
TartanCalib: Iterative Wide-Angle Lens Calibration using Adaptive SubPixel Refinement of AprilTags


1. introduction

we focus on accurate and robust target detection in the high distortion regions. State-of-the-art target calibration pipelines fail in presence of high distortion.

之前方法 target detection 和 feature refinement 依赖 low or medium distortion && camera projection that is close to a pinhole camera。但实际上,wide-angle len 靠近边缘的图像畸变较大, The result is that many features are either not detected or are not detected in an accurate way.

A camera model

Generic models have far more parameters, aiming to more accurately represent lens geometry. It has been shown that these models have a significantly lower reprojection error.

看下 Why Having 10,000 Parameters in Your Camera Model is Better Than Twelve



TartanCalib, supports both parametric and generic camera models to achieve the best possible calibration.

B Calibration Toolboxes

C Pattern Design and Feature Detection

Dot patterns are susceptible to perspective and lens distortion, whereas a checkerboard tends to fail when it is only partially observed, which makes calibrating wide-angle lenses extremely challenging.

3. method

The high-level idea behind TartanCalib is to iteratively optimize a camera model, by leveraging intermediate camera models to improve target detection. The iteration includes several key components that will be detailed in the following sections. The components are

  • Undistortion
  • Target Reprojection
  • Corner Filtering
  • Subpixel Refinement

A Undistortion



camodocal 中的实现

PinholeCamera::initUndistortRectifyMap(cv::Mat& map1, cv::Mat& map2,
                                       float fx, float fy,
                                       cv::Size imageSize,
                                       float cx, float cy,
                                       cv::Mat rmat) const
    if (imageSize == cv::Size(0, 0))
        imageSize = cv::Size(mParameters.imageWidth(), mParameters.imageHeight());

    cv::Mat mapX = cv::Mat::zeros(imageSize.height, imageSize.width, CV_32F);
    cv::Mat mapY = cv::Mat::zeros(imageSize.height, imageSize.width, CV_32F);

    Eigen::Matrix3f R, R_inv;
    cv::cv2eigen(rmat, R);
    R_inv = R.inverse();

    // assume no skew factor
    // 忽略偏斜因子
    Eigen::Matrix3f K_rect;

    if (cx == -1.0f || cy == -1.0f)
        K_rect << fx, 0, imageSize.width / 2,
                  0, fy, imageSize.height / 2,
                  0, 0, 1;
        K_rect << fx, 0, cx,
                  0, fy, cy,
                  0, 0, 1;

    if (fx == -1.0f || fy == -1.0f)
        K_rect(0,0) = mParameters.fx();
        K_rect(1,1) = mParameters.fy();

    Eigen::Matrix3f K_rect_inv = K_rect.inverse();

    for (int v = 0; v < imageSize.height; ++v)
        for (int u = 0; u < imageSize.width; ++u)
            Eigen::Vector3f xo;
            xo << u, v, 1;

            Eigen::Vector3f uo = R_inv * K_rect_inv * xo;

            Eigen::Vector2d p;
            // 这个函数中包含了 distortion 环节 
            spaceToPlane(uo.cast<double>(), p);

            mapX.at<float>(v,u) = p(0);
            mapY.at<float>(v,u) = p(1);

    cv::convertMaps(mapX, mapY, map1, map2, CV_32FC1, false);

    cv::Mat K_rect_cv;
    cv::eigen2cv(K_rect, K_rect_cv);
    return K_rect_cv;

B Target Reprojection

C Corner Filtering

D Subpixel Refinement