We conduct experiments by training three different TSC models on half a million of measurement segments obtained from JMH microbenchmark executions. We find that our framework significantly improves the accuracy of the warm-up estimates provided by state-of-practice and state-of-the-art methods. This higher estimation accuracy results in a net improvement in either result quality or testing time for up to +35.3% of the microbenchmarks. Our study highlights that integrating AI to dynamically estimate the end of the warm-up phase can enhance the cost-effectiveness of Java performance testing.
comment: Accepted for publication in The 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '24)
♻ ☆ Graph Expansions of Deep Neural Networks and their Universal Scaling Limits
We present a unified approach to obtain scaling limits of neural networks using the genus expansion technique from random matrix theory. This approach begins with a novel expansion of neural networks which is reminiscent of Butcher series for ODEs, and is obtained through a generalisation of Fa\`a di Bruno's formula to an arbitrary number of compositions. In this expansion, the role of monomials is played by random multilinear maps indexed by directed graphs whose edges correspond to random matrices, which we call operator graphs. This expansion linearises the effect of the activation functions, allowing for the direct application of Wick's principle to compute the expectation of each of its terms. We then determine the leading contribution to each term by embedding the corresponding graphs onto surfaces, and computing their Euler characteristic. Furthermore, by developing a correspondence between analytic and graphical operations, we obtain similar graph expansions for the neural tangent kernel as well as the input-output Jacobian of the original neural network, and derive their infinite-width limits with relative ease. Notably, we find explicit formulae for the moments of the limiting singular value distribution of the Jacobian. We then show that all of these results hold for networks with more general weights, such as general matrices with i.i.d. entries satisfying moment assumptions, complex matrices and sparse matrices.
comment: v4: minor changes to presentation
♻ ☆ GraphMLP: A Graph MLP-Like Architecture for 3D Human Pose Estimation
Modern multi-layer perceptron (MLP) models have shown competitive results in learning visual representations without self-attention. However, existing MLP models are not good at capturing local details and lack prior knowledge of human body configurations, which limits their modeling power for skeletal representation learning. To address these issues, we propose a simple yet effective graph-reinforced MLP-Like architecture, named GraphMLP, that combines MLPs and graph convolutional networks (GCNs) in a global-local-graphical unified architecture for 3D human pose estimation. GraphMLP incorporates the graph structure of human bodies into an MLP model to meet the domain-specific demand of the 3D human pose, while allowing for both local and global spatial interactions. Furthermore, we propose to flexibly and efficiently extend the GraphMLP to the video domain and show that complex temporal dynamics can be effectively modeled in a simple way with negligible computational cost gains in the sequence length. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first MLP-Like architecture for 3D human pose estimation in a single frame and a video sequence. Extensive experiments show that the proposed GraphMLP achieves state-of-the-art performance on two datasets, i.e., Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP. Code and models are available at https://github.com/Vegetebird/GraphMLP.
comment: Accepted by Pattern Recognition, Open Sourced
♻ ☆ Explore-Go: Leveraging Exploration for Generalisation in Deep Reinforcement Learning
One of the remaining challenges in reinforcement learning is to develop agents that can generalise to novel scenarios they might encounter once deployed. This challenge is often framed in a multi-task setting where agents train on a fixed set of tasks and have to generalise to new tasks. Recent work has shown that in this setting increased exploration during training can be leveraged to increase the generalisation performance of the agent. This makes sense when the states encountered during testing can actually be explored during training. In this paper, we provide intuition why exploration can also benefit generalisation to states that cannot be explicitly encountered during training. Additionally, we propose a novel method Explore-Go that exploits this intuition by increasing the number of states on which the agent trains. Explore-Go effectively increases the starting state distribution of the agent and as a result can be used in conjunction with most existing on-policy or off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms. We show empirically that our method can increase generalisation performance in an illustrative environment and on the Procgen benchmark.
♻ ☆ Controllable Unlearning for Image-to-Image Generative Models via $\varepsilon$-Constrained Optimization
While generative models have made significant advancements in recent years, they also raise concerns such as privacy breaches and biases. Machine unlearning has emerged as a viable solution, aiming to remove specific training data, e.g., containing private information and bias, from models. In this paper, we study the machine unlearning problem in Image-to-Image (I2I) generative models. Previous studies mainly treat it as a single objective optimization problem, offering a solitary solution, thereby neglecting the varied user expectations towards the trade-off between complete unlearning and model utility. To address this issue, we propose a controllable unlearning framework that uses a control coefficient $\varepsilon$ to control the trade-off. We reformulate the I2I generative model unlearning problem into a $\varepsilon$-constrained optimization problem and solve it with a gradient-based method to find optimal solutions for unlearning boundaries. These boundaries define the valid range for the control coefficient. Within this range, every yielded solution is theoretically guaranteed with Pareto optimality. We also analyze the convergence rate of our framework under various control functions. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets across three mainstream I2I models demonstrate the effectiveness of our controllable unlearning framework.
comment: 40 pages, 54 figures
♻ ☆ Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold networks for realistic image sharpness assessment
Score prediction is crucial in realistic image sharpness assessment after informative features are collected. Recently, Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KANs) have been developed and witnessed remarkable success in data fitting. This study presents Taylor series based KAN (TaylorKAN). Then, different KANs are explored on four realistic image databases (BID2011, CID2013, CLIVE, and KonIQ-10k) for score prediction by using 15 mid-level features and 2048 high-level features. When setting support vector regression as the baseline, experimental results indicate KANs are generally better or competitive, TaylorKAN is the best on three databases using mid-level feature input, while KANs are inferior on CLIVE when high-level features are used. This is the first study that explores KANs for image quality assessment. It sheds lights on how to select and improve KANs on related tasks.
♻ ☆ A Survey on Video Diffusion Models
The recent wave of AI-generated content (AIGC) has witnessed substantial success in computer vision, with the diffusion model playing a crucial role in this achievement. Due to their impressive generative capabilities, diffusion models are gradually superseding methods based on GANs and auto-regressive Transformers, demonstrating exceptional performance not only in image generation and editing, but also in the realm of video-related research. However, existing surveys mainly focus on diffusion models in the context of image generation, with few up-to-date reviews on their application in the video domain. To address this gap, this paper presents a comprehensive review of video diffusion models in the AIGC era. Specifically, we begin with a concise introduction to the fundamentals and evolution of diffusion models. Subsequently, we present an overview of research on diffusion models in the video domain, categorizing the work into three key areas: video generation, video editing, and other video understanding tasks. We conduct a thorough review of the literature in these three key areas, including further categorization and practical contributions in the field. Finally, we discuss the challenges faced by research in this domain and outline potential future developmental trends. A comprehensive list of video diffusion models studied in this survey is available at https://github.com/ChenHsing/Awesome-Video-Diffusion-Models.
♻ ☆ Learning Video Temporal Dynamics with Cross-Modal Attention for Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
Audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) aims to transcribe human speech using both audio and video modalities. In practical environments with noise-corrupted audio, the role of video information becomes crucial. However, prior works have primarily focused on enhancing audio features in AVSR, overlooking the importance of video features. In this study, we strengthen the video features by learning three temporal dynamics in video data: context order, playback direction, and the speed of video frames. Cross-modal attention modules are introduced to enrich video features with audio information so that speech variability can be taken into account when training on the video temporal dynamics. Based on our approach, we achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the LRS2 and LRS3 AVSR benchmarks for the noise-dominant settings. Our approach excels in scenarios especially for babble and speech noise, indicating the ability to distinguish the speech signal that should be recognized from lip movements in the video modality. We support the validity of our methodology by offering the ablation experiments for the temporal dynamics losses and the cross-modal attention architecture design.
comment: Accepted at SLT 2024 Main Conference
♻ ☆ LAMBDA: A Large Model Based Data Agent
We introduce LArge Model Based Data Agent (LAMBDA), a novel open-source, code-free multi-agent data analysis system that leverages the power of large models. LAMBDA is designed to address data analysis challenges in complex data-driven applications through innovatively designed data agents that operate iteratively and generatively using natural language. At the core of LAMBDA are two key agent roles: the programmer and the inspector, which are engineered to work together seamlessly. Specifically, the programmer generates code based on the user's instructions and domain-specific knowledge, enhanced by advanced models. Meanwhile, the inspector debugs the code when necessary. To ensure robustness and handle adverse scenarios, LAMBDA features a user interface that allows direct user intervention in the operational loop. Additionally, LAMBDA can flexibly integrate external models and algorithms through our proposed Knowledge Integration Mechanism, catering to the needs of customized data analysis. LAMBDA has demonstrated strong performance on various data analysis tasks. It has the potential to enhance data analysis paradigms by seamlessly integrating human and artificial intelligence, making it more accessible, effective, and efficient for users from diverse backgrounds. The strong performance of LAMBDA in solving data analysis problems is demonstrated using real-world data examples. Videos of several case studies are available at https://xxxlambda.github.io/lambda_webpage.
comment: 51 pages, 23 figures and 6 tables
♻ ☆ Decentralised Gradient-based Variational Inference for Multi-sensor Fusion and Tracking in Clutter
This paper investigates the task of tracking multiple objects in clutter under a distributed multi-sensor network with time-varying connectivity. Designed with the same objective as the centralised variational multi-object tracker, the proposed method achieves optimal decentralised fusion in performance with local processing and communication with only neighboring sensors. A key innovation is the decentralised construction of a locally maximised evidence lower bound, which greatly reduces the information required for communication. Our decentralised natural gradient descent variational multi-object tracker, enhanced with the gradient tracking strategy and natural gradients that adjusts the direction of traditional gradients to the steepest, shows rapid convergence. Our results verify that the proposed method is empirically equivalent to the centralised fusion in tracking accuracy, surpasses suboptimal fusion techniques with comparable costs, and achieves much lower communication overhead than the consensus-based variational multi-object tracker.
♻ ☆ Discovery of Small Ultra-short-period Planets Orbiting KG Dwarfs in Kepler Survey Using GPU Phase Folding and Deep Learning Detection System
Of over 5,000 exoplanets identified so far, only a few hundred possess sub-Earth radii. The formation processes of these sub-Earths remain elusive, and acquiring additional samples is essential for investigating this unique population. In our study, we employ the GPFC method, a novel GPU Phase Folding algorithm combined with a Convolutional Neural Network, on Kepler photometry data. This method enhances the transit search speed significantly over the traditional Box-fitting Least Squares method, allowing a complete search of the known Kepler KOI data within days using a commercial GPU card. To date, we have identified five new ultra-short-period planets (USPs): Kepler-158d, Kepler-963c, Kepler-879c, Kepler-1489c, and KOI-4978.02. Kepler-879c with a radius of $0.4 R_\oplus$ completes its orbit around a G dwarf in 0.646716 days. Kepler-158d with a radius of $0.43 R_\oplus$ orbits a K dwarf star every 0.645088 days. Kepler-1489c with a radius of $0.51 R_\oplus$ orbits a G dwarf in 0.680741 days. Kepler-963c with a radius of $0.6 R_\oplus$ revolves around a G dwarf in 0.919783 days, and KOI-4978.02 with a radius of $0.7 R_\oplus$ circles a G dwarf in 0.941967 days. Among our findings, Kepler-879c, Kepler-158d and Kepler-963c rank as the first, the third, the fourth smallest USPs identified to date. Notably, Kepler-158d stands as the smallest USP found orbiting K dwarfs while Kepler-963c, Kepler-879c, Kepler-1489c, and KOI-4978.02 are the smallest USPs found orbiting G dwarfs. Kepler-879c, Kepler-158d, Kepler-1489c, and KOI-4978.02 are among the smallest planets that are closest to their host stars, with orbits within 5 stellar radii. In addition, these discoveries highlight GPFC's promising capability in identifying small, new transiting exoplanets within photometry data from Kepler, TESS, and upcoming space transit missions, PLATO and ET.
comment: 15 pages, 23 figures; To be published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
♻ ☆ Energy based diffusion generator for efficient sampling of Boltzmann distributions
Sampling from Boltzmann distributions, particularly those tied to high-dimensional and complex energy functions, poses a significant challenge in many fields. In this work, we present the Energy-Based Diffusion Generator (EDG), a novel approach that integrates ideas from variational autoencoders and diffusion models. EDG leverages a decoder to transform latent variables from a simple distribution into samples approximating the target Boltzmann distribution, while the diffusion-based encoder provides an accurate estimate of the Kullback-Leibler divergence during training. Notably, EDG is simulation-free, eliminating the need to solve ordinary or stochastic differential equations during training. Furthermore, by removing constraints such as bijectivity in the decoder, EDG allows for flexible network design. Through empirical evaluation, we demonstrate the superior performance of EDG across a variety of complex distribution tasks, outperforming existing methods.
♻ ☆ Enhancing Sample Efficiency and Exploration in Reinforcement Learning through the Integration of Diffusion Models and Proximal Policy Optimization
Recent advancements in reinforcement learning (RL) have been fueled by large-scale data and deep neural networks, particularly for high-dimensional and complex tasks. Online RL methods like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) are effective in dynamic scenarios but require substantial real-time data, posing challenges in resource-constrained or slow simulation environments. Offline RL addresses this by pre-learning policies from large datasets, though its success depends on the quality and diversity of the data. This work proposes a framework that enhances PPO algorithms by incorporating a diffusion model to generate high-quality virtual trajectories for offline datasets. This approach improves exploration and sample efficiency, leading to significant gains in cumulative rewards, convergence speed, and strategy stability in complex tasks. Our contributions are threefold: we explore the potential of diffusion models in RL, particularly for offline datasets, extend the application of online RL to offline environments, and experimentally validate the performance improvements of PPO with diffusion models. These findings provide new insights and methods for applying RL to high-dimensional, complex tasks. Finally, we open-source our code at https://github.com/TianciGao/DiffPPO
♻ ☆ Deep Learning-based Anomaly Detection and Log Analysis for Computer Networks
Computer network anomaly detection and log analysis, as an important topic in the field of network security, has been a key task to ensure network security and system reliability. First, existing network anomaly detection and log analysis methods are often challenged by high-dimensional data and complex network topologies, resulting in unstable performance and high false-positive rates. In addition, traditional methods are usually difficult to handle time-series data, which is crucial for anomaly detection and log analysis. Therefore, we need a more efficient and accurate method to cope with these problems. To compensate for the shortcomings of current methods, we propose an innovative fusion model that integrates Isolation Forest, GAN (Generative Adversarial Network), and Transformer with each other, and each of them plays a unique role. Isolation Forest is used to quickly identify anomalous data points, and GAN is used to generate synthetic data with the real data distribution characteristics to augment the training dataset, while the Transformer is used for modeling and context extraction on time series data. The synergy of these three components makes our model more accurate and robust in anomaly detection and log analysis tasks. We validate the effectiveness of this fusion model in an extensive experimental evaluation. Experimental results show that our model significantly improves the accuracy of anomaly detection while reducing the false alarm rate, which helps to detect potential network problems in advance. The model also performs well in the log analysis task and is able to quickly identify anomalous behaviors, which helps to improve the stability of the system. The significance of this study is that it introduces advanced deep learning techniques, which work anomaly detection and log analysis.
comment: 38 pages
♻ ☆ Image anomaly detection and prediction scheme based on SSA optimized ResNet50-BiGRU model
Image anomaly detection is a popular research direction, with many methods emerging in recent years due to rapid advancements in computing. The use of artificial intelligence for image anomaly detection has been widely studied. By analyzing images of athlete posture and movement, it is possible to predict injury status and suggest necessary adjustments. Most existing methods rely on convolutional networks to extract information from irrelevant pixel data, limiting model accuracy. This paper introduces a network combining Residual Network (ResNet) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU), which can predict potential injury types and provide early warnings by analyzing changes in muscle and bone poses from video images. To address the high complexity of this network, the Sparrow search algorithm was used for optimization. Experiments conducted on four datasets demonstrated that our model has the smallest error in image anomaly detection compared to other models, showing strong adaptability. This provides a new approach for anomaly detection and predictive analysis in images, contributing to the sustainable development of human health and performance.
♻ ☆ Improved Robustness and Hyperparameter Selection in the Dense Associative Memory
The Dense Associative Memory generalizes the Hopfield network by allowing for sharper interaction functions. This increases the capacity of the network as an autoassociative memory as nearby learned attractors will not interfere with one another. However, the implementation of the network relies on applying large exponents to the dot product of memory vectors and probe vectors. If the dimension of the data is large the calculation can be very large and result in imprecisions and overflow when using floating point numbers in a practical implementation. We describe the computational issues in detail, modify the original network description to mitigate the problem, and show the modification will not alter the networks' dynamics during update or training. We also show our modification greatly improves hyperparameter selection for the Dense Associative Memory, removing dependence on the interaction vertex and resulting in an optimal region of hyperparameters that does not significantly change with the interaction vertex as it does in the original network.
♻ ☆ Revolutionizing Disease Diagnosis with simultaneous functional PET/MR and Deeply Integrated Brain Metabolic, Hemodynamic, and Perfusion Networks
Simultaneous functional PET/MR (sf-PET/MR) presents a cutting-edge multimodal neuroimaging technique. It provides an unprecedented opportunity for concurrently monitoring and integrating multifaceted brain networks built by spatiotemporally covaried metabolic activity, neural activity, and cerebral blood flow (perfusion). Albeit high scientific/clinical values, short in hardware accessibility of PET/MR hinders its applications, let alone modern AI-based PET/MR fusion models. Our objective is to develop a clinically feasible AI-based disease diagnosis model trained on comprehensive sf-PET/MR data with the power of, during inferencing, allowing single modality input (e.g., PET only) as well as enforcing multimodal-based accuracy. To this end, we propose MX-ARM, a multimodal MiXture-of-experts Alignment and Reconstruction Model. It is modality detachable and exchangeable, allocating different multi-layer perceptrons dynamically ("mixture of experts") through learnable weights to learn respective representations from different modalities. Such design will not sacrifice model performance in uni-modal situation. To fully exploit the inherent complex and nonlinear relation among modalities while producing fine-grained representations for uni-modal inference, we subsequently add a modal alignment module to line up a dominant modality (e.g., PET) with representations of auxiliary modalities (MR). We further adopt multimodal reconstruction to promote the quality of learned features. Experiments on precious multimodal sf-PET/MR data for Mild Cognitive Impairment diagnosis showcase the efficacy of our model toward clinically feasible precision medicine.
comment: 11 pages
♻ ☆ Half-VAE: An Encoder-Free VAE to Bypass Explicit Inverse Mapping
Inference and inverse problems are closely related concepts, both fundamentally involving the deduction of unknown causes or parameters from observed data. Bayesian inference, a powerful class of methods, is often employed to solve a variety of problems, including those related to causal inference. Variational inference, a subset of Bayesian inference, is primarily used to efficiently approximate complex posterior distributions. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), which combine variational inference with deep learning, have become widely applied across various domains. This study explores the potential of VAEs for solving inverse problems, such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA), without relying on an explicit inverse mapping process. Unlike other VAE-based ICA methods, this approach discards the encoder in the VAE architecture, directly setting the latent variables as trainable parameters. In other words, the latent variables are no longer outputs of the encoder but are instead optimized directly through the objective function to converge to appropriate values. We find that, with a suitable prior setup, the latent variables, represented by trainable parameters, can exhibit mutually independent properties as the parameters converge, all without the need for an encoding process. This approach, referred to as the Half-VAE, bypasses the inverse mapping process by eliminating the encoder. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using the Half-VAE to solve ICA without the need for an explicit inverse mapping process.
♻ ☆ Nutmeg and SPICE: Models and Data for Biomolecular Machine Learning
We describe version 2 of the SPICE dataset, a collection of quantum chemistry calculations for training machine learning potentials. It expands on the original dataset by adding much more sampling of chemical space and more data on non-covalent interactions. We train a set of potential energy functions called Nutmeg on it. They are based on the TensorNet architecture. They use a novel mechanism to improve performance on charged and polar molecules, injecting precomputed partial charges into the model to provide a reference for the large scale charge distribution. Evaluation of the new models shows they do an excellent job of reproducing energy differences between conformations, even on highly charged molecules or ones that are significantly larger than the molecules in the training set. They also produce stable molecular dynamics trajectories, and are fast enough to be useful for routine simulation of small molecules.
comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables
♻ ☆ Tamper-Resistant Safeguards for Open-Weight LLMs
Rapid advances in the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) have raised widespread concerns regarding their potential for malicious use. Open-weight LLMs present unique challenges, as existing safeguards lack robustness to tampering attacks that modify model weights. For example, recent works have demonstrated that refusal and unlearning safeguards can be trivially removed with a few steps of fine-tuning. These vulnerabilities necessitate new approaches for enabling the safe release of open-weight LLMs. We develop a method, called TAR, for building tamper-resistant safeguards into open-weight LLMs such that adversaries cannot remove the safeguards even after thousands of steps of fine-tuning. In extensive evaluations and red teaming analyses, we find that our method greatly improves tamper-resistance while preserving benign capabilities. Our results demonstrate that tamper-resistance is a tractable problem, opening up a promising new avenue to improve the safety and security of open-weight LLMs.
comment: Website: https://www.tamper-resistant-safeguards.com
♻ ☆ Uncertainty in Language Models: Assessment through Rank-Calibration
Language Models (LMs) have shown promising performance in natural language generation. However, as LMs often generate incorrect or hallucinated responses, it is crucial to correctly quantify their uncertainty in responding to given inputs. In addition to verbalized confidence elicited via prompting, many uncertainty measures ($e.g.$, semantic entropy and affinity-graph-based measures) have been proposed. However, these measures can differ greatly, and it is unclear how to compare them, partly because they take values over different ranges ($e.g.$, $[0,\infty)$ or $[0,1]$). In this work, we address this issue by developing a novel and practical framework, termed $Rank$-$Calibration$, to assess uncertainty and confidence measures for LMs. Our key tenet is that higher uncertainty (or lower confidence) should imply lower generation quality, on average. Rank-calibration quantifies deviations from this ideal relationship in a principled manner, without requiring ad hoc binary thresholding of the correctness score ($e.g.$, ROUGE or METEOR). The broad applicability and the granular interpretability of our methods are demonstrated empirically.
♻ ☆ Visually Robust Adversarial Imitation Learning from Videos with Contrastive Learning
We propose C-LAIfO, a computationally efficient algorithm designed for imitation learning from videos in the presence of visual mismatch between agent and expert domains. We analyze the problem of imitation from expert videos with visual discrepancies, and introduce a solution for robust latent space estimation using contrastive learning and data augmentation. Provided a visually robust latent space, our algorithm performs imitation entirely within this space using off-policy adversarial imitation learning. We conduct a thorough ablation study to justify our design and test C-LAIfO on high-dimensional continuous robotic tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate how C-LAIfO can be combined with other reward signals to facilitate learning on a set of challenging hand manipulation tasks with sparse rewards. Our experiments show improved performance compared to baseline methods, highlighting the effectiveness of C-LAIfO. To ensure reproducibility, we open source our code.
♻ ☆ A Survey on State-of-the-art Deep Learning Applications and Challenges
Deep learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, is a data-driven method that uses multiple layers of interconnected units (neurons) to learn intricate patterns and representations directly from raw input data. Empowered by this learning capability, it has become a powerful tool for solving complex problems and is the core driver of many groundbreaking technologies and innovations. Building a deep learning model is challenging due to the algorithm's complexity and the dynamic nature of real-world problems. Several studies have reviewed deep learning concepts and applications. However, the studies mostly focused on the types of deep learning models and convolutional neural network architectures, offering limited coverage of the state-of-the-art deep learning models and their applications in solving complex problems across different domains. Therefore, motivated by the limitations, this study aims to comprehensively review the state-of-the-art deep learning models in computer vision, natural language processing, time series analysis and pervasive computing. We highlight the key features of the models and their effectiveness in solving the problems within each domain. Furthermore, this study presents the fundamentals of deep learning, various deep learning model types and prominent convolutional neural network architectures. Finally, challenges and future directions in deep learning research are discussed to offer a broader perspective for future researchers.
comment: Submitted to Applied Soft Computing
♻ ☆ Improving the Adaptive Moment Estimation (ADAM) stochastic optimizer through an Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) time-stepping approach
The Adam optimizer, often used in Machine Learning for neural network training, corresponds to an underlying ordinary differential equation (ODE) in the limit of very small learning rates. This work shows that the classical Adam algorithm is a first-order implicit-explicit (IMEX) Euler discretization of the underlying ODE. Employing the time discretization point of view, we propose new extensions of the Adam scheme obtained by using higher-order IMEX methods to solve the ODE. Based on this approach, we derive a new optimization algorithm for neural network training that performs better than classical Adam on several regression and classification problems.
♻ ☆ A foundation model enpowered by a multi-modal prompt engine for universal seismic geobody interpretation across surveys
Seismic geobody interpretation is crucial for structural geology studies and various engineering applications. Existing deep learning methods show promise but lack support for multi-modal inputs and struggle to generalize to different geobody types or surveys. We introduce a promptable foundation model for interpreting any geobodies across seismic surveys. This model integrates a pre-trained vision foundation model (VFM) with a sophisticated multi-modal prompt engine. The VFM, pre-trained on massive natural images and fine-tuned on seismic data, provides robust feature extraction for cross-survey generalization. The prompt engine incorporates multi-modal prior information to iteratively refine geobody delineation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the model's superior accuracy, scalability from 2D to 3D, and generalizability to various geobody types, including those unseen during training. To our knowledge, this is the first highly scalable and versatile multi-modal foundation model capable of interpreting any geobodies across surveys while supporting real-time interactions. Our approach establishes a new paradigm for geoscientific data interpretation, with broad potential for transfer to other tasks.
♻ ☆ Shelf-Supervised Cross-Modal Pre-Training for 3D Object Detection
State-of-the-art 3D object detectors are often trained on massive labeled datasets. However, annotating 3D bounding boxes remains prohibitively expensive and time-consuming, particularly for LiDAR. Instead, recent works demonstrate that self-supervised pre-training with unlabeled data can improve detection accuracy with limited labels. Contemporary methods adapt best-practices for self-supervised learning from the image domain to point clouds (such as contrastive learning). However, publicly available 3D datasets are considerably smaller and less diverse than those used for image-based self-supervised learning, limiting their effectiveness. We do note, however, that such data is naturally collected in a multimodal fashion, often paired with images. Rather than pre-training with only self-supervised objectives, we argue that it is better to bootstrap point cloud representations using image-based foundation models trained on internet-scale image data. Specifically, we propose a shelf-supervised approach (e.g. supervised with off-the-shelf image foundation models) for generating zero-shot 3D bounding boxes from paired RGB and LiDAR data. Pre-training 3D detectors with such pseudo-labels yields significantly better semi-supervised detection accuracy than prior self-supervised pretext tasks. Importantly, we show that image-based shelf-supervision is helpful for training LiDAR-only and multi-modal (RGB + LiDAR) detectors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on nuScenes and WOD, significantly improving over prior work in limited data settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/meharkhurana03/cm3d
comment: The first two authors contributed equally. This work has been accepted to the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
♻ ☆ Eliminating Catastrophic Overfitting Via Abnormal Adversarial Examples Regularization NeurIPS 2023
Single-step adversarial training (SSAT) has demonstrated the potential to achieve both efficiency and robustness. However, SSAT suffers from catastrophic overfitting (CO), a phenomenon that leads to a severely distorted classifier, making it vulnerable to multi-step adversarial attacks. In this work, we observe that some adversarial examples generated on the SSAT-trained network exhibit anomalous behaviour, that is, although these training samples are generated by the inner maximization process, their associated loss decreases instead, which we named abnormal adversarial examples (AAEs). Upon further analysis, we discover a close relationship between AAEs and classifier distortion, as both the number and outputs of AAEs undergo a significant variation with the onset of CO. Given this observation, we re-examine the SSAT process and uncover that before the occurrence of CO, the classifier already displayed a slight distortion, indicated by the presence of few AAEs. Furthermore, the classifier directly optimizing these AAEs will accelerate its distortion, and correspondingly, the variation of AAEs will sharply increase as a result. In such a vicious circle, the classifier rapidly becomes highly distorted and manifests as CO within a few iterations. These observations motivate us to eliminate CO by hindering the generation of AAEs. Specifically, we design a novel method, termed Abnormal Adversarial Examples Regularization (AAER), which explicitly regularizes the variation of AAEs to hinder the classifier from becoming distorted. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can effectively eliminate CO and further boost adversarial robustness with negligible additional computational overhead.
comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 2023
♻ ☆ Layer-Aware Analysis of Catastrophic Overfitting: Revealing the Pseudo-Robust Shortcut Dependency ICML 2024
Catastrophic overfitting (CO) presents a significant challenge in single-step adversarial training (AT), manifesting as highly distorted deep neural networks (DNNs) that are vulnerable to multi-step adversarial attacks. However, the underlying factors that lead to the distortion of decision boundaries remain unclear. In this work, we delve into the specific changes within different DNN layers and discover that during CO, the former layers are more susceptible, experiencing earlier and greater distortion, while the latter layers show relative insensitivity. Our analysis further reveals that this increased sensitivity in former layers stems from the formation of pseudo-robust shortcuts, which alone can impeccably defend against single-step adversarial attacks but bypass genuine-robust learning, resulting in distorted decision boundaries. Eliminating these shortcuts can partially restore robustness in DNNs from the CO state, thereby verifying that dependence on them triggers the occurrence of CO. This understanding motivates us to implement adaptive weight perturbations across different layers to hinder the generation of pseudo-robust shortcuts, consequently mitigating CO. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method, Layer-Aware Adversarial Weight Perturbation (LAP), can effectively prevent CO and further enhance robustness.
comment: Accepted by ICML 2024
♻ ☆ On the Over-Memorization During Natural, Robust and Catastrophic Overfitting ICLR 2024
Overfitting negatively impacts the generalization ability of deep neural networks (DNNs) in both natural and adversarial training. Existing methods struggle to consistently address different types of overfitting, typically designing strategies that focus separately on either natural or adversarial patterns. In this work, we adopt a unified perspective by solely focusing on natural patterns to explore different types of overfitting. Specifically, we examine the memorization effect in DNNs and reveal a shared behaviour termed over-memorization, which impairs their generalization capacity. This behaviour manifests as DNNs suddenly becoming high-confidence in predicting certain training patterns and retaining a persistent memory for them. Furthermore, when DNNs over-memorize an adversarial pattern, they tend to simultaneously exhibit high-confidence prediction for the corresponding natural pattern. These findings motivate us to holistically mitigate different types of overfitting by hindering the DNNs from over-memorization training patterns. To this end, we propose a general framework, Distraction Over-Memorization (DOM), which explicitly prevents over-memorization by either removing or augmenting the high-confidence natural patterns. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method in mitigating overfitting across various training paradigms.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2024
Graphics 5
♻ ☆ An Eulerian Vortex Method on Flow Maps SIGGRAPH
We present an Eulerian vortex method based on the theory of flow maps to simulate the complex vortical motions of incompressible fluids. Central to our method is the novel incorporation of the flow-map transport equations for line elements, which, in combination with a bi-directional marching scheme for flow maps, enables the high-fidelity Eulerian advection of vorticity variables. The fundamental motivation is that, compared to impulse $\mathbf{m}$, which has been recently bridged with flow maps to encouraging results, vorticity $\boldsymbol{\omega}$ promises to be preferable for its numerical stability and physical interpretability. To realize the full potential of this novel formulation, we develop a new Poisson solving scheme for vorticity-to-velocity reconstruction that is both efficient and able to accurately handle the coupling near solid boundaries. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach with a range of vortex simulation examples, including leapfrog vortices, vortex collisions, cavity flow, and the formation of complex vortical structures due to solid-fluid interactions.
comment: Accepted at ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024)
♻ ☆ PuzzleAvatar: Assembling 3D Avatars from Personal Albums
Generating personalized 3D avatars is crucial for AR/VR. However, recent text-to-3D methods that generate avatars for celebrities or fictional characters, struggle with everyday people. Methods for faithful reconstruction typically require full-body images in controlled settings. What if a user could just upload their personal "OOTD" (Outfit Of The Day) photo collection and get a faithful avatar in return? The challenge is that such casual photo collections contain diverse poses, challenging viewpoints, cropped views, and occlusion (albeit with a consistent outfit, accessories and hairstyle). We address this novel "Album2Human" task by developing PuzzleAvatar, a novel model that generates a faithful 3D avatar (in a canonical pose) from a personal OOTD album, while bypassing the challenging estimation of body and camera pose. To this end, we fine-tune a foundational vision-language model (VLM) on such photos, encoding the appearance, identity, garments, hairstyles, and accessories of a person into (separate) learned tokens and instilling these cues into the VLM. In effect, we exploit the learned tokens as "puzzle pieces" from which we assemble a faithful, personalized 3D avatar. Importantly, we can customize avatars by simply inter-changing tokens. As a benchmark for this new task, we collect a new dataset, called PuzzleIOI, with 41 subjects in a total of nearly 1K OOTD configurations, in challenging partial photos with paired ground-truth 3D bodies. Evaluation shows that PuzzleAvatar not only has high reconstruction accuracy, outperforming TeCH and MVDreamBooth, but also a unique scalability to album photos, and strong robustness. Our code and data are publicly available for research purpose at https://puzzleavatar.is.tue.mpg.de/
comment: Page: https://puzzleavatar.is.tue.mpg.de/, Code: https://github.com/YuliangXiu/PuzzleAvatar, Video: https://youtu.be/0hpXH2tVPk4
♻ ☆ HiSC4D: Human-centered interaction and 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR
We introduce HiSC4D, a novel Human-centered interaction and 4D Scene Capture method, aimed at accurately and efficiently creating a dynamic digital world, containing large-scale indoor-outdoor scenes, diverse human motions, rich human-human interactions, and human-environment interactions. By utilizing body-mounted IMUs and a head-mounted LiDAR, HiSC4D can capture egocentric human motions in unconstrained space without the need for external devices and pre-built maps. This affords great flexibility and accessibility for human-centered interaction and 4D scene capturing in various environments. Taking into account that IMUs can capture human spatially unrestricted poses but are prone to drifting for long-period using, and while LiDAR is stable for global localization but rough for local positions and orientations, HiSC4D employs a joint optimization method, harmonizing all sensors and utilizing environment cues, yielding promising results for long-term capture in large scenes. To promote research of egocentric human interaction in large scenes and facilitate downstream tasks, we also present a dataset, containing 8 sequences in 4 large scenes (200 to 5,000 $m^2$), providing 36k frames of accurate 4D human motions with SMPL annotations and dynamic scenes, 31k frames of cropped human point clouds, and scene mesh of the environment. A variety of scenarios, such as the basketball gym and commercial street, alongside challenging human motions, such as daily greeting, one-on-one basketball playing, and tour guiding, demonstrate the effectiveness and the generalization ability of HiSC4D. The dataset and code will be publicated on www.lidarhumanmotion.net/hisc4d available for research purposes.
comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, Jornal
♻ ☆ Jump Restore Light Transport
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms come to rescue when sampling from a complex, high-dimensional distribution by a conventional method is intractable. Even though MCMC is a powerful tool, it is also hard to control and tune in practice. Simultaneously achieving both local exploration of the state space and global discovery of the target distribution is a challenging task. In this work, we present a MCMC formulation that subsumes all existing MCMC samplers employed in rendering. We then present a novel framework for adjusting an arbitrary Markov chain, making it exhibit invariance with respect to a specified target distribution. To showcase the potential of the proposed framework, we focus on a first simple application in light transport simulation. As a by-product, we introduce continuous-time MCMC sampling to the computer graphics community. We show how any existing MCMC-based light transport algorithm can be embedded into our framework. We empirically and theoretically prove that this embedding is superior to running the standalone algorithm. In fact, our approach will convert any existing algorithm into a highly parallelizable variant with shorter running time, smaller error and less variance.
♻ ☆ XPBI: Position-Based Dynamics with Smoothing Kernels Handles Continuum Inelasticity
PBD and its extension, XPBD, have been predominantly applied to compliant constrained elastodynamics, with their potential in finite strain (visco-) elastoplasticity remaining underexplored. XPBD is often perceived to stand in contrast to other meshless methods, such as the MPM. MPM is based on discretizing the weak form of governing partial differential equations within a continuum domain, coupled with a hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian method for tracking deformation gradients. In contrast, XPBD formulates specific constraints, whether hard or compliant, to positional degrees of freedom. We revisit this perception by investigating the potential of XPBD in handling inelastic materials that are described with classical continuum mechanics-based yield surfaces and elastoplastic flow rules. Our inspiration is that a robust estimation of the velocity gradient is a sufficiently useful key to effectively tracking deformation gradients in XPBD simulations. By further incorporating implicit inelastic constitutive relationships, we introduce a plasticity in-the-loop updated Lagrangian augmentation to XPBD. This enhancement enables the simulation of elastoplastic, viscoplastic, and granular substances following their standard constitutive laws. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through high-resolution and real-time simulations of diverse materials such as snow, sand, and plasticine, and its integration with standard XPBD simulations of cloth and water.
Robotics 57
☆ Closed-Loop Visuomotor Control with Generative Expectation for Robotic Manipulation
Despite significant progress in robotics and embodied AI in recent years, deploying robots for long-horizon tasks remains a great challenge. Majority of prior arts adhere to an open-loop philosophy and lack real-time feedback, leading to error accumulation and undesirable robustness. A handful of approaches have endeavored to establish feedback mechanisms leveraging pixel-level differences or pre-trained visual representations, yet their efficacy and adaptability have been found to be constrained. Inspired by classic closed-loop control systems, we propose CLOVER, a closed-loop visuomotor control framework that incorporates feedback mechanisms to improve adaptive robotic control. CLOVER consists of a text-conditioned video diffusion model for generating visual plans as reference inputs, a measurable embedding space for accurate error quantification, and a feedback-driven controller that refines actions from feedback and initiates replans as needed. Our framework exhibits notable advancement in real-world robotic tasks and achieves state-of-the-art on CALVIN benchmark, improving by 8% over previous open-loop counterparts. Code and checkpoints are maintained at https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/CLOVER.
comment: Code and models: https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/CLOVER
☆ IMMERTWIN: A Mixed Reality Framework for Enhanced Robotic Arm Teleoperation
We present IMMERTWIN, a mixed reality framework for enhance robotic arm teleoperation using a closed-loop digital twin as a bridge for interaction between the user and the robotic system. We evaluated IMMERTWIN by performing a medium-scale user survey with 26 participants on two robots. Users were asked to teleoperate with both robots inside the virtual environment to pick and place 3 cubes in a tower and to repeat this task as many times as possible in 10 minutes, with only 5 minutes of training beforehand. Our experimental results show that most users were able to succeed by building at least a tower of 3 cubes regardless of the robot used and a maximum of 10 towers (1 tower per minute). In addition, users preferred to use IMMERTWIN over our previous work, TELESIM, as it caused them less mental workload. The project website and source code can be found at: https://cvas-ug.github.io/immertwin
☆ Average-Reward Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning for Underactuated Double Pendulum Tasks
This report presents a solution for the swing-up and stabilisation tasks of the acrobot and the pendubot, developed for the AI Olympics competition at IROS 2024. Our approach employs the Average-Reward Entropy Advantage Policy Optimization (AR-EAPO), a model-free reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm that combines average-reward RL and maximum entropy RL. Results demonstrate that our controller achieves improved performance and robustness scores compared to established baseline methods in both the acrobot and pendubot scenarios, without the need for a heavily engineered reward function or system model. The current results are applicable exclusively to the simulation stage setup.
☆ ClearDepth: Enhanced Stereo Perception of Transparent Objects for Robotic Manipulation
Transparent object depth perception poses a challenge in everyday life and logistics, primarily due to the inability of standard 3D sensors to accurately capture depth on transparent or reflective surfaces. This limitation significantly affects depth map and point cloud-reliant applications, especially in robotic manipulation. We developed a vision transformer-based algorithm for stereo depth recovery of transparent objects. This approach is complemented by an innovative feature post-fusion module, which enhances the accuracy of depth recovery by structural features in images. To address the high costs associated with dataset collection for stereo camera-based perception of transparent objects, our method incorporates a parameter-aligned, domain-adaptive, and physically realistic Sim2Real simulation for efficient data generation, accelerated by AI algorithm. Our experimental results demonstrate the model's exceptional Sim2Real generalizability in real-world scenarios, enabling precise depth mapping of transparent objects to assist in robotic manipulation. Project details are available at https://sites.google.com/view/cleardepth/ .
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures
☆ AnyBipe: An End-to-End Framework for Training and Deploying Bipedal Robots Guided by Large Language Models
Training and deploying reinforcement learning (RL) policies for robots, especially in accomplishing specific tasks, presents substantial challenges. Recent advancements have explored diverse reward function designs, training techniques, simulation-to-reality (sim-to-real) transfers, and performance analysis methodologies, yet these still require significant human intervention. This paper introduces an end-to-end framework for training and deploying RL policies, guided by Large Language Models (LLMs), and evaluates its effectiveness on bipedal robots. The framework consists of three interconnected modules: an LLM-guided reward function design module, an RL training module leveraging prior work, and a sim-to-real homomorphic evaluation module. This design significantly reduces the need for human input by utilizing only essential simulation and deployment platforms, with the option to incorporate human-engineered strategies and historical data. We detail the construction of these modules, their advantages over traditional approaches, and demonstrate the framework's capability to autonomously develop and refine controlling strategies for bipedal robot locomotion, showcasing its potential to operate independently of human intervention.
☆ Extending the Benefits of Parallel Elasticity across Multiple Actuation Tasks: A Geometric and Optimization-Based Approach
A spring in parallel with an effort source (e.g., electric motor or human muscle) can reduce its energy consumption and effort (i.e., torque or force) depending on the spring stiffness, spring preload, and actuation task. However, selecting the spring stiffness and preload that guarantees effort or energy reduction for an arbitrary set of tasks is a design challenge. This work formulates a convex optimization problem to guarantee that a parallel spring reduces the root-mean-square source effort or energy consumption for multiple tasks. Specifically, we guarantee the benefits across multiple tasks by enforcing a set of convex quadratic constraints in our optimization variables -- the parallel spring stiffness and preload. These quadratic constraints are equivalent to ellipses in the stiffness and preload plane, any combination of stiffness and preload inside the ellipse represents a parallel spring that minimizes effort source or energy consumption with respect to an actuator without a spring. This geometric interpretation intuitively guides the stiffness and preload selection process. We analytically and experimentally prove the convex quadratic function of the spring stiffness and preload. As applications, we analyze the stiffness and preload selection of a parallel spring for a knee exoskeleton using human muscle as the effort source and a prosthetic ankle powered by electric motors. To promote adoption, the optimization and geometric methods are available as supplemental open-source software that can be executed in a web browser.
comment: 10 pages
☆ Optimized Design of A Haptic Unit for Vibrotactile Amplitude Modulation
Communicating information to users is a crucial aspect of human-machine interaction. Vibrotactile feedback encodes information into spatiotemporal vibrations, enabling users to perceive tactile sensations. It offers advantages such as lightweight, wearability, and high stability, with broad applications in sensory substitution, virtual reality, education, and healthcare. However, existing haptic unit designs lack amplitude modulation capabilities, which limits their applications. This paper proposed an optimized design of the haptic unit from the perspective of vibration amplitude modulation. A modified elastic model was developed to describe the propagation and attenuation mechanisms of vibration in the skin. Based on the model, two types of hierarchical architectural design were proposed. The design incorporated various materials arranged in multiple layers to amplify or attenuate the vibration amplitude as it traveled through the structure. An experimental platform was built to evaluate the performance of the optimized design.
☆ Using The Concept Hierarchy for Household Action Recognition
We propose a method to systematically represent both the static and the dynamic components of environments, i.e. objects and agents, as well as the changes that are happening in the environment, i.e. the actions and skills performed by agents. Our approach, the Concept Hierarchy, provides the necessary information for autonomous systems to represent environment states, perform action modeling and recognition, and plan the execution of tasks. Additionally, the hierarchical structure supports generalization and knowledge transfer to environments. We rigorously define tasks, actions, skills, and affordances that enable human-understandable action and skill recognition.
comment: 5 pages, 5 figures
☆ Flight Testing of Latch Valve with Lightweight LV-Servo Direct Drive Mechanism
In the field of rocket technology, the latch valve assumes a pivotal role in regulating the flow of fuel gases and liquids to ensure the requisite energy supply. This project endeavors to innovate by replacing the conventional step motor mechanism with a servo motor for latch valve control. The selected servo motor, boasting a more compact form factor and reduced mass, aligns seamlessly with the project's overarching objectives. While servo motors offer myriad advantages, it is imperative to acknowledge and address the constraints of their maximum output torque to guarantee the latch valve's reliable operation. Furthermore, as a rocket ascends, it encounters significant fluctuations in internal temperature and pressure. Consequently, rigorous environmental testing becomes paramount to validate the servo motor's performance under these dynamic conditions, thus ensuring the latch valve's unwavering functionality. The project's primary focus lies in achieving substantial weight reduction through the implementation of a servo motor for latch valve control.
comment: 20 pages, 14 figures and 1 table
☆ HOLA-Drone: Hypergraphic Open-ended Learning for Zero-Shot Multi-Drone Cooperative Pursuit
Zero-shot coordination (ZSC) is a significant challenge in multi-agent collaboration, aiming to develop agents that can coordinate with unseen partners they have not encountered before. Recent cutting-edge ZSC methods have primarily focused on two-player video games such as OverCooked!2 and Hanabi. In this paper, we extend the scope of ZSC research to the multi-drone cooperative pursuit scenario, exploring how to construct a drone agent capable of coordinating with multiple unseen partners to capture multiple evaders. We propose a novel Hypergraphic Open-ended Learning Algorithm (HOLA-Drone) that continuously adapts the learning objective based on our hypergraphic-form game modeling, aiming to improve cooperative abilities with multiple unknown drone teammates. To empirically verify the effectiveness of HOLA-Drone, we build two different unseen drone teammate pools to evaluate their performance in coordination with various unseen partners. The experimental results demonstrate that HOLA-Drone outperforms the baseline methods in coordination with unseen drone teammates. Furthermore, real-world experiments validate the feasibility of HOLA-Drone in physical systems. Videos can be found on the project homepage~\url{https://sites.google.com/view/hola-drone}.
comment: 10 pages
☆ DexSim2Real$^{2}$: Building Explicit World Model for Precise Articulated Object Dexterous Manipulation
Articulated object manipulation is ubiquitous in daily life. In this paper, we present DexSim2Real$^{2}$, a novel robot learning framework for goal-conditioned articulated object manipulation using both two-finger grippers and multi-finger dexterous hands. The key of our framework is constructing an explicit world model of unseen articulated objects through active one-step interactions. This explicit world model enables sampling-based model predictive control to plan trajectories achieving different manipulation goals without needing human demonstrations or reinforcement learning. It first predicts an interaction motion using an affordance estimation network trained on self-supervised interaction data or videos of human manipulation from the internet. After executing this interaction on the real robot, the framework constructs a digital twin of the articulated object in simulation based on the two point clouds before and after the interaction. For dexterous multi-finger manipulation, we propose to utilize eigengrasp to reduce the high-dimensional action space, enabling more efficient trajectory searching. Extensive experiments validate the framework's effectiveness for precise articulated object manipulation in both simulation and the real world using a two-finger gripper and a 16-DoF dexterous hand. The robust generalizability of the explicit world model also enables advanced manipulation strategies, such as manipulating with different tools.
comment: Project Webpage: https://jiangtaoran.github.io/dexsim2real2_website/. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2302.10693
☆ QueryCAD: Grounded Question Answering for CAD Models
CAD models are widely used in industry and are essential for robotic automation processes. However, these models are rarely considered in novel AI-based approaches, such as the automatic synthesis of robot programs, as there are no readily available methods that would allow CAD models to be incorporated for the analysis, interpretation, or extraction of information. To address these limitations, we propose QueryCAD, the first system designed for CAD question answering, enabling the extraction of precise information from CAD models using natural language queries. QueryCAD incorporates SegCAD, an open-vocabulary instance segmentation model we developed to identify and select specific parts of the CAD model based on part descriptions. We further propose a CAD question answering benchmark to evaluate QueryCAD and establish a foundation for future research. Lastly, we integrate QueryCAD within an automatic robot program synthesis framework, validating its ability to enhance deep-learning solutions for robotics by enabling them to process CAD models (https://claudius-kienle.github.com/querycad).
☆ Precision Aquaculture: An Integrated Computer Vision and IoT Approach for Optimized Tilapia Feeding
Traditional fish farming practices often lead to inefficient feeding, resulting in environmental issues and reduced productivity. We developed an innovative system combining computer vision and IoT technologies for precise Tilapia feeding. Our solution uses real-time IoT sensors to monitor water quality parameters and computer vision algorithms to analyze fish size and count, determining optimal feed amounts. A mobile app enables remote monitoring and control. We utilized YOLOv8 for keypoint detection to measure Tilapia weight from length, achieving \textbf{94\%} precision on 3,500 annotated images. Pixel-based measurements were converted to centimeters using depth estimation for accurate feeding calculations. Our method, with data collection mirroring inference conditions, significantly improved results. Preliminary estimates suggest this approach could increase production up to 58 times compared to traditional farms. Our models, code, and dataset are open-source~\footnote{The code, dataset, and models are available upon reasonable request.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, 21th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics
☆ GenMapping: Unleashing the Potential of Inverse Perspective Mapping for Robust Online HD Map Construction
Online High-Definition (HD) maps have emerged as the preferred option for autonomous driving, overshadowing the counterpart offline HD maps due to flexible update capability and lower maintenance costs. However, contemporary online HD map models embed parameters of visual sensors into training, resulting in a significant decrease in generalization performance when applied to visual sensors with different parameters. Inspired by the inherent potential of Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM), where camera parameters are decoupled from the training process, we have designed a universal map generation framework, GenMapping. The framework is established with a triadic synergy architecture, including principal and dual auxiliary branches. When faced with a coarse road image with local distortion translated via IPM, the principal branch learns robust global features under the state space models. The two auxiliary branches are a dense perspective branch and a sparse prior branch. The former exploits the correlation information between static and moving objects, whereas the latter introduces the prior knowledge of OpenStreetMap (OSM). The triple-enhanced merging module is crafted to synergistically integrate the unique spatial features from all three branches. To further improve generalization capabilities, a Cross-View Map Learning (CVML) scheme is leveraged to realize joint learning within the common space. Additionally, a Bidirectional Data Augmentation (BiDA) module is introduced to mitigate reliance on datasets concurrently. A thorough array of experimental results shows that the proposed model surpasses current state-of-the-art methods in both semantic mapping and vectorized mapping, while also maintaining a rapid inference speed. The source code will be publicly available at https://github.com/lynn-yu/GenMapping.
comment: The source code will be publicly available at https://github.com/lynn-yu/GenMapping
☆ xTED: Cross-Domain Policy Adaptation via Diffusion-Based Trajectory Editing
Reusing pre-collected data from different domains is an attractive solution in decision-making tasks where the accessible data is insufficient in the target domain but relatively abundant in other related domains. Existing cross-domain policy transfer methods mostly aim at learning domain correspondences or corrections to facilitate policy learning, which requires learning domain/task-specific model components, representations, or policies that are inflexible or not fully reusable to accommodate arbitrary domains and tasks. These issues make us wonder: can we directly bridge the domain gap at the data (trajectory) level, instead of devising complicated, domain-specific policy transfer models? In this study, we propose a Cross-Domain Trajectory EDiting (xTED) framework with a new diffusion transformer model (Decision Diffusion Transformer, DDiT) that captures the trajectory distribution from the target dataset as a prior. The proposed diffusion transformer backbone captures the intricate dependencies among state, action, and reward sequences, as well as the transition dynamics within the target data trajectories. With the above pre-trained diffusion prior, source data trajectories with domain gaps can be transformed into edited trajectories that closely resemble the target data distribution through the diffusion-based editing process, which implicitly corrects the underlying domain gaps, enhancing the state realism and dynamics reliability in source trajectory data, while enabling flexible choices of downstream policy learning methods. Despite its simplicity, xTED demonstrates superior performance against other baselines in extensive simulation and real-robot experiments.
comment: xTED offers a novel, generic, flexible, simple and effective paradigm that casts cross-domain policy adaptation as a data pre-processing problem
☆ SLIM: Scalable and Lightweight LiDAR Mapping in Urban Environments
LiDAR point cloud maps are extensively utilized on roads for robot navigation due to their high consistency. However, dense point clouds face challenges of high memory consumption and reduced maintainability for long-term operations. In this study, we introduce SLIM, a scalable and lightweight mapping system for long-term LiDAR mapping in urban environments. The system begins by parameterizing structural point clouds into lines and planes. These lightweight and structural representations meet the requirements of map merging, pose graph optimization, and bundle adjustment, ensuring incremental management and local consistency. For long-term operations, a map-centric nonlinear factor recovery method is designed to sparsify poses while preserving mapping accuracy. We validate the SLIM system with multi-session real-world LiDAR data from classical LiDAR mapping datasets, including KITTI, NCLT, and HeLiPR. The experiments demonstrate its capabilities in mapping accuracy, lightweightness, and scalability. Map re-use is also verified through map-based robot localization. Ultimately, with multi-session LiDAR data, the SLIM system provides a globally consistent map with low memory consumption (130 KB/km). We have made our code open-source to benefit the community.
comment: 20 pages, 16 figures
☆ Shadow Program Inversion with Differentiable Planning: A Framework for Unified Robot Program Parameter and Trajectory Optimization ICRA
This paper presents SPI-DP, a novel first-order optimizer capable of optimizing robot programs with respect to both high-level task objectives and motion-level constraints. To that end, we introduce DGPMP2-ND, a differentiable collision-free motion planner for serial N-DoF kinematics, and integrate it into an iterative, gradient-based optimization approach for generic, parameterized robot program representations. SPI-DP allows first-order optimization of planned trajectories and program parameters with respect to objectives such as cycle time or smoothness subject to e.g. collision constraints, while enabling humans to understand, modify or even certify the optimized programs. We provide a comprehensive evaluation on two practical household and industrial applications.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA)
☆ Systematic analysis of requirements for socially acceptable service robots
In modern society, service robots are increasingly recognized for their wide range of practical applications. In large and crowded social spaces, such as museums and hospitals, these robots are required to safely move in the environment while exhibiting user-friendly behavior. Ensuring the safe and socially acceptable operation of robots in such settings presents several challenges. To enhance the social acceptance in the design process of service robots, we present a systematic analysis of requirements, categorized into functional and non-functional. These requirements are further classified into different categories, with a single requirement potentially belonging to multiple categories. Finally, considering the specific case of a receptionist robotic agent, we discuss the requirements it should possess to ensure social acceptance.
☆ Agile Decision-Making and Safety-Critical Motion Planning for Emergency Autonomous Vehicles
Efficiency is critical for autonomous vehicles (AVs), especially for emergency AVs. However, most existing methods focus on regular vehicles, overlooking the distinct strategies required by emergency vehicles to address the challenge of maximizing efficiency while ensuring safety. In this paper, we propose an Integrated Agile Decision-Making with Active and Safety-Critical Motion Planning System (IDEAM). IDEAM focus on enabling emergency AVs, such as ambulances, to actively attain efficiency in dense traffic scenarios with safety in mind. Firstly, the speed-centric decision-making algorithm named the long short-term spatio-temporal graph-centric decision-making (LSGM) is given. LSGM comprises conditional depth-first search (C-DFS) for multiple paths generation as well as methods for speed gains and risk evaluation for path selection, which presents a robust algorithm for high efficiency and safety consideration. Secondly, with a output path from LSGM, the motion planner reconsiders environmental condition to decide constraints states for final planning stage, among which the lane-probing state is designed for actively attaining spatial and speed advantage. Thirdly, under the Frenet-based model predictive control (MPC) framework with final constraints state and selected path, the safety-critical motion planner employs decoupled discrete control barrier functions (DCBFs) and linearized discrete-time high-order control barrier functions (DHOCBFs) to model the constraints associated with different driving behaviors, making the optimal optimization problem convex. Finally, we extensively validate our system using scenarios from a randomly synthetic dataset, demonstrating its capability to achieve speed benefits and assure safety simultaneously.
☆ Switching Sampling Space of Model Predictive Path-Integral Controller to Balance Efficiency and Safety in 4WIDS Vehicle Navigation
Four-wheel independent drive and steering vehicle (4WIDS Vehicle, Swerve Drive Robot) has the ability to move in any direction by its eight degrees of freedom (DoF) control inputs. Although the high maneuverability enables efficient navigation in narrow spaces, obtaining the optimal command is challenging due to the high dimension of the solution space. This paper presents a navigation architecture using the Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control algorithm to avoid collisions with obstacles of any shape and reach a goal point. The key idea to make the problem easier is to explore the optimal control input in a reasonably reduced dimension that is adequate for navigation. Through evaluation in simulation, we found that selecting the sampling space of MPPI greatly affects navigation performance. In addition, our proposed controller which switches multiple sampling spaces according to the real-time situation can achieve balanced behavior between efficiency and safety. Source code is available at https://github.com/MizuhoAOKI/mppi_swerve_drive_ros
☆ Co-Optimization of Robot Design and Control: Enhancing Performance and Understanding Design Complexity
The design (shape) of a robot is usually decided before the control is implemented. This might limit how well the design is adapted to a task, as the suitability of the design is given by how well the robot performs in the task, which requires both a design and a controller. The co-optimization or simultaneous optimization of the design and control of robots addresses this limitation by producing a design and control that are both adapted to the task. In this paper, we investigate some of the challenges inherent in the co-optimization of design and control. We show that retraining the controller of a robot with additional resources after the co-optimization process terminates significantly improves the robot's performance. In addition, we demonstrate that the resources allocated to training the controller for each design influence the design complexity, where simpler designs are associated with lower training budgets. The experimentation is conducted in four publicly available simulation environments for co-optimization of design and control, making the findings more applicable to the general case. The results presented in this paper hope to guide other practitioners in the co-optimization of design and control of robots.
☆ Exploring Remote Collaboration: The Impact of Avatar Representation on Dyadic Haptic Interactions in Shared Virtual Environments
This study is the first to explore the interplay between haptic interaction and avatar representation in Shared Virtual Environments (SVEs). We focus on their combined effect on social presence and task-related scores in dyadic collaborations. In a series of experiments, participants performed the plate control task with haptic interaction under four avatar representation conditions: avatars of both participant and partner were displayed, only the participant's avatar was displayed, only the partner's avatar was displayed, and no avatars were displayed. The study finds that avatar representation, especially of the partner, significantly enhances the perception of social presence, which haptic interaction alone does not fully achieve. In contrast, neither the presence nor the type of avatar representation impacts the task performance or participants' force effort of the task, suggesting that haptic interaction provides sufficient interaction cues for the execution of the task. These results underscore the significance of integrating both visual and haptic modalities to optimize remote collaboration experiences in virtual environments, ensuring effective communication and a strong sense of social presence.
☆ EHC-MM: Embodied Holistic Control for Mobile Manipulation
Mobile manipulation typically entails the base for mobility, the arm for accurate manipulation, and the camera for perception. It is necessary to follow the principle of Distant Mobility, Close Grasping(DMCG) in holistic control. We propose Embodied Holistic Control for Mobile Manipulation(EHC-MM) with the embodied function of sig(w): By formulating the DMCG principle as a Quadratic Programming (QP) problem, sig(w) dynamically balances the robot's emphasis between movement and manipulation with the consideration of the robot's state and environment. In addition, we propose the Monitor-Position-Based Servoing (MPBS) with sig(w), enabling the tracking of the target during the operation. This approach allows coordinated control between the robot's base, arm, and camera. Through extensive simulations and real-world experiments, our approach significantly improves both the success rate and efficiency of mobile manipulation tasks, achieving a 95.6% success rate in the real-world scenarios and a 52.8% increase in time efficiency.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables
☆ Vision-driven UAV River Following: Benchmarking with Safe Reinforcement Learning
In this study, we conduct a comprehensive benchmark of the Safe Reinforcement Learning (Safe RL) algorithms for the task of vision-driven river following of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in a Unity-based photo-realistic simulation environment. We empirically validate the effectiveness of semantic-augmented image encoding method, assessing its superiority based on Relative Entropy and the quality of water pixel reconstruction. The determination of the encoding dimension, guided by reconstruction loss, contributes to a more compact state representation, facilitating the training of Safe RL policies. Across all benchmarked Safe RL algorithms, we find that First Order Constrained Optimization in Policy Space achieves the optimal balance between reward acquisition and safety compliance. Notably, our results reveal that on-policy algorithms consistently outperform both off-policy and model-based counterparts in both training and testing environments. Importantly, the benchmarking outcomes and the vision encoding methodology extend beyond UAVs, and are applicable to Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) engaged in autonomous navigation in confined waters.
comment: Accepted by conference IFAC CAMS 2024
☆ Three-dimensional Nonlinear Path-following Guidance with Bounded Input Constraints
In this paper, we consider the tracking of arbitrary curvilinear geometric paths in three-dimensional output spaces of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) without pre-specified timing requirements, commonly referred to as path-following problems, subjected to bounded inputs. Specifically, we propose a novel nonlinear path-following guidance law for a UAV that enables it to follow any smooth curvilinear path in three dimensions while accounting for the bounded control authority in the design. The proposed solution offers a general treatment of the path-following problem by removing the dependency on the path's geometry, which makes it applicable to paths with varying levels of complexity and smooth curvatures. Additionally, the proposed strategy draws inspiration from the pursuit guidance approach, which is known for its simplicity and ease of implementation. Theoretical analysis guarantees that the UAV converges to its desired path within a fixed time and remains on it irrespective of its initial configuration with respect to the path. Finally, the simulations demonstrate the merits and effectiveness of the proposed guidance strategy through a wide range of engagement scenarios, showcasing the UAV's ability to follow diverse curvilinear paths accurately.
☆ Intelligent LiDAR Navigation: Leveraging External Information and Semantic Maps with LLM as Copilot
Traditional robot navigation systems primarily utilize occupancy grid maps and laser-based sensing technologies, as demonstrated by the popular move_base package in ROS. Unlike robots, humans navigate not only through spatial awareness and physical distances but also by integrating external information, such as elevator maintenance updates from public notification boards and experiential knowledge, like the need for special access through certain doors. With the development of Large Language Models (LLMs), which posses text understanding and intelligence close to human performance, there is now an opportunity to infuse robot navigation systems with a level of understanding akin to human cognition. In this study, we propose using osmAG (Area Graph in OpensStreetMap textual format), an innovative semantic topometric hierarchical map representation, to bridge the gap between the capabilities of ROS move_base and the contextual understanding offered by LLMs. Our methodology employs LLMs as actual copilot in robot navigation, enabling the integration of a broader range of informational inputs while maintaining the robustness of traditional robotic navigation systems. Our code, demo, map, experiment results can be accessed at https://github.com/xiexiexiaoxiexie/Intelligent-LiDAR-Navigation-LLM-as-Copilot.
☆ Hierarchical Learning Framework for Whole-Body Model Predictive Control of a Real Humanoid Robot
The simulation-to-real gap problem and the high computational burden of whole-body Model Predictive Control (whole-body MPC) continue to present challenges in generating a wide variety of movements using whole-body MPC for real humanoid robots. This paper presents a biologically-inspired hierarchical learning framework as a potential solution to the aforementioned problems. The proposed three-layer hierarchical framework enables the generation of multi-contact, dynamic behaviours even with low-frequency policy updates of whole-body MPC. The upper layer is responsible for learning an accurate dynamics model with the objective of reducing the discrepancy between the analytical model and the real system. This enables the computation of effective control policies using whole-body MPC. Subsequently, the middle and lower layers are tasked with learning additional policies to generate high-frequency control inputs. In order to learn an accurate dynamics model in the upper layer, an augmented model using a deep residual network is trained by model-based reinforcement learning with stochastic whole-body MPC. The proposed framework was evaluated in 10 distinct motion learning scenarios, including jogging on a flat surface and skating on curved surfaces. The results demonstrate that a wide variety of motions can be successfully generated on a real humanoid robot using whole-body MPC through learning with the proposed framework.
comment: 12 pages, 7 figures
☆ An Intent Modeling and Inference Framework for Autonomous and Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems
An intent modelling and inference framework is presented to assist the defense planning for protecting a geo-fence against unauthorized flights. First, a novel mathematical definition for the intent of an uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) is presented. The concepts of critical waypoints and critical waypoint patterns are introduced and associated with a motion process to fully characterize an intent. This modelling framework consists of representations of a UAS mission planner, used to plan the aircraft's motion sequence, as well as a defense planner, defined to protect the geo-fence. It is applicable to autonomous, semi-autonomous, and piloted systems in 2D and 3D environments with obstacles. The framework is illustrated by defining a library of intents for a security application. Detection and tracking of the target are presumed for formulating the intent inference problem. Multiple formulations of the decision maker's objective are discussed as part of a deep-learning-based methodology. Further, a multi-modal dynamic model for characterizing the UAS flight is discussed. This is later utilized to extract features using the interacting multiple model (IMM) filter for training the intent classifier. Finally, as part of the simulation study, an attention-based bi-directional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) network for intent inference is presented. The simulation experiments illustrate various aspects of the framework, including trajectory generation, radar measurement simulation, etc., in 2D and 3D environments.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables
☆ Input-to-State Stable Coupled Oscillator Networks for Closed-form Model-based Control in Latent Space
Even though a variety of methods (e.g., RL, MPC, LQR) have been proposed in the literature, efficient and effective latent-space control of physical systems remains an open challenge. A promising avenue would be to leverage powerful and well-understood closed-form strategies from control theory literature in combination with learned dynamics, such as potential-energy shaping. We identify three fundamental shortcomings in existing latent-space models that have so far prevented this powerful combination: (i) they lack the mathematical structure of a physical system, (ii) they do not inherently conserve the stability properties of the real systems. Furthermore, (iii) these methods do not have an invertible mapping between input and latent-space forcing. This work proposes a novel Coupled Oscillator Network (CON) model that simultaneously tackles all these issues. More specifically, (i) we show analytically that CON is a Lagrangian system - i.e., it presses well-defined potential and kinetic energy terms. Then, (ii) we provide formal proof of global Input-to-State stability using Lyapunov arguments. Moving to the experimental side, (iii) we demonstrate that CON reaches SoA performance when learning complex nonlinear dynamics of mechanical systems directly from images. An additional methodological innovation contributing to achieving this third goal is an approximated closed-form solution for efficient integration of network dynamics, which eases efficient training. We tackle (iv) by approximating the forcing-to-input mapping with a decoder that is trained to reconstruct the input based on the encoded latent space force. Finally, we leverage these four properties and show that they enable latent-space control. We use an integral-saturated PID with potential force compensation and demonstrate high-quality performance on a soft robot using raw pixels as the only feedback information.
comment: 41 pages, currently under review
☆ Optimal Control Approach for Gait Transition with Riemannian Splines
Robotic locomotion often relies on sequenced gaits to efficiently convert control input into desired motion. Despite extensive studies on gait optimization, achieving smooth and efficient gait transitions remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a general solver based on geometric optimal control methods, leveraging insights from previous works on gait efficiency. Building upon our previous work, we express the effort to execute the trajectory as distinct geometric objects, transforming the optimization problems into boundary value problems. To validate our approach, we generate gait transition trajectories for three-link swimmers across various fluid environments. This work provides insights into optimal trajectory geometries and mechanical considerations for robotic locomotion.
comment: 7 pages, Accepted by the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2024)
☆ Pinto: A latched spring actuated robot for jumping and perching ICRA 2025
Arboreal environments challenge current robots but are deftly traversed by many familiar animal locomotors such as squirrels. We present a small, 450 g robot "Pinto" developed for tree-jumping, a behavior seen in squirrels but rarely in legged robots: jumping from the ground onto a vertical tree trunk. We develop a powerful and lightweight latched series-elastic actuator using a twisted string and carbon fiber springs. We consider the effects of scaling down conventional quadrupeds and experimentally show how storing energy in a parallel-elastic fashion using a latch increases jump energy compared to series-elastic or springless strategies. By switching between series and parallel-elastic modes with our latched 5-bar leg mechanism, Pinto executes energetic jumps as well as maintains continuous control during shorter bounding motions. We also develop sprung 2-DoF arms equipped with spined grippers to grasp tree bark for high-speed perching following a jump.
comment: Submitted to IEEE ICRA 2025, 7 pages
☆ Measure Preserving Flows for Ergodic Search in Convoluted Environments
Autonomous robotic search has important applications in robotics, such as the search for signs of life after a disaster. When \emph{a priori} information is available, for example in the form of a distribution, a planner can use that distribution to guide the search. Ergodic search is one method that uses the information distribution to generate a trajectory that minimizes the ergodic metric, in that it encourages the robot to spend more time in regions with high information and proportionally less time in the remaining regions. Unfortunately, prior works in ergodic search do not perform well in complex environments with obstacles such as a building's interior or a maze. To address this, our work presents a modified ergodic metric using the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions to capture map geometry and obstacle locations within the ergodic metric. Further, we introduce an approach to generate trajectories that minimize the ergodic metric while guaranteeing obstacle avoidance using measure-preserving vector fields. Finally, we leverage the divergence-free nature of these vector fields to generate collision-free trajectories for multiple agents. We demonstrate our approach via simulations with single and multi-agent systems on maps representing interior hallways and long corridors with non-uniform information distribution. In particular, we illustrate the generation of feasible trajectories in complex environments where prior methods fail.
comment: 15 pages, accepted to DARS 2024
☆ ResPilot: Teleoperated Finger Gaiting via Gaussian Process Residual Learning
Dexterous robot hand teleoperation allows for long-range transfer of human manipulation expertise, and could simultaneously provide a way for humans to teach these skills to robots. However, current methods struggle to reproduce the functional workspace of the human hand, often limiting them to simple grasping tasks. We present a novel method for finger-gaited manipulation with multi-fingered robot hands. Our method provides the operator enhanced flexibility in making contacts by expanding the reachable workspace of the robot hand through residual Gaussian Process learning. We also assist the operator in maintaining stable contacts with the object by allowing them to constrain fingertips of the hand to move in concert. Extensive quantitative evaluations show that our method significantly increases the reachable workspace of the robot hand and enables the completion of novel dexterous finger gaiting tasks. Project website: http://respilot-hri.github.io
comment: Accepted to CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ Safe Robot Control using Occupancy Grid Map-based Control Barrier Function (OGM-CBF)
Safe control in unknown environments is a significant challenge in robotics. While Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) are widely used to guarantee system safety, they often assume known environments with predefined obstacles. The proposed method constructs CBFs directly from perception sensor input and introduces a new first-order barrier function for a 3D kinematic robot motion model. The proposed CBF is constructed by combining Occupancy Grid Mapping (OGM) and Signed Distance Functions (SDF). The OGM framework abstracts sensor inputs, making the solution compatible with any sensor modality capable of generating occupancy maps. Moreover, the OGM enhances situational awareness along the robot's motion trajectory, by integrating both current and previously mapped data. The SDF encapsulates complex obstacle shapes defined by OGM into real-time computable values, enabling the method to handle obstacles of arbitrary shapes. This enables a single constraint in the CBF-QP optimization for each point on the robot, regardless of the number or shape of obstacles. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through simulations on autonomous driving in the CARLA simulator and real-world experiments with an industrial mobile robot, using a simplified 2D version of the method.
♻ ☆ DELTA: Decomposed Efficient Long-Term Robot Task Planning using Large Language Models
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked a revolution across many research fields. In robotics, the integration of common-sense knowledge from LLMs into task and motion planning has drastically advanced the field by unlocking unprecedented levels of context awareness. Despite their vast collection of knowledge, large language models may generate infeasible plans due to hallucinations or missing domain information. To address these challenges and improve plan feasibility and computational efficiency, we introduce DELTA, a novel LLM-informed task planning approach. By using scene graphs as environment representations within LLMs, DELTA achieves rapid generation of precise planning problem descriptions. To enhance planning performance, DELTA decomposes long-term task goals with LLMs into an autoregressive sequence of sub-goals, enabling automated task planners to efficiently solve complex problems. In our extensive evaluation, we show that DELTA enables an efficient and fully automatic task planning pipeline, achieving higher planning success rates and significantly shorter planning times compared to the state of the art.
♻ ☆ ODYSSEE: Oyster Detection Yielded by Sensor Systems on Edge Electronics
Oysters are a vital keystone species in coastal ecosystems, providing significant economic, environmental, and cultural benefits. As the importance of oysters grows, so does the relevance of autonomous systems for their detection and monitoring. However, current monitoring strategies often rely on destructive methods. While manual identification of oysters from video footage is non-destructive, it is time-consuming, requires expert input, and is further complicated by the challenges of the underwater environment. To address these challenges, we propose a novel pipeline using stable diffusion to augment a collected real dataset with realistic synthetic data. This method enhances the dataset used to train a YOLOv10-based vision model. The model is then deployed and tested on an edge platform in underwater robotics, achieving a state-of-the-art 0.657 mAP@50 for oyster detection on the Aqua2 platform.
♻ ☆ A Bayesian framework for active object recognition, pose estimation and shape transfer learning through touch
As humans can explore and understand the world through the sense of touch, tactile sensing is also an important aspect of robotic perception. In unstructured environments, robots can encounter both known and novel objects, this calls for a method to address both known and novel objects. In this study, we combine a particle filter (PF) and Gaussian process implicit surface (GPIS) in a unified Bayesian framework. The framework can differentiate between known and novel objects, perform object recognition, estimate pose for known objects, and reconstruct shapes for unknown objects, in an active learning fashion. By grounding the selection of the GPIS prior with the maximum-likelihood-estimation (MLE) shape from the PF, the knowledge about known objects' shapes can be transferred to learn novel shapes. An exploration procedure with global shape estimation is proposed to guide active data acquisition and conclude the exploration when sufficient information is obtained. The performance of the proposed Bayesian framework is evaluated through simulations on known and novel objects, initialized with random poses. The results show that the proposed exploration procedure, utilizing global shape estimation, achieves faster exploration than a local exploration procedure based on rapidly explore random tree (RRT). Overall, our results indicate that the proposed framework is effective and efficient in object recognition, pose estimation and shape reconstruction. Moreover, we show that a learned shape can be included as a new prior and used effectively for future object recognition and pose estimation.
♻ ☆ Dynamic Center-of-Mass Displacement in Aerial Manipulation: An Innovative Platform Design
Aerial manipulators are increasingly used in contact-based industrial applications, where tasks like drilling and pushing require platforms to exert significant forces in multiple directions. To enhance force generation capabilities, various approaches, such as thrust vectoring and perching, have been explored. In this article, we introduce a novel approach by investigating the impact of varied CoM (Center of Mass) locations on an aerial manipulation system's force exertion. Our proposed platform features a design with a dynamically displacing CoM, enabling a smooth transition between free flight and high-force interactions supported by tilting back rotors. We provide detailed modeling and control strategies for this design and validate its feasibility through a series of physical experiments. In a pushing task, the proposed system, weighing 3.12kg, was able to stably exert over 28N of force on a work surface-nearly equivalent to its gravitational force-achieved solely through the tilting of its back rotors. Additionally, we introduce a new factor to evaluate the force generation capabilities of aerial platforms, allowing for a quantitative comparison with state-of-the-art systems, which demonstrates the advantages of our proposed approach.
♻ ☆ The Design of Informative Take-Over Requests for Semi-Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems: Combining Spoken Language and Visual Icons in a Drone-Controller Setting
The question of how cyber-physical systems should interact with human partners that can take over control or exert oversight is becoming more pressing, as these systems are deployed for an ever larger range of tasks. Drawing on the literatures on handing over control during semi-autonomous driving and human-robot interaction, we propose a design of a take-over request that combines an abstract pre-alert with an informative TOR: Relevant sensor information is highlighted on the controller's display, while a spoken message verbalizes the reason for the TOR. We conduct our study in the context of a semi-autonomous drone control scenario as our testbed. The goal of our online study is to assess in more detail what form a language-based TOR should take. Specifically, we compare a full sentence condition to shorter fragments, and test whether the visual highlighting should be done synchronously or asynchronously with the speech. Participants showed a higher accuracy in choosing the correct solution with our bi-modal TOR and felt that they were better able to recognize the critical situation. Using only fragments in the spoken message rather than full sentences did not lead to improved accuracy or faster reactions. Also, synchronizing the visual highlighting with the spoken message did not result in better accuracy and response times were even increased in this condition.
comment: 21 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ A Methodology to Study the Impact of Spiking Neural Network Parameters considering Event-Based Automotive Data
Autonomous Driving (AD) systems are considered as the future of human mobility and transportation. Solving computer vision tasks such as image classification and object detection/segmentation, with high accuracy and low power/energy consumption, is highly needed to realize AD systems in real life. These requirements can potentially be satisfied by Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). However, the state-of-the-art works in SNN-based AD systems still focus on proposing network models that can achieve high accuracy, and they have not systematically studied the roles of SNN parameters when used for learning event-based automotive data. Therefore, we still lack understanding of how to effectively develop SNN models for AD systems. Toward this, we propose a novel methodology to systematically study and analyze the impact of SNN parameters considering event-based automotive data, then leverage this analysis for enhancing SNN developments. To do this, we first explore different settings of SNN parameters that directly affect the learning mechanism (i.e., batch size, learning rate, neuron threshold potential, and weight decay), then analyze the accuracy results. Afterward, we propose techniques that jointly improve SNN accuracy and reduce training time. Experimental results show that our methodology can improve the SNN models for AD systems than the state-of-the-art, as it achieves higher accuracy (i.e., 86%) for the NCARS dataset, and it can also achieve iso-accuracy (i.e., ~85% with standard deviation less than 0.5%) while speeding up the training time by 1.9x. In this manner, our research work provides a set of guidelines for SNN parameter enhancements, thereby enabling the practical developments of SNN-based AD systems.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
♻ ☆ A comparative study of human inverse kinematics techniques for lower limbs
Inverse Kinematics (IK) remains a dynamic field of research, with various methods striving for speed and precision. Despite advancements, many IK techniques face significant challenges, including high computational demands and the risk of generating unrealistic joint configurations. This paper conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of leading IK methods applied to the human leg, aiming to identify the most effective approach. We evaluate each method based on computational efficiency and its ability to produce realistic postures, while adhering to the natural range of motion and comfort zones of the joints. The findings provide insights into optimizing IK solutions for practical applications in biomechanics and animation.
comment: 17 pages and 17 figures
♻ ☆ Kinematics and Dynamics Modeling of 7 Degrees of Freedom Human Lower Limb Using Dual Quaternions Algebra
Denavit and Hartenberg-based methods, such as Cardan, Fick, and Euler angles, describe the position and orientation of an end-effector in three-dimensional (3D) space. However, these methods have a significant drawback as they impose a well-defined rotation order, which can lead to the generation of unrealistic human postures in joint space. To address this issue, dual quaternions can be used for homogeneous transformations. Quaternions are known for their computational efficiency in representing rotations, but they cannot handle translations in 3D space. Dual numbers extend quaternions to dual quaternions, which can manage both rotations and translations. This paper exploits dual quaternion theory to provide a fast and accurate solution for the forward and inverse kinematics and the recursive Newton-Euler dynamics algorithm for a 7-degree-of-freedom (DOF) human lower limb in 3D space.
comment: 10 pages and 8 figures
♻ ☆ RoboGPT: an intelligent agent of making embodied long-term decisions for daily instruction tasks
Robotic agents must master common sense and long-term sequential decisions to solve daily tasks through natural language instruction. The developments in Large Language Models (LLMs) in natural language processing have inspired efforts to use LLMs in complex robot planning. Despite LLMs' great generalization and comprehension of instruction tasks, LLMs-generated task plans sometimes lack feasibility and correctness. To address the problem, we propose a RoboGPT agent\footnote{our code and dataset will be released soon} for making embodied long-term decisions for daily tasks, with two modules: 1) LLMs-based planning with re-plan to break the task into multiple sub-goals; 2) RoboSkill individually designed for sub-goals to learn better navigation and manipulation skills. The LLMs-based planning is enhanced with a new robotic dataset and re-plan, called RoboGPT. The new robotic dataset of 67k daily instruction tasks is gathered for fine-tuning the Llama model and obtaining RoboGPT. RoboGPT planner with strong generalization can plan hundreds of daily instruction tasks. Additionally, a low-computational Re-Plan module is designed to allow plans to flexibly adapt to the environment, thereby addressing the nomenclature diversity challenge. The proposed RoboGPT agent outperforms SOTA methods on the ALFRED daily tasks. Moreover, RoboGPT planner exceeds SOTA LLM-based planners like ChatGPT in task-planning rationality for hundreds of unseen daily tasks, and even other domain tasks, while keeping the large model's original broad application and generality.
♻ ☆ A Novel Ternary Evolving Estimator for Positioning Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Harsh Environments
Obtaining reliable position estimation is fundamental for unmanned aerial vehicles during mission execution, especially in harsh environments. However, environmental interference and abrupt changes usually degrade measurement reliability, leading to estimation divergence. To address this, existing works explore adaptive adjustment of sensor confidence. Unfortunately, existing methods seldom include synchronous evaluation of estimation precision, thereby rendering adjustments sensitive to abnormal data and susceptible to divergence. To tackle this issue, we propose a ternary-channel adaptive evolving estimator equipped with an online error monitor, where the ternary channels, states, noise covariance matrices and especially aerial drag evolve simultaneously with the environment. Firstly, an augmented filter is employed to pre-process multidimensional data, followed by an inverse-Wishart smoother utilized to obtain posterior states and covariance matrices. Error propagation relation during estimation is analyzed, and hence, an indicator is devised for online monitoring estimation errors. Under this premise, several restrictions are applied to suppress potential divergence led by interference. Additionally, considering motion dynamics, the aerial drag matrix is reformulated based on updated states and covariance matrices. Finally, the observability, numerical sensitivity and arithmetic complexity of the proposed estimator are mathematically analyzed. Extensive experiments are conducted in both common and harsh environments (with average RMSE 0.17m and 0.39m respectively) to verify adaptability of algorithm and effectiveness of restriction design, which shows our method outperforms the state-of-the-art.
♻ ☆ Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple LiDARs for a Mobile Robot based on Floor Plane And Object Segmentation
Mobile robots equipped with multiple light detection and ranging (LiDARs) and capable of recognizing their surroundings are increasing due to the minitualization and cost reduction of LiDAR. This paper proposes a target-less extrinsic calibration method of multiple LiDARs with non-overlapping field of view (FoV). The proposed method uses accumulated point clouds of floor plane and objects while in motion. It enables accurate calibration with challenging configuration of LiDARs that directed towards the floor plane, caused by biased feature values. Additionally, the method includes a noise removal module that considers the scanning pattern to address bleeding points, which are noises of significant source of error in point cloud alignment using high-density LiDARs. Evaluations through simulation demonstrate that the proposed method achieved higher accuracy extrinsic calibration with two and four LiDARs than conventional methods, regardless type of objects. Furthermore, the experiments using a real mobile robot has shown that our proposed noise removal module can eliminate noise more precisely than conventional methods, and the estimated extrinsic parameters have successfully created consistent 3D maps.
comment: 8pages, 10figures
♻ ☆ Spatial and Temporal Hierarchy for Autonomous Navigation using Active Inference in Minigrid Environment
Robust evidence suggests that humans explore their environment using a combination of topological landmarks and coarse-grained path integration. This approach relies on identifiable environmental features (topological landmarks) in tandem with estimations of distance and direction (coarse-grained path integration) to construct cognitive maps of the surroundings. This cognitive map is believed to exhibit a hierarchical structure, allowing efficient planning when solving complex navigation tasks. Inspired by human behaviour, this paper presents a scalable hierarchical active inference model for autonomous navigation, exploration, and goal-oriented behaviour. The model uses visual observation and motion perception to combine curiosity-driven exploration with goal-oriented behaviour. Motion is planned using different levels of reasoning, i.e., from context to place to motion. This allows for efficient navigation in new spaces and rapid progress toward a target. By incorporating these human navigational strategies and their hierarchical representation of the environment, this model proposes a new solution for autonomous navigation and exploration. The approach is validated through simulations in a mini-grid environment.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2309.09864
♻ ☆ Real-time Perceptive Motion Control using Control Barrier Functions with Analytical Smoothing for Six-Wheeled-Telescopic-Legged Robot Tachyon 3
To achieve safe legged locomotion, it is important to generate motion in real-time considering various constraints in robots and environments. In this study, we propose a lightweight real-time perspective motion control system for the newly developed six-wheeled-telescopic-legged robot, Tachyon 3. In the proposed method, analytically smoothed constraints including Smooth Separating Axis Theorem (Smooth SAT) as a novel higher order differentiable collision detection for 3D shapes is applied to the Control Barrier Function (CBF). The proposed system integrating the CBF achieves online motion generation in a short control cycle of 1 ms that satisfies joint limitations, environmental collision avoidance and safe convex foothold constraints. The efficiency of Smooth SAT is shown from the collision detection time of 1 us or less and the CBF constraint computation time for Tachyon3 of several us. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed system is verified through the stair-climbing motion, integrating online recognition in a simulation and a real machine.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Fisheye-Calib-Adapter: An Easy Tool for Fisheye Camera Model Conversion
The increasing necessity for fisheye cameras in fields such as robotics and autonomous driving has led to the proposal of various fisheye camera models. While the evolution of camera models has facilitated the development of diverse systems in the field, the lack of adaptation between different fisheye camera models means that recalibration is always necessary, which is cumbersome. This paper introduces a conversion tool for various previously proposed fisheye camera models. It is user-friendly, simple, yet extremely fast and accurate, offering conversion capabilities for a broader range of models compared to existing tools. We have verified that models converted using our system perform correctly in applications such as SLAM. By utilizing our system, researchers can obtain output parameters directly from input parameters without the need for an image set and any recalibration processes, thus serving as a bridge across different fisheye camera models in various research fields. We provide our system as an open source tool available at: https://github.com/eowjd0512/fisheye-calib-adapter
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Development of a Compact Robust Passive Transformable Omni-Ball for Enhanced Step-Climbing and Vibration Reduction
This paper introduces the Passive Transformable Omni-Ball (PTOB), an advanced omnidirectional wheel engineered to enhance step-climbing performance, incorporate built-in actuators, diminish vibrations, and fortify structural integrity. By modifying the omni-ball's structure from two to three segments, we have achieved improved in-wheel actuation and a reduction in vibrational feedback. Additionally, we have implemented a sliding mechanism in the follower wheels to boost the wheel's step-climbing abilities. A prototype with a 127 mm diameter PTOB was constructed, which confirmed its functionality for omnidirectional movement and internal actuation. Compared to a traditional omni-wheel, the PTOB demonstrated a comparable level of vibration while offering superior capabilities. Extensive testing in varied settings showed that the PTOB can adeptly handle step obstacles up to 45 mm, equivalent to 35 $\%$ of the wheel's diameter, in both the forward and lateral directions. The PTOB showcased robust construction and proved to be versatile in navigating through environments with diverse obstacles.
comment: 8 pages, 17 figures
♻ ☆ FRAC-Q-Learning: A Reinforcement Learning with Boredom Avoidance Processes for Social Robots
The reinforcement learning algorithms have often been applied to social robots. However, most reinforcement learning algorithms were not optimized for the use of social robots, and consequently they may bore users. We proposed a new reinforcement learning method specialized for the social robot, the FRAC-Q-learning, that can avoid user boredom. The proposed algorithm consists of a forgetting process in addition to randomizing and categorizing processes. This study evaluated interest and boredom hardness scores of the FRAC-Q-learning by a comparison with the traditional Q-learning. The FRAC-Q-learning showed significantly higher trend of interest score, and indicated significantly harder to bore users compared to the traditional Q-learning. Therefore, the FRAC-Q-learning can contribute to develop a social robot that will not bore users. The proposed algorithm has a potential to apply for Web-based communication and educational systems. This paper presents the entire process, detailed implementation and a detailed evaluation method of the of the FRAC-Q-learning for the first time.
♻ ☆ Robustifying Model-Based Locomotion by Zero-order Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Guard Saltation Matrix
This paper presents a stochastic/robust nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) to enhance the robustness of model-based legged locomotion against contact uncertainties. We integrate the contact uncertainties into the covariance propagation of stochastic/robust NMPC framework by leveraging the guard saltation matrix and an extended Kalman filter-like covariance update. We achieve fast stochastic/robust NMPC computation by utilizing the zero-order algorithm with additional improvements in computational efficiency concerning the feedback gains. We conducted numerical experiments and demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately forecast future state covariance and generate trajectories that satisfies constraints even in the presence of the contact uncertainties. Hardware experiments on the perceptive locomotion of a wheeled-legged robot were also carried out, validating the feasibility of the proposed method in a real-world system with limited on-board computation.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Object Instance Retrieval in Assistive Robotics: Leveraging Fine-Tuned SimSiam with Multi-View Images Based on 3D Semantic Map IROS2024
Robots that assist humans in their daily lives should be able to locate specific instances of objects in an environment that match a user's desired objects. This task is known as instance-specific image goal navigation (InstanceImageNav), which requires a model that can distinguish different instances of an object within the same class. A significant challenge in robotics is that when a robot observes the same object from various 3D viewpoints, its appearance may differ significantly, making it difficult to recognize and locate accurately. In this paper, we introduce a method called SimView, which leverages multi-view images based on a 3D semantic map of an environment and self-supervised learning using SimSiam to train an instance-identification model on-site. The effectiveness of our approach was validated using a photorealistic simulator, Habitat Matterport 3D, created by scanning actual home environments. Our results demonstrate a 1.7-fold improvement in task accuracy compared with contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP), a pre-trained multimodal contrastive learning method for object searching. This improvement highlights the benefits of our proposed fine-tuning method in enhancing the performance of assistive robots in InstanceImageNav tasks. The project website is https://emergentsystemlabstudent.github.io/MultiViewRetrieve/.
comment: See website at https://emergentsystemlabstudent.github.io/MultiViewRetrieve/. Accepted to IROS2024
♻ ☆ A New Framework for Nonlinear Kalman Filters
The Kalman filter (KF) is a state estimation algorithm that optimally combines system knowledge and measurements to minimize the mean squared error of the estimated states. While KF was initially designed for linear systems, numerous extensions of it, such as extended Kalman filter (EKF), unscented Kalman filter (UKF), cubature Kalman filter (CKF), etc., have been proposed for nonlinear systems. Although different types of nonlinear KFs have different pros and cons, they all use the same framework of linear KF, which, according to what we found in this paper, tends to give overconfident and less accurate state estimations when the measurement functions are nonlinear. Therefore, in this study, we designed a new framework for nonlinear KFs and showed theoretically and empirically that the new framework estimates the states and covariance matrix more accurately than the old one. The new framework was tested on four different nonlinear KFs and five different tasks, showcasing its ability to reduce the estimation errors by several orders of magnitude in low-measurement-noise conditions, with only about a 10 to 90% increase in computational time. All types of nonlinear KFs can benefit from the new framework, and the benefit will increase as the sensors become more and more accurate in the future. As an example, EKF, the simplest nonlinear KF that was previously believed to work poorly for strongly nonlinear systems, can now provide fast and fairly accurate state estimations with the help of the new framework. The codes are available at https://github.com/Shida-Jiang/A-new-framework-for-nonlinear-Kalman-filters.
comment: Some figures and texts are slightly modified for better clarity, funding information added
♻ ☆ Model Predictive Planning: Trajectory Planning in Obstruction-Dense Environments for Low-Agility Aircraft
We present Model Predictive Planning (MPP), a trajectory planner for low-agility vehicles such as a fixed-wing aircraft to navigate obstacle-laden environments. MPP consists of (1) a multi-path planning procedure that identifies candidate paths, (2) a raytracing procedure that generates linear constraints around these paths to enforce obstacle avoidance, and (3) a convex quadratic program that finds a feasible trajectory within these constraints if one exists. Low-agility aircraft cannot track arbitrary paths, so refining a given path into a trajectory that respects the vehicle's limited maneuverability and avoids obstacles often leads to an infeasible optimization problem. The critical feature of MPP is that it efficiently considers multiple candidate paths during the refinement process, thereby greatly increasing the chance of finding a feasible and trackable trajectory. We demonstrate the effectiveness of MPP on a longitudinal aircraft model.
♻ ☆ Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from Contrastive Explanations
Many approaches to robot learning begin by inferring a reward function from a set of human demonstrations. To learn a good reward, it is necessary to determine which features of the environment are relevant before determining how these features should be used to compute reward. End-to-end methods for joint feature and reward learning (e.g., using deep networks or program synthesis techniques) often yield brittle reward functions that are sensitive to spurious state features. By contrast, humans can often generalizably learn from a small number of demonstrations by incorporating strong priors about what features of a demonstration are likely meaningful for a task of interest. How do we build robots that leverage this kind of background knowledge when learning from new demonstrations? This paper describes a method named ALGAE (Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from [Contrastive] Explanations) which alternates between using language models to iteratively identify human-meaningful features needed to explain demonstrated behavior, then standard inverse reinforcement learning techniques to assign weights to these features. Experiments across a variety of both simulated and real-world robot environments show that ALGAE learns generalizable reward functions defined on interpretable features using only small numbers of demonstrations. Importantly, ALGAE can recognize when features are missing, then extract and define those features without any human input -- making it possible to quickly and efficiently acquire rich representations of user behavior.
comment: CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ RAPiD-Seg: Range-Aware Pointwise Distance Distribution Networks for 3D LiDAR Segmentation ECCV 2024
3D point clouds play a pivotal role in outdoor scene perception, especially in the context of autonomous driving. Recent advancements in 3D LiDAR segmentation often focus intensely on the spatial positioning and distribution of points for accurate segmentation. However, these methods, while robust in variable conditions, encounter challenges due to sole reliance on coordinates and point intensity, leading to poor isometric invariance and suboptimal segmentation. To tackle this challenge, our work introduces Range-Aware Pointwise Distance Distribution (RAPiD) features and the associated RAPiD-Seg architecture. Our RAPiD features exhibit rigid transformation invariance and effectively adapt to variations in point density, with a design focus on capturing the localized geometry of neighboring structures. They utilize inherent LiDAR isotropic radiation and semantic categorization for enhanced local representation and computational efficiency, while incorporating a 4D distance metric that integrates geometric and surface material reflectivity for improved semantic segmentation. To effectively embed high-dimensional RAPiD features, we propose a double-nested autoencoder structure with a novel class-aware embedding objective to encode high-dimensional features into manageable voxel-wise embeddings. Additionally, we propose RAPiD-Seg which incorporates a channel-wise attention fusion and two effective RAPiD-Seg variants, further optimizing the embedding for enhanced performance and generalization. Our method outperforms contemporary LiDAR segmentation work in terms of mIoU on SemanticKITTI (76.1) and nuScenes (83.6) datasets.
comment: ECCV 2024 (Oral); 18 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables; Code at https://github.com/l1997i/rapid_seg
♻ ☆ Personalizing Interfaces to Humans with User-Friendly Priors
Robots often need to convey information to human users. For example, robots can leverage visual, auditory, and haptic interfaces to display their intent or express their internal state. In some scenarios there are socially agreed upon conventions for what these signals mean: e.g., a red light indicates an autonomous car is slowing down. But as robots develop new capabilities and seek to convey more complex data, the meaning behind their signals is not always mutually understood: one user might think a flashing light indicates the autonomous car is an aggressive driver, while another user might think the same signal means the autonomous car is defensive. In this paper we enable robots to adapt their interfaces to the current user so that the human's personalized interpretation is aligned with the robot's meaning. We start with an information theoretic end-to-end approach, which automatically tunes the interface policy to optimize the correlation between human and robot. But to ensure that this learning policy is intuitive -- and to accelerate how quickly the interface adapts to the human -- we recognize that humans have priors over how interfaces should function. For instance, humans expect interface signals to be proportional and convex. Our approach biases the robot's interface towards these priors, resulting in signals that are adapted to the current user while still following social expectations. Our simulations and user study results across $15$ participants suggest that these priors improve robot-to-human communication. See videos here: https://youtu.be/Re3OLg57hp8
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 113
☆ An Efficient and Streaming Audio Visual Active Speaker Detection System
This paper delves into the challenging task of Active Speaker Detection (ASD), where the system needs to determine in real-time whether a person is speaking or not in a series of video frames. While previous works have made significant strides in improving network architectures and learning effective representations for ASD, a critical gap exists in the exploration of real-time system deployment. Existing models often suffer from high latency and memory usage, rendering them impractical for immediate applications. To bridge this gap, we present two scenarios that address the key challenges posed by real-time constraints. First, we introduce a method to limit the number of future context frames utilized by the ASD model. By doing so, we alleviate the need for processing the entire sequence of future frames before a decision is made, significantly reducing latency. Second, we propose a more stringent constraint that limits the total number of past frames the model can access during inference. This tackles the persistent memory issues associated with running streaming ASD systems. Beyond these theoretical frameworks, we conduct extensive experiments to validate our approach. Our results demonstrate that constrained transformer models can achieve performance comparable to or even better than state-of-the-art recurrent models, such as uni-directional GRUs, with a significantly reduced number of context frames. Moreover, we shed light on the temporal memory requirements of ASD systems, revealing that larger past context has a more profound impact on accuracy than future context. When profiling on a CPU we find that our efficient architecture is memory bound by the amount of past context it can use and that the compute cost is negligible as compared to the memory cost.
☆ Pushing the boundaries of event subsampling in event-based video classification using CNNs
Event cameras offer low-power visual sensing capabilities ideal for edge-device applications. However, their high event rate, driven by high temporal details, can be restrictive in terms of bandwidth and computational resources. In edge AI applications, determining the minimum amount of events for specific tasks can allow reducing the event rate to improve bandwidth, memory, and processing efficiency. In this paper, we study the effect of event subsampling on the accuracy of event data classification using convolutional neural network (CNN) models. Surprisingly, across various datasets, the number of events per video can be reduced by an order of magnitude with little drop in accuracy, revealing the extent to which we can push the boundaries in accuracy vs. event rate trade-off. Additionally, we also find that lower classification accuracy in high subsampling rates is not solely attributable to information loss due to the subsampling of the events, but that the training of CNNs can be challenging in highly subsampled scenarios, where the sensitivity to hyperparameters increases. We quantify training instability across multiple event-based classification datasets using a novel metric for evaluating the hyperparameter sensitivity of CNNs in different subsampling settings. Finally, we analyze the weight gradients of the network to gain insight into this instability.
☆ A Diffusion Approach to Radiance Field Relighting using Multi-Illumination Synthesis
Relighting radiance fields is severely underconstrained for multi-view data, which is most often captured under a single illumination condition; It is especially hard for full scenes containing multiple objects. We introduce a method to create relightable radiance fields using such single-illumination data by exploiting priors extracted from 2D image diffusion models. We first fine-tune a 2D diffusion model on a multi-illumination dataset conditioned by light direction, allowing us to augment a single-illumination capture into a realistic -- but possibly inconsistent -- multi-illumination dataset from directly defined light directions. We use this augmented data to create a relightable radiance field represented by 3D Gaussian splats. To allow direct control of light direction for low-frequency lighting, we represent appearance with a multi-layer perceptron parameterized on light direction. To enforce multi-view consistency and overcome inaccuracies we optimize a per-image auxiliary feature vector. We show results on synthetic and real multi-view data under single illumination, demonstrating that our method successfully exploits 2D diffusion model priors to allow realistic 3D relighting for complete scenes. Project site https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/generative-radiance-field-relighting/
comment: Project site https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/generative-radiance-field-relighting/
☆ Pushing Joint Image Denoising and Classification to the Edge ECCV 2024
In this paper, we jointly combine image classification and image denoising, aiming to enhance human perception of noisy images captured by edge devices, like low-light security cameras. In such settings, it is important to retain the ability of humans to verify the automatic classification decision and thus jointly denoise the image to enhance human perception. Since edge devices have little computational power, we explicitly optimize for efficiency by proposing a novel architecture that integrates the two tasks. Additionally, we alter a Neural Architecture Search (NAS) method, which searches for classifiers to search for the integrated model while optimizing for a target latency, classification accuracy, and denoising performance. The NAS architectures outperform our manually designed alternatives in both denoising and classification, offering a significant improvement to human perception. Our approach empowers users to construct architectures tailored to domains like medical imaging, surveillance systems, and industrial inspections.
comment: Accepted paper at the ECCV 2024 workshop on Advances in Image Manipulation (AIM)
☆ ClearDepth: Enhanced Stereo Perception of Transparent Objects for Robotic Manipulation
Transparent object depth perception poses a challenge in everyday life and logistics, primarily due to the inability of standard 3D sensors to accurately capture depth on transparent or reflective surfaces. This limitation significantly affects depth map and point cloud-reliant applications, especially in robotic manipulation. We developed a vision transformer-based algorithm for stereo depth recovery of transparent objects. This approach is complemented by an innovative feature post-fusion module, which enhances the accuracy of depth recovery by structural features in images. To address the high costs associated with dataset collection for stereo camera-based perception of transparent objects, our method incorporates a parameter-aligned, domain-adaptive, and physically realistic Sim2Real simulation for efficient data generation, accelerated by AI algorithm. Our experimental results demonstrate the model's exceptional Sim2Real generalizability in real-world scenarios, enabling precise depth mapping of transparent objects to assist in robotic manipulation. Project details are available at https://sites.google.com/view/cleardepth/ .
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures
☆ Gaussian is All You Need: A Unified Framework for Solving Inverse Problems via Diffusion Posterior Sampling
Diffusion models can generate a variety of high-quality images by modeling complex data distributions. Trained diffusion models can also be very effective image priors for solving inverse problems. Most of the existing diffusion-based methods integrate data consistency steps within the diffusion reverse sampling process. The data consistency steps rely on an approximate likelihood function. In this paper, we show that the existing approximations are either insufficient or computationally inefficient. To address these issues, we propose a unified likelihood approximation method that incorporates a covariance correction term to enhance the performance and avoids propagating gradients through the diffusion model. The correction term, when integrated into the reverse diffusion sampling process, achieves better convergence towards the true data posterior for selected distributions and improves performance on real-world natural image datasets. Furthermore, we present an efficient way to factorize and invert the covariance matrix of the likelihood function for several inverse problems. We present comprehensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over several existing approaches.
☆ D2-MLP: Dynamic Decomposed MLP Mixer for Medical Image Segmentation
Convolutional neural networks are widely used in various segmentation tasks in medical images. However, they are challenged to learn global features adaptively due to the inherent locality of convolutional operations. In contrast, MLP Mixers are proposed as a backbone to learn global information across channels with low complexity. However, they cannot capture spatial features efficiently. Additionally, they lack effective mechanisms to fuse and mix features adaptively. To tackle these limitations, we propose a novel Dynamic Decomposed Mixer module. It is designed to employ novel Mixers to extract features and aggregate information across different spatial locations and channels. Additionally, it employs novel dynamic mixing mechanisms to model inter-dependencies between channel and spatial feature representations and to fuse them adaptively. Subsequently, we incorporate it into a U-shaped Transformer-based architecture to generate a novel network, termed the Dynamic Decomposed MLP Mixer. We evaluated it for medical image segmentation on two datasets, and it achieved superior segmentation performance than other state-of-the-art methods.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures
☆ Visual Language Tracking with Multi-modal Interaction: A Robust Benchmark
Visual Language Tracking (VLT) enhances tracking by mitigating the limitations of relying solely on the visual modality, utilizing high-level semantic information through language. This integration of the language enables more advanced human-machine interaction. The essence of interaction is cognitive alignment, which typically requires multiple information exchanges, especially in the sequential decision-making process of VLT. However, current VLT benchmarks do not account for multi-round interactions during tracking. They provide only an initial text and bounding box (bbox) in the first frame, with no further interaction as tracking progresses, deviating from the original motivation of the VLT task. To address these limitations, we propose a novel and robust benchmark, VLT-MI (Visual Language Tracking with Multi-modal Interaction), which introduces multi-round interaction into the VLT task for the first time. (1) We generate diverse, multi-granularity texts for multi-round, multi-modal interaction based on existing mainstream VLT benchmarks using DTLLM-VLT, leveraging the world knowledge of LLMs. (2) We propose a new VLT interaction paradigm that achieves multi-round interaction through text updates and object recovery. When multiple tracking failures occur, we provide the tracker with more aligned texts and corrected bboxes through interaction, thereby expanding the scope of VLT downstream tasks. (3) We conduct comparative experiments on both traditional VLT benchmarks and VLT-MI, evaluating and analyzing the accuracy and robustness of trackers under the interactive paradigm. This work offers new insights and paradigms for the VLT task, enabling a fine-grained evaluation of multi-modal trackers. We believe this approach can be extended to additional datasets in the future, supporting broader evaluations and comparisons of video-language model capabilities.
comment: Under Review
☆ Interactive Masked Image Modeling for Multimodal Object Detection in Remote Sensing
Object detection in remote sensing imagery plays a vital role in various Earth observation applications. However, unlike object detection in natural scene images, this task is particularly challenging due to the abundance of small, often barely visible objects across diverse terrains. To address these challenges, multimodal learning can be used to integrate features from different data modalities, thereby improving detection accuracy. Nonetheless, the performance of multimodal learning is often constrained by the limited size of labeled datasets. In this paper, we propose to use Masked Image Modeling (MIM) as a pre-training technique, leveraging self-supervised learning on unlabeled data to enhance detection performance. However, conventional MIM such as MAE which uses masked tokens without any contextual information, struggles to capture the fine-grained details due to a lack of interactions with other parts of image. To address this, we propose a new interactive MIM method that can establish interactions between different tokens, which is particularly beneficial for object detection in remote sensing. The extensive ablation studies and evluation demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
☆ Detect Fake with Fake: Leveraging Synthetic Data-driven Representation for Synthetic Image Detection ECCV 2024
Are general-purpose visual representations acquired solely from synthetic data useful for detecting fake images? In this work, we show the effectiveness of synthetic data-driven representations for synthetic image detection. Upon analysis, we find that vision transformers trained by the latest visual representation learners with synthetic data can effectively distinguish fake from real images without seeing any real images during pre-training. Notably, using SynCLR as the backbone in a state-of-the-art detection method demonstrates a performance improvement of +10.32 mAP and +4.73% accuracy over the widely used CLIP, when tested on previously unseen GAN models. Code is available at https://github.com/cvpaperchallenge/detect-fake-with-fake.
comment: Accepted to TWYN workshop at ECCV 2024
☆ InstantDrag: Improving Interactivity in Drag-based Image Editing SIGGRAPH
Drag-based image editing has recently gained popularity for its interactivity and precision. However, despite the ability of text-to-image models to generate samples within a second, drag editing still lags behind due to the challenge of accurately reflecting user interaction while maintaining image content. Some existing approaches rely on computationally intensive per-image optimization or intricate guidance-based methods, requiring additional inputs such as masks for movable regions and text prompts, thereby compromising the interactivity of the editing process. We introduce InstantDrag, an optimization-free pipeline that enhances interactivity and speed, requiring only an image and a drag instruction as input. InstantDrag consists of two carefully designed networks: a drag-conditioned optical flow generator (FlowGen) and an optical flow-conditioned diffusion model (FlowDiffusion). InstantDrag learns motion dynamics for drag-based image editing in real-world video datasets by decomposing the task into motion generation and motion-conditioned image generation. We demonstrate InstantDrag's capability to perform fast, photo-realistic edits without masks or text prompts through experiments on facial video datasets and general scenes. These results highlight the efficiency of our approach in handling drag-based image editing, making it a promising solution for interactive, real-time applications.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024. Project webpage at https://joonghyuk.com/instantdrag-web/
☆ DX2CT: Diffusion Model for 3D CT Reconstruction from Bi or Mono-planar 2D X-ray(s)
Computational tomography (CT) provides high-resolution medical imaging, but it can expose patients to high radiation. X-ray scanners have low radiation exposure, but their resolutions are low. This paper proposes a new conditional diffusion model, DX2CT, that reconstructs three-dimensional (3D) CT volumes from bi or mono-planar X-ray image(s). Proposed DX2CT consists of two key components: 1) modulating feature maps extracted from two-dimensional (2D) X-ray(s) with 3D positions of CT volume using a new transformer and 2) effectively using the modulated 3D position-aware feature maps as conditions of DX2CT. In particular, the proposed transformer can provide conditions with rich information of a target CT slice to the conditional diffusion model, enabling high-quality CT reconstruction. Our experiments with the bi or mono-planar X-ray(s) benchmark datasets show that proposed DX2CT outperforms several state-of-the-art methods. Our codes and model will be available at: https://www.github.com/intyeger/DX2CT.
☆ Kinect Calibration and Data Optimization For Anthropometric Parameters
Recently, through development of several 3d vision systems, widely used in various applications, medical and biometric fields. Microsoft kinect sensor have been most of used camera among 3d vision systems. Microsoft kinect sensor can obtain depth images of a scene and 3d coordinates of human joints. Thus, anthropometric features can extractable easily. Anthropometric feature and 3d joint coordinate raw datas which captured from kinect sensor is unstable. The strongest reason for this, datas vary by distance between joints of individual and location of kinect sensor. Consequently, usage of this datas without kinect calibration and data optimization does not result in sufficient and healthy. In this study, proposed a novel method to calibrating kinect sensor and optimizing skeleton features. Results indicate that the proposed method is quite effective and worthy of further study in more general scenarios.
☆ Direct-CP: Directed Collaborative Perception for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles via Proactive Attention
Collaborative perception (CP) leverages visual data from connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) to enhance an ego vehicle's field of view (FoV). Despite recent progress, current CP methods expand the ego vehicle's 360-degree perceptual range almost equally, which faces two key challenges. Firstly, in areas with uneven traffic distribution, focusing on directions with little traffic offers limited benefits. Secondly, under limited communication budgets, allocating excessive bandwidth to less critical directions lowers the perception accuracy in more vital areas. To address these issues, we propose Direct-CP, a proactive and direction-aware CP system aiming at improving CP in specific directions. Our key idea is to enable an ego vehicle to proactively signal its interested directions and readjust its attention to enhance local directional CP performance. To achieve this, we first propose an RSU-aided direction masking mechanism that assists an ego vehicle in identifying vital directions. Additionally, we design a direction-aware selective attention module to wisely aggregate pertinent features based on ego vehicle's directional priorities, communication budget, and the positional data of CAVs. Moreover, we introduce a direction-weighted detection loss (DWLoss) to capture the divergence between directional CP outcomes and the ground truth, facilitating effective model training. Extensive experiments on the V2X-Sim 2.0 dataset demonstrate that our approach achieves 19.8\% higher local perception accuracy in interested directions and 2.5\% higher overall perception accuracy than the state-of-the-art methods in collaborative 3D object detection tasks.
comment: 7 pages
☆ Breaking reCAPTCHAv2
Our work examines the efficacy of employing advanced machine learning methods to solve captchas from Google's reCAPTCHAv2 system. We evaluate the effectiveness of automated systems in solving captchas by utilizing advanced YOLO models for image segmentation and classification. Our main result is that we can solve 100% of the captchas, while previous work only solved 68-71%. Furthermore, our findings suggest that there is no significant difference in the number of challenges humans and bots must solve to pass the captchas in reCAPTCHAv2. This implies that current AI technologies can exploit advanced image-based captchas. We also look under the hood of reCAPTCHAv2, and find evidence that reCAPTCHAv2 is heavily based on cookie and browser history data when evaluating whether a user is human or not. The code is provided alongside this paper.
comment: 10 pages. Accepted at COMPSAC 2024
☆ Pathfinder for Low-altitude Aircraft with Binary Neural Network
A prior global topological map (e.g., the OpenStreetMap, OSM) can boost the performance of autonomous mapping by a ground mobile robot. However, the prior map is usually incomplete due to lacking labeling in partial paths. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an OSM maker using airborne sensors carried by low-altitude aircraft, where the core of the OSM maker is a novel efficient pathfinder approach based on LiDAR and camera data, i.e., a binary dual-stream road segmentation model. Specifically, a multi-scale feature extraction based on the UNet architecture is implemented for images and point clouds. To reduce the effect caused by the sparsity of point cloud, an attention-guided gated block is designed to integrate image and point-cloud features. For enhancing the efficiency of the model, we propose a binarization streamline to each model component, including a variant of vision transformer (ViT) architecture as the encoder of the image branch, and new focal and perception losses to optimize the model training. The experimental results on two datasets demonstrate that our pathfinder method achieves SOTA accuracy with high efficiency in finding paths from the low-level airborne sensors, and we can create complete OSM prior maps based on the segmented road skeletons. Code and data are available at:https://github.com/IMRL/Pathfinder}{https://github.com/IMRL/Pathfinder.
☆ Task-Specific Data Preparation for Deep Learning to Reconstruct Structures of Interest from Severely Truncated CBCT Data
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is widely used in interventional surgeries and radiation oncology. Due to the limited size of flat-panel detectors, anatomical structures might be missing outside the limited field-of-view (FOV), which restricts the clinical applications of CBCT systems. Recently, deep learning methods have been proposed to extend the FOV for multi-slice CT systems. However, in mobile CBCT system with a smaller FOV size, projection data is severely truncated and it is challenging for a network to restore all missing structures outside the FOV. In some applications, only certain structures outside the FOV are of interest, e.g., ribs in needle path planning for liver/lung cancer diagnosis. Therefore, a task-specific data preparation method is proposed in this work, which automatically let the network focus on structures of interest instead of all the structures. Our preliminary experiment shows that Pix2pixGAN with a conventional training has the risk to reconstruct false positive and false negative rib structures from severely truncated CBCT data, whereas Pix2pixGAN with the proposed task-specific training can reconstruct all the ribs reliably. The proposed method is promising to empower CBCT with more clinical applications.
comment: Published in the CT-Meeting 2024 proceeding. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2108.13844
☆ Contactless Fingerprint Recognition Using 3D Graph Matching
Contactless fingerprint is a newly developed type of fingerprint, and has gained lots of attention in recent fingerprint studies. However, most existing contactless fingerprint algorithms treat contactless fingerprints as 2D plain fingerprints, and utilize similar recognition methods as traditional contact-based 2D fingerprints. This recognition approach does not consider the modality difference between contactless and contact fingerprints, especially the intrinsic 3D characteristic of contactless fingerprints. This paper proposes a novel contactless fingerprint recognition algorithm that captures the revealed 3D feature of contactless fingerprints rather than the plain 2D feature. The proposed method first recovers 3D features from the input contactless fingerprint, including the 3D shape model and 3D fingerprint feature (minutiae, orientation, etc.). Then, a novel 3D graph matching is conducted in 3D space according to the extracted 3D feature. Our method captures the real 3D nature of contactless fingerprints as the whole feature extraction and matching algorithms are completed in real 3D space. Experiments results on contactless fingerprint databases show that the proposed method successfully improves the matching accuracy of contactless fingerprints. Exceptionally, our method performs stably across multiple poses of contactless fingerprints due to 3D graph matching, which is a great advantage compared to previous contactless fingerprint recognition algorithms.
☆ On the Computation of BD-Rate over a Set of Videos for Fair Assessment of Performance of Learned Video Codecs ICASSP 2025
The Bj{\o}ntegaard Delta (BD) measure is widely employed to evaluate and quantify the variations in the rate-distortion(RD) performance across different codecs. Many researchers report the average BD value over multiple videos within a dataset for different codecs. We claim that the current practice in the learned video compression community of computing the average BD value over a dataset based on the average RD curve of multiple videos can lead to misleading conclusions. We show both by analysis of a simplistic case of linear RD curves and experimental results with two recent learned video codecs that averaging RD curves can lead to a single video to disproportionately influence the average BD value especially when the operating bitrate range of different codecs do not exactly match. Instead, we advocate for calculating the BD measure per-video basis, as commonly done by the traditional video compression community, followed by averaging the individual BD values over videos, to provide a fair comparison of learned video codecs. Our experimental results demonstrate that the comparison of two recent learned video codecs is affected by how we evaluate the average BD measure.
comment: Submitted to IEEE ICASSP 2025
☆ Causal Transformer for Fusion and Pose Estimation in Deep Visual Inertial Odometry ECCV 2024
In recent years, transformer-based architectures become the de facto standard for sequence modeling in deep learning frameworks. Inspired by the successful examples, we propose a causal visual-inertial fusion transformer (VIFT) for pose estimation in deep visual-inertial odometry. This study aims to improve pose estimation accuracy by leveraging the attention mechanisms in transformers, which better utilize historical data compared to the recurrent neural network (RNN) based methods seen in recent methods. Transformers typically require large-scale data for training. To address this issue, we utilize inductive biases for deep VIO networks. Since latent visual-inertial feature vectors encompass essential information for pose estimation, we employ transformers to refine pose estimates by updating latent vectors temporally. Our study also examines the impact of data imbalance and rotation learning methods in supervised end-to-end learning of visual inertial odometry by utilizing specialized gradients in backpropagation for the elements of SE$(3)$ group. The proposed method is end-to-end trainable and requires only a monocular camera and IMU during inference. Experimental results demonstrate that VIFT increases the accuracy of monocular VIO networks, achieving state-of-the-art results when compared to previous methods on the KITTI dataset. The code will be made available at https://github.com/ybkurt/VIFT.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 2nd Workshop on Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving (VCAD)
☆ Uncertainty and Generalizability in Foundation Models for Earth Observation
We take the perspective in which we want to design a downstream task (such as estimating vegetation coverage) on a certain area of interest (AOI) with a limited labeling budget. By leveraging an existing Foundation Model (FM) we must decide whether we train a downstream model on a different but label-rich AOI hoping it generalizes to our AOI, or we split labels in our AOI for training and validating. In either case, we face choices concerning what FM to use, how to sample our AOI for labeling, etc. which affect both the performance and uncertainty of the results. In this work, we perform a large ablative study using eight existing FMs on either Sentinel 1 or Sentinel 2 as input data, and the classes from the ESA World Cover product as downstream tasks across eleven AOIs. We do repeated sampling and training, resulting in an ablation of some 500K simple linear regression models. Our results show both the limits of spatial generalizability across AOIs and the power of FMs where we are able to get over 0.9 correlation coefficient between predictions and targets on different chip level predictive tasks. And still, performance and uncertainty vary greatly across AOIs, tasks and FMs. We believe this is a key issue in practice, because there are many design decisions behind each FM and downstream task (input modalities, sampling, architectures, pretraining, etc.) and usually a downstream task designer is aware of and can decide upon a few of them. Through this work, we advocate for the usage of the methodology herein described (large ablations on reference global labels and simple probes), both when publishing new FMs, and to make informed decisions when designing downstream tasks to use them.
comment: A large ablation study measuring uncertainty and spatial generalizability with 8 foundation models, 11 world regions and 7 downstream tasks
☆ Layerwise Change of Knowledge in Neural Networks
This paper aims to explain how a deep neural network (DNN) gradually extracts new knowledge and forgets noisy features through layers in forward propagation. Up to now, although the definition of knowledge encoded by the DNN has not reached a consensus, Previous studies have derived a series of mathematical evidence to take interactions as symbolic primitive inference patterns encoded by a DNN. We extend the definition of interactions and, for the first time, extract interactions encoded by intermediate layers. We quantify and track the newly emerged interactions and the forgotten interactions in each layer during the forward propagation, which shed new light on the learning behavior of DNNs. The layer-wise change of interactions also reveals the change of the generalization capacity and instability of feature representations of a DNN.
☆ Precision Aquaculture: An Integrated Computer Vision and IoT Approach for Optimized Tilapia Feeding
Traditional fish farming practices often lead to inefficient feeding, resulting in environmental issues and reduced productivity. We developed an innovative system combining computer vision and IoT technologies for precise Tilapia feeding. Our solution uses real-time IoT sensors to monitor water quality parameters and computer vision algorithms to analyze fish size and count, determining optimal feed amounts. A mobile app enables remote monitoring and control. We utilized YOLOv8 for keypoint detection to measure Tilapia weight from length, achieving \textbf{94\%} precision on 3,500 annotated images. Pixel-based measurements were converted to centimeters using depth estimation for accurate feeding calculations. Our method, with data collection mirroring inference conditions, significantly improved results. Preliminary estimates suggest this approach could increase production up to 58 times compared to traditional farms. Our models, code, and dataset are open-source~\footnote{The code, dataset, and models are available upon reasonable request.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, 21th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics
☆ Autoregressive Sequence Modeling for 3D Medical Image Representation
Three-dimensional (3D) medical images, such as Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), are essential for clinical applications. However, the need for diverse and comprehensive representations is particularly pronounced when considering the variability across different organs, diagnostic tasks, and imaging modalities. How to effectively interpret the intricate contextual information and extract meaningful insights from these images remains an open challenge to the community. While current self-supervised learning methods have shown potential, they often consider an image as a whole thereby overlooking the extensive, complex relationships among local regions from one or multiple images. In this work, we introduce a pioneering method for learning 3D medical image representations through an autoregressive pre-training framework. Our approach sequences various 3D medical images based on spatial, contrast, and semantic correlations, treating them as interconnected visual tokens within a token sequence. By employing an autoregressive sequence modeling task, we predict the next visual token in the sequence, which allows our model to deeply understand and integrate the contextual information inherent in 3D medical images. Additionally, we implement a random startup strategy to avoid overestimating token relationships and to enhance the robustness of learning. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated by the superior performance over others on nine downstream tasks in public datasets.
☆ GenMapping: Unleashing the Potential of Inverse Perspective Mapping for Robust Online HD Map Construction
Online High-Definition (HD) maps have emerged as the preferred option for autonomous driving, overshadowing the counterpart offline HD maps due to flexible update capability and lower maintenance costs. However, contemporary online HD map models embed parameters of visual sensors into training, resulting in a significant decrease in generalization performance when applied to visual sensors with different parameters. Inspired by the inherent potential of Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM), where camera parameters are decoupled from the training process, we have designed a universal map generation framework, GenMapping. The framework is established with a triadic synergy architecture, including principal and dual auxiliary branches. When faced with a coarse road image with local distortion translated via IPM, the principal branch learns robust global features under the state space models. The two auxiliary branches are a dense perspective branch and a sparse prior branch. The former exploits the correlation information between static and moving objects, whereas the latter introduces the prior knowledge of OpenStreetMap (OSM). The triple-enhanced merging module is crafted to synergistically integrate the unique spatial features from all three branches. To further improve generalization capabilities, a Cross-View Map Learning (CVML) scheme is leveraged to realize joint learning within the common space. Additionally, a Bidirectional Data Augmentation (BiDA) module is introduced to mitigate reliance on datasets concurrently. A thorough array of experimental results shows that the proposed model surpasses current state-of-the-art methods in both semantic mapping and vectorized mapping, while also maintaining a rapid inference speed. The source code will be publicly available at https://github.com/lynn-yu/GenMapping.
comment: The source code will be publicly available at https://github.com/lynn-yu/GenMapping
☆ AdR-Gaussian: Accelerating Gaussian Splatting with Adaptive Radius SIGGRAPH
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) is a recent explicit 3D representation that has achieved high-quality reconstruction and real-time rendering of complex scenes. However, the rasterization pipeline still suffers from unnecessary overhead resulting from avoidable serial Gaussian culling, and uneven load due to the distinct number of Gaussian to be rendered across pixels, which hinders wider promotion and application of 3DGS. In order to accelerate Gaussian splatting, we propose AdR-Gaussian, which moves part of serial culling in Render stage into the earlier Preprocess stage to enable parallel culling, employing adaptive radius to narrow the rendering pixel range for each Gaussian, and introduces a load balancing method to minimize thread waiting time during the pixel-parallel rendering. Our contributions are threefold, achieving a rendering speed of 310% while maintaining equivalent or even better quality than the state-of-the-art. Firstly, we propose to early cull Gaussian-Tile pairs of low splatting opacity based on an adaptive radius in the Gaussian-parallel Preprocess stage, which reduces the number of affected tile through the Gaussian bounding circle, thus reducing unnecessary overhead and achieving faster rendering speed. Secondly, we further propose early culling based on axis-aligned bounding box for Gaussian splatting, which achieves a more significant reduction in ineffective expenses by accurately calculating the Gaussian size in the 2D directions. Thirdly, we propose a balancing algorithm for pixel thread load, which compresses the information of heavy-load pixels to reduce thread waiting time, and enhance information of light-load pixels to hedge against rendering quality loss. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our algorithm can significantly improve the Gaussian Splatting rendering speed.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers (SA Conference Papers '24), December 03-06, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
☆ Test-time Training for Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution
The progress on Hyperspectral image (HSI) super-resolution (SR) is still lagging behind the research of RGB image SR. HSIs usually have a high number of spectral bands, so accurately modeling spectral band interaction for HSI SR is hard. Also, training data for HSI SR is hard to obtain so the dataset is usually rather small. In this work, we propose a new test-time training method to tackle this problem. Specifically, a novel self-training framework is developed, where more accurate pseudo-labels and more accurate LR-HR relationships are generated so that the model can be further trained with them to improve performance. In order to better support our test-time training method, we also propose a new network architecture to learn HSI SR without modeling spectral band interaction and propose a new data augmentation method Spectral Mixup to increase the diversity of the training data at test time. We also collect a new HSI dataset with a diverse set of images of interesting objects ranging from food to vegetation, to materials, and to general scenes. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets show that our method can improve the performance of pre-trained models significantly after test-time training and outperform competing methods significantly for HSI SR.
comment: Accepted to T-PAMI
☆ SkinFormer: Learning Statistical Texture Representation with Transformer for Skin Lesion Segmentation
Accurate skin lesion segmentation from dermoscopic images is of great importance for skin cancer diagnosis. However, automatic segmentation of melanoma remains a challenging task because it is difficult to incorporate useful texture representations into the learning process. Texture representations are not only related to the local structural information learned by CNN, but also include the global statistical texture information of the input image. In this paper, we propose a trans\textbf{Former} network (\textbf{SkinFormer}) that efficiently extracts and fuses statistical texture representation for \textbf{Skin} lesion segmentation. Specifically, to quantify the statistical texture of input features, a Kurtosis-guided Statistical Counting Operator is designed. We propose Statistical Texture Fusion Transformer and Statistical Texture Enhance Transformer with the help of Kurtosis-guided Statistical Counting Operator by utilizing the transformer's global attention mechanism. The former fuses structural texture information and statistical texture information, and the latter enhances the statistical texture of multi-scale features. {Extensive experiments on three publicly available skin lesion datasets validate that our SkinFormer outperforms other SOAT methods, and our method achieves 93.2\% Dice score on ISIC 2018. It can be easy to extend SkinFormer to segment 3D images in the future.} Our code is available at https://github.com/Rongtao-Xu/SkinFormer.
comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, published to JBHI
☆ Joint image reconstruction and segmentation of real-time cardiac MRI in free-breathing using a model based on disentangled representation learning
A joint image reconstruction and segmentation approach based on disentangled representation learning was trained to enable cardiac cine MR imaging in real-time and under free-breathing. An exploratory feasibility study tested the proposed method in undersampled real-time acquisitions based on an in-house developed spiral bSSFP pulse sequence in eight healthy participants and five patients with intermittent atrial fibrillation. Images and predicted LV segmentations were compared to the reference standard of ECG-gated segmented Cartesian cine in repeated breath-holds and corresponding manual segmentation. On a 5-point Likert scale, image quality of the real-time breath-hold approach and Cartesian cine was comparable in healthy participants (RT-BH: 1.99 $\pm$ .98, Cartesian: 1.94 $\pm$ .86, p=.052), but slightly inferior in free-breathing (RT-FB: 2.40 $\pm$ .98, p<.001). In patients with arrhythmia, image quality from both real-time approaches was favourable (RT-BH: 2.10 $\pm$ 1.28, p<.001, RT-FB: 2.40 $\pm$ 1.13, p<.001, Cartesian: 2.68 $\pm$ 1.13). Intra-observer reliability was good (ICC=.77, 95%-confidence interval [.75, .79], p<.001). In functional analysis, a positive bias was observed for ejection fractions derived from the proposed model compared to the clinical reference standard (RT-BH mean EF: 58.5 $\pm$ 5.6%, bias: +3.47%, 95%-confidence interval [-.86, 7.79%], RT-FB mean: 57.9 $\pm$ 10.6%, bias: +1.45%, [-3.02, 5.91%], Cartesian mean: 54.9 $\pm$ 6.7%). The introduced real-time MR imaging technique is capable of acquiring high-quality cardiac cine data in 1-2 minutes without the need for ECG gating and breath-holds. It thus offers a promising alternative to the current clinical practice of segmented acquisition, with shorter scan times, higher patient comfort and increased robustness to arrhythmia and patient incompliance.
comment: Submitted to the Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
☆ TapToTab : Video-Based Guitar Tabs Generation using AI and Audio Analysis
The automation of guitar tablature generation from video inputs holds significant promise for enhancing music education, transcription accuracy, and performance analysis. Existing methods face challenges with consistency and completeness, particularly in detecting fretboards and accurately identifying notes. To address these issues, this paper introduces an advanced approach leveraging deep learning, specifically YOLO models for real-time fretboard detection, and Fourier Transform-based audio analysis for precise note identification. Experimental results demonstrate substantial improvements in detection accuracy and robustness compared to traditional techniques. This paper outlines the development, implementation, and evaluation of these methodologies, aiming to revolutionize guitar instruction by automating the creation of guitar tabs from video recordings.
☆ Dense Point Clouds Matter: Dust-GS for Scene Reconstruction from Sparse Viewpoints
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has demonstrated remarkable performance in scene synthesis and novel view synthesis tasks. Typically, the initialization of 3D Gaussian primitives relies on point clouds derived from Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods. However, in scenarios requiring scene reconstruction from sparse viewpoints, the effectiveness of 3DGS is significantly constrained by the quality of these initial point clouds and the limited number of input images. In this study, we present Dust-GS, a novel framework specifically designed to overcome the limitations of 3DGS in sparse viewpoint conditions. Instead of relying solely on SfM, Dust-GS introduces an innovative point cloud initialization technique that remains effective even with sparse input data. Our approach leverages a hybrid strategy that integrates an adaptive depth-based masking technique, thereby enhancing the accuracy and detail of reconstructed scenes. Extensive experiments conducted on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that Dust-GS surpasses traditional 3DGS methods in scenarios with sparse viewpoints, achieving superior scene reconstruction quality with a reduced number of input images.
☆ Knowledge-Enhanced Facial Expression Recognition with Emotional-to-Neutral Transformation
Existing facial expression recognition (FER) methods typically fine-tune a pre-trained visual encoder using discrete labels. However, this form of supervision limits to specify the emotional concept of different facial expressions. In this paper, we observe that the rich knowledge in text embeddings, generated by vision-language models, is a promising alternative for learning discriminative facial expression representations. Inspired by this, we propose a novel knowledge-enhanced FER method with an emotional-to-neutral transformation. Specifically, we formulate the FER problem as a process to match the similarity between a facial expression representation and text embeddings. Then, we transform the facial expression representation to a neutral representation by simulating the difference in text embeddings from textual facial expression to textual neutral. Finally, a self-contrast objective is introduced to pull the facial expression representation closer to the textual facial expression, while pushing it farther from the neutral representation. We conduct evaluation with diverse pre-trained visual encoders including ResNet-18 and Swin-T on four challenging facial expression datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art FER methods. The code will be publicly available.
☆ Improved Unet model for brain tumor image segmentation based on ASPP-coordinate attention mechanism
In this paper, we propose an improved Unet model for brain tumor image segmentation, which combines coordinate attention mechanism and ASPP module to improve the segmentation effect. After the data set is divided, we do the necessary preprocessing to the image and use the improved model to experiment. First, we trained and validated the traditional Unet model. By analyzing the loss curve of the training set and the validation set, we can see that the loss value continues to decline at the first epoch and becomes stable at the eighth epoch. This process shows that the model constantly optimizes its parameters to improve performance. At the same time, the change in the miou (mean Intersection over Union) index shows that the miou value exceeded 0.6 at the 15th epoch, remained above 0.6 thereafter, and reached above 0.7 at the 46th epoch. These results indicate that the basic Unet model is effective in brain tumor image segmentation. Next, we introduce an improved Unet algorithm based on coordinate attention mechanism and ASPP module for experiments. By observing the loss change curves of the training set and the verification set, it is found that the loss value reaches the lowest point at the sixth epoch and then remains relatively stable. At the same time, the miou indicator has stabilized above 0.7 since the 20th epoch and has reached a maximum of 0.76. These results show that the new mechanism introduced significantly improves the segmentation ability of the model. Finally, we apply the trained traditional Unet model and the improved Unet model based on the coordinate attention mechanism and ASPP module to the test set for brain tumor image segmentation prediction. Compared to the traditional Unet, the enhanced model offers superior segmentation and edge accuracy, providing a more reliable method for medical image analysis with the coordinate attention mechanism and ASPP module.
comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, accepted by ICBASE 2024
☆ Optimizing 4D Lookup Table for Low-light Video Enhancement via Wavelet Priori
Low-light video enhancement is highly demanding in maintaining spatiotemporal color consistency. Therefore, improving the accuracy of color mapping and keeping the latency low is challenging. Based on this, we propose incorporating Wavelet-priori for 4D Lookup Table (WaveLUT), which effectively enhances the color coherence between video frames and the accuracy of color mapping while maintaining low latency. Specifically, we use the wavelet low-frequency domain to construct an optimized lookup prior and achieve an adaptive enhancement effect through a designed Wavelet-prior 4D lookup table. To effectively compensate the a priori loss in the low light region, we further explore a dynamic fusion strategy that adaptively determines the spatial weights based on the correlation between the wavelet lighting prior and the target intensity structure. In addition, during the training phase, we devise a text-driven appearance reconstruction method that dynamically balances brightness and content through multimodal semantics-driven Fourier spectra. Extensive experiments on a wide range of benchmark datasets show that this method effectively enhances the previous method's ability to perceive the color space and achieves metric-favorable and perceptually oriented real-time enhancement while maintaining high efficiency.
☆ ChangeChat: An Interactive Model for Remote Sensing Change Analysis via Multimodal Instruction Tuning
Remote sensing (RS) change analysis is vital for monitoring Earth's dynamic processes by detecting alterations in images over time. Traditional change detection excels at identifying pixel-level changes but lacks the ability to contextualize these alterations. While recent advancements in change captioning offer natural language descriptions of changes, they do not support interactive, user-specific queries. To address these limitations, we introduce ChangeChat, the first bitemporal vision-language model (VLM) designed specifically for RS change analysis. ChangeChat utilizes multimodal instruction tuning, allowing it to handle complex queries such as change captioning, category-specific quantification, and change localization. To enhance the model's performance, we developed the ChangeChat-87k dataset, which was generated using a combination of rule-based methods and GPT-assisted techniques. Experiments show that ChangeChat offers a comprehensive, interactive solution for RS change analysis, achieving performance comparable to or even better than state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on specific tasks, and significantly surpassing the latest general-domain model, GPT-4. Code and pre-trained weights are available at https://github.com/hanlinwu/ChangeChat.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures
☆ HTR-VT: Handwritten Text Recognition with Vision Transformer
We explore the application of Vision Transformer (ViT) for handwritten text recognition. The limited availability of labeled data in this domain poses challenges for achieving high performance solely relying on ViT. Previous transformer-based models required external data or extensive pre-training on large datasets to excel. To address this limitation, we introduce a data-efficient ViT method that uses only the encoder of the standard transformer. We find that incorporating a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for feature extraction instead of the original patch embedding and employ Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) optimizer to ensure that the model can converge towards flatter minima and yield notable enhancements. Furthermore, our introduction of the span mask technique, which masks interconnected features in the feature map, acts as an effective regularizer. Empirically, our approach competes favorably with traditional CNN-based models on small datasets like IAM and READ2016. Additionally, it establishes a new benchmark on the LAM dataset, currently the largest dataset with 19,830 training text lines. The code is publicly available at: https://github.com/YutingLi0606/HTR-VT.
comment: Accepted to Pattern Recognition
☆ DiffFAS: Face Anti-Spoofing via Generative Diffusion Models ECCV 24
Face anti-spoofing (FAS) plays a vital role in preventing face recognition (FR) systems from presentation attacks. Nowadays, FAS systems face the challenge of domain shift, impacting the generalization performance of existing FAS methods. In this paper, we rethink about the inherence of domain shift and deconstruct it into two factors: image style and image quality. Quality influences the purity of the presentation of spoof information, while style affects the manner in which spoof information is presented. Based on our analysis, we propose DiffFAS framework, which quantifies quality as prior information input into the network to counter image quality shift, and performs diffusion-based high-fidelity cross-domain and cross-attack types generation to counter image style shift. DiffFAS transforms easily collectible live faces into high-fidelity attack faces with precise labels while maintaining consistency between live and spoof face identities, which can also alleviate the scarcity of labeled data with novel type attacks faced by nowadays FAS system. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on challenging cross-domain and cross-attack FAS datasets, achieving the state-of-the-art performance. Available at https://github.com/murphytju/DiffFAS.
comment: ECCV 24
☆ Hybrid-TTA: Continual Test-time Adaptation via Dynamic Domain Shift Detection
Continual Test Time Adaptation (CTTA) has emerged as a critical approach for bridging the domain gap between the controlled training environments and the real-world scenarios, enhancing model adaptability and robustness. Existing CTTA methods, typically categorized into Full-Tuning (FT) and Efficient-Tuning (ET), struggle with effectively addressing domain shifts. To overcome these challenges, we propose Hybrid-TTA, a holistic approach that dynamically selects instance-wise tuning method for optimal adaptation. Our approach introduces the Dynamic Domain Shift Detection (DDSD) strategy, which identifies domain shifts by leveraging temporal correlations in input sequences and dynamically switches between FT and ET to adapt to varying domain shifts effectively. Additionally, the Masked Image Modeling based Adaptation (MIMA) framework is integrated to ensure domain-agnostic robustness with minimal computational overhead. Our Hybrid-TTA achieves a notable 1.6%p improvement in mIoU on the Cityscapes-to-ACDC benchmark dataset, surpassing previous state-of-the-art methods and offering a robust solution for real-world continual adaptation challenges.
☆ Second-order difference subspace
Subspace representation is a fundamental technique in various fields of machine learning. Analyzing a geometrical relationship among multiple subspaces is essential for understanding subspace series' temporal and/or spatial dynamics. This paper proposes the second-order difference subspace, a higher-order extension of the first-order difference subspace between two subspaces that can analyze the geometrical difference between them. As a preliminary for that, we extend the definition of the first-order difference subspace to the more general setting that two subspaces with different dimensions have an intersection. We then define the second-order difference subspace by combining the concept of first-order difference subspace and principal component subspace (Karcher mean) between two subspaces, motivated by the second-order central difference method. We can understand that the first/second-order difference subspaces correspond to the velocity and acceleration of subspace dynamics from the viewpoint of a geodesic on a Grassmann manifold. We demonstrate the validity and naturalness of our second-order difference subspace by showing numerical results on two applications: temporal shape analysis of a 3D object and time series analysis of a biometric signal.
comment: 18 pages, 11 figures
☆ CSS: Overcoming Pose and Scene Challenges in Crowd-Sourced 3D Gaussian Splatting
We introduce Crowd-Sourced Splatting (CSS), a novel 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) pipeline designed to overcome the challenges of pose-free scene reconstruction using crowd-sourced imagery. The dream of reconstructing historically significant but inaccessible scenes from collections of photographs has long captivated researchers. However, traditional 3D techniques struggle with missing camera poses, limited viewpoints, and inconsistent lighting. CSS addresses these challenges through robust geometric priors and advanced illumination modeling, enabling high-quality novel view synthesis under complex, real-world conditions. Our method demonstrates clear improvements over existing approaches, paving the way for more accurate and flexible applications in AR, VR, and large-scale 3D reconstruction.
☆ DICS: Find Domain-Invariant and Class-Specific Features for Out-of-Distribution Generalization
While deep neural networks have made remarkable progress in various vision tasks, their performance typically deteriorates when tested in out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios. Many OOD methods focus on extracting domain-invariant features but neglect whether these features are unique to each class. Even if some features are domain-invariant, they cannot serve as key classification criteria if shared across different classes. In OOD tasks, both domain-related and class-shared features act as confounders that hinder generalization. In this paper, we propose a DICS model to extract Domain-Invariant and Class-Specific features, including Domain Invariance Testing (DIT) and Class Specificity Testing (CST), which mitigate the effects of spurious correlations introduced by confounders. DIT learns domain-related features of each source domain and removes them from inputs to isolate domain-invariant class-related features. DIT ensures domain invariance by aligning same-class features across different domains. Then, CST calculates soft labels for those features by comparing them with features learned in previous steps. We optimize the cross-entropy between the soft labels and their true labels, which enhances same-class similarity and different-class distinctiveness, thereby reinforcing class specificity. Extensive experiments on widely-used benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm. Additional visualizations further demonstrate that DICS effectively identifies the key features of each class in target domains.
☆ SRE-CNN: A Spatiotemporal Rotation-Equivariant CNN for Cardiac Cine MR Imaging MICCAI 2024
Dynamic MR images possess various transformation symmetries,including the rotation symmetry of local features within the image and along the temporal dimension. Utilizing these symmetries as prior knowledge can facilitate dynamic MR imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution. Equivariant CNN is an effective tool to leverage the symmetry priors. However, current equivariant CNN methods fail to fully exploit these symmetry priors in dynamic MR imaging. In this work, we propose a novel framework of Spatiotemporal Rotation-Equivariant CNN (SRE-CNN), spanning from the underlying high-precision filter design to the construction of the temporal-equivariant convolutional module and imaging model, to fully harness the rotation symmetries inherent in dynamic MR images. The temporal-equivariant convolutional module enables exploitation the rotation symmetries in both spatial and temporal dimensions, while the high-precision convolutional filter, based on parametrization strategy, enhances the utilization of rotation symmetry of local features to improve the reconstruction of detailed anatomical structures. Experiments conducted on highly undersampled dynamic cardiac cine data (up to 20X) have demonstrated the superior performance of our proposed approach, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
comment: Accepted at MICCAI 2024
☆ GroundingBooth: Grounding Text-to-Image Customization
Recent studies in text-to-image customization show great success in generating personalized object variants given several images of a subject. While existing methods focus more on preserving the identity of the subject, they often fall short of controlling the spatial relationship between objects. In this work, we introduce GroundingBooth, a framework that achieves zero-shot instance-level spatial grounding on both foreground subjects and background objects in the text-to-image customization task. Our proposed text-image grounding module and masked cross-attention layer allow us to generate personalized images with both accurate layout alignment and identity preservation while maintaining text-image coherence. With such layout control, our model inherently enables the customization of multiple subjects at once. Our model is evaluated on both layout-guided image synthesis and reference-based customization tasks, showing strong results compared to existing methods. Our work is the first work to achieve a joint grounding of both subject-driven foreground generation and text-driven background generation.
☆ Anytime Continual Learning for Open Vocabulary Classification ECCV 2024
We propose an approach for anytime continual learning (AnytimeCL) for open vocabulary image classification. The AnytimeCL problem aims to break away from batch training and rigid models by requiring that a system can predict any set of labels at any time and efficiently update and improve when receiving one or more training samples at any time. Despite the challenging goal, we achieve substantial improvements over recent methods. We propose a dynamic weighting between predictions of a partially fine-tuned model and a fixed open vocabulary model that enables continual improvement when training samples are available for a subset of a task's labels. We also propose an attention-weighted PCA compression of training features that reduces storage and computation with little impact to model accuracy. Our methods are validated with experiments that test flexibility of learning and inference. Code is available at https://github.com/jessemelpolio/AnytimeCL.
comment: To appear at ECCV 2024 as Oral presentation
☆ AWF: Adaptive Weight Fusion for Enhanced Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation
Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation (CISS) aims to mitigate catastrophic forgetting by maintaining a balance between previously learned and newly introduced knowledge. Existing methods, primarily based on regularization techniques like knowledge distillation, help preserve old knowledge but often face challenges in effectively integrating new knowledge, resulting in limited overall improvement. Endpoints Weight Fusion (EWF) method, while simple, effectively addresses some of these limitations by dynamically fusing the model weights from previous steps with those from the current step, using a fusion parameter alpha determined by the relative number of previously known classes and newly introduced classes. However, the simplicity of the alpha calculation may limit its ability to fully capture the complexities of different task scenarios, potentially leading to suboptimal fusion outcomes. In this paper, we propose an enhanced approach called Adaptive Weight Fusion (AWF), which introduces an alternating training strategy for the fusion parameter, allowing for more flexible and adaptive weight integration. AWF achieves superior performance by better balancing the retention of old knowledge with the learning of new classes, significantly improving results on benchmark CISS tasks compared to the original EWF. And our experiment code will be released on Github.
comment: 10 pages,6 figures
☆ Mamba-YOLO-World: Marrying YOLO-World with Mamba for Open-Vocabulary Detection
Open-vocabulary detection (OVD) aims to detect objects beyond a predefined set of categories. As a pioneering model incorporating the YOLO series into OVD, YOLO-World is well-suited for scenarios prioritizing speed and efficiency.However, its performance is hindered by its neck feature fusion mechanism, which causes the quadratic complexity and the limited guided receptive fields.To address these limitations, we present Mamba-YOLO-World, a novel YOLO-based OVD model employing the proposed MambaFusion Path Aggregation Network (MambaFusion-PAN) as its neck architecture. Specifically, we introduce an innovative State Space Model-based feature fusion mechanism consisting of a Parallel-Guided Selective Scan algorithm and a Serial-Guided Selective Scan algorithm with linear complexity and globally guided receptive fields. It leverages multi-modal input sequences and mamba hidden states to guide the selective scanning process.Experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms the original YOLO-World on the COCO and LVIS benchmarks in both zero-shot and fine-tuning settings while maintaining comparable parameters and FLOPs. Additionally, it surpasses existing state-of-the-art OVD methods with fewer parameters and FLOPs.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ CasDyF-Net: Image Dehazing via Cascaded Dynamic Filters
Image dehazing aims to restore image clarity and visual quality by reducing atmospheric scattering and absorption effects. While deep learning has made significant strides in this area, more and more methods are constrained by network depth. Consequently, lots of approaches have adopted parallel branching strategies. however, they often prioritize aspects such as resolution, receptive field, or frequency domain segmentation without dynamically partitioning branches based on the distribution of input features. Inspired by dynamic filtering, we propose using cascaded dynamic filters to create a multi-branch network by dynamically generating filter kernels based on feature map distribution. To better handle branch features, we propose a residual multiscale block (RMB), combining different receptive fields. Furthermore, we also introduce a dynamic convolution-based local fusion method to merge features from adjacent branches. Experiments on RESIDE, Haze4K, and O-Haze datasets validate our method's effectiveness, with our model achieving a PSNR of 43.21dB on the RESIDE-Indoor dataset. The code is available at https://github.com/dauing/CasDyF-Net.
comment: 9 pages, 9 figures
☆ Exploiting Supervised Poison Vulnerability to Strengthen Self-Supervised Defense
Availability poisons exploit supervised learning (SL) algorithms by introducing class-related shortcut features in images such that models trained on poisoned data are useless for real-world datasets. Self-supervised learning (SSL), which utilizes augmentations to learn instance discrimination, is regarded as a strong defense against poisoned data. However, by extending the study of SSL across multiple poisons on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-100 datasets, we demonstrate that it often performs poorly, far below that of training on clean data. Leveraging the vulnerability of SL to poison attacks, we introduce adversarial training (AT) on SL to obfuscate poison features and guide robust feature learning for SSL. Our proposed defense, designated VESPR (Vulnerability Exploitation of Supervised Poisoning for Robust SSL), surpasses the performance of six previous defenses across seven popular availability poisons. VESPR displays superior performance over all previous defenses, boosting the minimum and average ImageNet-100 test accuracies of poisoned models by 16% and 9%, respectively. Through analysis and ablation studies, we elucidate the mechanisms by which VESPR learns robust class features.
comment: 28 pages, 5 figures
☆ Identifying Human Indoor Daily Life Behavior employing Thermal Sensor Arrays (TSAs)
Daily activity monitoring systems used in households provide vital information for health status, particularly with aging residents. Multiple approaches have been introduced to achieve such goals, typically obtrusive and non-obtrusive. Amongst the obtrusive approaches are the wearable devices, and among the non-obtrusive approaches are the movement detection systems, including motion sensors and thermal sensor arrays (TSAs). TSA systems are advantageous when preserving a person's privacy and picking his precise spatial location. In this study, human daily living activities were monitored day and night, constructing the corresponding activity time series and spatial probability distribution and employing a TSA system. The monitored activities are classified into two categories: sleeping and daily activity. Results showed the possibility of distinguishing between classes regardless of day and night. The obtained sleep activity duration was compared with previous research using the same raw data. Results showed that the duration of sleep activity, on average, was 9 hours/day, and daily life activity was 7 hours/day. The person's spatial probability distribution was determined using the bivariate distribution for the monitored location. In conclusion, the results showed that sleeping activity was dominant. Our study showed that TSAs were the optimum choice when monitoring human activity. Our proposed approach tackled limitations encountered by previous human activity monitoring systems, such as preserving human privacy while knowing his precise spatial location.
☆ PSTNet: Enhanced Polyp Segmentation with Multi-scale Alignment and Frequency Domain Integration
Accurate segmentation of colorectal polyps in colonoscopy images is crucial for effective diagnosis and management of colorectal cancer (CRC). However, current deep learning-based methods primarily rely on fusing RGB information across multiple scales, leading to limitations in accurately identifying polyps due to restricted RGB domain information and challenges in feature misalignment during multi-scale aggregation. To address these limitations, we propose the Polyp Segmentation Network with Shunted Transformer (PSTNet), a novel approach that integrates both RGB and frequency domain cues present in the images. PSTNet comprises three key modules: the Frequency Characterization Attention Module (FCAM) for extracting frequency cues and capturing polyp characteristics, the Feature Supplementary Alignment Module (FSAM) for aligning semantic information and reducing misalignment noise, and the Cross Perception localization Module (CPM) for synergizing frequency cues with high-level semantics to achieve efficient polyp segmentation. Extensive experiments on challenging datasets demonstrate PSTNet's significant improvement in polyp segmentation accuracy across various metrics, consistently outperforming state-of-the-art methods. The integration of frequency domain cues and the novel architectural design of PSTNet contribute to advancing computer-assisted polyp segmentation, facilitating more accurate diagnosis and management of CRC.
☆ Cross-conditioned Diffusion Model for Medical Image to Image Translation
Multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides rich, complementary information for analyzing diseases. However, the practical challenges of acquiring multiple MRI modalities, such as cost, scan time, and safety considerations, often result in incomplete datasets. This affects both the quality of diagnosis and the performance of deep learning models trained on such data. Recent advancements in generative adversarial networks (GANs) and denoising diffusion models have shown promise in natural and medical image-to-image translation tasks. However, the complexity of training GANs and the computational expense associated with diffusion models hinder their development and application in this task. To address these issues, we introduce a Cross-conditioned Diffusion Model (CDM) for medical image-to-image translation. The core idea of CDM is to use the distribution of target modalities as guidance to improve synthesis quality while achieving higher generation efficiency compared to conventional diffusion models. First, we propose a Modality-specific Representation Model (MRM) to model the distribution of target modalities. Then, we design a Modality-decoupled Diffusion Network (MDN) to efficiently and effectively learn the distribution from MRM. Finally, a Cross-conditioned UNet (C-UNet) with a Condition Embedding module is designed to synthesize the target modalities with the source modalities as input and the target distribution for guidance. Extensive experiments conducted on the BraTS2023 and UPenn-GBM benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method.
comment: miccai24
☆ WheelPoser: Sparse-IMU Based Body Pose Estimation for Wheelchair Users
Despite researchers having extensively studied various ways to track body pose on-the-go, most prior work does not take into account wheelchair users, leading to poor tracking performance. Wheelchair users could greatly benefit from this pose information to prevent injuries, monitor their health, identify environmental accessibility barriers, and interact with gaming and VR experiences. In this work, we present WheelPoser, a real-time pose estimation system specifically designed for wheelchair users. Our system uses only four strategically placed IMUs on the user's body and wheelchair, making it far more practical than prior systems using cameras and dense IMU arrays. WheelPoser is able to track a wheelchair user's pose with a mean joint angle error of 14.30 degrees and a mean joint position error of 6.74 cm, more than three times better than similar systems using sparse IMUs. To train our system, we collect a novel WheelPoser-IMU dataset, consisting of 167 minutes of paired IMU sensor and motion capture data of people in wheelchairs, including wheelchair-specific motions such as propulsion and pressure relief. Finally, we explore the potential application space enabled by our system and discuss future opportunities. Open-source code, models, and dataset can be found here: https://github.com/axle-lab/WheelPoser.
comment: Accepted by ASSETS 2024
☆ Tri-Plane Mamba: Efficiently Adapting Segment Anything Model for 3D Medical Images
General networks for 3D medical image segmentation have recently undergone extensive exploration. Behind the exceptional performance of these networks lies a significant demand for a large volume of pixel-level annotated data, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The emergence of the Segment Anything Model (SAM) has enabled this model to achieve superior performance in 2D medical image segmentation tasks via parameter- and data-efficient feature adaptation. However, the introduction of additional depth channels in 3D medical images not only prevents the sharing of 2D pre-trained features but also results in a quadratic increase in the computational cost for adapting SAM. To overcome these challenges, we present the Tri-Plane Mamba (TP-Mamba) adapters tailored for the SAM, featuring two major innovations: 1) multi-scale 3D convolutional adapters, optimized for efficiently processing local depth-level information, 2) a tri-plane mamba module, engineered to capture long-range depth-level representation without significantly increasing computational costs. This approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in 3D CT organ segmentation tasks. Remarkably, this superior performance is maintained even with scarce training data. Specifically using only three CT training samples from the BTCV dataset, it surpasses conventional 3D segmentation networks, attaining a Dice score that is up to 12% higher.
☆ Risks When Sharing LoRA Fine-Tuned Diffusion Model Weights
With the emerging trend in generative models and convenient public access to diffusion models pre-trained on large datasets, users can fine-tune these models to generate images of personal faces or items in new contexts described by natural language. Parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) such as Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has become the most common way to save memory and computation usage on the user end during fine-tuning. However, a natural question is whether the private images used for fine-tuning will be leaked to adversaries when sharing model weights. In this paper, we study the issue of privacy leakage of a fine-tuned diffusion model in a practical setting, where adversaries only have access to model weights, rather than prompts or images used for fine-tuning. We design and build a variational network autoencoder that takes model weights as input and outputs the reconstruction of private images. To improve the efficiency of training such an autoencoder, we propose a training paradigm with the help of timestep embedding. The results give a surprising answer to this research question: an adversary can generate images containing the same identities as the private images. Furthermore, we demonstrate that no existing defense method, including differential privacy-based methods, can preserve the privacy of private data used for fine-tuning a diffusion model without compromising the utility of a fine-tuned model.
☆ USTC-TD: A Test Dataset and Benchmark for Image and Video Coding in 2020s
Image/video coding has been a remarkable research area for both academia and industry for many years. Testing datasets, especially high-quality image/video datasets are desirable for the justified evaluation of coding-related research, practical applications, and standardization activities. We put forward a test dataset namely USTC-TD, which has been successfully adopted in the practical end-to-end image/video coding challenge of the IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing in 2022 and 2023. USTC-TD contains 40 images at 4K spatial resolution and 10 video sequences at 1080p spatial resolution, featuring various content due to the diverse environmental factors (scene type, texture, motion, view) and the designed imaging factors (illumination, shadow, lens). We quantitatively evaluate USTC-TD on different image/video features (spatial, temporal, color, lightness), and compare it with the previous image/video test datasets, which verifies the wider coverage and more diversity of the proposed dataset. We also evaluate both classic standardized and recent learned image/video coding schemes on USTC-TD with PSNR and MS-SSIM, and provide an extensive benchmark for the evaluated schemes. Based on the characteristics and specific design of the proposed test dataset, we analyze the benchmark performance and shed light on the future research and development of image/video coding. All the data are released online: https://esakak.github.io/USTC-TD.
comment: 24 pages. Project Page: https://esakak.github.io/USTC-TD
☆ RT-DETRv3: Real-time End-to-End Object Detection with Hierarchical Dense Positive Supervision
RT-DETR is the first real-time end-to-end transformer-based object detector. Its efficiency comes from the framework design and the Hungarian matching. However, compared to dense supervision detectors like the YOLO series, the Hungarian matching provides much sparser supervision, leading to insufficient model training and difficult to achieve optimal results. To address these issues, we proposed a hierarchical dense positive supervision method based on RT-DETR, named RT-DETRv3. Firstly, we introduce a CNN-based auxiliary branch that provides dense supervision that collaborates with the original decoder to enhance the encoder feature representation. Secondly, to address insufficient decoder training, we propose a novel learning strategy involving self-attention perturbation. This strategy diversifies label assignment for positive samples across multiple query groups, thereby enriching positive supervisions. Additionally, we introduce a shared-weight decoder branch for dense positive supervision to ensure more high-quality queries matching each ground truth. Notably, all aforementioned modules are training-only. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on COCO val2017. RT-DETRv3 significantly outperforms existing real-time detectors, including the RT-DETR series and the YOLO series. For example, RT-DETRv3-R18 achieves 48.1% AP (+1.6%/+1.4%) compared to RT-DETR-R18/RT-DETRv2-R18 while maintaining the same latency. Meanwhile, it requires only half of epochs to attain a comparable performance. Furthermore, RT-DETRv3-R101 can attain an impressive 54.6% AP outperforming YOLOv10-X. Code will be released soon.
☆ Rethinking Meta-Learning from a Learning Lens
Meta-learning has emerged as a powerful approach for leveraging knowledge from previous tasks to solve new tasks. The mainstream methods focus on training a well-generalized model initialization, which is then adapted to different tasks with limited data and updates. However, it pushes the model overfitting on the training tasks. Previous methods mainly attributed this to the lack of data and used augmentations to address this issue, but they were limited by sufficient training and effective augmentation strategies. In this work, we focus on the more fundamental ``learning to learn'' strategy of meta-learning to explore what causes errors and how to eliminate these errors without changing the environment. Specifically, we first rethink the algorithmic procedure of meta-learning from a ``learning'' lens. Through theoretical and empirical analyses, we find that (i) this paradigm faces the risk of both overfitting and underfitting and (ii) the model adapted to different tasks promote each other where the effect is stronger if the tasks are more similar. Based on this insight, we propose using task relations to calibrate the optimization process of meta-learning and propose a plug-and-play method called Task Relation Learner (TRLearner) to achieve this goal. Specifically, it first obtains task relation matrices from the extracted task-specific meta-data. Then, it uses the obtained matrices with relation-aware consistency regularization to guide optimization. Extensive theoretical and empirical analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of TRLearner.
☆ Generalization Boosted Adapter for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation
Vision-language models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable open-vocabulary object recognition capabilities, motivating their adaptation for dense prediction tasks like segmentation. However, directly applying VLMs to such tasks remains challenging due to their lack of pixel-level granularity and the limited data available for fine-tuning, leading to overfitting and poor generalization. To address these limitations, we propose Generalization Boosted Adapter (GBA), a novel adapter strategy that enhances the generalization and robustness of VLMs for open-vocabulary segmentation. GBA comprises two core components: (1) a Style Diversification Adapter (SDA) that decouples features into amplitude and phase components, operating solely on the amplitude to enrich the feature space representation while preserving semantic consistency; and (2) a Correlation Constraint Adapter (CCA) that employs cross-attention to establish tighter semantic associations between text categories and target regions, suppressing irrelevant low-frequency ``noise'' information and avoiding erroneous associations. Through the synergistic effect of the shallow SDA and the deep CCA, GBA effectively alleviates overfitting issues and enhances the semantic relevance of feature representations. As a simple, efficient, and plug-and-play component, GBA can be flexibly integrated into various CLIP-based methods, demonstrating broad applicability and achieving state-of-the-art performance on multiple open-vocabulary segmentation benchmarks.
☆ VLTP: Vision-Language Guided Token Pruning for Task-Oriented Segmentation
Vision Transformers (ViTs) have emerged as the backbone of many segmentation models, consistently achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. However, their success comes at a significant computational cost. Image token pruning is one of the most effective strategies to address this complexity. However, previous approaches fall short when applied to more complex task-oriented segmentation (TOS), where the class of each image patch is not predefined but dependent on the specific input task. This work introduces the Vision Language Guided Token Pruning (VLTP), a novel token pruning mechanism that can accelerate ViTbased segmentation models, particularly for TOS guided by multi-modal large language model (MLLM). We argue that ViT does not need to process every image token through all of its layers only the tokens related to reasoning tasks are necessary. We design a new pruning decoder to take both image tokens and vision-language guidance as input to predict the relevance of each image token to the task. Only image tokens with high relevance are passed to deeper layers of the ViT. Experiments show that the VLTP framework reduces the computational costs of ViT by approximately 25% without performance degradation and by around 40% with only a 1% performance drop.
☆ VistaFormer: Scalable Vision Transformers for Satellite Image Time Series Segmentation
We introduce VistaFormer, a lightweight Transformer-based model architecture for the semantic segmentation of remote-sensing images. This model uses a multi-scale Transformer-based encoder with a lightweight decoder that aggregates global and local attention captured in the encoder blocks. VistaFormer uses position-free self-attention layers which simplifies the model architecture and removes the need to interpolate temporal and spatial codes, which can reduce model performance when training and testing image resolutions differ. We investigate simple techniques for filtering noisy input signals like clouds and demonstrate that improved model scalability can be achieved by substituting Multi-Head Self-Attention (MHSA) with Neighbourhood Attention (NA). Experiments on the PASTIS and MTLCC crop-type segmentation benchmarks show that VistaFormer achieves better performance than comparable models and requires only 8% of the floating point operations using MHSA and 11% using NA while also using fewer trainable parameters. VistaFormer with MHSA improves on state-of-the-art mIoU scores by 0.1% on the PASTIS benchmark and 3% on the MTLCC benchmark while VistaFormer with NA improves on the MTLCC benchmark by 3.7%.
☆ Towards Unified Facial Action Unit Recognition Framework by Large Language Models
Facial Action Units (AUs) are of great significance in the realm of affective computing. In this paper, we propose AU-LLaVA, the first unified AU recognition framework based on the Large Language Model (LLM). AU-LLaVA consists of a visual encoder, a linear projector layer, and a pre-trained LLM. We meticulously craft the text descriptions and fine-tune the model on various AU datasets, allowing it to generate different formats of AU recognition results for the same input image. On the BP4D and DISFA datasets, AU-LLaVA delivers the most accurate recognition results for nearly half of the AUs. Our model achieves improvements of F1-score up to 11.4% in specific AU recognition compared to previous benchmark results. On the FEAFA dataset, our method achieves significant improvements over all 24 AUs compared to previous benchmark results. AU-LLaVA demonstrates exceptional performance and versatility in AU recognition.
☆ CF-PRNet: Coarse-to-Fine Prototype Refining Network for Point Cloud Completion and Reconstruction ECCV2024
In modern agriculture, precise monitoring of plants and fruits is crucial for tasks such as high-throughput phenotyping and automated harvesting. This paper addresses the challenge of reconstructing accurate 3D shapes of fruits from partial views, which is common in agricultural settings. We introduce CF-PRNet, a coarse-to-fine prototype refining network, leverages high-resolution 3D data during the training phase but requires only a single RGB-D image for real-time inference. Our approach begins by extracting the incomplete point cloud data that constructed from a partial view of a fruit with a series of convolutional blocks. The extracted features inform the generation of scaling vectors that refine two sequentially constructed 3D mesh prototypes - one coarse and one fine-grained. This progressive refinement facilitates the detailed completion of the final point clouds, achieving detailed and accurate reconstructions. CF-PRNet demonstrates excellent performance metrics with a Chamfer Distance of 3.78, an F1 Score of 66.76%, a Precision of 56.56%, and a Recall of 85.31%, and win the first place in the Shape Completion and Reconstruction of Sweet Peppers Challenge.
comment: Technical Report of the 1st place solution to CVPPA@ECCV2024: Shape Completion and Reconstruction of Sweet Peppers Challenge
☆ Multi-modal Speech Transformer Decoders: When Do Multiple Modalities Improve Accuracy?
Decoder-only discrete-token language models have recently achieved significant success in automatic speech recognition. However, systematic analyses of how different modalities impact performance in specific scenarios remain limited. In this paper, we investigate the effects of multiple modalities on recognition accuracy on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our experiments suggest that: (1) Integrating more modalities can increase accuracy; in particular, our paper is, to our best knowledge, the first to show the benefit of combining audio, image context, and lip information; (2) Images as a supplementary modality for speech recognition provide the greatest benefit at moderate noise levels, moreover, they exhibit a different trend compared to inherently synchronized modalities like lip movements; (3) Performance improves on both synthetic and real-world datasets when the most relevant visual information is filtered as a preprocessing step.
☆ Spectral U-Net: Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation via Spectral Decomposition
This paper introduces Spectral U-Net, a novel deep learning network based on spectral decomposition, by exploiting Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT) for down-sampling and inverse Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (iDTCWT) for up-sampling. We devise the corresponding Wave-Block and iWave-Block, integrated into the U-Net architecture, aiming at mitigating information loss during down-sampling and enhancing detail reconstruction during up-sampling. In the encoder, we first decompose the feature map into high and low-frequency components using DTCWT, enabling down-sampling while mitigating information loss. In the decoder, we utilize iDTCWT to reconstruct higher-resolution feature maps from down-sampled features. Evaluations on the Retina Fluid, Brain Tumor, and Liver Tumor segmentation datasets with the nnU-Net framework demonstrate the superiority of the proposed Spectral U-Net.
☆ Are Sparse Neural Networks Better Hard Sample Learners? BMVC 2024
While deep learning has demonstrated impressive progress, it remains a daunting challenge to learn from hard samples as these samples are usually noisy and intricate. These hard samples play a crucial role in the optimal performance of deep neural networks. Most research on Sparse Neural Networks (SNNs) has focused on standard training data, leaving gaps in understanding their effectiveness on complex and challenging data. This paper's extensive investigation across scenarios reveals that most SNNs trained on challenging samples can often match or surpass dense models in accuracy at certain sparsity levels, especially with limited data. We observe that layer-wise density ratios tend to play an important role in SNN performance, particularly for methods that train from scratch without pre-trained initialization. These insights enhance our understanding of SNNs' behavior and potential for efficient learning approaches in data-centric AI. Our code is publicly available at: \url{https://github.com/QiaoXiao7282/hard_sample_learners}.
comment: Accepted at British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2024)
☆ Hierarchical Hypercomplex Network for Multimodal Emotion Recognition SP 2024
Emotion recognition is relevant in various domains, ranging from healthcare to human-computer interaction. Physiological signals, being beyond voluntary control, offer reliable information for this purpose, unlike speech and facial expressions which can be controlled at will. They reflect genuine emotional responses, devoid of conscious manipulation, thereby enhancing the credibility of emotion recognition systems. Nonetheless, multimodal emotion recognition with deep learning models remains a relatively unexplored field. In this paper, we introduce a fully hypercomplex network with a hierarchical learning structure to fully capture correlations. Specifically, at the encoder level, the model learns intra-modal relations among the different channels of each input signal. Then, a hypercomplex fusion module learns inter-modal relations among the embeddings of the different modalities. The main novelty is in exploiting intra-modal relations by endowing the encoders with parameterized hypercomplex convolutions (PHCs) that thanks to hypercomplex algebra can capture inter-channel interactions within single modalities. Instead, the fusion module comprises parameterized hypercomplex multiplications (PHMs) that can model inter-modal correlations. The proposed architecture surpasses state-of-the-art models on the MAHNOB-HCI dataset for emotion recognition, specifically in classifying valence and arousal from electroencephalograms (EEGs) and peripheral physiological signals. The code of this study is available at https://github.com/ispamm/MHyEEG.
comment: The paper has been accepted at MLSP 2024
☆ FiAt-Net: Detecting Fibroatheroma Plaque Cap in 3D Intravascular OCT Images
The key manifestation of coronary artery disease (CAD) is development of fibroatheromatous plaque, the cap of which may rupture and subsequently lead to coronary artery blocking and heart attack. As such, quantitative analysis of coronary plaque, its plaque cap, and consequently the cap's likelihood to rupture are of critical importance when assessing a risk of cardiovascular events. This paper reports a new deep learning based approach, called FiAt-Net, for detecting angular extent of fibroatheroma (FA) and segmenting its cap in 3D intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) images. IVOCT 2D image frames are first associated with distinct clusters and data from each cluster are used for model training. As plaque is typically focal and thus unevenly distributed, a binary partitioning method is employed to identify FA plaque areas to focus on to mitigate the data imbalance issue. Additional image representations (called auxiliary images) are generated to capture IVOCT intensity changes to help distinguish FA and non-FA areas on the coronary wall. Information in varying scales is derived from the original IVOCT and auxiliary images, and a multi-head self-attention mechanism is employed to fuse such information. Our FiAt-Net achieved high performance on a 3D IVOCT coronary image dataset, demonstrating its effectiveness in accurately detecting FA cap in IVOCT images.
Transformer with Controlled Attention for Synchronous Motion Captioning
In this paper, we address a challenging task, synchronous motion captioning, that aim to generate a language description synchronized with human motion sequences. This task pertains to numerous applications, such as aligned sign language transcription, unsupervised action segmentation and temporal grounding. Our method introduces mechanisms to control self- and cross-attention distributions of the Transformer, allowing interpretability and time-aligned text generation. We achieve this through masking strategies and structuring losses that push the model to maximize attention only on the most important frames contributing to the generation of a motion word. These constraints aim to prevent undesired mixing of information in attention maps and to provide a monotonic attention distribution across tokens. Thus, the cross attentions of tokens are used for progressive text generation in synchronization with human motion sequences. We demonstrate the superior performance of our approach through evaluation on the two available benchmark datasets, KIT-ML and HumanML3D. As visual evaluation is essential for this task, we provide a comprehensive set of animated visual illustrations in the code repository: https://github.com/rd20karim/Synch-Transformer.
☆ Phikon-v2, A large and public feature extractor for biomarker prediction
Gathering histopathology slides from over 100 publicly available cohorts, we compile a diverse dataset of 460 million pathology tiles covering more than 30 cancer sites. Using this dataset, we train a large self-supervised vision transformer using DINOv2 and publicly release one iteration of this model for further experimentation, coined Phikon-v2. While trained on publicly available histology slides, Phikon-v2 surpasses our previously released model (Phikon) and performs on par with other histopathology foundation models (FM) trained on proprietary data. Our benchmarks include eight slide-level tasks with results reported on external validation cohorts avoiding any data contamination between pre-training and evaluation datasets. Our downstream training procedure follows a simple yet robust ensembling strategy yielding a +1.75 AUC increase across tasks and models compared to one-shot retraining (p<0.001). We compare Phikon (ViT-B) and Phikon-v2 (ViT-L) against 14 different histology feature extractors, making our evaluation the most comprehensive to date. Our result support evidences that DINOv2 handles joint model and data scaling better than iBOT. Also, we show that recent scaling efforts are overall beneficial to downstream performance in the context of biomarker prediction with GigaPath and H-Optimus-0 (two ViT-g with 1.1B parameters each) standing out. However, the statistical margins between the latest top-performing FMs remain mostly non-significant; some even underperform on specific indications or tasks such as MSI prediction - deposed by a 13x smaller model developed internally. While latest foundation models may exhibit limitations for clinical deployment, they nonetheless offer excellent grounds for the development of more specialized and cost-efficient histology encoders fueling AI-guided diagnostic tools.
☆ Adaptive Multi-Modal Control of Digital Human Hand Synthesis Using a Region-Aware Cycle Loss ECCV 2024
Diffusion models have shown their remarkable ability to synthesize images, including the generation of humans in specific poses. However, current models face challenges in adequately expressing conditional control for detailed hand pose generation, leading to significant distortion in the hand regions. To tackle this problem, we first curate the How2Sign dataset to provide richer and more accurate hand pose annotations. In addition, we introduce adaptive, multi-modal fusion to integrate characters' physical features expressed in different modalities such as skeleton, depth, and surface normal. Furthermore, we propose a novel Region-Aware Cycle Loss (RACL) that enables the diffusion model training to focus on improving the hand region, resulting in improved quality of generated hand gestures. More specifically, the proposed RACL computes a weighted keypoint distance between the full-body pose keypoints from the generated image and the ground truth, to generate higher-quality hand poses while balancing overall pose accuracy. Moreover, we use two hand region metrics, named hand-PSNR and hand-Distance for hand pose generation evaluations. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach in improving the quality of digital human pose generation using diffusion models, especially the quality of the hand region. The source code is available at https://github.com/fuqifan/Region-Aware-Cycle-Loss.
comment: This paper has been accepted by the ECCV 2024 HANDS workshop
☆ PrimeDepth: Efficient Monocular Depth Estimation with a Stable Diffusion Preimage
This work addresses the task of zero-shot monocular depth estimation. A recent advance in this field has been the idea of utilising Text-to-Image foundation models, such as Stable Diffusion. Foundation models provide a rich and generic image representation, and therefore, little training data is required to reformulate them as a depth estimation model that predicts highly-detailed depth maps and has good generalisation capabilities. However, the realisation of this idea has so far led to approaches which are, unfortunately, highly inefficient at test-time due to the underlying iterative denoising process. In this work, we propose a different realisation of this idea and present PrimeDepth, a method that is highly efficient at test time while keeping, or even enhancing, the positive aspects of diffusion-based approaches. Our key idea is to extract from Stable Diffusion a rich, but frozen, image representation by running a single denoising step. This representation, we term preimage, is then fed into a refiner network with an architectural inductive bias, before entering the downstream task. We validate experimentally that PrimeDepth is two orders of magnitude faster than the leading diffusion-based method, Marigold, while being more robust for challenging scenarios and quantitatively marginally superior. Thereby, we reduce the gap to the currently leading data-driven approach, Depth Anything, which is still quantitatively superior, but predicts less detailed depth maps and requires 20 times more labelled data. Due to the complementary nature of our approach, even a simple averaging between PrimeDepth and Depth Anything predictions can improve upon both methods and sets a new state-of-the-art in zero-shot monocular depth estimation. In future, data-driven approaches may also benefit from integrating our preimage.
♻ ☆ NPGA: Neural Parametric Gaussian Avatars
The creation of high-fidelity, digital versions of human heads is an important stepping stone in the process of further integrating virtual components into our everyday lives. Constructing such avatars is a challenging research problem, due to a high demand for photo-realism and real-time rendering performance. In this work, we propose Neural Parametric Gaussian Avatars (NPGA), a data-driven approach to create high-fidelity, controllable avatars from multi-view video recordings. We build our method around 3D Gaussian splatting for its highly efficient rendering and to inherit the topological flexibility of point clouds. In contrast to previous work, we condition our avatars' dynamics on the rich expression space of neural parametric head models (NPHM), instead of mesh-based 3DMMs. To this end, we distill the backward deformation field of our underlying NPHM into forward deformations which are compatible with rasterization-based rendering. All remaining fine-scale, expression-dependent details are learned from the multi-view videos. For increased representational capacity of our avatars, we propose per-Gaussian latent features that condition each primitives dynamic behavior. To regularize this increased dynamic expressivity, we propose Laplacian terms on the latent features and predicted dynamics. We evaluate our method on the public NeRSemble dataset, demonstrating that NPGA significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art avatars on the self-reenactment task by 2.6 PSNR. Furthermore, we demonstrate accurate animation capabilities from real-world monocular videos.
comment: Project Page: see https://simongiebenhain.github.io/NPGA/ ; Youtube Video: see https://youtu.be/t0S0OK7WnA4
♻ ☆ Pseudo-Prompt Generating in Pre-trained Vision-Language Models for Multi-Label Medical Image Classification
The task of medical image recognition is notably complicated by the presence of varied and multiple pathological indications, presenting a unique challenge in multi-label classification with unseen labels. This complexity underlines the need for computer-aided diagnosis methods employing multi-label zero-shot learning. Recent advancements in pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) have showcased notable zero-shot classification abilities on medical images. However, these methods have limitations on leveraging extensive pre-trained knowledge from broader image datasets, and often depend on manual prompt construction by expert radiologists. By automating the process of prompt tuning, prompt learning techniques have emerged as an efficient way to adapt VLMs to downstream tasks. Yet, existing CoOp-based strategies fall short in performing class-specific prompts on unseen categories, limiting generalizability in fine-grained scenarios. To overcome these constraints, we introduce a novel prompt generation approach inspirited by text generation in natural language processing (NLP). Our method, named Pseudo-Prompt Generating (PsPG), capitalizes on the priori knowledge of multi-modal features. Featuring a RNN-based decoder, PsPG autoregressively generates class-tailored embedding vectors, i.e., pseudo-prompts. Comparative evaluations on various multi-label chest radiograph datasets affirm the superiority of our approach against leading medical vision-language and multi-label prompt learning methods. The source code is available at https://github.com/fallingnight/PsPG
comment: Accepted by PRCV 2024
♻ ☆ Does a Neural Network Really Encode Symbolic Concepts?
Recently, a series of studies have tried to extract interactions between input variables modeled by a DNN and define such interactions as concepts encoded by the DNN. However, strictly speaking, there still lacks a solid guarantee whether such interactions indeed represent meaningful concepts. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the trustworthiness of interaction concepts from four perspectives. Extensive empirical studies have verified that a well-trained DNN usually encodes sparse, transferable, and discriminative concepts, which is partially aligned with human intuition.
♻ ☆ Pavlok-Nudge: A Feedback Mechanism for Atomic Behaviour Modification with Snoring Usecase
This paper proposes a feedback mechanism to change behavioural patterns using the Pavlok device. Pavlok utilises beeps, vibration and shocks as a mode of aversion technique to help individuals with behaviour modification. While the device can be useful in certain periodic daily life situations, like alarms and exercise notifications, the device relies on manual operations that limit its usage. To automate behaviour modification, we propose a framework that first detects targeted behaviours through a lightweight deep learning model and subsequently nudges the user through Pavlok. Our proposed solution is implemented and verified in the context of snoring, which captures audio from the environment following a prediction of whether the audio content is a snore or not using a 1D convolutional neural network. Based on the prediction, we use Pavlok to nudge users for preventive measures, such as a change in sleeping posture. We believe that this simple solution can help people to change their atomic habits, which may lead to long-term health benefits. Our proposed real-time, lightweight model (99.8% less parameters over SOTA; 1,278,049 --> 1337) achieves SOTA performance (test accuracy of 0.99) on a public domain benchmark. The code and model are publicly available at https://github.com/hasan-rakibul/pavlok-nudge-snore.
comment: Md Rakibul Hasan and Shreya Ghosh are co-first authors
♻ ☆ IBoxCLA: Towards Robust Box-supervised Segmentation of Polyp via Improved Box-dice and Contrastive Latent-anchors
Box-supervised polyp segmentation attracts increasing attention for its cost-effective potential. Existing solutions often rely on learning-free methods or pretrained models to laboriously generate pseudo masks, triggering Dice constraint subsequently. In this paper, we found that a model guided by the simplest box-filled masks can accurately predict polyp locations/sizes, but suffers from shape collapsing. In response, we propose two innovative learning fashions, Improved Box-dice (IBox) and Contrastive Latent-Anchors (CLA), and combine them to train a robust box-supervised model IBoxCLA. The core idea behind IBoxCLA is to decouple the learning of location/size and shape, allowing for focused constraints on each of them. Specifically, IBox transforms the segmentation map into a proxy map using shape decoupling and confusion-region swapping sequentially. Within the proxy map, shapes are disentangled, while locations/sizes are encoded as box-like responses. By constraining the proxy map instead of the raw prediction, the box-filled mask can well supervise IBoxCLA without misleading its shape learning. Furthermore, CLA contributes to shape learning by generating two types of latent anchors, which are learned and updated using momentum and segmented polyps to steadily represent polyp and background features. The latent anchors facilitate IBoxCLA to capture discriminative features within and outside boxes in a contrastive manner, yielding clearer boundaries. We benchmark IBoxCLA on five public polyp datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the competitive performance of IBoxCLA compared to recent fully-supervised polyp segmentation methods, and its superiority over other box-supervised state-of-the-arts with a relative increase of overall mDice and mIoU by at least 6.5% and 7.5%, respectively.
♻ ☆ ODYSSEE: Oyster Detection Yielded by Sensor Systems on Edge Electronics
Oysters are a vital keystone species in coastal ecosystems, providing significant economic, environmental, and cultural benefits. As the importance of oysters grows, so does the relevance of autonomous systems for their detection and monitoring. However, current monitoring strategies often rely on destructive methods. While manual identification of oysters from video footage is non-destructive, it is time-consuming, requires expert input, and is further complicated by the challenges of the underwater environment. To address these challenges, we propose a novel pipeline using stable diffusion to augment a collected real dataset with realistic synthetic data. This method enhances the dataset used to train a YOLOv10-based vision model. The model is then deployed and tested on an edge platform in underwater robotics, achieving a state-of-the-art 0.657 mAP@50 for oyster detection on the Aqua2 platform.
♻ ☆ MonoPCC: Photometric-invariant Cycle Constraint for Monocular Depth Estimation of Endoscopic Images
Photometric constraint is indispensable for self-supervised monocular depth estimation. It involves warping a source image onto a target view using estimated depth&pose, and then minimizing the difference between the warped and target images. However, the endoscopic built-in light causes significant brightness fluctuations, and thus makes the photometric constraint unreliable. Previous efforts only mitigate this relying on extra models to calibrate image brightness. In this paper, we propose MonoPCC to address the brightness inconsistency radically by reshaping the photometric constraint into a cycle form. Instead of only warping the source image, MonoPCC constructs a closed loop consisting of two opposite forward-backward warping paths: from target to source and then back to target. Thus, the target image finally receives an image cycle-warped from itself, which naturally makes the constraint invariant to brightness changes. Moreover, MonoPCC transplants the source image's phase-frequency into the intermediate warped image to avoid structure lost, and also stabilizes the training via an exponential moving average (EMA) strategy to avoid frequent changes in the forward warping. The comprehensive and extensive experimental results on four endoscopic datasets demonstrate that our proposed MonoPCC shows a great robustness to the brightness inconsistency, and exceeds other state-of-the-arts by reducing the absolute relative error by at least 7.27%, 9.38%, 9.90% and 3.17%, respectively.
comment: 11 pages, 10 figures
♻ ☆ RTF-Q: Efficient Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Retraining-free Quantization
Performing unsupervised domain adaptation on resource-constrained edge devices is challenging. Existing research typically adopts architecture optimization (e.g., designing slimmable networks) but requires expensive training costs. Moreover, it does not consider the considerable precision redundancy of parameters and activations. To address these limitations, we propose efficient unsupervised domain adaptation with ReTraining-Free Quantization (RTF-Q). Our approach uses low-precision quantization architectures with varying computational costs, adapting to devices with dynamic computation budgets. We subtly configure subnet dimensions and leverage weight-sharing to optimize multiple architectures within a single set of weights, enabling the use of pre-trained models from open-source repositories. Additionally, we introduce multi-bitwidth joint training and the SandwichQ rule, both of which are effective in handling multiple quantization bit-widths across subnets. Experimental results demonstrate that our network achieves competitive accuracy with state-of-the-art methods across three benchmarks while significantly reducing memory and computational costs.
♻ ☆ Defining and Extracting generalizable interaction primitives from DNNs
Faithfully summarizing the knowledge encoded by a deep neural network (DNN) into a few symbolic primitive patterns without losing much information represents a core challenge in explainable AI. To this end, Ren et al. (2024) have derived a series of theorems to prove that the inference score of a DNN can be explained as a small set of interactions between input variables. However, the lack of generalization power makes it still hard to consider such interactions as faithful primitive patterns encoded by the DNN. Therefore, given different DNNs trained for the same task, we develop a new method to extract interactions that are shared by these DNNs. Experiments show that the extracted interactions can better reflect common knowledge shared by different DNNs.
♻ ☆ XAMI -- A Benchmark Dataset for Artefact Detection in XMM-Newton Optical Images SP
Reflected or scattered light produce artefacts in astronomical observations that can negatively impact the scientific study. Hence, automated detection of these artefacts is highly beneficial, especially with the increasing amounts of data gathered. Machine learning methods are well-suited to this problem, but currently there is a lack of annotated data to train such approaches to detect artefacts in astronomical observations. In this work, we present a dataset of images from the XMM-Newton space telescope Optical Monitoring camera showing different types of artefacts. We hand-annotated a sample of 1000 images with artefacts which we use to train automated ML methods. We further demonstrate techniques tailored for accurate detection and masking of artefacts using instance segmentation. We adopt a hybrid approach, combining knowledge from both convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformer-based models and use their advantages in segmentation. The presented method and dataset will advance artefact detection in astronomical observations by providing a reproducible baseline. All code and data are made available (https://github.com/ESA-Datalabs/XAMI-model and https://github.com/ESA-Datalabs/XAMI-dataset).
comment: Accepted for oral presentation at SPAICE 2024
♻ ☆ Exclusive Style Removal for Cross Domain Novel Class Discovery
As a promising field in open-world learning, \textit{Novel Class Discovery} (NCD) is usually a task to cluster unseen novel classes in an unlabeled set based on the prior knowledge of labeled data within the same domain. However, the performance of existing NCD methods could be severely compromised when novel classes are sampled from a different distribution with the labeled ones. In this paper, we explore and establish the solvability of NCD in cross domain setting with the necessary condition that style information must be removed. Based on the theoretical analysis, we introduce an exclusive style removal module for extracting style information that is distinctive from the baseline features, thereby facilitating inference. Moreover, this module is easy to integrate with other NCD methods, acting as a plug-in to improve performance on novel classes with different distributions compared to the seen labeled set. Additionally, recognizing the non-negligible influence of different backbones and pre-training strategies on the performance of the NCD methods, we build a fair benchmark for future NCD research. Extensive experiments on three common datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed module.
♻ ☆ LTRL: Boosting Long-tail Recognition via Reflective Learning ECCV2024
In real-world scenarios, where knowledge distributions exhibit long-tail. Humans manage to master knowledge uniformly across imbalanced distributions, a feat attributed to their diligent practices of reviewing, summarizing, and correcting errors. Motivated by this learning process, we propose a novel learning paradigm, called reflecting learning, in handling long-tail recognition. Our method integrates three processes for reviewing past predictions during training, summarizing and leveraging the feature relation across classes, and correcting gradient conflict for loss functions. These designs are lightweight enough to plug and play with existing long-tail learning methods, achieving state-of-the-art performance in popular long-tail visual benchmarks. The experimental results highlight the great potential of reflecting learning in dealing with long-tail recognition.
comment: ECCV2024, Oral
♻ ☆ Diffusion-driven lensless fiber endomicroscopic quantitative phase imaging towards digital pathology
Lensless fiber endomicroscope is an emerging tool for in-vivo microscopic imaging, where quantitative phase imaging (QPI) can be utilized as a label-free method to enhance image contrast. However, existing single-shot phase reconstruction methods through lensless fiber endomicroscope typically perform well on simple images but struggle with complex microscopic structures. Here, we propose a speckle-conditioned diffusion model (SpecDiffusion), which reconstructs phase images directly from speckles captured at the detection side of a multi-core fiber (MCF). Unlike conventional neural networks, SpecDiffusion employs iterative phase denoising steps for speckle-driven phase reconstruction. The iteration scheme allows SpecDiffusion to break down the phase reconstruction process into multiple steps, gradually building up to the final phase image. This attribute alleviates the computation challenge at each step and enables the reconstruction of rich details in complex microscopic images. To validate its efficacy, we build an optical system to capture speckles from MCF and construct a dataset consisting of 100,000 paired images. SpecDiffusion provides high-fidelity phase reconstruction results and shows powerful generalization capacity for unseen objects, such as test charts and biological tissues, reducing the average mean absolute error of the reconstructed tissue images by 7 times. Furthermore, the reconstructed tissue images using SpecDiffusion shows higher accuracy in zero-shot cell segmentation tasks compared to the conventional method, demonstrating the potential for further cell morphology analysis through the learning-based lensless fiber endomicroscope. SpecDiffusion offers a precise and generalized method to phase reconstruction through scattering media, including MCFs, opening new perspective in lensless fiber endomicroscopic imaging.
♻ ☆ Exploring the Effectiveness of Object-Centric Representations in Visual Question Answering: Comparative Insights with Foundation Models
Object-centric (OC) representations, which represent the state of a visual scene by modeling it as a composition of objects, have the potential to be used in various downstream tasks to achieve systematic compositional generalization and facilitate reasoning. However, these claims have not been thoroughly analyzed yet. Recently, foundation models have demonstrated unparalleled capabilities across diverse domains from language to computer vision, marking them as a potential cornerstone of future research for a multitude of computational tasks. In this paper, we conduct an extensive empirical study on representation learning for downstream Visual Question Answering (VQA), which requires an accurate compositional understanding of the scene. We thoroughly investigate the benefits and trade-offs of OC models and alternative approaches including large pre-trained foundation models on both synthetic and real-world data, and demonstrate a viable way to achieve the best of both worlds. The extensiveness of our study, encompassing over 800 downstream VQA models and 15 different types of upstream representations, also provides several additional insights that we believe will be of interest to the community at large.
♻ ☆ Efficient Image Super-Resolution with Feature Interaction Weighted Hybrid Network AAAI2022
Lightweight image super-resolution aims to reconstruct high-resolution images from low-resolution images using low computational costs. However, existing methods result in the loss of middle-layer features due to activation functions. To minimize the impact of intermediate feature loss on reconstruction quality, we propose a Feature Interaction Weighted Hybrid Network (FIWHN), which comprises a series of Wide-residual Distillation Interaction Block (WDIB) as the backbone. Every third WDIB forms a Feature Shuffle Weighted Group (FSWG) by applying mutual information shuffle and fusion. Moreover, to mitigate the negative effects of intermediate feature loss, we introduce Wide Residual Weighting units within WDIB. These units effectively fuse features of varying levels of detail through a Wide-residual Distillation Connection (WRDC) and a Self-Calibrating Fusion (SCF). To compensate for global feature deficiencies, we incorporate a Transformer and explore a novel architecture to combine CNN and Transformer. We show that our FIWHN achieves a favorable balance between performance and efficiency through extensive experiments on low-level and high-level tasks. Codes will be available at \url{https://github.com/IVIPLab/FIWHN}.
comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (extention of our AAAI2022)
♻ ☆ FaçAID: A Transformer Model for Neuro-Symbolic Facade Reconstruction SIGGRAPH
We introduce a neuro-symbolic transformer-based model that converts flat, segmented facade structures into procedural definitions using a custom-designed split grammar. To facilitate this, we first develop a semi-complex split grammar tailored for architectural facades and then generate a dataset comprising of facades alongside their corresponding procedural representations. This dataset is used to train our transformer model to convert segmented, flat facades into the procedural language of our grammar. During inference, the model applies this learned transformation to new facade segmentations, providing a procedural representation that users can adjust to generate varied facade designs. This method not only automates the conversion of static facade images into dynamic, editable procedural formats but also enhances the design flexibility, allowing for easy modifications.
comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, in ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers Proceedings
♻ ☆ A Closer Look at GAN Priors: Exploiting Intermediate Features for Enhanced Model Inversion Attacks ECCV 2024
Model Inversion (MI) attacks aim to reconstruct privacy-sensitive training data from released models by utilizing output information, raising extensive concerns about the security of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Recent advances in generative adversarial networks (GANs) have contributed significantly to the improved performance of MI attacks due to their powerful ability to generate realistic images with high fidelity and appropriate semantics. However, previous MI attacks have solely disclosed private information in the latent space of GAN priors, limiting their semantic extraction and transferability across multiple target models and datasets. To address this challenge, we propose a novel method, Intermediate Features enhanced Generative Model Inversion (IF-GMI), which disassembles the GAN structure and exploits features between intermediate blocks. This allows us to extend the optimization space from latent code to intermediate features with enhanced expressive capabilities. To prevent GAN priors from generating unrealistic images, we apply a L1 ball constraint to the optimization process. Experiments on multiple benchmarks demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms previous approaches and achieves state-of-the-art results under various settings, especially in the out-of-distribution (OOD) scenario. Our code is available at: https://github.com/final-solution/IF-GMI
comment: ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ Where We Have Arrived in Proving the Emergence of Sparse Symbolic Concepts in AI Models
This study aims to prove the emergence of symbolic concepts (or more precisely, sparse primitive inference patterns) in well-trained deep neural networks (DNNs). Specifically, we prove the following three conditions for the emergence. (i) The high-order derivatives of the network output with respect to the input variables are all zero. (ii) The DNN can be used on occluded samples and when the input sample is less occluded, the DNN will yield higher confidence. (iii) The confidence of the DNN does not significantly degrade on occluded samples. These conditions are quite common, and we prove that under these conditions, the DNN will only encode a relatively small number of sparse interactions between input variables. Moreover, we can consider such interactions as symbolic primitive inference patterns encoded by a DNN, because we show that inference scores of the DNN on an exponentially large number of randomly masked samples can always be well mimicked by numerical effects of just a few interactions.
♻ ☆ Explaining Generalization Power of a DNN Using Interactive Concepts
This paper explains the generalization power of a deep neural network (DNN) from the perspective of interactions. Although there is no universally accepted definition of the concepts encoded by a DNN, the sparsity of interactions in a DNN has been proved, i.e., the output score of a DNN can be well explained by a small number of interactions between input variables. In this way, to some extent, we can consider such interactions as interactive concepts encoded by the DNN. Therefore, in this paper, we derive an analytic explanation of inconsistency of concepts of different complexities. This may shed new lights on using the generalization power of concepts to explain the generalization power of the entire DNN. Besides, we discover that the DNN with stronger generalization power usually learns simple concepts more quickly and encodes fewer complex concepts. We also discover the detouring dynamics of learning complex concepts, which explains both the high learning difficulty and the low generalization power of complex concepts. The code will be released when the paper is accepted.
♻ ☆ Estimating Atmospheric Variables from Digital Typhoon Satellite Images via Conditional Denoising Diffusion Models
This study explores the application of diffusion models in the field of typhoons, predicting multiple ERA5 meteorological variables simultaneously from Digital Typhoon satellite images. The focus of this study is taken to be Taiwan, an area very vulnerable to typhoons. By comparing the performance of Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probability Model (CDDPM) with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks (SENet), results suggest that the CDDPM performs best in generating accurate and realistic meteorological data. Specifically, CDDPM achieved a PSNR of 32.807, which is approximately 7.9% higher than CNN and 5.5% higher than SENet. Furthermore, CDDPM recorded an RMSE of 0.032, showing a 11.1% improvement over CNN and 8.6% improvement over SENet. A key application of this research can be for imputation purposes in missing meteorological datasets and generate additional high-quality meteorological data using satellite images. It is hoped that the results of this analysis will enable more robust and detailed forecasting, reducing the impact of severe weather events on vulnerable regions. Code accessible at https://github.com/TammyLing/Typhoon-forecasting.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Efficient Diffusion Model for Image Restoration by Residual Shifting
While diffusion-based image restoration (IR) methods have achieved remarkable success, they are still limited by the low inference speed attributed to the necessity of executing hundreds or even thousands of sampling steps. Existing acceleration sampling techniques, though seeking to expedite the process, inevitably sacrifice performance to some extent, resulting in over-blurry restored outcomes. To address this issue, this study proposes a novel and efficient diffusion model for IR that significantly reduces the required number of diffusion steps. Our method avoids the need for post-acceleration during inference, thereby avoiding the associated performance deterioration. Specifically, our proposed method establishes a Markov chain that facilitates the transitions between the high-quality and low-quality images by shifting their residuals, substantially improving the transition efficiency. A carefully formulated noise schedule is devised to flexibly control the shifting speed and the noise strength during the diffusion process. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that the proposed method achieves superior or comparable performance to current state-of-the-art methods on three classical IR tasks, namely image super-resolution, image inpainting, and blind face restoration, \textit{\textbf{even only with four sampling steps}}. Our code and model are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/zsyOAOA/ResShift}.
comment: Accepted by TPAMI@2024. Code: https://github.com/zsyOAOA/ResShift
♻ ☆ Fisheye-Calib-Adapter: An Easy Tool for Fisheye Camera Model Conversion
The increasing necessity for fisheye cameras in fields such as robotics and autonomous driving has led to the proposal of various fisheye camera models. While the evolution of camera models has facilitated the development of diverse systems in the field, the lack of adaptation between different fisheye camera models means that recalibration is always necessary, which is cumbersome. This paper introduces a conversion tool for various previously proposed fisheye camera models. It is user-friendly, simple, yet extremely fast and accurate, offering conversion capabilities for a broader range of models compared to existing tools. We have verified that models converted using our system perform correctly in applications such as SLAM. By utilizing our system, researchers can obtain output parameters directly from input parameters without the need for an image set and any recalibration processes, thus serving as a bridge across different fisheye camera models in various research fields. We provide our system as an open source tool available at: https://github.com/eowjd0512/fisheye-calib-adapter
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Deepfake Detection: A Comprehensive Survey from the Reliability Perspective
The mushroomed Deepfake synthetic materials circulated on the internet have raised a profound social impact on politicians, celebrities, and individuals worldwide. In this survey, we provide a thorough review of the existing Deepfake detection studies from the reliability perspective. We identify three reliability-oriented research challenges in the current Deepfake detection domain: transferability, interpretability, and robustness. Moreover, while solutions have been frequently addressed regarding the three challenges, the general reliability of a detection model has been barely considered, leading to the lack of reliable evidence in real-life usages and even for prosecutions on Deepfake-related cases in court. We, therefore, introduce a model reliability study metric using statistical random sampling knowledge and the publicly available benchmark datasets to review the reliability of the existing detection models on arbitrary Deepfake candidate suspects. Case studies are further executed to justify the real-life Deepfake cases including different groups of victims with the help of the reliably qualified detection models as reviewed in this survey. Reviews and experiments on the existing approaches provide informative discussions and future research directions for Deepfake detection.
♻ ☆ DualBEV: Unifying Dual View Transformation with Probabilistic Correspondences ECCV 2024
Camera-based Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) perception often struggles between adopting 3D-to-2D or 2D-to-3D view transformation (VT). The 3D-to-2D VT typically employs resource-intensive Transformer to establish robust correspondences between 3D and 2D features, while the 2D-to-3D VT utilizes the Lift-Splat-Shoot (LSS) pipeline for real-time application, potentially missing distant information. To address these limitations, we propose DualBEV, a unified framework that utilizes a shared feature transformation incorporating three probabilistic measurements for both strategies. By considering dual-view correspondences in one stage, DualBEV effectively bridges the gap between these strategies, harnessing their individual strengths. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance without Transformer, delivering comparable efficiency to the LSS approach, with 55.2% mAP and 63.4% NDS on the nuScenes test set. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/PeidongLi/DualBEV}
comment: Accepted by ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ GaussianOcc: Fully Self-supervised and Efficient 3D Occupancy Estimation with Gaussian Splatting
We introduce GaussianOcc, a systematic method that investigates the two usages of Gaussian splatting for fully self-supervised and efficient 3D occupancy estimation in surround views. First, traditional methods for self-supervised 3D occupancy estimation still require ground truth 6D poses from sensors during training. To address this limitation, we propose Gaussian Splatting for Projection (GSP) module to provide accurate scale information for fully self-supervised training from adjacent view projection. Additionally, existing methods rely on volume rendering for final 3D voxel representation learning using 2D signals (depth maps, semantic maps), which is both time-consuming and less effective. We propose Gaussian Splatting from Voxel space (GSV) to leverage the fast rendering properties of Gaussian splatting. As a result, the proposed GaussianOcc method enables fully self-supervised (no ground truth pose) 3D occupancy estimation in competitive performance with low computational cost (2.7 times faster in training and 5 times faster in rendering). The relevant code will be available in https://github.com/GANWANSHUI/GaussianOcc.git.
comment: Project page: https://ganwanshui.github.io/GaussianOcc/
♻ ☆ Global-guided Focal Neural Radiance Field for Large-scale Scene Rendering WACV 2025
Neural radiance fields~(NeRF) have recently been applied to render large-scale scenes. However, their limited model capacity typically results in blurred rendering results. Existing large-scale NeRFs primarily address this limitation by partitioning the scene into blocks, which are subsequently handled by separate sub-NeRFs. These sub-NeRFs, trained from scratch and processed independently, lead to inconsistencies in geometry and appearance across the scene. Consequently, the rendering quality fails to exhibit significant improvement despite the expansion of model capacity. In this work, we present global-guided focal neural radiance field (GF-NeRF) that achieves high-fidelity rendering of large-scale scenes. Our proposed GF-NeRF utilizes a two-stage (Global and Focal) architecture and a global-guided training strategy. The global stage obtains a continuous representation of the entire scene while the focal stage decomposes the scene into multiple blocks and further processes them with distinct sub-encoders. Leveraging this two-stage architecture, sub-encoders only need fine-tuning based on the global encoder, thus reducing training complexity in the focal stage while maintaining scene-wide consistency. Spatial information and error information from the global stage also benefit the sub-encoders to focus on crucial areas and effectively capture more details of large-scale scenes. Notably, our approach does not rely on any prior knowledge about the target scene, attributing GF-NeRF adaptable to various large-scale scene types, including street-view and aerial-view scenes. We demonstrate that our method achieves high-fidelity, natural rendering results on various types of large-scale datasets. Our project page: https://shaomq2187.github.io/GF-NeRF/
comment: WACV 2025
♻ ☆ CerberusDet: Unified Multi-Dataset Object Detection
Conventional object detection models are usually limited by the data on which they were trained and by the category logic they define. With the recent rise of Language-Visual Models, new methods have emerged that are not restricted to these fixed categories. Despite their flexibility, such Open Vocabulary detection models still fall short in accuracy compared to traditional models with fixed classes. At the same time, more accurate data-specific models face challenges when there is a need to extend classes or merge different datasets for training. The latter often cannot be combined due to different logics or conflicting class definitions, making it difficult to improve a model without compromising its performance. In this paper, we introduce CerberusDet, a framework with a multi-headed model designed for handling multiple object detection tasks. Proposed model is built on the YOLO architecture and efficiently shares visual features from both backbone and neck components, while maintaining separate task heads. This approach allows CerberusDet to perform very efficiently while still delivering optimal results. We evaluated the model on the PASCAL VOC dataset and Objects365 dataset to demonstrate its abilities. CerberusDet achieved state-of-the-art results with 36% less inference time. The more tasks are trained together, the more efficient the proposed model becomes compared to running individual models sequentially. The training and inference code, as well as the model, are available as open-source (https://github.com/ai-forever/CerberusDet).
comment: 12 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality
During multimodal model training and reasoning, data samples may miss certain modalities and lead to compromised model performance due to sensor limitations, cost constraints, privacy concerns, data loss, and temporal and spatial factors. This survey provides an overview of recent progress in Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality (MLMM), focusing on deep learning techniques. It is the first comprehensive survey that covers the historical background and the distinction between MLMM and standard multimodal learning setups, followed by a detailed analysis of current MLMM methods, applications, and datasets, concluding with a discussion about challenges and potential future directions in the field.
comment: Work in progress; open to discussion; planning to submit to ACM CSUR in September
♻ ☆ OC4-ReID: Occluded Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
The study of Cloth-Changing Person Re-identification (CC-ReID) focuses on retrieving specific pedestrians when their clothing has changed, typically under the assumption that the entire pedestrian images are visible. Pedestrian images in real-world scenarios, however, are often partially obscured by obstacles, presenting a significant challenge to existing CC-ReID systems. In this paper, we introduce a more challenging task termed Occluded Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification (OC4-ReID), which simultaneously addresses two challenges of clothing changes and occlusion. Concretely, we construct two new datasets, Occ-LTCC and Occ-PRCC, based on original CC-ReID datasets to include random occlusions of key pedestrians components (e.g., head, torso). Moreover, a novel benchmark is proposed for OC4-ReID incorporating a Train-Test Micro Granularity Screening (T2MGS) module to mitigate the influence of occlusion and proposing a Part-Robust Triplet (PRT) loss for partial features learning. Comprehensive experiments on the proposed datasets, as well as on two CC-ReID benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior performance of proposed method against other state-of-the-art methods. The codes and datasets are available at: https://github.com/1024AILab/OC4-ReID.
♻ ☆ Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models: A Survey
Recently, the text-to-image diffusion model has gained considerable attention from the community due to its exceptional image generation capability. A representative model, Stable Diffusion, amassed more than 10 million users within just two months of its release. This surge in popularity has facilitated studies on the robustness and safety of the model, leading to the proposal of various adversarial attack methods. Simultaneously, there has been a marked increase in research focused on defense methods to improve the robustness and safety of these models. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature on adversarial attacks and defenses targeting text-to-image diffusion models. We begin with an overview of text-to-image diffusion models, followed by an introduction to a taxonomy of adversarial attacks and an in-depth review of existing attack methods. We then present a detailed analysis of current defense methods that improve model robustness and safety. Finally, we discuss ongoing challenges and explore promising future research directions. For a complete list of the adversarial attack and defense methods covered in this survey, please refer to our curated repository at https://github.com/datar001/Awesome-AD-on-T2IDM.
comment: Accepted for Information Fusion. Related benchmarks and codes are available at \url{https://github.com/datar001/Awesome-AD-on-T2IDM}
♻ ☆ Semi-supervised 3D Semantic Scene Completion with 2D Vision Foundation Model Guidance
Accurate prediction of 3D semantic occupancy from 2D visual images is vital in enabling autonomous agents to comprehend their surroundings for planning and navigation. State-of-the-art methods typically employ fully supervised approaches, necessitating a huge labeled dataset acquired through expensive LiDAR sensors and meticulous voxel-wise labeling by human annotators. The resource-intensive nature of this annotating process significantly hampers the application and scalability of these methods. We introduce a novel semi-supervised framework to alleviate the dependency on densely annotated data. Our approach leverages 2D foundation models to generate essential 3D scene geometric and semantic cues, facilitating a more efficient training process. Our framework exhibits notable properties: (1) Generalizability, applicable to various 3D semantic scene completion approaches, including 2D-3D lifting and 3D-2D transformer methods. (2) Effectiveness, as demonstrated through experiments on SemanticKITTI and NYUv2, wherein our method achieves up to 85% of the fully-supervised performance using only 10% labeled data. This approach not only reduces the cost and labor associated with data annotation but also demonstrates the potential for broader adoption in camera-based systems for 3D semantic occupancy prediction.
♻ ☆ ScreenMark: Watermarking Arbitrary Visual Content on Screen
Digital watermarking has demonstrated its effectiveness in protecting multimedia content. However, existing watermarking are predominantly tailored for specific media types, rendering them less effective for the protection of content displayed on computer screens, which is often multimodal and dynamic. Visual Screen Content (VSC), is particularly susceptible to theft and leakage via screenshots, a vulnerability that current watermarking methods fail to adequately address. To tackle these challenges, we propose ScreenMark, a robust and practical watermarking method designed specifically for arbitrary VSC protection. ScreenMark utilizes a three-stage progressive watermarking framework. Initially, inspired by diffusion principles, we initialize the mutual transformation between regular watermark information and irregular watermark patterns. Subsequently, these patterns are integrated with screen content using a pre-multiplication alpha blending technique, supported by a pre-trained screen decoder for accurate watermark retrieval. The progressively complex distorter enhances the robustness of the watermark in real-world screenshot scenarios. Finally, the model undergoes fine-tuning guided by a joint-level distorter to ensure optimal performance. To validate the effectiveness of ScreenMark, we compiled a dataset comprising 100,000 screenshots from various devices and resolutions. Extensive experiments across different datasets confirm the method's superior robustness, imperceptibility, and practical applicability.
♻ ☆ Wildfire Risk Prediction: A Review
Wildfires have significant impacts on global vegetation, wildlife, and humans. They destroy plant communities and wildlife habitats and contribute to increased emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, and other pollutants. The prediction of wildfires relies on various independent variables combined with regression or machine learning methods. In this technical review, we describe the options for independent variables, data processing techniques, models, independent variables collinearity and importance estimation methods, and model performance evaluation metrics. First, we divide the independent variables into 4 aspects, including climate and meteorology conditions, socio-economical factors, terrain and hydrological features, and wildfire historical records. Second, preprocessing methods are described for different magnitudes, different spatial-temporal resolutions, and different formats of data. Third, the collinearity and importance evaluation methods of independent variables are also considered. Fourth, we discuss the application of statistical models, traditional machine learning models, and deep learning models in wildfire risk prediction. In this subsection, compared with other reviews, this manuscript particularly discusses the evaluation metrics and recent advancements in deep learning methods. Lastly, addressing the limitations of current research, this paper emphasizes the need for more effective deep learning time series forecasting algorithms, the utilization of three-dimensional data including ground and trunk fuel, extraction of more accurate historical fire point data, and improved model evaluation metrics.
♻ ☆ FlowDreamer: exploring high fidelity text-to-3D generation via rectified flow
Recent advances in text-to-3D generation have made significant progress. In particular, with the pretrained diffusion models, existing methods predominantly use Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) to train 3D models such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D GS). However, a hurdle is that they often encounter difficulties with over-smoothing textures and over-saturating colors. The rectified flow model - which utilizes a simple ordinary differential equation (ODE) to represent a linear trajectory - shows promise as an alternative prior to text-to-3D generation. It learns a time-independent vector field, thereby reducing the ambiguity in 3D model update gradients that are calculated using time-dependent scores in the SDS framework. In light of this, we first develop a mathematical analysis to seamlessly integrate SDS with rectified flow model, paving the way for our initial framework known as Vector Field Distillation Sampling (VFDS). However, empirical findings indicate that VFDS still results in over-smoothing outcomes. Therefore, we analyze the grounding reasons for such a failure from the perspective of ODE trajectories. On top, we propose a novel framework, named FlowDreamer, which yields high-fidelity results with richer textual details and faster convergence. The key insight is to leverage the coupling and reversible properties of the rectified flow model to search for the corresponding noise, rather than using randomly sampled noise as in VFDS. Accordingly, we introduce a novel Unique Couple Matching (UCM) loss, which guides the 3D model to optimize along the same trajectory. Our FlowDreamer is superior in its flexibility to be applied to both NeRF and 3D GS. Extensive experiments demonstrate the high-fidelity outcomes and accelerated convergence of FlowDreamer.
comment: Tech Report
♻ ☆ Facial Wrinkle Segmentation for Cosmetic Dermatology: Pretraining with Texture Map-Based Weak Supervision
Facial wrinkle detection plays a crucial role in cosmetic dermatology. Precise manual segmentation of facial wrinkles is challenging and time-consuming, with inherent subjectivity leading to inconsistent results among graders. To address this issue, we propose two solutions. First, we build and release the first public facial wrinkle dataset, 'FFHQ-Wrinkle', an extension of the NVIDIA FFHQ dataset. It includes 1,000 images with human labels and 50,000 images with automatically generated weak labels. This dataset could serve as a foundation for the research community to develop advanced wrinkle detection algorithms. Second, we introduce a simple training strategy utilizing texture maps, applicable to various segmentation models, to detect wrinkles across the face. Our two-stage training strategy first pretrain models on a large dataset with weak labels (N=50k), or masked texture maps generated through computer vision techniques, without human intervention. We then finetune the models using human-labeled data (N=1k), which consists of manually labeled wrinkle masks. The network takes as input a combination of RGB and masked texture map of the image, comprising four channels, in finetuning. We effectively combine labels from multiple annotators to minimize subjectivity in manual labeling. Our strategies demonstrate improved segmentation performance in facial wrinkle segmentation both quantitatively and visually compared to existing pretraining methods. The dataset is available at https://github.com/labhai/ffhq-wrinkle-dataset.
♻ ☆ MMCBE: Multi-modality Dataset for Crop Biomass Prediction and Beyond
Crop biomass, a critical indicator of plant growth, health, and productivity, is invaluable for crop breeding programs and agronomic research. However, the accurate and scalable quantification of crop biomass remains inaccessible due to limitations in existing measurement methods. One of the obstacles impeding the advancement of current crop biomass prediction methodologies is the scarcity of publicly available datasets. Addressing this gap, we introduce a new dataset in this domain, i.e. Multi-modality dataset for crop biomass estimation (MMCBE). Comprising 216 sets of multi-view drone images, coupled with LiDAR point clouds, and hand-labelled ground truth, MMCBE represents the first multi-modality one in the field. This dataset aims to establish benchmark methods for crop biomass quantification and foster the development of vision-based approaches. We have rigorously evaluated state-of-the-art crop biomass estimation methods using MMCBE and ventured into additional potential applications, such as 3D crop reconstruction from drone imagery and novel-view rendering. With this publication, we are making our comprehensive dataset available to the broader community.
comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ The State of Computer Vision Research in Africa
Despite significant efforts to democratize artificial intelligence (AI), computer vision which is a sub-field of AI, still lags in Africa. A significant factor to this, is the limited access to computing resources, datasets, and collaborations. As a result, Africa's contribution to top-tier publications in this field has only been 0.06% over the past decade. Towards improving the computer vision field and making it more accessible and inclusive, this study analyzes 63,000 Scopus-indexed computer vision publications from Africa. We utilize large language models to automatically parse their abstracts, to identify and categorize topics and datasets. This resulted in listing more than 100 African datasets. Our objective is to provide a comprehensive taxonomy of dataset categories to facilitate better understanding and utilization of these resources. We also analyze collaboration trends of researchers within and outside the continent. Additionally, we conduct a large-scale questionnaire among African computer vision researchers to identify the structural barriers they believe require urgent attention. In conclusion, our study offers a comprehensive overview of the current state of computer vision research in Africa, to empower marginalized communities to participate in the design and development of computer vision systems.
comment: Community Work of Ro'ya Grassroots, https://ro-ya-cv4africa.github.io/homepage/. Published in JAIR,
♻ ☆ Latent diffusion models for parameterization and data assimilation of facies-based geomodels
Geological parameterization entails the representation of a geomodel using a small set of latent variables and a mapping from these variables to grid-block properties such as porosity and permeability. Parameterization is useful for data assimilation (history matching), as it maintains geological realism while reducing the number of variables to be determined. Diffusion models are a new class of generative deep-learning procedures that have been shown to outperform previous methods, such as generative adversarial networks, for image generation tasks. Diffusion models are trained to "denoise", which enables them to generate new geological realizations from input fields characterized by random noise. Latent diffusion models, which are the specific variant considered in this study, provide dimension reduction through use of a low-dimensional latent variable. The model developed in this work includes a variational autoencoder for dimension reduction and a U-net for the denoising process. Our application involves conditional 2D three-facies (channel-levee-mud) systems. The latent diffusion model is shown to provide realizations that are visually consistent with samples from geomodeling software. Quantitative metrics involving spatial and flow-response statistics are evaluated, and general agreement between the diffusion-generated models and reference realizations is observed. Stability tests are performed to assess the smoothness of the parameterization method. The latent diffusion model is then used for ensemble-based data assimilation. Two synthetic "true" models are considered. Significant uncertainty reduction, posterior P$_{10}$-P$_{90}$ forecasts that generally bracket observed data, and consistent posterior geomodels, are achieved in both cases.
comment: - Fixed vertical axis ticks on Fig.6a to be consistent with other Fig.6 subfigures
♻ ☆ Evaluation Framework for Feedback Generation Methods in Skeletal Movement Assessment ECCV 2024
The application of machine-learning solutions to movement assessment from skeleton videos has attracted significant research attention in recent years. This advancement has made rehabilitation at home more accessible, utilizing movement assessment algorithms that can operate on affordable equipment for human pose detection and analysis from 2D or 3D videos. While the primary objective of automatic assessment tasks is to score movements, the automatic generation of feedback highlighting key movement issues has the potential to significantly enhance and accelerate the rehabilitation process. While numerous research works exist in the field of automatic movement assessment, only a handful address feedback generation. In this study, we propose terminology and criteria for the classification, evaluation, and comparison of feedback generation solutions. We discuss the challenges associated with each feedback generation approach and use our proposed criteria to classify existing solutions. To our knowledge, this is the first work that formulates feedback generation in skeletal movement assessment.
comment: Accepted to xAI4Biometrics at ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ PushPull-Net: Inhibition-driven ResNet robust to image corruptions ICPR 2024
We introduce a novel computational unit, termed PushPull-Conv, in the first layer of a ResNet architecture, inspired by the anti-phase inhibition phenomenon observed in the primary visual cortex. This unit redefines the traditional convolutional layer by implementing a pair of complementary filters: a trainable push kernel and its counterpart, the pull kernel. The push kernel (analogous to traditional convolution) learns to respond to specific stimuli, while the pull kernel reacts to the same stimuli but of opposite contrast. This configuration enhances stimulus selectivity and effectively inhibits response in regions lacking preferred stimuli. This effect is attributed to the push and pull kernels, which produce responses of comparable magnitude in such regions, thereby neutralizing each other. The incorporation of the PushPull-Conv into ResNets significantly increases their robustness to image corruption. Our experiments with benchmark corruption datasets show that the PushPull-Conv can be combined with other data augmentation techniques to further improve model robustness. We set a new robustness benchmark on ResNet50 achieving an $mCE$ of 49.95$\%$ on ImageNet-C when combining PRIME augmentation with PushPull inhibition.
comment: Accepted at ICPR 2024, code available at https://github.com/bgswaroop/pushpull-conv
♻ ☆ RAPiD-Seg: Range-Aware Pointwise Distance Distribution Networks for 3D LiDAR Segmentation ECCV 2024
3D point clouds play a pivotal role in outdoor scene perception, especially in the context of autonomous driving. Recent advancements in 3D LiDAR segmentation often focus intensely on the spatial positioning and distribution of points for accurate segmentation. However, these methods, while robust in variable conditions, encounter challenges due to sole reliance on coordinates and point intensity, leading to poor isometric invariance and suboptimal segmentation. To tackle this challenge, our work introduces Range-Aware Pointwise Distance Distribution (RAPiD) features and the associated RAPiD-Seg architecture. Our RAPiD features exhibit rigid transformation invariance and effectively adapt to variations in point density, with a design focus on capturing the localized geometry of neighboring structures. They utilize inherent LiDAR isotropic radiation and semantic categorization for enhanced local representation and computational efficiency, while incorporating a 4D distance metric that integrates geometric and surface material reflectivity for improved semantic segmentation. To effectively embed high-dimensional RAPiD features, we propose a double-nested autoencoder structure with a novel class-aware embedding objective to encode high-dimensional features into manageable voxel-wise embeddings. Additionally, we propose RAPiD-Seg which incorporates a channel-wise attention fusion and two effective RAPiD-Seg variants, further optimizing the embedding for enhanced performance and generalization. Our method outperforms contemporary LiDAR segmentation work in terms of mIoU on SemanticKITTI (76.1) and nuScenes (83.6) datasets.
comment: ECCV 2024 (Oral); 18 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables; Code at https://github.com/l1997i/rapid_seg
♻ ☆ Visual Robustness Benchmark for Visual Question Answering (VQA)
Can Visual Question Answering (VQA) systems perform just as well when deployed in the real world? Or are they susceptible to realistic corruption effects e.g. image blur, which can be detrimental in sensitive applications, such as medical VQA? While linguistic or textual robustness has been thoroughly explored in the VQA literature, there has yet to be any significant work on the visual robustness of VQA models. We propose the first large-scale benchmark comprising 213,000 augmented images, challenging the visual robustness of multiple VQA models and assessing the strength of realistic visual corruptions. Additionally, we have designed several robustness evaluation metrics that can be aggregated into a unified metric and tailored to fit a variety of use cases. Our experiments reveal several insights into the relationships between model size, performance, and robustness with the visual corruptions. Our benchmark highlights the need for a balanced approach in model development that considers model performance without compromising the robustness.
Artificial Intelligence 138
☆ The unknotting number, hard unknot diagrams, and reinforcement learning
We have developed a reinforcement learning agent that often finds a minimal sequence of unknotting crossing changes for a knot diagram with up to 200 crossings, hence giving an upper bound on the unknotting number. We have used this to determine the unknotting number of 57k knots. We took diagrams of connected sums of such knots with oppositely signed signatures, where the summands were overlaid. The agent has found examples where several of the crossing changes in an unknotting collection of crossings result in hyperbolic knots. Based on this, we have shown that, given knots $K$ and $K'$ that satisfy some mild assumptions, there is a diagram of their connected sum and $u(K) + u(K')$ unknotting crossings such that changing any one of them results in a prime knot. As a by-product, we have obtained a dataset of 2.6 million distinct hard unknot diagrams; most of them under 35 crossings. Assuming the additivity of the unknotting number, we have determined the unknotting number of 43 at most 12-crossing knots for which the unknotting number is unknown.
comment: 29 pages, 17 figures
☆ Agents in Software Engineering: Survey, Landscape, and Vision
In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success and have been widely used in various downstream tasks, especially in the tasks of the software engineering (SE) field. We find that many studies combining LLMs with SE have employed the concept of agents either explicitly or implicitly. However, there is a lack of an in-depth survey to sort out the development context of existing works, analyze how existing works combine the LLM-based agent technologies to optimize various tasks, and clarify the framework of LLM-based agents in SE. In this paper, we conduct the first survey of the studies on combining LLM-based agents with SE and present a framework of LLM-based agents in SE which includes three key modules: perception, memory, and action. We also summarize the current challenges in combining the two fields and propose future opportunities in response to existing challenges. We maintain a GitHub repository of the related papers at: https://github.com/DeepSoftwareAnalytics/Awesome-Agent4SE.
comment: 12 pages, 4 figures
☆ Towards Leveraging Contrastively Pretrained Neural Audio Embeddings for Recommender Tasks RecSys
Music recommender systems frequently utilize network-based models to capture relationships between music pieces, artists, and users. Although these relationships provide valuable insights for predictions, new music pieces or artists often face the cold-start problem due to insufficient initial information. To address this, one can extract content-based information directly from the music to enhance collaborative-filtering-based methods. While previous approaches have relied on hand-crafted audio features for this purpose, we explore the use of contrastively pretrained neural audio embedding models, which offer a richer and more nuanced representation of music. Our experiments demonstrate that neural embeddings, particularly those generated with the Contrastive Language-Audio Pretraining (CLAP) model, present a promising approach to enhancing music recommendation tasks within graph-based frameworks.
comment: Accepted at the 2nd Music Recommender Workshop (@RecSys)
☆ AI-LieDar: Examine the Trade-off Between Utility and Truthfulness in LLM Agents
To be safely and successfully deployed, LLMs must simultaneously satisfy truthfulness and utility goals. Yet, often these two goals compete (e.g., an AI agent assisting a used car salesman selling a car with flaws), partly due to ambiguous or misleading user instructions. We propose AI-LieDar, a framework to study how LLM-based agents navigate scenarios with utility-truthfulness conflicts in a multi-turn interactive setting. We design a set of realistic scenarios where language agents are instructed to achieve goals that are in conflict with being truthful during a multi-turn conversation with simulated human agents. To evaluate the truthfulness at large scale, we develop a truthfulness detector inspired by psychological literature to assess the agents' responses. Our experiment demonstrates that all models are truthful less than 50% of the time, although truthfulness and goal achievement (utility) rates vary across models. We further test the steerability of LLMs towards truthfulness, finding that models follow malicious instructions to deceive, and even truth-steered models can still lie. These findings reveal the complex nature of truthfulness in LLMs and underscore the importance of further research to ensure the safe and reliable deployment of LLMs and AI agents.
☆ VAE Explainer: Supplement Learning Variational Autoencoders with Interactive Visualization
Variational Autoencoders are widespread in Machine Learning, but are typically explained with dense math notation or static code examples. This paper presents VAE Explainer, an interactive Variational Autoencoder running in the browser to supplement existing static documentation (e.g., Keras Code Examples). VAE Explainer adds interactions to the VAE summary with interactive model inputs, latent space, and output. VAE Explainer connects the high-level understanding with the implementation: annotated code and a live computational graph. The VAE Explainer interactive visualization is live at https://xnought.github.io/vae-explainer and the code is open source at https://github.com/xnought/vae-explainer.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures
☆ Contri(e)ve: Context + Retrieve for Scholarly Question Answering
Scholarly communication is a rapid growing field containing a wealth of knowledge. However, due to its unstructured and document format, it is challenging to extract useful information from them through conventional document retrieval methods. Scholarly knowledge graphs solve this problem, by representing the documents in a semantic network, providing, hidden insights, summaries and ease of accessibility through queries. Naturally, question answering for scholarly graphs expands the accessibility to a wider audience. But some of the knowledge in this domain is still presented as unstructured text, thus requiring a hybrid solution for question answering systems. In this paper, we present a two step solution using open source Large Language Model(LLM): Llama3.1 for Scholarly-QALD dataset. Firstly, we extract the context pertaining to the question from different structured and unstructured data sources: DBLP, SemOpenAlex knowledge graphs and Wikipedia text. Secondly, we implement prompt engineering to improve the information retrieval performance of the LLM. Our approach achieved an F1 score of 40% and also observed some anomalous responses from the LLM, that are discussed in the final part of the paper.
☆ SGFormer: Single-Layer Graph Transformers with Approximation-Free Linear Complexity NeurIPS2023
Learning representations on large graphs is a long-standing challenge due to the inter-dependence nature. Transformers recently have shown promising performance on small graphs thanks to its global attention for capturing all-pair interactions beyond observed structures. Existing approaches tend to inherit the spirit of Transformers in language and vision tasks, and embrace complicated architectures by stacking deep attention-based propagation layers. In this paper, we attempt to evaluate the necessity of adopting multi-layer attentions in Transformers on graphs, which considerably restricts the efficiency. Specifically, we analyze a generic hybrid propagation layer, comprised of all-pair attention and graph-based propagation, and show that multi-layer propagation can be reduced to one-layer propagation, with the same capability for representation learning. It suggests a new technical path for building powerful and efficient Transformers on graphs, particularly through simplifying model architectures without sacrificing expressiveness. As exemplified by this work, we propose a Simplified Single-layer Graph Transformers (SGFormer), whose main component is a single-layer global attention that scales linearly w.r.t. graph sizes and requires none of any approximation for accommodating all-pair interactions. Empirically, SGFormer successfully scales to the web-scale graph ogbn-papers100M, yielding orders-of-magnitude inference acceleration over peer Transformers on medium-sized graphs, and demonstrates competitiveness with limited labeled data.
comment: Extended version of NeurIPS2023 contribution arXiv:2306.10759
☆ E2MoCase: A Dataset for Emotional, Event and Moral Observations in News Articles on High-impact Legal Cases
The way media reports on legal cases can significantly shape public opinion, often embedding subtle biases that influence societal views on justice and morality. Analyzing these biases requires a holistic approach that captures the emotional tone, moral framing, and specific events within the narratives. In this work we introduce E2MoCase, a novel dataset designed to facilitate the integrated analysis of emotions, moral values, and events within legal narratives and media coverage. By leveraging advanced models for emotion detection, moral value identification, and event extraction, E2MoCase offers a multi-dimensional perspective on how legal cases are portrayed in news articles.
☆ Predicting Trust In Autonomous Vehicles: Modeling Young Adult Psychosocial Traits, Risk-Benefit Attitudes, And Driving Factors With Machine Learning
Low trust remains a significant barrier to Autonomous Vehicle (AV) adoption. To design trustworthy AVs, we need to better understand the individual traits, attitudes, and experiences that impact people's trust judgements. We use machine learning to understand the most important factors that contribute to young adult trust based on a comprehensive set of personal factors gathered via survey (n = 1457). Factors ranged from psychosocial and cognitive attributes to driving style, experiences, and perceived AV risks and benefits. Using the explainable AI technique SHAP, we found that perceptions of AV risks and benefits, attitudes toward feasibility and usability, institutional trust, prior experience, and a person's mental model are the most important predictors. Surprisingly, psychosocial and many technology- and driving-specific factors were not strong predictors. Results highlight the importance of individual differences for designing trustworthy AVs for diverse groups and lead to key implications for future design and research.
comment: 31 pages (including references and appendix), 7 figures, 7 tables
☆ PINNfluence: Influence Functions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Recently, physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have emerged as a flexible and promising application of deep learning to partial differential equations in the physical sciences. While offering strong performance and competitive inference speeds on forward and inverse problems, their black-box nature limits interpretability, particularly regarding alignment with expected physical behavior. In the present work, we explore the application of influence functions (IFs) to validate and debug PINNs post-hoc. Specifically, we apply variations of IF-based indicators to gauge the influence of different types of collocation points on the prediction of PINNs applied to a 2D Navier-Stokes fluid flow problem. Our results demonstrate how IFs can be adapted to PINNs to reveal the potential for further studies.
☆ SynSUM -- Synthetic Benchmark with Structured and Unstructured Medical Records
We present the SynSUM benchmark, a synthetic dataset linking unstructured clinical notes to structured background variables. The dataset consists of 10,000 artificial patient records containing tabular variables (like symptoms, diagnoses and underlying conditions) and related notes describing the fictional patient encounter in the domain of respiratory diseases. The tabular portion of the data is generated through a Bayesian network, where both the causal structure between the variables and the conditional probabilities are proposed by an expert based on domain knowledge. We then prompt a large language model (GPT-4o) to generate a clinical note related to this patient encounter, describing the patient symptoms and additional context. The SynSUM dataset is primarily designed to facilitate research on clinical information extraction in the presence of tabular background variables, which can be linked through domain knowledge to concepts of interest to be extracted from the text - the symptoms, in the case of SynSUM. Secondary uses include research on the automation of clinical reasoning over both tabular data and text, causal effect estimation in the presence of tabular and/or textual confounders, and multi-modal synthetic data generation. The dataset can be downloaded from https://github.com/prabaey/SynSUM.
☆ Optimization and Generalization Guarantees for Weight Normalization
Weight normalization (WeightNorm) is widely used in practice for the training of deep neural networks and modern deep learning libraries have built-in implementations of it. In this paper, we provide the first theoretical characterizations of both optimization and generalization of deep WeightNorm models with smooth activation functions. For optimization, from the form of the Hessian of the loss, we note that a small Hessian of the predictor leads to a tractable analysis. Thus, we bound the spectral norm of the Hessian of WeightNorm networks and show its dependence on the network width and weight normalization terms--the latter being unique to networks without WeightNorm. Then, we use this bound to establish training convergence guarantees under suitable assumptions for gradient decent. For generalization, we use WeightNorm to get a uniform convergence based generalization bound, which is independent from the width and depends sublinearly on the depth. Finally, we present experimental results which illustrate how the normalization terms and other quantities of theoretical interest relate to the training of WeightNorm networks.
☆ Yes, Prime Minister, question order does matter -- and it's certainly not classical! But is it quantum?
Response to a poll can be manipulated by means of a series of leading questions. We show that such phenomena cannot be explained by use of classical probability theory, whereas quantum probability theory admits a possibility of offering an explanation. Admissible transformation rules in quantum probability, however, do impose some constraints on the modelling of cognitive behaviour, which are highlighted here. Focusing on a recent poll conducted by Ipsos on a set of questions posed by Sir Humphrey Appleby in an episode of the British political satire \textit{Yes, Prime Minister}, we show that the resulting data cannot be explained quite so simply using quantum rules, although it seems not impossible.
comment: 12 pages, 1 figure
☆ XSub: Explanation-Driven Adversarial Attack against Blackbox Classifiers via Feature Substitution
Despite its significant benefits in enhancing the transparency and trustworthiness of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, explainable AI (XAI) has yet to reach its full potential in real-world applications. One key challenge is that XAI can unintentionally provide adversaries with insights into black-box models, inevitably increasing their vulnerability to various attacks. In this paper, we develop a novel explanation-driven adversarial attack against black-box classifiers based on feature substitution, called XSub. The key idea of XSub is to strategically replace important features (identified via XAI) in the original sample with corresponding important features from a "golden sample" of a different label, thereby increasing the likelihood of the model misclassifying the perturbed sample. The degree of feature substitution is adjustable, allowing us to control how much of the original samples information is replaced. This flexibility effectively balances a trade-off between the attacks effectiveness and its stealthiness. XSub is also highly cost-effective in that the number of required queries to the prediction model and the explanation model in conducting the attack is in O(1). In addition, XSub can be easily extended to launch backdoor attacks in case the attacker has access to the models training data. Our evaluation demonstrates that XSub is not only effective and stealthy but also cost-effective, enabling its application across a wide range of AI models.
☆ Latent Space Score-based Diffusion Model for Probabilistic Multivariate Time Series Imputation
Accurate imputation is essential for the reliability and success of downstream tasks. Recently, diffusion models have attracted great attention in this field. However, these models neglect the latent distribution in a lower-dimensional space derived from the observed data, which limits the generative capacity of the diffusion model. Additionally, dealing with the original missing data without labels becomes particularly problematic. To address these issues, we propose the Latent Space Score-Based Diffusion Model (LSSDM) for probabilistic multivariate time series imputation. Observed values are projected onto low-dimensional latent space and coarse values of the missing data are reconstructed without knowing their ground truth values by this unsupervised learning approach. Finally, the reconstructed values are fed into a conditional diffusion model to obtain the precise imputed values of the time series. In this way, LSSDM not only possesses the power to identify the latent distribution but also seamlessly integrates the diffusion model to obtain the high-fidelity imputed values and assess the uncertainty of the dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that LSSDM achieves superior imputation performance while also providing a better explanation and uncertainty analysis of the imputation mechanism. The website of the code is \textit{https://github.com/gorgen2020/LSSDM\_imputation}.
comment: 5 pages, conference
☆ Farmer.Chat: Scaling AI-Powered Agricultural Services for Smallholder Farmers
Small and medium-sized agricultural holders face challenges like limited access to localized, timely information, impacting productivity and sustainability. Traditional extension services, which rely on in-person agents, struggle with scalability and timely delivery, especially in remote areas. We introduce Farmer.Chat, a generative AI-powered chatbot designed to address these issues. Leveraging Generative AI, Farmer.Chat offers personalized, reliable, and contextually relevant advice, overcoming limitations of previous chatbots in deterministic dialogue flows, language support, and unstructured data processing. Deployed in four countries, Farmer.Chat has engaged over 15,000 farmers and answered over 300,000 queries. This paper highlights how Farmer.Chat's innovative use of GenAI enhances agricultural service scalability and effectiveness. Our evaluation, combining quantitative analysis and qualitative insights, highlights Farmer.Chat's effectiveness in improving farming practices, enhancing trust, response quality, and user engagement.
comment: 35 pages
☆ Affective Computing Has Changed: The Foundation Model Disruption
The dawn of Foundation Models has on the one hand revolutionised a wide range of research problems, and, on the other hand, democratised the access and use of AI-based tools by the general public. We even observe an incursion of these models into disciplines related to human psychology, such as the Affective Computing domain, suggesting their affective, emerging capabilities. In this work, we aim to raise awareness of the power of Foundation Models in the field of Affective Computing by synthetically generating and analysing multimodal affective data, focusing on vision, linguistics, and speech (acoustics). We also discuss some fundamental problems, such as ethical issues and regulatory aspects, related to the use of Foundation Models in this research area.
☆ AnyBipe: An End-to-End Framework for Training and Deploying Bipedal Robots Guided by Large Language Models
Training and deploying reinforcement learning (RL) policies for robots, especially in accomplishing specific tasks, presents substantial challenges. Recent advancements have explored diverse reward function designs, training techniques, simulation-to-reality (sim-to-real) transfers, and performance analysis methodologies, yet these still require significant human intervention. This paper introduces an end-to-end framework for training and deploying RL policies, guided by Large Language Models (LLMs), and evaluates its effectiveness on bipedal robots. The framework consists of three interconnected modules: an LLM-guided reward function design module, an RL training module leveraging prior work, and a sim-to-real homomorphic evaluation module. This design significantly reduces the need for human input by utilizing only essential simulation and deployment platforms, with the option to incorporate human-engineered strategies and historical data. We detail the construction of these modules, their advantages over traditional approaches, and demonstrate the framework's capability to autonomously develop and refine controlling strategies for bipedal robot locomotion, showcasing its potential to operate independently of human intervention.
☆ Synthetic Human Memories: AI-Edited Images and Videos Can Implant False Memories and Distort Recollection
AI is increasingly used to enhance images and videos, both intentionally and unintentionally. As AI editing tools become more integrated into smartphones, users can modify or animate photos into realistic videos. This study examines the impact of AI-altered visuals on false memories--recollections of events that didn't occur or deviate from reality. In a pre-registered study, 200 participants were divided into four conditions of 50 each. Participants viewed original images, completed a filler task, then saw stimuli corresponding to their assigned condition: unedited images, AI-edited images, AI-generated videos, or AI-generated videos of AI-edited images. AI-edited visuals significantly increased false recollections, with AI-generated videos of AI-edited images having the strongest effect (2.05x compared to control). Confidence in false memories was also highest for this condition (1.19x compared to control). We discuss potential applications in HCI, such as therapeutic memory reframing, and challenges in ethical, legal, political, and societal domains.
comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables
☆ Exploring Action-Centric Representations Through the Lens of Rate-Distortion Theory
Organisms have to keep track of the information in the environment that is relevant for adaptive behaviour. Transmitting information in an economical and efficient way becomes crucial for limited-resourced agents living in high-dimensional environments. The efficient coding hypothesis claims that organisms seek to maximize the information about the sensory input in an efficient manner. Under Bayesian inference, this means that the role of the brain is to efficiently allocate resources in order to make predictions about the hidden states that cause sensory data. However, neither of those frameworks accounts for how that information is exploited downstream, leaving aside the action-oriented role of the perceptual system. Rate-distortion theory, which defines optimal lossy compression under constraints, has gained attention as a formal framework to explore goal-oriented efficient coding. In this work, we explore action-centric representations in the context of rate-distortion theory. We also provide a mathematical definition of abstractions and we argue that, as a summary of the relevant details, they can be used to fix the content of action-centric representations. We model action-centric representations using VAEs and we find that such representations i) are efficient lossy compressions of the data; ii) capture the task-dependent invariances necessary to achieve successful behaviour; and iii) are not in service of reconstructing the data. Thus, we conclude that full reconstruction of the data is rarely needed to achieve optimal behaviour, consistent with a teleological approach to perception.
☆ Exploring Graph Structure Comprehension Ability of Multimodal Large Language Models: Case Studies
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in processing various data structures, including graphs. While previous research has focused on developing textual encoding methods for graph representation, the emergence of multimodal LLMs presents a new frontier for graph comprehension. These advanced models, capable of processing both text and images, offer potential improvements in graph understanding by incorporating visual representations alongside traditional textual data. This study investigates the impact of graph visualisations on LLM performance across a range of benchmark tasks at node, edge, and graph levels. Our experiments compare the effectiveness of multimodal approaches against purely textual graph representations. The results provide valuable insights into both the potential and limitations of leveraging visual graph modalities to enhance LLMs' graph structure comprehension abilities.
☆ Using The Concept Hierarchy for Household Action Recognition
We propose a method to systematically represent both the static and the dynamic components of environments, i.e. objects and agents, as well as the changes that are happening in the environment, i.e. the actions and skills performed by agents. Our approach, the Concept Hierarchy, provides the necessary information for autonomous systems to represent environment states, perform action modeling and recognition, and plan the execution of tasks. Additionally, the hierarchical structure supports generalization and knowledge transfer to environments. We rigorously define tasks, actions, skills, and affordances that enable human-understandable action and skill recognition.
comment: 5 pages, 5 figures
☆ A RAG Approach for Generating Competency Questions in Ontology Engineering
Competency question (CQ) formulation is central to several ontology development and evaluation methodologies. Traditionally, the task of crafting these competency questions heavily relies on the effort of domain experts and knowledge engineers which is often time-consuming and labor-intensive. With the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), there arises the possibility to automate and enhance this process. Unlike other similar works which use existing ontologies or knowledge graphs as input to LLMs, we present a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) approach that uses LLMs for the automatic generation of CQs given a set of scientific papers considered to be a domain knowledge base. We investigate its performance and specifically, we study the impact of different number of papers to the RAG and different temperature setting of the LLM. We conduct experiments using GPT-4 on two domain ontology engineering tasks and compare results against ground-truth CQs constructed by domain experts. Empirical assessments on the results, utilizing evaluation metrics (precision and consistency), reveal that compared to zero-shot prompting, adding relevant domain knowledge to the RAG improves the performance of LLMs on generating CQs for concrete ontology engineering tasks.
☆ Deep reinforcement learning for tracking a moving target in jellyfish-like swimming
We develop a deep reinforcement learning method for training a jellyfish-like swimmer to effectively track a moving target in a two-dimensional flow. This swimmer is a flexible object equipped with a muscle model based on torsional springs. We employ a deep Q-network (DQN) that takes the swimmer's geometry and dynamic parameters as inputs, and outputs actions which are the forces applied to the swimmer. In particular, we introduce an action regulation to mitigate the interference from complex fluid-structure interactions. The goal of these actions is to navigate the swimmer to a target point in the shortest possible time. In the DQN training, the data on the swimmer's motions are obtained from simulations conducted using the immersed boundary method. During tracking a moving target, there is an inherent delay between the application of forces and the corresponding response of the swimmer's body due to hydrodynamic interactions between the shedding vortices and the swimmer's own locomotion. Our tests demonstrate that the swimmer, with the DQN agent and action regulation, is able to dynamically adjust its course based on its instantaneous state. This work extends the application scope of machine learning in controlling flexible objects within fluid environments.
comment: 22pages,14 figures
☆ Mutual Theory of Mind in Human-AI Collaboration: An Empirical Study with LLM-driven AI Agents in a Real-time Shared Workspace Task
Theory of Mind (ToM) significantly impacts human collaboration and communication as a crucial capability to understand others. When AI agents with ToM capability collaborate with humans, Mutual Theory of Mind (MToM) arises in such human-AI teams (HATs). The MToM process, which involves interactive communication and ToM-based strategy adjustment, affects the team's performance and collaboration process. To explore the MToM process, we conducted a mixed-design experiment using a large language model-driven AI agent with ToM and communication modules in a real-time shared-workspace task. We find that the agent's ToM capability does not significantly impact team performance but enhances human understanding of the agent and the feeling of being understood. Most participants in our study believe verbal communication increases human burden, and the results show that bidirectional communication leads to lower HAT performance. We discuss the results' implications for designing AI agents that collaborate with humans in real-time shared workspace tasks.
comment: 34 pages, Preprint Under Review
☆ TabKANet: Tabular Data Modelling with Kolmogorov-Arnold Network and Transformer
Tabular data is the most common type of data in real-life scenarios. In this study, we propose a method based on the TabKANet architecture, which utilizes the Kolmogorov-Arnold network to encode numerical features and merge them with categorical features, enabling unified modeling of tabular data on the Transformer architecture. This model demonstrates outstanding performance in six widely used binary classification tasks, suggesting that TabKANet has the potential to become a standard approach for tabular modeling, surpassing traditional neural networks. Furthermore, this research reveals the significant advantages of the Kolmogorov-Arnold network in encoding numerical features. The code of our work is available at https://github.com/tsinghuamedgao20/TabKANet.
☆ Reading ability detection using eye-tracking data with LSTM-based few-shot learning
Reading ability detection is important in modern educational field. In this paper, a method of predicting scores of reading ability is proposed, using the eye-tracking data of a few subjects (e.g., 68 subjects). The proposed method built a regression model for the score prediction by combining Long Short Time Memory (LSTM) and light-weighted neural networks. Experiments show that with few-shot learning strategy, the proposed method achieved higher accuracy than previous methods of score prediction in reading ability detection. The code can later be downloaded at https://github.com/pumpkinLNX/LSTM-eye-tracking-pytorch.git
☆ What You Say = What You Want? Teaching Humans to Articulate Requirements for LLMs
Prompting ChatGPT to achieve complex goals (e.g., creating a customer support chatbot) often demands meticulous prompt engineering, including aspects like fluent writing and chain-of-thought techniques. While emerging prompt optimizers can automatically refine many of these aspects, we argue that clearly conveying customized requirements (e.g., how to handle diverse inputs) remains a human-centric challenge. In this work, we introduce Requirement-Oriented Prompt Engineering (ROPE), a paradigm that focuses human attention on generating clear, complete requirements during prompting. We implement ROPE through an assessment and training suite that provides deliberate practice with LLM-generated feedback. In a study with 30 novices, we show that requirement-focused training doubles novices' prompting performance, significantly outperforming conventional prompt engineering training and prompt optimization. We also demonstrate that high-quality LLM outputs are directly tied to the quality of input requirements. Our work paves the way for more effective task delegation in human-LLM collaborative prompting.
comment: 15 pages, 5 figures
☆ HOLA-Drone: Hypergraphic Open-ended Learning for Zero-Shot Multi-Drone Cooperative Pursuit
Zero-shot coordination (ZSC) is a significant challenge in multi-agent collaboration, aiming to develop agents that can coordinate with unseen partners they have not encountered before. Recent cutting-edge ZSC methods have primarily focused on two-player video games such as OverCooked!2 and Hanabi. In this paper, we extend the scope of ZSC research to the multi-drone cooperative pursuit scenario, exploring how to construct a drone agent capable of coordinating with multiple unseen partners to capture multiple evaders. We propose a novel Hypergraphic Open-ended Learning Algorithm (HOLA-Drone) that continuously adapts the learning objective based on our hypergraphic-form game modeling, aiming to improve cooperative abilities with multiple unknown drone teammates. To empirically verify the effectiveness of HOLA-Drone, we build two different unseen drone teammate pools to evaluate their performance in coordination with various unseen partners. The experimental results demonstrate that HOLA-Drone outperforms the baseline methods in coordination with unseen drone teammates. Furthermore, real-world experiments validate the feasibility of HOLA-Drone in physical systems. Videos can be found on the project homepage~\url{https://sites.google.com/view/hola-drone}.
comment: 10 pages
☆ Journalists, Emotions, and the Introduction of Generative AI Chatbots: A Large-Scale Analysis of Tweets Before and After the Launch of ChatGPT
As part of a broader look at the impact of generative AI, this study investigated the emotional responses of journalists to the release of ChatGPT at the time of its launch. By analyzing nearly 1 million Tweets from journalists at major U.S. news outlets, we tracked changes in emotional tone and sentiment before and after the introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022. Using various computational and natural language processing techniques to measure emotional shifts in response to ChatGPT's release, we found an increase in positive emotion and a more favorable tone post-launch, suggesting initial optimism toward AI's potential. This research underscores the pivotal role of journalists as interpreters of technological innovation and disruption, highlighting how their emotional reactions may shape public narratives around emerging technologies. The study contributes to understanding the intersection of journalism, emotion, and AI, offering insights into the broader societal impact of generative AI tools.
☆ Bridging Dynamic Factor Models and Neural Controlled Differential Equations for Nowcasting GDP CIKM 2024
Gross domestic product (GDP) nowcasting is crucial for policy-making as GDP growth is a key indicator of economic conditions. Dynamic factor models (DFMs) have been widely adopted by government agencies for GDP nowcasting due to their ability to handle irregular or missing macroeconomic indicators and their interpretability. However, DFMs face two main challenges: i) the lack of capturing economic uncertainties such as sudden recessions or booms, and ii) the limitation of capturing irregular dynamics from mixed-frequency data. To address these challenges, we introduce NCDENow, a novel GDP nowcasting framework that integrates neural controlled differential equations (NCDEs) with DFMs. This integration effectively handles the dynamics of irregular time series. NCDENow consists of 3 main modules: i) factor extraction leveraging DFM, ii) dynamic modeling using NCDE, and iii) GDP growth prediction through regression. We evaluate NCDENow against 6 baselines on 2 real-world GDP datasets from South Korea and the United Kingdom, demonstrating its enhanced predictive capability. Our empirical results favor our method, highlighting the significant potential of integrating NCDE into nowcasting models. Our code and dataset are available at https://github.com/sklim84/NCDENow_CIKM2024.
comment: Accepted at CIKM 2024. Seonkyu Lim and Jeongwhan Choi are co-first authors with equal contributions
☆ Quasimetric Value Functions with Dense Rewards
As a generalization of reinforcement learning (RL) to parametrizable goals, goal conditioned RL (GCRL) has a broad range of applications, particularly in challenging tasks in robotics. Recent work has established that the optimal value function of GCRL $Q^\ast(s,a,g)$ has a quasimetric structure, leading to targetted neural architectures that respect such structure. However, the relevant analyses assume a sparse reward setting -- a known aggravating factor to sample complexity. We show that the key property underpinning a quasimetric, viz., the triangle inequality, is preserved under a dense reward setting as well. Contrary to earlier findings where dense rewards were shown to be detrimental to GCRL, we identify the key condition necessary for triangle inequality. Dense reward functions that satisfy this condition can only improve, never worsen, sample complexity. This opens up opportunities to train efficient neural architectures with dense rewards, compounding their benefits to sample complexity. We evaluate this proposal in 12 standard benchmark environments in GCRL featuring challenging continuous control tasks. Our empirical results confirm that training a quasimetric value function in our dense reward setting indeed outperforms training with sparse rewards.
☆ Distilling Monolingual and Crosslingual Word-in-Context Representations
In this study, we propose a method that distils representations of word meaning in context from a pre-trained masked language model in both monolingual and crosslingual settings. Word representations are the basis for context-aware lexical semantics and unsupervised semantic textual similarity (STS) estimation. Different from existing approaches, our method does not require human-annotated corpora nor updates of the parameters of the pre-trained model. The latter feature is appealing for practical scenarios where the off-the-shelf pre-trained model is a common asset among different applications. Specifically, our method learns to combine the outputs of different hidden layers of the pre-trained model using self-attention. Our auto-encoder based training only requires an automatically generated corpus. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, we performed extensive experiments using various benchmark tasks. The results on the monolingual tasks confirmed that our representations exhibited a competitive performance compared to that of the previous study for the context-aware lexical semantic tasks and outperformed it for STS estimation. The results of the crosslingual tasks revealed that the proposed method largely improved crosslingual word representations of multilingual pre-trained models.
☆ Layerwise Change of Knowledge in Neural Networks
This paper aims to explain how a deep neural network (DNN) gradually extracts new knowledge and forgets noisy features through layers in forward propagation. Up to now, although the definition of knowledge encoded by the DNN has not reached a consensus, Previous studies have derived a series of mathematical evidence to take interactions as symbolic primitive inference patterns encoded by a DNN. We extend the definition of interactions and, for the first time, extract interactions encoded by intermediate layers. We quantify and track the newly emerged interactions and the forgotten interactions in each layer during the forward propagation, which shed new light on the learning behavior of DNNs. The layer-wise change of interactions also reveals the change of the generalization capacity and instability of feature representations of a DNN.
☆ Text-To-Speech Synthesis In The Wild ICASSP 2025
Text-to-speech (TTS) systems are traditionally trained using modest databases of studio-quality, prompted or read speech collected in benign acoustic environments such as anechoic rooms. The recent literature nonetheless shows efforts to train TTS systems using data collected in the wild. While this approach allows for the use of massive quantities of natural speech, until now, there are no common datasets. We introduce the TTS In the Wild (TITW) dataset, the result of a fully automated pipeline, in this case, applied to the VoxCeleb1 dataset commonly used for speaker recognition. We further propose two training sets. TITW-Hard is derived from the transcription, segmentation, and selection of VoxCeleb1 source data. TITW-Easy is derived from the additional application of enhancement and additional data selection based on DNSMOS. We show that a number of recent TTS models can be trained successfully using TITW-Easy, but that it remains extremely challenging to produce similar results using TITW-Hard. Both the dataset and protocols are publicly available and support the benchmarking of TTS systems trained using TITW data.
comment: 5 pages, submitted to ICASSP 2025 as a conference paper
☆ NeSHFS: Neighborhood Search with Heuristic-based Feature Selection for Click-Through Rate Prediction
Click-through-rate (CTR) prediction plays an important role in online advertising and ad recommender systems. In the past decade, maximizing CTR has been the main focus of model development and solution creation. Therefore, researchers and practitioners have proposed various models and solutions to enhance the effectiveness of CTR prediction. Most of the existing literature focuses on capturing either implicit or explicit feature interactions. Although implicit interactions are successfully captured in some studies, explicit interactions present a challenge for achieving high CTR by extracting both low-order and high-order feature interactions. Unnecessary and irrelevant features may cause high computational time and low prediction performance. Furthermore, certain features may perform well with specific predictive models while underperforming with others. Also, feature distribution may fluctuate due to traffic variations. Most importantly, in live production environments, resources are limited, and the time for inference is just as crucial as training time. Because of all these reasons, feature selection is one of the most important factors in enhancing CTR prediction model performance. Simple filter-based feature selection algorithms do not perform well and they are not sufficient. An effective and efficient feature selection algorithm is needed to consistently filter the most useful features during live CTR prediction process. In this paper, we propose a heuristic algorithm named Neighborhood Search with Heuristic-based Feature Selection (NeSHFS) to enhance CTR prediction performance while reducing dimensionality and training time costs. We conduct comprehensive experiments on three public datasets to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed solution.
☆ DM: Dual-path Magnitude Network for General Speech Restoration
In this paper, we introduce a novel general speech restoration model: the Dual-path Magnitude (DM) network, designed to address multiple distortions including noise, reverberation, and bandwidth degradation effectively. The DM network employs dual parallel magnitude decoders that share parameters: one uses a masking-based algorithm for distortion removal and the other employs a mapping-based approach for speech restoration. A novel aspect of the DM network is the integration of the magnitude spectrogram output from the masking decoder into the mapping decoder through a skip connection, enhancing the overall restoration capability. This integrated approach overcomes the inherent limitations observed in previous models, as detailed in a step-by-step analysis. The experimental results demonstrate that the DM network outperforms other baseline models in the comprehensive aspect of general speech restoration, achieving substantial restoration with fewer parameters.
☆ Precision Aquaculture: An Integrated Computer Vision and IoT Approach for Optimized Tilapia Feeding
Traditional fish farming practices often lead to inefficient feeding, resulting in environmental issues and reduced productivity. We developed an innovative system combining computer vision and IoT technologies for precise Tilapia feeding. Our solution uses real-time IoT sensors to monitor water quality parameters and computer vision algorithms to analyze fish size and count, determining optimal feed amounts. A mobile app enables remote monitoring and control. We utilized YOLOv8 for keypoint detection to measure Tilapia weight from length, achieving \textbf{94\%} precision on 3,500 annotated images. Pixel-based measurements were converted to centimeters using depth estimation for accurate feeding calculations. Our method, with data collection mirroring inference conditions, significantly improved results. Preliminary estimates suggest this approach could increase production up to 58 times compared to traditional farms. Our models, code, and dataset are open-source~\footnote{The code, dataset, and models are available upon reasonable request.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, 21th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics
☆ B4: Towards Optimal Assessment of Plausible Code Solutions with Plausible Tests
Selecting the best code solution from multiple generated ones is an essential task in code generation, which can be achieved by using some reliable validators (e.g., developer-written test cases) for assistance. Since reliable test cases are not always available and can be expensive to build in practice, researchers propose to automatically generate test cases to assess code solutions. However, when both code solutions and test cases are plausible and not reliable, selecting the best solution becomes challenging. Although some heuristic strategies have been proposed to tackle this problem, they lack a strong theoretical guarantee and it is still an open question whether an optimal selection strategy exists. Our work contributes in two ways. First, we show that within a Bayesian framework, the optimal selection strategy can be defined based on the posterior probability of the observed passing states between solutions and tests. The problem of identifying the best solution is then framed as an integer programming problem. Second, we propose an efficient approach for approximating this optimal (yet uncomputable) strategy, where the approximation error is bounded by the correctness of prior knowledge. We then incorporate effective prior knowledge to tailor code generation tasks. Both theoretical and empirical studies confirm that existing heuristics are limited in selecting the best solutions with plausible test cases. Our proposed approximated optimal strategy B4 significantly surpasses existing heuristics in selecting code solutions generated by large language models (LLMs) with LLM-generated tests, achieving a relative performance improvement by up to 50% over the strongest heuristic and 246% over the random selection in the most challenging scenarios. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/ZJU-CTAG/B4.
comment: accepted by ASE' 24 (full paper)
☆ NEST-RQ: Next Token Prediction for Speech Self-Supervised Pre-Training
Speech self-supervised pre-training can effectively improve the performance of downstream tasks. However, previous self-supervised learning (SSL) methods for speech, such as HuBERT and BEST-RQ, focus on utilizing non-causal encoders with bidirectional context, and lack sufficient support for downstream streaming models. To address this issue, we introduce the next token prediction based speech pre-training method with random-projection quantizer (NEST-RQ). NEST-RQ employs causal encoders with only left context and uses next token prediction (NTP) as the training task. On the large-scale dataset, compared to BEST-RQ, the proposed NEST-RQ achieves comparable performance on non-streaming automatic speech recognition (ASR) and better performance on streaming ASR. We also conduct analytical experiments in terms of the future context size of streaming ASR, the codebook quality of SSL and the model size of the encoder. In summary, the paper demonstrates the feasibility of the NTP in speech SSL and provides empirical evidence and insights for speech SSL research.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Work in progress
☆ Shadow Program Inversion with Differentiable Planning: A Framework for Unified Robot Program Parameter and Trajectory Optimization ICRA
This paper presents SPI-DP, a novel first-order optimizer capable of optimizing robot programs with respect to both high-level task objectives and motion-level constraints. To that end, we introduce DGPMP2-ND, a differentiable collision-free motion planner for serial N-DoF kinematics, and integrate it into an iterative, gradient-based optimization approach for generic, parameterized robot program representations. SPI-DP allows first-order optimization of planned trajectories and program parameters with respect to objectives such as cycle time or smoothness subject to e.g. collision constraints, while enabling humans to understand, modify or even certify the optimized programs. We provide a comprehensive evaluation on two practical household and industrial applications.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA)
☆ Towards certifiable AI in aviation: landscape, challenges, and opportunities
Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods are powerful tools for various domains, including critical fields such as avionics, where certification is required to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of safety. General solutions for safety-critical systems must address three main questions: Is it suitable? What drives the system's decisions? Is it robust to errors/attacks? This is more complex in AI than in traditional methods. In this context, this paper presents a comprehensive mind map of formal AI certification in avionics. It highlights the challenges of certifying AI development with an example to emphasize the need for qualification beyond performance metrics.
☆ LMAC-TD: Producing Time Domain Explanations for Audio Classifiers
Neural networks are typically black-boxes that remain opaque with regards to their decision mechanisms. Several works in the literature have proposed post-hoc explanation methods to alleviate this issue. This paper proposes LMAC-TD, a post-hoc explanation method that trains a decoder to produce explanations directly in the time domain. This methodology builds upon the foundation of L-MAC, Listenable Maps for Audio Classifiers, a method that produces faithful and listenable explanations. We incorporate SepFormer, a popular transformer-based time-domain source separation architecture. We show through a user study that LMAC-TD significantly improves the audio quality of the produced explanations while not sacrificing from faithfulness.
comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this research. Author order is alphabetical
☆ CPL: Critical Planning Step Learning Boosts LLM Generalization in Reasoning Tasks
Post-training large language models (LLMs) to develop reasoning capabilities has proven effective across diverse domains, such as mathematical reasoning and code generation. However, existing methods primarily focus on improving task-specific reasoning but have not adequately addressed the model's generalization capabilities across a broader range of reasoning tasks. To tackle this challenge, we introduce Critical Planning Step Learning (CPL), which leverages Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to explore diverse planning steps in multi-step reasoning tasks. Based on long-term outcomes, CPL learns step-level planning preferences to improve the model's planning capabilities and, consequently, its general reasoning capabilities. Furthermore, while effective in many scenarios for aligning LLMs, existing preference learning approaches like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) struggle with complex multi-step reasoning tasks due to their inability to capture fine-grained supervision at each step. We propose Step-level Advantage Preference Optimization (Step-APO), which integrates an advantage estimate for step-level preference pairs obtained via MCTS into the DPO. This enables the model to more effectively learn critical intermediate planning steps, thereby further improving its generalization in reasoning tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that our method, trained exclusively on GSM8K and MATH, not only significantly improves performance on GSM8K (+10.5%) and MATH (+6.5%), but also enhances out-of-domain reasoning benchmarks, such as ARC-C (+4.0%), BBH (+1.8%), MMLU-STEM (+2.2%), and MMLU (+0.9%).
☆ Developing an Algorithm Selector for Green Configuration in Scheduling Problems
The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSP) is central to operations research, primarily optimizing energy efficiency due to its profound environmental and economic implications. Efficient scheduling enhances production metrics and mitigates energy consumption, thus effectively balancing productivity and sustainability objectives. Given the intricate and diverse nature of JSP instances, along with the array of algorithms developed to tackle these challenges, an intelligent algorithm selection tool becomes paramount. This paper introduces a framework designed to identify key problem features that characterize its complexity and guide the selection of suitable algorithms. Leveraging machine learning techniques, particularly XGBoost, the framework recommends optimal solvers such as GUROBI, CPLEX, and GECODE for efficient JSP scheduling. GUROBI excels with smaller instances, while GECODE demonstrates robust scalability for complex scenarios. The proposed algorithm selector achieves an accuracy of 84.51\% in recommending the best algorithm for solving new JSP instances, highlighting its efficacy in algorithm selection. By refining feature extraction methodologies, the framework aims to broaden its applicability across diverse JSP scenarios, thereby advancing efficiency and sustainability in manufacturing logistics.
☆ Utilizing Data Fingerprints for Privacy-Preserving Algorithm Selection in Time Series Classification: Performance and Uncertainty Estimation on Unseen Datasets
The selection of algorithms is a crucial step in designing AI services for real-world time series classification use cases. Traditional methods such as neural architecture search, automated machine learning, combined algorithm selection, and hyperparameter optimizations are effective but require considerable computational resources and necessitate access to all data points to run their optimizations. In this work, we introduce a novel data fingerprint that describes any time series classification dataset in a privacy-preserving manner and provides insight into the algorithm selection problem without requiring training on the (unseen) dataset. By decomposing the multi-target regression problem, only our data fingerprints are used to estimate algorithm performance and uncertainty in a scalable and adaptable manner. Our approach is evaluated on the 112 University of California riverside benchmark datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in predicting the performance of 35 state-of-the-art algorithms and providing valuable insights for effective algorithm selection in time series classification service systems, improving a naive baseline by 7.32% on average in estimating the mean performance and 15.81% in estimating the uncertainty.
comment: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-58) 2025
☆ Improving Analog Neural Network Robustness: A Noise-Agnostic Approach with Explainable Regularizations
This work tackles the critical challenge of mitigating "hardware noise" in deep analog neural networks, a major obstacle in advancing analog signal processing devices. We propose a comprehensive, hardware-agnostic solution to address both correlated and uncorrelated noise affecting the activation layers of deep neural models. The novelty of our approach lies in its ability to demystify the "black box" nature of noise-resilient networks by revealing the underlying mechanisms that reduce sensitivity to noise. In doing so, we introduce a new explainable regularization framework that harnesses these mechanisms to significantly enhance noise robustness in deep neural architectures.
☆ Sybil Detection using Graph Neural Networks
This paper presents SYBILGAT, a novel approach to Sybil detection in social networks using Graph Attention Networks (GATs). Traditional methods for Sybil detection primarily leverage structural properties of networks; however, they tend to struggle with a large number of attack edges and are often unable to simultaneously utilize both known Sybil and honest nodes. Our proposed method addresses these limitations by dynamically assigning attention weights to different nodes during aggregations, enhancing detection performance. We conducted extensive experiments in various scenarios, including pretraining in sampled subgraphs, synthetic networks, and networks under targeted attacks. The results show that SYBILGAT significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms, particularly in scenarios with high attack complexity and when the number of attack edges increases. Our approach shows robust performance across different network models and sizes, even as the detection task becomes more challenging. We successfully applied the model to a real-world Twitter graph with more than 269k nodes and 6.8M edges. The flexibility and generalizability of SYBILGAT make it a promising tool to defend against Sybil attacks in online social networks with only structural information.
comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 6 tables
☆ Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Denoising and Deblending of Marine Seismic Data
Processing marine seismic data is computationally demanding and consists of multiple time-consuming steps. Neural network based processing can, in theory, significantly reduce processing time and has the potential to change the way seismic processing is done. In this paper we are using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to remove seismic interference noise and to deblend seismic data. To train such networks, a significant amount of computational memory is needed since a single shot gather consists of more than 106 data samples. Preliminary results are promising both for denoising and deblending. However, we also observed that the results are affected by the signal-to-noise ratio (SnR). Moving to common channel domain is a way of breaking the coherency of the noise while also reducing the input volume size. This makes it easier for the network to distinguish between signal and noise. It also increases the efficiency of the GPU memory usage by enabling better utilization of multi core processing. Deblending in common channel domain with the use of a CNN yields relatively good results and is an improvement compared to shot domain.
☆ Deep learning-based shot-domain seismic deblending
To streamline fast-track processing of large data volumes, we have developed a deep learning approach to deblend seismic data in the shot domain based on a practical strategy for generating high-quality training data along with a list of data conditioning techniques to improve performance of the data-driven model. We make use of unblended shot gathers acquired at the end of each sail line, to which the access requires no additional time or labor costs beyond the blended acquisition. By manually blending these data we obtain training data with good control of the ground truth and fully adapted to the given survey. Furthermore, we train a deep neural network using multi-channel inputs that include adjacent blended shot gathers as additional channels. The prediction of the blending noise is added in as a related and auxiliary task with the main task of the network being the prediction of the primary-source events. Blending noise in the ground truth is scaled down during the training and validation process due to its excessively strong amplitudes. As part of the process, the to-be-deblended shot gathers are aligned by the blending noise. Implementation on field blended-by-acquisition data demonstrates that introducing the suggested data conditioning steps can considerably reduce the leakage of primary-source events in the deep part of the blended section. The complete proposed approach performs almost as well as a conventional algorithm in the shallow section and shows great advantage in efficiency. It performs slightly worse for larger traveltimes, but still removes the blending noise efficiently.
☆ Large Language Model Can Transcribe Speech in Multi-Talker Scenarios with Versatile Instructions
Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized various domains, bringing significant progress and new opportunities. Despite progress in speech-related tasks, LLMs have not been sufficiently explored in multi-talker scenarios. In this work, we present a pioneering effort to investigate the capability of LLMs in transcribing speech in multi-talker environments, following versatile instructions related to multi-talker automatic speech recognition (ASR), target talker ASR, and ASR based on specific talker attributes such as sex, occurrence order, language, and keyword spoken. Our approach utilizes WavLM and Whisper encoder to extract multi-faceted speech representations that are sensitive to speaker characteristics and semantic context. These representations are then fed into an LLM fine-tuned using LoRA, enabling the capabilities for speech comprehension and transcription. Comprehensive experiments reveal the promising performance of our proposed system, MT-LLM, in cocktail party scenarios, highlighting the potential of LLM to handle speech-related tasks based on user instructions in such complex settings.
☆ Automatic Generation of Fast and Accurate Performance Models for Deep Neural Network Accelerators
Implementing Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on resource-constrained edge devices is a challenging task that requires tailored hardware accelerator architectures and a clear understanding of their performance characteristics when executing the intended AI workload. To facilitate this, we present an automated generation approach for fast performance models to accurately estimate the latency of a DNN mapped onto systematically modeled and concisely described accelerator architectures. Using our accelerator architecture description method, we modeled representative DNN accelerators such as Gemmini, UltraTrail, Plasticine-derived, and a parameterizable systolic array. Together with DNN mappings for those modeled architectures, we perform a combined DNN/hardware dependency graph analysis, which enables us, in the best case, to evaluate only 154 loop kernel iterations to estimate the performance for 4.19 billion instructions achieving a significant speedup. We outperform regression and analytical models in terms of mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) compared to simulation results, while being several magnitudes faster than an RTL simulation.
comment: Accepted version for: ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
☆ LHQ-SVC: Lightweight and High Quality Singing Voice Conversion Modeling ICASSP 2025
Singing Voice Conversion (SVC) has emerged as a significant subfield of Voice Conversion (VC), enabling the transformation of one singer's voice into another while preserving musical elements such as melody, rhythm, and timbre. Traditional SVC methods have limitations in terms of audio quality, data requirements, and computational complexity. In this paper, we propose LHQ-SVC, a lightweight, CPU-compatible model based on the SVC framework and diffusion model, designed to reduce model size and computational demand without sacrificing performance. We incorporate features to improve inference quality, and optimize for CPU execution by using performance tuning tools and parallel computing frameworks. Our experiments demonstrate that LHQ-SVC maintains competitive performance, with significant improvements in processing speed and efficiency across different devices. The results suggest that LHQ-SVC can meet
comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ Molecular Graph Representation Learning via Structural Similarity Information
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely employed for feature representation learning in molecular graphs. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance the expressiveness of feature representation to ensure the effectiveness of GNNs. However, a significant portion of current research primarily focuses on the structural features within individual molecules, often overlooking the structural similarity between molecules, which is a crucial aspect encapsulating rich information on the relationship between molecular properties and structural characteristics. Thus, these approaches fail to capture the rich semantic information at the molecular structure level. To bridge this gap, we introduce the \textbf{Molecular Structural Similarity Motif GNN (MSSM-GNN)}, a novel molecular graph representation learning method that can capture structural similarity information among molecules from a global perspective. In particular, we propose a specially designed graph that leverages graph kernel algorithms to represent the similarity between molecules quantitatively. Subsequently, we employ GNNs to learn feature representations from molecular graphs, aiming to enhance the accuracy of property prediction by incorporating additional molecular representation information. Finally, through a series of experiments conducted on both small-scale and large-scale molecular datasets, we demonstrate that our model consistently outperforms eleven state-of-the-art baselines. The codes are available at https://github.com/yaoyao-yaoyao-cell/MSSM-GNN.
☆ Expediting and Elevating Large Language Model Reasoning via Hidden Chain-of-Thought Decoding
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in tasks requiring reasoning and multi-step problem-solving through the use of chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. However, generating the full CoT process results in significantly longer output sequences, leading to increased computational costs and latency during inference. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach to compress the CoT process through semantic alignment, enabling more efficient decoding while preserving the benefits of CoT reasoning. Our method introduces an auxiliary CoT model that learns to generate and compress the full thought process into a compact special token representation semantically aligned with the original CoT output. This compressed representation is then integrated into the input of the Hidden Chain-of-Thought (HCoT) model. The training process follows a two-stage procedure: First, the CoT model is optimized to generate the compressed token representations aligned with the ground-truth CoT outputs using a contrastive loss. Subsequently, with the CoT model parameters frozen, the HCoT model is fine-tuned to generate accurate subsequent predictions conditioned on the prefix instruction and the compressed CoT representations from the CoT model. Extensive experiments across three challenging domains - mathematical reasoning, agent invocation, and question answering - demonstrate that our semantic compression approach achieves competitive or improved performance compared to the full CoT baseline, while providing significant speedups of at least 1.5x in decoding time. Moreover, incorporating contrastive learning objectives further enhances the quality of the compressed representations, leading to better CoT prompting and improved task accuracy. Our work paves the way for more efficient exploitation of multi-step reasoning capabilities in LLMs across a wide range of applications.
☆ ATFLRec: A Multimodal Recommender System with Audio-Text Fusion and Low-Rank Adaptation via Instruction-Tuned Large Language Model
Recommender Systems (RS) play a pivotal role in boosting user satisfaction by providing personalized product suggestions in domains such as e-commerce and entertainment. This study examines the integration of multimodal data text and audio into large language models (LLMs) with the aim of enhancing recommendation performance. Traditional text and audio recommenders encounter limitations such as the cold-start problem, and recent advancements in LLMs, while promising, are computationally expensive. To address these issues, Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is introduced, which enhances efficiency without compromising performance. The ATFLRec framework is proposed to integrate audio and text modalities into a multimodal recommendation system, utilizing various LoRA configurations and modality fusion techniques. Results indicate that ATFLRec outperforms baseline models, including traditional and graph neural network-based approaches, achieving higher AUC scores. Furthermore, separate fine-tuning of audio and text data with distinct LoRA modules yields optimal performance, with different pooling methods and Mel filter bank numbers significantly impacting performance. This research offers valuable insights into optimizing multimodal recommender systems and advancing the integration of diverse data modalities in LLMs.
☆ SRE-CNN: A Spatiotemporal Rotation-Equivariant CNN for Cardiac Cine MR Imaging MICCAI 2024
Dynamic MR images possess various transformation symmetries,including the rotation symmetry of local features within the image and along the temporal dimension. Utilizing these symmetries as prior knowledge can facilitate dynamic MR imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution. Equivariant CNN is an effective tool to leverage the symmetry priors. However, current equivariant CNN methods fail to fully exploit these symmetry priors in dynamic MR imaging. In this work, we propose a novel framework of Spatiotemporal Rotation-Equivariant CNN (SRE-CNN), spanning from the underlying high-precision filter design to the construction of the temporal-equivariant convolutional module and imaging model, to fully harness the rotation symmetries inherent in dynamic MR images. The temporal-equivariant convolutional module enables exploitation the rotation symmetries in both spatial and temporal dimensions, while the high-precision convolutional filter, based on parametrization strategy, enhances the utilization of rotation symmetry of local features to improve the reconstruction of detailed anatomical structures. Experiments conducted on highly undersampled dynamic cardiac cine data (up to 20X) have demonstrated the superior performance of our proposed approach, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
comment: Accepted at MICCAI 2024
☆ Integration of Mamba and Transformer -- MAT for Long-Short Range Time Series Forecasting with Application to Weather Dynamics CEC
Long-short range time series forecasting is essential for predicting future trends and patterns over extended periods. While deep learning models such as Transformers have made significant strides in advancing time series forecasting, they often encounter difficulties in capturing long-term dependencies and effectively managing sparse semantic features. The state-space model, Mamba, addresses these issues through its adept handling of selective input and parallel computing, striking a balance between computational efficiency and prediction accuracy. This article examines the advantages and disadvantages of both Mamba and Transformer models, and introduces a combined approach, MAT, which leverages the strengths of each model to capture unique long-short range dependencies and inherent evolutionary patterns in multivariate time series. Specifically, MAT harnesses the long-range dependency capabilities of Mamba and the short-range characteristics of Transformers. Experimental results on benchmark weather datasets demonstrate that MAT outperforms existing comparable methods in terms of prediction accuracy, scalability, and memory efficiency.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to be presented at the 5th International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE)
☆ Apollo: Band-sequence Modeling for High-Quality Audio Restoration
Audio restoration has become increasingly significant in modern society, not only due to the demand for high-quality auditory experiences enabled by advanced playback devices, but also because the growing capabilities of generative audio models necessitate high-fidelity audio. Typically, audio restoration is defined as a task of predicting undistorted audio from damaged input, often trained using a GAN framework to balance perception and distortion. Since audio degradation is primarily concentrated in mid- and high-frequency ranges, especially due to codecs, a key challenge lies in designing a generator capable of preserving low-frequency information while accurately reconstructing high-quality mid- and high-frequency content. Inspired by recent advancements in high-sample-rate music separation, speech enhancement, and audio codec models, we propose Apollo, a generative model designed for high-sample-rate audio restoration. Apollo employs an explicit frequency band split module to model the relationships between different frequency bands, allowing for more coherent and higher-quality restored audio. Evaluated on the MUSDB18-HQ and MoisesDB datasets, Apollo consistently outperforms existing SR-GAN models across various bit rates and music genres, particularly excelling in complex scenarios involving mixtures of multiple instruments and vocals. Apollo significantly improves music restoration quality while maintaining computational efficiency. The source code for Apollo is publicly available at https://github.com/JusperLee/Apollo.
comment: Demo Page: https://cslikai.cn/Apollo
☆ Sub-graph Based Diffusion Model for Link Prediction
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) represent a contemporary class of generative models with exceptional qualities in both synthesis and maximizing the data likelihood. These models work by traversing a forward Markov Chain where data is perturbed, followed by a reverse process where a neural network learns to undo the perturbations and recover the original data. There have been increasing efforts exploring the applications of DDPMs in the graph domain. However, most of them have focused on the generative perspective. In this paper, we aim to build a novel generative model for link prediction. In particular, we treat link prediction between a pair of nodes as a conditional likelihood estimation of its enclosing sub-graph. With a dedicated design to decompose the likelihood estimation process via the Bayesian formula, we are able to separate the estimation of sub-graph structure and its node features. Such designs allow our model to simultaneously enjoy the advantages of inductive learning and the strong generalization capability. Remarkably, comprehensive experiments across various datasets validate that our proposed method presents numerous advantages: (1) transferability across datasets without retraining, (2) promising generalization on limited training data, and (3) robustness against graph adversarial attacks.
comment: 17 pages, 3 figures
☆ A BERT-Based Summarization approach for depression detection
Depression is a globally prevalent mental disorder with potentially severe repercussions if not addressed, especially in individuals with recurrent episodes. Prior research has shown that early intervention has the potential to mitigate or alleviate symptoms of depression. However, implementing such interventions in a real-world setting may pose considerable challenges. A promising strategy involves leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence to autonomously detect depression indicators from diverse data sources. One of the most widely available and informative data sources is text, which can reveal a person's mood, thoughts, and feelings. In this context, virtual agents programmed to conduct interviews using clinically validated questionnaires, such as those found in the DAIC-WOZ dataset, offer a robust means for depression detection through linguistic analysis. Utilizing BERT-based models, which are powerful and versatile yet use fewer resources than contemporary large language models, to convert text into numerical representations significantly enhances the precision of depression diagnosis. These models adeptly capture complex semantic and syntactic nuances, improving the detection accuracy of depressive symptoms. Given the inherent limitations of these models concerning text length, our study proposes text summarization as a preprocessing technique to diminish the length and intricacies of input texts. Implementing this method within our uniquely developed framework for feature extraction and classification yielded an F1-score of 0.67 on the test set surpassing all prior benchmarks and 0.81 on the validation set exceeding most previous results on the DAIC-WOZ dataset. Furthermore, we have devised a depression lexicon to assess summary quality and relevance. This lexicon constitutes a valuable asset for ongoing research in depression detection.
☆ Exploring Information Retrieval Landscapes: An Investigation of a Novel Evaluation Techniques and Comparative Document Splitting Methods
The performance of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems in information retrieval is significantly influenced by the characteristics of the documents being processed. In this study, the structured nature of textbooks, the conciseness of articles, and the narrative complexity of novels are shown to require distinct retrieval strategies. A comparative evaluation of multiple document-splitting methods reveals that the Recursive Character Splitter outperforms the Token-based Splitter in preserving contextual integrity. A novel evaluation technique is introduced, utilizing an open-source model to generate a comprehensive dataset of question-and-answer pairs, simulating realistic retrieval scenarios to enhance testing efficiency and metric reliability. The evaluation employs weighted scoring metrics, including SequenceMatcher, BLEU, METEOR, and BERT Score, to assess the system's accuracy and relevance. This approach establishes a refined standard for evaluating the precision of RAG systems, with future research focusing on optimizing chunk and overlap sizes to improve retrieval accuracy and efficiency.
comment: This article is 16 pages long and includes detailed comparisons of RAG systems and document splitting techniques
☆ Integrating Neural Operators with Diffusion Models Improves Spectral Representation in Turbulence Modeling
We integrate neural operators with diffusion models to address the spectral limitations of neural operators in surrogate modeling of turbulent flows. While neural operators offer computational efficiency, they exhibit deficiencies in capturing high-frequency flow dynamics, resulting in overly smooth approximations. To overcome this, we condition diffusion models on neural operators to enhance the resolution of turbulent structures. Our approach is validated for different neural operators on diverse datasets, including a high Reynolds number jet flow simulation and experimental Schlieren velocimetry. The proposed method significantly improves the alignment of predicted energy spectra with true distributions compared to neural operators alone. Additionally, proper orthogonal decomposition analysis demonstrates enhanced spectral fidelity in space-time. This work establishes a new paradigm for combining generative models with neural operators to advance surrogate modeling of turbulent systems, and it can be used in other scientific applications that involve microstructure and high-frequency content. See our project page: vivekoommen.github.io/NO_DM
☆ An Intent Modeling and Inference Framework for Autonomous and Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems
An intent modelling and inference framework is presented to assist the defense planning for protecting a geo-fence against unauthorized flights. First, a novel mathematical definition for the intent of an uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) is presented. The concepts of critical waypoints and critical waypoint patterns are introduced and associated with a motion process to fully characterize an intent. This modelling framework consists of representations of a UAS mission planner, used to plan the aircraft's motion sequence, as well as a defense planner, defined to protect the geo-fence. It is applicable to autonomous, semi-autonomous, and piloted systems in 2D and 3D environments with obstacles. The framework is illustrated by defining a library of intents for a security application. Detection and tracking of the target are presumed for formulating the intent inference problem. Multiple formulations of the decision maker's objective are discussed as part of a deep-learning-based methodology. Further, a multi-modal dynamic model for characterizing the UAS flight is discussed. This is later utilized to extract features using the interacting multiple model (IMM) filter for training the intent classifier. Finally, as part of the simulation study, an attention-based bi-directional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) network for intent inference is presented. The simulation experiments illustrate various aspects of the framework, including trajectory generation, radar measurement simulation, etc., in 2D and 3D environments.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables
☆ Explaining Datasets in Words: Statistical Models with Natural Language Parameters
To make sense of massive data, we often fit simplified models and then interpret the parameters; for example, we cluster the text embeddings and then interpret the mean parameters of each cluster. However, these parameters are often high-dimensional and hard to interpret. To make model parameters directly interpretable, we introduce a family of statistical models -- including clustering, time series, and classification models -- parameterized by natural language predicates. For example, a cluster of text about COVID could be parameterized by the predicate "discusses COVID". To learn these statistical models effectively, we develop a model-agnostic algorithm that optimizes continuous relaxations of predicate parameters with gradient descent and discretizes them by prompting language models (LMs). Finally, we apply our framework to a wide range of problems: taxonomizing user chat dialogues, characterizing how they evolve across time, finding categories where one language model is better than the other, clustering math problems based on subareas, and explaining visual features in memorable images. Our framework is highly versatile, applicable to both textual and visual domains, can be easily steered to focus on specific properties (e.g. subareas), and explains sophisticated concepts that classical methods (e.g. n-gram analysis) struggle to produce.
☆ Inter Observer Variability Assessment through Ordered Weighted Belief Divergence Measure in MAGDM Application to the Ensemble Classifier Feature Fusion
A large number of multi-attribute group decisionmaking (MAGDM) have been widely introduced to obtain consensus results. However, most of the methodologies ignore the conflict among the experts opinions and only consider equal or variable priorities of them. Therefore, this study aims to propose an Evidential MAGDM method by assessing the inter-observational variability and handling uncertainty that emerges between the experts. The proposed framework has fourfold contributions. First, the basic probability assignment (BPA) generation method is introduced to consider the inherent characteristics of each alternative by computing the degree of belief. Second, the ordered weighted belief and plausibility measure is constructed to capture the overall intrinsic information of the alternative by assessing the inter-observational variability and addressing the conflicts emerging between the group of experts. An ordered weighted belief divergence measure is constructed to acquire the weighted support for each group of experts to obtain the final preference relationship. Finally, we have shown an illustrative example of the proposed Evidential MAGDM framework. Further, we have analyzed the interpretation of Evidential MAGDM in the real-world application for ensemble classifier feature fusion to diagnose retinal disorders using optical coherence tomography images.
☆ Input-to-State Stable Coupled Oscillator Networks for Closed-form Model-based Control in Latent Space
Even though a variety of methods (e.g., RL, MPC, LQR) have been proposed in the literature, efficient and effective latent-space control of physical systems remains an open challenge. A promising avenue would be to leverage powerful and well-understood closed-form strategies from control theory literature in combination with learned dynamics, such as potential-energy shaping. We identify three fundamental shortcomings in existing latent-space models that have so far prevented this powerful combination: (i) they lack the mathematical structure of a physical system, (ii) they do not inherently conserve the stability properties of the real systems. Furthermore, (iii) these methods do not have an invertible mapping between input and latent-space forcing. This work proposes a novel Coupled Oscillator Network (CON) model that simultaneously tackles all these issues. More specifically, (i) we show analytically that CON is a Lagrangian system - i.e., it presses well-defined potential and kinetic energy terms. Then, (ii) we provide formal proof of global Input-to-State stability using Lyapunov arguments. Moving to the experimental side, (iii) we demonstrate that CON reaches SoA performance when learning complex nonlinear dynamics of mechanical systems directly from images. An additional methodological innovation contributing to achieving this third goal is an approximated closed-form solution for efficient integration of network dynamics, which eases efficient training. We tackle (iv) by approximating the forcing-to-input mapping with a decoder that is trained to reconstruct the input based on the encoded latent space force. Finally, we leverage these four properties and show that they enable latent-space control. We use an integral-saturated PID with potential force compensation and demonstrate high-quality performance on a soft robot using raw pixels as the only feedback information.
comment: 41 pages, currently under review
☆ When Context Leads but Parametric Memory Follows in Large Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable progress in leveraging diverse knowledge sources. This study investigates how nine widely used LLMs allocate knowledge between local context and global parameters when answering open-ended questions in knowledge-consistent scenarios. We introduce a novel dataset, WikiAtomic, and systematically vary context sizes to analyze how LLMs prioritize and utilize the provided information and their parametric knowledge in knowledge-consistent scenarios. Additionally, we also study their tendency to hallucinate under varying context sizes. Our findings reveal consistent patterns across models, including a consistent reliance on both contextual (around 70%) and parametric (around 30%) knowledge, and a decrease in hallucinations with increasing context. These insights highlight the importance of more effective context organization and developing models that use input more deterministically for robust performance.
☆ Contextual Evaluation of Large Language Models for Classifying Tropical and Infectious Diseases
While large language models (LLMs) have shown promise for medical question answering, there is limited work focused on tropical and infectious disease-specific exploration. We build on an opensource tropical and infectious diseases (TRINDs) dataset, expanding it to include demographic and semantic clinical and consumer augmentations yielding 11000+ prompts. We evaluate LLM performance on these, comparing generalist and medical LLMs, as well as LLM outcomes to human experts. We demonstrate through systematic experimentation, the benefit of contextual information such as demographics, location, gender, risk factors for optimal LLM response. Finally we develop a prototype of TRINDs-LM, a research tool that provides a playground to navigate how context impacts LLM outputs for health.
☆ Hierarchical Hypercomplex Network for Multimodal Emotion Recognition SP 2024
Emotion recognition is relevant in various domains, ranging from healthcare to human-computer interaction. Physiological signals, being beyond voluntary control, offer reliable information for this purpose, unlike speech and facial expressions which can be controlled at will. They reflect genuine emotional responses, devoid of conscious manipulation, thereby enhancing the credibility of emotion recognition systems. Nonetheless, multimodal emotion recognition with deep learning models remains a relatively unexplored field. In this paper, we introduce a fully hypercomplex network with a hierarchical learning structure to fully capture correlations. Specifically, at the encoder level, the model learns intra-modal relations among the different channels of each input signal. Then, a hypercomplex fusion module learns inter-modal relations among the embeddings of the different modalities. The main novelty is in exploiting intra-modal relations by endowing the encoders with parameterized hypercomplex convolutions (PHCs) that thanks to hypercomplex algebra can capture inter-channel interactions within single modalities. Instead, the fusion module comprises parameterized hypercomplex multiplications (PHMs) that can model inter-modal correlations. The proposed architecture surpasses state-of-the-art models on the MAHNOB-HCI dataset for emotion recognition, specifically in classifying valence and arousal from electroencephalograms (EEGs) and peripheral physiological signals. The code of this study is available at https://github.com/ispamm/MHyEEG.
comment: The paper has been accepted at MLSP 2024
☆ ProcessTBench: An LLM Plan Generation Dataset for Process Mining
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown significant promise in plan generation. Yet, existing datasets often lack the complexity needed for advanced tool use scenarios - such as handling paraphrased query statements, supporting multiple languages, and managing actions that can be done in parallel. These scenarios are crucial for evaluating the evolving capabilities of LLMs in real-world applications. Moreover, current datasets don't enable the study of LLMs from a process perspective, particularly in scenarios where understanding typical behaviors and challenges in executing the same process under different conditions or formulations is crucial. To address these gaps, we present the ProcessTBench dataset, an extension of the TaskBench dataset specifically designed to evaluate LLMs within a process mining framework.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, dataset available at https://github.com/microsoft/ProcessTBench
☆ Incorporation of Verifier Functionality in the Software for Operations and Network Attack Results Review and the Autonomous Penetration Testing System
The software for operations and network attack results review (SONARR) and the autonomous penetration testing system (APTS) use facts and common properties in digital twin networks to represent real-world entities. However, in some cases fact values will change regularly, making it difficult for objects in SONARR and APTS to consistently and accurately represent their real-world counterparts. This paper proposes and evaluates the addition of verifiers, which check real-world conditions and update network facts, to SONARR. This inclusion allows SONARR to retrieve fact values from its executing environment and update its network, providing a consistent method of ensuring that the operations and, therefore, the results align with the real-world systems being assessed. Verifiers allow arbitrary scripts and dynamic arguments to be added to normal SONARR operations. This provides a layer of flexibility and consistency that results in more reliable output from the software.
comment: The U.S. federal sponsor has requested that we not include funding acknowledgement for this publication
☆ Phikon-v2, A large and public feature extractor for biomarker prediction
Gathering histopathology slides from over 100 publicly available cohorts, we compile a diverse dataset of 460 million pathology tiles covering more than 30 cancer sites. Using this dataset, we train a large self-supervised vision transformer using DINOv2 and publicly release one iteration of this model for further experimentation, coined Phikon-v2. While trained on publicly available histology slides, Phikon-v2 surpasses our previously released model (Phikon) and performs on par with other histopathology foundation models (FM) trained on proprietary data. Our benchmarks include eight slide-level tasks with results reported on external validation cohorts avoiding any data contamination between pre-training and evaluation datasets. Our downstream training procedure follows a simple yet robust ensembling strategy yielding a +1.75 AUC increase across tasks and models compared to one-shot retraining (p<0.001). We compare Phikon (ViT-B) and Phikon-v2 (ViT-L) against 14 different histology feature extractors, making our evaluation the most comprehensive to date. Our result support evidences that DINOv2 handles joint model and data scaling better than iBOT. Also, we show that recent scaling efforts are overall beneficial to downstream performance in the context of biomarker prediction with GigaPath and H-Optimus-0 (two ViT-g with 1.1B parameters each) standing out. However, the statistical margins between the latest top-performing FMs remain mostly non-significant; some even underperform on specific indications or tasks such as MSI prediction - deposed by a 13x smaller model developed internally. While latest foundation models may exhibit limitations for clinical deployment, they nonetheless offer excellent grounds for the development of more specialized and cost-efficient histology encoders fueling AI-guided diagnostic tools.
☆ The Challenges of Effective AGM Belief Contraction
Despite the significant interest in extending the AGM paradigm of belief change beyond finitary logics, the computational aspects of AGM have remained almost untouched. We investigate the computability of AGM contraction on non-finitary logics, and show an intriguing negative result: there are infinitely many uncomputable AGM contraction functions in such logics. Drastically, even if we restrict the theories used to represent epistemic states, in all non-trivial cases, the uncomputability remains. On the positive side, we identify an infinite class of computable AGM contraction functions on Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). We use B\"uchi automata to construct such functions as well as to represent and reason about LTL knowledge.
comment: 20 pages, 4 figures
☆ Curricula for Learning Robust Policies over Factored State Representations in Changing Environments
Robust policies enable reinforcement learning agents to effectively adapt to and operate in unpredictable, dynamic, and ever-changing real-world environments. Factored representations, which break down complex state and action spaces into distinct components, can improve generalization and sample efficiency in policy learning. In this paper, we explore how the curriculum of an agent using a factored state representation affects the robustness of the learned policy. We experimentally demonstrate three simple curricula, such as varying only the variable of highest regret between episodes, that can significantly enhance policy robustness, offering practical insights for reinforcement learning in complex environments.
comment: 17th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2024)
☆ Multimodal Fusion with LLMs for Engagement Prediction in Natural Conversation
Over the past decade, wearable computing devices (``smart glasses'') have undergone remarkable advancements in sensor technology, design, and processing power, ushering in a new era of opportunity for high-density human behavior data. Equipped with wearable cameras, these glasses offer a unique opportunity to analyze non-verbal behavior in natural settings as individuals interact. Our focus lies in predicting engagement in dyadic interactions by scrutinizing verbal and non-verbal cues, aiming to detect signs of disinterest or confusion. Leveraging such analyses may revolutionize our understanding of human communication, foster more effective collaboration in professional environments, provide better mental health support through empathetic virtual interactions, and enhance accessibility for those with communication barriers. In this work, we collect a dataset featuring 34 participants engaged in casual dyadic conversations, each providing self-reported engagement ratings at the end of each conversation. We introduce a novel fusion strategy using Large Language Models (LLMs) to integrate multiple behavior modalities into a ``multimodal transcript'' that can be processed by an LLM for behavioral reasoning tasks. Remarkably, this method achieves performance comparable to established fusion techniques even in its preliminary implementation, indicating strong potential for further research and optimization. This fusion method is one of the first to approach ``reasoning'' about real-world human behavior through a language model. Smart glasses provide us the ability to unobtrusively gather high-density multimodal data on human behavior, paving the way for new approaches to understanding and improving human communication with the potential for important societal benefits. The features and data collected during the studies will be made publicly available to promote further research.
comment: 22 pages, first three authors equal contribution
☆ Neural Message Passing Induced by Energy-Constrained Diffusion ICLR2023
Learning representations for structured data with certain geometries (observed or unobserved) is a fundamental challenge, wherein message passing neural networks (MPNNs) have become a de facto class of model solutions. In this paper, we propose an energy-constrained diffusion model as a principled interpretable framework for understanding the mechanism of MPNNs and navigating novel architectural designs. The model, inspired by physical systems, combines the inductive bias of diffusion on manifolds with layer-wise constraints of energy minimization. As shown by our analysis, the diffusion operators have a one-to-one correspondence with the energy functions implicitly descended by the diffusion process, and the finite-difference iteration for solving the energy-constrained diffusion system induces the propagation layers of various types of MPNNs operated on observed or latent structures. On top of these findings, we devise a new class of neural message passing models, dubbed as diffusion-inspired Transformers, whose global attention layers are induced by the principled energy-constrained diffusion. Across diverse datasets ranging from real-world networks to images and physical particles, we show that the new model can yield promising performance for cases where the data structures are observed (as a graph), partially observed or completely unobserved.
comment: Extended version from DIFFormer paper in ICLR2023
♻ ☆ NPGA: Neural Parametric Gaussian Avatars
The creation of high-fidelity, digital versions of human heads is an important stepping stone in the process of further integrating virtual components into our everyday lives. Constructing such avatars is a challenging research problem, due to a high demand for photo-realism and real-time rendering performance. In this work, we propose Neural Parametric Gaussian Avatars (NPGA), a data-driven approach to create high-fidelity, controllable avatars from multi-view video recordings. We build our method around 3D Gaussian splatting for its highly efficient rendering and to inherit the topological flexibility of point clouds. In contrast to previous work, we condition our avatars' dynamics on the rich expression space of neural parametric head models (NPHM), instead of mesh-based 3DMMs. To this end, we distill the backward deformation field of our underlying NPHM into forward deformations which are compatible with rasterization-based rendering. All remaining fine-scale, expression-dependent details are learned from the multi-view videos. For increased representational capacity of our avatars, we propose per-Gaussian latent features that condition each primitives dynamic behavior. To regularize this increased dynamic expressivity, we propose Laplacian terms on the latent features and predicted dynamics. We evaluate our method on the public NeRSemble dataset, demonstrating that NPGA significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art avatars on the self-reenactment task by 2.6 PSNR. Furthermore, we demonstrate accurate animation capabilities from real-world monocular videos.
comment: Project Page: see https://simongiebenhain.github.io/NPGA/ ; Youtube Video: see https://youtu.be/t0S0OK7WnA4
♻ ☆ Policy Optimization finds Nash Equilibrium in Regularized General-Sum LQ Games
In this paper, we investigate the impact of introducing relative entropy regularization on the Nash Equilibria (NE) of General-Sum $N$-agent games, revealing the fact that the NE of such games conform to linear Gaussian policies. Moreover, it delineates sufficient conditions, contingent upon the adequacy of entropy regularization, for the uniqueness of the NE within the game. As Policy Optimization serves as a foundational approach for Reinforcement Learning (RL) techniques aimed at finding the NE, in this work we prove the linear convergence of a policy optimization algorithm which (subject to the adequacy of entropy regularization) is capable of provably attaining the NE. Furthermore, in scenarios where the entropy regularization proves insufficient, we present a $\delta$-augmentation technique, which facilitates the achievement of an $\epsilon$-NE within the game.
comment: Accepted for Conference on Decision and Control 2024
♻ ☆ IoTCO2: Assessing the End-To-End Carbon Footprint of Internet-of-Things-Enabled Deep Learning
To improve privacy and ensure quality-of-service (QoS), deep learning (DL) models are increasingly deployed on Internet of Things (IoT) devices for data processing, significantly increasing the carbon footprint associated with DL on IoT, covering both operational and embodied aspects. Existing operational energy predictors often overlook quantized DL models and emerging neural processing units (NPUs), while embodied carbon footprint modeling tools neglect non-computing hardware components common in IoT devices, creating a gap in accurate carbon footprint modeling tools for IoT-enabled DL. This paper introduces \textit{\carb}, an end-to-end tool for precise carbon footprint estimation in IoT-enabled DL, with deviations as low as 5\% for operational and 3.23\% for embodied carbon footprints compared to actual measurements across various DL models. Additionally, practical applications of \carb~are showcased through multiple user case studies.
comment: 5 figures, 8 tables
♻ ☆ CoverUp: Coverage-Guided LLM-Based Test Generation
Testing is an essential part of software development. Test generation tools attempt to automate the otherwise labor-intensive task of test creation, but generating high-coverage tests remains a challenge. This paper proposes CoverUp, a novel approach to driving the generation of high-coverage Python regression tests. CoverUp iteratively improves test coverage, interleaving coverage analysis with dialogs with the LLM that steer it to refine tests so that they increase coverage of lines and branches. We evaluate our prototype CoverUp implementation across a benchmark of challenging code derived from open-source Python projects, and show that CoverUp substantially improves on the state of the art. Compared to CodaMosa, a hybrid search/LLM-based test generator, CoverUp achieves a per-module median line+branch coverage of 80% (vs. 47%). Compared to MuTAP, a mutation/LLM-based test generator, CoverUp achieves an overall line+branch coverage of 90% (vs. 77%). We show that CoverUp's iterative, coverage-guided approach is crucial to its effectiveness, contributing to nearly 40% of its successes.
comment: 17 pages
♻ ☆ Does a Neural Network Really Encode Symbolic Concepts?
Recently, a series of studies have tried to extract interactions between input variables modeled by a DNN and define such interactions as concepts encoded by the DNN. However, strictly speaking, there still lacks a solid guarantee whether such interactions indeed represent meaningful concepts. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the trustworthiness of interaction concepts from four perspectives. Extensive empirical studies have verified that a well-trained DNN usually encodes sparse, transferable, and discriminative concepts, which is partially aligned with human intuition.
♻ ☆ AlphaDou: High-Performance End-to-End Doudizhu AI Integrating Bidding
Artificial intelligence for card games has long been a popular topic in AI research. In recent years, complex card games like Mahjong and Texas Hold'em have been solved, with corresponding AI programs reaching the level of human experts. However, the game of Doudizhu presents significant challenges due to its vast state/action space and unique characteristics involving reasoning about competition and cooperation, making the game extremely difficult to solve.The RL model Douzero, trained using the Deep Monte Carlo algorithm framework, has shown excellent performance in Doudizhu. However, there are differences between its simplified game environment and the actual Doudizhu environment, and its performance is still a considerable distance from that of human experts. This paper modifies the Deep Monte Carlo algorithm framework by using reinforcement learning to obtain a neural network that simultaneously estimates win rates and expectations. The action space is pruned using expectations, and strategies are generated based on win rates. The modified algorithm enables the AI to perform the full range of tasks in the Doudizhu game, including bidding and cardplay. The model was trained in a actual Doudizhu environment and achieved state-of-the-art performance among publicly available models. We hope that this new framework will provide valuable insights for AI development in other bidding-based games.
♻ ☆ DELTA: Decomposed Efficient Long-Term Robot Task Planning using Large Language Models
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked a revolution across many research fields. In robotics, the integration of common-sense knowledge from LLMs into task and motion planning has drastically advanced the field by unlocking unprecedented levels of context awareness. Despite their vast collection of knowledge, large language models may generate infeasible plans due to hallucinations or missing domain information. To address these challenges and improve plan feasibility and computational efficiency, we introduce DELTA, a novel LLM-informed task planning approach. By using scene graphs as environment representations within LLMs, DELTA achieves rapid generation of precise planning problem descriptions. To enhance planning performance, DELTA decomposes long-term task goals with LLMs into an autoregressive sequence of sub-goals, enabling automated task planners to efficiently solve complex problems. In our extensive evaluation, we show that DELTA enables an efficient and fully automatic task planning pipeline, achieving higher planning success rates and significantly shorter planning times compared to the state of the art.
♻ ☆ Linear Attention is Enough in Spatial-Temporal Forecasting
As the most representative scenario of spatial-temporal forecasting tasks, the traffic forecasting task attracted numerous attention from machine learning community due to its intricate correlation both in space and time dimension. Existing methods often treat road networks over time as spatial-temporal graphs, addressing spatial and temporal representations independently. However, these approaches struggle to capture the dynamic topology of road networks, encounter issues with message passing mechanisms and over-smoothing, and face challenges in learning spatial and temporal relationships separately. To address these limitations, we propose treating nodes in road networks at different time steps as independent spatial-temporal tokens and feeding them into a vanilla Transformer to learn complex spatial-temporal patterns, design \textbf{STformer} achieving SOTA. Given its quadratic complexity, we introduce a variant \textbf{NSTformer} based on Nystr$\ddot{o}$m method to approximate self-attention with linear complexity but even slightly better than former in a few cases astonishingly. Extensive experimental results on traffic datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance at an affordable computational cost. Our code is available at \href{https://github.com/XinyuNing/STformer-and-NSTformer}{https://github.com/XinyuNing/STformer-and-NSTformer}.
♻ ☆ Combining Data Generation and Active Learning for Low-Resource Question Answering ICANN 2024
Neural approaches have become very popular in Question Answering (QA), however, they require a large amount of annotated data. In this work, we propose a novel approach that combines data augmentation via question-answer generation with Active Learning to improve performance in low-resource settings, where the target domains are diverse in terms of difficulty and similarity to the source domain. We also investigate Active Learning for question answering in different stages, overall reducing the annotation effort of humans. For this purpose, we consider target domains in realistic settings, with an extremely low amount of annotated samples but with many unlabeled documents, which we assume can be obtained with little effort. Additionally, we assume a sufficient amount of labeled data from the source domain being available. We perform extensive experiments to find the best setup for incorporating domain experts. Our findings show that our novel approach, where humans are incorporated in a data generation approach, boosts performance in the low-resource, domain-specific setting, allowing for low-labeling-effort question answering systems in new, specialized domains. They further demonstrate how human annotation affects the performance of QA depending on the stage it is performed.
comment: ICANN 2024
♻ ☆ UlRe-NeRF: 3D Ultrasound Imaging through Neural Rendering with Ultrasound Reflection Direction Parameterization
Three-dimensional ultrasound imaging is a critical technology widely used in medical diagnostics. However, traditional 3D ultrasound imaging methods have limitations such as fixed resolution, low storage efficiency, and insufficient contextual connectivity, leading to poor performance in handling complex artifacts and reflection characteristics. Recently, techniques based on NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) have made significant progress in view synthesis and 3D reconstruction, but there remains a research gap in high-quality ultrasound imaging. To address these issues, we propose a new model, UlRe-NeRF, which combines implicit neural networks and explicit ultrasound volume rendering into an ultrasound neural rendering architecture. This model incorporates reflection direction parameterization and harmonic encoding, using a directional MLP module to generate view-dependent high-frequency reflection intensity estimates, and a spatial MLP module to produce the medium's physical property parameters. These parameters are used in the volume rendering process to accurately reproduce the propagation and reflection behavior of ultrasound waves in the medium. Experimental results demonstrate that the UlRe-NeRF model significantly enhances the realism and accuracy of high-fidelity ultrasound image reconstruction, especially in handling complex medium structures.
♻ ☆ A Bayesian framework for active object recognition, pose estimation and shape transfer learning through touch
As humans can explore and understand the world through the sense of touch, tactile sensing is also an important aspect of robotic perception. In unstructured environments, robots can encounter both known and novel objects, this calls for a method to address both known and novel objects. In this study, we combine a particle filter (PF) and Gaussian process implicit surface (GPIS) in a unified Bayesian framework. The framework can differentiate between known and novel objects, perform object recognition, estimate pose for known objects, and reconstruct shapes for unknown objects, in an active learning fashion. By grounding the selection of the GPIS prior with the maximum-likelihood-estimation (MLE) shape from the PF, the knowledge about known objects' shapes can be transferred to learn novel shapes. An exploration procedure with global shape estimation is proposed to guide active data acquisition and conclude the exploration when sufficient information is obtained. The performance of the proposed Bayesian framework is evaluated through simulations on known and novel objects, initialized with random poses. The results show that the proposed exploration procedure, utilizing global shape estimation, achieves faster exploration than a local exploration procedure based on rapidly explore random tree (RRT). Overall, our results indicate that the proposed framework is effective and efficient in object recognition, pose estimation and shape reconstruction. Moreover, we show that a learned shape can be included as a new prior and used effectively for future object recognition and pose estimation.
♻ ☆ A call for embodied AI ICML 2024
We propose Embodied AI as the next fundamental step in the pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence, juxtaposing it against current AI advancements, particularly Large Language Models. We traverse the evolution of the embodiment concept across diverse fields - philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and robotics - to highlight how EAI distinguishes itself from the classical paradigm of static learning. By broadening the scope of Embodied AI, we introduce a theoretical framework based on cognitive architectures, emphasizing perception, action, memory, and learning as essential components of an embodied agent. This framework is aligned with Friston's active inference principle, offering a comprehensive approach to EAI development. Despite the progress made in the field of AI, substantial challenges, such as the formulation of a novel AI learning theory and the innovation of advanced hardware, persist. Our discussion lays down a foundational guideline for future Embodied AI research. Highlighting the importance of creating Embodied AI agents capable of seamless communication, collaboration, and coexistence with humans and other intelligent entities within real-world environments, we aim to steer the AI community towards addressing the multifaceted challenges and seizing the opportunities that lie ahead in the quest for AGI.
comment: Published in ICML 2024 Position paper track
♻ ☆ Algorithmic Decision-Making under Agents with Persistent Improvement
This paper studies algorithmic decision-making under human's strategic behavior, where a decision maker uses an algorithm to make decisions about human agents, and the latter with information about the algorithm may exert effort strategically and improve to receive favorable decisions. Unlike prior works that assume agents benefit from their efforts immediately, we consider realistic scenarios where the impacts of these efforts are persistent and agents benefit from efforts by making improvements gradually. We first develop a dynamic model to characterize persistent improvements and based on this construct a Stackelberg game to model the interplay between agents and the decision-maker. We analytically characterize the equilibrium strategies and identify conditions under which agents have incentives to improve. With the dynamics, we then study how the decision-maker can design an optimal policy to incentivize the largest improvements inside the agent population. We also extend the model to settings where 1) agents may be dishonest and game the algorithm into making favorable but erroneous decisions; 2) honest efforts are forgettable and not sufficient to guarantee persistent improvements. With the extended models, we further examine conditions under which agents prefer honest efforts over dishonest behavior and the impacts of forgettable efforts.
♻ ☆ Operationalizing Contextual Integrity in Privacy-Conscious Assistants
Advanced AI assistants combine frontier LLMs and tool access to autonomously perform complex tasks on behalf of users. While the helpfulness of such assistants can increase dramatically with access to user information including emails and documents, this raises privacy concerns about assistants sharing inappropriate information with third parties without user supervision. To steer information-sharing assistants to behave in accordance with privacy expectations, we propose to operationalize contextual integrity (CI), a framework that equates privacy with the appropriate flow of information in a given context. In particular, we design and evaluate a number of strategies to steer assistants' information-sharing actions to be CI compliant. Our evaluation is based on a novel form filling benchmark composed of human annotations of common webform applications, and it reveals that prompting frontier LLMs to perform CI-based reasoning yields strong results.
♻ ☆ Defining and Extracting generalizable interaction primitives from DNNs
Faithfully summarizing the knowledge encoded by a deep neural network (DNN) into a few symbolic primitive patterns without losing much information represents a core challenge in explainable AI. To this end, Ren et al. (2024) have derived a series of theorems to prove that the inference score of a DNN can be explained as a small set of interactions between input variables. However, the lack of generalization power makes it still hard to consider such interactions as faithful primitive patterns encoded by the DNN. Therefore, given different DNNs trained for the same task, we develop a new method to extract interactions that are shared by these DNNs. Experiments show that the extracted interactions can better reflect common knowledge shared by different DNNs.
♻ ☆ A Study on the Implementation Method of an Agent-Based Advanced RAG System Using Graph
This study aims to improve knowledge-based question-answering (QA) systems by overcoming the limitations of existing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models and implementing an advanced RAG system based on Graph technology to develop high-quality generative AI services. While existing RAG models demonstrate high accuracy and fluency by utilizing retrieved information, they may suffer from accuracy degradation as they generate responses using pre-loaded knowledge without reprocessing. Additionally, they cannot incorporate real-time data after the RAG configuration stage, leading to issues with contextual understanding and biased information. To address these limitations, this study implemented an enhanced RAG system utilizing Graph technology. This system is designed to efficiently search and utilize information. Specifically, it employs LangGraph to evaluate the reliability of retrieved information and synthesizes diverse data to generate more accurate and enhanced responses. Furthermore, the study provides a detailed explanation of the system's operation, key implementation steps, and examples through implementation code and validation results, thereby enhancing the understanding of advanced RAG technology. This approach offers practical guidelines for implementing advanced RAG systems in corporate services, making it a valuable resource for practical application.
♻ ☆ Exclusive Style Removal for Cross Domain Novel Class Discovery
As a promising field in open-world learning, \textit{Novel Class Discovery} (NCD) is usually a task to cluster unseen novel classes in an unlabeled set based on the prior knowledge of labeled data within the same domain. However, the performance of existing NCD methods could be severely compromised when novel classes are sampled from a different distribution with the labeled ones. In this paper, we explore and establish the solvability of NCD in cross domain setting with the necessary condition that style information must be removed. Based on the theoretical analysis, we introduce an exclusive style removal module for extracting style information that is distinctive from the baseline features, thereby facilitating inference. Moreover, this module is easy to integrate with other NCD methods, acting as a plug-in to improve performance on novel classes with different distributions compared to the seen labeled set. Additionally, recognizing the non-negligible influence of different backbones and pre-training strategies on the performance of the NCD methods, we build a fair benchmark for future NCD research. Extensive experiments on three common datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed module.
♻ ☆ Quantum-secure multiparty deep learning
Secure multiparty computation enables the joint evaluation of multivariate functions across distributed users while ensuring the privacy of their local inputs. This field has become increasingly urgent due to the exploding demand for computationally intensive deep learning inference. These computations are typically offloaded to cloud computing servers, leading to vulnerabilities that can compromise the security of the clients' data. To solve this problem, we introduce a linear algebra engine that leverages the quantum nature of light for information-theoretically secure multiparty computation using only conventional telecommunication components. We apply this linear algebra engine to deep learning and derive rigorous upper bounds on the information leakage of both the deep neural network weights and the client's data via the Holevo and the Cram\'er-Rao bounds, respectively. Applied to the MNIST classification task, we obtain test accuracies exceeding $96\%$ while leaking less than $0.1$ bits per weight symbol and $0.01$ bits per data symbol. This weight leakage is an order of magnitude below the minimum bit precision required for accurate deep learning using state-of-the-art quantization techniques. Our work lays the foundation for practical quantum-secure computation and unlocks secure cloud deep learning as a field.
♻ ☆ A Methodology to Study the Impact of Spiking Neural Network Parameters considering Event-Based Automotive Data
Autonomous Driving (AD) systems are considered as the future of human mobility and transportation. Solving computer vision tasks such as image classification and object detection/segmentation, with high accuracy and low power/energy consumption, is highly needed to realize AD systems in real life. These requirements can potentially be satisfied by Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). However, the state-of-the-art works in SNN-based AD systems still focus on proposing network models that can achieve high accuracy, and they have not systematically studied the roles of SNN parameters when used for learning event-based automotive data. Therefore, we still lack understanding of how to effectively develop SNN models for AD systems. Toward this, we propose a novel methodology to systematically study and analyze the impact of SNN parameters considering event-based automotive data, then leverage this analysis for enhancing SNN developments. To do this, we first explore different settings of SNN parameters that directly affect the learning mechanism (i.e., batch size, learning rate, neuron threshold potential, and weight decay), then analyze the accuracy results. Afterward, we propose techniques that jointly improve SNN accuracy and reduce training time. Experimental results show that our methodology can improve the SNN models for AD systems than the state-of-the-art, as it achieves higher accuracy (i.e., 86%) for the NCARS dataset, and it can also achieve iso-accuracy (i.e., ~85% with standard deviation less than 0.5%) while speeding up the training time by 1.9x. In this manner, our research work provides a set of guidelines for SNN parameter enhancements, thereby enabling the practical developments of SNN-based AD systems.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
♻ ☆ A Tutorial on Asymptotic Properties for Biostatisticians with Applications to COVID-19 Data
Asymptotic properties of statistical estimators play a significant role both in practice and in theory. However, many asymptotic results in statistics rely heavily on the independent and identically distributed (iid) assumption, which is not realistic when we have fixed designs. In this article, we build a roadmap of general procedures for deriving asymptotic properties under fixed designs and the observations need not to be iid. We further provide their applications in many statistical applications. Finally, we apply our results to Poisson regression using a COVID-19 dataset as an illustration to demonstrate the power of these results in practice.
comment: 10 pages
♻ ☆ A comparative study of human inverse kinematics techniques for lower limbs
Inverse Kinematics (IK) remains a dynamic field of research, with various methods striving for speed and precision. Despite advancements, many IK techniques face significant challenges, including high computational demands and the risk of generating unrealistic joint configurations. This paper conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of leading IK methods applied to the human leg, aiming to identify the most effective approach. We evaluate each method based on computational efficiency and its ability to produce realistic postures, while adhering to the natural range of motion and comfort zones of the joints. The findings provide insights into optimizing IK solutions for practical applications in biomechanics and animation.
comment: 17 pages and 17 figures
♻ ☆ Kinematics and Dynamics Modeling of 7 Degrees of Freedom Human Lower Limb Using Dual Quaternions Algebra
Denavit and Hartenberg-based methods, such as Cardan, Fick, and Euler angles, describe the position and orientation of an end-effector in three-dimensional (3D) space. However, these methods have a significant drawback as they impose a well-defined rotation order, which can lead to the generation of unrealistic human postures in joint space. To address this issue, dual quaternions can be used for homogeneous transformations. Quaternions are known for their computational efficiency in representing rotations, but they cannot handle translations in 3D space. Dual numbers extend quaternions to dual quaternions, which can manage both rotations and translations. This paper exploits dual quaternion theory to provide a fast and accurate solution for the forward and inverse kinematics and the recursive Newton-Euler dynamics algorithm for a 7-degree-of-freedom (DOF) human lower limb in 3D space.
comment: 10 pages and 8 figures
♻ ☆ Chinese Tiny LLM: Pretraining a Chinese-Centric Large Language Model
In this study, we introduce CT-LLM, a 2B large language model (LLM) that illustrates a pivotal shift towards prioritizing the Chinese language in developing LLMs. Uniquely initiated from scratch, CT-LLM diverges from the conventional methodology by primarily incorporating Chinese textual data, utilizing an extensive corpus of 1,200 billion tokens, including 800 billion Chinese tokens, 300 billion English tokens, and 100 billion code tokens. This strategic composition facilitates the model's exceptional proficiency in understanding and processing Chinese, a capability further enhanced through alignment techniques. Demonstrating remarkable performance on the CHC-Bench, CT-LLM excels in Chinese language tasks, and showcases its adeptness in English through SFT. This research challenges the prevailing paradigm of training LLMs predominantly on English corpora and then adapting them to other languages, broadening the horizons for LLM training methodologies. By open-sourcing the full process of training a Chinese LLM, including a detailed data processing procedure with the obtained Massive Appropriate Pretraining Chinese Corpus (MAP-CC), a well-chosen multidisciplinary Chinese Hard Case Benchmark (CHC-Bench), and the 2B-size Chinese Tiny LLM (CT-LLM), we aim to foster further exploration and innovation in both academia and industry, paving the way for more inclusive and versatile language models.
♻ ☆ Multi-agent Attacks for Black-box Social Recommendations
The rise of online social networks has facilitated the evolution of social recommender systems, which incorporate social relations to enhance users' decision-making process. With the great success of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in learning node representations, GNN-based social recommendations have been widely studied to model user-item interactions and user-user social relations simultaneously. Despite their great successes, recent studies have shown that these advanced recommender systems are highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, in which attackers can inject well-designed fake user profiles to disrupt recommendation performances. While most existing studies mainly focus on argeted attacks to promote target items on vanilla recommender systems, untargeted attacks to degrade the overall prediction performance are less explored on social recommendations under a black-box scenario. To perform untargeted attacks on social recommender systems, attackers can construct malicious social relationships for fake users to enhance the attack performance. However, the coordination of social relations and item profiles is challenging for attacking black-box social recommendations. To address this limitation, we first conduct several preliminary studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of cross-community connections and cold-start items in degrading recommendations performance. Specifically, we propose a novel framework MultiAttack based on multi-agent reinforcement learning to coordinate the generation of cold-start item profiles and cross-community social relations for conducting untargeted attacks on black-box social recommendations. Comprehensive experiments on various real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed attacking framework under the black-box setting.
comment: Accepted by ACM TOIS
♻ ☆ FaçAID: A Transformer Model for Neuro-Symbolic Facade Reconstruction SIGGRAPH
We introduce a neuro-symbolic transformer-based model that converts flat, segmented facade structures into procedural definitions using a custom-designed split grammar. To facilitate this, we first develop a semi-complex split grammar tailored for architectural facades and then generate a dataset comprising of facades alongside their corresponding procedural representations. This dataset is used to train our transformer model to convert segmented, flat facades into the procedural language of our grammar. During inference, the model applies this learned transformation to new facade segmentations, providing a procedural representation that users can adjust to generate varied facade designs. This method not only automates the conversion of static facade images into dynamic, editable procedural formats but also enhances the design flexibility, allowing for easy modifications.
comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, in ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers Proceedings
♻ ☆ RoboGPT: an intelligent agent of making embodied long-term decisions for daily instruction tasks
Robotic agents must master common sense and long-term sequential decisions to solve daily tasks through natural language instruction. The developments in Large Language Models (LLMs) in natural language processing have inspired efforts to use LLMs in complex robot planning. Despite LLMs' great generalization and comprehension of instruction tasks, LLMs-generated task plans sometimes lack feasibility and correctness. To address the problem, we propose a RoboGPT agent\footnote{our code and dataset will be released soon} for making embodied long-term decisions for daily tasks, with two modules: 1) LLMs-based planning with re-plan to break the task into multiple sub-goals; 2) RoboSkill individually designed for sub-goals to learn better navigation and manipulation skills. The LLMs-based planning is enhanced with a new robotic dataset and re-plan, called RoboGPT. The new robotic dataset of 67k daily instruction tasks is gathered for fine-tuning the Llama model and obtaining RoboGPT. RoboGPT planner with strong generalization can plan hundreds of daily instruction tasks. Additionally, a low-computational Re-Plan module is designed to allow plans to flexibly adapt to the environment, thereby addressing the nomenclature diversity challenge. The proposed RoboGPT agent outperforms SOTA methods on the ALFRED daily tasks. Moreover, RoboGPT planner exceeds SOTA LLM-based planners like ChatGPT in task-planning rationality for hundreds of unseen daily tasks, and even other domain tasks, while keeping the large model's original broad application and generality.
♻ ☆ The Cost of Arbitrariness for Individuals: Examining the Legal and Technical Challenges of Model Multiplicity
Model multiplicity, the phenomenon where multiple models achieve similar performance despite different underlying learned functions, introduces arbitrariness in model selection. While this arbitrariness may seem inconsequential in expectation, its impact on individuals can be severe. This paper explores various individual concerns stemming from multiplicity, including the effects of arbitrariness beyond final predictions, disparate arbitrariness for individuals belonging to protected groups, and the challenges associated with the arbitrariness of a single algorithmic system creating a monopoly across various contexts. It provides both an empirical examination of these concerns and a comprehensive analysis from the legal standpoint, addressing how these issues are perceived in the anti-discrimination law in Canada. We conclude the discussion with technical challenges in the current landscape of model multiplicity to meet legal requirements and the legal gap between current law and the implications of arbitrariness in model selection, highlighting relevant future research directions for both disciplines.
comment: Current version of the paper contains errors in the attribution of previous work. We are working on creating a new version, which can take a while and thus are withdrawing this version in the meantime
♻ ☆ Where We Have Arrived in Proving the Emergence of Sparse Symbolic Concepts in AI Models
This study aims to prove the emergence of symbolic concepts (or more precisely, sparse primitive inference patterns) in well-trained deep neural networks (DNNs). Specifically, we prove the following three conditions for the emergence. (i) The high-order derivatives of the network output with respect to the input variables are all zero. (ii) The DNN can be used on occluded samples and when the input sample is less occluded, the DNN will yield higher confidence. (iii) The confidence of the DNN does not significantly degrade on occluded samples. These conditions are quite common, and we prove that under these conditions, the DNN will only encode a relatively small number of sparse interactions between input variables. Moreover, we can consider such interactions as symbolic primitive inference patterns encoded by a DNN, because we show that inference scores of the DNN on an exponentially large number of randomly masked samples can always be well mimicked by numerical effects of just a few interactions.
♻ ☆ Explaining Generalization Power of a DNN Using Interactive Concepts
This paper explains the generalization power of a deep neural network (DNN) from the perspective of interactions. Although there is no universally accepted definition of the concepts encoded by a DNN, the sparsity of interactions in a DNN has been proved, i.e., the output score of a DNN can be well explained by a small number of interactions between input variables. In this way, to some extent, we can consider such interactions as interactive concepts encoded by the DNN. Therefore, in this paper, we derive an analytic explanation of inconsistency of concepts of different complexities. This may shed new lights on using the generalization power of concepts to explain the generalization power of the entire DNN. Besides, we discover that the DNN with stronger generalization power usually learns simple concepts more quickly and encodes fewer complex concepts. We also discover the detouring dynamics of learning complex concepts, which explains both the high learning difficulty and the low generalization power of complex concepts. The code will be released when the paper is accepted.
♻ ☆ Equivariant Neural Simulators for Stochastic Spatiotemporal Dynamics NeurIPS 2023
Neural networks are emerging as a tool for scalable data-driven simulation of high-dimensional dynamical systems, especially in settings where numerical methods are infeasible or computationally expensive. Notably, it has been shown that incorporating domain symmetries in deterministic neural simulators can substantially improve their accuracy, sample efficiency, and parameter efficiency. However, to incorporate symmetries in probabilistic neural simulators that can simulate stochastic phenomena, we need a model that produces equivariant distributions over trajectories, rather than equivariant function approximations. In this paper, we propose Equivariant Probabilistic Neural Simulation (EPNS), a framework for autoregressive probabilistic modeling of equivariant distributions over system evolutions. We use EPNS to design models for a stochastic n-body system and stochastic cellular dynamics. Our results show that EPNS considerably outperforms existing neural network-based methods for probabilistic simulation. More specifically, we demonstrate that incorporating equivariance in EPNS improves simulation quality, data efficiency, rollout stability, and uncertainty quantification. We conclude that EPNS is a promising method for efficient and effective data-driven probabilistic simulation in a diverse range of domains.
comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 2023
♻ ☆ RRWKV: Capturing Long-range Dependencies in RWKV
Owing to the impressive dot-product attention, the Transformers have been the dominant architectures in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Recently, the Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV) architecture follows a non-transformer architecture to eliminate the drawbacks of dot-product attention, where memory and computational complexity exhibits quadratic scaling with sequence length. Although RWKV has exploited a linearly tensor-product attention mechanism and achieved parallelized computations by deploying the time-sequential mode, it fails to capture long-range dependencies because of its limitation on looking back at previous information, compared with full information obtained by direct interactions in the standard transformer. Therefore, the paper devises the Retrospected Receptance Weighted Key Value (RRWKV) architecture via incorporating the retrospecting ability into the RWKV to effectively absorb information, which maintains memory and computational efficiency as well.
comment: Upon further review, the authors have determined that the conclusions presented in the paper are no longer valid or contain errors. As a result, we have decided to withdraw the paper to avoid the spread of incorrect findings
♻ ☆ RAGent: Retrieval-based Access Control Policy Generation
Manually generating access control policies from an organization's high-level requirement specifications poses significant challenges. It requires laborious efforts to sift through multiple documents containing such specifications and translate their access requirements into access control policies. Also, the complexities and ambiguities of these specifications often result in errors by system administrators during the translation process, leading to data breaches. However, the automated policy generation frameworks designed to help administrators in this process are unreliable due to limitations, such as the lack of domain adaptation. Therefore, to improve the reliability of access control policy generation, we propose RAGent, a novel retrieval-based access control policy generation framework based on language models. RAGent identifies access requirements from high-level requirement specifications with an average state-of-the-art F1 score of 87.9%. Through retrieval augmented generation, RAGent then translates the identified access requirements into access control policies with an F1 score of 77.9%. Unlike existing frameworks, RAGent generates policies with complex components like purposes and conditions, in addition to subjects, actions, and resources. Moreover, RAGent automatically verifies the generated policies and iteratively refines them through a novel verification-refinement mechanism, further improving the reliability of the process by 3%, reaching the F1 score of 80.6%. We also introduce three annotated datasets for developing access control policy generation frameworks in the future, addressing the data scarcity of the domain.
comment: Submitted to Usenix 2025
♻ ☆ Safeguarding AI Agents: Developing and Analyzing Safety Architectures
AI agents, specifically powered by large language models, have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in various applications where precision and efficacy are necessary. However, these agents come with inherent risks, including the potential for unsafe or biased actions, vulnerability to adversarial attacks, lack of transparency, and tendency to generate hallucinations. As AI agents become more prevalent in critical sectors of the industry, the implementation of effective safety protocols becomes increasingly important. This paper addresses the critical need for safety measures in AI systems, especially ones that collaborate with human teams. We propose and evaluate three frameworks to enhance safety protocols in AI agent systems: an LLM-powered input-output filter, a safety agent integrated within the system, and a hierarchical delegation-based system with embedded safety checks. Our methodology involves implementing these frameworks and testing them against a set of unsafe agentic use cases, providing a comprehensive evaluation of their effectiveness in mitigating risks associated with AI agent deployment. We conclude that these frameworks can significantly strengthen the safety and security of AI agent systems, minimizing potential harmful actions or outputs. Our work contributes to the ongoing effort to create safe and reliable AI applications, particularly in automated operations, and provides a foundation for developing robust guardrails to ensure the responsible use of AI agents in real-world applications.
♻ ☆ SaMoye: Zero-shot Singing Voice Conversion Model Based on Feature Disentanglement and Enhancement
Singing voice conversion (SVC) aims to convert a singer's voice to another singer's from a reference audio while keeping the original semantics. However, existing SVC methods can hardly perform zero-shot due to incomplete feature disentanglement or dependence on the speaker look-up table. We propose the first open-source high-quality zero-shot SVC model SaMoye that can convert singing to human and non-human timbre. SaMoye disentangles the singing voice's features into content, timbre, and pitch features, where we combine multiple ASR models and compress the content features to reduce timbre leaks. Besides, we enhance the timbre features by unfreezing the speaker encoder and mixing the speaker embedding with top-3 similar speakers. We also establish an unparalleled large-scale dataset to guarantee zero-shot performance, which comprises more than 1,815 hours of pure singing voice and 6,367 speakers. We conduct objective and subjective experiments to find that SaMoye outperforms other models in zero-shot SVC tasks even under extreme conditions like converting singing to animals' timbre. The code and weight of SaMoye are available on https://github.com/CarlWangChina/SaMoye-SVC.
comment: 7 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Sub-SA: Strengthen In-context Learning via Submodular Selective Annotation ECAI 2024
In-context learning (ICL) leverages in-context examples as prompts for the predictions of Large Language Models (LLMs). These prompts play a crucial role in achieving strong performance. However, the selection of suitable prompts from a large pool of labeled examples often entails significant annotation costs. To address this challenge, we propose Sub-SA (Submodular Selective Annotation), a submodule-based selective annotation method. The aim of Sub-SA is to reduce annotation costs while improving the quality of in-context examples and minimizing the time consumption of the selection process. In Sub-SA, we design a submodular function that facilitates effective subset selection for annotation and demonstrates the characteristics of monotonically and submodularity from the theoretical perspective. Specifically, we propose RPR (Reward and Penalty Regularization) to better balance the diversity and representativeness of the unlabeled dataset attributed to a reward term and a penalty term, respectively. Consequently, the selection for annotations can be effectively addressed with a simple yet effective greedy search algorithm based on the submodular function. Finally, we apply the similarity prompt retrieval to get the examples for ICL.
comment: Accepted by ECAI 2024
♻ ☆ Explainable Machine Learning for ICU Readmission Prediction
The intensive care unit (ICU) comprises a complex hospital environment, where decisions made by clinicians have a high level of risk for the patients' lives. A comprehensive care pathway must then be followed to reduce p complications. Uncertain, competing and unplanned aspects within this environment increase the difficulty in uniformly implementing the care pathway. Readmission contributes to this pathway's difficulty, occurring when patients are admitted again to the ICU in a short timeframe, resulting in high mortality rates and high resource utilisation. Several works have tried to predict readmission through patients' medical information. Although they have some level of success while predicting readmission, those works do not properly assess, characterise and understand readmission prediction. This work proposes a standardised and explainable machine learning pipeline to model patient readmission on a multicentric database (i.e., the eICU cohort with 166,355 patients, 200,859 admissions and 6,021 readmissions) while validating it on monocentric (i.e., the MIMIC IV cohort with 382,278 patients, 523,740 admissions and 5,984 readmissions) and multicentric settings. Our machine learning pipeline achieved predictive performance in terms of the area of the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) up to 0.7 with a Random Forest classification model, yielding an overall good calibration and consistency on validation sets. From explanations provided by the constructed models, we could also derive a set of insightful conclusions, primarily on variables related to vital signs and blood tests (e.g., albumin, blood urea nitrogen and hemoglobin levels), demographics (e.g., age, and admission height and weight), and ICU-associated variables (e.g., unit type). These insights provide an invaluable source of information during clinicians' decision-making while discharging ICU patients.
♻ ☆ DOCE: Finding the Sweet Spot for Execution-Based Code Generation
Recently, a diverse set of decoding and reranking procedures have been shown effective for LLM-based code generation. However, a comprehensive framework that links and experimentally compares these methods is missing. We address this by proposing Decoding Objectives for Code Execution, a comprehensive framework that includes candidate generation, $n$-best reranking, minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding, and self-debugging as the core components. We then study the contributions of these components through execution-based evaluation metrics. Our findings highlight the importance of execution-based methods and the difference gap between execution-based and execution-free methods. Furthermore, we assess the impact of filtering based on trial unit tests, a simple and effective strategy that has been often overlooked in prior works. We also propose self-debugging on multiple candidates, obtaining state-of-the-art performance on reranking for code generation. We expect our framework to provide a solid guideline for future research on code generation.
comment: 10 pages (32 including appendix), 5 figures, 25 tables. Prompts are provided in the GitHub repository to avoid potential text overlap with other papers
♻ ☆ A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality
During multimodal model training and reasoning, data samples may miss certain modalities and lead to compromised model performance due to sensor limitations, cost constraints, privacy concerns, data loss, and temporal and spatial factors. This survey provides an overview of recent progress in Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality (MLMM), focusing on deep learning techniques. It is the first comprehensive survey that covers the historical background and the distinction between MLMM and standard multimodal learning setups, followed by a detailed analysis of current MLMM methods, applications, and datasets, concluding with a discussion about challenges and potential future directions in the field.
comment: Work in progress; open to discussion; planning to submit to ACM CSUR in September
♻ ☆ h4rm3l: A Dynamic Benchmark of Composable Jailbreak Attacks for LLM Safety Assessment
The safety of Large Language Models (LLMs) remains a critical concern due to a lack of adequate benchmarks for systematically evaluating their ability to resist generating harmful content. Previous efforts towards automated red teaming involve static or templated sets of illicit requests and adversarial prompts which have limited utility given jailbreak attacks' evolving and composable nature. We propose a novel dynamic benchmark of composable jailbreak attacks to move beyond static datasets and taxonomies of attacks and harms. Our approach consists of three components collectively called h4rm3l: (1) a domain-specific language that formally expresses jailbreak attacks as compositions of parameterized prompt transformation primitives, (2) bandit-based few-shot program synthesis algorithms that generate novel attacks optimized to penetrate the safety filters of a target black box LLM, and (3) open-source automated red-teaming software employing the previous two components. We use h4rm3l to generate a dataset of 2656 successful novel jailbreak attacks targeting 6 state-of-the-art (SOTA) open-source and proprietary LLMs. Several of our synthesized attacks are more effective than previously reported ones, with Attack Success Rates exceeding 90% on SOTA closed language models such as claude-3-haiku and GPT4-o. By generating datasets of jailbreak attacks in a unified formal representation, h4rm3l enables reproducible benchmarking and automated red-teaming, contributes to understanding LLM safety limitations, and supports the development of robust defenses in an increasingly LLM-integrated world. Warning: This paper and related research artifacts contain offensive and potentially disturbing prompts and model-generated content.
♻ ☆ Estimating Peer Direct and Indirect Effects in Observational Network Data
Estimating causal effects is crucial for decision-makers in many applications, but it is particularly challenging with observational network data due to peer interactions. Many algorithms have been proposed to estimate causal effects involving network data, particularly peer effects, but they often overlook the variety of peer effects. To address this issue, we propose a general setting which considers both peer direct effects and peer indirect effects, and the effect of an individual's own treatment, and provide identification conditions of these causal effects and proofs. To estimate these causal effects, we utilize attention mechanisms to distinguish the influences of different neighbors and explore high-order neighbor effects through multi-layer graph neural networks (GNNs). Additionally, to control the dependency between node features and representations, we incorporate the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC) into the GNN, fully utilizing the structural information of the graph, to enhance the robustness and accuracy of the model. Extensive experiments on two semi-synthetic datasets confirm the effectiveness of our approach. Our theoretical findings have the potential to improve intervention strategies in networked systems, with applications in areas such as social networks and epidemiology.
♻ ☆ RT-Surv: Improving Mortality Prediction After Radiotherapy with Large Language Model Structuring of Large-Scale Unstructured Electronic Health Records
Accurate patient selection is critical in radiotherapy (RT) to prevent ineffective treatments. Traditional survival prediction models, relying on structured data, often lack precision. This study explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) to structure unstructured electronic health record (EHR) data, thereby improving survival prediction accuracy through comprehensive clinical information integration. Data from 34,276 patients treated with RT at Yonsei Cancer Center between 2013 and 2023 were analyzed, encompassing both structured and unstructured data. An open-source LLM was used to structure the unstructured EHR data via single-shot learning, with its performance compared against a domain-specific medical LLM and a smaller variant. Survival prediction models were developed using statistical, machine learning, and deep learning approaches, incorporating both structured and LLM-structured data. Clinical experts evaluated the accuracy of the LLM-structured data. The open-source LLM achieved 87.5% accuracy in structuring unstructured EHR data without additional training, significantly outperforming the domain-specific medical LLM, which reached only 35.8% accuracy. Larger LLMs were more effective, particularly in extracting clinically relevant features like general condition and disease extent, which closely correlated with patient survival. Incorporating LLM-structured clinical features into survival prediction models significantly improved accuracy, with the C-index of deep learning models increasing from 0.737 to 0.820. These models also became more interpretable by emphasizing clinically significant factors. This study shows that general-domain LLMs, even without specific medical training, can effectively structure large-scale unstructured EHR data, substantially enhancing the accuracy and interpretability of clinical predictive models.
comment: 23 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Confidential Computing on nVIDIA H100 GPU: A Performance Benchmark Study
This report evaluates the performance impact of enabling Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) on nVIDIA H100 GPUs for large language model (LLM) inference tasks. We benchmark the overhead introduced by TEE mode across various LLMs and token lengths, with a particular focus on the bottleneck caused by CPU-GPU data transfers via PCIe. Our results indicate that while there is minimal computational overhead within the GPU, the overall performance penalty is primarily attributable to data transfer. For the majority of typical LLM queries, the overhead remains below 5%, with larger models and longer sequences experiencing nearly zero overhead.
♻ ☆ A Joint Learning Model with Variational Interaction for Multilingual Program Translation
Programs implemented in various programming languages form the foundation of software applications. To alleviate the burden of program migration and facilitate the development of software systems, automated program translation across languages has garnered significant attention. Previous approaches primarily focus on pairwise translation paradigms, learning translation between pairs of languages using bilingual parallel data. However, parallel data is difficult to collect for some language pairs, and the distribution of program semantics across languages can shift, posing challenges for pairwise program translation. In this paper, we argue that jointly learning a unified model to translate code across multiple programming languages is superior to separately learning from bilingual parallel data. We propose Variational Interaction for Multilingual Program Translation~(VIM-PT), a disentanglement-based generative approach that jointly trains a unified model for multilingual program translation across multiple languages. VIM-PT disentangles code into language-shared and language-specific features, using variational inference and interaction information with a novel lower bound, then achieves program translation through conditional generation. VIM-PT demonstrates four advantages: 1) captures language-shared information more accurately from various implementations and improves the quality of multilingual program translation, 2) mines and leverages the capability of non-parallel data, 3) addresses the distribution shift of program semantics across languages, 4) and serves as a unified model, reducing deployment complexity.
comment: Accepted by the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2024)
♻ ☆ Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models: A Survey
Recently, the text-to-image diffusion model has gained considerable attention from the community due to its exceptional image generation capability. A representative model, Stable Diffusion, amassed more than 10 million users within just two months of its release. This surge in popularity has facilitated studies on the robustness and safety of the model, leading to the proposal of various adversarial attack methods. Simultaneously, there has been a marked increase in research focused on defense methods to improve the robustness and safety of these models. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature on adversarial attacks and defenses targeting text-to-image diffusion models. We begin with an overview of text-to-image diffusion models, followed by an introduction to a taxonomy of adversarial attacks and an in-depth review of existing attack methods. We then present a detailed analysis of current defense methods that improve model robustness and safety. Finally, we discuss ongoing challenges and explore promising future research directions. For a complete list of the adversarial attack and defense methods covered in this survey, please refer to our curated repository at https://github.com/datar001/Awesome-AD-on-T2IDM.
comment: Accepted for Information Fusion. Related benchmarks and codes are available at \url{https://github.com/datar001/Awesome-AD-on-T2IDM}
♻ ☆ MalLight: Influence-Aware Coordinated Traffic Signal Control for Traffic Signal Malfunctions CIKM24
Urban traffic is subject to disruptions that cause extended waiting time and safety issues at signalized intersections. While numerous studies have addressed the issue of intelligent traffic systems in the context of various disturbances, traffic signal malfunction, a common real-world occurrence with significant repercussions, has received comparatively limited attention. The primary objective of this research is to mitigate the adverse effects of traffic signal malfunction, such as traffic congestion and collision, by optimizing the control of neighboring functioning signals. To achieve this goal, this paper presents a novel traffic signal control framework (MalLight), which leverages an Influence-aware State Aggregation Module (ISAM) and an Influence-aware Reward Aggregation Module (IRAM) to achieve coordinated control of surrounding traffic signals. To the best of our knowledge, this study pioneers the application of a Reinforcement Learning(RL)-based approach to address the challenges posed by traffic signal malfunction. Empirical investigations conducted on real-world datasets substantiate the superior performance of our proposed methodology over conventional and deep learning-based alternatives in the presence of signal malfunction, with reduction of throughput alleviated by as much as 48.6$\%$.
comment: Paper accepted to CIKM24 Full Research track
♻ ☆ Patch-Level Training for Large Language Models
As Large Language Models (LLMs) achieve remarkable progress in language understanding and generation, their training efficiency has become a critical concern. Traditionally, LLMs are trained to predict the next token in a sequence. Despite the success of token-level training, it suffers from considerable computational costs due to the need to process an extensive number of tokens. To mitigate this issue, this paper introduces patch-level training for LLMs, which reduces the sequence length by compressing multiple tokens into a single patch. During patch-level training, we feed the language model shorter sequences of patches and train it to predict the next patch, thereby processing the majority of the training data at a significantly reduced computational cost. Following this, the model continues token-level training on the remaining training data to align with the inference mode. Experiments on a diverse range of models (370M-2.7B parameters) demonstrate that patch-level training can reduce overall computational costs to 0.5$\times$, without compromising the model performance compared to token-level training. Source code: \url{https://github.com/shaochenze/PatchTrain}.
♻ ☆ Meta-Learn Unimodal Signals with Weak Supervision for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to effectively integrate information from various sources to infer sentiment, where in many cases there are no annotations for unimodal labels. Therefore, most works rely on multimodal labels for training. However, there exists the noisy label problem for the learning of unimodal signals as multimodal annotations are not always the ideal substitutes for the unimodal ones, failing to achieve finer optimization for individual modalities. In this paper, we explore the learning of unimodal labels under the weak supervision from the annotated multimodal labels. Specifically, we propose a novel meta uni-label generation (MUG) framework to address the above problem, which leverages the available multimodal labels to learn the corresponding unimodal labels by the meta uni-label correction network (MUCN). We first design a contrastive-based projection module to bridge the gap between unimodal and multimodal representations, so as to use multimodal annotations to guide the learning of MUCN. Afterwards, we propose unimodal and multimodal denoising tasks to train MUCN with explicit supervision via a bi-level optimization strategy. We then jointly train unimodal and multimodal learning tasks to extract discriminative unimodal features for multimodal inference. Experimental results suggest that MUG outperforms competitive baselines and can learn accurate unimodal labels.
♻ ☆ Hardware-Assisted Virtualization of Neural Processing Units for Cloud Platforms MICRO'24
Cloud platforms today have been deploying hardware accelerators like neural processing units (NPUs) for powering machine learning (ML) inference services. To maximize the resource utilization while ensuring reasonable quality of service, a natural approach is to virtualize NPUs for efficient resource sharing for multi-tenant ML services. However, virtualizing NPUs for modern cloud platforms is not easy. This is not only due to the lack of system abstraction support for NPU hardware, but also due to the lack of architectural and ISA support for enabling fine-grained dynamic operator scheduling for virtualized NPUs. We present Neu10, a holistic NPU virtualization framework. We investigate virtualization techniques for NPUs across the entire software and hardware stack. Neu10 consists of (1) a flexible NPU abstraction called vNPU, which enables fine-grained virtualization of the heterogeneous compute units in a physical NPU (pNPU); (2) a vNPU resource allocator that enables pay-as-you-go computing model and flexible vNPU-to-pNPU mappings for improved resource utilization and cost-effectiveness; (3) an ISA extension of modern NPU architecture for facilitating fine-grained tensor operator scheduling for multiple vNPUs. We implement Neu10 based on a production-level NPU simulator. Our experiments show that Neu10 improves the throughput of ML inference services by up to 1.4$\times$ and reduces the tail latency by up to 4.6$\times$, while improving the NPU utilization by 1.2$\times$ on average, compared to state-of-the-art NPU sharing approaches.
comment: Accepted to MICRO'24
♻ ☆ Facial Wrinkle Segmentation for Cosmetic Dermatology: Pretraining with Texture Map-Based Weak Supervision
Facial wrinkle detection plays a crucial role in cosmetic dermatology. Precise manual segmentation of facial wrinkles is challenging and time-consuming, with inherent subjectivity leading to inconsistent results among graders. To address this issue, we propose two solutions. First, we build and release the first public facial wrinkle dataset, 'FFHQ-Wrinkle', an extension of the NVIDIA FFHQ dataset. It includes 1,000 images with human labels and 50,000 images with automatically generated weak labels. This dataset could serve as a foundation for the research community to develop advanced wrinkle detection algorithms. Second, we introduce a simple training strategy utilizing texture maps, applicable to various segmentation models, to detect wrinkles across the face. Our two-stage training strategy first pretrain models on a large dataset with weak labels (N=50k), or masked texture maps generated through computer vision techniques, without human intervention. We then finetune the models using human-labeled data (N=1k), which consists of manually labeled wrinkle masks. The network takes as input a combination of RGB and masked texture map of the image, comprising four channels, in finetuning. We effectively combine labels from multiple annotators to minimize subjectivity in manual labeling. Our strategies demonstrate improved segmentation performance in facial wrinkle segmentation both quantitatively and visually compared to existing pretraining methods. The dataset is available at https://github.com/labhai/ffhq-wrinkle-dataset.
♻ ☆ Explaining Large Language Models Decisions with Shapley Values
The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has opened up exciting possibilities for simulating human behavior and cognitive processes, with potential applications in various domains, including marketing research and consumer behavior analysis. However, the validity of utilizing LLMs as stand-ins for human subjects remains uncertain due to glaring divergences that suggest fundamentally different underlying processes at play and the sensitivity of LLM responses to prompt variations. This paper presents a novel approach based on Shapley values from cooperative game theory to interpret LLM behavior and quantify the relative contribution of each prompt component to the model's output. Through two applications - a discrete choice experiment and an investigation of cognitive biases - we demonstrate how the Shapley value method can uncover what we term "token noise" effects, a phenomenon where LLM decisions are disproportionately influenced by tokens providing minimal informative content. This phenomenon raises concerns about the robustness and generalizability of insights obtained from LLMs in the context of human behavior simulation. Our model-agnostic approach extends its utility to proprietary LLMs, providing a valuable tool for practitioners and researchers to strategically optimize prompts and mitigate apparent cognitive biases. Our findings underscore the need for a more nuanced understanding of the factors driving LLM responses before relying on them as substitutes for human subjects in survey settings. We emphasize the importance of researchers reporting results conditioned on specific prompt templates and exercising caution when drawing parallels between human behavior and LLMs.
♻ ☆ AI for DevSecOps: A Landscape and Future Opportunities
DevOps has emerged as one of the most rapidly evolving software development paradigms. With the growing concerns surrounding security in software systems, the DevSecOps paradigm has gained prominence, urging practitioners to incorporate security practices seamlessly into the DevOps workflow. However, integrating security into the DevOps workflow can impact agility and impede delivery speed. Recently, the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized automation in various software domains, including software security. AI-driven security approaches, particularly those leveraging machine learning or deep learning, hold promise in automating security workflows. They reduce manual efforts, which can be integrated into DevOps to ensure uninterrupted delivery speed and align with the DevSecOps paradigm simultaneously. This paper seeks to contribute to the critical intersection of AI and DevSecOps by presenting a comprehensive landscape of AI-driven security techniques applicable to DevOps and identifying avenues for enhancing security, trust, and efficiency in software development processes. We analyzed 99 research papers spanning from 2017 to 2023. Specifically, we address two key research questions (RQs). In RQ1, we identified 12 security tasks associated with the DevSecOps process and reviewed existing AI-driven security approaches, the problems they addressed, and the 65 benchmarks used to evaluate those approaches. Drawing insights from our findings, in RQ2, we discussed state-of-the-art AI-driven security approaches, highlighted 15 challenges in existing research, and proposed 15 corresponding avenues for future opportunities.
♻ ☆ Tele-LLMs: A Series of Specialized Large Language Models for Telecommunications
The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has significantly impacted various fields, from natural language processing to sectors like medicine and finance. However, despite their rapid proliferation, the applications of LLMs in telecommunications remain limited, often relying on general-purpose models that lack domain-specific specialization. This lack of specialization results in underperformance, particularly when dealing with telecommunications-specific technical terminology and their associated mathematical representations. This paper addresses this gap by first creating and disseminating Tele-Data, a comprehensive dataset of telecommunications material curated from relevant sources, and Tele-Eval, a large-scale question-and-answer dataset tailored to the domain. Through extensive experiments, we explore the most effective training techniques for adapting LLMs to the telecommunications domain, ranging from examining the division of expertise across various telecommunications aspects to employing parameter-efficient techniques. We also investigate how models of different sizes behave during adaptation and analyze the impact of their training data on this behavior. Leveraging these findings, we develop and open-source Tele-LLMs, the first series of language models ranging from 1B to 8B parameters, specifically tailored for telecommunications. Our evaluations demonstrate that these models outperform their general-purpose counterparts on Tele-Eval while retaining their previously acquired capabilities, thus avoiding the catastrophic forgetting phenomenon.
♻ ☆ NSP: A Neuro-Symbolic Natural Language Navigational Planner ICML
Path planners that can interpret free-form natural language instructions hold promise to automate a wide range of robotics applications. These planners simplify user interactions and enable intuitive control over complex semi-autonomous systems. While existing symbolic approaches offer guarantees on the correctness and efficiency, they struggle to parse free-form natural language inputs. Conversely, neural approaches based on pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) can manage natural language inputs but lack performance guarantees. In this paper, we propose a neuro-symbolic framework for path planning from natural language inputs called NSP. The framework leverages the neural reasoning abilities of LLMs to i) craft symbolic representations of the environment and ii) a symbolic path planning algorithm. Next, a solution to the path planning problem is obtained by executing the algorithm on the environment representation. The framework uses a feedback loop from the symbolic execution environment to the neural generation process to self-correct syntax errors and satisfy execution time constraints. We evaluate our neuro-symbolic approach using a benchmark suite with 1500 path-planning problems. The experimental evaluation shows that our neuro-symbolic approach produces 90.1% valid paths that are on average 19-77% shorter than state-of-the-art neural approaches.
comment: 10 pages, Preprint of paper accepted at 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 2024
♻ ☆ Latent diffusion models for parameterization and data assimilation of facies-based geomodels
Geological parameterization entails the representation of a geomodel using a small set of latent variables and a mapping from these variables to grid-block properties such as porosity and permeability. Parameterization is useful for data assimilation (history matching), as it maintains geological realism while reducing the number of variables to be determined. Diffusion models are a new class of generative deep-learning procedures that have been shown to outperform previous methods, such as generative adversarial networks, for image generation tasks. Diffusion models are trained to "denoise", which enables them to generate new geological realizations from input fields characterized by random noise. Latent diffusion models, which are the specific variant considered in this study, provide dimension reduction through use of a low-dimensional latent variable. The model developed in this work includes a variational autoencoder for dimension reduction and a U-net for the denoising process. Our application involves conditional 2D three-facies (channel-levee-mud) systems. The latent diffusion model is shown to provide realizations that are visually consistent with samples from geomodeling software. Quantitative metrics involving spatial and flow-response statistics are evaluated, and general agreement between the diffusion-generated models and reference realizations is observed. Stability tests are performed to assess the smoothness of the parameterization method. The latent diffusion model is then used for ensemble-based data assimilation. Two synthetic "true" models are considered. Significant uncertainty reduction, posterior P$_{10}$-P$_{90}$ forecasts that generally bracket observed data, and consistent posterior geomodels, are achieved in both cases.
comment: - Fixed vertical axis ticks on Fig.6a to be consistent with other Fig.6 subfigures
♻ ☆ Federated Epidemic Surveillance
Epidemic surveillance is a challenging task, especially when crucial data is fragmented across institutions and data custodians are unable or unwilling to share it. This study aims to explore the feasibility of a simple federated surveillance approach. The idea is to conduct hypothesis tests for a rise in counts behind each custodian's firewall and then combine p-values from these tests using techniques from meta-analysis. We propose a hypothesis testing framework to identify surges in epidemic-related data streams and conduct experiments on real and semi-synthetic data to assess the power of different p-value combination methods to detect surges without needing to combine the underlying counts. Our findings show that relatively simple combination methods achieve a high degree of fidelity and suggest that infectious disease outbreaks can be detected without needing to share even aggregate data across institutions.
♻ ☆ UI-JEPA: Towards Active Perception of User Intent through Onscreen User Activity
Generating user intent from a sequence of user interface (UI) actions is a core challenge in comprehensive UI understanding. Recent advancements in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have led to substantial progress in this area, but their demands for extensive model parameters, computing power, and high latency makes them impractical for scenarios requiring lightweight, on-device solutions with low latency or heightened privacy. Additionally, the lack of high-quality datasets has hindered the development of such lightweight models. To address these challenges, we propose UI-JEPA, a novel framework that employs masking strategies to learn abstract UI embeddings from unlabeled data through self-supervised learning, combined with an LLM decoder fine-tuned for user intent prediction. We also introduce two new UI-grounded multimodal datasets, "Intent in the Wild" (IIW) and "Intent in the Tame" (IIT), designed for few-shot and zero-shot UI understanding tasks. IIW consists of 1.7K videos across 219 intent categories, while IIT contains 914 videos across 10 categories. We establish the first baselines for these datasets, showing that representations learned using a JEPA-style objective, combined with an LLM decoder, can achieve user intent predictions that match the performance of state-of-the-art large MLLMs, but with significantly reduced annotation and deployment resources. Measured by intent similarity scores, UI-JEPA outperforms GPT-4 Turbo and Claude 3.5 Sonnet by 10.0% and 7.2% respectively, averaged across two datasets. Notably, UI-JEPA accomplishes the performance with a 50.5x reduction in computational cost and a 6.6x improvement in latency in the IIW dataset. These results underscore the effectiveness of UI-JEPA, highlighting its potential for lightweight, high-performance UI understanding.
♻ ☆ Evaluation Framework for Feedback Generation Methods in Skeletal Movement Assessment ECCV 2024
The application of machine-learning solutions to movement assessment from skeleton videos has attracted significant research attention in recent years. This advancement has made rehabilitation at home more accessible, utilizing movement assessment algorithms that can operate on affordable equipment for human pose detection and analysis from 2D or 3D videos. While the primary objective of automatic assessment tasks is to score movements, the automatic generation of feedback highlighting key movement issues has the potential to significantly enhance and accelerate the rehabilitation process. While numerous research works exist in the field of automatic movement assessment, only a handful address feedback generation. In this study, we propose terminology and criteria for the classification, evaluation, and comparison of feedback generation solutions. We discuss the challenges associated with each feedback generation approach and use our proposed criteria to classify existing solutions. To our knowledge, this is the first work that formulates feedback generation in skeletal movement assessment.
comment: Accepted to xAI4Biometrics at ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ Windows Agent Arena: Evaluating Multi-Modal OS Agents at Scale
Large language models (LLMs) show remarkable potential to act as computer agents, enhancing human productivity and software accessibility in multi-modal tasks that require planning and reasoning. However, measuring agent performance in realistic environments remains a challenge since: (i) most benchmarks are limited to specific modalities or domains (e.g. text-only, web navigation, Q&A, coding) and (ii) full benchmark evaluations are slow (on order of magnitude of days) given the multi-step sequential nature of tasks. To address these challenges, we introduce the Windows Agent Arena: a reproducible, general environment focusing exclusively on the Windows operating system (OS) where agents can operate freely within a real Windows OS and use the same wide range of applications, tools, and web browsers available to human users when solving tasks. We adapt the OSWorld framework (Xie et al., 2024) to create 150+ diverse Windows tasks across representative domains that require agent abilities in planning, screen understanding, and tool usage. Our benchmark is scalable and can be seamlessly parallelized in Azure for a full benchmark evaluation in as little as 20 minutes. To demonstrate Windows Agent Arena's capabilities, we also introduce a new multi-modal agent, Navi. Our agent achieves a success rate of 19.5% in the Windows domain, compared to 74.5% performance of an unassisted human. Navi also demonstrates strong performance on another popular web-based benchmark, Mind2Web. We offer extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of Navi's performance, and provide insights into the opportunities for future research in agent development and data generation using Windows Agent Arena. Webpage: https://microsoft.github.io/WindowsAgentArena Code: https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAgentArena
♻ ☆ S-Agents: Self-organizing Agents in Open-ended Environments ICLR 2024
Leveraging large language models (LLMs), autonomous agents have significantly improved, gaining the ability to handle a variety of tasks. In open-ended settings, optimizing collaboration for efficiency and effectiveness demands flexible adjustments. Despite this, current research mainly emphasizes fixed, task-oriented workflows and overlooks agent-centric organizational structures. Drawing inspiration from human organizational behavior, we introduce a self-organizing agent system (S-Agents) with a "tree of agents" structure for dynamic workflow, an "hourglass agent architecture" for balancing information priorities, and a "non-obstructive collaboration" method to allow asynchronous task execution among agents. This structure can autonomously coordinate a group of agents, efficiently addressing the challenges of open and dynamic environments without human intervention. Our experiments demonstrate that S-Agents proficiently execute collaborative building tasks and resource collection in the Minecraft environment, validating their effectiveness.
comment: ICLR 2024 Workshop on Large Language Model (LLM) Agents
♻ ☆ Airfoil Diffusion: Denoising Diffusion Model For Conditional Airfoil Generation
The design of aerodynamic shapes, such as airfoils, has traditionally required significant computational resources and relied on predefined design parameters, which limit the potential for novel shape synthesis. In this work, we introduce a data-driven methodology for airfoil generation using a diffusion model. Trained on a dataset of preexisting airfoils, our model can generate an arbitrary number of new airfoils from random vectors, which can be conditioned on specific aerodynamic performance metrics such as lift and drag, or geometric criteria. Our results demonstrate that the diffusion model effectively produces airfoil shapes with realistic aerodynamic properties, offering substantial improvements in efficiency, flexibility, and the potential for discovering innovative airfoil designs. This approach significantly expands the design space, facilitating the synthesis of high-performance aerodynamic shapes that transcend the limitations of traditional methods.
comment: 20 Pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Data Augmentation by Fuzzing for Neural Test Generation
Testing is essential to modern software engineering for building reliable software. Given the high costs of manually creating test cases, automated test case generation, particularly methods utilizing large language models, has become increasingly popular. These neural approaches generate semantically meaningful tests that are more maintainable compared with traditional automatic testing methods like fuzzing. However, the diversity and volume of unit tests in current datasets are limited. In this paper, we introduce a novel data augmentation technique, *FuzzAug*, that introduces the benefits of fuzzing to large language models to preserve valid program semantics and provide diverse inputs. This enhances the model's ability to embed correct inputs that can explore more branches of the function under test. Our evaluations show that models trained with dataset augmented by FuzzAug increase assertion accuracy by 5%, improve compilation rate by more than 10%, and generate unit test functions with 5% more branch coverage. This technique demonstrates the potential of using dynamic software testing to improve neural test generation, offering significant enhancements in neural test generation.
comment: Revised version
Machine Learning 142
☆ The unknotting number, hard unknot diagrams, and reinforcement learning
We have developed a reinforcement learning agent that often finds a minimal sequence of unknotting crossing changes for a knot diagram with up to 200 crossings, hence giving an upper bound on the unknotting number. We have used this to determine the unknotting number of 57k knots. We took diagrams of connected sums of such knots with oppositely signed signatures, where the summands were overlaid. The agent has found examples where several of the crossing changes in an unknotting collection of crossings result in hyperbolic knots. Based on this, we have shown that, given knots $K$ and $K'$ that satisfy some mild assumptions, there is a diagram of their connected sum and $u(K) + u(K')$ unknotting crossings such that changing any one of them results in a prime knot. As a by-product, we have obtained a dataset of 2.6 million distinct hard unknot diagrams; most of them under 35 crossings. Assuming the additivity of the unknotting number, we have determined the unknotting number of 43 at most 12-crossing knots for which the unknotting number is unknown.
comment: 29 pages, 17 figures
☆ INN-PAR: Invertible Neural Network for PPG to ABP Reconstruction
Non-invasive and continuous blood pressure (BP) monitoring is essential for the early prevention of many cardiovascular diseases. Estimating arterial blood pressure (ABP) from photoplethysmography (PPG) has emerged as a promising solution. However, existing deep learning approaches for PPG-to-ABP reconstruction (PAR) encounter certain information loss, impacting the precision of the reconstructed signal. To overcome this limitation, we introduce an invertible neural network for PPG to ABP reconstruction (INN-PAR), which employs a series of invertible blocks to jointly learn the mapping between PPG and its gradient with the ABP signal and its gradient. INN-PAR efficiently captures both forward and inverse mappings simultaneously, thereby preventing information loss. By integrating signal gradients into the learning process, INN-PAR enhances the network's ability to capture essential high-frequency details, leading to more accurate signal reconstruction. Moreover, we propose a multi-scale convolution module (MSCM) within the invertible block, enabling the model to learn features across multiple scales effectively. We have experimented on two benchmark datasets, which show that INN-PAR significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in both waveform reconstruction and BP measurement accuracy.
☆ An Efficient and Streaming Audio Visual Active Speaker Detection System
This paper delves into the challenging task of Active Speaker Detection (ASD), where the system needs to determine in real-time whether a person is speaking or not in a series of video frames. While previous works have made significant strides in improving network architectures and learning effective representations for ASD, a critical gap exists in the exploration of real-time system deployment. Existing models often suffer from high latency and memory usage, rendering them impractical for immediate applications. To bridge this gap, we present two scenarios that address the key challenges posed by real-time constraints. First, we introduce a method to limit the number of future context frames utilized by the ASD model. By doing so, we alleviate the need for processing the entire sequence of future frames before a decision is made, significantly reducing latency. Second, we propose a more stringent constraint that limits the total number of past frames the model can access during inference. This tackles the persistent memory issues associated with running streaming ASD systems. Beyond these theoretical frameworks, we conduct extensive experiments to validate our approach. Our results demonstrate that constrained transformer models can achieve performance comparable to or even better than state-of-the-art recurrent models, such as uni-directional GRUs, with a significantly reduced number of context frames. Moreover, we shed light on the temporal memory requirements of ASD systems, revealing that larger past context has a more profound impact on accuracy than future context. When profiling on a CPU we find that our efficient architecture is memory bound by the amount of past context it can use and that the compute cost is negligible as compared to the memory cost.
☆ VAE Explainer: Supplement Learning Variational Autoencoders with Interactive Visualization
Variational Autoencoders are widespread in Machine Learning, but are typically explained with dense math notation or static code examples. This paper presents VAE Explainer, an interactive Variational Autoencoder running in the browser to supplement existing static documentation (e.g., Keras Code Examples). VAE Explainer adds interactions to the VAE summary with interactive model inputs, latent space, and output. VAE Explainer connects the high-level understanding with the implementation: annotated code and a live computational graph. The VAE Explainer interactive visualization is live at https://xnought.github.io/vae-explainer and the code is open source at https://github.com/xnought/vae-explainer.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures
☆ SGFormer: Single-Layer Graph Transformers with Approximation-Free Linear Complexity NeurIPS2023
Learning representations on large graphs is a long-standing challenge due to the inter-dependence nature. Transformers recently have shown promising performance on small graphs thanks to its global attention for capturing all-pair interactions beyond observed structures. Existing approaches tend to inherit the spirit of Transformers in language and vision tasks, and embrace complicated architectures by stacking deep attention-based propagation layers. In this paper, we attempt to evaluate the necessity of adopting multi-layer attentions in Transformers on graphs, which considerably restricts the efficiency. Specifically, we analyze a generic hybrid propagation layer, comprised of all-pair attention and graph-based propagation, and show that multi-layer propagation can be reduced to one-layer propagation, with the same capability for representation learning. It suggests a new technical path for building powerful and efficient Transformers on graphs, particularly through simplifying model architectures without sacrificing expressiveness. As exemplified by this work, we propose a Simplified Single-layer Graph Transformers (SGFormer), whose main component is a single-layer global attention that scales linearly w.r.t. graph sizes and requires none of any approximation for accommodating all-pair interactions. Empirically, SGFormer successfully scales to the web-scale graph ogbn-papers100M, yielding orders-of-magnitude inference acceleration over peer Transformers on medium-sized graphs, and demonstrates competitiveness with limited labeled data.
comment: Extended version of NeurIPS2023 contribution arXiv:2306.10759
☆ Model-independent variable selection via the rule-based variable priorit
While achieving high prediction accuracy is a fundamental goal in machine learning, an equally important task is finding a small number of features with high explanatory power. One popular selection technique is permutation importance, which assesses a variable's impact by measuring the change in prediction error after permuting the variable. However, this can be problematic due to the need to create artificial data, a problem shared by other methods as well. Another problem is that variable selection methods can be limited by being model-specific. We introduce a new model-independent approach, Variable Priority (VarPro), which works by utilizing rules without the need to generate artificial data or evaluate prediction error. The method is relatively easy to use, requiring only the calculation of sample averages of simple statistics, and can be applied to many data settings, including regression, classification, and survival. We investigate the asymptotic properties of VarPro and show, among other things, that VarPro has a consistent filtering property for noise variables. Empirical studies using synthetic and real-world data show the method achieves a balanced performance and compares favorably to many state-of-the-art procedures currently used for variable selection.
☆ Biomimetic Frontend for Differentiable Audio Processing
While models in audio and speech processing are becoming deeper and more end-to-end, they as a consequence need expensive training on large data, and are often brittle. We build on a classical model of human hearing and make it differentiable, so that we can combine traditional explainable biomimetic signal processing approaches with deep-learning frameworks. This allows us to arrive at an expressive and explainable model that is easily trained on modest amounts of data. We apply this model to audio processing tasks, including classification and enhancement. Results show that our differentiable model surpasses black-box approaches in terms of computational efficiency and robustness, even with little training data. We also discuss other potential applications.
☆ Clean Label Attacks against SLU Systems
Poisoning backdoor attacks involve an adversary manipulating the training data to induce certain behaviors in the victim model by inserting a trigger in the signal at inference time. We adapted clean label backdoor (CLBD)-data poisoning attacks, which do not modify the training labels, on state-of-the-art speech recognition models that support/perform a Spoken Language Understanding task, achieving 99.8% attack success rate by poisoning 10% of the training data. We analyzed how varying the signal-strength of the poison, percent of samples poisoned, and choice of trigger impact the attack. We also found that CLBD attacks are most successful when applied to training samples that are inherently hard for a proxy model. Using this strategy, we achieved an attack success rate of 99.3% by poisoning a meager 1.5% of the training data. Finally, we applied two previously developed defenses against gradient-based attacks, and found that they attain mixed success against poisoning.
comment: Accepted at IEEE SLT 2024
☆ Predicting Trust In Autonomous Vehicles: Modeling Young Adult Psychosocial Traits, Risk-Benefit Attitudes, And Driving Factors With Machine Learning
Low trust remains a significant barrier to Autonomous Vehicle (AV) adoption. To design trustworthy AVs, we need to better understand the individual traits, attitudes, and experiences that impact people's trust judgements. We use machine learning to understand the most important factors that contribute to young adult trust based on a comprehensive set of personal factors gathered via survey (n = 1457). Factors ranged from psychosocial and cognitive attributes to driving style, experiences, and perceived AV risks and benefits. Using the explainable AI technique SHAP, we found that perceptions of AV risks and benefits, attitudes toward feasibility and usability, institutional trust, prior experience, and a person's mental model are the most important predictors. Surprisingly, psychosocial and many technology- and driving-specific factors were not strong predictors. Results highlight the importance of individual differences for designing trustworthy AVs for diverse groups and lead to key implications for future design and research.
comment: 31 pages (including references and appendix), 7 figures, 7 tables
☆ PINNfluence: Influence Functions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Recently, physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have emerged as a flexible and promising application of deep learning to partial differential equations in the physical sciences. While offering strong performance and competitive inference speeds on forward and inverse problems, their black-box nature limits interpretability, particularly regarding alignment with expected physical behavior. In the present work, we explore the application of influence functions (IFs) to validate and debug PINNs post-hoc. Specifically, we apply variations of IF-based indicators to gauge the influence of different types of collocation points on the prediction of PINNs applied to a 2D Navier-Stokes fluid flow problem. Our results demonstrate how IFs can be adapted to PINNs to reveal the potential for further studies.
☆ A Bayesian Approach to Clustering via the Proper Bayesian Bootstrap: the Bayesian Bagged Clustering (BBC) algorithm
The paper presents a novel approach for unsupervised techniques in the field of clustering. A new method is proposed to enhance existing literature models using the proper Bayesian bootstrap to improve results in terms of robustness and interpretability. Our approach is organized in two steps: k-means clustering is used for prior elicitation, then proper Bayesian bootstrap is applied as resampling method in an ensemble clustering approach. Results are analyzed introducing measures of uncertainty based on Shannon entropy. The proposal provides clear indication on the optimal number of clusters, as well as a better representation of the clustered data. Empirical results are provided on simulated data showing the methodological and empirical advances obtained.
☆ DELTA: Dual Consistency Delving with Topological Uncertainty for Active Graph Domain Adaptation
Graph domain adaptation has recently enabled knowledge transfer across different graphs. However, without the semantic information on target graphs, the performance on target graphs is still far from satisfactory. To address the issue, we study the problem of active graph domain adaptation, which selects a small quantitative of informative nodes on the target graph for extra annotation. This problem is highly challenging due to the complicated topological relationships and the distribution discrepancy across graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel approach named Dual Consistency Delving with Topological Uncertainty (DELTA) for active graph domain adaptation. Our DELTA consists of an edge-oriented graph subnetwork and a path-oriented graph subnetwork, which can explore topological semantics from complementary perspectives. In particular, our edge-oriented graph subnetwork utilizes the message passing mechanism to learn neighborhood information, while our path-oriented graph subnetwork explores high-order relationships from substructures. To jointly learn from two subnetworks, we roughly select informative candidate nodes with the consideration of consistency across two subnetworks. Then, we aggregate local semantics from its K-hop subgraph based on node degrees for topological uncertainty estimation. To overcome potential distribution shifts, we compare target nodes and their corresponding source nodes for discrepancy scores as an additional component for fine selection. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that DELTA outperforms various state-of-the-art approaches.
☆ Average-Reward Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning for Underactuated Double Pendulum Tasks
This report presents a solution for the swing-up and stabilisation tasks of the acrobot and the pendubot, developed for the AI Olympics competition at IROS 2024. Our approach employs the Average-Reward Entropy Advantage Policy Optimization (AR-EAPO), a model-free reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm that combines average-reward RL and maximum entropy RL. Results demonstrate that our controller achieves improved performance and robustness scores compared to established baseline methods in both the acrobot and pendubot scenarios, without the need for a heavily engineered reward function or system model. The current results are applicable exclusively to the simulation stage setup.
☆ Optimization and Generalization Guarantees for Weight Normalization
Weight normalization (WeightNorm) is widely used in practice for the training of deep neural networks and modern deep learning libraries have built-in implementations of it. In this paper, we provide the first theoretical characterizations of both optimization and generalization of deep WeightNorm models with smooth activation functions. For optimization, from the form of the Hessian of the loss, we note that a small Hessian of the predictor leads to a tractable analysis. Thus, we bound the spectral norm of the Hessian of WeightNorm networks and show its dependence on the network width and weight normalization terms--the latter being unique to networks without WeightNorm. Then, we use this bound to establish training convergence guarantees under suitable assumptions for gradient decent. For generalization, we use WeightNorm to get a uniform convergence based generalization bound, which is independent from the width and depends sublinearly on the depth. Finally, we present experimental results which illustrate how the normalization terms and other quantities of theoretical interest relate to the training of WeightNorm networks.
☆ Multi forests: Variable importance for multi-class outcomes
In prediction tasks with multi-class outcomes, identifying covariates specifically associated with one or more outcome classes can be important. Conventional variable importance measures (VIMs) from random forests (RFs), like permutation and Gini importance, focus on overall predictive performance or node purity, without differentiating between the classes. Therefore, they can be expected to fail to distinguish class-associated covariates from covariates that only distinguish between groups of classes. We introduce a VIM called multi-class VIM, tailored for identifying exclusively class-associated covariates, via a novel RF variant called multi forests (MuFs). The trees in MuFs use both multi-way and binary splitting. The multi-way splits generate child nodes for each class, using a split criterion that evaluates how well these nodes represent their respective classes. This setup forms the basis of the multi-class VIM, which measures the discriminatory ability of the splits performed in the respective covariates with regard to this split criterion. Alongside the multi-class VIM, we introduce a second VIM, the discriminatory VIM. This measure, based on the binary splits, assesses the strength of the general influence of the covariates, irrespective of their class-associatedness. Simulation studies demonstrate that the multi-class VIM specifically ranks class-associated covariates highly, unlike conventional VIMs which also rank other types of covariates highly. Analyses of 121 datasets reveal that MuFs often have slightly lower predictive performance compared to conventional RFs. This is, however, not a limiting factor given the algorithm's primary purpose of calculating the multi-class VIM.
comment: 30 pages, 6 figures
☆ XSub: Explanation-Driven Adversarial Attack against Blackbox Classifiers via Feature Substitution
Despite its significant benefits in enhancing the transparency and trustworthiness of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, explainable AI (XAI) has yet to reach its full potential in real-world applications. One key challenge is that XAI can unintentionally provide adversaries with insights into black-box models, inevitably increasing their vulnerability to various attacks. In this paper, we develop a novel explanation-driven adversarial attack against black-box classifiers based on feature substitution, called XSub. The key idea of XSub is to strategically replace important features (identified via XAI) in the original sample with corresponding important features from a "golden sample" of a different label, thereby increasing the likelihood of the model misclassifying the perturbed sample. The degree of feature substitution is adjustable, allowing us to control how much of the original samples information is replaced. This flexibility effectively balances a trade-off between the attacks effectiveness and its stealthiness. XSub is also highly cost-effective in that the number of required queries to the prediction model and the explanation model in conducting the attack is in O(1). In addition, XSub can be easily extended to launch backdoor attacks in case the attacker has access to the models training data. Our evaluation demonstrates that XSub is not only effective and stealthy but also cost-effective, enabling its application across a wide range of AI models.
☆ Latent Space Score-based Diffusion Model for Probabilistic Multivariate Time Series Imputation
Accurate imputation is essential for the reliability and success of downstream tasks. Recently, diffusion models have attracted great attention in this field. However, these models neglect the latent distribution in a lower-dimensional space derived from the observed data, which limits the generative capacity of the diffusion model. Additionally, dealing with the original missing data without labels becomes particularly problematic. To address these issues, we propose the Latent Space Score-Based Diffusion Model (LSSDM) for probabilistic multivariate time series imputation. Observed values are projected onto low-dimensional latent space and coarse values of the missing data are reconstructed without knowing their ground truth values by this unsupervised learning approach. Finally, the reconstructed values are fed into a conditional diffusion model to obtain the precise imputed values of the time series. In this way, LSSDM not only possesses the power to identify the latent distribution but also seamlessly integrates the diffusion model to obtain the high-fidelity imputed values and assess the uncertainty of the dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that LSSDM achieves superior imputation performance while also providing a better explanation and uncertainty analysis of the imputation mechanism. The website of the code is \textit{https://github.com/gorgen2020/LSSDM\_imputation}.
comment: 5 pages, conference
☆ HLTCOE JHU Submission to the Voice Privacy Challenge 2024
We present a number of systems for the Voice Privacy Challenge, including voice conversion based systems such as the kNN-VC method and the WavLM voice Conversion method, and text-to-speech (TTS) based systems including Whisper-VITS. We found that while voice conversion systems better preserve emotional content, they struggle to conceal speaker identity in semi-white-box attack scenarios; conversely, TTS methods perform better at anonymization and worse at emotion preservation. Finally, we propose a random admixture system which seeks to balance out the strengths and weaknesses of the two category of systems, achieving a strong EER of over 40% while maintaining UAR at a respectable 47%.
comment: Submission to the Voice Privacy Challenge 2024. Accepted and presented at
☆ AnyBipe: An End-to-End Framework for Training and Deploying Bipedal Robots Guided by Large Language Models
Training and deploying reinforcement learning (RL) policies for robots, especially in accomplishing specific tasks, presents substantial challenges. Recent advancements have explored diverse reward function designs, training techniques, simulation-to-reality (sim-to-real) transfers, and performance analysis methodologies, yet these still require significant human intervention. This paper introduces an end-to-end framework for training and deploying RL policies, guided by Large Language Models (LLMs), and evaluates its effectiveness on bipedal robots. The framework consists of three interconnected modules: an LLM-guided reward function design module, an RL training module leveraging prior work, and a sim-to-real homomorphic evaluation module. This design significantly reduces the need for human input by utilizing only essential simulation and deployment platforms, with the option to incorporate human-engineered strategies and historical data. We detail the construction of these modules, their advantages over traditional approaches, and demonstrate the framework's capability to autonomously develop and refine controlling strategies for bipedal robot locomotion, showcasing its potential to operate independently of human intervention.
☆ Detect Fake with Fake: Leveraging Synthetic Data-driven Representation for Synthetic Image Detection ECCV 2024
Are general-purpose visual representations acquired solely from synthetic data useful for detecting fake images? In this work, we show the effectiveness of synthetic data-driven representations for synthetic image detection. Upon analysis, we find that vision transformers trained by the latest visual representation learners with synthetic data can effectively distinguish fake from real images without seeing any real images during pre-training. Notably, using SynCLR as the backbone in a state-of-the-art detection method demonstrates a performance improvement of +10.32 mAP and +4.73% accuracy over the widely used CLIP, when tested on previously unseen GAN models. Code is available at https://github.com/cvpaperchallenge/detect-fake-with-fake.
comment: Accepted to TWYN workshop at ECCV 2024
☆ Exploring Graph Structure Comprehension Ability of Multimodal Large Language Models: Case Studies
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in processing various data structures, including graphs. While previous research has focused on developing textual encoding methods for graph representation, the emergence of multimodal LLMs presents a new frontier for graph comprehension. These advanced models, capable of processing both text and images, offer potential improvements in graph understanding by incorporating visual representations alongside traditional textual data. This study investigates the impact of graph visualisations on LLM performance across a range of benchmark tasks at node, edge, and graph levels. Our experiments compare the effectiveness of multimodal approaches against purely textual graph representations. The results provide valuable insights into both the potential and limitations of leveraging visual graph modalities to enhance LLMs' graph structure comprehension abilities.
☆ Adjoint Matching: Fine-tuning Flow and Diffusion Generative Models with Memoryless Stochastic Optimal Control
Dynamical generative models that produce samples through an iterative process, such as Flow Matching and denoising diffusion models, have seen widespread use, but there has not been many theoretically-sound methods for improving these models with reward fine-tuning. In this work, we cast reward fine-tuning as stochastic optimal control (SOC). Critically, we prove that a very specific memoryless noise schedule must be enforced during fine-tuning, in order to account for the dependency between the noise variable and the generated samples. We also propose a new algorithm named Adjoint Matching which outperforms existing SOC algorithms, by casting SOC problems as a regression problem. We find that our approach significantly improves over existing methods for reward fine-tuning, achieving better consistency, realism, and generalization to unseen human preference reward models, while retaining sample diversity.
☆ Kinect Calibration and Data Optimization For Anthropometric Parameters
Recently, through development of several 3d vision systems, widely used in various applications, medical and biometric fields. Microsoft kinect sensor have been most of used camera among 3d vision systems. Microsoft kinect sensor can obtain depth images of a scene and 3d coordinates of human joints. Thus, anthropometric features can extractable easily. Anthropometric feature and 3d joint coordinate raw datas which captured from kinect sensor is unstable. The strongest reason for this, datas vary by distance between joints of individual and location of kinect sensor. Consequently, usage of this datas without kinect calibration and data optimization does not result in sufficient and healthy. In this study, proposed a novel method to calibrating kinect sensor and optimizing skeleton features. Results indicate that the proposed method is quite effective and worthy of further study in more general scenarios.
☆ FP-VEC: Fingerprinting Large Language Models via Efficient Vector Addition
Training Large Language Models (LLMs) requires immense computational power and vast amounts of data. As a result, protecting the intellectual property of these models through fingerprinting is essential for ownership authentication. While adding fingerprints to LLMs through fine-tuning has been attempted, it remains costly and unscalable. In this paper, we introduce FP-VEC, a pilot study on using fingerprint vectors as an efficient fingerprinting method for LLMs. Our approach generates a fingerprint vector that represents a confidential signature embedded in the model, allowing the same fingerprint to be seamlessly incorporated into an unlimited number of LLMs via vector addition. Results on several LLMs show that FP-VEC is lightweight by running on CPU-only devices for fingerprinting, scalable with a single training and unlimited fingerprinting process, and preserves the model's normal behavior. The project page is available at https://fingerprintvector.github.io .
☆ RF Challenge: The Data-Driven Radio Frequency Signal Separation Challenge
This paper addresses the critical problem of interference rejection in radio-frequency (RF) signals using a novel, data-driven approach that leverages state-of-the-art AI models. Traditionally, interference rejection algorithms are manually tailored to specific types of interference. This work introduces a more scalable data-driven solution and contains the following contributions. First, we present an insightful signal model that serves as a foundation for developing and analyzing interference rejection algorithms. Second, we introduce the RF Challenge, a publicly available dataset featuring diverse RF signals along with code templates, which facilitates data-driven analysis of RF signal problems. Third, we propose novel AI-based rejection algorithms, specifically architectures like UNet and WaveNet, and evaluate their performance across eight different signal mixture types. These models demonstrate superior performance exceeding traditional methods like matched filtering and linear minimum mean square error estimation by up to two orders of magnitude in bit-error rate. Fourth, we summarize the results from an open competition hosted at 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2024) based on the RF Challenge, highlighting the significant potential for continued advancements in this area. Our findings underscore the promise of deep learning algorithms in mitigating interference, offering a strong foundation for future research.
comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, submitted to the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
☆ Can Kans (re)discover predictive models for Direct-Drive Laser Fusion?
The domain of laser fusion presents a unique and challenging predictive modeling application landscape for machine learning methods due to high problem complexity and limited training data. Data-driven approaches utilizing prescribed functional forms, inductive biases and physics-informed learning (PIL) schemes have been successful in the past for achieving desired generalization ability and model interpretation that aligns with physics expectations. In complex multi-physics application domains, however, it is not always obvious how architectural biases or discriminative penalties can be formulated. In this work, focusing on nuclear fusion energy using high powered lasers, we present the use of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) as an alternative to PIL for developing a new type of data-driven predictive model which is able to achieve high prediction accuracy and physics interpretability. A KAN based model, a MLP with PIL, and a baseline MLP model are compared in generalization ability and interpretation with a domain expert-derived symbolic regression model. Through empirical studies in this high physics complexity domain, we show that KANs can potentially provide benefits when developing predictive models for data-starved physics applications.
☆ AutoIRT: Calibrating Item Response Theory Models with Automated Machine Learning
Item response theory (IRT) is a class of interpretable factor models that are widely used in computerized adaptive tests (CATs), such as language proficiency tests. Traditionally, these are fit using parametric mixed effects models on the probability of a test taker getting the correct answer to a test item (i.e., question). Neural net extensions of these models, such as BertIRT, require specialized architectures and parameter tuning. We propose a multistage fitting procedure that is compatible with out-of-the-box Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) tools. It is based on a Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) outer loop with a two stage inner loop, which trains a non-parametric AutoML grade model using item features followed by an item specific parametric model. This greatly accelerates the modeling workflow for scoring tests. We demonstrate its effectiveness by applying it to the Duolingo English Test, a high stakes, online English proficiency test. We show that the resulting model is typically more well calibrated, gets better predictive performance, and more accurate scores than existing methods (non-explanatory IRT models and explanatory IRT models like BERT-IRT). Along the way, we provide a brief survey of machine learning methods for calibration of item parameters for CATs.
☆ TabKANet: Tabular Data Modelling with Kolmogorov-Arnold Network and Transformer
Tabular data is the most common type of data in real-life scenarios. In this study, we propose a method based on the TabKANet architecture, which utilizes the Kolmogorov-Arnold network to encode numerical features and merge them with categorical features, enabling unified modeling of tabular data on the Transformer architecture. This model demonstrates outstanding performance in six widely used binary classification tasks, suggesting that TabKANet has the potential to become a standard approach for tabular modeling, surpassing traditional neural networks. Furthermore, this research reveals the significant advantages of the Kolmogorov-Arnold network in encoding numerical features. The code of our work is available at https://github.com/tsinghuamedgao20/TabKANet.
☆ Electrocardiogram Report Generation and Question Answering via Retrieval-Augmented Self-Supervised Modeling
Interpreting electrocardiograms (ECGs) and generating comprehensive reports remain challenging tasks in cardiology, often requiring specialized expertise and significant time investment. To address these critical issues, we propose ECG-ReGen, a retrieval-based approach for ECG-to-text report generation and question answering. Our method leverages a self-supervised learning for the ECG encoder, enabling efficient similarity searches and report retrieval. By combining pre-training with dynamic retrieval and Large Language Model (LLM)-based refinement, ECG-ReGen effectively analyzes ECG data and answers related queries, with the potential of improving patient care. Experiments conducted on the PTB-XL and MIMIC-IV-ECG datasets demonstrate superior performance in both in-domain and cross-domain scenarios for report generation. Furthermore, our approach exhibits competitive performance on ECG-QA dataset compared to fully supervised methods when utilizing off-the-shelf LLMs for zero-shot question answering. This approach, effectively combining self-supervised encoder and LLMs, offers a scalable and efficient solution for accurate ECG interpretation, holding significant potential to enhance clinical decision-making.
☆ Deep Learning-based Codes for Wiretap Fading Channels
The wiretap channel is a well-studied problem in the physical layer security (PLS) literature. Although it is proven that the decoding error probability and information leakage can be made arbitrarily small in the asymptotic regime, further research on finite-blocklength codes is required on the path towards practical, secure communications systems. This work provides the first experimental characterization of a deep learning-based, finite-blocklength code construction for multi-tap fading wiretap channels without channel state information (CSI). In addition to the evaluation of the average probability of error and information leakage, we illustrate the influence of (i) the number of fading taps, (ii) differing variances of the fading coefficients and (iii) the seed selection for the hash function-based security layer.
☆ In-depth Analysis of Low-rank Matrix Factorisation in a Federated Setting
We analyze a distributed algorithm to compute a low-rank matrix factorization on $N$ clients, each holding a local dataset $\mathbf{S}^i \in \mathbb{R}^{n_i \times d}$, mathematically, we seek to solve $min_{\mathbf{U}^i \in \mathbb{R}^{n_i\times r}, \mathbf{V}\in \mathbb{R}^{d \times r} } \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^N \|\mathbf{S}^i - \mathbf{U}^i \mathbf{V}^\top\|^2_{\text{F}}$. Considering a power initialization of $\mathbf{V}$, we rewrite the previous smooth non-convex problem into a smooth strongly-convex problem that we solve using a parallel Nesterov gradient descent potentially requiring a single step of communication at the initialization step. For any client $i$ in $\{1, \dots, N\}$, we obtain a global $\mathbf{V}$ in $\mathbb{R}^{d \times r}$ common to all clients and a local variable $\mathbf{U}^i$ in $\mathbb{R}^{n_i \times r}$. We provide a linear rate of convergence of the excess loss which depends on $\sigma_{\max} / \sigma_{r}$, where $\sigma_{r}$ is the $r^{\mathrm{th}}$ singular value of the concatenation $\mathbf{S}$ of the matrices $(\mathbf{S}^i)_{i=1}^N$. This result improves the rates of convergence given in the literature, which depend on $\sigma_{\max}^2 / \sigma_{\min}^2$. We provide an upper bound on the Frobenius-norm error of reconstruction under the power initialization strategy. We complete our analysis with experiments on both synthetic and real data.
☆ Increasing Both Batch Size and Learning Rate Accelerates Stochastic Gradient Descent
The performance of mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) strongly depends on setting the batch size and learning rate to minimize the empirical loss in training the deep neural network. In this paper, we present theoretical analyses of mini-batch SGD with four schedulers: (i) constant batch size and decaying learning rate scheduler, (ii) increasing batch size and decaying learning rate scheduler, (iii) increasing batch size and increasing learning rate scheduler, and (iv) increasing batch size and warm-up decaying learning rate scheduler. We show that mini-batch SGD using scheduler (i) does not always minimize the expectation of the full gradient norm of the empirical loss, whereas it does using any of schedulers (ii), (iii), and (iv). Furthermore, schedulers (iii) and (iv) accelerate mini-batch SGD. The paper also provides numerical results of supporting analyses showing that using scheduler (iii) or (iv) minimizes the full gradient norm of the empirical loss faster than using scheduler (i) or (ii).
comment: 23 pages, 5 figures
☆ Measure-Theoretic Time-Delay Embedding
The celebrated Takens' embedding theorem provides a theoretical foundation for reconstructing the full state of a dynamical system from partial observations. However, the classical theorem assumes that the underlying system is deterministic and that observations are noise-free, limiting its applicability in real-world scenarios. Motivated by these limitations, we rigorously establish a measure-theoretic generalization that adopts an Eulerian description of the dynamics and recasts the embedding as a pushforward map between probability spaces. Our mathematical results leverage recent advances in optimal transportation theory. Building on our novel measure-theoretic time-delay embedding theory, we have developed a new computational framework that forecasts the full state of a dynamical system from time-lagged partial observations, engineered with better robustness to handle sparse and noisy data. We showcase the efficacy and versatility of our approach through several numerical examples, ranging from the classic Lorenz-63 system to large-scale, real-world applications such as NOAA sea surface temperature forecasting and ERA5 wind field reconstruction.
comment: 32 pages, 8 figures
☆ SAUC: Sparsity-Aware Uncertainty Calibration for Spatiotemporal Prediction with Graph Neural Networks SP
Quantifying uncertainty is crucial for robust and reliable predictions. However, existing spatiotemporal deep learning mostly focuses on deterministic prediction, overlooking the inherent uncertainty in such prediction. Particularly, highly-granular spatiotemporal datasets are often sparse, posing extra challenges in prediction and uncertainty quantification. To address these issues, this paper introduces a novel post-hoc Sparsity-awar Uncertainty Calibration (SAUC) framework, which calibrates uncertainty in both zero and non-zero values. To develop SAUC, we firstly modify the state-of-the-art deterministic spatiotemporal Graph Neural Networks (ST-GNNs) to probabilistic ones in the pre-calibration phase. Then we calibrate the probabilistic ST-GNNs for zero and non-zero values using quantile approaches.Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that SAUC can effectively fit the variance of sparse data and generalize across two real-world spatiotemporal datasets at various granularities. Specifically, our empirical experiments show a 20\% reduction in calibration errors in zero entries on the sparse traffic accident and urban crime prediction. Overall, this work demonstrates the theoretical and empirical values of the SAUC framework, thus bridging a significant gap between uncertainty quantification and spatiotemporal prediction.
comment: Paper accepted by ACM SIGSPATIAL 2024
☆ Energy Consumption Trends in Sound Event Detection Systems
Deep learning systems have become increasingly energy- and computation-intensive, raising concerns about their environmental impact. As organizers of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) challenge, we recognize the importance of addressing this issue. For the past three years, we have integrated energy consumption metrics into the evaluation of sound event detection (SED) systems. In this paper, we analyze the impact of this energy criterion on the challenge results and explore the evolution of system complexity and energy consumption over the years. We highlight a shift towards more energy-efficient approaches during training without compromising performance, while the number of operations and system complexity continue to grow. Through this analysis, we hope to promote more environmentally friendly practices within the SED community.
☆ Online Network Inference from Graph-Stationary Signals with Hidden Nodes
Graph learning is the fundamental task of estimating unknown graph connectivity from available data. Typical approaches assume that not only is all information available simultaneously but also that all nodes can be observed. However, in many real-world scenarios, data can neither be known completely nor obtained all at once. We present a novel method for online graph estimation that accounts for the presence of hidden nodes. We consider signals that are stationary on the underlying graph, which provides a model for the unknown connections to hidden nodes. We then formulate a convex optimization problem for graph learning from streaming, incomplete graph signals. We solve the proposed problem through an efficient proximal gradient algorithm that can run in real-time as data arrives sequentially. Additionally, we provide theoretical conditions under which our online algorithm is similar to batch-wise solutions. Through experimental results on synthetic and real-world data, we demonstrate the viability of our approach for online graph learning in the presence of missing observations.
☆ Uncertainty Estimation by Density Aware Evidential Deep Learning ICML 2024
Evidential deep learning (EDL) has shown remarkable success in uncertainty estimation. However, there is still room for improvement, particularly in out-of-distribution (OOD) detection and classification tasks. The limited OOD detection performance of EDL arises from its inability to reflect the distance between the testing example and training data when quantifying uncertainty, while its limited classification performance stems from its parameterization of the concentration parameters. To address these limitations, we propose a novel method called Density Aware Evidential Deep Learning (DAEDL). DAEDL integrates the feature space density of the testing example with the output of EDL during the prediction stage, while using a novel parameterization that resolves the issues in the conventional parameterization. We prove that DAEDL enjoys a number of favorable theoretical properties. DAEDL demonstrates state-of-the-art performance across diverse downstream tasks related to uncertainty estimation and classification
comment: ICML 2024
☆ A Hybrid Meta-Learning and Multi-Armed Bandit Approach for Context-Specific Multi-Objective Recommendation Optimization
Recommender systems in online marketplaces face the challenge of balancing multiple objectives to satisfy various stakeholders, including customers, providers, and the platform itself. This paper introduces Juggler-MAB, a hybrid approach that combines meta-learning with Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) to address the limitations of existing multi-stakeholder recommendation systems. Our method extends the Juggler framework, which uses meta-learning to predict optimal weights for utility and compensation adjustments, by incorporating a MAB component for real-time, context-specific refinements. We present a two-stage approach where Juggler provides initial weight predictions, followed by MAB-based adjustments that adapt to rapid changes in user behavior and market conditions. Our system leverages contextual features such as device type and brand to make fine-grained weight adjustments based on specific segments. To evaluate our approach, we developed a simulation framework using a dataset of 0.6 million searches from Expedia's lodging booking platform. Results show that Juggler-MAB outperforms the original Juggler model across all metrics, with NDCG improvements of 2.9%, a 13.7% reduction in regret, and a 9.8% improvement in best arm selection rate.
☆ Uncertainty and Generalizability in Foundation Models for Earth Observation
We take the perspective in which we want to design a downstream task (such as estimating vegetation coverage) on a certain area of interest (AOI) with a limited labeling budget. By leveraging an existing Foundation Model (FM) we must decide whether we train a downstream model on a different but label-rich AOI hoping it generalizes to our AOI, or we split labels in our AOI for training and validating. In either case, we face choices concerning what FM to use, how to sample our AOI for labeling, etc. which affect both the performance and uncertainty of the results. In this work, we perform a large ablative study using eight existing FMs on either Sentinel 1 or Sentinel 2 as input data, and the classes from the ESA World Cover product as downstream tasks across eleven AOIs. We do repeated sampling and training, resulting in an ablation of some 500K simple linear regression models. Our results show both the limits of spatial generalizability across AOIs and the power of FMs where we are able to get over 0.9 correlation coefficient between predictions and targets on different chip level predictive tasks. And still, performance and uncertainty vary greatly across AOIs, tasks and FMs. We believe this is a key issue in practice, because there are many design decisions behind each FM and downstream task (input modalities, sampling, architectures, pretraining, etc.) and usually a downstream task designer is aware of and can decide upon a few of them. Through this work, we advocate for the usage of the methodology herein described (large ablations on reference global labels and simple probes), both when publishing new FMs, and to make informed decisions when designing downstream tasks to use them.
comment: A large ablation study measuring uncertainty and spatial generalizability with 8 foundation models, 11 world regions and 7 downstream tasks
☆ Adaptive Sampling for Continuous Group Equivariant Neural Networks ICML 2024
Steerable networks, which process data with intrinsic symmetries, often use Fourier-based nonlinearities that require sampling from the entire group, leading to a need for discretization in continuous groups. As the number of samples increases, both performance and equivariance improve, yet this also leads to higher computational costs. To address this, we introduce an adaptive sampling approach that dynamically adjusts the sampling process to the symmetries in the data, reducing the number of required group samples and lowering the computational demands. We explore various implementations and their effects on model performance, equivariance, and computational efficiency. Our findings demonstrate improved model performance, and a marginal increase in memory efficiency.
comment: 9 pages, published in the Geometry-grounded Representation Learning and Generative Modeling (GRaM) Workshop at ICML 2024
☆ Multi-intent Aware Contrastive Learning for Sequential Recommendation
Intent is a significant latent factor influencing user-item interaction sequences. Prevalent sequence recommendation models that utilize contrastive learning predominantly rely on single-intent representations to direct the training process. However, this paradigm oversimplifies real-world recommendation scenarios, attempting to encapsulate the diversity of intents within the single-intent level representation. SR models considering multi-intent information in their framework are more likely to reflect real-life recommendation scenarios accurately.
☆ Bridging Dynamic Factor Models and Neural Controlled Differential Equations for Nowcasting GDP CIKM 2024
Gross domestic product (GDP) nowcasting is crucial for policy-making as GDP growth is a key indicator of economic conditions. Dynamic factor models (DFMs) have been widely adopted by government agencies for GDP nowcasting due to their ability to handle irregular or missing macroeconomic indicators and their interpretability. However, DFMs face two main challenges: i) the lack of capturing economic uncertainties such as sudden recessions or booms, and ii) the limitation of capturing irregular dynamics from mixed-frequency data. To address these challenges, we introduce NCDENow, a novel GDP nowcasting framework that integrates neural controlled differential equations (NCDEs) with DFMs. This integration effectively handles the dynamics of irregular time series. NCDENow consists of 3 main modules: i) factor extraction leveraging DFM, ii) dynamic modeling using NCDE, and iii) GDP growth prediction through regression. We evaluate NCDENow against 6 baselines on 2 real-world GDP datasets from South Korea and the United Kingdom, demonstrating its enhanced predictive capability. Our empirical results favor our method, highlighting the significant potential of integrating NCDE into nowcasting models. Our code and dataset are available at https://github.com/sklim84/NCDENow_CIKM2024.
comment: Accepted at CIKM 2024. Seonkyu Lim and Jeongwhan Choi are co-first authors with equal contributions
☆ Disentangling the sources of cyber risk premia
We use a methodology based on a machine learning algorithm to quantify firms' cyber risks based on their disclosures and a dedicated cyber corpus. The model can identify paragraphs related to determined cyber-threat types and accordingly attribute several related cyber scores to the firm. The cyber scores are unrelated to other firms' characteristics. Stocks with high cyber scores significantly outperform other stocks. The long-short cyber risk factors have positive risk premia, are robust to all factors' benchmarks, and help price returns. Furthermore, we suggest the market does not distinguish between different types of cyber risks but instead views them as a single, aggregate cyber risk.
☆ Quasimetric Value Functions with Dense Rewards
As a generalization of reinforcement learning (RL) to parametrizable goals, goal conditioned RL (GCRL) has a broad range of applications, particularly in challenging tasks in robotics. Recent work has established that the optimal value function of GCRL $Q^\ast(s,a,g)$ has a quasimetric structure, leading to targetted neural architectures that respect such structure. However, the relevant analyses assume a sparse reward setting -- a known aggravating factor to sample complexity. We show that the key property underpinning a quasimetric, viz., the triangle inequality, is preserved under a dense reward setting as well. Contrary to earlier findings where dense rewards were shown to be detrimental to GCRL, we identify the key condition necessary for triangle inequality. Dense reward functions that satisfy this condition can only improve, never worsen, sample complexity. This opens up opportunities to train efficient neural architectures with dense rewards, compounding their benefits to sample complexity. We evaluate this proposal in 12 standard benchmark environments in GCRL featuring challenging continuous control tasks. Our empirical results confirm that training a quasimetric value function in our dense reward setting indeed outperforms training with sparse rewards.
☆ Layerwise Change of Knowledge in Neural Networks
This paper aims to explain how a deep neural network (DNN) gradually extracts new knowledge and forgets noisy features through layers in forward propagation. Up to now, although the definition of knowledge encoded by the DNN has not reached a consensus, Previous studies have derived a series of mathematical evidence to take interactions as symbolic primitive inference patterns encoded by a DNN. We extend the definition of interactions and, for the first time, extract interactions encoded by intermediate layers. We quantify and track the newly emerged interactions and the forgotten interactions in each layer during the forward propagation, which shed new light on the learning behavior of DNNs. The layer-wise change of interactions also reveals the change of the generalization capacity and instability of feature representations of a DNN.
☆ L3Cube-IndicQuest: A Benchmark Questing Answering Dataset for Evaluating Knowledge of LLMs in Indic Context
Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant progress in incorporating Indic languages within multilingual models. However, it is crucial to quantitatively assess whether these languages perform comparably to globally dominant ones, such as English. Currently, there is a lack of benchmark datasets specifically designed to evaluate the regional knowledge of LLMs in various Indic languages. In this paper, we present the L3Cube-IndicQuest, a gold-standard question-answering benchmark dataset designed to evaluate how well multilingual LLMs capture regional knowledge across various Indic languages. The dataset contains 200 question-answer pairs, each for English and 19 Indic languages, covering five domains specific to the Indic region. We aim for this dataset to serve as a benchmark, providing ground truth for evaluating the performance of LLMs in understanding and representing knowledge relevant to the Indian context. The IndicQuest can be used for both reference-based evaluation and LLM-as-a-judge evaluation. The dataset is shared publicly at https://github.com/l3cube-pune/indic-nlp .
☆ Personalized Weight Loss Management through Wearable Devices and Artificial Intelligence
Early detection of chronic and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) is crucial for effective treatment during the initial stages. This study explores the application of wearable devices and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to predict weight loss changes in overweight and obese individuals. Using wearable data from a 1-month trial involving around 100 subjects from the AI4FoodDB database, including biomarkers, vital signs, and behavioral data, we identify key differences between those achieving weight loss (>= 2% of their initial weight) and those who do not. Feature selection techniques and classification algorithms reveal promising results, with the Gradient Boosting classifier achieving 84.44% Area Under the Curve (AUC). The integration of multiple data sources (e.g., vital signs, physical and sleep activity, etc.) enhances performance, suggesting the potential of wearable devices and AI in personalized healthcare.
comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables, 1 appendix
☆ Precision Aquaculture: An Integrated Computer Vision and IoT Approach for Optimized Tilapia Feeding
Traditional fish farming practices often lead to inefficient feeding, resulting in environmental issues and reduced productivity. We developed an innovative system combining computer vision and IoT technologies for precise Tilapia feeding. Our solution uses real-time IoT sensors to monitor water quality parameters and computer vision algorithms to analyze fish size and count, determining optimal feed amounts. A mobile app enables remote monitoring and control. We utilized YOLOv8 for keypoint detection to measure Tilapia weight from length, achieving \textbf{94\%} precision on 3,500 annotated images. Pixel-based measurements were converted to centimeters using depth estimation for accurate feeding calculations. Our method, with data collection mirroring inference conditions, significantly improved results. Preliminary estimates suggest this approach could increase production up to 58 times compared to traditional farms. Our models, code, and dataset are open-source~\footnote{The code, dataset, and models are available upon reasonable request.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, 21th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics
☆ xTED: Cross-Domain Policy Adaptation via Diffusion-Based Trajectory Editing
Reusing pre-collected data from different domains is an attractive solution in decision-making tasks where the accessible data is insufficient in the target domain but relatively abundant in other related domains. Existing cross-domain policy transfer methods mostly aim at learning domain correspondences or corrections to facilitate policy learning, which requires learning domain/task-specific model components, representations, or policies that are inflexible or not fully reusable to accommodate arbitrary domains and tasks. These issues make us wonder: can we directly bridge the domain gap at the data (trajectory) level, instead of devising complicated, domain-specific policy transfer models? In this study, we propose a Cross-Domain Trajectory EDiting (xTED) framework with a new diffusion transformer model (Decision Diffusion Transformer, DDiT) that captures the trajectory distribution from the target dataset as a prior. The proposed diffusion transformer backbone captures the intricate dependencies among state, action, and reward sequences, as well as the transition dynamics within the target data trajectories. With the above pre-trained diffusion prior, source data trajectories with domain gaps can be transformed into edited trajectories that closely resemble the target data distribution through the diffusion-based editing process, which implicitly corrects the underlying domain gaps, enhancing the state realism and dynamics reliability in source trajectory data, while enabling flexible choices of downstream policy learning methods. Despite its simplicity, xTED demonstrates superior performance against other baselines in extensive simulation and real-robot experiments.
comment: xTED offers a novel, generic, flexible, simple and effective paradigm that casts cross-domain policy adaptation as a data pre-processing problem
☆ Redesigning graph filter-based GNNs to relax the homophily assumption
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have become a workhorse approach for learning from data defined over irregular domains, typically by implicitly assuming that the data structure is represented by a homophilic graph. However, recent works have revealed that many relevant applications involve heterophilic data where the performance of GNNs can be notably compromised. To address this challenge, we present a simple yet effective architecture designed to mitigate the limitations of the homophily assumption. The proposed architecture reinterprets the role of graph filters in convolutional GNNs, resulting in a more general architecture while incorporating a stronger inductive bias than GNNs based on filter banks. The proposed convolutional layer enhances the expressive capacity of the architecture enabling it to learn from both homophilic and heterophilic data and preventing the issue of oversmoothing. From a theoretical standpoint, we show that the proposed architecture is permutation equivariant. Finally, we show that the proposed GNNs compares favorably relative to several state-of-the-art baselines in both homophilic and heterophilic datasets, showcasing its promising potential.
☆ Acoustic identification of individual animals with hierarchical contrastive learning ICASSP 2025
Acoustic identification of individual animals (AIID) is closely related to audio-based species classification but requires a finer level of detail to distinguish between individual animals within the same species. In this work, we frame AIID as a hierarchical multi-label classification task and propose the use of hierarchy-aware loss functions to learn robust representations of individual identities that maintain the hierarchical relationships among species and taxa. Our results demonstrate that hierarchical embeddings not only enhance identification accuracy at the individual level but also at higher taxonomic levels, effectively preserving the hierarchical structure in the learned representations. By comparing our approach with non-hierarchical models, we highlight the advantage of enforcing this structure in the embedding space. Additionally, we extend the evaluation to the classification of novel individual classes, demonstrating the potential of our method in open-set classification scenarios.
comment: Under review; Submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ Towards certifiable AI in aviation: landscape, challenges, and opportunities
Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods are powerful tools for various domains, including critical fields such as avionics, where certification is required to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of safety. General solutions for safety-critical systems must address three main questions: Is it suitable? What drives the system's decisions? Is it robust to errors/attacks? This is more complex in AI than in traditional methods. In this context, this paper presents a comprehensive mind map of formal AI certification in avionics. It highlights the challenges of certifying AI development with an example to emphasize the need for qualification beyond performance metrics.
☆ Investigating Disentanglement in a Phoneme-level Speech Codec for Prosody Modeling
Most of the prevalent approaches in speech prosody modeling rely on learning global style representations in a continuous latent space which encode and transfer the attributes of reference speech. However, recent work on neural codecs which are based on Residual Vector Quantization (RVQ) already shows great potential offering distinct advantages. We investigate the prosody modeling capabilities of the discrete space of such an RVQ-VAE model, modifying it to operate on the phoneme-level. We condition both the encoder and decoder of the model on linguistic representations and apply a global speaker embedding in order to factor out both phonetic and speaker information. We conduct an extensive set of investigations based on subjective experiments and objective measures to show that the phoneme-level discrete latent representations obtained this way achieves a high degree of disentanglement, capturing fine-grained prosodic information that is robust and transferable. The latent space turns out to have interpretable structure with its principal components corresponding to pitch and energy.
☆ Online Learning Of Expanding Graphs
This paper addresses the problem of online network topology inference for expanding graphs from a stream of spatiotemporal signals. Online algorithms for dynamic graph learning are crucial in delay-sensitive applications or when changes in topology occur rapidly. While existing works focus on inferring the connectivity within a fixed set of nodes, in practice, the graph can grow as new nodes join the network. This poses additional challenges like modeling temporal dynamics involving signals and graphs of different sizes. This growth also increases the computational complexity of the learning process, which may become prohibitive. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to tackle this setting. We propose a general online algorithm based on projected proximal gradient descent that accounts for the increasing graph size at each iteration. Recursively updating the sample covariance matrix is a key aspect of our approach. We introduce a strategy that enables different types of updates for nodes that just joined the network and for previously existing nodes. To provide further insights into the proposed method, we specialize it in Gaussian Markov random field settings, where we analyze the computational complexity and characterize the dynamic cumulative regret. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach using both controlled experiments and real-world datasets from epidemic and financial networks.
☆ Promoting Fairness in Link Prediction with Graph Enhancement
Link prediction is a crucial task in network analysis, but it has been shown to be prone to biased predictions, particularly when links are unfairly predicted between nodes from different sensitive groups. In this paper, we study the fair link prediction problem, which aims to ensure that the predicted link probability is independent of the sensitive attributes of the connected nodes. Existing methods typically incorporate debiasing techniques within graph embeddings to mitigate this issue. However, training on large real-world graphs is already challenging, and adding fairness constraints can further complicate the process. To overcome this challenge, we propose FairLink, a method that learns a fairness-enhanced graph to bypass the need for debiasing during the link predictor's training. FairLink maintains link prediction accuracy by ensuring that the enhanced graph follows a training trajectory similar to that of the original input graph. Meanwhile, it enhances fairness by minimizing the absolute difference in link probabilities between node pairs within the same sensitive group and those between node pairs from different sensitive groups. Our extensive experiments on multiple large-scale graphs demonstrate that FairLink not only promotes fairness but also often achieves link prediction accuracy comparable to baseline methods. Most importantly, the enhanced graph exhibits strong generalizability across different GNN architectures.
☆ LMAC-TD: Producing Time Domain Explanations for Audio Classifiers
Neural networks are typically black-boxes that remain opaque with regards to their decision mechanisms. Several works in the literature have proposed post-hoc explanation methods to alleviate this issue. This paper proposes LMAC-TD, a post-hoc explanation method that trains a decoder to produce explanations directly in the time domain. This methodology builds upon the foundation of L-MAC, Listenable Maps for Audio Classifiers, a method that produces faithful and listenable explanations. We incorporate SepFormer, a popular transformer-based time-domain source separation architecture. We show through a user study that LMAC-TD significantly improves the audio quality of the produced explanations while not sacrificing from faithfulness.
comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this research. Author order is alphabetical
☆ Training Gradient Boosted Decision Trees on Tabular Data Containing Label Noise for Classification Tasks
Label noise refers to the phenomenon where instances in a data set are assigned to the wrong label. Label noise is harmful to classifier performance, increases model complexity and impairs feature selection. Addressing label noise is crucial, yet current research primarily focuses on image and text data using deep neural networks. This leaves a gap in the study of tabular data and gradient-boosted decision trees (GBDTs), the leading algorithm for tabular data. Different methods have already been developed which either try to filter label noise, model label noise while simultaneously training a classifier or use learning algorithms which remain effective even if label noise is present. This study aims to further investigate the effects of label noise on gradient-boosted decision trees and methods to mitigate those effects. Through comprehensive experiments and analysis, the implemented methods demonstrate state-of-the-art noise detection performance on the Adult dataset and achieve the highest classification precision and recall on the Adult and Breast Cancer datasets, respectively. In summary, this paper enhances the understanding of the impact of label noise on GBDTs and lays the groundwork for future research in noise detection and correction methods.
☆ CPL: Critical Planning Step Learning Boosts LLM Generalization in Reasoning Tasks
Post-training large language models (LLMs) to develop reasoning capabilities has proven effective across diverse domains, such as mathematical reasoning and code generation. However, existing methods primarily focus on improving task-specific reasoning but have not adequately addressed the model's generalization capabilities across a broader range of reasoning tasks. To tackle this challenge, we introduce Critical Planning Step Learning (CPL), which leverages Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to explore diverse planning steps in multi-step reasoning tasks. Based on long-term outcomes, CPL learns step-level planning preferences to improve the model's planning capabilities and, consequently, its general reasoning capabilities. Furthermore, while effective in many scenarios for aligning LLMs, existing preference learning approaches like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) struggle with complex multi-step reasoning tasks due to their inability to capture fine-grained supervision at each step. We propose Step-level Advantage Preference Optimization (Step-APO), which integrates an advantage estimate for step-level preference pairs obtained via MCTS into the DPO. This enables the model to more effectively learn critical intermediate planning steps, thereby further improving its generalization in reasoning tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that our method, trained exclusively on GSM8K and MATH, not only significantly improves performance on GSM8K (+10.5%) and MATH (+6.5%), but also enhances out-of-domain reasoning benchmarks, such as ARC-C (+4.0%), BBH (+1.8%), MMLU-STEM (+2.2%), and MMLU (+0.9%).
☆ Byzantine-Robust and Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning via Compressed Momentum Filtering
Distributed learning has become the standard approach for training large-scale machine learning models across private data silos. While distributed learning enhances privacy preservation and training efficiency, it faces critical challenges related to Byzantine robustness and communication reduction. Existing Byzantine-robust and communication-efficient methods rely on full gradient information either at every iteration or at certain iterations with a probability, and they only converge to an unnecessarily large neighborhood around the solution. Motivated by these issues, we propose a novel Byzantine-robust and communication-efficient stochastic distributed learning method that imposes no requirements on batch size and converges to a smaller neighborhood around the optimal solution than all existing methods, aligning with the theoretical lower bound. Our key innovation is leveraging Polyak Momentum to mitigate the noise caused by both biased compressors and stochastic gradients, thus defending against Byzantine workers under information compression. We provide proof of tight complexity bounds for our algorithm in the context of non-convex smooth loss functions, demonstrating that these bounds match the lower bounds in Byzantine-free scenarios. Finally, we validate the practical significance of our algorithm through an extensive series of experiments, benchmarking its performance on both binary classification and image classification tasks.
comment: 12 pages, 2 figures
☆ Utilizing Data Fingerprints for Privacy-Preserving Algorithm Selection in Time Series Classification: Performance and Uncertainty Estimation on Unseen Datasets
The selection of algorithms is a crucial step in designing AI services for real-world time series classification use cases. Traditional methods such as neural architecture search, automated machine learning, combined algorithm selection, and hyperparameter optimizations are effective but require considerable computational resources and necessitate access to all data points to run their optimizations. In this work, we introduce a novel data fingerprint that describes any time series classification dataset in a privacy-preserving manner and provides insight into the algorithm selection problem without requiring training on the (unseen) dataset. By decomposing the multi-target regression problem, only our data fingerprints are used to estimate algorithm performance and uncertainty in a scalable and adaptable manner. Our approach is evaluated on the 112 University of California riverside benchmark datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in predicting the performance of 35 state-of-the-art algorithms and providing valuable insights for effective algorithm selection in time series classification service systems, improving a naive baseline by 7.32% on average in estimating the mean performance and 15.81% in estimating the uncertainty.
comment: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-58) 2025
☆ Improving Analog Neural Network Robustness: A Noise-Agnostic Approach with Explainable Regularizations
This work tackles the critical challenge of mitigating "hardware noise" in deep analog neural networks, a major obstacle in advancing analog signal processing devices. We propose a comprehensive, hardware-agnostic solution to address both correlated and uncorrelated noise affecting the activation layers of deep neural models. The novelty of our approach lies in its ability to demystify the "black box" nature of noise-resilient networks by revealing the underlying mechanisms that reduce sensitivity to noise. In doing so, we introduce a new explainable regularization framework that harnesses these mechanisms to significantly enhance noise robustness in deep neural architectures.
☆ Co-Optimization of Robot Design and Control: Enhancing Performance and Understanding Design Complexity
The design (shape) of a robot is usually decided before the control is implemented. This might limit how well the design is adapted to a task, as the suitability of the design is given by how well the robot performs in the task, which requires both a design and a controller. The co-optimization or simultaneous optimization of the design and control of robots addresses this limitation by producing a design and control that are both adapted to the task. In this paper, we investigate some of the challenges inherent in the co-optimization of design and control. We show that retraining the controller of a robot with additional resources after the co-optimization process terminates significantly improves the robot's performance. In addition, we demonstrate that the resources allocated to training the controller for each design influence the design complexity, where simpler designs are associated with lower training budgets. The experimentation is conducted in four publicly available simulation environments for co-optimization of design and control, making the findings more applicable to the general case. The results presented in this paper hope to guide other practitioners in the co-optimization of design and control of robots.
☆ Optimizing Item-based Marketing Promotion Efficiency in C2C Marketplace with Dynamic Sequential Coupon Allocation Framework
In e-commerce platforms, coupons play a crucial role in boosting transactions. In the customer-to-customer (C2C) marketplace, ensuring the satisfaction of both buyers and sellers is essential. While buyer-focused marketing strategies often receive more attention, addressing the needs of sellers is equally important. Additionally, the existing strategies tend to optimize each promotion independently, resulting in a lack of continuity between promotions and unnecessary costs in the pursuit of short-term impact within each promotion period. We introduce a Dynamic Sequential Coupon Allocation Framework (DSCAF) to optimize item coupon allocation strategies across a series of promotions. DSCAF provides sequential recommendations for coupon configurations and timing to target items. In cases where initial suggestions do not lead to sales, it dynamically adjusts the strategy and offers subsequent solutions. It integrates two predictors for estimating the sale propensity in the current and subsequent rounds of coupon allocation, and a decision-making process to determine the coupon allocation solution. It runs iteratively until the item is sold. The goal of the framework is to maximize Return on Investment (ROI) while ensuring lift Sell-through Rate (STR) remains above a specified threshold. DSCAF aims to optimize sequential coupon efficiency with a long-term perspective rather than solely focusing on the lift achieved in each individual promotion. It has been applied for item coupon allocation in Mercari.
☆ Automatic Generation of Fast and Accurate Performance Models for Deep Neural Network Accelerators
Implementing Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on resource-constrained edge devices is a challenging task that requires tailored hardware accelerator architectures and a clear understanding of their performance characteristics when executing the intended AI workload. To facilitate this, we present an automated generation approach for fast performance models to accurately estimate the latency of a DNN mapped onto systematically modeled and concisely described accelerator architectures. Using our accelerator architecture description method, we modeled representative DNN accelerators such as Gemmini, UltraTrail, Plasticine-derived, and a parameterizable systolic array. Together with DNN mappings for those modeled architectures, we perform a combined DNN/hardware dependency graph analysis, which enables us, in the best case, to evaluate only 154 loop kernel iterations to estimate the performance for 4.19 billion instructions achieving a significant speedup. We outperform regression and analytical models in terms of mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) compared to simulation results, while being several magnitudes faster than an RTL simulation.
comment: Accepted version for: ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
☆ CompressedMediQ: Hybrid Quantum Machine Learning Pipeline for High-Dimentional Neuroimaging Data
This paper introduces CompressedMediQ, a novel hybrid quantum-classical machine learning pipeline specifically developed to address the computational challenges associated with high-dimensional multi-class neuroimaging data analysis. Standard neuroimaging datasets, such as 4D MRI data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and Neuroimaging in Frontotemporal Dementia (NIFD), present significant hurdles due to their vast size and complexity. CompressedMediQ integrates classical high-performance computing (HPC) nodes for advanced MRI pre-processing and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-PCA-based feature extraction and reduction, addressing the limited-qubit availability for quantum data encoding in the NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era. This is followed by Quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVM) classification. By utilizing quantum kernel methods, the pipeline optimizes feature mapping and classification, enhancing data separability and outperforming traditional neuroimaging analysis techniques. Experimental results highlight the pipeline's superior accuracy in dementia staging, validating the practical use of quantum machine learning in clinical diagnostics. Despite the limitations of NISQ devices, this proof-of-concept demonstrates the transformative potential of quantum-enhanced learning, paving the way for scalable and precise diagnostic tools in healthcare and signal processing.
☆ Learning Short Codes for Fading Channels with No or Receiver-Only Channel State Information
In next-generation wireless networks, low latency often necessitates short-length codewords that either do not use channel state information (CSI) or rely solely on CSI at the receiver (CSIR). Gaussian codes that achieve capacity for AWGN channels may be unsuitable for these no-CSI and CSIR-only cases. In this work, we design short-length codewords for these cases using an autoencoder architecture. From the designed codes, we observe the following: In the no-CSI case, the learned codes are mutually orthogonal when the distribution of the real and imaginary parts of the fading random variable has support over the entire real line. However, when the support is limited to the non-negative real line, the codes are not mutually orthogonal. For the CSIR-only case, deep learning-based codes designed for AWGN channels perform worse in fading channels with optimal coherent detection compared to codes specifically designed for fading channels with CSIR, where the autoencoder jointly learns encoding, coherent combining, and decoding. In both no-CSI and CSIR-only cases, the codes perform at least as well as or better than classical codes of the same block length.
☆ Molecular Graph Representation Learning via Structural Similarity Information
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely employed for feature representation learning in molecular graphs. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance the expressiveness of feature representation to ensure the effectiveness of GNNs. However, a significant portion of current research primarily focuses on the structural features within individual molecules, often overlooking the structural similarity between molecules, which is a crucial aspect encapsulating rich information on the relationship between molecular properties and structural characteristics. Thus, these approaches fail to capture the rich semantic information at the molecular structure level. To bridge this gap, we introduce the \textbf{Molecular Structural Similarity Motif GNN (MSSM-GNN)}, a novel molecular graph representation learning method that can capture structural similarity information among molecules from a global perspective. In particular, we propose a specially designed graph that leverages graph kernel algorithms to represent the similarity between molecules quantitatively. Subsequently, we employ GNNs to learn feature representations from molecular graphs, aiming to enhance the accuracy of property prediction by incorporating additional molecular representation information. Finally, through a series of experiments conducted on both small-scale and large-scale molecular datasets, we demonstrate that our model consistently outperforms eleven state-of-the-art baselines. The codes are available at https://github.com/yaoyao-yaoyao-cell/MSSM-GNN.
☆ Batch Ensemble for Variance Dependent Regret in Stochastic Bandits
Efficiently trading off exploration and exploitation is one of the key challenges in online Reinforcement Learning (RL). Most works achieve this by carefully estimating the model uncertainty and following the so-called optimistic model. Inspired by practical ensemble methods, in this work we propose a simple and novel batch ensemble scheme that provably achieves near-optimal regret for stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB). Crucially, our algorithm has just a single parameter, namely the number of batches, and its value does not depend on distributional properties such as the scale and variance of the losses. We complement our theoretical results by demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithm on synthetic benchmarks.
☆ Second-order difference subspace
Subspace representation is a fundamental technique in various fields of machine learning. Analyzing a geometrical relationship among multiple subspaces is essential for understanding subspace series' temporal and/or spatial dynamics. This paper proposes the second-order difference subspace, a higher-order extension of the first-order difference subspace between two subspaces that can analyze the geometrical difference between them. As a preliminary for that, we extend the definition of the first-order difference subspace to the more general setting that two subspaces with different dimensions have an intersection. We then define the second-order difference subspace by combining the concept of first-order difference subspace and principal component subspace (Karcher mean) between two subspaces, motivated by the second-order central difference method. We can understand that the first/second-order difference subspaces correspond to the velocity and acceleration of subspace dynamics from the viewpoint of a geodesic on a Grassmann manifold. We demonstrate the validity and naturalness of our second-order difference subspace by showing numerical results on two applications: temporal shape analysis of a 3D object and time series analysis of a biometric signal.
comment: 18 pages, 11 figures
☆ Fair CoVariance Neural Networks
Covariance-based data processing is widespread across signal processing and machine learning applications due to its ability to model data interconnectivities and dependencies. However, harmful biases in the data may become encoded in the sample covariance matrix and cause data-driven methods to treat different subpopulations unfairly. Existing works such as fair principal component analysis (PCA) mitigate these effects, but remain unstable in low sample regimes, which in turn may jeopardize the fairness goal. To address both biases and instability, we propose Fair coVariance Neural Networks (FVNNs), which perform graph convolutions on the covariance matrix for both fair and accurate predictions. Our FVNNs provide a flexible model compatible with several existing bias mitigation techniques. In particular, FVNNs allow for mitigating the bias in two ways: first, they operate on fair covariance estimates that remove biases from their principal components; second, they are trained in an end-to-end fashion via a fairness regularizer in the loss function so that the model parameters are tailored to solve the task directly in a fair manner. We prove that FVNNs are intrinsically fairer than analogous PCA approaches thanks to their stability in low sample regimes. We validate the robustness and fairness of our model on synthetic and real-world data, showcasing the flexibility of FVNNs along with the tradeoff between fair and accurate performance.
☆ Think Twice Before You Act: Improving Inverse Problem Solving With MCMC
Recent studies demonstrate that diffusion models can serve as a strong prior for solving inverse problems. A prominent example is Diffusion Posterior Sampling (DPS), which approximates the posterior distribution of data given the measure using Tweedie's formula. Despite the merits of being versatile in solving various inverse problems without re-training, the performance of DPS is hindered by the fact that this posterior approximation can be inaccurate especially for high noise levels. Therefore, we propose \textbf{D}iffusion \textbf{P}osterior \textbf{MC}MC (\textbf{DPMC}), a novel inference algorithm based on Annealed MCMC to solve inverse problems with pretrained diffusion models. We define a series of intermediate distributions inspired by the approximated conditional distributions used by DPS. Through annealed MCMC sampling, we encourage the samples to follow each intermediate distribution more closely before moving to the next distribution at a lower noise level, and therefore reduce the accumulated error along the path. We test our algorithm in various inverse problems, including super resolution, Gaussian deblurring, motion deblurring, inpainting, and phase retrieval. Our algorithm outperforms DPS with less number of evaluations across nearly all tasks, and is competitive among existing approaches.
☆ Causal GNNs: A GNN-Driven Instrumental Variable Approach for Causal Inference in Networks
As network data applications continue to expand, causal inference within networks has garnered increasing attention. However, hidden confounders complicate the estimation of causal effects. Most methods rely on the strong ignorability assumption, which presumes the absence of hidden confounders-an assumption that is both difficult to validate and often unrealistic in practice. To address this issue, we propose CgNN, a novel approach that leverages network structure as instrumental variables (IVs), combined with graph neural networks (GNNs) and attention mechanisms, to mitigate hidden confounder bias and improve causal effect estimation. By utilizing network structure as IVs, we reduce confounder bias while preserving the correlation with treatment. Our integration of attention mechanisms enhances robustness and improves the identification of important nodes. Validated on two real-world datasets, our results demonstrate that CgNN effectively mitigates hidden confounder bias and offers a robust GNN-driven IV framework for causal inference in complex network data.
☆ An Efficient Privacy-aware Split Learning Framework for Satellite Communications
In the rapidly evolving domain of satellite communications, integrating advanced machine learning techniques, particularly split learning, is crucial for enhancing data processing and model training efficiency across satellites, space stations, and ground stations. Traditional ML approaches often face significant challenges within satellite networks due to constraints such as limited bandwidth and computational resources. To address this gap, we propose a novel framework for more efficient SL in satellite communications. Our approach, Dynamic Topology Informed Pruning, namely DTIP, combines differential privacy with graph and model pruning to optimize graph neural networks for distributed learning. DTIP strategically applies differential privacy to raw graph data and prunes GNNs, thereby optimizing both model size and communication load across network tiers. Extensive experiments across diverse datasets demonstrate DTIP's efficacy in enhancing privacy, accuracy, and computational efficiency. Specifically, on Amazon2M dataset, DTIP maintains an accuracy of 0.82 while achieving a 50% reduction in floating-point operations per second. Similarly, on ArXiv dataset, DTIP achieves an accuracy of 0.85 under comparable conditions. Our framework not only significantly improves the operational efficiency of satellite communications but also establishes a new benchmark in privacy-aware distributed learning, potentially revolutionizing data handling in space-based networks.
comment: 11 pages
☆ Integration of Mamba and Transformer -- MAT for Long-Short Range Time Series Forecasting with Application to Weather Dynamics CEC
Long-short range time series forecasting is essential for predicting future trends and patterns over extended periods. While deep learning models such as Transformers have made significant strides in advancing time series forecasting, they often encounter difficulties in capturing long-term dependencies and effectively managing sparse semantic features. The state-space model, Mamba, addresses these issues through its adept handling of selective input and parallel computing, striking a balance between computational efficiency and prediction accuracy. This article examines the advantages and disadvantages of both Mamba and Transformer models, and introduces a combined approach, MAT, which leverages the strengths of each model to capture unique long-short range dependencies and inherent evolutionary patterns in multivariate time series. Specifically, MAT harnesses the long-range dependency capabilities of Mamba and the short-range characteristics of Transformers. Experimental results on benchmark weather datasets demonstrate that MAT outperforms existing comparable methods in terms of prediction accuracy, scalability, and memory efficiency.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to be presented at the 5th International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE)
☆ MAPX: An explainable model-agnostic framework for the detection of false information on social media networks
The automated detection of false information has become a fundamental task in combating the spread of "fake news" on online social media networks (OSMN) as it reduces the need for manual discernment by individuals. In the literature, leveraging various content or context features of OSMN documents have been found useful. However, most of the existing detection models often utilise these features in isolation without regard to the temporal and dynamic changes oft-seen in reality, thus, limiting the robustness of the models. Furthermore, there has been little to no consideration of the impact of the quality of documents' features on the trustworthiness of the final prediction. In this paper, we introduce a novel model-agnostic framework, called MAPX, which allows evidence based aggregation of predictions from existing models in an explainable manner. Indeed, the developed aggregation method is adaptive, dynamic and considers the quality of OSMN document features. Further, we perform extensive experiments on benchmarked fake news datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of MAPX using various real-world data quality scenarios. Our empirical results show that the proposed framework consistently outperforms all state-of-the-art models evaluated. For reproducibility, a demo of MAPX is available at \href{https://github.com/SCondran/MAPX_framework}{this link}
comment: 16 pages, 5 figures
☆ Optimal Classification-based Anomaly Detection with Neural Networks: Theory and Practice
Anomaly detection is an important problem in many application areas, such as network security. Many deep learning methods for unsupervised anomaly detection produce good empirical performance but lack theoretical guarantees. By casting anomaly detection into a binary classification problem, we establish non-asymptotic upper bounds and a convergence rate on the excess risk on rectified linear unit (ReLU) neural networks trained on synthetic anomalies. Our convergence rate on the excess risk matches the minimax optimal rate in the literature. Furthermore, we provide lower and upper bounds on the number of synthetic anomalies that can attain this optimality. For practical implementation, we relax some conditions to improve the search for the empirical risk minimizer, which leads to competitive performance to other classification-based methods for anomaly detection. Overall, our work provides the first theoretical guarantees of unsupervised neural network-based anomaly detectors and empirical insights on how to design them well.
☆ Anytime Continual Learning for Open Vocabulary Classification ECCV 2024
We propose an approach for anytime continual learning (AnytimeCL) for open vocabulary image classification. The AnytimeCL problem aims to break away from batch training and rigid models by requiring that a system can predict any set of labels at any time and efficiently update and improve when receiving one or more training samples at any time. Despite the challenging goal, we achieve substantial improvements over recent methods. We propose a dynamic weighting between predictions of a partially fine-tuned model and a fixed open vocabulary model that enables continual improvement when training samples are available for a subset of a task's labels. We also propose an attention-weighted PCA compression of training features that reduces storage and computation with little impact to model accuracy. Our methods are validated with experiments that test flexibility of learning and inference. Code is available at https://github.com/jessemelpolio/AnytimeCL.
comment: To appear at ECCV 2024 as Oral presentation
☆ Enhancing Privacy in ControlNet and Stable Diffusion via Split Learning
With the emerging trend of large generative models, ControlNet is introduced to enable users to fine-tune pre-trained models with their own data for various use cases. A natural question arises: how can we train ControlNet models while ensuring users' data privacy across distributed devices? Exploring different distributed training schemes, we find conventional federated learning and split learning unsuitable. Instead, we propose a new distributed learning structure that eliminates the need for the server to send gradients back. Through a comprehensive evaluation of existing threats, we discover that in the context of training ControlNet with split learning, most existing attacks are ineffective, except for two mentioned in previous literature. To counter these threats, we leverage the properties of diffusion models and design a new timestep sampling policy during forward processes. We further propose a privacy-preserving activation function and a method to prevent private text prompts from leaving clients, tailored for image generation with diffusion models. Our experimental results demonstrate that our algorithms and systems greatly enhance the efficiency of distributed training for ControlNet while ensuring users' data privacy without compromising image generation quality.
☆ Sub-graph Based Diffusion Model for Link Prediction
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) represent a contemporary class of generative models with exceptional qualities in both synthesis and maximizing the data likelihood. These models work by traversing a forward Markov Chain where data is perturbed, followed by a reverse process where a neural network learns to undo the perturbations and recover the original data. There have been increasing efforts exploring the applications of DDPMs in the graph domain. However, most of them have focused on the generative perspective. In this paper, we aim to build a novel generative model for link prediction. In particular, we treat link prediction between a pair of nodes as a conditional likelihood estimation of its enclosing sub-graph. With a dedicated design to decompose the likelihood estimation process via the Bayesian formula, we are able to separate the estimation of sub-graph structure and its node features. Such designs allow our model to simultaneously enjoy the advantages of inductive learning and the strong generalization capability. Remarkably, comprehensive experiments across various datasets validate that our proposed method presents numerous advantages: (1) transferability across datasets without retraining, (2) promising generalization on limited training data, and (3) robustness against graph adversarial attacks.
comment: 17 pages, 3 figures
☆ Risks When Sharing LoRA Fine-Tuned Diffusion Model Weights
With the emerging trend in generative models and convenient public access to diffusion models pre-trained on large datasets, users can fine-tune these models to generate images of personal faces or items in new contexts described by natural language. Parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) such as Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has become the most common way to save memory and computation usage on the user end during fine-tuning. However, a natural question is whether the private images used for fine-tuning will be leaked to adversaries when sharing model weights. In this paper, we study the issue of privacy leakage of a fine-tuned diffusion model in a practical setting, where adversaries only have access to model weights, rather than prompts or images used for fine-tuning. We design and build a variational network autoencoder that takes model weights as input and outputs the reconstruction of private images. To improve the efficiency of training such an autoencoder, we propose a training paradigm with the help of timestep embedding. The results give a surprising answer to this research question: an adversary can generate images containing the same identities as the private images. Furthermore, we demonstrate that no existing defense method, including differential privacy-based methods, can preserve the privacy of private data used for fine-tuning a diffusion model without compromising the utility of a fine-tuned model.
☆ Integrating Neural Operators with Diffusion Models Improves Spectral Representation in Turbulence Modeling
We integrate neural operators with diffusion models to address the spectral limitations of neural operators in surrogate modeling of turbulent flows. While neural operators offer computational efficiency, they exhibit deficiencies in capturing high-frequency flow dynamics, resulting in overly smooth approximations. To overcome this, we condition diffusion models on neural operators to enhance the resolution of turbulent structures. Our approach is validated for different neural operators on diverse datasets, including a high Reynolds number jet flow simulation and experimental Schlieren velocimetry. The proposed method significantly improves the alignment of predicted energy spectra with true distributions compared to neural operators alone. Additionally, proper orthogonal decomposition analysis demonstrates enhanced spectral fidelity in space-time. This work establishes a new paradigm for combining generative models with neural operators to advance surrogate modeling of turbulent systems, and it can be used in other scientific applications that involve microstructure and high-frequency content. See our project page: vivekoommen.github.io/NO_DM
☆ Rethinking Meta-Learning from a Learning Lens
Meta-learning has emerged as a powerful approach for leveraging knowledge from previous tasks to solve new tasks. The mainstream methods focus on training a well-generalized model initialization, which is then adapted to different tasks with limited data and updates. However, it pushes the model overfitting on the training tasks. Previous methods mainly attributed this to the lack of data and used augmentations to address this issue, but they were limited by sufficient training and effective augmentation strategies. In this work, we focus on the more fundamental ``learning to learn'' strategy of meta-learning to explore what causes errors and how to eliminate these errors without changing the environment. Specifically, we first rethink the algorithmic procedure of meta-learning from a ``learning'' lens. Through theoretical and empirical analyses, we find that (i) this paradigm faces the risk of both overfitting and underfitting and (ii) the model adapted to different tasks promote each other where the effect is stronger if the tasks are more similar. Based on this insight, we propose using task relations to calibrate the optimization process of meta-learning and propose a plug-and-play method called Task Relation Learner (TRLearner) to achieve this goal. Specifically, it first obtains task relation matrices from the extracted task-specific meta-data. Then, it uses the obtained matrices with relation-aware consistency regularization to guide optimization. Extensive theoretical and empirical analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of TRLearner.
☆ Improved Finite-Particle Convergence Rates for Stein Variational Gradient Descent
We provide finite-particle convergence rates for the Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD) algorithm in the Kernel Stein Discrepancy ($\mathsf{KSD}$) and Wasserstein-2 metrics. Our key insight is the observation that the time derivative of the relative entropy between the joint density of $N$ particle locations and the $N$-fold product target measure, starting from a regular initial distribution, splits into a dominant `negative part' proportional to $N$ times the expected $\mathsf{KSD}^2$ and a smaller `positive part'. This observation leads to $\mathsf{KSD}$ rates of order $1/\sqrt{N}$, providing a near optimal double exponential improvement over the recent result by~\cite{shi2024finite}. Under mild assumptions on the kernel and potential, these bounds also grow linearly in the dimension $d$. By adding a bilinear component to the kernel, the above approach is used to further obtain Wasserstein-2 convergence. For the case of `bilinear + Mat\'ern' kernels, we derive Wasserstein-2 rates that exhibit a curse-of-dimensionality similar to the i.i.d. setting. We also obtain marginal convergence and long-time propagation of chaos results for the time-averaged particle laws.
comment: 15 pages
☆ Explaining Datasets in Words: Statistical Models with Natural Language Parameters
To make sense of massive data, we often fit simplified models and then interpret the parameters; for example, we cluster the text embeddings and then interpret the mean parameters of each cluster. However, these parameters are often high-dimensional and hard to interpret. To make model parameters directly interpretable, we introduce a family of statistical models -- including clustering, time series, and classification models -- parameterized by natural language predicates. For example, a cluster of text about COVID could be parameterized by the predicate "discusses COVID". To learn these statistical models effectively, we develop a model-agnostic algorithm that optimizes continuous relaxations of predicate parameters with gradient descent and discretizes them by prompting language models (LMs). Finally, we apply our framework to a wide range of problems: taxonomizing user chat dialogues, characterizing how they evolve across time, finding categories where one language model is better than the other, clustering math problems based on subareas, and explaining visual features in memorable images. Our framework is highly versatile, applicable to both textual and visual domains, can be easily steered to focus on specific properties (e.g. subareas), and explains sophisticated concepts that classical methods (e.g. n-gram analysis) struggle to produce.
☆ Input-to-State Stable Coupled Oscillator Networks for Closed-form Model-based Control in Latent Space
Even though a variety of methods (e.g., RL, MPC, LQR) have been proposed in the literature, efficient and effective latent-space control of physical systems remains an open challenge. A promising avenue would be to leverage powerful and well-understood closed-form strategies from control theory literature in combination with learned dynamics, such as potential-energy shaping. We identify three fundamental shortcomings in existing latent-space models that have so far prevented this powerful combination: (i) they lack the mathematical structure of a physical system, (ii) they do not inherently conserve the stability properties of the real systems. Furthermore, (iii) these methods do not have an invertible mapping between input and latent-space forcing. This work proposes a novel Coupled Oscillator Network (CON) model that simultaneously tackles all these issues. More specifically, (i) we show analytically that CON is a Lagrangian system - i.e., it presses well-defined potential and kinetic energy terms. Then, (ii) we provide formal proof of global Input-to-State stability using Lyapunov arguments. Moving to the experimental side, (iii) we demonstrate that CON reaches SoA performance when learning complex nonlinear dynamics of mechanical systems directly from images. An additional methodological innovation contributing to achieving this third goal is an approximated closed-form solution for efficient integration of network dynamics, which eases efficient training. We tackle (iv) by approximating the forcing-to-input mapping with a decoder that is trained to reconstruct the input based on the encoded latent space force. Finally, we leverage these four properties and show that they enable latent-space control. We use an integral-saturated PID with potential force compensation and demonstrate high-quality performance on a soft robot using raw pixels as the only feedback information.
comment: 41 pages, currently under review
☆ Predictive Control and Regret Analysis of Non-Stationary MDP with Look-ahead Information
Policy design in non-stationary Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) is inherently challenging due to the complexities introduced by time-varying system transition and reward, which make it difficult for learners to determine the optimal actions for maximizing cumulative future rewards. Fortunately, in many practical applications, such as energy systems, look-ahead predictions are available, including forecasts for renewable energy generation and demand. In this paper, we leverage these look-ahead predictions and propose an algorithm designed to achieve low regret in non-stationary MDPs by incorporating such predictions. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that, under certain assumptions, the regret decreases exponentially as the look-ahead window expands. When the system prediction is subject to error, the regret does not explode even if the prediction error grows sub-exponentially as a function of the prediction horizon. We validate our approach through simulations, confirming the efficacy of our algorithm in non-stationary environments.
☆ Rational-WENO: A lightweight, physically-consistent three-point weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme
Conventional WENO3 methods are known to be highly dissipative at lower resolutions, introducing significant errors in the pre-asymptotic regime. In this paper, we employ a rational neural network to accurately estimate the local smoothness of the solution, dynamically adapting the stencil weights based on local solution features. As rational neural networks can represent fast transitions between smooth and sharp regimes, this approach achieves a granular reconstruction with significantly reduced dissipation, improving the accuracy of the simulation. The network is trained offline on a carefully chosen dataset of analytical functions, bypassing the need for differentiable solvers. We also propose a robust model selection criterion based on estimates of the interpolation's convergence order on a set of test functions, which correlates better with the model performance in downstream tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on several one-, two-, and three-dimensional fluid flow problems: our scheme generalizes across grid resolutions while handling smooth and discontinuous solutions. In most cases, our rational network-based scheme achieves higher accuracy than conventional WENO3 with the same stencil size, and in a few of them, it achieves accuracy comparable to WENO5, which uses a larger stencil.
☆ Extending predictive process monitoring for collaborative processes
Process mining on business process execution data has focused primarily on orchestration-type processes performed in a single organization (intra-organizational). Collaborative (inter-organizational) processes, unlike those of orchestration type, expand several organizations (for example, in e-Government), adding complexity and various challenges both for their implementation and for their discovery, prediction, and analysis of their execution. Predictive process monitoring is based on exploiting execution data from past instances to predict the execution of current cases. It is possible to make predictions on the next activity and remaining time, among others, to anticipate possible deviations, violations, and delays in the processes to take preventive measures (e.g., re-allocation of resources). In this work, we propose an extension for collaborative processes of traditional process prediction, considering particularities of this type of process, which add information of interest in this context, for example, the next activity of which participant or the following message to be exchanged between two participants.
♻ ☆ Policy Optimization finds Nash Equilibrium in Regularized General-Sum LQ Games
In this paper, we investigate the impact of introducing relative entropy regularization on the Nash Equilibria (NE) of General-Sum $N$-agent games, revealing the fact that the NE of such games conform to linear Gaussian policies. Moreover, it delineates sufficient conditions, contingent upon the adequacy of entropy regularization, for the uniqueness of the NE within the game. As Policy Optimization serves as a foundational approach for Reinforcement Learning (RL) techniques aimed at finding the NE, in this work we prove the linear convergence of a policy optimization algorithm which (subject to the adequacy of entropy regularization) is capable of provably attaining the NE. Furthermore, in scenarios where the entropy regularization proves insufficient, we present a $\delta$-augmentation technique, which facilitates the achievement of an $\epsilon$-NE within the game.
comment: Accepted for Conference on Decision and Control 2024
♻ ☆ Fairness-enhancing mixed effects deep learning improves fairness on in- and out-of-distribution clustered (non-iid) data
Traditional deep learning (DL) models face two key challenges. First, they assume training samples are independent and identically distributed, an assumption often violated in real-world datasets where samples are grouped by shared measurements (e.g., participants or cells). This leads to performance degradation, limited generalization, and confounding issues, causing Type 1 and Type 2 errors. Second, DL models typically prioritize overall accuracy, often overlooking fairness across underrepresented groups, leading to biased outcomes in critical areas such as loan approvals and healthcare decisions. To address these issues, we introduce the Fair Mixed Effects Deep Learning (Fair MEDL) framework. Fair MEDL quantifies cluster-invariant fixed effects (FE) and cluster-specific random effects (RE) through 1) a cluster adversary for learning invariant FE, 2) a Bayesian neural network for RE, and 3) a mixing function combining FE and RE for final predictions. Additionally, we incorporate adversarial debiasing to promote fairness across three key metrics: Equalized Odds, Demographic Parity, and Counterfactual Fairness. Our method also identifies and de-weights confounding probes, improving interpretability. Evaluated on three datasets from finance and healthcare, Fair MEDL improves fairness by up to 73% for age, 47% for race, 83% for sex, and 26% for marital status, while maintaining robust predictive performance. Our implementation is publicly available on GitHub.
♻ ☆ IoTCO2: Assessing the End-To-End Carbon Footprint of Internet-of-Things-Enabled Deep Learning
To improve privacy and ensure quality-of-service (QoS), deep learning (DL) models are increasingly deployed on Internet of Things (IoT) devices for data processing, significantly increasing the carbon footprint associated with DL on IoT, covering both operational and embodied aspects. Existing operational energy predictors often overlook quantized DL models and emerging neural processing units (NPUs), while embodied carbon footprint modeling tools neglect non-computing hardware components common in IoT devices, creating a gap in accurate carbon footprint modeling tools for IoT-enabled DL. This paper introduces \textit{\carb}, an end-to-end tool for precise carbon footprint estimation in IoT-enabled DL, with deviations as low as 5\% for operational and 3.23\% for embodied carbon footprints compared to actual measurements across various DL models. Additionally, practical applications of \carb~are showcased through multiple user case studies.
comment: 5 figures, 8 tables
♻ ☆ CoverUp: Coverage-Guided LLM-Based Test Generation
Testing is an essential part of software development. Test generation tools attempt to automate the otherwise labor-intensive task of test creation, but generating high-coverage tests remains a challenge. This paper proposes CoverUp, a novel approach to driving the generation of high-coverage Python regression tests. CoverUp iteratively improves test coverage, interleaving coverage analysis with dialogs with the LLM that steer it to refine tests so that they increase coverage of lines and branches. We evaluate our prototype CoverUp implementation across a benchmark of challenging code derived from open-source Python projects, and show that CoverUp substantially improves on the state of the art. Compared to CodaMosa, a hybrid search/LLM-based test generator, CoverUp achieves a per-module median line+branch coverage of 80% (vs. 47%). Compared to MuTAP, a mutation/LLM-based test generator, CoverUp achieves an overall line+branch coverage of 90% (vs. 77%). We show that CoverUp's iterative, coverage-guided approach is crucial to its effectiveness, contributing to nearly 40% of its successes.
comment: 17 pages
♻ ☆ Does a Neural Network Really Encode Symbolic Concepts?
Recently, a series of studies have tried to extract interactions between input variables modeled by a DNN and define such interactions as concepts encoded by the DNN. However, strictly speaking, there still lacks a solid guarantee whether such interactions indeed represent meaningful concepts. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the trustworthiness of interaction concepts from four perspectives. Extensive empirical studies have verified that a well-trained DNN usually encodes sparse, transferable, and discriminative concepts, which is partially aligned with human intuition.
♻ ☆ MLP, XGBoost, KAN, TDNN, and LSTM-GRU Hybrid RNN with Attention for SPX and NDX European Call Option Pricing
We explore the performance of various artificial neural network architectures, including a multilayer perceptron (MLP), Kolmogorov-Arnold network (KAN), LSTM-GRU hybrid recursive neural network (RNN) models, and a time-delay neural network (TDNN) for pricing European call options. In this study, we attempt to leverage the ability of supervised learning methods, such as ANNs, KANs, and gradient-boosted decision trees, to approximate complex multivariate functions in order to calibrate option prices based on past market data. The motivation for using ANNs and KANs is the Universal Approximation Theorem and Kolmogorov-Arnold Representation Theorem, respectively. Specifically, we use S\&P 500 (SPX) and NASDAQ 100 (NDX) index options traded during 2015-2023 with times to maturity ranging from 15 days to over 4 years (OptionMetrics IvyDB US dataset). Black \& Scholes's (BS) PDE \cite{Black1973} model's performance in pricing the same options compared to real data is used as a benchmark. This model relies on strong assumptions, and it has been observed and discussed in the literature that real data does not match its predictions. Supervised learning methods are widely used as an alternative for calibrating option prices due to some of the limitations of this model. In our experiments, the BS model underperforms compared to all of the others. Also, the best TDNN model outperforms the best MLP model on all error metrics. We implement a simple self-attention mechanism to enhance the RNN models, significantly improving their performance. The best-performing model overall is the LSTM-GRU hybrid RNN model with attention. Also, the KAN model outperforms the TDNN and MLP models. We analyze the performance of all models by ticker, moneyness category, and over/under/correctly-priced percentage.
comment: 78 pages, 39 figures
♻ ☆ Understanding How CodeLLMs (Mis)Predict Types with Activation Steering
CodeLLMs are transforming software development as we know it. This is especially true for tasks where rule-based approaches fall short, like type prediction. The type prediction task consists in adding a new type annotation to a partially typed program, such that the resulting program is closer to being fully typed. The intractability of rule-based approaches and high cost of manual annotation make CodeLLMs an attractive solution to the problem. However, CodeLLMs are still far from being deployed on the large-scale due to doubts surrounding their reliability. To shed some light on how CodeLLMs approach type prediction, we investigate what happens when a model mispredicts a type. We show that by applying semantics-preserving edits to code, CodeLLMs are eventually misled into mispredicting type annotations. However, by leveraging activation steering we are able to "steer" the model back to the correct prediction, making models more robust against semantically irrelevant prompt features. We show that steering achieves comparable performance to fine-tuning directly on the type prediction task. Furthermore, we find that steering vectors computed from Python code are effective at correcting TypeScript mispredictions, and vice versa. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of its kind to suggest that CodeLLMs learn task representations that transfer across languages.
comment: 14 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ Linear Attention is Enough in Spatial-Temporal Forecasting
As the most representative scenario of spatial-temporal forecasting tasks, the traffic forecasting task attracted numerous attention from machine learning community due to its intricate correlation both in space and time dimension. Existing methods often treat road networks over time as spatial-temporal graphs, addressing spatial and temporal representations independently. However, these approaches struggle to capture the dynamic topology of road networks, encounter issues with message passing mechanisms and over-smoothing, and face challenges in learning spatial and temporal relationships separately. To address these limitations, we propose treating nodes in road networks at different time steps as independent spatial-temporal tokens and feeding them into a vanilla Transformer to learn complex spatial-temporal patterns, design \textbf{STformer} achieving SOTA. Given its quadratic complexity, we introduce a variant \textbf{NSTformer} based on Nystr$\ddot{o}$m method to approximate self-attention with linear complexity but even slightly better than former in a few cases astonishingly. Extensive experimental results on traffic datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance at an affordable computational cost. Our code is available at \href{https://github.com/XinyuNing/STformer-and-NSTformer}{https://github.com/XinyuNing/STformer-and-NSTformer}.
♻ ☆ The Role of Explainable AI in Revolutionizing Human Health Monitoring
The complex nature of disease mechanisms and the variability of patient symptoms present significant obstacles in developing effective diagnostic tools. Although machine learning has made considerable advances in medical diagnosis, its decision-making processes frequently lack transparency, which can jeopardize patient outcomes. This underscores the critical need for Explainable AI (XAI), which not only offers greater clarity but also has the potential to significantly improve patient care. In this literature review, we conduct a detailed analysis of analyzing XAI methods identified through searches across various databases, focusing on chronic conditions such as Parkinson's, stroke, depression, cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. The literature search revealed the application of 9 trending XAI algorithms in the field of healthcare and highlighted the pros and cons of each of them. Thus, the article is concluded with a critical appraisal of the challenges and future research opportunities for XAI in human health monitoring.
♻ ☆ Four Facets of Forecast Felicity: Calibration, Predictiveness, Randomness and Regret
Machine learning is about forecasting. Forecasts, however, obtain their usefulness only through their evaluation. Machine learning has traditionally focused on types of losses and their corresponding regret. Currently, the machine learning community regained interest in calibration. In this work, we show the conceptual equivalence of calibration and regret in evaluating forecasts. We frame the evaluation problem as a game between a forecaster, a gambler and nature. Putting intuitive restrictions on gambler and forecaster, calibration and regret naturally fall out of the framework. In addition, this game links evaluation of forecasts to randomness of outcomes. Random outcomes with respect to forecasts are equivalent to good forecasts with respect to outcomes. We call those dual aspects, calibration and regret, predictiveness and randomness, the four facets of forecast felicity.
♻ ☆ Event Detection in Time Series: Universal Deep Learning Approach
Event detection in time series is a challenging task due to the prevalence of imbalanced datasets, rare events, and time interval-defined events. Traditional supervised deep learning methods primarily employ binary classification, where each time step is assigned a binary label indicating the presence or absence of an event. However, these methods struggle to handle these specific scenarios effectively. To address these limitations, we propose a novel supervised regression-based deep learning approach that offers several advantages over classification-based methods. Our approach, with a limited number of parameters, can effectively handle various types of events within a unified framework, including rare events and imbalanced datasets. We provide theoretical justifications for its universality and precision and demonstrate its superior performance across diverse domains, particularly for rare events and imbalanced datasets.
♻ ☆ Revisiting Convergence of AdaGrad with Relaxed Assumptions UAI 2024
In this study, we revisit the convergence of AdaGrad with momentum (covering AdaGrad as a special case) on non-convex smooth optimization problems. We consider a general noise model where the noise magnitude is controlled by the function value gap together with the gradient magnitude. This model encompasses a broad range of noises including bounded noise, sub-Gaussian noise, affine variance noise and the expected smoothness, and it has been shown to be more realistic in many practical applications. Our analysis yields a probabilistic convergence rate which, under the general noise, could reach at (\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1/\sqrt{T})). This rate does not rely on prior knowledge of problem-parameters and could accelerate to (\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1/T)) where (T) denotes the total number iterations, when the noise parameters related to the function value gap and noise level are sufficiently small. The convergence rate thus matches the lower rate for stochastic first-order methods over non-convex smooth landscape up to logarithm terms [Arjevani et al., 2023]. We further derive a convergence bound for AdaGrad with mometum, considering the generalized smoothness where the local smoothness is controlled by a first-order function of the gradient norm.
comment: Accepted by UAI 2024
♻ ☆ Performance Law of Large Language Models
Guided by the belief of the scaling law, large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance in recent years. However, scaling law only gives a qualitative estimation of loss, which is influenced by various factors such as model architectures, data distributions, tokenizers, and computation precision. Thus, estimating the real performance of LLMs with different training settings rather than loss may be quite useful in practical development. In this article, we present an empirical equation named "Performance Law" to directly predict the MMLU score of an LLM, which is a widely used metric to indicate the general capability of LLMs in real-world conversations and applications. Based on only a few key hyperparameters of the LLM architecture and the size of training data, we obtain a quite accurate MMLU prediction of various LLMs with diverse sizes and architectures developed by different organizations in different years. Performance law can be used to guide the choice of LLM architecture and the effective allocation of computational resources without extensive experiments.
comment: Personal opinions of the authors
♻ ☆ Defining and Extracting generalizable interaction primitives from DNNs
Faithfully summarizing the knowledge encoded by a deep neural network (DNN) into a few symbolic primitive patterns without losing much information represents a core challenge in explainable AI. To this end, Ren et al. (2024) have derived a series of theorems to prove that the inference score of a DNN can be explained as a small set of interactions between input variables. However, the lack of generalization power makes it still hard to consider such interactions as faithful primitive patterns encoded by the DNN. Therefore, given different DNNs trained for the same task, we develop a new method to extract interactions that are shared by these DNNs. Experiments show that the extracted interactions can better reflect common knowledge shared by different DNNs.
♻ ☆ XAMI -- A Benchmark Dataset for Artefact Detection in XMM-Newton Optical Images SP
Reflected or scattered light produce artefacts in astronomical observations that can negatively impact the scientific study. Hence, automated detection of these artefacts is highly beneficial, especially with the increasing amounts of data gathered. Machine learning methods are well-suited to this problem, but currently there is a lack of annotated data to train such approaches to detect artefacts in astronomical observations. In this work, we present a dataset of images from the XMM-Newton space telescope Optical Monitoring camera showing different types of artefacts. We hand-annotated a sample of 1000 images with artefacts which we use to train automated ML methods. We further demonstrate techniques tailored for accurate detection and masking of artefacts using instance segmentation. We adopt a hybrid approach, combining knowledge from both convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformer-based models and use their advantages in segmentation. The presented method and dataset will advance artefact detection in astronomical observations by providing a reproducible baseline. All code and data are made available (https://github.com/ESA-Datalabs/XAMI-model and https://github.com/ESA-Datalabs/XAMI-dataset).
comment: Accepted for oral presentation at SPAICE 2024
♻ ☆ A Passivity-Based Method for Accelerated Convex Optimisation
This study presents a constructive methodology for designing accelerated convex optimisation algorithms in continuous-time domain. The two key enablers are the classical concept of passivity in control theory and the time-dependent change of variables that maps the output of the internal dynamic system to the optimisation variables. The Lyapunov function associated with the optimisation dynamics is obtained as a natural consequence of specifying the internal dynamics that drives the state evolution as a passive linear time-invariant system. The passivity-based methodology provides a general framework that has the flexibility to generate convex optimisation algorithms with the guarantee of different convergence rate bounds on the objective function value. The same principle applies to the design of online parameter update algorithms for adaptive control by re-defining the output of internal dynamics to allow for the feedback interconnection with tracking error dynamics.
comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, accepted for presentation at 2024 IEEE CDC
♻ ☆ Exploring the Links between the Fundamental Lemma and Kernel Regression
Generalizations and variations of the fundamental lemma by Willems et al. are an active topic of recent research. In this note, we explore and formalize the links between kernel regression and some known nonlinear extensions of the fundamental lemma. Applying a transformation to the usual linear equation in Hankel matrices, we arrive at an alternative implicit kernel representation of the system trajectories while keeping the requirements on persistency of excitation. We show that this representation is equivalent to the solution of a specific kernel regression problem. We explore the possible structures of the underlying kernel as well as the system classes to which they correspond.
comment: 7 pages
♻ ☆ Diverse Neural Audio Embeddings -- Bringing Features back ! ICASSP 2025
With the advent of modern AI architectures, a shift has happened towards end-to-end architectures. This pivot has led to neural architectures being trained without domain-specific biases/knowledge, optimized according to the task. We in this paper, learn audio embeddings via diverse feature representations, in this case, domain-specific. For the case of audio classification over hundreds of categories of sound, we learn robust separate embeddings for diverse audio properties such as pitch, timbre, and neural representation, along with also learning it via an end-to-end architecture. We observe handcrafted embeddings, e.g., pitch and timbre-based, although on their own, are not able to beat a fully end-to-end representation, yet adding these together with end-to-end embedding helps us, significantly improve performance. This work would pave the way to bring some domain expertise with end-to-end models to learn robust, diverse representations, surpassing the performance of just training end-to-end models.
comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 table, Under Review for 50th IEEE ICASSP 2025, Hyderabad, India
♻ ☆ RePlay: a Recommendation Framework for Experimentation and Production Use
Using a single tool to build and compare recommender systems significantly reduces the time to market for new models. In addition, the comparison results when using such tools look more consistent. This is why many different tools and libraries for researchers in the field of recommendations have recently appeared. Unfortunately, most of these frameworks are aimed primarily at researchers and require modification for use in production due to the inability to work on large datasets or an inappropriate architecture. In this demo, we present our open-source toolkit RePlay - a framework containing an end-to-end pipeline for building recommender systems, which is ready for production use. RePlay also allows you to use a suitable stack for the pipeline on each stage: Pandas, Polars, or Spark. This allows the library to scale computations and deploy to a cluster. Thus, RePlay allows data scientists to easily move from research mode to production mode using the same interfaces.
♻ ☆ Quantum-secure multiparty deep learning
Secure multiparty computation enables the joint evaluation of multivariate functions across distributed users while ensuring the privacy of their local inputs. This field has become increasingly urgent due to the exploding demand for computationally intensive deep learning inference. These computations are typically offloaded to cloud computing servers, leading to vulnerabilities that can compromise the security of the clients' data. To solve this problem, we introduce a linear algebra engine that leverages the quantum nature of light for information-theoretically secure multiparty computation using only conventional telecommunication components. We apply this linear algebra engine to deep learning and derive rigorous upper bounds on the information leakage of both the deep neural network weights and the client's data via the Holevo and the Cram\'er-Rao bounds, respectively. Applied to the MNIST classification task, we obtain test accuracies exceeding $96\%$ while leaking less than $0.1$ bits per weight symbol and $0.01$ bits per data symbol. This weight leakage is an order of magnitude below the minimum bit precision required for accurate deep learning using state-of-the-art quantization techniques. Our work lays the foundation for practical quantum-secure computation and unlocks secure cloud deep learning as a field.
♻ ☆ Exploring the Effectiveness of Object-Centric Representations in Visual Question Answering: Comparative Insights with Foundation Models
Object-centric (OC) representations, which represent the state of a visual scene by modeling it as a composition of objects, have the potential to be used in various downstream tasks to achieve systematic compositional generalization and facilitate reasoning. However, these claims have not been thoroughly analyzed yet. Recently, foundation models have demonstrated unparalleled capabilities across diverse domains from language to computer vision, marking them as a potential cornerstone of future research for a multitude of computational tasks. In this paper, we conduct an extensive empirical study on representation learning for downstream Visual Question Answering (VQA), which requires an accurate compositional understanding of the scene. We thoroughly investigate the benefits and trade-offs of OC models and alternative approaches including large pre-trained foundation models on both synthetic and real-world data, and demonstrate a viable way to achieve the best of both worlds. The extensiveness of our study, encompassing over 800 downstream VQA models and 15 different types of upstream representations, also provides several additional insights that we believe will be of interest to the community at large.
♻ ☆ A Methodology to Study the Impact of Spiking Neural Network Parameters considering Event-Based Automotive Data
Autonomous Driving (AD) systems are considered as the future of human mobility and transportation. Solving computer vision tasks such as image classification and object detection/segmentation, with high accuracy and low power/energy consumption, is highly needed to realize AD systems in real life. These requirements can potentially be satisfied by Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). However, the state-of-the-art works in SNN-based AD systems still focus on proposing network models that can achieve high accuracy, and they have not systematically studied the roles of SNN parameters when used for learning event-based automotive data. Therefore, we still lack understanding of how to effectively develop SNN models for AD systems. Toward this, we propose a novel methodology to systematically study and analyze the impact of SNN parameters considering event-based automotive data, then leverage this analysis for enhancing SNN developments. To do this, we first explore different settings of SNN parameters that directly affect the learning mechanism (i.e., batch size, learning rate, neuron threshold potential, and weight decay), then analyze the accuracy results. Afterward, we propose techniques that jointly improve SNN accuracy and reduce training time. Experimental results show that our methodology can improve the SNN models for AD systems than the state-of-the-art, as it achieves higher accuracy (i.e., 86%) for the NCARS dataset, and it can also achieve iso-accuracy (i.e., ~85% with standard deviation less than 0.5%) while speeding up the training time by 1.9x. In this manner, our research work provides a set of guidelines for SNN parameter enhancements, thereby enabling the practical developments of SNN-based AD systems.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
♻ ☆ SpanSeq: Similarity-based sequence data splitting method for improved development and assessment of deep learning projects
The use of deep learning models in computational biology has increased massively in recent years, and it is expected to continue with the current advances in the fields such as Natural Language Processing. These models, although able to draw complex relations between input and target, are also inclined to learn noisy deviations from the pool of data used during their development. In order to assess their performance on unseen data (their capacity to generalize), it is common to split the available data randomly into development (train/validation) and test sets. This procedure, although standard, has been shown to produce dubious assessments of generalization due to the existing similarity between samples in the databases used. In this work, we present SpanSeq, a database partition method for machine learning that can scale to most biological sequences (genes, proteins and genomes) in order to avoid data leakage between sets. We also explore the effect of not restraining similarity between sets by reproducing the development of two state-of-the-art models on bioinformatics, not only confirming the consequences of randomly splitting databases on the model assessment, but expanding those repercussions to the model development. SpanSeq is available at https://github.com/genomicepidemiology/SpanSeq.
♻ ☆ Privacy-Preserving Edge Federated Learning for Intelligent Mobile-Health Systems
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are generally designed for scenarios in which all data is stored in one data center, where the training is performed. However, in many applications, e.g., in the healthcare domain, the training data is distributed among several entities, e.g., different hospitals or patients' mobile devices/sensors. At the same time, transferring the data to a central location for learning is certainly not an option, due to privacy concerns and legal issues, and in certain cases, because of the communication and computation overheads. Federated Learning (FL) is the state-of-the-art collaborative ML approach for training an ML model across multiple parties holding local data samples, without sharing them. However, enabling learning from distributed data over such edge Internet of Things (IoT) systems (e.g., mobile-health and wearable technologies, involving sensitive personal/medical data) in a privacy-preserving fashion presents a major challenge mainly due to their stringent resource constraints, i.e., limited computing capacity, communication bandwidth, memory storage, and battery lifetime. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving edge FL framework for resource-constrained mobile-health and wearable technologies over the IoT infrastructure. We evaluate our proposed framework extensively and provide the implementation of our technique on Amazon's AWS cloud platform based on the seizure detection application in epilepsy monitoring using wearable technologies.
♻ ☆ FaçAID: A Transformer Model for Neuro-Symbolic Facade Reconstruction SIGGRAPH
We introduce a neuro-symbolic transformer-based model that converts flat, segmented facade structures into procedural definitions using a custom-designed split grammar. To facilitate this, we first develop a semi-complex split grammar tailored for architectural facades and then generate a dataset comprising of facades alongside their corresponding procedural representations. This dataset is used to train our transformer model to convert segmented, flat facades into the procedural language of our grammar. During inference, the model applies this learned transformation to new facade segmentations, providing a procedural representation that users can adjust to generate varied facade designs. This method not only automates the conversion of static facade images into dynamic, editable procedural formats but also enhances the design flexibility, allowing for easy modifications.
comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, in ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers Proceedings
♻ ☆ RoboGPT: an intelligent agent of making embodied long-term decisions for daily instruction tasks
Robotic agents must master common sense and long-term sequential decisions to solve daily tasks through natural language instruction. The developments in Large Language Models (LLMs) in natural language processing have inspired efforts to use LLMs in complex robot planning. Despite LLMs' great generalization and comprehension of instruction tasks, LLMs-generated task plans sometimes lack feasibility and correctness. To address the problem, we propose a RoboGPT agent\footnote{our code and dataset will be released soon} for making embodied long-term decisions for daily tasks, with two modules: 1) LLMs-based planning with re-plan to break the task into multiple sub-goals; 2) RoboSkill individually designed for sub-goals to learn better navigation and manipulation skills. The LLMs-based planning is enhanced with a new robotic dataset and re-plan, called RoboGPT. The new robotic dataset of 67k daily instruction tasks is gathered for fine-tuning the Llama model and obtaining RoboGPT. RoboGPT planner with strong generalization can plan hundreds of daily instruction tasks. Additionally, a low-computational Re-Plan module is designed to allow plans to flexibly adapt to the environment, thereby addressing the nomenclature diversity challenge. The proposed RoboGPT agent outperforms SOTA methods on the ALFRED daily tasks. Moreover, RoboGPT planner exceeds SOTA LLM-based planners like ChatGPT in task-planning rationality for hundreds of unseen daily tasks, and even other domain tasks, while keeping the large model's original broad application and generality.
♻ ☆ Dendrites endow artificial neural networks with accurate, robust and parameter-efficient learning
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are at the core of most Deep learning (DL) algorithms that successfully tackle complex problems like image recognition, autonomous driving, and natural language processing. However, unlike biological brains who tackle similar problems in a very efficient manner, DL algorithms require a large number of trainable parameters, making them energy-intensive and prone to overfitting. Here, we show that a new ANN architecture that incorporates the structured connectivity and restricted sampling properties of biological dendrites counteracts these limitations. We find that dendritic ANNs are more robust to overfitting and outperform traditional ANNs on several image classification tasks while using significantly fewer trainable parameters. These advantages are likely the result of a different learning strategy, whereby most of the nodes in dendritic ANNs respond to multiple classes, unlike classical ANNs that strive for class-specificity. Our findings suggest that the incorporation of dendritic properties can make learning in ANNs more precise, resilient, and parameter-efficient and shed new light on how biological features can impact the learning strategies of ANNs.
comment: 69 pages, 6 main and 11 supplementary figures, 2 main and 3 supplementary tables
♻ ☆ The Cost of Arbitrariness for Individuals: Examining the Legal and Technical Challenges of Model Multiplicity
Model multiplicity, the phenomenon where multiple models achieve similar performance despite different underlying learned functions, introduces arbitrariness in model selection. While this arbitrariness may seem inconsequential in expectation, its impact on individuals can be severe. This paper explores various individual concerns stemming from multiplicity, including the effects of arbitrariness beyond final predictions, disparate arbitrariness for individuals belonging to protected groups, and the challenges associated with the arbitrariness of a single algorithmic system creating a monopoly across various contexts. It provides both an empirical examination of these concerns and a comprehensive analysis from the legal standpoint, addressing how these issues are perceived in the anti-discrimination law in Canada. We conclude the discussion with technical challenges in the current landscape of model multiplicity to meet legal requirements and the legal gap between current law and the implications of arbitrariness in model selection, highlighting relevant future research directions for both disciplines.
comment: Current version of the paper contains errors in the attribution of previous work. We are working on creating a new version, which can take a while and thus are withdrawing this version in the meantime
♻ ☆ Where We Have Arrived in Proving the Emergence of Sparse Symbolic Concepts in AI Models
This study aims to prove the emergence of symbolic concepts (or more precisely, sparse primitive inference patterns) in well-trained deep neural networks (DNNs). Specifically, we prove the following three conditions for the emergence. (i) The high-order derivatives of the network output with respect to the input variables are all zero. (ii) The DNN can be used on occluded samples and when the input sample is less occluded, the DNN will yield higher confidence. (iii) The confidence of the DNN does not significantly degrade on occluded samples. These conditions are quite common, and we prove that under these conditions, the DNN will only encode a relatively small number of sparse interactions between input variables. Moreover, we can consider such interactions as symbolic primitive inference patterns encoded by a DNN, because we show that inference scores of the DNN on an exponentially large number of randomly masked samples can always be well mimicked by numerical effects of just a few interactions.
♻ ☆ Explaining Generalization Power of a DNN Using Interactive Concepts
This paper explains the generalization power of a deep neural network (DNN) from the perspective of interactions. Although there is no universally accepted definition of the concepts encoded by a DNN, the sparsity of interactions in a DNN has been proved, i.e., the output score of a DNN can be well explained by a small number of interactions between input variables. In this way, to some extent, we can consider such interactions as interactive concepts encoded by the DNN. Therefore, in this paper, we derive an analytic explanation of inconsistency of concepts of different complexities. This may shed new lights on using the generalization power of concepts to explain the generalization power of the entire DNN. Besides, we discover that the DNN with stronger generalization power usually learns simple concepts more quickly and encodes fewer complex concepts. We also discover the detouring dynamics of learning complex concepts, which explains both the high learning difficulty and the low generalization power of complex concepts. The code will be released when the paper is accepted.
♻ ☆ Equivariant Neural Simulators for Stochastic Spatiotemporal Dynamics NeurIPS 2023
Neural networks are emerging as a tool for scalable data-driven simulation of high-dimensional dynamical systems, especially in settings where numerical methods are infeasible or computationally expensive. Notably, it has been shown that incorporating domain symmetries in deterministic neural simulators can substantially improve their accuracy, sample efficiency, and parameter efficiency. However, to incorporate symmetries in probabilistic neural simulators that can simulate stochastic phenomena, we need a model that produces equivariant distributions over trajectories, rather than equivariant function approximations. In this paper, we propose Equivariant Probabilistic Neural Simulation (EPNS), a framework for autoregressive probabilistic modeling of equivariant distributions over system evolutions. We use EPNS to design models for a stochastic n-body system and stochastic cellular dynamics. Our results show that EPNS considerably outperforms existing neural network-based methods for probabilistic simulation. More specifically, we demonstrate that incorporating equivariance in EPNS improves simulation quality, data efficiency, rollout stability, and uncertainty quantification. We conclude that EPNS is a promising method for efficient and effective data-driven probabilistic simulation in a diverse range of domains.
comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 2023
♻ ☆ Generalizing Graph Transformers Across Diverse Graphs and Tasks via Pre-Training on Industrial-Scale Data
Graph pre-training has been concentrated on graph-level on small graphs (e.g., molecular graphs) or learning node representations on a fixed graph. Extending graph pre-trained models to web-scale graphs with billions of nodes in industrial scenarios, while avoiding negative transfer across graphs or tasks, remains a challenge. We aim to develop a general graph pre-trained model with inductive ability that can make predictions for unseen new nodes and even new graphs. In this work, we introduce a scalable transformer-based graph pre-training framework called PGT (Pre-trained Graph Transformer). Specifically, we design a flexible and scalable graph transformer as the backbone network. Meanwhile, based on the masked autoencoder architecture, we design two pre-training tasks: one for reconstructing node features and the other one for reconstructing local structures. Unlike the original autoencoder architecture where the pre-trained decoder is discarded, we propose a novel strategy that utilizes the decoder for feature augmentation. We have deployed our framework on Tencent's online game data. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our framework can perform pre-training on real-world web-scale graphs with over 540 million nodes and 12 billion edges and generalizes effectively to unseen new graphs with different downstream tasks. We further conduct experiments on the publicly available ogbn-papers100M dataset, which consists of 111 million nodes and 1.6 billion edges. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance on both industrial datasets and public datasets, while also enjoying scalability and efficiency.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Graph Neural Networks for Parkinsons Disease Detection ICASSP 2025
Despite the promising performance of state of the art approaches for Parkinsons Disease (PD) detection, these approaches often analyze individual speech segments in isolation, which can lead to suboptimal results. Dysarthric cues that characterize speech impairments from PD patients are expected to be related across segments from different speakers. Isolated segment analysis fails to exploit these inter segment relationships. Additionally, not all speech segments from PD patients exhibit clear dysarthric symptoms, introducing label noise that can negatively affect the performance and generalizability of current approaches. To address these challenges, we propose a novel PD detection framework utilizing Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs). By representing speech segments as nodes and capturing the similarity between segments through edges, our GCN model facilitates the aggregation of dysarthric cues across the graph, effectively exploiting segment relationships and mitigating the impact of label noise. Experimental results demonstrate theadvantages of the proposed GCN model for PD detection and provide insights into its underlying mechanisms
comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2025
♻ ☆ Efficient Estimation of the Central Mean Subspace via Smoothed Gradient Outer Products
We consider the problem of sufficient dimension reduction (SDR) for multi-index models. The estimators of the central mean subspace in prior works either have slow (non-parametric) convergence rates, or rely on stringent distributional conditions (e.g., the covariate distribution $P_{\mathbf{X}}$ being elliptical symmetric). In this paper, we show that a fast parametric convergence rate of form $C_d \cdot n^{-1/2}$ is achievable via estimating the \emph{expected smoothed gradient outer product}, for a general class of distribution $P_{\mathbf{X}}$ admitting Gaussian or heavier distributions. When the link function is a polynomial with a degree of at most $r$ and $P_{\mathbf{X}}$ is the standard Gaussian, we show that the prefactor depends on the ambient dimension $d$ as $C_d \propto d^r$.
♻ ☆ Sub-SA: Strengthen In-context Learning via Submodular Selective Annotation ECAI 2024
In-context learning (ICL) leverages in-context examples as prompts for the predictions of Large Language Models (LLMs). These prompts play a crucial role in achieving strong performance. However, the selection of suitable prompts from a large pool of labeled examples often entails significant annotation costs. To address this challenge, we propose Sub-SA (Submodular Selective Annotation), a submodule-based selective annotation method. The aim of Sub-SA is to reduce annotation costs while improving the quality of in-context examples and minimizing the time consumption of the selection process. In Sub-SA, we design a submodular function that facilitates effective subset selection for annotation and demonstrates the characteristics of monotonically and submodularity from the theoretical perspective. Specifically, we propose RPR (Reward and Penalty Regularization) to better balance the diversity and representativeness of the unlabeled dataset attributed to a reward term and a penalty term, respectively. Consequently, the selection for annotations can be effectively addressed with a simple yet effective greedy search algorithm based on the submodular function. Finally, we apply the similarity prompt retrieval to get the examples for ICL.
comment: Accepted by ECAI 2024
♻ ☆ FRAC-Q-Learning: A Reinforcement Learning with Boredom Avoidance Processes for Social Robots
The reinforcement learning algorithms have often been applied to social robots. However, most reinforcement learning algorithms were not optimized for the use of social robots, and consequently they may bore users. We proposed a new reinforcement learning method specialized for the social robot, the FRAC-Q-learning, that can avoid user boredom. The proposed algorithm consists of a forgetting process in addition to randomizing and categorizing processes. This study evaluated interest and boredom hardness scores of the FRAC-Q-learning by a comparison with the traditional Q-learning. The FRAC-Q-learning showed significantly higher trend of interest score, and indicated significantly harder to bore users compared to the traditional Q-learning. Therefore, the FRAC-Q-learning can contribute to develop a social robot that will not bore users. The proposed algorithm has a potential to apply for Web-based communication and educational systems. This paper presents the entire process, detailed implementation and a detailed evaluation method of the of the FRAC-Q-learning for the first time.
♻ ☆ Explainable Machine Learning for ICU Readmission Prediction
The intensive care unit (ICU) comprises a complex hospital environment, where decisions made by clinicians have a high level of risk for the patients' lives. A comprehensive care pathway must then be followed to reduce p complications. Uncertain, competing and unplanned aspects within this environment increase the difficulty in uniformly implementing the care pathway. Readmission contributes to this pathway's difficulty, occurring when patients are admitted again to the ICU in a short timeframe, resulting in high mortality rates and high resource utilisation. Several works have tried to predict readmission through patients' medical information. Although they have some level of success while predicting readmission, those works do not properly assess, characterise and understand readmission prediction. This work proposes a standardised and explainable machine learning pipeline to model patient readmission on a multicentric database (i.e., the eICU cohort with 166,355 patients, 200,859 admissions and 6,021 readmissions) while validating it on monocentric (i.e., the MIMIC IV cohort with 382,278 patients, 523,740 admissions and 5,984 readmissions) and multicentric settings. Our machine learning pipeline achieved predictive performance in terms of the area of the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) up to 0.7 with a Random Forest classification model, yielding an overall good calibration and consistency on validation sets. From explanations provided by the constructed models, we could also derive a set of insightful conclusions, primarily on variables related to vital signs and blood tests (e.g., albumin, blood urea nitrogen and hemoglobin levels), demographics (e.g., age, and admission height and weight), and ICU-associated variables (e.g., unit type). These insights provide an invaluable source of information during clinicians' decision-making while discharging ICU patients.
♻ ☆ MoDeGPT: Modular Decomposition for Large Language Model Compression
Large Language Models (LLMs) have reshaped the landscape of artificial intelligence by demonstrating exceptional performance across various tasks. However, substantial computational requirements make their deployment challenging on devices with limited resources. Recently, compression methods using low-rank matrix techniques have shown promise, yet these often lead to degraded accuracy or introduce significant overhead in parameters and inference latency. This paper introduces \textbf{Mo}dular \textbf{De}composition (MoDeGPT), a novel structured compression framework that does not need recovery fine-tuning while resolving the above drawbacks. MoDeGPT partitions the Transformer block into modules comprised of matrix pairs and reduces the hidden dimensions via reconstructing the module-level outputs. MoDeGPT is developed based on a theoretical framework that utilizes three well-established matrix decomposition algorithms -- Nystr\"om approximation, CR decomposition, and SVD -- and applies them to our redefined transformer modules. Our comprehensive experiments show MoDeGPT, without backward propagation, matches or surpasses previous structured compression methods that rely on gradient information, and saves 98% of compute costs on compressing a 13B model. On \textsc{Llama}-2/3 and OPT models, MoDeGPT maintains 90-95% zero-shot performance with 25-30% compression rates. Moreover, the compression can be done on a single GPU within a few hours and increases the inference throughput by up to 46%.
comment: 31 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality
During multimodal model training and reasoning, data samples may miss certain modalities and lead to compromised model performance due to sensor limitations, cost constraints, privacy concerns, data loss, and temporal and spatial factors. This survey provides an overview of recent progress in Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality (MLMM), focusing on deep learning techniques. It is the first comprehensive survey that covers the historical background and the distinction between MLMM and standard multimodal learning setups, followed by a detailed analysis of current MLMM methods, applications, and datasets, concluding with a discussion about challenges and potential future directions in the field.
comment: Work in progress; open to discussion; planning to submit to ACM CSUR in September
♻ ☆ Distribution-Free Fair Federated Learning with Small Samples
As federated learning gains increasing importance in real-world applications due to its capacity for decentralized data training, addressing fairness concerns across demographic groups becomes critically important. However, most existing machine learning algorithms for ensuring fairness are designed for centralized data environments and generally require large-sample and distributional assumptions, underscoring the urgent need for fairness techniques adapted for decentralized and heterogeneous systems with finite-sample and distribution-free guarantees. To address this issue, this paper introduces FedFaiREE, a post-processing algorithm developed specifically for distribution-free fair learning in decentralized settings with small samples. Our approach accounts for unique challenges in decentralized environments, such as client heterogeneity, communication costs, and small sample sizes. We provide rigorous theoretical guarantees for both fairness and accuracy, and our experimental results further provide robust empirical validation for our proposed method.
♻ ☆ Multi-Source Music Generation with Latent Diffusion ICASSP 2025
Most music generation models directly generate a single music mixture. To allow for more flexible and controllable generation, the Multi-Source Diffusion Model (MSDM) has been proposed to model music as a mixture of multiple instrumental sources (e.g. piano, drums, bass, and guitar). Its goal is to use one single diffusion model to generate mutually-coherent music sources, that are then mixed to form the music. Despite its capabilities, MSDM is unable to generate music with rich melodies and often generates empty sounds. Its waveform diffusion approach also introduces significant Gaussian noise artifacts that compromise audio quality. In response, we introduce a Multi-Source Latent Diffusion Model (MSLDM) that employs Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) to encode each instrumental source into a distinct latent representation. By training a VAE on all music sources, we efficiently capture each source's unique characteristics in a "source latent." The source latents are concatenated and our diffusion model learns this joint latent space. This approach significantly enhances the total and partial generation of music by leveraging the VAE's latent compression and noise-robustness. The compressed source latent also facilitates more efficient generation. Subjective listening tests and Frechet Audio Distance (FAD) scores confirm that our model outperforms MSDM, showcasing its practical and enhanced applicability in music generation systems. We also emphasize that modeling sources is more effective than direct music mixture modeling. Codes and models are available at https://github.com/XZWY/MSLDM. Demos are available at https://xzwy.github.io/MSLDMDemo/.
comment: ICASSP 2025 in Submission
♻ ☆ A Joint Learning Model with Variational Interaction for Multilingual Program Translation
Programs implemented in various programming languages form the foundation of software applications. To alleviate the burden of program migration and facilitate the development of software systems, automated program translation across languages has garnered significant attention. Previous approaches primarily focus on pairwise translation paradigms, learning translation between pairs of languages using bilingual parallel data. However, parallel data is difficult to collect for some language pairs, and the distribution of program semantics across languages can shift, posing challenges for pairwise program translation. In this paper, we argue that jointly learning a unified model to translate code across multiple programming languages is superior to separately learning from bilingual parallel data. We propose Variational Interaction for Multilingual Program Translation~(VIM-PT), a disentanglement-based generative approach that jointly trains a unified model for multilingual program translation across multiple languages. VIM-PT disentangles code into language-shared and language-specific features, using variational inference and interaction information with a novel lower bound, then achieves program translation through conditional generation. VIM-PT demonstrates four advantages: 1) captures language-shared information more accurately from various implementations and improves the quality of multilingual program translation, 2) mines and leverages the capability of non-parallel data, 3) addresses the distribution shift of program semantics across languages, 4) and serves as a unified model, reducing deployment complexity.
comment: Accepted by the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2024)
♻ ☆ TimeLDM: Latent Diffusion Model for Unconditional Time Series Generation
Time series generation is a crucial research topic in the area of decision-making systems, which can be particularly important in domains like autonomous driving, healthcare, and, notably, robotics. Recent approaches focus on learning in the data space to model time series information. However, the data space often contains limited observations and noisy features. In this paper, we propose TimeLDM, a novel latent diffusion model for high-quality time series generation. TimeLDM is composed of a variational autoencoder that encodes time series into an informative and smoothed latent content and a latent diffusion model operating in the latent space to generate latent information. We evaluate the ability of our method to generate synthetic time series with simulated and real-world datasets and benchmark the performance against existing state-of-the-art methods. Qualitatively and quantitatively, we find that the proposed TimeLDM persistently delivers high-quality generated time series. For example, TimeLDM achieves new state-of-the-art results on the simulated benchmarks and an average improvement of 55% in Discriminative score with all benchmarks. Further studies demonstrate that our method yields more robust outcomes across various lengths of time series data generation. Especially, for the Context-FID score and Discriminative score, TimeLDM realizes significant improvements of 80% and 50%, respectively. The code will be released after publication.
♻ ☆ Patch-Level Training for Large Language Models
As Large Language Models (LLMs) achieve remarkable progress in language understanding and generation, their training efficiency has become a critical concern. Traditionally, LLMs are trained to predict the next token in a sequence. Despite the success of token-level training, it suffers from considerable computational costs due to the need to process an extensive number of tokens. To mitigate this issue, this paper introduces patch-level training for LLMs, which reduces the sequence length by compressing multiple tokens into a single patch. During patch-level training, we feed the language model shorter sequences of patches and train it to predict the next patch, thereby processing the majority of the training data at a significantly reduced computational cost. Following this, the model continues token-level training on the remaining training data to align with the inference mode. Experiments on a diverse range of models (370M-2.7B parameters) demonstrate that patch-level training can reduce overall computational costs to 0.5$\times$, without compromising the model performance compared to token-level training. Source code: \url{https://github.com/shaochenze/PatchTrain}.
♻ ☆ Meta-Learn Unimodal Signals with Weak Supervision for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to effectively integrate information from various sources to infer sentiment, where in many cases there are no annotations for unimodal labels. Therefore, most works rely on multimodal labels for training. However, there exists the noisy label problem for the learning of unimodal signals as multimodal annotations are not always the ideal substitutes for the unimodal ones, failing to achieve finer optimization for individual modalities. In this paper, we explore the learning of unimodal labels under the weak supervision from the annotated multimodal labels. Specifically, we propose a novel meta uni-label generation (MUG) framework to address the above problem, which leverages the available multimodal labels to learn the corresponding unimodal labels by the meta uni-label correction network (MUCN). We first design a contrastive-based projection module to bridge the gap between unimodal and multimodal representations, so as to use multimodal annotations to guide the learning of MUCN. Afterwards, we propose unimodal and multimodal denoising tasks to train MUCN with explicit supervision via a bi-level optimization strategy. We then jointly train unimodal and multimodal learning tasks to extract discriminative unimodal features for multimodal inference. Experimental results suggest that MUG outperforms competitive baselines and can learn accurate unimodal labels.
♻ ☆ Hardware-Assisted Virtualization of Neural Processing Units for Cloud Platforms MICRO'24
Cloud platforms today have been deploying hardware accelerators like neural processing units (NPUs) for powering machine learning (ML) inference services. To maximize the resource utilization while ensuring reasonable quality of service, a natural approach is to virtualize NPUs for efficient resource sharing for multi-tenant ML services. However, virtualizing NPUs for modern cloud platforms is not easy. This is not only due to the lack of system abstraction support for NPU hardware, but also due to the lack of architectural and ISA support for enabling fine-grained dynamic operator scheduling for virtualized NPUs. We present Neu10, a holistic NPU virtualization framework. We investigate virtualization techniques for NPUs across the entire software and hardware stack. Neu10 consists of (1) a flexible NPU abstraction called vNPU, which enables fine-grained virtualization of the heterogeneous compute units in a physical NPU (pNPU); (2) a vNPU resource allocator that enables pay-as-you-go computing model and flexible vNPU-to-pNPU mappings for improved resource utilization and cost-effectiveness; (3) an ISA extension of modern NPU architecture for facilitating fine-grained tensor operator scheduling for multiple vNPUs. We implement Neu10 based on a production-level NPU simulator. Our experiments show that Neu10 improves the throughput of ML inference services by up to 1.4$\times$ and reduces the tail latency by up to 4.6$\times$, while improving the NPU utilization by 1.2$\times$ on average, compared to state-of-the-art NPU sharing approaches.
comment: Accepted to MICRO'24
♻ ☆ An Efficient Approach to Regression Problems with Tensor Neural Networks
This paper introduces a tensor neural network (TNN) to address nonparametric regression problems, leveraging its distinct sub-network structure to effectively facilitate variable separation and enhance the approximation of complex, high-dimensional functions. The TNN demonstrates superior performance compared to conventional Feed-Forward Networks (FFN) and Radial Basis Function Networks (RBN) in terms of both approximation accuracy and generalization capacity, even with a comparable number of parameters. A significant innovation in our approach is the integration of statistical regression and numerical integration within the TNN framework. This allows for efficient computation of high-dimensional integrals associated with the regression function and provides detailed insights into the underlying data structure. Furthermore, we employ gradient and Laplacian analysis on the regression outputs to identify key dimensions influencing the predictions, thereby guiding the design of subsequent experiments. These advancements make TNN a powerful tool for applications requiring precise high-dimensional data analysis and predictive modeling.
♻ ☆ Wildfire Risk Prediction: A Review
Wildfires have significant impacts on global vegetation, wildlife, and humans. They destroy plant communities and wildlife habitats and contribute to increased emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, and other pollutants. The prediction of wildfires relies on various independent variables combined with regression or machine learning methods. In this technical review, we describe the options for independent variables, data processing techniques, models, independent variables collinearity and importance estimation methods, and model performance evaluation metrics. First, we divide the independent variables into 4 aspects, including climate and meteorology conditions, socio-economical factors, terrain and hydrological features, and wildfire historical records. Second, preprocessing methods are described for different magnitudes, different spatial-temporal resolutions, and different formats of data. Third, the collinearity and importance evaluation methods of independent variables are also considered. Fourth, we discuss the application of statistical models, traditional machine learning models, and deep learning models in wildfire risk prediction. In this subsection, compared with other reviews, this manuscript particularly discusses the evaluation metrics and recent advancements in deep learning methods. Lastly, addressing the limitations of current research, this paper emphasizes the need for more effective deep learning time series forecasting algorithms, the utilization of three-dimensional data including ground and trunk fuel, extraction of more accurate historical fire point data, and improved model evaluation metrics.
♻ ☆ Facial Wrinkle Segmentation for Cosmetic Dermatology: Pretraining with Texture Map-Based Weak Supervision
Facial wrinkle detection plays a crucial role in cosmetic dermatology. Precise manual segmentation of facial wrinkles is challenging and time-consuming, with inherent subjectivity leading to inconsistent results among graders. To address this issue, we propose two solutions. First, we build and release the first public facial wrinkle dataset, 'FFHQ-Wrinkle', an extension of the NVIDIA FFHQ dataset. It includes 1,000 images with human labels and 50,000 images with automatically generated weak labels. This dataset could serve as a foundation for the research community to develop advanced wrinkle detection algorithms. Second, we introduce a simple training strategy utilizing texture maps, applicable to various segmentation models, to detect wrinkles across the face. Our two-stage training strategy first pretrain models on a large dataset with weak labels (N=50k), or masked texture maps generated through computer vision techniques, without human intervention. We then finetune the models using human-labeled data (N=1k), which consists of manually labeled wrinkle masks. The network takes as input a combination of RGB and masked texture map of the image, comprising four channels, in finetuning. We effectively combine labels from multiple annotators to minimize subjectivity in manual labeling. Our strategies demonstrate improved segmentation performance in facial wrinkle segmentation both quantitatively and visually compared to existing pretraining methods. The dataset is available at https://github.com/labhai/ffhq-wrinkle-dataset.
♻ ☆ Adapting Machine Learning Diagnostic Models to New Populations Using a Small Amount of Data: Results from Clinical Neuroscience
Machine learning (ML) has shown great promise for revolutionizing a number of areas, including healthcare. However, it is also facing a reproducibility crisis, especially in medicine. ML models that are carefully constructed from and evaluated on a training set might not generalize well on data from different patient populations or acquisition instrument settings and protocols. We tackle this problem in the context of neuroimaging of Alzheimer's disease (AD), schizophrenia (SZ) and brain aging. We develop a weighted empirical risk minimization approach that optimally combines data from a source group, e.g., subjects are stratified by attributes such as sex, age group, race and clinical cohort to make predictions on a target group, e.g., other sex, age group, etc. using a small fraction (10%) of data from the target group. We apply this method to multi-source data of 15,363 individuals from 20 neuroimaging studies to build ML models for diagnosis of AD and SZ, and estimation of brain age. We found that this approach achieves substantially better accuracy than existing domain adaptation techniques: it obtains area under curve greater than 0.95 for AD classification, area under curve greater than 0.7 for SZ classification and mean absolute error less than 5 years for brain age prediction on all target groups, achieving robustness to variations of scanners, protocols, and demographic or clinical characteristics. In some cases, it is even better than training on all data from the target group, because it leverages the diversity and size of a larger training set. We also demonstrate the utility of our models for prognostic tasks such as predicting disease progression in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Critically, our brain age prediction models lead to new clinical insights regarding correlations with neurophysiological tests.
♻ ☆ Integrating Chemical Language and Molecular Graph in Multimodal Fused Deep Learning for Drug Property Prediction
Accurately predicting molecular properties is a challenging but essential task in drug discovery. Recently, many mono-modal deep learning methods have been successfully applied to molecular property prediction. However, the inherent limitation of mono-modal learning arises from relying solely on one modality of molecular representation, which restricts a comprehensive understanding of drug molecules and hampers their resilience against data noise. To overcome the limitations, we construct multimodal deep learning models to cover different molecular representations. We convert drug molecules into three molecular representations, SMILES-encoded vectors, ECFP fingerprints, and molecular graphs. To process the modal information, Transformer-Encoder, bi-directional gated recurrent units (BiGRU), and graph convolutional network (GCN) are utilized for feature learning respectively, which can enhance the model capability to acquire complementary and naturally occurring bioinformatics information. We evaluated our triple-modal model on six molecule datasets. Different from bi-modal learning models, we adopt five fusion methods to capture the specific features and leverage the contribution of each modal information better. Compared with mono-modal models, our multimodal fused deep learning (MMFDL) models outperform single models in accuracy, reliability, and resistance capability against noise. Moreover, we demonstrate its generalization ability in the prediction of binding constants for protein-ligand complex molecules in the refined set of PDBbind. The advantage of the multimodal model lies in its ability to process diverse sources of data using proper models and suitable fusion methods, which would enhance the noise resistance of the model while obtaining data diversity.
♻ ☆ Explaining Large Language Models Decisions with Shapley Values
The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has opened up exciting possibilities for simulating human behavior and cognitive processes, with potential applications in various domains, including marketing research and consumer behavior analysis. However, the validity of utilizing LLMs as stand-ins for human subjects remains uncertain due to glaring divergences that suggest fundamentally different underlying processes at play and the sensitivity of LLM responses to prompt variations. This paper presents a novel approach based on Shapley values from cooperative game theory to interpret LLM behavior and quantify the relative contribution of each prompt component to the model's output. Through two applications - a discrete choice experiment and an investigation of cognitive biases - we demonstrate how the Shapley value method can uncover what we term "token noise" effects, a phenomenon where LLM decisions are disproportionately influenced by tokens providing minimal informative content. This phenomenon raises concerns about the robustness and generalizability of insights obtained from LLMs in the context of human behavior simulation. Our model-agnostic approach extends its utility to proprietary LLMs, providing a valuable tool for practitioners and researchers to strategically optimize prompts and mitigate apparent cognitive biases. Our findings underscore the need for a more nuanced understanding of the factors driving LLM responses before relying on them as substitutes for human subjects in survey settings. We emphasize the importance of researchers reporting results conditioned on specific prompt templates and exercising caution when drawing parallels between human behavior and LLMs.
♻ ☆ Tele-LLMs: A Series of Specialized Large Language Models for Telecommunications
The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has significantly impacted various fields, from natural language processing to sectors like medicine and finance. However, despite their rapid proliferation, the applications of LLMs in telecommunications remain limited, often relying on general-purpose models that lack domain-specific specialization. This lack of specialization results in underperformance, particularly when dealing with telecommunications-specific technical terminology and their associated mathematical representations. This paper addresses this gap by first creating and disseminating Tele-Data, a comprehensive dataset of telecommunications material curated from relevant sources, and Tele-Eval, a large-scale question-and-answer dataset tailored to the domain. Through extensive experiments, we explore the most effective training techniques for adapting LLMs to the telecommunications domain, ranging from examining the division of expertise across various telecommunications aspects to employing parameter-efficient techniques. We also investigate how models of different sizes behave during adaptation and analyze the impact of their training data on this behavior. Leveraging these findings, we develop and open-source Tele-LLMs, the first series of language models ranging from 1B to 8B parameters, specifically tailored for telecommunications. Our evaluations demonstrate that these models outperform their general-purpose counterparts on Tele-Eval while retaining their previously acquired capabilities, thus avoiding the catastrophic forgetting phenomenon.
♻ ☆ ROCAS: Root Cause Analysis of Autonomous Driving Accidents via Cyber-Physical Co-mutation
As Autonomous driving systems (ADS) have transformed our daily life, safety of ADS is of growing significance. While various testing approaches have emerged to enhance the ADS reliability, a crucial gap remains in understanding the accidents causes. Such post-accident analysis is paramount and beneficial for enhancing ADS safety and reliability. Existing cyber-physical system (CPS) root cause analysis techniques are mainly designed for drones and cannot handle the unique challenges introduced by more complex physical environments and deep learning models deployed in ADS. In this paper, we address the gap by offering a formal definition of ADS root cause analysis problem and introducing ROCAS, a novel ADS root cause analysis framework featuring cyber-physical co-mutation. Our technique uniquely leverages both physical and cyber mutation that can precisely identify the accident-trigger entity and pinpoint the misconfiguration of the target ADS responsible for an accident. We further design a differential analysis to identify the responsible module to reduce search space for the misconfiguration. We study 12 categories of ADS accidents and demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of ROCAS in narrowing down search space and pinpointing the misconfiguration. We also show detailed case studies on how the identified misconfiguration helps understand rationale behind accidents.
comment: Accepted at ASE 2024
Graphics 9
☆ A Diffusion Approach to Radiance Field Relighting using Multi-Illumination Synthesis
Relighting radiance fields is severely underconstrained for multi-view data, which is most often captured under a single illumination condition; It is especially hard for full scenes containing multiple objects. We introduce a method to create relightable radiance fields using such single-illumination data by exploiting priors extracted from 2D image diffusion models. We first fine-tune a 2D diffusion model on a multi-illumination dataset conditioned by light direction, allowing us to augment a single-illumination capture into a realistic -- but possibly inconsistent -- multi-illumination dataset from directly defined light directions. We use this augmented data to create a relightable radiance field represented by 3D Gaussian splats. To allow direct control of light direction for low-frequency lighting, we represent appearance with a multi-layer perceptron parameterized on light direction. To enforce multi-view consistency and overcome inaccuracies we optimize a per-image auxiliary feature vector. We show results on synthetic and real multi-view data under single illumination, demonstrating that our method successfully exploits 2D diffusion model priors to allow realistic 3D relighting for complete scenes. Project site https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/generative-radiance-field-relighting/
comment: Project site https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/generative-radiance-field-relighting/
☆ DrawingSpinUp: 3D Animation from Single Character Drawings
Animating various character drawings is an engaging visual content creation task. Given a single character drawing, existing animation methods are limited to flat 2D motions and thus lack 3D effects. An alternative solution is to reconstruct a 3D model from a character drawing as a proxy and then retarget 3D motion data onto it. However, the existing image-to-3D methods could not work well for amateur character drawings in terms of appearance and geometry. We observe the contour lines, commonly existing in character drawings, would introduce significant ambiguity in texture synthesis due to their view-dependence. Additionally, thin regions represented by single-line contours are difficult to reconstruct (e.g., slim limbs of a stick figure) due to their delicate structures. To address these issues, we propose a novel system, DrawingSpinUp, to produce plausible 3D animations and breathe life into character drawings, allowing them to freely spin up, leap, and even perform a hip-hop dance. For appearance improvement, we adopt a removal-then-restoration strategy to first remove the view-dependent contour lines and then render them back after retargeting the reconstructed character. For geometry refinement, we develop a skeleton-based thinning deformation algorithm to refine the slim structures represented by the single-line contours. The experimental evaluations and a perceptual user study show that our proposed method outperforms the existing 2D and 3D animation methods and generates high-quality 3D animations from a single character drawing. Please refer to our project page (https://lordliang.github.io/DrawingSpinUp) for the code and generated animations.
comment: 10 pages, 15 figures
☆ WheelPoser: Sparse-IMU Based Body Pose Estimation for Wheelchair Users
Despite researchers having extensively studied various ways to track body pose on-the-go, most prior work does not take into account wheelchair users, leading to poor tracking performance. Wheelchair users could greatly benefit from this pose information to prevent injuries, monitor their health, identify environmental accessibility barriers, and interact with gaming and VR experiences. In this work, we present WheelPoser, a real-time pose estimation system specifically designed for wheelchair users. Our system uses only four strategically placed IMUs on the user's body and wheelchair, making it far more practical than prior systems using cameras and dense IMU arrays. WheelPoser is able to track a wheelchair user's pose with a mean joint angle error of 14.30 degrees and a mean joint position error of 6.74 cm, more than three times better than similar systems using sparse IMUs. To train our system, we collect a novel WheelPoser-IMU dataset, consisting of 167 minutes of paired IMU sensor and motion capture data of people in wheelchairs, including wheelchair-specific motions such as propulsion and pressure relief. Finally, we explore the potential application space enabled by our system and discuss future opportunities. Open-source code, models, and dataset can be found here: https://github.com/axle-lab/WheelPoser.
comment: Accepted by ASSETS 2024
☆ Solid-Fluid Interaction on Particle Flow Maps
We propose a novel solid-fluid interaction method for coupling elastic solids with impulse flow maps. Our key idea is to unify the representation of fluid and solid components as particle flow maps with different lengths and dynamics. The solid-fluid coupling is enabled by implementing two novel mechanisms: first, we developed an impulse-to-velocity transfer mechanism to unify the exchanged physical quantities; second, we devised a particle path integral mechanism to accumulate coupling forces along each flow-map trajectory. Our framework integrates these two mechanisms into an Eulerian-Lagrangian impulse fluid simulator to accommodate traditional coupling models, exemplified by the Material Point Method (MPM) and Immersed Boundary Method (IBM), within a particle flow map framework. We demonstrate our method's efficacy by simulating solid-fluid interactions exhibiting strong vortical dynamics, including various vortex shedding and interaction examples across swimming, falling, breezing, and combustion.
comment: ACM Transaction on Graphics (Siggraph Asia)
☆ AdR-Gaussian: Accelerating Gaussian Splatting with Adaptive Radius SIGGRAPH
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) is a recent explicit 3D representation that has achieved high-quality reconstruction and real-time rendering of complex scenes. However, the rasterization pipeline still suffers from unnecessary overhead resulting from avoidable serial Gaussian culling, and uneven load due to the distinct number of Gaussian to be rendered across pixels, which hinders wider promotion and application of 3DGS. In order to accelerate Gaussian splatting, we propose AdR-Gaussian, which moves part of serial culling in Render stage into the earlier Preprocess stage to enable parallel culling, employing adaptive radius to narrow the rendering pixel range for each Gaussian, and introduces a load balancing method to minimize thread waiting time during the pixel-parallel rendering. Our contributions are threefold, achieving a rendering speed of 310% while maintaining equivalent or even better quality than the state-of-the-art. Firstly, we propose to early cull Gaussian-Tile pairs of low splatting opacity based on an adaptive radius in the Gaussian-parallel Preprocess stage, which reduces the number of affected tile through the Gaussian bounding circle, thus reducing unnecessary overhead and achieving faster rendering speed. Secondly, we further propose early culling based on axis-aligned bounding box for Gaussian splatting, which achieves a more significant reduction in ineffective expenses by accurately calculating the Gaussian size in the 2D directions. Thirdly, we propose a balancing algorithm for pixel thread load, which compresses the information of heavy-load pixels to reduce thread waiting time, and enhance information of light-load pixels to hedge against rendering quality loss. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our algorithm can significantly improve the Gaussian Splatting rendering speed.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers (SA Conference Papers '24), December 03-06, 2024, Tokyo, Japan
♻ ☆ NPGA: Neural Parametric Gaussian Avatars
The creation of high-fidelity, digital versions of human heads is an important stepping stone in the process of further integrating virtual components into our everyday lives. Constructing such avatars is a challenging research problem, due to a high demand for photo-realism and real-time rendering performance. In this work, we propose Neural Parametric Gaussian Avatars (NPGA), a data-driven approach to create high-fidelity, controllable avatars from multi-view video recordings. We build our method around 3D Gaussian splatting for its highly efficient rendering and to inherit the topological flexibility of point clouds. In contrast to previous work, we condition our avatars' dynamics on the rich expression space of neural parametric head models (NPHM), instead of mesh-based 3DMMs. To this end, we distill the backward deformation field of our underlying NPHM into forward deformations which are compatible with rasterization-based rendering. All remaining fine-scale, expression-dependent details are learned from the multi-view videos. For increased representational capacity of our avatars, we propose per-Gaussian latent features that condition each primitives dynamic behavior. To regularize this increased dynamic expressivity, we propose Laplacian terms on the latent features and predicted dynamics. We evaluate our method on the public NeRSemble dataset, demonstrating that NPGA significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art avatars on the self-reenactment task by 2.6 PSNR. Furthermore, we demonstrate accurate animation capabilities from real-world monocular videos.
comment: Project Page: see https://simongiebenhain.github.io/NPGA/ ; Youtube Video: see https://youtu.be/t0S0OK7WnA4
♻ ☆ Differential Walk on Spheres
We introduce a Monte Carlo method for computing derivatives of the solution to a partial differential equation (PDE) with respect to problem parameters (such as domain geometry or boundary conditions). Derivatives can be evaluated at arbitrary points, without performing a global solve or constructing a volumetric grid or mesh. The method is hence well suited to inverse problems with complex geometry, such as PDE-constrained shape optimization. Like other walk on spheres (WoS) algorithms, our method is trivial to parallelize, and is agnostic to boundary representation (meshes, splines, implicit surfaces, etc.), supporting large topological changes. We focus in particular on screened Poisson equations, which model diverse problems from scientific and geometric computing. As in differentiable rendering, we jointly estimate derivatives with respect to all parameters -- hence, cost does not grow significantly with parameter count. In practice, even noisy derivative estimates exhibit fast, stable convergence for stochastic gradient-based optimization, as we show through examples from thermal design, shape from diffusion, and computer graphics.
comment: 18 pages, includes demo video of results
♻ ☆ MATTopo: Topology-preserving Medial Axis Transform with Restricted Power Diagram
We present a novel topology-preserving 3D medial axis computation framework based on volumetric restricted power diagram (RPD), while preserving the medial features and geometric convergence simultaneously, for both 3D CAD and organic shapes. The volumetric RPD discretizes the input 3D volume into sub-regions given a set of medial spheres. With this intermediate structure, we convert the homotopy equivalency between the generated medial mesh and the input 3D shape into a localized contractibility checking for each restricted element (power cell, power face, power edge), by checking their connected components and Euler characteristics. We further propose a fractional Euler characteristic algorithm for efficient GPU-based computation of Euler characteristic for each restricted element on the fly while computing the volumetric RPD. Compared with existing voxel-based or point-cloud-based methods, our approach is the first to adaptively and directly revise the medial mesh without globally modifying the dependent structure, such as voxel size or sampling density, while preserving its topology and medial features. In comparison with the feature preservation method MATFP, our method provides geometrically comparable results with fewer spheres and more robustly captures the topology of the input 3D shape.
♻ ☆ FaçAID: A Transformer Model for Neuro-Symbolic Facade Reconstruction SIGGRAPH
We introduce a neuro-symbolic transformer-based model that converts flat, segmented facade structures into procedural definitions using a custom-designed split grammar. To facilitate this, we first develop a semi-complex split grammar tailored for architectural facades and then generate a dataset comprising of facades alongside their corresponding procedural representations. This dataset is used to train our transformer model to convert segmented, flat facades into the procedural language of our grammar. During inference, the model applies this learned transformation to new facade segmentations, providing a procedural representation that users can adjust to generate varied facade designs. This method not only automates the conversion of static facade images into dynamic, editable procedural formats but also enhances the design flexibility, allowing for easy modifications.
comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, in ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers Proceedings
Robotics 57
☆ AnySkin: Plug-and-play Skin Sensing for Robotic Touch
While tactile sensing is widely accepted as an important and useful sensing modality, its use pales in comparison to other sensory modalities like vision and proprioception. AnySkin addresses the critical challenges that impede the use of tactile sensing -- versatility, replaceability, and data reusability. Building on the simplistic design of ReSkin, and decoupling the sensing electronics from the sensing interface, AnySkin simplifies integration making it as straightforward as putting on a phone case and connecting a charger. Furthermore, AnySkin is the first uncalibrated tactile-sensor with cross-instance generalizability of learned manipulation policies. To summarize, this work makes three key contributions: first, we introduce a streamlined fabrication process and a design tool for creating an adhesive-free, durable and easily replaceable magnetic tactile sensor; second, we characterize slip detection and policy learning with the AnySkin sensor; and third, we demonstrate zero-shot generalization of models trained on one instance of AnySkin to new instances, and compare it with popular existing tactile solutions like DIGIT and ReSkin.https://any-skin.github.io/
☆ Hand-Object Interaction Pretraining from Videos
We present an approach to learn general robot manipulation priors from 3D hand-object interaction trajectories. We build a framework to use in-the-wild videos to generate sensorimotor robot trajectories. We do so by lifting both the human hand and the manipulated object in a shared 3D space and retargeting human motions to robot actions. Generative modeling on this data gives us a task-agnostic base policy. This policy captures a general yet flexible manipulation prior. We empirically demonstrate that finetuning this policy, with both reinforcement learning (RL) and behavior cloning (BC), enables sample-efficient adaptation to downstream tasks and simultaneously improves robustness and generalizability compared to prior approaches. Qualitative experiments are available at: \url{https://hgaurav2k.github.io/hop/}.
☆ Touch2Touch: Cross-Modal Tactile Generation for Object Manipulation
Today's touch sensors come in many shapes and sizes. This has made it challenging to develop general-purpose touch processing methods since models are generally tied to one specific sensor design. We address this problem by performing cross-modal prediction between touch sensors: given the tactile signal from one sensor, we use a generative model to estimate how the same physical contact would be perceived by another sensor. This allows us to apply sensor-specific methods to the generated signal. We implement this idea by training a diffusion model to translate between the popular GelSlim and Soft Bubble sensors. As a downstream task, we perform in-hand object pose estimation using GelSlim sensors while using an algorithm that operates only on Soft Bubble signals. The dataset, the code, and additional details can be found at https://www.mmintlab.com/research/touch2touch/.
☆ The Design of Informative Take-Over Requests for Semi-Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems: Combining Spoken Language and Visual Icons in a Drone-Controller Setting
The question of how cyber-physical systems should interact with human partners that can take over control or exert oversight is becoming more pressing, as these systems are deployed for an ever larger range of tasks. Drawing on the literatures on handing over control during semi-autonomous driving and human-robot interaction, we propose a design of a take-over request that combines an abstract pre-alert with an informative TOR: Relevant sensor information is highlighted on the controller's display, while a spoken message verbalizes the reason for the TOR. We conduct our study in the context of a semi-autonomous drone control scenario as our testbed. The goal of our online study is to assess in more detail what form a language-based TOR should take. Specifically, we compare a full sentence condition to shorter fragments, and test whether the visual highlighting should be done synchronously or asynchronously with the speech. Participants showed a higher accuracy in choosing the correct solution with our bi-modal TOR and felt that they were better able to recognize the critical situation. Using only fragments in the spoken message rather than full sentences did not lead to improved accuracy or faster reactions. Also, synchronizing the visual highlighting with the spoken message did not result in better accuracy and response times were even increased in this condition.
comment: 21 pages, 8 figures
☆ Quantifying Aleatoric and Epistemic Dynamics Uncertainty via Local Conformal Calibration
Whether learned, simulated, or analytical, approximations of a robot's dynamics can be inaccurate when encountering novel environments. Many approaches have been proposed to quantify the aleatoric uncertainty of such methods, i.e. uncertainty resulting from stochasticity, however these estimates alone are not enough to properly estimate the uncertainty of a model in a novel environment, where the actual dynamics can change. Such changes can induce epistemic uncertainty, i.e. uncertainty due to a lack of information/data. Accounting for both epistemic and aleatoric dynamics uncertainty in a theoretically-grounded way remains an open problem. We introduce Local Uncertainty Conformal Calibration (LUCCa), a conformal prediction-based approach that calibrates the aleatoric uncertainty estimates provided by dynamics models to generate probabilistically-valid prediction regions of the system's state. We account for both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty non-asymptotically, without strong assumptions about the form of the true dynamics or how it changes. The calibration is performed locally in the state-action space, leading to uncertainty estimates that are useful for planning. We validate our method by constructing probabilistically-safe plans for a double-integrator under significant changes in dynamics.
comment: Accepted to the 16th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) 2024
☆ Towards Online Safety Corrections for Robotic Manipulation Policies
Recent successes in applying reinforcement learning (RL) for robotics has shown it is a viable approach for constructing robotic controllers. However, RL controllers can produce many collisions in environments where new obstacles appear during execution. This poses a problem in safety-critical settings. We present a hybrid approach, called iKinQP-RL, that uses an Inverse Kinematics Quadratic Programming (iKinQP) controller to correct actions proposed by an RL policy at runtime. This ensures safe execution in the presence of new obstacles not present during training. Preliminary experiments illustrate our iKinQP-RL framework completely eliminates collisions with new obstacles while maintaining a high task success rate.
☆ Multi-Robot Coordination Induced in Hazardous Environments through an Adversarial Graph-Traversal Game
This paper presents a game theoretic formulation of a graph traversal problem, with applications to robots moving through hazardous environments in the presence of an adversary, as in military and security applications. The blue team of robots moves in an environment modeled by a time-varying graph, attempting to reach some goal with minimum cost, while the red team controls how the graph changes to maximize the cost. The problem is formulated as a stochastic game, so that Nash equilibrium strategies can be computed numerically. Bounds are provided for the game value, with a guarantee that it solves the original problem. Numerical simulations demonstrate the results and the effectiveness of this method, particularly showing the benefit of mixing actions for both players, as well as beneficial coordinated behavior, where blue robots split up and/or synchronize to traverse risky edges.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
☆ Graph Inspection for Robotic Motion Planning: Do Arithmetic Circuits Help?
We investigate whether algorithms based on arithmetic circuits are a viable alternative to existing solvers for Graph Inspection, a problem with direct application in robotic motion planning. Specifically, we seek to address the high memory usage of existing solvers. Aided by novel theoretical results enabling fast solution recovery, we implement a circuit-based solver for Graph Inspection which uses only polynomial space and test it on several realistic robotic motion planning datasets. In particular, we provide a comprehensive experimental evaluation of a suite of engineered algorithms for three key subroutines. While this evaluation demonstrates that circuit-based methods are not yet practically competitive for our robotics application, it also provides insights which may guide future efforts to bring circuit-based algorithms from theory to practice.
☆ Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from Contrastive Explanations
Many approaches to robot learning begin by inferring a reward function from a set of human demonstrations. To learn a good reward, it is necessary to determine which features of the environment are relevant before determining how these features should be used to compute reward. End-to-end methods for joint feature and reward learning (e.g., using deep networks or program synthesis techniques) often yield brittle reward functions that are sensitive to spurious state features. By contrast, humans can often generalizably learn from a small number of demonstrations by incorporating strong priors about what features of a demonstration are likely meaningful for a task of interest. How do we build robots that leverage this kind of background knowledge when learning from new demonstrations? This paper describes a method named ALGAE (Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from [Contrastive] Explanations) which alternates between using language models to iteratively identify human-meaningful features needed to explain demonstrated behavior, then standard inverse reinforcement learning techniques to assign weights to these features. Experiments across a variety of both simulated and real-world robot environments show that ALGAE learns generalizable reward functions defined on interpretable features using only small numbers of demonstrations. Importantly, ALGAE can recognize when features are missing, then extract and define those features without any human input -- making it possible to quickly and efficiently acquire rich representations of user behavior.
comment: CoRL 2024
☆ Composing Option Sequences by Adaptation: Initial Results
Robot manipulation in real-world settings often requires adapting the robot's behavior to the current situation, such as by changing the sequences in which policies execute to achieve the desired task. Problematically, however, we show that composing a novel sequence of five deep RL options to perform a pick-and-place task is unlikely to successfully complete, even if their initiation and termination conditions align. We propose a framework to determine whether sequences will succeed a priori, and examine three approaches that adapt options to sequence successfully if they will not. Crucially, our adaptation methods consider the actual subset of points that the option is trained from or where it ends: (1) trains the second option to start where the first ends; (2) trains the first option to reach the centroid of where the second starts; and (3) trains the first option to reach the median of where the second starts. Our results show that our framework and adaptation methods have promise in adapting options to work in novel sequences.
☆ Collaborating for Success: Optimizing System Efficiency and Resilience Under Agile Industrial Settings
Designing an efficient and resilient human-robot collaboration strategy that not only upholds the safety and ergonomics of shared workspace but also enhances the performance and agility of collaborative setup presents significant challenges concerning environment perception and robot control. In this research, we introduce a novel approach for collaborative environment monitoring and robot motion regulation to address this multifaceted problem. Our study proposes novel computation and division of safety monitoring zones, adhering to ISO 13855 and TS 15066 standards, utilizing 2D lasers information. These zones are not only configured in the standard three-layer arrangement but are also expanded into two adjacent quadrants, thereby enhancing system uptime and preventing unnecessary deadlocks. Moreover, we also leverage 3D visual information to track dynamic human articulations and extended intrusions. Drawing upon the fused sensory data from 2D and 3D perceptual spaces, our proposed hierarchical controller stably regulates robot velocity, validated using Lasalle in-variance principle. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that our approach significantly reduces task execution time and system response delay, resulting in improved efficiency and resilience within collaborative settings.
☆ MosquitoMiner: A Light Weight Rover for Detecting and Eliminating Mosquito Breeding Sites
In this paper, we present a novel approach to the development and deployment of an autonomous mosquito breeding place detector rover with the object and obstacle detection capabilities to control mosquitoes. Mosquito-borne diseases continue to pose significant health threats globally, with conventional control methods proving slow and inefficient. Amidst rising concerns over the rapid spread of these diseases, there is an urgent need for innovative and efficient strategies to manage mosquito populations and prevent disease transmission. To mitigate the limitations of manual labor and traditional methods, our rover employs autonomous control strategies. Leveraging our own custom dataset, the rover can autonomously navigate along a pre-defined path, identifying and mitigating potential breeding grounds with precision. It then proceeds to eliminate these breeding grounds by spraying a chemical agent, effectively eradicating mosquito habitats. Our project demonstrates the effectiveness that is absent in traditional ways of controlling and safeguarding public health. The code for this project is available on GitHub at - https://github.com/faiyazabdullah/MosquitoMiner
comment: Accepted - 2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP 2024)
☆ Q-value Regularized Decision ConvFormer for Offline Reinforcement Learning
As a data-driven paradigm, offline reinforcement learning (Offline RL) has been formulated as sequence modeling, where the Decision Transformer (DT) has demonstrated exceptional capabilities. Unlike previous reinforcement learning methods that fit value functions or compute policy gradients, DT adjusts the autoregressive model based on the expected returns, past states, and actions, using a causally masked Transformer to output the optimal action. However, due to the inconsistency between the sampled returns within a single trajectory and the optimal returns across multiple trajectories, it is challenging to set an expected return to output the optimal action and stitch together suboptimal trajectories. Decision ConvFormer (DC) is easier to understand in the context of modeling RL trajectories within a Markov Decision Process compared to DT. We propose the Q-value Regularized Decision ConvFormer (QDC), which combines the understanding of RL trajectories by DC and incorporates a term that maximizes action values using dynamic programming methods during training. This ensures that the expected returns of the sampled actions are consistent with the optimal returns. QDC achieves excellent performance on the D4RL benchmark, outperforming or approaching the optimal level in all tested environments. It particularly demonstrates outstanding competitiveness in trajectory stitching capability.
☆ A three-dimensional force estimation method for the cable-driven soft robot based on monocular images
Soft manipulators are known for their superiority in coping with high-safety-demanding interaction tasks, e.g., robot-assisted surgeries, elderly caring, etc. Yet the challenges residing in real-time contact feedback have hindered further applications in precise manipulation. This paper proposes an end-to-end network to estimate the 3D contact force of the soft robot, with the aim of enhancing its capabilities in interactive tasks. The presented method features directly utilizing monocular images fused with multidimensional actuation information as the network inputs. This approach simplifies the preprocessing of raw data compared to related studies that utilize 3D shape information for network inputs, consequently reducing configuration reconstruction errors. The unified feature representation module is devised to elevate low-dimensional features from the system's actuation signals to the same level as image features, facilitating smoother integration of multimodal information. The proposed method has been experimentally validated in the soft robot testbed, achieving satisfying accuracy in 3D force estimation (with a mean relative error of 0.84% compared to the best-reported result of 2.2% in the related works).
☆ LED: Light Enhanced Depth Estimation at Night
Nighttime camera-based depth estimation is a highly challenging task, especially for autonomous driving applications, where accurate depth perception is essential for ensuring safe navigation. We aim to improve the reliability of perception systems at night time, where models trained on daytime data often fail in the absence of precise but costly LiDAR sensors. In this work, we introduce Light Enhanced Depth (LED), a novel cost-effective approach that significantly improves depth estimation in low-light environments by harnessing a pattern projected by high definition headlights available in modern vehicles. LED leads to significant performance boosts across multiple depth-estimation architectures (encoder-decoder, Adabins, DepthFormer) both on synthetic and real datasets. Furthermore, increased performances beyond illuminated areas reveal a holistic enhancement in scene understanding. Finally, we release the Nighttime Synthetic Drive Dataset, a new synthetic and photo-realistic nighttime dataset, which comprises 49,990 comprehensively annotated images.
comment: Preprint. Code and dataset available at https://github.com/SimondeMoreau/LED
☆ Autonomous Vehicle Controllers From End-to-End Differentiable Simulation
Current methods to learn controllers for autonomous vehicles (AVs) focus on behavioural cloning. Being trained only on exact historic data, the resulting agents often generalize poorly to novel scenarios. Simulators provide the opportunity to go beyond offline datasets, but they are still treated as complicated black boxes, only used to update the global simulation state. As a result, these RL algorithms are slow, sample-inefficient, and prior-agnostic. In this work, we leverage a differentiable simulator and design an analytic policy gradients (APG) approach to training AV controllers on the large-scale Waymo Open Motion Dataset. Our proposed framework brings the differentiable simulator into an end-to-end training loop, where gradients of the environment dynamics serve as a useful prior to help the agent learn a more grounded policy. We combine this setup with a recurrent architecture that can efficiently propagate temporal information across long simulated trajectories. This APG method allows us to learn robust, accurate, and fast policies, while only requiring widely-available expert trajectories, instead of scarce expert actions. We compare to behavioural cloning and find significant improvements in performance and robustness to noise in the dynamics, as well as overall more intuitive human-like handling.
☆ Universal Trajectory Optimization Framework for Differential-Driven Robot Class
Differential-driven robots are widely used in various scenarios thanks to their straightforward principle, from household service robots to disaster response field robots. There are several different types of deriving mechanisms considering the real-world applications, including two-wheeled, four-wheeled skid-steering, tracked robots, etc. The differences in the driving mechanism usually require specific kinematic modeling when precise controlling is desired. Furthermore, the nonholonomic dynamics and possible lateral slip lead to different degrees of difficulty in getting feasible and high-quality trajectories. Therefore, a comprehensive trajectory optimization framework to compute trajectories efficiently for various kinds of differential-driven robots is highly desirable. In this paper, we propose a universal trajectory optimization framework that can be applied to differential-driven robot class, enabling the generation of high-quality trajectories within a restricted computational timeframe. We introduce a novel trajectory representation based on polynomial parameterization of motion states or their integrals, such as angular and linear velocities, that inherently matching robots' motion to the control principle for differential-driven robot class. The trajectory optimization problem is formulated to minimize complexity while prioritizing safety and operational efficiency. We then build a full-stack autonomous planning and control system to show the feasibility and robustness. We conduct extensive simulations and real-world testing in crowded environments with three kinds of differential-driven robots to validate the effectiveness of our approach. We will release our method as an open-source package.
comment: 15 pages, 15 figures
☆ InterACT: Inter-dependency Aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers for Bimanual Manipulation
We present InterACT: Inter-dependency aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers, a novel imitation learning framework for bimanual manipulation that integrates hierarchical attention to capture inter-dependencies between dual-arm joint states and visual inputs. InterACT consists of a Hierarchical Attention Encoder and a Multi-arm Decoder, both designed to enhance information aggregation and coordination. The encoder processes multi-modal inputs through segment-wise and cross-segment attention mechanisms, while the decoder leverages synchronization blocks to refine individual action predictions, providing the counterpart's prediction as context. Our experiments on a variety of simulated and real-world bimanual manipulation tasks demonstrate that InterACT significantly outperforms existing methods. Detailed ablation studies validate the contributions of key components of our work, including the impact of CLS tokens, cross-segment encoders, and synchronization blocks.
comment: Accepted at Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
☆ Learning Skateboarding for Humanoid Robots through Massively Parallel Reinforcement Learning
Learning-based methods have proven useful at generating complex motions for robots, including humanoids. Reinforcement learning (RL) has been used to learn locomotion policies, some of which leverage a periodic reward formulation. This work extends the periodic reward formulation of locomotion to skateboarding for the REEM-C robot. Brax/MJX is used to implement the RL problem to achieve fast training. Initial results in simulation are presented with hardware experiments in progress.
☆ Real-time Multi-view Omnidirectional Depth Estimation System for Robots and Autonomous Driving on Real Scenes
Omnidirectional Depth Estimation has broad application prospects in fields such as robotic navigation and autonomous driving. In this paper, we propose a robotic prototype system and corresponding algorithm designed to validate omnidirectional depth estimation for navigation and obstacle avoidance in real-world scenarios for both robots and vehicles. The proposed HexaMODE system captures 360$^\circ$ depth maps using six surrounding arranged fisheye cameras. We introduce a combined spherical sweeping method and optimize the model architecture for proposed RtHexa-OmniMVS algorithm to achieve real-time omnidirectional depth estimation. To ensure high accuracy, robustness, and generalization in real-world environments, we employ a teacher-student self-training strategy, utilizing large-scale unlabeled real-world data for model training. The proposed algorithm demonstrates high accuracy in various complex real-world scenarios, both indoors and outdoors, achieving an inference speed of 15 fps on edge computing platforms.
☆ ReGentS: Real-World Safety-Critical Driving Scenario Generation Made Stable ECCV 2024
Machine learning based autonomous driving systems often face challenges with safety-critical scenarios that are rare in real-world data, hindering their large-scale deployment. While increasing real-world training data coverage could address this issue, it is costly and dangerous. This work explores generating safety-critical driving scenarios by modifying complex real-world regular scenarios through trajectory optimization. We propose ReGentS, which stabilizes generated trajectories and introduces heuristics to avoid obvious collisions and optimization problems. Our approach addresses unrealistic diverging trajectories and unavoidable collision scenarios that are not useful for training robust planner. We also extend the scenario generation framework to handle real-world data with up to 32 agents. Additionally, by using a differentiable simulator, our approach simplifies gradient descent-based optimization involving a simulator, paving the way for future advancements. The code is available at https://github.com/valeoai/ReGentS.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 W-CODA Workshop
☆ Relevance for Human Robot Collaboration
Effective human-robot collaboration (HRC) requires the robots to possess human-like intelligence. Inspired by the human's cognitive ability to selectively process and filter elements in complex environments, this paper introduces a novel concept and scene-understanding approach termed `relevance.' It identifies relevant components in a scene. To accurately and efficiently quantify relevance, we developed an event-based framework that selectively triggers relevance determination, along with a probabilistic methodology built on a structured scene representation. Simulation results demonstrate that the relevance framework and methodology accurately predict the relevance of a general HRC setup, achieving a precision of 0.99 and a recall of 0.94. Relevance can be broadly applied to several areas in HRC to improve task planning time by 79.56% compared with pure planning for a cereal task, reduce perception latency by up to 26.53% for an object detector, improve HRC safety by up to 13.50% and reduce the number of inquiries for HRC by 75.36%. A real-world demonstration showcases the relevance framework's ability to intelligently assist humans in everyday tasks.
☆ FIReStereo: Forest InfraRed Stereo Dataset for UAS Depth Perception in Visually Degraded Environments
Robust depth perception in visually-degraded environments is crucial for autonomous aerial systems. Thermal imaging cameras, which capture infrared radiation, are robust to visual degradation. However, due to lack of a large-scale dataset, the use of thermal cameras for unmanned aerial system (UAS) depth perception has remained largely unexplored. This paper presents a stereo thermal depth perception dataset for autonomous aerial perception applications. The dataset consists of stereo thermal images, LiDAR, IMU and ground truth depth maps captured in urban and forest settings under diverse conditions like day, night, rain, and smoke. We benchmark representative stereo depth estimation algorithms, offering insights into their performance in degraded conditions. Models trained on our dataset generalize well to unseen smoky conditions, highlighting the robustness of stereo thermal imaging for depth perception. We aim for this work to enhance robotic perception in disaster scenarios, allowing for exploration and operations in previously unreachable areas. The dataset and source code are available at https://firestereo.github.io.
comment: Under review in RA-L. The first 2 authors contributed equally
☆ Disturbance-Robust Backup Control Barrier Functions: Safety Under Uncertain Dynamics
Obtaining a controlled invariant set is crucial for safety-critical control with control barrier functions (CBFs) but is non-trivial for complex nonlinear systems and constraints. Backup control barrier functions allow such sets to be constructed online in a computationally tractable manner by examining the evolution (or flow) of the system under a known backup control law. However, for systems with unmodeled disturbances, this flow cannot be directly computed, making the current methods inadequate for assuring safety in these scenarios. To address this gap, we leverage bounds on the nominal and disturbed flow to compute a forward invariant set online by ensuring safety of an expanding norm ball tube centered around the nominal system evolution. We prove that this set results in robust control constraints which guarantee safety of the disturbed system via our Disturbance-Robust Backup Control Barrier Function (DR-BCBF) solution. Additionally, the efficacy of the proposed framework is demonstrated in simulation, applied to a double integrator problem and a rigid body spacecraft rotation problem with rate constraints.
comment: Submitted to IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS) with ACC option. 6 pages, 4 figures
☆ Characterization and Design of A Hollow Cylindrical Ultrasonic Motor
Piezoelectric ultrasonic motors perform the advantages of compact design, faster reaction time, and simpler setup compared to other motion units such as pneumatic and hydraulic motors, especially its non-ferromagnetic property makes it a perfect match in MRI-compatible robotics systems compared to traditional DC motors. Hollow shaft motors address the advantages of being lightweight and comparable to solid shafts of the same diameter, low rotational inertia, high tolerance to rotational imbalance due to low weight, and tolerance to high temperature due to low specific mass. This article presents a prototype of a hollow cylindrical ultrasonic motor (HCM) to perform direct drive, eliminate mechanical non-linearity, and reduce the size and complexity of the actuator or end effector assembly. Two equivalent HCMs are presented in this work, and under 50g prepressure on the rotor, it performed 383.3333rpm rotation speed and 57.3504mNm torque output when applying 282$V_{pp}$ driving voltage.
comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables
☆ Baloo: A Large-Scale Hybrid Soft Robotic Torso for Whole-Arm Manipulation
Soft robotic actuators and their inherent compliance can simplify the design of controllers when operating in contact-rich environments. With such structures we can accomplish high-impact, dynamic, and contact-rich tasks that would be difficult using conventional rigid robots which might either break the robot or the object without careful modeling and design of high bandwidth controllers. In order to explore the benefits of structural passive compliance and exploit them effectively, we present a prototype robotic torso named Baloo, designed with a hybrid rigid-soft methodology, incorporating both adaptability from soft components and strength from rigid components. Baloo consists of two meter-long, pneumatically-driven soft robot arms mounted on a rigid torso and driven vertically by a linear actuator. We explore some challenges inherent in controlling this type of robot and build on previous work with rigid robots to develop a joint-level neural-network adaptive controller to enable high performance tracking of highly nonlinear, time-varying soft robot dynamics. We also demonstrate a promising use case for the platform with several hardware experiments performing whole-body manipulation with large, heavy, and unwieldy objects. A video of our results can be viewed at https://youtu.be/eTUvBEVGKXY.
comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics
☆ A Surveillance Game between a Differential Drive Robot and an Omnidirectional Agent: The Case of a Faster Evader
A fundamental task in mobile robotics is to keep an agent under surveillance using an autonomous robotic platform equipped with a sensing device. Using differential game theory, we study a particular setup of the previous problem. A Differential Drive Robot (DDR) equipped with a bounded range sensor wants to keep surveillance of an Omnidirectional Agent (OA). The goal of the DDR is to maintain the OA inside its detection region for as much time as possible, while the OA, having the opposite goal, wants to leave the regions as soon as possible. We formulate the problem as a zero-sum differential game, and we compute the time-optimal motion strategies of the players to achieve their goals. We focus on the case where the OA is faster than the DDR. Given the OA's speed advantage, a winning strategy for the OA is always moving radially outwards to the DDR's position. However, this work shows that even though the previous strategy could be optimal in some cases, more complex motion strategies emerge based on the players' speed ratio. In particular, we exhibit that four classes of singular surfaces may appear in this game: Dispersal, Transition, Universal, and Focal surfaces. Each one of those surfaces implies a particular motion strategy for the players.
comment: 14 pages, 9 figures
☆ Sequential Discrete Action Selection via Blocking Conditions and Resolutions
In this work, we introduce a strategy that frames the sequential action selection problem for robots in terms of resolving \textit{blocking conditions}, i.e., situations that impede progress on an action en route to a goal. This strategy allows a robot to make one-at-a-time decisions that take in pertinent contextual information and swiftly adapt and react to current situations. We present a first instantiation of this strategy that combines a state-transition graph and a zero-shot Large Language Model (LLM). The state-transition graph tracks which previously attempted actions are currently blocked and which candidate actions may resolve existing blocking conditions. This information from the state-transition graph is used to automatically generate a prompt for the LLM, which then uses the given context and set of possible actions to select a single action to try next. This selection process is iterative, with each chosen and executed action further refining the state-transition graph, continuing until the agent either fulfills the goal or encounters a termination condition. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by comparing it to various LLM and traditional task-planning methods in a testbed of simulation experiments. We discuss the implications of our work based on our results.
☆ Time-Varying Foot-Placement Control for Underactuated Humanoid Walking on Swaying Rigid Surfaces
Locomotion on dynamic rigid surface (i.e., rigid surface accelerating in an inertial frame) presents complex challenges for controller design, which are essential for deploying humanoid robots in dynamic real-world environments such as moving trains, ships, and airplanes. This paper introduces a real-time, provably stabilizing control approach for underactuated humanoid walking on periodically swaying rigid surface. The first key contribution is the analytical extension of the classical angular momentum-based linear inverted pendulum model from static to swaying grounds. This extension results in a time-varying, nonhomogeneous robot model, which is fundamentally different from the existing pendulum models. We synthesize a discrete footstep control law for the model and derive a new set of sufficient stability conditions that verify the controller's stabilizing effect. Another key contribution is the development of a hierarchical control framework that incorporates the proposed footstep control law as its higher-layer planner to ensure the stability of underactuated walking. The closed-loop stability of the complete hybrid, full-order robot dynamics under this control framework is provably analyzed based on nonlinear control theory. Finally, experiments conducted on a Digit humanoid robot, both in simulations and with hardware, demonstrate the framework's effectiveness in addressing underactuated bipedal locomotion on swaying ground, even in the presence of uncertain surface motions and unknown external pushes.
comment: 20 pages, 18 figures
☆ X-ray Fluoroscopy Guided Localization and Steering of Medical Microrobots through Virtual Enhancement
In developing medical interventions using untethered milli- and microrobots, ensuring safety and effectiveness relies on robust methods for detection, real-time tracking, and precise localization within the body. However, the inherent non-transparency of the human body poses a significant obstacle, limiting robot detection primarily to specialized imaging systems such as X-ray fluoroscopy, which often lack crucial anatomical details. Consequently, the robot operator (human or machine) would encounter severe challenges in accurately determining the location of the robot and steering its motion. This study explores the feasibility of circumventing this challenge by creating a simulation environment that contains the precise digital replica (virtual twin) of a model microrobot operational workspace. Synchronizing coordinate systems between the virtual and real worlds and continuously integrating microrobot position data from the image stream into the virtual twin allows the microrobot operator to control navigation in the virtual world. We validate this concept by demonstrating the tracking and steering of a mobile magnetic robot in confined phantoms with high temporal resolution (< 100 ms, with an average of ~20 ms) visual feedback. Additionally, our object detection-based localization approach offers the potential to reduce overall patient exposure to X-ray doses during continuous microrobot tracking without compromising tracking accuracy. Ultimately, we address a critical gap in developing image-guided remote interventions with untethered medical microrobots, particularly for near-future applications in animal models and human patients.
♻ ☆ Adaptive Manipulation using Behavior Trees
Many manipulation tasks pose a challenge since they depend on non-visual environmental information that can only be determined after sustained physical interaction has already begun. This is particularly relevant for effort-sensitive, dynamics-dependent tasks such as tightening a valve. To perform these tasks safely and reliably, robots must be able to quickly adapt in response to unexpected changes during task execution. Humans can intuitively respond and adapt their manipulation strategy to suit such problems, but representing and implementing such behaviors for robots remains an open question. We present the adaptive behavior tree, which enables a robot to quickly adapt to both visual and non-visual observations during task execution, preempting task failure or switching to a different strategy based on data from previous attempts. We test our approach on a number of tasks commonly found in industrial settings. Our results demonstrate safety, robustness (100% success rate for all but one experiment) and efficiency in task completion (eg, an overall task speedup of 46% on average for valve tightening), and would reduce dependency on human supervision and intervention.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Robust Robot Walker: Learning Agile Locomotion over Tiny Traps
Quadruped robots must exhibit robust walking capabilities in practical applications. In this work, we propose a novel approach that enables quadruped robots to pass various small obstacles, or "tiny traps". Existing methods often rely on exteroceptive sensors, which can be unreliable for detecting such tiny traps. To overcome this limitation, our approach focuses solely on proprioceptive inputs. We introduce a two-stage training framework incorporating a contact encoder and a classification head to learn implicit representations of different traps. Additionally, we design a set of tailored reward functions to improve both the stability of training and the ease of deployment for goal-tracking tasks. To benefit further research, we design a new benchmark for tiny trap task. Extensive experiments in both simulation and real-world settings demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. Project Page: https://robust-robot-walker.github.io/
comment: 10 pages, 17 figures
♻ ☆ Self-centering 3-DoF feet controller for hands-free locomotion control in telepresence and virtual reality
We present a novel seated feet controller for handling 3-DoF aimed to control locomotion for telepresence robotics and virtual reality environments. Tilting the feet on two axes yields in forward, backward and sideways motion. In addition, a separate rotary joint allows for rotation around the vertical axis. Attached springs on all joints self-center the controller. The HTC Vive tracker is used to translate the trackers' orientation into locomotion commands. The proposed self-centering feet controller was used successfully for the ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition, where a naive operator traversed the robot through a longer distance, surpassing obstacles while solving various interaction and manipulation tasks in between. We publicly provide the models of the mostly 3D-printed feet controller for reproduction.
comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, submitted to 2024 IEEE International Conference on Telepresence (Tele 2024)
♻ ☆ Tailoring Solution Accuracy for Fast Whole-body Model Predictive Control of Legged Robots
Thanks to recent advancements in accelerating non-linear model predictive control (NMPC), it is now feasible to deploy whole-body NMPC at real-time rates for humanoid robots. However, enforcing inequality constraints in real time for such high-dimensional systems remains challenging due to the need for additional iterations. This paper presents an implementation of whole-body NMPC for legged robots that provides low-accuracy solutions to NMPC with general equality and inequality constraints. Instead of aiming for highly accurate optimal solutions, we leverage the alternating direction method of multipliers to rapidly provide low-accuracy solutions to quadratic programming subproblems. Our extensive simulation results indicate that real robots often cannot benefit from highly accurate solutions due to dynamics discretization errors, inertial modeling errors and delays. We incorporate control barrier functions (CBFs) at the initial timestep of the NMPC for the self-collision constraints, resulting in up to a 26-fold reduction in the number of self-collisions without adding computational burden. The controller is reliably deployed on hardware at 90 Hz for a problem involving 32 timesteps, 2004 variables, and 3768 constraints. The NMPC delivers sufficiently accurate solutions, enabling the MIT Humanoid to plan complex crossed-leg and arm motions that enhance stability when walking and recovering from significant disturbances.
comment: This work is published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ ToolEENet: Tool Affordance 6D Pose Estimation
The exploration of robotic dexterous hands utilizing tools has recently attracted considerable attention. A significant challenge in this field is the precise awareness of a tool's pose when grasped, as occlusion by the hand often degrades the quality of the estimation. Additionally, the tool's overall pose often fails to accurately represent the contact interaction, thereby limiting the effectiveness of vision-guided, contact-dependent activities. To overcome this limitation, we present the innovative TOOLEE dataset, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to feature affordance segmentation of a tool's end-effector (EE) along with its defined 6D pose based on its usage. Furthermore, we propose the ToolEENet framework for accurate 6D pose estimation of the tool's EE. This framework begins by segmenting the tool's EE from raw RGBD data, then uses a diffusion model-based pose estimator for 6D pose estimation at a category-specific level. Addressing the issue of symmetry in pose estimation, we introduce a symmetry-aware pose representation that enhances the consistency of pose estimation. Our approach excels in this field, demonstrating high levels of precision and generalization. Furthermore, it shows great promise for application in contact-based manipulation scenarios. All data and codes are available on the project website: https://tooleenet-iros2024.github.io/
♻ ☆ Online state vector reduction during model predictive control with gradient-based trajectory optimisation
Non-prehensile manipulation in high-dimensional systems is challenging for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons is the computationally long planning times that come with a large state space. Trajectory optimisation algorithms have proved their utility in a wide variety of tasks, but, like most methods struggle scaling to the high dimensional systems ubiquitous to non-prehensile manipulation in clutter as well as deformable object manipulation. We reason that, during manipulation, different degrees of freedom will become more or less important to the task over time as the system evolves. We leverage this idea to reduce the number of degrees of freedom considered in a trajectory optimisation problem, to reduce planning times. This idea is particularly relevant in the context of model predictive control (MPC) where the cost landscape of the optimisation problem is constantly evolving. We provide simulation results under asynchronous MPC and show our methods are capable of achieving better overall performance due to the decreased policy lag whilst still being able to optimise trajectories effectively.
comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted to WAFR 2024
♻ ☆ Embodied Neuromorphic Artificial Intelligence for Robotics: Perspectives, Challenges, and Research Development Stack
Robotic technologies have been an indispensable part for improving human productivity since they have been helping humans in completing diverse, complex, and intensive tasks in a fast yet accurate and efficient way. Therefore, robotic technologies have been deployed in a wide range of applications, ranging from personal to industrial use-cases. However, current robotic technologies and their computing paradigm still lack embodied intelligence to efficiently interact with operational environments, respond with correct/expected actions, and adapt to changes in the environments. Toward this, recent advances in neuromorphic computing with Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) have demonstrated the potential to enable the embodied intelligence for robotics through bio-plausible computing paradigm that mimics how the biological brain works, known as "neuromorphic artificial intelligence (AI)". However, the field of neuromorphic AI-based robotics is still at an early stage, therefore its development and deployment for solving real-world problems expose new challenges in different design aspects, such as accuracy, adaptability, efficiency, reliability, and security. To address these challenges, this paper will discuss how we can enable embodied neuromorphic AI for robotic systems through our perspectives: (P1) Embodied intelligence based on effective learning rule, training mechanism, and adaptability; (P2) Cross-layer optimizations for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing; (P3) Representative and fair benchmarks; (P4) Low-cost reliability and safety enhancements; (P5) Security and privacy for neuromorphic computing; and (P6) A synergistic development for energy-efficient and robust neuromorphic-based robotics. Furthermore, this paper identifies research challenges and opportunities, as well as elaborates our vision for future research development toward embodied neuromorphic AI for robotics.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
♻ ☆ Long and Short-Term Constraints Driven Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
Reinforcement learning (RL) has been widely used in decision-making and control tasks, but the risk is very high for the agent in the training process due to the requirements of interaction with the environment, which seriously limits its industrial applications such as autonomous driving systems. Safe RL methods are developed to handle this issue by constraining the expected safety violation costs as a training objective, but the occurring probability of an unsafe state is still high, which is unacceptable in autonomous driving tasks. Moreover, these methods are difficult to achieve a balance between the cost and return expectations, which leads to learning performance degradation for the algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm based on the long and short-term constraints (LSTC) for safe RL. The short-term constraint aims to enhance the short-term state safety that the vehicle explores, while the long-term constraint enhances the overall safety of the vehicle throughout the decision-making process, both of which are jointly used to enhance the vehicle safety in the training process. In addition, we develop a safe RL method with dual-constraint optimization based on the Lagrange multiplier to optimize the training process for end-to-end autonomous driving. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on the MetaDrive simulator. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves higher safety in continuous state and action tasks, and exhibits higher exploration performance in long-distance decision-making tasks compared with state-of-the-art methods.
♻ ☆ Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimisation using Full-Centroidal Dynamics and Implicit Inverse Kinematics
The current state-of-the-art gradient-based optimisation frameworks are able to produce impressive dynamic manoeuvres such as linear and rotational jumps. However, these methods, which optimise over the full rigid-body dynamics of the robot, often require precise foothold locations apriori, while real-time performance is not guaranteed without elaborate regularisation and tuning of the cost function. In contrast, we investigate the advantages of a task-space optimisation framework, with special focus on acrobatic motions. Our proposed formulation exploits the system's high-order nonlinearities, such as the nonholonomy of the angular momentum, in order to produce feasible, high-acceleration manoeuvres. By leveraging the full-centroidal dynamics of the quadruped ANYmal C and directly optimising its footholds and contact forces, the framework is capable of producing efficient motion plans with low computational overhead. Finally, we deploy our proposed framework on the ANYmal C platform, and demonstrate its true capabilities through real-world experiments, with the successful execution of high-acceleration motions, such as linear and rotational jumps. Extensive analysis of these shows that the robot's dynamics can be exploited to surpass its hardware limitations of having a high mass and low-torque limits.
♻ ☆ BEVal: A Cross-dataset Evaluation Study of BEV Segmentation Models for Autonomous Driving
Current research in semantic bird's-eye view segmentation for autonomous driving focuses solely on optimizing neural network models using a single dataset, typically nuScenes. This practice leads to the development of highly specialized models that may fail when faced with different environments or sensor setups, a problem known as domain shift. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive cross-dataset evaluation of state-of-the-art BEV segmentation models to assess their performance across different training and testing datasets and setups, as well as different semantic categories. We investigate the influence of different sensors, such as cameras and LiDAR, on the models' ability to generalize to diverse conditions and scenarios. Additionally, we conduct multi-dataset training experiments that improve models' BEV segmentation performance compared to single-dataset training. Our work addresses the gap in evaluating BEV segmentation models under cross-dataset validation. And our findings underscore the importance of enhancing model generalizability and adaptability to ensure more robust and reliable BEV segmentation approaches for autonomous driving applications. The code for this paper available at https://github.com/manueldiaz96/beval .
♻ ☆ AIC MLLM: Autonomous Interactive Correction MLLM for Robust Robotic Manipulation
The ability to reflect on and correct failures is crucial for robotic systems to interact stably with real-life objects.Observing the generalization and reasoning capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), previous approaches have aimed to utilize these models to enhance robotic systems accordingly.However, these methods typically focus on high-level planning corrections using an additional MLLM, with limited utilization of failed samples to correct low-level contact poses. To address this gap, we propose an Autonomous Interactive Correction (AIC) MLLM, which makes use of previous low-level interaction experiences to correct SE(3) pose predictions. Specifically, AIC MLLM is initially fine-tuned to acquire both pose prediction and feedback prompt comprehension abilities.We carefully design two types of prompt instructions through interactions with objects: 1) visual masks to highlight unmovable parts for position correction, and 2)textual descriptions to indicate potential directions for rotation correction.During inference, a Feedback Information Extraction module is introduced to recognize the failure cause, allowing AIC MLLM to adaptively correct the pose prediction using the corresponding prompts. To further enhance manipulation stability, we devise a Test Time Adaptation strategy that enables AIC MLLM to better adapt to the current scene configuration.Finally, extensive experiments are conducted in both simulated and real-world environments to evaluate the proposed method. The results demonstrate that our AIC MLLM can efficiently correct failure samples by leveraging interaction experience prompts.Real-world demonstration can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/aic-mllm
♻ ☆ Tightly-Coupled LiDAR-IMU-Wheel Odometry with Online Calibration of a Kinematic Model for Skid-Steering Robots
Tunnels and long corridors are challenging environments for mobile robots because a LiDAR point cloud should degenerate in these environments. To tackle point cloud degeneration, this study presents a tightly-coupled LiDAR-IMU-wheel odometry algorithm with an online calibration for skid-steering robots. We propose a full linear wheel odometry factor, which not only serves as a motion constraint but also performs the online calibration of kinematic models for skid-steering robots. Despite the dynamically changing kinematic model (e.g., wheel radii changes caused by tire pressures) and terrain conditions, our method can address the model error via online calibration. Moreover, our method enables an accurate localization in cases of degenerated environments, such as long and straight corridors, by calibration while the LiDAR-IMU fusion sufficiently operates. Furthermore, we estimate the uncertainty (i.e., covariance matrix) of the wheel odometry online for creating a reasonable constraint. The proposed method is validated through three experiments. The first indoor experiment shows that the proposed method is robust in severe degeneracy cases (long corridors) and changes in the wheel radii. The second outdoor experiment demonstrates that our method accurately estimates the sensor trajectory despite being in rough outdoor terrain owing to online uncertainty estimation of wheel odometry. The third experiment shows the proposed online calibration enables robust odometry estimation in changing terrains.
comment: Accepted by IEEE Access journal (12 September) open-source: https://github.com/TakuOkawara/full_linear_wheel_odometry_factor
♻ ☆ CoFiI2P: Coarse-to-Fine Correspondences for Image-to-Point Cloud Registration
Image-to-point cloud (I2P) registration is a fundamental task for robots and autonomous vehicles to achieve cross-modality data fusion and localization. Current I2P registration methods primarily focus on estimating correspondences at the point or pixel level, often neglecting global alignment. As a result, I2P matching can easily converge to a local optimum if it lacks high-level guidance from global constraints. To improve the success rate and general robustness, this paper introduces CoFiI2P, a novel I2P registration network that extracts correspondences in a coarse-to-fine manner. First, the image and point cloud data are processed through a two-stream encoder-decoder network for hierarchical feature extraction. Second, a coarse-to-fine matching module is designed to leverage these features and establish robust feature correspondences. Specifically, In the coarse matching phase, a novel I2P transformer module is employed to capture both homogeneous and heterogeneous global information from the image and point cloud data. This enables the estimation of coarse super-point/super-pixel matching pairs with discriminative descriptors. In the fine matching module, point/pixel pairs are established with the guidance of super-point/super-pixel correspondences. Finally, based on matching pairs, the transform matrix is estimated with the EPnP-RANSAC algorithm. Experiments conducted on the KITTI Odometry dataset demonstrate that CoFiI2P achieves impressive results, with a relative rotation error (RRE) of 1.14 degrees and a relative translation error (RTE) of 0.29 meters, while maintaining real-time speed.Additional experiments on the Nuscenes datasets confirm our method's generalizability. The project page is available at \url{https://whu-usi3dv.github.io/CoFiI2P}.
comment: Accepted by IEEE RA-L 2024. Code, pretrained models and additional results are available at: https://whu-usi3dv.github.io/CoFiI2P
♻ ☆ GOPT: Generalizable Online 3D Bin Packing via Transformer-based Deep Reinforcement Learning
Robotic object packing has broad practical applications in the logistics and automation industry, often formulated by researchers as the online 3D Bin Packing Problem (3D-BPP). However, existing DRL-based methods primarily focus on enhancing performance in limited packing environments while neglecting the ability to generalize across multiple environments characterized by different bin dimensions. To this end, we propose GOPT, a generalizable online 3D Bin Packing approach via Transformer-based deep reinforcement learning (DRL). First, we design a Placement Generator module to yield finite subspaces as placement candidates and the representation of the bin. Second, we propose a Packing Transformer, which fuses the features of the items and bin, to identify the spatial correlation between the item to be packed and available sub-spaces within the bin. Coupling these two components enables GOPT's ability to perform inference on bins of varying dimensions. We conduct extensive experiments and demonstrate that GOPT not only achieves superior performance against the baselines, but also exhibits excellent generalization capabilities. Furthermore, the deployment with a robot showcases the practical applicability of our method in the real world. The source code will be publicly available at https://github.com/Xiong5Heng/GOPT.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. This paper has been accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
♻ ☆ What Matters to Enhance Traffic Rule Compliance of Imitation Learning for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
End-to-end autonomous driving, where the entire driving pipeline is replaced with a single neural network, has recently gained research attention because of its simpler structure and faster inference time. Despite this appealing approach largely reducing the complexity in the driving pipeline, it also leads to safety issues because the trained policy is not always compliant with the traffic rules. In this paper, we proposed P-CSG, a penalty-based imitation learning approach with contrastive-based cross semantics generation sensor fusion technologies to increase the overall performance of end-to-end autonomous driving. In this method, we introduce three penalties - red light, stop sign, and curvature speed penalty to make the agent more sensitive to traffic rules. The proposed cross semantics generation helps to align the shared information of different input modalities. We assessed our model's performance using the CARLA Leaderboard - Town 05 Long Benchmark and Longest6 Benchmark, achieving 8.5% and 2.0% driving score improvement compared to the baselines. Furthermore, we conducted robustness evaluations against adversarial attacks like FGSM and Dot attacks, revealing a substantial increase in robustness compared to other baseline models. More detailed information can be found at https://hk-zh.github.io/p-csg-plus.
comment: 14 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ EfficientZero V2: Mastering Discrete and Continuous Control with Limited Data
Sample efficiency remains a crucial challenge in applying Reinforcement Learning (RL) to real-world tasks. While recent algorithms have made significant strides in improving sample efficiency, none have achieved consistently superior performance across diverse domains. In this paper, we introduce EfficientZero V2, a general framework designed for sample-efficient RL algorithms. We have expanded the performance of EfficientZero to multiple domains, encompassing both continuous and discrete actions, as well as visual and low-dimensional inputs. With a series of improvements we propose, EfficientZero V2 outperforms the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) by a significant margin in diverse tasks under the limited data setting. EfficientZero V2 exhibits a notable advancement over the prevailing general algorithm, DreamerV3, achieving superior outcomes in 50 of 66 evaluated tasks across diverse benchmarks, such as Atari 100k, Proprio Control, and Vision Control.
comment: 21 pages,10 figures
♻ ☆ Language-Conditioned Imitation Learning with Base Skill Priors under Unstructured Data
The growing interest in language-conditioned robot manipulation aims to develop robots capable of understanding and executing complex tasks, with the objective of enabling robots to interpret language commands and manipulate objects accordingly. While language-conditioned approaches demonstrate impressive capabilities for addressing tasks in familiar environments, they encounter limitations in adapting to unfamiliar environment settings. In this study, we propose a general-purpose, language-conditioned approach that combines base skill priors and imitation learning under unstructured data to enhance the algorithm's generalization in adapting to unfamiliar environments. We assess our model's performance in both simulated and real-world environments using a zero-shot setting. In the simulated environment, the proposed approach surpasses previously reported scores for CALVIN benchmark, especially in the challenging Zero-Shot Multi-Environment setting. The average completed task length, indicating the average number of tasks the agent can continuously complete, improves more than 2.5 times compared to the state-of-the-art method HULC. In addition, we conduct a zero-shot evaluation of our policy in a real-world setting, following training exclusively in simulated environments without additional specific adaptations. In this evaluation, we set up ten tasks and achieved an average 30% improvement in our approach compared to the current state-of-the-art approach, demonstrating a high generalization capability in both simulated environments and the real world. For further details, including access to our code and videos, please refer to https://hk-zh.github.io/spil/
♻ ☆ DeRO: Dead Reckoning Based on Radar Odometry With Accelerometers Aided for Robot Localization IROS 2024
In this paper, we propose a radar odometry structure that directly utilizes radar velocity measurements for dead reckoning while maintaining its ability to update estimations within the Kalman filter framework. Specifically, we employ the Doppler velocity obtained by a 4D Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar in conjunction with gyroscope data to calculate poses. This approach helps mitigate high drift resulting from accelerometer biases and double integration. Instead, tilt angles measured by gravitational force are utilized alongside relative distance measurements from radar scan matching for the filter's measurement update. Additionally, to further enhance the system's accuracy, we estimate and compensate for the radar velocity scale factor. The performance of the proposed method is verified through five real-world open-source datasets. The results demonstrate that our approach reduces position error by 62% and rotation error by 66% on average compared to the state-of-the-art radar-inertial fusion method in terms of absolute trajectory error.
comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, IROS 2024
♻ ☆ Auto-Multilift: Distributed Learning and Control for Cooperative Load Transportation With Quadrotors
Designing motion control and planning algorithms for multilift systems remains challenging due to the complexities of dynamics, collision avoidance, actuator limits, and scalability. Existing methods that use optimization and distributed techniques effectively address these constraints and scalability issues. However, they often require substantial manual tuning, leading to suboptimal performance. This paper proposes Auto-Multilift, a novel framework that automates the tuning of model predictive controllers (MPCs) for multilift systems. We model the MPC cost functions with deep neural networks (DNNs), enabling fast online adaptation to various scenarios. We develop a distributed policy gradient algorithm to train these DNNs efficiently in a closed-loop manner. Central to our algorithm is distributed sensitivity propagation, which is built on fully exploiting the unique dynamic couplings within the multilift system. It parallelizes gradient computation across quadrotors and focuses on actual system state sensitivities relative to key MPC parameters. Extensive simulations demonstrate favorable scalability to a large number of quadrotors. Our method outperforms a state-of-the-art open-loop MPC tuning approach by effectively learning adaptive MPCs from trajectory tracking errors. It also excels in learning an adaptive reference for reconfiguring the system when traversing multiple narrow slots.
♻ ☆ LLM-enhanced Scene Graph Learning for Household Rearrangement SIGGRAPH
The household rearrangement task involves spotting misplaced objects in a scene and accommodate them with proper places. It depends both on common-sense knowledge on the objective side and human user preference on the subjective side. In achieving such task, we propose to mine object functionality with user preference alignment directly from the scene itself, without relying on human intervention. To do so, we work with scene graph representation and propose LLM-enhanced scene graph learning which transforms the input scene graph into an affordance-enhanced graph (AEG) with information-enhanced nodes and newly discovered edges (relations). In AEG, the nodes corresponding to the receptacle objects are augmented with context-induced affordance which encodes what kind of carriable objects can be placed on it. New edges are discovered with newly discovered non-local relations. With AEG, we perform task planning for scene rearrangement by detecting misplaced carriables and determining a proper placement for each of them. We test our method by implementing a tiding robot in simulator and perform evaluation on a new benchmark we build. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on misplacement detection and the following rearrangement planning.
comment: SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024 conference accepted
♻ ☆ SIS: Seam-Informed Strategy for T-shirt Unfolding
Seams are information-rich components of garments. The presence of different types of seams and their combinations helps to select grasping points for garment handling. In this paper, we propose a new Seam-Informed Strategy (SIS) for finding actions for handling a garment, such as grasping and unfolding a T-shirt. Candidates for a pair of grasping points for a dual-arm manipulator system are extracted using the proposed Seam Feature Extraction Method (SFEM). A pair of grasping points for the robot system is selected by the proposed Decision Matrix Iteration Method (DMIM). The decision matrix is first computed by multiple human demonstrations and updated by the robot execution results to improve the grasping and unfolding performance of the robot. Note that the proposed scheme is trained on real data without relying on simulation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The project video is available at https://github.com/lancexz/sis.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Introducing a Class-Aware Metric for Monocular Depth Estimation: An Automotive Perspective ECCV
The increasing accuracy reports of metric monocular depth estimation models lead to a growing interest from the automotive domain. Current model evaluations do not provide deeper insights into the models' performance, also in relation to safety-critical or unseen classes. Within this paper, we present a novel approach for the evaluation of depth estimation models. Our proposed metric leverages three components, a class-wise component, an edge and corner image feature component, and a global consistency retaining component. Classes are further weighted on their distance in the scene and on criticality for automotive applications. In the evaluation, we present the benefits of our metric through comparison to classical metrics, class-wise analytics, and the retrieval of critical situations. The results show that our metric provides deeper insights into model results while fulfilling safety-critical requirements. We release the code and weights on the following repository: https://github.com/leisemann/ca_mmde
comment: Accepted at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 Workshop on Out Of Distribution Generalization in Computer Vision
♻ ☆ RoboUniView: Visual-Language Model with Unified View Representation for Robotic Manipulation
Utilizing Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for robotic manipulation represents a novel paradigm, aiming to enhance the model's ability to generalize to new objects and instructions. However, due to variations in camera specifications and mounting positions, existing methods exhibit significant performance disparities across different robotic platforms. To address this challenge, we propose RoboUniView in this paper, an innovative approach that decouples visual feature extraction from action learning. We first learn a unified view representation from multi-perspective views by pre-training on readily accessible data, and then derive actions from this unified view representation to control robotic manipulation. This unified view representation more accurately mirrors the physical world and is not constrained by the robotic platform's camera parameters. Thanks to this methodology, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on the demanding CALVIN benchmark, enhancing the success rate in the $D \to D$ setting from 93.0% to 96.2%, and in the $ABC \to D$ setting from 92.2% to 94.2%. Moreover, our model exhibits outstanding adaptability and flexibility: it maintains high performance under unseen camera parameters, can utilize multiple datasets with varying camera parameters, and is capable of joint cross-task learning across datasets. Code is provided for re-implementation. https://github.com/liufanfanlff/RoboUniview
♻ ☆ Structured Deep Neural Network-Based Backstepping Trajectory Tracking Control for Lagrangian Systems
Deep neural networks (DNN) are increasingly being used to learn controllers due to their excellent approximation capabilities. However, their black-box nature poses significant challenges to closed-loop stability guarantees and performance analysis. In this paper, we introduce a structured DNN-based controller for the trajectory tracking control of Lagrangian systems using backing techniques. By properly designing neural network structures, the proposed controller can ensure closed-loop stability for any compatible neural network parameters. In addition, improved control performance can be achieved by further optimizing neural network parameters. Besides, we provide explicit upper bounds on tracking errors in terms of controller parameters, which allows us to achieve the desired tracking performance by properly selecting the controller parameters. Furthermore, when system models are unknown, we propose an improved Lagrangian neural network (LNN) structure to learn the system dynamics and design the controller. We show that in the presence of model approximation errors and external disturbances, the closed-loop stability and tracking control performance can still be guaranteed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through simulations.
♻ ☆ A Survey of Behavior Learning Applications in Robotics -- State of the Art and Perspectives
Recent success of machine learning in many domains has been overwhelming, which often leads to false expectations regarding the capabilities of behavior learning in robotics. In this survey, we analyze the current state of machine learning for robotic behaviors. We will give a broad overview of behaviors that have been learned and used on real robots. Our focus is on kinematically or sensorially complex robots. That includes humanoid robots or parts of humanoid robots, for example, legged robots or robotic arms. We will classify presented behaviors according to various categories and we will draw conclusions about what can be learned and what should be learned. Furthermore, we will give an outlook on problems that are challenging today but might be solved by machine learning in the future and argue that classical robotics and other approaches from artificial intelligence should be integrated more with machine learning to form complete, autonomous systems.
comment: Research Report of DFKI GmbH, Robotics Innovation Center
♻ ☆ DemoStart: Demonstration-led auto-curriculum applied to sim-to-real with multi-fingered robots
We present DemoStart, a novel auto-curriculum reinforcement learning method capable of learning complex manipulation behaviors on an arm equipped with a three-fingered robotic hand, from only a sparse reward and a handful of demonstrations in simulation. Learning from simulation drastically reduces the development cycle of behavior generation, and domain randomization techniques are leveraged to achieve successful zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. Transferred policies are learned directly from raw pixels from multiple cameras and robot proprioception. Our approach outperforms policies learned from demonstrations on the real robot and requires 100 times fewer demonstrations, collected in simulation. More details and videos in https://sites.google.com/view/demostart.
comment: 15 pages total with 7 pages of appendix. 9 Figures, 4 in the main text and 5 in the appendix
♻ ☆ FastSpiker: Enabling Fast Training for Spiking Neural Networks on Event-based Data through Learning Rate Enhancements for Autonomous Embedded Systems
Autonomous embedded systems (e.g., robots) typically necessitate intelligent computation with low power/energy processing for completing their tasks. Such requirements can be fulfilled by embodied neuromorphic intelligence with spiking neural networks (SNNs) because of their high learning quality (e.g., accuracy) and sparse computation. Here, the employment of event-based data is preferred to ensure seamless connectivity between input and processing parts. However, state-of-the-art SNNs still face a long training time to achieve high accuracy, thereby incurring high energy consumption and producing a high rate of carbon emission. Toward this, we propose FastSpiker, a novel methodology that enables fast SNN training on event-based data through learning rate enhancements targeting autonomous embedded systems. In FastSpiker, we first investigate the impact of different learning rate policies and their values, then select the ones that quickly offer high accuracy. Afterward, we explore different settings for the selected learning rate policies to find the appropriate policies through a statistical-based decision. Experimental results show that our FastSpiker offers up to 10.5x faster training time and up to 88.39% lower carbon emission to achieve higher or comparable accuracy to the state-of-the-art on the event-based automotive dataset (i.e., NCARS). In this manner, our FastSpiker methodology paves the way for green and sustainable computing in realizing embodied neuromorphic intelligence for autonomous embedded systems.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 138
☆ DreamHOI: Subject-Driven Generation of 3D Human-Object Interactions with Diffusion Priors
We present DreamHOI, a novel method for zero-shot synthesis of human-object interactions (HOIs), enabling a 3D human model to realistically interact with any given object based on a textual description. This task is complicated by the varying categories and geometries of real-world objects and the scarcity of datasets encompassing diverse HOIs. To circumvent the need for extensive data, we leverage text-to-image diffusion models trained on billions of image-caption pairs. We optimize the articulation of a skinned human mesh using Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) gradients obtained from these models, which predict image-space edits. However, directly backpropagating image-space gradients into complex articulation parameters is ineffective due to the local nature of such gradients. To overcome this, we introduce a dual implicit-explicit representation of a skinned mesh, combining (implicit) neural radiance fields (NeRFs) with (explicit) skeleton-driven mesh articulation. During optimization, we transition between implicit and explicit forms, grounding the NeRF generation while refining the mesh articulation. We validate our approach through extensive experiments, demonstrating its effectiveness in generating realistic HOIs.
comment: Project page: https://DreamHOI.github.io/
☆ Depth on Demand: Streaming Dense Depth from a Low Frame Rate Active Sensor ECCV
High frame rate and accurate depth estimation plays an important role in several tasks crucial to robotics and automotive perception. To date, this can be achieved through ToF and LiDAR devices for indoor and outdoor applications, respectively. However, their applicability is limited by low frame rate, energy consumption, and spatial sparsity. Depth on Demand (DoD) allows for accurate temporal and spatial depth densification achieved by exploiting a high frame rate RGB sensor coupled with a potentially lower frame rate and sparse active depth sensor. Our proposal jointly enables lower energy consumption and denser shape reconstruction, by significantly reducing the streaming requirements on the depth sensor thanks to its three core stages: i) multi-modal encoding, ii) iterative multi-modal integration, and iii) depth decoding. We present extended evidence assessing the effectiveness of DoD on indoor and outdoor video datasets, covering both environment scanning and automotive perception use cases.
comment: Accepted for publication at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024
☆ Hand-Object Interaction Pretraining from Videos
We present an approach to learn general robot manipulation priors from 3D hand-object interaction trajectories. We build a framework to use in-the-wild videos to generate sensorimotor robot trajectories. We do so by lifting both the human hand and the manipulated object in a shared 3D space and retargeting human motions to robot actions. Generative modeling on this data gives us a task-agnostic base policy. This policy captures a general yet flexible manipulation prior. We empirically demonstrate that finetuning this policy, with both reinforcement learning (RL) and behavior cloning (BC), enables sample-efficient adaptation to downstream tasks and simultaneously improves robustness and generalizability compared to prior approaches. Qualitative experiments are available at: \url{https://hgaurav2k.github.io/hop/}.
☆ Click2Mask: Local Editing with Dynamic Mask Generation
Recent advancements in generative models have revolutionized image generation and editing, making these tasks accessible to non-experts. This paper focuses on local image editing, particularly the task of adding new content to a loosely specified area. Existing methods often require a precise mask or a detailed description of the location, which can be cumbersome and prone to errors. We propose Click2Mask, a novel approach that simplifies the local editing process by requiring only a single point of reference (in addition to the content description). A mask is dynamically grown around this point during a Blended Latent Diffusion (BLD) process, guided by a masked CLIP-based semantic loss. Click2Mask surpasses the limitations of segmentation-based and fine-tuning dependent methods, offering a more user-friendly and contextually accurate solution. Our experiments demonstrate that Click2Mask not only minimizes user effort but also delivers competitive or superior local image manipulation results compared to SoTA methods, according to both human judgement and automatic metrics. Key contributions include the simplification of user input, the ability to freely add objects unconstrained by existing segments, and the integration potential of our dynamic mask approach within other editing methods.
comment: Project page is available at https://omeregev.github.io/click2mask/
☆ DreamBeast: Distilling 3D Fantastical Animals with Part-Aware Knowledge Transfer
We present DreamBeast, a novel method based on score distillation sampling (SDS) for generating fantastical 3D animal assets composed of distinct parts. Existing SDS methods often struggle with this generation task due to a limited understanding of part-level semantics in text-to-image diffusion models. While recent diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion 3, demonstrate a better part-level understanding, they are prohibitively slow and exhibit other common problems associated with single-view diffusion models. DreamBeast overcomes this limitation through a novel part-aware knowledge transfer mechanism. For each generated asset, we efficiently extract part-level knowledge from the Stable Diffusion 3 model into a 3D Part-Affinity implicit representation. This enables us to instantly generate Part-Affinity maps from arbitrary camera views, which we then use to modulate the guidance of a multi-view diffusion model during SDS to create 3D assets of fantastical animals. DreamBeast significantly enhances the quality of generated 3D creatures with user-specified part compositions while reducing computational overhead, as demonstrated by extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
comment: Project page: https://dreambeast3d.github.io/, code: https://github.com/runjiali-rl/threestudio-dreambeast
☆ FlashSplat: 2D to 3D Gaussian Splatting Segmentation Solved Optimally ECCV'2024
This study addresses the challenge of accurately segmenting 3D Gaussian Splatting from 2D masks. Conventional methods often rely on iterative gradient descent to assign each Gaussian a unique label, leading to lengthy optimization and sub-optimal solutions. Instead, we propose a straightforward yet globally optimal solver for 3D-GS segmentation. The core insight of our method is that, with a reconstructed 3D-GS scene, the rendering of the 2D masks is essentially a linear function with respect to the labels of each Gaussian. As such, the optimal label assignment can be solved via linear programming in closed form. This solution capitalizes on the alpha blending characteristic of the splatting process for single step optimization. By incorporating the background bias in our objective function, our method shows superior robustness in 3D segmentation against noises. Remarkably, our optimization completes within 30 seconds, about 50$\times$ faster than the best existing methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our method in segmenting various scenes, and its superior performance in downstream tasks such as object removal and inpainting. Demos and code will be available at https://github.com/florinshen/FlashSplat.
comment: ECCV'2024
☆ Improving Text-guided Object Inpainting with Semantic Pre-inpainting ECCV 2024
Recent years have witnessed the success of large text-to-image diffusion models and their remarkable potential to generate high-quality images. The further pursuit of enhancing the editability of images has sparked significant interest in the downstream task of inpainting a novel object described by a text prompt within a designated region in the image. Nevertheless, the problem is not trivial from two aspects: 1) Solely relying on one single U-Net to align text prompt and visual object across all the denoising timesteps is insufficient to generate desired objects; 2) The controllability of object generation is not guaranteed in the intricate sampling space of diffusion model. In this paper, we propose to decompose the typical single-stage object inpainting into two cascaded processes: 1) semantic pre-inpainting that infers the semantic features of desired objects in a multi-modal feature space; 2) high-fieldity object generation in diffusion latent space that pivots on such inpainted semantic features. To achieve this, we cascade a Transformer-based semantic inpainter and an object inpainting diffusion model, leading to a novel CAscaded Transformer-Diffusion (CAT-Diffusion) framework for text-guided object inpainting. Technically, the semantic inpainter is trained to predict the semantic features of the target object conditioning on unmasked context and text prompt. The outputs of the semantic inpainter then act as the informative visual prompts to guide high-fieldity object generation through a reference adapter layer, leading to controllable object inpainting. Extensive evaluations on OpenImages-V6 and MSCOCO validate the superiority of CAT-Diffusion against the state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/Nnn-s/CATdiffusion}.
comment: ECCV 2024. Source code is available at https://github.com/Nnn-s/CATdiffusion
☆ Improving Virtual Try-On with Garment-focused Diffusion Models ECCV 2024
Diffusion models have led to the revolutionizing of generative modeling in numerous image synthesis tasks. Nevertheless, it is not trivial to directly apply diffusion models for synthesizing an image of a target person wearing a given in-shop garment, i.e., image-based virtual try-on (VTON) task. The difficulty originates from the aspect that the diffusion process should not only produce holistically high-fidelity photorealistic image of the target person, but also locally preserve every appearance and texture detail of the given garment. To address this, we shape a new Diffusion model, namely GarDiff, which triggers the garment-focused diffusion process with amplified guidance of both basic visual appearance and detailed textures (i.e., high-frequency details) derived from the given garment. GarDiff first remoulds a pre-trained latent diffusion model with additional appearance priors derived from the CLIP and VAE encodings of the reference garment. Meanwhile, a novel garment-focused adapter is integrated into the UNet of diffusion model, pursuing local fine-grained alignment with the visual appearance of reference garment and human pose. We specifically design an appearance loss over the synthesized garment to enhance the crucial, high-frequency details. Extensive experiments on VITON-HD and DressCode datasets demonstrate the superiority of our GarDiff when compared to state-of-the-art VTON approaches. Code is publicly available at: \href{https://github.com/siqi0905/GarDiff/tree/master}{https://github.com/siqi0905/GarDiff/tree/master}.
comment: ECCV 2024. Source code is available at https://github.com/siqi0905/GarDiff/tree/master
☆ Dynamic Prompting of Frozen Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Panoptic Narrative Grounding ACM MM 2024
Panoptic narrative grounding (PNG), whose core target is fine-grained image-text alignment, requires a panoptic segmentation of referred objects given a narrative caption. Previous discriminative methods achieve only weak or coarse-grained alignment by panoptic segmentation pretraining or CLIP model adaptation. Given the recent progress of text-to-image Diffusion models, several works have shown their capability to achieve fine-grained image-text alignment through cross-attention maps and improved general segmentation performance. However, the direct use of phrase features as static prompts to apply frozen Diffusion models to the PNG task still suffers from a large task gap and insufficient vision-language interaction, yielding inferior performance. Therefore, we propose an Extractive-Injective Phrase Adapter (EIPA) bypass within the Diffusion UNet to dynamically update phrase prompts with image features and inject the multimodal cues back, which leverages the fine-grained image-text alignment capability of Diffusion models more sufficiently. In addition, we also design a Multi-Level Mutual Aggregation (MLMA) module to reciprocally fuse multi-level image and phrase features for segmentation refinement. Extensive experiments on the PNG benchmark show that our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance.
comment: Accepted by ACM MM 2024
☆ TextBoost: Towards One-Shot Personalization of Text-to-Image Models via Fine-tuning Text Encoder
Recent breakthroughs in text-to-image models have opened up promising research avenues in personalized image generation, enabling users to create diverse images of a specific subject using natural language prompts. However, existing methods often suffer from performance degradation when given only a single reference image. They tend to overfit the input, producing highly similar outputs regardless of the text prompt. This paper addresses the challenge of one-shot personalization by mitigating overfitting, enabling the creation of controllable images through text prompts. Specifically, we propose a selective fine-tuning strategy that focuses on the text encoder. Furthermore, we introduce three key techniques to enhance personalization performance: (1) augmentation tokens to encourage feature disentanglement and alleviate overfitting, (2) a knowledge-preservation loss to reduce language drift and promote generalizability across diverse prompts, and (3) SNR-weighted sampling for efficient training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach efficiently generates high-quality, diverse images using only a single reference image while significantly reducing memory and storage requirements.
comment: Project page: https://textboost.github.io
☆ Style Based Clustering of Visual Artworks
Clustering artworks based on style has many potential real-world applications like art recommendations, style-based search and retrieval, and the study of artistic style evolution in an artwork corpus. However, clustering artworks based on style is largely an unaddressed problem. A few present methods for clustering artworks principally rely on generic image feature representations derived from deep neural networks and do not specifically deal with the artistic style. In this paper, we introduce and deliberate over the notion of style-based clustering of visual artworks. Our main objective is to explore neural feature representations and architectures that can be used for style-based clustering and observe their impact and effectiveness. We develop different methods and assess their relative efficacy for style-based clustering through qualitative and quantitative analysis by applying them to four artwork corpora and four curated synthetically styled datasets. Our analysis provides some key novel insights on architectures, feature representations, and evaluation methods suitable for style-based clustering.
comment: 29 pages
☆ IFAdapter: Instance Feature Control for Grounded Text-to-Image Generation
While Text-to-Image (T2I) diffusion models excel at generating visually appealing images of individual instances, they struggle to accurately position and control the features generation of multiple instances. The Layout-to-Image (L2I) task was introduced to address the positioning challenges by incorporating bounding boxes as spatial control signals, but it still falls short in generating precise instance features. In response, we propose the Instance Feature Generation (IFG) task, which aims to ensure both positional accuracy and feature fidelity in generated instances. To address the IFG task, we introduce the Instance Feature Adapter (IFAdapter). The IFAdapter enhances feature depiction by incorporating additional appearance tokens and utilizing an Instance Semantic Map to align instance-level features with spatial locations. The IFAdapter guides the diffusion process as a plug-and-play module, making it adaptable to various community models. For evaluation, we contribute an IFG benchmark and develop a verification pipeline to objectively compare models' abilities to generate instances with accurate positioning and features. Experimental results demonstrate that IFAdapter outperforms other models in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
☆ Model Ensemble for Brain Tumor Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging MICCAI 2023
Segmenting brain tumors in multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging enables performing quantitative analysis in support of clinical trials and personalized patient care. This analysis provides the potential to impact clinical decision-making processes, including diagnosis and prognosis. In 2023, the well-established Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) challenge presented a substantial expansion with eight tasks and 4,500 brain tumor cases. In this paper, we present a deep learning-based ensemble strategy that is evaluated for newly included tumor cases in three tasks: pediatric brain tumors (PED), intracranial meningioma (MEN), and brain metastases (MET). In particular, we ensemble outputs from state-of-the-art nnU-Net and Swin UNETR models on a region-wise basis. Furthermore, we implemented a targeted post-processing strategy based on a cross-validated threshold search to improve the segmentation results for tumor sub-regions. The evaluation of our proposed method on unseen test cases for the three tasks resulted in lesion-wise Dice scores for PED: 0.653, 0.809, 0.826; MEN: 0.876, 0.867, 0.849; and MET: 0.555, 0.6, 0.58; for the enhancing tumor, tumor core, and whole tumor, respectively. Our method was ranked first for PED, third for MEN, and fourth for MET, respectively.
comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables; This method ranked 1st, 3rd and 4th for BraTS2023 PED, MEN, and MET, respectively. This paper was accepted at MICCAI 2023's BrainLes Workshop
☆ LT3SD: Latent Trees for 3D Scene Diffusion
We present LT3SD, a novel latent diffusion model for large-scale 3D scene generation. Recent advances in diffusion models have shown impressive results in 3D object generation, but are limited in spatial extent and quality when extended to 3D scenes. To generate complex and diverse 3D scene structures, we introduce a latent tree representation to effectively encode both lower-frequency geometry and higher-frequency detail in a coarse-to-fine hierarchy. We can then learn a generative diffusion process in this latent 3D scene space, modeling the latent components of a scene at each resolution level. To synthesize large-scale scenes with varying sizes, we train our diffusion model on scene patches and synthesize arbitrary-sized output 3D scenes through shared diffusion generation across multiple scene patches. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of LT3SD for large-scale, high-quality unconditional 3D scene generation and for probabilistic completion for partial scene observations.
comment: Project page: https://quan-meng.github.io/projects/lt3sd/ Video: https://youtu.be/AJ5sG9VyjGA
☆ VI3DRM:Towards meticulous 3D Reconstruction from Sparse Views via Photo-Realistic Novel View Synthesis
Recently, methods like Zero-1-2-3 have focused on single-view based 3D reconstruction and have achieved remarkable success. However, their predictions for unseen areas heavily rely on the inductive bias of large-scale pretrained diffusion models. Although subsequent work, such as DreamComposer, attempts to make predictions more controllable by incorporating additional views, the results remain unrealistic due to feature entanglement in the vanilla latent space, including factors such as lighting, material, and structure. To address these issues, we introduce the Visual Isotropy 3D Reconstruction Model (VI3DRM), a diffusion-based sparse views 3D reconstruction model that operates within an ID consistent and perspective-disentangled 3D latent space. By facilitating the disentanglement of semantic information, color, material properties and lighting, VI3DRM is capable of generating highly realistic images that are indistinguishable from real photographs. By leveraging both real and synthesized images, our approach enables the accurate construction of pointmaps, ultimately producing finely textured meshes or point clouds. On the NVS task, tested on the GSO dataset, VI3DRM significantly outperforms state-of-the-art method DreamComposer, achieving a PSNR of 38.61, an SSIM of 0.929, and an LPIPS of 0.027. Code will be made available upon publication.
☆ ComAlign: Compositional Alignment in Vision-Language Models
Vision-language models (VLMs) like CLIP have showcased a remarkable ability to extract transferable features for downstream tasks. Nonetheless, the training process of these models is usually based on a coarse-grained contrastive loss between the global embedding of images and texts which may lose the compositional structure of these modalities. Many recent studies have shown VLMs lack compositional understandings like attribute binding and identifying object relationships. Although some recent methods have tried to achieve finer-level alignments, they either are not based on extracting meaningful components of proper granularity or don't properly utilize the modalities' correspondence (especially in image-text pairs with more ingredients). Addressing these limitations, we introduce Compositional Alignment (ComAlign), a fine-grained approach to discover more exact correspondence of text and image components using only the weak supervision in the form of image-text pairs. Our methodology emphasizes that the compositional structure (including entities and relations) extracted from the text modality must also be retained in the image modality. To enforce correspondence of fine-grained concepts in image and text modalities, we train a lightweight network lying on top of existing visual and language encoders using a small dataset. The network is trained to align nodes and edges of the structure across the modalities. Experimental results on various VLMs and datasets demonstrate significant improvements in retrieval and compositional benchmarks, affirming the effectiveness of our plugin model.
☆ What Makes a Maze Look Like a Maze?
A unique aspect of human visual understanding is the ability to flexibly interpret abstract concepts: acquiring lifted rules explaining what they symbolize, grounding them across familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and making predictions or reasoning about them. While off-the-shelf vision-language models excel at making literal interpretations of images (e.g., recognizing object categories such as tree branches), they still struggle to make sense of such visual abstractions (e.g., how an arrangement of tree branches may form the walls of a maze). To address this challenge, we introduce Deep Schema Grounding (DSG), a framework that leverages explicit structured representations of visual abstractions for grounding and reasoning. At the core of DSG are schemas--dependency graph descriptions of abstract concepts that decompose them into more primitive-level symbols. DSG uses large language models to extract schemas, then hierarchically grounds concrete to abstract components of the schema onto images with vision-language models. The grounded schema is used to augment visual abstraction understanding. We systematically evaluate DSG and different methods in reasoning on our new Visual Abstractions Dataset, which consists of diverse, real-world images of abstract concepts and corresponding question-answer pairs labeled by humans. We show that DSG significantly improves the abstract visual reasoning performance of vision-language models, and is a step toward human-aligned understanding of visual abstractions.
☆ Gaussian Garments: Reconstructing Simulation-Ready Clothing with Photorealistic Appearance from Multi-View Video
We introduce Gaussian Garments, a novel approach for reconstructing realistic simulation-ready garment assets from multi-view videos. Our method represents garments with a combination of a 3D mesh and a Gaussian texture that encodes both the color and high-frequency surface details. This representation enables accurate registration of garment geometries to multi-view videos and helps disentangle albedo textures from lighting effects. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a pre-trained graph neural network (GNN) can be fine-tuned to replicate the real behavior of each garment. The reconstructed Gaussian Garments can be automatically combined into multi-garment outfits and animated with the fine-tuned GNN.
☆ Enhancing Canine Musculoskeletal Diagnoses: Leveraging Synthetic Image Data for Pre-Training AI-Models on Visual Documentations
The examination of the musculoskeletal system in dogs is a challenging task in veterinary practice. In this work, a novel method has been developed that enables efficient documentation of a dog's condition through a visual representation. However, since the visual documentation is new, there is no existing training data. The objective of this work is therefore to mitigate the impact of data scarcity in order to develop an AI-based diagnostic support system. To this end, the potential of synthetic data that mimics realistic visual documentations of diseases for pre-training AI models is investigated. We propose a method for generating synthetic image data that mimics realistic visual documentations. Initially, a basic dataset containing three distinct classes is generated, followed by the creation of a more sophisticated dataset containing 36 different classes. Both datasets are used for the pre-training of an AI model. Subsequently, an evaluation dataset is created, consisting of 250 manually created visual documentations for five different diseases. This dataset, along with a subset containing 25 examples. The obtained results on the evaluation dataset containing 25 examples demonstrate a significant enhancement of approximately 10% in diagnosis accuracy when utilizing generated synthetic images that mimic real-world visual documentations. However, these results do not hold true for the larger evaluation dataset containing 250 examples, indicating that the advantages of using synthetic data for pre-training an AI model emerge primarily when dealing with few examples of visual documentations for a given disease. Overall, this work provides valuable insights into mitigating the limitations imposed by limited training data through the strategic use of generated synthetic data, presenting an approach applicable beyond the canine musculoskeletal assessment domain.
☆ Low-Cost Tree Crown Dieback Estimation Using Deep Learning-Based Segmentation
The global increase in observed forest dieback, characterised by the death of tree foliage, heralds widespread decline in forest ecosystems. This degradation causes significant changes to ecosystem services and functions, including habitat provision and carbon sequestration, which can be difficult to detect using traditional monitoring techniques, highlighting the need for large-scale and high-frequency monitoring. Contemporary developments in the instruments and methods to gather and process data at large-scales mean this monitoring is now possible. In particular, the advancement of low-cost drone technology and deep learning on consumer-level hardware provide new opportunities. Here, we use an approach based on deep learning and vegetation indices to assess crown dieback from RGB aerial data without the need for expensive instrumentation such as LiDAR. We use an iterative approach to match crown footprints predicted by deep learning with field-based inventory data from a Mediterranean ecosystem exhibiting drought-induced dieback, and compare expert field-based crown dieback estimation with vegetation index-based estimates. We obtain high overall segmentation accuracy (mAP: 0.519) without the need for additional technical development of the underlying Mask R-CNN model, underscoring the potential of these approaches for non-expert use and proving their applicability to real-world conservation. We also find colour-coordinate based estimates of dieback correlate well with expert field-based estimation. Substituting ground truth for Mask R-CNN model predictions showed negligible impact on dieback estimates, indicating robustness. Our findings demonstrate the potential of automated data collection and processing, including the application of deep learning, to improve the coverage, speed and cost of forest dieback monitoring.
comment: 16 pages, 5 figures
☆ AD-Lite Net: A Lightweight and Concatenated CNN Model for Alzheimer's Detection from MRI Images
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a non-curable progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the human brain, leading to a decline in memory, cognitive abilities, and eventually, the ability to carry out daily tasks. Manual diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease from MRI images is fraught with less sensitivity and it is a very tedious process for neurologists. Therefore, there is a need for an automatic Computer Assisted Diagnosis (CAD) system, which can detect AD at early stages with higher accuracy. In this research, we have proposed a novel AD-Lite Net model (trained from scratch), that could alleviate the aforementioned problem. The novelties we bring here in this research are, (I) We have proposed a very lightweight CNN model by incorporating Depth Wise Separable Convolutional (DWSC) layers and Global Average Pooling (GAP) layers. (II) We have leveraged a ``parallel concatenation block'' (pcb), in the proposed AD-Lite Net model. This pcb consists of a Transformation layer (Tx-layer), followed by two convolutional layers, which are thereby concatenated with the original base model. This Tx-layer converts the features into very distinct kind of features, which are imperative for the Alzheimer's disease. As a consequence, the proposed AD-Lite Net model with ``parallel concatenation'' converges faster and automatically mitigates the class imbalance problem from the MRI datasets in a very generalized way. For the validity of our proposed model, we have implemented it on three different MRI datasets. Furthermore, we have combined the ADNI and AD datasets and subsequently performed a 10-fold cross-validation experiment to verify the model's generalization ability. Extensive experimental results showed that our proposed model has outperformed all the existing CNN models, and one recent trend Vision Transformer (ViT) model by a significant margin.
comment: NA
☆ Learning to Match 2D Keypoints Across Preoperative MR and Intraoperative Ultrasound MICCAI 2024
We propose in this paper a texture-invariant 2D keypoints descriptor specifically designed for matching preoperative Magnetic Resonance (MR) images with intraoperative Ultrasound (US) images. We introduce a matching-by-synthesis strategy, where intraoperative US images are synthesized from MR images accounting for multiple MR modalities and intraoperative US variability. We build our training set by enforcing keypoints localization over all images then train a patient-specific descriptor network that learns texture-invariant discriminant features in a supervised contrastive manner, leading to robust keypoints descriptors. Our experiments on real cases with ground truth show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods and achieving 80.35% matching precision on average.
comment: Accepted for publication at the International Workshop of Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) at MICCAI 2024
☆ High-Frequency Anti-DreamBooth: Robust Defense Against Image Synthesis ECCV 2024
Recently, text-to-image generative models have been misused to create unauthorized malicious images of individuals, posing a growing social problem. Previous solutions, such as Anti-DreamBooth, add adversarial noise to images to protect them from being used as training data for malicious generation. However, we found that the adversarial noise can be removed by adversarial purification methods such as DiffPure. Therefore, we propose a new adversarial attack method that adds strong perturbation on the high-frequency areas of images to make it more robust to adversarial purification. Our experiment showed that the adversarial images retained noise even after adversarial purification, hindering malicious image generation.
comment: ECCV 2024 Workshop The Dark Side of Generative AIs and Beyond
☆ Open Source Infrastructure for Automatic Cell Segmentation
Automated cell segmentation is crucial for various biological and medical applications, facilitating tasks like cell counting, morphology analysis, and drug discovery. However, manual segmentation is time-consuming and prone to subjectivity, necessitating robust automated methods. This paper presents open-source infrastructure, utilizing the UNet model, a deep-learning architecture noted for its effectiveness in image segmentation tasks. This implementation is integrated into the open-source DeepChem package, enhancing accessibility and usability for researchers and practitioners. The resulting tool offers a convenient and user-friendly interface, reducing the barrier to entry for cell segmentation while maintaining high accuracy. Additionally, we benchmark this model against various datasets, demonstrating its robustness and versatility across different imaging conditions and cell types.
☆ Cross-Attention Based Influence Model for Manual and Nonmanual Sign Language Analysis
Both manual (relating to the use of hands) and non-manual markers (NMM), such as facial expressions or mouthing cues, are important for providing the complete meaning of phrases in American Sign Language (ASL). Efforts have been made in advancing sign language to spoken/written language understanding, but most of these have primarily focused on manual features only. In this work, using advanced neural machine translation methods, we examine and report on the extent to which facial expressions contribute to understanding sign language phrases. We present a sign language translation architecture consisting of two-stream encoders, with one encoder handling the face and the other handling the upper body (with hands). We propose a new parallel cross-attention decoding mechanism that is useful for quantifying the influence of each input modality on the output. The two streams from the encoder are directed simultaneously to different attention stacks in the decoder. Examining the properties of the parallel cross-attention weights allows us to analyze the importance of facial markers compared to body and hand features during a translating task.
☆ SDformer: Efficient End-to-End Transformer for Depth Completion
Depth completion aims to predict dense depth maps with sparse depth measurements from a depth sensor. Currently, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based models are the most popular methods applied to depth completion tasks. However, despite the excellent high-end performance, they suffer from a limited representation area. To overcome the drawbacks of CNNs, a more effective and powerful method has been presented: the Transformer, which is an adaptive self-attention setting sequence-to-sequence model. While the standard Transformer quadratically increases the computational cost from the key-query dot-product of input resolution which improperly employs depth completion tasks. In this work, we propose a different window-based Transformer architecture for depth completion tasks named Sparse-to-Dense Transformer (SDformer). The network consists of an input module for the depth map and RGB image features extraction and concatenation, a U-shaped encoder-decoder Transformer for extracting deep features, and a refinement module. Specifically, we first concatenate the depth map features with the RGB image features through the input model. Then, instead of calculating self-attention with the whole feature maps, we apply different window sizes to extract the long-range depth dependencies. Finally, we refine the predicted features from the input module and the U-shaped encoder-decoder Transformer module to get the enriching depth features and employ a convolution layer to obtain the dense depth map. In practice, the SDformer obtains state-of-the-art results against the CNN-based depth completion models with lower computing loads and parameters on the NYU Depth V2 and KITTI DC datasets.
comment: Presented at the International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE) 2022
☆ MagicStyle: Portrait Stylization Based on Reference Image
The development of diffusion models has significantly advanced the research on image stylization, particularly in the area of stylizing a content image based on a given style image, which has attracted many scholars. The main challenge in this reference image stylization task lies in how to maintain the details of the content image while incorporating the color and texture features of the style image. This challenge becomes even more pronounced when the content image is a portrait which has complex textural details. To address this challenge, we propose a diffusion model-based reference image stylization method specifically for portraits, called MagicStyle. MagicStyle consists of two phases: Content and Style DDIM Inversion (CSDI) and Feature Fusion Forward (FFF). The CSDI phase involves a reverse denoising process, where DDIM Inversion is performed separately on the content image and the style image, storing the self-attention query, key and value features of both images during the inversion process. The FFF phase executes forward denoising, harmoniously integrating the texture and color information from the pre-stored feature queries, keys and values into the diffusion generation process based on our Well-designed Feature Fusion Attention (FFA). We conducted comprehensive comparative and ablation experiments to validate the effectiveness of our proposed MagicStyle and FFA.
☆ Effective Segmentation of Post-Treatment Gliomas Using Simple Approaches: Artificial Sequence Generation and Ensemble Models MICCAI
Segmentation is a crucial task in the medical imaging field and is often an important primary step or even a prerequisite to the analysis of medical volumes. Yet treatments such as surgery complicate the accurate delineation of regions of interest. The BraTS Post-Treatment 2024 Challenge published the first public dataset for post-surgery glioma segmentation and addresses the aforementioned issue by fostering the development of automated segmentation tools for glioma in MRI data. In this effort, we propose two straightforward approaches to enhance the segmentation performances of deep learning-based methodologies. First, we incorporate an additional input based on a simple linear combination of the available MRI sequences input, which highlights enhancing tumors. Second, we employ various ensembling methods to weigh the contribution of a battery of models. Our results demonstrate that these approaches significantly improve segmentation performance compared to baseline models, underscoring the effectiveness of these simple approaches in improving medical image segmentation tasks.
comment: Invited for an Oral Presentation at the MICCAI BraTS Challenge 2024
☆ The JPEG Pleno Learning-based Point Cloud Coding Standard: Serving Man and Machine
Efficient point cloud coding has become increasingly critical for multiple applications such as virtual reality, autonomous driving, and digital twin systems, where rich and interactive 3D data representations may functionally make the difference. Deep learning has emerged as a powerful tool in this domain, offering advanced techniques for compressing point clouds more efficiently than conventional coding methods while also allowing effective computer vision tasks performed in the compressed domain thus, for the first time, making available a common compressed visual representation effective for both man and machine. Taking advantage of this potential, JPEG has recently finalized the JPEG Pleno Learning-based Point Cloud Coding (PCC) standard offering efficient lossy coding of static point clouds, targeting both human visualization and machine processing by leveraging deep learning models for geometry and color coding. The geometry is processed directly in its original 3D form using sparse convolutional neural networks, while the color data is projected onto 2D images and encoded using the also learning-based JPEG AI standard. The goal of this paper is to provide a complete technical description of the JPEG PCC standard, along with a thorough benchmarking of its performance against the state-of-the-art, while highlighting its main strengths and weaknesses. In terms of compression performance, JPEG PCC outperforms the conventional MPEG PCC standards, especially in geometry coding, achieving significant rate reductions. Color compression performance is less competitive but this is overcome by the power of a full learning-based coding framework for both geometry and color and the associated effective compressed domain processing.
comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, submitted to IEEE Access
☆ GAZEploit: Remote Keystroke Inference Attack by Gaze Estimation from Avatar Views in VR/MR Devices CCS'24
The advent and growing popularity of Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) solutions have revolutionized the way we interact with digital platforms. The cutting-edge gaze-controlled typing methods, now prevalent in high-end models of these devices, e.g., Apple Vision Pro, have not only improved user experience but also mitigated traditional keystroke inference attacks that relied on hand gestures, head movements and acoustic side-channels. However, this advancement has paradoxically given birth to a new, potentially more insidious cyber threat, GAZEploit. In this paper, we unveil GAZEploit, a novel eye-tracking based attack specifically designed to exploit these eye-tracking information by leveraging the common use of virtual appearances in VR applications. This widespread usage significantly enhances the practicality and feasibility of our attack compared to existing methods. GAZEploit takes advantage of this vulnerability to remotely extract gaze estimations and steal sensitive keystroke information across various typing scenarios-including messages, passwords, URLs, emails, and passcodes. Our research, involving 30 participants, achieved over 80% accuracy in keystroke inference. Alarmingly, our study also identified over 15 top-rated apps in the Apple Store as vulnerable to the GAZEploit attack, emphasizing the urgent need for bolstered security measures for this state-of-the-art VR/MR text entry method.
comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, Accepted at ACM CCS'24
☆ Bayesian Self-Training for Semi-Supervised 3D Segmentation ECCV 2024
3D segmentation is a core problem in computer vision and, similarly to many other dense prediction tasks, it requires large amounts of annotated data for adequate training. However, densely labeling 3D point clouds to employ fully-supervised training remains too labor intensive and expensive. Semi-supervised training provides a more practical alternative, where only a small set of labeled data is given, accompanied by a larger unlabeled set. This area thus studies the effective use of unlabeled data to reduce the performance gap that arises due to the lack of annotations. In this work, inspired by Bayesian deep learning, we first propose a Bayesian self-training framework for semi-supervised 3D semantic segmentation. Employing stochastic inference, we generate an initial set of pseudo-labels and then filter these based on estimated point-wise uncertainty. By constructing a heuristic $n$-partite matching algorithm, we extend the method to semi-supervised 3D instance segmentation, and finally, with the same building blocks, to dense 3D visual grounding. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results for our semi-supervised method on SemanticKITTI and ScribbleKITTI for 3D semantic segmentation and on ScanNet and S3DIS for 3D instance segmentation. We further achieve substantial improvements in dense 3D visual grounding over supervised-only baselines on ScanRefer. Our project page is available at ouenal.github.io/bst/.
comment: Accepted at ECCV 2024
☆ EZIGen: Enhancing zero-shot subject-driven image generation with precise subject encoding and decoupled guidance
Zero-shot subject-driven image generation aims to produce images that incorporate a subject from a given example image. The challenge lies in preserving the subject's identity while aligning with the text prompt, which often requires modifying certain aspects of the subject's appearance. Despite advancements in diffusion model based methods, existing approaches still struggle to balance identity preservation with text prompt alignment. In this study, we conducted an in-depth investigation into this issue and uncovered key insights for achieving effective identity preservation while maintaining a strong balance. Our key findings include: (1) the design of the subject image encoder significantly impacts identity preservation quality, and (2) generating an initial layout is crucial for both text alignment and identity preservation. Building on these insights, we introduce a new approach called EZIGen, which employs two main strategies: a carefully crafted subject image Encoder based on the UNet architecture of the pretrained Stable Diffusion model to ensure high-quality identity transfer, following a process that decouples the guidance stages and iteratively refines the initial image layout. Through these strategies, EZIGen achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple subject-driven benchmarks with a unified model and 100 times less training data.
☆ SimMAT: Exploring Transferability from Vision Foundation Models to Any Image Modality
Foundation models like ChatGPT and Sora that are trained on a huge scale of data have made a revolutionary social impact. However, it is extremely challenging for sensors in many different fields to collect similar scales of natural images to train strong foundation models. To this end, this work presents a simple and effective framework SimMAT to study an open problem: the transferability from vision foundation models trained on natural RGB images to other image modalities of different physical properties (e.g., polarization). SimMAT consists of a modality-agnostic transfer layer (MAT) and a pretrained foundation model. We apply SimMAT to a representative vision foundation model Segment Anything Model (SAM) to support any evaluated new image modality. Given the absence of relevant benchmarks, we construct a new benchmark to evaluate the transfer learning performance. Our experiments confirm the intriguing potential of transferring vision foundation models in enhancing other sensors' performance. Specifically, SimMAT can improve the segmentation performance (mIoU) from 22.15% to 53.88% on average for evaluated modalities and consistently outperforms other baselines. We hope that SimMAT can raise awareness of cross-modal transfer learning and benefit various fields for better results with vision foundation models.
comment: Github link: https://github.com/mt-cly/SimMAT
☆ Diffusion-Based Image-to-Image Translation by Noise Correction via Prompt Interpolation
We propose a simple but effective training-free approach tailored to diffusion-based image-to-image translation. Our approach revises the original noise prediction network of a pretrained diffusion model by introducing a noise correction term. We formulate the noise correction term as the difference between two noise predictions; one is computed from the denoising network with a progressive interpolation of the source and target prompt embeddings, while the other is the noise prediction with the source prompt embedding. The final noise prediction network is given by a linear combination of the standard denoising term and the noise correction term, where the former is designed to reconstruct must-be-preserved regions while the latter aims to effectively edit regions of interest relevant to the target prompt. Our approach can be easily incorporated into existing image-to-image translation methods based on diffusion models. Extensive experiments verify that the proposed technique achieves outstanding performance with low latency and consistently improves existing frameworks when combined with them.
comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables
☆ AutoPET Challenge: Tumour Synthesis for Data Augmentation
Accurate lesion segmentation in whole-body PET/CT scans is crucial for cancer diagnosis and treatment planning, but limited datasets often hinder the performance of automated segmentation models. In this paper, we explore the potential of leveraging the deep prior from a generative model to serve as a data augmenter for automated lesion segmentation in PET/CT scans. We adapt the DiffTumor method, originally designed for CT images, to generate synthetic PET-CT images with lesions. Our approach trains the generative model on the AutoPET dataset and uses it to expand the training data. We then compare the performance of segmentation models trained on the original and augmented datasets. Our findings show that the model trained on the augmented dataset achieves a higher Dice score, demonstrating the potential of our data augmentation approach. In a nutshell, this work presents a promising direction for improving lesion segmentation in whole-body PET/CT scans with limited datasets, potentially enhancing the accuracy and reliability of cancer diagnostics.
comment: 9 pages
☆ Expansive Supervision for Neural Radiance Field
Neural Radiance Fields have achieved success in creating powerful 3D media representations with their exceptional reconstruction capabilities. However, the computational demands of volume rendering pose significant challenges during model training. Existing acceleration techniques often involve redesigning the model architecture, leading to limitations in compatibility across different frameworks. Furthermore, these methods tend to overlook the substantial memory costs incurred. In response to these challenges, we introduce an expansive supervision mechanism that efficiently balances computational load, rendering quality and flexibility for neural radiance field training. This mechanism operates by selectively rendering a small but crucial subset of pixels and expanding their values to estimate the error across the entire area for each iteration. Compare to conventional supervision, our method effectively bypasses redundant rendering processes, resulting in notable reductions in both time and memory consumption. Experimental results demonstrate that integrating expansive supervision within existing state-of-the-art acceleration frameworks can achieve 69% memory savings and 42% time savings, with negligible compromise in visual quality.
comment: 12 pages, 7 figures
☆ Thermal3D-GS: Physics-induced 3D Gaussians for Thermal Infrared Novel-view Synthesis
Novel-view synthesis based on visible light has been extensively studied. In comparison to visible light imaging, thermal infrared imaging offers the advantage of all-weather imaging and strong penetration, providing increased possibilities for reconstruction in nighttime and adverse weather scenarios. However, thermal infrared imaging is influenced by physical characteristics such as atmospheric transmission effects and thermal conduction, hindering the precise reconstruction of intricate details in thermal infrared scenes, manifesting as issues of floaters and indistinct edge features in synthesized images. To address these limitations, this paper introduces a physics-induced 3D Gaussian splatting method named Thermal3D-GS. Thermal3D-GS begins by modeling atmospheric transmission effects and thermal conduction in three-dimensional media using neural networks. Additionally, a temperature consistency constraint is incorporated into the optimization objective to enhance the reconstruction accuracy of thermal infrared images. Furthermore, to validate the effectiveness of our method, the first large-scale benchmark dataset for this field named Thermal Infrared Novel-view Synthesis Dataset (TI-NSD) is created. This dataset comprises 20 authentic thermal infrared video scenes, covering indoor, outdoor, and UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) scenarios, totaling 6,664 frames of thermal infrared image data. Based on this dataset, this paper experimentally verifies the effectiveness of Thermal3D-GS. The results indicate that our method outperforms the baseline method with a 3.03 dB improvement in PSNR and significantly addresses the issues of floaters and indistinct edge features present in the baseline method. Our dataset and codebase will be released in \href{https://github.com/mzzcdf/Thermal3DGS}{\textcolor{red}{Thermal3DGS}}.
comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ LED: Light Enhanced Depth Estimation at Night
Nighttime camera-based depth estimation is a highly challenging task, especially for autonomous driving applications, where accurate depth perception is essential for ensuring safe navigation. We aim to improve the reliability of perception systems at night time, where models trained on daytime data often fail in the absence of precise but costly LiDAR sensors. In this work, we introduce Light Enhanced Depth (LED), a novel cost-effective approach that significantly improves depth estimation in low-light environments by harnessing a pattern projected by high definition headlights available in modern vehicles. LED leads to significant performance boosts across multiple depth-estimation architectures (encoder-decoder, Adabins, DepthFormer) both on synthetic and real datasets. Furthermore, increased performances beyond illuminated areas reveal a holistic enhancement in scene understanding. Finally, we release the Nighttime Synthetic Drive Dataset, a new synthetic and photo-realistic nighttime dataset, which comprises 49,990 comprehensively annotated images.
comment: Preprint. Code and dataset available at https://github.com/SimondeMoreau/LED
☆ Scribble-Guided Diffusion for Training-free Text-to-Image Generation
Recent advancements in text-to-image diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable success, yet they often struggle to fully capture the user's intent. Existing approaches using textual inputs combined with bounding boxes or region masks fall short in providing precise spatial guidance, often leading to misaligned or unintended object orientation. To address these limitations, we propose Scribble-Guided Diffusion (ScribbleDiff), a training-free approach that utilizes simple user-provided scribbles as visual prompts to guide image generation. However, incorporating scribbles into diffusion models presents challenges due to their sparse and thin nature, making it difficult to ensure accurate orientation alignment. To overcome these challenges, we introduce moment alignment and scribble propagation, which allow for more effective and flexible alignment between generated images and scribble inputs. Experimental results on the PASCAL-Scribble dataset demonstrate significant improvements in spatial control and consistency, showcasing the effectiveness of scribble-based guidance in diffusion models. Our code is available at https://github.com/kaist-cvml-lab/scribble-diffusion.
☆ OCTAMamba: A State-Space Model Approach for Precision OCTA Vasculature Segmentation
Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) is a crucial imaging technique for visualizing retinal vasculature and diagnosing eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. However, precise segmentation of OCTA vasculature remains challenging due to the multi-scale vessel structures and noise from poor image quality and eye lesions. In this study, we proposed OCTAMamba, a novel U-shaped network based on the Mamba architecture, designed to segment vasculature in OCTA accurately. OCTAMamba integrates a Quad Stream Efficient Mining Embedding Module for local feature extraction, a Multi-Scale Dilated Asymmetric Convolution Module to capture multi-scale vasculature, and a Focused Feature Recalibration Module to filter noise and highlight target areas. Our method achieves efficient global modeling and local feature extraction while maintaining linear complexity, making it suitable for low-computation medical applications. Extensive experiments on the OCTA 3M, OCTA 6M, and ROSSA datasets demonstrated that OCTAMamba outperforms state-of-the-art methods, providing a new reference for efficient OCTA segmentation. Code is available at https://github.com/zs1314/OCTAMamba
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures
☆ Depth Matters: Exploring Deep Interactions of RGB-D for Semantic Segmentation in Traffic Scenes
RGB-D has gradually become a crucial data source for understanding complex scenes in assisted driving. However, existing studies have paid insufficient attention to the intrinsic spatial properties of depth maps. This oversight significantly impacts the attention representation, leading to prediction errors caused by attention shift issues. To this end, we propose a novel learnable Depth interaction Pyramid Transformer (DiPFormer) to explore the effectiveness of depth. Firstly, we introduce Depth Spatial-Aware Optimization (Depth SAO) as offset to represent real-world spatial relationships. Secondly, the similarity in the feature space of RGB-D is learned by Depth Linear Cross-Attention (Depth LCA) to clarify spatial differences at the pixel level. Finally, an MLP Decoder is utilized to effectively fuse multi-scale features for meeting real-time requirements. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed DiPFormer significantly addresses the issue of attention misalignment in both road detection (+7.5%) and semantic segmentation (+4.9% / +1.5%) tasks. DiPFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance on the KITTI (97.57% F-score on KITTI road and 68.74% mIoU on KITTI-360) and Cityscapes (83.4% mIoU) datasets.
☆ Enhancing Few-Shot Image Classification through Learnable Multi-Scale Embedding and Attention Mechanisms
In the context of few-shot classification, the goal is to train a classifier using a limited number of samples while maintaining satisfactory performance. However, traditional metric-based methods exhibit certain limitations in achieving this objective. These methods typically rely on a single distance value between the query feature and support feature, thereby overlooking the contribution of shallow features. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel approach in this paper. Our approach involves utilizing multi-output embedding network that maps samples into distinct feature spaces. The proposed method extract feature vectors at different stages, enabling the model to capture both global and abstract features. By utilizing these diverse feature spaces, our model enhances its performance. Moreover, employing a self-attention mechanism improves the refinement of features at each stage, leading to even more robust representations and improved overall performance. Furthermore, assigning learnable weights to each stage significantly improved performance and results. We conducted comprehensive evaluations on the MiniImageNet and FC100 datasets, specifically in the 5-way 1-shot and 5-way 5-shot scenarios. Additionally, we performed a cross-domain task from MiniImageNet to the CUB dataset, achieving high accuracy in the testing domain. These evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method in comparison to state-of-the-art approaches. https://github.com/FatemehAskari/MSENet
☆ SPARK: Self-supervised Personalized Real-time Monocular Face Capture SIGGRAPH
Feedforward monocular face capture methods seek to reconstruct posed faces from a single image of a person. Current state of the art approaches have the ability to regress parametric 3D face models in real-time across a wide range of identities, lighting conditions and poses by leveraging large image datasets of human faces. These methods however suffer from clear limitations in that the underlying parametric face model only provides a coarse estimation of the face shape, thereby limiting their practical applicability in tasks that require precise 3D reconstruction (aging, face swapping, digital make-up, ...). In this paper, we propose a method for high-precision 3D face capture taking advantage of a collection of unconstrained videos of a subject as prior information. Our proposal builds on a two stage approach. We start with the reconstruction of a detailed 3D face avatar of the person, capturing both precise geometry and appearance from a collection of videos. We then use the encoder from a pre-trained monocular face reconstruction method, substituting its decoder with our personalized model, and proceed with transfer learning on the video collection. Using our pre-estimated image formation model, we obtain a more precise self-supervision objective, enabling improved expression and pose alignment. This results in a trained encoder capable of efficiently regressing pose and expression parameters in real-time from previously unseen images, which combined with our personalized geometry model yields more accurate and high fidelity mesh inference. Through extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation, we showcase the superiority of our final model as compared to state-of-the-art baselines, and demonstrate its generalization ability to unseen pose, expression and lighting.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Paper. Project page: https://kelianb.github.io/SPARK/
☆ Sparse R-CNN OBB: Ship Target Detection in SAR Images Based on Oriented Sparse Proposals ICASSP
We present Sparse R-CNN OBB, a novel framework for the detection of oriented objects in SAR images leveraging sparse learnable proposals. The Sparse R-CNN OBB has streamlined architecture and ease of training as it utilizes a sparse set of 300 proposals instead of training a proposals generator on hundreds of thousands of anchors. To the best of our knowledge, Sparse R-CNN OBB is the first to adopt the concept of sparse learnable proposals for the detection of oriented objects, as well as for the detection of ships in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. The detection head of the baseline model, Sparse R-CNN, is re-designed to enable the model to capture object orientation. We also fine-tune the model on RSDD-SAR dataset and provide a performance comparison to state-of-the-art models. Experimental results shows that Sparse R-CNN OBB achieves outstanding performance, surpassing other models on both inshore and offshore scenarios. The code is available at: www.github.com/ka-mirul/Sparse-R-CNN-OBB.
comment: Submitted to 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
☆ Deep Height Decoupling for Precise Vision-based 3D Occupancy Prediction
The task of vision-based 3D occupancy prediction aims to reconstruct 3D geometry and estimate its semantic classes from 2D color images, where the 2D-to-3D view transformation is an indispensable step. Most previous methods conduct forward projection, such as BEVPooling and VoxelPooling, both of which map the 2D image features into 3D grids. However, the current grid representing features within a certain height range usually introduces many confusing features that belong to other height ranges. To address this challenge, we present Deep Height Decoupling (DHD), a novel framework that incorporates explicit height prior to filter out the confusing features. Specifically, DHD first predicts height maps via explicit supervision. Based on the height distribution statistics, DHD designs Mask Guided Height Sampling (MGHS) to adaptively decoupled the height map into multiple binary masks. MGHS projects the 2D image features into multiple subspaces, where each grid contains features within reasonable height ranges. Finally, a Synergistic Feature Aggregation (SFA) module is deployed to enhance the feature representation through channel and spatial affinities, enabling further occupancy refinement. On the popular Occ3D-nuScenes benchmark, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance even with minimal input frames. Code is available at https://github.com/yanzq95/DHD.
☆ Locality-aware Cross-modal Correspondence Learning for Dense Audio-Visual Events Localization
Dense-localization Audio-Visual Events (DAVE) aims to identify time boundaries and corresponding categories for events that can be heard and seen concurrently in an untrimmed video. Existing methods typically encode audio and visual representation separately without any explicit cross-modal alignment constraint. Then they adopt dense cross-modal attention to integrate multimodal information for DAVE. Thus these methods inevitably aggregate irrelevant noise and events, especially in complex and long videos, leading to imprecise detection. In this paper, we present LOCO, a Locality-aware cross-modal Correspondence learning framework for DAVE. The core idea is to explore local temporal continuity nature of audio-visual events, which serves as informative yet free supervision signals to guide the filtering of irrelevant information and inspire the extraction of complementary multimodal information during both unimodal and cross-modal learning stages. i) Specifically, LOCO applies Locality-aware Correspondence Correction (LCC) to uni-modal features via leveraging cross-modal local-correlated properties without any extra annotations. This enforces uni-modal encoders to highlight similar semantics shared by audio and visual features. ii) To better aggregate such audio and visual features, we further customize Cross-modal Dynamic Perception layer (CDP) in cross-modal feature pyramid to understand local temporal patterns of audio-visual events by imposing local consistency within multimodal features in a data-driven manner. By incorporating LCC and CDP, LOCO provides solid performance gains and outperforms existing methods for DAVE. The source code will be released.
☆ ProbTalk3D: Non-Deterministic Emotion Controllable Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation Synthesis Using VQ-VAE SIGGRAPH
Audio-driven 3D facial animation synthesis has been an active field of research with attention from both academia and industry. While there are promising results in this area, recent approaches largely focus on lip-sync and identity control, neglecting the role of emotions and emotion control in the generative process. That is mainly due to the lack of emotionally rich facial animation data and algorithms that can synthesize speech animations with emotional expressions at the same time. In addition, majority of the models are deterministic, meaning given the same audio input, they produce the same output motion. We argue that emotions and non-determinism are crucial to generate diverse and emotionally-rich facial animations. In this paper, we propose ProbTalk3D a non-deterministic neural network approach for emotion controllable speech-driven 3D facial animation synthesis using a two-stage VQ-VAE model and an emotionally rich facial animation dataset 3DMEAD. We provide an extensive comparative analysis of our model against the recent 3D facial animation synthesis approaches, by evaluating the results objectively, qualitatively, and with a perceptual user study. We highlight several objective metrics that are more suitable for evaluating stochastic outputs and use both in-the-wild and ground truth data for subjective evaluation. To our knowledge, that is the first non-deterministic 3D facial animation synthesis method incorporating a rich emotion dataset and emotion control with emotion labels and intensity levels. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed model achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art emotion-controlled, deterministic and non-deterministic models. We recommend watching the supplementary video for quality judgement. The entire codebase is publicly available (https://github.com/uuembodiedsocialai/ProbTalk3D/).
comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. Includes code. Accepted at ACM SIGGRAPH MIG 2024
☆ Estimating atmospheric variables from Digital Typhoon Satellite Images via Conditional Denoising Diffusion Models
This study explores the application of diffusion models in the field of typhoons, predicting multiple ERA5 meteorological variables simultaneously from Digital Typhoon satellite images. The focus of this study is taken to be Taiwan, an area very vulnerable to typhoons. By comparing the performance of Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probability Model (CDDPM) with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks (SENet), results suggest that the CDDPM performs best in generating accurate and realistic meteorological data. Specifically, CDDPM achieved a PSNR of 32.807, which is approximately 7.9% higher than CNN and 5.5% higher than SENet. Furthermore, CDDPM recorded an RMSE of 0.032, showing a 11.1% improvement over CNN and 8.6% improvement over SENet. A key application of this research can be for imputation purposes in missing meteorological datasets and generate additional high-quality meteorological data using satellite images. It is hoped that the results of this analysis will enable more robust and detailed forecasting, reducing the impact of severe weather events on vulnerable regions. Code accessible at https://github.com/TammyLing/Typhoon-forecasting.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures
☆ Do Vision Foundation Models Enhance Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation?
Neural networks achieve state-of-the-art performance in many supervised learning tasks when the training data distribution matches the test data distribution. However, their performance drops significantly under domain (covariate) shift, a prevalent issue in medical image segmentation due to varying acquisition settings across different scanner models and protocols. Recently, foundational models (FMs) trained on large datasets have gained attention for their ability to be adapted for downstream tasks and achieve state-of-the-art performance with excellent generalization capabilities on natural images. However, their effectiveness in medical image segmentation remains underexplored. In this paper, we investigate the domain generalization performance of various FMs, including DinoV2, SAM, MedSAM, and MAE, when fine-tuned using various parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques such as Ladder and Rein (+LoRA) and decoder heads. We introduce a novel decode head architecture, HQHSAM, which simply integrates elements from two state-of-the-art decoder heads, HSAM and HQSAM, to enhance segmentation performance. Our extensive experiments on multiple datasets, encompassing various anatomies and modalities, reveal that FMs, particularly with the HQHSAM decode head, improve domain generalization for medical image segmentation. Moreover, we found that the effectiveness of PEFT techniques varies across different FMs. These findings underscore the potential of FMs to enhance the domain generalization performance of neural networks in medical image segmentation across diverse clinical settings, providing a solid foundation for future research. Code and models are available for research purposes at \url{https://github.com/kerem-cekmeceli/Foundation-Models-for-Medical-Imagery}.
☆ Control+Shift: Generating Controllable Distribution Shifts ECCV2024
We propose a new method for generating realistic datasets with distribution shifts using any decoder-based generative model. Our approach systematically creates datasets with varying intensities of distribution shifts, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of model performance degradation. We then use these generated datasets to evaluate the performance of various commonly used networks and observe a consistent decline in performance with increasing shift intensity, even when the effect is almost perceptually unnoticeable to the human eye. We see this degradation even when using data augmentations. We also find that enlarging the training dataset beyond a certain point has no effect on the robustness and that stronger inductive biases increase robustness.
comment: ECCV2024, "Synthetic Data for Computer Vision" workshop
☆ Task-Augmented Cross-View Imputation Network for Partial Multi-View Incomplete Multi-Label Classification
In real-world scenarios, multi-view multi-label learning often encounters the challenge of incomplete training data due to limitations in data collection and unreliable annotation processes. The absence of multi-view features impairs the comprehensive understanding of samples, omitting crucial details essential for classification. To address this issue, we present a task-augmented cross-view imputation network (TACVI-Net) for the purpose of handling partial multi-view incomplete multi-label classification. Specifically, we employ a two-stage network to derive highly task-relevant features to recover the missing views. In the first stage, we leverage the information bottleneck theory to obtain a discriminative representation of each view by extracting task-relevant information through a view-specific encoder-classifier architecture. In the second stage, an autoencoder based multi-view reconstruction network is utilized to extract high-level semantic representation of the augmented features and recover the missing data, thereby aiding the final classification task. Extensive experiments on five datasets demonstrate that our TACVI-Net outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.
☆ InterACT: Inter-dependency Aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers for Bimanual Manipulation
We present InterACT: Inter-dependency aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers, a novel imitation learning framework for bimanual manipulation that integrates hierarchical attention to capture inter-dependencies between dual-arm joint states and visual inputs. InterACT consists of a Hierarchical Attention Encoder and a Multi-arm Decoder, both designed to enhance information aggregation and coordination. The encoder processes multi-modal inputs through segment-wise and cross-segment attention mechanisms, while the decoder leverages synchronization blocks to refine individual action predictions, providing the counterpart's prediction as context. Our experiments on a variety of simulated and real-world bimanual manipulation tasks demonstrate that InterACT significantly outperforms existing methods. Detailed ablation studies validate the contributions of key components of our work, including the impact of CLS tokens, cross-segment encoders, and synchronization blocks.
comment: Accepted at Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
☆ UGAD: Universal Generative AI Detector utilizing Frequency Fingerprints
In the wake of a fabricated explosion image at the Pentagon, an ability to discern real images from fake counterparts has never been more critical. Our study introduces a novel multi-modal approach to detect AI-generated images amidst the proliferation of new generation methods such as Diffusion models. Our method, UGAD, encompasses three key detection steps: First, we transform the RGB images into YCbCr channels and apply an Integral Radial Operation to emphasize salient radial features. Secondly, the Spatial Fourier Extraction operation is used for a spatial shift, utilizing a pre-trained deep learning network for optimal feature extraction. Finally, the deep neural network classification stage processes the data through dense layers using softmax for classification. Our approach significantly enhances the accuracy of differentiating between real and AI-generated images, as evidenced by a 12.64% increase in accuracy and 28.43% increase in AUC compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
☆ From COCO to COCO-FP: A Deep Dive into Background False Positives for COCO Detectors
Reducing false positives is essential for enhancing object detector performance, as reflected in the mean Average Precision (mAP) metric. Although object detectors have achieved notable improvements and high mAP scores on the COCO dataset, analysis reveals limited progress in addressing false positives caused by non-target visual clutter-background objects not included in the annotated categories. This issue is particularly critical in real-world applications, such as fire and smoke detection, where minimizing false alarms is crucial. In this study, we introduce COCO-FP, a new evaluation dataset derived from the ImageNet-1K dataset, designed to address this issue. By extending the original COCO validation dataset, COCO-FP specifically assesses object detectors' performance in mitigating background false positives. Our evaluation of both standard and advanced object detectors shows a significant number of false positives in both closed-set and open-set scenarios. For example, the AP50 metric for YOLOv9-E decreases from 72.8 to 65.7 when shifting from COCO to COCO-FP. The dataset is available at https://github.com/COCO-FP/COCO-FP.
☆ FACT: Feature Adaptive Continual-learning Tracker for Multiple Object Tracking
Multiple object tracking (MOT) involves identifying multiple targets and assigning them corresponding IDs within a video sequence, where occlusions are often encountered. Recent methods address occlusions using appearance cues through online learning techniques to improve adaptivity or offline learning techniques to utilize temporal information from videos. However, most existing online learning-based MOT methods are unable to learn from all past tracking information to improve adaptivity on long-term occlusions while maintaining real-time tracking speed. On the other hand, temporal information-based offline learning methods maintain a long-term memory to store past tracking information, but this approach restricts them to use only local past information during tracking. To address these challenges, we propose a new MOT framework called the Feature Adaptive Continual-learning Tracker (FACT), which enables real-time tracking and feature learning for targets by utilizing all past tracking information. We demonstrate that the framework can be integrated with various state-of-the-art feature-based trackers, thereby improving their tracking ability. Specifically, we develop the feature adaptive continual-learning (FAC) module, a neural network that can be trained online to learn features adaptively using all past tracking information during tracking. Moreover, we also introduce a two-stage association module specifically designed for the proposed continual learning-based tracking. Extensive experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art online tracking performance on MOT17 and MOT20 benchmarks. The code will be released upon acceptance.
☆ Microscopic-Mamba: Revealing the Secrets of Microscopic Images with Just 4M Parameters
In the field of medical microscopic image classification (MIC), CNN-based and Transformer-based models have been extensively studied. However, CNNs struggle with modeling long-range dependencies, limiting their ability to fully utilize semantic information in images. Conversely, Transformers are hampered by the complexity of quadratic computations. To address these challenges, we propose a model based on the Mamba architecture: Microscopic-Mamba. Specifically, we designed the Partially Selected Feed-Forward Network (PSFFN) to replace the last linear layer of the Visual State Space Module (VSSM), enhancing Mamba's local feature extraction capabilities. Additionally, we introduced the Modulation Interaction Feature Aggregation (MIFA) module to effectively modulate and dynamically aggregate global and local features. We also incorporated a parallel VSSM mechanism to improve inter-channel information interaction while reducing the number of parameters. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on five public datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/zs1314/Microscopic-Mamba
comment: 5 pages, 1 figures
☆ UNIT: Unsupervised Online Instance Segmentation through Time
Online object segmentation and tracking in Lidar point clouds enables autonomous agents to understand their surroundings and make safe decisions. Unfortunately, manual annotations for these tasks are prohibitively costly. We tackle this problem with the task of class-agnostic unsupervised online instance segmentation and tracking. To that end, we leverage an instance segmentation backbone and propose a new training recipe that enables the online tracking of objects. Our network is trained on pseudo-labels, eliminating the need for manual annotations. We conduct an evaluation using metrics adapted for temporal instance segmentation. Computing these metrics requires temporally-consistent instance labels. When unavailable, we construct these labels using the available 3D bounding boxes and semantic labels in the dataset. We compare our method against strong baselines and demonstrate its superiority across two different outdoor Lidar datasets.
☆ Context-Aware Optimal Transport Learning for Retinal Fundus Image Enhancement
Retinal fundus photography offers a non-invasive way to diagnose and monitor a variety of retinal diseases, but is prone to inherent quality glitches arising from systemic imperfections or operator/patient-related factors. However, high-quality retinal images are crucial for carrying out accurate diagnoses and automated analyses. The fundus image enhancement is typically formulated as a distribution alignment problem, by finding a one-to-one mapping between a low-quality image and its high-quality counterpart. This paper proposes a context-informed optimal transport (OT) learning framework for tackling unpaired fundus image enhancement. In contrast to standard generative image enhancement methods, which struggle with handling contextual information (e.g., over-tampered local structures and unwanted artifacts), the proposed context-aware OT learning paradigm better preserves local structures and minimizes unwanted artifacts. Leveraging deep contextual features, we derive the proposed context-aware OT using the earth mover's distance and show that the proposed context-OT has a solid theoretical guarantee. Experimental results on a large-scale dataset demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over several state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised methods in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, structural similarity index, as well as two downstream tasks. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/Retinal-Research/Contextual-OT}.
☆ Real-time Multi-view Omnidirectional Depth Estimation System for Robots and Autonomous Driving on Real Scenes
Omnidirectional Depth Estimation has broad application prospects in fields such as robotic navigation and autonomous driving. In this paper, we propose a robotic prototype system and corresponding algorithm designed to validate omnidirectional depth estimation for navigation and obstacle avoidance in real-world scenarios for both robots and vehicles. The proposed HexaMODE system captures 360$^\circ$ depth maps using six surrounding arranged fisheye cameras. We introduce a combined spherical sweeping method and optimize the model architecture for proposed RtHexa-OmniMVS algorithm to achieve real-time omnidirectional depth estimation. To ensure high accuracy, robustness, and generalization in real-world environments, we employ a teacher-student self-training strategy, utilizing large-scale unlabeled real-world data for model training. The proposed algorithm demonstrates high accuracy in various complex real-world scenarios, both indoors and outdoors, achieving an inference speed of 15 fps on edge computing platforms.
☆ Structured Pruning for Efficient Visual Place Recognition
Visual Place Recognition (VPR) is fundamental for the global re-localization of robots and devices, enabling them to recognize previously visited locations based on visual inputs. This capability is crucial for maintaining accurate mapping and localization over large areas. Given that VPR methods need to operate in real-time on embedded systems, it is critical to optimize these systems for minimal resource consumption. While the most efficient VPR approaches employ standard convolutional backbones with fixed descriptor dimensions, these often lead to redundancy in the embedding space as well as in the network architecture. Our work introduces a novel structured pruning method, to not only streamline common VPR architectures but also to strategically remove redundancies within the feature embedding space. This dual focus significantly enhances the efficiency of the system, reducing both map and model memory requirements and decreasing feature extraction and retrieval latencies. Our approach has reduced memory usage and latency by 21% and 16%, respectively, across models, while minimally impacting recall@1 accuracy by less than 1%. This significant improvement enhances real-time applications on edge devices with negligible accuracy loss.
☆ ReGentS: Real-World Safety-Critical Driving Scenario Generation Made Stable ECCV 2024
Machine learning based autonomous driving systems often face challenges with safety-critical scenarios that are rare in real-world data, hindering their large-scale deployment. While increasing real-world training data coverage could address this issue, it is costly and dangerous. This work explores generating safety-critical driving scenarios by modifying complex real-world regular scenarios through trajectory optimization. We propose ReGentS, which stabilizes generated trajectories and introduces heuristics to avoid obvious collisions and optimization problems. Our approach addresses unrealistic diverging trajectories and unavoidable collision scenarios that are not useful for training robust planner. We also extend the scenario generation framework to handle real-world data with up to 32 agents. Additionally, by using a differentiable simulator, our approach simplifies gradient descent-based optimization involving a simulator, paving the way for future advancements. The code is available at https://github.com/valeoai/ReGentS.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 W-CODA Workshop
☆ Bridging Paintings and Music -- Exploring Emotion based Music Generation through Paintings
Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence have significantly enhanced generative tasks involving music and images, employing both unimodal and multimodal approaches. This research develops a model capable of generating music that resonates with the emotions depicted in visual arts, integrating emotion labeling, image captioning, and language models to transform visual inputs into musical compositions. Addressing the scarcity of aligned art and music data, we curated the Emotion Painting Music Dataset, pairing paintings with corresponding music for effective training and evaluation. Our dual-stage framework converts images to text descriptions of emotional content and then transforms these descriptions into music, facilitating efficient learning with minimal data. Performance is evaluated using metrics such as Fr\'echet Audio Distance (FAD), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Inception Score (IS), and KL divergence, with audio-emotion text similarity confirmed by the pre-trained CLAP model to demonstrate high alignment between generated music and text. This synthesis tool bridges visual art and music, enhancing accessibility for the visually impaired and opening avenues in educational and therapeutic applications by providing enriched multi-sensory experiences.
☆ A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality
During multimodal model training and reasoning, data samples may miss certain modalities and lead to compromised model performance due to sensor limitations, cost constraints, privacy concerns, data loss, and temporal and spatial factors. This survey provides an overview of recent progress in Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality (MLMM), focusing on deep learning techniques. It is the first comprehensive survey that covers the historical background and the distinction between MLMM and standard multimodal learning setups, followed by a detailed analysis of current MLMM methods, applications, and datasets, concluding with a discussion about challenges and potential future directions in the field.
comment: Work in progress and welcome to discussion
☆ What is YOLOv9: An In-Depth Exploration of the Internal Features of the Next-Generation Object Detector
This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the YOLOv9 object detection model, focusing on its architectural innovations, training methodologies, and performance improvements over its predecessors. Key advancements, such as the Generalized Efficient Layer Aggregation Network GELAN and Programmable Gradient Information PGI, significantly enhance feature extraction and gradient flow, leading to improved accuracy and efficiency. By incorporating Depthwise Convolutions and the lightweight C3Ghost architecture, YOLOv9 reduces computational complexity while maintaining high precision. Benchmark tests on Microsoft COCO demonstrate its superior mean Average Precision mAP and faster inference times, outperforming YOLOv8 across multiple metrics. The model versatility is highlighted by its seamless deployment across various hardware platforms, from edge devices to high performance GPUs, with built in support for PyTorch and TensorRT integration. This paper provides the first in depth exploration of YOLOv9s internal features and their real world applicability, establishing it as a state of the art solution for real time object detection across industries, from IoT devices to large scale industrial applications.
☆ SURGIVID: Annotation-Efficient Surgical Video Object Discovery
Surgical scenes convey crucial information about the quality of surgery. Pixel-wise localization of tools and anatomical structures is the first task towards deeper surgical analysis for microscopic or endoscopic surgical views. This is typically done via fully-supervised methods which are annotation greedy and in several cases, demanding medical expertise. Considering the profusion of surgical videos obtained through standardized surgical workflows, we propose an annotation-efficient framework for the semantic segmentation of surgical scenes. We employ image-based self-supervised object discovery to identify the most salient tools and anatomical structures in surgical videos. These proposals are further refined within a minimally supervised fine-tuning step. Our unsupervised setup reinforced with only 36 annotation labels indicates comparable localization performance with fully-supervised segmentation models. Further, leveraging surgical phase labels as weak labels can better guide model attention towards surgical tools, leading to $\sim 2\%$ improvement in tool localization. Extensive ablation studies on the CaDIS dataset validate the effectiveness of our proposed solution in discovering relevant surgical objects with minimal or no supervision.
comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables
☆ GateAttentionPose: Enhancing Pose Estimation with Agent Attention and Improved Gated Convolutions
This paper introduces GateAttentionPose, an innovative approach that enhances the UniRepLKNet architecture for pose estimation tasks. We present two key contributions: the Agent Attention module and the Gate-Enhanced Feedforward Block (GEFB). The Agent Attention module replaces large kernel convolutions, significantly improving computational efficiency while preserving global context modeling. The GEFB augments feature extraction and processing capabilities, particularly in complex scenes. Extensive evaluations on COCO and MPII datasets demonstrate that GateAttentionPose outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods, including the original UniRepLKNet, achieving superior or comparable results with improved efficiency. Our approach offers a robust solution for pose estimation across diverse applications, including autonomous driving, human motion capture, and virtual reality.
☆ Quaternion Nuclear Norm minus Frobenius Norm Minimization for color image reconstruction
Color image restoration methods typically represent images as vectors in Euclidean space or combinations of three monochrome channels. However, they often overlook the correlation between these channels, leading to color distortion and artifacts in the reconstructed image. To address this, we present Quaternion Nuclear Norm Minus Frobenius Norm Minimization (QNMF), a novel approach for color image reconstruction. QNMF utilizes quaternion algebra to capture the relationships among RGB channels comprehensively. By employing a regularization technique that involves nuclear norm minus Frobenius norm, QNMF approximates the underlying low-rank structure of quaternion-encoded color images. Theoretical proofs are provided to ensure the method's mathematical integrity. Demonstrating versatility and efficacy, the QNMF regularizer excels in various color low-level vision tasks, including denoising, deblurring, inpainting, and random impulse noise removal, achieving state-of-the-art results.
comment: This paper was accepted by Pattern Recognition on September 5, 2024
☆ In-Situ Fine-Tuning of Wildlife Models in IoT-Enabled Camera Traps for Efficient Adaptation
Wildlife monitoring via camera traps has become an essential tool in ecology, but the deployment of machine learning models for on-device animal classification faces significant challenges due to domain shifts and resource constraints. This paper introduces WildFit, a novel approach that reconciles the conflicting goals of achieving high domain generalization performance and ensuring efficient inference for camera trap applications. WildFit leverages continuous background-aware model fine-tuning to deploy ML models tailored to the current location and time window, allowing it to maintain robust classification accuracy in the new environment without requiring significant computational resources. This is achieved by background-aware data synthesis, which generates training images representing the new domain by blending background images with animal images from the source domain. We further enhance fine-tuning effectiveness through background drift detection and class distribution drift detection, which optimize the quality of synthesized data and improve generalization performance. Our extensive evaluation across multiple camera trap datasets demonstrates that WildFit achieves significant improvements in classification accuracy and computational efficiency compared to traditional approaches.
☆ Lagrange Duality and Compound Multi-Attention Transformer for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
Medical image segmentation, a critical application of semantic segmentation in healthcare, has seen significant advancements through specialized computer vision techniques. While deep learning-based medical image segmentation is essential for assisting in medical diagnosis, the lack of diverse training data causes the long-tail problem. Moreover, most previous hybrid CNN-ViT architectures have limited ability to combine various attentions in different layers of the Convolutional Neural Network. To address these issues, we propose a Lagrange Duality Consistency (LDC) Loss, integrated with Boundary-Aware Contrastive Loss, as the overall training objective for semi-supervised learning to mitigate the long-tail problem. Additionally, we introduce CMAformer, a novel network that synergizes the strengths of ResUNet and Transformer. The cross-attention block in CMAformer effectively integrates spatial attention and channel attention for multi-scale feature fusion. Overall, our results indicate that CMAformer, combined with the feature fusion framework and the new consistency loss, demonstrates strong complementarity in semi-supervised learning ensembles. We achieve state-of-the-art results on multiple public medical image datasets. Example code are available at: \url{https://github.com/lzeeorno/Lagrange-Duality-and-CMAformer}.
comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ ASSNet: Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Network for Microtumors and Multi-Organ Segmentation
Medical image segmentation, a crucial task in computer vision, facilitates the automated delineation of anatomical structures and pathologies, supporting clinicians in diagnosis, treatment planning, and disease monitoring. Notably, transformers employing shifted window-based self-attention have demonstrated exceptional performance. However, their reliance on local window attention limits the fusion of local and global contextual information, crucial for segmenting microtumors and miniature organs. To address this limitation, we propose the Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Network (ASSNet), a transformer architecture that effectively integrates local and global features for precise medical image segmentation. ASSNet comprises a transformer-based U-shaped encoder-decoder network. The encoder utilizes shifted window self-attention across five resolutions to extract multi-scale features, which are then propagated to the decoder through skip connections. We introduce an augmented multi-layer perceptron within the encoder to explicitly model long-range dependencies during feature extraction. Recognizing the constraints of conventional symmetrical encoder-decoder designs, we propose an Adaptive Feature Fusion (AFF) decoder to complement our encoder. This decoder incorporates three key components: the Long Range Dependencies (LRD) block, the Multi-Scale Feature Fusion (MFF) block, and the Adaptive Semantic Center (ASC) block. These components synergistically facilitate the effective fusion of multi-scale features extracted by the decoder while capturing long-range dependencies and refining object boundaries. Comprehensive experiments on diverse medical image segmentation tasks, including multi-organ, liver tumor, and bladder tumor segmentation, demonstrate that ASSNet achieves state-of-the-art results. Code and models are available at: \url{https://github.com/lzeeorno/ASSNet}.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ Reimagining Linear Probing: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Transfer Learning
This paper introduces Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) as an enhancement to the traditional linear probing method in transfer learning. Linear probing, often applied to the final layer of pre-trained models, is limited by its inability to model complex relationships in data. To address this, we propose substituting the linear probing layer with KAN, which leverages spline-based representations to approximate intricate functions. In this study, we integrate KAN with a ResNet-50 model pre-trained on ImageNet and evaluate its performance on the CIFAR-10 dataset. We perform a systematic hyperparameter search, focusing on grid size and spline degree (k), to optimize KAN's flexibility and accuracy. Our results demonstrate that KAN consistently outperforms traditional linear probing, achieving significant improvements in accuracy and generalization across a range of configurations. These findings indicate that KAN offers a more powerful and adaptable alternative to conventional linear probing techniques in transfer learning.
comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
☆ Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold networks for realistic image sharpness assessment
Score prediction is crucial in realistic image sharpness assessment after informative features are collected. Recently, Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KANs) have been developed and witnessed remarkable success in data fitting. This study presents Taylor series based KAN (TaylorKAN). Then, different KANs are explored on four realistic image databases (BID2011, CID2013, CLIVE, and KonIQ-10k) for score prediction by using 15 mid-level features and 2048 high-level features. When setting support vector regression as the baseline, experimental results indicate KANs are generally better or competitive, TaylorKAN is the best on three databases using mid-level feature input, while KANs are inferior on CLIVE when high-level features are used. This is the first study that explores KANs for image quality assessment. It sheds lights on how to select and improve KANs on related tasks.
☆ SwinGS: Sliding Window Gaussian Splatting for Volumetric Video Streaming with Arbitrary Length
Recent advances in 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) have garnered significant attention in computer vision and computer graphics due to its high rendering speed and remarkable quality. While extant research has endeavored to extend the application of 3DGS from static to dynamic scenes, such efforts have been consistently impeded by excessive model sizes, constraints on video duration, and content deviation. These limitations significantly compromise the streamability of dynamic 3D Gaussian models, thereby restricting their utility in downstream applications, including volumetric video, autonomous vehicle, and immersive technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. This paper introduces SwinGS, a novel framework for training, delivering, and rendering volumetric video in a real-time streaming fashion. To address the aforementioned challenges and enhance streamability, SwinGS integrates spacetime Gaussian with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to adapt the model to fit various 3D scenes across frames, in the meantime employing a sliding window captures Gaussian snapshots for each frame in an accumulative way. We implement a prototype of SwinGS and demonstrate its streamability across various datasets and scenes. Additionally, we develop an interactive WebGL viewer enabling real-time volumetric video playback on most devices with modern browsers, including smartphones and tablets. Experimental results show that SwinGS reduces transmission costs by 83.6% compared to previous work with ignorable compromise in PSNR. Moreover, SwinGS easily scales to long video sequences without compromising quality.
☆ From Uncertainty to Clarity: Uncertainty-Guided Class-Incremental Learning for Limited Biomedical Samples via Semantic Expansion
In real-world clinical settings, data distributions evolve over time, with a continuous influx of new, limited disease cases. Therefore, class incremental learning is of great significance, i.e., deep learning models are required to learn new class knowledge while maintaining accurate recognition of previous diseases. However, traditional deep neural networks often suffer from severe forgetting of prior knowledge when adapting to new data unless trained from scratch, which undesirably costs much time and computational burden. Additionally, the sample sizes for different diseases can be highly imbalanced, with newly emerging diseases typically having much fewer instances, consequently causing the classification bias. To tackle these challenges, we are the first to propose a class-incremental learning method under limited samples in the biomedical field. First, we propose a novel cumulative entropy prediction module to measure the uncertainty of the samples, of which the most uncertain samples are stored in a memory bank as exemplars for the model's later review. Furthermore, we theoretically demonstrate its effectiveness in measuring uncertainty. Second, we developed a fine-grained semantic expansion module through various augmentations, leading to more compact distributions within the feature space and creating sufficient room for generalization to new classes. Besides, a cosine classifier is utilized to mitigate classification bias caused by imbalanced datasets. Across four imbalanced data distributions over two datasets, our method achieves optimal performance, surpassing state-of-the-art methods by as much as 53.54% in accuracy.
☆ DiTAS: Quantizing Diffusion Transformers via Enhanced Activation Smoothing
Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) have recently attracted significant interest from both industry and academia due to their enhanced capabilities in visual generation, surpassing the performance of traditional diffusion models that employ U-Net. However, the improved performance of DiTs comes at the expense of higher parameter counts and implementation costs, which significantly limits their deployment on resource-constrained devices like mobile phones. We propose DiTAS, a data-free post-training quantization (PTQ) method for efficient DiT inference. DiTAS relies on the proposed temporal-aggregated smoothing techniques to mitigate the impact of the channel-wise outliers within the input activations, leading to much lower quantization error under extremely low bitwidth. To further enhance the performance of the quantized DiT, we adopt the layer-wise grid search strategy to optimize the smoothing factor. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach enables 4-bit weight, 8-bit activation (W4A8) quantization for DiTs while maintaining comparable performance as the full-precision model.
☆ GatedUniPose: A Novel Approach for Pose Estimation Combining UniRepLKNet and Gated Convolution
Pose estimation is a crucial task in computer vision, with wide applications in autonomous driving, human motion capture, and virtual reality. However, existing methods still face challenges in achieving high accuracy, particularly in complex scenes. This paper proposes a novel pose estimation method, GatedUniPose, which combines UniRepLKNet and Gated Convolution and introduces the GLACE module for embedding. Additionally, we enhance the feature map concatenation method in the head layer by using DySample upsampling. Compared to existing methods, GatedUniPose excels in handling complex scenes and occlusion challenges. Experimental results on the COCO, MPII, and CrowdPose datasets demonstrate that GatedUniPose achieves significant performance improvements with a relatively small number of parameters, yielding better or comparable results to models with similar or larger parameter sizes.
☆ Top-down Activity Representation Learning for Video Question Answering
Capturing complex hierarchical human activities, from atomic actions (e.g., picking up one present, moving to the sofa, unwrapping the present) to contextual events (e.g., celebrating Christmas) is crucial for achieving high-performance video question answering (VideoQA). Recent works have expanded multimodal models (e.g., CLIP, LLaVA) to process continuous video sequences, enhancing the model's temporal reasoning capabilities. However, these approaches often fail to capture contextual events that can be decomposed into multiple atomic actions non-continuously distributed over relatively long-term sequences. In this paper, to leverage the spatial visual context representation capability of the CLIP model for obtaining non-continuous visual representations in terms of contextual events in videos, we convert long-term video sequences into a spatial image domain and finetune the multimodal model LLaVA for the VideoQA task. Our approach achieves competitive performance on the STAR task, in particular, with a 78.4% accuracy score, exceeding the current state-of-the-art score by 2.8 points on the NExTQA task.
comment: presented at MIRU2024
☆ Multi-object event graph representation learning for Video Question Answering
Video question answering (VideoQA) is a task to predict the correct answer to questions posed about a given video. The system must comprehend spatial and temporal relationships among objects extracted from videos to perform causal and temporal reasoning. While prior works have focused on modeling individual object movements using transformer-based methods, they falter when capturing complex scenarios involving multiple objects (e.g., "a boy is throwing a ball in a hoop"). We propose a contrastive language event graph representation learning method called CLanG to address this limitation. Aiming to capture event representations associated with multiple objects, our method employs a multi-layer GNN-cluster module for adversarial graph representation learning, enabling contrastive learning between the question text and its relevant multi-object event graph. Our method outperforms a strong baseline, achieving up to 2.2% higher accuracy on two challenging VideoQA datasets, NExT-QA and TGIF-QA-R. In particular, it is 2.8% better than baselines in handling causal and temporal questions, highlighting its strength in reasoning multiple object-based events.
comment: presented at MIRU2024
☆ Learning Brain Tumor Representation in 3D High-Resolution MR Images via Interpretable State Space Models
Learning meaningful and interpretable representations from high-dimensional volumetric magnetic resonance (MR) images is essential for advancing personalized medicine. While Vision Transformers (ViTs) have shown promise in handling image data, their application to 3D multi-contrast MR images faces challenges due to computational complexity and interpretability. To address this, we propose a novel state-space-model (SSM)-based masked autoencoder which scales ViT-like models to handle high-resolution data effectively while also enhancing the interpretability of learned representations. We propose a latent-to-spatial mapping technique that enables direct visualization of how latent features correspond to specific regions in the input volumes in the context of SSM. We validate our method on two key neuro-oncology tasks: identification of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation status and 1p/19q co-deletion classification, achieving state-of-the-art accuracy. Our results highlight the potential of SSM-based self-supervised learning to transform radiomics analysis by combining efficiency and interpretability.
comment: The code is available at https://github.com/WinstonHuTiger/mamba_mae
☆ Transfer Learning Applied to Computer Vision Problems: Survey on Current Progress, Limitations, and Opportunities
The field of Computer Vision (CV) has faced challenges. Initially, it relied on handcrafted features and rule-based algorithms, resulting in limited accuracy. The introduction of machine learning (ML) has brought progress, particularly Transfer Learning (TL), which addresses various CV problems by reusing pre-trained models. TL requires less data and computing while delivering nearly equal accuracy, making it a prominent technique in the CV landscape. Our research focuses on TL development and how CV applications use it to solve real-world problems. We discuss recent developments, limitations, and opportunities.
comment: 16 pages, 8 figures
☆ Advancing Depth Anything Model for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation in Endoscopy
Depth estimation is a cornerstone of 3D reconstruction and plays a vital role in minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries. However, most current depth estimation networks rely on traditional convolutional neural networks, which are limited in their ability to capture global information. Foundation models offer a promising avenue for enhancing depth estimation, but those currently available are primarily trained on natural images, leading to suboptimal performance when applied to endoscopic images. In this work, we introduce a novel fine-tuning strategy for the Depth Anything Model and integrate it with an intrinsic-based unsupervised monocular depth estimation framework. Our approach includes a low-rank adaptation technique based on random vectors, which improves the model's adaptability to different scales. Additionally, we propose a residual block built on depthwise separable convolution to compensate for the transformer's limited ability to capture high-frequency details, such as edges and textures. Our experimental results on the SCARED dataset show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance while minimizing the number of trainable parameters. Applying this method in minimally invasive endoscopic surgery could significantly enhance both the precision and safety of these procedures.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
☆ FIReStereo: Forest InfraRed Stereo Dataset for UAS Depth Perception in Visually Degraded Environments
Robust depth perception in visually-degraded environments is crucial for autonomous aerial systems. Thermal imaging cameras, which capture infrared radiation, are robust to visual degradation. However, due to lack of a large-scale dataset, the use of thermal cameras for unmanned aerial system (UAS) depth perception has remained largely unexplored. This paper presents a stereo thermal depth perception dataset for autonomous aerial perception applications. The dataset consists of stereo thermal images, LiDAR, IMU and ground truth depth maps captured in urban and forest settings under diverse conditions like day, night, rain, and smoke. We benchmark representative stereo depth estimation algorithms, offering insights into their performance in degraded conditions. Models trained on our dataset generalize well to unseen smoky conditions, highlighting the robustness of stereo thermal imaging for depth perception. We aim for this work to enhance robotic perception in disaster scenarios, allowing for exploration and operations in previously unreachable areas. The dataset and source code are available at https://firestereo.github.io.
comment: Under review in RA-L. The first 2 authors contributed equally
☆ CollaMamba: Efficient Collaborative Perception with Cross-Agent Spatial-Temporal State Space Model AAAI 2025
By sharing complementary perceptual information, multi-agent collaborative perception fosters a deeper understanding of the environment. Recent studies on collaborative perception mostly utilize CNNs or Transformers to learn feature representation and fusion in the spatial dimension, which struggle to handle long-range spatial-temporal features under limited computing and communication resources. Holistically modeling the dependencies over extensive spatial areas and extended temporal frames is crucial to enhancing feature quality. To this end, we propose a resource efficient cross-agent spatial-temporal collaborative state space model (SSM), named CollaMamba. Initially, we construct a foundational backbone network based on spatial SSM. This backbone adeptly captures positional causal dependencies from both single-agent and cross-agent views, yielding compact and comprehensive intermediate features while maintaining linear complexity. Furthermore, we devise a history-aware feature boosting module based on temporal SSM, extracting contextual cues from extended historical frames to refine vague features while preserving low overhead. Extensive experiments across several datasets demonstrate that CollaMamba outperforms state-of-the-art methods, achieving higher model accuracy while reducing computational and communication overhead by up to 71.9% and 1/64, respectively. This work pioneers the exploration of the Mamba's potential in collaborative perception. The source code will be made available.
comment: Submitted to AAAI 2025
☆ TMFNet: Two-Stream Multi-Channels Fusion Networks for Color Image Operation Chain Detection
Image operation chain detection techniques have gained increasing attention recently in the field of multimedia forensics. However, existing detection methods suffer from the generalization problem. Moreover, the channel correlation of color images that provides additional forensic evidence is often ignored. To solve these issues, in this article, we propose a novel two-stream multi-channels fusion networks for color image operation chain detection in which the spatial artifact stream and the noise residual stream are explored in a complementary manner. Specifically, we first propose a novel deep residual architecture without pooling in the spatial artifact stream for learning the global features representation of multi-channel correlation. Then, a set of filters is designed to aggregate the correlation information of multi-channels while capturing the low-level features in the noise residual stream. Subsequently, the high-level features are extracted by the deep residual model. Finally, features from the two streams are fed into a fusion module, to effectively learn richer discriminative representations of the operation chain. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art generalization ability while maintaining robustness to JPEG compression. The source code used in these experiments will be released at https://github.com/LeiTan-98/TMFNet.
comment: 15 pages, 12 figures
☆ Learn from Balance: Rectifying Knowledge Transfer for Long-Tailed Scenarios
Knowledge Distillation (KD) transfers knowledge from a large pre-trained teacher network to a compact and efficient student network, making it suitable for deployment on resource-limited media terminals. However, traditional KD methods require balanced data to ensure robust training, which is often unavailable in practical applications. In such scenarios, a few head categories occupy a substantial proportion of examples. This imbalance biases the trained teacher network towards the head categories, resulting in severe performance degradation on the less represented tail categories for both the teacher and student networks. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called Knowledge Rectification Distillation (KRDistill) to address the imbalanced knowledge inherited in the teacher network through the incorporation of the balanced category priors. Furthermore, we rectify the biased predictions produced by the teacher network, particularly focusing on the tail categories. Consequently, the teacher network can provide balanced and accurate knowledge to train a reliable student network. Intensive experiments conducted on various long-tailed datasets demonstrate that our KRDistill can effectively train reliable student networks in realistic scenarios of data imbalance.
☆ Open-Vocabulary Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
Open-vocabulary image semantic segmentation (OVS) seeks to segment images into semantic regions across an open set of categories. Existing OVS methods commonly depend on foundational vision-language models and utilize similarity computation to tackle OVS tasks. However, these approaches are predominantly tailored to natural images and struggle with the unique characteristics of remote sensing images, such as rapidly changing orientations and significant scale variations. These challenges complicate OVS tasks in earth vision, requiring specialized approaches. To tackle this dilemma, we propose the first OVS framework specifically designed for remote sensing imagery, drawing inspiration from the distinct remote sensing traits. Particularly, to address the varying orientations, we introduce a rotation-aggregative similarity computation module that generates orientation-adaptive similarity maps as initial semantic maps. These maps are subsequently refined at both spatial and categorical levels to produce more accurate semantic maps. Additionally, to manage significant scale changes, we integrate multi-scale image features into the upsampling process, resulting in the final scale-aware semantic masks. To advance OVS in earth vision and encourage reproducible research, we establish the first open-sourced OVS benchmark for remote sensing imagery, including four public remote sensing datasets. Extensive experiments on this benchmark demonstrate our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance. All codes and datasets are available at https://github.com/caoql98/OVRS.
☆ 360PanT: Training-Free Text-Driven 360-Degree Panorama-to-Panorama Translation WACV 2025
Preserving boundary continuity in the translation of 360-degree panoramas remains a significant challenge for existing text-driven image-to-image translation methods. These methods often produce visually jarring discontinuities at the translated panorama's boundaries, disrupting the immersive experience. To address this issue, we propose 360PanT, a training-free approach to text-based 360-degree panorama-to-panorama translation with boundary continuity. Our 360PanT achieves seamless translations through two key components: boundary continuity encoding and seamless tiling translation with spatial control. Firstly, the boundary continuity encoding embeds critical boundary continuity information of the input 360-degree panorama into the noisy latent representation by constructing an extended input image. Secondly, leveraging this embedded noisy latent representation and guided by a target prompt, the seamless tiling translation with spatial control enables the generation of a translated image with identical left and right halves while adhering to the extended input's structure and semantic layout. This process ensures a final translated 360-degree panorama with seamless boundary continuity. Experimental results on both real-world and synthesized datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our 360PanT in translating 360-degree panoramas. Code is available at \href{https://github.com/littlewhitesea/360PanT}{https://github.com/littlewhitesea/360PanT}.
comment: Accepted by WACV 2025, Project Page: \href{https://littlewhitesea.github.io/360PanT.github.io/}{https://littlewhitesea.github.io/360PanT.github.io/}
♻ ☆ Face Reconstruction Transfer Attack as Out-of-Distribution Generalization ECCV2024
Understanding the vulnerability of face recognition systems to malicious attacks is of critical importance. Previous works have focused on reconstructing face images that can penetrate a targeted verification system. Even in the white-box scenario, however, naively reconstructed images misrepresent the identity information, hence the attacks are easily neutralized once the face system is updated or changed. In this paper, we aim to reconstruct face images which are capable of transferring face attacks on unseen encoders. We term this problem as Face Reconstruction Transfer Attack (FRTA) and show that it can be formulated as an out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization problem. Inspired by its OOD nature, we propose to solve FRTA by Averaged Latent Search and Unsupervised Validation with pseudo target (ALSUV). To strengthen the reconstruction attack on OOD unseen encoders, ALSUV reconstructs the face by searching the latent of amortized generator StyleGAN2 through multiple latent optimization, latent optimization trajectory averaging, and unsupervised validation with a pseudo target. We demonstrate the efficacy and generalization of our method on widely used face datasets, accompanying it with extensive ablation studies and visually, qualitatively, and quantitatively analyses. The source code will be released.
comment: Accepted to ECCV2024
♻ ☆ What Makes a Face Look like a Hat: Decoupling Low-level and High-level Visual Properties with Image Triplets ECCV 2024
In visual decision making, high-level features, such as object categories, have a strong influence on choice. However, the impact of low-level features on behavior is less understood partly due to the high correlation between high- and low-level features in the stimuli presented (e.g., objects of the same category are more likely to share low-level features). To disentangle these effects, we propose a method that de-correlates low- and high-level visual properties in a novel set of stimuli. Our method uses two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as candidate models of the ventral visual stream: the CORnet-S that has high neural predictivity in high-level, IT-like responses and the VGG-16 that has high neural predictivity in low-level responses. Triplets (root, image1, image2) of stimuli are parametrized by the level of low- and high-level similarity of images extracted from the different layers. These stimuli are then used in a decision-making task where participants are tasked to choose the most similar-to-the-root image. We found that different networks show differing abilities to predict the effects of low-versus-high-level similarity: while CORnet-S outperforms VGG-16 in explaining human choices based on high-level similarity, VGG-16 outperforms CORnet-S in explaining human choices based on low-level similarity. Using Brain-Score, we observed that the behavioral prediction abilities of different layers of these networks qualitatively corresponded to their ability to explain neural activity at different levels of the visual hierarchy. In summary, our algorithm for stimulus set generation enables the study of how different representations in the visual stream affect high-level cognitive behaviors.
comment: Accepted at Workshop on Human-inspired Computer Vision @ ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ DINOv2 Rocks Geological Image Analysis: Classification, Segmentation, and Interpretability
Recent advancements in computer vision have significantly improved image analysis tasks. Yet, deep learning models often struggle when applied to domains outside their training distribution, such as in geosciences, where domain-specific data can be scarce. This study investigates the classification, segmentation, and interpretability of CT-scan images of rock samples, focusing on the application of modern computer vision techniques to geoscientific tasks. We compare a range of segmentation methods to assess their efficacy, efficiency, and adaptability in geological image analysis. The methods evaluated include Otsu thresholding, clustering techniques (K-means, fuzzy C-means), a supervised machine learning approach (Random Forest), and deep learning models (UNet, ResNet152, and DINOv2), using ten binary sandstone datasets and three multi-class calcite datasets. DINOv2 was selected for its promising results in feature extraction and its potential applicability in geoscientific tasks, prompting further assessment of its interpretability and effectiveness in processing CT-scanned rock data. For classification, a non-fine-tuned DINOv2 demonstrates strong performance in classifying rock images, even when the CT-scans are outside its original training set. In segmentation tasks, thresholding and clustering techniques, though computationally efficient, produce subpar results despite preprocessing efforts. In contrast, supervised methods achieve better performance. While deep learning methods demand greater computational resources, they require minimal intervention and offer superior generalization. A LoRA fine-tuned DINOv2, in particular, excels in out-of-distribution segmentation and outperforms other methods in multi-class tasks, even with limited data. Notably, the segmentation masks generated by DINOv2 often appear more accurate than the original targets, based on visual inspection.
comment: Minor typos fixing, added figures and revisions of some sections
♻ ☆ Explicit Mutual Information Maximization for Self-Supervised Learning
Recently, self-supervised learning (SSL) has been extensively studied. Theoretically, mutual information maximization (MIM) is an optimal criterion for SSL, with a strong theoretical foundation in information theory. However, it is difficult to directly apply MIM in SSL since the data distribution is not analytically available in applications. In practice, many existing methods can be viewed as approximate implementations of the MIM criterion. This work shows that, based on the invariance property of MI, explicit MI maximization can be applied to SSL under a generic distribution assumption, i.e., a relaxed condition of the data distribution. We further illustrate this by analyzing the generalized Gaussian distribution. Based on this result, we derive a loss function based on the MIM criterion using only second-order statistics. We implement the new loss for SSL and demonstrate its effectiveness via extensive experiments.
♻ ☆ The NPU-ASLP System Description for Visual Speech Recognition in CNVSRC 2024 SC 2024
This paper delineates the visual speech recognition (VSR) system introduced by the NPU-ASLP (Team 237) in the second Chinese Continuous Visual Speech Recognition Challenge (CNVSRC 2024), engaging in all four tracks, including the fixed and open tracks of Single-Speaker VSR Task and Multi-Speaker VSR Task. In terms of data processing, we leverage the lip motion extractor from the baseline1 to produce multiscale video data. Besides, various augmentation techniques are applied during training, encompassing speed perturbation, random rotation, horizontal flipping, and color transformation. The VSR model adopts an end-to-end architecture with joint CTC/attention loss, introducing Enhanced ResNet3D visual frontend, E-Branchformer encoder, and Bi-directional Transformer decoder. Our approach yields a 30.47% CER for the Single-Speaker Task and 34.30% CER for the Multi-Speaker Task, securing second place in the open track of the Single-Speaker Task and first place in the other three tracks.
comment: Included in CNVSRC Workshop 2024, NCMMSC 2024
♻ ☆ Zero-Shot Whole Slide Image Retrieval in Histopathology Using Embeddings of Foundation Models
We have tested recently published foundation models for histopathology for image retrieval. We report macro average of F1 score for top-1 retrieval, majority of top-3 retrievals, and majority of top-5 retrievals. We perform zero-shot retrievals, i.e., we do not alter embeddings and we do not train any classifier. As test data, we used diagnostic slides of TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas, consisting of 23 organs and 117 cancer subtypes. As a search platform we used Yottixel that enabled us to perform WSI search using patches. Achieved F1 scores show low performance, e.g., for top-5 retrievals, 27% +/- 13% (Yottixel-DenseNet), 42% +/- 14% (Yottixel-UNI), 40%+/-13% (Yottixel-Virchow), 41%+/-13% (Yottixel-GigaPath), and 41%+/-14% (GigaPath WSI).
comment: This paper will be updated with more results
♻ ☆ DSDFormer: An Innovative Transformer-Mamba Framework for Robust High-Precision Driver Distraction Identification
Driver distraction remains a leading cause of traffic accidents, posing a critical threat to road safety globally. As intelligent transportation systems evolve, accurate and real-time identification of driver distraction has become essential. However, existing methods struggle to capture both global contextual and fine-grained local features while contending with noisy labels in training datasets. To address these challenges, we propose DSDFormer, a novel framework that integrates the strengths of Transformer and Mamba architectures through a Dual State Domain Attention (DSDA) mechanism, enabling a balance between long-range dependencies and detailed feature extraction for robust driver behavior recognition. Additionally, we introduce Temporal Reasoning Confident Learning (TRCL), an unsupervised approach that refines noisy labels by leveraging spatiotemporal correlations in video sequences. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the AUC-V1, AUC-V2, and 100-Driver datasets and demonstrates real-time processing efficiency on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin platform. Extensive experimental results confirm that DSDFormer and TRCL significantly improve both the accuracy and robustness of driver distraction detection, offering a scalable solution to enhance road safety.
♻ ☆ Unified Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (UDA-SS) aims to transfer the supervision from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. The majority of existing UDA-SS works typically consider images whilst recent attempts have extended further to tackle videos by modeling the temporal dimension. Although the two lines of research share the major challenges -- overcoming the underlying domain distribution shift, their studies are largely independent, resulting in fragmented insights, a lack of holistic understanding, and missed opportunities for cross-pollination of ideas. This fragmentation prevents the unification of methods, leading to redundant efforts and suboptimal knowledge transfer across image and video domains. Under this observation, we advocate unifying the study of UDA-SS across video and image scenarios, enabling a more comprehensive understanding, synergistic advancements, and efficient knowledge sharing. To that end, we explore the unified UDA-SS from a general data augmentation perspective, serving as a unifying conceptual framework, enabling improved generalization, and potential for cross-pollination of ideas, ultimately contributing to the overall progress and practical impact of this field of research. Specifically, we propose a Quad-directional Mixup (QuadMix) method, characterized by tackling distinct point attributes and feature inconsistencies through four-directional paths for intra- and inter-domain mixing in a feature space. To deal with temporal shifts with videos, we incorporate optical flow-guided feature aggregation across spatial and temporal dimensions for fine-grained domain alignment. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art works by large margins on four challenging UDA-SS benchmarks. Our source code and models will be released at \url{https://github.com/ZHE-SAPI/UDASS}.
comment: 17 pages,11 figures, 11 tables, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
♻ ☆ Contrastive Learning and the Emergence of Attributes Associations
In response to an object presentation, supervised learning schemes generally respond with a parsimonious label. Upon a similar presentation we humans respond again with a label, but are flooded, in addition, by a myriad of associations. A significant portion of these consist of the presented object attributes. Contrastive learning is a semi-supervised learning scheme based on the application of identity preserving transformations on the object input representations. It is conjectured in this work that these same applied transformations preserve, in addition to the identity of the presented object, also the identity of its semantically meaningful attributes. The corollary of this is that the output representations of such a contrastive learning scheme contain valuable information not only for the classification of the presented object, but also for the presence or absence decision of any attribute of interest. Simulation results which demonstrate this idea and the feasibility of this conjecture are presented.
comment: 10 pages
♻ ☆ NITRO-D: Native Integer-only Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Quantization has become increasingly pivotal in addressing the steadily increasing computational and memory requirements of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). By reducing the number of bits used to represent weights and activations (typically from 32-bit floating-point to 16-bit or 8-bit integers), quantization reduces the memory footprint, energy consumption, and execution time of DNN models. However, traditional quantization methods typically focus on the inference of DNNs, while the training process still relies on floating-point operations. To date, only one work in the literature has addressed integer-only training for Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architectures. This work introduces NITRO-D, a new framework for training arbitrarily deep integer-only Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that operate entirely in the integer-only domain for both training and inference. NITRO-D is the first framework in the literature enabling the training of integer-only CNNs without the need to introduce a quantization scheme. Specifically, NITRO-D introduces a novel architecture integrating multiple integer local-loss blocks, which include the proposed NITRO Scaling Layer and the NITRO-ReLU activation function. Additionally, it introduces a novel integer-only learning algorithm derived from Local Error Signals (LES), utilizing IntegerSGD, an optimizer specifically designed to operate in an integer-only context. NITRO-D is implemented in an open-source Python library. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate its effectiveness across several state-of-the-art image recognition datasets. Results show significant performance improvements from 2.47% to 5.96% for integer-only MLP architectures over the state-of-the-art solution, and the capability of training integer-only CNN architectures with minimal accuracy degradation from -0.15% to -4.22% compared to floating-point LES.
comment: 15 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Learning Video Context as Interleaved Multimodal Sequences ECCV 2024
Narrative videos, such as movies, pose significant challenges in video understanding due to their rich contexts (characters, dialogues, storylines) and diverse demands (identify who, relationship, and reason). In this paper, we introduce MovieSeq, a multimodal language model developed to address the wide range of challenges in understanding video contexts. Our core idea is to represent videos as interleaved multimodal sequences (including images, plots, videos, and subtitles), either by linking external knowledge databases or using offline models (such as whisper for subtitles). Through instruction-tuning, this approach empowers the language model to interact with videos using interleaved multimodal instructions. For example, instead of solely relying on video as input, we jointly provide character photos alongside their names and dialogues, allowing the model to associate these elements and generate more comprehensive responses. To demonstrate its effectiveness, we validate MovieSeq's performance on six datasets (LVU, MAD, Movienet, CMD, TVC, MovieQA) across five settings (video classification, audio description, video-text retrieval, video captioning, and video question-answering). The code will be public at https://github.com/showlab/MovieSeq.
comment: Accepted by ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ GenFace: A Large-Scale Fine-Grained Face Forgery Benchmark and Cross Appearance-Edge Learning
The rapid advancement of photorealistic generators has reached a critical juncture where the discrepancy between authentic and manipulated images is increasingly indistinguishable. Thus, benchmarking and advancing techniques detecting digital manipulation become an urgent issue. Although there have been a number of publicly available face forgery datasets, the forgery faces are mostly generated using GAN-based synthesis technology, which does not involve the most recent technologies like diffusion. The diversity and quality of images generated by diffusion models have been significantly improved and thus a much more challenging face forgery dataset shall be used to evaluate SOTA forgery detection literature. In this paper, we propose a large-scale, diverse, and fine-grained high-fidelity dataset, namely GenFace, to facilitate the advancement of deepfake detection, which contains a large number of forgery faces generated by advanced generators such as the diffusion-based model and more detailed labels about the manipulation approaches and adopted generators. In addition to evaluating SOTA approaches on our benchmark, we design an innovative cross appearance-edge learning (CAEL) detector to capture multi-grained appearance and edge global representations, and detect discriminative and general forgery traces. Moreover, we devise an appearance-edge cross-attention (AECA) module to explore the various integrations across two domains. Extensive experiment results and visualizations show that our detection model outperforms the state of the arts on different settings like cross-generator, cross-forgery, and cross-dataset evaluations. Code and datasets will be available at \url{https://github.com/Jenine-321/GenFace
♻ ☆ DEAR: Depth-Enhanced Action Recognition ECCV
Detecting actions in videos, particularly within cluttered scenes, poses significant challenges due to the limitations of 2D frame analysis from a camera perspective. Unlike human vision, which benefits from 3D understanding, recognizing actions in such environments can be difficult. This research introduces a novel approach integrating 3D features and depth maps alongside RGB features to enhance action recognition accuracy. Our method involves processing estimated depth maps through a separate branch from the RGB feature encoder and fusing the features to understand the scene and actions comprehensively. Using the Side4Video framework and VideoMamba, which employ CLIP and VisionMamba for spatial feature extraction, our approach outperformed our implementation of the Side4Video network on the Something-Something V2 dataset. Our code is available at: https://github.com/SadeghRahmaniB/DEAR
comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, accepted at Human-inspired Computer Vision, ECCV
♻ ☆ GS-ROR: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Reflective Object Relighting via SDF Priors
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has shown a powerful capability for novel view synthesis due to its detailed expressive ability and highly efficient rendering speed. Unfortunately, creating relightable 3D assets with 3DGS is still problematic, particularly for reflective objects, as its discontinuous representation raises difficulties in constraining geometries. Inspired by previous works, the signed distance field (SDF) can serve as an effective way for geometry regularization. However, a direct incorporation between Gaussians and SDF significantly slows training. To this end, we propose GS-ROR for reflective objects relighting with 3DGS aided by SDF priors. At the core of our method is the mutual supervision of the depth and normal between deferred Gaussians and SDF, which avoids the expensive volume rendering of SDF. Thanks to this mutual supervision, the learned deferred Gaussians are well-constrained with a minimal time cost. As the Gaussians are rendered in a deferred shading mode, while the alpha-blended Gaussians are smooth, individual Gaussians may still be outliers, yielding floater artifacts. Therefore, we further introduce an SDF-aware pruning strategy to remove Gaussian outliers, which are located distant from the surface defined by SDF, avoiding the floater issue. Consequently, our method outperforms the existing Gaussian-based inverse rendering methods in terms of relighting quality. Our method also exhibits competitive relighting quality compared to NeRF-based methods with at most 25% of training time and allows rendering at 200+ frames per second on an RTX4090.
♻ ☆ ALSS-YOLO: An Adaptive Lightweight Channel Split and Shuffling Network for TIR Wildlife Detection in UAV Imagery
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with thermal infrared (TIR) cameras play a crucial role in combating nocturnal wildlife poaching. However, TIR images often face challenges such as jitter, and wildlife overlap, necessitating UAVs to possess the capability to identify blurred and overlapping small targets. Current traditional lightweight networks deployed on UAVs struggle to extract features from blurry small targets. To address this issue, we developed ALSS-YOLO, an efficient and lightweight detector optimized for TIR aerial images. Firstly, we propose a novel Adaptive Lightweight Channel Split and Shuffling (ALSS) module. This module employs an adaptive channel split strategy to optimize feature extraction and integrates a channel shuffling mechanism to enhance information exchange between channels. This improves the extraction of blurry features, crucial for handling jitter-induced blur and overlapping targets. Secondly, we developed a Lightweight Coordinate Attention (LCA) module that employs adaptive pooling and grouped convolution to integrate feature information across dimensions. This module ensures lightweight operation while maintaining high detection precision and robustness against jitter and target overlap. Additionally, we developed a single-channel focus module to aggregate the width and height information of each channel into four-dimensional channel fusion, which improves the feature representation efficiency of infrared images. Finally, we modify the localization loss function to emphasize the loss value associated with small objects to improve localization accuracy. Extensive experiments on the BIRDSAI and ISOD TIR UAV wildlife datasets show that ALSS-YOLO achieves state-of-the-art performance, Our code is openly available at https://github.com/helloworlder8/computer_vision.
♻ ☆ Alignment of Diffusion Models: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future
Diffusion models have emerged as the leading paradigm in generative modeling, excelling in various applications. Despite their success, these models often misalign with human intentions, generating outputs that may not match text prompts or possess desired properties. Inspired by the success of alignment in tuning large language models, recent studies have investigated aligning diffusion models with human expectations and preferences. This work mainly reviews alignment of diffusion models, covering advancements in fundamentals of alignment, alignment techniques of diffusion models, preference benchmarks, and evaluation for diffusion models. Moreover, we discuss key perspectives on current challenges and promising future directions on solving the remaining challenges in alignment of diffusion models. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first comprehensive review paper for researchers and engineers to comprehend, practice, and research alignment of diffusion models.
comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Facial Wrinkle Segmentation for Cosmetic Dermatology: Pretraining with Texture Map-Based Weak Supervision
Facial wrinkle detection plays a crucial role in cosmetic dermatology. Precise manual segmentation of facial wrinkles is challenging and time-consuming, with inherent subjectivity leading to inconsistent results among graders. To address this issue, we propose two solutions. First, we build and release the first public facial wrinkle dataset, 'FFHQ-Wrinkle', an extension of the NVIDIA FFHQ dataset. It includes 1,000 images with human labels and 50,000 images with automatically generated weak labels. This dataset could serve as a foundation for the research community to develop advanced wrinkle detection algorithms. Second, we introduce a simple training strategy utilizing texture maps, applicable to various segmentation models, to detect wrinkles across the face. Our two-stage training strategy first pretrain models on a large dataset with weak labels (N=50k), or masked texture maps generated through computer vision techniques, without human intervention. We then finetune the models using human-labeled data (N=1k), which consists of manually labeled wrinkle masks. The network takes as input a combination of RGB and masked texture map of the image, comprising four channels, in finetuning. We effectively combine labels from multiple annotators to minimize subjectivity in manual labeling. Our strategies demonstrate improved segmentation performance in facial wrinkle segmentation both quantitatively and visually compared to existing pretraining methods. The dataset is available at https://github.com/labhai/ffhq-wrinkle-dataset.
♻ ☆ DriveScape: Towards High-Resolution Controllable Multi-View Driving Video Generation
Recent advancements in generative models have provided promising solutions for synthesizing realistic driving videos, which are crucial for training autonomous driving perception models. However, existing approaches often struggle with multi-view video generation due to the challenges of integrating 3D information while maintaining spatial-temporal consistency and effectively learning from a unified model. We propose DriveScape, an end-to-end framework for multi-view, 3D condition-guided video generation, capable of producing 1024 x 576 high-resolution videos at 10Hz. Unlike other methods limited to 2Hz due to the 3D box annotation frame rate, DriveScape overcomes this with its ability to operate under sparse conditions. Our Bi-Directional Modulated Transformer (BiMot) ensures precise alignment of 3D structural information, maintaining spatial-temporal consistency. DriveScape excels in video generation performance, achieving state-of-the-art results on the nuScenes dataset with an FID score of 8.34 and an FVD score of 76.39. Our project homepage: https://metadrivescape.github.io/papers_project/drivescapev1/index.html
comment: Homepage: https://metadrivescape.github.io/papers_project/drivescapev1/index.html
♻ ☆ From Sim-to-Real: Toward General Event-based Low-light Frame Interpolation with Per-scene Optimization SIGGRAPH
Video Frame Interpolation (VFI) is important for video enhancement, frame rate up-conversion, and slow-motion generation. The introduction of event cameras, which capture per-pixel brightness changes asynchronously, has significantly enhanced VFI capabilities, particularly for high-speed, nonlinear motions. However, these event-based methods encounter challenges in low-light conditions, notably trailing artifacts and signal latency, which hinder their direct applicability and generalization. Addressing these issues, we propose a novel per-scene optimization strategy tailored for low-light conditions. This approach utilizes the internal statistics of a sequence to handle degraded event data under low-light conditions, improving the generalizability to different lighting and camera settings. To evaluate its robustness in low-light condition, we further introduce EVFI-LL, a unique RGB+Event dataset captured under low-light conditions. Our results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in low-light environments. Project page: https://naturezhanghn.github.io/sim2real.
comment: Accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Conference Track)
♻ ☆ Detailed delineation of the fetal brain in diffusion MRI via multi-task learning
Diffusion-weighted MRI is increasingly used to study the normal and abnormal development of fetal brain in-utero. Recent studies have shown that dMRI can offer invaluable insights into the neurodevelopmental processes in the fetal stage. However, because of the low data quality and rapid brain development, reliable analysis of fetal dMRI data requires dedicated computational methods that are currently unavailable. The lack of automated methods for fast, accurate, and reproducible data analysis has seriously limited our ability to tap the potential of fetal brain dMRI for medical and scientific applications. In this work, we developed and validated a unified computational framework to (1) segment the brain tissue into white matter, cortical/subcortical gray matter, and cerebrospinal fluid, (2) segment 31 distinct white matter tracts, and (3) parcellate the brain's cortex and delineate the deep gray nuclei and white matter structures into 96 anatomically meaningful regions. We utilized a set of manual, semi-automatic, and automatic approaches to annotate 97 fetal brains. Using these labels, we developed and validated a multi-task deep learning method to perform the three computations. Our evaluations show that the new method can accurately carry out all three tasks, achieving a mean Dice similarity coefficient of 0.865 on tissue segmentation, 0.825 on white matter tract segmentation, and 0.819 on parcellation. The proposed method can greatly advance the field of fetal neuroimaging as it can lead to substantial improvements in fetal brain tractography, tract-specific analysis, and structural connectivity assessment.
♻ ☆ BEVal: A Cross-dataset Evaluation Study of BEV Segmentation Models for Autonomous Driving
Current research in semantic bird's-eye view segmentation for autonomous driving focuses solely on optimizing neural network models using a single dataset, typically nuScenes. This practice leads to the development of highly specialized models that may fail when faced with different environments or sensor setups, a problem known as domain shift. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive cross-dataset evaluation of state-of-the-art BEV segmentation models to assess their performance across different training and testing datasets and setups, as well as different semantic categories. We investigate the influence of different sensors, such as cameras and LiDAR, on the models' ability to generalize to diverse conditions and scenarios. Additionally, we conduct multi-dataset training experiments that improve models' BEV segmentation performance compared to single-dataset training. Our work addresses the gap in evaluating BEV segmentation models under cross-dataset validation. And our findings underscore the importance of enhancing model generalizability and adaptability to ensure more robust and reliable BEV segmentation approaches for autonomous driving applications. The code for this paper available at https://github.com/manueldiaz96/beval .
♻ ☆ Iterative CT Reconstruction via Latent Variable Optimization of Shallow Diffusion Models
Image-generative artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered significant attention in recent years. In particular, the diffusion model, a core component of generative AI, produces high-quality images with rich diversity. In this study, we proposed a novel computed tomography (CT) reconstruction method by combining the denoising diffusion probabilistic model with iterative CT reconstruction. In sharp contrast to previous studies, we optimized the fidelity loss of CT reconstruction with respect to the latent variable of the diffusion model, instead of the image and model parameters. To suppress the changes in anatomical structures produced by the diffusion model, we shallowed the diffusion and reverse processes and fixed a set of added noises in the reverse process to make it deterministic during the inference. We demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method through the sparse-projection CT reconstruction of 1/10 projection data. Despite the simplicity of the implementation, the proposed method has the potential to reconstruct high-quality images while preserving the patient's anatomical structures and was found to outperform existing methods, including iterative reconstruction, iterative reconstruction with total variation, and the diffusion model alone in terms of quantitative indices such as the structural similarity index and peak signal-to-noise ratio. We also explored further sparse-projection CT reconstruction using 1/20 projection data with the same trained diffusion model. As the number of iterations increased, the image quality improved comparable to that of 1/10 sparse-projection CT reconstruction. In principle, this method can be widely applied not only to CT but also to other imaging modalities.
comment: 20 pages, 10 figures
♻ ☆ AIC MLLM: Autonomous Interactive Correction MLLM for Robust Robotic Manipulation
The ability to reflect on and correct failures is crucial for robotic systems to interact stably with real-life objects.Observing the generalization and reasoning capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), previous approaches have aimed to utilize these models to enhance robotic systems accordingly.However, these methods typically focus on high-level planning corrections using an additional MLLM, with limited utilization of failed samples to correct low-level contact poses. To address this gap, we propose an Autonomous Interactive Correction (AIC) MLLM, which makes use of previous low-level interaction experiences to correct SE(3) pose predictions. Specifically, AIC MLLM is initially fine-tuned to acquire both pose prediction and feedback prompt comprehension abilities.We carefully design two types of prompt instructions through interactions with objects: 1) visual masks to highlight unmovable parts for position correction, and 2)textual descriptions to indicate potential directions for rotation correction.During inference, a Feedback Information Extraction module is introduced to recognize the failure cause, allowing AIC MLLM to adaptively correct the pose prediction using the corresponding prompts. To further enhance manipulation stability, we devise a Test Time Adaptation strategy that enables AIC MLLM to better adapt to the current scene configuration.Finally, extensive experiments are conducted in both simulated and real-world environments to evaluate the proposed method. The results demonstrate that our AIC MLLM can efficiently correct failure samples by leveraging interaction experience prompts.Real-world demonstration can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/aic-mllm
♻ ☆ Enhanced Generative Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation via Stronger Guidance
Data augmentation is a widely used technique for creating training data for tasks that require labeled data, such as semantic segmentation. This method benefits pixel-wise annotation tasks requiring much effort and intensive labor. Traditional data augmentation methods involve simple transformations like rotations and flips to create new images from existing ones. However, these new images may lack diversity along the main semantic axes in the data and not change high-level semantic properties. To address this issue, generative models have emerged as an effective solution for augmenting data by generating synthetic images. Controllable generative models offer a way to augment data for semantic segmentation tasks using a prompt and visual reference from the original image. However, using these models directly presents challenges, such as creating an effective prompt and visual reference to generate a synthetic image that accurately reflects the content and structure of the original. In this work, we introduce an effective data augmentation method for semantic segmentation using the Controllable Diffusion Model. Our proposed method includes efficient prompt generation using Class-Prompt Appending and Visual Prior Combination to enhance attention to labeled classes in real images. These techniques allow us to generate images that accurately depict segmented classes in the real image. In addition, we employ the class balancing algorithm to ensure efficiency when merging the synthetic and original images to generate balanced data for the training dataset. We evaluated our method on the PASCAL VOC datasets and found it highly effective for synthesizing images in semantic segmentation.
♻ ☆ Show-o: One Single Transformer to Unify Multimodal Understanding and Generation
We present a unified transformer, i.e., Show-o, that unifies multimodal understanding and generation. Unlike fully autoregressive models, Show-o unifies autoregressive and (discrete) diffusion modeling to adaptively handle inputs and outputs of various and mixed modalities. The unified model flexibly supports a wide range of vision-language tasks including visual question-answering, text-to-image generation, text-guided inpainting/extrapolation, and mixed-modality generation. Across various benchmarks, it demonstrates comparable or superior performance to existing individual models with an equivalent or larger number of parameters tailored for understanding or generation. This significantly highlights its potential as a next-generation foundation model. Code and models are released at https://github.com/showlab/Show-o.
comment: Technical Report
♻ ☆ Object Segmentation-Assisted Inter Prediction for Versatile Video Coding
In modern video coding standards, block-based inter prediction is widely adopted, which brings high compression efficiency. However, in natural videos, there are usually multiple moving objects of arbitrary shapes, resulting in complex motion fields that are difficult to represent compactly. This problem has been tackled by more flexible block partitioning methods in the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard, but the more flexible partitions require more overhead bits to signal and still cannot be made arbitrarily shaped. To address this limitation, we propose an object segmentation-assisted inter prediction method (SAIP), where objects in the reference frames are segmented by some advanced technologies. With a proper indication, the object segmentation mask is translated from the reference frame to the current frame as the arbitrary-shaped partition of different regions without any extra signal. Using the segmentation mask, motion compensation is separately performed for different regions, achieving higher prediction accuracy. The segmentation mask is further used to code the motion vectors of different regions more efficiently. Moreover, the segmentation mask is considered in the joint rate-distortion optimization for motion estimation and partition estimation to derive the motion vector of different regions and partition more accurately. The proposed method is implemented into the VVC reference software, VTM version 12.0. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves up to 1.98%, 1.14%, 0.79%, and on average 0.82%, 0.49%, 0.37% BD-rate reduction for common test sequences, under the Low-delay P, Low-delay B, and Random Access configurations, respectively.
comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (TBC)
♻ ☆ CoFiI2P: Coarse-to-Fine Correspondences for Image-to-Point Cloud Registration
Image-to-point cloud (I2P) registration is a fundamental task for robots and autonomous vehicles to achieve cross-modality data fusion and localization. Current I2P registration methods primarily focus on estimating correspondences at the point or pixel level, often neglecting global alignment. As a result, I2P matching can easily converge to a local optimum if it lacks high-level guidance from global constraints. To improve the success rate and general robustness, this paper introduces CoFiI2P, a novel I2P registration network that extracts correspondences in a coarse-to-fine manner. First, the image and point cloud data are processed through a two-stream encoder-decoder network for hierarchical feature extraction. Second, a coarse-to-fine matching module is designed to leverage these features and establish robust feature correspondences. Specifically, In the coarse matching phase, a novel I2P transformer module is employed to capture both homogeneous and heterogeneous global information from the image and point cloud data. This enables the estimation of coarse super-point/super-pixel matching pairs with discriminative descriptors. In the fine matching module, point/pixel pairs are established with the guidance of super-point/super-pixel correspondences. Finally, based on matching pairs, the transform matrix is estimated with the EPnP-RANSAC algorithm. Experiments conducted on the KITTI Odometry dataset demonstrate that CoFiI2P achieves impressive results, with a relative rotation error (RRE) of 1.14 degrees and a relative translation error (RTE) of 0.29 meters, while maintaining real-time speed.Additional experiments on the Nuscenes datasets confirm our method's generalizability. The project page is available at \url{https://whu-usi3dv.github.io/CoFiI2P}.
comment: Accepted by IEEE RA-L 2024. Code, pretrained models and additional results are available at: https://whu-usi3dv.github.io/CoFiI2P
♻ ☆ AnomalyDINO: Boosting Patch-based Few-shot Anomaly Detection with DINOv2
Recent advances in multimodal foundation models have set new standards in few-shot anomaly detection. This paper explores whether high-quality visual features alone are sufficient to rival existing state-of-the-art vision-language models. We affirm this by adapting DINOv2 for one-shot and few-shot anomaly detection, with a focus on industrial applications. We show that this approach does not only rival existing techniques but can even outmatch them in many settings. Our proposed vision-only approach, AnomalyDINO, is based on patch similarities and enables both image-level anomaly prediction and pixel-level anomaly segmentation. The approach is methodologically simple and training-free and, thus, does not require any additional data for fine-tuning or meta-learning. Despite its simplicity, AnomalyDINO achieves state-of-the-art results in one- and few-shot anomaly detection (e.g., pushing the one-shot performance on MVTec-AD from an AUROC of 93.1% to 96.6%). The reduced overhead, coupled with its outstanding few-shot performance, makes AnomalyDINO a strong candidate for fast deployment, e.g., in industrial contexts.
♻ ☆ Stepping Stones: A Progressive Training Strategy for Audio-Visual Semantic Segmentation ECCV2024
Audio-Visual Segmentation (AVS) aims to achieve pixel-level localization of sound sources in videos, while Audio-Visual Semantic Segmentation (AVSS), as an extension of AVS, further pursues semantic understanding of audio-visual scenes. However, since the AVSS task requires the establishment of audio-visual correspondence and semantic understanding simultaneously, we observe that previous methods have struggled to handle this mashup of objectives in end-to-end training, resulting in insufficient learning and sub-optimization. Therefore, we propose a two-stage training strategy called \textit{Stepping Stones}, which decomposes the AVSS task into two simple subtasks from localization to semantic understanding, which are fully optimized in each stage to achieve step-by-step global optimization. This training strategy has also proved its generalization and effectiveness on existing methods. To further improve the performance of AVS tasks, we propose a novel framework Adaptive Audio Visual Segmentation, in which we incorporate an adaptive audio query generator and integrate masked attention into the transformer decoder, facilitating the adaptive fusion of visual and audio features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our methods achieve state-of-the-art results on all three AVS benchmarks. The project homepage can be accessed at https://gewu-lab.github.io/stepping_stones/.
comment: ECCV2024 poster. Project url: https://gewu-lab.github.io/stepping_stones
♻ ☆ What Matters to Enhance Traffic Rule Compliance of Imitation Learning for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
End-to-end autonomous driving, where the entire driving pipeline is replaced with a single neural network, has recently gained research attention because of its simpler structure and faster inference time. Despite this appealing approach largely reducing the complexity in the driving pipeline, it also leads to safety issues because the trained policy is not always compliant with the traffic rules. In this paper, we proposed P-CSG, a penalty-based imitation learning approach with contrastive-based cross semantics generation sensor fusion technologies to increase the overall performance of end-to-end autonomous driving. In this method, we introduce three penalties - red light, stop sign, and curvature speed penalty to make the agent more sensitive to traffic rules. The proposed cross semantics generation helps to align the shared information of different input modalities. We assessed our model's performance using the CARLA Leaderboard - Town 05 Long Benchmark and Longest6 Benchmark, achieving 8.5% and 2.0% driving score improvement compared to the baselines. Furthermore, we conducted robustness evaluations against adversarial attacks like FGSM and Dot attacks, revealing a substantial increase in robustness compared to other baseline models. More detailed information can be found at https://hk-zh.github.io/p-csg-plus.
comment: 14 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Detecting Wildfires on UAVs with Real-time Segmentation Trained by Larger Teacher Models
Early detection of wildfires is essential to prevent large-scale fires resulting in extensive environmental, structural, and societal damage. Uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) can cover large remote areas effectively with quick deployment requiring minimal infrastructure and equipping them with small cameras and computers enables autonomous real-time detection. In remote areas, however, the UAVs are limited to on-board computing for detection due to the lack of high-bandwidth mobile networks. This limits the detection to methods which are light enough for the on-board computer alone. For accurate camera-based localisation, segmentation of the detected smoke is essential but training data for deep learning-based wildfire smoke segmentation is limited. This study shows how small specialised segmentation models can be trained using only bounding box labels, leveraging zero-shot foundation model supervision. The method offers the advantages of needing only fairly easily obtainable bounding box labels and requiring training solely for the smaller student network. The proposed method achieved 63.3% mIoU on a manually annotated and diverse wildfire dataset. The used model can perform in real-time at ~25 fps with a UAV-carried NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX computer while reliably recognising smoke, demonstrated at real-world forest burning events. Code is available at https://gitlab.com/fgi_nls/public/wildfire-real-time-segmentation
♻ ☆ BTSeg: Barlow Twins Regularization for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
We introduce BTSeg (Barlow Twins regularized Segmentation), an innovative, semi-supervised training approach enhancing semantic segmentation models in order to effectively tackle adverse weather conditions without requiring additional labeled training data. Images captured at similar locations but under varying adverse conditions are regarded as manifold representation of the same scene, thereby enabling the model to conceptualize its understanding of the environment. BTSeg shows cutting-edge performance for the new challenging ACG benchmark and sets a new state-of-the-art for weakly-supervised domain adaptation for the ACDC dataset. To support further research, we have made our code publicly available at https://github.com/fraunhoferhhi/BTSeg .
comment: 14 pages, GCPR submission version
♻ ☆ Memory-Efficient 3D Denoising Diffusion Models for Medical Image Processing
Denoising diffusion models have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance in many image-generation tasks. They do, however, require a large amount of computational resources. This limits their application to medical tasks, where we often deal with large 3D volumes, like high-resolution three-dimensional data. In this work, we present a number of different ways to reduce the resource consumption for 3D diffusion models and apply them to a dataset of 3D images. The main contribution of this paper is the memory-efficient patch-based diffusion model \textit{PatchDDM}, which can be applied to the total volume during inference while the training is performed only on patches. While the proposed diffusion model can be applied to any image generation tasks, we evaluate the method on the tumor segmentation task of the BraTS2020 dataset and demonstrate that we can generate meaningful three-dimensional segmentations.
comment: Accepted at MIDL 2023
♻ ☆ LLM-enhanced Scene Graph Learning for Household Rearrangement SIGGRAPH
The household rearrangement task involves spotting misplaced objects in a scene and accommodate them with proper places. It depends both on common-sense knowledge on the objective side and human user preference on the subjective side. In achieving such task, we propose to mine object functionality with user preference alignment directly from the scene itself, without relying on human intervention. To do so, we work with scene graph representation and propose LLM-enhanced scene graph learning which transforms the input scene graph into an affordance-enhanced graph (AEG) with information-enhanced nodes and newly discovered edges (relations). In AEG, the nodes corresponding to the receptacle objects are augmented with context-induced affordance which encodes what kind of carriable objects can be placed on it. New edges are discovered with newly discovered non-local relations. With AEG, we perform task planning for scene rearrangement by detecting misplaced carriables and determining a proper placement for each of them. We test our method by implementing a tiding robot in simulator and perform evaluation on a new benchmark we build. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on misplacement detection and the following rearrangement planning.
comment: SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024 conference accepted
♻ ☆ 3D Priors-Guided Diffusion for Blind Face Restoration ACM MM 2024
Blind face restoration endeavors to restore a clear face image from a degraded counterpart. Recent approaches employing Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) as priors have demonstrated remarkable success in this field. However, these methods encounter challenges in achieving a balance between realism and fidelity, particularly in complex degradation scenarios. To inherit the exceptional realism generative ability of the diffusion model and also constrained by the identity-aware fidelity, we propose a novel diffusion-based framework by embedding the 3D facial priors as structure and identity constraints into a denoising diffusion process. Specifically, in order to obtain more accurate 3D prior representations, the 3D facial image is reconstructed by a 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) using an initial restored face image that has been processed by a pretrained restoration network. A customized multi-level feature extraction method is employed to exploit both structural and identity information of 3D facial images, which are then mapped into the noise estimation process. In order to enhance the fusion of identity information into the noise estimation, we propose a Time-Aware Fusion Block (TAFB). This module offers a more efficient and adaptive fusion of weights for denoising, considering the dynamic nature of the denoising process in the diffusion model, which involves initial structure refinement followed by texture detail enhancement. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our network performs favorably against state-of-the-art algorithms on synthetic and real-world datasets for blind face restoration. The Code is released on our project page at https://github.com/838143396/3Diffusion.
comment: This paper was accepted by ACM MM 2024, and the project page is accessible at: https://github.com/838143396/3Diffusion
♻ ☆ Exploring the Interplay Between Colorectal Cancer Subtypes Genomic Variants and Cellular Morphology: A Deep-Learning Approach
Molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer (CRC) significantly influence treatment decisions. While convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently been introduced for automated CRC subtype identification using H&E stained histopathological images, the correlation between CRC subtype genomic variants and their corresponding cellular morphology expressed by their imaging phenotypes is yet to be fully explored. The goal of this study was to determine such correlations by incorporating genomic variants in CNN models for CRC subtype classification from H&E images. We utilized the publicly available TCGA-CRC-DX dataset, which comprises whole slide images from 360 CRC-diagnosed patients (260 for training and 100 for testing). This dataset also provides information on CRC subtype classifications and genomic variations. We trained CNN models for CRC subtype classification that account for potential correlation between genomic variations within CRC subtypes and their corresponding cellular morphology patterns. We assessed the interplay between CRC subtypes' genomic variations and cellular morphology patterns by evaluating the CRC subtype classification accuracy of the different models in a stratified 5-fold cross-validation experimental setup using the area under the ROC curve (AUROC) and average precision (AP) as the performance metrics. Combining the CNN models account for variations in CIMP and SNP further improved classification accuracy (AUROC: 0.847$\pm$0.01 vs. 0.787$\pm$0.03, p$=$0.01, AP: 0.68$\pm$0.02 vs. 0.64$\pm$0.05).
♻ ☆ Uncertainty-aware Bridge based Mobile-Former Network for Event-based Pattern Recognition
The mainstream human activity recognition (HAR) algorithms are developed based on RGB cameras, which are easily influenced by low-quality images (e.g., low illumination, motion blur). Meanwhile, the privacy protection issue caused by ultra-high definition (HD) RGB cameras aroused more and more people's attention. Inspired by the success of event cameras which perform better on high dynamic range, no motion blur, and low energy consumption, we propose to recognize human actions based on the event stream. We propose a lightweight uncertainty-aware information propagation based Mobile-Former network for efficient pattern recognition, which aggregates the MobileNet and Transformer network effectively. Specifically, we first embed the event images using a stem network into feature representations, then, feed them into uncertainty-aware Mobile-Former blocks for local and global feature learning and fusion. Finally, the features from MobileNet and Transformer branches are concatenated for pattern recognition. Extensive experiments on multiple event-based recognition datasets fully validated the effectiveness of our model. The source code of this work will be released at https://github.com/Event-AHU/Uncertainty_aware_MobileFormer.
comment: Accepted by ICSIPC 2024
♻ ☆ StyleCrafter: Enhancing Stylized Text-to-Video Generation with Style Adapter SIGGRAPH
Text-to-video (T2V) models have shown remarkable capabilities in generating diverse videos. However, they struggle to produce user-desired stylized videos due to (i) text's inherent clumsiness in expressing specific styles and (ii) the generally degraded style fidelity. To address these challenges, we introduce StyleCrafter, a generic method that enhances pre-trained T2V models with a style control adapter, enabling video generation in any style by providing a reference image. Considering the scarcity of stylized video datasets, we propose to first train a style control adapter using style-rich image datasets, then transfer the learned stylization ability to video generation through a tailor-made finetuning paradigm. To promote content-style disentanglement, we remove style descriptions from the text prompt and extract style information solely from the reference image using a decoupling learning strategy. Additionally, we design a scale-adaptive fusion module to balance the influences of text-based content features and image-based style features, which helps generalization across various text and style combinations. StyleCrafter efficiently generates high-quality stylized videos that align with the content of the texts and resemble the style of the reference images. Experiments demonstrate that our approach is more flexible and efficient than existing competitors.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Journal Track). Project: https://gongyeliu.github.io/StyleCrafter.github.io/ ; GitHub: https://github.com/GongyeLiu/StyleCrafter
♻ ☆ Introducing a Class-Aware Metric for Monocular Depth Estimation: An Automotive Perspective ECCV
The increasing accuracy reports of metric monocular depth estimation models lead to a growing interest from the automotive domain. Current model evaluations do not provide deeper insights into the models' performance, also in relation to safety-critical or unseen classes. Within this paper, we present a novel approach for the evaluation of depth estimation models. Our proposed metric leverages three components, a class-wise component, an edge and corner image feature component, and a global consistency retaining component. Classes are further weighted on their distance in the scene and on criticality for automotive applications. In the evaluation, we present the benefits of our metric through comparison to classical metrics, class-wise analytics, and the retrieval of critical situations. The results show that our metric provides deeper insights into model results while fulfilling safety-critical requirements. We release the code and weights on the following repository: https://github.com/leisemann/ca_mmde
comment: Accepted at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 Workshop on Out Of Distribution Generalization in Computer Vision
♻ ☆ MMCBE: Multi-modality Dataset for Crop Biomass Prediction and Beyond
Crop biomass, a critical indicator of plant growth, health, and productivity, is invaluable for crop breeding programs and agronomic research. However, the accurate and scalable quantification of crop biomass remains inaccessible due to limitations in existing measurement methods. One of the obstacles impeding the advancement of current crop biomass prediction methodologies is the scarcity of publicly available datasets. Addressing this gap, we introduce a new dataset in this domain, i.e. Multi-modality dataset for crop biomass estimation (MMCBE). Comprising 216 sets of multi-view drone images, coupled with LiDAR point clouds, and hand-labelled ground truth, MMCBE represents the first multi-modality one in the field. This dataset aims to establish benchmark methods for crop biomass quantification and foster the development of vision-based approaches. We have rigorously evaluated state-of-the-art crop biomass estimation methods using MMCBE and ventured into additional potential applications, such as 3D crop reconstruction from drone imagery and novel-view rendering. With this publication, we are making our comprehensive dataset available to the broader community.
comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ CFG++: Manifold-constrained Classifier Free Guidance for Diffusion Models
Classifier-free guidance (CFG) is a fundamental tool in modern diffusion models for text-guided generation. Although effective, CFG has notable drawbacks. For instance, DDIM with CFG lacks invertibility, complicating image editing; furthermore, high guidance scales, essential for high-quality outputs, frequently result in issues like mode collapse. Contrary to the widespread belief that these are inherent limitations of diffusion models, this paper reveals that the problems actually stem from the off-manifold phenomenon associated with CFG, rather than the diffusion models themselves. More specifically, inspired by the recent advancements of diffusion model-based inverse problem solvers (DIS), we reformulate text-guidance as an inverse problem with a text-conditioned score matching loss and develop CFG++, a novel approach that tackles the off-manifold challenges inherent in traditional CFG. CFG++ features a surprisingly simple fix to CFG, yet it offers significant improvements, including better sample quality for text-to-image generation, invertibility, smaller guidance scales, reduced mode collapse, etc. Furthermore, CFG++ enables seamless interpolation between unconditional and conditional sampling at lower guidance scales, consistently outperforming traditional CFG at all scales. Moreover, CFG++ can be easily integrated into high-order diffusion solvers and naturally extends to distilled diffusion models. Experimental results confirm that our method significantly enhances performance in text-to-image generation, DDIM inversion, editing, and solving inverse problems, suggesting a wide-ranging impact and potential applications in various fields that utilize text guidance. Project Page: https://cfgpp-diffusion.github.io/.
comment: 25 pages, 21 figures. Project Page: https://cfgpp-diffusion.github.io/
♻ ☆ FaceScore: Benchmarking and Enhancing Face Quality in Human Generation
Diffusion models (DMs) have achieved significant success in generating imaginative images given textual descriptions. However, they are likely to fall short when it comes to real-life scenarios with intricate details. The low-quality, unrealistic human faces in text-to-image generation are one of the most prominent issues, hindering the wide application of DMs in practice. Targeting addressing such an issue, we first assess the face quality of generations from popular pre-trained DMs with the aid of human annotators and then evaluate the alignment between existing metrics with human judgments. Observing that existing metrics can be unsatisfactory for quantifying face quality, we develop a novel metric named FaceScore (FS) by fine-tuning the widely used ImageReward on a dataset of (win, loss) face pairs cheaply crafted by an inpainting pipeline of DMs. Extensive studies reveal FS enjoys a superior alignment with humans. On the other hand, FS opens up the door for enhancing DMs for better face generation. With FS offering image ratings, we can easily perform preference learning algorithms to refine DMs like SDXL. Comprehensive experiments verify the efficacy of our approach for improving face quality. The code is released at https://github.com/OPPO-Mente-Lab/FaceScore.
comment: Under review
♻ ☆ DreamMapping: High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Variational Distribution Mapping
Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) has emerged as a prevalent technique for text-to-3D generation, enabling 3D content creation by distilling view-dependent information from text-to-2D guidance. However, they frequently exhibit shortcomings such as over-saturated color and excess smoothness. In this paper, we conduct a thorough analysis of SDS and refine its formulation, finding that the core design is to model the distribution of rendered images. Following this insight, we introduce a novel strategy called Variational Distribution Mapping (VDM), which expedites the distribution modeling process by regarding the rendered images as instances of degradation from diffusion-based generation. This special design enables the efficient training of variational distribution by skipping the calculations of the Jacobians in the diffusion U-Net. We also introduce timestep-dependent Distribution Coefficient Annealing (DCA) to further improve distilling precision. Leveraging VDM and DCA, we use Gaussian Splatting as the 3D representation and build a text-to-3D generation framework. Extensive experiments and evaluations demonstrate the capability of VDM and DCA to generate high-fidelity and realistic assets with optimization efficiency.
comment: 15 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ AdaNAT: Exploring Adaptive Policy for Token-Based Image Generation ECCV2024
Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of token-based methods for visual content generation. As a representative work, non-autoregressive Transformers (NATs) are able to synthesize images with decent quality in a small number of steps. However, NATs usually necessitate configuring a complicated generation policy comprising multiple manually-designed scheduling rules. These heuristic-driven rules are prone to sub-optimality and come with the requirements of expert knowledge and labor-intensive efforts. Moreover, their one-size-fits-all nature cannot flexibly adapt to the diverse characteristics of each individual sample. To address these issues, we propose AdaNAT, a learnable approach that automatically configures a suitable policy tailored for every sample to be generated. In specific, we formulate the determination of generation policies as a Markov decision process. Under this framework, a lightweight policy network for generation can be learned via reinforcement learning. Importantly, we demonstrate that simple reward designs such as FID or pre-trained reward models, may not reliably guarantee the desired quality or diversity of generated samples. Therefore, we propose an adversarial reward design to guide the training of policy networks effectively. Comprehensive experiments on four benchmark datasets, i.e., ImageNet-256 & 512, MS-COCO, and CC3M, validate the effectiveness of AdaNAT. Code and pre-trained models will be released at https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/AdaNAT.
comment: Accepted by ECCV2024
♻ ☆ RoboUniView: Visual-Language Model with Unified View Representation for Robotic Manipulation
Utilizing Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for robotic manipulation represents a novel paradigm, aiming to enhance the model's ability to generalize to new objects and instructions. However, due to variations in camera specifications and mounting positions, existing methods exhibit significant performance disparities across different robotic platforms. To address this challenge, we propose RoboUniView in this paper, an innovative approach that decouples visual feature extraction from action learning. We first learn a unified view representation from multi-perspective views by pre-training on readily accessible data, and then derive actions from this unified view representation to control robotic manipulation. This unified view representation more accurately mirrors the physical world and is not constrained by the robotic platform's camera parameters. Thanks to this methodology, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on the demanding CALVIN benchmark, enhancing the success rate in the $D \to D$ setting from 93.0% to 96.2%, and in the $ABC \to D$ setting from 92.2% to 94.2%. Moreover, our model exhibits outstanding adaptability and flexibility: it maintains high performance under unseen camera parameters, can utilize multiple datasets with varying camera parameters, and is capable of joint cross-task learning across datasets. Code is provided for re-implementation. https://github.com/liufanfanlff/RoboUniview
♻ ☆ Factual Serialization Enhancement: A Key Innovation for Chest X-ray Report Generation
A radiology report comprises presentation-style vocabulary, which ensures clarity and organization, and factual vocabulary, which provides accurate and objective descriptions based on observable findings. While manually writing these reports is time-consuming and labor-intensive, automatic report generation offers a promising alternative. A critical step in this process is to align radiographs with their corresponding reports. However, existing methods often rely on complete reports for alignment, overlooking the impact of presentation-style vocabulary. To address this issue, we propose FSE, a two-stage Factual Serialization Enhancement method. In Stage 1, we introduce factuality-guided contrastive learning for visual representation by maximizing the semantic correspondence between radiographs and corresponding factual descriptions. In Stage 2, we present evidence-driven report generation that enhances diagnostic accuracy by integrating insights from similar historical cases structured as factual serialization. Experiments on MIMIC-CXR and IU X-ray datasets across specific and general scenarios demonstrate that FSE outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in both natural language generation and clinical efficacy metrics. Ablation studies further emphasize the positive effects of factual serialization in Stage 1 and Stage 2. The code is available at https://github.com/mk-runner/FSE.
comment: code is available at https://github.com/mk-runner/FSE
♻ ☆ LLM4VG: Large Language Models Evaluation for Video Grounding
Recently, researchers have attempted to investigate the capability of LLMs in handling videos and proposed several video LLM models. However, the ability of LLMs to handle video grounding (VG), which is an important time-related video task requiring the model to precisely locate the start and end timestamps of temporal moments in videos that match the given textual queries, still remains unclear and unexplored in literature. To fill the gap, in this paper, we propose the LLM4VG benchmark, which systematically evaluates the performance of different LLMs on video grounding tasks. Based on our proposed LLM4VG, we design extensive experiments to examine two groups of video LLM models on video grounding: (i) the video LLMs trained on the text-video pairs (denoted as VidLLM), and (ii) the LLMs combined with pretrained visual description models such as the video/image captioning model. We propose prompt methods to integrate the instruction of VG and description from different kinds of generators, including caption-based generators for direct visual description and VQA-based generators for information enhancement. We also provide comprehensive comparisons of various VidLLMs and explore the influence of different choices of visual models, LLMs, prompt designs, etc, as well. Our experimental evaluations lead to two conclusions: (i) the existing VidLLMs are still far away from achieving satisfactory video grounding performance, and more time-related video tasks should be included to further fine-tune these models, and (ii) the combination of LLMs and visual models shows preliminary abilities for video grounding with considerable potential for improvement by resorting to more reliable models and further guidance of prompt instructions.
♻ ☆ A Survey on Future Frame Synthesis: Bridging Deterministic and Generative Approaches
Future Frame Synthesis (FFS) aims to enable models to generate sequences of future frames based on existing content. This task has garnered widespread application across various domains. In this paper, we comprehensively survey both historical and contemporary works in this field, encompassing widely used datasets and algorithms. Our survey scrutinizes the challenges and the evolving landscape of FFS within the realm of computer vision. We propose a novel taxonomy centered on the stochastic nature of related algorithms. This taxonomy emphasizes the gradual transition from deterministic to generative synthesis methodologies, highlighting significant advancements and shifts in approach.
comment: under review
♻ ☆ 3DGCQA: A Quality Assessment Database for 3D AI-Generated Contents
Although 3D generated content (3DGC) offers advantages in reducing production costs and accelerating design timelines, its quality often falls short when compared to 3D professionally generated content. Common quality issues frequently affect 3DGC, highlighting the importance of timely and effective quality assessment. Such evaluations not only ensure a higher standard of 3DGCs for end-users but also provide critical insights for advancing generative technologies. To address existing gaps in this domain, this paper introduces a novel 3DGC quality assessment dataset, 3DGCQA, built using 7 representative Text-to-3D generation methods. During the dataset's construction, 50 fixed prompts are utilized to generate contents across all methods, resulting in the creation of 313 textured meshes that constitute the 3DGCQA dataset. The visualization intuitively reveals the presence of 6 common distortion categories in the generated 3DGCs. To further explore the quality of the 3DGCs, subjective quality assessment is conducted by evaluators, whose ratings reveal significant variation in quality across different generation methods. Additionally, several objective quality assessment algorithms are tested on the 3DGCQA dataset. The results expose limitations in the performance of existing algorithms and underscore the need for developing more specialized quality assessment methods. To provide a valuable resource for future research and development in 3D content generation and quality assessment, the dataset has been open-sourced in https://github.com/zyj-2000/3DGCQA.
♻ ☆ Training-free ZS-CIR via Weighted Modality Fusion and Similarity
Composed image retrieval (CIR), which formulates the query as a combination of a reference image and modified text, has emerged as a new form of image search due to its enhanced ability to capture users' intentions. However, training a CIR model in a supervised manner typically requires labor-intensive collection of (reference image, text modifier, target image) triplets. While existing zero-shot CIR (ZS-CIR) methods eliminate the need for training on specific downstream datasets, they still require additional pretraining with large-scale image-text pairs. In this paper, we introduce a training-free approach for ZS-CIR. Our approach, \textbf{Wei}ghted \textbf{Mo}dality fusion and similarity for \textbf{CIR} (WeiMoCIR), operates under the assumption that image and text modalities can be effectively combined using a simple weighted average. This allows the query representation to be constructed directly from the reference image and text modifier. To further enhance retrieval performance, we employ multimodal large language models (MLLMs) to generate image captions for the database images and incorporate these textual captions into the similarity computation by combining them with image information using a weighted average. Our approach is simple, easy to implement, and its effectiveness is validated through experiments on the FashionIQ and CIRR datasets.
comment: 13 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Disentangling spatio-temporal knowledge for weakly supervised object detection and segmentation in surgical video
Weakly supervised video object segmentation (WSVOS) enables the identification of segmentation maps without requiring an extensive training dataset of object masks, relying instead on coarse video labels indicating object presence. Current state-of-the-art methods either require multiple independent stages of processing that employ motion cues or, in the case of end-to-end trainable networks, lack in segmentation accuracy, in part due to the difficulty of learning segmentation maps from videos with transient object presence. This limits the application of WSVOS for semantic annotation of surgical videos where multiple surgical tools frequently move in and out of the field of view, a problem that is more difficult than typically encountered in WSVOS. This paper introduces Video Spatio-Temporal Disentanglement Networks (VDST-Net), a framework to disentangle spatiotemporal information using semi-decoupled knowledge distillation to predict high-quality class activation maps (CAMs). A teacher network designed to resolve temporal conflicts when specifics about object location and timing in the video are not provided works with a student network that integrates information over time by leveraging temporal dependencies. We demonstrate the efficacy of our framework on a public reference dataset and on a more challenging surgical video dataset where objects are, on average, present in less than 60\% of annotated frames. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques and generates superior segmentation masks under video-level weak supervision.
comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables
Artificial Intelligence 125
☆ AnySkin: Plug-and-play Skin Sensing for Robotic Touch
While tactile sensing is widely accepted as an important and useful sensing modality, its use pales in comparison to other sensory modalities like vision and proprioception. AnySkin addresses the critical challenges that impede the use of tactile sensing -- versatility, replaceability, and data reusability. Building on the simplistic design of ReSkin, and decoupling the sensing electronics from the sensing interface, AnySkin simplifies integration making it as straightforward as putting on a phone case and connecting a charger. Furthermore, AnySkin is the first uncalibrated tactile-sensor with cross-instance generalizability of learned manipulation policies. To summarize, this work makes three key contributions: first, we introduce a streamlined fabrication process and a design tool for creating an adhesive-free, durable and easily replaceable magnetic tactile sensor; second, we characterize slip detection and policy learning with the AnySkin sensor; and third, we demonstrate zero-shot generalization of models trained on one instance of AnySkin to new instances, and compare it with popular existing tactile solutions like DIGIT and ReSkin.https://any-skin.github.io/
☆ Hand-Object Interaction Pretraining from Videos
We present an approach to learn general robot manipulation priors from 3D hand-object interaction trajectories. We build a framework to use in-the-wild videos to generate sensorimotor robot trajectories. We do so by lifting both the human hand and the manipulated object in a shared 3D space and retargeting human motions to robot actions. Generative modeling on this data gives us a task-agnostic base policy. This policy captures a general yet flexible manipulation prior. We empirically demonstrate that finetuning this policy, with both reinforcement learning (RL) and behavior cloning (BC), enables sample-efficient adaptation to downstream tasks and simultaneously improves robustness and generalizability compared to prior approaches. Qualitative experiments are available at: \url{https://hgaurav2k.github.io/hop/}.
☆ FlashSplat: 2D to 3D Gaussian Splatting Segmentation Solved Optimally ECCV'2024
This study addresses the challenge of accurately segmenting 3D Gaussian Splatting from 2D masks. Conventional methods often rely on iterative gradient descent to assign each Gaussian a unique label, leading to lengthy optimization and sub-optimal solutions. Instead, we propose a straightforward yet globally optimal solver for 3D-GS segmentation. The core insight of our method is that, with a reconstructed 3D-GS scene, the rendering of the 2D masks is essentially a linear function with respect to the labels of each Gaussian. As such, the optimal label assignment can be solved via linear programming in closed form. This solution capitalizes on the alpha blending characteristic of the splatting process for single step optimization. By incorporating the background bias in our objective function, our method shows superior robustness in 3D segmentation against noises. Remarkably, our optimization completes within 30 seconds, about 50$\times$ faster than the best existing methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our method in segmenting various scenes, and its superior performance in downstream tasks such as object removal and inpainting. Demos and code will be available at https://github.com/florinshen/FlashSplat.
comment: ECCV'2024
☆ Windows Agent Arena: Evaluating Multi-Modal OS Agents at Scale
Large language models (LLMs) show remarkable potential to act as computer agents, enhancing human productivity and software accessibility in multi-modal tasks that require planning and reasoning. However, measuring agent performance in realistic environments remains a challenge since: (i) most benchmarks are limited to specific modalities or domains (e.g. text-only, web navigation, Q&A, coding) and (ii) full benchmark evaluations are slow (on order of magnitude of days) given the multi-step sequential nature of tasks. To address these challenges, we introduce the Windows Agent Arena: a reproducible, general environment focusing exclusively on the Windows operating system (OS) where agents can operate freely within a real Windows OS and use the same wide range of applications, tools, and web browsers available to human users when solving tasks. We adapt the OSWorld framework (Xie et al., 2024) to create 150+ diverse Windows tasks across representative domains that require agent abilities in planning, screen understanding, and tool usage. Our benchmark is scalable and can be seamlessly parallelized in Azure for a full benchmark evaluation in as little as 20 minutes. To demonstrate Windows Agent Arena's capabilities, we also introduce a new multi-modal agent, Navi. Our agent achieves a success rate of 19.5% in the Windows domain, compared to 74.5% performance of an unassisted human. Navi also demonstrates strong performance on another popular web-based benchmark, Mind2Web. We offer extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of Navi's performance, and provide insights into the opportunities for future research in agent development and data generation using Windows Agent Arena. Webpage: https://microsoft.github.io/WindowsAgentArena Code: https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAgentArena
☆ LoRID: Low-Rank Iterative Diffusion for Adversarial Purification
This work presents an information-theoretic examination of diffusion-based purification methods, the state-of-the-art adversarial defenses that utilize diffusion models to remove malicious perturbations in adversarial examples. By theoretically characterizing the inherent purification errors associated with the Markov-based diffusion purifications, we introduce LoRID, a novel Low-Rank Iterative Diffusion purification method designed to remove adversarial perturbation with low intrinsic purification errors. LoRID centers around a multi-stage purification process that leverages multiple rounds of diffusion-denoising loops at the early time-steps of the diffusion models, and the integration of Tucker decomposition, an extension of matrix factorization, to remove adversarial noise at high-noise regimes. Consequently, LoRID increases the effective diffusion time-steps and overcomes strong adversarial attacks, achieving superior robustness performance in CIFAR-10/100, CelebA-HQ, and ImageNet datasets under both white-box and black-box settings.
comment: LA-UR-24-28834
☆ OmniQuery: Contextually Augmenting Captured Multimodal Memory to Enable Personal Question Answering
People often capture memories through photos, screenshots, and videos. While existing AI-based tools enable querying this data using natural language, they mostly only support retrieving individual pieces of information like certain objects in photos and struggle with answering more complex queries that involve interpreting interconnected memories like event sequences. We conducted a one-month diary study to collect realistic user queries and generated a taxonomy of necessary contextual information for integrating with captured memories. We then introduce OmniQuery, a novel system that is able to answer complex personal memory-related questions that require extracting and inferring contextual information. OmniQuery augments single captured memories through integrating scattered contextual information from multiple interconnected memories, retrieves relevant memories, and uses a large language model (LLM) to comprehensive answers. In human evaluations, we show the effectiveness of OmniQuery with an accuracy of 71.5%, and it outperformed a conventional RAG system, winning or tying in 74.5% of the time.
☆ IFAdapter: Instance Feature Control for Grounded Text-to-Image Generation
While Text-to-Image (T2I) diffusion models excel at generating visually appealing images of individual instances, they struggle to accurately position and control the features generation of multiple instances. The Layout-to-Image (L2I) task was introduced to address the positioning challenges by incorporating bounding boxes as spatial control signals, but it still falls short in generating precise instance features. In response, we propose the Instance Feature Generation (IFG) task, which aims to ensure both positional accuracy and feature fidelity in generated instances. To address the IFG task, we introduce the Instance Feature Adapter (IFAdapter). The IFAdapter enhances feature depiction by incorporating additional appearance tokens and utilizing an Instance Semantic Map to align instance-level features with spatial locations. The IFAdapter guides the diffusion process as a plug-and-play module, making it adaptable to various community models. For evaluation, we contribute an IFG benchmark and develop a verification pipeline to objectively compare models' abilities to generate instances with accurate positioning and features. Experimental results demonstrate that IFAdapter outperforms other models in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
☆ Source2Synth: Synthetic Data Generation and Curation Grounded in Real Data Sources
Large Language Models still struggle in challenging scenarios that leverage structured data, complex reasoning, or tool usage. In this paper, we propose Source2Synth: a new method that can be used for teaching LLMs new skills without relying on costly human annotations. Source2Synth takes as input a custom data source and produces synthetic data points with intermediate reasoning steps grounded in real-world sources. Source2Synth improves the dataset quality by discarding low-quality generations based on their answerability. We demonstrate the generality of this approach by applying it to two challenging domains: we test reasoning abilities in multi-hop question answering (MHQA), and tool usage in tabular question answering (TQA). Our method improves performance by 25.51% for TQA on WikiSQL and 22.57% for MHQA on HotPotQA compared to the fine-tuned baselines.
☆ LLM Honeypot: Leveraging Large Language Models as Advanced Interactive Honeypot Systems
The rapid evolution of cyber threats necessitates innovative solutions for detecting and analyzing malicious activity. Honeypots, which are decoy systems designed to lure and interact with attackers, have emerged as a critical component in cybersecurity. In this paper, we present a novel approach to creating realistic and interactive honeypot systems using Large Language Models (LLMs). By fine-tuning a pre-trained open-source language model on a diverse dataset of attacker-generated commands and responses, we developed a honeypot capable of sophisticated engagement with attackers. Our methodology involved several key steps: data collection and processing, prompt engineering, model selection, and supervised fine-tuning to optimize the model's performance. Evaluation through similarity metrics and live deployment demonstrated that our approach effectively generates accurate and informative responses. The results highlight the potential of LLMs to revolutionize honeypot technology, providing cybersecurity professionals with a powerful tool to detect and analyze malicious activity, thereby enhancing overall security infrastructure.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
☆ Design Optimization of Nuclear Fusion Reactor through Deep Reinforcement Learning
This research explores the application of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to optimize the design of a nuclear fusion reactor. DRL can efficiently address the challenging issues attributed to multiple physics and engineering constraints for steady-state operation. The fusion reactor design computation and the optimization code applicable to parallelization with DRL are developed. The proposed framework enables finding the optimal reactor design that satisfies the operational requirements while reducing building costs. Multi-objective design optimization for a fusion reactor is now simplified by DRL, indicating the high potential of the proposed framework for advancing the efficient and sustainable design of future reactors.
comment: 16 pages
☆ Photonic Quantum Computers
In the pursuit of scalable and fault-tolerant quantum computing architectures, photonic-based quantum computers have emerged as a leading frontier. This article provides a comprehensive overview of advancements in photonic quantum computing, developed by leading industry players, examining current performance, architectural designs, and strategies for developing large-scale, fault-tolerant photonic quantum computers. It also highlights recent groundbreaking experiments that leverage the unique advantages of photonic technologies, underscoring their transformative potential. This review captures a pivotal moment of photonic quantum computing in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, offering insights into how photonic quantum computers might reshape the future of quantum computing.
comment: 47 pages, 16 figures
☆ CliquePH: Higher-Order Information for Graph Neural Networks through Persistent Homology on Clique Graphs
Graph neural networks have become the default choice by practitioners for graph learning tasks such as graph classification and node classification. Nevertheless, popular graph neural network models still struggle to capture higher-order information, i.e., information that goes \emph{beyond} pairwise interactions. Recent work has shown that persistent homology, a tool from topological data analysis, can enrich graph neural networks with topological information that they otherwise could not capture. Calculating such features is efficient for dimension 0 (connected components) and dimension 1 (cycles). However, when it comes to higher-order structures, it does not scale well, with a complexity of $O(n^d)$, where $n$ is the number of nodes and $d$ is the order of the structures. In this work, we introduce a novel method that extracts information about higher-order structures in the graph while still using the efficient low-dimensional persistent homology algorithm. On standard benchmark datasets, we show that our method can lead to up to $31\%$ improvements in test accuracy.
☆ LT3SD: Latent Trees for 3D Scene Diffusion
We present LT3SD, a novel latent diffusion model for large-scale 3D scene generation. Recent advances in diffusion models have shown impressive results in 3D object generation, but are limited in spatial extent and quality when extended to 3D scenes. To generate complex and diverse 3D scene structures, we introduce a latent tree representation to effectively encode both lower-frequency geometry and higher-frequency detail in a coarse-to-fine hierarchy. We can then learn a generative diffusion process in this latent 3D scene space, modeling the latent components of a scene at each resolution level. To synthesize large-scale scenes with varying sizes, we train our diffusion model on scene patches and synthesize arbitrary-sized output 3D scenes through shared diffusion generation across multiple scene patches. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of LT3SD for large-scale, high-quality unconditional 3D scene generation and for probabilistic completion for partial scene observations.
comment: Project page: https://quan-meng.github.io/projects/lt3sd/ Video: https://youtu.be/AJ5sG9VyjGA
☆ What Makes a Maze Look Like a Maze?
A unique aspect of human visual understanding is the ability to flexibly interpret abstract concepts: acquiring lifted rules explaining what they symbolize, grounding them across familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and making predictions or reasoning about them. While off-the-shelf vision-language models excel at making literal interpretations of images (e.g., recognizing object categories such as tree branches), they still struggle to make sense of such visual abstractions (e.g., how an arrangement of tree branches may form the walls of a maze). To address this challenge, we introduce Deep Schema Grounding (DSG), a framework that leverages explicit structured representations of visual abstractions for grounding and reasoning. At the core of DSG are schemas--dependency graph descriptions of abstract concepts that decompose them into more primitive-level symbols. DSG uses large language models to extract schemas, then hierarchically grounds concrete to abstract components of the schema onto images with vision-language models. The grounded schema is used to augment visual abstraction understanding. We systematically evaluate DSG and different methods in reasoning on our new Visual Abstractions Dataset, which consists of diverse, real-world images of abstract concepts and corresponding question-answer pairs labeled by humans. We show that DSG significantly improves the abstract visual reasoning performance of vision-language models, and is a step toward human-aligned understanding of visual abstractions.
☆ AudioBERT: Audio Knowledge Augmented Language Model
Recent studies have identified that language models, pretrained on text-only datasets, often lack elementary visual knowledge, \textit{e.g.,} colors of everyday objects. Motivated by this observation, we ask whether a similar shortcoming exists in terms of the \textit{auditory} knowledge. To answer this question, we construct a new dataset called AuditoryBench, which consists of two novel tasks for evaluating auditory knowledge. Based on our analysis using the benchmark, we find that language models also suffer from a severe lack of auditory knowledge. To address this limitation, we propose AudioBERT, a novel method to augment the auditory knowledge of BERT through a retrieval-based approach. First, we detect auditory knowledge spans in prompts to query our retrieval model efficiently. Then, we inject audio knowledge into BERT and switch on low-rank adaptation for effective adaptation when audio knowledge is required. Our experiments demonstrate that AudioBERT is quite effective, achieving superior performance on the AuditoryBench. The dataset and code are available at \bulurl{https://github.com/HJ-Ok/AudioBERT}.
comment: Preprint
☆ Fine-tuning Large Language Models for Entity Matching
Generative large language models (LLMs) are a promising alternative to pre-trained language models for entity matching due to their high zero-shot performance and their ability to generalize to unseen entities. Existing research on using LLMs for entity matching has focused on prompt engineering and in-context learning. This paper explores the potential of fine-tuning LLMs for entity matching. We analyze fine-tuning along two dimensions: 1) The representation of training examples, where we experiment with adding different types of LLM-generated explanations to the training set, and 2) the selection and generation of training examples using LLMs. In addition to the matching performance on the source dataset, we investigate how fine-tuning affects the model's ability to generalize to other in-domain datasets as well as across topical domains. Our experiments show that fine-tuning significantly improves the performance of the smaller models while the results for the larger models are mixed. Fine-tuning also improves the generalization to in-domain datasets while hurting cross-domain transfer. We show that adding structured explanations to the training set has a positive impact on the performance of three out of four LLMs, while the proposed example selection and generation methods only improve the performance of Llama 3.1 8B while decreasing the performance of GPT-4o Mini.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. For related code and data, see this https://github.com/wbsg-uni-mannheim/TailorMatch
☆ Towards a graph-based foundation model for network traffic analysis
Foundation models have shown great promise in various fields of study. A potential application of such models is in computer network traffic analysis, where these models can grasp the complexities of network traffic dynamics and adapt to any specific task or network environment with minimal fine-tuning. Previous approaches have used tokenized hex-level packet data and the model architecture of large language transformer models. We propose a new, efficient graph-based alternative at the flow-level. Our approach represents network traffic as a dynamic spatio-temporal graph, employing a self-supervised link prediction pretraining task to capture the spatial and temporal dynamics in this network graph framework. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct a few-shot learning experiment for three distinct downstream network tasks: intrusion detection, traffic classification, and botnet classification. Models finetuned from our pretrained base achieve an average performance increase of 6.87\% over training from scratch, demonstrating their ability to effectively learn general network traffic dynamics during pretraining. This success suggests the potential for a large-scale version to serve as an operational foundational model.
comment: Pre-print of Accepted Workshop paper to 3rd GNNet, co-located with CoNEXT'24
☆ The CLC-UKET Dataset: Benchmarking Case Outcome Prediction for the UK Employment Tribunal
This paper explores the intersection of technological innovation and access to justice by developing a benchmark for predicting case outcomes in the UK Employment Tribunal (UKET). To address the challenge of extensive manual annotation, the study employs a large language model (LLM) for automatic annotation, resulting in the creation of the CLC-UKET dataset. The dataset consists of approximately 19,000 UKET cases and their metadata. Comprehensive legal annotations cover facts, claims, precedent references, statutory references, case outcomes, reasons and jurisdiction codes. Facilitated by the CLC-UKET data, we examine a multi-class case outcome prediction task in the UKET. Human predictions are collected to establish a performance reference for model comparison. Empirical results from baseline models indicate that finetuned transformer models outperform zero-shot and few-shot LLMs on the UKET prediction task. The performance of zero-shot LLMs can be enhanced by integrating task-related information into few-shot examples. We hope that the CLC-UKET dataset, along with human annotations and empirical findings, can serve as a valuable benchmark for employment-related dispute resolution.
☆ TravelAgent: An AI Assistant for Personalized Travel Planning
As global tourism expands and artificial intelligence technology advances, intelligent travel planning services have emerged as a significant research focus. Within dynamic real-world travel scenarios with multi-dimensional constraints, services that support users in automatically creating practical and customized travel itineraries must address three key objectives: Rationality, Comprehensiveness, and Personalization. However, existing systems with rule-based combinations or LLM-based planning methods struggle to fully satisfy these criteria. To overcome the challenges, we introduce TravelAgent, a travel planning system powered by large language models (LLMs) designed to provide reasonable, comprehensive, and personalized travel itineraries grounded in dynamic scenarios. TravelAgent comprises four modules: Tool-usage, Recommendation, Planning, and Memory Module. We evaluate TravelAgent's performance with human and simulated users, demonstrating its overall effectiveness in three criteria and confirming the accuracy of personalized recommendations.
☆ AI-accelerated discovery of high critical temperature superconductors
The discovery of new superconducting materials, particularly those exhibiting high critical temperature ($T_c$), has been a vibrant area of study within the field of condensed matter physics. Conventional approaches primarily rely on physical intuition to search for potential superconductors within the existing databases. However, the known materials only scratch the surface of the extensive array of possibilities within the realm of materials. Here, we develop an AI search engine that integrates deep model pre-training and fine-tuning techniques, diffusion models, and physics-based approaches (e.g., first-principles electronic structure calculation) for discovery of high-$T_c$ superconductors. Utilizing this AI search engine, we have obtained 74 dynamically stable materials with critical temperatures predicted by the AI model to be $T_c \geq$ 15 K based on a very small set of samples. Notably, these materials are not contained in any existing dataset. Furthermore, we analyze trends in our dataset and individual materials including B$_4$CN$_3$ and B$_5$CN$_2$ whose $T_c$s are 24.08 K and 15.93 K, respectively. We demonstrate that AI technique can discover a set of new high-$T_c$ superconductors, outline its potential for accelerating discovery of the materials with targeted properties.
comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables
☆ Unleashing Worms and Extracting Data: Escalating the Outcome of Attacks against RAG-based Inference in Scale and Severity Using Jailbreaking
In this paper, we show that with the ability to jailbreak a GenAI model, attackers can escalate the outcome of attacks against RAG-based GenAI-powered applications in severity and scale. In the first part of the paper, we show that attackers can escalate RAG membership inference attacks and RAG entity extraction attacks to RAG documents extraction attacks, forcing a more severe outcome compared to existing attacks. We evaluate the results obtained from three extraction methods, the influence of the type and the size of five embeddings algorithms employed, the size of the provided context, and the GenAI engine. We show that attackers can extract 80%-99.8% of the data stored in the database used by the RAG of a Q&A chatbot. In the second part of the paper, we show that attackers can escalate the scale of RAG data poisoning attacks from compromising a single GenAI-powered application to compromising the entire GenAI ecosystem, forcing a greater scale of damage. This is done by crafting an adversarial self-replicating prompt that triggers a chain reaction of a computer worm within the ecosystem and forces each affected application to perform a malicious activity and compromise the RAG of additional applications. We evaluate the performance of the worm in creating a chain of confidential data extraction about users within a GenAI ecosystem of GenAI-powered email assistants and analyze how the performance of the worm is affected by the size of the context, the adversarial self-replicating prompt used, the type and size of the embeddings algorithm employed, and the number of hops in the propagation. Finally, we review and analyze guardrails to protect RAG-based inference and discuss the tradeoffs.
comment: for Github, see https://github.com/StavC/UnleashingWorms-ExtractingData
☆ Edge-Wise Graph-Instructed Neural Networks
The problem of multi-task regression over graph nodes has been recently approached through Graph-Instructed Neural Network (GINN), which is a promising architecture belonging to the subset of message-passing graph neural networks. In this work, we discuss the limitations of the Graph-Instructed (GI) layer, and we formalize a novel edge-wise GI (EWGI) layer. We discuss the advantages of the EWGI layer and we provide numerical evidence that EWGINNs perform better than GINNs over graph-structured input data with chaotic connectivity, like the ones inferred from the Erdos-R\'enyi graph.
☆ Learning Causally Invariant Reward Functions from Diverse Demonstrations
Inverse reinforcement learning methods aim to retrieve the reward function of a Markov decision process based on a dataset of expert demonstrations. The commonplace scarcity and heterogeneous sources of such demonstrations can lead to the absorption of spurious correlations in the data by the learned reward function. Consequently, this adaptation often exhibits behavioural overfitting to the expert data set when a policy is trained on the obtained reward function under distribution shift of the environment dynamics. In this work, we explore a novel regularization approach for inverse reinforcement learning methods based on the causal invariance principle with the goal of improved reward function generalization. By applying this regularization to both exact and approximate formulations of the learning task, we demonstrate superior policy performance when trained using the recovered reward functions in a transfer setting
☆ Enhancing Few-Shot Image Classification through Learnable Multi-Scale Embedding and Attention Mechanisms
In the context of few-shot classification, the goal is to train a classifier using a limited number of samples while maintaining satisfactory performance. However, traditional metric-based methods exhibit certain limitations in achieving this objective. These methods typically rely on a single distance value between the query feature and support feature, thereby overlooking the contribution of shallow features. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel approach in this paper. Our approach involves utilizing multi-output embedding network that maps samples into distinct feature spaces. The proposed method extract feature vectors at different stages, enabling the model to capture both global and abstract features. By utilizing these diverse feature spaces, our model enhances its performance. Moreover, employing a self-attention mechanism improves the refinement of features at each stage, leading to even more robust representations and improved overall performance. Furthermore, assigning learnable weights to each stage significantly improved performance and results. We conducted comprehensive evaluations on the MiniImageNet and FC100 datasets, specifically in the 5-way 1-shot and 5-way 5-shot scenarios. Additionally, we performed a cross-domain task from MiniImageNet to the CUB dataset, achieving high accuracy in the testing domain. These evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method in comparison to state-of-the-art approaches. https://github.com/FatemehAskari/MSENet
☆ Games for AI Control: Models of Safety Evaluations of AI Deployment Protocols
To evaluate the safety and usefulness of deployment protocols for untrusted AIs, AI Control uses a red-teaming exercise played between a protocol designer and an adversary. This paper introduces AI-Control Games, a formal decision-making model of the red-teaming exercise as a multi-objective, partially observable, stochastic game. We also introduce methods for finding optimal protocols in AI-Control Games, by reducing them to a set of zero-sum partially observable stochastic games. We apply our formalism to model, evaluate and synthesise protocols for deploying untrusted language models as programming assistants, focusing on Trusted Monitoring protocols, which use weaker language models and limited human assistance. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our formalism by showcasing improvements over empirical studies in existing settings, evaluating protocols in new settings, and analysing how modelling assumptions affect the safety and usefulness of protocols.
comment: 7 pages, with appendices
☆ ProbTalk3D: Non-Deterministic Emotion Controllable Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation Synthesis Using VQ-VAE SIGGRAPH
Audio-driven 3D facial animation synthesis has been an active field of research with attention from both academia and industry. While there are promising results in this area, recent approaches largely focus on lip-sync and identity control, neglecting the role of emotions and emotion control in the generative process. That is mainly due to the lack of emotionally rich facial animation data and algorithms that can synthesize speech animations with emotional expressions at the same time. In addition, majority of the models are deterministic, meaning given the same audio input, they produce the same output motion. We argue that emotions and non-determinism are crucial to generate diverse and emotionally-rich facial animations. In this paper, we propose ProbTalk3D a non-deterministic neural network approach for emotion controllable speech-driven 3D facial animation synthesis using a two-stage VQ-VAE model and an emotionally rich facial animation dataset 3DMEAD. We provide an extensive comparative analysis of our model against the recent 3D facial animation synthesis approaches, by evaluating the results objectively, qualitatively, and with a perceptual user study. We highlight several objective metrics that are more suitable for evaluating stochastic outputs and use both in-the-wild and ground truth data for subjective evaluation. To our knowledge, that is the first non-deterministic 3D facial animation synthesis method incorporating a rich emotion dataset and emotion control with emotion labels and intensity levels. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed model achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art emotion-controlled, deterministic and non-deterministic models. We recommend watching the supplementary video for quality judgement. The entire codebase is publicly available (https://github.com/uuembodiedsocialai/ProbTalk3D/).
comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. Includes code. Accepted at ACM SIGGRAPH MIG 2024
☆ Autonomous Vehicle Controllers From End-to-End Differentiable Simulation
Current methods to learn controllers for autonomous vehicles (AVs) focus on behavioural cloning. Being trained only on exact historic data, the resulting agents often generalize poorly to novel scenarios. Simulators provide the opportunity to go beyond offline datasets, but they are still treated as complicated black boxes, only used to update the global simulation state. As a result, these RL algorithms are slow, sample-inefficient, and prior-agnostic. In this work, we leverage a differentiable simulator and design an analytic policy gradients (APG) approach to training AV controllers on the large-scale Waymo Open Motion Dataset. Our proposed framework brings the differentiable simulator into an end-to-end training loop, where gradients of the environment dynamics serve as a useful prior to help the agent learn a more grounded policy. We combine this setup with a recurrent architecture that can efficiently propagate temporal information across long simulated trajectories. This APG method allows us to learn robust, accurate, and fast policies, while only requiring widely-available expert trajectories, instead of scarce expert actions. We compare to behavioural cloning and find significant improvements in performance and robustness to noise in the dynamics, as well as overall more intuitive human-like handling.
☆ WirelessAgent: Large Language Model Agents for Intelligent Wireless Networks
Wireless networks are increasingly facing challenges due to their expanding scale and complexity. These challenges underscore the need for advanced AI-driven strategies, particularly in the upcoming 6G networks. In this article, we introduce WirelessAgent, a novel approach leveraging large language models (LLMs) to develop AI agents capable of managing complex tasks in wireless networks. It can effectively improve network performance through advanced reasoning, multimodal data processing, and autonomous decision making. Thereafter, we demonstrate the practical applicability and benefits of WirelessAgent for network slicing management. The experimental results show that WirelessAgent is capable of accurately understanding user intent, effectively allocating slice resources, and consistently maintaining optimal performance.
☆ Rapid Parameter Estimation for Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals Using Machine Learning
Extreme-mass-ratio inspiral (EMRI) signals pose significant challenges in gravitational wave (GW) astronomy owing to their low-frequency nature and highly complex waveforms, which occupy a high-dimensional parameter space with numerous variables. Given their extended inspiral timescales and low signal-to-noise ratios, EMRI signals warrant prolonged observation periods. Parameter estimation becomes particularly challenging due to non-local parameter degeneracies, arising from multiple local maxima, as well as flat regions and ridges inherent in the likelihood function. These factors lead to exceptionally high time complexity for parameter analysis while employing traditional matched filtering and random sampling methods. To address these challenges, the present study applies machine learning to Bayesian posterior estimation of EMRI signals, leveraging the recently developed flow matching technique based on ODE neural networks. Our approach demonstrates computational efficiency several orders of magnitude faster than the traditional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, while preserving the unbiasedness of parameter estimation. We show that machine learning technology has the potential to efficiently handle the vast parameter space, involving up to seventeen parameters, associated with EMRI signals. Furthermore, to our knowledge, this is the first instance of applying machine learning, specifically the Continuous Normalizing Flows (CNFs), to EMRI signal analysis. Our findings highlight the promising potential of machine learning in EMRI waveform analysis, offering new perspectives for the advancement of space-based GW detection and GW astronomy.
☆ Reinforcement Learning Discovers Efficient Decentralized Graph Path Search Strategies
Graph path search is a classic computer science problem that has been recently approached with Reinforcement Learning (RL) due to its potential to outperform prior methods. Existing RL techniques typically assume a global view of the network, which is not suitable for large-scale, dynamic, and privacy-sensitive settings. An area of particular interest is search in social networks due to its numerous applications. Inspired by seminal work in experimental sociology, which showed that decentralized yet efficient search is possible in social networks, we frame the problem as a collaborative task between multiple agents equipped with a limited local view of the network. We propose a multi-agent approach for graph path search that successfully leverages both homophily and structural heterogeneity. Our experiments, carried out over synthetic and real-world social networks, demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms learned and heuristic baselines. Furthermore, our results show that meaningful embeddings for graph navigation can be constructed using reward-driven learning.
☆ A convolutional neural network approach to deblending seismic data
For economic and efficiency reasons, blended acquisition of seismic data is becoming more and more commonplace. Seismic deblending methods are always computationally demanding and normally consist of multiple processing steps. Besides, the parameter setting is not always trivial. Machine learning-based processing has the potential to significantly reduce processing time and to change the way seismic deblending is carried out. We present a data-driven deep learning-based method for fast and efficient seismic deblending. The blended data are sorted from the common source to the common channel domain to transform the character of the blending noise from coherent events to incoherent distributions. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is designed according to the special character of seismic data, and performs deblending with comparable results to those obtained with conventional industry deblending algorithms. To ensure authenticity, the blending was done numerically and only field seismic data were employed, including more than 20000 training examples. After training and validation of the network, seismic deblending can be performed in near real time. Experiments also show that the initial signal to noise ratio (SNR) is the major factor controlling the quality of the final deblended result. The network is also demonstrated to be robust and adaptive by using the trained model to firstly deblend a new data set from a different geological area with a slightly different delay time setting, and secondly deblend shots with blending noise in the top part of the data.
☆ A framework for measuring the training efficiency of a neural architecture
Measuring Efficiency in neural network system development is an open research problem. This paper presents an experimental framework to measure the training efficiency of a neural architecture. To demonstrate our approach, we analyze the training efficiency of Convolutional Neural Networks and Bayesian equivalents on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 tasks. Our results show that training efficiency decays as training progresses and varies across different stopping criteria for a given neural model and learning task. We also find a non-linear relationship between training stopping criteria, training Efficiency, model size, and training Efficiency. Furthermore, we illustrate the potential confounding effects of overtraining on measuring the training efficiency of a neural architecture. Regarding relative training efficiency across different architectures, our results indicate that CNNs are more efficient than BCNNs on both datasets. More generally, as a learning task becomes more complex, the relative difference in training efficiency between different architectures becomes more pronounced.
☆ Tidal MerzA: Combining affective modelling and autonomous code generation through Reinforcement Learning
This paper presents Tidal-MerzA, a novel system designed for collaborative performances between humans and a machine agent in the context of live coding, specifically focusing on the generation of musical patterns. Tidal-MerzA fuses two foundational models: ALCAA (Affective Live Coding Autonomous Agent) and Tidal Fuzz, a computational framework. By integrating affective modelling with computational generation, this system leverages reinforcement learning techniques to dynamically adapt music composition parameters within the TidalCycles framework, ensuring both affective qualities to the patterns and syntactical correctness. The development of Tidal-MerzA introduces two distinct agents: one focusing on the generation of mini-notation strings for musical expression, and another on the alignment of music with targeted affective states through reinforcement learning. This approach enhances the adaptability and creative potential of live coding practices and allows exploration of human-machine creative interactions. Tidal-MerzA advances the field of computational music generation, presenting a novel methodology for incorporating artificial intelligence into artistic practices.
☆ InterACT: Inter-dependency Aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers for Bimanual Manipulation
We present InterACT: Inter-dependency aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers, a novel imitation learning framework for bimanual manipulation that integrates hierarchical attention to capture inter-dependencies between dual-arm joint states and visual inputs. InterACT consists of a Hierarchical Attention Encoder and a Multi-arm Decoder, both designed to enhance information aggregation and coordination. The encoder processes multi-modal inputs through segment-wise and cross-segment attention mechanisms, while the decoder leverages synchronization blocks to refine individual action predictions, providing the counterpart's prediction as context. Our experiments on a variety of simulated and real-world bimanual manipulation tasks demonstrate that InterACT significantly outperforms existing methods. Detailed ablation studies validate the contributions of key components of our work, including the impact of CLS tokens, cross-segment encoders, and synchronization blocks.
comment: Accepted at Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
☆ UGAD: Universal Generative AI Detector utilizing Frequency Fingerprints
In the wake of a fabricated explosion image at the Pentagon, an ability to discern real images from fake counterparts has never been more critical. Our study introduces a novel multi-modal approach to detect AI-generated images amidst the proliferation of new generation methods such as Diffusion models. Our method, UGAD, encompasses three key detection steps: First, we transform the RGB images into YCbCr channels and apply an Integral Radial Operation to emphasize salient radial features. Secondly, the Spatial Fourier Extraction operation is used for a spatial shift, utilizing a pre-trained deep learning network for optimal feature extraction. Finally, the deep neural network classification stage processes the data through dense layers using softmax for classification. Our approach significantly enhances the accuracy of differentiating between real and AI-generated images, as evidenced by a 12.64% increase in accuracy and 28.43% increase in AUC compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
☆ Enhancing Cross-Market Recommendation System with Graph Isomorphism Networks: A Novel Approach to Personalized User Experience
In today's world of globalized commerce, cross-market recommendation systems (CMRs) are crucial for providing personalized user experiences across diverse market segments. However, traditional recommendation algorithms have difficulties dealing with market specificity and data sparsity, especially in new or emerging markets. In this paper, we propose the CrossGR model, which utilizes Graph Isomorphism Networks (GINs) to improve CMR systems. It outperforms existing benchmarks in NDCG@10 and HR@10 metrics, demonstrating its adaptability and accuracy in handling diverse market segments. The CrossGR model is adaptable and accurate, making it well-suited for handling the complexities of cross-market recommendation tasks. Its robustness is demonstrated by consistent performance across different evaluation timeframes, indicating its potential to cater to evolving market trends and user preferences. Our findings suggest that GINs represent a promising direction for CMRs, paving the way for more sophisticated, personalized, and context-aware recommendation systems in the dynamic landscape of global e-commerce.
comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, 5 equations
☆ A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality
During multimodal model training and reasoning, data samples may miss certain modalities and lead to compromised model performance due to sensor limitations, cost constraints, privacy concerns, data loss, and temporal and spatial factors. This survey provides an overview of recent progress in Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality (MLMM), focusing on deep learning techniques. It is the first comprehensive survey that covers the historical background and the distinction between MLMM and standard multimodal learning setups, followed by a detailed analysis of current MLMM methods, applications, and datasets, concluding with a discussion about challenges and potential future directions in the field.
comment: Work in progress and welcome to discussion
☆ Over-the-Air Federated Learning via Weighted Aggregation
This paper introduces a new federated learning scheme that leverages over-the-air computation. A novel feature of this scheme is the proposal to employ adaptive weights during aggregation, a facet treated as predefined in other over-the-air schemes. This can mitigate the impact of wireless channel conditions on learning performance, without needing channel state information at transmitter side (CSIT). We provide a mathematical methodology to derive the convergence bound for the proposed scheme in the context of computational heterogeneity and general loss functions, supplemented with design insights. Accordingly, we propose aggregation cost metrics and efficient algorithms to find optimized weights for the aggregation. Finally, through numerical experiments, we validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Even with the challenges posed by channel conditions and device heterogeneity, the proposed scheme surpasses other over-the-air strategies by an accuracy improvement of 15% over the scheme using CSIT and 30% compared to the one without CSIT.
☆ In-Situ Fine-Tuning of Wildlife Models in IoT-Enabled Camera Traps for Efficient Adaptation
Wildlife monitoring via camera traps has become an essential tool in ecology, but the deployment of machine learning models for on-device animal classification faces significant challenges due to domain shifts and resource constraints. This paper introduces WildFit, a novel approach that reconciles the conflicting goals of achieving high domain generalization performance and ensuring efficient inference for camera trap applications. WildFit leverages continuous background-aware model fine-tuning to deploy ML models tailored to the current location and time window, allowing it to maintain robust classification accuracy in the new environment without requiring significant computational resources. This is achieved by background-aware data synthesis, which generates training images representing the new domain by blending background images with animal images from the source domain. We further enhance fine-tuning effectiveness through background drift detection and class distribution drift detection, which optimize the quality of synthesized data and improve generalization performance. Our extensive evaluation across multiple camera trap datasets demonstrates that WildFit achieves significant improvements in classification accuracy and computational efficiency compared to traditional approaches.
☆ Lagrange Duality and Compound Multi-Attention Transformer for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
Medical image segmentation, a critical application of semantic segmentation in healthcare, has seen significant advancements through specialized computer vision techniques. While deep learning-based medical image segmentation is essential for assisting in medical diagnosis, the lack of diverse training data causes the long-tail problem. Moreover, most previous hybrid CNN-ViT architectures have limited ability to combine various attentions in different layers of the Convolutional Neural Network. To address these issues, we propose a Lagrange Duality Consistency (LDC) Loss, integrated with Boundary-Aware Contrastive Loss, as the overall training objective for semi-supervised learning to mitigate the long-tail problem. Additionally, we introduce CMAformer, a novel network that synergizes the strengths of ResUNet and Transformer. The cross-attention block in CMAformer effectively integrates spatial attention and channel attention for multi-scale feature fusion. Overall, our results indicate that CMAformer, combined with the feature fusion framework and the new consistency loss, demonstrates strong complementarity in semi-supervised learning ensembles. We achieve state-of-the-art results on multiple public medical image datasets. Example code are available at: \url{https://github.com/lzeeorno/Lagrange-Duality-and-CMAformer}.
comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ ASSNet: Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Network for Microtumors and Multi-Organ Segmentation
Medical image segmentation, a crucial task in computer vision, facilitates the automated delineation of anatomical structures and pathologies, supporting clinicians in diagnosis, treatment planning, and disease monitoring. Notably, transformers employing shifted window-based self-attention have demonstrated exceptional performance. However, their reliance on local window attention limits the fusion of local and global contextual information, crucial for segmenting microtumors and miniature organs. To address this limitation, we propose the Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Network (ASSNet), a transformer architecture that effectively integrates local and global features for precise medical image segmentation. ASSNet comprises a transformer-based U-shaped encoder-decoder network. The encoder utilizes shifted window self-attention across five resolutions to extract multi-scale features, which are then propagated to the decoder through skip connections. We introduce an augmented multi-layer perceptron within the encoder to explicitly model long-range dependencies during feature extraction. Recognizing the constraints of conventional symmetrical encoder-decoder designs, we propose an Adaptive Feature Fusion (AFF) decoder to complement our encoder. This decoder incorporates three key components: the Long Range Dependencies (LRD) block, the Multi-Scale Feature Fusion (MFF) block, and the Adaptive Semantic Center (ASC) block. These components synergistically facilitate the effective fusion of multi-scale features extracted by the decoder while capturing long-range dependencies and refining object boundaries. Comprehensive experiments on diverse medical image segmentation tasks, including multi-organ, liver tumor, and bladder tumor segmentation, demonstrate that ASSNet achieves state-of-the-art results. Code and models are available at: \url{https://github.com/lzeeorno/ASSNet}.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ Training Spiking Neural Networks via Augmented Direct Feedback Alignment
Spiking neural networks (SNNs), the models inspired by the mechanisms of real neurons in the brain, transmit and represent information by employing discrete action potentials or spikes. The sparse, asynchronous properties of information processing make SNNs highly energy efficient, leading to SNNs being promising solutions for implementing neural networks in neuromorphic devices. However, the nondifferentiable nature of SNN neurons makes it a challenge to train them. The current training methods of SNNs that are based on error backpropagation (BP) and precisely designing surrogate gradient are difficult to implement and biologically implausible, hindering the implementation of SNNs on neuromorphic devices. Thus, it is important to train SNNs with a method that is both physically implementatable and biologically plausible. In this paper, we propose using augmented direct feedback alignment (aDFA), a gradient-free approach based on random projection, to train SNNs. This method requires only partial information of the forward process during training, so it is easy to implement and biologically plausible. We systematically demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed aDFA-SNNs scheme, propose its effective working range, and analyze its well-performing settings by employing genetic algorithm. We also analyze the impact of crucial features of SNNs on the scheme, thus demonstrating its superiority and stability over BP and conventional direct feedback alignment. Our scheme can achieve competitive performance without accurate prior knowledge about the utilized system, thus providing a valuable reference for physically training SNNs.
comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables
☆ A Spatiotemporal Stealthy Backdoor Attack against Cooperative Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
Recent studies have shown that cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (c-MADRL) is under the threat of backdoor attacks. Once a backdoor trigger is observed, it will perform abnormal actions leading to failures or malicious goals. However, existing proposed backdoors suffer from several issues, e.g., fixed visual trigger patterns lack stealthiness, the backdoor is trained or activated by an additional network, or all agents are backdoored. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel backdoor attack against c-MADRL, which attacks the entire multi-agent team by embedding the backdoor only in a single agent. Firstly, we introduce adversary spatiotemporal behavior patterns as the backdoor trigger rather than manual-injected fixed visual patterns or instant status and control the attack duration. This method can guarantee the stealthiness and practicality of injected backdoors. Secondly, we hack the original reward function of the backdoored agent via reward reverse and unilateral guidance during training to ensure its adverse influence on the entire team. We evaluate our backdoor attacks on two classic c-MADRL algorithms VDN and QMIX, in a popular c-MADRL environment SMAC. The experimental results demonstrate that our backdoor attacks are able to reach a high attack success rate (91.6\%) while maintaining a low clean performance variance rate (3.7\%).
comment: 6 pages, IEEE Globecom 2024
☆ Universal Pooling Method of Multi-layer Features from Pretrained Models for Speaker Verification
Recent advancements in automatic speaker verification (ASV) studies have been achieved by leveraging large-scale pretrained networks. In this study, we analyze the approaches toward such a paradigm and underline the significance of interlayer information processing as a result. Accordingly, we present a novel approach for exploiting the multilayered nature of pretrained models for ASV, which comprises a layer/frame-level network and two steps of pooling architectures for each layer and frame axis. Specifically, we let convolutional architecture directly processes a stack of layer outputs.Then, we present a channel attention-based scheme of gauging layer significance and squeeze the layer level with the most representative value. Finally, attentive statistics over frame-level representations yield a single vector speaker embedding. Comparative experiments are designed using versatile data environments and diverse pretraining models to validate the proposed approach. The experimental results demonstrate the stability of the approach using multi-layer outputs in leveraging pretrained architectures. Then, we verify the superiority of the proposed ASV backend structure, which involves layer-wise operations, in terms of performance improvement along with cost efficiency compared to the conventional method. The ablation study shows how the proposed interlayer processing aids in maximizing the advantage of utilizing pretrained models.
comment: Preprint
☆ Reimagining Linear Probing: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Transfer Learning
This paper introduces Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) as an enhancement to the traditional linear probing method in transfer learning. Linear probing, often applied to the final layer of pre-trained models, is limited by its inability to model complex relationships in data. To address this, we propose substituting the linear probing layer with KAN, which leverages spline-based representations to approximate intricate functions. In this study, we integrate KAN with a ResNet-50 model pre-trained on ImageNet and evaluate its performance on the CIFAR-10 dataset. We perform a systematic hyperparameter search, focusing on grid size and spline degree (k), to optimize KAN's flexibility and accuracy. Our results demonstrate that KAN consistently outperforms traditional linear probing, achieving significant improvements in accuracy and generalization across a range of configurations. These findings indicate that KAN offers a more powerful and adaptable alternative to conventional linear probing techniques in transfer learning.
comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
☆ Relevance for Human Robot Collaboration
Effective human-robot collaboration (HRC) requires the robots to possess human-like intelligence. Inspired by the human's cognitive ability to selectively process and filter elements in complex environments, this paper introduces a novel concept and scene-understanding approach termed `relevance.' It identifies relevant components in a scene. To accurately and efficiently quantify relevance, we developed an event-based framework that selectively triggers relevance determination, along with a probabilistic methodology built on a structured scene representation. Simulation results demonstrate that the relevance framework and methodology accurately predict the relevance of a general HRC setup, achieving a precision of 0.99 and a recall of 0.94. Relevance can be broadly applied to several areas in HRC to improve task planning time by 79.56% compared with pure planning for a cereal task, reduce perception latency by up to 26.53% for an object detector, improve HRC safety by up to 13.50% and reduce the number of inquiries for HRC by 75.36%. A real-world demonstration showcases the relevance framework's ability to intelligently assist humans in everyday tasks.
☆ Top-down Activity Representation Learning for Video Question Answering
Capturing complex hierarchical human activities, from atomic actions (e.g., picking up one present, moving to the sofa, unwrapping the present) to contextual events (e.g., celebrating Christmas) is crucial for achieving high-performance video question answering (VideoQA). Recent works have expanded multimodal models (e.g., CLIP, LLaVA) to process continuous video sequences, enhancing the model's temporal reasoning capabilities. However, these approaches often fail to capture contextual events that can be decomposed into multiple atomic actions non-continuously distributed over relatively long-term sequences. In this paper, to leverage the spatial visual context representation capability of the CLIP model for obtaining non-continuous visual representations in terms of contextual events in videos, we convert long-term video sequences into a spatial image domain and finetune the multimodal model LLaVA for the VideoQA task. Our approach achieves competitive performance on the STAR task, in particular, with a 78.4% accuracy score, exceeding the current state-of-the-art score by 2.8 points on the NExTQA task.
comment: presented at MIRU2024
☆ Multi-object event graph representation learning for Video Question Answering
Video question answering (VideoQA) is a task to predict the correct answer to questions posed about a given video. The system must comprehend spatial and temporal relationships among objects extracted from videos to perform causal and temporal reasoning. While prior works have focused on modeling individual object movements using transformer-based methods, they falter when capturing complex scenarios involving multiple objects (e.g., "a boy is throwing a ball in a hoop"). We propose a contrastive language event graph representation learning method called CLanG to address this limitation. Aiming to capture event representations associated with multiple objects, our method employs a multi-layer GNN-cluster module for adversarial graph representation learning, enabling contrastive learning between the question text and its relevant multi-object event graph. Our method outperforms a strong baseline, achieving up to 2.2% higher accuracy on two challenging VideoQA datasets, NExT-QA and TGIF-QA-R. In particular, it is 2.8% better than baselines in handling causal and temporal questions, highlighting its strength in reasoning multiple object-based events.
comment: presented at MIRU2024
☆ Transfer Learning Applied to Computer Vision Problems: Survey on Current Progress, Limitations, and Opportunities
The field of Computer Vision (CV) has faced challenges. Initially, it relied on handcrafted features and rule-based algorithms, resulting in limited accuracy. The introduction of machine learning (ML) has brought progress, particularly Transfer Learning (TL), which addresses various CV problems by reusing pre-trained models. TL requires less data and computing while delivering nearly equal accuracy, making it a prominent technique in the CV landscape. Our research focuses on TL development and how CV applications use it to solve real-world problems. We discuss recent developments, limitations, and opportunities.
comment: 16 pages, 8 figures
☆ GRE^2-MDCL: Graph Representation Embedding Enhanced via Multidimensional Contrastive Learning
Graph representation learning has emerged as a powerful tool for preserving graph topology when mapping nodes to vector representations, enabling various downstream tasks such as node classification and community detection. However, most current graph neural network models face the challenge of requiring extensive labeled data, which limits their practical applicability in real-world scenarios where labeled data is scarce. To address this challenge, researchers have explored Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL), which leverages enhanced graph data and contrastive learning techniques. While promising, existing GCL methods often struggle with effectively capturing both local and global graph structures, and balancing the trade-off between nodelevel and graph-level representations. In this work, we propose Graph Representation Embedding Enhanced via Multidimensional Contrastive Learning (GRE2-MDCL). Our model introduces a novel triple network architecture with a multi-head attention GNN as the core. GRE2-MDCL first globally and locally augments the input graph using SVD and LAGNN techniques. It then constructs a multidimensional contrastive loss, incorporating cross-network, cross-view, and neighbor contrast, to optimize the model. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets Cora, Citeseer, and PubMed demonstrate that GRE2-MDCL achieves state-of-the-art performance, with average accuracies of 82.5%, 72.5%, and 81.6% respectively. Visualizations further show tighter intra-cluster aggregation and clearer inter-cluster boundaries, highlighting the effectiveness of our framework in improving upon baseline GCL models.
☆ Advancing Depth Anything Model for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation in Endoscopy
Depth estimation is a cornerstone of 3D reconstruction and plays a vital role in minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries. However, most current depth estimation networks rely on traditional convolutional neural networks, which are limited in their ability to capture global information. Foundation models offer a promising avenue for enhancing depth estimation, but those currently available are primarily trained on natural images, leading to suboptimal performance when applied to endoscopic images. In this work, we introduce a novel fine-tuning strategy for the Depth Anything Model and integrate it with an intrinsic-based unsupervised monocular depth estimation framework. Our approach includes a low-rank adaptation technique based on random vectors, which improves the model's adaptability to different scales. Additionally, we propose a residual block built on depthwise separable convolution to compensate for the transformer's limited ability to capture high-frequency details, such as edges and textures. Our experimental results on the SCARED dataset show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance while minimizing the number of trainable parameters. Applying this method in minimally invasive endoscopic surgery could significantly enhance both the precision and safety of these procedures.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
☆ FIReStereo: Forest InfraRed Stereo Dataset for UAS Depth Perception in Visually Degraded Environments
Robust depth perception in visually-degraded environments is crucial for autonomous aerial systems. Thermal imaging cameras, which capture infrared radiation, are robust to visual degradation. However, due to lack of a large-scale dataset, the use of thermal cameras for unmanned aerial system (UAS) depth perception has remained largely unexplored. This paper presents a stereo thermal depth perception dataset for autonomous aerial perception applications. The dataset consists of stereo thermal images, LiDAR, IMU and ground truth depth maps captured in urban and forest settings under diverse conditions like day, night, rain, and smoke. We benchmark representative stereo depth estimation algorithms, offering insights into their performance in degraded conditions. Models trained on our dataset generalize well to unseen smoky conditions, highlighting the robustness of stereo thermal imaging for depth perception. We aim for this work to enhance robotic perception in disaster scenarios, allowing for exploration and operations in previously unreachable areas. The dataset and source code are available at https://firestereo.github.io.
comment: Under review in RA-L. The first 2 authors contributed equally
☆ Attack End-to-End Autonomous Driving through Module-Wise Noise
With recent breakthroughs in deep neural networks, numerous tasks within autonomous driving have exhibited remarkable performance. However, deep learning models are susceptible to adversarial attacks, presenting significant security risks to autonomous driving systems. Presently, end-to-end architectures have emerged as the predominant solution for autonomous driving, owing to their collaborative nature across different tasks. Yet, the implications of adversarial attacks on such models remain relatively unexplored. In this paper, we conduct comprehensive adversarial security research on the modular end-to-end autonomous driving model for the first time. We thoroughly consider the potential vulnerabilities in the model inference process and design a universal attack scheme through module-wise noise injection. We conduct large-scale experiments on the full-stack autonomous driving model and demonstrate that our attack method outperforms previous attack methods. We trust that our research will offer fresh insights into ensuring the safety and reliability of autonomous driving systems.
☆ Super Monotonic Alignment Search
Monotonic alignment search (MAS), introduced by Glow-TTS, is one of the most popular algorithm in TTS to estimate unknown alignments between text and speech. Since this algorithm needs to search for the most probable alignment with dynamic programming by caching all paths, the time complexity of the algorithm is $O(T \times S)$. The authors of Glow-TTS run this algorithm on CPU, and while they mentioned it is difficult to parallelize, we found that MAS can be parallelized in text-length dimension and CPU execution consumes an inordinate amount of time for inter-device copy. Therefore, we implemented a Triton kernel and PyTorch JIT script to accelerate MAS on GPU without inter-device copy. As a result, Super-MAS Triton kernel is up to 72 times faster in the extreme-length case. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/supertone-inc/super-monotonic-align}.
comment: Technical Report
☆ DSBench: How Far Are Data Science Agents to Becoming Data Science Experts?
Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated impressive language/vision reasoning abilities, igniting the recent trend of building agents for targeted applications such as shopping assistants or AI software engineers. Recently, many data science benchmarks have been proposed to investigate their performance in the data science domain. However, existing data science benchmarks still fall short when compared to real-world data science applications due to their simplified settings. To bridge this gap, we introduce DSBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate data science agents with realistic tasks. This benchmark includes 466 data analysis tasks and 74 data modeling tasks, sourced from Eloquence and Kaggle competitions. DSBench offers a realistic setting by encompassing long contexts, multimodal task backgrounds, reasoning with large data files and multi-table structures, and performing end-to-end data modeling tasks. Our evaluation of state-of-the-art LLMs, LVLMs, and agents shows that they struggle with most tasks, with the best agent solving only 34.12% of data analysis tasks and achieving a 34.74% Relative Performance Gap (RPG). These findings underscore the need for further advancements in developing more practical, intelligent, and autonomous data science agents.
☆ Modeling Information Narrative Detection and Evolution on Telegram during the Russia-Ukraine War AAAI
Following the Russian Federation's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, a multitude of information narratives emerged within both pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian communities online. As the conflict progresses, so too do the information narratives, constantly adapting and influencing local and global community perceptions and attitudes. This dynamic nature of the evolving information environment (IE) underscores a critical need to fully discern how narratives evolve and affect online communities. Existing research, however, often fails to capture information narrative evolution, overlooking both the fluid nature of narratives and the internal mechanisms that drive their evolution. Recognizing this, we introduce a novel approach designed to both model narrative evolution and uncover the underlying mechanisms driving them. In this work we perform a comparative discourse analysis across communities on Telegram covering the initial three months following the invasion. First, we uncover substantial disparities in narratives and perceptions between pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian communities. Then, we probe deeper into prevalent narratives of each group, identifying key themes and examining the underlying mechanisms fueling their evolution. Finally, we explore influences and factors that may shape the development and spread of narratives.
comment: 12 pages, International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 2025
☆ Open-Vocabulary Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
Open-vocabulary image semantic segmentation (OVS) seeks to segment images into semantic regions across an open set of categories. Existing OVS methods commonly depend on foundational vision-language models and utilize similarity computation to tackle OVS tasks. However, these approaches are predominantly tailored to natural images and struggle with the unique characteristics of remote sensing images, such as rapidly changing orientations and significant scale variations. These challenges complicate OVS tasks in earth vision, requiring specialized approaches. To tackle this dilemma, we propose the first OVS framework specifically designed for remote sensing imagery, drawing inspiration from the distinct remote sensing traits. Particularly, to address the varying orientations, we introduce a rotation-aggregative similarity computation module that generates orientation-adaptive similarity maps as initial semantic maps. These maps are subsequently refined at both spatial and categorical levels to produce more accurate semantic maps. Additionally, to manage significant scale changes, we integrate multi-scale image features into the upsampling process, resulting in the final scale-aware semantic masks. To advance OVS in earth vision and encourage reproducible research, we establish the first open-sourced OVS benchmark for remote sensing imagery, including four public remote sensing datasets. Extensive experiments on this benchmark demonstrate our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance. All codes and datasets are available at https://github.com/caoql98/OVRS.
☆ An Unsupervised Dialogue Topic Segmentation Model Based on Utterance Rewriting
Dialogue topic segmentation plays a crucial role in various types of dialogue modeling tasks. The state-of-the-art unsupervised DTS methods learn topic-aware discourse representations from conversation data through adjacent discourse matching and pseudo segmentation to further mine useful clues in unlabeled conversational relations. However, in multi-round dialogs, discourses often have co-references or omissions, leading to the fact that direct use of these discourses for representation learning may negatively affect the semantic similarity computation in the neighboring discourse matching task. In order to fully utilize the useful cues in conversational relations, this study proposes a novel unsupervised dialog topic segmentation method that combines the Utterance Rewriting (UR) technique with an unsupervised learning algorithm to efficiently utilize the useful cues in unlabeled dialogs by rewriting the dialogs in order to recover the co-referents and omitted words. Compared with existing unsupervised models, the proposed Discourse Rewriting Topic Segmentation Model (UR-DTS) significantly improves the accuracy of topic segmentation. The main finding is that the performance on DialSeg711 improves by about 6% in terms of absolute error score and WD, achieving 11.42% in terms of absolute error score and 12.97% in terms of WD. on Doc2Dial the absolute error score and WD improves by about 3% and 2%, respectively, resulting in SOTA reaching 35.17% in terms of absolute error score and 38.49% in terms of WD. This shows that the model is very effective in capturing the nuances of conversational topics, as well as the usefulness and challenges of utilizing unlabeled conversations.
comment: in Chinese language
☆ OmniQuery: Contextually Augmenting Captured Multimodal Memory to Enable Personal Question Answering
People often capture memories through photos, screenshots, and videos. While existing AI-based tools enable querying this data using natural language, they mostly only support retrieving individual pieces of information like certain objects in photos and struggle with answering more complex queries that involve interpreting interconnected memories like event sequences. We conducted a one-month diary study to collect realistic user queries and generated a taxonomy of necessary contextual information for integrating with captured memories. We then introduce OmniQuery, a novel system that is able to answer complex personal memory-related questions that require extracting and inferring contextual information. OmniQuery augments single captured memories through integrating scattered contextual information from multiple interconnected memories, retrieves relevant memories, and uses a large language model (LLM) to comprehensive answers. In human evaluations, we show the effectiveness of OmniQuery with an accuracy of 71.5%, and it outperformed a conventional RAG system, winning or tying in 74.5% of the time.
☆ Fitted Q-Iteration via Max-Plus-Linear Approximation
In this study, we consider the application of max-plus-linear approximators for Q-function in offline reinforcement learning of discounted Markov decision processes. In particular, we incorporate these approximators to propose novel fitted Q-iteration (FQI) algorithms with provable convergence. Exploiting the compatibility of the Bellman operator with max-plus operations, we show that the max-plus-linear regression within each iteration of the proposed FQI algorithm reduces to simple max-plus matrix-vector multiplications. We also consider the variational implementation of the proposed algorithm which leads to a per-iteration complexity that is independent of the number of samples.
☆ Knowledge Tagging with Large Language Model based Multi-Agent System
Knowledge tagging for questions is vital in modern intelligent educational applications, including learning progress diagnosis, practice question recommendations, and course content organization. Traditionally, these annotations have been performed by pedagogical experts, as the task demands not only a deep semantic understanding of question stems and knowledge definitions but also a strong ability to link problem-solving logic with relevant knowledge concepts. With the advent of advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, such as pre-trained language models and large language models (LLMs), pioneering studies have explored automating the knowledge tagging process using various machine learning models. In this paper, we investigate the use of a multi-agent system to address the limitations of previous algorithms, particularly in handling complex cases involving intricate knowledge definitions and strict numerical constraints. By demonstrating its superior performance on the publicly available math question knowledge tagging dataset, MathKnowCT, we highlight the significant potential of an LLM-based multi-agent system in overcoming the challenges that previous methods have encountered. Finally, through an in-depth discussion of the implications of automating knowledge tagging, we underscore the promising results of deploying LLM-based algorithms in educational contexts.
comment: 8 pages, 3 figures
☆ Scores as Actions: a framework of fine-tuning diffusion models by continuous-time reinforcement learning
Reinforcement Learning from human feedback (RLHF) has been shown a promising direction for aligning generative models with human intent and has also been explored in recent works for alignment of diffusion generative models. In this work, we provide a rigorous treatment by formulating the task of fine-tuning diffusion models, with reward functions learned from human feedback, as an exploratory continuous-time stochastic control problem. Our key idea lies in treating the score-matching functions as controls/actions, and upon this, we develop a unified framework from a continuous-time perspective, to employ reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms in terms of improving the generation quality of diffusion models. We also develop the corresponding continuous-time RL theory for policy optimization and regularization under assumptions of stochastic different equations driven environment. Experiments on the text-to-image (T2I) generation will be reported in the accompanied paper.
☆ 360PanT: Training-Free Text-Driven 360-Degree Panorama-to-Panorama Translation WACV 2025
Preserving boundary continuity in the translation of 360-degree panoramas remains a significant challenge for existing text-driven image-to-image translation methods. These methods often produce visually jarring discontinuities at the translated panorama's boundaries, disrupting the immersive experience. To address this issue, we propose 360PanT, a training-free approach to text-based 360-degree panorama-to-panorama translation with boundary continuity. Our 360PanT achieves seamless translations through two key components: boundary continuity encoding and seamless tiling translation with spatial control. Firstly, the boundary continuity encoding embeds critical boundary continuity information of the input 360-degree panorama into the noisy latent representation by constructing an extended input image. Secondly, leveraging this embedded noisy latent representation and guided by a target prompt, the seamless tiling translation with spatial control enables the generation of a translated image with identical left and right halves while adhering to the extended input's structure and semantic layout. This process ensures a final translated 360-degree panorama with seamless boundary continuity. Experimental results on both real-world and synthesized datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our 360PanT in translating 360-degree panoramas. Code is available at \href{https://github.com/littlewhitesea/360PanT}{https://github.com/littlewhitesea/360PanT}.
comment: Accepted by WACV 2025, Project Page: \href{https://littlewhitesea.github.io/360PanT.github.io/}{https://littlewhitesea.github.io/360PanT.github.io/}
Self-Supervised Inference of Agents in Trustless Environments
In this paper, we propose a novel approach where agents can form swarms to produce high-quality responses effectively. This is accomplished by utilizing agents capable of data inference and ranking, which can be effectively implemented using LLMs as response classifiers. We assess existing approaches for trustless agent inference, define our methodology, estimate practical parameters, and model various types of malicious agent attacks. Our method leverages the collective intelligence of swarms, ensuring robust and efficient decentralized AI inference with better accuracy, security, and reliability. We show that our approach is an order of magnitude faster than other trustless inference strategies reaching less than 125 ms validation latency.
☆ Rethinking Prompting Strategies for Multi-Label Recognition with Partial Annotations
Vision-language models (VLMs) like CLIP have been adapted for Multi-Label Recognition (MLR) with partial annotations by leveraging prompt-learning, where positive and negative prompts are learned for each class to associate their embeddings with class presence or absence in the shared vision-text feature space. While this approach improves MLR performance by relying on VLM priors, we hypothesize that learning negative prompts may be suboptimal, as the datasets used to train VLMs lack image-caption pairs explicitly focusing on class absence. To analyze the impact of positive and negative prompt learning on MLR, we introduce PositiveCoOp and NegativeCoOp, where only one prompt is learned with VLM guidance while the other is replaced by an embedding vector learned directly in the shared feature space without relying on the text encoder. Through empirical analysis, we observe that negative prompts degrade MLR performance, and learning only positive prompts, combined with learned negative embeddings (PositiveCoOp), outperforms dual prompt learning approaches. Moreover, we quantify the performance benefits that prompt-learning offers over a simple vision-features-only baseline, observing that the baseline displays strong performance comparable to dual prompt learning approach (DualCoOp), when the proportion of missing labels is low, while requiring half the training compute and 16 times fewer parameters
☆ The Impact of Large Language Models on Open-source Innovation: Evidence from GitHub Copilot
Generative AI (GenAI) has been shown to enhance individual productivity in a guided setting. While it is also likely to transform processes in a collaborative work setting, it is unclear what trajectory this transformation will follow. Collaborative environment is characterized by a blend of origination tasks that involve building something from scratch and iteration tasks that involve refining on others' work. Whether GenAI affects these two aspects of collaborative work and to what extent is an open empirical question. We study this question within the open-source development landscape, a prime example of collaborative innovation, where contributions are voluntary and unguided. Specifically, we focus on the launch of GitHub Copilot in October 2021 and leverage a natural experiment in which GitHub Copilot (a programming-focused LLM) selectively rolled out support for Python, but not for R. We observe a significant jump in overall contributions, suggesting that GenAI effectively augments collaborative innovation in an unguided setting. Interestingly, Copilot's launch increased maintenance-related contributions, which are mostly iterative tasks involving building on others' work, significantly more than code-development contributions, which are mostly origination tasks involving standalone contributions. This disparity was exacerbated in active projects with extensive coding activity, raising concerns that, as GenAI models improve to accommodate richer context, the gap between origination and iterative solutions may widen. We discuss practical and policy implications to incentivize high-value innovative solutions.
comment: JEL Classification: O31, C88, J24, O35, L86
☆ FedProphet: Memory-Efficient Federated Adversarial Training via Theoretic-Robustness and Low-Inconsistency Cascade Learning
Federated Learning (FL) provides a strong privacy guarantee by enabling local training across edge devices without training data sharing, and Federated Adversarial Training (FAT) further enhances the robustness against adversarial examples, promoting a step toward trustworthy artificial intelligence. However, FAT requires a large model to preserve high accuracy while achieving strong robustness, and it is impractically slow when directly training with memory-constrained edge devices due to the memory-swapping latency. Moreover, existing memory-efficient FL methods suffer from poor accuracy and weak robustness in FAT because of inconsistent local and global models, i.e., objective inconsistency. In this paper, we propose FedProphet, a novel FAT framework that can achieve memory efficiency, adversarial robustness, and objective consistency simultaneously. FedProphet partitions the large model into small cascaded modules such that the memory-constrained devices can conduct adversarial training module-by-module. A strong convexity regularization is derived to theoretically guarantee the robustness of the whole model, and we show that the strong robustness implies low objective inconsistency in FedProphet. We also develop a training coordinator on the server of FL, with Adaptive Perturbation Adjustment for utility-robustness balance and Differentiated Module Assignment for objective inconsistency mitigation. FedProphet empirically shows a significant improvement in both accuracy and robustness compared to previous memory-efficient methods, achieving almost the same performance of end-to-end FAT with 80% memory reduction and up to 10.8x speedup in training time.
comment: Preprint
☆ E-QUARTIC: Energy Efficient Edge Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Optimized Learning SP
Ensemble learning is a meta-learning approach that combines the predictions of multiple learners, demonstrating improved accuracy and robustness. Nevertheless, ensembling models like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) result in high memory and computing overhead, preventing their deployment in embedded systems. These devices are usually equipped with small batteries that provide power supply and might include energy-harvesting modules that extract energy from the environment. In this work, we propose E-QUARTIC, a novel Energy Efficient Edge Ensembling framework to build ensembles of CNNs targeting Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based embedded systems. Our design outperforms single-instance CNN baselines and state-of-the-art edge AI solutions, improving accuracy and adapting to varying energy conditions while maintaining similar memory requirements. Then, we leverage the multi-CNN structure of the designed ensemble to implement an energy-aware model selection policy in energy-harvesting AI systems. We show that our solution outperforms the state-of-the-art by reducing system failure rate by up to 40% while ensuring higher average output qualities. Ultimately, we show that the proposed design enables concurrent on-device training and high-quality inference execution at the edge, limiting the performance and energy overheads to less than 0.04%.
comment: Accepted by the 30th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2025)
☆ An Experimental Study of Competitive Market Behavior Through LLMs
This study explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) to conduct market experiments, aiming to understand their capability to comprehend competitive market dynamics. We model the behavior of market agents in a controlled experimental setting, assessing their ability to converge toward competitive equilibria. The results reveal the challenges current LLMs face in replicating the dynamic decision-making processes characteristic of human trading behavior. Unlike humans, LLMs lacked the capacity to achieve market equilibrium. The research demonstrates that while LLMs provide a valuable tool for scalable and reproducible market simulations, their current limitations necessitate further advancements to fully capture the complexities of market behavior. Future work that enhances dynamic learning capabilities and incorporates elements of behavioral economics could improve the effectiveness of LLMs in the economic domain, providing new insights into market dynamics and aiding in the refinement of economic policies.
☆ Bayesian Inverse Graphics for Few-Shot Concept Learning
Humans excel at building generalizations of new concepts from just one single example. Contrary to this, current computer vision models typically require large amount of training samples to achieve a comparable accuracy. In this work we present a Bayesian model of perception that learns using only minimal data, a prototypical probabilistic program of an object. Specifically, we propose a generative inverse graphics model of primitive shapes, to infer posterior distributions over physically consistent parameters from one or several images. We show how this representation can be used for downstream tasks such as few-shot classification and pose estimation. Our model outperforms existing few-shot neural-only classification algorithms and demonstrates generalization across varying lighting conditions, backgrounds, and out-of-distribution shapes. By design, our model is uncertainty-aware and uses our new differentiable renderer for optimizing global scene parameters through gradient descent, sampling posterior distributions over object parameters with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), and using a neural based likelihood function.
☆ Towards Quantifying and Reducing Language Mismatch Effects in Cross-Lingual Speech Anti-Spoofing
The effects of language mismatch impact speech anti-spoofing systems, while investigations and quantification of these effects remain limited. Existing anti-spoofing datasets are mainly in English, and the high cost of acquiring multilingual datasets hinders training language-independent models. We initiate this work by evaluating top-performing speech anti-spoofing systems that are trained on English data but tested on other languages, observing notable performance declines. We propose an innovative approach - Accent-based data expansion via TTS (ACCENT), which introduces diverse linguistic knowledge to monolingual-trained models, improving their cross-lingual capabilities. We conduct experiments on a large-scale dataset consisting of over 3 million samples, including 1.8 million training samples and nearly 1.2 million testing samples across 12 languages. The language mismatch effects are preliminarily quantified and remarkably reduced over 15% by applying the proposed ACCENT. This easily implementable method shows promise for multilingual and low-resource language scenarios.
comment: Accepted to the IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT) 2024. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ DiReDi: Distillation and Reverse Distillation for AIoT Applications
Typically, the significant efficiency can be achieved by deploying different edge AI models in various real world scenarios while a few large models manage those edge AI models remotely from cloud servers. However, customizing edge AI models for each user's specific application or extending current models to new application scenarios remains a challenge. Inappropriate local training or fine tuning of edge AI models by users can lead to model malfunction, potentially resulting in legal issues for the manufacturer. To address aforementioned issues, this paper proposes an innovative framework called "DiReD", which involves knowledge DIstillation & REverse DIstillation. In the initial step, an edge AI model is trained with presumed data and a KD process using the cloud AI model in the upper management cloud server. This edge AI model is then dispatched to edge AI devices solely for inference in the user's application scenario. When the user needs to update the edge AI model to better fit the actual scenario, the reverse distillation (RD) process is employed to extract the knowledge: the difference between user preferences and the manufacturer's presumptions from the edge AI model using the user's exclusive data. Only the extracted knowledge is reported back to the upper management cloud server to update the cloud AI model, thus protecting user privacy by not using any exclusive data. The updated cloud AI can then update the edge AI model with the extended knowledge. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed "DiReDi" framework allows the manufacturer to update the user model by learning new knowledge from the user's actual scenario with private data. The initial redundant knowledge is reduced since the retraining emphasizes user private data.
☆ Large Language Models are Pattern Matchers: Editing Semi-Structured and Structured Documents with ChatGPT
Large Language Models (LLMs) offer numerous applications, the full extent of which is not yet understood. This paper investigates if LLMs can be applied for editing structured and semi-structured documents with minimal effort. Using a qualitative research approach, we conduct two case studies with ChatGPT and thoroughly analyze the results. Our experiments indicate that LLMs can effectively edit structured and semi-structured documents when provided with basic, straightforward prompts. ChatGPT demonstrates a strong ability to recognize and process the structure of annotated documents. This suggests that explicitly structuring tasks and data in prompts might enhance an LLM's ability to understand and solve tasks. Furthermore, the experiments also reveal impressive pattern matching skills in ChatGPT. This observation deserves further investigation, as it may contribute to understanding the processes leading to hallucinations in LLMs.
☆ Establish seedling quality classification standard for Chrysanthemum efficiently with help of deep clustering algorithm
Establishing reasonable standards for edible chrysanthemum seedlings helps promote seedling development, thereby improving plant quality. However, current grading methods have the several issues. The limitation that only support a few indicators causes information loss, and indicators selected to evaluate seedling level have a narrow applicability. Meanwhile, some methods misuse mathematical formulas. Therefore, we propose a simple, efficient, and generic framework, SQCSEF, for establishing seedling quality classification standards with flexible clustering modules, applicable to most plant species. In this study, we introduce the state-of-the-art deep clustering algorithm CVCL, using factor analysis to divide indicators into several perspectives as inputs for the CVCL method, resulting in more reasonable clusters and ultimately a grading standard $S_{cvcl}$ for edible chrysanthemum seedlings. Through conducting extensive experiments, we validate the correctness and efficiency of the proposed SQCSEF framework.
♻ ☆ Face Reconstruction Transfer Attack as Out-of-Distribution Generalization ECCV2024
Understanding the vulnerability of face recognition systems to malicious attacks is of critical importance. Previous works have focused on reconstructing face images that can penetrate a targeted verification system. Even in the white-box scenario, however, naively reconstructed images misrepresent the identity information, hence the attacks are easily neutralized once the face system is updated or changed. In this paper, we aim to reconstruct face images which are capable of transferring face attacks on unseen encoders. We term this problem as Face Reconstruction Transfer Attack (FRTA) and show that it can be formulated as an out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization problem. Inspired by its OOD nature, we propose to solve FRTA by Averaged Latent Search and Unsupervised Validation with pseudo target (ALSUV). To strengthen the reconstruction attack on OOD unseen encoders, ALSUV reconstructs the face by searching the latent of amortized generator StyleGAN2 through multiple latent optimization, latent optimization trajectory averaging, and unsupervised validation with a pseudo target. We demonstrate the efficacy and generalization of our method on widely used face datasets, accompanying it with extensive ablation studies and visually, qualitatively, and quantitatively analyses. The source code will be released.
comment: Accepted to ECCV2024
♻ ☆ Derivative-Free Guidance in Continuous and Discrete Diffusion Models with Soft Value-Based Decoding
Diffusion models excel at capturing the natural design spaces of images, molecules, DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. However, rather than merely generating designs that are natural, we often aim to optimize downstream reward functions while preserving the naturalness of these design spaces. Existing methods for achieving this goal often require ``differentiable'' proxy models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier guidance or DPS) or involve computationally expensive fine-tuning of diffusion models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier-free guidance, RL-based fine-tuning). In our work, we propose a new method to address these challenges. Our algorithm is an iterative sampling method that integrates soft value functions, which looks ahead to how intermediate noisy states lead to high rewards in the future, into the standard inference procedure of pre-trained diffusion models. Notably, our approach avoids fine-tuning generative models and eliminates the need to construct differentiable models. This enables us to (1) directly utilize non-differentiable features/reward feedback, commonly used in many scientific domains, and (2) apply our method to recent discrete diffusion models in a principled way. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm across several domains, including image generation, molecule generation, and DNA/RNA sequence generation. The code is available at \href{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}.
comment: The code is available at https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD
♻ ☆ Adaptive Manipulation using Behavior Trees
Many manipulation tasks pose a challenge since they depend on non-visual environmental information that can only be determined after sustained physical interaction has already begun. This is particularly relevant for effort-sensitive, dynamics-dependent tasks such as tightening a valve. To perform these tasks safely and reliably, robots must be able to quickly adapt in response to unexpected changes during task execution. Humans can intuitively respond and adapt their manipulation strategy to suit such problems, but representing and implementing such behaviors for robots remains an open question. We present the adaptive behavior tree, which enables a robot to quickly adapt to both visual and non-visual observations during task execution, preempting task failure or switching to a different strategy based on data from previous attempts. We test our approach on a number of tasks commonly found in industrial settings. Our results demonstrate safety, robustness (100% success rate for all but one experiment) and efficiency in task completion (eg, an overall task speedup of 46% on average for valve tightening), and would reduce dependency on human supervision and intervention.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Rethinking Teacher-Student Curriculum Learning through the Cooperative Mechanics of Experience
Teacher-Student Curriculum Learning (TSCL) is a curriculum learning framework that draws inspiration from human cultural transmission and learning. It involves a teacher algorithm shaping the learning process of a learner algorithm by exposing it to controlled experiences. Despite its success, understanding the conditions under which TSCL is effective remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a data-centric perspective to analyze the underlying mechanics of the teacher-student interactions in TSCL. We leverage cooperative game theory to describe how the composition of the set of experiences presented by the teacher to the learner, as well as their order, influences the performance of the curriculum that is found by TSCL approaches. To do so, we demonstrate that for every TSCL problem, an equivalent cooperative game exists, and several key components of the TSCL framework can be reinterpreted using game-theoretic principles. Through experiments covering supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and classical games, we estimate the cooperative values of experiences and use value-proportional curriculum mechanisms to construct curricula, even in cases where TSCL struggles. The framework and experimental setup we present in this work represents a novel foundation for a deeper exploration of TSCL, shedding light on its underlying mechanisms and providing insights into its broader applicability in machine learning.
comment: Accepted at TMLR (https://openreview.net/forum?id=qWh82br6KT)
♻ ☆ DrugAgent: Explainable Drug Repurposing Agent with Large Language Model-based Reasoning
Drug repurposing offers a promising avenue for accelerating drug development by identifying new therapeutic potentials of existing drugs. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent framework to enhance the drug repurposing process using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques and knowledge integration. Our framework comprises several specialized agents: an AI Agent trains robust drug-target interaction (DTI) models; a Knowledge Graph Agent utilizes the drug-gene interaction database (DGIdb), DrugBank, Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), and Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals (STITCH) to systematically extract DTIs; and a Search Agent interacts with biomedical literature to annotate and verify computational predictions. By integrating outputs from these agents, our system effectively harnesses diverse data sources, including external databases, to propose viable repurposing candidates. Preliminary results demonstrate the potential of our approach in not only predicting drug-disease interactions but also in reducing the time and cost associated with traditional drug discovery methods. This paper highlights the scalability of multi-agent systems in biomedical research and their role in driving innovation in drug repurposing. Our approach not only outperforms existing methods in predicting drug repurposing potential but also provides interpretable results, paving the way for more efficient and cost-effective drug discovery processes.
comment: 18 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ Zero-Shot Whole Slide Image Retrieval in Histopathology Using Embeddings of Foundation Models
We have tested recently published foundation models for histopathology for image retrieval. We report macro average of F1 score for top-1 retrieval, majority of top-3 retrievals, and majority of top-5 retrievals. We perform zero-shot retrievals, i.e., we do not alter embeddings and we do not train any classifier. As test data, we used diagnostic slides of TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas, consisting of 23 organs and 117 cancer subtypes. As a search platform we used Yottixel that enabled us to perform WSI search using patches. Achieved F1 scores show low performance, e.g., for top-5 retrievals, 27% +/- 13% (Yottixel-DenseNet), 42% +/- 14% (Yottixel-UNI), 40%+/-13% (Yottixel-Virchow), 41%+/-13% (Yottixel-GigaPath), and 41%+/-14% (GigaPath WSI).
comment: This paper will be updated with more results
♻ ☆ Robust Robot Walker: Learning Agile Locomotion over Tiny Traps
Quadruped robots must exhibit robust walking capabilities in practical applications. In this work, we propose a novel approach that enables quadruped robots to pass various small obstacles, or "tiny traps". Existing methods often rely on exteroceptive sensors, which can be unreliable for detecting such tiny traps. To overcome this limitation, our approach focuses solely on proprioceptive inputs. We introduce a two-stage training framework incorporating a contact encoder and a classification head to learn implicit representations of different traps. Additionally, we design a set of tailored reward functions to improve both the stability of training and the ease of deployment for goal-tracking tasks. To benefit further research, we design a new benchmark for tiny trap task. Extensive experiments in both simulation and real-world settings demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. Project Page: https://robust-robot-walker.github.io/
comment: 10 pages, 17 figures
♻ ☆ Benchmarking General-Purpose In-Context Learning
In-context learning (ICL) empowers generative models to address new tasks effectively and efficiently on the fly, without relying on any artificially crafted optimization techniques. In this paper, we study extending ICL to address a broader range of tasks with an extended learning horizon and higher improvement potential, namely General Purpose In-Context Learning (GPICL). To this end, we introduce two lightweight benchmarks specifically crafted to train and evaluate GPICL functionalities. Each benchmark encompasses a vast number of tasks characterized by significant task variance. These tasks are also crafted to promote long-horizon in-context learning through continuous generation and interaction, covering domains such as language modeling, decision-making, and world modeling. The benchmarks necessitate the models to leverage contexts and history interactions to enhance their capabilities, which we believe to be the key characteristics of GPICL. Our experiments indicate that the diversity of training tasks is positively correlated with the ability to generalize with ICL, but inversely correlated with zero-shot capabilities. Additionally, our findings indicate that the scale of parameters alone may not be crucial for ICL or GPICL, suggesting alternative approaches such as increasing the scale of contexts and memory states.
♻ ☆ Unified Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (UDA-SS) aims to transfer the supervision from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. The majority of existing UDA-SS works typically consider images whilst recent attempts have extended further to tackle videos by modeling the temporal dimension. Although the two lines of research share the major challenges -- overcoming the underlying domain distribution shift, their studies are largely independent, resulting in fragmented insights, a lack of holistic understanding, and missed opportunities for cross-pollination of ideas. This fragmentation prevents the unification of methods, leading to redundant efforts and suboptimal knowledge transfer across image and video domains. Under this observation, we advocate unifying the study of UDA-SS across video and image scenarios, enabling a more comprehensive understanding, synergistic advancements, and efficient knowledge sharing. To that end, we explore the unified UDA-SS from a general data augmentation perspective, serving as a unifying conceptual framework, enabling improved generalization, and potential for cross-pollination of ideas, ultimately contributing to the overall progress and practical impact of this field of research. Specifically, we propose a Quad-directional Mixup (QuadMix) method, characterized by tackling distinct point attributes and feature inconsistencies through four-directional paths for intra- and inter-domain mixing in a feature space. To deal with temporal shifts with videos, we incorporate optical flow-guided feature aggregation across spatial and temporal dimensions for fine-grained domain alignment. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art works by large margins on four challenging UDA-SS benchmarks. Our source code and models will be released at \url{https://github.com/ZHE-SAPI/UDASS}.
comment: 17 pages,11 figures, 11 tables, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
♻ ☆ Large Language Models and Cognitive Science: A Comprehensive Review of Similarities, Differences, and Challenges
This comprehensive review explores the intersection of Large Language Models (LLMs) and cognitive science, examining similarities and differences between LLMs and human cognitive processes. We analyze methods for evaluating LLMs cognitive abilities and discuss their potential as cognitive models. The review covers applications of LLMs in various cognitive fields, highlighting insights gained for cognitive science research. We assess cognitive biases and limitations of LLMs, along with proposed methods for improving their performance. The integration of LLMs with cognitive architectures is examined, revealing promising avenues for enhancing artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. Key challenges and future research directions are identified, emphasizing the need for continued refinement of LLMs to better align with human cognition. This review provides a balanced perspective on the current state and future potential of LLMs in advancing our understanding of both artificial and human intelligence.
comment: 10 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ Embodied Neuromorphic Artificial Intelligence for Robotics: Perspectives, Challenges, and Research Development Stack
Robotic technologies have been an indispensable part for improving human productivity since they have been helping humans in completing diverse, complex, and intensive tasks in a fast yet accurate and efficient way. Therefore, robotic technologies have been deployed in a wide range of applications, ranging from personal to industrial use-cases. However, current robotic technologies and their computing paradigm still lack embodied intelligence to efficiently interact with operational environments, respond with correct/expected actions, and adapt to changes in the environments. Toward this, recent advances in neuromorphic computing with Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) have demonstrated the potential to enable the embodied intelligence for robotics through bio-plausible computing paradigm that mimics how the biological brain works, known as "neuromorphic artificial intelligence (AI)". However, the field of neuromorphic AI-based robotics is still at an early stage, therefore its development and deployment for solving real-world problems expose new challenges in different design aspects, such as accuracy, adaptability, efficiency, reliability, and security. To address these challenges, this paper will discuss how we can enable embodied neuromorphic AI for robotic systems through our perspectives: (P1) Embodied intelligence based on effective learning rule, training mechanism, and adaptability; (P2) Cross-layer optimizations for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing; (P3) Representative and fair benchmarks; (P4) Low-cost reliability and safety enhancements; (P5) Security and privacy for neuromorphic computing; and (P6) A synergistic development for energy-efficient and robust neuromorphic-based robotics. Furthermore, this paper identifies research challenges and opportunities, as well as elaborates our vision for future research development toward embodied neuromorphic AI for robotics.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
♻ ☆ NITRO-D: Native Integer-only Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Quantization has become increasingly pivotal in addressing the steadily increasing computational and memory requirements of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). By reducing the number of bits used to represent weights and activations (typically from 32-bit floating-point to 16-bit or 8-bit integers), quantization reduces the memory footprint, energy consumption, and execution time of DNN models. However, traditional quantization methods typically focus on the inference of DNNs, while the training process still relies on floating-point operations. To date, only one work in the literature has addressed integer-only training for Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architectures. This work introduces NITRO-D, a new framework for training arbitrarily deep integer-only Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that operate entirely in the integer-only domain for both training and inference. NITRO-D is the first framework in the literature enabling the training of integer-only CNNs without the need to introduce a quantization scheme. Specifically, NITRO-D introduces a novel architecture integrating multiple integer local-loss blocks, which include the proposed NITRO Scaling Layer and the NITRO-ReLU activation function. Additionally, it introduces a novel integer-only learning algorithm derived from Local Error Signals (LES), utilizing IntegerSGD, an optimizer specifically designed to operate in an integer-only context. NITRO-D is implemented in an open-source Python library. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate its effectiveness across several state-of-the-art image recognition datasets. Results show significant performance improvements from 2.47% to 5.96% for integer-only MLP architectures over the state-of-the-art solution, and the capability of training integer-only CNN architectures with minimal accuracy degradation from -0.15% to -4.22% compared to floating-point LES.
comment: 15 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Noiseless Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Learning
Decentralized learning (DL) enables collaborative learning without a server and without training data leaving the users' devices. However, the models shared in DL can still be used to infer training data. Conventional defenses such as differential privacy and secure aggregation fall short in effectively safeguarding user privacy in DL, either sacrificing model utility or efficiency. We introduce Shatter, a novel DL approach in which nodes create virtual nodes (VNs) to disseminate chunks of their full model on their behalf. This enhances privacy by (i) preventing attackers from collecting full models from other nodes, and (ii) hiding the identity of the original node that produced a given model chunk. We theoretically prove the convergence of Shatter and provide a formal analysis demonstrating how Shatter reduces the efficacy of attacks compared to when exchanging full models between nodes. We evaluate the convergence and attack resilience of Shatter with existing DL algorithms, with heterogeneous datasets, and against three standard privacy attacks. Our evaluation shows that Shatter not only renders these privacy attacks infeasible when each node operates 16 VNs but also exhibits a positive impact on model utility compared to standard DL. In summary, Shatter enhances the privacy of DL while maintaining the utility and efficiency of the model.
comment: Accepted at PETS 2025
♻ ☆ MAPF-GPT: Imitation Learning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding at Scale
Multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) is a challenging computational problem that typically requires to find collision-free paths for multiple agents in a shared environment. Solving MAPF optimally is NP-hard, yet efficient solutions are critical for numerous applications, including automated warehouses and transportation systems. Recently, learning-based approaches to MAPF have gained attention, particularly those leveraging deep reinforcement learning. Following current trends in machine learning, we have created a foundation model for the MAPF problems called MAPF-GPT. Using imitation learning, we have trained a policy on a set of pre-collected sub-optimal expert trajectories that can generate actions in conditions of partial observability without additional heuristics, reward functions, or communication with other agents. The resulting MAPF-GPT model demonstrates zero-shot learning abilities when solving the MAPF problem instances that were not present in the training dataset. We show that MAPF-GPT notably outperforms the current best-performing learnable-MAPF solvers on a diverse range of problem instances and is efficient in terms of computation (in the inference mode).
♻ ☆ Long and Short-Term Constraints Driven Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
Reinforcement learning (RL) has been widely used in decision-making and control tasks, but the risk is very high for the agent in the training process due to the requirements of interaction with the environment, which seriously limits its industrial applications such as autonomous driving systems. Safe RL methods are developed to handle this issue by constraining the expected safety violation costs as a training objective, but the occurring probability of an unsafe state is still high, which is unacceptable in autonomous driving tasks. Moreover, these methods are difficult to achieve a balance between the cost and return expectations, which leads to learning performance degradation for the algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm based on the long and short-term constraints (LSTC) for safe RL. The short-term constraint aims to enhance the short-term state safety that the vehicle explores, while the long-term constraint enhances the overall safety of the vehicle throughout the decision-making process, both of which are jointly used to enhance the vehicle safety in the training process. In addition, we develop a safe RL method with dual-constraint optimization based on the Lagrange multiplier to optimize the training process for end-to-end autonomous driving. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on the MetaDrive simulator. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves higher safety in continuous state and action tasks, and exhibits higher exploration performance in long-distance decision-making tasks compared with state-of-the-art methods.
♻ ☆ SparseGrow: Addressing Growth-Induced Forgetting in Task-Agnostic Continual Learning
In continual learning (CL), model growth enhances adaptability over new data, improving knowledge retention for more tasks. However, improper model growth can lead to severe degradation of previously learned knowledge, an issue we name as growth-induced forgetting (GIFt), especially in task-agnostic CL using entire grown model for inference. Existing works, despite adopting model growth and random initialization for better adaptability, often fail to recognize the presence of GIFt caused by improper model growth. This oversight limits comprehensive control of forgetting and hinders full utilization of model growth. We are the first in CL to identify this issue and conduct an in-depth study on root cause of GIFt, where layer expansion stands out among model growth strategies, widening layers without affecting model functionality. Yet, direct adoption of layer expansion presents challenges. It lacks data-driven control and initialization of expanded parameters to balance adaptability and knowledge retention. This paper presents a novel SparseGrow approach to overcome the issue of GIFt while enhancing adaptability over new data. SparseGrow employs data-driven sparse layer expansion to control efficient parameter usage during growth, reducing GIFt from excessive growth and functionality changes. It also combines sparse growth with on-data initialization at training late-stage to create partially 0-valued expansions that fit learned distribution, enhancing retention and adaptability. To further minimize forgetting, freezing is applied by calculating the sparse mask, allowing data-driven preservation of important parameters. Through experiments across datasets with various settings, cases and task numbers, we demonstrate the necessity of layer expansion and showcase the effectiveness of SparseGrow in overcoming GIFt, highlighting its adaptability and knowledge retention for incremental tasks.
♻ ☆ Guided Safe Shooting: model based reinforcement learning with safety constraints
In the last decade, reinforcement learning successfully solved complex control tasks and decision-making problems, like the Go board game. Yet, there are few success stories when it comes to deploying those algorithms to real-world scenarios. One of the reasons is the lack of guarantees when dealing with and avoiding unsafe states, a fundamental requirement in critical control engineering systems. In this paper, we introduce Guided Safe Shooting (GuSS), a model-based RL approach that can learn to control systems with minimal violations of the safety constraints. The model is learned on the data collected during the operation of the system in an iterated batch fashion, and is then used to plan for the best action to perform at each time step. We propose three different safe planners, one based on a simple random shooting strategy and two based on MAP-Elites, a more advanced divergent-search algorithm. Experiments show that these planners help the learning agent avoid unsafe situations while maximally exploring the state space, a necessary aspect when learning an accurate model of the system. Furthermore, compared to model-free approaches, learning a model allows GuSS reducing the number of interactions with the real-system while still reaching high rewards, a fundamental requirement when handling engineering systems.
♻ ☆ Facial Wrinkle Segmentation for Cosmetic Dermatology: Pretraining with Texture Map-Based Weak Supervision
Facial wrinkle detection plays a crucial role in cosmetic dermatology. Precise manual segmentation of facial wrinkles is challenging and time-consuming, with inherent subjectivity leading to inconsistent results among graders. To address this issue, we propose two solutions. First, we build and release the first public facial wrinkle dataset, 'FFHQ-Wrinkle', an extension of the NVIDIA FFHQ dataset. It includes 1,000 images with human labels and 50,000 images with automatically generated weak labels. This dataset could serve as a foundation for the research community to develop advanced wrinkle detection algorithms. Second, we introduce a simple training strategy utilizing texture maps, applicable to various segmentation models, to detect wrinkles across the face. Our two-stage training strategy first pretrain models on a large dataset with weak labels (N=50k), or masked texture maps generated through computer vision techniques, without human intervention. We then finetune the models using human-labeled data (N=1k), which consists of manually labeled wrinkle masks. The network takes as input a combination of RGB and masked texture map of the image, comprising four channels, in finetuning. We effectively combine labels from multiple annotators to minimize subjectivity in manual labeling. Our strategies demonstrate improved segmentation performance in facial wrinkle segmentation both quantitatively and visually compared to existing pretraining methods. The dataset is available at https://github.com/labhai/ffhq-wrinkle-dataset.
♻ ☆ AIC MLLM: Autonomous Interactive Correction MLLM for Robust Robotic Manipulation
The ability to reflect on and correct failures is crucial for robotic systems to interact stably with real-life objects.Observing the generalization and reasoning capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), previous approaches have aimed to utilize these models to enhance robotic systems accordingly.However, these methods typically focus on high-level planning corrections using an additional MLLM, with limited utilization of failed samples to correct low-level contact poses. To address this gap, we propose an Autonomous Interactive Correction (AIC) MLLM, which makes use of previous low-level interaction experiences to correct SE(3) pose predictions. Specifically, AIC MLLM is initially fine-tuned to acquire both pose prediction and feedback prompt comprehension abilities.We carefully design two types of prompt instructions through interactions with objects: 1) visual masks to highlight unmovable parts for position correction, and 2)textual descriptions to indicate potential directions for rotation correction.During inference, a Feedback Information Extraction module is introduced to recognize the failure cause, allowing AIC MLLM to adaptively correct the pose prediction using the corresponding prompts. To further enhance manipulation stability, we devise a Test Time Adaptation strategy that enables AIC MLLM to better adapt to the current scene configuration.Finally, extensive experiments are conducted in both simulated and real-world environments to evaluate the proposed method. The results demonstrate that our AIC MLLM can efficiently correct failure samples by leveraging interaction experience prompts.Real-world demonstration can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/aic-mllm
♻ ☆ Symmetry Breaking in Neural Network Optimization: Insights from Input Dimension Expansion
Understanding the mechanisms behind neural network optimization is crucial for improving network design and performance. While various optimization techniques have been developed, a comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles that govern these techniques remains elusive. Specifically, the role of symmetry breaking, a fundamental concept in physics, has not been fully explored in neural network optimization. This gap in knowledge limits our ability to design networks that are both efficient and effective. Here, we propose the symmetry breaking hypothesis to elucidate the significance of symmetry breaking in enhancing neural network optimization. We demonstrate that a simple input expansion can significantly improve network performance across various tasks, and we show that this improvement can be attributed to the underlying symmetry breaking mechanism. We further develop a metric to quantify the degree of symmetry breaking in neural networks, providing a practical approach to evaluate and guide network design. Our findings confirm that symmetry breaking is a fundamental principle that underpins various optimization techniques, including dropout, batch normalization, and equivariance. By quantifying the degree of symmetry breaking, our work offers a practical technique for performance enhancement and a metric to guide network design without the need for complete datasets and extensive training processes.
comment: 29 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Tightly-Coupled LiDAR-IMU-Wheel Odometry with Online Calibration of a Kinematic Model for Skid-Steering Robots
Tunnels and long corridors are challenging environments for mobile robots because a LiDAR point cloud should degenerate in these environments. To tackle point cloud degeneration, this study presents a tightly-coupled LiDAR-IMU-wheel odometry algorithm with an online calibration for skid-steering robots. We propose a full linear wheel odometry factor, which not only serves as a motion constraint but also performs the online calibration of kinematic models for skid-steering robots. Despite the dynamically changing kinematic model (e.g., wheel radii changes caused by tire pressures) and terrain conditions, our method can address the model error via online calibration. Moreover, our method enables an accurate localization in cases of degenerated environments, such as long and straight corridors, by calibration while the LiDAR-IMU fusion sufficiently operates. Furthermore, we estimate the uncertainty (i.e., covariance matrix) of the wheel odometry online for creating a reasonable constraint. The proposed method is validated through three experiments. The first indoor experiment shows that the proposed method is robust in severe degeneracy cases (long corridors) and changes in the wheel radii. The second outdoor experiment demonstrates that our method accurately estimates the sensor trajectory despite being in rough outdoor terrain owing to online uncertainty estimation of wheel odometry. The third experiment shows the proposed online calibration enables robust odometry estimation in changing terrains.
comment: Accepted by IEEE Access journal (12 September) open-source: https://github.com/TakuOkawara/full_linear_wheel_odometry_factor
♻ ☆ CoFiI2P: Coarse-to-Fine Correspondences for Image-to-Point Cloud Registration
Image-to-point cloud (I2P) registration is a fundamental task for robots and autonomous vehicles to achieve cross-modality data fusion and localization. Current I2P registration methods primarily focus on estimating correspondences at the point or pixel level, often neglecting global alignment. As a result, I2P matching can easily converge to a local optimum if it lacks high-level guidance from global constraints. To improve the success rate and general robustness, this paper introduces CoFiI2P, a novel I2P registration network that extracts correspondences in a coarse-to-fine manner. First, the image and point cloud data are processed through a two-stream encoder-decoder network for hierarchical feature extraction. Second, a coarse-to-fine matching module is designed to leverage these features and establish robust feature correspondences. Specifically, In the coarse matching phase, a novel I2P transformer module is employed to capture both homogeneous and heterogeneous global information from the image and point cloud data. This enables the estimation of coarse super-point/super-pixel matching pairs with discriminative descriptors. In the fine matching module, point/pixel pairs are established with the guidance of super-point/super-pixel correspondences. Finally, based on matching pairs, the transform matrix is estimated with the EPnP-RANSAC algorithm. Experiments conducted on the KITTI Odometry dataset demonstrate that CoFiI2P achieves impressive results, with a relative rotation error (RRE) of 1.14 degrees and a relative translation error (RTE) of 0.29 meters, while maintaining real-time speed.Additional experiments on the Nuscenes datasets confirm our method's generalizability. The project page is available at \url{https://whu-usi3dv.github.io/CoFiI2P}.
comment: Accepted by IEEE RA-L 2024. Code, pretrained models and additional results are available at: https://whu-usi3dv.github.io/CoFiI2P
♻ ☆ Brain-aligning of semantic vectors improves neural decoding of visual stimuli
The development of algorithms to accurately decode of neural information is a long-standing effort in the field of neuroscience. Brain decoding is typically employed by training machine learning models to map neural data onto a preestablished vector representation of stimulus features. These vectors are usually derived from image- and/or text-based feature spaces. Nonetheless, the intrinsic characteristics of these vectors might be fundamentally different than those encoded by the brain, limiting the ability of algorithms to accurately learn this mapping. To address this issue, here, we propose a representation learning framework, called brain-aligning of semantic vectors, that fine-tunes pretrained feature vectors to better align with the structure of neural representations of visual stimuli in the human brain. We trained this model with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data representing 150 visual stimulus categories; then, we performed zero-shot brain decoding on 1) fMRI, 2) magnetoencephalography (MEG), and 3) electrocorticography (ECoG) data reflecting neural representations of visual stimuli. By using fMRI-based brain-aligned vectors, the zero-shot decoding accuracy all three neuroimaging datasets increased. This finding underscores the potential of leveraging a richer array of brainderived features to increase the performance of brain decoding algorithms.
comment: 40 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Stepping Stones: A Progressive Training Strategy for Audio-Visual Semantic Segmentation ECCV2024
Audio-Visual Segmentation (AVS) aims to achieve pixel-level localization of sound sources in videos, while Audio-Visual Semantic Segmentation (AVSS), as an extension of AVS, further pursues semantic understanding of audio-visual scenes. However, since the AVSS task requires the establishment of audio-visual correspondence and semantic understanding simultaneously, we observe that previous methods have struggled to handle this mashup of objectives in end-to-end training, resulting in insufficient learning and sub-optimization. Therefore, we propose a two-stage training strategy called \textit{Stepping Stones}, which decomposes the AVSS task into two simple subtasks from localization to semantic understanding, which are fully optimized in each stage to achieve step-by-step global optimization. This training strategy has also proved its generalization and effectiveness on existing methods. To further improve the performance of AVS tasks, we propose a novel framework Adaptive Audio Visual Segmentation, in which we incorporate an adaptive audio query generator and integrate masked attention into the transformer decoder, facilitating the adaptive fusion of visual and audio features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our methods achieve state-of-the-art results on all three AVS benchmarks. The project homepage can be accessed at https://gewu-lab.github.io/stepping_stones/.
comment: ECCV2024 poster. Project url: https://gewu-lab.github.io/stepping_stones
♻ ☆ What Matters to Enhance Traffic Rule Compliance of Imitation Learning for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
End-to-end autonomous driving, where the entire driving pipeline is replaced with a single neural network, has recently gained research attention because of its simpler structure and faster inference time. Despite this appealing approach largely reducing the complexity in the driving pipeline, it also leads to safety issues because the trained policy is not always compliant with the traffic rules. In this paper, we proposed P-CSG, a penalty-based imitation learning approach with contrastive-based cross semantics generation sensor fusion technologies to increase the overall performance of end-to-end autonomous driving. In this method, we introduce three penalties - red light, stop sign, and curvature speed penalty to make the agent more sensitive to traffic rules. The proposed cross semantics generation helps to align the shared information of different input modalities. We assessed our model's performance using the CARLA Leaderboard - Town 05 Long Benchmark and Longest6 Benchmark, achieving 8.5% and 2.0% driving score improvement compared to the baselines. Furthermore, we conducted robustness evaluations against adversarial attacks like FGSM and Dot attacks, revealing a substantial increase in robustness compared to other baseline models. More detailed information can be found at https://hk-zh.github.io/p-csg-plus.
comment: 14 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ EfficientZero V2: Mastering Discrete and Continuous Control with Limited Data
Sample efficiency remains a crucial challenge in applying Reinforcement Learning (RL) to real-world tasks. While recent algorithms have made significant strides in improving sample efficiency, none have achieved consistently superior performance across diverse domains. In this paper, we introduce EfficientZero V2, a general framework designed for sample-efficient RL algorithms. We have expanded the performance of EfficientZero to multiple domains, encompassing both continuous and discrete actions, as well as visual and low-dimensional inputs. With a series of improvements we propose, EfficientZero V2 outperforms the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) by a significant margin in diverse tasks under the limited data setting. EfficientZero V2 exhibits a notable advancement over the prevailing general algorithm, DreamerV3, achieving superior outcomes in 50 of 66 evaluated tasks across diverse benchmarks, such as Atari 100k, Proprio Control, and Vision Control.
comment: 21 pages,10 figures
♻ ☆ Dynamic Demand Management for Parcel Lockers
In pursuit of a more sustainable and cost-efficient last mile, parcel lockers have gained a firm foothold in the parcel delivery landscape. To fully exploit their potential and simultaneously ensure customer satisfaction, successful management of the locker's limited capacity is crucial. This is challenging as future delivery requests and pickup times are stochastic from the provider's perspective. In response, we propose to dynamically control whether the locker is presented as an available delivery option to each incoming customer with the goal of maximizing the number of served requests weighted by their priority. Additionally, we take different compartment sizes into account, which entails a second type of decision as parcels scheduled for delivery must be allocated. We formalize the problem as an infinite-horizon sequential decision problem and find that exact methods are intractable due to the curses of dimensionality. In light of this, we develop a solution framework that orchestrates multiple algorithmic techniques rooted in Sequential Decision Analytics and Reinforcement Learning, namely cost function approximation and an offline trained parametric value function approximation together with a truncated online rollout. Our innovative approach to combine these techniques enables us to address the strong interrelations between the two decision types. As a general methodological contribution, we enhance the training of our value function approximation with a modified version of experience replay that enforces structure in the value function. Our computational study shows that our method outperforms a myopic benchmark by 13.7% and an industry-inspired policy by 12.6%.
♻ ☆ Language-Conditioned Imitation Learning with Base Skill Priors under Unstructured Data
The growing interest in language-conditioned robot manipulation aims to develop robots capable of understanding and executing complex tasks, with the objective of enabling robots to interpret language commands and manipulate objects accordingly. While language-conditioned approaches demonstrate impressive capabilities for addressing tasks in familiar environments, they encounter limitations in adapting to unfamiliar environment settings. In this study, we propose a general-purpose, language-conditioned approach that combines base skill priors and imitation learning under unstructured data to enhance the algorithm's generalization in adapting to unfamiliar environments. We assess our model's performance in both simulated and real-world environments using a zero-shot setting. In the simulated environment, the proposed approach surpasses previously reported scores for CALVIN benchmark, especially in the challenging Zero-Shot Multi-Environment setting. The average completed task length, indicating the average number of tasks the agent can continuously complete, improves more than 2.5 times compared to the state-of-the-art method HULC. In addition, we conduct a zero-shot evaluation of our policy in a real-world setting, following training exclusively in simulated environments without additional specific adaptations. In this evaluation, we set up ten tasks and achieved an average 30% improvement in our approach compared to the current state-of-the-art approach, demonstrating a high generalization capability in both simulated environments and the real world. For further details, including access to our code and videos, please refer to https://hk-zh.github.io/spil/
♻ ☆ 4D Diffusion for Dynamic Protein Structure Prediction with Reference Guided Motion Alignment
Protein structure prediction is pivotal for understanding the structure-function relationship of proteins, advancing biological research, and facilitating pharmaceutical development and experimental design. While deep learning methods and the expanded availability of experimental 3D protein structures have accelerated structure prediction, the dynamic nature of protein structures has received limited attention. This study introduces an innovative 4D diffusion model incorporating molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data to learn dynamic protein structures. Our approach is distinguished by the following components: (1) a unified diffusion model capable of generating dynamic protein structures, including both the backbone and side chains, utilizing atomic grouping and side-chain dihedral angle predictions; (2) a reference network that enhances structural consistency by integrating the latent embeddings of the initial 3D protein structures; and (3) a motion alignment module aimed at improving temporal structural coherence across multiple time steps. To our knowledge, this is the first diffusion-based model aimed at predicting protein trajectories across multiple time steps simultaneously. Validation on benchmark datasets demonstrates that our model exhibits high accuracy in predicting dynamic 3D structures of proteins containing up to 256 amino acids over 32 time steps, effectively capturing both local flexibility in stable states and significant conformational changes.
♻ ☆ Trustworthy, Responsible, and Safe AI: A Comprehensive Architectural Framework for AI Safety with Challenges and Mitigations
AI Safety is an emerging area of critical importance to the safe adoption and deployment of AI systems. With the rapid proliferation of AI and especially with the recent advancement of Generative AI (or GAI), the technology ecosystem behind the design, development, adoption, and deployment of AI systems has drastically changed, broadening the scope of AI Safety to address impacts on public safety and national security. In this paper, we propose a novel architectural framework for understanding and analyzing AI Safety; defining its characteristics from three perspectives: Trustworthy AI, Responsible AI, and Safe AI. We provide an extensive review of current research and advancements in AI safety from these perspectives, highlighting their key challenges and mitigation approaches. Through examples from state-of-the-art technologies, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), we present innovative mechanism, methodologies, and techniques for designing and testing AI safety. Our goal is to promote advancement in AI safety research, and ultimately enhance people's trust in digital transformation.
♻ ☆ Detecting Wildfires on UAVs with Real-time Segmentation Trained by Larger Teacher Models
Early detection of wildfires is essential to prevent large-scale fires resulting in extensive environmental, structural, and societal damage. Uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) can cover large remote areas effectively with quick deployment requiring minimal infrastructure and equipping them with small cameras and computers enables autonomous real-time detection. In remote areas, however, the UAVs are limited to on-board computing for detection due to the lack of high-bandwidth mobile networks. This limits the detection to methods which are light enough for the on-board computer alone. For accurate camera-based localisation, segmentation of the detected smoke is essential but training data for deep learning-based wildfire smoke segmentation is limited. This study shows how small specialised segmentation models can be trained using only bounding box labels, leveraging zero-shot foundation model supervision. The method offers the advantages of needing only fairly easily obtainable bounding box labels and requiring training solely for the smaller student network. The proposed method achieved 63.3% mIoU on a manually annotated and diverse wildfire dataset. The used model can perform in real-time at ~25 fps with a UAV-carried NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX computer while reliably recognising smoke, demonstrated at real-world forest burning events. Code is available at https://gitlab.com/fgi_nls/public/wildfire-real-time-segmentation
♻ ☆ 3D Priors-Guided Diffusion for Blind Face Restoration ACM MM 2024
Blind face restoration endeavors to restore a clear face image from a degraded counterpart. Recent approaches employing Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) as priors have demonstrated remarkable success in this field. However, these methods encounter challenges in achieving a balance between realism and fidelity, particularly in complex degradation scenarios. To inherit the exceptional realism generative ability of the diffusion model and also constrained by the identity-aware fidelity, we propose a novel diffusion-based framework by embedding the 3D facial priors as structure and identity constraints into a denoising diffusion process. Specifically, in order to obtain more accurate 3D prior representations, the 3D facial image is reconstructed by a 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) using an initial restored face image that has been processed by a pretrained restoration network. A customized multi-level feature extraction method is employed to exploit both structural and identity information of 3D facial images, which are then mapped into the noise estimation process. In order to enhance the fusion of identity information into the noise estimation, we propose a Time-Aware Fusion Block (TAFB). This module offers a more efficient and adaptive fusion of weights for denoising, considering the dynamic nature of the denoising process in the diffusion model, which involves initial structure refinement followed by texture detail enhancement. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our network performs favorably against state-of-the-art algorithms on synthetic and real-world datasets for blind face restoration. The Code is released on our project page at https://github.com/838143396/3Diffusion.
comment: This paper was accepted by ACM MM 2024, and the project page is accessible at: https://github.com/838143396/3Diffusion
♻ ☆ StyleCrafter: Enhancing Stylized Text-to-Video Generation with Style Adapter SIGGRAPH
Text-to-video (T2V) models have shown remarkable capabilities in generating diverse videos. However, they struggle to produce user-desired stylized videos due to (i) text's inherent clumsiness in expressing specific styles and (ii) the generally degraded style fidelity. To address these challenges, we introduce StyleCrafter, a generic method that enhances pre-trained T2V models with a style control adapter, enabling video generation in any style by providing a reference image. Considering the scarcity of stylized video datasets, we propose to first train a style control adapter using style-rich image datasets, then transfer the learned stylization ability to video generation through a tailor-made finetuning paradigm. To promote content-style disentanglement, we remove style descriptions from the text prompt and extract style information solely from the reference image using a decoupling learning strategy. Additionally, we design a scale-adaptive fusion module to balance the influences of text-based content features and image-based style features, which helps generalization across various text and style combinations. StyleCrafter efficiently generates high-quality stylized videos that align with the content of the texts and resemble the style of the reference images. Experiments demonstrate that our approach is more flexible and efficient than existing competitors.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Journal Track). Project: https://gongyeliu.github.io/StyleCrafter.github.io/ ; GitHub: https://github.com/GongyeLiu/StyleCrafter
♻ ☆ BrainWave: A Brain Signal Foundation Model for Clinical Applications
Neural electrical activity is fundamental to brain function, underlying a range of cognitive and behavioral processes, including movement, perception, decision-making, and consciousness. Abnormal patterns of neural signaling often indicate the presence of underlying brain diseases. The variability among individuals, the diverse array of clinical symptoms from various brain disorders, and the limited availability of diagnostic classifications, have posed significant barriers to formulating reliable model of neural signals for diverse application contexts. Here, we present BrainWave, the first foundation model for both invasive and non-invasive neural recordings, pretrained on more than 40,000 hours of electrical brain recordings (13.79 TB of data) from approximately 16,000 individuals. Our analysis show that BrainWave outperforms all other competing models and consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance in the diagnosis and identification of neurological disorders. We also demonstrate robust capabilities of BrainWave in enabling zero-shot transfer learning across varying recording conditions and brain diseases, as well as few-shot classification without fine-tuning, suggesting that BrainWave learns highly generalizable representations of neural signals. We hence believe that open-sourcing BrainWave will facilitate a wide range of clinical applications in medicine, paving the way for AI-driven approaches to investigate brain disorders and advance neuroscience research.
comment: 39 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ AbstractBeam: Enhancing Bottom-Up Program Synthesis using Library Learning
LambdaBeam is a state-of-the-art, execution-guided algorithm for program synthesis that utilizes higher-order functions, lambda functions, and iterative loops within a Domain-Specific Language (DSL). LambdaBeam generates each program from scratch but does not take advantage of the frequent recurrence of program blocks or subprograms commonly found in specific domains, such as loops for list traversal. To address this limitation, we introduce AbstractBeam: a novel program synthesis framework designed to enhance LambdaBeam by leveraging Library Learning. AbstractBeam identifies and integrates recurring program structures into the DSL, optimizing the synthesis process. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate that AbstractBeam statistically significantly (p < 0.05) outperforms LambdaBeam in the integer list manipulation domain. Beyond solving more tasks, AbstractBeam's program synthesis is also more efficient, requiring less time and fewer candidate programs to generate a solution. Furthermore, our findings indicate that Library Learning effectively enhances program synthesis in domains that are not explicitly designed to showcase its advantages, thereby highlighting the broader applicability of Library Learning.
♻ ☆ PuYun: Medium-Range Global Weather Forecasting Using Large Kernel Attention Convolutional Networks
Accurate weather forecasting is essential for understanding and mitigating weather-related impacts. In this paper, we present PuYun, an autoregressive cascade model that leverages large kernel attention convolutional networks. The model's design inherently supports extended weather prediction horizons while broadening the effective receptive field. The integration of large kernel attention mechanisms within the convolutional layers enhances the model's capacity to capture fine-grained spatial details, thereby improving its predictive accuracy for meteorological phenomena. We introduce PuYun, comprising PuYun-Short for 0-5 day forecasts and PuYun-Medium for 5-10 day predictions. This approach enhances the accuracy of 10-day weather forecasting. Through evaluation, we demonstrate that PuYun-Short alone surpasses the performance of both GraphCast and FuXi-Short in generating accurate 10-day forecasts. Specifically, on the 10th day, PuYun-Short reduces the RMSE for Z500 to 720 $m^2/s^2$, compared to 732 $m^2/s^2$ for GraphCast and 740 $m^2/s^2$ for FuXi-Short. Additionally, the RMSE for T2M is reduced to 2.60 K, compared to 2.63 K for GraphCast and 2.65 K for FuXi-Short. Furthermore, when employing a cascaded approach by integrating PuYun-Short and PuYun-Medium, our method achieves superior results compared to the combined performance of FuXi-Short and FuXi-Medium. On the 10th day, the RMSE for Z500 is further reduced to 638 $m^2/s^2$, compared to 641 $m^2/s^2$ for FuXi. These findings underscore the effectiveness of our model ensemble in advancing medium-range weather prediction. Our training code and model will be open-sourced.
♻ ☆ On Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhancing Entity Resolution: A Cost-efficient Approach
Entity resolution, the task of identifying and merging records that refer to the same real-world entity, is crucial in sectors like e-commerce, healthcare, and law enforcement. Large Language Models (LLMs) introduce an innovative approach to this task, capitalizing on their advanced linguistic capabilities and a ``pay-as-you-go'' model that provides significant advantages to those without extensive data science expertise. However, current LLMs are costly due to per-API request billing. Existing methods often either lack quality or become prohibitively expensive at scale. To address these problems, we propose an uncertainty reduction framework using LLMs to improve entity resolution results. We first initialize possible partitions of the entity cluster, refer to the same entity, and define the uncertainty of the result. Then, we reduce the uncertainty by selecting a few valuable matching questions for LLM verification. Upon receiving the answers, we update the probability distribution of the possible partitions. To further reduce costs, we design an efficient algorithm to judiciously select the most valuable matching pairs to query. Additionally, we create error-tolerant techniques to handle LLM mistakes and a dynamic adjustment method to reach truly correct partitions. Experimental results show that our method is efficient and effective, offering promising applications in real-world tasks.
comment: 9 pages, preprint under review
♻ ☆ CFG++: Manifold-constrained Classifier Free Guidance for Diffusion Models
Classifier-free guidance (CFG) is a fundamental tool in modern diffusion models for text-guided generation. Although effective, CFG has notable drawbacks. For instance, DDIM with CFG lacks invertibility, complicating image editing; furthermore, high guidance scales, essential for high-quality outputs, frequently result in issues like mode collapse. Contrary to the widespread belief that these are inherent limitations of diffusion models, this paper reveals that the problems actually stem from the off-manifold phenomenon associated with CFG, rather than the diffusion models themselves. More specifically, inspired by the recent advancements of diffusion model-based inverse problem solvers (DIS), we reformulate text-guidance as an inverse problem with a text-conditioned score matching loss and develop CFG++, a novel approach that tackles the off-manifold challenges inherent in traditional CFG. CFG++ features a surprisingly simple fix to CFG, yet it offers significant improvements, including better sample quality for text-to-image generation, invertibility, smaller guidance scales, reduced mode collapse, etc. Furthermore, CFG++ enables seamless interpolation between unconditional and conditional sampling at lower guidance scales, consistently outperforming traditional CFG at all scales. Moreover, CFG++ can be easily integrated into high-order diffusion solvers and naturally extends to distilled diffusion models. Experimental results confirm that our method significantly enhances performance in text-to-image generation, DDIM inversion, editing, and solving inverse problems, suggesting a wide-ranging impact and potential applications in various fields that utilize text guidance. Project Page: https://cfgpp-diffusion.github.io/.
comment: 25 pages, 21 figures. Project Page: https://cfgpp-diffusion.github.io/
♻ ☆ On the Equivalence of Graph Convolution and Mixup
This paper investigates the relationship between graph convolution and Mixup techniques. Graph convolution in a graph neural network involves aggregating features from neighboring samples to learn representative features for a specific node or sample. On the other hand, Mixup is a data augmentation technique that generates new examples by averaging features and one-hot labels from multiple samples. One commonality between these techniques is their utilization of information from multiple samples to derive feature representation. This study aims to explore whether a connection exists between these two approaches. Our investigation reveals that, under two mild conditions, graph convolution can be viewed as a specialized form of Mixup that is applied during both the training and testing phases. The two conditions are: 1) \textit{Homophily Relabel} - assigning the target node's label to all its neighbors, and 2) \textit{Test-Time Mixup} - Mixup the feature during the test time. We establish this equivalence mathematically by demonstrating that graph convolution networks (GCN) and simplified graph convolution (SGC) can be expressed as a form of Mixup. We also empirically verify the equivalence by training an MLP using the two conditions to achieve comparable performance.
comment: Accepted by TMLR
♻ ☆ Factual Serialization Enhancement: A Key Innovation for Chest X-ray Report Generation
A radiology report comprises presentation-style vocabulary, which ensures clarity and organization, and factual vocabulary, which provides accurate and objective descriptions based on observable findings. While manually writing these reports is time-consuming and labor-intensive, automatic report generation offers a promising alternative. A critical step in this process is to align radiographs with their corresponding reports. However, existing methods often rely on complete reports for alignment, overlooking the impact of presentation-style vocabulary. To address this issue, we propose FSE, a two-stage Factual Serialization Enhancement method. In Stage 1, we introduce factuality-guided contrastive learning for visual representation by maximizing the semantic correspondence between radiographs and corresponding factual descriptions. In Stage 2, we present evidence-driven report generation that enhances diagnostic accuracy by integrating insights from similar historical cases structured as factual serialization. Experiments on MIMIC-CXR and IU X-ray datasets across specific and general scenarios demonstrate that FSE outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in both natural language generation and clinical efficacy metrics. Ablation studies further emphasize the positive effects of factual serialization in Stage 1 and Stage 2. The code is available at https://github.com/mk-runner/FSE.
comment: code is available at https://github.com/mk-runner/FSE
♻ ☆ Walk model that continuously generates Brownian walks to Lévy walks depending on destination attractiveness
The L\'evy walk, a type of random walk characterized by linear step lengths that follow a power-law distribution, is observed in the migratory behaviors of various organisms, ranging from bacteria to humans. Notably, L\'evy walks with power exponents close to two, also known as Cauchy walks, are frequently observed, though their underlying causes remain elusive. This study proposes a walk model in which agents move toward a destination in multi-dimensional space and their movement strategy is parameterized by the extent to which they pursue the shortest path to the destination. This parameter is taken to represent the attractiveness of the destination to the agents. Our findings reveal that if the destination is very attractive, agents intensively search the area around it using Brownian walks, whereas if the destination is unattractive, they explore a distant region away from the point using L\'evy walks with power exponents less than two. In the case where agents are unable to determine whether the destination is attractive or unattractive, Cauchy walks emerge. The Cauchy walker searches the region with a probability inversely proportional to the distance from the destination. This suggests that it preferentially searches the area close to the destination, while concurrently having the potential to extend the search area much further. Our model, which can change the search method and search area depending on the attractiveness of the destination, has the potential to be utilized for exploring the parameter space of optimization problems.
♻ ☆ A Survey of Backdoor Attacks and Defenses on Large Language Models: Implications for Security Measures
Large Language Models (LLMs), which bridge the gap between human language understanding and complex problem-solving, achieve state-of-the-art performance on several NLP tasks, particularly in few-shot and zero-shot settings. Despite the demonstrable efficacy of LLMs, due to constraints on computational resources, users have to engage with open-source language models or outsource the entire training process to third-party platforms. However, research has demonstrated that language models are susceptible to potential security vulnerabilities, particularly in backdoor attacks. Backdoor attacks are designed to introduce targeted vulnerabilities into language models by poisoning training samples or model weights, allowing attackers to manipulate model responses through malicious triggers. While existing surveys on backdoor attacks provide a comprehensive overview, they lack an in-depth examination of backdoor attacks specifically targeting LLMs. To bridge this gap and grasp the latest trends in the field, this paper presents a novel perspective on backdoor attacks for LLMs by focusing on fine-tuning methods. Specifically, we systematically classify backdoor attacks into three categories: full-parameter fine-tuning, parameter-efficient fine-tuning, and no fine-tuning Based on insights from a substantial review, we also discuss crucial issues for future research on backdoor attacks, such as further exploring attack algorithms that do not require fine-tuning, or developing more covert attack algorithms.
♻ ☆ Reasoning Abilities of Large Language Models: In-Depth Analysis on the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus
The existing methods for evaluating the inference abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) have been results-centric, making it difficult to assess the inference process. We introduce a new approach using the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) dataset to evaluate the inference and contextual understanding abilities of large language models in a process-centric manner. ARC demands rigorous logical structures for problem-solving, making it a benchmark that facilitates the comparison of model inference abilities with humans. Experimental results confirm that while large language models possess weak inference abilities, they still lag in terms of logical coherence, compositionality, and productivity. Our experiments highlight the reasoning capabilities of LLMs, proposing development paths for achieving human-level reasoning.
♻ ☆ Generative Ghosts: Anticipating Benefits and Risks of AI Afterlives
As AI systems quickly improve in both breadth and depth of performance, they lend themselves to creating increasingly powerful and realistic agents, including the possibility of agents modeled on specific people. We anticipate that within our lifetimes it may become common practice for people to create a custom AI agent to interact with loved ones and/or the broader world after death; indeed, the past year has seen a boom in startups purporting to offer such services. We call these "generative ghosts," since such agents will be capable of generating novel content rather than merely parroting content produced by their creator while living. In this paper, we reflect on the history of technologies for AI afterlives, including current early attempts by individual enthusiasts and by startup companies to create generative ghosts. We then introduce a novel design space detailing potential implementations of generative ghosts, and use this taxonomy to ground discussion of the practical and ethical implications of various approaches to designing generative ghosts, including potential positive and negative impacts on individuals and society. Based on these considerations, we lay out a research agenda for the AI and HCI research communities to better understand the risk/benefit landscape of this novel technology so as to ultimately empower people who wish to create and interact with AI afterlives to do so in a safe and beneficial manner.
comment: version 3, updated to include new references and examples
♻ ☆ Compliance Cards: Automated EU AI Act Compliance Analyses amidst a Complex AI Supply Chain
As the AI supply chain grows more complex, AI systems and models are increasingly likely to incorporate multiple internally- or externally-sourced components such as datasets and (pre-trained) models. In such cases, determining whether or not the aggregate AI system or model complies with the EU AI Act (AIA) requires a multi-step process in which compliance-related information about both the AI system or model and all its component parts is: (1) gathered, potentially from multiple arms-length sources; (2) harmonized, if necessary; (3) inputted into an analysis that looks across all of it to render a compliance prediction. Because this process is so complex and time-consuming, it threatens to overburden the limited compliance resources of the AI providers (i.e., developers) who bear much of the responsibility for complying with the AIA. It also renders rapid or real-time compliance analyses infeasible in many AI development scenarios where they would be beneficial to providers. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a complete system for automating provider-side AIA compliance analyses amidst a complex AI supply chain. This system has two key elements. First is an interlocking set of computational, multi-stakeholder transparency artifacts that capture AIA-specific metadata about both: (1) the provider's overall AI system or model; and (2) the datasets and pre-trained models it incorporates as components. Second is an algorithm that operates across all those artifacts to render a real-time prediction about whether or not the aggregate AI system or model complies with the AIA. All told, this system promises to dramatically facilitate and democratize provider-side AIA compliance analyses (and, perhaps by extension, provider-side AIA compliance).
♻ ☆ Oralytics Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Dental disease is still one of the most common chronic diseases in the United States. While dental disease is preventable through healthy oral self-care behaviors (OSCB), this basic behavior is not consistently practiced. We have developed Oralytics, an online, reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm that optimizes the delivery of personalized intervention prompts to improve OSCB. In this paper, we offer a full overview of algorithm design decisions made using prior data, domain expertise, and experiments in a simulation test bed. The finalized RL algorithm was deployed in the Oralytics clinical trial, conducted from fall 2023 to summer 2024.
♻ ☆ LLM Stability: A detailed analysis with some surprises
LLM (large language model) practitioners commonly notice that outputs can vary for the same inputs, but we have been unable to find work that evaluates LLM stability as the main objective. In our study of 6 deterministically configured LLMs across 8 common tasks with 5 identical runs, we see accuracy variations up to 10\%. In addition, no LLM consistently delivers repeatable accuracy across all tasks. We also show examples of variation that are not normally distributed and compare configurations with zero-shot/few-shot prompting and fine-tuned examples. To better quantify what is going on, we introduce metrics focused on stability: TARr@N for the total agreement rate at N runs over raw output, and TARa@N for total agreement over parsed-out answers. We suggest that stability metrics be integrated into leader boards and research results going forward.
♻ ☆ Latent Diffusion Bridges for Unsupervised Musical Audio Timbre Transfer
Music timbre transfer is a challenging task that involves modifying the timbral characteristics of an audio signal while preserving its melodic structure. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on dual diffusion bridges, trained using the CocoChorales Dataset, which consists of unpaired monophonic single-instrument audio data. Each diffusion model is trained on a specific instrument with a Gaussian prior. During inference, a model is designated as the source model to map the input audio to its corresponding Gaussian prior, and another model is designated as the target model to reconstruct the target audio from this Gaussian prior, thereby facilitating timbre transfer. We compare our approach against existing unsupervised timbre transfer models such as VAEGAN and Gaussian Flow Bridges (GFB). Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves both better Fr\'echet Audio Distance (FAD) and melody preservation, as reflected by lower pitch distances (DPD) compared to VAEGAN and GFB. Additionally, we discover that the noise level from the Gaussian prior, $\sigma$, can be adjusted to control the degree of melody preservation and amount of timbre transferred.
♻ ☆ Large Language Models and Games: A Survey and Roadmap
Recent years have seen an explosive increase in research on large language models (LLMs), and accompanying public engagement on the topic. While starting as a niche area within natural language processing, LLMs have shown remarkable potential across a broad range of applications and domains, including games. This paper surveys the current state of the art across the various applications of LLMs in and for games, and identifies the different roles LLMs can take within a game. Importantly, we discuss underexplored areas and promising directions for future uses of LLMs in games and we reconcile the potential and limitations of LLMs within the games domain. As the first comprehensive survey and roadmap at the intersection of LLMs and games, we are hopeful that this paper will serve as the basis for groundbreaking research and innovation in this exciting new field.
comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Games (18 pages, 6 figures)
♻ ☆ FastSpiker: Enabling Fast Training for Spiking Neural Networks on Event-based Data through Learning Rate Enhancements for Autonomous Embedded Systems
Autonomous embedded systems (e.g., robots) typically necessitate intelligent computation with low power/energy processing for completing their tasks. Such requirements can be fulfilled by embodied neuromorphic intelligence with spiking neural networks (SNNs) because of their high learning quality (e.g., accuracy) and sparse computation. Here, the employment of event-based data is preferred to ensure seamless connectivity between input and processing parts. However, state-of-the-art SNNs still face a long training time to achieve high accuracy, thereby incurring high energy consumption and producing a high rate of carbon emission. Toward this, we propose FastSpiker, a novel methodology that enables fast SNN training on event-based data through learning rate enhancements targeting autonomous embedded systems. In FastSpiker, we first investigate the impact of different learning rate policies and their values, then select the ones that quickly offer high accuracy. Afterward, we explore different settings for the selected learning rate policies to find the appropriate policies through a statistical-based decision. Experimental results show that our FastSpiker offers up to 10.5x faster training time and up to 88.39% lower carbon emission to achieve higher or comparable accuracy to the state-of-the-art on the event-based automotive dataset (i.e., NCARS). In this manner, our FastSpiker methodology paves the way for green and sustainable computing in realizing embodied neuromorphic intelligence for autonomous embedded systems.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
♻ ☆ Parameter Efficient Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback
While Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) effectively aligns pretrained Large Language and Vision-Language Models (LLMs, and VLMs) with human preferences, its computational cost and complexity hamper its wider adoption. To alleviate some of the computational burden of fine-tuning, parameter efficient methods, like LoRA were introduced. In this work, we empirically evaluate the setup of Parameter Efficient Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (PE-RLHF) that leverages LoRA fine-tuning for Reward Modeling, and Reinforcement Learning. We benchmark the PE-RLHF setup on six diverse datasets spanning summarization, harmless/helpful response generation, UI automation, and visual question answering in terms of effectiveness of the trained models, and the training resources required. Our findings show, for the first time, that PE-RLHF achieves comparable performance to RLHF, while significantly reducing training time (up to 90% faster for reward models, and 30% faster for RL), and memory footprint (up to 50% reduction for reward models, and 27% for RL). We provide comprehensive ablations across LoRA ranks, and model sizes for both reward modeling and reinforcement learning. By mitigating the computational burden associated with RLHF, we push for a broader adoption of PE-RLHF as an alignment technique for LLMs and VLMs.
Machine Learning 163
☆ Click2Mask: Local Editing with Dynamic Mask Generation
Recent advancements in generative models have revolutionized image generation and editing, making these tasks accessible to non-experts. This paper focuses on local image editing, particularly the task of adding new content to a loosely specified area. Existing methods often require a precise mask or a detailed description of the location, which can be cumbersome and prone to errors. We propose Click2Mask, a novel approach that simplifies the local editing process by requiring only a single point of reference (in addition to the content description). A mask is dynamically grown around this point during a Blended Latent Diffusion (BLD) process, guided by a masked CLIP-based semantic loss. Click2Mask surpasses the limitations of segmentation-based and fine-tuning dependent methods, offering a more user-friendly and contextually accurate solution. Our experiments demonstrate that Click2Mask not only minimizes user effort but also delivers competitive or superior local image manipulation results compared to SoTA methods, according to both human judgement and automatic metrics. Key contributions include the simplification of user input, the ability to freely add objects unconstrained by existing segments, and the integration potential of our dynamic mask approach within other editing methods.
comment: Project page is available at https://omeregev.github.io/click2mask/
☆ DreamBeast: Distilling 3D Fantastical Animals with Part-Aware Knowledge Transfer
We present DreamBeast, a novel method based on score distillation sampling (SDS) for generating fantastical 3D animal assets composed of distinct parts. Existing SDS methods often struggle with this generation task due to a limited understanding of part-level semantics in text-to-image diffusion models. While recent diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion 3, demonstrate a better part-level understanding, they are prohibitively slow and exhibit other common problems associated with single-view diffusion models. DreamBeast overcomes this limitation through a novel part-aware knowledge transfer mechanism. For each generated asset, we efficiently extract part-level knowledge from the Stable Diffusion 3 model into a 3D Part-Affinity implicit representation. This enables us to instantly generate Part-Affinity maps from arbitrary camera views, which we then use to modulate the guidance of a multi-view diffusion model during SDS to create 3D assets of fantastical animals. DreamBeast significantly enhances the quality of generated 3D creatures with user-specified part compositions while reducing computational overhead, as demonstrated by extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
comment: Project page: https://dreambeast3d.github.io/, code: https://github.com/runjiali-rl/threestudio-dreambeast
☆ Learning incomplete factorization preconditioners for GMRES
In this paper, we develop a data-driven approach to generate incomplete LU factorizations of large-scale sparse matrices. The learned approximate factorization is utilized as a preconditioner for the corresponding linear equation system in the GMRES method. Incomplete factorization methods are one of the most commonly applied algebraic preconditioners for sparse linear equation systems and are able to speed up the convergence of Krylov subspace methods. However, they are sensitive to hyper-parameters and might suffer from numerical breakdown or lead to slow convergence when not properly applied. We replace the typically hand-engineered algorithms with a graph neural network based approach that is trained against data to predict an approximate factorization. This allows us to learn preconditioners tailored for a specific problem distribution. We analyze and empirically evaluate different loss functions to train the learned preconditioners and show their effectiveness to decrease the number of GMRES iterations and improve the spectral properties on our synthetic dataset. The code is available at https://github.com/paulhausner/neural-incomplete-factorization.
comment: The first two authors contributed equally, under review. 12 pages, 5 figures
☆ LoRID: Low-Rank Iterative Diffusion for Adversarial Purification
This work presents an information-theoretic examination of diffusion-based purification methods, the state-of-the-art adversarial defenses that utilize diffusion models to remove malicious perturbations in adversarial examples. By theoretically characterizing the inherent purification errors associated with the Markov-based diffusion purifications, we introduce LoRID, a novel Low-Rank Iterative Diffusion purification method designed to remove adversarial perturbation with low intrinsic purification errors. LoRID centers around a multi-stage purification process that leverages multiple rounds of diffusion-denoising loops at the early time-steps of the diffusion models, and the integration of Tucker decomposition, an extension of matrix factorization, to remove adversarial noise at high-noise regimes. Consequently, LoRID increases the effective diffusion time-steps and overcomes strong adversarial attacks, achieving superior robustness performance in CIFAR-10/100, CelebA-HQ, and ImageNet datasets under both white-box and black-box settings.
comment: LA-UR-24-28834
☆ Style Based Clustering of Visual Artworks
Clustering artworks based on style has many potential real-world applications like art recommendations, style-based search and retrieval, and the study of artistic style evolution in an artwork corpus. However, clustering artworks based on style is largely an unaddressed problem. A few present methods for clustering artworks principally rely on generic image feature representations derived from deep neural networks and do not specifically deal with the artistic style. In this paper, we introduce and deliberate over the notion of style-based clustering of visual artworks. Our main objective is to explore neural feature representations and architectures that can be used for style-based clustering and observe their impact and effectiveness. We develop different methods and assess their relative efficacy for style-based clustering through qualitative and quantitative analysis by applying them to four artwork corpora and four curated synthetically styled datasets. Our analysis provides some key novel insights on architectures, feature representations, and evaluation methods suitable for style-based clustering.
comment: 29 pages
☆ Multi-Model based Federated Learning Against Model Poisoning Attack: A Deep Learning Based Model Selection for MEC Systems
Federated Learning (FL) enables training of a global model from distributed data, while preserving data privacy. However, the singular-model based operation of FL is open with uploading poisoned models compatible with the global model structure and can be exploited as a vulnerability to conduct model poisoning attacks. This paper proposes a multi-model based FL as a proactive mechanism to enhance the opportunity of model poisoning attack mitigation. A master model is trained by a set of slave models. To enhance the opportunity of attack mitigation, the structure of client models dynamically change within learning epochs, and the supporter FL protocol is provided. For a MEC system, the model selection problem is modeled as an optimization to minimize loss and recognition time, while meeting a robustness confidence. In adaption with dynamic network condition, a deep reinforcement learning based model selection is proposed. For a DDoS attack detection scenario, results illustrate a competitive accuracy gain under poisoning attack with the scenario that the system is without attack, and also a potential of recognition time improvement.
☆ LLM Honeypot: Leveraging Large Language Models as Advanced Interactive Honeypot Systems
The rapid evolution of cyber threats necessitates innovative solutions for detecting and analyzing malicious activity. Honeypots, which are decoy systems designed to lure and interact with attackers, have emerged as a critical component in cybersecurity. In this paper, we present a novel approach to creating realistic and interactive honeypot systems using Large Language Models (LLMs). By fine-tuning a pre-trained open-source language model on a diverse dataset of attacker-generated commands and responses, we developed a honeypot capable of sophisticated engagement with attackers. Our methodology involved several key steps: data collection and processing, prompt engineering, model selection, and supervised fine-tuning to optimize the model's performance. Evaluation through similarity metrics and live deployment demonstrated that our approach effectively generates accurate and informative responses. The results highlight the potential of LLMs to revolutionize honeypot technology, providing cybersecurity professionals with a powerful tool to detect and analyze malicious activity, thereby enhancing overall security infrastructure.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
☆ Design Optimization of Nuclear Fusion Reactor through Deep Reinforcement Learning
This research explores the application of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to optimize the design of a nuclear fusion reactor. DRL can efficiently address the challenging issues attributed to multiple physics and engineering constraints for steady-state operation. The fusion reactor design computation and the optimization code applicable to parallelization with DRL are developed. The proposed framework enables finding the optimal reactor design that satisfies the operational requirements while reducing building costs. Multi-objective design optimization for a fusion reactor is now simplified by DRL, indicating the high potential of the proposed framework for advancing the efficient and sustainable design of future reactors.
comment: 16 pages
☆ CliquePH: Higher-Order Information for Graph Neural Networks through Persistent Homology on Clique Graphs
Graph neural networks have become the default choice by practitioners for graph learning tasks such as graph classification and node classification. Nevertheless, popular graph neural network models still struggle to capture higher-order information, i.e., information that goes \emph{beyond} pairwise interactions. Recent work has shown that persistent homology, a tool from topological data analysis, can enrich graph neural networks with topological information that they otherwise could not capture. Calculating such features is efficient for dimension 0 (connected components) and dimension 1 (cycles). However, when it comes to higher-order structures, it does not scale well, with a complexity of $O(n^d)$, where $n$ is the number of nodes and $d$ is the order of the structures. In this work, we introduce a novel method that extracts information about higher-order structures in the graph while still using the efficient low-dimensional persistent homology algorithm. On standard benchmark datasets, we show that our method can lead to up to $31\%$ improvements in test accuracy.
☆ Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from Contrastive Explanations
Many approaches to robot learning begin by inferring a reward function from a set of human demonstrations. To learn a good reward, it is necessary to determine which features of the environment are relevant before determining how these features should be used to compute reward. End-to-end methods for joint feature and reward learning (e.g., using deep networks or program synthesis techniques) often yield brittle reward functions that are sensitive to spurious state features. By contrast, humans can often generalizably learn from a small number of demonstrations by incorporating strong priors about what features of a demonstration are likely meaningful for a task of interest. How do we build robots that leverage this kind of background knowledge when learning from new demonstrations? This paper describes a method named ALGAE (Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from [Contrastive] Explanations) which alternates between using language models to iteratively identify human-meaningful features needed to explain demonstrated behavior, then standard inverse reinforcement learning techniques to assign weights to these features. Experiments across a variety of both simulated and real-world robot environments show that ALGAE learns generalizable reward functions defined on interpretable features using only small numbers of demonstrations. Importantly, ALGAE can recognize when features are missing, then extract and define those features without any human input -- making it possible to quickly and efficiently acquire rich representations of user behavior.
comment: CoRL 2024
☆ Graph Laplacian-based Bayesian Multi-fidelity Modeling
We present a novel probabilistic approach for generating multi-fidelity data while accounting for errors inherent in both low- and high-fidelity data. In this approach a graph Laplacian constructed from the low-fidelity data is used to define a multivariate Gaussian prior density for the coordinates of the true data points. In addition, few high-fidelity data points are used to construct a conjugate likelihood term. Thereafter, Bayes rule is applied to derive an explicit expression for the posterior density which is also multivariate Gaussian. The maximum \textit{a posteriori} (MAP) estimate of this density is selected to be the optimal multi-fidelity estimate. It is shown that the MAP estimate and the covariance of the posterior density can be determined through the solution of linear systems of equations. Thereafter, two methods, one based on spectral truncation and another based on a low-rank approximation, are developed to solve these equations efficiently. The multi-fidelity approach is tested on a variety of problems in solid and fluid mechanics with data that represents vectors of quantities of interest and discretized spatial fields in one and two dimensions. The results demonstrate that by utilizing a small fraction of high-fidelity data, the multi-fidelity approach can significantly improve the accuracy of a large collection of low-fidelity data points.
☆ What Makes a Maze Look Like a Maze?
A unique aspect of human visual understanding is the ability to flexibly interpret abstract concepts: acquiring lifted rules explaining what they symbolize, grounding them across familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and making predictions or reasoning about them. While off-the-shelf vision-language models excel at making literal interpretations of images (e.g., recognizing object categories such as tree branches), they still struggle to make sense of such visual abstractions (e.g., how an arrangement of tree branches may form the walls of a maze). To address this challenge, we introduce Deep Schema Grounding (DSG), a framework that leverages explicit structured representations of visual abstractions for grounding and reasoning. At the core of DSG are schemas--dependency graph descriptions of abstract concepts that decompose them into more primitive-level symbols. DSG uses large language models to extract schemas, then hierarchically grounds concrete to abstract components of the schema onto images with vision-language models. The grounded schema is used to augment visual abstraction understanding. We systematically evaluate DSG and different methods in reasoning on our new Visual Abstractions Dataset, which consists of diverse, real-world images of abstract concepts and corresponding question-answer pairs labeled by humans. We show that DSG significantly improves the abstract visual reasoning performance of vision-language models, and is a step toward human-aligned understanding of visual abstractions.
☆ Machine Learning for Two-Sample Testing under Right-Censored Data: A Simulation Study
The focus of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Machine Learning (ML) methods for two-sample testing with right-censored observations. To achieve this, we develop several ML-based methods with varying architectures and implement them as two-sample tests. Each method is an ensemble (stacking) that combines predictions from classical two-sample tests. This paper presents the results of training the proposed ML methods, examines their statistical power compared to classical two-sample tests, analyzes the distribution of test statistics for the proposed methods when the null hypothesis is true, and evaluates the significance of the features incorporated into the proposed methods. All results from numerical experiments were obtained from a synthetic dataset generated using the Smirnov transform (Inverse Transform Sampling) and replicated multiple times through Monte Carlo simulation. To test the two-sample problem with right-censored observations, one can use the proposed two-sample methods. All necessary materials (source code, example scripts, dataset, and samples) are available on GitHub and Hugging Face.
comment: 20 pages, 4 figures
☆ Fine-tuning Large Language Models for Entity Matching
Generative large language models (LLMs) are a promising alternative to pre-trained language models for entity matching due to their high zero-shot performance and their ability to generalize to unseen entities. Existing research on using LLMs for entity matching has focused on prompt engineering and in-context learning. This paper explores the potential of fine-tuning LLMs for entity matching. We analyze fine-tuning along two dimensions: 1) The representation of training examples, where we experiment with adding different types of LLM-generated explanations to the training set, and 2) the selection and generation of training examples using LLMs. In addition to the matching performance on the source dataset, we investigate how fine-tuning affects the model's ability to generalize to other in-domain datasets as well as across topical domains. Our experiments show that fine-tuning significantly improves the performance of the smaller models while the results for the larger models are mixed. Fine-tuning also improves the generalization to in-domain datasets while hurting cross-domain transfer. We show that adding structured explanations to the training set has a positive impact on the performance of three out of four LLMs, while the proposed example selection and generation methods only improve the performance of Llama 3.1 8B while decreasing the performance of GPT-4o Mini.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. For related code and data, see this https://github.com/wbsg-uni-mannheim/TailorMatch
☆ Identification of head impact locations, speeds, and force based on head kinematics
Objective: Head impact information including impact directions, speeds and force are important to study traumatic brain injury, design and evaluate protective gears. This study presents a deep learning model developed to accurately predict head impact information, including location, speed, orientation, and force, based on head kinematics during helmeted impacts. Methods: Leveraging a dataset of 16,000 simulated helmeted head impacts using the Riddell helmet finite element model, we implemented a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to process the head kinematics: tri-axial linear accelerations and angular velocities. Results: The models accurately predict the impact parameters describing impact location, direction, speed, and the impact force profile with R2 exceeding 70% for all tasks. Further validation was conducted using an on-field dataset recorded by instrumented mouthguards and videos, consisting of 79 head impacts in which the impact location can be clearly identified. The deep learning model significantly outperformed existing methods, achieving a 79.7% accuracy in identifying impact locations, compared to lower accuracies with traditional methods (the highest accuracy of existing methods is 49.4%). Conclusion: The precision underscores the model's potential in enhancing helmet design and safety in sports by providing more accurate impact data. Future studies should test the models across various helmets and sports on large in vivo datasets to validate the accuracy of the models, employing techniques like transfer learning to broaden its effectiveness.
☆ Open Source Infrastructure for Automatic Cell Segmentation
Automated cell segmentation is crucial for various biological and medical applications, facilitating tasks like cell counting, morphology analysis, and drug discovery. However, manual segmentation is time-consuming and prone to subjectivity, necessitating robust automated methods. This paper presents open-source infrastructure, utilizing the UNet model, a deep-learning architecture noted for its effectiveness in image segmentation tasks. This implementation is integrated into the open-source DeepChem package, enhancing accessibility and usability for researchers and practitioners. The resulting tool offers a convenient and user-friendly interface, reducing the barrier to entry for cell segmentation while maintaining high accuracy. Additionally, we benchmark this model against various datasets, demonstrating its robustness and versatility across different imaging conditions and cell types.
☆ On the Role of Context in Reading Time Prediction
We present a new perspective on how readers integrate context during real-time language comprehension. Our proposals build on surprisal theory, which posits that the processing effort of a linguistic unit (e.g., a word) is an affine function of its in-context information content. We first observe that surprisal is only one out of many potential ways that a contextual predictor can be derived from a language model. Another one is the pointwise mutual information (PMI) between a unit and its context, which turns out to yield the same predictive power as surprisal when controlling for unigram frequency. Moreover, both PMI and surprisal are correlated with frequency. This means that neither PMI nor surprisal contains information about context alone. In response to this, we propose a technique where we project surprisal onto the orthogonal complement of frequency, yielding a new contextual predictor that is uncorrelated with frequency. Our experiments show that the proportion of variance in reading times explained by context is a lot smaller when context is represented by the orthogonalized predictor. From an interpretability standpoint, this indicates that previous studies may have overstated the role that context has in predicting reading times.
☆ Towards a graph-based foundation model for network traffic analysis
Foundation models have shown great promise in various fields of study. A potential application of such models is in computer network traffic analysis, where these models can grasp the complexities of network traffic dynamics and adapt to any specific task or network environment with minimal fine-tuning. Previous approaches have used tokenized hex-level packet data and the model architecture of large language transformer models. We propose a new, efficient graph-based alternative at the flow-level. Our approach represents network traffic as a dynamic spatio-temporal graph, employing a self-supervised link prediction pretraining task to capture the spatial and temporal dynamics in this network graph framework. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct a few-shot learning experiment for three distinct downstream network tasks: intrusion detection, traffic classification, and botnet classification. Models finetuned from our pretrained base achieve an average performance increase of 6.87\% over training from scratch, demonstrating their ability to effectively learn general network traffic dynamics during pretraining. This success suggests the potential for a large-scale version to serve as an operational foundational model.
comment: Pre-print of Accepted Workshop paper to 3rd GNNet, co-located with CoNEXT'24
☆ WhisperNER: Unified Open Named Entity and Speech Recognition
Integrating named entity recognition (NER) with automatic speech recognition (ASR) can significantly enhance transcription accuracy and informativeness. In this paper, we introduce WhisperNER, a novel model that allows joint speech transcription and entity recognition. WhisperNER supports open-type NER, enabling recognition of diverse and evolving entities at inference. Building on recent advancements in open NER research, we augment a large synthetic dataset with synthetic speech samples. This allows us to train WhisperNER on a large number of examples with diverse NER tags. During training, the model is prompted with NER labels and optimized to output the transcribed utterance along with the corresponding tagged entities. To evaluate WhisperNER, we generate synthetic speech for commonly used NER benchmarks and annotate existing ASR datasets with open NER tags. Our experiments demonstrate that WhisperNER outperforms natural baselines on both out-of-domain open type NER and supervised finetuning.
☆ DEMAU: Decompose, Explore, Model and Analyse Uncertainties
Recent research in machine learning has given rise to a flourishing literature on the quantification and decomposition of model uncertainty. This information can be very useful during interactions with the learner, such as in active learning or adaptive learning, and especially in uncertainty sampling. To allow a simple representation of these total, epistemic (reducible) and aleatoric (irreducible) uncertainties, we offer DEMAU, an open-source educational, exploratory and analytical tool allowing to visualize and explore several types of uncertainty for classification models in machine learning.
☆ Optimizing Falsification for Learning-Based Control Systems: A Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Approach
Testing controllers in safety-critical systems is vital for ensuring their safety and preventing failures. In this paper, we address the falsification problem within learning-based closed-loop control systems through simulation. This problem involves the identification of counterexamples that violate system safety requirements and can be formulated as an optimization task based on these requirements. Using full-fidelity simulator data in this optimization problem can be computationally expensive. To improve efficiency, we propose a multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization falsification framework that harnesses simulators with varying levels of accuracy. Our proposed framework can transition between different simulators and establish meaningful relationships between them. Through multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization, we determine both the optimal system input likely to be a counterexample and the appropriate fidelity level for assessment. We evaluated our approach across various Gym environments, each featuring different levels of fidelity. Our experiments demonstrate that multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization is more computationally efficient than full-fidelity Bayesian optimization and other baseline methods in detecting counterexamples. A Python implementation of the algorithm is available at https://github.com/SAILRIT/MFBO_Falsification.
comment: 13 pages, 9 figures
Self-Supervised Learning of Iterative Solvers for Constrained Optimization
Obtaining the solution of constrained optimization problems as a function of parameters is very important in a multitude of applications, such as control and planning. Solving such parametric optimization problems in real time can present significant challenges, particularly when it is necessary to obtain highly accurate solutions or batches of solutions. To solve these challenges, we propose a learning-based iterative solver for constrained optimization which can obtain very fast and accurate solutions by customizing the solver to a specific parametric optimization problem. For a given set of parameters of the constrained optimization problem, we propose a first step with a neural network predictor that outputs primal-dual solutions of a reasonable degree of accuracy. This primal-dual solution is then improved to a very high degree of accuracy in a second step by a learned iterative solver in the form of a neural network. A novel loss function based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of optimality is introduced, enabling fully self-supervised training of both neural networks without the necessity of prior sampling of optimizer solutions. The evaluation of a variety of quadratic and nonlinear parametric test problems demonstrates that the predictor alone is already competitive with recent self-supervised schemes for approximating optimal solutions. The second step of our proposed learning-based iterative constrained optimizer achieves solutions with orders of magnitude better accuracy than other learning-based approaches, while being faster to evaluate than state-of-the-art solvers and natively allowing for GPU parallelization.
comment: 13 pages, 1 figure
☆ Q-value Regularized Decision ConvFormer for Offline Reinforcement Learning
As a data-driven paradigm, offline reinforcement learning (Offline RL) has been formulated as sequence modeling, where the Decision Transformer (DT) has demonstrated exceptional capabilities. Unlike previous reinforcement learning methods that fit value functions or compute policy gradients, DT adjusts the autoregressive model based on the expected returns, past states, and actions, using a causally masked Transformer to output the optimal action. However, due to the inconsistency between the sampled returns within a single trajectory and the optimal returns across multiple trajectories, it is challenging to set an expected return to output the optimal action and stitch together suboptimal trajectories. Decision ConvFormer (DC) is easier to understand in the context of modeling RL trajectories within a Markov Decision Process compared to DT. We propose the Q-value Regularized Decision ConvFormer (QDC), which combines the understanding of RL trajectories by DC and incorporates a term that maximizes action values using dynamic programming methods during training. This ensures that the expected returns of the sampled actions are consistent with the optimal returns. QDC achieves excellent performance on the D4RL benchmark, outperforming or approaching the optimal level in all tested environments. It particularly demonstrates outstanding competitiveness in trajectory stitching capability.
☆ Spatial Adaptation Layer: Interpretable Domain Adaptation For Biosignal Sensor Array Applications ICASSP
Biosignal acquisition is key for healthcare applications and wearable devices, with machine learning offering promising methods for processing signals like surface electromyography (sEMG) and electroencephalography (EEG). Despite high within-session performance, intersession performance is hindered by electrode shift, a known issue across modalities. Existing solutions often require large and expensive datasets and/or lack robustness and interpretability. Thus, we propose the Spatial Adaptation Layer (SAL), which can be prepended to any biosignal array model and learns a parametrized affine transformation at the input between two recording sessions. We also introduce learnable baseline normalization (LBN) to reduce baseline fluctuations. Tested on two HD-sEMG gesture recognition datasets, SAL and LBN outperform standard fine-tuning on regular arrays, achieving competitive performance even with a logistic regressor, with orders of magnitude less, physically interpretable parameters. Our ablation study shows that forearm circumferential translations account for the majority of performance improvements, in line with sEMG physiological expectations.
comment: ICASSP(submitted), 5 pages
☆ Predicting and Accelerating Nanomaterials Synthesis Using Machine Learning Featurization
Solving for the complex conditions of materials synthesis and processing requires analyzing information gathered from multiple modes of characterization. Currently, quantitative information is extracted serially with manual tools and intuition, constraining the feedback cycle for process optimization. We use machine learning to automate and generalize feature extraction for in-situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) data to establish quantitatively predictive relationships in small sets ($\sim$10) of expert-labeled data, and apply these to save significant time on subsequent epitaxially grown samples. The fidelity of these relationships is tested on a representative material system ($W_{1-x}V_xSe2$ growth on c-plane sapphire substrate (0001)) at two stages of synthesis with two aims: 1) predicting the grain alignment of the deposited film from the pre-growth substrate surface data, and 2) estimating the vanadium (V) dopant concentration using in-situ RHEED as a proxy for ex-situ methods (e.g. x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy). Both tasks are accomplished using the same set of materials agnostic core features, eliminating the need to retrain for specific systems and leading to a potential 80\% time saving over a 100 sample synthesis campaign. These predictions provide guidance for recipe adjustments to avoid doomed trials, reduce follow-on characterization, and improve control resolution for materials synthesis, ultimately accelerating materials discovery and commercial scale-up.
comment: 15 pages, 3 figures
☆ Heterogeneous Sheaf Neural Networks
Heterogeneous graphs, with nodes and edges of different types, are commonly used to model relational structures in many real-world applications. Standard Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) struggle to process heterogeneous data due to oversmoothing. Instead, current approaches have focused on accounting for the heterogeneity in the model architecture, leading to increasingly complex models. Inspired by recent work, we propose using cellular sheaves to model the heterogeneity in the graph's underlying topology. Instead of modelling the data as a graph, we represent it as cellular sheaves, which allows us to encode the different data types directly in the data structure, eliminating the need to inject them into the architecture. We introduce HetSheaf, a general framework for heterogeneous sheaf neural networks, and a series of heterogeneous sheaf predictors to better encode the data's heterogeneity into the sheaf structure. Finally, we empirically evaluate HetSheaf on several standard heterogeneous graph benchmarks, achieving competitive results whilst being more parameter-efficient.
comment: 16 pages, 1 figure
☆ From Explanations to Action: A Zero-Shot, Theory-Driven LLM Framework for Student Performance Feedback
Recent advances in eXplainable AI (XAI) for education have highlighted a critical challenge: ensuring that explanations for state-of-the-art AI models are understandable for non-technical users such as educators and students. In response, we introduce iLLuMinaTE, a zero-shot, chain-of-prompts LLM-XAI pipeline inspired by Miller's cognitive model of explanation. iLLuMinaTE is designed to deliver theory-driven, actionable feedback to students in online courses. iLLuMinaTE navigates three main stages - causal connection, explanation selection, and explanation presentation - with variations drawing from eight social science theories (e.g. Abnormal Conditions, Pearl's Model of Explanation, Necessity and Robustness Selection, Contrastive Explanation). We extensively evaluate 21,915 natural language explanations of iLLuMinaTE extracted from three LLMs (GPT-4o, Gemma2-9B, Llama3-70B), with three different underlying XAI methods (LIME, Counterfactuals, MC-LIME), across students from three diverse online courses. Our evaluation involves analyses of explanation alignment to the social science theory, understandability of the explanation, and a real-world user preference study with 114 university students containing a novel actionability simulation. We find that students prefer iLLuMinaTE explanations over traditional explainers 89.52% of the time. Our work provides a robust, ready-to-use framework for effectively communicating hybrid XAI-driven insights in education, with significant generalization potential for other human-centric fields.
☆ Edge-Wise Graph-Instructed Neural Networks
The problem of multi-task regression over graph nodes has been recently approached through Graph-Instructed Neural Network (GINN), which is a promising architecture belonging to the subset of message-passing graph neural networks. In this work, we discuss the limitations of the Graph-Instructed (GI) layer, and we formalize a novel edge-wise GI (EWGI) layer. We discuss the advantages of the EWGI layer and we provide numerical evidence that EWGINNs perform better than GINNs over graph-structured input data with chaotic connectivity, like the ones inferred from the Erdos-R\'enyi graph.
☆ Network Anomaly Traffic Detection via Multi-view Feature Fusion
Traditional anomalous traffic detection methods are based on single-view analysis, which has obvious limitations in dealing with complex attacks and encrypted communications. In this regard, we propose a Multi-view Feature Fusion (MuFF) method for network anomaly traffic detection. MuFF models the temporal and interactive relationships of packets in network traffic based on the temporal and interactive viewpoints respectively. It learns temporal and interactive features. These features are then fused from different perspectives for anomaly traffic detection. Extensive experiments on six real traffic datasets show that MuFF has excellent performance in network anomalous traffic detection, which makes up for the shortcomings of detection under a single perspective.
comment: in Chinese language, Accepted by Journal of Command and Control
☆ Learning Causally Invariant Reward Functions from Diverse Demonstrations
Inverse reinforcement learning methods aim to retrieve the reward function of a Markov decision process based on a dataset of expert demonstrations. The commonplace scarcity and heterogeneous sources of such demonstrations can lead to the absorption of spurious correlations in the data by the learned reward function. Consequently, this adaptation often exhibits behavioural overfitting to the expert data set when a policy is trained on the obtained reward function under distribution shift of the environment dynamics. In this work, we explore a novel regularization approach for inverse reinforcement learning methods based on the causal invariance principle with the goal of improved reward function generalization. By applying this regularization to both exact and approximate formulations of the learning task, we demonstrate superior policy performance when trained using the recovered reward functions in a transfer setting
☆ Multiplex Graph Contrastive Learning with Soft Negatives
Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) seeks to learn nodal or graph representations that contain maximal consistent information from graph-structured data. While node-level contrasting modes are dominating, some efforts commence to explore consistency across different scales. Yet, they tend to lose consistent information and be contaminated by disturbing features. Here, we introduce MUX-GCL, a novel cross-scale contrastive learning paradigm that utilizes multiplex representations as effective patches. While this learning mode minimizes contaminating noises, a commensurate contrasting strategy using positional affinities further avoids information loss by correcting false negative pairs across scales. Extensive downstream experiments demonstrate that MUX-GCL yields multiple state-of-the-art results on public datasets. Our theoretical analysis further guarantees the new objective function as a stricter lower bound of mutual information of raw input features and output embeddings, which rationalizes this paradigm. Code is available at https://github.com/MUX-GCL/Code.
☆ Privacy-preserving federated prediction of pain intensity change based on multi-center survey data
Background: Patient-reported survey data are used to train prognostic models aimed at improving healthcare. However, such data are typically available multi-centric and, for privacy reasons, cannot easily be centralized in one data repository. Models trained locally are less accurate, robust, and generalizable. We present and apply privacy-preserving federated machine learning techniques for prognostic model building, where local survey data never leaves the legally safe harbors of the medical centers. Methods: We used centralized, local, and federated learning techniques on two healthcare datasets (GLA:D data from the five health regions of Denmark and international SHARE data of 27 countries) to predict two different health outcomes. We compared linear regression, random forest regression, and random forest classification models trained on local data with those trained on the entire data in a centralized and in a federated fashion. Results: In GLA:D data, federated linear regression (R2 0.34, RMSE 18.2) and federated random forest regression (R2 0.34, RMSE 18.3) models outperform their local counterparts (i.e., R2 0.32, RMSE 18.6, R2 0.30, RMSE 18.8) with statistical significance. We also found that centralized models (R2 0.34, RMSE 18.2, R2 0.32, RMSE 18.5, respectively) did not perform significantly better than the federated models. In SHARE, the federated model (AC 0.78, AUROC: 0.71) and centralized model (AC 0.84, AUROC: 0.66) perform significantly better than the local models (AC: 0.74, AUROC: 0.69). Conclusion: Federated learning enables the training of prognostic models from multi-center surveys without compromising privacy and with only minimal or no compromise regarding model performance.
☆ Games for AI Control: Models of Safety Evaluations of AI Deployment Protocols
To evaluate the safety and usefulness of deployment protocols for untrusted AIs, AI Control uses a red-teaming exercise played between a protocol designer and an adversary. This paper introduces AI-Control Games, a formal decision-making model of the red-teaming exercise as a multi-objective, partially observable, stochastic game. We also introduce methods for finding optimal protocols in AI-Control Games, by reducing them to a set of zero-sum partially observable stochastic games. We apply our formalism to model, evaluate and synthesise protocols for deploying untrusted language models as programming assistants, focusing on Trusted Monitoring protocols, which use weaker language models and limited human assistance. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our formalism by showcasing improvements over empirical studies in existing settings, evaluating protocols in new settings, and analysing how modelling assumptions affect the safety and usefulness of protocols.
comment: 7 pages, with appendices
☆ SPARK: Self-supervised Personalized Real-time Monocular Face Capture SIGGRAPH
Feedforward monocular face capture methods seek to reconstruct posed faces from a single image of a person. Current state of the art approaches have the ability to regress parametric 3D face models in real-time across a wide range of identities, lighting conditions and poses by leveraging large image datasets of human faces. These methods however suffer from clear limitations in that the underlying parametric face model only provides a coarse estimation of the face shape, thereby limiting their practical applicability in tasks that require precise 3D reconstruction (aging, face swapping, digital make-up, ...). In this paper, we propose a method for high-precision 3D face capture taking advantage of a collection of unconstrained videos of a subject as prior information. Our proposal builds on a two stage approach. We start with the reconstruction of a detailed 3D face avatar of the person, capturing both precise geometry and appearance from a collection of videos. We then use the encoder from a pre-trained monocular face reconstruction method, substituting its decoder with our personalized model, and proceed with transfer learning on the video collection. Using our pre-estimated image formation model, we obtain a more precise self-supervision objective, enabling improved expression and pose alignment. This results in a trained encoder capable of efficiently regressing pose and expression parameters in real-time from previously unseen images, which combined with our personalized geometry model yields more accurate and high fidelity mesh inference. Through extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation, we showcase the superiority of our final model as compared to state-of-the-art baselines, and demonstrate its generalization ability to unseen pose, expression and lighting.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Paper. Project page: https://kelianb.github.io/SPARK/
☆ Localized Schrödinger Bridge Sampler
We consider the generative problem of sampling from an unknown distribution for which only a sufficiently large number of training samples are available. In this paper, we build on previous work combining Schr\"odinger bridges and Langevin dynamics. A key bottleneck of this approach is the exponential dependence of the required training samples on the dimension, $d$, of the ambient state space. We propose a localization strategy which exploits conditional independence of conditional expectation values. Localization thus replaces a single high-dimensional Schr\"odinger bridge problem by $d$ low-dimensional Schr\"odinger bridge problems over the available training samples. As for the original approach, the localized sampler is stable and geometric ergodic. The sampler also naturally extends to conditional sampling and to Bayesian inference. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed scheme through experiments on a Gaussian problem with increasing dimensions and on a stochastic subgrid-scale parametrization conditional sampling problem.
☆ WirelessAgent: Large Language Model Agents for Intelligent Wireless Networks
Wireless networks are increasingly facing challenges due to their expanding scale and complexity. These challenges underscore the need for advanced AI-driven strategies, particularly in the upcoming 6G networks. In this article, we introduce WirelessAgent, a novel approach leveraging large language models (LLMs) to develop AI agents capable of managing complex tasks in wireless networks. It can effectively improve network performance through advanced reasoning, multimodal data processing, and autonomous decision making. Thereafter, we demonstrate the practical applicability and benefits of WirelessAgent for network slicing management. The experimental results show that WirelessAgent is capable of accurately understanding user intent, effectively allocating slice resources, and consistently maintaining optimal performance.
☆ Do Vision Foundation Models Enhance Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation?
Neural networks achieve state-of-the-art performance in many supervised learning tasks when the training data distribution matches the test data distribution. However, their performance drops significantly under domain (covariate) shift, a prevalent issue in medical image segmentation due to varying acquisition settings across different scanner models and protocols. Recently, foundational models (FMs) trained on large datasets have gained attention for their ability to be adapted for downstream tasks and achieve state-of-the-art performance with excellent generalization capabilities on natural images. However, their effectiveness in medical image segmentation remains underexplored. In this paper, we investigate the domain generalization performance of various FMs, including DinoV2, SAM, MedSAM, and MAE, when fine-tuned using various parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques such as Ladder and Rein (+LoRA) and decoder heads. We introduce a novel decode head architecture, HQHSAM, which simply integrates elements from two state-of-the-art decoder heads, HSAM and HQSAM, to enhance segmentation performance. Our extensive experiments on multiple datasets, encompassing various anatomies and modalities, reveal that FMs, particularly with the HQHSAM decode head, improve domain generalization for medical image segmentation. Moreover, we found that the effectiveness of PEFT techniques varies across different FMs. These findings underscore the potential of FMs to enhance the domain generalization performance of neural networks in medical image segmentation across diverse clinical settings, providing a solid foundation for future research. Code and models are available for research purposes at \url{https://github.com/kerem-cekmeceli/Foundation-Models-for-Medical-Imagery}.
☆ Enhanced Online Grooming Detection Employing Context Determination and Message-Level Analysis
Online Grooming (OG) is a prevalent threat facing predominately children online, with groomers using deceptive methods to prey on the vulnerability of children on social media/messaging platforms. These attacks can have severe psychological and physical impacts, including a tendency towards revictimization. Current technical measures are inadequate, especially with the advent of end-to-end encryption which hampers message monitoring. Existing solutions focus on the signature analysis of child abuse media, which does not effectively address real-time OG detection. This paper proposes that OG attacks are complex, requiring the identification of specific communication patterns between adults and children. It introduces a novel approach leveraging advanced models such as BERT and RoBERTa for Message-Level Analysis and a Context Determination approach for classifying actor interactions, including the introduction of Actor Significance Thresholds and Message Significance Thresholds. The proposed method aims to enhance accuracy and robustness in detecting OG by considering the dynamic and multi-faceted nature of these attacks. Cross-dataset experiments evaluate the robustness and versatility of our approach. This paper's contributions include improved detection methodologies and the potential for application in various scenarios, addressing gaps in current literature and practices.
☆ What is the Relationship between Tensor Factorizations and Circuits (and How Can We Exploit it)?
This paper establishes a rigorous connection between circuit representations and tensor factorizations, two seemingly distinct yet fundamentally related areas. By connecting these fields, we highlight a series of opportunities that can benefit both communities. Our work generalizes popular tensor factorizations within the circuit language, and unifies various circuit learning algorithms under a single, generalized hierarchical factorization framework. Specifically, we introduce a modular "Lego block" approach to build tensorized circuit architectures. This, in turn, allows us to systematically construct and explore various circuit and tensor factorization models while maintaining tractability. This connection not only clarifies similarities and differences in existing models, but also enables the development of a comprehensive pipeline for building and optimizing new circuit/tensor factorization architectures. We show the effectiveness of our framework through extensive empirical evaluations, and highlight new research opportunities for tensor factorizations in probabilistic modeling.
☆ Taylor-Sensus Network: Embracing Noise to Enlighten Uncertainty for Scientific Data
Uncertainty estimation is crucial in scientific data for machine learning. Current uncertainty estimation methods mainly focus on the model's inherent uncertainty, while neglecting the explicit modeling of noise in the data. Furthermore, noise estimation methods typically rely on temporal or spatial dependencies, which can pose a significant challenge in structured scientific data where such dependencies among samples are often absent. To address these challenges in scientific research, we propose the Taylor-Sensus Network (TSNet). TSNet innovatively uses a Taylor series expansion to model complex, heteroscedastic noise and proposes a deep Taylor block for aware noise distribution. TSNet includes a noise-aware contrastive learning module and a data density perception module for aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. Additionally, an uncertainty combination operator is used to integrate these uncertainties, and the network is trained using a novel heteroscedastic mean square error loss. TSNet demonstrates superior performance over mainstream and state-of-the-art methods in experiments, highlighting its potential in scientific research and noise resistance. It will be open-source to facilitate the community of "AI for Science".
☆ Control+Shift: Generating Controllable Distribution Shifts ECCV2024
We propose a new method for generating realistic datasets with distribution shifts using any decoder-based generative model. Our approach systematically creates datasets with varying intensities of distribution shifts, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of model performance degradation. We then use these generated datasets to evaluate the performance of various commonly used networks and observe a consistent decline in performance with increasing shift intensity, even when the effect is almost perceptually unnoticeable to the human eye. We see this degradation even when using data augmentations. We also find that enlarging the training dataset beyond a certain point has no effect on the robustness and that stronger inductive biases increase robustness.
comment: ECCV2024, "Synthetic Data for Computer Vision" workshop
☆ Modeling Human Responses by Ordinal Archetypal Analysis
This paper introduces a novel framework for Archetypal Analysis (AA) tailored to ordinal data, particularly from questionnaires. Unlike existing methods, the proposed method, Ordinal Archetypal Analysis (OAA), bypasses the two-step process of transforming ordinal data into continuous scales and operates directly on the ordinal data. We extend traditional AA methods to handle the subjective nature of questionnaire-based data, acknowledging individual differences in scale perception. We introduce the Response Bias Ordinal Archetypal Analysis (RBOAA), which learns individualized scales for each subject during optimization. The effectiveness of these methods is demonstrated on synthetic data and the European Social Survey dataset, highlighting their potential to provide deeper insights into human behavior and perception. The study underscores the importance of considering response bias in cross-national research and offers a principled approach to analyzing ordinal data through Archetypal Analysis.
comment: Accepted at Machine Learning and Signal Processing 2024
☆ Reinforcement Learning Discovers Efficient Decentralized Graph Path Search Strategies
Graph path search is a classic computer science problem that has been recently approached with Reinforcement Learning (RL) due to its potential to outperform prior methods. Existing RL techniques typically assume a global view of the network, which is not suitable for large-scale, dynamic, and privacy-sensitive settings. An area of particular interest is search in social networks due to its numerous applications. Inspired by seminal work in experimental sociology, which showed that decentralized yet efficient search is possible in social networks, we frame the problem as a collaborative task between multiple agents equipped with a limited local view of the network. We propose a multi-agent approach for graph path search that successfully leverages both homophily and structural heterogeneity. Our experiments, carried out over synthetic and real-world social networks, demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms learned and heuristic baselines. Furthermore, our results show that meaningful embeddings for graph navigation can be constructed using reward-driven learning.
☆ A framework for measuring the training efficiency of a neural architecture
Measuring Efficiency in neural network system development is an open research problem. This paper presents an experimental framework to measure the training efficiency of a neural architecture. To demonstrate our approach, we analyze the training efficiency of Convolutional Neural Networks and Bayesian equivalents on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 tasks. Our results show that training efficiency decays as training progresses and varies across different stopping criteria for a given neural model and learning task. We also find a non-linear relationship between training stopping criteria, training Efficiency, model size, and training Efficiency. Furthermore, we illustrate the potential confounding effects of overtraining on measuring the training efficiency of a neural architecture. Regarding relative training efficiency across different architectures, our results indicate that CNNs are more efficient than BCNNs on both datasets. More generally, as a learning task becomes more complex, the relative difference in training efficiency between different architectures becomes more pronounced.
☆ Tera-SpaceCom: GNN-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Joint Resource Allocation and Task Offloading in TeraHertz Band Space Networks
Terahertz (THz) space communications (Tera-SpaceCom) is envisioned as a promising technology to enable various space science and communication applications. Mainly, the realm of Tera-SpaceCom consists of THz sensing for space exploration, data centers in space providing cloud services for space exploration tasks, and a low earth orbit (LEO) mega-constellation relaying these tasks to ground stations (GSs) or data centers via THz links. Moreover, to reduce the computational burden on data centers as well as resource consumption and latency in the relaying process, the LEO mega-constellation provides satellite edge computing (SEC) services to directly compute space exploration tasks without relaying these tasks to data centers. The LEO satellites that receive space exploration tasks offload (i.e., distribute) partial tasks to their neighboring LEO satellites, to further reduce their computational burden. However, efficient joint communication resource allocation and computing task offloading for the Tera-SpaceCom SEC network is an NP-hard mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP), due to the discrete nature of space exploration tasks and sub-arrays as well as the continuous nature of transmit power. To tackle this challenge, a graph neural network (GNN)-deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based joint resource allocation and task offloading (GRANT) algorithm is proposed with the target of long-term resource efficiency (RE). Particularly, GNNs learn relationships among different satellites from their connectivity information. Furthermore, multi-agent and multi-task mechanisms cooperatively train task offloading and resource allocation. Compared with benchmark solutions, GRANT not only achieves the highest RE with relatively low latency, but realizes the fewest trainable parameters and the shortest running time.
☆ Conformal Distributed Remote Inference in Sensor Networks Under Reliability and Communication Constraints
This paper presents communication-constrained distributed conformal risk control (CD-CRC) framework, a novel decision-making framework for sensor networks under communication constraints. Targeting multi-label classification problems, such as segmentation, CD-CRC dynamically adjusts local and global thresholds used to identify significant labels with the goal of ensuring a target false negative rate (FNR), while adhering to communication capacity limits. CD-CRC builds on online exponentiated gradient descent to estimate the relative quality of the observations of different sensors, and on online conformal risk control (CRC) as a mechanism to control local and global thresholds. CD-CRC is proved to offer deterministic worst-case performance guarantees in terms of FNR and communication overhead, while the regret performance in terms of false positive rate (FPR) is characterized as a function of the key hyperparameters. Simulation results highlight the effectiveness of CD-CRC, particularly in communication resource-constrained environments, making it a valuable tool for enhancing the performance and reliability of distributed sensor networks.
comment: 14 pages, 15 figures
☆ BLens: Contrastive Captioning of Binary Functions using Ensemble Embedding
Function names can greatly aid human reverse engineers, which has spurred development of machine learning-based approaches to predicting function names in stripped binaries. Much current work in this area now uses transformers, applying a metaphor of machine translation from code to function names. Still, function naming models face challenges in generalizing to projects completely unrelated to the training set. In this paper, we take a completely new approach by transferring advances in automated image captioning to the domain of binary reverse engineering, such that different parts of a binary function can be associated with parts of its name. We propose BLens, which combines multiple binary function embeddings into a new ensemble representation, aligns it with the name representation latent space via a contrastive learning approach, and generates function names with a transformer architecture tailored for function names. In our experiments, we demonstrate that BLens significantly outperforms the state of the art. In the usual setting of splitting per binary, we achieve an $F_1$ score of 0.77 compared to 0.67. Moreover, in the cross-project setting, which emphasizes generalizability, we achieve an $F_1$ score of 0.46 compared to 0.29.
comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Tristan Benoit and Yunru Wang have made equally significant contributions to this work
☆ Graph Neural Networks for Parkinsons Disease Detection ICASSP 2025
Despite the promising performance of state of the art approaches for Parkinsons Disease (PD) detection, these approaches often analyze individual speech segments in isolation, which can lead to suboptimal results. Dysarthric cues that characterize speech impairments from PD patients are expected to be related across segments from different speakers. Isolated segment analysis fails to exploit these inter segment relationships. Additionally, not all speech segments from PD patients exhibit clear dysarthric symptoms, introducing label noise that can negatively affect the performance and generalizability of current approaches. To address these challenges, we propose a novel PD detection framework utilizing Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs). By representing speech segments as nodes and capturing the similarity between segments through edges, our GCN model facilitates the aggregation of dysarthric cues across the graph, effectively exploiting segment relationships and mitigating the impact of label noise. Experimental results demonstrate theadvantages of the proposed GCN model for PD detection and provide insights into its underlying mechanisms
comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ Non-negative Weighted DAG Structure Learning
We address the problem of learning the topology of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) from nodal observations, which adhere to a linear structural equation model. Recent advances framed the combinatorial DAG structure learning task as a continuous optimization problem, yet existing methods must contend with the complexities of non-convex optimization. To overcome this limitation, we assume that the latent DAG contains only non-negative edge weights. Leveraging this additional structure, we argue that cycles can be effectively characterized (and prevented) using a convex acyclicity function based on the log-determinant of the adjacency matrix. This convexity allows us to relax the task of learning the non-negative weighted DAG as an abstract convex optimization problem. We propose a DAG recovery algorithm based on the method of multipliers, that is guaranteed to return a global minimizer. Furthermore, we prove that in the infinite sample size regime, the convexity of our approach ensures the recovery of the true DAG structure. We empirically validate the performance of our algorithm in several reproducible synthetic-data test cases, showing that it outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.
☆ Randomized Spline Trees for Functional Data Classification: Theory and Application to Environmental Time Series
Functional data analysis (FDA) and ensemble learning can be powerful tools for analyzing complex environmental time series. Recent literature has highlighted the key role of diversity in enhancing accuracy and reducing variance in ensemble methods.This paper introduces Randomized Spline Trees (RST), a novel algorithm that bridges these two approaches by incorporating randomized functional representations into the Random Forest framework. RST generates diverse functional representations of input data using randomized B-spline parameters, creating an ensemble of decision trees trained on these varied representations. We provide a theoretical analysis of how this functional diversity contributes to reducing generalization error and present empirical evaluations on six environmental time series classification tasks from the UCR Time Series Archive. Results show that RST variants outperform standard Random Forests and Gradient Boosting on most datasets, improving classification accuracy by up to 14\%. The success of RST demonstrates the potential of adaptive functional representations in capturing complex temporal patterns in environmental data. This work contributes to the growing field of machine learning techniques focused on functional data and opens new avenues for research in environmental time series analysis.
comment: 20 pages
☆ Audio Decoding by Inverse Problem Solving ICASSP 2025
We consider audio decoding as an inverse problem and solve it through diffusion posterior sampling. Explicit conditioning functions are developed for input signal measurements provided by an example of a transform domain perceptual audio codec. Viability is demonstrated by evaluating arbitrary pairings of a set of bitrates and task-agnostic prior models. For instance, we observe significant improvements on piano while maintaining speech performance when a speech model is replaced by a joint model trained on both speech and piano. With a more general music model, improved decoding compared to legacy methods is obtained for a broad range of content types and bitrates. The noisy mean model, underlying the proposed derivation of conditioning, enables a significant reduction of gradient evaluations for diffusion posterior sampling, compared to methods based on Tweedie's mean. Combining Tweedie's mean with our conditioning functions improves the objective performance. An audio demo is available at https://dpscodec-demo.github.io/.
comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, audio demo available at https://dpscodec-demo.github.io/, pre-review version submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ Improve Machine Learning carbon footprint using Nvidia GPU and Mixed Precision training for classification algorithms
This study was part of my dissertation for my master degree and compares the power consumption using the default floating point (32bit) and Nvidia mixed precision (16bit and 32bit) while training a classification ML model. A custom PC with specific hardware was built to perform the experiments, and different ML hyper-parameters, such as batch size, neurons, and epochs, were chosen to build Deep Neural Networks (DNN). Additionally, various software was used during the experiments to collect the power consumption data in Watts from the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Central Processing Unit (CPU), Random Access Memory (RAM) and manually from a wattmeter connected to the wall. A benchmarking test with default hyper parameter values for the DNN was used as a reference, while the experiments used a combination of different settings. The results were recorded in Excel, and descriptive statistics were chosen to calculate the mean between the groups and compare them using graphs and tables. The outcome was positive when using mixed precision combined with specific hyper-parameters. Compared to the benchmarking, the optimisation for the classification reduced the power consumption between 7 and 11 Watts. Similarly, the carbon footprint is reduced because the calculation uses the same power consumption data. Still, a consideration is required when configuring hyper-parameters because it can negatively affect hardware performance. However, this research required inferential statistics, specifically ANOVA and T-test, to compare the relationship between the means. Furthermore, tests indicated no statistical significance of the relationship between the benchmarking and experiments. However, a more extensive implementation with a cluster of GPUs can increase the sample size significantly, as it is an essential factor and can change the outcome of the statistical analysis.
comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, 9 tables
☆ Enhancing Cross-Market Recommendation System with Graph Isomorphism Networks: A Novel Approach to Personalized User Experience
In today's world of globalized commerce, cross-market recommendation systems (CMRs) are crucial for providing personalized user experiences across diverse market segments. However, traditional recommendation algorithms have difficulties dealing with market specificity and data sparsity, especially in new or emerging markets. In this paper, we propose the CrossGR model, which utilizes Graph Isomorphism Networks (GINs) to improve CMR systems. It outperforms existing benchmarks in NDCG@10 and HR@10 metrics, demonstrating its adaptability and accuracy in handling diverse market segments. The CrossGR model is adaptable and accurate, making it well-suited for handling the complexities of cross-market recommendation tasks. Its robustness is demonstrated by consistent performance across different evaluation timeframes, indicating its potential to cater to evolving market trends and user preferences. Our findings suggest that GINs represent a promising direction for CMRs, paving the way for more sophisticated, personalized, and context-aware recommendation systems in the dynamic landscape of global e-commerce.
comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, 5 equations
☆ TSELM: Target Speaker Extraction using Discrete Tokens and Language Models
We propose TSELM, a novel target speaker extraction network that leverages discrete tokens and language models. TSELM utilizes multiple discretized layers from WavLM as input tokens and incorporates cross-attention mechanisms to integrate target speaker information. Language models are employed to capture the sequence dependencies, while a scalable HiFi-GAN is used to reconstruct the audio from the tokens. By applying a cross-entropy loss, TSELM models the probability distribution of output tokens, thus converting the complex regression problem of audio generation into a classification task. Experimental results show that TSELM achieves excellent results in speech quality and comparable results in speech intelligibility.
☆ FPMT: Enhanced Semi-Supervised Model for Traffic Incident Detection ICPR 2024
For traffic incident detection, the acquisition of data and labels is notably resource-intensive, rendering semi-supervised traffic incident detection both a formidable and consequential challenge. Thus, this paper focuses on traffic incident detection with a semi-supervised learning way. It proposes a semi-supervised learning model named FPMT within the framework of MixText. The data augmentation module introduces Generative Adversarial Networks to balance and expand the dataset. During the mix-up process in the hidden space, it employs a probabilistic pseudo-mixing mechanism to enhance regularization and elevate model precision. In terms of training strategy, it initiates with unsupervised training on all data, followed by supervised fine-tuning on a subset of labeled data, and ultimately completing the goal of semi-supervised training. Through empirical validation on four authentic datasets, our FPMT model exhibits outstanding performance across various metrics. Particularly noteworthy is its robust performance even in scenarios with low label rates.
comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ICPR 2024
☆ Efficient and Reliable Vector Similarity Search Using Asymmetric Encoding with NAND-Flash for Many-Class Few-Shot Learning
While memory-augmented neural networks (MANNs) offer an effective solution for few-shot learning (FSL) by integrating deep neural networks with external memory, the capacity requirements and energy overhead of data movement become enormous due to the large number of support vectors in many-class FSL scenarios. Various in-memory search solutions have emerged to improve the energy efficiency of MANNs. NAND-based multi-bit content addressable memory (MCAM) is a promising option due to its high density and large capacity. Despite its potential, MCAM faces limitations such as a restricted number of word lines, limited quantization levels, and non-ideal effects like varying string currents and bottleneck effects, which lead to significant accuracy drops. To address these issues, we propose several innovative methods. First, the Multi-bit Thermometer Code (MTMC) leverages the extensive capacity of MCAM to enhance vector precision using cumulative encoding rules, thereby mitigating the bottleneck effect. Second, the Asymmetric vector similarity search (AVSS) reduces the precision of the query vector while maintaining that of the support vectors, thereby minimizing the search iterations and improving efficiency in many-class scenarios. Finally, the Hardware-Aware Training (HAT) method optimizes controller training by modeling the hardware characteristics of MCAM, thus enhancing the reliability of the system. Our integrated framework reduces search iterations by up to 32 times, and increases overall accuracy by 1.58% to 6.94%.
☆ ReGentS: Real-World Safety-Critical Driving Scenario Generation Made Stable ECCV 2024
Machine learning based autonomous driving systems often face challenges with safety-critical scenarios that are rare in real-world data, hindering their large-scale deployment. While increasing real-world training data coverage could address this issue, it is costly and dangerous. This work explores generating safety-critical driving scenarios by modifying complex real-world regular scenarios through trajectory optimization. We propose ReGentS, which stabilizes generated trajectories and introduces heuristics to avoid obvious collisions and optimization problems. Our approach addresses unrealistic diverging trajectories and unavoidable collision scenarios that are not useful for training robust planner. We also extend the scenario generation framework to handle real-world data with up to 32 agents. Additionally, by using a differentiable simulator, our approach simplifies gradient descent-based optimization involving a simulator, paving the way for future advancements. The code is available at https://github.com/valeoai/ReGentS.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 W-CODA Workshop
☆ A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality
During multimodal model training and reasoning, data samples may miss certain modalities and lead to compromised model performance due to sensor limitations, cost constraints, privacy concerns, data loss, and temporal and spatial factors. This survey provides an overview of recent progress in Multimodal Learning with Missing Modality (MLMM), focusing on deep learning techniques. It is the first comprehensive survey that covers the historical background and the distinction between MLMM and standard multimodal learning setups, followed by a detailed analysis of current MLMM methods, applications, and datasets, concluding with a discussion about challenges and potential future directions in the field.
comment: Work in progress and welcome to discussion
☆ Over-the-Air Federated Learning via Weighted Aggregation
This paper introduces a new federated learning scheme that leverages over-the-air computation. A novel feature of this scheme is the proposal to employ adaptive weights during aggregation, a facet treated as predefined in other over-the-air schemes. This can mitigate the impact of wireless channel conditions on learning performance, without needing channel state information at transmitter side (CSIT). We provide a mathematical methodology to derive the convergence bound for the proposed scheme in the context of computational heterogeneity and general loss functions, supplemented with design insights. Accordingly, we propose aggregation cost metrics and efficient algorithms to find optimized weights for the aggregation. Finally, through numerical experiments, we validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Even with the challenges posed by channel conditions and device heterogeneity, the proposed scheme surpasses other over-the-air strategies by an accuracy improvement of 15% over the scheme using CSIT and 30% compared to the one without CSIT.
☆ Selling Joint Ads: A Regret Minimization Perspective
Motivated by online retail, we consider the problem of selling one item (e.g., an ad slot) to two non-excludable buyers (say, a merchant and a brand). This problem captures, for example, situations where a merchant and a brand cooperatively bid in an auction to advertise a product, and both benefit from the ad being shown. A mechanism collects bids from the two and decides whether to allocate and which payments the two parties should make. This gives rise to intricate incentive compatibility constraints, e.g., on how to split payments between the two parties. We approach the problem of finding a revenue-maximizing incentive-compatible mechanism from an online learning perspective; this poses significant technical challenges. First, the action space (the class of all possible mechanisms) is huge; second, the function that maps mechanisms to revenue is highly irregular, ruling out standard discretization-based approaches. In the stochastic setting, we design an efficient learning algorithm achieving a regret bound of $O(T^{3/4})$. Our approach is based on an adaptive discretization scheme of the space of mechanisms, as any non-adaptive discretization fails to achieve sublinear regret. In the adversarial setting, we exploit the non-Lipschitzness of the problem to prove a strong negative result, namely that no learning algorithm can achieve more than half of the revenue of the best fixed mechanism in hindsight. We then consider the $\sigma$-smooth adversary; we construct an efficient learning algorithm that achieves a regret bound of $O(T^{2/3})$ and builds on a succinct encoding of exponentially many experts. Finally, we prove that no learning algorithm can achieve less than $\Omega(\sqrt T)$ regret in both the stochastic and the smooth setting, thus narrowing the range where the minimax regret rates for these two problems lie.
comment: Paper accepted at ACM EC 2024
☆ Controllable Synthetic Clinical Note Generation with Privacy Guarantees
In the field of machine learning, domain-specific annotated data is an invaluable resource for training effective models. However, in the medical domain, this data often includes Personal Health Information (PHI), raising significant privacy concerns. The stringent regulations surrounding PHI limit the availability and sharing of medical datasets, which poses a substantial challenge for researchers and practitioners aiming to develop advanced machine learning models. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to "clone" datasets containing PHI. Our approach ensures that the cloned datasets retain the essential characteristics and utility of the original data without compromising patient privacy. By leveraging differential-privacy techniques and a novel fine-tuning task, our method produces datasets that are free from identifiable information while preserving the statistical properties necessary for model training. We conduct utility testing to evaluate the performance of machine learning models trained on the cloned datasets. The results demonstrate that our cloned datasets not only uphold privacy standards but also enhance model performance compared to those trained on traditional anonymized datasets. This work offers a viable solution for the ethical and effective utilization of sensitive medical data in machine learning, facilitating progress in medical research and the development of robust predictive models.
☆ FedHide: Federated Learning by Hiding in the Neighbors ECCV 2024
We propose a prototype-based federated learning method designed for embedding networks in classification or verification tasks. Our focus is on scenarios where each client has data from a single class. The main challenge is to develop an embedding network that can distinguish between different classes while adhering to privacy constraints. Sharing true class prototypes with the server or other clients could potentially compromise sensitive information. To tackle this issue, we propose a proxy class prototype that will be shared among clients instead of the true class prototype. Our approach generates proxy class prototypes by linearly combining them with their nearest neighbors. This technique conceals the true class prototype while enabling clients to learn discriminative embedding networks. We compare our method to alternative techniques, such as adding random Gaussian noise and using random selection with cosine similarity constraints. Furthermore, we evaluate the robustness of our approach against gradient inversion attacks and introduce a measure for prototype leakage. This measure quantifies the extent of private information revealed when sharing the proposed proxy class prototype. Moreover, we provide a theoretical analysis of the convergence properties of our approach. Our proposed method for federated learning from scratch demonstrates its effectiveness through empirical results on three benchmark datasets: CIFAR-100, VoxCeleb1, and VGGFace2.
comment: ECCV 2024
☆ In-Situ Fine-Tuning of Wildlife Models in IoT-Enabled Camera Traps for Efficient Adaptation
Wildlife monitoring via camera traps has become an essential tool in ecology, but the deployment of machine learning models for on-device animal classification faces significant challenges due to domain shifts and resource constraints. This paper introduces WildFit, a novel approach that reconciles the conflicting goals of achieving high domain generalization performance and ensuring efficient inference for camera trap applications. WildFit leverages continuous background-aware model fine-tuning to deploy ML models tailored to the current location and time window, allowing it to maintain robust classification accuracy in the new environment without requiring significant computational resources. This is achieved by background-aware data synthesis, which generates training images representing the new domain by blending background images with animal images from the source domain. We further enhance fine-tuning effectiveness through background drift detection and class distribution drift detection, which optimize the quality of synthesized data and improve generalization performance. Our extensive evaluation across multiple camera trap datasets demonstrates that WildFit achieves significant improvements in classification accuracy and computational efficiency compared to traditional approaches.
☆ Efficient Learning of Balanced Signed Graphs via Iterative Linear Programming ICASSP 2025
Signed graphs are equipped with both positive and negative edge weights, encoding pairwise correlations as well as anti-correlations in data. A balanced signed graph has no cycles of odd number of negative edges. Laplacian of a balanced signed graph has eigenvectors that map simply to ones in a similarity-transformed positive graph Laplacian, thus enabling reuse of well-studied spectral filters designed for positive graphs. We propose a fast method to learn a balanced signed graph Laplacian directly from data. Specifically, for each node $i$, to determine its polarity $\beta_i \in \{-1,1\}$ and edge weights $\{w_{i,j}\}_{j=1}^N$, we extend a sparse inverse covariance formulation based on linear programming (LP) called CLIME, by adding linear constraints to enforce ``consistent" signs of edge weights $\{w_{i,j}\}_{j=1}^N$ with the polarities of connected nodes -- i.e., positive/negative edges connect nodes of same/opposing polarities. For each LP, we adapt projections on convex set (POCS) to determine a suitable CLIME parameter $\rho > 0$ that guarantees LP feasibility. We solve the resulting LP via an off-the-shelf LP solver in $\mathcal{O}(N^{2.055})$. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that our balanced graph learning method outperforms competing methods and enables the use of spectral filters and graph convolutional networks (GCNs) designed for positive graphs on signed graphs.
comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ XMOL: Explainable Multi-property Optimization of Molecules
Molecular optimization is a key challenge in drug discovery and material science domain, involving the design of molecules with desired properties. Existing methods focus predominantly on single-property optimization, necessitating repetitive runs to target multiple properties, which is inefficient and computationally expensive. Moreover, these methods often lack transparency, making it difficult for researchers to understand and control the optimization process. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework, Explainable Multi-property Optimization of Molecules (XMOL), to optimize multiple molecular properties simultaneously while incorporating explainability. Our approach builds on state-of-the-art geometric diffusion models, extending them to multi-property optimization through the introduction of spectral normalization and enhanced molecular constraints for stabilized training. Additionally, we integrate interpretive and explainable techniques throughout the optimization process. We evaluated XMOL on the real-world molecular datasets i.e., QM9, demonstrating its effectiveness in both single property and multiple properties optimization while offering interpretable results, paving the way for more efficient and reliable molecular design.
☆ Training Spiking Neural Networks via Augmented Direct Feedback Alignment
Spiking neural networks (SNNs), the models inspired by the mechanisms of real neurons in the brain, transmit and represent information by employing discrete action potentials or spikes. The sparse, asynchronous properties of information processing make SNNs highly energy efficient, leading to SNNs being promising solutions for implementing neural networks in neuromorphic devices. However, the nondifferentiable nature of SNN neurons makes it a challenge to train them. The current training methods of SNNs that are based on error backpropagation (BP) and precisely designing surrogate gradient are difficult to implement and biologically implausible, hindering the implementation of SNNs on neuromorphic devices. Thus, it is important to train SNNs with a method that is both physically implementatable and biologically plausible. In this paper, we propose using augmented direct feedback alignment (aDFA), a gradient-free approach based on random projection, to train SNNs. This method requires only partial information of the forward process during training, so it is easy to implement and biologically plausible. We systematically demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed aDFA-SNNs scheme, propose its effective working range, and analyze its well-performing settings by employing genetic algorithm. We also analyze the impact of crucial features of SNNs on the scheme, thus demonstrating its superiority and stability over BP and conventional direct feedback alignment. Our scheme can achieve competitive performance without accurate prior knowledge about the utilized system, thus providing a valuable reference for physically training SNNs.
comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables
☆ ROCAS: Root Cause Analysis of Autonomous Driving Accidents via Cyber-Physical Co-mutation
As Autonomous driving systems (ADS) have transformed our daily life, safety of ADS is of growing significance. While various testing approaches have emerged to enhance the ADS reliability, a crucial gap remains in understanding the accidents causes. Such post-accident analysis is paramount and beneficial for enhancing ADS safety and reliability. Existing cyber-physical system (CPS) root cause analysis techniques are mainly designed for drones and cannot handle the unique challenges introduced by more complex physical environments and deep learning models deployed in ADS. In this paper, we address the gap by offering a formal definition of ADS root cause analysis problem and introducing ROCAS, a novel ADS root cause analysis framework featuring cyber-physical co-mutation. Our technique uniquely leverages both physical and cyber mutation that can precisely identify the accident-trigger entity and pinpoint the misconfiguration of the target ADS responsible for an accident. We further design a differential analysis to identify the responsible module to reduce search space for the misconfiguration. We study 12 categories of ADS accidents and demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of ROCAS in narrowing down search space and pinpointing the misconfiguration. We also show detailed case studies on how the identified misconfiguration helps understand rationale behind accidents.
comment: Accepted at ASE 2024
☆ Alignment with Preference Optimization Is All You Need for LLM Safety
We demonstrate that preference optimization methods can effectively enhance LLM safety. Applying various alignment techniques to the Falcon 11B model using safety datasets, we achieve a significant boost in global safety score (from $57.64\%$ to $99.90\%$) as measured by LlamaGuard 3 8B, competing with state-of-the-art models. On toxicity benchmarks, average scores in adversarial settings dropped from over $0.6$ to less than $0.07$. However, this safety improvement comes at the cost of reduced general capabilities, particularly in math, suggesting a trade-off. We identify noise contrastive alignment (Safe-NCA) as an optimal method for balancing safety and performance. Our study ultimately shows that alignment techniques can be sufficient for building safe and robust models.
☆ Mesh-based Super-Resolution of Fluid Flows with Multiscale Graph Neural Networks
A graph neural network (GNN) approach is introduced in this work which enables mesh-based three-dimensional super-resolution of fluid flows. In this framework, the GNN is designed to operate not on the full mesh-based field at once, but on localized meshes of elements (or cells) directly. To facilitate mesh-based GNN representations in a manner similar to spectral (or finite) element discretizations, a baseline GNN layer (termed a message passing layer, which updates local node properties) is modified to account for synchronization of coincident graph nodes, rendering compatibility with commonly used element-based mesh connectivities. The architecture is multiscale in nature, and is comprised of a combination of coarse-scale and fine-scale message passing layer sequences (termed processors) separated by a graph unpooling layer. The coarse-scale processor embeds a query element (alongside a set number of neighboring coarse elements) into a single latent graph representation using coarse-scale synchronized message passing over the element neighborhood, and the fine-scale processor leverages additional message passing operations on this latent graph to correct for interpolation errors. Demonstration studies are performed using hexahedral mesh-based data from Taylor-Green Vortex flow simulations at Reynolds numbers of 1600 and 3200. Through analysis of both global and local errors, the results ultimately show how the GNN is able to produce accurate super-resolved fields compared to targets in both coarse-scale and multiscale model configurations. Reconstruction errors for fixed architectures were found to increase in proportion to the Reynolds number, while the inclusion of surrounding coarse element neighbors was found to improve predictions at Re=1600, but not at Re=3200.
☆ Reimagining Linear Probing: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Transfer Learning
This paper introduces Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) as an enhancement to the traditional linear probing method in transfer learning. Linear probing, often applied to the final layer of pre-trained models, is limited by its inability to model complex relationships in data. To address this, we propose substituting the linear probing layer with KAN, which leverages spline-based representations to approximate intricate functions. In this study, we integrate KAN with a ResNet-50 model pre-trained on ImageNet and evaluate its performance on the CIFAR-10 dataset. We perform a systematic hyperparameter search, focusing on grid size and spline degree (k), to optimize KAN's flexibility and accuracy. Our results demonstrate that KAN consistently outperforms traditional linear probing, achieving significant improvements in accuracy and generalization across a range of configurations. These findings indicate that KAN offers a more powerful and adaptable alternative to conventional linear probing techniques in transfer learning.
comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
☆ Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold networks for realistic image sharpness assessment
Score prediction is crucial in realistic image sharpness assessment after informative features are collected. Recently, Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KANs) have been developed and witnessed remarkable success in data fitting. This study presents Taylor series based KAN (TaylorKAN). Then, different KANs are explored on four realistic image databases (BID2011, CID2013, CLIVE, and KonIQ-10k) for score prediction by using 15 mid-level features and 2048 high-level features. When setting support vector regression as the baseline, experimental results indicate KANs are generally better or competitive, TaylorKAN is the best on three databases using mid-level feature input, while KANs are inferior on CLIVE when high-level features are used. This is the first study that explores KANs for image quality assessment. It sheds lights on how to select and improve KANs on related tasks.
☆ Efficient Privacy-Preserving KAN Inference Using Homomorphic Encryption
The recently proposed Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) offer enhanced interpretability and greater model expressiveness. However, KANs also present challenges related to privacy leakage during inference. Homomorphic encryption (HE) facilitates privacy-preserving inference for deep learning models, enabling resource-limited users to benefit from deep learning services while ensuring data security. Yet, the complex structure of KANs, incorporating nonlinear elements like the SiLU activation function and B-spline functions, renders existing privacy-preserving inference techniques inadequate. To address this issue, we propose an accurate and efficient privacy-preserving inference scheme tailored for KANs. Our approach introduces a task-specific polynomial approximation for the SiLU activation function, dynamically adjusting the approximation range to ensure high accuracy on real-world datasets. Additionally, we develop an efficient method for computing B-spline functions within the HE domain, leveraging techniques such as repeat packing, lazy combination, and comparison functions. We evaluate the effectiveness of our privacy-preserving KAN inference scheme on both symbolic formula evaluation and image classification. The experimental results show that our model achieves accuracy comparable to plaintext KANs across various datasets and outperforms plaintext MLPs. Additionally, on the CIFAR-10 dataset, our inference latency achieves over 7 times speedup compared to the naive method.
☆ DFDG: Data-Free Dual-Generator Adversarial Distillation for One-Shot Federated Learning ICDM2024
Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning scheme in which clients jointly participate in the collaborative training of a global model by sharing model information rather than their private datasets. In light of concerns associated with communication and privacy, one-shot FL with a single communication round has emerged as a de facto promising solution. However, existing one-shot FL methods either require public datasets, focus on model homogeneous settings, or distill limited knowledge from local models, making it difficult or even impractical to train a robust global model. To address these limitations, we propose a new data-free dual-generator adversarial distillation method (namely DFDG) for one-shot FL, which can explore a broader local models' training space via training dual generators. DFDG is executed in an adversarial manner and comprises two parts: dual-generator training and dual-model distillation. In dual-generator training, we delve into each generator concerning fidelity, transferability and diversity to ensure its utility, and additionally tailor the cross-divergence loss to lessen the overlap of dual generators' output spaces. In dual-model distillation, the trained dual generators work together to provide the training data for updates of the global model. At last, our extensive experiments on various image classification tasks show that DFDG achieves significant performance gains in accuracy compared to SOTA baselines.
comment: Accepted by ICDM2024 main conference (long paper)
☆ Large Language Models are Pattern Matchers: Editing Semi-Structured and Structured Documents with ChatGPT
Large Language Models (LLMs) offer numerous applications, the full extent of which is not yet understood. This paper investigates if LLMs can be applied for editing structured and semi-structured documents with minimal effort. Using a qualitative research approach, we conduct two case studies with ChatGPT and thoroughly analyze the results. Our experiments indicate that LLMs can effectively edit structured and semi-structured documents when provided with basic, straightforward prompts. ChatGPT demonstrates a strong ability to recognize and process the structure of annotated documents. This suggests that explicitly structuring tasks and data in prompts might enhance an LLM's ability to understand and solve tasks. Furthermore, the experiments also reveal impressive pattern matching skills in ChatGPT. This observation deserves further investigation, as it may contribute to understanding the processes leading to hallucinations in LLMs.
☆ Music auto-tagging in the long tail: A few-shot approach
In the realm of digital music, using tags to efficiently organize and retrieve music from extensive databases is crucial for music catalog owners. Human tagging by experts is labor-intensive but mostly accurate, whereas automatic tagging through supervised learning has approached satisfying accuracy but is restricted to a predefined set of training tags. Few-shot learning offers a viable solution to expand beyond this small set of predefined tags by enabling models to learn from only a few human-provided examples to understand tag meanings and subsequently apply these tags autonomously. We propose to integrate few-shot learning methodology into multi-label music auto-tagging by using features from pre-trained models as inputs to a lightweight linear classifier, also known as a linear probe. We investigate different popular pre-trained features, as well as different few-shot parametrizations with varying numbers of classes and samples per class. Our experiments demonstrate that a simple model with pre-trained features can achieve performance close to state-of-the-art models while using significantly less training data, such as 20 samples per tag. Additionally, our linear probe performs competitively with leading models when trained on the entire training dataset. The results show that this transfer learning-based few-shot approach could effectively address the issue of automatically assigning long-tail tags with only limited labeled data.
comment: Published in Audio Engineering Society NY Show 2024 as a Peer Reviewed (Category 1) paper
☆ GRE^2-MDCL: Graph Representation Embedding Enhanced via Multidimensional Contrastive Learning
Graph representation learning has emerged as a powerful tool for preserving graph topology when mapping nodes to vector representations, enabling various downstream tasks such as node classification and community detection. However, most current graph neural network models face the challenge of requiring extensive labeled data, which limits their practical applicability in real-world scenarios where labeled data is scarce. To address this challenge, researchers have explored Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL), which leverages enhanced graph data and contrastive learning techniques. While promising, existing GCL methods often struggle with effectively capturing both local and global graph structures, and balancing the trade-off between nodelevel and graph-level representations. In this work, we propose Graph Representation Embedding Enhanced via Multidimensional Contrastive Learning (GRE2-MDCL). Our model introduces a novel triple network architecture with a multi-head attention GNN as the core. GRE2-MDCL first globally and locally augments the input graph using SVD and LAGNN techniques. It then constructs a multidimensional contrastive loss, incorporating cross-network, cross-view, and neighbor contrast, to optimize the model. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets Cora, Citeseer, and PubMed demonstrate that GRE2-MDCL achieves state-of-the-art performance, with average accuracies of 82.5%, 72.5%, and 81.6% respectively. Visualizations further show tighter intra-cluster aggregation and clearer inter-cluster boundaries, highlighting the effectiveness of our framework in improving upon baseline GCL models.
☆ Virtual Node Generation for Node Classification in Sparsely-Labeled Graphs
In the broader machine learning literature, data-generation methods demonstrate promising results by generating additional informative training examples via augmenting sparse labels. Such methods are less studied in graphs due to the intricate dependencies among nodes in complex topology structures. This paper presents a novel node generation method that infuses a small set of high-quality synthesized nodes into the graph as additional labeled nodes to optimally expand the propagation of labeled information. By simply infusing additional nodes, the framework is orthogonal to the graph learning and downstream classification techniques, and thus is compatible with most popular graph pre-training (self-supervised learning), semi-supervised learning, and meta-learning methods. The contribution lies in designing the generated node set by solving a novel optimization problem. The optimization places the generated nodes in a manner that: (1) minimizes the classification loss to guarantee training accuracy and (2) maximizes label propagation to low-confidence nodes in the downstream task to ensure high-quality propagation. Theoretically, we show that the above dual optimization maximizes the global confidence of node classification. Our Experiments demonstrate statistically significant performance improvements over 14 baselines on 10 publicly available datasets.
Dataset-Free Weight-Initialization on Restricted Boltzmann Machine
In feed-forward neural networks, dataset-free weight-initialization method such as LeCun, Xavier (or Glorot), and He initializations have been developed. These methods randomly determine the initial values of weight parameters based on specific distributions (e.g., Gaussian or uniform distributions) without using training datasets. To the best of the authors' knowledge, such a dataset-free weight-initialization method is yet to be developed for restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), which are probabilistic neural networks consisting of two layers, In this study, we derive a dataset-free weight-initialization method for Bernoulli--Bernoulli RBMs based on a statistical mechanical analysis. In the proposed weight-initialization method, the weight parameters are drawn from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean. The standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution is optimized based on our hypothesis which is that a standard deviation providing a larger layer correlation (LC) between the two layers improves the learning efficiency. The expression of the LC is derived based on a statistical mechanical analysis. The optimal value of the standard deviation corresponds to the maximum point of the LC. The proposed weight-initialization method is identical to Xavier initialization in a specific case (i.e., in the case the sizes of the two layers are the same, the random variables of the layers are $\{-1,1\}$-binary, and all bias parameters are zero).
☆ Attack End-to-End Autonomous Driving through Module-Wise Noise
With recent breakthroughs in deep neural networks, numerous tasks within autonomous driving have exhibited remarkable performance. However, deep learning models are susceptible to adversarial attacks, presenting significant security risks to autonomous driving systems. Presently, end-to-end architectures have emerged as the predominant solution for autonomous driving, owing to their collaborative nature across different tasks. Yet, the implications of adversarial attacks on such models remain relatively unexplored. In this paper, we conduct comprehensive adversarial security research on the modular end-to-end autonomous driving model for the first time. We thoroughly consider the potential vulnerabilities in the model inference process and design a universal attack scheme through module-wise noise injection. We conduct large-scale experiments on the full-stack autonomous driving model and demonstrate that our attack method outperforms previous attack methods. We trust that our research will offer fresh insights into ensuring the safety and reliability of autonomous driving systems.
☆ Critically Damped Third-Order Langevin Dynamics ICASSP 2025
While systems analysis has been studied for decades in the context of control theory, it has only been recently used to improve the convergence of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models. This work describes a novel improvement to Third- Order Langevin Dynamics (TOLD), a recent diffusion method that performs better than its predecessors. This improvement, abbreviated TOLD++, is carried out by critically damping the TOLD forward transition matrix similarly to Dockhorn's Critically-Damped Langevin Dynamics (CLD). Specifically, it exploits eigen-analysis of the forward transition matrix to derive the optimal set of dynamics under the original TOLD scheme. TOLD++ is theoretically guaranteed to converge faster than TOLD, and its faster convergence is verified on the Swiss Roll toy dataset and CIFAR-10 dataset according to the FID metric.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ICASSP 2025
☆ Enhancing Q&A Text Retrieval with Ranking Models: Benchmarking, fine-tuning and deploying Rerankers for RAG CIKM 2024
Ranking models play a crucial role in enhancing overall accuracy of text retrieval systems. These multi-stage systems typically utilize either dense embedding models or sparse lexical indices to retrieve relevant passages based on a given query, followed by ranking models that refine the ordering of the candidate passages by its relevance to the query. This paper benchmarks various publicly available ranking models and examines their impact on ranking accuracy. We focus on text retrieval for question-answering tasks, a common use case for Retrieval-Augmented Generation systems. Our evaluation benchmarks include models some of which are commercially viable for industrial applications. We introduce a state-of-the-art ranking model, NV-RerankQA-Mistral-4B-v3, which achieves a significant accuracy increase of ~14% compared to pipelines with other rerankers. We also provide an ablation study comparing the fine-tuning of ranking models with different sizes, losses and self-attention mechanisms. Finally, we discuss challenges of text retrieval pipelines with ranking models in real-world industry applications, in particular the trade-offs among model size, ranking accuracy and system requirements like indexing and serving latency / throughput.
comment: Accepted for the 1st Workshop on GenAI and RAG Systems for Enterprise @ CIKM 2024
☆ Ratio Divergence Learning Using Target Energy in Restricted Boltzmann Machines: Beyond Kullback--Leibler Divergence Learning
We propose ratio divergence (RD) learning for discrete energy-based models, a method that utilizes both training data and a tractable target energy function. We apply RD learning to restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), which are a minimal model that satisfies the universal approximation theorem for discrete distributions. RD learning combines the strength of both forward and reverse Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) learning, effectively addressing the "notorious" issues of underfitting with the forward KLD and mode-collapse with the reverse KLD. Since the summation of forward and reverse KLD seems to be sufficient to combine the strength of both approaches, we include this learning method as a direct baseline in numerical experiments to evaluate its effectiveness. Numerical experiments demonstrate that RD learning significantly outperforms other learning methods in terms of energy function fitting, mode-covering, and learning stability across various discrete energy-based models. Moreover, the performance gaps between RD learning and the other learning methods become more pronounced as the dimensions of target models increase.
comment: 14 pages, 19 figures
☆ Transformed Physics-Informed Neural Networks for The Convection-Diffusion Equation
Singularly perturbed problems are known to have solutions with steep boundary layers that are hard to resolve numerically. Traditional numerical methods, such as Finite Difference Methods (FDMs), require a refined mesh to obtain stable and accurate solutions. As Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have been shown to successfully approximate solutions to differential equations from various fields, it is natural to examine their performance on singularly perturbed problems. The convection-diffusion equation is a representative example of such a class of problems, and we consider the use of PINNs to produce numerical solutions of this equation. We study two ways to use PINNS: as a method for correcting oscillatory discrete solutions obtained using FDMs, and as a method for modifying reduced solutions of unperturbed problems. For both methods, we also examine the use of input transformation to enhance accuracy, and we explain the behavior of input transformations analytically, with the help of neural tangent kernels.
☆ Fitted Q-Iteration via Max-Plus-Linear Approximation
In this study, we consider the application of max-plus-linear approximators for Q-function in offline reinforcement learning of discounted Markov decision processes. In particular, we incorporate these approximators to propose novel fitted Q-iteration (FQI) algorithms with provable convergence. Exploiting the compatibility of the Bellman operator with max-plus operations, we show that the max-plus-linear regression within each iteration of the proposed FQI algorithm reduces to simple max-plus matrix-vector multiplications. We also consider the variational implementation of the proposed algorithm which leads to a per-iteration complexity that is independent of the number of samples.
☆ Introducing CausalBench: A Flexible Benchmark Framework for Causal Analysis and Machine Learning
While witnessing the exceptional success of machine learning (ML) technologies in many applications, users are starting to notice a critical shortcoming of ML: correlation is a poor substitute for causation. The conventional way to discover causal relationships is to use randomized controlled experiments (RCT); in many situations, however, these are impractical or sometimes unethical. Causal learning from observational data offers a promising alternative. While being relatively recent, causal learning aims to go far beyond conventional machine learning, yet several major challenges remain. Unfortunately, advances are hampered due to the lack of unified benchmark datasets, algorithms, metrics, and evaluation service interfaces for causal learning. In this paper, we introduce {\em CausalBench}, a transparent, fair, and easy-to-use evaluation platform, aiming to (a) enable the advancement of research in causal learning by facilitating scientific collaboration in novel algorithms, datasets, and metrics and (b) promote scientific objectivity, reproducibility, fairness, and awareness of bias in causal learning research. CausalBench provides services for benchmarking data, algorithms, models, and metrics, impacting the needs of a broad of scientific and engineering disciplines.
☆ Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Multiclass Support Vector Machine
We study the problem of multiclass classification for settings where data features $\mathbf{x}$ and their labels $\mathbf{y}$ are uncertain. We identify that distributionally robust one-vs-all (OVA) classifiers often struggle in settings with imbalanced data. To address this issue, we use Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization to develop a robust version of the multiclass support vector machine (SVM) characterized by the Crammer-Singer (CS) loss. First, we prove that the CS loss is bounded from above by a Lipschitz continuous function for all $\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{X}$ and $\mathbf{y} \in \mathcal{Y}$, then we exploit strong duality results to express the dual of the worst-case risk problem, and we show that the worst-case risk minimization problem admits a tractable convex reformulation due to the regularity of the CS loss. Moreover, we develop a kernel version of our proposed model to account for nonlinear class separation, and we show that it admits a tractable convex upper bound. We also propose a projected subgradient method algorithm for a special case of our proposed linear model to improve scalability. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the art OVA models in settings where the training data is highly imbalanced. We also show through experiments on popular real-world datasets that our proposed model often outperforms its regularized counterpart as the first accounts for uncertain labels unlike the latter.
comment: 26 pages, 7 figures
☆ Scores as Actions: a framework of fine-tuning diffusion models by continuous-time reinforcement learning
Reinforcement Learning from human feedback (RLHF) has been shown a promising direction for aligning generative models with human intent and has also been explored in recent works for alignment of diffusion generative models. In this work, we provide a rigorous treatment by formulating the task of fine-tuning diffusion models, with reward functions learned from human feedback, as an exploratory continuous-time stochastic control problem. Our key idea lies in treating the score-matching functions as controls/actions, and upon this, we develop a unified framework from a continuous-time perspective, to employ reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms in terms of improving the generation quality of diffusion models. We also develop the corresponding continuous-time RL theory for policy optimization and regularization under assumptions of stochastic different equations driven environment. Experiments on the text-to-image (T2I) generation will be reported in the accompanied paper.
☆ Federated One-Shot Ensemble Clustering
Cluster analysis across multiple institutions poses significant challenges due to data-sharing restrictions. To overcome these limitations, we introduce the Federated One-shot Ensemble Clustering (FONT) algorithm, a novel solution tailored for multi-site analyses under such constraints. FONT requires only a single round of communication between sites and ensures privacy by exchanging only fitted model parameters and class labels. The algorithm combines locally fitted clustering models into a data-adaptive ensemble, making it broadly applicable to various clustering techniques and robust to differences in cluster proportions across sites. Our theoretical analysis validates the effectiveness of the data-adaptive weights learned by FONT, and simulation studies demonstrate its superior performance compared to existing benchmark methods. We applied FONT to identify subgroups of patients with rheumatoid arthritis across two health systems, revealing improved consistency of patient clusters across sites, while locally fitted clusters proved less transferable. FONT is particularly well-suited for real-world applications with stringent communication and privacy constraints, offering a scalable and practical solution for multi-site clustering.
☆ Graphical Structural Learning of rs-fMRI data in Heavy Smokers CCS
Recent studies revealed structural and functional brain changes in heavy smokers. However, the specific changes in topological brain connections are not well understood. We used Gaussian Undirected Graphs with the graphical lasso algorithm on rs-fMRI data from smokers and non-smokers to identify significant changes in brain connections. Our results indicate high stability in the estimated graphs and identify several brain regions significantly affected by smoking, providing valuable insights for future clinical research.
comment: Accepted by IEEE CCSB 2024 conference
☆ Higher-Order Topological Directionality and Directed Simplicial Neural Networks
Topological Deep Learning (TDL) has emerged as a paradigm to process and learn from signals defined on higher-order combinatorial topological spaces, such as simplicial or cell complexes. Although many complex systems have an asymmetric relational structure, most TDL models forcibly symmetrize these relationships. In this paper, we first introduce a novel notion of higher-order directionality and we then design Directed Simplicial Neural Networks (Dir-SNNs) based on it. Dir-SNNs are message-passing networks operating on directed simplicial complexes able to leverage directed and possibly asymmetric interactions among the simplices. To our knowledge, this is the first TDL model using a notion of higher-order directionality. We theoretically and empirically prove that Dir-SNNs are more expressive than their directed graph counterpart in distinguishing isomorphic directed graphs. Experiments on a synthetic source localization task demonstrate that Dir-SNNs outperform undirected SNNs when the underlying complex is directed, and perform comparably when the underlying complex is undirected.
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 1 table
☆ Noisy Low Rank Column-wise Sensing
This letter studies the AltGDmin algorithm for solving the noisy low rank column-wise sensing (LRCS) problem. Our sample complexity guarantee improves upon the best existing one by a factor $\max(r, \log(1/\epsilon))/r$ where $r$ is the rank of the unknown matrix and $\epsilon$ is the final desired accuracy. A second contribution of this work is a detailed comparison of guarantees from all work that studies the exact same mathematical problem as LRCS, but refers to it by different names.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Stochastic Reinforcement Learning with Stability Guarantees for Control of Unknown Nonlinear Systems
Designing a stabilizing controller for nonlinear systems is a challenging task, especially for high-dimensional problems with unknown dynamics. Traditional reinforcement learning algorithms applied to stabilization tasks tend to drive the system close to the equilibrium point. However, these approaches often fall short of achieving true stabilization and result in persistent oscillations around the equilibrium point. In this work, we propose a reinforcement learning algorithm that stabilizes the system by learning a local linear representation ofthe dynamics. The main component of the algorithm is integrating the learned gain matrix directly into the neural policy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm on several challenging high-dimensional dynamical systems. In these simulations, our algorithm outperforms popular reinforcement learning algorithms, such as soft actor-critic (SAC) and proximal policy optimization (PPO), and successfully stabilizes the system. To support the numerical results, we provide a theoretical analysis of the feasibility of the learned algorithm for both deterministic and stochastic reinforcement learning settings, along with a convergence analysis of the proposed learning algorithm. Furthermore, we verify that the learned control policies indeed provide asymptotic stability for the nonlinear systems.
☆ Rethinking Prompting Strategies for Multi-Label Recognition with Partial Annotations
Vision-language models (VLMs) like CLIP have been adapted for Multi-Label Recognition (MLR) with partial annotations by leveraging prompt-learning, where positive and negative prompts are learned for each class to associate their embeddings with class presence or absence in the shared vision-text feature space. While this approach improves MLR performance by relying on VLM priors, we hypothesize that learning negative prompts may be suboptimal, as the datasets used to train VLMs lack image-caption pairs explicitly focusing on class absence. To analyze the impact of positive and negative prompt learning on MLR, we introduce PositiveCoOp and NegativeCoOp, where only one prompt is learned with VLM guidance while the other is replaced by an embedding vector learned directly in the shared feature space without relying on the text encoder. Through empirical analysis, we observe that negative prompts degrade MLR performance, and learning only positive prompts, combined with learned negative embeddings (PositiveCoOp), outperforms dual prompt learning approaches. Moreover, we quantify the performance benefits that prompt-learning offers over a simple vision-features-only baseline, observing that the baseline displays strong performance comparable to dual prompt learning approach (DualCoOp), when the proportion of missing labels is low, while requiring half the training compute and 16 times fewer parameters
☆ Learned Compression for Images and Point Clouds
Over the last decade, deep learning has shown great success at performing computer vision tasks, including classification, super-resolution, and style transfer. Now, we apply it to data compression to help build the next generation of multimedia codecs. This thesis provides three primary contributions to this new field of learned compression. First, we present an efficient low-complexity entropy model that dynamically adapts the encoding distribution to a specific input by compressing and transmitting the encoding distribution itself as side information. Secondly, we propose a novel lightweight low-complexity point cloud codec that is highly specialized for classification, attaining significant reductions in bitrate compared to non-specialized codecs. Lastly, we explore how motion within the input domain between consecutive video frames is manifested in the corresponding convolutionally-derived latent space.
comment: 65 pages, 21 figures, Master's Thesis, defended in 2023
☆ FedProphet: Memory-Efficient Federated Adversarial Training via Theoretic-Robustness and Low-Inconsistency Cascade Learning
Federated Learning (FL) provides a strong privacy guarantee by enabling local training across edge devices without training data sharing, and Federated Adversarial Training (FAT) further enhances the robustness against adversarial examples, promoting a step toward trustworthy artificial intelligence. However, FAT requires a large model to preserve high accuracy while achieving strong robustness, and it is impractically slow when directly training with memory-constrained edge devices due to the memory-swapping latency. Moreover, existing memory-efficient FL methods suffer from poor accuracy and weak robustness in FAT because of inconsistent local and global models, i.e., objective inconsistency. In this paper, we propose FedProphet, a novel FAT framework that can achieve memory efficiency, adversarial robustness, and objective consistency simultaneously. FedProphet partitions the large model into small cascaded modules such that the memory-constrained devices can conduct adversarial training module-by-module. A strong convexity regularization is derived to theoretically guarantee the robustness of the whole model, and we show that the strong robustness implies low objective inconsistency in FedProphet. We also develop a training coordinator on the server of FL, with Adaptive Perturbation Adjustment for utility-robustness balance and Differentiated Module Assignment for objective inconsistency mitigation. FedProphet empirically shows a significant improvement in both accuracy and robustness compared to previous memory-efficient methods, achieving almost the same performance of end-to-end FAT with 80% memory reduction and up to 10.8x speedup in training time.
comment: Preprint
☆ COMEX Copper Futures Volatility Forecasting: Econometric Models and Deep Learning
This paper investigates the forecasting performance of COMEX copper futures realized volatility across various high-frequency intervals using both econometric volatility models and deep learning recurrent neural network models. The econometric models considered are GARCH and HAR, while the deep learning models include RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit). In forecasting daily realized volatility for COMEX copper futures with a rolling window approach, the econometric models, particularly HAR, outperform recurrent neural networks overall, with HAR achieving the lowest QLIKE loss function value. However, when the data is replaced with hourly high-frequency realized volatility, the deep learning models outperform the GARCH model, and HAR attains a comparable QLIKE loss function value. Despite the black-box nature of machine learning models, the deep learning models demonstrate superior forecasting performance, surpassing the fixed QLIKE value of HAR in the experiment. Moreover, as the forecast horizon extends for daily realized volatility, deep learning models gradually close the performance gap with the GARCH model in certain loss function metrics. Nonetheless, HAR remains the most effective model overall for daily realized volatility forecasting in copper futures.
☆ SIG: A Synthetic Identity Generation Pipeline for Generating Evaluation Datasets for Face Recognition
As Artificial Intelligence applications expand, the evaluation of models faces heightened scrutiny. Ensuring public readiness requires evaluation datasets, which differ from training data by being disjoint and ethically sourced in compliance with privacy regulations. The performance and fairness of face recognition systems depend significantly on the quality and representativeness of these evaluation datasets. This data is sometimes scraped from the internet without user's consent, causing ethical concerns that can prohibit its use without proper releases. In rare cases, data is collected in a controlled environment with consent, however, this process is time-consuming, expensive, and logistically difficult to execute. This creates a barrier for those unable to conjure the immense resources required to gather ethically sourced evaluation datasets. To address these challenges, we introduce the Synthetic Identity Generation pipeline, or SIG, that allows for the targeted creation of ethical, balanced datasets for face recognition evaluation. Our proposed and demonstrated pipeline generates high-quality images of synthetic identities with controllable pose, facial features, and demographic attributes, such as race, gender, and age. We also release an open-source evaluation dataset named ControlFace10k, consisting of 10,008 face images of 3,336 unique synthetic identities balanced across race, gender, and age, generated using the proposed SIG pipeline. We analyze ControlFace10k along with a non-synthetic BUPT dataset using state-of-the-art face recognition algorithms to demonstrate its effectiveness as an evaluation tool. This analysis highlights the dataset's characteristics and its utility in assessing algorithmic bias across different demographic groups.
☆ DeCLIP: Decoding CLIP representations for deepfake localization WACV
Generative models can create entirely new images, but they can also partially modify real images in ways that are undetectable to the human eye. In this paper, we address the challenge of automatically detecting such local manipulations. One of the most pressing problems in deepfake detection remains the ability of models to generalize to different classes of generators. In the case of fully manipulated images, representations extracted from large self-supervised models (such as CLIP) provide a promising direction towards more robust detectors. Here, we introduce DeCLIP, a first attempt to leverage such large pretrained features for detecting local manipulations. We show that, when combined with a reasonably large convolutional decoder, pretrained self-supervised representations are able to perform localization and improve generalization capabilities over existing methods. Unlike previous work, our approach is able to perform localization on the challenging case of latent diffusion models, where the entire image is affected by the fingerprint of the generator. Moreover, we observe that this type of data, which combines local semantic information with a global fingerprint, provides more stable generalization than other categories of generative methods.
comment: Accepted at Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2025
☆ Theoretical guarantees in KL for Diffusion Flow Matching
Flow Matching (FM) (also referred to as stochastic interpolants or rectified flows) stands out as a class of generative models that aims to bridge in finite time the target distribution $\nu^\star$ with an auxiliary distribution $\mu$, leveraging a fixed coupling $\pi$ and a bridge which can either be deterministic or stochastic. These two ingredients define a path measure which can then be approximated by learning the drift of its Markovian projection. The main contribution of this paper is to provide relatively mild assumptions on $\nu^\star$, $\mu$ and $\pi$ to obtain non-asymptotics guarantees for Diffusion Flow Matching (DFM) models using as bridge the conditional distribution associated with the Brownian motion. More precisely, we establish bounds on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the target distribution and the one generated by such DFM models under moment conditions on the score of $\nu^\star$, $\mu$ and $\pi$, and a standard $L^2$-drift-approximation error assumption.
☆ Detection of Electric Motor Damage Through Analysis of Sound Signals Using Bayesian Neural Networks
Fault monitoring and diagnostics are important to ensure reliability of electric motors. Efficient algorithms for fault detection improve reliability, yet development of cost-effective and reliable classifiers for diagnostics of equipment is challenging, in particular due to unavailability of well-balanced datasets, with signals from properly functioning equipment and those from faulty equipment. Thus, we propose to use a Bayesian neural network to detect and classify faults in electric motors, given its efficacy with imbalanced training data. The performance of the proposed network is demonstrated on real life signals, and a robustness analysis of the proposed solution is provided.
comment: Accepted to IECON 2024
☆ DiReDi: Distillation and Reverse Distillation for AIoT Applications
Typically, the significant efficiency can be achieved by deploying different edge AI models in various real world scenarios while a few large models manage those edge AI models remotely from cloud servers. However, customizing edge AI models for each user's specific application or extending current models to new application scenarios remains a challenge. Inappropriate local training or fine tuning of edge AI models by users can lead to model malfunction, potentially resulting in legal issues for the manufacturer. To address aforementioned issues, this paper proposes an innovative framework called "DiReD", which involves knowledge DIstillation & REverse DIstillation. In the initial step, an edge AI model is trained with presumed data and a KD process using the cloud AI model in the upper management cloud server. This edge AI model is then dispatched to edge AI devices solely for inference in the user's application scenario. When the user needs to update the edge AI model to better fit the actual scenario, the reverse distillation (RD) process is employed to extract the knowledge: the difference between user preferences and the manufacturer's presumptions from the edge AI model using the user's exclusive data. Only the extracted knowledge is reported back to the upper management cloud server to update the cloud AI model, thus protecting user privacy by not using any exclusive data. The updated cloud AI can then update the edge AI model with the extended knowledge. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed "DiReDi" framework allows the manufacturer to update the user model by learning new knowledge from the user's actual scenario with private data. The initial redundant knowledge is reduced since the retraining emphasizes user private data.
☆ Establish seedling quality classification standard for Chrysanthemum efficiently with help of deep clustering algorithm
Establishing reasonable standards for edible chrysanthemum seedlings helps promote seedling development, thereby improving plant quality. However, current grading methods have the several issues. The limitation that only support a few indicators causes information loss, and indicators selected to evaluate seedling level have a narrow applicability. Meanwhile, some methods misuse mathematical formulas. Therefore, we propose a simple, efficient, and generic framework, SQCSEF, for establishing seedling quality classification standards with flexible clustering modules, applicable to most plant species. In this study, we introduce the state-of-the-art deep clustering algorithm CVCL, using factor analysis to divide indicators into several perspectives as inputs for the CVCL method, resulting in more reasonable clusters and ultimately a grading standard $S_{cvcl}$ for edible chrysanthemum seedlings. Through conducting extensive experiments, we validate the correctness and efficiency of the proposed SQCSEF framework.
♻ ☆ Derivative-Free Guidance in Continuous and Discrete Diffusion Models with Soft Value-Based Decoding
Diffusion models excel at capturing the natural design spaces of images, molecules, DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. However, rather than merely generating designs that are natural, we often aim to optimize downstream reward functions while preserving the naturalness of these design spaces. Existing methods for achieving this goal often require ``differentiable'' proxy models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier guidance or DPS) or involve computationally expensive fine-tuning of diffusion models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier-free guidance, RL-based fine-tuning). In our work, we propose a new method to address these challenges. Our algorithm is an iterative sampling method that integrates soft value functions, which looks ahead to how intermediate noisy states lead to high rewards in the future, into the standard inference procedure of pre-trained diffusion models. Notably, our approach avoids fine-tuning generative models and eliminates the need to construct differentiable models. This enables us to (1) directly utilize non-differentiable features/reward feedback, commonly used in many scientific domains, and (2) apply our method to recent discrete diffusion models in a principled way. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm across several domains, including image generation, molecule generation, and DNA/RNA sequence generation. The code is available at \href{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}.
comment: The code is available at https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD
♻ ☆ A Transfer Attack to Image Watermarks
Watermark has been widely deployed by industry to detect AI-generated images. The robustness of such watermark-based detector against evasion attacks in the white-box and black-box settings is well understood in the literature. However, the robustness in the no-box setting is much less understood. In this work, we propose a new transfer evasion attack to image watermark in the no-box setting. Our transfer attack adds a perturbation to a watermarked image to evade multiple surrogate watermarking models trained by the attacker itself, and the perturbed watermarked image also evades the target watermarking model. Our major contribution is to show that, both theoretically and empirically, watermark-based AI-generated image detector is not robust to evasion attacks even if the attacker does not have access to the watermarking model nor the detection API.
♻ ☆ Rethinking Teacher-Student Curriculum Learning through the Cooperative Mechanics of Experience
Teacher-Student Curriculum Learning (TSCL) is a curriculum learning framework that draws inspiration from human cultural transmission and learning. It involves a teacher algorithm shaping the learning process of a learner algorithm by exposing it to controlled experiences. Despite its success, understanding the conditions under which TSCL is effective remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a data-centric perspective to analyze the underlying mechanics of the teacher-student interactions in TSCL. We leverage cooperative game theory to describe how the composition of the set of experiences presented by the teacher to the learner, as well as their order, influences the performance of the curriculum that is found by TSCL approaches. To do so, we demonstrate that for every TSCL problem, an equivalent cooperative game exists, and several key components of the TSCL framework can be reinterpreted using game-theoretic principles. Through experiments covering supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and classical games, we estimate the cooperative values of experiences and use value-proportional curriculum mechanisms to construct curricula, even in cases where TSCL struggles. The framework and experimental setup we present in this work represents a novel foundation for a deeper exploration of TSCL, shedding light on its underlying mechanisms and providing insights into its broader applicability in machine learning.
comment: Accepted at TMLR (https://openreview.net/forum?id=qWh82br6KT)
♻ ☆ Unlocking the Potential of Model Calibration in Federated Learning
Over the past several years, various federated learning (FL) methodologies have been developed to improve model accuracy, a primary performance metric in machine learning. However, to utilize FL in practical decision-making scenarios, beyond considering accuracy, the trained model must also have a reliable confidence in each of its predictions, an aspect that has been largely overlooked in existing FL research. Motivated by this gap, we propose Non-Uniform Calibration for Federated Learning (NUCFL), a generic framework that integrates FL with the concept of model calibration. The inherent data heterogeneity in FL environments makes model calibration particularly difficult, as it must ensure reliability across diverse data distributions and client conditions. Our NUCFL addresses this challenge by dynamically adjusting the model calibration objectives based on statistical relationships between each client's local model and the global model in FL. In particular, NUCFL assesses the similarity between local and global model relationships, and controls the penalty term for the calibration loss during client-side local training. By doing so, NUCFL effectively aligns calibration needs for the global model in heterogeneous FL settings while not sacrificing accuracy. Extensive experiments show that NUCFL offers flexibility and effectiveness across various FL algorithms, enhancing accuracy as well as model calibration.
♻ ☆ Trading Devil Final: Backdoor attack via Stock market and Bayesian Optimization
Since the advent of generative artificial intelligence, every company and researcher has been rushing to develop their own generative models, whether commercial or not. Given the large number of users of these powerful new tools, there is currently no intrinsically verifiable way to explain from the ground up what happens when LLMs (large language models) learn. For example, those based on automatic speech recognition systems, which have to rely on huge and astronomical amounts of data collected from all over the web to produce fast and efficient results, In this article, we develop a backdoor attack called MarketBackFinal 2.0, based on acoustic data poisoning, MarketBackFinal 2.0 is mainly based on modern stock market models. In order to show the possible vulnerabilities of speech-based transformers that may rely on LLMs.
comment: END (will never be modified again!!) :Jumps-Diffusion and stock market: Better quantify uncertainty in financial simulations
♻ ☆ DrugAgent: Explainable Drug Repurposing Agent with Large Language Model-based Reasoning
Drug repurposing offers a promising avenue for accelerating drug development by identifying new therapeutic potentials of existing drugs. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent framework to enhance the drug repurposing process using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques and knowledge integration. Our framework comprises several specialized agents: an AI Agent trains robust drug-target interaction (DTI) models; a Knowledge Graph Agent utilizes the drug-gene interaction database (DGIdb), DrugBank, Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), and Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals (STITCH) to systematically extract DTIs; and a Search Agent interacts with biomedical literature to annotate and verify computational predictions. By integrating outputs from these agents, our system effectively harnesses diverse data sources, including external databases, to propose viable repurposing candidates. Preliminary results demonstrate the potential of our approach in not only predicting drug-disease interactions but also in reducing the time and cost associated with traditional drug discovery methods. This paper highlights the scalability of multi-agent systems in biomedical research and their role in driving innovation in drug repurposing. Our approach not only outperforms existing methods in predicting drug repurposing potential but also provides interpretable results, paving the way for more efficient and cost-effective drug discovery processes.
comment: 18 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ Explicit Mutual Information Maximization for Self-Supervised Learning
Recently, self-supervised learning (SSL) has been extensively studied. Theoretically, mutual information maximization (MIM) is an optimal criterion for SSL, with a strong theoretical foundation in information theory. However, it is difficult to directly apply MIM in SSL since the data distribution is not analytically available in applications. In practice, many existing methods can be viewed as approximate implementations of the MIM criterion. This work shows that, based on the invariance property of MI, explicit MI maximization can be applied to SSL under a generic distribution assumption, i.e., a relaxed condition of the data distribution. We further illustrate this by analyzing the generalized Gaussian distribution. Based on this result, we derive a loss function based on the MIM criterion using only second-order statistics. We implement the new loss for SSL and demonstrate its effectiveness via extensive experiments.
♻ ☆ Generating synthetic data for neural operators
Numerous developments in the recent literature show the promising potential of deep learning in obtaining numerical solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs) beyond the reach of current numerical solvers. However, data-driven neural operators all suffer from a similar problem: the data needed to train a network depends on classical numerical solvers such as finite difference or finite element, among others. In this paper, we propose a different approach to generating synthetic functional training data that does not require solving a PDE numerically. We draw a large number $N$ of independent and identically distributed 'random functions' $u_j$ from the underlying solution space (e.g., $H_0^1(\Omega)$) in which we know the solution lies according to classical theory. We then plug each such random candidate solution into the equation and get a corresponding right-hand side function $f_j$ for the equation, and consider $(f_j, u_j)_{j=1}^N$ as supervised training data for learning the underlying inverse problem $f \rightarrow u$. This `backwards' approach to generating training data only requires derivative computations, in contrast to standard `forward' approaches, which require a numerical PDE solver, enabling us to generate many data points quickly and efficiently. While the idea is simple, we hope this method will expand the potential for developing neural PDE solvers that do not depend on classical numerical solvers.
♻ ☆ Benchmarking General-Purpose In-Context Learning
In-context learning (ICL) empowers generative models to address new tasks effectively and efficiently on the fly, without relying on any artificially crafted optimization techniques. In this paper, we study extending ICL to address a broader range of tasks with an extended learning horizon and higher improvement potential, namely General Purpose In-Context Learning (GPICL). To this end, we introduce two lightweight benchmarks specifically crafted to train and evaluate GPICL functionalities. Each benchmark encompasses a vast number of tasks characterized by significant task variance. These tasks are also crafted to promote long-horizon in-context learning through continuous generation and interaction, covering domains such as language modeling, decision-making, and world modeling. The benchmarks necessitate the models to leverage contexts and history interactions to enhance their capabilities, which we believe to be the key characteristics of GPICL. Our experiments indicate that the diversity of training tasks is positively correlated with the ability to generalize with ICL, but inversely correlated with zero-shot capabilities. Additionally, our findings indicate that the scale of parameters alone may not be crucial for ICL or GPICL, suggesting alternative approaches such as increasing the scale of contexts and memory states.
♻ ☆ Contrastive Learning and the Emergence of Attributes Associations
In response to an object presentation, supervised learning schemes generally respond with a parsimonious label. Upon a similar presentation we humans respond again with a label, but are flooded, in addition, by a myriad of associations. A significant portion of these consist of the presented object attributes. Contrastive learning is a semi-supervised learning scheme based on the application of identity preserving transformations on the object input representations. It is conjectured in this work that these same applied transformations preserve, in addition to the identity of the presented object, also the identity of its semantically meaningful attributes. The corollary of this is that the output representations of such a contrastive learning scheme contain valuable information not only for the classification of the presented object, but also for the presence or absence decision of any attribute of interest. Simulation results which demonstrate this idea and the feasibility of this conjecture are presented.
comment: 10 pages
♻ ☆ Embodied Neuromorphic Artificial Intelligence for Robotics: Perspectives, Challenges, and Research Development Stack
Robotic technologies have been an indispensable part for improving human productivity since they have been helping humans in completing diverse, complex, and intensive tasks in a fast yet accurate and efficient way. Therefore, robotic technologies have been deployed in a wide range of applications, ranging from personal to industrial use-cases. However, current robotic technologies and their computing paradigm still lack embodied intelligence to efficiently interact with operational environments, respond with correct/expected actions, and adapt to changes in the environments. Toward this, recent advances in neuromorphic computing with Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) have demonstrated the potential to enable the embodied intelligence for robotics through bio-plausible computing paradigm that mimics how the biological brain works, known as "neuromorphic artificial intelligence (AI)". However, the field of neuromorphic AI-based robotics is still at an early stage, therefore its development and deployment for solving real-world problems expose new challenges in different design aspects, such as accuracy, adaptability, efficiency, reliability, and security. To address these challenges, this paper will discuss how we can enable embodied neuromorphic AI for robotic systems through our perspectives: (P1) Embodied intelligence based on effective learning rule, training mechanism, and adaptability; (P2) Cross-layer optimizations for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing; (P3) Representative and fair benchmarks; (P4) Low-cost reliability and safety enhancements; (P5) Security and privacy for neuromorphic computing; and (P6) A synergistic development for energy-efficient and robust neuromorphic-based robotics. Furthermore, this paper identifies research challenges and opportunities, as well as elaborates our vision for future research development toward embodied neuromorphic AI for robotics.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
♻ ☆ NITRO-D: Native Integer-only Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Quantization has become increasingly pivotal in addressing the steadily increasing computational and memory requirements of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). By reducing the number of bits used to represent weights and activations (typically from 32-bit floating-point to 16-bit or 8-bit integers), quantization reduces the memory footprint, energy consumption, and execution time of DNN models. However, traditional quantization methods typically focus on the inference of DNNs, while the training process still relies on floating-point operations. To date, only one work in the literature has addressed integer-only training for Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architectures. This work introduces NITRO-D, a new framework for training arbitrarily deep integer-only Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that operate entirely in the integer-only domain for both training and inference. NITRO-D is the first framework in the literature enabling the training of integer-only CNNs without the need to introduce a quantization scheme. Specifically, NITRO-D introduces a novel architecture integrating multiple integer local-loss blocks, which include the proposed NITRO Scaling Layer and the NITRO-ReLU activation function. Additionally, it introduces a novel integer-only learning algorithm derived from Local Error Signals (LES), utilizing IntegerSGD, an optimizer specifically designed to operate in an integer-only context. NITRO-D is implemented in an open-source Python library. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate its effectiveness across several state-of-the-art image recognition datasets. Results show significant performance improvements from 2.47% to 5.96% for integer-only MLP architectures over the state-of-the-art solution, and the capability of training integer-only CNN architectures with minimal accuracy degradation from -0.15% to -4.22% compared to floating-point LES.
comment: 15 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Noiseless Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Learning
Decentralized learning (DL) enables collaborative learning without a server and without training data leaving the users' devices. However, the models shared in DL can still be used to infer training data. Conventional defenses such as differential privacy and secure aggregation fall short in effectively safeguarding user privacy in DL, either sacrificing model utility or efficiency. We introduce Shatter, a novel DL approach in which nodes create virtual nodes (VNs) to disseminate chunks of their full model on their behalf. This enhances privacy by (i) preventing attackers from collecting full models from other nodes, and (ii) hiding the identity of the original node that produced a given model chunk. We theoretically prove the convergence of Shatter and provide a formal analysis demonstrating how Shatter reduces the efficacy of attacks compared to when exchanging full models between nodes. We evaluate the convergence and attack resilience of Shatter with existing DL algorithms, with heterogeneous datasets, and against three standard privacy attacks. Our evaluation shows that Shatter not only renders these privacy attacks infeasible when each node operates 16 VNs but also exhibits a positive impact on model utility compared to standard DL. In summary, Shatter enhances the privacy of DL while maintaining the utility and efficiency of the model.
comment: Accepted at PETS 2025
♻ ☆ MAPF-GPT: Imitation Learning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding at Scale
Multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) is a challenging computational problem that typically requires to find collision-free paths for multiple agents in a shared environment. Solving MAPF optimally is NP-hard, yet efficient solutions are critical for numerous applications, including automated warehouses and transportation systems. Recently, learning-based approaches to MAPF have gained attention, particularly those leveraging deep reinforcement learning. Following current trends in machine learning, we have created a foundation model for the MAPF problems called MAPF-GPT. Using imitation learning, we have trained a policy on a set of pre-collected sub-optimal expert trajectories that can generate actions in conditions of partial observability without additional heuristics, reward functions, or communication with other agents. The resulting MAPF-GPT model demonstrates zero-shot learning abilities when solving the MAPF problem instances that were not present in the training dataset. We show that MAPF-GPT notably outperforms the current best-performing learnable-MAPF solvers on a diverse range of problem instances and is efficient in terms of computation (in the inference mode).
♻ ☆ Alignment of Diffusion Models: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future
Diffusion models have emerged as the leading paradigm in generative modeling, excelling in various applications. Despite their success, these models often misalign with human intentions, generating outputs that may not match text prompts or possess desired properties. Inspired by the success of alignment in tuning large language models, recent studies have investigated aligning diffusion models with human expectations and preferences. This work mainly reviews alignment of diffusion models, covering advancements in fundamentals of alignment, alignment techniques of diffusion models, preference benchmarks, and evaluation for diffusion models. Moreover, we discuss key perspectives on current challenges and promising future directions on solving the remaining challenges in alignment of diffusion models. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first comprehensive review paper for researchers and engineers to comprehend, practice, and research alignment of diffusion models.
comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Long and Short-Term Constraints Driven Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
Reinforcement learning (RL) has been widely used in decision-making and control tasks, but the risk is very high for the agent in the training process due to the requirements of interaction with the environment, which seriously limits its industrial applications such as autonomous driving systems. Safe RL methods are developed to handle this issue by constraining the expected safety violation costs as a training objective, but the occurring probability of an unsafe state is still high, which is unacceptable in autonomous driving tasks. Moreover, these methods are difficult to achieve a balance between the cost and return expectations, which leads to learning performance degradation for the algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm based on the long and short-term constraints (LSTC) for safe RL. The short-term constraint aims to enhance the short-term state safety that the vehicle explores, while the long-term constraint enhances the overall safety of the vehicle throughout the decision-making process, both of which are jointly used to enhance the vehicle safety in the training process. In addition, we develop a safe RL method with dual-constraint optimization based on the Lagrange multiplier to optimize the training process for end-to-end autonomous driving. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on the MetaDrive simulator. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves higher safety in continuous state and action tasks, and exhibits higher exploration performance in long-distance decision-making tasks compared with state-of-the-art methods.
♻ ☆ SparseGrow: Addressing Growth-Induced Forgetting in Task-Agnostic Continual Learning
In continual learning (CL), model growth enhances adaptability over new data, improving knowledge retention for more tasks. However, improper model growth can lead to severe degradation of previously learned knowledge, an issue we name as growth-induced forgetting (GIFt), especially in task-agnostic CL using entire grown model for inference. Existing works, despite adopting model growth and random initialization for better adaptability, often fail to recognize the presence of GIFt caused by improper model growth. This oversight limits comprehensive control of forgetting and hinders full utilization of model growth. We are the first in CL to identify this issue and conduct an in-depth study on root cause of GIFt, where layer expansion stands out among model growth strategies, widening layers without affecting model functionality. Yet, direct adoption of layer expansion presents challenges. It lacks data-driven control and initialization of expanded parameters to balance adaptability and knowledge retention. This paper presents a novel SparseGrow approach to overcome the issue of GIFt while enhancing adaptability over new data. SparseGrow employs data-driven sparse layer expansion to control efficient parameter usage during growth, reducing GIFt from excessive growth and functionality changes. It also combines sparse growth with on-data initialization at training late-stage to create partially 0-valued expansions that fit learned distribution, enhancing retention and adaptability. To further minimize forgetting, freezing is applied by calculating the sparse mask, allowing data-driven preservation of important parameters. Through experiments across datasets with various settings, cases and task numbers, we demonstrate the necessity of layer expansion and showcase the effectiveness of SparseGrow in overcoming GIFt, highlighting its adaptability and knowledge retention for incremental tasks.
♻ ☆ Guided Safe Shooting: model based reinforcement learning with safety constraints
In the last decade, reinforcement learning successfully solved complex control tasks and decision-making problems, like the Go board game. Yet, there are few success stories when it comes to deploying those algorithms to real-world scenarios. One of the reasons is the lack of guarantees when dealing with and avoiding unsafe states, a fundamental requirement in critical control engineering systems. In this paper, we introduce Guided Safe Shooting (GuSS), a model-based RL approach that can learn to control systems with minimal violations of the safety constraints. The model is learned on the data collected during the operation of the system in an iterated batch fashion, and is then used to plan for the best action to perform at each time step. We propose three different safe planners, one based on a simple random shooting strategy and two based on MAP-Elites, a more advanced divergent-search algorithm. Experiments show that these planners help the learning agent avoid unsafe situations while maximally exploring the state space, a necessary aspect when learning an accurate model of the system. Furthermore, compared to model-free approaches, learning a model allows GuSS reducing the number of interactions with the real-system while still reaching high rewards, a fundamental requirement when handling engineering systems.
♻ ☆ Short-term power load forecasting method based on CNN-SAEDN-Res
In deep learning, the load data with non-temporal factors are difficult to process by sequence models. This problem results in insufficient precision of the prediction. Therefore, a short-term load forecasting method based on convolutional neural network (CNN), self-attention encoder-decoder network (SAEDN) and residual-refinement (Res) is proposed. In this method, feature extraction module is composed of a two-dimensional convolutional neural network, which is used to mine the local correlation between data and obtain high-dimensional data features. The initial load fore-casting module consists of a self-attention encoder-decoder network and a feedforward neural network (FFN). The module utilizes self-attention mechanisms to encode high-dimensional features. This operation can obtain the global correlation between data. Therefore, the model is able to retain important information based on the coupling relationship between the data in data mixed with non-time series factors. Then, self-attention decoding is per-formed and the feedforward neural network is used to regression initial load. This paper introduces the residual mechanism to build the load optimization module. The module generates residual load values to optimize the initial load. The simulation results show that the proposed load forecasting method has advantages in terms of prediction accuracy and prediction stability.
comment: in Chinese language, Accepted by Electric Power Automation Equipment
♻ ☆ Facial Wrinkle Segmentation for Cosmetic Dermatology: Pretraining with Texture Map-Based Weak Supervision
Facial wrinkle detection plays a crucial role in cosmetic dermatology. Precise manual segmentation of facial wrinkles is challenging and time-consuming, with inherent subjectivity leading to inconsistent results among graders. To address this issue, we propose two solutions. First, we build and release the first public facial wrinkle dataset, 'FFHQ-Wrinkle', an extension of the NVIDIA FFHQ dataset. It includes 1,000 images with human labels and 50,000 images with automatically generated weak labels. This dataset could serve as a foundation for the research community to develop advanced wrinkle detection algorithms. Second, we introduce a simple training strategy utilizing texture maps, applicable to various segmentation models, to detect wrinkles across the face. Our two-stage training strategy first pretrain models on a large dataset with weak labels (N=50k), or masked texture maps generated through computer vision techniques, without human intervention. We then finetune the models using human-labeled data (N=1k), which consists of manually labeled wrinkle masks. The network takes as input a combination of RGB and masked texture map of the image, comprising four channels, in finetuning. We effectively combine labels from multiple annotators to minimize subjectivity in manual labeling. Our strategies demonstrate improved segmentation performance in facial wrinkle segmentation both quantitatively and visually compared to existing pretraining methods. The dataset is available at https://github.com/labhai/ffhq-wrinkle-dataset.
♻ ☆ Detailed delineation of the fetal brain in diffusion MRI via multi-task learning
Diffusion-weighted MRI is increasingly used to study the normal and abnormal development of fetal brain in-utero. Recent studies have shown that dMRI can offer invaluable insights into the neurodevelopmental processes in the fetal stage. However, because of the low data quality and rapid brain development, reliable analysis of fetal dMRI data requires dedicated computational methods that are currently unavailable. The lack of automated methods for fast, accurate, and reproducible data analysis has seriously limited our ability to tap the potential of fetal brain dMRI for medical and scientific applications. In this work, we developed and validated a unified computational framework to (1) segment the brain tissue into white matter, cortical/subcortical gray matter, and cerebrospinal fluid, (2) segment 31 distinct white matter tracts, and (3) parcellate the brain's cortex and delineate the deep gray nuclei and white matter structures into 96 anatomically meaningful regions. We utilized a set of manual, semi-automatic, and automatic approaches to annotate 97 fetal brains. Using these labels, we developed and validated a multi-task deep learning method to perform the three computations. Our evaluations show that the new method can accurately carry out all three tasks, achieving a mean Dice similarity coefficient of 0.865 on tissue segmentation, 0.825 on white matter tract segmentation, and 0.819 on parcellation. The proposed method can greatly advance the field of fetal neuroimaging as it can lead to substantial improvements in fetal brain tractography, tract-specific analysis, and structural connectivity assessment.
♻ ☆ Biology-inspired joint distribution neurons based on Hierarchical Correlation Reconstruction allowing for multidirectional neural networks
Biological neural networks seem qualitatively superior (e.g. in learning, flexibility, robustness) to current artificial like Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) or Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN). Simultaneously, in contrast to them: biological have fundamentally multidirectional signal propagation~\cite{axon}, also of probability distributions e.g. for uncertainty estimation, and are believed not being able to use standard backpropagation training~\cite{backprop}. There are proposed novel artificial neurons based on HCR (Hierarchical Correlation Reconstruction) allowing to remove the above low level differences: with neurons containing local joint distribution model (of its connections), representing joint density on normalized variables as just linear combination of $(f_\mathbf{j})$ orthonormal polynomials: $\rho(\mathbf{x})=\sum_{\mathbf{j}\in B} a_\mathbf{j} f_\mathbf{j}(\mathbf{x})$ for $\mathbf{x} \in [0,1]^d$ and $B$ some chosen basis, approaching complete description of joint distribution with basis growth. By various index summations of such $(a_\mathbf{j})$ tensor as neuron parameters, we get simple formulas for e.g. conditional expected values for propagation in any direction, like $E[x|y,z]$, $E[y|x]$, which degenerate to KAN-like parametrization if restricting to pairwise dependencies. Such HCR network can also propagate probability distributions (also joint) like $\rho(y,z|x)$. It also allows for additional training approaches, like direct $(a_\mathbf{j})$ estimation, through tensor decomposition, or more biologically plausible information bottleneck training: layers directly influencing only neighbors, optimizing content to maximize information about the next layer, and minimizing about the previous to remove noise, extract crucial information.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ Iterative CT Reconstruction via Latent Variable Optimization of Shallow Diffusion Models
Image-generative artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered significant attention in recent years. In particular, the diffusion model, a core component of generative AI, produces high-quality images with rich diversity. In this study, we proposed a novel computed tomography (CT) reconstruction method by combining the denoising diffusion probabilistic model with iterative CT reconstruction. In sharp contrast to previous studies, we optimized the fidelity loss of CT reconstruction with respect to the latent variable of the diffusion model, instead of the image and model parameters. To suppress the changes in anatomical structures produced by the diffusion model, we shallowed the diffusion and reverse processes and fixed a set of added noises in the reverse process to make it deterministic during the inference. We demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method through the sparse-projection CT reconstruction of 1/10 projection data. Despite the simplicity of the implementation, the proposed method has the potential to reconstruct high-quality images while preserving the patient's anatomical structures and was found to outperform existing methods, including iterative reconstruction, iterative reconstruction with total variation, and the diffusion model alone in terms of quantitative indices such as the structural similarity index and peak signal-to-noise ratio. We also explored further sparse-projection CT reconstruction using 1/20 projection data with the same trained diffusion model. As the number of iterations increased, the image quality improved comparable to that of 1/10 sparse-projection CT reconstruction. In principle, this method can be widely applied not only to CT but also to other imaging modalities.
comment: 20 pages, 10 figures
♻ ☆ Linear Adversarial Concept Erasure ICML 2022
Modern neural models trained on textual data rely on pre-trained representations that emerge without direct supervision. As these representations are increasingly being used in real-world applications, the inability to \emph{control} their content becomes an increasingly important problem. We formulate the problem of identifying and erasing a linear subspace that corresponds to a given concept, in order to prevent linear predictors from recovering the concept. We model this problem as a constrained, linear maximin game, and show that existing solutions are generally not optimal for this task. We derive a closed-form solution for certain objectives, and propose a convex relaxation, \method, that works well for others. When evaluated in the context of binary gender removal, the method recovers a low-dimensional subspace whose removal mitigates bias by intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation. We show that the method is highly expressive, effectively mitigating bias in deep nonlinear classifiers while maintaining tractability and interpretability.
comment: Accepted in ICML 2022; a revised version
♻ ☆ Symmetry Breaking in Neural Network Optimization: Insights from Input Dimension Expansion
Understanding the mechanisms behind neural network optimization is crucial for improving network design and performance. While various optimization techniques have been developed, a comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles that govern these techniques remains elusive. Specifically, the role of symmetry breaking, a fundamental concept in physics, has not been fully explored in neural network optimization. This gap in knowledge limits our ability to design networks that are both efficient and effective. Here, we propose the symmetry breaking hypothesis to elucidate the significance of symmetry breaking in enhancing neural network optimization. We demonstrate that a simple input expansion can significantly improve network performance across various tasks, and we show that this improvement can be attributed to the underlying symmetry breaking mechanism. We further develop a metric to quantify the degree of symmetry breaking in neural networks, providing a practical approach to evaluate and guide network design. Our findings confirm that symmetry breaking is a fundamental principle that underpins various optimization techniques, including dropout, batch normalization, and equivariance. By quantifying the degree of symmetry breaking, our work offers a practical technique for performance enhancement and a metric to guide network design without the need for complete datasets and extensive training processes.
comment: 29 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Stochastic Principal-Agent Problems: Efficient Computation and Learning
We introduce a stochastic principal-agent model. A principal and an agent interact in a stochastic environment, each privy to observations about the state not available to the other. The principal has the power of commitment, both to elicit information from the agent and to provide signals about her own information. The players communicate with each other and then select actions independently. Each of them receives a payoff based on the state and their joint action, and the environment transitions to a new state. The interaction continues over a finite time horizon. Both players are far-sighted, aiming to maximize their total payoffs over the time horizon. The model encompasses as special cases extensive-form games (EFGs) and stochastic games of incomplete information, partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs), as well as other forms of sequential principal-agent interactions, including Bayesian persuasion and automated mechanism design problems. We consider both the computation and learning of the principal's optimal policy. Since the general problem, which subsumes POMDPs, is intractable, we explore algorithmic solutions under hindsight observability, where the state and the interaction history are revealed at the end of each step. Though the problem becomes more amenable under this condition, the number of possible histories remains exponential in the length of the time horizon, making approaches for EFG-based models infeasible. We present an efficient algorithm based on the inducible value sets. The algorithm computes an $\epsilon$-approximate optimal policy in time polynomial in $1/\epsilon$. Additionally, we show an efficient learning algorithm for an episodic reinforcement learning setting where the transition probabilities are unknown. The algorithm guarantees sublinear regret $\tilde{O}(T^{2/3})$ for both players over $T$ episodes.
♻ ☆ Identifiable causal inference with noisy treatment and no side information
In some causal inference scenarios, the treatment variable is measured inaccurately, for instance in epidemiology or econometrics. Failure to correct for the effect of this measurement error can lead to biased causal effect estimates. Previous research has not studied methods that address this issue from a causal viewpoint while allowing for complex nonlinear dependencies and without assuming access to side information. For such a scenario, this study proposes a model that assumes a continuous treatment variable that is inaccurately measured. Building on existing results for measurement error models, we prove that our model's causal effect estimates are identifiable, even without side information and knowledge of the measurement error variance. Our method relies on a deep latent variable model in which Gaussian conditionals are parameterized by neural networks, and we develop an amortized importance-weighted variational objective for training the model. Empirical results demonstrate the method's good performance with unknown measurement error. More broadly, our work extends the range of applications in which reliable causal inference can be conducted.
comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Changes consist of polishing the previous version. The experiments and results remain the same
♻ ☆ Active learning for regression in engineering populations: A risk-informed approach
Regression is a fundamental prediction task common in data-centric engineering applications that involves learning mappings between continuous variables. In many engineering applications (e.g.\ structural health monitoring), feature-label pairs used to learn such mappings are of limited availability which hinders the effectiveness of traditional supervised machine learning approaches. The current paper proposes a methodology for overcoming the issue of data scarcity by combining active learning with hierarchical Bayesian modelling. Active learning is an approach for preferentially acquiring feature-label pairs in a resource-efficient manner. In particular, the current work adopts a risk-informed approach that leverages contextual information associated with regression-based engineering decision-making tasks (e.g.\ inspection and maintenance). Hierarchical Bayesian modelling allow multiple related regression tasks to be learned over a population, capturing local and global effects. The information sharing facilitated by this modelling approach means that information acquired for one engineering system can improve predictive performance across the population. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using an experimental case study. Specifically, multiple regressions are performed over a population of machining tools, where the quantity of interest is the surface roughness of the workpieces. An inspection and maintenance decision process is defined using these regression tasks which is in turn used to construct the active-learning algorithm. The novel methodology proposed is benchmarked against an uninformed approach to label acquisition and independent modelling of the regression tasks. It is shown that the proposed approach has superior performance in terms of expected cost -- maintaining predictive performance while reducing the number of inspections required.
comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Data-Centric Engineering
♻ ☆ Thermodynamic limit in learning period three
A continuous one-dimensional map with period three includes all periods. This raises the following question: Can we obtain any types of periodic orbits solely by learning three data points? In this letter, we report the answer to be yes. Considering a random neural network in its thermodynamic limit, we show that under certain conditions, learning period three can embed attractors with all periods into the network as a bifurcation after learning. The associated universality is explained by a topological conjugacy between the trained network and the classical logistic map.
comment: 28 pages, 24 figures
♻ ☆ Which distribution were you sampled from? Towards a more tangible conception of data ICML 2024
Machine Learning research, as most of Statistics, heavily relies on the concept of a data-generating probability distribution. The standard presumption is that since data points are `sampled from' such a distribution, one can learn from observed data about this distribution and, thus, predict future data points which, it is presumed, are also drawn from it. Drawing on scholarship across disciplines, we here argue that this framework is not always a good model. Not only do such true probability distributions not exist; the framework can also be misleading and obscure both the choices made and the goals pursued in machine learning practice. We suggest an alternative framework that focuses on finite populations rather than abstract distributions; while classical learning theory can be left almost unchanged, it opens new opportunities, especially to model sampling. We compile these considerations into five reasons for modelling machine learning -- in some settings -- with finite populations rather than generative distributions, both to be more faithful to practice and to provide novel theoretical insights.
comment: Presented at the Humans, Algorithmic Decision-Making and Society Workshop at ICML 2024
♻ ☆ Sliding-Window Thompson Sampling for Non-Stationary Settings
$\textit{Restless Bandits}$ describe sequential decision-making problems in which the rewards evolve with time independently from the actions taken by the policy-maker. It has been shown that classical Bandit algorithms fail when the underlying environment is changing, making clear that in order to tackle more challenging scenarios specifically crafted algorithms are needed. In this paper, extending and correcting the work by \cite{trovo2020sliding}, we analyze two Thompson-Sampling inspired algorithms, namely $\texttt{BETA-SWTS}$ and $\texttt{$\gamma$-SWGTS}$, introduced to face the additional complexity given by the non-stationary nature of the settings; in particular we derive a general formulation for the regret in $\textit{any}$ arbitrary restless environment for both Bernoulli and Subgaussian rewards, and, through the introduction of new quantities, we delve in what contribution lays the deeper foundations of the error made by the algorithms. Finally, we infer from the general formulation the regret for two of the most common non-stationary settings: the $\textit{Abruptly Changing}$ and the $\textit{Smoothly Changing}$ environments.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Towards understanding epoch-wise double descent in two-layer linear neural networks
Epoch-wise double descent is the phenomenon where generalisation performance improves beyond the point of overfitting, resulting in a generalisation curve exhibiting two descents under the course of learning. Understanding the mechanisms driving this behaviour is crucial not only for understanding the generalisation behaviour of machine learning models in general, but also for employing conventional selection methods, such as the use of early stopping to mitigate overfitting. While we ultimately want to draw conclusions of more complex models, such as deep neural networks, a majority of theoretical results regarding the underlying cause of epoch-wise double descent are based on simple models, such as standard linear regression. In this paper, to take a step towards more complex models in theoretical analysis, we study epoch-wise double descent in two-layer linear neural networks. First, we derive a gradient flow for the linear two-layer model, that bridges the learning dynamics of the standard linear regression model, and the linear two-layer diagonal network with quadratic weights. Second, we identify additional factors of epoch-wise double descent emerging with the extra model layer, by deriving necessary conditions for the generalisation error to follow a double descent pattern. While epoch-wise double descent in linear regression has been attributed to differences in input variance, in the two-layer model, also the singular values of the input-output covariance matrix play an important role. This opens up for further questions regarding unidentified factors of epoch-wise double descent for truly deep models.
♻ ☆ What Matters to Enhance Traffic Rule Compliance of Imitation Learning for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
End-to-end autonomous driving, where the entire driving pipeline is replaced with a single neural network, has recently gained research attention because of its simpler structure and faster inference time. Despite this appealing approach largely reducing the complexity in the driving pipeline, it also leads to safety issues because the trained policy is not always compliant with the traffic rules. In this paper, we proposed P-CSG, a penalty-based imitation learning approach with contrastive-based cross semantics generation sensor fusion technologies to increase the overall performance of end-to-end autonomous driving. In this method, we introduce three penalties - red light, stop sign, and curvature speed penalty to make the agent more sensitive to traffic rules. The proposed cross semantics generation helps to align the shared information of different input modalities. We assessed our model's performance using the CARLA Leaderboard - Town 05 Long Benchmark and Longest6 Benchmark, achieving 8.5% and 2.0% driving score improvement compared to the baselines. Furthermore, we conducted robustness evaluations against adversarial attacks like FGSM and Dot attacks, revealing a substantial increase in robustness compared to other baseline models. More detailed information can be found at https://hk-zh.github.io/p-csg-plus.
comment: 14 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ EfficientZero V2: Mastering Discrete and Continuous Control with Limited Data
Sample efficiency remains a crucial challenge in applying Reinforcement Learning (RL) to real-world tasks. While recent algorithms have made significant strides in improving sample efficiency, none have achieved consistently superior performance across diverse domains. In this paper, we introduce EfficientZero V2, a general framework designed for sample-efficient RL algorithms. We have expanded the performance of EfficientZero to multiple domains, encompassing both continuous and discrete actions, as well as visual and low-dimensional inputs. With a series of improvements we propose, EfficientZero V2 outperforms the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) by a significant margin in diverse tasks under the limited data setting. EfficientZero V2 exhibits a notable advancement over the prevailing general algorithm, DreamerV3, achieving superior outcomes in 50 of 66 evaluated tasks across diverse benchmarks, such as Atari 100k, Proprio Control, and Vision Control.
comment: 21 pages,10 figures
♻ ☆ Continual Learning From a Stream of APIs
Continual learning (CL) aims to learn new tasks without forgetting previous tasks. However, existing CL methods require a large amount of raw data, which is often unavailable due to copyright considerations and privacy risks. Instead, stakeholders usually release pre-trained machine learning models as a service (MLaaS), which users can access via APIs. This paper considers two practical-yet-novel CL settings: data-efficient CL (DECL-APIs) and data-free CL (DFCL-APIs), which achieve CL from a stream of APIs with partial or no raw data. Performing CL under these two new settings faces several challenges: unavailable full raw data, unknown model parameters, heterogeneous models of arbitrary architecture and scale, and catastrophic forgetting of previous APIs. To overcome these issues, we propose a novel data-free cooperative continual distillation learning framework that distills knowledge from a stream of APIs into a CL model by generating pseudo data, just by querying APIs. Specifically, our framework includes two cooperative generators and one CL model, forming their training as an adversarial game. We first use the CL model and the current API as fixed discriminators to train generators via a derivative-free method. Generators adversarially generate hard and diverse synthetic data to maximize the response gap between the CL model and the API. Next, we train the CL model by minimizing the gap between the responses of the CL model and the black-box API on synthetic data, to transfer the API's knowledge to the CL model. Furthermore, we propose a new regularization term based on network similarity to prevent catastrophic forgetting of previous APIs.Our method performs comparably to classic CL with full raw data on the MNIST and SVHN in the DFCL-APIs setting. In the DECL-APIs setting, our method achieves 0.97x, 0.75x and 0.69x performance of classic CL on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and MiniImageNet.
♻ ☆ 4D Diffusion for Dynamic Protein Structure Prediction with Reference Guided Motion Alignment
Protein structure prediction is pivotal for understanding the structure-function relationship of proteins, advancing biological research, and facilitating pharmaceutical development and experimental design. While deep learning methods and the expanded availability of experimental 3D protein structures have accelerated structure prediction, the dynamic nature of protein structures has received limited attention. This study introduces an innovative 4D diffusion model incorporating molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data to learn dynamic protein structures. Our approach is distinguished by the following components: (1) a unified diffusion model capable of generating dynamic protein structures, including both the backbone and side chains, utilizing atomic grouping and side-chain dihedral angle predictions; (2) a reference network that enhances structural consistency by integrating the latent embeddings of the initial 3D protein structures; and (3) a motion alignment module aimed at improving temporal structural coherence across multiple time steps. To our knowledge, this is the first diffusion-based model aimed at predicting protein trajectories across multiple time steps simultaneously. Validation on benchmark datasets demonstrates that our model exhibits high accuracy in predicting dynamic 3D structures of proteins containing up to 256 amino acids over 32 time steps, effectively capturing both local flexibility in stable states and significant conformational changes.
♻ ☆ Memory-Efficient 3D Denoising Diffusion Models for Medical Image Processing
Denoising diffusion models have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance in many image-generation tasks. They do, however, require a large amount of computational resources. This limits their application to medical tasks, where we often deal with large 3D volumes, like high-resolution three-dimensional data. In this work, we present a number of different ways to reduce the resource consumption for 3D diffusion models and apply them to a dataset of 3D images. The main contribution of this paper is the memory-efficient patch-based diffusion model \textit{PatchDDM}, which can be applied to the total volume during inference while the training is performed only on patches. While the proposed diffusion model can be applied to any image generation tasks, we evaluate the method on the tumor segmentation task of the BraTS2020 dataset and demonstrate that we can generate meaningful three-dimensional segmentations.
comment: Accepted at MIDL 2023
♻ ☆ BrainWave: A Brain Signal Foundation Model for Clinical Applications
Neural electrical activity is fundamental to brain function, underlying a range of cognitive and behavioral processes, including movement, perception, decision-making, and consciousness. Abnormal patterns of neural signaling often indicate the presence of underlying brain diseases. The variability among individuals, the diverse array of clinical symptoms from various brain disorders, and the limited availability of diagnostic classifications, have posed significant barriers to formulating reliable model of neural signals for diverse application contexts. Here, we present BrainWave, the first foundation model for both invasive and non-invasive neural recordings, pretrained on more than 40,000 hours of electrical brain recordings (13.79 TB of data) from approximately 16,000 individuals. Our analysis show that BrainWave outperforms all other competing models and consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance in the diagnosis and identification of neurological disorders. We also demonstrate robust capabilities of BrainWave in enabling zero-shot transfer learning across varying recording conditions and brain diseases, as well as few-shot classification without fine-tuning, suggesting that BrainWave learns highly generalizable representations of neural signals. We hence believe that open-sourcing BrainWave will facilitate a wide range of clinical applications in medicine, paving the way for AI-driven approaches to investigate brain disorders and advance neuroscience research.
comment: 39 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ PuYun: Medium-Range Global Weather Forecasting Using Large Kernel Attention Convolutional Networks
Accurate weather forecasting is essential for understanding and mitigating weather-related impacts. In this paper, we present PuYun, an autoregressive cascade model that leverages large kernel attention convolutional networks. The model's design inherently supports extended weather prediction horizons while broadening the effective receptive field. The integration of large kernel attention mechanisms within the convolutional layers enhances the model's capacity to capture fine-grained spatial details, thereby improving its predictive accuracy for meteorological phenomena. We introduce PuYun, comprising PuYun-Short for 0-5 day forecasts and PuYun-Medium for 5-10 day predictions. This approach enhances the accuracy of 10-day weather forecasting. Through evaluation, we demonstrate that PuYun-Short alone surpasses the performance of both GraphCast and FuXi-Short in generating accurate 10-day forecasts. Specifically, on the 10th day, PuYun-Short reduces the RMSE for Z500 to 720 $m^2/s^2$, compared to 732 $m^2/s^2$ for GraphCast and 740 $m^2/s^2$ for FuXi-Short. Additionally, the RMSE for T2M is reduced to 2.60 K, compared to 2.63 K for GraphCast and 2.65 K for FuXi-Short. Furthermore, when employing a cascaded approach by integrating PuYun-Short and PuYun-Medium, our method achieves superior results compared to the combined performance of FuXi-Short and FuXi-Medium. On the 10th day, the RMSE for Z500 is further reduced to 638 $m^2/s^2$, compared to 641 $m^2/s^2$ for FuXi. These findings underscore the effectiveness of our model ensemble in advancing medium-range weather prediction. Our training code and model will be open-sourced.
♻ ☆ GACL: Graph Attention Collaborative Learning for Temporal QoS Prediction
Accurate prediction of temporal QoS is crucial for maintaining service reliability and enhancing user satisfaction in dynamic service-oriented environments. However, current methods often neglect high-order latent collaborative relationships and fail to dynamically adjust feature learning for specific user-service invocations, which are critical for precise feature extraction within each time slice. Moreover, the prevalent use of RNNs for modeling temporal feature evolution patterns is constrained by their inherent difficulty in managing long-range dependencies, thereby limiting the detection of long-term QoS trends across multiple time slices. These shortcomings dramatically degrade the performance of temporal QoS prediction. To address the two issues, we propose a novel Graph Attention Collaborative Learning (GACL) framework for temporal QoS prediction. Building on a dynamic user-service invocation graph to comprehensively model historical interactions, it designs a target-prompt graph attention network to extract deep latent features of users and services at each time slice, considering implicit target-neighboring collaborative relationships and historical QoS values. Additionally, a multi-layer Transformer encoder is introduced to uncover temporal feature evolution patterns, enhancing temporal QoS prediction. Extensive experiments on the WS-DREAM dataset demonstrate that GACL significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods for temporal QoS prediction across multiple evaluation metrics, achieving the improvements of up to 38.80%.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ fmeffects: An R Package for Forward Marginal Effects
Forward marginal effects have recently been introduced as a versatile and effective model-agnostic interpretation method particularly suited for non-linear and non-parametric prediction models. They provide comprehensible model explanations of the form: if we change feature values by a pre-specified step size, what is the change in the predicted outcome? We present the R package fmeffects, the first software implementation of the theory surrounding forward marginal effects. The relevant theoretical background, package functionality and handling, as well as the software design and options for future extensions are discussed in this paper.
♻ ☆ Machine Learning Based Missing Values Imputation in Categorical Datasets
In order to predict and fill in the gaps in categorical datasets, this research looked into the use of machine learning algorithms. The emphasis was on ensemble models constructed using the Error Correction Output Codes framework, including models based on SVM and KNN as well as a hybrid classifier that combines models based on SVM, KNN,and MLP. Three diverse datasets, the CPU, Hypothyroid, and Breast Cancer datasets were employed to validate these algorithms. Results indicated that these machine learning techniques provided substantial performance in predicting and completing missing data, with the effectiveness varying based on the specific dataset and missing data pattern. Compared to solo models, ensemble models that made use of the ECOC framework significantly improved prediction accuracy and robustness. Deep learning for missing data imputation has obstacles despite these encouraging results, including the requirement for large amounts of labeled data and the possibility of overfitting. Subsequent research endeavors ought to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of deep learning algorithms in the context of the imputation of missing data.
comment: 13 pages
♻ ☆ CFG++: Manifold-constrained Classifier Free Guidance for Diffusion Models
Classifier-free guidance (CFG) is a fundamental tool in modern diffusion models for text-guided generation. Although effective, CFG has notable drawbacks. For instance, DDIM with CFG lacks invertibility, complicating image editing; furthermore, high guidance scales, essential for high-quality outputs, frequently result in issues like mode collapse. Contrary to the widespread belief that these are inherent limitations of diffusion models, this paper reveals that the problems actually stem from the off-manifold phenomenon associated with CFG, rather than the diffusion models themselves. More specifically, inspired by the recent advancements of diffusion model-based inverse problem solvers (DIS), we reformulate text-guidance as an inverse problem with a text-conditioned score matching loss and develop CFG++, a novel approach that tackles the off-manifold challenges inherent in traditional CFG. CFG++ features a surprisingly simple fix to CFG, yet it offers significant improvements, including better sample quality for text-to-image generation, invertibility, smaller guidance scales, reduced mode collapse, etc. Furthermore, CFG++ enables seamless interpolation between unconditional and conditional sampling at lower guidance scales, consistently outperforming traditional CFG at all scales. Moreover, CFG++ can be easily integrated into high-order diffusion solvers and naturally extends to distilled diffusion models. Experimental results confirm that our method significantly enhances performance in text-to-image generation, DDIM inversion, editing, and solving inverse problems, suggesting a wide-ranging impact and potential applications in various fields that utilize text guidance. Project Page: https://cfgpp-diffusion.github.io/.
comment: 25 pages, 21 figures. Project Page: https://cfgpp-diffusion.github.io/
♻ ☆ On the Equivalence of Graph Convolution and Mixup
This paper investigates the relationship between graph convolution and Mixup techniques. Graph convolution in a graph neural network involves aggregating features from neighboring samples to learn representative features for a specific node or sample. On the other hand, Mixup is a data augmentation technique that generates new examples by averaging features and one-hot labels from multiple samples. One commonality between these techniques is their utilization of information from multiple samples to derive feature representation. This study aims to explore whether a connection exists between these two approaches. Our investigation reveals that, under two mild conditions, graph convolution can be viewed as a specialized form of Mixup that is applied during both the training and testing phases. The two conditions are: 1) \textit{Homophily Relabel} - assigning the target node's label to all its neighbors, and 2) \textit{Test-Time Mixup} - Mixup the feature during the test time. We establish this equivalence mathematically by demonstrating that graph convolution networks (GCN) and simplified graph convolution (SGC) can be expressed as a form of Mixup. We also empirically verify the equivalence by training an MLP using the two conditions to achieve comparable performance.
comment: Accepted by TMLR
♻ ☆ Structured Deep Neural Network-Based Backstepping Trajectory Tracking Control for Lagrangian Systems
Deep neural networks (DNN) are increasingly being used to learn controllers due to their excellent approximation capabilities. However, their black-box nature poses significant challenges to closed-loop stability guarantees and performance analysis. In this paper, we introduce a structured DNN-based controller for the trajectory tracking control of Lagrangian systems using backing techniques. By properly designing neural network structures, the proposed controller can ensure closed-loop stability for any compatible neural network parameters. In addition, improved control performance can be achieved by further optimizing neural network parameters. Besides, we provide explicit upper bounds on tracking errors in terms of controller parameters, which allows us to achieve the desired tracking performance by properly selecting the controller parameters. Furthermore, when system models are unknown, we propose an improved Lagrangian neural network (LNN) structure to learn the system dynamics and design the controller. We show that in the presence of model approximation errors and external disturbances, the closed-loop stability and tracking control performance can still be guaranteed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through simulations.
♻ ☆ Fairness-enhancing mixed effects deep learning improves fairness on in- and out-of-distribution clustered (non-iid) data
Traditional deep learning (DL) models face two key challenges. First, they assume training samples are independent and identically distributed, an assumption often violated in real-world datasets where samples are grouped by shared measurements (e.g., participants or cells). This leads to performance degradation, limited generalization, and confounding issues, causing Type 1 and Type 2 errors. Second, DL models typically prioritize overall accuracy, often overlooking fairness across underrepresented groups, leading to biased outcomes in critical areas such as loan approvals and healthcare decisions. To address these issues, we introduce the Fair Mixed Effects Deep Learning (Fair MEDL) framework. Fair MEDL quantifies cluster-invariant fixed effects (FE) and cluster-specific random effects (RE) through 1) a cluster adversary for learning invariant FE, 2) a Bayesian neural network for RE, and 3) a mixing function combining FE and RE for final predictions. Additionally, we incorporate adversarial debiasing to promote fairness across three key metrics: Equalized Odds, Demographic Parity, and Counterfactual Fairness. Our method also identifies and de-weights confounding probes, improving interpretability. Evaluated on three datasets from finance and healthcare, Fair MEDL improves fairness by up to 73% for age, 47% for race, 83% for sex, and 26% for marital status, while maintaining robust predictive performance. Our implementation is publicly available on GitHub.
♻ ☆ Dataset of Pathloss and ToA Radio Maps With Localization Application
In this article, we present a collection of radio map datasets in dense urban setting, which we generated and made publicly available. The datasets include simulated pathloss/received signal strength (RSS) and time of arrival (ToA) radio maps over a large collection of realistic dense urban setting in real city maps. The two main applications of the presented dataset are 1) learning methods that predict the pathloss from input city maps (namely, deep learning-based simulations), and, 2) wireless localization. The fact that the RSS and ToA maps are computed by the same simulations over the same city maps allows for a fair comparison of the RSS and ToA-based localization methods.
♻ ☆ Optimal Data Driven Resource Allocation under Multi-Armed Bandit Observations
This paper introduces the first asymptotically optimal strategy for a multi armed bandit (MAB) model under side constraints. The side constraints model situations in which bandit activations are limited by the availability of certain resources that are replenished at a constant rate. The main result involves the derivation of an asymptotic lower bound for the regret of feasible uniformly fast policies and the construction of policies that achieve this lower bound, under pertinent conditions. Further, we provide the explicit form of such policies for the case in which the unknown distributions are Normal with unknown means and known variances, for the case of Normal distributions with unknown means and unknown variances and for the case of arbitrary discrete distributions with finite support.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1509.02857
♻ ☆ A Survey of Behavior Learning Applications in Robotics -- State of the Art and Perspectives
Recent success of machine learning in many domains has been overwhelming, which often leads to false expectations regarding the capabilities of behavior learning in robotics. In this survey, we analyze the current state of machine learning for robotic behaviors. We will give a broad overview of behaviors that have been learned and used on real robots. Our focus is on kinematically or sensorially complex robots. That includes humanoid robots or parts of humanoid robots, for example, legged robots or robotic arms. We will classify presented behaviors according to various categories and we will draw conclusions about what can be learned and what should be learned. Furthermore, we will give an outlook on problems that are challenging today but might be solved by machine learning in the future and argue that classical robotics and other approaches from artificial intelligence should be integrated more with machine learning to form complete, autonomous systems.
comment: Research Report of DFKI GmbH, Robotics Innovation Center
♻ ☆ Deep Learning for Network Anomaly Detection under Data Contamination: Evaluating Robustness and Mitigating Performance Degradation
Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a crucial tool in network anomaly detection (NAD) for cybersecurity. While DL models for anomaly detection excel at extracting features and learning patterns from data, they are vulnerable to data contamination -- the inadvertent inclusion of attack-related data in training sets presumed benign. This study evaluates the robustness of six unsupervised DL algorithms against data contamination using our proposed evaluation protocol. Results demonstrate significant performance degradation in state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms when exposed to contaminated data, highlighting the critical need for self-protection mechanisms in DL-based NAD models. To mitigate this vulnerability, we propose an enhanced auto-encoder with a constrained latent representation, allowing normal data to cluster more densely around a learnable center in the latent space. Our evaluation reveals that this approach exhibits improved resistance to data contamination compared to existing methods, offering a promising direction for more robust NAD systems.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.03576
♻ ☆ DemoStart: Demonstration-led auto-curriculum applied to sim-to-real with multi-fingered robots
We present DemoStart, a novel auto-curriculum reinforcement learning method capable of learning complex manipulation behaviors on an arm equipped with a three-fingered robotic hand, from only a sparse reward and a handful of demonstrations in simulation. Learning from simulation drastically reduces the development cycle of behavior generation, and domain randomization techniques are leveraged to achieve successful zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. Transferred policies are learned directly from raw pixels from multiple cameras and robot proprioception. Our approach outperforms policies learned from demonstrations on the real robot and requires 100 times fewer demonstrations, collected in simulation. More details and videos in https://sites.google.com/view/demostart.
comment: 15 pages total with 7 pages of appendix. 9 Figures, 4 in the main text and 5 in the appendix
♻ ☆ Assessing Adversarial Robustness of Large Language Models: An Empirical Study KDD 2024
Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing, but their robustness against adversarial attacks remains a critical concern. We presents a novel white-box style attack approach that exposes vulnerabilities in leading open-source LLMs, including Llama, OPT, and T5. We assess the impact of model size, structure, and fine-tuning strategies on their resistance to adversarial perturbations. Our comprehensive evaluation across five diverse text classification tasks establishes a new benchmark for LLM robustness. The findings of this study have far-reaching implications for the reliable deployment of LLMs in real-world applications and contribute to the advancement of trustworthy AI systems.
comment: Oral presentation at KDD 2024 GenAI Evaluation workshop
♻ ☆ NGD converges to less degenerate solutions than SGD
The number of free parameters, or dimension, of a model is a straightforward way to measure its complexity: a model with more parameters can encode more information. However, this is not an accurate measure of complexity: models capable of memorizing their training data often generalize well despite their high dimension. Effective dimension aims to more directly capture the complexity of a model by counting only the number of parameters required to represent the functionality of the model. Singular learning theory (SLT) proposes the learning coefficient $ \lambda $ as a more accurate measure of effective dimension. By describing the rate of increase of the volume of the region of parameter space around a local minimum with respect to loss, $ \lambda $ incorporates information from higher-order terms. We compare $ \lambda $ of models trained using natural gradient descent (NGD) and stochastic gradient descent (SGD), and find that those trained with NGD consistently have a higher effective dimension for both of our methods: the Hessian trace $ \text{Tr}(\mathbf{H}) $, and the estimate of the local learning coefficient (LLC) $ \hat{\lambda}(w^*) $.
comment: 8 pages, 23 figures
♻ ☆ Biased Backpressure Routing Using Link Features and Graph Neural Networks
To reduce the latency of Backpressure (BP) routing in wireless multi-hop networks, we propose to enhance the existing shortest path-biased BP (SP-BP) and sojourn time-based backlog metrics, since they introduce no additional time step-wise signaling overhead to the basic BP. Rather than relying on hop-distance, we introduce a new edge-weighted shortest path bias built on the scheduling duty cycle of wireless links, which can be predicted by a graph convolutional neural network based on the topology and traffic of wireless networks. Additionally, we tackle three long-standing challenges associated with SP-BP: optimal bias scaling, efficient bias maintenance, and integration of delay awareness. Our proposed solutions inherit the throughput optimality of the basic BP, as well as its practical advantages of low complexity and fully distributed implementation. Our approaches rely on common link features and introduces only a one-time constant overhead to previous SP-BP schemes, or a one-time overhead linear in the network size to the basic BP. Numerical experiments show that our solutions can effectively address the major drawbacks of slow startup, random walk, and the last packet problem in basic BP, improving the end-to-end delay of existing low-overhead BP algorithms under various settings of network traffic, interference, and mobility.
comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2310.04364, arXiv:2211.10748
♻ ☆ LLM Stability: A detailed analysis with some surprises
LLM (large language model) practitioners commonly notice that outputs can vary for the same inputs, but we have been unable to find work that evaluates LLM stability as the main objective. In our study of 6 deterministically configured LLMs across 8 common tasks with 5 identical runs, we see accuracy variations up to 10\%. In addition, no LLM consistently delivers repeatable accuracy across all tasks. We also show examples of variation that are not normally distributed and compare configurations with zero-shot/few-shot prompting and fine-tuned examples. To better quantify what is going on, we introduce metrics focused on stability: TARr@N for the total agreement rate at N runs over raw output, and TARa@N for total agreement over parsed-out answers. We suggest that stability metrics be integrated into leader boards and research results going forward.
♻ ☆ Stationary Kernels and Gaussian Processes on Lie Groups and their Homogeneous Spaces II: non-compact symmetric spaces
Gaussian processes are arguably the most important class of spatiotemporal models within machine learning. They encode prior information about the modeled function and can be used for exact or approximate Bayesian learning. In many applications, particularly in physical sciences and engineering, but also in areas such as geostatistics and neuroscience, invariance to symmetries is one of the most fundamental forms of prior information one can consider. The invariance of a Gaussian process' covariance to such symmetries gives rise to the most natural generalization of the concept of stationarity to such spaces. In this work, we develop constructive and practical techniques for building stationary Gaussian processes on a very large class of non-Euclidean spaces arising in the context of symmetries. Our techniques make it possible to (i) calculate covariance kernels and (ii) sample from prior and posterior Gaussian processes defined on such spaces, both in a practical manner. This work is split into two parts, each involving different technical considerations: part I studies compact spaces, while part II studies non-compact spaces possessing certain structure. Our contributions make the non-Euclidean Gaussian process models we study compatible with well-understood computational techniques available in standard Gaussian process software packages, thereby making them accessible to practitioners.
♻ ☆ Stationary Kernels and Gaussian Processes on Lie Groups and their Homogeneous Spaces I: the compact case
Gaussian processes are arguably the most important class of spatiotemporal models within machine learning. They encode prior information about the modeled function and can be used for exact or approximate Bayesian learning. In many applications, particularly in physical sciences and engineering, but also in areas such as geostatistics and neuroscience, invariance to symmetries is one of the most fundamental forms of prior information one can consider. The invariance of a Gaussian process' covariance to such symmetries gives rise to the most natural generalization of the concept of stationarity to such spaces. In this work, we develop constructive and practical techniques for building stationary Gaussian processes on a very large class of non-Euclidean spaces arising in the context of symmetries. Our techniques make it possible to (i) calculate covariance kernels and (ii) sample from prior and posterior Gaussian processes defined on such spaces, both in a practical manner. This work is split into two parts, each involving different technical considerations: part I studies compact spaces, while part II studies non-compact spaces possessing certain structure. Our contributions make the non-Euclidean Gaussian process models we study compatible with well-understood computational techniques available in standard Gaussian process software packages, thereby making them accessible to practitioners.
♻ ☆ FastSpiker: Enabling Fast Training for Spiking Neural Networks on Event-based Data through Learning Rate Enhancements for Autonomous Embedded Systems
Autonomous embedded systems (e.g., robots) typically necessitate intelligent computation with low power/energy processing for completing their tasks. Such requirements can be fulfilled by embodied neuromorphic intelligence with spiking neural networks (SNNs) because of their high learning quality (e.g., accuracy) and sparse computation. Here, the employment of event-based data is preferred to ensure seamless connectivity between input and processing parts. However, state-of-the-art SNNs still face a long training time to achieve high accuracy, thereby incurring high energy consumption and producing a high rate of carbon emission. Toward this, we propose FastSpiker, a novel methodology that enables fast SNN training on event-based data through learning rate enhancements targeting autonomous embedded systems. In FastSpiker, we first investigate the impact of different learning rate policies and their values, then select the ones that quickly offer high accuracy. Afterward, we explore different settings for the selected learning rate policies to find the appropriate policies through a statistical-based decision. Experimental results show that our FastSpiker offers up to 10.5x faster training time and up to 88.39% lower carbon emission to achieve higher or comparable accuracy to the state-of-the-art on the event-based automotive dataset (i.e., NCARS). In this manner, our FastSpiker methodology paves the way for green and sustainable computing in realizing embodied neuromorphic intelligence for autonomous embedded systems.
comment: To appear at the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), December 2024, Dubai, UAE
♻ ☆ Parameter Efficient Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback
While Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) effectively aligns pretrained Large Language and Vision-Language Models (LLMs, and VLMs) with human preferences, its computational cost and complexity hamper its wider adoption. To alleviate some of the computational burden of fine-tuning, parameter efficient methods, like LoRA were introduced. In this work, we empirically evaluate the setup of Parameter Efficient Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (PE-RLHF) that leverages LoRA fine-tuning for Reward Modeling, and Reinforcement Learning. We benchmark the PE-RLHF setup on six diverse datasets spanning summarization, harmless/helpful response generation, UI automation, and visual question answering in terms of effectiveness of the trained models, and the training resources required. Our findings show, for the first time, that PE-RLHF achieves comparable performance to RLHF, while significantly reducing training time (up to 90% faster for reward models, and 30% faster for RL), and memory footprint (up to 50% reduction for reward models, and 27% for RL). We provide comprehensive ablations across LoRA ranks, and model sizes for both reward modeling and reinforcement learning. By mitigating the computational burden associated with RLHF, we push for a broader adoption of PE-RLHF as an alignment technique for LLMs and VLMs.
♻ ☆ QEDCartographer: Automating Formal Verification Using Reward-Free Reinforcement Learning ICSE
Formal verification is a promising method for producing reliable software, but the difficulty of manually writing verification proofs severely limits its utility in practice. Recent methods have automated some proof synthesis by guiding a search through the proof space using a theorem prover. Unfortunately, the theorem prover provides only the crudest estimate of progress, resulting in effectively undirected search. To address this problem, we create QEDCartographer, an automated proof-synthesis tool that combines supervised and reinforcement learning to more effectively explore the proof space. QEDCartographer incorporates the proofs' branching structure, enabling reward-free search and overcoming the sparse reward problem inherent to formal verification. We evaluate QEDCartographer using the CoqGym benchmark of 68.5K theorems from 124 open-source Coq projects. QEDCartographer fully automatically proves 21.4% of the test-set theorems. Previous search-based proof-synthesis tools Tok, Tac, ASTactic, Passport, and Proverbot9001, which rely only on supervised learning, prove 9.6%, 9.8%, 10.9%, 12.5%, and 19.8%, respectively. Diva, which combines 62 tools, proves 19.2%. Comparing to the most effective prior tool, Proverbot9001, QEDCartographer produces 34% shorter proofs 29% faster, on average over the theorems both tools prove. Together, QEDCartographer and non-learning-based CoqHammer prove 30.3% of the theorems, while CoqHammer alone proves 26.6%. Our work demonstrates that reinforcement learning is a fruitful research direction for improving proof-synthesis tools' search mechanisms.
comment: Published in the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2025: Alex Sanchez-Stern, Abhishek Varghese, Zhanna Kaufman, Dylan Zhang, Talia Ringer, and Yuriy Brun, QEDCartographer: Automating Formal Verification Using Reward-Free Reinforcement Learning, in Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2025
♻ ☆ Toward Routing River Water in Land Surface Models with Recurrent Neural Networks
Machine learning is playing an increasing role in hydrology, supplementing or replacing physics-based models. One notable example is the use of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for forecasting streamflow given observed precipitation and geographic characteristics. Training of such a model over the continental United States (CONUS) demonstrated that a single set of model parameters can be used across independent catchments, and that RNNs can outperform physics-based models. In this work, we take a next step and study the performance of RNNs for river routing in land surface models (LSMs). Instead of observed precipitation, the LSM-RNN uses instantaneous runoff calculated from physics-based models as an input. We train the model with data from river basins spanning the globe and test it in streamflow hindcasts. The model demonstrates skill at generalization across basins (predicting streamflow in catchments not used in training) and across time (predicting streamflow during years not used in training). We compare the predictions from the LSM-RNN to an existing physics-based model calibrated with a similar dataset and find that the LSM-RNN outperforms the physics based model. Our results show that RNNs are effective for global streamflow prediction from runoff inputs and motivate the development of complete routing models that can capture nested sub-basis connections.
comment: 31 pages, 11 figures; submitted in HESS (EGU) with CCBY license
Graphics 10
☆ Click2Mask: Local Editing with Dynamic Mask Generation
Recent advancements in generative models have revolutionized image generation and editing, making these tasks accessible to non-experts. This paper focuses on local image editing, particularly the task of adding new content to a loosely specified area. Existing methods often require a precise mask or a detailed description of the location, which can be cumbersome and prone to errors. We propose Click2Mask, a novel approach that simplifies the local editing process by requiring only a single point of reference (in addition to the content description). A mask is dynamically grown around this point during a Blended Latent Diffusion (BLD) process, guided by a masked CLIP-based semantic loss. Click2Mask surpasses the limitations of segmentation-based and fine-tuning dependent methods, offering a more user-friendly and contextually accurate solution. Our experiments demonstrate that Click2Mask not only minimizes user effort but also delivers competitive or superior local image manipulation results compared to SoTA methods, according to both human judgement and automatic metrics. Key contributions include the simplification of user input, the ability to freely add objects unconstrained by existing segments, and the integration potential of our dynamic mask approach within other editing methods.
comment: Project page is available at https://omeregev.github.io/click2mask/
☆ DreamBeast: Distilling 3D Fantastical Animals with Part-Aware Knowledge Transfer
We present DreamBeast, a novel method based on score distillation sampling (SDS) for generating fantastical 3D animal assets composed of distinct parts. Existing SDS methods often struggle with this generation task due to a limited understanding of part-level semantics in text-to-image diffusion models. While recent diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion 3, demonstrate a better part-level understanding, they are prohibitively slow and exhibit other common problems associated with single-view diffusion models. DreamBeast overcomes this limitation through a novel part-aware knowledge transfer mechanism. For each generated asset, we efficiently extract part-level knowledge from the Stable Diffusion 3 model into a 3D Part-Affinity implicit representation. This enables us to instantly generate Part-Affinity maps from arbitrary camera views, which we then use to modulate the guidance of a multi-view diffusion model during SDS to create 3D assets of fantastical animals. DreamBeast significantly enhances the quality of generated 3D creatures with user-specified part compositions while reducing computational overhead, as demonstrated by extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
comment: Project page: https://dreambeast3d.github.io/, code: https://github.com/runjiali-rl/threestudio-dreambeast
☆ FlashSplat: 2D to 3D Gaussian Splatting Segmentation Solved Optimally ECCV'2024
This study addresses the challenge of accurately segmenting 3D Gaussian Splatting from 2D masks. Conventional methods often rely on iterative gradient descent to assign each Gaussian a unique label, leading to lengthy optimization and sub-optimal solutions. Instead, we propose a straightforward yet globally optimal solver for 3D-GS segmentation. The core insight of our method is that, with a reconstructed 3D-GS scene, the rendering of the 2D masks is essentially a linear function with respect to the labels of each Gaussian. As such, the optimal label assignment can be solved via linear programming in closed form. This solution capitalizes on the alpha blending characteristic of the splatting process for single step optimization. By incorporating the background bias in our objective function, our method shows superior robustness in 3D segmentation against noises. Remarkably, our optimization completes within 30 seconds, about 50$\times$ faster than the best existing methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our method in segmenting various scenes, and its superior performance in downstream tasks such as object removal and inpainting. Demos and code will be available at https://github.com/florinshen/FlashSplat.
comment: ECCV'2024
☆ Gaussian Garments: Reconstructing Simulation-Ready Clothing with Photorealistic Appearance from Multi-View Video
We introduce Gaussian Garments, a novel approach for reconstructing realistic simulation-ready garment assets from multi-view videos. Our method represents garments with a combination of a 3D mesh and a Gaussian texture that encodes both the color and high-frequency surface details. This representation enables accurate registration of garment geometries to multi-view videos and helps disentangle albedo textures from lighting effects. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a pre-trained graph neural network (GNN) can be fine-tuned to replicate the real behavior of each garment. The reconstructed Gaussian Garments can be automatically combined into multi-garment outfits and animated with the fine-tuned GNN.
☆ Thermal3D-GS: Physics-induced 3D Gaussians for Thermal Infrared Novel-view Synthesis
Novel-view synthesis based on visible light has been extensively studied. In comparison to visible light imaging, thermal infrared imaging offers the advantage of all-weather imaging and strong penetration, providing increased possibilities for reconstruction in nighttime and adverse weather scenarios. However, thermal infrared imaging is influenced by physical characteristics such as atmospheric transmission effects and thermal conduction, hindering the precise reconstruction of intricate details in thermal infrared scenes, manifesting as issues of floaters and indistinct edge features in synthesized images. To address these limitations, this paper introduces a physics-induced 3D Gaussian splatting method named Thermal3D-GS. Thermal3D-GS begins by modeling atmospheric transmission effects and thermal conduction in three-dimensional media using neural networks. Additionally, a temperature consistency constraint is incorporated into the optimization objective to enhance the reconstruction accuracy of thermal infrared images. Furthermore, to validate the effectiveness of our method, the first large-scale benchmark dataset for this field named Thermal Infrared Novel-view Synthesis Dataset (TI-NSD) is created. This dataset comprises 20 authentic thermal infrared video scenes, covering indoor, outdoor, and UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) scenarios, totaling 6,664 frames of thermal infrared image data. Based on this dataset, this paper experimentally verifies the effectiveness of Thermal3D-GS. The results indicate that our method outperforms the baseline method with a 3.03 dB improvement in PSNR and significantly addresses the issues of floaters and indistinct edge features present in the baseline method. Our dataset and codebase will be released in \href{https://github.com/mzzcdf/Thermal3DGS}{\textcolor{red}{Thermal3DGS}}.
comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ Robust Dual Gaussian Splatting for Immersive Human-centric Volumetric Videos SIGGRAPH
Volumetric video represents a transformative advancement in visual media, enabling users to freely navigate immersive virtual experiences and narrowing the gap between digital and real worlds. However, the need for extensive manual intervention to stabilize mesh sequences and the generation of excessively large assets in existing workflows impedes broader adoption. In this paper, we present a novel Gaussian-based approach, dubbed \textit{DualGS}, for real-time and high-fidelity playback of complex human performance with excellent compression ratios. Our key idea in DualGS is to separately represent motion and appearance using the corresponding skin and joint Gaussians. Such an explicit disentanglement can significantly reduce motion redundancy and enhance temporal coherence. We begin by initializing the DualGS and anchoring skin Gaussians to joint Gaussians at the first frame. Subsequently, we employ a coarse-to-fine training strategy for frame-by-frame human performance modeling. It includes a coarse alignment phase for overall motion prediction as well as a fine-grained optimization for robust tracking and high-fidelity rendering. To integrate volumetric video seamlessly into VR environments, we efficiently compress motion using entropy encoding and appearance using codec compression coupled with a persistent codebook. Our approach achieves a compression ratio of up to 120 times, only requiring approximately 350KB of storage per frame. We demonstrate the efficacy of our representation through photo-realistic, free-view experiences on VR headsets, enabling users to immersively watch musicians in performance and feel the rhythm of the notes at the performers' fingertips.
comment: Accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024. Project page: https://nowheretrix.github.io/DualGS/
♻ ☆ MATTopo: Topology-preserving Medial Axis Transform with Restricted Power Diagram
We present a novel topology-preserving 3D medial axis computation framework based on volumetric restricted power diagram (RPD), while preserving the medial features and geometric convergence simultaneously, for both 3D CAD and organic shapes. The volumetric RPD discretizes the input 3D volume into sub-regions given a set of medial spheres. With this intermediate structure, we convert the homotopy equivalency between the generated medial mesh and the input 3D shape into a localized contractibility checking for each restricted element (power cell, power face, power edge), by checking their connected components and Euler characteristics. We further propose a fractional Euler characteristic algorithm for efficient GPU-based computation of Euler characteristic for each restricted element on the fly while computing the volumetric RPD. Compared with existing voxel-based or point-cloud-based methods, our approach is the first to adaptively and directly revise the medial mesh without globally modifying the dependent structure, such as voxel size or sampling density, while preserving its topology and medial features. In comparison with the feature preservation method MATFP, our method provides geometrically comparable results with fewer spheres and more robustly captures the topology of the input 3D shape.
♻ ☆ GS-ROR: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Reflective Object Relighting via SDF Priors
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has shown a powerful capability for novel view synthesis due to its detailed expressive ability and highly efficient rendering speed. Unfortunately, creating relightable 3D assets with 3DGS is still problematic, particularly for reflective objects, as its discontinuous representation raises difficulties in constraining geometries. Inspired by previous works, the signed distance field (SDF) can serve as an effective way for geometry regularization. However, a direct incorporation between Gaussians and SDF significantly slows training. To this end, we propose GS-ROR for reflective objects relighting with 3DGS aided by SDF priors. At the core of our method is the mutual supervision of the depth and normal between deferred Gaussians and SDF, which avoids the expensive volume rendering of SDF. Thanks to this mutual supervision, the learned deferred Gaussians are well-constrained with a minimal time cost. As the Gaussians are rendered in a deferred shading mode, while the alpha-blended Gaussians are smooth, individual Gaussians may still be outliers, yielding floater artifacts. Therefore, we further introduce an SDF-aware pruning strategy to remove Gaussian outliers, which are located distant from the surface defined by SDF, avoiding the floater issue. Consequently, our method outperforms the existing Gaussian-based inverse rendering methods in terms of relighting quality. Our method also exhibits competitive relighting quality compared to NeRF-based methods with at most 25% of training time and allows rendering at 200+ frames per second on an RTX4090.
♻ ☆ Jump Restore Light Transport
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms come to rescue when sampling from a complex, high-dimensional distribution by a conventional method is intractable. Even though MCMC is a powerful tool, it is also hard to control and tune in practice. Simultaneously achieving both \emph{local exploration} of the state space and \emph{global discovery} of the target distribution is a challenging task. In this work, we present a MCMC formulation that subsumes all existing MCMC samplers employed in rendering. We then present a novel framework for \emph{adjusting} an arbitrary Markov chain, making it exhibit invariance with respect to a specified target distribution. To showcase the potential of the proposed framework, we focus on a first simple application in light transport simulation. As a by-product, we introduce continuous-time MCMC sampling to the computer graphics community. We show how any existing MCMC-based light transport algorithm can be embedded into our framework. We empirically and theoretically prove that this embedding is superior to running the standalone algorithm. In fact, our approach will convert any existing algorithm into a highly parallelizable variant with shorter running time, smaller error and less variance.
♻ ☆ DreamMapping: High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Variational Distribution Mapping
Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) has emerged as a prevalent technique for text-to-3D generation, enabling 3D content creation by distilling view-dependent information from text-to-2D guidance. However, they frequently exhibit shortcomings such as over-saturated color and excess smoothness. In this paper, we conduct a thorough analysis of SDS and refine its formulation, finding that the core design is to model the distribution of rendered images. Following this insight, we introduce a novel strategy called Variational Distribution Mapping (VDM), which expedites the distribution modeling process by regarding the rendered images as instances of degradation from diffusion-based generation. This special design enables the efficient training of variational distribution by skipping the calculations of the Jacobians in the diffusion U-Net. We also introduce timestep-dependent Distribution Coefficient Annealing (DCA) to further improve distilling precision. Leveraging VDM and DCA, we use Gaussian Splatting as the 3D representation and build a text-to-3D generation framework. Extensive experiments and evaluations demonstrate the capability of VDM and DCA to generate high-fidelity and realistic assets with optimization efficiency.
comment: 15 pages, 14 figures
Robotics 50
☆ Autonomous loading of ore piles with Load-Haul-Dump machines using Deep Reinforcement Learning
This work presents a deep reinforcement learning-based approach to train controllers for the autonomous loading of ore piles with a Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) machine. These controllers must perform a complete loading maneuver, filling the LHD's bucket with material while avoiding wheel drift, dumping material, or getting stuck in the pile. The training process is conducted entirely in simulation, using a simple environment that leverages the Fundamental Equation of Earth-Moving Mechanics so as to achieve a low computational cost. Two different types of policies are trained: one with a hybrid action space and another with a continuous action space. The RL-based policies are evaluated both in simulation and in the real world using a scaled LHD and a scaled muck pile, and their performance is compared to that of a heuristics-based controller and human teleoperation. Additional real-world experiments are performed to assess the robustness of the RL-based policies to measurement errors in the characterization of the piles. Overall, the RL-based controllers show good performance in the real world, achieving fill factors between 71-94%, and less wheel drift than the other baselines during the loading maneuvers. A video showing the training environment and the learned behavior in simulation, as well as some of the performed experiments in the real world, can be found in https://youtu.be/jOpA1rkwhDY.
comment: 19 pages, 19 figures
☆ Robust Robot Walker: Learning Agile Locomotion over Tiny Traps
Quadruped robots must exhibit robust walking capabilities in practical applications. In this work, we propose a novel approach that enables quadruped robots to pass various small obstacles, or "tiny traps". Existing methods often rely on exteroceptive sensors, which can be unreliable for detecting such tiny traps. To overcome this limitation, our approach focuses solely on proprioceptive inputs. We introduce a two-stage training framework incorporating a contact encoder and a classification head to learn implicit representations of different traps. Additionally, we design a set of tailored reward functions to improve both the stability of training and the ease of deployment for goal-tracking tasks. To benefit further research, we design a new benchmark for tiny trap task. Extensive experiments in both simulation and real-world settings demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. Project Page: https://robust-robot-walker.github.io/
comment: 10 pages, 17 figures
☆ Event-based Mosaicing Bundle Adjustment
We tackle the problem of mosaicing bundle adjustment (i.e., simultaneous refinement of camera orientations and scene map) for a purely rotating event camera. We formulate the problem as a regularized non-linear least squares optimization. The objective function is defined using the linearized event generation model in the camera orientations and the panoramic gradient map of the scene. We show that this BA optimization has an exploitable block-diagonal sparsity structure, so that the problem can be solved efficiently. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to leverage such sparsity to speed up the optimization in the context of event-based cameras, without the need to convert events into image-like representations. We evaluate our method, called EMBA, on both synthetic and real-world datasets to show its effectiveness (50% photometric error decrease), yielding results of unprecedented quality. In addition, we demonstrate EMBA using high spatial resolution event cameras, yielding delicate panoramas in the wild, even without an initial map. Project page: https://github.com/tub-rip/emba
comment: 14+11 pages, 11 figures, 10 tables, https://github.com/tub-rip/emba
☆ Learning Robotic Manipulation Policies from Point Clouds with Conditional Flow Matching
Learning from expert demonstrations is a promising approach for training robotic manipulation policies from limited data. However, imitation learning algorithms require a number of design choices ranging from the input modality, training objective, and 6-DoF end-effector pose representation. Diffusion-based methods have gained popularity as they enable predicting long-horizon trajectories and handle multimodal action distributions. Recently, Conditional Flow Matching (CFM) (or Rectified Flow) has been proposed as a more flexible generalization of diffusion models. In this paper, we investigate the application of CFM in the context of robotic policy learning and specifically study the interplay with the other design choices required to build an imitation learning algorithm. We show that CFM gives the best performance when combined with point cloud input observations. Additionally, we study the feasibility of a CFM formulation on the SO(3) manifold and evaluate its suitability with a simplified example. We perform extensive experiments on RLBench which demonstrate that our proposed PointFlowMatch approach achieves a state-of-the-art average success rate of 67.8% over eight tasks, double the performance of the next best method.
comment: Presented at CoRL 2024. Project website at http://pointflowmatch.cs.uni-freiburg.de/
☆ Online Decision MetaMorphFormer: A Casual Transformer-Based Reinforcement Learning Framework of Universal Embodied Intelligence
Interactive artificial intelligence in the motion control field is an interesting topic, especially when universal knowledge is adaptive to multiple tasks and universal environments. Despite there being increasing efforts in the field of Reinforcement Learning (RL) with the aid of transformers, most of them might be limited by the offline training pipeline, which prohibits exploration and generalization abilities. To address this limitation, we propose the framework of Online Decision MetaMorphFormer (ODM) which aims to achieve self-awareness, environment recognition, and action planning through a unified model architecture. Motivated by cognitive and behavioral psychology, an ODM agent is able to learn from others, recognize the world, and practice itself based on its own experience. ODM can also be applied to any arbitrary agent with a multi-joint body, located in different environments, and trained with different types of tasks using large-scale pre-trained datasets. Through the use of pre-trained datasets, ODM can quickly warm up and learn the necessary knowledge to perform the desired task, while the target environment continues to reinforce the universal policy. Extensive online experiments as well as few-shot and zero-shot environmental tests are used to verify ODM's performance and generalization ability. The results of our study contribute to the study of general artificial intelligence in embodied and cognitive fields. Code, results, and video examples can be found on the website \url{https://rlodm.github.io/odm/}.
comment: 12 pages, 6 figures
☆ Electrokinetic Propulsion for Electronically Integrated Microscopic Robots
Robots too small to see by eye have rapidly evolved in recent years thanks to the incorporation of on-board microelectronics. Semiconductor circuits have been used in microrobots capable of executing controlled wireless steering, prescribed legged gait patterns, and user-triggered transitions between digital states. Yet these promising new capabilities have come at the steep price of complicated fabrication. Even though circuit components can be reliably built by semiconductor foundries, currently available actuators for electronically integrated microrobots are built with intricate multi-step cleanroom protocols and use mechanisms like articulated legs or bubble generators that are hard to design and control. Here, we present a propulsion system for electronically integrated microrobots that can be built with a single step of lithographic processing, readily integrates with microelectronics thanks to low current/low voltage operation (1V, 10nA), and yields robots that swim at speeds over one body length per second. Inspired by work on micromotors, these robots generate electric fields in a surrounding fluid, and by extension propulsive electrokinetic flows. The underlying physics is captured by a model in which robot speed is proportional to applied current, making design and control straightforward. As proof, we build basic robots that use on-board circuits and a closed-loop optical control scheme to navigate waypoints and move in coordinated swarms. Broadly, solid-state propulsion clears the way for robust, easy to manufacture, electronically controlled microrobots that operate reliably over months to years.
☆ General Methods for Evaluating Collision Probability of Different Types of Theta-phi Positioners
In many modern astronomical facilities, multi-object telescopes are crucial instruments. Most of these telescopes have thousands of robotic fiber positioners(RFPs) installed on their focal plane, sharing an overlapping workspace. Collisions between RFPs during their movement can result in some targets becoming unreachable and cause structural damage. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably assess and evaluate the collision probability of the RFPs. In this study, we propose a mathematical models of collision probability and validate its results using Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, a new collision calculation method is proposed for faster calculation(nearly 0.15% of original time). Simulation experiments have verified that our method can evaluate the collision probability between RFPs with both equal and unequal arm lengths. Additionally, we found that adopting a target distribution based on a Poisson distribution can reduce the collision probability by approximately 2.6% on average.
comment: 20pages,11figures
☆ Single-View 3D Reconstruction via SO(2)-Equivariant Gaussian Sculpting Networks
This paper introduces SO(2)-Equivariant Gaussian Sculpting Networks (GSNs) as an approach for SO(2)-Equivariant 3D object reconstruction from single-view image observations. GSNs take a single observation as input to generate a Gaussian splat representation describing the observed object's geometry and texture. By using a shared feature extractor before decoding Gaussian colors, covariances, positions, and opacities, GSNs achieve extremely high throughput (>150FPS). Experiments demonstrate that GSNs can be trained efficiently using a multi-view rendering loss and are competitive, in quality, with expensive diffusion-based reconstruction algorithms. The GSN model is validated on multiple benchmark experiments. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential for GSNs to be used within a robotic manipulation pipeline for object-centric grasping.
comment: Accepted to RSS 2024 Workshop on Geometric and Algebraic Structure in Robot Learning
☆ Reusability and Modifiability in Robotics Software (Extended Version)
We show the design of the software of the microcontroller unit of a weeding robot based on the Process Control architectural style and design patterns. The design consists of 133 modules resulting from using 8 design patterns for a total of 30 problems. As a result the design yields more reusable components and an easily modifiable and extensible program. Design documentation is also presented. Finally, the implementation (12 KLOC of C++ code) is empirically evaluated to prove that the design does not produce an inefficient implementation.
☆ Behavioral Cloning Models Reality Check for Autonomous Driving
How effective are recent advancements in autonomous vehicle perception systems when applied to real-world autonomous vehicle control? While numerous vision-based autonomous vehicle systems have been trained and evaluated in simulated environments, there is a notable lack of real-world validation for these systems. This paper addresses this gap by presenting the real-world validation of state-of-the-art perception systems that utilize Behavior Cloning (BC) for lateral control, processing raw image data to predict steering commands. The dataset was collected using a scaled research vehicle and tested on various track setups. Experimental results demonstrate that these methods predict steering angles with low error margins in real-time, indicating promising potential for real-world applications.
☆ Perceptive Pedipulation with Local Obstacle Avoidance
Pedipulation leverages the feet of legged robots for mobile manipulation, eliminating the need for dedicated robotic arms. While previous works have showcased blind and task-specific pedipulation skills, they fail to account for static and dynamic obstacles in the environment. To address this limitation, we introduce a reinforcement learning-based approach to train a whole-body obstacle-aware policy that tracks foot position commands while simultaneously avoiding obstacles. Despite training the policy in only five different static scenarios in simulation, we show that it generalizes to unknown environments with different numbers and types of obstacles. We analyze the performance of our method through a set of simulation experiments and successfully deploy the learned policy on the ANYmal quadruped, demonstrating its capability to follow foot commands while navigating around static and dynamic obstacles.
comment: Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots 2024
☆ Mamba Policy: Towards Efficient 3D Diffusion Policy with Hybrid Selective State Models
Diffusion models have been widely employed in the field of 3D manipulation due to their efficient capability to learn distributions, allowing for precise prediction of action trajectories. However, diffusion models typically rely on large parameter UNet backbones as policy networks, which can be challenging to deploy on resource-constrained devices. Recently, the Mamba model has emerged as a promising solution for efficient modeling, offering low computational complexity and strong performance in sequence modeling. In this work, we propose the Mamba Policy, a lighter but stronger policy that reduces the parameter count by over 80% compared to the original policy network while achieving superior performance. Specifically, we introduce the XMamba Block, which effectively integrates input information with conditional features and leverages a combination of Mamba and Attention mechanisms for deep feature extraction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the Mamba Policy excels on the Adroit, Dexart, and MetaWorld datasets, requiring significantly fewer computational resources. Additionally, we highlight the Mamba Policy's enhanced robustness in long-horizon scenarios compared to baseline methods and explore the performance of various Mamba variants within the Mamba Policy framework. Our project page is in https://andycao1125.github.io/mamba_policy/.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
☆ Distance Measurement for UAVs in Deep Hazardous Tunnels
The localization of Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in deep tunnels is extremely challenging due to their inaccessibility and hazardous environment. Conventional outdoor localization techniques (such as using GPS) and indoor localization techniques (such as those based on WiFi, Infrared (IR), Ultra-Wideband, etc.) do not work in deep tunnels. We are developing a UAV-based system for the inspection of defects in the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) in Singapore. To enable the UAV localization in the DTSS, we have developed a distance measurement module based on the optical flow technique. However, the standard optical flow technique does not work well in tunnels with poor lighting and a lack of features. Thus, we have developed an enhanced optical flow algorithm with prediction, to improve the distance measurement for UAVs in deep hazardous tunnels.
☆ Collaborative Conversation in Safe Multimodal Human-Robot Collaboration
In the context of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC), it is crucial that the two actors are able to communicate with each other in a natural and efficient manner. The absence of a communication interface is often a cause of undesired slowdowns. On one hand, this is because unforeseen events may occur, leading to errors. On the other hand, due to the close contact between humans and robots, the speed must be reduced significantly to comply with safety standard ISO/TS 15066. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture that enables operators and robots to communicate efficiently, emulating human-to-human dialogue, while addressing safety concerns. This approach aims to establish a communication framework that not only facilitates collaboration but also reduces undesired speed reduction. Through the use of a predictive simulator, we can anticipate safety-related limitations, ensuring smoother workflows, minimizing risks, and optimizing efficiency. The overall architecture has been validated with a UR10e and compared with a state of the art technique. The results show a significant improvement in user experience, with a corresponding 23% reduction in execution times and a 50% decrease in robot downtime.
☆ Compliant Blind Handover Control for Human-Robot Collaboration
This paper presents a Human-Robot Blind Handover architecture within the context of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). The focus lies on a blind handover scenario where the operator is intentionally faced away, focused in a task, and requires an object from the robot. In this context, it is imperative for the robot to autonomously manage the entire handover process. Key considerations include ensuring safety while handing the object to the operator's hand, and detect the proper timing to release the object. The article explores strategies to navigate these challenges, emphasizing the need for a robot to operate safely and independently in facilitating blind handovers, thereby contributing to the advancement of HRC protocols and fostering a natural and efficient collaboration between humans and robots.
☆ The Critical Role of Effective Communication in Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC), effective communication between humans and robots is crucial for complex task execution. Traditional request-response systems often lack naturalness and may hinder efficiency. This study emphasizes the importance of adopting human-like communication interactions to enable fluent vocal communication between human operators and robots simulating a collaborative human-robot industrial assembly. We propose a novel approach that employs human-like interactions through natural dialogue, enabling human operators to engage in vocal conversations with robots. Through a comparative experiment, we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in enhancing task performance and collaboration efficiency. The robot's ability to engage in meaningful vocal conversations enables it to seek clarification, provide status updates, and ask for assistance when required, leading to improved coordination and a smoother workflow. The results indicate that the adoption of human-like conversational interactions positively influences the human-robot collaborative dynamic. Human operators find it easier to convey complex instructions and preferences, resulting in a more productive and satisfying collaboration experience.
☆ iKalibr-RGBD: Partially-Specialized Target-Free Visual-Inertial Spatiotemporal Calibration For RGBDs via Continuous-Time Velocity Estimation
Visual-inertial systems have been widely studied and applied in the last two decades, mainly due to their low cost and power consumption, small footprint, and high availability. Such a trend simultaneously leads to a large amount of visual-inertial calibration methods being presented, as accurate spatiotemporal parameters between sensors are a prerequisite for visual-inertial fusion. In our previous work, i.e., iKalibr, a continuous-time-based visual-inertial calibration method was proposed as a part of one-shot multi-sensor resilient spatiotemporal calibration. While requiring no artificial target brings considerable convenience, computationally expensive pose estimation is demanded in initialization and batch optimization, limiting its availability. Fortunately, this could be vastly improved for the RGBDs with additional depth information, by employing mapping-free ego-velocity estimation instead of mapping-based pose estimation. In this paper, we present the continuous-time ego-velocity estimation-based RGBD-inertial spatiotemporal calibration, termed as iKalibr-RGBD, which is also targetless but computationally efficient. The general pipeline of iKalibr-RGBD is inherited from iKalibr, composed of a rigorous initialization procedure and several continuous-time batch optimizations. The implementation of iKalibr-RGBD is open-sourced at (https://github.com/Unsigned-Long/iKalibr) to benefit the research community.
☆ End-to-End and Highly-Efficient Differentiable Simulation for Robotics
Over the past few years, robotics simulators have largely improved in efficiency and scalability, enabling them to generate years of simulated data in a few hours. Yet, efficiently and accurately computing the simulation derivatives remains an open challenge, with potentially high gains on the convergence speed of reinforcement learning and trajectory optimization algorithms, especially for problems involving physical contact interactions. This paper contributes to this objective by introducing a unified and efficient algorithmic solution for computing the analytical derivatives of robotic simulators. The approach considers both the collision and frictional stages, accounting for their intrinsic nonsmoothness and also exploiting the sparsity induced by the underlying multibody systems. These derivatives have been implemented in C++, and the code will be open-sourced in the Simple simulator. They depict state-of-the-art timings ranging from 5 microseconds for a 7-dof manipulator up to 95 microseconds for 36-dof humanoid, outperforming alternative solutions by a factor of at least 100.
☆ Learning Task Specifications from Demonstrations as Probabilistic Automata
Specifying tasks for robotic systems traditionally requires coding expertise, deep domain knowledge, and significant time investment. While learning from demonstration offers a promising alternative, existing methods often struggle with tasks of longer horizons. To address this limitation, we introduce a computationally efficient approach for learning probabilistic deterministic finite automata (PDFA) that capture task structures and expert preferences directly from demonstrations. Our approach infers sub-goals and their temporal dependencies, producing an interpretable task specification that domain experts can easily understand and adjust. We validate our method through experiments involving object manipulation tasks, showcasing how our method enables a robot arm to effectively replicate diverse expert strategies while adapting to changing conditions.
☆ Scenario Execution for Robotics: A generic, backend-agnostic library for running reproducible robotics experiments and tests
Testing and evaluation of robotics systems is a difficult and oftentimes tedious task due to the systems' complexity and a lack of tools to conduct reproducible robotics experiments. Additionally, almost all available tools are either tailored towards a specific application domain, simulator or middleware. Particularly scenario-based testing, a common practice in the domain of automated driving, is not sufficiently covered in the robotics domain. In this paper, we propose a novel backend- and middleware-agnostic approach for conducting systematic, reproducible and automatable robotics experiments called Scenario Execution for Robotics. Our approach is implemented as a Python library built on top of the generic scenario description language OpenSCENARIO 2 and Behavior Trees and is made publicly available on GitHub. In extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our approach supports multiple simulators as backend and can be used as a standalone Python-library or as part of the ROS2 ecosystem. Furthermore, we demonstrate how our approach enables testing over ranges of varying values. Finally, we show how Scenario Execution for Robotics allows to move from simulation-based to real-world experiments with minimal adaptations to the scenario description file.
comment: 6 pages
☆ Invariant filtering for wheeled vehicle localization with unknown wheel radius and unknown GNSS lever arm
We consider the problem of observer design for a nonholonomic car (more generally a wheeled robot) equipped with wheel speeds with unknown wheel radius, and whose position is measured via a GNSS antenna placed at an unknown position in the car. In a tutorial and unified exposition, we recall the recent theory of two-frame systems within the field of invariant Kalman filtering. We then show how to adapt it geometrically to address the considered problem, although it seems at first sight out of its scope. This yields an invariant extended Kalman filter having autonomous error equations, and state-independent Jacobians, which is shown to work remarkably well in simulations. The proposed novel construction thus extends the application scope of invariant filtering.
☆ Enabling Shared-Control for A Riding Ballbot System ICRA
This study introduces a shared-control approach for collision avoidance in a self-balancing riding ballbot, called PURE, marked by its dynamic stability, omnidirectional movement, and hands-free interface. Integrated with a sensor array and a novel Passive Artificial Potential Field (PAPF) method, PURE provides intuitive navigation with deceleration assistance and haptic/audio feedback, effectively mitigating collision risks. This approach addresses the limitations of traditional APF methods, such as control oscillations and unnecessary speed reduction in challenging scenarios. A human-robot interaction experiment, with 20 manual wheelchair users and able-bodied individuals, was conducted to evaluate the performance of indoor navigation and obstacle avoidance with the proposed shared-control algorithm. Results indicated that shared-control significantly reduced collisions and cognitive load without affecting travel speed, offering intuitive and safe operation. These findings highlight the shared-control system's suitability for enhancing collision avoidance in self-balancing mobility devices, a relatively unexplored area in assistive mobility research.
comment: 7 pages and 7 figures, IEEE ICRA format
☆ Physical synchronization of soft self-oscillating limbs for fast and autonomous locomotion
Animals achieve robust locomotion by offloading regulation from the brain to physical couplings within the body. Contrarily, locomotion in artificial systems often depends on centralized processors. Here, we introduce a rapid and autonomous locomotion strategy with synchronized gaits emerging through physical interactions between self-oscillating limbs and the environment, without control signals. Each limb is a single soft tube that only requires constant flow of air to perform cyclic stepping motions at frequencies reaching 300 hertz. By combining several of these self-oscillating limbs, their physical synchronization enables tethered and untethered locomotion speeds that are orders of magnitude faster than comparable state-of-the-art. We demonstrate that these seemingly simple devices exhibit autonomy, including obstacle avoidance and phototaxis, opening up avenues for robust and functional robots at all scales.
☆ ODYSSEE: Oyster Detection Yielded by Sensor Systems on Edge Electronics
Oysters are a keystone species in coastal ecosystems, offering significant economic, environmental, and cultural benefits. However, current monitoring systems are often destructive, typically involving dredging to physically collect and count oysters. A nondestructive alternative is manual identification from video footage collected by divers, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive with expert input. An alternative to human monitoring is the deployment of a system with trained object detection models that performs real-time, on edge oyster detection in the field. One such platform is the Aqua2 robot. Effective training of these models requires extensive high-quality data, which is difficult to obtain in marine settings. To address these complications, we introduce a novel method that leverages stable diffusion to generate high-quality synthetic data for the marine domain. We exploit diffusion models to create photorealistic marine imagery, using ControlNet inputs to ensure consistency with the segmentation ground-truth mask, the geometry of the scene, and the target domain of real underwater images for oysters. The resulting dataset is used to train a YOLOv10-based vision model, achieving a state-of-the-art 0.657 mAP@50 for oyster detection on the Aqua2 platform. The system we introduce not only improves oyster habitat monitoring, but also paves the way to autonomous surveillance for various tasks in marine contexts, improving aquaculture and conservation efforts.
☆ SIS: Seam-Informed Strategy for T-shirt Unfolding
Seams are information-rich components of garments. The presence of different types of seams and their combinations helps to select grasping points for garment handling. In this paper, we propose a new Seam-Informed Strategy (SIS) for finding actions for handling a garment, such as grasping and unfolding a T-shirt. Candidates for a pair of grasping points for a dual-arm manipulator system are extracted using the proposed Seam Feature Extraction Method (SFEM). A pair of grasping points for the robot system is selected by the proposed Decision Matrix Iteration Method (DMIM). The decision matrix is first computed by multiple human demonstrations and updated by the robot execution results to improve the grasping and unfolding performance of the robot. Note that the proposed scheme is trained on real data without relying on simulation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The project video is available at https://github.com/lancexz/sis.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
☆ Control Pneumatic Soft Bending Actuator with Feedforward Hysteresis Compensation by Pneumatic Physical Reservoir Computing
The nonlinearities of soft robots bring control challenges like hysteresis but also provide them with computational capacities. This paper introduces a fuzzy pneumatic physical reservoir computing (FPRC) model for feedforward hysteresis compensation in motion tracking control of soft actuators. Our method utilizes a pneumatic bending actuator as a physical reservoir with nonlinear computing capacities to control another pneumatic bending actuator. The FPRC model employs a Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model to process outputs from the physical reservoir. In comparative evaluations, the FPRC model shows equivalent training performance to an Echo State Network (ESN) model, whereas it exhibits better test accuracies with significantly reduced execution time. Experiments validate the proposed FPRC model's effectiveness in controlling the bending motion of the pneumatic soft actuator with open and closed-loop control systems. The proposed FPRC model's robustness against environmental disturbances has also been experimentally verified. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first implementation of a physical system in the feedforward hysteresis compensation model for controlling soft actuators. This study is expected to advance physical reservoir computing in nonlinear control applications and extend the feedforward hysteresis compensation methods for controlling soft actuators.
comment: 8 pages, 17 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Pyramid-Monozone Synergistic Grasping Policy in Dense Clutter
Grasping a diverse range of novel objects from dense clutter poses a great challenge to robots because of the occlusion among these objects. In this work, we propose the Pyramid-Monozone Synergistic Grasping Policy (PMSGP) that enables robots to cleverly avoid most occlusions during grasping. Specifically, we initially construct the Pyramid Se quencing Policy (PSP) to sequence each object in the scene into a pyramid structure. By isolating objects layer-by-layer, the grasp candidates will focus on a single layer during each grasp. Then, we devise the Monozone Sampling Policy (MSP) to sample the grasp candidates in the top layer. Through this manner, each grasp will target the topmost object, thereby effectively avoiding most occlusions. We perform more than 7000 real world grasping among 300 novel objects in dense clutter scenes, demonstrating that PMSGP significantly outperforms seven competitive grasping methods. All grasping videos are available at: https://www.youtube.com/@chenghaoli4532/playlists.
☆ Flow-Inspired Lightweight Multi-Robot Real-Time Scheduling Planner
Collision avoidance and trajectory planning are crucial in multi-robot systems, particularly in environments with numerous obstacles. Although extensive research has been conducted in this field, the challenge of rapid traversal through such environments has not been fully addressed. This paper addresses this problem by proposing a novel real-time scheduling scheme designed to optimize the passage of multi-robot systems through complex, obstacle-rich maps. Inspired from network flow optimization, our scheme decomposes the environment into a network structure, enabling the efficient allocation of robots to paths based on real-time congestion data. The proposed scheduling planner operates on top of existing collision avoidance algorithms, focusing on minimizing traversal time by balancing robot detours and waiting times. Our simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme. Additionally, we validated its effectiveness through real world flight tests using ten quadrotors. This work contributes a lightweight, effective scheduling planner capable of meeting the real-time demands of multi-robot systems in obstacle-rich environments.
☆ Equivariant Filter for Tightly Coupled LiDAR-Inertial Odometry
Pose estimation is a crucial problem in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). However, developing a robust and consistent state estimator remains a significant challenge, as the traditional extended Kalman filter (EKF) struggles to handle the model nonlinearity, especially for inertial measurement unit (IMU) and light detection and ranging (LiDAR). To provide a consistent and efficient solution of pose estimation, we propose Eq-LIO, a robust state estimator for tightly coupled LIO systems based on an equivariant filter (EqF). Compared with the invariant Kalman filter based on the $\SE_2(3)$ group structure, the EqF uses the symmetry of the semi-direct product group to couple the system state including IMU bias, navigation state and LiDAR extrinsic calibration state, thereby suppressing linearization error and improving the behavior of the estimator in the event of unexpected state changes. The proposed Eq-LIO owns natural consistency and higher robustness, which is theoretically proven with mathematical derivation and experimentally verified through a series of tests on both public and private datasets.
☆ An Open-Source Soft Robotic Platform for Autonomous Aerial Manipulation in the Wild
Aerial manipulation combines the versatility and speed of flying platforms with the functional capabilities of mobile manipulation, which presents significant challenges due to the need for precise localization and control. Traditionally, researchers have relied on offboard perception systems, which are limited to expensive and impractical specially equipped indoor environments. In this work, we introduce a novel platform for autonomous aerial manipulation that exclusively utilizes onboard perception systems. Our platform can perform aerial manipulation in various indoor and outdoor environments without depending on external perception systems. Our experimental results demonstrate the platform's ability to autonomously grasp various objects in diverse settings. This advancement significantly improves the scalability and practicality of aerial manipulation applications by eliminating the need for costly tracking solutions. To accelerate future research, we open source our ROS 2 software stack and custom hardware design, making our contributions accessible to the broader research community.
comment: Project website: https://sites.google.com/view/open-source-soft-platform/open-source-soft-robotic-platform
☆ Feature Importance in Pedestrian Intention Prediction: A Context-Aware Review
Recent advancements in predicting pedestrian crossing intentions for Autonomous Vehicles using Computer Vision and Deep Neural Networks are promising. However, the black-box nature of DNNs poses challenges in understanding how the model works and how input features contribute to final predictions. This lack of interpretability delimits the trust in model performance and hinders informed decisions on feature selection, representation, and model optimisation; thereby affecting the efficacy of future research in the field. To address this, we introduce Context-aware Permutation Feature Importance (CAPFI), a novel approach tailored for pedestrian intention prediction. CAPFI enables more interpretability and reliable assessments of feature importance by leveraging subdivided scenario contexts, mitigating the randomness of feature values through targeted shuffling. This aims to reduce variance and prevent biased estimations in importance scores during permutations. We divide the Pedestrian Intention Estimation (PIE) dataset into 16 comparable context sets, measure the baseline performance of five distinct neural network architectures for intention prediction in each context, and assess input feature importance using CAPFI. We observed nuanced differences among models across various contextual characteristics. The research reveals the critical role of pedestrian bounding boxes and ego-vehicle speed in predicting pedestrian intentions, and potential prediction biases due to the speed feature through cross-context permutation evaluation. We propose an alternative feature representation by considering proximity change rate for rendering dynamic pedestrian-vehicle locomotion, thereby enhancing the contributions of input features to intention prediction. These findings underscore the importance of contextual features and their diversity to develop accurate and robust intent-predictive models.
☆ Object Depth and Size Estimation using Stereo-vision and Integration with SLAM
Autonomous robots use simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for efficient and safe navigation in various environments. LiDAR sensors are integral in these systems for object identification and localization. However, LiDAR systems though effective in detecting solid objects (e.g., trash bin, bottle, etc.), encounter limitations in identifying semitransparent or non-tangible objects (e.g., fire, smoke, steam, etc.) due to poor reflecting characteristics. Additionally, LiDAR also fails to detect features such as navigation signs and often struggles to detect certain hazardous materials that lack a distinct surface for effective laser reflection. In this paper, we propose a highly accurate stereo-vision approach to complement LiDAR in autonomous robots. The system employs advanced stereo vision-based object detection to detect both tangible and non-tangible objects and then uses simple machine learning to precisely estimate the depth and size of the object. The depth and size information is then integrated into the SLAM process to enhance the robot's navigation capabilities in complex environments. Our evaluation, conducted on an autonomous robot equipped with LiDAR and stereo-vision systems demonstrates high accuracy in the estimation of an object's depth and size. A video illustration of the proposed scheme is available at: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nusI6tA9eSk}.
comment: Accepted version of the published article in IEEE Sensors Letters
☆ CAVERNAUTE: a design and manufacturing pipeline of a rigid but foldable indoor airship aerial system for cave exploration
Airships, best recognized for their unique quality of payload/energy ratio, present a fascinating challenge for the field of engineering. Their construction and operation require a delicate balance of materials and rules, making them a compelling object of study. They embody a distinct intersection of physics, design, and innovation, offering a wide array of possibilities for future transportation and exploration. Thanks to their long-flight endurance, they are suited for long-term missions. To operate in complex environments such as indoor cluttered spaces, their membrane and mechatronics need to be protected from impacts. This paper presents a new indoor airship design inspired by origami and the Kresling pattern. The airship structure combines a carbon fiber exoskeleton and UV resin micro-lattices for shock absorption. Our design strengthens the robot while granting the ability to access narrow spaces by folding the structure - up to a volume expansion ratio of 19.8. To optimize the numerous parameters of the airship, we present a pipeline for design, manufacture, and assembly. It takes into account manufacturing constraints, dimensions of the target deployment area, and aerostatics, allowing for easy and quick testing of new configurations. We also present unique features made possible by combining origami with airship design, which reduces the chances of mission-compromising failures. We demonstrate the potential of the design with a complete simulation including an effective control strategy leveraging lightweight mechatronics to optimize flight autonomy in exploration missions of unstructured environments.
comment: 36 pages, 21 figures
☆ FaVoR: Features via Voxel Rendering for Camera Relocalization WACV
Camera relocalization methods range from dense image alignment to direct camera pose regression from a query image. Among these, sparse feature matching stands out as an efficient, versatile, and generally lightweight approach with numerous applications. However, feature-based methods often struggle with significant viewpoint and appearance changes, leading to matching failures and inaccurate pose estimates. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel approach that leverages a globally sparse yet locally dense 3D representation of 2D features. By tracking and triangulating landmarks over a sequence of frames, we construct a sparse voxel map optimized to render image patch descriptors observed during tracking. Given an initial pose estimate, we first synthesize descriptors from the voxels using volumetric rendering and then perform feature matching to estimate the camera pose. This methodology enables the generation of descriptors for unseen views, enhancing robustness to view changes. We extensively evaluate our method on the 7-Scenes and Cambridge Landmarks datasets. Our results show that our method significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art feature representation techniques in indoor environments, achieving up to a 39% improvement in median translation error. Additionally, our approach yields comparable results to other methods for outdoor scenarios while maintaining lower memory and computational costs.
comment: Submitted to the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Tucson, Arizona, US, Feb 28-Mar 4, 2025
☆ MPPI-Generic: A CUDA Library for Stochastic Optimization
This paper introduces a new C++/CUDA library for GPU-accelerated stochastic optimization called MPPI-Generic. It provides implementations of Model Predictive Path Integral control, Tube-Model Predictive Path Integral Control, and Robust Model Predictive Path Integral Control, and allows for these algorithms to be used across many pre-existing dynamics models and cost functions. Furthermore, researchers can create their own dynamics models or cost functions following our API definitions without needing to change the actual Model Predictive Path Integral Control code. Finally, we compare computational performance to other popular implementations of Model Predictive Path Integral Control over a variety of GPUs to show the real-time capabilities our library can allow for. Library code can be found at: https://acdslab.github.io/mppi-generic-website/ .
☆ Dynamic Fairness Perceptions in Human-Robot Interaction
People deeply care about how fairly they are treated by robots. The established paradigm for probing fairness in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) involves measuring the perception of the fairness of a robot at the conclusion of an interaction. However, such an approach is limited as interactions vary over time, potentially causing changes in fairness perceptions as well. To validate this idea, we conducted a 2x2 user study with a mixed design (N=40) where we investigated two factors: the timing of unfair robot actions (early or late in an interaction) and the beneficiary of those actions (either another robot or the participant). Our results show that fairness judgments are not static. They can shift based on the timing of unfair robot actions. Further, we explored using perceptions of three key factors (reduced welfare, conduct, and moral transgression) proposed by a Fairness Theory from Organizational Justice to predict momentary perceptions of fairness in our study. Interestingly, we found that the reduced welfare and moral transgression factors were better predictors than all factors together. Our findings reinforce the idea that unfair robot behavior can shape perceptions of group dynamics and trust towards a robot and pave the path to future research directions on moment-to-moment fairness perceptions
☆ Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration with Self-Distillation BMVC 2024
Rigid point cloud registration is a fundamental problem and highly relevant in robotics and autonomous driving. Nowadays deep learning methods can be trained to match a pair of point clouds, given the transformation between them. However, this training is often not scalable due to the high cost of collecting ground truth poses. Therefore, we present a self-distillation approach to learn point cloud registration in an unsupervised fashion. Here, each sample is passed to a teacher network and an augmented view is passed to a student network. The teacher includes a trainable feature extractor and a learning-free robust solver such as RANSAC. The solver forces consistency among correspondences and optimizes for the unsupervised inlier ratio, eliminating the need for ground truth labels. Our approach simplifies the training procedure by removing the need for initial hand-crafted features or consecutive point cloud frames as seen in related methods. We show that our method not only surpasses them on the RGB-D benchmark 3DMatch but also generalizes well to automotive radar, where classical features adopted by others fail. The code is available at https://github.com/boschresearch/direg .
comment: Oral at BMVC 2024
♻ ☆ Auto-Multilift: Distributed Learning and Control for Cooperative Load Transportation With Quadrotors
Designing motion control and planning algorithms for multilift systems remains challenging due to the complexities of dynamics, collision avoidance, actuator limits, and scalability. Existing methods that use optimization and distributed techniques effectively address these constraints and scalability issues. However, they often require substantial manual tuning, leading to suboptimal performance. This paper proposes Auto-Multilift, a novel framework that automates the tuning of model predictive controllers (MPCs) for multilift systems. We model the MPC cost functions with deep neural networks (DNNs), enabling fast online adaptation to various scenarios. We develop a distributed policy gradient algorithm to train these DNNs efficiently in a closed-loop manner. Central to our algorithm is distributed sensitivity propagation, which is built on fully exploiting the unique dynamic couplings within the multilift system. It parallelizes gradient computation across quadrotors and focuses on actual system state sensitivities relative to key MPC parameters. Extensive simulations demonstrate favorable scalability to a large number of quadrotors. Our method outperforms a state-of-the-art open-loop MPC tuning approach by effectively learning adaptive MPCs from trajectory tracking errors. It also excels in learning an adaptive reference for reconfiguring the system when traversing multiple narrow slots.
♻ ☆ Automatic Derivation of an Optimal Task Frame for Learning and Controlling Contact-Rich Tasks
In previous work on learning and controlling contact-rich tasks, the procedure for choosing a proper reference frame to express learned signals for the motion and the interaction wrench is often implicit, requires expert insight, or starts from proposed frame candidates. This article presents an automatic method to derive the optimal reference frame, referred to as optimal task frame, directly from the recorded motion and wrench data of the demonstration. Using screw theory, several origin and orientation candidates are generated that maximize decoupling in the data. These candidates are then processed probabilistically, without needing hyperparameters, to obtain the optimal task frame. Its origin and orientation are independently fixed to either the world or the robot tool. The method works regardless of whether the task involves translation, rotation, force, or moment, or any combination thereof. The method was validated for various tasks, including surface following and manipulation of articulated objects, showing good agreement between derived and assumed expert task frames. To validate the robot's performance, a constraint-based controller was designed based on the data expressed in the derived task frames. These experiments demonstrated the approach's effectiveness and versatility. The automatic task frame derivation approach supports learning methods to design controllers for a wide range of contact-rich tasks.
♻ ☆ QueST: Self-Supervised Skill Abstractions for Learning Continuous Control
Generalization capabilities, or rather a lack thereof, is one of the most important unsolved problems in the field of robot learning, and while several large scale efforts have set out to tackle this problem, unsolved it remains. In this paper, we hypothesize that learning temporal action abstractions using latent variable models (LVMs), which learn to map data to a compressed latent space and back, is a promising direction towards low-level skills that can readily be used for new tasks. Although several works have attempted to show this, they have generally been limited by architectures that do not faithfully capture shareable representations. To address this we present Quantized Skill Transformer (QueST), which learns a larger and more flexible latent encoding that is more capable of modeling the breadth of low-level skills necessary for a variety of tasks. To make use of this extra flexibility, QueST imparts causal inductive bias from the action sequence data into the latent space, leading to more semantically useful and transferable representations. We compare to state-of-the-art imitation learning and LVM baselines and see that QueST's architecture leads to strong performance on several multitask and few-shot learning benchmarks. Further results and videos are available at https://quest-model.github.io/
comment: Keywords: Behavior Clonning, Action Quantization, Self Supervised Skill Abstraction, Few-shot Imitation Learning
♻ ☆ The Integration of Prediction and Planning in Deep Learning Automated Driving Systems: A Review
Automated driving has the potential to revolutionize personal, public, and freight mobility. Beside accurately perceiving the environment, automated vehicles must plan a safe, comfortable, and efficient motion trajectory. To promote safety and progress, many works rely on modules that predict the future motion of surrounding traffic. Modular automated driving systems commonly handle prediction and planning as sequential, separate tasks. While this accounts for the influence of surrounding traffic on the ego vehicle, it fails to anticipate the reactions of traffic participants to the ego vehicle's behavior. Recent methods increasingly integrate prediction and planning in a joint or interdependent step to model bidirectional interactions. To date, a comprehensive overview of different integration principles is lacking. We systematically review state-of-the-art deep learning-based planning systems, and focus on how they integrate prediction. Different facets of the integration ranging from system architecture to high-level behavioral aspects are considered and related to each other. Moreover, we discuss the implications, strengths, and limitations of different integration principles. By pointing out research gaps, describing relevant future challenges, and highlighting trends in the research field, we identify promising directions for future research.
♻ ☆ Surgical Task Automation Using Actor-Critic Frameworks and Self-Supervised Imitation Learning
Surgical robot task automation has recently attracted great attention due to its potential to benefit both surgeons and patients. Reinforcement learning (RL) based approaches have demonstrated promising ability to provide solutions to automated surgical manipulations on various tasks. To address the exploration challenge, expert demonstrations can be utilized to enhance the learning efficiency via imitation learning (IL) approaches. However, the successes of such methods normally rely on both states and action labels. Unfortunately action labels can be hard to capture or their manual annotation is prohibitively expensive owing to the requirement for expert knowledge. It therefore remains an appealing and open problem to leverage expert demonstrations composed of pure states in RL. In this work, we present an actor-critic RL framework, termed AC-SSIL, to overcome this challenge of learning with state-only demonstrations collected by following an unknown expert policy. It adopts a self-supervised IL method, dubbed SSIL, to effectively incorporate demonstrated states into RL paradigms by retrieving from demonstrates the nearest neighbours of the query state and utilizing the bootstrapping of actor networks. We showcase through experiments on an open-source surgical simulation platform that our method delivers remarkable improvements over the RL baseline and exhibits comparable performance against action based IL methods, which implies the efficacy and potential of our method for expert demonstration-guided learning scenarios.
comment: 8 pages,7 figures, 62 conferences
♻ ☆ AdaFold: Adapting Folding Trajectories of Cloths via Feedback-loop Manipulation
We present AdaFold, a model-based feedback-loop framework for optimizing folding trajectories. AdaFold extracts a particle-based representation of cloth from RGB-D images and feeds back the representation to a model predictive control to replan folding trajectory at every time step. A key component of AdaFold that enables feedback-loop manipulation is the use of semantic descriptors extracted from geometric features. These descriptors enhance the particle representation of the cloth to distinguish between ambiguous point clouds of differently folded cloths. Our experiments demonstrate AdaFold's ability to adapt folding trajectories of cloths with varying physical properties and generalize from simulated training to real-world execution.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables
♻ ☆ Gesture-Controlled Aerial Robot Formation for Human-Swarm Interaction in Safety Monitoring Applications
This paper presents a formation control approach for contactless gesture-based Human-Swarm Interaction (HSI) between a team of multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and a human worker. The approach is designed to monitor the safety of human workers, particularly those operating at heights. In the proposed dynamic formation scheme, one UAV acts as the formation leader, equipped with sensors for detecting human workers and recognizing gestures. The follower UAVs maintain a predetermined formation relative to the worker's position, providing additional perspectives of the monitored scene. Hand gestures enable the human worker to specify movement and action commands for the UAV team and to initiate other mission-related tasks without requiring additional communication channels or specific markers. Combined with a novel unified human detection and tracking algorithm, a human position estimation method, and a gesture detection pipeline, the proposed approach represents the first instance of an HSI system incorporating all these modules onboard real-world UAVs. Simulations and field experiments involving three UAVs and a human worker in a mock-up scenario demonstrate the effectiveness and responsiveness of the proposed approach.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ PO-VINS: An Efficient and Robust Pose-Only Visual-Inertial State Estimator With LiDAR Enhancement
The pose adjustment (PA) with a pose-only visual representation has been proven equivalent to the bundle adjustment (BA), while significantly improving the computational efficiency. However, the pose-only solution has not yet been properly considered in a tightly-coupled visual-inertial state estimator (VISE) with a normal configuration for real-time navigation. In this study, we propose a tightly-coupled LiDAR-enhanced VISE, named PO-VINS, with a full pose-only form for visual and LiDAR-depth measurements. Based on the pose-only visual representation, we derive the analytical depth uncertainty, which is then employed for rejecting LiDAR depth outliers. Besides, we propose a multi-state constraint (MSC)-based LiDAR-depth measurement model with a pose-only form, to balance efficiency and robustness. The pose-only visual and LiDAR-depth measurements and the IMU-preintegration measurements are tightly integrated under the factor graph optimization framework to perform efficient and accurate state estimation. Exhaustive experimental results on private and public datasets indicate that the proposed PO-VINS yields improved or comparable accuracy to sate-of-the-art methods. Compared to the baseline method LE-VINS, the state-estimation efficiency of PO-VINS is improved by 33% and 56% on the laptop PC and the onboard ARM computer, respectively. Besides, PO-VINS yields higher accuracy and robustness than LE-VINS by employing the proposed uncertainty-based outlier-culling method and the MSC-based measurement model for LiDAR depth.
comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 8 tables
♻ ☆ DIABLO: A 6-DoF Wheeled Bipedal Robot Composed Entirely of Direct-Drive Joints IROS 2024
Wheeled bipedal robots offer the advantages of both wheeled and legged robots, combining the ability to traverse a wide range of terrains and environments with high efficiency. However, the conventional approach in existing wheeled bipedal robots involves motor-driven joints with high-ratio gearboxes. While this approach provides specific benefits, it also presents several challenges, including increased mechanical complexity, efficiency losses, noise, vibrations, and higher maintenance and lubrication requirements. Addressing the aforementioned concerns, we developed a direct-drive wheeled bipedal robot called DIABLO, which eliminates the use of gearboxes entirely. Our robotic system is simplified as a second-order inverted pendulum, and we have designed an LQR-based balance controller to ensure stability. Additionally, we implemented comprehensive motion controller, including yaw, split-angle, height, and roll controllers. Through expriments in simulations and real-world prototype, we have demonstrated that our platform achieves satisfactory performance.
comment: This paper has already been accepted by IROS 2024
♻ ☆ A New Framework for Nonlinear Kalman Filters
The Kalman filter (KF) is a state estimation algorithm that optimally combines system knowledge and measurements to minimize the mean squared error of the estimated states. While KF was initially designed for linear systems, numerous extensions of it, such as extended Kalman filter (EKF), unscented Kalman filter (UKF), cubature Kalman filter (CKF), etc., have been proposed for nonlinear systems. Although different types of nonlinear KFs have different pros and cons, they all use the same framework of linear KF, which, according to what we found in this paper, tends to give overconfident and less accurate state estimations when the measurement functions are nonlinear. Therefore, in this study, we designed a new framework for nonlinear KFs and showed theoretically and empirically that the new framework estimates the states and covariance matrix more accurately than the old one. The new framework was tested on four different nonlinear KFs and five different tasks, showcasing its ability to reduce the estimation errors by several orders of magnitude in low-measurement-noise conditions, with only about a 10 to 90% increase in computational time. All types of nonlinear KFs can benefit from the new framework, and the benefit will increase as the sensors become more and more accurate in the future. As an example, EKF, the simplest nonlinear KF that was previously believed to work poorly for strongly nonlinear systems, can now provide fast and fairly accurate state estimations with the help of the new framework. The codes are available at https://github.com/Shida-Jiang/A-new-framework-for-nonlinear-Kalman-filters.
comment: Some figures and texts are slightly modified for better clarity
♻ ☆ Skip-SCAR: A Modular Approach to ObjectGoal Navigation with Sparsity and Adaptive Skips
In ObjectGoal navigation (ObjectNav), agents must locate specific objects within unseen environments, requiring effective observation, prediction, and navigation capabilities. This study found that traditional methods looking only for prediction accuracy often compromise on computational efficiency. To address this, we introduce "Skip-SCAR," a modular framework that enhances efficiency by leveraging sparsity and adaptive skips. The SparseConv-Augmented ResNet (SCAR) at the core of our approach uses sparse and dense feature processing in parallel, optimizing both the computation and memory footprint. Our adaptive skip technique further reduces computational demands by selectively bypassing unnecessary semantic segmentation steps based on environmental constancy. Tested on the HM3D ObjectNav datasets, Skip-SCAR not only minimizes resource use but also sets new performance benchmarks, demonstrating a robust method for improving efficiency and accuracy in robotic navigation tasks.
comment: 13 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Continual Skill and Task Learning via Dialogue
Continual and interactive robot learning is a challenging problem as the robot is present with human users who expect the robot to learn novel skills to solve novel tasks perpetually with sample efficiency. In this work we present a framework for robots to query and learn visuo-motor robot skills and task relevant information via natural language dialog interactions with human users. Previous approaches either focus on improving the performance of instruction following agents, or passively learn novel skills or concepts. Instead, we used dialog combined with a language-skill grounding embedding to query or confirm skills and/or tasks requested by a user. To achieve this goal, we developed and integrated three different components for our agent. Firstly, we propose a novel visual-motor control policy ACT with Low Rank Adaptation (ACT-LoRA), which enables the existing SoTA ACT model to perform few-shot continual learning. Secondly, we develop an alignment model that projects demonstrations across skill embodiments into a shared embedding allowing us to know when to ask questions and/or demonstrations from users. Finally, we integrated an existing LLM to interact with a human user to perform grounded interactive continual skill learning to solve a task. Our ACT-LoRA model learns novel fine-tuned skills with a 100% accuracy when trained with only five demonstrations for a novel skill while still maintaining a 74.75% accuracy on pre-trained skills in the RLBench dataset where other models fall significantly short. We also performed a human-subjects study with 8 subjects to demonstrate the continual learning capabilities of our combined framework. We achieve a success rate of 75% in the task of sandwich making with the real robot learning from participant data demonstrating that robots can learn novel skills or task knowledge from dialogue with non-expert users using our approach.
♻ ☆ A comparative study of human inverse kinematics techniques for lower limbs
Inverse Kinematics (IK) remains a dynamic field of research, with various methods striving for speed and precision. Despite advancements, many IK techniques face significant challenges, including high computational demands and the risk of generating unrealistic joint configurations. This paper conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of leading IK methods applied to the human leg, aiming to identify the most effective approach. We evaluate each method based on computational efficiency and its ability to produce realistic postures, while adhering to the natural range of motion and comfort zones of the joints. The findings provide insights into optimizing IK solutions for practical applications in biomechanics and animation.
comment: 17 pages and 17 figures
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 159
☆ Self-Evolving Depth-Supervised 3D Gaussian Splatting from Rendered Stereo Pairs BMVC 2024
3D Gaussian Splatting (GS) significantly struggles to accurately represent the underlying 3D scene geometry, resulting in inaccuracies and floating artifacts when rendering depth maps. In this paper, we address this limitation, undertaking a comprehensive analysis of the integration of depth priors throughout the optimization process of Gaussian primitives, and present a novel strategy for this purpose. This latter dynamically exploits depth cues from a readily available stereo network, processing virtual stereo pairs rendered by the GS model itself during training and achieving consistent self-improvement of the scene representation. Experimental results on three popular datasets, breaking ground as the first to assess depth accuracy for these models, validate our findings.
comment: BMVC 2024. Project page: https://kuis-ai.github.io/StereoGS/
☆ DreamMesh: Jointly Manipulating and Texturing Triangle Meshes for Text-to-3D Generation ECCV 2024
Learning radiance fields (NeRF) with powerful 2D diffusion models has garnered popularity for text-to-3D generation. Nevertheless, the implicit 3D representations of NeRF lack explicit modeling of meshes and textures over surfaces, and such surface-undefined way may suffer from the issues, e.g., noisy surfaces with ambiguous texture details or cross-view inconsistency. To alleviate this, we present DreamMesh, a novel text-to-3D architecture that pivots on well-defined surfaces (triangle meshes) to generate high-fidelity explicit 3D model. Technically, DreamMesh capitalizes on a distinctive coarse-to-fine scheme. In the coarse stage, the mesh is first deformed by text-guided Jacobians and then DreamMesh textures the mesh with an interlaced use of 2D diffusion models in a tuning free manner from multiple viewpoints. In the fine stage, DreamMesh jointly manipulates the mesh and refines the texture map, leading to high-quality triangle meshes with high-fidelity textured materials. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DreamMesh significantly outperforms state-of-the-art text-to-3D methods in faithfully generating 3D content with richer textual details and enhanced geometry. Our project page is available at https://dreammesh.github.io.
comment: ECCV 2024. Project page is available at \url{https://dreammesh.github.io}
☆ Hi3D: Pursuing High-Resolution Image-to-3D Generation with Video Diffusion Models
Despite having tremendous progress in image-to-3D generation, existing methods still struggle to produce multi-view consistent images with high-resolution textures in detail, especially in the paradigm of 2D diffusion that lacks 3D awareness. In this work, we present High-resolution Image-to-3D model (Hi3D), a new video diffusion based paradigm that redefines a single image to multi-view images as 3D-aware sequential image generation (i.e., orbital video generation). This methodology delves into the underlying temporal consistency knowledge in video diffusion model that generalizes well to geometry consistency across multiple views in 3D generation. Technically, Hi3D first empowers the pre-trained video diffusion model with 3D-aware prior (camera pose condition), yielding multi-view images with low-resolution texture details. A 3D-aware video-to-video refiner is learnt to further scale up the multi-view images with high-resolution texture details. Such high-resolution multi-view images are further augmented with novel views through 3D Gaussian Splatting, which are finally leveraged to obtain high-fidelity meshes via 3D reconstruction. Extensive experiments on both novel view synthesis and single view reconstruction demonstrate that our Hi3D manages to produce superior multi-view consistency images with highly-detailed textures. Source code and data are available at \url{https://github.com/yanghb22-fdu/Hi3D-Official}.
comment: ACM Multimedia 2024. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/yanghb22-fdu/Hi3D-Official}
☆ FreeEnhance: Tuning-Free Image Enhancement via Content-Consistent Noising-and-Denoising Process
The emergence of text-to-image generation models has led to the recognition that image enhancement, performed as post-processing, would significantly improve the visual quality of the generated images. Exploring diffusion models to enhance the generated images nevertheless is not trivial and necessitates to delicately enrich plentiful details while preserving the visual appearance of key content in the original image. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely FreeEnhance, for content-consistent image enhancement using the off-the-shelf image diffusion models. Technically, FreeEnhance is a two-stage process that firstly adds random noise to the input image and then capitalizes on a pre-trained image diffusion model (i.e., Latent Diffusion Models) to denoise and enhance the image details. In the noising stage, FreeEnhance is devised to add lighter noise to the region with higher frequency to preserve the high-frequent patterns (e.g., edge, corner) in the original image. In the denoising stage, we present three target properties as constraints to regularize the predicted noise, enhancing images with high acutance and high visual quality. Extensive experiments conducted on the HPDv2 dataset demonstrate that our FreeEnhance outperforms the state-of-the-art image enhancement models in terms of quantitative metrics and human preference. More remarkably, FreeEnhance also shows higher human preference compared to the commercial image enhancement solution of Magnific AI.
comment: ACM Multimedia 2024
☆ VMAS: Video-to-Music Generation via Semantic Alignment in Web Music Videos
We present a framework for learning to generate background music from video inputs. Unlike existing works that rely on symbolic musical annotations, which are limited in quantity and diversity, our method leverages large-scale web videos accompanied by background music. This enables our model to learn to generate realistic and diverse music. To accomplish this goal, we develop a generative video-music Transformer with a novel semantic video-music alignment scheme. Our model uses a joint autoregressive and contrastive learning objective, which encourages the generation of music aligned with high-level video content. We also introduce a novel video-beat alignment scheme to match the generated music beats with the low-level motions in the video. Lastly, to capture fine-grained visual cues in a video needed for realistic background music generation, we introduce a new temporal video encoder architecture, allowing us to efficiently process videos consisting of many densely sampled frames. We train our framework on our newly curated DISCO-MV dataset, consisting of 2.2M video-music samples, which is orders of magnitude larger than any prior datasets used for video music generation. Our method outperforms existing approaches on the DISCO-MV and MusicCaps datasets according to various music generation evaluation metrics, including human evaluation. Results are available at https://genjib.github.io/project_page/VMAs/index.html
comment: Project Page: https://genjib.github.io/project_page/VMAs/index.html
☆ StereoCrafter: Diffusion-based Generation of Long and High-fidelity Stereoscopic 3D from Monocular Videos
This paper presents a novel framework for converting 2D videos to immersive stereoscopic 3D, addressing the growing demand for 3D content in immersive experience. Leveraging foundation models as priors, our approach overcomes the limitations of traditional methods and boosts the performance to ensure the high-fidelity generation required by the display devices. The proposed system consists of two main steps: depth-based video splatting for warping and extracting occlusion mask, and stereo video inpainting. We utilize pre-trained stable video diffusion as the backbone and introduce a fine-tuning protocol for the stereo video inpainting task. To handle input video with varying lengths and resolutions, we explore auto-regressive strategies and tiled processing. Finally, a sophisticated data processing pipeline has been developed to reconstruct a large-scale and high-quality dataset to support our training. Our framework demonstrates significant improvements in 2D-to-3D video conversion, offering a practical solution for creating immersive content for 3D devices like Apple Vision Pro and 3D displays. In summary, this work contributes to the field by presenting an effective method for generating high-quality stereoscopic videos from monocular input, potentially transforming how we experience digital media.
comment: 11 pages, 10 figures
☆ Adaptive Adapter Routing for Long-Tailed Class-Incremental Learning
In our ever-evolving world, new data exhibits a long-tailed distribution, such as e-commerce platform reviews. This necessitates continuous model learning imbalanced data without forgetting, addressing the challenge of long-tailed class-incremental learning (LTCIL). Existing methods often rely on retraining linear classifiers with former data, which is impractical in real-world settings. In this paper, we harness the potent representation capabilities of pre-trained models and introduce AdaPtive Adapter RouTing (APART) as an exemplar-free solution for LTCIL. To counteract forgetting, we train inserted adapters with frozen pre-trained weights for deeper adaptation and maintain a pool of adapters for selection during sequential model updates. Additionally, we present an auxiliary adapter pool designed for effective generalization, especially on minority classes. Adaptive instance routing across these pools captures crucial correlations, facilitating a comprehensive representation of all classes. Consequently, APART tackles the imbalance problem as well as catastrophic forgetting in a unified framework. Extensive benchmark experiments validate the effectiveness of APART. Code is available at: https://github.com/vita-qzh/APART
comment: Accepted to Machine Learning Journal. Code is available at: https://github.com/vita-qzh/APART
☆ Deep Neural Network-Based Sign Language Recognition: A Comprehensive Approach Using Transfer Learning with Explainability
To promote inclusion and ensuring effective communication for those who rely on sign language as their main form of communication, sign language recognition (SLR) is crucial. Sign language recognition (SLR) seamlessly incorporates with diverse technology, enhancing accessibility for the deaf community by facilitating their use of digital platforms, video calls, and communication devices. To effectively solve this problem, we suggest a novel solution that uses a deep neural network to fully automate sign language recognition. This methodology integrates sophisticated preprocessing methodologies to optimise the overall performance. The architectures resnet, inception, xception, and vgg are utilised to selectively categorise images of sign language. We prepared a DNN architecture and merged it with the pre-processing architectures. In the post-processing phase, we utilised the SHAP deep explainer, which is based on cooperative game theory, to quantify the influence of specific features on the output of a machine learning model. Bhutanese-Sign-Language (BSL) dataset was used for training and testing the suggested technique. While training on Bhutanese-Sign-Language (BSL) dataset, overall ResNet50 with the DNN model performed better accuracy which is 98.90%. Our model's ability to provide informational clarity was assessed using the SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) method. In part to its considerable robustness and reliability, the proposed methodological approach can be used to develop a fully automated system for sign language recognition.
☆ Controllable retinal image synthesis using conditional StyleGAN and latent space manipulation for improved diagnosis and grading of diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a consequence of diabetes mellitus characterized by vascular damage within the retinal tissue. Timely detection is paramount to mitigate the risk of vision loss. However, training robust grading models is hindered by a shortage of annotated data, particularly for severe cases. This paper proposes a framework for controllably generating high-fidelity and diverse DR fundus images, thereby improving classifier performance in DR grading and detection. We achieve comprehensive control over DR severity and visual features (optic disc, vessel structure, lesion areas) within generated images solely through a conditional StyleGAN, eliminating the need for feature masks or auxiliary networks. Specifically, leveraging the SeFa algorithm to identify meaningful semantics within the latent space, we manipulate the DR images generated conditionally on grades, further enhancing the dataset diversity. Additionally, we propose a novel, effective SeFa-based data augmentation strategy, helping the classifier focus on discriminative regions while ignoring redundant features. Using this approach, a ResNet50 model trained for DR detection achieves 98.09% accuracy, 99.44% specificity, 99.45% precision, and an F1-score of 98.09%. Moreover, incorporating synthetic images generated by conditional StyleGAN into ResNet50 training for DR grading yields 83.33% accuracy, a quadratic kappa score of 87.64%, 95.67% specificity, and 72.24% precision. Extensive experiments conducted on the APTOS 2019 dataset demonstrate the exceptional realism of the generated images and the superior performance of our classifier compared to recent studies.
comment: 30 pages, 17 figures
☆ Efficient One-Step Diffusion Refinement for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
Coded Aperture Snapshot Spectral Imaging (CASSI) is a crucial technique for capturing three-dimensional multispectral images (MSIs) through the complex inverse task of reconstructing these images from coded two-dimensional measurements. Current state-of-the-art methods, predominantly end-to-end, face limitations in reconstructing high-frequency details and often rely on constrained datasets like KAIST and CAVE, resulting in models with poor generalizability. In response to these challenges, this paper introduces a novel one-step Diffusion Probabilistic Model within a self-supervised adaptation framework for Snapshot Compressive Imaging (SCI). Our approach leverages a pretrained SCI reconstruction network to generate initial predictions from two-dimensional measurements. Subsequently, a one-step diffusion model produces high-frequency residuals to enhance these initial predictions. Additionally, acknowledging the high costs associated with collecting MSIs, we develop a self-supervised paradigm based on the Equivariant Imaging (EI) framework. Experimental results validate the superiority of our model compared to previous methods, showcasing its simplicity and adaptability to various end-to-end or unfolding techniques.
☆ NVRC: Neural Video Representation Compression
Recent advances in implicit neural representation (INR)-based video coding have demonstrated its potential to compete with both conventional and other learning-based approaches. With INR methods, a neural network is trained to overfit a video sequence, with its parameters compressed to obtain a compact representation of the video content. However, although promising results have been achieved, the best INR-based methods are still out-performed by the latest standard codecs, such as VVC VTM, partially due to the simple model compression techniques employed. In this paper, rather than focusing on representation architectures as in many existing works, we propose a novel INR-based video compression framework, Neural Video Representation Compression (NVRC), targeting compression of the representation. Based on the novel entropy coding and quantization models proposed, NVRC, for the first time, is able to optimize an INR-based video codec in a fully end-to-end manner. To further minimize the additional bitrate overhead introduced by the entropy models, we have also proposed a new model compression framework for coding all the network, quantization and entropy model parameters hierarchically. Our experiments show that NVRC outperforms many conventional and learning-based benchmark codecs, with a 24% average coding gain over VVC VTM (Random Access) on the UVG dataset, measured in PSNR. As far as we are aware, this is the first time an INR-based video codec achieving such performance. The implementation of NVRC will be released at www.github.com.
☆ What to align in multimodal contrastive learning?
Humans perceive the world through multisensory integration, blending the information of different modalities to adapt their behavior. Contrastive learning offers an appealing solution for multimodal self-supervised learning. Indeed, by considering each modality as a different view of the same entity, it learns to align features of different modalities in a shared representation space. However, this approach is intrinsically limited as it only learns shared or redundant information between modalities, while multimodal interactions can arise in other ways. In this work, we introduce CoMM, a Contrastive MultiModal learning strategy that enables the communication between modalities in a single multimodal space. Instead of imposing cross- or intra- modality constraints, we propose to align multimodal representations by maximizing the mutual information between augmented versions of these multimodal features. Our theoretical analysis shows that shared, synergistic and unique terms of information naturally emerge from this formulation, allowing us to estimate multimodal interactions beyond redundancy. We test CoMM both in a controlled and in a series of real-world settings: in the former, we demonstrate that CoMM effectively captures redundant, unique and synergistic information between modalities. In the latter, CoMM learns complex multimodal interactions and achieves state-of-the-art results on the six multimodal benchmarks.
comment: 22 pages
☆ FIRAL: An Active Learning Algorithm for Multinomial Logistic Regression NeurIPS 2023
We investigate theory and algorithms for pool-based active learning for multiclass classification using multinomial logistic regression. Using finite sample analysis, we prove that the Fisher Information Ratio (FIR) lower and upper bounds the excess risk. Based on our theoretical analysis, we propose an active learning algorithm that employs regret minimization to minimize the FIR. To verify our derived excess risk bounds, we conduct experiments on synthetic datasets. Furthermore, we compare FIRAL with five other methods and found that our scheme outperforms them: it consistently produces the smallest classification error in the multiclass logistic regression setting, as demonstrated through experiments on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and 50-class ImageNet.
comment: Accepted at the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)
☆ Event-based Mosaicing Bundle Adjustment
We tackle the problem of mosaicing bundle adjustment (i.e., simultaneous refinement of camera orientations and scene map) for a purely rotating event camera. We formulate the problem as a regularized non-linear least squares optimization. The objective function is defined using the linearized event generation model in the camera orientations and the panoramic gradient map of the scene. We show that this BA optimization has an exploitable block-diagonal sparsity structure, so that the problem can be solved efficiently. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to leverage such sparsity to speed up the optimization in the context of event-based cameras, without the need to convert events into image-like representations. We evaluate our method, called EMBA, on both synthetic and real-world datasets to show its effectiveness (50% photometric error decrease), yielding results of unprecedented quality. In addition, we demonstrate EMBA using high spatial resolution event cameras, yielding delicate panoramas in the wild, even without an initial map. Project page: https://github.com/tub-rip/emba
comment: 14+11 pages, 11 figures, 10 tables, https://github.com/tub-rip/emba
☆ Quantifying Knee Cartilage Shape and Lesion: From Image to Metrics
Imaging features of knee articular cartilage have been shown to be potential imaging biomarkers for knee osteoarthritis. Despite recent methodological advancements in image analysis techniques like image segmentation, registration, and domain-specific image computing algorithms, only a few works focus on building fully automated pipelines for imaging feature extraction. In this study, we developed a deep-learning-based medical image analysis application for knee cartilage morphometrics, CartiMorph Toolbox (CMT). We proposed a 2-stage joint template learning and registration network, CMT-reg. We trained the model using the OAI-ZIB dataset and assessed its performance in template-to-image registration. The CMT-reg demonstrated competitive results compared to other state-of-the-art models. We integrated the proposed model into an automated pipeline for the quantification of cartilage shape and lesion (full-thickness cartilage loss, specifically). The toolbox provides a comprehensive, user-friendly solution for medical image analysis and data visualization. The software and models are available at https://github.com/YongchengYAO/CMT-AMAI24paper .
comment: The paper will be in the conference proceedings of AMAI 2024. See the conference website: https://sites.google.com/view/amai2024/home
☆ Securing Vision-Language Models with a Robust Encoder Against Jailbreak and Adversarial Attacks
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs), trained on multimodal big datasets, have significantly advanced AI by excelling in vision-language tasks. However, these models remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks, particularly jailbreak attacks, which bypass safety protocols and cause the model to generate misleading or harmful responses. This vulnerability stems from both the inherent susceptibilities of LLMs and the expanded attack surface introduced by the visual modality. We propose Sim-CLIP+, a novel defense mechanism that adversarially fine-tunes the CLIP vision encoder by leveraging a Siamese architecture. This approach maximizes cosine similarity between perturbed and clean samples, facilitating resilience against adversarial manipulations. Sim-CLIP+ offers a plug-and-play solution, allowing seamless integration into existing LVLM architectures as a robust vision encoder. Unlike previous defenses, our method requires no structural modifications to the LVLM and incurs minimal computational overhead. Sim-CLIP+ demonstrates effectiveness against both gradient-based adversarial attacks and various jailbreak techniques. We evaluate Sim-CLIP+ against three distinct jailbreak attack strategies and perform clean evaluations using standard downstream datasets, including COCO for image captioning and OKVQA for visual question answering. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Sim-CLIP+ maintains high clean accuracy while substantially improving robustness against both gradient-based adversarial attacks and jailbreak techniques. Our code and robust vision encoders are available at https://github.com/speedlab-git/Robust-Encoder-against-Jailbreak-attack.git.
☆ Federated Impression for Learning with Distributed Heterogeneous Data
Standard deep learning-based classification approaches may not always be practical in real-world clinical applications, as they require a centralized collection of all samples. Federated learning (FL) provides a paradigm that can learn from distributed datasets across clients without requiring them to share data, which can help mitigate privacy and data ownership issues. In FL, sub-optimal convergence caused by data heterogeneity is common among data from different health centers due to the variety in data collection protocols and patient demographics across centers. Through experimentation in this study, we show that data heterogeneity leads to the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting during local training. We propose FedImpres which alleviates catastrophic forgetting by restoring synthetic data that represents the global information as federated impression. To achieve this, we distill the global model resulting from each communication round. Subsequently, we use the synthetic data alongside the local data to enhance the generalization of local training. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on both the BloodMNIST and Retina datasets, which contain label imbalance and domain shift, with an improvement in classification accuracy of up to 20%.
☆ Benchmarking 2D Egocentric Hand Pose Datasets
Hand pose estimation from egocentric video has broad implications across various domains, including human-computer interaction, assistive technologies, activity recognition, and robotics, making it a topic of significant research interest. The efficacy of modern machine learning models depends on the quality of data used for their training. Thus, this work is devoted to the analysis of state-of-the-art egocentric datasets suitable for 2D hand pose estimation. We propose a novel protocol for dataset evaluation, which encompasses not only the analysis of stated dataset characteristics and assessment of data quality, but also the identification of dataset shortcomings through the evaluation of state-of-the-art hand pose estimation models. Our study reveals that despite the availability of numerous egocentric databases intended for 2D hand pose estimation, the majority are tailored for specific use cases. There is no ideal benchmark dataset yet; however, H2O and GANerated Hands datasets emerge as the most promising real and synthetic datasets, respectively.
☆ Learning to Compress Contexts for Efficient Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering
Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated great zero-shot performance on visual question answering (VQA). However, when it comes to knowledge-based VQA (KB-VQA), MLLMs may lack human commonsense or specialized domain knowledge to answer such questions and require obtaining necessary information from external knowledge sources. Previous works like Retrival-Augmented VQA-v2 (RAVQA-v2) focus on utilizing as much input information, such as image-based textual descriptions and retrieved knowledge, as possible to improve performance, but they all overlook the issue that with the number of input tokens increasing, inference efficiency significantly decreases, which contradicts the demands of practical applications. To address this issue, we propose Retrieval-Augmented MLLM with Compressed Contexts (RACC). RACC learns to compress and aggregate retrieved contexts, from which it generates a compact modulation in the form of Key-Value (KV) cache. This modulation is then used to adapt the downstream frozen MLLM, thereby achieving effective and efficient inference. RACC achieves a state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance of 62.9% on OK-VQA. Moreover, it significantly reduces inference latency by 22.0%-59.7% compared to the prominent RAVQA-v2. Abundant experiments show RACC's broad applicability. It is compatible with various off-the-shelf MLLMs and can also handle different knowledge sources including textual and multimodal documents.
☆ Current Symmetry Group Equivariant Convolution Frameworks for Representation Learning
Euclidean deep learning is often inadequate for addressing real-world signals where the representation space is irregular and curved with complex topologies. Interpreting the geometric properties of such feature spaces has become paramount in obtaining robust and compact feature representations that remain unaffected by nontrivial geometric transformations, which vanilla CNNs cannot effectively handle. Recognizing rotation, translation, permutation, or scale symmetries can lead to equivariance properties in the learned representations. This has led to notable advancements in computer vision and machine learning tasks under the framework of geometric deep learning, as compared to their invariant counterparts. In this report, we emphasize the importance of symmetry group equivariant deep learning models and their realization of convolution-like operations on graphs, 3D shapes, and non-Euclidean spaces by leveraging group theory and symmetry. We categorize them as regular, steerable, and PDE-based convolutions and thoroughly examine the inherent symmetries of their input spaces and ensuing representations. We also outline the mathematical link between group convolutions or message aggregation operations and the concept of equivariance. The report also highlights various datasets, their application scopes, limitations, and insightful observations on future directions to serve as a valuable reference and stimulate further research in this emerging discipline.
comment: 31 pages, 4 figures
☆ Module-wise Adaptive Adversarial Training for End-to-end Autonomous Driving
Recent advances in deep learning have markedly improved autonomous driving (AD) models, particularly end-to-end systems that integrate perception, prediction, and planning stages, achieving state-of-the-art performance. However, these models remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where human-imperceptible perturbations can disrupt decision-making processes. While adversarial training is an effective method for enhancing model robustness against such attacks, no prior studies have focused on its application to end-to-end AD models. In this paper, we take the first step in adversarial training for end-to-end AD models and present a novel Module-wise Adaptive Adversarial Training (MA2T). However, extending conventional adversarial training to this context is highly non-trivial, as different stages within the model have distinct objectives and are strongly interconnected. To address these challenges, MA2T first introduces Module-wise Noise Injection, which injects noise before the input of different modules, targeting training models with the guidance of overall objectives rather than each independent module loss. Additionally, we introduce Dynamic Weight Accumulation Adaptation, which incorporates accumulated weight changes to adaptively learn and adjust the loss weights of each module based on their contributions (accumulated reduction rates) for better balance and robust training. To demonstrate the efficacy of our defense, we conduct extensive experiments on the widely-used nuScenes dataset across several end-to-end AD models under both white-box and black-box attacks, where our method outperforms other baselines by large margins (+5-10%). Moreover, we validate the robustness of our defense through closed-loop evaluation in the CARLA simulation environment, showing improved resilience even against natural corruption.
comment: 14 pages
☆ Data Augmentation via Latent Diffusion for Saliency Prediction ECCV 2024
Saliency prediction models are constrained by the limited diversity and quantity of labeled data. Standard data augmentation techniques such as rotating and cropping alter scene composition, affecting saliency. We propose a novel data augmentation method for deep saliency prediction that edits natural images while preserving the complexity and variability of real-world scenes. Since saliency depends on high-level and low-level features, our approach involves learning both by incorporating photometric and semantic attributes such as color, contrast, brightness, and class. To that end, we introduce a saliency-guided cross-attention mechanism that enables targeted edits on the photometric properties, thereby enhancing saliency within specific image regions. Experimental results show that our data augmentation method consistently improves the performance of various saliency models. Moreover, leveraging the augmentation features for saliency prediction yields superior performance on publicly available saliency benchmarks. Our predictions align closely with human visual attention patterns in the edited images, as validated by a user study.
comment: 18 pages, published in ECCV 2024
☆ BLS-GAN: A Deep Layer Separation Framework for Eliminating Bone Overlap in Conventional Radiographs
Conventional radiography is the widely used imaging technology in diagnosing, monitoring, and prognosticating musculoskeletal (MSK) diseases because of its easy availability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. In conventional radiographs, bone overlaps are prevalent, and can impede the accurate assessment of bone characteristics by radiologists or algorithms, posing significant challenges to conventional and computer-aided diagnoses. This work initiated the study of a challenging scenario - bone layer separation in conventional radiographs, in which separate overlapped bone regions enable the independent assessment of the bone characteristics of each bone layer and lay the groundwork for MSK disease diagnosis and its automation. This work proposed a Bone Layer Separation GAN (BLS-GAN) framework that can produce high-quality bone layer images with reasonable bone characteristics and texture. This framework introduced a reconstructor based on conventional radiography imaging principles, which achieved efficient reconstruction and mitigates the recurrent calculations and training instability issues caused by soft tissue in the overlapped regions. Additionally, pre-training with synthetic images was implemented to enhance the stability of both the training process and the results. The generated images passed the visual Turing test, and improved performance in downstream tasks. This work affirms the feasibility of extracting bone layer images from conventional radiographs, which holds promise for leveraging bone layer separation technology to facilitate more comprehensive analytical research in MSK diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis. Code and dataset will be made available.
☆ PaveSAM Segment Anything for Pavement Distress
Automated pavement monitoring using computer vision can analyze pavement conditions more efficiently and accurately than manual methods. Accurate segmentation is essential for quantifying the severity and extent of pavement defects and consequently, the overall condition index used for prioritizing rehabilitation and maintenance activities. Deep learning-based segmentation models are however, often supervised and require pixel-level annotations, which can be costly and time-consuming. While the recent evolution of zero-shot segmentation models can generate pixel-wise labels for unseen classes without any training data, they struggle with irregularities of cracks and textured pavement backgrounds. This research proposes a zero-shot segmentation model, PaveSAM, that can segment pavement distresses using bounding box prompts. By retraining SAM's mask decoder with just 180 images, pavement distress segmentation is revolutionized, enabling efficient distress segmentation using bounding box prompts, a capability not found in current segmentation models. This not only drastically reduces labeling efforts and costs but also showcases our model's high performance with minimal input, establishing the pioneering use of SAM in pavement distress segmentation. Furthermore, researchers can use existing open-source pavement distress images annotated with bounding boxes to create segmentation masks, which increases the availability and diversity of segmentation pavement distress datasets.
☆ A Unified Contrastive Loss for Self-Training
Self-training methods have proven to be effective in exploiting abundant unlabeled data in semi-supervised learning, particularly when labeled data is scarce. While many of these approaches rely on a cross-entropy loss function (CE), recent advances have shown that the supervised contrastive loss function (SupCon) can be more effective. Additionally, unsupervised contrastive learning approaches have also been shown to capture high quality data representations in the unsupervised setting. To benefit from these advantages in a semi-supervised setting, we propose a general framework to enhance self-training methods, which replaces all instances of CE losses with a unique contrastive loss. By using class prototypes, which are a set of class-wise trainable parameters, we recover the probability distributions of the CE setting and show a theoretical equivalence with it. Our framework, when applied to popular self-training methods, results in significant performance improvements across three different datasets with a limited number of labeled data. Additionally, we demonstrate further improvements in convergence speed, transfer ability, and hyperparameter stability. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/AurelienGauffre/semisupcon/}.
☆ Exploring User-level Gradient Inversion with a Diffusion Prior NeurIPS 2023
We explore user-level gradient inversion as a new attack surface in distributed learning. We first investigate existing attacks on their ability to make inferences about private information beyond training data reconstruction. Motivated by the low reconstruction quality of existing methods, we propose a novel gradient inversion attack that applies a denoising diffusion model as a strong image prior in order to enhance recovery in the large batch setting. Unlike traditional attacks, which aim to reconstruct individual samples and suffer at large batch and image sizes, our approach instead aims to recover a representative image that captures the sensitive shared semantic information corresponding to the underlying user. Our experiments with face images demonstrate the ability of our methods to recover realistic facial images along with private user attributes.
comment: Presented at the International Workshop on Federated Learning in the Age of Foundation Models in conjunction with NeurIPS 2023
☆ TLD-READY: Traffic Light Detection -- Relevance Estimation and Deployment Analysis
Effective traffic light detection is a critical component of the perception stack in autonomous vehicles. This work introduces a novel deep-learning detection system while addressing the challenges of previous work. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset amalgamation, including the Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset, LISA, the DriveU Traffic Light Dataset, and a proprietary dataset from Karlsruhe, we ensure a robust evaluation across varied scenarios. Furthermore, we propose a relevance estimation system that innovatively uses directional arrow markings on the road, eliminating the need for prior map creation. On the DriveU dataset, this approach results in 96% accuracy in relevance estimation. Finally, a real-world evaluation is performed to evaluate the deployment and generalizing abilities of these models. For reproducibility and to facilitate further research, we provide the model weights and code: https://github.com/KASTEL-MobilityLab/traffic-light-detection.
☆ Tuning-Free Online Robust Principal Component Analysis through Implicit Regularization
The performance of the standard Online Robust Principal Component Analysis (OR-PCA) technique depends on the optimum tuning of the explicit regularizers and this tuning is dataset sensitive. We aim to remove the dependency on these tuning parameters by using implicit regularization. We propose to use the implicit regularization effect of various modified gradient descents to make OR-PCA tuning free. Our method incorporates three different versions of modified gradient descent that separately but naturally encourage sparsity and low-rank structures in the data. The proposed method performs comparable or better than the tuned OR-PCA for both simulated and real-world datasets. Tuning-free ORPCA makes it more scalable for large datasets since we do not require dataset-dependent parameter tuning.
☆ CCFExp: Facial Image Synthesis with Cycle Cross-Fusion Diffusion Model for Facial Paralysis Individuals
Facial paralysis is a debilitating condition that affects the movement of facial muscles, leading to a significant loss of facial expressions. Currently, the diagnosis of facial paralysis remains a challenging task, often relying heavily on the subjective judgment and experience of clinicians, which can introduce variability and uncertainty in the assessment process. One promising application in real-life situations is the automatic estimation of facial paralysis. However, the scarcity of facial paralysis datasets limits the development of robust machine learning models for automated diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. To this end, this study aims to synthesize a high-quality facial paralysis dataset to address this gap, enabling more accurate and efficient algorithm training. Specifically, a novel Cycle Cross-Fusion Expression Generative Model (CCFExp) based on the diffusion model is proposed to combine different features of facial information and enhance the visual details of facial appearance and texture in facial regions, thus creating synthetic facial images that accurately represent various degrees and types of facial paralysis. We have qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated the proposed method on the commonly used public clinical datasets of facial paralysis to demonstrate its effectiveness. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method surpasses state-of-the-art methods, generating more realistic facial images and maintaining identity consistency.
☆ Realistic and Efficient Face Swapping: A Unified Approach with Diffusion Models WACV 2025
Despite promising progress in face swapping task, realistic swapped images remain elusive, often marred by artifacts, particularly in scenarios involving high pose variation, color differences, and occlusion. To address these issues, we propose a novel approach that better harnesses diffusion models for face-swapping by making following core contributions. (a) We propose to re-frame the face-swapping task as a self-supervised, train-time inpainting problem, enhancing the identity transfer while blending with the target image. (b) We introduce a multi-step Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model (DDIM) sampling during training, reinforcing identity and perceptual similarities. (c) Third, we introduce CLIP feature disentanglement to extract pose, expression, and lighting information from the target image, improving fidelity. (d) Further, we introduce a mask shuffling technique during inpainting training, which allows us to create a so-called universal model for swapping, with an additional feature of head swapping. Ours can swap hair and even accessories, beyond traditional face swapping. Unlike prior works reliant on multiple off-the-shelf models, ours is a relatively unified approach and so it is resilient to errors in other off-the-shelf models. Extensive experiments on FFHQ and CelebA datasets validate the efficacy and robustness of our approach, showcasing high-fidelity, realistic face-swapping with minimal inference time. Our code is available at https://github.com/Sanoojan/REFace.
comment: Accepted as a conference paper at WACV 2025
☆ MiniDrive: More Efficient Vision-Language Models with Multi-Level 2D Features as Text Tokens for Autonomous Driving
Vision-language models (VLMs) serve as general-purpose end-to-end models in autonomous driving, performing subtasks such as prediction, planning, and perception through question-and-answer interactions. However, most existing methods rely on computationally expensive visual encoders and large language models (LLMs), making them difficult to deploy in real-world scenarios and real-time applications. Meanwhile, most existing VLMs lack the ability to process multiple images, making it difficult to adapt to multi-camera perception in autonomous driving. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework called MiniDrive, which incorporates our proposed Feature Engineering Mixture of Experts (FE-MoE) module and Dynamic Instruction Adapter (DI-Adapter). The FE-MoE effectively maps 2D features into visual token embeddings before being input into the language model. The DI-Adapter enables the visual token embeddings to dynamically change with the instruction text embeddings, resolving the issue of static visual token embeddings for the same image in previous approaches. Compared to previous works, MiniDrive achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of parameter size, floating point operations, and response efficiency, with the smallest version containing only 83M parameters.
☆ TopoMap++: A faster and more space efficient technique to compute projections with topological guarantees
High-dimensional data, characterized by many features, can be difficult to visualize effectively. Dimensionality reduction techniques, such as PCA, UMAP, and t-SNE, address this challenge by projecting the data into a lower-dimensional space while preserving important relationships. TopoMap is another technique that excels at preserving the underlying structure of the data, leading to interpretable visualizations. In particular, TopoMap maps the high-dimensional data into a visual space, guaranteeing that the 0-dimensional persistence diagram of the Rips filtration of the visual space matches the one from the high-dimensional data. However, the original TopoMap algorithm can be slow and its layout can be too sparse for large and complex datasets. In this paper, we propose three improvements to TopoMap: 1) a more space-efficient layout, 2) a significantly faster implementation, and 3) a novel TreeMap-based representation that makes use of the topological hierarchy to aid the exploration of the projections. These advancements make TopoMap, now referred to as TopoMap++, a more powerful tool for visualizing high-dimensional data which we demonstrate through different use case scenarios.
comment: This is the author's version of the article that has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
☆ MRAC Track 1: 2nd Workshop on Multimodal, Generative and Responsible Affective Computing ACM MM
With the rapid advancements in multimodal generative technology, Affective Computing research has provoked discussion about the potential consequences of AI systems equipped with emotional intelligence. Affective Computing involves the design, evaluation, and implementation of Emotion AI and related technologies aimed at improving people's lives. Designing a computational model in affective computing requires vast amounts of multimodal data, including RGB images, video, audio, text, and physiological signals. Moreover, Affective Computing research is deeply engaged with ethical considerations at various stages-from training emotionally intelligent models on large-scale human data to deploying these models in specific applications. Fundamentally, the development of any AI system must prioritize its impact on humans, aiming to augment and enhance human abilities rather than replace them, while drawing inspiration from human intelligence in a safe and responsible manner. The MRAC 2024 Track 1 workshop seeks to extend these principles from controlled, small-scale lab environments to real-world, large-scale contexts, emphasizing responsible development. The workshop also aims to highlight the potential implications of generative technology, along with the ethical consequences of its use, to researchers and industry professionals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first workshop series to comprehensively address the full spectrum of multimodal, generative affective computing from a responsible AI perspective, and this is the second iteration of this workshop. Webpage: https://react-ws.github.io/2024/
comment: ACM MM Workshop 2024. Workshop webpage: https://react-ws.github.io/2024/
☆ EMOdiffhead: Continuously Emotional Control in Talking Head Generation via Diffusion
The task of audio-driven portrait animation involves generating a talking head video using an identity image and an audio track of speech. While many existing approaches focus on lip synchronization and video quality, few tackle the challenge of generating emotion-driven talking head videos. The ability to control and edit emotions is essential for producing expressive and realistic animations. In response to this challenge, we propose EMOdiffhead, a novel method for emotional talking head video generation that not only enables fine-grained control of emotion categories and intensities but also enables one-shot generation. Given the FLAME 3D model's linearity in expression modeling, we utilize the DECA method to extract expression vectors, that are combined with audio to guide a diffusion model in generating videos with precise lip synchronization and rich emotional expressiveness. This approach not only enables the learning of rich facial information from emotion-irrelevant data but also facilitates the generation of emotional videos. It effectively overcomes the limitations of emotional data, such as the lack of diversity in facial and background information, and addresses the absence of emotional details in emotion-irrelevant data. Extensive experiments and user studies demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to other emotion portrait animation methods.
comment: 12 pages, 7 figures
☆ Alignment of Diffusion Models: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future
Diffusion models have emerged as the leading paradigm in generative modeling, excelling in various applications. Despite their success, these models often misalign with human intentions, generating outputs that may not match text prompts or possess desired properties. Inspired by the success of alignment in tuning large language models, recent studies have investigated aligning diffusion models with human expectations and preferences. This work mainly reviews alignment of diffusion models, covering advancements in fundamentals of alignment, alignment techniques of diffusion models, preference benchmarks, and evaluation for diffusion models. Moreover, we discuss key perspectives on current challenges and promising future directions on solving the remaining challenges in alignment of diffusion models. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first comprehensive review paper for researchers and engineers to comprehend, practice, and research alignment of diffusion models.
comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
☆ Single-View 3D Reconstruction via SO(2)-Equivariant Gaussian Sculpting Networks
This paper introduces SO(2)-Equivariant Gaussian Sculpting Networks (GSNs) as an approach for SO(2)-Equivariant 3D object reconstruction from single-view image observations. GSNs take a single observation as input to generate a Gaussian splat representation describing the observed object's geometry and texture. By using a shared feature extractor before decoding Gaussian colors, covariances, positions, and opacities, GSNs achieve extremely high throughput (>150FPS). Experiments demonstrate that GSNs can be trained efficiently using a multi-view rendering loss and are competitive, in quality, with expensive diffusion-based reconstruction algorithms. The GSN model is validated on multiple benchmark experiments. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential for GSNs to be used within a robotic manipulation pipeline for object-centric grasping.
comment: Accepted to RSS 2024 Workshop on Geometric and Algebraic Structure in Robot Learning
☆ PiTe: Pixel-Temporal Alignment for Large Video-Language Model
Fueled by the Large Language Models (LLMs) wave, Large Visual-Language Models (LVLMs) have emerged as a pivotal advancement, bridging the gap between image and text. However, video making it challenging for LVLMs to perform adequately due to the complexity of the relationship between language and spatial-temporal data structure. Recent Large Video-Language Models (LVidLMs) align feature of static visual data like image into latent space of language feature, by general multi-modal tasks to leverage abilities of LLMs sufficiently. In this paper, we explore fine-grained alignment approach via object trajectory for different modalities across both spatial and temporal dimensions simultaneously. Thus, we propose a novel LVidLM by trajectory-guided Pixel-Temporal Alignment, dubbed PiTe, that exhibits promising applicable model property. To achieve fine-grained video-language alignment, we curate a multi-modal pre-training dataset PiTe-143k, the dataset provision of moving trajectories in pixel level for all individual objects, that appear and mention in the video and caption both, by our automatic annotation pipeline. Meanwhile, PiTe demonstrates astounding capabilities on myriad video-related multi-modal tasks through beat the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin.
☆ Diff-VPS: Video Polyp Segmentation via a Multi-task Diffusion Network with Adversarial Temporal Reasoning
Diffusion Probabilistic Models have recently attracted significant attention in the community of computer vision due to their outstanding performance. However, while a substantial amount of diffusion-based research has focused on generative tasks, no work introduces diffusion models to advance the results of polyp segmentation in videos, which is frequently challenged by polyps' high camouflage and redundant temporal cues.In this paper, we present a novel diffusion-based network for video polyp segmentation task, dubbed as Diff-VPS. We incorporate multi-task supervision into diffusion models to promote the discrimination of diffusion models on pixel-by-pixel segmentation. This integrates the contextual high-level information achieved by the joint classification and detection tasks. To explore the temporal dependency, Temporal Reasoning Module (TRM) is devised via reasoning and reconstructing the target frame from the previous frames. We further equip TRM with a generative adversarial self-supervised strategy to produce more realistic frames and thus capture better dynamic cues. Extensive experiments are conducted on SUN-SEG, and the results indicate that our proposed Diff-VPS significantly achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code is available at https://github.com/lydia-yllu/Diff-VPS.
☆ 3DGCQA: A Quality Assessment Database for 3D AI-Generated Contents
Although 3D generated content (3DGC) offers advantages in reducing production costs and accelerating design timelines, its quality often falls short when compared to 3D professionally generated content. Common quality issues frequently affect 3DGC, highlighting the importance of timely and effective quality assessment. Such evaluations not only ensure a higher standard of 3DGCs for end-users but also provide critical insights for advancing generative technologies. To address existing gaps in this domain, this paper introduces a novel 3DGC quality assessment dataset, 3DGCQA, built using 7 representative Text-to-3D generation methods. During the dataset's construction, 50 fixed prompts are utilized to generate contents across all methods, resulting in the creation of 313 textured meshes that constitute the 3DGCQA dataset. The visualization intuitively reveals the presence of 6 common distortion categories in the generated 3DGCs. To further explore the quality of the 3DGCs, subjective quality assessment is conducted by evaluators, whose ratings reveal significant variation in quality across different generation methods. Additionally, several objective quality assessment algorithms are tested on the 3DGCQA dataset. The results expose limitations in the performance of existing algorithms and underscore the need for developing more specialized quality assessment methods. To provide a valuable resource for future research and development in 3D content generation and quality assessment, the dataset has been open-sourced in https://github.com/zyj-2000/3DGCQA.
☆ Watchlist Challenge: 3rd Open-set Face Detection and Identification
In the current landscape of biometrics and surveillance, the ability to accurately recognize faces in uncontrolled settings is paramount. The Watchlist Challenge addresses this critical need by focusing on face detection and open-set identification in real-world surveillance scenarios. This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of participating algorithms, using the enhanced UnConstrained College Students (UCCS) dataset with new evaluation protocols. In total, four participants submitted four face detection and nine open-set face recognition systems. The evaluation demonstrates that while detection capabilities are generally robust, closed-set identification performance varies significantly, with models pre-trained on large-scale datasets showing superior performance. However, open-set scenarios require further improvement, especially at higher true positive identification rates, i.e., lower thresholds.
comment: Accepted for presentation at IJCB 2024
☆ Behavioral Cloning Models Reality Check for Autonomous Driving
How effective are recent advancements in autonomous vehicle perception systems when applied to real-world autonomous vehicle control? While numerous vision-based autonomous vehicle systems have been trained and evaluated in simulated environments, there is a notable lack of real-world validation for these systems. This paper addresses this gap by presenting the real-world validation of state-of-the-art perception systems that utilize Behavior Cloning (BC) for lateral control, processing raw image data to predict steering commands. The dataset was collected using a scaled research vehicle and tested on various track setups. Experimental results demonstrate that these methods predict steering angles with low error margins in real-time, indicating promising potential for real-world applications.
☆ Enhancing CTC-Based Visual Speech Recognition
This paper presents LiteVSR2, an enhanced version of our previously introduced efficient approach to Visual Speech Recognition (VSR). Building upon our knowledge distillation framework from a pre-trained Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model, we introduce two key improvements: a stabilized video preprocessing technique and feature normalization in the distillation process. These improvements yield substantial performance gains on the LRS2 and LRS3 benchmarks, positioning LiteVSR2 as the current best CTC-based VSR model without increasing the volume of training data or computational resources utilized. Furthermore, we explore the scalability of our approach by examining performance metrics across varying model complexities and training data volumes. LiteVSR2 maintains the efficiency of its predecessor while significantly enhancing accuracy, thereby demonstrating the potential for resource-efficient advancements in VSR technology.
☆ ThermalGaussian: Thermal 3D Gaussian Splatting
Thermography is especially valuable for the military and other users of surveillance cameras. Some recent methods based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) are proposed to reconstruct the thermal scenes in 3D from a set of thermal and RGB images. However, unlike NeRF, 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) prevails due to its rapid training and real-time rendering. In this work, we propose ThermalGaussian, the first thermal 3DGS approach capable of rendering high-quality images in RGB and thermal modalities. We first calibrate the RGB camera and the thermal camera to ensure that both modalities are accurately aligned. Subsequently, we use the registered images to learn the multimodal 3D Gaussians. To prevent the overfitting of any single modality, we introduce several multimodal regularization constraints. We also develop smoothing constraints tailored to the physical characteristics of the thermal modality. Besides, we contribute a real-world dataset named RGBT-Scenes, captured by a hand-hold thermal-infrared camera, facilitating future research on thermal scene reconstruction. We conduct comprehensive experiments to show that ThermalGaussian achieves photorealistic rendering of thermal images and improves the rendering quality of RGB images. With the proposed multimodal regularization constraints, we also reduced the model's storage cost by 90\%. The code and dataset will be released.
comment: 10 pages, 7 figures
☆ Enhancing Angular Resolution via Directionality Encoding and Geometric Constraints in Brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging ICONIP2024
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a type of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique sensitised to the diffusivity of water molecules, offering the capability to inspect tissue microstructures and is the only in-vivo method to reconstruct white matter fiber tracts non-invasively. The DWI signal can be analysed with the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model to estimate the directionality of water diffusion within voxels. Several scalar metrics, including axial diffusivity (AD), mean diffusivity (MD), radial diffusivity (RD), and fractional anisotropy (FA), can be further derived from DTI to quantitatively summarise the microstructural integrity of brain tissue. These scalar metrics have played an important role in understanding the organisation and health of brain tissue at a microscopic level in clinical studies. However, reliable DTI metrics rely on DWI acquisitions with high gradient directions, which often go beyond the commonly used clinical protocols. To enhance the utility of clinically acquired DWI and save scanning time for robust DTI analysis, this work proposes DirGeo-DTI, a deep learning-based method to estimate reliable DTI metrics even from a set of DWIs acquired with the minimum theoretical number (6) of gradient directions. DirGeo-DTI leverages directional encoding and geometric constraints to facilitate the training process. Two public DWI datasets were used for evaluation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the best performance compared to existing DTI enhancement methods and potentially reveals further clinical insights with routine clinical DWI scans.
comment: Accepted to ICONIP2024, Diffusion Weighted Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Angular Resolution Enhancement, Fractional Anisotropy
☆ Phy124: Fast Physics-Driven 4D Content Generation from a Single Image
4D content generation focuses on creating dynamic 3D objects that change over time. Existing methods primarily rely on pre-trained video diffusion models, utilizing sampling processes or reference videos. However, these approaches face significant challenges. Firstly, the generated 4D content often fails to adhere to real-world physics since video diffusion models do not incorporate physical priors. Secondly, the extensive sampling process and the large number of parameters in diffusion models result in exceedingly time-consuming generation processes. To address these issues, we introduce Phy124, a novel, fast, and physics-driven method for controllable 4D content generation from a single image. Phy124 integrates physical simulation directly into the 4D generation process, ensuring that the resulting 4D content adheres to natural physical laws. Phy124 also eliminates the use of diffusion models during the 4D dynamics generation phase, significantly speeding up the process. Phy124 allows for the control of 4D dynamics, including movement speed and direction, by manipulating external forces. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Phy124 generates high-fidelity 4D content with significantly reduced inference times, achieving stateof-the-art performance. The code and generated 4D content are available at the provided link: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/BBF2/.
☆ Swin-LiteMedSAM: A Lightweight Box-Based Segment Anything Model for Large-Scale Medical Image Datasets
Medical imaging is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, with medical image segmentation as a subtask receiving high attention. However, automatic medical image segmentation models are typically task-specific and struggle to handle multiple scenarios, such as different imaging modalities and regions of interest. With the introduction of the Segment Anything Model (SAM), training a universal model for various clinical scenarios has become feasible. Recently, several Medical SAM (MedSAM) methods have been proposed, but these models often rely on heavy image encoders to achieve high performance, which may not be practical for real-world applications due to their high computational demands and slow inference speed. To address this issue, a lightweight version of the MedSAM (LiteMedSAM) can provide a viable solution, achieving high performance while requiring fewer resources and less time. In this work, we introduce Swin-LiteMedSAM, a new variant of LiteMedSAM. This model integrates the tiny Swin Transformer as the image encoder, incorporates multiple types of prompts, including box-based points and scribble generated from a given bounding box, and establishes skip connections between the image encoder and the mask decoder. In the \textit{Segment Anything in Medical Images on Laptop} challenge (CVPR 2024), our approach strikes a good balance between segmentation performance and speed, demonstrating significantly improved overall results across multiple modalities compared to the LiteMedSAM baseline provided by the challenge organizers. Our proposed model achieved a DSC score of \textbf{0.8678} and an NSD score of \textbf{0.8844} on the validation set. On the final test set, it attained a DSC score of \textbf{0.8193} and an NSD score of \textbf{0.8461}, securing fourth place in the challenge.
comment: 13 pages
☆ AC-IND: Sparse CT reconstruction based on attenuation coefficient estimation and implicit neural distribution
Computed tomography (CT) reconstruction plays a crucial role in industrial nondestructive testing and medical diagnosis. Sparse view CT reconstruction aims to reconstruct high-quality CT images while only using a small number of projections, which helps to improve the detection speed of industrial assembly lines and is also meaningful for reducing radiation in medical scenarios. Sparse CT reconstruction methods based on implicit neural representations (INRs) have recently shown promising performance, but still produce artifacts because of the difficulty of obtaining useful prior information. In this work, we incorporate a powerful prior: the total number of material categories of objects. To utilize the prior, we design AC-IND, a self-supervised method based on Attenuation Coefficient Estimation and Implicit Neural Distribution. Specifically, our method first transforms the traditional INR from scalar mapping to probability distribution mapping. Then we design a compact attenuation coefficient estimator initialized with values from a rough reconstruction and fast segmentation. Finally, our algorithm finishes the CT reconstruction by jointly optimizing the estimator and the generated distribution. Through experiments, we find that our method not only outperforms the comparative methods in sparse CT reconstruction but also can automatically generate semantic segmentation maps.
comment: 12 pages
☆ Mamba Policy: Towards Efficient 3D Diffusion Policy with Hybrid Selective State Models
Diffusion models have been widely employed in the field of 3D manipulation due to their efficient capability to learn distributions, allowing for precise prediction of action trajectories. However, diffusion models typically rely on large parameter UNet backbones as policy networks, which can be challenging to deploy on resource-constrained devices. Recently, the Mamba model has emerged as a promising solution for efficient modeling, offering low computational complexity and strong performance in sequence modeling. In this work, we propose the Mamba Policy, a lighter but stronger policy that reduces the parameter count by over 80% compared to the original policy network while achieving superior performance. Specifically, we introduce the XMamba Block, which effectively integrates input information with conditional features and leverages a combination of Mamba and Attention mechanisms for deep feature extraction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the Mamba Policy excels on the Adroit, Dexart, and MetaWorld datasets, requiring significantly fewer computational resources. Additionally, we highlight the Mamba Policy's enhanced robustness in long-horizon scenarios compared to baseline methods and explore the performance of various Mamba variants within the Mamba Policy framework. Our project page is in https://andycao1125.github.io/mamba_policy/.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
☆ MVLLaVA: An Intelligent Agent for Unified and Flexible Novel View Synthesis
This paper introduces MVLLaVA, an intelligent agent designed for novel view synthesis tasks. MVLLaVA integrates multiple multi-view diffusion models with a large multimodal model, LLaVA, enabling it to handle a wide range of tasks efficiently. MVLLaVA represents a versatile and unified platform that adapts to diverse input types, including a single image, a descriptive caption, or a specific change in viewing azimuth, guided by language instructions for viewpoint generation. We carefully craft task-specific instruction templates, which are subsequently used to fine-tune LLaVA. As a result, MVLLaVA acquires the capability to generate novel view images based on user instructions, demonstrating its flexibility across diverse tasks. Experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of MVLLaVA, demonstrating its robust performance and versatility in tackling diverse novel view synthesis challenges.
comment: project page: https://jamesjg.github.io/MVLLaVA_homepage/
☆ Deep Learning Techniques for Hand Vein Biometrics: A Comprehensive Review
Biometric authentication has garnered significant attention as a secure and efficient method of identity verification. Among the various modalities, hand vein biometrics, including finger vein, palm vein, and dorsal hand vein recognition, offer unique advantages due to their high accuracy, low susceptibility to forgery, and non-intrusiveness. The vein patterns within the hand are highly complex and distinct for each individual, making them an ideal biometric identifier. Additionally, hand vein recognition is contactless, enhancing user convenience and hygiene compared to other modalities such as fingerprint or iris recognition. Furthermore, the veins are internally located, rendering them less susceptible to damage or alteration, thus enhancing the security and reliability of the biometric system. The combination of these factors makes hand vein biometrics a highly effective and secure method for identity verification. This review paper delves into the latest advancements in deep learning techniques applied to finger vein, palm vein, and dorsal hand vein recognition. It encompasses all essential fundamentals of hand vein biometrics, summarizes publicly available datasets, and discusses state-of-the-art metrics used for evaluating the three modes. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive overview of suggested approaches for finger, palm, dorsal, and multimodal vein techniques, offering insights into the best performance achieved, data augmentation techniques, and effective transfer learning methods, along with associated pretrained deep learning models. Additionally, the review addresses research challenges faced and outlines future directions and perspectives, encouraging researchers to enhance existing methods and propose innovative techniques.
☆ Attention Down-Sampling Transformer, Relative Ranking and Self-Consistency for Blind Image Quality Assessment ICIP
The no-reference image quality assessment is a challenging domain that addresses estimating image quality without the original reference. We introduce an improved mechanism to extract local and non-local information from images via different transformer encoders and CNNs. The utilization of Transformer encoders aims to mitigate locality bias and generate a non-local representation by sequentially processing CNN features, which inherently capture local visual structures. Establishing a stronger connection between subjective and objective assessments is achieved through sorting within batches of images based on relative distance information. A self-consistency approach to self-supervision is presented, explicitly addressing the degradation of no-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) models under equivariant transformations. Our approach ensures model robustness by maintaining consistency between an image and its horizontally flipped equivalent. Through empirical evaluation of five popular image quality assessment datasets, the proposed model outperforms alternative algorithms in the context of no-reference image quality assessment datasets, especially on smaller datasets. Codes are available at \href{https://github.com/mas94/ADTRS}{https://github.com/mas94/ADTRS}
comment: Accepted in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
☆ Fast Medical Shape Reconstruction via Meta-learned Implicit Neural Representations
Efficient and fast reconstruction of anatomical structures plays a crucial role in clinical practice. Minimizing retrieval and processing times not only potentially enhances swift response and decision-making in critical scenarios but also supports interactive surgical planning and navigation. Recent methods attempt to solve the medical shape reconstruction problem by utilizing implicit neural functions. However, their performance suffers in terms of generalization and computation time, a critical metric for real-time applications. To address these challenges, we propose to leverage meta-learning to improve the network parameters initialization, reducing inference time by an order of magnitude while maintaining high accuracy. We evaluate our approach on three public datasets covering different anatomical shapes and modalities, namely CT and MRI. Our experimental results show that our model can handle various input configurations, such as sparse slices with different orientations and spacings. Additionally, we demonstrate that our method exhibits strong transferable capabilities in generalizing to shape domains unobserved at training time.
☆ Redundancy-Aware Camera Selection for Indoor Scene Neural Rendering
Novel view synthesis of indoor scenes can be achieved by capturing a monocular video sequence of the environment. However, redundant information caused by artificial movements in the input video data reduces the efficiency of scene modeling. In this work, we tackle this challenge from the perspective of camera selection. We begin by constructing a similarity matrix that incorporates both the spatial diversity of the cameras and the semantic variation of the images. Based on this matrix, we use the Intra-List Diversity (ILD) metric to assess camera redundancy, formulating the camera selection task as an optimization problem. Then we apply a diversity-based sampling algorithm to optimize the camera selection. We also develop a new dataset, IndoorTraj, which includes long and complex camera movements captured by humans in virtual indoor environments, closely mimicking real-world scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate that our strategy outperforms other approaches under time and memory constraints. Remarkably, our method achieves performance comparable to models trained on the full dataset, while using only an average of 15% of the frames and 75% of the allotted time.
☆ Deep intra-operative illumination calibration of hyperspectral cameras MICCAI 2024
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is emerging as a promising novel imaging modality with various potential surgical applications. Currently available cameras, however, suffer from poor integration into the clinical workflow because they require the lights to be switched off, or the camera to be manually recalibrated as soon as lighting conditions change. Given this critical bottleneck, the contribution of this paper is threefold: (1) We demonstrate that dynamically changing lighting conditions in the operating room dramatically affect the performance of HSI applications, namely physiological parameter estimation, and surgical scene segmentation. (2) We propose a novel learning-based approach to automatically recalibrating hyperspectral images during surgery and show that it is sufficiently accurate to replace the tedious process of white reference-based recalibration. (3) Based on a total of 742 HSI cubes from a phantom, porcine models, and rats we show that our recalibration method not only outperforms previously proposed methods, but also generalizes across species, lighting conditions, and image processing tasks. Due to its simple workflow integration as well as high accuracy, speed, and generalization capabilities, our method could evolve as a central component in clinical surgical HSI.
comment: Oral at MICCAI 2024
☆ CWT-Net: Super-resolution of Histopathology Images Using a Cross-scale Wavelet-based Transformer
Super-resolution (SR) aims to enhance the quality of low-resolution images and has been widely applied in medical imaging. We found that the design principles of most existing methods are influenced by SR tasks based on real-world images and do not take into account the significance of the multi-level structure in pathological images, even if they can achieve respectable objective metric evaluations. In this work, we delve into two super-resolution working paradigms and propose a novel network called CWT-Net, which leverages cross-scale image wavelet transform and Transformer architecture. Our network consists of two branches: one dedicated to learning super-resolution and the other to high-frequency wavelet features. To generate high-resolution histopathology images, the Transformer module shares and fuses features from both branches at various stages. Notably, we have designed a specialized wavelet reconstruction module to effectively enhance the wavelet domain features and enable the network to operate in different modes, allowing for the introduction of additional relevant information from cross-scale images. Our experimental results demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both performance and visualization evaluations and can substantially boost the accuracy of image diagnostic networks.
☆ Multimodal Emotion Recognition with Vision-language Prompting and Modality Dropout
In this paper, we present our solution for the Second Multimodal Emotion Recognition Challenge Track 1(MER2024-SEMI). To enhance the accuracy and generalization performance of emotion recognition, we propose several methods for Multimodal Emotion Recognition. Firstly, we introduce EmoVCLIP, a model fine-tuned based on CLIP using vision-language prompt learning, designed for video-based emotion recognition tasks. By leveraging prompt learning on CLIP, EmoVCLIP improves the performance of pre-trained CLIP on emotional videos. Additionally, to address the issue of modality dependence in multimodal fusion, we employ modality dropout for robust information fusion. Furthermore, to aid Baichuan in better extracting emotional information, we suggest using GPT-4 as the prompt for Baichuan. Lastly, we utilize a self-training strategy to leverage unlabeled videos. In this process, we use unlabeled videos with high-confidence pseudo-labels generated by our model and incorporate them into the training set. Experimental results demonstrate that our model ranks 1st in the MER2024-SEMI track, achieving an accuracy of 90.15% on the test set.
☆ Edge Modeling Activation Free Fourier Network for Spacecraft Image Denoising
Spacecraft image denoising is a crucial basic technology closely related to aerospace research. However, the existing deep learning-based image denoising methods lack deep consideration of the characteristics of spacecraft image. To address the aforementioned shortcomings, we analyses spacecraft noise image and identifies two main characteristics. One is that there are a large number of low-light images in the obtained spacecraft noise image dataset. Another is there are a lot of repetitive periodic features in spacecraft image. According to the above mentioned characteristics, we propose a Edge modeling Activation Free Fourier Network (EAFFN), which is an efficient spacecraft image denoising method including Edge Modeling Block (EMB) and Activation Free Fourier Block (AFFB). We present EMB to effectively model edge and extract structural information and better identify the spacecraft components from dark regions in spacecraft noise image. We present AFFB and utilize an improved fast fourier block to extract repetitive periodic features and long-range information in noisy spacecraft image. In addition, Simple Gate is designed in our AFFB to reduce the computational complexity. Extensive experimental results demonstrate our EAFFN performs competitively to the state-of-the-art on spacecraft noise image datasets.
☆ Pushing the Limits of Vision-Language Models in Remote Sensing without Human Annotations
The prominence of generalized foundation models in vision-language integration has witnessed a surge, given their multifarious applications. Within the natural domain, the procurement of vision-language datasets to construct these foundation models is facilitated by their abundant availability and the ease of web crawling. Conversely, in the remote sensing domain, although vision-language datasets exist, their volume is suboptimal for constructing robust foundation models. This study introduces an approach to curate vision-language datasets by employing an image decoding machine learning model, negating the need for human-annotated labels. Utilizing this methodology, we amassed approximately 9.6 million vision-language paired datasets in VHR imagery. The resultant model outperformed counterparts that did not leverage publicly available vision-language datasets, particularly in downstream tasks such as zero-shot classification, semantic localization, and image-text retrieval. Moreover, in tasks exclusively employing vision encoders, such as linear probing and k-NN classification, our model demonstrated superior efficacy compared to those relying on domain-specific vision-language datasets.
comment: This study was primarily conducted during the latter half of 2023
☆ SoftShadow: Leveraging Penumbra-Aware Soft Masks for Shadow Removal
Recent advancements in deep learning have yielded promising results for the image shadow removal task. However, most existing methods rely on binary pre-generated shadow masks. The binary nature of such masks could potentially lead to artifacts near the boundary between shadow and non-shadow areas. In view of this, inspired by the physical model of shadow formation, we introduce novel soft shadow masks specifically designed for shadow removal. To achieve such soft masks, we propose a \textit{SoftShadow} framework by leveraging the prior knowledge of pretrained SAM and integrating physical constraints. Specifically, we jointly tune the SAM and the subsequent shadow removal network using penumbra formation constraint loss and shadow removal loss. This framework enables accurate predictions of penumbra (partially shaded regions) and umbra (fully shaded regions) areas while simultaneously facilitating end-to-end shadow removal. Through extensive experiments on popular datasets, we found that our SoftShadow framework, which generates soft masks, can better restore boundary artifacts, achieve state-of-the-art performance, and demonstrate superior generalizability.
☆ Retinex-RAWMamba: Bridging Demosaicing and Denoising for Low-Light RAW Image Enhancement
Low-light image enhancement, particularly in cross-domain tasks such as mapping from the raw domain to the sRGB domain, remains a significant challenge. Many deep learning-based methods have been developed to address this issue and have shown promising results in recent years. However, single-stage methods, which attempt to unify the complex mapping across both domains, leading to limited denoising performance. In contrast, two-stage approaches typically decompose a raw image with color filter arrays (CFA) into a four-channel RGGB format before feeding it into a neural network. However, this strategy overlooks the critical role of demosaicing within the Image Signal Processing (ISP) pipeline, leading to color distortions under varying lighting conditions, especially in low-light scenarios. To address these issues, we design a novel Mamba scanning mechanism, called RAWMamba, to effectively handle raw images with different CFAs. Furthermore, we present a Retinex Decomposition Module (RDM) grounded in Retinex prior, which decouples illumination from reflectance to facilitate more effective denoising and automatic non-linear exposure correction. By bridging demosaicing and denoising, better raw image enhancement is achieved. Experimental evaluations conducted on public datasets SID and MCR demonstrate that our proposed RAWMamba achieves state-of-the-art performance on cross-domain mapping.
☆ SCLNet: A Scale-Robust Complementary Learning Network for Object Detection in UAV Images
Most recent UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) detectors focus primarily on general challenge such as uneven distribution and occlusion. However, the neglect of scale challenges, which encompass scale variation and small objects, continues to hinder object detection in UAV images. Although existing works propose solutions, they are implicitly modeled and have redundant steps, so detection performance remains limited. And one specific work addressing the above scale challenges can help improve the performance of UAV image detectors. Compared to natural scenes, scale challenges in UAV images happen with problems of limited perception in comprehensive scales and poor robustness to small objects. We found that complementary learning is beneficial for the detection model to address the scale challenges. Therefore, the paper introduces it to form our scale-robust complementary learning network (SCLNet) in conjunction with the object detection model. The SCLNet consists of two implementations and a cooperation method. In detail, one implementation is based on our proposed scale-complementary decoder and scale-complementary loss function to explicitly extract complementary information as complement, named comprehensive-scale complementary learning (CSCL). Another implementation is based on our proposed contrastive complement network and contrastive complement loss function to explicitly guide the learning of small objects with the rich texture detail information of the large objects, named inter-scale contrastive complementary learning (ICCL). In addition, an end-to-end cooperation (ECoop) between two implementations and with the detection model is proposed to exploit each potential.
☆ Insight Any Instance: Promptable Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images
Instance segmentation of remote sensing images (RSIs) is an essential task for a wide range of applications such as land planning and intelligent transport. Instance segmentation of RSIs is constantly plagued by the unbalanced ratio of foreground and background and limited instance size. And most of the instance segmentation models are based on deep feature learning and contain operations such as multiple downsampling, which is harmful to instance segmentation of RSIs, and thus the performance is still limited. Inspired by the recent superior performance of prompt learning in visual tasks, we propose a new prompt paradigm to address the above issues. Based on the existing instance segmentation model, firstly, a local prompt module is designed to mine local prompt information from original local tokens for specific instances; secondly, a global-to-local prompt module is designed to model the contextual information from the global tokens to the local tokens where the instances are located for specific instances. Finally, a proposal's area loss function is designed to add a decoupling dimension for proposals on the scale to better exploit the potential of the above two prompt modules. It is worth mentioning that our proposed approach can extend the instance segmentation model to a promptable instance segmentation model, i.e., to segment the instances with the specific boxes prompt. The time consumption for each promptable instance segmentation process is only 40 ms. The paper evaluates the effectiveness of our proposed approach based on several existing models in four instance segmentation datasets of RSIs, and thorough experiments prove that our proposed approach is effective for addressing the above issues and is a competitive model for instance segmentation of RSIs.
☆ EVENet: Evidence-based Ensemble Learning for Uncertainty-aware Brain Parcellation Using Diffusion MRI
In this study, we developed an Evidence-based Ensemble Neural Network, namely EVENet, for anatomical brain parcellation using diffusion MRI. The key innovation of EVENet is the design of an evidential deep learning framework to quantify predictive uncertainty at each voxel during a single inference. Using EVENet, we obtained accurate parcellation and uncertainty estimates across different datasets from healthy and clinical populations and with different imaging acquisitions. The overall network includes five parallel subnetworks, where each is dedicated to learning the FreeSurfer parcellation for a certain diffusion MRI parameter. An evidence-based ensemble methodology is then proposed to fuse the individual outputs. We perform experimental evaluations on large-scale datasets from multiple imaging sources, including high-quality diffusion MRI data from healthy adults and clinically diffusion MRI data from participants with various brain diseases (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Parkinson's disease, cerebral small vessel disease, and neurosurgical patients with brain tumors). Compared to several state-of-the-art methods, our experimental results demonstrate highly improved parcellation accuracy across the multiple testing datasets despite the differences in dMRI acquisition protocols and health conditions. Furthermore, thanks to the uncertainty estimation, our EVENet approach demonstrates a good ability to detect abnormal brain regions in patients with lesions, enhancing the interpretability and reliability of the segmentation results.
comment: 15 pages, 5 figures
☆ Towards Predicting Temporal Changes in a Patient's Chest X-ray Images based on Electronic Health Records
Chest X-ray imaging (CXR) is an important diagnostic tool used in hospitals to assess patient conditions and monitor changes over time. Generative models, specifically diffusion-based models, have shown promise in generating realistic synthetic X-rays. However, these models mainly focus on conditional generation using single-time-point data, i.e., typically CXRs taken at a specific time with their corresponding reports, limiting their clinical utility, particularly for capturing temporal changes. To address this limitation, we propose a novel framework, EHRXDiff, which predicts future CXR images by integrating previous CXRs with subsequent medical events, e.g., prescriptions, lab measures, etc. Our framework dynamically tracks and predicts disease progression based on a latent diffusion model, conditioned on the previous CXR image and a history of medical events. We comprehensively evaluate the performance of our framework across three key aspects, including clinical consistency, demographic consistency, and visual realism. We demonstrate that our framework generates high-quality, realistic future images that capture potential temporal changes, suggesting its potential for further development as a clinical simulation tool. This could offer valuable insights for patient monitoring and treatment planning in the medical field.
☆ Performance Assessment of Feature Detection Methods for 2-D FS Sonar Imagery
Underwater robot perception is crucial in scientific subsea exploration and commercial operations. The key challenges include non-uniform lighting and poor visibility in turbid environments. High-frequency forward-look sonar cameras address these issues, by providing high-resolution imagery at maximum range of tens of meters, despite complexities posed by high degree of speckle noise, and lack of color and texture. In particular, robust feature detection is an essential initial step for automated object recognition, localization, navigation, and 3-D mapping. Various local feature detectors developed for RGB images are not well-suited for sonar data. To assess their performances, we evaluate a number of feature detectors using real sonar images from five different sonar devices. Performance metrics such as detection accuracy, false positives, and robustness to variations in target characteristics and sonar devices are applied to analyze the experimental results. The study would provide a deeper insight into the bottlenecks of feature detection for sonar data, and developing more effective methods
☆ ODYSSEE: Oyster Detection Yielded by Sensor Systems on Edge Electronics
Oysters are a keystone species in coastal ecosystems, offering significant economic, environmental, and cultural benefits. However, current monitoring systems are often destructive, typically involving dredging to physically collect and count oysters. A nondestructive alternative is manual identification from video footage collected by divers, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive with expert input. An alternative to human monitoring is the deployment of a system with trained object detection models that performs real-time, on edge oyster detection in the field. One such platform is the Aqua2 robot. Effective training of these models requires extensive high-quality data, which is difficult to obtain in marine settings. To address these complications, we introduce a novel method that leverages stable diffusion to generate high-quality synthetic data for the marine domain. We exploit diffusion models to create photorealistic marine imagery, using ControlNet inputs to ensure consistency with the segmentation ground-truth mask, the geometry of the scene, and the target domain of real underwater images for oysters. The resulting dataset is used to train a YOLOv10-based vision model, achieving a state-of-the-art 0.657 mAP@50 for oyster detection on the Aqua2 platform. The system we introduce not only improves oyster habitat monitoring, but also paves the way to autonomous surveillance for various tasks in marine contexts, improving aquaculture and conservation efforts.
☆ AdvLogo: Adversarial Patch Attack against Object Detectors based on Diffusion Models
With the rapid development of deep learning, object detectors have demonstrated impressive performance; however, vulnerabilities still exist in certain scenarios. Current research exploring the vulnerabilities using adversarial patches often struggles to balance the trade-off between attack effectiveness and visual quality. To address this problem, we propose a novel framework of patch attack from semantic perspective, which we refer to as AdvLogo. Based on the hypothesis that every semantic space contains an adversarial subspace where images can cause detectors to fail in recognizing objects, we leverage the semantic understanding of the diffusion denoising process and drive the process to adversarial subareas by perturbing the latent and unconditional embeddings at the last timestep. To mitigate the distribution shift that exposes a negative impact on image quality, we apply perturbation to the latent in frequency domain with the Fourier Transform. Experimental results demonstrate that AdvLogo achieves strong attack performance while maintaining high visual quality.
☆ RICAU-Net: Residual-block Inspired Coordinate Attention U-Net for Segmentation of Small and Sparse Calcium Lesions in Cardiac CT
The Agatston score, which is the sum of the calcification in the four main coronary arteries, has been widely used in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD). However, many studies have emphasized the importance of the vessel-specific Agatston score, as calcification in a specific vessel is significantly correlated with the occurrence of coronary heart disease (CHD). In this paper, we propose the Residual-block Inspired Coordinate Attention U-Net (RICAU-Net), which incorporates coordinate attention in two distinct manners and a customized combo loss function for lesion-specific coronary artery calcium (CAC) segmentation. This approach aims to tackle the high class-imbalance issue associated with small and sparse lesions, particularly for CAC in the left main coronary artery (LM) which is generally small and the scarcest in the dataset due to its anatomical structure. The proposed method was compared with six different methods using Dice score, precision, and recall. Our approach achieved the highest per-lesion Dice scores for all four lesions, especially for CAC in LM compared to other methods. The ablation studies demonstrated the significance of positional information from the coordinate attention and the customized loss function in segmenting small and sparse lesions with a high class-imbalance problem.
comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ 1M-Deepfakes Detection Challenge ACM MM 2024
The detection and localization of deepfake content, particularly when small fake segments are seamlessly mixed with real videos, remains a significant challenge in the field of digital media security. Based on the recently released AV-Deepfake1M dataset, which contains more than 1 million manipulated videos across more than 2,000 subjects, we introduce the 1M-Deepfakes Detection Challenge. This challenge is designed to engage the research community in developing advanced methods for detecting and localizing deepfake manipulations within the large-scale high-realistic audio-visual dataset. The participants can access the AV-Deepfake1M dataset and are required to submit their inference results for evaluation across the metrics for detection or localization tasks. The methodologies developed through the challenge will contribute to the development of next-generation deepfake detection and localization systems. Evaluation scripts, baseline models, and accompanying code will be available on https://github.com/ControlNet/AV-Deepfake1M.
comment: ACM MM 2024. Challenge webpage: https://deepfakes1m.github.io/
☆ PanAdapter: Two-Stage Fine-Tuning with Spatial-Spectral Priors Injecting for Pansharpening
Pansharpening is a challenging image fusion task that involves restoring images using two different modalities: low-resolution multispectral images (LRMS) and high-resolution panchromatic (PAN). Many end-to-end specialized models based on deep learning (DL) have been proposed, yet the scale and performance of these models are limited by the size of dataset. Given the superior parameter scales and feature representations of pre-trained models, they exhibit outstanding performance when transferred to downstream tasks with small datasets. Therefore, we propose an efficient fine-tuning method, namely PanAdapter, which utilizes additional advanced semantic information from pre-trained models to alleviate the issue of small-scale datasets in pansharpening tasks. Specifically, targeting the large domain discrepancy between image restoration and pansharpening tasks, the PanAdapter adopts a two-stage training strategy for progressively adapting to the downstream task. In the first stage, we fine-tune the pre-trained CNN model and extract task-specific priors at two scales by proposed Local Prior Extraction (LPE) module. In the second stage, we feed the extracted two-scale priors into two branches of cascaded adapters respectively. At each adapter, we design two parameter-efficient modules for allowing the two branches to interact and be injected into the frozen pre-trained VisionTransformer (ViT) blocks. We demonstrate that by only training the proposed LPE modules and adapters with a small number of parameters, our approach can benefit from pre-trained image restoration models and achieve state-of-the-art performance in several benchmark pansharpening datasets. The code will be available soon.
☆ Brain-Inspired Stepwise Patch Merging for Vision Transformers
The hierarchical architecture has become a mainstream design paradigm for Vision Transformers (ViTs), with Patch Merging serving as the pivotal component that transforms a columnar architecture into a hierarchical one. Drawing inspiration from the brain's ability to integrate global and local information for comprehensive visual understanding, we propose a novel technique called Stepwise Patch Merging (SPM), which enhances the subsequent attention mechanism's ability to 'see' better. SPM comprises two critical modules: Multi-Scale Aggregation (MSA) and Guided Local Enhancement (GLE). The MSA module integrates multi-scale features to enrich feature representation, while the GLE module focuses on refining local detail extraction, thus achieving an optimal balance between long-range dependency modeling and local feature enhancement. Extensive experiments conducted on benchmark datasets, including ImageNet-1K, COCO, and ADE20K, demonstrate that SPM significantly improves the performance of various models, particularly in dense prediction tasks such as object detection and semantic segmentation. These results underscore the efficacy of SPM in enhancing model accuracy and robustness across a wide range of computer vision tasks.
☆ Bridging Domain Gap of Point Cloud Representations via Self-Supervised Geometric Augmentation
Recent progress of semantic point clouds analysis is largely driven by synthetic data (e.g., the ModelNet and the ShapeNet), which are typically complete, well-aligned and noisy free. Therefore, representations of those ideal synthetic point clouds have limited variations in the geometric perspective and can gain good performance on a number of 3D vision tasks such as point cloud classification. In the context of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), representation learning designed for synthetic point clouds can hardly capture domain invariant geometric patterns from incomplete and noisy point clouds. To address such a problem, we introduce a novel scheme for induced geometric invariance of point cloud representations across domains, via regularizing representation learning with two self-supervised geometric augmentation tasks. On one hand, a novel pretext task of predicting translation distances of augmented samples is proposed to alleviate centroid shift of point clouds due to occlusion and noises. On the other hand, we pioneer an integration of the relational self-supervised learning on geometrically-augmented point clouds in a cascade manner, utilizing the intrinsic relationship of augmented variants and other samples as extra constraints of cross-domain geometric features. Experiments on the PointDA-10 dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, achieving the state-of-the-art performance.
comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables
☆ FSMDet: Vision-guided feature diffusion for fully sparse 3D detector ECCV
Fully sparse 3D detection has attracted an increasing interest in the recent years. However, the sparsity of the features in these frameworks challenges the generation of proposals because of the limited diffusion process. In addition, the quest for efficiency has led to only few work on vision-assisted fully sparse models. In this paper, we propose FSMDet (Fully Sparse Multi-modal Detection), which use visual information to guide the LiDAR feature diffusion process while still maintaining the efficiency of the pipeline. Specifically, most of fully sparse works focus on complex customized center fusion diffusion/regression operators. However, we observed that if the adequate object completion is performed, even the simplest interpolation operator leads to satisfactory results. Inspired by this observation, we split the vision-guided diffusion process into two modules: a Shape Recover Layer (SRLayer) and a Self Diffusion Layer (SDLayer). The former uses RGB information to recover the shape of the visible part of an object, and the latter uses a visual prior to further spread the features to the center region. Experiments demonstrate that our approach successfully improves the performance of previous fully sparse models that use LiDAR only and reaches SOTA performance in multimodal models. At the same time, thanks to the sparse architecture, our method can be up to 5 times more efficient than previous SOTA methods in the inference process.
comment: Accepted by European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 workshop on VCAD
☆ Automated Body Composition Analysis Using DAFS Express on 2D MRI Slices at L3 Vertebral Level
Body composition analysis is vital in assessing health conditions such as obesity, sarcopenia, and metabolic syndromes. MRI provides detailed images of skeletal muscle (SKM), visceral adipose tissue (VAT), and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), but their manual segmentation is labor-intensive and limits clinical applicability. This study validates an automated tool for MRI-based 2D body composition analysis- (Data Analysis Facilitation Suite (DAFS) Express), comparing its automated measurements with expert manual segmentations using UK Biobank data. A cohort of 399 participants from the UK Biobank dataset was selected, yielding 423 single L3 slices for analysis. DAFS Express performed automated segmentations of SKM, VAT, and SAT, which were then manually corrected by expert raters for validation. Evaluation metrics included Jaccard coefficients, Dice scores, Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICCs), and Bland-Altman Plots to assess segmentation agreement and reliability. High agreements were observed between automated and manual segmentations with mean Jaccard scores: SKM 99.03%, VAT 95.25%, and SAT 99.57%; and mean Dice scores: SKM 99.51%, VAT 97.41%, and SAT 99.78%. Cross-sectional area comparisons showed consistent measurements with automated methods closely matching manual measurements for SKM and SAT, and slightly higher values for VAT (SKM: Auto 132.51 cm^2, Manual 132.36 cm^2; VAT: Auto 137.07 cm^2, Manual 134.46 cm^2; SAT: Auto 203.39 cm^2, Manual 202.85 cm^2). ICCs confirmed strong reliability (SKM: 0.998, VAT: 0.994, SAT: 0.994). Bland-Altman plots revealed minimal biases, and boxplots illustrated distribution similarities across SKM, VAT, and SAT areas. On average DAFS Express took 18 seconds per DICOM. This underscores its potential to streamline image analysis processes in research and clinical settings, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.
☆ Intrapartum Ultrasound Image Segmentation of Pubic Symphysis and Fetal Head Using Dual Student-Teacher Framework with CNN-ViT Collaborative Learning
The segmentation of the pubic symphysis and fetal head (PSFH) constitutes a pivotal step in monitoring labor progression and identifying potential delivery complications. Despite the advances in deep learning, the lack of annotated medical images hinders the training of segmentation. Traditional semi-supervised learning approaches primarily utilize a unified network model based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and apply consistency regularization to mitigate the reliance on extensive annotated data. However, these methods often fall short in capturing the discriminative features of unlabeled data and in delineating the long-range dependencies inherent in the ambiguous boundaries of PSFH within ultrasound images. To address these limitations, we introduce a novel framework, the Dual-Student and Teacher Combining CNN and Transformer (DSTCT), which synergistically integrates the capabilities of CNNs and Transformers. Our framework comprises a Vision Transformer (ViT) as the teacher and two student mod ls one ViT and one CNN. This dual-student setup enables mutual supervision through the generation of both hard and soft pseudo-labels, with the consistency in their predictions being refined by minimizing the classifier determinacy discrepancy. The teacher model further reinforces learning within this architecture through the imposition of consistency regularization constraints. To augment the generalization abilities of our approach, we employ a blend of data and model perturbation techniques. Comprehensive evaluations on the benchmark dataset of the PSFH Segmentation Grand Challenge at MICCAI 2023 demonstrate our DSTCT framework outperformed ten contemporary semi-supervised segmentation methods. Code available at https://github.com/jjm1589/DSTCT.
☆ Rethinking Directional Parameterization in Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction ECCV 2024
Multi-view 3D surface reconstruction using neural implicit representations has made notable progress by modeling the geometry and view-dependent radiance fields within a unified framework. However, their effectiveness in reconstructing objects with specular or complex surfaces is typically biased by the directional parameterization used in their view-dependent radiance network. {\it Viewing direction} and {\it reflection direction} are the two most commonly used directional parameterizations but have their own limitations. Typically, utilizing the viewing direction usually struggles to correctly decouple the geometry and appearance of objects with highly specular surfaces, while using the reflection direction tends to yield overly smooth reconstructions for concave or complex structures. In this paper, we analyze their failed cases in detail and propose a novel hybrid directional parameterization to address their limitations in a unified form. Extensive experiments demonstrate the proposed hybrid directional parameterization consistently delivered satisfactory results in reconstructing objects with a wide variety of materials, geometry and appearance, whereas using other directional parameterizations faces challenges in reconstructing certain objects. Moreover, the proposed hybrid directional parameterization is nearly parameter-free and can be effortlessly applied in any existing neural surface reconstruction method.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024
☆ Foundation Models Boost Low-Level Perceptual Similarity Metrics
For full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) using deep-learning approaches, the perceptual similarity score between a distorted image and a reference image is typically computed as a distance measure between features extracted from a pretrained CNN or more recently, a Transformer network. Often, these intermediate features require further fine-tuning or processing with additional neural network layers to align the final similarity scores with human judgments. So far, most IQA models based on foundation models have primarily relied on the final layer or the embedding for the quality score estimation. In contrast, this work explores the potential of utilizing the intermediate features of these foundation models, which have largely been unexplored so far in the design of low-level perceptual similarity metrics. We demonstrate that the intermediate features are comparatively more effective. Moreover, without requiring any training, these metrics can outperform both traditional and state-of-the-art learned metrics by utilizing distance measures between the features.
comment: Code: https://github.com/abhijay9/ZS-IQA
☆ DiffTED: One-shot Audio-driven TED Talk Video Generation with Diffusion-based Co-speech Gestures
Audio-driven talking video generation has advanced significantly, but existing methods often depend on video-to-video translation techniques and traditional generative networks like GANs and they typically generate taking heads and co-speech gestures separately, leading to less coherent outputs. Furthermore, the gestures produced by these methods often appear overly smooth or subdued, lacking in diversity, and many gesture-centric approaches do not integrate talking head generation. To address these limitations, we introduce DiffTED, a new approach for one-shot audio-driven TED-style talking video generation from a single image. Specifically, we leverage a diffusion model to generate sequences of keypoints for a Thin-Plate Spline motion model, precisely controlling the avatar's animation while ensuring temporally coherent and diverse gestures. This innovative approach utilizes classifier-free guidance, empowering the gestures to flow naturally with the audio input without relying on pre-trained classifiers. Experiments demonstrate that DiffTED generates temporally coherent talking videos with diverse co-speech gestures.
☆ Feature Importance in Pedestrian Intention Prediction: A Context-Aware Review
Recent advancements in predicting pedestrian crossing intentions for Autonomous Vehicles using Computer Vision and Deep Neural Networks are promising. However, the black-box nature of DNNs poses challenges in understanding how the model works and how input features contribute to final predictions. This lack of interpretability delimits the trust in model performance and hinders informed decisions on feature selection, representation, and model optimisation; thereby affecting the efficacy of future research in the field. To address this, we introduce Context-aware Permutation Feature Importance (CAPFI), a novel approach tailored for pedestrian intention prediction. CAPFI enables more interpretability and reliable assessments of feature importance by leveraging subdivided scenario contexts, mitigating the randomness of feature values through targeted shuffling. This aims to reduce variance and prevent biased estimations in importance scores during permutations. We divide the Pedestrian Intention Estimation (PIE) dataset into 16 comparable context sets, measure the baseline performance of five distinct neural network architectures for intention prediction in each context, and assess input feature importance using CAPFI. We observed nuanced differences among models across various contextual characteristics. The research reveals the critical role of pedestrian bounding boxes and ego-vehicle speed in predicting pedestrian intentions, and potential prediction biases due to the speed feature through cross-context permutation evaluation. We propose an alternative feature representation by considering proximity change rate for rendering dynamic pedestrian-vehicle locomotion, thereby enhancing the contributions of input features to intention prediction. These findings underscore the importance of contextual features and their diversity to develop accurate and robust intent-predictive models.
☆ Object Depth and Size Estimation using Stereo-vision and Integration with SLAM
Autonomous robots use simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for efficient and safe navigation in various environments. LiDAR sensors are integral in these systems for object identification and localization. However, LiDAR systems though effective in detecting solid objects (e.g., trash bin, bottle, etc.), encounter limitations in identifying semitransparent or non-tangible objects (e.g., fire, smoke, steam, etc.) due to poor reflecting characteristics. Additionally, LiDAR also fails to detect features such as navigation signs and often struggles to detect certain hazardous materials that lack a distinct surface for effective laser reflection. In this paper, we propose a highly accurate stereo-vision approach to complement LiDAR in autonomous robots. The system employs advanced stereo vision-based object detection to detect both tangible and non-tangible objects and then uses simple machine learning to precisely estimate the depth and size of the object. The depth and size information is then integrated into the SLAM process to enhance the robot's navigation capabilities in complex environments. Our evaluation, conducted on an autonomous robot equipped with LiDAR and stereo-vision systems demonstrates high accuracy in the estimation of an object's depth and size. A video illustration of the proposed scheme is available at: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nusI6tA9eSk}.
comment: Accepted version of the published article in IEEE Sensors Letters
☆ Token Turing Machines are Efficient Vision Models
We propose Vision Token Turing Machines (ViTTM), an efficient, low-latency, memory-augmented Vision Transformer (ViT). Our approach builds on Neural Turing Machines and Token Turing Machines, which were applied to NLP and sequential visual understanding tasks. ViTTMs are designed for non-sequential computer vision tasks such as image classification and segmentation. Our model creates two sets of tokens: process tokens and memory tokens; process tokens pass through encoder blocks and read-write from memory tokens at each encoder block in the network, allowing them to store and retrieve information from memory. By ensuring that there are fewer process tokens than memory tokens, we are able to reduce the inference time of the network while maintaining its accuracy. On ImageNet-1K, the state-of-the-art ViT-B has median latency of 529.5ms and 81.0% accuracy, while our ViTTM-B is 56% faster (234.1ms), with 2.4 times fewer FLOPs, with an accuracy of 82.9%. On ADE20K semantic segmentation, ViT-B achieves 45.65mIoU at 13.8 frame-per-second (FPS) whereas our ViTTM-B model acheives a 45.17 mIoU with 26.8 FPS (+94%).
☆ A Cost-Aware Approach to Adversarial Robustness in Neural Networks
Considering the growing prominence of production-level AI and the threat of adversarial attacks that can evade a model at run-time, evaluating the robustness of models to these evasion attacks is of critical importance. Additionally, testing model changes likely means deploying the models to (e.g. a car or a medical imaging device), or a drone to see how it affects performance, making un-tested changes a public problem that reduces development speed, increases cost of development, and makes it difficult (if not impossible) to parse cause from effect. In this work, we used survival analysis as a cloud-native, time-efficient and precise method for predicting model performance in the presence of adversarial noise. For neural networks in particular, the relationships between the learning rate, batch size, training time, convergence time, and deployment cost are highly complex, so researchers generally rely on benchmark datasets to assess the ability of a model to generalize beyond the training data. To address this, we propose using accelerated failure time models to measure the effect of hardware choice, batch size, number of epochs, and test-set accuracy by using adversarial attacks to induce failures on a reference model architecture before deploying the model to the real world. We evaluate several GPU types and use the Tree Parzen Estimator to maximize model robustness and minimize model run-time simultaneously. This provides a way to evaluate the model and optimise it in a single step, while simultaneously allowing us to model the effect of model parameters on training time, prediction time, and accuracy. Using this technique, we demonstrate that newer, more-powerful hardware does decrease the training time, but with a monetary and power cost that far outpaces the marginal gains in accuracy.
☆ 2D bidirectional gated recurrent unit convolutional Neural networks for end-to-end violence detection In videos
Abnormal behavior detection, action recognition, fight and violence detection in videos is an area that has attracted a lot of interest in recent years. In this work, we propose an architecture that combines a Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU) and a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to detect violence in video sequences. A CNN is used to extract spatial characteristics from each frame, while the BiGRU extracts temporal and local motion characteristics using CNN extracted features from multiple frames. The proposed end-to-end deep learning network is tested in three public datasets with varying scene complexities. The proposed network achieves accuracies up to 98%. The obtained results are promising and show the performance of the proposed end-to-end approach.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 2020 International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR)
☆ DS-ViT: Dual-Stream Vision Transformer for Cross-Task Distillation in Alzheimer's Early Diagnosis
In the field of Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, segmentation and classification tasks are inherently interconnected. Sharing knowledge between models for these tasks can significantly improve training efficiency, particularly when training data is scarce. However, traditional knowledge distillation techniques often struggle to bridge the gap between segmentation and classification due to the distinct nature of tasks and different model architectures. To address this challenge, we propose a dual-stream pipeline that facilitates cross-task and cross-architecture knowledge sharing. Our approach introduces a dual-stream embedding module that unifies feature representations from segmentation and classification models, enabling dimensional integration of these features to guide the classification model. We validated our method on multiple 3D datasets for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, demonstrating significant improvements in classification performance, especially on small datasets. Furthermore, we extended our pipeline with a residual temporal attention mechanism for early diagnosis, utilizing images taken before the atrophy of patients' brain mass. This advancement shows promise in enabling diagnosis approximately six months earlier in mild and asymptomatic stages, offering critical time for intervention.
comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables
☆ Minimizing Embedding Distortion for Robust Out-of-Distribution Performance ECCV 2024
Foundational models, trained on vast and diverse datasets, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generalizing across different domains and distributions for various zero-shot tasks. Our work addresses the challenge of retaining these powerful generalization capabilities when adapting foundational models to specific downstream tasks through fine-tuning. To this end, we introduce a novel approach we call "similarity loss", which can be incorporated into the fine-tuning process of any task. By minimizing the distortion of fine-tuned embeddings from the pre-trained embeddings, our method strikes a balance between task-specific adaptation and preserving broad generalization abilities. We evaluate our approach on two diverse tasks: image classification on satellite imagery and face recognition, focusing on open-class and domain shift scenarios to assess out-of-distribution (OOD) performance. We demonstrate that this approach significantly improves OOD performance while maintaining strong in-distribution (ID) performance.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024 workshop
☆ Violence detection in videos using deep recurrent and convolutional neural networks
Violence and abnormal behavior detection research have known an increase of interest in recent years, due mainly to a rise in crimes in large cities worldwide. In this work, we propose a deep learning architecture for violence detection which combines both recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and 2-dimensional convolutional neural networks (2D CNN). In addition to video frames, we use optical flow computed using the captured sequences. CNN extracts spatial characteristics in each frame, while RNN extracts temporal characteristics. The use of optical flow allows to encode the movements in the scenes. The proposed approaches reach the same level as the state-of-the-art techniques and sometime surpass them. It was validated on 3 databases achieving good results.
comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
☆ Self-Masking Networks for Unsupervised Adaptation
With the advent of billion-parameter foundation models, efficient fine-tuning has become increasingly important for the adaptation of models to downstream tasks. However, especially in computer vision, it can be hard to achieve good performance when access to quality labeled data is lacking. In this work, we propose a method adapting pretrained generalist models in a self-supervised manner by learning binary masks. These self-supervised masking networks (SMNs) are up to 79x more efficient to store and significantly improve performance on label-efficient downstream tasks. We validate the usefulness of learning binary masks as a fine-tuning method on 8 datasets and 3 model architectures, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of SMNs in 3 label-efficient settings.
comment: Oral at GCPR'24, code at https://github.com/alvitawa/UnsupervisedMasking
☆ FaVoR: Features via Voxel Rendering for Camera Relocalization WACV
Camera relocalization methods range from dense image alignment to direct camera pose regression from a query image. Among these, sparse feature matching stands out as an efficient, versatile, and generally lightweight approach with numerous applications. However, feature-based methods often struggle with significant viewpoint and appearance changes, leading to matching failures and inaccurate pose estimates. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel approach that leverages a globally sparse yet locally dense 3D representation of 2D features. By tracking and triangulating landmarks over a sequence of frames, we construct a sparse voxel map optimized to render image patch descriptors observed during tracking. Given an initial pose estimate, we first synthesize descriptors from the voxels using volumetric rendering and then perform feature matching to estimate the camera pose. This methodology enables the generation of descriptors for unseen views, enhancing robustness to view changes. We extensively evaluate our method on the 7-Scenes and Cambridge Landmarks datasets. Our results show that our method significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art feature representation techniques in indoor environments, achieving up to a 39% improvement in median translation error. Additionally, our approach yields comparable results to other methods for outdoor scenarios while maintaining lower memory and computational costs.
comment: Submitted to the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Tucson, Arizona, US, Feb 28-Mar 4, 2025
☆ EchoDFKD: Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Cardiac Ultrasound Segmentation using Synthetic Data
The application of machine learning to medical ultrasound videos of the heart, i.e., echocardiography, has recently gained traction with the availability of large public datasets. Traditional supervised tasks, such as ejection fraction regression, are now making way for approaches focusing more on the latent structure of data distributions, as well as generative methods. We propose a model trained exclusively by knowledge distillation, either on real or synthetical data, involving retrieving masks suggested by a teacher model. We achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) values on the task of identifying end-diastolic and end-systolic frames. By training the model only on synthetic data, it reaches segmentation capabilities close to the performance when trained on real data with a significantly reduced number of weights. A comparison with the 5 main existing methods shows that our method outperforms the others in most cases. We also present a new evaluation method that does not require human annotation and instead relies on a large auxiliary model. We show that this method produces scores consistent with those obtained from human annotations. Relying on the integrated knowledge from a vast amount of records, this method overcomes certain inherent limitations of human annotator labeling. Code: https://github.com/GregoirePetit/EchoDFKD
☆ TabMixer: Noninvasive Estimation of the Mean Pulmonary Artery Pressure via Imaging and Tabular Data Mixing MICCAI
Right Heart Catheterization is a gold standard procedure for diagnosing Pulmonary Hypertension by measuring mean Pulmonary Artery Pressure (mPAP). It is invasive, costly, time-consuming and carries risks. In this paper, for the first time, we explore the estimation of mPAP from videos of noninvasive Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. To enhance the predictive capabilities of Deep Learning models used for this task, we introduce an additional modality in the form of demographic features and clinical measurements. Inspired by all-Multilayer Perceptron architectures, we present TabMixer, a novel module enabling the integration of imaging and tabular data through spatial, temporal and channel mixing. Specifically, we present the first approach that utilizes Multilayer Perceptrons to interchange tabular information with imaging features in vision models. We test TabMixer for mPAP estimation and show that it enhances the performance of Convolutional Neural Networks, 3D-MLP and Vision Transformers while being competitive with previous modules for imaging and tabular data. Our approach has the potential to improve clinical processes involving both modalities, particularly in noninvasive mPAP estimation, thus, significantly enhancing the quality of life for individuals affected by Pulmonary Hypertension. We provide a source code for using TabMixer at https://github.com/SanoScience/TabMixer.
comment: Accepted for the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2024
☆ Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration with Self-Distillation BMVC 2024
Rigid point cloud registration is a fundamental problem and highly relevant in robotics and autonomous driving. Nowadays deep learning methods can be trained to match a pair of point clouds, given the transformation between them. However, this training is often not scalable due to the high cost of collecting ground truth poses. Therefore, we present a self-distillation approach to learn point cloud registration in an unsupervised fashion. Here, each sample is passed to a teacher network and an augmented view is passed to a student network. The teacher includes a trainable feature extractor and a learning-free robust solver such as RANSAC. The solver forces consistency among correspondences and optimizes for the unsupervised inlier ratio, eliminating the need for ground truth labels. Our approach simplifies the training procedure by removing the need for initial hand-crafted features or consecutive point cloud frames as seen in related methods. We show that our method not only surpasses them on the RGB-D benchmark 3DMatch but also generalizes well to automotive radar, where classical features adopted by others fail. The code is available at https://github.com/boschresearch/direg .
comment: Oral at BMVC 2024
☆ ENACT: Entropy-based Clustering of Attention Input for Improving the Computational Performance of Object Detection Transformers
Transformers demonstrate competitive performance in terms of precision on the problem of vision-based object detection. However, they require considerable computational resources due to the quadratic size of the attention weights. In this work, we propose to cluster the transformer input on the basis of its entropy. The reason for this is that the self-information of each pixel (whose sum is the entropy), is likely to be similar among pixels corresponding to the same objects. Clustering reduces the size of data given as input to the transformer and therefore reduces training time and GPU memory usage, while at the same time preserves meaningful information to be passed through the remaining parts of the network. The proposed process is organized in a module called ENACT, that can be plugged-in any transformer architecture that consists of a multi-head self-attention computation in its encoder. We ran extensive experiments using the COCO object detection dataset, and three detection transformers. The obtained results demonstrate that in all tested cases, there is consistent reduction in the required computational resources, while the precision of the detection task is only slightly reduced. The code of the ENACT module will become available at https://github.com/GSavathrakis/ENACT
♻ ☆ RainMamba: Enhanced Locality Learning with State Space Models for Video Deraining
The outdoor vision systems are frequently contaminated by rain streaks and raindrops, which significantly degenerate the performance of visual tasks and multimedia applications. The nature of videos exhibits redundant temporal cues for rain removal with higher stability. Traditional video deraining methods heavily rely on optical flow estimation and kernel-based manners, which have a limited receptive field. Yet, transformer architectures, while enabling long-term dependencies, bring about a significant increase in computational complexity. Recently, the linear-complexity operator of the state space models (SSMs) has contrarily facilitated efficient long-term temporal modeling, which is crucial for rain streaks and raindrops removal in videos. Unexpectedly, its uni-dimensional sequential process on videos destroys the local correlations across the spatio-temporal dimension by distancing adjacent pixels. To address this, we present an improved SSMs-based video deraining network (RainMamba) with a novel Hilbert scanning mechanism to better capture sequence-level local information. We also introduce a difference-guided dynamic contrastive locality learning strategy to enhance the patch-level self-similarity learning ability of the proposed network. Extensive experiments on four synthesized video deraining datasets and real-world rainy videos demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our network in the removal of rain streaks and raindrops. Our code and results are available at https://github.com/TonyHongtaoWu/RainMamba.
comment: ACM Multimedia 2024 Oral
♻ ☆ Physically Feasible Semantic Segmentation
State-of-the-art semantic segmentation models are typically optimized in a data-driven fashion, minimizing solely per-pixel classification objectives on their training data. This purely data-driven paradigm often leads to absurd segmentations, especially when the domain of input images is shifted from the one encountered during training. For instance, state-of-the-art models may assign the label ``road'' to a segment which is located above a segment that is respectively labeled as ``sky'', although our knowledge of the physical world dictates that such a configuration is not feasible for images captured by forward-facing upright cameras. Our method, Physically Feasible Semantic Segmentation (PhyFea), extracts explicit physical constraints that govern spatial class relations from the training sets of semantic segmentation datasets and enforces a differentiable loss function that penalizes violations of these constraints to promote prediction feasibility. PhyFea yields significant performance improvements in mIoU over each state-of-the-art network we use as baseline across ADE20K, Cityscapes and ACDC, notably a $1.5\%$ improvement on ADE20K and a $2.1\%$ improvement on ACDC.
♻ ☆ VLMEvalKit: An Open-Source Toolkit for Evaluating Large Multi-Modality Models
We present VLMEvalKit: an open-source toolkit for evaluating large multi-modality models based on PyTorch. The toolkit aims to provide a user-friendly and comprehensive framework for researchers and developers to evaluate existing multi-modality models and publish reproducible evaluation results. In VLMEvalKit, we implement over 70 different large multi-modality models, including both proprietary APIs and open-source models, as well as more than 20 different multi-modal benchmarks. By implementing a single interface, new models can be easily added to the toolkit, while the toolkit automatically handles the remaining workloads, including data preparation, distributed inference, prediction post-processing, and metric calculation. Although the toolkit is currently mainly used for evaluating large vision-language models, its design is compatible with future updates that incorporate additional modalities, such as audio and video. Based on the evaluation results obtained with the toolkit, we host OpenVLM Leaderboard, a comprehensive leaderboard to track the progress of multi-modality learning research. The toolkit is released at https://github.com/open-compass/VLMEvalKit and is actively maintained.
comment: Updated on 2024.09.12
♻ ☆ EyeCLIP: A visual-language foundation model for multi-modal ophthalmic image analysis
Early detection of eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy is crucial for preventing vision loss. While artificial intelligence (AI) foundation models hold significant promise for addressing these challenges, existing ophthalmic foundation models primarily focus on a single modality, whereas diagnosing eye diseases requires multiple modalities. A critical yet often overlooked aspect is harnessing the multi-view information across various modalities for the same patient. Additionally, due to the long-tail nature of ophthalmic diseases, standard fully supervised or unsupervised learning approaches often struggle. Therefore, it is essential to integrate clinical text to capture a broader spectrum of diseases. We propose EyeCLIP, a visual-language foundation model developed using over 2.77 million multi-modal ophthalmology images with partial text data. To fully leverage the large multi-modal unlabeled and labeled data, we introduced a pretraining strategy that combines self-supervised reconstructions, multi-modal image contrastive learning, and image-text contrastive learning to learn a shared representation of multiple modalities. Through evaluation using 14 benchmark datasets, EyeCLIP can be transferred to a wide range of downstream tasks involving ocular and systemic diseases, achieving state-of-the-art performance in disease classification, visual question answering, and cross-modal retrieval. EyeCLIP represents a significant advancement over previous methods, especially showcasing few-shot, even zero-shot capabilities in real-world long-tail scenarios.
♻ ☆ Using ResNet to Utilize 4-class T2-FLAIR Slice Classification Based on the Cholinergic Pathways Hyperintensities Scale for Pathological Aging
The Cholinergic Pathways Hyperintensities Scale (CHIPS) is a visual rating scale used to assess the extent of cholinergic white matter hyperintensities in T2-FLAIR images, serving as an indicator of dementia severity. However, the manual selection of four specific slices for rating throughout the entire brain is a time-consuming process. Our goal was to develop a deep learning-based model capable of automatically identifying the four slices relevant to CHIPS. To achieve this, we trained a 4-class slice classification model (BSCA) using the ADNI T2-FLAIR dataset (N=150) with the assistance of ResNet. Subsequently, we tested the model's performance on a local dataset (N=30). The results demonstrated the efficacy of our model, with an accuracy of 99.82% and an F1-score of 99.83%. This achievement highlights the potential impact of BSCA as an automatic screening tool, streamlining the selection of four specific T2-FLAIR slices that encompass white matter landmarks along the cholinergic pathways. Clinicians can leverage this tool to assess the risk of clinical dementia development efficiently.
comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ MCTR: Multi Camera Tracking Transformer
Multi-camera tracking plays a pivotal role in various real-world applications. While end-to-end methods have gained significant interest in single-camera tracking, multi-camera tracking remains predominantly reliant on heuristic techniques. In response to this gap, this paper introduces Multi-Camera Tracking tRansformer (MCTR), a novel end-to-end approach tailored for multi-object detection and tracking across multiple cameras with overlapping fields of view. MCTR leverages end-to-end detectors like DEtector TRansformer (DETR) to produce detections and detection embeddings independently for each camera view. The framework maintains set of track embeddings that encaplusate global information about the tracked objects, and updates them at every frame by integrating the local information from the view-specific detection embeddings. The track embeddings are probabilistically associated with detections in every camera view and frame to generate consistent object tracks. The soft probabilistic association facilitates the design of differentiable losses that enable end-to-end training of the entire system. To validate our approach, we conduct experiments on MMPTrack and AI City Challenge, two recently introduced large-scale multi-camera multi-object tracking datasets.
♻ ☆ Alignist: CAD-Informed Orientation Distribution Estimation by Fusing Shape and Correspondences ECCV 2024
Object pose distribution estimation is crucial in robotics for better path planning and handling of symmetric objects. Recent distribution estimation approaches employ contrastive learning-based approaches by maximizing the likelihood of a single pose estimate in the absence of a CAD model. We propose a pose distribution estimation method leveraging symmetry respecting correspondence distributions and shape information obtained using a CAD model. Contrastive learning-based approaches require an exhaustive amount of training images from different viewpoints to learn the distribution properly, which is not possible in realistic scenarios. Instead, we propose a pipeline that can leverage correspondence distributions and shape information from the CAD model, which are later used to learn pose distributions. Besides, having access to pose distribution based on correspondences before learning pose distributions conditioned on images, can help formulate the loss between distributions. The prior knowledge of distribution also helps the network to focus on getting sharper modes instead. With the CAD prior, our approach converges much faster and learns distribution better by focusing on learning sharper distribution near all the valid modes, unlike contrastive approaches, which focus on a single mode at a time. We achieve benchmark results on SYMSOL-I and T-Less datasets.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ DreamMapping: High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Variational Distribution Mapping
Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) has emerged as a prevalent technique for text-to-3D generation, enabling 3D content creation by distilling view-dependent information from text-to-2D guidance. However, they frequently exhibit shortcomings such as over-saturated color and excess smoothness. In this paper, we conduct a thorough analysis of SDS and refine its formulation, finding that the core design is to model the distribution of rendered images. Following this insight, we introduce a novel strategy called Variational Distribution Mapping (VDM), which expedites the distribution modeling process by regarding the rendered images as instances of degradation from diffusion-based generation. This special design enables the efficient training of variational distribution by skipping the calculations of the Jacobians in the diffusion U-Net. We also introduce timestep-dependent Distribution Coefficient Annealing (DCA) to further improve distilling precision. Leveraging VDM and DCA, we use Gaussian Splatting as the 3D representation and build a text-to-3D generation framework. Extensive experiments and evaluations demonstrate the capability of VDM and DCA to generate high-fidelity and realistic assets with optimization efficiency.
comment: 15 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ Error-Driven Uncertainty Aware Training
Neural networks are often overconfident about their predictions, which undermines their reliability and trustworthiness. In this work, we present a novel technique, named Error-Driven Uncertainty Aware Training (EUAT), which aims to enhance the ability of neural classifiers to estimate their uncertainty correctly, namely to be highly uncertain when they output inaccurate predictions and low uncertain when their output is accurate. The EUAT approach operates during the model's training phase by selectively employing two loss functions depending on whether the training examples are correctly or incorrectly predicted by the model. This allows for pursuing the twofold goal of i) minimizing model uncertainty for correctly predicted inputs and ii) maximizing uncertainty for mispredicted inputs, while preserving the model's misprediction rate. We evaluate EUAT using diverse neural models and datasets in the image recognition domains considering both non-adversarial and adversarial settings. The results show that EUAT outperforms existing approaches for uncertainty estimation (including other uncertainty-aware training techniques, calibration, ensembles, and DEUP) by providing uncertainty estimates that not only have higher quality when evaluated via statistical metrics (e.g., correlation with residuals) but also when employed to build binary classifiers that decide whether the model's output can be trusted or not and under distributional data shifts.
♻ ☆ Explicit Mutual Information Maximization for Self-Supervised Learning
Recently, self-supervised learning (SSL) has been extensively studied. Theoretically, mutual information maximization (MIM) is an optimal criterion for SSL, with a strong theoretical foundation in information theory. However, it is difficult to directly apply MIM in SSL since the data distribution is not analytically available in applications. In practice, many existing methods can be viewed as approximate implementations of the MIM criterion. This work shows that, based on the invariance property of MI, explicit MI maximization can be applied to SSL under a generic distribution assumption, i.e., a relaxed condition of the data distribution. We further illustrate this by analyzing the generalized Gaussian distribution. Based on this result, we derive a loss function based on the MIM criterion using only second-order statistics. We implement the new loss for SSL and demonstrate its effectiveness via extensive experiments.
♻ ☆ BeNeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from a Single Blurry Image and Event Stream ECCV 2024
Neural implicit representation of visual scenes has attracted a lot of attention in recent research of computer vision and graphics. Most prior methods focus on how to reconstruct 3D scene representation from a set of images. In this work, we demonstrate the possibility to recover the neural radiance fields (NeRF) from a single blurry image and its corresponding event stream. We model the camera motion with a cubic B-Spline in SE(3) space. Both the blurry image and the brightness change within a time interval, can then be synthesized from the 3D scene representation given the 6-DoF poses interpolated from the cubic B-Spline. Our method can jointly learn both the implicit neural scene representation and recover the camera motion by minimizing the differences between the synthesized data and the real measurements without pre-computed camera poses from COLMAP. We evaluate the proposed method with both synthetic and real datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that we are able to render view-consistent latent sharp images from the learned NeRF and bring a blurry image alive in high quality. Code and data are available at https://github.com/wu-cvgl/BeNeRF.
comment: Accepted to ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ Medical diffusion on a budget: Textual Inversion for medical image generation
Diffusion models for text-to-image generation, known for their efficiency, accessibility, and quality, have gained popularity. While inference with these systems on consumer-grade GPUs is increasingly feasible, training from scratch requires large captioned datasets and significant computational resources. In medical image generation, the limited availability of large, publicly accessible datasets with text reports poses challenges due to legal and ethical concerns. This work shows that adapting pre-trained Stable Diffusion models to medical imaging modalities is achievable by training text embeddings using Textual Inversion. In this study, we experimented with small medical datasets (100 samples each from three modalities) and trained within hours to generate diagnostically accurate images, as judged by an expert radiologist. Experiments with Textual Inversion training and inference parameters reveal the necessity of larger embeddings and more examples in the medical domain. Classification experiments show an increase in diagnostic accuracy (AUC) for detecting prostate cancer on MRI, from 0.78 to 0.80. Further experiments demonstrate embedding flexibility through disease interpolation, combining pathologies, and inpainting for precise disease appearance control. The trained embeddings are compact (less than 1 MB), enabling easy data sharing with reduced privacy concerns.
comment: Accepted for publication at MIDL 2024
♻ ☆ LHU-Net: A Light Hybrid U-Net for Cost-Efficient, High-Performance Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation
The rise of Transformer architectures has revolutionized medical image segmentation, leading to hybrid models that combine Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers for enhanced accuracy. However, these models often suffer from increased complexity and overlook the interplay between spatial and channel features, which is vital for segmentation precision. We introduce LHU-Net, a streamlined Hybrid U-Net for volumetric medical image segmentation, designed to first analyze spatial and then channel features for effective feature extraction. Tested on five benchmark datasets (Synapse, LA, Pancreas, ACDC, BRaTS 2018), LHU-Net demonstrated superior efficiency and accuracy, notably achieving a 92.66 Dice score on ACDC with 85\% fewer parameters and a quarter of the computational demand compared to leading models. This performance, achieved without pre-training, extra data, or model ensembles, sets new benchmarks for computational efficiency and accuracy in segmentation, using under 11 million parameters. This achievement highlights that balancing computational efficiency with high accuracy in medical image segmentation is feasible. Our implementation of LHU-Net is freely accessible to the research community on GitHub (https://github.com/xmindflow/LHUNet).
♻ ☆ Lossless Image Compression Using Multi-level Dictionaries: Binary Images
Lossless image compression is required in various applications to reduce storage or transmission costs of images, while requiring the reconstructed images to have zero information loss compared to the original. Existing lossless image compression methods either have simple design but poor compression performance, or complex design, better performance, but with no performance guarantees. In our endeavor to develop a lossless image compression method with low complexity and guaranteed performance, we argue that compressibility of a color image is essentially derived from the patterns in its spatial structure, intensity variations, and color variations. Thus, we divide the overall design of a lossless image compression scheme into three parts that exploit corresponding redundancies. We further argue that the binarized version of an image captures its fundamental spatial structure. In this first part of our work, we propose a scheme for lossless compression of binary images. The proposed scheme first learns dictionaries of $16\times16$, $8\times8$, $4\times4$, and $2\times 2$ square pixel patterns from various datasets of binary images. It then uses these dictionaries to encode binary images. These dictionaries have various interesting properties that are further exploited to construct an efficient and scalable scheme. Our preliminary results show that the proposed scheme consistently outperforms existing conventional and learning based lossless compression approaches, and provides, on average, as much as $1.5\times$ better performance than a common general purpose lossless compression scheme (WebP), more than $3\times$ better performance than a state of the art learning based scheme, and better performance than a specialized scheme for binary image compression (JBIG2).
comment: Corrected axes labels on Figs 8-11, slightly reorganized content with 13 pages, 11 figures, and 5 tables
♻ ☆ GMT: Guided Mask Transformer for Leaf Instance Segmentation
Leaf instance segmentation is a challenging multi-instance segmentation task, aiming to separate and delineate each leaf in an image of a plant. Accurate segmentation of each leaf is crucial for plant-related applications such as the fine-grained monitoring of plant growth and crop yield estimation. This task is challenging because of the high similarity (in shape and colour), great size variation, and heavy occlusions among leaf instances. Furthermore, the typically small size of annotated leaf datasets makes it more difficult to learn the distinctive features needed for precise segmentation. We hypothesise that the key to overcoming the these challenges lies in the specific spatial patterns of leaf distribution. In this paper, we propose the Guided Mask Transformer (GMT), which leverages and integrates leaf spatial distribution priors into a Transformer-based segmentor. These spatial priors are embedded in a set of guide functions that map leaves at different positions into a more separable embedding space. Our GMT consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art on three public plant datasets.
♻ ☆ EmoVOCA: Speech-Driven Emotional 3D Talking Heads
The domain of 3D talking head generation has witnessed significant progress in recent years. A notable challenge in this field consists in blending speech-related motions with expression dynamics, which is primarily caused by the lack of comprehensive 3D datasets that combine diversity in spoken sentences with a variety of facial expressions. Whereas literature works attempted to exploit 2D video data and parametric 3D models as a workaround, these still show limitations when jointly modeling the two motions. In this work, we address this problem from a different perspective, and propose an innovative data-driven technique that we used for creating a synthetic dataset, called EmoVOCA, obtained by combining a collection of inexpressive 3D talking heads and a set of 3D expressive sequences. To demonstrate the advantages of this approach, and the quality of the dataset, we then designed and trained an emotional 3D talking head generator that accepts a 3D face, an audio file, an emotion label, and an intensity value as inputs, and learns to animate the audio-synchronized lip movements with expressive traits of the face. Comprehensive experiments, both quantitative and qualitative, using our data and generator evidence superior ability in synthesizing convincing animations, when compared with the best performing methods in the literature. Our code and pre-trained model will be made available.
♻ ☆ Exclusive Style Removal for Cross Domain Novel Class Discovery
As a promising field in open-world learning, \textit{Novel Class Discovery} (NCD) is usually a task to cluster unseen novel classes in an unlabeled set based on the prior knowledge of labeled data within the same domain. However, the performance of existing NCD methods could be severely compromised when novel classes are sampled from a different distribution with the labeled ones. In this paper, we explore and establish the solvability of NCD in cross domain setting with the necessary condition that style information must be removed. Based on the theoretical analysis, we introduce an exclusive style removal module for extracting style information that is distinctive from the baseline features, thereby facilitating inference. Moreover, this module is easy to integrate with other NCD methods, acting as a plug-in to improve performance on novel classes with different distributions compared to the seen labeled set. Additionally, recognizing the non-negligible influence of different backbones and pre-training strategies on the performance of the NCD methods, we build a fair benchmark for future NCD research. Extensive experiments on three common datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed module.
♻ ☆ $\textit{sweet}$- An Open Source Modular Platform for Contactless Hand Vascular Biometric Experiments
Current finger-vein or palm-vein recognition systems usually require direct contact of the subject with the apparatus. This can be problematic in environments where hygiene is of primary importance. In this work we present a contactless vascular biometrics sensor platform named \sweet which can be used for hand vascular biometrics studies (wrist, palm, and finger-vein) and surface features such as palmprint. It supports several acquisition modalities such as multi-spectral Near-Infrared (NIR), RGB-color, Stereo Vision (SV) and Photometric Stereo (PS). Using this platform we collect a dataset consisting of the fingers, palm and wrist vascular data of 120 subjects and develop a powerful 3D pipeline for the pre-processing of this data. We then present biometric experimental results, focusing on Finger-Vein Recognition (FVR). Finally, we discuss fusion of multiple modalities, such palm-vein combined with palm-print biometrics. The acquisition software, parts of the hardware design, the new FV dataset, as well as source-code for our experiments are publicly available for research purposes.
♻ ☆ Real-Time Human Action Recognition on Embedded Platforms
With advancements in computer vision and deep learning, video-based human action recognition (HAR) has become practical. However, due to the complexity of the computation pipeline, running HAR on live video streams incurs excessive delays on embedded platforms. This work tackles the real-time performance challenges of HAR with four contributions: 1) an experimental study identifying a standard Optical Flow (OF) extraction technique as the latency bottleneck in a state-of-the-art HAR pipeline, 2) an exploration of the latency-accuracy tradeoff between the standard and deep learning approaches to OF extraction, which highlights the need for a novel, efficient motion feature extractor, 3) the design of Integrated Motion Feature Extractor (IMFE), a novel single-shot neural network architecture for motion feature extraction with drastic improvement in latency, 4) the development of RT-HARE, a real-time HAR system tailored for embedded platforms. Experimental results on an Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX platform demonstrated that RT-HARE realizes real-time HAR at a video frame rate of 30 frames per second while delivering high levels of recognition accuracy.
♻ ☆ Segment Anything Model for Brain Tumor Segmentation
Glioma is a prevalent brain tumor that poses a significant health risk to individuals. Accurate segmentation of brain tumor is essential for clinical diagnosis and treatment. The Segment Anything Model(SAM), released by Meta AI, is a fundamental model in image segmentation and has excellent zero-sample generalization capabilities. Thus, it is interesting to apply SAM to the task of brain tumor segmentation. In this study, we evaluated the performance of SAM on brain tumor segmentation and found that without any model fine-tuning, there is still a gap between SAM and the current state-of-the-art(SOTA) model.
comment: 9 pages, 60 figures
♻ ☆ MV-CLIP: Multi-View CLIP for Zero-shot 3D Shape Recognition
Large-scale pre-trained models have demonstrated impressive performance in vision and language tasks within open-world scenarios. Due to the lack of comparable pre-trained models for 3D shapes, recent methods utilize language-image pre-training to realize zero-shot 3D shape recognition. However, due to the modality gap, pretrained language-image models are not confident enough in the generalization to 3D shape recognition. Consequently, this paper aims to improve the confidence with view selection and hierarchical prompts. Leveraging the CLIP model as an example, we employ view selection on the vision side by identifying views with high prediction confidence from multiple rendered views of a 3D shape. On the textual side, the strategy of hierarchical prompts is proposed for the first time. The first layer prompts several classification candidates with traditional class-level descriptions, while the second layer refines the prediction based on function-level descriptions or further distinctions between the candidates. Remarkably, without the need for additional training, our proposed method achieves impressive zero-shot 3D classification accuracies of 84.44%, 91.51%, and 66.17% on ModelNet40, ModelNet10, and ShapeNet Core55, respectively. Furthermore, we will make the code publicly available to facilitate reproducibility and further research in this area.
♻ ☆ The Integration of Prediction and Planning in Deep Learning Automated Driving Systems: A Review
Automated driving has the potential to revolutionize personal, public, and freight mobility. Beside accurately perceiving the environment, automated vehicles must plan a safe, comfortable, and efficient motion trajectory. To promote safety and progress, many works rely on modules that predict the future motion of surrounding traffic. Modular automated driving systems commonly handle prediction and planning as sequential, separate tasks. While this accounts for the influence of surrounding traffic on the ego vehicle, it fails to anticipate the reactions of traffic participants to the ego vehicle's behavior. Recent methods increasingly integrate prediction and planning in a joint or interdependent step to model bidirectional interactions. To date, a comprehensive overview of different integration principles is lacking. We systematically review state-of-the-art deep learning-based planning systems, and focus on how they integrate prediction. Different facets of the integration ranging from system architecture to high-level behavioral aspects are considered and related to each other. Moreover, we discuss the implications, strengths, and limitations of different integration principles. By pointing out research gaps, describing relevant future challenges, and highlighting trends in the research field, we identify promising directions for future research.
♻ ☆ CustomContrast: A Multilevel Contrastive Perspective For Subject-Driven Text-to-Image Customization
Subject-driven text-to-image (T2I) customization has drawn significant interest in academia and industry. This task enables pre-trained models to generate novel images based on unique subjects. Existing studies adopt a self-reconstructive perspective, focusing on capturing all details of a single image, which will misconstrue the specific image's irrelevant attributes (e.g., view, pose, and background) as the subject intrinsic attributes. This misconstruction leads to both overfitting or underfitting of irrelevant and intrinsic attributes of the subject, i.e., these attributes are over-represented or under-represented simultaneously, causing a trade-off between similarity and controllability. In this study, we argue an ideal subject representation can be achieved by a cross-differential perspective, i.e., decoupling subject intrinsic attributes from irrelevant attributes via contrastive learning, which allows the model to focus more on intrinsic attributes through intra-consistency (features of the same subject are spatially closer) and inter-distinctiveness (features of different subjects have distinguished differences). Specifically, we propose CustomContrast, a novel framework, which includes a Multilevel Contrastive Learning (MCL) paradigm and a Multimodal Feature Injection (MFI) Encoder. The MCL paradigm is used to extract intrinsic features of subjects from high-level semantics to low-level appearance through crossmodal semantic contrastive learning and multiscale appearance contrastive learning. To facilitate contrastive learning, we introduce the MFI encoder to capture cross-modal representations. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of CustomContrast in subject similarity and text controllability.
♻ ☆ Adversarial Doodles: Interpretable and Human-drawable Attacks Provide Describable Insights
DNN-based image classifiers are susceptible to adversarial attacks. Most previous adversarial attacks do not have clear patterns, making it difficult to interpret attacks' results and gain insights into classifiers' mechanisms. Therefore, we propose Adversarial Doodles, which have interpretable shapes. We optimize black bezier curves to fool the classifier by overlaying them onto the input image. By introducing random affine transformation and regularizing the doodled area, we obtain small-sized attacks that cause misclassification even when humans replicate them by hand. Adversarial doodles provide describable insights into the relationship between the human-drawn doodle's shape and the classifier's output, such as "When we add three small circles on a helicopter image, the ResNet-50 classifier mistakenly classifies it as an airplane."
♻ ☆ One-Shot Diffusion Mimicker for Handwritten Text Generation ECCV 2024
Existing handwritten text generation methods often require more than ten handwriting samples as style references. However, in practical applications, users tend to prefer a handwriting generation model that operates with just a single reference sample for its convenience and efficiency. This approach, known as "one-shot generation", significantly simplifies the process but poses a significant challenge due to the difficulty of accurately capturing a writer's style from a single sample, especially when extracting fine details from the characters' edges amidst sparse foreground and undesired background noise. To address this problem, we propose a One-shot Diffusion Mimicker (One-DM) to generate handwritten text that can mimic any calligraphic style with only one reference sample. Inspired by the fact that high-frequency information of the individual sample often contains distinct style patterns (e.g., character slant and letter joining), we develop a novel style-enhanced module to improve the style extraction by incorporating high-frequency components from a single sample. We then fuse the style features with the text content as a merged condition for guiding the diffusion model to produce high-quality handwritten text images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can successfully generate handwriting scripts with just one sample reference in multiple languages, even outperforming previous methods using over ten samples. Our source code is available at https://github.com/dailenson/One-DM.
comment: To appear in ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ MyGo: Consistent and Controllable Multi-View Driving Video Generation with Camera Control
High-quality driving video generation is crucial for providing training data for autonomous driving models. However, current generative models rarely focus on enhancing camera motion control under multi-view tasks, which is essential for driving video generation. Therefore, we propose MyGo, an end-to-end framework for video generation, introducing motion of onboard cameras as conditions to make progress in camera controllability and multi-view consistency. MyGo employs additional plug-in modules to inject camera parameters into the pre-trained video diffusion model, which retains the extensive knowledge of the pre-trained model as much as possible. Furthermore, we use epipolar constraints and neighbor view information during the generation process of each view to enhance spatial-temporal consistency. Experimental results show that MyGo has achieved state-of-the-art results in both general camera-controlled video generation and multi-view driving video generation tasks, which lays the foundation for more accurate environment simulation in autonomous driving. Project page: https://metadrivescape.github.io/papers_project/MyGo/page.html
comment: Project Page: https://metadrivescape.github.io/papers_project/MyGo/page.html
♻ ☆ Show-o: One Single Transformer to Unify Multimodal Understanding and Generation
We present a unified transformer, i.e., Show-o, that unifies multimodal understanding and generation. Unlike fully autoregressive models, Show-o unifies autoregressive and (discrete) diffusion modeling to adaptively handle inputs and outputs of various and mixed modalities. The unified model flexibly supports a wide range of vision-language tasks including visual question-answering, text-to-image generation, text-guided inpainting/extrapolation, and mixed-modality generation. Across various benchmarks, it demonstrates comparable or superior performance to existing individual models with an equivalent or larger number of parameters tailored for understanding or generation. This significantly highlights its potential as a next-generation foundation model. Code and models are released at https://github.com/showlab/Show-o.
comment: Technical Report
♻ ☆ DocGenome: An Open Large-scale Scientific Document Benchmark for Training and Testing Multi-modal Large Language Models
Scientific documents record research findings and valuable human knowledge, comprising a vast corpus of high-quality data. Leveraging multi-modality data extracted from these documents and assessing large models' abilities to handle scientific document-oriented tasks is therefore meaningful. Despite promising advancements, large models still perform poorly on multi-page scientific document extraction and understanding tasks, and their capacity to process within-document data formats such as charts and equations remains under-explored. To address these issues, we present DocGenome, a structured document benchmark constructed by annotating 500K scientific documents from 153 disciplines in the arXiv open-access community, using our custom auto-labeling pipeline. DocGenome features four key characteristics: 1) Completeness: It is the first dataset to structure data from all modalities including 13 layout attributes along with their LaTeX source codes. 2) Logicality: It provides 6 logical relationships between different entities within each scientific document. 3) Diversity: It covers various document-oriented tasks, including document classification, visual grounding, document layout detection, document transformation, open-ended single-page QA and multi-page QA. 4) Correctness: It undergoes rigorous quality control checks conducted by a specialized team. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the advantages of DocGenome and objectively evaluate the performance of large models on our benchmark.
comment: Homepage of DocGenome: https://unimodal4reasoning.github.io/DocGenome_page 22 pages, 11 figures
♻ ☆ DriveScape: Towards High-Resolution Controllable Multi-View Driving Video Generation
Recent advancements in generative models have provided promising solutions for synthesizing realistic driving videos, which are crucial for training autonomous driving perception models. However, existing approaches often struggle with multi-view video generation due to the challenges of integrating 3D information while maintaining spatial-temporal consistency and effectively learning from a unified model. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework named DriveScape for multi-view, 3D condition-guided video generation. DriveScape not only streamlines the process by integrating camera data to ensure comprehensive spatial-temporal coverage, but also introduces a Bi-Directional Modulated Transformer module to effectively align 3D road structural information. As a result, our approach enables precise control over video generation, significantly enhancing realism and providing a robust solution for generating multi-view driving videos. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art results on the nuScenes dataset, demonstrating impressive generative quality metrics with an FID score of 8.34 and an FVD score of 76.39, as well as superior performance across various perception tasks. This paves the way for more accurate environmental simulations in autonomous driving. Our project homepage: https://metadrivescape.github.io/papers_project/drivescapev1/index.html
comment: Homepage: https://metadrivescape.github.io/papers_project/drivescapev1/index.html
♻ ☆ Thinking Outside the BBox: Unconstrained Generative Object Compositing
Compositing an object into an image involves multiple non-trivial sub-tasks such as object placement and scaling, color/lighting harmonization, viewpoint/geometry adjustment, and shadow/reflection generation. Recent generative image compositing methods leverage diffusion models to handle multiple sub-tasks at once. However, existing models face limitations due to their reliance on masking the original object during training, which constrains their generation to the input mask. Furthermore, obtaining an accurate input mask specifying the location and scale of the object in a new image can be highly challenging. To overcome such limitations, we define a novel problem of unconstrained generative object compositing, i.e., the generation is not bounded by the mask, and train a diffusion-based model on a synthesized paired dataset. Our first-of-its-kind model is able to generate object effects such as shadows and reflections that go beyond the mask, enhancing image realism. Additionally, if an empty mask is provided, our model automatically places the object in diverse natural locations and scales, accelerating the compositing workflow. Our model outperforms existing object placement and compositing models in various quality metrics and user studies.
♻ ☆ [Citation needed] Data usage and citation practices in medical imaging conferences
Medical imaging papers often focus on methodology, but the quality of the algorithms and the validity of the conclusions are highly dependent on the datasets used. As creating datasets requires a lot of effort, researchers often use publicly available datasets, there is however no adopted standard for citing the datasets used in scientific papers, leading to difficulty in tracking dataset usage. In this work, we present two open-source tools we created that could help with the detection of dataset usage, a pipeline \url{https://github.com/TheoSourget/Public_Medical_Datasets_References} using OpenAlex and full-text analysis, and a PDF annotation software \url{https://github.com/TheoSourget/pdf_annotator} used in our study to manually label the presence of datasets. We applied both tools on a study of the usage of 20 publicly available medical datasets in papers from MICCAI and MIDL. We compute the proportion and the evolution between 2013 and 2023 of 3 types of presence in a paper: cited, mentioned in the full text, cited and mentioned. Our findings demonstrate the concentration of the usage of a limited set of datasets. We also highlight different citing practices, making the automation of tracking difficult.
comment: Accepted at MIDL conference Updated with the revised version after MIDL rebuttal
♻ ☆ HIMO: A New Benchmark for Full-Body Human Interacting with Multiple Objects ECCV 2024
Generating human-object interactions (HOIs) is critical with the tremendous advances of digital avatars. Existing datasets are typically limited to humans interacting with a single object while neglecting the ubiquitous manipulation of multiple objects. Thus, we propose HIMO, a large-scale MoCap dataset of full-body human interacting with multiple objects, containing 3.3K 4D HOI sequences and 4.08M 3D HOI frames. We also annotate HIMO with detailed textual descriptions and temporal segments, benchmarking two novel tasks of HOI synthesis conditioned on either the whole text prompt or the segmented text prompts as fine-grained timeline control. To address these novel tasks, we propose a dual-branch conditional diffusion model with a mutual interaction module for HOI synthesis. Besides, an auto-regressive generation pipeline is also designed to obtain smooth transitions between HOI segments. Experimental results demonstrate the generalization ability to unseen object geometries and temporal compositions.
comment: Project page: https://lvxintao.github.io/himo, accepted by ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ MoPE: Parameter-Efficient and Scalable Multimodal Fusion via Mixture of Prompt Experts
Despite the demonstrated parameter efficiency of prompt-based multimodal fusion methods, their limited adaptivity and expressiveness often result in suboptimal performance compared to other tuning approaches. In this paper, we address these limitations by decomposing the vanilla prompts to adaptively capture instance-level features. Building upon this decomposition, we introduce the mixture of prompt experts (MoPE) technique to enhance the expressiveness of prompt tuning. MoPE leverages multimodal pairing priors to route the most effective prompt on a per-instance basis. Compared to vanilla prompting, our MoPE-based fusion method exhibits greater expressiveness, scaling more effectively with the training data and the overall number of trainable parameters. We also investigate regularization terms for expert routing, which lead to emergent expert specialization during training, paving the way for interpretable soft prompting. Extensive experiments across six multimodal datasets spanning four modalities demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results for prompt fusion, matching or even surpassing the performance of fine-tuning while requiring only 0.8% of the trainable parameters. Code will be released: https://github.com/songrise/MoPE.
comment: Under Review, Extended version of arxiv:2312.03734
♻ ☆ Gaussian Opacity Fields: Efficient Adaptive Surface Reconstruction in Unbounded Scenes
Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has demonstrated impressive novel view synthesis results, while allowing the rendering of high-resolution images in real-time. However, leveraging 3D Gaussians for surface reconstruction poses significant challenges due to the explicit and disconnected nature of 3D Gaussians. In this work, we present Gaussian Opacity Fields (GOF), a novel approach for efficient, high-quality, and adaptive surface reconstruction in unbounded scenes. Our GOF is derived from ray-tracing-based volume rendering of 3D Gaussians, enabling direct geometry extraction from 3D Gaussians by identifying its levelset, without resorting to Poisson reconstruction or TSDF fusion as in previous work. We approximate the surface normal of Gaussians as the normal of the ray-Gaussian intersection plane, enabling the application of regularization that significantly enhances geometry. Furthermore, we develop an efficient geometry extraction method utilizing Marching Tetrahedra, where the tetrahedral grids are induced from 3D Gaussians and thus adapt to the scene's complexity. Our evaluations reveal that GOF surpasses existing 3DGS-based methods in surface reconstruction and novel view synthesis. Further, it compares favorably to or even outperforms, neural implicit methods in both quality and speed.
comment: Project page: https://niujinshuchong.github.io/gaussian-opacity-fields
♻ ☆ Distribution Discrepancy and Feature Heterogeneity for Active 3D Object Detection
LiDAR-based 3D object detection is a critical technology for the development of autonomous driving and robotics. However, the high cost of data annotation limits its advancement. We propose a novel and effective active learning (AL) method called Distribution Discrepancy and Feature Heterogeneity (DDFH), which simultaneously considers geometric features and model embeddings, assessing information from both the instance-level and frame-level perspectives. Distribution Discrepancy evaluates the difference and novelty of instances within the unlabeled and labeled distributions, enabling the model to learn efficiently with limited data. Feature Heterogeneity ensures the heterogeneity of intra-frame instance features, maintaining feature diversity while avoiding redundant or similar instances, thus minimizing annotation costs. Finally, multiple indicators are efficiently aggregated using Quantile Transform, providing a unified measure of informativeness. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DDFH outperforms the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on the KITTI and Waymo datasets, effectively reducing the bounding box annotation cost by 56.3% and showing robustness when working with both one-stage and two-stage models.
comment: Accepted to CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ In-Loop Filtering via Trained Look-Up Tables
In-loop filtering (ILF) is a key technology for removing the artifacts in image/video coding standards. Recently, neural network-based in-loop filtering methods achieve remarkable coding gains beyond the capability of advanced video coding standards, which becomes a powerful coding tool candidate for future video coding standards. However, the utilization of deep neural networks brings heavy time and computational complexity, and high demands of high-performance hardware, which is challenging to apply to the general uses of coding scene. To address this limitation, inspired by explorations in image restoration, we propose an efficient and practical in-loop filtering scheme by adopting the Look-up Table (LUT). We train the DNN of in-loop filtering within a fixed filtering reference range, and cache the output values of the DNN into a LUT via traversing all possible inputs. At testing time in the coding process, the filtered pixel is generated by locating input pixels (to-be-filtered pixel with reference pixels) and interpolating cached filtered pixel values. To further enable the large filtering reference range with the limited storage cost of LUT, we introduce the enhanced indexing mechanism in the filtering process, and clipping/finetuning mechanism in the training. The proposed method is implemented into the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) reference software, VTM-11.0. Experimental results show that the ultrafast, very fast, and fast mode of the proposed method achieves on average 0.13%/0.34%/0.51%, and 0.10%/0.27%/0.39% BD-rate reduction, under the all intra (AI) and random access (RA) configurations. Especially, our method has friendly time and computational complexity, only 101%/102%-104%/108% time increase with 0.13-0.93 kMACs/pixel, and only 164-1148 KB storage cost for a single model. Our solution may shed light on the journey of practical neural network-based coding tool evolution.
comment: 11 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Image Quality Assessment With Compressed Sampling
No-Reference Image Quality Assessment (NR-IQA) aims at estimating image quality in accordance with subjective human perception. However, most methods focus on exploring increasingly complex networks to improve the final performance,accompanied by limitations on input images. Especially when applied to high-resolution (HR) images, these methods offen have to adjust the size of original image to meet model input.To further alleviate the aforementioned issue, we propose two networks for NR-IQA with Compressive Sampling (dubbed CL-IQA and CS-IQA). They consist of four components: (1) The Compressed Sampling Module (CSM) to sample the image (2)The Adaptive Embedding Module (AEM). The measurements are embedded by AEM to extract high-level features. (3) The Vision Transformer and Scale Swin TranBlocksformer Moudle(SSTM) to extract deep features. (4) The Dual Branch (DB) to get final quality score. Experiments show that our proposed methods outperform other methods on various datasets with less data usage.
♻ ☆ FedCCL: Federated Dual-Clustered Feature Contrast Under Domain Heterogeneity
Federated learning (FL) facilitates a privacy-preserving neural network training paradigm through collaboration between edge clients and a central server. One significant challenge is that the distributed data is not independently and identically distributed (non-IID), typically including both intra-domain and inter-domain heterogeneity. However, recent research is limited to simply using averaged signals as a form of regularization and only focusing on one aspect of these non-IID challenges. Given these limitations, this paper clarifies these two non-IID challenges and attempts to introduce cluster representation to address them from both local and global perspectives. Specifically, we propose a dual-clustered feature contrast-based FL framework with dual focuses. First, we employ clustering on the local representations of each client, aiming to capture intra-class information based on these local clusters at a high level of granularity. Then, we facilitate cross-client knowledge sharing by pulling the local representation closer to clusters shared by clients with similar semantics while pushing them away from clusters with dissimilar semantics. Second, since the sizes of local clusters belonging to the same class may differ for each client, we further utilize clustering on the global side and conduct averaging to create a consistent global signal for guiding each local training in a contrastive manner. Experimental results on multiple datasets demonstrate that our proposal achieves comparable or superior performance gain under intra-domain and inter-domain heterogeneity.
comment: This work was accepted by Information Fusion Journal
♻ ☆ Breast Cancer Image Classification Method Based on Deep Transfer Learning
To address the issues of limited samples, time-consuming feature design, and low accuracy in detection and classification of breast cancer pathological images, a breast cancer image classification model algorithm combining deep learning and transfer learning is proposed. This algorithm is based on the DenseNet structure of deep neural networks, and constructs a network model by introducing attention mechanisms, and trains the enhanced dataset using multi-level transfer learning. Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm achieves an efficiency of over 84.0\% in the test set, with a significantly improved classification accuracy compared to previous models, making it applicable to medical breast cancer detection tasks.
comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2024 International Conference on Image Processing, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
♻ ☆ Training-Free Point Cloud Recognition Based on Geometric and Semantic Information Fusion
The trend of employing training-free methods for point cloud recognition is becoming increasingly popular due to its significant reduction in computational resources and time costs. However, existing approaches are limited as they typically extract either geometric or semantic features. To address this limitation, we are the first to propose a novel training-free method that integrates both geometric and semantic features. For the geometric branch, we adopt a non-parametric strategy to extract geometric features. In the semantic branch, we leverage a model aligned with text features to obtain semantic features. Additionally, we introduce the GFE module to complement the geometric information of point clouds and the MFF module to improve performance in few-shot settings. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art training-free approaches on mainstream benchmark datasets, including ModelNet and ScanObiectNN.
♻ ☆ MME-RealWorld: Could Your Multimodal LLM Challenge High-Resolution Real-World Scenarios that are Difficult for Humans?
Comprehensive evaluation of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has recently garnered widespread attention in the research community. However, we observe that existing benchmarks present several common barriers that make it difficult to measure the significant challenges that models face in the real world, including: 1) small data scale leads to a large performance variance; 2) reliance on model-based annotations results in restricted data quality; 3) insufficient task difficulty, especially caused by the limited image resolution. To tackle these issues, we introduce MME-RealWorld. Specifically, we collect more than $300$K images from public datasets and the Internet, filtering $13,366$ high-quality images for annotation. This involves the efforts of professional $25$ annotators and $7$ experts in MLLMs, contributing to $29,429$ question-answer pairs that cover $43$ subtasks across $5$ real-world scenarios, extremely challenging even for humans. As far as we know, MME-RealWorld is the largest manually annotated benchmark to date, featuring the highest resolution and a targeted focus on real-world applications. We further conduct a thorough evaluation involving $28$ prominent MLLMs, such as GPT-4o, Gemini 1.5 Pro, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Our results show that even the most advanced models struggle with our benchmarks, where none of them reach $60\%$ accuracy. The challenges of perceiving high-resolution images and understanding complex real-world scenarios remain urgent issues to be addressed. The data and evaluation code are released at https://mme-realworld.github.io/ .
comment: Project Page: https://mme-realworld.github.io/
♻ ☆ Fisheye-GS: Lightweight and Extensible Gaussian Splatting Module for Fisheye Cameras
Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has garnered attention for its high fidelity and real-time rendering. However, adapting 3DGS to different camera models, particularly fisheye lenses, poses challenges due to the unique 3D to 2D projection calculation. Additionally, there are inefficiencies in the tile-based splatting, especially for the extreme curvature and wide field of view of fisheye lenses, which are crucial for its broader real-life applications. To tackle these challenges, we introduce Fisheye-GS.This innovative method recalculates the projection transformation and its gradients for fisheye cameras. Our approach can be seamlessly integrated as a module into other efficient 3D rendering methods, emphasizing its extensibility, lightweight nature, and modular design. Since we only modified the projection component, it can also be easily adapted for use with different camera models. Compared to methods that train after undistortion, our approach demonstrates a clear improvement in visual quality.
♻ ☆ Classification Matters: Improving Video Action Detection with Class-Specific Attention ECCV 2024
Video action detection (VAD) aims to detect actors and classify their actions in a video. We figure that VAD suffers more from classification rather than localization of actors. Hence, we analyze how prevailing methods form features for classification and find that they prioritize actor regions, yet often overlooking the essential contextual information necessary for accurate classification. Accordingly, we propose to reduce the bias toward actor and encourage paying attention to the context that is relevant to each action class. By assigning a class-dedicated query to each action class, our model can dynamically determine where to focus for effective classification. The proposed model demonstrates superior performance on three challenging benchmarks with significantly fewer parameters and less computation.
comment: 31 pages, accepted to ECCV 2024 (oral)
♻ ☆ Driving with Prior Maps: Unified Vector Prior Encoding for Autonomous Vehicle Mapping
High-Definition Maps (HD maps) are essential for the precise navigation and decision-making of autonomous vehicles, yet their creation and upkeep present significant cost and timeliness challenges. The online construction of HD maps using on-board sensors has emerged as a promising solution; however, these methods can be impeded by incomplete data due to occlusions and inclement weather. This paper proposes the PriorDrive framework to addresses these limitations by harnessing the power of prior maps, significantly enhancing the robustness and accuracy of online HD map construction. Our approach integrates a variety of prior maps, such as OpenStreetMap's Standard Definition Maps (SD maps), outdated HD maps from vendors, and locally constructed maps from historical vehicle data. To effectively encode this prior information into online mapping models, we introduce a Hybrid Prior Representation (HPQuery) that standardizes the representation of diverse map elements. At the core of PriorDrive is the Unified Vector Encoder (UVE), which employs a dual encoding mechanism to process vector data. The intra-vector encoder captures fine-grained local features, while the inter-vector encoder integrates global context. Furthermore, we propose a segment-level and point-level pre-training strategy that enables the UVE to learn the prior distribution of vector data, thereby improving the encoder's generalizability and performance. Through extensive testing on the nuScenes dataset, we demonstrate that PriorDrive is highly compatible with various online mapping models and substantially improves map prediction capabilities. The integration of prior maps through the PriorDrive framework offers a robust solution to the challenges of single-perception data, paving the way for more reliable autonomous vehicle navigation.
♻ ☆ Attack on Scene Flow using Point Clouds
Deep neural networks have made significant advancements in accurately estimating scene flow using point clouds, which is vital for many applications like video analysis, action recognition, and navigation. The robustness of these techniques, however, remains a concern, particularly in the face of adversarial attacks that have been proven to deceive state-of-the-art deep neural networks in many domains. Surprisingly, the robustness of scene flow networks against such attacks has not been thoroughly investigated. To address this problem, the proposed approach aims to bridge this gap by introducing adversarial white-box attacks specifically tailored for scene flow networks. Experimental results show that the generated adversarial examples obtain up to 33.7 relative degradation in average end-point error on the KITTI and FlyingThings3D datasets. The study also reveals the significant impact that attacks targeting point clouds in only one dimension or color channel have on average end-point error. Analyzing the success and failure of these attacks on the scene flow networks and their 2D optical flow network variants shows a higher vulnerability for the optical flow networks. Code is available at https://github.com/aheldis/Attack-on-Scene-Flow-using-Point-Clouds.git.
♻ ☆ Open-World Distributed Robot Self-Localization with Transferable Visual Vocabulary and Both Absolute and Relative Features
Visual robot self-localization is a fundamental problem in visual robot navigation and has been studied across various problem settings, including monocular and sequential localization. However, many existing studies focus primarily on single-robot scenarios, with limited exploration into general settings involving diverse robots connected through wireless networks with constrained communication capacities, such as open-world distributed robot systems. In particular, issues related to the transfer and sharing of key knowledge, such as visual descriptions and visual vocabulary, between robots have been largely neglected. This work introduces a new self-localization framework designed for open-world distributed robot systems that maintains state-of-the-art performance while offering two key advantages: (1) it employs an unsupervised visual vocabulary model that maps to multimodal, lightweight, and transferable visual features, and (2) the visual vocabulary itself is a lightweight and communication-friendly model. Although the primary focus is on encoding monocular view images, the framework can be easily extended to sequential localization applications. By utilizing complementary similarity-preserving features -- both absolute and relative -- the framework meets the requirements for being unsupervised, multimodal, lightweight, and transferable. All features are learned and recognized using a lightweight graph neural network and scene graph. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated in both passive and active self-localization scenarios.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary Material for International Conference Papers
♻ ☆ Robust Long-Range Perception Against Sensor Misalignment in Autonomous Vehicles
Advances in machine learning algorithms for sensor fusion have significantly improved the detection and prediction of other road users, thereby enhancing safety. However, even a small angular displacement in the sensor's placement can cause significant degradation in output, especially at long range. In this paper, we demonstrate a simple yet generic and efficient multi-task learning approach that not only detects misalignment between different sensor modalities but is also robust against them for long-range perception. Along with the amount of misalignment, our method also predicts calibrated uncertainty, which can be useful for filtering and fusing predicted misalignment values over time. In addition, we show that the predicted misalignment parameters can be used for self-correcting input sensor data, further improving the perception performance under sensor misalignment.
♻ ☆ Semantic-Guided Multimodal Sentiment Decoding with Adversarial Temporal-Invariant Learning
Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to learn representations from different modalities to identify human emotions. However, existing works often neglect the frame-level redundancy inherent in continuous time series, resulting in incomplete modality representations with noise. To address this issue, we propose temporal-invariant learning for the first time, which constrains the distributional variations over time steps to effectively capture long-term temporal dynamics, thus enhancing the quality of the representations and the robustness of the model. To fully exploit the rich semantic information in textual knowledge, we propose a semantic-guided fusion module. By evaluating the correlations between different modalities, this module facilitates cross-modal interactions gated by modality-invariant representations. Furthermore, we introduce a modality discriminator to disentangle modality-invariant and modality-specific subspaces. Experimental results on two public datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model. Our code is available at https://github.com/X-G-Y/SATI.
comment: change Title, Authors, Abstract
♻ ☆ Conditional Brownian Bridge Diffusion Model for VHR SAR to Optical Image Translation
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging technology provides the unique advantage of being able to collect data regardless of weather conditions and time. However, SAR images exhibit complex backscatter patterns and speckle noise, which necessitate expertise for interpretation. Research on translating SAR images into optical-like representations has been conducted to aid the interpretation of SAR data. Nevertheless, existing studies have predominantly utilized low-resolution satellite imagery datasets and have largely been based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) which are known for their training instability and low fidelity. To overcome these limitations of low-resolution data usage and GAN-based approaches, this paper introduces a conditional image-to-image translation approach based on Brownian Bridge Diffusion Model (BBDM). We conducted comprehensive experiments on the MSAW dataset, a paired SAR and optical images collection of 0.5m Very-High-Resolution (VHR). The experimental results indicate that our method surpasses both the Conditional Diffusion Models (CDMs) and the GAN-based models in diverse perceptual quality metrics.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table
♻ ☆ Looking Backward: Streaming Video-to-Video Translation with Feature Banks
This paper introduces StreamV2V, a diffusion model that achieves real-time streaming video-to-video (V2V) translation with user prompts. Unlike prior V2V methods using batches to process limited frames, we opt to process frames in a streaming fashion, to support unlimited frames. At the heart of StreamV2V lies a backward-looking principle that relates the present to the past. This is realized by maintaining a feature bank, which archives information from past frames. For incoming frames, StreamV2V extends self-attention to include banked keys and values and directly fuses similar past features into the output. The feature bank is continually updated by merging stored and new features, making it compact but informative. StreamV2V stands out for its adaptability and efficiency, seamlessly integrating with image diffusion models without fine-tuning. It can run 20 FPS on one A100 GPU, being 15x, 46x, 108x, and 158x faster than FlowVid, CoDeF, Rerender, and TokenFlow, respectively. Quantitative metrics and user studies confirm StreamV2V's exceptional ability to maintain temporal consistency.
comment: Project page: https://jeff-liangf.github.io/projects/streamv2v
♻ ☆ ChartX & ChartVLM: A Versatile Benchmark and Foundation Model for Complicated Chart Reasoning
Recently, many versatile Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have emerged continuously. However, their capacity to query information depicted in visual charts and engage in reasoning based on the queried contents remains under-explored. In this paper, to comprehensively and rigorously benchmark the ability of the off-the-shelf MLLMs in the chart domain, we construct ChartX, a multi-modal evaluation set covering 18 chart types, 7 chart tasks, 22 disciplinary topics, and high-quality chart data. Besides, we develop ChartVLM to offer a new perspective on handling multi-modal tasks that strongly depend on interpretable patterns, such as reasoning tasks in the field of charts or geometric images. We evaluate the chart-related ability of mainstream MLLMs and our ChartVLM on the proposed ChartX evaluation set. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ChartVLM surpasses both versatile and chart-related large models, achieving results comparable to GPT-4V. We believe that our study can pave the way for further exploration in creating a more comprehensive chart evaluation set and developing more interpretable multi-modal models. Both ChartX and ChartVLM are available at: https://github.com/UniModal4Reasoning/ChartVLM
comment: Code and dataset are available for downloading at: https://github.com/UniModal4Reasoning/ChartVLM 22 pages, 15 figures
♻ ☆ AMNS: Attention-Weighted Selective Mask and Noise Label Suppression for Text-to-Image Person Retrieval
Text-to-image person retrieval aims to retrieve images of person given textual descriptions, and most methods implicitly assume that the training image-text pairs are correctly aligned, but in practice, under-correlated and false-correlated problems arise for image-text pairs due to poor image quality and mislabeling. Meanwhile, the random masking augmentation strategy may incorrectly discard semantic content resulting in the problem of generating noisy pairings between image lexical elements and text descriptions. To solve these two problems, we propose a new noise label suppression method and alleviate the problem generated by random mask through an attention-weighted selective mask strategy. In the proposed noise label suppression method, the effect of noise labels is suppressed by preventing the model from being overconfident by considering the inverse KL scatter loss, which is combined with the weight adjustment focus loss to further improve the model's recognition ability on difficult samples. On the other hand, Attention-Weighted Selective Mask processes the raw image through the EMA version of the image encoder, retaining some of the tokens with strong semantic associations with the corresponding text descriptions in order to extract better features. Numerous experiments validate the effectiveness of our approach in terms of dealing with noisy problems. The code will be available soon at https://github.com/RunQing715/AMNS.git.
♻ ☆ A Survey of Multimodal Composite Editing and Retrieval
In the real world, where information is abundant and diverse across different modalities, understanding and utilizing various data types to improve retrieval systems is a key focus of research. Multimodal composite retrieval integrates diverse modalities such as text, image and audio, etc. to provide more accurate, personalized, and contextually relevant results. To facilitate a deeper understanding of this promising direction, this survey explores multimodal composite editing and retrieval in depth, covering image-text composite editing, image-text composite retrieval, and other multimodal composite retrieval. In this survey, we systematically organize the application scenarios, methods, benchmarks, experiments, and future directions. Multimodal learning is a hot topic in large model era, and have also witnessed some surveys in multimodal learning and vision-language models with transformers published in the PAMI journal. To the best of our knowledge, this survey is the first comprehensive review of the literature on multimodal composite retrieval, which is a timely complement of multimodal fusion to existing reviews. To help readers' quickly track this field, we build the project page for this survey, which can be found at https://github.com/fuxianghuang1/Multimodal-Composite-Editing-and-Retrieval.
comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, and 11 tables
♻ ☆ The Principle of Uncertain Maximum Entropy
The principle of maximum entropy is a well-established technique for choosing a distribution that matches available information while minimizing bias. It finds broad use across scientific disciplines and in machine learning. However, the principle as defined by is susceptible to noise and error in observations. This forces real-world practitioners to use relaxed versions of the principle in an ad hoc way, negatively impacting interpretation. To address this situation, we present a new principle we call uncertain maximum entropy that generalizes the classic principle and provides interpretable solutions irrespective of the observational methods in use. We introduce a convex approximation and expectation-maximization based algorithm for finding solutions to our new principle. Finally, we contrast this new technique with two simpler generally applicable solutions theoretically and experimentally show our technique provides superior accuracy.
♻ ☆ EndoOmni: Zero-Shot Cross-Dataset Depth Estimation in Endoscopy by Robust Self-Learning from Noisy Labels
Single-image depth estimation is essential for endoscopy tasks such as localization, reconstruction, and augmented reality. Most existing methods in surgical scenes focus on in-domain depth estimation, limiting their real-world applicability. This constraint stems from the scarcity and inferior labeling quality of medical data for training. In this work, we present EndoOmni, the first foundation model for zero-shot cross-domain depth estimation for endoscopy. To harness the potential of diverse training data, we refine the advanced self-learning paradigm that employs a teacher model to generate pseudo-labels, guiding a student model trained on large-scale labeled and unlabeled data. To address training disturbance caused by inherent noise in depth labels, we propose a robust training framework that leverages both depth labels and estimated confidence from the teacher model to jointly guide the student model training. Moreover, we propose a weighted scale-and-shift invariant loss to adaptively adjust learning weights based on label confidence, thus imposing learning bias towards cleaner label pixels while reducing the influence of highly noisy pixels. Experiments on zero-shot relative depth estimation show that our EndoOmni improves state-of-the-art methods in medical imaging for 41\% and existing foundation models for 25\% in terms of absolute relative error on specific dataset. Furthermore, our model provides strong initialization for fine-tuning to metric depth estimation, maintaining superior performance in both in-domain and out-of-domain scenarios. The source code will be publicly available.
♻ ☆ Human-Free Automated Prompting for Vision-Language Anomaly Detection: Prompt Optimization with Meta-guiding Prompt Scheme
Pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) are highly adaptable to various downstream tasks through few-shot learning, making prompt-based anomaly detection a promising approach. Traditional methods depend on human-crafted prompts that require prior knowledge of specific anomaly types. Our goal is to develop a human-free prompt-based anomaly detection framework that optimally learns prompts through data-driven methods, eliminating the need for human intervention. The primary challenge in this approach is the lack of anomalous samples during the training phase. Additionally, the Vision Transformer (ViT)-based image encoder in VLMs is not ideal for pixel-wise anomaly segmentation due to a locality feature mismatch between the original image and the output feature map. To tackle the first challenge, we have developed the Object-Attention Anomaly Generation Module (OAGM) to synthesize anomaly samples for training. Furthermore, our Meta-Guiding Prompt-Tuning Scheme (MPTS) iteratively adjusts the gradient-based optimization direction of learnable prompts to avoid overfitting to the synthesized anomalies. For the second challenge, we propose Locality-Aware Attention, which ensures that each local patch feature attends only to nearby patch features, preserving the locality features corresponding to their original locations. This framework allows for the optimal prompt embeddings by searching in the continuous latent space via backpropagation, free from human semantic constraints. Additionally, the modified locality-aware attention improves the precision of pixel-wise anomaly segmentation.
♻ ☆ Privacy Leakage on DNNs: A Survey of Model Inversion Attacks and Defenses
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have revolutionized various domains with their exceptional performance across numerous applications. However, Model Inversion (MI) attacks, which disclose private information about the training dataset by abusing access to the trained models, have emerged as a formidable privacy threat. Given a trained network, these attacks enable adversaries to reconstruct high-fidelity data that closely aligns with the private training samples, posing significant privacy concerns. Despite the rapid advances in the field, we lack a comprehensive and systematic overview of existing MI attacks and defenses. To fill this gap, this paper thoroughly investigates this realm and presents a holistic survey. Firstly, our work briefly reviews early MI studies on traditional machine learning scenarios. We then elaborately analyze and compare numerous recent attacks and defenses on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) across multiple modalities and learning tasks. By meticulously analyzing their distinctive features, we summarize and classify these methods into different categories and provide a novel taxonomy. Finally, this paper discusses promising research directions and presents potential solutions to open issues. To facilitate further study on MI attacks and defenses, we have implemented an open-source model inversion toolbox on GitHub (https://github.com/ffhibnese/Model-Inversion-Attack-ToolBox).
♻ ☆ Text-guided Controllable Mesh Refinement for Interactive 3D Modeling SIGGRAPH
We propose a novel technique for adding geometric details to an input coarse 3D mesh guided by a text prompt. Our method is composed of three stages. First, we generate a single-view RGB image conditioned on the input coarse geometry and the input text prompt. This single-view image generation step allows the user to pre-visualize the result and offers stronger conditioning for subsequent multi-view generation. Second, we use our novel multi-view normal generation architecture to jointly generate six different views of the normal images. The joint view generation reduces inconsistencies and leads to sharper details. Third, we optimize our mesh with respect to all views and generate a fine, detailed geometry as output. The resulting method produces an output within seconds and offers explicit user control over the coarse structure, pose, and desired details of the resulting 3D mesh.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024
♻ ☆ RetinaRegNet: A Zero-Shot Approach for Retinal Image Registration
We introduce RetinaRegNet, a zero-shot image registration model designed to register retinal images with minimal overlap, large deformations, and varying image quality. RetinaRegNet addresses these challenges and achieves robust and accurate registration through the following steps. First, we extract features from the moving and fixed images using latent diffusion models. We then sample feature points from the fixed image using a combination of the SIFT algorithm and random point sampling. For each sampled point, we identify its corresponding point in the moving image using a 2D correlation map, which computes the cosine similarity between the diffusion feature vectors of the point in the fixed image and all pixels in the moving image. Second, we eliminate most incorrectly detected point correspondences (outliers) by enforcing an inverse consistency constraint, ensuring that correspondences are consistent in both forward and backward directions. We further remove outliers with large distances between corresponding points using a global transformation based outlier detector. Finally, we implement a two-stage registration framework to handle large deformations. The first stage estimates a homography transformation to achieve global alignment between the images, while the second stage uses a third-order polynomial transformation to estimate local deformations. We evaluated RetinaRegNet on three retinal image registration datasets: color fundus images, fluorescein angiography images, and laser speckle flowgraphy images. Our model consistently outperformed state-of-the-art methods across all datasets. The accurate registration achieved by RetinaRegNet enables the tracking of eye disease progression, enhances surgical planning, and facilitates the evaluation of treatment efficacy. Our code is publicly available at: https://github.com/mirthAI/RetinaRegNet.
♻ ☆ VidLPRO: A $\underline{Vid}$eo-$\underline{L}$anguage $\underline{P}$re-training Framework for $\underline{Ro}$botic and Laparoscopic Surgery
We introduce VidLPRO, a novel video-language (VL) pre-training framework designed specifically for robotic and laparoscopic surgery. While existing surgical VL models primarily rely on contrastive learning, we propose a more comprehensive approach to capture the intricate temporal dynamics and align video with language. VidLPRO integrates video-text contrastive learning, video-text matching, and masked language modeling objectives to learn rich VL representations. To support this framework, we present GenSurg+, a carefully curated dataset derived from GenSurgery, comprising 17k surgical video clips paired with captions generated by GPT-4 using transcripts extracted by the Whisper model. This dataset addresses the need for large-scale, high-quality VL data in the surgical domain. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, including Cholec80 and AutoLaparo, demonstrate the efficacy of our approach. VidLPRO achieves state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot surgical phase recognition, significantly outperforming existing surgical VL models such as SurgVLP and HecVL. Our model demonstrates improvements of up to 21.5\% in accuracy and 15.7% in F1 score, setting a new benchmark in the field. Notably, VidLPRO exhibits robust performance even with single-frame inference, while effectively scaling with increased temporal context. Ablation studies reveal the impact of frame sampling strategies on model performance and computational efficiency. These results underscore VidLPRO's potential as a foundation model for surgical video understanding.
♻ ☆ MUMU: Bootstrapping Multimodal Image Generation from Text-to-Image Data
We train a model to generate images from multimodal prompts of interleaved text and images such as "a man and his dog in an animated style." We bootstrap a multimodal dataset by extracting semantically meaningful image crops corresponding to words in the image captions of synthetically generated and publicly available text-image data. Our model, MUMU, is composed of a vision-language model encoder with a diffusion decoder and is trained on a single 8xH100 GPU node. Despite being only trained on crops from the same image, MUMU learns to compose inputs from different images into a coherent output. For example, an input of a realistic person and a cartoon will output the same person in the cartoon style, and an input of a standing subject and a scooter will output the subject riding the scooter. As a result, our model generalizes to tasks such as style transfer and character consistency. Our results show the promise of using multimodal models as general purpose controllers for image generation.
♻ ☆ Pruning One More Token is Enough: Leveraging Latency-Workload Non-Linearities for Vision Transformers on the Edge
This paper investigates how to efficiently deploy vision transformers on edge devices for small workloads. Recent methods reduce the latency of transformer neural networks by removing or merging tokens, with small accuracy degradation. However, these methods are not designed with edge device deployment in mind: they do not leverage information about the latency-workload trends to improve efficiency. We address this shortcoming in our work. First, we identify factors that affect ViT latency-workload relationships. Second, we determine token pruning schedule by leveraging non-linear latency-workload relationships. Third, we demonstrate a training-free, token pruning method utilizing this schedule. We show other methods may increase latency by 2-30%, while we reduce latency by 9-26%. For similar latency (within 5.2% or 7ms) across devices we achieve 78.6%-84.5% ImageNet1K accuracy, while the state-of-the-art, Token Merging, achieves 45.8%-85.4%.
$\mathbb{X}$-Sample Contrastive Loss: Improving Contrastive Learning with Sample Similarity Graphs
Learning good representations involves capturing the diverse ways in which data samples relate. Contrastive loss - an objective matching related samples - underlies methods from self-supervised to multimodal learning. Contrastive losses, however, can be viewed more broadly as modifying a similarity graph to indicate how samples should relate in the embedding space. This view reveals a shortcoming in contrastive learning: the similarity graph is binary, as only one sample is the related positive sample. Crucially, similarities \textit{across} samples are ignored. Based on this observation, we revise the standard contrastive loss to explicitly encode how a sample relates to others. We experiment with this new objective, called $\mathbb{X}$-Sample Contrastive, to train vision models based on similarities in class or text caption descriptions. Our study spans three scales: ImageNet-1k with 1 million, CC3M with 3 million, and CC12M with 12 million samples. The representations learned via our objective outperform both contrastive self-supervised and vision-language models trained on the same data across a range of tasks. When training on CC12M, we outperform CLIP by $0.6\%$ on both ImageNet and ImageNet Real. Our objective appears to work particularly well in lower-data regimes, with gains over CLIP of $16.8\%$ on ImageNet and $18.1\%$ on ImageNet Real when training with CC3M. Finally, our objective seems to encourage the model to learn representations that separate objects from their attributes and backgrounds, with gains of $3.3$-$5.6$\% over CLIP on ImageNet9. We hope the proposed solution takes a small step towards developing richer learning objectives for understanding sample relations in foundation models.
♻ ☆ Geometry-aware Feature Matching for Large-Scale Structure from Motion
Establishing consistent and dense correspondences across multiple images is crucial for Structure from Motion (SfM) systems. Significant view changes, such as air-to-ground with very sparse view overlap, pose an even greater challenge to the correspondence solvers. We present a novel optimization-based approach that significantly enhances existing feature matching methods by introducing geometry cues in addition to color cues. This helps fill gaps when there is less overlap in large-scale scenarios. Our method formulates geometric verification as an optimization problem, guiding feature matching within detector-free methods and using sparse correspondences from detector-based methods as anchor points. By enforcing geometric constraints via the Sampson Distance, our approach ensures that the denser correspondences from detector-free methods are geometrically consistent and more accurate. This hybrid strategy significantly improves correspondence density and accuracy, mitigates multi-view inconsistencies, and leads to notable advancements in camera pose accuracy and point cloud density. It outperforms state-of-the-art feature matching methods on benchmark datasets and enables feature matching in challenging extreme large-scale settings.
♻ ☆ A Training Rate and Survival Heuristic for Inference and Robustness Evaluation (TRASHFIRE)
Machine learning models -- deep neural networks in particular -- have performed remarkably well on benchmark datasets across a wide variety of domains. However, the ease of finding adversarial counter-examples remains a persistent problem when training times are measured in hours or days and the time needed to find a successful adversarial counter-example is measured in seconds. Much work has gone into generating and defending against these adversarial counter-examples, however the relative costs of attacks and defences are rarely discussed. Additionally, machine learning research is almost entirely guided by test/train metrics, but these would require billions of samples to meet industry standards. The present work addresses the problem of understanding and predicting how particular model hyper-parameters influence the performance of a model in the presence of an adversary. The proposed approach uses survival models, worst-case examples, and a cost-aware analysis to precisely and accurately reject a particular model change during routine model training procedures rather than relying on real-world deployment, expensive formal verification methods, or accurate simulations of very complicated systems (\textit{e.g.}, digitally recreating every part of a car or a plane). Through an evaluation of many pre-processing techniques, adversarial counter-examples, and neural network configurations, the conclusion is that deeper models do offer marginal gains in survival times compared to more shallow counterparts. However, we show that those gains are driven more by the model inference time than inherent robustness properties. Using the proposed methodology, we show that ResNet is hopelessly insecure against even the simplest of white box attacks.
♻ ☆ Blind Image Deblurring with FFT-ReLU Sparsity Prior
Blind image deblurring is the process of recovering a sharp image from a blurred one without prior knowledge about the blur kernel. It is a small data problem, since the key challenge lies in estimating the unknown degrees of blur from a single image or limited data, instead of learning from large datasets. The solution depends heavily on developing algorithms that effectively model the image degradation process. We introduce a method that leverages a prior which targets the blur kernel to achieve effective deblurring across a wide range of image types. In our extensive empirical analysis, our algorithm achieves results that are competitive with the state-of-the-art blind image deblurring algorithms, and it offers up to two times faster inference, making it a highly efficient solution.
comment: 10 pages
♻ ☆ Nerve Block Target Localization and Needle Guidance for Autonomous Robotic Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia IROS 2024
Visual servoing for the development of autonomous robotic systems capable of administering UltraSound (US) guided regional anesthesia requires real-time segmentation of nerves, needle tip localization and needle trajectory extrapolation. First, we recruited 227 patients to build a large dataset of 41,000 anesthesiologist annotated images from US videos of brachial plexus nerves and developed models to localize nerves in the US images. Generalizability of the best suited model was tested on the datasets constructed from separate US scanners. Using these nerve segmentation predictions, we define automated anesthesia needle targets by fitting an ellipse to the nerve contours. Next, we developed an image analysis tool to guide the needle toward their targets. For the segmentation of the needle, a natural RGB pre-trained neural network was first fine-tuned on a large US dataset for domain transfer and then adapted for the needle using a small dataset. The segmented needle trajectory angle is calculated using Radon transformation and the trajectory is extrapolated from the needle tip. The intersection of the extrapolated trajectory with the needle target guides the needle navigation for drug delivery. The needle trajectory average error was within acceptable range of 5 mm as per experienced anesthesiologists. The entire dataset has been released publicly for further study by the research community at https://github.com/Regional-US/
comment: Accepted at IROS 2024, 1 supplementary video
Artificial Intelligence 132
☆ "My Grade is Wrong!": A Contestable AI Framework for Interactive Feedback in Evaluating Student Essays
Interactive feedback, where feedback flows in both directions between teacher and student, is more effective than traditional one-way feedback. However, it is often too time-consuming for widespread use in educational practice. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have potential for automating feedback, they struggle with reasoning and interaction in an interactive setting. This paper introduces CAELF, a Contestable AI Empowered LLM Framework for automating interactive feedback. CAELF allows students to query, challenge, and clarify their feedback by integrating a multi-agent system with computational argumentation. Essays are first assessed by multiple Teaching-Assistant Agents (TA Agents), and then a Teacher Agent aggregates the evaluations through formal reasoning to generate feedback and grades. Students can further engage with the feedback to refine their understanding. A case study on 500 critical thinking essays with user studies demonstrates that CAELF significantly improves interactive feedback, enhancing the reasoning and interaction capabilities of LLMs. This approach offers a promising solution to overcoming the time and resource barriers that have limited the adoption of interactive feedback in educational settings.
☆ Introducing Perturb-ability Score (PS) to Enhance Robustness Against Evasion Adversarial Attacks on ML-NIDS
This paper proposes a novel Perturb-ability Score (PS) that can be used to identify Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) features that can be easily manipulated by attackers in the problem-space. We demonstrate that using PS to select only non-perturb-able features for ML-based NIDS maintains detection performance while enhancing robustness against adversarial attacks.
☆ SUPER: Evaluating Agents on Setting Up and Executing Tasks from Research Repositories
Given that Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant progress in writing code, can they now be used to autonomously reproduce results from research repositories? Such a capability would be a boon to the research community, helping researchers validate, understand, and extend prior work. To advance towards this goal, we introduce SUPER, the first benchmark designed to evaluate the capability of LLMs in setting up and executing tasks from research repositories. SUPERaims to capture the realistic challenges faced by researchers working with Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) research repositories. Our benchmark comprises three distinct problem sets: 45 end-to-end problems with annotated expert solutions, 152 sub problems derived from the expert set that focus on specific challenges (e.g., configuring a trainer), and 602 automatically generated problems for larger-scale development. We introduce various evaluation measures to assess both task success and progress, utilizing gold solutions when available or approximations otherwise. We show that state-of-the-art approaches struggle to solve these problems with the best model (GPT-4o) solving only 16.3% of the end-to-end set, and 46.1% of the scenarios. This illustrates the challenge of this task, and suggests that SUPER can serve as a valuable resource for the community to make and measure progress.
☆ Synthetic continued pretraining
Pretraining on large-scale, unstructured internet text has enabled language models to acquire a significant amount of world knowledge. However, this knowledge acquisition is data-inefficient -- to learn a given fact, models must be trained on hundreds to thousands of diverse representations of it. This poses a challenge when adapting a pretrained model to a small corpus of domain-specific documents, where each fact may appear rarely or only once. We propose to bridge this gap with synthetic continued pretraining: using the small domain-specific corpus to synthesize a large corpus more amenable to learning, and then performing continued pretraining on the synthesized corpus. We instantiate this proposal with EntiGraph, a synthetic data augmentation algorithm that extracts salient entities from the source documents and then generates diverse text by drawing connections between the sampled entities. Synthetic continued pretraining using EntiGraph enables a language model to answer questions and follow generic instructions related to the source documents without access to them. If instead, the source documents are available at inference time, we show that the knowledge acquired through our approach compounds with retrieval-augmented generation. To better understand these results, we build a simple mathematical model of EntiGraph, and show how synthetic data augmentation can "rearrange" knowledge to enable more data-efficient learning.
☆ Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Abstraction of Listwise Recommendation
Modern listwise recommendation systems need to consider both long-term user perceptions and short-term interest shifts. Reinforcement learning can be applied on recommendation to study such a problem but is also subject to large search space, sparse user feedback and long interactive latency. Motivated by recent progress in hierarchical reinforcement learning, we propose a novel framework called mccHRL to provide different levels of temporal abstraction on listwise recommendation. Within the hierarchical framework, the high-level agent studies the evolution of user perception, while the low-level agent produces the item selection policy by modeling the process as a sequential decision-making problem. We argue that such framework has a well-defined decomposition of the outra-session context and the intra-session context, which are encoded by the high-level and low-level agents, respectively. To verify this argument, we implement both a simulator-based environment and an industrial dataset-based experiment. Results observe significant performance improvement by our method, compared with several well-known baselines. Data and codes have been made public.
comment: 18 pages, 4 figures
☆ SoK: Security and Privacy Risks of Medical AI
The integration of technology and healthcare has ushered in a new era where software systems, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, have become essential components of medical products and services. While these advancements hold great promise for enhancing patient care and healthcare delivery efficiency, they also expose sensitive medical data and system integrity to potential cyberattacks. This paper explores the security and privacy threats posed by AI/ML applications in healthcare. Through a thorough examination of existing research across a range of medical domains, we have identified significant gaps in understanding the adversarial attacks targeting medical AI systems. By outlining specific adversarial threat models for medical settings and identifying vulnerable application domains, we lay the groundwork for future research that investigates the security and resilience of AI-driven medical systems. Through our analysis of different threat models and feasibility studies on adversarial attacks in different medical domains, we provide compelling insights into the pressing need for cybersecurity research in the rapidly evolving field of AI healthcare technology.
☆ Robust Robot Walker: Learning Agile Locomotion over Tiny Traps
Quadruped robots must exhibit robust walking capabilities in practical applications. In this work, we propose a novel approach that enables quadruped robots to pass various small obstacles, or "tiny traps". Existing methods often rely on exteroceptive sensors, which can be unreliable for detecting such tiny traps. To overcome this limitation, our approach focuses solely on proprioceptive inputs. We introduce a two-stage training framework incorporating a contact encoder and a classification head to learn implicit representations of different traps. Additionally, we design a set of tailored reward functions to improve both the stability of training and the ease of deployment for goal-tracking tasks. To benefit further research, we design a new benchmark for tiny trap task. Extensive experiments in both simulation and real-world settings demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. Project Page: https://robust-robot-walker.github.io/
comment: 10 pages, 17 figures
☆ CLNX: Bridging Code and Natural Language for C/C++ Vulnerability-Contributing Commits Identification
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great promise in vulnerability identification. As C/C++ comprises half of the Open-Source Software (OSS) vulnerabilities over the past decade and updates in OSS mainly occur through commits, enhancing LLMs' ability to identify C/C++ Vulnerability-Contributing Commits (VCCs) is essential. However, current studies primarily focus on further pre-training LLMs on massive code datasets, which is resource-intensive and poses efficiency challenges. In this paper, we enhance the ability of BERT-based LLMs to identify C/C++ VCCs in a lightweight manner. We propose CodeLinguaNexus (CLNX) as a bridge facilitating communication between C/C++ programs and LLMs. Based on commits, CLNX efficiently converts the source code into a more natural representation while preserving key details. Specifically, CLNX first applies structure-level naturalization to decompose complex programs, followed by token-level naturalization to interpret complex symbols. We evaluate CLNX on public datasets of 25,872 C/C++ functions with their commits. The results show that CLNX significantly enhances the performance of LLMs on identifying C/C++ VCCs. Moreover, CLNX-equipped CodeBERT achieves new state-of-the-art and identifies 38 OSS vulnerabilities in the real world.
comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, conference
☆ What to align in multimodal contrastive learning?
Humans perceive the world through multisensory integration, blending the information of different modalities to adapt their behavior. Contrastive learning offers an appealing solution for multimodal self-supervised learning. Indeed, by considering each modality as a different view of the same entity, it learns to align features of different modalities in a shared representation space. However, this approach is intrinsically limited as it only learns shared or redundant information between modalities, while multimodal interactions can arise in other ways. In this work, we introduce CoMM, a Contrastive MultiModal learning strategy that enables the communication between modalities in a single multimodal space. Instead of imposing cross- or intra- modality constraints, we propose to align multimodal representations by maximizing the mutual information between augmented versions of these multimodal features. Our theoretical analysis shows that shared, synergistic and unique terms of information naturally emerge from this formulation, allowing us to estimate multimodal interactions beyond redundancy. We test CoMM both in a controlled and in a series of real-world settings: in the former, we demonstrate that CoMM effectively captures redundant, unique and synergistic information between modalities. In the latter, CoMM learns complex multimodal interactions and achieves state-of-the-art results on the six multimodal benchmarks.
comment: 22 pages
☆ Awaking the Slides: A Tuning-free and Knowledge-regulated AI Tutoring System via Language Model Coordination
The vast pre-existing slides serve as rich and important materials to carry lecture knowledge. However, effectively leveraging lecture slides to serve students is difficult due to the multi-modal nature of slide content and the heterogeneous teaching actions. We study the problem of discovering effective designs that convert a slide into an interactive lecture. We develop Slide2Lecture, a tuning-free and knowledge-regulated intelligent tutoring system that can (1) effectively convert an input lecture slide into a structured teaching agenda consisting of a set of heterogeneous teaching actions; (2) create and manage an interactive lecture that generates responsive interactions catering to student learning demands while regulating the interactions to follow teaching actions. Slide2Lecture contains a complete pipeline for learners to obtain an interactive classroom experience to learn the slide. For teachers and developers, Slide2Lecture enables customization to cater to personalized demands. The evaluation rated by annotators and students shows that Slide2Lecture is effective in outperforming the remaining implementation. Slide2Lecture's online deployment has made more than 200K interaction with students in the 3K lecture sessions. We open source Slide2Lecture's implementation in https://anonymous.4open.science/r/slide2lecture-4210/.
☆ Demo: SGCode: A Flexible Prompt-Optimizing System for Secure Generation of Code
This paper introduces SGCode, a flexible prompt-optimizing system to generate secure code with large language models (LLMs). SGCode integrates recent prompt-optimization approaches with LLMs in a unified system accessible through front-end and back-end APIs, enabling users to 1) generate secure code, which is free of vulnerabilities, 2) review and share security analysis, and 3) easily switch from one prompt optimization approach to another, while providing insights on model and system performance. We populated SGCode on an AWS server with PromSec, an approach that optimizes prompts by combining an LLM and security tools with a lightweight generative adversarial graph neural network to detect and fix security vulnerabilities in the generated code. Extensive experiments show that SGCode is practical as a public tool to gain insights into the trade-offs between model utility, secure code generation, and system cost. SGCode has only a marginal cost compared with prompting LLMs. SGCode is available at:
☆ Securing Vision-Language Models with a Robust Encoder Against Jailbreak and Adversarial Attacks
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs), trained on multimodal big datasets, have significantly advanced AI by excelling in vision-language tasks. However, these models remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks, particularly jailbreak attacks, which bypass safety protocols and cause the model to generate misleading or harmful responses. This vulnerability stems from both the inherent susceptibilities of LLMs and the expanded attack surface introduced by the visual modality. We propose Sim-CLIP+, a novel defense mechanism that adversarially fine-tunes the CLIP vision encoder by leveraging a Siamese architecture. This approach maximizes cosine similarity between perturbed and clean samples, facilitating resilience against adversarial manipulations. Sim-CLIP+ offers a plug-and-play solution, allowing seamless integration into existing LVLM architectures as a robust vision encoder. Unlike previous defenses, our method requires no structural modifications to the LVLM and incurs minimal computational overhead. Sim-CLIP+ demonstrates effectiveness against both gradient-based adversarial attacks and various jailbreak techniques. We evaluate Sim-CLIP+ against three distinct jailbreak attack strategies and perform clean evaluations using standard downstream datasets, including COCO for image captioning and OKVQA for visual question answering. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Sim-CLIP+ maintains high clean accuracy while substantially improving robustness against both gradient-based adversarial attacks and jailbreak techniques. Our code and robust vision encoders are available at https://github.com/speedlab-git/Robust-Encoder-against-Jailbreak-attack.git.
☆ Federated Impression for Learning with Distributed Heterogeneous Data
Standard deep learning-based classification approaches may not always be practical in real-world clinical applications, as they require a centralized collection of all samples. Federated learning (FL) provides a paradigm that can learn from distributed datasets across clients without requiring them to share data, which can help mitigate privacy and data ownership issues. In FL, sub-optimal convergence caused by data heterogeneity is common among data from different health centers due to the variety in data collection protocols and patient demographics across centers. Through experimentation in this study, we show that data heterogeneity leads to the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting during local training. We propose FedImpres which alleviates catastrophic forgetting by restoring synthetic data that represents the global information as federated impression. To achieve this, we distill the global model resulting from each communication round. Subsequently, we use the synthetic data alongside the local data to enhance the generalization of local training. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on both the BloodMNIST and Retina datasets, which contain label imbalance and domain shift, with an improvement in classification accuracy of up to 20%.
☆ Online Decision MetaMorphFormer: A Casual Transformer-Based Reinforcement Learning Framework of Universal Embodied Intelligence
Interactive artificial intelligence in the motion control field is an interesting topic, especially when universal knowledge is adaptive to multiple tasks and universal environments. Despite there being increasing efforts in the field of Reinforcement Learning (RL) with the aid of transformers, most of them might be limited by the offline training pipeline, which prohibits exploration and generalization abilities. To address this limitation, we propose the framework of Online Decision MetaMorphFormer (ODM) which aims to achieve self-awareness, environment recognition, and action planning through a unified model architecture. Motivated by cognitive and behavioral psychology, an ODM agent is able to learn from others, recognize the world, and practice itself based on its own experience. ODM can also be applied to any arbitrary agent with a multi-joint body, located in different environments, and trained with different types of tasks using large-scale pre-trained datasets. Through the use of pre-trained datasets, ODM can quickly warm up and learn the necessary knowledge to perform the desired task, while the target environment continues to reinforce the universal policy. Extensive online experiments as well as few-shot and zero-shot environmental tests are used to verify ODM's performance and generalization ability. The results of our study contribute to the study of general artificial intelligence in embodied and cognitive fields. Code, results, and video examples can be found on the website \url{https://rlodm.github.io/odm/}.
comment: 12 pages, 6 figures
☆ A Framework for Predicting the Impact of Game Balance Changes through Meta Discovery
A metagame is a collection of knowledge that goes beyond the rules of a game. In competitive, team-based games like Pok\'emon or League of Legends, it refers to the set of current dominant characters and/or strategies within the player base. Developer changes to the balance of the game can have drastic and unforeseen consequences on these sets of meta characters. A framework for predicting the impact of balance changes could aid developers in making more informed balance decisions. In this paper we present such a Meta Discovery framework, leveraging Reinforcement Learning for automated testing of balance changes. Our results demonstrate the ability to predict the outcome of balance changes in Pok\'emon Showdown, a collection of competitive Pok\'emon tiers, with high accuracy.
comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, IEEE Transactions on Games
☆ Explanation, Debate, Align: A Weak-to-Strong Framework for Language Model Generalization
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence systems has brought the challenge of AI alignment to the forefront of research, particularly in complex decision-making and task execution. As these systems surpass human-level performance in sophisticated problems, ensuring their alignment with human values, intentions, and ethical guidelines becomes crucial. Building on previous work in explanation generation for human-agent alignment, we address the more complex dynamics of multi-agent systems and human-AI teams. This paper introduces a novel approach to model alignment through weak-to-strong generalization in the context of language models. We present a framework where a strong model facilitates the improvement of a weaker model, bridging the gap between explanation generation and model alignment. Our method, formalized as a facilitation function, allows for the transfer of capabilities from advanced models to less capable ones without direct access to extensive training data. Our results suggest that this facilitation-based approach not only enhances model performance but also provides insights into the nature of model alignment and the potential for scalable oversight of AI systems.
☆ Module-wise Adaptive Adversarial Training for End-to-end Autonomous Driving
Recent advances in deep learning have markedly improved autonomous driving (AD) models, particularly end-to-end systems that integrate perception, prediction, and planning stages, achieving state-of-the-art performance. However, these models remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where human-imperceptible perturbations can disrupt decision-making processes. While adversarial training is an effective method for enhancing model robustness against such attacks, no prior studies have focused on its application to end-to-end AD models. In this paper, we take the first step in adversarial training for end-to-end AD models and present a novel Module-wise Adaptive Adversarial Training (MA2T). However, extending conventional adversarial training to this context is highly non-trivial, as different stages within the model have distinct objectives and are strongly interconnected. To address these challenges, MA2T first introduces Module-wise Noise Injection, which injects noise before the input of different modules, targeting training models with the guidance of overall objectives rather than each independent module loss. Additionally, we introduce Dynamic Weight Accumulation Adaptation, which incorporates accumulated weight changes to adaptively learn and adjust the loss weights of each module based on their contributions (accumulated reduction rates) for better balance and robust training. To demonstrate the efficacy of our defense, we conduct extensive experiments on the widely-used nuScenes dataset across several end-to-end AD models under both white-box and black-box attacks, where our method outperforms other baselines by large margins (+5-10%). Moreover, we validate the robustness of our defense through closed-loop evaluation in the CARLA simulation environment, showing improved resilience even against natural corruption.
comment: 14 pages
☆ MEDIC: Towards a Comprehensive Framework for Evaluating LLMs in Clinical Applications
The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) for healthcare applications has spurred calls for holistic evaluation beyond frequently-cited benchmarks like USMLE, to better reflect real-world performance. While real-world assessments are valuable indicators of utility, they often lag behind the pace of LLM evolution, likely rendering findings obsolete upon deployment. This temporal disconnect necessitates a comprehensive upfront evaluation that can guide model selection for specific clinical applications. We introduce MEDIC, a framework assessing LLMs across five critical dimensions of clinical competence: medical reasoning, ethics and bias, data and language understanding, in-context learning, and clinical safety. MEDIC features a novel cross-examination framework quantifying LLM performance across areas like coverage and hallucination detection, without requiring reference outputs. We apply MEDIC to evaluate LLMs on medical question-answering, safety, summarization, note generation, and other tasks. Our results show performance disparities across model sizes, baseline vs medically finetuned models, and have implications on model selection for applications requiring specific model strengths, such as low hallucination or lower cost of inference. MEDIC's multifaceted evaluation reveals these performance trade-offs, bridging the gap between theoretical capabilities and practical implementation in healthcare settings, ensuring that the most promising models are identified and adapted for diverse healthcare applications.
comment: Technical report
☆ Exploring User-level Gradient Inversion with a Diffusion Prior NeurIPS 2023
We explore user-level gradient inversion as a new attack surface in distributed learning. We first investigate existing attacks on their ability to make inferences about private information beyond training data reconstruction. Motivated by the low reconstruction quality of existing methods, we propose a novel gradient inversion attack that applies a denoising diffusion model as a strong image prior in order to enhance recovery in the large batch setting. Unlike traditional attacks, which aim to reconstruct individual samples and suffer at large batch and image sizes, our approach instead aims to recover a representative image that captures the sensitive shared semantic information corresponding to the underlying user. Our experiments with face images demonstrate the ability of our methods to recover realistic facial images along with private user attributes.
comment: Presented at the International Workshop on Federated Learning in the Age of Foundation Models in conjunction with NeurIPS 2023
☆ Using Generative Agents to Create Tip Sheets for Investigative Data Reporting
This paper introduces a system using generative AI agents to create tip sheets for investigative data reporting. Our system employs three specialized agents--an analyst, a reporter, and an editor--to collaboratively generate and refine tips from datasets. We validate this approach using real-world investigative stories, demonstrating that our agent-based system generally generates more newsworthy and accurate insights compared to a baseline model without agents, although some variability was noted between different stories. Our findings highlight the potential of generative AI to provide leads for investigative data reporting.
comment: Short paper to be presented at Computation + Journalism 2024
☆ Propaganda to Hate: A Multimodal Analysis of Arabic Memes with Multi-Agent LLMs
In the past decade, social media platforms have been used for information dissemination and consumption. While a major portion of the content is posted to promote citizen journalism and public awareness, some content is posted to mislead users. Among different content types such as text, images, and videos, memes (text overlaid on images) are particularly prevalent and can serve as powerful vehicles for propaganda, hate, and humor. In the current literature, there have been efforts to individually detect such content in memes. However, the study of their intersection is very limited. In this study, we explore the intersection between propaganda and hate in memes using a multi-agent LLM-based approach. We extend the propagandistic meme dataset with coarse and fine-grained hate labels. Our finding suggests that there is an association between propaganda and hate in memes. We provide detailed experimental results that can serve as a baseline for future studies. We will make the experimental resources publicly available to the community.
comment: propaganda, hate-speech, disinformation, misinformation, fake news, LLMs, GPT-4, multimodality, multimodal LLMs
☆ Behavioral Cloning Models Reality Check for Autonomous Driving
How effective are recent advancements in autonomous vehicle perception systems when applied to real-world autonomous vehicle control? While numerous vision-based autonomous vehicle systems have been trained and evaluated in simulated environments, there is a notable lack of real-world validation for these systems. This paper addresses this gap by presenting the real-world validation of state-of-the-art perception systems that utilize Behavior Cloning (BC) for lateral control, processing raw image data to predict steering commands. The dataset was collected using a scaled research vehicle and tested on various track setups. Experimental results demonstrate that these methods predict steering angles with low error margins in real-time, indicating promising potential for real-world applications.
☆ Heterogeneity-Aware Coordination for Federated Learning via Stitching Pre-trained blocks
Federated learning (FL) coordinates multiple devices to collaboratively train a shared model while preserving data privacy. However, large memory footprint and high energy consumption during the training process excludes the low-end devices from contributing to the global model with their own data, which severely deteriorates the model performance in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose FedStitch, a hierarchical coordination framework for heterogeneous federated learning with pre-trained blocks. Unlike the traditional approaches that train the global model from scratch, for a new task, FedStitch composes the global model via stitching pre-trained blocks. Specifically, each participating client selects the most suitable block based on their local data from the candidate pool composed of blocks from pre-trained models. The server then aggregates the optimal block for stitching. This process iterates until a new stitched network is generated. Except for the new training paradigm, FedStitch consists of the following three core components: 1) an RL-weighted aggregator, 2) a search space optimizer deployed on the server side, and 3) a local energy optimizer deployed on each participating client. The RL-weighted aggregator helps to select the right block in the non-IID scenario, while the search space optimizer continuously reduces the size of the candidate block pool during stitching. Meanwhile, the local energy optimizer is designed to minimize energy consumption of each client while guaranteeing the overall training progress. The results demonstrate that compared to existing approaches, FedStitch improves the model accuracy up to 20.93%. At the same time, it achieves up to 8.12% speedup, reduces the memory footprint up to 79.5%, and achieves 89.41% energy saving at most during the learning procedure.
☆ ThermalGaussian: Thermal 3D Gaussian Splatting
Thermography is especially valuable for the military and other users of surveillance cameras. Some recent methods based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) are proposed to reconstruct the thermal scenes in 3D from a set of thermal and RGB images. However, unlike NeRF, 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) prevails due to its rapid training and real-time rendering. In this work, we propose ThermalGaussian, the first thermal 3DGS approach capable of rendering high-quality images in RGB and thermal modalities. We first calibrate the RGB camera and the thermal camera to ensure that both modalities are accurately aligned. Subsequently, we use the registered images to learn the multimodal 3D Gaussians. To prevent the overfitting of any single modality, we introduce several multimodal regularization constraints. We also develop smoothing constraints tailored to the physical characteristics of the thermal modality. Besides, we contribute a real-world dataset named RGBT-Scenes, captured by a hand-hold thermal-infrared camera, facilitating future research on thermal scene reconstruction. We conduct comprehensive experiments to show that ThermalGaussian achieves photorealistic rendering of thermal images and improves the rendering quality of RGB images. With the proposed multimodal regularization constraints, we also reduced the model's storage cost by 90\%. The code and dataset will be released.
comment: 10 pages, 7 figures
☆ Cyber Deception: State of the art, Trends and Open challenges
The growing interest in cybersecurity has significantly increased articles designing and implementing various Cyber Deception (CYDEC) mechanisms. This trend reflects the urgent need for new strategies to address cyber threats effectively. Since its emergence, CYDEC has established itself as an innovative defense against attackers, thanks to its proactive and reactive capabilities, finding applications in numerous real-life scenarios. Despite the considerable work devoted to CYDEC, the literature still presents significant gaps. In particular, there has not been (i) a comprehensive analysis of the main components characterizing CYDEC, (ii) a generic classification covering all types of solutions, nor (iii) a survey of the current state of the literature in various contexts. This article aims to fill these gaps through a detailed review of the main features that comprise CYDEC, developing a comprehensive classification taxonomy. In addition, the different frameworks used to generate CYDEC are reviewed, presenting a more comprehensive one. Existing solutions in the literature using CYDEC, both without Artificial Intelligence (AI) and with AI, are studied and compared. Finally, the most salient trends of the current state of the art are discussed, offering a list of pending challenges for future research.
comment: 38 pages
☆ How Mature is Requirements Engineering for AI-based Systems? A Systematic Mapping Study on Practices, Challenges, and Future Research Directions
Artificial intelligence (AI) permeates all fields of life, which resulted in new challenges in requirements engineering for artificial intelligence (RE4AI), e.g., the difficulty in specifying and validating requirements for AI or considering new quality requirements due to emerging ethical implications. It is currently unclear if existing RE methods are sufficient or if new ones are needed to address these challenges. Therefore, our goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of RE4AI to researchers and practitioners. What has been achieved so far, i.e., what practices are available, and what research gaps and challenges still need to be addressed? To achieve this, we conducted a systematic mapping study combining query string search and extensive snowballing. The extracted data was aggregated, and results were synthesized using thematic analysis. Our selection process led to the inclusion of 126 primary studies. Existing RE4AI research focuses mainly on requirements analysis and elicitation, with most practices applied in these areas. Furthermore, we identified requirements specification, explainability, and the gap between machine learning engineers and end-users as the most prevalent challenges, along with a few others. Additionally, we proposed seven potential research directions to address these challenges. Practitioners can use our results to identify and select suitable RE methods for working on their AI-based systems, while researchers can build on the identified gaps and research directions to push the field forward.
comment: Accepted in Requirements Engineering Journal, 2024
☆ A Perspective on AI-Guided Molecular Simulations in VR: Exploring Strategies for Imitation Learning in Hyperdimensional Molecular Systems ECAI24
Molecular dynamics simulations are a crucial computational tool for researchers to understand and engineer molecular structure and function in areas such as drug discovery, protein engineering, and material design. Despite their utility, MD simulations are expensive, owing to the high dimensionality of molecular systems. Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality (iMD-VR) has recently been developed as a 'human-in-the-loop' strategy, which leverages high-performance computing to accelerate the researcher's ability to solve the hyperdimensional sampling problem. By providing an immersive 3D environment that enables visualization and manipulation of real-time molecular motion, iMD-VR enables researchers and students to efficiently and intuitively explore and navigate these complex, high-dimensional systems. iMD-VR platforms offer a unique opportunity to quickly generate rich datasets that capture human experts' spatial insight regarding molecular structure and function. This paper explores the possibility of employing user-generated iMD-VR datasets to train AI agents via imitation learning (IL). IL is an important technique in robotics that enables agents to mimic complex behaviors from expert demonstrations, thus circumventing the need for explicit programming or intricate reward design. We review the utilization of IL for manipulation tasks in robotics and discuss how iMD-VR recordings could be used to train IL models for solving specific molecular 'tasks'. We then investigate how such approaches could be applied to the data captured from iMD-VR recordings. Finally, we outline the future research directions and potential challenges of using AI agents to augment human expertise to efficiently navigate conformational spaces, highlighting how this approach could provide valuable insight across domains such as materials science, protein engineering, and computer-aided drug design.
comment: (Accepted for presentation at the First Workshop on "eXtended Reality \& Intelligent Agents" (XRIA24) @ ECAI24, Santiago De Compostela (Spain), 20 October 2024)
☆ Enhancing Angular Resolution via Directionality Encoding and Geometric Constraints in Brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging ICONIP2024
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a type of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique sensitised to the diffusivity of water molecules, offering the capability to inspect tissue microstructures and is the only in-vivo method to reconstruct white matter fiber tracts non-invasively. The DWI signal can be analysed with the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model to estimate the directionality of water diffusion within voxels. Several scalar metrics, including axial diffusivity (AD), mean diffusivity (MD), radial diffusivity (RD), and fractional anisotropy (FA), can be further derived from DTI to quantitatively summarise the microstructural integrity of brain tissue. These scalar metrics have played an important role in understanding the organisation and health of brain tissue at a microscopic level in clinical studies. However, reliable DTI metrics rely on DWI acquisitions with high gradient directions, which often go beyond the commonly used clinical protocols. To enhance the utility of clinically acquired DWI and save scanning time for robust DTI analysis, this work proposes DirGeo-DTI, a deep learning-based method to estimate reliable DTI metrics even from a set of DWIs acquired with the minimum theoretical number (6) of gradient directions. DirGeo-DTI leverages directional encoding and geometric constraints to facilitate the training process. Two public DWI datasets were used for evaluation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the best performance compared to existing DTI enhancement methods and potentially reveals further clinical insights with routine clinical DWI scans.
comment: Accepted to ICONIP2024, Diffusion Weighted Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Angular Resolution Enhancement, Fractional Anisotropy
☆ Linear Time Complexity Conformers with SummaryMixing for Streaming Speech Recognition
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) with an encoder equipped with self-attention, whether streaming or non-streaming, takes quadratic time in the length of the speech utterance. This slows down training and decoding, increase their cost, and limit the deployment of the ASR in constrained devices. SummaryMixing is a promising linear-time complexity alternative to self-attention for non-streaming speech recognition that, for the first time, preserves or outperforms the accuracy of self-attention models. Unfortunately, the original definition of SummaryMixing is not suited to streaming speech recognition. Hence, this work extends SummaryMixing to a Conformer Transducer that works in both a streaming and an offline mode. It shows that this new linear-time complexity speech encoder outperforms self-attention in both scenarios while requiring less compute and memory during training and decoding.
☆ Recurrent Aggregators in Neural Algorithmic Reasoning
Neural algorithmic reasoning (NAR) is an emerging field that seeks to design neural networks that mimic classical algorithmic computations. Today, graph neural networks (GNNs) are widely used in neural algorithmic reasoners due to their message passing framework and permutation equivariance. In this extended abstract, we challenge this design choice, and replace the equivariant aggregation function with a recurrent neural network. While seemingly counter-intuitive, this approach has appropriate grounding when nodes have a natural ordering -- and this is the case frequently in established reasoning benchmarks like CLRS-30. Indeed, our recurrent NAR (RNAR) model performs very strongly on such tasks, while handling many others gracefully. A notable achievement of RNAR is its decisive state-of-the-art result on the Heapsort and Quickselect tasks, both deemed as a significant challenge for contemporary neural algorithmic reasoners -- especially the latter, where RNAR achieves a mean micro-F1 score of 87%.
☆ Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech as Golden Speech Generator: A Systematic Framework and its Applicability in Automatic Pronunciation Assessment
Second language (L2) learners can improve their pronunciation by imitating golden speech, especially when the speech that aligns with their respective speech characteristics. This study explores the hypothesis that learner-specific golden speech generated with zero-shot text-to-speech (ZS-TTS) techniques can be harnessed as an effective metric for measuring the pronunciation proficiency of L2 learners. Building on this exploration, the contributions of this study are at least two-fold: 1) design and development of a systematic framework for assessing the ability of a synthesis model to generate golden speech, and 2) in-depth investigations of the effectiveness of using golden speech in automatic pronunciation assessment (APA). Comprehensive experiments conducted on the L2-ARCTIC and Speechocean762 benchmark datasets suggest that our proposed modeling can yield significant performance improvements with respect to various assessment metrics in relation to some prior arts. To our knowledge, this study is the first to explore the role of golden speech in both ZS-TTS and APA, offering a promising regime for computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT).
comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables
☆ Leveraging Unstructured Text Data for Federated Instruction Tuning of Large Language Models
Federated instruction tuning enables multiple clients to collaboratively fine-tune a shared large language model (LLM) that can follow humans' instructions without directly sharing raw data. However, existing literature impractically requires that all the clients readily hold instruction-tuning data (i.e., structured instruction-response pairs), which necessitates massive human annotations since clients' data is usually unstructured text instead. Addressing this, we propose a novel and flexible framework FedIT-U2S, which can automatically transform unstructured corpus into structured data for federated instruction tuning. FedIT-U2S consists two key steps: (1) few-shot instruction-tuning data generation, where each unstructured data piece together with several examples is combined to prompt an LLM in generating an instruction-response pair. To further enhance the flexibility, a retrieval-based example selection technique is proposed, where the examples are automatically selected based on the relatedness between the client's data piece and example pool, bypassing the need of determining examples in advance. (2) A typical federated instruction tuning process based on the generated data. Overall, FedIT-U2S can be applied to diverse scenarios as long as the client holds valuable text corpus, broadening the application scope of federated instruction tuning. We conduct a series of experiments on three domains (medicine, knowledge, and math), showing that our proposed FedIT-U2S can consistently and significantly brings improvement over the base LLM.
comment: 11 pages, work in progress
☆ Deep Learning Techniques for Hand Vein Biometrics: A Comprehensive Review
Biometric authentication has garnered significant attention as a secure and efficient method of identity verification. Among the various modalities, hand vein biometrics, including finger vein, palm vein, and dorsal hand vein recognition, offer unique advantages due to their high accuracy, low susceptibility to forgery, and non-intrusiveness. The vein patterns within the hand are highly complex and distinct for each individual, making them an ideal biometric identifier. Additionally, hand vein recognition is contactless, enhancing user convenience and hygiene compared to other modalities such as fingerprint or iris recognition. Furthermore, the veins are internally located, rendering them less susceptible to damage or alteration, thus enhancing the security and reliability of the biometric system. The combination of these factors makes hand vein biometrics a highly effective and secure method for identity verification. This review paper delves into the latest advancements in deep learning techniques applied to finger vein, palm vein, and dorsal hand vein recognition. It encompasses all essential fundamentals of hand vein biometrics, summarizes publicly available datasets, and discusses state-of-the-art metrics used for evaluating the three modes. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive overview of suggested approaches for finger, palm, dorsal, and multimodal vein techniques, offering insights into the best performance achieved, data augmentation techniques, and effective transfer learning methods, along with associated pretrained deep learning models. Additionally, the review addresses research challenges faced and outlines future directions and perspectives, encouraging researchers to enhance existing methods and propose innovative techniques.
☆ DCMAC: Demand-aware Customized Multi-Agent Communication via Upper Bound Training
Efficient communication can enhance the overall performance of collaborative multi-agent reinforcement learning. A common approach is to share observations through full communication, leading to significant communication overhead. Existing work attempts to perceive the global state by conducting teammate model based on local information. However, they ignore that the uncertainty generated by prediction may lead to difficult training. To address this problem, we propose a Demand-aware Customized Multi-Agent Communication (DCMAC) protocol, which use an upper bound training to obtain the ideal policy. By utilizing the demand parsing module, agent can interpret the gain of sending local message on teammate, and generate customized messages via compute the correlation between demands and local observation using cross-attention mechanism. Moreover, our method can adapt to the communication resources of agents and accelerate the training progress by appropriating the ideal policy which is trained with joint observation. Experimental results reveal that DCMAC significantly outperforms the baseline algorithms in both unconstrained and communication constrained scenarios.
☆ Credibility-Limited Revision for Epistemic Spaces
We consider credibility-limited revision in the framework of belief change for epistemic spaces, permitting inconsistent belief sets and inconsistent beliefs. In this unrestricted setting, the class of credibility-limited revision operators does not include any AGM revision operators. We extend the class of credibility-limited revision operators in a way that all AGM revision operators are included while keeping the original spirit of credibility-limited revision. Extended credibility-limited revision operators are defined axiomatically. A semantic characterization of extended credibility-limited revision operators that employ total preorders on possible worlds is presented.
☆ Attention Down-Sampling Transformer, Relative Ranking and Self-Consistency for Blind Image Quality Assessment ICIP
The no-reference image quality assessment is a challenging domain that addresses estimating image quality without the original reference. We introduce an improved mechanism to extract local and non-local information from images via different transformer encoders and CNNs. The utilization of Transformer encoders aims to mitigate locality bias and generate a non-local representation by sequentially processing CNN features, which inherently capture local visual structures. Establishing a stronger connection between subjective and objective assessments is achieved through sorting within batches of images based on relative distance information. A self-consistency approach to self-supervision is presented, explicitly addressing the degradation of no-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) models under equivariant transformations. Our approach ensures model robustness by maintaining consistency between an image and its horizontally flipped equivalent. Through empirical evaluation of five popular image quality assessment datasets, the proposed model outperforms alternative algorithms in the context of no-reference image quality assessment datasets, especially on smaller datasets. Codes are available at \href{https://github.com/mas94/ADTRS}{https://github.com/mas94/ADTRS}
comment: Accepted in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
☆ A Continual and Incremental Learning Approach for TinyML On-device Training Using Dataset Distillation and Model Size Adaption
A new algorithm for incremental learning in the context of Tiny Machine learning (TinyML) is presented, which is optimized for low-performance and energy efficient embedded devices. TinyML is an emerging field that deploys machine learning models on resource-constrained devices such as microcontrollers, enabling intelligent applications like voice recognition, anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, and sensor data processing in environments where traditional machine learning models are not feasible. The algorithm solve the challenge of catastrophic forgetting through the use of knowledge distillation to create a small, distilled dataset. The novelty of the method is that the size of the model can be adjusted dynamically, so that the complexity of the model can be adapted to the requirements of the task. This offers a solution for incremental learning in resource-constrained environments, where both model size and computational efficiency are critical factors. Results show that the proposed algorithm offers a promising approach for TinyML incremental learning on embedded devices. The algorithm was tested on five datasets including: CIFAR10, MNIST, CORE50, HAR, Speech Commands. The findings indicated that, despite using only 43% of Floating Point Operations (FLOPs) compared to a larger fixed model, the algorithm experienced a negligible accuracy loss of just 1%. In addition, the presented method is memory efficient. While state-of-the-art incremental learning is usually very memory intensive, the method requires only 1% of the original data set.
☆ Advancing On-Device Neural Network Training with TinyPropv2: Dynamic, Sparse, and Efficient Backpropagation IJCNN
This study introduces TinyPropv2, an innovative algorithm optimized for on-device learning in deep neural networks, specifically designed for low-power microcontroller units. TinyPropv2 refines sparse backpropagation by dynamically adjusting the level of sparsity, including the ability to selectively skip training steps. This feature significantly lowers computational effort without substantially compromising accuracy. Our comprehensive evaluation across diverse datasets CIFAR 10, CIFAR100, Flower, Food, Speech Command, MNIST, HAR, and DCASE2020 reveals that TinyPropv2 achieves near-parity with full training methods, with an average accuracy drop of only around 1 percent in most cases. For instance, against full training, TinyPropv2's accuracy drop is minimal, for example, only 0.82 percent on CIFAR 10 and 1.07 percent on CIFAR100. In terms of computational effort, TinyPropv2 shows a marked reduction, requiring as little as 10 percent of the computational effort needed for full training in some scenarios, and consistently outperforms other sparse training methodologies. These findings underscore TinyPropv2's capacity to efficiently manage computational resources while maintaining high accuracy, positioning it as an advantageous solution for advanced embedded device applications in the IoT ecosystem.
comment: 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
☆ Redundancy-Aware Camera Selection for Indoor Scene Neural Rendering
Novel view synthesis of indoor scenes can be achieved by capturing a monocular video sequence of the environment. However, redundant information caused by artificial movements in the input video data reduces the efficiency of scene modeling. In this work, we tackle this challenge from the perspective of camera selection. We begin by constructing a similarity matrix that incorporates both the spatial diversity of the cameras and the semantic variation of the images. Based on this matrix, we use the Intra-List Diversity (ILD) metric to assess camera redundancy, formulating the camera selection task as an optimization problem. Then we apply a diversity-based sampling algorithm to optimize the camera selection. We also develop a new dataset, IndoorTraj, which includes long and complex camera movements captured by humans in virtual indoor environments, closely mimicking real-world scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate that our strategy outperforms other approaches under time and memory constraints. Remarkably, our method achieves performance comparable to models trained on the full dataset, while using only an average of 15% of the frames and 75% of the allotted time.
☆ CWT-Net: Super-resolution of Histopathology Images Using a Cross-scale Wavelet-based Transformer
Super-resolution (SR) aims to enhance the quality of low-resolution images and has been widely applied in medical imaging. We found that the design principles of most existing methods are influenced by SR tasks based on real-world images and do not take into account the significance of the multi-level structure in pathological images, even if they can achieve respectable objective metric evaluations. In this work, we delve into two super-resolution working paradigms and propose a novel network called CWT-Net, which leverages cross-scale image wavelet transform and Transformer architecture. Our network consists of two branches: one dedicated to learning super-resolution and the other to high-frequency wavelet features. To generate high-resolution histopathology images, the Transformer module shares and fuses features from both branches at various stages. Notably, we have designed a specialized wavelet reconstruction module to effectively enhance the wavelet domain features and enable the network to operate in different modes, allowing for the introduction of additional relevant information from cross-scale images. Our experimental results demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both performance and visualization evaluations and can substantially boost the accuracy of image diagnostic networks.
☆ Ontology-Free General-Domain Knowledge Graph-to-Text Generation Dataset Synthesis using Large Language Model
Knowledge Graph-to-Text (G2T) generation involves verbalizing structured knowledge graphs into natural language text. Recent advancements in Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) have improved G2T performance, but their effectiveness depends on datasets with precise graph-text alignment. However, the scarcity of high-quality, general-domain G2T generation datasets restricts progress in the general-domain G2T generation research. To address this issue, we introduce Wikipedia Ontology-Free Graph-text dataset (WikiOFGraph), a new large-scale G2T dataset generated using a novel method that leverages Large Language Model (LLM) and Data-QuestEval. Our new dataset, which contains 5.85M general-domain graph-text pairs, offers high graph-text consistency without relying on external ontologies. Experimental results demonstrate that PLM fine-tuned on WikiOFGraph outperforms those trained on other datasets across various evaluation metrics. Our method proves to be a scalable and effective solution for generating high-quality G2T data, significantly advancing the field of G2T generation.
comment: 18 pages, 9 figures
☆ Multimodal Emotion Recognition with Vision-language Prompting and Modality Dropout
In this paper, we present our solution for the Second Multimodal Emotion Recognition Challenge Track 1(MER2024-SEMI). To enhance the accuracy and generalization performance of emotion recognition, we propose several methods for Multimodal Emotion Recognition. Firstly, we introduce EmoVCLIP, a model fine-tuned based on CLIP using vision-language prompt learning, designed for video-based emotion recognition tasks. By leveraging prompt learning on CLIP, EmoVCLIP improves the performance of pre-trained CLIP on emotional videos. Additionally, to address the issue of modality dependence in multimodal fusion, we employ modality dropout for robust information fusion. Furthermore, to aid Baichuan in better extracting emotional information, we suggest using GPT-4 as the prompt for Baichuan. Lastly, we utilize a self-training strategy to leverage unlabeled videos. In this process, we use unlabeled videos with high-confidence pseudo-labels generated by our model and incorporate them into the training set. Experimental results demonstrate that our model ranks 1st in the MER2024-SEMI track, achieving an accuracy of 90.15% on the test set.
☆ Legal Fact Prediction: Task Definition and Dataset Construction
Legal facts refer to the facts that can be proven by acknowledged evidence in a trial. They form the basis for the determination of court judgments. This paper introduces a novel NLP task: legal fact prediction, which aims to predict the legal fact based on a list of evidence. The predicted facts can instruct the parties and their lawyers involved in a trial to strengthen their submissions and optimize their strategies during the trial. Moreover, since real legal facts are difficult to obtain before the final judgment, the predicted facts also serve as an important basis for legal judgment prediction. We construct a benchmark dataset consisting of evidence lists and ground-truth legal facts for real civil loan cases, LFPLoan. Our experiments on this dataset show that this task is non-trivial and requires further considerable research efforts.
☆ Native vs Non-Native Language Prompting: A Comparative Analysis
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable abilities in different fields, including standard Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. To elicit knowledge from LLMs, prompts play a key role, consisting of natural language instructions. Most open and closed source LLMs are trained on available labeled and unlabeled resources--digital content such as text, images, audio, and videos. Hence, these models have better knowledge for high-resourced languages but struggle with low-resourced languages. Since prompts play a crucial role in understanding their capabilities, the language used for prompts remains an important research question. Although there has been significant research in this area, it is still limited, and less has been explored for medium to low-resourced languages. In this study, we investigate different prompting strategies (native vs. non-native) on 11 different NLP tasks associated with 12 different Arabic datasets (9.7K data points). In total, we conducted 197 experiments involving 3 LLMs, 12 datasets, and 3 prompting strategies. Our findings suggest that, on average, the non-native prompt performs the best, followed by mixed and native prompts.
comment: Foundation Models, Large Language Models, Arabic NLP, LLMs, Native, Contextual Understanding, Arabic LLM
☆ Beyond IID: Optimizing Instruction Learning from the Perspective of Instruction Interaction and Dependency
With the availability of various instruction datasets, a pivotal challenge is how to effectively select and integrate these instructions to fine-tune large language models (LLMs). Previous research mainly focuses on selecting individual high-quality instructions. However, these works overlooked the joint interactions and dependencies between different categories of instructions, leading to suboptimal selection strategies. Moreover, the nature of these interaction patterns remains largely unexplored, let alone optimize the instruction set with regard to them. To fill these gaps, in this paper, we: (1) systemically investigate interaction and dependency patterns between different categories of instructions, (2) manage to optimize the instruction set concerning the interaction patterns using a linear programming-based method, and optimize the learning schema of SFT using an instruction dependency taxonomy guided curriculum learning. Experimental results across different LLMs demonstrate improved performance over strong baselines on widely adopted benchmarks.
☆ E-commerce Webpage Recommendation Scheme Base on Semantic Mining and Neural Networks
In e-commerce websites, web mining web page recommendation technology has been widely used. However, recommendation solutions often cannot meet the actual application needs of online shopping users. To address this problem, this paper proposes an e-commerce web page recommendation solution that combines semantic web mining and BP neural networks. First, the web logs of user searches are processed, and 5 features are extracted: content priority, time consumption priority, online shopping users' explicit/implicit feedback on the website, recommendation semantics and input deviation amount. Then, these features are used as input features of the BP neural network to classify and identify the priority of the final output web page. Finally, the web pages are sorted according to priority and recommended to users. This project uses book sales webpages as samples for experiments. The results show that this solution can quickly and accurately identify the webpages required by users.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2409.01137
☆ Improving Anomalous Sound Detection via Low-Rank Adaptation Fine-Tuning of Pre-Trained Audio Models
Anomalous Sound Detection (ASD) has gained significant interest through the application of various Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in industrial settings. Though possessing great potential, ASD systems can hardly be readily deployed in real production sites due to the generalization problem, which is primarily caused by the difficulty of data collection and the complexity of environmental factors. This paper introduces a robust ASD model that leverages audio pre-trained models. Specifically, we fine-tune these models using machine operation data, employing SpecAug as a data augmentation strategy. Additionally, we investigate the impact of utilizing Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) tuning instead of full fine-tuning to address the problem of limited data for fine-tuning. Our experiments on the DCASE2023 Task 2 dataset establish a new benchmark of 77.75% on the evaluation set, with a significant improvement of 6.48% compared with previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, including top-tier traditional convolutional networks and speech pre-trained models, which demonstrates the effectiveness of audio pre-trained models with LoRA tuning. Ablation studies are also conducted to showcase the efficacy of the proposed scheme.
☆ Towards Predicting Temporal Changes in a Patient's Chest X-ray Images based on Electronic Health Records
Chest X-ray imaging (CXR) is an important diagnostic tool used in hospitals to assess patient conditions and monitor changes over time. Generative models, specifically diffusion-based models, have shown promise in generating realistic synthetic X-rays. However, these models mainly focus on conditional generation using single-time-point data, i.e., typically CXRs taken at a specific time with their corresponding reports, limiting their clinical utility, particularly for capturing temporal changes. To address this limitation, we propose a novel framework, EHRXDiff, which predicts future CXR images by integrating previous CXRs with subsequent medical events, e.g., prescriptions, lab measures, etc. Our framework dynamically tracks and predicts disease progression based on a latent diffusion model, conditioned on the previous CXR image and a history of medical events. We comprehensively evaluate the performance of our framework across three key aspects, including clinical consistency, demographic consistency, and visual realism. We demonstrate that our framework generates high-quality, realistic future images that capture potential temporal changes, suggesting its potential for further development as a clinical simulation tool. This could offer valuable insights for patient monitoring and treatment planning in the medical field.
☆ What is the Right Notion of Distance between Predict-then-Optimize Tasks?
Comparing datasets is a fundamental task in machine learning, essential for various learning paradigms; from evaluating train and test datasets for model generalization to using dataset similarity for detecting data drift. While traditional notions of dataset distances offer principled measures of similarity, their utility has largely been assessed through prediction error minimization. However, in Predict-then-Optimize (PtO) frameworks, where predictions serve as inputs for downstream optimization tasks, model performance is measured through decision regret minimization rather than prediction error minimization. In this work, we (i) show that traditional dataset distances, which rely solely on feature and label dimensions, lack informativeness in the PtO context, and (ii) propose a new dataset distance that incorporates the impacts of downstream decisions. Our results show that this decision-aware dataset distance effectively captures adaptation success in PtO contexts, providing a PtO adaptation bound in terms of dataset distance. Empirically, we show that our proposed distance measure accurately predicts transferability across three different PtO tasks from the literature.
☆ Large Language Models and the Extended Church-Turing Thesis
The Extended Church-Turing Thesis (ECTT) posits that all effective information processing, including unbounded and non-uniform interactive computations, can be described in terms of interactive Turing machines with advice. Does this assertion also apply to the abilities of contemporary large language models (LLMs)? From a broader perspective, this question calls for an investigation of the computational power of LLMs by the classical means of computability and computational complexity theory, especially the theory of automata. Along these lines, we establish a number of fundamental results. Firstly, we argue that any fixed (non-adaptive) LLM is computationally equivalent to a, possibly very large, deterministic finite-state transducer. This characterizes the base level of LLMs. We extend this to a key result concerning the simulation of space-bounded Turing machines by LLMs. Secondly, we show that lineages of evolving LLMs are computationally equivalent to interactive Turing machines with advice. The latter finding confirms the validity of the ECTT for lineages of LLMs. From a computability viewpoint, it also suggests that lineages of LLMs possess super-Turing computational power. Consequently, in our computational model knowledge generation is in general a non-algorithmic process realized by lineages of LLMs. Finally, we discuss the merits of our findings in the broader context of several related disciplines and philosophies.
comment: In Proceedings NCMA 2024, arXiv:2409.06120
☆ Policy Filtration in RLHF to Fine-Tune LLM for Code Generation
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is one of the key techniques that helps large language models (LLMs) to follow instructions and provide helpful and harmless responses. While direct policy optimization methods exist, state-of-the-art LLMs adopt RL-based methods (usually PPO) in RLHF to train the policy to generate good responses guided by a reward model learned from preference data. The main challenge of these methods is the inaccuracy of the intermediate reward model, especially in code generation tasks that require long and complex reasoning to score a response. We find that the reliability of the reward model varies across responses assigned with different rewards. This motivates us to filter the samples whose rewards may be unreliable to improve signal-to-noise ratio during policy learning, resulting in Policy Filtration for Proximal Policy Optimization (PF-PPO). To choose a proper policy filtration strategy for a given reward model, the coefficient of determination ($R^2$) between rewards and actual scores on filtered samples serves as a good metrics and helps us find several promising strategies. We provide extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of PF-PPO in code generation tasks, and find that some variants of PF-PPO are highly effective and achieve new state-of-the-art performance across 7-billion-parameter models on HumanEval, MBPP, and a new and more challenging LeetCode Contest benchmark.
☆ Neural Algorithmic Reasoning with Multiple Correct Solutions
Neural Algorithmic Reasoning (NAR) aims to optimize classical algorithms. However, canonical implementations of NAR train neural networks to return only a single solution, even when there are multiple correct solutions to a problem, such as single-source shortest paths. For some applications, it is desirable to recover more than one correct solution. To that end, we give the first method for NAR with multiple solutions. We demonstrate our method on two classical algorithms: Bellman-Ford (BF) and Depth-First Search (DFS), favouring deeper insight into two algorithms over a broader survey of algorithms. This method involves generating appropriate training data as well as sampling and validating solutions from model output. Each step of our method, which can serve as a framework for neural algorithmic reasoning beyond the tasks presented in this paper, might be of independent interest to the field and our results represent the first attempt at this task in the NAR literature.
☆ You Have Thirteen Hours in Which to Solve the Labyrinth: Enhancing AI Game Masters with Function Calling ACL 2024
Developing a consistent and reliable AI game master for text-based games is a challenging task due to the limitations of large language models (LLMs) and the complexity of the game master's role. This paper presents a novel approach to enhance AI game masters by leveraging function calling in the context of the table-top role-playing game "Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Adventure Game." Our methodology involves integrating game-specific controls through functions, which we show improves the narrative quality and state update consistency of the AI game master. The experimental results, based on human evaluations and unit tests, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in enhancing gameplay experience and maintaining coherence with the game state. This work contributes to the advancement of game AI and interactive storytelling, offering insights into the design of more engaging and consistent AI-driven game masters.
comment: Wordplay Workshop @ ACL 2024
☆ FSMDet: Vision-guided feature diffusion for fully sparse 3D detector ECCV
Fully sparse 3D detection has attracted an increasing interest in the recent years. However, the sparsity of the features in these frameworks challenges the generation of proposals because of the limited diffusion process. In addition, the quest for efficiency has led to only few work on vision-assisted fully sparse models. In this paper, we propose FSMDet (Fully Sparse Multi-modal Detection), which use visual information to guide the LiDAR feature diffusion process while still maintaining the efficiency of the pipeline. Specifically, most of fully sparse works focus on complex customized center fusion diffusion/regression operators. However, we observed that if the adequate object completion is performed, even the simplest interpolation operator leads to satisfactory results. Inspired by this observation, we split the vision-guided diffusion process into two modules: a Shape Recover Layer (SRLayer) and a Self Diffusion Layer (SDLayer). The former uses RGB information to recover the shape of the visible part of an object, and the latter uses a visual prior to further spread the features to the center region. Experiments demonstrate that our approach successfully improves the performance of previous fully sparse models that use LiDAR only and reaches SOTA performance in multimodal models. At the same time, thanks to the sparse architecture, our method can be up to 5 times more efficient than previous SOTA methods in the inference process.
comment: Accepted by European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 workshop on VCAD
☆ FreeRide: Harvesting Bubbles in Pipeline Parallelism
The occurrence of bubbles in pipeline parallelism is an inherent limitation that can account for more than 40% of the large language model (LLM) training time and is one of the main reasons for the underutilization of GPU resources in LLM training. Harvesting these bubbles for GPU side tasks can increase resource utilization and reduce training costs but comes with challenges. First, because bubbles are discontinuous with various shapes, programming side tasks becomes difficult while requiring excessive engineering effort. Second, a side task can compete with pipeline training for GPU resources and incur significant overhead. To address these challenges, we propose FreeRide, a system designed to harvest bubbles in pipeline parallelism for side tasks. FreeRide provides programmers with interfaces to implement side tasks easily, manages bubbles and side tasks during pipeline training, and controls access to GPU resources by side tasks to reduce overhead. We demonstrate that FreeRide achieves 7.8% average cost savings with a negligible overhead of about 1% in training LLMs while serving model training, graph analytics, and image processing side tasks.
☆ Intrapartum Ultrasound Image Segmentation of Pubic Symphysis and Fetal Head Using Dual Student-Teacher Framework with CNN-ViT Collaborative Learning
The segmentation of the pubic symphysis and fetal head (PSFH) constitutes a pivotal step in monitoring labor progression and identifying potential delivery complications. Despite the advances in deep learning, the lack of annotated medical images hinders the training of segmentation. Traditional semi-supervised learning approaches primarily utilize a unified network model based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and apply consistency regularization to mitigate the reliance on extensive annotated data. However, these methods often fall short in capturing the discriminative features of unlabeled data and in delineating the long-range dependencies inherent in the ambiguous boundaries of PSFH within ultrasound images. To address these limitations, we introduce a novel framework, the Dual-Student and Teacher Combining CNN and Transformer (DSTCT), which synergistically integrates the capabilities of CNNs and Transformers. Our framework comprises a Vision Transformer (ViT) as the teacher and two student mod ls one ViT and one CNN. This dual-student setup enables mutual supervision through the generation of both hard and soft pseudo-labels, with the consistency in their predictions being refined by minimizing the classifier determinacy discrepancy. The teacher model further reinforces learning within this architecture through the imposition of consistency regularization constraints. To augment the generalization abilities of our approach, we employ a blend of data and model perturbation techniques. Comprehensive evaluations on the benchmark dataset of the PSFH Segmentation Grand Challenge at MICCAI 2023 demonstrate our DSTCT framework outperformed ten contemporary semi-supervised segmentation methods. Code available at https://github.com/jjm1589/DSTCT.
☆ Passed the Turing Test: Living in Turing Futures
The world has seen the emergence of machines based on pretrained models, transformers, also known as generative artificial intelligences for their ability to produce various types of content, including text, images, audio, and synthetic data. Without resorting to preprogramming or special tricks, their intelligence grows as they learn from experience, and to ordinary people, they can appear human-like in conversation. This means that they can pass the Turing test, and that we are now living in one of many possible Turing futures where machines can pass for what they are not. However, the learning machines that Turing imagined would pass his imitation tests were machines inspired by the natural development of the low-energy human cortex. They would be raised like human children and naturally learn the ability to deceive an observer. These ``child machines,'' Turing hoped, would be powerful enough to have an impact on society and nature.
comment: Author's version. Forthcoming in Intelligent Computing, a Science Partner Journal published in affiliation with Zhejiang Lab (https://spj.science.org/journal/icomputing). First submitted 19 Feb 2024. Revised 16 Jul 2024. Accepted 15 Aug 2024
☆ Feature Importance in Pedestrian Intention Prediction: A Context-Aware Review
Recent advancements in predicting pedestrian crossing intentions for Autonomous Vehicles using Computer Vision and Deep Neural Networks are promising. However, the black-box nature of DNNs poses challenges in understanding how the model works and how input features contribute to final predictions. This lack of interpretability delimits the trust in model performance and hinders informed decisions on feature selection, representation, and model optimisation; thereby affecting the efficacy of future research in the field. To address this, we introduce Context-aware Permutation Feature Importance (CAPFI), a novel approach tailored for pedestrian intention prediction. CAPFI enables more interpretability and reliable assessments of feature importance by leveraging subdivided scenario contexts, mitigating the randomness of feature values through targeted shuffling. This aims to reduce variance and prevent biased estimations in importance scores during permutations. We divide the Pedestrian Intention Estimation (PIE) dataset into 16 comparable context sets, measure the baseline performance of five distinct neural network architectures for intention prediction in each context, and assess input feature importance using CAPFI. We observed nuanced differences among models across various contextual characteristics. The research reveals the critical role of pedestrian bounding boxes and ego-vehicle speed in predicting pedestrian intentions, and potential prediction biases due to the speed feature through cross-context permutation evaluation. We propose an alternative feature representation by considering proximity change rate for rendering dynamic pedestrian-vehicle locomotion, thereby enhancing the contributions of input features to intention prediction. These findings underscore the importance of contextual features and their diversity to develop accurate and robust intent-predictive models.
☆ Can We Count on LLMs? The Fixed-Effect Fallacy and Claims of GPT-4 Capabilities
In this paper we explore evaluation of LLM capabilities. We present measurements of GPT-4 performance on several deterministic tasks; each task involves a basic calculation and takes as input parameter some element drawn from a large well-defined population (e.g., count elements in a list, multiply two k-digit numbers, etc). We examine several conditions per-task and perform enough trials so that statistically significant differences can be detected. This allows us to investigate the sensitivity of task-accuracy both to query phrasing and input parameter population. We find that seemingly trivial modifications in the task-prompt or input population can yield differences far larger than can be explained by sampling effects. For example, performance on a simple list-counting task varies with query-phrasing and list-length, but also with list composition (i.e., the thing-to-be-counted) and object frequency (e.g., success when an element accounts for $\approx$ 50\% of a list is different from when it accounts for $\approx$ 70\% etc). We conclude that efforts to quantify LLM capabilities easily succumb to the language-as-fixed-effect fallacy, where experimental observations are improperly generalized beyond what the data supports. A consequence appears to be that intuitions that have been formed based on interactions with humans form a very unreliable guide as to which input modifications should ``make no difference'' to LLM performance.
☆ Weather-Informed Probabilistic Forecasting and Scenario Generation in Power Systems
The integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into power grids presents significant challenges due to their intrinsic stochasticity and uncertainty, necessitating the development of new techniques for reliable and efficient forecasting. This paper proposes a method combining probabilistic forecasting and Gaussian copula for day-ahead prediction and scenario generation of load, wind, and solar power in high-dimensional contexts. By incorporating weather covariates and restoring spatio-temporal correlations, the proposed method enhances the reliability of probabilistic forecasts in RES. Extensive numerical experiments compare the effectiveness of different time series models, with performance evaluated using comprehensive metrics on a real-world and high-dimensional dataset from Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO). The results highlight the importance of weather information and demonstrate the efficacy of the Gaussian copula in generating realistic scenarios, with the proposed weather-informed Temporal Fusion Transformer (WI-TFT) model showing superior performance.
☆ Dividable Configuration Performance Learning
Machine/deep learning models have been widely adopted for predicting the configuration performance of software systems. However, a crucial yet unaddressed challenge is how to cater for the sparsity inherited from the configuration landscape: the influence of configuration options (features) and the distribution of data samples are highly sparse. In this paper, we propose a model-agnostic and sparsity-robust framework for predicting configuration performance, dubbed DaL, based on the new paradigm of dividable learning that builds a model via "divide-and-learn". To handle sample sparsity, the samples from the configuration landscape are divided into distant divisions, for each of which we build a sparse local model, e.g., regularized Hierarchical Interaction Neural Network, to deal with the feature sparsity. A newly given configuration would then be assigned to the right model of division for the final prediction. Further, DaL adaptively determines the optimal number of divisions required for a system and sample size without any extra training or profiling. Experiment results from 12 real-world systems and five sets of training data reveal that, compared with the state-of-the-art approaches, DaL performs no worse than the best counterpart on 44 out of 60 cases with up to 1.61x improvement on accuracy; requires fewer samples to reach the same/better accuracy; and producing acceptable training overhead. In particular, the mechanism that adapted the parameter d can reach the optimal value for 76.43% of the individual runs. The result also confirms that the paradigm of dividable learning is more suitable than other similar paradigms such as ensemble learning for predicting configuration performance. Practically, DaL considerably improves different global models when using them as the underlying local models, which further strengthens its flexibility.
comment: Submitted to TSE as a regular journal paper. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.06651
☆ Ensemble Methods for Sequence Classification with Hidden Markov Models
We present a lightweight approach to sequence classification using Ensemble Methods for Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). HMMs offer significant advantages in scenarios with imbalanced or smaller datasets due to their simplicity, interpretability, and efficiency. These models are particularly effective in domains such as finance and biology, where traditional methods struggle with high feature dimensionality and varied sequence lengths. Our ensemble-based scoring method enables the comparison of sequences of any length and improves performance on imbalanced datasets. This study focuses on the binary classification problem, particularly in scenarios with data imbalance, where the negative class is the majority (e.g., normal data) and the positive class is the minority (e.g., anomalous data), often with extreme distribution skews. We propose a novel training approach for HMM Ensembles that generalizes to multi-class problems and supports classification and anomaly detection. Our method fits class-specific groups of diverse models using random data subsets, and compares likelihoods across classes to produce composite scores, achieving high average precisions and AUCs. In addition, we compare our approach with neural network-based methods such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs), highlighting the efficiency and robustness of HMMs in data-scarce environments. Motivated by real-world use cases, our method demonstrates robust performance across various benchmarks, offering a flexible framework for diverse applications.
☆ Understanding Foundation Models: Are We Back in 1924?
This position paper explores the rapid development of Foundation Models (FMs) in AI and their implications for intelligence and reasoning. It examines the characteristics of FMs, including their training on vast datasets and use of embedding spaces to capture semantic relationships. The paper discusses recent advancements in FMs' reasoning abilities which we argue cannot be attributed to increased model size but to novel training techniques which yield learning phenomena like grokking. It also addresses the challenges in benchmarking FMs and compares their structure to the human brain. We argue that while FMs show promising developments in reasoning and knowledge representation, understanding their inner workings remains a significant challenge, similar to ongoing efforts in neuroscience to comprehend human brain function. Despite having some similarities, fundamental differences between FMs and the structure of human brain warn us against making direct comparisons or expecting neuroscience to provide immediate insights into FM function.
comment: 7 pages, 4 Figures, to appear in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Foundation and Large Language Models (FLLM2024) 26-29 November, 2024, Dubai, UAE
☆ The Role of Deep Learning Regularizations on Actors in Offline RL
Deep learning regularization techniques, such as \emph{dropout}, \emph{layer normalization}, or \emph{weight decay}, are widely adopted in the construction of modern artificial neural networks, often resulting in more robust training processes and improved generalization capabilities. However, in the domain of \emph{Reinforcement Learning} (RL), the application of these techniques has been limited, usually applied to value function estimators \citep{hiraoka2021dropout, smith2022walk}, and may result in detrimental effects. This issue is even more pronounced in offline RL settings, which bear greater similarity to supervised learning but have received less attention. Recent work in continuous offline RL has demonstrated that while we can build sufficiently powerful critic networks, the generalization of actor networks remains a bottleneck. In this study, we empirically show that applying standard regularization techniques to actor networks in offline RL actor-critic algorithms yields improvements of 6\% on average across two algorithms and three different continuous D4RL domains.
comment: https://github.com/DT6A/ActoReg
☆ Efficient Localized Adaptation of Neural Weather Forecasting: A Case Study in the MENA Region
Accurate weather and climate modeling is critical for both scientific advancement and safeguarding communities against environmental risks. Traditional approaches rely heavily on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, which simulate energy and matter flow across Earth's systems. However, heavy computational requirements and low efficiency restrict the suitability of NWP, leading to a pressing need for enhanced modeling techniques. Neural network-based models have emerged as promising alternatives, leveraging data-driven approaches to forecast atmospheric variables. In this work, we focus on limited-area modeling and train our model specifically for localized region-level downstream tasks. As a case study, we consider the MENA region due to its unique climatic challenges, where accurate localized weather forecasting is crucial for managing water resources, agriculture and mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events. This targeted approach allows us to tailor the model's capabilities to the unique conditions of the region of interest. Our study aims to validate the effectiveness of integrating parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methodologies, specifically Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and its variants, to enhance forecast accuracy, as well as training speed, computational resource utilization, and memory efficiency in weather and climate modeling for specific regions.
comment: Our codebase and pre-trained models can be accessed at: [this url](https://github.com/akhtarvision/weather-regional)
☆ DS-ViT: Dual-Stream Vision Transformer for Cross-Task Distillation in Alzheimer's Early Diagnosis
In the field of Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, segmentation and classification tasks are inherently interconnected. Sharing knowledge between models for these tasks can significantly improve training efficiency, particularly when training data is scarce. However, traditional knowledge distillation techniques often struggle to bridge the gap between segmentation and classification due to the distinct nature of tasks and different model architectures. To address this challenge, we propose a dual-stream pipeline that facilitates cross-task and cross-architecture knowledge sharing. Our approach introduces a dual-stream embedding module that unifies feature representations from segmentation and classification models, enabling dimensional integration of these features to guide the classification model. We validated our method on multiple 3D datasets for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, demonstrating significant improvements in classification performance, especially on small datasets. Furthermore, we extended our pipeline with a residual temporal attention mechanism for early diagnosis, utilizing images taken before the atrophy of patients' brain mass. This advancement shows promise in enabling diagnosis approximately six months earlier in mild and asymptomatic stages, offering critical time for intervention.
comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables
☆ Violence detection in videos using deep recurrent and convolutional neural networks
Violence and abnormal behavior detection research have known an increase of interest in recent years, due mainly to a rise in crimes in large cities worldwide. In this work, we propose a deep learning architecture for violence detection which combines both recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and 2-dimensional convolutional neural networks (2D CNN). In addition to video frames, we use optical flow computed using the captured sequences. CNN extracts spatial characteristics in each frame, while RNN extracts temporal characteristics. The use of optical flow allows to encode the movements in the scenes. The proposed approaches reach the same level as the state-of-the-art techniques and sometime surpass them. It was validated on 3 databases achieving good results.
comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
☆ A Novel Mathematical Framework for Objective Evaluation of Ideas using a Conversational AI (CAI) System
The demand for innovation in product design necessitates a prolific ideation phase. Conversational AI (CAI) systems that use Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) have been shown to be fruitful in augmenting human creativity, providing numerous novel and diverse ideas. Despite the success in ideation quantity, the qualitative assessment of these ideas remains challenging and traditionally reliant on expert human evaluation. This method suffers from limitations such as human judgment errors, bias, and oversight. Addressing this gap, our study introduces a comprehensive mathematical framework for automated analysis to objectively evaluate the plethora of ideas generated by CAI systems and/or humans. This framework is particularly advantageous for novice designers who lack experience in selecting promising ideas. By converting the ideas into higher dimensional vectors and quantitatively measuring the diversity between them using tools such as UMAP, DBSCAN and PCA, the proposed method provides a reliable and objective way of selecting the most promising ideas, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the ideation phase.
comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables
☆ A Survey of Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning: Definitions, Progress and Challenges
Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning (ICRL) is the task of inferring the implicit constraints followed by expert agents from their demonstration data. As an emerging research topic, ICRL has received considerable attention in recent years. This article presents a categorical survey of the latest advances in ICRL. It serves as a comprehensive reference for machine learning researchers and practitioners, as well as starters seeking to comprehend the definitions, advancements, and important challenges in ICRL. We begin by formally defining the problem and outlining the algorithmic framework that facilitates constraint inference across various scenarios. These include deterministic or stochastic environments, environments with limited demonstrations, and multiple agents. For each context, we illustrate the critical challenges and introduce a series of fundamental methods to tackle these issues. This survey encompasses discrete, virtual, and realistic environments for evaluating ICRL agents. We also delve into the most pertinent applications of ICRL, such as autonomous driving, robot control, and sports analytics. To stimulate continuing research, we conclude the survey with a discussion of key unresolved questions in ICRL that can effectively foster a bridge between theoretical understanding and practical industrial applications.
comment: 28 pages
☆ Machine Learning and Constraint Programming for Efficient Healthcare Scheduling
Solving combinatorial optimization problems involve satisfying a set of hard constraints while optimizing some objectives. In this context, exact or approximate methods can be used. While exact methods guarantee the optimal solution, they often come with an exponential running time as opposed to approximate methods that trade the solutions quality for a better running time. In this context, we tackle the Nurse Scheduling Problem (NSP). The NSP consist in assigning nurses to daily shifts within a planning horizon such that workload constraints are satisfied while hospitals costs and nurses preferences are optimized. To solve the NSP, we propose implicit and explicit approaches. In the implicit solving approach, we rely on Machine Learning methods using historical data to learn and generate new solutions through the constraints and objectives that may be embedded in the learned patterns. To quantify the quality of using our implicit approach in capturing the embedded constraints and objectives, we rely on the Frobenius Norm, a quality measure used to compute the average error between the generated solutions and historical data. To compensate for the uncertainty related to the implicit approach given that the constraints and objectives may not be concretely visible in the produced solutions, we propose an alternative explicit approach where we first model the NSP using the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) framework. Then we develop Stochastic Local Search methods and a new Branch and Bound algorithm enhanced with constraint propagation techniques and variables/values ordering heuristics. Since our implicit approach may not guarantee the feasibility or optimality of the generated solution, we propose a data-driven approach to passively learn the NSP as a constraint network. The learned constraint network, formulated as a CSP, will then be solved using the methods we listed earlier.
☆ Still More Shades of Null: A Benchmark for Responsible Missing Value Imputation
We present Shades-of-NULL, a benchmark for responsible missing value imputation. Our benchmark includes state-of-the-art imputation techniques, and embeds them into the machine learning development lifecycle. We model realistic missingness scenarios that go beyond Rubin's classic Missing Completely at Random (MCAR), Missing At Random (MAR) and Missing Not At Random (MNAR), to include multi-mechanism missingness (when different missingness patterns co-exist in the data) and missingness shift (when the missingness mechanism changes between training and test). Another key novelty of our work is that we evaluate imputers holistically, based on the predictive performance, fairness and stability of the models that are trained and tested on the data they produce. We use Shades-of-NULL to conduct a large-scale empirical study involving 20,952 experimental pipelines, and find that, while there is no single best-performing imputation approach for all missingness types, interesting performance patterns do emerge when comparing imputer performance in simpler vs. more complex missingness scenarios. Further, while predictive performance, fairness and stability can be seen as orthogonal, we identify trade-offs among them that arise due to the combination of missingness scenario, the choice of an imputer, and the architecture of the model trained on the data post-imputation. We make Shades-of-NULL publicly available, and hope to enable researchers to comprehensively and rigorously evaluate new missing value imputation methods on a wide range of evaluation metrics, in plausible and socially meaningful missingness scenarios.
☆ Traceable LLM-based validation of statements in knowledge graphs
This article presents a method for verifying RDF triples using LLMs, with an emphasis on providing traceable arguments. Because the LLMs cannot currently reliably identify the origin of the information used to construct the response to the user query, our approach is to avoid using internal LLM factual knowledge altogether. Instead, verified RDF statements are compared to chunks of external documents retrieved through a web search or Wikipedia. To assess the possible application of this workflow on biosciences content, we evaluated 1,719 positive statements from the BioRED dataset and the same number of newly generated negative statements. The resulting precision is 88%, and recall is 44%. This indicates that the method requires human oversight. We demonstrate the method on Wikidata, where a SPARQL query is used to automatically retrieve statements needing verification. Overall, the results suggest that LLMs could be used for large-scale verification of statements in KGs, a task previously unfeasible due to human annotation costs.
☆ A Survey of Anomaly Detection in In-Vehicle Networks
Modern vehicles are equipped with Electronic Control Units (ECU) that are used for controlling important vehicle functions including safety-critical operations. ECUs exchange information via in-vehicle communication buses, of which the Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is by far the most widespread representative. Problems that may occur in the vehicle's physical parts or malicious attacks may cause anomalies in the CAN traffic, impairing the correct vehicle operation. Therefore, the detection of such anomalies is vital for vehicle safety. This paper reviews the research on anomaly detection for in-vehicle networks, more specifically for the CAN bus. Our main focus is the evaluation of methods used for CAN bus anomaly detection together with the datasets used in such analysis. To provide the reader with a more comprehensive understanding of the subject, we first give a brief review of related studies on time series-based anomaly detection. Then, we conduct an extensive survey of recent deep learning-based techniques as well as conventional techniques for CAN bus anomaly detection. Our comprehensive analysis delves into anomaly detection algorithms employed in in-vehicle networks, specifically focusing on their learning paradigms, inherent strengths, and weaknesses, as well as their efficacy when applied to CAN bus datasets. Lastly, we highlight challenges and open research problems in CAN bus anomaly detection.
☆ AdaPPA: Adaptive Position Pre-Fill Jailbreak Attack Approach Targeting LLMs
Jailbreak vulnerabilities in Large Language Models (LLMs) refer to methods that extract malicious content from the model by carefully crafting prompts or suffixes, which has garnered significant attention from the research community. However, traditional attack methods, which primarily focus on the semantic level, are easily detected by the model. These methods overlook the difference in the model's alignment protection capabilities at different output stages. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive position pre-fill jailbreak attack approach for executing jailbreak attacks on LLMs. Our method leverages the model's instruction-following capabilities to first output pre-filled safe content, then exploits its narrative-shifting abilities to generate harmful content. Extensive black-box experiments demonstrate our method can improve the attack success rate by 47% on the widely recognized secure model (Llama2) compared to existing approaches. Our code can be found at: https://github.com/Yummy416/AdaPPA.
♻ ☆ Latent-EnSF: A Latent Ensemble Score Filter for High-Dimensional Data Assimilation with Sparse Observation Data
Accurate modeling and prediction of complex physical systems often rely on data assimilation techniques to correct errors inherent in model simulations. Traditional methods like the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) and its variants as well as the recently developed Ensemble Score Filters (EnSF) face significant challenges when dealing with high-dimensional and nonlinear Bayesian filtering problems with sparse observations, which are ubiquitous in real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a novel data assimilation method, Latent-EnSF, which leverages EnSF with efficient and consistent latent representations of the full states and sparse observations to address the joint challenges of high dimensionlity in states and high sparsity in observations for nonlinear Bayesian filtering. We introduce a coupled Variational Autoencoder (VAE) with two encoders to encode the full states and sparse observations in a consistent way guaranteed by a latent distribution matching and regularization as well as a consistent state reconstruction. With comparison to several methods, we demonstrate the higher accuracy, faster convergence, and higher efficiency of Latent-EnSF for two challenging applications with complex models in shallow water wave propagation and medium-range weather forecasting, for highly sparse observations in both space and time.
comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 1 table
♻ ☆ Engineering software 2.0 by Interpolating Neural Networks: Unifying Training, Solving, and Calibration
The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and neural network theories has revolutionized the way software is programmed, shifting from a hard-coded series of codes, Software 1.0, to a vast neural network, Software 2.0. However, this transition in engineering software has faced challenges such as data scarcity, multi-modality of data, low model accuracy, and slow inference. Here, we propose a new network based on interpolation theories and tensor decomposition, the interpolating neural network (INN) to open the new era of Engineering Software 2.0 that unifies training, solving, and calibration. Instead of interpolating training data, a common notion in computer science, INN interpolates grid points in the physical space whose coordinates and values are trainable. INN features orders of magnitude fewer trainable parameters (or degrees of freedom for solving), faster training/solving, less inference cost, smaller memory footprint, and higher model accuracy compared to multi-layer perceptron (MLP) or physics-informed neural networks (PINN). Various numerical experiments that cover computer science and engineering domains demonstrate that INN can solve over Zetta scale (10^{21}) partial differential equations and train/calibrate a dataset with extraordinary accuracy but fewer parameters using only a single graphics processing unit (GPU).
comment: 9 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ EyeCLIP: A visual-language foundation model for multi-modal ophthalmic image analysis
Early detection of eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy is crucial for preventing vision loss. While artificial intelligence (AI) foundation models hold significant promise for addressing these challenges, existing ophthalmic foundation models primarily focus on a single modality, whereas diagnosing eye diseases requires multiple modalities. A critical yet often overlooked aspect is harnessing the multi-view information across various modalities for the same patient. Additionally, due to the long-tail nature of ophthalmic diseases, standard fully supervised or unsupervised learning approaches often struggle. Therefore, it is essential to integrate clinical text to capture a broader spectrum of diseases. We propose EyeCLIP, a visual-language foundation model developed using over 2.77 million multi-modal ophthalmology images with partial text data. To fully leverage the large multi-modal unlabeled and labeled data, we introduced a pretraining strategy that combines self-supervised reconstructions, multi-modal image contrastive learning, and image-text contrastive learning to learn a shared representation of multiple modalities. Through evaluation using 14 benchmark datasets, EyeCLIP can be transferred to a wide range of downstream tasks involving ocular and systemic diseases, achieving state-of-the-art performance in disease classification, visual question answering, and cross-modal retrieval. EyeCLIP represents a significant advancement over previous methods, especially showcasing few-shot, even zero-shot capabilities in real-world long-tail scenarios.
♻ ☆ Moderating Model Marketplaces: Platform Governance Puzzles for AI Intermediaries
The AI development community is increasingly making use of hosting intermediaries such as Hugging Face provide easy access to user-uploaded models and training data. These model marketplaces lower technical deployment barriers for hundreds of thousands of users, yet can be used in numerous potentially harmful and illegal ways. In this article, we explain ways in which AI systems, which can both `contain' content and be open-ended tools, present one of the trickiest platform governance challenges seen to date. We provide case studies of several incidents across three illustrative platforms -- Hugging Face, GitHub and Civitai -- to examine how model marketplaces moderate models. Building on this analysis, we outline important (and yet nevertheless limited) practices that industry has been developing to respond to moderation demands: licensing, access and use restrictions, automated content moderation, and open policy development. While the policy challenge at hand is a considerable one, we conclude with some ideas as to how platforms could better mobilize resources to act as a careful, fair, and proportionate regulatory access point.
♻ ☆ On the Improvement of Generalization and Stability of Forward-Only Learning via Neural Polarization ECAI
Forward-only learning algorithms have recently gained attention as alternatives to gradient backpropagation, replacing the backward step of this latter solver with an additional contrastive forward pass. Among these approaches, the so-called Forward-Forward Algorithm (FFA) has been shown to achieve competitive levels of performance in terms of generalization and complexity. Networks trained using FFA learn to contrastively maximize a layer-wise defined goodness score when presented with real data (denoted as positive samples) and to minimize it when processing synthetic data (corr. negative samples). However, this algorithm still faces weaknesses that negatively affect the model accuracy and training stability, primarily due to a gradient imbalance between positive and negative samples. To overcome this issue, in this work we propose a novel implementation of the FFA algorithm, denoted as Polar-FFA, which extends the original formulation by introducing a neural division (\emph{polarization}) between positive and negative instances. Neurons in each of these groups aim to maximize their goodness when presented with their respective data type, thereby creating a symmetric gradient behavior. To empirically gauge the improved learning capabilities of our proposed Polar-FFA, we perform several systematic experiments using different activation and goodness functions over image classification datasets. Our results demonstrate that Polar-FFA outperforms FFA in terms of accuracy and convergence speed. Furthermore, its lower reliance on hyperparameters reduces the need for hyperparameter tuning to guarantee optimal generalization capabilities, thereby allowing for a broader range of neural network configurations.
comment: Accepted in European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2024
♻ ☆ The Human Factor in AI Red Teaming: Perspectives from Social and Collaborative Computing
Rapid progress in general-purpose AI has sparked significant interest in "red teaming," a practice of adversarial testing originating in military and cybersecurity applications. AI red teaming raises many questions about the human factor, such as how red teamers are selected, biases and blindspots in how tests are conducted, and harmful content's psychological effects on red teamers. A growing body of HCI and CSCW literature examines related practices-including data labeling, content moderation, and algorithmic auditing. However, few, if any have investigated red teaming itself. Future studies may explore topics ranging from fairness to mental health and other areas of potential harm. We aim to facilitate a community of researchers and practitioners who can begin to meet these challenges with creativity, innovation, and thoughtful reflection.
comment: Updated with camera-ready version
♻ ☆ CriticEval: Evaluating Large Language Model as Critic
Critique ability, i.e., the capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to identify and rectify flaws in responses, is crucial for their applications in self-improvement and scalable oversight. While numerous studies have been proposed to evaluate critique ability of LLMs, their comprehensiveness and reliability are still limited. To overcome this problem, we introduce CriticEval, a novel benchmark designed to comprehensively and reliably evaluate critique ability of LLMs. Specifically, to ensure the comprehensiveness, CriticEval evaluates critique ability from four dimensions across nine diverse task scenarios. It evaluates both scalar-valued and textual critiques, targeting responses of varying quality. To ensure the reliability, a large number of critiques are annotated to serve as references, enabling GPT-4 to evaluate textual critiques reliably. Extensive evaluations of open-source and closed-source LLMs first validate the reliability of evaluation in CriticEval. Then, experimental results demonstrate the promising potential of open-source LLMs, the effectiveness of critique datasets and several intriguing relationships between the critique ability and some critical factors, including task types, response qualities and critique dimensions. Datasets and evaluation toolkit for CriticEval will be publicly released.
♻ ☆ Explainable Identification of Hate Speech towards Islam using Graph Neural Networks NeurIPS 2023
Islamophobic language on online platforms fosters intolerance, making detection and elimination crucial for promoting harmony. Traditional hate speech detection models rely on NLP techniques like tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and encoder-decoder models. However, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), with their ability to utilize relationships between data points, offer more effective detection and greater explainability. In this work, we represent speeches as nodes and connect them with edges based on their context and similarity to develop the graph. This study introduces a novel paradigm using GNNs to identify and explain hate speech towards Islam. Our model leverages GNNs to understand the context and patterns of hate speech by connecting texts via pretrained NLP-generated word embeddings, achieving state-of-the-art performance and enhancing detection accuracy while providing valuable explanations. This highlights the potential of GNNs in combating online hate speech and fostering a safer, more inclusive online environment.
comment: Accepted in: (i) NeurIPS 2023 : Muslims in ML Workshop (non-archival) (https://www.musiml.org/schedule/#:~:text=Azmine%20Toushik%20Wasi) (ii) EMNLP 2024 : NLP for Positive Impact Workshop (archival)
♻ ☆ Exclusive Style Removal for Cross Domain Novel Class Discovery
As a promising field in open-world learning, \textit{Novel Class Discovery} (NCD) is usually a task to cluster unseen novel classes in an unlabeled set based on the prior knowledge of labeled data within the same domain. However, the performance of existing NCD methods could be severely compromised when novel classes are sampled from a different distribution with the labeled ones. In this paper, we explore and establish the solvability of NCD in cross domain setting with the necessary condition that style information must be removed. Based on the theoretical analysis, we introduce an exclusive style removal module for extracting style information that is distinctive from the baseline features, thereby facilitating inference. Moreover, this module is easy to integrate with other NCD methods, acting as a plug-in to improve performance on novel classes with different distributions compared to the seen labeled set. Additionally, recognizing the non-negligible influence of different backbones and pre-training strategies on the performance of the NCD methods, we build a fair benchmark for future NCD research. Extensive experiments on three common datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed module.
♻ ☆ Contrastive Learning and Abstract Concepts: The Case of Natural Numbers
Contrastive Learning (CL) has been successfully applied to classification and other downstream tasks related to concrete concepts, such as objects contained in the ImageNet dataset. No attempts seem to have been made so far in applying this promising scheme to more abstract entities. A prominent example of these could be the concept of (discrete) Quantity. CL can be frequently interpreted as a self-supervised scheme guided by some profound and ubiquitous conservation principle (e.g. conservation of identity in object classification tasks). In this introductory work we apply a suitable conservation principle to the semi-abstract concept of natural numbers by which discrete quantities can be estimated or predicted. We experimentally show, by means of a toy problem, that contrastive learning can be trained to count at a glance with high accuracy both at human as well as at super-human ranges.. We compare this with the results of a trained-to-count at a glance supervised learning (SL) neural network scheme of similar architecture. We show that both schemes exhibit similar good performance on baseline experiments, where the distributions of the training and testing stages are equal. Importantly, we demonstrate that in some generalization scenarios, where training and testing distributions differ, CL boasts more robust and much better error performance.
♻ ☆ Real-Time Human Action Recognition on Embedded Platforms
With advancements in computer vision and deep learning, video-based human action recognition (HAR) has become practical. However, due to the complexity of the computation pipeline, running HAR on live video streams incurs excessive delays on embedded platforms. This work tackles the real-time performance challenges of HAR with four contributions: 1) an experimental study identifying a standard Optical Flow (OF) extraction technique as the latency bottleneck in a state-of-the-art HAR pipeline, 2) an exploration of the latency-accuracy tradeoff between the standard and deep learning approaches to OF extraction, which highlights the need for a novel, efficient motion feature extractor, 3) the design of Integrated Motion Feature Extractor (IMFE), a novel single-shot neural network architecture for motion feature extraction with drastic improvement in latency, 4) the development of RT-HARE, a real-time HAR system tailored for embedded platforms. Experimental results on an Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX platform demonstrated that RT-HARE realizes real-time HAR at a video frame rate of 30 frames per second while delivering high levels of recognition accuracy.
♻ ☆ MA-CDMR: An Intelligent Cross-domain Multicast Routing Method based on Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning in Multi-domain SDWN
The cross-domain multicast routing problem in a software-defined wireless network with multiple controllers is a classic NP-hard optimization problem. As the network size increases, designing and implementing cross-domain multicast routing paths in the network requires not only designing efficient solution algorithms to obtain the optimal cross-domain multicast tree but also ensuring the timely and flexible acquisition and maintenance of global network state information. However, existing solutions have a limited ability to sense the network traffic state, affecting the quality of service of multicast services. In addition, these methods have difficulty adapting to the highly dynamically changing network states and have slow convergence speeds. To this end, this paper aims to design and implement a multiagent deep reinforcement learning based cross-domain multicast routing method for SDWN with multicontroller domains. First, a multicontroller communication mechanism and a multicast group management module are designed to transfer and synchronize network information between different control domains of the SDWN, thus effectively managing the joining and classification of members in the cross-domain multicast group. Second, a theoretical analysis and proof show that the optimal cross-domain multicast tree includes an interdomain multicast tree and an intradomain multicast tree. An agent is established for each controller, and a cooperation mechanism between multiple agents is designed to effectively optimize cross-domain multicast routing and ensure consistency and validity in the representation of network state information for cross-domain multicast routing decisions. Third, a multiagent reinforcement learning-based method that combines online and offline training is designed to reduce the dependence on the real-time environment and increase the convergence speed of multiple agents.
♻ ☆ SECURE: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Cybersecurity Advisory
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated potential in cybersecurity applications but have also caused lower confidence due to problems like hallucinations and a lack of truthfulness. Existing benchmarks provide general evaluations but do not sufficiently address the practical and applied aspects of LLM performance in cybersecurity-specific tasks. To address this gap, we introduce the SECURE (Security Extraction, Understanding \& Reasoning Evaluation), a benchmark designed to assess LLMs performance in realistic cybersecurity scenarios. SECURE includes six datasets focussed on the Industrial Control System sector to evaluate knowledge extraction, understanding, and reasoning based on industry-standard sources. Our study evaluates seven state-of-the-art models on these tasks, providing insights into their strengths and weaknesses in cybersecurity contexts, and offer recommendations for improving LLMs reliability as cyber advisory tools.
♻ ☆ Counting Solutions to Conjunctive Queries: Structural and Hybrid Tractability
Counting the number of answers to conjunctive queries is a fundamental problem in databases that, under standard assumptions, does not have an efficient solution. The issue is inherently #P-hard, extending even to classes of acyclic instances. To address this, we pinpoint tractable classes by examining the structural properties of instances and introducing the novel concept of #-hypertree decomposition. We establish the feasibility of counting answers in polynomial time for classes of queries featuring bounded #-hypertree width. Additionally, employing novel techniques from the realm of fixed-parameter computational complexity, we prove that, for bounded arity queries, the bounded #-hypertree width property precisely delineates the frontier of tractability for the counting problem. This result closes an important gap in our understanding of the complexity of such a basic problem for conjunctive queries and, equivalently, for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Drawing upon #-hypertree decompositions, a ''hybrid'' decomposition method emerges. This approach leverages both the structural characteristics of the query and properties intrinsic to the input database, including keys or other (weaker) degree constraints that limit the permissible combinations of values. Intuitively, these features may introduce distinct structural properties that elude identification through the ''worst-possible database'' perspective inherent in purely structural methods.
♻ ☆ BiLD: Bi-directional Logits Difference Loss for Large Language Model Distillation COLING 2025
In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have shown exceptional capabilities across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, such impressive performance often comes with the trade-off of an increased parameter size, posing significant challenges for widespread deployment. Knowledge distillation (KD) provides a solution by transferring knowledge from a large teacher model to a smaller student model. In this paper, we explore the task-specific distillation of LLMs at the logit level. Our investigation reveals that the logits of fine-tuned LLMs exhibit a more extreme long-tail distribution than those from vision models, with hidden "noise" in the long tail affecting distillation performance. Furthermore, existing logits distillation methods often struggle to effectively utilize the internal ranking information from the logits. To address these, we propose the Bi-directional Logits Difference (BiLD) loss. The BiLD loss filters out the long-tail noise by utilizing only top-$k$ teacher and student logits, and leverages the internal logits ranking information by constructing logits differences. To evaluate BiLD loss, we conduct comprehensive experiments on 13 datasets using two types of LLMs. Our results show that the BiLD loss, with only the top-8 logits, outperforms supervised fine-tuning (SFT), vanilla KL loss, and five other distillation methods from both NLP and CV fields.
comment: Submitted to COLING 2025
♻ ☆ The Integration of Prediction and Planning in Deep Learning Automated Driving Systems: A Review
Automated driving has the potential to revolutionize personal, public, and freight mobility. Beside accurately perceiving the environment, automated vehicles must plan a safe, comfortable, and efficient motion trajectory. To promote safety and progress, many works rely on modules that predict the future motion of surrounding traffic. Modular automated driving systems commonly handle prediction and planning as sequential, separate tasks. While this accounts for the influence of surrounding traffic on the ego vehicle, it fails to anticipate the reactions of traffic participants to the ego vehicle's behavior. Recent methods increasingly integrate prediction and planning in a joint or interdependent step to model bidirectional interactions. To date, a comprehensive overview of different integration principles is lacking. We systematically review state-of-the-art deep learning-based planning systems, and focus on how they integrate prediction. Different facets of the integration ranging from system architecture to high-level behavioral aspects are considered and related to each other. Moreover, we discuss the implications, strengths, and limitations of different integration principles. By pointing out research gaps, describing relevant future challenges, and highlighting trends in the research field, we identify promising directions for future research.
♻ ☆ FullCert: Deterministic End-to-End Certification for Training and Inference of Neural Networks
Modern machine learning models are sensitive to the manipulation of both the training data (poisoning attacks) and inference data (adversarial examples). Recognizing this issue, the community has developed many empirical defenses against both attacks and, more recently, certification methods with provable guarantees against inference-time attacks. However, such guarantees are still largely lacking for training-time attacks. In this work, we present FullCert, the first end-to-end certifier with sound, deterministic bounds, which proves robustness against both training-time and inference-time attacks. We first bound all possible perturbations an adversary can make to the training data under the considered threat model. Using these constraints, we bound the perturbations' influence on the model's parameters. Finally, we bound the impact of these parameter changes on the model's prediction, resulting in joint robustness guarantees against poisoning and adversarial examples. To facilitate this novel certification paradigm, we combine our theoretical work with a new open-source library BoundFlow, which enables model training on bounded datasets. We experimentally demonstrate FullCert's feasibility on two datasets.
comment: This preprint has not undergone peer review or any post-submission improvements or corrections. The Version of Record of this contribution is published in DAGM GCPR 2024
♻ ☆ Adaptive Layer Splitting for Wireless LLM Inference in Edge Computing: A Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Approach
Optimizing the deployment of large language models (LLMs) in edge computing environments is critical for enhancing privacy and computational efficiency. Toward efficient wireless LLM inference in edge computing, this study comprehensively analyzes the impact of different splitting points in mainstream open-source LLMs. On this basis, this study introduces a framework taking inspiration from model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) to determine the optimal splitting point across the edge and user equipment (UE). By incorporating a reward surrogate model, our approach significantly reduces the computational cost of frequent performance evaluations. Extensive simulations demonstrate that this method effectively balances inference performance and computational load under varying network conditions, providing a robust solution for LLM deployment in decentralized settings.
♻ ☆ EventTrojan: Manipulating Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Assessment via Imperceptible Events ICME2024
Non-Intrusive speech quality assessment (NISQA) has gained significant attention for predicting speech's mean opinion score (MOS) without requiring the reference speech. Researchers have gradually started to apply NISQA to various practical scenarios. However, little attention has been paid to the security of NISQA models. Backdoor attacks represent the most serious threat to deep neural networks (DNNs) due to the fact that backdoors possess a very high attack success rate once embedded. However, existing backdoor attacks assume that the attacker actively feeds samples containing triggers into the model during the inference phase. This is not adapted to the specific scenario of NISQA. And current backdoor attacks on regression tasks lack an objective metric to measure the attack performance. To address these issues, we propose a novel backdoor triggering approach (EventTrojan) that utilizes an event during the usage of the NISQA model as a trigger. Moreover, we innovatively provide an objective metric for backdoor attacks on regression tasks. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the EventTrojan attack. Besides, it also has good resistance to several defense methods.
comment: Accepted by ICME2024
♻ ☆ Explaining Learned Reward Functions with Counterfactual Trajectories
Learning rewards from human behaviour or feedback is a promising approach to aligning AI systems with human values but fails to consistently extract correct reward functions. Interpretability tools could enable users to understand and evaluate possible flaws in learned reward functions. We propose Counterfactual Trajectory Explanations (CTEs) to interpret reward functions in reinforcement learning by contrasting an original with a counterfactual partial trajectory and the rewards they each receive. We derive six quality criteria for CTEs and propose a novel Monte-Carlo-based algorithm for generating CTEs that optimises these quality criteria. Finally, we measure how informative the generated explanations are to a proxy-human model by training it on CTEs. CTEs are demonstrably informative for the proxy-human model, increasing the similarity between its predictions and the reward function on unseen trajectories. Further, it learns to accurately judge differences in rewards between trajectories and generalises to out-of-distribution examples. Although CTEs do not lead to a perfect understanding of the reward, our method, and more generally the adaptation of XAI methods, are presented as a fruitful approach for interpreting learned reward functions.
♻ ☆ A Tutorial on the Use of Physics-Informed Neural Networks to Compute the Spectrum of Quantum Systems
Quantum many-body systems are of great interest for many research areas, including physics, biology and chemistry. However, their simulation is extremely challenging, due to the exponential growth of the Hilbert space with the system size, making it exceedingly difficult to parameterize the wave functions of large systems by using exact methods. Neural networks and machine learning in general are a way to face this challenge. For instance, methods like Tensor networks and Neural Quantum States are being investigated as promising tools to obtain the wave function of a quantum mechanical system. In this tutorial, we focus on a particularly promising class of deep learning algorithms. We explain how to construct a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) able to solve the Schr\"odinger equation for a given potential, by finding its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. This technique is unsupervised, and utilizes a novel computational method in a manner that is barely explored. PINNs are a deep learning method that exploits Automatic Differentiation to solve Integro-Differential Equations in a mesh-free way. We show how to find both the ground and the excited states. The method discovers the states progressively by starting from the ground state. We explain how to introduce inductive biases in the loss to exploit further knowledge of the physical system. Such additional constraints allow for a faster and more accurate convergence. This technique can then be enhanced by a smart choice of collocation points in order to take advantage of the mesh-free nature of the PINN. The methods are made explicit by applying them to the infinite potential well and the particle in a ring, a challenging problem to be learned by an Artificial Intelligence agent due to the presence of complex-valued eigenfunctions and degenerate states.
comment: 18 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Thinking Outside the BBox: Unconstrained Generative Object Compositing
Compositing an object into an image involves multiple non-trivial sub-tasks such as object placement and scaling, color/lighting harmonization, viewpoint/geometry adjustment, and shadow/reflection generation. Recent generative image compositing methods leverage diffusion models to handle multiple sub-tasks at once. However, existing models face limitations due to their reliance on masking the original object during training, which constrains their generation to the input mask. Furthermore, obtaining an accurate input mask specifying the location and scale of the object in a new image can be highly challenging. To overcome such limitations, we define a novel problem of unconstrained generative object compositing, i.e., the generation is not bounded by the mask, and train a diffusion-based model on a synthesized paired dataset. Our first-of-its-kind model is able to generate object effects such as shadows and reflections that go beyond the mask, enhancing image realism. Additionally, if an empty mask is provided, our model automatically places the object in diverse natural locations and scales, accelerating the compositing workflow. Our model outperforms existing object placement and compositing models in various quality metrics and user studies.
♻ ☆ Evaluation of real-time transcriptions using end-to-end ASR models
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) or Speech-to-text (STT) has greatly evolved in the last few years. Traditional architectures based on pipelines have been replaced by joint end-to-end (E2E) architectures that simplify and streamline the model training process. In addition, new AI training methods, such as weak-supervised learning have reduced the need for high-quality audio datasets for model training. However, despite all these advancements, little to no research has been done on real-time transcription. In real-time scenarios, the audio is not pre-recorded, and the input audio must be fragmented to be processed by the ASR systems. To achieve real-time requirements, these fragments must be as short as possible to reduce latency. However, audio cannot be split at any point as dividing an utterance into two separate fragments will generate an incorrect transcription. Also, shorter fragments provide less context for the ASR model. For this reason, it is necessary to design and test different splitting algorithms to optimize the quality and delay of the resulting transcription. In this paper, three audio splitting algorithms are evaluated with different ASR models to determine their impact on both the quality of the transcription and the end-to-end delay. The algorithms are fragmentation at fixed intervals, voice activity detection (VAD), and fragmentation with feedback. The results are compared to the performance of the same model, without audio fragmentation, to determine the effects of this division. The results show that VAD fragmentation provides the best quality with the highest delay, whereas fragmentation at fixed intervals provides the lowest quality and the lowest delay. The newly proposed feedback algorithm exchanges a 2-4% increase in WER for a reduction of 1.5-2s delay, respectively, to the VAD splitting.
comment: 15 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ HIMO: A New Benchmark for Full-Body Human Interacting with Multiple Objects ECCV 2024
Generating human-object interactions (HOIs) is critical with the tremendous advances of digital avatars. Existing datasets are typically limited to humans interacting with a single object while neglecting the ubiquitous manipulation of multiple objects. Thus, we propose HIMO, a large-scale MoCap dataset of full-body human interacting with multiple objects, containing 3.3K 4D HOI sequences and 4.08M 3D HOI frames. We also annotate HIMO with detailed textual descriptions and temporal segments, benchmarking two novel tasks of HOI synthesis conditioned on either the whole text prompt or the segmented text prompts as fine-grained timeline control. To address these novel tasks, we propose a dual-branch conditional diffusion model with a mutual interaction module for HOI synthesis. Besides, an auto-regressive generation pipeline is also designed to obtain smooth transitions between HOI segments. Experimental results demonstrate the generalization ability to unseen object geometries and temporal compositions.
comment: Project page: https://lvxintao.github.io/himo, accepted by ECCV 2024
♻ ☆ MoPE: Parameter-Efficient and Scalable Multimodal Fusion via Mixture of Prompt Experts
Despite the demonstrated parameter efficiency of prompt-based multimodal fusion methods, their limited adaptivity and expressiveness often result in suboptimal performance compared to other tuning approaches. In this paper, we address these limitations by decomposing the vanilla prompts to adaptively capture instance-level features. Building upon this decomposition, we introduce the mixture of prompt experts (MoPE) technique to enhance the expressiveness of prompt tuning. MoPE leverages multimodal pairing priors to route the most effective prompt on a per-instance basis. Compared to vanilla prompting, our MoPE-based fusion method exhibits greater expressiveness, scaling more effectively with the training data and the overall number of trainable parameters. We also investigate regularization terms for expert routing, which lead to emergent expert specialization during training, paving the way for interpretable soft prompting. Extensive experiments across six multimodal datasets spanning four modalities demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results for prompt fusion, matching or even surpassing the performance of fine-tuning while requiring only 0.8% of the trainable parameters. Code will be released: https://github.com/songrise/MoPE.
comment: Under Review, Extended version of arxiv:2312.03734
♻ ☆ MathGenie: Generating Synthetic Data with Question Back-translation for Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning of LLMs ACL 2024
Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited great potential in mathematical reasoning. However, there remains a performance gap in this area between existing open-source models and closed-source models such as GPT-4. In this paper, we introduce MathGenie, a novel method for generating diverse and reliable math problems from a small-scale problem-solution dataset (denoted as seed data). We augment the ground-truth solutions of our seed data and train a back-translation model to translate the augmented solutions back into new questions. Subsequently, we generate code-integrated solutions for the new questions. To ensure the correctness of the code-integrated solutions, we employ rationale-based strategy for solution verification. Various pretrained models, ranging from 7B to 70B, are trained on the newly curated data to test the effectiveness of the proposed augmentation technique, resulting in a family of models known as MathGenieLM. These models consistently outperform previous open-source models across five representative mathematical reasoning datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance. In particular, MathGenieLM-InternLM2 achieves an accuracy of 87.7% on GSM8K and 55.7% on MATH, securing the best overall score among open-source language models.
comment: ACL 2024 camera ready
♻ ☆ TinyChirp: Bird Song Recognition Using TinyML Models on Low-power Wireless Acoustic Sensors
Monitoring biodiversity at scale is challenging. Detecting and identifying species in fine grained taxonomies requires highly accurate machine learning (ML) methods. Training such models requires large high quality data sets. And deploying these models to low power devices requires novel compression techniques and model architectures. While species classification methods have profited from novel data sets and advances in ML methods, in particular neural networks, deploying these state of the art models to low power devices remains difficult. Here we present a comprehensive empirical comparison of various tinyML neural network architectures and compression techniques for species classification. We focus on the example of bird song detection, more concretely a data set curated for studying the corn bunting bird species. The data set is released along with all code and experiments of this study. In our experiments we compare predictive performance, memory and time complexity of classical spectrogram based methods and recent approaches operating on raw audio signal. Our results indicate that individual bird species can be robustly detected with relatively simple architectures that can be readily deployed to low power devices.
♻ ☆ FedCCL: Federated Dual-Clustered Feature Contrast Under Domain Heterogeneity
Federated learning (FL) facilitates a privacy-preserving neural network training paradigm through collaboration between edge clients and a central server. One significant challenge is that the distributed data is not independently and identically distributed (non-IID), typically including both intra-domain and inter-domain heterogeneity. However, recent research is limited to simply using averaged signals as a form of regularization and only focusing on one aspect of these non-IID challenges. Given these limitations, this paper clarifies these two non-IID challenges and attempts to introduce cluster representation to address them from both local and global perspectives. Specifically, we propose a dual-clustered feature contrast-based FL framework with dual focuses. First, we employ clustering on the local representations of each client, aiming to capture intra-class information based on these local clusters at a high level of granularity. Then, we facilitate cross-client knowledge sharing by pulling the local representation closer to clusters shared by clients with similar semantics while pushing them away from clusters with dissimilar semantics. Second, since the sizes of local clusters belonging to the same class may differ for each client, we further utilize clustering on the global side and conduct averaging to create a consistent global signal for guiding each local training in a contrastive manner. Experimental results on multiple datasets demonstrate that our proposal achieves comparable or superior performance gain under intra-domain and inter-domain heterogeneity.
comment: This work was accepted by Information Fusion Journal
♻ ☆ A Survey of Large Language Models for Graphs KDD'24
Graphs are an essential data structure utilized to represent relationships in real-world scenarios. Prior research has established that Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) deliver impressive outcomes in graph-centric tasks, such as link prediction and node classification. Despite these advancements, challenges like data sparsity and limited generalization capabilities continue to persist. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained attention in natural language processing. They excel in language comprehension and summarization. Integrating LLMs with graph learning techniques has attracted interest as a way to enhance performance in graph learning tasks. In this survey, we conduct an in-depth review of the latest state-of-the-art LLMs applied in graph learning and introduce a novel taxonomy to categorize existing methods based on their framework design. We detail four unique designs: i) GNNs as Prefix, ii) LLMs as Prefix, iii) LLMs-Graphs Integration, and iv) LLMs-Only, highlighting key methodologies within each category. We explore the strengths and limitations of each framework, and emphasize potential avenues for future research, including overcoming current integration challenges between LLMs and graph learning techniques, and venturing into new application areas. This survey aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners eager to leverage large language models in graph learning, and to inspire continued progress in this dynamic field. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at \url{https://github.com/HKUDS/Awesome-LLM4Graph-Papers}.
comment: Published as a KDD'24 survey paper
♻ ☆ A Normative Framework for Benchmarking Consumer Fairness in Large Language Model Recommender System
The rapid adoption of large language models (LLMs) in recommender systems (RS) presents new challenges in understanding and evaluating their biases, which can result in unfairness or the amplification of stereotypes. Traditional fairness evaluations in RS primarily focus on collaborative filtering (CF) settings, which may not fully capture the complexities of LLMs, as these models often inherit biases from large, unregulated data. This paper proposes a normative framework to benchmark consumer fairness in LLM-powered recommender systems (RecLLMs). We critically examine how fairness norms in classical RS fall short in addressing the challenges posed by LLMs. We argue that this gap can lead to arbitrary conclusions about fairness, and we propose a more structured, formal approach to evaluate fairness in such systems. Our experiments on the MovieLens dataset on consumer fairness, using in-context learning (zero-shot vs. few-shot) reveal fairness deviations in age-based recommendations, particularly when additional contextual examples are introduced (ICL-2). Statistical significance tests confirm that these deviations are not random, highlighting the need for robust evaluation methods. While this work offers a preliminary discussion on a proposed normative framework, our hope is that it could provide a formal, principled approach for auditing and mitigating bias in RecLLMs. The code and dataset used for this work will be shared at "gihub-anonymized".
♻ ☆ RRWKV: Capturing Long-range Dependencies in RWKV
Owing to the impressive dot-product attention, the Transformers have been the dominant architectures in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Recently, the Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV) architecture follows a non-transformer architecture to eliminate the drawbacks of dot-product attention, where memory and computational complexity exhibits quadratic scaling with sequence length. Although RWKV has exploited a linearly tensor-product attention mechanism and achieved parallelized computations by deploying the time-sequential mode, it fails to capture long-range dependencies because of its limitation on looking back at previous information, compared with full information obtained by direct interactions in the standard transformer. Therefore, the paper devises the Retrospected Receptance Weighted Key Value (RRWKV) architecture via incorporating the retrospecting ability into the RWKV to effectively absorb information, which maintains memory and computational efficiency as well.
comment: The paper has not been finished and I have decided to continue this paper
♻ ☆ Derivative-Free Guidance in Continuous and Discrete Diffusion Models with Soft Value-Based Decoding
Diffusion models excel at capturing the natural design spaces of images, molecules, DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. However, rather than merely generating designs that are natural, we often aim to optimize downstream reward functions while preserving the naturalness of these design spaces. Existing methods for achieving this goal often require ``differentiable'' proxy models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier guidance or DPS) or involve computationally expensive fine-tuning of diffusion models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier-free guidance, RL-based fine-tuning). In our work, we propose a new method to address these challenges. Our algorithm is an iterative sampling method that integrates soft value functions, which looks ahead to how intermediate noisy states lead to high rewards in the future, into the standard inference procedure of pre-trained diffusion models. Notably, our approach avoids fine-tuning generative models and eliminates the need to construct differentiable models. This enables us to (1) directly utilize non-differentiable features/reward feedback, commonly used in many scientific domains, and (2) apply our method to recent discrete diffusion models in a principled way. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm across several domains, including image generation, molecule generation, and DNA/RNA sequence generation. The code is available at \href{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}.
comment: The code is available at https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD
♻ ☆ Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) for Time Series Classification and Robust Analysis
Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) has recently attracted significant attention as a promising alternative to traditional Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP). Despite their theoretical appeal, KAN require validation on large-scale benchmark datasets. Time series data, which has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, especially univariate time series are naturally suited for validating KAN. Therefore, we conducted a fair comparison among KAN, MLP, and mixed structures. The results indicate that KAN can achieve performance comparable to, or even slightly better than, MLP across 128 time series datasets. We also performed an ablation study on KAN, revealing that the output is primarily determined by the base component instead of b-spline function. Furthermore, we assessed the robustness of these models and found that KAN and the hybrid structure MLP\_KAN exhibit significant robustness advantages, attributed to their lower Lipschitz constants. This suggests that KAN and KAN layers hold strong potential to be robust models or to improve the adversarial robustness of other models.
comment: 14 pages, 8 figs
♻ ☆ Semantic-Guided Multimodal Sentiment Decoding with Adversarial Temporal-Invariant Learning
Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to learn representations from different modalities to identify human emotions. However, existing works often neglect the frame-level redundancy inherent in continuous time series, resulting in incomplete modality representations with noise. To address this issue, we propose temporal-invariant learning for the first time, which constrains the distributional variations over time steps to effectively capture long-term temporal dynamics, thus enhancing the quality of the representations and the robustness of the model. To fully exploit the rich semantic information in textual knowledge, we propose a semantic-guided fusion module. By evaluating the correlations between different modalities, this module facilitates cross-modal interactions gated by modality-invariant representations. Furthermore, we introduce a modality discriminator to disentangle modality-invariant and modality-specific subspaces. Experimental results on two public datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model. Our code is available at https://github.com/X-G-Y/SATI.
comment: change Title, Authors, Abstract
♻ ☆ Divide And Conquer: Learning Chaotic Dynamical Systems With Multistep Penalty Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
Forecasting high-dimensional dynamical systems is a fundamental challenge in various fields, such as geosciences and engineering. Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NODEs), which combine the power of neural networks and numerical solvers, have emerged as a promising algorithm for forecasting complex nonlinear dynamical systems. However, classical techniques used for NODE training are ineffective for learning chaotic dynamical systems. In this work, we propose a novel NODE-training approach that allows for robust learning of chaotic dynamical systems. Our method addresses the challenges of non-convexity and exploding gradients associated with underlying chaotic dynamics. Training data trajectories from such systems are split into multiple, non-overlapping time windows. In addition to the deviation from the training data, the optimization loss term further penalizes the discontinuities of the predicted trajectory between the time windows. The window size is selected based on the fastest Lyapunov time scale of the system. Multi-step penalty(MP) method is first demonstrated on Lorenz equation, to illustrate how it improves the loss landscape and thereby accelerates the optimization convergence. MP method can optimize chaotic systems in a manner similar to least-squares shadowing with significantly lower computational costs. Our proposed algorithm, denoted the Multistep Penalty NODE, is applied to chaotic systems such as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, the two-dimensional Kolmogorov flow, and ERA5 reanalysis data for the atmosphere. It is observed that MP-NODE provide viable performance for such chaotic systems, not only for short-term trajectory predictions but also for invariant statistics that are hallmarks of the chaotic nature of these dynamics.
comment: 25 pages, 17 Figures, submitted to Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
♻ ☆ vec2wav 2.0: Advancing Voice Conversion via Discrete Token Vocoders ICASSP 2025
We propose a new speech discrete token vocoder, vec2wav 2.0, which advances voice conversion (VC). We use discrete tokens from speech self-supervised models as the content features of source speech, and treat VC as a prompted vocoding task. To amend the loss of speaker timbre in the content tokens, vec2wav 2.0 utilizes the WavLM features to provide strong timbre-dependent information. A novel adaptive Snake activation function is proposed to better incorporate timbre into the waveform reconstruction process. In this way, vec2wav 2.0 learns to alter the speaker timbre appropriately given different reference prompts. Also, no supervised data is required for vec2wav 2.0 to be effectively trained. Experimental results demonstrate that vec2wav 2.0 outperforms all other baselines to a considerable margin in terms of audio quality and speaker similarity in any-to-any VC. Ablation studies verify the effects made by the proposed techniques. Moreover, vec2wav 2.0 achieves competitive cross-lingual VC even only trained on monolingual corpus. Thus, vec2wav 2.0 shows timbre can potentially be manipulated only by speech token vocoders, pushing the frontiers of VC and speech synthesis.
comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to ICASSP 2025. Demo page: https://cantabile-kwok.github.io/vec2wav2/
♻ ☆ Distributed Noncoherent Joint Transmission Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Dense Small Cell MISO Systems
We consider a dense small cell (DSC) network where multi-antenna small cell base stations (SBSs) transmit data to single-antenna users over a shared frequency band. To enhance capacity, a state-of-the-art technique known as noncoherent joint transmission (JT) is applied, enabling users to receive data from multiple coordinated SBSs. However, the sum rate maximization problem with noncoherent JT is inherently nonconvex and NP-hard. While existing optimization-based noncoherent JT algorithms can provide near-optimal performance, they require global channel state information (CSI) and multiple iterations, which makes them difficult to be implemeted in DSC networks.To overcome these challenges, we first prove that the optimal beamforming structure is the same for both the power minimization problem and the sum rate maximization problem, and then mathematically derive the optimal beamforming structure for both problems by solving the power minimization problem.The optimal beamforming structure can effectively reduces the variable dimensions.By exploiting the optimal beamforming structure, we propose a deep deterministic policy gradient-based distributed noncoherent JT scheme to maximize the system sum rate.In the proposed scheme, each SBS utilizes global information for training and uses local CSI to determine beamforming vectors. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves comparable performance with considerably lower computational complexity and information overhead compared to centralized iterative optimization-based techniques, making it more attractive for practical deployment.
comment: After thorough discussions with my co-authors, we have identified certain issues with the paper that cannot be resolved through revisions. As a result, we have collectively decided to complete withdraw the paper from arXiv
♻ ☆ Conditional Brownian Bridge Diffusion Model for VHR SAR to Optical Image Translation
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging technology provides the unique advantage of being able to collect data regardless of weather conditions and time. However, SAR images exhibit complex backscatter patterns and speckle noise, which necessitate expertise for interpretation. Research on translating SAR images into optical-like representations has been conducted to aid the interpretation of SAR data. Nevertheless, existing studies have predominantly utilized low-resolution satellite imagery datasets and have largely been based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) which are known for their training instability and low fidelity. To overcome these limitations of low-resolution data usage and GAN-based approaches, this paper introduces a conditional image-to-image translation approach based on Brownian Bridge Diffusion Model (BBDM). We conducted comprehensive experiments on the MSAW dataset, a paired SAR and optical images collection of 0.5m Very-High-Resolution (VHR). The experimental results indicate that our method surpasses both the Conditional Diffusion Models (CDMs) and the GAN-based models in diverse perceptual quality metrics.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table
♻ ☆ Flexible and Effective Mixing of Large Language Models into a Mixture of Domain Experts
We present a toolkit for creating low-cost Mixture-of-Domain-Experts (MOE) from trained models. The toolkit can be used for creating a mixture from models or from adapters. We perform extensive tests and offer guidance on defining the architecture of the resulting MOE using the toolkit. A public repository is available.
♻ ☆ A Survey of Multimodal Composite Editing and Retrieval
In the real world, where information is abundant and diverse across different modalities, understanding and utilizing various data types to improve retrieval systems is a key focus of research. Multimodal composite retrieval integrates diverse modalities such as text, image and audio, etc. to provide more accurate, personalized, and contextually relevant results. To facilitate a deeper understanding of this promising direction, this survey explores multimodal composite editing and retrieval in depth, covering image-text composite editing, image-text composite retrieval, and other multimodal composite retrieval. In this survey, we systematically organize the application scenarios, methods, benchmarks, experiments, and future directions. Multimodal learning is a hot topic in large model era, and have also witnessed some surveys in multimodal learning and vision-language models with transformers published in the PAMI journal. To the best of our knowledge, this survey is the first comprehensive review of the literature on multimodal composite retrieval, which is a timely complement of multimodal fusion to existing reviews. To help readers' quickly track this field, we build the project page for this survey, which can be found at https://github.com/fuxianghuang1/Multimodal-Composite-Editing-and-Retrieval.
comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, and 11 tables
♻ ☆ Serialized Speech Information Guidance with Overlapped Encoding Separation for Multi-Speaker Automatic Speech Recognition
Serialized output training (SOT) attracts increasing attention due to its convenience and flexibility for multi-speaker automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, it is not easy to train with attention loss only. In this paper, we propose the overlapped encoding separation (EncSep) to fully utilize the benefits of the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) and attention hybrid loss. This additional separator is inserted after the encoder to extract the multi-speaker information with CTC losses. Furthermore, we propose the serialized speech information guidance SOT (GEncSep) to further utilize the separated encodings. The separated streams are concatenated to provide single-speaker information to guide attention during decoding. The experimental results on LibriMix show that the single-speaker encoding can be separated from the overlapped encoding. The CTC loss helps to improve the encoder representation under complex scenarios. GEncSep further improved performance.
♻ ☆ Exploiting Deep Reinforcement Learning for Edge Caching in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems
Cell-free massive multiple-input-multiple-output is promising to meet the stringent quality-of-experience (QoE) requirements of railway wireless communications by coordinating many successional access points (APs) to serve the onboard users coherently. A key challenge is how to deliver the desired contents timely due to the radical changing propagation environment caused by the growing train speed. In this paper, we propose to proactively cache the likely-requesting contents at the upcoming APs which perform the coherent transmission to reduce end-to-end delay. A long-term QoE-maximization problem is formulated and two cache placement algorithms are proposed. One is based on heuristic convex optimization (HCO) and the other exploits deep reinforcement learning (DRL) with soft actor-critic (SAC). Compared to the conventional benchmark, numerical results show the advantage of our proposed algorithms on QoE and hit probability. With the advanced DRL model, SAC outperforms HCO on QoE by predicting the user requests accurately.
comment: The focus of the research has shifted, and the current submission is no longer aligned with our objectives
♻ ☆ With Greater Text Comes Greater Necessity: Inference-Time Training Helps Long Text Generation
Long text generation, such as novel writing and discourse-level translation with extremely long contexts, presents significant challenges to current language models. Existing methods mainly focus on extending the model's context window through strategies like length extrapolation. However, these approaches demand substantial hardware resources during the training and/or inference phases. Our proposed method, Temp-Lora, introduces an alternative concept. Instead of relying on the KV cache to store all context information, we embeds this information directly into a temporary Lora module. In the process of long text generation, this module is progressively trained with text generated previously. This approach not only efficiently preserves contextual knowledge but also prevents any permanent alteration to the model's parameters given that the module is discarded post-generation. Extensive experiments on the PG19 language modeling benchmark and the GuoFeng discourse-level translation benchmark validate the effectiveness of Temp-Lora. Our results show that: 1) Temp-Lora substantially enhances generation quality for long text, as indicated by a 13.2% decrease in perplexity (PPL) on a subset of PG19, and a 29.3% decrease in PPL along with a 113.2% increase in BLEU score on a subset of GuoFeng, 2) Temp-Lora is compatible with and enhances most existing long text generation methods, and 3) Temp-Lora can greatly reduce computational costs by shortening the context window. For example, we can ensure a moderate improvement in generation quality (a decrease of 3.8% in PPL) while enabling a 51.5% memory usage reduction and a 60.0% decrease in latency for inference.
comment: COLM 2024
♻ ☆ Reward Generalization in RLHF: A Topological Perspective
Existing alignment methods share a common topology of information flow, where reward information is collected from humans, modeled with preference learning, and used to tune language models. However, this shared topology has not been systematically characterized, nor have its alternatives been thoroughly explored, leaving the problems of low data efficiency and unreliable generalization unaddressed. As a solution, we introduce a theoretical framework for investigating reward generalization in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), focusing on the topology of information flow at both macro and micro levels. At the macro level, we portray the RLHF information flow as an autoencoding process over behavior distributions, formalizing the RLHF objective of distributional consistency between human preference and model behavior. At the micro level, we present induced Bayesian networks as a theory of reward generalization in RLHF, introducing fine-grained dataset topologies into generalization bounds. Combining analysis on both levels, we propose reward modeling from tree-structured preference information. It is shown to reduce reward uncertainty by up to $\Theta(\log n/\log\log n)$ times compared to baselines, where $n$ is the dataset size. Validation on three NLP tasks shows that our tree-based reward model achieves an average win rate of 65% against baseline methods, thus improving reward generalization for free via topology design.
♻ ☆ BernGraph: Probabilistic Graph Neural Networks for EHR-based Medication Recommendations
The medical community believes binary medical event outcomes in EHR data contain sufficient information for making a sensible recommendation. However, there are two challenges to effectively utilizing such data: (1) modeling the relationship between massive 0,1 event outcomes is difficult, even with expert knowledge; (2) in practice, learning can be stalled by the binary values since the equally important 0 entries propagate no learning signals. Currently, there is a large gap between the assumed sufficient information and the reality that no promising results have been shown by utilizing solely the binary data: visiting or secondary information is often necessary to reach acceptable performance. In this paper, we attempt to build the first successful binary EHR data-oriented drug recommendation system by tackling the two difficulties, making sensible drug recommendations solely using the binary EHR medical records. To this end, we take a statistical perspective to view the EHR data as a sample from its cohorts and transform them into continuous Bernoulli probabilities. The transformed entries not only model a deterministic binary event with a distribution but also allow reflecting \emph{event-event} relationship by conditional probability. A graph neural network is learned on top of the transformation. It captures event-event correlations while emphasizing \emph{event-to-patient} features. Extensive results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on large-scale databases, outperforming baseline methods that use secondary information by a large margin. The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/chenzRG/BEHRMecom}
♻ ☆ Ferret: Federated Full-Parameter Tuning at Scale for Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) have become indispensable in numerous real-world applications. Unfortunately, fine-tuning these models at scale, especially in federated settings where data privacy and communication efficiency are critical, presents significant challenges. Existing methods often resort to parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) to mitigate communication overhead, but this typically comes at the cost of model accuracy. To address these limitations, we propose federated full-parameter tuning at scale for LLMs (Ferret), the first first-order method with shared randomness to enable scalable full-parameter tuning of LLMs across decentralized data sources while maintaining competitive model accuracy. Ferret accomplishes this through three aspects: (1) it employs widely applied first-order methods for efficient local updates; (2) it projects these updates into a low-dimensional space to considerably reduce communication overhead; and (3) it reconstructs local updates from this low-dimensional space with shared randomness to facilitate effective full-parameter global aggregation, ensuring fast convergence and competitive final performance. Our rigorous theoretical analyses and insights along with extensive experiments, show that Ferret significantly enhances the scalability of existing federated full-parameter tuning approaches by achieving high computational efficiency, reduced communication overhead, and fast convergence, all while maintaining competitive model accuracy. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/allen4747/Ferret.
♻ ☆ Text-guided Controllable Mesh Refinement for Interactive 3D Modeling SIGGRAPH
We propose a novel technique for adding geometric details to an input coarse 3D mesh guided by a text prompt. Our method is composed of three stages. First, we generate a single-view RGB image conditioned on the input coarse geometry and the input text prompt. This single-view image generation step allows the user to pre-visualize the result and offers stronger conditioning for subsequent multi-view generation. Second, we use our novel multi-view normal generation architecture to jointly generate six different views of the normal images. The joint view generation reduces inconsistencies and leads to sharper details. Third, we optimize our mesh with respect to all views and generate a fine, detailed geometry as output. The resulting method produces an output within seconds and offers explicit user control over the coarse structure, pose, and desired details of the resulting 3D mesh.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024
♻ ☆ RetinaRegNet: A Zero-Shot Approach for Retinal Image Registration
We introduce RetinaRegNet, a zero-shot image registration model designed to register retinal images with minimal overlap, large deformations, and varying image quality. RetinaRegNet addresses these challenges and achieves robust and accurate registration through the following steps. First, we extract features from the moving and fixed images using latent diffusion models. We then sample feature points from the fixed image using a combination of the SIFT algorithm and random point sampling. For each sampled point, we identify its corresponding point in the moving image using a 2D correlation map, which computes the cosine similarity between the diffusion feature vectors of the point in the fixed image and all pixels in the moving image. Second, we eliminate most incorrectly detected point correspondences (outliers) by enforcing an inverse consistency constraint, ensuring that correspondences are consistent in both forward and backward directions. We further remove outliers with large distances between corresponding points using a global transformation based outlier detector. Finally, we implement a two-stage registration framework to handle large deformations. The first stage estimates a homography transformation to achieve global alignment between the images, while the second stage uses a third-order polynomial transformation to estimate local deformations. We evaluated RetinaRegNet on three retinal image registration datasets: color fundus images, fluorescein angiography images, and laser speckle flowgraphy images. Our model consistently outperformed state-of-the-art methods across all datasets. The accurate registration achieved by RetinaRegNet enables the tracking of eye disease progression, enhances surgical planning, and facilitates the evaluation of treatment efficacy. Our code is publicly available at: https://github.com/mirthAI/RetinaRegNet.
♻ ☆ VidLPRO: A $\underline{Vid}$eo-$\underline{L}$anguage $\underline{P}$re-training Framework for $\underline{Ro}$botic and Laparoscopic Surgery
We introduce VidLPRO, a novel video-language (VL) pre-training framework designed specifically for robotic and laparoscopic surgery. While existing surgical VL models primarily rely on contrastive learning, we propose a more comprehensive approach to capture the intricate temporal dynamics and align video with language. VidLPRO integrates video-text contrastive learning, video-text matching, and masked language modeling objectives to learn rich VL representations. To support this framework, we present GenSurg+, a carefully curated dataset derived from GenSurgery, comprising 17k surgical video clips paired with captions generated by GPT-4 using transcripts extracted by the Whisper model. This dataset addresses the need for large-scale, high-quality VL data in the surgical domain. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, including Cholec80 and AutoLaparo, demonstrate the efficacy of our approach. VidLPRO achieves state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot surgical phase recognition, significantly outperforming existing surgical VL models such as SurgVLP and HecVL. Our model demonstrates improvements of up to 21.5\% in accuracy and 15.7% in F1 score, setting a new benchmark in the field. Notably, VidLPRO exhibits robust performance even with single-frame inference, while effectively scaling with increased temporal context. Ablation studies reveal the impact of frame sampling strategies on model performance and computational efficiency. These results underscore VidLPRO's potential as a foundation model for surgical video understanding.
♻ ☆ Smart E-commerce Recommendations with Semantic AI
In e-commerce, web mining for page recommendations is widely used but often fails to meet user needs. To address this, we propose a novel solution combining semantic web mining with BP neural networks. We process user search logs to extract five key features: content priority, time spent, user feedback, recommendation semantics, and input deviation. These features are then fed into a BP neural network to classify and prioritize web pages. The prioritized pages are recommended to users. Using book sales pages for testing, our results demonstrate that this solution can quickly and accurately identify the pages users need. Our approach ensures that recommendations are more relevant and tailored to individual preferences, enhancing the online shopping experience. By leveraging advanced semantic analysis and neural network techniques, we bridge the gap between user expectations and actual recommendations. This innovative method not only improves accuracy but also speeds up the recommendation process, making it a valuable tool for e-commerce platforms aiming to boost user satisfaction and engagement. Additionally, our system ability to handle large datasets and provide real-time recommendations makes it a scalable and efficient solution for modern e-commerce challenges.
comment: My paper contain some errors
♻ ☆ MUMU: Bootstrapping Multimodal Image Generation from Text-to-Image Data
We train a model to generate images from multimodal prompts of interleaved text and images such as "a man and his dog in an animated style." We bootstrap a multimodal dataset by extracting semantically meaningful image crops corresponding to words in the image captions of synthetically generated and publicly available text-image data. Our model, MUMU, is composed of a vision-language model encoder with a diffusion decoder and is trained on a single 8xH100 GPU node. Despite being only trained on crops from the same image, MUMU learns to compose inputs from different images into a coherent output. For example, an input of a realistic person and a cartoon will output the same person in the cartoon style, and an input of a standing subject and a scooter will output the subject riding the scooter. As a result, our model generalizes to tasks such as style transfer and character consistency. Our results show the promise of using multimodal models as general purpose controllers for image generation.
♻ ☆ Continual Skill and Task Learning via Dialogue
Continual and interactive robot learning is a challenging problem as the robot is present with human users who expect the robot to learn novel skills to solve novel tasks perpetually with sample efficiency. In this work we present a framework for robots to query and learn visuo-motor robot skills and task relevant information via natural language dialog interactions with human users. Previous approaches either focus on improving the performance of instruction following agents, or passively learn novel skills or concepts. Instead, we used dialog combined with a language-skill grounding embedding to query or confirm skills and/or tasks requested by a user. To achieve this goal, we developed and integrated three different components for our agent. Firstly, we propose a novel visual-motor control policy ACT with Low Rank Adaptation (ACT-LoRA), which enables the existing SoTA ACT model to perform few-shot continual learning. Secondly, we develop an alignment model that projects demonstrations across skill embodiments into a shared embedding allowing us to know when to ask questions and/or demonstrations from users. Finally, we integrated an existing LLM to interact with a human user to perform grounded interactive continual skill learning to solve a task. Our ACT-LoRA model learns novel fine-tuned skills with a 100% accuracy when trained with only five demonstrations for a novel skill while still maintaining a 74.75% accuracy on pre-trained skills in the RLBench dataset where other models fall significantly short. We also performed a human-subjects study with 8 subjects to demonstrate the continual learning capabilities of our combined framework. We achieve a success rate of 75% in the task of sandwich making with the real robot learning from participant data demonstrating that robots can learn novel skills or task knowledge from dialogue with non-expert users using our approach.
♻ ☆ Deep Configuration Performance Learning: A Systematic Survey and Taxonomy
Performance is arguably the most crucial attribute that reflects the quality of a configurable software system. However, given the increasing scale and complexity of modern software, modeling and predicting how various configurations can impact performance becomes one of the major challenges in software maintenance. As such, performance is often modeled without having a thorough knowledge of the software system, but relying mainly on data, which fits precisely with the purpose of deep learning. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive review exclusively on the topic of deep learning for performance learning of configurable software, covering 1,206 searched papers spanning six indexing services, based on which 99 primary papers were extracted and analyzed. Our results outline key statistics, taxonomy, strengths, weaknesses, and optimal usage scenarios for techniques related to the preparation of configuration data, the construction of deep learning performance models, the evaluation of these models, and their utilization in various software configuration-related tasks.We also identify the good practices and potentially problematic phenomena from the studies surveyed, together with a comprehensive summary of actionable suggestions and insights into future opportunities within the field. To promote open science, all the raw results of this survey can be accessed at our repository: https://github.com/ideas-labo/DCPL-SLR.
comment: Accepted by the TOSEM survey track
♻ ☆ A Training Rate and Survival Heuristic for Inference and Robustness Evaluation (TRASHFIRE)
Machine learning models -- deep neural networks in particular -- have performed remarkably well on benchmark datasets across a wide variety of domains. However, the ease of finding adversarial counter-examples remains a persistent problem when training times are measured in hours or days and the time needed to find a successful adversarial counter-example is measured in seconds. Much work has gone into generating and defending against these adversarial counter-examples, however the relative costs of attacks and defences are rarely discussed. Additionally, machine learning research is almost entirely guided by test/train metrics, but these would require billions of samples to meet industry standards. The present work addresses the problem of understanding and predicting how particular model hyper-parameters influence the performance of a model in the presence of an adversary. The proposed approach uses survival models, worst-case examples, and a cost-aware analysis to precisely and accurately reject a particular model change during routine model training procedures rather than relying on real-world deployment, expensive formal verification methods, or accurate simulations of very complicated systems (\textit{e.g.}, digitally recreating every part of a car or a plane). Through an evaluation of many pre-processing techniques, adversarial counter-examples, and neural network configurations, the conclusion is that deeper models do offer marginal gains in survival times compared to more shallow counterparts. However, we show that those gains are driven more by the model inference time than inherent robustness properties. Using the proposed methodology, we show that ResNet is hopelessly insecure against even the simplest of white box attacks.
♻ ☆ Power Scheduler: A Batch Size and Token Number Agnostic Learning Rate Scheduler
Finding the optimal learning rate for language model pretraining is a challenging task. This is not only because there is a complicated correlation between learning rate, batch size, number of training tokens, model size, and other hyperparameters but also because it is prohibitively expensive to perform a hyperparameter search for large language models with Billions or Trillions of parameters. Recent studies propose using small proxy models and small corpus to perform hyperparameter searches and transposing the optimal parameters to large models and large corpus. While the zero-shot transferability is theoretically and empirically proven for model size related hyperparameters, like depth and width, the zero-shot transfer from small corpus to large corpus is underexplored. In this paper, we study the correlation between optimal learning rate, batch size, and number of training tokens for the recently proposed WSD scheduler. After thousands of small experiments, we found a power-law relationship between variables and demonstrated its transferability across model sizes. Based on the observation, we propose a new learning rate scheduler, Power scheduler, that is agnostic about the number of training tokens and batch size. The experiment shows that combining the Power scheduler with Maximum Update Parameterization (muP) can consistently achieve impressive performance with one set of hyperparameters regardless of the number of training tokens, batch size, model size, and even model architecture. Our 3B dense and MoE models trained with the Power scheduler achieve comparable performance as state-of-the-art small language models. We open-source these pretrained models at https://ibm.biz/BdKhLa.
♻ ☆ Element-wise Multiplication Based Deeper Physics-Informed Neural Networks
As a promising framework for resolving partial differential equations (PDEs), Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have received widespread attention from industrial and scientific fields. However, lack of expressive ability and initialization pathology issues are found to prevent the application of PINNs in complex PDEs. In this work, we propose Deeper Physics-Informed Neural Network (Deeper-PINN) to resolve these issues. The element-wise multiplication operation is adopted to transform features into high-dimensional, non-linear spaces. Benefiting from element-wise multiplication operation, Deeper-PINNs can alleviate the initialization pathologies of PINNs and enhance the expressive capability of PINNs. The proposed structure is verified on various benchmarks. The results show that Deeper-PINNs can effectively resolve the initialization pathology and exhibit strong expressive ability.
♻ ☆ Evolutionary mechanisms that promote cooperation may not promote social welfare
Understanding the emergence of prosocial behaviours among self-interested individuals is an important problem in many scientific disciplines. Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain the evolution of such behaviours, primarily seeking the conditions under which a given mechanism can induce highest levels of cooperation. As these mechanisms usually involve costs that alter individual payoffs, it is however possible that aiming for highest levels of cooperation might be detrimental for social welfare -- the later broadly defined as the total population payoff, taking into account all costs involved for inducing increased prosocial behaviours. Herein, by comparatively analysing the social welfare and cooperation levels obtained from stochastic evolutionary models of two well-established mechanisms of prosocial behaviour, namely, peer and institutional incentives, we demonstrate exactly that. We show that the objectives of maximising cooperation levels and the objectives of maximising social welfare are often misaligned. We argue for the need of adopting social welfare as the main optimisation objective when designing and implementing evolutionary mechanisms for social and collective goods.
comment: 21 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ A comparative study of human inverse kinematics techniques for lower limbs
Inverse Kinematics (IK) remains a dynamic field of research, with various methods striving for speed and precision. Despite advancements, many IK techniques face significant challenges, including high computational demands and the risk of generating unrealistic joint configurations. This paper conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of leading IK methods applied to the human leg, aiming to identify the most effective approach. We evaluate each method based on computational efficiency and its ability to produce realistic postures, while adhering to the natural range of motion and comfort zones of the joints. The findings provide insights into optimizing IK solutions for practical applications in biomechanics and animation.
comment: 17 pages and 17 figures
Machine Learning 171
☆ Introducing Perturb-ability Score (PS) to Enhance Robustness Against Evasion Adversarial Attacks on ML-NIDS
This paper proposes a novel Perturb-ability Score (PS) that can be used to identify Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) features that can be easily manipulated by attackers in the problem-space. We demonstrate that using PS to select only non-perturb-able features for ML-based NIDS maintains detection performance while enhancing robustness against adversarial attacks.
☆ Adaptive Adapter Routing for Long-Tailed Class-Incremental Learning
In our ever-evolving world, new data exhibits a long-tailed distribution, such as e-commerce platform reviews. This necessitates continuous model learning imbalanced data without forgetting, addressing the challenge of long-tailed class-incremental learning (LTCIL). Existing methods often rely on retraining linear classifiers with former data, which is impractical in real-world settings. In this paper, we harness the potent representation capabilities of pre-trained models and introduce AdaPtive Adapter RouTing (APART) as an exemplar-free solution for LTCIL. To counteract forgetting, we train inserted adapters with frozen pre-trained weights for deeper adaptation and maintain a pool of adapters for selection during sequential model updates. Additionally, we present an auxiliary adapter pool designed for effective generalization, especially on minority classes. Adaptive instance routing across these pools captures crucial correlations, facilitating a comprehensive representation of all classes. Consequently, APART tackles the imbalance problem as well as catastrophic forgetting in a unified framework. Extensive benchmark experiments validate the effectiveness of APART. Code is available at: https://github.com/vita-qzh/APART
comment: Accepted to Machine Learning Journal. Code is available at: https://github.com/vita-qzh/APART
☆ Asymptotics of Stochastic Gradient Descent with Dropout Regularization in Linear Models
This paper proposes an asymptotic theory for online inference of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) iterates with dropout regularization in linear regression. Specifically, we establish the geometric-moment contraction (GMC) for constant step-size SGD dropout iterates to show the existence of a unique stationary distribution of the dropout recursive function. By the GMC property, we provide quenched central limit theorems (CLT) for the difference between dropout and $\ell^2$-regularized iterates, regardless of initialization. The CLT for the difference between the Ruppert-Polyak averaged SGD (ASGD) with dropout and $\ell^2$-regularized iterates is also presented. Based on these asymptotic normality results, we further introduce an online estimator for the long-run covariance matrix of ASGD dropout to facilitate inference in a recursive manner with efficiency in computational time and memory. The numerical experiments demonstrate that for sufficiently large samples, the proposed confidence intervals for ASGD with dropout nearly achieve the nominal coverage probability.
comment: 77 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables
☆ Synthetic continued pretraining
Pretraining on large-scale, unstructured internet text has enabled language models to acquire a significant amount of world knowledge. However, this knowledge acquisition is data-inefficient -- to learn a given fact, models must be trained on hundreds to thousands of diverse representations of it. This poses a challenge when adapting a pretrained model to a small corpus of domain-specific documents, where each fact may appear rarely or only once. We propose to bridge this gap with synthetic continued pretraining: using the small domain-specific corpus to synthesize a large corpus more amenable to learning, and then performing continued pretraining on the synthesized corpus. We instantiate this proposal with EntiGraph, a synthetic data augmentation algorithm that extracts salient entities from the source documents and then generates diverse text by drawing connections between the sampled entities. Synthetic continued pretraining using EntiGraph enables a language model to answer questions and follow generic instructions related to the source documents without access to them. If instead, the source documents are available at inference time, we show that the knowledge acquired through our approach compounds with retrieval-augmented generation. To better understand these results, we build a simple mathematical model of EntiGraph, and show how synthetic data augmentation can "rearrange" knowledge to enable more data-efficient learning.
☆ Towards Fairer Health Recommendations: finding informative unbiased samples via Word Sense Disambiguation
There have been growing concerns around high-stake applications that rely on models trained with biased data, which consequently produce biased predictions, often harming the most vulnerable. In particular, biased medical data could cause health-related applications and recommender systems to create outputs that jeopardize patient care and widen disparities in health outcomes. A recent framework titled Fairness via AI posits that, instead of attempting to correct model biases, researchers must focus on their root causes by using AI to debias data. Inspired by this framework, we tackle bias detection in medical curricula using NLP models, including LLMs, and evaluate them on a gold standard dataset containing 4,105 excerpts annotated by medical experts for bias from a large corpus. We build on previous work by coauthors which augments the set of negative samples with non-annotated text containing social identifier terms. However, some of these terms, especially those related to race and ethnicity, can carry different meanings (e.g., "white matter of spinal cord"). To address this issue, we propose the use of Word Sense Disambiguation models to refine dataset quality by removing irrelevant sentences. We then evaluate fine-tuned variations of BERT models as well as GPT models with zero- and few-shot prompting. We found LLMs, considered SOTA on many NLP tasks, unsuitable for bias detection, while fine-tuned BERT models generally perform well across all evaluated metrics.
comment: Accepted for long presentation at the FAcctRec @ Recsys 2024
☆ Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Abstraction of Listwise Recommendation
Modern listwise recommendation systems need to consider both long-term user perceptions and short-term interest shifts. Reinforcement learning can be applied on recommendation to study such a problem but is also subject to large search space, sparse user feedback and long interactive latency. Motivated by recent progress in hierarchical reinforcement learning, we propose a novel framework called mccHRL to provide different levels of temporal abstraction on listwise recommendation. Within the hierarchical framework, the high-level agent studies the evolution of user perception, while the low-level agent produces the item selection policy by modeling the process as a sequential decision-making problem. We argue that such framework has a well-defined decomposition of the outra-session context and the intra-session context, which are encoded by the high-level and low-level agents, respectively. To verify this argument, we implement both a simulator-based environment and an industrial dataset-based experiment. Results observe significant performance improvement by our method, compared with several well-known baselines. Data and codes have been made public.
comment: 18 pages, 4 figures
☆ SoK: Security and Privacy Risks of Medical AI
The integration of technology and healthcare has ushered in a new era where software systems, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, have become essential components of medical products and services. While these advancements hold great promise for enhancing patient care and healthcare delivery efficiency, they also expose sensitive medical data and system integrity to potential cyberattacks. This paper explores the security and privacy threats posed by AI/ML applications in healthcare. Through a thorough examination of existing research across a range of medical domains, we have identified significant gaps in understanding the adversarial attacks targeting medical AI systems. By outlining specific adversarial threat models for medical settings and identifying vulnerable application domains, we lay the groundwork for future research that investigates the security and resilience of AI-driven medical systems. Through our analysis of different threat models and feasibility studies on adversarial attacks in different medical domains, we provide compelling insights into the pressing need for cybersecurity research in the rapidly evolving field of AI healthcare technology.
☆ Manifold Learning via Foliations and Knowledge Transfer
Understanding how real data is distributed in high dimensional spaces is the key to many tasks in machine learning. We want to provide a natural geometric structure on the space of data employing a deep ReLU neural network trained as a classifier. Through the data information matrix (DIM), a variation of the Fisher information matrix, the model will discern a singular foliation structure on the space of data. We show that the singular points of such foliation are contained in a measure zero set, and that a local regular foliation exists almost everywhere. Experiments show that the data is correlated with leaves of such foliation. Moreover we show the potential of our approach for knowledge transfer by analyzing the spectrum of the DIM to measure distances between datasets.
☆ What to align in multimodal contrastive learning?
Humans perceive the world through multisensory integration, blending the information of different modalities to adapt their behavior. Contrastive learning offers an appealing solution for multimodal self-supervised learning. Indeed, by considering each modality as a different view of the same entity, it learns to align features of different modalities in a shared representation space. However, this approach is intrinsically limited as it only learns shared or redundant information between modalities, while multimodal interactions can arise in other ways. In this work, we introduce CoMM, a Contrastive MultiModal learning strategy that enables the communication between modalities in a single multimodal space. Instead of imposing cross- or intra- modality constraints, we propose to align multimodal representations by maximizing the mutual information between augmented versions of these multimodal features. Our theoretical analysis shows that shared, synergistic and unique terms of information naturally emerge from this formulation, allowing us to estimate multimodal interactions beyond redundancy. We test CoMM both in a controlled and in a series of real-world settings: in the former, we demonstrate that CoMM effectively captures redundant, unique and synergistic information between modalities. In the latter, CoMM learns complex multimodal interactions and achieves state-of-the-art results on the six multimodal benchmarks.
comment: 22 pages
☆ Convergence of continuous-time stochastic gradient descent with applications to linear deep neural networks
We study a continuous-time approximation of the stochastic gradient descent process for minimizing the expected loss in learning problems. The main results establish general sufficient conditions for the convergence, extending the results of Chatterjee (2022) established for (nonstochastic) gradient descent. We show how the main result can be applied to the case of overparametrized linear neural network training.
☆ Revisiting Static Feature-Based Android Malware Detection
The increasing reliance on machine learning (ML) in computer security, particularly for malware classification, has driven significant advancements. However, the replicability and reproducibility of these results are often overlooked, leading to challenges in verifying research findings. This paper highlights critical pitfalls that undermine the validity of ML research in Android malware detection, focusing on dataset and methodological issues. We comprehensively analyze Android malware detection using two datasets and assess offline and continual learning settings with six widely used ML models. Our study reveals that when properly tuned, simpler baseline methods can often outperform more complex models. To address reproducibility challenges, we propose solutions for improving datasets and methodological practices, enabling fairer model comparisons. Additionally, we open-source our code to facilitate malware analysis, making it extensible for new models and datasets. Our paper aims to support future research in Android malware detection and other security domains, enhancing the reliability and reproducibility of published results.
☆ A Scalable Algorithm for Active Learning SC'24
FIRAL is a recently proposed deterministic active learning algorithm for multiclass classification using logistic regression. It was shown to outperform the state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy and robustness and comes with theoretical performance guarantees. However, its scalability suffers when dealing with datasets featuring a large number of points $n$, dimensions $d$, and classes $c$, due to its $\mathcal{O}(c^2d^2+nc^2d)$ storage and $\mathcal{O}(c^3(nd^2 + bd^3 + bn))$ computational complexity where $b$ is the number of points to select in active learning. To address these challenges, we propose an approximate algorithm with storage requirements reduced to $\mathcal{O}(n(d+c) + cd^2)$ and a computational complexity of $\mathcal{O}(bncd^2)$. Additionally, we present a parallel implementation on GPUs. We demonstrate the accuracy and scalability of our approach using MNIST, CIFAR-10, Caltech101, and ImageNet. The accuracy tests reveal no deterioration in accuracy compared to FIRAL. We report strong and weak scaling tests on up to 12 GPUs, for three million point synthetic dataset.
comment: To be appeared at SC'24. Link: https://sc24.conference-program.com/presentation/?id=pap624&sess=sess397
☆ D-CAPTCHA++: A Study of Resilience of Deepfake CAPTCHA under Transferable Imperceptible Adversarial Attack
The advancements in generative AI have enabled the improvement of audio synthesis models, including text-to-speech and voice conversion. This raises concerns about its potential misuse in social manipulation and political interference, as synthetic speech has become indistinguishable from natural human speech. Several speech-generation programs are utilized for malicious purposes, especially impersonating individuals through phone calls. Therefore, detecting fake audio is crucial to maintain social security and safeguard the integrity of information. Recent research has proposed a D-CAPTCHA system based on the challenge-response protocol to differentiate fake phone calls from real ones. In this work, we study the resilience of this system and introduce a more robust version, D-CAPTCHA++, to defend against fake calls. Specifically, we first expose the vulnerability of the D-CAPTCHA system under transferable imperceptible adversarial attack. Secondly, we mitigate such vulnerability by improving the robustness of the system by using adversarial training in D-CAPTCHA deepfake detectors and task classifiers.
comment: 14 pages
☆ A Contrastive Symmetric Forward-Forward Algorithm (SFFA) for Continual Learning Tasks
The so-called Forward-Forward Algorithm (FFA) has recently gained momentum as an alternative to the conventional back-propagation algorithm for neural network learning, yielding competitive performance across various modeling tasks. By replacing the backward pass of gradient back-propagation with two contrastive forward passes, the FFA avoids several shortcomings undergone by its predecessor (e.g., vanishing/exploding gradient) by enabling layer-wise training heuristics. In classification tasks, this contrastive method has been proven to effectively create a latent sparse representation of the input data, ultimately favoring discriminability. However, FFA exhibits an inherent asymmetric gradient behavior due to an imbalanced loss function between positive and negative data, adversely impacting on the model's generalization capabilities and leading to an accuracy degradation. To address this issue, this work proposes the Symmetric Forward-Forward Algorithm (SFFA), a novel modification of the original FFA which partitions each layer into positive and negative neurons. This allows the local fitness function to be defined as the ratio between the activation of positive neurons and the overall layer activity, resulting in a symmetric loss landscape during the training phase. To evaluate the enhanced convergence of our method, we conduct several experiments using multiple image classification benchmarks, comparing the accuracy of models trained with SFFA to those trained with its FFA counterpart. As a byproduct of this reformulation, we explore the advantages of using a layer-wise training algorithm for Continual Learning (CL) tasks. The specialization of neurons and the sparsity of their activations induced by layer-wise training algorithms enable efficient CL strategies that incorporate new knowledge (classes) into the neural network, while preventing catastrophic forgetting of previously...
comment: Accepted at 3rd Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLAs), 2024
☆ FIRAL: An Active Learning Algorithm for Multinomial Logistic Regression NeurIPS 2023
We investigate theory and algorithms for pool-based active learning for multiclass classification using multinomial logistic regression. Using finite sample analysis, we prove that the Fisher Information Ratio (FIR) lower and upper bounds the excess risk. Based on our theoretical analysis, we propose an active learning algorithm that employs regret minimization to minimize the FIR. To verify our derived excess risk bounds, we conduct experiments on synthetic datasets. Furthermore, we compare FIRAL with five other methods and found that our scheme outperforms them: it consistently produces the smallest classification error in the multiclass logistic regression setting, as demonstrated through experiments on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and 50-class ImageNet.
comment: Accepted at the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)
☆ Training-Free Guidance for Discrete Diffusion Models for Molecular Generation
Training-free guidance methods for continuous data have seen an explosion of interest due to the fact that they enable foundation diffusion models to be paired with interchangable guidance models. Currently, equivalent guidance methods for discrete diffusion models are unknown. We present a framework for applying training-free guidance to discrete data and demonstrate its utility on molecular graph generation tasks using the discrete diffusion model architecture of DiGress. We pair this model with guidance functions that return the proportion of heavy atoms that are a specific atom type and the molecular weight of the heavy atoms and demonstrate our method's ability to guide the data generation.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, and 2 tables
☆ Federated Impression for Learning with Distributed Heterogeneous Data
Standard deep learning-based classification approaches may not always be practical in real-world clinical applications, as they require a centralized collection of all samples. Federated learning (FL) provides a paradigm that can learn from distributed datasets across clients without requiring them to share data, which can help mitigate privacy and data ownership issues. In FL, sub-optimal convergence caused by data heterogeneity is common among data from different health centers due to the variety in data collection protocols and patient demographics across centers. Through experimentation in this study, we show that data heterogeneity leads to the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting during local training. We propose FedImpres which alleviates catastrophic forgetting by restoring synthetic data that represents the global information as federated impression. To achieve this, we distill the global model resulting from each communication round. Subsequently, we use the synthetic data alongside the local data to enhance the generalization of local training. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on both the BloodMNIST and Retina datasets, which contain label imbalance and domain shift, with an improvement in classification accuracy of up to 20%.
☆ The Role of Explainable AI in Revolutionizing Human Health Monitoring
The complex nature of disease mechanisms and the variability of patient symptoms present significant obstacles in developing effective diagnostic tools. Although machine learning has made considerable advances in medical diagnosis, its decision-making processes frequently lack transparency, which can jeopardize patient outcomes. This underscores the critical need for Explainable AI (XAI), which not only offers greater clarity but also has the potential to significantly improve patient care. In this literature review, we conduct a detailed analysis of analyzing XAI methods identified through searches across various databases, focusing on chronic conditions such as Parkinson's, stroke, depression, cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. The literature search revealed the application of 9 trending XAI algorithms in the field of healthcare and highlighted the pros and cons of each of them. Thus, the article is concluded with a critical appraisal of the challenges and future research opportunities for XAI in human health monitoring.
☆ Online Decision MetaMorphFormer: A Casual Transformer-Based Reinforcement Learning Framework of Universal Embodied Intelligence
Interactive artificial intelligence in the motion control field is an interesting topic, especially when universal knowledge is adaptive to multiple tasks and universal environments. Despite there being increasing efforts in the field of Reinforcement Learning (RL) with the aid of transformers, most of them might be limited by the offline training pipeline, which prohibits exploration and generalization abilities. To address this limitation, we propose the framework of Online Decision MetaMorphFormer (ODM) which aims to achieve self-awareness, environment recognition, and action planning through a unified model architecture. Motivated by cognitive and behavioral psychology, an ODM agent is able to learn from others, recognize the world, and practice itself based on its own experience. ODM can also be applied to any arbitrary agent with a multi-joint body, located in different environments, and trained with different types of tasks using large-scale pre-trained datasets. Through the use of pre-trained datasets, ODM can quickly warm up and learn the necessary knowledge to perform the desired task, while the target environment continues to reinforce the universal policy. Extensive online experiments as well as few-shot and zero-shot environmental tests are used to verify ODM's performance and generalization ability. The results of our study contribute to the study of general artificial intelligence in embodied and cognitive fields. Code, results, and video examples can be found on the website \url{https://rlodm.github.io/odm/}.
comment: 12 pages, 6 figures
☆ A Framework for Predicting the Impact of Game Balance Changes through Meta Discovery
A metagame is a collection of knowledge that goes beyond the rules of a game. In competitive, team-based games like Pok\'emon or League of Legends, it refers to the set of current dominant characters and/or strategies within the player base. Developer changes to the balance of the game can have drastic and unforeseen consequences on these sets of meta characters. A framework for predicting the impact of balance changes could aid developers in making more informed balance decisions. In this paper we present such a Meta Discovery framework, leveraging Reinforcement Learning for automated testing of balance changes. Our results demonstrate the ability to predict the outcome of balance changes in Pok\'emon Showdown, a collection of competitive Pok\'emon tiers, with high accuracy.
comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, IEEE Transactions on Games
☆ Learning to Compress Contexts for Efficient Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering
Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated great zero-shot performance on visual question answering (VQA). However, when it comes to knowledge-based VQA (KB-VQA), MLLMs may lack human commonsense or specialized domain knowledge to answer such questions and require obtaining necessary information from external knowledge sources. Previous works like Retrival-Augmented VQA-v2 (RAVQA-v2) focus on utilizing as much input information, such as image-based textual descriptions and retrieved knowledge, as possible to improve performance, but they all overlook the issue that with the number of input tokens increasing, inference efficiency significantly decreases, which contradicts the demands of practical applications. To address this issue, we propose Retrieval-Augmented MLLM with Compressed Contexts (RACC). RACC learns to compress and aggregate retrieved contexts, from which it generates a compact modulation in the form of Key-Value (KV) cache. This modulation is then used to adapt the downstream frozen MLLM, thereby achieving effective and efficient inference. RACC achieves a state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance of 62.9% on OK-VQA. Moreover, it significantly reduces inference latency by 22.0%-59.7% compared to the prominent RAVQA-v2. Abundant experiments show RACC's broad applicability. It is compatible with various off-the-shelf MLLMs and can also handle different knowledge sources including textual and multimodal documents.
☆ Current Symmetry Group Equivariant Convolution Frameworks for Representation Learning
Euclidean deep learning is often inadequate for addressing real-world signals where the representation space is irregular and curved with complex topologies. Interpreting the geometric properties of such feature spaces has become paramount in obtaining robust and compact feature representations that remain unaffected by nontrivial geometric transformations, which vanilla CNNs cannot effectively handle. Recognizing rotation, translation, permutation, or scale symmetries can lead to equivariance properties in the learned representations. This has led to notable advancements in computer vision and machine learning tasks under the framework of geometric deep learning, as compared to their invariant counterparts. In this report, we emphasize the importance of symmetry group equivariant deep learning models and their realization of convolution-like operations on graphs, 3D shapes, and non-Euclidean spaces by leveraging group theory and symmetry. We categorize them as regular, steerable, and PDE-based convolutions and thoroughly examine the inherent symmetries of their input spaces and ensuing representations. We also outline the mathematical link between group convolutions or message aggregation operations and the concept of equivariance. The report also highlights various datasets, their application scopes, limitations, and insightful observations on future directions to serve as a valuable reference and stimulate further research in this emerging discipline.
comment: 31 pages, 4 figures
☆ ART: Artifact Removal Transformer for Reconstructing Noise-Free Multichannel Electroencephalographic Signals
Artifact removal in electroencephalography (EEG) is a longstanding challenge that significantly impacts neuroscientific analysis and brain-computer interface (BCI) performance. Tackling this problem demands advanced algorithms, extensive noisy-clean training data, and thorough evaluation strategies. This study presents the Artifact Removal Transformer (ART), an innovative EEG denoising model employing transformer architecture to adeptly capture the transient millisecond-scale dynamics characteristic of EEG signals. Our approach offers a holistic, end-to-end denoising solution for diverse artifact types in multichannel EEG data. We enhanced the generation of noisy-clean EEG data pairs using an independent component analysis, thus fortifying the training scenarios critical for effective supervised learning. We performed comprehensive validations using a wide range of open datasets from various BCI applications, employing metrics like mean squared error and signal-to-noise ratio, as well as sophisticated techniques such as source localization and EEG component classification. Our evaluations confirm that ART surpasses other deep-learning-based artifact removal methods, setting a new benchmark in EEG signal processing. This advancement not only boosts the accuracy and reliability of artifact removal but also promises to catalyze further innovations in the field, facilitating the study of brain dynamics in naturalistic environments.
☆ Statistically Valid Information Bottleneck via Multiple Hypothesis Testing
The information bottleneck (IB) problem is a widely studied framework in machine learning for extracting compressed features that are informative for downstream tasks. However, current approaches to solving the IB problem rely on a heuristic tuning of hyperparameters, offering no guarantees that the learned features satisfy information-theoretic constraints. In this work, we introduce a statistically valid solution to this problem, referred to as IB via multiple hypothesis testing (IB-MHT), which ensures that the learned features meet the IB constraints with high probability, regardless of the size of the available dataset. The proposed methodology builds on Pareto testing and learn-then-test (LTT), and it wraps around existing IB solvers to provide statistical guarantees on the IB constraints. We demonstrate the performance of IB-MHT on classical and deterministic IB formulations, validating the effectiveness of IB-MHT in outperforming conventional methods in terms of statistical robustness and reliability.
☆ Efficient and Unbiased Sampling of Boltzmann Distributions via Consistency Models
Diffusion models have shown promising potential for advancing Boltzmann Generators. However, two critical challenges persist: (1) inherent errors in samples due to model imperfections, and (2) the requirement of hundreds of functional evaluations (NFEs) to achieve high-quality samples. While existing solutions like importance sampling and distillation address these issues separately, they are often incompatible, as most distillation models lack the necessary density information for importance sampling. This paper introduces a novel sampling method that effectively combines Consistency Models (CMs) with importance sampling. We evaluate our approach on both synthetic energy functions and equivariant n-body particle systems. Our method produces unbiased samples using only 6-25 NFEs while achieving a comparable Effective Sample Size (ESS) to Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) that require approximately 100 NFEs.
comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
☆ Three-Dimensional, Multimodal Synchrotron Data for Machine Learning Applications
Machine learning techniques are being increasingly applied in medical and physical sciences across a variety of imaging modalities; however, an important issue when developing these tools is the availability of good quality training data. Here we present a unique, multimodal synchrotron dataset of a bespoke zinc-doped Zeolite 13X sample that can be used to develop advanced deep learning and data fusion pipelines. Multi-resolution micro X-ray computed tomography was performed on a zinc-doped Zeolite 13X fragment to characterise its pores and features, before spatially resolved X-ray diffraction computed tomography was carried out to characterise the homogeneous distribution of sodium and zinc phases. Zinc absorption was controlled to create a simple, spatially isolated, two-phase material. Both raw and processed data is available as a series of Zenodo entries. Altogether we present a spatially resolved, three-dimensional, multimodal, multi-resolution dataset that can be used for the development of machine learning techniques. Such techniques include development of super-resolution, multimodal data fusion, and 3D reconstruction algorithm development.
comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence Conference, 2024
☆ Optimizing Neural Network Performance and Interpretability with Diophantine Equation Encoding
This paper explores the integration of Diophantine equations into neural network (NN) architectures to improve model interpretability, stability, and efficiency. By encoding and decoding neural network parameters as integer solutions to Diophantine equations, we introduce a novel approach that enhances both the precision and robustness of deep learning models. Our method integrates a custom loss function that enforces Diophantine constraints during training, leading to better generalization, reduced error bounds, and enhanced resilience against adversarial attacks. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach through several tasks, including image classification and natural language processing, where improvements in accuracy, convergence, and robustness are observed. This study offers a new perspective on combining mathematical theory and machine learning to create more interpretable and efficient models.
☆ Non-Invasive Glucose Prediction System Enhanced by Mixed Linear Models and Meta-Forests for Domain Generalization
In this study, we present a non-invasive glucose prediction system that integrates Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) sensing. We employ a Mixed Linear Model (MixedLM) to analyze the association between mm-wave frequency S_21 parameters and blood glucose levels within a heterogeneous dataset. The MixedLM method considers inter-subject variability and integrates multiple predictors, offering a more comprehensive analysis than traditional correlation analysis. Additionally, we incorporate a Domain Generalization (DG) model, Meta-forests, to effectively handle domain variance in the dataset, enhancing the model's adaptability to individual differences. Our results demonstrate promising accuracy in glucose prediction for unseen subjects, with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 17.47 mg/dL, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 31.83 mg/dL, and a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 10.88%, highlighting its potential for clinical application. This study marks a significant step towards developing accurate, personalized, and non-invasive glucose monitoring systems, contributing to improved diabetes management.
☆ BLS-GAN: A Deep Layer Separation Framework for Eliminating Bone Overlap in Conventional Radiographs
Conventional radiography is the widely used imaging technology in diagnosing, monitoring, and prognosticating musculoskeletal (MSK) diseases because of its easy availability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. In conventional radiographs, bone overlaps are prevalent, and can impede the accurate assessment of bone characteristics by radiologists or algorithms, posing significant challenges to conventional and computer-aided diagnoses. This work initiated the study of a challenging scenario - bone layer separation in conventional radiographs, in which separate overlapped bone regions enable the independent assessment of the bone characteristics of each bone layer and lay the groundwork for MSK disease diagnosis and its automation. This work proposed a Bone Layer Separation GAN (BLS-GAN) framework that can produce high-quality bone layer images with reasonable bone characteristics and texture. This framework introduced a reconstructor based on conventional radiography imaging principles, which achieved efficient reconstruction and mitigates the recurrent calculations and training instability issues caused by soft tissue in the overlapped regions. Additionally, pre-training with synthetic images was implemented to enhance the stability of both the training process and the results. The generated images passed the visual Turing test, and improved performance in downstream tasks. This work affirms the feasibility of extracting bone layer images from conventional radiographs, which holds promise for leveraging bone layer separation technology to facilitate more comprehensive analytical research in MSK diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis. Code and dataset will be made available.
☆ A Unified Contrastive Loss for Self-Training
Self-training methods have proven to be effective in exploiting abundant unlabeled data in semi-supervised learning, particularly when labeled data is scarce. While many of these approaches rely on a cross-entropy loss function (CE), recent advances have shown that the supervised contrastive loss function (SupCon) can be more effective. Additionally, unsupervised contrastive learning approaches have also been shown to capture high quality data representations in the unsupervised setting. To benefit from these advantages in a semi-supervised setting, we propose a general framework to enhance self-training methods, which replaces all instances of CE losses with a unique contrastive loss. By using class prototypes, which are a set of class-wise trainable parameters, we recover the probability distributions of the CE setting and show a theoretical equivalence with it. Our framework, when applied to popular self-training methods, results in significant performance improvements across three different datasets with a limited number of labeled data. Additionally, we demonstrate further improvements in convergence speed, transfer ability, and hyperparameter stability. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/AurelienGauffre/semisupcon/}.
☆ Exploring User-level Gradient Inversion with a Diffusion Prior NeurIPS 2023
We explore user-level gradient inversion as a new attack surface in distributed learning. We first investigate existing attacks on their ability to make inferences about private information beyond training data reconstruction. Motivated by the low reconstruction quality of existing methods, we propose a novel gradient inversion attack that applies a denoising diffusion model as a strong image prior in order to enhance recovery in the large batch setting. Unlike traditional attacks, which aim to reconstruct individual samples and suffer at large batch and image sizes, our approach instead aims to recover a representative image that captures the sensitive shared semantic information corresponding to the underlying user. Our experiments with face images demonstrate the ability of our methods to recover realistic facial images along with private user attributes.
comment: Presented at the International Workshop on Federated Learning in the Age of Foundation Models in conjunction with NeurIPS 2023
☆ Using Generative Agents to Create Tip Sheets for Investigative Data Reporting
This paper introduces a system using generative AI agents to create tip sheets for investigative data reporting. Our system employs three specialized agents--an analyst, a reporter, and an editor--to collaboratively generate and refine tips from datasets. We validate this approach using real-world investigative stories, demonstrating that our agent-based system generally generates more newsworthy and accurate insights compared to a baseline model without agents, although some variability was noted between different stories. Our findings highlight the potential of generative AI to provide leads for investigative data reporting.
comment: Short paper to be presented at Computation + Journalism 2024
☆ TLD-READY: Traffic Light Detection -- Relevance Estimation and Deployment Analysis
Effective traffic light detection is a critical component of the perception stack in autonomous vehicles. This work introduces a novel deep-learning detection system while addressing the challenges of previous work. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset amalgamation, including the Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset, LISA, the DriveU Traffic Light Dataset, and a proprietary dataset from Karlsruhe, we ensure a robust evaluation across varied scenarios. Furthermore, we propose a relevance estimation system that innovatively uses directional arrow markings on the road, eliminating the need for prior map creation. On the DriveU dataset, this approach results in 96% accuracy in relevance estimation. Finally, a real-world evaluation is performed to evaluate the deployment and generalizing abilities of these models. For reproducibility and to facilitate further research, we provide the model weights and code: https://github.com/KASTEL-MobilityLab/traffic-light-detection.
☆ Tuning-Free Online Robust Principal Component Analysis through Implicit Regularization
The performance of the standard Online Robust Principal Component Analysis (OR-PCA) technique depends on the optimum tuning of the explicit regularizers and this tuning is dataset sensitive. We aim to remove the dependency on these tuning parameters by using implicit regularization. We propose to use the implicit regularization effect of various modified gradient descents to make OR-PCA tuning free. Our method incorporates three different versions of modified gradient descent that separately but naturally encourage sparsity and low-rank structures in the data. The proposed method performs comparable or better than the tuned OR-PCA for both simulated and real-world datasets. Tuning-free ORPCA makes it more scalable for large datasets since we do not require dataset-dependent parameter tuning.
☆ RePlay: a Recommendation Framework for Experimentation and Production Use
Using a single tool to build and compare recommender systems significantly reduces the time to market for new models. In addition, the comparison results when using such tools look more consistent. This is why many different tools and libraries for researchers in the field of recommendations have recently appeared. Unfortunately, most of these frameworks are aimed primarily at researchers and require modification for use in production due to the inability to work on large datasets or an inappropriate architecture. In this demo, we present our open-source toolkit RePlay - a framework containing an end-to-end pipeline for building recommender systems, which is ready for production use. RePlay also allows you to use a suitable stack for the pipeline on each stage: Pandas, Polars, or Spark. This allows the library to scale computations and deploy to a cluster. Thus, RePlay allows data scientists to easily move from research mode to production mode using the same interfaces.
☆ Multi-Type Preference Learning: Empowering Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning with Equal Preferences
Preference-Based reinforcement learning (PBRL) learns directly from the preferences of human teachers regarding agent behaviors without needing meticulously designed reward functions. However, existing PBRL methods often learn primarily from explicit preferences, neglecting the possibility that teachers may choose equal preferences. This neglect may hinder the understanding of the agent regarding the task perspective of the teacher, leading to the loss of important information. To address this issue, we introduce the Equal Preference Learning Task, which optimizes the neural network by promoting similar reward predictions when the behaviors of two agents are labeled as equal preferences. Building on this task, we propose a novel PBRL method, Multi-Type Preference Learning (MTPL), which allows simultaneous learning from equal preferences while leveraging existing methods for learning from explicit preferences. To validate our approach, we design experiments applying MTPL to four existing state-of-the-art baselines across ten locomotion and robotic manipulation tasks in the DeepMind Control Suite. The experimental results indicate that simultaneous learning from both equal and explicit preferences enables the PBRL method to more comprehensively understand the feedback from teachers, thereby enhancing feedback efficiency.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
☆ TopoMap++: A faster and more space efficient technique to compute projections with topological guarantees
High-dimensional data, characterized by many features, can be difficult to visualize effectively. Dimensionality reduction techniques, such as PCA, UMAP, and t-SNE, address this challenge by projecting the data into a lower-dimensional space while preserving important relationships. TopoMap is another technique that excels at preserving the underlying structure of the data, leading to interpretable visualizations. In particular, TopoMap maps the high-dimensional data into a visual space, guaranteeing that the 0-dimensional persistence diagram of the Rips filtration of the visual space matches the one from the high-dimensional data. However, the original TopoMap algorithm can be slow and its layout can be too sparse for large and complex datasets. In this paper, we propose three improvements to TopoMap: 1) a more space-efficient layout, 2) a significantly faster implementation, and 3) a novel TreeMap-based representation that makes use of the topological hierarchy to aid the exploration of the projections. These advancements make TopoMap, now referred to as TopoMap++, a more powerful tool for visualizing high-dimensional data which we demonstrate through different use case scenarios.
comment: This is the author's version of the article that has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
☆ Alignment of Diffusion Models: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future
Diffusion models have emerged as the leading paradigm in generative modeling, excelling in various applications. Despite their success, these models often misalign with human intentions, generating outputs that may not match text prompts or possess desired properties. Inspired by the success of alignment in tuning large language models, recent studies have investigated aligning diffusion models with human expectations and preferences. This work mainly reviews alignment of diffusion models, covering advancements in fundamentals of alignment, alignment techniques of diffusion models, preference benchmarks, and evaluation for diffusion models. Moreover, we discuss key perspectives on current challenges and promising future directions on solving the remaining challenges in alignment of diffusion models. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first comprehensive review paper for researchers and engineers to comprehend, practice, and research alignment of diffusion models.
comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
☆ Federated $\mathcal{X}$-armed Bandit with Flexible Personalisation
This paper introduces a novel approach to personalised federated learning within the $\mathcal{X}$-armed bandit framework, addressing the challenge of optimising both local and global objectives in a highly heterogeneous environment. Our method employs a surrogate objective function that combines individual client preferences with aggregated global knowledge, allowing for a flexible trade-off between personalisation and collective learning. We propose a phase-based elimination algorithm that achieves sublinear regret with logarithmic communication overhead, making it well-suited for federated settings. Theoretical analysis and empirical evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to existing methods. Potential applications of this work span various domains, including healthcare, smart home devices, and e-commerce, where balancing personalisation with global insights is crucial.
☆ Riemannian Federated Learning via Averaging Gradient Stream
In recent years, federated learning has garnered significant attention as an efficient and privacy-preserving distributed learning paradigm. In the Euclidean setting, Federated Averaging (FedAvg) and its variants are a class of efficient algorithms for expected (empirical) risk minimization. This paper develops and analyzes a Riemannian Federated Averaging Gradient Stream (RFedAGS) algorithm, which is a generalization of FedAvg, to problems defined on a Riemannian manifold. Under standard assumptions, the convergence rate of RFedAGS with fixed step sizes is proven to be sublinear for an approximate stationary solution. If decaying step sizes are used, the global convergence is established. Furthermore, assuming that the objective obeys the Riemannian Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz property, the optimal gaps generated by RFedAGS with fixed step size are linearly decreasing up to a tiny upper bound, meanwhile, if decaying step sizes are used, then the gaps sublinearly vanish. Numerical simulations conducted on synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the performance of the proposed RFedAGS.
☆ Is merging worth it? Securely evaluating the information gain for causal dataset acquisition
Merging datasets across institutions is a lengthy and costly procedure, especially when it involves private information. Data hosts may therefore want to prospectively gauge which datasets are most beneficial to merge with, without revealing sensitive information. For causal estimation this is particularly challenging as the value of a merge will depend not only on the reduction in epistemic uncertainty but also the improvement in overlap. To address this challenge, we introduce the first cryptographically secure information-theoretic approach for quantifying the value of a merge in the context of heterogeneous treatment effect estimation. We do this by evaluating the Expected Information Gain (EIG) and utilising multi-party computation to ensure it can be securely computed without revealing any raw data. As we demonstrate, this can be used with differential privacy (DP) to ensure privacy requirements whilst preserving more accurate computation than naive DP alone. To the best of our knowledge, this work presents the first privacy-preserving method for dataset acquisition tailored to causal estimation. We demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of our method on a range of simulated and realistic benchmarks. The code is available anonymously.
☆ Online Graph Filtering Over Expanding Graphs
Graph filters are a staple tool for processing signals over graphs in a multitude of downstream tasks. However, they are commonly designed for graphs with a fixed number of nodes, despite real-world networks typically grow over time. This topological evolution is often known up to a stochastic model, thus, making conventional graph filters ill-equipped to withstand such topological changes, their uncertainty, as well as the dynamic nature of the incoming data. To tackle these issues, we propose an online graph filtering framework by relying on online learning principles. We design filters for scenarios where the topology is both known and unknown, including a learner adaptive to such evolution. We conduct a regret analysis to highlight the role played by the different components such as the online algorithm, the filter order, and the growing graph model. Numerical experiments with synthetic and real data corroborate the proposed approach for graph signal inference tasks and show a competitive performance w.r.t. baselines and state-of-the-art alternatives.
☆ Heterogeneity-Aware Coordination for Federated Learning via Stitching Pre-trained blocks
Federated learning (FL) coordinates multiple devices to collaboratively train a shared model while preserving data privacy. However, large memory footprint and high energy consumption during the training process excludes the low-end devices from contributing to the global model with their own data, which severely deteriorates the model performance in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose FedStitch, a hierarchical coordination framework for heterogeneous federated learning with pre-trained blocks. Unlike the traditional approaches that train the global model from scratch, for a new task, FedStitch composes the global model via stitching pre-trained blocks. Specifically, each participating client selects the most suitable block based on their local data from the candidate pool composed of blocks from pre-trained models. The server then aggregates the optimal block for stitching. This process iterates until a new stitched network is generated. Except for the new training paradigm, FedStitch consists of the following three core components: 1) an RL-weighted aggregator, 2) a search space optimizer deployed on the server side, and 3) a local energy optimizer deployed on each participating client. The RL-weighted aggregator helps to select the right block in the non-IID scenario, while the search space optimizer continuously reduces the size of the candidate block pool during stitching. Meanwhile, the local energy optimizer is designed to minimize energy consumption of each client while guaranteeing the overall training progress. The results demonstrate that compared to existing approaches, FedStitch improves the model accuracy up to 20.93%. At the same time, it achieves up to 8.12% speedup, reduces the memory footprint up to 79.5%, and achieves 89.41% energy saving at most during the learning procedure.
☆ Applying Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Optimization in Chemistry: Open Challenges and Major Considerations
Multi fidelity Bayesian optimization (MFBO) leverages experimental and or computational data of varying quality and resource cost to optimize towards desired maxima cost effectively. This approach is particularly attractive for chemical discovery due to MFBO's ability to integrate diverse data sources. Here, we investigate the application of MFBO to accelerate the identification of promising molecules or materials. We specifically analyze the conditions under which lower fidelity data can enhance performance compared to single-fidelity problem formulations. We address two key challenges, selecting the optimal acquisition function, understanding the impact of cost, and data fidelity correlation. We then discuss how to assess the effectiveness of MFBO for chemical discovery.
☆ A Perspective on AI-Guided Molecular Simulations in VR: Exploring Strategies for Imitation Learning in Hyperdimensional Molecular Systems ECAI24
Molecular dynamics simulations are a crucial computational tool for researchers to understand and engineer molecular structure and function in areas such as drug discovery, protein engineering, and material design. Despite their utility, MD simulations are expensive, owing to the high dimensionality of molecular systems. Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality (iMD-VR) has recently been developed as a 'human-in-the-loop' strategy, which leverages high-performance computing to accelerate the researcher's ability to solve the hyperdimensional sampling problem. By providing an immersive 3D environment that enables visualization and manipulation of real-time molecular motion, iMD-VR enables researchers and students to efficiently and intuitively explore and navigate these complex, high-dimensional systems. iMD-VR platforms offer a unique opportunity to quickly generate rich datasets that capture human experts' spatial insight regarding molecular structure and function. This paper explores the possibility of employing user-generated iMD-VR datasets to train AI agents via imitation learning (IL). IL is an important technique in robotics that enables agents to mimic complex behaviors from expert demonstrations, thus circumventing the need for explicit programming or intricate reward design. We review the utilization of IL for manipulation tasks in robotics and discuss how iMD-VR recordings could be used to train IL models for solving specific molecular 'tasks'. We then investigate how such approaches could be applied to the data captured from iMD-VR recordings. Finally, we outline the future research directions and potential challenges of using AI agents to augment human expertise to efficiently navigate conformational spaces, highlighting how this approach could provide valuable insight across domains such as materials science, protein engineering, and computer-aided drug design.
comment: (Accepted for presentation at the First Workshop on "eXtended Reality \& Intelligent Agents" (XRIA24) @ ECAI24, Santiago De Compostela (Spain), 20 October 2024)
☆ FuXi-2.0: Advancing machine learning weather forecasting model for practical applications
Machine learning (ML) models have become increasingly valuable in weather forecasting, providing forecasts that not only lower computational costs but often match or exceed the accuracy of traditional numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Despite their potential, ML models typically suffer from limitations such as coarse temporal resolution, typically 6 hours, and a limited set of meteorological variables, limiting their practical applicability. To overcome these challenges, we introduce FuXi-2.0, an advanced ML model that delivers 1-hourly global weather forecasts and includes a comprehensive set of essential meteorological variables, thereby expanding its utility across various sectors like wind and solar energy, aviation, and marine shipping. Our study conducts comparative analyses between ML-based 1-hourly forecasts and those from the high-resolution forecast (HRES) of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for various practical scenarios. The results demonstrate that FuXi-2.0 consistently outperforms ECMWF HRES in forecasting key meteorological variables relevant to these sectors. In particular, FuXi-2.0 shows superior performance in wind power forecasting compared to ECMWF HRES, further validating its efficacy as a reliable tool for scenarios demanding precise weather forecasts. Additionally, FuXi-2.0 also integrates both atmospheric and oceanic components, representing a significant step forward in the development of coupled atmospheric-ocean models. Further comparative analyses reveal that FuXi-2.0 provides more accurate forecasts of tropical cyclone intensity than its predecessor, FuXi-1.0, suggesting that there are benefits of an atmosphere-ocean coupled model over atmosphere-only models.
☆ Coupling Machine Learning Local Predictions with a Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver to Accelerate Transient Buoyant Plume Simulations
Data-driven methods demonstrate considerable potential for accelerating the inherently expensive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers. Nevertheless, pure machine-learning surrogate models face challenges in ensuring physical consistency and scaling up to address real-world problems. This study presents a versatile and scalable hybrid methodology, combining CFD and machine learning, to accelerate long-term incompressible fluid flow simulations without compromising accuracy. A neural network was trained offline using simulated data of various two-dimensional transient buoyant plume flows. The objective was to leverage local features to predict the temporal changes in the pressure field in comparable scenarios. Due to cell-level predictions, the methodology was successfully applied to diverse geometries without additional training. Pressure estimates were employed as initial values to accelerate the pressure-velocity coupling procedure. The results demonstrated an average improvement of 94% in the initial guess for solving the Poisson equation. The first pressure corrector acceleration reached a mean factor of 3, depending on the iterative solver employed. Our work reveals that machine learning estimates at the cell level can enhance the efficiency of CFD iterative linear solvers while maintaining accuracy. Although the scalability of the methodology to more complex cases has yet to be demonstrated, this study underscores the prospective value of domain-specific hybrid solvers for CFD.
comment: Twelfth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD12), Kobe, Japan, July 14-19, 2024. 18 pages, 8 figures
☆ Recurrent Aggregators in Neural Algorithmic Reasoning
Neural algorithmic reasoning (NAR) is an emerging field that seeks to design neural networks that mimic classical algorithmic computations. Today, graph neural networks (GNNs) are widely used in neural algorithmic reasoners due to their message passing framework and permutation equivariance. In this extended abstract, we challenge this design choice, and replace the equivariant aggregation function with a recurrent neural network. While seemingly counter-intuitive, this approach has appropriate grounding when nodes have a natural ordering -- and this is the case frequently in established reasoning benchmarks like CLRS-30. Indeed, our recurrent NAR (RNAR) model performs very strongly on such tasks, while handling many others gracefully. A notable achievement of RNAR is its decisive state-of-the-art result on the Heapsort and Quickselect tasks, both deemed as a significant challenge for contemporary neural algorithmic reasoners -- especially the latter, where RNAR achieves a mean micro-F1 score of 87%.
☆ Combined Optimization of Dynamics and Assimilation with End-to-End Learning on Sparse Observations
Fitting nonlinear dynamical models to sparse and noisy observations is fundamentally challenging. Identifying dynamics requires data assimilation (DA) to estimate system states, but DA requires an accurate dynamical model. To break this deadlock we present CODA, an end-to-end optimization scheme for jointly learning dynamics and DA directly from sparse and noisy observations. A neural network is trained to carry out data accurate, efficient and parallel-in-time DA, while free parameters of the dynamical system are simultaneously optimized. We carry out end-to-end learning directly on observation data, introducing a novel learning objective that combines unrolled auto-regressive dynamics with the data- and self-consistency terms of weak-constraint 4Dvar DA. By taking into account interactions between new and existing simulation components over multiple time steps, CODA can recover initial conditions, fit unknown dynamical parameters and learn neural network-based PDE terms to match both available observations and self-consistency constraints. In addition to facilitating end-to-end learning of dynamics and providing fast, amortized, non-sequential DA, CODA provides greater robustness to model misspecification than classical DA approaches.
comment: Submitted to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)
☆ Unsupervised Novelty Detection Methods Benchmarking with Wavelet Decomposition
Novelty detection is a critical task in various engineering fields. Numerous approaches to novelty detection rely on supervised or semi-supervised learning, which requires labelled datasets for training. However, acquiring labelled data, when feasible, can be expensive and time-consuming. For these reasons, unsupervised learning is a powerful alternative that allows performing novelty detection without needing labelled samples. In this study, numerous unsupervised machine learning algorithms for novelty detection are compared, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses in the context of vibration sensing. The proposed framework uses a continuous metric, unlike most traditional methods that merely flag anomalous samples without quantifying the degree of anomaly. Moreover, a new dataset is gathered from an actuator vibrating at specific frequencies to benchmark the algorithms and evaluate the framework. Novel conditions are introduced by altering the input wave signal. Our findings offer valuable insights into the adaptability and robustness of unsupervised learning techniques for real-world novelty detection applications.
comment: To be published in the 8th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety. Sicily, Italy - November 20-22, 2024. 15 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables
☆ LLM-based feature generation from text for interpretable machine learning
Existing text representations such as embeddings and bag-of-words are not suitable for rule learning due to their high dimensionality and absent or questionable feature-level interpretability. This article explores whether large language models (LLMs) could address this by extracting a small number of interpretable features from text. We demonstrate this process on two datasets (CORD-19 and M17+) containing several thousand scientific articles from multiple disciplines and a target being a proxy for research impact. An evaluation based on testing for the statistically significant correlation with research impact has shown that LLama 2-generated features are semantically meaningful. We consequently used these generated features in text classification to predict the binary target variable representing the citation rate for the CORD-19 dataset and the ordinal 5-class target representing an expert-awarded grade in the M17+ dataset. Machine-learning models trained on the LLM-generated features provided similar predictive performance to the state-of-the-art embedding model SciBERT for scientific text. The LLM used only 62 features compared to 768 features in SciBERT embeddings, and these features were directly interpretable, corresponding to notions such as article methodological rigor, novelty, or grammatical correctness. As the final step, we extract a small number of well-interpretable action rules. Consistently competitive results obtained with the same LLM feature set across both thematically diverse datasets show that this approach generalizes across domains.
☆ Reranking Laws for Language Generation: A Communication-Theoretic Perspective
To ensure large language models (LLMs) are used safely, one must reduce their propensity to hallucinate or to generate unacceptable answers. A simple and often used strategy is to first let the LLM generate multiple hypotheses and then employ a reranker to choose the best one. In this paper, we draw a parallel between this strategy and the use of redundancy to decrease the error rate in noisy communication channels. We conceptualize the generator as a sender transmitting multiple descriptions of a message through parallel noisy channels. The receiver decodes the message by ranking the (potentially corrupted) descriptions and selecting the one found to be most reliable. We provide conditions under which this protocol is asymptotically error-free (i.e., yields an acceptable answer almost surely) even in scenarios where the reranker is imperfect (governed by Mallows or Zipf-Mandelbrot models) and the channel distributions are statistically dependent. We use our framework to obtain reranking laws which we validate empirically on two real-world tasks using LLMs: text-to-code generation with DeepSeek-Coder 7B and machine translation of medical data with TowerInstruct 13B.
comment: Preprint
☆ Cross-Refine: Improving Natural Language Explanation Generation by Learning in Tandem
Natural language explanations (NLEs) are vital for elucidating the reasoning behind large language model (LLM) decisions. Many techniques have been developed to generate NLEs using LLMs. However, like humans, LLMs might not always produce optimal NLEs on first attempt. Inspired by human learning processes, we introduce Cross-Refine, which employs role modeling by deploying two LLMs as generator and critic, respectively. The generator outputs a first NLE and then refines this initial explanation using feedback and suggestions provided by the critic. Cross-Refine does not require any supervised training data or additional training. We validate Cross-Refine across three NLP tasks using three state-of-the-art open-source LLMs through automatic and human evaluation. We select Self-Refine (Madaan et al., 2023) as the baseline, which only utilizes self-feedback to refine the explanations. Our findings from automatic evaluation and a user study indicate that Cross-Refine outperforms Self-Refine. Meanwhile, Cross-Refine can perform effectively with less powerful LLMs, whereas Self-Refine only yields strong results with ChatGPT. Additionally, we conduct an ablation study to assess the importance of feedback and suggestions. Both of them play an important role in refining explanations. We further evaluate Cross-Refine on a bilingual dataset in English and German.
comment: 17 pages; under review
☆ Attention Down-Sampling Transformer, Relative Ranking and Self-Consistency for Blind Image Quality Assessment ICIP
The no-reference image quality assessment is a challenging domain that addresses estimating image quality without the original reference. We introduce an improved mechanism to extract local and non-local information from images via different transformer encoders and CNNs. The utilization of Transformer encoders aims to mitigate locality bias and generate a non-local representation by sequentially processing CNN features, which inherently capture local visual structures. Establishing a stronger connection between subjective and objective assessments is achieved through sorting within batches of images based on relative distance information. A self-consistency approach to self-supervision is presented, explicitly addressing the degradation of no-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) models under equivariant transformations. Our approach ensures model robustness by maintaining consistency between an image and its horizontally flipped equivalent. Through empirical evaluation of five popular image quality assessment datasets, the proposed model outperforms alternative algorithms in the context of no-reference image quality assessment datasets, especially on smaller datasets. Codes are available at \href{https://github.com/mas94/ADTRS}{https://github.com/mas94/ADTRS}
comment: Accepted in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
☆ A Continual and Incremental Learning Approach for TinyML On-device Training Using Dataset Distillation and Model Size Adaption
A new algorithm for incremental learning in the context of Tiny Machine learning (TinyML) is presented, which is optimized for low-performance and energy efficient embedded devices. TinyML is an emerging field that deploys machine learning models on resource-constrained devices such as microcontrollers, enabling intelligent applications like voice recognition, anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, and sensor data processing in environments where traditional machine learning models are not feasible. The algorithm solve the challenge of catastrophic forgetting through the use of knowledge distillation to create a small, distilled dataset. The novelty of the method is that the size of the model can be adjusted dynamically, so that the complexity of the model can be adapted to the requirements of the task. This offers a solution for incremental learning in resource-constrained environments, where both model size and computational efficiency are critical factors. Results show that the proposed algorithm offers a promising approach for TinyML incremental learning on embedded devices. The algorithm was tested on five datasets including: CIFAR10, MNIST, CORE50, HAR, Speech Commands. The findings indicated that, despite using only 43% of Floating Point Operations (FLOPs) compared to a larger fixed model, the algorithm experienced a negligible accuracy loss of just 1%. In addition, the presented method is memory efficient. While state-of-the-art incremental learning is usually very memory intensive, the method requires only 1% of the original data set.
☆ Advancing On-Device Neural Network Training with TinyPropv2: Dynamic, Sparse, and Efficient Backpropagation IJCNN
This study introduces TinyPropv2, an innovative algorithm optimized for on-device learning in deep neural networks, specifically designed for low-power microcontroller units. TinyPropv2 refines sparse backpropagation by dynamically adjusting the level of sparsity, including the ability to selectively skip training steps. This feature significantly lowers computational effort without substantially compromising accuracy. Our comprehensive evaluation across diverse datasets CIFAR 10, CIFAR100, Flower, Food, Speech Command, MNIST, HAR, and DCASE2020 reveals that TinyPropv2 achieves near-parity with full training methods, with an average accuracy drop of only around 1 percent in most cases. For instance, against full training, TinyPropv2's accuracy drop is minimal, for example, only 0.82 percent on CIFAR 10 and 1.07 percent on CIFAR100. In terms of computational effort, TinyPropv2 shows a marked reduction, requiring as little as 10 percent of the computational effort needed for full training in some scenarios, and consistently outperforms other sparse training methodologies. These findings underscore TinyPropv2's capacity to efficiently manage computational resources while maintaining high accuracy, positioning it as an advantageous solution for advanced embedded device applications in the IoT ecosystem.
comment: 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
☆ Deep intra-operative illumination calibration of hyperspectral cameras MICCAI 2024
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is emerging as a promising novel imaging modality with various potential surgical applications. Currently available cameras, however, suffer from poor integration into the clinical workflow because they require the lights to be switched off, or the camera to be manually recalibrated as soon as lighting conditions change. Given this critical bottleneck, the contribution of this paper is threefold: (1) We demonstrate that dynamically changing lighting conditions in the operating room dramatically affect the performance of HSI applications, namely physiological parameter estimation, and surgical scene segmentation. (2) We propose a novel learning-based approach to automatically recalibrating hyperspectral images during surgery and show that it is sufficiently accurate to replace the tedious process of white reference-based recalibration. (3) Based on a total of 742 HSI cubes from a phantom, porcine models, and rats we show that our recalibration method not only outperforms previously proposed methods, but also generalizes across species, lighting conditions, and image processing tasks. Due to its simple workflow integration as well as high accuracy, speed, and generalization capabilities, our method could evolve as a central component in clinical surgical HSI.
comment: Oral at MICCAI 2024
☆ TrialSynth: Generation of Synthetic Sequential Clinical Trial Data
Analyzing data from past clinical trials is part of the ongoing effort to optimize the design, implementation, and execution of new clinical trials and more efficiently bring life-saving interventions to market. While there have been recent advances in the generation of static context synthetic clinical trial data, due to both limited patient availability and constraints imposed by patient privacy needs, the generation of fine-grained synthetic time-sequential clinical trial data has been challenging. Given that patient trajectories over an entire clinical trial are of high importance for optimizing trial design and efforts to prevent harmful adverse events, there is a significant need for the generation of high-fidelity time-sequence clinical trial data. Here we introduce TrialSynth, a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) designed to address the specific challenges of generating synthetic time-sequence clinical trial data. Distinct from related clinical data VAE methods, the core of our method leverages Hawkes Processes (HP), which are particularly well-suited for modeling event-type and time gap prediction needed to capture the structure of sequential clinical trial data. Our experiments demonstrate that TrialSynth surpasses the performance of other comparable methods that can generate sequential clinical trial data, in terms of both fidelity and in enabling the generation of highly accurate event sequences across multiple real-world sequential event datasets with small patient source populations when using minimal external information. Notably, our empirical findings highlight that TrialSynth not only outperforms existing clinical sequence-generating methods but also produces data with superior utility while empirically preserving patient privacy.
☆ Understanding Knowledge Drift in LLMs through Misinformation KDD 2024
Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized numerous applications, making them an integral part of our digital ecosystem. However, their reliability becomes critical, especially when these models are exposed to misinformation. We primarily analyze the susceptibility of state-of-the-art LLMs to factual inaccuracies when they encounter false information in a QnA scenario, an issue that can lead to a phenomenon we refer to as *knowledge drift*, which significantly undermines the trustworthiness of these models. We evaluate the factuality and the uncertainty of the models' responses relying on Entropy, Perplexity, and Token Probability metrics. Our experiments reveal that an LLM's uncertainty can increase up to 56.6% when the question is answered incorrectly due to the exposure to false information. At the same time, repeated exposure to the same false information can decrease the models uncertainty again (-52.8% w.r.t. the answers on the untainted prompts), potentially manipulating the underlying model's beliefs and introducing a drift from its original knowledge. These findings provide insights into LLMs' robustness and vulnerability to adversarial inputs, paving the way for developing more reliable LLM applications across various domains. The code is available at https://github.com/afastowski/knowledge_drift.
comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Accepted at DELTA workshop at KDD 2024
☆ From optimal score matching to optimal sampling
The recent, impressive advances in algorithmic generation of high-fidelity image, audio, and video are largely due to great successes in score-based diffusion models. A key implementing step is score matching, that is, the estimation of the score function of the forward diffusion process from training data. As shown in earlier literature, the total variation distance between the law of a sample generated from the trained diffusion model and the ground truth distribution can be controlled by the score matching risk. Despite the widespread use of score-based diffusion models, basic theoretical questions concerning exact optimal statistical rates for score estimation and its application to density estimation remain open. We establish the sharp minimax rate of score estimation for smooth, compactly supported densities. Formally, given \(n\) i.i.d. samples from an unknown \(\alpha\)-H\"{o}lder density \(f\) supported on \([-1, 1]\), we prove the minimax rate of estimating the score function of the diffused distribution \(f * \mathcal{N}(0, t)\) with respect to the score matching loss is \(\frac{1}{nt^2} \wedge \frac{1}{nt^{3/2}} \wedge (t^{\alpha-1} + n^{-2(\alpha-1)/(2\alpha+1)})\) for all \(\alpha > 0\) and \(t \ge 0\). As a consequence, it is shown the law \(\hat{f}\) of a sample generated from the diffusion model achieves the sharp minimax rate \(\bE(\dTV(\hat{f}, f)^2) \lesssim n^{-2\alpha/(2\alpha+1)}\) for all \(\alpha > 0\) without any extraneous logarithmic terms which are prevalent in the literature, and without the need for early stopping which has been required for all existing procedures to the best of our knowledge.
comment: 71 pages
☆ Dynamic Error-Bounded Hierarchical Matrices in Neural Network Compression
This paper presents an innovative framework that integrates hierarchical matrix (H-matrix) compression techniques into the structure and training of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). By leveraging the low-rank properties of matrix sub-blocks, the proposed dynamic, error-bounded H-matrix compression method significantly reduces computational complexity and storage requirements without compromising accuracy. This approach is rigorously compared to traditional compression techniques, such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), pruning, and quantization, demonstrating superior performance, particularly in maintaining the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) properties critical for the stability and convergence of neural networks. The findings reveal that H-matrix compression not only enhances training efficiency but also ensures the scalability and robustness of PINNs for complex, large-scale applications in physics-based modeling. This work offers a substantial contribution to the optimization of deep learning models, paving the way for more efficient and practical implementations of PINNs in real-world scenarios.
☆ CPSample: Classifier Protected Sampling for Guarding Training Data During Diffusion
Diffusion models have a tendency to exactly replicate their training data, especially when trained on small datasets. Most prior work has sought to mitigate this problem by imposing differential privacy constraints or masking parts of the training data, resulting in a notable substantial decrease in image quality. We present CPSample, a method that modifies the sampling process to prevent training data replication while preserving image quality. CPSample utilizes a classifier that is trained to overfit on random binary labels attached to the training data. CPSample then uses classifier guidance to steer the generation process away from the set of points that can be classified with high certainty, a set that includes the training data. CPSample achieves FID scores of 4.97 and 2.97 on CIFAR-10 and CelebA-64, respectively, without producing exact replicates of the training data. Unlike prior methods intended to guard the training images, CPSample only requires training a classifier rather than retraining a diffusion model, which is computationally cheaper. Moreover, our technique provides diffusion models with greater robustness against membership inference attacks, wherein an adversary attempts to discern which images were in the model's training dataset. We show that CPSample behaves like a built-in rejection sampler, and we demonstrate its capabilities to prevent mode collapse in Stable Diffusion.
☆ A Practical Theory of Generalization in Selectivity Learning
Query-driven machine learning models have emerged as a promising estimation technique for query selectivities. Yet, surprisingly little is known about the efficacy of these techniques from a theoretical perspective, as there exist substantial gaps between practical solutions and state-of-the-art (SOTA) theory based on the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning framework. In this paper, we aim to bridge the gaps between theory and practice. First, we demonstrate that selectivity predictors induced by signed measures are learnable, which relaxes the reliance on probability measures in SOTA theory. More importantly, beyond the PAC learning framework (which only allows us to characterize how the model behaves when both training and test workloads are drawn from the same distribution), we establish, under mild assumptions, that selectivity predictors from this class exhibit favorable out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization error bounds. These theoretical advances provide us with a better understanding of both the in-distribution and OOD generalization capabilities of query-driven selectivity learning, and facilitate the design of two general strategies to improve OOD generalization for existing query-driven selectivity models. We empirically verify that our techniques help query-driven selectivity models generalize significantly better to OOD queries both in terms of prediction accuracy and query latency performance, while maintaining their superior in-distribution generalization performance.
comment: 14 pages
☆ AdvLogo: Adversarial Patch Attack against Object Detectors based on Diffusion Models
With the rapid development of deep learning, object detectors have demonstrated impressive performance; however, vulnerabilities still exist in certain scenarios. Current research exploring the vulnerabilities using adversarial patches often struggles to balance the trade-off between attack effectiveness and visual quality. To address this problem, we propose a novel framework of patch attack from semantic perspective, which we refer to as AdvLogo. Based on the hypothesis that every semantic space contains an adversarial subspace where images can cause detectors to fail in recognizing objects, we leverage the semantic understanding of the diffusion denoising process and drive the process to adversarial subareas by perturbing the latent and unconditional embeddings at the last timestep. To mitigate the distribution shift that exposes a negative impact on image quality, we apply perturbation to the latent in frequency domain with the Fourier Transform. Experimental results demonstrate that AdvLogo achieves strong attack performance while maintaining high visual quality.
☆ Learning Personalized Scoping for Graph Neural Networks under Heterophily
Heterophilous graphs, where dissimilar nodes tend to connect, pose a challenge for graph neural networks (GNNs) as their superior performance typically comes from aggregating homophilous information. Increasing the GNN depth can expand the scope (i.e., receptive field), potentially finding homophily from the higher-order neighborhoods. However, uniformly expanding the scope results in subpar performance since real-world graphs often exhibit homophily disparity between nodes. An ideal way is personalized scopes, allowing nodes to have varying scope sizes. Existing methods typically add node-adaptive weights for each hop. Although expressive, they inevitably suffer from severe overfitting. To address this issue, we formalize personalized scoping as a separate scope classification problem that overcomes GNN overfitting in node classification. Specifically, we predict the optimal GNN depth for each node. Our theoretical and empirical analysis suggests that accurately predicting the depth can significantly enhance generalization. We further propose Adaptive Scope (AS), a lightweight MLP-based approach that only participates in GNN inference. AS encodes structural patterns and predicts the depth to select the best model for each node's prediction. Experimental results show that AS is highly flexible with various GNN architectures across a wide range of datasets while significantly improving accuracy.
☆ What is the Right Notion of Distance between Predict-then-Optimize Tasks?
Comparing datasets is a fundamental task in machine learning, essential for various learning paradigms; from evaluating train and test datasets for model generalization to using dataset similarity for detecting data drift. While traditional notions of dataset distances offer principled measures of similarity, their utility has largely been assessed through prediction error minimization. However, in Predict-then-Optimize (PtO) frameworks, where predictions serve as inputs for downstream optimization tasks, model performance is measured through decision regret minimization rather than prediction error minimization. In this work, we (i) show that traditional dataset distances, which rely solely on feature and label dimensions, lack informativeness in the PtO context, and (ii) propose a new dataset distance that incorporates the impacts of downstream decisions. Our results show that this decision-aware dataset distance effectively captures adaptation success in PtO contexts, providing a PtO adaptation bound in terms of dataset distance. Empirically, we show that our proposed distance measure accurately predicts transferability across three different PtO tasks from the literature.
☆ Enhancing Cross-domain Pre-Trained Decision Transformers with Adaptive Attention
Recently, the pre-training of decision transformers (DT) using a different domain, such as natural language text, has generated significant attention in offline reinforcement learning (Offline RL). Although this cross-domain pre-training approach achieves superior performance compared to training from scratch in environments required short-term planning ability, the mechanisms by which pre-training benefits the fine-tuning phase remain unclear. Furthermore, we point out that the cross-domain pre-training approach hinders the extraction of distant information in environments like PointMaze that require long-term planning ability, leading to performance that is much worse than training DT from scratch. This work first analyzes these issues and found that Markov Matrix, a component that exists in pre-trained attention heads, is the key to explain the significant performance disparity of pre-trained models in different planning abilities. Inspired by our analysis, we propose a general method GPT-DTMA, which equips a pre-trained DT with Mixture of Attention (MoA), to enable adaptive learning and accommodating diverse attention requirements during fine-tuning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the effectiveness of GPT-DTMA: it achieves superior performance in short-term environments compared to baselines, and in long-term environments, it mitigates the negative impact caused by Markov Matrix, achieving results comparable to those of DT trained from scratch.
☆ Toward Model-Agnostic Detection of New Physics Using Data-Driven Signal Regions
In the search for new particles in high-energy physics, it is crucial to select the Signal Region (SR) in such a way that it is enriched with signal events if they are present. While most existing search methods set the region relying on prior domain knowledge, it may be unavailable for a completely novel particle that falls outside the current scope of understanding. We address this issue by proposing a method built upon a model-agnostic but often realistic assumption about the localized topology of the signal events, in which they are concentrated in a certain area of the feature space. Considering the signal component as a localized high-frequency feature, our approach employs the notion of a low-pass filter. We define the SR as an area which is most affected when the observed events are smeared with additive random noise. We overcome challenges in density estimation in the high-dimensional feature space by learning the density ratio of events that potentially include a signal to the complementary observation of events that closely resemble the target events but are free of any signals. By applying our method to simulated $\mathrm{HH} \rightarrow 4b$ events, we demonstrate that the method can efficiently identify a data-driven SR in a high-dimensional feature space in which a high portion of signal events concentrate.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures
☆ Policy Filtration in RLHF to Fine-Tune LLM for Code Generation
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is one of the key techniques that helps large language models (LLMs) to follow instructions and provide helpful and harmless responses. While direct policy optimization methods exist, state-of-the-art LLMs adopt RL-based methods (usually PPO) in RLHF to train the policy to generate good responses guided by a reward model learned from preference data. The main challenge of these methods is the inaccuracy of the intermediate reward model, especially in code generation tasks that require long and complex reasoning to score a response. We find that the reliability of the reward model varies across responses assigned with different rewards. This motivates us to filter the samples whose rewards may be unreliable to improve signal-to-noise ratio during policy learning, resulting in Policy Filtration for Proximal Policy Optimization (PF-PPO). To choose a proper policy filtration strategy for a given reward model, the coefficient of determination ($R^2$) between rewards and actual scores on filtered samples serves as a good metrics and helps us find several promising strategies. We provide extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of PF-PPO in code generation tasks, and find that some variants of PF-PPO are highly effective and achieve new state-of-the-art performance across 7-billion-parameter models on HumanEval, MBPP, and a new and more challenging LeetCode Contest benchmark.
☆ Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning with Consistency via Knowledge Distillation Using Conditional Generator
Federated Learning (FL) is gaining popularity as a distributed learning framework that only shares model parameters or gradient updates and keeps private data locally. However, FL is at risk of privacy leakage caused by privacy inference attacks. And most existing privacy-preserving mechanisms in FL conflict with achieving high performance and efficiency. Therefore, we propose FedMD-CG, a novel FL method with highly competitive performance and high-level privacy preservation, which decouples each client's local model into a feature extractor and a classifier, and utilizes a conditional generator instead of the feature extractor to perform server-side model aggregation. To ensure the consistency of local generators and classifiers, FedMD-CG leverages knowledge distillation to train local models and generators at both the latent feature level and the logit level. Also, we construct additional classification losses and design new diversity losses to enhance client-side training. FedMD-CG is robust to data heterogeneity and does not require training extra discriminators (like cGAN). We conduct extensive experiments on various image classification tasks to validate the superiority of FedMD-CG.
☆ Neural Algorithmic Reasoning with Multiple Correct Solutions
Neural Algorithmic Reasoning (NAR) aims to optimize classical algorithms. However, canonical implementations of NAR train neural networks to return only a single solution, even when there are multiple correct solutions to a problem, such as single-source shortest paths. For some applications, it is desirable to recover more than one correct solution. To that end, we give the first method for NAR with multiple solutions. We demonstrate our method on two classical algorithms: Bellman-Ford (BF) and Depth-First Search (DFS), favouring deeper insight into two algorithms over a broader survey of algorithms. This method involves generating appropriate training data as well as sampling and validating solutions from model output. Each step of our method, which can serve as a framework for neural algorithmic reasoning beyond the tasks presented in this paper, might be of independent interest to the field and our results represent the first attempt at this task in the NAR literature.
☆ k-MLE, k-Bregman, k-VARs: Theory, Convergence, Computation
We develop hard clustering based on likelihood rather than distance and prove convergence. We also provide simulations and real data examples.
☆ Representation Tuning
Activation engineering is becoming increasingly popular as a means of online control of large language models (LLMs). In this work, I extend the idea of active steering with vectors that represent a behavioral direction of interest to tuning those vectors directly into the model, obviating the need for online control. First, I identify activation vectors related to honesty in an open-source LLM (Llama- 2-13b-chat). Next, I demonstrate that model output can be made more or less honest by adding positive or negative multiples of these vectors to residual stream activations during generation. Then, I show that a similar effect can be achieved by fine-tuning the vectors directly into the model, by use of a dual loss function based on the cosine similarity of residual stream activations to the vectors combined with a standard token-based loss ("representation tuning"). Finally, I compare the generations in response to honesty-probing prompts from the resulting models to those from models fine-tuned with a token-based loss alone, and to those from the untuned model subjected to online steering. Overall, fine-tuning the vectors into the models using the cosine similarity plus token loss showed a stronger effect than online steering, and generalized better than using the standard loss, suggesting the potential utility of this approach as a safety measure. Code and data are available at https://github.com/cma1114/representation_tuning; tuned models are available at https://huggingface.co/collections/cackerman/ representation-tuning-66da1e5ab41cd1b824687d9f.
comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables
☆ STAND: Data-Efficient and Self-Aware Precondition Induction for Interactive Task Learning
STAND is a data-efficient and computationally efficient machine learning approach that produces better classification accuracy than popular approaches like XGBoost on small-data tabular classification problems like learning rule preconditions from interactive training. STAND accounts for a complete set of good candidate generalizations instead of selecting a single generalization by breaking ties randomly. STAND can use any greedy concept construction strategy, like decision tree learning or sequential covering, and build a structure that approximates a version space over disjunctive normal logical statements. Unlike candidate elimination approaches to version-space learning, STAND does not suffer from issues of version-space collapse from noisy data nor is it restricted to learning strictly conjunctive concepts. More importantly, STAND can produce a measure called instance certainty that can predict increases in holdout set performance and has high utility as an active-learning heuristic. Instance certainty enables STAND to be self-aware of its own learning: it knows when it learns and what example will help it learn the most. We illustrate that instance certainty has desirable properties that can help users select next training problems, and estimate when training is complete in applications where users interactively teach an AI a complex program.
☆ Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bounds in Distributed Point Target Tracking over Wireless Sensor Networks
Uncertainty quantification plays a key role in the development of autonomous systems, decision-making, and tracking over wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, there is a need of providing uncertainty confidence bounds, especially for distributed machine learning-based tracking, dealing with different volumes of data collected by sensors. This paper aims to fill in this gap and proposes a distributed Gaussian process (DGP) approach for point target tracking and derives upper confidence bounds (UCBs) of the state estimates. A unique contribution of this paper includes the derived theoretical guarantees on the proposed approach and its maximum accuracy for tracking with and without clutter measurements. Particularly, the developed approaches with uncertainty bounds are generic and can provide trustworthy solutions with an increased level of reliability. A novel hybrid Bayesian filtering method is proposed to enhance the DGP approach by adopting a Poisson measurement likelihood model. The proposed approaches are validated over a WSN case study, where sensors have limited sensing ranges. Numerical results demonstrate the tracking accuracy and robustness of the proposed approaches. The derived UCBs constitute a tool for trustworthiness evaluation of DGP approaches. The simulation results reveal that the proposed UCBs successfully encompass the true target states with 88% and 42% higher probability in X and Y coordinates, respectively, when compared to the confidence interval-based method.
☆ Feature Importance in Pedestrian Intention Prediction: A Context-Aware Review
Recent advancements in predicting pedestrian crossing intentions for Autonomous Vehicles using Computer Vision and Deep Neural Networks are promising. However, the black-box nature of DNNs poses challenges in understanding how the model works and how input features contribute to final predictions. This lack of interpretability delimits the trust in model performance and hinders informed decisions on feature selection, representation, and model optimisation; thereby affecting the efficacy of future research in the field. To address this, we introduce Context-aware Permutation Feature Importance (CAPFI), a novel approach tailored for pedestrian intention prediction. CAPFI enables more interpretability and reliable assessments of feature importance by leveraging subdivided scenario contexts, mitigating the randomness of feature values through targeted shuffling. This aims to reduce variance and prevent biased estimations in importance scores during permutations. We divide the Pedestrian Intention Estimation (PIE) dataset into 16 comparable context sets, measure the baseline performance of five distinct neural network architectures for intention prediction in each context, and assess input feature importance using CAPFI. We observed nuanced differences among models across various contextual characteristics. The research reveals the critical role of pedestrian bounding boxes and ego-vehicle speed in predicting pedestrian intentions, and potential prediction biases due to the speed feature through cross-context permutation evaluation. We propose an alternative feature representation by considering proximity change rate for rendering dynamic pedestrian-vehicle locomotion, thereby enhancing the contributions of input features to intention prediction. These findings underscore the importance of contextual features and their diversity to develop accurate and robust intent-predictive models.
☆ Deep Learning of Dynamic Systems using System Identification Toolbox(TM)
MATLAB(R) releases over the last 3 years have witnessed a continuing growth in the dynamic modeling capabilities offered by the System Identification Toolbox(TM). The emphasis has been on integrating deep learning architectures and training techniques that facilitate the use of deep neural networks as building blocks of nonlinear models. The toolbox offers neural state-space models which can be extended with auto-encoding features that are particularly suited for reduced-order modeling of large systems. The toolbox contains several other enhancements that deepen its integration with the state-of-art machine learning techniques, leverage auto-differentiation features for state estimation, and enable a direct use of raw numeric matrices and timetables for training models.
☆ Can We Count on LLMs? The Fixed-Effect Fallacy and Claims of GPT-4 Capabilities
In this paper we explore evaluation of LLM capabilities. We present measurements of GPT-4 performance on several deterministic tasks; each task involves a basic calculation and takes as input parameter some element drawn from a large well-defined population (e.g., count elements in a list, multiply two k-digit numbers, etc). We examine several conditions per-task and perform enough trials so that statistically significant differences can be detected. This allows us to investigate the sensitivity of task-accuracy both to query phrasing and input parameter population. We find that seemingly trivial modifications in the task-prompt or input population can yield differences far larger than can be explained by sampling effects. For example, performance on a simple list-counting task varies with query-phrasing and list-length, but also with list composition (i.e., the thing-to-be-counted) and object frequency (e.g., success when an element accounts for $\approx$ 50\% of a list is different from when it accounts for $\approx$ 70\% etc). We conclude that efforts to quantify LLM capabilities easily succumb to the language-as-fixed-effect fallacy, where experimental observations are improperly generalized beyond what the data supports. A consequence appears to be that intuitions that have been formed based on interactions with humans form a very unreliable guide as to which input modifications should ``make no difference'' to LLM performance.
☆ Weather-Informed Probabilistic Forecasting and Scenario Generation in Power Systems
The integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into power grids presents significant challenges due to their intrinsic stochasticity and uncertainty, necessitating the development of new techniques for reliable and efficient forecasting. This paper proposes a method combining probabilistic forecasting and Gaussian copula for day-ahead prediction and scenario generation of load, wind, and solar power in high-dimensional contexts. By incorporating weather covariates and restoring spatio-temporal correlations, the proposed method enhances the reliability of probabilistic forecasts in RES. Extensive numerical experiments compare the effectiveness of different time series models, with performance evaluated using comprehensive metrics on a real-world and high-dimensional dataset from Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO). The results highlight the importance of weather information and demonstrate the efficacy of the Gaussian copula in generating realistic scenarios, with the proposed weather-informed Temporal Fusion Transformer (WI-TFT) model showing superior performance.
☆ Learning Robust Observable to Address Noise in Quantum Machine Learning
Quantum Machine Learning (QML) has emerged as a promising field that combines the power of quantum computing with the principles of machine learning. One of the significant challenges in QML is dealing with noise in quantum systems, especially in the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era. Noise in quantum systems can introduce errors in quantum computations and degrade the performance of quantum algorithms. In this paper, we propose a framework for learning observables that are robust against noisy channels in quantum systems. We demonstrate that it is possible to learn observables that remain invariant under the effects of noise and show that this can be achieved through a machine-learning approach. We present a toy example using a Bell state under a depolarization channel to illustrate the concept of robust observables. We then describe a machine-learning framework for learning such observables across six two-qubit quantum circuits and five noisy channels. Our results show that it is possible to learn observables that are more robust to noise than conventional observables. We discuss the implications of this finding for quantum machine learning, including potential applications in enhancing the stability of QML models in noisy environments. By developing techniques for learning robust observables, we can improve the performance and reliability of quantum machine learning models in the presence of noise, contributing to the advancement of practical QML applications in the NISQ era.
☆ Leveraging User-Generated Reviews for Recommender Systems with Dynamic Headers ECAI
E-commerce platforms have a vast catalog of items to cater to their customers' shopping interests. Most of these platforms assist their customers in the shopping process by offering optimized recommendation carousels, designed to help customers quickly locate their desired items. Many models have been proposed in academic literature to generate and enhance the ranking and recall set of items in these carousels. Conventionally, the accompanying carousel title text (header) of these carousels remains static. In most instances, a generic text such as "Items similar to your current viewing" is utilized. Fixed variations such as the inclusion of specific attributes "Other items from a similar seller" or "Items from a similar brand" in addition to "frequently bought together" or "considered together" are observed as well. This work proposes a novel approach to customize the header generation process of these carousels. Our work leverages user-generated reviews that lay focus on specific attributes (aspects) of an item that were favorably perceived by users during their interaction with the given item. We extract these aspects from reviews and train a graph neural network-based model under the framework of a conditional ranking task. We refer to our innovative methodology as Dynamic Text Snippets (DTS) which generates multiple header texts for an anchor item and its recall set. Our approach demonstrates the potential of utilizing user-generated reviews and presents a unique paradigm for exploring increasingly context-aware recommendation systems.
comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, PAIS 2024 (ECAI)
☆ Generalization Error Bound for Quantum Machine Learning in NISQ Era -- A Survey
Despite the mounting anticipation for the quantum revolution, the success of Quantum Machine Learning (QML) in the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era hinges on a largely unexplored factor: the generalization error bound, a cornerstone of robust and reliable machine learning models. Current QML research, while exploring novel algorithms and applications extensively, is predominantly situated in the context of noise-free, ideal quantum computers. However, Quantum Circuit (QC) operations in NISQ-era devices are susceptible to various noise sources and errors. In this article, we conduct a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) to explore the state-of-the-art generalization bound for supervised QML in NISQ-era and analyze the latest practices in the field. Our study systematically summarizes the existing computational platforms with quantum hardware, datasets, optimization techniques, and the common properties of the bounds found in the literature. We further present the performance accuracy of various approaches in classical benchmark datasets like the MNIST and IRIS datasets. The SMS also highlights the limitations and challenges in QML in the NISQ era and discusses future research directions to advance the field. Using a detailed Boolean operators query in five reliable indexers, we collected 544 papers and filtered them to a small set of 37 relevant articles. This filtration was done following the best practice of SMS with well-defined research questions and inclusion and exclusion criteria.
☆ Ensemble Methods for Sequence Classification with Hidden Markov Models
We present a lightweight approach to sequence classification using Ensemble Methods for Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). HMMs offer significant advantages in scenarios with imbalanced or smaller datasets due to their simplicity, interpretability, and efficiency. These models are particularly effective in domains such as finance and biology, where traditional methods struggle with high feature dimensionality and varied sequence lengths. Our ensemble-based scoring method enables the comparison of sequences of any length and improves performance on imbalanced datasets. This study focuses on the binary classification problem, particularly in scenarios with data imbalance, where the negative class is the majority (e.g., normal data) and the positive class is the minority (e.g., anomalous data), often with extreme distribution skews. We propose a novel training approach for HMM Ensembles that generalizes to multi-class problems and supports classification and anomaly detection. Our method fits class-specific groups of diverse models using random data subsets, and compares likelihoods across classes to produce composite scores, achieving high average precisions and AUCs. In addition, we compare our approach with neural network-based methods such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs), highlighting the efficiency and robustness of HMMs in data-scarce environments. Motivated by real-world use cases, our method demonstrates robust performance across various benchmarks, offering a flexible framework for diverse applications.
☆ Understanding Foundation Models: Are We Back in 1924?
This position paper explores the rapid development of Foundation Models (FMs) in AI and their implications for intelligence and reasoning. It examines the characteristics of FMs, including their training on vast datasets and use of embedding spaces to capture semantic relationships. The paper discusses recent advancements in FMs' reasoning abilities which we argue cannot be attributed to increased model size but to novel training techniques which yield learning phenomena like grokking. It also addresses the challenges in benchmarking FMs and compares their structure to the human brain. We argue that while FMs show promising developments in reasoning and knowledge representation, understanding their inner workings remains a significant challenge, similar to ongoing efforts in neuroscience to comprehend human brain function. Despite having some similarities, fundamental differences between FMs and the structure of human brain warn us against making direct comparisons or expecting neuroscience to provide immediate insights into FM function.
comment: 7 pages, 4 Figures, to appear in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Foundation and Large Language Models (FLLM2024) 26-29 November, 2024, Dubai, UAE
☆ Token Turing Machines are Efficient Vision Models
We propose Vision Token Turing Machines (ViTTM), an efficient, low-latency, memory-augmented Vision Transformer (ViT). Our approach builds on Neural Turing Machines and Token Turing Machines, which were applied to NLP and sequential visual understanding tasks. ViTTMs are designed for non-sequential computer vision tasks such as image classification and segmentation. Our model creates two sets of tokens: process tokens and memory tokens; process tokens pass through encoder blocks and read-write from memory tokens at each encoder block in the network, allowing them to store and retrieve information from memory. By ensuring that there are fewer process tokens than memory tokens, we are able to reduce the inference time of the network while maintaining its accuracy. On ImageNet-1K, the state-of-the-art ViT-B has median latency of 529.5ms and 81.0% accuracy, while our ViTTM-B is 56% faster (234.1ms), with 2.4 times fewer FLOPs, with an accuracy of 82.9%. On ADE20K semantic segmentation, ViT-B achieves 45.65mIoU at 13.8 frame-per-second (FPS) whereas our ViTTM-B model acheives a 45.17 mIoU with 26.8 FPS (+94%).
☆ When More Data Hurts: Optimizing Data Coverage While Mitigating Diversity Induced Underfitting in an Ultra-Fast Machine-Learned Potential
Machine-learned interatomic potentials (MLIPs) are becoming an essential tool in materials modeling. However, optimizing the generation of training data used to parameterize the MLIPs remains a significant challenge. This is because MLIPs can fail when encountering local enviroments too different from those present in the training data. The difficulty of determining \textit{a priori} the environments that will be encountered during molecular dynamics (MD) simulation necessitates diverse, high-quality training data. This study investigates how training data diversity affects the performance of MLIPs using the Ultra-Fast Force Field (UF$^3$) to model amorphous silicon nitride. We employ expert and autonomously generated data to create the training data and fit four force-field variants to subsets of the data. Our findings reveal a critical balance in training data diversity: insufficient diversity hinders generalization, while excessive diversity can exceed the MLIP's learning capacity, reducing simulation accuracy. Specifically, we found that the UF$^3$ variant trained on a subset of the training data, in which nitrogen-rich structures were removed, offered vastly better prediction and simulation accuracy than any other variant. By comparing these UF$^3$ variants, we highlight the nuanced requirements for creating accurate MLIPs, emphasizing the importance of application-specific training data to achieve optimal performance in modeling complex material behaviors.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures
☆ A Cost-Aware Approach to Adversarial Robustness in Neural Networks
Considering the growing prominence of production-level AI and the threat of adversarial attacks that can evade a model at run-time, evaluating the robustness of models to these evasion attacks is of critical importance. Additionally, testing model changes likely means deploying the models to (e.g. a car or a medical imaging device), or a drone to see how it affects performance, making un-tested changes a public problem that reduces development speed, increases cost of development, and makes it difficult (if not impossible) to parse cause from effect. In this work, we used survival analysis as a cloud-native, time-efficient and precise method for predicting model performance in the presence of adversarial noise. For neural networks in particular, the relationships between the learning rate, batch size, training time, convergence time, and deployment cost are highly complex, so researchers generally rely on benchmark datasets to assess the ability of a model to generalize beyond the training data. To address this, we propose using accelerated failure time models to measure the effect of hardware choice, batch size, number of epochs, and test-set accuracy by using adversarial attacks to induce failures on a reference model architecture before deploying the model to the real world. We evaluate several GPU types and use the Tree Parzen Estimator to maximize model robustness and minimize model run-time simultaneously. This provides a way to evaluate the model and optimise it in a single step, while simultaneously allowing us to model the effect of model parameters on training time, prediction time, and accuracy. Using this technique, we demonstrate that newer, more-powerful hardware does decrease the training time, but with a monetary and power cost that far outpaces the marginal gains in accuracy.
☆ The Role of Deep Learning Regularizations on Actors in Offline RL
Deep learning regularization techniques, such as \emph{dropout}, \emph{layer normalization}, or \emph{weight decay}, are widely adopted in the construction of modern artificial neural networks, often resulting in more robust training processes and improved generalization capabilities. However, in the domain of \emph{Reinforcement Learning} (RL), the application of these techniques has been limited, usually applied to value function estimators \citep{hiraoka2021dropout, smith2022walk}, and may result in detrimental effects. This issue is even more pronounced in offline RL settings, which bear greater similarity to supervised learning but have received less attention. Recent work in continuous offline RL has demonstrated that while we can build sufficiently powerful critic networks, the generalization of actor networks remains a bottleneck. In this study, we empirically show that applying standard regularization techniques to actor networks in offline RL actor-critic algorithms yields improvements of 6\% on average across two algorithms and three different continuous D4RL domains.
comment: https://github.com/DT6A/ActoReg
☆ Automated Discovery of Pairwise Interactions from Unstructured Data
Pairwise interactions between perturbations to a system can provide evidence for the causal dependencies of the underlying underlying mechanisms of a system. When observations are low dimensional, hand crafted measurements, detecting interactions amounts to simple statistical tests, but it is not obvious how to detect interactions between perturbations affecting latent variables. We derive two interaction tests that are based on pairwise interventions, and show how these tests can be integrated into an active learning pipeline to efficiently discover pairwise interactions between perturbations. We illustrate the value of these tests in the context of biology, where pairwise perturbation experiments are frequently used to reveal interactions that are not observable from any single perturbation. Our tests can be run on unstructured data, such as the pixels in an image, which enables a more general notion of interaction than typical cell viability experiments, and can be run on cheaper experimental assays. We validate on several synthetic and real biological experiments that our tests are able to identify interacting pairs effectively. We evaluate our approach on a real biological experiment where we knocked out 50 pairs of genes and measured the effect with microscopy images. We show that we are able to recover significantly more known biological interactions than random search and standard active learning baselines.
☆ Deep Learning for predicting rate-induced tipping
Nonlinear dynamical systems exposed to changing forcing can exhibit catastrophic transitions between alternative and often markedly different states. The phenomenon of critical slowing down (CSD) can be used to anticipate such transitions if caused by a bifurcation and if the change in forcing is slow compared to the internal time scale of the system. However, in many real-world situations, these assumptions are not met and transitions can be triggered because the forcing exceeds a critical rate. For example, given the pace of anthropogenic climate change in comparison to the internal time scales of key Earth system components, such as the polar ice sheets or the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, such rate-induced tipping poses a severe risk. Moreover, depending on the realisation of random perturbations, some trajectories may transition across an unstable boundary, while others do not, even under the same forcing. CSD-based indicators generally cannot distinguish these cases of noise-induced tipping versus no tipping. This severely limits our ability to assess the risks of tipping, and to predict individual trajectories. To address this, we make a first attempt to develop a deep learning framework to predict transition probabilities of dynamical systems ahead of rate-induced transitions. Our method issues early warnings, as demonstrated on three prototypical systems for rate-induced tipping, subjected to time-varying equilibrium drift and noise perturbations. Exploiting explainable artificial intelligence methods, our framework captures the fingerprints necessary for early detection of rate-induced tipping, even in cases of long lead times. Our findings demonstrate the predictability of rate-induced and noise-induced tipping, advancing our ability to determine safe operating spaces for a broader class of dynamical systems than possible so far.
☆ Efficient Localized Adaptation of Neural Weather Forecasting: A Case Study in the MENA Region
Accurate weather and climate modeling is critical for both scientific advancement and safeguarding communities against environmental risks. Traditional approaches rely heavily on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, which simulate energy and matter flow across Earth's systems. However, heavy computational requirements and low efficiency restrict the suitability of NWP, leading to a pressing need for enhanced modeling techniques. Neural network-based models have emerged as promising alternatives, leveraging data-driven approaches to forecast atmospheric variables. In this work, we focus on limited-area modeling and train our model specifically for localized region-level downstream tasks. As a case study, we consider the MENA region due to its unique climatic challenges, where accurate localized weather forecasting is crucial for managing water resources, agriculture and mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events. This targeted approach allows us to tailor the model's capabilities to the unique conditions of the region of interest. Our study aims to validate the effectiveness of integrating parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methodologies, specifically Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and its variants, to enhance forecast accuracy, as well as training speed, computational resource utilization, and memory efficiency in weather and climate modeling for specific regions.
comment: Our codebase and pre-trained models can be accessed at: [this url](https://github.com/akhtarvision/weather-regional)
☆ Self-Masking Networks for Unsupervised Adaptation
With the advent of billion-parameter foundation models, efficient fine-tuning has become increasingly important for the adaptation of models to downstream tasks. However, especially in computer vision, it can be hard to achieve good performance when access to quality labeled data is lacking. In this work, we propose a method adapting pretrained generalist models in a self-supervised manner by learning binary masks. These self-supervised masking networks (SMNs) are up to 79x more efficient to store and significantly improve performance on label-efficient downstream tasks. We validate the usefulness of learning binary masks as a fine-tuning method on 8 datasets and 3 model architectures, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of SMNs in 3 label-efficient settings.
comment: Oral at GCPR'24, code at https://github.com/alvitawa/UnsupervisedMasking
☆ A Survey of Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning: Definitions, Progress and Challenges
Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning (ICRL) is the task of inferring the implicit constraints followed by expert agents from their demonstration data. As an emerging research topic, ICRL has received considerable attention in recent years. This article presents a categorical survey of the latest advances in ICRL. It serves as a comprehensive reference for machine learning researchers and practitioners, as well as starters seeking to comprehend the definitions, advancements, and important challenges in ICRL. We begin by formally defining the problem and outlining the algorithmic framework that facilitates constraint inference across various scenarios. These include deterministic or stochastic environments, environments with limited demonstrations, and multiple agents. For each context, we illustrate the critical challenges and introduce a series of fundamental methods to tackle these issues. This survey encompasses discrete, virtual, and realistic environments for evaluating ICRL agents. We also delve into the most pertinent applications of ICRL, such as autonomous driving, robot control, and sports analytics. To stimulate continuing research, we conclude the survey with a discussion of key unresolved questions in ICRL that can effectively foster a bridge between theoretical understanding and practical industrial applications.
comment: 28 pages
☆ Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration with Self-Distillation BMVC 2024
Rigid point cloud registration is a fundamental problem and highly relevant in robotics and autonomous driving. Nowadays deep learning methods can be trained to match a pair of point clouds, given the transformation between them. However, this training is often not scalable due to the high cost of collecting ground truth poses. Therefore, we present a self-distillation approach to learn point cloud registration in an unsupervised fashion. Here, each sample is passed to a teacher network and an augmented view is passed to a student network. The teacher includes a trainable feature extractor and a learning-free robust solver such as RANSAC. The solver forces consistency among correspondences and optimizes for the unsupervised inlier ratio, eliminating the need for ground truth labels. Our approach simplifies the training procedure by removing the need for initial hand-crafted features or consecutive point cloud frames as seen in related methods. We show that our method not only surpasses them on the RGB-D benchmark 3DMatch but also generalizes well to automotive radar, where classical features adopted by others fail. The code is available at https://github.com/boschresearch/direg .
comment: Oral at BMVC 2024
☆ Using Neural Network Models to Estimate Stellar Ages from Lithium Equivalent Widths: An EAGLES Expansion
We present an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model of photospheric lithium depletion in cool stars (3000 < Teff / K < 6500), producing estimates and probability distributions of age from Li I 6708A equivalent width (LiEW) and effective temperature data inputs. The model is trained on the same sample of 6200 stars from 52 open clusters, observed in the Gaia-ESO spectroscopic survey, and used to calibrate the previously published analytical EAGLES model, with ages 2 - 6000 Myr and -0.3 < [Fe/H] < 0.2. The additional flexibility of the ANN provides some improvements, including better modelling of the "lithium dip" at ages < 50 Myr and Teff ~ 3500K, and of the intrinsic dispersion in LiEW at all ages. Poor age discrimination is still an issue at ages > 1 Gyr, confirming that additional modelling flexibility is not sufficient to fully represent the LiEW - age - Teff relationship, and suggesting the involvement of further astrophysical parameters. Expansion to include such parameters - rotation, accretion, and surface gravity - is discussed, and the use of an ANN means these can be more easily included in future iterations, alongside more flexible functional forms for the LiEW dispersion. Our methods and ANN model are provided in an updated version 2.0 of the EAGLES software.
comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Code available at https://github.com/robdjeff/eagles. Electronic tables are available from the author
☆ Still More Shades of Null: A Benchmark for Responsible Missing Value Imputation
We present Shades-of-NULL, a benchmark for responsible missing value imputation. Our benchmark includes state-of-the-art imputation techniques, and embeds them into the machine learning development lifecycle. We model realistic missingness scenarios that go beyond Rubin's classic Missing Completely at Random (MCAR), Missing At Random (MAR) and Missing Not At Random (MNAR), to include multi-mechanism missingness (when different missingness patterns co-exist in the data) and missingness shift (when the missingness mechanism changes between training and test). Another key novelty of our work is that we evaluate imputers holistically, based on the predictive performance, fairness and stability of the models that are trained and tested on the data they produce. We use Shades-of-NULL to conduct a large-scale empirical study involving 20,952 experimental pipelines, and find that, while there is no single best-performing imputation approach for all missingness types, interesting performance patterns do emerge when comparing imputer performance in simpler vs. more complex missingness scenarios. Further, while predictive performance, fairness and stability can be seen as orthogonal, we identify trade-offs among them that arise due to the combination of missingness scenario, the choice of an imputer, and the architecture of the model trained on the data post-imputation. We make Shades-of-NULL publicly available, and hope to enable researchers to comprehensively and rigorously evaluate new missing value imputation methods on a wide range of evaluation metrics, in plausible and socially meaningful missingness scenarios.
☆ Traceable LLM-based validation of statements in knowledge graphs
This article presents a method for verifying RDF triples using LLMs, with an emphasis on providing traceable arguments. Because the LLMs cannot currently reliably identify the origin of the information used to construct the response to the user query, our approach is to avoid using internal LLM factual knowledge altogether. Instead, verified RDF statements are compared to chunks of external documents retrieved through a web search or Wikipedia. To assess the possible application of this workflow on biosciences content, we evaluated 1,719 positive statements from the BioRED dataset and the same number of newly generated negative statements. The resulting precision is 88%, and recall is 44%. This indicates that the method requires human oversight. We demonstrate the method on Wikidata, where a SPARQL query is used to automatically retrieve statements needing verification. Overall, the results suggest that LLMs could be used for large-scale verification of statements in KGs, a task previously unfeasible due to human annotation costs.
☆ A Survey of Anomaly Detection in In-Vehicle Networks
Modern vehicles are equipped with Electronic Control Units (ECU) that are used for controlling important vehicle functions including safety-critical operations. ECUs exchange information via in-vehicle communication buses, of which the Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is by far the most widespread representative. Problems that may occur in the vehicle's physical parts or malicious attacks may cause anomalies in the CAN traffic, impairing the correct vehicle operation. Therefore, the detection of such anomalies is vital for vehicle safety. This paper reviews the research on anomaly detection for in-vehicle networks, more specifically for the CAN bus. Our main focus is the evaluation of methods used for CAN bus anomaly detection together with the datasets used in such analysis. To provide the reader with a more comprehensive understanding of the subject, we first give a brief review of related studies on time series-based anomaly detection. Then, we conduct an extensive survey of recent deep learning-based techniques as well as conventional techniques for CAN bus anomaly detection. Our comprehensive analysis delves into anomaly detection algorithms employed in in-vehicle networks, specifically focusing on their learning paradigms, inherent strengths, and weaknesses, as well as their efficacy when applied to CAN bus datasets. Lastly, we highlight challenges and open research problems in CAN bus anomaly detection.
♻ ☆ Latent-EnSF: A Latent Ensemble Score Filter for High-Dimensional Data Assimilation with Sparse Observation Data
Accurate modeling and prediction of complex physical systems often rely on data assimilation techniques to correct errors inherent in model simulations. Traditional methods like the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) and its variants as well as the recently developed Ensemble Score Filters (EnSF) face significant challenges when dealing with high-dimensional and nonlinear Bayesian filtering problems with sparse observations, which are ubiquitous in real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a novel data assimilation method, Latent-EnSF, which leverages EnSF with efficient and consistent latent representations of the full states and sparse observations to address the joint challenges of high dimensionlity in states and high sparsity in observations for nonlinear Bayesian filtering. We introduce a coupled Variational Autoencoder (VAE) with two encoders to encode the full states and sparse observations in a consistent way guaranteed by a latent distribution matching and regularization as well as a consistent state reconstruction. With comparison to several methods, we demonstrate the higher accuracy, faster convergence, and higher efficiency of Latent-EnSF for two challenging applications with complex models in shallow water wave propagation and medium-range weather forecasting, for highly sparse observations in both space and time.
comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 1 table
♻ ☆ Engineering software 2.0 by Interpolating Neural Networks: Unifying Training, Solving, and Calibration
The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and neural network theories has revolutionized the way software is programmed, shifting from a hard-coded series of codes, Software 1.0, to a vast neural network, Software 2.0. However, this transition in engineering software has faced challenges such as data scarcity, multi-modality of data, low model accuracy, and slow inference. Here, we propose a new network based on interpolation theories and tensor decomposition, the interpolating neural network (INN) to open the new era of Engineering Software 2.0 that unifies training, solving, and calibration. Instead of interpolating training data, a common notion in computer science, INN interpolates grid points in the physical space whose coordinates and values are trainable. INN features orders of magnitude fewer trainable parameters (or degrees of freedom for solving), faster training/solving, less inference cost, smaller memory footprint, and higher model accuracy compared to multi-layer perceptron (MLP) or physics-informed neural networks (PINN). Various numerical experiments that cover computer science and engineering domains demonstrate that INN can solve over Zetta scale (10^{21}) partial differential equations and train/calibrate a dataset with extraordinary accuracy but fewer parameters using only a single graphics processing unit (GPU).
comment: 9 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ Approximation and generalization properties of the random projection classification method
The generalization gap of a classifier is related to the complexity of the set of functions among which the classifier is chosen. We study a family of low-complexity classifiers consisting of thresholding a random one-dimensional feature. The feature is obtained by projecting the data on a random line after embedding it into a higher-dimensional space parametrized by monomials of order up to k. More specifically, the extended data is projected n-times and the best classifier among those n, based on its performance on training data, is chosen. We show that this type of classifier is extremely flexible as, given full knowledge of the class conditional densities, under mild conditions, the error of these classifiers would converge to the optimal (Bayes) error as k and n go to infinity. We also bound the generalization gap of the random classifiers. In general, these bounds are better than those for any classifier with VC dimension greater than O(ln n). In particular, the bounds imply that, unless the number of projections n is extremely large, the generalization gap of the random projection approach is significantly smaller than that of a linear classifier in the extended space. Thus, for certain classification problems (e.g., those with a large Rashomon ratio), there is a potntially large gain in generalization properties by selecting parameters at random, rather than selecting the best one amongst the class.
comment: A version extended by a reference to a paper on Rashomon ratio together with an example that supports the statement of this paper
♻ ☆ Moderating Model Marketplaces: Platform Governance Puzzles for AI Intermediaries
The AI development community is increasingly making use of hosting intermediaries such as Hugging Face provide easy access to user-uploaded models and training data. These model marketplaces lower technical deployment barriers for hundreds of thousands of users, yet can be used in numerous potentially harmful and illegal ways. In this article, we explain ways in which AI systems, which can both `contain' content and be open-ended tools, present one of the trickiest platform governance challenges seen to date. We provide case studies of several incidents across three illustrative platforms -- Hugging Face, GitHub and Civitai -- to examine how model marketplaces moderate models. Building on this analysis, we outline important (and yet nevertheless limited) practices that industry has been developing to respond to moderation demands: licensing, access and use restrictions, automated content moderation, and open policy development. While the policy challenge at hand is a considerable one, we conclude with some ideas as to how platforms could better mobilize resources to act as a careful, fair, and proportionate regulatory access point.
♻ ☆ Using ResNet to Utilize 4-class T2-FLAIR Slice Classification Based on the Cholinergic Pathways Hyperintensities Scale for Pathological Aging
The Cholinergic Pathways Hyperintensities Scale (CHIPS) is a visual rating scale used to assess the extent of cholinergic white matter hyperintensities in T2-FLAIR images, serving as an indicator of dementia severity. However, the manual selection of four specific slices for rating throughout the entire brain is a time-consuming process. Our goal was to develop a deep learning-based model capable of automatically identifying the four slices relevant to CHIPS. To achieve this, we trained a 4-class slice classification model (BSCA) using the ADNI T2-FLAIR dataset (N=150) with the assistance of ResNet. Subsequently, we tested the model's performance on a local dataset (N=30). The results demonstrated the efficacy of our model, with an accuracy of 99.82% and an F1-score of 99.83%. This achievement highlights the potential impact of BSCA as an automatic screening tool, streamlining the selection of four specific T2-FLAIR slices that encompass white matter landmarks along the cholinergic pathways. Clinicians can leverage this tool to assess the risk of clinical dementia development efficiently.
comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ Explaining Text Classifiers with Counterfactual Representations ECAI 2024
One well motivated explanation method for classifiers leverages counterfactuals which are hypothetical events identical to real observations in all aspects except for one feature. Constructing such counterfactual poses specific challenges for texts, however, as some attribute values may not necessarily align with plausible real-world events. In this paper we propose a simple method for generating counterfactuals by intervening in the space of text representations which bypasses this limitation. We argue that our interventions are minimally disruptive and that they are theoretically sound as they align with counterfactuals as defined in Pearl's causal inference framework. To validate our method, we conducted experiments first on a synthetic dataset and then on a realistic dataset of counterfactuals. This allows for a direct comparison between classifier predictions based on ground truth counterfactuals - obtained through explicit text interventions - and our counterfactuals, derived through interventions in the representation space. Eventually, we study a real world scenario where our counterfactuals can be leveraged both for explaining a classifier and for bias mitigation.
comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ECAI 2024
♻ ☆ Learning to Generate Instruction Tuning Datasets for Zero-Shot Task Adaptation ACL
We introduce Bonito, an open-source model for conditional task generation that converts unannotated text into task-specific training datasets for instruction tuning. We aim to enable zero-shot task adaptation of large language models on users' specialized, private data. We train Bonito by fine-tuning a pretrained large language model on a new large-scale dataset with 1.65M examples created by remixing existing instruction tuning datasets into meta-templates. The meta-templates for a dataset produce training examples where the input is the unannotated text and the task attribute and the output consists of the instruction and the response. We use Bonito to generate synthetic tasks for seven datasets from specialized domains with unannotated text across three task types -- yes-no question answering, extractive question answering, and natural language inference -- and adapt language models. We show that Bonito significantly improves the average performance of pretrained and instruction tuned models over the de facto self supervised baseline. For example, adapting Mistral-Instruct-v2 and instruction tuned variants of Mistral and Llama2 with Bonito improves the strong zero-shot performance by 22.1 F1 points whereas the next word prediction objective undoes some of the benefits of instruction tuning and reduces the average performance by 0.8 F1 points. We conduct additional experiments with Bonito to understand the effects of the domain, the size of the training set, and the choice of alternative synthetic task generators. Overall, we show that learning with synthetic instruction tuning datasets is an effective way to adapt language models to new domains. The model, dataset, and code are available at https://github.com/BatsResearch/bonito.
comment: ACL Findings 2024
♻ ☆ On the Improvement of Generalization and Stability of Forward-Only Learning via Neural Polarization ECAI
Forward-only learning algorithms have recently gained attention as alternatives to gradient backpropagation, replacing the backward step of this latter solver with an additional contrastive forward pass. Among these approaches, the so-called Forward-Forward Algorithm (FFA) has been shown to achieve competitive levels of performance in terms of generalization and complexity. Networks trained using FFA learn to contrastively maximize a layer-wise defined goodness score when presented with real data (denoted as positive samples) and to minimize it when processing synthetic data (corr. negative samples). However, this algorithm still faces weaknesses that negatively affect the model accuracy and training stability, primarily due to a gradient imbalance between positive and negative samples. To overcome this issue, in this work we propose a novel implementation of the FFA algorithm, denoted as Polar-FFA, which extends the original formulation by introducing a neural division (\emph{polarization}) between positive and negative instances. Neurons in each of these groups aim to maximize their goodness when presented with their respective data type, thereby creating a symmetric gradient behavior. To empirically gauge the improved learning capabilities of our proposed Polar-FFA, we perform several systematic experiments using different activation and goodness functions over image classification datasets. Our results demonstrate that Polar-FFA outperforms FFA in terms of accuracy and convergence speed. Furthermore, its lower reliance on hyperparameters reduces the need for hyperparameter tuning to guarantee optimal generalization capabilities, thereby allowing for a broader range of neural network configurations.
comment: Accepted in European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2024
♻ ☆ Error-Driven Uncertainty Aware Training
Neural networks are often overconfident about their predictions, which undermines their reliability and trustworthiness. In this work, we present a novel technique, named Error-Driven Uncertainty Aware Training (EUAT), which aims to enhance the ability of neural classifiers to estimate their uncertainty correctly, namely to be highly uncertain when they output inaccurate predictions and low uncertain when their output is accurate. The EUAT approach operates during the model's training phase by selectively employing two loss functions depending on whether the training examples are correctly or incorrectly predicted by the model. This allows for pursuing the twofold goal of i) minimizing model uncertainty for correctly predicted inputs and ii) maximizing uncertainty for mispredicted inputs, while preserving the model's misprediction rate. We evaluate EUAT using diverse neural models and datasets in the image recognition domains considering both non-adversarial and adversarial settings. The results show that EUAT outperforms existing approaches for uncertainty estimation (including other uncertainty-aware training techniques, calibration, ensembles, and DEUP) by providing uncertainty estimates that not only have higher quality when evaluated via statistical metrics (e.g., correlation with residuals) but also when employed to build binary classifiers that decide whether the model's output can be trusted or not and under distributional data shifts.
♻ ☆ A Machine Learning Based Approach for Statistical Analysis of Detonation Cells from Soot Foils
This study presents a novel algorithm based on machine learning (ML) for the precise segmentation and measurement of detonation cells from soot foil images, addressing the limitations of manual and primitive edge detection methods prevalent in the field. Using advances in cellular biology segmentation models, the proposed algorithm is designed to accurately extract cellular patterns without a training procedure or dataset, which is a significant challenge in detonation research. The algorithm's performance was validated using a series of test cases that mimic experimental and numerical detonation studies. The results demonstrated consistent accuracy, with errors remaining within 10%, even in complex cases. The algorithm effectively captured key cell metrics such as cell area and span, revealing trends across different soot foil samples with uniform to highly irregular cellular structures. Although the model proved robust, challenges remain in segmenting and analyzing highly complex or irregular cellular patterns. This work highlights the broad applicability and potential of the algorithm to advance the understanding of detonation wave dynamics.
comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Comb. and Flame; v2 - added section
♻ ☆ Explicit Mutual Information Maximization for Self-Supervised Learning
Recently, self-supervised learning (SSL) has been extensively studied. Theoretically, mutual information maximization (MIM) is an optimal criterion for SSL, with a strong theoretical foundation in information theory. However, it is difficult to directly apply MIM in SSL since the data distribution is not analytically available in applications. In practice, many existing methods can be viewed as approximate implementations of the MIM criterion. This work shows that, based on the invariance property of MI, explicit MI maximization can be applied to SSL under a generic distribution assumption, i.e., a relaxed condition of the data distribution. We further illustrate this by analyzing the generalized Gaussian distribution. Based on this result, we derive a loss function based on the MIM criterion using only second-order statistics. We implement the new loss for SSL and demonstrate its effectiveness via extensive experiments.
♻ ☆ Label Alignment Regularization for Distribution Shift
Recent work has highlighted the label alignment property (LAP) in supervised learning, where the vector of all labels in the dataset is mostly in the span of the top few singular vectors of the data matrix. Drawing inspiration from this observation, we propose a regularization method for unsupervised domain adaptation that encourages alignment between the predictions in the target domain and its top singular vectors. Unlike conventional domain adaptation approaches that focus on regularizing representations, we instead regularize the classifier to align with the unsupervised target data, guided by the LAP in both the source and target domains. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that, under certain assumptions, our solution resides within the span of the top right singular vectors of the target domain data and aligns with the optimal solution. By removing the reliance on the commonly used optimal joint risk assumption found in classic domain adaptation theory, we showcase the effectiveness of our method on addressing problems where traditional domain adaptation methods often fall short due to high joint error. Additionally, we report improved performance over domain adaptation baselines in well-known tasks such as MNIST-USPS domain adaptation and cross-lingual sentiment analysis.
♻ ☆ Explainable Identification of Hate Speech towards Islam using Graph Neural Networks NeurIPS 2023
Islamophobic language on online platforms fosters intolerance, making detection and elimination crucial for promoting harmony. Traditional hate speech detection models rely on NLP techniques like tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and encoder-decoder models. However, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), with their ability to utilize relationships between data points, offer more effective detection and greater explainability. In this work, we represent speeches as nodes and connect them with edges based on their context and similarity to develop the graph. This study introduces a novel paradigm using GNNs to identify and explain hate speech towards Islam. Our model leverages GNNs to understand the context and patterns of hate speech by connecting texts via pretrained NLP-generated word embeddings, achieving state-of-the-art performance and enhancing detection accuracy while providing valuable explanations. This highlights the potential of GNNs in combating online hate speech and fostering a safer, more inclusive online environment.
comment: Accepted in: (i) NeurIPS 2023 : Muslims in ML Workshop (non-archival) (https://www.musiml.org/schedule/#:~:text=Azmine%20Toushik%20Wasi) (ii) EMNLP 2024 : NLP for Positive Impact Workshop (archival)
♻ ☆ AEGIS: Online Adaptive AI Content Safety Moderation with Ensemble of LLM Experts
As Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI become more widespread, the content safety risks associated with their use also increase. We find a notable deficiency in high-quality content safety datasets and benchmarks that comprehensively cover a wide range of critical safety areas. To address this, we define a broad content safety risk taxonomy, comprising 13 critical risk and 9 sparse risk categories. Additionally, we curate AEGISSAFETYDATASET, a new dataset of approximately 26, 000 human-LLM interaction instances, complete with human annotations adhering to the taxonomy. We plan to release this dataset to the community to further research and to help benchmark LLM models for safety. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the dataset, we instruction-tune multiple LLM-based safety models. We show that our models (named AEGISSAFETYEXPERTS), not only surpass or perform competitively with the state-of-the-art LLM-based safety models and general purpose LLMs, but also exhibit robustness across multiple jail-break attack categories. We also show how using AEGISSAFETYDATASET during the LLM alignment phase does not negatively impact the performance of the aligned models on MT Bench scores. Furthermore, we propose AEGIS, a novel application of a no-regret online adaptation framework with strong theoretical guarantees, to perform content moderation with an ensemble of LLM content safety experts in deployment
♻ ☆ LHU-Net: A Light Hybrid U-Net for Cost-Efficient, High-Performance Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation
The rise of Transformer architectures has revolutionized medical image segmentation, leading to hybrid models that combine Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers for enhanced accuracy. However, these models often suffer from increased complexity and overlook the interplay between spatial and channel features, which is vital for segmentation precision. We introduce LHU-Net, a streamlined Hybrid U-Net for volumetric medical image segmentation, designed to first analyze spatial and then channel features for effective feature extraction. Tested on five benchmark datasets (Synapse, LA, Pancreas, ACDC, BRaTS 2018), LHU-Net demonstrated superior efficiency and accuracy, notably achieving a 92.66 Dice score on ACDC with 85\% fewer parameters and a quarter of the computational demand compared to leading models. This performance, achieved without pre-training, extra data, or model ensembles, sets new benchmarks for computational efficiency and accuracy in segmentation, using under 11 million parameters. This achievement highlights that balancing computational efficiency with high accuracy in medical image segmentation is feasible. Our implementation of LHU-Net is freely accessible to the research community on GitHub (https://github.com/xmindflow/LHUNet).
♻ ☆ Lossless Image Compression Using Multi-level Dictionaries: Binary Images
Lossless image compression is required in various applications to reduce storage or transmission costs of images, while requiring the reconstructed images to have zero information loss compared to the original. Existing lossless image compression methods either have simple design but poor compression performance, or complex design, better performance, but with no performance guarantees. In our endeavor to develop a lossless image compression method with low complexity and guaranteed performance, we argue that compressibility of a color image is essentially derived from the patterns in its spatial structure, intensity variations, and color variations. Thus, we divide the overall design of a lossless image compression scheme into three parts that exploit corresponding redundancies. We further argue that the binarized version of an image captures its fundamental spatial structure. In this first part of our work, we propose a scheme for lossless compression of binary images. The proposed scheme first learns dictionaries of $16\times16$, $8\times8$, $4\times4$, and $2\times 2$ square pixel patterns from various datasets of binary images. It then uses these dictionaries to encode binary images. These dictionaries have various interesting properties that are further exploited to construct an efficient and scalable scheme. Our preliminary results show that the proposed scheme consistently outperforms existing conventional and learning based lossless compression approaches, and provides, on average, as much as $1.5\times$ better performance than a common general purpose lossless compression scheme (WebP), more than $3\times$ better performance than a state of the art learning based scheme, and better performance than a specialized scheme for binary image compression (JBIG2).
comment: Corrected axes labels on Figs 8-11, slightly reorganized content with 13 pages, 11 figures, and 5 tables
♻ ☆ Contrastive Learning and Abstract Concepts: The Case of Natural Numbers
Contrastive Learning (CL) has been successfully applied to classification and other downstream tasks related to concrete concepts, such as objects contained in the ImageNet dataset. No attempts seem to have been made so far in applying this promising scheme to more abstract entities. A prominent example of these could be the concept of (discrete) Quantity. CL can be frequently interpreted as a self-supervised scheme guided by some profound and ubiquitous conservation principle (e.g. conservation of identity in object classification tasks). In this introductory work we apply a suitable conservation principle to the semi-abstract concept of natural numbers by which discrete quantities can be estimated or predicted. We experimentally show, by means of a toy problem, that contrastive learning can be trained to count at a glance with high accuracy both at human as well as at super-human ranges.. We compare this with the results of a trained-to-count at a glance supervised learning (SL) neural network scheme of similar architecture. We show that both schemes exhibit similar good performance on baseline experiments, where the distributions of the training and testing stages are equal. Importantly, we demonstrate that in some generalization scenarios, where training and testing distributions differ, CL boasts more robust and much better error performance.
♻ ☆ Real-Time Human Action Recognition on Embedded Platforms
With advancements in computer vision and deep learning, video-based human action recognition (HAR) has become practical. However, due to the complexity of the computation pipeline, running HAR on live video streams incurs excessive delays on embedded platforms. This work tackles the real-time performance challenges of HAR with four contributions: 1) an experimental study identifying a standard Optical Flow (OF) extraction technique as the latency bottleneck in a state-of-the-art HAR pipeline, 2) an exploration of the latency-accuracy tradeoff between the standard and deep learning approaches to OF extraction, which highlights the need for a novel, efficient motion feature extractor, 3) the design of Integrated Motion Feature Extractor (IMFE), a novel single-shot neural network architecture for motion feature extraction with drastic improvement in latency, 4) the development of RT-HARE, a real-time HAR system tailored for embedded platforms. Experimental results on an Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX platform demonstrated that RT-HARE realizes real-time HAR at a video frame rate of 30 frames per second while delivering high levels of recognition accuracy.
♻ ☆ Machine Learning Based Optimal Design of Fibrillar Adhesives
Fibrillar adhesion, observed in animals like beetles, spiders, and geckos, relies on nanoscopic or microscopic fibrils to enhance surface adhesion via 'contact splitting.' This concept has inspired engineering applications across robotics, transportation, and medicine. Recent studies suggest that functional grading of fibril properties can improve adhesion, but this is a complex design challenge that has only been explored in simplified geometries. While machine learning (ML) has gained traction in adhesive design, no previous attempts have targeted fibril-array scale optimization. In this study, we propose an ML-based tool that optimizes the distribution of fibril compliance to maximize adhesive strength. Our tool, featuring two deep neural networks (DNNs), recovers previous design results for simple geometries and introduces novel solutions for complex configurations. The Predictor DNN estimates adhesive strength based on random compliance distributions, while the Designer DNN optimizes compliance for maximum strength using gradient-based optimization. Our method significantly reduces test error and accelerates the optimization process, offering a high-performance solution for designing fibrillar adhesives and micro-architected materials aimed at fracture resistance by achieving equal load sharing (ELS).
♻ ☆ Potion: Towards Poison Unlearning
Adversarial attacks by malicious actors on machine learning systems, such as introducing poison triggers into training datasets, pose significant risks. The challenge in resolving such an attack arises in practice when only a subset of the poisoned data can be identified. This necessitates the development of methods to remove, i.e. unlearn, poison triggers from already trained models with only a subset of the poison data available. The requirements for this task significantly deviate from privacy-focused unlearning where all of the data to be forgotten by the model is known. Previous work has shown that the undiscovered poisoned samples lead to a failure of established unlearning methods, with only one method, Selective Synaptic Dampening (SSD), showing limited success. Even full retraining, after the removal of the identified poison, cannot address this challenge as the undiscovered poison samples lead to a reintroduction of the poison trigger in the model. Our work addresses two key challenges to advance the state of the art in poison unlearning. First, we introduce a novel outlier-resistant method, based on SSD, that significantly improves model protection and unlearning performance. Second, we introduce Poison Trigger Neutralisation (PTN) search, a fast, parallelisable, hyperparameter search that utilises the characteristic "unlearning versus model protection" trade-off to find suitable hyperparameters in settings where the forget set size is unknown and the retain set is contaminated. We benchmark our contributions using ResNet-9 on CIFAR10 and WideResNet-28x10 on CIFAR100. Experimental results show that our method heals 93.72% of poison compared to SSD with 83.41% and full retraining with 40.68%. We achieve this while also lowering the average model accuracy drop caused by unlearning from 5.68% (SSD) to 1.41% (ours).
comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR) https://openreview.net/forum?id=4eSiRnWWaF
♻ ☆ COCOLA: Coherence-Oriented Contrastive Learning of Musical Audio Representations
We present COCOLA (Coherence-Oriented Contrastive Learning for Audio), a contrastive learning method for musical audio representations that captures the harmonic and rhythmic coherence between samples. Our method operates at the level of the stems composing music tracks and can input features obtained via Harmonic-Percussive Separation (HPS). COCOLA allows the objective evaluation of generative models for music accompaniment generation, which are difficult to benchmark with established metrics. In this regard, we evaluate recent music accompaniment generation models, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. We release the model checkpoints trained on public datasets containing separate stems (MUSDB18-HQ, MoisesDB, Slakh2100, and CocoChorales).
comment: Demo page: https://github.com/gladia-research-group/cocola
♻ ☆ Parallel-in-Time Probabilistic Numerical ODE Solvers
Probabilistic numerical solvers for ordinary differential equations (ODEs) treat the numerical simulation of dynamical systems as problems of Bayesian state estimation. Aside from producing posterior distributions over ODE solutions and thereby quantifying the numerical approximation error of the method itself, one less-often noted advantage of this formalism is the algorithmic flexibility gained by formulating numerical simulation in the framework of Bayesian filtering and smoothing. In this paper, we leverage this flexibility and build on the time-parallel formulation of iterated extended Kalman smoothers to formulate a parallel-in-time probabilistic numerical ODE solver. Instead of simulating the dynamical system sequentially in time, as done by current probabilistic solvers, the proposed method processes all time steps in parallel and thereby reduces the span cost from linear to logarithmic in the number of time steps. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a variety of ODEs and compare it to a range of both classic and probabilistic numerical ODE solvers.
♻ ☆ CLIBE: Detecting Dynamic Backdoors in Transformer-based NLP Models NDSS
Backdoors can be injected into NLP models to induce misbehavior when the input text contains a specific feature, known as a trigger, which the attacker secretly selects. Unlike fixed words, phrases, or sentences used in the static text trigger, NLP dynamic backdoor attacks design triggers associated with abstract and latent text features, making them considerably stealthier than traditional static backdoor attacks. However, existing research on NLP backdoor detection primarily focuses on defending against static backdoor attacks, while detecting dynamic backdoors in NLP models remains largely unexplored. This paper presents CLIBE, the first framework to detect dynamic backdoors in Transformer-based NLP models. CLIBE injects a "few-shot perturbation" into the suspect Transformer model by crafting optimized weight perturbation in the attention layers to make the perturbed model classify a limited number of reference samples as a target label. Subsequently, CLIBE leverages the generalization ability of this few-shot perturbation to determine whether the original model contains a dynamic backdoor. Extensive evaluation on three advanced NLP dynamic backdoor attacks, two widely-used Transformer frameworks, and four real-world classification tasks strongly validates the effectiveness of CLIBE. We also demonstrate the robustness of CLIBE against various adaptive attacks. Furthermore, we employ CLIBE to scrutinize 49 popular Transformer models on Hugging Face and discover one exhibiting a high probability of containing a dynamic backdoor. We have contacted Hugging Face and provided detailed evidence of this model's backdoor behavior. Moreover, we extend CLIBE to detect backdoor text generation models modified to exhibit toxic behavior. To the best of our knowledge, CLIBE is the first framework capable of detecting backdoors in text generation models without access to trigger input test samples.
comment: To appear in the Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium, February, 2025
♻ ☆ The Integration of Prediction and Planning in Deep Learning Automated Driving Systems: A Review
Automated driving has the potential to revolutionize personal, public, and freight mobility. Beside accurately perceiving the environment, automated vehicles must plan a safe, comfortable, and efficient motion trajectory. To promote safety and progress, many works rely on modules that predict the future motion of surrounding traffic. Modular automated driving systems commonly handle prediction and planning as sequential, separate tasks. While this accounts for the influence of surrounding traffic on the ego vehicle, it fails to anticipate the reactions of traffic participants to the ego vehicle's behavior. Recent methods increasingly integrate prediction and planning in a joint or interdependent step to model bidirectional interactions. To date, a comprehensive overview of different integration principles is lacking. We systematically review state-of-the-art deep learning-based planning systems, and focus on how they integrate prediction. Different facets of the integration ranging from system architecture to high-level behavioral aspects are considered and related to each other. Moreover, we discuss the implications, strengths, and limitations of different integration principles. By pointing out research gaps, describing relevant future challenges, and highlighting trends in the research field, we identify promising directions for future research.
♻ ☆ FullCert: Deterministic End-to-End Certification for Training and Inference of Neural Networks
Modern machine learning models are sensitive to the manipulation of both the training data (poisoning attacks) and inference data (adversarial examples). Recognizing this issue, the community has developed many empirical defenses against both attacks and, more recently, certification methods with provable guarantees against inference-time attacks. However, such guarantees are still largely lacking for training-time attacks. In this work, we present FullCert, the first end-to-end certifier with sound, deterministic bounds, which proves robustness against both training-time and inference-time attacks. We first bound all possible perturbations an adversary can make to the training data under the considered threat model. Using these constraints, we bound the perturbations' influence on the model's parameters. Finally, we bound the impact of these parameter changes on the model's prediction, resulting in joint robustness guarantees against poisoning and adversarial examples. To facilitate this novel certification paradigm, we combine our theoretical work with a new open-source library BoundFlow, which enables model training on bounded datasets. We experimentally demonstrate FullCert's feasibility on two datasets.
comment: This preprint has not undergone peer review or any post-submission improvements or corrections. The Version of Record of this contribution is published in DAGM GCPR 2024
♻ ☆ Adaptive Layer Splitting for Wireless LLM Inference in Edge Computing: A Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Approach
Optimizing the deployment of large language models (LLMs) in edge computing environments is critical for enhancing privacy and computational efficiency. Toward efficient wireless LLM inference in edge computing, this study comprehensively analyzes the impact of different splitting points in mainstream open-source LLMs. On this basis, this study introduces a framework taking inspiration from model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) to determine the optimal splitting point across the edge and user equipment (UE). By incorporating a reward surrogate model, our approach significantly reduces the computational cost of frequent performance evaluations. Extensive simulations demonstrate that this method effectively balances inference performance and computational load under varying network conditions, providing a robust solution for LLM deployment in decentralized settings.
♻ ☆ Naturalistic Music Decoding from EEG Data via Latent Diffusion Models
In this article, we explore the potential of using latent diffusion models, a family of powerful generative models, for the task of reconstructing naturalistic music from electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Unlike simpler music with limited timbres, such as MIDI-generated tunes or monophonic pieces, the focus here is on intricate music featuring a diverse array of instruments, voices, and effects, rich in harmonics and timbre. This study represents an initial foray into achieving general music reconstruction of high-quality using non-invasive EEG data, employing an end-to-end training approach directly on raw data without the need for manual pre-processing and channel selection. We train our models on the public NMED-T dataset and perform quantitative evaluation proposing neural embedding-based metrics. Our work contributes to the ongoing research in neural decoding and brain-computer interfaces, offering insights into the feasibility of using EEG data for complex auditory information reconstruction.
♻ ☆ Explaining Learned Reward Functions with Counterfactual Trajectories
Learning rewards from human behaviour or feedback is a promising approach to aligning AI systems with human values but fails to consistently extract correct reward functions. Interpretability tools could enable users to understand and evaluate possible flaws in learned reward functions. We propose Counterfactual Trajectory Explanations (CTEs) to interpret reward functions in reinforcement learning by contrasting an original with a counterfactual partial trajectory and the rewards they each receive. We derive six quality criteria for CTEs and propose a novel Monte-Carlo-based algorithm for generating CTEs that optimises these quality criteria. Finally, we measure how informative the generated explanations are to a proxy-human model by training it on CTEs. CTEs are demonstrably informative for the proxy-human model, increasing the similarity between its predictions and the reward function on unseen trajectories. Further, it learns to accurately judge differences in rewards between trajectories and generalises to out-of-distribution examples. Although CTEs do not lead to a perfect understanding of the reward, our method, and more generally the adaptation of XAI methods, are presented as a fruitful approach for interpreting learned reward functions.
♻ ☆ Mamba as Decision Maker: Exploring Multi-scale Sequence Modeling in Offline Reinforcement Learning
Sequential modeling has demonstrated remarkable capabilities in offline reinforcement learning (RL), with Decision Transformer (DT) being one of the most notable representatives, achieving significant success. However, RL trajectories possess unique properties to be distinguished from the conventional sequence (e.g., text or audio): (1) local correlation, where the next states in RL are theoretically determined solely by current states and actions based on the Markov Decision Process (MDP), and (2) global correlation, where each step's features are related to long-term historical information due to the time-continuous nature of trajectories. In this paper, we propose a novel action sequence predictor, named Mamba Decision Maker (MambaDM), where Mamba is expected to be a promising alternative for sequence modeling paradigms, owing to its efficient modeling of multi-scale dependencies. In particular, we introduce a novel mixer module that proficiently extracts and integrates both global and local features of the input sequence, effectively capturing interrelationships in RL datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MambaDM achieves state-of-the-art performance in Atari and OpenAI Gym datasets. Furthermore, we empirically investigate the scaling laws of MambaDM, finding that increasing model size does not bring performance improvement, but scaling the dataset amount by 2x for MambaDM can obtain up to 33.7% score improvement on Atari dataset. This paper delves into the sequence modeling capabilities of MambaDM in the RL domain, paving the way for future advancements in robust and efficient decision-making systems.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Gradient descent provably escapes saddle points in the training of shallow ReLU networks
Dynamical systems theory has recently been applied in optimization to prove that gradient descent algorithms bypass so-called strict saddle points of the loss function. However, in many modern machine learning applications, the required regularity conditions are not satisfied. In this paper, we prove a variant of the relevant dynamical systems result, a center-stable manifold theorem, in which we relax some of the regularity requirements. We explore its relevance for various machine learning tasks, with a particular focus on shallow rectified linear unit (ReLU) and leaky ReLU networks with scalar input. Building on a detailed examination of critical points of the square integral loss function for shallow ReLU and leaky ReLU networks relative to an affine target function, we show that gradient descent circumvents most saddle points. Furthermore, we prove convergence to global minima under favourable initialization conditions, quantified by an explicit threshold on the limiting loss.
♻ ☆ Application of Langevin Dynamics to Advance the Quantum Natural Gradient Optimization Algorithm
A Quantum Natural Gradient (QNG) algorithm for optimization of variational quantum circuits has been proposed recently. In this study, we employ the Langevin equation with a QNG stochastic force to demonstrate that its discrete-time solution gives a generalized form of the above-specified algorithm, which we call Momentum-QNG. Similar to other optimization algorithms with the momentum term, such as the Stochastic Gradient Descent with momentum, RMSProp with momentum and Adam, Momentum-QNG is more effective to escape local minima and plateaus in the variational parameter space and, therefore, achieves a better convergence behavior compared to the basic QNG. Our open-source code is available at https://github.com/borbysh/Momentum-QNG
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ MoPE: Parameter-Efficient and Scalable Multimodal Fusion via Mixture of Prompt Experts
Despite the demonstrated parameter efficiency of prompt-based multimodal fusion methods, their limited adaptivity and expressiveness often result in suboptimal performance compared to other tuning approaches. In this paper, we address these limitations by decomposing the vanilla prompts to adaptively capture instance-level features. Building upon this decomposition, we introduce the mixture of prompt experts (MoPE) technique to enhance the expressiveness of prompt tuning. MoPE leverages multimodal pairing priors to route the most effective prompt on a per-instance basis. Compared to vanilla prompting, our MoPE-based fusion method exhibits greater expressiveness, scaling more effectively with the training data and the overall number of trainable parameters. We also investigate regularization terms for expert routing, which lead to emergent expert specialization during training, paving the way for interpretable soft prompting. Extensive experiments across six multimodal datasets spanning four modalities demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results for prompt fusion, matching or even surpassing the performance of fine-tuning while requiring only 0.8% of the trainable parameters. Code will be released: https://github.com/songrise/MoPE.
comment: Under Review, Extended version of arxiv:2312.03734
♻ ☆ Multi-Objective Linear Ensembles for Robust and Sparse Training of Few-Bit Neural Networks
Training neural networks (NNs) using combinatorial optimization solvers has gained attention in recent years. In low-data settings, state-of-the-art mixed integer linear programming solvers can train exactly a NN, avoiding intensive GPU-based training and hyper-parameter tuning and simultaneously training and sparsifying the network. We study the case of few-bit discrete-valued neural networks, both Binarized Neural Networks (BNNs), whose values are restricted to +-1, and Integer Neural Networks (INNs), whose values lie in a range {-P, ..., P}. Few-bit NNs receive increasing recognition due to their lightweight architecture and ability to run on low-power devices. This paper proposes new methods to improve the training of BNNs and INNs. Our contribution is a multi-objective ensemble approach based on training a single NN for each possible pair of classes and applying a majority voting scheme to predict the final output. Our approach results in training robust sparsified networks whose output is not affected by small perturbations on the input and whose number of active weights is as small as possible. We compare this BeMi approach to the current state-of-the-art in solver-based NN training and gradient-based training, focusing on BNN learning in few-shot contexts. We compare the benefits and drawbacks of INNs versus BNNs, bringing new light to the distribution of weights over the {-P, ..., P} interval. Finally, we compare multi-objective versus single-objective training of INNs, showing that robustness and network simplicity can be acquired simultaneously, thus obtaining better test performances. While the previous state-of-the-art approaches achieve an average accuracy of 51.1% on the MNIST dataset, the BeMi ensemble approach achieves an average accuracy of 68.4% when trained with 10 images per class and 81.8% when trained with 40 images per class, having up to 75.3% NN links removed.
comment: 22 pages, 6 figure, 5 tables
♻ ☆ Diff-RNTraj: A Structure-aware Diffusion Model for Road Network-constrained Trajectory Generation
Trajectory data is essential for various applications as it records the movement of vehicles. However, publicly available trajectory datasets remain limited in scale due to privacy concerns, which hinders the development of trajectory data mining and trajectory-based applications. To address this issue, some methods for generating synthetic trajectories have been proposed to expand the scale of the dataset. However, all existing methods generate trajectories in the geographical coordinate system, which poses two limitations for their utilization in practical applications: 1) the inability to ensure that the generated trajectories are constrained on the road. 2) the lack of road-related information. In this paper, we propose a new problem to meet the practical application need, \emph{i.e.}, road network-constrained trajectory (RNTraj) generation, which can directly generate trajectories on the road network with road-related information. RNTraj is a hybrid type of data, in which each point is represented by a discrete road segment and a continuous moving rate. To generate RNTraj, we design a diffusion model called Diff-RNTraj. This model can effectively handle the hybrid RNTraj using a continuous diffusion framework by incorporating a pre-training strategy to embed hybrid RNTraj into continuous representations. During the sampling stage, a RNTraj decoder is designed to map the continuous representation generated by the diffusion model back to the hybrid RNTraj format. Furthermore, Diff-RNTraj introduces a novel loss function to enhance the spatial validity of the generated trajectories. Extensive experiments conducted on two real-world trajectory datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.
comment: This paper has been accepted as a regular paper at IEEE TKDE
♻ ☆ Modified Meta-Thompson Sampling for Linear Bandits and Its Bayes Regret Analysis
Meta-learning is characterized by its ability to learn how to learn, enabling the adaptation of learning strategies across different tasks. Recent research introduced the Meta-Thompson Sampling (Meta-TS), which meta-learns an unknown prior distribution sampled from a meta-prior by interacting with bandit instances drawn from it. However, its analysis was limited to Gaussian bandit. The contextual multi-armed bandit framework is an extension of the Gaussian Bandit, which challenges agent to utilize context vectors to predict the most valuable arms, optimally balancing exploration and exploitation to minimize regret over time. This paper introduces Meta-TSLB algorithm, a modified Meta-TS for linear contextual bandits. We theoretically analyze Meta-TSLB and derive an $ O((m+\log(m))\sqrt{n\log(n)})$ bound on its Bayes regret, in which $m$ represents the number of bandit instances, and $n$ the number of rounds of Thompson Sampling. Additionally, our work complements the analysis of Meta-TS for linear contextual bandits. The performance of Meta-TSLB is evaluated experimentally under different settings, and we experimente and analyze the generalization capability of Meta-TSLB, showcasing its potential to adapt to unseen instances.
♻ ☆ MTDA-HSED: Mutual-Assistance Tuning and Dual-Branch Aggregating for Heterogeneous Sound Event Detection
Sound Event Detection (SED) plays a vital role in comprehending and perceiving acoustic scenes. Previous methods have demonstrated impressive capabilities. However, they are deficient in learning features of complex scenes from heterogeneous dataset. In this paper, we introduce a novel dual-branch architecture named Mutual-Assistance Tuning and Dual-Branch Aggregating for Heterogeneous Sound Event Detection (MTDA-HSED). The MTDA-HSED architecture employs the Mutual-Assistance Audio Adapter (M3A) to effectively tackle the multi-scenario problem and uses the Dual-Branch Mid-Fusion (DBMF) module to tackle the multi-granularity problem. Specifically, M3A is integrated into the BEATs block as an adapter to improve the BEATs' performance by fine-tuning it on the multi-scenario dataset. The DBMF module connects BEATs and CNN branches, which facilitates the deep fusion of information from the BEATs and the CNN branches. Experimental results show that the proposed methods exceed the baseline of mpAUC by \textbf{$5\%$} on the DESED and MAESTRO Real datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/Visitor-W/MTDA.
comment: Submit to Icassp2025
♻ ☆ TinyChirp: Bird Song Recognition Using TinyML Models on Low-power Wireless Acoustic Sensors
Monitoring biodiversity at scale is challenging. Detecting and identifying species in fine grained taxonomies requires highly accurate machine learning (ML) methods. Training such models requires large high quality data sets. And deploying these models to low power devices requires novel compression techniques and model architectures. While species classification methods have profited from novel data sets and advances in ML methods, in particular neural networks, deploying these state of the art models to low power devices remains difficult. Here we present a comprehensive empirical comparison of various tinyML neural network architectures and compression techniques for species classification. We focus on the example of bird song detection, more concretely a data set curated for studying the corn bunting bird species. The data set is released along with all code and experiments of this study. In our experiments we compare predictive performance, memory and time complexity of classical spectrogram based methods and recent approaches operating on raw audio signal. Our results indicate that individual bird species can be robustly detected with relatively simple architectures that can be readily deployed to low power devices.
♻ ☆ Extreme Compression of Large Language Models via Additive Quantization ICML
The emergence of accurate open large language models (LLMs) has led to a race towards performant quantization techniques which can enable their execution on end-user devices. In this paper, we revisit the problem of "extreme" LLM compression-defined as targeting extremely low bit counts, such as 2 to 3 bits per parameter-from the point of view of classic methods in Multi-Codebook Quantization (MCQ). Our algorithm, called AQLM, generalizes the classic Additive Quantization (AQ) approach for information retrieval to advance the state-of-the-art in LLM compression, via two innovations: 1) learned additive quantization of weight matrices in input-adaptive fashion, and 2) joint optimization of codebook parameters across each transformer blocks. Broadly, AQLM is the first scheme that is Pareto optimal in terms of accuracy-vs-model-size when compressing to less than 3 bits per parameter, and significantly improves upon all known schemes in the extreme compression (2bit) regime. In addition, AQLM is practical: we provide fast GPU and CPU implementations of AQLM for token generation, which enable us to match or outperform optimized FP16 implementations for speed, while executing in a much smaller memory footprint.
comment: ICML, 2024
♻ ☆ Breast Cancer Image Classification Method Based on Deep Transfer Learning
To address the issues of limited samples, time-consuming feature design, and low accuracy in detection and classification of breast cancer pathological images, a breast cancer image classification model algorithm combining deep learning and transfer learning is proposed. This algorithm is based on the DenseNet structure of deep neural networks, and constructs a network model by introducing attention mechanisms, and trains the enhanced dataset using multi-level transfer learning. Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm achieves an efficiency of over 84.0\% in the test set, with a significantly improved classification accuracy compared to previous models, making it applicable to medical breast cancer detection tasks.
comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2024 International Conference on Image Processing, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
♻ ☆ A Survey of Large Language Models for Graphs KDD'24
Graphs are an essential data structure utilized to represent relationships in real-world scenarios. Prior research has established that Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) deliver impressive outcomes in graph-centric tasks, such as link prediction and node classification. Despite these advancements, challenges like data sparsity and limited generalization capabilities continue to persist. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained attention in natural language processing. They excel in language comprehension and summarization. Integrating LLMs with graph learning techniques has attracted interest as a way to enhance performance in graph learning tasks. In this survey, we conduct an in-depth review of the latest state-of-the-art LLMs applied in graph learning and introduce a novel taxonomy to categorize existing methods based on their framework design. We detail four unique designs: i) GNNs as Prefix, ii) LLMs as Prefix, iii) LLMs-Graphs Integration, and iv) LLMs-Only, highlighting key methodologies within each category. We explore the strengths and limitations of each framework, and emphasize potential avenues for future research, including overcoming current integration challenges between LLMs and graph learning techniques, and venturing into new application areas. This survey aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners eager to leverage large language models in graph learning, and to inspire continued progress in this dynamic field. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at \url{https://github.com/HKUDS/Awesome-LLM4Graph-Papers}.
comment: Published as a KDD'24 survey paper
♻ ☆ TREC: APT Tactic / Technique Recognition via Few-Shot Provenance Subgraph Learning CCS
APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) with the characteristics of persistence, stealth, and diversity is one of the greatest threats against cyber-infrastructure. As a countermeasure, existing studies leverage provenance graphs to capture the complex relations between system entities in a host for effective APT detection. In addition to detecting single attack events as most existing work does, understanding the tactics / techniques (e.g., Kill-Chain, ATT&CK) applied to organize and accomplish the APT attack campaign is more important for security operations. Existing studies try to manually design a set of rules to map low-level system events to high-level APT tactics / techniques. However, the rule based methods are coarse-grained and lack generalization ability, thus they can only recognize APT tactics and cannot identify fine-grained APT techniques and mutant APT attacks. In this paper, we propose TREC, the first attempt to recognize APT tactics / techniques from provenance graphs by exploiting deep learning techniques. To address the "needle in a haystack" problem, TREC segments small and compact subgraphs covering individual APT technique instances from a large provenance graph based on a malicious node detection model and a subgraph sampling algorithm. To address the "training sample scarcity" problem, TREC trains the APT tactic / technique recognition model in a few-shot learning manner by adopting a Siamese neural network. We evaluate TREC based on a customized dataset collected and made public by our team. The experiment results show that TREC significantly outperforms state-of-the-art systems in APT tactic recognition and TREC can also effectively identify APT techniques.
comment: accepted by CCS
♻ ☆ Attack on Scene Flow using Point Clouds
Deep neural networks have made significant advancements in accurately estimating scene flow using point clouds, which is vital for many applications like video analysis, action recognition, and navigation. The robustness of these techniques, however, remains a concern, particularly in the face of adversarial attacks that have been proven to deceive state-of-the-art deep neural networks in many domains. Surprisingly, the robustness of scene flow networks against such attacks has not been thoroughly investigated. To address this problem, the proposed approach aims to bridge this gap by introducing adversarial white-box attacks specifically tailored for scene flow networks. Experimental results show that the generated adversarial examples obtain up to 33.7 relative degradation in average end-point error on the KITTI and FlyingThings3D datasets. The study also reveals the significant impact that attacks targeting point clouds in only one dimension or color channel have on average end-point error. Analyzing the success and failure of these attacks on the scene flow networks and their 2D optical flow network variants shows a higher vulnerability for the optical flow networks. Code is available at https://github.com/aheldis/Attack-on-Scene-Flow-using-Point-Clouds.git.
♻ ☆ Exploring Cross-model Neuronal Correlations in the Context of Predicting Model Performance and Generalizability
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are increasingly integrated into critical systems, the need for a robust framework to establish the trustworthiness of AI is increasingly paramount. While collaborative efforts have established conceptual foundations for such a framework, there remains a significant gap in developing concrete, technically robust methods for assessing AI model quality and performance. A critical drawback in the traditional methods for assessing the validity and generalizability of models is their dependence on internal developer datasets, rendering it challenging to independently assess and verify their performance claims. This paper introduces a novel approach for assessing a newly trained model's performance based on another known model by calculating correlation between neural networks. The proposed method evaluates correlations by determining if, for each neuron in one network, there exists a neuron in the other network that produces similar output. This approach has implications for memory efficiency, allowing for the use of smaller networks when high correlation exists between networks of different sizes. Additionally, the method provides insights into robustness, suggesting that if two highly correlated networks are compared and one demonstrates robustness when operating in production environments, the other is likely to exhibit similar robustness. This contribution advances the technical toolkit for responsible AI, supporting more comprehensive and nuanced evaluations of AI models to ensure their safe and effective deployment. Code is available at https://github.com/aheldis/Cross-model-correlation.git.
♻ ☆ ZNorm: Z-Score Gradient Normalization for Deep Neural Networks
The rapid advancements in deep learning necessitate better training methods for deep neural networks (DNNs). As models grow in complexity, vanishing and exploding gradients impede performance. We propose Z-Score Normalization for Gradient Descent (ZNorm), an innovative technique that adjusts only the gradients to accelerate training and improve model performance. ZNorm normalizes the overall gradients, providing consistent gradient scaling across layers, thereby reducing the risks of vanishing and exploding gradients, having better performances. Our extensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and medical datasets demonstrate that ZNorm enhances performance metrics. ZNorm consistently outperforms existing methods, achieving superior results using the same experimental settings. In medical imaging applications, ZNorm improves tumor prediction and segmentation performances, underscoring its practical utility. These findings highlight ZNorm's potential as a robust and versatile tool for enhancing the training speed and effectiveness of deep neural networks across a wide range of architectures and applications.
♻ ☆ On the Scalability of GNNs for Molecular Graphs
Scaling deep learning models has been at the heart of recent revolutions in language modelling and image generation. Practitioners have observed a strong relationship between model size, dataset size, and performance. However, structure-based architectures such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are yet to show the benefits of scale mainly due to the lower efficiency of sparse operations, large data requirements, and lack of clarity about the effectiveness of various architectures. We address this drawback of GNNs by studying their scaling behavior. Specifically, we analyze message-passing networks, graph Transformers, and hybrid architectures on the largest public collection of 2D molecular graphs. For the first time, we observe that GNNs benefit tremendously from the increasing scale of depth, width, number of molecules, number of labels, and the diversity in the pretraining datasets. We further demonstrate strong finetuning scaling behavior on 38 highly competitive downstream tasks, outclassing previous large models. This gives rise to MolGPS, a new graph foundation model that allows to navigate the chemical space, outperforming the previous state-of-the-arts on 26 out the 38 downstream tasks. We hope that our work paves the way for an era where foundational GNNs drive pharmaceutical drug discovery.
♻ ☆ Derivative-Free Guidance in Continuous and Discrete Diffusion Models with Soft Value-Based Decoding
Diffusion models excel at capturing the natural design spaces of images, molecules, DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. However, rather than merely generating designs that are natural, we often aim to optimize downstream reward functions while preserving the naturalness of these design spaces. Existing methods for achieving this goal often require ``differentiable'' proxy models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier guidance or DPS) or involve computationally expensive fine-tuning of diffusion models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier-free guidance, RL-based fine-tuning). In our work, we propose a new method to address these challenges. Our algorithm is an iterative sampling method that integrates soft value functions, which looks ahead to how intermediate noisy states lead to high rewards in the future, into the standard inference procedure of pre-trained diffusion models. Notably, our approach avoids fine-tuning generative models and eliminates the need to construct differentiable models. This enables us to (1) directly utilize non-differentiable features/reward feedback, commonly used in many scientific domains, and (2) apply our method to recent discrete diffusion models in a principled way. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm across several domains, including image generation, molecule generation, and DNA/RNA sequence generation. The code is available at \href{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}.
comment: The code is available at https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD
♻ ☆ The Effectiveness of Local Updates for Decentralized Learning under Data Heterogeneity
We revisit two fundamental decentralized optimization methods, Decentralized Gradient Tracking (DGT) and Decentralized Gradient Descent (DGD), with multiple local updates. We consider two settings and demonstrate that incorporating $K > 1$ local update steps can reduce communication complexity. Specifically, for $\mu$-strongly convex and $L$-smooth loss functions, we proved that local DGT achieves communication complexity $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} \Big(\frac{L}{\mu K} + \frac{\delta}{\mu (1 - \rho)} + \frac{\rho }{(1 - \rho)^2} \cdot \frac{L+ \delta}{\mu}\Big)$, where $\rho$ measures the network connectivity and $\delta$ measures the second-order heterogeneity of the local loss. Our result reveals the tradeoff between communication and computation and shows increasing $K$ can effectively reduce communication costs when the data heterogeneity is low and the network is well-connected. We then consider the over-parameterization regime where the local losses share the same minimums, we proved that employing local updates in DGD, even without gradient correction, can yield a similar effect as DGT in reducing communication complexity. Numerical experiments validate our theoretical results.
♻ ☆ Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) for Time Series Classification and Robust Analysis
Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) has recently attracted significant attention as a promising alternative to traditional Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP). Despite their theoretical appeal, KAN require validation on large-scale benchmark datasets. Time series data, which has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, especially univariate time series are naturally suited for validating KAN. Therefore, we conducted a fair comparison among KAN, MLP, and mixed structures. The results indicate that KAN can achieve performance comparable to, or even slightly better than, MLP across 128 time series datasets. We also performed an ablation study on KAN, revealing that the output is primarily determined by the base component instead of b-spline function. Furthermore, we assessed the robustness of these models and found that KAN and the hybrid structure MLP\_KAN exhibit significant robustness advantages, attributed to their lower Lipschitz constants. This suggests that KAN and KAN layers hold strong potential to be robust models or to improve the adversarial robustness of other models.
comment: 14 pages, 8 figs
♻ ☆ CF-KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Network-based Collaborative Filtering to Mitigate Catastrophic Forgetting in Recommender Systems
Collaborative filtering (CF) remains essential in recommender systems, leveraging user--item interactions to provide personalized recommendations. Meanwhile, a number of CF techniques have evolved into sophisticated model architectures based on multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). However, MLPs often suffer from catastrophic forgetting, and thus lose previously acquired knowledge when new information is learned, particularly in dynamic environments requiring continual learning. To tackle this problem, we propose CF-KAN, a new CF method utilizing Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KANs). By learning nonlinear functions on the edge level, KANs are more robust to the catastrophic forgetting problem than MLPs. Built upon a KAN-based autoencoder, CF-KAN is designed in the sense of effectively capturing the intricacies of sparse user--item interactions and retaining information from previous data instances. Despite its simplicity, our extensive experiments demonstrate 1) CF-KAN's superiority over state-of-the-art methods in recommendation accuracy, 2) CF-KAN's resilience to catastrophic forgetting, underscoring its effectiveness in both static and dynamic recommendation scenarios, and 3) CF-KAN's edge-level interpretation facilitating the explainability of recommendations.
comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables
♻ ☆ Semantic-Guided Multimodal Sentiment Decoding with Adversarial Temporal-Invariant Learning
Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to learn representations from different modalities to identify human emotions. However, existing works often neglect the frame-level redundancy inherent in continuous time series, resulting in incomplete modality representations with noise. To address this issue, we propose temporal-invariant learning for the first time, which constrains the distributional variations over time steps to effectively capture long-term temporal dynamics, thus enhancing the quality of the representations and the robustness of the model. To fully exploit the rich semantic information in textual knowledge, we propose a semantic-guided fusion module. By evaluating the correlations between different modalities, this module facilitates cross-modal interactions gated by modality-invariant representations. Furthermore, we introduce a modality discriminator to disentangle modality-invariant and modality-specific subspaces. Experimental results on two public datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model. Our code is available at https://github.com/X-G-Y/SATI.
comment: change Title, Authors, Abstract
♻ ☆ Divide And Conquer: Learning Chaotic Dynamical Systems With Multistep Penalty Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
Forecasting high-dimensional dynamical systems is a fundamental challenge in various fields, such as geosciences and engineering. Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NODEs), which combine the power of neural networks and numerical solvers, have emerged as a promising algorithm for forecasting complex nonlinear dynamical systems. However, classical techniques used for NODE training are ineffective for learning chaotic dynamical systems. In this work, we propose a novel NODE-training approach that allows for robust learning of chaotic dynamical systems. Our method addresses the challenges of non-convexity and exploding gradients associated with underlying chaotic dynamics. Training data trajectories from such systems are split into multiple, non-overlapping time windows. In addition to the deviation from the training data, the optimization loss term further penalizes the discontinuities of the predicted trajectory between the time windows. The window size is selected based on the fastest Lyapunov time scale of the system. Multi-step penalty(MP) method is first demonstrated on Lorenz equation, to illustrate how it improves the loss landscape and thereby accelerates the optimization convergence. MP method can optimize chaotic systems in a manner similar to least-squares shadowing with significantly lower computational costs. Our proposed algorithm, denoted the Multistep Penalty NODE, is applied to chaotic systems such as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, the two-dimensional Kolmogorov flow, and ERA5 reanalysis data for the atmosphere. It is observed that MP-NODE provide viable performance for such chaotic systems, not only for short-term trajectory predictions but also for invariant statistics that are hallmarks of the chaotic nature of these dynamics.
comment: 25 pages, 17 Figures, submitted to Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
♻ ☆ Reward Generalization in RLHF: A Topological Perspective
Existing alignment methods share a common topology of information flow, where reward information is collected from humans, modeled with preference learning, and used to tune language models. However, this shared topology has not been systematically characterized, nor have its alternatives been thoroughly explored, leaving the problems of low data efficiency and unreliable generalization unaddressed. As a solution, we introduce a theoretical framework for investigating reward generalization in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), focusing on the topology of information flow at both macro and micro levels. At the macro level, we portray the RLHF information flow as an autoencoding process over behavior distributions, formalizing the RLHF objective of distributional consistency between human preference and model behavior. At the micro level, we present induced Bayesian networks as a theory of reward generalization in RLHF, introducing fine-grained dataset topologies into generalization bounds. Combining analysis on both levels, we propose reward modeling from tree-structured preference information. It is shown to reduce reward uncertainty by up to $\Theta(\log n/\log\log n)$ times compared to baselines, where $n$ is the dataset size. Validation on three NLP tasks shows that our tree-based reward model achieves an average win rate of 65% against baseline methods, thus improving reward generalization for free via topology design.
♻ ☆ The Principle of Uncertain Maximum Entropy
The principle of maximum entropy is a well-established technique for choosing a distribution that matches available information while minimizing bias. It finds broad use across scientific disciplines and in machine learning. However, the principle as defined by is susceptible to noise and error in observations. This forces real-world practitioners to use relaxed versions of the principle in an ad hoc way, negatively impacting interpretation. To address this situation, we present a new principle we call uncertain maximum entropy that generalizes the classic principle and provides interpretable solutions irrespective of the observational methods in use. We introduce a convex approximation and expectation-maximization based algorithm for finding solutions to our new principle. Finally, we contrast this new technique with two simpler generally applicable solutions theoretically and experimentally show our technique provides superior accuracy.
♻ ☆ Ferret: Federated Full-Parameter Tuning at Scale for Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) have become indispensable in numerous real-world applications. Unfortunately, fine-tuning these models at scale, especially in federated settings where data privacy and communication efficiency are critical, presents significant challenges. Existing methods often resort to parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) to mitigate communication overhead, but this typically comes at the cost of model accuracy. To address these limitations, we propose federated full-parameter tuning at scale for LLMs (Ferret), the first first-order method with shared randomness to enable scalable full-parameter tuning of LLMs across decentralized data sources while maintaining competitive model accuracy. Ferret accomplishes this through three aspects: (1) it employs widely applied first-order methods for efficient local updates; (2) it projects these updates into a low-dimensional space to considerably reduce communication overhead; and (3) it reconstructs local updates from this low-dimensional space with shared randomness to facilitate effective full-parameter global aggregation, ensuring fast convergence and competitive final performance. Our rigorous theoretical analyses and insights along with extensive experiments, show that Ferret significantly enhances the scalability of existing federated full-parameter tuning approaches by achieving high computational efficiency, reduced communication overhead, and fast convergence, all while maintaining competitive model accuracy. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/allen4747/Ferret.
♻ ☆ Variational Bayesian Methods for a Tree-Structured Stick-Breaking Process Mixture of Gaussians by Application of the Bayes Codes for Context Tree Models
The tree-structured stick-breaking process (TS-SBP) mixture model is a non-parametric Bayesian model that can represent tree-like hierarchical structures among the mixture components. For TS-SBP mixture models, only a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method has been proposed and any variational Bayesian (VB) methods has not been proposed. In general, MCMC methods are computationally more expensive than VB methods. Therefore, we require a large computational cost to learn the TS-SBP mixture model. In this paper, we propose a learning algorithm with less computational cost for the TS-SBP mixture of Gaussians by using the VB method under an assumption of finite tree width and depth. When constructing such VB method, the main challenge is efficient calculation of a sum over all possible trees. To solve this challenge, we utilizes a subroutine in the Bayes coding algorithm for context tree models. We confirm the computational efficiency of our VB method through an experiments on a benchmark dataset.
♻ ☆ Text-guided Controllable Mesh Refinement for Interactive 3D Modeling SIGGRAPH
We propose a novel technique for adding geometric details to an input coarse 3D mesh guided by a text prompt. Our method is composed of three stages. First, we generate a single-view RGB image conditioned on the input coarse geometry and the input text prompt. This single-view image generation step allows the user to pre-visualize the result and offers stronger conditioning for subsequent multi-view generation. Second, we use our novel multi-view normal generation architecture to jointly generate six different views of the normal images. The joint view generation reduces inconsistencies and leads to sharper details. Third, we optimize our mesh with respect to all views and generate a fine, detailed geometry as output. The resulting method produces an output within seconds and offers explicit user control over the coarse structure, pose, and desired details of the resulting 3D mesh.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024
♻ ☆ RetinaRegNet: A Zero-Shot Approach for Retinal Image Registration
We introduce RetinaRegNet, a zero-shot image registration model designed to register retinal images with minimal overlap, large deformations, and varying image quality. RetinaRegNet addresses these challenges and achieves robust and accurate registration through the following steps. First, we extract features from the moving and fixed images using latent diffusion models. We then sample feature points from the fixed image using a combination of the SIFT algorithm and random point sampling. For each sampled point, we identify its corresponding point in the moving image using a 2D correlation map, which computes the cosine similarity between the diffusion feature vectors of the point in the fixed image and all pixels in the moving image. Second, we eliminate most incorrectly detected point correspondences (outliers) by enforcing an inverse consistency constraint, ensuring that correspondences are consistent in both forward and backward directions. We further remove outliers with large distances between corresponding points using a global transformation based outlier detector. Finally, we implement a two-stage registration framework to handle large deformations. The first stage estimates a homography transformation to achieve global alignment between the images, while the second stage uses a third-order polynomial transformation to estimate local deformations. We evaluated RetinaRegNet on three retinal image registration datasets: color fundus images, fluorescein angiography images, and laser speckle flowgraphy images. Our model consistently outperformed state-of-the-art methods across all datasets. The accurate registration achieved by RetinaRegNet enables the tracking of eye disease progression, enhances surgical planning, and facilitates the evaluation of treatment efficacy. Our code is publicly available at: https://github.com/mirthAI/RetinaRegNet.
♻ ☆ Deep Limit Model-free Prediction in Regression
In this paper, we provide a novel Model-free approach based on Deep Neural Network (DNN) to accomplish point prediction and prediction interval under a general regression setting. Usually, people rely on parametric or non-parametric models to bridge dependent and independent variables (Y and X). However, this classical method relies heavily on the correct model specification. Even for the non-parametric approach, some additive form is often assumed. A newly proposed Model-free prediction principle sheds light on a prediction procedure without any model assumption. Previous work regarding this principle has shown better performance than other standard alternatives. Recently, DNN, one of the machine learning methods, has received increasing attention due to its great performance in practice. Guided by the Model-free prediction idea, we attempt to apply a fully connected forward DNN to map X and some appropriate reference random variable Z to Y. The targeted DNN is trained by minimizing a specially designed loss function so that the randomness of Y conditional on X is outsourced to Z through the trained DNN. Our method is more stable and accurate compared to other DNN-based counterparts, especially for optimal point predictions. With a specific prediction procedure, our prediction interval can capture the estimation variability so that it can render a better coverage rate for finite sample cases. The superior performance of our method is verified by simulation and empirical studies.
♻ ☆ Non-Coherent Over-the-Air Decentralized Gradient Descent
Implementing Decentralized Gradient Descent (DGD) in wireless systems is challenging due to noise, fading, and limited bandwidth, necessitating topology awareness, transmission scheduling, and the acquisition of channel state information (CSI) to mitigate interference and maintain reliable communications. These operations may result in substantial signaling overhead and scalability challenges in large networks lacking central coordination. This paper introduces a scalable DGD algorithm that eliminates the need for scheduling, topology information, or CSI (both average and instantaneous). At its core is a Non-Coherent Over-The-Air (NCOTA) consensus scheme that exploits a noisy energy superposition property of wireless channels. Nodes encode their local optimization signals into energy levels within an OFDM frame and transmit simultaneously, without coordination. The key insight is that the received energy equals, on average, the sum of the energies of the transmitted signals, scaled by their respective average channel gains, akin to a consensus step. This property enables unbiased consensus estimation, utilizing average channel gains as mixing weights, thereby removing the need for their explicit design or for CSI. Introducing a consensus stepsize mitigates consensus estimation errors due to energy fluctuations around their expected values. For strongly-convex problems, it is shown that the expected squared distance between the local and globally optimum models vanishes at a rate of O(1/sqrt{k}) after k iterations, with suitable decreasing learning and consensus stepsizes. Extensions accommodate a broad class of fading models and frequency-selective channels. Numerical experiments on image classification demonstrate faster convergence in terms of running time compared to state-of-the-art schemes, especially in dense network scenarios.
comment: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (accepted)
♻ ☆ Smart E-commerce Recommendations with Semantic AI
In e-commerce, web mining for page recommendations is widely used but often fails to meet user needs. To address this, we propose a novel solution combining semantic web mining with BP neural networks. We process user search logs to extract five key features: content priority, time spent, user feedback, recommendation semantics, and input deviation. These features are then fed into a BP neural network to classify and prioritize web pages. The prioritized pages are recommended to users. Using book sales pages for testing, our results demonstrate that this solution can quickly and accurately identify the pages users need. Our approach ensures that recommendations are more relevant and tailored to individual preferences, enhancing the online shopping experience. By leveraging advanced semantic analysis and neural network techniques, we bridge the gap between user expectations and actual recommendations. This innovative method not only improves accuracy but also speeds up the recommendation process, making it a valuable tool for e-commerce platforms aiming to boost user satisfaction and engagement. Additionally, our system ability to handle large datasets and provide real-time recommendations makes it a scalable and efficient solution for modern e-commerce challenges.
comment: My paper contain some errors
♻ ☆ Optimal Transport-Assisted Risk-Sensitive Q-Learning
The primary goal of reinforcement learning is to develop decision-making policies that prioritize optimal performance without considering risk or safety. In contrast, safe reinforcement learning aims to mitigate or avoid unsafe states. This paper presents a risk-sensitive Q-learning algorithm that leverages optimal transport theory to enhance the agent safety. By integrating optimal transport into the Q-learning framework, our approach seeks to optimize the policy's expected return while minimizing the Wasserstein distance between the policy's stationary distribution and a predefined risk distribution, which encapsulates safety preferences from domain experts. We validate the proposed algorithm in a Gridworld environment. The results indicate that our method significantly reduces the frequency of visits to risky states and achieves faster convergence to a stable policy compared to the traditional Q-learning algorithm.
♻ ☆ Pruning One More Token is Enough: Leveraging Latency-Workload Non-Linearities for Vision Transformers on the Edge
This paper investigates how to efficiently deploy vision transformers on edge devices for small workloads. Recent methods reduce the latency of transformer neural networks by removing or merging tokens, with small accuracy degradation. However, these methods are not designed with edge device deployment in mind: they do not leverage information about the latency-workload trends to improve efficiency. We address this shortcoming in our work. First, we identify factors that affect ViT latency-workload relationships. Second, we determine token pruning schedule by leveraging non-linear latency-workload relationships. Third, we demonstrate a training-free, token pruning method utilizing this schedule. We show other methods may increase latency by 2-30%, while we reduce latency by 9-26%. For similar latency (within 5.2% or 7ms) across devices we achieve 78.6%-84.5% ImageNet1K accuracy, while the state-of-the-art, Token Merging, achieves 45.8%-85.4%.
$\mathbb{X}$-Sample Contrastive Loss: Improving Contrastive Learning with Sample Similarity Graphs
Learning good representations involves capturing the diverse ways in which data samples relate. Contrastive loss - an objective matching related samples - underlies methods from self-supervised to multimodal learning. Contrastive losses, however, can be viewed more broadly as modifying a similarity graph to indicate how samples should relate in the embedding space. This view reveals a shortcoming in contrastive learning: the similarity graph is binary, as only one sample is the related positive sample. Crucially, similarities \textit{across} samples are ignored. Based on this observation, we revise the standard contrastive loss to explicitly encode how a sample relates to others. We experiment with this new objective, called $\mathbb{X}$-Sample Contrastive, to train vision models based on similarities in class or text caption descriptions. Our study spans three scales: ImageNet-1k with 1 million, CC3M with 3 million, and CC12M with 12 million samples. The representations learned via our objective outperform both contrastive self-supervised and vision-language models trained on the same data across a range of tasks. When training on CC12M, we outperform CLIP by $0.6\%$ on both ImageNet and ImageNet Real. Our objective appears to work particularly well in lower-data regimes, with gains over CLIP of $16.8\%$ on ImageNet and $18.1\%$ on ImageNet Real when training with CC3M. Finally, our objective seems to encourage the model to learn representations that separate objects from their attributes and backgrounds, with gains of $3.3$-$5.6$\% over CLIP on ImageNet9. We hope the proposed solution takes a small step towards developing richer learning objectives for understanding sample relations in foundation models.
♻ ☆ Data Augmentation for Supervised Graph Outlier Detection with Latent Diffusion Models
Graph outlier detection is a prominent task of research and application in the realm of graph neural networks. It identifies the outlier nodes that exhibit deviation from the majority in the graph. One of the fundamental challenges confronting supervised graph outlier detection algorithms is the prevalent issue of class imbalance, where the scarcity of outlier instances compared to normal instances often results in suboptimal performance. Conventional methods mitigate the imbalance by reweighting instances in the estimation of the loss function, assigning higher weights to outliers and lower weights to inliers. Nonetheless, these strategies are prone to overfitting and underfitting, respectively. Recently, generative models, especially diffusion models, have demonstrated their efficacy in synthesizing high-fidelity images. Despite their extraordinary generation quality, their potential in data augmentation for supervised graph outlier detection remains largely underexplored. To bridge this gap, we introduce GODM, a novel data augmentation for mitigating class imbalance in supervised Graph Outlier detection with latent Diffusion Models. Specifically, our proposed method consists of three key components: (1) Variantioanl Encoder maps the heterogeneous information inherent within the graph data into a unified latent space. (2) Graph Generator synthesizes graph data that are statistically similar to real outliers from latent space, and (3) Latent Diffusion Model learns the latent space distribution of real organic data by iterative denoising. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple datasets substantiate the effectiveness and efficiency of GODM. The case study further demonstrated the generation quality of our synthetic data. To foster accessibility and reproducibility, we encapsulate GODM into a plug-and-play package and release it at the Python Package Index (PyPI).
comment: Preprint. Under review. Package available at https://pypi.org/project/godm/
♻ ☆ Deep Configuration Performance Learning: A Systematic Survey and Taxonomy
Performance is arguably the most crucial attribute that reflects the quality of a configurable software system. However, given the increasing scale and complexity of modern software, modeling and predicting how various configurations can impact performance becomes one of the major challenges in software maintenance. As such, performance is often modeled without having a thorough knowledge of the software system, but relying mainly on data, which fits precisely with the purpose of deep learning. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive review exclusively on the topic of deep learning for performance learning of configurable software, covering 1,206 searched papers spanning six indexing services, based on which 99 primary papers were extracted and analyzed. Our results outline key statistics, taxonomy, strengths, weaknesses, and optimal usage scenarios for techniques related to the preparation of configuration data, the construction of deep learning performance models, the evaluation of these models, and their utilization in various software configuration-related tasks.We also identify the good practices and potentially problematic phenomena from the studies surveyed, together with a comprehensive summary of actionable suggestions and insights into future opportunities within the field. To promote open science, all the raw results of this survey can be accessed at our repository: https://github.com/ideas-labo/DCPL-SLR.
comment: Accepted by the TOSEM survey track
♻ ☆ A Training Rate and Survival Heuristic for Inference and Robustness Evaluation (TRASHFIRE)
Machine learning models -- deep neural networks in particular -- have performed remarkably well on benchmark datasets across a wide variety of domains. However, the ease of finding adversarial counter-examples remains a persistent problem when training times are measured in hours or days and the time needed to find a successful adversarial counter-example is measured in seconds. Much work has gone into generating and defending against these adversarial counter-examples, however the relative costs of attacks and defences are rarely discussed. Additionally, machine learning research is almost entirely guided by test/train metrics, but these would require billions of samples to meet industry standards. The present work addresses the problem of understanding and predicting how particular model hyper-parameters influence the performance of a model in the presence of an adversary. The proposed approach uses survival models, worst-case examples, and a cost-aware analysis to precisely and accurately reject a particular model change during routine model training procedures rather than relying on real-world deployment, expensive formal verification methods, or accurate simulations of very complicated systems (\textit{e.g.}, digitally recreating every part of a car or a plane). Through an evaluation of many pre-processing techniques, adversarial counter-examples, and neural network configurations, the conclusion is that deeper models do offer marginal gains in survival times compared to more shallow counterparts. However, we show that those gains are driven more by the model inference time than inherent robustness properties. Using the proposed methodology, we show that ResNet is hopelessly insecure against even the simplest of white box attacks.
♻ ☆ Power Scheduler: A Batch Size and Token Number Agnostic Learning Rate Scheduler
Finding the optimal learning rate for language model pretraining is a challenging task. This is not only because there is a complicated correlation between learning rate, batch size, number of training tokens, model size, and other hyperparameters but also because it is prohibitively expensive to perform a hyperparameter search for large language models with Billions or Trillions of parameters. Recent studies propose using small proxy models and small corpus to perform hyperparameter searches and transposing the optimal parameters to large models and large corpus. While the zero-shot transferability is theoretically and empirically proven for model size related hyperparameters, like depth and width, the zero-shot transfer from small corpus to large corpus is underexplored. In this paper, we study the correlation between optimal learning rate, batch size, and number of training tokens for the recently proposed WSD scheduler. After thousands of small experiments, we found a power-law relationship between variables and demonstrated its transferability across model sizes. Based on the observation, we propose a new learning rate scheduler, Power scheduler, that is agnostic about the number of training tokens and batch size. The experiment shows that combining the Power scheduler with Maximum Update Parameterization (muP) can consistently achieve impressive performance with one set of hyperparameters regardless of the number of training tokens, batch size, model size, and even model architecture. Our 3B dense and MoE models trained with the Power scheduler achieve comparable performance as state-of-the-art small language models. We open-source these pretrained models at https://ibm.biz/BdKhLa.
♻ ☆ Element-wise Multiplication Based Deeper Physics-Informed Neural Networks
As a promising framework for resolving partial differential equations (PDEs), Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have received widespread attention from industrial and scientific fields. However, lack of expressive ability and initialization pathology issues are found to prevent the application of PINNs in complex PDEs. In this work, we propose Deeper Physics-Informed Neural Network (Deeper-PINN) to resolve these issues. The element-wise multiplication operation is adopted to transform features into high-dimensional, non-linear spaces. Benefiting from element-wise multiplication operation, Deeper-PINNs can alleviate the initialization pathologies of PINNs and enhance the expressive capability of PINNs. The proposed structure is verified on various benchmarks. The results show that Deeper-PINNs can effectively resolve the initialization pathology and exhibit strong expressive ability.
♻ ☆ Resilient Graph Neural Networks: A Coupled Dynamical Systems Approach ECAI 2024
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have established themselves as a key component in addressing diverse graph-based tasks. Despite their notable successes, GNNs remain susceptible to input perturbations in the form of adversarial attacks. This paper introduces an innovative approach to fortify GNNs against adversarial perturbations through the lens of coupled dynamical systems. Our method introduces graph neural layers based on differential equations with contractive properties, which, as we show, improve the robustness of GNNs. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is the simultaneous learned evolution of both the node features and the adjacency matrix, yielding an intrinsic enhancement of model robustness to perturbations in the input features and the connectivity of the graph. We mathematically derive the underpinnings of our novel architecture and provide theoretical insights to reason about its expected behavior. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through numerous real-world benchmarks, reading on par or improved performance compared to existing methods.
comment: ECAI 2024
♻ ☆ SymmPI: Predictive Inference for Data with Group Symmetries
Quantifying the uncertainty of predictions is a core problem in modern statistics. Methods for predictive inference have been developed under a variety of assumptions, often -- for instance, in standard conformal prediction -- relying on the invariance of the distribution of the data under special groups of transformations such as permutation groups. Moreover, many existing methods for predictive inference aim to predict unobserved outcomes in sequences of feature-outcome observations. Meanwhile, there is interest in predictive inference under more general observation models (e.g., for partially observed features) and for data satisfying more general distributional symmetries (e.g., rotationally invariant or coordinate-independent observations in physics). Here we propose SymmPI, a methodology for predictive inference when data distributions have general group symmetries in arbitrary observation models. Our methods leverage the novel notion of distributional equivariant transformations, which process the data while preserving their distributional invariances. We show that SymmPI has valid coverage under distributional invariance and characterize its performance under distribution shift, recovering recent results as special cases. We apply SymmPI to predict unobserved values associated to vertices in a network, where the distribution is unchanged under relabelings that keep the network structure unchanged. In several simulations in a two-layer hierarchical model, and in an empirical data analysis example, SymmPI performs favorably compared to existing methods.
comment: 50 pages
♻ ☆ Quantum-machine-assisted Drug Discovery: Survey and Perspective
Drug discovery and development is a highly complex and costly endeavor, typically requiring over a decade and substantial financial investment to bring a new drug to market. Traditional computer-aided drug design (CADD) has made significant progress in accelerating this process, but the development of quantum computing offers potential due to its unique capabilities. This paper discusses the integration of quantum computing into drug discovery and development, focusing on how quantum technologies might accelerate and enhance various stages of the drug development cycle. Specifically, we explore the application of quantum computing in addressing challenges related to drug discovery, such as molecular simulation and the prediction of drug-target interactions, as well as the optimization of clinical trial outcomes. By leveraging the inherent capabilities of quantum computing, we might be able to reduce the time and cost associated with bringing new drugs to market, ultimately benefiting public health.
comment: 27 pages, 10 figures
♻ ☆ Accounting for multiplicity in machine learning benchmark performance
Machine learning methods are commonly evaluated and compared by their performance on data sets from public repositories. This allows for multiple methods, oftentimes several thousands, to be evaluated under identical conditions and across time. The highest ranked performance on a problem is referred to as state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance, and is used, among other things, as a reference point for publication of new methods. Using the highest-ranked performance as an estimate for SOTA is a biased estimator, giving overly optimistic results. The mechanisms at play are those of multiplicity, a topic that is well-studied in the context of multiple comparisons and multiple testing, but has, as far as the authors are aware of, been nearly absent from the discussion regarding SOTA estimates. The optimistic state-of-the-art estimate is used as a standard for evaluating new methods, and methods with substantial inferior results are easily overlooked. In this article, we provide a probability distribution for the case of multiple classifiers so that known analyses methods can be engaged and a better SOTA estimate can be provided. We demonstrate the impact of multiplicity through a simulated example with independent classifiers. We show how classifier dependency impacts the variance, but also that the impact is limited when the accuracy is high. Finally, we discuss three real-world examples; Kaggle competitions that demonstrate various aspects.
♻ ☆ The Computational Complexity of Finding Stationary Points in Non-Convex Optimization
Finding approximate stationary points, i.e., points where the gradient is approximately zero, of non-convex but smooth objective functions $f$ over unrestricted $d$-dimensional domains is one of the most fundamental problems in classical non-convex optimization. Nevertheless, the computational and query complexity of this problem are still not well understood when the dimension $d$ of the problem is independent of the approximation error. In this paper, we show the following computational and query complexity results: 1. The problem of finding approximate stationary points over unrestricted domains is PLS-complete. 2. For $d = 2$, we provide a zero-order algorithm for finding $\varepsilon$-approximate stationary points that requires at most $O(1/\varepsilon)$ value queries to the objective function. 3. We show that any algorithm needs at least $\Omega(1/\varepsilon)$ queries to the objective function and/or its gradient to find $\varepsilon$-approximate stationary points when $d=2$. Combined with the above, this characterizes the query complexity of this problem to be $\Theta(1/\varepsilon)$. 4. For $d = 2$, we provide a zero-order algorithm for finding $\varepsilon$-KKT points in constrained optimization problems that requires at most $O(1/\sqrt{\varepsilon})$ value queries to the objective function. This closes the gap between the works of Bubeck and Mikulincer [2020] and Vavasis [1993] and characterizes the query complexity of this problem to be $\Theta(1/\sqrt{\varepsilon})$. 5. Combining our results with the recent result of Fearnley et al. [2022], we show that finding approximate KKT points in constrained optimization is reducible to finding approximate stationary points in unconstrained optimization but the converse is impossible.
comment: Journal version
Graphics 8
☆ StereoCrafter: Diffusion-based Generation of Long and High-fidelity Stereoscopic 3D from Monocular Videos
This paper presents a novel framework for converting 2D videos to immersive stereoscopic 3D, addressing the growing demand for 3D content in immersive experience. Leveraging foundation models as priors, our approach overcomes the limitations of traditional methods and boosts the performance to ensure the high-fidelity generation required by the display devices. The proposed system consists of two main steps: depth-based video splatting for warping and extracting occlusion mask, and stereo video inpainting. We utilize pre-trained stable video diffusion as the backbone and introduce a fine-tuning protocol for the stereo video inpainting task. To handle input video with varying lengths and resolutions, we explore auto-regressive strategies and tiled processing. Finally, a sophisticated data processing pipeline has been developed to reconstruct a large-scale and high-quality dataset to support our training. Our framework demonstrates significant improvements in 2D-to-3D video conversion, offering a practical solution for creating immersive content for 3D devices like Apple Vision Pro and 3D displays. In summary, this work contributes to the field by presenting an effective method for generating high-quality stereoscopic videos from monocular input, potentially transforming how we experience digital media.
comment: 11 pages, 10 figures
☆ Instant Facial Gaussians Translator for Relightable and Interactable Facial Rendering
We propose GauFace, a novel Gaussian Splatting representation, tailored for efficient animation and rendering of physically-based facial assets. Leveraging strong geometric priors and constrained optimization, GauFace ensures a neat and structured Gaussian representation, delivering high fidelity and real-time facial interaction of 30fps@1440p on a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 mobile platform. Then, we introduce TransGS, a diffusion transformer that instantly translates physically-based facial assets into the corresponding GauFace representations. Specifically, we adopt a patch-based pipeline to handle the vast number of Gaussians effectively. We also introduce a novel pixel-aligned sampling scheme with UV positional encoding to ensure the throughput and rendering quality of GauFace assets generated by our TransGS. Once trained, TransGS can instantly translate facial assets with lighting conditions to GauFace representation, With the rich conditioning modalities, it also enables editing and animation capabilities reminiscent of traditional CG pipelines. We conduct extensive evaluations and user studies, compared to traditional offline and online renderers, as well as recent neural rendering methods, which demonstrate the superior performance of our approach for facial asset rendering. We also showcase diverse immersive applications of facial assets using our TransGS approach and GauFace representation, across various platforms like PCs, phones and even VR headsets.
comment: Project Page: https://dafei-qin.github.io/TransGS.github.io/
☆ TopoMap++: A faster and more space efficient technique to compute projections with topological guarantees
High-dimensional data, characterized by many features, can be difficult to visualize effectively. Dimensionality reduction techniques, such as PCA, UMAP, and t-SNE, address this challenge by projecting the data into a lower-dimensional space while preserving important relationships. TopoMap is another technique that excels at preserving the underlying structure of the data, leading to interpretable visualizations. In particular, TopoMap maps the high-dimensional data into a visual space, guaranteeing that the 0-dimensional persistence diagram of the Rips filtration of the visual space matches the one from the high-dimensional data. However, the original TopoMap algorithm can be slow and its layout can be too sparse for large and complex datasets. In this paper, we propose three improvements to TopoMap: 1) a more space-efficient layout, 2) a significantly faster implementation, and 3) a novel TreeMap-based representation that makes use of the topological hierarchy to aid the exploration of the projections. These advancements make TopoMap, now referred to as TopoMap++, a more powerful tool for visualizing high-dimensional data which we demonstrate through different use case scenarios.
comment: This is the author's version of the article that has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
☆ Jump Restore Light Transport
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms come to rescue when sampling from a complex, high-dimensional distribution by a conventional method is intractable. Even though MCMC is a powerful tool, it is also hard to control and tune in practice. Simultaneously achieving both \emph{local exploration} of the state space and \emph{global discovery} of the target distribution is a challenging task. In this work, we present a MCMC formulation that subsumes all existing MCMC samplers employed in rendering. We then present a novel framework for \emph{adjusting} an arbitrary Markov chain, making it exhibit invariance with respect to a specified target distribution. To showcase the potential of the proposed framework, we focus on a first simple application in light transport simulation. As a by-product, we introduce continuous-time MCMC sampling to the computer graphics community. We show how any existing MCMC-based light transport algorithm can be embedded into our framework. We empirically and theoretically prove that this embedding is superior to running the standalone algorithm. In fact, our approach will convert any existing algorithm into a highly parallelizable variant with shorter running time, smaller error and less variance.
☆ RSVP for VPSA : A Meta Design Study on Rapid Suggestive Visualization Prototyping for Visual Parameter Space Analysis
Visual Parameter Space Analysis (VPSA) enables domain scientists to explore input-output relationships of computational models. Existing VPSA applications often feature multi-view visualizations designed by visualization experts for a specific scenario, making it hard for domain scientists to adapt them to their problems without professional help. We present RSVP, the Rapid Suggestive Visualization Prototyping system encoding VPSA knowledge to enable domain scientists to prototype custom visualization dashboards tailored to their specific needs. The system implements a task-oriented, multi-view visualization recommendation strategy over a visualization design space optimized for VPSA to guide users in meeting their analytical demands. We derived the VPSA knowledge implemented in the system by conducting an extensive meta design study over the body of work on VPSA. We show how this process can be used to perform a data and task abstraction, extract a common visualization design space, and derive a task-oriented VisRec strategy. User studies indicate that the system is user-friendly and can uncover novel insights.
comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publishing at TVCG Journal
♻ ☆ DreamMapping: High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Variational Distribution Mapping
Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) has emerged as a prevalent technique for text-to-3D generation, enabling 3D content creation by distilling view-dependent information from text-to-2D guidance. However, they frequently exhibit shortcomings such as over-saturated color and excess smoothness. In this paper, we conduct a thorough analysis of SDS and refine its formulation, finding that the core design is to model the distribution of rendered images. Following this insight, we introduce a novel strategy called Variational Distribution Mapping (VDM), which expedites the distribution modeling process by regarding the rendered images as instances of degradation from diffusion-based generation. This special design enables the efficient training of variational distribution by skipping the calculations of the Jacobians in the diffusion U-Net. We also introduce timestep-dependent Distribution Coefficient Annealing (DCA) to further improve distilling precision. Leveraging VDM and DCA, we use Gaussian Splatting as the 3D representation and build a text-to-3D generation framework. Extensive experiments and evaluations demonstrate the capability of VDM and DCA to generate high-fidelity and realistic assets with optimization efficiency.
comment: 15 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ Fisheye-GS: Lightweight and Extensible Gaussian Splatting Module for Fisheye Cameras
Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has garnered attention for its high fidelity and real-time rendering. However, adapting 3DGS to different camera models, particularly fisheye lenses, poses challenges due to the unique 3D to 2D projection calculation. Additionally, there are inefficiencies in the tile-based splatting, especially for the extreme curvature and wide field of view of fisheye lenses, which are crucial for its broader real-life applications. To tackle these challenges, we introduce Fisheye-GS.This innovative method recalculates the projection transformation and its gradients for fisheye cameras. Our approach can be seamlessly integrated as a module into other efficient 3D rendering methods, emphasizing its extensibility, lightweight nature, and modular design. Since we only modified the projection component, it can also be easily adapted for use with different camera models. Compared to methods that train after undistortion, our approach demonstrates a clear improvement in visual quality.
♻ ☆ Text-guided Controllable Mesh Refinement for Interactive 3D Modeling SIGGRAPH
We propose a novel technique for adding geometric details to an input coarse 3D mesh guided by a text prompt. Our method is composed of three stages. First, we generate a single-view RGB image conditioned on the input coarse geometry and the input text prompt. This single-view image generation step allows the user to pre-visualize the result and offers stronger conditioning for subsequent multi-view generation. Second, we use our novel multi-view normal generation architecture to jointly generate six different views of the normal images. The joint view generation reduces inconsistencies and leads to sharper details. Third, we optimize our mesh with respect to all views and generate a fine, detailed geometry as output. The resulting method produces an output within seconds and offers explicit user control over the coarse structure, pose, and desired details of the resulting 3D mesh.
comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024